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/shay/ - dolly mattel fan club

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No. 169660[Reply]

How would you style Shayna to make her look better?
The main thread is always full of people pointing out how the colours she likes clash with her skin tone and how she picks clothes meant for people with a completely different body type, but whenever people write about styles she would actually look good in the thread just devolves into infighting because certain people get really offended over mentioning style systems like Colour Seasons or Kibbe (if you dislike style discussion please scroll by this thread instead of trying to derail it with arguments about how you think style is stupid).
I'm interested in fashion and I've never seen anyone with a style that not only doesn't look good on them but also clashes with literally every one of their feature. Shay's style is so bad it's fascinating, and I would love to see what she'd look like with a hypothetical makeover.
Contain anything related to fashion/beauty/skincare autism here, such as:
>What colours would you put Shay in instead of ham pink?
>What clothes should she wear for her body type instead of ill-fitting clothes from Shein?
>How would you attempt to fix her cavernous forehead wrinkles and the giant walnut shells under her eyes?
>What hairstyle would suit her face shape better than bowl cut bangs and Shih Tzu hairdos?
>Are there any fashion styles that would look better on her than pastel DDLG or biker mom fits?

No. 169669

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She would look good in this colour palette. She looks her best in cool, bright colours.

No. 169672

Shes not a winter, she does not have winter contrast even if she had her natural hair color

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No. 169422[Reply]

All I did was give her bigger eyebrows and take off her gaudy makeup and fill her lips a bit and made her smile
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No. 169591

Somehow, you made her look even manlier kekkk. She's truly Yaniv's sister from another mister.

No. 169596

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I definitely don't think that shay is naturally ugly in terms of her physical features. I swear some of the nonas here are just gendies in disguise. "You dont look like a 13 year old uwu 5'3 anime girl with a huge round ass and extremely low WHR so you must be a man!"

I think with the right clothing and skincare and color palette and if she took care of and embraced her natural curly hair shay would be at least a 6/10.

She has that romanesque or mediterrean style of beauty.

She could even go for a more soft or feminine style if she kept to the right color palette and didnt choose cheap and unflattering clothes.

It's just that this Shein coquette look really doesn't suit her because she has a more refined and mature style of female beauty and she lives such an unhealthy lifestyle and completely neglects her body.

She reminds me of Celine Dion

No. 169599

celine ma chérie i am so so sorry

No. 169602

Apologise to Celine immediately.

No. 169667

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meitu shay

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No. 168177[Reply]

A thread to celebrate the first year since the inception of /shay/. Post your best /shay/ momentos and shaynacore things.
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No. 169627

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This sad apartment from reddit

No. 169628

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No. 169656

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No. 169657

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i cant tell who is more retarded: the person who posted her or me for even looking it up

No. 169680

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No. 162962[Reply]

Post before & afters, or just pictures of Shaymu looking particularly portly.
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No. 169505

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No. 169528

It looks like she has some kind of medical condition. I mean her body would not be noticeable if she wasn't trying to make money off of being naked.

The fact that she uploaded this makes you wonder. what the hell is going on through her head?

No. 169530

WTF is she doing?! I can’t stop kekking

No. 169542

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No. 169652

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No. 169608[Reply]

Just a thread for fun cause /shay/ is dead
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No. 169639

An ancient Britney or Xtina perfume that she's had for years. She thinks it makes her smell fancy. Her breath stinks of booze and her hair retains the delicious aroma of french fry grease.

No. 169642

Dry mouth combined with no flossing or brushing, alcohol, mildew bath towels, that general "pet dander" smell people's homes get when they don't clean, and dirty greasy scalp. And of course some poorly attempted cover up with cheap perfume and Febreze fabric spray she thinks works instead of doing her laundry.

No. 169647

why does shayna’s head fit so well on the uh-oh stinky monkey. im dying.

No. 169671

like a warm turtle tank and tonsil stones

No. 169673

I think she probably smells like Burger King or an old seat cushion that’s been farted into many times

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No. 158286[Reply]

Post your shaydits, photoshops, face apps and possible thread pics here!
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No. 169594

Whenever someone edits a male Shayna I'm always freaked out by how legit they look. Why does he look more realistic than Shayna does? Why have I met this man multiple times? Not even attractive just… So familiar and normal. Shayna loos like the fake person.

No. 169597

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No. 169631

fucking hell is that a real shayna face pic? or edited? either way this is perfect

No. 169634

kek I got it from here >>>/snow/2054561

No. 169643

It's always been fascinating to me how frequently this is mentioned and I completely agree kek. She wouldn't be a handsome guy by any means, but I think her harsher features would work better if she was born as some big-nosed regular dude instead of a Great Value ugly stepsister.

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No. 169617[Reply]

A place of refuge to go when the fun-hating, terrible, takes-the-small-amount-of-power-she-has-and-abuses-it farmhand red-texts content in the main thread. Be free nonas! No mods or farmhands allowed to participate.
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No. 169625

My fiancee knows about her, we call her Shaynart

No. 169630

my roommate's boyfriend came over and used our shared computer to look up the weather forecast. however, instead of typing in the address bar, he accidentally pressed the arrow button next to the address bar and it brought up the entire browsing history. it turns out I had recently scrolled through a thread about shayna, and the browser had cached the images from the thread. he was taken aback when he saw all sorts of disturbing images of shayna's ass, including the one where her dildo was covered in shit. he then proceeded to scroll through the rest of the history, revealing all sorts of other depraved content. I frantically tried to close the window, but he was too quick. He printed out every single page, stapled them together, and left them on the kitchen table with a note saying "are you okay?"

No. 169635

I've had few dreams where I would have to save Shay somehow or/and have sex with her
Make that what you will..

No. 169636

when I lived with my ex-nigel I was browsing on my computer and started laughing at a comment on here saying "she's literally making mong porn at this point" and when he asked what I was laughing at I decided I'd explain and show him the pictures which inspired the comment. he knew I was always looking at weird shit on here and the fruit farms so didn't really bat an eyelid. after that, every time I'd laugh at something on my phone or laptop he'd say "is it the mong porn girl again?"

I haven't shared with current gf but maybe one day I will. as a treat.

No. 169640

I've shared her with my best friend, who now requests periodic updates. Even funnier, I encountered a fellow farmer in the wild (one of my moid friends is dating her) and Shay was the reason we both found out we were farmers kek. I was describing "this crazy OF chick who put fireworks up her ass" and this girl looks me dead in the eye and says "…is her name Shayna?" All of this is happening in the middle of one of those "paint pottery and drink wine" things while her pet moid stars on in pure confusion.

She and I text back and forth pretty regularly now. I sometimes wonder if Shay has brought other secret farmers together IRL lol.

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No. 169437[Reply]

Thread just got locked cause Shrinky Dinks posted her diabetic pussy. Great job, idiot! Let's take refuge here.
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No. 169496

Kinda wonder if lavarock and shrinky dinks are actually the same person aka troll who is buying vag photos from random women who are ranked 99.99999999999% or whatever on OnlyFans

No. 169497

Lmfao can you imagine paying some random e-whore to write out a message for lolcow farm and then take a picture posing with it beside their unfortunate vagina?

No. 169498

kek yes its insane people think this is what is happening

No. 169611

i only saw this now. was it a random photo, or did the poster have a paper with timestamp or something?

No. 169616

yes the fat chick date-stamped and wrote a message directly to farmers saying like “yes nonas, i have a vagina and post here” or something equally obtuse

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No. 168781[Reply]

Post screenshots of Shay being delusional or just making up massive lies.
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No. 169258

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No. 169299

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Thinking her content was ever good

No. 169300

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Thinking people attribute her "success" to being pretty

No. 169311

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No. 169563

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No. 167793[Reply]

Lets discuss the "what ifs"?
>What If Shayna never met Fupaul
>What if Shayna was never tumblr famous?
>What if Shayna was raised by a single parent?
>What if Shay was a only child?
>What if Shayna was Vegan?
>What if Shayna never had the breast implant
>What if Shay's relationship with her family was better?
>What if Shayna was born Shane?
>What if Shayna was a lesbian?
>What if Shayna never entered sex work?
>What if Shayna was still thin?
>What if Shayna was born another race?
>What if Shayna was a red head?
>What if Shayna was a horse girl?
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No. 169217

just wanted to shout out the OP for the hilarious reversed gif of her meeting fupa. genius. my what if is… what if shayna never had poland syndrome? i honestly believe her getting the fake breasts altered the history of her future. she would have been humbled earlier by her missing boob and may have actually had to develop a personality instead of making her personality in highschool her tits. honestly why would they even given someone less than 18 that surgery? plus the whole “my dad paid my boob job” larp she tried to do in highschool gave her brain damage that has lasted to this day

No. 169371

this is random but i've been thinking about this since lolcows are becoming more popular with normies, what if there was a youtube video essay/deep dive (kinda similar the videos turkey tom or cecil mcfly make) made about her? something that talked about her controversies + what makes her a lolcow. on one hand it would suck because newfags would swarm LCF but it's just interesting to think about how shayna would react.
shay is lucky enough that she's a semi obscure lolcow, kiwis know about her but they think she's boring. how do you think she would react? would she lock down all her accs or ignore it? would she suicidebait? would she use it as an excuse to avoid working? would she cry to her wealthy dad to fix it? the mind of shay is so interesting.

No. 169394

They wouldn’t be able to show enough because of YouTube’s restrictions

No. 169546

What if Shay started making yoga and fitness content, and gained flexibility and a few followers & dollars, and lost a few pounds

No. 169547

If she gave up on being a failed ewhore she could probably start a successful career as a blogger documenting how she left sex work and how she was fixing her life. This would include diet and exercise, gaining qualifications so she could get a good job and how she was taking steps to repair her mental health. She will never do this because it would require effort and admitting that she was wrong.

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