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No. 288578
Last thread
>>285276Early drama of Venus leaving Margo:* READ THE THREAD BEFORE ASKING FOR AN UPDATE
* WE DON'T CARE IF VENUS EVER CHEATED (river kappa is a known liar)
*VENUS DID NOT HAVE ANY FUCKING SURGERY (again - river kappa is a known liar)
Know the Youtube rules:
*Receiving a copyright strike will put your account in bad standing and you will lose access to certain YouTube features. If you receive three copyright strikes:
- Your account will be terminated.
- All the videos uploaded to your account will be removed.
- You won't be able to create new accounts.*
No. 288590
>>288588She changes what Venus "stole" so often that I'm sure maggot doesn't even know.
What you should ask is what happened to her precious crystals
No. 288613
>>288568>>288555>>288575Dang sorry I missed our visitor. Guys, I feel like this was mimiimori because of the typical Eurofag english mistakes and slightly snotty tone she has. There's three main ones left: chu (young and Asian); mimi (French, female, adult age); azlabyrinth (sad case, adult male from US).
mimii's selfie has gone from her IG now but she still has the French-language cherry bag pic on there. Hopefully Margo turns up on her doorstep soon!!
No. 288614
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>>288613I don't think I saved her selfie but here's a corker from back when her and Hamburg Jassy were in cahoots.
No. 288625
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Using Margo's own public statements to form an opinion of her is biased, guize. You need the context of her daughter explaining that she was abused to truly understand Margo as a good person.
What's that effect where when faced with truth, people burrow further into delusion? Not dunning-kruger, but the specific denial seen in studies of anti-vaxxers - where showing them facts or images of children suffering from preventable diseases actually makes the denier double down on the erroneous belief? Margo's crew seems to be in that same boat.
No. 288633
>>288609What if Venus got drunk (I imagine she doesn't drink much/at all given her attitude and Marg's proficiency to hog everything for herself) and then just fell asleep/passed out, and this guy shoved himself against her? It's happened to me before.
Also, Venus is used to a second body in bed with her, so how would her booze-addled brain manage to comprehend that it wasn't Margoat?
No. 288634
>>288633We've discussed it before - it's likely Margo in the photo because the "proof" photo Margo provided of Venus wearing the "same" PJs turned out not to be the same at all, they're just both pink with a design on them. And Margo joked about being the person in the photo with an anon, which is probably as close to an admission as we'll get.
IF the person pictured is Venus, your scenerio would be it, I think. Margo seems to have been playing matchmaker - hoping to have Manaki break up with Venus - and told the dude Venus was way into him, go for it (way to condone date rape of your kid, Mags). Even in the "proof" texts Margo published between Venus and some guy, the guy seems really surprised about Venus being committed to her husband and only wanting friendship - it's pretty clear someone told him otherwise (Margo).
No. 288635
>>288634I know that, I'm just not sure what sort of man would be down to manipulate a little girl into feeling nothing but guilt, unless he seriously thought that 'proof' would get her to leave Mana… Men are strange, but that's a way of thinking that seems even more strange from a guy that appeared to be perfectly civil when Venus said she was married.
It was just a scenario that I hadn't seen put forward before.
No. 288642
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>>288625no, what you need is a nude airport selfie and when you have
that you will see how biased it all is. right az?
No. 288663
>>288662 said, she pre-recorded a lot of videos while her channel was down. Plus, I'm sure she also has a lot of random extras she spontaneously records while doing regular errands/commuting, or going out with Manaki.
No. 288668
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>>288576Good choice for OP pic, OP anon! Last few have been way too flattering/filtered. More accurate ones are better. Like attached:
No. 288671
>>288668>>288669O M G is the hairdo a coincidence, Venus? LOL
These 2 pics side by side is priceless!!
No. 288672
>>288669Oo she looks so cute & sassy. Venus got her groove back!
Are those false eyelashes I see??
No. 288673
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>>288613azlabyrinth and wifey.
(from wifey's IG)
No. 288689
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Marge has been liking this girl's pics…flora_angelic.. another recruit?
No. 288697
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Where in the world is Margo Palermo?
No. 288699
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>>288697That poor kid was in Hungary four weeks ago if that is any indication
No. 288706
>>288703Could you imagine?
"Father, I need money to help Venoos"
"No you want to sue her, we've been watching you"
"No she is BOOLLY Swarovski MacBook pedophile"
And off she goes on another plane to someone else (how does she afford this, forreal?)
No. 288707
>>288680you know it was physical too right
>>288678honey, most of margarine's facial features are created by narcissism and hate spouting
>>288703I want to doubt it but grandpa ferenc has said he'd accept her back, don't think any of her other relatives would stand for it though and it'd be done the moment she sperged out about religion
No. 288710
azlabyrinth is on PULL? Really?
No. 288713
>>288697This Ivan kid is a competitive ballroom dancer. He's from Croatia but joined the Slovakian team in 2013. He was in a competition in Japan over the weekend (7/8-7/10.)
My guess is he's on his way home (this looks like it was taken on a plane) and the poor kid had the bad luck to get a seat next to the morge rat.
My guess: she struck out in London & is on her way back to Hungary (out of $$ & out of options → back home to daddy.)
No. 288720
>>288717I thought about that too but I reallyy doubt it…
- She'd be posting Japan pics if she was there.
- The competition ended 7/10, so the kid would be returning home probably yesterday.
- The pic looks like a selfie from a plane.
No. 288722
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>>288674It's on this post
chu_face is damn near as deranged as mange No. 288738
>>288732Since she's posting a video every day for now, I guess we're going to be seeing tons of this low(er) quality stuff.
I'm torn between wanting her to do cute housewife cooking videos etc or just accepting that this horrible weeb shit is a good earner for her.
No. 288745
>>288741Oh god please no
no no no no no no no fuck no we don't want her ugly ass here
No. 288746
>>288741I think maybe the dancer is from Moscow?
Surely some old rich Russian dude would prefer a late teens Ukrainian girl to Maggot's haggard ass.
No. 288764
>>288756She's away from her mother anon, she's trying to be normal. Still weird though.
>>288669Give it a years time and she'll be on Kawaii international as a presenter. Careful Venus - Misha will hate your guts.
No. 288767
>>288734>>288747>>288747"deep lines"? "Margo face"? "fakeness"?
I didn't see any of that..
idk, my reactions were pretty much the same as hers - 'huh? what? what WAS that??'
>>288744I disagree. Can't get too much Venus, lol
Also, 16k views already in the 4 hours it's been out.
>>288741Margo going to Russia to find a rich man? LOL
Young Russian girls go online to find rich husbands overseas bc there are none in Russia. No one goes to Russia to find rich men.
No. 288776
>>288732why even post a shitty video like that if you didn't get any of those references?
jfc she's fucking annoying in this one
No. 288783
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>>288697from the #moscow pic. I wonder what his news was… margo's deleted his comment?
No. 288788
>>288783sure it wasn't an
I stopped being a greasy repulsive stan! announcement
No. 288793
>>288789No, I didn't check her page! I was honestly afraid of the toxic aura there.
Haha. Like that creepy fatass participated in anything more athletic than jerk-off marathons to MILF porn.
No. 288800
>>288797Too soon for her to risk Japan again, I would guess. Seoul is very likely though, good sleuthing. She must get a trickle of money from YT but really? Seoul? It's got to be cheaper than London.
Ha! Maybe she'll marry some old Korean dude.
No. 288802
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jesus, these children.
No. 288809
This kid could be going to Russia (despite the other hashtags) because there is an international ball room dance competition there on the 16th-17th according to this site:'s also one in China and Indonesia, though. China could be on the way to Korea.
The kid is Croatian, right? Hmm.
No. 288811
>>288800Hmmm, could be Seoul, could be Hungary, who knows with this loon. I think Seoul is more likely than Hungary though, bc 1) she's paranoid asF and thinks ferenc is having her followed & is out to get her 2) Hungary is nowhere near cool enough for mange 3) it would hurt her pride too much and 4) she hates her religious cult family.
Whereas, Seoul and white puppy is "life goals. yeah," remember? She's striking out in Europe…bombed in hamburg(lol) then ran to London which didn't seem to go too well either (cheap bnb/pizza boxes) so Europe's been a bust. Hamburg jassy said she talked about missing Seoul & how much she disliked Europe all the time when she was there. I think she has happy memories of Blessing House in Seoul and since Japan is out & SK is cheaper anyway, why not Seoul? Poor fool could have just stayed there & saved herself a lot of travel $$.
There's still that lil visa issue tho. Oh well, we'll worry about that later. Right, marge?
No. 288819
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This vexxed guy…
No. 288836
>>288820Margo got "paid", fuckwad. Food was on the table, airbnbs, plane tickets, clothes, with her child, a minor for most of it, providing. Do you realise if it ever went to court (and we all know that will never come) how those numbers are going stack up? Margo extracted every cent she could already.
Look at your choices, look who you write to every day and wait for some inkling of response. Someone who abused and exploited a child. For shame.
No. 288839
>>288834Yes, and he's concluded that Venus' channel was "rightfully" terminated. Fucking scumbag.
>>288832He's getting huge, he made a video about keemstar swatting his friend and it's blown up. He's doubled in subscribers in the last week alone. This is not good for venus and we need to shut him down before this gets out of hand.
No. 288840
>>288820Jesus Christ, this wasn't a business arrangement Venus signed up for, MorgueRot is her MOTHER. A mother who refused to let Venus have contact with her father. As such, Morgue was legally obligated to financially support her child. It's called being a PARENT, you plumb. Parents are obligated to support their minor children – minor children are not obligated to share in the cost. What part of that do you not understand?
Now please fuck off, your stupidity is cancer.
No. 288843
>>288839>getting HUGElol no
>need to shut him down!Orly? Is ~someone~ trying to pump up attention/comments?
"We" can't "shut him (or any other asshole youtuber) down," as you well know.
No. 288844
>>288843He grew 20,000 subs in a week. That is definitely blowing up, he's getting a lot of attention.
Are you implying I'm him/a shill? For fucking serious? I'm saying this because it's potentially bad news for venus, I don't give a fuck about some shithead's youtube fame.
When I say "shut him down", I don't literally mean his youtube account, more his delusions about margaret (although so many people have commented about the situation and he's just ignoring everyone).
No. 288849
>>288848Seriously what the heck… I just hope no one else pick up on this drama based on this autist's version of things. It is really KEEMSTAR all over again.
Maybe this is why Margot is so quiet.This is what she has been cooking all along.
No. 288850
>>288846>>288847>>288848People have been telling the little fuck all this for DAYS. Kid doesn't give a shit. All he sees is VIEW$. Thinks he's gonna hit the big-time.
He doesn't like being called a pussy though. Having his manhood challenged. That riles him up enough to get ann answer out of him sometimes- but if you challenge him he runs back down his bunnyhole.
No. 288858
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Where is she allowed to fucking paint????
No. 288869
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No. 288870
>>288867she must need money badly.
also must. keep. up. with. venus.
No. 288881
>>288802>>288802Cunts that never had a moment of true misery in their life making psychologically baseless accusations about how a victim should or should not act
Typical scumbag abuser behaviour, " Oh I guess I didn't beat my wife so badly if she took a happy selfie!"
No. 288883
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Turns out that Margo's family isn't just a cult, they're also obsessed with money!
Perhaps they dared to ask their 40 year old sibling to chip in a few Forint if she wanted to stay with them.
No. 288892
>>288860Marclown is right, she isn't a wasteful person and knows how to manage money. Look at the bg! She "found" that hello kitty blanket in SK. She gained her raincap in China in a rain beauty competition. And the paint material was "given" to her in Vancouver because hosting her felt "like an old friend visiting". And she shitted over a painting canvas during her depression period to save some black paint she uses to dry her hair/soul in black.
So I hope you stop calling her a hobo bc it's not nice. Just hear to her pity voice. Don't you feel the pain(t) in her?
I really hope her indian hosts will forgive her for the mess she made in their private kitchen and for the dirty dishes, after all, Margoo left them in exchange a beautiful south korean Hello Kitty blanket with some rape paint on it. They should feel honored.
You see? Not a bad person so stop your assumptions!
No. 288897
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>>288883MFW MorgueRot unironically accuses another living being of being "obsessed with money."
No. 288898
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Not sure if someone already posted this, but it looks like she has her paintings up on her website now.
No. 288900
>>288898she needs money so bad omg
that isn't even worth more than 5 euro.
No. 288904
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>>288898Wow! I'd pay anything for the great Margaret Palermo's signature~!
No. 288907
>>288892Roflmao, totally agree.
>>288897Like usual, she inverts the truth. We all know she's a beggar.
No. 288910
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Aunt susu got her stuff
No. 288912
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Venoos is getting in the region of 12.6 times more views per hour but, yeah sure you were instrumental in her success, Margo. I wonder how big a Youtuber Venus would have been in her teens without a certain meddling mother.
No. 288914
File: 1468428074695.png (570.67 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-07-13-12-40-00…)

Nice stab at Marge there.
Forreal, this is how to support your family.
No. 288923
>>288922Sad. I liked Based Aunt Zsu's commentary.
I wonder if she knows she can set her profile to private?
No. 288928
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Zsu has updated her instagram profile. Maybe something happened with margles that caused her to take pictures down?
No. 288940
>>288936True that. I think that's why V is so low key on IG too.
Typical family dynamics with a fucking deranged raging narcissist, everybody walking on eggshells. And hurt. Zsu is going thru some pain over this, that's why she changed her IG and withdrew like that. God knows what Venus is going through behind her happy IG/YT facade. I hope she has people to talk to, someone besides poor sweet well-meaning Manaki.
Fuck you, marge. Malicious destructive hateful cunt. You don't deserve the family members you have.
No. 288943
>>288860On a more positive note, I love that her failvid was posted for four hours before anyone here even noticed, lol. And that 11 hours later, it has 1000k views and 86 IG likes. And only a handful of YT comments, and even they're kinda halfhearted.
tl:dr no1 cares you're booooring suck it marge hahaha
No. 288951
>>288921>>288860No, that's the cheap plastic raincoat the airline gave out to the passengers in China. This vid is recent.
She's circling the drainn
No. 288961
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looks like she's even lost @snakytroll on this one. Other stans are nowhere to be seen. uh-oh
I do feel bad for her family tho.
No. 288963
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still swinging at Venus
trying to pass this kid off as a "friend"
and it's VENOOS's fault she has no friends, guys. VENOOS the BULLY DROVE THEM ALL OFF.
No. 288966
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>>288964ya srsly. eating dinner and reading margo threads has become so routine for me.
No. 288975
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Lol, Margo thinks either Mana or Venus care about what crazy she writes on the internet.
News flash: they do not.
No. 289011
>>288963Shall we organize a drinking game? everytime maggot
doesn't mention venoos bulling or stealing from her on each comment we take a drink.
Because the other way around we'll die from alcohol poisoning within 2 hours
No. 289045
>>289042>Zsu is at least 36.She looks about that.
Margo's looking older than she should though. Being a bitter, crazy fuck will do that for you I guess.
No. 289046
>>289043I think the company thing might cause some people to think Margo is owed a cut. Be careful how that is spelled out to viewers. Also if that was started when Venus was a minor, etc.
There's an interview from London where they're in the cramped bunk room and Margo's like, brushing Venus hair or something and talking about how it's not enough for them both to live off yet but will be soon. I don't know if that's of interest.
IMO It would also be worth discussing the shit Margo was selling in the 'shop'. Those clothes were mostly labels and didn't buy themselves. That stupid $1000 handbag, Venus paid for it. Margo did say about half the stuff was hers.
Also the constant airbnbs…
No. 289048
>>289043>>289031>>289046>>I think the company thing might cause some people to think Margo is owed a cut. I agree, I don't think bringing up the incorporation papers is wise. The fact that Margo was against the channel; told people it was all Venus; and the fact that Margo stopped working at all when Venus was around 15 are more important (meaning, she took far more than the standard 10% cut if the profits as a manager). Venus made the channel; created all the content and did all of the technical work. Margo took more than her share, and whatever "agreement" Margo coerced out of Venus is invalid and illegal due to her minority and due to the power disparity between them as parent and child.
I'd recommend against making any more videos on the situation and let Venus's work stand on it's own merit, personally.
No. 289049
>>289046She would have only been offered a cut if it were still starting. Venus Angelic was also only terminated and handed assets to Margret because according to Companies Act 2006 (sec157 CA2006). Because Venus was a minor (14 at the time), she was legally unable to own any part of her company. I feel like this is important because there's no way she could legally own what she created for two years (if it was still a company).
It also be noted that to get a partnership for Venus at the time, Margret had to sign off on it. As stated before, this is important because Venus couldn't legally do these things. It's not that she wouldn't, but she couldn't.
Margret only had rights because Venus couldn't.
No. 289055
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No. 289058
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"Frighteningly intelligent"
Yeah, she's hitting the bottle.
No. 289060
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Swiggy is the new sock; spooky has 50 followers so that's less likely
No. 289061
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>>289053THANK YOU
btw here's a hint at what her current 'Get Venus' strategy is…via sockpuppet IG accounts cause that's how she rolls:
(the @swig07 one is the "Venus is way too happy for someone was abused, so obv. she's LYING" asshole from earlier.)
No. 289062
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More of Margo and her "swiggi" sock
No. 289063
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No. 289067
>>288962>>288964I seriously thought she would have run out of steam by now or at least toned it down to save face, it's been over 5 months!
>>288969I caught that too, telling isn't it?
No. 289073
>>288967>how does she not see that dragging this out just makes more people mad at herAnon pls. This is a person with malignant NPD. A malfunctioning unit.
Pay attention cause you don't see shit like this play out live & online every day.
No. 289076
>>289072definitely show the blackmail attempt!
(also praise admin for the flood detection)
No. 289077
>>289076Definitely. There is
no way that's going to be omitted. Trying to blackmail
and extort* your own daughter for one of those magical numbers she loves so much? Why, certainly Margo is a victim in this all! /sacrasm
No. 289078
>>289072The quote was "You know what else was an accident? YOU" anon.
Intent was the same, just different wording. Mange clings onto this as evidence that haters "twist her words!" so you have to get it right.
Like I said, the intent was clear and it was vicious. I agree it's one of the ugliest, lowest things she's said. And that's saying a lot since she's said a LOT of vile shit. But yeah, that's #1 for me too.
No. 289082
>>289077Be sure to corroborate everything with maggot's own words or indisputable evidence of some kind. Anything Venus says maggot will just say "another lie! Bully!"
>>289072I'd concentrate more on the emotional abuse. There's more than enough evidence of that in tha maggot's own words, plus emotional abuse by a NPD like mange is every bit as damaging as physical abuse- maybe more.
Venus doesn't read as a victim of physical abuse, to me anyway. Emotional is more than enough to destroy a person.
No. 289086
File: 1468465393252.jpg (1.72 MB, 1418x1918, Screenshot_20160713-200209.jpg)

At the beach in her age appropriate pre ripped jeans and sparkle sneakers.
No. 289096
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"Yes, my jowly Hungarian goddessu!"
No. 289100
File: 1468470587299.jpg (28.23 KB, 425x319, korea-haeundae-beach.jpg)

>>289098Took all of 5 sec. on Google images
She's hoboing around SK - pic attached is the beach at Haeundae.
Maybe she slept there last night?
No. 289101
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mange's pic
No. 289102
>>289100Is the sand that rough at Haeundae?
Anyway, these could be old pics. But who knows with this hobo. Maybe she finally negotiated a discount bride price for herself with the 25 year old beeg deek Korean man (I also just noticed: this dude who she' was frantically trying to find a bride for, likely because she couldn't get Venus back? Same age as the son in law she calls a pedo.)
No. 289113
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>>289012>>289042Actually Zsu is only about 2 years younger than Margo, not much of an age difference.
No. 289115
>>289100Beaches in Korea aren't filled with stones like that, the sand is much finer.
She's most likely still in the UK
No. 289117
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>>289086>>289100>>289115She's back in Japan, buckle up
No. 289125
>>289121When kiddo competed in Japan and Margarets beach picture is from Japan, I bet she is in Japan again and got to know him through this.
Bet this is why she deleted the picture because we already know where she is.
Damn, how can she afford all this shit.
No. 289128
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According to his dance schedule, he was in Japan in the past week - but he was also in Hungary last month.
Margo could be in Japan and flown next to him; she couls have met him on a connecting flight en route back to Seoul (with the plane going on to Japan); or, she could have met him when she left Asia for Europe last month when he was in Hungary. Margo is still close to her mom; I actually wouldn't be terribly surprised if her mom gave her some $$ if Margo came for a quick visit.
Anyway, we can only speculate for now, and I'm sure Margo is squeeing with joy to make anyone nervous of her being in Japan - so just hold tight. A malignant narc can't hold in info for long, they love to show off too much. I still think the beach photo is from her last trip, and the photo of her on the plane is a separate trip.
No. 289132
File: 1468485612935.jpg (111.06 KB, 1181x664, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.JPG)

One thing you never do with paintbrushes is leave them submerged in water like this for ages.
This is annoying me so much, it can actually promote the fibres to loosen and you're left with hairs coming out of your lovely brushes
(unlike Maggot's).
No. 289135
>>289134Yeah I know, but I can't help but cringe everytime I see it
>>289133Okay this makes sense I suppose
But she's just talking at a normal range, so that's weird but whatever her delirious followers like I guess.
One thing I think I can say for certain; Maggot has actually inspired me to pick up my pens and paint right now from how awful she is.
No. 289137
>>289136It was an educated guess. She is way over the limit for the legal amount of back to back tourist visas AND the total # of days per year a tourist is allowed in Japan (2-90 day visas back to back, or 180 of the past 365 days). Mags left Canada on a themed flight back to Tokyo, and then suddenly showed up in Seoul in a rage, unable to return even to pack up her 18 boxes in the Tokyo storage. This is followed by a series of butthurt videos in which she explains why Seoul is the superior Asian country and how stupid Japan is. All signs point to her getting rejected at immigration and moving to Plan B: Seoul or Wherever I Find A Sucker.
That said, without a criminal record or warrant, or a special stamp on her passport from making too many entries, all it takes is one inattentive / bored immigration officer for her to get back in before her 180 days of waiting are up. So it's unlikely she's back - her 180 days are up in December, I think - but not impossible. And I wouldn't put it past her to try to get back in whatever the consequences, because crazy.
No. 289140
>>289122The deleted pic is the video of when she left on her sudden train trip across Japan, looking out the train window at the ocean - not the selfie of her & the dancer kid.
I'm curious why she deleted it and what others she might have got rid of. I don't keep close enough track to go back & figure out if there are any others gone, just happened to notice this one bc someone mentioned it earlier-
No. 289144
File: 1468487839610.jpg (22.22 KB, 304x303, 11.JPG)

>>289141You are utmost welcome
When can we expect another drunk Maggot video?
No. 289147
>>289125>>289127The kid & his partner competed on July 9 and 10, in Kitakyushu, Japan. Mange posted the selfie with him 1 day ago and the beach pic a few hours ago. I seriously doubt she's been in Japan all this time, going to a ballroom dance competition and "getting to know" the kid, with no pics until the yesterday.
More like the kid was flying back home to Slovenia July 10 or 11 and sat next to mange, and she chatted him up & took a selfie. She's trying to pretend she has 'friends' and is on another fun travel adventure. She'd like to give the impression she's in Japan without really saying it bc Japan is cool, plus people have been commenting that she's probably been banned.
Funny thing is, those latest pics have been up for like 7 hours now & her IG is still a ghost town, lol. Only one person has even asked her where she is. I LOVE IT.
No. 289154
File: 1468490012273.png (282.29 KB, 857x420, mar.png.c4e4644e72bf6381dcc6e2…)

>>289151I Googled "Margaret Palermo drunk" and this popped up from "prettyuglylittleliar"
I looked at the page and seems it was October 1st last year.
No. 289158
File: 1468490667739.jpg (58.16 KB, 1200x850, margo57.jpg)

>>289147It's possible to fly Tokyo > London > Ljubljana (if that's where he was going), therefore acquiring Maggot along the way. That route appears to be on ANA, coincidentally an airline she likes to use.
But why would she go there? And why tag it #moscow?
That kid might be eligible for this upcoming competition in Moscow (the 'teacher and student') or he might just be going to watch it. He's in the 'youth' category so I didn't see when I search a filtered calendar view.
I'm not convinced she really is in Japan (yet) but she is happy for that commenter to think so.
No. 289161
File: 1468492663276.jpg (125.35 KB, 827x1184, margo56.jpg)

>>289142Did we conclude she wore the same outfit all trip though? White sneakers, black coat. No torn jeans or glitter sneakers. Also those jeans are very torn - 'my clothes are all wearing out' torn.
No. 289192
>>289177>>289181I don't think reading here did anything; she participated in a bunch of insta accounts exposing Margo. Based on her veiled "you can't live with me" photo, followed by a forlorn bio about being hated by Margo when she loves her sister and her niece, my guess is that Margo sent her some VERY nasty words - and possibly enlisted their mother against Zsu, since Margo and Margit are close.
As an aside, I've only met one mother who named her daughter after herself. She was a raging narc who couldn't be bothered to think of a name for a girl because all she expected was a boy, and her name was the best name she could think of. Margo is named after her mother, and Margo and her mother are thick as thieves.
No. 289219
>>289198>>289209Margo is not in Japan, ffs. If she was she'd be posting #Japan #Japantrip pics all over the place to show off what a World Traveler she is, and to show everyone who's been saying she was banned "hahaha to all you haters I'm baaack!" She'd be all over that.
I looked on that Ivan kid's FB. On July 7 he flew from Budapest to London, then London to Japan the same day, but there was a delay and he barely made it to Japan in time for the first competition on July 9 (something about the plane being turned back to London before reaching the Moscow layover.) So I'm guessing his Margo encounter was the second London-(Moscow)-Japan flight, July 8(?) And mange got around to posting the pic a few days later from whatever dive she's crashing at, wherever it might be. SK? NOT Japan.
No. 289220
File: 1468540678009.png (1.13 MB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20160714-181413.png)

So grandpa Ferenc posted this pic, captioned "Very nice hospital." ???
Can anyone tell what language the sign is? Are those Japanese characters?
No. 289221
>>289220nvm, I just did a google image search– it's Mountain Hospital, Shizuoka City's largest hospital. is going on???
No. 289223
>>289222We don't know ferenc is there. The pic he posted is the one from the hospital's website. But someone is in that hospital and ferenc knows it.
He posted a video of a bee's nest at the same time as the hospital pic, captioned "bees." Why does the guy always have to be so fucking mysterious? Either come out & say what the F is happening or STFU.
No. 289230
>>289224Why post anything at all then? That's my problem with it. What's the purpose, if not to get all the Venus followers who follow his IG wondering? How would this be useful in communicating anything to Venus?
It really seems like he likes to bait beople & stir up drama, to me.
No. 289234
>>289221My first thought was that maggs finally went off the deep end and got herself tossed into a psych ward, like maybe somehow sneaked into Japan and was stopped in the airport & lost her shit, or was wandering the streets of Shizuoka City mumbling incoherently and someone called the cops.
But from what I can tell the hospital does internal medicine, surgery, orthopedics and a lot of rehab, no psych mentioned. Marge was on a plane from London to Russia, en route to Seoul(?) we thought, around the 13th. Venus posted Wed. that she'd upload a new video in 2 hours, then posted that she was trying to edit the video but her editing program kept crashing and she was excited to be going to a big bookstore the next day, then nothing. No video, no IG activity. Shizuoka City is 117 miles from Tokyo. None of this makes any damn sense.
No. 289244
>>289236He's not a guy who just "happens to be related to a Youtuber" with an IG where he posts "random stuff" though, come on. He opened it right after Venus ran away to Japan, specifically to address the situation.
I'm not trying to make a big deal out of it or start some "grandpa ferenc is a bad guy" campaign here. I just find this kind of annoying, is all. Not a big thing.
No. 289255
>>289205they were only offset by time.
she did go to all those places around japan, then to korea, then back to japan, then vancouver etc. she hasn't fully faked a destination (until perhaps now?)
No. 289259
>>289230An anon pointed out a while back this is a very Hungarian-older-person thing to do. The symbolic imagery, the bible verses.
Plus they're probably all pretty good at shit-stirring even if they aren't disordered like Margo.
No. 289276
File: 1468570872898.jpg (954.87 KB, 1079x1820, Screenshot_20160715-012009.jpg)

Sigh. Always torturing borrowed animals.
No. 289280
File: 1468574106007.png (284.26 KB, 468x532, d428a242-6d9f-458e-b192-2966e2…)

>>289276I've been trying to figure out what the background in this selfie w/dog is… in the upper left corner of the latest one you can just make out the sun shining on pavement and a tire, just above the dog's ears. LOL
She's kneeling in the road next to a vehicle in these. And wearing her all-black ninja travelling outfit like when she train-hopped across Japan. She's on another hobo roadtrip, I bet.
>>289257We don't ~know~ that she tried to enter Japan and I'm 99% sure she's not there now. Only thing that's pretty certain is that she was on a London-Moscow flight with Ivan the dance kid. The only flights out of London that connect in Moscow are Aeroflot from what I can tell, so my guess is she went on another super low budget long layover flight to… who knows? I'm still thinking SK. "Life goals," remember?
No. 289294
File: 1468581754594.jpg (23.45 KB, 971x198, margo58.jpg)

>>289293>>289280Hang on. Aeroflot also fly London to Tokyo using Moscow (naturally) as the stopover.
No. 289301
>>289297Aeroflot seats are blue.
I've flown with them a couple of times because they most often offer the cheapest tickets from europe to asia.
No. 289302
>>289031Sounds like a potential good idea as long as you make it very thorough and back it with lots of facts.
I would suggest including these screencaps:
>>288570Calling her daughter an autistic, alcoholic, asexual, anorexic animal-killer all in one post.
>>283789Calling Venus "it" and inhuman.
>>284906One of the numerous times she's called Venus a psychopath, abusive, a thief & a liar.
I have these bookmarked as "Margo receipts" because they're rare instances where she shows all her true colours at once. Looking at one of the many screencaps of Marg crying about being "bullied" by Venus, it might be hard to decide who's telling the truth. But I don't think anyone could look at those particular posts and not see that she's the abusive one.
No. 289307
>>289302Don't forget the constant flip-flopping, attacks and accusations against Manaki/Manaki's family, then her clash with Hamburg Jassy.
I'm sorry. I don't have the links.
No. 289310
File: 1468588248950.jpg (64.8 KB, 500x561, CU0haXJWcAIiGLw.jpg)

>>289113Holy crap, she actually used to look nice. I expected her to be one of those people who just naturally has eyebags even when they're little, judging by her ridiculously huge ones now.
But no, she just aged horribly. It reminds me of that Roald Dahl quote in pic related.
No. 289312
>>289311Yep, that's the one. On venus's IG, on her fucking birthday.
Then as I recall, on magg's birthday like a month or so later, she whined nonstop about how mean venus was for not wishing her own MOTHER happy birthday! No call no IG message, nothing! Ungrateful horrible emotionsless child bla bla etc.
No. 289313
>>289299Margo "likes to fly ANA"? lol
I think fucking mango will grab onto whatever cheap-ass cut rate option she can dig up at this point. I really doubt she's in a position to have 'preferences.'
No. 289314
>>289313lol of course not. but she took ana flights to and from north america when she had the dough. now she's taking what she can get.
I remain surprised at the resources she has. even a cheap flight europe to asia is a big cost, especially as it's summer break for a lot of euros. perhaps her mum has sent her money at times.
No. 289317
>>289315I think this anon
>>289168 is same as that one
>>288892 and it was a sarcastic joke IMO but maybe has truth in it…
No. 289327
>>289323Might be possible. Maybe she's askin people for money, saying she will give it back (like not much money - for example some 100€) and never give it back.
People won't go to the police or something because possibility to get it back is zero.
No. 289329
>>289325I was about to say that she has a paypal donation account and posting the link to her yt about page but apparently she deleted it recently:
No. 289331
In margoon's ig some hungarian people asking to her:
>>When will you go to Hungary?Marclown's answer:
>>Hmm I don't know ~ I'd go(Google translated) No. 289339
File: 1468600662125.png (166.17 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-07-15-12-36-45…)

Weenoos! Mommy needs a new pair shoos.
>>289334 No. 289429
File: 1468625672033.png (35.18 KB, 829x97, Screen Shot 2016-07-15 at 4.33…)

The spergy video dude claims he's meeting Margo in Tokyo today.
No. 289436
>>289431when I read up on it it sounds a bit hit-and-miss, depends who you encounter at the border and what they think of your most recent trip. I am convinced she was turned back last time but I guess they didn't give her a specific 'departure notice'. sounds like she's tried again, and made it?
damn, now Venus has to be careful going outside with this crazy on the loose.
No. 289448
>>289429>>289430I (very politely) requested the lil guy to ask Marge what happened to the FIANCE who "invited her to London" after she got kicked out of Jassy's apt. in Hamburg. And when she was going to repay the €110 she scammed off Jas. Do you think he will? LOL
This poor child has no idea what he's dealing with here.
No. 289449
>>289339Why the fuck would a middle aged bag lady without a permanent address need overpriced Kartrashian shoes? No one that age with an actual job and a life gives a fuck about Kanye's "collection".
If she really thinks Kanye shoes would change her life for the better, she's even more dangerously delusional than we thought.
No. 289462
>>289445>>289446maybe he
is skyping her, just being vague about where he'll be located for the meeting and therefore sound more important.
I feel this is going to be keemstar all over again except the new lies will be this intestine thing and whatever other bullshit they concoct together. does this guy have no functioning radar? margo is obviously not right in the head, jassy worked it out even though she made the first mistake of sheltering this monster.
seriously, if / when margo harms someone, all these people who collude with and support her take some of the blame.
No. 289468
>>289462Yeah, it's def. gonna be all about margob ranting about VENOOS with the same crazy shit she's been spewing all over IG, plus maybe some new 'exclusive' made-up crap thrown in. Seriously though, how many of this kid's viewers are gonna give a crap about some middle-aged Hungarian hobo's rantings? Hell most of them won't even be able to understand the bitch, unless he includes (English) subtitles, lol. Plus, unless the kid has real evidence to back the shit up it'll just be mange & a bunch of uncorroborated crap.
I'm not even that worried about it any more, honestly. I'll still watch it and crush the kid like a cockroach if needed tho. Just like the crushing vid he posted to pump up those view$.
No. 289489
>>289486you forgot when she went to Canada for a few days to "sue" Venus.
And after that she tried to re-enter Japan again but then had to go back to South Korea, after that she made the China trip, returned to South Korea and then went to Germany - as much I remember.
No. 289493
Japan - SK
SK - Japan (stalked V & M's apartment, called cops)
Japan - Vancouver
Vancouver - SK
SK - China(stopover) - Hamburg
Hamburg - London (train)
London - ?? (via Moscow)
Btw: all rageposts from SK post-Vancouver are deleted. Someone new to mange would think wow, what a lovely, well-traveled woman, why all the hate?
No. 289494
>>289493as much I personally love travelling, it just stresses me to see mags being on the road all the time without a home to return. You can't tell me that it's so much fun do this for such a long time and live in some dirty ass places without a job and so on.
I really wonder for how long she will be continue with this lifestyle.
And what happen to her plans to settle in europe anyway? when she is back in japan, she can take care of her 18 boxes of shit again?
I have so many questions about this situation jesus.
No. 289495
>>289486Seoul > Tokyo
Cheap rip around Japan
Tokyo > Seoul
Seoul > Tokyo
Tokyo > Seoul
Seoul > Vancouver
Vancouver > (US city?)
(US city?) > Vancouver
Vancouver > Tokyo
Tokyo > Seoul
Seoul > Hamburg (stopover Beijing)
Hamburg > London (19h by bus!)
London > (Tokyo?) (stopover Moscow?)
That's what I've got.
No. 289498
>>289494No shit, it wears me out just thinking about it. She's been running from one Airbnb to the next, living out of 2 suitcases since Feb.
She was running high on adrenaline for the first couple of months but the air has been slowly leaking from her balloon since she got back from Vancouver/kicked out of Japan and ran out of $$ and copyright claims. Now she's fading fast on YT and IG too No more attention, 'fame' or $$. She's due for a crash soon, might even be having one now. #notsorry
No. 289500
>>289494I'm so anal about hotel bookings I can't imagine how this bitch can keep flailing around the globe when she's not sure she'll have a place to stay next week.
She probably thinks of herself as a stronk womyn who don't need no man, instead she's a crazy cunt who's exploited her underage child for years.
No. 289506
>>289504yes maggot can probably do it again. so far she reported 90+ vids but there are 200+.
perhaps if she makes a third report she will lose her own channel when the claims are overturned. whn you make claims you agree your own channel can be terminated if you are found to abuse the process. with two sets of claims overturned just through lack of follow through in court, the third may be her last? at least that's what I'm hoping.
No. 289509
>>289495these are the cheapest flights from expedia
>Seoul - Tokyo$250x 5
>Seoul - Vancouver $722
>Vancouver - Tokyo$741
>Seoul - Hamburg$758
>London - Tokyo $1,450
she's spent about $5,000 on flights.
these were actually a lot cheaper than I thought, especially since she's alone. The bus from Hamburg to London is apparently around $30-$50.
No. 289514
File: 1468674723694.jpg (86.79 KB, 981x502, 2much4you.jpg)

>>289339Oh Margo keep dreaming you crazy homeless river monster.
No. 289522
File: 1468678947079.jpg (278.85 KB, 730x483, 1445fe95-cc9d-4bb0-9867-901f9b…)

>>289101FWIW, the beach pic she posted does look like Miho beach in Shizuoka (pic attached.) Same rocky beach etc. Whether it's new or old is another question tho. She doesn't say she's there now and the hashtags are just #beach #lol #niceday. It's hard to believe if she did manage to slime her way into Japan her only posts would be this one and 2 of a random dog, and not a single #Japan or #Japantrip hashtag. *shrug
No. 289539
File: 1468687301445.png (595.9 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

The writing on the side of the boat looks Japanese.
No. 289547
File: 1468689596752.jpg (71.68 KB, 520x390, lake-yamanaka-swan-boat.jpg)

>>288576>>289539Pretty sure this photo was taken at Lake Yamanaka, near Mt Fuji. See the giant swan in the middle? I think it's this swan-shaped ferry that operates on the lake.
No. 289552
>>289543Anything copyrighted is fair game to use for the purposes of parody or critique, I would argue a video such as the one you've planned probably constitutes both.
But remember that bogus claims are always upheld, so even though the law is on your side, it wouldn't protect you from a DMCA claim in the first instance. As I have said countless times in these threads already, youtube (or any other website for that matter) Is not allowed to decide whether the claim is legitimate or not. They have to accept all of them. It just means your content would be reinstated or win in court if it ever got that far.
No. 289561
File: 1468696782591.png (35.42 KB, 311x198, Screen Shot 2016-07-16 at 12.1…)

Hmm. We still think swiggi is Mags' new sock, right? If so, it sounds like she's hinting around being in Japan to file her court case. If that's the case, Margo got money from someone.
No. 289566
>>289564Maybe since she doesn't call anywhere home and isn't a real resident anywhere, she feels she'd just sue Venus on her home turf. Just speculating here of course.
And I just have to add that all the super sleuths here amaze me with their skills or decoding Margo's pictures. It makes you wonder if she slithered her way back into Japan now or if she's still trying to punk us. Keep up the good work super sleuths.
No. 289571
>>289564We´re talking about the same woman who rushed to Canada then to the USA(?) because
YT told her to do it haha
No. 289572
>>289564>>289571Yeah, just because it's not possible or sane, doesn't mean Margo isn't going for it. She can't file anything in court on a weekend; doesn't have any money; and doesn't have a case - but none of that will stop her from implying or actually attempting to do so.
"I am famoos celebrity manager for 6 years Margaret Palermo, open thees court for me NOW or pay me $10.000 usd!"
No. 289585
>>289572I'd love to be a fly on the wall at any lawyer's office magro drags her trolley suitcase into.
>"And then my psychopath daughter and her pedo husband stole $$$$$ from me.">,,, Okusan, your daughter is nineteen and her husband twenty six. Also, where's the proof that is your money?>"Finding proof is the court's job! This lolsuit will be very high profile and profitable for you!">… Mmmmh … Sadly, that is not likely. >"You stupid Japanese cultist! Get enough money from Weenoos for my Yeezy shoes at least! ">[Inserts bullshit procedural reason to get rid of batshit gaijin baabaa]>"Waaaaaaaah! Bully! Weenoos put you up to this! You're not even a real lawyer anyway!"Any foreign lawyers licensed to work in Japan are exceedingly rare and have even less tolerance for bullshit. They will be entertained for the fifteen minutes that she gets if she even gets a foot in the door.
No. 289588
>>289557I don't think aunt Zsu changed her opinion she just has to be quieter about it on social media. I think Margo got their mother to tell her to knock it off or something.
Stuff is happening in the background here and I'm a bit anxious too.
No. 289600
>>289561What court case though? We discussed at length that if she wants Venus' vids suppressed worldwide, she has to go to California. No Japanese case will have that effect.
While there are plenty of sockpuppets in Margo's comment section, what they say is not interesting so stop trying to put trolling under the microscope as if it can yield actual information.
No. 289605
>>289603The thing is though, people with personality disorders project their negative thoughts, which means that when she says Venus wants her dead, it means she thinks Venus' death would vindicate her in a Mother Gothel told you so but you wouldn't listen! way. You brought it on yourself! You made mother do it! Weenoos is dead but mother is the real victim!
The IQ thing and the Mensa membership must be bullshit. How many members of Mensa never master decent English?
No. 289609
>>289603read her rants though, she
does consider herself provoked a la
>>289605 - that venus is trying to see her dead. I still think she would go for manaki first and that incident outside the apartment - if she'd been in the state of mind to bring a weapon - could have gone very badly. I hope there is no repeat and that margo stays inside the law. margo literally has no reason to be inside japan other than to terrorise venus, which is what makes this so bad.
No. 289610
>>289608hey you're right.
big_yo_mama reads just like her creeper schizoaffective style, and the account looks like her too.
No. 289614
>>289561This isn't a marge sock hinting at being in Japan for a court case. Look at it in context, it's randoms speculating:
- random wk: stop saying mean things to marge!
- fangelic: are you kidding? she's about to sue her own daughter! she's fucking insane!
- wk #2: well I think that would be a good thing. Get all facts out, stop all the rumors.
- swiggi: wow! are they in court now?
etc. etc.
and that's how rumors get started, and spread… "I heard margaret is in Japan to sue Venus!"
No. 289622
File: 1468727142986.jpg (366.27 KB, 1800x975, margo59.jpg)

L8 but I have confirmed Margo's beach with precision. It's Numazu. No. 289630
File: 1468728589255.jpg (160.7 KB, 948x1400, margo60.jpg)

>>289622I know the hospital has been discussed here at length but to relate to the beach location, here is the exact hospital location map. You will see they are about 1hr apart by car.
No. 289631
File: 1468728992066.gif (805.77 KB, 500x281, giphy (14).gif)

>>289622Damn, Anon. You're GOOD
No. 289638
>>289622Great find anon
also happy bday
No. 289640
File: 1468730439253.jpeg (89.03 KB, 750x588, image.jpeg)

Sorry if this has been posted already. I just found this while browsing my YouTube timeline and a video called 5 banned youtubers popped up.
No. 289643
>>289640Yep, was already posted, along with a fair bit of material on that video. Why some minor YT channel dude would claim he's flying from Ireland to Tokyo to interview a stateless river kappa is beyond me.
At any rate, we're still not 100% that Margo is there; she could be posting old photos. Her silence is always a tense period; because of her insanity, she could literally have gone anywhere, and I wouldn't put any action past her.
No. 289654
>>289649>>289651IKR? Margo has no friends, we know this. If she's in Japan, and she had friends in Japan, she'd have stayed with them before instead of paying rent for 3 months.
The only place she's had any success with keeping her human suit on for more than a few days is South Korea, which is probably why she's so keen to move back.
No. 289661
>>289654Seriously. Look how long the "friendship" with hamburg jassy lasted once they met irl. It's not an accident that the only living beings with her in her pics are dogs and that kid she sat next to on the plane.
>>289622Scanning around from your link, that's not exactly the pristine beach she's trying to make it out to be…looks more like a strip of gravel running along the bay next to a walkway & a road, right off downtown Numazu. Wonder if her 2 suitcases are just outside the frame, lol
No. 289664
>>289661yeah you can see the fishing nets? and the buoy/s in margos pic. typical margo… she probably walked from the train / bus down here on her way to her hobo destination.
re. "friends", I think she was really shocked at how bad she was received in Germany, it seemed to send her right off. IME Germans are polite but will also be very direct. she is more comfortable in japan or korea because she can impose on people using the language difference and reluctance to speak rudely.
No. 289695
File: 1468745344101.png (790.24 KB, 1021x534, bbe35f2a-12d5-43c3-a47c-d28441…)

>>289117Another view of mange's #beach, from link at
>>289622wow fun day at the #beach huh marge?
No. 289697
File: 1468745719825.jpg (26.96 KB, 320x320, t16iEXX.jpg)

>>289695#beach #niceday #LOL
No. 289706
File: 1468748856300.png (234.11 KB, 391x405, 606f4ae8-2276-412b-9ff6-5a314f…)

>>289697You can really see it here, lol
She literally just walked down those stairs, plopped herself down & said "I take peekchur of #beach for internets!"
sorry for the spam but this cracks me up for some reason..
No. 289719
>>289706it's hellweek you know.
also… late.
No. 289731
File: 1468764877435.png (421.45 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-07-17-16-13-05…)

Njm is so creepy holy shit
No. 289781
Can't post a screenshot but grampa posted a pic of car similar to the car in margo's latest post like he's having fun trolling. Margo had to get it from somewhere.
No. 289829
File: 1468794550352.jpeg (174.04 KB, 750x938, image.jpeg)

what the hell is wrong with this family?
No. 289830
>>289785>>289815calm the fuck down y'all, I doubt grandpa has any idea what lolcow is let alone have some master troll xdxddxd plans towards us. based on aunty zsu's comment
>>289829 they're definitely trying to get at margarine
No. 289832
>>289830Did I say anything about lolcow? No. I said they were doing it to Venus' followers, most of which are just impressionable teenagers who don't know we exist.
The point is, they can either post clearly and actually explain what's going on, they can not post at at all if they actually want to help. Posting all this weird cryptic shit just stirs the pot, which even if you know nothing about social media, it's basically gossiping and saying "I've got a secret but I can't tell you!" everyone knows that kind of shit does nothing.
No. 289836
>>289833Hungarian mentality may be?
>>289835He obviously mocks margarine
No. 289838
>>289834Why do you feel the need to post things like this whenever websites aren't hugboxes? The site is for discussing drama, key word here is
discussing, and that means posters will disagree quite a lot of the time. It's not against the spirit of the site for users to disagree with one another or post about it. It's not bickering.
You know what is fucking annoying though? Whenever people are having an interesting discussion someone like you comes along and feels the need to tell everyone to "Calm down guys omg stop arguing!"
(hellweek. tried to warn you.) No. 289848
File: 1468801471956.gif (442.19 KB, 400x239, thisaintfunnynomorefam.gif)

All this talk about Venus being in the hospital and Margo being back in Japan is seriously making me anxious. I don't know why I'm so invested in this! It just makes me sad to see Venus being free for a little while, and now she probably has to go into hiding again because of Maggot.
No. 289853
>>289846you can't just park your car on the quay like that. it is absolutely an ad.
grandpa is trolling, which is not very pleasant of him. why poke the bear? for fun? margo can only harm venus by being in japan - she has literally no other purpose there.
No. 289867
Just my speculations, which are probably wrong, but:
Regarding the car, maybe it's Ferenc's way of saying, "Don't worry, Margo's not in Japan. Look, I can post photos from anywhere, it doesn't mean I'm there."
If this is the case, he probably can't come out and say as much because it would let Margo know her ruse is up and possibly push her to more extreme behavior.
Regarding Venus' absence, aren't she and Manaki moving apartments? By my experience, when one moves it takes a while to get the internet service set up- and there's a pretty good chance of something getting fucked up somewhere and then there might not be reliable internet for like two weeks. (Thanks for nothing, Fairpoint Communications, lol.)
Point being, the current situation with Venus and her family is- hopefully- more benign than it might at first look.
No. 289878
>>289855No IG activity at all since her last post (late Wed. night Japan time.)
The next morning (Th.) is when maggrut posted her first pic from Japan (the #beach.)
No. 289880
>>289867I believe Margo's beach and lake photos are real.
Whatever grandpa's on about, only him and maybe Zsu get the joke - it might just be about being materialistic, even. Or he wants to say, he could post the hospital pic but not actually
be in the hospital. Zsu lurks here so she might have reported that we're talking about that pic. Also, he posted like he was in Japan, then the map showing all his trips - no Japan on there. Yes, this could all be grandpa humour of some kind.
Venus was about to finish / upload another vid and also go out to a bookstore the following day. She didn't say she was moving house (even though she could well be). She hasn't updated in 5 days with even a hint of why she changed from the planned schedule.
I don't want to dampen your optimism but I believe Margo is really in Japan.
No. 289886
>>289880It's the sudden & total lack of Youtube activity that has me concerned. That stupid channel is REALLY important to her. She just got it back & was uploading like crazy, then BOOM, nothing. She missed her scheduled upload day on Friday too. It's just so sudden & right when the Maggot unexpectedly pops up just outside Tokyo too. Maybe that's just a coincidence but idk, I have a bad feeling about this.
She has a scheduled upload in 3 hours so we'll see if that happens. I could see having internet issues IF they're moving, but if that was it surely she could get to a Starbucks or anywhere with wifi to upload a video, right? She has a stockpile of vids she recorded while her channel was down, it shouldn't be that hard..
No. 289916
>>289911>>289914how would venus going without months of income, margo having to get someone to haul 18 boxes around tokyo, the video of her freaking manaki out outside their house, margo moving from airbnb to shitty dorm all fit with "faking it".
margo literally went to stay at the home of a supporter in hamburg, who then realised she was a freak and kicked her out. margo borrowed money from that girl and refused to pay it back. these things really happened. it's not faked. margo doesn't intentionally make herself look bad - she thinks the shitty things she writes and says make her look
there surely is so much physical evidence stacked up now that the idea of faking it can't be sustained at all.
No. 289927
>>289916I know it was already answered before, but what did happen to Margo's boxes ? So much shit has happened it difficult to remember everything.
I think if Venus actually moved then thats probably why she's quiet. A lot of crap to set up including the internet ( Unless Japanese apartments automatically have that hooked up) And didn't Margo say Youtube is refusing to give her the address … LOL, so this bitch is already reporting Venus' youtube videos again. I think its a mix of she's fixing the new place up while dealing with new false copyright claims.
No. 289933
File: 1468858816289.webm (7.64 MB, 1280x720, ma.webm)
>>289929>>289930Damn, thanks. Dunno how i managed to miss this one. Found a slowed down version of the vid too
No. 289967
It's probably stupid but what if
- Morgue, Venus and their family got interviewed by Vexxed.
- Venus & family decided to stop Margento and lure her into a trap.
What are the pros and the cons of those both hypotheses?
No. 290171
>>289967let's talk about how probable they are:
No. 290192
Well damn…. Margoose has been cleaning quite a bit, her comments are cleaned right up ..
>>289977Youtube only takes down the channel if there is three strikes, so who knows Margo could have just reported one video to try and see if she could get the new address. If she is actually in Japan she could have shown up at the place and realized it was barren and tried to see if she could once again get the house address from Youtube via copyright claim system.
So calm your titties before I slap'em.
No. 290195
>>290192She could lost her channel this time if tries to abuse the copyclaim system again. Or at least that's what YT pretend to make us believe hah.
Given how stupid margrot is and given how fullscreen and YT apparently doesn't give a shit about Venus, mongrel wouldn't mind risking her channel just to get V's new address
No. 290197
>if Venus actually moved then thats probably why she's quiet. A lot of crap to set up including the internet As said before, even if they are moving & w/o internet Venus could still get to a Starbucks or any place with wifi to upload a video. She's missed 2 scheduled uploads now.
>a mix of she's fixing the new place up while dealing with new false copyright claims.Anon, pls. New copyright claims would result in YT taking the channel down, IMMEDIATELY.
No. 290241
>>290223Of course… but she
acted like there was video coming, which is odd of her to do then disappear. They may be moving sooner or in a way that they didn't expect due to the renewed haunting by Margo.
No. 290248
File: 1468927151018.png (73.12 KB, 640x203, 1468054037893.png)

I'm reposting this picture from the previous thread. It seems like she's lamenting that she can't file again to get their new address or youtube won't release that info to her even if she does file. Typical Margo of course she's already thought about how to get access to that new address…
No. 290252
>>290247Many small, solo-practitioners (attorneys who work by themselves and often can't afford an office) will use a private UPS store mailbox. The employees there will often accept service on your behalf and will
Sometimes tell you the exact time and date docuwnrs have been received, which is great when attorneys lie and say, "I sent x, you should have received it)
So yeah, this is something Venus needs to do rather than give out her home address. If course, Margo will end up stalking the UPS shore asdress but Venus and Manaki can send a friend to check it.
No. 290257
File: 1468932926873.jpg (26.66 KB, 900x179, copy.jpg)

>>290252She can't use a reposting service as it has to be a real, hard address where legal action can be directed. The info about the address being passed along is very prominently displayed on YT's counter notice page. I can't believe Venus did not use a lawyer the first time around.
No. 290288
>>290251Well YAY, she's still alive!
The ending was super cute, btw. Nice touch venus-chan!
No. 290299
File: 1468948827632.jpg (55.57 KB, 648x340, zzzzzzzzzz.jpg)

>>290251 just saw this in the comments, can Vexxed shut the fuck up?
No. 290332
File: 1468956921976.jpg (117.7 KB, 496x520, maxresdefault.jpg)

Not a fan of Venus' latest video. Her style reminded me of one of the Dance Moms kids. The odd thing was she had the plastic set up under the ice cream with the intention of making a mess of it was just strange. I hope she will do an outfit or accessories video.
No. 290355
File: 1468970066989.jpeg (54.81 KB, 750x431, image.jpeg)

Aunt Zsu updated her profile again. Apparently now she just wants to stay active in the background?
No. 290359
>>290309Is she showing any activity on Insta at all (likes, whatever?). That vid was announced 6 days ago and now just pops up without fanfare.
I hope Magoot doesn't have them all hostage somewhere. No. 290360
>>290355L8 but yeah, she pulled it back, gramps posted the hospital pic, Marge arrived in Japan, Venus disappeared… all around the same time.
We still know from her previous bio that she's a messy bitch who lives for drama like the rest of us. Ha.
No. 290398
>>290386Last activity on that twitter acct. was March 30.
She was in the Youtube comments between 3:30-4:30pm her time tho. Totally random, one-word responses like thanks! meow, hugs, nooo! okay, etc. No rhyme or reason & kinda bot-like, if there's such a thing as a comment bot. idk…
No. 290405
File: 1469015714026.jpeg (139.69 KB, 750x832, image.jpeg)

I wonder if the German emails are for the Margo video? If so, why not ask her to translate them? Either way this vid's going to be a real shitshow.
No. 290408
>>290406The fam are Hungo though. And Zsu can write English well.
This will be the intestine thing again… guaranteed. This guy is going to fuck Venus over massively.
No. 290419
>>290417Oh boy, how did this not even occur to me?
>>290418Someone with a better computer than I have should be able to rip it and upload it on another site. Unfortunately, my laptop is a brick from '09. Adblock will help, but more views still brings more attention.
No. 290423
File: 1469023124492.png (220.33 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Exposed video?
But at least online very soon :)
No. 290427
File: 1469025199997.jpg (443.73 KB, 1440x2560, 20160720_103333.jpg)

Could some of you guys maybe tweet this guys with images and facts about the whole ordeal? This is his reply to someone telling him Margaret has control over Venus old email account. He is heavily missinformed.
No. 290440
>>290299Fuck this guy. By chance my bf played that video (it popped up in suggestion, I've seen it before but never watched bc i could tell from the thumbnail it was full of lies)
Such bullshit. He concludes that both Margo and Venus were crazy and it was honestly infuriating. I found myself filling my bf in after practically every word he said aboout margo's psycho shit and Venus running off. I was never her fan and i even found her hilariously cringy until this recent shit went down and now i am literally defending her out loud
he obviously couldn't give 2 fucks about Venus's story. YouTube news fucks are so pathetic.
No. 290445
>>290441Most people here admit that they only support her videos to spite Margo, and aren't her target audience.
If the drama hadn't have happened then Venus would still be Margo's little cashcow doll, something would have probably happened eventually. The fact that her videos don't interest us doesn't discount how much of a shit Margo or make Venus less of a person.
No. 290484
>>290423Maybe he's exposing Maggot
wishful thinking>>290445I actually enjoy her videos. They're cute, funny, and short. Sometimes you just need a mindless stress relief
No. 290485
File: 1469042264758.jpg (115.89 KB, 1200x606, Cn02jniVMAAHg4Z.jpg)

Ugh, this guy sure has drunk the Margo Kool Aid. He's used the 'cheating PROOFS!' and it looks like he's going to be focusing on the ED claims too, judging by the eating clips.
Can't see any direct Margo contribution though? So much for the interview.
No. 290496
File: 1469044610172.png (82.88 KB, 486x410, Screen Shot 2016-07-20 at 12.5…)

Welp, hopefully this gets Fulscreen legal on this shit before too much damage is done. At the very least they can prepare a strategy to manage the fallout, especially since Venus seems to have had some kind of health relapse.
No. 290500
>>290499he said soon/this week
>>290405>>290423I want to see it asap
No. 290512
>>290427>>290485Oh dear lord, he really has drunk the koolaid.
Can someone send him the screenshot where Margo admitted to faking the cheating picture>
No. 290517
He is answering tweets right now. Maybe an anon can post it and someone else tweet it to him.
No. 290526
>>290521After he started talking bullshit about how Venus ran away (She snuck away during the night and stole Marge's laptop~) I had to ex out.
This guy is a fucking grade A tard and Marge must be so happy her lies are finally fooling people.
No. 290547
File: 1469051443782.jpg (784.42 KB, 1152x1958, received_10154263147912667-1.j…)

A friend of a friend is in Japan and they found this on Tindr while in Japan.
No. 290557
Guys, you can report the video.
While all content can be critiqued and used under various bulletpoints of parody law, this is straight-up bullying. Not only that, but Venus and Fullscreen should be able to file DMCA claims on the video given its nature and the length of clips used.
Unfortunately, Venus is probably in hospital and won't be able to act quickly, but if y'all put on adblock, pause the video before it starts playing, dislike it, then report it for bullying, citing that it does not fall under 'critique', it should be taken down.
If Margaret doesn't force him to take it down due to her lack of moooney
No. 290561
File: 1469052895947.png (1.43 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160720-181519.png)

No. 290573
File: 1469053582404.png (469.4 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160720-182702.png)

No. 290575
>>290573Wow, tweeting your whole 300 followers, huh buddy?
He is so, so thirsty to be Keemstar it's not funny.
No. 290578
>>290573kek, he just labels lolcow a 'witch hunting forum' because he knows he's absolutely full of it.
>>290575Let's hope he gets permabanned from youtube like cumstar then.
No. 290579
File: 1469053847727.png (14.49 KB, 806x62, edit.png)

No. 290583
>>290547hahahahaha for real?
she's pulling a Kiki now!?
No. 290589
this is the first video I ever reported lol. i wasn't gonna bother but this
>>290579 convinced me. fucking retard
>As I predicted!as maggot told you it would
No. 290590
>>290589>>as maggot told you it wouldI hope Margo also told him that her ownership claims were investigated and found to be false, and that he doesn't have permission from the actual owner to use any of his clips. Fullscreen's copyright office has been informed, and he can had over all his ad cash to them after taking the video down.
Margo does find herself some gems; never underestimate the level of stupidity in the vast majority of humans.
No. 290591
>>290587I was about to say…
I'm pretty sure people here have accounts on PULL and Kiwifarm just to follow drama. Lolcow generally does a good job at amassing the information from all those sites, so I don't bother.
>>290588Agreed. This is why LPers often have their face or a frame around videos they do. It's to protect themselves from DMCA claims, yet this guy is jerking himself to his 100k subs so hard, he didn't even think it through. While I think Venus is too sick to do anything at the moment, the current traffic on her videos as they come out is probably (hopefully?) enough to get FS to do something. I'm not sure what a 10k contract entitles, if it's locked in or not, but surely they are obliged to protect their asset, least the 10k be wasted.
Does anyone know if FS is even a decent company to be signed with?
No. 290594
>>290591>>Does anyone know if FS is even a decent company to be signed with?They take a massive cut of their client's revenues, 50%. Besides that, the company itself gives an individual client access to things they wouldn't normally have on hand, like a manager, strategist, pr person and lawyers. Venus's initial response videos to Margo's claims were very clear, heart rending, and careful - that's the mark of a great strategist. And Venus getting her channel reinstated after all those claims THREE TIMES was nothing short of a miracle.
So they DO help her, quite a lot. Unfortunately, Margo has been a huge handful to manage fallout from, but Fullscreen has definitely gone to bat for Venus behind the scenes, even if it doesn't look like it.
No. 290597
>>290594Jesus. 50% is a hell of a lot. It doesn't seem like she's had access to lawyers, though, just PR people.
>>290595Margo's contract was probably terminated, she's just too proud to ever admit it.
>>290596Of course he was. How else would he be able to cry 'WITCH HUNTTTTT'?
No. 290601
>>290521This video is so biased. He sounds like a noobie to me.
He almost wants to make margo look like a saint lol
He should have read more info from the screencaps and stuff here too.
No. 290604
>>290601You don't get veewz from NOT demonizing a 19 year-old kid, don't you know?
…I mean, seriously, it's fucking sad.
>>290603Ty that's a point I didn't realise. Very illegal, but can people outside of the parties involved file anything against it?
No. 290608
>>290521If you want to report, go for 11:55 onwards for bullying, he says it in his own words he's going to lead a witchhunt.
YouTube is a lot more lax about what constitutes as bullying now so if we mass report we can at least get this video down before people start raiding venus
No. 290609
>>290604>>can people outside of the parties involved file anything against it?I don't think so, but you can certainly let fullscreen know that their client's privileged communications have been shared along with her copyrighted materials, and false claims against her character.
No. 290616
>>290614>yt is based in californiaDon't you remember how margo traveled all the way to Cali to sue Venoos?
As I said earlier; where the site is hosted is ALL that matters. That's why you can post gross and illegal porn on sites hosted in mexico, thailand, etc. Of course, it's illegal to view it in states with common sense, but the point remains.
Where the site exists is where the law exists. Youtube follows US, California, law. End of story. They could be wherever, doesn't matter, california law still stands.
No. 290622
>>290618No worries, anon. Sorry for the extreme example, it's just the best one that I can think of. Basically, doesn't matter where you live, all laws are from where the server is hosted.
I was once warned for talking about drinking on my 18th birthday on a US forum. /shrug.
>>290620I honestly believe that V is in hospital due to complications with her surgery. There's no other reason for her to have gone quiet. I think Mana uploaded that video for her (since we know she has a backlog), and that she's really sick. That may even by why grandpa seems to be in Japan. I'm very concerned about Margo's silence, though. Wouldn't she usually be shilling herself to this sort of 'expose'?
No. 290626
>>290622>>I'm very concerned about Margo's silence, though. Wouldn't she usually be shilling herself to this sort of 'expose'?Her silence makes me think that she does indeed have some sort of legal muzzle; the same one that precludes her from making more video claims; from using the VA website to sell items (she moved sales to her personal website); and what made her stop making videos against Venus and turn her ire on Japan instead (the "Venus Angelicus" video she intended as "parody", which is a legal use of materials.) Also, Margo may have received a settlement from Fullscreen if she agreed to stop making videos about Venus, and claims on her materials. That would have funded her SK-China-Hamburg trip, because I can't imagine she'd have gotten more than her magical $5k.
Margo may think that by giving an interview, she's gotten around not being allowed to address the situation publicly. If she does have an agreement or legal warning to stop her claims against Venus's character, there will be legal consequences to her cooperating in this video, whether she's in it or not.
No. 290627
>>290626You may be right. You probably are. She's been so silent, even about 'bullying', but if she got her money, wouldn't the first thing she would do be to sue Venus? Could she be sitting on 5k until Venus gets her view$ and has enough to file a suit?
Maybe that's why there is no video/audio of Margo, though. She's hyperaware that she could be blasted if she says anything, and third-party claims of an 'interview' with no 'proof' (she's obsessed with proof, after all) may not count?
Theoretically, could FS have told this to Venus and, therefore, Venus slowed her content creation? I think she's still in hospital, but it's been a long time. Something serious must be up if that's the case.
No. 290630
>>290629>>290522I did a quick summary here
>>290545 but I probably missed some shit because it was pretty hard to watch. The subject aside, he has a very droning voice.
No. 290631
>>290630I mean, he sounds about as enthused as a lab rat.
Even Keemstar did a better job at reading a script than this guy does.
No. 290632
>>290580He's also one of those delusional weeaboos who in his fantasies lives in Tokyo. If he weren't such a pudgy nobody, he could be a cow.
As it is he's probably jealous of Venus and cries himself to sleep every night, dreaming of living in Harajuku and finding a Japanese husbando.
No. 290667
File: 1469063273972.jpg (107.98 KB, 750x1183, FB_IMG_1469063217689.jpg)

No. 290675
>>290524I don't really believe that. He advertised the meeting. She's just asked him to play along with the timeline fuckery and he's colluding with this child abuser.
Guys like this one and Keemstar are abusers themselves. Like, he's literally acting as a virtual extension of Margo to abuse her child. I'm not even going to click.
No. 290680
>>290674Oh FFS. Marge herself has written over and over in her insta rants, many captured here, that Venus received that signing bonus
after she ran away from Margo. FFS Margo. Of course she feels like it's hers - like her money ran away. Venus was just an employee and all that.
No. 290685
File: 1469065044229.png (94.87 KB, 1402x167, Screen Shot 2016-07-20 at 9.30…)

(posted this by mistake in Kaka's thread … whoopsies )
These are this thirsty fuckers tags … That have almost 100% nothing to do with Venus …
No. 290688
>>290573This guy is just looking for attention. Listen Vexxed, I already tried to talk to you and explain the whole situation to you but you don't care about the truth. You're pure scum and I hope whatever youtube attention you attract it ends up being negative.
I'm not even bothering to comment or watch the video because this guy is totally unreasonable and judging from him ignoring everyone's comments on his previous video and comments ITT he was just as biased as I knew he was going to be. Report it and stop giving this shiteel attention, this isn't news, this is baseless rumours he has absolutely no proof of and there is no way that can't be considered bullying/harassment.
No. 290700
File: 1469068301470.jpg (116.9 KB, 438x483, image.jpg)

>youtube doesn't give you money for being a partner, nor is there a fix income. Otherwise everyone would do youtube and live fantastic. Sounds too good to be true. Because it isn't.
So marge, what was that about how venoos is living it up with ALL that youtube money she stole from you?
No. 290701
File: 1469068327355.jpg (57.03 KB, 1280x720, Vexxed-privacy-8-54.jpg)

I opened the vid in Final Cut and deleted the soundtrack to make it watchable.
The biggest and clearest privacy violation happens at 8:54 so if you want to make a report, report that it has private communications published with the consent of only one party and give that timestamp.
No. 290702
>>290701and the relevant law:
California's wiretapping law is a "two-party consent" law. California makes it a crime to record or eavesdrop on any confidential communication, including a private conversation or telephone call, without the consent of all parties to the conversation. See Cal. Penal Code § 632. to the anon who brought this up here.
No. 290704
File: 1469069134113.jpg (212.23 KB, 1280x1794, Vexxed-privacy-compilation.jpg)

>>290701here's the rest of the privacy violations in the video. of course we know some of them are faked, but still.
timecodes are 2:10, 5:55, 6:30, 7:25, 7:45 and the 8:54 one I posted above.
No. 290707
>>290701actually Margo wasn't even
in this conversation, just spying on it. so it was published with the consent of neither party as far as we know.
No. 290711
File: 1469071376296.jpg (186.63 KB, 1890x721, Margos-capsofemails.jpg)

Just for the sake of having them side-by-side, here's:
Margo's screencap in Vexxed's vid; Margo's screencap of Manaki's message on insta (now deleted); Margo's two screencaps of "Venus' messages" on insta (now deleted); and the email text as it appeared in Vexxed's vid (probably copy-pasted).
Look at how much detail Margo supplies in the first two images. That's because those messages are real. Look how little info she supplies for "Venus' messages" - that points to them being fake (which we already assume). By the time she supplies the copy-paste text to Vexxed for the vid, she has inserted Venus' current gmail address.
No. 290712
>>290610Not really. Venus's subs have also increased by at least 50K recently (currently at 1, 1,150,000+)
A smaller increase %-wise, but an equal or greater in #.
No. 290719
File: 1469073164701.jpg (62.93 KB, 1280x577, Margo-YoutubeRambles.jpg)

Two caps from Vexxed's vid with Margo's "proof" about sue-ing and Youtube.
First, Margo's "letter" from Youtube is not a letter at all, it's just the standard counter-notification. We know Margo's screeched a lot about how she "had" to go to the apartment and terrorise Venus becuase Youtube "told" her to in the letter. I can't believe she flew around the world and engaged in stalking based on some fantasy about this simple email. The good news is Venus really did call the Police that time, it wasn't Margo calling them. Good work Venus!
No. 290727
File: 1469073581181.jpg (52.56 KB, 1280x821, Margo-Fullscreen.jpg)

Last one.
Margo's "communications" with Fullscreen about the "theft" of "her channel". This is some dumb idea she has of proving that it was always her channel but for reals, courts do not accept screenshots as evidence so she's shit out of luck. They will, however, accept interviews where Margo says it's Venus' channel.
No. 290734
>>290727… wow, so she tried using Venus's email to trick Fullscreen into giving her control of the account? Lol, that's why the password reset is send to the account owner's email, Mags. So people can't steal your account. You were trying to steal Venus's account.
I have NO idea why she would publish this, it shows her as a thief!
No. 290740
File: 1469074028523.png (32.9 KB, 742x190, Untitled.png)

She made a comment in comment section.
No. 290767
>>290719poisoned chocolate, right?
>okane kudasai!!~just imagine margo with foaming mouth screaming like a banshee outside V´s apartment hahaha
No. 290814
>>290685This guy is an even bigger faggot than I thought. We
are reporting this video for bullying, right?
No. 290815
>>290579>This is journalism!No it fucking
isn't. Making a video to rile people up against someone with a YouTube following isn't journalism, it's hate monger King and bullying. I hope this shitstain enjoys being banned. There's a reason why Keemstar was banned from having another channel under his name and is hated.
No. 290818
>>290816Maggot must be climaxing while reading that
but oh yeah, this is just
unbiased journalism right?
And I thought Lolcow was considered a site full of bullies haha
No. 290829
>>290637Talking about eating disorders and cheating allegations are just attempts to make the victim look like a bad person. It's mud slinging and has nothing to do with the legal issues here. Besides would it surprise anyone if Venus has body image issues? She's a teenage girl, in the public eye and has a mother who measured out her salad leaves ffs.
>>290674That $10k got deposited into a bank account that Margo had access to, I bet she got way more than her fair share.
No. 290834
>>290828>>290832There are rare cases of people who can eat a lot and stay thin
see: Kinoshita Yuka
I'm inclined to think Venus is the same but her cooking focuses on lowcal recipes so I'm unsure
No. 290844
>>290822Yeah, that IG is all cleaned up with mass deletions, just in time to look
totally normal to anyone new to morge. One final last-ditch smear campaign by an obsessed malignant narcissist.
There's a glaring lack of supporters cheering morge on on her IG tho. Just mimiimori and one new sockpuppet…otherwise it's ~~crickets~~ (same with 'likes.' And YT views)
This shitstorm will fade just like the others, and so will morge. Because without Venus-related drama and attention she'll continue to slowly die, like the parasite she is.
No. 290846
>>290832Yes sure, it isn't healthy or normal to eat a whole bun the size of your head.
But the point is that her mother is still abusing her psychologically, this Vexxed guy is helping her do it, and you coming to this thread to pile on is by extension aiding Margo and this prick to hurt a 19yo girl who did nothing worse than leave her mother a bunch of money, an imac, a 5000 dollar camera, an apartment paid for in Seoul, language course paid for, visa paid for - in an effort to get some personal space and to be with her husband. Margo is the one who burned everything with her shitty online abuse.
This thread is for keeping track of the shit Margo is pulling. It's not a 'help Margo abuse Venus' thread and we won't put up with this shit here.
Have the good taste and decency to leave this girl alone so she can work out her problems for herself. Gtfo back to pull or to Vexxed's channel or whatever hole you crawled out of.
No. 290847
>>290844mimii's going
off though. she's masturbating as furiously as Margo. az will join the fapfest soon enough.
No. 290854
>>290848I will be happier if she doesn't binge in future vids as well. Is she "promoting" bingeing? Right now, no she isn't. She's simply experiencing it as "normal" or as a funny thing to do. She did it under her mothers' guidance and there are a lot of things she experienced in her life living with Margo that she thought were normal - like her mother hitting her. She still thinks this is normal.
There are better examples of people who promote ED behaviours that you can go after.
IMO the most constructive way to deal with it is to give Venus feedback when she makes one of these videos that you find it disturbing or that it looks unhealthy or disordered. Venus does pay attention to what people say and she'll get the feedback that people find these videos strange.
No. 290861
>>290854I don't get Maggot mental gymnastics about V's eating habits. Complains about her obssesed with food and being skinny, yet enjoying the money made from those videos and proudly claimig to never needed to get professional medical help for her child (only that time she HAD to call an ambulance for her!)
>>290858lmao and where I did stated that? you were the one saying fucking venus is promoting binge eating, tell me please where is she forcing anyone to stuff their faces? where does she give tips to puke?
No. 290868
>>290837And your facts are where?
By your logic Kinoshita Yuka has ED too despite her medical reports saying she's not
No. 290877
>>290874maybe we could ask Admin to make a backup folder directory like Kiki's one?
gaming_ks insta may be useful too
No. 290883
File: 1469091982010.jpg (18.39 KB, 444x154, email.jpg)

This is from the comment section to vexxeds video. It's likely he reached out to the email address that Margo has control over, right? Even if he used to correct one I still believe Venus is in the hospital for her intestine problems. I don't think she should respond to this crap but it feels wrong that this is happening when she doesn't really have the ability to defend herself fully.
No. 290889
>>290874You and me both. Right now I'm focusing on making the video about how Maggot likes to play the victim since
years before the shit hit the fan in January, how she keeps backtracking and can't keep her lies straight, her magical numbers, how all she cares about is money, her projecting, and of course that infamous interview that I'm going to grab clips from. If anyone else has
any suggestions, drop me an email, the address is in the field because so far I'm working alone.
No. 290890
>>290889maybe including the interview with that chinese girl?
→ would back up that Margo has done those kind of things already before
No. 290895
>>290893No point in capping that shit but the level of delusion in Margo's comments is more astounding than we have seen of late. Long-term Margo supporter 'queenjuhina' aka 'bbyhina':
Margo's almost reached max hobo so I guess that counts?
No. 290906
>>290898Yes do. I just came here to write, the stuff like the bikini dance or where Margo is obviously wearing Venus' dresses. There's a lot of images like this and they show how warped she is.
Also shit like
>>290547 No. 290927
File: 1469098694059.jpg (70.97 KB, 1016x1193, xU2CYpw.jpg)

An example of the type of follower that guy has, who is now taunting poor Manaki.
No. 290932
>>290923Thanks anon. I didn't pay attention to where those 'updates' and the '…is a retard' posts were coming from. I guess he thought he'd get a 10x bigger reaction by posting here.
Hate comments for Mana and support comments for Margo have dried up for now. I guess he doesn't command Keemstar-sized audiences.
No. 290955
>>290951Re: Vexxed
Ignore, ignore, IGNORE
No. 290960
File: 1469103531191.png (1.35 MB, 1000x550, 9LFTD2p.png)

>>290898This one, anon:
I recommend against the bikini dancing video, the nude airport selfie or anything else where morge looks anywhere in the vicinity of 'cute.' These teenage trolls will just go in on "what a bangin' bod she has" and create a distraction.
No. 290978
sluts don't cost anything.
But she's also called her a cheater, so that counts. Please include the cap of her saying she framed the photo.
No. 290988
>>290954I actually really like this one! Something different than food and it was pleased to watch.
>>290986 agree, she looked really cute and there was nothing wrong with it jesus
>>290547Let's hope she won't find anybody or get preggo by some random jap guy. M8 this bitch is cray
No. 290990
File: 1469112157636.png (340.23 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-07-21-10-40-48…)

No. 291000
>>290989It'll blow over faster because this guy is a literal nobody who has like one popular video, all because of Venus.
I wonder how he feels knowing he is helping an abusive mom try to ruin her daughters life? Seems like hes sold his morals for some diddly youtube views. I hope when Margo comes after him for $$$ he feels remorse.
No. 291016
File: 1469116879336.jpg (30.91 KB, 636x217, image.jpg)

on her newest video. She's so fun despite everything that's going on
No. 291022
File: 1469117372689.jpg (49.62 KB, 308x535, zsu.JPG)

>>291019agree with her so much.
No. 291030
No. 291032
File: 1469120934552.jpg (28.21 KB, 540x219, IMG_20160721_100728.JPG)

She may start live broadcasting again soon.
No. 291033
File: 1469121297738.png (236.66 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-07-21-19-13-07…)

>>288576Does anyone know those guys?
No. 291037
>>291033>>291034Could be just clips of Venus' various bruises.
>>291036If it's behind a paywall, it's bs, and far from 'justice'.
No. 291039
File: 1469122795710.jpeg (155.35 KB, 750x1068, image.jpeg)

>>291033These guys aren't even worth posting about, c'mon.
No. 291048
File: 1469124944905.png (876.83 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160721-141512.png)

No. 291054
File: 1469125760258.png (271.49 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160721-142935.png)

No. 291062
File: 1469126087444.jpg (128.84 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

>>291060I'm looking at the most recent link dimwit
No. 291066
>>291064It doesn't matter what the twitter profile says, why would she link a twitter account she doesn't have when she's been so diligent about which accounts are hers and which aren't?
She posted this today, who knows how old that profile is. Since margo was probably muzzled, she may have given back Venus' official twitter (since it wouldn't be official if Margo owned it anyway).
No. 291075
>>290521wait did he call Lolcow a "witch-hunting forum"?
toppest of keks
No. 291079
File: 1469129285754.png (23.85 KB, 542x121, tweet.png)

>>291048Looking at it now and apparently she's following him too. Interesting. Also saw this tweet, thought it was kind of weird.
No. 291087
File: 1469131100339.png (43.38 KB, 625x345, donqi.png)

>>291079Weird how?
Someone asked where she got the giant pudding from, she replied with what store it's from. Don Quijote is a dept store in Japan.
No. 291109
File: 1469135178373.png (468.53 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160721-170628.png)

Mimi at it on Manakis insta
No. 291114
>>291032That includes wearing dumb outfits, staring weirdly at the camera and being weird.
No thanks Venus but people are sad enough to watch
No. 291121
File: 1469137885177.png (519.91 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_2016-07-21-23-46-34…)

Margaret planning to disgrace Venus before Venus planned to flee her parasite mother? A good argument. In ya face minimorii!
No. 291138
>>291125Well, margoyle has stated publicly that 1. Mana's dad was hitting on her and trying to sleep with her, 2. Mana's mom is an abusive lunatic who tried to raise Mana as a girl.
You can imagine how inclined they'd be to believe anything that comes out of that crazy vipers mouth.
We've seen pics from inside their house when Venus was there, as far as we know they are completely normal. They sure seem a lot better at house-keeping than leg-hair-laundry maggot.
No. 291142
>>291000>I hope when Margo comes after him for $$$ he feels remorse.I'm late but this is the next chapter for him and he doesn't even realise it. She's going to check his social blade and come up with a figure and it will be
No. 291144
File: 1469147549245.png (49.78 KB, 606x256, Screen Shot 2016-07-22 at 10.1…)

I fucking hate giving this bitch airtime in this thread but on Margo's lexus pic, mimii confirms Margo is stalking them again.
No. 291156
Well in any case, keemstar hasn't followed venus back yet, so they haven't DM'd eachother yet. Keem is currently having a freakout on his twitter too so her message was lost among the crowd
No. 291159
>>291126I think it may have been a too 'adult' topic to talk about. Remember, Venus is very sheltered, she seemed to be a bit clueless about what asexuality was (OBVIOUSLY I'm not Asexual), implying her marriage meant she wasn't.
Also, addressing the cheating, at its most plausible level of her getting drunk and falling asleep, and this guy creeping into her bed, breaks her kawaii image by her admitting she was drunk.
No. 291161
>>291159Or Margoose's perfect mommy image of being a "protective mother" … Serious if V was drunk, what mother would let a 40yr old man stay the night and sleep with her daughter… ( That guy looks fucking old )
>>291156Part of me is like, yaaas, let Keem and Margo duke it out. Their both fucking cancer and if one or the other gets kicked off of Youtube nobody will fucking care. The other side of me knows that V will be dragged down as well and could very well end up in the same spot Margo is with legal problems of leaking Margo's personal convos.
No. 291162
>>291161Marg has always said that Venus got drunk and cheated on Manaki.
Also, if part of you says 'yaaas', you should probably reevaluate yourself.
No. 291166
File: 1469158994134.png (78.89 KB, 517x378, 167f9af9-cc5f-47f4-b636-b63fa4…)

>>291124>should I prove that I can pretend to be Venus emailing myself? Anon, I did that, screenshot it and posted it in the previous thread. Twice.
pic attached-
No. 291167
File: 1469159230438.png (187.68 KB, 576x520, 96e90a28-a16f-444a-98d4-fae485…)

>>291166–and maggot's "proof" (fake) email, for comparison-
No. 291171
File: 1469160722130.png (33.47 KB, 640x135, 1620d86f-eb11-4599-8b87-2b6493…)

Ohoho guys…Venus and her manager at Fullscreen are cooking up something with Keemstar.
Venus followed the guy (Mike Gordon) on IG today:
No. 291173
>>291169>>291170Found it!
"Look at me! /I/ look like a doll!"
(Does jumping to specific times work in an embed? If not, it's at 31:31)
No. 291174
File: 1469160972364.png (269.75 KB, 1024x558, 207b3302-c2e1-4a5d-a162-ff8894…)

>>291171… and manager guy tweeted Kumstar, saying he "has some information" for him:
Hehee, dis gon be good
No. 291179
>>291172idk anon, I have a good feeling about it.
1) V follows manager Mike on IG
2) V tweets Kumstar to Dm her
3) manager Mike tweets Kumstar, asks K to DM him NOW, he has 'some information' for him
Sounds like V is in on it, whatever 'it' is. Am I missing something here (besides the fact that Kumstar is a slimy dbag)?
Didn't Kumtwat apologize to Venus, or take back the shit he posted about her or something like that, back when that all happened? It was right before I started following the whole mess so I don't remember.
No. 291183
>>291181I'm sure Fullscreen has some
fascinating emails from Margo, both from before Venus was signed, and after. If Margo was willing to show her own email trying to break into Venus's fullscreen account, thinking it made her look good - I can't imagine what she must have written to them privately.
No. 291184
>>291179No he didn't apologise.
V must have finally snapped and you can be assured, she will go in. I hope she gives this info like the 'ran away from home' vid - clearly and calmly.
No. 291185
>>291178You know, my first thought was it might be a takedown or something directed at maggot… but now I bet it's about this little shit Vexxed.
No. 291190
>>291187Just a guess…maybe he was contacted about Vexxed & his sleazy little clickbait videos & subsequent bullying campaign against Venus?
Hell, Kumtwat might even be one of his clients, for all we know.
No. 291191
>>291190I honestly don't get why they'd collude with Keemstar (even if he's in their network? is he?) to squash that guy. He is insignificant, and it will merely look like bullying if he is the sole one they go for. Venus might be mad at him for spreading lies but who told him the lies? Margo. Keemstar also attacked Venus based on Margo's lies.
Fullscreen's interest in this is probably about how it will damage Venus' image and therefore their income. They might plan to for this guy to get dragged a bit but that's something Keemstar will do just for the pleasure of it. That'll be why they want to partner with him. I can't see them letting Margo off the hook. It might end up framed as an attack on this guy but Margo's going to get a caning and dare I say, will be the true target.
No. 291199
>>291198Youtube is hosted in California, we've been through this about ten thousand times before. What Vexx did (by showing private emails without Venus' consent and showing Venus and Manaki's correspondence without either consent) is still illegal, despite the fact that they happened all over the world.
If FS gives privileged information to Keem, then they are just as likely to be taken to court as Margo and Vexx are.
No. 291206
>>291204Jesus christ, no it isn't. Not for youtube. I'm so sick of having to use 'legal child porn' as an analogy, but it's where the data servers are hosted that matters. If you're thai and you post someone under the US age of consent to a US server, despite them being the age of consent in thailand or mexico, you can be prosecuted.
Youtube SHOULD delete and remove Vexx's video for violating California law, and they should do the same if there isn't some sort of loop in FS' contract with margo.
No. 291208
>>291191Why would V & her manager/fullscreen want to collude with kumtwat?
Click$, baby. View$
revenge,for V. Justice
Keemtwat's thing is Youtube Drama, right? What better drama is there than the ongoing Venus/margo saga, now with this little Keemstar wannabe vexxed thrown in?
No. 291214
>>291209my question is because if you are a regular reader here, you will at least have heard of them and/or will know their names are published around here.
but even if (hypothetically) you are a closet Margo supporter looking to go on a reporting spree (and you certainly sound salty), these people keep mirrors at the ready.
No. 291219
File: 1469171945549.jpg (184.29 KB, 922x597, fire.jpg)

Margo updated her IG. I don't even wtf is happening here, are the flames fake?
No. 291222
>>291219I can't stop laughing at that last commenter.
Also a fire, Margo. How apt.
No. 291224
>>291219it's gotta be a filter.
There'd be shit tons of smoke if it were real..
No. 291228
>>291225>>291224>>291219this thread gets crazy sometimes.
what is more interesting is to find out where this is. in recent days I did a lot of searching of airbnb in the area but I found that most hosts have cars and drive their guests around.
No. 291237
File: 1469175007224.jpg (16.03 KB, 313x167, campfire.jpg)

>>291219And she's already updated the caption…
No. 291254
File: 1469181710014.jpg (21.38 KB, 295x193, fireupdate.jpg)

>>291237She updated again and is trying to get deep with us. Drunk posting?
No. 291263
File: 1469183429977.jpg (99.43 KB, 1200x658, mimii-sakura.jpg)

I've been a bit late to notice this, but Margo's screechiest supporter mimiimori has owned up to being our visitor 'Sakura' in the previous thread. I guess she didn't like my Eurofag comment at
>>288613 lol.
Sakura's ramblings:
>>288552>>288555>>288568 No. 291276
>>291219It is symbolic. In Margoat's mind she has burnt Venus' image.
She will never be again what she was. Venus' kawaiiness is forever disfigured and Marghoe feels greatest satisfaction for what her henchman has done for her.
I hope Venus will reborn from her ashes, shinnier than ever so that her mother dies from her greatest rage crisis.
No. 291283
File: 1469196235518.jpg (163.56 KB, 1200x630, milk waterfall.jpg)

>>291188Best case scenario: maggot sent nude pics to manaki hoping to win him over with her superior, mature, extremely experienced wurst portemonnaie. Manaki was disgusted but kept them as proof just in case. Venus just sent them to Keemstuff.
>>291280Just like that girl who was being poisoned by her vile crazy cunt of mother in The 6th Sense, it's not completely impossible that Venus has secret footage of magrot abusing her. If she's finally been pushed hard enough to release that…
No. 291318
File: 1469207419965.jpg (70.43 KB, 600x800, hobotin.jpg)

>>291310Wtf…she says it's a campfire but what on earth is that background? I just saw the pic and it looks like one of those big tins with the fire bums use to keep warm. Like the one in the pic right here. Margo, why ya lying that it's a romantic campfire?
No. 291319
>>291219Lol, what kind of hoarder shed is she in now?
Yes, so deep, Margo - why not set a real fire inside your hobo shelter? That'd show Venoos who is the REAL VenoosAngelic! Or kill you. Not too fussed which.
No. 291338
File: 1469210348945.png (87.76 KB, 594x541, nfhfhf).png)

I fucking hate this guy
people who make it a point to say they're better than Keemstar are worst than keemstar
No. 291354
>>291353Oh, from the sound of it, Zsu has made it quite clear that sending cash to Margo causes problems - and made mince of Margo's argument that Zsu and Ferenc are trying to steal from MARGO.
Problem is, sounds like Margit is one of those total enabler parents for whom the sun will always shine out of their little narc golden child's ass. And with the rest of the family done with Margo's shit, that only lends credence to the sob story Margo sells to Margit - "oh mama, my daughter cruelly left me, and mu husband too - and now Zsu and papa are being unkind!" Margo's mom doesn't go online so she has no idea what Margo gets up to, and how badly she's fucked up Venus.
No. 291359
>>291310>>291318It's Lake Yamanaka you goose. It's a popular scenic place to visit near Mt Fuji. The fire is at the village of Yamanakako (at the side of the lake). She's not still there, she took a daytrip there with (I assume) her airbnb host and one or several other guests. That's why she wrote "friends". It's all pretty straightforward.
Given she appeared on a beach in Nuzamu, that's likley where she stayed, caught the bus or was picked up.
No. 291361
>>291333why are you so fucking salty? literally the
last thread has three of them. we are not your research team.
No. 291365
>>291363Exactly, plus Jassy never actively really did more than report on her experience with Margo. Now that she's said what she's had to say, she's gone.
I can imagine Sakura being one of the farmers that interact constantly with cows and send them into lockdown.
No. 291376
>>291373I would assume that she wants to go there when it's free? And that basically you pay for 31 nights and, once you've survived the trial period, you can possibly get a job there. Aka. Visa.
>>291374Only noticed it because of the deleted caps, you're welcome though.
No. 291378
File: 1469237048078.png (143.43 KB, 530x749, 0c1c4ee5-b774-4fe1-bbc2-3795fe…)

>>291369I don't see anything that was deleted there.
>>288018Speaking of deletions…the ongoing cleanup/deletion of marghoul's IG continues.. the Manaki email post is gone (but not forgotten) -pic attached
Have there been any manghoul sightings in the vexxd YT comments? I haven't been able to dip into that cesspool to check. Guess she's crawled back under her rock after that short & bizarre mini outburst earlier today.
At least the troll outbursts have pretty much dried up on V's and M's IGs, so there's that…guess 12-year-old trolls' attention spans are pretty short these days.
No. 291379
>>291373it's a hostel where you can live for free if they approve you for a staff position. first you pay by the night, then if you pass the trial and become staff rent is free.'wish list' means it something you have saved but not booked.
Naughty-naughty. Margo doesn't have a work visa.
No. 291382
>>291380hmmm, you're right.. they were posted here & now they're gone. Wonder what happened?
(I thought you meant they were deleted from the @gaming_ks IG, sorry.)
No. 291384
>>291376>>291379Thx anons.
I see that it is only available for 1 guest. So she is alone. Where is her 'bf'?
No. 291390
>>291376You think they want her to work for them there after she received that kind of review:
>>check-out an hour after the actual check-out time, she did not leave the room in a good state. She also left her pizza box and unwashed dishes in the kitchen, totally disrespecting our private kitchen. ?
Ouch! Another one talking about her lack of hygiene! What a shame! Lol
No. 291391
>>291381True. Work to rent, then. Either way, Margs is clearly desperate. I wouldn't be surprised if she finds herself on a #organicfarm #livingofftheland #fruitpicking
>>291382Maybe a banhammer? And all good. People were asking for context and I was surprised to see it deleted.
No. 291394
File: 1469239948796.png (194.98 KB, 640x358, 64192f5c-2661-41fe-b773-6c3a91…)

>>291379Soo, this is on mange's "wish list"? whew, pretty sad. lol
attached is a review of the place.. Two dormitory sleeping rooms, 30 beds each (ouch) 'beds' are thin futons on wooden pallets. Two bathrooms for all 60+ beds (o m g) hot water is intermittent. One washing machine available, no dryer. rent is $18AUD/night, no monthly discount…and that was considered "very expensive for what it was" by the reviewer.
It's in Tokyo, so I guess she's planning to stay, at least until her visa runs out. Wonder what being 'on staff' entails. Washing dishes, cleaning, housework, maybe cooking? She really must be at the end of the line financially if this is her "wish." It sounds like living at a homeless shelter, basically. She's one step from literally sleeping-on-the-street homeless at this point.
No. 291408
>>291403Because luxury is her bff.
And maybe she'll "find" paint, playdoh, raincaps, blankets, used menstruation pads for more art, or give rapist matresses, old printers or leghair to her hosts.
It is hard to find interesting things in cheaper places. And modest people are annoying to her, like that ungrateful Farzana!
No. 291409
File: 1469242738300.jpg (324.99 KB, 1800x1723, margo61.jpg)

>>291382here's a recap of some of the posts that went missing just for the sake of having our own copy saved here. (you can read it all on the gaming_ks insta). in this convo, Zsu realises she is actually talking to her sister. Margo also outs herself as both the 'mostpeace' user and the 'margaretpalermofan' user (the 'mostpeace' address is allegedly the one Manaki is using, maybe he codes her with 'mp'?).
No. 291411
>>291409^went missing
here, not on the insta account.
No. 291415
>>291403So why stay at Numazu / Mt Fuji? This is Margo we're talking about. Venus and Manaki have moved (probably still to Yokohama) and Margo wants to find them / or Manaki's parents.
From this airbnb thing she saved Margo clearly wants to fins a way to stay free in Japan and doesn't care where / how.
No. 291432
>>291397I had my time trying to do that on the previous vid and he didn't listen, I'm absolutely not trying again when we now know he knows, he just doesn't give a shit as evidenced here
>>291338If the comments are not that bad then don't give him attention, let's just wait for keemstar to do something because that will actually make a difference instead of arguing against thin air in the comments section.
No. 291446
Narcs think that other people think and behave just like they do (sneaky, untrustworthy, actively plant lies) so they HAVE to behave this way, to protect themselves! Everyone else did it first! If they weren't such universal assholes I'd feel bad for them, because operating like they do looks utterly exhausting. But when you try to tell them all of their running in circles is for naught, you're
not on their side. Keeping their minions, victims, and flying monkeys as exhausted as possible is also a way they maintain control - sleep depravation makes people very fragile and suggestible.
The problem is, Margo doesn't have an IRL monkey to hustle along right now, so she's just up running herself ragged, and is resentful about it. Ben you she has fantasies of manipulating a whole dorm full of women at that hobo station - she can turn new people against Venoos each night! I'd worry for Venus, except that Margo can't hold down work or get on with the same people for more than a week running if she's in regular contact with them.
No. 291462
File: 1469254207806.jpg (87.55 KB, 1200x535, margo62.jpg)

I was poking around Venus' twitter and learned that her ED page is getting some updates recently. It's not a page I look at on the regular so I can't say what's new and what's old. The text I clipped here just reads a little Margo so I've included it for fun - it's not a recent add I don't think.
No. 291464
>>291459(sorry for deleting my posts… had to correct some shitty writing. reposted.)
I never looked at ED that much. it doesn't seem to be useful at all anymore.
No. 291480
>>291397So, no morge sightings? She must be in a depressive spell to be so quiet. Which is understandable considering how pathetic and miserable her life seems to be right now. LOLL
Anyway, glad to hear your news from the vexxed cesspool. His trolls must all be in the comments of Venus's latest video tho bc I just got out of there after stomping on cockroaches for what seemed like hours and it's absolutely…foul. Those little fuckers.
No. 291484
>>291400>>291402Haha, poor ol mange def. has the sads…no real #travel pics other than that bus trip to the lake on what looked like a very dismal, cloudy/rainy day, and the one at the #beach (aka gravel strip around the bay in downtown Numazu.) No comments on IG or even on her Big Interview/VenusEXPOSED! video. You'd think that would have perked her up but apparently not. She's getting no IG love after the big interview either, which she's prob. quite disappointed by.
There's been no
veedeo in 10 days for the #Youtube star either..
*Someone's adrenaline-fueled narc rage has fizzled, it would seem.
No. 291489
File: 1469268623053.png (148.51 KB, 703x376, e25c3138-6d44-4bf8-8e9d-8576cc…)

@Keemstar's not gonna be messing with vexxed any time soon. cause Keem is too scared. Got #CRUSHED by vexxed & his crew just the other day ya know, so he won't DARE go anywhere near em now.
Just letting y'all know..don't fuck with the MAN.
No. 291492
File: 1469270904461.jpg (72.83 KB, 327x420, school.jpg)

From Margos Ig… is she trying to imply that they went to a different schools in Korea? We saw the holiday party pics of them together and V's certificate from the language school.
No. 291494
File: 1469273660913.png (124.03 KB, 1242x999, IMG_1118.PNG)

I don't know why this was deleted but for the people that want drama alert to pick up this story you can DM them here. He just said there's not a lot of news to report right now so there's a good chance he'll pick this story up
No. 291498
>>291492She always bangs on about 'school'. Paid language courses.. please.
Also yes I think they ended up in different ones, which is how their schedules were different and Venus was able to leave. It was probably just an issue of places and of course, having to be fulltime so to keep the student visas.
No. 291503
File: 1469276213502.png (560.24 KB, 633x749, 34a1e905-8f5f-441c-bcd8-4122a9…)

awwww, look at bby girl. She looks so happy and healthy!
No. 291504
>>291503Her hairrrr
Cut off all that fried dead hair and no more ratty extensions! yayyyyy
No. 291505
little shit's video has 130K views 4 days out, LOL
Not the blockbuster he was hoping for and seems to be a flop for morge too.
Looove ittt
burn mange. burn in whatever hovel you're sitting in right now. #Karma
No. 291507
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>>291409I think this aunt Zsus response to those finger bite claims.
No. 291513
>>291511I knowww
just clean & healthy, no makeup either (or very minimal)
no sexxy hookerish clothes
no marge! love it!!
No. 291520
>>291519I remember it.
She had it captioned with " resting funeral face " or something like that, and looked really tired and sad.
No. 291521
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No. 291522
>>291521I think she's gained a bunch of weight since this too which makes me believe that margo was forcing her to purge. And admittedly there's no way to actually know what's in the cup but from the size it's probably something she barely wants to drink and also no pastry so margo probably forced her out.
UGH comparing this to her pictures since she got out of the margo swamp she's literally an angel compared to this shit uuuugh
No. 291525
>>291172Honestly I don't like keem either, but Venus is fighting fire with fire.
Margo did her interview with a wannabe keemstar with no followers. Venus explaining her side of the story to the actual keemstar who is a 'big youtuber' would be a nice hit against Margo. Margo will get so mad for Venus upping her once more.
No. 291528
File: 1469285908172.png (346.37 KB, 599x932, 160723_165018.png)

Poor guy.
No. 291530
>>291529Should just reply "if you say so" to every stupid comment.
No matter how much they rant and complain, just replying with that everytime will drive them insane. Who knows maybe they will eventually get bored and leave