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No. 1488831
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc. use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread. Thank you.
Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues.
Last thread:
>>1445826 No. 1488835
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To get this thread started I just wanted to share that I hate how the vitamin isle looks like a candy shop. Gummy vitamins are fine if you’re pregnant or can’t swallow vitamins but I can’t stand how companies think we need candy first thing in the morning.
No. 1489061
Fucking vultures. Oh yes, this young girl got brutally killed by her ex, subscribe to true scent to get perfumes every moneth.
>>1488835This is not a thing where I live, I wonder if they have regulations against making it look like candy.
No. 1489093
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>>1489088I think they literally parodied them in the show "Close Enough". Tl;dr woman loves true crime and her friend disappears (she was detoxing from her smartphone addiction), her idols from the podcast insert themselves into the investigation and she is hyped that word will be spread, but they just blame her and her family for murdering the friend without proof. Their catchphrase is "be a babe and don't get snatched".
No. 1489108
>>1489061the whole genre's exploitative but youtube and podcasters really took it to the next level
I still can't believe people have the gall to do cutsey makeup videos while narrating stories of men brutalizing women and children.
No. 1489263
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No. 1489274
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>>1489088Last Podcast on the Left is much better than any of that
(this opinion is only half due to my crush on Marcus Parks) No. 1489279
>>1489274ahh ratboy. quite the cutie.
to be on topic i hate when my bed isn't lined up against the wall. nothing worse than lying back in bed and realizing i'm at an angle, it feels wrong
No. 1489310
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Speaking of podcasts I hate podcast video clips. They have horrible design especially with that ugly cartoon font. I feel like I'm developing ADHD watching them as only 1-2 words appear on screen at a time and every few seconds they're doing cuts and zooms on different faces. Sometimes half the screen is just a video game clip.
No. 1490079
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Using LGBT(etc) as a blanket term in contexts where it’s clearly imprecise and contextually inappropriate, such as in picrel from an article about a gay guy who fled Russia for Canada. You know, as if “two spirit” people are being persecuted by the Russian government. Just say gay/lesbian ffs
No. 1490420
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I hate it when there's a protest for women's rights and then jackasses like this come in and stay in the front row to get photographed
No. 1490565
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I hated how Bly Manor interpreted the story The Turn Of The Screw. Despite the original author insisting it's just a ghost story, I really enjoyed the interpritation that it was a psychological thing and I was actually really upset that it was just ghosts in the Bly Manor adaptation. The background ghosts weren't even good in this one compared to Hill House. I feel like too many of the cast got a happy ending and it was mostly the characters I didn't like and felt didn't deserve it but I may be letting my bias misjudge my memory. I absolutely hate it when someone inserts queershit into a non-queershit story. I mean it's fine if someone makes an adaptation into a queer story but I want that shit labeled from day 1 like manga so i can avoid it, thank you.
The well/crack lady's thing was fun but that was literally the only enjoyable part.
I liked the Turning more although it also had some hiccups.
No. 1490632
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Do I need to say anything?
No. 1490649
>>1490632Saw one at my boyfriends house and immediately got
triggered. I bought him nice pens too reeee
No. 1490686
>>1490420They don't understand optics. Now all the right leaning news outlets can use them as amazing proof of female decadence or whatever because of a handful of queerio larping teens with aliexpress elf ears that wanted to be on the frontline. It's so embarrassing for us.
I wish there was an actual radfem organization in our country that was active, I'd join. Afaik one was started up two years ago or so but nothing came out of it?
No. 1490796
>>1490744Who is the one doing the forcing/expecting it? Not being rude genuinely curious
My related hate is when people bash Americans for talking about race politics in our country within our own context. Like no ofc us taking about reparations for black people or the way certain brown people get treated with racism isn’t going to make sense if your country didn’t deal with that. You constantly shouting about American’s idea of race not making sense does not actually help
poc, it just sounds like you’re trying to shut down conversations that
we need to have. You sound like the level of ignorant you are always accusing burgers of being.
No. 1490814
>>1490796NTA but I never saw somebody applying that logic to
POC in America, because it's obvious your issues are still present in the system.
As for the rest of the world- America basically controlls the mainstream Internet and English became the lingua franca online. We are constantly seeing American and UK politics on social media and the pop culture industry is 99% American as well. Young people see the messages you discuss in your movies and songs all the time and we form opinions on them, but it takes maturity to form your own stances and not just parrot others. The hip modern culture here is listening to all those messages, and even in south eastern asia you will see teens talk on twitter about trans talking points they learned on the English internet.
So tl;dr: boomers see zoomers parroting everything they see on netflix and think they have no brain of their own
No. 1490877
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I hate how autism is a trend and how doing normal things is now considered stimming
No. 1490903
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women who show no female solidarity for women who have experienced infidelity are blessedly privileged to be unburdened by the act and need to show some respect instead of immediately assuming vindication should be afforded to the other woman
>she probably didn’t know
>it’s not her responsibility
>she doesn’t owe you anything
no one ever says this shjt when a man takes issue with another man for fuckinf his wife and everyone is happy to call him a scumbag but somehow women who knowingly destroy lo bf term unions are harmless fairies who simply did not know better ~uwu
oh so you’re gonna tell me she didn’t see my dressing table? the framed fuckinf pictures of us? or more importantly the immaculate state of my house?
fuck off she is just as much of a despicable delusional cuntress as he is. why am i not allowed to be mad at her for literally ruining my house and making it so i had to abandon and sell my own house? it’s called home wrecking for a reason
No. 1490926
>>1490903I've been on both sides and I agree. The worst one are people to assume there's something wrong with the woman being cheated on
>Maybe she had a bad personality though??>Should've lost weight of course her man wants something new>Well she chose him anyway, she should take accountability on why she didn't see red flags>Did she have sex with him enough though?It's so bizarre to me people see women in a rough spot and it almost seems like second nature to make her out to be like there's something wrong with her or how she's the bad one meanwhile people will justify women literally being murdered if she cheated on a man on the past. No one will ever justify women's cheating like how they rather die than hold men accountable
No. 1490964
>>1490959I knew a girl from work who was absolutely delusional in thinking she's some femme fatale and men simply ~can't help falling for her~. Babe, it's flirting. You're flirting with them, and some are trashy enough to see it as an invitation to cheat. She complained that girls hate her because she's just soooo pretty and can't help it that they're all jealous of her lmao.
I made the mistake of asking my bf to bring me something to work once and she just kept trying to get his attention. It didn't work obviously, but it's humiliating enough to me that I didn't do it again. Women don't hate you because they're threatened, they hate you because you're a bitch who clearly doesn't care about other people's boundaries or feelings as long as you get yours. Reminds me of pickmes who hide behind feminism when they're called out on being snakes.
Is the man to blame if he cheats? For sure, hang him by the balls for all I care, but there's no brand of glue on this planet that will have me defending shitty women like this for any reason.
No. 1490966
>>1490959kek thats exaclty what my friend said
>>1490942 by that logic if you were on the street and I killed you I would be doing the world a favor because you are so innocent and fragile that you were going to be killed anyway someday. natural selection! Im pretty sure darwin supported home wreckers
No. 1490971
>>1490903I was just watching a video about a lady, Penelope Jackson and her husbands were total pieces of shit and aggressive, and she got every one by making them cheat, one even disowned his children and his son killed himself
Never get together with a cheater, I was about to say she had it coming
but she actually stabbed her last husband to death because he was rude, kinda based ngl No. 1491018
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>>1490632All pens suck, fountain pen is the only way to go.
No. 1491081
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>>1490632Not all ballpoint pens are made equal. I use picrel and i will never use anything else. Just a dollar too.
No. 1491112
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I hate how influencers have to share their relationships. It looks stupid when they break up and almost ALWAYS they involve themselves too much in each others content. Most of the time one of them is obviously a clout chaser who's riding on their partners coattails.
Specific detail is when the one with less subs draws their OCs hugging together and insists that their partner use their fan art in their pfp.
Absolutely no identity other than "Partner of famous influencer"
I don't mind if they say "I'm dating" or "married" but anything more than that will always be a lil cringy unless it's a relationship blog
No. 1491114
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This style of makeup
No. 1491235
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>>1491081>>1490632>>1491018if it's not a 0.7mm pilot g2 why even bother?
No. 1491308
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I hate how fucking expensive everything is getting
No. 1491368
>>1489108I thought it was weird when I first came across it, but it's grown on me. I can put it on the other monitor while I do other things, but I also have something to look at if I do want to focus on the video.
I think the concept itself is kind of hilarious, especially with the sponsorships and advertisements. It's such a contrast between the content that is being covered and the way the coverage looks I can't help but smile.
>>1489135That's usually on foods that have long shelf life. I'd guess they do it because +- a few weeks doesn't really matter. Shelf life isn't "after day X this is poison", it's more "under the stated storage conditions this will last
AT LEAST until this date", and that's not a very precise estimate to begin with.
No. 1491371
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>>1488831I hate schizophrania and think- aloud schizophrenia ensuring I'll always be in human slavery.
Because I made a whole Instagram post saying someone schizophranically told me my dad didn't draw Clarissa and now they are, once again, saying that he did.
I wouldn't wear green fabric for Trey Parkers nigger wife to feel better or to have better job opportunities. She might have dug her hole on raising girls to follow the human centipede. I don't want to wear semen. I don't like life at all. And she would kill me if I was a cute cat. Probably for meth.
He's not ravenclaw so meth could mean not paralysis. I did not raise this man and I am a Gryffindor myself. Stealing coffee and slavelabor and selling tapes and people cutting our limbs off I can see why he might have labeled me a lost cause at 9. I look large am just sick and hate everything.
I'm already in slavery to Nigerians whether they came to America illegally or DID fucking hurt a toddlers/girl/bunch/animals on the side because people are evil and pay for it
cough Hydra L'Oreal (they already made a lot of money maybe more then Mr comedy) (YouTube lawsuit, fuck it some rich Americans do nothing)
I'm not going out on the cross to be Trey Parkers wife and I think my cats is a whole lot less to feed if we are cloning our own meat and wearing clothing from universal studios.
No. 1491376
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>>1491371SCHIZOANON YOU'RE BACK! I love you! I hope you're doing alright, and I hope you find help and have good food now without the liquid fart. Try not to dox yourself, alright? It'll just get you banned again.
No. 1491381
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Anyways the Bertie botts beans and Unilever there was fart in everything and so much poisoned water I'm told by schizophrania I'm in a neighborhood where they roast things alive AND too reach out and try to delegate without really liking anyone or anything with out the right caffeine and sleeping pills which could be 4h according to Disney??? Can somebody reach the Clintons?? ASPCA or google should reach out to my abuse case
I wish you all animal rights nightmares and celibacy (this might lead to bombs)
I can see where paralysis and anger get you. It's just hate. How many of you science girls were told to memorize the formula for yourself.
I was told nothing but to learn math and to try to save man I was often disgusted by. He was a retard. One retard man and his fucking wife on how much attention she "might need". I look at their photos and don't trust the safety of their child/children.
I don't see myself equal to Trey Parker and hope he loves her and the Google accusations at the lawsuit.
If he doesn't love her his child OR life… Shit I don't love anything either. He looks retarded and the kind of people God made that way to seem submissive is a slavey lesson and I hate it.
No. 1491383
>>1491376>>1491376Thank you, can't post to much.
I don't trust the local lawyer with the billboards and he might have counted on Sarah Lynn money meaning he never got his fantasy
No. 1491414
>>1488831Sorry that I have it ON THE BOOKS that I won't be raised for Jacobs fantasy if they filled California for people who like limbless sex dolls or women who are infinitely sick otherwise.
Sorry that I have
valid concerns that run local lol
I hate slavey life and I think that's a bit more relevant to reality then ummmmm….. Saying the purge should not involve humane euthanasia but they'll deliver fake pills.
I've added up enough points at the hospital to not care if I think Matt stone swallows mice or owns the Seaquarium.
If either of them get roasted alive it's for not supporting humane death or giving a child a phone for the personal visit. Or that he never thought we should "make formula fun" or stand up to do it.
The lawyers won't help me. Nobody helps me I just want to die in the most humane way. There is nothing for the life but slavey and men and women I hate.
He might just die on the unkind note. Probably with the thought that smart women would infinitly hurt his "disability man".
I'd let it happen for humane death with a permanent pause on how much I hear this retard screwed up and is screaming that he isn't evil and doesn't know the formula for science in useful.
With body dysphoria why wouldn't the human model for happiness look like uhhh Sarah Lynn who can stand up and go to the gym. Other woman are
victims too look at the speaking I can do.
No. 1491542
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I hate when Europeans (it's almost always euros) put me in a position where I feel I must argue in favour of burgers. Normally I hold very anti american sentiments and mock them for the littlest things. Most commonly, it happens with racial discussions in which they'll basically go "but what about the oppressed europeans?", sometimes things aren't about you. As an outsider from both perspectives, it can so hard to take euros seriously. Like seeing them criticizing burgers for considering a mixed person black because of their looks, as if that person wouldn't be seen as black or even discriminated in europe, you dont ask people their racial makeup, you just look at them and go on automatic. I could go on about this, but the main point is I just want to shit on the usa for being imperialist pigs with garbage media and fat, stop making me defend them. I hate gringos.
No. 1491544
>>1491542Usually I consider most of the takes in this thread
valid but
>I hate these people but have to defend them!Anon, this is unhealthy seething. Just have your own opinion independent of shit.
No. 1491630
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Manga that has no substance beyond fetish and coom like pic related.
No. 1491689
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I hate when a sex novel gets a fucking T for Teens rated adaptation. Like who the fuck thinks the novel got popular for its not-sex plot? I hate it so fucking much.
One example is this korean webcomic i cant remeber the name of, has a scene where
>Female lead breaks into stepbrother Male lead's room
>finds his diary about how he's almost certain she caused their parent's deaths
>he comes in and starts wacking it to her underwear calling out her name, etc.
>this developes into an inappropriate romance
But the adaptation had
>Female lead breaks into stepbrother Male lead's room
>finds his diary about how he's almost certain she caused their parent's deaths
>he comes in and starts kissing a sword calling out her name
And I stopped reading right there be ause that was such a stupid change I refused to continue, so I have no idea if they ever tied it up in the end or how the fuck they did if they removed all the sex.
A similar thing is when the adaptation just skips the fucking sex scenes. Like
>yup this couple sure is having a bunch of exciting sex very often
>too bad you can't see it though cuz kts always offscreen lol
I hate it so much
No. 1491845
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>>1491371>>1491383>>1491414Reminder that this is what Lucinda wants to larp as.
No. 1491849
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>>1491843I was in this thread I swear!!!!!! This art style still sucks though.
No. 1492045
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What tik tok considers “alt”
Its all so ugly and cheap looking
No. 1492085
>>1492066Everything you ever love will eventually be bastardised into cringe by a teenager and so the important thing is to never love anything.
Honestly interested to see what's new in the future because everything just repeats now, piercings and tattoos are mainstream, so where do we go from here? I guess trooning out is the new alt lifestyle trend. Or that weird bleached eyebrow thing.
No. 1492088
>>1492077I have to choose the pics I want to see with so much caution. Loading a 400 kb photo? Woah, it better be worth it!
So it's not just me, thanks for the reassurance, beautiful. Now I'm even more pissed.
No. 1492117
>>1492067did the new admin switch hosts??
>>1492077cut my life into pieces this is my last resort
No. 1492298
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yoshitomo nara and his art
No. 1492558
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These earrings are very cute and I like the uncut style but they’re fucking $238 dollars still? I’d be willing to drop around a hundred at most for barely processed stones.
No. 1492571
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>>1492565The brand just has more organic looking jewelry versus traditionally cut gemstones which I really like the look of but hate the price
No. 1492610
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They fall off so easily and I’ve lost keychains because of them. It sucks because they can LOOK cute but they’re not secure REEEEEEE
No. 1492709
>>1492443Doesn't matter anyway troons hate it and probably see it the correct way, pandering but not the pandering they like because the game is connected to JKR. It could be all tranny characters and they'd for once see pandering towards them and how empty it all is.
Buying the game makes them rage so Troon character or not, I think it's much bigger imo. We also know the devs just wanted to throw trannys a bone because they were probably scared troons would cause them to flop. Which it didn't because I see the game got good reviews so far and it's q Harry Potter game. Even people whining about transphobia online probably brought it in real life. The whole thing has become much bigger then a tranny character.
No. 1492710
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I hate the internet's obsession with using bigger words. It's no longer pretty it's "aesthetically appealing", it's no longer child it's "minor", it's no longer parody it's "satire", saying "[blank] culture" when you want to describe a specific phenomenon. In the case of aesthetic and satire it's almost used wrong too. What is the goal with this?
No. 1492783
>>1492710Most of the words you posted aren't "big" words. Minor is a broader term than child and I think that's why it is used. Many people don't view a 16 year old as a child. I think it's just part of language evolution. People are way more specific with aesthetics nowadays so it makes sense they're not satisfied calling something only "pretty" even if that word would suffice. I remember when everything was needlessly abbreviated on the internet so it's a welcome change even if true. It is annoying seeing people misuse words and use incorrect grammar when they're obviously trying not to, though.
we used 2 type lik dis even about srs subjects lol. u kno? the abrevations almost created distance b/t thought and user in a way.
No. 1492794
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This poll for multiple reasons
No. 1492830
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I hate women’s wallet so much I hate that they’re designed so impractically that most of the time they’re the size of a footlong sandwich you can’t fit in your pockets but when they’re small enough, they always have stupid zippers or an ugly button
I use billfold wallets why should men get all the convenience
No. 1492853
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>>1492830I hate wallets in general, they feel pretty useless now since I barely carry cash. I like stuff I carry around daily to be lightweight and small, and I've never found a wallet that seems to make good use of space. The big ones you're referring to are obviously awful, but the small ones are hard to use with tiny card slots and coin sections. Finding one for travel (ie fits a passport, larger bills, more change) is even harder.
I ended up just getting one of these cheap things from aliexpress, I use one section for all my cards and leave the most used ones at the front so they're easy to find, the other two are for the rare occasions I have coins or bills. It's small enough to fit in any little sling bag and as light as I can hope for considering how much I can fit in it.
No. 1492855
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The hogwarts legacy reactionaries have me worried. I feel like a bunch of big streamers like penguinz or the LTT podcast will finally come out and say that JKR is a total bitch or something and I will forever feel disgust when I see them on youtube.
No. 1492877
>>1492872Nta but minor and child aren't necessarily
hope that word isn't too big for you nonna the same thing. Like that anon said, you can be a minor without really being considered a child. If everyone started calling people that are like 16 children then that would open a whole different can of worms.
No. 1493015
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Stores that put these on the shopping carts so you can't take them outside. It's fucking annoying especially if you get lots of heavy stuff. What am I supposed to do make multiple trips? Ask a worker to watch my cart? Do multiple separate transactions? What the fuck?
No. 1493293
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Cornell Notes. In school multiple teachers tried to force us to write notes in this format and I hated it so much.
No. 1493494
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>>1493480I don't like dividing the page into sections, especially the summary at the bottom I would just remove entirely. Also in the note section they would force us to use symbols and make each sentence very short. It was distracting to follow these rules during a live lecture.
No. 1493963
I hate when I park in a nearly empty car park and someone just has to park right next to me instead of in the millions of other spots, or even just one spot along so I can fit my trolley here you fucking weirdo. I bet they do this with toilet cubicles too.
>>1493950Congrats, you're a sociopath.
No. 1494101
>>1494080tbh the only adults i've met who remember being a kid are other autistic women. maybe others remember and push it out of their minds because they hate the thought of being vulnerable. it's still sad that this makes them treat kids like they're lesser instead of like tiny people who are growing into themselves.
>>1493950you could have talked about how annoying people are on social media and nonnas would've backed you up. instead you mald like a moid over miscarriage. incredible.
No. 1494284
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I hate this retarded anon
>>1493950 No. 1494566
>>1494455I’ve read that ‘childhood amnesia’ is a thing and most people don’t remember much before age 7 due to the way the brain develops.
I have very few memories before my teens, and those I do have are vague. I was neglected and abused a lot so not a good case study though. Listening to my ex talk about detailed memories of his childhood always made me feel weird because he could pinpoint the dates so well and cross-reference with larger events. He could write a whole book about it whereas I would struggle to write a page.
No. 1494582
People who get too many pets because "omg this puppy/kitten is so cute!" But dont do shit to train them & then suddenly dont like the poor animal as much once its grown up. My Bestfriend is one of these people. Living at her Dads place with her mans, mans' kid (8yo), her 2 cousins & they already got 6 dogs & a cat. This dumb bitch got FOUR rabbits on a whim when she had an apartment because "bunnies are so cute, I've always wanted one!" But then had to take the surviving 3 (one died suddenly & I'm pretty sure its bc they smoke cigarettes in the house) to a bunny sanctuary. Now this bitch just got a pitbull puppy. Like giiiirl, you are such white trash. 2 of those 6 dogs are hers that she & her mans never bothered to train so theyre little assholes. Yeah, get a dog that is known to be aggressive to other animals & needs hella training to be a 'good dog'. Also this bitch is 300lbs & you got a dog that needs an active family. Wtf is wrong with her? I know I'm talking alot of shit, but as time goes on my 'bestfriend' seems to get dumber & trashier as the years go by. In the 13yrs weve been friends shes gotten 3 mice (which got eaten by her cat), teddy bear hamster (escaped its cage, never seen again), 2 cats (one of which she just completely abandoned & then threw him outside never to be seen again, RIP Pickles), 3 dogs, & 4 rabbits. Why do people do that shit??
No. 1494644
>>1494582Low intelligence, inability to think about the future, let alone plan for it, no impulse control, no empathy.
Monkey see, monkey want, monkey get, monkey forget. Repeat.
No. 1494724
>>1494644>>1494656Yeah, that makes sense honestly. Especially the lack of empathy crap. Like dont take on animals that you arent gonna want for the rest of their lives & wont bother training.
>>1494649Lol that's why my post read so mad was because her & I got into it about the puppy. She just kept being "dont give me shit about the fucking dog, I dont want to hear it. & its MY life & responsibility so why are you so pressed?" Maybe because I've seen how you take care of animals dumbass. & how are you gonna cry on the phone to me about how overworked & stressed you are & get a demanding lil puppy that needs training & exercise? Dumb as hell I swear!
No. 1495066
File: 1675947299082.jpg (45.89 KB, 522x588, coverup.jpg)

I hate shit like this, “Handsome” means something specific and if you’re obese you probably aren’t attractive. Defiantly shouting “I’m hot!” won’t change your material condition.
No. 1495077
valid fatty shrunken dick in sunk into a mound of fat, disgusting huge cellulite thighs that chafe, makes me wonder where do the balls go?
>>1495069Women hold onto fat more because we were meant to survive during famines (because we are indispensable) and also at least an overweight woman still looks like a woman, a fat man LOSES his masculine features and they are buried in the soft fatness and he grows boobs which men aren't meant to have. Fatties in general are gross but fat men are the most audacious and disgusting.
No. 1495079
>>1495077Fat women are symbols of the Divine Female, and have been worshipped since the dawn of time. Imagine: a cavewoman who spends 11 hours a day chasing mammoths took time to depict something, and the most meaningful figure to her was a fat woman. Peak human performance.
FAT MEN however are literally subhuman, undesirable and unlovable. They lack all sexual dimorphism that makes a man attractive and can only reproduce through rape. Everyone is inherently disgusted by their existence as fat men can only exist in god-hating societies. Children must starve so men can be as greedy as they want. It’s the sign of a BAD PERSON. A moral failing.
No. 1495376
>>1494671Ntayrt but mourning a miscarriage =/= going crazy with grief and asking everyone else to too. I'm sure it sucks but no one really cares after a week or so. Just get pregnant again, you probably already had a miscarriage before but it was so early you didn't even notice.
>>1493961You phrased this in a disgusting way. Obviously women are capable of feeling unconditional love, which is a magical bond that only exists between mother and child, something no man could ever comprehend. But COUNTLESS women kill their babies after birth. "Inherent love for babies" isn't a thing and you'll learn a very sad lesson when you walk into the real world.
No. 1495393
File: 1675973728733.png (475.92 KB, 686x412, 4546464.png)

>>1495099No, she just panders a lot with her
relatable comics
No. 1495398
File: 1675974235745.jpg (328.97 KB, 700x548, couple-weight-loss-success.jpg)

>>1495393>>1495066You know I genuinely don't like insulting people for their bodies or other features, but coddling fat people (especially fat men) is so damn pathetic, like Jesus Christ why not support fat men by encouraging them to exercise and get fit, draw a comic where a fat man wants to improve himself and live a healthier life and loses weight and become's more handsome, healthy and happy
No. 1495401
File: 1675974820758.jpeg (61.64 KB, 680x680, FVOjQ5sVsAAucXT.jpeg)

>>1495398The people that are often drawing the fat acceptance comics are often overweight themself. Because it's totally normal to struggle to walk up a couple stairs and get out breath and breathing heavily after a mild exertion.
No. 1495683
File: 1675999678520.jpg (93.83 KB, 621x552, aaaaaaaa.jpg)

I hate it when people say shit like
>you have to invest hours of time into this content and then it gets good
It's bullshit, you're just brainwashing yourself into enjoying it becasue you sunk so much time and effort into it already.
And I'm using this dumb reddit post image from the otome isekai board but I hate this shit mentality when you apply it to anything
>no you just need to listen to this shitty song a bunch and then it'll sound good!
>it doesn't taste like shit, you just need to drink/eat a bunch of it and then it'll taste good!
>this TV show isn't boring, you just need to waste hours of your life you'll never get back to get to the good part!
>this game isn't unfun with bad controls, you just need to "develope the skills" to "play it correctly" and it's a really fun game!
I just hate this dumb as fuck mentality! Especially when they try and frame it like that last one to try and spin it as positive self-improvement nonsense.
No. 1495725
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Idk if anyone else has this issue, but I find it so irritating that when you make a new sim in Sims 4, it'll spawn the sim in the same world as your most recent save instead of creating an entirely new save/world. Picrel was me the first few times I saw my other households walking around in "new" saves.
No. 1496073
>>1495385>>1493961You're right, I don't get why someone got mad at you.
These sorts of discussions always end up in a weird place. Don't have kids if you don't want them. Just treat other women like human beings, let them mourn and grieve if they wanted their child. They don't have to have the same mindset re: babies or make the same decisions as you. Unless you are literally in their shoes, living in their bodies, shut the fuck up.
No. 1496308
>>1496087I think they’re a young woman with very little life experience. Probably also absorbed a lot of liberal pro-choice rhetoric full of science based cold-blooded facts and logical arguments that absolutely don’t matter to a real person compared to how their hormones make them feel (I’m radically pro choice and I don’t think fetuses have souls or anything I just don’t like it when pro-choice messaging tells people how to feel, that’s not how feelings work and it’s dumb).
could definitely be a moid though, yeah.
No. 1496313
File: 1676067268333.jpg (37.97 KB, 400x303, 1588007720422.jpg)

Every time I go into that damn baby monkey torture thread on kiwifarms it makes me lose more and more hope for baby boomers and gen x. I wish they'd get therapy to figure out why they want to hurt children so bad or find the closest analogues for human child abuse. But noooo, I have to hit muh kids because that's all I know. I'm 60 and have the emotional intelligence of a firecracker, and I need to beat children to feel alive, hurr hurr. Some old lady even recorded a video with her whole face saying "fuck karens" and that she's a proud monkey hater. If I found out my grandma/grandpa, aunt/uncle liked to watch baby monkeys get tortured I'd fucking disown them.
I'm sorry. I don't hate the older generation that much. I think they need to stop pretending to be the generation without mental illness and seek help. I don't want to live in a world in which a bunch of boomers (according to the doxes) sit around and pay third worlders to beat monkeys. wtf
No. 1496565
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I fucking this haircut. I get wolf cuts but this version of it looks like a penis. It looks like they fell asleep up at a party and woke up to Oliver Tree cutting their hair. It actively distracts me from listening to these people talk.
No. 1496576
File: 1676086813902.jpeg (17.74 KB, 400x400, images (7).jpeg)

>>1496570Blonde chick is munecat and I like her content but this fucking hair oh my god. I think it's looking better since that pic, longer so it looks like a regular wolf cut but I then went to watch Strange Aeons today and screamed to the heavens as I saw she has penisified her hair too
No. 1496621
>>1496313I've purposely avoided that thread because I know it'll make me lose my hope in humanity and feel disgusted.
>>1496572>Why the fuck do you go to KF, let alone such a thread, if you think you're not one of those degenerates?>kiwifarms users are into baby monkey tortureI don't know what to tell you
nonny but that's a real fucking stupid thing to say.
No. 1497184
File: 1676151253807.jpeg (216.91 KB, 750x918, 0D375023-3591-468F-8BB8-C635BB…)

This tweet from some Twitter thread related to Aellagirl. Something is wrong with her and is disturbs me deeply. But this tweet reads like a copypasta plus the profile picture gave me a good kek before I considered men who look like this, think like this.
No. 1497286
File: 1676156912225.jpg (63.82 KB, 500x552, sans cringe compilation.jpg)

>erotic fiction "for women" supposedly written by women
>gratuitous overly detailed physical description of the female protagonist in first person
>piv right after
>clitoris not even once mentioned
larping man or pornsick woman? waste of time either way but at least it was short
No. 1497297
File: 1676157545986.jpg (87.21 KB, 559x800, AdvertYoungsTheHatterVictorian…)

>>1497256Anon, it's disgusting but made me laugh out loud
No. 1497327
>>1495725one time I edited this gif so that Aiden Gallagher's face was "Elliot's" so it was like Ellen Page was looking at herself in the future with a horrified expression, I made myself kek and posted it once and it got buried/went unnoticed and now I can't, for the life of me find what I did with the original file.
That's my thing I hate for today
No. 1498119
>>1498089Even in the beauty parlor, the supposed female space (don't make me laugh), you'll find shit like that. I stay clear of any thread related to women in any way because you'll find that garbage everywhere instead of the actual quality discussion you're there for. Lolcow's MTF threads are infinitely better. Nobody wants to read about how feeemales should stay in the kitchen, or your fictional sister who got an abortion, or how feeemales will never be happy until they get a husband and they know that because they're males and they know everything. The family values thing is funny to me because for
some reason it's always the forever alone moids parroting that (like null, lol.) Speaking of null, the way he's idolized there is ridiculous. He's just a fat dysfunctional tard who pretends like he knows what he's doing and still wants to own lolcow but because he didn't listen to the trannies (ODD, anyone?) the lonely, fatherless kiwi moids want him to be their new papa.
No. 1498225
File: 1676250373331.jpg (62.21 KB, 564x839, 3ad0ac456a0f8b15799859cb26562a…)

This shit. I don't know what makes me more mad, the retarded way they type, or simply the fact that they follow stereotypes as if they really were like that. They say those things, post those things as if they really were like that, when in reality they are not, or else they would not post this retardaded shit. Also, it's clearly people making themselves look like an aesthetic encarnated, and clearly something that is made to attract man or any other thing they come to feel attracted to. Fuck, i hate this shit so much, it's so fake, disingenuous, i hate it. I feel extreme disrespect for any woman that puts that facade.
No. 1498771
File: 1676302527002.jpg (517.01 KB, 1079x1201, 101.jpg)

I kinda hate wizard101 for thinking they are somehow a superior platform than hogwarts legacy. Not them with their new main concept artist being a trans girldick loving furry who cannot draw humans without the uncanny valley to save his life! Don't even get me started on their genderspecial dev team who thinks adding pride emojis is a win when you can catch a ban for saying lgbt to begin with. At least hogwarts legacy LOOKS like a 2023 game when so many parts of wizard101 still look stuck in 2003. Like please sit down and know your your place when the game is often advertised as being inspired by HP and heavily reference it time to time. They owe a good chunk of their success to JK.
No. 1498779
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this repugnant sauce needs to be banned everywhere in the world i'm fuming eating my taco rn having to bare this because my order wrong and i'm too far to change it. seriously the worst. mildly spicy in the most annoying way tastes like fake oil or something I HATE IT.
No. 1499358
File: 1676343659946.jpeg (16.88 KB, 320x158, DDA20602-3EB5-4B0B-9351-C6F71A…)

I hate my butt dents, they’re so comically bad. I’ve seen pictures where it looks good but mine are just awful. I’m not even overweight and most of my body is fine, I just have perpetual love handles and a gunt. The only time I haven’t had them after puberty was when I was anachan skinny after sports season in high school.
No. 1499563
>>1499548I feel you so hard. As if the future didn't look shit enough, AI HAD to get into the mix. Don't forget that "Anti-AI" measures will also give another excuse to further control the internet. All it takes is for certain platforms to acknowledge the already existing amount of bots used for mischievous purposes. After all, if you can't tell apart chatbots and real people anymore and requiring emails and phone numbers to your account doesn't stop them from flooding the internet, guess how we're going to identify humans from non-humans.
The only arguably good thing that might come out of it is that even normal people could deem this as too dreadful and we all slowly return to the real life.
No. 1499946
File: 1676402677600.jpg (122.87 KB, 720x1019, FkuMBXkaYAMO8DR.jpg)

everything relating to surrogacy
No. 1499980
>>1499960I think these two points have a lot to do with postpartum.
You carry and care for this fetus for nine months, it's with you and your family for nine months, you grow an attachment to it and it's a part of you.
When the baby is ripped away, it shows that: no, this was never a part of you. It's been someone else's family the whole time.
tho the part about expecting spending the holidays together is strange, it's almost as though the birth mother thought she was friends with the adoptive parents. that all "her" children would grow up together, which is not how it works. But I guess that's a part of the grooming process.
No. 1500053
File: 1676408581016.png (376.58 KB, 573x498, why.png)

This is just embarrassing to see.
No. 1500153
File: 1676418290149.png (904.65 KB, 640x960, 3c1.png)

I hate toxic positivity. I'm going through a lot of shit rn and I just want people to let me be miserable for a bit instead of throwing shit like "Just live your best life and keep your head up high! Take a walk! Meditate! Try journalling!" at me.
No. 1500336
File: 1676434577927.png (2.82 MB, 1439x2367, 1676413605112.png)

the anon who keeps defending this ugly moid in celebricows
No. 1500479
File: 1676444905297.webm (2.26 MB, 320x568, LLKqJ9wRFg2A_tlf.webm)

Why the hell do western liberals corelate "drag" with social activism? like these 4 are people with Down's syndrome who are manipulated to dress in misognystic caricatures of women cause its "brave and stunning"
No. 1501015
File: 1676485396478.webm (2.32 MB, 260x480, carmoid.webm)

Moids that drive like this
They can scream from the roof tops about women drivers but everyone knows that moids cause fatal car accidents all the time with their reckless impulsive driving
No. 1501030
>>1499398>>1499352I used to work at one of
EA’s studios and we had not one but THREE troons there. I had never met one irl before and then suddenly was working with 3 of them kek
No. 1501488
File: 1676528010978.jpg (64.33 KB, 640x563, 9c6e6c49dd4548dbeb320fd429f301…)

>>1500074They're fucking fat. A skinny girl with big boobs is still a skinny girl and can wear anything and look good.
No. 1502003
File: 1676578012132.png (179.54 KB, 452x445, ykctyukctyu.PNG)

Nintendo making so many of these goddamn consoles and making them all slightly different. Trying to find parts for the specific one I have is HELL
No. 1502054
>>1502051Nta they are but a regular DS stylus doesn't fit inside of a 3DS XL stylus holder so it'd be annoying to have a differently sized stylus because you'd have to be very careful where you put it so it wouldn't get lost.
T. Someone who lost her 3DS XL stylus and has to use a regular DS stylus.
No. 1502291
File: 1676599670731.jpeg (97.64 KB, 749x843, 0E5D7A1E-D9AD-4965-8123-74DB1A…)

I hate these memes in general, but I particularly hate this meme the most.
No. 1502295
File: 1676600274681.png (80.9 KB, 600x523, 37B499E8-07E9-433C-A427-BFDB78…)

When people say that fluttershy is rainbow dash’s best friend just because they were in the same class
No. 1502387
File: 1676610233496.jpg (16.01 KB, 350x379, Kuromitongueout.jpg)

I hate Kuromi. I cant escape her. She's everywhere. So annoying,I dont understand why people cant seem to resist this little RAT of a character. My melody too but to a lesser degree. I dont care if I seem bitter. There are so many other more adorable Sanrio characters. They only like it because its the funny tiktok character ugh.
No. 1502440
File: 1676615432600.jpeg (564.27 KB, 960x2699, 1675346692165.jpeg)

Serial Experiments Lain is an okay anime as far as anime goes, I like it mostly for its trippy aesthetics because the plot was nonsensical to me but I always feel resentful when I think about how trannies stole it.
No. 1502681
File: 1676650185328.jpg (71.52 KB, 736x736, bb74e6e77db7d16a7935bbc9212cb4…)

Shit like picrel. Mfs really need to stop screaming "wlw!!" everytime they see female friendships, is very creepy specially considering these two are literal kids
No. 1502863
File: 1676663306353.jpeg (81.81 KB, 750x863, 5092BA25-6000-4F60-9130-4943D1…)

>>1502664Yeah fluttershy was an emo anachan with freakishly long legs and couldn’t fly so rainbow dash had to save her retarded ass when they were in flight school
No. 1502928
File: 1676667991860.jpeg (29.43 KB, 446x371, E0110D25-7BA4-467B-97EA-B347FF…)

>man, I haven’t been on ovarit in a while! I wonder what they’re talking about these days—
>It is FREAKISH and CREEPY for women to carry pads/tampons just in case other women need one!!1!
>carrying extra pads is so fucking WEIRD and abnormal it’s like peak female socialization of women being at service for each other !
>closes ovarit
No. 1502964
File: 1676670347414.jpg (15.58 KB, 408x406, 1651700478021.jpg)

>>1502961Oh shit is that why I like Kuromi
No. 1502971
File: 1676670496205.png (Spoiler Image,1.09 MB, 1202x657, periods and trannies.png)

>>1502928They're so wrapped up in shitting on troons that they've transcended common sense. Of course women can give each other pads or tampons. That's not freakish. And yes, it's still fucking creepy for some man in a dress to hoard them and walk around handing them out because it's coming out of a fucked up gender fixation and/or deranged fetish.
No. 1502976
>>1502928I've seen this in the mtf thread on /snow/ once in a while too also.
I don't like it when people treat websites like some kind of team sport thing.
Like crystal cafe has a lolcow hate thread and it's like… why? If you hate us using your website as a bunker just ban the threads?
No. 1503158
File: 1676692074221.jpg (440.77 KB, 1707x1080, Creek.jpg)

>>1502984>>1502681This shit is the exact reason I hated the Creek episode in South Park, why I never 100% the second game, and probably why I overall lost interest in the series in general. It just nasty
, and a big missed opportunity for the return of Crab People.
No. 1503334
File: 1676724163535.jpeg (22.6 KB, 735x412, FpOA7jMXwAICwX6.jpeg)

picrel is the culmination of everything I hate about stan twitter, like how can anyone see this and not feet utter disgust
No. 1503346
>>1503343Now it’s consistent debilitating strep/tonsillitis over 4+ years. That’s what I was told when I wanted them out.
They do anything to keep them in. It’s a last resort.
No. 1503366
>>1503363Vitamins =/= processed garbo
Please just buy a pack of normal gummies
No. 1503375
>>1503346have you considered…lying to your doctor to get what you want? or begging? usually there's some additional factors they'll consider like if it's affecting your quality of life / sleep / work attendance. basically tell them it is debilitating to you. easier said than done probably.
sorry, nona, that sucks!
No. 1503386
File: 1676730709139.png (36.26 KB, 1388x314, rvb.png)

What the fuck is wrong with certain radfems? like imagine being so utterly vile that you would rather all women suffer then admit that the west is slightly less misognystic then the muslim world
No. 1503962
>>1503957Seriously. I got irrationally heated in my head seeing them call it a twitter thing.
I couldn’t find it but I swear there are comics from the early 20th century if not sooner where incomprehensible emotions or screaming are depicted as random letter mashes. It’s an old thing.
No. 1504361
nonnie, chill out! It's giving "needs to take her meds" energy.
No. 1504507
File: 1676842439637.jpg (202.13 KB, 1421x791, pic.jpg)

using filters on already beautiful retro celebs pictures trend (this supposed to be elizabeth taylor wtf)
No. 1504540
File: 1676846532766.jpg (271.23 KB, 627x708, 8cd.jpg)

>>1504507>>1504508>>1504511These remind me of this image kek
No. 1504627
>>1504605Twitterfags use yt along with what we sadly have now tiktokfags
>>1504591in my country it's highly recommend by doctors around the country and we have done multiple studies on why we should take in more D and Fish oil.
we don't really get the sun until summer No. 1504919
File: 1676906107550.jpeg (21.68 KB, 400x400, 1667953307372.jpeg)

Audio messages!!! God I fucking hate them and my friends always send them
No. 1504940
I fucking hate people who “upcycle” lovely old wooden furniture by cutting it up and painting it opaque white, grey or black. Especially if they add “shading” which just makes it look grimy 100% of the time. Even a lot of vintage/antique furniture stores in my area have started doing this.
>>1504934The violation is part of the thrill.
No. 1504962
>>1504934Can i add on and say that women who have done anything porn or were past
victims related get ruined in society while pimps and men who have raped prostitutes gets no consequence? I hate that men like snoop dog are allowed in children's spaces and media and any woman so much as done playboy 50 years ago are villainzed as evil corrupting whores. Even justin timberlake faced absolutely ZERO backlash for ripping janet jackson's bra. I don't even care if it was fabricated or not because janet's career was ruined by being a
victim in this scenario. I hate the way men dictate what's child friendly. A woman beating rapist who's been in and out of jail is okay for children to look up to, but not a woman who wears is known to dress like a hicktown hooker.
No. 1505357
File: 1676955189859.png (791.6 KB, 1046x614, 767676.png)

I absolutely hate the forced male lead archetype(the one that killed/abused the female lead MC in the previous timeline but she ends up with him somehow)
But then people post stories where this archetype of just some asshole of a different flavor is the male lead. And yeah sure they are a billion times better than the actual trash of the first kind, but they are still shit and I hate them so damn much.
>Miss Not So Sidekick
>I'm No Heroine/Politely Decline the Male Lead
No. 1505392
File: 1676959002841.gif (935.97 KB, 200x190, rage.gif)

when people try to wave off bullying by saying shit like "Maybe the bully has a bad home life" "Perhaps they are jealous of you" and "you'll be far greater than they could ever be." But all of that isn't true most of my bullies were well off and had friends
I was bullied just cause I had an accent and I always said hi to the school cleaner. It followed all thru the school system into secondary year(high school for burgers). Kids with more money and social skills saw me as a target, but after I threw punches back after a fight no one every tried violence again though the social bullying continued. It made me more sympathetic to bigotry and bullying of others, more liberal, more empathetic because I used it to learn to be a better, braver person. I never did have many friends but the ones I do have are good people and I would rather be alone than kowtow to that kind of society.
No. 1505559
File: 1676984153910.jpg (84.65 KB, 453x439, 1669118267732309.jpg)

>wah it's so hot!
>its 80°F
No. 1505562
>>1505416This radiates “I’m not like other girls, I’m better”.
I’d probably bully you too, nona.
No. 1505693
>>1505392It's not helpful when people say that, that's why I personally find it annoying, but it's true though. People like that often have bad relationships with their parents or just generally insecure for whatever reason. Some of them might realize they're not good for anything (not smart, not creative, etc.), they're also too dependent on what others think about them, obsessed with "normalcy" and conformity, so they feel threatened by those who stand out in any way. There can be lots of reasons to feel insecure, and some people try to cope by putting someone down. It happens among adults too, just in subtler ways. The problem is, as I said, it doesn't really help to just realize it, especially as a child/teen. You still have to experience it and you don't know what to do about it. I think it's more important to realize you don't deserve such treatment and you can allow yourself some amount of aggression, too. But even that might not be enough, and it sucks that adults just don't want to get involved, teachers and parents alike. Still, I think many bullies deserve a good beating (at least slap in the face) and it's a pity their
victims are often taught to be above that.
No. 1505757
File: 1677004546861.jpeg (60.78 KB, 560x690, 1BDEB3E6-EB08-4A70-AF5C-F1267F…)

>be trying to meal plan, organize, craft, or etc.
>remember that Pinterest exists
>get excited
>download app
>look up thing ideas
>it’s all the same 5 things I saw 10 years ago
No. 1505763
Personally I didn’t find attractiveness to have any effect on whether I got bullied or not. When I was younger I was ugly as fuck and I got bullied. In high school I went ugly duckling and became hot, people always telling me I’m gorgeous and model tier. But I still got bullied kek. It was probably just because I was poor and kinda weird. I was weird in a cute harmless way, like always reading nonfiction books and for our introduce yourself to the class paper in HS I wrote that I liked going into the woods and foraging mushrooms which got me mocked and bullied mercilessly. Fuck them, if this was a couple years in the future I would have been worshipped as a cottage core waif.
>>1505576What do you think is what separates mean insecure women and normal ones? I’m insanely insecure — including impulsively wanting male approval — but I’ve never bullied anyone or been rude to another woman. Idk this theory doesn’t make sense for me.
No. 1505764
File: 1677005547387.jpg (18.65 KB, 480x480, cornball.jpg)

Not everyone wants to work for themselves and be an "entrepreneur" or business owner. I hate that people act like it's something you should/have to want and if you don't then something is wrong with you. And always act like it's something that's easy to start doing. The hustle grind lifestyle is not for everyone.
No. 1505776
>>1505764I kek'd at the filename, it's SO corny. This bothers me too, I wish there was a name for it. Kind of like "
toxic positivity" but like "
toxic girlboss" fake motivational shit. Also the women I know who post those things on social media are always selling MLM stuff and calling themselves a "business owner" kek
No. 1505782
>>1505776Let's not call it
toxic girlboss, men are way worse at that shit
No. 1505787
>>1505782that's true, idk "
toxic GRINDSET" or whatever the fuck kek
No. 1506009
File: 1677028150047.jpg (323.2 KB, 1080x1545, Screenshot_20210901-101326_Gal…)

I hate it with every fiber of my being when a story has a good male lead and a good romance with the female lead, and then they introduce a 2nd male lead who is just there to waste time and pad out the story with filler drama because at this point you know who female lead will end up with and you are not rooting for the asshole character who showed up just to fuck up the cute couple moments.
Like if you gave me a story, with two versions
>a love triangle will-they-won't-they drama
>a cute comfy story about a couple being lovey dovey
I would slam dunk that first into a volcano, that shit is fucking trash
No. 1506199
File: 1677052871939.png (128.8 KB, 387x371, retard activated.png)

Bumping for cp
No. 1506378
File: 1677079239428.png (89.66 KB, 496x735, 9843754.png)

>join discord
>15min timeout before you can post
>assign roles though babys first script discord bot that works 60% of the time
>go to new users channel to request chat priviledge
>get confirmed 4 hours later
>active users have wall of roles like picrel
>not allowed to ask questions, get directed to "info" channel thats 2 years out of date
>every channel full of moids one upping each others degeneracy
Forums weren't perfect, but how is this the evolution.
No. 1506464
File: 1677088034526.jpg (50.13 KB, 736x460, ugly.jpg)

Never thought there'd come a day where I'm getting nostalgic for eroge-going-anime and kyoani pudding face tier animation, but here we are.
No. 1506514
>>1506511now that you say it, the eyes on her characters are a little
too far apart..
No. 1506557
>>1506542Just another reason why
nonnie is superior. Scrotes seem to vastly prefer nona/nonna for their larp posts.
No. 1506581
>>1506557I like to mix it up for absolutely no reason, nona/
nonny, throw in a bonita or whatever sometimes. I don't think it's that deep.
No. 1506616
>>1506167Yeah, I don't get why they have to act like old farts with tuberculosis that are about to die. Disgusting
I sneeze crazy loud though because it's more satisfying, suppressing it makes me feel like my head explodes
No. 1506617
File: 1677100352626.jpeg (130.41 KB, 828x1183, 5991BEE9-F18B-44DF-A81A-82CDD8…)

Aidens shut the fuck up about Mana-sama
No. 1506627
File: 1677100888118.jpg (59.6 KB, 1440x1078, im-looking-for-a-brown-nude-th…)

>>1506624samefag and before anybody gets uppity, i mean on very light skin where it looks jarring
No. 1506633
>>1506624well excuse me for not wanting to look wet all the time
>>1506627bottom right looks ok imo
No. 1506761
File: 1677111731581.png (16.51 KB, 100x100, bou.png)

>>1506686Aidens thinking a cis man dressing feminine is the same as them LARPING as men while still dressing feminine. Sometimes it feels like these women want the attention men get when they dress feminine.
>inb4 they start labeling Mana as trans No. 1506780
File: 1677115014714.jpg (149.81 KB, 1024x774, 5635513442_644bfcb5ef_b.jpg)

i hate self checkout kiosks, mainly because being recorded so intimately makes me incredibly uncomfortable. i know you are recorded throughout the store in general, but there is something much more unsettling to have a camera shoved in your face while you're trying to buy your shit. i know its to prevent potential theft, but it is also just so blatantly dystopian to see that i will willing wait in a line of people to buy my stuff instead regardless of how much longer it takes compared to the kiosks.
No. 1507336
File: 1677180068959.png (561.69 KB, 626x796, huhh.png)

I hate it this shit especially because I know for a fact that OP is a white woman who LARPS as a man
As if you're any better KEK
No. 1507347
File: 1677180367467.jpg (420.57 KB, 1536x2048, muhhethey.jpg)

>>1507336Vtubers aside, like girl who are you trying to fool right now. You're literally a white westerner trying to hide behind being your pronouns, just like all the others who think being a tranny is some kind of
valid defense. Fuck right off with trying to turn it into a race thing.
No. 1507513
File: 1677191126716.jpeg (219.45 KB, 1000x520, 8F9C138B-FA93-4369-81A0-05F9A1…)

This colossal retard. The concept of race-mixing very much does exist outside of America. Thread reached reply limit so I can’t reply there.
No. 1507514
File: 1677191195569.png (910.11 KB, 800x530, food-distributor-frozen-vegeta…)

Fuck cauliflower tbh. Last time I buy the "California mix" vegetables because the cauliflower ruins everything.
No. 1507559
>>1507531people who are financially bad off and addicted to buying shit just make me sad. not even because they're spending their money, but because a lot of people i know who are like this think shit will make them happy when deep down inside they are utterly miserable.
sage for semi blogpost
No. 1507768
>>1507744>>1507733Men shouldn't be trusted to buy new cars until they're like, 10 years into adulthood at least. They should be banned from getting car loans because they will always buy something wasteful and get themselves into way more debt than any young person should be for what is essential a fucking fancy toy.
If it only affected the moid's finances I wouldn't care but I know so many women who end up paying off their deadbeat bfs debt. Eg I know one girl who got a 20k loan to pay off her bfs speeding fines, one who was left with 50k debt to pay off her ex bfs cars, bikes and boats, etc. I'd literally die before paying off a man's dumb ass decisions.
No. 1507938
>>1507780Rescue medication? I have epilepsy but it's the first time I'm hearing about something like that. Are you on any regular medication otherwise?
All questions aside, I feel for you anon, the powerless feeling when you know the seizure is coming is just awful. I was lucky to not have any in public in recent years, it was only safely at home, but still felt pathetic and vunerable. Hope you're doing ok otherwise.
No. 1508368
File: 1677275890019.png (20.24 KB, 326x87, 2324324.png)

I hate anons that call other anons with it/its pronouns. I'm a woman and would a fucking man post in this degenerative thread. Also hate anons that responds to bait and anons who think they are holier-than-thou attitudes most of them are pearl clutching newfags ofcourse.
No. 1508383
File: 1677277092294.jpeg (64.68 KB, 800x555, 6a00d8358081ff69e201b8d0eb6c80…)

I hate lettuce, it feel rubbery and tastes like plastic.
No. 1508401
File: 1677278577885.jpeg (Spoiler Image,243.1 KB, 498x600, 1677266872084.jpeg)

>>1508387I'm that
it poster and I just point out the fact that the hornyposting and shitposting thread was created for that degenerative so that anons would stop posting about on /ot/. I'm not the
>attention whore in /g/ who posts about piss and rapey moid shit, claims that women are naturally submissive and doesn't spoiler gross pics.If I was then all that shit wouldn't have been posted since thread #4 as I stopped posting in that thread by then and only recently started to check again. Also stop being a pussy regarding
gross pics that are mostly just suggestive by normal standards, picrel is the pic she's talking about and am only spoilering since the topic at hand is getting out of control.
>posts rapey moid shit and claims that women are naturally submissiveAnon plenty of other anons wants to beat/hurt scrotes and then fuck them and I got to ask just how does that relate to being naturally submissive.
No. 1508406
File: 1677279293515.jpg (392.15 KB, 1600x900, l-intro-1623521030.jpg)

>>1508385I also hate raw vegetables in general as they are often to hard to bite and the flavour is too strong for me. It's steamed or nothing. I basically want to eat bland or not strongly flavoured/seasoned food that aren't hard to chew like the elderly.
INB4 I can't eat food that are too fatty or salty since I'll just get diarrhea. No. 1508416
File: 1677280280947.gif (3.87 MB, 320x240, eat-watermelon.gif)

Men that refuse to perform cunnilingus. Kicked one out last night because of it and he sent me a text asking what did he do to make me so angry that I kicked him out. You didn't eat my fucking pussy.
No. 1508494
>>1508416I think straight and bi women should refuse intimacy with men more often unless said men are willing to eat them out. Too many men make pleasure all about themselves and nothing is worth sleeping with a man who wont at the very least go down on you. Best advice is not to sleep with men at all but at least have standards and make them do something. Good job
No. 1508523
>>1508416Unrelated but
nonny your gif made me lol
No. 1508664
File: 1677300114727.jpg (Spoiler Image,144.04 KB, 619x795, Screenshot_20230224-233748_Ins…)

I hate ugly, mediocre men in cosplay. People hype men up in cosplay who look like shit and this is proof.
extra annoyed when ugly men have the audacity to cosplay my husbando
No. 1508715
File: 1677308741277.jpeg (11.18 KB, 480x360, images (11).jpeg)

Does anyone else find that when they're wearing wide leg pyjama pants that they keep catching their big toe in the opposite pant leg when they walk and tripping over? Or am I the only gumby in here? Whatever, I fucking hate it.
No. 1509093
>>1509060Ok so I am the anon who posted the stuff about battlestations but that was a regular discussion not an infight, and I was trying to make a
valid and on-topic point in relation to the stuff these posts >>1508991 were talking about. You guys are stretching it.
No. 1509127
>>1509112>don't let others misinterpretations bother you! I think some anons are just feeling a little defensive lately, You're right, after reading anons explanation I see why she may have posted it.
>>1509028Sorry for telling you to fuck off nonna.
No. 1509213
File: 1677354743475.jpeg (133.7 KB, 828x792, 26B9375A-9A79-48DC-8821-113B70…)

I hate special needs kids primarily the moids. Recently saw a news story that one had beaten a teacher unconscious, he was a big kid. I also have a sister who had one autistic boy bite her on the arm and throw things at her. These kids should have been aborted. A lot of the parents seem so sick of it too, like they drop their kids off at school just to get away from them.
No. 1509215
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Seems very wrong to me to have your legs so far from the core of your body when you're supposed to be resting.
No. 1509220
File: 1677355710709.png (206.58 KB, 314x314, dfvgdf.PNG)

I honestly hate people who go around policing and saying that, Normal people, SHOULDN'T own exotic animals… EXAMPLES: Crocodilians, Bird's, Reptiles, ETC, I feel like If you have done your own research and have the money / time to take care of and own a animal, I think it's fine… Sick of people like, Gabby Nikolle, Who goes around saying nobody should own any exotic animals but yet she and her boyfriend, Chris, Got a Armadillo, and lots of different bird's, and on top of all that, She Support's Seaworld even though she claims she's vegetarian and against factor farming and stuff like that exploits animals, But yet she wants to shit on people who own wild animals or wildlife
No. 1509221
File: 1677355729086.jpeg (73.56 KB, 568x421, 2305535E-20BC-4A92-8C03-E15633…)

>>1509215I always sit like an autistic and very unladylike sometimes I forget and sit like this in public kek. People always ask me how it can be comfortable and think I’m weird.
No. 1509223
File: 1677355968993.jpg (129.98 KB, 443x598, vganbooty (1).jpg)

People who claim they are, Vegan and claim they care about the health and wellbeing of animal's, But yet go around with horrible terrible anti-Vaxxer bad takes such as, Freelee the Banana Girl & Tash Peterson aka VganBooty, Like… REALLY
No. 1509235
File: 1677357055081.jpg (234.79 KB, 998x740, 20230225202328.jpg)

I hate when coomers sexualise non-specialised characters, especially when they're children. I avoid looking at fan art of female characters, so I don't get pissed
No. 1509243
File: 1677357823346.jpg (21.6 KB, 260x466, cvxvcx.jpg)

>>1509221They're the weirdos, anon, tainted by century long chair abuse, you're doing everything correctly, just like our ancestors would've wanted for us.
No. 1509244
File: 1677357916016.jpg (105.81 KB, 1000x1096, fdsf.jpg)

>>1509215I sit similarly to picrel. However my bum is on the chair too.
No. 1509248
>>1509213>I hate special needs kids primarily the moidsTry having one as an older brother. My parents are incompetent when it comes to taking care of him and do nothing but let him sit at home and spoil him even though he lives in squalor and has a hair-
trigger temper. There's no way he could function in the real world and I am clueless as to what will happen to him once they're gone and it terrifies me, especially since I don't want to be the one who has to deal with him.
No. 1509254
>>1509213100% agree, I don't even register as humans anymore after some of the crazy shit I've seen or heard about. They're a waste of time, energy and resources and it should be strictly illegal to make them go to school with normal kids. The specific reason why I decided to not become a teacher was after going to a "prestigious" middle school with two autistic kids in my class for three years in a row.
>Recently saw a news story that one had beaten a teacher unconscious, he was a big kidIs it just me or are they usually way bigger than average kids their age? It was the case for the two classmates I had, and it was also the case for an autist I had classes with in uni and one other type of retard in my very first retail job.
No. 1509288
>>1509254>Is it just me or are they usually way bigger than average kids their age?Nta but I noticed this too. I had many special needs moids in my classes growing up. I was always made to sit next to them/play with them (because I was a quiet girl and I could "teach" them) and not only were they fucking annoying, they were also big as fuck and I was always nervous around them since they were also emotionally unstable/spoiled. I think it's because their parents spoil them so they let them get mildly obese, but then I see that they're generally way taller too.
The one I had in my elementary class once smashed me against a wall while chasing me, but no one could say anything to him because otherwise the poor moid would start bawling to avoid punishment. The brother of a classmate was also special ed, he was taller than his own mother and everyone knew that he had physically attacked his father several times but he was still allowed around children.
No. 1509307
>>1509288>I was always made to sit next to them/play with them (because I was a quiet girl and I could "teach" them)Why is it always the same thing? Teachers trying to actively ruin a good female student's education with their bullshit and trying to force them to socialize either with their unruly or even violent bullies or with violent developmentally delayed kids.
>but no one could say anything to him because otherwise the poor moid would start bawling to avoid punishmentLet me guess, the kids who would have rightfully complained would have been punished for it? It happened to me when boys in primary school were violent with me or racist when I defended myself and was the only one who got punished. Seriously this specific type of mentally ill kids need to have their own schools and be actively prevented from ruining things for others. The two autists in my class in middle school weren't the same, one spent 2 years in therapy as a small kid and was older than everyone else and he was only obsessed with DS games, but the girl was very tall and kind of chubby and would routinely beat the fuck out of someone and I was cursed enough to have her take an interest in me and try to befriend me nonstop. The thing about parents spoiling them makes sense in her case, I met them and they thought making her a vegetarian and making her go to a private catholic school would cure her kek. But then again I just remembered a cousin of mine who's most likely autistic and who's nearly 2m tall while almost everyone else in our family is way shorter than average so I doubt it's just that.
No. 1509338
File: 1677367708216.jpeg (162.99 KB, 1098x731, 88E5FFCB-0C7C-4C38-B9FC-6B6963…)

>>1509213The “kid” who beat his teacher unconscious for confiscating his switch had a a lot of people defending him on Twitter. The worst ones were from moids who say they’d do the same thing if a teacher took their property during class. I swear to god moids look for literally any reason to justify their violent urges.
No. 1509712
>>1509379According to the news that kid was reported many times by many kids and teachers to the administration because of how violent he is, and the principal never gave a shit and always found excuses. Some kids and teachers knew he had bullets, and then a gun the next day at school, reported it and someone from the administration said something like "that can't be true because he has small pockets" as if he didn't have a whole backpack. So they issue seems different than from the ones in this post
>>1509418 and this one
>>1509528 No. 1509729
File: 1677404003551.png (6.82 KB, 661x118, real trans people.png)

>>1509721They're either like pic related which hears about lolcow from tumblr or whatever and posts once or twice to complain about the TIF and TIM threads, or they're a psychotic trutrans who desperately needs to be on meds and will insist that they're "not like the other fakebois!!!" because unlike aidens they hate themselves and have been molested as a child after being bullied for being lesbian or something
>>1509725There was a self-hating lesbian TIF in the confessions thread basically posting about how she hates herself and her body like that means you should mutilate yourself beyond repair, who even knows. Whiteglove posts every so often and is open about being TIF and well… we all know how she is
No. 1509772
File: 1677408099754.png (175.49 KB, 720x369, Screenshot_20230209e.png)

>>1509725most of the time in the vent thread (not the current one yet but the last few ones), the vocaloid thread and once in a previous stupid questions thread
No. 1509798
File: 1677412180498.jpg (99.2 KB, 1080x1087, FSrnAyaUEAASSNS.jpg)

Weird stream of fake tweets, usually posted on other social media platforms. It often involves a woman overreacting to something man did or claiming some shit like she's a single unemployed mom demanding 6'5 buff rich men. Ofc the comments are filled with incel shit using it as "proof" women are evil, bad, demanding everything while not being shit and why all men need to get Russian wives or something. It just makes me feel so bad that simply just existing as a woman on the internet will get loads of misogyny even if you stay away from any possible side of the internet that would get you hate
No. 1509934
File: 1677424338068.png (1013.38 KB, 1080x5834, Screenshot_20230226-160819.png)

I hate women who defend their creep husbands til they're blue in the face. If you're willing to film someone undressing and you're "sooo drunk" you're clearly fucked in the head even when sober.
No. 1510192
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No. 1510467
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>>1510151>>1510117>>1510113Pompom is binge eating disorder.
No. 1510549
File: 1677478033622.jpg (8.07 KB, 236x260, pom.jpg)

>>1510467Pompom purin is so fat and obsessed with food that he might be sanrio's equivalent of nikocado. Down to showing his ass whenever he can.
In all seriousness though maybe I would be able to like him more maybe if he didn't have that fucking butthole. Imagine if all sanrio characters had one. Terrible.
No. 1510824
File: 1677515721042.png (2.67 MB, 1284x3357, DB19196A-8589-4ADB-BFC8-2A8E26…)

Why are moids so fucking pointless? I hope his wife is enjoying her eternal rest away from this waste of space and I hope he dies lonely as fuck. I know saying I hate men is low-hanging fruit nonnies but I really do hate them.
No. 1510826
>>1510824They can't handle not being the center of attention even if it's their dead wife "stealing the spotlight" from them. Classic
abusive narc mindset.
No. 1510912
File: 1677523623202.png (3.89 KB, 233x216, download (8).png)

When people go on safari's in Africa and then a predator catches it's prey and The people in the vehicles start crying loudly and yelling when people are recording it on their phones and it ruins the video it's nature get over it
No. 1510934
File: 1677525959857.jpg (66.89 KB, 567x567, Fp6_n0eWIAEzBBD.jpg)

one of my mutuals unironically posted this
No. 1510982
File: 1677529646748.jpeg (83.33 KB, 464x697, 8990427A-0FB7-4461-B8CB-8703E2…)

>>1510934Whitewashed nagatoro. Which is something I hate, I hate nagatoro and all of these coomer characters.
No. 1511176
File: 1677551609601.webm (6.78 MB, 720x932, JY3iL4baxaofN_K1 (1).webm)

Boymoms. The last part of this video floored me.
No. 1511191
File: 1677553556522.png (844.46 KB, 973x629, Screen Shot 2023-02-27 at 8.53…)

i fucking hate the movie clueless. the main girl is just pretty, the movie is not in the level of something like legally blonde or mean girls. people insist that its just as good just because of their nostalgia glasses. the end of the movie is why i actively despise it. having her fall in love with his brother is fucking weird.
i saw so many people insist that it wasn't creepy because they weren't blood-related. the dynamic and way they were raised was as brothers. so no, i would not date my step brother even if we weren't blood-related. very weird shit to defend for a mid fucking movie. while the same people insist that umbrella academy has "incest". i mostly read the comics and only watched some of the show. but the kids were taken from different parts of the world and spent some time as kids together but most of their life they had no contact till they were in their 30s. so no i don't think the story with a talking monkey guy should be taken with that focus.
No. 1511210
>>1511176>if my son rapes you daughter when she is older it's not my problemSome women just can't be saved or redeemed. She is definitely going to fight her sons girlfriends when he gets older or if he gets married she would probably make the day miserable for the both of them. I think the ultimate punishment for boy moms is their sons realising that they are
toxic and cutting them off for good.
No. 1511354
File: 1677572844266.jpeg (162.42 KB, 510x680, ED274527-77FA-4855-8B6E-AC2FFF…)

>>1511246I am a fujo but I do really hate it when they try and force a gay relationship onto characters who only look at eachother for a sec and try to push it as canon. The absolute worst ones are the ones that try and push that a male character hates women/would never touch one. It’s fucking annoying like just say you’re horny and like to draw gay ships and go. Shipping is supposed to be a dumb fun thing but these fucking tifs and autists gotta make into something weird and uncomfortable. I like straight ships too but they also try to make it into something controversial despite most fujos being straight women or diet straight women (aidens and enbies).
Also I hate the term “mlm” . No one gives a shit about “fetishization” of faggots except retarded Aidens.
No. 1511372
File: 1677578986541.png (28.84 KB, 167x133, disgusting.png)

People with this haircut need to be bullied again. I hate how there's this trend of trying to "bring it back", some things die for a reason.
No. 1511382
File: 1677580628508.gif (3.18 MB, 434x251, Staying Alive.gif)

>>1511191Just forget about those movies and watch Romy and Michele's High School Reunion instead.
No. 1511780
File: 1677619306408.png (486.74 KB, 1285x1287, FqAWjPpaQAEvkxY.png)

I hate "femcel" art made by trannies. I also hate trannies in general and them trying to LARP as an uwu femcel NEET gun expert.
No. 1512178
>>1512079I recently had two reviews shadowbanned by Google immediately after posting. Like they weren't even up for some time, they've only ever been visible to me on my own account. It sucks since these were elaborate reviews that I put quite a bit of effort into. It couldn't have been the businesses themselves seeing the reviews and getting them removed. The only reason I can think of is that some sentences were a little tongue in cheek and sarcastically written and Google is no fun allowed apparently so their bots automatically detect and shadowban reviews that seem unusual. I think they've changed their system for this somewhere in the past couple years because I have some old reviews that were definitely not written in a serious tone at all and those are still up with tons of views.
I'm pretty sad about it because writing silly reviews was a pretty entertaining pastime for me for a while, but according to some online discourse about the shadowbanning this is quite common and nothing can really be done about it.
No. 1512662
File: 1677722593005.png (869.56 KB, 891x1501, smarch-calendar.png)

God I fucking hate March for the most dumbass reason too, its that I always forget it's between February and April. I thought i missed some very important events already this year because they were scheduled in March and not last month
No. 1513163
>>1513133I just hate people who constantly take selfies 24/7, I'm a teacher and the students are constantly taking selfies as if the school uniform wasn't the ugliest set of clothing that anyone could ever wear.
It wouldn't be such a big deal if they could do that during the recess and not while I'm trying to teach them important shit.
No. 1513173
>>1513158Heavy marketing is what normalised it. How to make even more money from cell phones - create a desire for fancy phone cameras and filter apps. Otherwise you'd just take a regular camera on vacation and keep your old phone instead of buying a new one with 16 front and back facing cameras with a resolution that lets you see mitochondria in your skin cells.
Basically the answer to most "why we do this modern thing" questions is it brings someone money. Then marketing uses an existing need (to be liked) and turns it into a specific want (to post selfies) that brings them money.
No. 1513476
>>1513294I'd be interested in reading,
nonny, though I don't use letterboxd kek. I love reading about other little communities on different websites
No. 1513501
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Highly reflective stainless steel cookware. I don't need to see myself that way.
No. 1513538
File: 1677811328854.jpeg (Spoiler Image,71.13 KB, 275x263, 28297392839.jpeg)

>>1513501Reminds me of when I had this job that made us take pictures to validate the timecard for some reason but the camera was on a desk facing upward & made me take the worst selfies I've ever seen and I wanted to kms every time I clocked in
No. 1513738
File: 1677837550921.jpeg (44.15 KB, 540x519, 9A70DE74-4EC0-4ED6-8FBF-9EA24A…)

Trannies with retarded arguments
No. 1513793
File: 1677847482980.jpg (76.29 KB, 602x836, F5easjvr1.jpg)

I legitimately can't tell if this meme was made by a tard-dude, bunkertranny or south asian moid but honestly its kinda tragically true, if it weren't arranged marriages then the entire continent of south asia would be filled with Incels
No. 1513840
I'm tired of YouTube essayists making an hours-long video as to why a children's show is trash, sucks, awful, or whatever.
Like my YouTube homepage is filled with videos of people ranting at the newer seasons of Miraculous Ladybug (I watched like two(?) seasons of it before getting bored), and, yeah, I kinda get it they do pretty suck and the creator's milky behavior notwithstanding—but holy shit what do these people expect? What's the target demographic for this show, eleven-year-old girls? What, where they expecting some deep philosophical sociopolitical take on the current era—it's a fucking kids' show, it's meant to sell toys—move on with your life.
It's not just Miraculous Ladybug, that gets this, lots of other kiddie shows get this treatment too. I seriously don't understand what makes these shows targeted at a young audience so attractive to unhinged adults.
No. 1513977
>>1512569never heard of this discourse in my life but tbf i don't think a phobia of people with dwarfism is fine just bc it's a phobia and you can't help what phobias you have. like if youre scared of spiders or something whatever, spiders wont know or care. but people w dwarfism obviously know they have a disability and that people treat them badly because of it and theyre discriminated against, yeah you can't chose what phobias you have but you should probably go to therapy and try to fix it if you have a phobia of disabled people. plus i wonder how much of this discourse is based on people w dwarfism getting stared at/having people treat them like freaks and then when they bring it up people online going UM WELL MAYBE THEY HAVE A PHOBIA ITS NOT THEIR FAULT. that would get old extremely fast. youre right that finding sick/deformed people scary is kind of an inherent human trait but u can recognize it's wrong and hurts people and work on it. i was gonna ask where youre seeing discourse then i saw
>>1512779, ofc its tumblr lol.
No. 1514720
>>1514594I feel like over the years there has absolutely been a decline in people who actually do roleplays of a decent quality, which is super frustrating. The rp is pretty interesting otherwise, I hope it stays that way and they don't try to pull some other bullshit!
(Just yesterday they sent a comic about their skateboarding anime and I just straight up decided to ignore it, like please take a hint kek)
No. 1514834
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>>1514779I need her merch
No. 1514867
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>>1514860samefag what if i served the chicken like this
No. 1514880
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>>1514867Weak. Make several. Summon evil entities over for dinner and feast.
No. 1514909
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>>1514729What wrist bounce thing? Gifrel? Don't have tiktok.
No. 1514996
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The obsession with fumos, and it’s mostly grown men doing it which is even worse.
No. 1515119
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I hate trannies so much
No. 1515125
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Her dead eyes. Somethings always bothered me about her looks and I think it’s the lifelessness in her face. She could be a very interesting model but she looks so disassociated from reality at all times it’s super off putting. Probably because of her shit husband.
No. 1515147
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i hate when socials have public friends lists, especially ones where people can interact with your content. i don't need people i just met to be turned off from being my friend because i don't seem popular enough. if there is not many friends people assume you're spergy, and if there are many but at the same time you don't get gassed up with hundreds of likes and comments they're going to think you're antisocial too. no winning with public friends lists. i only use socials for my hobbies because i can't be arsed crafting some relatable social persona and blog my boring life while people will judge how poor or rich i am in comparison to them…
No. 1515403
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Days getting longer again. It's almost 5pm, why is the sun still out?
No. 1516596
nonnie, DnD seems really boring to me but I love writing online. Actually, to keep the conversation on topic, I fucking hate when people aren't literate. I hate that there's even a distinction. I can't imagine doing anything else other than writing complete sentences in an rp like a normal person!!
No. 1518028
>>1516424>sub-locking sorting by most popular has got to be the most retarded onesorting by most popular is such a basic function of any website I'm genuinely sureprised they got away with this. Pixiv also have tons of shit art that would scare off any newcomer to the site. When they go to a tag and see weird fetish art with less than 10 likes instead of the.high quality popular stuff then they are not going to make accounts.
It's a shame because I like alot of things about pixiv but the subscription services are stupid. Oh well, it's only a matter of time before Pudic closes down anyway
No. 1518215
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Don't know if this belongs here, but apparently black American and British Muslims are now going to poorer Muslim nations to find wives cause American/British Muslim women are far too "westernized/racist" for them and this is how justify themselves
No. 1518244
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>>1518228I wish that was the case, but sadly it happens here as well, rich arabs or rich diaspora guys want the Islamic equivalent of tardwife(which is a tardwife times a 1000) but unlike western moids due to the exchange rate and our nation's shitty condition they can they can actually just buy one, even Chinese moids buy Pakistani women clause of how "cheap" they are and out government can't and won't do anything No. 1518807
File: 1678343501180.jpg (192.47 KB, 1536x2048, FqqFeA6WYAAZ3tT[1].jpg)

When artists take too seriously the whole proship/anti debate. I don't care about who followed you recently, I just want to see your art, I beg you, it's being months already.
No. 1519461
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This shit the fucking obese bitch did makes me LIVID, I am so close to a logging. Animal cruelty in the pic be warned
No. 1519496
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Vtuber fans defending grown ass women acting like children
No. 1519616
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Maybe this belongs more in the Breadtube or YouTuber threads but I put it here because my hatred for him is so strong. I fucking hate this Humpty Dumpty looking motherfucker. He somehow manages to be even more spiteful and annoying than his contemporaries, and that's saying something. He constantly capes for troons because of course he does, just look at him. He also frequently uses cock sucker/sucking cock as an insult towards women but this totally isn't misogynistic (and homophobic tbh) for some reason. He is repulsive to me on every level - physical, moral, intellectual. He shits on women constantly for the stupidest of transgressions while contributing nothing meaningful to society. If he were born in any other time in history, he would rightfully be bullied into submission and probably die before the age of 25. Fuckin Matt Lucas looking tweedle dumb looking human embodiment of an overcooked hard-boiled egg
No. 1519701
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destiny 2. theyre putting out a new raid tomorrow so i wont get to see my boyfriend for at least 3 days because hes a stupid destinyfag. it looks like shit it runs like shit the devs are all fucking libtards and i want to alog them.
No. 1519957
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Controversial opinion,but:
I hate people who proudly identify as Bi/Pansexual when they are in a committed monogamous relationship.
It just makes them look like they care so little about their current partner and are putting out wanted posters looking for the next one.
When it comes to other identities like straight/gay/lesbian it seems far more like less of an identity to signal what they look for in their next relationship and more of a description of the current one.
I have similar hatred for people who say things like
>I like [generalized group] with [signifier their current partner doesn't have]
It's the same shit but at least they typically don't put it in their Twitter profile, typically…
No. 1520122
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I don't care if I've complained about this before pic related is bullshit
No. 1520307
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The bunkers. They're what I imagine ADHD to feel like.
No. 1520312
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>>1519467Macaron sounds like the singular of macaroni
No. 1520731
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I hate that twitter is putting shit on my feed from people I don't follow. It's all shitty bait stuff that of course is getting a bunch of engagement.(Same with instagram shoving in problematic videos in my face) I really don't need to see trannies seething about women, moids seething about western women, or especially moids on tiktok guessing a random girl's pussy color and other ways they find to be perverted coom brained neanderthals.
I'm tired. I need to get off the internet because all this garbage is making me sick.
No. 1520738
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Reading this for the discussion on eating disorders so I intend to finish it but having to read at length about the author fucking just any moid off the street starting as a very young teen is repulsive
No. 1521166
>>1521094the switch to nigel was because so many anons were
triggered by the word boyfriend.
No. 1521211
>>1521182Yeah that always annoyed me about those jokes. Women are socialized to not be assertive and we're often shut down whenever we are. I've had the same shit happen to me. They'll automatically turn down my suggestion or make some snide comment about it even though they asked in the first place. So it makes sense that many of us will defer to others for making decisions because it's not worth the trouble. You can't really point this out though or you'll be the annoying feminist giving some long lecture about a joke. And I guess it really isn't a huge deal in the grand scheme of things but it is a pet peeve of mine.
Same with the joke about women saying they don't want anything, then asking for a few pieces of the guy's food afterwards. Yeah I see how that'd be annoying for him and it can make for a funny bit, but I think it partially stems from not wanting to eat a lot in front of a guy and seem like a pig or worrying about him freaking out on you and acting like you owe him sex later for buying you food.
No. 1521238
>>1521182men want women to be mind readers. When we don't state our opinion they mock us, when we state our opinion and it doesn't 100% align with that they are thinking they mock us too.
The food one is a good example. I have tried several saying where I want to eat after being asked only to get shut down because men eat like pigs and refuse to ear nothing but fast food. Yet the same men complains when I tell them to pick a place
No. 1521349
>>1521297>>1521308for me its the combo of them apparently hating moids but then cutting contact with female friends to a minimum once they get one, I don't want to put words in anon's mouth but I assume that's what she meant too.
The just dating part is fine, but when they start revolving their whole life around the moid (and it's never a decent one) and start cutting off their female friends that's when it gets really annoying. I've had it happen a lot so I get you nona.
No. 1521552
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I hate the type of people who type like this. Just shut the fuck up. You might be in love with the smell of your own farts but I'm not.
No. 1521626
>>1521589I feel like deep down people understand why prostitution is bad, they wouldn't do it themselves because they know it's degrading and dangerous. What I find difficult is expressing how much I hate porn - people will always, always assume you're a jealous prude who simply can't handle your moid harmlessly jerking off because you're not as hot or good in bed as a porn star. It's the opposite, I'm not jealous but I am desperately sad and sickened for the women being abused and exploited for men to get off to. I've read enough first person accounts from ex porn stars to know it's a miserable experience, that they sure af don't get a chance to make informed choices without any pressure and I'd rather fucking die than be one of them.
I'm mainly talking about the reactions of women here though, when men talk about sex work you can take everything they say in bad faith. They don't think it's empowering, they think it's humiliating and that it ruins a woman for life and that's one reason they enjoy it so much. They hate women, particularly women they consider slutty, and love seeing them harmed and 'put in their place'.
No. 1522223
>>1522196Absolutely same, I’ve hated very dark movies since Pirates of the Caribbean, it’s all dark as shit and it’s hard to know what the fuck is going on. I need my movies to have shit I can see or to have shit so mysterious that they play with the capabilities of people to see in the dark or play with sounds, whatever.
But fuck, make at least a 70% of it visible.
I also feel this with videogames, I hate when a part is dark, like okay, it has to be dark so I don’t see properly, but when it’s “dark” and you have to explore that shit, the lantern you got barely lights up anything when it’s at the highest level and you keep falling around because you don’t know if your screen settings are too low or if you’re just that fucking blind. Plus I hate when I have to then put the screen light at the highest level and then I notice details that I was supposed to notice only during some key moment or some shit like that.
Fuck I just hate having to adjust the light of the screen every fucking second because nothing has some standard lighting that makes sense.
No. 1522777
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Posters here who look down on drama board users. Do you know where you are? I'm not a huge user of them myself but this whole website exists because of drama. It's not Radblr 2.0 - Anon Edition.
No. 1523093
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I think the trend with imitation plaid/tweed clothes is so tacky looking. The intention is usually to look a bit posh but then you just know it's mass-produced aliexpress tier clothing and the fabrics are always an ungodly blend of synthetics. Same with the skirts and they always have a weird cut. I would kill for a nice, ankle length plaid skirt, but I need it to be straight cut and either wool or flannel.
No. 1523106
>>1523093riding off your comment anon because you reminded me of something similar i cant stand
this with faux leather
i understand not wanting to wear leather for animal rights issues, but most people don't wear if for that, they just buy a zara faux leather jacket cause it's cheap and convenient, but it looks like shit
there's a billion low priced vintage real leather jackets all over ebay, but instead people choose to wear some plastic trash bag lookin shit that will start peeling. idgi
No. 1523128
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When my fingers disobey my brain and type a completely different word to the word I'm thinking. Not like a typo, I mean like talking about coffee but I end up typing "soda". Or starting one word and halfway through it turns into my fucking laptop password.
Even worse when it happens IRL like some kind of freudian slip, trying to say I was getting myself a drink and ending up saying "friend".
No. 1523266
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Tumblr's never ending influence in my hobbies and interest.
No. 1523553
>>1523516I liked playing the game, I just didn't care about the autistic "meta" and turning something fun into a needless chore
>>1523538hasn't this always been well known, most casual Pokémon players are women but the "pro" players are moids
No. 1523556
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>>1523538>KOF has great husbandos thoughTrue, I personally loved the Korean Taekwondo dude
No. 1523563
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>>1523556The white Karate Dude and buff Cargo pants were both second
No. 1523988
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When people cook wearing hand jewelry
No. 1524109
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embroidery patterns like picrel that were very popular in the lockdowns. it's like you might accidentally be racist without a reminder on your wall
No. 1524419
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men with facial hair like this(so 90% of south asian muslim men)
No. 1524887
>>1523475Kek I love how you talk about KoF as if it was a forgotten super obscure game only known by some people in your childhood.
I do agree though, playing the game and knowing the meta isn't a bad thing in itself if you want to look cool playing a video game (which can be fun in itself and is the reason many people are so obsessed with "the meta", plus if you like the characters' design it makes sense that you'd want to master how to play with them) but autistic, overcompetitive, arrogant males whose only polished skill is having video game muscle memory are annoying as fuck and they suck the fun out of everything, like Pokemon for example. They ruin anything that involves being against others, they always form a shit culture around anything that has a competitive community. It's not just video games or sports either. What the fuck is wrong with them? Do they just see everything as a dick-measuring for them to protect their fragile masculine ego?
>>1524548I also find this disgusting and I hate males in general but this also reminds me that Miyazaki is allegedly a lolicon.
No. 1524897
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>>1524887Anon, what? Miyazaki has voiced his distaste for otakus and otaku culture and had his own work ruined by lolicons, one of his early characters contributed to the early lolicon boom and it was completely outside of his control. Miyazaki is a shitty person but I can't imagine how heartbreaking it is to have your characters twisted into being sexual for degenerates.
No. 1524913
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>>1524897nta but i think anon is referring to this
No. 1525008
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>>1523475Men are on 500 layers of tsundere shit. They care about character designs and enjoy playing as their favorite characters but this is male culture so they have to pretend to only care about strategy, graphics and the dick measuring contest with other players.
Then you have some autists who don't really get the nuance of it so they take this behavior at face value, actually push the tactical stuff to the extreme and are honestly killjoys the rest of the time, but most of them are larping and charisma plays a role in the characters they choose to play as. They wouldn't spend hundreds over hundreds of hours on the same game or character if they had zero affection or enjoyment towards anything. I think MOBA players are the same, going on unhinged rants all the time but still they play as their waifu or some guy they think has swag.
pic not related, just some Guilty Gear fanart I saved a while ago.
No. 1525678
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>>1525008I fucking hate what the did to Bridget. I'll admit, I never played it before but I did watch a bunch of playthroughs on the story because I wanted to know the story behind the og trap. I really liked Bridget and his story to go find himself after getting forced to be something else for so long. I've always really enjoyed stories where a forced crossdresser goes back to "normal" in spite of being forced intovsomething unwanted.
Seeing the new game just butcher this fan idea of an older Bridget who accepted his male identity to keep him a pandering coom object is just so revolting.
No. 1525687
File: 1679024644913.gif (Spoiler Image,54.54 KB, 200x260, Bridget guilty gear.gif)

>>1525678really? the character was always pedo-bait, a flatted chest girl being labeled as boy with zero androgyny and a Schrodinger's dick. Design, voice and characteristics being basically female. I dislike he was transed on principle but he was never some innocent GNC male character, one of his moves was literally hitting the opponent with his butt
No. 1525826
>>1525678He was already pedobait before. But I still somewhat agree with you because I wish they'd taken the opportunity to move on from that but instead they just put him on puberty blockers to keep him entertaining to the coomers.
Bridget and similar trap characters are such a glaring example of the bullshit that is "trans representation". You could absolutely argue that they're transphobic since they're sexualized and associated with pedophilia but these retards consider it peak representation anyway. Meanwhile female mangaka have drawn troons for decades, not to mention that the greater presence of LGBT characters in female-oriented media are part of the reason women are more tolerant towards them in the first place, but they don't really care.
On the other hand you have One Piece and what is basically Faggot Island filled with actual caricatures that they have absolutely no problem with because it's popular shonen made by a man, and if JKR was male and a popular mangaka, she would face 0% of the shit she does. Media is only transphobic when they don't like it - if they can either discuss it with their moid friends or coom to it though it's all fine.
If the author of My Hero Academia became a huge public transphobe it's only the TIFs that would grieve, they would get zero TIM assistance because they would just keep reading and jerking off to their waifus. But females are expected to give up on their favorite media all the time for the sake of including TIMs.
No. 1526579
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I hate whatever art style this shit is. The sausage fingers corporate vomit and everyone is loving it for some reason I feel insane
No. 1526633
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I hate vtubers not for the concept, but what they have been turned it into. It's a great idea to have a virtual avatar and a fictional role to take when you're performing to keep you separated from the character you're playing and keep your real identity hidden, but the megacorporations in charge of commercializing it went and made it a prostitution ring. Now being a vtuber is synonymous with providing a girlfriend/boyfriend experience to mentally ill lonely nerds and they know it, and actively encourage it. Agencies pick any of the bottom of the barrel BPD-chans addicted to drama to degrade themselves for simpbucks and then act all surprised when they crash and burn in just a few measly months after dropping racist slurs, getting caught up in a sex crime or fighting with their viewers. I hate vtubers, I hate vtuber fans even more, I hate the agencies for cultivating this kind of industry. I wish they would just disappear and start over.
No. 1526657
>>1526633In theory I should love vtubers, I've been obsessed with seiyuu and utaite for over a decade and have my favorite twitcast streamers, but when one of my favorite utaite announced his vtuber channel, I was incredibly disappointed, because vtuber, for me, carries the exact same connotations you listed. I checked his channel out just now for the first time, and I'm so glad to see he only used it for uploading more covers
of course King is the very first one and hasn't been active on it for nine months anyway, instead of trying to sell some bf experience on there.
No. 1526852
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I hate this guy
I hate his face
He makes videos about the same content and it feels like he’s reading off of a script.
There was one video where he was going on about how he doesn’t fit in white white gays because he gets excluded due to not speaking in a “gay way” or a lisp and he joked about how it’s a result of code-switching. It reminded me how gay culture worldwide is just whatever American gays are doing.
No. 1527021
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I'm so allergic to words like spirituality, harmony, and even love (when it's used as an abstract term along the first two and the like) I instantly lose patience whenever I start reading texts full of this crap or hear talks about it and I feel like I'm being kind of unreasonable about it. But honestly I just can't take it seriously and I either don't trust those who throw these words around (they just want to convince you and/or themselves they're loving and harmonious = flawless kind human beings) or consider them dumb as rocks because it's like they just say words without thinking and putting any meaning in them. It seems so empty to me it's infuriating. If your love isn't directed on anyone or anything in particular and isn't expressed in some substantial way, there's no love. It's called simply being in a good mood, that's what it is.
No. 1527051
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I hate How dev teams are fucking full of trannies. It’s fucking weird because these same scrotes will make edgy games but the second you’re transphobic suddenly transphobia bad and you’re literally hitler. I know fnf is a newgrounds moid game but I saw that they made some homophobic and transphobia mod for one of them. Guess which one got taken down immediately…
No. 1527358
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This comic makes me sick to my stomach and feel intense dread I hate it. I think it's evil
No. 1527473
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I HATE that I can't make or upload my own stickers to my Samsung Galaxy phone keyboard, why must I download (or pay for) a bunch of shitty stickers when I could be making and using my own cool as hell ones?
No. 1527506
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>>1527483>Fern It's THORN anon jeez.
No. 1527538
File: 1679183584533.jpg (1.28 MB, 3456x3456, Crochet Cow Pattern, Cow Amigu…)

I hate when I post something I made and someone comments under it like "pattern?". Were you raised like a barnyard animal? Say please! And half of the time I've already posted the name of the pattern so they just look stupid for not looking. Honestly I never ask for a pattern without being like "this is so beautiful! i love the stitches! would you mind sharing a pattern?"
No. 1527603
>>1527538aw they look so cute and soft, i love how the yarn looks all fluffy
>>1527547ha, me too anon! i gave myself a killer hand cramp after an hour of wonky stitch work. still fun, though
No. 1528391
>>1528334I hate that too the long silence at the beginning makes me think there is something wrong with the audio especially if I downloaded it
A celebrity I like has been livestreaming a lot lately and I also hate how his streams will be available for free during the stream and a few hours afterwards then he will make the vids private and put them on patreon. It's fucking bullshit I'm NOT paying. So I just download them immediately
No. 1529124
How is cooking fucking hard? It’s so ridiculously easy, like just chop some shit throw it in a pan, turn on the stove, throw some sauces at it, pour a bit of salt, pour some pepper and look at it burn for a while.
I fucking hate the people that can’t cook. How can an adult be so fucking useless? That shit is so stupid easy, like kids can do it too if they want, why can’t an adult do that too?
And you don’t even need to taste shit, just throw it and smell, that’s what noses are made for, maybe don’t even do that, just have some fucking common sense you absolute useless moron.
No. 1529387
>>1529371Just pointing out that some people actually
work just to come out living that way, in case anyone was wondering why someone having come from or are currently living in those circumstances might have that view…
No. 1529576
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>>1529552You could try to visit an orthodontist or your GP to get it fixed? Though if you walk like the girl in video I don't know if you need more then what I needed.
I walked with my feet going outwards, see right in pic rel. which didn't bother me much at first but I slowly noticed that after working/being on my feet too long I would get pains in my feet which then would extend upwards if I didn't rest and my feet tended to swell up too. I went to an orthodontist and got custom made insoles that fixed it for the most part, I'm getting another pair since my right feet still going outwards and I have to correct myself when I start to walk outwardly with my right feet.
No. 1529591
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>>1529552You can get special corrective insoles for your shoes from a podiatrist, they're expensive but I assume they work because I used them for years as a kid and I'm not pigeon toed anymore. Maybe nowadays you can just buy them online.
No. 1529623
>>1488831 who go into threads specifically for uplifting women and to highlight innate traits, genetic properties or simply the drive of women to persevere in the face of hardship,
to basically state that they hate being a women.
It's like okay, sweet. What the fuck were you hoping to achieve with this?
Go doompost in another thread, damn.
No. 1530593
The feeling of disappointment I get from finding out that even in the most exclusive/niche spaces some women just want to be rude and wrong about a topic that has been scientifically proved to be harmful. It's almost as if I didn't interact with actual women but shills from companies. I've hidden the thread and I'm not really going to engage, I've already said my piece, although all their excuses are easily arguable (and yes, I have tried vegan and ecological versions of this product, it's still full of shit). I hate the stubbornnes of women that defend traditional girly things without questioning the fact that they are toxic, unsafe and bad for the enviroment. It really felt like I was reading posts by scrotes, no self-awareness at all and the most ridiculous exaggerations and strawmans in order to dodge reality. And I don't know how I feel about confirming the prejudices I had originally put aside. I'm tired of the ''just shut up and don't do it if you don't like it'' mentality, it's so childish and moidish, specially when you are never forbidding anything to anybody in the first place, you are just sharing information. But they feel attacked, of course. Although I'd take online comfrontation before face to face comfrontation anytime. It feels good to simply close the tab.
No. 1530607
>>1530593>some women just want to be rudeYou literally just posted bullshit about nail polish in the designated thread for women with an interest in nail art and polish, of course no one reacted kindly to it. You even called yourself schizo. Stop acting like you're some kind of digital
No. 1530627
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There's nobody on lc excluding a few troons here and there, but I don't consider them a part of lc to begin with I hate more than paki-chan. She just can't stop avatarfagging, acting retarded, and inciting infights in every single thread she visits. She was getting treated so nicely by majority of the nonnies in the Desi thread and guess what she does? Moid-tier race sperging and unironically talking about aryans. I wish she'd just get banned everytime she begins to avatarfag, no matter how many times she commits ban evasion.
No. 1530657
>>1530607Compounds like formaldehyde, toluene, and dibutyl phthalate (DBP), wich are harmful and
toxic, are commonly found in nail polish. I don't know why are you so adamant on this. As for the
victim thing, there you are again exaggerating.
No. 1530684
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>>1530673It does contribute to reproductive health issues, the proportions of the damage differ from exposure, like every interaction with endochrine disruptors. Of course painting your nails while you're pregnant won't make you have a miscarriage (like some anon jokingly teased me about substituting nail polish for contraception), but the risk is there for any malformations and other complications that even women who aren't even pregnant can experience. There have been studies where bloodtests have been conducted and it has been shown that this chemicals enter the bloodstream. Also, formaldehyde is likely carcinogenic. I think it's a weak excuse to say that because I didn't provide any links my claims had to be taken less seriously. If you (an the other anons probably too) already knew that most nail polish is harmful because of its chemical composition, then I don't know why you're so uptight about my sources. Nobody needs to quote a specific study to demonstrate or discuss how bleaching your hair constantly damages your scalp and hair, for example, if we were in a hair care thread, because it's common knowledge. But here you have a source: No. 1530705
>>1530593Sounds like you were the rude one, sorry. You wouldn't go in the drunk thread on /ot/ to talk about how bad alcohol is for women's health. I don't know for sure, but I would guess that the women you were scolding probably know that playing with paint is unhealthy and that cosmetics companies don't care about their health. You were saying something very obvious and then you(?) acted bothered they still wanted to paint their nails even though you just told them it's poison. What did you want to happen? Everyone to agree with you just because it's objectively true? lol
People paint their houses even though the color of their walls is purely aesthetic and paint is
toxic and bad for people and the environment. If you went into a home-improvement thread while people were talking about paint to tell everyone paint was poison, I imagine someone would reply to you to say they don't care and they're gonna paint their walls anyway and would probably ask you why you even came to the thread to be negative. Would you get upset about that and say they literally don't seem like real women, they must be Big Housepaint shills? You would be silly to react that way.
No. 1530711
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>>1530705Where was I rude exactly? Show me, please. Sharing information is not scolding. Don't make things up. I was certainly not the one being bothered, acting rude and claiming the other party wasn't a woman. Funny you project these three things on me.
No. 1530938
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I hate the sudden rise in the usage of phenotype and physiognomy. Y’all sound like a bunch of retard eugenics fans from the 1900s. You guys need some calipers too? Of all things to trend here are dumbass out dated racial terminology and the bastardization of an actual scientific term.
Time to womansplain phenotype. Phenotype is the physical expression of a sequence of a specific genetic code. Not every weak chinned scrote has the same sequence of genes as every other weak chinned scrote.
No. 1531096
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Eyebrow slits is a really weird trend. I can't really figure out if people are drawing them on without thinking or they really think it makes them look tough while they cry over a wrong pronoun.
No. 1531394
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I know it was a different time period but I still refuse to ever believe these 4 troglodytes were ever considered "hot" by anyone
No. 1531435
>>1531432Even Stephen Hawking got married twice and had kids
No. 1531452
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Watching a nature documentary where two bugs fight each other and they add the stupidest fucking sound effects like sword swings,sword slashing,growling