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No. 847048
18 year old beauty guru with subpar make-up skills. Has 1.1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11.000 (fake) followers on Twitter and 2800 (who knows?) subscribers on youtube.
Has around a 1% engagement on instagram, but those likes and comments appear to be bots and fake accounts too. Never gets any RTs or likes on twitter besides from her mom. Doesn’t get much more than 1000 views on her Youtube videos. Some brands, such as Colorpop and Laura Mercier have, however, fallen for her snaffu and sends her PR.
>Lillee got verified on Instagram despite having no real followers>Lillee and and mom are threatening anybody who criticizes her, calling them stalkers from reddit and says they know their identity and that the police will come and arrest them (they won't)>Mom claims that redditors have showed up at their house and that Lille has recieved death treaths (most likely a lie)>Lillee's mom is currently trying to take down reddit and lolcow lol>Lillee mom said that lolcow was about to change forever, and by that she meant that she finally was going to sperg out in the thread (see posts: >>846853 >>846854 >>846855 >>846857 >>846858 >>846859 >>846862 >>846863 >>846865 >>846873 >>846874 >>846875 >>846876 >>846877 >>846887 >>846891 >>846901 >>846903 >>846905 >>846909 >>846913 >>846918 >>846919 >>846921)GENERAL MILK
>Either her or her mom creates all her fan accounts on IG. Many of them pretends to be grossly exaggerated versions of minorities.>Claims she has her own beauty brand coming out in 2020 (@lilleejeancosmetics)>Went to the Bite Beauty Lip Lab and made some customs Lipsticks (as anyone can do) for herself, claimed they were a collab and that Bite would release them for purchase. Sperged out on IG and cancelled them when they told her to stop claiming it was an official collaboration (>Had a billboard of herself in Times Square for Covergirl, pretends she did an actual campaign with them, when in reality it was a campaign where anyone could upload their picture to their homepage and then get their picture on the billboard. >Her batshit insane mother uploaded an obviously shooped picture to her IG (@lrtrueman) claiming Lillee went to the MET ball. It wasn’t until after the reddit call-out they began to claim it was fan-art.>Her mother also posted an obviously shooped “Teen Vouge” cover with Lillee on the front page.>Somebody on r/beautyguruchatter made a thread about Lillee Jean. Her and her mom sperged out, made multiple accounts and spammed threads. No. 847051
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Fake fanaccounts
No. 847052
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No. 847065
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Laura is currently tweeting at the University of Georgia kek..
No. 847093
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I’m more worried about lee-lee and her army of dolls than the cyber police.
No. 847190
>>847065>>847066This is just fucking wild.
She is actually trying to get someone expelled for what? Stating the truth? The followers are fake and she knows it. The fact that she's going to such lengths to keep up this charade of her daughter being famous and having friends shows how disconnected from reality she is.
I honestly feel bad for the daughter. Her mom has probably kept her so sheltered from people that she's never received any criticism and thinks everything is a personal attack. The only friends she's allowed to have are fake instagram accounts with stolen photos.
No. 847204
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>>847155And I have yet to compile a list of sock accounts (creating identities). Is there an anon who has sussed them out? I don't do Zuckerbookgram. got locked out of its Facebook account on the 21st which has monkey wrenched my ops.
Now that Raven has sung her swansong (and counting), I needed a new cow to rabbit hole. Laur excels.
Electronic moon hat engaged!
No. 847209
>>847191>>847162Laura is the stalker here, not lolcow kek
Are you willing to post screenshots of the message she sent you guys?
No. 847214
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>>847209Here’s one of her ramblings that she sent me. The whole thing went on for a long while.
No. 847222
>>847214Literally not a single person said anything about her sister anywhere, let alone posted a video of her getting murdered (wtf?). It's like how they're claiming they're getting death threats and someone came to their house. I think even Laur knows how ridiculous it is to complain to the police and every other tangentially related organization about online criticism of a "public figure" (kek) so they have to make it seem like it's way more serious than it is.
Any other interesting highlights from what you were sent?
No. 847241
>>847204Here are (some of) the ones they use to comment:
BUT if you look at the followers for any of those accounts there are a shit ton of other suspicious accounts. Every single account is either a fake fan page (there are SO many), a fake gay or transgender person, a page that only posts screenshots of rainbows and shit about being gay, or Muslim bots
No. 847255
>>847204This is why parents need to be internet-literate. Laur is too dumb to be on the internet but man she really provides milk kek.
>>847249They're most likely summerfags.
No. 847260
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>>847241Bless you, anon. No account, can't see follower lists. Tho a couple of the mirror sites grab them which is how I got
>>847051. Instagram now blocks captions and comments from public browser view, too (shouldn't influencers uwu be screeching about that?).
Their dedication to creating profiles on all the garbage "celeb" sites like pic related tho. Hey Laur, the more sites you spread your data to, the more likely that data will be breached. I hope you at least use unique passwords for all of them. No. 847261
>>847048Never read the previous thread(s) about this chick but saw all the capslock autism from the last thread and now I’m intrigued lol. I haven’t seen shitposting like that since Vic became unhinged a couple years ago. Grade A milk and I’m here for more.
I’d probably die of embarrassment if my mom was doing this on my behalf.
No. 847269
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She is also a voice over actress. Because of course.
>17 years old audio sample No. 847277
>>847241>>847260Her most active IG sockpuppets have twitter accounts as well
raycarl10:'s I don't know the IG account for accounts were created in the summer of 2018, like all the IG sockpoppet accounts.
No. 847297
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>>847260Sorry anon, here are two screenshots of what I mean. 1/2
>>847269Haha wonder what she claims to have done with Proactiv? She must've had a pimple once. I actually just looked it up and apparently she "represented" Proactiv in something called Proactiv Pack Out which, upon Googling, only returns 2 results which link back to a deleted Facebook page for "BOLD PR LLC" and LJ's EverybodyWiki.
No. 847299
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Samefag 2/2
No. 847450
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sage for potential nitpick, but is this really what qualifies her to receive all those beauty PR packages? the eyeshadow looks so patchy and though I couldn’t get clear photos of the final look, the makeup gets worse as the video continues
No. 847452
>>847450Have you seen her put on false lashes? she slides the band with wet glue down to her lash line and paints half her lid with glue each time.
her makeup skill isnt impressive at all, itd often patchy and she has a habit of caking her brows in foundation and never brushing them out
No. 847461
>>847450>>847452some anons in the past thread also questioned her makeup skills. i think it's all but confirmed that while she's filming – with a slew of jump cuts – someone else, an actual MUA, finishes her makeup.
the way she slathers lipstick all over her mouth
triggers me the most lol
No. 847489
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>>847483what a reach, you say quick caps from this video 4 days ago - the entire eye makeup and her process is murdering me.
she literally slaps whatever color wherever, pushes it into the skin until it becomes a blotch of color, then insert random cut to where the eyeshadow suddenly looks heaps better
especially clear at the point she applies the liner. it looks like literal child scribbles on both eyes, then perfectly winged out after a cut
still saging because it's tinfoil at best but it's not just this one video that's like this, it's all of them
No. 847527
>>847461Last thread did not confirm that an actual MUA stepped in to do her make up, multiple anons just tinfoiled this.
It's already been disproved that someone else did her looks, you can scroll to the bottom of her original IG (what is now her management IG run by her mom) and see looks that are exponentially better, and there are videos on her YT from 2015 to match the looks that prove that she's the one who's been doing them the whole time. Anons speculated that she had a psychotic break or something around 2017 (when the follower count started to jump and increase) to explain the onset of crazy and degradation in skill.
I'm a dumbass and don't know how to link replies across threads, but someone tinfoiled the same thing just before Laur came in and shat all over it and there are replies there linking to videos and screenshots of the old IG posts.
No. 847532
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I'm not so sure, what is going on with her lipstick in this video. I am still baffled she went to decent looking to this hot mess.
No. 847700
>>847676I just started thinking about it, but is the ultimate goal of their scam for companies to eventually start paying her to review their products? Even though she gets free PR now (as undeserving as she is), that's all it is. Free products. I doubt she makes more than a couple dollars off her youtube videos, and it's not like she's selling off the PR products (though the shitshow that would bring would be hilarious), so what's even the point?
I wonder if companies bother to vet the influencers they pay more than the influencers they just throw free PR at? Didn't seem like they cared that she has piss poor engagement, just that her numbers were high.
No. 848001
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Ah yes, my favorite fruit.
No. 848449
>>848368I agree. The more I think about it, this has some Eugenia Cooney vibes going on over here with Lillee having a crazy mother who stifled this girl's social skills and is using her daughter for her own gratification.
Thankfully Lillee doesn't have an ED (I'd assume) but her mental health is probably very pretty wonky
No. 848620
>>848594On her IG she has commented about James and Marios wedding and about visiting them in the Hamptons.
There are probably receipts in the old thread.
No. 848679
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I don’t know if she is in charge of Lillee’s account but I’m pretty sure she is in charge of her husbands. Her and Raven would get along great.
No. 848682
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Why does she start almost all of her videos doing this? I dont like the fake veneer look and think imperfect teeth should be embraced more, but hers are fucked and add to how disturbing she is. They look like they're just stuck in this perpetual baby state and her adult teeth never came in.
No. 848683
>>848682 Honestly it's probably very unfortunate genetics. Her mom seems to have normal teeth so I don't doubt her dad has baby shark teeth too.
What I don't get is why she shows them off? Usually when people have ugly teeth they try to hide them.
No. 848741
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>>848727Every pair of her teeth has a gap in between them. She also moves her mouth in a strange way when she talks. It wouldn't be surprising if it's because of how small and jacked her teeth are. Also many keks at the part in the vid when she said one of the perks of having teeth like her's is you can "shoot" things through your teeth. Yeah. Because unintentionally shooting out food and spit because your retarded teeth lack the ability to block out whatever is in your mouth from flying out is super flattering amiright
No. 848768
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My new background, anons!
-Joe, founder of lolcow and reddit hate army
No. 848812
>>848758her teeth are not baby teeth. they are adult teeth but she clearly has some kind of either genetic or environmental condition that makes them
look like baby teeth.
No. 848830
>>848631I thought this before. There are tons of grown adults being catfished for money on Facebook, so it wouldn't shock me if an easily impressionable teenager with no social contact would fall for fake online friends.
More likely is her mom told her the sock puppets are for publicity, and probably said all the big makeup accounts do it as well to boost followers, so she's "playing along." If her mom is really that unhinged (which is yes), LJ might want to continue the lie to keep from getting an angry, in-person Laur tirade. Hopefully she wises up at some point.
No. 848848
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>>848741Oh my god. I wonder what her dentist thinks about her teeth.
No. 848989
>>848950inb4 she starts bitching on twitter about their horrible customer service and scamming ways because they won't send them free icecream.
Considering the shit she has been tweeting at other companies (and universities) whenever things don't go her way, starting a twitter shitstorm seems to be her wet dream #twitterarmy
No. 849029
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I can't believe how stupid they are, they still think lolcow and Reddit are one in the same.
No. 849041
>>848830I’m also tonfoiling that her mom is catfishing her with all these movie roles/auditions. She posted on Facebook that her mom got her an audition for Batgirl ??? and then mom had a falling out with the studio so they cancelled the audition. There’s recent IG videos of her mom telling her she got a role & more video of them running lines. She said somewhere it’s a role for a short about super heroes.
I hope she realizes she has been manipulated by an adult, who knows better, and it ultimately tanked any minuscule chance she ever had at an actual career. Her turning against Laur and outing all her mom’s master schemes would be GLORIOUS! Or I’m giving this entitled brat too much credit and she’s a racist scammy mcfraudster just like her mom.
No. 849063
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She tries to seem woke by retweeting news stories. Let's be honest she is only retweeting this because she sees this as a bullying website getting taken down. Probably gives her and her mom hope lolcow will be taken down.
No. 849240
>>849041Just from what we've seen of them online, LJ has no friends/social life and her mom is obsessed with her being famous. The fan accounts, the photo edits, the deranged online meltdowns; it's all her mom. She seems to be the only major influence in LJ's life. A lot of crazy shit seems normal to you when that's all you've ever known.
LJ is complicit in her weird charade, but there's no way it's easy living with a woman who acts out several fake personalities on instagram and explodes at any minuscule criticism. Laur definitely isn't letting her make decisions on her own.
No. 849486
>>849420How can you tell from this potato quality picture? There might very well be more teeth back there, it’s not like she’s wearing cheek retractors.
>>848819Anon got that right, she likely has microdontia related to William’s syndrome. It’s been discussed in the previous thread already, so can we be done with the baby teeth sperging? She just has ugly tard teeth, no need to tinfoil about it.
No. 849498
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Sorry for the bad edit. I was trying to get all the insane comments in.
From 1change4change (Lillee Jean’s nonprofit) IG page. Lillee Jean is posting under 1change4change account. There’s some other hilarious comments but these were the most absurd.
-Random person stans Thanos
-Lillee Jean agrees that we need to eliminate half the world population. When someone points this out as problematic, she immediately attacks, tells person they have a “specific plan with very specific words” and warns them to “be careful”. (Post got cut off sorry)
-Laur jumps in to save the day. Starts in on some Hunger Games bullshit & then says you can only have 2 kids in England but the Royals have as many as they want.
No. 849535
>>849498“it doesn’t matter if you’re rich” “did you know the royals can have as many kids as they want?” so which one is it? are rich people affected or not affected?
and is she really using thanos to try and justify her argument? holy shit this woman is crazy
No. 849559
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>>849528The nonprofit account was created a week after she attended the Proactiv event. They probably got a good response from the videos & posts of the event and decided “social media activist” could boost Lillee Jean’s appeal.
I’ve seen them switch between referring to it as a “campaign” & “nonprofit”. Legally, it’s not a nonprofit. They are quick to point out they receive no money when questioned about the 501c3 status though.
No. 849902
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>>849498>>849559This was posted on the last thread (from her website I think).
She's a passionate environmentalist, but not a tree-hugger! She doesn't believe in any kind of protesting, only action!
She's patting herself on the back for not caring enough to protest.
No. 850057
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This is depressing. After the PR packages stopped rolling in, LJ is having to finance her influencer charade.
I wonder if Lillee has seen a penny of her YouTube earnings or of Laur is “managing” her earnings as well. I know she only makes a dollar or two per video but the amount of videos she has & the amount of time she’s been at this…she should at least have $500. Even momager said she’s made “hundreds of dollars” in the Whimn article. She shouldn’t be at the point of having to put a few lipsticks on credit.
No. 850058
>>850037I think if Laur was actually sane, the financial and moral support for her daughter might've actually propelled them to some actual success. She could've spent the money on sending LJ to cosmetology school/classes, or even invested in filming and editing software, instead of on fake followers. But of course, Laur is fucking crazy and short sighted as fuck and probably doesn't see LJ as anything but a cashcow. Her scamming antiques weren't going to last forever, so she's trying to secure LJ's financial success for retirement.
She's ruining LJ now and ruining her future. The girl has absolutely zero skills. It sort of reminds me of Venus, sans any sort of actual fanbase or likable qualities.
>>849902She did a homeschooling/online course and I don't doubt that Laur would've fudged the work to get her a high GPA/straight up fudged the numbers here. Will LJ even go to college? It's a stupid question, but I can't help but wonder.
No. 850140
>>847850Here is her influenster profile. like she at least gets her Laura Mercier PR through them.
No. 850143
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>>850140Unfortunately it looks like they fell for her scam at some point 4 months ago.
No. 850148
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>>850143But why would she get stuff from Influenster if she's on the regular PR list? She got reviewed this a couple of days ago.
No. 850152
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>>850149>>850143 is a PR at Laura Mercier if her bio is to believed.
No. 850155
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Influenster voxbox from belif
No. 850156
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>>850155From Lillees SS19 PR stories
No. 850212
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Laur is currently tweeting at a vpn service about lolcow. In the previous tweet to them (not pictured) she says they called the police in Florida.
No. 850215
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>>850212She’s trying to get it deleted too lmao
No. 850297
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>>850275She was reeeing about KF even before the thread was split off.
>>>/snow/846992 No. 850301
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>the boyz at #imgur>kiwi.netI'm still dead.
Will she C&D or DMCA Null? Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease!
No. 850557
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Laur found another petition, still thinks lolcow & reddit are somehow connected but she’s starting to question if all the internet is one person named Joe.
No. 850581
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Like in mom or dad!
No. 850674
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No. 850697
>>850301@imgur should remove @reddit??
Did I just read this right now?
No. 850758
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Not sure this hs been posted before but I was looking up some lightning tips for pictures and stumbled on this. None of those poses are flattering.
No. 850803
>>850771She says a police report was filed on the incident but has shown no actual proof. If someone showed up at their house, they’d post a million pictures and demand their twitter army take care of it. It’s odd Lillee Jean stopped mentioning the death threats they refused to show proof of either.
For someone who is traumatized from receiving death threats & having stalkers show up at her house, why the fuck is she demanding people “physically” show up to confront her & her batshit insane mother? It’s almost like she doesn’t understand the definition of physically & just thinks it’s the opposite of anonymous.
No. 850841
>>850796I thought that gap was her mouth hanging open and her gums showing lmao.
I hate the pout aswell, she's obviously puffing out her upper lip too
No. 850950
>>850867They'll never admit that she's some nobody on the internet. High follower numbers = free PR = some sucker company may eventually actually pay them to review some products because they might believe she's legitimate.
Anons in the previous thread have tinfoiled that she might've just had some sort of mental breakdown and that's when all of this start to spiral out of control. Her follower count jump, regression in skills/maturity, and sockpuppet accounts all seemed to come up around the summer of 2017.
They're just hoping people are stupid enough to buy into the police report/cyberbullying to scare us off from continuing. They think that people are as gullible as they are.
No. 850954
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Things Lillee thinks are bad = illegal
No. 850990
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Drugs are bad mmkay
No. 850999
>>850867The problem with coming clean is it's not just about buying followers. They've been creating personalities for people they claim to know. It's one thing to buy followers, but it's quite another to have full blown conversations with yourself on instagram about your fake friend's fake engagement. These are some deep rooted issues. Laur is detached enough from reality to do this, but she knows other people won't think it's normal.
>>850950I don't even think Laur cares about the money/sponsorships as much. They block anyone who's not a LJ worshiping sock puppet, so it's not like they're even trying to amass real followers.
The mental breakdown seems more likely when you read Laur's ramblings and look at her online actions. You don't just suddenly wake up one day deciding to make several online fan personalities for your daughter. She's been off the deep end for a while and her daughter probably followed.
No. 851062
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Can’t decide if she’s delusional or if she’s just pulling shit out of thin air to make her CyBEr BUlLyINg seem worse.
No. 851090
>>851062I don't get why they think this whole thing stems from one guy named Jeff.
We're all Jeff.
No. 851110
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>>851090pic related it's me.
No. 851114
>>851090I think that’s a typical narc trait to make all of this lack any sort of credit. Like how Vic thinks everyone on her thread is her ex’s wife and one other chick.
Vicky and this crazy bitch have a lot in common. They should exchange numbers.
No. 851610
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Why does she say “Better Than Love” mascara when the mascara is actually called Better Than Sex? Is she afraid to say the word sex?
No. 851689
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A restraining order against someone who’s had zero contact with you? Good luck with that, Laur.
No. 851696
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They signed the petition as the fake gay bff.
No. 851707
File: 1565554389830.png (717.27 KB, 1280x800, Screen Shot 2019-08-11 at 4.05…) her eye shadow is so uneven.
Also one person asked her about sponsorship, and she had to include in her new video. The person wasn't even attacking her, literally just asked a question and she went on a rant.
No. 851786
>>851744Wasn’t Julie extremely unhinged before the thread? I don’t recall her committing suicide because of KFs or lolcow’s threads. It’s been so long tho. Whatever. She may as well boycott twitter and Facebook and the internet as a whole for “cyber bullying” and causing suicides.
Anyways. Sorry for the derail. Shit is just dumb and in poor taste. But we are the bad guys amiright?!
>>850758Gross….I got major Alys_journey vibes with those faces and that lip color.
No. 851872
>>850999Very true - it’s weird that people in this thread have gotten blocked for simply watching Lillee’s story. Seems like she keeps up with her new “real” viewers and followers and weeds them out pretty quickly…maybe it is all for show so she gets free PR? If someone is scouting her to send free products, she might look legit upon first glance. Check her tagged posts and she seems to have fans. It’s once you take a closer look that everything gets crazy. They just did a really poor job at this charade.
Also - I’ve not messaged any companies that worked with Lillee and I’m not encouraging cowtipping or anything but how else could she have lost all her PR? Just from this scandal coming to light recently? I feel like I’ve missed something
No. 851877
File: 1565597575412.jpg (336.38 KB, 1080x1786, Screenshot_20190812-040314_Ins…)

>>851872People get blocked weeks after viewing her stories, so they must screenshot her views. I got blocked like less than a week ago and viewed her story when everything happened, so the beginning of July I believe.
They're really, REALLY cranking up the fake comments now. At first I was shocked they finally splurged on bots to comment but then I looked, I'm pretty sure they're ALL just socks. This is so creepy.
No. 851883
File: 1565599176355.jpg (150.38 KB, 1024x1820, 66829307_117236106008254_51200…)

>this is the asshole that cyberbullies me!!!!
Are they actually still beliving that all of lolcow, kiwifarms and pull are all one and the same person?
Maybe it's because they are so used to pretending to be 1000 different persons themselves.
No. 851893
>>851883Yeah it's weird to me they lump us all together. They have no idea each site is different with different culture. If you want to get technical it was only kiwifarms that was "ssociated" with the deaths, no other website has caused a death. They are probably lumping us together to make a stronger point. They would add Reddit in there if they could.
How disappointed will they be when they get all the signatures and nothing happens.
No. 851899
File: 1565604308235.jpeg (111.61 KB, 750x689, 8BE7EF17-E2B2-499F-8C92-877FFC…)

>>851893This petition is going to the SUPREME COURT.
No. 851905
>>851899Supreme Court in NY is technically the lowest, county level court.
It’s nice how she doesn’t specify if it’s this or the DC Supreme Court.
No. 851957
File: 1565617177324.jpeg (367.44 KB, 1818x1818, DC6A5D4B-2E2E-4B14-9F02-DC6986…)

They are oblivious.
No. 851958
>>851899You'd have to shut down every message board, comment section and all social media to eradicate the horrible crime that is.. gossip
Strange how these people always think lolcow is a hive mind
No. 851964
File: 1565618231463.jpeg (811.9 KB, 2048x2048, 05A97640-37A6-4FDC-B053-D1ECC7…)

Laur was very busy last night. Evolv reposted a picture of Lillee on their IG account. Someone commented to Evolv that LJ was scamming them. Laur showed up & sperged all over the place. She’s deleted a lot of her comments but some stuff is still up.
No. 852044
File: 1565633907117.jpg (93.46 KB, 1080x363, Screenshot_20190812-141149_Chr…)

I hope someone is archiving all this. @trustednerd is fuckin Jonathan Yaniv.
No. 852047
>>852044She's been tweeting everyone who has ever mentioned KF.
Every few days I archive her account /with_replies, but the "load more" link only goes back but so far and I don't archive all of her convos.*KF should add their accounts to the plemora since she is so hilariously on the warpath. No. 852123
File: 1565643864899.png (191.59 KB, 591x736, Laur.png)

No. 852159
File: 1565648448274.jpeg (172.83 KB, 750x973, 19AF3EE6-1662-409D-9313-493327…)

Laur just created this fake “social activist” account to interact with her posts.
No. 852168
File: 1565649566864.png (524.74 KB, 750x1334, 81E2D03D-13B7-4873-B8EF-33D9BC…)

Found the new fake ‘activist’ twitter account’s stolen picture
No. 852288
File: 1565666336752.png (113.5 KB, 797x622, Screenshot_2019-08-12-20-15-06…)

Laur will have you know that Null has been cyber bowling LJ for over three years, ya'll!
>replying to a two year old tweet No. 852289
File: 1565666818613.jpeg (92.11 KB, 749x590, 2C12B2AE-954B-4580-A577-B59B62…)

Laur signs the petition with even more fake accounts
No. 852298
File: 1565667577478.png (156.02 KB, 800x634, Screenshot_2019-08-12-20-21-44…)

Topkek if Rekieta responds!
No. 852308
File: 1565668939500.jpg (50.04 KB, 700x700, c1fdaf92-c7ec-5908-ae5d-8c3ad3…) LJ's Sephora profile by accident while looking at reviews of a palette I was interested in. Jfc are her cosmetics review pictures horrifying.
No. 852427
File: 1565699532373.png (472.58 KB, 800x1144, Screenshot_2019-08-13-05-02-24…)

>>852308That endless list in
>>847101 doesn't begin to include a general web search. I've just started digging. I want to marvel at the enormity of the Trueman universe. Does any other cow even come close?
>book for $10 No. 852437
File: 1565701569933.png (741.56 KB, 800x1004, Screenshot_2019-08-13-05-56-40…)

Looking twice her age and sedate 3.5 years ago. No. 852466
File: 1565708194567.gif (13.99 KB, 161x90, yayclappinghands.gif)

They already made
all the gifs. There are no words. No. 852468
File: 1565708297306.gif (35.08 KB, 160x90, angry.gif)

No. 852469
File: 1565708341191.gif (55.5 KB, 160x90, happy.gif)

No. 852470
File: 1565708419974.png (932.83 KB, 800x1082, Screenshot_2019-08-13-06-20-37…)

No. 852474
File: 1565708824193.png (694.45 KB, 800x1077, Screenshot_2019-08-13-06-17-36…)

No. 852476
File: 1565708898448.gif (63.73 KB, 220x124, eek.gif)

No. 852477
File: 1565708987571.png (884.48 KB, 800x1057, Screenshot_2019-08-13-07-47-42…)

These screenshots aren't even half of them.
No. 852478
File: 1565709036252.gif (1.03 MB, 480x270, tired.gif)

No. 852479
File: 1565709377343.png (676.65 KB, 795x1072, Screenshot_2019-08-13-06-19-04…)

No. 852480
File: 1565709432893.gif (27.43 KB, 160x90, awkwardweird.gif)

A rare full body gif. File name checks out.
No. 852481
File: 1565709502729.gif (1.63 MB, 480x270, tenor.gif)

>>852478did she actually film herself in order to make reaction gifs? some of these seem too overexaggerated
No. 852489
>>852486What the fuck is this meant to be? What is she doing? What does this all mean?
The sheer scope of this madness is really a sight to behold.
No. 852513
File: 1565715800315.png (204.24 KB, 800x1178, Screenshot_2019-08-13-09-50-52…)

>original blog filled with stop motion animated segmentsVaguely implying she is a graphic artist? No. 852531
File: 1565717822028.gif (496.86 KB, 500x199, tumblr_lfwriaizdh1qcfba3o1_500…)

>>852517>>852525I just realized who this chick reminds me of thanks to these gifs. Hatchetface
No. 852545
>>852526i don't get her having a problem with the gucci ad having yellow teeth when her own teeth are yellow af
also comparing wack teeth to coming out gtfo
No. 852561
File: 1565720647476.png (2.63 MB, 750x1334, DB6226F4-19A3-4FA1-852E-2E3980…)

No. 852566
File: 1565720835849.png (103.94 KB, 800x1112, Screenshot_2019-08-13-10-52-58…)

No. 852567
File: 1565720856693.png (276.07 KB, 800x1161, Screenshot_2019-08-13-10-53-33…)

No. 852568
File: 1565720884367.png (120.5 KB, 800x1177, Screenshot_2019-08-13-10-53-39…)

No. 852569
File: 1565720914729.png (119.24 KB, 800x1177, Screenshot_2019-08-13-10-54-07…)

No. 852573
>>852570It's just a translation of the Australian article.
It's says the exact same thing as the one posted by whimm, right down to Laur's defense of ''reeeee they are jealous of her pr".
No. 852591
File: 1565723625976.png (110.57 KB, 1080x714, 1562642453136.png)

>>852496it's so funny rereading "shaniqua's" ig captions after seeing these gifs cos almost every time "shaniqua" wrote about LJ, she said something like "this little bit of a thing/this itty bitty girl/this tiny doll". the absolute delusion to think that would ever describe LJ is hilarious. she might be 5ft tall but she's far from petite
No. 852603
>Height: 4'12''kek
No. 852613
File: 1565726555685.jpeg (219.92 KB, 750x421, 601B4C29-3E33-4F76-B2C3-77875D…)

That’s a lot of hands and shoulders
No. 852633
Cyberbullying On Reddit, LOLCOW, KiwiFarms, AND Tha Non BeautyGURUS | Lillee Jean
Lillee Jean
2,945 subscribers
Published on Aug 8, 2019
Hi Jeaniez! Cyberbullying is a real thing. The thing is, it happened to me, not once but twice. That's what happens to all known people, thing is, doesn't mean I'll accept it. Especially after learning so many young people have taken their lives BECAUSE OF these places. NO MORE. WE CALL FOR CHANGE. of KIWI and LOL: No. 852692
>>852633She's right, EL OH EL cowers. You shouldn't be anonymous. You need to give your REAL NAMES like she did so that anyone can find where you live on spokeo and whitepages.
Ironic how she uses mental illness as a put down when her mother and herself are obviously mentally unwell.
No. 852694
File: 1565742237486.gif (688.25 KB, 498x280, righton.gif)

>>852628The accounts and links posted in the last thread went into
>>847101 and were archived. Today was a Google dig. I reposted Pinterest since she has posted a lot since the last time. Any Pinterest anons feel like checking out her account? For one, she posted a rare nude in the context of ethereal make-up wut
>>852562. And that's where she keeps her cosplay.
Do we know any of LJ's email addresses past or present?
>>852655Thanks. Will add to the shill & sock list.
I wrote an Ask to re if he would be getting a new Facebook log-in. The old account happened to get locked for "unusual activity" when I was archiving the Yaniv saga one week after the publication ban was lifted. Are coincidences really coincidences in Yaniv's world?
No. 852695
File: 1565742657662.jpeg (229.99 KB, 750x666, 946D6DE3-4A6D-4AAC-9DF9-0F8B2B…)

What fucking Czar does she keep referring to? Pogroms weren’t initiated by Tsar Alexander II, they mostly happened after his assassination
No. 852713
File: 1565747143719.png (4.9 MB, 750x1334, C581F7F1-BFD6-4E54-95D5-8EFBAB…)

This looks like shit
No. 852829
File: 1565778300582.jpg (889.47 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20190814_060611.jpg)

>>852713Rapunzel is more than a cosplay or make-up look.
No. 852833
File: 1565779336870.png (205.72 KB, 800x1176, Screenshot_2019-08-14-03-17-06…)

Laur is proficient in juggling rapidly turned over incorporated businesses. A web of sock accounts, some with rudimentary identities. She researches antiques enough to discuss their details in interviews. Every week she finds new sites to plaster with LJ's manifesto, and has gone all in with sacrificing their privacy to the data mining gods. She's a cross-platform promotion wiz.
So how is she such an utter fail at getting the facts straight about the hate sites? To not use DMCA complaints to her advantage on snowflake platforms? People are hilariously letting her flail in ignorance. She's replying to years old tweets in an attempt to raise Autistic Legion of Doom 2.0. Funny how she and Raven just missed each other.
No. 852836
File: 1565780022084.png (615.02 KB, 796x820, Screenshot_2019-08-13-19-00-23…)

Because those ratios make total sense! Any recognizable socks? lets you see the captions, comments, stats, and follows without needing an IG account.
No. 852842
File: 1565781852553.gif (2.13 MB, 480x270, hairfliprapunzelhair.gif)

>>852829I mean, this one is literally called "Hair Flip Rapunzel Hair".
No. 852844
File: 1565782308724.gif (739.23 KB, 480x270, hairrapunzelkiss.gif)

"Hair Rapunzel Kiss".
I bet she's one of those that is irrationally afraid of getting even a trim.
No. 852849
File: 1565783517483.gif (289.04 KB, 200x112, hairfliplonghair.gif)

These are some of the earliest video of her.
No. 852866
File: 1565787859731.jpeg (156.64 KB, 750x947, 8766C1F3-3A76-4997-AE28-AAC0D5…)

Looks like Laur forgot to switch from the manager account to the publicist account.
No. 852871
File: 1565788813460.png (159.45 KB, 800x663, Screenshot_2019-08-14-06-06-38…)

No. 852874
File: 1565789092013.png (154 KB, 800x661, Screenshot_2019-08-14-06-07-37…)

No. 852877
>>852871OMFG, how are people dumb enough to assume reddit, kiwifarms and lolcow are all owned by the same person?
The only person who should be visited by the police would be Lilee Jean for a wellness check
No. 852878
File: 1565789508660.png (504.03 KB, 800x1087, Screenshot_2019-08-14-06-08-58…)

No. 852880
File: 1565789731506.png (177.34 KB, 800x656, Screenshot_2019-08-14-06-09-18…)

This is funny because a couple of troon cows actually did show up at Josh's front door armed with knives. And they didn't just happen to be in the neighborhood. They took a roadtrip from San Francisco to Florida funded by the money they embezzled from Trans Lifeline.
No. 852883
File: 1565789858020.png (132.13 KB, 800x664, Screenshot_2019-08-14-06-09-38…)

No. 852885
File: 1565790111533.png (134.04 KB, 800x663, Screenshot_2019-08-14-06-10-04…)

>>852883My Farms Fantasy is for Lillee to join forces with that perpetual moaner Beckie J Brown. She rees about the haters from GG on the monthly. Like the Tru Duo she also places the blame for suicide squarely on the bullies.
No. 853014
File: 1565808319723.jpeg (200.92 KB, 744x994, 2124221D-D03A-43F8-9EE0-7F7B4D…) was listening to Lillee’s podcasts and on the most recent one, Laur discusses what happened between her and Geico. Her parked car was hit while she was in it. This caused “nerve damage” and “critical pain” which Laur was seeing a pain management doctor for. Geico sent Laur to their own dr, who concluded Laur did not need to see a pain management doctor and Geico would no longer cover it. Laur states her meds were $800 “per medicine” and she still had $40k unpaid on her no-fault insurance policy so Geico should pay for her dr & meds, lol. Then she says she’s harassing Geico on twitter and they’re ignoring her. I looked at her tweets to Geico and my god she’s unhinged. She tweeted at Geico for 2 months straight. All of her tweets went unnoticed except one with 12 responses. This tweet is where Laur exclaims her “twitter army” has arrived. If you look at the accounts responding (pictured) they’re all sock accounts that like, comment & retweet the exact same tweets. Obviously purchased.
People generally hate insurance companies but Laur still had to buy support for her campaign to ruin Geico. It also left me wondering if a pill addiction is fueling Laur’s unfettered rage, paranoia and late night incoherent tweets.
No. 853033
>>852541i suspected from the start laur was behind 90% of this bs because of her typing style. she loves @'ing everyone possible and using hashtags for everything. she also tends to add an extra space in between her sentences. i suspect laur is behind the stereotype fan accounts like shaniqua because of how out of touch and poorly written their posts were. my guess is that lillee wanted to be a mua or whatever and the mother took it way too far.
it's been mentioned before but in her old posts when her makeup was done decently, the backgrounds included a few different areas, most notably an actual vanity with a mirror, lights, stands for makeup etc. and now she's only posting photos from her gross attic with doll shit all over it, my theory is that sometime mid 2017 they had to move from an actual home to someone's attic due to the mother going bankrupt from her scam debt or because neither of them have jobs but insist on living in tHe CiTy. she also guided lillee to drop the MUA mac counter makeup look, because it wasn't working out, and go for a more disney marvel childish all natural persona because she thought it would appeal to more people or maybe dumb kids who would throw money at her. that along with them not having enough money to pay professional muas to do their makeup would explain the drop in quality
No. 853037
File: 1565810918377.jpeg (448.86 KB, 1242x852, 37BD2B41-CA55-4B44-AD29-A0F4CD…)

samefag but i meant to add that i think lillee might have been interested in anime at one point. remember in the previous thread when an anon dug up screencaps of lillee and her moms facebook conversation and they BOTH had anime pfp's? so weird to me. the idea of laur watching watamote. or maybe laur is the weeb and she put lillee up to this
No. 853185
File: 1565828732901.png (167.32 KB, 800x659, Screenshot_2019-08-14-17-20-15…)

No. 853313
File: 1565846530031.jpeg (631.38 KB, 2048x2048, 4CCEE669-DCE6-4A4D-A1E7-EACF82…)

Profile pics from the Romalatte17 account
No. 853327
>>853185Where did they get the idea that Null’s mother is involved? It’s obviously projection of their own situation but is it even based on anything or did they just pull it out of thin air?
>>853320I think Chico is supposed to be a guy, but they can’t @ him because they haven’t bothered creating a Chico sockpuppet account (yet). It would be interesting to see them try to imitate a straight guy because afaik all their other sock puppets are female or gay men who sound like the sassy gay bff in a 00’s romcom.
No. 853418
They musst have mental illnesses or severe brain damage.
First they harassed this one girl and accused her of being every hater on lc, kf and reddit, then it was Joe and now it's Mister Moon.
I'm sure police and FBI care much about gossip sites. One quick online search and they'd know that Reddit is owned by a company with multiple funders.
That she's spewing her misinformation with all of her 1 milion fake accounts shows how dumb Laura is.
Hey Laura, maybe create a persona who actually has a brain they use.
Lillee's obsession with being rapunzel is concerning. Having somewhat long hair and staring like a lunatic to get larger eyes, doesn't make you a fairytale princess. She's probably legit being held in their attic playing with dolls the whole time.
No. 853463
File: 1565873858437.jpeg (183.11 KB, 750x422, 5E07D70A-A3FA-4DB6-AD3D-DD7F12…)

>>853411She’s fully aware of who owns reddit. They’re just lying liars that lie.
No. 853551
>>853313Chico is there supposed ex-boyfriend of her Hispanic creation. She's pushing in his face about how hot she is and he left it go.
Jfc how an I keeping up
No. 853572
File: 1565892681403.jpeg (136.9 KB, 750x637, 76C920DC-52CE-4C23-87B3-9B7431…)

>>853562Designer Amazon gown from Jamario Fashion
No. 853573
File: 1565892839505.jpeg (210.96 KB, 749x769, D8191685-9C88-4F71-93FE-009D42…)

>>853562Invite to fashion week
No. 853711
File: 1565914206545.png (3.66 MB, 750x1334, EC22AD1A-FBFC-4F32-A0B7-9CACAD…)

Are you girls sisters?
No. 853730
>>853575Lillee is not necessarily posting everything from her own accounts though. Remember how Margo used to post for Venus, I feel sure Laur is posting a lot of the text-based posts. The parts to look at for Lillee are her videos, and how much knowledge (and brattery) she displays in those.
Ultimately, Lillee does not go to Fashion week nor meet or talk to these people in real life. Does her mother just tell her she did? Does she consentingly join in the delusion or is she gaslit night and day?
No. 853738
File: 1565918738657.jpeg (123.15 KB, 750x1029, FA96BA85-2D13-423E-AC8B-1039A8…)

Screenshot from hairdresser’s IG stories
Laur had her hair & makeup done at the event today as well. Probably why she was posing for photos.
No. 853744
>>850297"maybe I won't win 2day or 2tmorrow but I will at some point get this done"
mom's twitter has enough hilarious garbage on it to sustain this thread for years
No. 853746
File: 1565920471944.jpeg (141.84 KB, 750x621, 302279F1-E7F4-4C67-8D73-721022…)

Major meltdown in Youtube comments of the cyber bullying video
No. 853757
>>853711are you girls sisters (and one of you used to be brother)
new personal tinfoil: Lillee is supposed to be on meds but Laur is stealing them for herself. Lillee descends into delusion, Laur gets whacky and high on top of her natural crazy, and the LJ empire becomes what it is.
No. 853758
File: 1565923382411.jpeg (244.5 KB, 750x743, 875DF30F-B16E-46A0-AB70-DB3257…)

They have an unbelievable hatred for anyone who lives off social assistance. Very woke of them.
No. 853759
>>853711there's just something about the glasses that maked her look even more unfortunate. and I wearing some myself. but in their head they are off to a red carpet event, right? and she's wearing those?
then again her mom looks like she just picked another child up from soccer practice, so…
No. 853768
>>853746"say no 2 cyberbullying uwu #1change4change @serenawilliams"
"we know where you live. we're throwing you out of your house. you smell like shit."
No. 853802
>>853746wait, is she saying that LJ is from Ukraine now??
I thought they were meant to be Russian.
I would imagine someone who is from Ukraine would not originally claim to be from Russia, considering all the fucked shit Russia did to Ukraine and other countries in that area.
Do they think that Ukraine and Russia are just the same country? Do they think USSR is still a thing? Are they losing track of their lies?
I can't keep up, I'm about to have an aneurysm
No. 853837
>>853802A lot of ethnic Russians live in Ukraine. You can be Russian and be from Ukraine.
But I doubt that the Trueman family can keep their family history right.
No. 853892
File: 1565959288649.jpeg (40.54 KB, 750x334, 3290E83E-6EA2-4CB0-BD62-D175D9…)

Bytw ok Laur
No. 853955
File: 1565973123233.jpeg (273.64 KB, 750x1253, E7742418-EC8D-45D0-8BF2-8CABAA…)

She lost almost 2300 followers this month and is no longer at 1.1M followers. Laur should hurry up and max out another cc to keep up the numbers
Also lol at these stats for photos vs videos
No. 853958
File: 1565973858941.jpeg (172.15 KB, 750x594, B7B87C3A-A3ED-49F7-9873-C384E3…)

No. 853959
File: 1565973904113.jpeg (160.03 KB, 750x628, CC317E01-8BBC-4F63-BD82-60FE15…)

No. 853989
>>853936Ohhh thank you for explaining this, I was racking my brain how the hell she got an invite. There were some Instagram influencers but it's people with actual followers.
>>853957Omg yes I second this
No. 854063
>>853958I read this in the voice of some cartoon mean girl bully.
>I’m popular but nobody likes YOUNot very Rapunzel of you, LJ.
No. 854113
>>853958>>853959Even if you were a real fan, I feel like looking at this would repulse me and unfollow. I mean…this just comes off as completely unhinged and mentally unwell.
I know this is totally her mom talking through her daughter account. But wow….
This woman has to be abusing medication.
I hate Dr. Phil but she would be a great guest on his show. Shes the right amount of narc and crazy. And I can see her going on his show with no issues to exploit her daughters “career”.
No. 854141
File: 1565994299419.png (641.81 KB, 1280x800, Screen Shot 2019-08-16 at 6.08…)

New video of her swatching the products she received yesterday at the Ulta Beauty Event way she is zoomed in on her arm the whole time seemed off? Also her camera couldn't focus on the product and they were such quick shots of the video. The whole video seemed sloppy.
No. 854218
File: 1566003816822.jpeg (306.94 KB, 750x683, FA376154-3A49-4612-9DBE-33E423…)

lmao Laur is burning bridges with Sephora now
No. 854247
>>854218i legitimately can't tell what the fuck she's trying to say jesus
>let it ripoh laur lmfao
No. 854265
File: 1566013144979.png (420.77 KB, 1440x2088, 20190816_233653.png)

No. 854268
File: 1566013397350.png (440 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20190816-234154.png)

>using someone's sexuality as an insult
>we support LGBT
No. 854275
File: 1566014290701.png (277.96 KB, 750x1334, 7532C468-26DE-4FE1-9D20-2D4553…)

Lillee Jean has a smelly Fanny, I’m dying.
No. 854280
File: 1566014469670.jpeg (108.44 KB, 746x378, 0DD64824-A0D3-453D-9A25-61BC17…)

‘We thought it was josh moon but know we know it was you.’ lol wut
No. 854283
File: 1566014966635.png (223.27 KB, 617x1027, Screenshot_2019-08-16-21-06-13…)

Add Chrissy Tiegen to the conspiracy! No. 854295
>>854283holy shit I can't believe they legitimately have started thinking the real Nick Mullen is behind all this cyberbullying now lmao
(repost cuz forgot 2 sage)
No. 854303
>>854299a comedian who has a podcast called cumtown and the funny part is that he doesn't fit into this at all.
What seems to have happened is that someone made a throwaway to stir some shit and used his name and now Laur and LJ believe that the real Nick Mullen is behind this and is secretly in a relationship with Joshua Moon?
Because Mullen sounds like Null?
Idk it's hard to keep on the same page as these nutjobs
No. 854311
>>854303jesus thanks for explaining.
we are all Nick, now
No. 854318
>>854275Kek at His response.
But seriously. I don’t think Laur realizes the damage she’s doing. I’m exhausted just trying to understand what she’s saying. Imagine being her and how exhausting it must be for her to live day by day so unhinged.
She’s completely humiliating and ruining ANY chance her daughter had at a normal life. I honestly feel really bad for LJ. Her moms mental breakdown in the last thread is what caught my attention to these threads.
If that’s her objective, that even negative publicity is good publicity, then bravo I guess.
No. 854329
>>854303So that’s why she’s calling him schizophrenic for having two accounts (then what the fuck are you, Laur?)
That’s hilarious. Poor guy must be so confused.
No. 854332
>>854329honestly if he notices it, they'll probably end up getting roasted on their podcast. I've never listened to it but from what I've heard the podcast enjoys a good roast
Now i'll have to start listening…
No. 854336
File: 1566034916144.png (174.28 KB, 799x906, Screenshot_2019-08-17-02-38-42…)

>>854218Not only that, she hijacked a random post by another Sephora customer.
P No. 854337
File: 1566036110542.png (838.49 KB, 800x959, Screenshot_2019-08-17-02-52-17…)

>>852829>>853418Does Laur think she's the first cow to play lurker games with us?
No. 854342
File: 1566040219640.jpeg (408.7 KB, 2048x2048, 85DD7073-2EBD-40FE-A4DA-6E0D8A…)

She’s definitely posting as Lillee Jean
No. 854350
>>854342we been knew.
>>854303laur is fucking retarded to the point where it's confusing. it was so obvious that throwaway account wasn't actually nick mullen from cumtown that it had me questioning why she thought it was. her logic and lack of awareness is brain melting
No. 854429
File: 1566060484536.jpg (380.32 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_6993.jpg)

Have we looked at her animal face tutorials yet?
No. 854496
>>854336Are they trying to scam Sephora here?
>>854342>>854271Saying that Nick is "not talking too two of us" also implies that it's just Laur posting
No. 854650
>>854407How does anybody look at this unfortunate gremlin of a child and think yes this is entertainment industry worthy.
Motherhood is really something.
No. 854669
File: 1566099849357.png (248.45 KB, 800x1033, Screenshot_2019-08-17-20-36-06…)

Laur is back to tagging CEO's of Cloudflare and YouTube. ironic of her to retweet an article about bots while crying
victim. No. 854681
Did someone say "dolls"? Barbie Is All Bones Unedited IGTV Video | Lillee Jean
Lillee Jean
2,963 subscribers
Published on Jul 9, 2018
No. 854685
File: 1566103951237.png (239.3 KB, 800x1127, Screenshot_2019-08-17-21-41-39…)

And that time LJ "went viral" for identifying Barbie's middle name? No. 854791
File: 1566130634002.jpeg (86.67 KB, 750x260, F4436C2E-7F0F-488D-AB13-9BAEF4…)

but I thought the police were arresting everyone?
No. 854865
File: 1566143680845.jpeg (106.4 KB, 1239x788, 1D887A64-A088-4159-83A7-F5C9B6…)

Obvious sockpuppet is obvious
(lrt = laur rene trueman)
No. 854920
File: 1566151803076.gif (1 MB, 500x225, 8821D25E-1EA9-436A-A2E6-19127F…)

>>854902Ones that are painfully unaware of how to act their age on social media, and only go by what they see their teenage daughter and friends type.
No. 855028
File: 1566170553755.jpeg (378.03 KB, 750x854, F535E261-4AC8-44A4-ACF7-862480…)

Is her brush broken & taped back together?
No. 855051
File: 1566175118514.png (2.88 MB, 1242x2208, 005C7DC2-C79A-4A62-9988-D3D089…)

>>854492I’m so confused because this seems like it was a gifted video…for a fan?? I can’t even imagine a guy about to start college is a fan of hers. And the part at the end where she says her “girls” have advice for him and starts talking for her dolls, oh my god
No. 855166
File: 1566211212444.jpg (805.63 KB, 1080x2092, 20190819_063827.jpg)

I love she claims she is a MUA but can't swatch to save her life.
No. 855293
File: 1566248284637.jpeg (180.96 KB, 750x788, 43E9AE43-3001-4055-B3DD-F37F92…)

Laur thinks she’s famous
No. 855326
>>855293 when not even your mom thinks you're good looking,
No. 855356
>>855326Holy shit lmao
But on the real she does kinda have a cute look, its just lost in the psycho factor in both of them. This whole thing is so bizarre. I know she tricked some reputable companies into giving her pr before it grained traction that she fakes everything, but have most stopped sending pr now? Im out of the loop on that
No. 855378
File: 1566260965783.jpeg (569.28 KB, 2048x2048, 32E0D565-2B33-4DA3-95D9-E98DCD…)

Video vs edited photo
her makeup skills are pathetic
No. 855398
File: 1566263511811.png (924.99 KB, 800x969, Screenshot_2019-08-17-09-24-56…)

No. 855429
File: 1566266472719.png (78.17 KB, 262x308, Screenshot_2019-08-17-09-30-07…)

>>855425I wonder how long ago this was?
No. 855443
File: 1566268279860.gif (1.38 MB, 480x270, lovehugkissmommy.gif)

No. 855445
File: 1566269260077.jpeg (514.85 KB, 2048x2048, 048D0E22-73AC-4F39-A57F-27E0DB…)

She couldn’t even get the name of the pallete right in her most recent tutorial. Someone pointed it out in the comments and she had to go back and fix everything.
No. 855492
File: 1566279358303.png (22.79 KB, 800x198, Screenshot_2019-08-19-22-32-45…)

>329 Disney Princess pins
No. 855493
File: 1566279498777.png (992.84 KB, 798x1173, Screenshot_2019-08-19-22-18-39…)

90% images snagged from the web.
No. 855494
File: 1566279532202.png (667.33 KB, 791x1000, Screenshot_2019-08-19-22-21-43…)

No. 855495
File: 1566279614669.png (1010.62 KB, 800x1117, Screenshot_2019-08-19-22-19-37…)

No. 855499
File: 1566279803697.jpeg (44.95 KB, 400x379, 95E306CB-7093-4415-A668-E73DC3…)

>>855495Holy mother of kankle
No. 855500
File: 1566279817422.png (1.05 MB, 795x989, Screenshot_2019-08-19-22-19-52…)

No. 855501
File: 1566280378123.png (512.59 KB, 794x1030, Screenshot_2019-08-19-22-20-19…)

Did the funds a/o enthusiasm for cosplay photo sets dry up?
No. 855502
File: 1566280441292.png (444.94 KB, 798x992, Screenshot_2019-08-19-22-21-30…)

No. 855503
File: 1566280495698.png (1.35 MB, 797x994, Screenshot_2019-08-19-22-21-03…)

No. 855504
>>855500she has the facial structure of one of those prehistoric creatures, sort of like an early caveman. unfortunate!
though, what's worse and much more troubling about her is the sheer amount of insanity in her big-ass eyes.
this chick is just gross, and she needs to take several steps back from the internet
No. 855505
File: 1566280593545.png (573.02 KB, 797x991, Screenshot_2019-08-19-22-21-19…)

No. 855508
File: 1566280698811.png (977.63 KB, 794x992, Screenshot_2019-08-19-22-20-31…)

No. 855513
File: 1566281069987.png (1.15 MB, 792x988, Screenshot_2019-08-19-22-20-48…)

No. 855540
File: 1566288090308.gif (1.33 MB, 320x320, voguesnear.gif)

>>855525Because she has evolved into a
real actress, anon.
No. 855548
File: 1566289693225.png (926.91 KB, 800x1116, Screenshot_2019-08-20-01-20-49…)

A risky move without support. Full body shots are still a rarity.
No. 855583
File: 1566302741975.png (573.26 KB, 800x1010, Screenshot_2019-08-20-02-55-42…)

>>855582Two months before her 14th.
No. 855590
File: 1566304180910.jpeg (214.61 KB, 750x1070, C9DA749F-F33E-4194-B284-632BD0…)

Fake trans woman account claims exposing Laur’s fake accounts is anti-lgbtq
No. 855609
File: 1566308339716.png (910.53 KB, 800x1013, Screenshot_2019-08-20-02-50-11…)

No. 855610
File: 1566308436675.png (584.17 KB, 793x1007, Screenshot_2019-08-20-02-49-58…)

No. 855613
File: 1566309023195.png (822.64 KB, 800x1012, Screenshot_2019-08-20-02-49-32…)

>>854407>>855592Textbook features. Common personality traits easily observed in videos of dx teens and adults.
No. 855615
File: 1566309457370.png (493.3 KB, 798x816, Screenshot_2019-08-19-23-25-03…)

>I’m so hyped for Disney’s Aladdin, I desired to enact an Arabian inspired smokey liner seek. Revel in!!
>Arabian inspiredShe really is representative of the corporate Disney formula.
No. 855625
File: 1566310390080.png (551.21 KB, 793x1025, Screenshot_2019-08-20-01-41-45…)

But she gives them this. Lack of enthusiasm cause it's really momager's idea?
No. 855628
File: 1566310725146.jpeg (59.9 KB, 680x680, DfQ5CwnVAAAF7O1.jpeg)

No. 855638
File: 1566312221661.gif (446.59 KB, 200x200, wonderwomanwondergirl.gif)

>>855525She would have to leave the attic.
No. 855640
File: 1566312526808.png (630.71 KB, 797x1031, Screenshot_2019-08-19-22-14-18…)

>my own typa' superhero
Plastic sword and all.
No. 855642
File: 1566312617282.png (702.95 KB, 795x974, Screenshot_2019-08-19-22-14-29…)

>sword under her corset laces
Girl, what is you doin?
No. 855645
File: 1566312789985.jpeg (67.49 KB, 544x680, DYdgnwNU8AEXS8W.jpeg)

Black and white makes it high brow. Shakespearean actress added to her talent sheet when?
No. 855649
File: 1566313411612.jpeg (196.04 KB, 1080x1156, DYdgnwcUQAE_egn.jpeg)

But alas, compositional symmetry and cultural aspirations foiled by selfie arm.
No. 855651
File: 1566313602116.gif (1.4 MB, 320x320, hellosupergirl.gif)

More her speed.
No. 855652
File: 1566313684775.gif (1.34 MB, 320x320, supergirl.gif)

Or not.
No. 855727
>>855621She needs to relax her face. The trout face and big eyes just make her appear manic. It’s unnatural and off-putting. There’s a reason her faces make people uncomfortable…anyone walking down the street who’s face looked like this would be a huge reg flag.
I get she’s opening her eyes huge to look like an uwu Disney princess…but she looks like she’s about to murder you.
No. 855752
>>855583Without the duck lips she looks really good. I want to call her pretty until I see
>>855652>>855735It's unfortunate that she does not because her mom is sloppy looking, it's because Laur is trying to live vicariously through LJ. A lot of these aspirations are burned into LJ's head and she's completely delusional about her talent. I heard the horrible singing video, however if her mom taught her how vicious people are if you want to become famous, she might have gotten voice lessons and actually became a decent singer.
No. 855765
File: 1566329709673.jpg (254.7 KB, 1080x1080, 41470939_288280935232862_85766…)

>coming into her ownYou don't say.
No. 855768
File: 1566329914025.jpg (109.8 KB, 1080x1080, 20766864_120913535223595_40460…)

Even as a child the faces she pulled were over-exaggerated.
No. 855769
File: 1566330010373.jpg (191.1 KB, 1080x1080, 20902795_1664411266926422_6017…)

No. 855773
File: 1566330204974.jpg (78.53 KB, 1080x1080, 43913557_957949777726869_11344…)

Baby LJ looks ready to crawl on the ceiling.
No. 855775
File: 1566330259831.jpg (136.64 KB, 1080x1080, 49599980_133747057643667_17079…)

>2009 to 2019
No. 855779
File: 1566330512094.png (649.77 KB, 800x1103, Screenshot_2019-08-20-08-26-26…)

>>855774I was just about to post this.
No. 855784
File: 1566330637879.jpg (105.56 KB, 751x751, 45360979_770958223240218_31783…)

No. 855787
File: 1566330871383.jpg (67.9 KB, 1080x1080, 43915160_529421987529291_82245…)

Manic Pixie Supergirl
No. 855789
File: 1566331023010.png (627.26 KB, 800x1073, Screenshot_2019-08-20-11-59-54…)

No. 855791
File: 1566331073162.png (658.77 KB, 800x1040, Screenshot_2019-08-20-12-00-35…)

No. 855798
File: 1566331479030.jpg (122.69 KB, 1024x1024, 58769514_461711197907868_24290…)

Thankfully these are captioned so that we can tell them apart.
No. 855900
File: 1566345595664.jpeg (243.37 KB, 750x1036, 997C31C7-1E8E-4480-A8E3-8ACC3C…)

>>855864That entire fake encounter is so bizarre. You can tell that neither of them have been to any sort of convention, especially comicon. She claims all sorts of celebrities were just walking around interacting with the nobodies. Arsenio Hall just starts playing the piano in the middle of the convention hall, lol. This is some weird ass fanfic.
No. 855901
>>855633>>855651>>855791These are so embarrassingly tragic and cringy. No wonder she's crazy, all she does is play dress up all day.
>>855734I don't believe her. She didn't look crazy a year or so ago but something happened and now the world gets Crazy Eyes.
>>855765Even her boob is trying to leave her crazy ass.
>>855779Laur calling someone fat is hilarious. Like her daughter, she clearly has delusions about her appearance. It's really her fault that Lillee gets so much heat.
No. 855903
File: 1566346038885.jpeg (295.41 KB, 750x1057, E9EEE967-7A15-4F4F-B82D-144560…)

>>855864And then Lillee tells Chadwick Boseman to get Auntie a soda. Because why the fuck not.
No. 855920
>>855649 Her eyes are uneven, not sure this is how her face looks or they butchered their photoshop.
>>855592>>855901Yeah it's like something terrible happened to turn her into a crazy person. Or maybe she has always looked like this but they photoshopped her to look decent.
No. 855941
File: 1566359215285.jpeg (160.23 KB, 749x962, 8A006EEE-F012-408B-B43C-8BEB5C…)

They claimed they missed Fashion Week last year because Lillee had to jet off to LA for an audition with Marvel/Disney
No. 855967
File: 1566365178153.jpg (194.42 KB, 1080x1080, 38261740_1748691331873415_4477…)

>>855818None of her clothes fit or flatter her. Her sleeve lengths and skirt hems bisect her limbs at their thickest. And she's 4'12". Her Rapunzel locks make her look shorter.
For someone so focused on palettes, a lot of the fabric choices don't compliment her coloring.
No. 855971
File: 1566365915559.jpg (197.42 KB, 1080x1185, 32466987_781900978864291_22188…)

>SO fiyah omg bishhh #lilleejean >#lolsurprise #omgtea #wigs >#skinnylegend #lgbtq >#fanpagesociety #fanpages
No. 855977
File: 1566368566129.jpg (181.94 KB, 1080x1080, 30948578_2185058721751530_3376…)

>>855765Meanwhile this dress pancakes her breasts. Sleeveless is not your friend.
No. 855978
File: 1566368610275.jpg (110.46 KB, 1080x1267, 23734173_192418601323554_72533…)

Oh, honey, no.
No. 856071
>>855978Not the best photo in the world but it at least makes way more sense for her age. Not unusual for girls her age to post party outfits online. She looks like she might actually be leaving the attic and the dolls. I mean, I doubt it, but it almost looks like it!
How the fuck do you find a too-short skirt at 4'12, though?
No. 856133
>>856123Yeah when I watched the video I cackled.
>>851691 mentions about Dubai changing the name, LJ stole the comment from lolcow and used it in her video. At least we know they still lurk
No. 856143
File: 1566409940776.jpeg (201.12 KB, 750x754, 49DFBCA0-67E8-482E-BA4B-0A5781…)

No. 856194
File: 1566415924570.png (601.4 KB, 928x593, no likes.png)

>>856183Laur is already at the point where she can't be bothered to buy both likes and views on the IG videos that Lillee uploads kek.
No. 856218
>>856071I have the same skirt and it is definitely on the shorter side even for a mini. It's partially elasticized and meant to sit around your hips but she has it pulled up to her waist. There's no way her ass isn't literally hanging out from behind.
Still one of her better photos though, which isn't saying much.
No. 856380
File: 1566438685376.jpeg (152.38 KB, 749x841, 48403539-5533-4715-B4DC-53882C…)

Laur’s commenting on 4 year old tweets. Guess the FBI and Pensacola PD aren’t pulling through.
No. 856443
File: 1566446327036.jpeg (405.02 KB, 750x1073, 495684FC-3DEA-438F-B516-C589E7…)

>>856415This is so fucking messy
No. 856555
File: 1566481590921.png (1.24 MB, 749x2926, A9724132-3F6C-4FCC-AC54-13EB2D…)

Here’s why revlon blocked them on social media
No. 856714
File: 1566501245797.jpg (121.1 KB, 1024x1820, 66692700_152279595833098_77720…)

>18000 "fans" on facebook
>Every picture she posts gets between 2 and 4 likes
No. 856719
File: 1566502063029.jpeg (183.62 KB, 749x932, 2107FE72-5666-43A9-8EC8-F22002…)

An actual fan posted a recreation of one of Lillee’s looks. Someone commented that they thought the fans look was better than Lillee’s. “James” shows up and goes off on the poor girl.
No. 856721
File: 1566502164894.jpeg (40.7 KB, 750x211, AEAC1126-2858-47F0-A41A-BCC8B0…)

>>856719And then “James” reminds Lillee of her fitting time. On a totally unrelated fan post.
No. 856751
>>856714I like that she needs to specify she’s the REAL Lillee Jean as if there are other accounts out there impersonating her. I mean, besides the ones run by her mom.
>>856719She has an actual human fan?
>>856721Goddamnit Laur nobody says ‘gurl’ anymore
No. 856771
>>856425>Laur making a sock puppet account for her ex-husbandThis does not surprise me at all.
I'm sure they're long divorced and estranged (Laur doesn't seem like the type to get divorced and not burn every bridge), but I wonder if he is aware of the sock puppets and how unstable they both are. Imagine if the dad comes out of the woodwork and publicly calls them out.
No. 856825
File: 1566518086583.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1125x1922, F9039D7E-A9C7-4CF3-B3F1-9B2B6F…)

So the Instagram picture is still up but I HIGHLY doubt he exists
No. 856846
File: 1566523009175.jpg (528.51 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190822-210907_Sam…)

She's really losing it this evening.
No. 856850
File: 1566523556968.jpeg (129.44 KB, 748x703, 923FA14A-D6B4-4CB5-A299-A9DD02…)

>>856846She’s threatening to beat people up lol
No. 856858
File: 1566524602104.png (747.8 KB, 750x1774, FCD8D5FF-2227-423F-BF0E-BD0A0E…)

She’s so fucking stupid
No. 856870
File: 1566526436524.jpeg (192.22 KB, 750x958, 8E2808C2-F592-404C-9F25-702E70…)

She called the cops on herself
No. 856885
>>855900You can tell someone old is posting - not only because of the Arsenio Hall reference (do younger people even know who he is?) but also because she double spaces after punctuation. You know someone is 45+ when…
You can also notice that Lillee Jean typically posts with single spaces after punctuation, but every once in a while double spaces (Laur?) And they both seem to have it’s/it’s and your/you’re issues.
No. 856890
File: 1566528494739.jpeg (Spoiler Image,254.22 KB, 1125x570, 66CB32D1-6725-4046-8BEB-04A9D0…)

Do it is a threat?
No. 856923
File: 1566535693329.jpg (209.58 KB, 1080x624, 20190823_004658.jpg)

Kek sorry for the fucked up screenshot, it's so early in the video that it was hard to get, but what is this thing she does where she throws her hands up, looks up and goes "HI JEANIEZ!!"
I assume she's trying to make it her "thing" but it's so awkward.
No. 856977
File: 1566555364892.jpg (225.31 KB, 1046x576, 20190823_061631.jpg)

>>856923I snagged a good one a while back.
No. 857004
File: 1566564414546.jpeg (112.85 KB, 750x1140, 752C3FE8-2CF9-421F-8C5D-A50687…)

Thought it was weird she hadn’t posted the latest tutorial on IG. Looks like she’s shadowbanned. Getting verified was the worst thing that could’ve happened to them.
No. 857066
File: 1566578971475.jpeg (51.72 KB, 750x281, ADBAA17C-77F5-4509-A01E-399FEB…)

Tags Serena Williams
No. 857098
File: 1566585798382.png (178.04 KB, 750x1334, AD358007-2F9B-49C4-98C5-F0379F…)

Not very Christian of you, Laur.
No. 857131
File: 1566589972874.jpeg (725.21 KB, 1242x1493, 20366C63-E56E-421F-BC93-615385…)

Found another fake account on Twitter. She has three followers and one of them is Laur. Hasn’t posted in a while - they probably can’t keep up with all the passwords lol. “Shaniqua” also said Lillee was the only white girl she liked iirc. Lillee wants to be the token white celeb who can do no wrong so badly lmao
No. 857162
File: 1566592662302.png (302.93 KB, 1440x1203, 20190823_163041.png)

>>857131Only a dumb white bitch would think someone from Mexico would call themselves "Spanish". It would be "latinolivesmatter". Mexican people SPEAK Spanish, they aren't Spanish.
No. 857227
File: 1566601154375.png (4.37 MB, 750x1334, C03A6FE5-5770-4851-860D-D34DBA…)

>>857201She probably thinks that she looks like this
No. 857229
File: 1566601483002.png (1.54 MB, 750x2668, D7ADB8D7-5FDF-4733-B695-BE3A57…)

The woman in the first story is a legit mua who’s followed by Kim Chi and Contrapoints on twitter and ig
No. 857241
File: 1566604133025.png (416.5 KB, 750x1218, BB80ED99-AF6D-43CA-A2DF-977016…)

No. 857357
File: 1566622237817.png (59.38 KB, 577x263, laur.png)

No. 857378
File: 1566628240623.gif (1.07 MB, 156x216, 29A976DD-6D0D-45F2-922D-14A226…)

>>857229>aside from Joshua MoonDo they think that this one individual man is the one creating threads about them or something? Do they not understand how forums work? Hilarious how both of them (especially Laur) are so blatantly internet illiterate, and yet think they can rise to fame using the internet.
>>857357In the best interest of her daughter’s (nonexistent) “career,” she could stop acting batshit online, but she won’t do that, and it’s too late anyway. Both of their reputations are already ruined. I’d love a Jessi Slaughter-tier youtube video freakout but maybe I’m being too hopeful.
No. 857394
File: 1566635584116.jpg (180.7 KB, 1080x1349, 21690575_1948088782145687_8359…)

The poor man's Poopin.
No. 857395
File: 1566635729444.jpg (1.24 MB, 939x939, 31975993_195299931093104_18549…)

No. 857397
File: 1566635845249.jpg (78.07 KB, 1080x1080, 37165175_504341060009652_17963…)

No. 857399
File: 1566635898909.jpg (189.26 KB, 1080x1080, 43083030_506481593094843_18363…)

No. 857400
File: 1566635953967.jpg (180.04 KB, 1080x1080, 39184832_2063568217240663_7276…)

No. 857405
File: 1566638337825.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x1920, 20190824_051621.jpg)

I know she is going for the Rapunzel look but her hair looks so ratty. She needs to take better care of it.
No. 857416
File: 1566640951868.png (95.3 KB, 609x487, twitter.png)

So apparently Laur wrongly thinks that one of the troll twitter accounts is actual MUA Queen of Blending. Laur is harassing her and even calling her at her workplace.
No. 857425
>>856825Ok, at the risk of sounding like a TRA who genders everything, there's no way a man wrote that note, especially one her age. I get that handwriting is a mostly fake science but I absolutely do not believe that not only did a man write that, but a man who likely never had a class in penmanship because that shit don't exist anymore (hell, I don't even think cursive is taught anymore)
>>857131Yes, this is the only white girl out there posting this generic shit that actually pisses off real minorities because they just love being compared to blue and green lives and people who claim they're "blind" to colour acting like people of different colours aren't actually treated differently and that race should never be brought into anything because according to white people trying to save and speak for minorities, that's a racist thing to do even when talking about shit like hate crimes when colour needs to be discussed
>>857162>Gay man tweets at random girl he doesn't know: BFFF GURRRRRL!>Man and girl are supposed to be ethnic: I love your "diversity" (o didn't know being of a singular ethnicity was you being diverse like a university pamphlet)>Supposed bilingual girl types in a weird Hodge Podge of English and Spanish (common shit writer mistake, I can see her say "soy de Mexico" but no reason to say "mi mamá")>>857229Ok, I know this isn't exclusive to Laur and Lillie but holy shit it isn't harassment if you literally have to google yourself to find it. And it's not fucking bullying because these people aren't pretending to be your friend then taking behind your back. Having a negative opinion of a public person is just as acceptable as having a positive one.
No. 857428
File: 1566644903284.png (764.8 KB, 795x1110, Screenshot_2019-08-24-04-04-46…)

>>857423Calm down, minimod. I downloaded it from image search. Reverse it and verify.
If I had capped it I sure as shit wouldn't have done such a crap job. I don't IG.
No. 857435
File: 1566646405594.png (369.86 KB, 493x875, Screenshot_2019-08-21-04-00-36…)

>Koala Bears
>Northern Wales
Every idea in this post is wrong.
No. 857439
>>857435She probably confused actual New South Wales in Australia with actual Wales, kek.
How is even it possible to be this retarded.
No. 857461
File: 1566654616670.jpg (188.51 KB, 1080x1080, 36984436_402812623573675_79825…)

No. 857467
File: 1566654725936.png (987.38 KB, 800x1003, Screenshot_2019-08-21-10-26-20…)

No. 857475
File: 1566657775120.jpg (804.16 KB, 1080x2220, 20190824_164227.jpg)

The guy from France.
No. 857476
File: 1566657798047.jpg (194.46 KB, 1080x2220, 20190824_164248.jpg)

His relevance with lj
No. 857477
File: 1566657823412.jpg (464.29 KB, 1080x2220, 20190824_164314.jpg)

His info.
No. 857478
File: 1566657850018.jpg (407.69 KB, 1080x2220, 20190824_164325.jpg)

Her info
No. 857494
File: 1566661599371.jpeg (343.78 KB, 750x1031, 1FDD8D2F-9ACC-48AB-941D-1C76F0…)

Laur insinuates these pictures in their driveway are a photoshoot for Colourpop lol
No. 857511
>>857494>>857499But if she gets called out, she can just say LJ was using the makeup and they were just tagging the brand. They really want to seem so important on the internet.
At this point, I think Laur really believes it. They just sperg out when anyone mentions their obviously fake followers, making themselves the
victims and refusing to address the problem.
No. 857555
File: 1566675570741.jpeg (427.29 KB, 2048x2048, DA1CE4FC-E307-4F32-B818-C19B24…)

After Laur tagged the FTC in her twitter breakdown last week, Lillee’s having to edit posts to include sponsored/ad hashtags
No. 857580
File: 1566680292577.png (2.44 MB, 750x12278, 992B98A0-16A1-44F5-8896-2498B2…)

This is absolute insanity. They are really trying to up their engagement eh
No. 857629
File: 1566683628696.png (641.07 KB, 1444x1072, Screenshot 2019-08-24 at 17.28…)

this has got to be one of the funniest, most badly done sock puppets. no real person who uses they/them pronouns would get so outraged over being called "a trans", as laur puts. because nonbinary people often identify as trans anyway. "A Trans!!!" it's like she didn't even try to learn the lingo. hmm laur sounds pretty ~transphobic~ for someone to be outraged by being referred to as trans, sounds like you're the one who doesn't support the lgbt community.
No. 857631
File: 1566683943327.png (750.47 KB, 1440x1066, Screenshot 2019-08-24 at 17.30…)

>>857629and another one where laur's sockpuppet refers to someone else as "egg" and says that they're evil because they called the sockpuppet "a trans". LJ also says buttsmcgee is joshua moon and laur claims buttsmcgee has made people kill themselves in 2 other comments. they're quickly becoming my favourite cows.
No. 857661
File: 1566690361705.jpeg (102.74 KB, 749x495, 7CBBC81E-53BA-448D-B1B7-7B109F…)

Laur’s currently tweeting at anyone using the justice4brenda hashtag. Claims it has been her hashtag for 24 years.
No. 857679
File: 1566692768553.jpeg (Spoiler Image,759 KB, 1125x1636, A75069E6-D7A1-4BB8-BE2C-A071BE…)

The best proof yet, Laur forgot to edit the your live video off one of the fake fan accounts
No. 857693
File: 1566696507879.png (3.86 MB, 750x3352, 9EEC97EC-9BE3-4039-B9A7-1AB951…)

Another “fan” account
No. 857696
File: 1566696978748.png (203.22 KB, 750x1334, D1526E52-DFD3-4377-A670-787F15…)

Comparing Joshua moon to Charles Manson
No. 857705
>>857697She's been here. She couldn't find anyone to call out by name and the creators of Reddit are multimillionaires. The only loud and proud sperg she could find was null.
It reminds me of people targeting moot for shit that happened on 4chan 15 years ago.
No. 857710
>>857691Her dingus daughter is running the show. Laur is just her money hungry attack dog. LJ was larping as an influencer and Laur saw money in it. Now that the dream is slipping further and further our of her grasp, she's flipping her shit.
You really think that this 55 year old woman would know how to buy followers and likes when she can barely navigate Twitter or social interactions of any kind? LJ was born into social media. She knows the ins and outs. She started this shit and her mom is just grasping on for dear life.
No. 857766
File: 1566716416273.png (347.28 KB, 800x1042, Screenshot_2019-08-24-23-57-33…)

>>857761They're going after Rekieta, too. But they're not such bad asses to tag either Nick or Null. kek
No. 857782
File: 1566728952299.jpg (61.91 KB, 1034x1034, 43985458_1974390215981162_1479…)

No. 857783
File: 1566729286712.webm (10.12 MB, 640x640, media.io_49736964_103089923044…)
No. 857785
File: 1566729515414.jpg (60.66 KB, 1080x1187, 47692347_222677055352518_11499…)

No. 857787
File: 1566729935062.jpg (131.2 KB, 1080x1350, 46370417_338463733660807_63325…)

No. 857792
File: 1566730438813.jpg (90.39 KB, 1080x1268, 36837573_213834602666021_68426…)

>>857421Is she trying to say that the whitest of white people are ethnic?
No. 857828
File: 1566741471010.jpeg (117.11 KB, 750x826, 0F94FE65-A616-45F1-B25B-1E35FC…)

Her most recent post of a Barbie is showing up on IGblade but not on her IG page. Pretty sure they’re shadowbanned again lol
No. 857843
>>857840So in Laur’s pursuit to destroy perceived pedophiles, she’s exposing her daughter to actual pedophiles.
Mother of the fucking year
No. 857901
File: 1566752874651.jpeg (139.75 KB, 743x769, 6FCD8C41-7581-4ABC-B5EF-6EB7C3…)

Laur has 2 unrelated successful muas confused as the same person and thinks they’re in cahoots with Moon. She’s contacting their employer.
No. 857934
File: 1566758719301.jpeg (321.59 KB, 750x779, 64E04AAD-9B40-4ABF-B17D-BBFFE0…)

She *’d out Lillee’s name so she wouldn’t be harassed by these maniacs. Lillee’s acting super fucking tough for someone who won’t tag or even name the person she’s bitching about.
No. 857970
File: 1566764281784.png (136.15 KB, 606x633, sperg.png)

Lauren is influencer Queenofblending.
No. 857977
File: 1566764730733.png (100.06 KB, 599x560, sperg 2.png)

Laur is triggered as fuck
No. 857992
File: 1566767293658.jpeg (679.77 KB, 1242x1316, BEB969CA-1434-4CEA-947B-D31BF1…)

She is insane…this is an actual storm lol
No. 857999
File: 1566768637377.png (71.18 KB, 800x360, Screenshot_2019-08-25-14-23-26…)

No. 858003
>>857970It’s funny how she thinks she can scare people into believing she somehow has the ability to gather private information on anyone here, or anywhere.
She’s not even capable of stringing together a half coherent sentence in her own mother tongue. This lady is fuckin’ dumb.
No. 858026
>>858017She bangs on her keyboard like a crazy flat-earther. Literally no one is going to take her seriously. Even if she had legitimate reasons to be mad, she looks fucking crazy. And anyone with a sound mind can see she’s a lunatic and will avoid at all costs.
Any chances her daughter had at a real “influencer” career is in the toilet.
No. 858029
File: 1566770470623.png (176.05 KB, 800x676, Screenshot_2019-08-25-14-59-07…)

>We have screen shots of his hacking
My sides!
No. 858032
>>858029Did this actually happen? I find it hard to believe anyone would actually do this unless it's a sock used for
victim points. No one is actually angry over any of this shit, everyone just thinks it's funny.
No. 858037
File: 1566771984677.jpg (56.81 KB, 587x273, 123.jpg)

>>858031Not new, but def. a sockpuppet. Tweeted about Lillee to Alica Keys in 2018.
Also the picture used on the profile is from a woman named Brandi interviewed for this blog: No. 858041
File: 1566772403062.jpeg (563.45 KB, 1242x1135, 9A82A34D-EFE0-4C71-A2F1-64A4A1…)

“You are nuts not in a mental health way” oh my god lol
No. 858049
File: 1566773213600.webm (6.18 MB, 720x720, media.io_20932148_171351465562…)
She is Lillee Jean, and she is inevitable!
No. 858050
File: 1566773245743.png (160.06 KB, 592x677, sockpuppet.png)

>>858037definitely a sock puppet. Who does this remind you of?
No. 858070
File: 1566776355509.png (813.77 KB, 1280x800, Screen Shot 2019-08-25 at 7.17…)

Please tell me how this look is The Little Mermaid
No. 858135
File: 1566788314250.jpeg (511.57 KB, 1242x1060, 2F702A42-F019-4242-B349-9936AC…)

No. 858142
File: 1566790125407.jpg (133.01 KB, 1024x768, 5862483121_c33b0d5e39_o.jpg)

>>857792>>857851>>857945I really think she means it literally. And if she
is Ariel, then she must look like a Dutch fish.
A popular delicacy is raw herring.
Soused herring is raw herring soaked in a mild preserving liquid. It can be raw herring in a mild vinegar pickle or Dutch brined herring. As well as vinegar, the marinade might contain cider, wine or tea, sugar, herbs (usually bay leaf), spices (usually mace), and chopped onion.I think some photoshop is in order.
No. 858153
File: 1566790724938.jpg (146.15 KB, 1080x1081, 20969081_125503891417006_30017…)

>>858142She excels at fish face.
No. 858156
File: 1566791003570.jpg (144.3 KB, 1080x1080, 21041745_1959000711043282_6558…)

No. 858176
File: 1566793756533.jpeg (988.15 KB, 1242x1733, C79702DD-19ED-4EA4-A93E-35F823…)

This callout twitter said they don’t use lc so I’m going to post 2 screenshots of good info they found - all credit goes to them for catching it. Laur has made sock puppet accounts using the justice4brenda hashtag. Those accounts were created during the same time and retweeted Lillee’s content
No. 858177
File: 1566793811376.jpeg (208.23 KB, 1125x1307, 7ED7EB0D-BE74-47E9-8980-B626D3…)

Second screenshot - Laur claiming to know how Latin people/PoC speak…laughable
No. 858189
File: 1566795285517.jpg (1.26 MB, 1080x1243, 39067346_335682747176046_47142…)

>worryingFuck no! Bring more popcorn!
Earlier this week I scrolled through all of their shill IG accounts on which allows you to download images and videos. Laur has been neglecting the majority of them.
No. 858191
File: 1566795733336.png (298.68 KB, 800x1030, Screenshot_2019-08-25-21-59-50…)

Catfishing her own daughter. No. 858198
File: 1566797184331.jpeg (247.79 KB, 1242x1121, B06B87F1-06FE-4AAF-A110-3D1C03…)

>>858166They contacted QoB’s work numerous times and tried to get her fired.
These people are batshit insane. This Lauren isn’t Lauren Elyse and even if she were, LE didn’t do anything wrong and Laur and LJ are going on a rampage because boohoo someone doesn’t like me
No. 858249
File: 1566812112367.png (510.62 KB, 794x1031, Screenshot_2019-08-26-02-22-47…)

Religion is the last refuge of the scoundrel. No. 858253
File: 1566812851463.png (434.77 KB, 800x988, Screenshot_2019-08-26-02-44-46…)

>>858233Forgot to mention that's literally titled "Sipping Tea Sips Tea". Laur speaks in hashtags.
No. 858257
>>858255No that account is a troll that was created to piss Laura off.
Laur's own romalatte is only on IG.
No. 858279
File: 1566818871059.png (670.1 KB, 800x1048, Screenshot_2019-08-26-03-34-11…)

No. 858282
File: 1566819327167.png (250.76 KB, 800x1036, Screenshot_2019-08-26-03-33-17…)

No. 858283
File: 1566819570302.png (174.63 KB, 469x1039, Screenshot_2019-08-21-03-45-17…)

>>858274Lillee's statement posted on her IG.
No. 858320
File: 1566828518234.webm (9.07 MB, 640x640, media.io_46562236_358495214697…)
No. 858371
>>858282imagine defending a "historical" disney movie by both tagging a
fictional character (as if there is real historical version of rapunzel) and claiming that disney only changed it cause "little girls don't want to see real mulan she sucks". water tight analysis there, laur.
imagine the backlash if she tried to defend disney's pocahontas.
No. 858384
>>858249how sad laur that you don't think god loves your daughter. but in all seriousness, what happened to god loves sinners? it's pretty un-christian to deem people not worthy of god's love. i also don't think that bible quote should be taken to mean "never give up harrassing random people for telling the truth" but ok laur.
>>858274this is so hypocritical. if only laur & LJ would take their own advice. if they stopped cyberbullying and harrassing people, we'd have very little to document. but their mental instability has provided such good milk. although i feel really sorry for queen of blending.
No. 858417
File: 1566848263636.png (1.92 MB, 750x1334, 27C97350-E5AE-4419-A72D-26F164…)

No. 858571
>>857435It's so obvious when Lillee is allowed to write her own posts.
>>857494I'm pretty sure a makeup brand would want you to focus on the product, not wash out all detail whatsoever to make the model look better.
>>857958To be semi-fair, she's under 5' tall.
>>857959Seems like half the accounts I follow on IG are reeeing about being "shadowbanned" because they think it means they don't show up at all in users' feeds. There are a bunch of random hashtags IG has flagged that won't get a post shown in searches due to their popularity with bots, and beautyblogger is one of them.
>>858026An overbearing crazyass parent sperging out everywhere will nix any career a child has whether they're 8 or 18.
>>858275Laur could take a dose of her own medicine and rise above it. There wouldn't be another thread on LJ if she'd just kept churning out stupid photos and not responded by going absolutely batshit. She's the one going after random people because she sees enemies everywhere.
>>858303If she dances nicely for mommy, mommy buys her a new doll.
No. 858576
File: 1566872148877.png (1.11 MB, 750x1334, 92D12493-E00E-4024-9898-152531…)

It does look like she’s been shadowbanned from certain hashtags and her account has been flagged
No. 858609
File: 1566877053033.jpeg (248.02 KB, 734x1079, 054A0CA5-519A-4152-8EEF-6CEC6C…)

Lillee’s blocked from posting new content on IG. Her fanpages didn’t get the memo and are “reposting” unpublished photos.
No. 858611
File: 1566877135048.jpeg (265.7 KB, 750x1074, C03AA944-928B-4693-8071-533BD2…)

>>858609Another “repost” that hasn’t been posted
No. 858613
File: 1566877297387.jpeg (263.29 KB, 750x1115, B4FB08DC-3CFE-495A-8049-208CDA…)

>>858609Most recent pictures on her IG. Neither of the Aurora photos were up when the fanpage “reposted” them
No. 858626
File: 1566878771755.jpeg (750.17 KB, 1242x1763, 6DFF05CE-DC85-441A-B579-FB8133…)

>>858198From a callout twitter
No. 858628
File: 1566878813587.jpeg (514.4 KB, 1012x1388, E90FC518-95DF-4A38-934F-9BC3D9…)

The twitter sock puppet conveniently has the same interests as Lillee
No. 858641
>>858571>she's under 5' tallshe
is 5' tall, unless you're joking.
No. 858644
>>858628>gpa off the roofbitch i'd be surprised if lillee has ever seen the face of a school ever at all lmao
also i see other anons pointing out their hypocrisy too, but it particularly grates at me how they try to bang on others for being malicious/evil, preach christian values, and then exhibit… this
is under 5' anon! she's actually only 4' 12"~
No. 858647
>>858628>GPA off the roofSo smart but couldn't recite a common idiom. "Off the charts" or "out of the roof". Not both.
She was homeschooled by laur after 9th grade because her peers couldn't stand her and she shares Laur's psychopathic word salad vernacular
No. 858656
File: 1566882661954.jpeg (660.39 KB, 1242x1199, 3AC8BAAA-83D7-44DC-8C60-5EAF56…)

No. 858660
File: 1566882800002.jpeg (408.66 KB, 1242x812, 6EA68A53-797A-4BE4-AEBA-FC0E70…)

The person who bought her a cameo is one of the troll twitters…does Laur have no brain cells?? Also brave of this other chick to post about it on her main account
No. 858719
File: 1566910097349.png (95.49 KB, 800x378, Screenshot_2019-08-27-05-44-49…)

Hey, Laur, would you go so far as to say consequences will never be the same?
No. 858783
File: 1566924766668.jpeg (374.06 KB, 750x886, 18F1BA6D-38AD-4FC0-BE6C-61EED3…)

It’s whoop-ass, Laur
No. 858825
File: 1566930970330.png (554.7 KB, 1500x1113, bytw.png)

>>858787nothing gets past you, huh
No. 858933
File: 1566938017874.jpeg (257.9 KB, 749x1107, DF3B4173-AD8C-4706-9A85-FCD96D…)

New fanpage account created last night. IG must be flagging the other accounts as spam and restricting them.
No. 859136
File: 1566947545438.jpeg (288.69 KB, 750x748, 9A36FC25-4236-4F94-BB3B-4C7A63…)

No. 859204
File: 1566951585025.jpeg (827.79 KB, 1242x1718, BF65E68D-FC74-4483-98F8-CD26EF…)

They’re gonna say they’re PoC and throw the actual test results away I’m sure
No. 859214
File: 1566952428096.jpeg (276.38 KB, 750x1107, 990FC64C-AD65-48D9-868F-64B5D8…)

Two really racist screenshots from an “Indian” fan page taken from another troll twitter
No. 859222
File: 1566952813502.jpg (103.48 KB, 740x986, 86047776.jpg)

>>859215I see no difference
No. 859277
>>859268This is terrifying that those two loons actually go through with their threats to try to get people fired, even for things as simple as livestreaming with someone they don't like. Nick didn't even know who they were! I know no one takes them seriously but I'd be really fucking pissed at this point if I were him. These people are fucking sick ass,
toxic, racist psychos.
No. 859361
File: 1566963636792.jpeg (71.07 KB, 748x703, EC-1PmHW4AIeiYB.jpeg)

>>858783>>859356She deleted the whoop ass tweet before her feed was archived, but check out the other now deleted tweets. Whew. No. 859378
File: 1566965880664.jpeg (170.52 KB, 1242x496, 8965FC81-65A3-4BFB-BFCC-6AB00F…)

>>858611Genuinely don’t understand how her mom can keep up with all these accounts
No. 859567
File: 1566997432379.jpeg (81.83 KB, 750x371, 15BF9136-821A-44D8-BC1F-47E792…)

Found this old tweet… Laur threatening Disney and Marvel with her 500k purchased followers. lol
No. 859788
File: 1567024836301.jpeg (476.65 KB, 750x1072, F801BDBE-22F2-47A6-ABF6-290D68…)

>>858628Twitter clocked it. Laur’s gonna be furious her token friend just got exposed.
No. 859850
>>859788The “Cynda” account has been tweeting about political and social issues for over a year, and mysteriously seems to have Laur’s typing style as well.
What’s the goal here? She is effectively LARPing as a black woman for what? Does she just want to feel validated by a person of color?
No. 859876
>>859853I dunno if any one follows YT fitness channels but ages ago there was a little shithead called Jason Blaha who ran a channel ice cream fitness. He basically talked shit and harassed everyone until he messed with someone who filed a lawsuit on him and got awarded damages that he couldn't pay so he fled the country (UK) and has been living like a roach in the US since. That's my prediction. They're going to come after a brand or a big name influencer who will retaliate. They're not going to get collabs, they won't have the money to buy engagement and features. The drama will get old, people will move on, Laur will get desperate and start shit with the wrong person.
Just my guess!
No. 859902
File: 1567042394099.png (2.91 MB, 750x1334, EF6CCB83-536A-4E2C-A837-4BE3BC…)

what the fuck is she doing
No. 859969
File: 1567050808804.jpg (86.31 KB, 1125x576, IMG_20190828_234646.jpg)

Lol, right Laur, I'm sure it had nothing to do with lack of money.
No. 859974
>>859969With the money she spent on fake followers they could’ve bought Lillee new teeth already.
I wonder how Laur is paying for these fake followers/likes if she declared bankruptcy last year. Is she getting secured credit cards and fucking her credit even more?
No. 860051
>>859850these accounts are set up to worship lillee as some sort of white/straight saviour who's going to end racism/homophobia by doing the absolute bare minimum (like saying she doesn't see race with her blue and green people remarks). then anyone who calls lillee out is automatically racist/homophobic (because criticising a white straight girl is the most racist/homophobic thing you can do).
i think laur has seen people 'cancelled' online in sjw circles and thinks she can turn the same rabid sjws against her 'haterz'. however, this would require lillee having actual fans. & also these people are much more likely to cancel lillee herself, a white straight girl with no disabilities who is seen as 'super privileged' in their eyes.
No. 860123
File: 1567084485304.png (334.45 KB, 1080x1413, Screenshot_20190712-193035~2.p…)

No. 860126
File: 1567084806350.png (1.13 MB, 1077x1549, Screenshot_20190712-192910~2.p…)

My favorite part about shaniqua is you can tell laur googled "black bitch" for the majority of the first pictures she posted to IG and then includes this bizarre caption
No. 860205
>>860123>black snot rag>nigga factory…she does know that people are aware of the sock puppets, right? I don't know how she can think this is fine for her to say when it's obvious to anyone with a single brain cell that all these accounts belong to Laur.
Also, in what fucking universe does anyone talk like this? kek
No. 860212
File: 1567094620168.jpg (623.63 KB, 1080x1873, 20190829_120155.jpg)

Laur has some serious pent up racism.
No. 860245
File: 1567099840472.jpeg (505.18 KB, 750x1046, 41954873-6F39-4D7E-8A87-AD8481…)

Laur forgot to change accounts again… Damn, this has got to be exhausting!
No. 860274
>>860251I haven’t actually been able to find any true interaction from Marlena recently. She doesn’t like Laur’s tweets/comments even though she is in EVERY damn thread. Even the Laur’s pinned tweet from Marlena is old
tl;dr I think Marlena is over her
No. 860296
File: 1567104941019.jpg (194.93 KB, 1242x2208, 68713231_119737242721033_89314…)

Does this ice cream company actually send out pr or is lillee just vagueposting to make it seem like she got it for free?
No. 860368
File: 1567113516212.jpeg (193.5 KB, 750x481, 82AA29B2-5313-4277-850B-664A32…)

>>860358Read her bratty ass reaction to people telling her it’s because she’s wearing cheap earrings and didn’t have them done by a professional. Gold/Titanium jewelry doesn’t turn green, Lillee. The skin growing over the earring back also happened to me as a kid. I had the back on too tight and wasn’t turning/changing earring like I should’ve been. My mom took me to a dr who numbed it and cut the back out. I gasped when she said they just pulled it through. Wtf Laur.
No. 860370
>>860358It was boring and hard to follow.
> yellowish color coming out of my ear.>if I squeezed my ear stuff would come out.>Then my mom's ear started to…I dunno pus.She sounds so uneducated.
No. 860411
>>860399I don't think she'd do that because LJ might actually leave and become self-sufficient, and psycho Laur wouldn't have that. Laur is clearly unhinged and has probably alienated every friend/family member with her batshit antics. We're only seeing her twitter outbursts and POC LARPing, but imagine how this trashy woman acts in person. There are almost no pictures of them with anyone else, or outside their home.
Wouldn't shock me if Laur kept LJ out of school (possibly from middle school), encouraging the whole "social media star" bullshit to make sure she never leaves her.
No. 860505
File: 1567132084564.jpeg (624.76 KB, 2048x2048, C2E1822E-CF5C-4B29-A0DA-964B04…)

Photoshopped image from Instagram vs Youtube footage
No. 860557
>>860505Lots of fall out on her face from the powder. I was more
triggered that it wasn’t discussed, (as a foundation first person, I want to know I’ll need to use protection) and the eyeliner brush has had much better days. I’m
No. 860564
>>860411That's a really good point and very telling. Most all other cows have people pop in 'I went to school with this bitch" or " I knew them through friends" i havent seen any comments on any site about someone knowing LJ, meeting her, anything like that. You have to wonder what the hell kinda life she's had with Capt Crazy as a parent.
>>860502Now I wanna see a daily 'best costume of the day' vid with LJ dancing around the creepy attic wearing a tablecloth for a dress and over mitt socks
No. 860566
>>860560I agree. Every single one of her looks has tons of fallout. I don’t know if she doesn’t tap the excess off or what (in old videos she used to
cringe blow it off). I think she’s just sloppy with the whole application process.
No. 860692
>>860564I think it's also telling for someone so obsessed with social media that she's never posted any older pictures from school (that I've seen) like other influencers. No picture day photos, no candids with friends, nothing even with her extended family.
Even the older pictures from when she was supposedly 14 and had better makeup are just in her room or bathroom.
This girl has literally only had mom's sockpuppets for friends for years. I'd be crazy too.
No. 860708
File: 1567170667250.jpeg (57.72 KB, 974x294, 1566771702367.jpeg)

>>858035photoshop anons PLEASE make a banner or the next thread pic out of this, it's golden
No. 861016
>>860790eeeeeww just gross.
>little creamy white gurlbarf
No. 861041
File: 1567222217576.jpeg (773.46 KB, 1242x1231, 3E6267E8-05AE-400C-870F-28BECB…)

Gonna post some screenshots from the callout Twitters - they found this info not me
No. 861043
File: 1567222328580.jpeg (468.13 KB, 1818x1818, 86BA8F10-3C29-417C-AB78-73A5FA…)

>>861041Lillee > Rihanna apparently
No. 861045
File: 1567222375893.jpeg (65.73 KB, 750x458, 4E5F3FE8-D758-49F7-984D-7AFD83…)

>>861041Another gay fan lol
No. 861101
File: 1567225568976.jpg (497.61 KB, 1080x1191, Screenshot_20190831-002009_You…)

Jeez, even with farmers watching her only for milk you'd think she would get more than only 80 views. And probably 70 of them are her mom.
No. 861265
File: 1567257467579.gif (769.62 KB, 260x146, giphy.gif)

>>861101Most farmers don't even watch her videos. We just come here to see if she produced any milk. I honor the brave souls that follow all her rubbish to keep us updated.
No. 861275
File: 1567261897151.png (1.35 MB, 1080x5656,…)

This is..really pathetic lmao. Laur talking to herself
No. 861276
File: 1567261934556.png (404.18 KB, 1080x1482,…)

Also,another confirmed Laur sock!
No. 861277
File: 1567262330900.png (1 MB, 1070x4445,…)

Sorry for samefag, but it truly is just one huge pile of socks
No. 861280
File: 1567262924705.jpeg (374.17 KB, 750x919, 35BF8200-23FB-4ADC-8248-DC2BD3…)

>>861101Laur was just slower than usual on buying 1k views for it
No. 861284
File: 1567264164760.jpg (810.81 KB, 936x1192, Lillee Jean Sponsor Me!!!!.jpg)

No. 861509
>>861460I'm sure LJ wanted to be an influencer to some extent (what else do you want to do as a teenage girl if you're home schooled and have no friends?), but her mom is definitely behind a lot of it.
Laur buys her followers and has an army of sockpuppets to sperg about how great she is, so LJ really has no incentive to do better makeup. Anything she does is hailed as amazing and you're a fat internet troll pedophile named Joe if you disagree. This girl has never had to deal with a differing opinion because of her mom.
No. 861572
File: 1567287046747.jpeg (340.02 KB, 750x814, F712B4B4-2F43-4E54-B839-D52411…)

Laur has a pretty impressive imagination. I’ve read every thread there is on LJ and nobody has ever said anything like that
No. 861577
File: 1567288758109.png (63.11 KB, 678x349, liar.png)

She is making this shit up.
No. 861613
File: 1567295357548.jpeg (291.78 KB, 1800x1800, 72C1A18F-0A18-4A50-BAB2-BCB3C0…)

No. 861619
File: 1567296041504.png (2.98 MB, 1798x1552, Screen Shot.png)

>>861592god her makeup skills are shit and its so obvious she has no idea what she's talking about. she mentioned rubbing the milk eye pencil on the back of her hand to "emulsify" it so it glides on more evenly. i get she meant she's warming it up but girl… that's not what emulsify means. her mom barely looks like she has any makeup on by the end besides yellow eyeshadow and a frosty light pink lip. you'd think if they wanted to fool everyone into thinking lillee is famous they'd try to focus on something she was actually remotely decent at.
No. 861778
File: 1567310101082.png (158.64 KB, 750x1334, 62629A66-C5E0-46EE-9087-3C6D98…)

No. 861799
File: 1567312066503.jpg (562.36 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20190901-002553_Chr…)

I thought it was weird this company retweeted her.
No. 861826
File: 1567316957799.jpeg (53.69 KB, 542x542, AD1400FF-2042-4846-A8FF-AC052E…)

Laur looks like Danzig
No. 861828
File: 1567317187716.png (51.82 KB, 604x428, Screen Shot.png)

>>861799>>861824is it just me or is their icon an alternate version of the icon of this "rachel m" account that comments all all lillee's vids?
No. 862015
>>861846so then is
>>861799 also laur? laur's usin the same icon for the rachel m account.
No. 862064
>>862044I picture Laur peeking out from behind the curtains to keep an eye out from all of her "stalkers."
They're in an attic. Very curious if they have a doorbell/their own private entrance. But yeah I definitely think she was looking out the window and saw someone turn around in their driveway or someone going door-to-door for some charity.
No. 862116
>>862078Lol I don’t live in a small town so I wouldn’t know. Leases absolutely can start at any time of the month, but most commonly start on the 1st. It’s been that way in every major city on the east coast that I’ve lived in, and that’s what you can find if you google as well. Maybe you live in an area that’s an exception to the norm.
I wonder where they would even be able to move with the bankruptcy and no clear source of income.
No. 862205
File: 1567372379467.jpeg (364.07 KB, 750x1005, 7CCE980B-C18D-4ADA-909B-A01055…)

Wtf Laur
No. 862213
File: 1567372744546.jpeg (169.82 KB, 750x760, 260731E5-AB92-4DF6-A82B-FDAEAF…)

Did she call Rekieta?
No. 862237
File: 1567374569142.jpeg (404.99 KB, 750x1066, A9DE3F7B-AD8A-41A0-8A04-2AA786…)

>>862218He’s a sock account. Just not Laur’s.
No. 862324
File: 1567387547196.jpeg (220.05 KB, 747x990, 0E8652EB-0B2D-4228-B4D4-960B02…)

Bit of a reach
No. 862339
File: 1567390465794.jpeg (395.04 KB, 750x980, 3945F704-3E74-42D7-98E7-8DB41B…)

No. 862345
>>862339>>862344I think it's a reference to the Beatles' Revolution 9, but the frequency she brings it up is unsettling.
Also how vile is she for joking about getting someone's son involuntarily committed? Very progressive of you, Laur.
No. 862355
>>862324Lol is this guy trolling her?
>probably murdered by a Kiwi Farmer or Trump supporter!! Hahahahaha- two peas in a pod.
No. 862370
File: 1567401527272.jpeg (283.57 KB, 632x1104, 8F215CA2-F144-40FB-84E4-F9968A…)

Idk if anyone’s ACTUALLY mentioned this here, but looking at and the language used there plus the poorly designed nature of the site really looks bad. I mean this in no disrespect to the victim but if a member of my family was involved in a violent crime in any way, I’d be sure to make any of my claims/evidence coherent or at least edited, unlike pic related.
No. 862380
File: 1567405945055.jpeg (472.25 KB, 1242x887, EEAD07BC-8F0C-4DC9-946F-4B71AC…)

I actually laughed out loud at this comment.
No. 862387
>>862364I traced the history of Laur's antique businesses in the last thread
>>>/snow/835450 and included the links in
Lurk more.
No. 862407
File: 1567417146364.jpeg (115.85 KB, 750x290, 0A9ED6AA-9465-446A-AF61-ACCA26…)

Second tweet to Rent the Runway. Lillee has a “make or break an event” coming up.
No. 862452
File: 1567433695214.png (22.82 KB, 605x142, Screenshot 2019-09-02 at 9.14.…)

>>862407It's a holiday weekend, Laur, they'll get back to you on their own time. Their prices seem really reasonable but any one else think Laur's gonna hit em up for a freebie for promo?
No. 862456
File: 1567434123253.jpeg (452.7 KB, 750x1049, 0C153A7A-6FFA-40FD-9B01-CEC5B2…)

Lots of people use bytw and g8 according to Laur
No. 862459
File: 1567435702885.jpeg (366.4 KB, 750x787, 8BDCD0BA-0180-4C28-AFD2-F3FC6E…)

Laur says she called Ty Beard, an attorney involved with Rekieta and he warned her to not go after Josh Moon. A few hours later and an insufficient amount of attention, she escalates her claim to Ty threatening her when she called him.
No. 862460
File: 1567435766440.jpeg (300.51 KB, 750x775, F67F1830-51BB-47F2-86C8-EAF5EA…)

>>862459Laur tweeting Ty Beard threatened her
No. 862561
>>862537>>862546If you read about the case, it was actually her husband who killed her, yet claims he was defending himself against the robbers and shot her “accidentally.” So the men accused of robbing the store got charged with the murder since it occurred during the commission of a crime.
One of the convicted men tried to petition for a new trial, and in it he stated that it was a fake robbery for part of an insurance scam. So while Laur is actually crazy, she isn’t making this stuff up. I wonder if what happened with her sister
triggered some sort of break in her.
No. 862619
>>862561That definitely seems like something that could possibly
trigger some mental issues. Especially if she’s coping with it by self medicating. Didn’t she say she was in a car accident and tried to go after geico? I wouldn’t be shocked if she got hooked on pain meds and continues to self medicate with opiates.
No. 862711
File: 1567463661643.jpeg (606.97 KB, 1242x1157, 9386A453-51DD-4643-AC16-E0CE65…)

More twitter info - they’ve been finding the real people behind these fake accounts and letting them know. Also have been getting Laur’s threatening tweets deleted
>>862387Sorry I’ve been in this thread since the beginning but there was no way I was about to click every link in that clustered post lol
No. 862735
>>862711It's funny how Laur lies in the most brazen, easily fact checkable ways. Everyone knows about reverse image searching. Everyone knows the way her sockpuppets talk on instagram is not normal human speech. Anyone looking at her account with more than a passing glance will see it's all fake.
How does she spin these obvious, ill-contrived lies and think no one will be the wiser? The narcissism is unreal.
No. 862836
File: 1567476373952.jpeg (167.29 KB, 750x448, AF371035-CF7C-4269-B03B-A35C1F…)

Can’t fucking wait
No. 862837
File: 1567476492512.jpeg (300.29 KB, 750x694, 9D060623-CCC7-41D0-AE79-DD1CF3…)

It’s possible that Laur lost her marbles after her accident
No. 862841
File: 1567476815352.jpeg (316.15 KB, 750x788, CD76A94F-3440-4D7B-B4F9-7578B5…)

Athletic build kek
No. 862870
>>8628411. No one is bullying Lillee Jean.
2. People are literally just trying to draw brands’ attention to the scam that Laur is running.
3. LJ’s makeup skills are average at best - she is no beauty guru and
that is what people are taking issue with as she uses her fake followers to scam free products
4. Why is this guy such a dick when he refers to Kim Kardashian? Jealous of her money, fame and business acumen?
No. 862871
File: 1567480545442.jpeg (182.33 KB, 750x757, A39308F7-519D-4CD6-935F-F1E9A5…)

Double the crazy
No. 862876
File: 1567481004090.jpeg (242.97 KB, 750x526, D449C33C-4C09-4E4E-BFF3-841A94…)

>>862870He just has issues with women in general.
Laur picked a winner.
No. 862912
File: 1567484316316.jpeg (407.53 KB, 1242x888, 83C10BEF-2796-4107-904D-F7EA05…)

Definitely sounds like Laur using Lillee’s account
No. 862914
File: 1567484378105.jpeg (864.4 KB, 1242x1431, 4FB0B1A4-7BC0-4EC6-8563-07DCB4…)

Another fake account - his username is very similar to Laur’s actually
No. 862951
File: 1567488960949.jpeg (79.03 KB, 750x318, 2AE12F4D-4171-468D-A981-1BFFFF…)

What a strange insult. Laur is extremely anti-sex positivity. Between her shaming Melania Trump for photos she had done in her youth to thinking that using toy ownership as an insult (which I think most people own, no?) she really seems to be anti woman.
No. 862957
File: 1567490592173.jpeg (278.67 KB, 1242x623, 6F953C56-9940-4693-B114-032151…)

No. 862958
File: 1567490740173.jpeg (500.89 KB, 1242x1651, 4E38912A-4B7A-4E00-9452-02C810…)

Even when the troll twitter doesn’t mention Lillee, Laur responds. Honestly disturbing
No. 862959
File: 1567490825221.jpeg (685.56 KB, 1242x1633, 1BDD144A-96B0-4994-8602-9F9840…)

Once again she wasn’t even tagged in this tweet.
No. 862962
File: 1567491093075.jpeg (861.44 KB, 1242x1600, D330DED6-AF2E-403B-86CA-FF8D96…)

No. 862963
File: 1567491168837.jpeg (683.18 KB, 1242x1337, 6C240749-55B3-4364-A159-0A6132…)

No. 862973
File: 1567494469592.jpg (49.35 KB, 851x668, EDUIM6NXkAE_zhV.jpg)

>>862841>blonde>teeny tiny>athletic buildthis level of delusion
No. 862989
File: 1567497559017.jpg (463.37 KB, 1600x1600, IMG_4829.jpg)

>>862985July 2016.
When was the last time she took pics beyond the confines of her attic and driveway?
No. 862990
File: 1567497709767.jpg (173.86 KB, 1080x1080, 38835557_303578110420680_58022…)

More swimsuit looks.
No. 862991
File: 1567497745143.jpg (216.92 KB, 1080x1080, 39523881_291854924941253_47623…)

No. 862992
File: 1567497767405.jpg (172 KB, 1080x1080, 38750849_317095305532817_85367…)

No. 862996
File: 1567497999590.jpg (221.63 KB, 1080x1080, 65302441_1257429967754339_3319…)

No. 863010
File: 1567500359126.jpg (780.75 KB, 1115x1115, 17495074_989510291184751_83873…)

No. 863011
File: 1567500446567.jpg (355.05 KB, 1226x1226, 57625237_266863774110120_66995…)

No. 863031
File: 1567504265574.jpg (109.29 KB, 1080x1126, 21827058_1620026231362777_3681…)

No. 863035
>>863011>>863010>>863009>>862996>>862992>>862991>>862990>>862989Someone please teach this bitch how to pose.
As much as I hate to admit it some of these pictures have the potential to look decent if her body language wasn't so awkward and stupid looking. That black one piece is actually pretty cute but the way she holds herself ruins it.
No. 863038
File: 1567505521870.jpg (156.94 KB, 1080x1080, 29417768_572747019743143_42129…)

So many pics with her boob nearly hanging out.
No. 863040
File: 1567505864412.jpg (458.44 KB, 1200x1600, VZXM6246.jpg)

No. 863041
File: 1567506208503.jpg (94.55 KB, 1080x1250, 37876680_2314514978577677_1824…)

Or her breasts pressed together to force cleavage.
These pics were taken when she was as young as 15.
No. 863043
File: 1567506394445.jpg (97.18 KB, 935x935, 21827575_929052873918489_76207…)

Borrowing from Luna and TND's wardrobes.
No. 863044
File: 1567506489480.jpg (83.33 KB, 1080x1080, 21984496_1133788286723265_4855…)

Her shorts ensembles are either slutty…
No. 863047
File: 1567506635669.jpg (186.34 KB, 1080x1080, 38626152_661388097553585_36856…)

Or frumpy.
No. 863049
File: 1567506934741.jpg (122.34 KB, 1080x1080, 30079116_245905642647929_33171…)

No. 863053
File: 1567507632464.jpg (99.69 KB, 1080x1080, 22427303_135729220395069_90780…)

And Laur posts edits featuring LJ's legs.
No. 863054
File: 1567507669324.jpg (95.99 KB, 1080x1080, 22280399_496115964079168_13090…)

No. 863126
File: 1567522339933.jpeg (177.12 KB, 748x1001, A7123B60-A18F-46C5-85D7-783A60…)

Laur’s on a bender
No. 863148
File: 1567523600987.jpeg (350.04 KB, 750x960, F07FC608-3C3B-4818-A984-34B344…)

we got a snitch tagger
No. 863162
>>863044>>862989These pictures of her are kind of flattering and mature looking, she can look nice with the right posing and makeup.
>>863043Yet most of the time she looks like a demented womanchild
No. 863179
File: 1567526657203.jpeg (300.42 KB, 750x1031, DF166FC4-2E29-4C37-B180-5F5A2A…)

Lillee’s joining in on the fatshaming
No. 863186
File: 1567527435525.jpeg (302.37 KB, 750x765, A681E35F-5DAC-48C1-8744-6639F3…)

Holy shit. Her reply to a post that has brands tagged in it.
No. 863231
File: 1567531318865.png (928.64 KB, 640x1895, 362122EB-E194-46C8-8747-1F9B67…)

No. 863234
File: 1567531544186.gif (1.04 MB, 498x280, tryinghardwork.gif)

>>862986I don't necessarily want to write the next OP, but I have updated the list
>>847101 and compiled a list of sock accounts from posts in this thread.
I've also discovered a pattern in the timeline of LJ's accounts that mirrors that of Laur's antique businesses. They seem allergic to using a single blog/URL/IG/etc longer than 18 months or so like some CatchMeIfYouCan shit.
And much like [gif related] every time I search their various ID's I pull out a new account/page or three.
No. 863248
>>863240 how DARE you call these UKRAINIAN queens "american". #9 #9
But fr same.
No. 863254
File: 1567533587203.png (161.43 KB, 451x1076, Screenshot_2019-09-03-10-53-48…)

>>863253Someone else take over archiving. I gotta run some errands.
No. 863328
File: 1567539757195.jpeg (316.76 KB, 750x1012, 7E4B723C-0E4D-41B4-8F29-4184DB…)

The homophobia and bigotry coming out of these tweets is horrific.
No. 863329
File: 1567539775681.jpeg (130.28 KB, 1096x252, A5F5947D-DA28-437A-889F-8D810B…)

>>862951Another weird sexual comment
No. 863330
File: 1567539829633.jpeg (256.41 KB, 750x886, EBB4FA16-E2B4-4201-A21C-24253D…)

LJ seems to think homophobia is sooo funny
No. 863455
File: 1567553121398.jpeg (411.6 KB, 1242x958, B213490D-E2B1-4F2B-B7CC-0455BC…)

She’s really bad at NOT threatening people.
No. 863465
File: 1567554176515.jpeg (159.14 KB, 750x467, 07B799A7-1B60-488E-BDF6-593E3A…)

Kudos to Lauren for stepping into the convo! Calling someone who identifies as queer “it” is vile.
No. 863469
File: 1567554456886.jpeg (622.65 KB, 1242x1347, CD92FABC-C6B7-4DFD-9327-D83C42…)

Literally just keep refreshing her twitter and finding more threats lmao
No. 863475
File: 1567554964578.gif (2.26 MB, 471x200, lilleejeanleakedhawaiipaparraz…)

>>863027>>862996>>863053seeing pictures of her in revealing clothing/trying to be seductive(?) have the exact same cursed energy as pic related. i can't unsee the junji ito model face every time she does that tiny-toothed smile. she seriously could only get work as an actress if she went deep into a niche as a horror actor and embraced her weird little teeth and trollish monster face as a selling point. sorry for lack of constructive thought, it just baffles me every time that this is real. it just feels like if someone created the platonic ideal of a lolcow and handed it over prime for milking. it just seems so impossible that one or two people are behind all 1500 sockpuppets, all for the occasional brand shoutout or free lipstick. what's going to be left for them when this ship finally crashes into the reef?
No. 863479
File: 1567555484676.jpeg (662.42 KB, 1242x1445, DC6D8386-FC55-4468-9AAF-FCEE8B…)

Sorry for posting so much, Laur just can’t quit!! This tweet grosses me out. I think it’s safe to assume all of our mothers are better than her, even those of us who don’t have mothers
No. 863481
>>863457Charles Manson made more sense than the insanity she writes.
She's fucking up any chance of her daughter ever getting employed, even on checkout at a supermarket. Let's face it, she's ugly, she has Miss Piggy's legs, she can't sing, can't do makeup, she won't make it as an actor, mua, model.
Future employers search her name and they find all this sperg from her mother.
No. 863486
>>863481You're absolutely right on all counts.
I know LJ is a piece of work, but I do feel bad for her because she'd surely be a normal girl (behaviorally– I know she'd still look unfortunate) if Laur were a normal parent. It sucks that she was born to such a fucking loon.
No. 863524
>>863479ew what the fuck
navigating through Laur’s psychobabble is always an adventure but her last comment is alarming it sounds like she’s fetishizing the “mommy” role in this context, and that would be weird enough but THEN she says “sorry LJ” directly pushing her daughter into that train of thought. unfortunate
No. 863529
File: 1567560916401.jpeg (666.78 KB, 750x1114, 85A93029-1157-4F0F-93A8-CAE660…)

I thought this was a troll account at first. That picture is so unflattering and the caption is fucking ridiculous. A+ job Laur.
No. 863534
File: 1567561469226.jpeg (321.18 KB, 750x724, 7CF46B5C-8E80-4F2E-A8B4-307238…)

No. 863539
>>863507>>863513A lot of farmers will say LJ is old enough to make her own decisions (and she does act like an entitled brat), but it's hard not to feel bad for her on some level. Imagine living with this batshit cretin and having her isolate you from everyone else in life, including not even going to school. Shit is fucked up.
>>863455>>863534Kinda surprised twitter hasn't done more about her ACTUALLY threatening people. Maybe they're entertained as well.
No. 863540
File: 1567561981215.png (961.73 KB, 750x2453, 55AA39C5-B059-43CE-B8E7-E4CECB…)

No. 863557
File: 1567563374597.jpeg (471.36 KB, 1242x1260, DFDA0642-94DA-4C18-91E6-13C412…)

>>863455Another threat - yikes.
>>863546Yeah that would be illegal…kinda hope she does it lmao
No. 863558
File: 1567563468635.jpeg (186.03 KB, 750x620, B2BD99B4-A2F0-4B7C-8843-E98B54…)

Another threat directed towards Lauren (not sure if she means Lauren Elyse or Queen of Blending). I assume the latter, who I hope is tracking this for her own safety.
No. 863559
File: 1567563547843.jpeg (99.43 KB, 750x281, CF834530-B8D7-448C-97A2-545D29…)

No. 863560
>>863513Yeah youre right. I definitely feel bad for her. I think a video from a drama channel that comes at this carefully and mostly places the blame on her psycho mom could maybe help tho. Maybe it would help her realize how bad of a situation shes gotten in, or maybe her mom would just brainwash her into thinking theyre just
victims of hate, who knows. But I think if a drama youtuber comes in expressing concern rather than just trying to expose her with some tEEaaaAa it might possibly help her
No. 863565
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No. 863574
>>863560I'm on the fence about whether a drama video would be good or not. I like your idea, but I think whoever made the video would be actually unsafe. Not that this crackpot of a mom could find any information, but on the off chance she can, the video maker's day job could be on the line knowing Laur. Plus they'll be able to screech even more about being
victims and they'll get attention. I truly don't feel bad for LJ like a lot do, I think she's completely complicit in all this and she's 18, not 10. She's old enough to know not to be homophobic, fatphobic or transphobic. I'm sure she has been very affected by her mom but I just can't bring myself to feel bad at all. I do think it's weird that not a single person is picking up on this however.
No. 863579
>>863560I think the issue is that LJ is so isolated from anyone else who could help her or provide a much needed reality check. She has no friends to stay with and no real education/job. Her mom is controlling every aspect of her life while making sure she has no resources to leave.
Since psycho Laur is also unstable enough to threaten any rando on twitter, can you imagine the sperging if LJ said she wanted to move out?
No. 863580
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Look out Lillee, MR. MOON is right behind you!!
No. 863590
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In case she later claims the screenshots were shopped.*>>863580Next thread pic!
Will Laur's account survive to rage another day or even into the next thread?
I'm finishing updating The List.
No. 863594
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Since twitter won’t shut down those pesky troll accounts…Laur’s demanding a DM from the head of twitter’s legal dept
No. 863600
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List anon. I've started writing up the next OP if no one else has.
No. 863619
>>863529It's not on pinpoint. It's on point. Her slang is so horrible.
I feel like they rent something that has that attic room and that's where LJ is being kept. I need to dig more into this. I'm fascinated and feel like there are things I've missed.
No. 863627
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No. 863629
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All signs point to regression.
No. 863688
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Whew.'s most nonsensical "insults" like "Rikieta Ricotta" verge on manic thought disorder. Just putting that out there.
No. 863715
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According to ED he is a sock of Captain Commando.