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File: 1669072115825.jpeg (121.25 KB, 651x662, Big Shaynus Coming Through.jpe…)

No. 142436[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1694852

Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.

REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy.

This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whore thread >>>/snow/1596608

Last Thread:
>Yet another one of Shayna's TikTok accounts is deleted >>1695479 to no one's shock
>Shayna and Ellen visit the great country of Canada to…. see Lizzo >>1695610 while Shayna continues to post stories about her dad >>1695800 beside pictures of >>1695669 her tits. Posts her trashy outfit >>1696497 here
>Shayna releases a new Kink photoset >>1695992 and Nonnies are quick to notice >>1696186 shit on her dildo again.
>Even though Ellen got sick in Canada >>1697374 Shayna decides to fly >>1696489 to a Lone Star Spanking Party photoshoot where she'll interact closely with people.
>Shayna continues to expose possible minors and innocent bystanders to her rank cunt Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1213 posts and 231 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 146462

what if Snapchat Anon pulled her strings to get her banned from snapchat in an attempt to “if Snapchat Anon can’t give us SC milk then nobody will get it”

No. 146463

seconding this

No. 146465

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No. 146483

Nah I think she's embarrassed because lc laughed at her outburst.

No. 146484

File: 1670107759229.png (565.04 KB, 1080x1194, Screenshot_20221203-144747.png)

FatShat has been bitching about the Snapchat bans for over 3 years now. You would think she would have got the fucking hint by now. This was in #32

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No. 142104[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1680778

Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in or edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.

REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage (in email field) when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy.

This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whore thread >>>/snow/1596608

Last thread:
> Gross screencaps from Shay and Ken's gross video >>>/snow/1682893
> Shay finds an equally homely twin at her latest Strictmoor shoot >>>/snow/1684148
> Comedian farting in front of a mentally disabled man picture >>>/snow/1684742
> Shay develops a "crush" on her twin, Faerie Willow >>>/snow/1685749 who doesn't seem to return the fake feelings
> Shaynatorium thread in /ot/ gets shut down in record time >>>/snow/1686038
> More creepy Strictmoor shoots >>>/snow/1686480 including photos that include dogs, for some ungodly reason >>>/snow/1688641
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1211 posts and 242 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 146407

we hates it

No. 146408

No. 146410

File: 1669090140308.jpg (54.07 KB, 1200x675, Life-After-Lockup-Chazz-Harbis…)

Chazz looking ass mf

No. 146414

Where in the snuff film is this lmfaoo

No. 146415

It’s crazy seeing the stark difference in Shayna and her step sisters lives. Her step sister is currently in Montreal with friends meanwhile Shay is crying online about Snapchat and spreading her holes for pennies.

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No. 141808[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1670692

Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in or edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage (in email field) when there’s no milk. Spoiler any nsfw images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whore thread >>>/snow/1596608

Last thread:
>shay begs for someone to mooch off of in LA >>>/snow/1670717 and shares dreams of a future where she’s fucked ‘hundreds’ of men who will all tell her how ‘tight’ she is (bleak) >>>/snow/1670740
>anons argue about whether or not shayna sweats or bathes and what she smells like, why she hasn’t saved money, how she could’ve saved money, how much money she could’ve saved…
>a lovely anon brings old receipts reminding everyone that shayna usually showers ‘once a week MAYBE’ to shut everyone up and remind everyone how stinky shayna is >>>/snow/1670919
>more e-begging to fly out to LA to make porn with randos >>>/snow/1670943
>shayna reminds everyone how strong she was for building up the courage and leaving aboosive fupa (he literally didn’t want you) >>>/snow/1671001
>shay cosplays as nan from ahs: coven >>>/snow/1671360 >>>/snow/1671410 >&Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1204 posts and 311 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 146369

Also when she sells all her vids for like $150, it doesn't really seem good to get 12 for $50 lol

No. 146370

File: 1667765045172.jpeg (119.8 KB, 828x994, C448BA5B-6648-42B7-A7A0-F555FA…)

LMAO she got banned from TikTok again

No. 146398

not a big surprise considering she posted a video about no nut november with her wonky tits out the other day >>>/snow/1694122

No. 146401

Post it in the new thread anon

No. 146403

This gives me brothel vibes tbh which it probably is

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No. 140593[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1662748

Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in or edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage (in email field) when there’s no milk. Spoiler any nsfw images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whore thread >>>/snow/1596608

Last Thread:
>Shayna drunk/horny posts in attempt for attention >>1662754, >>1666559, >>1666706,
>Shayna posts texts from bald Winnie the Pooh sounding scrote she films with, Russell. He sent her texts to Shayna of her agreeing to a certain situation during their shoot >>1662993, trying to convince her that she can’t change her mind
>Ugly hair poof >>1663185, and makeup >>1663334,
>Posts about her Winnie the Pooh shoot >>1663719, and posts video with him in background >>1664118,
>Shayna posts picture from shoot >>1664248, looking like a screaming Nik >>1664666,
>Anon posts pictures from the shoot wPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
1209 posts and 217 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 141803

Fr. An age gap between 25 year old + adults that is just that, is a little weird, but if its not decades, I guess whatever floats your boat. But when it's situations where you have 40+ being interested in minors or barely legal young adults its not ok. When an older guy is lurking on a minor so they can date them when its "legal" thats grooming and fucking creepy (which btw cough Soy Salvador cough kek)
Its very situational, you can't just generalize it. Imo a gap more than a few years is more likely to have issues because of generational differences and life experience/expectations though. Its definitely more normal to just date in your age range/gen than to not. Just because the fat, ugly trainwrecks main coomer base are old creeps and all she can land is desperate older dudes, she has to act like its her preference by choice and that its cool and should be normal.
I also think she prefers guys older than her because they are more likely to waste money on porn interaction than a dude her age or a few younger would. And they might have steady jobs or careers because theyre older and a car and sone life experience and are more willing to lower their standards and shit. Ya know, things she doesn't have. Whereas another 25 year old dude probably wouldnt put up with her for long and not have a lot of money to spend on her flabby ass, they probably are busy having social lives and working on themselves, schooling or jobs. Im not saying the old coomers are well off. Just saying theyre more likely to give her the time of day for a crumb of coochie or female attention overall.

No. 141804

whats the point of her tweeting out her braindead libfem takes considering her audience is mostly crusty old coomers who aren't going to disagree (or more realistically are just following her to coom?)
>speaking as someone who exclusively dates ppl older than me
gee then i know i can expect a wholly unbiased take from this one. give the preaching a rest shay

No. 141805

what do you think about a 6 year difference?

No. 141806

Ntayrt but like 19 & 25 is a lil sketch…25 & 31 can be ok but can also be sketch…31 & 37 is fine.

Basically after 30+, gaps aren't a big deal. Imo, of course - not speaking for everyone here!

No. 141807

File: 1668312194578.jpeg (202.39 KB, 1205x1644, 9D8D8ABA-2E90-4D3E-9A5D-CB9360…)

She just posted this to her twitter. It was a “littles party.” Girly you’re 30 years old.

File: 1664549200695.jpeg (159.26 KB, 828x1518, 3E315674-628A-432F-BE46-A759BF…)

No. 139381[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1651457

Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in or edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage (in email field) when there’s no milk. Spoiler any nsfw images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whore thread >>>/snow/1596608

Last thread:
>Shayna admits to eating like shit. Confirming she’s a female neck beard >>1651467,
>Shayna is going to do another Strictmore in October >>1651834,
>Shayna bought a ticket to a Spanking Party hosted in Houston, Texas by the old woman “Miss Mathews” who did the Strictmore Academy event. >>1651471,
>Shayna gets drunk and plays animal crossing in her ugly wish arcade set up >>1651743,
>Shayna is “still” on her period to avoid doing her job >>1651953,
>Posts pedo pic of her in diapers >>1651997, and continues to sexualize diapers >>1652034, >>1651999,
>Buys cheap costumes online for making TikTok videos in >>1653377, >>1653556, Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1206 posts and 280 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 140588

A single person wanted freddy, you are dumb.

No. 140589

AYRT I was one of the nonas who suggested a collage because there were several good nominations, if you’re going to make a thread at least pay attention to what’s being discussed in the current one. And it’s half added because you didn’t even bother linking to previous threads

No. 140590

Please no. I have a heart in that exact spot (except I actually have a degree and a real career).

No. 140591

can you guys cut the pedo shit i just made a report to the tipline lol

No. 140592

I know I’m late but the acting is hooorid and the airplane in the background has me rolling. >>140458
I wish that could be the next thread pic cause WHAT IS THAT FACE

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No. 138199[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1633907

Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in or edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage (in email field) when there’s no milk. Spoiler any nsfw images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whore thread >>>/snow/1596608

Recent Milk:
>Starts publicly simping for "tattooed goth boys" once again, following a handful of basic white tattooed men on tiktok >>>/snow/1631613 and making a video about them >>>/snow/1631608
>Found herself a cringy tattooed tiktok dom she plans to fuck on camera >>>/snow/1628756
>Bragged about getting catcalled on twitter >>>/snow/1629945, is so proud of herself she makes a tiktok about it too >>>/snow/1630400
>Monthly "I hate women, they harass me" tweet which is quickly deleted >>>/snow/1631049
>Went out in public to brunch half naked with no makeup looking horrible >>>/snow/1632062
>Put out a forced diaper shitting POV video >>>/snow/1632239
>Begged for booze, cheese and crackers Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1176 posts and 234 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 139376

Those green fungus looking diseased nails look like the aftermath of an injury. I hate when moids with ugly hands paint their ugly fingernails poorly because they think it’s a cool alt thing

No. 139377

kek anon thanks for making it watchable

No. 139378

The ugly tattooed scrotes bio says "cream pie specialist (vasectomy protected)" and that he sti tests. So yes, he's going around fucking ugly whores and possibly troons raw. You can only get sti tests so often. Disgusting.

No. 139379

I can’t believe she’s choosing to bone this dude. He’s terribly ugly and quite trashy. I know the bar is low but damn she could’ve done better

No. 139380

Other women having standards in life and not having to touch disgusting scrotes to pay rent makes Shayna so mad. It's too funny. sips my milk

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No. 136790[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1626398

Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in or edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage (in email field) when there’s no milk. Spoiler any nsfw images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whore thread >>>/snow/1596608

Last Thread:
>A couple shoots from Shay's Florida adventure come out, a cheerleading one >>>/snow/1622899, and the wrestling one >>>/snow/1623189
>Shayna tweets about wanting a personal trainer again >>>/snow/1623938 and then deletes it
>Another Shayna asexual moment >>>/snow/1623960 tweeting about how she doesn't like sex
>Alludes to working with abustedpixie >>>/snow/1624372
>Finally goes to the dentist! ..In order to see about getting pink braces for pedopandering purposes >>>/snow/1625554, >>>/snow/1626568
>Goes full force into tiktok, posted tons of mega cringe and inappropriate tiktoks over the course of the week >>>/snow/1627448, >>>/snow/1628012, Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1207 posts and 268 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 138194

She posted at 9:12am her time on the 18, so I'm assuming she woke up and checked this thread right when she woke up.

No. 138195

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No. 138196

seems like shat will fit right in if it's anything like vidrel

No. 138197

Not to semi WK but it has nothing to do with her age there's literal grannies making 10x what she makes, she just doesn't fit the niche/aesthetic she is going for. If anything she's worse off doing the uber degen pedo shit, if she marketed herself as chubby stoner next door type or even feeder porn she'd do infinitely better.

No. 138198

File: 1663613536782.jpeg (537.45 KB, 1170x1110, 94D3E4BE-72ED-4A3F-A1E4-5EB30F…)

This feels like a Fupa call out post. Shay, it’s been done and over for awhile, time to let it go already

File: 1661216682449.jpeg (345.93 KB, 980x1516, D3E359C4-2537-4EE5-946A-F7F40B…)

No. 135770[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1612892

Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in or edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage (in email field) when there’s no milk. Spoiler any nsfw images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whore thread >>>/snow/1596608

Last Thread:
>Shaynus surprisingly does shoots while at Fatcon. Non sexual of course >>1612940, >>1615146, >>1615986, >>1616008,
>She rooms with fellow e whore Sophia >>1612967,
>Retard cow tips information to Puppikkuma from the OF whore thread >>1612994, >>1613448, >>1613004, Fattikkuma spergs as per usual
>Shaynus does wrestling porn with Grappling Girls ?? >>1612998, >>1613066,
>>1613028, >>1613041, >Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1210 posts and 283 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 137142

File: 1662151045961.jpeg (504.1 KB, 1242x812, 26C27E5B-4B77-4DDA-AEA9-9CF3F8…)

No. 137147

Guessing grayhair won’t hit her with the monsters inc gif on this one kek

No. 137148

she will never let it go will she?

No. 137149

Shayna, just because your hat said “fuck trump” doesn’t mean you weren’t glorifying his disgusting “grab her by the pussy” comments. it’s literally what you named the video after. and then you went on to say you would fuck a black dildo in a trump mask. stop trying to act like those things aren’t out there. you still profit off a video where you made porn out of Trumps misogynistic sexual assault comments, and want to act like an apology means anything.

grow up Shayna. people still harp on it because you won’t let it go. you still have that vid up for profit, your comments are still screenshotted. you can’t hide from it by saying “I apologized” so grow the fuck up.

No. 137151

She’s smoking hot
Sure she’s crazy but she’s exactly right looks wise(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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No. 133337[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1599657

Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in or edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage (in email field) when there’s no milk. Spoiler any nsfw images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whore thread >>>/snow/1596608

Last thread:
>Shay placed 115th in her latest MV contest. Congrats! >>>/snow/1599691
>Shay goes on rant #3938474 about how the SW community is mean to her >>>/snow/1600521 and complains about fellow SWers kink shaming her >>>/snow/1600725
>another embarrassing attempt at being a TikTok #egirl is made, the video does not break 1k views >>>/snow/1600568
>more tweets & deletes exposing how salty Shayna is towards toxic newbie sex workers (aka girls younger & hotter than her who don’t have to fuck themselves while dressed up like a baby to barely pay their rent) >>>/snow/1600767 and defending her pedo pandering >>>/snow/1600813
>more ranting to herself about how successful and happy she totally is >>>/snow/1600825
>anons find the source of Shay’s hours-long ranting: another lame callout poPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
1213 posts and 240 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 134551

File: 1661108613342.jpeg (36.22 KB, 640x360, 3FAF85FA-5948-475E-BA3D-033CE4…)

No. 134552

Hopefully the new thread will have milk since she’s still on her high from Fetcon

No. 134553


No. 134554

My sister in Christ we both know it won't

No. 134555

looking like a Pou

we just need one anon to do it

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No. 131754[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1585094

Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in or edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage (in email field) when there’s no milk. Spoiler any nsfw images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whore thread >>>/snow/1596608

Last thread
>Went to a "pool party" in an empty pool in someone's backyard >>>/snow/1587617
>Ellen's catfish-y seeking arrangements profile is found >>>/snow/1587690, she's offering "twice the fun" dates with her and Shayna
>Shayna updated her questionable SA profile as well >>>/snow/1587695
>Got her hair dyed slightly lighter somehow making her look even older >>>/snow/1588118, her followers tell her she looks "mature" and like a weather girl, she doesnt appreciate it >>>/snow/1588249
>Posted and quickly deleted a tweet about how happy, as someone into puppy play, her dad having her ringtone set as barking dogs makes her >>>/snow/1588149
>Still desperate for another Fupa, tweeting about wanting a "goth boyfriend" >>>/snow/1588442
>Went off about being in a depressive episode for weeks and how she doesn't understPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
1213 posts and 317 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 133332

My bad. But it has always been this bad IMO. Shayna just hasn’t been consistent with her editing. It’s like filtered smooth alien dorito chin face big eyes one day then BAM she posts unfiltered face beady rat eyes with cheap spider lashes and crusty foundation

No. 133333

More like: "ButterFace Barbie"

She is definitely going to be disappointing some people by not being the edited image she portrays online.

No. 133334

is she wearing tracksuit pants with a wool sweater? ew, so much style shayna!

No. 133335

Boobs "should" be wherever they are nonna, stop sperging plz

No. 133336

File: 1660165646867.jpg (24 KB, 349x305, nosferatu.jpg)

I can't stop cackling at how awful and unsettling those nails are. Why why why would anyone choose those nails? Looks like she has infected creepily long Marfan syndrome fingers. #spoiled

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