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File: 1653209951275.png (664.54 KB, 1080x800, projectbullyishposter.png)

No. 878034

Lillee Jean is a stunted unwashed "beauty guru" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on Twitter, and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.
Lillee is best known for abusing copyright strikes to silence her many critics. LJ and her momager, Laur Trueman, have been on a multi-year "anti-bullying" rampage where they ruthlessly mock other people for their age, looks, socioeconomic status, and more, all for the crime of questioning Lillee.

Many dedicated Lillee critics have created callout videos and posts to expose her racist, dishonest, and absurd behaviour. However, Lillee and Laur remain convinced that this is all a conspiracy organized by one person out to get her.

>Extremely stunted social development due to being removed from school around 13-14 years old. Does not appear to have a single friend IRL besides her helicopter mom.
>Is now 20 years old but legitimately plays with dolls
>speaks and writes in "attic pidgin", our affectionate name for her limited grasp of the English language (her only language)
>Claims to have a totally real, not-made-up boyfriend who is both a French diplomat and also a family friend since childhood. "Phillipe" (an incorrect spelling of the French name) seems to hop across continents, being either local or foreign depending on Lillee's convenience. Conflicting details about when they met suggest an inappropriate age gap (with a 23-year-old Pheepy asking out a 14-year-old Lillee). Her alleged boyfriend has no internet presence of his own, and has never been shown by Lillee, despite oversharing every other aspect of her life.
>Uses her "Jewish identity" to deflect all criticism as anti-Semitic, despite not practicing the Jewish religion OR having any clear Jewish lineage
>Constantly exaggerating her status in the beauty community with fake PR
>Got caught running her own fan pages, many of which were racist caricatures of minorities. This included (alleged) POC claiming to hate their own dark skin and wishing to be pale like Lillee.
>Once posted a photoshopped image of herself over Katy Perry's body, claiming to have attended the Met Gala. Later backtracked and tried to pass it off as a fan-edited image.
>Went to the Bite Beauty Lip Lab, created a custom lipstick colour (the point of their business, which anyone can do) and advertised it as an official collab, claiming that her fans could ask for "the Lillee Jean collection" in all Bite stores. Bite Beauty formally asked her to stop making this false claim.
>Lillee participated in a public Covergirl ad campaign where anyone could submit selfies to be displayed on a scrolling billboard in Times Square. Lillee waited through hundreds of submissions to catch a photo of herself on the billboard, then posted it as though it were a collab where she exclusively modelled for Covergirl.

>Lillee's jaw is not looking good >>870114
>Second Bullyish video is released >>870641
>Lillee is losing Youtube subscribers >>871060
>Lillee dresses like a weird Anne Hathaway Witch/Leprechaun combo >>871310
>Gets promoted by a fake elite management page >>871604
>More weird food made by Lillee, no one thinks it's appetising >>871632
>Lillee visits a random building.Possibly either a doctor's office or a courthouse and not a museum like she wants people to believe >>871910
>Project Bullyish is now a FeAtUrE FiLm set to release sometime later this year. >>872125
>New video drops it's a interview with Mark Garnt whoever the hell he is. >>872233
>Laur starts dropping weird cryptic shit on her insta >>872266
>Laur's IMDB page removes her fake credentials again >>872275
>Lillee does a hideous Elsa look. Even the Disney Bootleg movies look 100% better than this. >>872724
>The Tree humping outfit makes a return >>872927
>Laur spends more of her free time DCMA claiming stuff >>873018
>SunnyV2 Makes a video about Lillee, No new info dropped. It's all stuff we already know about the Truemans, They HOWEVER are pissed about it >>872049
>More awful paid for articles for stuff no one actively seeks to read. >>873624
>Queen Yuck more like. >>873631
>Lillee gets butthurt someone tries to recreate her makeup look as if she invented Goth to begin with >>873925
>Still trying to get a wikipedia article written about her >>874217
>Style Your Lillee becomes a thing >>874393
>Koala bears originate from Northern Wales… you know which is a part of England, where the sheep are. >>874835
>Laur creates a new tiktok account. Her crazy is on full display >>875008
>Lillee and Laur become obsessed with a "Burn Book" straight outta Mean Girls, turns out it's just full of notes and research someone wrote for their video they made about Lillee a while ago >>875051
>More weird stories on Laur's IG >>875223
>Laur tags Sundance film Festival in hopes of picking up their shitty documovie >>875226
>Laur whines that people are using kid's baby pictures to bully Lillee but fails to realize she shouldn't have shared them to begin with >>875684
>Laur starts spamming minitrailers for BULLYISH, they're hell on people's eyes >>875986
>Lillee obviously starts losing funds for her bots >>876200
>Gifs are posted of Lillee trying to walk in heels, she waddles like a overweight duck. lulz are had >>876435
>More deep fried over filtered IG stories from Laur, we truly are watching her descent into crazy >>876507
>The Queens Disctrict Attourney allegedly reaches out to them >>876534
>Laur's recent tiktok confirms she's gonna try and doxx a bunch of people >>877035
>Lillee tries to recreate a look from the 90's that hasn't been relevant for years >>877262
>Laur posts weird crptic black square and links a page where movies are submitted to film festivals >>877492
>Laur tries to doxx an imaginary disabled person. Gets debunked that the image is a weird mirrored screen cap from "Home Alone". >>877663
>Apparently Depp VS Heard is EXACTLY like Lillee's struggles >>877794
>Mind over beaute >>877868
>More weird 4am IG stories from Laur >>877946

MAIN ACCOUNTS AS OF 2022 (Updated May 2022) :

https://www.twitter.com/reallilleejean (Suspended)
https://teespring.com/stores/lillee-jean?aid=marketplace (removed)


https://www.twitter.com/InevitableLrt (Suspended)
https://www.twitter.com/JeaniezInc (Suspended)
https://twitter.com/iamlaur67 (Suspended)
https://www.instagram.com/jeaniezmanagement (Suspended)

https://twitter.com/lilleeinc (Suspended)
https://twitter.com/lilleejeanbeauty (Suspended)
https://twitter.com/lilleejeanbeaute (Suspended)

1. >>>/snow/833840
2. >>>/snow/847048
3. >>698862
4. >>707075
5. >>718259
6. >>724333
7. >>736259
8. >>754981
9. >>767645
10. >>773135
11. >>777937
12. >>784721
13. >>794372
14. >>802142
15. >>811813
16. >>820665
17. >>825857
18. >>833714
19. >>838519
20. >>844274
21. >>853090
22. >>857281
23. >>862009
24. >>871230

No. 878037

Just wanna say how happy I am that you're using that thread pic, OP. "Sweet menstrual smell" truly is the meme that keeps on giving, kek.

No. 878046

File: 1653229187288.png (1.79 MB, 506x2906, 37D7ABDE-17DC-4938-9C28-98F35A…)

More midnight wisdom from Laur

No. 878048

Learn to sage

No. 878050

Have we ever seen a video or photo of Lillee crying? I swear any time she’s ever talked about the ‘bullying’ she only shows rage and anger but is not actually upset about it.

No. 878051

Exactly. I've never seen Lillee shed a single tear over people being mean to her. Only as you say rage and anger and telling her imaginary followers to attack.

No. 878056

I wonder how much longer Laur can keep these "promos" up for. 8 months is a long type to be creating hype. I still think she's trying to scare people into thinking they'll be doxxed >>877035. With these schizo post trailers, you can see she first ones started on fear >>875223, >>875328 and really started to ramp the doxxing threats up here >>875820, >>875482. Obviously no one is going to come forward so she then pivoted to understanding and forgiveness because call outs were 'manipulated by a cult' >>877589, >>877663. Now her topic of the week is mental illness >>877668, >>877839, >>877996
She's really thinking she's going to be able to scare people into revealing themselves.
I would love to see the documentary, but we all know that it doesn't really exist and will never exist. This will fizzle out by July.

No. 878057

she had a crying video on the main page of her youtube channel for a long time actually.

No. 878059

>>878057 Can we get a link? And was it actual full blown tears and obvious upset or her usual crocodile tier Disney Channel sad tears?

Also whilst we're still on the subject of Bullyish. Anyone else think it's odd how these "celebrities/influencers" Lillee's had on her live show haven't gotten involved with Project Bullyish? That's the endorsement/support you'd want if you want to be viral isn't it? But nope. Laur and Lillee seem to be the only people promoting the shit out of them. Hah, even their guests don't give a shit about the Truemans.

No. 878061

yes it seeed like she was really crying and i belive that. Living her lies must be very stressful and i think she cried a lot then… besides raging and fuming.
I can't seem to find the video i guess she deleted it or i'm blind.

No. 878063

File: 1653236149612.png (110.82 KB, 546x888, laur (2).png)

I remember one being on twitter too. She was being comforted by Laur. I don't have it saved but it would probably be in an older thread.

Pic not related but its Laur claiming the NYPD sex unit was called on them. Either that was a lie or it was one of the supposed "swatting" events.

No. 878064

It’s at the very beginning of this video

No. 878065

>Invasion of privacy
The tweet clearly states the removed images (I wonder who did that) were from Lillee's own website.

No. 878066

yes that's it thanks

No. 878071

File: 1653245242435.jpg (80.01 KB, 800x450, boot.jpg)

It does look like genuine tears. Theres definitely been some crazies that have taken it to the next level. But at the same time, everything with her and laur is so overdramatic. I know this is an old vid but like she could have easily just taken a break if she was that distraught. She's out here acting like shes a broadway performer and the show must go on at any cost. Laur makes everything way more inflammatory for Lillee than it needs to be

No. 878072

KEK at the crying while holding up makeup tools as if she's due on stage in moments. She needs to experience a real job. This performance is cringe. She's not clocked in, not on a salary, nobody is waiting with bated breath for her makeup vids. Put down the eyeshadow brush and deal with the lies you created.

No. 878073

I remember the video and I actually felt bad for her. The tears were genuine, it was one of the first tutorials she did after the BGC post blew up, but she wasn’t crying because she was being bullied…she was crying because she’d been caught. I felt bad because it was obvious she realized how badly her and her mom fucked everything up. But here we are, 2 years later, they’ve never taken accountability or even stopped the shittiest behaviors.

No. 878081

File: 1653256947228.jpeg (866.51 KB, 657x1145, 5B637160-DE9A-42E5-9C3A-415DC9…)

No. 878083

>this woman loves to have fun
wow she's so unique
i hate having fun myself.

No. 878087

If she loves to have fun so much, why doesn't she show any of that? Even she must know that only hanging out with her mom is sad, which is why she doesn't show that anymore. Or playing with dolls. So why doesn't she show herself having all that fun?

No. 878093

File: 1653270347034.jpeg (274.3 KB, 654x1170, BE29BC1E-2FB8-477D-BCF3-3BBB54…)

No. 878096

>night on the town
aka going out in their weird suburb after dark and taking pictures with the flash on.

She's 21 now but still no photo of her having her first drink. Do they really expect us to believe she's out painting the town red?

No. 878098

No friends no dates just hanging out with your crazy mom

No. 878103

I'm late but OP your title and thread pic are perfect, thanks for the kek!

No. 878125

I'm willing to bet 100% because we've mentioned there's usually a huge lack of tears from Lillee apart from the video someone linked, We'll see way more crazy IG stories from Laur abusing the heck out of that crying filter on Lillee's face with comments such as "This is the torment Lillee has to deal with every day. This is what you're doing to this little girl! Project Bullyish aims to stop this from happening ever again. EDUCATE ADVOCATE EDUCATE etc."

No. 878132

File: 1653311014963.png (2.11 MB, 653x3268, 2F88BA2A-E1FF-4E0C-9240-716F38…)

Laur posted over 80 ig stories over the last 24 hrs

No. 878133

File: 1653311101550.jpeg (3.03 MB, 1170x2040, BAE60AB3-9C06-4426-B9EF-7EF459…)

My guess is mental illness.

No. 878135

80!? Wow Laur really doesn’t have a life away from her kid or her if at all does she? Go play some Bingo ffs.

No. 878141

>"these are images that Lillee Jean and her family have had to view daily."
No one makes you obsessively read this thread and search your "clients" name on Twitter and Reddit, Laur. You can tune this out if you wish to.

No. 878143

File: 1653319953146.png (40.22 KB, 605x264, 958D2857-7CE5-4E7D-965F-EF0F04…)

No. 878147

Hahaha I forgot about Jeaniez Crisis Management. Laur is bringing back some of the greatest hits.

No. 878152

Because Laur lacks any self awareness and understanding of irony, she doesn't understand that no one seeing these posts, e.g. the crisis management tweet, will interpret it as oh no this poor woman being lied about saying that she takes drugs. No one reads it that way, only her. If she is gunning for Hollywood execs to see this, be completely entranced by lj's beauty, feel sympathy for her tortured existence, and see the story compelling enough to put big bucks behind the documentary, only to later turn it into a blockbuster film with lj starring as herself, she will be extremely disappointed. No one is reading her ig stories that way. People see this for what it is, an unhinged overly attached mother with too much time on her hands.

No. 878154

Jeaniez Crisis Management bullied Laur with good management advice kek

No. 878156

Curious (but not that curious) to know what the end game is here. Surely Laur knows that spamming with her poorly worded ig stories, videos, whatever is not the right way to get Hollywood or any kind of film distribution deals? Her major Depp, Bryant, and other celebrity connections aside, the one person who seems to be her friend who can tolerate her enough to know her all these years who is in the business, however marginal, is the old guy who couldn't figure out how to get on ig live to interview with lj for like 20 mins. He must have told her that this is not the way to get important people's attention. Assuming she does know this and this isn't some alcohol fueled mania, what exactly is the point? There is no way she can change the true narrative and spin this as bullying because there are receipts. She thinks she can manipulate the tweets and images to take them out of context, but she's so bad at it that one look at her stories will tell anyone that she is doing just that. So if she knows what she's doing - and I am using that term loosely - what is the goal? All this is doing is humiliating lj. I mean, she's great at doing that all by herself so laur isn't helping her situation.

No. 878157

Right? She keeps preaching that all this stalking and making up fake information isn't normal but uh…I would say what the most not normal thing about this is how much Laur is spamming the hell out of this? Why would you feel the need to spend so much time on a doomed to fail project by spamming those IG stories. She's failing to make a convincing case for her and Lillee when she's out there making 80 odd time consuming posts a night.

It's really the equivalent to asking your child to wash their hands before eating dinner but said child starts throwing a tantrum because even though their hands are covered in poop, grass and snot they insist they're okay as they are.

No. 878162

fascinating that she says Lillee is the victim when two of these are jokes at Laur’s expense. “Mocking the family,’ right. It’s definitely not that you live vicariously through your daughter and use her to get pity and attention you think you deserve.

No. 878164

interesting how the other day it was pointed out that Lillee doesn't even have a thread on Kiwi Farms– Laur does. Now all of a sudden she's changed her tune to "They're attacking family members!"

kek Laur no one is attacking you, sweet lil baby.

No. 878168

So let's say hell froze over and someone who has clout and the budget for wide distribution and promotion saw these "trailers" and said, this looks interesting and they reach out to the truemans to take the next step. These execs are going to want original sources. No one is going to just take their word for it and be fooled by their filters and heavy edits. If you zoom out and look at whole threads or twitter exchanges, it will all be revealed how deranged they are. They can't claim that their words were taken out context or manipulated. So what is the point of all this? Just Laur venting to the void? lj may want her mother to fight her battles for her, but she also just wants to create more mature content. Of course it will be poorly executed like everything else she does, but at least she seems to want to move on.

Bytw, I am just an ignorant middle aged woman so I don't know how this works but you know how they say that their podcast where she tells black people to stfu about slavery was chopped up and made to say that she was saying something racist when she wasn't? Wouldn't they have the full recording of that somewhere since they created it? The film execs in the scenario that will never happen will want to hear the entire unedited podcast to see how her words were mishmashed.

Basically, if they truly want to be taken seriously, they're going to have to produce receipts, not just these unhinged ig stories and tiktoks. And they can't. But don't worry ladies because it won't ever come to that. Laur's behavior is pretty much the stench that keeps everyone away.

No. 878170

File: 1653346077291.jpeg (436.82 KB, 658x1177, 4E9CEFBA-8C25-4B9A-BE90-AA4DBF…)

Laur posted this twice in her ig stories. Wtf is it?

No. 878171

Looks to me like the state of Indiana. Let the incorrect doxxing begin!

No. 878178

I was thinking a blurred Simpsons character.

No. 878179

File: 1653357051667.png (26.7 KB, 300x460, Curren_time_zones_in_Indiana.p…)

it just the image from the indiana timezone wikipedia with a stupid filter over it.

No. 878183


it's a zoomed in picture of her last braincell

No. 878194

File: 1653361748598.jpeg (404.98 KB, 669x689, 8B2BDEC9-E50E-4355-BCCF-3C4A64…)

No. 878197

File: 1653363042990.jpeg (667.53 KB, 828x1541, 4F1BC68B-6318-49B0-B7EF-2394E1…)

There’s this weird giphy spam on twitter that mentions Lillee

No. 878198


No. 878199



No. 878205

No. 878207

Great, another talented college educated person’s time wasted. Not watching the entire thing but Lillee always does this thing where she pressures the guest to give an impromptu vocal performance for her million jeaniez, because who gives a fuck about vocal warmup right? They never want to do it but always end up conceding to lillees whining, and you know they’re vowing never to return to her pretend talk show again.

No. 878209

And yet you share a photo of her giving the hardest line face possible. She looks like someone’s took a giant shit in her oversized pants and she’s just realised it herself.

No. 878218

Could only stomach 5 mins of this. These exaggerated facial expressions she makes when reacting to her guest's stories or comments are extremely off putting. They are unnatural and her reactions seem insincere. But what's funny is that in less than 5 mins this guest talks about how she went to a magnet high school where she learned about radio, then went on to college - at her mother's insistence (!) - to continue to study radio. That's how she got started and now has a career in radio. Is she super famous? No. Does she have a million instagram followers? No. But she finished high school and college studying what she really wanted to do, and now she's making money doing it. Lillee thought she could cut through all that and just speed her way to mega stardom but that didn't happen and now she's 21 with very little education that has left her unprepared to compete in the world.

The other thing is that this guest is also a very talented singer and she sings Amazing Grace that really was beautiful. So Lilee had to sit through this guest not only talk about finishing high school, going to college, and building her career, but also listen to an actually talented singer.

No. 878220


Right before tired lady was victimized by egg crimes, her and Laur found a Indiana woman on Facebook they were doxxing as Diane (she obviously wasn’t). I checked the old threads for screenshots but didn’t see any.

No. 878222

File: 1653393006756.jpeg (256.44 KB, 1170x1696, 326B6CEE-201C-43A9-AF3C-034960…)

Here’s the screenshot of TL doxxing Indiana Diane, Sake Kitty & the janitor

No. 878228

File: 1653402551525.jpeg (735.85 KB, 1170x1980, CFB2998E-F8C4-476E-8518-CB0C84…)

>Arthur, Indiana

Laur is mentally ill and this behavior is compulsive but at some point she has to realize she’s no better than the bullies she complains about

No. 878232

To think she'll realize anything is giving her too much credit imo. She's too far gone in her paranoid delusion at this point

No. 878233

I don't know about that nonny. It is more likely that she will never realize it because that is part of her mental illness, or disorder, or whatever you want to call it. She sees herself as a victim, never the bully. In her mind, her bullying is justified because she perceives she and lj have been bullied. So to them, their behavior is "standing up for myself".

Without some intervention or therapy, Laur's ranting and raving can potentially develop into something more serious.

No. 878234

File: 1653405475390.jpeg (399.59 KB, 828x970, 801DEB3E-8071-4DD4-BB82-9EE03C…)

Someone on TikTok painted Lillee

No. 878239

he did capture her cursed look

No. 878241


the comments on that tik tok are just like the fake comments on lj's stuff. this has to be someone from the engagement pod

No. 878243


the unnerving wide-eyed staring, the blotchy red inflammation from smearing on every free skincare product at once, the signature slightly-gaping-butthole mouth surrounded by bloodless white "moustache"

the artist completely nailed it.

No. 878244

Looks like a drag queen lmfaoo

No. 878250

File: 1653435911796.jpeg (442.19 KB, 677x958, 697C5D09-A448-46C3-ABA9-D7D016…)

No. 878252

Did she even hold voting for the 2nd episode? Not that it matter because she just whatever the fuck she wanted

No. 878253

File: 1653444038316.jpeg (104.21 KB, 986x555, EE55756C-8FF4-4D73-ADB1-D39D52…)

No. 878254

File: 1653444729849.jpeg (3.4 KB, 315x160, deepfried_1653444719200.jpeg)

Laur discovered deepfrying pics of Lillee and now not even Satan himself can stop her

No. 878258

what the fuck is this

No. 878261

The emphasized philtrum is the only thing making it look off because hers is smooth. Kek

No. 878263

Most likely scenario will be that a filmmaker will catch wind of the truemans and in their research they'll deep dive and find the real tea and make that their film. Like "Vernon, Florida".

No. 878271

Uh oh, he painted her eyes (accurately) as green, not blue, and that hair is awfully brunette and not even verging on Lillee's delusions of being """strawberry""" blonde. I think a certain lil wannabe aryan is gonna be pissed!

She should let the hair and eye colour slide for this. He did her and Laur a huge favour covering up the FAS, kek.

No. 878272

File: 1653473452877.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1170x1843, 07C6CB51-00A6-47B8-8F00-6793BC…)

more 4am weirdness from Laur

No. 878273

File: 1653473546495.jpeg (33.34 KB, 800x450, 6B6B0917-EBB5-4C2A-8290-9B1B2B…)

It’s a meme

No. 878276

New sleep paralysis demon just dropped.

No. 878278

Laur’s making her own bloody edits of Lillee now?

No. 878283

Why is she hastagging muppets?

No. 878284

How much do you think they paid him to draw that?

No. 878285

I honestly dread to think, given their history of throwing money at anything perceived to further Lillee's "career".

No. 878288

File: 1653483008587.jpeg (755 KB, 663x1105, D2CC90E3-B268-4C98-9E59-5DFB0B…)

No. 878289

not enough, apparently

No. 878293

Laur is cyberbullying her own kid by making these horrific unflattering edits of her and yet whenever someone else does it we’re trying to steal her DiGiTaL RiGhTS kek.

No. 878294

File: 1653486430387.jpg (189.29 KB, 1338x768, Untitled.jpg)

Graphic design is also my passion.

No. 878301

what the FUCK is this? laur’s edits are way more creepy and threatening than anything we’ve ever said.

No. 878303

Lol remember when Laur and LJ went on a tirade of calling a couple of dumb memes "bloody edits" or whatever? This is way more that than those ever were

No. 878307

something about this bitch's inability to follow basic instructions

medium interview: "list 5 things that inspire you"
lj: writes a paragraph about getting swatted with a fleeting mention of 2/5 things
her own fucking show: "here's a poll for these 5 items of clothing i will wear based on the majority of votes"
lj: only wears 2/5 correct items and goes with a makeup look that doesn't even look like the options in the poll

No. 878309

File: 1653506600889.jpeg (516.38 KB, 663x1181, 9370DE79-7116-4CD9-AD62-A8C0E1…)

No. 878311

Laur loves shootings like this because it gives her an excuse for LJ's attendance record and taking her out. IIRC she's mentioned school shootings in the past as a fear when talking about Lillee not going to school much.

No. 878338

File: 1653531203511.jpeg (360.87 KB, 663x1100, C740B9CE-05E8-48DD-9807-1E359D…)

It took her 24hrs to make the Robb shooting about herself

No. 878340

My attic pidgin is rusty but let try to translate:

It’s not illegal to call Lillee a lying piece of shit on the internet so she emailed her representative to change the laws, he gave her the DA’s assistant’s information (we all saw the email 2 weeks ago in the bullyish teaser), they emailed the DA, they opened an investigation and said they can’t do anything because all the bullying is from the black web kiwifarmers. Now Lillee must fight to enact Lillee’s law because school shootings which somehow relate to Kiwifarms.

what in the actual fuck?

No. 878343

She is such a stupid fucking cunt.

No. 878344

Yes lillee the district attorney office is gonna take time out of their day to prosecute people who called you an ugly autist

No. 878348

What right is she thinking of? Criticism is protected under fair use. No one has a right to censor others because they don't agree with what they're saying.

No. 878350

You just made me realize that Laur is trying to take our Digital Civil Rights. When nobody has that right. Nobody!

No. 878351

She dated this message May 25. She says, "The events that have unfolded over the last few days…" Which event? The shooting happened yesterday, May 24. That was not "the last few days".

Hey Lillee, if you mean that event, fucking say that event. Say the name of the school and town. You are purposely being ambiguous so you can leave room to worm your way out of it when people point out how disgusting it is of you to make this tragedy about yourself. You are disgusting. This is not bullying. Anyone remotely using the shooting to whine about their own made up problems is disgusting and pathetic.

No. 878360

Dumb design autism nitpick but I’m distracted by the way the text is right-justified. It looks so janky and informal that it mismatches the official tone laur was trying to set, it’s almost cute.

No. 878365


I am fuming on behalf of those who have had to deal with their loved ones dying. Lillee ALWAYS has to make some great mass tragedy or something going on with actual people of worth about her.

When is she going to learn this is not to win people over to her side? It's going to enrage people. Imagine the parent of one of the victims coming across one of these posts? How are they going to feel? That their pain isn't valid because some whiny influencer who is being "bullied" due to her own shitty behaviour is somehow more important than them grieving the loss of their child?

The vileness of Lillee Jean and her mother continues to shock me every time they do it and I shouldn't be surprised by now and yet here I am truly seething over Lillee's determination to somehow make everything about her.

No. 878368

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot a-log about, the courage to not to a-log, and the wisdom to know not to fucking a-log.

No. 878370

File: 1653563067910.jpg (5.66 KB, 225x225, yikes.jpg)

Lille thinks that school shootings can be stopped not by changing the gun laws but by changing the internet laws

No. 878371

File: 1653564876567.jpeg (214.77 KB, 2048x2048, 604348C4-2D4A-40C6-A105-39EB38…)

>I have used my constituent rights and contacted my senator
>I’m very sorry to hear about the online harassment your daughter has faced

Lillee couldn’t even be bothered to email the senator, Laur did kek

No. 878372

You don't get it nonny! Don't you know that her team speaks for her? Her mom - I mean, "team" - contacting the DA or state senator, or whatever is the same thing as lj reaching out herself! She's that important! She's too busy with her millions of projects to do trivial things like that for herself!

No. 878373

File: 1653566801354.jpeg (522.25 KB, 1170x1699, 0D2D1576-BDE2-424B-A2A7-1C06D9…)

>her constituents

People voted for Style Your Lillee and now Lillee has constituents

No. 878374

Oy vey, the fucking ego on this deformed midget. I'm surprised she hasn't pulled a KT Price and announced plans to run for president.

No. 878378

19 children dead at the hands of a mass shooter and she somehow made it about her adult daughter. Lots of people get bullied but dont shoot up children. I have a feeling its also like the columbine situation where everyone thought the school shooters were bullied which caused them to shoot up their school only for it to come out that they were actual violent racist bullies themselves. Media always runs with the bullying angle bc its easier to start some bullshit antibullying awareness campaign and programs than to address the systemic issues that led to it. Laur saw them talking about him possibly being bullied and she started foaming at the mouth thinking "how can i make this tragedy about my daughter"

No. 878380

Hey Truemans, we know you're reading this so provide clear definite proof that the "threats" you received are from sites linked to the Texas shooting. Or any mass shooting. And explain what you mean that your "threats" are from these sites. How were you threatened by sites? And how are these sites "linked" to shootings? Your vague attic pidgin won't cut it if you want to be taken seriously by law enforcement and politicians. If you can't, then stfu. I mean it, this is really good advice, take it. Stfu is actually good for you right now. If you really want to take this further you will not win. In the real world, people don't like delusional shut ins like you making tragedies about themselves, especially when it has to do with mass shooting of children. It makes them really, really mad. So like the way you want black people to stuf about slavery, stfu about making this shooting about yourself. If I'm not complaining, stfu. Seriously. Just stfu right now.

No. 878383

“Me, me, me, I, I, I, bullying, forever victim, mass tragedy, me, let’s make this about me, I feel, me, my life, look at me, I’m so oppressed.”
-Lillee Jean

No. 878386

this is the opposite of what lj is saying. she's saying that the "death threats" she's getting are coming from potential mass shooters, and that's why she's the victim

No. 878394


No one cares about them enough to harm them. A slightly amusing trainwreck that a few people laugh at online isn't worth going to prison over lol

No. 878416


She's being roasted on reddit again lol. That open letter is legit one of the dumbest things I've heard and so painfully innapropriate

No. 878424

File: 1653641403473.jpg (98.07 KB, 542x964, bdfbfd.jpg)

What the fuck do cyber mobs have to do with the shooting Laur

No. 878428

File: 1653642421629.png (3.22 MB, 1080x5586, cry me a river.png)

Laur thinks a radicalized child who plays with guns is sending her threats, so instead of going to the police she posts it on her IG stories. Makes sense.

No. 878429

File: 1653642612895.jpg (65.96 KB, 992x793, Screenshot_2.jpg)

>he thinks guns are fun
Because that is an airsoft gun like this one. Ffs Laur you can even see the bb pellets in the background.

No. 878431

is she doxxing a child and accusing them of being a mass shooter? We don’t have to wait for 2023 to see Laur get sued nonnies!

No. 878432

Didn't Lillee say she plays COD when she was talking (lying through her teeth) about being a gamer? Know who else played COD, Trueman's? Anders Brevik. Laur, you let your child play a literal terrorist training simulator game, tut tut…

No. 878433

File: 1653647404235.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1170x1985, 3CE5EBE5-B169-456C-AAAC-FB5B84…)

No. 878440

>typical threat
>”ur not even good looking”

calling Lillee ugly isn’t a threat

No. 878444

What is she smoking? Or to be more exact, what is Laur making her daughter look like she's smoking?

No. 878445

This is why the Queens DA or any politician is NOT taking them seriously. An assistant in the DA's office (and no you two, not the Assistant District Attorney) replied to their rage email being politely empathetic and passing them off to some low ranking employee in their office.

No. 878447

The community affairs rep & John Liu are public officials. Anyone can reach out to their publicly listed emails/phone numbers. When I say anyone, I mean anyone who has been targeted by Laur, anyone who saw this open letter and was offended their tax dollars are going to investigate people arguing on twitter, the mom of this kid Laur just labeled a terrorist. BGCs involved again so there’s a a good chance their offices were bombarded with angry emails from sensitive redditors overnight. Oh the Franzia freakout we’ll have when Melinda Katz or John Liu has to distance themselves from this shitshow.

No. 878449

File: 1653675673576.jpg (86.64 KB, 542x644, FillieJeon.jpg)

Is it the way she signs and forms letters?

Because it really reads as Fillie Jeon or Jeor keks.

No. 878452

Who sign serious letters with their first name except children

No. 878466

KEK at the airsoft guns and airsoft pellets behind them. These are obvs toy guns.
I swear, she bullies herself better than anyone else ever could!

No. 878475

What does Laur mean by misinformation and circling Lillee's signature?

Is she trying to backtrack and lie by claiming that the letter is a forgery in order to avoid backlash?

No. 878482

I circled it myself. Laur wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a L properly done and a f.

LJ should have stayed in school at least until she knew how to write all the alphabet properly.

No. 878492

Eh, signatures are supposed to be stylized so as not to be easily forged but you're probably right about her being half assed and sloppy like she is in all things.

No. 878498

We should start calling her Sloppy Jean

No. 878500

File: 1653758012430.jpg (61.23 KB, 508x519, jeaniez killer.jpg)

Careful there, anon. Any attempt to subvert Lillee Jean's internationally recognised brand will be perceived as a threat by momager. Don't worry though, I got a piece that'll keep us safe.

No. 878507

File: 1653776773575.png (279.45 KB, 1071x556, Screen Shot 2022-05-28 at 6.23…)

The teaser says, "Coming this May" but the clip was posted May 26. Kinda odd to put out a teaser saying it's coming out that month and the month is almost over. Guess all that back and forth with the Queens DA took up a lot of her time.

No. 878508

This keeps getting more hilarious. Her getting called ugly and saying it’s a threat and the BB guns!!! Can’t wait to see how they top that. Could you seriously imagine two idiots going to police and a lawyer with screenshots of someone online calling you ugly?

No. 878529

File: 1653810882892.gif (1.29 MB, 363x640, laur.gif)


No. 878530

File: 1653811026459.gif (1.08 MB, 363x640, laur.gif)

Laur really wants us to think she thinks the Thor baby edit was heinous, but adds on a weird lightning effect to it. You just made it into even better art Laur kek

No. 878532

Being on a few web sites doesn't mean it's plastered all over the web and it's always the first thing you see when you go on the internet unless you're deliberately searching for it.

What a couple of delusional idiots.

No. 878533

Sage for no contribution but I want to show a friend of mine the whole lillee arc but she doesn't read forums so which youtuber/video do you recommend that sums up her story accurately?

No. 878535

the primink video was a good start for me tbh

No. 878536

We know the movie isn't happening bc they are too lazy and think this will scare us when it's just so funny.
Anyway, I was wondering: is Laur actually promoting it (besides the insane tiktok and Yt sperging that only we are watching), as promoting it as somewhat serious person in the business, kek.

I surprised she didn't brag about it to be on the official Cannes Festival selection, isn't your fake bf french LJ?

No. 878537

No Laur, the reason people have to pause is because it's impossible to process the entirety of your constant word vomit.

No. 878538

File: 1653823610956.jpeg (562.11 KB, 1148x1376, D4DF6CE5-69DE-4BC8-B65D-D735AD…)

No. 878539

>this is the same site where the last 3 shooters came from
Prove it bitches

No. 878541

I'm really enjoying these comparisons tbh, they never fail to make me laugh. Women who harmlessly gossip = violent bigoted moids. G8 detective work, Laur.

No. 878559

Yeah, she clearly is mixing The Farms™ with 4chan. Columbine forums had more mass shooters than Kiwifarms (3 Vs 1, I think?). Kinda doubt that the last 3 consecutive mass shooters were connected to 4chan, but I may be wrong as I'm not closely following the circus internationally known as The USA.

No. 878560

the Buffalo mass murderer was a big /pol/ person, most of his dumb manifesto was copypaste from there

No. 878564

The subway shooter had a YouTube channel, quite a few murderers have spewed their vile opinions over YouTube, actually. Plenty have posted and streamed on FaceBook and Instagram too. If Lillee wants to play holier than thou and only support websites that haven't hosted content from murderers or the people that inspired them to take such drastic actions then she's only left with her personal website.

No. 878572

File: 1653847338413.png (891.8 KB, 659x1293, 4E895DDC-26D0-4AF5-BAB7-44EE1E…)

No. 878578

I actually kek'd at "your hair looks like it was fried in bacon grease". Laur's playing the hits! Is it me or is she not showing any caps from these threads though? I think it's because most comments here call them out on their bullshit. IIRC there was a post in the last thread like "I want to murder Lillee Jean" but anons immediately called them out. My personal tinfoil is that one of the goblins posted that trying to gather dirt on this place.

No. 878632

File: 1653956891832.png (344.34 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20220530-202113.png)

Don't worry, I am doing my civic duty to bully zoomers away from /pol/

No. 878664

File: 1653997597383.png (4.48 MB, 828x3555, 7D490DED-2E4D-43A1-A9A3-976C78…)

No. 878668

She honestly looks like she has some kind developmental disorder or something. She probably does tbh.

No. 878669

File: 1653999766344.jpeg (12.1 KB, 175x183, FE57A697-8F5F-4115-8A82-616C48…)

POV: last thing you see as an Ulta employee before a 4’10” Laur mauls you to death.

No. 878672

Why tf do we need to see the inside of her mouth all the time. She could be a character out of a creepy pasta or something. Looks terrifying

No. 878675

File: 1654002244144.jpeg (186.49 KB, 828x348, DCE93F49-0486-4161-8D16-20BF09…)

Her teeth do look better but she still doesn’t know how to smile

No. 878677

File: 1654002918307.jpeg (87.63 KB, 800x800, b262cb4b898d46466714b62ea3129a…)

No. 878678

Agree that in general, her teeth do look better here. But her smile is still very unsettling because of the unnatural way she pulls her mouth to the sides, as if they were being pulled back with wire on a dead person. Also, it emphasizes how much she's overdrawn her lips. And one more thing: she doesn't have a Duchenne smile. If her joy was genuine and her mouth was smiling like that, her eyes would smile as well. But they don't. That's really at the heart of what makes her whole face smiling like that unnatural.

No. 878679

File: 1654003428311.jpeg (64.99 KB, 600x400, 9FFED180-DEEE-44C3-83C7-C22EB8…)

I know this has been posted before but her smile reminds me of this scene in Joker

No. 878683

File: 1654007576519.jpg (64.47 KB, 371x654, lard.jpg)

0 self awareness

No. 878689

File: 1654016401339.png (1.85 MB, 640x3279, 0443C928-6A49-45BB-BE36-EE00E1…)

Laur was up at 2am last night posting insane stories on ig. I can’t help but feel kind of bad for her because at her age she should be taking care of her health and sleeping at a reasonable time. Lillee’s insane schedule keeps her up and that can’t be good for old Laur.

Picrel are Laur’s stories at 9am this morning.

No. 878691

File: 1654016970335.jpeg (64.62 KB, 500x493, 727F646F-4A1A-4156-BBAB-336A63…)

Laur kek

No. 878699

>cyrillic is cult symbols
Never change

No. 878700

It’s not Cyrillic, it’s Hebrew. Laur confused letter ‘ א’ with a swastika.

No. 878702

Their ancestors were fried alive (citation needed) and Laur doesn't even recognise Hebrew? Top kek.

No. 878703

it's like someone took a child's jaw and put it in an adult's mouth. Her lips stretch so much wider than her teeth and it sets off every uncanny valley vibe

No. 878705

Sage for no new milk but I legitimately miss Pheepy, Mario, Shaniqua and all the other absolutely unhinged yet oddly entertaining lies involving her totally real totally diverse totally great besties.

Not that watching her LARP as some online talk show hostess/brave educator/activist/etc isn't fun but I feel like it just doesn't have the batshit insanity that made classic!Lillee so fun as a cow

And also, really. Where IS Pheepy!? Like how can you neglect to mention your totally real totally great totally long-term foreign boyfriend? Who's a diplomat?

No. 878713


Laur has been a grifter her whole life, probably also crashes during the day and hits her peak crazy at night. But I do agree that it's probably bad for her health. Which she needs to watch, because if she keeps over one day Lillie is kind of fucked.

No. 878716

I feel like it would look a bit better if she just relaxed her face. Like looking at her older videos, yeah she was sucking in those cheeks but her eyes looked more relaxed if that makes sense. Im not sure why she transitioned into doing the Elizabeth Holmes stare

No. 878725

File: 1654063909221.jpg (546.13 KB, 2265x1080, Screenshot_20220601-011103_Sam…)

It's amazing how even then, she was luke I'm gonna smear this shit on my face as a primer, and ends up red like this.

No. 878728

Her voice sounds so normal in that voiceover! I’m so used to that horrible fake voice she does.

No. 878733

File: 1654086717135.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1170x1981, C5E5945C-B3D1-405A-9A6C-0E802D…)

Still not bullying. Consumers are allowed to express their opinions to brands they purchase from.

No. 878734

Goddamnit, Laur. Just admit you are against freedom of speech. Also kek @ her shooped profile picture.

No. 878735

Funny thing is, Laur thinks she is scaring people by revealing that she's contacted the Queens DA and local politicians about non existent bullying when all she is doing is allowing people to contact the same people warning them about Laur's doxing, bullying, lies, and attempts at getting people to stop exercising their first amendment rights. Consumers expressing their concerns to brands about working with problematic people like lilee is not bullying. People using the internet to tell the Trumans to stop lying is not cyberbullying. Laur herself is posting the proof that none of this is bullying. So her plans to scare people is hilariously and ridiculously blowing up in her face.

No. 878737

I'm the woman Laur says "has it all" - and evidently knows all about me, but yet she's not a stalker. She has used my personal info as her own, when filing false DMCAs.

She still doesn't get that all I've ever done is criticize them for their LYING. Nothing else.

No. 878738

How did she get your info?

No. 878758

>>878738 I finally countered a DMCA. Then she looked into me and started DMCAs using my info as her own, just to show me she had Google. I'm not crying about it, it was predictable Laur.

No. 878759

Not condoning pooptouching or cowtipping but isn’t there something you can do about them using your info to file DMCAs?

No. 878760

The funny thing was she DMCA'd me for posting a pic of the girl from the Exorcist, it wasn't even Lillee.

No. 878761

File: 1654108826213.jpeg (338.38 KB, 828x991, AD1AF497-1A79-4CB6-A9F4-B7938B…)

No. 878762


That smile really is showing off the FAS in full effect. Also, I have to keep clicking "hide" on her smiling pictures because they activate my autism and skeeve me the fuck out, kek.

No. 878766

Whoa her back/arm looks like an albino elephant leg, it is just a HUGE expanse of fatty white flesh.

Her "I cured myself of prediabetes with Google as a precocious young adult" bragging looks pretty funny now as she is barrel(chest)ing towards Laur levels of obesity.

No. 878769

Sage for nitpick but the one line at the bottom of one of her eyes makes it look like she is wearing a peel-off mask of her face.

No. 878794

She smiles like she's an alien piloting a skin suit and just thinks "Show teeth"
The way she smiles looks painful, forced and uncanny
Her smile just reminds me of someone who lost their lips in a horrible accident and you recoil back like "wtf happened to you… wait? you're smiling? Don't"

No. 878795

Am i mistaken or aren't most of her teeth still baby teeth?

No. 878806

She now has only adult teeth but they’re naturally fucked up

No. 878864

Reminder not to feel bad for Lillee Jean and Laur because they let their cat with mouth cancer just starve to death in their house

No. 878877

It’s the 3rd day of pride month…did Lillee forget she came out as pan last year?

No. 878879

She will now that you've reminded her to be performative.

No. 878897

How could she forget SHAKING with excitement to reveal her pronouns and calling all of us "panphobes" if we didn't like her 5000th video on how to look pale?

No. 878991

File: 1654357978904.jpg (48.08 KB, 704x728, c'mon lj.jpg)

Is it me or is the milk drying up around here?

No. 879001

File: 1654361437829.jpeg (407.52 KB, 662x937, A8A1D2D4-1B11-436D-99CD-EF5E2F…)

Laur posted this at 3:44am this morning

No. 879009

she literally acts like lillee killed herself over muh cyberbullying Jesus Christ she needs to stop

No. 879019

I bet if Lil ever did get fucked she'd be an absolute dickpig and fuck like a beast. The desperation is pretty hot TBO

No. 879020

File: 1654375778816.gif (3.72 MB, 400x225, AWuA_6.gif)

No. 879025

Lillee Jean and Chris Chan would make a great couple as long as they don't produce.

No. 879031

A woman with her moves would definitely be wild in the sack

No. 879034

File: 1654381613797.gif (2.81 MB, 480x258, 14446E78-FFE1-4E66-AD24-017996…)


No. 879037

File: 1654382493830.gif (2.34 MB, 386x258, 2EB2B908-5CD3-412C-9036-BD0E27…)

No. 879038

File: 1654382775170.gif (2.24 MB, 480x258, 86309FB3-788D-44B2-BC47-8CCCFC…)

Lillee fighting the boolies kek

No. 879039

File: 1654382934712.gif (1.03 MB, 200x200, 477ACB7C-0F8A-4535-AF9C-64B96B…)

What the fuck is this exercise?

No. 879040

File: 1654382963691.jpg (260.15 KB, 1399x2349, 811d3zAinkL.jpg)

No. 879070

I miss the wooden attic days. God bless.

No. 879082

File: 1654419617507.gif (1.05 MB, 500x288, floor.gif)

Floor below

No. 879084

No. 879096

File: 1654439097244.jpeg (46.14 KB, 450x311, 03FC4F98-E2DB-4067-B477-5D0FED…)

Reminds me of this scene from spirited away kek

No. 879100

Obvious that Lillee wishes she could do normal things like go to the gym. Imagine having no choice but to roll up your pajamas and try to exercise in your dark, confined space. How has Laur made her daughter's life anything but one long prison experience.

No. 879101

She looks like she's pushing out a particularly troublesome turd #constipationchic

No. 879120

she could go for a run in a nice park. hell, she lives in nyc and there's so much stuff to do there for free. the only person stopping lj is lj, plus her delusions of being so famous that she'll get attacked on sight in the streets.

No. 879122

She can’t run, Anon. She can barely walk.

No. 879157

Trying to start her beauty guru career.

No. 879158

As a former boxer it is so hard not to sperg about this. That being said, I'd happily train her up for that Creator Clash thing to watch the feral dwarf try and fight someone for real, kek.

No. 879166

If there is ever a redemption arc for LJ, I hope it's this. She goes into boxing to "box back the bullies" and starts with lame videos and previews relating to Bullyish. But once she is actually out of the house, with another person and begins to feel her muscles develop she gains confidence, leaves Laur and becomes a muscley, stocky, dyke dwarf boxer that occasionally does interviews with black eyes and bloody lips and laughs heartily and ironically when they ask "So you used to be a beauty guru?"

I know this is total fantasy. But it's the fantasy I need this morning.

No. 879171

I stan this Lillee

No. 879196

File: 1654550150952.jpeg (199.89 KB, 1170x688, 901933FE-0543-468C-AA69-F6CF07…)

They’ve given up on buying subs and doubling up on buying views. Her socialblade graphs are pretty funny, totally organic folks.

No. 879219

File: 1654562717876.jpeg (423.31 KB, 668x1184, 87861EB1-3966-45AB-B76F-724104…)

More food porn

No. 879261

yummy yummy, dry carrots with a drizzle of… cum?

No. 879267

must remind her of pheepee's peepee

No. 879302

Laur DMCA’d this post at 4:21am this morning kek

No. 879304

How do you DMCA a public statement? I can’t with these two.

No. 879351

File: 1654656656573.jpeg (244.52 KB, 663x674, EA098F17-77DD-46D7-A012-140592…)

No. 879377

File: 1654689727721.jpeg (627.34 KB, 1170x1750, 89CF2227-627C-4A6A-9DF2-5ACD20…)

You can buy early access to LJ videos. Tried to see how much it costs but all the links are dead. Tinfoiling but I think they’re doing this because buying views is getting too expensive. This way when the views on videos drop dramatically, they can say fans are watching content on other platforms.

No. 879381

File: 1654696295979.png (1.81 MB, 656x3219, EDD56A3B-F799-4B4A-9FD9-2227E2…)

Laur was up at 1am and then at 4:30am posting ig stories. Does she ever sleep?

No. 879382

File: 1654696613115.jpeg (419.86 KB, 674x1279, 80CD5F0D-E972-463F-A6C0-5EEE56…)

Lillee was up at 3am

Lillee, your mom is way too old to stay up with you like this. Think of her health ffs.

No. 879385

Since neither of them work, there’s no need for a schedule so they’re probs cyclical sleepers at this point

No. 879388

Lillee just LOVES to try and make herself sound so full of clever phrases and can never be assed to credit the original person who said them to make her sound like she has half a brain.
I guess the only person who’s allowed to be used in proper quotation marks is herself.

No. 879389

The Style your Lillee series died out quickly

No. 879390

>Lillee Jean On How We Can Optimize Our Mental, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Wellbeing
>picture of an out of shape, emotionally and mentally unhinged nutcase

No. 879392

She’s doing it once a month now. Here’s ep 2 promo that she filmed near a highway

No. 879395

File: 1654702215794.gif (2.83 MB, 480x260, 6D0C3D07-05FF-431B-A4AE-29ECE7…)

No. 879396

they probably think content behind a paywall is easier to copyright claim. I don’t know who would be stupid enough to give Laur, a lifelong con artist & crook, their credit card info though. Even if she doesn’t rob people blind, she’s absolutely going to use it to dox people.

No. 879397

File: 1654702593101.gif (1.4 MB, 200x108, 98C4E030-0E36-4A1F-B8B8-CCBDDE…)

She’s moving like a meth’d out lot lizard

No. 879406

File: 1654706518453.jpg (309.42 KB, 631x1079, Screenshot_20220608-123449_You…)

No. 879410

File: 1654710546964.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1170x2013, D4DC1183-4FF6-455C-A155-63439A…)

>She came. She saw. She conquered

I thought Lillee’s career was destroyed by gang stalking cult teens? Now she’s successful? Laur needs to work on their messaging.

No. 879414

I do enjoy laurs manic boomer edits of lillee that look like shitposts, but the days of shaniqua and met gala were on another level

No. 879415

They're really trying to pioneer this epilepsywave aesthetic, huh.

No. 879428

LJ honestly has dwarf like proportions. Her ass is creepy weird. Its big, but the bottom of the cheeks droop like tear drops.

No. 879429

File: 1654729318037.jpeg (484.03 KB, 663x1160, 17BB66CD-F28F-4AE5-9F9A-101E4F…)

No. 879432

Congress & the NYPD are going to get Lillee unbanned from twitter.

No. 879434

File: 1654730916405.jpeg (43.96 KB, 828x419, B6CBEFB0-4349-4864-A384-BF8D4E…)

Lillee is no longer following or being followed by Solved Skincare

No. 879439

File: 1654732723798.png (5.1 MB, 1170x2532, 32D32AB7-D2D4-4D8C-B67A-E37823…)

Laur has been posting as Lillee on Instagram & YouTube for the last 24 hours, if not longer. She just posted this photo holding Lillee’s purse, those are not Lillee’s hands/arm. I’ve never seen Lillee sign her name LJ, she always writes the entire thing out in her toddler scribble. Did Lillee join Earl in the fridge?

No. 879441

File: 1654733947417.png (117.79 KB, 828x870, 5C7D718D-91D4-41CD-B02D-3DE761…)

Lillee is still following the guy who visited her in the attic but he’s not following her

No. 879448

It looks like Solved Skincare is no longer following her either, I wouldn't have noticed dang. Did they finally realize she's been taking them for a ride?

No. 879449


The goblins are lucky that there aren't actually many active callouts anymore, because in the good old boolying days Diane and Friends would have already been in State Senator Liu's DMs showing him receipts of exactly how Lillee and Laur talk about various "ethnics," including Asian people, when they aren't trying to pay social justice lipservice or asskiss for collab opportunities. I bet he'd be really interested in Laur's epic and completely true tale of being run out of Chinatown by a crazed, knife-wielding shop owner because of "reverse racism."

No. 879450

Lillee didn’t even email John Liu. They shared the email and it said sorry to hear about the bullying your daughter endured. Lillee can’t be fucked to turn off Disney+ for the 10 minutes it takes to compose an email for her passion project.

No. 879459

File: 1654744791543.gif (1.33 MB, 400x227, 9rBJ2Q.gif)

>she came

No. 879475

File: 1654777813512.jpeg (219.01 KB, 1170x800, F8355E70-14A7-4925-8C66-135776…)

They don’t need to. Laur’s already being weird on his Instagram.

No. 879476

File: 1654781519359.png (6.8 MB, 746x5289, C5E69921-BA31-4493-BA06-197273…)

No. 879477

File: 1654781712923.jpeg (338.71 KB, 828x569, 7395FB4A-4C5F-483E-9CCD-C91CAA…)

Lillee, idk but maybe put your mask in your bag when you’re not wearing it

No. 879478

Bacterial pneumonia era coming soon. She'll probably blame it on the boolies and say they poisoned her.

No. 879480

I’m shocked Laur doesn’t make Lillee shave her legs. Body hair is normal but I bet Laur thinks it’s gross & not lady like. Is that melted chocolate on her leg? truly a toddler

No. 879481

Also TB or any kind of disease you can get from human piss

No. 879482

Laur most definitely told Lillee not to shave because she believes that hair grows back thicker and darker if you do

No. 879483

That’s her birthmark that should definitely be looked at by a doctor.

No. 879484

I was surprised by that too. I noticed it a while back. Lillee has pretty fair leg hair though so you only really see it when the sun hits it or if you zoom in but still, Laur seems the type not to tolerate any sort of gender non-conformity, but I agree with >>879482 plus Laur probably wants to save a few bucks by not buying razors and shaving cream, kek.

No. 879486

It’s funny becuz you would think over the years of people making fun of lillee’s psychotic smile that she would try to relax her mouth or look more natural but she probably thinks she’s sticking it to the haters by showing her full disgusting goblin grin in every photo. You’re hopeless Lillee

No. 879489

This interview was very strange and Lillee wrapped it up very fast in the end

No. 879490

The interview wasn’t even over, the guest was still saying goodbye and the credits pop up kek I wanna know what happened to make Lillee cut it so fast.

No. 879492

She’s so bad at pretending to be interested in other people. For the love of god, Laur, please let her interact with people irl on a regular basis. You’ve raised a retard.

No. 879493

Much keks, Solvedskincare also deleted ALL picture of LJ.
They can't even blame us, it's 10000% on them and their lies.

The first word reads as "herpes".

No. 879494

One visit to the attic and this man is no longer working for Solved Skincare and Solved dropped Lillee. I would love to know what happened

No. 879495

I was wondering if Laur was managing solvedskincare insta for a while bc they had so much pictures of LJ during some few months and after: just nothing.
Also there was this screenshot of LJ saying her company was solvedskincare, we know she's retarded and always fails to understand what the question is about, but what if laur told her she'll buy solvskincare or something? keks.

No. 879496

Arround 15'48 lj looks so angry. Her guest has plenty of real projects, lj has nothing but lies.

No. 879497

I think the last line that this woman said “look how popular it is [LJ Talks Live]” made Lillee spin out of control and she had to stop kek

No. 879498

File: 1654802173374.gif (1.59 MB, 340x200, CFD62A70-D356-4F88-BDEA-E1C1C2…)

She’s got the mannerisms of a used car salesman

No. 879499

File: 1654804011238.png (473.09 KB, 828x2502, 3940EA7A-891E-4EDD-9721-50849D…)

Probably old milk but they burned their bridges with Runway Rogue as well. RR’s account is still following Laur but that’s probably a mistake.

No. 879500

Some kind anon, please archive lj’s bizarre video with solved skincare guy before she takes it down.

No. 879501

Done. I won’t post the link here because the sweaty duo will take it down in minutes.

No. 879502

When Lillee started her talk show, I thought, OK, she's taking a non traditional route of eduction in that she was focusing on learning from people who are doing what she wants to do, and at the same time building a network. She can hone her interview and speaking skills and get better at interacting with professionals. I actually thought that wasn't a bad idea.

But very quickly it became obvious she wasn't really interested in learning from these people. Or if she was, she didn't know how to articulate herself so she can ask the right questions. When some of her more accomplished guests would give meaningful answers, it seemed she was more interested in preening for the camera, adjusting her top to show her shoulders, or pouting her thin overdrawn lips.

Her questions and reactions are extremely shallow because her vocabulary is very limited and she lacks the kind of life experience someone should have of her age living in a city. On top of that, she gets things wrong. For example, saying that Rebel Wilson's character "dies" in the movie Senior Year, which she didn't even mention. She later goes on to say the character was in a coma, but dying and being comatose are 2 different things. The cringiest parts are when she doesn't understand the references her guests make but she reacts as though she does, and it's all wrong.

So much for improving her interview skills and learning. What about building a network? Some of her guest are better connected than others. Take Nick Clegg's wife - I can't be bothered to look up her name right now. She might have been the best connected person lollee interviewed so far. I'd say she even has the kind of clout to write someone a recommendation letter to Harvard and they would be accepted for it. So why isn't she doing that for Lillee? Why didn't Don Most connect her with his agent or other Hollywood friends? He knows Henry Winkler for god's sake.

Lillee has been at this for a while. Maybe the guests with a little less name recognition would have jumped at a collab with her. Or she could have leveraged her connection with her Hollywood connected guest and learned how to do a documentary the right way and market it the right way. But she's squandered these opportunities like she squanders all the other opportunities she had been privileged to come her way. She's too lazy and doesn't want to learn new things that might take a brain cell or two. My guess is that one short conversation with lillee and they figure out quickly that she's not very smart or interesting. The "interview" was purely transactional and they don't want anything to do with her after that. If even one of them stayed in touch, lj would milk that to no end, like calling Mackensie Westmore her bff. An educated person with decent social skills would have culled some professional relationships from these interviews.

No. 879503

Instead of being professional and reading at least one of her guest's books or watching one of her movies, all lj could do is incoherently and vaguely comment on a book's cover and reference a short part of a trailer. G8 job. Stephen Colbert better watch out!

No. 879505

Speaking of Mackenzie, she mentioned doing a show with Lillee but seems to have moved on once the million Jeaniez didn’t show up to buy her overpriced qvc makeup.

No. 879506

It boils down to four sad facts. She is not talented, beautiful, educated or likable. That's really rough when I try to think of LJ as a person with emotions, but that's what anyone would be looking for in Hollywood. That's not to say LJ wouldn't find people in her life that wouldn't think these things of her (her mom obviously believes she's all four), but if you're looking at it coldly and rationally as an agent or scout, this is how she will be perceived. She doesn't have a single attribute that's enviable to be marketed and sold. It's not that she's squandered anything. I truly believe she's not capable of it. She could improve herself, but that's where the unlikable aspect of her personality comes into play. She simply thinks she's better than she is. I wouldn't doubt Laur working her ass off talking to anyone mildly connected about pitching her to someone with clout. She probably bombs them with odd requests, ass kisses them, whines, and tries to elicit sympathy. LJ just has nothing to give, even if someone wanted to help her.

No. 879508

File: 1654814565926.png (2.77 MB, 662x4815, 26E6CBDD-9534-4151-B8F3-5202F9…)

No. 879509

>6 diddly dollaroos for a 24-hour rental

No. 879510

Tinfoil but I’m wondering if they found out that lillee said she was their ceo in her “things I learned as a young ceo” video.

No. 879511

I think it's more that she didn't bring in the kind of sales they thought she would with her 1 million jeaniez. The guy isn't stupid - for him and his backers it's ultimately about the numbers. Maybe he didn't do enough research on her perhaps. But with sunnyv2 and primink's videos' views still growing, a few people must in his circle must have nudged him and he decided to cut ties, however old, with the trueman shitshow.

No. 879513


Sounds like she's hoping maybe farmers will want early access to potential milk.

No. 879515

was thinking that too. laugh at milk, sure. but to pay for crap content? nah. we'll just wait for them to "premiere globally … as the months go on"

No. 879516

Imagine giving Laur your credit card information kek

No. 879519

File: 1654827259308.png (2.6 MB, 828x2192, 19CC3682-4783-4891-B3FE-4F7CA1…)

No. 879522

The worst Star Trek yet.

No. 879524

When has lj ever been somewhere scenic and iconic in NY? The delusion

No. 879526


Why does she keep adding French words to the names of her series?

No. 879531

So more amateurly posed photos with uninteresting backdrops in non descript neighborhoods that can be anywhere, with no context or explanation of why it was chosen. Just Laur chauffering her adult daughter empty location to empty location interacting with no humans other than herself.

No. 879548

Even if farmers did pay, shared screenshots on here and greentexted, it’s not legal for Laur to take the farmers info and file a police report. As a merchant, there are specific things you can do with a buyers info, it’s even stricter for online purchases. This is one of the stupidest things I’ve seen them do.

No. 879558

So this is how they're going to try and doxx farmers? KEK

No. 879605

I can smell this photo of her

No. 879607

Can't wait for the spergout when precisely no one rents anything. Didn't they put an IP catcher on the site not so long ago? Do they really think we're that stupid?

No. 879614


I feel like multiple things may be going on here: this is clearly the start of Lillee pulling back from youtube, and given how much money she must have wasted buying improbably large amounts of fake views and subscribers for her channel during the first half of this year, I'd say that she really had been intending to drive up her ad revenue there and/or lure in sponsorship money, but someone at Youtube finally noticed her TOS violations and threatened to shut her whole shit down.

Of course, whatever little pennies and dimes she was making on adsense will have to be replaced, and now they're hoping that farmers and callouts, who are LJ's only legitimate audience, will be willing to fork over cash to continue laughing at her.

I don't see that happening. Laur's gonna have to go back to scamming "antiques" to keep the attic roof over their heads.

No. 879627

Im gonna guess its probably because they thought she had a following to back it up. So they wanted to use her to drive attention to their brand. Then maybe they realized that there was no one new buying their products that was redirected from her audience. Or maybe they just took 30 seconds to research her name and saw the primink video.

No. 879660


Whoa whoa he's not working for them anymore?!

No. 879675

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No. 879709

Ma'am you don't need a mask in your own house (which I assume she's in since she always highlights the backdrop when she takes her fortnightly constitutional

No. 879732

Looks like she has a muzzle. Lillee just wear one mask like everyone else, it must get sweaty wearing 2+ masks

No. 879751

File: 1654930935910.png (585.81 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot 2022-06-11 12.45.24…)

actual quote from lillee jean, professional interviewer that saw the cover of subject's book once:
>I saw some of your book covers and I was like Woooow you got, like the skull. The new one is like, this like red skull. I was like that is so freaking cool….I'm not somebody that you would say is "so much into horror" BUT the red skull has me intrigued because I think it's really cool. Like, you're putting a story into things. It's really fun.

No. 879755

This is what I mean, she can't be bothered to read the actual book. And yesh, "you're putting a story ino things. Lillle, the "thing" is called a book. And in a book, there are stories. That's what a writer does.

No. 879758

File: 1654942364157.jpg (103.62 KB, 1142x518, primink.jpg)

Funny how you mention Primink and some hours later laur spams that.

BTW laur has been spamming yt with her accounts alwaylooking4talent (kek), lj beauty and lj production, with +20 videos per days and sometimes like today: no less than 19 videos per hours!
She's at +25 video uploaded today.

Which is against yt spamming policy. >>879614 laur acts as if she wants yt to ban them, maybe it's her plan. She could play victim and keep lj even more dependant.

No. 879759

Did we ever commented that?
This is hysterical.
Laur is reposting very old videos and this one shows the very unclean horror wooden attic.
At 1'33 she says
>black cats life matters(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 879760

Can't catch covid if you smother yourself to death. You wouldn't understand it, anon. This is Harvard tier thinking.

No. 879766

File: 1654951906606.jpeg (716.6 KB, 828x1222, 0F2C5CD3-70AD-4F13-BA7F-4C0592…)

Lillee went to American Natural History Museum! Picrel of her wearing 3 masks

No. 879770

Aren't interactive exhibits like this one normally for small children?

No. 879772

The dwarf proportions on display here are staggering.

You expect her to understand an exhibit aimed at adults? kek

No. 879785

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No. 879786

File: 1654962316846.png (1.8 MB, 660x3603, 6FA3D581-54FE-437C-B29E-04CB5A…)

Laur was up at 5am again

No. 879788

File: 1654963460095.jpeg (181.61 KB, 1170x1237, B98EFF7C-6A1A-4CC3-9069-AFCCB4…)

No. 879789

it seems like LJ is actually trying to better herself. Other than the open letter about the Robb shooting, she hasn’t done anything offensive in a hot minute. Laur’s the one pushing the bullying narrative (its Laur not Lillee hitting up john Liu). Lillee’s focusing on this ppv streaming idea and trying to the best of her abilities to create different shows. Has Lillee finally realized Laur is her biggest liability?

No. 879792

Nah. I think all the comments pointing out how the goblins don't take advantage of all the things to see and do in NYC has finally got to them. They obsessively read this thread and it's been pointed out several times, especially when LJ does her "photoshoots" in some random suburb that looks like it could be literally anywhere in North America.

No. 879793

Laur mustve gotten a groupon to the museum. You think it's the first time Lillee's ever been to one? I reckon so. It ain't like she were at school enough to get to go on field trips

No. 879794

Wow she really loves those karate gi trousers, don't she? Maybe Rent the Runway wouldn't take them back because of the crotch stench

No. 879795

>is so scared of covid she wears three masks
>happily touching buttons and exhibits that have probably been touched hundreds of times already that day
Attic Academy strikes again. Also does she just straight up not watch the news? I'm not American but things are pretty much back to normal here. Masks are becoming increasingly rare in public spaces and to be wearing three masks at this point just seems stupid and ill-informed.

No. 879798

Why is she wearing sunglasses inside a dark-ish room in the museum?

No. 879799

Sorry nonnie but COVID is far from over despite what US government is saying. Wearing a mask in public is fine as long as it’s one properly fitted mask. None of the masks LJ is wearing fit her properly.

No. 879801

Oh, I had no idea. The three mask thing still seems dumb to me though. I think LJ should worry more about the bacteria on them than covid though, given how you can usually spot one on the floor in her bedroom or left out like in >>879477

No. 879803

i doubt she’s ever washed the cloth ones

No. 879809

File: 1654974669557.gif (1.36 MB, 498x280, ugh-omg.gif)

No. 879810

it's free for nyc residents. which is exactly why everyone is surprised she hasn't gone anywhere like that sooner

No. 879812

Im obsessed with the mask that isn't even around her ears. Surely that can't be comfortable.

No. 879814

The way she’s wearing masks is the reason she has to stack pads during her period

No. 879835

Old milk. Trying to see something.


No. 879848

So the paparazzi and haters don't recognise her, obviously

No. 879851

"female empowerment"

No. 879856

I would expect her to actually learn some few thigs and enjoy going to museum, see interesting thing, learn about the universe, acquire some culture.
But we know it's just her pretending to do something for taking different pictures than the driveway.

No. 879862

100% chance of any new knowledge she heard going in one ear and out the other. She has zero interest in learning, hell, she won't even git gud at makeup and that's meant to be her whole schtick.

No. 879863

File: 1655028765911.jpg (331.25 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20220612-051223_Sam…)

Thus is the worst editing I have ever seen

What does this even say
And why is she rubbing her face the whole time like she's on ecstasy

No. 879867

Covwing phis lune!

No. 879869

Inb4 it gets nuked by Laur

No. 879873

So this is from her Voyager series? Look, I know no one expected this would be well produced, with slick high quality photos with lj in original poses and giving lots of context and interesting views. She promised "New York's iconic areas" ("areas" is the best her limited vocab could do) and the Natural Museum is certainly one of them. But these photos a) do not showcase the museum in any kind of interesting light and b) the photos are just plain bad. The museum just serves as an empty backdrop and nothing more. She could be doing the same things and "poses" at a park, in her attic, staircase, dark street, whatever.

In the first one, she seems to be peering into (or licking?) an exhibit that as some said, looks like is made for small children. But we all know it's about showing off what she believes to be a money making butt in the Kim Kardshian sense.

In the second, she's just using the exhibit sign to prop up an arm? She isn't engaging with it and it's dark but she's wearing sunglasses lopsided and a ridiculously huge mask. In the second, she's shielding her eyes… from a light? while in the dark and wearing sunglasses? This is what I mean. There is no engagement with her environment. There is no interest in what is around her, no taking advantage of learning.

And the last photo, she's in the iconic hall with the whale. It's been in movies, seen galas, and yet, because of the poor photography oyu can hardly see it. If you didn't know where she was, you wouldn't know that it was a whale behind her. And even if she is the subject and not the whale, it's so blurry she looks like just a white blob in all that darkness. It looks like she chose to publish only photos that had no one else in the shot. So as usual, she looks sad and lonely. I am not knocking the Museum of Natural History and it does have great exhibits but lj is 21 and for someone who claims she is this great artist, you'd think she'd pick an art museum and have laur take pics of her in front of paintings.

No. 879879

File: 1655041644903.png (3.52 MB, 660x4828, 36AFF04C-55B3-4C1D-B518-D6604F…)

Laur was up from 3am til 5am last night

No. 879881

Couning Phis Zune!

No. 879888

Peepee-Poopoogate still has me laughing. It's a timeless classic.

>calls out someone over 50 for making weird edits of Lillee
>pot kettle black
>"1 intent"
>lists two intents
>"who would or could have the time to do this?"
>is up all hours of the night posting weird shit
>you can't move a queen!
>insert weight joke here
>"come on a voyager with Lillee Jean"
>t-posing Lillee Jean army
>that matrix-like graphic
Was there a fucking sale on Franzia or something? Laur is seriously losing her grip on reality.

No. 879890

Samefagging but I was watching the vid and I completely forgot about the "shut the fuck up Jeff Dahrmer" bit and I ked' hard. I want this soundbite in the library of congress. Future generations deserve to hear this dumb bitch tell a dead serial killer to shut up.

No. 879895

The pic with lots of Lillees is actually good. I'm getting liminal space vibes. Laur soon you'll be as good as me at photoshopping Lillee.

No. 879897

File: 1655054075553.jpeg (725.56 KB, 828x917, 1DF09983-EB8A-4F35-8C63-1E534B…)

Voyager pt 2

No. 879898

nailed the lumpy pancake ass

No. 879900

Holy shit I have never seen this before and it's incredible. SO MANY iconic quotes.

No. 879952

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No. 879953

File: 1655092160800.jpg (233.02 KB, 924x994, 87gbrf8f.jpg)

No. 879955

This old dumb bitches grammar oh my god… Voyager is a noun dumbass. The correct phrase would be: " Go on a voyage with LJ" not go on a voyager. Im nitpicking yes, but you're like 60 years old Laur.

No. 879960

File: 1655099831332.png (1.21 MB, 1512x733, voyager.png)

>>865750 The channel Lillee Jean Website Stills became a channel for Voyager With Lillee Jean. They just keep creating and repurposing accounts to spam videos and playlists.

Despite being a nobody irl Lillee is so scared of showing her face she puts on those giant ass sunglasses and giant masks, she just looks like she's cosplaying the unabomber. How are you going to say your face is part of your brand when you can't even show it in your content?

No. 879966

kek note the views when she didn't have the prep to have laur off to the side buying them. 1 million followers and <50 viewers on the live. that tracks

No. 879967

>@lillee jean
>see me feel me touch me heal me
kek WHAT??? is laur off her psych meds?

No. 879972

File: 1655122179464.jpeg (644.37 KB, 2048x2048, 06ACC95A-21E0-4473-9E23-A0E192…)

new twitter account spamming Lillee’s content. thought it was RT bot at first but its tweeting like the attic goblins & seems to be active when Laur is active

No. 879973

File: 1655122689550.png (2.42 MB, 828x8812, E246FC0D-6DB0-4CCF-BAD5-5F4DF8…)

No. 879975

Voyager means “to travel” in French but clearly Pheepy never taught LJ how to conjugate her verbs bc she isn’t using it correctly

No. 879977

>4th amendment rights
Laur’s bankruptcy & tax lien where the first results when you searched her name. It’s public information.

No. 879979

File: 1655126137469.jpeg (192.05 KB, 828x566, 3D49F4BF-B662-4675-9AAE-D58A4F…)

Lillee, do you know what “public” means?

No. 879988

Well, you see, "public", actually, has many meanings here, in glorious USA. The meaning, I, use for it, is, "only the positive things about me". So, you see, you cannot talk, about my managements "public" bankruptcy history, because, I, Lillee Jean Trueman, CEO, do not call that history, "positive". I hope this helps. Educate, and, advocate. XOXO

No. 880002

File: 1655139723506.jpeg (988.01 KB, 1170x2348, 43467747-C1DF-4A12-BE02-DA0BD6…)

there’s a new cyberbullying video (uploaded at 4am kek) on Laur’s YouTube channel. Starts strong with claiming Lillee was bullied by the use of “big words”. thought the description was telling, sounds like the community outreach coordinator from the DA’s office never got back to them.

No. 880003

File: 1655140570539.jpeg (318.55 KB, 1170x1218, F661DE3D-97D0-4D56-95C8-044B18…)

they need to add a proofreader to their team

No. 880015

lmaoo being upset at "big words" because lillee's illiterate brain caps at 3 syllables. anything longer than that she's doomed to misuse. i can't believe the congress is sleeping on this, just like it refuses to ban looking at public records. lugubrious!

No. 880018

Everything Laur posts reads like a paranoid schizophrenic in their mania. If I didnt know who she was and stumbled upon any of her posts on Tiktok/Youtube/IG I would legitimately feel bad for her and assume she was just unmedicated rambling about cults.

She really isn't helping LJ with any of these at all.

No. 880020

Kek that’s perfect, nonnie

No. 880035

File: 1655150978872.jpg (234.96 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.jpg)

If my "manager" publicly admitted that I'm so retarded I felt "bullied" by big words I would fire her ass ASAP, kek. What really stood out to me from the video though was this picrel. Lillee Jean equating anonymity with not existing being the "living dead" speaks volumes. She's so desperate to be famous and adored that she just can't fathom why most people are happy to shoot the breeze and gossip under a pseudonym or even anonymously online because we don't need constant asspats and validation unlike her. She doesn't understand what it's like to have a fulfilling life offline, where the internet isn't as important to you as oxygen. Also, can nonnies here help me out with this "attage" word? I'm ESL and when I googled it some crossword site said it might refer to a beetle. I think what the goblins mean is "adage"? But
>"me say, you repeat" adage
doesn't make sense either as it's not a well known phrase? I'm almost certain it's a Goblinese phrase created on the spot to try and sound smart. I really should get a cow who speaks better English, kek. This shit gives me a headache.

No. 880037

No. 880044

>this is cliche to me
Yes lillee, you and your mother speak in cliches but don't know how to use them in the right context even.

No. 880047

Can't wait to see how Lillee defends Lillee's Law in front of congress by bringing up the 4th amendment! In front of people who are mostly lawyers, legal scholars, and lawmakers!

No. 880063

so many lawyers laughing at them. laur must be seething

No. 880080

Would loooooooove to watch what happens to Laur after she doxes a bunch of lawyers and falsely accuse them of cyberbullying! Do it Laur, do it!

No. 880090

Did they just open thesaurus for the very first time? It just doesn't make sense. I feel like they may have started with a basic paragraph but then randomly swapped out normal words for more "interesting" ones and completely destroyed any coherent meaning. It's weird that this was written and published by an English-speaking adult.

No. 880115

File: 1655174257227.jpeg (730.88 KB, 828x1532, F9B3F606-1F4E-4CFA-8A3F-E0A05C…)

Her mouth is still horrifying

No. 880116

File: 1655174439766.png (2.02 MB, 1080x5383, StitchIt_20221306103835_608.pn…)

Think I just found some sock accounts. G8 job, so good!

No. 880123

if this is laur this SO reads like they're desperate for screenshots of boolies for project bullshit.
>haha, fellow reddit user! I sure do love conspiring to dox! Do you have the dentist's phone number so that I may also call?

No. 880124

File: 1655178914016.jpeg (861.27 KB, 1078x2206, 839873.jpeg)

Found this one too, sorry to blind you all. >17 day old account
>only comments on this post


No. 880125

The Alert General account is also 17 days old. Hmm. It's also funny how the Shawn account started commenting on a bunch of random shit as soon as the screenshot was posted. The account is hours old and the first thing they comment on is an LJ thread? Okay kek. Sure.

No. 880126

She’s using lyrics from The Who’s Tommy - See Me, Feel Me. The context of the song does not fit what Laur is trying to say.

No. 880129

They all say the same stuff too, or close to the same stuff.
>OP youre a God
>OP you are brilliant
>so good
>I'm watching her video on swatting rn
>Can we see?

Definitely bait too
>Lets all help
>would love to call the dentist myself.

No. 880130

Is the photo supposed to be an answer in the affirmative to the question at the bottom?

No. 880132

NTA but she talks about how she wants to play a villain in a movie or something along those lines in that video, so yes.

No. 880134

File: 1655180798705.png (619.58 KB, 594x1784, saadaw15.png)

That account is pretty weird. It's just retweeting random things including tweets defending Ezra Miller for some reason.

No. 880151

File: 1655196548376.png (195.83 KB, 1262x2300, yt.png)

There are 2 very obvious Laur accounts in the comments of SunnyV2's video replying to people. Both accounts made 1-2 days ago. And I mean come on, "Sydney Sarho" and "Marsha Mron" are such Laur names. The Sydney account also commented on Lillee's most recent video with "DAWL"

No. 880152

File: 1655196711251.png (43.31 KB, 1108x434, yt 1.png)

"Sydney" is also commenting on Angelika Oles video. Saying that Lillee's fake accounts aren't actually hers and are made by the cyberboolies just further cements this is Laur.

No. 880153

File: 1655197635646.png (88.9 KB, 1156x1001, yt 2.png)

More comments on Primink's videos.
S. Baro is another account that was recently created and comments on Lillee's videos.

My tinfoil for this is that obviously they are trying to get information on anyone, which is why they keep asking for proof. The reddit accounts another anon found were doing the same thing. How the fake comments go from commenting on Lillee's channel to commenting on drama videos and going from defending her to laughing at her are strange though. It seems like such a dumb move to have it be this obvious that the accounts are Lillee/Laur's. Maybe Laur is trying to pretend that these accounts are made by callouts that are pretending to be fans, and she's going to use these accounts to prove that Lillee is being cyber gang stalked by a cult.

No. 880189

Why would Laur support an adult grooming and running off with a minor? Because it’s Pheepy but real.

No. 880196

ahh, how do you do, fellow cyberbullying gang stalkers? what a great day to crusade lille jean trueman! does anyone have any new teas i can look at? so good.

No. 880199

You are a god, OP! I LOVE this tea. Haha, what a foolish child Lillee is, can I get a "kek" in the house? Anyway, where can I view the illegal and incriminating documents from this cyber cult?

Laur really is starting to out-cow LJ.

No. 880234

I will never understand the mental gymnastics these two must do to expect any degree of privacy regarding things said in a public forum. Bullies didn’t put secret cameras in their house to record their racist rants or transphobic musings. Laur & Lillee said it on podcasts and uploaded it for the world to hear. Bullies didn’t tell Lillee to make up a pedophile boyfriend & double down when caught. Lillee shared this on an Instagram Livestream. They can’t just admit they made mistakes and move on.

No. 880241

This is telling on herself even more.

The timeline:
>Late January 2021: Lillee goes to Dentist #1 after suffering with TMJ for months and Laur doing nothing to help her
>Early February 2021: APS comes to check on Laur because "medical neglect" (if we can believe the goblins' version of events)
>April 2021: Lillee goes to Dentist #2 (aka the Invisalign farm) to have her teeth "fixed"

By confirming she got her braces after the APS visit, it seems like there is a definite cause and effect…

No. 880243

Yeahhhh IDK why Laur has such a boner for proof Dentist 1 called APS. It's very obvious by the timeline and the switch of dentists that's what happened. I bet she's trying to get "evidence" for her "legal action"

No. 880244

File: 1655262616032.jpeg (259.92 KB, 2048x2048, CC316719-9D8D-454E-BB57-2DA4EB…)

They’re buying comments on YouTube. These are all from the red glam lipstick video uploaded 2 weeks ago.

No. 880255

"female empowerment"

No. 880256

I know there's been a lot of speculation, armchairing and tinfoiling but I am still curious as to what the Truemans' plans for Lillee's future are. I don't mean the vague bs they say, but what their actual intentions are. They can talk about a makeup line, buying a block on 5th ave, starring in a major hollywood film, but that's just their bs. I don't think they actually believe that. Some anons will argue that they do, and maybe lillee did at some point when she was younger, but I don't think so anymore. I think they both know deep down becoming a major A list actor is not in her cards because she's already 21, never paid her dues, and doesn't want to. They think she has a chance at being an "entertainer" whatever that means, because as a talk show host she has a lot more control of her own time and that's important because she doesn't ever want to be under someone else's deadline. Lillee is unwilling to hustle because she is scared of being rejected, doesn't want to be told what to do, is far too emotionally fragile to hear criticism even if they are constructive, and doesn't want to step out of her comfort zone. Lillee very naively thinks she can succeed with just the sheer magnificence of her inborn talent, the one she doesn't have hone, develop, or improve because she was blessed to have been born with so much of it. But I also see this belief cracking a little bit.

It's not like Lilee was raised in a religious cult (you could argue, just Laur's cult of Lillee) where she was cut off from the outside world. Even if she didn't interact with it much, she could passively view it from her computer. I think she may, just may, be seeing that all the promises of the glamorous life Laur fed her were lies. She might be on the teeny tiny cusp of realizing that maybe the way Laur raised her and made her believe the things that she did have not helped her achieve the kind of things she had hoped to have achieved at this point. Maybe Lillee now blames Laur for allowing her to drop out of school at only 14 or 15. Reading between the lines, something is amiss in the Trueman household: the way Lillee is self promoting and the way Laur is promoting her are completely misaligned. Lillee always backed up her mother and defended the poor choices she made as her "manager" but I don't see that happening right now. Maybe Lillee can see for herself that her mother's nightly manic posts are unhinged and she wants to disassociate herself a little bit. Not too much because Lillee is not capable of separating herself from Laur just yet.

As feeble and poorly executed attempts as they are at reinvention, Lillee's "fresh" content ideas such as Voyager and Beaute seem to be her trying to put out more mature content. She still calls herself a doll collector but she doesn't put out videos of herself actively playing with them. She is also a lot more careful with her lies - which I would say is one of the most valuable services the callouts provided, that throwing around lies irresponsibly will come back to bite you.

So what is their plan? I mean, their actual plan? It's one thing to put out bs like they're going to put their fake doc in world famous film festivals, or testify in front of Congress about her experience as bully-ee and having them pass Lillee's Law. This is just them trying to get attention from anyone they think might be stupid enough to help them but we know and they know this isn't going to happen. So what then? State Senator Liu has better things to do than to give even a second of his time to a delusional con like Laur. He's savvy enough to smell that a mile away since he's bombarded with request from more substantial people than her. How long is Lillee going to tease out another dull episode where she's in a park wearing 3 masks and barely able to walk 3 steps in shoes too small for her? How much more money can she spend on wigs, makeup, rent the runway clothes that don't fit, shein clothes that don't fit, and views and likes? Primink's and Diane's videos came out 2 years ago. They have moved on. Other content creators who made videos on her moved on. Everyone is doing other things. And yet, the Truemans are still lying, faking, and blaming everyone but themselves. Nothing has changed for them. They are better at hiding their transphobia and racism maybe, but that's it. Lillee's dreams of becoming famous are still dreams and she has achieved nothing that has brought her a step closer to fame. Surely they see this.

There comes a point, sometimes earlier, sometimes later, in one's life where a child realizes they know how to live their own life for themself better than how their parent thinks they should. Lillee has a long way to go. Sometimes I think of Gray Gardens, where little Edie had a chance at a modeling career, wanted to be a dancer, get married, etc. But she didn't want to put in the effort at becoming a truly great dancer. She could easily have gotten modeling contracts because she was so beautiful but she didn't want to make the effort. Eventually, she just felt more comfortable living with her elderly mother, alone, holed up in a bedroom of a dilapidated mansion with no money and garbage everywhere. I am not saying this is Lillee's situation at all because she was not born into wealth, lived in a mansion and certainly not born with the looks of a model. But my point is that I wonder whether I am seeing the beginning of this extreme codependent relationship where the daughter, despite whatever opportunities she has or doesn't have to live an independent life, chooses to spend her entire adulthood with a manipulative mother who seems to think it's OK not to encourage her daughter to spread her wings and make her own way in life.

All this to say, Lillee, you should find a therapist to work on your rage issues, and take a few part time courses at a community college. You can still do all that and put out your videos. You can. You really can.(take your meds)

No. 880261

Holy shit anon get a hobby

No. 880262

File: 1655294255887.jpeg (985.68 KB, 1170x1916, 2118FFD8-EAAE-4469-8B7D-C767A9…)

Lillee Jean alerted the DA. It’s over nonnies.

No. 880263

Why did they edited it trying to make it look like Lillee as anything to do with that article lol?

No. 880264

Well, it was nice knowing you, cyber-criminal-cult buddies. Shall I prepare the kool-aid?

No. 880266

File: 1655295497949.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1170x1861, CBEEB80E-B1EE-4D98-8399-4A762B…)

Laur uploaded 72 stories between 1-4am last night. Here’s Laur violating someone’s 4th amendment rights.

No. 880278

I have a feeling laur has some boomerish views about covid and masks, and lillee just plays it up a bit to look like a progressive humanitarian activist who is just so concerned about social justice and world peace and progress. Ever since this cow train started, they've always been so concerned about making lillee look like a champion of progressivism for some reason, with the fake minority accounts and whatnot

No. 880280

Is she being dense on purpose or does she genuinely not know theyre referencing 4chan and adjacent right wing sites. Lolcow had nothing to do with the attack. The only thing it has in common with 4chan is the imageboard format. Rightoid scrotes get bullied on here

No. 880290

>Is she being dense on purpose
Of course not, Laur is a gigatard who thinks any site that allows anonymous posting is the chans. She can barely speak English and that's her native tongue so I wouldn't expect her to tell the difference between this place, KF, or 4chan.

No. 880296

Yeah since Laur does not make about 10 fake accounts per day.
>Do the crime do the time
People deserve prison time because they said Lillee Jean is ugly and you buy followers and likes kek?

No. 880306


Honestly, I don't think they have a plan. Laur's made it by for years on scams and schemes and when one doesn't work, she moves on to another. It's not a sustainable way to live and eventually this will catch up to her, legally and financially, but Lillee hasn't seen that happen in her lifetime, so she's confident it will be okay.

Lillee could get a job or go to school but honestly, why would she? Laur will continue to support her and she doesn't have to go outside her comfort zone, and Lillee probably assumes that if any troubles happen Laur will dodge the repercussions and they'll keep scraping by as they have her whole life.

No. 880309

Laur's like a cockroach. It doesn't matter what befalls her, she'll just change up her act a little and scam her way out of it. Remember, her parents and sister are/were known scammers too. It's all she knows, and at the wrong side of 50, it's too late to do anything else.

I can see Laur getting sick of Lillee's shit when she realizes her cash cow never paid out, but by then she'll be on to something else and Lillee will either be in on it too or thrown to the wayside. Mark my words, nonnies.

No. 880310

We have seen glints of Laur trying new schemes since Lillee hasn't worked out. Like the brief thing where she was pretending to be a best selling author writing a book about her sister.

I don't think she'd ever boot Lillee though. After all, when her music star husband didn't get his big break she just found a different way to profit off of him. She already pretended Lillee had chronic illness in middle school, she'd get her on disability too.

No. 880329

>I don't think she'd ever boot Lillee though.

Agree. Besides being her potential/failed cashcow, there is something else Lillee is to her - her redemption, and what she sees is her best self. Which isn't saying much, but still. Lillee feeds Laur's ego, and in return she feeds hers. It will never stop until one of them is gone.

No. 880435

Narcissist see their golden child as an extension of themselves. Which REALLY explains why Laur has been trying to make Lillee famous since she was a little girl and why she stays up till 5 in the morning making weird vague threats and filing DMCAs. By insulting Lillee theyre insulting HER.

No. 880491


I'm sure Lillee thinks they'll be stable since Laur's always managed to squeak by and keep them in a home and fed, but do you think she sees the life Laur has and really…wants that for herself?

No. 880534

File: 1655519655041.jpeg (343.76 KB, 1170x1023, 3AE65787-6370-4585-A80E-36CE47…)

Laur’s talking to herself.

No. 880537

Goblins tried to copyright strike Angelika Oles

No. 880541

they tried to copyright claim the met gala photo…a photo of Katy Perry. Holy shit they’re stupid.

No. 880549

Skating by with mommy dearest is easier than trying to better herself at anything. Lil truly believes she deserves fame and fortune for no other reason than being Lillie jeaaaaaaan.

No. 880566

I am 99% sure that Lillee and Laur are convinced that they can legally copyright strike anything that contains Lillee's face

>but it's MY face, I have the rights to it!!!!!

No. 880569

File: 1655552846610.jpeg (901.67 KB, 1170x2026, E6F43EF5-49F6-45DE-8B8B-B740A9…)

>on a wiki page that has information about her dead aunt
>people going into your private life

It’s not private if you put it on Wikipedia, laur

No. 880571

Angelika briefly touches on it but Laur fucked up big time with the DMCA. Laur says they made the Met Gala edit which means they’re either lying to YouTube or they lied about the Indian teen fan account (the one who worshipped Lillee’s white skin) who they originally claimed made it. Either way they’re lying

No. 880572

File: 1655558998744.jpeg (160.21 KB, 967x857, silly-dank-meme-about-insecuri…)

>Too much beer?
>Project: Bullyosh

No. 880579

We've seen Lillee's rage-a-thon at Tatiana, and we know how particularly hard the Truemans go after POC callouts. But my tinfoil is that this video is the one that cuts Lillee the deepest. I do not follow Angelika, and have only seen 2 of her videos, both on Lileee. We all know Lillee does not like women, especially if they are pretty and well put together. Just a few seconds of looking this girl up, it seems AO has a lot going for her. First of all, she really is actually blonde and blue-eyed, something Lillee thinks is the epitome of beauty. Her body proportion is attractive, she has a pretty face, and she dresses cool. Her style seems effortless and young, not fussy and sloppy like a certain miss lj. AO is smart and well articulated. She has a main channel with 523K subs, a beauty channel (uh oh lj) with 139K subs, and she even has a book channel. As in, she actually reads books. Her insta doesn't seem very prolific, but I'm willing to bet none of her 76K followers were bought.

I'm just pointing this out because lj gets crazy jealous of successful young women, especially when they have physical traits that she wants so very badly or claims to have but doesn't. And to make it worse, this naturally attractive young woman who does not have to overdraw her lips successfully argued every point they made on their their ridiculous dmca youtube claim. The truemans couldn't get her video pulled down, but not only that, AO made a video pointing that out! I almost - ALMOST - feel sorry for Laur for having to endure Lillee's ire and fury! She might have to make extra instant mashed potatoes just to calm her down.

No. 880581

Angelika got big for starting shit with Gabbi Hanna last summer. She’s not stupid. Her views and subs have been drying up so Angelika picked another unlikable “influencer” to start shit with. She looks sympathetic against these psychos and gets views & subs from the anti-LJ crowd. Very smart move. Laur should take notes.

No. 880584

I'll take anything that enrages the golbins. I want Laur go on full franzia rage on (unbanned) social media.
It's free milk.

No. 880591


Nona of course she lied about the fan page kek. She lied about every "fan page" she's ever had.

Back in thread one they tried to pass that off as Lilz being invited to the Met Gala, BEING there, until she got called out. That's when it became "fanart" from a fan.

No. 880595

I’m aware of the original caption thanking James & Mario. What I’m pointing out is they’re admitting it was them in the email to YouTube.

No. 880598

A review of a new film "My Fake Boyfriend" caught my eye. Turns out it's not about pheepy.

No. 880663

File: 1655650529805.jpeg (367.71 KB, 662x1178, 08BB1CE3-C3F5-4C66-B50D-80E5A3…)

No. 880664

File: 1655650771957.png (797 KB, 1280x720, Breaking_Bad_S04E01__Box_Cutte…)


No. 880674

Laur doesn't know what either 'Pi' or 'Inevitable' mean

No. 880677

File: 1655684008145.jpeg (531.6 KB, 653x1187, 03247705-008F-4FB0-8951-375108…)

No. 880679

File: 1655684303517.png (7.19 MB, 828x6306, 3B5F764A-CF7D-4600-B96B-61D7FA…)

This is exactly the kind of riveting content that got her 1 million jeaniez

No. 880681

Laur writing how she and Lillee uncovered and prevented a series of mass shootings by turning the potential shooters in to the DA's office is even 10x worse than the "press release" on Lillee's site.

It's Tanya Head levels of disgusting and despicable.

No. 880689

eee ooo eee oooo

No. 880697

File: 1655715321255.jpeg (506.78 KB, 1600x1600, AdobeStock_28084010-copy.jpeg)

I think I found her closest ancestor.

It's true, I was one of the potential shooters and the whole prison bus clapped.

No. 880703


Laur's delusion started with trying to scare non existent bullies by saying they contacted the DA office and now the law is after them. Now, she's somehow equating school shooters and domestic terrorists like those who bombed government buildings and stormed the Capitol with these non existent bullies. She thinks by making this shit up and @ing politicians and journalists that she will get positive coverage and get her talentless uneducated daughter a glamorous and lucrative career. This is sick.

>Thanks to Lillee Jean the Queens DA was alerted…

Thanks to Lillee Jean, tax payer money was wasted by the Queens DA's staff wasting their time having to read and reply to Laur's delusional rants and lies.

Does Laur really expect these people to drop everything and white knight her cause?

No. 880706

File: 1655734688883.jpeg (585.05 KB, 1170x1524, 215DDC82-7B78-404E-8B80-751155…)

Laur commenting on the reporters post. The reporter has no idea who they are kek

No. 880707

Pointing out someone acting like a retard isn't a conspiracy thory.

No. 880710

Sending eggs to tired lady after she doxxed a couple of people is not terrorism

No. 880717

Pretty sure someone's already contacted this reporter warning her of these two idiots.

No. 880721

Let’s say Laur is able to get the attention of an actual reporter…how does she think this play out for them? No one’s going to write a positive story about them. It’s like Dee Dee Blanchard raised Anna Delvey. Buzzfeed looked at Laur’s evidence and sided with Lauren Elyse and Queen of Blending. Reporters have sources within the NYPD, DA’s office, even Twitter & YouTube. They’ll know immediately Laur’s lying. They’ll file FOIA requests for police reports and see they were never swatted. They’ll contact brands who Laur’s claimed bullied Lillee and find out about all the (rumored) C&Ds. Laur’s her own worst enemy.

No. 880723

i was gonna post a very similar picture but then i thought it's not fair for the monkey it's probably a good honest boy not like Lillee

No. 880726

You're right. I'm sorry Mr. Monkey for posting you here and comparing you to someone far stupider and uglier. Sometimes I get so caught in this cyberbullying criminal cult that I forget about the people I'm hurting. I hope you have a good day and many bananas.

No. 880728

Was wondering the same thing. Then I realized just one tiny peek at Laur's instagram and this reporter would be like, oh hell no, I am not wasting my time.

No. 880729

Why wasn't this taken from the driver's seat? Everyone knows she can totally drive.

No. 880732

Reporters these days take some social media trainings to deal with all the creeps and crazies they get sliding into their comments on the daily. I imagine saying "Thanks!" and then immediately muting them is procedure

No. 880741

File: 1655768450355.png (1.1 MB, 828x3646, E06C5DA4-EBAC-4F72-9387-D9A244…)

Laur is having a normal one

No. 880743

Yes Laur, this is completely normal. Why reporters and producers are not climbing on top of each other to get your side of the dumpster fire you created is beyond me.

What is a "fake twitter account"? If the account exists on twitter it's a real twitter account. I know what you mean though. You mean someone who creates an identity that is not their own on a social media site, right? So like a white middle aged woman who creates an account and pretends to be a horrific stereotype of a black woman? Or a white middle aged woman pretending to be an Indian girl who hates her own dark skin and wants to be pale like Lillee? Like those kinds of fake accounts right?

No. 880748

File: 1655772237031.jpeg (635.26 KB, 1170x1727, 6715D031-6613-4EDB-A9CF-E16832…)

those are screenshots of an account replying to Laur’s fake twitter account kek

No. 880750

File: 1655773377084.png (2.71 MB, 828x5408, F6CD3D03-CEDD-4FB1-9D5B-FAAEB8…)

Laur is still spamming her ig stories

No. 880752

Lillee uploaded a bizarre trailer for one of her videos

No. 880753

File: 1655776502589.gif (573.42 KB, 480x262, 5A4A4085-334C-4919-8A31-2B871A…)

No. 880754

I guess we found Laur's trigger word.

Anyway so Laur Trueman and her disgusting daughter Lillee Jean Trueman are pathetic

No. 880757

File: 1655789591105.jpeg (901.56 KB, 1170x2026, 3D8F4DDA-298B-43C2-AABA-E84ADA…)

Pretty sure Laur was drunk whilst making this one. She can’t even spell the name of her own project correct let alone use the correct word ( it’s ACCEPT not EXCEPT).

She only used the word “drunk” here because she’s more than likely self projecting.

No. 880759

Part of the reason Laur uses this ridiculous editing has got to be that it's the only way she can post screenshots of 'bullying' without making it obvious she is blocking out parts that are real criticism and descriptions of their lies and bad behavior. There are actually tons of nasty posts about Lillee's appearance she could use but she doesn't because it probably hits too close to home. Instead she picks the most vague no-context screenshots possible and her own weird sex ones she made herself.

No. 880765


No. 880766

Doesn't know how to use "epitome" correctly.

No. 880767

>confidence glow

Did they mean confident glow?

No. 880768

Wtf is she even saying??

No. 880769


Seriously, though. Do they not realize that a reporter will have to do their on research for a story? Do they believe a major news network wouldn’t do some digging before giving your story air time?

No. 880770

That fucking ending where it just loops a short clip of her scrubbing her nose almost made me choke on my coffee. She really made it look like a parody rather than legit content from a influencer.
Lillee Jean, if you really had a team behind your content they would not let you post this. Same goes for Laurs small hours wine fueled Bullyish spergs. I can't wait to see what this "document" evolves into. EDUCATE. ADVOCATE. ONLINE. DIGITAL.

No. 880771

Goblins are busy striking anything they can. This Reddit post was DMCA’d this morning

No. 880782

File: 1655832964598.jpeg (567.77 KB, 828x1114, 427C1B3C-4174-4DAD-B702-62A0DF…)

Laur’s sock is retweeting MCU and LJ crap and also this kek

No. 880786

Pre-diabetic usually demonstrates a decrease in insulin production by the pancreas. It's a phrase I see many doctors scoff at because it's a way of nicely saying "you have diabetes but might not need medication if you control your diet and AC1." LJ did was not pre-diabetic. In fact, I'm almost positive that her doctor said some nonsense like "I wouldn't be surprised if your daughter gets diabetes in the future if she doesn't change her eating habits" and Laur took that as a diagnosis.

No. 880789

The way she just kinda rambles about beauty and confidence reminds me of when my little sister would use her make-up kits on me and pretend she had a beauty parlour. It's that childlike "I totally know what I'm doing" babble. Actually now that I think about it that's exactly what all her make-up tutorials remind me of, kek.

No. 880791

LJ also parrots obvious things like "You have confidence when you look good and you feel good". Laur, give your lil' Sherlock a participation award.

No. 880792

Her understanding of the world and concepts are extremely underdeveloped. Much of the things she says sounds like it's coming from a child, not an adult. She's said on more than one of her lives that if she wasn't doing this she would be a veterinarian because animals are so cute to her. That's what my bff said when we were 9 years old. Little kids say I want to be a veterinarian because I love animals! A 21 year old would understand the kind of college courses she would need to take, then the exams she would need to study for to get into a veterinary school, then all the studying she would have to do there, take exams, and finally get that degree and license. An adult would understand the kind of dedicated studying one would need to do to get a degree or license of any kind. Unfortunately, Keystone doesn't have a vet program where you read Little Golden books on fluffy bunnies and test you on whether you can tell the difference between a duck and a horse, then award you with a degree so you can call yourself Dr Lillee.

She also mentioned she'd be a lawyer. Forget the LSATs and the bar. Who needs a JD when you have graduated from the Laur Trueman School of Law.

No. 880796

In short, no. Laur's lying is pathological. Lying is her baseline so telling the truth, or the concept of what truth is, isn't familiar to her. She truly believes that she can talk anyone into believing her stories. So if a reporter did some digging then brought to Laur what she found, Laur believes she can successfully gaslight her. And when that doesn't work, Laur falls back on her crazy reasoning of the reporter being part of Diane's cyber cult.

No. 880797

Why does Laur even yell cyber/online cult all the time? Does she not know what a cult is? What could a cyber cult leader do to scare someone from leaving or talking about it? "I will banhammer you from our forums and tell everyone your IP!"? Oh, the horror. Anything but that, please! I will continue watching Lillee Jean's YouTube videos so do not ban me!

No. 880800

I've tried sending nonnies my secret kool-aid recipe but they seem hesitant to try it. I'm having doubts about my ability to lead this cult tbh.

No. 880803

File: 1655852762919.jpeg (184.79 KB, 828x474, C9B4B8DA-7C52-40F3-9BF0-FAD160…)

ESL anon here: do people call contour “the chisel”?

No. 880805

I hope this reporter FOIAs the police reports and body cam footage from all time Laur said they were swatted.

No. 880806

It's attic pidgin. Also known as goblinese.

No. 880807

Because in her sad, delusional small mind, that is the best she could come up with. It can't be that her daughter has a foul personality and has no talent. Why don't people like her and see her for the gem that she is? It's got to be because they are jealous. It's lazy immature reasoning that started when Lillee couldn't make friends in middle school. Never mind that she barely went to school or didn't have a magnetic personality. No, it's got to be that everyone else was jealous of her. That later evolved into, there is this mass campaign against her. And who better to blame than Diane, since she was an early callout, was thorough in her research, was in contact with Laur, and showed her face (though disguised to some extent)? Laur is too lazy to come up with anything more creative. This is how we all became the cyber cult.

No. 880808

Question. If they were banned from Twitter, wouldn't Twitter be able to suss out the newer fake accounts they created? Why has this one gotten through? Wouldn't this account have been either flagged by Twitter or have been called out by others? I'm not on Twitter so don't know how this works.

No. 880810

I did not get those video games that middle aged cult leader lady promised to give to me if I am so jealous of LJ that I hold her accountable for her words and actions. This cult sucks, sayonara you bullyoshes.

No. 880815

Ik they never leave, but does she ever like, just sit outside? Enjoy the sun?

No. 880816

But nonny, then her skin would turn into blech, like leather. Like her teenage Indian jeaniez. No, Lillee is a pale blue blooded blonde princess like Elsa.

No. 880818

File: 1655860858938.jpg (243.85 KB, 1080x1589, Screenshot_20220621-211725_Red…)

Kek here's a screenshot for posterity

No. 880821

They’re likely using Google voice numbers to create new accounts

No. 880822

File: 1655863838331.png (1.2 MB, 828x2972, 3C95DBBA-2978-45D0-B366-494765…)

Does Laur have brain damage? She’s been posting the same screenshots for days

No. 880823

File: 1655864027028.png (2.06 MB, 657x2186, 950D55DB-5402-4795-A6E8-366397…)

Lillee went to Plaza hotel and wore a velvet dress in insane heat

No. 880824

File: 1655864104328.jpeg (429.83 KB, 798x1057, C08F00D8-152C-4777-ADF0-A418EE…)

Absolutely insane looking broad

No. 880825

File: 1655864502949.jpeg (663.91 KB, 828x1202, 14AA7D45-75D1-483A-ADAC-177090…)

This was a garden party so naturally Lillee wore a black velvet dress. Picrel is the description of the party

No. 880826

How can she possibly not see how INSANE she looks? Does she just bullshit herself? I don’t understand how she can’t see this when she reviews the pictures! This is concerning

No. 880827

File: 1655865408317.png (7.25 MB, 828x5233, 3DC2A4D5-0B12-41BD-AF95-1A72D8…)

She posted a ton of pics on her blog but there isn’t a single photo of her with other people even though this event was packed

No. 880830

File: 1655867473150.png (306.08 KB, 382x305, lj.png)

Holy shit.

No. 880831

File: 1655867907549.jpeg (62.22 KB, 400x500, 01B61464-AD52-46D7-9F33-7663FB…)

Here’s a higher quality version

No. 880832

File: 1655870760864.jpeg (212.57 KB, 1400x1400, Screen_Shot_2019_03_03_at_12.5…)

No. 880834

You think maybe Lillee wasn’t even invited to this event. Much like the met gala? She just invited herself over to the hotel before it even took place but Laur begged the hotel staff to let Lillee take pictures.
I’m sure if Lillee WAS in attendance of this big party she’d go out of her way to post photos with guests to try and prove she has friends. Also what happened to Lillee having anxiety etc? I call BS on her attending any big parties like this being in a building with so many people at once? That’d be a absolute nightmare for someone who suffers badly with anxiety.

No. 880836

The only thing that comes up when you google "Mario Badescu Plaza Hotel" is a bunch of shit Lillee posted herself. Pretty sus. I'm not sure there even was an event…

No. 880838

File: 1655873535097.gif (322.84 KB, 500x250, 033CB571-EC98-4D79-B37B-DECA4A…)

Her smile reminds me of pokey’s mom.

No. 880840

No. 880841

I think it was likely cancelled since Martha wasn’t there but the decor was left up, perhaps to give guests some Instagram material to work with and look at the displays.
I googled Martha Stewart COVID and only two posts popped up regarding it.

No. 880844

That's what happens when all you have is your demented mother for a feedback loop.

No. 880845

That's so sad. And not a single word about wishing Martha a speedy recovery.

What's she doing in the first photo? Is it another butt shot?

What's with the weird crease below the tummy? I'm too lazy to point it out with a picrel. It makes her either look like she's got a beer gut or pregnant. Something like that can be easily photoshopped out.

No. 880850

There's no way in hell she'd be invited. The reach of the reddit threads, twitter callouts and YouTube videos combined (not to mention word of mouth) means no competent person organising a party for a skincare event would invite her. She definitely just skulked about for those photos while Laur probably gave staff a sob story about her sped daughter. Like >>880841 said it might have been cancelled but decorations left up? Idk but it's certainly not what LJ wants us to think it it. Not unless Mario divorced James Dee, went back to his original surname, and then developed a skincare line, kek.

No. 880852

File: 1655895925318.jpeg (2.07 MB, 1170x2069, FF26C13A-963D-4670-901D-240F33…)

I checked Mario Badescu’s IG page and their stories were full of people from the event, former Bachelor Peter Weber was even there kek Would have loved a meeting between his mom Barb and Laur

No. 880856

File: 1655902414339.gif (1.56 MB, 270x480, 40812ED7-667F-41B1-B724-01EE62…)

Tons of influencers were there and the room was quite packed. Picrel is a recording of some rando’s ig story. There are tons of posts and ig stories from this event

No. 880858

File: 1655902537855.png (2.34 MB, 828x2890, 280FD0AC-B479-4D77-957B-03AEF0…)

Also this guy was there. Why didn’t Laur approach him to talk about Lillee Jean Cosmetics?

No. 880863

they showed up before the party started, took pics and left. Lillee was home posting photos to her website before the party even started. she probably got embarrassed after people started showing up in appropriate garden party attire and she realized she looked like a lunatic in a floor length velvet dress kek

No. 880864

You can see a pile of bags (purses & the cat litter makeup case) on the floor. Why did they need so many bags if they were going to an event for an hour?

No. 880865


There's absolutely zero chance that LJ received an actual invitation to attend, so I'm guessing that the plan was to go to the hotel well before the event was scheduled to start, take as many photos as possible in any areas they could access without an official invitation, and then if anyone questioned their presence, they would flap the bags around (supplied by Hollywood Prop-master Laur) and say they were just hotel guests who saw an opportunity to take some cool photos on their way back to their room.

No. 880866

File: 1655908395369.jpeg (688.32 KB, 828x1717, C782593F-DEEB-4339-8C88-059AC3…)

These are the video results that pop up when you Google “Mario badescu plaza hotel” kek

No. 880867

Her teeth are looking better but she still manages to smile like a fucking retard.
For an 'influencer and model' she has no poise or self awareness

No. 880868

File: 1655908946281.jpg (Spoiler Image,63.99 KB, 449x800, 800x1423_3514.800x800.jpg)

Her single cankle is giving Showgirls leg poster vibes

No. 880869

idk nonny, Mario Badescu is one of the non-drugstore few brands that Lillee still uses and raves about how much she loves. I wouldn't be surprised if it's one of the only brands left she still gets PR from and that she was invited to the event.
Looking at the size of the event, it seems like they invited tons of people and they probably don't screen the influencers they send shit to.

No. 880870

She can’t even pronounce the brand’s name correctly. Anyone know when the last time she got PR from them? The last makeup related PR she got was lashes from Ardell in January. How long until one of the callouts posts messages from MB saying they no longer work with Lillee?

No. 880871


Nah. Sending PR is one thing; anyone with two subscribers to rub together can make their way onto a PR list with some persistence, but getting an invitation to an event is not guaranteed, even for the people on a brand's PR list.

The difference between these Mario Badescu shots and what she posted from the Drunk Elephant event that she was actually invited to are very different. She posed and interacted with other people on camera, there were other attendees milling around in the background of her videos…this time it's a ghost town and I am skeptical of just chalking it up to Lillee's COVID paranoia when they could have social distanced while getting wide shots to show that she was actually standing in a room with people in it besides Laur. The garden party was packed, but you would never know another soul was there just going by Lillee's pictures. She's not even holding a drink or an official guest goodie bag or anything.

No. 880873

File: 1655910461767.jpeg (Spoiler Image,26.59 KB, 449x800, 90964D7D-69F3-4D45-8F2C-D26EB2…)

Be more realistic, nonnie

No. 880874

It was that packed and she didn’t even triple mask up like she does for outdoor walks?

No. 880875

we know how much Laur loves to rub elbows with d-list celebrities. there would be awkward pics of Lillee with every PoC in the place like they did at the fashion show. they either weren’t invited or someone recognized Lillee and said something. it all seems suspicious

No. 880877

File: 1655913372564.png (150 KB, 828x1017, 01A9B27D-BE6F-4F84-B97A-A93EF6…)

Lillee’s following Mario Badescu on ig but the brand isn’t following her

No. 880879

File: 1655914794383.png (3.22 MB, 828x1792, FDA516F6-A454-4C61-9D87-27EE59…)

Looks like she was invited but left before the action started

No. 880880

File: 1655916209914.jpeg (167.66 KB, 774x1200, 82883332-E7F5-411F-8EF2-A7FA3B…)

>what you ordered vs what you got off aliexpress

No. 880891

Tinfoil but maybe they were catering the event or they are there just to help set it up, and they took some pictures real quick before guests arrived. It's not unommon for event planners needing extra help to post a quick ad in Craigslist and offer quick cash for small jobs.

Im the one picture here, >>880827
where they are standing in the staircase, it looks like there is a purse maybe umbrella just sitting there. Who would leave a purse on a staircase at such a crowded event? They obviously put it down there real quick for pictures, as I am sure they were on a short time frame

No. 880892

File: 1655926408155.jpg (465.35 KB, 1080x1701, Screenshot_20220622-202122_Ins…)

Another girl went to the same event with her friends and you can see more people went wearing flowy clothes. Maybe she left early because the other girls are wearing clothing appropriate for the weather while Lillee is probably drenched in sweat from being g in a velvet dress in the heat.

No. 880899

omg I was going thru the Mario Badescu stories and thought I saw Laur’s ugly mug and when I went back, sure enough it’s her and her goblin child in this girl’s (sydneysadick) story. I screen recorded the story but idk how to upload it; saged so someone with the skills can capture this and upload it

No. 880901

File: 1655929384801.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1170x2064, E82D3705-8C67-46C2-A304-2795E6…)

The old man they’re standing with I believe is actually Mario Badescu as I was seeing him in many other stories and a quick google search shows they look similar

No. 880903

The fact she was invited but still took lonely looking photos is even more sad. I don't think it's her covid paranoia either as IMO she fakes that for the excuse not to go out much and because she wants us to know that she has the Right Opinions. Pure tinfoil but I wonder if maybe she left because she feared ridicule? She'd be surrounded by people drinking and there'd surely be at least a couple of influencers there who've heard of her and plenty more people wondering who the dwarf wearing a velvet dress in summer was and why her mother was there and shadowing her like a bodyguard. Lillee can't stand the thought of people not liking her and she seems like the type or narcissist to see people laughing and immediately assume that they're laughing at her. Either that or Laur didn't want her little baby girl (grown ass adult) drinking and having fun and potentially figuring out that there's life beyond Laur and playing with dolls.

No. 880904

Wonder if she will stay on MB's PR/invite list. Pretty sure people will have alerted them to the Truemans' antics, especially Laur's psychotic postings equating people who have every right to criticize Lillee with domestic terrorists and school shooters.

No. 880905

So that’s Laur without a mask on? So much for lillee triple masking at the museum kek

No. 880907

File: 1655931287826.webm (1.39 MB, 720x1244, Laurinthewild[2].webm)

sage for doubleposting but here you go nonette

No. 880908

Laur does not seem to be having a good time. I know the video is only about a second long and she has resting grump face but even so. There was a video by someone else where attendees can walk up to servers holding glasses of bubby and help themselves. Wonder why Laur didn't just take the whole tray and suck up all the free booze. Gotta be better than franzia.

No. 880910

Kek classic Laur wearing her granny reading glasses on her head at a classy event. IIRC that was her lewk at Fashion Week as well.

Interesting that there were so many people there and yet Lillee is pictured completely alone. Maybe the sweet menstrual stench cleared out the immediate area around them

Also nothing says hip 21-year-old influencer like a Martha Stewart event…

No. 880912

Lillee looks excited. Laur looks uncomfortable and out of place. I bet Laur freaked out over people recording them and made Lillee leave.

No. 880914

Sorry, where do you see lj excited in this video? I only see the top of her head while the camera pans before we get an eyeful of Laur.

No. 880917

It doesn't look like they're talking to him. Laur is looking away and Lillee is looking towards Laur, whenever they're talking to people their eyes are glued to them.

No. 880919

File: 1655937035212.jpeg (351.5 KB, 1170x1899, 8657D44B-8CC8-42D6-B28D-372864…)

calling in a wellness check when someone threatens to harm themselves on social media platforms isn’t bullying

No. 880922

File: 1655939231865.gif (701.9 KB, 498x280, lillee-lilleejean.gif)

Look at all those unmasked people

Please oh please let them get the coof from this

No. 880923

File: 1655939679906.gif (223.68 KB, 480x270, giphy (2).gif)

Yes, nonnie, it would be just terrible if the only time they left the house without 14 masks and a strict 20 feet social distancing bubble gave them a nasty visit from Miss Rona

No. 880927

Another bullyish teaser, now with Laur

No. 880929

And another one

No. 880932

File: 1655941785888.gif (553.21 KB, 288x222, creepy-piano.gif)

the creepy organ music at the end i cannot

No. 880939

I wouldn't call having your picture shown for a split second along with a bunch of other people on a billboard for the sole reason that Cover Girl would put anyone up who submitted a pic an "accomplishment" but I guess when you set the bar that low, fine, let's give her that.

But there are so many disgusting things she did and said that were hurtful to people that are real and documented, and she can't address those.

No. 880940

File: 1655943446984.jpeg (461.9 KB, 1170x1015, 3C3E33D6-2B5F-4D72-A832-1E4E35…)

Laur told the fbi Null owned lolcow, stole money from them and goaded women into doing something

No. 880944

Stating the obvious here, but this does not make sense. She's saying that funds were withdrawn from her bank account that she didn't know about? Did she bring that up with the bank? Where is proof of that communication? Her merchant account was attacked? OK, what did she do about it then? These are basic questions law enforcement would start with if they were doing an investigation. But they wouldn't. You know why? Laur doesn't have anything worth stealing. What's the most someone could take? A few thousand? That's not enough for the FBI to get involved. You deal with your merchant processor, and you take it up with your insurance company, assuming Laur pays for business insurance which I highly doubt.

She's making accusations she can't back up. I'm no Moon fan but Laur is really stretching it by trying to equate the NZ shooter with people commenting on what shitty people the Truemans are on a site that Moon owns. Has Moon sued her for defamation yet?

No. 880945

>our merchant account for our business has been attacked

She’s referring to anons posting her eBay history and the used nighty listing

>as well as other personal financial as well information being released on the internet.

The state of New York released Laur’s bankruptcy papers, not cyberbullies

No. 880947

File: 1655946054451.jpeg (269.65 KB, 2048x2048, D0B275DC-E174-4F79-8A1F-ED98A9…)

Here’s their timeline for alleged swattings. They’re claiming Reno called twice, a day apart in February.Their own paperwork said it was March 2nd though.

No. 880949

File: 1655946117693.jpeg (355.29 KB, 1170x637, 0E7C73D4-6B33-43BD-9503-C55E23…)

I grabbed a screenshot from the bullyish trailer showing the paperwork from APS is dated March 2nd

No. 880952

File: 1655947153592.jpeg (631.7 KB, 1170x1180, E02285F9-9E74-4BEB-A65B-E85C1A…)

In Lillee’s March 5th video, she says they were swatted a total of 4 times

>1st tip - Lillee’s dead

>2nd tip - Lillee’s in a wheelchair and wasting public money
>3rd tip - Lillee’s teeth are rotten
>4th tip - anti semitic?

They really need to start writing this shit down or at least check old videos to see what their previous story was

No. 880953

File: 1655947490144.jpeg (185.31 KB, 685x900, 891FBCE6-1D3F-4EBB-AA40-ABCCCE…)

From Laur’s stories

I wonder if she’s tired of being Lillee’s chauffeur

No. 880954

Weird how they’re omitting the time the cops told Laur that Diane called in an anonymous tip about Pheepy and made Laur & Lillee come to the station in the middle of a citywide lockdown. Almost like it never actually happened.

No. 880956

lj used the covergirl event to appear on the billboard and mentions that it was specifically regarding their switch to cruelty free, yet she doesn't care about that at all. sure its small compared to the massive laundry list of bullshit, but she could have left that part out

No. 880957

File: 1655950856931.jpeg (487.62 KB, 1170x1244, 992DDBFE-FA74-44F6-96B2-021774…)

the delusional artist thread happened after she dropped out of school

No. 880959

>we do not know who they are

But, Laur, I thought it was Diane and her digital cyber information superhighway cult? They can't even keep their story straight

No. 880960

lol you just KNOW Mommy didn't let Lillee have any of the ~adult~ drinks and probably made her have a glass of tap water while Laur double fisted the Martha Stewart chardonnay

No. 880967

non-american here, so I'm not sure how American APS work, but this notice also says it was an attempted visit, which I guess means that the Truemans weren't at home (doubtful) or that they didn't let the social worker in.
There is no proof of an actual visit, suggesting that Laur might be avoiding them. It's also funny how they started focusing on fixing Lillee's teeth shortly after this, especially considering how they have put so much energy in defending her "Vanessa Paradis" gap and Lillee continuously saying that she loves her teeth. I don't believe for a second that she fixed them because she suddenly had pain but maybe she did it so Laur and Earl couldn't get accused of neglecting their child.

No. 880969

the police came the first night, verified it was a fake tip, alerted the precinct but when the same Australian calls with a different concern the second day…the cops still show up? Makes zero sense.

In Bullyish, they’re claiming it was a middle aged woman bullying them by controlling children. The proof they’re producing shows they accused Null and reported him to the FBI three times. It destroys their credibility. This documentary is going to be a mess and I can’t wait kek

No. 880970

That shit is sending me

No. 880971

Why do these look like 2000s era cheap film camera pics using flash? Laur is the biggest boomer. I can see them coming in, scuttling off to a back corner to take these awful pics, then leaving without talking to anyone. Just like her big nights out on sidewalk near her house.

No. 880973

I think the reason goblins have no photos during the actual event is because Laur can’t take photos without flash

No. 880974


Of course they couldn't stay for the party or interact with anyone–Lillee can't deal with being around women. Especially at an event where people actually dressed to date and look miles better than her on her best day.

Seriously though, going to an event and then taking pics with…no one? She couldn't make it more obvious that she has zero social skills and zero social media know-how.

And zero friends but we knew that kek

No. 880980

She stayed in the staircase the whole time. Just like she does at her place.
This is so pathetic.

No. 880984

"At the time we do not have body guards" Asdfg- what?! Wow Laur, take your head out of your daughter's ass for a moment and check in with reality for a moment. Your brat of a child is NEVER going to be a big name celeb that warrants any kind of body guard. You truly are as delusional as people say you are.

Also it's ridiculous to assume people want to kill you and your kid. No one truly wants the Truemans dead. All we want is for them to be better people and for Laur to let Lillee have a normal life and experience life as a normal - and I hesitate to use the word "woman" as Laur infantizes her daughter so much by referring to her as a "kid" would by doing things a woman in her twenties should be doing. A majority of us are freaking praying for a Lillee Jean redemption arc but we all know that's not coming any time soon.

Laur please, go see a frigging therapist for your paranoia I'm begging you.

No. 880985

Oh this is some full fat premium milk they're teasing us with. Us Jeaniez should try and arrange a streaming party for Bullyish when it finally drops! If we're not all cashing in our pension checks by the time the goblins release it kek.

No. 880986

File: 1656011513711.jpeg (261.21 KB, 800x1000, AEDEF48E-8004-45C7-BAB0-F19E47…)

No. 880987

File: 1656011561132.jpeg (260.6 KB, 800x1000, 62197D50-2176-4EAD-BE0C-943B1F…)

No. 880988


She finally stopped doing the weird lip pushing thing and she looks terrible.

No. 880989

These photos also aren’t facetuned. I grabbed them from the bfa website.

No. 880990

File: 1656012345812.jpeg (354.49 KB, 2048x2048, 25F68E58-7F19-4960-A363-4A6FF5…)

The dress is supposed to hit below the knee kek

No. 880992

File: 1656012447909.jpeg (674.99 KB, 774x1127, C41646D4-7079-4C9C-9CD7-CE0A65…)

Is she pushing her lower jaw forward here? Her face looks so uncomfortable

No. 880993

If I was dwarf sized I would just make peace with it and buy clothes made for dwarves rather than live the rest of my life in ill-fitting clothes. LJ can't even admit she's put weight on though and is often in jeans that are far too tight so she'll never admit that she's a legal dwarf and not "petite".

No. 880995

File: 1656013518759.jpg (356.24 KB, 2000x2400, elizabethh.jpg)

No. 880997

Her new video is ridiculous. Same pictures about 5x and nothing to say about the event. At least try to be interesting LJ. You’re not even trying(namefag)

No. 880999

Lillee, please, fucking relax. Every time she starts posing in pics or vids she goes so stiff as if she has a broom up her ass and I hate it. Well, maybe she has considering the crazy eyes. Rigor mortis suits no one.

No. 881000

I know this isn’t the comparison you’re making but every time anyone compares Lillee to Elizabeth or Anna it feels like an undeservedly flattering comparison. Elizabeth went to Stanford. Sure she swindled and lied to investors but she at least had the intelligence to convince other intelligent people. Her idea, even though a failure, was based on actual knowledge. Anna’s story is similar. I have no idea what school she went to in Germany but she left her house of her own free will, didn’t depend on her mother to drive her around, and moved to a city to run elbows with influential people. Sure she lied but she’s an intelligent liar. Lillee is none of these things. She can’t do the most basic adult things for herself, and she’s lucky if she gets into Devry. Lillee can’t be bothered to leave her house to swindle and lie for herself.

No. 881006

I doubt that Lillee has ever used NY metro by herself. Most people her age use it with no issues and it’s a great way to be independent without needing a car.

No. 881007

i want to know what the photographer thought during this and seeing the photos afterwards. and whoever may have seen it when posting it online.

No. 881008

I doubt she's gone anywhere by herself. Or even with friends. Imagine your embarrassing dumpy mom following you literally everywhere you go. No wonder she's insane.

No. 881011


Tinfoil that they didn't have any fun at the event, and they didn't actually go to enjoy it. Like several anons have already said, Lillee does not like women. Her taste in entertainment, food, arts, etc. is extremely limited and childish. I can't see her actually enjoying the live jazz music. She was probably seething at the attractive blonde singer with a great voice and musical talent. She must have been super uncomfortable in her dress while attractive young successful women were socializing in appropriate garden party attire. She must have seen plenty of women her age with Pheepy-type boyfriends while she was resentful that her date was her out of touch and extremely unhinged mother. She doesn't drink so she couldn't appreciate the themed cocktails (Laur probably had one or two or 17). Food was served but she probably thinks anything other than instant mashed potatoes, dried chicken breast, canned vegetables, greasy Chinese food, and pizza is icky.

I think the point of them going wasn't to have fun or network. I think they went only to get her pics taken to show her non existent cyberbullies.

No. 881036

>>Lillee does not like women
Speaking of, still no Pride Month acknowledgement from our Pansexual Princess? What a shame

No. 881041

This was the first big event after covid for Lillee. She could have been overwhelmed around crowds because she’s been cooped up for 2 years straight. It’s sad Laur won’t step in and help, instead she continues to push her daughter into a career in which she needs to be outgoing and likable, two things Lillee will never be.

No. 881045

My bet is she chose a random sexuality which suited her last year. Laur did the research after she was called out and then told Lillee she was no longer allowed to come out as pansexual because in Laura’s childish understandings of things it made Lillee look like some kind of slut which is not the image she wants for her goddess goblin brat.

No. 881054


Since she was shopping for a queer identity that wouldn't require her to have to feign any sincere homo tendencies in public, she should have picked something on the grey/ace spectrum. That would have had the added bonus of giving her a plausible reason for why Pheepy has disappeared from her life entirely and why she never dates anyone.

"Oh, I'm not a shut-in loser that can't go anywhere without Mommaire breathing down my neck, I'm forever alone because I'm a pure-but-still-sexy, virginal demi-sexual princess."

(in case any lurking attic goblins are in here taking notes for future lies: don't actually do this. Lillee can't sit with us either, and our flag colors would clash terribly with her sallow skin if she tried to use them in a last minute pride month makeup look.)

No. 881056

But Lillee wants to exude sex appeal and feel wanted.

Some anon spoke to Lillee’s middle school boyfriend and he said that they weren’t allowed to leave Lillee’s home. After a month of being supervised by Laur he grew bored of the relationship and dumped Lillee.

No. 881058

Lillee would never do that because she thinks sex makes you a mature adult and it would break the hearts of all the weird Indian guys hitting on her. Also:
>Lillee can't sit with us either
No one wants to sit with asexuals, kek. Not even LJ.

No. 881062

File: 1656084631621.png (349.71 KB, 564x556, 896ed7060f4fc4cbc0bdd0a2a4b6fd…)

Waiting for Lillee's statement about how we should all come together after Roe vs. Wade has been overturned

No. 881066

You really think she knows what Roe vs. Wade even is? She probably thinks it was a tennis match.

No. 881067

She probably doesn’t even know anything abortions beyond the general fact that it ends a pregnancy.

She also doesn’t need to ever worry about it because:

1. She lives in New York.
2. She probably inherited her mother’s rotten womb.
3. She won’t have sex with a man for as long as Laur is alive.

No. 881068

You can tell that it was meant for women of regular height by the leg cut. Leg cuts are always supposed to reach up until the upper part of the thigh and not just above the knee like it does on LJ, especially on mid/maxi length dresses.

No. 881074

File: 1656096911420.webm (2.6 MB, 656x1184, FullSizeRender.webm)

This is a story from Laur’s ig. Why do the goblins insist on now showing any other people from this event?

No. 881078

File: 1656097683424.jpeg (256.09 KB, 659x1165, 34F02929-E007-4F05-A0BC-EF3B9D…)

Here you go, nonnie

No. 881079

File: 1656097765655.png (1.06 MB, 654x1708, 216408F3-AAD7-499C-87BA-D71FEF…)

No. 881082

>Skincare is the epitome of confidence
????? How is English her first (and only) language?

No. 881085

she probably just found out epitome has four syllables instead of three, she hasn't gotten to the definition yet.

No. 881088

File: 1656101235313.jpeg (395.69 KB, 660x1184, DEB8E528-A04C-458D-A178-5A14EA…)

No. 881089

This was just a copy of Laur’s story

No. 881093

I stand up for abortion rights bc I wish Laur had gotten one 21 years ago

No. 881096

No. 881097


Nonny, I’m dying at this! Kek. If this doesn’t end up in one of Laurs unhinged instagram posts I’ll be sad.

No. 881098

I've noticed Laur doesn't seem to show lolcow posts. Just the same tweets over and over again. I think it's because some of the callouts are genuinely unhinged themselves while here we're just spitting facts and giving genuine advice to LJ.

No. 881099

I think not posting lolcow posts & only social media ones have to do with Laur's antics. Even if a Twitter account is anonymous, it links to an email address. Even if the email address is fake, Laur is probably thinking "Got ya!" And proceed to doxx innocent people in their groundbreaking premiere of Bullyish, by using as much information as she make make up about these 'anonymous' Twitter accounts. With LC, we are truly anonymous and she can't link anything here to actually think she can found our identities. Slight tinfoil, but she is idiotically unhinged and it fits her narrative. I really can't wait to see their explanations on how they think they connected all the dots.

No. 881103

She showed a lot of lolcow and KF posts in the first Bullyish trailer, but after that has just been using screenshots of tweets. I think both farms are too confusing for Laur to navigate at 4 am after some Franzia

No. 881107


Holy fucking shit there WAS a middle school boyfriend?!?

No. 881111

yeah no, Lillee is way too horny to pretend to be asexual.

No. 881114


Elaine promised Laur all of the LC boolies info more than a year ago. She's probably still convinced that some how the super haxxor is gonna succeed.

No. 881120

LMAO what a goblin

No. 881121

Praying to all the gods that Elaine makes a cameo in Bullyish. I know it won't happen but it'd be great to see her hacktivist schtick in video form. You just know she'd wear a Guy Fawkes mask and use some shitty voice obscurer app to talk kek.

No. 881142

Elaine appearing in bullyish would be hilarious considering she wants to fuck one of Laurs enemies.

No. 881143

And banned from kiwifarm for allegations of posting child porn.

No. 881145

anna oop made a vid on lillee and once again it just covers surface level shit we know. In my opinion the video felt one sided because she didn't go into how she and Laur doxxed people nor did she go into her racist stuff

No. 881155

why does she look zooted in the thumbnail?

No. 881186

File: 1656262596779.jpeg (572 KB, 1170x1728, 5B566909-12E0-478E-8368-D4BBAD…)

Laur’s still commenting on hate videos with her alts

No. 881187

File: 1656262868658.jpeg (410.65 KB, 1170x1473, 3D186042-C5E1-461B-A8CF-1ED106…)

same account on Anna Oops video

No. 881190

What the fuck is a 21 girl old woman?

No. 881194

It's when you're legally 21 but as intelligent as an average pre-pubescent girl with the same knowledge of culture of said girl but you have the dumpy body and fucked up teeth of an old woman.

No. 881211

Laur completely infantilizes LJ and it’s annoying and sometimes disturbing. There are 21 year olds out there who live on their own, pay their own car payments and have a full time job. When will she realize her daughter is a grown ass adult?

No. 881213

File: 1656289751308.png (63.62 KB, 843x752, delusion the new fragrance by …)

Laur made another IMDB "episode" about the event surprised she had time in between her 24/7 schizoposting about Bullyish


No. 881230

>colors and imagery are highlights
well Christ, Laur. Generally images are a highlight of photography, yes.

No. 881233

File: 1656303911986.png (129 KB, 1321x1162, prim.png)

Laur must have bought a ton of fake/stolen accounts and is doing this with them all on callout videos. Picrel is from Priminks video. Notice how they're pretending to be fans of Primink who wanted a face reveal.

No. 881234

File: 1656303968868.png (224.39 KB, 1330x1856, anna.png)

Same accounts on Anna Oops comments.

No. 881235

File: 1656304088904.png (205.23 KB, 1324x1718, ann.png)

Laur got mad someone called out her weird puppet show so she brought them all out

No. 881236

File: 1656304314889.png (237.4 KB, 1420x1772, anna.png)

No. 881237

File: 1656304797049.png (291.25 KB, 1328x2692, anna.png)

No. 881238

File: 1656305115030.png (149.36 KB, 1330x1095, sunnyv2.png)

More comments on Sunnys video.
>Womens rights were taken away and here u are picking on a woman.
Imagine if Laur and Lillee were as dedicated to feminism as they were dedicated to this shit.

No. 881241

For someone who denies they’ve made a bunch of fake accounts in the past. Laur does a terrible job if disproving the fact that these are all obviously her.
She must think people are stupid if she doesn’t think we know what the hell she’s up to.

No. 881242

>that attic dweller anna oop never would know of what a fan edit is
>attic dweller
Oh, Laur…

No. 881243

Samefag, sorry, but Laur made another attic comment on different account.
>I know you're a lowlife living at home with your mom in an attic corner
She's projecting so damn hard I got a hearty kek.

No. 881245

kek, even if the callouts were living in a attic at least they have better housekeeping habits then the Truemans, we've seen how badly kept Lillee's room is. The dust? Messy flooring, Litter-trays in her bedroom.

No. 881249

File: 1656318893236.png (115.92 KB, 1184x1200, laur pls go to bed.png)

Laur is still doing it.

No. 881250

You ever wonder what Laur and Lillee get up to if the internet goes down in their house? Shit like this is proof someone needs to take their internet connection away from them. I bet they don't even pay their connectivity bills anyway, too busy wasting money on their so called "projects".

No. 881254

File: 1656325695010.jpeg (777.91 KB, 1170x1804, 84E82206-6D78-48EB-8DC3-A5A74D…)

No. 881256

Her narrative is bizarre. Has Laur got so fed up of everyone calling Lillee a fake she's decided to once again flip the tables and chose to use that insult for everyone else who's made videos about Lillee because she thinks it makes her the bigger person?

Oh Laur, Oh honey-boo. This is real life. Not playground insulting #101 from kindergarten which I no doubt bet you skipped and picked it up from whatever Disney Junior show you let Lillee watch this week.

She's gonna be demanding face-reveals from everyone soon. Sorry V-tubers Laur and Lillee are aiming to put a end to you because you're hiding behind a mask of anonymity to them. keks.

No. 881257

Yet another example of the Truemans taking something devastating that do not affect them at all, and making it about them in some bizarre tenuous way.

No. 881259

LJ didn't even go to school lol

No. 881260


>”farming" multiple "tea" and "hate" videos on people for a profit

> I was shocked when I realized that all these infactual videos were linked together, and they were all made by the same grouping of people.

Laur has lost it

No. 881262

Diane how dare you own every tea channel and dictate their content.

No. 881263

Content farms sharing negative Lillee stories are bad. Content farms hosting positive Lillee Jean interviews and op-eds are fine though.

No. 881265

File: 1656335218177.jpeg (108.27 KB, 1170x959, 5B63E352-02D7-4E39-9C82-E56E49…)

Anna Oop has been called out multiple times for regurgitating or straight stealing content from other drama channels. Paige Christie made 2 videos on it. Laur’s sock commented on one of them last night kek

No. 881266

>Lillee Jean has a high search inquiry; the stalker sleuths; they make money, and the fake scandal continues rolling.
Lillee, what the FUCK are you talking about?

No. 881267

she absolutely believes these contents farms are run by farmers from lcf & kf

No. 881278

>content farms
>all FARMS
It's all the same! Wake up sheeple!!!!
- Laur, probably

No. 881279

Pepperidge Farms remembers.

No. 881283

File: 1656358004299.jpeg (243.38 KB, 828x819, 1E83DBFC-5227-4F5B-A0AA-80C87B…)


No. 881284

File: 1656358315066.png (951.86 KB, 828x1826, EDD2BC89-4CFA-4318-A200-B230D9…)

Riveting stuff

Why are all of her photos here so washed out?

No. 881286

File: 1656358423825.jpeg (164.18 KB, 387x672, 36D5F431-E1DD-406A-AAA9-269A25…)

Jesus Christ

No. 881287

File: 1656358526483.jpg (87.51 KB, 500x730, no more eggs.jpg)


>Pepperidge Farms remembers.

Notorious gang stalking cyberbooly black website pepperidge.farms

Tired Lady ordering a whole pallet of picrel for new gay ops as we speak

No. 881288

Didn’t Primink get doxxed when Venus Angelic’s mom tried to sue him? Hasn’t Laur been using his alleged name in video tags?He’s a real person not a cooperation, Laur.

No. 881295

Can’t even stand up straight for a second for a photo. But totally a model.

No. 881296

So she's still doing that? It's poorly conceived and the first one proved it was even more poorly executed. This is even worse. What is this even supposed to be? Engagement bait? Sponsor bait? Cankle porn?

No. 881299

File: 1656382520369.png (29.81 KB, 1317x232, nm.png)

2 fake accounts commented on Lillee's PRIMINK LIED video. I love watching in real time Laur coming up with some conspiracy about the evil content farms trying to take Lillee down. Just watch, Laur is going to continue to put out Bullyish spam but now it's going to all focus on content farms who actually hate women.

No. 881300

File: 1656383138406.png (84.73 KB, 470x863, e.png)

Comments on a voyager video.
>The fact that you're surviving makes me want to stay.
Laur's ALWAYS insinuating that Lillee was/is suicidal or in danger, Lillee needs to wake up and see this is not normal behavior of a parent. It's concerning and I wouldn't be surprised if Laur is telling Lillee to fake it.

No. 881301

It's obvious Lille has already chosen what she wants to wear and Laur stuffs the votes.

And why is it called Style Your Lillee? I don't claim her. If she were mine I'd sell her to a Mexican donkey show to get rid of her.

No. 881308

Thanks for the vivid imagery of Lillee taking donkey dick up her ass nonnie.

No. 881310

Gross. Comments like those fuel Laura's persecution complex.

No. 881313

Why do we care about that old bitch? She ain't gonna do anything.

No. 881314

You missed the most important one out… BIG PHARMA! You know all those people telling Laur and Lillee to get on meds? Nothing but big pharma shills. Of course they want these completely sane individuals medicated, it makes them money!!!

She don't need no fuel for that complex, anon. I'd say it's solar powered but that metaphor wouldn't work as they seldom go out, kek. Point is Laur has been like this for a long time, probably since LJ started getting bullied at school and now she thinks this schtick will get them income with soon to be Academy Award winning documentary "Bullyosh" she'll never drop it.

No. 881344

It’s so fucked up, it’s like Laur’s trying to manifest misery and fear in Lillie so she has a reason to continue her crusade in her defense. Constantly stating she is suicidal, in danger, being stalked, her life is ruined, her career is over. It’s hard to imagine Lillie wouldn’t start internalizing that after a while, either by being truly convinced she’s the victim of a terrible plot or just to appease her mother. It smells a lot like MBP, actually.

No. 881380

Laur get a real job challenge
Instead of "mind raping" your grown adult child baby.

No. 881411

Half the shit Lillee got canceled for was Laur. Calling jobs, racist sock accounts, attacking people online etc. If Laur truly gave a shit about Lillee, she’d log off and she’d convince Lillee to do the same.

No. 881426

Since they love Reddit, Lillee should take a gander at the subreddits 'raised by narcissists' or 'raised by borderlines' and set herself free. I think even she could put two and two together after seeing just a few stories. Because I agree, he mother has caused almost ALL of these problems, including starting with how they reacted to her supposed middle-school bullying (following the 'Asian girl' in Laur's car and yelling at her).

No. 881436

Haven’t seen it posted it yet, but it’s the new episode of mind over ‘beaute’ posted 5 days ago.I got around to watching 6 minutes so far. I had 4 commercials already, one every 2 minutes plus the ones in the beginning-I guess the money is drying up fast.
At minute 1 n something she mentions she needs to use SPF because she freckles because she is a REDHEAD. I guess no more blonde/strawberry blonde /dirty blonde for our princess.
Second thing, she is washing her face and she lets the water run all the time while rubbing, staring in the mirror/camera. Minutes of water running and running. The environmentalist is really shining through

No. 881437

Damn, she finally admits she's not blonde! Another few years of cyberboolying and she'll admit to having green eyes, not blue. We're doing it, cybercult! Also this is a total nitpick but isn't the French word "beaute" pronounced beu-tay or something?

No. 881438

Nonnie get an adblock, don't give them money.
I thought she was cruelty free. La roche posay isn't a cruelty free brand… or maybe she's only cruelty free when she feels like it. Disgustang.

No. 881447

The way she talks about getting ready to "go out" at like 2:50. I really wonder if she genuinely thinks of herself as a busy socialite business woman or if shes still trying to fake it till she makes it.

No. 881455

she's only cruelty free when it can get her 2 seconds of fame on an nyc billboard

No. 881459

I’m almost proud of her for admitting she’s not a goddamn blonde. That was a dumb lie. It’ll be interesting to see if she matures a little the deeper she gets into her 20s. But the likelihood of that happening while living with batshit crazy Laur and not having an actual job are truly unlikely.

No. 881495

File: 1656592408230.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1170x2186, 92553E8C-A5B8-4DBC-8E93-73CCDE…)

Laur removed the part about working with law enforcement & Lillee’s law from Lillee’s fake wiki entries

No. 881499


Truly the bar for LJ is buried under the basement, anons. Most people in the US have achieved at least one of the following by the time they reach the age of 21:

- voted in some kind of election

- pursued some form of higher education/skilled trade

- worked a full time job

- moved out of their parent/guardian's home

- paid taxes

- made and attended some sort of medical appointment on their own

- gone on an outing or trip without a chaperone

- cultivated a close personal relationship based on mutual respect with at least one person outside of their immediate family

- successfully prepared a complete nutritious meal

- made the connection between behaving badly and subsequently experiencing negative consequences

- learned enough math to quickly calculate 9 + 9

No. 881502

When she said that I just imagined her walking alone on a dark sidewalk outside her house while Laur snapped away with the flash on. That's always been her night outs. No Pheepy, no friends, no one else, just her alone and maybe a poor tree that's done nothing other than just be there while she showed it her, um…

No. 881507

I'm guessing the DA's assistant finally told them to politely fuck off and stop wasting their time.

No. 881516

File: 1656600678431.jpg (174.23 KB, 717x1633, laur_socks_yt.jpg)

The comments are so weird, but so is laur.
>Skin confidence is a real concept!
>You have risen above hate
>Such an important message
>it would look great on your pale skin
>I hope you continue to do well
>very classic

Funny how she just answers to laur and not the (real?) questions.

And yes, >>>>881437 she pronounces beauté as beauty instead of like the french word.

No. 881529

Weird how they’ve retconned everything to do with Pheepy and but won’t drop the slaughtered french vocabulary. Every time the world sees Lillee Jean Beaute, it just reminds them Lillee faked a french pedophile boyfriend for years kek

No. 881531

she's getting fewer and fewer genuine comments. at least maybe 2 years ago she'd have an occasional wine mom or a medical retard fall for her redemption act, but she's really been alienating any genuine fan she has with her unhinged paranoia

No. 881541

Or, by watching they January 6th hearings, they realized that Congress has exacting standards and want thorough proof of their accusations, not vague made-up stuff that Laur likes to post. Lillee saw that to talk to Congress you have to be articulate and choose your words carefully, and can't breeze through with hand flailing and moronic facial expressions. So there goes Lillee's Law.

No. 881548

File: 1656636530360.jpg (153.86 KB, 1440x794, Screenshot_20220630-204511.jpg)

On her newest voyager teaser, she put her name 14 damn times on the credits for just a regular vlog

No. 881553

it’s her team, nonnie

No. 881568

So modest of her to list Laur first under filmography.

No. 881570

File: 1656656302015.png (102.1 KB, 1317x939, laur.png)

More Jeaniez defending their queen Lillee. Weird we've only seen these fans pop up recently and only in the Youtube comments of the most popular LJ expose videos.

No. 881571

File: 1656656501978.png (87.99 KB, 1319x689, flowerbell.png)

I originally thought Laur must have bought all the accounts that are 2+ years old she commented on, but I found FlowerBells14 commenting on LJ's video from 2 years ago. They've must have had all these accounts made for years and now Laur is letting the Jeaniez army out.

No. 881572

The best way to spot a Laur sock account is if it has a first and a last name. The more exotic name, the higher chance of it being Laur.

No. 881576

Bold of you to assume that they paid attention to any of that. The most exposure they probably got to the trial was a brief one second flash while channel hopping to find a suitable PG-13 film for LJ or a generic "Jan 6th bad, congress mad" headline on twitter for an article that they absolutely did not click on and read.

I kek'd.

No. 881595

How has she >risen above hate
Her documentary is an unrealistic absurd project. Just like her beauty cosmetic line that never went out.
Her makeup video aren't going anywhere and she isn't improving the slightest.
Her talkshow didn't bring her any usefull contact.
She still not leaving the attic and not doing anything fun.

>you have issue with someone having a good time
LJ doesn't look happy, she looks unhinged to the point it's been years we're tinfoiling laur is forcing her into that "influencer career".
I've never seen her having something actually considered as a "good time".

No. 881604


they can't keep the story straight. half the time they're crying because null diane and the ghost of the tsar are all conspiring together and she spends every day in fear and misery because she's in danger of being assassinated at any moment and her career has been completely ruined. then two days later they flip the script and suddenly lillee is a queen totally unfazed by all the jealous janitors and middle aged eggs, she's a successful accomplished actress model environmentalist filmmaker ivy league ceo.

of course we all know which of the stories is closer to the truth

No. 881626

File: 1656704420365.jpeg (404.1 KB, 675x630, 81980B13-2094-45FE-A7D8-C6019A…)

Laur, this makes no sense

No. 881642

>puts whole life out there on the internet under real name
Laur, shut the fuck up. And who's provoking? From what I've heard any follower/commenter that isn't a bot or a sock account gets blocked. The goblins are provoking themselves.

No. 881681

Can someone please get them in touch with Randy Quaid? I need this meet up to happen. You have Quaid who looks/smells like every homeless person in NYC COMBINED. Then you have Lar looking like a methed out Glenn Danzig. Aannnddd Lillee, the physical embodiment of the Trump presidency. Short, hard to look at, and hopefully quickly forgotten.

I think this needs visualized and drawn.

No. 881913

>Lillee, the physical embodiment of the Trump presidency

This is so perfectly put! Their antics of deny deny deny and project project project are identical to the el trumpola playbook.

No. 881931

No. 881933

Lillee still can’t count. The last episode was #4 now she’s on #6.

No. 881939

>i looked at the hype auditor too
kek when everything went down and people were showing how fake her followers were wasn't she reeeeing about the fact that hype auditor is actually the only reliable one (and also is the only one that came back saying her following was legit)? laur you have to work a little harder to make it less obvious you're posting from the attic.

No. 881956

File: 1656884805486.jpeg (590.49 KB, 666x1280, 0C8A4093-4C3D-4CB5-99EC-9596F1…)

No. 881957

This fat bitch eating fried chicken? Totes healthy my doods.

No. 881968


Help me figure out what I'm looking at in this picture, anons: at the top, I think that might be a baked potato with half the tub of sour cream plopped on top, and at the bottom looks like some sort of sad chicken cutlet that Laur cut into extra small pieces. But what are the wet-looking beige blobs in the middle? Is it cauliflower smothered in butter or cheese?

Her entire diet seems to consist of the same 5 foods over and over (chicken, iceberg, pasta, broccoli, potatoes) and it's always just mushed together into something barely a half step up from those Hungry Man microwaveable slop buckets. She's gonna wind up with xerophthalmia or something.

No. 881982


Why are all her food pics zoomed in and blurry? Is she still bothered by the whole single use plastics and takeout containers thing? Where is the presentation? How is this an instagram worthy meal pic?

No. 881985

I hate moids

No. 882030

File: 1656940114038.png (3.29 MB, 828x6258, 4DA6E46F-BC13-4D96-92F2-35B1A5…)

Laur was posting these from 10pm until 6am last night

No. 882038

>then we found out about content farming!

There’s no corporation, cult or whatever else Illuminati bullshit Laur’s broken brain has manifested. Lillee & Laur are unlikable liars. No grand conspiracy and Laur insisting there is makes her sound psychotic.

No. 882041

File: 1656951778662.png (84.9 KB, 983x583, Screenshot_33.png)

Laur's sock on the r/realLilleeJean sub.

No. 882046

I want to know when was the last time she ate a fresh fruit.

No. 882049

She doesn't even see how her unhinged screeching sounds way more psychotic than the screenshots she's showing and I'm sure 99 percent of ppl who happen to stumble upon this drunk stream of consciousness will think the same.

No. 882052

Too colourful. No way.

No. 882056


lillee only eats soft beige foods that she can mush against the roof of her mouth with her tongue because of her fucked up teeth and jaw. in the video she did with the solved skincare dude she didn't even recognize scrambled egg.

No. 882088

File: 1656985727228.jpeg (738.39 KB, 828x1267, 2D15AD00-730B-4239-AC60-35C549…)

Laur keeps sperging

No. 882089

>nobody on the content farms can explain-
Is she talking about us?

No. 882091

File: 1656987426876.jpeg (614.53 KB, 1170x1679, 92079EAA-E642-40B6-B6F0-3B10A8…)

She left this comment on Angelika Oles’ video while she was sperging about socialblade on Instagram kek

No. 882092

File: 1656987749682.jpeg (539.96 KB, 1170x1941, C5B27240-5B30-4521-9043-168D57…)

>damn son you out there
More YouTube comments from Laur

No. 882101

Yes. The panty cult run by Diane. 6 hour meetings everyday devoted to finding new ways to ruin Lillee's life and career in the backroom of Victoria's Secret.

Free panties for new adult members and free video games for new members under the age of 18.

Schizophrenia and alcohol don't mix, Laur.

No. 882104

When was the last time she defrosted Earl for a romp in the hay?

She clearly needs to get fucked instead of angry schizoposting at 3am

No. 882123

It's funny, cause if Laur had any brain she would just bully Angelika for being a has-been that's banking in on old drama, which is why she's losing subs. Laur, however, is unable to do anything other than project all criticism Lillee gets towards the people criticizing her.

>I'm buying subs? YOU'RE buying subs

>I'm racist? YOU'RE racist
>My kid's bf is a pedo? YOU'RE a pedo
>I'm making fake accounts? YOU'RE a fake account
etc. etc.

No. 882135

I bet Laur's just perplexed how people clock her accounts so easily… definitely doesn't help her paranoia though.

No. 882136

Is this an admission LJ's followers and subscribers are bots?

No. 882146

File: 1657023279626.png (2.16 MB, 828x4955, 615FFAD5-7D89-4085-93B2-73D274…)

More 2am schizoposting

No. 882149

File: 1657025545134.jpeg (172.59 KB, 1170x1250, 0D2A8564-EEEC-44A6-8A3E-EDECEA…)

She left a comment on Lillee’s latest video with the same sock saying someone told her to leave mean comments kek

No. 882150

File: 1657028612455.jpeg (427.21 KB, 1170x1446, F9A001EF-A32C-4B1F-A5EA-89D576…)

>I was sent by the content farmers to say mean things
>Commenting on Lillee’s account for the last 2 years

You’re not even trying, Laur.

No. 882170

>Twitter as their main source of attempting to slandering Lillee Jean
lol TWITTER as our main source‽ More like the "dark websites". No one is talkingbout her on Twitter since she got suspended…

No. 882179

I really hope Lillee knows these accounts are Laur. It’s weird enough she’s using alt accounts to push her grand conspiracy theory but if she’s using them to scare her borderline agoraphobic daughter too, Laur should be institutionalized.

No. 882188

An egg cooker with a timer and a roll of duct tape symbolizes that Lillee's time is up and she's being silenced?

Laur isn't just grasping at straws she's got them in a chokehold.

She's even more paranoid than the average QAnon follower. I really hope she doesn't have access to guns or anything sharp or blunt that could also be used as a weapon.

No. 882208

Nta I've never considered that lillee possibly might not know, that's a psychological shitshow if so

No. 882227

It doesn't seem like Lillee really gives a shit about project boolyish. Laur is a woman obsessed, but when was the last time Lillee herself was upset about the cyberboolies? I feel like she's just humoring Laur because the alternative is much worse

No. 882257

>exasperate mental health issues

No. 882356

Why isn't Laur the one making makeup videos?
She's the one who wants all the fame and her endless repost of old LJ videos are useless as LJ is boring af.

Laur applying makeup while being in the franzia freakout would be hilarious and 10/10 worht watching. Or any Vlog about her life in the attic trying to control her huge little goblin.

Come on Laur, steal LJ's makeup and start stepping in for real and being the star of the show, you can't hide behind your daughter forever. There's a real influencer career awaiting for you!

No. 882357

I’d pay $6.99 an episode to watch it

No. 882359

File: 1657131643311.png (458.1 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20220706_131208.png)

From her blue make-up shorts. The glitter looks like shit and the short has no audio except for her awkward air kissing.

No. 882361

I wonder if Lillee is losing interest in doing YT. She clearly doesn't spend as much time editing her videos as she used to.
She used to do voiceovers, music and cut her videos down to 10-15 minutes. These last couple of months she has barely edited her videos and has just uploaded 50-minute make-up tutorials with no cuts

No. 882362

She's busy making award winning documentaries anon

No. 882372

Even Lillee’s said she’s over the beauty influencer stuff. She doesn’t know what else to do though. She tried art commentary & cosplay and was run out of the communities. Lillee enjoys the interview series because she can talk about herself to people she thinks are her peers but for the same reasons, they’re boring and unwatchable. The biggest problem with Lillee Talks Live is she’s running out of engagement pod nobodies to interview. She can’t be a tea/commentary channel because she’s illiterate and too self involved. She’ll keep doing these low effort makeup looks until Laur figures out which new community they want to shoehorn Lillee into.

No. 882399

What is their future though? Like seriously. Will they do this very same thing when Lillee is 30? There might be some delusional end-goal for them, but this isn’t going to go anywhere. Ever. I can’t believe Laur, the scammer, is basically being scammed herself by just throwing time and money into Lillee’s channels via bought followers and sock puppet accounts.
I personally see them maybe getting a little bit of fame in some sort of future/not yet made reality show about wannabe E-Celebs like Lillee. A show that’s akin to hoarders or intervention.

No. 882420


Tbh this made me sad. I can't imagine her gut problems. The possibility of scurvy. Constipation and bloating. Reflux.

I get some Gypsy Rose vibes.

Did Lillee finish school? Does she know anything about nutrition? Are her teeth like that because of Laur's shitty diet during pregnancy and whatever she makes her eat now?

No. 882422


The most popular tinfoils about why Lillee looks like she does are Williams Syndrome (not likely in my opinion) and FAS. I personally think that multiple vitamin deficiencies could have played a big factor, as they could explain her stunted growth, the sorry state of her mouth/jaw, and even the chronic pain she blames on "tight pelvic walls."

Lillee eats like a toddler in that phase where they scream and refuse to eat unless they get mac-n-cheese and dinosaur nuggets for every meal and has presumably been doing so since she was an actual toddler. Of course, most children eventually move on from that when their parents set boundaries and they realize that spinach and zucchini aren't scary. Unfortunately for Lils, she was raised by the kind of indulgent moron who would allow a 10-year-old to self-diagnose "pre-diabetes" and come up with a google-researched diet to "cure" it rather than immediately taking her to a doctor.

Can our next booly mission be to get Lillee to go see a dietician before she develops brittle bones?

No. 882436

She has a new series! Lillee Jean VOYAGER where Laur this first episode where she drives her to the Natural History Museum. Lots of "ooh" lips and hair-tossing. She thinks it's a "magic trip". WOW, she really is only at a 10 year-old level in life… SAD

No. 882437

scroll up, it’s been discussed

No. 882478

She released the first full episode of voyager and it’s something.

>First 9 minutes (half the video) is car footage because Laur gets lost going to the museum.

>”we live in the best place in entirety” - Lillee, on living in NYC
>Lillee says bridge builders hang off bridges and don’t use ladders
>Lillee gets lost in the museum
>Lillee films in a public bathroom
>awkward waddling
>a bunch of vertical iPhone footage

No. 882479

File: 1657253006919.jpeg (488.92 KB, 1170x641, 15E7860A-580F-40FA-85C8-357348…)

of course she tries to touch exhibits like a toddler

No. 882485

Her feet don't even touch the floor when she's sitting in the front seat.

Due to her size and mentality she should be sitting in a car seat in the back.

No. 882514

File: 1657263237517.jpg (165.45 KB, 1080x1080, 52922854_2282251395380394_3967…)

This "series" is giving the same vibes of those pictures of Lillee pretending to shovel snow. "Watch, Lillee Jean do things! See, I, actually go outside!". Lillee just can't make any type of content where she isn't the focus or not trying to prove the haters wrong.

No. 882535

>wears 2 masks
>touches everything

No. 882536

File: 1657280634802.jpg (824.52 KB, 3264x1363, befunky_2022-6-5_12-43-24.jpg)

Kek at Lillee holding her hair like an old rag

No. 882540

File: 1657282344306.jpg (311.55 KB, 1167x655, jfc.jpg)

Lille stop. It's not cute. It's not cute even when toddlers do it and it absolutely isn't cute when an adult does it. Nobody wants to see your tongue it makes ou look like an actual slobbering retard who can't control her face.

No. 882544

File: 1657283008921.jpeg (747.3 KB, 1170x1242, CF8D1748-9122-4728-BDE9-54E546…)

No. 882549

Really enjoyed the part at 07:18 where Lillee gets shitty with her driver because they’re lost.

No. 882561

File: 1657290294948.png (1.08 MB, 828x895, 50BFFB4B-02DD-46D3-ACEC-95FC63…)

Laur had to carry around a bunch of bags while wearing platform shoes

No. 882563

File: 1657290413248.gif (1.28 MB, 200x115, FB7AC955-74F0-4181-A80B-D9F0D2…)

Lillee, learn to smile

No. 882564

File: 1657290537588.jpeg (279.61 KB, 828x447, 35180E9D-2841-457A-8B14-BB36A0…)

We see your thin villainous lips

No. 882566


laur really loves those foam platform flip flops from 1998, huh? every time they leave the house she seems to wear them. maybe she doesn't have any other shoes…

No. 882567

I also don’t understand which language she’s trying to speak when pronouncing “voyager”. You don’t pronounce the r in French and the accent is placed on the first syllable in English. Lillee, what the fuck are you saying?

No. 882571

Wow, more than half of the video is them driving to the place

No. 882578

File: 1657296759735.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1170x1441, 0EE2F6CB-ED8E-48FF-A386-F2EFB3…)

Laur’s wearing Lillee’s old stretched out jeans

No. 882580

this girl is so incredibly weird. like i know that's the point of this thread but i just can't get over it. this is the first video of hers i've watched and im blown away by how strange everything she does is. her facial expressions. her wierd little brown teeth. the little tongue thing she does. i'm amazed.

No. 882582

Lillee really needs to get the spot above her lip checked by a derm. It’s getting bigger. M I know she calls it her invisible mole but Lillee, it’s most likely a cyst. It’s only going to get bigger.

No. 882583

Lillee, when people asked you to go out and do things in NY, they meant things that you'd actually enjoy and with literally anyone other than your mom.

Her mom talking to her while using the toilet was particularly gross, they truly have no boundaries.

No. 882586

This video is terrible, half of the clip is of them in the car and when she tries to show random shots of the streets it is just all over the place. Hard to follow. Then we get to the museum and same thing, random shots, no explanation or anything. Just because you can record it doesn’t mean you should. Good thing most of her viewers are bots because this is not it. They need to look at other people’s work and get some aspirations. And god her teeth are tiny yellow corns, whiten them or something. No cute.

No. 882594

Same, I like vlog videos like this that have music and nice shots but this was a headache to watch. The camera was so jerky I couldn't concentrate on anything and the background noise was horrible in the museum. I don't know why they don't buy a cheap microphone or something, anything would sound better than the iphone mic.

No. 882599

File: 1657309667833.jpeg (454.17 KB, 1170x1750, 90AF2C88-33A5-4376-9ABB-CD6CC7…)

>presenting a scenic overview of iconic exhibits

Was that the 9 minutes of driving or the museum bathroom?

No. 882609

>meticulous details of each historic moment

No. 882612

Agree this is unwatchable. Maybe she shot it this way deliberately because we're the only ones who would legit watch and she wants to give us all a headache.

Despite this, there is some milk.
>Around 7 mins in, she basically tells Laur to chill.
I have a friend who has a daughter who is 14 and Lillee's tone is so much like the 14 year old talking to her mother with an exasperated attitude. Even if she can't drive, she can instruct Laur to just go with the gps. Lillee is 21.

>all throughout she just points at exhibits and doesn't absorb what she's looking at.

Her way of pointing is like a small child going, "Mommy, mommy, look at that big rock!" And Laur's like, "Wooooooow honey!" This is a 21 year old, folks.

>It is not OK to film in public bathrooms. Even if they were alone, someone can walk in at anytime.

>The uncomfortable waddling is hilarious. Would like to see more full body shots of her trying to walk in heels.

>Wears sunglasses in dimly lit rooms.

She does this because she doesn't want to be "recognized" but honey, the sunglasses are not going to do the job. If I saw someone 4'9" waddling along wearing badly fitting clothes and 3 masks, I would instantly know who that is.

>Touches an exhibit. Literally puts her hand on it.

Did I mention this is a 21 year old?

No. 882619

File: 1657316156399.gif (1.46 MB, 200x108, DC53D95B-D4AC-4DE7-910A-0A9C25…)

The waddle is real

No. 882621

There was no explanation because you could barely hear either of them.

Lillee has very bad vision and her sunglasses don’t have prescription lenses. She couldn’t read the descriptions of artifacts even if she had to.

No. 882628

File: 1657318337320.jpeg (323.44 KB, 1170x660, 62650650-728F-405D-8ABD-CE4E9C…)

>It is not OK to film in public bathrooms. Even if they were alone, someone can walk in at anytime.

I don’t know about NYC but in the state of Cali, it’s illegal to record video in public bathrooms. There’s a part where she pans across the doors and 3 stall doors are closed. Laur was probably trying to piss in one stall and random museum goers in the others. For two people crying about privacy, they sure are fucking stupid.

No. 882662

Nary a hint of ol' Diamond Earl. Maybe he really IS dead?

No. 882669


Yeah it’s not legal to record in bathrooms in NY.
Naughty naughty LJ.

No. 882675

File: 1657331929786.jpeg (549.04 KB, 666x1016, BA9E9C44-67AF-4FA8-8499-B55B46…)

No. 882685

File: 1657337326180.jpg (75.23 KB, 1080x474, 222721.jpg)

The comments on this video are so uncanny, I wonder how much time/money Laur spent on these.

No. 882701

That term is normally associated with 9/11 or some other horrific tragedy. The fact that she used that phrase here is truly disgusting and makes a mockery of what that phrase truly means.

No. 882702

"Look at that, mommy! Did you see that?"

No. 882703

We need stricter laws in NY that enforce the "no recording in public bathrooms" policy. It should be called Lillee's Law. The DA's office needs to be notified so they can prosecute offenders, and we need Senator Liu's help to get this law passed. Educate. Advocate.

No. 882719

File: 1657364751566.png (321.46 KB, 476x1815, laur.png)

laur isnt even trying to hide its her

No. 882724

>lots of people…created alt accts to view her videos

You don’t need an alt account to view YouTube videos. Isn’t this what Lillee’s Law is trying to make illegal?

No. 882726

I don't think either mother or daughter has really thought this through. Since they are nobodies, it's just an amusing sperg fest to watch.

No. 882729

>she makes nothing

Laur's saying the quiet part out loud again

No. 882752

Still trying to parse out what "we all have money for the tea" is supposed to mean. Does she think people have to pay to watch Primink's YT video?

No. 882760

File: 1657399884231.png (148.97 KB, 1313x1079, laur.png)

Laur keeps bringing up Sunny/Primink/Anna etc making money from their Lillee videos, I think we found what her real issue with the videos must be then…
I think Lillee just films and puts in every single clip in editing without even looking at them. Its like if you let a toddler film clips on your phone and then it automatically generated a video from those clips.

No. 882771

File: 1657410334653.png (888.66 KB, 1364x700, voyager.png)

Lillee never gets out so driving on a highway is exciting for her. No one wants to watch blurry footage of hotels, pavement, and bumpers for 5 minutes. Kek at pic rel.
>We live in the best place [NYC] in the entire world
while filming under a bridge.

It just occurred to me that may be one of the reasons she doesn't drive. Aside from the freedom being able to drive would give LJ, Laur is too cheap to pay for any devices or models that would enable her to drive at her height.

No. 882782

>she changed herself because everyone pressured her

No Laur, your child was in severe pain because you neglected to get her the proper medical care she needed. Her teeth were impacted in the roof of her mouth. Lillee said it herself in multiple videos, there’s mountains of video evidence you put out. In fact, the level of neglect was so severe, the first dentist you visited reported you to adult protective services. Fuck right off with your peer pressure bullshit. Laur’s probably just resentful she had to pay for it and wants a bullies reimbursement.

No. 882791

File: 1657433072877.png (14.17 KB, 291x218, BallerinaGisu.png)

Laur left this bizarre comment on heyimsayyo's video.

No. 882800

File: 1657453246370.jpeg (732.58 KB, 1170x1681, 0CDB75BE-42A5-4B35-B6BC-1E3195…)

Laur posted a bunch of YouTube videos at 4am. Laur copying the thumbnail images from other creators videos so she can copyright claim them.

No. 882801

File: 1657453308175.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x2234, C69670B1-C4A9-4304-8EF2-4CB59A…)

>very public cyber lynching

No. 882807

>Will be shown next year at film festivals
Keks at the fact it was meant to be shown this year at film festivals.

LJ can't be bothered to record interesting places and equalize the sound in her last video but will make a full movie? (anytime soon)

No. 882820

File: 1657467915142.jpeg (458.33 KB, 1170x1471, 41199400-AB4D-4903-B83B-A551E4…)

>this is not true, we never said she went

Kek. Laur get some sleep

No. 882825

File: 1657471952653.jpeg (718.68 KB, 1170x2011, D55BA303-32C4-4C53-9EF3-077BDE…)

No. 882827

File: 1657472128683.jpeg (550.59 KB, 1170x1971, 61DB06CB-3D87-41E7-B07F-C76AB8…)

Laur pulled an all nighter and you can tell

No. 882851

She keeps spelling Primink’s name as “Primmink” over multiple accounts/comments kek

No. 882878

File: 1657495784062.png (865.19 KB, 932x596, 1562617624739.png)

well, she is technically telling the truth, because she never literally said "Lillee Jean went to the metgala". However, Laur so heavily implied it that even people with lillee-levels of low IQ would think Laur is saying that she went.

No. 882892

File: 1657500417587.jpeg (954.79 KB, 1170x2156, DA2ADC04-C005-4DA8-9724-2C45BD…)

Laur’s left 15 comments on SunnyV2’s video in the last 5 hours. I enjoyed the lolcows shoutout.

No. 882896

File: 1657505119455.png (1.75 MB, 1002x2932, A440BA08-5D96-4CF4-9439-7DA211…)

No. 882899

File: 1657506385514.png (2.57 MB, 597x2236, B375DD7F-B10D-4FC4-AA3B-8DF65F…)

Voyager pt3: Lillee went outside again

No. 882900

File: 1657506490053.jpeg (101.83 KB, 326x710, DE7694FE-8D31-4843-8CFF-05B588…)

Her pants are way too long once again

Does rtr not carry petite sizes?

No. 882901

>I looked and there was no APS called on her
It’s literally in the bullyish trailer kek

No. 882903

It’s ok when this rando checks public records on Lillee, but farmers doing it is illegal kek

No. 882904

This sudden pivot to Lillee being bullied into fixing her teeth makes no sense. There are a bunch of videos where Lillee herself says she was in a lot of pain (and could lose her hearing or go blind). Even if online pressure was made Lillee go, the dentist found a bunch of serious issues. Her adult teeth had to be burned out of her gums with laser surgery. They vlogged the surgery.

No. 882911

video from 2016. it is so odd how she seems so much closer to "normal". probably because she still went to school then and got to interact with people outside of her mother

No. 882924

File: 1657520781395.png (138.51 KB, 1332x998, ijiklnj.png)

Laur is really losing it

No. 882925

File: 1657521203427.png (227.93 KB, 1308x1136, ijiklnj.png)

No. 882926

File: 1657521674082.png (117.17 KB, 1331x731, ijiklnj.png)

>they are literaly trying to hurt and beet you up nonstop
>I pray they live you alone
Do you think the misspellings and weird grammar is on purpose or from the franzia?

No. 882932

The massive turn ups

No. 882939

She’s losing her mind because Sunny, Angelika & Primink won’t engage with her. Laur wants to fight with someone and none of these larger YouTubers are giving her the time of day.

No. 882942

File: 1657540121885.jpeg (291.41 KB, 2048x2048, 3C015CF0-D4EC-4EFE-BAE1-EA393C…)

a lot of the accounts she was using yesterday were made the same day kek

No. 882944

Her torso looks weirdly long because the pants are supposed to fit high waisted but they’re too small. The crotch is way lower than it’s supposed to be.

No. 882995

>tthe lolcows

No. 882996


old school manic laur is my absolute favorite laur. i'm so glad she's back to her full freakout power and spending the wee hours puppeteering 1043852 sock accounts again. i bet no one in the attic can get a moment's rest with her chomping gum and raging all day and night surrounded by empty franzia boxes.

No. 883007

I'm laughing at the similar typing styles. Every comment that starts in a lowercase has every other sentence with a capital. Laur isn't very g8 at what she does.

I have to say from what I've been sensing there will be another reverse goatsee soon

No. 883057

File: 1657628082931.jpeg (921.95 KB, 1170x1977, CBB01ADC-8B1E-4349-81B4-5A69DE…)

>these videos were too polished

Lillee not understanding some YouTubers actually make an effort

No. 883096

The scream into the void that people who post things on the internet (i.e. Lillie Jean) should be protected from all judgment and criticism.
And yet Laur goes into a hypermanic state, criticizing and insulting others for days on end. Are they ever going to wake up and realize that people who try to be "public figures" have to accept public critique and all the inevitable mockery that comes with it? Their stance on the issue makes no sense and that's why no one will ever listen to them or support them.

No. 883101

she has a hyperlink for the dark web?

No. 883104

i doubt either of them know what the darknet is and probably consider chan boards and kf "dark websites" because they are boollies. laur wouldn't let lillee near a .onion domain because onions are too much for lillee's toddler diet anyway

No. 883205

File: 1657714383151.jpeg (428.21 KB, 1170x1692, 6AFBCB6A-8B90-46EA-80ED-6226B4…)

Lillee’s still pretending she votes.

No. 883248

File: 1657743695632.jpeg (304.11 KB, 812x816, 243AC56F-EAF4-4CEC-A02E-6E364F…)

Her facetune is getting out of control

No. 883250

Voldemort in drag

No. 883257

Laur still doesn’t realize leaving 50+ comments on a 2 month old video is only going to make YouTube recommend it more

No. 883270

File: 1657759580189.png (10.68 MB, 828x7734, 398D5310-A27A-4813-8CF0-165080…)

No. 883271

File: 1657759928159.png (2.14 MB, 1486x996, 112630F0-883E-477A-85CF-5B2A6C…)

>>883270(what the fuck is this)

No. 883273

File: 1657760496933.png (548.07 KB, 632x716, 8CFAE691-65DB-4E48-B6AA-EC15F5…)

(cringe fanart)

No. 883280

Why does she dress like a WASP grandma?

No. 883282

oh nonnie, I just had my first genuine laugh in days. bless your heart.

No. 883285

File: 1657764640990.png (368.67 KB, 546x638, g8friday.png)


No. 883286

File: 1657765308454.png (1.04 MB, 1481x984, F90983B6-33B0-43CF-9DF2-FB4038…)

No. 883287

Laur is going to lose her shit. Thank you, nonnies.

No. 883290

File: 1657768058378.jpeg (832.54 KB, 1170x1551, 4779735D-DFE3-4729-A16C-E43D88…)

This photoshoot was at Powell’s Cove. It’s the East River, not the ocean.

No. 883323

File: 1657801902943.jpeg (804.75 KB, 1013x1014, F8A1669E-5E90-4D34-92E7-EC42D1…)

you can see both sides of the river in the next picture. what does Lillee think an ocean is?

No. 883344

Thank you for your service kek

No. 883348


I feel bad for her, it looks like she age regressed

No. 883392

File: 1657837552075.gif (3.66 MB, 498x276, simpsons-makeup.gif)

Wow. Her makeup skills are GREAT!

No. 883423

Maybe I'm getting soft, but I'm really starting to feel sorry for her. I still cringe seeing her videos and pictures but now it's more secondhand embarrassment. Idk, sage for softhearted rambling.

No. 883426

I'm going to go to hell for laughing at this and the red text.

No. 883427

oh my gosh i forgot about james dee! and mario! the original head mates
me too nonna

No. 883448

File: 1657886183338.jpg (124.25 KB, 1219x632, taupemodel.jpg)

Tru top model face.

Laur you should sue all NYC top model agencies for rejecting LJ.
They are cyberbullies run by a cult of old women.

Why isn't this picture on all NYC billboards idk, contact the mayor and district attorney office asap.

No. 883452

File: 1657887609897.jpg (22.57 KB, 300x400, Feedmelilleedoll.jpg)

I can't unsee it

No. 883453


I know anywhere outside the attic is "exotic" for Lillee but they pick such mundane backdrops for these "shoots".

Can't tell if this is her lying about where she went or this is her lack of education and not knowing different bodies of water.

No. 883482


I think Lillee and Laur thought that if they went to like ONE real place that could be considered like, an actual thing to do in NY, they could go back to these boring/plain park photos and act like it's some big NY park or something.

God forbid they go to a botanical garden or somewhere actually interesting lol.

No. 883491


Correct me if I'm wrong, anons, but I'm pretty sure that Lillee hasn't really left the attic for much of anything besides going to Rite Aid for her vaccines, going to the orthodontist, and humping the local neighborhood foliage since 2019.

That's a very long time to have been almost totally cut off from the outside world. It wouldn't surprise me to find out that Lillee had really intended to go to some new places to shoot her "voyager" videos, but got overwhelmed at the Mario Badouche garden party and the AMNH and realized that she can't handle anything more strenuous than going down to the local dog park and wobbling about in her high heels for a few minutes while Laur films.

No. 883493

That makes sense! It might deffo be part of it.

I get the impression Lillee doesn't LIKE going out. Even before the pandemic, the only time we got a look at her outside her home was when she went to those pay to participate events/staged PR schemes they did.

Considering they live in NY, they didn't even do that many back when they did. You can count the events/"PR" activities Lillee has done outside her home on two (generous) hands.

REAL influencers go to dozens of events/PR outings a year.

Lillee was always cut off from the world. Covid was a very convenient reason for her to stay in and Laur to save the event money on more bots and articles. Which is why they tripled down on how serious Lillee took covid–except when they got the opportunities for Lillee to have a handsome man over to the house, teehee!!!

No. 883527

Goodness, she really resembles her mother, doesn't she…

No. 883543

File: 1657928090386.jpeg (109.64 KB, 640x1138, 9170095D-775D-4BC3-8BF0-18C6FD…)

She really does

No. 883544

File: 1657928666975.png (6.54 MB, 828x4303, EA2309E3-3955-48B4-AD60-276F77…)

Lillee went to a spa!

No. 883545

File: 1657928727954.jpeg (710.64 KB, 828x1072, 505A82CA-93EA-431A-8EC5-4EE883…)

And she’s still triple masking

No. 883546

File: 1657928938341.jpeg (89.72 KB, 828x698, E02BF911-DC10-453F-870C-0B155F…)

Laur’s new sock account got suspended

No. 883549


i thought this series was supposed to be lj highlighting uniquely nyc locations and experiences? this is so pedestrian. anyone in bumfuck arkansas can go to a mid-priced spa in a strip mall and have the exact same experience.

she is now trying her hand at lifestyle vlogging, and it's just as low effort and half-ass as her attempt to do art, cosplay, asmr, interview, fitness etc etc. she's running out of content genres to fail her way through. what's next? true crime? food? video essays?

No. 883552

She went to a Mario Badescu spa so she probably got a coupon for a facial at the event

No. 883553

nonna, this is clearly a dig at us, because she started uploading these vlogs right after the anons here discussed how lj lives in a place with so much potential for experiences, let alone content, but doesn't leave the goblin hole except to take pics in the driveway at 3am.

i'm honestly just glad she is getting out, even if she doesn't realize that this is more for her than for haterz. great job, lj, now go somewhere without your mom or a camera and experience life like a proper human being. maybe then you can apply for a community college and salvage what's left of your beauty career

No. 883561

I hope she puts out a vlog about this trip. Fascinated to see Lillee and Laur interact. Wonder if she behaved completely inappropriately at MB like she did at Wander. And how loud was Laur at the spa? Ooooh… (rubbing hands excitedly)

No. 883566

Let's hope she took a bath and put on some deodorant before heading out to the spa, we don't want another "sweet smelling menstrual smell" incident again

No. 883579

>i'm honestly just glad she is getting out, even if she doesn't realize that this is more for her than for haterz. great job, lj, now go somewhere without your mom or a camera and experience life like a proper human being. maybe then you can apply for a community college and salvage what's left of your beauty career
Right?! Lilz, we know you read here. Get outside more, breathe fresh air, walk (get some walking shoes), get sunshine. God knows you need the Vitamin D. Get a blanket and go sit in a park. Look at clouds and shit. Get out from under your mom's grasp and think about your life and what we're telling you.

No. 883603

File: 1657976126969.jpg (70.86 KB, 682x626, bestpic.jpg)

This has next thread pic potential

No. 883604

I mean at least this outfit isn't terrible but it's not exactly in style. This style screams 2012. And the shoes don't match at all

No. 883615


She always looks so excited to go outside, like a puppy that's stuck in the house/crate all day. Lillie, when Laur is in the middle of one of her mid day alcohol binges, sneak out and go take a walk somewhere, even if it's just to the dairy queen down the block.

Outside isn't as scary as Laur has spent your whole life making it seem.

No. 883616

File: 1657986453383.jpg (30.2 KB, 800x450, Xbawks2.jpg)

She looks like smug Xbox kid here.

No. 883621


I'm confused, why is someone so young always alone? Even the retarded adults who bag groceries at my local supermarket have social lives, they talk while they bag and talk about going to basketball games or pizza parties. Why is this girl always alone? This is really sad. Not one picture out with friends having a good time. Are her and her mother lovers?

No. 883622

nonnies have been saying that here for like, over a year though.

No. 883628

They have a codependent, enmeshed, and emotionally incestuous relationship. I know the term "incest" will send Laur into a tailspin but too bad, that's the actual label for their type of isolated bond.

No. 883675

Lillee wasn’t spending enough time at school to make any meaningful friendships, so she surrounded herself with dolls who can’t talk back. At this point she’s too stuck in her ways and I doubt that she’ll ever be able to make a real long-term friendship with a person who isn’t related to her.

No. 883676

File: 1658022701941.png (6.81 MB, 828x4244, C3BCDD95-1E8A-4E7D-BC21-024243…)

Lillee went to Central Park to look at women’s rights

No. 883677

File: 1658022742238.jpeg (250.6 KB, 828x735, B7277650-469E-4CAE-B3FD-F208E7…)

There’s going to be a Voyager episode about it too

No. 883678

You know, Lillee doesnt even have to follow a "traditional path" if that's really not what she wants to do. She could go to cosmetology school and be a (legitimate and licensed) MUA. It seems to me like make up is something she's always been passionate about. Though her skills leave much to be desired, you can always learn. There are so many paths she can take she really just needs to lay off the internet for a bit

No. 883679

She doesn’t want to learn from other people. Laur has instilled this idea in her that she was born with a talent and that’s good enough.

No. 883683

Why is she flaring her nostrils so hard in the bottom pic? kek

No. 883692

It’s the same pair of Express jeans Laur had on at the museum >>882578 and they look filthy

No. 883700

that top is so ugly, almost as ugly as the pink romper

No. 883775

Literally 0 fashion sense. High rise skinny jeans haven't been cool in years unless you're a 40 year old disney adult with 4 kids.

No. 883776

I'm so annoyed they're using "Voyager" still. There are so many reasons why it's such a retarded name for the series.

No. 883781

She's no Kathryn Janeway, that's for sure

No. 883782

At least she's doing her usual crazy stare/smile. It's a nice change

No. 883788

File: 1658085446433.jpg (732.49 KB, 695x2432, Lillee in the wild.jpg)

Lillee is interacting with other people this is not a drill I repeat this is not a drill

No. 883790

Gotta give it to Laur this time, these photos are funny

No. 883792

Those girls are SO DONE with her kek

No. 883794

Someone please caption these. I'm not as funny as you all.

No. 883795

File: 1658090940534.jpeg (337.84 KB, 828x947, B6C3A5BD-E1C7-4AA2-B622-EF4D8A…)

This was an Inspiring Girls event

No. 883796

Even if that org is sus, it's still not OK for lj to be giving any kind of advice to minors. This is a high school drop out, and even when she was technically in school she only showed up once a month. She's said it's OK for minors to have relationships with adults as long as it's OK with the parents. She really should not be anywhere near young girls.

No. 883797

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No. 883799

File: 1658091777266.png (2.56 MB, 828x1331, 0BAFE0C7-9C6F-4382-9B02-B9DA31…)

Just perfect

No. 883800

File: 1658092776878.jpeg (358.45 KB, 828x1134, E88E6A29-CB71-4D5E-BD26-74E8DF…)

No. 883801

Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha whattheeverlovingfuck

No. 883806

File: 1658094977954.jpeg (942.19 KB, 1170x845, 1DD2743B-E722-4E51-97B3-D01F38…)

what stupid (and probably racist) comment did Laur make to elicit this reaction? Even Lillee looks uncomfortable

No. 883811

These have the same energy as that Ja’mie private school girl show where she goes to the refugee centre and takes photos with the girl stuck there because both Ja’mie and Lillee (Li’llee?) are definitely using these people as props to show how “kind and accepting!” They are

No. 883812

Laur probably said that Lillee looked so fair compared to the rest of the girls. Or that they were sitting in order of the darkest to whitest

No. 883815

I really hope neither of them asked if they could touch their hair.

No. 883827

Why would they ask, they probably just did it

No. 883868

the first two have meme potential. the last one just looks like whitesplaining

No. 883870

>when you get a whiff of that sweet menstrual smell

No. 883884

Kek, Lillee sitting there with that Disney princess wannabe fake posing shit about her and those girls are cute and natural.

No. 883889

Latefag nitpick here but when she fake smiles she pulls the muscles on either side of her neck so tight. Why does she do that? No one can ever genuinely smile when you do that. Look at the tension in her neck. Fucking shark grin.

No. 883900

File: 1658134502276.jpg (215.63 KB, 1139x618, lj educate blackppl.jpg)

(not this shit again)

No. 883902

File: 1658134867654.jpg (186.7 KB, 1143x611, lj dontfuckwithtru.jpg)


No. 883903

File: 1658135445273.jpg (209.21 KB, 1135x593, lj wisdom.jpg)

(autistic racebait fanart)

No. 883904

File: 1658135932857.jpg (199.23 KB, 1133x629, lj slavery.jpg)


No. 883910

Do you have some advanced form of tism or something nonnie?

No. 883934

One could argue that Pheep, James, Shaniqua and all her other sock accounts were an extension of her playing dolls.

No. 883949

Latefag but holy shit, did I ever kek at this. If I could pick one lolcow post to make it into Bullyish, it would be this one. You just know they would freak the fuck out because Laur and baby LJ were in Manhattan on 9/11 (IIRC? I swear they said something similar anyway) and it toooootally traumatised them for life.

No. 883955

File: 1658170737764.jpeg (390.08 KB, 642x1036, A6DBA653-7B48-471A-8F6F-1BF969…)

Lillee, “astray” is not a verb

No. 883961

lmao what a goblinism

No. 884012

File: 1658191774673.jpeg (110.66 KB, 827x1123, 5001AA0A-1661-40C8-8A8E-D8206F…)

Laur’s new twitter sock

No. 884013

File: 1658192000946.png (87.02 KB, 1752x671, ummmm.png)

Not Lillee attributing a quote from Captain America: Civil War to herself.

No. 884023

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No. 884032

Oh man the video that is coming from this is gonna be so good and milky i bet. Did the organization thats letting these poor teens interact with the truemans even google their names? The racist shaniqua account is pretty surface level and was mentioned in priminks video which is at almost 10 million views. Like theyre letting just anyone interact with random teens?

No. 884057

It's like she's an alien who has heard of the concept of a smile but can't quite master the execution

No. 884058

Someone needs to delete the eye embiggener app from her phone

No. 884070

God, her eyes are so vacant.

No. 884141


She got a haircut last year, and I suspect that happened during a trip to an actual salon where they did some color correcting and damage repair, because she had regained some luster and the chestnut brown was looking okay for a while. Now it's back to her former greasy/crispy/dull combo and large sections have that ashy, washed-out color that will eventually go green.

No. 884151


Not to mention her saying black people need to get over slavery and shut the fuck up, trying to send her fans to 'fucking attack' another creator and telling them to get covid, Laur doxing and harassing so many content creators CALLING THEIR WORK like jfc. It was straight up UNSAFE for them to be around young teens. This organization failed these kids.

No. 884160

It makes me super uncomfortable that Lillee specifically chose three black girls to have her photo with I mean why not have random photos with different attendees, not just these three?

She's really trying her hardest to disprove she's not racist when all these photos do is prove how much she is to those who have been following Lillee's shitshow. I wonder if they're even aware of what she's said in the past and how they feel about it?

No. 884176

I find it very disturbing that any of these girls or their friends can look her up and watch her videos and think that is the norm.

Some anon looked into this organization some threads ago and found that there is this financially self serving motives by the woman who started it. Even if I didn't know that, I can't trust any global non profit that claims it works in the best interest of girls and does less research on who interacts with them than a small indie makeup company.

No. 884198

i'm sure they'll watch the drama videos on her too and understand what's going on, they aren't hard to find. If i was a teenager and met this animated crazyeyed goblin i'd definitely look her up she's most likely one of the weirdest people they have ever seen.

No. 884289


Probably talked about how she's always supported the blacks, and how she used to run with black hood boogers and gang bangers back when she was their age. Typical racist white boomer shit even Lillie might know better than to say

No. 884327

I think what I love most about this is all three girls are taller than her but look so much more petite. Our short troll is BULKY!

No. 884334

>the one who mustered fortitude to face her oppressors

Lillee was interviewed by a wellness coach on Youtube.

She said Laur told her this kek

No. 884337

>independently fierce
Lillee is a 21 year old woman who can’t drive, has no job, doesn’t vote, dropped out of high school, her only friend is her mother who runs Lillee’s “business” and she’s NEVER been outside of her home without her parents. There’s nothing independent about her.

No. 884338

How much did Laur pay for this?

No. 884346

File: 1658334685573.jpeg (37.28 KB, 500x417, main-qimg-7c479f0497d0c3d84de6…)

she looks like hatchet face.

No. 884353

File: 1658337829464.jpeg (72.52 KB, 435x580, 5C34BD40-3BDD-48C1-929E-E784A3…)

honestly the real life actor (who was also a lawyer) was way more put together than LJ could ever

No. 884364

I don’t think she paid for this one. This guy hides his sub count but he has less than 500 total views for his channel. This video has been up for a day and has 16 views kek. This guy is the same level of famous as Lillee.

No. 884367

I'm like three minutes into this and already I'm full of piss and vinegar. "I'm a director!" yeah 'cause pointing your phone at something and pressing record is real skilled labour, huh? I too am a director of my feature film series "look at this cute cat I saw" which are screened in an exclusive VIP cinema (my wife's phone). Also she keeps saying she's Lutheran and I've been in a lot of mixed religious study/debate groups over the years and I've never heard someone refer to themselves that way. At most they'll say Protestant but most just say Christian. Top kek at the Jewish LARP too, she missed Shavout in June and Tisha B'av is next month yet I hear crickets from the Truemans. Honestly, I'd thought they'd love Shauvot since work isn't allowed then. Laur could do with a break from spamming IG with psychotic deep fried pics of LJ and that damn binder.

No. 884514

I feel almost bad for this guy because based on his sub count it does seem like his interview with LJ has made his channel have more traction than usual and it is all because of us anons. Imagine having the most traction in your channel come from LJs anon critics

No. 884515

No. 884518

Bitch be calling herself a director…she doesn't even have a proper outdoors microphone, or at the very least go somewhere without noise i can't hear half of the things they're saying… and Laur's shaky hands give me a headache. I bet you two must have at least one camera tripod at home why did you think it would look better without it?
Their technical side of things just bothers me a lot because it shows so much conceitedness. 15yearold kids can make better videos technically and they wouldn't dare calling themselves a director.

No. 884521

The only good thing about this video was those 3 girls. They were so much more poised, eloquent, and self confident than this fool. Everything from the sound to the bad videography was terrible and amateur. The worse were the lies lj and laur pumped out to these girls. When one of them said she took forensics and lillee said she took forensics too, lillee didn't know the correct vocabulary but the girl did. And when one of them talked about going to NYU, lillee looked so uncomfortable. If these girls knew the truth about lillee and you asked them if that is the life they want, they would run as far from her as possible. These girls have real aspirations and are actually doing something about it. Not lying about their accomplishments.

No. 884525

I can barely hear a single word without having the volume at max. The cheapest lap mic I could find on Amazon was like 13 usd. Love how they can't bother with even the most basic equipment yet they wanna tout these """mini-series""" they keep dumping out as professionally made with a team backing the production.

No. 884528

lapel* mic oops

No. 884530

I took a look at the Instagram accounts for these girls and they’re 15-16. They’re all legitimate musicians & dancers. I can imagine the shame Lillee felt,
an adult interviewing tweens who are more accomplished than herself. And these kids’ didn’t have to spend a dollar because they have actual talent.

No. 884532

These talented, smart, accomplished, poised, well-spoken teen girls are everything Lillee is not.

No. 884534


Imagine not mingling with anyone at an insta event because you're so threatened and jelly of pretty, successful women that you get roasted for taking awkward photos of yourself alone standing rimrod straight…

and your solution is to try to do an event amongst teenagers so you can feel superior…

And they STILL come off looking miles better than you and having degrees more grace, class and potential than you.

No. 884535

File: 1658422199334.png (13.33 MB, 2778x1284, C3B44C11-2720-4025-B565-C41AF6…)

At 4:44 in the video the girl in blue says “I have a question.. about YOU guys.” And the look of absolute terror on LJs face as she looks at Laur is so telling.

No. 884536

Something got beeped out at the end. It sounds like Laur started to say something.

No. 884540

Not so petite, are we, kek

No. 884542

File: 1658423184817.jpeg (775.92 KB, 1170x618, F7F16A0B-1006-4191-B056-B3A496…)

Laur tried to quit being LJ’s manager 4x

No. 884545

The girls kept asking her how she networked in high school to get her massive following and she just went into her usual 10 minute sob story about how she was bullied in elementary school and then middles school and then high school. What was this even supposed to be? She literally only asked them a few questions in the beginning and then turned the ENTIRE “interview” into talking about herself. It’s all so tiresome.

No. 884553

I’m screaming at Lillee attempting to one up a TEEN by bringing up being bullied into losing weight and dying her hair after the girl explains how hard her life in Panama was due to discrimination over her skin color & hair. Holy shit, Lillee is oblivious.

No. 884557

Lillee said that she told on her bullies in both elementary and middle school. She told her teachers and principle that some kids called her fat

No. 884559

File: 1658425852328.jpeg (329.21 KB, 700x403, 1CD1FFDC-F3B6-4877-9DD0-16A18C…)

the look on their faces when Lillee says her bullies/mass shooters are from black websites

No. 884577

I'd expect nothing less than the girl who tried to relate online 'bullying' to the murder of George Floyd.

No. 884583

Honestly these girls seem very clever, well spoken and polite. I think they'll all go places and will be able to look back on this shit show and laugh. But I do feel sorry for them getting set up with this and thinking they're talking to a CEO with a million Jeaniez and inspirational things to say, boy did they get scammed. The girl in blue and the girl in the yellow and orange dress in particular did a good job replying and keeping the conversation going without laughing at LJ for being… well, LJ. I don't think I'd be so dignified face-to-face with that retard and I think maybe the girl in black was more reserved because she smelt a rat (or was it a sweet menstrual smell? kek). Laur comparing us boolies to the Joker was top kek. As a schizo I see myself more as a Travis Bickle type figure trying to save LJ from her pimp mother.

All George Floyd had to do was believe in himself and show those the boolies that he can thrive in the face of their hate. Sashay away into heaven, king.

No. 884588

Laur says shit like “the internet will make your parents villains” “the black websites will find you and bully you” “you’re going to get torn down by women online”. It’s unsettling how aggressive she is with trying to scare these kids and make them as paranoid as Lillee.

No. 884593

File: 1658436225046.png (675.58 KB, 789x473, Screenshot (31).png)

I'm not the anon that usually does summaries of LJ's vids
> The video starts with a shot of Lillee talking to the girls. The violin music in the background is already making it hard to hear.
> Another woman appears and she and Lillee hug. She tells Lillee she looks beautiful. Another person with a baby also appears and shakes Lillee's hand.
> Laur says something inaudible. The girls and Lillee sit down on the bench.
> We get a random shot of the sky and trees with the violin music in the background. Very riveting content.
> We get to the actual meat of the video. Lillee says that the girls have read her articles and wants to know more about what the girls think.
> Before they get into anything else, the girl in blue in the middle says that they should introduce themselves.
> The first girl to introduce herself is the girl in an orange-yellow dress. She says she is the current Inspiring Girls Ambassador for Panama. She says she does some acting, dance, and forensics. Lillee says she loves to do ballet and jazz and says she did ballet for 5 years.
> The girl in the orange-yellow dress tells Lillee she got into a forensic science program from a leadership conference she attended. Lillee also says she took forensics for 5 months and says she couldn't take it anymore when there was a part in the class where they had to learn about blood splatter analysis and ballistics.
> The second girl to introduce herself is the girl in blue in the middle who was last year's Panama Ambassador for Inspiring Girls. Says she was born in Panama but lived in Brooklyn. Says she also has done dancing, but unlike our wannabe primadonna, this girl states she did ballet for around 7 years and now does competitive hip hop.
> 2nd girl also tells Lillee she got a full-ride scholarship to an NYU program that she is currently in and does modeling and acting.
> The third girl introduces herself but the music is so loud you can barely hear what she is saying. She says she likes to travel and has a skincare business. Lillee once again also says she does something similar but with mixing foundations when she did beauty vids.
> As always, Lillee asks the girls the mandatory question of what are their zodiac signs.
> When the girl in the black shirt says her sign is cancer, Lillee says Laur's also a cancer (kek) and tells Laur that. Lillee says she's an Aries like always.
> The girl in the middle asks Laur and Lillee a question about how Laur and Lillee manage their "business". Laur says that "there's no mom at that point, it's business" and that Lillee has never crossed that line and the dynamic they have is hard because Laur's just a manager, not her mom.
> Laur says she tried to quit 4 times but says it's important for Lillee to know she has her back.
> Segue into the boolies and Laur asks the girls if they ever had someone bully them. Laur says the internet is bad, and they plug in their Bullyish passion project.
> She tells the girls her mandatory bully story she tells everyone
> The girl in the orange dress says that she advocated for climate change. Lillee also says she advocates for climate change and mentions 1change4change.
> Lillee says she loves God and trusts him. Talks about being a "content creator" and plugs her style your Lillee shit. Girl in the orange-yellow dress asks Lillee how she networks and Lillee just tells her sob story about how her friends left her and got jealous because Lillee had lots of followers.
> The girl in the middle asks Lillee for advice on how to deal with bullies because she is in a similar situation. Instead, Lillee tells her about her pseudo pre-diabetes and her middle school sob story once again.
> Says Project Bullyish is "her power". Lillee tells the girls she has PTSD and says she fights every day but takes back her power from the boolies with her documentary and going out.
> Says that the boolies are in a cult and the girl in the middle is in disbelief. Lillee flexes how they got the district attorney and the FBI on the case.
> Talks to the girls about online bullying, and how the death of someone who was bullied online was accepted. Talks about the "black websites"
> Laur says that the Uvalde and Buffalo shooters came from these "black websites" that are attacking Lillee. For some reason, Laur decides to compare that situation to a scene from the recent Batman movie and how it's similar to what they see. More scaremongering about the internet.
> Laur says that "women actually cut each other down worse than men" and how in school girls bully other girls than boys do and says that being successful is the best revenge.
> The video ends with them saying bye in spanish

No. 884603

I can’t help but notice the poor girl on the end of the bench is almost falling off while Lillee has her bag next to her and then a bit of space to the other end of the bench. Damn Lils, put your bag on the bench right next to you. So obvious she didn’t ever step back to look at the blocking behind the camera. Also love how Laur is running half the “interview” and most of it seems about Lillee… I’d be interested in actually learning these girls’ stories and passions but no we have to hear about Bullyish and all her tired tales for the thousandth time

No. 884680

Girl in the black t shirt gives off the vibe she sees through Lilee's fake bullshit

No. 884684

Three black girls interviewing the goblin while goblin sr is filming is some weird shit

No. 884793

It’s almost as if she herself is trying to bully these far more successful girls out of their passions purely out of spite. Curious. Lol.

No. 884801

What an absolutely bizarre way to behave in public. Biggest faux pas include:

-Lillee immediately tries to start talking about herself, doesn't even give them a chance to introduce themselves. THEY have to say 'we should introduce ourselves'.

-THE CULT THING ASDFGGHJK. The cult thing is more outlandish than Pheepy, than the sock accounts, maybe anything they've ever said. It sounds so unhinged.

-How did Lillee not read this room? These girls are here to talk to successful women about HOW they found success in their field and Lillee turned it into a trauma dump, fear mongering unhinged interview about how she has PTSD because a cult bullies her.

No. 884802

I wonder if Lillee focuses so hard on the bullying/cult shit because she doesn't have much else to say about her 'career'.

-She has a million followers (but piss-poor engagement that anyone well versed in insta can recognize is because it's all bots and engagement pods.

-She was on a magazine cover (in a tiny magazine nobody has heard of that anyone can be on the cover of if they pay for that. Anyone who looks into the magazine can see that).

-She was on a billboard (that anyone who submitted a picture to was on, that the billboard cycled through).

What else is there? What else has she done that's a little bit impressive to a 13 year old? Paid for 30+ articles? Paid to go to a flimsy handful of events?

Seriously, no wonder she clings to the bullying shit. She has nothing else to call a career.

No. 884805

Yeah, we're her only fans. It also makes you seen impressive because most people assume bullying is due to jealousy and thus you must have something to be jealous of. Unfortunately Lillee is just a fun train wreck.

No. 884806

In a sick way it makes sense why she's so fixated on getting 'bullied' and can't move past it. Getting exposed as a fraud (aka bullied) is the only legitimate thing she's ever achieved. It's the only true 'fame' and exposure she's gotten that her mommy didn't buy for her.

And THAT'S gotta sting.

No. 884832


Well, when someone straight up asks "how did you get so many followers on instagram" what is she gonna tell them? The truth? That ain't happening, lol. Just gotta deflect to boolies and avoid the question altogether

No. 884856

Just like how she couldn't really answer how she networked in highschool to build her career.

No. 884874

File: 1658653859879.png (17.56 KB, 1314x122, mona dawe.png)

Laur is still sockpuppeting in YT comments, I stopped paying attention for a while and honestly thought she stopped but nope, she needs to continue embarrassing herself. Here she is on Primink's video pretending to be a Patreon.

No. 884875

File: 1658653917106.png (83.92 KB, 1350x772, sunny.png)

more salty comments on sunny's video

No. 884877

File: 1658655646099.png (76.86 KB, 1311x451, mona dawe.png)

This comment is just sad. That commenter doesn't realize they're talking to Lillee's insane mother who pushed Lillee into the paranoia that stopped the one positive person from talking to her.

No. 884905

File: 1658682984860.jpg (109.41 KB, 1200x700, The_Cult_of_Aku.jpg)

This is what the girls probably thought when Lillee said that she was "stalked" by a cult kek

No. 884925

What in the fuck did she mean by "black website". Freudian slip?
