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No. 928152
Lillee Jean is a physically and emotionally stunted unwashed "beauty guru" turned "actress" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on Twitter, and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.
Lillee is best known for abusing copyright strikes to silence her many critics. LJ and her momager, Laur Trueman, have been on a multi-year "anti-bullying" rampage where they ruthlessly mock other people for their age, looks, socioeconomic status, and more, all for the crime of questioning Lillee.
Many dedicated Lillee critics have created callout videos and posts to expose her racist, dishonest, and absurd behaviour. However, Lillee and Laur remain convinced that this is all a conspiracy organized by one person out to get her.
>Extremely stunted social development due to being removed from school around 13-14 years old. Does not appear to have a single friend IRL besides her helicopter mom. >Is now 21 years old but legitimately plays with dolls>speaks and writes in "attic pidgin", our affectionate name for her limited grasp of the English language (her only language)>Claims to have a totally real, not-made-up boyfriend who is both a French diplomat and also a family friend since childhood. "Phillipe" (an incorrect spelling of the French name) seems to hop across continents, being either local or foreign depending on Lillee's convenience. Conflicting details about when they met suggest an inappropriate age gap (with a 23-year-old Pheepy asking out a 14-year-old Lillee). Her alleged boyfriend has no internet presence of his own, and has never been shown by Lillee, despite oversharing every other aspect of her life.>Uses her "Jewish identity" to deflect all criticism as anti-Semitic, despite not practicing the Jewish religion OR having any clear Jewish lineage>Constantly exaggerating her status in the beauty community with fake PR>Got caught running her own fan pages, many of which were racist caricatures of minorities. This included (alleged) POC claiming to hate their own dark skin and wishing to be pale like Lillee.>Once posted a photoshopped image of herself over Katy Perry's body, claiming to have attended the Met Gala. Later backtracked and tried to pass it off as a fan-edited image.>Went to the Bite Beauty Lip Lab, created a custom lipstick colour (the point of their business, which anyone can do) and advertised it as an official collab, claiming that her fans could ask for "the Lillee Jean collection" in all Bite stores. Bite Beauty formally asked her to stop making this false claim. >Lillee participated in a public Covergirl ad campaign where anyone could submit selfies to be displayed on a scrolling billboard in Times Square. Lillee waited through hundreds of submissions to catch a photo of herself on the billboard, then posted it as though it were a collab where she exclusively modelled for Covergirl. MAIN ACCOUNTS AS OF 2022 (Updated May 2022) :
Lillee: (Suspended) (removed)
http://www.lilleejeanbeauty.com (Suspended) (Suspended) (Suspended) (Suspended) (Suspended) (Suspended) (Suspended)
https://tiktokcom/projectbullyishPREVIOUS THREADS:
>>>/snow/847048 3.
>>698862 4.
>>718259 6.
>>724333 7.
>>736259 8.
>>754981 9.
>>767645 10.
>>773135 11.
>>777937 12.
>>784721 13.
>>794372 14.
>>802142 15.
>>811813 16.
>Lillee is taking up acting classes >>917507>Lillee is attempting to make it as an actress and posts her acting reel >>917515>Laur still isn't paying her taxes and it's accruing >>917952>Laur also still isn't paying rent and owes their landlord $12,800. Their landlord is suing Laur >>920849>Laur attempted to get out of being sued by claiming that the landlord was harassing her/the Trueman family >>920850>Project Bullyish is back on and Lillee releases an article psycho rambling about it >>921874>Laur gets into a car accident without insurance on a suspended license and gets criminal charges as well as her vehicle impounded >>921975 | >>921976>Lillee starts auditioning with things on her resume from when she was in middle school >>922788 | >>922857>Laur pleads not guilty to the car wreck charges >>923156>Lillee posts some new bootiful headshots >>923217>Lillee posts her singing reel (headphone warning) >>923270>Lillee is blocking people from accessing her website >>923331>Lillee is holding casting calls for her next film >>923902>Lillee starts auditioning for voice acting >>925875>Laur and their landlord settled out of court and had the petition discontinued >>926070 | >>926077>Lillee posts an athletic demo reel >>926116>Lillee posts her audition tape >>926117>Lillee is interviewed by someone named Richard Schertzer and it's an absolute disaster >>926332>Lillee reveals some of the plot of her upcoming film, The Trapper Trap, introducing a man named Edgardo Rubio as one of the cast members >>926858 | >>926888>Lillee posts her blooper reel >>926901>Lillee reveals she's going to Miami in the spring. We aren't aware of the last time she's left her state. >>927260>Lillee Jean Inc. has not filed their corporate taxes since 2020 >>927382>Three other people have been listed in the cast of the Trapper Trap, two of them being realtors and one being a restaurant host >>927572>Project Bullyish is "complete" and is being converted into a screenplay >>927644>Lillee has ditched any mention of her pedophile boyfriend Pheepy and is claiming she's single on Valentine's Day >>928114
>Lillee is continuously releasing skits under the name "So Lillo Qui" >>917512 | >>918362 | >>918945 | >>920303 | >>921817 | >>923521 | >>923691 | >>924010 | >>925123 | >>926779 | >>928099 No. 928161
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>>928160RIP Mon Cherie~~~~~
No. 928175
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So you're Laur's 2nd personality, whatever…
No. 928191
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graphic design is my passion
No. 928192
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No. 928199
File: 1708024465942.png (459.36 KB, 570x1237, Screenshot 2024-02-15 141521.p…)

>>928191What the fuck is happening lmao
No. 928204
>>928203Laur is mad because Pheepy is gone? Did he dump Lillee? Wonder if Lillee's DMs are full of
creeps I mean boyfriend candidates after she announced she is single.
>>928201Please don't summon that dirty whore here.
>>928199Trippy! Can't wait till part one is out. Kek.
No. 928248
File: 1708052482258.png (2.7 MB, 2532x1218, Screenshot 2024-02-15 2152192.…)

I thought Lillee was just posting some random horny Pradeep's attempt at getting her attention, but we have another totally legit Instagrammer with 1.5mil followers that I can only explain looks like someone tried to draw Indian Jimmy Neutron from memory.
"Follow us", for what? To see you guys share your own photos back and forth?
No. 928298
>>928293Mods deleted Laur’s absolutely manic bender.
But now we know that vile filth we thought was posted by an actual Nazi a few years ago was Laur.
No. 928303
File: 1708094385479.jpeg (316.76 KB, 750x1012, 1567539757195.jpeg)

>>928300Yeah there were multiple instances of her saying black people needed to get over slavery. Once on a blog post and then again on a podcast.
>>698872>>707141Going back through, she's homophobic as well.
There's more examples, but yeah, you get the picture. It's one thing to love yourself, but she takes it to the level where she puts anyone down that doesn't look/act like her. Which is truly bold of her considering she's a literal goblin in every sense of the word.
No. 928305
File: 1708095285571.jpeg (1.62 MB, 1290x2643, IMG_3589.jpeg)

>>928304when she blocks people on Instagram she does the “block this account and other accounts they may create” option, so if you have multiple accounts linked to your original one you won’t be able to see her profile on any of them. have to either log out and look on the actual website or make a totally new profile with a new email/phone
No. 928308
>>928305I last viewed her story about a month ago, but was still able to see her page since then. And today I guess I'm blocked because I can't find the page either.
Do they keep tabs on people who watch their stories and deliberate about whether to block them or not weeks afterwards??
No. 928323
>>928322My favorite part about this is that she's clearly incredibly upset about us talking about Lillee, but keeps bumping the thread because she doesn't know how to sage lmao
But yeah I agree, just report and ignore
No. 928328
>>928323Yeah but we talk about Laur far more than Lillee. Laur is endlessly fascinating sociologically while Lillee is just her watered down spawn. And it’s always Laur that comes here begging for attention, not Lillee.
Question: is it possible Laur doesn’t know the definition of the word pedophile? She keeps misusing it but even she can’t be that stupid,
can she? I mean they didn’t know what pansexual meant — but how can the not know what pedophile means.
No. 928352
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>>928343This can't be real…
No. 928381
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>>928380Ooh La La so not just about trying to honeytrap a trap musician - now we have space aliens from Planet Glamour! The Academy has your Oscars ready - in fact they’re changing the name from Oscars to Lilleez. Magnifique!
No. 928399
File: 1708273156491.jpg (534.02 KB, 1799x2395, lilleeugh.jpg)

>Ya'll been documenting Lillee since she was a MINOR. You put up her photo's from when she was 14 and zoomed in on her body and made comments, I have screenshots. She was not 18 in those photo's.
Umm, Laur who was it that took photos of their own minor child and posted them on the World Wide Web? Stop blaming other people for your own bad judgement and stupidity.
No. 928405
File: 1708282305454.png (130.3 KB, 250x542, IMG_6419.PNG)

>>928401Laur took all these objectified pics of her minor child, posted online & hashtagged it for miles - then she's upset for years that people found it inappropriate?
No. 928444
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>>928441yeah we were done - she almost didn't get anymore threads, til Laur came back wanting to wake everything up again
No. 928462
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Lillee being Lillee kek
No. 928473
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>>928471There's a Corktown in Canada, but it's different than Brampton, and they're both in Toronto. So, idk what "Corktown Brampton Canada" is lmfao
No. 928474
File: 1708290405735.jpg (7.79 KB, 275x183, stoplight.jpg)

>ENJOY being in the stoplight. KEK.
As she said, everyone enjoy being in the stoplight.
No. 928482
>>928481They know they can't go up against those channels. Laur even said in one of her ranting videos on her YT channel that they haven't bothered with Primink because "he's a tea channel".
Regardless, he tweeted that they were psycho, so they actually did go after him, but the mindset for them has always been to try and squash anyone they think either doesn't have a legal team or doesn't care to get one.
No. 928489
File: 1708297936371.jpeg (85.57 KB, 720x1191, IMG_2018.jpeg)

>>928488I’m pretty sure Lillee is a minor here and Laur definitely took this photo
No. 928490
File: 1708297996695.jpeg (462.09 KB, 2220x1080, IMG_2019.jpeg)

Lillee is not a minor here and Laur allowed her to do this in front of camera
No. 928491
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Lastly let’s not forget that Laur was responsible for her daughter looking like a baby-toothed retard for years.
No. 928535
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Must be fun living in the trueman household while laur is having her weekly schizo meltdowns
No. 928565
>>928432My thoughts exactly.
There is no other actors in the "movie"
>>927512 , bet they'll end up together at the end keks.
No. 928566
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No. 928567
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>>928432>>928565I was wondering about this too. I had to re-watch the shit show they call a teaser trailer. This part makes me want to believe Edgardo plays the guy who sets up the date, not the love interest. Lillee doesn't look like a minor, but there is no way to present a romance between characters that have their age difference in a funny or acceptable way. I hope Laur understands this.
No. 928569
>>928566In the beginning, she was calling herself an actress, model, youtuber, beauty/fashion guru, filmmaker, artist, cosplayer, blogger, podcaster, entreprenuer and activist and all of it was hER paSsIOn. Every year it seems like she drops one or two of these "passions" and tries to scrub all but the least embarrassing traces of it from her still-active accounts.
In her mind she probably thinks of it as honing in on her true ultimate passion or whatever, but I think she's just getting exhausted with pretending she isn't bothered by how little the real world resembles what Laur has been promising her since birth.
No. 928571
File: 1708376105732.jpeg (155.75 KB, 1080x1920, Project Bullyish.jpeg)

Project Bullyish update. (The same text was posted before.) So now they shouldn't need new material (screenshots) and Laur can stop posting anonymous death threats to her daughter.
No. 928576
File: 1708379029671.png (2.07 MB, 2880x2880, Lillees linktree.png)

Lillee's linktree is up. Can she see who looks at her linktree or navigates to her site via the links? That's if she decides to let people look at her site at some point, kek.
No. 928581
File: 1708385303669.jpg (28.97 KB, 1005x82, Screenshot 2024-02-19 182831.j…)

>>928578She was already heading for hot water for doxing nobodies who tweeted abt her on the LilleeJean webpage. Now with all she posted here, Bullyish is killed. G8 job, Laur!
You can't have massively overflowing IMDB pages, gifs everywhere, pics from the Met Gala, and posts about how rich you are all over - and expect the legal system to believe YOU are the innocent nobodies.
No. 928589
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No. 928590
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Is Lillee a casting director now?
No. 928591
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>>928589Fuck her face looks so fat in her profile picture lmao
(nitpick) No. 928595
>>928592her “character” in trapper trap will be from queens, just like she is.
that’s it. that’s the tweet.
No. 928617
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Bold of her to assume Edgardo is still going to be willing to work with her by 2025
No. 928678
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No. 928705
File: 1708557375794.png (10.73 MB, 2160x3840, On set in Queens.png)

On set today in Queens shooting for The Trapper Trap with fellow actor Aaron Zucker!! I had SOOO much fun! This movie is going to AWESOME! Check out my website for official photos, stills, and bts footage @edgardorubio see u soon poppa [bear emoji] #LilleeJean #newyorkactors #nycactor #queensnyc #comedyfilms #indiefilms @aaronzuckerceo
No. 928706
File: 1708557630422.mp4 (14.41 MB, 1080x1920, You are not having fun.mp4)

Look how much fun she is having with her little project. Seems a bit forced. But you have to remember this is the most fun she has had in years.
No. 928729
File: 1708593225170.png (987.88 KB, 1070x1061, You are not funny.png)

>>928678The person who made that parody account is fucked up in the head. Lillee Jean is no longer relevant. Why are you impersonating a mentally ill woman?
Also, what did these people do to deserve harassment from a fake account?
No. 928730
File: 1708593980504.png (660.32 KB, 1254x1058, Kiwifarms vendetta.png)

This person should really get a life, go outside, and touch grass. I would expect funnier tweets from a parody account. Even Lillee's comedies are funnier than this. Also, Laur's KF thread has been inactive for a while, so why mention Kiwifarms twice?
>>928639>is only illegal if it's reportedFunny that you mentioned that.
No. 928741
>>928729>>928730I don't get the point of that "parody", it's not even funny.
Is it made by Laur or Elaine?
It's been on just when LJ could recreate her twitter account after been banned for so long.
>>928705It's nice she had real interaction with someone more or less her age.
She went outside and maybe ate a croissant, which is probably the most interesting she did in years.
Hope she realises she needs to go out more.
No. 928742
File: 1708606878157.jpg (947.1 KB, 1170x1840, Cali.jpg)

Lillee and Laur are starting shit with Callimara. She said they DMCA’d discord messages from 2-3 years ago kek
No. 928746
>>928742This is the type of shit that will make me always hate her and never "feel bad for her" or
"hope she can escape the claws of her mom". She cannot handle criticism to any degree, even now, copyright striking posts from years ago. You can't even argue it's about wanting to erase her past, because in this instance it's recreations of her art. She just can't handle being one-upped. She's an evil goblin that's deserved everything that has came to her.
No. 928747
File: 1708613294848.jpeg (146.68 KB, 1036x1708, IMG_2071.jpeg)

Elaine thinks that most Lillee haters fuck children.(derailing)
No. 928755
>>928749I don't think Elaine is behind that parody account - those comments made in Lillee's name are too gross to be her.
Laur on the other hand…. yeah. Could be.
No. 928759
>>928754Elaine can't tell the difference between kiwiscrotes and here (mostly women). She thinks it's the same community.
BTW Elaine is irrelevant, she always tries to insert herself in any LJ's drama.
No. 928775
File: 1708634638376.png (Spoiler Image,2.51 MB, 1482x962, ea80ef_edfc53d5803143339ca6384…)

Lillee went on a date!
No. 928795
>>928775 how did I never notice how low her hairline is on the back of her head? It took seeing her give a mock blow job to spot it.
"Features of Turner syndrome may include a short neck with a webbed appearance, low hairline at the back of the neck…"
No. 928799
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"Self-funded"? You mean, your 1 minute skit filmed in an empty room with an iPhone and has the cast of 1 person? Yes, Lillee, please enlighten me on your expenses of that production.
No. 928838
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Ok Elaine, this is kind of funny
No. 928844
File: 1708700872610.png (889.3 KB, 1648x1080, Cool gayop piss minge.png)

>>928838It is not. I hope fake Lillee will take down the evil Kiwi ex mod for peelaine.
>>928839>Only thing she's missing is a MomagerIncorrect. Elaine could never make something like Miss Roxie. She lacks original ideas, motivation, and skills. She can't even spell the word "fragrance".
No. 928870
File: 1708723613330.jpeg (230.99 KB, 1080x1920, Lillee.jpeg)

Lillee's weird style. Maybe she needs to film with a realtor so she and Laur can spend time on people's driveways without getting the cops called on them.
No. 928881
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Elaine was 100% doxxing people in this thread
No. 928893
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>>928878I thought so too.
No. 928901
File: 1708778832877.png (Spoiler Image,622.43 KB, 680x1160, whew.png)

>>928881Elaine really should get the mental help she desperately needs and remove herself from the trueman's drama and from internet once for good.
It's 99.9999% sure it's her posting that kind of stuff
>>928775 bc she thinks like a degenerate moid.
She believes it's funny to sexualise anything here and she's the only one to do so.
This is a picture of Elaine now.
Get help Elaine srlsy and f*ck off.
No. 928924
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No. 928932
File: 1708799544520.jpeg (226.18 KB, 1179x418, IMG_2091.jpeg)

Laur is asking meta for moderation in this thread kek
No. 928934
File: 1708800273747.jpeg (51.42 KB, 450x300, 912CDEAB-283E-41F3-BC43-B46D05…)

Laur - tonight is a full moon. I’ve been waiting for it.
No. 928942
File: 1708802187056.jpeg (41.45 KB, 600x449, Spongebob_Get_a_Job.jpeg)

>>928920>>928932watching laur learn how to use an imageboard is probably the funniest thing to unfold in these threads
No. 929029
>Can you share a personal story of how you experienced or encountered antisemitism, racism, bigotry, or hate? How did that experience shape your perception and actions moving forward?On my mother’s side of the family we are Ashkenazi Jews, with roots spanning from Russia and Germany. My great great grandparents believed that the growing hatred towards Jewish people had reached a height in Europe that was out of control, and to keep our family safe, the best way for the family was to come to America, for a better life, and for religious tolerance. The dreams and visions my ancestors had for our family’s future, however, are fading due to a rise in anti-semitic hate. My mother and grandmother always told me as a child we should never forget what happened to the Jews in Europe, and we should never forget the lessons we learned. Being part of the Gen Z generation, I never realized what they were telling me could come true, until my life was turned upside down six years ago by a group of cyberstalkers, who are passionate about ruining people’s lives online in a variety of ways.
The antisemitic hatred runs deep within their group, as evidenced by their continual cyberstalking of me. They have tried to run my life’s narrative, embodying what the Nazi’s were formed on, the “belief that all Jews should not exist.” They have gone to great lengths to spread their message of hate, integrating themselves into groups, for example, where children convene to game and socialize on discord servers (by pretending themselves to be as young as the people they are recruiting) much like the Nazi’s did over 70 years ago.
The attacks I have endured by this group have included anti-semitic name calling, death threats, creation of hundreds of online Nazi accounts (some named after Nazi war criminals), to harass me, sending fake bombs and packages through the mail to my home, as well as a continual barrage of anti-semitic comments, through emails, and DMs in an attempt to scare me. Tactics such as stealing for instance my baby photos, and using photoshop to then put blood on my face, with Nazi symbols, as well as other tactical threats, aimed at belittling Jewish people have been the route these cyberstalkers have taken through this entire experience.
Members of this Cult are what you would consider normal, well-adjusted members of society. As an example, a woman who lives in Maine with her husband who is the town’s veterinarian stole my family’s ancestral records, so that she could create a family tree for me. Because she has a historical degree, she intended to prove I wasn’t Jewish to everyone. Funny thing is, we’re talking about a person who has everything to live for. She appears to have an upper middle class lifestyle, and she works for a well known bank as a financial professional. I am not sure whether her family knows or condones the other side of her, which is a mentally imbalanced person who hates Jewish people and has repeatedly tried to steal my identity, pride, and roots. For example, she stole my great grandmother’s immigration records to prove her point, using fake accounts on social media platforms. Why would someone come up with this concept? I couldn’t answer that question to anyone, but I can say that as a person who is born of two faiths (Jewish and Lutheran), I embrace them both. I identify more with my Jewish roots than my Lutheran roots, primarily because I am so close to my family on my mother’s side.
The question of how to stop hatred of people based on their religions and beliefs is one that I have no real answer to. I think it’s an age-old question that will never be quite answered. In addition to raising awareness and educating people, we must remember that many of those being “educated” are being taught by their own parents, who quite frankly may be like the women in Maine. People who hate like this only care about their hatred. They persecute someone for their religion and beliefs, they don’t know why they despise the group they are targeting, and their ignorance is something that cannot be untaught in my opinion.
No. 929031
>In your opinion, why do you think there has been such a surge of antisemitism, racism, bigotry, & hate, recently?
I believe that many of the issues we face today, such as immigration and wars, have been present in the past. For instance, during the early 1900s, there was a surge of immigrants into New York City, and people faced similar challenges with hate. However, what made a difference was their communication and their ability to learn from one another, realizing that we are all the same. Unfortunately, nowadays, we don’t have that common ground. People tend to think they are activists just because they express their opinions online, which comes off as aggressive. Real activism, in my opinion, is speaking to people and understanding their perspectives. What do you have to prove? Nothing.
No. 929032
>If you were in charge of the major social media companies, what would you do to address the hate on the platforms? Could you share specific strategies or policies that you believe would be effective in addressing hate on social media platforms?
The only way to address the hate on social platforms is simple. Limit accounts to one account (unless it is a business or company) per person; have actual humans checking reports for hate; ban all accounts that are bots; ban parody accounts; and ban the IP’s of people who persist on creating the accounts. That’s simple, but costs money to hire those specific teams.
I feel Congress is way out of touch, too. You have 80 year olds who don’t even know what an Onion, Tor or Discord is. You need people my age to make this motion for change, because they’re aware of the online gambling, the hate, and the trafficking that is going on. How do you solve an issue if the educational facts are ghosts? You cannot! You need to address this head on with facts. I believe those in Congress are more worried that their investment stocks will plummet because the numbers for users on platforms will be significantly lower IF action on bots, parodies, and overall hate accounts (which are often “alt” and anon creations) are banned. Each bot is 1 for users, which is enticing for investors. If you imagine, for each real person they have 1 alt, 1 parody, 1 troll account, that’s already 3 accounts. Those 3 accounts, go towards let’s say 400,000,000 current user data for an investor to want to play the stock market with! It’s a pretty number. The sad part is, those accounts hurt real lives, and real people. The amount of people who have committed suicide with instances like just those 3 accounts, has no price tag.
No. 929097
File: 1709072437370.png (113.97 KB, 1940x678, Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 5.20.…)

i'm getting a weird new error when trying to access her website. my ip is not from the uk.
No. 929100
>>929029>integrating themselves…where children convene to game and socialize on discord servers…much like the Nazi’s did over 70 years agolj's writing is just full of pearls
>stealing for instance my baby photos, and using photoshop to then put blood on my face, with Nazi symbolsmeanwhile laur was trying to recruit us to plan and execute her own daughter's murder just upthread. and was very graphic at that.
No. 929102
File: 1709073008095.jpg (236.62 KB, 1280x853, ea80ef_1985db6dd1ba4eeeb8114d8…)

i think she got her gums lasered because her two top teeth look bigger.
No. 929124
File: 1709084669149.jpeg (219.76 KB, 1179x543, IMG_2144.jpeg)

No. 929136
File: 1709095794054.jpeg (839.83 KB, 1179x1529, IMG_2147.jpeg)

No. 929137
File: 1709099091235.png (125.84 KB, 573x516, 1643428866327.png)

>>929136that acct is a parody, 0fficialLilleeJ & does not have a check. hers is OfficialLilleeJ w check. looks like parody has been changing their name to be hers. kek.
No. 929151
File: 1709136681647.jpeg (698.59 KB, 1179x1537, IMG_2151.jpeg)

Thank you Lillee. I never knew that women had brains.
No. 929155
>>929151Lillee is so fake performative. She acts like she's ever truly been through hardship just because she's a woman, when she's never even entered the workforce. Putting aside that she doesn't speak to anyone but her parents and washed up celebrities looking for Instafame, when has she really
ever been disrespected because she's a woman?
No. 929157
>>929151You say that Lillee, but it's you and your mother that have me doubting if truly
every woman out there has a brain.
No. 929159
>>929099> """"""filmmaker"""""">can't use a damn green screenShe has screen for EVERY colour. How hard is it to take the green ffs?
I'm always baffled at how inexistant her creativity and common sense is.
No. 929160
>>929105Wait, didn't she had a phase when she pretended to be a gamer while playing a very old barbie game on tv?
>>929124Is elaine calling LJ >queen_shit?
No. 929163
File: 1709155784483.jpeg (788.72 KB, 1045x3164, plgct.jpeg)

I keep asking myself: do they really believe this or is it all just for show?
No. 929165
File: 1709157404636.jpg (505.39 KB, 1152x2048, 409089955_18303971092145476_10…)

Why does she always drink tea using a spoon? Is she retarded?
No. 929166
File: 1709157725022.jpeg (537.61 KB, 1172x1465, ea80ef_c2246bcb0350432c9de3b2f…)

No. 929167
>>929160>Is elaine calling LJ >queen_shit?Nonnas suspect Elaine made the fake account, so Elaine is trying to prove them wrong with this act.
Defending other women and larping a radfem seem to be her latest gayop. I don't know if you have noticed, but there is a cow in this thread forcing a cow crossover.
>>928749>If any of these people they’ve doxxed in the last few months gets swatted, it’s over for Laur & Lillee.Or is it over for Elaine? She has been bragging about swatting her enemies with Sektor.
As far as I know Laur has only called wellness checks for twitter/reddit callouts which of course counts as harassment but isn't the same thing as swatting.
(That's right, goblins. You have been swatted zero times.)
The person who provided swatting-as-a-service was arrested. Torswats (17 years old) will most likely piss his pants, take the snitch deal, and surrender his whole customer database to feds. I will laugh my ass of when certain cows get exposed and face legal consequences for their stupid games. I will shit microplastics if Laur's or Lillee's name are on Torswats' customer list.
What do nonnas think? Could Laur really have it in her to actually swat someone?
No. 929172
>>929165Small children drink hot beverages like this because
-they lack the patience to wait a few fucking minutes until it's cool enough to sip directly from the cup
-their awkward baby hands don't have enough coordination to hold it steady by the handle without wobbling and spilling
-they think it makes them look dainty and fancy
This "shoot" is toddler play-pretend tea party, which tracks with Lillee's stunted development.
>>929163Laur is gonna doxx the wrong rando one day, bumble her way into causing real world harm (to someone other than herself and Lillee, for once) and land herself back in a court room
No. 929177
File: 1709166544894.jpeg (947.13 KB, 959x3450, plgct.jpeg)

Laur is losing her mind on fb
No. 929181
File: 1709167408738.png (296.58 KB, 1271x400, 194233.png)

>>929163Since the start of this, I could never tell if she actually believes it's all one person, or has sicced it on the one person she thinks she successfully doxxed. I really feel it's because she can't handle the concept of multiple people calling her out, so she shields it in her brain by claiming it's "only one person". I mean in their own words they claim that it's "overwhelming how one person could create this many fake accounts". Yeah, Laur and Lillee, that's because it isn't one person and there's multiple people involved. Shocker, your precious Lillee Jean is not loved by the masses.
No. 929184
File: 1709170731380.png (256.02 KB, 1304x1036, Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 8.38.…)

Lillee parody account is getting hilarious DMCA strikes.
No. 929187
File: 1709172543443.jpeg (243.92 KB, 1179x538, IMG_2166.jpeg)

There’s a fake Laur account now too
No. 929209
>>929188She married at 16 but got LJ at 32.
My first tinfoil was jail but hospitalization is ok too.
No. 929218
>>929217Lol it's their main identity. It's their best
victim card. Without it, they can't cry that they're also oppressed and need assistance and whatever else comes with claiming tragic history.
No. 929227
File: 1709246154368.png (962.38 KB, 968x1982, Get fucked fake.png)

>>929187Fake Laur got suspended already and I hope Fake Lillee gets banned asap. These are the mildest posts by the fake account.
They posted a picture of someone's naked ass, and the pussy piercing mentioned in fake Laur's post. (Not safe for life!!! Seriously, you don't want to see it!!!)
Whoever made these fake accounts is seriously brainrotten. I would assume it's a deranged coomer, but the farms have taught me that women too can be absolute pieces of shit and rotten to the core.
No. 929254
File: 1709261544412.mp4 (2.85 MB, 886x484, lj.mp4)

Lillee Jean parody account posted this video. wtf
No. 929266
>>929254The trueman removed this video one year ago, it's not online anymore.
Funny the parody account could get a video available only from the ones who made it.
On a side note, those glasses look so much better on her than the grandma's one
>>929166 No. 929279
File: 1709330147747.png (6.09 MB, 1179x3985, plgct.png)

No. 929294
File: 1709345757658.jpeg (477.63 KB, 1179x1243, IMG_2184.jpeg)

No. 929307
File: 1709349030375.png (1.24 MB, 777x2077, plgct.png)

>>929287Elaine is also involved with a group of people who are recognized by the fucking FBI as a violent group which blackmails minors into producing CSAM.
Laur really knows how to pick her friends.
No. 929313
File: 1709359429482.jpeg (595.88 KB, 1114x1801, 8FCB2671-11AD-4256-8D35-67A1A1…)

Seems legit?
No. 929322
Agree with
>>929318 and
>>929283 except for:
>She looks 10 years old in these She always gives homeless crazy old lady vibes: that horrid huge lila beanie, not matching with the red/black flanel whatever poorly
made top that is, grandma glasses, weird nails, cheap jewelry for kids, no makeup, no hairstyle etc.
She looks past 50 in here.
I know it must be somewhat complicated to dress with her body, but there's tons of video to learn how to dress amazingly even with short chunky body.
There's surely plenty of nice clothing opportunities in NYC, better than walmart or whaterver second hand clearance she or laur get her clothes to.
That outfit and look are just tragic and she looks she already lives on the streets.
No. 929329
File: 1709398306563.png (5.03 MB, 1039x5358, plgct.png)

No. 929333
File: 1709403141066.jpeg (521.82 KB, 1179x1571, IMG_2199.jpeg)

Laur is starting to get concerned about Elaine’s orbiters kek
No. 929334
File: 1709403189358.jpeg (164.71 KB, 1179x464, IMG_2198.jpeg)

And for a good reason
No. 929335
File: 1709408731435.jpeg (269.91 KB, 1170x2008, IMG_2202.jpeg)

No. 929346
File: 1709430775035.jpg (2.14 MB, 2400x3000, ea80ef_57a8273fad9f417c8685eb8…)

>>929279this outing warranted a whole ass post on her website:
>Gen Z Actress Lillee Jean Eats Local in NYC Wearing Oversized Hoodie
>Lillee Jean, a rising Gen Z actress, was spotted in NYC wearing an oversized red hoodie, a purple beanie, and Coach pink clear glasses. Despite not wearing any makeup, she looked effortless. She captioned her photo "…Cheat day, also on March 1st!" to share with fans excited for her new film! No. 929352
File: 1709440842536.png (238.04 KB, 1184x1154, Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 11.42…)

There's a new Laur parody account.
No. 929365
>>929329Philtrum so smooth I thought I was looking at Bam Margera's kid.
>>929348They can't read many tabloid rags because paparazzi are almost twice as likely to call her a sloppy bitch as your average farmer.
No. 929370
File: 1709477208696.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1179x2021, IMG_2205.jpeg)

Laur reposted this in her stories
No. 929373
>>929370That would definitively imply Laur is depressed and cheated on, because she's not getting any money.
Speaking of which, last time LJ and Laur were going outside was to avoid getting served with lawsuits.
No. 929374
File: 1709483043695.jpeg (837.23 KB, 1125x1800, 9B312C5D-6316-4FB0-BD43-AFC3C2…)

>>929370Trinidad Boi must just be a new pod member and they are required to share posts? This guy has many unpopular/unethical opinions.
No. 929375
File: 1709483543174.jpeg (718.64 KB, 1125x1799, 33D2F6C6-0B23-46A9-BDC9-BA61E8…)

>>929374Lilz gets behind his lyrics because she knows the thug lyfe.
No. 929377
File: 1709484983069.png (19.44 MB, 1894x7462, plgct.png)

Lillee filmed a scene with this poor man
No. 929378
File: 1709485161856.png (3.85 MB, 2290x1256, Screenshot 2024-03-03 at 12.01…)

No. 929381
File: 1709494726035.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1179x2007, IMG_2220.jpeg)

No. 929384
File: 1709500238988.png (418.86 KB, 1655x1080, Trapper.png)

>>929379Nonnie, you haven't been paying attention. That is the alien character.
No. 929391
>>929346>"Spotted"I really can't believe she's falling back into verbiage of her being around paparazzi just because she's filming something for a film festival of high school quality. She truly has no shame.
>"Cheat Day"Trying to act like she doesn't eat like garbage practically every day.
No. 929392
File: 1709507111204.png (36.78 KB, 491x260, 180633.png)

>>929388Apparently this is actually a correct alternative spelling, but I don't understand her aversion to just spelling it raggaeton.
No. 929432
File: 1709670320989.mp4 (7.98 MB, 884x484, RPReplay_Final1709670247.mp4)

Lillee’s got a new acting reel
No. 929438
>>929435That’s my bad. Screen recording puts audio out of sync sometimes.
You can see the full video on her IMDb.
No. 929441
File: 1709680849993.jpeg (224.56 KB, 1080x1920, Lilz.jpeg)

I hope this will be as good as the Daily Wyvern interview.
No. 929454
File: 1709687876044.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1179x1930, IMG_2248.jpeg)

No. 929455
File: 1709687973910.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1179x1971, IMG_2249.jpeg)

No. 929460
File: 1709694708889.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1179x2009, IMG_2252.jpeg)

No. 929461
File: 1709694754700.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1179x1998, IMG_2253.jpeg)

No. 929462
File: 1709694809596.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1179x2006, IMG_2254.jpeg)

No. 929492
>>929455Christ she orders plates large enough for four people to share and polishing it off - and always seems to be eating alone when the paparazzi spots her.
She’s probably avoiding the process server for a lady in Maine.
No. 929503
File: 1709774797923.jpeg (547.03 KB, 1179x632, IMG_4256.jpeg)

>>929502I thought I was watching something edited by farmers. This is amazing in so many ways, and not a single one is intentional on their part. My personal favorite was her screeching in her glamour alien accent, with the glow effect on her arm to make it look like she was using a secret power, when it was prob laur ducking and cramming herself out of shot to open the door
No. 929507
File: 1709775376444.jpg (21.81 KB, 260x238, Screenshot_20240307_013809_Sam…)

Who is this ??? Why??
No. 929531
File: 1709822496254.png (2.87 MB, 2520x1270, Screenshot 094211.png)

>>929502I genuinely can't tell if the square of his face on the mirror was intentional or not. Initially, I assumed it was just shit editing, but taking into consideration the rest of the video, I wonder if it's actually supposed to be there lmfao
No. 929583
>>929549I think Laur and Lillee are both dumb as shit, but considering pony is such an easy to spell word,
and that they're spelling it "Ponny" everywhere, I'm inclined to think it may be intentional to seem "cute and quirky" or something.
No. 929687
File: 1710182078655.jpeg (560.5 KB, 1179x633, IMG_2321.jpeg)

Lillee was on her phone for like half the talk show. It was very noticeable and rude.
Also she has got to get better backgrounds.
No. 929700
>>929687Starts off introducing herself as an actress and filmmaker, promos The Trapper Trap, "It's a comedy, an alien comedy though." People are very welcoming to her, someone asks when it's coming out. [These are highlighted cut clips, almost entirely Lillee talking]
"So, we're hoping to finish up shooting in April, aand, probably by like, May? have the final. I am, I'm really proud because everybody worked on it, it's just amazing, it's friends, it's, it's just one of those types of projects where it's not like new people, it's like, people you just love and you've been DYING to work with forever but you've never had the chance, so, I just, it's like, one of those good spots right now." People again are supportive, one chiming in, "Ahh,, that's nice", and the host saying "Awesome, I can't wait to see it." LIllee's demeanor is far more grounded and normal than her previous eras. She comes off as fairly normal, really, as if she's playing the role of a respected actor who's well versed in the industry.
Claims to love every single Star Wars movie,
Lillee: "It doesn't even matter. Every single movie. Like, Kylo Ren? I don't care, I love him. I-I-I just love those sort of whimsical things [someone laughs at this in delight], I never read the reviews, because when you read the reviews, it like, sours what I know I probably would've enjoyed. So when you talk about like campaigning and stuff, it's SO FRUSTRATING. I agree with the girls, because it's like, there are so many artistic things that I feel like, you'll never get to see, you'll never get to expand your mind with, because money is like, just like, [makes a barely audible "pop" noise and shows top hand collapsing down to her bottom hand, as if pressing down a stack of something into her hand or smooshing a bug] 'there you go. goodbye!' And it's honestly very frustrating. I'm a realist, I understand that, like, there's always gonna be people with money and people without, and there's always gonna be people who try to, y'know, get to the top by paying for it, and, it sucks! I mean the reality of that is, it just sucks. You have to work 10x harder, you have to stump for yourself, and even if you do that, it doesn't mean you're gonna win, it doesn't mean you're gonna get gold, you just have to, y'know, as a film maker, realize that - I just have to do the best for me. Because otherwise, you're just gonna get so jaded, very quickly."
Host: "I'm curious, y'know, I've talked to people, many many years about this, I have my own thoughts on it. I'm just curious what your guyses thoughts are on women - not in the military so to speak, but in combat zones in itself. What do you guys think about that? Let's start off with LIllee this time."
Lillee: "I think women can do anything a guy can do. That's - I'm just gonna start there. Women can do anything, they could shoot a gun, they could strangle a man, they could use their thighs and crack somebody's neck. They could put cyanide, they, they could do anything. So I think that, uhm, any man deciding how a woman should be in a battlefield? [laughs] I feel very divided. Granted, I've never been on a battlefield. So, I can't speak to that either."
"…But, it sounds like a lot of a, "you" issue, not you, Corey, I mean, MEN, that they feel that they have to be the protector, and the savior, and my whole life has never been a man, even my dad, saving me! I've seen my MOM, busting her ass off, protecting me in precarious situations. I've never seen a man do that, for me, so. So for me, my experience shows me something - different. That doesn't mean you're wrong, that doesn't mean I'm right either, btw." Video ends.
No. 929731
>>929728>>929729Lillee being the ultimate women's rights advocate - "We can kill men as well as men can kill women! Except sexier, cuz we can do it with our thighs."
Pheepy never saved Lillee. The smell of her hormones weren't enough. No man can compare to her mom.
Serious concerns about LJ being stunted (obviously) and having Stockholm Syndrome, though. Not even her dad has "saved" her. What kind of dynamic is that?
No. 929737
>>929727I wonder if the hosts got the debate questions beforehand.
Lillee, if you’re reading this (and I know you are), run your responses through Chat GPT and crack open a thesaurus for these sorts of events. Going off script is difficult and it’s best to have some notes so you feel more confident in these situations and don’t look like a fool. Prep is key in most things in life.
No. 929741
>>929727Stop trying to bait and derail.
Her response was an over exaggeration of what is possible.
No. 929772
File: 1710371515817.jpeg (479.33 KB, 1170x2373, IMG_3544.jpeg)

I think lilly has been targeted by the G.N.A.A. And their goatse subdivision. My contacts gave me the scoop. They have a wikipedia page and it would be interesting to see in the bullyish netflix doc. It’s owned by queer pocs it seems.(tinfoiling)
No. 929810
File: 1710445701961.png (3.25 MB, 1280x1920, ea80ef_52d2d5e50dc64552907a7ab…)

It's time to buy jeans that fit a little better.
No. 929865
File: 1710553359327.jpeg (741.79 KB, 1125x1938, B4AE4CCF-578F-429E-BC0C-EF6EE0…)

>>929858A good pair of current jeans makes the legs look longer and draws the eye away from thick thighs. She’d look good in a pair that went almost to the floor when in heels.
No. 929866
File: 1710558263733.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1112x1818, 7D9AD9E2-7809-4F8A-84D8-69D00C…)

>>929741Not Elaine virtue signaling about children using Discord but defending the mother who posted endless sexual pics of her <16 year old?
No. 930749
File: 1711781405868.jpg (301.05 KB, 1152x2048, TrapperTrapTrailerScreened.jpg)

LJ is winning awards. Winner for Best Trailer Stingray International Film Festival. "Screened in Paris for The Trapper Trap trailer!"
No. 930750
File: 1711781744777.jpg (326.2 KB, 877x1564, TrapperTrapLaurels.jpg)

Official Selection laurels for The Trapper Trap from FilmNest International Film Festival and Stingray International Film Festival (SIFF).
No. 930751
File: 1711781906439.jpg (278.69 KB, 888x1590, MissRoxieLaurels.jpg)

Official Selection Laurel for the classic Miss Roxie from FilmNest International Film Festival.
No. 930752
File: 1711781992513.jpg (381.52 KB, 1152x2048, ljNEWheadshot.jpg)

New headshot style photo
No. 930753
File: 1711782055389.jpg (370.85 KB, 1152x2048, LJgoofing.jpg)

Lillee just being a goof!
No. 930754
File: 1711782204589.jpg (306.6 KB, 1204x1594, StingraySubmitted.jpg)

So they've started submitting her "films" via FilmFreeway.
No. 930755
File: 1711782345428.jpg (275.86 KB, 1196x1598, StingrayWon.jpg)

3 days later, they've won with Stingray International Film Festival - a name that easily looks exactly like the acronyms for a more well known international film festival.
No. 930760
File: 1711800473463.jpg (354.56 KB, 1080x1838, Screenshot_20240330_120615_Red…)

Stingray is a pay for plaudits site.
No. 930770
File: 1711812556064.jpg (85.39 KB, 816x816, fakefilmfests.jpg)

>>930760Not even a good fake.
No. 930771
File: 1711813228121.png (63.48 KB, 812x475, LOLCOW International Film Fest…)

>>930760I would like to present an award for unrivaled stupidity.
No. 930772
File: 1711813810863.png (75.72 KB, 812x625, Laur's Intl Film Fest - Offici…)

>>930771The accolades are pouring in!!!!
No. 931273
File: 1712904192505.png (1.57 MB, 2560x1440, GKxEPYyXMAACIlj.png)

How many fake awards will she slap on her crappy "film"..
No. 931553
>>931545 She does have Jewish heritage, but has lied about her ancestors being Holocaust
victims and also doesn’t celebrate any Jewish holidays or engage in Jewish culture at all. She only claims this heritage to dismiss people who dislike her for her racism/scamming as antisemitic. In actuality, nobody even knew she was Jewish before because she would keep waffling about how she had “Ukrainian and French roots” and would be perfect to play Yelena Belova lmao
No. 931581
File: 1713711494115.jpg (48.05 KB, 383x582, fatso.jpg)

>>931553For sure there's no basketball in her blood.
No. 931582
File: 1713713559780.jpg (32.66 KB, 461x545, violet.jpg)

>>931581Youre turning violet Violet!
No. 931626
File: 1713817875943.mp4 (8.7 MB, 1914x1080, winner.mp4)

>>931273The awards are totally real. Look how happy she is.
No. 931627
File: 1713818372505.jpeg (40.16 KB, 723x408, Winner2.jpeg)

>>931626"31 March 2024
This is my week so far! I am so overwhelmed with amazing emotion. winning these awards, including Best Women’s Film, is incredible!! Thank you guys for the support and loveee!! The Trapper Trap film will wrap up in April! We will be considered for best comedy film and female director! #lilleejean #nycfilmmaker #nycactress @filmnest_iff @edgardorubio Francisco Cepeda @aaronzuckerceo @alwayslooking4talent @stingray_iff"
No. 931629
File: 1713820003854.png (1.16 MB, 1735x1074, Before bd.png)

13 April 2024
This is my week and I love this week! Why? My birthday is the 18th! Check! The cast and I of The Trapper Trap won more awards and honors! Check! I performed a Macbeth scene in a short film with Carlos Miguel Bernardo González! Check! It’s a good time #lilleejean #nycactress #macbethscene #newyorkcitylife #actressgallery for film updates to movies I am in or submitting as a director
Late, but Lillee just had her birthday. How old is she now?
No. 931630
File: 1713820193053.png (2.08 MB, 1069x1295, After bd.png)

>>93162920 April 2024
The birthday mood for me! Thank you everyone for such gorgeous and beautiful wishes yesterday!!! You guys are theeeeee best. I look at you the way I adore my food!So no post on the actual birthday? Her bd meal looks depressing.
No. 931631
File: 1713820446749.mp4 (3.8 MB, 1080x1350, OWI4.mp4)

>>931629Macbeth with Carlos Miguel Bernardo González
No. 931646
>>931626>The rest of the cast, we just don't, >I don't think anyone has any words, they're like "omg">there's this back and forth you know like "When I did this scene with you" and it's like this incredible energy surgeI wonder if she has interacted with the others in the video other than filming in person. Or if she'll ever see them again in real life at all.
>>931630She rarely goes out to eat other than cheap restaurants and it shows. People don't eat quesadillas with a knife and fork and you certainly don't need two knives. The placement of the napkin under the plate is weird. I wouldn't be surprised if she thought it was a placemat to make the setting look more colorful like a Disney movie. We know they can't afford a restaurant with entrees over $25 and she doesn't have any family or other friends and doesn't have any weddings, ceremony dinners, or celebrations to know the napkin goes on your lap.s
No. 931652
File: 1713838623221.jpg (94.91 KB, 1080x1382, 20240422_215024.jpg)

>>931626 Look at that strained smile. She is babbling sentence fragments while bugging her eyes open as usual and there's absolutely no emotion behind it; she can't even summon up a crumb of sincere enthusiasm. Clearly she's fully aware that the awards aren't worth the Staples stock participation
certificates they're printed on. Laur spent 35 to 60 bucks a pop to enter this home school drama club production to as many fake festivals in as many asinine categories as they could afford instead of paying the rent.
I tried searching the stingray film festival for any mention of who is on their juries judging these films and there's not a single word about who is selecting or voting for the nominees and winners mentioned anywhere on the site. I guarantee that the only people who have ever watched Lillee's trailer were (some of) the cast and us nonas. I would have at least a little bit of sympathy for her if it was obvious that it was making her happy to live in this world of empty accolades and delusion, but you can see on her face that she's just as miserable and bitter being a fake actress/writer/director as she was when she was being a fake beauty guru, a party city cosplayer, and an attic activist. What is it all for, Lils? You don't actually want to be famous, you don't even really want anyone to look at your shitty content.
No. 931866
>>931821>>931857I usually can't stomach her acting but I played this a few times. I'm thinking of the level of self-awareness her and her mother have in knowing she has a disability. She makes a shot then looks back at mommy with a smile like a toddler. Even having some woman in high heels who has never played in her life wouldn't look like this. She doesn't grip the ball, but slaps it and coordinates her hands while squatting. She made a few shots so she's obviously played before. This is probably the most mentally disabled she's ever looked. Is she trying to pretend she's Lola from Space Jam?
>>931773I used to walk on my tip toes all the time as a young child. It's an idiosyncratic habit you grow out of. She's very mentally stunted and her mom should have put her in special needs schools. That's not an insult. She could be probably be normal, living a healthy life.
>>931630I think her hair looks super nice. Someone said it might clash with her skin tone, but I think that's what makes it look cool and fashionable. The blonde strips that frame her face are beautiful and the cut is perfect for her shape. Laur, whoever cut her hair, keep going to her. It's the one thing that's working for your daughter.
No. 931926
>>931581When this still was posted I genuinely thought someone had found some image of a child playing with a ball that sort of passed for Lielee from the side.
>>931767I had no idea this really was her and from a whole video no less! This is hugely entertaining for its hilarity, patheticness for is complete lack of irony, and sublime cringe. It's comedy gold. But there's another layer to this. It's one thing if she put the video on her website to show that she does leave the house sometimes and get some exercise. But this is supposed to be her demo reel showcasing her athleticism! Like, for casting directors to see! This is something that she thinks will get her acting jobs!
This has got to be a late April fool joke right? Right?
No. 931943
>>931926Occam's razor, her GOAL IS to humiliate LJ online so LJ will believe the enemy is outside the home when it's inside.
Mother loves lolcow the most, because after she posts things to humiliate LJ, or she pretends to be a nazi or a murderer, she can show LJ the posts here to prove how scary people are.
It's what happens to cult members.
No. 932347
File: 1714732584813.jpeg (25.87 KB, 183x275, FD1E07BD-4AB6-43C1-89A7-EA4C4F…)

>>931975Does Laur post every photo she takes no matter how shitty?
No. 932410
File: 1714820148699.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1179x1675, IMG_4644.jpeg)

>>932347Jisus christ the size of her. Hilariously, her facebook caption says ‘tiny actress’. She’s really gained a lot of weight
No. 932430
File: 1714851403814.jpg (40.32 KB, 302x717, FBComments.jpg)

>>932417Only the boomer Laur is would buy comments on fb ffs, and after all the shit she's been given for fake engagement, she's learned nothing.
No. 932432
File: 1714852152328.jpg (85.94 KB, 417x593, shorts.jpg)

>>932410And I see clothes from the 1980s, Laur dresses her more outdated every day. She looks like a kid on a field trip from special needs school.
No. 932546
File: 1714964875488.png (86.12 KB, 271x528, image_2024-05-05_200709215.png)

>>928152her fatass looks like the nanny from southpark
No. 932670
>>931626Now that she paid for those fake awards, she doesn't need to put any more work to her "film".
It will remain a few minutes trailer, instead of a 20 minutes short film it could have been.
Just like the Bullyish project.
It's a pity tho, I genuinely think it had viral potential (playing the parody card ofc).
>>930771Looks way more legit than the other awards she paid for.
No. 932677
File: 1715108340442.gif (860.11 KB, 500x295, 1000002881.gif)

No. 932823
File: 1715248449974.gif (1.46 MB, 301x250, watchfranziafreakout.gif)

>>932816Well nothing new: they harassed another influencer name Cleore who posted about LJ and her "acting skills".
24 hours later, Cleore's video and tweets were taken down.
Laur & LJ then sent her insane threatening emails: saying they called the FBI, accusing her to be part of neo-nazi websites and sperging about war and terrorism.
They are also accusing Curtis to be a terrorism and pedo.
LJ said that since Cleore is from Belgium, she's lives near to Germany and LJ feels threatened by that.
LJ is also pretending she had to leave her house because of antisemitics threats.
All right Laur, just come here again yelling at everybody.
No. 932830
>>932829Cleore explained in french in her video. I was translating for non-french-annons.
Laur is also doxxing Curtis on her Fb.
No. 932851
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No. 932852
File: 1715279779237.jpg (601.72 KB, 1080x1899, Screenshot_20240509_193119_Fac…)

Laur posting his families socials and business. And basically calling for an harassment campaign. Hopefully people won't take up her bs as they might find them selves in the shit because of this clowns temper tantrum.
No. 932856
>>932851>>932852Really Laur? Again pretending to be shocked that the complaints against you come from people who work in fields like human services health care, and education? People with beautiful homes, successful lives, and friends in abundance?
Still don't get what the problem is? Really?
No. 932895
>>932851>my daughter now lives in a hostile environmentholy shit, laur. your daughter lives in a hostile environment because of YOU. you’re constantly on the verge of homelessness which is the ultimate hostile environment
because of YOU. you have utterly failed as a mother and a human being. I guess if I were you, I’d be drinking myself to death too.
Lillee is corny and weird but I wish she’d just go find a job at a makeup counter or something, ditch her psycho mom, and try to have a normal, stable life. that’s seriously her best shot.
No. 932915
>>932914“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
― Isaac Asimov
No. 933000
File: 1715451083569.jpg (195.75 KB, 885x1156, IMG_6979.JPG)

>>932914I'm Jewish and can honestly say - this is some bullshit. She's only "Jewish" when someone catches her out in her lies.
No. 933001
File: 1715452252225.jpg (78.49 KB, 500x649, 8pqnp3.jpg)

>>933000>"I pray for souls. But only those worthy."So she saying that she, Laur Trueman, is the arbiter of worthy souls, put on this earth? Only her and God, eh? I guess she really IS a big deal.
Also never learned about praying to Saint Jude in my synagogue - guess my rabbi isn't a very good Catholic.
No. 933010
>>933000AYRT, I'm Jewish too (well, ethnically but no longer religiously). I know she's bullshitting, I just find it odd that for someone trying to play the role of a young woman dialled into the happenings in the world, she's completely unaware of the prejudice "her people" face in Ukraine. You'd think she'd play the "omg guys I'm literally hated in my homeland too!" card.
>God does not love uglyOk, Laur, lemme get this straight… God lets his only son die for all our sins, but he draws the line at ugly? Put down the franzia and pick up the bible, babes.
No. 933143
File: 1715647369532.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1290x1854, IMG_5180.jpeg)

They’re claiming Lillee did a commercial for an Israeli makeup brand
No. 933151
>>933143IIRC she's "worked" (probably just submitted shots for freebies) with this brand before, I think it's really small scale and irrelevant. Other nonas might know more about it.
>>933147They should deploy her in Palestine. Hamas won't stand a chance with those porky thighs breaking their necks. Imagine the last sensation you experience being her sweet menstrual smell. Bleak.
No. 933154
>>933153>>933153Looks like we've stumbled on another fake - if you google Adah, you find NO mention or photo of Lillee anywhere. If you google Lillee Adah, you find ONLY websites owned by Lillee, and of course on her IMDB.
You'd think the real Adah would have a problem with this..
No. 933169
>>933154Hoooo boy theres an Adah Lazagan IMDB page that was clearly made by Laur. She is impersonating the owner of a cosmetics co.
This fraud is as bad as the met gala. Seriously what is wrong with her!?
No. 933173
File: 1715715545469.jpg (98.3 KB, 1031x887, adah.jpg)

>>933169Adah Lazorgan's IMDB shows her working for Lillee Jean as a producer and makeup artist. Nonnies, she's high-key impersonating someone successful and then pretending they work together as peers.
No. 933175
File: 1715717127478.jpg (60.92 KB, 928x555, Screenshot 2024-05-14 130419.j…)

>>933173>>933169she also made this one
No. 933178
>>933175Jesus why not just make IMDBs for Martin Scorsese or Steven Spielberg, Laur?
Oh wait, do you suppose she thought that Adah and Guy Lazagan are too old and live too far away being in Israel, so she could use them - scam them? That seems anti-semitic.
No. 933179
>>933175She really couldn't think of a better name? Fucking
Guy? KEK. God, I love these heifers.
No. 933182
File: 1715721647607.jpg (175.61 KB, 1112x879, adahlazorgan.jpg)

>>933178Definitely, I think that's exactly what she thought.
>>933179Guy is Adah's son, he's listed on their website as brand manager
No. 933186
File: 1715722010322.jpg (62.11 KB, 1042x242, syndey.jpg)

>>933182So on Adah's page it mentions Cyndi Lauper but on Laur's copy/paste of it she somehow changed it to Syndey Lauper. How does one manage to misspell a famous name even when they copy/paste?
No. 933191
File: 1715724251491.jpeg (139.08 KB, 1280x1920, IMG_5191.jpeg)

kek wtf is this pose
No. 933257
>>933189>Isn't what Laur's doing highly illegal? This is Adah's livelihood she's messing with here.She probably thought Adah wouldn't find out and it's a way to pad Lillee's resume of lies. Obviously Adah's real website only has real models, beautiful women - having this pudge posting amateur YouTubes is 3
valid copyright claims, if Adah's legal team wants to file.
A new audience is annoyed now - they screwed up messing with Cleore.
>>933189 No. 933262
>>933258she looks like she’s simultaneously smelling shit and watching a fly buzz around (when she’s not looking down at the lyrics). it’s also clear she’s never actually heard some of these songs. i’m now convinced she’s drinking with laur. the fact that these two are sitting around filming, editing and posting this stupid, pointless shit instead of GETTING A JOB, especially knowing their financial situation, is so fucking sad and funny to me.
unrelated but pretending they’re environmentalists is about as fake as their jew larp. imagine thinking plastic straws are the problem when you still eat meat kek.
No. 933341
>>933258kek i thought this entire thing was bloopers until it got to the actual bloopers.
also, call me a prude, but i don't understand why she has to swear so much at her camera all the time. not only is it awkward to be doing that with your own mom filming, but also it's just so jarring coming from a bland white woman unironically looking up to disney princesses.
No. 933345
>>933341she thinks cussing is adult, thus she’s being an adult. she hasn’t really learned any other ways of being a mature, functional person, because no one has taught her. laur has obviously set a less-than-stellar example, and it’s literally the
only example lillee had.
No. 933386
File: 1715880753670.jpg (72.01 KB, 988x323, adah.jpg)

>>933186HAHAHA Laur has been here - she went on the Adah Lazorgan IMDB page and fixed the spellings of Cyndi Lauper and Calvin Klein's names yesterday.
Way to give yourself away Laur!
No. 933436
File: 1715886952808.jpg (995.86 KB, 1080x2197, StopdaydrinkingLaur.jpg)

For posterity…
No. 933475
>>933470as if laur is actually
raising her daughter kek
No. 933490
File: 1715892188793.webp (117.79 KB, 800x719, belgium.webp)

>>933489It's not very difficult, it was covered in 3rd grade.
No. 933508
File: 1715908665999.png (615.35 KB, 1280x720, thaqueen.png)

>>933258truly the gift that keeps on giving
No. 933541
File: 1715962422174.jpg (542.12 KB, 1079x1431, Screenshot_20240517-171211.jpg)

Primink's coming out of hibernation to do a Lillee Jean update
No. 933546
>>933541It's out.
Apparently they doxxed Primink and accused him of being a pedophile. He's hoping this video will force YouTube to shut them down, which would be wild.
No. 933575
>>933560If you take away the cringy fake sincere testimonies of these 2 guys, Laur's terrible camera work, everything you know about Lillee's foul personality, and simply take her performance in the trailer, I gotta give her props for putting herself out there. She's actually kind of funny, and she's not trying to be a Disney princess or British. She's taking risks and allowing herself to look zany and mad and in a way subversively pushing against society's expectations.
I'm not saying Lillee should stop trying to hone her dramatic skills all together but if she leans more into her comedic and creative side of her performance, she might get somewhere. Not far at this point, but she could get there slowly despite what Laur thinks. And it might be more fulfilling for her. Does anyone actually think Lillee is happy doing things Laur's way? Maybe she should try her own way, which we all know she's way too scared to do but maybe this is a small step in the right direction.
Doing things Laur's way is what's kept Lillee from being a productive member of society, making her own way and earning her own money. Now that she's had a chance to develop an original character slightly further than her previous lazy cliches, and it's actually better than anything she's done before, this might show her how much Laur is holding her back. Like a previous anon said, posting the cringe basketball and singing "reels" is Laur's way of gaslighting Lillee into thinking her efforts are all for this stardom that's never going to happen and only feed Laur's insatiable need to keep her daughter from growing up and leaving her.
No. 933592
>>933546Wow. This is really bad for them. If you scroll through the comments there’s multiple people saying “I’m a small channel/I commented on Twitter and they did the same thing to me”. I’m assuming Primink saying there’s going to be a part 3 and asking other
victims to contact him, he’s planning on putting all these stories together in one place. I can think of at least 10 content creators they’ve doxed and they had a list of 20 random Twitter users on their website at one point (looks like they tried to delete everything but archives are still available). The only way Lillee doesn’t get run off the internet is by blaming this all on Laur and pulling a Venus.
No. 933599
>>933592Even though I believe Lillee is to some degree culpable in all of this, I would
love to see her backstab Laur and dish the dirt kek. She could probably swing a small scale channel about recovering and rediscovering life and her true self after being brought up and effectively imprisoned by a psycho mother. I genuinely believe some of the kinder people who watched those "tea" channels would follow her and back her on that endeavour.
No. 933618
File: 1716057718936.jpeg (137.19 KB, 1179x472, IMG_3584.jpeg)

>>933592She even harassed an actual minor for writing about her in a school paper:
No. 933646
>>933592>>933618Good lord, this has escalated so much. Surely someone could take
actual legal action against the Truemans at this point, right?
No. 933647
File: 1716091240720.jpeg (240.4 KB, 1242x1564, IMG_5290.jpeg)

kek the comment on this post
No. 933651
>>933608yeah, she’s never screamed actor to me. not even character actor which many funny looking people get into. she’s just another overweight, dumpy girl with an overbearing psycho mother who thinks that her daughter having lily white skin and long red hair makes her “beautiful”. there are other lillees walking around out there, perhaps in less extreme circumstances, but they definitely exist. there are other wannabe screen kids like her whose parents shelter them, raise them to be little entitled turds, and isolate them from other children, all while manipulating and sabotaging them so that they never fully extricate themselves from their control even well into their 30’s. she’s a really extreme example of this, but if you’re from la or nyc you see variations of girls like this a lot. and even if she does get away from laur, it’s just going to turn into venus angelic 2.0. she’s never been allowed to do anything without laur breathing down her neck, not even go to the local bodega to get some sodas on her own. she never had any other family or siblings to relieve the pressure of laur’s intense focus and control so it’s not like she ever had a chance to just be herself without this woman watching her.
people like lillee never end well. and even if she did try to live a somewhat normal life, the copious history of her mother’s retardation will always haunt her. all it takes is one asshole to look her up or a random person to recognize her on a job and it’s over for her. however realistically she is never going to leave laur. she’s not that bright, attic homeschool or not, and she seems perfectly content to be laur’s little minion, letting her mother fight her battles for her. similarly, i’ve seen anons say that she must crave normal relationships and connections with others her age and i’ve never really gotten that vibe off of her. the only time she’s ever perked up is when she’s getting male attention.
No. 933662
File: 1716125755690.jpg (143.5 KB, 1043x517, Hamsa.jpg)

>>933660It's not exclusively Islamic.
No. 933663
>>933662The hamsa is historically used by both Jews and Muslims in Arab countries as an amulet to ward off evil forces, particularly the “evil eye.”
So yeah, she probably needs those.
No. 933682
File: 1716142196521.jpg (39.27 KB, 292x351, do you.jpg)

She isn't even slowing down.
No. 933683
File: 1716142850314.png (53.47 KB, 998x713, 240519hv0ENNa4Kl.png)

>>933682Was just about to post this, from the youtube drama reddit. she's still at it.
No. 933744
>>933698Interesting how her lolcow page almost died, the drama was dead on youtube, she got the discord group disbanded, and then…. SHE RAISED HELL AGAIN.
It's almost as if she loves us and can't quit us.
No. 933747
File: 1716221785195.png (46.42 KB, 1047x278, wikitubia.png)

>>933746Hahahaha amazing. Says it was deleted by a vote from the moderation staff. Can't wait to see their freakout. Hope other websites follow-suit.
No. 933768
File: 1716239769234.jpg (32.38 KB, 772x243, canada.jpg)

>>933750Why does Lillee talk like a 65 year old waitress at a truckstop
No. 933777
File: 1716248585710.jpeg (62.7 KB, 758x294, IMG_3614.jpeg)

Lillee edited Primink’s wikitubia article to add more pedo allegations. Mods have removed this paragraph but it was up there for some time.
No. 933855
File: 1716367510965.jpg (377.3 KB, 1070x1992, Screenshot_20240522_093736_Sam…)

Looks like their minion ela1ne is trying to take credit
No. 933876
I'm glad to see all of this drumming up again, because a few anons among others were starting to feel bad for her and feel like she was completely under the thumb of Laur, but she's just as unhinged and nasty. She fully knows what she's doing.
>>933857>>933873Primink seems fairly determined to get someone, and doesn't seem like he is slowing down anytime soon. He finally came back after an 8 month hiatus, and pretty much didn't want to, but felt he was forced at this point considering how long it had gone on. I don't see him attempting to reach out and then giving up when he doesn't get anyone. I have a feeling at least one bigger youtuber/commentator/etc. is going to get a hold of this, especially with how many connections people might have.
No. 933906
Shocked they didn’t jump at the chance to talk to a journalist. It would be free PR for Bullyish. Threatening the publication with a lawsuit is an interesting move for a
victim trying to get their story out.
>>933897They think having Elaine take credit for the dox absolves them. They’ll say we didn’t dox him we just found public information online. It makes them look even worse though, they’re disseminating a dox from a self proclaimed swatter.
No. 933921
File: 1716411561437.png (284.55 KB, 715x820, LJ788.png)

>>933876Isn't it delicious how Laur continues to shoot herself in the foot, how does she even have a tendon of her foot left?
No. 933924
>>933921So let's say Laur DMCAs all heropposition for the next 20 years until she dies.
Most of us are much younger than her - so she'll have NO CONTROL over her legacy. She's going to die and be remembered for every nasty libelous post she ever made. The screenshots won't go away. There's literally nothing she can do about that.
No. 933952
>>933933Some people never give up - Lillee is going to be screaming into the Facebook void into her boomer years, I’m sure.
Take that really annoying narc TikTok mom whose kids don’t talk to her. Lillee will keep at it until she finds some audience, somewhere, even if it’s one that hates her.
No. 933953
File: 1716427538620.jpeg (88.9 KB, 1172x1465, IMG_3686.jpeg)

She has the saddest ass for a 23 year old
No. 933955
File: 1716428245679.jpeg (308.37 KB, 1125x1747, BC09E453-B0DC-4C84-BF84-0F06EB…)

>>933952Laur just got found and booted from Priminks Discord. She has had an account for two years. I’m not saying she’s a pedo, I’m just saying she’s been on Discord in the “chill chat” for 2 years s.
No. 933969
>>933933I think she's just gonna keep on switching up niches for as long as possible. We've had a dolls blog, a make-up blog, we've got actor Lillee, director Lillee, talk show host Lillee, CEO boss bitch Lillee, activist Lillee, etc. There's plenty of hobbies left for her to try and make a buck in. Personally I'd love to see a video game streamer arc, she's 100% the type to get angry and say the gamer word a la PewDiePie.
>>933953Ass like a bag of porridge.
No. 933973
>>933969>I'd love to see a video game streamer arcDidn't she already try that?
With a very old ridiculous barbie game made for little kids.
She has no idea what people her age are into.
No. 933978
>>933973I remember her talking about games she allegedly liked and it 100% sounded like she googled "good xbox games" or something, but I certainly don't remember her streaming. If anyone's got the sauce for that I would love to watch it kek.
>>933977She gets mad at the most benign things. Truly a fascinating creature.
No. 933993
>>933977Wasn't it when Diane and all the callouts were on twitter?
She stalked all accounts, and found out one callout was into Animal Crossing.
And then the Truman said it was a cyberbully cult or something kek.
LJ knows nothing about real world and didn't realized it was a super popular game at the time.
No. 934014
File: 1716490766552.jpg (576.25 KB, 1038x1099, What.jpg)

No. 934015
>>934014Her poses are so childlike it's genuinely unnerving. Laur's photography wouldn't look out of place hung on the walls of Jeffrey Epstein's apartment
if LJ was attractive, kek. Bad vibes galore.
No. 934030
>>934026Ngl my first thought was that she got hit, but I think that's my own childhood making me project a lil there. Given her history I feel like a dental issue is the most likely explanation, and with swelling like that she's gonna be in a
lot of pain and need help ASAP.
No. 934058
File: 1716517234913.png (94.15 KB, 764x833, Primink.png)

>>934057Please for the love of fucking hell let something happen to this bitch
No. 934074
File: 1716551667588.jpg (257.6 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20240524_125147_Sam…)

Apparently according to lilleejean and laur. The you tuber from Belgium caused riots on the streets of New York
No. 934075
File: 1716551707234.jpg (378.91 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20240524_125221_Sam…)

No. 934076
>>934075>When I was a teenager, at 19 years old.There they go again trying to toe the fence of adult vs teenager because she knows it looks worse to try and include she was a "minor". She's hoping they just read the teenage part and skip by the fact that she was a full grown adult at 19.
>two people who created 100s of accountsDo we really think she truly believes that the subject of someone's callout video who amassed 10mil views only has 2 haters? I'm stuck between she truly believes it and thinks everyone else loves and adores her or that she actually knows these are all real people.
No. 934085
>>934066Few more things from the videos….
Lillee said she’s being stalked by a corporation with 100s of millions of YouTube views. Said they have police reports going back to 2017 and showed screenshots of online complaint forms filed in retaliation for the Belgian chick & Curtis’ video last week. left Primink’s last name and location after editing out his first name and email in other places. Laur talks about stalking an anonymous Reddit poster during the delusionalartist fight, harassing him across platforms. Says she was shocked to find out they were all scrotes
No. 934099
File: 1716586358972.png (1.56 MB, 1062x3418, IMG_2146.png)

Here we fucking go! Steve Asarch is a real journalist unlike the ones the goblins pay to make Lillee look like a legit actress. And because he writes articles real people read he will take legal action if the goblins don't drop it.
>And that was a first
Congrats Lillee! You will finally become famous!
Also, kek at Elaine sliding in his DMs. Does lil miss Trollcow think her leet haxor larp and pedo accusations are going to work here?
No. 934108
nonnie, it's not about what anons think. This article will be for the "normos".
No. 934125
File: 1716611188864.jpg (706.42 KB, 924x1171, Toilet.jpg)

She looks like someone walked in on her pooping
No. 934127
File: 1716611522591.jpg (659.55 KB, 1280x1920, Army.JPG)

Lillee wore her grandpa’s army fatigues for Memorial Day
No. 934133
File: 1716624082036.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1125x2064, 796B1000-14ED-4CDC-BB82-BD8C92…)

The lighting with no makeup and the sucked in cheeks “I’m not obese trust me” face is doing her no favors whatsoever. I cannot imagine posting this and not dying of embarrassment
No. 934147
looking back at the oldest picture of her
>>928491 it doesn’t look like it’s there but at
>>929166 shows that it has been filled in by the growth
No. 934151
>>934127Her disrespect knows no bounds. She'd wear her ancestor's striped pyjamas they were fried alive in if that story was true.
>>934133This is like a FAS awareness poster. To be fair, if you told expecting mothers their kid would turn out like LJ if they drank during pregnancy I'm pretty sure you'd scare them off booze for life.
No. 934158
File: 1716654724232.jpg (26.33 KB, 262x392, Screenshot 2024-05-25 122349.j…)

>>934151Is this an attempt at Haiku? It's not 5-7-5.
Is it an attempt at English? Shinebright is not a word in this language.
Is it an attempt at looking illiterate and infantile? WELL PLAYED MA'AM.
No. 934159
File: 1716655043678.jpg (4.54 KB, 189x266, eds.jpg)

>>934133Just realized that if you put long hair on Ed Sheeran you get a slightly prettier Lillee.
No. 934161
File: 1716655930905.jpg (812.26 KB, 1080x1520, Screenshot_20240525_175030_Sam…)

Someone has made three of these at least on x. Surely the truemans must be having a stroke about them.
No. 934215
>>934200>>934201idk if it's that thought-out, even the no-makeup look takes makeup. she…hopefully understands that but now i'm not sure.
with her levels of delusion about her appearance, i wouldn't be surprised if this is like an NLOG flex though.
either that or someone told her that actresses generally use natural-looking headshots (instead of ones where she's in 3lb of eyeliner and photoshopped to high hell and back) and this was her interpretation of that advice.
No. 934217
>>934200This makes a lot of sense, they also haven't been getting any new fashion nova or Rent the Runway crap in a while now.
Maybe the sudden aging of her face is due to the stress of losing her precious doll collection? She probably used the dolls as a coping mechanism, my tinfoil is she has Maladaptive Daydreaming and her playing with dolls was her acting out various scenarios of being famous, having a boyfriend etc (which is why she had a doll representing Pheepy that she showed in the Drunk Elephant event video). If the dolls have been sold, she has nothing to help her cope
No. 934230
File: 1716764764694.jpg (624.77 KB, 921x1382, Poor_circulation.jpg)

More from that 40+ photoshoot
No. 934231
File: 1716764841444.jpg (735.45 KB, 913x1485, Feet.jpg)

Lillee, please wash your hair.
No. 934240
>>934234you know as i was looking at the photo i started to think the exact same thing - it's pretty much that pose except for the book. it's probably just their usual retarded thinking again, believing that they're making her look "long and lean", but there's also this small part of me that wonders if there's more going on here. i don't want to jump to ridiculous conclusions but when i first saw this photo, i thought it was kind of odd that lj's butt was dead on in the shot. like that's the first thing you notice is her rear and then the shoes and of course they look like something you wear to go clubbing. then the whole cleavage thing
>>934125. it's probably not that deep anyway but i do wonder.
No. 934256
>>934231This photoshoot seems like it was done under duress. Laur why are you doing this to her???
Curtis Price dropped another banger last night and Laur's in the attic telling Lillee to bend over, strut for the camera, suck your cheeks in…etc.
No. 934260
File: 1716827496652.png (683.38 KB, 1046x728, fetish.png)

Her IMDB movies are finally getting the descriptions they deserve.
No. 934261
>>934258Another newsflash is that every SINGLE DMCA Laur has ever filed on Twitter, Youtube, Vimeo, or Google has been found in full detail on There are thousands and a lot of them gave false addresses, which she signed under penalty of perjury.
Do you feel the walls closing in Laur?
No. 934262
>>934261For nonnas who would love to get the details of their DMCA requests: use throwaway email addresses to get the details emailed to you. There's a limit of how many times you can request something to one address.
No. 934264
File: 1716828566551.jpg (530.3 KB, 1080x1798, Screenshot_20240527-174856.jpg)

>>934261Jesus there's 10000 results when you search her name
No. 934268
File: 1716829047120.png (161.45 KB, 2098x878, JEWISH WOMAN.png)

No. 934271
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No. 934272
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No. 934273
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No. 934279
Lillee Jean Productions in partnership with Rain & Neon Productions will release their first rom-com short film together in 2024.
Multi-award-winning actress Lillee Jean Trueman of 'The Trapper Trap: The Rise of Princess Glamourite' and 'Miss Roxie', will partner with award-winning filmmaker and actor Ken Holmes 'Zoom Shorts' and 'I Love You, Maria' in producing the movie!
“We're super involved in the project, and it's been a blast writing,” Trueman said this Saturday. The project is currently in the early stages of script development from writers Trueman and Holmes, and will “explore stories we haven't seen in a while,” Holmes said.
Writer: Lillee Jean Trueman
Co-Writer: Ken Holmes
Producer(s): Lillee Jean Productions; Rain & Neon Productions; Lillee Jean Trueman; Laura Rene Marks-Trueman (Laur Trueman)
Director: Lillee Jean Trueman
Editor: Lillee Jean Trueman
Costume Design: Lillee Jean Trueman
Editor/Graphics/Media: Lillee Jean Trueman
Set Design Manager: Laur Trueman
KEN HOLMES as Enrique Silver
LILLEE JEAN as Deborah Shine
BYLINE: Two people run into each other on a typical Central Park day, and things turn upside down for Deborah in her perfectly square life. Will love be in her future, or is it another road down memory lane?
File: 1716832242684.png (59.25 KB, 1412x549, Lumen.png)

>>934264If you search 'Lillee Jean' under "Sender Name" and check All Words Required, it seems she has filed DMCA 543 times. 'Lillee Trueman' yields 36 results. 'Laur Trueman' yields zero results, so I believe it's all under either Lillee Jean, Lillee Jean Trueman, Lillee Trueman, or Lillee Jean Beauty Inc.
No. 934285
File: 1716835261046.jpg (114.56 KB, 1000x1333, MV5BOWY1NTVmZmEtN2EzMC00YTI1LT…)

>>934279This is Lillee's costar, it seems like he is an actual actor, albeit not very successful. On his imdb he lists over 150 projects he's been in, mostly as an uncredited extra. He's been an extra on Law and Order a bunch of times.
I wonder how someone with actual film experience feels about working with lj and Laur?
No. 934297
File: 1716846941906.jpeg (136.62 KB, 800x800, 1cjJaB1.jpeg)

>>934285>>934286I was thinking more like the tranny streamer in a mobile home who screamed at his dad while playing chess against a computer
No. 934310
File: 1716852714252.jpg (301.35 KB, 1080x1241, Screenshot_20240528-012408_Chr…)

>>934295I think she said it would be shown at "festivals". The pay to win scam festival they won awards from was an online event a couple days ago.
Except they only submitted the trailer, not the actual movie. So I guess there's no movie. I wonder if they even managed to finish editing it, maybe they stopped caring after receiving their scam awards.
No. 934352
i made that clips account on twitter and laur took my account down with dmca. they uploaded all of the clips to their website kek
Copyright owner:
> CFOEmail:
> faratorme@gmail.comWhere is this infringement happening?
> TwitterDescription of original request:
> provide URL(s) to the infringing material (e.g., Tweet URL, Periscope broadcast URL, Fleet ID, etc.):
> No. 934356
File: 1716902291786.jpg (1.22 MB, 1179x2030, DA.jpg)

Marlon Palacios is a community coordinator for Queens DA.
No. 934368
>>934365Other than that one vile nazi account we ALL hated few yrs ago, has anyone ever said anything antisemitic? Several people on Lillee's lolcow are also Jewish.
I think we reported the fuck out of that account Laur - we wouldn't stand for that shit. Give us that.
No. 934373
>>934295Why would she bother to finish anything? She literally never did.
She not even talking anymore about the 60 yo creepy man doing the project with her.
We've seen the trailer, that's enought for her play pretend.
I agree with
>>932670 No. 934377
>>934356>our brave men in blueWhoa whoa whoa, LJ, what about our brave
women in blue? That's not very hashtag girlboss of you to leave them out.
>>934368IIRC she gets pissy about people pointing out that she's either greatly exaggerating her Jewish heritage or straight up lying about it and considers that anti-semitism. There's literally zero evidence of her actually practising Judaism, though. Being the dumbass she is, LJ shows her insecurity at this lie and recently purchased two earring pairs pictured upthread - the Hamsa and Star of David earrings - thinking that'll be case closed. I'm pretty sure a few of the anons pointing these things out are actually Jewish, like myself. So it's highly amusing to be called neo nazis for having eyes to see and more than two brain cells to rub together.
No. 934384
File: 1716938727280.png (59.13 KB, 1901x702, error1020.PNG)

>>934352looks like laur is on the offensive, blocking people from viewing the site.
No. 934415
>>934259>He won't use anything we can't give a solid receipt on. It's gonna be airtight.Yes, because that's how an actual journalist operates. No speculation, no rumors, no gossip. Just the solid facts with receipts. Once the article gets published the goblins can cope and seethe about it, but they can't actually do anything about it.
Also, welcome new friends! Please share your information with us but read the rules first.
No. 934420
>>934404Laur: Repeatedly kicking hornet nest because she likes to hear the buzzing sound
Also Laur: Shit, why do I keep getting stung? Stupid racist bees!
No. 934426
>>934422Apologies for being a stupid anon here, do they have to pay a filing fee every time they copyright claim or was it this specific time because she escalated it or something?
Also, where do you see that it was because of a filing fee? I went to Cleore's Twitter but she only touched on the fact that Lillee's police/FBI report was false.
No. 934427
File: 1717001747780.png (125.26 KB, 1635x603, LittleJean.png)

>>934425Has her name on Youtube always been Little Jean? Did she recently change it for a rebrand?
Also, idk what she thinks the Vimeo switch is going to do. People who make videos of her are on Youtube, so she's still going to have to go through Youtube's copyright system.
No. 934431
File: 1717004714656.jpg (63.79 KB, 1179x986, Respondent.JPG)

This part made me laugh
No. 934433
>>934426They don’t have to pay when they file a claim on YouTube, twitter or reddit. Those platforms don’t decide if the complaint is
valid, they just mediate. Lillee Jean beauty Inc filed a claim with YouTube, YouTube’s automated system removed the video and told Cleore to dispute the claim if she wants the content reinstated. Cleore did and YouTube told Lilllee Jean Beauty Inc they had to file a case with the federal copyright complaints board within a certain time period or the video will be reinstated. Laur filed a claim on 5/12, it was rejected because the $100 filing fee payment was no good and Cleore’s video was reinstated.
No. 934438
File: 1717019358433.png (89.63 KB, 1030x313, Screenshot 2024-05-29 174839.p…)

>>934427It's back to Lillee Jean. Super weird.
No. 934456
>>934285>>934287Then, he's just a scammer just like all the others who associated with her:
-Patricia "supermodel from the 90s" was scamming people with her worthless fashion show.
-Cyberdouche wanted to associate someone famous to scam with his crowfunding. He dropped the goblins when he realized they were no use to him and could put him in serious legal troubles. He successfully scams the crook actor's fans and got several (tens of?) thousand on fundme.
(It's not clear if the gobling stole from him the idea of cyberbullish or the other way arround)
- The lady married with a politician who wanted LJ to speak as role model (kek) - don't remember her name, she was on the "talk show". Her org, was obviously for tax evasion.
LJ of course, never got to speak into schools.
- The korean gay guy into makeup who
actually went to her home. He wanted to sell his brand for maximum $$$. He ditched them when he realized they had 0 money.
What was interesting: the insta brand had lots of pictures of LJ and right after he went at her place: it got all erased. LJ at that time claimed it was HER brand.
- The former actress who is 50 or something, who owns a cosmetic brand selling extremely low quality products at 800$ and more. LJ looked mad when she showed her view on the live (she had a nice appartment) keks.
(feel free to add all the others)
No. 934457
File: 1717064095180.png (334.13 KB, 612x492, Lillee Jean Trueman Mental Asy…)

Lillee Jean Trueman and her mom Laur Trueman aka Laura Trueman are both crazy Jewish weirdos who scream antisemitism about everything. Do they both have some sort of mental illness? I have a feeling they are both paranoid schizoids. Makes sense because when you look into Lillee's eyes you can see she looks like a maniac, the bitch can't take constructive criticism. And her mom ugly Laur is a big troll and stalker. She pimped Lillee Jean when she was 14 to a 28 year-old man but has the nerve to call everyone she makes fake DMCA's against a groomer.(newfag)
No. 934462
>>934460Are you sure?
That old guy she was doing her "film" with
>>926858 |
>>926888 seems really creepy.
She's not talking about him anymore, so he's probably worse than we think.
No. 934465
File: 1717078061953.png (283.74 KB, 1179x1245, Fleur .png)

Lillee has a new production company
No. 934466
File: 1717080089828.png (304.31 KB, 902x927, Edgardo.png)

>>934462She just talked about him on her Community tab on Youtube 1 day ago, and tagged him. Not denying he's creepy though, the blurb she pulled out is creepy as fuck.
No. 934476
File: 1717087495413.jpg (627.54 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20240530_174120_Sam…)

There trying to get the article killed. Don't know who the guy works for bit hopefully they take legal action.
No. 934518
File: 1717117109845.png (219.82 KB, 1179x808, Article.png)

The article should be out next week
No. 934533
File: 1717153793769.gif (485.87 KB, 420x315, popcorn.gif)

>>934487Yeah. I was hoping for Laur's post history reveal but this is even better. Can't wait to read the article.
I wonder who does the doxing for them. IIRC the goblins have a history of doxing the wrong people.
No. 934537
>>934532they think that she can be saved if only she got away from laur. they assume because she isn’t as visibly aggressive as her mother that she must be a
victim and that if only they could free her, then she will grow butterfly wings and fly away. of course when or if she does get away and her real personality starts to show, everybody will say wow she’s awful, why aren’t you more grateful that we saved you? completely ignoring that you don’t just walk away from that kind of dynamic and instantly become normal again.
No. 934539
>>934532It’s not that people think she’s unaware, they’re sympathetic because Laur has exploited Lillee since she was a teenager. Laur posted sexualized photos of her minor daughter (remember the “sexy minx” photo of a toddler Lillee?), weird foot fetish content and live-streaming with adult men jerking off as Laur monitored the comments for haters. Lillee is an adult now and can tell Laur no but it’s harder when Laur removed her from school, isolated her and essentially handicapped her so she can never get a real job, make friends or move out. Lillee’s still a vindictive brat but she’s just parroting what her crazy
abusive mother says.
No. 934542
>>934532New anons that haven't kept up with her case are only seeing the base layer. From the outside, Laur is the one making all of the copyright claims using Lillee's name, she's the one who doxxed people on FB, she really does the "dirty work". Lillee announcing she was 14 dating a 23 year old, or whatever the fuck her pedo numbers were, saying black people should get over slavery, saying multiple ways she wishes Dees would die are all things we discovered and watched over time over the last 4 years. Even recaps of the events don't mention the horribly racist/homophobic/transphobic characters she created to speak back and forth with herself/her own mother. All of these recent videos are completely focusing on how she is trying to fake her fame and that's it. Which I find kind of infuriating because I feel her stances/behaviour are far more awful than her larping.
>>934539I have no denial that Laur absolutely fucked Lillee up, and has significantly destroyed any semblance of a career Lillee could have had by doubling down on her shitty behaviour, but at some point Lillee is complacent in this and has her own free will to be a piece of shit. As much as she tries to claim "I was only (nine)teen!", she's intentionally - and unsuccessfully - trying to make herself out to be a
victim at every corner of criticism, which is truly her own doing.
No. 934553
File: 1717175319076.jpg (45.76 KB, 1050x451, transphobe.jpg)

>>934551This is old but I guess people's memories are bad…
No. 934569
>>934568Why are you so
triggered over me saying I’m enjoying the content being posted here? Calm down.
No. 934571
>>934563different anon but not everyone here is obsessed with hating on trannies in every single thread, some of us are just here to make fun of people like LJ and Laur; I'll grant you we're vastly outnumbered but that doesn't make us "trolls"
>>934532What others have said, also since she's still young there's hope she could grow out of all this, though that hope is diminishing quickly
No. 934623
>>934599No one ever doubted their ancestry, what they said was that all her posts about Catholic saints and jesus and Christmas switched to being a practicing Jew literally the moment Laur thought she could use it for sympathy. They have never been practicing Jews.
Also you're super racist to say that and it doesn't add to the conversation.
No. 934635
>>934599Y'know what I'll take the ban for saying this: As a Mizrahi Jew it's so fucking weird to watch people like you and even Jews like
>>934387 do this when Laur and LJ are just ugly white chicks. Seriously, you people are insane, you see a couple of uggos and start measuring noses like you're on Hitler's payroll.
No. 934640
>>934639"people like you" as in racepergers. I know there's other Jews here, which is why I find it so perplexing. There are certain looks to each group of Jews, sure. But I don't think they're necessarily
exclusive to that group. America is a melting pot, maybe the goblins have some Jewish ancestry, maybe not. But this tinfoiling about "the look" is starting to sound a stone's throw away from the ramblings of people who unironically use triple parentheses.
No. 934661
File: 1717294877648.jpeg (356.41 KB, 828x1659, IMG_7227.jpeg)

Not really into this cow but I stumbled upon one of her complaints against the NeO NaZiS here.
No. 934663
File: 1717295160767.jpeg (388.3 KB, 828x1669, IMG_7228.jpeg)

>>934661Proof shes constantly reading, cheers
No. 934701
File: 1717358595643.png (604.23 KB, 973x1895, IMG_111.png)

>Money shot
No. 934739
>>934701"Money shot"????? That proves that Laur uses Lillee's acct to make all of the comments. Lillee would never say that.
Also, there's something very wrong with the girl's weird-shaped butt, so that ain't no money shot.
No. 934784
File: 1717461088452.png (427.48 KB, 746x526, ljx.png)

Seems she's unfazed. Purely coincidental, I looked at her Twitter to see if she said anything, and she just reposted her Medium "article" again 9 seconds ago.
No. 934821
>>934816Just greenlining some gems. One of the best videos showcasing her poor grasp of English but so much more!
>Welcome to Film QuirkShe says "this kind of podcast show" is going to be with people she worked with talking about "never before seen" shit. This Carlos guy must have been her scene partner at the beginners 6 week course that she talks about as if she studied with Meisner himself her whole life. Or she met him there? She doesn't make it clear.
(Side ponder: does she think that stretching the neckline out to make her shirts look off the shoulders is flattering?)
>I got it. I got the concept. I got everything and it was like this is like amazing. Doing the projects I'm doing with Carlos Miguel now, it's like, I feel this. Because when you have language, you know, you think about language (rolls her eyes). But everything we've done so far is feeling and how you feel. It's ironic that she talks about language here when it's clear hers is so limited as evidenced here. But it gets even funnier later.
She mentions how it's rare to get an opportunity to perform Shakespeare. Is it? All she had to do is turn on her camera and record herself doing it and put it together with a guy doing the same thing in Spanish. She doesn't even bother to match the sightline or anything.
>I am privy to knowing uh, French because of my dad. Um, his grandmother who would be (looking up to figure it out) um, that's my great-grandmother, yeah, she was from the ??? region of France and the family line goes back (makes sweeping motion with hand) really, well, in that area. Can someone figure out what region she's referring to? I know France quite well and I can't say if she's saying Alsace, Alps, or what. Notice how she's never specific when making shit up. She claims to know a lot about her family but can't say how many years they go back. I know, I know, she's afraid that if she says, her French side of the family will get attacked by Primink's cult. And yet she mentions their name. Cuddlers? Cuttlers?
>Basically from him I picked up French and you know, language like that. And I would say French is not a hard language to know because since I was little he's used words and it's like oh year, I know what that means. But, um, more seriously, in the last like 2 years, I've really been like I wanna learn like French. So it's like, OK. So my point for this is that ambitiously, I'm going to try Spanish [for project with Carlos]. And once you know one Romance language, it should be relatively simple to do the other Romance language, right. Oh the hubris. She barely speaks English. She knows like 3 words in French and "mommaire" isn't one of them.
She knows this is ambitious but she always pushes herself to the next level. Really? I'd think at 24 that would be moving out of your parents' house that they can't afford rent for, and getting a job and being self sufficient. More giddy talking about this genius of an idea:
>My thinking is, OK. I have a familiarity with French because just, upbringing (she makes a gesture as if to say, "duh"). This could happen. Um, I'm either going to look really silly, or it's going to be really great. Best part:
>I would say that I'm like, I guess, duolingoed? I know some Yiddish and stuff from my mom's side of the family so maybe I'm like, I don't know what three (holds up 4 fingers) would be, so I guess three languages a bit so… fingers crossed!Talks about how she relates to the new character she will be playing because she's an Aries. She educates us on Arieses:
>At the end of the day, we will just say, I love you. It doesn't matter everything else that happened. We just turn the page (mimes turning a page). So Aries are generous in spirit and forgiving is what they are? That's interesting.
She's a celebrity and gets asked questions she doesn't want to be asked. But Carlos asked proper questions. Has anyone told Rabbi Yitzi Weiner this?
I think someone here or a Primink reaction channel brought up Vimeo's impotence so here's her response:
>Everything that I do is pretty much like Vimeo, my website, you know, things like that. I just think that the quality is like higher and anyways, professionally speaking, Vimeo just is like actors and filmmakers (waves hands around because she can't come up with better words to be accurately descriptive). We just go there. It's just nicer. So uh, a trained eye would know the difference in the quality. Ends with a thin lipped kiss (more like a smack) to the camera before cutting to Carlos.
No. 934828
>>934816She looks tired, haggard, old, unkempt. She's not washing her hair anymore. She's not taking care of her skin. She's clearly not exercising. Is she even showering?
OH and the "Hollywood" logo in the corner? Laur your girl is NEVER going to visit Hollywood, let alone work there. You guys never go anywhere outside Queens. She can't get an unpaid community theater gig in Flushing.
No. 934835
>>934832>>934804>>934701Either way, still pretty gross to use this term to describe your own daughter, especially when posing like this. And definitely Laur knows the porn meaning of that term. Whether she meant it in that way intentionally or not, is a different matter.
>>934816Notice how she never says she's fluent in French. She just "knows" French. This way it gives her an out when she's called out. But everything else she says about it makes it sound like she's totally fluent. Anyway, once you know one Romance language you know them all, right Lillee?
No. 934851
>>934821Thank you Anon, for your sacrifice.
I don't know why she always brings her star sign alone.
Anyone remotely into astrology knows rising is super important too (plus all the others planets + moon).
But I bet she has no idea what an ascendant is.
No. 934865
>>934855Duolingoed. The term is duolingoed,
No. 934870
File: 1717531345406.jpg (99.75 KB, 551x646, huge.jpg)

>>934230>>934014>>934230No wonder she thinks those pictures are worth posting. It's heavily edited.
No. 934918
File: 1717544674638.jpg (88.5 KB, 1376x425, english.jpg)

Coming theaters to in town your
No. 934925
>>934924That is most definitely what they thought it was supposed to say. Like they make up spellings to words (So Lillo Qui ffs) - and now they show how they don't understand the order in which words make sense.
The Laur jokes write themselves some days.
No. 934965
File: 1717571880340.jpg (1.54 MB, 4907x2000, GPPl68NawAIYubN.jpg)

What the fuck are these posters lmfao
No. 934966
File: 1717575011550.jpg (129.48 KB, 800x1231, GN9QphGXYAAxWQ6.jpg)

>>934965That would be the poster for Lillee's latest masterpiece "Macbeth Is The Language".
This one.
>>931631 No. 934967
File: 1717575581031.png (1.02 MB, 1676x1080, IMG_1444.png)

>>934966That film is going to win all the awards in these make believe contests. I don't know who this Carlos is. Family friend?
No. 934971
>>934965That cheap hunting knife is a hilarious prop choice for the dagger. G8 job Laur, the queen of prop masters!
Who wants to wager Lillee has not read all of MacBeth?
>>934967To Laur, everyone is a "family friend". That's how she makes it seem like Lillee has really close bonds with people other than her.
>>934968It's interesting how even in supposed friendly banter that the Truemans have to make it about themselves. They can't see how off-putting that is.
No. 934985
File: 1717597039689.jpg (594.42 KB, 1080x1388, Screenshot_20240605_151438_Sam…)

No. 935002
>>934985>if you could share the articleIsn't Asarch a reporter?
How hard must it be for him to share it himself with hiw own network.
The goblins really attract cows.
No. 935005
File: 1717606043032.jpg (1.39 MB, 1179x1454, Dell.jpg)

No. 935008
>>935002He is clearly sharing the link on Twitter. His point is that Google allows DMCA abuse just like YouTube and Reddit.
His article doesn't include anything the Truemans can claim to have copyrights to. Yet the article got removed from Google Search.
No. 935042
File: 1717643582111.png (22.93 KB, 1197x130, Screenshot 2024-06-05 231101.p…)

>>935039I don't know if this is just a general comment, but based off this comment by Primink, I'm worried that even after Youtube reached out in his DMs, they aren't taking her copyright abuse seriously. Otherwise I don't know why he would comment that.
No. 935045
File: 1717650293688.png (465.94 KB, 615x781, GoodVibes.png)

REALLY trying to prove she's unbothered by all the coverage
No. 935048
File: 1717665692662.png (483.53 KB, 752x920, Screenshot 2024-06-06 051759.p…)

>>935045Laur trying to say it was a good day KEK
No. 935081
File: 1717712844831.png (80.88 KB, 752x705, 182628.png)

Kek, yeah she's the epitome of a "decent person".
No. 935083
File: 1717713371270.png (129.99 KB, 737x852, IMG2024-06-06.png)

She copyright striked Primink's posting of his video in his Discord server.
No. 935098
File: 1717729903597.jpg (246.67 KB, 1179x2000, Fnl.JPG)

Looks like Lillee got fired from FNL. She’s no longer following them on Twitter and her videos are gone from their website.
No. 935102
File: 1717731280643.jpeg (741.46 KB, 1179x1863, IMG_4006.jpeg)

No. 935106
File: 1717734845601.png (500.79 KB, 1433x701, Screenshot 2024-06-07 002940.p…)

LMFAO she didn't even win this award that they probably paid to enter.
No. 935107
File: 1717735832646.png (11.36 MB, 4624x2776, rtp.png)

>>935045Her photoshoot from this. Sorry for such a large image file, there were too many that looked terrible.
No. 935111
File: 1717743765467.png (139.32 KB, 412x312, booger.png)

>>935106I watched the "short film". It was pretty shitty and she has a damn booger throughout the whole video.
No. 935124
File: 1717766258953.jpg (243.41 KB, 1179x555, Website.jpg)

Come visit our website so we can collect your IPs!
No. 935148
File: 1717779722211.png (1.27 MB, 1572x7675, ljpp.png)

This is her full privacy policy (apart from #4 for the California section because I figured it was just a copy and paste so I didn't really bother)
She makes it especially difficult to get this because it's made to pop up slower than her webpage loads so it blocks VPNs by the time you can try to do the ESC trick. Any of her other bottom panel links don't do that, just the Privacy Policy. Ended up having to use a tor browser since they have significantly slower loading times and was able to hit ESC on the perfect moment after it loaded to screenshot.
No. 935150
File: 1717779879311.png (85.26 KB, 617x701, Consent.png)

>>935148Also wanted to note that swapping through IPs occasionally got me a pop-up asking my consent for Lillee Jean to use my personal data
No. 935178
File: 1717802368692.jpg (2.6 MB, 1600x2560, 2024-06-07-20-15-28-711_201906…)

What the hell
No. 935193
>>935178Lillee is so genetically unfortunate holy shit. On top of all the obvious ones (height, teeth etc) she stores weight in really bad places.
Boxy torso. gigantic calves and knees. Cankles. dinner lady bingo wings. Chunky upper chest but tiny boobs. Its like the fat is going ABOVE her tits, encasing her collarbones? Honestly I just feel sorry for her. She looks so much worse than a non-goblin woman would look at her weight. She'd have to be stick-thin to hide her inbred genes.
>>935185she's just one of those people who peaked physically at 14 because they take no care of their body. It's all been downhill since then and she's rapidly aging due to her bad lifestyle and habits.
No. 935197
>>935178This was one of the pics that made me laugh that the previous
nonny posted. She never really had a chance lookwise and her rotten personality sealed her fate. Noonan syndrome looking ass.
No. 935200
File: 1717818512642.jpg (562.03 KB, 849x1275, Screenshot_20240607-234748_Chr…)

>>935197>>935193This is the one that got me. She looks like a fucking football player.
No. 935207
>>935180IP address is PII data. Depending on the connection type, and the browser + device settings you can locate the user surprisingly well. The goblins were able to find out Primink's home town using his IP.
>>935148>>935150It really doesn't matter what the goblins write here if their actions are against the service provider's ToS or against the law.
>Tracking cookieThis doesn't mean you get to install spyware on the site visitor's browser btw.
No. 935215
File: 1717860904415.jpg (442.14 KB, 1028x1628, 1717802368692.jpg)

>>935178Fat women pooping is a whole genre of porn I didn't realize they were auditioning for.
No. 935221
>>935216Many have said pulling away from Laur would be the best thing for Lillee but she wouldn't go one block away much less go no contact.
What people keep missing when comparing her to Venus is that Venus spoke multiple languages fluently, was bright, and was conventionally pretty. She had talent. So there was a chance of her surviving on her own away from her mother, and she wanted to.
Lillee's case is much different. She has a middle school education. She barely speaks one language fluently. She has no self awareness and cannot understand why she puts people off with her attitude and personality. She can't drive and doesn't seem to want to learn. It's true, her looks are not what would be called conventionally or commercially pretty, but in truth, her looks are the least of what's
problematic about her.
And the biggest difference is that Lillee doesn't want to leave Laur. She doesn't want to try different things on her own and that's what's the saddest about all of this.
No. 935224
>>935208>They all paint LJ as this unaware woman child.I agree with you. It seems like a lot of people want LJ to be a Gypsy Rose figure - an innocent
victim of her mother's delusion, but from what we've seen LJ is just as nasty as Laur. From her interviews and her videos, that nasty side is easy to catch and it makes me question how much of this is Laur and how much of it is LJ. I think she's been raised into being a terrible person by another terrible person.
>>935221>Venus is better than LJYou obviously haven't read the threads. Venus is a washed up loser with no teeth and her claim to fame is being on one episode of a TLC show. Meanwhile LJ knows AP (Attic Pidgin) English & French, so she's bilingual, she acts in movies, is famous on social media, she even won awards in the famous Stingray International film festival for the film she produced. Stop WKing Venus itt, Venus
wants what LJ has.
No. 935235
>>935207Same anon that posted these, it wasn't in defense of her at all, it was the opposite. She makes her privacy policy incredibly hard to get to, as I mentioned above because it's the only thing on her website that has slow loading. Her Terms of Service or other features don't have that. Which makes me believe she knows she's going against her own privacy policy, and is making it harder to get to since she can't straight up remove it. I mean, she
could, but it would be illegal since she does collect data. Anyway, I posted here so it's in plain view and a stagnant, for possibly calling her out for going against her TOS without anons needing to jump through several hoops trying to get it.
No. 935247
>>935236Right, but how does she stick it to the haters? She can vlog about her first time traveling to Paris alone. She can talk about going to a party with one of her actor friends. She can't do any of that because she needs Laur to hold her hand for everything.
>>935244That's a good point anon.
The Butterholt just came out with a new video and her commentary is really good. That last part…
oof, that's gotta sting.
No. 935249
File: 1717887803083.jpg (978.29 KB, 1179x1888, IMG_1038.jpg)

>>935244Carlos looks like a virgin who would love to serenade Lillee in Spanish. And he believes all of her lies.
No. 935250
>>935247I wasn't saying that she was being successful at it, it's just how she's viewing it. I also meant it as a future thing as well. Right now, 'sticking it to the haters' for her is continuing to act like she's famous, copyright striking people to take them down and not getting banned on platforms for it, etc.
We don't see it as sticking it to us, but I don't doubt in her mind, still being on the internet after all the shit she's pulled is. In the future, if by some miracle she gets famous, that will be her "win".
No. 935294
>>935282not surprised. i don't even know how they convinced him to work with them in the first place.
>>935280i could never see them going to miami even if they weren't broke trailer trash. atlantic city is probably more up their alley.
No. 935298
>>935251>I truly believe deep down she knows she will never get famousSee, I'm not so sure of that. Laur, on the other hand, does to some degree. Some armchairing here but Lillee was brought up her whole life to believe she can do no wrong and everything that comes out of her is perfect without even trying. She's still young (but not in the way Laur keeps saying she's young) and has very little real life experience at 24 (or is she 23? I don't care). She's never experienced failure or rejection because she never took any risks.
Laur, at something close to 60 has experienced failure and rejection simply because at some brief point in her life she went to work a real job at a company like everyone else. When Lillee was little, every thing she did was I'm sure very cute and perfect to Laur. But as Lillee started going to school and it turned out she was mediocre at best, she incorrectly thought that all this girl needed was some positive reinforcement and all her superior talents would be unlocked. Well, Lillee is 24 now and that still hasn't happened. I think deep down Laur is disappointed at how Lillee turned out and she's taking it out even more on others with the ramped up doxing.
Lillee meanwhile, believes she is multi talented and yet, I'm certain she carries around bitterness and resentment at a) all the other talented young women she would be up against and b) Laur for not yet making her the star she thinks she is.
No. 935302
File: 1717962576898.jpg (45.92 KB, 1062x153, Screenshot 2024-06-09 154827.j…)

>>935298From her recent interview with Carlos Miguel - seems like she thinks she's famous already.
No. 935305
>>935298I agree, especially with the fact that Laur and LJ probably have very different views of their current situation. With how quiet Laur has been (for her - of course she's filing DMCA claims left and right, doxing people and whatnot, but she's not posting a 100 manic tweets/stories a day, for Laur this is a crazy drop in activity) I'm tinfoiling she has started to realize project Lillie has failed and is focusing more on drinking. LJ, meanwhile, seems much more active, she's contacting a bunch of strangers online to make "movies" with, and I believe this probably takes more effort for her than putting out the same makeup video every day used to. She's going outside (sometimes), talking to different people, trying to come up with stories, the end result might be awful and she's still lazy as fuck, but she definitely seems more enthusiastic about this than makeup.
Curious to see how she'll react when in a year or less from now she still doesn't have fame or a career. Last time she had this realization, Laur was there to hype her up, now she will probably be on her own.
No. 935362
File: 1718040594423.jpg (210.07 KB, 1080x1557, Screenshot_20240610_182749_Sam…)

They are being watched by YouTube.
No. 935366
File: 1718041304282.jpg (206.88 KB, 1080x621, Ytvbrady.jpg)

>>935362For curious nonitas
No. 935385
>>935381Maybe some anon here knows more but were the Lazorgans really really "Associate Producers"? It doesn't seem like this actual beauty brand endorsed any of this. Otherwise, it wouldn't look this amateurish. Or maybe Laur was like, can my kid make a commercial for you? She's gorgeous and it will be amazing! And they were like, shrug, yeah, sure, whatever. And then Laur was like, we'll make you Associate Producers! And they were like, OK, whatever.
Also, the mascara looks very clumpy and cakey. Don't know if Lillee's ineptitude at applying it or the formula.
No. 935402
>>935385There was an anon about a month ago that showed "Adah Lazorgan's" IMDB page which very suspiciously looks like Laur created it and are posing as her.
>>933173On the other hand, I tried finding that mascara online and there isn't anything listed yet, and the title of the video does say "Summer", so it's possible Lillee actually got PR from this company?
No. 935423
File: 1718111637334.jpg (341.02 KB, 809x1574, Screenshot_20240611-151225_You…)

>>935421Laur ran to comment almost immediately after this was posted here LMAOF
No. 935436
>>935428Yup except she's really outing herself with the "car outside our house" story that she has retold like a million times now. I wonder if she's looking through the window all day thinking random cars in the neighborhood are Primink.
Also, a random person from Snapchat finding your phone number would not give them your address. Wouldn't they be more likely to find you based on your snap location?
No. 935455
File: 1718137704265.jpg (60.01 KB, 655x607, 4031191.jpg)

>>935436A car parked in front of their apartment? In New York?????
It's a miracle they lived to tell about it, honestly.
No. 935470
File: 1718159229035.jpg (1.5 MB, 1179x1556, Walk.jpg)

Lillee went for a walk!
No. 935471
File: 1718159254626.jpg (512.29 KB, 1539x2048, Mum.JPG)

No. 935472
File: 1718159329191.jpg (690.9 KB, 1539x2048, Selfie.JPG)

Looking a little rough.
No. 935522
>>935473Fucking grim. "need to prove to haters that I go outside and see and do interesting things!" (takes picture of rock lying in dirt)
And even then she's not allowed to go without Laur. So fucking grim.
No. 935564
File: 1718242887069.jpg (928.97 KB, 1179x1401, Party.jpg)

No. 935570
File: 1718246868600.jpg (1.13 MB, 1179x1717, Yum.jpg)

No. 935571
File: 1718247201488.jpg (1001.77 KB, 1280x853, ea80ef_8e8dd69b763f4e499f351d5…)

No. 935572
File: 1718247250641.jpg (2.44 MB, 1242x1652, ea80ef_5cea9fd1a82e4eae94d181a…)

No. 935573
File: 1718247331060.jpg (2.24 MB, 1242x1652, ea80ef_b0a92ad08e7f4ba6b2c4133…)

No. 935574
File: 1718247600868.jpg (635.72 KB, 1280x1920, ea80ef_ddd91d833e3b4a1cae45ff5…)

Actress Lillee Jean shared with fans this Tuesday some candid joyful pictures! Wearing no makeup, just a black sweater, white sneakers, sunglasses, and a red cross-body bag, she was the ultimate cool girl in a chill style.
No. 935611
File: 1718293389945.gif (Spoiler Image,696.6 KB, 220x135, 1000032356.gif)

>>935575Jesus, she opens her whole mouth like a predator.
No. 935615
>>935576Almost a certainty they got the nachos with chicken. They wouldn't know what the rest of the menu is at Anejo.
The nachos are good, though.
No. 935625
File: 1718302964172.png (985.69 KB, 1079x1667, IMG_1050.png)

>>935510I second your tinfoil about Laur scamming people as Hollywood agent. Carlos doesn't clearly understand English. As
>>935106 stated they didn't even win the fake award.
No. 935626
File: 1718303104588.png (1.07 MB, 970x1144, IMG_1339.png)

Fits right in with the toys…
No. 935661
File: 1718330262717.mp4 (2.89 MB, 720x1280, LJ Dance Reel LILLEEJEANDOTCOM…)

I don't think I've seen this archived here. A nice little remix to Lillee Jean's dance abilities.
No. 935694
File: 1718355597101.png (68.29 KB, 1152x535, Screenshot 2024-06-14 045851.p…)

>>935510Edgardo isn't distancing himself. Just found this comment on her YT video under her "new" Lillee Jeanne channel.
No. 935716
>>935706According to the new article from Steven Asarch, Primink said that Youtube basically heavily implied that they were taking some sort of legal action against her, referencing the other court case of Christopher Brady, another dude who abused the copyright system. So I think it's neither option, I think she may
actually be in legal trouble. Especially because Youtube said they can't give anymore detail because it's a legal matter now.
But if for some reason Youtube didn't legally pursue them, I imagine it is fear because Youtube also claimed they are watching like a hawk for anymore claims to come through from them. I can't imagine they're on some sort of "last straw" scenario though since their copyrights date all the way back 4-5 years from now. There's more than enough evidence of their abuse, I doubt they need any more.
No. 935719
>>935718She also says that the first millennium started in 1920s and we are now in the second millennium so the term ‘millennial’ is incorrect.
Attic education at its best.
No. 935724
>>935102Jesus christ what is up with that reddit comment though? Is it real? I don't really follow this thread.
>>935718She's literally a carbon copy of her mom, and she doesn't want to be anything else. Every single thought in her mind is her mom's.
>>935719Yeah this is shocking, I legitimately said "what the fuck" out loud.
No. 935735
>>935718She doesn't know what a millenium is????????? And I guess this was made before she decided to be Jewish.
Only a kid kept in an attic could say "Apparently in today's generation, blah blah" without realizing how fucking weird they are.
No. 935780
>>935734are any of us really shocked that this girl is an ignorant homunculus? i've been waiting for them to drop a video like this with her going on a fox news at 11 rant about dah knee grows, milleniums, and vegains. i wonder what the inevitable meltdown excuse is going to be when some youtuber picks it up and makes a video about it.
>>935724>She's literally a carbon copy of her mom, and she doesn't want to be anything else. Every single thought in her mind is her mom's.her mother should be proud then…she's made sure to isolate this girl in a little bubble all her life. we've never seen her with a book, or even watching tv or a movie, probably because they can't afford cable. her world pretty much ends and begins with her mom. i can already see her future as a hateful little menace, since that's what laur is.
No. 935813
File: 1718460295312.jpg (52.23 KB, 388x671, lord.jpg)

>>935743Next thread pic please oh please
No. 935834
>>935780Her videos could serve as a proof if her mother was ever taken to court for extreme, purposeful, emotional, intellectual and social neglect of a child. This threads reads like a true crime story, Laur is demented. I cannot even laugh at LJ, she’s a
victim of something heinous.
No. 935837
>>935834Yeah just this small video says a LOT. Options are limited: either Laur taught her that the first millennium began in the 1920s (omfg), or she heard Lillee say that and decided to let her humiliate herself.
What else is there?
No. 935839
>>935837She is a full-blown Boomer in this clip. I can't see the tennis balls on her walker, but they are there.
"Apparently in today's generation, everybody is this, everybody is that" - everybody??? Laur's mission complete, she raised a cranky old bigot… jesus fucking christ.
It would be fun to see the whole video, she definitely yelled at kids to get off her lawn.
No. 935904
>>935834I’ve been saying this and people keep telling me it’s not a big deal, Lillee is an asshole too, etc
But imagine if your ENTIRE LIFE revolved around your mom and the internet. You don’t go to school, or work, or see friends, or read books or watch movies as someone else said. You were never taught to drive. Or do taxes. Or manage a bank account. Or live on your own. You go out on a walk every once in awhile. Lillee seems to live the life of one of those tiny dogs whose lives are so boring and empty they should count as neglect. Just sitting around all day doing nothing but lying to the internet and talking to her mom.
No. 935915
>>935904Thank you
nonnie, I've always been in that camp myself. Sure, she acts like an asshole at times because she wants to please her mother, but the systematic neglect and abuse here is a fucking tragedy, and nothing less.
No. 935933
>>935904people often don't want to or aren't able to acknowledge the nuances of how a lot of cows are fucked up by their parents because somehow it gets misconstrued as you whiteknighting them or whatever. i mean it's just a fact, even if she is a shitty person, it doesn't change the reality that her mother is your classic
controlling narcissist who treats their children as an extension of their own ego and expects them to fully serve the parent's needs while neglecting their own.
also, because we don't see the full extent of her treatment, it's easy to overlook or minimize how destructive it is having a parent like this. of course laur pretends outwardly that she loves lillee, that she's the center of her universe and the apple of her eye - that's all a front to keep outsiders from assuming otherwise. but people like this are often terribly
abusive to their children behind closed doors. she's probably telling lj she's selfish whenever she tries to assert her boundaries or tries to focus on her own needs, belittles her if she calls out anything hurtful or unnecessarily critical she's said in the past, and flies into rages if she doesn't do what she wants when she wants it. so it's kind of understandable that lillee is an "asshole" because she really doesn't have any other outlet other than attacking people online or like in this latest rant, dah liberals. i wouldn't be surprised either if laur threatens her with being put out the house if she does something laur doesn't like, knowing that she can't survive on her own. these people are all the same and they all do the same things to their kids to keep them under total control. there's a reason why she acts the way she does and it isn't just because she's a retard.
>>935915i don't even think she's an asshole because she wants to please her mother. i do genuinely believe she's angry and frustrated because she's constantly monitored 24/7, she's bored and poor and has nothing going for her other than trolling her "haters" and smiling for the camera. you can see it in how badly she's aging and how dead her eyes look in her photos recently. she might not be albert einstein, but i think she's way more aware of how badly her situation is and it's starting to get to her.
No. 935981
>>935915>>935933>>935954>>935958right. i've seen people say lillee "could just move out". how? she doesn't have money. or friends or extended family who she could crash with. she doesn't have a high school education nor a GED. she doesn't have any work experience. she doesn't know how to pay bills or manage a budget or bank account, like i mentioned. what the fuck is she going to do? her mother has made her entirely dependent on her.
quite literally, this is abuse by neglect/failure to prepare a child for the world of being an independent adult. fully on purpose. lillee is cringe but laur is a complete piece of shit who treats her daughter like a pet. what's going to happen when laur passes away? shit, what's going to happen in just 10 years?
No. 935982
File: 1718738836585.jpg (120.12 KB, 746x757, cbgb.jpg)

>>935981Laur was allowed to do normal young woman things without her mother - Lillee has yet to walk around the block alone.
No. 936001
>>935963We still have ~80 posts left in this one?
>>935718>Complains that everyone wants to be transgender, and says "I don't have a problem with transgender people, I mean I don't agree with changing your gender because it's messing with what God gave you"I really like that she's against troons, it makes her more likeable to me. She's close to peaking.
No. 936032
>>936023She didn't get knocked up at a young age, she had Lillee in her 30s (too lazy to hunt down Laur's age to do the math). She had been attempting to have kids for a LONG time, but had struggles getting pregnant which is why Lillee is an only child and came way later.
Not saying the theory about her being wild so she's sheltering Lillee is incorrect, but the basis isn't correct. My tinfoil is just that she lives through Lillee. In the same vein as your theory, Laur started dating Earl/got married super young so she probably didn't have a lot of opportunities to be wild like she wanted. She completely missed out on her 20s. I think she is simply living through Lillee because she was never able to do what she wanted. However, if that is the case, it would be incredibly sad to think Laur is living vicariously through a hermit virgin with no friends that is successfully hated on the internet by anyone who learns about her.
No. 936055
>>936032I think it's more likely that she married Earl to escape her family, where she was the least favorite daughter. Or, if her sister was already married at the time, it might have been trying to copy her in everything or proving that she can also find a husband.
I feel like Laur didn't have a wild youth, in fact I feel like in general she didn't socialize a whole lot despite being able to. Otherwise she would have learned to make up more believable lies at least. I think she's been living an isolated life way before Lillee became a permanent resident of the attic
No. 936076
>>936054I don’t like the prematurely made next thread pic, Laur’s shots of her daughter are grossn
>>935813 I liked the idea of this one
No. 936090
File: 1718882052449.png (127.1 KB, 1072x919, Screenshot 2024-06-20 131207.p…)

7 new DMCA complaints in 2 days, it was good while it lasted…
No. 936132
>>936126The bombshell drop of info on their history is golden. We know a lot of this, but the full details are: They have filed 2 bankruptcies back to back, been evicted at least twice, owe over $20,000 in tax warrants and have been sued numerous times from credit cards and other businesses for unpaid bills, etc. They are all unemployed. They're currently abusing the financial laws and squatting rights to sustain their life.
Good fucking lord what pathetic pieces of shit.
No. 936146
File: 1718994454468.png (230.1 KB, 583x795, screenshot.png)

>>936132lmaooo Laur is going to freak.
Didn't Lillee used to talk about how her family was well-off? She's dumb but even she must have known they weren't rich… She's as much a liar as Laur.
No. 936149
File: 1718996755721.jpg (1.1 MB, 1179x2068, Festival.jpg)

English is hard.
No. 936165
File: 1719016414100.png (308.66 KB, 1176x1510, ea80ef_b961bcdd7cb44384b197de5…)

She's lying about doing modeling campaigns again.
No. 936166
>>936165I see she still can't let go of trying to claim "blonde". Lillee, your hair is dyed red, naturally brown.
She also lied about height, she measured herself several threads ago and came out 4'9". I also doubt she's currently 125.
No. 936170
>>936165My favorite of her listed skills:
>Good with animalsBold claim after her and her mom neglected her cats.
>Meisner techniqueLiterally every skit she's released has been her and her alone.
>CombatDoes she mean screaming at everyone? Surely she doesn't mean physically fighting people with her chubby limbs and inability to do something active without passing out after 3 seconds
>Gamer (Console)Guarantee you she doesn't even know what console means. She does not have any gaming consoles.
>Drums, PercussionWhen has Lillee ever touched an instrument?
>Fluent FrenchThis one is the biggest KEK, she can barely say one sentence in conversational French. I hope someone reaches out to her and asks her to display her how fluent her French is on command and watch her stammer and say Bonjour, je m'apelle Lillee and then self-implode unable to say anything else.
No. 936175
>>936165I must admit I'd pay to see her boxing. I want to see her cheerleading, too. I cannot remember if she has ever showed her cheerleading skills in a video? Now, I don't want to just see her awkwardly fumbling aroung with pompoms. I want to see Laur throwing Lillee Jean on her shoulder or palm or her hands and LJ to balance herself before jumping down.
>>936168That was a belly indeed. Not belly dancing, though. She has no body control whatsoever.
No. 936195
>>936165Oh shit she knows kickboxing
and kick boxing? She truly is a virtuoso.
No. 936210
>>936204She does have CENTRAL heterochromia, and she has the word CENTRAL up on the top line - but due to Laur's lack of basic knowledge of spacing on a resume she's got words hanging all over the place making it look like insane nonsense.
Too cheap (poor) to hire someone to do your resume? You'd think that's the one thing you'd spend on getting right, instead of ridiculous belly dance costumes.
No. 936212
File: 1719071241233.mp4 (1.78 MB, 720x1280, Snapinsta.app_video_BD4EA367A9…)

>>936211Another funny thing is that the latest "ad" that Lillee made for Adah hasn't been posted on the brand's social media at all.
If you look at their Instagram it's very obvious that neither Lillee nor her commercial fit very well into the brand's aesthetic. Lillee definitely wasn't paid for this. No. 936214
>>936165Is this "resume" supposed to be for modeling or acting? It makes no sense listing skills like Yorkshire accent for modeling, and if it's for acting, there is none listed.
Also never saw a resume without a phone, a city, a linkedin, education, or dates of project hires.
Also it says Clueless Movie - Lead??????
This "resume" is really really sad. I thought Laur knew enough to at least hire someone on Fiverr.
No. 936215
>>936212The whole "Adah" thing is fake. They made fake IMDB pages for Guy and Adah Lazorgan to link to. They link to Adah but when you look at Adah's page the link is not visible.
Also all Adah marketing looks professional - and real models are used. This is something Laur is faking, and it appears that Lillee thinks it's real.
No. 936297
>>936219>Cleore speaks Belgian French which is totally different from French French duhI don't think you're Belgian. The language is so similar between Switzerland, France and Belgian that we all understand each other perfectly well. If you're from Texas you can understand someone from Boston, right? Those two places are MUCH further apart geographically than France and Belgium. Even you and Laur should be able to look at a map and understand.
Anyway the comment you bashed was legitimate because idiot Laur called all of the Belgians defending Cleore "Frogs".
No. 936299
>>936298If so I apologize :)
I thought it was probably Laur herself.
(:)) No. 936443
File: 1719269486341.png (690.99 KB, 1242x1080, IMG_4850.png)

Look at that. Happy birthday, Laur. How old is she now?
No. 936444
File: 1719270401722.mp4 (2.08 MB, 720x900, fbmNfc2lk.mp4)

*23 June 2024
Auditions this week, practice, honing, and winning. Yep I like June [baby angel emoji]!!!! Congratulations to Macbeth Is The Language (watch on Vimeo) for winning Finalist [smiling face with sunglasses emoji][thumbs up emoji] Carlos Miguel and I worked so hard to bring Shakespeare in a new light. #lilleejean also heyy to this firecracker [firecracker emoji] of a monologue. Silver Linings! My kinda role! #nycactress #laactress #monologuemonday Lillee Jean Trueman actress*
No. 936470
>>936443Astrology channels are so popular rn.
I'm surprised she never tried to larp as an "astrologer guru" (yet), since she has always said
>aries does this does that".>>936165 ,
>>936170She forgot to add Astrology to her impressive list of "skills".
No. 936516
File: 1719348549157.jpg (60.1 KB, 823x237, laurhoro.jpg)

>>936470Laur's horoscope for today:
(non-contribution) No. 936560
File: 1719405799194.mp4 (709.7 KB, 1080x1920, An9vVt9c1xU8cqx5rJ3hEooT0_feFX…)

>We won so many awards for trailer, design, and poster! Can't wait for the film!
What's it called when it becomes so absurd it transcends parody?