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/shay/ - dolly mattel fan club

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File: 1680308115017.png (1.89 MB, 1220x1373, image_2023-04-01_011359507.png)

No. 3[Reply]

Post your most highly regarded works of shayart featuring our beloved baby bimbo
44 posts and 29 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 162977

i dont get the big deal over anons posting their art in this thread. how exactly are they expecting ass pats? where else is shayna related art supposed to go? its more embarrassing that the shitty meme anon made multiple posts sperging about it here and in the main thread because they’re mad over some perceived slight that >>162876 this picture somehow “overshadowed” their meme.

No. 162978

Because everyone said that anon’s shitty sketch was terrible, no one else would have posted it here in the repository for “highly regarded” works of art. This is anonymous board, if you want someone to congratulate you on your cringeworthy lack of talent post it on twitter

No. 162979

Neither the stupid “meme” or the ugly ass sketch overshadowed the other, they’re both retarded and lacking in creativity

No. 162980

Trying to police what is “good art” in a SHART THREAD in /shay/ of all places is peak autism. Believe me when I say it is truly not that serious, nona. Time for a Shayna tolerance break if some crappy art has you this triggered.

No. 163015

Shart Thread has been moved to >>>/shay/162981 to stop the infighting over what should or shouldn't be posted in this thread. New thread is for all related Shay art.


File: 1683411940885.jpeg (54.6 KB, 808x1092, IMG_1347.jpeg)

No. 162117[Reply]

The main containment thread for all discussion/infighting pertaining to the matters of pedophilia and the Shaynaverse.
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No. 162214

But here’s the thing: that weird Hispanic moid was still an adult male—and he was a client on top of that, not someone Shat actually wanted to fuck. What are you extrapolating from this interaction to make the argument that she will eventually show herself as a pedophile? She was doing a “job” with another adult individual, being paid to provide a particular “service”. This logic doesn’t make any sense. So far the anons calling her out as a pedo have only mentioned how she interacts with grown adults into ddlg, but none have responded with what ways Shay has actually shown attraction to children.

No. 162230


I suppose >>162213 has got it right. She's turned on by pretending to be a child being sexually abused. That ain't kosher, that's some pedo shit. But she's a jealous insecure narcissist so actual little girls repulse her, and it's not part of the kink to like little boys. Once she ages out of her DD/LG shit, she'll most likely lean into mommy dom where she refers to all her johns as naughty little boys who need mommies help with xyz. Pedo, but a different brand than usual.

No. 162241

Again, how do we know she's turned on by being [insert here] separate from any money making endeavors? At best this is just a tinfoil.

No. 162243

The baby act she's kept up since the beginning of her "career". She always tries to incorporate it into her porn AND her real life. To the point where she'll turn down opportunities because the people offering don't want that mess. Hell, when Shane sat on her back while a robotic dildo plowed her fat ass, she tried to do that age regression baba shit and he wasn't having it either. Tons of plain Jane dumpy bodied white girls are selling pussy pictures for 5 bucks a pop, but most of them don't post toddler rape fantasies and run a diaper account. At best, she's an autopedophile for pay.

No. 162859

My tinfoil theory about Shayna’s coomer fanbase is that they’re into her because she looks so distinctly non childlike while she tries to LARP as underage. Their real fetish is watching a woman degrade and humiliate herself publicly because they have no respect for women. A lot of humiliation fetishes seem to play with this sort of disconnect with reality, like scrotes into humiliation love it when ugly girls think they’re beautiful and encourage them just because that makes it even easier to laugh at and dehumanize them. Shayna being such an unconvincing facsimile of a child or an attractive woman is what draws these sort of misogynists to her. I’m sure a lot of them would be pedophiles too, but the sort of opportunistic pedophile (who commit the most crimes) since they are motivated by feeling more powerful than another and don’t see women or girls as anything other than a sex object, no matter the age.

File: 1680367137041.gif (2.4 MB, 725x397, 1678267166771.gif)

No. 157733[Reply]

This shaylebration would not be complete without honoring our bratty bimbo in motion!! Plus I need more Shay reaction gifs.

Please share!
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No. 157983

File: 1680465952827.gif (3.24 MB, 155x275, 1574879489034.gif)

The sheer retardation of this one always sends me

No. 158010

>uh oh… stinky.

No. 158417

File: 1680619392187.gif (Spoiler Image,1.79 MB, 600x339, Shaynus startled.gif)

No. 161833

File: 1681945841744.gif (Spoiler Image,4.63 MB, 324x390, 1515119792722.gif)

No. 162713

File: 1684707548899.gif (1.81 MB, 175x320, 6818F9F3-864A-4FA8-B9E6-0A5E02…)

File: 1681418406464.png (77.33 KB, 485x362, DoYouEatAssorNot.png)

No. 160581[Reply]

To eat or not to eat? Ass that is? A safe place to discuss and debate ass eating.
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No. 161866

ew why wouldyou eat a dirty ass instead of a clean one?

No. 162056

Because they didn't. Its likely it was from some random closed reddit group or grabbed from 4chan.

No. 162057

This is a video screenshot. Def lifted from OF or reddit.

No. 162151

sounds like you showed your pussy on lolcow and are trying throw people off now

No. 162205

Kek right I still cannot fucking believe someone would do that. Damaged behavior.

File: 1680312256882.gif (1.68 MB, 291x291, tumblr_p71ngbffT41wkuxmho4_400…)

No. 39879[Reply]

You know what to do. I know Fupa has a fan club, don't be shy now.
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No. 157832

Nah, she is kind of cute.
She defintely carries her weight a million times better tham shay for sure. The only thing they have in commom is their lifestyle and sense of fashion.

No. 157847

She's cute to me as well, but has the same crusty lips as shay, BUT she's easily the prettiest one in the shoots she'd been in with shay & the gang.
I even think the girl shayna was calling her bestie was nice looking for a older woman. I also think the gross old ladies keep themselves up and have sex appeal. More so then the woman at strict more

No. 158416

File: 1680618118622.jpeg (168.99 KB, 1170x1367, F66E8A0B-07C0-4617-B04F-8EF4BF…)

The only decent looking moid she’s interacted with imo

No. 160449

Confessing this is probably my darkest moment but I think Baldi’s Gaysics could have been hot if you lasered off his tattoos, soaked his fingers in acetone, and put a bag over his face so his horrid facial expressions couldn’t be seen. I like hairy bald guys which is a shame because most of them, this guy included, are aggressively gay…

No. 161758

I’ve always thought her dad was pretty handsome …

File: 1680713904233.png (132.42 KB, 265x275, BCC8EF85-329E-4B15-A660-A99434…)

No. 158597[Reply]

Remember this lady
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No. 158650

God fucking damn it no matter how frequently I see this full blown Hellraiser-esque image it always nauseates me. Always.

No. 158657

File: 1680730274845.jpeg (330.09 KB, 1079x1488, 0291EAAC-D42E-4187-B77B-FB60D1…)

She liked this picture, it looks like a thread pic that anons would have made in Shaynus’s early days

No. 158703

File: 1680756766240.jpeg (27.53 KB, 667x373, 307473B3-A085-4856-B9A2-17C092…)

KEK this cow makes then weirdest faces. Screenshot from one of her videos

No. 160415

File: 1680803277260.jpeg (211.62 KB, 1471x2221, 6B606E47-176A-4002-8B6A-B3CA97…)

That anon’s comment KEK

No. 163142

which thread is this from kek?

File: 1680226584468.jpg (50.81 KB, 612x408, Shaybutter.jpg)

No. 157542[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1790716

Shayna Leigh Clifford; 25 year old failing prostitute, porn sick degenerate, drug addict and alcoholic who spends her days posting free pictures of her hemorrhoid filled anus on twitter while begging for rent. Rejects her parents help to get an education and normal job. Hurts animals on purpose and panders to pedos by filming porn dressed as a child. Recently moved to Seattle after wasting years on an ex too ashamed to admit they were dating her and is currently looking her new Fupa 2.0.


REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blog posting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whores thread. Shut the fuck up about her necrotit and take it to the shaynatorium

Summary of Last Thread:

>>1790725 Shayna shames a moid for wanting her to say she was underage and seems shocked her pedopandering attracted these types of people
>>1790735 Shayna self reflects on how she is a loser
>>1790744 Shayna releases a new video "Sucking and Fucking 7 Fantasy Cocks"
>>1790757 Shayna releases a new video "Cheating on my Fiance w/ his Dad"
>>1790763, >>1796888 Shayna has multiple problems with her vagina
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No. 158760

File: 1680798860348.jpeg (Spoiler Image,266.3 KB, 2047x1365, DCAD53F2-87FF-4860-8D6D-B60812…)

She is so damn ugly

No. 158761

File: 1680799577663.png (1.84 MB, 2295x2528, Untitled.png)

i saw this picture (the unedited one) and i badly edited it, if any more talented Nonas wanna make a wack at it they can. (maybe we should do a "Shay request" thread on some shit

No. 158762

File: 1680799765823.jpg (12.89 KB, 201x251, images.jpg)

OG art for shayheads interested

No. 158763

I guess she will now do bowsette porn.

No. 158764

File: 1680673611483.png (149.86 KB, 613x590, Capture.PNG)

No. 158541[Reply]

In this thread, you ask "What if?"

>What do you think would happen?

>How long would it happen?
>Would it change the Shayverse forever?
>Would the milk be fresh or spoiled?
What if?!!

No. 158544

My what if is
>What if Nona never cowtipped to Fupaul's wife?
I wonder if Fupaul was planning on marrying Shayna, so he "Soft launched" Shayna to his wife. I wasn't around during the event and my brain is foggy at the moment about the exact details.
However, if it went how I felt it went, do you think that Shayna and Fupaul would've gotten married like a year later?
Fupaul does seem like he marries "quickly" he did so after Shay. Would they have married and the relationship played out the same way, except she'd mention his kids on twitter.
Then an farmer/shit starter would've been like
>Oh hell no, he has kids and he likes DDLG shit and fucking shayna with pacifers/teddy bears? I'm telling
Then the ex would've found out but because she met Shayna, she'd approched Shayna. Maybe it'd been a one sided "Beef" on tumblr/twitter where Shayna subbed the ex wife.

She'd acted like she was victim, accuse the ex of "Slut shaming/kink shaming" then Fupauls wife would've cut all access to the kids. Then Fupaul would've took her to court, where all the dirty details of his relationship was revealed.
But because Shayna isn't "Harming" the kids or some shit, they'd just agreed for Shayna not to post about the wife or kids in ANYWAY Online ever or something.
IDK, I still think they'd ended but it'd been a lot more drama but more interesting then,
>Shay and Fupa badly pretend not to be togeather
I also feel like Fupaul was never in danger of loosing access to his kids. I feel like he was never an active dad as he should've been, and the wife may have said that, but Fupaul was just embrassed/scared that someone reached out to his ex.
He was embrassed of what he did with Shay reaching "normie" eyes that mattered. I don't think he gave a shit if his kids may see that shit one day. I don't know im drunk

No. 162255

My what if is:
Her and fupa still being together. Would he crack and do adult baby porn with her? Support the strictmoor and adult baby shit? Be okay with her doing porn with other moids? Let her get this fucking fat?

And one last fupa what if: he released that video of her freaking out she took? Showing us the really dolly Mattel? I am so disappointed he didn’t.

File: 1680363790663.png (283.17 KB, 750x1334, image_2023-04-01_164202604.png)

No. 157718[Reply]

I have the utmost respect for this floppy soldier. Let's salute her, and post our favourite pictures of her and ignore that fake-ass implant bitch
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No. 157876

File: 1680403105526.jpg (Spoiler Image,158.63 KB, 1206x1658, w_null_sspsbprnw0681.jpg)

No. 157896

File: 1680431040252.png (Spoiler Image,827.77 KB, 1426x792, pedo consequences.png)

WARNING this one is so bad you will almost feel sad for her. my retarded screesnshot from a year ago.

No. 157911

I can’t blame it from trying to run away from her

No. 157916

with her fat fold for a bellybutton it looks so much like a melting smiley kek

No. 158171

File: 1680493311987.png (Spoiler Image,75.32 KB, 386x455, 1680491089798.png)

File: 1679164955169.jpeg (118.16 KB, 994x1410, 1679162492095.jpeg)

No. 154518[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1781399

Shayna Leigh Clifford; 25 year old failing prostitute, porn sick degenerate, drug addict and alcoholic who spends her days posting free pictures of her hemorrhoid filled anus on twitter while begging for rent. Rejects her parents help to get an education and normal job. Hurts animals on purpose and panders to pedos by filming porn dressed as a child. Recently moved to Seattle after wasting years on an ex too ashamed to admit they were dating her and is currently looking her new Fupa 2.0.


REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blog posting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whores thread. Shut the fuck up about her necrotit and take it to the shaynatorium

Summary of Last Thread:

>>1777090 has an unimpressive cam session where she's fatter and more miserable than ever
>>1777176 attempts to win Jason Womack back who has presumably left her for a more enticing camwhore
>>1777294 comes up with non-stop excuses at to why she doesn't cam
>>1777367 bans one of her coomers for asking how she got so fat
>>1777351 claims she has cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome(CHS) on stream
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1193 posts and 299 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 157537

Yes, very Shayspicious.

No. 157538

Yes, very Shayspicious.

No. 157539

I just hope she doesn’t wear weird shit at the gym, I’m sure she will but whatever. The hog will give up after not being able to smoke weed or drink alcohol while working out, actually, could she even go to the gym while drunk, hungover or high?

No. 157540

File: 1680152779244.jpeg (123.25 KB, 1024x848, 189CB3D6-D57F-4EDA-AFE2-F65451…)

Shaynus whenever she pays for basic ass shit like uber or a gym membership:

No. 157541

it's because that old guy she just fucked is into working out, she's so empty inside

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