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No. 941319

Lillee Jean is a physically and emotionally stunted unwashed "beauty guru" turned "actress" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on
her suspended Twitter, and 22k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.
Lillee is best known for abusing copyright strikes to silence her many critics. LJ and her momager, Laur Trueman, have been on a multi-year "anti-bullying" rampage where they ruthlessly mock other people for their age, looks, socioeconomic status, and more, all for the crime of questioning Lillee.
Many dedicated Lillee critics have created callout videos and posts to expose her racist, dishonest, and absurd behaviour. However, Lillee and Laur remain convinced that this is all a conspiracy organized by one person out to get her.

>Extremely stunted social development due to being removed from school around 13-14 years old. Does not appear to have a single friend IRL besides her helicopter mom.
>Is now 23 years old but legitimately plays with dolls
>Speaks and writes in "attic pidgin", our affectionate name for her limited grasp of the English language (her only language)
>Claims to have a totally real, not-made-up boyfriend who is both a French diplomat and also a family friend since childhood. "Phillipe" (an incorrect spelling of the French name) seems to hop across continents, being either local or foreign depending on Lillee's convenience. Conflicting details about when they met suggest an inappropriate age gap (with a 23-year-old Pheepy asking out a 14-year-old Lillee). Her alleged boyfriend has no internet presence of his own, and has never been shown by Lillee, despite oversharing every other aspect of her life. As of Feb 2024, she claims she is single with absolutely no mention of Pheepy.
>Uses her "Jewish identity" to deflect all criticism as anti-Semitic, despite not practicing the Jewish religion OR having any clear Jewish lineage
>Constantly exaggerating her status in the beauty community with fake PR
>Got caught running her own fan pages, many of which were racist caricatures of minorities. This included (alleged) POC claiming to hate their own dark skin and wishing to be pale like Lillee.
>Once posted a photoshopped image of herself over Katy Perry's body, claiming to have attended the Met Gala. Later backtracked and tried to pass it off as a fan-edited image.
>Went to the Bite Beauty Lip Lab, created a custom lipstick colour (the point of their business, which anyone can do) and advertised it as an official collab, claiming that her fans could ask for "the Lillee Jean collection" in all Bite stores. Bite Beauty formally asked her to stop making this false claim.
>Lillee participated in a public Covergirl ad campaign where anyone could submit selfies to be displayed on a scrolling billboard in Times Square. Lillee waited through hundreds of submissions to catch a photo of herself on the billboard, then posted it as though it were a collab where she exclusively modelled for Covergirl.
>Consistently copyright strikes every single thing said about her on the internet. As of May/June 2024, YouTube has been tuned into their copyright strike abuse and stated they will monitor to see any new ones that come in.

MAIN ACCOUNTS AS OF 2024 (Updated June 2024):

https://www.twitter.com/reallilleejean (Suspended)
https://www.youtube.com/@lilleejeanne (New account, old one is still active)
https://teespring.com/stores/lillee-jean?aid=marketplace (removed)


https://www.twitter.com/InevitableLrt (Suspended)
https://www.twitter.com/JeaniezInc (Suspended)
https://twitter.com/iamlaur67 (Suspended)
https://www.instagram.com/jeaniezmanagement (Suspended)

https://twitter.com/lilleeinc (Suspended)
https://twitter.com/lilleejeanbeauty (Suspended)
https://twitter.com/lilleejeanbeaute (Suspended)

1. >>>/snow/833840
2. >>>/snow/847048
3. >>698862
4. >>707075
5. >>718259
6. >>724333
7. >>736259
8. >>754981
9. >>767645
10. >>773135
11. >>777937
12. >>784721
13. >>794372
14. >>802142
15. >>811813
16. >>820665
17. >>825857
18. >>833714
19. >>838519
20. >>844274
21. >>853090
22. >>857281
23. >>862009
24. >>871230
25. >>878034
26. >>888656
27. >>917506
28. >>928152
29. >>935962

>>936719 >>936843 Lillee shows off her "certificate of appreciation" from a pay-to-win film festival
>>937373 >>937385 >>937411 Bullyish is submitted as a documentary to a pay-to-win Nepali organization
>>937405 Lillee says that being a woman who has done accomplishments such as creating stories is what makes her proud of her work
>>937622 >>937623 More pictures of Lillee taken by a bush on the side of a road
>>937881 >>937882 >>937959 >>937960 Lillee starts up another project called Our Private Lives with Carlos Miguel after their "success" with Macbeth is the Language
>>937966 >>937967 >>938201 Lillee flirts with Carlos
>>938058 >>938061 A suspicious Lillee "hate page" drops
>>938137 >>938138 Someone gives some critique related to the audio and video quality of one of her videos and Lillee and Carlos block them
>>Lillee uploads her Our Private Lives clip with poor audio on Carlos' end and poor acting overall from the two of them
>>938256 >>938287 >>938319 >>938347 >938353 Carlos retires from acting and denounces Lillee after the rose-colored tinted glasses he had on with Lillee come off and Lillee scrubs any mention of Carlos from her channel
>>938651 Lille posts new pictures along with a new article on "increasing women's engagement in leadership and management" even though she has never held a job or done group work
>>938777 Lillee announces Bullyish is now available to the public
>>938789 In Bullyish the proof that they show of "identity theft" and "harassment" is just spam emails and people trolling her
>>938893 >>939067 >>939069 >>939071 Laur is unable to attend her court with the landlord due to attending a court case related to temporary restraining orders out of state that she wants to give
>>939261 In the documentary Lillee claims that she is being terrorized by packages she did not order, bottles under tires, moaning glitter birthday cards, hiking clothing and eyelashes. Says that the high priestess of the "cult" is the mastermind behind the recent callout videos and threats to kill her
>>939374 >>939215 >>939216 >>939471 >>939487 Most posts of the two going to the police and random pictures to promote Bullyish
>>939454 Lillee says that there's so much hate now because there is no "communication" and that people pretend to be activists to be mean
>>939261 The "leader" of the clone cult has been identified as a woman with degrees and claims there is an open investigation
>>939490 >>939511 Attempts at trying to pander to Adah Lazorgan
>>939522 >>939509 Despite claiming that she is a famous award winning actress Lillee says that she's "a girl who has not made it yet"
>>939729 Notes on Bullyish
>>939931 >>939932 Laur's parents testified in defense of the robbers that shot and killed their daughter and Laur accuses her sister of perjury
>>939979 >>939981 Primink uploads a video; the Wikitubia entry for Lillee Jean that was deleted was permanently locked, believed that one of the 2 bribed someone to keep it that way
>>940014 >>940020 >>940023 >>940024 >>940025 >>940026 >>940030 >>940033 >>940034 >>940035 Laur comandeers Lillee's account and goes on a franzia freakout
>>940078 >>940081 A french youtuber that made a video on Lillee gets doxxed
>>940112 Doxxing once more someone from Minnesota and Europe
>>940187 >>940479 Curtis Price's parents' businesses get mentioned
>>940283 >>940290 >>940423 more screenshots to promote the Bullyish narrative
>>940424 Laur thinks that KiwiFarms was made solely to target Lillee Jean
>>940496 Lillee has done the most amazing feat of uploading 2.9K gifs of herself to Giphy
>>940601 Curtis talks about his family being doxxed in new Lillee video
>>940624 >>940625 >>940635 >>940797 Cleore is doxxed again and so is Curtis' father
>>940656 Laur ordered that egg cooker, it was not sent to her as a threat like she and Lillee previously claimed
>>940680 Despite claiming that they do not have enough money to pay the landlord months in back rent, it turns out Lillee has a net worth of 1.5 million
>>940798 Cleore posts a update on her doxxing situation
>>940757 >>940830 An attempt is made to shoehorn Lillee into getting a Wikipedia entry
>>940835 Lillee posts a video from one of her projects of her pretending to be chased by cops
>>940879 >>940884 >>940897 >>940950 >>940952 For the first time in a while Lillee goes on IG live and rants about the evil witch boolies from the cult
>>941064 >>941063 Laur goes lurking in a discord server and gets caught
>>941065 >>941068 >>941071 >>941110 An AI generated nude of Lillee gets uploaded to a twitter account that is left up for for over a week before the account gets taken down
>>941201 >>941202 Lillee announces that she will be on a showcase with an old engagement pod person
>>941247 >>941248 >>941249 Lillee talks about the AI generated porn of her and says that it has been sent to the detective that is involved in the case she opened

No. 941321

Laur definitely has to be behind it. She has a history of posting weird sexualised pictures of her daughter going back to when she was a minor, and I don't think some crazy stan of a YouTuber that made a video on her would use a body that actually looks good. A real hater would have used a body more like LJ's own fat, dumpy, midget fridge of a figure. Plus the bad ctrl+p of LJ's head on someone else's body seems boomerish.

No. 941322

the nona posting in weird English said she did it to show what happened to her - but if the police are working on it why would that be necessary? Let the police do their jobs. You yelling at the void does nothing.

No. 941323

File: 1724628418436.jpg (109.58 KB, 896x531, ftc.jpg)


The FTC has passed new legislation earlier this month that makes it illegal to buy fake followers and fake engagement online. Looks like Lillee Jean Beauty LLC might be getting a knock on the door soon to ask questions about her million fake Instagram followers.

No. 941324

Does this apply to her Youtube views and comments? She's done that since 8/14.

No. 941325


Definitely applies to Youtube.

If you have a complaint, report it at ReportFraud.ftc.gov.(cowtipping)

No. 941326

You can file under the topic of "other" - no problem. Takes less than 20 seconds total.(cowtipping)

No. 941329

She’s not making any money so reporting her is useless.

No. 941335

I’m also in the “laur generated the pic of lillee” camp. If it was genuinely made by someone else they would have reported it and gotten it taken down immediately like anons where able to. Not to mention the body being comically better then lillees own dumpy lil midget body. She wishes her waste was that defined lol, but she just looks more like laur every year.

No. 941339


The screencap in the other thread also shows that the picture was tweeted toward Reno, an Australian Youtuber who had covered Lillee several years ago and was later doxxed by the Truemans (this is definitely documented in earlier threads if anyone’s curious). Reno hasn’t spoken about the Truemans in years, but they continue harboring grudges toward people from that era of their cowhood like Dees and Tatiana. Makes it seem more likely that it’s Laur trying to stir the pot and get attention from the old callouts so that she can pin blame on them.

No. 941340

nta but the only person lillee is a victim of is her own mother. period.

No. 941345

this is the first time i’ve posted in this thread kek hi cow

No. 941347

get a job(derail)

No. 941350

>someone did a AI rape non consent on Lillee Jean

a what? did you hit your head?

No. 941351

File: 1724640604687.png (625.96 KB, 911x576, 1000014423.png)

Lillee and Laur are no strangers to putting Lillee's face on other bodies

No. 941352

Two words:


No. 941353

File: 1724640877100.png (865.19 KB, 932x596, IMG_0015.png)

don’t forget met gala 2019

No. 941354

File: 1724641023505.jpg (30.14 KB, 187x623, Screenshot 2024-08-25 225618.j…)

I mean, c'mon. This is nearly there.

No. 941358

>someone did a AI rape non consent on Lillee Jean

If you're so sure Laur didn't do it - why would you not wait for the police to investigate before coming here and screaming at people who didn't do it. If we don't know who did it either, but we know it wasn't ourselves, can you see why that's kinda hard to take?

No. 941360

I wonder if she needed this to somehow manipulate her eviction hearing. The landlord/tenant judge won't know anything about AI deepfake bs.

No. 941361

She'll wave her screenshot with the pink or red lines around in court and cry that they can't move, it's not safe.

No. 941363

Laur. Show us the metadata.

right-click the image.
Select 'Properties', and a small new window will open.
Click the 'Details' tab at the top of the popup window.
Scroll down to the metadata.

No. 941364

>damn i hadn’t even thought of that. i wouldn’t put it past laur the scammer.

Occam's Razor, this makes the most sense. Explains why Laur left it up for 10 days, too.

No. 941365

OK so Laur you can settle it by simply posting the metadata.

My two cents? I say we don't discuss this anymore until Laur posts the metadata.

No. 941366

Lillee could barely contain the triumphant I-told-you-so tone in her voice while recording those car videos for her stories, and Elaine always comes to the threads here to concern troll about how LIlLee iS a rETarD bUT a vICtiM tOO whenever she's running gayops. She does the same exact shit whith other cows, posting shit like cp on discord or to their threads and then pretending it was actually farmers who have "gone too far" and the only solution is to lock or delete the thread.

The goblins and their pet cokehead are definitely behind the fake nudes, I am totally convinced.

No. 941367

please go back to discord and stop arguing with cows in their threads

No. 941369

I'd LOVE to join a discord - link pleeeeease

No. 941373

it’s actually insane that instead of getting a job like a normal mother, she’s sitting around chugging franzia and photoshopping porn of her own daughter. and lillee will blame her inability and unwillingness to get a job herself on the “dark websites” and “ai porn” when it’s actually her mom’s fault for halting her education in middle school and then ruining her name and reputation online.

No. 941376

Metadata is wiped when you post a pic on Twitter

No. 941378

File: 1724644811192.jpg (Spoiler Image,227.73 KB, 1023x1610, Britbongery.jpg)

No. 941379

File: 1724644855655.png (2.09 MB, 944x1729, lilleejean Watch Instagram st…)

Lillee clean your nails

No. 941380

File: 1724644905535.png (4.39 MB, 1076x1904, lilleejean Watch Instagram st…)

Random intersection from Lillee’s ig stories

No. 941382

Is Lillee moving to the Bronx?

No. 941383

she looks like kevin from the office

No. 941390

kek she looks like kevin and meredith had a baby

No. 941396

File: 1724663897747.mp4 (7.51 MB, 720x1280, Instastory.mp4)

From Lillee's insta stories. What does she mean with searches on March about Lillee Jean kidnapping and Lillee Jean nudes? Google search?

No. 941398

>searches in March of Lillee Jean kidnapping
Girl go outside and touch grass, stop trying to micro manage the internet.

No. 941399

It's sad that Laur would stoop this low to sabotage her daughter. By doctoring this whole thing, a quick Google search of Lj porn/nudes is going to direct to all of this. If she ever tries to get an actual adult job, this will show on her search history and any potential employers will see how retarded this family is. Way to go Laur, mother of the year!

No. 941400

If someone was planning to kidnap LJ why would they google it first? I don't understand. Like "How to kidnap Lillee Jean"?

No. 941401

File: 1724668964760.png (695.41 KB, 1051x1400, kiwilady.png)

>A real hater would have used a body more like LJ's own fat, dumpy, midget fridge of a figure.
That's correct. Here's one AI generated image made by a hater. It's from kiwifarms.

No. 941402

LJ's fantasy world is so funny to me because all I can think is like, she must be so entertained by this always. Imagine living in a world where everyone is obsessed with you always and you have cults trying to abduct you for being a famous actress, but like you're just a midget from NY.

No. 941405

She scammed a lot of brands into PR.
She's still scamming people in her engagement pod.

No. 941406

Right? You would google "lillee jean kidnapping" if you're trying to find news articles on the subject. Not if you're trying to do it. They are truly so profoundly retarded they can't make up a single convincing lie

No. 941408

I've always assumed a big part of the "scam" was that Laur would sell the PR products they received on FB marketplace or something.

No. 941409

How do they even know what people are searching for?

No. 941410

Google Trends tells what people are searching for, in real time.

No. 941411

OMG No one would ever want to kidnap this woman - there's no ransom money in it, but even more importantly Lillee would never shut up with her attic nonsense about how the first millennium was in the 1920s, mosquitos are demons and no one in New York eats duck.

Dear god she'd be a NIGHTMARE, lol

No. 941414

she showed the screen shot, you’d have to search a lot to get that; so you’re saying it’s okay to search to kidnap her?

No. 941418

File: 1724678609125.jpeg (326.64 KB, 1080x1920, Bullyish.jpeg)

>she showed the screen shot, you’d have to search a lot to get that; so you’re saying it’s okay to search to kidnap her?
This is an image board. Could you kindly provide the screen shot you are referring to? Is it this one?

No. 941421

File: 1724679227916.png (168.52 KB, 1179x1351, Google.png)

Nonnas please let me know if I’m retarded and not looking properly

No. 941422

Well looky there, she's really getting a lot of mileage out of the nude shot she made!

No. 941424

Laur's been busy making fake attacks on herself this week. She thinks it'll prevent her eviction.

But what if the lawyer already reads lolcow and has seen Primink. What if they've been reading it for weeks. Just a what if.

No. 941425

Hi lawyer, if you're here I'm sorry you have to deal with these two

No. 941426

Yeah nona this is where you're supposed to look. To no one's surprise, they made something up without understanding what they're even talking about, again!

No. 941427

File: 1724680347871.mp4 (7.76 MB, 720x1280, DiamondLive1.mp4)

Lillee posted two videos from the live she had with an old engagement pod person.

No. 941428

File: 1724680407919.mp4 (7.95 MB, 720x1280, DiamondLive2.mp4)

No. 941429

She did not post any screetshots of the searches, what are you talking about? And googling "lillee jean kidnapping" (which no one is even doing except maybe the goblins themselves) does not harm her in any way whatsoever. It's not even what you would search if you were actively planning to kidnap someone, as was explained above

No. 941431

Does she think that people google "kidnapping lillee jean" to somehow find a wikihow article on how to kidnap her? She's getting more unhinged by the day…

No. 941433

Ah remember Laur's old Muslim character who liked Lillee's videos but wasn't so sure about being Muslim? She's back!

"Free, me, a MINOR" is as good as leaving your greasy fingerprints all over this.

Laur you're a racist asshole. You should be ashamed of yourself.

No. 941434

As if any Muslim would pray to Allah for a bad beauty youtuber to off themselves. Only from the mind of Laur. Wow that's a dark place.

No. 941438

Where did she show the screenshot? Can you post it again or link to thr post?

No. 941442

>so you’re saying it’s okay to search to kidnap her?

Laur at least TRY to blend in, and quit with your weird psychotic questions. What's up with your English lately - you used to put a sentence together at a high school level anyway, and now you're virtually illiterate. What's happening to you?

No. 941443

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This is sad.

No. 941446

Her eyes look terrifying in the before picture, but she otherwise looked like a normal teenage girl.
Now she's in her early twenties, should be going out and dressing nice like most girls do when they're old enough to dress the way they want and wear makeup without their parents interfering or having to rely on pocket money to buy what they want, but instead she looks dead-eyed, old, and frumpy. Even when she does try to dress up nice it never looks like what a 23 year old would wear. Her "nice" outfits look like what a 60 year old on a cruise would wear.

No. 941452

Laur got her little girl back. Lillie was too close to independence back then.

And when people say Laur is the ring master abusing Lillie people foam at the mouth to talk about how lillie is also a willing participant. I can't imagine having a mom who'd Photoshop my face onto a naked woman's body to prove a point for the Internet. Laur would throw Lillie out of a window and claim boolies caused her to try and commit suicide. Lillie aint the greatest person herself but with a mother like that who even needs enemies?

No. 941455

She looks dead inside - even if she doesn't understand or comprehend what's been done to her, she still must have a broken heart inside. Not one young woman on this earth would want her life. I still have hope for her but it fades with every move Laur makes.

No. 941462

Lillee reminds me of Venus, except Venus actually had her 15 minutes of fame and left when she was 18. I don't know if Lillee has the life skills to live alone

No. 941463

File: 1724691952383.png (781.56 KB, 1176x1080, LaurNamath.png)

And how old is Laur? She thinks she is a lot younger. It's almost like you forget you're aging when you stop interacting with real people in your age group.

No. 941464

She was born in 1967. She actually always tries to make herself OLDER, not younger, imho

No. 941465

Why is she online answering questions about vintage athletes when she needs to find a place to live.

No. 941468

File: 1724693587778.jpg (34.05 KB, 381x412, househunting.jpg)

OMGOSH She's on X at the moment earnestly househunting.

No. 941470

OMGOSH is my new favorite word!!

Laur is a treasure trove, you gotta admit sometimes.

No. 941473

Out of touch boomers are funny its true - like how can you be so dumb, how did you live so long being dumb.

No. 941496

Yeah, ever since people realized how young she was when she married her crypt keeper husband diamond earl the j'pedo see Lillie you're not the only french person here she's been trying to age herself up. She shouldn't worry about that at this point considering her and Earl both look like they've got a foot in the grave but she hates it when you point out how nasty the age gap between them is.

Yeah, Margo used to (out of pure laziness) make Venus do all of the housework and earn money for them to survive while Laur goes out of her way to infantalise Lillie to the point where I'm not even sure if she has her own bank account or knows how to use the train on her own. Sometimes its hard for me to decide who's the worst mom, Margo or Laur? They're both piss poor parents who fucked up their only daughters beyond repair. Venus and Lillie both probably would have been better off as boys, its harder for narcissistic moms to project as much on sons because the dad usually takes slightly more interest in him/ the pickme programming overrides the narcissistic tendencies of mommy.

No. 941527

File: 1724717889614.png (2.89 MB, 1045x1801, lilleejean Watch Instagram st…)

No. 941533

I know this is shooped to hell but Lillee looked like she had fun and truly experimented with makeup as teens do, her hair looked washed (although fried), and she just looked better groomed. Cleaner. She looked like she was still "there" in the eyes.

No. 941537

File: 1724743275913.mp4 (1.9 MB, 1080x1920, Jarring.mp4)

She wasn't kidding. This is terrible. Why would anyone want to watch this?

No. 941538

I hate this sickly sweet voice she puts on. It's like glassshards in my ears. I'm glad she does it less and less in the new videos.

No. 941545

The irony here is that she is the one who doxxed Primink on his Wikitubia page and it caused hers to be deleted by the mods.

No. 941551

File: 1724765533035.jpg (83.47 KB, 832x856, meow.jpg)

Oh Laur.

No. 941552

She had MEOW for breakfast?

According to Laur's Linkedin she is LJ's "Manger" lol and she is the CFO.

How can you be a CFO when there are no employees and no income? It's just your kid. You buy her mac & cheese.

No. 941553

Didn't Laur used to have an email like LilleeJeanMgnt - like for real she didn't know how to abbreviate management

No. 941559

Nic DeOrio has entered the arena (again). How long until Laur thinks he runs kiwifarms?

No. 941562

Kind of funny how Lillee never works with other women …

No. 941568

She's too pretty and talented and amazing to share the screen with a woman.

No. 941570

I can't download as I don't have Youtube Premium but the new video by Lauren Neidigh. This is her 2nd on Lillee. She's a psychiatric evaluator that works in an ER. This is a super good recap plus her review of Bullyish.


No. 941571

takes two seconds to google "download youtube video" and find a site that does it for free. there are plenty. also learn to sage.

No. 941572

Thank you for not banning my noob-ness. Lesson learned.

No. 941573

You don't have to download the video, just paste the link where it says "video".

No. 941574


No. 941575

I wonder if Laur realises that when she reports youtube videos for having titles she doesn't like to the cops that the cops might actually watch them and see that they are full of actual evidence of how shitty of a human being she is and how she is the one harassing those creators.

No. 941576

Favorite line from Lauren's video- "Lillee Jean, I'm gonna need you to stop saying Black Web Site."

No. 941577

File: 1724782855280.jpg (246.97 KB, 1280x1920, ea80ef_dbafa51216724f378da9b03…)

lillee stop sucking in your cheeks

No. 941578

File: 1724782927403.jpg (819.57 KB, 1280x1920, ea80ef_4eb3e2df28b74c6a95ff259…)

No. 941579

File: 1724782993261.jpg (1.34 MB, 1280x1920, ea80ef_e07e06fda49e4506ab72221…)

No. 941580

Good god, how many times have wee seen this outfit, these poses, that white paper background, and Laur's shitty photography. BORING. GO FIND A HOUSE.

No. 941581

File: 1724783545916.jpg (248.34 KB, 1280x1920, ea80ef_84dc832bd1ec4c73b464925…)

i've never seen someone hit the wall so hard in their early 20s

No. 941582

So many things she could be doing to make a little money today but no, let's have a pretend photoshoot in our unpaid rental.

No. 941583

For the longest time she tried to take kiwifarms and lolcow down because her threads on there have evidence of all her crazy behaviour and crimes over the years and she tried to cover them up. And now she is just telling the cops where to find all the evidence of her own crimes, scams and bullying and that is just fucking hilarious to me.

No. 941584

Lillee's love interest in her new film is like a poor man's Andy Samberg whose acting skills are on par with Lillee's

No. 941585

Getting harder to suck in those cheeks, huh Lilz?
They fuck the lighting and color correction to hell but she's so pale that she looks pink, literally the color of a pig.

No. 941590

Aside from everything else wrong with this image, what an absolutely horrendous shoe choice. It looks like she has literal piggie trotters, do they even look at the photos before posting them?

No. 941593

Laur either doesn't care or refuses to acknowledge that her daughter has wide feet so she just buys her regular width shoes that squeeze them in like sausages about to burst out of their casing.
For LJ's feet she needs wide fit shoes. She also seems to have Roman feet so pointy toe heels would be really bad for her feet. Instead she needs shoes with round or almond tips as they would have more room for her toes rather than squashing them in. Preferably with a low vamp as they would give the illusion of her feet being narrower and her stubby legs being longer.

No. 941598

there is no way the NYPD is watching the shit she links them. they have actual things to deal with

No. 941602

Uhh has that mole on her leg changed? She should get that checked out

No. 941604

File: 1724797723007.jpg (16.33 KB, 600x600, e9d.jpg)


No. 941610

it’s actually insane how similar laur and margaret palermo are >>939201. two old grifters squatting and using their daughters for “fame” instead of ever getting a real job and actually parenting their teenagers. the only difference is that venus actually had a modicum of e-fame at some point for margaret to “manage.” she is apparently in new york now too. i wish they’d get in touch with each other!

No. 941612

Because her mother is clearly the one who buys her clothes. No 23 year old is dressing in J-crew business casual outfits, wedge flip flops from 2004 and dresses meant for middle aged woman going on cruises to celebrate their retirements of their own accord.
Lillee is very infantilised, Mommy absolutely comes on all her shopping trips and picks the clothes for her

No. 941616

What on earth do furries have to do with shoes?

No. 941617

Are you laur? Or are you mad that they are calling out her obvious boomer fashion? Its fine if you are in your 50's and dress like lilee. No one cares. But the way she dresses speaks volumes on her socialization and reach to the outside. She has no female friends her age. She sadly thinks her mom is her friend when in reality she is and has always been her biggest saboteur. It used to be more sad before lilee started to act more like laur.

No. 941618

>What on earth do furries have to do with shoes?

To the person who keeps asking weird-ass questions, either you're Laur or you're challenged in some other way. Either way, stop asking dumb questions.

No. 941621

>how would you dress her?

I'd let her learn what to wear from her friends and what she sees on campus or out at night.

THe fact that someone would ask that question is really creepy.

No. 941625

Tell us you're Laur without telling us you're Laur.

No. 941626

Laur seriously??? Jannies need to perma ban your fucking IP… we know those are neither lilees or laurs friends. These people dont have friends and only connect for their fucking actress larping bullshit.

No. 941627

All these are you laur. We arent as dumb as you. No one white knights lilee but laur. Please just get out of here. No one is trying to kidnap your frumpy ugly daughter dude. Get a job and an apartment and get off the internet. Youre too old to not have a house and you will leave lilee in ruin when you die. You dont even care. Dont even love your daughter enough to get your life together.

No. 941629


Go touch grass fucking boomer.

No. 941630

File: 1724806074127.jpg (1.32 MB, 1091x1899, Licorice.jpg)

Lillee’s cryptic stories kek

No. 941631

File: 1724806155955.jpg (568.57 KB, 1094x1921, NH.jpg)

Is she in New Hampshire?

No. 941632

What's up with Lillee's photos of rocks and boring shit, all out of focus. I mean she's like a 1st grader.

No. 941635

File: 1724808044891.jpg (40.75 KB, 327x513, pizza.jpg)

Eat some more carbs!

No. 941636

The way she keeps asking such dumb questions like has she had a head injury? I lowkey think something is going on thats medical. I mean I don't wish that on anyone.

No. 941638

I can almost hear her gurgling goose honk voice asking these stupid ass questions KEK. It's Franzia, not a head injury.

No. 941641

Ayrt and I am not Laur or whoever is asking all these questions (probably Laur)
Why am I catching strays for replying to someone who replied to my post about shoes with some weird irrelevant shit about furries

No. 941642

File: 1724810579263.jpg (16.76 KB, 665x726, 1715225503004762.jpg)

Tourist to this thread not the mom but I kinda like the outfit? Idk it's not that bad plus granny clothing can look cute

No. 941648

It's not her worst outfit for sure. But why are they playing "I'm a M0deL" when they need to find a home and move.

No. 941650

>nothing shows her mom acting like you say this year. put up from 2024 only, evidence.

Oh I don't know, doxing Curtis, Cleore, Primink and others? Doxing and threatening lawsuits on Steven Asarch and Passionfruit, buying fake "awards" and making Lillee film ridiculous acceptance speeches, coming on lolcow and calling Belgians "fucking frogs"? Just top of my head stuff, sure there's more. All 2024.

No. 941658

i came too late to see the deleted posts but the attic pidgen is sending me

No. 941659

I love that Laur never changes, never learns from her mistakes,
never realizes that she's the architect of her own misfortune. She's like a cartoon character stepping on a rake and busting herself in the face over and over.

No. 941660

And she committed wire fraud just last week by buying fake engagement on her IG live, that's actually a federal crime since Aug 14th.

No. 941661

Technically not 2024, but in December 2023 she full doxxed a couple people including their families and workplaces on doxbin, you know, an actual "black site" .

No. 941662

Ah yes, intimidation tactics against the person you are filing a TRO against because you are so so scared of them. This tells you everything about what they are really doing kek.

No. 941663

Hold up. Laur posts on doxbin now? I thought her little friend from Britain did that for her.

No. 941664

There is information in the doxbin that only Laur could have known, so even if she didn't post it herself, she at least instructed somebody to do it and provided the information.

No. 941665

File: 1724840805280.jpeg (80.09 KB, 640x1136, LilleeJeanKidnapping.jpeg)

Lillee finally included the totally authentic screenshot "lillee jean kidnapped" from Google Trends in her latest Pepe Silvia tier Insta story.
I love how she censored the whole fake porn image this time. I guess she got tired of farmers pointing out her body looks nothing like that.

No. 941667

I think Lillee forgot that she is the one who at one point told her many underage followers that it is perfectly ok for 14 year olds to date 20 year olds. Actually makes perfect sense that people want her of the internet kek.

No. 941669

Maybe there was a kidnapping case involving someone with a similar name around that time? This is psychotic levels of paranoia.

No. 941670


No. 941671

Not to split hairs but when Lille was 14, Phillippe was 23. Fresh out of college with only a Bachelors, he was already hired as a French diplomat. Which still doesn't explain why a French diplomat would be living in Queens. But as Lillee said, "I need to be tended to. Sexually."


No. 941672

Don’t forget James and Mario, Lillee’s totally real gay bffs, were in their 30s with careers, a baby and a house in the Hamptons. Laur didn’t see a problem with her underage daughter hanging out with them. Adults and teens interacting is only a problem when it’s someone Laur doesn’t like

No. 941674

>Pineapple Head formally Cheerymonkey

No. 941675

Everything about this photo is complete shit. The white stretched out shirt with the white background, her pose like she's got to pee, the fact they didn't straighten her clothes, the wrinkling and bunching, the position of her head, it's just horrible and on par with everything else Laur does.

No. 941676

>Pineapple Head formally Cheerymonkey

Kek did you mean "formerly" Stupid Laur?

No. 941677

No she mean formally - like for the Met Gala.

No. 941679

No! Lillee Jean Trueman is the only Lillee Jean in the world.
If you google "lillee jean walmart" (visible in the screenshot), you get jeans they sell in Walmart. They have "Lee" jeans and "Lilly" jeans. Fucking goblins probably think the search query has something to do with LJ.

That's right. People call her Cheerymonkey. But after you get accepted to the secret discord server, you are allowed to call her Pineapple Head.

No. 941681

File: 1724852827298.png (11.51 MB, 4189x3607, allconnected.png)

This is what crazy actually looks like.

No. 941682

I keep reading Bullyish as Billie Eilish kek

No. 941683

Who would ever eat inside a car on a warm sunny summer day?

All those beautiful free places and parks in NYC and Laur and LJ always eat INSIDE their trashy car.
Nothing they do makes sense.

No. 941684

I don’t think Lillee likes being outside or discomforted in any way so it’s just more convenient for her to eat in an air conditioned car with her mom.

No. 941686

I mean to be fair, bugs are insanely annoying while trying to eat outside.

No. 941690

not google trends, looks like bing
that is the maine person, her spotify was attached with her name.

No. 941697

Bing? Does anyone use Bing and how do you that’s a screenshot of their trends?

No. 941702

they are using this website to track keywords: https://www.keywordtooldominator.com/bing-keyword-tool

the kidnapping keyword is coming from youtube searches and it's one of the 146 different searches on youtube when looking for "lillee jean" in USA

No. 941704

It's crazy how all of this is Laurs own doing. She's dug herself so deep and yet she just keeps on digging.

No. 941711

File: 1724874856588.png (100.41 KB, 1577x611, lilleelolcow.png)

And now we know why she censored the first couple results in that screenshot.

No. 941719

Anyone who would kidnap Lillee would end up paying millions in ransom to give her BACK

No. 941720

Laur nobody wants your kid. You made a mess of her and nobody will EVER want your kid. So you can cross kidnapping off your obsessive worries list. Hope this helps.

No. 941721

yeah Laur made sure to search it enough times so it would show up. She's gotta keep lillee as paranoid as possible

No. 941722

This website isn’t very reliable and provides extremely limited data. The fact that these keywords are nowhere to be found in Google Trends should reassure you that it was just a random YouTube search. Plus why would someone do their research on kidnapping Lillee on YouTube?

No. 941724

Why would she think that anyone wants Lillee. This seems to be coming out of nowhere. Laur needs to find help if this is truly what she worries about at night.

No. 941726

File: 1724879598979.png (1.54 MB, 1105x1930, Maine woman.png)

No. 941727

File: 1724879712884.png (9.09 MB, 1179x7737, Igstories.PNG)

Lillee’s ig stories from today. She went to Manhattan! And had tilapia fish and chips (gross)

No. 941728

Lillee and Laur are the most retarded people on the planet. You can't exactly ask for a protection order bc a person allegedly doxxed you and then in the same image doxx that person yourself. They really have the combined iq of a rock.

No. 941729

She’s been getting a TRO against this lady for 5 months kek

No. 941731

File: 1724881391096.jpeg (109.54 KB, 640x1136, AllOnePerson.jpeg)

I don't know what these are supposed to prove but Pineapple Head's messages aren't threatening at all.
>I've been doxed and called a nazi/pedo and I'm a 58 year old retired woman who rescues dogs There are at least 110 of us who have been doxed.
>She's almost made fake IMDB pages for celebrities, and then linked her IMDB to those.
>Her mother wrote it, and the citations go to wikipedia pages that define the words

No. 941732

She is warning people about you, Lillee! You are the one who thinks it's perfectly fine for kids to date adults, not her!

No. 941733

I know we went over this when she said this, but damn this girl is stupid. What kind of backwards logic do you have to use to think that crimes are only illegal if they're reported?

No. 941738

>Also doesn't think it's weird if somebody 12 dates somebody 17

Yikes. That's beyond even the most lenient Romeo & Juliet laws. And most require the child to be at least 14 or 15 before such laws apply to their situation. I don't even know hillbillies who would be okay with that, except in cases of extreme isolation/incest? Backwards is right.

No. 941744

Is evem one word of this true? Has she ever shown proof on this stuff? Her description of the person changes every few weeks. Laur needs a therapist.

No. 941745

Only thing I could make out in this mess is that the lady said Laur didn't pay for Lillee's teeth. We know that's true because the dentist filed papers publicly.

No. 941746

This pineapple person is no longer on discord. Her account has been deleted.

How can she have a server full of children without an account?

No. 941747

Laur is such a lowlife scumbag. Legit she stops at nothing , making nonsensical life ruining shit just to avoid responsibility. Screwing over her landlord as if the made up bullying is the reason she can’t pay her rent. Just a leech on society

No. 941748

It’s been over a month since Laur filed an affidavit of unavailability and it hasn’t been approved by the judge. It’s safe to say that they will be homeless in two weeks.

No. 941749

She’s a public figure because she worked at a theater? The mental gymnastics to excuse her doxing is something else

No. 941754

Pineapple did leave discord, I know 100%. Laur also seems to be changing her complaints AND commingling different people into one person, and who that one person is even changes from day to day.

No. 941755

Laur can't make up her mind what her complaint even is. Also? Posting on twitter or lolcow is completely legal. Also she keeps attaching screenshots that have no connection to what she is complaining about. God her brain is scrambled.

No. 941758

Kek all Laur ever posts about the Maine lady makes her look more successful all the time. But is she also Diane?

No. 941760

All I see is Laur is the stalker.

No. 941763

Invested what? Can you rephrase in regular English?

No. 941766

You may be new here but there are TONS of posts what Laur has done going back at least 4 years. She's hurt TONS of people. You can read back in the old threads.

No. 941769

Weirdo, that's a bizarre question. Go read the threads like we all did.

No. 941770

I am once again asking jannies to please reveal the post history of the person who keeps coming here to wk them and ask stupid questions. This has been going on for the best part of a year, it's ridiculous

No. 941771

For anyone unaware, when you see these short comma-separated questions, they're Laur. Just report them as Laur and mods will remove.

No. 941772

they redtexted a post as (laur) last night but it’s gone now, along with all the other retarded laurposts.

No. 941773

This Maine woman is cooler than any of the Trueman women

No. 941777

She’s comes here because her fake accounts on Twitter, YouTube and Reddit immediately get called out. If we stop interacting with her, she’ll stop trying to get attention here too.

No. 941779

NTA its really just the poses that are very awkward and unflattering. Definitely one of her better outfits even though im not a fan of the kitten heels.
12 and 17 isn't weird?? Thats an insane take I can't even articulate it. There is something seriously wrong with her, she is so retarted its insane.

No. 941782

she’s willing to die on this hill for a boyfriend that doesn’t even exist. she obviously absorbed this opinion from laur herself. also, shitty take on age gaps aside, lillee seems absolutely skin-crawlingly insufferable. her facial expressions and hand gestures are ugly and ridiculous, plus she’s so confidently wrong. dunning-kruger in action.

No. 941790

Laur trying to defend her and saying she "misspoke" made it so much funnier…

No. 941801

In Bullyish, Laur claimed that Lillee was overwhelmed from all the messages and it caused her to panic and start blurting out things. When there is literally no obligation to respond to people, just ignore messages you don't want to answer? Wtf?

No. 941802

When I'm overwhelmed, I, too, start spouting off opinions that I do not think about or believe in at all. Totally normal well-adjusted human experience

No. 941804

Laur doing PR damage control braless in front of a cardboard background while wearing a pyjama top is top kek

No. 941807

I've never seen anyone this allergic to taking accountability and admitting fault.

No. 941812

I feel sorry for anyone who has never known that feeling of admitting a wrong, apologizing, being forgiven, and moving forward cleanly. Sad.

No. 941816

File: 1724953969564.png (755.1 KB, 1179x1952, Stalking.png)

>Stalking, bullying movie.

No. 941817

File: 1724954050367.png (4.03 MB, 1179x1951, Igstory.png)

Lillee went outside again!

No. 941818

Why can't she focus - ALL her pics are out of focus

No. 941819

Who used her sister's death as a "threat point"?

I swear she WANTS the world to be after her. She's only happy when she's someone's victim.

No. 941826

Of course someone with 1 million Instagram followers gets overwhelmed by too many messages. Makes total sense Laur!

No. 941827

Not even that many messages, you can see them in the video kek

No. 941833

laur is probably tweaking so hard right now kek incoming franzia freakout. welcome back nonnies

No. 941841

File: 1726045235367.png (6.55 MB, 4226x3960, walloftext.png)

Laur sure kept herself busy while LC was down…

No. 941842

File: 1726045606858.png (372.55 KB, 1493x921, Lilleestealsasong.png)

From our KF colleagues.

No. 941844

New video by Cleore, in English.

No. 941845

File: 1726048754728.jpeg (150.79 KB, 1080x1920, Laur9.3.jpeg)

Its good to be back nonas! I missed you so much. I'm going to dump goblin madness I saved during downtime.
Insta story from September 3rd. Filling more reports. I don't think you are allowed to film at the station…

No. 941846

File: 1726049278764.mp4 (6.9 MB, 1080x1920, InstaSept3.one.mp4)

From Lillee's Insta same date. She is warning parents about kids hanging out with adults on discord. She rambles about unethical corporations. Notice her frustration when she says
>They stole my story

No. 941847

File: 1726049413046.mp4 (5.33 MB, 1080x1920, InstaSept3.two.mp4)

Lillee's public service announcement continues. This is super serious you guys. Adults will promise to do kids' homework on discord.

No. 941848

File: 1726049797154.png (703.74 KB, 1660x916, Bullyish1.png)

September 3rd Insta madness
continues. I compiled these stories in two screenshots. Includes similar shit like this >>941841 And was covered in Cleore's video >>941844

No. 941849

File: 1726050065998.png (1.04 MB, 1828x1070, Bullyish2.png)

No. 941850

File: 1726050415275.mp4 (13.17 MB, Voyager(NEW YORK FASHION WEEK …)

Here's something new. Lillee went outside and filmed another episode of Voyager. This fashion event looks super weird. Are they standing in an empty warehouse with cardboard boxes?

No. 941851

File: 1726050491024.png (2.03 MB, 2518x644, NYFW.png)

Pictures from that "event".

No. 941861

She’s gonna lose that chin in a few years if she keeps ballooning up.

No. 941870

Here’s the website for the show she attended. I’ve never heard of the global fashion collective


No. 941871

Her poses aren’t bad. She just needs to stop showing us the contents of her nostrils

No. 941881

why are the pictures so dark? they were at the 12pm show kek

No. 941893

So she's back to doxing the lady in Maine who doesn't post anything public and now Cleore is in her crosshairs. All the people who made videos, why did Cleore get under her skin so bad?

No. 941896

According to Lillee people from Belgium can't be trusted because they live to close to Germany. Whatever the hell that means…

No. 941901

Because she owns a corporation and runs it unethically.

Look at this screenshot >>941848 Lillee claims Cleore made fun of her because Lillee couldn't afford something.
Look at this screenshot >>941849 Lillee is probably jealous because Cleore has actually accomplished something in life. She has published a book and has an unethically run corporation. Kek
Also, they stole Lillee's story! >>941846

But most importantly Cleore lives in Belgium which proves the existence of the international cyber stalking cult that has been tormenting Lillee all these years ever since she was fifteen and half.

No. 941904

Maybe Lillee is not the right person to complain about other companies doing unethical things…

No. 941911

it's probably a series of student shows, from what i can gather.

No. 941912

File: 1726072518514.jpeg (304.24 KB, 1266x1600, IMG_6678.jpeg)

All of LJ’s cryptic stories are just Laur and LJ staying away from their house because a process server was trying serve them again.

Looks like Laur lied to the courts about not being able to appear on Sept. 9th for their eviction case. She said she had to travel out of state for TRO hearinngs. Clearly they are still in Queens and not traveling. Their next appearance is Oct. 22

No. 941914

File: 1726073829783.gif (5.05 MB, 490x488, IMG_6595.gif)

Damn she got fat

No. 941924

Yikes she walks like she's doing a field sobriety test.

No. 941938

File: 1726087219850.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1179x1861, IMG_6603.jpeg)

She went to a kids fashion show. I don’t see Laur anywhere.

No. 941939

File: 1726087298427.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1179x1868, IMG_6600.jpeg)

No. 941941

wtf is she doing at a kids fashion show by herself when she doesnt even have a kid to watch

No. 941942

File: 1726089762421.png (2.96 MB, 1179x1727, Laur.png)

I think Laur is sitting behind Lillee

No. 941947

File: 1726092292019.jpg (21.87 KB, 540x540, 1000001252.jpg)

The shaky, weird camera work, fetish shots as usual of her pig trotters stuffed in heels, the dirty mirrors, "I would pleasurably like to eat," making a fuss about her makeup and dressing up in a sequin dress to attend a CHILDREN'S FASHION SHOW, the self important look she has sitting there with the sunglasses on, OH MY GOD this is just amazing.
I can see that she's paying attention to us. Less wide open crazy eyes. Now, Lillee, recognize that while you may wear a smaller sized shoe (no, you don't have Cinderella feet), your feet are WIDE and you need wide fit shoes. They're about to bust out of your slippers for God's sake.

No. 941948

I wonder if she tells every cop she deals with to watch her "documentary" kek

No. 941949

It’s a mid-day children’s fashion show and Lillee’s dressed for the club

No. 941951

File: 1726095617072.jpg (12.84 KB, 185x422, SADLILLEE.jpg)

Not even paying attention, she looks utterly miserable. Why the dark glasses?

No. 941953

Maybe she's embarrassed of dressing like a 1960s actress appearing on the Ed Sullivan show.

No. 941955

When you're at a kids fashion show and realise the nonas are gonna find all the photos people are making…

No. 941956

Why did she strut and pose wiggling her ass for the camera at a cute kiddie fashion show? THOSE ARE MINORS!

No. 941964

Watched the video on instagram, she looked like she was so insecure by those little girls kek. She looked like she was trying so hard to show how unimpressed she was. She'd only look at the girls when they're back was facing her.

No. 941966

there is no video of inside what are you talking about?

No. 941971

File: 1726104325508.jpg (118.39 KB, 1242x1824, 457847999_10228836736156627_47…)

Sorry if this is old news, but someone was trying to copyright her entire website. This was posted during lolcow being down

No. 941978

No. 941983

File: 1726112085762.webm (3.9 MB, 686x626, RPReplay_Final1726111357.webm)

No. 941987

She's larping the bored, holier-than-thou, sunglasses wearing celebrity in the front row of a designer fashion show.
Everyone around her is wearing casual, comfortable, appropriate attire for a kid's fashion show. Then there's Lillee. Fucking yikes.

No. 941992

File: 1726128423296.png (990.73 KB, 865x1535, Woof.png)

>bored, holier-than-thou, sunglasses wearing celebrity
Oh that's why she looks like she has a hangover?

I love the cheerful music and the audience going "Aww" when the kid walks in. Most of them look like parents or family members and are appropriately dressed for the event. Lillee on the other hand…
Was looking at videos from this event and this backdrop >>941851 was in many of them. It's for the audience. It's a show for kids and kids want to play supermodels.

No. 941993

For someone being stalked and threatened she sure is waddling about by herself just fine. Speaking of, where is her wrangler.. I mean mother?

No. 941996

File: 1726131619299.png (357.02 KB, 947x693, 5469843138496131864.png)

Laur made a post about this.

No. 942001

Oh no! Not the fraudulent DMCA takedowns and abusing Google's broken copyright strike system.
>If this can happen to us, it can happen to anyone
Yes Laur, you have been doing this to everyone and now it happens to you. That's karma.

>Lillee is not the right person to complain about companies doing unethical things
That's correct. Lillee and Laur have a tendency of accusing others about shit they have done themselves. They have also claimed that Primink purchased views from bot farms.

No. 942002

Looks like they didn’t pay the person who designed their website kek

No. 942004

>it is stolen intellectual property

Like the song they used as an intro for their documentary without crediting the artist.

No. 942007

>For many years I have kept silent

Good one Laur…

No. 942008

Why couldn't she go to a women fashion show?
Or men fashion show, so she could brag about being arround male models, keks.
Are Laur and her so lazy they booked the kid's show, when they thought it was a fancy adult fashion show?
The time it was set on is clearly not for adult fashion shows.

The kids dresses were cute though. Too bad she didn't enjoyed it.
Seems that the designer is Asian, there are many asian ladies on the front row.

No. 942009

Them choosing a toddler fashion playtime isn't nearly as weird as the way she dressed for it.

No. 942010

What’s weird is that they didn’t ask petite 4’9” princess Lillee to model

No. 942011

>Oh that's why she looks like she has a hangover?
Maybe she does? Wonder if she's chugging the Franzia as well?
She looks depressed here. I guess she's attempting to look sultry?

No. 942012

This might be tinfoil but I wonder if she would never go to a women's fashion show again because she's gained weight and now feels inferior/has low self esteem.

No. 942013

She looks almost 40 years old here, jesus christ.

No. 942014

After all their accusations of people interacting with children, it’s almost poetic they ended up at a kid’s fashion show. If this was a troll, well done

No. 942016

Now I really want to know whether she went at a kid show on purpose or by mistake.
Either way is both hilarious and tragic.

No. 942018

I wonder why Laur wasn’t given a front row seat with Lillee or why she was seated where she was.

No. 942021

File: 1726155571508.jpg (183.34 KB, 954x1099, 24talent insta.jpg)

The show seems organized by 24Talent, a canadian kid model agency.
They mainly hire kid models, but some of them are arround 15-16 and requirements are low.

Maybe LJ expected to be casted as model?

No. 942022

I wondered the same thing kek

No. 942023

The entire show was uploaded to the GFC (Global Fashion Collective) youtube channel.

No. 942024

File: 1726157114190.jpg (255.9 KB, 1080x1160, 1000030175.jpg)

No. 942025

My guess is this event was free and open to the public

No. 942030

File: 1726171337895.png (97.94 KB, 862x465, Dumbass.png)

>She was born Marie Jeanne Kuttler
That's a German name.
>but her family lived in Alsace-Lorraine, France
Alsace-Loraine had been a well integrated part of the German Empire for over 40 years when the war broke out, It only became part of France after the war.
>Refusing to turn “German” during the First World War
She was "German" if she lived in Alsace-Lorraine and would have turned "French" during the first World War if she hadn't left the area. And that makes a lot more sense since she had a German surname.
>the right to keep her French heritage intact
Again, German name and lived in Germany…

No. 942031

I thought that Germany was full of Nazis

No. 942032

"voy-UH-jay" oh my god

No. 942033

Lillee speaks fluent French!

No. 942034

She has no idea how hilarious French speakers find all of her attempts to speak it, and evenmore so her attempts to "create" new French words out of common English words. It's as if she never went to school.

No. 942035

Why is she so obsessed with trying to present herself as a French speaker? Did she watch too many romance movies where they kiss in front of the Eiffel Tower with violins playing in the background or something?

No. 942037

According to 1900 census Jean Kuttler was born in France in 1888 and her family immigrated to NY in 1898, when she was 10. Decades before WW1. Why lie about shit from 136 years ago?

No. 942038

File: 1726177391552.jpg (16.8 KB, 565x140, Screenshot 2024-09-12 174054.j…)

Laur isn't big on research.

No. 942040

File: 1726177814180.jpg (88.85 KB, 612x270, Screenshot 2024-09-12 174434.j…)

Alsace-Lorraine was Germany? However can you tell? kek

I guess Lillee hasn't visited her homeland.

No. 942041

File: 1726178435733.png (38.21 KB, 693x207, Kuttler surname origins.png)

>her family lived in Alsace-Lorraine, France for many centuries.
No, they didn't.

No. 942042

Hahahaha don't try to teach European history to Europeans, honey.

No. 942045

Correction - she is LYING about dead people. The facts are the facts - feel free to crack a history book.

No. 942049


Hi Laur! We are schooling you in European history because every time you or Lillee talk about it, you get it wrong… If you don't want us to correct you, don't lie next time!

No. 942051

Kuttler is the german name for hat maker. Nothing to be ashamed of. I think it's lovely!

No. 942052

German ancestry is nothing to be ashamed of. You are too hung up on ethnicities so ofc we know you are a boomer.

No. 942053

Grandma Jeanne moved to NY in 1898

WW1 started in 1914

Lillee said that grandma Jeanne moved to NY after the war had started

Just breaking it down for you Laur

No. 942055

And if she was born and raised in Elzas-Lotharingen (as Lillee claims) she was German from birth.

No. 942058

They’re so weirdly stuck on French culture and having French roots. It’s like an epitome of high class to them when they are just your average Long Island white trash.

Speaking French doesn’t make you sophisticated. Having French roots doesn’t make you sophisticated. Sophisticated people don’t skip on rent for months at a time or try to hustle every person they meet.

No. 942060

It's on her death certificate, and on all the census records from 1900 forward. Look it up yourself, it's not difficult.

No. 942063

You are not asking politely.

No. 942067

File: 1726181145836.png (62.21 KB, 984x97, eatyourwords.png)

Why? It's what Lillee claimed!
>Born in Belfort, France, but her family lived in Alsace-Lorraine.
Alsace-Lorraine was named Elsaz-Lotharingen before the 1918 annexation of the territory by France, Elsaz-Lotharingen was translated to Alsace-Lorraine in 1918, when it became part of France. Belfort was under French control so she could have technically been born in France, but if her family and herself lived in Alsace-Lorraine, she was German and obviously didn't run away bc she "didn't want to become german".

No. 942068

Those are public records, cry harder.

No. 942069

Why are you ashamed of your ancestors, why lie

No. 942071

Probably because a lot of the Kuttlers were Nazis during the second world war.

No. 942073

So first you are gonna cry about people looking up public records and 3 minutes later you are demanding that people post them here? Oh Laur… you really are something kek

No. 942077

Don’t forget Pheepy the French diplomat!

No. 942078

I hope no one actually posts anything. Laur is trying to get evidence for her bogus police reports. Again.

No. 942080

I don't think she understands what "public records" mean kek. Not illegal in any way, shape or form to use and/or publish any of those articles… cope harder.

No. 942084

Laur, is this a threat?

No. 942086

Birth and death and marriage records and gravestones are all public. Don't lie about it and nobody will factcheck you. Voila, see how easy that is?

No. 942089

Ok, not-Laur, be civil and let's chat!

No. 942090

Lillee made a public post, and we used public records to verify it in a public forum and found inconsistencies. If you don't want us to find inconsistencies, simply don't lie! It's really that easy…

No. 942091

>tarnish the reputation of a Jew

How does being born in Germany tarnish her reputation?

No. 942092

>How does being born in Germany tarnish her reputation?
It absolutely doesn't! Quite the opposite. Why would she think that? No one has ever criticized that, they only criticized when she lied.

No. 942093

File: 1726183300301.png (1.28 MB, 1069x1916, Cnn.png)


No. 942094

This all started when she said her grandma died by being burned alive in an oven at Auschwitz, and someone remembered that she had posted photos of that exact grandma, taken in New York.

No. 942095

File: 1726183334711.png (1.04 MB, 1061x1904, Imdb .png)

No. 942096

>she is using these records to falsely tell stories about my family.
Lillee you are the one that made the story up that your great grandmother ran away from the war when she was already living in the us for over 10 years when began! It's in the public record ffs.(report and ignore, do not engage)

No. 942097

>This all started when she said her grandma died by being burned alive in an oven at Auschwitz

Ok Laur we know Lillee lied about that. But if anyone told a false story, what false story did they tell? I'm not being snarky, I want to know.

No. 942098

Adding to her IMDB that she was in prims video wouldn't even be vandalising, it would be an actual credit. And we all know how much she loves her IMDB credits…

No. 942099

>tarnish the reputation of a Jew

Laur the Auschwitz thing, Lillee should have just apologized and said she didn't really know the true story, it happens.

I'm sorry if anyone lied about something else. What else was there though?(report and ignore, do not engage)

No. 942100

Would be fucking amazing if somebody would tell the entire story about LJ and Laur on the news.

No. 942101

I vaguely remember that the grandma who got her face slashed by Tsar’s men had that encounter after 1917 too. It sounds like Laur made up a bunch of bullshit about her family to make Lillee feel really special.

No. 942102

If I was Laur I would be exhausted and want to have a normal life. I mean, normal life is pretty great. But she keeps posting insane things on the internet and expecting no one to comment.

No. 942103

You can't get a TRO on someone for looking at census records oh my god

No. 942110

File: 1726190905605.png (261.36 KB, 1125x959, b.png)

Lillee uploaded these same stories to Youtube and the comments were almost all entirely her own sock puppets. I wish I had gotten more screenshots since she’s now deleted almost all the comments.

No. 942111

>Lillee made a new police report August 31st
>LJ clone cult is selling AI deep fake nudes and just straight up causing such threats
>I don’t know if I walk outside what’s going to happen to me, they have a picture of my home plastered online, they’re stalking the court systems, i’m seeking restraining orders against these people
>says it’s death threats almost every single day because of the cult
>this is coordinated premeditated criminal behavior, this goes international too the consulates is involved
>somebody threatened to slice my face open 2 days ago (then she say this is not a joke afterwards twice in an unintentional joker reference)
>gives a warning to parents that there’s NSFW content on youtuber’s discord servers and adults talking to children coercing them to harass Lillee
>i’m not remaining silent now because i have the police heavily involved
>i go to class in the village, i have to look both ways behind me it’s ruining my life
>claims some of her fans have also been harassed and she’s been sent screenshots by them
>i have IC3 reports on somebody internationally that owns a company…. she is a huge part of the clone cult and is why this whole thing bloomed. she’s delusional, i’ve had no contact with her, the last contact i’ve had with her is having the NYPD case police CC’d. she is threatening, creating fictitious battles for money
>im seeking for every single one of them a restraining order or some type of criminal justice

No. 942117

File: 1726193815416.png (1.95 MB, 1179x1337, Fashion.png)

We now have physical proof of Lillee checking out a couple of minors. I’m calling the police.

No. 942120

File: 1726194199501.jpeg (405.66 KB, 1179x1941, IMG_6638.jpeg)

No. 942134

The discord is all their own fault if they want the culprit all they need is to look at their own friends. Mainly Elaine the pain. It will be her creepy actual peado buddies doing this to them. As it will be seen as a laugh.

No. 942135

The board was down because somebody found an exploit that made it possible to delete images. It had nothing to do with Laur and Lillee.

No. 942136

>she spent 12000

Charging someone 12k for fake followers is insane

No. 942137

File: 1726226034623.png (379.59 KB, 640x1136, NYFW.png)

Lillee obviously went to this kids fashion show because she has important connections in the fashion world such as this lovely adult lady right here. (I censored her @ and face because I feel sorry for everyone who gets hustled by the goblins.)
This picture also proves that Cleore was lying >>941844 when she claimed that Lillee can't be around other women. Take that haterz.

No. 942139

File: 1726226502980.png (110.97 KB, 535x485, RUSSIA.png)

This is the end comrades…

No. 942140

So according to laur every single person is the same person. Doing the exact same thing. No wonder the cops are laughing at them. Should have dropped less acid in your youth laur, you know like you already admitted in a video.

While I do believe alot of what happens to these two is karma. Or cause and effect due to their own actions. I do believe so people are taking it far to far and lowering themselves to the scrote level of the people the truemans are in contact with.

No. 942141

Tenet Media was founded in 2022, years after Lauren Chen’s podcast on Lillee. Hate to see silly little things like facts get in the way of whatever crazy narrative Laur’s running with

No. 942144

i don't understand why she is so set on this (or anything really) i am really waiting for them to get into legal trouble though and not be able to backtrack/lie/scapegoat.

No. 942145

File: 1726238111940.png (215.5 KB, 525x832, Lauren.png)

Let's hope this time she is talking about the right Lauren kek

No. 942155

the ai porn that lillee was posting to her story?

No. 942157

No, the site was compromised bc of an exploit. The admins made a statement about how and why the site was down. Got to the top of this page, and read the huge red text.

No. 942160

You're retarded if you think this is going to work. Using the Trumpy strategy of repeating something stupid hoping it will catch on.

No. 942161

I think it's cute that Laur thinks the NYPD is actually taking them this serious kek

No. 942163

And how she's been doing it for 5 years already with no progress.

No. 942164

Funny how she claimed during years her great grandma's name was JEAN.
And now, after so many french-anons told her "Jean" was a male name and "Jeanne" was the real name for women, she finally spelled it correctly.

No. 942165

I bet she writes "watch Bullyish doc" on every report she claims she files. She probably tells every fucking person in the damn department she comes in contact with the same thing with her honking goose voice. I guarantee they laugh at her and roll their eyes behind her back. They probably text one another about her stupidity, too.

No. 942166

They're wasting police time on her vanity projects. Eventually they'll say enough to her nonsense.

No. 942167

Here's the thing. Laur will never stop until she has destroyed Lillee's life. She's using US to do it - so are we gonna help her or should we leave her to do it herself. {{Shrug}} Personally I think we should let her do it all by herself.

No. 942168

Cops love gossip kek. They’re most definitely laughing at them behind their backs.

No. 942173

>She's using US to do it
There is no "us" nona, we are just a couple people having a good time on an image board, nobody is making her read it, all she has to do is stop coming here.
The problem is that she can't take any criticism and that is what is really destroying them.

No. 942174

Laur are you paying rent for the next month? Maybe it’s time to get a job at Walmart and give up on the dreams of Hollywood

No. 942177

You are assuming that US law enforcement has any authority over this website. Dream on boomer. Why don't you go harass encyclopedia dramatica instead, they are way meaner towards Lillee and Laur on there and if you look hard enough, you can even find a fake nude of Laur on there… RAWR

No. 942178

Why would the cops delete every image on the /ot/ board? That’s not the board where Lillee’s AI porn was mentioned

No. 942179

There’s also a video of Laur with her pants off

No. 942180

They really do! Cops talk all manners of shit about people. And their mocking and nicknames for people can be brutal. I can only imagine what they're telling each other about those two.

No. 942181

No they didn't. Why do you keep pushing this theory that the goblins got the site taken down when there's literally a whole post in meta describing exactly what happened in detail from the admins themselves

No. 942183

i'm laughing just thinking about it, especially because it's the nypd who are the most savagely cynical cops around. i just know every time one of her reports hits a desk that they must be in literal stitches laughing about this crazy broad and her tweedledee tweedledum looking daughter. i bet they make the clueless young rookie read it for even more maximum cop keks.

No. 942184

She all ready did that years ago when she pulled LJ out of school and let her waste all her time on the internet instead of learning… anything.

No. 942187

The funniest thing is I've been following this saga from pretty much the beginning and until seeing this now I had no idea Lauren Chen once did an "expose" of Laur and LJ. Laur is amplifying shit that everyone else would've long forgotten, or never known about in the first place.
Though as >>942145 points out I guess this explains why she flipped out over Queen of Blending so much; low IQ bitch thought an Asian Canadian was the same person as an African American because they have the same first name

No. 942189

File: 1726252791232.png (1.83 MB, 978x1512, Old.png)

Lillee you should wash your hair

No. 942190

File: 1726253630968.png (12.91 KB, 334x302, lllolcow.png)

>Lillee Jean is known for her striking blue/green eyes

Autocomplete disagrees kek

No. 942191

has she always had that dark red patch way up there on her scalp where her parting is? i don't normally like enlarging her photos to dissect her appearance so maybe i never noticed it before but i did today.

No. 942194

An anon was banned for medfagging last thread because they pointed out lillees seborrheic dermatitis kek.

No. 942195

To me it appears to be a shadow which has had the color manipulated (poorly) by someone who doesn't understand Photoshop tools. They turned up the red or fuschia saturation for the shadows. The inside of her nostrils and a few other patches of shadow have the same tone.
Could definitely be this, albeit with a deeper color from their shitty unskilled editing. None of this is subtle and her eyes look like flat contacts now. G8 job.

No. 942203

>blue green
Is the green in the room with us rn Laur kek

No. 942204

File: 1726273638048.jpg (223.7 KB, 1179x640, School.jpg)

No. 942205

If they were running chargeback scams on businesses, this earlier comment about a NYPD fraud investigation could be true >>940611

No. 942209

if it makes Laur reply, it’s definitely true kek

No. 942214

I will never understand why, after both her and Laur lurk here, that she still doesn't regularly wash her hair.

No. 942223

File: 1726284582724.png (1.38 MB, 905x902, Cheek.png)

No. 942224

File: 1726285390498.png (2.8 MB, 1179x1428, Style.png)

Lillee should really dye her hair darker and get bangs to accentuate her eyes. A shorter cut will also make her look less short.

No. 942225

Ew. Came from the front page to say how ugly this is

No. 942226

File: 1726285452435.jpg (688.44 KB, 1090x893, Bangs.jpg)

This is a very nice color too(autism/fanart)

No. 942227

Eww, no. Also her neck is twice that wide, and kinda webbed.

No. 942235

File: 1726309880894.jpg (65.48 KB, 1027x499, show.jpg)

Thank you nonnna for posting this.

Lj is constantly looking at the screen and barely watching the show.
Tinfoil but did she expected to be asked right away by the designer for the desfile?

(Part 1 and 3 are kids clothing and part 2 of the show is women clothing)
Anway, the clothes were cute and people were having a good time.
Too bad she seems to have hated it.

No. 942236

File: 1726311861203.png (50.37 KB, 1284x354, ss.png)

Lillee has been reporting reddit posts threatening self harm.

No. 942237

File: 1726312070065.png (1019.55 KB, 1290x926, ss2.png)

I guess since youtube took away her ability to strike down videos by abusing the copyright system she is trying out new strategies to get negative attention.

No. 942238

File: 1726313666457.jpg (63.22 KB, 693x650, naughty.jpg)

>since youtube took away her ability to strike down videos by abusing the copyright system
It hasn't really stopped her from doing it anyway.

No. 942239

This YouTube account is connected to slicksocials.com, a site selling social media engagement and followers. Primink/Cleore/Curtis should hit them up to see if they have evidence of the claims they’re making.

Is this why Laur and Lillee keep saying their identity was stolen? They were buying thousands of dollars of fake engagement and then telling the bank their identity was stolen and they didn’t make the charges?l

No. 942244

people who do this will say that they didn't get the service they paid for or that they were overcharged somehow. doing chargebacks is an easy way to scam because the money is usually instantly refunded, especially if you're using a credit card, so people will literally max out their credit cards and then charge back the whole amount. they were also likely doing this online with stores like macy's, bloomingdales, zara, etc. buying a bunch of shit and then claiming it got "lost" in the mail or that a bunch of items were missing but that they got no response from the retailer. i wouldn't be that surprised if they were doing this with rent the runway and then they ended up getting banned. that's probably why lj's outfits have started looking like they got them off the rack at marshalls and tjmaxx. you'll often get banned temporarily from stores for doing chargebacks because it's such a common and heavily abused form of fraud with scammers online so they just assume that you're also scamming, too, even if you're having a legit problem. and if they're doing it often enough, eventually either the credit card company will notice and file a report or the stores will.

No. 942246

I am in a professon where I work with low-income people and provide a service to assist them in finding work. Never have I ever seen any of my clients stoop so low as to do this. Laur has no shame about going lower than low.

No. 942249

File: 1726334671450.jpg (56.55 KB, 1148x678, LAURATRUEMAN.jpg)

Yep. This is the same video, right?

No. 942251

File: 1726336206424.png (2.47 MB, 1050x1886, Wirtten.png)

>Chorus Our Eyes In

No. 942252

That's the one. The clip was taken from another video about them and was heavily edited. The same footage can be found in a dozen or so other videos on youtube.

No. 942253

No Laur. It wasn’t edited besides being slowed down to show you wearing nude leggings, short shorts or no pants

No. 942255

Wasn't the pants down video, she only did a privacy complaint on that one. The one she took down with a copyright strike was her defending Lillee talking about it being ok that minors date adults.

No. 942257

Let's see how long it takes Laur to see this and go running to fix it.

The Chorus Our Eyes in - cowirtten by Ken Holmes

Nothing screams amateur and unprofessional like illiteracy and showing how you videod your "motion picture" on an old iPhone.

No. 942258

File: 1726338430502.jpg (27.01 KB, 1148x105, Screenshot 2024-09-14 142430.j…)

1) Laur doesn't know what the word "byline" means
2) What a coincidence that this is the plot of a video made at the same time she released a fake illicit photo of LJ.

Do better Laur.

No. 942260

This is so fucking funny. Wasn’t the original script about two people meeting in Central Park and falling in love?

No. 942263

No. 942264

Nonnas I can't with the way she runs on her tippy toes again, seriously what the hell is up with that

No. 942265

Autism, watched Disney movies too many times, trying to be dainty and light on her feet, all of the above? Kek

No. 942266

She definitely thinks that running on your tippy toes makes you look dainty and feminine. In reality she just looks like a person who’s never ran in her life because such form will give you metatarsalgia from hell.

No. 942271

File: 1726350359839.png (1.17 MB, 972x1896, Ken.png)

I don't believe there will be any movie. Lillee has been showing 'Behind the scenes' -footage from the exact same day. If you look at Ken's profile you find out that he has a production company. He is also filming goofy TikTok videos for some other client.
Lillee probably filmed with Ken for one afternoon. There's not enough material for a short film. And the goblins aren't going to pay him.

No. 942272

File: 1726350798152.png (1.08 MB, 1223x1080, Chorus.png)

40 second video with 9 seconds of the actual footage. Don't bother submitting this to any legit film festivals. I don't know if any of the ones Laur tagged are legit.

No. 942273

File: 1726352528598.png (1.91 MB, 1179x1582, Festivals.png)

Why are they so obsessed with fake festivals?

No. 942274

>Why are they so obsessed with fake festivals?

So they can get a shiny new jpeg and call it an accomplishment on their imdb page.

No. 942279

Lillee did an interview tonight

No. 942281

File: 1726360277538.png (700.24 KB, 817x503, Evsr .PNG)

Expectation vs reality

No. 942285

>Wasn’t the original script about two people meeting in Central Park and falling in love?

She'd better not be saying that "The Chorus Our Eyes in" is a rom-com about falling in love with a dude in the park who takes illicit photos of her.

No. 942286

You can see the line of her gigantic granny panties so clearly.

No. 942289

File: 1726368184254.webm (1.57 MB, 884x488, RPReplay_Final1726367967.webm)

It’s actually 7 seconds of footage

No. 942290

File: 1726368538631.gif (4.44 MB, 640x353, final_gif.gif)

She should make a short film entirely of her jogging or trying out different sports.

No. 942299

I've tried to watch it, but it's just her repeating the same things she already said in every "interview".
The most noticeable thing is the weird curtain splitting the room in two, they probably live in one room.

No. 942301

>I can't with the way she runs on her tippy toes again, seriously what the hell is up with that

We gotta remember she dropped out after middle school so she never had high school track like the rest of us did. She never had a track coach. I mean she missed out on all the most normal things we take for granted.

No. 942302

File: 1726409758355.jpg (7.29 KB, 136x92, Screenshot 2024-09-15 101345.j…)

The stupidity is entertaining but also a fucking tragedy.

No. 942316

File: 1726420303594.png (5.25 MB, 1988x2516, cursed.png)

From Princess glamourite.

No. 942318

they're like the wish version of those rich boomer guys in cali who self fund shitty movies with their kids. it's so amazing. kids on tiktok make better quality vids on their phones. i almost feel bad for lj but she's got such a bad attitude it's hard to.

No. 942321

She legit looks like a 40 year old mom in these

No. 942323

File: 1726424129319.jpg (22.11 KB, 484x220, Fat.jpg)

Like like a fat back with a crack kek

No. 942324

I clicked thinking this was nikocado avocado

No. 942325

Me too what the fuck kek

No. 942326

same wtf

No. 942328

it looks like she was pregnant. she was never so fat in order to have that saggy belly wtf.

No. 942329

File: 1726425336021.jpg (19.45 KB, 484x220, Abs.jpg)

Lillee has killer abs and nonnies are just jealous fatties

No. 942331

Poor genetics + poor nutrition + almost completely sedentary life will do that to you. Most people’s metabolism starts to slow down a little at around 23-24 so Lillee’s just going to keep getting fatter.

No. 942332

Crazy eyes, shitty hair, exaggerated facial expressions, and flared nostrils galore. Every day we stray further from God.
No one told Laur she had something in her teeth? Expect a Franzia-driven sperg fest later.
Not to mention she's basically a midget.

No. 942334

Rectus abdominis diastasis (abdominal muscle separation by an abnormal distance) - it's probably genetic, maybe a chromosomal abnormality. With how much fat she has built up in the area, it's accentuated. If she lost weight you wouldn't notice is as severely. I'm not medfagging, it's just what that is called and I know cuz I work in the weight loss field.

No. 942336

File: 1726433325886.mp4 (6.44 MB, 426x240, Chorus our eyes in.mp4)

Here's a slightly longer version of Lillee's latest masterpiece. Cringe.

No. 942337

OMG no one talks like that. She is the WORST actor ever, and I've seen The Room.

No. 942338

I’ve only seen this condition on pregnant women so now my tinfoil is that Laur took Lillee out of school because Lillee got knocked up.

No. 942339

Has Lillee heard of noise reduction? The sound is fucking horrible.

No. 942340

Stop teasing us, nonnie! Post the video too. I can't wait to see Laur acting. She is the real star of this thread after all.

No. 942341

She offered him a fling - does Lillee know what that even is? Romance is dead.


No. 942342

The most unromantic coversations ever - this is what happens when a sad virgin writes a "rom-com".

No. 942343

I’ve seen much better acting in porn

No. 942345

File: 1726440438046.jpg (230.52 KB, 1280x853, ea80ef_6f08b3b546b34e2a9b473ac…)

looking very manly here

No. 942346

No. 942351

this is so fucking cringe and not in a funny way

No. 942352

those are just her exercise lines

No. 942353

more like lack of exercise lines kek

No. 942354

She has the most blank lizard eyes I've ever seen. Absolutely nothing behind them.

No. 942355

Can't believe I'm saying this, but Neil Breen films have better production than this
How does a person manage to look so equine?

No. 942357

Is this even acting kek?? "I wanna buy you a hot dog." "How about a ring? twirls greasy unwashed hair"
I feel like Lil isn't even trying to act and she's legit just flirting. At least in her other 'films' she is at least doing acting or s monolog. This is just her thirsting over some guy casually in the middle of the park. Not that anything she's ever done before is good by any means, but this is pure regression. Just like her make-up career ander influencer career. What's next on the agenda after acting I wonder? Every time she shows a little bit of charm in one of her pursuits, it's immediately like a toddler doing it. How can one person be so awful at everything

No. 942361

Somehow this dumb bitch figured out how to make it look like neither one of them are looking at each other.

No. 942369

Laur or Lillee you're not even making any sense today.

No. 942372

Laur looks like a absolute troon kek

No. 942376

>they hired a tech person
Maybe try paying your fucking rent before wasting your money on petty online bullshit. Also, isn't Lillee some kind of tech genius that makes her own websites?

No. 942385

>his girlfriend is that deadra fake girl they all make fun of on Reddit

This girl is less fake than Lillee kek. At least she travels the world without her mommy.

No. 942386

Isn't it hilarious that she's been trying to integrate for literal years now, yet every time she posts it's immediately obvious it's her? The saddest part is you can tell that she's trying really hard but is just incapable of not telling on herself

No. 942388

My VPN is blocked - man they have this on lockdown

No. 942389

You aren't scared of the superdoxing they're going to drop with their 'tech expert'? You'd think they'd have a new threat by now.

No. 942390

Imagine if Meryl Streep posted her films on a private private site and everyone was blocked.

No. 942391

No. 942393

>I heard they hired a tech person to make a site with every person who ever attacked them, the site is supposed to index jobs, family and photos, all I know for now. I’m making it my business to lurk more now.
Imagine being thisclose to homelessness and this is what you're concerned with.

No. 942394

File: 1726499698634.jpg (99.74 KB, 560x584, nightmare fuel.jpg)

Oh Laur…

No. 942395

OMG this "movie" is the saddest thing ever. If a 10 year-old made this it might be "cute" but she's what 25? She was clearly kept in the attic too long.

Even the story about how she's had adoration and jewelry on her little planet, but she dreams of escaping to find love. Laur did so much damage to her, it's really hard to watch.

No. 942396

File: 1726500857950.jpg (31.45 KB, 337x422, Screenshot 2024-09-16 113247.j…)

Was this made by 3rd graders? Oh fucking god help us they will never live this down.

"I feel zee vibration of the earrrrrrtthhhh"

No. 942398

>they will never live this down.

There's enough material here for an entire psychiatric conference. The sad thing is that a mother did this to a child.

No. 942399

damn he must have felt so awkward. is any of this scripted or she just makes it up on the spot?

No. 942400

Laur is actually a pretty good actress. She’s the one who should be going to auditions, I could see her getting some small roles where she’d have a line or two. Maybe they shouldn’t be putting all of their efforts towards Lillee.

No. 942402

Oh absolutely, she does those monkey noises like a pro.

No. 942403

File: 1726503586002.jpg (49.16 KB, 391x515, Screenshot 2024-09-16 120344.j…)

All the "fellow actors" look at her like she's a special-needs kid they're helping out of sympathy or because they had community service.

And as usual she cannot walk normally in shoes.

No. 942404

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No. 942406

File: 1726503937790.jpg (11.36 KB, 312x206, Screenshot 2024-09-16 122347.j…)

DAMMMMMMN that a lumpy ass

No. 942408

File: 1726505267324.jpg (82.34 KB, 441x520, Screenshot 2024-09-16 115658.j…)

Lillee says: Narcissist? Moi?

No. 942410

Laur was the best actor in the entire movie. She’s actually good at controlling her facial expressions and her timing is mostly good. Lillee is just cringe and not in an entertaining way either.

No. 942412

What timing? The pacing of the entire thing is complete dogshit and she sounds like a monkey in heat.

No. 942413

File: 1726509836420.png (107.09 KB, 991x767, strike 2.png)

She did it again lol. Cope harder Laur.

No. 942427

File: 1726518815809.jpeg (607.1 KB, 1170x653, IMG_9277.jpeg)

If you are watching with headphones please lower your volume at the following timestamps
6:43-7:02 and 20:33-20:37.

No. 942441

File: 1726526151817.jpg (939.52 KB, 1179x1789, Modelactorwriterdirector.jpg)

No. 942444

I think her panties are too small

No. 942447

File: 1726534215121.png (1.32 MB, 1083x1935, Stalker.png)

No. 942448

How does laur get these screenshots? Is she in the clone cult

No. 942449

Reading that only makes Laur look aggressive and dishonest. She’s the villain here. The lady asking for them to review the wiki page just wants them to stop.

No. 942450

>is she in the clone cult

There is no clone cult. There was a discord that changed their name to that just teasing and Laur took it serious. What’s new.

No. 942451

File: 1726537059904.png (1.84 MB, 915x1147, Wtf.png)

No. 942452

File: 1726537135700.png (2.7 MB, 1179x1534, Wtff.png)

No. 942454

woahh that lymphedema is bad. she needs some compression socks

No. 942456

File: 1726539087890.png (219.26 KB, 505x372, likeaglove.png)

No. 942462

Finally, a Disney princess that actually resembles Lillee

No. 942463

For someone who loves shoes she's sure bad at picking shoes that at the very least aren't so narrow that her broad feet end up looking like they're about to burst out like sausages.
She's going to have awful bunions one day from the shoes she picks which just aren't meant for wide feet like hers.

No. 942465

File: 1726558042334.png (448.64 KB, 1179x1747, Neonazi.png)

No. 942466

I don't know if the truemsns are aware that they are handing over countless information to get themselves arrested or charged. Stalking, doxxing, making threats, filling false police reports, lying on court documents, slander. Yeah am sure the police won't look at them at all. If their competent officers they will dig into all angles. So good luck laur.

No. 942467

Yes, Laur, it is perfectly normal for people to look into family histories they are not related to. It’s called genealogy, and tons of people do it. There is even a huge online community for it, and there are tons of YouTube channels that do nothing else than exactly what you are complaining about.

Laur doesn't seem to understand what "neo-nazis" actually are and that one of the websites she is complaining about is owned and operated by a Jewish dude. But hey, just keep spamming the cops the links to the archives and youtube videos that explain your own crappy and illegal behaviour in autistic detail! What can possibly go wrong…

No. 942469

>It’s called genealogy, and tons of people do it. There is even a huge online community for it

Laur trying to make sense of common sense in a Franzia-haze: "Listen to this Lils - the cult is calling themselves JEANealogists now, and they're admitting they have a whole community dedicated to you!"

No. 942473

No one has tried to prove they aren't Jewish. They just pulled up the grandma's pic in NYC to show she didn't die in a cremation oven.

No. 942476

File: 1726581675962.jpg (42.8 KB, 387x560, Screenshot 2024-09-17 095943.j…)

OMG Laur needs to let it go - LILLEE posted this pic of her grandma, proving she didn't die in Auschwitz. Lillee lied, so fucking what - let it go! It's literally ancient history.

No. 942477

I just looked it up so sue me too - this lady died in 1986. NOT THE HOLOCAUST

No. 942478

Has Laur ever explained why this bothers her so much? Ok so Lillee lied, or misunderstood. Why is so maaad about public records of her "celebrity" daughter being looked at to factcheck what she said.

No. 942479

File: 1726583123736.jpg (37.88 KB, 798x155, Screenshot 2024-09-17 102416.j…)

Right then, so is Laur just stupid?

Wait. Don't answer that.

No. 942480

Funny how Laur and LJ are obsessed with an idealised and unrealistic portrait of long dead great-grandma, when they couldn't get along with their close family members still alive.

-Laur hated her sisters and does as if she has no sister left (Cindy).
-Laur never got along with her own parents.
-LJ never met her cousins/aunts/uncles, when most of them live closeby.
-Last time she saw her grand-parents, she was arround 4.
-We know nothing about Earl's family: parents/siblings/aunts/ uncles/cousins…

No. 942481

Laur must be ashamed of something

No. 942482

>-Laur hated her sisters and does as if she has no sister left (Cindy).
>-Laur never got along with her own parents.
>-LJ never met her cousins/aunts/uncles, when most of them live closeby.
>-Last time she saw her grand-parents, she was arround 4.
>-We know nothing about Earl's family: parents/siblings/aunts/ uncles/cousins…

Nona you can say "in my opinion" but don't state as fact, because you are wrong on all counts.

No. 942483

File: 1726584617553.jpg (568.63 KB, 2550x3300, Nefarious Propaganda_ Online C…)

No. 942484

File: 1726584699129.jpg (733.81 KB, 2550x3300, Nefarious Propaganda_ Online C…)

No. 942485

File: 1726584743954.jpg (857.52 KB, 2550x3300, Nefarious Propaganda_ Online C…)

No. 942486

File: 1726584778888.jpg (581.28 KB, 2550x3300, Nefarious Propaganda_ Online C…)

No. 942487

File: 1726584810022.jpg (669.27 KB, 2550x3300, Nefarious Propaganda_ Online C…)

No. 942488

Meh it's just Laur trying to steal all the limelight from Lillee again. Let her do it. She's a better actor than Lillee any day.When she was younger she was waaay prettier than LIllee too.

No. 942489

How would you know all this anon? Do you talk to Laur or her family?

No. 942490

When did Lillee say she died in aushwitgz?

No. 942491

Because that's what Laur and Lillee do when they are defaming people and spewing bullshit right? Saying "in my opinion" instead of stating blatant falsehoods as facts. Fuck off Laur, wash your feet and get a real job.

No. 942493

Lol no. I've just been reading the threads. The drama started here in 2019 you know.

No. 942494

Then prove me wrong because facts are all over the 30 threads about them.

No. 942496

Not one thing in your list is in lolcow threads. You got it twisted. The facts are weird enough, no need to make them weirder.

No. 942497

This woman from Maine really needs to give it a rest. Building Laur’s family tree IS pretty weird.

No. 942498

Years ago after Lillee lied. Why did it hit such a nerve. Of all the lies people have proven she told? Met Gala is way more fun of a topic.

No. 942499

I have a lipstick line!

No. 942500

I auditioned for Batgirl, kek

No. 942501

I’m winning awards!!!! Ham to Humro Humero awards!

No. 942502

Never forget "I'm sleeping with a French Diplomat".

No. 942503

Also lied about having a million followers

No. 942504

Editing herself onto Teen Vogue that was discontinued two years prior

This is one of my personal favorites because it was so fucking easy to prove as fake.

No. 942505

I’ve been reading these threads since 2019 too and I don’t know anything about their relationship with extended family other than what was in court papers about the sisters and the newspaper articles the fake cousin account (alleged by Laur to be Maine lady) on Twitter shared. We have no idea what Laur’s relationship with her parents or Earl’s side of the family is like and involving innocent relatives is weird

No. 942506

The family tree thing on ancestry was years ago, but last week when people called Lillee out on a lie about her great grand mother, Laur decided to dig it back up again.

No. 942507

Laur gets ocd about the weirdest stuff

No. 942508

This looks aggressively schizophrenic

No. 942509

It's sad really

All they have to do is stop lying and all their problems go away like POOF

No. 942512

Lillee’s screenshot proof of minors in Primink’s discord are screenshots of her harassing children in the discord server kek

No. 942515

The only true illegal thing anyone has done is these supposed daily death threats and you notice she has never shown them, so do we even know if they happened?

No. 942517

File: 1726592684514.png (244.68 KB, 755x613, moneyplease.png)

Laur will never stop her bullshit, she read an article once about how an actual neo nazi website had to pay a person they targeted a big sum of money and ever since she has made it her mission to call everybody who talks about them neo nazis in order to get a payout.

No. 942523

Probably because that’s the actual situation, except for maybe the community service part. If Laur would just lean into it and market Lillee accordingly, they wouldn’t need to do all the schizo posting about Russian intelligence assets and neo-nazi cults to try and elicit sympathy. Like, could you imagine if people made gossip threads and commentary videos about the actress with Down syndrome from Glee? Those YouTubers would become pariahs and would be cancelled faster than you can say “g8”

No. 942533

If Laur really loved Lillee, even a little, she'd stop. Stop going scorched earth, stop buying fake awards and followers, and stop running Lillee's life. Does she not trust Lillee to make it on her own?

No. 942537

>Russian and Hezbollah interference

I'm dying. These stunted unemployed goblins think they're involved in the Palestinian conflict.

No. 942538

File: 1726604767438.png (145.14 KB, 562x878, election interference.png)

Laur tried striking down more videos. This is so unhinged kek

No. 942540

This is actually hilarious. Not in the way Lillie wants it to be, but its actually so fascinating as a case study. It's like a portal into her autistic little mind. At least she's semi aware she's a weird ass narcissist, and she probably does feel like an alien trapped on a "luxury" planet. (The attic). I want to armchair her in /OT/ now.

No. 942542

I'm interested!
I think Laur is incapable of stopping because she doesn't really care about Lillee at all and feeds off the attention. That's why every time the thread dies down she comes back to revive it. Besides, I think Lillee's too far gone already anyway. If only she had stayed in school…

No. 942547

So everyone has graduated from being a discord pedophile to a secret hezbollah agent?

No. 942549

File: 1726612147659.png (61.97 KB, 791x138, dasracist.png)

Way to live up to your name, Islamophobic racist piece of shit.

No. 942552

What kind of question is that?

No. 942553

WTF so if the person is from Morocco, it somehow makes it ok to call them a "criminal terrorist" connected to the Israel/Palestine conflict and a spy? Holy shit…

No. 942556

You said Hezbollah in your youtube report dummy.

No. 942557

Because Morocco is an Islamic country and Laur automatically links that to terrorism and the current conflict in the Middle East, that's why it's fucking racist.

No. 942560

Ok it was just explained to you, try to keep up.

No. 942561

But linking that automatically to terrorist activities and a Hezbollah spy network is.

No. 942562

Don't forget she said Russian election interference kek

No. 942564

Can you read?

No. 942567

Laur, you should be looking for an apartment, instead you’re making racist reports to YouTube and arguing with strangers on this website. Get your shit together.

No. 942569

File: 1726614963873.jpg (22.47 KB, 317x360, Screenshot 2024-09-17 191526.j…)


No. 942570

here’s the direct link without the IP tracker https://vimeo.com/919346888

No. 942574

has she ever finished a movie? does whatever they're recording on not have enough storage for a full length film?

No. 942576

You can see the whole thing here:

No. 942578

is there a way to download the video? someone ought to

No. 942579

I think people have downloaded Bullyish somehow but I’m not sure how. You can always screen record while watching it. At least Princess Glamorite is a little less than 30 minutes.

No. 942584

This movie will never make any money and people actually wanna see it. Why stop them from seeing it?

No. 942586

Who cares, it's not like they were ever going to make money out of it. They're losing nothing by us watching it on Vimeo

No. 942587

Kinda like how Lillee stole the song she used in Bullyish without crediting the artist?

No. 942588

No. 942591

As a Moroccan I am going to charge inside your attic on a camel and throw a grenade on your daughter, or whatever it is you think we do to fat white girls from New York, Laura(alog)

No. 942599

Everything about Lillee and Laur is just fail after fail after fail. It's pathetic and sad, but
there's no reason to feel sympathy since they launch unhinged, full fledged psychotic attacks at the slightest question or least bit of criticism. They refuse to understand that their own fucking behavior causes them to be laughed at and mocked.
Lillee's best chance at a life is to get tf away from Laur, get into intense therapy, get some retail job at CVS or something, stock shelves, and perhaps attempt plays or acting with some local groups or something, idk. Work behind the scenes. Set decoration, wardrobe, shit like that. But I doubt that will ever happen. Laur and Lillee are caught in a death spiral of delusions and codependency.

No. 942609

better call the cyber police someone screen recorded your retarded adult daughters 5th grade level youtube project that she posted online for free

No. 942612

One of the weirdest parts about this family was that they didn't seem to be trying to 'make it'. When the reddit post was made, they were so mad at being seen. It looked like they were playing in a private fantasyland where Laur would buy followers and play characters and Lillee would live in her imagination. They had no idea how to react to scrutiny and didn't even seem to expect it. Laur vs the internet again.
Reminds me of a whole forum a girl set up to obsess over vampires, by herself, through a ton of user accounts. One of the writers at Cracked found it and put it on blast.

No. 942619

It's been proven Laur. I didn't see any credit to the musician in your "movie", you can just watch the shitshow and prove it for yourself.. or you can keep drinking and schizoing.

No. 942628

Prove it Laur, where's the proof?

No. 942629

>All they have to do is stop lying and all their problems go away like POOF
Nonnie, the Goblins have 99 problems and what we get to see is just the tip of the iceberg. They are getting evicted, and they are so deep in debt that they will never financially recover. Laur owes the IRS unpaid taxes. Lillee didn't pay for her teeth. Laur lost the license plate of her car and got arrested due to unpaid insurance.
Am I forgetting something?

No. 942630

Also, Laur's entire business model before Lillee was scamming people online with antiques. It's literally the only things she knows to do

No. 942631

Anons, don't interact with Laur.
All she has been saying is "proofs?" "why are you saying that?" "you weird for saying that" and the dumbest stuff ever, literally no one with a brain would say:

She wants us to waste our time, just like she has been wasting her life and her daughter's one.
Don't feed the troll.

Laur should fix her life and fix her family, but she spends 100% of her time here posting the dumbest comments ever.

No. 942632

File: 1726654396685.png (155.69 KB, 1184x675, bullshitishcredits.png)

That is literally the proof. That's the song they used and these are the end credits, the song isn't credited.

No. 942636

>It looked like they were playing in a private fantasyland where Laur would buy followers and play characters and Lillee would live in her imagination.

And this would have been just fine, if they hadn't started in with a French ambassador tending to Lillee sexually, and talking about slavery, the holocaust, Asians, LGBTQ+ hate, etc. Why can't Laur see how ugly she made her little girl's cute youtube hobby?

No. 942637

Yall are insane if you think Laur believes any of this bullshit. She knows there was no Russian conspiracy to take down Lillee. But it’s a hot topic that’s good for SEO so she’s going to keep pushing it

No. 942640

Good point, but doing it in emails directed to YouTube isn't gonna help her SEO, it just makes her look retarded and schizo. I personally think she saw how the TENET channels got yeeted from the platform and is using that to get channels that talk about her deleted as well by telling youtube they are somehow related.

No. 942643


Laur is a chimpanzee flinging dookie in all directions, that's all she's ever been. Her "successes" have only ever been due to a combination of automated systems that aren't sophisticated enough to assess the validity of her turds, and people who don't care enough about Trueman shenanigans to actually go back and forth directly with the goblins. There are a lot of people in the world who prefer to avoid confrontation even if it means an asshole bully like Laur gets their way, and Laur is a smooth brain who will do the same dumb shit over and over until the end of time because it accidentally worked once.

No. 942644

> and Laur is a smooth brain who will do the same dumb shit over and over until the end of time because it accidentally worked once.

BINGO. The problem with being stupid is that you're too stupid to know how stupid you are. She'll never get it.

No. 942652

i do think laur wanted the attention and the fame and the money that she thought she could get from lj. the mistake was that instead of rolling with the scrutiny and potentially flipping it in their favor, allowing themselves to become a meme, they chimped out and started acting crazy, which just added fuel to the fire. they could have capitalized off of the crazy edits, all the voodoo, the cringe, and made it work in their favor. in this era people become famous for the most retarded things. we see it every fucking day like with that hawk tuah girl or any of the other random mfs who come along, do something stupid and cringe, and the public get all wrapped up in it. however laur wanted to make lj into a movie star, and movie stars don't really exist anymore. plus she doesn't even look like one, so regardless that was never happening anyway unless she wanted to put lj into fantasy/character roles, which she doesn't. she wanted to be parading lj around in a proverbial ivory tower, with everyone fawning over her and kissing her ass and laur sitting back preening herself while they got showered with money and adulation. but it never happened, and it never will.

No. 942662

File: 1726682850989.png (489.69 KB, 1179x1694, Lady.png)

No. 942670

I know it's been said before. But Lillee is 23 years old. Why doesn't she interact with her peers? Every person on twitter/facebook/instagram she claims are her "friends" are older gen x/boomers or weird men from India. Who only interacts with her online. To put this into perspective, my Niece is her age. She graduated from college, just traveled across Europe with her sorority sisters. She has a community of her peers she networks with. Even the way Lillee dresses is NOT like a genz her age. To be clear, I'm not coming for her looks. You can just tell she has no community of friends her age and never has. She dresses like an elder millennial. The skinny jeans, early 00s wedge sandals. Yes gen z does dress early 00s and 90s, but they style it completely differently. Look at similar height gen z influencers. There is a way she can dress for her height that would look better.

No. 942672

I just looked at influencers/celebrities who are Lillee's age. Addison Rae, Dixie D'Amelio, Quenlin Blackwell, Emma Chamberlain, Willow Smith…. The horrific way that Laura has completely stunted Lillee's growth. Lillee needs to learn to drive, enroll in a college arts program part time (in person classes), get therapy without her mother being there. She needs peers outside of Laur. She needs someone to not indulge her delusions of grandeur.

No. 942673

File: 1726689945255.png (17.04 KB, 287x408, likeyourownpost.png)

>Dear friends
>thank you for the support

No. 942675

Why is little lady in quotations? lol

No. 942678

If Lillie made a friend the same age as her, she'd eventually wise up to how much Laur fucked her over and want out. Can't have that. Although, seeing the "movie", I think Lillie wants out from under Laur's grimey hands but just can't because she basically can't do anything the average woman her age should be able to do. She can't drive, doesn't know how to cook or clean or build a resume, piss poor social skills, mom spent all the money on indian bots, etc. She can't even pull a Venus. Lillie is a piece of work and has grown into a real bitch but i can't help but to feel bad for her. Laur was supposed to prepare her for adulthood so she could spread her flabby bingo wings and fly out of the nest, but instead she did the exact opposite. I could honestly see Lillie attempt to pull a Venus and have that situation go even worse somehow. Lillie's a horny little gremlin. The only silver lining is that she doesn't seem interested in becoming a mother herself.

No. 942682

Get a job and pay your rent Laur. Same for your demon spawn daughter.

No. 942685

has she finally done it? Is Laur finally having her Helen Keller breakthrough and sort of learning how to integrate? Water, Laur. Wah-turr.

No. 942686

if you want to argue with Laur so badly, email her. stop giving her attention here, it’s the only reason she posts. ignore her and report her posts

No. 942687

File: 1726694747585.jpeg (58.72 KB, 550x481, 7958A6DA-74B0-4E2A-8C46-100422…)

the newfags just don't get it. this demon cunt gets her replies deleted because shes literally bonkers. go argue with some homeless person on the street, itd be way more productive.

No. 942688

Laur's narcissism has warped Lillee's view of having friends. She's most likely heard "you're on a different level, they aren't good enough for you" or "they're jealous of you because you're special" and the worst of all, "you can't trust any of them, I'm the only one you can trust." She isolated Lillee from her peers. Classic case of narcissistic abuse.
As she gets older, maybe Lillee will wake up and see just how many precious years were wasted due to Laur.
I also wonder what will happen to Lillee as she gets older. Laur isn't going to live forever and where will that leave Lillee? She's too dumb to attempt the grifting, bullying, and threats that Laur does. Lillee is functionally retarded thanks to Laur.

No. 942689

Lillee was self-important and unlikable even when she attended public school, hence why she had problems with people there as well. She’s also extremely racist and delusional about her (lack of) looks and talent. She’s never going to break free from Laur and she has no desire to. Even if she did one day, I wouldn’t automatically forgive her as she’s done and said a lot of vile shit to people seemingly of her own volition. Idk why so many people here root for her when she has no redeeming qualities and has never shown any sign of being a good, thoughtful person at heart.

No. 942691

At first I thought the reason she couldn't drive was because she is a New Yorker and public transit is big there? But she doesn't seem to go places without Laur. Her "voyager" series showed her only going places with Laur. She is 23 living in NYC!. She could have made a living doing aesthetic nyc vlogs or even day in the life style videos. Then leverage that into vlogging her acting classes, going to college, she could get into social media management. She has potential if Laur would just let her grow. I hate the comments on her body as she has a normal midsize frame and she IS pretty. It's just you can tell she gets her style advice from a gen x'er with outdated views on how petite women should dress.

No. 942692

She can’t go anywhere without Laur because Laur is her security guard kek

No. 942694

I wouldn't call her midsize exactly, but she might have potential if she only learned to dress like a normal twenty something and stopped making insane facial expressions

No. 942695

Oi!, is it necessary call her "retarded"? I myself have adhd and have been called that before by a teacher as a child. It's a slur.(newfag/blogging)

No. 942696

You haven't been on lolcow long, have you?

No. 942699

midsize are the sizes between average runway models (0-6) and plus size (16+) She looks like a size 10-14 US, so she is midsize by American standards.

No. 942700

No, I'm new to lolcow. Just came across this after learning about Lillee from youtube.

No. 942701

Lillee is not pretty and that’s okay. I feel like nonnas keep trying to call her pretty to soften their criticisms of her. She looks old for her age because her lifestyle is unhealthy and her facial features resemble Laur’s. Both of them look like run-of-the-mill fat white women from Queens. If they were nice people nobody would care about or comment on their looks, though, so there’s that.

No. 942703

Lurk moar newfag

No. 942705

she’s midsize like a sedan
this, she looks (and acts) just like laur and it’s really unfortunate

No. 942707

I honestly thought those pictures of her as Princess Glamourite (lol) that someone posted a couple of days ago were Laur at first dressed up as some supporting character. She's so haggard that she's turning into a clone of her middle aged mother at only 23.

No. 942711

Laur is in the collage along with Lilz and that weird man.

No. 942717

All this talk about how lj had potential to be something, but in reality she's lazy, dumb and doesn't actually like doing anything. The last time she had an actual hobby she liked was in middle school, now she loses interest in anything that doesn't bring her immediate gratification. I mean she got a whole comedian from Puerto Rico to work on a "movie" with her and yet she never even finished it. How long has it been now?? She never made part 2 and moved on to other random bullshit. The acting thing will end up just like the makeup - she'll keep doing it for a while to prove the haters wrong, but will eventually get so sick of it she'll find something else. She hates learning, hates working on herself, hates criticism, hates effort. And it's not all Laur (although Laur does try her hardest to sabotage LJ as much as possible)

No. 942719

despite all of this, you can tell failaur is jealous of failillee

No. 942722

Once she fails at acting, she will definitely dip her toes into being a munchie. Mark my words.

No. 942727

She can strike one pose with her face for a photo. That doesn't mean she's pretty. Being pretty is how you look overall from all angles as well as how you move. Her body proportions are weird and she never stopped making those crackhead faces into the camera.

No. 942729

File: 1726741161725.jpeg (117.72 KB, 1080x1920, Comedienne.jpeg)

>stopped making those crackhead faces
I disagree. Making funny faces is the way to go if she really wanted to become a famous actress. Let's face it, she isn't a beauty queen and her body proportions aren't what you expect from a model. The video of Lillee playing basketball looks like something Danny DeVito would do.

No. 942730

If she weren't racist online and was actually good at acting she could have been a character actor. She has the right look to play a hatchetface type role.

No. 942731

Why are you nonnoes in here talking like Hollywood isn't a nepotism riddled racket? Like her no connections having ass would even get glanced at, let's be real. They should have taken the money wasted on Instagram followers and enrolled her in online medical coding classes. It's a good job and she can work from home.

No. 942732

Laur claims she has tons of connections in Hollywood kek

No. 942741

>if lillee was a completely different human being
wake the the fuck up.

No. 942742

I was making a comment on her weird appearance you absolute autist

No. 942743

She’s good at editing her photos. Lots of people have pointed out how she looks in edited photos vs video

No. 942744

Anyone can facetune.

No. 942746

Laur and Lillee should submit their movies to Rotten Tomatoes so actual critics can review them.

No. 942747

Anyone can submit a movie to rotten tomatoes. It has to be approved by the site though. You fill out this form and link the movie https://formstack.io/AE9DD

No. 942752

Lillee wants to play roles that are usually given to actresses like Sydney Sweeney. She will never play roles that are actually suitable for someone with her looks.

No. 942756

File: 1726750392499.png (48.5 KB, 608x392, fonz.png)

>where does she brag that she has contacts?
She brags about knowing people in the industry all the fucking time.

No. 942757

It’s literally the submission form from rotten tomatoes’ FAQ section. Guess the goblins really don’t want Lillee’s movies reviewed by real people

No. 942763

>you’re jealousy is becoming more interesting than them.
Multiple bankruptcies, a ton of unpaid debt to the IRS and being evicted at least twice for not paying rent is nothing to be jealous of.

No. 942764

It’s a valid link. I submitted her 2 movies from her website and all her YouTube trailers. Made sure to note all the awards they’ve won in the description(cowtipping)

No. 942768

Yes. Unlike Laur I pay my taxes so it's my money they are living off and wasting on fake Instagram followers.

No. 942769

How is submitting her movies to Rotten Tomatoes harming her?

Laur, you can’t continue playing make believe with your adult daughter.

No. 942770

Don’t forget that they did a chargeback scam with at least one fake followers company. God knows how many more they’ve done it with.

No. 942772

Rotten Tomatoes is the industry standard for movie reviews. How is that "a mission to harm lillee" ? Please explain…

No. 942777

Ok I’m begging the mods to do a post reveal, this is happening so often lately kek. Laur, put down the Franzia and try to get your daughter into a trade or at least on the tard dole

No. 942782

File: 1726752485878.png (206.68 KB, 1082x413, socialsecurity.png)


No. 942785

What does activism have to do with you and your daughter being chronically unemployed and a drain on society?

No. 942789

Earl is permanently disabled and you don’t have a mortgage.

No. 942790

They don’t have a mortgage they’re squatters.

No. 942792

>stop calling me someone I am not
Everybody here has seen the bankruptcy filings and has seen their income statements. Everybody here knows all three of them are living of social security (yes, even Earl). It's all public info…

No. 942793

Stop replying to Laur nonas. She only comes here to shit up the thread because she feeds off the attention we give her.

No. 942797

Not illegal, they are publicly available court records.

No. 942799

Laur, do you think you’re talking to the lady from Maine? You keep calling her an activist. I’m not the lady from Maine! I’m an observer from another planet.

No. 942801

Either she has dementia or she’s pretending to. Not worth engaging either way.

No. 942805

Your bankruptcy docs complete w income statements are online. Theyve been posted for years and you’ve known that for years. Seriously what’s going on with all this memory loss? Have you seen a doc?

No. 942807

Laur, you could be checking receipts at Costco and having health insurance. Instead you’re arguing with people on the internet while squatting in an apartment that your landlord tried to evict you 3 times from.

No. 942810

>with social security numbers
Only the last 4 digits bc that's how they are shown on public records kek.

No. 942811

File: 1726754014239.png (337.92 KB, 1009x765, laur.png)

This is slightly old but this is farmhand’s reasoning to why always delete Laur’s posts. The Original post here >>>/meta/82667

No. 942812

The income statements were also in the court documents last time the landlord sued them, they clearly state all three of them are on social security. It's all public info.

No. 942813

This is old news, why she acting like it just happened. Laur might legit have Alzheimer’s.

No. 942814

It’s strange how Lillee spent years making these movies and paid for awards but refuses to let anyone see them. It reminds of major studios shelving completed films for tax deductions. Could Lillee be getting loans to finance these productions? It seems like a lot of work for nothing

No. 942815

I wonder if Laur had never even heard of rotten tomatoes.

No. 942816

I don't see how she could get a loan. Banks won't lend to you if you have no income to pay it back.

No. 942817

It’s just make believe play for Lillee. She pretends to achieve all of these things while being totally shielded from all real criticism.

I’ve never met a filmmaker who didn’t promote their full work all the time.

No. 942819

File: 1726758698442.jpeg (53.82 KB, 430x327, C27860F4-33C6-45EF-9DA9-05B238…)

that’s not old, its been a golden rule for a long fucking time. theres virtually no point in arguing with crazy. you would know if you were here long enough. if someone is very off with the wk'ing, rationalization, just report.

No. 942830

>It’s just make believe play for Lillee.

This needs to be a book. That a mother kept her daughter fooled and held captive so long, Laur can't do this forever, Lillee will eventually learn everything.

No. 942832

i feel like a lot of the insane shit laur claims is an effort to fool lillee more than anyone else

No. 942840

Lillee is aware none of this is real, just like she was aware that the 1M followers, Pheepy, James, Mario, Shaniqua, etc were fake. To her it's like playing dolls (which she was still doing at 19 or maybe even later, up until Laur threw away/sold her dolls). She knows it's fake and embarrassing, but facing reality is so painful it's better to play pretend. She probably spends hours every day daydreaming instead of actually working on her "movies" or acting skills

No. 942853

>This needs to be a book
There should be a whole case study on Laura Trueman. She is a professional conwoman and a "welfare queen". Somehow she is able to abuse every system she encounters. How does she make money? How come she hasn't been evicted yet?
Also, case Brenda is more interesting than anything Lillee Jean has ever done.

No. 942854

Where are nonnies getting the idea that Lillee is some innocent Rapunzel like waif locked in a tower? Do they not know how to read past threads and see video of her being an obnoxious bitch, or of her defending her disgusting pretend relationship? Learn the golden rules and lurk more.

No. 942855

this is my first time actually prowling thru this website and oh god where has this amazing tingly feeling I get reading about delusional people who need to be forced into a mental hospital

No. 942857

Lillee is definitely not innocent and she is aware of everything being fake but I also believe that a lot of the information she is getting is second hand and has gone trough a Laur filter first.

No. 942858

File: 1726826520020.png (564.5 KB, 539x1175, laurtruemanclaim.png)

New failed takedown attempt on a Youtube video.

No. 942867

I’ve always had a tinfoil they’re being investigated for welfare fraud. The second wellness check was on a person in a wheelchair…I’ve always thought this welfare check was on Earl not Lillee. Laur claims he’s disabled and can’t walk but we’ve seen plenty of videos of him dancing and walking around. Laur said in their court paperwork they didn’t work during the pandemic and needed ERAP. I think this is the reason Lillee took down all her beauty guru videos, reuploaded them as acting clips and claims she was never an influencer. I think it’s why they copyright claim any video showing proof they were working during the pandemic.

No. 942874

Too bad for Laur we have very many screenshots saying Lillee is an influencer, makeup artist, celebrity with paps following her, etc.

No. 942876

I think that's a fair assumption. Would also explain why Lillee is on the lease as "Jane Doe" . Would make it a lot harder to game the system if you have to explain why a "successful" influencer/ceo of a company is living in the house and you still need ERAP kek.

No. 942879

>Where are nonnies getting the idea that Lillee is some innocent Rapunzel like waif locked in a tower?

Lillee couldn't add 9 + 9. Literally. Remember? She is developmentally disabled. Laur can tell her ANYTHING and be believed.

No. 942884


Brenda was a crook who fenced stolen jewelry.

No. 942887

Brenda was a criminal

No. 942888

Is that the woman that sometimes responds to Lillee on X and thinks she is being gangstalked and hexed by the wife of an Italian rock star or something like that? She's a hoot.

No. 942894

Raising is a big word here…

No. 942898

Get a job Laur

No. 942902

Laur and her parents defended the robbers, Brenda was shot accidentally by her husband when he tried to defend the store and shoot the robbers.

No. 942904

it makes sense. but man how psychotic do you have be to do that?

No. 942909

File: 1726853709331.mp4 (6.31 MB, 1080x1920, Genius.mp4)

What do you mean developmentally disabled? Just watch how intelligently she talks about the new Snow White Movie. Notice the gamer chair and all that swag on the background. Lillee is pivoting her content. Very smart.

No. 942913

File: 1726854430357.png (549.08 KB, 1185x1061, Instastory1.png)

She doesn't even mention her "influencer career" in this Medium interview she shared on Insta stories today.

No. 942914

Man she is so retarded. She's talking like Snow White is the first ever movie with 2 female main characters and it's gonna help advance women's rights lmfao. She has no clue about literally anything, and for someone trying to become an actress she's seen shockingly few movies.
I wonder if what's in the background is all that remains of her toy collection?

No. 942915

File: 1726854578063.png (724.88 KB, 1231x1080, Instastory2.png)

Here's two more stories from Lillee. Her clothes look very uncomfortable.

No. 942917

I know it's been tinfoiled to hell and back what Lillee has, there is definitely SOMETHING wrong with her but the truth is we will never know because she never had a chance to grow up normal. She might be incapable of doing math because Laur refused to give her an education and encouraged her to never do anything that requires the slightest bit of effort. Or she might be legitimately impaired. I do believe there's something wrong genetically just because of her teeth and her being a legal dwarf, but honestly there's tons of people as stupid as Lillee that don't have a developmental disability. I mean, look at Laur…

No. 942918

All I see when I see a crotch that tight is a yeast infection.

No. 942919

>as a professional actress
Professional means it makes you money, Lillee is by definition an amateur.

No. 942921

Eh half correct. She could be living there and known to be living there without her name on the lease; landlord would name her as a Doe in such a case.

No. 942922

Laur may have lied and said Lillee was a minor. But these days the landlord knows all about Lillee, her age, her videos, etc.(ban evading sperg)

No. 942924

File: 1726858178127.png (211.07 KB, 727x573, Screenshot 2024-09-20 204809.p…)

Makes you wonder why they are not paying their rent and are being evicted. The IRS should probably also pay them a visit…

No. 942928

In the US wouldn't she have to file tax returns on this income?

No. 942940

Not murdered but involuntary manslaughter, big difference. It was an accident.

No. 942942

At least you admit that they are facts…

No. 942946

I read the publicly available casefiles and court records. Stop being so fucking paranoid.

No. 942949

You do realise that you are talking to multiple people here right? Go take your schizo meds…

No. 942951

someone doesn't want to talk their tax returns on the cool million USD in income they claimed

No. 942955

I wasn't even in the US at the time of the murder, I don't even live on that side of the Ocean. WTF are you even on? You sound so paranoid…

No. 942958

Where did blackpool come from, somebody bring me up to speed here, this is too psychotic to follow

No. 942961

I was 6 years old when Brenda died. Just sayin…

No. 942963

I meant court records, not case file. My bad.

No. 942964

oh 100%, but barring her being on the lease (or him having a different name) using a doe who’s info will come out during discovery covers their ass the best.

No. 942965

Don't engage, it's Laur. She uses the death her sister to try to paint themselves as victims. It's a way for her to try to get all the evidence against them wiped from the internet. Her first grift was trying to claim the murderer of her sister was behind these boards, then it shifted to a "cult" run by Diane awesomelaser. Now it's a "lillee jean clone cult" run by pedos & neo nazi's. She always is trying to find an angle. She will use this as some sort of "proof". I predict her next facebook ramblings will be about how lolcow is harboring a murderer. She will claim she gave this "evidence" to the nypd or fbi. I can tell by your use of language you're not a boomer or gen x'er. The person responding give MAJOR elder gen x or boomer energy (Laur)

No. 942966

Laur, you’re not talking to Sandra here. Take a nap maybe?

No. 942967

Does Laur need a wellness check? Not joking. is Lillee safe in a house with her?

No. 942968

Laur will accuse the poor lady in Maine of killing JFK next. Oh totally normal. Nothing mentally ill here at all.

No. 942969

It's so weird that she doesn't know we can tell it's her just from her use of language. Just like we knew she was behind the Shaniqua account because she used words like "youse" and "maje attitude". Black New Yorkers don't talk like that. That is like saying "yinz", it's a major regional clue. Just like black Bostonians don't sound like Mikayla Norgera. She has a very classic NYC accent that gives away that she probably grew up around alot of Italian-Americans. You can hear it in Lillee when she drops the disney princess voice.

No. 942970

Crazy how she calls lolcow a neo nazi black website yet she seems to enjoy posting here every day.

No. 942971

>Does Laur need a wellness check? Not joking. is Lillee safe in a house with her?

MILLIONS of people know about all her failures, imagine realizing you've failed at litterally everything you ever touched.

No. 942973

She doesn't really think this is a neo nazi site. The thing about Laur is she thinks she is extremely clever and two steps above everyone. She thinks she's playing 3d chess.

No. 942974

Screenshots of all of Laur's delusional paranoia and wild accusations are archived if anyone needs for legal

No. 942975

Looks like Lillee Jean copyright struck the lolcow urls from google

No. 942976

That was a disturbing episode she had today - I hope she's sleeping now. She desperately needs help.The only person who can call for help is Lillee and shes probably afraid to.

No. 942977

There are lolcow urls? kek

No. 942978

Nonas please stop taking the bait.

If you were genuinely concerned about someone's safety you wouldn't ask these things on lolcow.

No. 942980

I never usually catch when Laur posts, now I've seen it I completely understand why it gets deleted. And nothing of value was lost.

No. 942981

it sends me when she talks about "women in film" and how hard it is for actresses to make it, as if there are only 3 female actresses in hollywood and all the other 83 000 actors are males kekkk

No. 942983

She sounds as if being a woman is a disability.

No. 942987

Anyone responding to the person you all presume is Laur will get a 1 week ban from this point forward. We have told you time and again to stop taking the bait and to stop engaging with them. They want to derail this thread and you keep letting them. Stop being retards.

No. 942998

Send the archive in never get to see the comments before they are deleted.(sage your shit)

No. 943004

After what I saw today now I know Laur is dangerous. Everyone be careful.(ban evading sperg)

No. 943006

This is the same shit Laur’s been pulling for years. She’s accused multiple people of murdering her sister. She’s not dangerous. She’s broke, desperate and posting on here makes her feel better

No. 943012

If people filed as many FBI and police reports against Laur as she files DCMA requests she'd be in jail by now.

No. 943016

>as an aries
Like I suspected, LJ is incapable to tell her rising sign, bc Laur was too drunk to remember her hour of birth.

No. 943020

Primink’s lawyer found out they were homeless before the court info was available. They also said Laur was abusing financial systems >>936146 wouldn’t be surprised if their landlord reported them after trying to evict them for 2 years with no luck. It also explains why they refuse to move a few hours west, north or south where the cost of living is significantly cheaper. If Laur’s being investigated, they may have told her not to move out of state.

No. 943021

File: 1726926507876.png (132.13 KB, 815x811, life insurance.png)

They also have 8 life insurance policies for the 3 of them. Not illegal perse but def a weird thing to do when you are so short on cash that you can't even pay your rent.

No. 943022

No health insurance but multiple life insurance policies. I'm no insurance broker, but that doesn't seem usual.

No. 943031

Okay, the fuck? That's over 270k, the payments can't possibly be affordable for them, they have no income except for disability/insurance payments from Earl's work accident or whatever that was.
On one of the policies it says "Insured: Joint Debtor's Mother", that would be Laur's mom or MIL, right?
And the rest of the policies don't mention anyone, so I'm assuming only Laur and Earl are insured, not LJ. Is it possible the money would go to her, or only to either Laur or Earl?

No. 943046


>Idk why so many people here root for her when she has no redeeming qualities and has never shown any sign of being a good, thoughtful person at heart.

Some of us just see her as the victim of a narcissist. Laur let her weird teeth fester for years until she was old enough to take out a loan in her name. A decent mother would have picked up a job at CVS and got her daughters teeth fixed. Lillie used to always tell us about her hot cheeto colored period blood, a decent mother would have had that sorted out years ago. Lillie is a shit person and in this case, its because her mom is a shit person. If Laur was an okay mother, Lillie would have just been another annoying nlog e-girl wannabe. At most, her antics would have made her someone's personal lolcow.

Laur? Are you planning something? I think she'd take Earl out before Lillie. Earl in the freezer saga two when?

>Is lillie safe in a house with her?

She was never safe in a house with Laur. Being in the same house as Laur is why she's an lolcow normie YouTubers like Primark make videos on, instead of just being the DUFF to some community college kids.

No. 943048

What do you think a url is, anon?

Not American, please forgive - so those are all separate policies and have to be maintained? It's not tied to 401k or some other program or entitlement? Like, they'd have to seek these out and then keep paying them?

No. 943051

>they'd have to seek these out and then keep paying them?
Yes, these are all "term life" policies, meaning they are relatively short term contracts for 5/10/15 years and need to be paid monthly. At the end of the contract they can be revised and renewed for another term. When they expire they don't get any money back from them, they are not like a savings plan or anything like that, purely life insurance.

No. 943060

Paid for all those life insurance policies but didn’t have flood insurance on her “prop warehouse”. She mentions it in this blog she wrote explaining why they couldn’t ship items (after she was booted from eBay & Etsy for scamming people )


No. 943077

Why would you not have flood or hurricane insurance on a warehouse in Flushing out of all places? An area that is known to flood all the fucking time lol it's a high-risk hurricane zone.

No. 943080

File: 1727005043964.png (523.62 KB, 1080x1883, GoogleReview.png)

How many insurances does Laur need?

No. 943084

File: 1727009974498.jpg (60.52 KB, 1179x418, Elaine.JPG)

JaxJackso is one of Laur’s socks

No. 943085

File: 1727010016570.png (427.7 KB, 1179x1240, Elainebro.png)

No. 943087

Not sure if it was the same sock but they were tweeting at TMZ about Lauren Chen bullying a smol Jewish but had locked the account before I got screenshots. Laur’s back to her old tricks

No. 943089

File: 1727013706224.png (1.82 MB, 1072x1207, buff.png)

Another teaser tonight

No. 943093

For someone so “petite” she sure is wider than her love interest

No. 943096

File: 1727026851104.png (1.06 MB, 967x2595, JaxJackso.png)

How do you know this? Please don't tell me that horrorcow is trying to self-insert again.

No. 943098

not body shaming, just noticing. her upper arm is wider than his neck

No. 943099

File: 1727030716346.png (3.25 MB, 1047x1841, Feet.png)

No. 943101

File: 1727030942725.webm (3.48 MB, 776x1364, RPReplay_Final1727030588.webm)

“Visually watch”

No. 943102

Her wide ass feet are really stretching out the thin material of those shoes

No. 943103

File: 1727036657157.png (3.68 MB, 1041x1984, fat.png)

Truly unfortunate build. Yes I’m body shaming.

No. 943105

Wtf is going on with her elbow? Is that a bruise?

No. 943109

Kek no anon it’s the upper arm fat folding over her elbow, I’ve only ever seen it on like older heavyset church ladies of my youth

No. 943110

I think I’d cry if I was that fat and none of it was going to my tits. It’s hilarious how she casts herself as the lead in all these “romantic comedies” it’s probably the closest a man is going to get to actually dating her.

No. 943111

Tin foil here. Can't help but wonder if this is one way she thinks she can get a boyfriend. Cast guys in her projects, then as they work together, men can't help but fall in love with her because she is so beautiful, charming, and talented. Meanwhile, they realize after they sign up that it's all fraud, there is no "movie" and barely a script. They're nice so they just do the minimum asked of them then run the hell away from the Truemans.

No. 943112

Stocky soviet jewish babushka made for lugging bales of hay

No. 943113

these shoes are kinda cute anyone know where theyre from?

No. 943123

imo they look really painful

No. 943125

No. 943127

File: 1727055625760.jpg (862.81 KB, 1179x642, eek.jpg)

looking g8

No. 943132

Her chin scared his into submission.

No. 943133

Why does she insist on dressing like an elder millennial circa 2010? It's giving mum of 3 in her 40s. It's giving this blog from 2010 https://raindropsofsapphire.wordpress.com/

No. 943134

Now that I think about it, didn't Laur pull Lillee out of school in the 2010s. Maybe that is why her style is stuck there? That was the last time she interacted with people her age. That dude she is acting with looks like a man well in his 30s.

No. 943139

Lillee would slay the coquette aesthetic with those ballet flats, instead she paired them with skinny leggings. I feel she would slay dark academia in the fall or Korean style. But we'll see more skinny jeans, infinity scarfs, unflattering off shoulder tops with puffy sleeves, turtle neck sweaters.

No. 943142

Omg anon, my sides

No. 943143

They have all these clips from ‘features coming soon’ and shit but that’s all we see like, that is the feature. This one doesn’t even come off like any sort of film, just a random encounter. What is the plot line here? Normalcy?

No. 943144

Right? She could have been a nice husky little Vermont farm girl.

No. 943145

Another one for her foot audience. Gross and obviously intentional.

No. 943146

Lillee could slay anything with those big ass arms. Imagine how stacked she has the potential to be it never will. It’s like Shayna with axe throwing. They alway pick something that completely goes against their natural figure. Shayna could have been a killer Valkyrie in another world and Lillee could have been a bitchin’ metalsmith or keg tosser but they choose to pretend they are these dainty feminine influencers.

No. 943147

KEK nonnica, you had me at
>her arms could slay anything
Honestly though she’s so uncoordinated one has to wonder what physical activity Lillee would be good at irl.

No. 943150

File: 1727069822068.jpeg (221.42 KB, 504x911, IMG_4572.jpeg)

You have to be cute and skinny to pull off balletcore and coquette. She’s built like an overweight toddler so it would give downie in dance class. A cottagecore lite flowey dress (with sleeves!!) would be more forgiving for the dumpy dwarf physique and it would appeal to her arrested development desire to be a disney princess.

No. 943151

Dainty and feminine doesn't just equal skinny anon. That is like me saying rubenesque figures aren't feminine.

No. 943152

That is cottage core, not coquette. No, you don't have to be skinny to pull of coquette or balletcore. This isn't 2010s ED tumblr era anymore. It's her stature and chubbiness that makes me think she can pull it off. Short chubby girls look good in coquette. Like this girl on tiktok. Lillee could pull this off and actually look her age https://www.tiktok.com/@thisisthea/video/7406666487202598151(derailing)

No. 943153

The problem is Lillee Jean is not only mid sized but she has the figure of a sedentary middle aged office worker. Mini skirts and babydoll tops will not do her any favors

No. 943156


Coquette is an extremely unforgiving style in terms of silhouettes and chubbier girls who make it work are the exception, not the rule. The girl in that video isn’t built like Lillee, has a cute, youthful face unlike Lillee, and several of her outfits aren’t really coquette. The modern coquette and off-duty ballerina style IS very much made to suit skinny/athletic girls. Lillee looks better the more covered she is and should find a style that is modest and elongating to her dumpy body. She also just simply doesn’t have a feminine figure because she doesn’t have feminine curves, nobody said being fat was unfeminine. Would love to see her try and pull off coquette because it’d be hilarious though

No. 943157

As a chubby girlie myself, I respectfully disagree. Those styles are not "made for skinny athletic girls". I agree she's too broad chested for a babydoll top. But a miniskirt with thigh highs, knees highs or cute socks eats. https://www.tiktok.com/@sasssiren/photo/7415175689571290401
I think she would slay dark academia too. With her coloring it would give Victorian vampire, in a good way.
I still think she can turn herself around if she goes to college and interacts with genuine people her age. I'm not really as critical of Lillee as I am Laur. When I heard Laur say with her own mouth that Chinese store owners chased her with a clever just for being white. I knew Laur was the one that taught her history and passed her boomer racism on to Lillee.

No. 943159

The background noise is disgusting, the least she could do is filter it out and slap on a royalty free melody. Not that hard to do in Audacity and it's completely free…

No. 943160


The styles were designed for skinny women on the runway and popularized by skinny teenage girls, regardless of whether you think they can look good on chubby girls or not. That’s just a fact that exists independently of your opinion. The whole coquette/nymphette thing was very heavily linked to ED culture on 2010s tumblr and Twitter- again, that’s an objective fact. That doesn’t mean chubby girls can’t make them work for their body types, but the style quite literally wasn’t made for their bodies so those girls need to be particularly fashion-forward (like those fashion Tiktokers) to successfully adapt the style to their needs. Lillee isn’t naturally fashionable so it would be difficult for her to pull the style off.

A lot of people inherit racism from their shitty boomer parents. That doesn’t mean they aren’t racist. Lillee’s racism serves her victim narrative and also gives her a sense of self importance (remember when she had an Indian guy on live talk about colorism in India, then she proceeded to make a self-loathing Indian sock puppet who longed to have white skin like Lillee?) Idk why people here bend over backwards to defend her racism.(derailing)

No. 943163


Most styles are designed for skinny runway models as runway models are skinny. The modern coquette aesthetic styles of today were popularized by gen z of all body types. Also "coquette" as we know it today is more 90s miu miu, anna sui, and incorporates elements of Japanese fashion not from 2010s ED tumblr culture. It's funny you reduce what I wrote as an "opinion" while trying to make your "opinion" a fact. Nothing you wrote is a fact, just your opinion as I have mine.(derailing)

No. 943165

This is the last I will say on this as this has derailed the thread. 2010s tumblr's version of coquette/nymphette was highly problematic. The term nymphette was literally banned for a reason. When I say Lillee would slay coquette, I am not talking the 2010s tumblr version as that version is gross. I'm taking todays coquette which is all about whimsy and romance. We don't live in the 2010s ed tumblr era anymore, indie sleeze of today is not the indie sleeze of the 2010s. Coquette is now open to all body types.(derailing)

No. 943168

Was there even a script for this? It's like they're trying to come up with lines on the spot.

No. 943169

I doubt it, even in Trapper trap all the dialogs with dudes were improvised on the spot.

No. 943171

I've never seen a film release bloopers BEFORE the project is even done. In other words, look how amateur this is!

No. 943172

Something that hasn't really been addressed is how pitiful Laur's camera "work" is. Lillee could have actual beauty and talent and it wouldn't matter with Laur behind the camera overexposing everything and focusing in and out like she's been drinking.

No. 943174

Lillee looks fatter and older at 23 than Lena Dunham was when she filmed season 1 of Girls at 26 years old. Lena Dunham is a college educated nepo baby with actual talent though.

No. 943175

You could hitch a couple of oxen to that chin and plow the back 40 in no time.

No. 943184


Lillie would look absolutely retarded stomping around NYC in this. But then again, people seeing her in this would automatically assume she's just a greasy Orthodox Jew horse girl, so that'd work for her oppression points.

Lillie doesn't have the range to pull off any "aesthetic". Does she even have permanent housing right now or are they just existing in some random attic again? Lillie just needs to go to target and get a few pairs of loose fitting high waisted mom jeans and babydoll tops just like all of the other chubby 23 year olds.

No. 943200

File: 1727133663889.png (246.37 KB, 1179x1127, Porn.png)

This account occasionally communicates with Lillee and his feed is just full of hardcore porn kek(off-topic)

No. 943201

File: 1727133701769.png (Spoiler Image,1.12 MB, 1179x1082, Bj.png)

Spoiler for porn(off-topic)

No. 943202

File: 1727134073976.png (1.36 MB, 1179x1416, Genz.png)

I feel like her grammar is getting worse and worse.

No. 943204

Quoting herself in her own twitter post from an article she herself wrote about herself. How far up your own ass can you be kek

No. 943205

File: 1727134947648.jpeg (616.5 KB, 1290x1233, IMG_9942.jpeg)

Laur tweets like a creepy old man

No. 943224

Everything about this clip is a study in body language. His body language is screaming that he wants to bolt. His shoulders are slightly scrunched, he's constantly leaning away from her and always has his body angled in such a way that shows absolutely no interest in her, he looks around, even the way he holds his backpack straps is a telling gesture. She, on the other hand, is consistently violating his personal space, leaning towards him, facing him head on as much as possible, staring hard at him. This isn't just their acting. He's highly uncomfortable.
>learned from others in movies that I loved
Oh you mean the exaggerated Disney and Pixar movements and facial expressions that don't translate to actual human beings.

No. 943231

>The Chorus in Our Eyes
They saw The Fault in Our Stars and said “I have an idea” kek

No. 943236

File: 1727177222913.jpg (771 KB, 2560x1600, Screenshot_20240924_122314_X.j…)

Lillee loves sonic the hedgehog apperantly.

No. 943238

>Everything about this clip is a study in body language. His body language is screaming that he wants to bolt. His shoulders are slightly scrunched, he's constantly leaning away from her and always has his body angled in such a way that shows absolutely no interest in her, he looks around, even the way he holds his backpack straps is a telling gesture. She, on the other hand, is consistently violating his personal space, leaning towards him, facing him head on as much as possible, staring hard at him. This isn't just their acting. He's highly uncomfortable.

Yes! Exactly! There is so much going on that's unsaid, and none of it is good. And she's so stiff, just standing there sucking her stomach in, straining hard to focus on "acting". She makes no use of the space around her and the whole scene is highly uncomfortable, not just for the guy but for the audience as well. I don't know the point of The Chorus of Our Eyes In, but I'm sure as usual, the guy lead is supposed to be obsessively in love with her. It seems to be completely the other way around.

No. 943239

>Headstrong actress Deborah Shine (Lillee Jean) hates Enrique Silver (Ken Holmes), the owner of a small photography company. In an unlikely pairing, they have an intense argument when Deb thinks Enrique is taking illicit photos of her, as she's been under intense scrutiny.

Here’s the description from Film Freeway. Why would she make a “movie” about a woman falsely accusing a man of stalking her when she’s being accused of the same thing in real life?

No. 943241

File: 1727182961609.png (2.52 MB, 1050x1528, Nyfw.png)

No. 943242

Even with the beauty filter turned up to 11 Laur still looks like a drunk.

No. 943243

Thought this was JK Rowling on the home page. I have no idea why

No. 943245

Earlier I noticed that the synopsis is literally her stalking larp. She claims she can't go to a grocery store without people laughing or talking about her or something, I can't remember the exact bs she said. It really doesn't convince me this isn't a fantasy for her. She likes the attention, and I guarantee she daydreams about one of these "stalkers" that watched one of the call-out videos being hot and falling in love with her to the point she wrote this fucking script lmfao

No. 943247

You write what you know and this is all Lillee knows kek

No. 943248


Laur looks absolutely wasted 24/7 nowadays. Extremely dopey too, almost like she drinks ans pops xanax religiously.

No. 943249

KEK I thought the same thing
Laur coming off her Franzia bender and looks like she has a 5 o'clock shadow

No. 943253

Lillee looks like a troon here

No. 943256

File: 1727192206271.png (134.03 KB, 708x562, American Hustle.png)

>Lillee Jean in American Hustle
The fuck does that even mean…

No. 943257

I’d love to see the person pursue this claim and make Lillee argue in court she has rights to dialogue from a movie owned by Columbia Pictures

No. 943258

The problem is that when the person fights the claim, Laur will have their personal info and doxx the shit out of them and their family.

No. 943260

Laur looks physically sick as well as mentally sick now. And Lillee looks 45. WTF is going on in the attic.

No. 943262

Laur still has normal boobs and cleavage at least, Lillee's point East and West.

No. 943263

Did they manage to actually get tickets to nyfw? Or are they bragging about going to the kids' event again?

No. 943264

File: 1727197558267.jpg (108.5 KB, 1252x1252, 1000091408.jpg)

It never really dawned on me until now how much Laur looks like Dr. Evil from Austin Powers. Right down to the growth stunted doppelganger.

No. 943265

File: 1727198393790.png (1.17 MB, 1179x1587, Pornguy.png)

Porn guy strikes again

No. 943266

"I grew up in a digital age" sounds like something only an old would say.

No. 943267

File: 1727198932473.jpg (341.58 KB, 980x653, Shrek.JPG)

These two could make the ugliest babies

No. 943268

File: 1727199052035.jpg (403.97 KB, 980x653, Ew.JPG)

No. 943270

File: 1727199258593.jpg (204.49 KB, 370x955, Wow.jpg)

These aren’t new but I’m in awe of her body

No. 943271

She's so awkwardly giddy.

No. 943272

File: 1727199319433.jpg (359.1 KB, 550x1384, Yikes.jpg)

No. 943273

Dwarfism butt or lard ass?

No. 943274

File: 1727199452613.jpg (49.68 KB, 257x287, NECK.jpg)

I love it

No. 943275

File: 1727199633290.jpg (101.93 KB, 500x380, 1000015277.jpg)

I thought Lillee's face here reminded me of something, and luckily googling it brought up this comic that accurately describes her kek

No. 943276

File: 1727199806301.jpg (74.14 KB, 997x582, 5564attend.jpg)

the pearface is becoming more pearshaped

No. 943277

File: 1727199905669.jpg (77.24 KB, 707x457, Screenshot 2024-09-24 134137.j…)

If this happened in 10 yrs what will it be in 10 more?

No. 943278

That's just her not having a clue about focal length.

No. 943279

She's never been so close to a guy before, how pathetic is that

No. 943281

Her shoulders are wider than his kek

No. 943282

When she blurted out "A Diamond Ring?!" the secondhand embarrassment was real. Painfully uncomfortable around even an average looking guy. WTF

No. 943283

WHY don't they edit out the embarrassing parts?

No. 943285

She looks like a grandma rapidly age regressed

No. 943286

Lillie is making this dude look like hes anorexic. Laur, go scam for a planet fitness membership so Lillie can put those God given linebacker shoulders to good use.

No. 943287

Lillee could be a good axe thrower one day with those broad shoulders and lunch lady arms. I can imagine her in another life chucking huge sacks of flour over her shoulder like it's nothing.

No. 943290

It’s incredible that Laur hasn’t managed to take this one down

No. 943292

Why did she look at a strand of her hair weirdly at the end? Kek

No. 943294

File: 1727211187971.png (1.2 MB, 1440x2560, Ray.PNG)

I’m like 99% sure this video was made for one of Laur’s socks

No. 943297

Capris on people with very short legs actually accentuate how disproportionately short their legs are. Not to mention, they accentuate the bulkiness. I don't know if she thinks by wearing them it gives the illusion that her legs are too long for regular length leggings? Also, capris are very boomerish circa 2010. Maybe even before.

No. 943298

total nitpik but broad shoulders imply bone structure and having broad shoulders is a good thing. In Lilee's case, it's not bone structure. She has rounded shoulders, and they look even wider because of the arm fat. It's just fact. So it's not that she has broad shoulders, it's that she's literally wide due to fat upper arms and rounded shoulders. Had she had broad shoulder bone structure, her posture and shoulders would look at least normal, if not a little bony because it would distribute the arm fat better.

No. 943299

More like 1000%

No. 943307

Is there any saved video of her first tutorial on youtube where she hadnt been repressed yet? I liked going back and watching her be normal until it got deleted off the channel.

No. 943309

It’s the same event

No. 943310

You sound like those Meghan Markle "body language analysists"

No. 943315

Those shoes are painfully sad, kek. This shows how she and Laur refuse to buy shoes that actually FIT her. These are simultaneously too long yet too narrow. And those ties look like some thrown together attempt at shoes you'd see in a third world country. I don't get it.

No. 943316

Lillee uploaded old videos of her being a normal kid. These videos are cute, Lillee’s voice sounds lower than it does now and she moves like a regular person and not a wooden version of herself who’s visibly uncomfortable in her body.

These videos made me sad. Lillee could've had an average life where she’d crack jokes with her co-workers and saw friends on the weekends. She wouldn’t be glued to the internet and totally dependent on her mother.

No. 943326

its too obvious they watch those kinds of vids and think theyre an expert an body language

No. 943331

I’m sure she got consent from all the people in this video before posting it. Can you imagine being a normal 23yo and finding out some internet lolcow and her mom are posting videos of your Korean fan dance from 7th grade on YouTube?

No. 943335

They blur faces for a second and give up

No. 943338

Someday old lady Lillee will be in a nursing home still showing her fan dance vid.

No. 943340

Laur’s camera work was a lot better back then. They’ve been doing these videos for a decade and haven’t improved. This is depressing.

No. 943341

File: 1727285344155.gif (350.44 KB, 220x165, E020CF29-6303-4758-A742-242A90…)

im in tears anon. perfect description

No. 943343

File: 1727291802342.png (1.4 MB, 1038x1153, Wide load.png)

No. 943344

File: 1727291850474.png (1.63 MB, 1041x1157, Midgets.png)

Is Laur also 4’9”?

No. 943360

This is giving boomer-tier niche fetish porn you randomly stumble upon going down old deviantart account rabbitholes.

No. 943386

what's with the vaseline on the floor?

No. 943387

She probably needed lube to get into those leggings, anon

No. 943388

That’s not Laur, that’s Lillee on both sides kek. I thought the same thing until I watched the clips on Lillee’s Instagram.

No. 943392

Surely the one on the right must be Laur? The shape looks too lardy and bumpy even for Lillee. If it's actually Lillee then yikes.

No. 943393

File: 1727361560975.jpg (219.66 KB, 1159x1089, psycho.jpg)

Anyone remembers Miss Lucid Dreams?
She was one real and only LJ's fan.
She's super weird and seems truly retarded - back then she filmed herself defending LJ while driving kek.

Picrel is her now, she moved from zero makeup to creepy goth filters.
She also has fake arguments with her bf on her channel and pretends her kid is sick for sympathy points.
She buys views and followers and she'll make a good lolcow.
She doesn't seem to interact with LJ anymore and that's too bad because a crossover would be great.

No. 943397

>Surely the one on the right must be Laur?

If it's not Lillee on the right, it will be in 5 more years.

No. 943398

I thought miss lucid was a married stay at home mum, focus on a child with a disability. This person is a world away.

No. 943400

Nah, she always wanted the fame.
Too bad LJ didn't offer her a role in her "movies".

No. 943402

File: 1727371780951.png (761.06 KB, 1179x1556, JEWISH.png)

Accusing Lillee of buying 1 million followers is antisemitic

No. 943403

File: 1727373633050.png (3.29 MB, 1350x2000, ea80ef_3ae2a895116445e6b53f018…)

Lillee got nominated for best actress at the Spring Time International Film Festival

No. 943404

File: 1727373976298.png (1009.51 KB, 1092x948, Screenshot 2024-09-26 at 2.03.…)

On their website they have totally legit photos of white people at a live screening.

No. 943405

File: 1727374072489.png (1.24 MB, 1026x836, Screenshot 2024-09-26 at 2.04.…)

No. 943406

File: 1727374257830.jpeg (600.37 KB, 1179x1684, IMG_6874.jpeg)

No. 943407

File: 1727374595356.jpeg (549.47 KB, 1179x1624, IMG_6873.jpeg)

No. 943408

File: 1727374703522.png (264.32 KB, 2422x1379, Screenshot 2024-09-26 at 2.14.…)

but my favorite part is their faq section

No. 943409

>these old anti-semitic pedophiles are trying to steal the election by bullying me!!!!!

>hamas supporters

>neo nazis
>evil corporations and content farms

Lillee and Laur would rather believe that it's all a big conspiracy than people just seeing through their scam

No. 943410

No. 943425

File: 1727386015679.jpg (10.36 KB, 331x286, Screenshot 2024-09-26 140957.j…)

Laur is like an Indian scammers wet dream. She loves getting the fake awards, bot followers and boosting lillee's ego, and they love that she pays them.

No. 943431

File: 1727386761835.png (131.96 KB, 404x302, amiya house.png)

No. 943455

So does Laur do this solely to fool Lillee?

Won't Lillee eventually realize it's all lies? Like, why she isn't making any $$ would be a question she should ask.

No. 943456

Lillee knows that it's fake, just like she knew the followers/livestream viewers/her instagram friends etc were all fake. She wants these awards because this way she can try to fool more random people into thinking she's legit and get them to make "movies" with her.

No. 943457

I mean maybe but it's not sustainable and there's still the whole no money thing.

No. 943458

File: 1727400088439.jpg (63.14 KB, 496x615, Screenshot 2024-09-26 211724.j…)

>>943431 Hallway of "Amiya House". Guy living here runs Lillee's "festival".

No. 943460


No. 943478

ooh, I wonder if this is where they hold the screenings kek

No. 943484

File: 1727439115196.png (274.97 KB, 1308x125, Screenshot 2024-09-27 141054.p…)

They didn't even bother to spend more than 30 seconds on this in Canva

No. 943488

LJ has been lying to people in her engagement pod for 3 years or so now.
Meaning they've been scamming the people there for years.
Laur and LJ need the fake awards to go on with the scams.
They probably ask money to anyone willing to film with LJ.
Ken Holmes has surely been scammed too.

No. 943508

Location: Ken Holmes

No. 943509

People die laughing and mocking when you make credits like this. Lillee and Laur have never been to an independent film festival???? I thought even non-theatre types had been to at least a couple in their lives. So she's like a write who's never read a book, good luck.

But hey just show everyone how you're whacking off to the sight of your own name 18 times on one screen, if you don't mind everyone knowing and laughing.

No. 943510

Actually I'm not sure they ever have been to a single film festival. Unreal!

There are over 13 billion videos on Youtube, and Lillee's are on the very lowest end quality-wise. She doesn't seem to realize how much talent everyone else has, but thinks that paying $30 to a guy in India for a laurel graphic helps? So sad.

No. 943511

Lillee’s videos/films have very poor visual quality because she never bothered to learn how to properly use her very old camera.

In 2024 you can shoot entire movies on an iPhone and have your videos look a million times better than The Trapper Trap.

No. 943524

Neil Breen is a national treasure.

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