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/shay/ - dolly mattel fan club

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File: 1683572342932.jpg (46.32 KB, 763x488, Shayna Influenced.jpg)

No. 162176[Reply]

Post about the times Shayna has influenced you to buy or try something new!
38 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 168020

I got the plastic thing at first cause the toothbrush doesn't get it as clean as it'd like plus I tend to gag on my toothbrush when I do it towards the back. The plastic tool vs the regular toothbrush is a mild upgrade but the metal is incomparable I'd say. You'd be seriously surprised how much you would be taking off, plus it's much quicker since it gets the whole tongue in one downward motion so you just have to repeat it a few times while rinsing your mouth between scrubs vs scrubbing around the tongue a few times with the smaller brush.

No. 168030

NTA but you’ve made me want to upgrade from my Orabrush. Is there a specific brand/metal you’d recommend or does it not matter?

No. 168033

I honestly got the cheapest 2 pack off amazon with decent reviews lol. I'd personally just recommend making sure it's made from either copper or stainless steel so it's easily cleaned and non-rusting and recommend the design in the original picrel. I see some that are looped and have just one handle which imo seem not as good a design but that's personal preference probably.

No. 169598

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it was so good

No. 169715

i was actually going to post that i tried my first espresso martini a couple months ago because of shat. it was fine, but i'm not sure why she's so obsessed with them. pretty sure i've been shayfluenced to eat something else, but i won't remember now

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No. 164799[Reply]

Which pic made you think DAMN SHES UGLY for me it was this one her head looks like a deflated balloon and her expression is so ugly the smirk the double chin
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No. 169649

File: 1733190714405.png (894.89 KB, 736x1100, slack-jaw.png)

What even is this facial expression?

No. 169710

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She looks like if the Chippette's had a fourth disfigured sister like Bunny from the Power Puff Girls (even though Bunny was based).

No. 169711

File: 1736514561836.jpg (1.17 MB, 2316x3088, 5432152993ef81.jpg)

Another image from her OF where she makes the same expression.

No. 169714

Was there a reason this was 8MB? I'm crying

No. 169719

BIG file size for BIG SHAYNUS

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No. 162131[Reply]

Thread for all of the side characters in the Shaynaverse.
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No. 169578

i got hemorrhoids before and it was from shitting bricks, i've never done anal sex. but yeah they suck though. They heal, but they stay visible

No. 169580

File: 1731519781266.png (Spoiler Image,852.45 KB, 1378x723, what the cuck.png)

im so embarrassed for kiki. she posted a video of her filming her boyfriend fucking some other whore. yikes.

No. 169581

oh sorry anon his @ used to be SolSalvatore i had forgotten this one. he's definitely gained weight he used to be skin and bone

No. 169708

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No. 169709

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Still not over this one

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No. 160423[Reply]

I've noticed nonas made a few of these kek
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No. 167492

I'm pretty sure Ellen hangs out here. Either her or that obese goth cow.

No. 167495

kek at fridgechans coping in the comedian fart pic thread

No. 167510

Ellen is the one coping. Not even shay likes your big ass that much.

No. 169396

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fresh fart

No. 169707

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No. 162279[Reply]

Our queen has so many great faces that can perfectly convey our emotions online
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No. 168907

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No. 168908

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Not a face but a favorite of mine I’ve been hoarding

No. 168912

Damn, it is crazy to look at all the old pics upthread and see how much life has left her eyes in the space of 4-5 years.
It's not just that she got fatter/uglier. She can hardly even open her eyes anymore. And even when she does there's nothing behind them. Just zooted 24/7.
Pics like these >>162513 don't even look like the same person as >>162420 and >>162311 and >>162309
Her soul is gone.

No. 169704

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No. 169705

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When you don't have enough money for the seafood boil

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No. 24354[Reply]

Need assistance quitting a bad habit? Use Shay as your inspiration? Hold each other accountable here!
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No. 169661

relapsed on weed 3 weeks ago and i feel shitty about it but its winter in my area and the snow is so bad and its so cold and i feel like its the only way i can cope. this happened last winter too. hoping to get sober in the spring again….

No. 169670

Congrats nona!!
Do hot showers help at all? A space heater, a sun simulating lamp…sorry for your sad winter. I get the same way when it gets cold and dark too. Exercise helps get you the same chemicals weed releases, plus more outside time if you run/walk.

No. 169674

first day trying to quit again because my mom found the zaza pipe. my short-term memory has gotten so bad i left it there in the backyard for everybody to see lmfao. she's started to treat me like an addict and wanting to have The Talk with me but i refuse i'm fucking 23 and i buy this shit with my own money despite being a NEET. it made me feel so pathetic and reminded me of what little control i have in my life so i decided to quit. i'm a daily smoker and weed wasn't doing anything to solve my boredom so i hope it's for the better.

No. 169678

Who gave you the money

No. 169688

Fucked up but trying again. New year, new me. Shayna give me strength.

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No. 169660[Reply]

How would you style Shayna to make her look better?
The main thread is always full of people pointing out how the colours she likes clash with her skin tone and how she picks clothes meant for people with a completely different body type, but whenever people write about styles she would actually look good in the thread just devolves into infighting because certain people get really offended over mentioning style systems like Colour Seasons or Kibbe (if you dislike style discussion please scroll by this thread instead of trying to derail it with arguments about how you think style is stupid).
I'm interested in fashion and I've never seen anyone with a style that not only doesn't look good on them but also clashes with literally every one of their feature. Shay's style is so bad it's fascinating, and I would love to see what she'd look like with a hypothetical makeover.
Contain anything related to fashion/beauty/skincare autism here, such as:
>What colours would you put Shay in instead of ham pink?
>What clothes should she wear for her body type instead of ill-fitting clothes from Shein?
>How would you attempt to fix her cavernous forehead wrinkles and the giant walnut shells under her eyes?
>What hairstyle would suit her face shape better than bowl cut bangs and Shih Tzu hairdos?
>Are there any fashion styles that would look better on her than pastel DDLG or biker mom fits?

No. 169669

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She would look good in this colour palette. She looks her best in cool, bright colours.

No. 169672

Shes not a winter, she does not have winter contrast even if she had her natural hair color

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No. 169422[Reply]

All I did was give her bigger eyebrows and take off her gaudy makeup and fill her lips a bit and made her smile
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No. 169591

Somehow, you made her look even manlier kekkk. She's truly Yaniv's sister from another mister.

No. 169596

File: 1731798193363.webp (91.19 KB, 1336x1252, celine-dion-gone-with-the-wind…)

I definitely don't think that shay is naturally ugly in terms of her physical features. I swear some of the nonas here are just gendies in disguise. "You dont look like a 13 year old uwu 5'3 anime girl with a huge round ass and extremely low WHR so you must be a man!"

I think with the right clothing and skincare and color palette and if she took care of and embraced her natural curly hair shay would be at least a 6/10.

She has that romanesque or mediterrean style of beauty.

She could even go for a more soft or feminine style if she kept to the right color palette and didnt choose cheap and unflattering clothes.

It's just that this Shein coquette look really doesn't suit her because she has a more refined and mature style of female beauty and she lives such an unhealthy lifestyle and completely neglects her body.

She reminds me of Celine Dion

No. 169599

celine ma chérie i am so so sorry

No. 169602

Apologise to Celine immediately.

No. 169667

File: 1733707925255.jpg (1.64 MB, 2048x1536, shatmeitumeitu.jpg)

meitu shay

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No. 168177[Reply]

A thread to celebrate the first year since the inception of /shay/. Post your best /shay/ momentos and shaynacore things.
66 posts and 63 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 169627

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This sad apartment from reddit

No. 169628

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No. 169656

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No. 169657

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i cant tell who is more retarded: the person who posted her or me for even looking it up

No. 169680

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No. 169608[Reply]

Just a thread for fun cause /shay/ is dead
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No. 169639

An ancient Britney or Xtina perfume that she's had for years. She thinks it makes her smell fancy. Her breath stinks of booze and her hair retains the delicious aroma of french fry grease.

No. 169642

Dry mouth combined with no flossing or brushing, alcohol, mildew bath towels, that general "pet dander" smell people's homes get when they don't clean, and dirty greasy scalp. And of course some poorly attempted cover up with cheap perfume and Febreze fabric spray she thinks works instead of doing her laundry.

No. 169647

why does shayna’s head fit so well on the uh-oh stinky monkey. im dying.

No. 169671

like a warm turtle tank and tonsil stones

No. 169673

I think she probably smells like Burger King or an old seat cushion that’s been farted into many times

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