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No. 941319
Lillee Jean is a physically and emotionally stunted unwashed "beauty guru" turned "actress" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on
her suspended Twitter, and 22k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.
Lillee is best known for abusing copyright strikes to silence her many critics. LJ and her momager, Laur Trueman, have been on a multi-year "anti-bullying" rampage where they ruthlessly mock other people for their age, looks, socioeconomic status, and more, all for the crime of questioning Lillee.
Many dedicated Lillee critics have created callout videos and posts to expose her racist, dishonest, and absurd behaviour. However, Lillee and Laur remain convinced that this is all a conspiracy organized by one person out to get her.
>Extremely stunted social development due to being removed from school around 13-14 years old. Does not appear to have a single friend IRL besides her helicopter mom. >Is now 23 years old but legitimately plays with dolls>Speaks and writes in "attic pidgin", our affectionate name for her limited grasp of the English language (her only language)>Claims to have a totally real, not-made-up boyfriend who is both a French diplomat and also a family friend since childhood. "Phillipe" (an incorrect spelling of the French name) seems to hop across continents, being either local or foreign depending on Lillee's convenience. Conflicting details about when they met suggest an inappropriate age gap (with a 23-year-old Pheepy asking out a 14-year-old Lillee). Her alleged boyfriend has no internet presence of his own, and has never been shown by Lillee, despite oversharing every other aspect of her life. As of Feb 2024, she claims she is single with absolutely no mention of Pheepy.>Uses her "Jewish identity" to deflect all criticism as anti-Semitic, despite not practicing the Jewish religion OR having any clear Jewish lineage>Constantly exaggerating her status in the beauty community with fake PR>Got caught running her own fan pages, many of which were racist caricatures of minorities. This included (alleged) POC claiming to hate their own dark skin and wishing to be pale like Lillee.>Once posted a photoshopped image of herself over Katy Perry's body, claiming to have attended the Met Gala. Later backtracked and tried to pass it off as a fan-edited image.>Went to the Bite Beauty Lip Lab, created a custom lipstick colour (the point of their business, which anyone can do) and advertised it as an official collab, claiming that her fans could ask for "the Lillee Jean collection" in all Bite stores. Bite Beauty formally asked her to stop making this false claim. >Lillee participated in a public Covergirl ad campaign where anyone could submit selfies to be displayed on a scrolling billboard in Times Square. Lillee waited through hundreds of submissions to catch a photo of herself on the billboard, then posted it as though it were a collab where she exclusively modelled for Covergirl.>Consistently copyright strikes every single thing said about her on the internet. As of May/June 2024, YouTube has been tuned into their copyright strike abuse and stated they will monitor to see any new ones that come in.MAIN ACCOUNTS AS OF 2024 (Updated June 2024):
Lillee: (Suspended) (New account, old one is still active) (removed)
http://www.lilleejeanbeauty.com (Suspended) (Suspended) (Suspended) (Suspended) (Suspended) (Suspended) (Suspended)
https://tiktokcom/projectbullyishPREVIOUS THREADS:
>>>/snow/847048 3.
>>698862 4.
>>718259 6.
>>724333 7.
>>736259 8.
>>754981 9.
>>767645 10.
>>773135 11.
>>777937 12.
>>784721 13.
>>794372 14.
>>802142 15.
>>811813 16.
>>935962>>936719 >>936843 Lillee shows off her "certificate of appreciation" from a pay-to-win film festival
>>937373 >>937385
>>937411 Bullyish is submitted as a documentary to a pay-to-win Nepali organization
>>937405 Lillee says that being a woman who has done accomplishments such as creating stories is what makes her proud of her work
>>937622 >>937623 More pictures of Lillee taken by a bush on the side of a road
>>937881 >>937882
>>937959 >>937960 Lillee starts up another project called Our Private Lives with Carlos Miguel after their "success" with Macbeth is the Language
>>937966 >>937967
>>938201 Lillee flirts with Carlos
>>938058 >>938061 A suspicious Lillee "hate page" drops
>>938137 >>938138 Someone gives some critique related to the audio and video quality of one of her videos and Lillee and Carlos block them
>>Lillee uploads her Our Private Lives clip with poor audio on Carlos' end and poor acting overall from the two of them>>938256 >>938287
>>938319 >>938347 >938353 Carlos retires from acting and denounces Lillee after the rose-colored tinted glasses he had on with Lillee come off and Lillee scrubs any mention of Carlos from her channel
>>938651 Lille posts new pictures along with a new article on "increasing women's engagement in leadership and management" even though she has never held a job or done group work
>>938777 Lillee announces Bullyish is now available to the public
>>938789 In Bullyish the proof that they show of "identity theft" and "harassment" is just spam emails and people trolling her
>>938893 >>939067 >>939069
>>939071 Laur is unable to attend her court with the landlord due to attending a court case related to temporary restraining orders out of state that she wants to give
>>939261 In the documentary Lillee claims that she is being terrorized by packages she did not order, bottles under tires, moaning glitter birthday cards, hiking clothing and eyelashes. Says that the high priestess of the "cult" is the mastermind behind the recent callout videos and threats to kill her
>>939374 >>939215
>>939216 >>939471
>>939487 Most posts of the two going to the police and random pictures to promote Bullyish
>>939454 Lillee says that there's so much hate now because there is no "communication" and that people pretend to be activists to be mean
>>939261 The "leader" of the clone cult has been identified as a woman with degrees and claims there is an open investigation
>>939490 >>939511 Attempts at trying to pander to Adah Lazorgan
>>939522 >>939509 Despite claiming that she is a famous award winning actress Lillee says that she's "a girl who has not made it yet"
>>939729 Notes on Bullyish
>>939931 >>939932 Laur's parents testified in defense of the robbers that shot and killed their daughter and Laur accuses her sister of perjury
>>939979 >>939981 Primink uploads a video; the Wikitubia entry for Lillee Jean that was deleted was permanently locked, believed that one of the 2 bribed someone to keep it that way
>>940014 >>940020
>>940023 >>940024
>>940025 >>940026
>>940030 >>940033
>>940034 >>940035 Laur comandeers Lillee's account and goes on a franzia freakout
>>940078 >>940081 A french youtuber that made a video on Lillee gets doxxed
>>940112 Doxxing once more someone from Minnesota and Europe
>>940187 >>940479 Curtis Price's parents' businesses get mentioned
>>940283 >>940290
>>940423 more screenshots to promote the Bullyish narrative
>>940424 Laur thinks that KiwiFarms was made solely to target Lillee Jean
>>940496 Lillee has done the most amazing feat of uploading 2.9K gifs of herself to Giphy
>>940601 Curtis talks about his family being doxxed in new Lillee video
>>940624 >>940625
>>940635 >>940797 Cleore is doxxed again and so is Curtis' father
>>940656 Laur ordered that egg cooker, it was not sent to her as a threat like she and Lillee previously claimed
>>940680 Despite claiming that they do not have enough money to pay the landlord months in back rent, it turns out Lillee has a net worth of 1.5 million
>>940798 Cleore posts a update on her doxxing situation
>>940757 >>940830 An attempt is made to shoehorn Lillee into getting a Wikipedia entry
>>940835 Lillee posts a video from one of her projects of her pretending to be chased by cops
>>940879 >>940884
>>940897 >>940950
>>940952 For the first time in a while Lillee goes on IG live and rants about the evil witch boolies from the cult
>>941064 >>941063 Laur goes lurking in a discord server and gets caught
>>941065 >>941068
>>941071 >>941110 An AI generated nude of Lillee gets uploaded to a twitter account that is left up for for over a week before the account gets taken down
>>941201 >>941202 Lillee announces that she will be on a showcase with an old engagement pod person
>>941247 >>941248
>>941249 Lillee talks about the AI generated porn of her and says that it has been sent to the detective that is involved in the case she opened
No. 941323
File: 1724628418436.jpg (109.58 KB, 896x531, ftc.jpg)

The FTC has passed new legislation earlier this month that makes it illegal to buy fake followers and fake engagement online. Looks like Lillee Jean Beauty LLC might be getting a knock on the door soon to ask questions about her million fake Instagram followers.
No. 941325
>>941324Definitely applies to Youtube.
If you have a complaint, report it at
(cowtipping) No. 941351
File: 1724640604687.png (625.96 KB, 911x576, 1000014423.png)

Lillee and Laur are no strangers to putting Lillee's face on other bodies
No. 941352
>>941351Two words:
No. 941353
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>>941351don’t forget met gala 2019
No. 941354
File: 1724641023505.jpg (30.14 KB, 187x623, Screenshot 2024-08-25 225618.j…)

>>941351I mean, c'mon. This is nearly there.
No. 941378
File: 1724644811192.jpg (Spoiler Image,227.73 KB, 1023x1610, Britbongery.jpg)

No. 941379
File: 1724644855655.png (2.09 MB, 944x1729, lilleejean Watch Instagram st…)

Lillee clean your nails
No. 941380
File: 1724644905535.png (4.39 MB, 1076x1904, lilleejean Watch Instagram st…)

Random intersection from Lillee’s ig stories
No. 941396
File: 1724663897747.mp4 (7.51 MB, 720x1280, Instastory.mp4)

From Lillee's insta stories. What does she mean with searches on March about Lillee Jean kidnapping and Lillee Jean nudes? Google search?
No. 941401
File: 1724668964760.png (695.41 KB, 1051x1400, kiwilady.png)

>>941321>A real hater would have used a body more like LJ's own fat, dumpy, midget fridge of a figure.That's correct. Here's one AI generated image made by a hater. It's from kiwifarms.
No. 941405
>>941329She scammed a lot of brands into PR.
She's still scamming people in her engagement pod.
No. 941411
>>941402OMG No one would ever want to kidnap this woman - there's no ransom money in it, but even more importantly Lillee would never shut up with her attic nonsense about how the first millennium was in the 1920s, mosquitos are demons and no one in New York eats duck.
Dear god she'd be a NIGHTMARE, lol
No. 941418
File: 1724678609125.jpeg (326.64 KB, 1080x1920, Bullyish.jpeg)

>>941414>she showed the screen shot, you’d have to search a lot to get that; so you’re saying it’s okay to search to kidnap her?This is an image board. Could you kindly provide the screen shot you are referring to? Is it this one?
No. 941421
File: 1724679227916.png (168.52 KB, 1179x1351, Google.png)

Nonnas please let me know if I’m retarded and not looking properly
No. 941427
File: 1724680347871.mp4 (7.76 MB, 720x1280, DiamondLive1.mp4)

Lillee posted two videos from the live she had with an old engagement pod person.
No. 941433
>>941418Ah remember Laur's old Muslim character who liked Lillee's videos but wasn't so sure about being Muslim? She's back!
"Free, me, a MINOR" is as good as leaving your greasy fingerprints all over this.
Laur you're a racist asshole. You should be ashamed of yourself.
No. 941443
File: 1724685733494.jpg (74.49 KB, 673x373, ba.jpg)

This is sad.
No. 941446
>>941443Her eyes look terrifying in the before picture, but she otherwise looked like a normal teenage girl.
Now she's in her early twenties, should be going out and dressing nice like most girls do when they're old enough to dress the way they want and wear makeup without their parents interfering or having to rely on pocket money to buy what they want, but instead she looks dead-eyed, old, and frumpy. Even when she does try to dress up nice it never looks like what a 23 year old would wear. Her "nice" outfits look like what a 60 year old on a cruise would wear.
No. 941452
>>941446Laur got her little girl back. Lillie was too close to independence back then.
>>941321And when people say Laur is the ring master abusing Lillie people foam at the mouth to talk about how lillie is also a willing participant. I can't imagine having a mom who'd Photoshop my face onto a naked woman's body to prove a point for the Internet. Laur would throw Lillie out of a window and claim boolies caused her to try and commit suicide. Lillie aint the greatest person herself but with a mother like that who even needs enemies?
No. 941463
File: 1724691952383.png (781.56 KB, 1176x1080, LaurNamath.png)

>>941446And how old is Laur? She thinks she is a lot younger. It's almost like you forget you're aging when you stop interacting with real people in your age group.
No. 941468
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>>941465OMGOSH She's on X at the moment earnestly househunting.
No. 941496
>>941464Yeah, ever since people realized how young she was when she married her crypt keeper husband diamond earl the j'pedo
see Lillie you're not the only french person here she's been trying to age herself up. She shouldn't worry about that at this point considering her and Earl both look like they've got a foot in the grave but she hates it when you point out how nasty the age gap between them is.
>>941462Yeah, Margo used to (out of pure laziness) make Venus do all of the housework and earn money for them to survive while Laur goes out of her way to infantalise Lillie to the point where I'm not even sure if she has her own bank account or knows how to use the train on her own. Sometimes its hard for me to decide who's the worst mom, Margo or Laur? They're both piss poor parents who fucked up their only daughters beyond repair. Venus and Lillie both probably would have been better off as boys, its harder for narcissistic moms to project as much on sons because the dad usually takes slightly more interest in him/ the pickme programming overrides the narcissistic tendencies of mommy.
No. 941527
File: 1724717889614.png (2.89 MB, 1045x1801, lilleejean Watch Instagram st…)

No. 941537
File: 1724743275913.mp4 (1.9 MB, 1080x1920, Jarring.mp4)

She wasn't kidding. This is terrible. Why would anyone want to watch this?
No. 941552
>>941551She had MEOW for breakfast?
According to Laur's Linkedin she is LJ's "Manger" lol and she is the CFO.
How can you be a CFO when there are no employees and no income? It's just your kid. You buy her mac & cheese.
No. 941577
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lillee stop sucking in your cheeks
No. 941578
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No. 941579
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No. 941581
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i've never seen someone hit the wall so hard in their early 20s
No. 941585
>>941577Getting harder to suck in those cheeks, huh Lilz?
They fuck the lighting and color correction to hell but she's so pale that she looks pink, literally the color of a pig.
No. 941593
>>941590Laur either doesn't care or refuses to acknowledge that her daughter has wide feet so she just buys her regular width shoes that squeeze them in like sausages about to burst out of their casing.
For LJ's feet she needs wide fit shoes. She also seems to have Roman feet so pointy toe heels would be really bad for her feet. Instead she needs shoes with round or almond tips as they would have more room for her toes rather than squashing them in. Preferably with a low vamp as they would give the illusion of her feet being narrower and her stubby legs being longer.
No. 941604
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No. 941610
it’s actually insane how similar laur and margaret palermo are
>>939201. two old grifters squatting and using their daughters for “fame” instead of ever getting a real job and actually parenting their teenagers. the only difference is that venus actually had a modicum of e-fame at some point for margaret to “manage.” she is apparently in new york now too. i wish they’d get in touch with each other!
No. 941630
File: 1724806074127.jpg (1.32 MB, 1091x1899, Licorice.jpg)

Lillee’s cryptic stories kek
No. 941631
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Is she in New Hampshire?
No. 941635
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>>941631Eat some more carbs!
No. 941641
>>941618Ayrt and I am not Laur or whoever is asking all these questions (probably Laur)
Why am I catching strays for replying to someone who replied to my post about shoes with some weird irrelevant shit about furries
No. 941642
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>>941577Tourist to this thread not the mom but I kinda like the outfit? Idk it's not that bad plus granny clothing can look cute
No. 941665
File: 1724840805280.jpeg (80.09 KB, 640x1136, LilleeJeanKidnapping.jpeg)

Lillee finally included the totally authentic screenshot "lillee jean kidnapped" from Google Trends in her latest Pepe Silvia tier Insta story.
I love how she censored the whole fake porn image this time. I guess she got tired of farmers pointing out her body looks nothing like that.
No. 941671
>>941667Not to split hairs but when Lille was 14, Phillippe was 23. Fresh out of college with only a Bachelors, he was already hired as a French diplomat. Which still doesn't explain why a French diplomat would be living in Queens. But as Lillee said, "I need to be tended to. Sexually."
No. 941679
>>941669No! Lillee Jean Trueman is the only Lillee Jean in the world.
If you google "lillee jean walmart" (visible in the screenshot), you get jeans they sell in Walmart. They have "Lee" jeans and "Lilly" jeans. Fucking goblins probably think the search query has something to do with LJ.
>>941677That's right. People call her Cheerymonkey. But after you get accepted to the secret discord server, you are allowed to call her Pineapple Head.
No. 941681
File: 1724852827298.png (11.51 MB, 4189x3607, allconnected.png)

This is what crazy actually looks like.
No. 941683
>>941635Who would ever eat inside a car on a warm sunny summer day?
All those beautiful free places and parks in NYC and Laur and LJ always eat INSIDE their trashy car.
Nothing they do makes sense.
No. 941690
>>941665not google trends, looks like bing
>>941674that is the maine person, her spotify was attached with her name.
No. 941702
>>941665they are using this website to track keywords: kidnapping keyword is coming from youtube searches and it's one of the 146 different searches on youtube when looking for "lillee jean" in USA
No. 941711
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>>941702And now we know why she censored the first couple results in that screenshot.
No. 941726
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No. 941727
File: 1724879712884.png (9.09 MB, 1179x7737, Igstories.PNG)

Lillee’s ig stories from today. She went to Manhattan! And had tilapia fish and chips (gross)
No. 941731
File: 1724881391096.jpeg (109.54 KB, 640x1136, AllOnePerson.jpeg)

I don't know what these are supposed to prove but Pineapple Head's messages aren't threatening at all.
>I've been doxed and called a nazi/pedo and I'm a 58 year old retired woman who rescues dogs There are at least 110 of us who have been doxed.
>She's almost made fake IMDB pages for celebrities, and then linked her IMDB to those.
>Her mother wrote it, and the citations go to wikipedia pages that define the words
No. 941746
>>941731This pineapple person is no longer on discord. Her account has been deleted.
How can she have a server full of children without an account?
No. 941772
>>941770they redtexted a post as
(laur) last night but it’s gone now, along with all the other retarded laurposts.
No. 941779
>>941642NTA its really just the poses that are very awkward and unflattering. Definitely one of her better outfits even though im not a fan of the kitten heels.
>>94173212 and 17 isn't weird?? Thats an insane take I can't even articulate it. There is something seriously wrong with her, she is so retarted its insane.
No. 941816
File: 1724953969564.png (755.1 KB, 1179x1952, Stalking.png)

>Stalking, bullying movie.
No. 941817
File: 1724954050367.png (4.03 MB, 1179x1951, Igstory.png)

Lillee went outside again!
No. 941819
>>941816Who used her sister's death as a "threat point"?
I swear she WANTS the world to be after her. She's only happy when she's someone's
No. 941841
File: 1726045235367.png (6.55 MB, 4226x3960, walloftext.png)

Laur sure kept herself busy while LC was down…
No. 941842
File: 1726045606858.png (372.55 KB, 1493x921, Lilleestealsasong.png)

From our KF colleagues.
No. 941845
File: 1726048754728.jpeg (150.79 KB, 1080x1920, Laur9.3.jpeg)

Its good to be back nonas! I missed you so much. I'm going to dump goblin madness I saved during downtime.
Insta story from September 3rd. Filling more reports. I don't think you are allowed to film at the station…
No. 941846
File: 1726049278764.mp4 (6.9 MB, 1080x1920,

>>941845From Lillee's Insta same date. She is warning parents about kids hanging out with adults on discord. She rambles about unethical corporations. Notice her frustration when she says
>They stole my story No. 941847
File: 1726049413046.mp4 (5.33 MB, 1080x1920, InstaSept3.two.mp4)

>>941846Lillee's public service announcement continues. This is super serious you guys. Adults will promise to do kids' homework on discord.
No. 941848
File: 1726049797154.png (703.74 KB, 1660x916, Bullyish1.png)

September 3rd Insta madness
continues. I compiled these stories in two screenshots. Includes similar shit like this
>>941841 And was covered in Cleore's video
>>941844 No. 941850
File: 1726050415275.mp4 (13.17 MB, Voyager(NEW YORK FASHION WEEK …)

Here's something new. Lillee went outside and filmed another episode of Voyager. This fashion event looks super weird. Are they standing in an empty warehouse with cardboard boxes?
No. 941851
File: 1726050491024.png (2.03 MB, 2518x644, NYFW.png)

>>941850Pictures from that "event".
No. 941901
>>941893Because she owns a corporation and runs it unethically.
Look at this screenshot
>>941848 Lillee claims Cleore made fun of her because Lillee couldn't afford something.
Look at this screenshot
>>941849 Lillee is probably jealous because Cleore has actually accomplished something in life. She has published a book and has an unethically run corporation. Kek
Also, they stole Lillee's story!
>>941846But most importantly Cleore lives in Belgium which proves the existence of the international cyber stalking cult that has been tormenting Lillee all these years ever since she was fifteen and half.
No. 941912
File: 1726072518514.jpeg (304.24 KB, 1266x1600, IMG_6678.jpeg)

>>941630>>941631>>941635>>941727>>941817All of LJ’s cryptic stories are just Laur and LJ staying away from their house because a process server was trying serve them again.
>>941850>>941851Looks like Laur lied to the courts about not being able to appear on Sept. 9th for their eviction case. She said she had to travel out of state for TRO hearinngs. Clearly they are still in Queens and not traveling. Their next appearance is Oct. 22
No. 941914
File: 1726073829783.gif (5.05 MB, 490x488, IMG_6595.gif)

Damn she got fat
No. 941938
File: 1726087219850.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1179x1861, IMG_6603.jpeg)

>>941911She went to a kids fashion show. I don’t see Laur anywhere.
No. 941942
File: 1726089762421.png (2.96 MB, 1179x1727, Laur.png)

>>941938I think Laur is sitting behind Lillee
No. 941947
File: 1726092292019.jpg (21.87 KB, 540x540, 1000001252.jpg)

>>941939>>941850The shaky, weird camera work, fetish shots as usual of her pig trotters stuffed in heels, the dirty mirrors, "I would pleasurably like to eat," making a fuss about her makeup and dressing up in a sequin dress to attend a CHILDREN'S FASHION SHOW, the self important look she has sitting there with the sunglasses on, OH MY GOD this is just amazing.
I can see that she's paying attention to us. Less wide open crazy eyes. Now, Lillee, recognize that while you may wear a smaller sized shoe (no, you don't have Cinderella feet), your feet are WIDE and you need wide fit shoes. They're about to bust out of your slippers for God's sake.
No. 941951
File: 1726095617072.jpg (12.84 KB, 185x422, SADLILLEE.jpg)

>>941949Not even paying attention, she looks utterly miserable. Why the dark glasses?
No. 941971
File: 1726104325508.jpg (118.39 KB, 1242x1824, 457847999_10228836736156627_47…)

>>941319Sorry if this is old news, but someone was trying to copyright her entire website. This was posted during lolcow being down
No. 941983
File: 1726112085762.webm (3.9 MB, 686x626, RPReplay_Final1726111357.webm)

No. 941987
>>941951She's larping the bored, holier-than-thou, sunglasses wearing celebrity in the front row of a designer fashion show.
Everyone around her is wearing casual, comfortable, appropriate attire for a kid's fashion show. Then there's Lillee. Fucking yikes.
No. 941992
File: 1726128423296.png (990.73 KB, 865x1535, Woof.png)

>>941987>bored, holier-than-thou, sunglasses wearing celebrityOh that's why she looks like she has a hangover?
>>941983I love the cheerful music and the audience going "Aww" when the kid walks in. Most of them look like parents or family members and are appropriately dressed for the event. Lillee on the other hand…
Was looking at videos from this event and this backdrop
>>941851 was in many of them. It's for the audience. It's a show for kids and kids want to play supermodels.
No. 941996
File: 1726131619299.png (357.02 KB, 947x693, 5469843138496131864.png)

>>941971Laur made a post about this.
No. 942001
>>941996Oh no! Not the fraudulent DMCA takedowns and abusing Google's broken copyright strike system.
>If this can happen to us, it can happen to anyoneYes Laur, you have been doing this to everyone and now it happens to you. That's karma.
>>941904>Lillee is not the right person to complain about companies doing unethical thingsThat's correct. Lillee and Laur have a tendency of accusing others about shit they have done themselves. They have also claimed that Primink purchased views from bot farms.
No. 942008
>>941938Why couldn't she go to a women fashion show?
Or men fashion show, so she could brag about being arround male models, keks.
Are Laur and her so lazy they booked the kid's show, when they thought it was a fancy adult fashion show?
The time it was set on is clearly not for adult fashion shows.
The kids dresses were cute though. Too bad she didn't enjoyed it.
Seems that the designer is Asian, there are many asian ladies on the front row.
No. 942011
>>941992>Oh that's why she looks like she has a hangover? Maybe she does? Wonder if she's chugging the Franzia as well?
She looks depressed here. I guess she's attempting to look sultry?
No. 942021
File: 1726155571508.jpg (183.34 KB, 954x1099, 24talent insta.jpg)

>>941978>>941983The show seems organized by 24Talent, a canadian kid model agency.
They mainly hire kid models, but some of them are arround 15-16 and requirements are low.
Maybe LJ expected to be casted as model?
No. 942024
File: 1726157114190.jpg (255.9 KB, 1080x1160, 1000030175.jpg)

No. 942030
File: 1726171337895.png (97.94 KB, 862x465, Dumbass.png)

>She was born Marie Jeanne Kuttler
That's a German name.
>but her family lived in Alsace-Lorraine, France
Alsace-Loraine had been a well integrated part of the German Empire for over 40 years when the war broke out, It only became part of France after the war.
>Refusing to turn “German” during the First World War
She was "German" if she lived in Alsace-Lorraine and would have turned "French" during the first World War if she hadn't left the area. And that makes a lot more sense since she had a German surname.
>the right to keep her French heritage intact
Again, German name and lived in Germany…
No. 942038
File: 1726177391552.jpg (16.8 KB, 565x140, Screenshot 2024-09-12 174054.j…)

Laur isn't big on research.
No. 942040
File: 1726177814180.jpg (88.85 KB, 612x270, Screenshot 2024-09-12 174434.j…)

>>942038Alsace-Lorraine was Germany? However can you tell? kek
I guess Lillee hasn't visited her homeland.
No. 942041
File: 1726178435733.png (38.21 KB, 693x207, Kuttler surname origins.png)

>>942038>her family lived in Alsace-Lorraine, France for many centuries.No, they didn't.
No. 942058
>>942055They’re so weirdly stuck on French culture and having French roots. It’s like an epitome of high class to them when they are just your average Long Island white trash.
Speaking French doesn’t make you sophisticated. Having French roots doesn’t make you sophisticated. Sophisticated people don’t skip on rent for months at a time or try to hustle every person they meet.
No. 942067
File: 1726181145836.png (62.21 KB, 984x97, eatyourwords.png)

Why? It's what Lillee claimed!
>Born in Belfort, France, but her family lived in Alsace-Lorraine.
Alsace-Lorraine was named Elsaz-Lotharingen before the 1918 annexation of the territory by France, Elsaz-Lotharingen was translated to Alsace-Lorraine in 1918, when it became part of France. Belfort was under French control so she could have technically been born in France, but if her family and herself lived in Alsace-Lorraine, she was German and obviously didn't run away bc she "didn't want to become german".
No. 942093
File: 1726183300301.png (1.28 MB, 1069x1916, Cnn.png)

No. 942095
File: 1726183334711.png (1.04 MB, 1061x1904, Imdb .png)

No. 942099
>>942097>>942076>tarnish the reputation of a JewLaur the Auschwitz thing, Lillee should have just apologized and said she didn't really know the true story, it happens.
I'm sorry if anyone lied about something else. What else was there though?
(report and ignore, do not engage) No. 942110
File: 1726190905605.png (261.36 KB, 1125x959, b.png)

>>941846>>941847Lillee uploaded these same stories to Youtube and the comments were almost all entirely her own sock puppets. I wish I had gotten more screenshots since she’s now deleted almost all the comments.
No. 942117
File: 1726193815416.png (1.95 MB, 1179x1337, Fashion.png)

We now have physical proof of Lillee checking out a couple of minors. I’m calling the police.
No. 942120
File: 1726194199501.jpeg (405.66 KB, 1179x1941, IMG_6638.jpeg)

No. 942137
File: 1726226034623.png (379.59 KB, 640x1136, NYFW.png)

Lillee obviously went to this kids fashion show because she has important connections in the fashion world such as this lovely adult lady right here. (I censored her @ and face because I feel sorry for everyone who gets hustled by the goblins.)
This picture also proves that Cleore was lying
>>941844 when she claimed that Lillee can't be around other women. Take that haterz.
No. 942139
File: 1726226502980.png (110.97 KB, 535x485, RUSSIA.png)

This is the end comrades…
No. 942140
>>942139So according to laur every single person is the same person. Doing the exact same thing. No wonder the cops are laughing at them. Should have dropped less acid in your youth laur, you know like you already admitted in a video.
While I do believe alot of what happens to these two is karma. Or cause and effect due to their own actions. I do believe so people are taking it far to far and lowering themselves to the scrote level of the people the truemans are in contact with.
No. 942145
File: 1726238111940.png (215.5 KB, 525x832, Lauren.png)

>>942139>>942144Let's hope this time she is talking about the right Lauren kek
No. 942164
>>942030Funny how she claimed during years her great grandma's name was JEAN.
And now, after so many french-anons told her "Jean" was a male name and "Jeanne" was the real name for women, she finally spelled it correctly.
No. 942173
>>942167>She's using US to do itThere is no "us" nona, we are just a couple people having a good time on an image board, nobody is making her read it, all she has to do is stop coming here.
The problem is that she can't take any criticism and that is what is really destroying them.
No. 942187
>>942139The funniest thing is I've been following this saga from pretty much the beginning and until seeing this now I had no idea Lauren Chen once did an "expose" of Laur and LJ. Laur is amplifying shit that everyone else would've long forgotten, or never known about in the first place.
Though as
>>942145 points out I guess this explains why she flipped out over Queen of Blending so much; low IQ bitch thought an Asian Canadian was the same person as an African American because they have the same first name
No. 942189
File: 1726252791232.png (1.83 MB, 978x1512, Old.png)

Lillee you should wash your hair
No. 942190
File: 1726253630968.png (12.91 KB, 334x302, lllolcow.png)

>>942189>Lillee Jean is known for her striking blue/green eyesAutocomplete disagrees kek
No. 942195
>>942191To me it appears to be a shadow which has had the color manipulated (poorly) by someone who doesn't understand Photoshop tools. They turned up the red or fuschia saturation for the shadows. The inside of her nostrils and a few other patches of shadow have the same tone.
>>942194Could definitely be this, albeit with a deeper color from their shitty unskilled editing. None of this is subtle and her eyes look like flat contacts now. G8 job.
No. 942204
File: 1726273638048.jpg (223.7 KB, 1179x640, School.jpg)

No. 942223
File: 1726284582724.png (1.38 MB, 905x902, Cheek.png)

No. 942224
File: 1726285390498.png (2.8 MB, 1179x1428, Style.png)

>>942223Lillee should really dye her hair darker and get bangs to accentuate her eyes. A shorter cut will also make her look less short.
No. 942226
File: 1726285452435.jpg (688.44 KB, 1090x893, Bangs.jpg)

>>942224This is a very nice color too
(autism/fanart) No. 942235
File: 1726309880894.jpg (65.48 KB, 1027x499, show.jpg)

>>942023Thank you nonnna for posting this.
Lj is constantly looking at the screen and barely watching the show.
Tinfoil but did she expected to be asked right away by the designer for the desfile?
(Part 1 and 3 are kids clothing and part 2 of the show is women clothing)
Anway, the clothes were cute and people were having a good time.
Too bad she seems to have hated it.
No. 942236
File: 1726311861203.png (50.37 KB, 1284x354, ss.png)

Lillee has been reporting reddit posts threatening self harm.
No. 942237
File: 1726312070065.png (1019.55 KB, 1290x926, ss2.png)

>>942236I guess since youtube took away her ability to strike down videos by abusing the copyright system she is trying out new strategies to get negative attention.
No. 942238
File: 1726313666457.jpg (63.22 KB, 693x650, naughty.jpg)

>>942237>since youtube took away her ability to strike down videos by abusing the copyright systemIt hasn't really stopped her from doing it anyway.
No. 942239
>>942120>>942205This YouTube account is connected to, a site selling social media engagement and followers. Primink/Cleore/Curtis should hit them up to see if they have evidence of the claims they’re making.
Is this why Laur and Lillee keep saying their identity was stolen? They were buying thousands of dollars of fake engagement and then telling the bank their identity was stolen and they didn’t make the charges?l
No. 942249
File: 1726334671450.jpg (56.55 KB, 1148x678, LAURATRUEMAN.jpg)

>>942238>>941790>>942237Yep. This is the same video, right?
No. 942251
File: 1726336206424.png (2.47 MB, 1050x1886, Wirtten.png)

>Chorus Our Eyes In
No. 942257
>>942251Let's see how long it takes Laur to see this and go running to fix it.
The Chorus Our Eyes in - cowirtten by Ken Holmes
Nothing screams amateur and unprofessional like illiteracy and showing how you videod your "motion picture" on an old iPhone.
No. 942258
File: 1726338430502.jpg (27.01 KB, 1148x105, Screenshot 2024-09-14 142430.j…)

>>9422571) Laur doesn't know what the word "byline" means
2) What a coincidence that this is the plot of a video made at the same time she released a fake illicit photo of LJ.
Do better Laur.
No. 942271
File: 1726350359839.png (1.17 MB, 972x1896, Ken.png)

>>942251I don't believe there will be any movie. Lillee has been showing 'Behind the scenes' -footage from the exact same day. If you look at Ken's profile you find out that he has a production company. He is also filming goofy TikTok videos for some other client.
Lillee probably filmed with Ken for one afternoon. There's not enough material for a short film. And the goblins aren't going to pay him.
No. 942272
File: 1726350798152.png (1.08 MB, 1223x1080, Chorus.png)

>>94226340 second video with 9 seconds of the actual footage. Don't bother submitting this to any legit film festivals. I don't know if any of the ones Laur tagged are legit.
No. 942273
File: 1726352528598.png (1.91 MB, 1179x1582, Festivals.png)

Why are they so obsessed with fake festivals?
No. 942281
File: 1726360277538.png (700.24 KB, 817x503, Evsr .PNG)

>>942279Expectation vs reality
No. 942289
File: 1726368184254.webm (1.57 MB, 884x488, RPReplay_Final1726367967.webm)

>>942272It’s actually 7 seconds of footage
No. 942290
File: 1726368538631.gif (4.44 MB, 640x353, final_gif.gif)

She should make a short film entirely of her jogging or trying out different sports.
No. 942299
>>942279I've tried to watch it, but it's just her repeating the same things she already said in every "interview".
The most noticeable thing is the weird curtain splitting the room in two, they probably live in one room.
No. 942302
File: 1726409758355.jpg (7.29 KB, 136x92, Screenshot 2024-09-15 101345.j…)

>>942263The stupidity is entertaining but also a fucking tragedy.
No. 942316
File: 1726420303594.png (5.25 MB, 1988x2516, cursed.png)

From Princess glamourite.
No. 942323
File: 1726424129319.jpg (22.11 KB, 484x220, Fat.jpg)

>>942316Like like a fat back with a crack kek
No. 942329
File: 1726425336021.jpg (19.45 KB, 484x220, Abs.jpg)

Lillee has killer abs and nonnies are just jealous fatties
No. 942332
>>942316Crazy eyes, shitty hair, exaggerated facial expressions, and flared nostrils galore. Every day we stray further from God.
No one told Laur she had something in her teeth? Expect a Franzia-driven sperg fest later.
>>942331Not to mention she's basically a midget.
No. 942336
File: 1726433325886.mp4 (6.44 MB, 426x240, Chorus our eyes in.mp4)

Here's a slightly longer version of Lillee's latest masterpiece. Cringe.
No. 942340
>>942316Stop teasing us,
nonnie! Post the video too. I can't wait to see Laur acting. She is the real star of this thread after all.
No. 942341
>>942336She offered him a fling - does Lillee know what that even is? Romance is dead.
No. 942345
File: 1726440438046.jpg (230.52 KB, 1280x853, ea80ef_6f08b3b546b34e2a9b473ac…)

looking very manly here
No. 942355
>>942336Can't believe I'm saying this, but Neil Breen films have better production than this
>>942345How does a person manage to look so equine?
No. 942357
>>942336Is this even acting kek?? "I wanna buy you a hot dog." "How about a ring?
twirls greasy unwashed hair"
I feel like Lil isn't even trying to act and she's legit just flirting. At least in her other 'films' she is at least doing acting or s monolog. This is just her thirsting over some guy casually in the middle of the park. Not that anything she's ever done before is good by any means, but this is pure regression. Just like her make-up career ander influencer career. What's next on the agenda after acting I wonder? Every time she shows a little bit of charm in one of her pursuits, it's immediately like a toddler doing it. How can one person be so awful at everything
No. 942394
File: 1726499698634.jpg (99.74 KB, 560x584, nightmare fuel.jpg)

Oh Laur…
No. 942395
>>942391OMG this "movie" is the saddest thing ever. If a 10 year-old made this it might be "cute" but she's what 25? She was clearly kept in the attic too long.
Even the story about how she's had adoration and jewelry on her little planet, but she dreams of escaping to find love. Laur did so much damage to her, it's really hard to watch.
No. 942396
File: 1726500857950.jpg (31.45 KB, 337x422, Screenshot 2024-09-16 113247.j…)

>>942394Was this made by 3rd graders? Oh fucking god help us they will never live this down.
"I feel zee vibration of the earrrrrrtthhhh"
No. 942403
File: 1726503586002.jpg (49.16 KB, 391x515, Screenshot 2024-09-16 120344.j…)

>>942398All the "fellow actors" look at her like she's a special-needs kid they're helping out of sympathy or because they had community service.
And as usual she cannot walk normally in shoes.
No. 942404
File: 1726503622102.jpg (34.99 KB, 290x520, Screenshot 2024-09-16 120526.j…)

No. 942406
File: 1726503937790.jpg (11.36 KB, 312x206, Screenshot 2024-09-16 122347.j…)

>>942403DAMMMMMMN that a lumpy ass
No. 942408
File: 1726505267324.jpg (82.34 KB, 441x520, Screenshot 2024-09-16 115658.j…)

>>942406Lillee says: Narcissist? Moi?
No. 942413
File: 1726509836420.png (107.09 KB, 991x767, strike 2.png)

She did it again lol. Cope harder Laur.
No. 942427
File: 1726518815809.jpeg (607.1 KB, 1170x653, IMG_9277.jpeg)

If you are watching with headphones please lower your volume at the following timestamps
6:43-7:02 and 20:33-20:37.
No. 942441
File: 1726526151817.jpg (939.52 KB, 1179x1789, Modelactorwriterdirector.jpg)

No. 942447
File: 1726534215121.png (1.32 MB, 1083x1935, Stalker.png)

No. 942451
File: 1726537059904.png (1.84 MB, 915x1147, Wtf.png)

No. 942463
>>942441For someone who loves shoes she's sure bad at picking shoes that at the very least aren't so narrow that her broad feet end up looking like they're about to burst out like sausages.
She's going to have awful bunions one day from the shoes she picks which just aren't meant for wide feet like hers.
No. 942465
File: 1726558042334.png (448.64 KB, 1179x1747, Neonazi.png)

No. 942467
>>942465Yes, Laur, it is perfectly normal for people to look into family histories they are not related to. It’s called genealogy, and tons of people do it. There is even a huge online community for it, and there are tons of YouTube channels that do nothing else than exactly what you are complaining about.
>>942466Laur doesn't seem to understand what "neo-nazis" actually are and that one of the websites she is complaining about is owned and operated by a Jewish dude. But hey, just keep spamming the cops the links to the archives and youtube videos that explain your own crappy and illegal behaviour in autistic detail! What can possibly go wrong…
No. 942476
File: 1726581675962.jpg (42.8 KB, 387x560, Screenshot 2024-09-17 095943.j…)

>>942465OMG Laur needs to let it go - LILLEE posted this pic of her grandma, proving she didn't die in Auschwitz. Lillee lied, so fucking what - let it go! It's literally ancient history.
No. 942479
File: 1726583123736.jpg (37.88 KB, 798x155, Screenshot 2024-09-17 102416.j…)

>>942469Right then, so is Laur just stupid?
Wait. Don't answer that.
No. 942483
File: 1726584617553.jpg (568.63 KB, 2550x3300, Nefarious Propaganda_ Online C…)

No. 942484
File: 1726584699129.jpg (733.81 KB, 2550x3300, Nefarious Propaganda_ Online C…)

No. 942485
File: 1726584743954.jpg (857.52 KB, 2550x3300, Nefarious Propaganda_ Online C…)

No. 942486
File: 1726584778888.jpg (581.28 KB, 2550x3300, Nefarious Propaganda_ Online C…)

No. 942487
File: 1726584810022.jpg (669.27 KB, 2550x3300, Nefarious Propaganda_ Online C…)

No. 942509
>>942508It's sad really
All they have to do is stop lying and all their problems go away like POOF
No. 942517
File: 1726592684514.png (244.68 KB, 755x613, moneyplease.png)

>>942483Laur will never stop her bullshit, she read an article once about how an actual neo nazi website had to pay a person they targeted a big sum of money and ever since she has made it her mission to call everybody who talks about them neo nazis in order to get a payout.
No. 942538
File: 1726604767438.png (145.14 KB, 562x878, election interference.png)

Laur tried striking down more videos. This is so unhinged kek
No. 942542
>>942535I'm interested!
>>942533I think Laur is incapable of stopping because she doesn't really care about Lillee at all and feeds off the attention. That's why every time the thread dies down she comes back to revive it. Besides, I think Lillee's too far gone already anyway. If only she had stayed in school…
No. 942549
File: 1726612147659.png (61.97 KB, 791x138, dasracist.png)

>>942538Way to live up to your name, Islamophobic racist piece of shit.
No. 942569
File: 1726614963873.jpg (22.47 KB, 317x360, Screenshot 2024-09-17 191526.j…)

No. 942599
>>942542>>942533>>942509Everything about Lillee and Laur is just fail after fail after fail. It's pathetic and sad, but
there's no reason to feel sympathy since they launch unhinged, full fledged psychotic attacks at the slightest question or least bit of criticism. They refuse to understand that their own fucking behavior causes them to be laughed at and mocked.
Lillee's best chance at a life is to get tf away from Laur, get into intense therapy, get some retail job at CVS or something, stock shelves, and perhaps attempt plays or acting with some local groups or something, idk. Work behind the scenes. Set decoration, wardrobe, shit like that. But I doubt that will ever happen. Laur and Lillee are caught in a death spiral of delusions and codependency.
No. 942612
>>942542One of the weirdest parts about this family was that they didn't seem to be trying to 'make it'. When the reddit post was made, they were so mad at being seen. It looked like they were playing in a private fantasyland where Laur would buy followers and play characters and Lillee would live in her imagination. They had no idea how to react to scrutiny and didn't even seem to expect it. Laur vs the internet again.
Reminds me of a whole forum a girl set up to obsess over vampires, by herself, through a ton of user accounts. One of the writers at Cracked found it and put it on blast.
No. 942629
>>942509>All they have to do is stop lying and all their problems go away like POOFNonnie, the Goblins have 99 problems and what we get to see is just the tip of the iceberg. They are getting evicted, and they are so deep in debt that they will never financially recover. Laur owes the IRS unpaid taxes. Lillee didn't pay for her teeth. Laur lost the license plate of her car and got arrested due to unpaid insurance.
Am I forgetting something?
No. 942632
File: 1726654396685.png (155.69 KB, 1184x675, bullshitishcredits.png)

That is literally the proof. That's the song they used and these are the end credits, the song isn't credited.
No. 942652
>>942612i do think laur wanted the attention and the fame and the money that she thought she could get from lj. the mistake was that instead of rolling with the scrutiny and potentially flipping it in their favor, allowing themselves to become a meme, they chimped out and started acting crazy, which just added fuel to the fire. they could have capitalized off of the crazy edits, all the voodoo, the cringe, and made it work in their favor. in this era people become famous for the most retarded things. we see it every fucking day like with that hawk tuah girl or any of the other random mfs who come along, do something stupid and cringe, and the public get all wrapped up in it. however laur wanted to make lj into a movie star, and movie stars don't really exist anymore. plus she doesn't even look like one, so regardless that was never happening anyway unless she wanted to put lj into fantasy/character roles, which she doesn't. she wanted to be parading lj around in a proverbial ivory tower, with everyone fawning over her and kissing her ass and laur sitting back preening herself while they got showered with money and adulation. but it never happened, and it never will.
No. 942662
File: 1726682850989.png (489.69 KB, 1179x1694, Lady.png)

No. 942687
File: 1726694747585.jpeg (58.72 KB, 550x481, 7958A6DA-74B0-4E2A-8C46-100422…)

>>942686the newfags just don't get it. this demon cunt gets her replies deleted because shes literally bonkers. go argue with some homeless person on the street, itd be way more productive.
No. 942688
>>942678Laur's narcissism has warped Lillee's view of having friends. She's most likely heard "you're on a different level, they aren't good enough for you" or "they're jealous of you because you're special" and the worst of all, "you can't trust any of them, I'm the only one you can trust." She isolated Lillee from her peers. Classic case of narcissistic abuse.
As she gets older,
maybe Lillee will wake up and see just how many precious years were wasted due to Laur.
I also wonder what will happen to Lillee as she gets older. Laur isn't going to live forever and where will that leave Lillee? She's too dumb to attempt the grifting, bullying, and threats that Laur does. Lillee is functionally retarded thanks to Laur.
No. 942705
>>942699she’s midsize like a sedan
>>942701this, she looks (and acts) just like laur and it’s really unfortunate
No. 942729
File: 1726741161725.jpeg (117.72 KB, 1080x1920, Comedienne.jpeg)

>>942727>stopped making those crackhead faces I disagree. Making funny faces is the way to go if she really wanted to become a famous actress. Let's face it, she isn't a beauty queen and her body proportions aren't what you expect from a model. The video of Lillee playing basketball looks like something Danny DeVito would do.
No. 942756
File: 1726750392499.png (48.5 KB, 608x392, fonz.png)

>where does she brag that she has contacts?
She brags about knowing people in the industry all the fucking time.
No. 942811
File: 1726754014239.png (337.92 KB, 1009x765, laur.png)

>>942777 This is slightly old but this is farmhand’s reasoning to why always delete Laur’s posts. The Original post here
>>>/meta/82667 No. 942817
>>942814It’s just make believe play for Lillee. She pretends to achieve all of these things while being totally shielded from all real criticism.
I’ve never met a filmmaker who didn’t promote their full work all the time.
No. 942819
File: 1726758698442.jpeg (53.82 KB, 430x327, C27860F4-33C6-45EF-9DA9-05B238…)

>>942811that’s not old, its been a golden rule for a long fucking time. theres virtually no point in arguing with crazy. you would know if you were here long enough. if someone is very off with the wk'ing, rationalization, just report.
No. 942853
>>942830>This needs to be a bookThere should be a whole case study on Laura Trueman. She is a professional conwoman and a "welfare queen". Somehow she is able to abuse every system she encounters. How does she make money? How come she hasn't been evicted yet?
Also, case Brenda is more interesting than anything Lillee Jean has ever done.
No. 942858
File: 1726826520020.png (564.5 KB, 539x1175, laurtruemanclaim.png)

New failed takedown attempt on a Youtube video.
No. 942909
File: 1726853709331.mp4 (6.31 MB, 1080x1920, Genius.mp4)

>>942879What do you mean developmentally disabled? Just watch how intelligently she talks about the new Snow White Movie. Notice the gamer chair and all that swag on the background. Lillee is pivoting her content. Very smart.
No. 942913
File: 1726854430357.png (549.08 KB, 1185x1061, Instastory1.png)

>>942867She doesn't even mention her "influencer career" in this Medium interview she shared on Insta stories today.
No. 942914
>>942909Man she is so retarded. She's talking like Snow White is the first ever movie with 2 female main characters and it's gonna help advance women's rights lmfao. She has no clue about literally anything, and for someone trying to become an actress she's seen shockingly few movies.
I wonder if what's in the background is all that remains of her toy collection?
No. 942915
File: 1726854578063.png (724.88 KB, 1231x1080, Instastory2.png)

>>942913Here's two more stories from Lillee. Her clothes look very uncomfortable.
No. 942924
File: 1726858178127.png (211.07 KB, 727x573, Screenshot 2024-09-20 204809.p…)

>>942922Makes you wonder why they are not paying their rent and are being evicted. The IRS should probably also pay them a visit…
No. 942965
>>942955Don't engage, it's Laur. She uses the death her sister to try to paint themselves as
victims. It's a way for her to try to get all the evidence against them wiped from the internet. Her first grift was trying to claim the murderer of her sister was behind these boards, then it shifted to a "cult" run by Diane awesomelaser. Now it's a "lillee jean clone cult" run by pedos & neo nazi's. She always is trying to find an angle. She will use this as some sort of "proof". I predict her next facebook ramblings will be about how lolcow is harboring a murderer. She will claim she gave this "evidence" to the nypd or fbi. I can tell by your use of language you're not a boomer or gen x'er. The person responding give MAJOR elder gen x or boomer energy (Laur)
No. 942978
>>942940>>942946>>942955>>942958Nonas please stop taking the bait.
>>942967If you were genuinely concerned about someone's safety you wouldn't ask these things on lolcow.
No. 943020
>>942867Primink’s lawyer found out they were homeless before the court info was available. They also said Laur was abusing financial systems
>>936146 wouldn’t be surprised if their landlord reported them after trying to evict them for 2 years with no luck. It also explains why they refuse to move a few hours west, north or south where the cost of living is significantly cheaper. If Laur’s being investigated, they may have told her not to move out of state.
No. 943021
File: 1726926507876.png (132.13 KB, 815x811, life insurance.png)

>>943020They also have 8 life insurance policies for the 3 of them. Not illegal perse but def a weird thing to do when you are so short on cash that you can't even pay your rent.
No. 943031
>>943021Okay, the fuck? That's over 270k, the payments can't possibly be affordable for them, they have no income except for disability/insurance payments from Earl's work accident or whatever that was.
On one of the policies it says "Insured: Joint Debtor's Mother", that would be Laur's mom or MIL, right?
And the rest of the policies don't mention anyone, so I'm assuming only Laur and Earl are insured, not LJ. Is it possible the money would go to her, or only to either Laur or Earl?
No. 943046
>Idk why so many people here root for her when she has no redeeming qualities and has never shown any sign of being a good, thoughtful person at heart.Some of us just see her as the
victim of a narcissist. Laur let her weird teeth fester for years until she was old enough to take out a loan in her name. A decent mother would have picked up a job at CVS and got her daughters teeth fixed. Lillie used to always tell us about her hot cheeto colored period blood, a decent mother would have had that sorted out years ago. Lillie is a shit person and in this case, its because her mom is a shit person. If Laur was an okay mother, Lillie would have just been another annoying nlog e-girl wannabe. At most, her antics would have made her someone's personal lolcow.
>>943021Laur? Are you planning something? I think she'd take Earl out before Lillie. Earl in the freezer saga two when?
>>942967>Is lillie safe in a house with her?She was never safe in a house with Laur. Being in the same house as Laur is why she's an lolcow normie YouTubers like Primark make videos on, instead of just being the DUFF to some community college kids.
No. 943048
>>942977What do you think a url is, anon?
>>943021Not American, please forgive - so those are all separate policies and have to be maintained? It's not tied to 401k or some other program or entitlement? Like, they'd have to seek these out and then keep paying them?
No. 943080
File: 1727005043964.png (523.62 KB, 1080x1883, GoogleReview.png)

>>943021How many insurances does Laur need?
No. 943084
File: 1727009974498.jpg (60.52 KB, 1179x418, Elaine.JPG)

JaxJackso is one of Laur’s socks
No. 943085
File: 1727010016570.png (427.7 KB, 1179x1240, Elainebro.png)

No. 943089
File: 1727013706224.png (1.82 MB, 1072x1207, buff.png)

Another teaser tonight
No. 943096
File: 1727026851104.png (1.06 MB, 967x2595, JaxJackso.png)

>>943084How do you know this? Please don't tell me that horrorcow is trying to self-insert again.
No. 943099
File: 1727030716346.png (3.25 MB, 1047x1841, Feet.png)

No. 943101
File: 1727030942725.webm (3.48 MB, 776x1364, RPReplay_Final1727030588.webm)

“Visually watch”
No. 943103
File: 1727036657157.png (3.68 MB, 1041x1984, fat.png)

>>943089Truly unfortunate build. Yes I’m body shaming.
No. 943127
File: 1727055625760.jpg (862.81 KB, 1179x642, eek.jpg)

looking g8
No. 943143
>>943125They have all these clips from ‘features coming soon’ and shit but that’s all we see like, that
is the feature. This one doesn’t even come off like any sort of film, just a random encounter. What is the plot line here? Normalcy?
No. 943147
>>943146KEK nonnica, you had me at
>her arms could slay anything Honestly though she’s so uncoordinated one has to wonder what physical activity Lillee would be good at irl.
No. 943150
File: 1727069822068.jpeg (221.42 KB, 504x911, IMG_4572.jpeg)

>>943139You have to be cute and skinny to pull off balletcore and coquette. She’s built like an overweight toddler so it would give downie in dance class. A cottagecore lite flowey dress (with sleeves!!) would be more forgiving for the dumpy dwarf physique and it would appeal to her arrested development desire to be a disney princess.
No. 943157
>>943156As a chubby girlie myself, I respectfully disagree. Those styles are not "made for skinny athletic girls". I agree she's too broad chested for a babydoll top. But a miniskirt with thigh highs, knees highs or cute socks eats. I think she would slay dark academia too. With her coloring it would give Victorian vampire, in a good way.
I still think she can turn herself around if she goes to college and interacts with genuine people her age. I'm not really as critical of Lillee as I am Laur. When I heard Laur say with her own mouth that Chinese store owners chased her with a clever just for being white. I knew Laur was the one that taught her history and passed her boomer racism on to Lillee.
No. 943160
>>943157The styles were designed for skinny women on the runway and popularized by skinny teenage girls, regardless of whether you think they can look good on chubby girls or not. That’s just a fact that exists independently of your opinion. The whole coquette/nymphette thing was very heavily linked to ED culture on 2010s tumblr and Twitter- again, that’s an objective fact. That doesn’t mean chubby girls can’t make them work for their body types, but the style quite literally wasn’t made for their bodies so those girls need to be particularly fashion-forward (like those fashion Tiktokers) to successfully adapt the style to their needs. Lillee isn’t naturally fashionable so it would be difficult for her to pull the style off.
A lot of people inherit racism from their shitty boomer parents. That doesn’t mean they aren’t racist. Lillee’s racism serves her
victim narrative and also gives her a sense of self importance (remember when she had an Indian guy on live talk about colorism in India, then she proceeded to make a self-loathing Indian sock puppet who longed to have white skin like Lillee?) Idk why people here bend over backwards to defend her racism.
(derailing) No. 943184
>>943150Lillie would look absolutely retarded stomping around NYC in this. But then again, people seeing her in this would automatically assume she's just a greasy Orthodox Jew horse girl, so that'd work for her oppression points.
>>943139Lillie doesn't have the range to pull off any "aesthetic". Does she even have permanent housing right now or are they just existing in some random attic again? Lillie just needs to go to target and get a few pairs of loose fitting high waisted mom jeans and babydoll tops just like all of the other chubby 23 year olds.
No. 943200
File: 1727133663889.png (246.37 KB, 1179x1127, Porn.png)

This account occasionally communicates with Lillee and his feed is just full of hardcore porn kek(off-topic)
No. 943201
File: 1727133701769.png (Spoiler Image,1.12 MB, 1179x1082, Bj.png)

>>943200Spoiler for porn
(off-topic) No. 943202
File: 1727134073976.png (1.36 MB, 1179x1416, Genz.png)

I feel like her grammar is getting worse and worse.
No. 943205
File: 1727134947648.jpeg (616.5 KB, 1290x1233, IMG_9942.jpeg)

Laur tweets like a creepy old man
No. 943224
>>943125Everything about this clip is a study in body language. His body language is screaming that he wants to bolt. His shoulders are slightly scrunched, he's constantly leaning away from her and always has his body angled in such a way that shows absolutely no interest in her, he looks around, even the way he holds his backpack straps is a telling gesture. She, on the other hand, is consistently violating his personal space, leaning towards him, facing him head on as much as possible, staring hard at him. This isn't just their acting. He's highly uncomfortable.
>>943202>learned from others in movies that I loved Oh you mean the exaggerated Disney and Pixar movements and facial expressions that don't translate to actual human beings.
No. 943236
File: 1727177222913.jpg (771 KB, 2560x1600, Screenshot_20240924_122314_X.j…)

>>941319Lillee loves sonic the hedgehog apperantly.
No. 943238
>>943224>Everything about this clip is a study in body language. His body language is screaming that he wants to bolt. His shoulders are slightly scrunched, he's constantly leaning away from her and always has his body angled in such a way that shows absolutely no interest in her, he looks around, even the way he holds his backpack straps is a telling gesture. She, on the other hand, is consistently violating his personal space, leaning towards him, facing him head on as much as possible, staring hard at him. This isn't just their acting. He's highly uncomfortable. Yes! Exactly! There is so much going on that's unsaid, and none of it is good. And she's so stiff, just standing there sucking her stomach in, straining hard to focus on "acting". She makes no use of the space around her and the whole scene is highly uncomfortable, not just for the guy but for the audience as well. I don't know the point of The Chorus of Our Eyes In, but I'm sure as usual, the guy lead is supposed to be obsessively in love with her. It seems to be completely the other way around.
No. 943241
File: 1727182961609.png (2.52 MB, 1050x1528, Nyfw.png)

No. 943249
>>943242KEK I thought the same thing
>>943241Laur coming off her Franzia bender and looks like she has a 5 o'clock shadow
No. 943256
File: 1727192206271.png (134.03 KB, 708x562, American Hustle.png)

>Lillee Jean in American Hustle
The fuck does that even mean…
No. 943264
File: 1727197558267.jpg (108.5 KB, 1252x1252, 1000091408.jpg)

>>943241It never really dawned on me until now how much Laur looks like Dr. Evil from Austin Powers. Right down to the growth stunted doppelganger.
No. 943265
File: 1727198393790.png (1.17 MB, 1179x1587, Pornguy.png)

>>943200Porn guy strikes again
No. 943267
File: 1727198932473.jpg (341.58 KB, 980x653, Shrek.JPG)

These two could make the ugliest babies
No. 943268
File: 1727199052035.jpg (403.97 KB, 980x653, Ew.JPG)

No. 943270
File: 1727199258593.jpg (204.49 KB, 370x955, Wow.jpg)

These aren’t new but I’m in awe of her body
No. 943272
File: 1727199319433.jpg (359.1 KB, 550x1384, Yikes.jpg)

No. 943275
File: 1727199633290.jpg (101.93 KB, 500x380, 1000015277.jpg)

>>943268I thought Lillee's face here reminded me of something, and luckily googling it brought up this comic that accurately describes her kek
No. 943276
File: 1727199806301.jpg (74.14 KB, 997x582, 5564attend.jpg)

the pearface is becoming more pearshaped
No. 943277
File: 1727199905669.jpg (77.24 KB, 707x457, Screenshot 2024-09-24 134137.j…)

If this happened in 10 yrs what will it be in 10 more?
No. 943294
File: 1727211187971.png (1.2 MB, 1440x2560, Ray.PNG)

>>943290I’m like 99% sure this video was made for one of Laur’s socks
No. 943341
File: 1727285344155.gif (350.44 KB, 220x165, E020CF29-6303-4758-A742-242A90…)

>>943132im in tears anon. perfect description
No. 943343
File: 1727291802342.png (1.4 MB, 1038x1153, Wide load.png)

No. 943344
File: 1727291850474.png (1.63 MB, 1041x1157, Midgets.png)

Is Laur also 4’9”?
No. 943393
File: 1727361560975.jpg (219.66 KB, 1159x1089, psycho.jpg)

Anyone remembers Miss Lucid Dreams?
She was one real and only LJ's fan.
She's super weird and seems truly retarded - back then she filmed herself defending LJ while driving kek.
Picrel is her now, she moved from zero makeup to creepy goth filters.
She also has fake arguments with her bf on her channel and pretends her kid is sick for sympathy points.
She buys views and followers and she'll make a good lolcow.
She doesn't seem to interact with LJ anymore and that's too bad because a crossover would be great.
No. 943400
>>943398Nah, she always wanted the fame.
Too bad LJ didn't offer her a role in her "movies".
No. 943402
File: 1727371780951.png (761.06 KB, 1179x1556, JEWISH.png)

Accusing Lillee of buying 1 million followers is antisemitic
No. 943403
File: 1727373633050.png (3.29 MB, 1350x2000, ea80ef_3ae2a895116445e6b53f018…)

Lillee got nominated for best actress at the Spring Time International Film Festival
No. 943404
File: 1727373976298.png (1009.51 KB, 1092x948, Screenshot 2024-09-26 at 2.03.…)

>>943403On their website they have totally legit photos of white people at a live screening.
No. 943408
File: 1727374703522.png (264.32 KB, 2422x1379, Screenshot 2024-09-26 at 2.14.…)

but my favorite part is their faq section
No. 943425
File: 1727386015679.jpg (10.36 KB, 331x286, Screenshot 2024-09-26 140957.j…)

>>943408Laur is like an Indian scammers wet dream. She loves getting the fake awards, bot followers and boosting lillee's ego, and they love that she pays them.
No. 943455
>>943431So does Laur do this solely to fool Lillee?
Won't Lillee eventually realize it's all lies? Like, why she isn't making any $$ would be a question she should ask.
No. 943458
File: 1727400088439.jpg (63.14 KB, 496x615, Screenshot 2024-09-26 211724.j…)

>>943431 Hallway of "Amiya House". Guy living here runs Lillee's "festival".
No. 943484
File: 1727439115196.png (274.97 KB, 1308x125, Screenshot 2024-09-27 141054.p…)

>>943403They didn't even bother to spend more than 30 seconds on this in Canva
No. 943488
>>943457>>943456>>943425LJ has been lying to people in her engagement pod for 3 years or so now.
Meaning they've been scamming the people there for years.
Laur and LJ need the fake awards to go on with the scams.
They probably ask money to anyone willing to film with LJ.
Ken Holmes has surely been scammed too.
No. 943509
>>943484People die laughing and mocking when you make credits like this. Lillee and Laur have never been to an independent film festival???? I thought even non-theatre types had been to at least a couple in their lives. So she's like a write who's never read a book, good luck.
But hey just show everyone how you're whacking off to the sight of your own name 18 times on one screen, if you don't mind everyone knowing and laughing.
No. 943510
>>943509Actually I'm not sure they ever have been to a single film festival. Unreal!
There are over 13 billion videos on Youtube, and Lillee's are on the very lowest end quality-wise. She doesn't seem to realize how much talent everyone else has, but thinks that paying $30 to a guy in India for a laurel graphic helps? So sad.
No. 943511
>>943510Lillee’s videos/films have very poor visual quality because she never bothered to learn how to properly use her very old camera.
In 2024 you can shoot entire movies on an iPhone and have your videos look a million times better than The Trapper Trap.
No. 943598
File: 1727552097097.jpg (460.85 KB, 1280x1920, ea80ef_0ae896eba67a4db79d58533…)

No. 943599
File: 1727552151386.jpg (263.02 KB, 1280x1920, ea80ef_7f58a51993f74a7fbd3140a…)

No. 943624
File: 1727570821532.jpeg (518.08 KB, 800x1028, IMG_3406.jpeg)

>>943621This is how it’s meant to fit, the pockets should be lower.
No. 943633
File: 1727579424984.png (1.71 MB, 1179x2027, Hail.png)

No. 943663
File: 1727625548155.png (786 KB, 1179x955, LA.png)

Laur is up to something.
No. 943686
File: 1727630324685.png (21.42 KB, 576x166, liar.png)

No. 943712
File: 1727634825014.png (956.69 KB, 1045x1487, Elegantiff.png)

Elegantiff kek
No. 943713
>>943598>>943599God, Laur ruined her. I can't believe I'm saying this but I
almost feel pity for Lillee. This is the worst outfit and "photoshoot" yet.
No. 943737
>>943718very interesting talking about guns. maybe planning to use a gun, you seem to know all about guns. ok I got what I needed.
–Your friendly Laur impersonator
No. 943771
File: 1727656039570.jpeg (158.02 KB, 1179x529, IMG_6909.jpeg)

No. 943782
File: 1727659597976.png (96.11 KB, 882x808, Screenshot 2024-09-29 at 9.24.…)

you can't make this stuff up
No. 943785
File: 1727660692640.png (85.85 KB, 705x1055, Paris.png)

>>943784Their address just leads you to an office building in Paris where a post office is
No. 943789
File: 1727662463175.png (2.77 MB, 1179x1929, Met Clown Gala.PNG)

>>943786Sorry not my best work
No. 943856
File: 1727744970422.png (3.1 MB, 1012x1314, G8.png)

No. 943870
>>943856They live in a nice neightborhood, that's so insane she never goes out more. She could walk arround for light exercice, if she doesn't want to take the subway.
>>943771I'd really love to hear more about that.
No. 943881
>>943856She's now fully embracing her "soccer mom running to the dollar store" era. The snagged baggy sweater with whatever those bumpy pants are, are giving speak to the manager vibes.
People leave the house looking this shitty all the time, they just don't want it posted on the internet.
No. 943894
File: 1727803919016.png (3.04 MB, 2482x1067, Drunk.png)

>>943752She sure has been looking pretty haggard lately. Just look at these new photos.
No. 943896
File: 1727804788667.jpeg (120.28 KB, 1080x1920, Police.jpeg)

Apparently it's time to post about super serious police stuff again. What could be a better way to start October than a throwback to filing police reports in August?
>>943663>>943686>#lilleejeanisaliarIs someone exposing Lillee on TikTok? This isn't the first time the goblins try to claim a hashtag.
No. 943897
File: 1727805043515.mp4 (8.85 MB, 1080x1920, Multiawards.mp4)

Multi talented award-winning movie maker can't even keep the camera steady for this short clip.
No. 943924
>>943896Puh-lease, the cops aren't gonna send an army of officers racing out over a girl in Queens not feeling popular.
Laur really has zero respect for police time.
No. 943973
>>943894I assume she's going for sultry in that last pic but she looks drunk and depressed.
>>943897She's trying so hard not to make her usual wide crazy eyes here that she looks like an alien attempting human facial expressions kek
No. 944036
File: 1727878324989.png (953.11 KB, 1179x1864, Elaine.png)

Laur’s buddy Elaine got caught asking people to create high quality “cgi” deep fakes in order to eradicate a woman who reports on the pedo extortion ring that Elaine claims to be a part of. No. 944047
>>943897Anons, Laur didn't throw away/sold all of Lillee's dolls!
You can see two Elsa dolls in the shelf behind her (right behind the Batman costume box kek).
No. 944056
File: 1727889444045.jpeg (201.82 KB, 1080x1920, FakeEmail.jpeg)

She covered the fake email addresses this time.
>>944036>high quality “cgi” deep fakesLillee's fake nude was more like 5 minutes on Photoshop quality
>>944039I wouldn't say that October comes right after August but okay.
No. 944057
File: 1727889858143.jpeg (86.3 KB, 1080x1920, Gross.jpeg)

>>943599Lillee DOES own another pair of shorts. Better?
No. 944058
File: 1727890076645.mp4 (1.8 MB, 1080x1920, LJTalks.mp4)

New episodes of Lillee's talk show coming soon.
No. 944177
File: 1727966155903.jpg (125.96 KB, 1080x1350, Sexypose.JPG)

No. 944194
File: 1727976318513.jpg (15.48 KB, 277x413, Screenshot 2024-10-03 132247.j…)

>>944177Ok Lillee. god she's awkward.
No. 944197
File: 1727977022783.jpg (44.59 KB, 825x235, Screenshot 2024-10-03 133527.j…)

>>944177Is Lillee a skin-tight jeans Millenial? I thought she was GenZ.
No. 944200
File: 1727978538727.jpg (70.34 KB, 642x787, lillee1950.jpg)

>>944177Conspiracy Theory
Lillee Jean has existed forever.
No. 944206
File: 1727987284280.jpg (165.58 KB, 564x906, e6cebc79-2e7e-4d92-8d3d-641add…)

>>944200I think she's a vampire
No. 944207
File: 1727987430136.jpg (35.24 KB, 325x480, 771ef01c-2901-4b58-bfdb-112aeb…)

Time traveller maybe, if not eternal
No. 944216
File: 1727990014660.png (1.31 MB, 863x1506, Fashun.png)

>>944204idk she looks very fashionable to me
No. 944230
File: 1727998543130.jpg (100.25 KB, 564x752, 779219b17b14a0e7e6c24e9a8e07d4…)

>>944177Lillee gurl from another Gen Z, we've been dressing liek this for years. We have never dressed like you do - I swear your momma dresses you.
No. 944238
>>944236She really isn't too fat to pull it off. Many plus size and chubby gen z pull this look off. Lillee just doesn't know how to style herself.
Here are some similar height, body type and age (to lillee) who pull it off's bigger than Lillee and kills it No. 944295
File: 1728066244014.jpg (384.9 KB, 1074x1911, Screenshot_20241004_192030_Sam…)

Scam promo using lilleejean hashtag
No. 944364
>>944355Modcloth is more twee style. She would look like a "mustache you a question" millennial or a horrible Ms. Frizzle cosplay if she shopped there.
The tiktok videos someone linked above showed women the same height as Lillee. The problem isn't her height or proportions. It's the fact she doesn't know how to style herself. Maybe dark/light academia or old money style if she is trying to go for vintage that gen z actually wears.
No. 944387
File: 1728143964049.jpg (53.85 KB, 617x340, Screenshot 2024-10-05 115321.j…)

>>944384Good point, look at Rachel Maksy. She's raking it in on youtube but she's never ever cocky. she's just a nice person that you like to spend time with and watch. Also she's an independent normal woman, who finished college and has her own house. With a man, not her mommy.
No. 944401
>>944387To be fair Rachel Maksy is in her 30s and is a millennial (Lillee just looks way older). Lillee's cohorts are Nara Smith, Quenlin Blackwell, Addison Rae, Emma Chamberlain, Kai Cenat, etc.
She doesn't necessarily need to be sweet or smiley perse. However she does need to be engaging, funny and interesting enough to make up for it. She does speak as if her audience are her subjects that she is so far above. Her "kindness" feels like she is bestowing charity upon her viewers. I wouldn't be surprised if she thinks she is giving confidence instead of arrogance.
No. 944420
File: 1728221931803.png (216.17 KB, 520x577, Screenshot 2024-10-06 133848.p…)

She took down another video and used a false email address kek.
No. 944446
File: 1728235049666.png (132.66 KB, 435x496, Screenshot 2024-10-06 191510.p…)

>for posting private information
Laur and Lillee bullying this 13 year old kid shows you everything you need to know kek. This is the same kid they called a terrorist and a Hezbollah spy.
No. 944731
File: 1728422023471.png (42 KB, 618x428, Screenshot 2024-10-08 231135.p…)

>>944420Kid only used a single frame from a video lillee posted, a video where she uses material from American Hustle that she herself doesn't own the rights to and youtube now defends the goblins and say the counter notification is "abusing the system" make it make sense…
No. 944777
File: 1728466570860.jpg (725.6 KB, 2560x1600, Screenshot_20241009_103333_You…)

Lillee is shining her inner rape apologist and racism
No. 944798
File: 1728491521048.png (779.52 KB, 1179x1803, Waht.png)

No. 944826
File: 1728513146375.png (1.87 MB, 942x1174, Cheeks.png)

Lillee please stop sucking in your cheeks like that. You look closer to 50 here.
No. 944827
File: 1728513226076.png (1.82 MB, 918x1162, Butthole.png)

And what the fuck is this!
No. 944897
File: 1728594533295.jpg (541.62 KB, 1440x2845, imagy-image.jpg)

sage for nonmilk and kind of irrelevant, but there has been another r/delusionalartists post on lillee today.that's where the very first milk of her originated iirc. might cause a surge of newfags if anyone links lc there, i saw some comments asking who she is and if there are any snark pages dedicated to her.
No. 944921
File: 1728610617159.webm (433.12 KB, 776x662, RPReplay_Final1728610318.webm)

No. 944924
File: 1728611299423.jpg (168.05 KB, 1172x634, ea80ef_cb7d63d3f82a4dc3952e7a5…)

See you in jail nonnies
No. 944984
>>944924"Detective Arielle Barnes-Acerra"
Fake account from Laur: Janitor at law.
No. 945018
File: 1728733052008.png (24.71 KB, 971x93, Capture d’écran 2024-10-12 123…)

Lillee is still obssessed with the 13 year old's discord server
No. 945092
>>945080Lillee says, "You're everywhere - you're INEVITABLE"
Kekity kek
No. 945094
>>945093She used the word "trope" wrong in the beginning too. "You're new to the show so we have to go through all the tropes like your beginning, hardship…" I think she meant, go through the ropes, which wouldn't be correct in this context either.
>>945080I noticed that too. Her mind is on how to make expressions that seem appropriate (which are not) rather than actually listening. And when she's not doing that, the she looks utterly bored.
>>945091I'd have to disagree. Maybe you think that because she didn't make the conversation constantly about her? None of her facial expressions seemed "normal" to me. It seemed she understood everything through the lens of a cartoon and reacted as a cartoon would instead of an adult woman. Like when he talks about having a slouch as Doc Holliday after all this serious research, and she does pew pew movements hunched over.
No. 945110
File: 1728883416205.png (1.22 MB, 1018x1624, Ig.png)

No. 945112
File: 1728885107136.png (364.21 KB, 992x619, Screenshot 2024-10-13 135122.p…)

>>945109lillee's content creates some of the funniest out of context caps
No. 945295
>>945110Lillee, Lillee, Lillee, Lilleeee
I'm begging of you please just wash your hair
No. 945497
File: 1729119001193.png (511.34 KB, 1288x878, twitter block.png)

The goblins are gonna LOVE this kek
No. 945567
File: 1729242460043.mp4 (1.02 MB, 1080x1920, why.mp4)

Why does Lillee post clips like this?
No. 945568
File: 1729242512349.mp4 (3.87 MB, 1080x1920, AQOtj5MM3PwedE4kxEjD57kguC-hyQ…)

No. 945569
File: 1729242609704.mp4 (4.23 MB, 1080x1920, AQPv-N_6yYUPLYJnB3nBAD4Le84Vnd…)

No. 945582
File: 1729267544986.png (3.04 MB, 1179x7248, IMG_7117.png)

Had a little chat with the Clown Festival people from Paris. They blocked me soon after asking for the names of their organizers kek(cowtipping)
No. 945583
>>945569The fact that she specifically chose that clip to post… I couldn't even finish watching it, the second hand embarrassment was too strong.
Also I love how her hair looks straight up green in this, really reminds me of the time she randomly decided to dye it at night, it came out looking like shit and she dyed it like 3 more times to try to fix the mess she'd made. It was back when she was super proud of her "Rapunzel" long "golden" hair and she had to cut it way shorter becausr of her own stupidity lmfao it was great
No. 945592
File: 1729275637993.jpeg (186.27 KB, 828x1195, IMG_1122.jpeg)

Older milk but apparently she has been trained in dancing throughout her teenage years
No. 945623
>>945582Kek, they sound just like Laur when she freaks out.
Definitively scammers!
>>945592>special programme in schoolSuuuure.
>>945539She dropped school arround 16, but didn't showed much before that anyway.
She then enrolled Keystone online school where she literally did nothing and Laur was (poorly) doing all of her homework.
They must have given her a "diploma" which is basically the same she always did: slapping fake awards and diplomas on the internet as play-pretend.
No. 945647
File: 1729359243602.jpeg (231.48 KB, 1080x1920, Boolyish.jpeg)

This shit again.
>lillie jean will always be a massive joke and will die homeless thanks to her psychotic mother.
That's correct. Lillee, you should listen to this stranger. Your mom is indeed the reason why you will never succeed in anything, and her meltdowns do make her seem psychotic.
Also, if you wish to find a real satanic cult that preys on minors online you should ask your British friend about it. She probably knows who made that fake nude of you too. A Twitter handle with a name and 420? Put two and two together.
No. 945649
File: 1729360220133.png (1.39 MB, 1848x1080, InstaBrat.png)

More from insta. Top feminist Lillee will have female guests in her talk show. She also finally learned some Gen Z lingo. Let's see if she will repeat brat over and over like she did with GOAT during the Olympics.
>>945569I cringed so hard when I watched this. Can't she see how uncomfortable her guest is? Nobody finds that joke funny! This is what happens when you drop out of middle school and stop interacting with real people.
No. 945725
>>945724Did she meant "cocky"?
Pidgin-attic is tricky.
No. 945744
File: 1729538936731.jpg (175.32 KB, 1080x548, Screenshot_20241021_202642_Sam…)

Someone has court tomorrow
No. 945752
>>945725She meant cockney, but he doesn't have a cockney accent. She probably watched My Fair Lady, a movie starring Audrey Hepburn playing a cockney flower girl, and thought she understood a cockney accent. Afterall most of her socializations with people were gleaned from movies.
Doesn't she claim to be well studied in dialects?
She was trying so hard to engage in light banter but it's just extremely cringe.
No. 945754
>>945647I'm in this collage! When I first posted all that public info about them, I wasn't even sure it was correct. I guess this is them confirming it for me. All I did was Google their names.
>>945649Brat summer's over, retard. You look out of touch
No. 945775
>>945649I went to Zoee music page, and she makes ok-music, I guess.
She can sing unlike LJ and she put way more work in her videos, LJ would never.
Which makes me wonder, why someone like Zoee would associate herself with the Trueman?
Are Zoee and all the others, really not realising LJ's followers are fake?
Do you think Laur and LJ ask them money to be in her "talk show"?
No. 945778
File: 1729604275216.png (1.3 MB, 1179x1924, Potus.png)

No. 945813
File: 1729633731393.png (383.05 KB, 1179x1492, Nyscef.png)

No. 945814
File: 1729633842740.png (320.21 KB, 1179x1526, Trial.png)

No. 945884
>>945814They will say they can't be evicted because 1. Disabled person
2. Threat to their life /immediate danger or hardship
3. The stalkers caused them to not be able to pay rent
4. They are waiting on assistance that will cover it
No. 945909
File: 1729812590549.jpg (266.31 KB, 1746x1136, Out.JPG)

No. 945996
File: 1729934628067.png (103.64 KB, 1080x301, IMG_5608.png)

>>945813Apparently Lillee wasn't pleased with the outcome. I don't know what she expected. They will get evicted eventually, right?
No. 946120
File: 1730064696438.png (2.12 MB, 1086x1629, Jeans.png)

No. 946229
>>946194Completely agree with vertical stripes and flared jeans. I'd also put her V-necks (to elongate the neck), unbroken lines i.e wearing the same colour top to bottom (creates the effect of seeming taller), high waisted pants/skirts (creates the illusion of longer legs), tailored pieces (loose or baggy clothes just make wide people look even dumpier so she needs clothes with structure) and low vamp shoes (will make her wide feet look slimmer, especially if they're nude as nude shoes give the effect of elongating the legs).
I'd also stop her from dying her hair in those yellow blonde and ginger shades she picks. She's cool-toned (likely a True Summer in colour analysis) and those warm hair colours she goes for badly clash with her undertone. She also badly needs to start washing her hair regularly, it's always so greasy looking.
Sorry for sperging lol but her fashion choices are just so baffling to me. I don't know how someone can spend years trying to become a ~beauty guru~ and still have absolutely no idea about what looks good on her body type or what the current clothing trends are. Does she just wear clothes Laur used to wear 15 years ago? I don't understand how anyone who's gone to a clothes shop this decade could walk out with clothes that are years outdated. Nobody sells clothes like the ones she wears anymore except for shops that specifically cater to middle aged women. She always looks like a secretary in a business casual office in 2009.
No. 946279
File: 1730225228845.png (6.62 MB, 1045x3580, IMG_7257.png)

From Lillee’s ig stories
No. 946350
File: 1730288139153.jpeg (46.33 KB, 640x1136, Cats.jpeg)

From Lillee's ig stories yesterday. Are these cats still alive?
No. 946355
File: 1730291448125.jpg (526.24 KB, 1080x1497, Screenshot_20241030_122925_Sam…)

She is casting our alleged jealousy and harm back at us ?
No. 946379
File: 1730320563442.png (117.17 KB, 270x553, stalker.png)

Looks like she found another underage victim to stalk because they left a review on her IMDB she didn't like.
No. 946400
File: 1730336051225.jpeg (284.55 KB, 997x775, IMG_7273.jpeg)

No. 946401
File: 1730336096390.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1049x1940, IMG_7274.jpeg)

No. 946402
File: 1730336135815.jpeg (694.23 KB, 1067x1853, IMG_7275.jpeg)

No. 946403
File: 1730336166493.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1066x1888, IMG_7276.jpeg)

No. 946413
>>946401The only reason she would know there is anyone 60+ in this server is because Laur has an account she's actively using.
Also, why does she still think it's illegal to talk about someone?
No. 946454
File: 1730400503103.jpg (24.74 KB, 690x377, Screenshot 2024-10-31 144632.j…)

>>946452And as a result her poor kid was held indoors and cannot pick up allistic cues subcortically. Hence this disturbing face every time she "meets" someone. It's honestly a freak show.
No. 946794
File: 1730775215652.jpeg (224.26 KB, 1280x1920, IMG_7906.jpeg)

Twitters changed their blocking system so I’m finally able to see….whatever this is supposed to be lol. Maybe laur will be able to afford a new pair of stretch pants for lillee for Christmas this year.
No. 946808
File: 1730784908150.mp4 (407.83 KB, 720x1280, E64C98337CFB238CB840C78555BB21…)

"New So Lillo Qui season coming soon. All originally written monologues, skits, and scenes by me!!!"
No. 946809
File: 1730785085091.mp4 (666.76 KB, 1080x1920, AQOXsYqu6pP2sxo0FI7lIKeu7QL-ST…)

"It's a knife when you know they're counting on your mistakes….it's a knife when they won't believe you, why should you explain?"
No. 946810
File: 1730785180925.mp4 (315.82 KB, 720x1280, BB4C5F55C48D242C3981CF13192D78…)

"…just wanna die…" These lyrics… a coded message?
No. 946811
File: 1730785327597.mp4 (313.79 KB, 1080x1920, AQPhz7twHALbLkSwhfvk6MS3kfL1xF…)

"It's a knife when you're so pretty they think you must be fake…" Same song, but a beautiful glimpse of Lillee Jean to show us how beautiful she is.
No. 946812
File: 1730785384567.mp4 (433 KB, 1080x1920, AQOizZSvqORcylyOoRFqYQRAfYSfBU…)

Is Lillee or Laur posting these weird out of context boomer memes?
No. 946843
File: 1730823495398.jpeg (910.19 KB, 1179x1921, IMG_7326.jpeg)

No. 946844
File: 1730824302549.png (4.15 MB, 2880x14492, app-castingnetworks-com-talent…)

to all haters and losers: her feet are NORMAL
No. 946851
>>946844>is a Russian-Jewish actress5 words and 3 of them are lies, keks.
What happened to pretending to be french? That's the first time she's claiming to be russian.
No. 946931
File: 1730932838192.png (3.18 MB, 1179x2157, TikTok.png)

No. 946960
>>946846This is so bad it almost seems on purpose. She's going to make the next The Room, calling it now
I tried to delete the other unsaged post but idk why it says file deleted instead. There was no file.
No. 946972
>>946846>Lyrics to her song:Goo goo! Ga ga!
Go oo ga ga!
Goo ooo baah bye
That's what I'm saaaying!
I said Ooooo~
Good byeeeeee
Gooood byeeeee
When I say how I feel
I mean it
No. 946976
Last time, Anons were pointing her hypocrisy and the fact she doesn't even have a
valid ID to vote.
No. 946983
>>946846She really thinks that people work as buyers in retail answer to the shop manager? And have bosses who act like spoiled babies about a purchase order which THEY should have reviewed, and then say "on a literal level you're an ok guy" omg WHAAAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
Too many years in the attic, honey.
No. 946986
>>946985And no one posts a baby pic that says DRINK ME :)
What the fuck Laur.
No. 946989
>>946983I think Laur talks to Lillee in that
abusive way, and that's why Lillee fantasizes about being able to abuse work underlings. And she seriously has no idea of how fucked up she sounds.
My supervisor and I work with mutual respect and courtesy, in a field WAY more important that a dress shop. It's called adulting Lilz, something Laur will never let you experience.
No. 946993
File: 1730993423813.jpg (16.52 KB, 237x339, Screenshot 2024-11-07 102659.j…)

>>946986Do any of you have pics like these of you and your mom that YOU posted on the internet to remain forever?
They know they're not normal. They don't understand why, but they know.
No. 947011
File: 1731004136625.jpg (252.54 KB, 1306x1030, Screenshot_20241107_192758_Gma…)

The Archivist got his video put back up that the goblins took down.
No. 947034
File: 1731026067421.png (2.03 MB, 1080x1905, Italianchild.png)

No. 947035
File: 1731026117391.png (1.58 MB, 1078x1896, Imdb.png)

A nonnie got indicted!
No. 947037
>>947035Why did she put tap shoes next to a Discord post?
What is this about people betting on her?
IF she's still railing on the Maine lady, we all know she dind't make a threat, she send an attorney letter, asking HER to stop doxxing.
If this person is in Italy and is only 14, what does Laur hope to accomplish with the Queens police? No jurisdiction. Also - no crime has been shown, only Discord posts.
Why is is posting and reposting the nude that isn't even Lillee's body?
Just questions nobody can answer kek
No. 947066
File: 1731041988542.jpg (296.17 KB, 1143x790, 1564960908153.jpg)

>>848682I'm sorry for bringing up a years old post, but I'm reading the first threads and… This looks like it belongs in an analog horror youtube channel.
Idk why the quote isn't pointing to the right post, but this is the pic
No. 947084
File: 1731067435187.png (113.22 KB, 748x729, Screenshot 2024-11-08 130207.p…)

>>947035The reviews on IMDB are spot on, better written and way more entertaining than anything she herself makes.
No. 947085
>>946987The tinfoil originated due to the white pages site (before Laur removed all their infos after 2020/21) displaying Lillee was 42 at that time.
Laur and Earl had their ages absolutely correct there.
It might be linked to Laur getting credit card on Lillee's name and lying on her age to get them…
No. 947106
>>947093Their case is not unique, influencers face these things regularly, the difference is they grow a thicker skin or realize they aren’t cut out to be an online influencer. How do people not realize that this is a direct result of putting every detail of your life online? Saying shit like ‘oh they were creating accounts and tagging an event I was at WHILE I was still there!’ as she was sitting there
live streaming the fucking event just shows how incredibly clueless they are. Borderline mentally retarded.
No. 947109
>>947105Repost for typos
You can tell Laur thought she was going to be some Disney kid swept up by some scouting agent at one of these events but she just can’t accept the fact that her daughter isn’t talented at all. It’s just sad that she let her own mental illness destroy any semblance of a normal life Lillee could have had. Friends, relationships, coming of age experiences. And she blames this mystical online cult for all of that. Hard to check Reddit forums when you’re climbing trees with your friends or doing any age appropriate activity. Even famous celebrities say they simply don’t read the hate comments because they know they exist and will always exist and try not to let it bring them down.
No. 947111
File: 1731085520119.jpg (459.8 KB, 1080x2044, Screenshot_20241108-151323.jpg)

>>947084I hope more normies stumble onto LJ's "movies" because I need to read more of these reviews
No. 947114
File: 1731087685967.png (112.63 KB, 1402x642, autism.png)

>>947093Looking at all the comments on the video with poor grammar shows two of the accounts have the same join date. Only one of them appears to be a real person. Where do you think she's buying her engagement from?
No. 947188
>>947132To me the biggest change has been that Laur hardly seems to post as herself. She used to constantly be online talking to different people, after their landlord sued them she really seems to only post through sockpuppets or Lillee's account. On her accounts she just responds to Lillee or once in a while makes some cryptic schizoposts. But she's become much more isolated. She didn't have any IRL friends before but she had some fellow retards she was talking to on Twitter, I'm assuming in DMs as well. Now she's completely alone, all her online friends abandoned her, and I guess she is afraid to even express her frustration and anger online, so she has to do it in other ways.
She also inserts herself into any online friendship Lillee tried to form, and contributes to its eventual end, since now she truly has no one but her daughter. I agree that following the goblins used to be very different, they used to post way more and talk to different people, and unironically seemed a bit more grounded in reality and aware of their own lies to me. Now they hardly do anything but when they do post something, it's so much more deranged and random.
No. 947201
>>947188I imagine living this life is so exhausting. Constantly harassing the police, excessively viewing and/or moderating every single comment made about you on the internet, responding to thousands of comments on your own posts and others to try to keep up the facade of engagement, arguing with everyone you see online.
Sorry, I know the convo was talking about the differences between the first and last threads, but man I honestly couldn't even imagine. Maybe that's why their posts are devolving into more and more insanity, they've completely broken their own mental health doing all of this shit for years.
No. 947221
>>947201They could just, you know,
stop. I find it disgusting that they have all this free time and
never choose to volunteer or do anything productive. Wasted lives.
No. 947227
>>947221the best thing lillee could do at this point is study for the GED and take the exam, then go enroll at cosmetology school, some other community college, or some kind of diploma/certificate program. whether she learns a trade or just does some kind of liberal arts program so she has
something to put on her resume. she won’t though, because laur has convinced her that she’s the bestest and smartest and there’s nothing new for her to learn, because she knows everything. it would humble her big time, but that’s another reason she needs to do it.
laur ruined lillee's teenage years, but now it’s her own responsibility and she is ruining her own adulthood. laur is certainly not helping though. she has utterly failed lillee, failed as a mother, failed as a person.
No. 947301
File: 1731338199506.png (1.29 MB, 967x1493, Logo.png)

Lillee’s new logo includes her sucked-in cheeks.
No. 947376
File: 1731435036202.png (231.42 KB, 1179x1066, CapitalOne.png)

Lillee is following Laur’s footsteps and has already defaulted on at least one credit card.
No. 947498
File: 1731623694596.png (2.02 MB, 1280x1920, Casual.png)

No. 947564
File: 1731690996259.png (706.55 KB, 1179x1504, 1.png)

No. 947565
File: 1731691041373.png (263.53 KB, 1179x1512, 2.png)

They are still living at the old address.
No. 947572
>>947568A notice to quit is a document sent to renters that are not meeting the criteria of a rental agreement and demands the tenant to cease all forms of specified misconduct within 10 days, or the tenancy will be terminated…
Laur's lawyer argues that the ten-day notice to quit was improperly served or doesn't have a
valid reason to evict them.
Not serving paperwork properly can be grounds to dismiss the proceedings and force the landlord to start the eviction process all over again.
No. 947574
>>947572This is bullshit, a notice to quit only needs to be provided when a tenant is being evicted for breaking the lease agreements, that's not at all the reason she is being evicted. She is being evicted because her lease ended, not because she broke the agreement (which she still did by not paying rent btw) .
Correct me if I'm wrong tho.
No. 947692
File: 1731859088591.webp (89.84 KB, 367x551, d1e4607e92aa56d6437ef0f6b4949e…)

>>947691There's a tie between hygiene and mental health ya know. Even Laur can't say her kid isn't weird anymore.
No. 947710
>>947705>>947702It is strange as to why their clinging to this address. Maybe because it would show they aren't as much of a
victim as they claim. Surely they know they were served properly and gave lied to their lawyer. Hope it Catches up to them. They should also bit the bullet and move somewhere cheaper that they could actually afford, would make the grifting to make ends meet eaiser.
No. 947715
>>947702NYC is extremely tenant-friendly so getting a bad tenant evicted can be extremely difficult. Some landlords go as far as offer cash for keys and that can cost them anywhere from a few grand to 30-40k.
My tinfoil is that they stopped paying rent in March and won’t move unless their current landlord offers them a 5 figure bribe.
No. 947716
File: 1731876025649.png (506.71 KB, 1179x1443, Chatbot.png)

She’s still insisting that Diane is the cult leader.
No. 947734
File: 1731930598955.png (1.35 MB, 1242x2208, SlanderPerSe.png)

From Insta stories. Lillee is still using her batshit insanse screenshot compilations to imply the fake porn was shared on Primink server.
That's Slander Per Se.
No. 947736
File: 1731930931809.mp4 (5.94 MB, 720x1280, LifeThreateningThreaths.mp4)

>There are so many life threatening threats and police is heavily involved. How about you let the police do their job instead of provoking these dangerous "cult members"?
If someone receives legit death threats online and takes it to cops, the popo doesn't recommend addressing the threats online.
No. 947737
File: 1731931072237.mp4 (728.36 KB, 720x1280, Subpoenas.mp4)

>I have subpoenas.>Smug face No. 947738
File: 1731931479872.png (444.48 KB, 1825x1064, SuchAries.png)

>I'm such Aries No. You are a thin-skinned crybully. You would never make it in showbiz regardless of how talented you were.
Imagine crying over shit like someone calling your drawing terrible on the internet 9 years ago.
No. 947760
>>947736>>947737The unrestrained arrogance of this greasy unwashed midget just fucking kills me, KEK.
I guarantee you that the cops involved with her and Laur's bullshit ruthlessly make fun of them the minute they waddle out of the precinct. Rookies and those who've made enemies on the force wind up dealing with these two.
No. 947794
>>947775I'm like 90% sure it was Elanie and her friends who made the picture. Either just for a laugh or, more likely, because Laur asked her to. I think Laur asked her to, because they needed something more convincing than tweets for the police. Laur does shit like this all the time, for example her creepy posts on here so she could show them to Lillee and continue the
victim fantasy.
No. 947862
>>947788>>947738(Astro-nerd here) If anything, she doesn't have any of the typical Aries traits: who tend to love sports and especially extreme sports, outdoors, don't overthink, live in the present, don't hold grudges, brave (won't hide behind momaire), fun, easygoing and are very social.
She has the Cancer sign worst traits (without having the nice ones), who are naturally very anxious, eat too much when stressed, get fat easy (due to stress and because they love to eat), don't like stepping outside their comfort zone too much/at all, too nostalgic of the past and prefer to stay home and shut in rather than meet new people.
If she actually is Aries, her sun sign would be very weak and her rising would very likely be Cancer.
But maybe Anons questioning her real birthdate and inconsistencies
>>947770 are onto something.
(astrology sperging) No. 947912
>>947900Not trying to derail this thread or make it about someone else but many posts have been from anons wondering what lillee will be like when she's older and Laur is no longer in her life. She is not about self improvement or introspection. She has no self awareness. The only thing she loves more than being an "entertainer" is being a
Don't know if anyone has heard of this lolcow Sarah Boone. Long story short, she was recently found guilty of zipping up her boyfriend in a suitcase while they were both drunk and leaving him in there to suffocate and die overnight.
Constant victimhood, and riding what little achievements she had as a child into adulthood as some kind of badge of superiority, is Sarah Boone, and she's 47 right now. She is extremely
toxic, highly manipulative, and 1000% unlikeable. This will be lillee. She may trap some sad sap into a relationship and squeeze out what little he has but she will always consider herself better than him because what truly good man of sound character will want her?
If you want to see what Laur has doomed Lillee to be, check out Sarah Boone.
No. 947967
>>947966Yeah. I guess she didn't learn about statute of limitations in attic academy.
Could someone make a new thread?
No. 948516
>>943620No actually. Its confounding, shed literally be able to go for FREE with little to no effort with FAFSA and TAP since its CUNY.
She could even go to Hunter or Brookyn College which have great film and acting programs. But guess the social aspect would be too much for her and the gratification wont be instant, I guess.
(Lillee if u ever read this, you can apply to these things yourself)