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/shay/ - dolly mattel fan club

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No. 168177[Reply]

A thread to celebrate the first year since the inception of /shay/. Post your best /shay/ momentos and shaynacore things.
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No. 168837

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No. 168854

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No. 168855

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No. 168858

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No. 168859

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From the shaynatorium

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No. 162200[Reply]

post and discuss your predictions of what shayna will do next, in the near future, or in the fat (oops i mean far) future.
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No. 168686

I think with Shay showed Colleen the thread, bitched about her path of broken friendships/relationships and how lonely she is. Colleen probably gave her some advice to just move back and get her parents help to do anything else but this.
An added shayfoil: I think Ellen broke up with her along with that sissy moid.
Her birthday might be a deadline for her to find more motivation or a drop of money with a collab in Las Vegas or go back to mass

No. 168687

Shayna will not quit SW. She will end up like Lori from /w/ and still have an OF when she's older, still not earning much money and struggling to pay rent, still fat and unhealthy. The difference will be that she will look even worse and have a lot of wrinkles, so she will use stronger filters on her photos.

No. 168688

I think Shayna is constantly breaking down and trauma dumping to every woman who she feels is a "Friend". She's not happy and she won't accept whats making her unhappy is this "Job".

No. 168831

who thinks shes gonna kill herself this year? or die in some other unrelated way? she always predicted she would be a member of the 27 club

No. 168846

I don't think she would do it. Chasing after temporary pleasures is what keeps her relatively happy for someone with a lifestyle as miserable as hers. She's gonna be fine for as long as she can afford booze

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No. 168825[Reply]

A simple thread to discuss Shayna and our personal relationship with her threads
>How did you discover lolcow?
>When did you start reading Shayna's threads?
>Is there anything in them that reels you in and keeps you hooked?
>Do you relate to her or is she just another cautionary tale?
>Worst/Funniest moments in your opinion?
>And whatever else you may want to add
Discuss and have fun

No. 168826

There's already a thread like this

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No. 158187[Reply]

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No. 166225

Im honestly shocked shayna never jumped on the “kitten” and “kittenplay” shit that was popular like 5 years ago. She only does dog stuff which is sus.

No. 166259

Her terrible financial decisions. How are you going to come online and cry about how you can't afford to visit your family on Thanksgiving but in the past few weeks have blown hundreds on drinks, brunch, paying for upgraded seats and overweight luggage? In the past month she's publicly posted about spending ~$800 (including the flight to lonestar) which should definitely be enough for a roundtrip flight. If she really wanted to be there for the holidays, she would.

No. 166261

exactly. and not only will she not purposely save to spend time with her family, but she’ll shill her pussy and asshole and do the most embarrassing shit for pennies to raise money for the most meaningless shit yet couldn’t be arsed to do one of her emergency sales to raise $200 to go. She didnt even beg for money this time she was just kinda like “darn! it really sucks!” to save face

No. 167029

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this is from 2021

No. 168816

It just baffles me that she thinks the next dick or spanking video or whatever is going to thrust her into fame, you'd think she'd grown out of that shit.
I don't think se feels that strongly about it now, but i know it's in the back of her mind.
>Doing my first Boy/Girl will really go viral!
>Prositution will really help me advance my career and I'll get a sugar daddy who will spoil me endlessly!
It's like girl…her whole, "I'm so special" shit is weird. I used to feel that way until I turned 19 and realized i'm not "Special" i'm just retarded.

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No. 163871[Reply]

Containment board for Shayna memes and Shatposting.

This is a thread for collecting and archiving all Shay related media, mostly farmer generated. Please curb your autism and save any discussion of milk for the threads on /snow/, and spoiler any NSFW images.

Infight all your autistic battles here.

First thread: >>>/shay/158765
Second thread: >>>/shay/159974
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No. 168775

4th page in on /snow/ nonna, just hasn't been bumped in awhile

No. 168776

thank you nona

No. 168779

I wonder what kind of person looks at Shayna and thinks she's successful. Is he poor so it seems like a lot of money to him? Or very liberal and thinks sw is empowering?

No. 168782

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I think some nonas overestimate Shayna. She said that she hates school and also that she's too dumb for university/college, yet anons talking about her having a normal career in the future. It's hard for me to picture that.

No. 168788

kinda your fault for dating a man who thinks sex work is real work

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No. 162131[Reply]

Thread for all of the side characters in the Shaynaverse.
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No. 168717

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Just realized Sol has been orbiting since thread 20

No. 168718

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No. 168720

Why do her panties look like one of those little troon bulges

No. 168731

Kek he had to wait around until she got fat to sleep with her

No. 168749

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Vivi has also been lurking for years

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No. 16630[Reply]

Post AI art of Shayna and friends.
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No. 166951

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No. 166952

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No. 166960

wow i didnt know shayna was jia fei

No. 168747

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Crazy shay

No. 168748

HOLY SHIT LMAO. When her face suddenly came to life sent me.

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No. 157669[Reply]

Share your favorite iconic moments from the thread, or a specific memory you share with your fellow shayheads. My favorite was anon who hated the word bleak so much she was getting a shayneurism (but eventually embraced it). What's yours?
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No. 168679

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This work of shart:

No. 168682

Wtf is wrong with her vulva? I know she had those boils but why does it look all bunched up?

No. 168693

Read the old threads, it’s all there kek she had some creepy fat scrote from a BDSM site vacuum her entire vulva up in some kind of high powered clit pump and this is the result.

No. 168697

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this edit from thread 50'

No. 168701

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No. 168625[Reply]

Share photoshops, male lookalikes, shart, or anything else of what you think Shay would look like as a man.
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 168627

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Paul Dano

No. 168628

So accurate

No. 168649

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No. 168650

how dare you nona

No. 168666

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Ummm anon?

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No. 160523[Reply]

I saw some other anons in the Quitting Weed with Shayna thread >>24354 asking for this and I also want to post about shitness (Shay fitness). Let’s hold each other accountable by posting fat Shat, sharing fitness regimens, healthy meals, and tips to curb cravings!
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No. 168225

Samefag, jumps in place like ghost jump rope (kek) is a good at home way to boost your cardio fitness, I recommend it to clients who are less cardio fit to begin with. Try a minute of jumprope simulation and see how you feel w that too!

No. 168233

Thank you so much!! I actually have an old jumprope I can start using again. The fun of jumping rope might also help push me more vs trying to run the block which bores me haha.
Thankfully walking I'm good at and can go for a while, but it's the moment I fast walk or jog (or god help me, run for the bus) that my lungs feel like they're totally airless kek. But tbh daily walks would probably do me a world of good so I'll work on that. No incline near me but there's a forest I can struggle-hike through. And next winter I can jump rope in the house!

No. 168359

Do any nonas have advice for this? So last year I tried doing these. I could only do it 20 times every other day. After about a month I was only able to do it 15 times every other day. Ended up giving up after trying it for 3 months because I never gained any strength and still had flabby arms.

No. 168360

Do it in a series of sets and reps that get progressively heavier. So 3 sets with 5 reps is 15 reps total. If you're using 1kg for example that means in total you have lifted 15kg. If you're able to do this then add another 1kg to the dumbbells so 2kg x 3 x 5 = 30kg. If you're unable to do 3 x 5, do 3 x 4 or 3 x 3.

For example
Day one - 3 x 3 @ 1kg = 9kg total lifted
Day two - 3 x 4 @ 1kg = 12kg total lifted
Day three - 3 x 5 @ 1kg = 15kg total lifted
Day four - 3 x 3 @ 2kg = 18kg total lifted
Day five - 3 x 4 @ 2kg = 24kg total lifted
Day six - 3 x 5 @ 2kg = 30kg total lifted
Day seven - 3 x 3 @ 4kg = 36kg total lifted
Day eight - 3 x 4 @ 4kg = 48kg total lifted
Day nine - 3 x 5 @ 4kg = 60kg total lifted

You can modify it however you like, such as you might want to do lower weight higher reps, or you may have to work with the weights that you have, as long as you keep the basic principle of progressive loading you will get stronger. You should also eat more protein so the body has more amino acids to turn into muscle tissue.

No. 168368

Unfortunately, targeted workouts are a myth. Gaining muscle in your triceps will not reduce flab under your arms, it'll just make you gain muscle under the flab. Tricep exercises in general are great though, and you can do bodyweight tricep dips basically anywhere. If you also do pushups, you'll gain more strength in your arms overall. I have a rule of thumb where I do 5 pushups basically whenever the thought crosses my mind. So like I'll just randomly do 5 pushups when I'm sitting at my desk working, and I usually do that 3-6 times throughout the day. It's not too hard to incorporate but you really do feel stronger over time.

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