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No. 9185[Reply]

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No. 9905

I would fuck PT so hard that she would cry.

No. 9907

You'd get an STD regardless of condoms. And she's unhygienic.

No. 9946

You'd have cheese wiener for the rest of your life

No. 9957

I wonder how she'd react to seeing this. This was back before she reached hamplanet status.

No. 10161

oh please someone show her

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No. 1605[Reply]

lolcow.ml is now lolcow.farm

If you have any bookmarks, set them to lolcow.farm

lolcow.ml will still work and will redirect to lolcow.farm, but it is recommended you use lolcow.farm from now on.

lolcow.org is also now an alias for lolcow.farm and will redirect to it as well. Some applications don't yet recognize .farm as a valid top level domain, so you can link http://lolcow.org in those cases.

No. 1638


No. 1640

that's cool dude

No. 1682

That fucking URL… Admin-senpai is the best. <3

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No. 289112[Reply]

Announcement in >>>/meta/3059

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No. 285276[Reply]

Margo was in Hamburg for roughly one week; she stayed several days with Hamburg Jassy before Jassy realized margo is a mooching, insane piece of shit. Jassy loaned Mags 105 euro and drove her to a new air bnb, and joined the fucking party over here (Hi, J!). Margo filmed her now epic Vanis Angelicus video in her temp apartment in a lounge singer dress with pinned straps, gifting us with many gifs >>284060. Mysteriously, Margo’s gay roommates told her they were leaving town asap and she had to go. Margo hopped on a cheap bus for a 19 hour drive to London, where she is now. Jassy tried to get her money back from Margo; Margo said J was “abusive” to her and that Jassy needed to accept used hobo goods instead of money, and then claimed the money was a gift anyway. Margo still claims her ultimate goal is a return to Seoul.

Venus made a post explaining her infection, and what needed to happen it fix it. Not an hour later, Margo posted that Venus was sick from having her intestines removed by a sketchy doc in Seoul because Venus hates fat people >>284859 >>284860 and that Venus is a narcissist >>284903 . Her “proof” are emails sent from “Venus” - Margo has been emailing herself from the old Venus business account or just changed the google+ name to make it look like Venus wrote Marglish paragraphs about how evil she is. While that isn’t shocking in and of itself, Margo has been sending these emails to herself for months as “Venus”. Anons suspect Margo has been preparing these as the blackmail she threatened Venus with when Mags demanded $3000 / month for life, “or else”.

What will she come up with next? The sky is the limit, and the milk is endless.

Last thread:

Early drama of Venus leaving Margo:

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No. 288570

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I don't know about you, but I personally think there are certain things that are inexcusable to say to anyone, especially your family members, such as example pic.
Every insult and lie that Margo piles onto her daughter is something that would instantly change the dynamic of any normal mother-daughter relationship. I cannot respect or support a woman who calls her daughter autistic, a bully, abusive, alcoholic, an animal killer, puts her sexuality on blast and claims that she has an eating disorder all in one breath. And for what cause? What does she have to gain by making this public besides satisfaction from smearing her daughter's name?
She was the one that made their arguments public. She is the one continuing to slander Venus while Venus attempts to start a better life for herself. She is the one who isolated Venus from her own family and forbid her from talking to or about her father. She is the one trying to extort her own flesh and blood, and has been living off of her for years under the guise of "managing".
I think that your position is simply an empathetic reaction seeing her being talked down to by so many people. I agree that people here can get petty, but look past the venom for a moment and examine the facts. She has been nothing but manipulative and abusive, all while gaslighting anyone who opposes her or stands up to it.

No. 288571

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No. 288572

aka. you were talking out your ass.
chu_face, fuck off.

No. 288628

Less talk and more action, babe. Start transferring money to your idoru muse Margo-chan and show her how committed you are.
Then come back and share with us how hard reality hit you.

No. 289709


She looks like she is stroking a penis

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No. 286135[Reply]

Kota Clone. Discuss.

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No. 286186

Why you have so big obsession to has-been lolcows like this girl? Everybody knows that Taylor have turned quite boring in nowadays.

Lol.. Never guessed that some hopeless Kota fans can be so envy to all her rivals. Are you autistic or something like that?

No. 286190

You aren't wrong, but it wasn't just Taylor's thread that got the boot so your weird accusation that Taylor is somehow involved is moot.

Admin was just a dumbass and locked what HE thought was shit threads that HE thought weren't lolcow-worthy, even though he has said on multiple occasions he doesn't even actually read those threads. Then it backfired on him and he jumped ship. Its not Taylor specifically or anything, Admin was just being a tool.

No. 286191

Its pretty obvious most of this thread is samefagging. As someone who was very against what Admin did, this thread is embarrassing.

No. 286198

Moved to >>>/manure/2424.

No. 286200

If you're wondering why I moved/locked the thread, it's because there have been Taylor threads in the past and there is just nothing worthy of discussing in /pt/. If you want to discuss Taylor legitimately then make a new thread in /snow/ and keep it on topic, relevant, and interesting. This thread is just pointless so it's locked. I won't delete it though because there are posts that I think reflect people's opinions about the matter so I think it's still important for that reason.

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No. 196490[Reply]

Previous Thread >>187661



Recap: Snaggle-puss has hidden himself from online searches after anons try to talk to him about the Balding wonder. It seems he was more fragile than we thought.
Baldy has still not updated her twitter in awhile, one can only wonder the storm that is brewing…
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No. 286170


No. 286171

Yeah, she's super gorgeous, no wonder why people talk about her so much!

No. 286172

Yea, im so jealous that she looks like CL, ya know

No. 286173

Kiki is super pretty

No. 312950

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No. 283175[Reply]

Margo is confirmed in Hamburg, Germany. She was briefly given houseroom by one of her InstaFriends, which fell apart quickly once the friend realized Mags was only out to use her (interview with the former friends starts here >>283073 and confirmed by instargam photo with tag for the farms).

According to said friend, Margo is now on a mission to move back to South Korea but she's short on cash, and suggestions of jobs tend to frustrate her.

Margo tried her hand at arranging a marriage for a Korean friend of hers; she guarantees his dick size and promises he'll cheat. Suspicion abounds that this is the dude she tried to get Venus drunk enough to sleep with, and that promises were made by Margo that she's been unable to fulfill due to Venus no longer being her pawn. >>282702

Meanwhile, NJM created a channel as "Venus Palermo" featuring Venus's videos marketed as CP.; she left links and pricing for sex acts all over the damn place. Margo, despite being informed that someone was hosting the videos she loudly claims ownership over, didn't do a thing about it and got angry when her stans tried to direct her to the channel. Anons reported the NJM comments and channel as CP, NJM watched it go down live and backtracked like woah. As soon as reports were posted, NJM closed the channel voluntarily; and shortly after that, Margo's videos about Venus's marriage - her top viewed ones - were made private.

Venus just got out of the hospital after a week with near septic shock. Margo showed her true face by insisting that Venus isn't human; that she faked her hospital pics for attention; and doesn't care about her. Oh, and Margo got disowned by Grandpa Ferenc officially, leaving Margo without her final lifeline.

Her callousness lost Margo support, so she's done an about face and solicited "sweet lyrics" for a loving hymn (?!) she's writing for her beloved Venoos, which will launch Wednesday >>283107 Perhaps she hopes her uplifting religious song will touch Grandpa Ferenc's heart.

In others words: it's been a hell of a week.

Last thread:
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No. 285275

Ok, it's almost ready.

No. 285282

… we are now at >>285276

No. 285329

Mine is about 4", but I also had it when I was younger and they weren't 100% sure of the problem

No. 285331

this is probably what she thinks SEO is supposed to be, which shows how laughably bad her 'social media experience!!' really is

No. 285360

Mine is xbox hueg and I was in a similar situation as Venus and they actually had to do emergency surgery so I don't think she's lying.

No. 213570[Reply]

This is a lolcow you've surely already heard about. A Canadian transgender father left behind a wife and seven children to begin a new life as a six-year-old girl. Stefonknee (pronounced ‘Stephanie’) Wolschtt, 46, had been married for 23 years when she realised she was transgender. She's now living with an adoptive family, and says she does not “want to be an adult right now”.
“I can’t deny I was married. I can’t deny I have children. But I’ve moved forward now and I’ve gone back to being a child,” she said in a video series by The Transgender Project, published by Daily Xtra.
Ms Wolschtt said her wife could not accept her as a transgender woman. She was told to either “stop being trans or leave”.
“To me, ‘stop being trans’ isn’t something I could do,” she says. “It would be like telling me to stop being 6ft 2 or leave.”
Feeling rejected by her family, Ms Wolschtt left and now lives with her adoptive family, who she says are “totally comfortable with me being a little girl”. She explains how her new parents’ youngest granddaughter wanted a little sister and decided Ms Wolschtt should be younger than her.
“We have a great time. We colour, we do kid’s stuff,” she says.
“It’s called play therapy. No medication, no suicide thoughts. And I just get to play.”
In an earlier part of the series, Ms Wolschtt spoke of how she became suicidal and was hospitalised a month after taking part in the first Toronto transgender march in 2009. After she was discharged, her wife accused her of harassment and assault, and pressed charges against her to achieve a restraining order.
In 2012, her eldest daughter invited Ms Wolschtt to her wedding, but requested she “dress like her dad” and to sit at the back of the church and not address any members of the family. The day of her daughter’s wedding, Ms Wolschtt attempted suicide for the last time, and was unsuccessful. She now receives support from the Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto, where the congregation is mostly made up of LGBTQ people.

Transwoman Stefonknee Wolscht Lives Life “as a Six Year Old Girl”
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No. 284843


Try googling Taylor Lianne Chandler, she is trans but says she is intersex. She stalks Micheal Phelps and literally has drama every week. She is a cow of the highest order and just got her a Wiki page deleted. I've thought of submitting her to snow but I'm super newfag…

No. 285032

interestingly enough, for all MTF screaming that gender roles are oppressive and often that they want to abolish them, they don't. They rely on those same gender roles to feel fulfilled and euphoric about themselves vs. the dysphoria, which indicates some pretty huge mental illness.

Now the dreaded "TERFs" that are gender critical, on the other hand, are often all about abolishment of gender roles and stuff, which is why much of trans behavior and claims pisses them off.

Not saying I'm on any one side here, but funny how it plays out.

No. 285033

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forgot image

No. 285106

i want to see him try and refute that he is a pedo. enlighten me paul you fat cunt

No. 285188

lmfao yeah that's always a good one; like they're so against anything heteronormative yet they think they must be girls because they like cooking and fucking fashion and that's the crux of womanhood

Hate these assholes. They're just men who are deeply jealous of the sexual "power" women were assigned through patriarchy. He wants to be a woman so bad but can't take care of his fucking family????? Calling him a disgrace would be a compliment.

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No. 283531[Reply]

This is a double announcement. You can discuss it at >>>/meta/2548.

The first part is that three heavy posters are now permanently banned.

They are:

1. Spoony. She has over 10,000 posts and has been here since day 1, and is by far the most frequent poster on the website. Any time you've seen a post and wondered if it was Spoony, it probably was. Spoony is also partly responsible for bringing this site to /r9k/'s attention. moot was right.
2. Racist-chan (the original). She has over 7,000 posts. A large portion are about white supremacy, murdering people, and various illicit obsessions. Not all were facetious.
3. Another heavy poster who is very similar to racist-chan.

Second announcement:

It is probably not difficult to see that I no longer have an interest in running the site. I considered just shutting it down, but I know that would be a disservice to people who use this site every day and get some enjoyment out of it.

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No. 280063[Reply]

Margo skipped from Vancouver to maybe the Tokyo airport to Seoul to Beijing to Someplace, Germany in the last 3 weeks. But somehow really needs a kind soul in Toyko to pick up her 17 boxes from storage and keep them for a few months and probs ship them to her in the EU and she'll pay you later, OK? She doesn't have any money right now.

Venus's channel is on it's third hiatus due to Margles sperging out and making multiple copyright claims. She's also told Venus that all this will stop for a simple monthly payment of $3k USD for life. Venus told her no, and Margo ran away to the EU; we surmise she's unable to breach the shores of Glorious Nippon for now and has slunk back to a land where she can join the dole.

* WE DON'T CARE IF VENUS EVER CHEATED (river kappa is a known liar)

Know the Youtube rules:
*Receiving a copyright strike will put your account in bad standing and you will lose access to certain YouTube features. If you receive three copyright strikes:
- Your account will be terminated.
- All the videos uploaded to your account will be removed.
- You won't be able to create new accounts.*
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No. 283152

Can Margaret even speak passable Korean by now? She utterly failed at the most basic Japanese despite years of promoting the idea "Mommy cooks Japanese, thinks Japanese, goes to Japan with me,".

No. 283153

If Margo wants to go back to Korea then she needs to find a job to pay for school.

No. 283156

not OP but given how airbnb hosts often described margs as a sweet,charming person to be around while other people described her being annoying,repulsive; it could be interesting to know what attitude she had towards Jassy IRL (who already answered this).

Not a wasted question at all imo.

No. 283160

Margaret is sweet to people that keep a good distance and/or just let her vent to them. A sterile, superficial relationship with no emotional connection. If they try to be a normal real friend, like Jassy tried to be, by asking personal questions out of genuine concern and offering advice to help her, she will show her coldness. She cannot function in a deeply caring friendship. "Friends" are only for her amusement and ego-stroking.

No. 630493

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