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No. 1291992
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Less story more vent. I fucking hate smokers who do not understand that not everybody is ok with the stench emitting from your habit? Motherfuckers downstairs do not understand that our lease says NO SMOKING on the premise yet still allow their shitty family to smoke directly under my balcony. This is the second time I've reported them and I'm hoping it truly does stop. My cat has bad asthma and I want to go outside without having to flee because it smells unbearable. These are 500 sq ft units with multiple people living in them could you PLEASE at least keep your cigarettes away form the fucking windows and doors?? Your goddamn baby and the dogs next door are enough to deal with. Covid severely fucked up our city's rent and now nobody can afford to move out of these shitty apartments. At least there seems to be no more audible abuse happening from all sides? And I have a full-time job now instead of being cooped up inside and witnessing all the neighbors' chaotic lives. I hate living in apartments goddammit. I hate my white trash neighbors.
No. 1291997
This thread is perfect to rant about the single mom that lives with her five kids in my apartment building. She also has several pets. When she moved here she was with this stoner dude that used to smoke every evening, resulting in my apartment to smell like weed because I live above them. They were strange from the get go because she went around to ask people in the apartment buildings to lent her kitchen devices, just to return them unwashed and dirty. Things started to get weird after some time here because of them. They were several attempts of trying to break into each basements and walking around the building at like 3 am (this place has an elevator, so hear it going up and down in the middle of the night). At some point there started to be fights between said mum and stoner dad, which always resulted in the police being called because it was this loud. Guy was thrown out the flat but ALWAYS returned shorty after, ever since rinse and repeat. And every time this guy is here, strange things happen. One time the dude was hanging around as well and it was also around the time when somebody broke into the flat across them, which is an old grandpa that went to a short trip with his friend. Several kitchen devices were stolen. They couldn't find any traces of who it was but I found it suspicious that it was said mum that found the place open. Then not so long ago I heard some fighting again, this time I called the police because it was late and I wanted to go to bed. Police arrived, dude left, then returned a few days later, she let him back and fought again, resulting in police being called for idk what time now. I only saw him being guided out buy the police with some stuff of his and it's been days since I saw him for the last time. It is prob just a matter of time until he is back. I still wonder how the kids stay with them, I've heard that three of the five kids are adopted and instead of going for a walk with the dogs, they just let them piss around the house. I hate this people, by my landlord is too much of a doormat to do something against them as well ugh.
Another neighbour that also pisses me off is this old dude living in this area that I do not see, but I hear him coughing like crazy several times a day. This goes on since YEARS and it happens all day long, even in the middle of the night or the early morning ours. Like he coughs for at least 30 mins straight.
No. 1292024
>>1292018same anon
I am actually considering just buying a van and moving into that for good. the shitty old lady + the ghetto mom who lives above me and lets her kids bounce a basketball at 11pm are driving me insane. I hate apartment living so fucking much, I'll just become one of those vanlife hippies.
>>1292023my mom said she contacted the department of health but nothing happened. I might try myself though, because she could have just contacted the wrong people. What a pain in the ass this is lol
No. 1292029
I've been hearing a moid screaming at a woman for three days straight in the building in front of mine. He's saying she's a huge slut, he's taking care of her two kids and she's such a slut and don't act like a mother at all, he's ashamed of her, her mother is also a fucking slut, blahblahblah. The disgusting moid is so vulgar and screams at the top of his lungs, i never hear the woman's voice even though they're arguing for hours. Not gonna lie, she sounds like trash indeed, goes around sucking random scrotes dicks if i understood completely, but the way he screams at her? Girl run and be a dumb slut somewhere else, i don't know. The moid is even saying to her "go back to your mother's appartment", and honestly he has a point. How can human beings live in such a tense climat, he's fed up because she's a slut, she's getting screamed at everyday, what the fuck just leave each other and move on i can't deal with hearing your vulgar shit every night.
I'm shocked how shameless he is screaming such vulgar words everyone around can hear, but today i caught a glimpse of his face and of course it's a north african muslim. They're always so incredibly vulgar where i live it's insane.
No. 1292035
>>1292011It especially sucks because this apartment building felt really save before. Sure, it isn't pretty but rent is cheap compared what you would find otherwise in this area. Then these moved in and everything changed. I also forgot to mention that they love to let the fron basement door open, which leads to the parking lot. This allows everybody to come in without a key. This wasn't a problem before as well, since everybody else closes both doors behind them. This guy is def selling drugs, I recall one of my neighbours screaming outside at somebody like "Nobody is selling drugs here! I will call the police if you do not disappear" at somebody who was luring around the dark parking lot in the middle of the night and sat there in his car without reason. Another thing that really freaked me out was one late night last year around christmas when I've heard something right in front my apartment door. I had some door decoration, which you could clearly hear move against the door. It was late in the night since I was about to got to bed. So somebody was def there at the moment and ever since I double lock my door, which I haven't done before. Sad.
>>1292007What a shitty song, holy shit.
>>1292018Absolutely disgusting, sounds like the perfect candidate for the show Hoarders.
No. 1292075
>>1292029Please call the emergency services or somebody for a wellness check when this happens. I wish I did when this awful girl was screaming at her boyfriend. Same situation, I would NEVER hear him speak loudly or anything but it seemed like he might have been doing something to piss her off but it did not warrant her screaming like a wild animal. She finally left him after months of this and he looks so much more peace. Maybe this lady needs a wake up call to just fucking leave him if she really doesn't care about the kids anyways, shitty as it is.
>>1292024I know, I'm this much closer to being driven out to the countryside. I don;t even talk to anyone, at least I could go outside and it would be quiet. Hope it gets better for you soon.
No. 1292088
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buying a house isn't an option, they're so expensive, and the cheapest houses are in the most dodgy areas.
van or rv living seems like freedom if you don't want to be in a suburban hellscape or apartment building.
I've been looking at this site people would probably consider me homeless if I do this … it's better than living with jabba the hutt
No. 1292199
>>1292075You're right, maybe i should call the police and tell them it's a nuisance for everyone around + have them check on the woman and most importantly the kids in the middle of this. I don't think he's hitting her (yet), but what do i know, i don't live with them. Anyway this is a situation both of them need to get out of, i can't imagine the stress it puts on your mind to live like that, for both of them and oh my god i hope the kids aren't there when he screams like that.
About living in the countryside, i agree with you and
>>1292088, living in a van does sound appealing, as i'm too poor to own a house. The big issue i have with it is that i need a good internet connexion to be happy, kek. I need to be able to use my PC to download and play video games or i'm going insane, this is my only escapism. Plus i have my two cats that i love deeply and i'd fear they would get lost or something even worse with this kind of lifestyle.
No. 1292216
>>1292199Having a game plan for when it happens next is good. I know I'm not going to hesitate next time my downstairs neighbors are fighting. It sucked so bad last time because I didn't even know that her boyfriend was home I thought she was just crying by herself. I don't want that on my shoulders again.
I also have a kitty and need internet to torrent movies so country living might not be totally ideal. Plus I'm brown and have piercings and don't shave so idk how current small town people would treat me.
No. 1292242
>>1292199tbh, I don't think internet would be an issue as long as you don't go too far off the grid, a lot of vanlife seems to be just living in parking lots and campgrounds
my plan was to just use solar power plus my phone plan (with internet that connects to my laptop), but a whole gaming setup would prob require more thought and planning, but i'm sure it's doable. there's a ton of youtube videos covering this
No. 1292250
These assholes whose life is so shit they have to take it out on the rest of us
>the mothers love gossiping and making shit up about all the neighbors they don't like, they loudly talk shit about you when you're around just so you're aware that they hate you, they'll find any excuse to start a fight, the whole family is addicted to conflict
>tried to shame my cousin (when she lived with us) for bringing her boyfriend home while my parents were here and setting a "bad example", while their daughters got pregnant in their teens and their boyfriends moved in with them (lol)
>alcoholic scrote husband and sons
>the family constantly burned trash in an empty lot that is right in front of us (they rarely do it now)
>for years, they would throw parties and constantly blast their shitty unbearable music at an unbearable volume until the early hours of the morning, sometimes even on work days (they have a huge-ass speaker and they're almost in front of our house so we were affected more than others but the noise would reach several blocks away)
>they own several free roaming dogs that they don't give a shit about, including a pitbull (which they used to actually look after and keep indoors, but now is outside with the other dogs and eating from the trash) and a couple of doodle dogs covered in mud, one of which is limping (though I haven't seen that one around lately, I think it died)
>one of their dogs bit my leg once when I was walking home, so they killed it
The only reason they don't openly and directly disrespect us is because we don't react to their provocation and refuse to stoop to their level, unlike the unfortunate neighbors who live right next to them
No. 1292276
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I'm graced with a neighbourhood that LOVES to play loud music during the weekend and on working days. Like right now, it's been quiet all day long but it's almost 11pm and somebody decided to play some shitty ass music. I guess not much sleep for me today, bc I can even hear the music when I have the windows closed. Sometimes some play loud music in the morning hours like 7 am while they clean their balcony or clean up their garage at 4am on sunday.
No. 1292834
My neighbors are unpleasant troglodytes who leave their garbage everywhere and own a nasty little sewer rat that never stops yapping and growls if anyone else gets near it (I swear none of them ever walk it, they just yell at it to shut up - often they just leave it entirely alone for hours at a time, causing it to literally SCREAM its stupid little head off like a fox having its legs pulled off). There are three people living there, to my knowledge, as well as a teenage boy (who seems to be the most normal of the lot, alongside the one man who actually has a real job; I barely ever hear or see either of them) - there's a woman, who regularly throws a screaming fit over the tiniest problems and very loudly greets her idiot friends she has over CONSTANTLY (even during lockdown - overheard her theory that someone infected with covid can only ever infect one other person and that 5G spreads covid); they often go to the back garden to continue their shrill screechfest for hours at a time, sometimes into the night. The man who doesn't seem to have any job at all is a piece of shit stoner who stinks up half the street with his near constant smoking, always feels the need to speak as loudly as possible (especially when he decides to go out to the garden to call one of his retarded friends) and to top it off, he fucking screams and grunts like a spastic gorilla while playing a videogame with his window wide open so the whole neighborhood can hear him. It's become virtually impossible to just calmly exist in my garden or even the house itself (unfortunately I live in a terraced house with paper thin walls) because these cunts and their dog won't ever shut the fuck up or stop stinking the whole place up. Nobody else in the neighborhood seems to like them either - whenever there is some street-wide event, I can hear the woman very loudly bitch and whine about them not being invited
No. 1293050
Oh god this reminds me of the neighbours I had as a child, they were absolutely crazy family and I used to be friends with their youngest son who was this obese kid I went to school with, he was seriously mental and once pulled my skirt down in front of everyone at school, the neighbours even built a fence with a wooden gate in it so they can access our garden at any time without even asking, I remember we cooked sausages for dinner and we went into the kitchen to see the fat kid scoffing his face with them, like holy shit he actually went through the gate and into our house and ate our dinner
I started arguing with the fat kid because he kept stealing my things and bullying me, so my mum confronted the mum outside her house, and I swear I remember seeing her start throwing punches at my mother, my mum then grabbed a walking stick outside our house and started attacking her, they even called the police on us and they came knocking on our door, but we explained and nothing came from it. He was just such a bizarre kid as well, I used to visit his house a lot with three other male friends of mine who lived down the street (I was like 7) and to be frank they were all very bizarre, and I remember specifically one of them going under the bed sheets with me and teaching me how to kiss with tongue. he used to randomly come up to me and kiss me too
Years and years later I talked to my mum about how crazy our neighbours were and she mentioned a man called Craig, and I was like who tf is that, and she was "wdym? he was the older son next door" I have no recollection of the neighbours having an older son, and I remember hanging out there all the time, well it turns out this man called Craig who was in his 20's was a pedophile who molested his younger brother (fat kid) and all my male friends, and then everything started to make sense, it's so crazy to think that I have no memories of this man but I can with the rest of the family, luckily I don't think anything happened to me though.
I mentioned it to my brother and he told me he remembers my male friends (who were about 8 and 9) touching my vagina and shit, which I also don't remember.
I definitely don't think about it too much I just feel bad for my friends who were obviously treated terribly, and the effect this must of had on them, they were just copying the actions of what this man did to them
No. 1293562
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my downstairs neighbor was a chainsmoker who would smoke nonstop all day filling my apt with her stench. my home smelled like dive bar. then she of course got some kind of smoker bronchitis. i used to lay there seething wishing she would just die of smokeitis already. finally we confronted her and asked her to stop. idk what she did, she didnt quit smoking inside but somehow we no longer smelled it.
then she disappeared. her unit is still full of all her stuff but i haven't seen or heard (or smelled kek) her in months….anons did i kill her with the power of my mind?
No. 1293736
>>1293056This made me lol among these stories of shitty ass apartment living, thanks
nonnie's dad!
I hope you all get to move out soon, or that your awful neighbors do
No. 1293748
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My neighbors have shitty kids who grew up without proper supervision and no dads, and whose mothers clearly talk shit about their neighbors right in front of them so the kids knew who to hate and attack. They're the type who get really jelly and envious of their other neighbors and think their kids can never do wrong, it's always the other kids who are at fault and the adults should never ever tell their little crotchgoblins off.
>taking dog out for a walk
>lil shitheads clearly closely watching our schedule
>come out to throw stones
>we can't reprimand because their moms are Karens and would insinuate we were physically harming their precious kids and we could get arrested
>kids destroying the plants of my soft-spoken neighbor
>she comes out to reprimand them
>kids cry to Karen mom
>Karen marches toward neighbor's home, causes a scene
>soft-spoken neighbor ends up filing a statement w/ local captain
>Karen and kids basically told not to cause trouble or a case would be filed
>heavy rain
>water won't flow properly downstream through the canals because of some blockage
>ends up flooding the house beside ours, again (our residential area is shitty)
>rain stops, man comes out, inspects the water flow, identifies where the problem is
>he goes right to asshole neighbors and tells them to remove the blockage soon or else
>asshole grandma points fingers at us, "Anon's family did it! the blockage is on their side!"
>they talk very loudly
>cow watchers come out and rubberneck
>"w-we don't have money for repair work! we are poor! it's anon's family to blame!"
>saying this with a straight face while she has a huge son and throws expensive birthday parties for their shitty kids
>I get fed up and hire a laborer to do repair work on our canal
>man's wife offers to shoulder the costs for dredging asshole neighbors' canal for now
>next day, repair work exposes that there was no blockage on our side
>asshole neighbors had piled up hollow blocks in the canal right at the boundary of our properties
>cow watchers witness the reveal
>asshole grandma has a meltdown because they lost and ends up threatening my mom and the man's wife
>we install CCTVs for security
Some time after that the stone-throwing got so bad that we went and filed a record with the police regarding the kids. Also filed a joint agreement with another neighbor in the local captain's office basically telling the asshole neighbors if their kids act up again we're in the clear to call social services and that if anything bad happens to us they're to be blamed. Soon after that the kids were finally told to stop harassing others and eventually they returned back to their shithole and it's more peaceful now, though with school returning to the old normal I fear the kids would return and they'd be meaner since the family nurses grudges.
No. 1293998
Oh I love this thread.
I lived on my own in an apartment for a year and had a downstairs single mom neighbour who infuriated me. We got off on the wrong foot because the numbers of our apartment doors were changed shortly before I moved in, which meant things like setting up bills and internet were a nightmare. To explain it, her number was now 1, and mine was 2, but hers used to be 2 and mine was 3. So when I'd ring the internet provider, tell them I was living at number 2, they'd shut off her internet and turn on mine, same with power and water.
This would've been resolved if she wasn't incredibly incompetent, I had to figure this all out myself while she was blaming me for doing all of this to her. I gave her my number to sort it all out, which was a huge mistake. I never saved her number but would receive the weirdest texts from her at all hours of the night. Things like:
>her, at 11pm: Are you a nurse?
>me: uhhh no, why?
>her: oh, my kid is having trouble breathing, need to get him on…. (proceeds to write a paragraph about an issue she could've gone to the hospital around the corner from us for)
>me: yeah no sorry can't help, all the best though
Another time:
>Her, another night, at 9.30pm: do you have any medication for heartburn?
Around Christmas she sends this:
>Are you going away over the weekend? (completely out of the blue)
>I'm not, why do you ask?
>Her: Oh I was wondering in case you needed someone to sit your cat, my son loves cats and he'd enjoy playing with yours.
>Taken aback by this, also my cat had just passed away a week before this
>Me: No, sorry, she passed away.
>This woman apologises and continues to ramble in text form about her planning to go away to a holiday home the week after.
It was just bizarre. I kept to myself a lot and she seemed to try to get very chummy with me and edge her way into my life every chance she could. She's asked if my boyfriend at the time was home and he could help her with things, but she also had her ex husband come round a lot. She always wore one of those bucket hats that made her look like a cancer patient. Just insane.
No. 1294459
I'm sorry to my old neighbors because they probably heard me crying all the time. Not the crackwhore though. I'd intentionally get on her nerves eventually she lived accross the hall from me. I was young dumb and living on my own. I'd wake up at 3AM to her yelling at some other crackwhore in the parking lot sometimes. there was shouting coming from the apartment every evening. if shit sounded bad enough I'd lean out my door and listen just in case I needed to call the pigs. One day, I was leaning out the door when some Mexican dude stomps out. Crackwhore neighbor starts shouting at me for "getting in her business" as if I had done anything to hinder it.
"WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS OUT HERE WATCHING ME???" lady, I'm not. I don't care if you're a crackwhore, we all need a roof over our heads. Told her I was trying to make sure she didn't fucking die. She went on to berate me more. I'm young, I'm stupid, bohoohoo. Said the Mexican dude was her brother-in-law. Lies. Said they were shouting because "Mexicans are just loud like that". Lady, most of our neighbors are Hispanic. That part of the city is called "little Mexico" by people from Mexico for a reason. Speaking Spanish doesn't have to sound like domestic abuse. Later I'd crack open the balcony door and play "Don't Trust Me" at max volume when she was getting noisy. Saw one of the Johns running to his car once when I was getting into mine. I yelled "RUN, FOREST, RUN". I don't think the man has ever watched Forest Gump though. He was a regular and looked very confused. also Arab, and while idgaf, I don't think he had ever seen Forrest Gump. After that I found out the crackwhore had "stolen" the apartment from the guy she was living with. A friend, allegedly. They were both in their 50s and the old guy friend was really nice. I liked him. He even told the office I'm quiet as a mouse and never a bother. Then he left. I didn't know what happened (around the time I started crying really loudly for unrelated reasons) and months later he came to move his shit out. This was after the cops were called on the crackwhore. That was an ordeal. They were right outside my door for ages dealing with her. And I don't trust cops at all. Especially not the ones there. I watched them break the law in front of me, but I stilled peaked my head out and was like "hmm what's going on?" and a younger pig gave me some generic answer. Office people from the complex came later. I cracked the door open again, whispering "she's on crack". the lady from the office turned around saying "what?"
"she's on crack" I said.
apparently the folks living above her had recorded what they could hear. they knew what she what doing, what deals she made, etc.
I have no hate for crackwhores. This lady was obnoxious for other reasons.
No. 1295993
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I used to have a neighbor in NYC who would scream alone in his apartment. He lived in a studio and I lived in a two bedroom with my family next door. We would hear him through the walls.
He would avoid me if i went into the hall to toss the trash in the chute and then one day I heard him talking about killing us and slashing our throats. I reported him but nothing happened. Finally we got two new neighbors who moved in down the hall and he said the same thing to them. They reported him and he was finally evicted, but knowing NYC he might be in a public shelter now and not a hospital or jail where he belongs. that shit was terrifying
No. 1297245
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my neighbours wont stop setting off illegal fireworks. they do it all year long, sometimes (like today) when it isnt even dark so i guess they just like the noise and scaring the shit out of the neighbourhood strays. i hope the people setting them off sustain serious burns
No. 1297265
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So, funny story. I throw out the trash at like 4 in the morning, and no one EVER uses the stairs, and sometimes my lazier neighbors don't fucking bother throwing their trash in the chute so they just put it in front of the chute and no one bothers cleaning it up for like 48 hours sometimes.
So imagine my surprise when I come to throw out the trash at buttfuck o'clock in the morning, and I see that not only has our neighbor not succeeded in properly throwing the trash down the chute, but trash is aaaaalll over the floor because the bag got torn. Dick move but ok.
This happens a few more days over several weeks, I keep judging harder but say nothing. Until one night when I come to throw away the trash something moves in the darkness of the stairway where the chute is. I'm fucking startled and I look closer, and it's a cat. Stares at me straight in the eyes and lets out the loudest fucking MEOW I've ever heard in my life. She's fucking cute as shit though, so I just shush her and go back to my apartment.
A day later, she's still there, and she's absolutely OBLITERATED my neighbor's trash bag because they had fried chicken or some shit. And she's there the next day. And the next. Some nights she's not there, but a lot of the times she is, and has now learnt to follow me halfway back to my unit meowing so fucking loudly (even though I've never fed or pet her before, even though I really wanna) before disappearing again into the stairway, not to be found. What's funny is that I've looked everywhere during the day but found nothing, so I'm so confused. I'm so used to seeing her glow in the dark eyes at the point when I throw out the trash and every time she meows so loud over and over I'm 90% sure she wakes someone up. But she looks so sweet I can't bring myself to do anything but to whisper "shut up" over and over.
"But nonna!" You might say, "how come no one has noticed her until now! Maybe the cat is everyone's friend now and no one throws her out!" Good point, my fellow nonna. But you're wrong. No one uses the staircase and I know for a fact except me no one throws out their trash later than 8 pm. Also, I'd like to think I'm special.
Tl;dr: This might not count, but my "neighbor" is a cat that lives in the stairway next to the trash chute.
> pic rel is LITERALLY what the cat looks like. It's uncanny. I love her so much. I've decided to name her yogurt.
No. 1297500
>>1293050You're giving me flashbacks to the neighbourhood I lived in from around 7-9 years old. I was molested by a few kids in one's basement pretty regularly, which started as "playing house" where two of us pretended to be parents (I was the only girl so I was always the mother). I didn't recognize it for what it was until much later. The kids I hung out with from 9-11 we much worse. I don't remember when I suddenly stopped hanging out at one particular house down the road. I think my mother may have banned me from going over there at some point. I don't remember why, and now it's been so long I don't want to know. That shit fucked me up enough.
Now unfortunately the neighborhood has gone to hell and the house in front of us attracts all the rat kids to our doorstep. They're fucking feral, having done damage to nearly every property within three blocks, screaming in the street until midnight (they're 2 to 14 years old, wish i was kidding), treat their pets like shit, and the parents are drunks/junkies. I know the kids didn't ask to have parents who beat them but i didn't ask to be surrounded by shit spawn who need to be monitored with cameras or else they steal and break whatever isn't theirs… and that's anything.
No. 1297779
>>1297506i think the "they literally didn't know better" applies to young enough moids who don't go on to become sexual predators, and girls. it's kind of
victim blaming to blame a molested or raped child who has no conception of what they're doing and that their boundaries were violated. i don't know how people expect abused children to somehow learn or unlearn something they were taught was "good" by an actual predator.
No. 1302291
>>1292730They are "cooking" again, aaaaargh, BURNNNNN
only pain and hate
only pain and hate
No. 1309699
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somebody in the neighborhood uses an electric leaf blower since 9 am, I wanted to catch up some sleep but got woken up by it. It's after 4pm and is still going on non stop. I have no idea what they are doing bc nobody has a giant ass garden here but I hope they have a miserable weekend bc of that, fuck them.
No. 1313458
you know, i started green texting all of this until i realized it was a fucking saga.
this lady moved from a costal city to my complex now. she seemed nice enough at first, is like my mom's age, ultra boomer, and i flagged her as a fucking idiot from the start because she has this grimy "it's nurture versus nature she's a good girl!" pittbull mix that's aggro at everything and everyone.
i met her last summer after she fell and broke her hip, she caught me after i was bringing my own groceries in and it seemed like she was alone and i felt really bad. helped her out with little errands here and there for like a month. she started pressuring me to go out to dinner with her, and i finally relented and went. it was a weird ass dinner party where she complained about the cost/lack of delivery options so we all sat in her living room and ate taco bell. awkward af. i did my best to avoid her after that.
fast forward like four months, and she made this super weird late-night post on the building’s community site about another dog owner’s animal being aggressive – this is funny because her dog pulls her nearly everywhere and you can hear her screaming at the fucking dog from multiple floors away if the windows are open. proceed to keep ignoring her.
another month or two passes and her dog nearly disembowels a smaller dog at the local dog park. like straight up goes for the belly and nearly kills the other dog. according to the other neighbor, karen just let her dog in without asking. karen refused to pay the vet bills and says the smaller (literally puntable) dog is responsible.
i call the landlord and ask what’s going on with this – if this asshole dog ever gets off the leash, whoever is on the other side is almost certainly fucked. i was told she needs to keep the dog in a muzzle whenever in the building, they have it under control, etc.
this dog is never in the fucking muzzle and i hear this cunt screaming “shut up!” at her dog in the early ass hours of the morning.
after avoiding her for the last few months, she started screaming at me while i was walking to my car about how she knows my boyfriend is living with me and that's against the lease (he is not).
i can’t wait until my lease is up. i didn’t leave brooklyn for this shit.
No. 1321445
I am only now starting to hate apartment life.
My neighbors all used to be quiet elderly people, they were ok for the most part, but in recent years, younger people have been moving in, as well as people who come from third world countries, and they make our building look disgusting. Sneaker prints on elevator buttons, trash in the hallway, diapers in the mail room, roaches and mice, etc. They don't even bother calling maintenance to get rid of the vermin because they have family members living with them who aren't on the lease.
shit sucks, now I understand the concept of "white flight". Just saving up.
No. 1321466
>>1321445I bought a house in an area where the average age is on the older side, lots of nice quiet older people. Within the last year now everyones dropping dead and their grandkids are moving in instead and living it up in their free inherited houses.. can they at least be nice neighbors? Nope.
I used to live in some nasty apartment buildings full of not so great people and I really thought I had finally escaped to somewhere nice. Its not quite as bad but still a step backwards. Back to the days of worrying about any parcel thats left outside for even a minute.
No. 1321711
>>1321249Thinking of parents smoking around a baby and taking care of it while high is very sad and concerning. And I say this as a daily pot smoker.
One time my downstairs neighbor's ceiling was leaking so they wanted to see if it was coming from my place. The roofer walks up, followed by my neighbor, and they walk right into my apartment. The roofer was fine of course, but my neighbor had no business stepping foot into my place. I'm sure the roofer was experienced enough to estimate footage and pipes to estimate the location of where they think the leak was coming from without her telling me.
Of course my apartment was super messy that day too. Overall it's not a huge deal but I'm never going to forget that.
No. 1323315
>>1321711I was starting to wonder if I'm just uptight for being as concerned. And I thought the guy was fine with it but he came home from somewhere today and he immediately started screaming about how he's sick to death of coming home to "a bunch of wasters in his house" I didn't think he cared but apparently he does. I don't know whether to judge him for screaming and slamming shit like a madman in front of the baby or to respect him for at least clarifying hes not on board with whats been going on. He told her that her siblings are all wasters that need to go get jobs. He went off.
They're like a couple of kids trying to play house before they're ready. In one way they're intimidating because they're noisy as hell, they've no qualms about people knowing they're high/drunk/fighting each other and theres always visitors there but in another way.. they're mentally just these ill prepared teenagers who're barely keeping their shit together.
No. 1323356
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Here's a story about how I destroyed my neighbors lives momentarily because I'm a petty ass bitch
>moving into my new place
>as I'm moving in I get a noise complaint
>"sorry, can you be a little quieter for the neighbors?"
>second complaint because I'm STILL MOVING IN (the same day)
>live on second story on top of the neighbors
>on my work breaks I ding dong ditch them constantly
>bought a badass stereo system and played the same 5 anime songs on repeat while I'm at work
>get a noise complaint
>"Oh sorry I was at work, I don't know what they're talking about"
>would have a friend drop me off far from the property, sprint to my apartment and spend 20 minutes stomping around the entire apartment
>"I was at work I have no idea what you're talking about"
>learn that their bedroom is right above mine
>told the apartment complex I'm on weird hours this week, sorry if I'm awake (my job was well respected so they gave me the thumbs up)
>vigorously exercise every night and at 3am being sure to stomp super loud, grunt, and play more obnoxious music
>husband shows up at my door to yell at me about being quiet
>"Oh sorry I work really early shifts this week, I'm leaving at 4am"
>Do my laundry, vacuum, play video games
>listen through the floor to hear the husband complaining
>the greatest knowledge is later bestowed on me
>they have two big dogs
>buy a dog whistle
>use it throughout the day when I'm at home to drive them insane thus driving the neighbors insane
>they get noise complaints from me and other neighbors for loud dogs
>continuously repeating the same cycle of psychological warfare with ding dong ditch, stomping around, being obnoxious in general, throw in a couple of pay cash at door food deliveries
>the dogs were the last straw
>came home from work, saw the door was open and the apartment was completely empty
>"yeah they just moved out"
>3 months of work but it was so worth it
I am a very courteous neighbor and actually try to keep quiet as often as I can. But if you're trying to be petty and a dick to me on my first day of moving in, one of us is moving out soon and it won't be me.
No. 1323372
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>>1323368I mean it did I just never got to share my victory anywhere (obv can't post proof but it felt nice to finally talk about it, fuck those people especially the scrote)
No. 1323462
>>1323356I wish I could meet your neighbours because they must have some hilarious, although sad stories about the crazy bitch who kept pissing them and their neighbours off just because they asked you to move in with the quietness of a normal fucking person, kek. I don't believe for a second that you're a courteous neighbour, if someone asking you for basic decency
triggers a meltdown.
No. 1323480
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Today at around 3am, I had somebody somewhere around my apartment playing a damn flute. But not like a nice song or something, it was like in a very loud and passive-aggressive manner. It was so loud that I woke up from it and I still wonder what the fuck is going on in people's head sometimes.
No. 1323482
>>1323356Maybe this is because I grew up in a really rough area but I've never made a noise complaint no matter what shit is going on. 3 day long drug binge fueled party… no I didn't hear a thing lol
I was taught that there's a high chance of it setting this type of ongoing grudge into motion and that its not worth it.
No. 1323512
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>>1323462I was moving in like a normal person, I had movers do it for me. They had to tell on me twice despite moving taking 3 hours or less. I’m not about to let someone bitch me out like that and my movers start to “accidentally” be less careful with my stuff.
>>1323454 I think it’s bipolar, will probably be rediagnosed soon with a new doctor and therapist. Maybe I am, maybe I’m something worse? I dunno I’m probably getting new meds soon.
No. 1324266
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After months of quietly seething while living next to neighbors who alternate between partying and fighting.. I'm now looking forward to leaving the house tomorrow and having my other (nice) neighbors most likely ask me if I know why there was police outside today. It's a rare sight around here. Usually a quiet lil place. I didn't call them but I know why they were there.
I'd been avoiding gossiping but now I have my excuse to fill people in on the bullshit going on nextdoor. Feels kinda validating when you have police showing up and making a scene for everyone else to see it. I could cope with this type of thing when I just renting shithole apartments but this area is too nice and I'm too trapped in a mortgage to be dealing with this still. I've been living next to a woman beating prick and its sending me back to days I don't want to revisit. Hopefully he moves now that he's ruined his lil family. But if she comes back and they somehow go back to playing happy (dysfunctional) family after the events of today then I'll lose my mind.
No. 1337212
I used to live in the loft apartment of an old townhouse and there was this middle aged man who lived directly underneath me that definitely wasn't all there and shouldn't have been living by himself. My boyfriend and I would hear him in a heated argument almost every night around two in the morning, there would be yelling and loud bangs but we only ever heard his voice. A couple weeks into moving he knocked on our door late at night, apologized for not introducing himself, and then asked if we'd like to come over. This immediately set off alarm bells, especially considering that it was almost midnight, but we didn't want to be rude so we decided to go over for a bit. Looking at this man in the face was the most unsettling feeling I've ever gotten from someone before; he had the classic "shark eyes", it felt like he was just looking right through you. We went over and his apartment was nearly empty. He had a couple chairs in the living room but that was it, and in the kitchen he had nothing but stacks and stacks of empty beer cans alongside whatever medication he was taking. He said he was still redecorating but needed a woman's touch. He also said that he had no family around and asked if we would be his friends to keep him company. He told my boyfriend he was lucky to have me. We left his apartment and nothing too bad happened but it was just overall unsettling in the way he talked and looked at me. That was the one and only time we hung out, but we tried to be polite and say hi anytime we passed him. Over time the yelling became more frequent, it was no longer just happening in the early morning but all during the day too, and we learned that he wasn't arguing with anyone in particular, but he THOUGHT he was arguing with us. He told our landlord that we were buying him drugs and being mean to him and doing all kinds of crazy things. Sometimes at night when I was home alone I'd notice the hall light outside my door turn on. The light is motion activated and only turns on if you're halfway up the stairs, because the stairway turns right before you get to the door I could never see anyone outside my door but I'd notice a shadow just at the edge of the wall. I could never confirm whether this was him or not but the rest of the tenants were all relatively normal and looked out for me as I was a young college student at the time. That was my cue to be quiet. Occasionally we'd see him walking around the city but at that point he was no longer friendly to us and would watch us with his shark eyes as he kept walking. Whatever delusions he was having progressively got worse and worse and his outbursts were near constant day in and day out, his screams got louder, and the noises we would hear coming from his apartment were unsettling. It sounded like people were getting murdered and honestly I wouldn't have been too surprised. It all came to a head one night while I was home alone, he got into another fit thinking we (all of the other tenants) were yelling at him (nobody was), he opened all of his doors and went back and forth running through the halls and along the back staircase, throwing his furniture around, banging against the walls and telling us all to fight him, that he wasn't scared, and that he would kill us. I don't think I've ever been that scared in my life. I was curled up on my bathroom floor sobbing and texting my mom to call the police because I didn't want to make any noise that could be construed as a threat. It took over an hour for the cops to show up and all they did was put him to bed. We moved soon after. It got to the point where he was even accusing our landlord of things, saying that he knew our landlord secretly lived in the unfinished basement and that he knows he brought tons of women and some men over for wild orgies. Stuff like that. But he never got evicted or anything. One day when we were in the area my boyfriend and I stopped by and talked to one of the other tenants who still lived there and she told us he was the same as ever, and that one day she saw a young girl run out from his apartment sobbing. It's infuriating that it seems like nothing was done about that. I tried looking him up one day but I could never find any information on him, a little tinfoil but I wonder if that was even his real name to begin with. Clearly he wasn't mentally well but I still hold a lot of resentment towards him for everything he did and I really do think this man has committed many atrocities in his life, he had the most unsettling feeling to him that still creeps me out to this day
No. 1337803
>>1337212This was a wild read. I wonder why the landlord never kicked him out given even they got to see the madness eventually? I guess he'd only end up renting somewhere else and tormenting brand new people but still.. its scary that services can't step in and do much in these situations.
Theres a guy in my town the last few weeks who set up a tent in the park and lives there. He talks to himself, drinks and is just there for everyone to see. He went through someones garbage lately, pulled out a bunch of plushies and has them piled up nearby for reasons nobody can explain. I pass by the tent/wet plush shrine every day and keep expecting him to be gone.
No. 1338751
For context, I live in a one bedroom apartment in a burgerland military town. My downstairs neighbor was some artillery dude who owned a bunch of guns, and one night, his dumbass was cleaning his loaded glock. Surprise, surprise, he shoots his gun by accident through my floor and into my ceiling. Thankfully, I wasn't anywhere near the area he shot, but I was freaked the fuck out. He rushes upstairs to apologize profusely, and honestly, he seemed sincere. However, it was still incredibly idiotic of him to clean a loaded gun. He came back tomorrow morning to patch up the hole in my floor.
I also had an OnlyFans girl live across from me. She had recently gotten discharged from the army, and she also lived with her roided up boyfriend who was currently going through a divorce. One day after she had moved away, I got one of her traffic tickets in my mailbox. Obviously, I wanted to forward it to her, so I googled her name. Her fucking OnlyFans page has her full government name on it. Oh my god. She did shitty sexualized army and Star Wars cosplays, and also managed to get a bolt on boob job, which looked horrifying. But of course, coomers gonna coom, so she had over 70k followers on Instagram. To this day, I can't tell if I'm impressed or disgusted.
No. 1344620
>>1344329that's okay
nonnie. should send animal protective services after those scumbags!
No. 1347901
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The old dude that lives underneath me returned home after a very long vacation. This was great for me, since he tends to be loud af, especially during the late and morning hours. Like right now, he is watching TV so loud that I can hear the news without a problem. Shit like this woke me up once at 5 am or so. Now I'm debating what to do, since I'm not interested to loose any more sleep because of him. Should I call the landlord and complain, ask him personally to be pleaaase quiet or should I drop him an anonymous letter inside his mailbox, telling him that it's too loud? Either way, it has to stop.
No. 1358226
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Not even my neighbour but my new housemate. The guy took a $370/pw room with an ensuite that’s meant for couples on a car washer’s wages, which told me that he was either very careful with money or stupid as hell (it was the second one).
At first he seemed normal, then certain things started seeming off. I told this to my other moid roommates but they mostly brushed me off. But in the space of the past week, he’s been issued a restraining order by his girlfriend, admitted that he smoked crack for five years after high school, constantly reshares annoying low IQ meaningful quotes on Facebook, and seethed over his manager reprimanding him for not doing a good job. I thought I was being stuck-up but once again my instincts were just trying to warn me. Even when we’re hanging out as a group he doesn’t contribute anything because his brain is too fried from the drug abuse, he just sits on his phone and try and flex on the kids he went to high school with.
Now he and his skin-diseased scrote friend are in the lounge talking about group sex and “joking” about coercing a girl that doesn’t like them into sex by giving her drugs and talking about how if they’re bringing “bitches” home tonight that they’re gonna fuck them on our living room couch. Thank God our bedroom doors lock. As soon as the lease is up here I’m gonna start looking for a one bedroom somewhere.
No. 1358498
nonnie. I remember your post a few days ago about the restraining order and his sus explanation for it.
>in the lounge talking about group sex and “joking” about coercing a girl that doesn’t like them into sex by giving her drugsThink that explains the restraining order better than his bs excuse. His poor ex.
No. 1360148
We had this neighbour once, single mom, 2 kids. Has ex husband who sometimes visits her and random dudes and friends. She lives above us so we constantly have to hear her and her ex having screaming matches or her screaming at her kids when they behave like normal kids, or when they cry or feel upset.
One time my mother told me she was outside with the other neighbours including this bat shit crazy woman. They were talking, and this one sweet old lady told her to take her kids outside once in a while because everyone here is annoyed that the kids are having crying fits at home. Instead of her being a responsible adult and taking the advice, she instead told that old lady "if you dont like it then go to a old peoples home". Everyone got quiet, like literally no one talked once she said that, obviously because thats fucking disrespectful and also really innapropriate.
I also heard stories from my mom that this womans kid, the girl, once ringed the door bell at this old ladys home just to ask for food. FOOD. this woman literally starved her kid. And as i mentioned before where they gave her the advice to take her kids outside sometimes to the playground after school, basically she always keeps them at home, and doesnt let them play outside. They barely get any air.
There was also this once incident where she invited multiple people into her home, that was when we had those covid laws where we werent supposed to do that. She literally broke that law. No reprecussions though i dont know why.
Also her second boyfriend once ringed our door bell to ask if shes home, fuck knows why, we dont know her we arent close. Also hes a weirdo, this moid literally picked flowers from outside for her and stood there outside looking at her window as if shes gonna magically appear.
Shes moved out though and its much more quiet and relaxed around this damn apartment building, but im still very concerned for the children and im hoping CPS is involved.
No. 1361833
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i once had an upstairs neighbor that did something that to this day I haven't been able to figure out. Every night at around 10pm, i would hear what sounded exactly like a bag full of marbles being spilled on the floor. I bet you can imagine the sound– picture ~100 glass marbles falling on a linoleum floor and then rolling in all directions, clinking into each other and walls/furniture. Then I would hear a "thunk", like the person hopping down off of the bunkbed (this was in a college dorm) and then nothing after that. Not so weird to hear once or twice, but this happened every night like clockwork. It has left me many questions, such as:
>how is it possible for them to spill the same thing in the same spot every night and never learn?
>if it wasn't something spilling, what else could make a sound like that?
>did the person have some sort of elaborate rube-goldberg machine set up to run some sort of bedtime process for them?
I post this because I want to hear your ideas. The fact I can't figure this out legitimately bothers me and keeps me up at night. What was going on?
No. 1361836
>>1361834no fucking way, i'll be damned. It sounded so vividly like marbles, I have a hard time wrapping my mind around how piping could cause that but the article sounds plausible enough. Thank you
No. 1376078
When I was a teenager, members of the Mongrel Mob (very dangerous Maori gang in NZ) actually ended up moving into one of the empty houses at the end of our formerly quiet street. For a few weeks it was utter hell. During the day it was mostly quiet because I guess they were all sleeping off the booze, but during weekends there would be nothing but crazy parties, violence, drugs, and race wars happening in that house. Members of a rival gang (I think Samoans) would usually pull up and there would be a brawl every Saturday night. Brawl is putting it lightly probably, think blood all over the road, broken glass, neighbourhood pets getting caught and tortured for fun.
Everyone was terrified. A few elderly residents of my street got beat up, numerous break-ins, my mum wouldn't let me walk home from school because she was scared I'd get raped, in the end the cops ended up arresting most of them for some criminal activities that were being run out of that house. The rest dispersed shortly after that. I've had bad neighbours/flatmates before but the gangsters took the cake because I was basically afraid every night. I was scared someone from that gang would wander up the street, break into our house and who knows what.
No. 1377251
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with rocketing costs of living everywhere, incompatible people are going to be jammed in together in multi-person dwellings and in closer proximity to neighbors. this cannot be good for society. i sense a bad time coming
No. 1385483
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>>1385036This reminds me of that reddit post about some woman's upstairs neighbor following her around her apartment from above be careful anon for your own psyche.
No. 1385534
Oh, this one is quite horrific, but to lighten it up a bit, I may as well try writing a greentext form. If the text fails to magically turn green, feel free to ridicule me.
>Live in a pretty decent neighborhood, though pretty low income, the one I grew up in. When he moved in I believe I was in high school, though I can't say for sure.
>A while goes by, still in high school, a senior. We find out from one of our neighbors that our nextdoor neighbor is a sex offender.
>Very understandably disgusted. Find out what he did too.
>Apparently, sick fucker broke into some girl's (tween aged) home and very forcefully, he committed his crime.
>Don't wanna describe it, you know what he fucking did.
>Only spent 7 years in prison for it, he's out now and allowed to just live in our neighborhood, full of children and little old ladies.
>We try to contact the police to find if we can get rid of him, but no dice.
>Mom essentially tells me to just stay away from him, never talk to him, because if you talk to creeps, they'll take it as an encouragement to keep going.
>Dad buys me pepper spray. Still paranoid as fuck, since I'm completely incapable of running away or fighting back if something horrible happens.
>Keep curtains drawn, avoid his house like the plague. Even hear rumors that the sick fuck was allegedly forcing himself on his own dog.
>Fast forward to first summer break of college.
>Leave the country for a month to visit family, come back and am now being driven back home from the airport.
>Just casually talking with mom's boytoy of 7ish years, and then he suddenly tells me, just out of the blue, that there was some news about "pedo" (neighbor's nickname, of course)
>Apparently, he had knocked on our neighbor's door, and then when she answered, he tried to enter her house, then when she blocked him, he exposed himself to her. She was just a sweet old lady.
>Try to get the police involved but apparently there wasn't much they were able or willing to do.
>Genuinely afraid at this point. Worried he might do it to my house next, super paranoid, double checked the locks. Unfortunately didn't own a gun in the house, only a baton.
>Security also had previously carded me at the airport, thinking I was only 13 years old, not an adult. Alongside the blow to my self-esteem, it also big paranoia fuel. Gotta love babyface!
>One day, wake up to hearing my mom's boyfriend shouting in what sounded like intense rage outside. Listen for a bit, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.
>Kept hearing the same thing: "Get the FUCK out of here!". Over and over. Watch through the window. See a car drive off. Cop shows up to check out the scene because someone called.
>Got the details soon after. Apparently the woman that pedo was dating decided to kick him out of the house for whatever reason (why did she even let him stay that long?) and he was bitching at her to let him stay.
>She wouldn't budge, then eventually mom's boyfriend heard the commotion and decided to come out and just start laying into the guy.
>He kept screaming at Mr. Pedo that he wasn't welcome in our neighborhood. Honestly felt jealous of how intimidating he sounded. Wished I could scare pedo like that.
>Pedo didn't even have the balls to put up the fight against someone yelling at him, fucker was used to preying on little girls and old ladies, maybe his own dog, so yeah.
>Pedo fled our neighborhood, and then later heard something about him illegally living in our neighborhood.
>Have no idea why the cops didn't do anything with him if he was staying here illegally, but whatever, he's gone and probably won't come back.
>Definitely want a gun now, though.
No. 1401550
>>1401534You're better than me
nonnie. As a stoney baloney I'd probably laugh the blunt off, and as a NYC sewer dweller type I'm used to hearing gunshots and tards doing donuts, but all together would have had me calling ICE kek. Especially if I had a kid living there.
No. 1402953
>>1402948take care you too
nonnie! try to distance yourself from this moid he sounds crazy
No. 1403073
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This is literally the guy who lives out front from me. Over the past two years I've watched his dreadlocks give him such bad traction alopecia that his forehead grew an extra theee inches. He plays his bongos loud enough to be heard through his closed windows, across the street and up to my second storey through double-paned storm glass and about once every two months one of his buddies needs to be narcan'd by a paramedic on the front lawn. He does not work but has two cars, and last week he had a pink notice from the city on his front door. I wish I knew his social media so I could lurk him, he's gotta be mid-40s and has about 6-8 young teenagers living with him at any given time, so we've been referring to them as the "Emacipated House"
No. 1403076
>>1403073the fucking bongos got me nona
is he any good?
No. 1403257
>>1403080>He moved to italy to do ayahuasca full time.Nta but there's a guy in my town who has a reputation for being a lil eccentric. He's an ex addict who had mostly got his life back on track but he has underlying mental health shit and isn't always too in touch with reality. I got talking to him a while ago and he told me he had booked a trip to go take ayahuasca out in the jungle with shamans. When covid stopped him from traveling he went to some local ayahuasca retreat instead. He's full on batshit now.
Leaves behind heroin.. semi sane still. Takes ayahuasca.. loses it entirely. Sad.
No. 1403612
>>1403206Yeah like rain puddles, and it's not like we live in the countryside, this is just like… Street puddles.
>>1403257Fucked. I've never met anyone who isn't at least slightly off after ayuhauska, I'm sure if you already have psychotic tendencies it's even more likely to mess you up.
No. 1415315
>>1415262So not only will they get to chimp out like monkeys in a zoo uninterrupted but I'll also be spending 100€ minimum for something I wouldn't need if they weren't being inconsiderate assholes. Call me proud but it just doesn't sit right with me. Also it's not like I'd be waking with them on every morning, but yeah I'm sure they would be nice to have.
I'll probably give in at some point but I am seething with rage every time they start that shit so I'm going to be giving the energy back for now. Sorry for the sperg I'm just so sick of it and I'm sick how they are coddled and how their violent behaviour is considered normal. I wish I could move out.
No. 1421000
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>>1420938Holy shit, this guys has his new girlfriend around and they’re awake talking and laughing at full volume at 3 in the fucking morning. At first I wanted to tell them to shut up because I have to be up at 6am to finish packing in time for the movers, but then I got the terrible idea to get up the same time and do everything as loudly as I possibly can. Not like anyone made them stay up late. Fuck the high road, I’m ready to be the asshole.
No. 1451717
>Sry, this will be a long rant and it's not even everything I have to say about my neighbours
90% of my neighbours are unemployed, so they are home 24/7, still, all the stuff they have to do, like making laundry, small construction works, cleaning the flat, they have to do on Saturday and Sunday, starting a 7 am. It's like they are acting they would go to work every day and the only free time they have is on the weekends. Well, fuck you, no, you are here, every hour of the day, we can hear you, slamming the doors, stomping around your flat, coughing from your 200th cigarettes that day, you never leave the house, except for one hour the week to get your cheap, unhealthy food. But why, why the hell do you have to wake me up at 7 am on a Saturday and Sunday, while these are my only two free days a week.
Oh, and you fucking turkish muslims next to me, there is no reason to wake up before dawn, to pray to your huggy buggy man in the sky, wash your ass in the shower and slam your doors so I wake up way before 6 am every damn morning. Your doors have door handles, you can shut the doors silently, the people before you could. And there is no reason to listen to Erdogan on full volume every day, if you like that country so much, why don't you live there? I'm sorry if I sound racist, I'm not racist, I'm just so done to wake up every damn praying hour because these stupid assholes can't shut a door silently and I can't stand hearing the voice of Erdogan anymore.
And one last thing, the leaf blowers, holy hell, whoever invented them should get one put up his ass and turned it on on full speed. My granddad with nearly 90 years could get the leaves away from his grass without annoying anyone with that damn noise.
No. 1455823
I don't know where is the old man tbh, or the kids, but I know the teen girl and some of her family members, they seem fine but I've read too many news to feel comfortable with hearing someone shouting loudly.
I also hate the people setting off fireworks every night, I don't mind loud parties, they're nice to hear tbh, I don't want to live in some ghost town or some shit, but fireworks are fucking annoying and make all of the animals feel nervous, I just won't spend the whole month of December giving drugs to my pets because some asshole likes to hear loud shit, go listen to some earrape music with earphones, faggot, like the fireworks aren't even the pretty ones, it's just the loud as fuck ones that just make lots of noise, that's it.
No. 1465176
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One of my neighbors is the building manager and so far we've paid the utility bills to her so she can pay for the whole building, but apparently she just used her personal checking account and now her police job told her to knock it off with the suspicious money transfers each month. So we need to open a joint bank account with the neighbors which is annoying enough since literally all of us need to be physically present at the bank, but not only has everyone fucked off to fuck knows where on vacation, the shithead residence permit dealer convicted bribe taker dirty ex-politician who yelled at my mom running a so-called "visa" ""business"" on the first floor is a russian citizen so he can't legally open a fucking bank account, just fucking deport him already reeeeeeeeeeeee
No. 1498266
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>>1422797I made this comment two months ago and he still hasn't stop coughing. How is he not dead yet? coughing everyday for several months can't be healthy
No. 1498338
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a couple bought the place upstairs in April 2021, when we went to introduce ourselves the husband cracked the door open and then wedged himself in it. his wife didn't come to the door because she was pregnant. She gave birth in November 2021, we still have not met her. they never gave us their info (which is important if there's repairs that might effect units above/below those in your column). from what I've seen the husband has perma-shocked look on his face and the wife has demanding energy about her. the dude is a software engineer and that's all I know
their blinds are ALWAYS drawn and their footsteps insanely loud, sometimes our baker's rack in the kitchen shakes. they hardly seem to leave their house, but I did see the dad drive to the 7/11 down the street once (like a 3 min walk). I'm not nosy, it's just really noticeable how closed off they are. That and their FOOTSTEPS. the last family in that unit was a family of four, and they were silent. the kid upstairs started running too, I don't mind noise that much, but somehow their toddler is just as loud as the dad footstep wise. why won't they just get some rugs?? I can hear a phone drop on to the ground at night too, both the crashing thunk and the alarm buzzing against the floor in the morning. we have lived here a decade, never had an issue with noise until they moved in. i wanna go up there and let them know they're a little on the loud side (rugs are cool hint hint, plus you guys have a toddler) but i know the husband's just gonna owl stare while his wife something snippy and they retreat into the shadows
>once went to see if something had been misdelivered to them
>their house was completely dark when they answered the door
>lights off, blinds shut, air conditioner at full blast
>we live in california, it was like maybe 70 out, this was early afternoon on the weekend
>actual millennial cave dwellers
>they always have a ton of packages in the lobby
>december a few years ago, huge box for them, like absolutely giant, my curiosity is piqued
>oh shit, someone sent them a REFRIGERATED HAM
>box sits there for 3+ days before finally disappearing
>no they were not on vacation
No. 1498372
>>1474526sadly I can't wear earplugs, at night I get horrible nightmares wearing them and at day I will be anxious as hell. If everything goes as planed, I will be moving soon and before that, I will make the life of my neighbours a living hell, I can be as horrible as they are.
>>1498266woman below me is coughing every day, many hours of the day, she is smoking 24/7, still not dead and I think she will never die and stop polluting me with her second hand smoke. And there is this guy in my street, he coughs daily, you can hear it best when it's summer every morning because of open windows, he coughs and at the same time it sounds like he is purging, this has been going on for over 3 years now. Some people just won't die.
No. 1502597
>>15025941) Get speakers from second hand store
2) Place facing wall
3) Every time the door slams, start playing carmeldansen
5) Profit!
No. 1502624
>>1502594I have a neighbour like that, moved here 6 months ago, slams every door, even the doors from the cupboards, starting at 5 am. As the neighbours before were able to shut the doors silently I assume it's not the fault of the doors, so she will get a letter very soon, maybe with a tutorial how to close doors, and if that doesn't work, I will go to the landlord, I'm done waking up at 5 am every morning, even on the weekend.
No. 1520410
Right, so, for context, he was a racer until he had an accident that damaged his head. I'm pretty sure he is blind in one eye.
He is unpredictable, often violent, purposefully drives over the flower beds to piss off the neighbor that tends to them, threatens that he will kill you, usually just very slow, but not retarded. He is independent enough to thrive on his own, but his family live in the same building. So it's not like he "isn't being cared for".
Well, despite having a toilet in his apartment, he insists on shitting in a bucket. He insists on throwing it out of the window. One time his turd froze in the snow, pointed upwards like a totem pole. That was very funny.
He also tried flirting with my grandma who is maybe 40 years older than him, after my mom rejected his advances (he gives out bouquettes that he picks from the same flowerbed he drives over).
I wouldn't say I "hate" him, but he sure is a character, and a nuisance to those who live in the same block. My neighbor who lives near him says he yawns very loudly when coming down the stairs. Like "OOOOAAAAAAA". The king announcing his arrival.
No. 1520568
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>>1502594The fire door at the end of the hallway in my apartment slams so fucking hard it shakes my couch. The brilliant solution my neighbors have come up with? Propping the FIRE DOORS open with rocks.
No. 1520722
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I thought I’ll never post on this thread because our neighbors are decent most of the time but todayyyy oh god I’m already having a hard time sleeping and I have a headache and trying to put myself to sleep again and these mf woke up and chose to play with his grandchild this early in the morning wtfffffff. They’re so annoying like stfu and play at noon when everybody woke up. I sweaaaarrrr I’m holding myself back to not yell at them
No. 1522019
>>1465176>So we need to open a joint bank account with the neighbors which is annoying enough since literally all of us need to be physically present at the bankno offense to you
nonnie but what in the council estate projects hell is this? i would NOT open a joint bank account with any of my neighbors…what's to stop someone from running off with the money you guys put in for the bills? you guys can't just pay the utilities directly to the power company?
No. 1529705
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I was considering moving but I'm scared to do it because of all the horror stories in this thread. I live too far away from my university/the city but at least my neighbours are decent. I'm scared that I will leave an okayish apartment(with dirtcheap rent) with quiet neigbors only to move to a more expensive apartment with obnoxious neigbors. Specially since I'm under the impression that apartment-renters in the city are more obnoxious than them outside of the city
No. 1529736
>old couple apartment above me
>man beats woman, he has health problems and walks with a stick,is violent, has been for years since I moved here
>swears at her, throws stuff at her, it fucking infuriates me
>I call police several times
>my mom/grandma actually saved this woman's life years ago by letting her stay over here (I live alone here now)
>police can't do much shit
>one day no more scandal
>weird quiet
>see the black thing hanged at block enntrance
>that forsaken man finally bit the dust
>about 1-2 months pass
>see furniture get out of the woman's apartment
>neighbor lady who is basically the surveillance cam and microphone of us all tells me one of the old lady's sons forced her to sell the apartment ,give him the money, buy a new 1 room apartment and SHE WILL MOVE OUT
> old lady has to THROW OUT old type furniture made from the most expensive wood (solid wood, dunno how tf to say it in english, but basically extremely expensive and beautiful vintage furniture)
>i can't wrap my head around all this fucking shit
>some weeks pass
>old lady still goes to church around here
>she lost a fuckton of weight, looks skelly
>she was actually sad somehow she lost her husband (domestic abuse victim mentality)
>feel really bad for her
This poor woman can't even live her old age in peace wtf because her son forced her to move out. The apartment was spacious , very well kept with old timey quality furniture, not the ikea minimalist shit everyone uses today. I'm so sorry for her
But wait, I'm not done yet
> gossip neighbor tells me the apartment was sold to some faggots who work abroad
> they start to renovate it (mind you this started 8-9 months or so ago)
> fucking drills at 8 am in the morning to late afternoon pretty much daily
> BONK BONK BONK loud noises
> I work from home, it drives me insane
> those people come to visit
> they are NOT quality people
> well shit, there goes my hope for a nice family to move in
> fast forward to 2-3 weeks ago
> renovations still going on, although it seems to be approaching 100%
> swearing, cursing, loud speaking from the faggots who do it, it drives me nuts
> some guys finally move in
I think it's like 2 of them, younger men, I haven't really crossed paths with them but I don't really know what to think, don't know if the apartment is rented or not since I can't remember if they were the people who visited last year.
I was really hoping a nice family would move there.
they are still renovating shit while i typed this lol
No. 1536008
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Oh my god I hate my current living situation but can’t afford to leave. Some of my neighbors are nice but there are a few people in my complex who must not send their kids to school because they are always running around screaming and playing in the parking lot. This has led to a lot of angry confrontations and police being called because these kids will destroy property or try to fight anyone who yells at them. Our laundry facility is also always closed because we have tweekers and homeless people camping out in them and they shit everywhere; I have stepped in vomit and human feces more than once and have come across many discarded needles. Most people here are unemployed or illegal so they just sit on their balcony, smoke weed and cigarettes, and yell at their phone all day. I can’t walk my dog in one area because there’s a moid who just sits on the steps all day shouting at whoever passes by. Last time he followed me around the area screaming “Hey white girl! White girl I'm talking to you, come over here!”. Management hasn’t done shit about this fucker either and I know I’m not the only woman he’s harassed.
No. 1550521
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I just found the perfect way of getting rid of the loud talking moids who literally stand outside my door/window to screech. I live in an apartment complex that shares a common outside corridor to the main entrance which leads to the parking space and my apartment is the first one next to the entrance. So one weekend I was doing the dishes while singing (with my window open) and I noticed that the moid who usually paces around screeching at his phone (doing his usual thing) was getting fidgety. He then ran inside his apartment and left hurriedly, just before exiting he gave a glance at my window while I kept singing. Now I'm a classically trained mezzosoprano, I don't have an "indoor singing voice" so it pretty much booms around my place, and I thought "what if my singing annoyed him to the degree of making him LEAVE the complex?. So I put it to practice. Next weekend another moid was loudly talking about his divorce or something with his mother, right next to my door, so I began singing and indeed a couple of minutes later they left. Now you may be thinking "wtf is he singing?", well I'm a committed fan of Lingua Ignota's work and my tactic seems the most effective when I sing songs from her albums. Today was the definitive proof. The loud phone moid was doing his usual routine, I decided to make some french toasts, obnoxiously banging my cutlery to signal to him that I am in my kitchen and can hear everything. He didn't falter, so I decided to sing "Disease of Men" and in no less than 1:30 minutes HE FUCKING RAN INSIDE HIS APARTMENT. I had my victory and my french toasts.
No. 1561323
>>1550521lmao, based
>>1551857either way, mission accomplished
No. 1565871
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Can I consider a church my neighbor because I want to put motor oil in the speakers or something. Starting from 7am until at least 9pm the stupid church Bells are set to ring every hour on the hour. Sometimes it’s nice because I know that an hour went by without having to check my phone but most times it’s ANNOYING. And the jingle it plays lasts like 2 minutes. Sometimes it’ll cut back on after 5 minutes for god knows why and does it even longer! Do you know how stressful it is to be running late and you hear church bells doing a jingle letting you know you let another hour go by!? It’s sick!! What is even the reason to do this every ducking day!?
No. 1580905
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My neighbours are barbecuing practically everyday during the summer and it stinks my room up with the nasty smoke and meat smell.
No. 1630022
Just hate stoners spreading their
toxic fumes. It's illegal in my state so I will push back. If you're living in a drug permitting state reading this how about going outside to partake in your cancer like cigarette smokers.
>>1587169How about paying the pet fee up-front instead of crying you got caught?
No. 1665791
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These absolute motherfuckers are such a nightmare to live with. They're the typical ghetto family, down to years of domestic abuse drama, animal abuse and several kids out of wedlock, surprisingly there is no drugs involved, just unadulterated mental illness. Not only does their house smells permanently like shit, they're also insane religious nutjobs, refusing to euthanize their dying pitbull cause "muh religion". They've been fighting, screaming, beating each other for decades, a fucking mess. They used to put their 6 dogs into a room, lock them there until they started crying for food, recently they got a rottweiler puppy and apparently the motherfuckers never trained a puppy because they keep beating the shit out of it and leaving it outside, and we cannot even report their psycho asses because they got glocks and ties to bands, they threatened other neighbors several times as well, we fucked. They're the definition of insanity and I hate them profoundly. We moving out next month, I'm sick of our mental stability being dependant of their wacko shenanigans, we risking our lives here
No. 1679534
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My awesome neighbor is leaving and I'm praying somebody else annoying isn't going to move in. I already have a really bad neighbor on the left of me so I can't cope with another annoying fucker on the right too.
No. 1694748
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my neighbor is smoking/selling meth and i think the fumes are leaking into my apartment and making me sick. we cannot go to the landlord about it because he is a snitch and will tell her its us who complained about it. shes had cops called over for multiple domestics and they still didn't kick her out despite us living in a government funded low income housing complex where we arent even allowed to smoke weed. she should have been evicted after having the cops called so many times but for some reason she wasn't. i can only hope something else happens and she gets evicted. when i sit on our couch by the back door which leads to a shared hallway and her backdoor i get these awful headaches that last for hours. they only seem to subside when i go to bed with my window open and fan on. i'm also nauseous and dizzy. i feel like absolute shit and it has to be their meth fumes. they may even be cooking the meth over there. she also has sketchy people over all hours of the night, the other night at 8 pm someone knocked on our door looking for her. the other day a woman was outside her door for an hour knocking trying to get her fix. this complex used to be really nice, just families and their kids. now theres another person selling meth out of another apartment i can tell cuz i see tweakers walking into the complex all the time. i don't know what to do about it because i know cops can't do anything without a warrant. i live with my elderly mother and her worker says shes going to call the cops because shes afraid she will test positive for it on her drug test. please everyone send eviction vibes for my nieghbor and/or pray she will get evicted.
No. 1704440
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I have this boomer neighbor with a little dog that she lets bark 24/7. It's a little yappy one. She ties it out the front of her house all day. I put a letter through he mailbox asking her to shut her dog up after it woke me up one morning, so she retaliated by putting it out at 3am to bark, waking me up again.
So I called animal control and they told me there's nothing they can do about it barking all day because it's "hard to enforce" and if it wakes me up at 3am again to call the cops???
The worst part is her dog can access the sidewalk from where it's leashed and it attacks any dog that walks passed. It attacked my dog once. A pittbull or something is going to tear it up at some point and she won't even care.
A constantly barking dog is a sad dog.
No. 1717248
>>1704440If you’re a burger:
Look up local laws regarding noise restriction/regulation,
Call animal control - get copy of complaint,
Call police about nuisance noise - get copy of complaint,
If she’s renting call her complex management and complain directly to them, provide proof of police/animal control complaint,
If she owns the property invest in earplugs and an extra loud alarm or an alarm that can vibrate to wake you up as needed.
I feel your pain anon but these morons think they’re untouchable and they don’t stop, even when they get rid of the dog typically in a week they’ve got another one. Shes just a shit person.
No. 1717971
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My neighbors have 3 dogs and one of them had 5 or 6 puppies a couple months ago. All the dogs live outside 24/7 in their unfenced yard. They charge at us whenever we go into our own driveway, especially if we have our dogs with us. Lately they've started chasing cars, and the puppies (which look like they are starving) have started just wandering around in the road all the time. People drive pretty fast through here and inevitably one of the dogs is going to get hit. I'm going to be devastated if it's me that ends up killing one. The dogs also attack the postman and delivery drivers. I don't care if they get their own deliveries cancelled but multiple people in my house rely on prescriptions that we have to get delivered and some of the drugs will actually go bad and have to be reshipped if they don't arrive on time. Rednecks are the worst fucking people, just insanely inconsiderate of others, abusive to animals, chronic drunk drivers, I hate them I hate them I hate them
Picrel that's pretty much what they look like except they're blonde
No. 1727218
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fuck all my faggot neighbors that constantly move around their wooden furniture in the loudest fashion possible all fucking day. is it so hard to get picrel?!
No. 1728181
If it would be allowed to strangle your neighbours, I would do it. I'm so angry by now. Every night they wake up at 3:30 am, stomping around their flat, then at 4:30 am they leave the house with doors banging, stomping through the staircase, go to their car, drive somewhere and are back at around 5 am. Then they will go banging with the doors again, opening their windows and smashing against the radiator so fucking loud that if I'm not awake by then, I surely will be. Today we got a new feature, they have turned their radiator on and off three times and it's so loud in my room that I just can't sleep anymore. I wonder where they are going at this time of night every night, there is nothing open except a petrol station near me and I assume them stupid enough to drive there every night to get their cigarettes. I can't wait for the time I move far away from all this annoying stupid humans.
No. 1734367
This turkish neighbour of mine is the most horrible person living here for the past years, and there were/are a lot of horrible persons living here. She is on the telephone at least 8 hours a day, screaming with her high pitched voice into it like she is possessed by a demon. I can hear everything she says even though I'm two rooms away from her. At around 12 and 6 pm she will play loud turkish music, sometimes for half an hour, sometimes for way longer and most of the times she will be "singing" to it. She doesn't know how to use doors, because she slams them so loud you can hear them through 5 walls and she will do that at 4 am, if she has to use the toilet. She moves her furniture around every hour, without anything muting the noise. Every day she will clean her rug by beating the dust from it over her balcony, not that there are any people living below her or might walk there, why should she care that someone will get her dirt in the face. How can one person be so annoying, my other neighbours have two young children and I don't hear them most of the times.
No. 1744955
>>1734529Some random scrote I've never seen before just came to my door with a cop complaining about my dogs barking saying that I let them bark for hours when I'm not home and leave my windows open. Uh…. no, I don't leave my windows open when I'm not home. And barely leave for more than 15 minutes at a time only to get groceries. And when I am home I only crack them for a couple of minutes to let smoke from cooking escape and even then I don't even play the tv because I don't want people to hear my shit
I'm going to go buy more calming treats, show them the reciept for the camera and maybe even barking collars (wont actually put them on my dogs) and send a letter to the office going look, I feel menaced. It's been only a week and I've had a letter threatening my living situation here AND a cop at my door for a dog that only barks for a couple seconds at a time a few times a day. I feel harassed. I honestly feel harassed
No. 1745128
>>1744955I think that you're just the
victim of a dog hating sperg, they will look for literally any reason to complain about dogs. If it wasn't the barking he would say he could smell your dog and it's offensive to his senses or something else retarded.
No. 1748017
>>1745128I think so too. This is fucking insanity. Also, get this, they are punishing me FASTER than they said they would. The notice I got IN WRITING said that if I received 3 notices I would have to go before the board. I recieved one notice 9 days ago in the mail, then I had the cops at my door 2 days ago. Today I called asking about the status of inspections and management talked to me and said that she was sending another letter to my house about my dogs because he has been filing complaints about me incessently. And she says he brought someone over and recorded them going nuts when I had guests and that his home is "unlivable".
>when did he have a guest? This guy has no gf or friends from what I can tell and he lives alone and I've never heard him have company over when I was home>like I said I a borderline agoraphibic homebody and only leave for the store basically I'm literally always home when was he able to get a recording of my dogs freaking out for longer than 10 seconds at a time?I feel menaced right now.
I bought my dogs calming collars, calming treats, calming diffuser spray, I train them with the spray bottle, I have a shock collar I use on the one with the degenerative neurological problem that I vibrate if he riles up whining. I've lived here for 10 years and I've never had anybody complain about my dogs until now and management agreed when I brought that up and told me that she even told the guy that. So why are they punishing me so severely and quickly
No. 1781911
>>1781909Lmao nonna don't send that!
Just sat "you smell, please shower. Alot of people talk about it. Thanks"
No. 1781922
>>1781909It made me laugh, but that would actually be quite cruel to send. You should send, "Dear apartment 1232, a couple of people have noticed a strong smell emanating from you and your apartment. It's easy to become nose blind to bad smells, so I recommend a deep clean, doing all your laundry, and taking a shower."
Or, "Bro, the neighborhood is having a showering contest. You go first."
No. 1805251
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Holy hell the guy living above me is getting some Christmas slippers. I've never known anyone who had such a problem with heel-striking, and why is he even running up and down constanty????
No. 1820411
It'll be two and a half years. Two and a half fucking years that this Latin American loudmouth above me doesn't understand that in Currywurstland you don't make noise at night between 10am and 6am, especially when his goddamn kitchen is above my bedroom and he is well fucking aware of it because I have told the scrote before.
Every damn fucking morning between 5:30am and 6:15am since October he wakes me up, and when he doesn't wake up at this ungodly hour, which used to be the only schtick he had, he disturbs my evenings from 11:30pm onwards with whatever music or loud discussions with whomever he invited home, especially Thursdays for some goddamn reason, as if other people didn't work Friday.
No offense to the nonnas in Latin America, I understand cultural differences but when you're not on your turf, you can't argue for two and a half years that "It's muh culture" to justify destroying someone's sleeping schedule.
I'm going to write to the office he pays rent to for the third or fourth fucking time (they're another can of worms I ain't going to get into, those useless fucks). 2024 isn't starting with another series of sleepless nights, I won't goddamn allow it.
No. 1827027
>>1820411Even 10 pm is pushing it, I don't dare to do anything after 8. 5.30 is debatable, some simply have to go to work early.
>>1822766Retard, normal people know basic stuff about people living next to them. Plus you hardly need any spanish skills to hear the difference between murican and euro spanish kek
No. 1847319
>>1843863Be careful anon.
I want to move into a house alone soon but stuff like this makes me so nervous, I don't want some schizo male neighbor contriving some insane narrative in his head about me
No. 1971000
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My trashy neighbor couple have loud fights very often, we called the police one time when it was especially bad. I ran into them in the hallway, the woman gave me a dirty look. Like sorry bitch I don't want your wannabe gangster boyfriend to beat the shit out of you.
They do give me a few laughs now and again though, they sit on their balcony right next to us, cough loudly and then thick weed smell flows into our apartment kekkk. They tried smoking inside too, but the smell leaked into the hallway and they tried covering it up with incense lmaoo
No. 1980458
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I have to live in handicap public housing and I don't mind it for the most part because it's mostly old people, which I'll take over partying youngins. But I get so many that just talk at me because they're lonely and/or senile so I have to plan my routes to avoid as many people as possible.
But unfortunately one of my neighbors has taken to me. She's kind of schizo and will just ramble and swear at me about random bullshit. I try to humor her while getting away but I'm afraid of getting on her bad side because I don't want retaliation. Today she was calling everyone around here dangerous and jigaboos (she's black herself, by the way), when it's super safe. Saying to call the cops on suspicious people. She was just pointing out random people who were minding their own business and shit talking them and I had to just nod along and listen to her.
Then she commented that she watches me walk around a lot. She's also has watched two of my friends out her window and made noises at them for no reason. I have a few guy friends who have visited me before, and she pointed that out and implied I was fucking them, which I'm not. I can't even say this is hate I just don't want to talk to anyone and knowing that me and my friends are under surveillance by Auntie Ruckus at all times bothers me
No. 1980525
>>1980514>Random multiple moidsThe first friends I mentioned in my example are women, kek. When I say guy friends I'm talking about like, two.
I'm not even complaining, I'm pretty happy living here and I'm happy my rent isn't high. I just don't know how to deal with angry old people. Why are you so upset?
No. 2134115
>>2133910Had neighbors who did this in an apartment. Stunk out the corrider leaving leaky trash bags outside their door for days. The floor in the corriders was that industrial carpet some places still weirdly have in common areas so was trash juice stained and restained. Someone else confronted her one day and all I heard is
> don't you understand, I have a t-o-d-d-l-e-rHe walked away not wanting to be an ass attacking a single mom. She was married. Every morning when her husband headed down to his car he was walking the same route that'd bring you to the bins.. emptyhanded
No. 2134465
My downstairs neighbours are so fucking loud, they have 5 kids in a very small 2 bed flat. I am constantly kept awake or woken up at stupid hours by them shouting at eachother in Nigerian or their kids screaching.
The dad is the worst fucking one, they don't live in a tiny little place because they're poor because he has 2 luxury cars. This motherfucker has come up knocking on my door to go off on me for being too noisy multiple times, one of which I was asleep and was woken up. He sits outside in his car blasting the worst fucking music I have ever heard while his wife stands there holding a baby shouting at him to come back inside.
I got real curious about it, he claims to be a doctor but has no registration as such whatsoever which I find sketchy. He has social medias about him being a dad, but the photos seem weird, I've seen their home, they usually have their curtains closed but I can see mould growing up their windows when I'm walking past outside. I once knocked on their door cos I got their post and the place, just the hallway I saw at least, was filthy. Its like they only have 1 clean room in the whole place? I'm rambling but I fucking hate this weird hypocrite who glares at me and the upstairs neighbour (also a woman, weird) and appears to actively hate his family yet pose as a loving father on social media. Also he's too fucking loud
No. 2261361
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I think one of my neighbors is genuinely retarded. I lifted my windows at night to let the heat escape my room, and this moid stands outside his house making the same exact, loud ass grunts and wails like he's a fucking animal or something. "HAAAUUUU HAAAUUUUR! HAAAUUUU HAAAUUUR!". Then it gives worse when he blasts Indian music in the same night he does this shit, because now he's wailing the lyrics of the song and so fucking off-key, like a dog howling at the sound of the doorbell ringing. Then he'll stand out there for another several minutes just to do that "HAAAUUUR HAAAUUURRR!" shit again. I think it's safe to say this man is legitimately low IQ.
No. 2264356
Our apartment building was overrun with “international students” after 4 of 6 units were vacated around the same time. Just me and the guy below me (who they distrust because he is black).
First of all, there were obviously way too many of them moving in. Like not a tight squeeze but actually illegal (about 10 per unit). Strange, but I tried to be nice, and I was met with stares and open derision. They seemed mad that there were other (non-“international student”) tenants in the building. And they were, because it turns out they were illegally subletting and running laundry service out of their apartments (now I know why “no laundry in the bathtubs” is a lease requirement).
Are smoke alarms not common in most countries? Because they kept setting them off and seemed to have no idea what they were for. They simply saw them as annoyances and would disable them until property management talked to them about fire safety, which meant they also had to remove their shit from the hallway/fire escape and stop burning oil lamps (morons).
Another huge hurdle was the trash. They had no concept of disposing of their trash properly. They would set trash outside their doors and I guess expect someone to pick it up? I don’t know. Management was able to get them to take their trash to the dumpster, but putting it inside the dumpster was apparently too much for them. They would just throw it near the dumpster. So of course that caused a pest problem. Management had to start threatening eviction for them to change.
The illegal subletting + laundry led to huge amounts of water being used. The students just saw that water was “free” took advantage of that to its full extent. Well, water here isn’t “free,” it’s included in the rent. So management sent maintenance around “checking for leaks.” Yeah, I’m sure that’s it and not the 50 students showering and doing laundry.
So they had to stop the laundry (no way to hide water usage), but they still attempted to let non-tenants reside here and wanted them to be able to access the building 24/7. So they just left the exterior door propped open. 24/7. Finally, I’d had enough and complained to management. They sent out an email to all residents about not leaving the door open or they may risk eviction, and suddenly, there were 200% fewer students hanging around all the time.
I’m pretty sure management rents to them because they know they will get to keep the security deposit (their units are filthy), and they can rent out basement apartments to them that no one else will take.
No. 2318126
when my new neighbors, a late 30s-early 40s white couple, moved in, i got a bad vibe from the dude immediately. when i popped my head out to say hello when they were moving in, he barely looked at me for a moment and then kept going, while the woman chatted for a couple minutes like a normal person. every time i pass him coming in or out, he doesn't even make eye contact or acknowledge/respond to greetings. he has the meathead white trash kyle body type, so it's pretty intimidating. i get the vibe that he's either recently out of incarceration or spent a lot of time institutionalized because of his weird habits. when i hear him talking to his girl, he's always shouting, and he always slams the door at full-force when he comes in/out. one day, he was arranging his packages outside his front door before bringing them out and his tiny kitten wandered out of the house, and without hesitating, he gently kicked it back into the house like it was a ball that had rolled out.
yesterday at like 4 in the morning, she screams such a loud, bloodcurdling scream that i can hear it from the other side of my house with all the doors/windows closed. multiple neighbors even on the other side of me/across heard enough to peek out to investigate. she screams again in this "i'm in fear of my life/being severely injured" way while i'm calling the cops, and i can hear via my doorbell cam as they argue and hit each other. she throws him out, and at their front door in full view of my door cam, he throws something glass at her which hits her then shatters. i grabbed my gun (murica) and peeked out and him realizing that someone else was right there and aware seemed to sober him up and he ran off. she ran back into the house and texted me that she was okay, it was just a disagreement, minimizing the situation. the cops still came (i'm sure others called too) but i could hear her decline to file a report and tell them how it was just some shouting and an accidentally dropped glass. my state normally has a law that forces them to arrest someone when they respond to a legit domestic violence charge, but he was gone and she didn't want to press charges, so they won't pursue him. to me confirms he probably has a record and she's trying to defend him so he doesn't go back to jail. i feel bad for her and wish i could do more to get the moid locked up. i don't really know her well enough to talk to her about it, but at least i made sure she knows that she can run over to my place if she needs it.
No. 2318137
>>2318126Ugh. Horrible. I'm sorry, and I'm even more sorry for her. Living hell. Honestly the second you said he refuses to talk or look at you I immediately assumed he had gone to prison for a sex crime or DV, saw it coming. The fact that so many women have been beaten down to a pulp and think that they have to be in these situations to be "loved" makes my entire chest ache. You responded extremely well in that high-stress situation
nonnie, better than most men would no doubt. I should really try to get a gun eventaully but I'm scared of them due to being a DV
victim myself. I'm so glad she at least has you and your other neighbors in her corner.
No. 2318239
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On new years, my neighbors didn't find a good way to celebrate than playing the same fucking song over and over from 10 pm of 31th… to 12pm of 1st.
And now the Holidays are near and I'm expecting the same bullcrap, specially when police cannot do shit because "is their culture from their country".
Fuck off.
No. 2322286
>>2318126I assume USA? You reacted like a superhero anon. But I’m worried for your safety as these abusers can hurt you for supporting their
No. 2431537
>>2431257Because every last black person I've lived next to has been loud. 4 different black neighbors. All in a row. How do you explain that? And no I don't live in a place with mostly black people. You'd be dumb to not start picking up on a pattern.
>>2431494Why are you even in this thread? There's probably other anons complaining about noise here that have the same thing and we're literally all here to complain.
(racebait) No. 2431620
>>2431578Some cultures are just LOUD. Simple as. I am from one that is myself. I'll give props the Korean roommate at one point tried to "Shh" the other in the middle of the night, but the other didn't care and kept talking at megaphone in your ear-levels as always. They regularly hung out with hordes of their loud Korean friends in the dorm. I had tried confronting them, then they just started pretending to not know any English.
With the Korean roommates, I had one other black roommate from Africa also living with us. She was nothing like the Korean roommates and was pretty quiet. Meanwhile, all the black-americans I lived next to either reacted aggressively or just kept going when I would try to get them to stop. I was in a Japanese class full of Chinese students while I was in Japan. They all talked so loud the professor had to ask them to be quiet several times a day. I've had a Mexican roommate coming straight from Mexico. She was lovely but Mexicans from here tend to do what they like much more (This is what your brain high on "muh freedom" does) and that is evident by the amount of takuaches and cholas we have. Americans are known to be loud by the rest of the world.
I lived in Japan hearing every single one of my Japanese dorm-mates on all three sides of me, but again, I don't fault them as much. At least two of the three likely weren't trying to be loud and it was moreso due to Japan having paper-thin walls. I knocked on the wall of one and he IMMEDIATELY stopped. Something that has never worked here. The other one was a certified asshole that would camp out in the tiny-ass corridor laughing loudly with her guy friend all night long. She knew exactly what she was doing.
How one culture responds when you to try to get them to stop speaks volumes. Sorry not sorry.
No. 2432126
>>2432014You can find his name pretty easily by looking up his address. Google him, you should be able to find some of his socials with his legal name. If you find a pic, reverse image search can help you find other socials where it's been cross posted.
Since he only plays games all day he's going to post about that game all day too. Retards like him tend to post their stats, usernames, achievements etc every five seconds, so you should be able to find him in-game pretty easily.
Get good and make him seethe! Just remember to play with the mic off or he's going to hear you talking while you play. If you really want to freak him out, post some random snippets of information that you found while trawling through his socials and living next to him- make fun of how often he has takeout, ask if anyone ever visits him apart from his mom, that sort of thing. It sounds like normal le ebin troll shit talking to anyone else but he'll freak out and provide peak entertainment for everyone else in the game, and even if you don't keep harassing him, they will.
No. 2462973
my trailer park was redoing the roads so i had to park my car in an empty lot. i left a note with my phone number in case it needed to be moved (i don't want my shit towed). the guy living next to the empty lot texted me "yep, it's fine you parked here." and then kept texting me about completely unrelated topics and then got fussy when i stopped replying because i found it inappropriate. months have passed and he came up to me at the food bank and was like "do you live at xxx? remember me?"
i literally hate him
>>2462856how senile is this woman???