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No. 756064
Confess your woes, sins, regrets or pleasures, and let your soul ascend.
Last thread:
>>>/ot/735418 No. 756078
>>756070This baffles me to no end too. I get enraged by hearing people eating with their mouths open, but get incredible tingles from asmr mouth sounds. How do I get such wildly different bodily reactions to almost the same thing?
Also, I get irritated by the sound of a leaky faucet dripping, but the sound of rain has the opposite, calming effect on me. Again, almost the same thing, water dripping in both cases, wildly different bodily reactions.
I asked once in stupid questions why and how does this discrepancy in reactions occur, what makes it pleasing in one variant and irritating in another, but nobody knew.
No. 756084
>>756078Glad it's not just me!!
I actually went searching for these videos to try and build up my tolerance, but then was surprised that it didn't get the same reaction from me. Felt kinda wrong, even kek
Now it's a big secret of mine because I don't know if other people that know about my misophonia would understand.
My best guess is that it's a different wavelength in video or audio format than irl? Kinda like when you take a picture of your face and the angle of the lens can make your fave slightly distorted if compared to real life.
But to make things even weirder, I don't get the tingles all the time, either. So I just don't know.
As for the rain, I think it's because it's a lot of water dripping vs just one single dripping noise. I don't like the sound of current water and for me personally, it doesn't matter if it's from a faucet or a home waterfall or from the toilet lol all of these
trigger me.
No. 756098
>>756068I'm glad you liked it
nonnytbh I think it had been used before but it's been a while and it's a cool picture so God had forgiven it
No. 756128
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My mom's a doctor and my sister's a clerk in med school; today my sister was telling my mom how, in the maternity ward, the new thing is to call the patient "mommy" or "mama" rather than "Ma'am" or "Mrs./Ms. (name)." They were ranting to each other how demeaning and juvenile it was, and I get that, but… secretly I was thinking of how sweet it sounded and, if I ever were in a maternity ward and a nurse/doctor called me "mama", I would melt. Anons am I a crypto-tradfem y/n
No. 756132
>>756128I agree with your mom and sister. I get the sentiment of it being sweet but I don't think a woman should be denied the respect of being formally addressed by hospital staff and the acknowledgment that she's a person and not just a mother. Maybe I'm thinking too deep of it but I think it's reducing women even further to being nothing else than the mother of the child.
And more than anything I just think it's weird being called mommy by a stranger nurse.
No. 756466
>>756381In case it helps you break the habit, just remember that even in the event they
are still postinf about you, there's really no way to get ahead of it by lurking it. As soon as you pop out of the woodwork to defend yourself, you immediately look guilty of whatever you were being accused of. All you can do in reality is let that shit go; even if some of it ends up being halfway true, you still would look batshit crazy for checking up on it. If it's your reputation you're worried about, then you are gonna have to find a way to forget about it and break the habit, because social media stalking is crazy bitch behavior.
No. 756479
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Get ready for this shit I brought upon myself.
>Match with cute guy on tinder back in august
>He msg first, everything is great and we have a lot in common
>Ask for fb to look at more pictures
>recognize old pictures
>he took my best friends virginity 10 years ago
>we talk it through
>carry on, I haven't talked to her in years
>we date
>I get back in contact with old bestie in january
>still dating tinder guy
>"so are you seeing anyone?"
No. 756506
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I want to disconnect from my best friend. We've known each other for so long but I feel like we have grown apart completely. The thing is she really doesn't feel that way. I don't want to do the things she wants to do or watch the things she wants to watch. Her lifestyle is the polar opposite of mine. Our political opinions, our interests, all different. I feel like I disagree with 80% of the things she says but I always grit my teeth. I can't even stand her food opinions, it's like we've evolved to be opposite species. The thing is she loves me so much and is so kind so I just feel absolutely horrible about it. Does she deserve a friend that only comes over to bite their tongue and pretend to get along? No. But then does she deserve a friend that comes over to just argue with her and bicker about shit? No. But then does she really deserve to be abandoned, especially after expressing her fear of abandonment. Also no. I've literally considered moving to a different state just to create that distance and slowly drift apart. She's not a bad person, we just have so little in common that I can't stand being around her anymore. Just typing that out makes me feel utterly evil. The guilt is immense. If I told her any of this it would devastate and destroy her. She would probably kill herself. She doesnt know how I feel even remotely. I'm a horrible person. Wat do.
No. 756542
>>756504Thank you so much
It feels great to know I'm not alone.
I'm working on it indeed.
No. 756553
>>756506Annon I know exactly how you feel.
It happened to me and now me and my ex best friend don't talk despite we live close. We even don't follow each other on social media. The thing is that we grew. She kept insisting on meeting and talking about the thing we had in common 5 years ago and I was really bored but didn't want her to feel bad because she dealt with bullying back in school. But there was this moment where life did its thing and drove us apart. Little by little we didn't feel the friendship we used to have and it happened naturally. One advice I have for you is to stay nice to her but you can open up about the differences in opinions and tell her it would be nice if you reflect on your friendship one time and see how you both feel about it. Maybe she'll realize how different you guys are.
No. 756636
>>756506Just ghost her
My best friend ghosted me because she's successful and respectable and a good person, and I'm a loser piece of shit with no ambition
I miss her more than anything, but I love her, so I understand that she needed to get away from me
If your friend is a good friend, she'll let you go
No. 756698
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I use to be a stacie who would bully the fuck out of girls with eyes too far apart, now I'm a gay in love and I hate myself
No. 756703
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>>756698I wasn't crazy about those kind of eyes either (although I didn't think it was ugly either), but Halle Bailey and Anya convinced me otherwise. Someone on here said people with far set eyes look like fish hybrids, and I completely agree but in a good way lol. I think it's cute
also, Anya looked so fucking good at the golden globes, god No. 756709
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my legs get extremely dry itchy skin, so i have a brush like this to scratch them with. it fucks up my skin but feels amazing. my nails are not strong enough to make it stop.
No. 756713
>>756711it's a round bristle brush
and idk, i keep wondering if it's mild eczema since it only happens in a specific part of my legs but it's on both of them. i use extremely thick anti-itch lotion but it does nothing. i think it may be a vascular problem? i have pretty bad blood circulation
No. 756844
>>756722Raising 5 (or even 2) kids sounds like more work than the farm job so I don't really get the part about you 'sitting back' while he runs the farm?
Apart from that. Your dream, do what you want.
No. 756861
>>756841I had a bit of this going on when I was younger. Seen it mentioned a few times on here before too. As long as you don't make it your whole identity I don't think it makes you a hypocrite
Weird passing sexual thoughts are OK to have. Entertaining them too much is where it gets creepy
No. 756870
>>756867>anon probably doesn't have gender dysphoriaI agree
>it's more likely that due to female socializationWhat aspects of female socialization could possibly make a woman get turned on by imagining men being attracted to her as a man?
No. 756883
>>756870I think it might the combo of 'hot gay men together = hot' and a self insert, on the surface. Although thinking deeper about it, you could argue that imagining oneself as a man in interactions with men feels like it might be safer, because the men would respect you more and you're not as physically threatened. I know in every situation I've been in with men, I've felt vulnerable to some degree, and it would be amazing to just Fuck and not be scared. As well as a sex fantasy, it's a power fantasy, esp when you include the 'having a cock' part.
Also, the male gaze and male sexuality dominates every aspect of porn and a lot of art, a lot of us don't understand or respect our own female sexuality because of it. Why wouldn't we fantasise about being one of two men if we feel our own sexuality is second rate, wrong or broken?
Sage for theory sperg. I want to know what
>>756841 thinks
No. 756919
>>756841not at all the same thing. penises are a lot easier to get off with than vaginas, and there's a sense of "power" that comes with them, and:
>>756903 this
men are allowed to be a lot of things in sex that women get judged harshly for
No. 756952
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I feel a little evil but also really vindictive. I got ghosted by a guy I was seeing like 7 years ago and even though he was throwing up several red flags such as not understanding mental health disorders like my depression and some really shitty politics, I ignored them because he was "perfect for me". anyway it ended after he cheated with a friend of mine and I just found out that they're having arguments because he doesn't understand her mental health issues and doesn't think they're real and like…. bitch. I straight up vented to you about these exact problems lmao you knew this going in
anyway you love to see it
No. 757258
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>be me
>Be convinced still probably bisexual
>Friend gives me cute boy found in femdom/mommydom discord
>Is indeed cute feminine looking skater type
>Cyber teasing
>No PIV ofc because uh… "Dom"
>He doesn't get to cum only me naturally.
>Cant imagine myself touching a scrote anymore
>Have to pretend hes a girl to finish myself
>Mfw SuperLesbian
No. 757311
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>>756875spoiler bc it's a closeup of my skin
but do you know what causes yours? i thought mine was just dry skin or a reaction to shaving, but it's ONLY on this specific part of my lower legs. it doesn't show any signs of eczema though i don't think. i've tried extremely thick lotion like i said, tried exfoliating, tried not shaving for awhile. nothing helps. this only happened in the past year. i can't just ignore it either, the itch becomes extremely intense and i usually have to either get my brush or some other sharp thing if i'm not home to scratch with bc my nails dont cut it. i feel like im going to scar my legs. and it just looks like i have fleas or something lmao help
No. 757313
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>>757258>Mfw Superlesbianone of us. one of us. oneofus. Welcome SuperSister.
No. 757361
>>757353I think mine is super humiliating but I also think it probably represents me and the embarrassment I am well
And I'm drunk right now? so fuck it
No. 757525
>>757508This reminds me when I made 20+ faceapp "daughters" with different pics of the same guy using multiple bases of myself as well to see what "genetic variety" I could get and I have felt both awed and guilty about the fact that I did that. I feel bad for basically objectifying a real human and using his face for my "experiments" (even if he is a scrote.)
I stopped making them when I made some from bad candids on purpose knowing it would dissuade me. The last kid I made has a cursed gaze. I wasted a lot of time doing this and I've kept them all for that reason, but I don't plan to make anymore. Whenever I reconsider downloading the app I look at the cursed kid. God she's creepy
No. 757574
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I think the molly I took last night was cut with meth
No. 757623
>>757614The thing about pills is being able to look up the batch on drugsdata or forums. They are harder to be cut once they're out of the lab.
That being said lately my dealer is selling me utter shit, I have a low tolerance but the last couple times that shit did nothing to me. I need to look for a new one which is a shame
because he always gave me free stuff No. 757645
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>>757533I named some of them when I categorized them too. Or gave them labels to tell them apart. So I had a couple with names, and most of them just had quirky nicknames because there's no point in naming all 20+ of them (and that would be even creepier). For example, the ones from bad candids were called zombie, ghost, and demon babies. I tended to sort them by the original picture chronology, such as here
No. 757675
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>>757645Is it just me or do they have the same eyes as the Carrey face app
No. 757759
>>757537Bitch yes, big fat same
I plan on uploading some videos to youtube and I am even paranoid to show my hands here, farmers are such FBI agents when needed
It doesn't help that I usually overshare a lot, especially when venting
No. 757769
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>>757675here, your prize is a demon
No. 757795
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>>757772she's the scariest one I made tho, the intensity of those eyes. his eyes are weird, they're basically hazel so their color fluctuates from brown to green, and can look sometimes ambery or gray depending on reflection
I do think that my infatuation with his face extends beyond just being attracted to him, there is something genuinely magnetizing about it that I made all these weird morph kid things just to see what would change from years worth of pics, good pictures, bad pictures, between roles, it's just interesting to see the way his face changes and yet somehow stays the same? My fascination with one rubberface weird old white man is confusing as hell, but I'm stuck with it.
No. 757865
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>>757860Same, I like the term! Probably because I love mutt dogs. They are also healthier and live longer, so whenever it's used I just think of a beautiful mixed race person (so mixed it's not even identifiable) and a beautiful mixed dog.
No. 758025
>>758023I'm a sex worker
Anyway I know a shit storm is about to start so ill just leave. Believe me. Don't believe. I don't care.
No. 758030
>>758028Chris Evans
The NFL players pack the most meat in general. I swear to God it was the size of my arm
The richer than man the smaller the penis though.
No. 758038
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>>758030>The richer than man the smaller the penisFinally, after all these years, I know for certain.
No. 758042
>>758030>NFL players pack the most meat in general. I wish you didn't say this, now I can never look my cousin in the eye fully aware that her husband most likely has massive meat.
Also, since you've fucked Evans was the leaked nude his?
No. 758045
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>And… It fucking sucks? There's no connection. A lot of them are nice and respectable, but it just feels like there's no longer any fantasy or mystery. I just want to form a connection
>I'm a sex worker
If you are speaking the truth, what the fuck do you expect? Pretty Woman?
No. 758048
>>758041Maybe there are some exceptions…
Either way… I just want to think about dick size, dicks aren't pretty but I'm always lowkey gauging size through pants on guys I find attractive and dicks are like chameleons.
No. 758065
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I want to fuck Jerma, or at least write the most disgusting fan fiction about him.
No. 758083
>>758071I am always favorable to this option
I also love seeing the stupid shit that comes out of it
No. 758088
is good for stupid roleplays, but you can also get some nice porn out of it tbh
No. 758090
But I use the redo button a lot because they keep getting my own perceived and fabricated personality for my favorite celebrity wrong kek
No. 758091
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>>758022holy shit, tom brady??? maybe I'm naive but I'd never thought he'd cheat on Gisele. I wonder if she cheated on him too
No. 758195
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>>758173It’s uh around. A lot of the artists keep it private but I’ve seen some floating around /y/ it’s mostly gay stuff tho. If you’re into that.
No. 758217
>>758025>i'll just leave>starts talking about chris evans' meat>>758045kek, the inconsistency. guess you forgot the first part of your post,
No. 758590
>>758518>>758536Wow I never thought that people had similar experiences like me!
Yes, just the thought or smell of it makes me nauseous. I think it is the childhood thing that makes you unable to eat it, I never had any similar experiences with other foods when I was sick as an adult.
No. 758900
>>758845she's super rude and she's also a munchie (i.e claims to be a DID system with a black headmate when she's white) and has the most stupid opinions- an example would be that today my gf asked her how long hyperfixations usually last and she really said that hyperfixations can last for only a day
i genuinely don't understand what my gf sees in her
No. 759192
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I only feel bad about RP fanfiction and shipping if it's a small-ish creator, like a youtuber or an indie musician or C-list actor.
I don't give two fucks though for when it's with really big celebrities, especially old ones. Yeah, Paul McCartney is not losing any sleep (or money/opportunities) because some randy writes about him wet kissing John Lennon.
No. 759193
>>759192Samefag to add that, of course, as long as there's no harassment as well.
Crazy 1D Larry stans harassing Louie whathisface's baby mother and shit like that was really creepy
No. 759217
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>>759189I don’t really report stuff here, I mostly report retarded memes on Pinterest like pic related saying they’re promoting self-harm.
No. 759439
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I desperately want to run away from home and leave despite being an adult with no money or proper identification, but I’m too coward to take a leap
No. 759445
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I unironically prefer high pitched kaweewee japanese voices and exaggerated voices in anime and games more than normal voices. "Normal" voices in dubs just sound dull and emotionless to me, and sometimes doesn't suit the characters compared to japanese versions imo (like making teenage guys sound like 50 year old smokers). But also I just think helium voices are cuter.
No. 759644
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Sometimes I have nightmares where I'm posting on lolcow and I accidentally make a post that doxes myself and I spend my entire dream freaking out that I'm outed as a gossipy drama bitch lmao.
No. 759656
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>>759644Wdym? You've been doxxed. We know all about that shit.
It's hard, I know. But I promise, the life out there in the pastures isn't so bad.
Don't worry, the first milking is the worst one.
No. 759660
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>>759644kek I constantly have paranoia about this, no sleeping required. But the people I fear most are the farmhands, since they can apparently see people's post history to some extent.
No. 759661
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>>759660Nice, there’s a post history? Have fun guys, I guess..
No. 759733
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I'm getting horny at work and I just remembered I have this Taiko no Tatsujin controller… Those sticks look… Uhhhhhhhhh
No. 759738
>>759733If you weren't before,
now you're officially condemned to hell.
No. 760152
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I find the grown up version of the boss baby attractive. sue me
No. 760157
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>>760152That's one of the Paul Brothers
No. 760171
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Every online female friend ive made has failed. Every one has overtime developed feelings for me and I feel like a shit head because I don't feel the same way, which leaves an awkward tension and they eventually ghost me. I don't blame them, I hope they find someone 10000x better than me because that's what they deserve.
No. 760271
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>>759736It had to be done
No. 760357
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>>759733Pff, that's normal. I once put this gamecube microphone included in a mario party game inside my asshole. No I'm not trolling.
No. 760360
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I am sad because I was about to hop on my bfs dick but then he said to just finish him off and wait till he could do it with me so he'd last long this mf just rolled over and fell asleep I hate how rejected I feel.i was very horny. Hypothetically speaking I could very well just go take care of myself but I wanted attention and cuddles too. I hate men goddamn disposable ass scrote
No. 760366
>>760360I had a whole 3 year relationship where my ex would ask me to get him off and he'd promise to 'return the favor at the weekend' His excuse was that he had work in the morning and just needed quick relief. Those weekend orgasms never seemed to actually happen in return.
God, my dumb ass dating someone a league below me and still getting that treatment.
No. 760376
>>760366 and while the sex was painfully one sided (the last two years together he didn't give me one orgasm) he did pay for most stuff. I got really fed up when towards the end of the relationship he suggested I start paying more towards bills. I was younger than him, more attractive and I was sexually satisfying him in a way he never returned. Pay equal share of the bills? I noped out of there.
It's sad that relationships are often that transactional but at least I didn't end up paying equal rent so I can be a fleshlight for this guy. I took my savings and left.
No. 760484
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>>760482What does this look like to you?
No. 760489
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>>760482I am so interested
No. 760507
>>760503I'm in fact face blind if you'd hold a gun to my head and ask me to remember someone's face from memory I won't be able to and I think it does play a part in it, I can recognise most people with their voices.
>>760500I mean she's not that ugly, she is just a funny and oftentimes gross person.
No. 761084
>>761076Since when is mentioning regular sex "dirty". Don't let autistic lolcow pearclutchers get to you, keep talking about sex like a normal person, if it
triggers some farmer that's their problem.
No. 761093
>>761088that's fine
nonny. there were so many of them at my college, you'd be in heaven. I wonder why it's a huge thing among them. they all smoked/vaped too
No. 761097
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>>761076anon you are so cute omfgggg…that feeling when you absentmindedly grab a part of your own body and unexpectedly feel skin and bone is pretty jarring, can't imagine that in a relationship context. I wish the best for you two and hope your weight loss brings nothing but satisfaction!!
No. 761119
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>>761094I don't have any legit examples but I thirst followed this one guy and he's kind of the perfect example of what I mean.
No. 761255
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I am in a longterm relationship with a knowingly abusive partner and, despite being given a thousand chances, I have no intention to leave. Things may only get worse but I don't care. No matter how sparse, I need the affection. Even the negative attention is good, so long as it's from my partner. Yes my standards are abysmally low, but while she insults me for staying with her, she also understands I can't afford to raise my expectations. No one else will put up with me. At least like this we understand each other's insanity.
I hope that I can tell her I love her soon. She doesn't like when I say it because it's not really love… but it's as close as either of us will get, isn't it? Sometimes I feel dazed by how quickly her mood shifts from combative to casual, even comforting. In the end it doesn't matter. I'll take whatever I can get. I hope she'll say "I love you, too."
No. 761265
not the first time i've made this mistake
No. 761452
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>>761438Separate pieces is the only way. fuck the trees
No. 761487
>>761466I was watching a youtube vid only the other day where an asexual/perma single woman got hers done and all I could think was…why? She had a lisp for a few months afterwards as it settled and she got used to it.
I have big tatts, I've had all sorts of things pierced but to go through a procedure like that..I would need a big pay off like it being amazing around a clit
No. 761686
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i don't mind my dad but i kinda wish covid had taken him out, i could really use the money
No. 761724
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The button wasn't actually hard, it had like a velvety sensation to touch. It did felt weird inserting it inside, but honestly the microphone part upset me the most. It also came out with shit. Any more questions feel free to ask, lol.
No. 761733
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I cried when Taylor won her 3rd album of the year grammy. She's now the first female artist to have this accolade and I am super proud as a woman and swiftie.
No. 761735
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my boyfriend's ex was obnoxious. she was a generally well-meaning person but everyone fawned over her despite having no personality beyond being uwu short and being addicted to caffeine. if i said this to anyone they'd come at me for "bringing another woman down" but she deserved being left by him for me.
>>761733same anon. i'm ashamed of it but taylor hits a soft spot in my heart and i'm proud of her.
No. 761795
>>761781How many anons can you actually single out and name because of how they type? I can tell you a few:
The capeshit anon that likes superhero yaoi
The sweet adam driver anon who fought for the rights of the driverspergs and writes with a "♥" at the end
Idk who else really
No. 761818
>>761817This, imagine getting upset because your friend didn't date your ugly scrote friend lmao
Women frist always and foremost, scrotes last
No. 761820
>>761818I had a friend who would always try to set me up with her boyfriends ugly ass friends kek. Every time I met up with her she was putting in a “good word” for someone. Only guy in that group I would have honestly fucked would of been her boyfriend kek. He was hot
Female wingmen are the fucking worst.
No. 761826
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>>761824>>761823>>761824>>761807>>761816KEK this is about to get really out of hand
No. 761840
>>761816>>761821NTA, but are you mentally ill?
>I don't want to raise this dog anymore.>I won't find a home with people willing to train a maladjusted dog. I won't take it to a no-kill shelter. I will just have it put down. This makes perfect sense. If I can't have him, no one can!Definitely don't sound like a dog lover.
No. 761929
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I am going to make a comic about my male alien OC and it's gonna be so good im so proud of my alien boyfriend
No. 761947
>>761924i hate the women or fakebois ive met who go on about boobs or ass if i dare say i date women
only caring about 'assets' that women have disgusts me and does not make me feel comfortable talking about my love for women around you and probably drives me away because it makes me believe despite them also being a woman they don't see women as a whole person. it weirds me out they feel a need to show how 'gay' they are by talking lewd about women's body parts or showing huge anime boobs.
No. 761954
nonny, i wish you luck
No. 762003
>>761982Idk what opportunities are available where you are
nonny but I used to volunteer as a ‘big sister’ type mentor with teen girls and it’s incredibly satisfying work if you can find a programme near you to do this through.
No. 762109
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>>761735she deserves to be left because you feel like she lacks a personality? kinda makes you sound like a bitch/slight pickme
No. 762111
>>762048>No fuckface, I have no frame of reference for that bond so why would I miss what I don’t know?Kek so relatable. I have a huge age gap with my sibling so for years people would repeatedly ask what it felt like to "to be a big sister now" even though I moved away from my family years before they were born. I didn't know what answer they possibly wanted from me, it was so annoying!
I was happy as an only child but now I'm just stressed about how I'm not doing it right. I'm trying to do
>>761982 and give them everything I would have wanted from an older sibling but I never close the distance between us. People who are close in age to their siblings can at least share childhood experiences but I'm just stuck in an aunt-like role.
No. 762140
>>762111>>762048>>762006>>762003>>761999i'm op
>>761982, i love all of you nonnies
i'll be a big sis to you allt. i do relate to you
>>762048 anon, despite what i wrote i do actually like keeping to myself (i get along fine with my fam tho) and not having to share space/money/attention/inheritance and i'm not having kids either lol. but sometimes i feel like being a big sis, i'll see if i can find a "big sis" mentorship program like another anon upthread recommended.
inb4 i felt like this while i was writing my op
No. 762148
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I unironically love the super straight/gay memes
No. 762449
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i wash my sheets like once a year
No. 762478
>>761438yes that's the most sensible way
No. 762581
>>762580i understand them because i used to be like them. i was an asshole and a self-described bully, too. i had low self-esteem and coped that way. now that i'm confident in myself and demand better of myself and my friends, i treat others with respect until i'm not given it, and i feel no need to be an acerbic bitch for no reason to people i'm interacting with.
try it yourself if you have these problems, anon. it can be awkward but they ALWAYS shrink in the face of adversity. these people thrive on others just letting them get away with shit.
No. 763041
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Watching Barney was the harbinger of my sexual awakening.
Thanks to that lovable dino, I discovered I was Lesbian.
There's just something clam-esque about its snout that is subtly arousing.
No. 763144
I’m pretty sure I can only take men as personal cows and/or fwbs these days. I simply don’t respect them as people, even though I pretend I do. Right now, I don’t really think I even want a relationship. I only just realised all this because I thought about this one guy who’s attractive but fucked up (his words) not being particularly into me, and noticed that all my reasons for being upset weren’t even personal.
They all linked back to the fear that it’ll be harder to learn his secrets. He’s still dumb enough that he’ll probably bite, but it would have been so much easier if he had latched onto me. I really just want the milk, and I sort of wish he had a blog or diary I could read instead of talking to him directly.
If all men are garbage, it’s sort of like peeling back a band-aid to find out just how gross they are, especially if they’re hot on the outside. It’s almost the same feeling I get when I read the early life section of serial killers’ Wikipedia articles, or fixate on a piece of media. The ones that are already ugly are just too repulsive on top of everything else, though.
They all get boring and irritating when you figure out their patterns, but initially, it’s fascinating. The only downside is the danger, but I usually ghost before that. I’m paranoid that a lot of therapists and psychs are secretly the same way about their clients, so I avoid them.
No. 763210
>>763192It always sounds really humblebraggy, but when it comes down to it, I genetically just do not have strong BO. I forgot how I found out about this kek. I used to think I was noseblind and always, always smelled my clothes because I was just curious about how I smelled but I could barely ever smell anything. The smell is faint, and even when I smell my sports bras (that I will sweat into and wear over and over again), it smells sweet, sort of like plums. When I ask people what I smell like, because I really want to know, they always said I don't smell like much and I chalked it up to them just not wanting to hurt my feelings and that I smelled like ass lol. I stopped wearing deodorant since I know it doesn't do much for me and mainly shower because my hair gets greasy easily.
I can't find the original nmbi paper I found that describes exactly what happens (something to do with sweat glands or some shit) but stumbled across this just now that talks about it: It's really a thing lol.
No. 763219
>>763210not to pry but anon are you by chance asian? in japan and some other asian countries you cant even get regular western deodorant easily because they dont have a smell strong enough to need one.
some japanese say that white people smell like rotten milk and vinegar because of their sweat enzymes.
black people also have their own smell thats unique to their genetics.
No. 763257
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I'm not a fujo but I love fujoposting on 4chinz animu board because it makes moids seethe like nothing else. I find it amusing how they'll get so upset about it but not the 90% other posters (and threads) that are coomposting with no discussion value.
No. 763356
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I love drawing shonen dudes getting fucked and getting paid for it.
>>763257Based and yaoi pilled
No. 763359
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>>763356do you post your work anywhere? asking as a joke of course
No. 763384
>>763372Thank you, I don't want to though, I don't know what I think right now
>>763379>>763380I'm not hurt, I just have the mark on my neck and my eyes are red. I can't talk to anyone, that's how I got here. I don't really know what I think right now, this isn't right. Thnkyou, this is very wrong though, I'm confused. I'm not going to try again
No. 763392
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>>763384Anon if you're still reading this, you should probably call a suicide hotline and be monitoring yourself for symptoms of a stroke or cardiac arrest. IDK what else to say but I'm glad that you survived.
No. 763506
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I like to put my dog on my lap while I’m working on my computer at home, it makes me feel like pic related, that makes me extremely happy.
No. 763905
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I realized, I wasn't straight after all long. I feel into bi or pan but not sure which one. I wish I was born in queer friendly country. Not sure when I will get out in my closet.
No. 763972
>>763905Congratulations anon! Coming out is hard. Try not to stress yourself out over it. I hope you can find happiness in the peace and comfort in knowing who you are first and foremost.
>not sure which oneDon’t worry about that, they’re the same thing. Bi is awesome! ♥
No. 764455
>>764416kind of wish I could relate, I'm schizotypal and can't have friends because 1) I find maintaining friendships difficult and confusing 2) have very little in common with anyone 3) I'm extremely paranoid that everyone hates me
I don't have friends or a long term bf/gf, but sometimes I feel a sense of freedom in that
No. 764663
>>764645Lmfao neopets still exists??
What do they talk like on there?
No. 764673
>>764457>9 years old>born in 2001-2002oh man you're younger than Britney's debut year
people born in 2002 are legal now
I'm so fucking old
No. 764699
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I'm starting to get super turned on by the idea of cucking and I'm so ashamed. I want my sweet husband to love and cherish me and know I'm the best wifey. But I also want him to fuck me so hard. But also… I want him to know he owns me as his wife. His woman. He "won" me like when vikings were proud of their wives. So here's the deal… I want him to know he's my proud husband, and I want him to share me around with men. I want him to ask them "did you like her?" "did you enjoy her holes?" and them saying "it was the best blowjob I've ever had in my life, you're so lucky to have her" But this is just a fantasy haha I'm not even married. Anyone else finds this shit hot??
No. 764704
>>764699I feel that you'll have a better discussion on this thread
>>>/g/154272depending on how ashamed you are of this kink
No. 764780
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>>764699Get back to your own board, de/g/enerate!
No. 764798
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I love tattoos, I really do, have multilple myself including big ones but fuck do I hate it when men do shit like pic related. It's like they go find a random subject, make it 100% bigger and just slap it on. It's such a huge turnoff. I could understand it if it were on the back, but on the chest? It's often so fucking large it just looks out of place. Just… no.
No. 765008
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Something about romantic gestures/behavior is so disgusting and repulsive to me. I'd almost rather be hated by someone if it means they'll leave me alone.
>>764986The real cows are in /meta/ anyway.
No. 765080
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>>761929Go for it and have fun,anon.
No. 765090
>>765080Nta but images of grays make me feel weird, like they set off an emotion I can't name.
Am I autistic or something
No. 765181
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>>765104He's overshadowed by the girls in his show
Especially in porn No. 765189
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>>765104I'll add: I dream about him and I have shit posted about how he is a bad character or "reddit" because that's the only way to prompt discussion. I think I gave myself autism.
No. 765247
>>765189aww i remember liking him too when i watched it
welcome to the tism club!
No. 765250
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i hate furries and furry culture, but the idea of fucking a big muscular animal-man is really hot to me… ugh
No. 765262
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Once I woke up really mad and I sperged out on some random anon on one of the wedding threads on /g/. I didn't get banned for infighting or anything but I'm sorry to whoever that anon was. I think it was about a wedding dress or something kek.
No. 765448
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>>765254I want to play it but I've only read parts.
Do you mean the Suzuha rape stuff?>>765279Rintaro Okabe from Steins;Gate No. 765520
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>>765025I feel this so hard anon, I usually don't care that much for the husbando/waifu memes but after I watched No Guns Life I've had an unhealthy obsession with Juzo. I was 100% legit upset for a while that he doesn't exist. I low-key still am. This is so unlike me and idk what to do with myself, and I don't know why my friends are humoring me on this (they probably think it's hilarious to see me actually simp for someone for once and it just happens to be a cartoon fucking character).
I don't like dakimakuras and figurines but I'm willing to throw an unhealthy amount of money on merch of him once I get a better paying job.
No. 765536
>>765529Ngl, I think it would perhaps help me too. Not only not to devastate them, but to always have someone around so I can't hide it. I used to have a friend that would make sure that there was people there to "babysit" me when I would occasionally hit really low points just to stop me from doing anything stupid.
Being with my ex helped a bit at the start but sadly he started causing me a lot of anxiety in the relationship so I got back to cutting even more than I had in a long time, he knew I had issues with it even before we dated and wouldn't even touch upon it when it was obvious I had hurt myself again. I wanted nothing more but his support but instead I felt even lonelier than before.
No. 765665
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Girls I have to confess today that this picture reminded me very strongly of an ex bf I had I feel so ashamed. He was very sweet though he was mentally ill and didn’t work which is one reason why I dumped him.
No. 765716
>>765677Hah yes I spend years on Habbo during my childhood and early teens. There's one girl I befriended when I was 11 or so that I still have contact with every now and then over a decade later. We've never met irl though. Good memories. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary though, didn
t even buy credits, just spend hours and hours everyday chatting with friends and random people.
No. 765759
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>>765520I'm glad we can be ashamed of having husbandos in solidarity.
I always thought waifu/husbando culture was retarded (still kind of do, hence the shame) and I think I'm too old for this shit. Even if I felt like I could tell anyone I knew without being laughed at I'd feel guilty subjecting them to this level of autism.
No. 765769
>>765448I haven't gotten super far but I hated his inner thoughts when it comes to meeting Kurisu and interacting with Mayuri. Like he's just…mean, judgy, and really scrotey, thinking weird shit and commenting on their bodies and being selfish and immature. Ik he's immature and selfish in the anime too but it's really driven home in the VN.
I dunno, maybe it gets better but it really put me off from playing the VN. He's way more charming in the anime
No. 765867
>>765820Since I'm in autistic company I'll also confess that I tried starting a thread about him on 4chan /cm/ and it got 0 replies. I want to die of embarrassment every time I remember it even though it was anonymous.
I barely have any images of Okabe saved because my irrational paranoia that somehow I'll be outed as a husbandofag.
No. 766004
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>>765948Same here! I like memorable characters, bishonens make me feel so bored.
For example, I don't like BNHA or Mineta, but I find his design way more interesting than everyone else in the show. Idk, this is a bad example, but you get me.
No. 766151
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I'm a Sandra
No. 766246
>>766240I also went from a nb to a
terf but that was thanks to radblr
No. 766689
>>766655Alright, double confession time. I listened to almost all the MATI streams during the summer and, as an autictically extreme nasally voice appreciator, ended up in the same
toxic hole you're in. Then, I once had a really weird fucking dream about me cohabitating with Null where he just hobbled around my apartment because of how fucking obese he was, and wasn't doing anything at all in terms of housework, and smelled like the kind of humid rank you smell from fat folds. I ended up having to introduce him to my father, who i could see was deeply dissapointed in my choice. Jersh just ended up cracking obscure jokes about lolcows that no one got. I woke up in a cold sweat, with a lingering sense of fear for the rest of the day. After that, I felt disgusted by the mere idea of Null because I was absolutely subconsciously convinced he was the exact same in real life.
But I think that, in your case, a good read of the kiwi farms thread on here is well enough. Josh is pretty gross.
No. 766773
>>766737I used to love this a lot, but I started to constantly have anxiety about death and being murdered. Now I refused to even post any statuses like "someone kill me now" because motherfuckers are crazy enough to track you down and do it nowadays. Be safe
nonnie, try to take a break for your sanity.
No. 767063
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I want Taylor's life. I want to have a rich husband, play dress up all day long, spend money on useless shit and think of myself as an important businesswoman while behaving like a teenager
No. 767070
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>>767063>lives in china>wakes up to picrel every morningi couldn't do it for all the money in the world
No. 767170
>>764986Me too
nonny, though I'm a little different. I don't care about threads that are just about one person in particular, but threads like celebricows or youtubers entertain me. And I really like shitting on Corpse Husband for some reason. But yeah, the non-drama centred boards are better. /m/ is probably my favourite.
No. 767183
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I can only work properly under pressure, I’ve just confirmed that today that I had to fill an insurance policy form and I needed to put my fingerprint, I just used a fingerprint from another document of mine, quickly photoshopped it into the document and did a quick signature with some details to make it seem like I did it with a pen and not digitally.
Why am I like this and how do I fix this?
No. 767249
>>767213I'm proud of you anon.
Also my favorite bathroom graffiti are the ones where people reply to arguments so lol.
No. 767280
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>>767078The prices are getting ridiculous. I saw this in the New York Times recently. Why would I pay 30 dollars for a 196 page book that I can finish in 1-2 days? I do the same thing as you, pirate everything or get it at the thrift store for 3 dollars max.
>>767213I've done something similar in a public washroom before too, expect I wasn't the first to respond like that and was backing up the first lady who responded to the TWAW stuff. The graffiti conversations at my uni are mostly about veganism and the best food to buy on campus.
No. 767295
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>>767078It's been since high school since I bought a book that wasn't a textbook or a manga because of prices. And even then I barely buy any manga because barely anything interest me these days besides old series I already read so I just read scans sometimes. Speaking of which, I noticed that some manga that have a normal size in Japan are getting released in hardcover editions and with all the art flipped so you can read them from left to right and they jack up prices, all of this to appeal to pretentious normies who would otherwise say that manga aren't as "sophisticated" as Tintin or Astérix or some shit. No way I'm spending way more money for very inferior products than the original, fuck that shit.
Pic related, and don't even get me started on the title replacing the word for "lesbian" with a shitty pun about gender.
No. 767312
>>767295Wtf are Tintin and Asterix considered better than manga there? Because in my country people think they are for children.
>>767213Before covid I visited the high school I used to go to and went to the toilet. It was art high school, so you can guess the graffitis where 2deep4u. "Will I ever find happines?"
No. 767315
>>767312That was a hyperbole but I used these examples because they're huge classics. But basically manga and anime are super popular here in France, and more accessible and appealing that most comics from here because they're cheaper, you have more content in each book, and they tend to be series with a beginning, and end if the series is over, and everything in between is numbered so you don't get lost like some old series that are still not over and some don't have numbered volumes. I coud have used other classics like Corto Malese or Yoko Tsuno or Mélusine or pretty much anything else that's from before the 90s. Said comics/bandes dessinées/whatever you want to call them tend to be expensive and short so even if they seem fun to read I'm not buying them.
The publishing companies who do the shit I described nowadays to some niche manga are trying to attract the pretentious boomers who think the comics I just cited are more than just comics for kids and teens and who brag about read "deep" and "mature" books in general as well.
I'm sorry I'm not being very coherent right now No. 767499
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I have a chronic problem misnaming people. I obviously have no problem remembering my friends names but I misname them a few times a day if we're hanging out. Weirdly it gets worse the longer I know someone. Sometimes I'll panic and misname them several times in a row, cycling through several names before landing on theirs. At night I will close my eyes and visualize my friends and repeat their names to myself in my head over and over again to try to solidify the association but it doesn't seem to work. I was that kid in school that would always call the teacher "mom" on accident, except it was literally every day.
I'm always consciously thinking before I speak so it's not like I'm being lazy. This wouldn't be so horrible if people didn't get really (understandably) offended. I called my friend the name of his recently deceased friend and it obviously made him really upset. The anxiety I got from that experience made me misname him even more frequently and each time he rolls his eyes and groans and is clearly mad at me for a while. It's understandable to be upset but I really try so extremely hard to not do it. I feel like this has to be some sort of neurological condition. I'm never thinking about the person whos name I accidentally say but of course that's what it sounds like to others.
No. 767509
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I used to spam the fakeboi threads with TRA bullshit before I became a radfem. I'm sorry to whoever I called a TERF and bothered, y'all were right.
No. 767589
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>>764197fucking hell anon why’d you open your big mouth
jkjk i luv umy confession is that I’m way too naive to think this world is ever going to be somewhat peaceful srsly fml.
No. 767647
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Sometimes I wanna make videos where I play games and talk over them. No face involved but it seems like a chill hobby. I started considering it because people like my voice and say it is soothing plus I wanna play more games. However I'm not so experienced, but I would do it more for myself to gain confidence in a way. I don't care about clout I see it as a bad thing so it'd probably be fine. Just a recurring secret shower thought
No. 767679
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>>767499that message could have been written by me, anon I know your pain.
I would give anything to be able to communicate in a non verbal way. I don't know about you but I also have really severe spelling issues which might be related. At this point I know that whatever I will write or say will contains a mistake (despite spening most of my time reding and being a straight A student).
I have embraced a career in art and I use to be really into maths for the same reasons. I like the idea that people from all over the world can understand what you say by looking at your math equation or your drawing.
I hope we will learn in in the futur and I'm wishing you the best! Did you explain to your friend all of you efforts ? Surely they will understand that this is kind of out of your control !
No. 767730
>>767630Honestly, good on you anon. If anything, I think it's much faker to only like someone once they're dead. I'm glad my own mother died. She was
abusive and ever since her death my life has improved tremendously. She was a genuinely horrible person. If I ever told a normie this I'd be treated like trash. I think most people are more understanding if you hate your father, but not your mother. For me it's the other way around. Maybe that's ignorant of me, though. I don't miss my mother at all and I hope that if the afterlife exists I won't see her there. I don't want anything to do with her and because she's dead I don't have to anymore.
No. 767743
>>767695It’s creepy as fuck but some people just don’t have enough imagination to think of a face for a character.
I kind of get picking actors and saying something like “well, if I made a movie about this story, this would be the actress/actor that would play my character”.
But I didn’t know people were genuinely picking people off social media like flowers on a field. Disgusting.
No. 767827
>>767328I couldn't find the string thingy since I shove it up pretty far so I just put another in. Surprised I didn't get
toxic shock tbh
No. 767903
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>>767679This made me feel a lot less alone anon. I'm also an artist so I really relate to what you said about a universal language! I don't necessarily have severe spelling issues but I have a hard time articulating myself for sure. I feel like I spend a long time thinking of how to best say something only for it to come out all wrong and fall apart, especially in person. I've explained to my friend that I try my best to not misname him but I think it just made him more offended that I have to 'try' since obviously most people don't even think about names. Thankfully it hasn't impacted our friendship past him just being mildly annoyed for a bit but I really wish I could stop and he would be more understanding. Thanks for your kind words anon, I hope our communication improves in the future too!
No. 768069
File: 1616535623831.jpg (71.96 KB, 438x750, 1594308013504.jpg)

I was watching Shayna's drunken stream on MFC. Curiously entered another camgirl's room.
Oh nonono she's extremely cute…does mostly talking and some topless. Idk why but I'm kind of taken with her lmao fuck! Apparently she changes names frequently and has extremely limited social media presence for someone who's pretty popular on cam (afaik, I feel creepy digging further). So pretty much the only way to interact is through NSFW platform….
I feel like such a disgusting pig scrote, help me.
No. 768110
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>>768097I haven’t related to a post on here this much before.. are you me? You aren’t alone anon.
No. 768179
>>767731>>767751Thank you nonnies! Maybe someday… It just seems like a good way to get used to myself. I hope you have fun anon who said she does it as pretend! That's so cute honestly I like you.
>creeps using your videos as asmr gamer gf simulatorsI would hope to avoid that. Stuff like that, and hate, is a small worry I'd have. But then creeps are creeps who latch onto anything female… Either way I would not encourage that so maybe if it happened it would die quickly with no acknowledgement. They can get that from other videos not mine. Would probably just delete any weird comments if possible.
No. 768342
File: 1616563930951.gif (200 KB, 220x165, disgusting.gif)

>>768336I'm judging you for this whole post but especially
>we’re both married No. 768518
>>768336>>768415It was at one in the morning on wednesday the 24th of March that the first
victim had written on an anonymous imageboard about engaging in role-play relating to their shared fetish and how through this the lines between role-play and reality were starting to blur.
>we’re developing a really intense connection>Lots of awkward fumbling around actually acknowledging that we’re writing filthy porn together>some of the best, hottest porn either of us has ever found or created for our kinksShe wrote, also stating that she was married and fully aware she was being an idiot. Unfortunately, the fetish that had drawn them towards each other turned out to be snuff. The post would eventually turn out to be instrumental in the capture of the serial killer known only by his online handle "ShadesOfFlay777"
No. 768525
>>768342understandable, have a good day
>>768518this is so fucking funny, anon… I obviously can’t post his actual username here but it’s even worse than your fake one lmao. something kind of like “GuyInAWindowlessWhiteVan”
If somehow this, and not all the other dumber more dangerous shit I’ve done with scrotes when I was younger, is the thing that does get me killed, then I unironically hope y’all are included in the screenshots on the shitty YT true crime videos
No. 768628
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i don't care about sibling, cousin incest. if two consenting adults want to have sex then it's none of my business. it's no worse than a relationship between let's say, a fat lolita and her twans lesbwian bf imo
No. 768685
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>>768433This made me laugh out loud in the bathtub, I hope your butthole and sheets are aight anon lmao
If it makes you feel better I once shat myself in an alleyway of some thai massage parlour and a woman came out and yelled at me. Sometimes it be like that.
No. 768698
File: 1616609656735.png (191.99 KB, 820x1042, chad.png)

I shower once a week. No, I do not smell. People regularly tell me I smell good. I've never showered regularly in my life, it astonishes me how there are people who shower every day, like how can you be bothered? I've always showered once a week and it never occurred to me that its 'gross' or 'nasty', I don't smell and my hair only gets slightly greasy after about the fourth day. I wipe my ass with wipes so its not even like I have a pooey ass like some of you who use tissues. I also have severe eczema, so if I showered literally once more a week it would basically destroy my skin
>Inb4 nasty ass bitch
Seethe that I smell better than you after showering once a week, nonny.
No. 768723
>>768709I don't care if someone only showers once a week (as long as im not dating them) but you both have this weirdly defensive bs going on like
>There are people out here who shower twice a day and smell like shit without having any health issues to cause thatWho are these people showering 14 times more often than you and stinking? Without a health problem too? Come on lol
No. 768757
>>768754I got about 6 parcels in the last week and told my mailman about there being quite a few more coming. I'll never buy a plush again. I'm about to own enough for a lifetime!
Did you stop playing it?
No. 768767
>>768757Yes I had to make myself quit because the amount of money it became just made me feel ill. If it was 100-200 a month I'd be like whatever it's a pandemic but I could feel it become an addiction, or rather I was addicted to it briefly. It sounds lame but during the chaos last year it made me feel like I was in control of something and of course "winning" feels good. The one thing that saved me is that I was very picky about prizes and I also played these machines a lot irl in japan. For a few months I'd only let myself play to win 1 prize a month or something but then totally uninstalled the app because I (ironically) got hooked on buying clothes and accessories from taobao. Oh well
>>768761Big one is toreba, but also and others
No. 768769
>>768761It's toreba. I started playing it years ago and it was less rigged at that point. Lately though…total money pit if you don't have good self control. It's addictive because the prizes look so close..but it's deceptive. Nearly everything is glued or stuck down now.
The shipping is free and they spend minimum 20 to 30 quid themselves to ship stuff out through fast mail..they must be raking it in to cover those costs and still profit.
No. 768798
File: 1616620510192.png (381.46 KB, 1000x1000, 68086326_p0.png)

>>768781Whew those are unpleasant memories indeed anon, I'm sorry. What important is you have grown and able to confront the cringe head on. I had similar experience. It really sucks that the young&dumb have to learn the hard way a lot of times. Some never learn at all.
No. 768836
>>768709My hair is naturally super straight
>>768747Yeah, I wash my face every day
No. 768983
>>768979these companies invest in pop psychology for their workforce rather than just pay people a higher wage to
trigger better work ethic? cheap motherfuckers in late stage capitalism is sending me LOL
No. 769044
File: 1616648429403.jpeg (97.32 KB, 828x1009, 15F3B9C9-039C-454B-A68D-131906…)

i love having “baby time” with my gf when she regresses to acting like a kid. when she’s like that, i love reading storybooks to her, cooking and baking childhood favourites for her, doing arts and crafts, playing with dolls… sometimes i wish i could take her out to the park too but i don’t think it’d be safe for her to regress in public and we don’t want to look like weirdos. for us there isn’t a sexual component to this kind of thing, but most people perceive there to be; in most cases there is, and it disgusts me. i like having a maternal bond with my gf too, it makes me feel even closer to her. i wish i could find someone else out there who feels the same way
No. 769053
File: 1616649851119.jpeg (62.08 KB, 580x760, B039E49E-C1F0-4A3C-8A19-A9DA0B…)

Usually right before bed, when there are no more things to be done and no more words to say, my boyfriend turns on the heating pad and puts it on me and just pets my head and kisses my face a bunch and I close my eyes and stop worrying about work and chores and school and just pretend I am a little warm cat. A Calico, maybe. It makes me so happy it brings tears to my eyes to think about. I just think about being loved unconditionally in the moment, and for some reason it makes me feel like an adored pet cat. Why? No clue. It’s so stupid and cringy, but I look forward every day to what I internally refer to as Cat Time. I’d be disowned by everyone if anyone knew this. Like, imagine your friend saying, “sorry, calling it an early night ladies, got to be home soon, can’t miss Cat Time!” fucking christ I want to disappear forever now.
No. 769059
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>>769053This post made me cry. I wish this happened to me too.
No. 769096
File: 1616657340036.jpg (37.35 KB, 445x600, 415900b4906c548516d5a0ba0b9c69…)

I got my Courtney Love fan page permanently suspended from twitter because I would get into arguments with random people and take it way too far. I did the usual stuff of like telling people that they're ugly and to kill themselves but a lot people aren't very careful about what they post online, so it was pretty easy for me to find out where they lived, worked, went to school, friends and family names, phone numbers etc. and I would bring up like random family drama that their aunt posted on facebook and send them their home address. Sometimes if they really pissed me off i would find a family members phone number and pretend to be a police station and tell them that their relative had been arrested for indecent exposure at a children's playground and that they need to come to the police station to have them picked up. I never got into any legal trouble doing this, but I am worried that I'm on a FBI watch list of some kind. I was also 15 and I'm really embarrassed about it now so please don't judge me too hard.
No. 769421
I am a die-hard Azealia Banks stan and I have to hold myself back from wking her in the celibricows thread every time she comes up
>>769377Same here anon and I hate when retards act as if not showering every day is unfathomably disgusting
No. 769459
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I like peggy hill
I never found her annoying or unbearable in the show.the way she speaks Spanish is still funny to me.I love how she's assertive and speaks her mind.
No. 769637
Reality: vidrel
No. 769722
File: 1616724174488.png (387.35 KB, 622x600, killing type.png)

i'm the gf mentioned here
>>769044 and i want to say you are all completely flabbergasting. why does everyone love Cat Time anon yet look down on us when it's literally the same thing? even though "some people do X to cope" has been meme'd into oblivion, it has its basis in reality. after a busy day, sometimes i just want to shut off my brain and relax. and like many others, i rely on my partner to help me unwind in a mutually fulfilling manner. so what if i call her mommy a couple days a week! it's cute and fun. you're meanies and i hate you
No. 769732
File: 1616724704612.jpeg (682.04 KB, 1242x1456, 3C91524D-C9E6-4203-B640-8E760C…)

>>769722You and your mommy dearest are hilariously gross bitches
No. 769734
>>769726wow, so when i'm cuddling with my girlfriend while she reads me a picture book, we're also preying upon children? that's news to me.
>>769731feel free to hide the thread. also i don't ask her permission to post on lc lol?
>>769732God loves me, actually
No. 769746
>>769722dude but I literally said
"It's interesting, please say more because I understand" and you never replied back. I wanted to have a conversation
No. 769801
>>769799Samefag, but I also want to say this happens a lot in the
Unpopular opinions thread too. Why do anons keep posting in these threads where it's assumed another anon might disagree or criticize the, and then get upset when someone criticizes or disagrees with them.
No. 769850
File: 1616734683222.jpg (97.84 KB, 400x800, Maynard_James_Keenan_Roskilde_…)

I have problematic faves that have done pretty shitty things and acted very horribly (one even allegedly accused of rape?). I don't openly obsess over them anymore but I'll still listen to their music/enjoy their content. It's not like some shitty fringe youtuber that was popular for 5 years or whatever, it's musicians that have been on the scene for decades and that I've been listening to through the best and worst times of my life. So I won't really stop. Pic rel.
No. 769856
File: 1616735554734.png (84.27 KB, 1766x264, oh to be a neet mommy in animu…)

accidentally stumbled upon the old secrets thread through google images and found this, and god I wish I could do something this chill. Not into it but holy shit the market is big due to the overworked jap businessmen.
No. 769861
>>769859Very deep
nonny, thanks for your response
No. 769960
>>769722Coming back to this, but I just realized this post and the op have the exact same typing style lmao
No. 770104
File: 1616766509073.jpeg (136.97 KB, 737x730, 84D62BDA-D08C-4154-8553-0868A7…)

You’re based. Never let them make u believe otherwise.
No. 770115
>>770103>>770104Same, what a concept
LC is the most based if you ignore /g/ kek
No. 770132
File: 1616768566254.jpeg (40.95 KB, 660x370, words-on-chalkboard-womans-han…)

I have about a month to figure out when the hell my anniversary is. I know the date is in April and starts with 2 wish me luck
No. 770231
>>770030So anyway, I'm
>>770049 back and I'll tell you more. Too lazy and tired to translate news articles with this gross bitch's face plastered all over said article, but basically she said things like
>the actresses complaining are hypocrites and were the ones who were flirting with producers to begin with and just regret it>during her career as an actress when she was young she thought being groped without consent and being told she has a nice ass by producers was a great compliment and kinda hot>the actresses should be grateful, they're hypocritical feminazis, ridiculous, and more important things should be talked about (probably animal rights because, it's Brigitte Bardot after all)>not sure how to translate "liberté d'importuner" but her and Catherine Deneuve thinks feminism is now about hating men and reducing sexual freedom and the "freedom to bother (others)", because apparently sexual harassment is just a little bothersome or hotAnyway, we're talking about the same woman who got in trouble with the law several times for being racist. In France. You REALLY have to do it on purpose to get in trouble with the law that often for being racist, I'm not even going to bother explaining what she said about Guadeloupe, Martinique and the Réunion.
By the way, fuck Jean Dujardin for working with Polanski, I'll never see Un gars et une fille the same way ever again. The only French celebrities I respect are Yannick Noah and Omar Sy, fuck the rest.
No. 770267
>>770264Oh yeah I forgot about that, so many things happened since then after all. But yeah that was iconic.
And I forgot to mention I also respect Bilal Hassani, he's a very young singer so he's not that famous (yet?) but he's a good kid. I wish he won at the Eurovision when he participated, it would have made so many people seethe. I also respect Aya Nakamura for making reality tv washed out celebrities seethe as well.
No. 770282
File: 1616786630594.jpg (262.09 KB, 640x360, Outsider-Art-Gallery-Jarem-1-e…)

My art was better when I was in the mental hospital and completely psychotic. Everything in my life was worse but I could tap into some extremely unique spaces that I just can't now. I always hate the cliché about "woah what drugs was this guy on!" when it comes to surreal art but I feel like I have to admit it does help. Art used to feel like I was pouring my pain and anxiety into the page and accidentally making something. People had a stronger, more uncomfortable reaction to it. Now it feels like I'm crafting something I want to see be made and people just find it visually appealing. It's lost a lot of depth. Both have their own appeal but I have to admit I miss the former a lot.
No. 770285
>>770282don't worry anon, you are the same person as you were back at the mental hospital, you just need time to readjust, I'm certain that things will feel more natural in the future, also that drawing is gorgeous !
I'm wishing you the best !
No. 770343
File: 1616793730299.jpeg (5.14 KB, 265x190, frehjdgygeruyjf.jpeg)

>>768525You are disgusting.
No. 770372
>>768336I was like “oh whatever, not ideal but-“ until finding you were both married. I’m more worried about you bc he probably
is unhinged. If he Christopher Wattses his wife I really hope he doesn’t have your info, anon. Stay safe. With love, I say make better choices.
No. 770472
My confession is that I unironically want a relationship like
>>769044 sometimes.
When I'm sad I wish I could be held and treated like a child. I want someone with a soft voice to read books to me when I'm feeling down or tired, any book that isn't upsetting. in a gentle voice because they love me. I want to play dolls with anyone because fuck it's fun. And I wouldn't mind caring for someone like that either. I think the way cf worded is was rather weird, but I get it. I do.
No. 770477
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No. 770528
File: 1616813582280.jpeg (148.22 KB, 828x1004, 8347EF93-B2E0-4D84-B4D4-060018…)

I do not trust scrotes into dragon ball z
Theyre always insufferable (more than the average scrote)
No. 770531
>>770472I have similar fantasies but like…I don’t want to be a child. I just want to be held and read to and babied a little when I’m sick or sad. To have someone devoted to helping me feel safe and to look after my wellbeing. I don’t want to regress to a fucking toddler and talk or be talked to like an idiot. I want to do dumb goofy shit like finger painting or playing with lego or one of those science experiment kits or digging in the dirt or making a pillow fort or whatever the fuck with someone I love and someone who loves me. Just doing things with no bigger purpose in mind. Return to monke type shit.
There’s no sexual element to it, it’s just bonding and enjoying silly things. That natural curiosity and desire for comfort and safety that you had as a kid doesn’t go away just because you have bills to pay. I think these things are normal to want. It’s when people start wanting to fuck each other in diapers while babbling like a 3 year old that it gets bizarre.
No. 770541
>>770528My asshole ex was really into Naruto, Dragonball Z and all the other anime popular with scrotes. He was also into making me watch hardcore horror movies with torture and rape scenes because he thought it was cute to "
trigger" me. And he wonders why I never return his calls when I'm in his city.
No. 770557
File: 1616816243351.png (126.24 KB, 250x313, Sign up.png)

This is stupid but, sometimes I like putting on makeup just to wash it off. It gives me the same satisfaction of watching something be cleaned. Eye makeup never lasts long on me anyway, so sometimes I just like looking at it and then taking it off.
No. 770578
I envy the neet lifestyle and wish I could afford to live it.
>>770528Aww man, this describes me. He's right.
No. 770623
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I’m not religious but thinking about Satan and Hell still scares me.
No. 770638
File: 1616830006192.jpg (52.66 KB, 599x598, 2b19908d1727bf54c0dc1e1ffb3c80…)

>>770596Congrats! I want this drowning energy for my abusers too.
No. 770640

>>770623Not sure what your interpretation or view of hell may be in scripture, but biblically speaking, it doesn't seem like a place filled with flesh-eating demons, gushings of lava, and a throne with satan ruling over everyone (Satan will also be suffering, by the way [Revelation 20:10]). I believe these ideas originated from books like Dante's Inferno and probably Catholic teachings as well. Hell is more like a spiritual void, where there is a complete absence from God and all goodness (because God is goodness). It's like a fire, symbolically, in the way it eats away at every part of you that was good until you cease existing (Mark 9:48); you cannot live in sin. I recommend this video for more information.
>>770635This is false. There are many descriptors of hell being eternal and real (Revelation 14:11) and people being sent to hell in the Bible (King of Lazarus) I agree that the Catholic interpretation is wrong in the way they take things very literally and attach their own interpretations, even if it doesn't seem to be true or supported biblically.
No. 770714
>>770713NTA but I think they're upset because of the family photos in the background of the pic. I'd be pretty pissed over something like that too tbh. However that anon sounds both underage and very bad at handling conflict.
>>770711I don't think you can stop her from being a blogger, and I doubt she'll be successful at it so there's not much reason to worry. But did you explain to her why that particular photo was a bad choice? Clearly, insulting her and throwing tantrums isn't working. You should tell her what you're thinking and feeling outright, even if it doesn't change her mind.
No. 770745
I can confidently say I’m a knockout. I’m a gorgeous woman. That’s not me being egotistical, narcissistic. It’s just a fact. I’m a knockout. I have great genes. A part of being a knockout, I have confidence and je ne sais quoi, that is unmistakably in my pheromones, and my chemistry, and the way I walk, in my attitude, unmistakable. I am divine feminine energy. And a part of that does not match with the conventional beauty, sometimes, of what sensuality, or society has inferred.
I find one of the most tantalizing and exciting things I’ve ever observed about myself was that, I can drive men crazy and drive people crazy. That I have this air about me that exudes such sexuality, my small breast, and my little frame, and my sweet, little girl voice. It exudes something in people that is extremely passionate and tantalizing. I’ve always just been so into that, and intrigued by that, and have learned how to develop my sensuality as a woman by that. And I glorify it. I think it’s so funny. I swear to God, all your men fantasize about me and probably wonder what it’s like to be with someone who is as small as I am.
No. 770757
File: 1616854353409.png (1.43 MB, 1155x1155, D240FFA5-52F7-474F-B662-AB494D…)

>>770745Love the confidence but I SMELL CAP
No. 770766
>>770745>I can confidently say I’m a knockout. I’m a gorgeous woman. That’s not me being egotistical, narcissistic. It’s just a fact. I’m a knockout. I have great genes. A part of being a knockout, I have confidence and je ne sais quoi, that is unmistakably in my pheromones, and my chemistry, and the way I walk, in my attitude, unmistakable. I am divine feminine energy. And a part of that does not match with the conventional beauty, sometimes, of what sensuality, or society has inferred.queen energy
>I find one of the most tantalizing and exciting things I’ve ever observed about myself was that, I can drive men crazy and drive people crazy. That I have this air about me that exudes such sexuality, my small breast, and my little frame, and my sweet, little girl voice. It exudes something in people that is extremely passionate and tantalizing. I’ve always just been so into that, and intrigued by that, and have learned how to develop my sensuality as a woman by that. And I glorify it. I think it’s so funny. I swear to God, all your men fantasize about me and probably wonder what it’s like to be with someone who is as small as I amofficially lost your queen energy
No. 770792
File: 1616859670320.png (684.58 KB, 680x549, dfasfn.png)

>>770767Please put on green lipstick and super sharp eyeliner one day. For Lord DIO
No. 770803
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>>770745Kek. nice copypasta. You want a medal?
No. 770813
File: 1616861505482.jpeg (87.31 KB, 564x564, 120B122D-2A7B-4DB1-A6C6-81D857…)

>>770792It honestly looks cool when done right.
No. 770877
>>770844Didn’t know who that is but the first thing I see on google is “I’m dating a fan” lol idkkk sis
I too like the seemingly idealized relationship of Chella Man and MaryV but come on. The chances are staggering that they’ll be self-absorbed emotional vampires with whom you have to walk on eggshells constantly since they can’t stop thinking muh dysphoria for 5 whole minutes.
No. 771152
>>770829Any trans individual is bound to have a lot of issues, sam collins or whatever looking chill in the videos doesn't mean shit.
Not discouraging you, but be careful.
No. 771242
File: 1616923721737.jpeg (22.41 KB, 211x310, EF929650-35BD-4B2D-993D-23FFF5…)

The lolcow discord bitches recommended watashi no shounen now I cant stop reading shota I don’t like them but I like the dynamic between a boy and a woman.
No. 771246
File: 1616924310781.jpg (21.94 KB, 480x270, giphy-facebook_s.jpg)

>>771242There's a
lot I could say about this post, but I think pic says it all.
No. 771300
File: 1616932519175.png (55.26 KB, 320x168, 2A295761-7CE2-4A13-B1FD-849345…)

I take screenshots whenever an Anon is nice to me, finds my reply funny, or says they love me.
No. 771380
>>771369>Defending unborn children makes me a manWow, I guess you farmers must have a terrible opinion of women, explains a lot about this site really.
>>771372True, fuck men. And fuck murderers of defenseless, unborn children.
>>771373>Still obsessed with calling me a scroteThis is getting sad. Also gametes are not fertilized eggs, having a two digit IQ must be tough, you have my sympathy.
No. 771417
>>771390fuck off with your shit tier bait
>>771385a-are we about to kiss rn anon?
No. 771420
>>771417Not at all
>>771394Fuck off with your non posts. I say what I want and say it without hesitation. You just call out like an idiot at the sidewalk.
No. 771423
File: 1616946945621.jpeg (317.11 KB, 1920x1080, 11A1418D-C89D-4204-BF03-5CD385…)

>>771420You should of been aborted.
No. 771427
>>771385Imagine dating someone, finding out you both use imageboards, and the other person starts telling you about this complete dumbfuck they argued with a while back, and you slowly realize they're talking about you.
How do you proceed?
No. 771443
File: 1616948732992.png (315.56 KB, 586x634, EMw4eQEWoAAlQzy.png)

i really, really enjoy when i get the opportunity to tell a man he isn't funny. i love reacting to a joke with a blank face and telling him "okay" or straight up, "you're not funny." men place such a high value on being witty and comedic, it completely wrecks them. it's like telling them their dick is too small. it's one of the best ways to tear a scrote down. he'll think about the time he failed to impress a woman for awhile after.
No. 771497
>>771487Im a frail weakling but I'll throw hands for you
Seriously though, its insane how men cape for each other. Its like theyll defend each other before sticking up for a woman, even if she is a family member. Did you have a bad relationship with them growing up? Maybe your dad cares but doesnt even know what to say because men are shit at processing emotions, not that its any excuse for being a cold brick wall. id ask him if he even gives a shit
No. 771501
>>771487I do think dad's have a hard time processing the fact that their daughters are being subjected to behaviors by men that they themselves may have participated in. Some kind of cognitive dissonance occurs and they shut down or something.
When the metoo movement broke I had posted a simple, in solidarity post "#metoo" as a lot of women were then. My dad flipped out and texted me (God forbid he picks up the phone to call) saying why are you saying this garbage and how he's so sick of women acting like they are abused all the time. I told him how often everything from sexual harassment to rape occurs for women and how it is just "normal" and he couldn't understand it. He said he didn't want to talk about it ever. Shut me down. They can't handle it because even if they are "good guys" they've all contributed in some way.
No. 771504
>>771497>>771501I think the issue with my dad is that he has always had these blindspots where if he hasn't directly struggled with something himself.. then anyone else complaining about that struggle is being a drama queen. A good example of that is how he always had that tough attitude of 'depression aint real, suck it up' and then when he retired from work early he soon developed depression and it became a real thing that people experience. He's lonely and bored and suddenly mental health is real.
So I think he's just blind to any female specific issues for that reason too. It's hard to not take it personally. I've been through things that are crimes and having no particularly involved or supportive family…left me more vulnerable to that. My ex who beat me.. he knew what my dad is like. I wish I had never told him that!
>he's so sick of women acting like they are abused all the time. I told him how often everything from sexual harassment to rape occurs for women and how it is just "normal" and he couldn't understand it. He said he didn't want to talk about it ever. Shut me down.This is the kind of convo I've dreaded having with mine. I suspect things would go the same way as this and I'm avoidant for that reason. We see this shit said everywhere but that extra sting when it's coming from your dad.
No. 771531
>>756064>>771457My brother used to be like this. He’d pick massive fights over people not applauding his inappropriate and mean spirited jokes. It got a lot better when he stopped drinking.
Also this is kind of gross but he used to graphically describe his sexual escapades in front of me and didn’t stop until I told him that it’s “basically sexual harassment” to me, which it is. Its fucking gross and I don’t want to hear it. He’s tormenting me with sexual talk even if it’s not sexualising me.
No. 771574
>>771464>a guy asked me “why I was so hateful”God, it's always someone else's problem isn't it? Funny how women always blame their performance and men always blame their audience.
I went to high school with a guy that used to just say the n word loudly and for no reason and then when none of the girls laughed, it was CLEARLY because we were
triggered lil snowflakes. Man, you're just not funny. It's not even dark or offensive humour because it's plain not funny. Like what is the joke? You repeated the same word loudly and obnoxiously for the 47584th time today? Hee hee haw haw, prime comedian.
No. 771584
>>771580>>771534Yeah I kinda figure he at least was a date rapey dude once or twice in his past. He was a good looking guy in the military and brags about all the women that loved him especially the Italians. How they'd be all over him when he brought the cocaine out. Now he's overweight in his 60s and making comments like "I don't get what the problem with guys are today I NEVER had issues getting women into bed." That in response to my most recent brief comment about how every woman I know had dealt with some level of sexual harassment or abuse. Right. He's a good guy though…. I still tell myself that. Just like I occassionally tell myself that about my rapey dead ex boyfriend.
I'm probably gonna be single for life because I'm so over men and their shit. But still making excuses for their bad behavior, shitty jokes, and lies.
Thanks anons. End rant.
No. 771615
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I used to think that dating or going on dates was only a thing that existed in shows and movies, I used to think romantic dates weren’t real. I literally sat for awhile trying to process that people actually go on dates? To another location? But for what reason lmao? I’m not autistic at all, I just thought it was a meme-tropey thing that was in media so it could show specific characters together.
No. 771618
>>771487I thought this too. My dad had praised my
abusive ex too even when he knows stuff. I found out he use to beat my mum. I truly think the men that don't step up for women or cope for asshole men are usually similar so they don't want to associate the thing with shame. They're wankers.
No. 771622
>>771615Because it's nice to experience good and/or new things together (foods, movies, art, etc) what's your confusion?
>I’m not autistic at allAre you 100% sure? Not even trying to be snappy.
No. 771634
>>771531Absolutely that is sexual harassment. Just because he knows you personally means nothing either. Imagine if he walked up to a random girl and started talking about his sex life details and she said "stfu" and he kept going…it wouldn't be okay then or if he knew the person or with you. No thanks would I want the mental pic of my bro getting it on haha gross.
>>771613Thanks anon I appreciate you.
No. 771649
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>>771633keeping cat fur for felting is a thing
No. 771764
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mm yes come hither and beseech thee unto my visage m'creation
No. 771774
>>771768Zoomers are so socially retarded that this generation has lost the art of sensing initial vibes from people to see if they really they have potential to be compatible or not.
t. zoomer
No. 771782
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>>771774It’s getting annoying when seething millenials have to interject their unwanted opinions into an innocent conversation. There are adult zoomers, stop baiting and playing dumb it’s getting fucking old already, just like you. If the existence of “young”people having fun and existing makes you angry and bitter then go double dose on your insane copium, shrivel up into vagina dust and blow away already.
No. 771786
>>771744Do you really think it's dying out with younger generations? I'm also a zoomer, but I've never felt like dates have become less common. I guess technology (people having online relationships), and antisocial behavior/social anxiety from this generation could also influence that though.
No. 771803
>>771754Only slightly related, but when I was a kid, I was watching a TV movie with my parents and the main character suddenly walks in on two people naked in a bed (blanket covering everything). I was like "why are they naked?" and my parents obviously panicked and said, "American people sleep naked." I grew up believing this and, whenever I watched American media where the characters
didn't sleep naked, I thought they were just trying to keep things SFW, kek
No. 771805
>>771803I mean, a lot of people
do sleep naked here, but a lot of us also just wear pajamas/old clothes to bed.
No. 771986
>>771958I regret alot of the sex that I had in my early to mid twenties. I sometimes feel pathetic just looking back on the amount of unsatisfactory sex I put up with in those years. Then I had hpv and a cancer scare at 27 and couldn't stop thinking about that. How it wasn't worth it and wasn't good for me mentally or health risk wise.
I wouldn't sweat it. I feel like we tend to beat ourselves up either way. Too much sex or too little.. We get alot of mixed messages about how we 'should' be.
No. 772489
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>>772470I study during the test now. I just check over the powerpoints before it starts to know the order information, then during the test I copy from the zoom recordings. Pic related came true for me.
No. 772491
>>772485i'm completing general ed, so none of it matters
my major is for a pretty straight forward technical and hands on job, i don't need to know about half the shit i am being forced to study
No. 772494
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>>772468anon you and I lead very different lives but i want you to know your retarded pastimes are
valid and I love you
No. 772538
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I cannot spell pic rel for shit. I accidentally saved it on my computer as neceserrailyly once when I was struggling to spell it
No. 772645
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confession time
my new boss is cute enough with a deep voice and I am touch-starved and male-starved enough that I have gone full autistic and am reading way too much into his language and my language like I have a retarded crush, so now I am in this weird space where I over analyze shit he says that means nothing like I'm fucking fourteen and spotted the cool guy at the pool and am goggling and I hate myself
no I am not single and neither is he
I feel like trash but I just want someone to bang me and it's real annoying when my boss talks about how his hands are too big for his keyboard like just shut up
hoping that confessing kills all this hypersensitivity completely!!! tyfyt!!!
No. 772695
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About to sound like a real piece of shit, but here goes: I have this pathological urge to dislike/wish ill on people I consider to be ugly. Like if I'm scrolling through youtube, and I see a thumbnail and the youtuber looks "ugly" to me, I start thinking mean things like "who do they think they are, thinking they can attempt a career where you show your face all the time." Same thing with celebrities I deem ugly and I see billboards/ads of them. I think things like "I can't believe we're boosting their ego and making them think they're attractive." Really, whenever I see some rando I think is ugly I start wishing that someone would let them know they're ugly and hope that they feel ashamed. I know it's fucked up. The kicker is that I don't even find /myself/ good-looking; I don't put much effort in my appearance aside from keeping clean. Anyway I do plan to bring this up in therapy, it's just that it's taken up to now for me to verbalize and admit this is a problem. And I've decided to admit it first to a website full of judgemental binches because… I can???
No. 772726
>>772538for me its "definitely", if you see a post on here that has it misspelled as "definetly" its most likely me. also frequently make mistakes with g and q and have used the world quilty on
here multiple times.
>>772468me too queen
No. 772795
>>772787well I guess you need to weigh the relief in confessing to her versus carrying this weight and gauging how that makes you feel
what sort of things were you doing that you feel so revolted though? are we talking cyber~~sex~~ with your cousin's images? you could hold that back, and just stick with like "I was a stupid kid on the internet and I used your face to do it"
No. 772829
>>772804aww anon I would confess to her then it sounds like it's really messing with your brain and you should be able to get this guilt washed away
I guess if you have the chance she could also redirect those people trying to find "her" to you so you can be like no sorry bye it was me all along
No. 772880
>>772494 Thank you anon! Sometimes being a retard is fun.
>>772509I definitely do the same. Also enjoy adopting different personalities depending on who I'm arguing with. Godspeed.
No. 772883
>>772848damn I thought you were going to say you squeezed a lot more money out of that asshole not "lol dating a girl gay for realsies bye"
I'm sorry you went through that shit anon
No. 773024
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I'm happy I only have sisters.
No. 773026
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i found a 14k gold ring with a few small diamonds in it, I bet I could get two hundred bucks for it easy, my gf told me i shouldn’t tell anyone else because of the circumstances (i didn’t steal it though no worries) but i wanna share my excitement! the money is going towards our vacation fund for the summer
No. 773029
>>773024On the opposite side of the spectrum I actually adore my brother and wish more men were like him
I mean I’m sure he has scrote tendencies. But he’s never made a crude sexual joke to or in front of me and his apartment is spotless and well decorated. And he cooks and takes care of himself without any mommy bangmaid.
No. 773067
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I have a soft spot for/romanticize awful people who are attractive. Just heard about the heartbreaking Shanda Sharer case and feel awful but if I were in high school with Melinda I’d stan her just cause she’s pretty. I know she’s a monstrous psycho bitch but I can’t help but think she was so pretty.
This happens with dudes who do heinous shit too. I guess I’m not alone cause serial attractive killers and whatnot often attracts fan clubs essentially but I still feel gross about it.
No. 773105
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>>773085It’s not like I want to write love letters to imprisoned monsters. I guess it’s just easier to hate someone when they do something awful and look like the stereotypical demonic creep.
When I find them attractive, I feel bad because I feel like I “shouldn’t,” but I also have more sympathy for them than I do for some fuggo psycho. Idk how to explain it lol sorry for being a tard.
No. 773109
>>773107And a fucking poorfag at that
>I can’t afford to see a doctor ;_; ur annoying Lmao
No. 773150
>>771185Now that it's been some years and we grew up (I hope so) I can see I should've been less confrontational about it. We talked before and it seems he felt like that since he was a kid and tried to hide his feelings and going to psychologists (or his sister told us). Well I guess I gotta live with that.
I tried to contact him last year but I only had his old home address so I sent him a letter (I didn't "misgender him"), but he never replied and I don't even know if he got it.
>>771186He is gay afaik even though he had a gf for a while. But in his words he didn't feel right with her and they broke up.
No. 773164
>>773158As annoying as terminally online trannies are, they’re not a monolith overall, they’re just people. I have a close mtf friend, and he’s realistic about the trans experience to the point that he, despite me meeting and knowing him as a woman for years, doesn’t get offended about he/him pronouns. I think it makes him sad, but he “gets it.” He’s a wonderful person, has a sense of humor about it, and doesn’t hypersexualize womanhood. Also not a transbian, which probably helps in every category honestly. The “lesbian” mtfs I know around peripherally always remind me of the ones posted in snow, so there’s that.
No. 773169
>>773026My ex boyfriend once found a wallet in the parking lot when we stopped to get donuts. It had $1300 in it plus a check for a large amount. The ID was some dude who looked healthy and the check was an employer check so not like he was jobless or anything…
We kept the cash and destroyed the rest of the wallet and contents.
No. 773194
>>773190Less than ripe bananas not ideal but sometimes that's all you've got and you don't wanna wait days to eat it.
Actually, the most delicious banana is slightly over ripe and frozen in chunks. I can never go back to eating boring room temperature bananas now I've had frozen.
No. 773309
>>773306I'm gonna be honest, I thought everyone squished their blood clots
my confession is that I squish them with my bare hands sometimes. Idk how I feel about the sensation of one coming out though.
No. 773374
>>773098>Spoken like a true neurotypicalI'm anything but that, yet I can recognise that OP is troubled by her tendency to glorify attractive murderers. It's already causing her a problem and it might get worse. Also it may have some source that's worth unpacking.
>People can’t just seek therapy for any old fucking reason: it costs moneyNational healthcare will pay for it even if you don't have cash in your account or wallet
>there are waiting listWell, then sign up and wait? Still better than doing fucking nothing
>Is she gonna book an appt just to say “I think Melinda loveless is cute and I would fuck Richard Ramirez"I am worried because I value good looks in people to the point that I stan cruel murderers provided they are hot. I am really worried about it and it affects my selfesteem"
>Stop being so goddamn annoyingSounds like I hit a sore spot kek. Get over yourself and take some responsibility.
No. 773383
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The way the internet is now freaks me out. The only place I can share my rude opinions in without someone screaming "omg that's rude!!!!" is lolcow. Not everyone wants to be a ray of sunshine all the time and being rude is funny. My opinions are great. Bye.
No. 773389
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>>773347>>773350nevermind I figured it out lol she reminded me of Chloe Grace Moretz
No. 773391
>>773383>being rude is funnyi wish newfags would understand that being rude to just be rude isnt comedy and thats not a precept of the site. its how we get threads to devolve and nitpick like crazy. there are no internet points for finding a funny way of pointing out mundane shit.
ugh that and throwing in kek as much as possible.
No. 773392
>>773391>newfagBeen here since 2015
>throwing kekSounds like you have a problem with imageboards in themselves.
>being rude isn't the precept of the siteWhat is snow and pt then?
If anything you're the one who looks like a newfag. This comment wasn't even about lolexdeefunnyrudecomments, you inserted yourself and your personal opinion into it. What I'm trying to say is: I'm fucking tired of not being able to say anything online without people getting offended at the minimum. Sometimes it is okay to have opinions to be considered rude. But if you share that shit, people get angry, defensive, and say "omg why can't everyone get along?? why can't you be niceee and positive uwu" like come the fuck on, I'm human, I have human opinions.
Imageboards, all of them, tend to be more rude than your twitter feed btw.
No. 773413
>>773383Being rude for the sake of being rude isn't funny but I will take that over some faux positivity and reddit like canned responses with sterile and predictable "humor". I hate the twatter lingo that has found it's place here although it's not just lolcow, it's the same thing with 4chan.
>>773398Yeah I've noticed that too.
No. 773536
>>773503>deepthroating>malepostersI know you don't care but we don't like either of those things and you're self posting your own opinion right here so that just leaves touching male ass on your list
which I don't do either ew so I don't think your argument is that strong I rest my case your honor session adjourned
No. 773562
>>773557I wanna suck his cock.. til he cries tho
I wanna eat his ass.. til he cries tho
I wanna get tied up and have him beat me up and tear my ass up.. til he cries tho
No. 773642
>>773633Porn warps everything. I hate how common it is to hear “I’m totally dom but I never get off sexually, I only get pleasure from watching my sub sexually getting off”
That’s several layers of cope. That’s just a different flavor of submissive woman.
>>773636…you’re fucking those dudes who cry during sex and call you mom aren’t you.
No. 773644
>>773625>>773631What exactly is femdom sex comprised of? Can’t peg, can’t get oral, can’t give it, can’t pleasure the sub in any way, what else is there to do but regular PIV? Have him lick your feet?
If I had a hypothetical cute, perfect sub boy tied up and begging me to let him cum, or crying from a hard post orgasm polishing, I don’t know I’d feel pretty dominant.
No. 773663
>>773639Shedding tears ≠ crying isn’t it? If they’re not tears of masochistic tendency then it’s irrelevant.
>>773644The point of being dominant is you getting to take whatever it is that gives you pleasure. You absolutely can receive oral in a dominant way…just pointing out that oral itself isn’t inherently submissive for a man to perform on a woman.
Gotta wonder why “dominating” to a woman is so often just emotional and mildly psychological and not physical. Why aren’t you orgasming??
No. 773674
>>773644What does a woman get out of pegging? Nothing, except she feels “empowered” by role playing as a man because somewhere in the thought process, the idea of penetrating someone with a dick is viewed as inherently dominating. Men has prostate which makes ass play pleasurable for them so they’re not losing anything for your pleasure. Unless you’re literally raping a scrote, pegging is male-centric sex like most cases of PIV.
Instead of feet-licking, again, the person getting the most pleasure out of that is the degenerate male. Make him massage your feet for hours. It’s about him servicing you. I literally don’t understand what’s so hard to grasp.
No. 773676
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I've had dreams about Sam Hyde trying to groom and have sex with me for some unspeakable reason. It always happens in this same shitty apartment and him crying in the end. I'm not a fan nor do I find that scumbag attractive. What the fuck.
No. 773689
You can be Dominant without needing to be a sadist, you don't need to always inflict hurt to feel in control.
I'd argue any act can be Dominant or submissive depending how its carried out.
In the same sense you can enjoy performing a act as a submissive and that doesn't make it any less submissive.
I think some of you look at moids femdom and just reverse the roles and think you need to cause pain or have a sense of dislike/hate.
>>773674It can be nice to control the pleasure for someone, you can control the pace, mood and mood.
>It’s about him servicing you.True but servicing or pleasing you can come in many different ways, you might be someone that likes acts of service to show affection.
No. 773690
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Some of you would eat a man's ass? Nasty. You deserve whatever disease you get from licking crusty shit particles off a diseased scrotes rectum.
I have never even seen my bfs asshole and I don't plan on it.
No. 773696
>>773674Or maybe I just want to see a guy shivering below me, whimpering and moaning loudly while I pull his hair (or leash), degrade him and call him dirty names while he addresses me as his superior or makes humiliating animal noises. Or, I just want to LARP that I’m the seme in some yaoi manga.
It’s honestly just really cute, and staring at them in such a weakened state is fun. If you wanted, you could literally stab them midway through and they wouldn’t be able to get away fast enough. They’d probably cum at the same time you stabbed them, too, because they’re just inherently shameful. Plus there’s the fact that even if they like it, they all feel ashamed of it. Any guy would probably be suicidal if you told all his friends and co-workers he takes it up the ass, even moreso if he’s the one who wanted to try it first.
Even just fingering, it’s funny and cute to imagine a guy losing it just from my finger. It’s fine to not like pegging, anon, but not everyone does it for the political reasons you imagine.
(disgusting derail) No. 773704
>>773696You watch too much anime.
It's not hot to stick your fingers or anything into a guys shithole and then smelling the shitstink fill the room while looking at his hairy flat man-ass.
I bet you have never actually done this for real, you sound like a pornsick scrote.
No. 773709
>>773306I was googling images of period clots before, wanted to see if mine were normal. I ended up clicking on a link where it was actually miscarriages being shown (I didn't know that at first) Just looked like large clots on tissue.
Years later seeing my own clots still weirdly reminds me of those images. I was young when I saw it so att I thought women were in hospital when losing a pregnancy. The thought of these women being sent home to 'pass it' was shocking to me. I remember tearing up when I read the accompanying text.
No. 773719
>>773704Not my fault you date ugly, unhygienic men and then project it onto everyone else. You probably post about how balding is actually sexy and swear 50 year old male actors with shrivelled cocks are hot too, then wonder why all your experiences are shit.
I don’t even watch porn. I just really hate men and want to cause them pain or embarrassment, and that sometimes leaks into my sexuality. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it.
With how against it you are, I wonder if you actually kind of want to try it, or if you’re a repressed scrote who’s mad about it happening at all. You will die with your orgasm button placed in your ass and we all know about it, stay mad.
(infighting) No. 773744
>>773709 >I thought everyone squished their blood clotsI have before. The first few times I passed big ones I was kind of fascinated looking at them.
I once was in a work bathroom that had a shower near the toilet, as I pulled my tampon out a clot came flying off it sideways and stuck to the off white shower curtain. I pulled it off but a stubborn stain stayed behind. Wonder what people thought had happened in there.
No. 773816
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>>773674All this femdom talk reminds me of this post from a few months ago
No. 773845
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>>773347I got strong Shelly Johnson vibes when j first saw her lol
No. 773888
>>773430Sounds like you’re
triggered. The man shouldn’t have handled that amount of money so carelessly.
No. 774158
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>>773562Put that shit on a house track and we might have ourselves a summer hit kek.
No. 779888
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my friend is addicted to genshin help
No. 804449
Is it making u horny for her Knowing she's been exposed by your best friend as the biggest slut u know?? Or do u want to have him want film her tweaking while wea>>758065
ring the sluttiest highschool catholic cheerleaders uniform and twerking all over your friend before fingering filthy students funking like fergie from my humps