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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 2440815[Reply]

What are Moovie Nights?
Moovie Nights are events taking place in our dedicated moovie room: https://cytu.be/r/moovieroom. These include movies, themed videos, and livestreams that we all enjoy together.

What is Tunesday?
Tunesdays are days when we listen to music together, often according to a theme. They are held on Tuesdays, but you are free to hop in whenever and organize your own! Everyone is allowed to add music to the playlist. The host will alternate by who added what so everyone gets a chance to listen to their picks.

We have a dedicated room for Moovie Nights here:

Anytime! Tuesdays are typically on Tuesdays and we have no "set" schedule beyond that. If you want to see a calendar of events that nonnies have already planned to host, you can check it out here and subscribe anonymously: https://moovieroom.github.io/host-helper

1. Be nice!
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No. 2461451

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No. 2461490

wtf mercury retrograde got me kek tunesday is happening right now!

No. 2462112

last night's springtime tunesday playlist is here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLobLbrvfdQP44hJMi7VRm0ano_jHHdOoJ

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No. 1575241[Reply]

Previous Thread >>>/ot/1337722

Come draw together with anons! Nobody else in? Leave a doodle before you go! Everyone welcomed, artfags or not. Drawings of board-tan highly appreciated.

>How it works

Every doodle board has a theme to encourage creativity. There are currently 4 main boards that are cycled through, and when the current board is nearly full a poll will be posted for users to vote on the next theme. Polls stay up for about 2-3 days, and they are your sign that the board will be cleared soon. A picture of the completed board and the new theme name will be posted. Occasional reminders will be posted with the link and theme of the current board. Miss the previous theme? That's alright! Just go to the previous board and add your doodle. Make sure to post it to the thread when you're done.

If you have any theme requests, please post them! We always appreciate new theme suggestions. Themes are merely a suggestion, you can draw whatever you like on the board but please keep in mind that we have a shitpost/no theme board.

Aside from the main board(s), there may also be multiple active side boards at any given time. These side boards have themes such as coloring book, vent/horror, shitposting/no theme, etc.

If you make a new layer and then leave the board you may not be able to access that layer again due to restrictions put on the boards to protect against raids and defacing. In this case, feel free to ask in this thread for your layer back and an admin will assist you.

In general, please do not be afraid to ask for help with anything. Admins cannot be active 24/7 but we will try to help you work out any issues as soon as possible.

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No. 2456448

I'm so thankful for this page, and it just occurred to me that you wouldn't be able to have anything like it on a scrote-filled website. it would all be vandalized

No. 2457241

Admin here!,I read too fast and almost got a heart attack thinking the boards were vandalised.its all thanks to the amazing doodle anons who contribute here ♥ Theres going to be a game poll at the end of the month so please do participate!

No. 2460132

Women accidentally prove once again that scrotes are subhumans

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No. 2291553[Reply]

Similar to the Twitter, Tumblr, and Reddit hate threads, we post youtube videos, creators, and comments that we hate. Infuriating shit, stupid shit, weird shit. Post away.

Previous threads:
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No. 2462254

since when the fuck are people using eye "creams"?

No. 2462261

Bitch why are you coming at me with attitude? Ask them.

By derms, companies, beauty suppliers, etc.

No. 2462268

Imo the caffeine eye creams help when i sleep like shit (happens often) and my undereyes get sunken, but otherwise they seem like placebo to sell you another product you dont really need

No. 2462274

I know a lot of products are considered safe around the eye area but I do feel like using any kind of cream or serum around the eyes causes some form of leaching/irritation so people just automatically assume that something made specifically for eyes must be "safer" than that, it's a novice misunderstanding imo especially for beginners or overconsumers

No. 2462276

Relatable. I got shit genes so i always look so bad even when i shower every day and brush my teeth 2 times a day.

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No. 2439481[Reply]

3 months after announcing it, Cerbmin has finally created a poll that will decide the fate of VPN posting on LCF.

You can check and vote in the poll here:

The Poll can be broken down into two options:
>A VPN ban should happen.
>A VPN ban shouldn't happen.
The former option has four different caveats which take into consideration the ways in which the potential VPN will apply.

Since posting is disabled on the /meta/ thread, I thought it might be useful for anons to use this thread to discuss the poll.

>Share which option you voted for.

>Share why you voted for that option.
>Share your opinions of why a VPN is necessary or not necessary.
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No. 2462029

I feel like a vpn ban will only hurt vulnerable nonnas in abusive or DV situations. Not everyone has a support network they can turn to, and ask if their gut feelings are correct/if theyre overreacting to this or that behavior. Even DV help sites say to use a vpn to avoid having search history being discovered by a potential controller/abuser.

Please do not go forward with this vpn ban.

No. 2462032

This is dumb and untrue. I didn't have access to the internet at all for 10 years because of an abusive moid. I wasn't even allowed on the internet line inside of my own home period, let alone worried about finding a vpn. When I finally got internet via a mobile company, dynamic ip was incredibly helpful, rather than a vpn. A vpn doesn't do shit for domestic violence victims, especially when they don't have access to the internet to begin with.

No. 2462120

What? Are you just throwing whatever at the wall now to see what sticks out of desperation to avoid a VPN ban?

No. 2462126

we shouldn't ban vpns because we would lose our schizos. schizos are a precious resource that must be protected at all costs

No. 2462275

That is silly. How would a VPN help in that situation? It would be more important to clear internet history. Also actually searching for those DV help sites. LC is the wrong place to get serious help.
Yeah god forbid we never see another hour long a-logging schizo meltdown again from a PBP.

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No. 2458042[Reply]

Previous: >>>/ot/2435593

Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art (do not shill about your ai trained models key words on a prompt do not make you a artist)
-Do not post your art to be reviewed here use the designated m thread
-Screencaps are necessary while talking about milk
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No. 2462166

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Kek. I don't understand what is driving her to do this, this one is the most blatant downgrade so far. Look at this shit, as you guys all know your character and pose should be immediately recognizable from the silhouette. Drawing 1 is a tall young woman likely in a formal/modern dress from the close-fit long dress and high heels, posing cockily. It's dynamic and to use a pretentious faggot word, even has contrapposto. It's clearly competent! And what the fuck are we getting from the silhouette on the right? Is that a long lost McDonald's mascot?? A stout and stiff babushka? Perhaps a fucking astronaut? I'm all for artists leaving their comfort zones and learning how to draw fat girls but you have to draw them well. You have to fucking try

No. 2462225

>A stout and stiff babushka?
Okay so that’s the vibe nu-kate was giving me even without her blacked-out silhouette kek, she feels less like a weird teenage girl and more like a weird tubby middle aged lady with wild hair

No. 2462236

She's just channeling Janice from Mean Girls kek. The silhouette thing is stupid though, I don't think a drawing of skinny Kate with her arms by her sides would look very readable if blacked out either. Could've used an actually dynamic pose like >>2461641 for your dumb comparison.

No. 2462270

In most cases you can obviously tell.

No. 2462272

>the obsession with "boy" is so freakish to me. nearly 30 years old and saying "boy juice." is there a single tranny that isnt just a pedophile?
This is such an insane reach.

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No. 2459582[Reply]

This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse. Global rules apply: don't infight, report and ignore bait, etc.

Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping
> Ao3 Censorship and TOS
> Slapfights between slash, femslash, and het shippers
> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads
> Whitewashed/blackwashed/colorist fanart drama
> ‘[Insert Sexuality/Gender]-Coded’ Characters
> Debates over death of the author
> Stalking/harassment experienced by actors/creators

Related threads:

Fujo vs. anti-fujo discourse:
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No. 2462255

Its a fun game with good voice acting and story which you can expect since one of the lead writers is an actual woman. You might find it more enjoyable most gachas too. The gameplay is quite in depth so its not actually an AK clone. The game anniversary is close so this is a good time if you wanted to start. As for the fanbase, you might see the usual suspects on twitter going crazy over drawing/imagining the female characters with penis but the koreans and japanese artists usually dont entertain this idea. Im also sick of seeing Rahu or Deren with cocks

She probably thinks women in lesbian medias should be covered up like hijabis. Its not the lesbians fault that moids (and trannies, but im just repeating myself) found the design attractive as well, though there are moids who cant handle some of the womens personalities like Coquelic and Chameleon lol. Chinese incels even reported the game to the government to the point of getting a female character temporarily removed.

The ayrt are just trying to be dense for no reason. Its obvious that the character design and artstyle are tasteful and not as pornographic as moidslop gachas. Theyre not a bunch of bootlickers like you said. Not explicitly moid pandering too since theres also the princely/bodyguard type woman that has exclusive dialogue to female MC in her story

Lol youre right they will lose their puritan opinions if that is the case. You can already guess their excuses for being like that too

I wish there are more people like you here nonas. I swear this board lately gets kneejerk reaction whenever yuri stuffs get mentioned to the point of getting homophobic lol

No. 2462258

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The pink haired one! I don't understand why they made such a pretty FL and then excluded her from all promotional art and gave her no sprite. Self-inserters would mald over her being in CG and non-self-inserters who want to read the story like a romance would mald over her face not being seen during 80% of the game. Still, the funniest thing about the situation is this game being promoted as LGBT+ and the gendies reeing over how it's mislabeled due to lack of twans. Maybe now they realize why LGB and T need to be separate.
Spoilered for cg, forgot to do that last time

No. 2462260

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>they swapped artists and didnt go through with vaccum's art
Sucks for her but otherwise I do not see the downside honestly

No. 2462269

One of the lead writers for Rance was a woman. I don’t know why you’re so insistent on defending your moidsloo because “t-the artstyle is respectful doods!” despite the fact the women have cartoonishly large tits and dress the same as in any other gacha.

No. 2462271

I hate moid gachaslop and their retard waifus but this one is not bad? Except the first one who looks like designed by moids, and the harnesses on the second one, the risque clothing doesn't bother me much kek and they are fully clothed and none of them are lolishit. Their makeup even reminds me of Nana

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No. 2346005[Reply]

Discuss all topics pertaining to Autism, Aspergers or ADHD/ADD experiences as a woman here.

Talk about the difficulty of diagnosis as a woman, the struggles that accompany autism, or share strategies that you developed to help cope with your diagnosis. For anons with ADHD/ADD, discuss your struggles, or share your advice to cope with your issues related to your attention disorder.

Or even discuss your thoughts on how recent attention to autism/ADHD on social media affects those afflicted.

Previous threads:
#5: >>>/ot/2022269
#4: >>>/ot/1687145
#3: >>>/ot/1438835
#2: >>>/ot/1198440
#1: >>>/ot/586560
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No. 2461972

It sucks that they don't make these things for adults without it probably being a sex thing. It looks fun.

No. 2461991

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Reminds me of a taffy machine. I just want to jump right in I bet it would feel good.

No. 2462182

Sorta. Its not that useful of a skill so I dont think about it often, but when people ask me opinions on things like movies or trips, if its less than a month from experiencing I am telling them I need more time to think. Basically I can only recognize feelings when they turn into memories and thus become more generalized.

No. 2462193

I dunno if I have adhd but a lot of those struggles are familiar to me, and the way I cope with them is that I pay people to be my "teachers". So that there are tangible deadlines and expectations from me, then I can enter the "last second effort" mode to get something done. But its obviously rather stressful, so there are months of downtime for my seasonal depression, but at least I end up actually learning something in life.

No. 2462267

Its been 2 hours on straterra and i dont want to post anymore

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No. 621465[Reply]

I didn’t see a copy pasta thread, so here it is! Pasta all of your copies here:
>the fresh
>the stale
>the gross
>the milky
>the dairy free
>others’ pasta
>even those in your own pockets
And so much more! If you could add pictures related to them, that would be even better.
Let’s try saving all those huge spergs that have been posted on lolcow by cows and farmers alike!
this is my first thread so no bully pls
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No. 2449558

It makes me a fat bitch from Tumblr to not want shit on me? You people are so nasty and weird it's disturbing

No. 2449562

Give it up precious

No. 2449570

Stay living in your shit dungeon

No. 2462252

When I lived in Devon, which is a few years ago now, I worked with a very nice woman who was a part-time magistrate. (For friends outside the UK, magistrates are all part-time volunteers - carefully selected and trained - who judge all cases initially, with the more serious cases being sent on to the Crown Court by the magistrate.) Because of the way the magistrates' court operates, she sat in various courtrooms across Devon and Cornwall.

During one of our conversations about this fascinating role, she told me that the magistrates’ courts this part of England see disproportionately large numbers of cases involving paedophilia. It was something that magistrates in Devon and Cornwall had to get used to and learn to deal with. I asked her why she thought this was the case. Why would this beautiful area of the country, popular with holidaymakers and tourists and retired people, be a magnet for paedophilic men?

The answer? According to my friend, and the collective wisdom of the magistrates and the police, developed over many decades, it’s because Devon and Cornwall have some of the best beaches in the UK. All summer, there are thousands of children in swimsuits (or just a nappy, or naked) at beaches all round the coast.

Very soon after she told me, I took my son (then nine years old) and a group of four of his friends of the same age to the beach. As the five of them jumped in and out of the waves in their shortie wetsuits, I noticed a man on his own looking at them, and I noticed the way the wet neoprene emphasised their slender bodies and cute little bums.

Of course, now I know this, every time I go to the beach, I notice the men on their own. I’d never noticed them before, because they make every effort not to be noticeable. Sitting on benches, sitting on the sand, at a distance from other people. Fully dressed, no bag of beach paraphernalia, not looking around to see where the rest of their family has got to.

Next time you go to the beach, you will see them too.

No. 2462266

I fucking hate simps so much. Those dumb fucking libtard simp cucks. Imagine simping for any fucking woman, let alone a libtard OnlyFans thot. You’re over here edging to some sub-5 roastie until you’re the colour of a Grimace shake, while I’ve been mewing and jelqing for the past 5 years to become more skibidi. Now, while you’re STILL shilling her OnlyFans, I am such a based and redpilled gigachad sigma rizzler that have multiple level-10-gyatt Livvy Dunne lookalikes guzzling my glizzy on the regular.
And I can see you malding from your gooncave in the chat right now, saying that all my yapping is just capping, but that copium is about to run out. Peep the board. It’s up to 10 kills already and I just wiped out tomato town. Now I’m locked in and on my way to collect the final Fanum tax, yet here you are without a chug jug.
You’re cooked, beta. This is the end of the grind for you. You can either griddy towards the nearest rickety stool and ropemaxx or suffer the full extent of the brutal mogging that’s about to take place. Either way, it’s time to get this ratioed.

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No. 2154863[Reply]

Make fun of weird ass fetishes and the degenerates who like them and no you can’t crosspost nonas from /g/

Last Threads
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No. 2461067

Idk maybe “he” is a troon or bi
It was pretty popular with gay dudes during the HIV crisis because it didn’t require intercourse. It’s also where hyper-masculine “leather daddy” culture emerged as a response to stereotypes about gay men being effeminate and AIDS-ridden. I think a lot of them noticed the sadomasochistic nature of masculinity and the police and embraced it as a way to gain power over those things. Supposedly, a maledom/femsub relationship parodies strict gender roles, purity culture, etc. Tbh I think outlawing kink is justified, but it’s weird that some US states do that but allow corporal punishment for schoolchildren for example.

No. 2461069

This looks so unsexual I cant even be grossed out by it. Moid sexual autism is truly something.

No. 2461663

Femdom is very patriarchal. 19:21 in vid, (also RunawaySiren940 RIP)

No. 2461669

Why do none of you actually read the posts you respond to? retard. You are the reason so many traumatized women get groomed into in maledom.

No. 2462259

>men find it humiliating to be dominated by a woman.
>a-acktually, being spat on and called a whore isn’t humiliating at all for women!!!

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No. 2458998[Reply]

Discuss the current psyop regarding ugly and old men being shilled as attractive.
This thread is also for talking about topics like beauty double standards in media, ugly fictional and irl men shilled as attractive, science about male aging and unattractiveness, etc.
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT, go to unconventional male attractions to discuss uggos you like
>report/ignore racebait
>this thread is specifically for what moids look like; extended discussions of moid behavior, crimes, sexuality, etc. are better suited to the manhate thread.

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No. 2461689

Honestly i don't blame women who psyop themselves into finding ugly men attractive when 99.9% of scrotes are ogre tier, like literal orcs in skin tone shades instead of green or whatever. Everytime i go outside it's like looking at a street filled with shit, in fact i'd rather see shit. We have to see them everyday and interact with them in our jobs, schools, etc. They sit their lard asses in the seat you are in now when you're a public place, they touch with their gross crusty hands that god knows where they were the handles, doorknobs, tables, countertops that know you have to touch to get through, these are your coworkers that you have to talk to and look at, these are the people in your life, this is your life. You have to hear women call other women ugly and dirty because you don't shave or wear makeup or men seethe about how ugly and fat women are, how women are sooo mean and unconsiderate for looking at someone in the wrong way yet a scrote that looks like a harvey weinstein prototype and has the most horrid personality is more respected, less discriminated against, gets more opportunities, has better dating options in every aspect than you ever could because he is male and you are female.

No. 2461760

No I do blame women who 'psyop themselves', there's no reason to uplift a passable looking but otherwise mid male, especially when he's a raging sexist which most of them are. If he isn't both handsome and respects women there's actually no reason in a first world country to throw away your dignity for such a creature. None at all. Especially to have sex with/have children with it. This is why we're losing more rights and more autistic, ugly males are being born. There is no reason to 'psyop yourself', I don't know why you'd even phrase it that way. There's already a psyop in all media there's no reason to give into it yourself and spread it around to other women.

No. 2461887

I don't know, i just want to give up. I know it seems retarded but everything is just so full of shit. Every single hobby, piece of media, industry, field of work, workplace, school, university, ideology, space, everything everything everything is just full of degradation of women, pickmes and ugly scrotes. Women care too much about the opinion of scrotes to against them and if they did, scrotes would double down on the violence.

No. 2462088

The feeling of being half awake to the psyop/coming out of it is weird. You’ll be having sex with your beta that you chose because ‘muh personality’ or ‘muh hobbies are the same’ (never do this) and then you realise you’re kind of repulsed by him and then have to scramble to rationalize why. So you psyop yourself that ackshully I love him. Very crazymaking.

No. 2462256

That walled scrote is 18?!!! There's no hope anymore, we will never have cute moids again yes, I am starting to think the yumejo route is the only option

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