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/shay/ - dolly mattel fan club

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File: 1680815584210.jpeg (292.85 KB, 1242x1530, 1680459466855.jpeg)

No. 160423[Reply]

I've noticed nonas made a few of these kek
46 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 167491

Big asses are ugly

No. 167492

I'm pretty sure Ellen hangs out here. Either her or that obese goth cow.

No. 167495

kek at fridgechans coping in the comedian fart pic thread

No. 167510

Ellen is the one coping. Not even shay likes your big ass that much.

No. 169396

File: 1727824063227.jpg (61.59 KB, 468x619, UhOhStinky.JPG)

fresh fart

File: 1726960923653.png (714.54 KB, 644x614, Its the Dolly Mouse Dollhaus.p…)

No. 169385[Reply]

>Hi this is Dolly Mattel and youre watching the Doup+ Channel!

post all doup edits here

No. 169386

File: 1726960965553.jpg (375.68 KB, 1440x1080, GJ9dHSRW4AAcPNL.jpg)

No. 169387

File: 1726961044102.png (2.44 MB, 1000x1497, T3948TFGWR3414.png)

No. 169388

File: 1726961504937.jpg (175.25 KB, 634x478, DOUPDOUPDOUP.jpg)

No. 169392

File: 1727323479740.jpg (234.58 KB, 731x1078, 1727053537819.jpg)

update with nona's edit

File: 1684409259989.jpg (56.16 KB, 634x777, 23706524-7914239-Little_Britai…)

No. 162408[Reply]

Post public figures that you have come across who look like/remind you of Shayna
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No. 169355

File: 1726088547638.jpeg (109.6 KB, 675x1200, 1726080389162.jpeg)

Empathchan dresses like Shayna with the random pinks and ill-fitting slutty clothes

No. 169366

I hate to say it but empathchan somehow has better fat distribution than shay

No. 169389

File: 1727092109107.jpg (964.38 KB, 1080x1664, 1000006788.jpg)

Had to do a double-take

No. 169391

File: 1727317988970.png (Spoiler Image,15.51 MB, 3470x3480, 1727290582819.png)

shayna from neocities

No. 169393

that ass is just sad

File: 1711960093280.jpg (40.17 KB, 549x558, images-2.jpg)

No. 168177[Reply]

A thread to celebrate the first year since the inception of /shay/. Post your best /shay/ momentos and shaynacore things.
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No. 168854

File: 1720256725968.jpg (220.11 KB, 1063x1063, mTgVvWzMNGnqYJyEbkPX3KTvplKrS7…)

No. 168855

File: 1720271201949.jpg (130.68 KB, 1000x841, scale_1200 (1).jpg)

No. 168858

File: 1720275440031.jpeg (187.25 KB, 828x814, IMG_1112.jpeg)

No. 168859

File: 1720279311278.jpg (3.59 MB, 4032x3024, 1681144494703.jpg)

From the shaynatorium

No. 169390

File: 1727306649543.jpg (102.53 KB, 1024x955, media_GYKcHVHWgAAhQ41.jpg)

File: 1681569992182.png (361.12 KB, 422x750, 1498924199236.png)

No. 161616[Reply]

Are you rereading old threads? Discuss landmark vintage milk in this thread.
148 posts and 61 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 169314

gross. why do you wanna see that.

No. 169315

File: 1724421778970.png (Spoiler Image,2.9 MB, 750x1334, 1000124752.png)

To see peanut dick in action(spoiler this)

No. 169317

She looks like a ghoul on the right and he is making a soyjack reddit face

No. 169343

She really didn’t/still doesn’t have a real friend in the world, because I know if at 20 I told my friends I was moving to bumfuck OK to be with my divorcee daddy dom tumblr boyfriend they would lock me in my room and keep me there until I missed my flight. Where the fuck even were her parents during this saga?

No. 169369

File: 1726208585373.png (272.91 KB, 583x325, 34004FA4-25D1-4DF4-AB8C-A2FE6E…)

necromancer and her undead thrall

File: 1680311610209.jpeg (93.71 KB, 1000x930, shayai.jpeg)

No. 16630[Reply]

Post AI art of Shayna and friends.
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No. 169360

File: 1726140127999.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.38 KB, 512x768, shay-sushi.jpg)

Shayna eating sushi after dying her hair.

No. 169365

These seem kind of fetishistic

No. 169367

>>169360 the tiny ass teeth sitting in the middle of her bottom lip ahhhhhh!

No. 169368

/r/ for some more shAI edits of her new pictures. those claymation and barbie ones legitimately made me laugh harder than anything last year

No. 169374

File: 1726481635710.jpg (67.13 KB, 512x768, shAI-sfb-aq.jpg)

I'm using the AI from here >>169321
It's a NSFW coomer AI so it producing fetish imagery shouldn't be too surprising.

File: 1680541771822.jpeg (88.54 KB, 720x720, 20230403131041898.jpeg)

No. 158286[Reply]

Post your shaydits, photoshops, face apps and possible thread pics here!
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No. 169212

I have poor photoshopping skills. Would you like me to draw them instead?

No. 169214

sry i hope i didnt come off as a hater. im enjoying this breaking bad trend. those faces melts are just hella creepy lol

No. 169218

its ok you’re not hating ♥

No. 169253

Hoooooly shit nona. I can always count on /shay/ to make me laugh…Kiki is killing me. And Shay is Saul!!! She wishes she was that good at being shady…

No. 169346

File: 1724959820731.jpg (97.73 KB, 828x1020, sexy.JPG)

I think I’ll do a full fledged fanart of this, I just need to map each characters personality… Realistically shay should be walt as she is the main character but she has bob odenkirk lips which inspired me in the first place.
I could do a BCS edit instead, but I still feel like something is missing.
Kim -> Traniel
Howard -> sarah
Chuck -> ellen
Mike -> womak (obviously)
Gus -> kiki

Any other ideas?

File: 1680454355409.png (3.16 MB, 2771x1342, Shay 4.png)

No. 157932[Reply]

Shay 4, 3, 2, or 1, shit even the Shayout (fallout Challenge), Pick your game, and play your Shay, rules!

>Favorite Color must start as Pink

>Job must be as close as you can to the real deal
>Traits must START as close to Shayna as you can
>Characters in the Shayverse must BEGIN as they do irl. For example, don't make Womack some op super sexy sim. Make him what he is

I want to see where every Shay starts and ends. We all start the same BUT it can't all end the same?
Maybe Shayna will loose weight in your game, actually become a digital artist. Maybe she'll marry Womack, who becomes super rich.
Maybe she'll become that super rich sex worker. Regardless, play it your Shay!
(In general I think Shayna makes a interesting character arc for a sim. Starting off as a sex worker, maybe thin. Have her drink/eat until chubby, maybe she becomes famous and beloved. Maybe she becomes a housewife or a gamer girl! It's your world and your gorl!
(this is retarded, i know. I'd like to see some heartwarming storylines though)
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No. 169308

File: 1724376272983.png (623.87 KB, 748x526, Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 9.23.…)

workroom (sorry i have no mods and im too lazy to do them so this is just base game)

No. 169309

keep going nona i wanna see where she ends up in your game

No. 169310

so far she already has her first boyfriend, and i made her a job as a fashion influencer cuz it was closest thing to a social media career i could get in base game. i was gonna do fast food but i would rather her make more money and it made 2 dollars more so… she slept with the guy shes dating the first day she met him.

No. 169318

so i had her break up with the boyfriend but it may have been too hasty cuz i should've gone on another date with him for the aspiration. cuz now every person i talk to gets really pissed off at her and leaves when i try to flirt lmfao.

No. 169330

If Shayna was a Sims 4 sim what world would she live in? There isn't a world that feels like Seattle.

File: 1719576631229.png (58.54 KB, 1076x1276, 1681720353279.png)

No. 168781[Reply]

Post screenshots of Shay being delusional or just making up massive lies.
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No. 169243

File: 1723824593350.jpeg (430.37 KB, 1160x889, delusional.jpeg)

No. 169258

File: 1724014970394.jpeg (401.99 KB, 1242x932, 1558893205892.jpeg)

No. 169299

File: 1724263645417.jpg (251.16 KB, 1080x844, 1724250116161.jpg)

Thinking her content was ever good

No. 169300

File: 1724263912369.jpg (357.81 KB, 887x1521, Screenshot_20240821-165213.jpg)

Thinking people attribute her "success" to being pretty

No. 169311

File: 1724389093814.jpeg (420.74 KB, 828x876, IMG_1440.jpeg)

File: 1723592247940.png (247.72 KB, 600x463, bad.png)

No. 169188[Reply]

Thread for moments of shock, horror and disgust throughout shaystory

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No. 169301

File: 1724266220235.jpeg (33.15 KB, 246x205, IMG_3982.jpeg)

No. 169312

File: 1724406875259.png (Spoiler Image,2.14 MB, 1072x1430, 1597259719702.png)

Another gnarly pic of the inside of her torn up asshole
Thread #58

No. 169333

File: 1724677834949.gif (Spoiler Image,6.24 MB, 640x640, 1604159346750.gif)

Yet another instance of her showing the inside of her asshole
Thread #61

No. 169340

File: 1724870871642.png (14.86 KB, 1812x114, dog-fucker.png)

A random dog fucker appears
Thread #64

No. 169341

File: 1724871304403.jpeg (Spoiler Image,421.64 KB, 2048x1500, 1606268145755.jpeg)

Shoving a turkey baster up her asshole
Thread #64

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