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/w/ - vloggers, lolita, cosplay

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No. 334903

>Adelaide Somers / Addy Harajuku (previously known as addychansenpai) is a terminally online 25-year-old weeaboo tiktoker and self proclaimed “expert” in j-fashion, anime, japanese culture, fandom, cosplay, conventions, and other similar topics she barely has any knowledge about.
>General traits: hypocrite, insecure, thin skinned, and a moralfagging liar.
>She’s known to lurk lolcow threads and has made videos about Pixyteri and Chris Chan, defending the latter as a “vulnerable grooming victim manipulated into raping his own mother”.

>Addy’s online presence can be traced back to the 2010s with multiple abandoned youtube channels focusing on anime figure reviews and general weaboo content. As of today, all her previous videos are privated, but remnants of her attempts at relevancy can be seen across different websites.

>Nowadays, she spends her time dressing in poor attempts at j-fashion, wearing ugly goggles on top of her choppy hair, and creating low quality content for her impressionable young fanbase.
>Some of her most notable examples of said low quality content is her virtue signaling and holier-than-thou tiktok rants discussing what she deems as problematic media: she likes policing others on what figures to own, what creators to support, and what anime to watch. However, Addy does not take her own advice on the matter, and regularly purchases figures from series that include lolicon, rape, self harm, abuse, and incest, supporting their creators in the process.
>She regularly shills anime girl figures from NSFW sources such as Super Sonico and Saya no Uta to her young fanbase. encouraging them to buy figures, believing that anything that doesn't show a vagina or exposed nipple is SFW and “body positive”. Being an owner of a raunchy Super Sonico ½ scale figure herself, she sees no problem in recommending similar figures to teenagers.
>Some of her most infamous tiktok rants include the multi-part series called “figures I regret buying” where she whines and complains about certain figures she “totally didn’t know came from a problematic series” and yet she does nothing to get rid of them, admittedly keeping them “tucked behind other figures” so no one can see them.
>She will attack fans of Hetalia, Vocaloid and Homestuck, calling them problematic in her videos, but will make up excuses for all the anime and manga she likes. As an example, when asked if Menhera-chan “romanticizes mental illness and self harm”, she will defend its creator (Ezaki Bisuko) for being “a mentally ill man”, despite him being part of multiple verifiable controversies. So far, even though she’s aware of them, she still collects Menhera-chan merch.
>Addy has an obsession with kawaii anime yandere characters. This is reflected in the things she likes: Happy Sugar Life, Magical Girl Site, Totono, and Needy Streamer Overload. She can be seen cosplaying, collecting merch, and recommending these series to others, even spotting tattoos of them. These, of course, tend to portray things she finds problematic, but since they fit her special snowflake yandere aesthetic, she will give them a pass.
>Her surface level knowledge has been proven time and again to come from places like pinterest or youtube, resulting in piss poor attempts at educating people. Despite this, Addy loves acting as a voice of reason and a moralfagging know-it-all.
>Addy has said she wants her content and tiktok page to be “a safe space that feels welcoming and warm” for her viewers, however, Addy is known to send large walls of texts defending herself to anyone who expresses any slight criticism or disbelief towards her. Rumor has it, she has sent self harm scars to at least one person that disagreed with her.
>The degree of Addy’s lies has no boundaries. In an attempt to boost her credibility, she will often exaggerate and make up dishonest arguments that cannot be verified. One example is claiming that she has been attending cons since the 2000s, but if that were the case, she would had been a grade schooler back then, as her age (25 as of 2024) would easily disprove it.
>Another lie: Addy says she has a “career in j-fashion”, however, despite her efforts at collaborating with western alt fashion brands, there’s nothing that could prove she has a career in alternative japanese fashion, as her badly put together fashion style proves otherwise. Her cosplays also tend to be of very low quality, but still loves giving advice on both fronts.
>But the most egregious example of her over-inflated lies has been the claim that she has worked as a teaching assistant (TA) working with special needs adult students, despite no evidence being provided and no experience logged on her linkedin profile. This claim was made when defending Chris Chan’s heinous acts, to make herself sound important and knowledgeable on the matter.


Ashley Harris aka “JuicyGirlTV” (previously known as JuicyBoy)
>Addy’s creepy trans mtf pretend brother. Known for his egirl transformation videos, Robin can be seen found making content on instagram, tiktok, youtube and twitch about his transition journey and general egirl-esque attention-whoring shit. His style is eerily similar to Addy’s, but comes as no surprise since he often borrows her clothes for videos. He is told to “kill himself” everyday (self reported) and regularly whines about “muh transphobia” on his instagram stories, and of course, Addy tends to chime in in support of him, dunking on terfs and supporting “tran’s women’s right to use the women’s bathroom”. Him and Addy can be seen hanging around other UK troons.
>Currently dating in a t4t relationship. Calls himself a “puppy girl”.

Last thread recap:
>Addy continues defending the characters she enjoys for doing things she condemns in other media >>331631
>Despite claiming to not romanticize self-harm, has a box cutter tattoo >>331648 from a shitty pedobait anime >>331691
>Shows her ridiculous figurine collection to try and prove she isn't just a coomer >>331836 but might actually be deceiving >>331851
>Addy's surface level knowledge >>331843 gets called out >>331850, proving once again she doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about
>Addy announces a discord server >>331908
>Despite making her entire career out of fashion she continues to have a hard time properly putting outfits together >>331910
>Addy outs herself as a lurker, bans words like nonnie and troon from her server >>332039
>Quickly removes it after nonnies make fun of her >>332147
>Wants to move to Japan despite not speaking a lick of Japanese >>332089
>Not even THREE DAYS IN, one of her mod staff ends up being a groomer >>332325
>Talks about the tragic death of Alex from Pretty Pastel, makes it about herself >>332286
>Makes a tour of her figure collection >>332327 including of a teenage fat fetish character spreading her ass checks >>332333
>Shows questionable standards for "SFW" >>332350
>Queerbaits herself as "fruity", has only ever dated moids before >>332335
>More figurines from pedo shows >>332380 >>332351
>Addy's depop shop shows more evidence of lolifaggotry >>332506 >>332507 >>332519
>Defends her purchasing and promoting of the porn company that created Sonico >>332622 even claiming that the toddler porn doesn't actually count as CP >>332650 [spoiler]
>More queerbait ft.her ugly scrote and poor understanding on how lesbian relationships function outside of coom anime >>332906 >>332910 >>332911 >>332916
>Addy refers to Juicy as an online pal/friend, kind of solidifying that they're not actually siblings >>333008 >>333009
>Old pal of Ashley reveals his last name >>333112 which is obviously different from Addy's
>Addy talks about her calorie counting in the past >>333652
>Unfiltered face gets revealed >>333828 >>333904
>Continues to pick on teenagers to hide her surface level knowledge >>334166
>Claims to never glorify her bad habits >>334529 evidence says otherwise >>334592

TIKTOK - https://tiktok.com/@addyharajuku
SECOND TIKTOK - https://tiktok.com/@addyharajuku
INSTAGRAM - https://instagram.com/addyharajuku
TWITTER - https://twitter.com/addyharajuku_
YOUTUBE - https://youtube.com/c/addyharajuku
MYFIGURECOLLECTION - https://myfigurecollection.net/profile/Catbugxox/collection/

Be sure to download her tiktoks and stories, upload them in case she deletes them!


No. 334905

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No. 334906

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she went to some kind of party

No. 334907

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with some type of furry head

No. 334908

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her tooth gem came off

No. 334918

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Tf is she so whiny for over a kids game like I swear she made this post in a different font like five times at this point it ain’t ever that serious . 25 years old crying over a roblox game

No. 334919

The nose contour is atrocious and I know for a fact she's filtered to hell and back but NGL I really like this new makeup she's doing, such an improvement over whatever the fuck she had going on before

No. 334928

jirai is not indie and in fact the style she wears is referred to as mass production girl (aka fast fashion) in japan.

No. 334931

Because the adults who played this when it came out are now adults? This is a new mode in a sense, so obviously she's going to check it out. Adults are all over tiktok live doing these best dressed voting things.

No. 334933

we get it nonnie, you like roblox. It's still retarded to complain about kids playing a kids game

No. 334934

Adults that cry on tiktoks over losing to kids in a kid's game are pathetic. What bothers me about dti is how everything kids churn out is some Kardashian looking shit, are kids just legitimately creatively braindead now? Even the most simple of themes and they can't handle it.(derailing)

No. 334936

>Because the adults who played this when it came out are now adults?

No. 334938

The game isn’t even a year old yet, and addy is like 25… your treating this shit like it’s some ancient roblox game from 10 years ago(sage your shit)

No. 334943

That nose contour is absolutely awful, it’s like she improved her eye makeup tenfold but the rest of it went to shit. Ash/Robin looks like a hag in the back with the awfully applied makeup, rotten joke shop looking halloween teeth, deep set wrinkles and snapped off damaged hair.
That party just seems coomer central. It’s so odd that her friends are just chronically online people screaming into the void for validation and attention. It’s okay to be normal.

No. 334945

Did she even play roblox as a kid or are you just assuming? I remember it used to be seen as a game for really young kids and it didn't really get popular until 2017 when she was 18

No. 334947

It was popular well before that.

No. 334948

why is she hanging out with porn actors as an influencer with a mainly child audience, and posting pictures with their @'s tagged?

No. 334949

one of those does porn?? kek

No. 334951

I mean, the other day she shared one of her friend's insta stories (the bonsai one) where said friend was doing a "human centipede" with Addy + others on Dress to Impress. She just doesn't care about her fans. She wants easy fame, asspats and undying loyalty, and she gets them from naïve children. This woman is everything that is wrong with current influencers. Ragebaiter, virtual signaling useless retard that should be suspended of all her online activities so she stops shitting up the internet even more.

No. 334952

Finn, Icky, Pierbiii, Wiggly, Runa all do OnlyFans all of whom Addy is opening her mostly child audience to by tagging them all. Only herself, Juicy and ButterBonsai aren’t SWers.

No. 334953

jesus christ I'd be questioning my life choices if one of my friends was an ewhore, let alone the majority of my friend group

No. 334955

Well I guess it goes hand in hand that she’s only friends with them through Juicy, also that pretty much every trans ‘influencer’ is a sex worker for some odd reason. I assume for a fake form of validation that they get from chasers and fetishizers.

No. 334958

She talks about gore, supports jorai, has self harm cuts and tattoos.. shes not miss rachel, her content isnt and never has been geared toward children. Its geared towards anime nerds. Youre assuming shes focusing on 18 and under when thats not possible with her content discussion. Thats a parent issue.

No. 334960

NTA, but but stfu whiteknight, most anime fans are teens and under and she constantly talks about roblox/dress to impress. I can't understand why are you here constantly trying to defend her.(infighting)

No. 334966

But she knows her fans are teens. Check the other two older threads. She knows minors follow her.

No. 334967

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No. 334970

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No. 334971

You can buy outfits for a style from indie brands, anon. That's what that means. No one is saying jirai itself is an indie-style.

No. 334972

She has hundreds of figures already but is begging for $200 figures from her viewers kek. Anyone who buys her anything deserves to lose their money

No. 334973

Oh great, more coomer shit and nendoroids and figs she will sell second-hand in over a year. I'm wondering now if the things she has been selling on vinted were gifts or something.

No. 334975

>why are you here constantly trying to defend her
Don't pull a schizo. Just saying she doesn't market herself as a child creator. All her topics are 18+ and teens are not a majority of her fans. The people who buy merch are adults. They are the ones with money. >>334905 All these people here are adults who like anime. She surrounds herself with sex workers like this anon claims. Also Roblox was popular when she was a kid, even before she was 18. You don't drop all your interests once you turn 18 on media that made for everyone to consume. Roblox is as much a child's game as Little Big Planet is and Minecraft. If she's going to hang out with OF creators, that's not conflicting with her current content.

No. 334982

A lot of her clothes are not from indie brands, she shills ACDC Rag and Dearmylove all the time. She literally just tagged fucking Free People earlier this month, and her goggles are from Aliexpress though she stopped including them in her listed outfit breakdowns this year kek. Ironic considering how she tells people they should never buy from fast fashion brands

And being indie does not suddenly make it ethical, which is one of the talking points Addy loves to preach about. Many of those indie Jirai/alt brands, especially the ones at the top floor of Shibuya109 that she loves to shill use the same/similar cheap factories that typical jfashion fast fashion brands use. It's just like how western artist alley creators (who she also likes to shill) use alibaba manufacturers vs using more expensive manus located in the west or handmaking their stuff. If they were ethical they'd absolutely be screaming about it from the rooftops. For these small creators they outsource the work cheaply so they can make a profit without having to charge very high prices, which is understandable for their demographic but it's utterly retarded for Addy to preach about how fast fashion is unethical to the people actually sewing/producing the clothing while still supporting it/similar production methods. Virtue signaling at its finest, just buy the consoomer slop and stop preaching Addy.

No. 334983

Then why is she so pressed about SFW stuff? It would be better for her to just say she isn't a kid/teen-friendly "content creator" (kek imagine her actually creating something) and to just admit she's a degenerate coomer weirdo.
Like, there's consoomer YouTubers that admit they aren't kid friendly and get sponsors and shit to promote anime porn and sex shit, she could do the same, otherwise she's just being unnecessarily ambiguous, which is retarded.
Plus her being on tiktok also doesn't make sense if she admits she's not kid friendly, because it's an app mostly used by kids and teens, she could easily use Shitter instead of TikTok to promote her preachy "content".

No. 334993

Idk, but her topics arent child friendly 80% of the time.

No. 334994

Jesus christ, is she not embarassed by this? This is peak consoomer behavior, she can't be happy and content with what she already owns, she MUST get more. Begging her likely child audience for that soft-core sonico porn? I hate e-beggars enough as it is but e-begging influencers specifically make my blood boil, it's such a waste of money that could've gone to a charity or something. It baffles me that she feels so entitled to this plastic junk.

No. 335001

Consumers arent the problem, its the fact you cannot buy unless its fast fashion. Even indied brands like you said aren't ethical.

No. 335003

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People from the UK influencers thread were complaining about her ebegging like 3 years ago kek, right under where she was showing off her fucked up arm to her child audience

No. 335004

She IS the problem for sperging about how nobody should buy fast fashion while doing it herself. There /are/ ethical jfashion brands (namely Japanese lolita brands or fairy kei creators who handmake many things), but she chose the one jfashion style where it's basically nonexistent. Even if she buys her Jirai trashbags secondhand, the origins were still fast fashion/produced unethically. Compared to something like decora where there are many old secondhand pieces that were produced in Japan. She should just stop virtue signaling, it's really pathetic.

No. 335005

This is what happens to your brain when you grow up online with no parental boundaries.

No. 335007

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Stumbled upon her confirming she's 5"4, so much for the anon insisting she's short last thread. I really don't understand her calling herself uwu smol in so many videos. Insanely creepy.

No. 335008

Literally average of USA. UK is probably close to that too.

No. 335011

Not only is 5'4 average, she's also fat. smol my ass, lmao

No. 335012

Many of those indie Jirai/alt brands, especially the ones at the top floor of Shibuya109
This is a conflicting statement. Anything in 109 isn't an indie brand

No. 335014

You're right but I meant newer/less popular brands in general compared to Liz Lisa or Ank Rouge which are the most popular among westerners and have been around for over a decade. Few of the western brands she wears are indie either, but they're not "mainstream" in that they'd be sold in a shopping mall. Regardless I'm not here to argue semantics, just pointing out Addy's hypocrisy and that she should stop virtue signaling about not buying fast fashion because of ethics

No. 335015

Ngl its pretty unreasonable with capitalism to find a full wardobe of her style and not have fast fashion resources involved.

No. 335016

Yes that's why it's insane and preachy for her to tell other people to not buy fast fashion while she does.

No. 335017

Why do anons in this thread have no reading comprehension? Yes, it's impossible to dress in Jirai without buying fast fashion, which is why she's a hypocrite for criticizing people who buy fast fashion while choosing to dress in a niche style. No one's forcing her to dress this way.

No. 335018

DML is a rebranding of a dreamv sub label called deary which was around for almost 2 decades. but again jirai is considered fast fashion and jirai girls in fact would be offended by being called indie.(derailing)

No. 335022

She has so many followers. You can't expect her to go through and block everyone who follows and is under 18, do you? That would take so much time and a lot of people don't put their ages in their bio. there's no way for her to ethically block people because it would be a lot of guess-work. She is an 18+ creator and who cosplays porn games. She's not for kids and if a kid followers her, that's not her fault.

No. 335023

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No. 335024

please read old threads. I don't know why you're defending her when she KNOWS she's interacting with teens.

No. 335027

No one is denying she has kids following her, but that's a parents problem for letting them follow unsupervised tiktokkers who talk about porn games and hang out with onlyfans thots. Her content though isn't made for kids.

No. 335029

She never puts any warnings or anything though, she's misleading.

No. 335030

Kek, posing next to a troon so she doesn't look as huge as she is.

No. 335032

The autistic Crazy Frog goggles… I’m so tired of seeing them, there are so many j-fashion hair accessories she could be trying out in her outfits. She should collab with people who are actually into j-fashion, not just have Juicy copy what she wears. Ash/Juicy looks like he has a dirty sanchez, that brown wet shit all around his mouth is disgusting, who puts lipliner on like that? It’s not even following the cupids bow, just connected the two peaks into one. Looks like such a mouth breather. How unfortunate having such a big long face and manly jaw, yet also a massive overbite and receding chin, then paired with teeth like having a mouth full of gravel. It’s always insecure moids who feel too ugly that transition, do they realize they make even UGLIER women? Men can get away with being ugly and short/fat in society… women can’t and then they stick out even more for being ugly everywhere they go. Addy doesn’t even make content with juicy about anything other than juicy being trans, there is no substance to the content at all. Why does she bother when she can collab with others relatable to her audience…

No. 335036

>Why does she bother when she can collab with others relatable to her audience.
Because, in reality, she can't. Who would want to collab with this retard? Her only friends are SW trannies.

No. 335039

it's really not that hard to find things second hand, she's just lazy. she also strikes me as the type of person who wouldn't wear used clothes because they're "icky"

No. 335040

she has never discouraged kids from following her though, because she knows they're the majority of her audience

No. 335042

>She is an 18+ creator
Why doesn't she say her content is meant for adults in her bio then? She also replies/argues to teens directly and said it would be fine for a teen to collect Sonico figures. You are a terrible wk

No. 335045

She must know that she just doesn't make anything, at all.
All she does is consoomm and throw up content that has been regurgitated to hell and back, she basically eats the vomit that others threw up weeks ago and then she throws it up again. In the case of the videos with the moid, she just participates in his and other moids' fetish of the idea of getting along with a woman in real life.
What can anyone do with her other than consoom together? She doesn't do art related stuff, doesn't take interesting pictures, doesn't make movies/animations/scripts, she can't write for shit, she can't draw, she can't sing or even dance, she doesn't know anything actually interesting that hasn't been said before even about weeb shit.
She wouldn't talk with a normal person for more than 3 minutes, she really seems soulless as fuck, I would dare say it's dismal.

No. 335046

You can buy secondhand, which is what most western jfashion wearers did before the jirai fags came around

No. 335048

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>Crazy Frog goggles
KEK separated at birth

No. 335052

Didn't anons give her shit for buying secondhand figures? It's still fast fashion even secondhand. It's the same concept.

No. 335054

She could just make her own stuff with all the ridiculous amount of free time she has but it's easier to just buy shit, she's basically a mini-Jillian, she should be honest and stop the sustainability larp or she will be forced to learn how to sew like Jillian, which in Jillian's case she seems to sorta enjoy it while in Retarddy's case she doesn't seem to be able to do anything at all, so I doubt she would enjoy the process of learning.

No. 335055

Foreshadowing that she'll become an only fans girlie in a year from now. You can quote me in that

No. 335057

no, she got shit for claiming she buys all her sonicos secondhand then blatantly preordering a $1.2k sonico firsthand

No. 335058

Nobody would give a fuck if she bought fast fashion if she didn’t virtue signal about not buying it even though she owns a fuck ton of it. Just how nobody would give a fuck about her liking lolibait and incest anime and lolisho porn vns if she didn’t virtue signal about how it’s “sus” to like similar/the same series despite owning a fuckton of figures and liking them well into adulthood.

No. 335062

She also has a ton of sonico merch on her birthday wishlist that isn't second hand. She can't keep her lies straight and doesn't seem to actually care as long as she can keep mass consooming.

No. 335063

She's also the problem.

No. 335065

Ofc she does. If she doesn't buy it directly, then she can say she got it gifted to her and she still holds the upper moral hand in her twisted logic.

No. 335066

she's doing that thing that influencers do where they don't want to isolate anyone so they are huge hypocrites trying to both support and decry everything. people will end up calling her out eventually.

No. 335068

That's hilarious because technically that's a loophole that does follow her standards lol

No. 335070

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>some girl's shein haul
>this could not be my digital footprint ill tell you that!!
>ebegs for plastic cosplay sets from china, more figures, and stuffed animals
ok addy

No. 335071

Not really. Someone who cares about sustainability wouldn't put up a wishlist with random shit they don't need

No. 335073

Also she can just tax write off anything at all that she uses for content, be that cosplays, figures, makeup, lenses. Of course she has to pay for it initially but she can claim it back off her tax when she does her finances at the end of the year. Sustainable greedy Queen. Just justification to fuel hoarding more plastic crap if she even just shows it once in a IG story.

No. 335074

This. Plus maybe it’s a nitpick but the cosplay company she has a ton of items wishlisted from, DokiDokiCosplay is by no means sustainable.

I’d argue that any and all mass-producing cosplay makers aren’t sustainable whatsoever considering that the quality of said items is more often than not piss-poor and was probably made in a Chinese sweatshop.

Kind of hypocritical of you Addy, wishlisting stuff from companies like that. You’d think that she’d make her own cosplays or at the very least lie about it to maintain her already-faltering reputation, but I guess not.

No. 335077

Lmao. Shein/temu sweatshops are the root of all evil, but cosplay sweatshops are A-ok

No. 335081

Back when she begged for the Sonico cosplay she said she would had it made by hand by some seamstress in her area

No. 335082

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Does she really think anyone is gonna be dissapointed or let down with this information?

No. 335096

fast fashion is never justifiable, but at least people actually wear it in their day to day lives. it has at least ONE purpose. cosplay is just a hobby, costumes are the peak of consoom. what is the point of taking an interest in cosplaying as a hobby if you're just going to do nothing? at least actual cosplayers put in the work and effort, like any other hobby requires, throwing on some pre-made polyester crap only serves to show how little she cares for cosplay. what are the chances she'll get these cosplays, wear them once, and then resell them?

No. 335098

Why are these videos when they could’ve been a screenshot wtf is the point? A video makes sense when it’s an actual video with her moving in it or an instagram story

No. 335103

How much of a attention whore do you have to post this? Addy they're your fans not your friends they don't care about "you" they never will. they care about the aesthetic and fashion you do isn't this woman almost 26?

No. 335110

Isn't that girl from Cyberpunk a minor? Great going, Addy.

This just seems like a typical Tuna-type "feel like shit, but me things" type of post lmao. Woe is me, birthday ruined, did I mention it's my birthday enough times and plugged the gift link to death?

No. 335112

It's because of that storysaver site, it downloads stories sometimes as videos, I guess if music/gifs are being used.
I don't know anything about the series, but the character is apparently "20". Just some cheap ecchi lolibait. Typical Addy.

No. 335121

Shes an android. Not a minor and not real.

No. 335129

The girl from cyberpunk is a human with robot parts and the Trigger designers specifically referred to her as a loli. She’s frequently shown in her underwear. Pretty hypocritical considering how Addy insists the Nekopara girls (who are also not real and are larger in stature than Rebecca) are lolis and anyone who likes them are “sus”. By Addy’s own standards she’s “problematic” too

No. 335140

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No. 335141

She could internalize that and remove the shitty Chinese sweatshop one time wonder cosplays from her wishlist.

No. 335145

Of course her consoomer ass is criticizing this trend. Shouldn't she be happy that more young people try to be sustainable? Who cares that it's made into an aesthetic?

No. 335160

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Is she lurking?

No. 335161

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Bday video by Juicy

No. 335170

Probably not. It's an old photo and someone tagging her. Has nothing to do with the thread.

No. 335171

she made light of the platforms after people talked about it last thread and itt people said she's not smol.

No. 335172

Honestly feels like wishful thinking.

No. 335177

>is she lurking?
Well, ofc she is, she has already shown she does by mentioning the adam sandler thing last thread. She is so insecure it's hilarious. She explains and clarifies the most stupid shit constantly, always defensive and on edge. Kek. One could even feel pity for her, but nah.

No. 335184

Now that's the face of a woman who makes meat pies, and damn Addy, how thick is your neck?

No. 335192

File: 1724943083023.jpg (6.89 KB, 300x300, 1000057354.jpg)

162cm and looks that humongous with platforms? Impossible, either that girl next to her is a fucking midget or she has ridiculously high shoes like pic related, how tall is that ceiling anyways? Even if you're a regular height and wearing platforms it's hard to reach those doorframes that easily.

No. 335194

File: 1724945493218.png (1.27 MB, 759x722, shoes.png)

These seem to be the shoes she wears the most, so yeah. Adds like 3" I think. Not even mentioning the extra heel on there, so maybe 3.5" at the heel? No one thinks she is small and petite and itty bitty. If anything, she showcases herself as the alt butch.

No. 335195

I'm in the uk and 175cm and the top of my head is closer to the top of the doorframe than hers is in that pic, she's probably wearing 10cm heels or something close.(sage your shit)

No. 335196

There’s a step to the room Addy’s in as it’s elevated. It’s not the fact she’s much taller.

No. 335198

This. This is why I don't trust comments like these. >>335172

No. 335200

And how would you know this? There's no visible step on the picture and she didn't mention there being one. Addy's not going to come and hug you just because you're defending her "smolness".

No. 335201

Thats what I was thinking. most hotel rooms do not have a step. There isn't one there. She could also be doing it on purpose for the look of the short girl-tall girl wlw thing. It's a trend and specific couple pairing people like. It's not this deep. We know she's not short and tiny. Why is this such a derail?

No. 335205

File: 1724950723197.png (1.61 MB, 1319x1895, addy.png)

No. 335206

File: 1724950944229.png (1.62 MB, 1388x1113, 46862256.png)

birthday outfit post

No. 335207

File: 1724951368706.png (667.72 KB, 850x750, 378235578.png)

No. 335208

least obvious lurking cow

No. 335209

File: 1724951606431.mp4 (212.29 KB, 720x1280, 53446A00DA05857F82A51D49C9258A…)

she drew a bleeding cutter on a cup at a pottery store

No. 335210

File: 1724952078580.png (740.18 KB, 670x1324, 87437949_578922.png)

her female friends are always so much cuter than her

No. 335211

But remember, she's not glorifying self harm.

No. 335212

Except for the fact her hair color clashes with so many things, that fit is actually kind of cute on her and with the bows.

No. 335213

it is literally the same basic ass outfit all these jirai bitches wear.

No. 335214

The fit and flare looks better on her than >>335210 I don't care if it's the same outfit jirai girls wear lol

No. 335216

I disagree, she looks blocky. I don't think Jirai is for her at all. She has better outfits than that one.

No. 335217

File: 1724956067829.png (1.01 MB, 649x919, hide the fupa.png)

By fit I mean the actual fit, not the outfit. Not jirai. She looks less blocky when she has a little flare around her hips vs something like leggings and items that show off just how narrow her hips are which give her the rectangle look in outfits with just pants and shirts.

No. 335220

I actually really liked her most recent closet cosplay outfit as well (white crop top, black pants, star contact lenses), but like I said, jirai looks pretty bad on her and doesn't really go with the rest of her style imo

No. 335249

It is not common sense to use a sponge until you can’t anymore. You’re supposed to throw them out after a few weeks because they’re mold magnets

No. 335253

File: 1726065656842.png (1.7 MB, 1080x1890, Screenshot_20240905-144958.png)

Well, I didn't keep up that much with this woman during the blackout. It was good she got sick at the same time, kek, cause she didn't post as many stories. Haven't checked her tiktok videos yet.
>has been posting more and more fetish disgusting content on her insta stories, following posts are just some of her recent insta stories
>changed her makeup, doubles down on the nose countour, looks like a jojo character now

No. 335254

File: 1726065683706.png (2.39 MB, 1080x1906, Screenshot_20240905-145122.png)

No. 335255

File: 1726065734585.jpg (Spoiler Image,317.38 KB, 1290x2293, 457880803_18450698407030812_85…)

>referencing the mlp cum jar

No. 335256

File: 1726065812511.png (Spoiler Image,498.3 KB, 1080x1866, Screenshot_20240905-145158.png)

>sharing how one of her contacts/friends pissed the bed

No. 335257

File: 1726065955888.jpg (Spoiler Image,121.6 KB, 1290x2293, 457660177_18449922166030812_36…)

Overall, our shrek queen has been her best disgusting self this blackout. She also shared some insta stories of her sperging to her insta followers about the Beetlejuice movie, same way as if she didn't have people to talk with about it, just like nonas have pointed out before.

No. 335260

How is that fetish content?

No. 335263

I meant the posts below. Fucking cum jar, the amputee girl, you know what i mean ffs.

No. 335271

I know we've talked about how awful her makeup styling is, but this nose contour really takes the cake. I thought it was a big bandaid at a quick glance on that first image. She always looks dirty and grimy, can't even clean her mirror ffs. Classic Addy.

No. 335274

So.. memes? Thats not her promoting fetish material. Almost every cosplay posted about the Rainbow Dash cosplay.

No. 335276

Take off your armor, it's fetish content, no matter how normalized it is to make sex jokes. Also, maybe stop following people cosplaying characters from children cartoons who "always" do the cum jar "joke" it's pathetic.
The fact that she preaches about not letting kids consoom the content she actively consooms is hilarious.

No. 335286

File: 1726088830923.png (26.54 KB, 135x135, addy.png)

>I have never glorified self-harm

No. 335289

She's not a kids creator, so all this is on brand for her posting.
>take off your armor
Idk what that even means, is this some twitspeak? It is normal for adults to make sex jokes about other adults making sex jokes. The cum jar thing was a hilarious cosplay making fun of men. Saying she supports fetish content because of a cosplay is wild. Not a single convention is under 18 friendly.

No. 335293

NTA but she herself has acknowledged that she knows a lot of under 18s and 16s follow her. She's a hypocrite at best, and I'm not going to pearl clutch but she positions herself in a sort of fandom mama type role and it's a bit weird how she's exposing them to fetish memes.

No. 335294

I believe they're calling you a white knight. Addy regularly interacts with minors and acknowledges a lot of her viewers are minors, and most conventions are all ages. What are you even on about?

No. 335296

File: 1726096810947.png (422.19 KB, 720x1262, 56257389.png)

I saw this too, it was weird. Reposting it because I caught it live with the username attached

No. 335297

That's some kek worthy dark humor though, I have to admit.

No. 335298

File: 1726097628608.png (2.05 MB, 2083x1228, 425242525.png)

also reposting this so the avatar shows up

No. 335299

File: 1726098118556.png (1.93 MB, 2160x1235, 3332368854.png)

how addy sees herself (the one in the middle is the video of someone making a furry mask)

No. 335300

File: 1726098198983.png (1.82 MB, 1436x1242, 245254-1.png)

addy selling more figures to get new super sonico ones

No. 335301

File: 1726098314603.mp4 (3.92 MB, 1080x1920, An-VxiOStlFokZ025hnzS_ADHwrEUx…)

and lastly she's been making videos and stories about Onision recently. she wants to be a farmer so bad

No. 335311

The irony of comparing herself to Patrick Bateman because in the book he was a loser that everyone made fun of and he had no idea what he was even talking about regarding fashion.

No. 335313

Boring video about Asianfishing

No. 335316

And spreading retarded memes that yaoi paddles broke bones again because apparently chubby girls at anime conventions have the strength of John Cena.

No. 335317

Wasn't the repaint a new acquisition?

No. 335318

Yes that's what she bought from an auction and she's selling the girl with the bunny

No. 335322

File: 1726108214619.png (1.61 MB, 1440x3012, j.png)

It's interesting to see these pictures and then see people on jirai twitter malding at her and now I wonder if she does this on purpose(please try to keep your posts related to the cow and their content and not random comments about them)

No. 335334

These are just all random shitposting, anti-ship accounts. Basically the twitter sjws.

No. 335335

File: 1726139355716.jpg (165.34 KB, 1080x779, 1000007867.jpg)

>femme presenting or women

No. 335337

What does that have to do with anything? All of these are twitter jirai ppl

No. 335339

Addy back at it again with her talk about how "smol" she is as a size small/medium in UK sizing. Actually, it's strange. She talks all about how she loves Sonico and feels represented by her when Sonico and those other characters in the same series line are just fat fetish fodder. All that talk about fat positivity and body representation, but she's actually just a small/medium. This frumpy woman needs to sincerely log off sometime because the shit she spews reeks.

No. 335342

There's no way this fatty boombalatty is a size S in any country

No. 335345

if she was a s/m she would be buying the more expensive jirai brands. all the brands she wears offer much larger sizes than jp free size. maybe she's the UK equivalent to a walmart small kek.

No. 335347

Of course, the femme presenting have priority over women in her speech. So true, addy! Die cis scum! (sarcasm)
Wonder when will she start using she/they. It's kinda strange she doesn't, given the people she usually hangs out with.

No. 335351

File: 1726156980790.jpg (86.22 KB, 680x680, 1000007952.jpg)

a candid of her and juicy at megacon

No. 335352

omg she's sooo teeny tiny and skinty

No. 335353

she knows she didn't have to lie right?

No. 335356

kek at the troon being smaller than her, so smol bean Shrek, you managed to be massive compared to a tranny

No. 335361

Does she have any other jirai outfit than that one and the other one she wears? That one must be already messed up from washing it almost daily, assuming she washes her clothes, she always looks like she smells like a greasy kitchen.
Also, it's interesting how she isn't wearing her TM googles while the moid wears them to cover his receding hairline. Both of them need to hit the gym desperately with their shit posture and terrible physiques.

No. 335364

Seems like she wants to be like Justin Whang. Except Whang is not trying to be some kind of moralfag 24/7. Addy subtlety trying to shitpost about these degenerate things but trying to say "B-but I'm only spreading awareness that this stuff is not okay!!".

But shouldn't conventions be more safer for minors, Addy? Not people cosplaying as children's characters in cum jars or showing that people dress as nugget porn in a kids game? What if a MINOR sees that Addy? Kek

No. 335368

The troon looks like Gollum.

No. 335370

File: 1726167296180.jpeg (426.97 KB, 1284x2263, 0B4F99DD-102C-40D6-A859-18E49B…)

I mean… he’s fucking atrocious.

No. 335372

New fnaf game looks pretty good

No. 335373

The full video is on Instagram but I'm too lazy to post it. Mostly because seeing Onision doing anything creeps me out and makes me want to vomit. Anyway I hate how she has to say "I'm worried about young femmes and thems" instead of just saying she's worried about young women interacting with him.

No. 335374

Nonnies I believe her. She is a size small, only at Torrid though

No. 335376

There's an anon itt that does that a lot, always tries to discredit everything said itt just to discreetly white knight addy.

No. 335378

to be fair some of you are psychotic but this is /w/ and only the most mentally ill /cgl/ rejects are that emotionally invested in cows from here soooo(baiting)

No. 335380

Damn those ham hock legs look like they're about to burst out of those fish net socks. Does this bitch really think she isn't plus sized lmao.

No. 335381

Did she actually deny it I remember her duetting that twinbuns to argue plus sized fashion existed in Japan and claiming to be plus sized as well in the same video

No. 335383

She's probably a 'unisex' (men's) small and using that to says she's uwu small. Not to blog but I'm her size and a men's small but women's L/XL(blogpost tinfoil)

No. 335385

Ok infighting bait(report and ignore)

No. 335402

This. I believe UK sizes are smaller than US and she looks like a large at least based on US sizes. She probably only fits into the larger sizes from Dream V, she wouldn’t fit free size Japanese stuff. Lots of Westerners can’t even if they’re not hamplanets, but don’t try to act like you’re uwu smol when you’re chunky average.

No. 335408

that sounds familiar but either way she should post her measurements or sit down.

No. 335411

Not to derail much, but UK sizes bigger than US from experience. UK is largest for the same size, US is middle, and smallest of the largest sizes are asian sizes.

No. 335418

She is always "something", be it "a teacher's aide that works with autists", "someone who experienced early 00s conventions in the flesh" had "an ED" (aka went on a diet once) or anything that makes her look like an authority in whatever issue that is trendy on tiktok. She has no soul.

No. 335420

she realises sizes don't necessarily respond to weight, right? i know short fat women who wear an (eu) xs and tall skinny women who wear a large

No. 335443

It's easy to be size S when almost all you wear is oversized t-shirts and jerseys. It's the current trend of everything being oversized, so adults can even fit some kids/teen clothes with how much extra fabric there is. Like my winter coat is youth 12-14, but you don't see me bragging about it.
Fatties gonna fat, as usual. The candid shows she's wider and porkier than a troon, I don't know who she's trying to fool (probably herself)

No. 335459

i can't decide what to focus on
>the Gollum-looking troon with that big ass bulbous man nose awkwardly scrunching himself over trying to appear smaller than addy
>the way addy's fat lumps leave so many shadows on her skin that it looks like she hasn't showered in a week
>the fact that she is sitting on the edge of the lounge, cringing away from the scary-looking idubbz clone on her left
>the fact that the scary gollum-idubbz thing is sitting more in the middle of the couch with enough room to fit a pillow in between him and the edge of the couch, taking up more room than necessary and getting in her personal space (beautiful example of ywnbaw)
>the two children cosplaying in the front row witnessing this jump scare up-close

No. 335460

File: 1726262400520.jpg (16.27 KB, 249x132, 1000007952.jpg)

The body language of Addy meekly leaning back while Juicy takes up space and leans forward is hilarious. With that side profile and hairline, it's just going to get worse and worse for him as he gets older

No. 335475

>crops her face over the MLP cosplay
>puts herself over a video about Asianfishing Michelle Moe already made
Why does she make videos/reels where she just shoves her blocky mug on other people’s content? She’s so desperate to constantly make half assed content content to shill to her 12 year old followers

No. 335507

She's reacting to what he said, she wasn't like that the whole time. They are both very animated, probably the anime braintot.

No. 335508

I'm being generous in saying she looks at the very least a UK size 14 or 16 which would put her in the Medium to Large range.

No. 335510

File: 1726329783656.png (12.42 MB, 1284x2778, E5629D94-318B-420B-A7BF-33FFA1…)

The sheer amount of Snow filters used in normal content compared to content uploaded by con goers or friends is hilarious. Age has not been kind to him and it’s worse being an ugly nonepassing troon who will get stared at and judged everywhere he goes (especially with that Miss Piggy muppet sounding “female” voice he puts on) rather than just a balding gay man who nobody would care to look twice at.

No. 335519

Getting all these stupid procedures like electrolysis, yet does nothing for his rotting teeth.
I thought that was odd too. She said she was obsessed with Sonico because she's plus-size "representation". If she's supposedly not overweight (which she is), then why does she feel represented by Sonico?
It's so obvious she wants to be thin and is in denial about it. Looking huge next to her friends and the troon obviously bothers her. Complaining about skinny standards in J-fashion is easier for her than just eating healthy, I guess.

No. 335526

File: 1726343281577.png (656.91 KB, 720x1260, code.png)

Not surprised

No. 335528

Not only does she advertise plastic shit and clothing, she also advertises plastic "food"! Wonder if this woman knows what veggies are. Bet she only eats them when they are included in ramen. Kekw.
My fucking god, spoiler that shit next time. Eugh.

No. 335535

gamersupps spon isn't even like impressive, they don't have requirements and the owner/team just picks content he likes. peddling animu tiddy energy drinks to minors is pretty cringe though.

No. 335537

i doubt juicy is gay, seems like an AGP with a forced feminization fetish judging by his female disguise tiktoks before he trooned out. i feel bad for addy if she's too naive to realize that juicy's skinwalking her
>If she's supposedly not overweight (which she is), then why does she feel represented by Sonico?
she just wants to insert herself as an authority on every trending topic

No. 335544

File: 1726360600367.jpeg (359.74 KB, 1284x2503, 5BE35F17-B4F6-459B-B017-9A5918…)

Nobody thinks this Juicy.

Just because he slaps ten filters on to shorten his whole face and forehead, blurs out all the deep set forehead and eye wrinkles. Enlarges eyes and shrinks his nose. Refuses to film from any angle but head on. Pushes his lardy spotty moobs together which are grown solely from junk food to match his ever growing gut… nobody thinks he looks cis. He was the least attractive and least passing out of the troons at Icky’s party. Even with his own kind he’s the ugliest and least feminine. He treats femininity as a commodity and his whole persona is like a Little Britain sketch. He needs to sort his Austin Power like teeth out and just step away from the Internet, actual brain rot if he thinks whatever he’s got going on is what an actual woman is like. You’re not a puppy girl, you’re two years off of 30 and stuck filming videos in your bedroom to try get 14 year olds to compliment you.

She’s scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one, even tiny weeb influencers get GamerSupp sponsors. Again with the anime tits to her teen audience. I know she’s an adult so whatever, but she knows her audience has a lot of 14-17year old fans as we have seen that they’re the majority who tag her in pictures meeting her at cons or drawing fan art of her. She’s met a lot of her teen audience but still posts gooner content.

She’s looks around a larger end of a 12 or a true 14 in fitted clothes. Just because she can fit into elasticated size 10 trousers and baggy/stretchy tops doesn’t mean shes true to size.. So much denial.

No. 335556

They allow sexual harassers like Moo have a code, so this isn't a shock. A lot of people are leaving GFUEL.

>Again with the anime tits to her teen audience
Blah blah blah she's a hypocrite. She isn't a children's entertainment creator. Majority of her fans are not under 18 and even if they are it's just a photo on a cup. You have Victoria Secret posters in malls and subway ads. A fictional drawing of cleavage isn't hurting anyone. The hell do you mean by promoting tits? LOL

No. 335567

but most of her audience are kids. just check the profiles in her comments. the only adults who would interact with her are other influencers just like her (which is a minority), people who want to be an influencer like her and chase her clout (also a minority), or adults who might be a bit slow, socially sheltered, learning disability, intellectual disability, etc. (again, a minority), because any adult with a developed frontal lobe would think everything about her is weird and off-putting. the only adult i know irl who likes her is so sheltered she hasn't changed her personality one bit since turning 12. i cannot imagine any other type of adult enjoying her content, nor have i ever seen anyone other than the above-mentioned adult groups interact with her content. her content is really bad, and she just looks and behaves so weird, even to other jfags. she knows kids are the easiest audience to target as well as the biggest, otherwise her authority complex wouldn't be recieved as it does - because these kids genuinely think she's the jfashion spokesperson. that's why she also fights kids all the times, does moralfagging to kids, and acknowledges that most her fanbase is kids. if she's gonna speak about weird ass adult topics like incest, rape, pedophila, and beastiality, you are automatically an 18+ creator, or a fucking creep for doing that shit with your mostly child audience. half her content is coomer shit, of course she is an "adult" influencer.

No. 335571

File: 1726396419662.jpg (392.59 KB, 3840x2160, 20240915_123132.jpg)

i doubt anyone outside of scandinavia knows who this character is, but she reminds me so much of ludvig from flåklypa/pinchcliffe

No. 335576

This is a man? I know the brother is larping as a woman, just confused since they both have masculine features (from thread pic).

No. 335606

She's obviously not. Watch any of her videos

No. 335621

File: 1726491801310.jpg (227.52 KB, 1079x1172, 1000008012.jpg)

I also think the tit cup is nitpicky, but just because she isn't an children's creator doesn't mean she's a creator for an adult audience. She regularly interacts back and forth with kids/teens

No. 335622

The "she's an adult creator!!!" posts are so funny considering that 80% of her content is her picking retarded fights with teenagers.

No. 335623

“I included a trigger warning” cop out disclaimers are so stupid. Unless you are actively aware you have an ED or SH problem and must avoid said content chances are you will keep on reading. Hell even then chances are you’ll read the following paragraph but the creator of said content dodges any responsibility of what they just said because “uwu I said tw so I warned you not to read it uwu.”. Whilst I don’t think what she said was bad I can’t ignore all she wanted was asspats for being soooo brave and inspiring for surviving proana meanies on tumblr kek she did absolutely nothing

No. 335631

File: 1726508139794.jpeg (74.47 KB, 736x528, 1725579929276.jpeg)

>my partners kid sisters have friends who refuse to eat
>i added a trigger warning at the front so therefore i am not responsible
>it's important to have a healthy honest dialogue kids can understand
then why dont you go talk to your partners kid sisters friends and stop acting like you don't post about this shit on your own time. ed pages have been a thing before twitter and have been a thing since twitter began… what sort of statement is she even trying to make. eating disorder culture has always been a thing, she might as well have had this conversation to a wall because she said nothing

No. 335634

The vampyon poster sounds like a legit retard. She isn't exposing her following to EDs when she doesn't even post about having one or doing any diet crap repetatively. Seems like some SJW trying to come up with fake drama to hate on Addy. They could at least try, but this is such a massive reach when nothing they are claiming is true. The whole "you don't know about this" is such a weak argument for someone just expressing how badly social media ruins people's perceptions of their bodies. Not sure how they got this from someone who posts about big tits and is chubby herself. I swear, a lot of these people can't differentiate between saying your opinion about something vs Addy attempting to be the go-to for all the knowledge about a subject. This is the former.

No. 335635

Normally I would agree but we're talking about someone who posted her self-harm wounds on her Instagram story in the past and also defended Chris Chan. I don't trust Addy to handle any kind of serious discussion well at all kek

No. 335636

She's just making an observation that everyone already knows exists as a problem. She just wants to get credit for also saying it. It's not that deep.

No. 335637

She just loves to smell her own farts, that's basically it, it's the ultimate recap of Addy, she only wants to talk about random shit. Honestly she's just a spam account that posts random animu bullshit, all she does is consoom.

No. 335644

File: 1726519090475.jpeg (2.4 MB, 1284x2280, 6B3A52B5-2303-47B2-A0C0-DD5E47…)

Standing sideways and sucking in isn’t fooling anyone, neither is that zip that’s about to bust open. She’s always trying to rebut farmer’s comments about her on her stories and it’s just embarrassing.

No. 335645

The skirt shirring isn't even fully stretched out. It doesn't look like it'll bust at all.

No. 335647

File: 1726520658235.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1284x1402, 1C976BF9-2160-4980-9DF7-D8779E…)

On the topic of linebackers, check the bingo wings out on that. I’m also absolutely speechless by his sparse whispy extensions that don’t color match in the slightest. Just ratty tendrils poking out the back of his chemical cut, crispy hair. Baffling.(not related to abby)

No. 335648

Where’s the trigger warning? I am 7 and a half years old and suffer from a severe ED and SH. I will refuse to eat now I’ve seen this just like Addy’s tweet told me to kek. She is such a fucking hypocrite! She talks about not endorsing ED culture, meanwhile is sucking it in to try show how skinny she is whilst actively pointing out “Look guys! I serve in slim fit clothes!” Stand front on line backer!

No. 335651

File: 1726522240757.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1128x1553, A1D4B09E-3097-4C0B-A4BE-E8B016…)

Another screencap from that stream. Honestly tragic. That gut.

No. 335653

Also don’t want to be that person but it’s so obvious she obsessively reads here. She changed her makeup, the colour of her MCM bag and attempts to debunk her linebacker shoulders all because of comments made on LC.

No. 335657

File: 1726522714379.jpeg (1.71 MB, 1212x2122, 6FFE081C-4675-4C73-969A-277120…)

But nona she DOES serve body with slim fit clothes!

No. 335664

Kek you can see the difference between her post and the candid. She wasn't fooling anybody with the posing and sucking in, we all know she has a huge gut. For someone who's "body positive" and loves "fat representation", she tries really hard to look skinny.

No. 335668

File: 1726530324325.png (1014.19 KB, 805x696, 84280.png)

No. 335670

Tbf, she'd look skinnier on the right if she stood up straight, had the camera at the same angle. The post is similar, but these aren't really comparable because the postures are completely different.

No. 335672

Yeah because when you stand up straight your organs and fat dissolve instantly. If you look at the weird angle of her neck either her posture is exactly the same on both or she’s trying to suck in her chin too kek

No. 335692

She's literally twice as wide in the unfiltered post nonna? No amount of "standing up straight" is going to halve her weight.

No. 335699

Her waist alone is double the size, standing up straight wouldn't hide that. It legit looks like a whole different person, even her facial features have different shapes

No. 335714

why does her smile looks so much better in the second photo? hate that fucking smirk she does

No. 335716

File: 1726580745651.jpeg (1.77 MB, 1284x2276, ECD47B78-F371-41E5-898D-AFA49D…)

Seems nonnas are getting to her and she’s resorting to ‘proving’ she does exercise on her stories with another high angled, sucked in, edited, highly filtered photo.

Agreed her normal smile is sweet.

No. 335717

shes spiraling after the fat comments, maybe she'll actually end up losing enough weight to wear the brands the ebil catty elitist jirai girls are wearing

No. 335719

File: 1726583082686.png (594.01 KB, 738x720, 33263378.png)

Her normal smile is cuter than the TikTok smirk

No. 335724

itd be a lot easier to not loe and accept her body type. but cows don't do that I guess

No. 335725

Pictured: overweight retards that contribute nothing to society. It's a match made in heaven.
Her neck is the same width as her waist in this photoshopped pic. My fucking sides. Playing roblox kiddie games has distorted human proportions in her head so much it shows in her editing.

No. 335729

File: 1726602158714.png (610.56 KB, 689x805, 5253678.png)

I agree. She needs to love herself and accept the way she looks with no filters, photoshop only makes your mental health worse (I think she even quoted pixielocks and venus on this topic once).

No. 335731

File: 1726602241462.png (629.4 KB, 544x1190, 53526478.png)

No. 335732

can she make a single day in the life post without it turning into regurgitated psas about "positivity" and self acceptance bullshit? i feel like people who call out "toxic" behaviors this consistently are projecting their own insecurities, or trying to be that "wholesome" influencer personality that in this case just comes off as disingenuous. she's isn't telling people anything they don't already know in this story, or any other PSA-type post she makes online. no one wants to hear dieting advice from a girl who has been overweight for a majority of her life. we know you don't do high intensity workouts girl, you're fat.

No. 335733

Good, maybe nonnas could bully her into giving up on weird double standards too
but tbh I think she may mostly read those titter kids cosplaying glorious nippon hookers
Ot, but I wonder what's the deal with mcm? Was it the only roomy pale pink brand backpack girls could find on shibuya lol? I mean there is a lot of bag options for jirai style, why this random cargo cult shit

No. 335736

I’m assuming because it was luxury enough to flex but not too overly pricey compared to other designer brands where it was out of saving up price range for young women and just happened to be the right shade of pink yet distinct enough to be identifiable to the point it advertises itself, because the black was nowhere near slightly as popular and I’ve never seen them wear any of the other colours. That’s what my assumption is unless someone else knows the exact MCM lore kek.

No. 335740

The editing is so obvious. An anon commented on her "ham hock legs" and now she's filtering her legs and trying to fake a thigh gap. Just compare to the candid here >>335351 Kek fatty
I think it's hilarious she's lurking and keeps making these stories. Before she had her thread, Addy commented on the Pixyteri video that if she ever got one, she would ignore it. Once again, caught acting like some spokesperson about something and then not even taking her own advice.

No. 335749

Ngl I like this outfit a lot

No. 335750

The way this looks nothing like her real handsome Shrek face and the filter raised her hairline. Addy's delulu but on the bright side, she's inspired me to get some exercise.

No. 335767

she has a great smile. it'll be years until she understands this

No. 335775

I thought this was Kelly Eden for a split second

No. 335789

It's one of the best ones she has imo, it looks so pretty. She should try lighter styles like that, just with less photoshop

No. 335790

I agree, if she smiled like that on her pictures instead of smirking she wouldn't need to use so many filters and whatnot because she actually looks cute and genuinely fun when smiling.

No. 335808

I don’t get how she seems so genuinely nice and fun to be around in other peoples vlogs, yet she seems shouty, argumentative, insufferable and smug in her own content. She should just be herself and she would be so much more likable rather than this false irritating persona she puts on.

No. 335813

Tbh, it depends on who is watching the content. A few nonnas in the real opinions thread have mentioned not seeing what other anons see. If you are looking for her to sound condescending, you will hear everything like that. For me, some of the stuff just comes off as informative and a lot of it possibly due to the accent.

No. 335818

People who are uninformed about jirai/anime/vns/whatever else will find her poorly researched videos informative because they don't know anything about it, she could literally make stuff up and people would think wow, she's so informative! She's condescending because she directly responds to posts here >>335668, talks about not shooping while shooping, faked having an ed, virtue signals about loli anime while defending loli porn, defended Chris chan raping his mom, and fucking banned "nonny" in her discord server among other things. She's incredibly passive aggressive and bitter now. Her older videos from just a few years ago when she was just doing sanrio kawaii unboxings and relatable cutesy tiktoks are still up and she would've never been considered lolcow material then because she wasn't smugly spewing misinformed takes she only has shallow surface level knowledge of. She made more videos with friends then too, she seemed much happier as a pastel pink kawaii uwu girl who than her current chuuni edgelord larp.

No. 335819

Maybe save it for the OP. Not sure why you spewed all of that when all I said was some videos don't have that tone and not all her videos contain false/wrong information either. Really sucks she's seen as a top person within that sub-community within tiktok, but her OTT looks got her attention, not her info. her changing her looks has more to do with what she could market herself as and less about actually caring about the sub culture at all. That's all very apparent, but I'm not going to pretend that all her content is this way because it isn't and I don't even mean old content. She's just average as hell.

No. 335839

Like >>335818 said her videos are surface-level explanations of whatever popular weeb or tiktok-related topic is trending. She reads something somewhere online and regurgitates word for word. That's normal for influencers, but she also makes tons of contradictory moralfag videos and seems like a know-it-all. The jirai community on Xitter hates her for spreading misinformation about a style she barely wears

No. 335848

nayrt but some of us don’t agree with your point. People are not listening to her in hopes she will sound condescending so she seems that way, she just comes across that way when you’re informed on the actual topics she discusses, and it’s not an accent thing, she is literally shouting at the camera kek

No. 335849

But she isn't wrong a lot of the time, she just isn't adding in other context/info in a 2 minute video. She can sound that way, but several anons don't agree. Infighting over it is stupid.

No. 335851

Strange how some anons defend Addy when she's a Chris Chan apologist who knowingly exposes her teen fans to self harm and loli shit.

No. 335852

No one is defending that aspect. It's not an all or nothing thing and I dont think admitting she has been right with things like con etiquette is defending her. Anons are having a discussion.

No. 335854

>admitting she has been right with things like con etiquette is defending her.
Nta but she contradicts herself all the time about this point as well. First, she was going full “think of the children!” and made TikToks saying kids safety at cons is important. Next thing you know, suddenly she’s saying that cons are adult spaces not meant for kids and even came after some teenager on TikTok, calling her misogynistic for being uncomfortable seeing half-naked women at cons. That teenager deleted the video and apologized after getting backlash from Addy’s fans. So which is it? Should people acknowledge that there’s kids/teens at cons, or should we yell at those kids/teens to get out because coomers want to sell lolishit and thots want to show off their ass in spandex and if you don’t like it you’re a misogynist?

No. 335856

She wasn't the only creator who stitched her video saying the same thing that cons are not kid-friendly specific places and that skimpy clothes do, and mostly will, exist in a con space. This is old milk anyway. I was using an example, not ooking for the repetitive milk spewing. The girl didn't even say Addy's fans are coming at her specifically. I'd give it the benefit of the doubt if it was a con that didn't have those events at all at any time, but that's just being naive. A lot of these kids roam cons without adults too which is a parent's fault for not being with a kid in a possible adult space where cosplays are bikinis for some people. She's also called out kink cosplays not being the same as just wearing sexy cosplays like with leashes and how that stuff shouldn't be happening like "walking". Before all these ethots started showing up, conventions has Leia cosplayers everywhere and the anime ones have cosplays for things like Nagi from Slayers. Fan conventions, unless they state specifically that they are kid-friendly, are not automatically kid-friendly.

No. 335875

>some anons
Oh, my sweet summer child…

No. 335881

> I was using an example, not ooking for the repetitive milk spewing.
And I wasn't looking for a long ass response defending Addy but here we are. Actually, no anons here want your input, but you aren't getting it.
There's so damn many that you think it's her friends trying to put in a good word.
>She might've done this horrible shit but ackshually she's good at spewing and regurgitating crap gais(infighting)

No. 335884

Not to nitpick or anything but does this edge on the chair directly behind her waist look blurred to anybody else kek. Waist filter?

No. 335885

File: 1726786920168.jpeg (731.48 KB, 936x1493, IMG_1480.jpeg)

Oops, pic didn’t upload(learn2delete)

No. 335890

>no goggles
>changed the black backpack out for the pink
>trying to prove she has a waist
She is watching this thread like a hawk lmao

No. 335894

Doubt it, shes always tried to look skinnier where she can. Shes just wearing sweet jirai.

No. 335896

Is sweet jirai a thing? I also think she's following her thread though.

No. 335898

I dont see it

No. 335899

Of course she is, have we already forgotten about the damn adam sandler incident? Kek.

No. 335901

that's not a thing, it's just girly kei. jirai is the subculture not the clothing. jirai hardly wears girly/ryousangata style anymore anyway. she is just buying cheap out of date fashion.

No. 335902

Jirai kei is just Japanese pastel goth. JK doesn't always only have black as a main color, it's just the most common and what's constantly drawn because it stands out as obvious compared to other clothing genres. Can we move on from this?

No. 335903

jirai isn't a clothing style, period. abby isn't jirai, she's a dumb weeb wearing ryousangata. most people who consider themselves jirai are wearing dark-kawaii now.
>pastel goth
gb2tumblr, 10 years ago.

No. 335908

Isn't that a term that just means mass produced?

No. 335909

>Japanese pastel goth
Where do you think pastel goth originated nonna…

No. 335910

>jirai hardly wears girly anymore
What do they wear now?

No. 335911

Pastel goth comes from Tumblr afaik, nta.

No. 335913

Nta but it refers to trendy fast fashion revolving styles such as girly/dark girly style at the moment. It's basically used to describe an alt basic bitch.

A lot of yamakawa and more gothic/pubk brands like listen flavor. Jirai only utilized dark girly/girly kei for a short time a few years ago. And despite what Abby claims it is a subculture similar to menhera which has associated fashions that trended within the subculture but isn't a fashion itself, it's used more as a personality descriptor for outwardly BPD girls. Jirai girls tend to use makeup and coded behavior to signal eachother rather than just clothing. Abby isn't jirai simply by wearing dark girly/girly kei styles because it's not a fashion and it's only tangentially related to those fashions. I feel like a lot of people conflate the fashions jirai girls wear with jirai itself.

No. 335918

It's funny that Addy is so so into J-Fashion but latches onto a kind of dead style she knows little about. It's even more baffling why she got the mahou shoujo site boxcutter, OMGkawaiiAngel, the thing from Menhara-chan, Lain, Vivian Westwood, all of this trendy shit tattooed on her. Not that it was a good idea in the first place, but her tattoos are aging like milk already, and she wants to move to Japan?

No. 335919

File: 1726833805490.jpg (517.92 KB, 1200x1692, Ryousangata_otaku.jpg)

Ryousangata isn't just "basic bitch" but also a subtype of idol otaku, started in like 2017 with fans of male idols (Johnnys mainly) but also female idols nowadays, who all ended up looking the same by wearing the same brands and using the same style of oshikatsu items (itabags, fans, penlights, photo holders etc), hence mass produced. Yes the name is meant to be an insult like basic, but it's basically a very particular subculture fashion now too(derailing)

No. 335924

It was used way before 2017 in 2010s it was used to describe Liz Lisa himekaji.

No. 335925

the vw to me is dumb and the most trend hopping because every zoomer associates vw with japan when it's only associated with punk and lolita there.

No. 335926

that's specifically ryousangata wota not ryousangata in general. if you're unable to use jp internet you shouldn't talk.(derailing)

No. 335931

File: 1726843641947.mp4 (17.47 MB, 1000008066.mp4)

Addy talks about DIY and lazy alternative fashion

No. 335934

She's right? A lot of people had the same crit over another brand pre-safety pinning, distressing, and patching and upselling the items when usually thats all done by the people who buy the clothes in alt fashions. Literally the opposite of what alt fashion is supposed to be.

No. 335937

>my amazing diy keychain
>plastic mass produced acrylic keychains and gachapon slop with aliexpress fasteners
>literally nothing she made herself
>only remotely sustainable/meaningful thing is the little pompompurin she bought from a creator
very punk of you addy, christ she is retarded. even telling people to buy beads and put them on string is more meaningful and productive than showing all the garbage she bought. literally of the other "sustainable" jfashion cows on here actually make something once in a while, why can't she?

No. 335943

she literally did the exact same thing as the company. why doesn't she get a real hobby for once? she spends so much time and money buying clothes that she might as well just invest in a sewing machine instead of cheap crap from a chinese sweatshop. it's not like she wears complex egl anyway, she could make all her retarded 60$ shirts in an afternoon if she just learned to sew + stencil instead of consooming.

No. 335944

She was right at first but then she tells people to go to aliexpress, like how is that more sustainable than buying the overpriced premade stuff? It's like saying "don't buy the overpriced "punk" stuff, go to shein instead" kek

No. 335947

I felt like she was comparing the cheap stuff to other more affordable cheap stuff. Like I'd your going to buy crap then buy it yourself for 1/100th of the price these brands are charging.

No. 335953

God, her videos are unwatchable. Every single one is just her squawking on, jittering about like a crackhead with her finger constantly pointing up like some sort of irl "acktshually" meme. The Keychain she threw together looks like shit too? No cohesive theme or color or anything.

No. 335955

>God, her videos are unwatchable. Every single one is just her squawking on, jittering about like a crackhead with her finger constantly pointing up like some sort of irl "acktshually" meme. The Keychain she threw together looks like shit too? No cohesive theme or color or anything.
I dislike how much she screams and moves her hands around while lecturing the viewer. Nobody needs to be lectured by some rando on the internet on unimportant topics like that.

No. 335964

>Jirai kei is just Japanese pastel goth
Smells like bait

No. 335967

vw is also associated with jirai currently

No. 335970

It's because of the 2000s manga/anime Nana that has been trending amongst zoomers lately. Main character Nana wears Vivienne Westwood.

No. 335974

agreed, i always click out after the first few seconds because i don't wanna be yelled at or lectured online by anyone, let alone this annoying bitch. i don't know how anyone can stand to watch more than a few seconds, how does she have a viewerbase at all? is this what people find entertaining nowadays? some brit who acts like an authority on a foreign fashion, sticking her big fat nose into everything acting like she needs to yell at everyone over it?

No. 335980

The worst part is that she has to edit herself while lecturing people, seems insecure. Why doesn't she lecture people with her real face?

No. 335981

I see it.

No. 335985

It's soft wood and it's blending that way around the whole wooden piece, not just near her. That wouldn't be the case if she only edited her waist because the shelves would be moving too and would also be blurred and they aren't. They are out of focus, but due to depth, not editing.

No. 336035

Zoomers discovering Nana for the first time are so annoying

No. 336055

Not everything is jirai coded, nonna. VW is popular in Japan and has been since the 80s. Its not different than how COACH fell out of popularity in the US, but retains popularity elsewhere. It does not have a special history in jirai, its just popular in Japan in general.

No. 336062

it does have a special association with so called y2k fashions like jp punk and lolita though. zoomers are only interested in it because it is featured in nana like someone already mentioned. it's only popular with them recently and hasn't been a jfash thing outside of lolita for the better part of 2 decades, not hard to understand that it's bandwagon shit.

No. 336063

….nta but nothing you said refutes what the other anon said, just adds to it. vw is popular in japan, which then led to it featured in j-fashion subcultures, which is not happening again and how addy got a tattoo. she still has a surface understanding of….everything though

No. 336066

I'd believe if she was a fan of NANA and that's why she got the tattoo. In case anons don't know, NANA doesn't have any characters that represent the jirai aesthetics at all, so VW is specifically just fashion like you said. It's just a brand that's liked over there. It's first boutique outside of the UK was in Japan which probably adds to it. Has Addy ever talked about NANA though either though? VW jewelry is nice, but "pick-me"s like Momokun hate it, so I think reading into it too much is a waste of time.

No. 336067

I didn't imply it being jirai coded. I have just seen many jirai girls wear it. Then again I don't see people who wear mori, decora or gyaru wear vw

No. 336091

It really doesn't matter

No. 336095

File: 1727134691920.jpeg (491.02 KB, 1170x1915, IMG_1921.jpeg)

Addy was in to NANA and VW way before she jumped on the Jirai bandwagon. Every single VW reel Addy has ever posted is hashtagged with NANA or using NANA soundclips so I’m assuming that’s the only reason she likes VW, especially iirc the NANA fad was happening then too, pathetic af to get a brand logo tattooed on you. VW has always been popular in Japan but usually in more edgy/punk based substyles. It’s just a coincidence it is a Jirai staple and Addy had already been collecting it, unless Addy began obsessing with Jirai because VW was a Jirai staple and also happened to be Japans darkest fashion style and Addy too is strange and unusual kek

No. 336101

>doesn't matter
Then why even reply in the first place. Guess it's hard to admit you were slightly wrong

Didn't know she was into NANA. Then again I get almost all of the info on her here

No. 336102

this is not correct at all. zoomers need to read before they type random shit.

No. 336103

NANA is also a zoomer bandwagon trend. She doesn't actually like anything that isn't. NANA and by extension VW, jirai, sonico, figure collecting in general. The only thing that sets her apart is arguing with underage teens.

No. 336104

Yeah this is exactly why Addy is so fucking annoying to me. Her entire personality is solely just consuming zoomer/tiktok trends and then she has the audacity to act like she is the biggest and most knowledgeable fan that has ever existed. Acting like she is an authority on all this stuff that she only ever got into because it was trendy on tiktok

No. 336105

Exactly. Anons act like all of these zoomer trend things are her genuine interests. She is 25 and she damn well wasn't into it before a few years ago. She is just trying to be the autority on clickbait trendhop shit. Any person who knows anything would know that no one genuinely likes something like NANA and coomer shit like sonico unless they are mentally disturbed. Being the most outspoken fake fan is not an accomplishment. And the VW trend is only associated with NANA because if zoomers actually liked the brand they wouldn't be buying so many fakes off aliexpress.

No. 336112

File: 1727178170665.jpg (378.42 KB, 1080x1778, 1000008117.jpg)

Is there anything she likes that isn't Tiktok trendy? Despite all of her complaints about consumerism, it seems like Addy tries to buy her way into a legitimacy. Buy a couple of DML coords and suddenly you can make Tiktoks on what is or isn't okay to do with Jirai. Buy a bunch of Monogatari figures even though you've never watched the show and then get rid of them because someone else told you it was problematic

No. 336191

File: 1727311780342.png (1.56 MB, 1080x1919, 1000014502.png)

Our girl Addy is uploading her first youtube video, wonder what this will be about lmao(sage your shit)

No. 336204

File: 1727335670569.jpeg (1.96 MB, 1284x2280, 9B1D938E-603A-4306-AF74-E22900…)

2hrs40mins of footage she’s currently cutting down. Just what nobody asked for, the final video will be an hour or so long of her ranting, shouting and flapping her hands about, lecturing people on what cutecore is. I mean, it’s pretty self explanatory what it is, really doesn’t need a video essay on it as everyone knows where it derived from originally.

No. 336209

File: 1727360664017.png (20.58 KB, 300x359, results.png)

What else should I add??

No. 336211

her stupid ass googles

No. 336216

>Adding the tranny for extra clout and pity views.
>smearing makeup on her face while babbling.
>justifying the consumption of coomer products/media by saying it isn't coomer shit
>retarded memes
>not a single original thought in her head
>only talking about a topic because it's trendy

No. 336221

File: 1727375733938.png (21.79 KB, 300x359, results(1).png)

No. 336225

You know you're an ambitionless loser when you start making Youtube essays about cutecore

No. 336227

hasn’t she had multiple youtube channels? feels like calling it her “first” is just for asspats

No. 336228

Addy tends to talk about micro trends and complain about the lack of sustainability while simultaneously promoting micro trends. it doesn't make sense…

No. 336229

VW is only a micro trend to people overseas.

No. 336243

Does not compute but ok ig

No. 336244

youtube is a dying platform.

No. 336246

Not only YouTube is a dying platform, those long ass formats only work with actually interesting stuff like plots of series or obscure history of some trinket that people use as background noise to clean with.
Cutecore is a dead as fuck topic, I would dare say that whatever she's going to say will be coming straight out of the aesthetic encyclopedia or some shit like that.
I don't get why she's getting a YouTube channel when her other, mildly more interesting channel with figure reviews would've been a better idea than chewing the vomit that someone threw up months ago to throw it up again.
This girl is worse than Jillian for real, at least Jillian has fake mental illness, an ugly fiancé and slightly tries to make shit from time to time, Addy's whole existence is absolutely bleak, she doesn't even have real hobbies.

No. 336248

>worse than Jill
>lists Jill faking mental illness, enby bf, complete NEET who wasted all potential
>"addy is worse"
>addy does literally nothing

You're joking right anon? Addy is cringe and boring and she has garbage takes on Japanese culture, but WORSE? Addy doesn't do a damn thing but make videos in her room, same as Jill, except Jill tries to slander actual. Medical professionals(no1currs about this mortal kombat between jill and addy)

No. 336250

>coomer retard pickme that capes for men and porn
>druggie narc that LARPs having mento illness and is obsessed with rainbow pastel shit
>choose your figter
At least Jill is hilarious to watch and has better taste in media, in my opinion.(no1currs about this mortal kombat between jill and addy)

No. 336251

Nta, but watching anime is a hobby, so is cosplaying and going to conventions. No different than from ugly dude-bro watching football every night it airs as a hobby. That's why we have a whole board for it and so does 4chan. Not all hobbies are intellectual. There are tons of YouTube pages where it is just reviewing things like figures and anime series too. I honestly have no idea where you're getting all this info that she doesn't have an audience for her interests and hobbies when we have cows like Akidearest who is the same type of content creator.

No. 336252

File: 1727417244832.jpg (402.64 KB, 701x1051, Screenshot_20240927-160630_Ins…)

No. 336253

she's shaped like grimace, so much for "body serving tea"

No. 336255

Nothing more enticing than an awkward fat weeb with greasy hair in an ugly-ass hoodie. Like you can find five of these at Walmart. Who the fuck is gonna go: yes this girl that looks like a thumb makes me want to buy shoes!

No. 336256

Her face really looks like shit in this picture, this is proof that the only way to become famous is by being obnoxious enough that a majority of people hate watch you.

No. 336258

tiktok is 80% ragebait tbh

No. 336259

Zoomers in jfashion can never get it right can they? I swear so many of them opt for ugly cheap and ill fitting clothing.

No. 336263

Everything about this outfit is so fucking ugly. What even is that, spandex biker shorts over lymphedema compression leggings and claire's socks? Those shoes are the ugliest things I've ever seen. None of these colors work together and her pooch belly is sticking out of that hottopic hoodie just EUUGHH. THIS IS SO UGLY that I am MATI

No. 336265

I can't believe there are people constantly defending this girl in this thread, if you're gonna obsess over a random tiktoker at least pick someone who can dress themselves kek

No. 336267

she clearly wants to hide her legs.

No. 336271

iirc Jill made one about it too kek

No. 336275

Id delete all my online presence if a brand would publish a picture of me looking like this. Holy shit. Makes it so much more obvious how she’s shooping her body in recent shots

No. 336277

I think what anon was trying to say is that her interests are disingenuous and shallow. Though honestly jill is the same and claims peeps are her special interest and stupid shit like that. But addy buys figures and then dunks on the source material because she never bothered to actually take an interest in it and delve into it. She just flaunts conventions for rep, it doesn’t really seem like she enjoys it. She only likes sonico because of fatty representation. She doesn’t have hobbies aside from high horsing. Her audience has to be moralfags and trendhoppers who want to feel validated like herself, she’s so abrasive she can’t retain normal people

No. 336280

nta but yes. everything she does is a zoomer trend. she clearly doesn't actually like any of these things and is just trying to generate controversial content.

No. 336281

You don't spend this much on merch for clout before you even get big. Addy isn't that big-brained.

No. 336282

hopefully one day she'll understand faking your body showcases your insecurity when someone else takes a pic of you. idk everything she does seems to come from a low-esteem position

No. 336286

She'd probably have my sympathy if she didn't "ummm, ackshually" teenagers. I was going to recommend her filming her workout progress since the internet's her job, but she'll just post a shooped yet still horribly busted selfie and trot home.

No. 336291

this is literally such an atrocious fit nothing matches. it's giving "spent 3 hours trying different outfits and hating everything just to settle for the oversized body dysmorphia hoodie"

No. 336293

have you seen the rest of tiktok?

No. 336294

She bought this stuff because it's trendy. Is that a hard concept? Name one thing she likes that isn't a y2k weeb tiktard trend. She has no originality or interests in things that aren't weeb viral on tiktok. She even bought gyaru themed crap despite barely knowing what it is. 99% of the information in her videos is misinformation that is parroted on tiktok as well. This isn't hard.

No. 336303

She legit likes a lot of this. Be real. That's sucha. Dumb take because some stuff is trendy too. That's how tiktok works, but she had all this before tiktok too plus now more.

No. 336306

She didn't.

No. 336307

So you admit there is no proof for the claim she went from 0 to 60 with all this. What a discussion. I don't like Addy like other anons, but being willfully ignorant about her liking this stuff isn't cute.

No. 336308

Addy is only 25 and has only been a "fan" of all her hobbies for the past 4 years on tiktok. There is no other evidence to the contrary. She treats all her "hobbies" like an influencer does and you can tell from early videos she used those things to bandwagon on trends for views. Sorry you can't conceive paying a lot of your parent's money for things you don't like but that's extremely common on tiktok, especially for her age group, especially during covid. The biggest proof we have that she is a poser is that she is wildly inaccurate and uneducated about everything she is allegedly super interested in.

No. 336313

This is an image board, feel free to post proof. How is it hard to believe that spoiled kids with no overheads are spending mommy and daddies money to seem popular online? Even before the internet that was a thing.

No. 336315

exactly. anon is either poor or does the same shit.

No. 336316

File: 1727541232843.jpeg (202.73 KB, 828x1070, IMG_3399.jpeg)

She’s back on Twitter only to respond to the trolls

No. 336317

File: 1727541321866.jpeg (380.43 KB, 828x739, IMG_3400.jpeg)

No. 336319

>"I literally could not give a damn if you don't like me, think I'm ugly, or find me annoying."
>Anon comments on her Adams Sandler style, Addy responds to it immediately
>Anons point out her collection of loli figures, immediately deletes them from her myfigurecollection
>Anons call her eye makeup fugly, Addy changes it
>Anon comments on her giant thighs, Addy filters them to be smaller with a gap
>Anons call her fat, Addy filters herself to be thinner and wears gym clothes to prove she's working out
Yeah, this all looks like you don't give a damn, Addy.

No. 336321

Kek at her mistaking "guro" with "gore". You know she is so used to typing the first one she thinks they are the same. Thanks for letting us know what kind of fucked up shit you read/watch, Addy. Not like we already knew.
Also, I don't get it, but why does she always interact with trolls and haters? I genuinely don't understand why she would bring attention to this. It's like she wants to rile jirai retards into making those "moodboards". Is she this naïve??? What's the purpose of this?

No. 336322

You do know that your claims require the proof, right? You can still have mommy and daddy money and spend it on things you like. Addy is a lot of stuff. But I have no doubt she likes a good 80% of her collection. She is just also a hoarder and now buys on top of that to show off her purchases. Both can be true.

No. 336330

There's no proof either way, stop defending her. No one needs to prove their opinions. If you like the same coomer shit she is peddling then I feel sorry for you.

No. 336334

It's not defending her, so calm down. It just doesn't make sense with how much she has unless a massive chunk is actually fake merch. That's a lot in 4 years, but not at the rate she does unboxings and when she started showing it off.

No. 336337

File: 1727569535431.png (1.99 MB, 1080x1984, 1000014541.png)

Didn't she say once that she started going to the hairdresser to get her hair properly done? What happened to that? She's just asking to ruin her hair even more with this trashy ass tape, could have used tin foil instead if she's really on a budget…

No. 336339

>making stickers of yourself on Instagram of all places

No. 336340

She wants to be this effortless cool grungy counterculture fashion guru so bad but I’ll never see her as anything other than a fat uncoordinated weeb. She looks like she smells like period blood.

No. 336341

>Anons in the last thread mentioning addy having her hair done in a salon, and how it's another example of her shitty attempt at skinwalking a subculture.
>Addy starts dying her hair at home a month later.
It's too predictable now.

No. 336343

Kek, she's basically our puppet. We can say anything we want and she will do anything in her power to please us. Why though? Is this what having a shit family and no real meaningful relationships does to a mf?

No. 336344

A lot of old scene kids are now hairdressers and work in salons. Going to a salon for scene hair has been a thing since mid 2010s, it's not a niche scene. It was dying out when Tokio Hotel started doing it.

No. 336346

AYRT, don't worry I wasn't claiming wether or not it makes you a poser, anons in the other thread already discussed it. I pointed it out as another instance of addy lurking and being insecure of herself.(sage your shit)

No. 336349

File: 1727586009177.jpeg (256.66 KB, 828x1281, IMG_4002.jpeg)

scrolling through her old handmade stuff on depop is giving me a good laugh. truly outstanding artistic prowess

No. 336354

Is the collar pink and blue? Was she based all along kek?

No. 336357

>pink and blue
>based all along

No. 336358

Anon probably means that it it says "die" while having troon colors. But to me it looks black unless it's the filter. Still looks kinda terrible kek

No. 336361

troon colored collar with a pedant that says die in it.

No. 336363

even if it was tranny colors, wouldn't a troon be wearing it?

No. 336367

Ignore the troon tinfoil. This matches her decora and colors. Has nothing to do with troons.

No. 336370

She looks like a demented patient at a care home jfc

No. 336371

That "pill" looks like a tooth with some gum that a kid in elementary school had to make for a project about the basic hygiene of the mouth.

No. 336383

wdym? guro involves gore, lmao

No. 336386

I was going to say the same thing. Both can contain sexual themes and outright, grotesque stuff. Gore can also mean body horror which is what I assume is what anon thinks is the difference since guro includes stuff like Juji Ito. Addy is using it right in this instance, it's not just a weeb thing. They are just different language. Gore in the US doesn't only mean bloody. It's just a new nitpick.

No. 336389

Guro is a weeb thing isn’t it? Gore just has blood and violence connotations, like regular horror movies or shooting games. Googling gore just leads to murder/blood/horror definitions, googling guro leads to suggestions for “ero guro” definitions and posts talking about it being coom. I can someone who is only into horror and isn’t into anime messing it up. Which is funny, makes sense though for Addy to freudian slip guro since she openly adores that type of porn vn

No. 336390

Guro is a legit term like how sci-fi is a term.

No. 336396

Guro is sexual gore. It's like a porn category. Addy mixed it up and meant gore when she wrote guro, which makes sense because she (and her tranny pervert friends) probably think it's the same.

No. 336399

It's not. Guro means grotesque specifically. Ero-guro is sexual. Can we move on?

No. 336408

the cognitive dissonance of addy never seizes to amaze me. she should take her own advice and learn to be quiet herself. i genuinely wonder why she continues to antagonize jirai girls and stoke the flame instead of just ignoring it and moving on. if she really didn't care like she says then she would do just that. the fact you have to search "addyharajuku" on tumblr to even find that post means she's seeking it out and could just ignore or block the person the same way she insists other people do for her. it's kind of an ironic take from someone who makes political commentaries and takes the moral high ground on every little retarded thing she disagrees with. it's like she's trying to piss people off at this point, so how can she be surprised people hate her to this extent? her tweets comes off as extremely obtuse and arrogant but she fails to even realize it. never change, addy.

No. 336414

File: 1727687374271.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1181x1619, 12DAD4A2-2D11-4BC4-BB61-5ACB80…)

I think she probably had a say in the design of these awful Bubbles Tokyo ripoffs. The Twitter Jirai’s are going to have a field day knowing that a ‘Jirai’ collection has had Addy involved.(tinfoiling)

No. 336415

File: 1727688550994.jpeg (393.01 KB, 1284x2447, 086D4518-5966-44B1-99EE-5651C7…)

These atrocious ‘Yami Kawaii’ shoes are probably partially her doing also, like the last two collections.

No. 336427

This is honestly an insult to fashion and an assault on the eyes.
You can be tasteful and still be into alt fashion, this just looks like garbage that will be worn once then donated to goodwill. Objectively, whoever buys this has poor taste.

No. 336429

It looks so poorly made, like sweatshop level bad. And why does it look like a corpse is wearing them?

No. 336450

File: 1727756581586.png (1004.28 KB, 1040x609, addycrafts.png)

>why does it look like a corpse is wearing them?
kek, I was about to say the same thing nonna. I think they must have messed with the contrast in an attempt to make the shitty printing on the sweatshop boots look better and in turn accidently made the person's skin look necrotic?

I screenshot this forever ago when I did the same nonna, but forgot to post because it didn't feel relevant. Truly such a talent.

No. 336456

>smol egg
was this shit made in 2015 or something? in true addy fashion she has an absolutely abhorrent sense of style.

No. 336595

File: 1728079169391.mp4 (5.21 MB, 720x1280, Snapinsta.app_video_6341BE3FD7…)

>Addy too is strange and unusual
LC called it first kek

No. 336613

Those hair thin rings are holding on for dear life, there's no way this stays attached for more than a couple hours of wear.

No. 336620

since when does this pickme care about repelling men

No. 336628

…and it's the same 4 outfits she always wears. Genuinely think this girl is creatively stunted and just buys a set of clothes and only wears it together, or buys outfits from mannequins as is.
For a fashion icon who gets collabs with (admittedly fast fashion poor quality shit brands) she's so painfully plain and boring with her same 10 looks which she just shuffles in order.

No. 336630

none of these are male repellent anyway because men will sexualize a trash bag.

No. 336637

half of these are literally the same outfits from >>332663

No. 336645

KEK she really does always wear the same outfits. J fashion influencer sucks at fashion even more than those Pixielocks lookbooks back in the day.

No. 336646

Specially that Jirai-like outfit, moids literally fetishize jirai the same way as gyaru because of the
>hurr durd yandara gf
Bullshit they love to fap to.
Anyone who interacts with her shit has to be braindead because just giving her any views is a waste of time.

No. 336652

isn't the jirai outfit the one she was "serving body" in, according to herself? how on earth is sexualising yourself supposed to be man repellent?

No. 336653

I like that she chooses pick me nlog grimes songs for this kek

No. 336669

"muh female vs muh male gaze" shit was trending on tiktok for a bit so it's probably related to that. it's a stupid as fuck trend because the only thing that makes something female or male gaze/repellent is your intent because men fetishize literally anything so anything you do as a woman is guaranteed attract atleast one and repel another. addy is obsessed with coomer anime stuff like sonico and madoka so anything she wears is automatically male bait including frumpy subcult.

No. 336671

File: 1728203860070.jpeg (1.88 MB, 1284x2385, EE42F058-4243-449B-B667-DC0C51…)

When I started to think her hair couldn’t get any worse…
Coontails died around 2012 and should stay that way. Some of the bands are diagonal and not even straight. Looks dreadful.

No. 336673

>jirae kei
One of the core aspects of this fashion is to waste money on hosts aka moid prostitutes kekk it's literally called "landmine girls" and it was a highly sexualized fashion from the start unlike lolita fashion. Addy keeps proving how little she knows about anything is hilarious

No. 336675

lol thats sad. seems like shes posting online for the sake of when she could be doing something else instead

No. 336677

is it me or is she getting heavy handed with the face filters? it comes off like shes desperate to make her face look thinner so we stop calling her fat kek

No. 336678

Really, now her face looks troonish.

No. 336681

her sensitive fat ass would have been ripped to shreds by the catty scene kids of the day

No. 336682

No, she'd probably have a good following size on MySpace tbh.

No. 336689

bbfr Myspace scene kids were proana, there was no body positivity movement. No one even slightly overweight was popular back then and if they were they had to photoshop that shit out kek(no1currs)

No. 336700

Don't be shy and show us your handsome Shrek jaw, Addy.

No. 336705

the way she tries so hard to slim her face in every picture gives her such an uncanny valley appearance. she looks like a linebacker. and jesus christ, can she drop this shitty hairstyle already? it doesn't even look good to begin with and it certainly doesn't suit her

No. 336712

to be fair her consoom hoard would have set her apart and drawn in some followers, but she would have had to not show show th pudge to keep her mystique

No. 336713

kiki would bully her off the platform shes too sensitive kek

No. 336715

Spike Zombie, retard(no1currs)

No. 336718

Why is she constantly bragging about the shitty Miyuki figure kek

No. 336724

Kek, no one on Myspace knew who that tub of lard was besides you then you fat fetish freak. Just because they are a “popular” scene kid larper now doesn’t mean they were popular back then. In the mid 2000’s skinny was in and eating disorders were hot. Look at Britney 2007 VMA and how she was called fat, it was 10x worse on the myspace scene. Addy would not have been popular back then and would have most likely been bullied.(no1currs)

No. 336729

"fat girl angles" were a thing and were ridiculed. Addy would most definitely have been made fun of for being chubby.

No. 336776

She's still doing these videos? She must not have anything at all to talk about, what a bleak existence.

No. 336780

Lmao right and anyone who says otherwise wasn’t there. Like that other anon said, shit was proana as hell back then, none of the famous scene girls were chubby (except Vicky shingles kekkkk)

No. 336783

File: 1728350855478.jpeg (1.45 MB, 3464x3464, 5AA99C2F-80A1-47C4-A111-C6B58D…)

Extremely hilarious and ironic to sperg about not rushing into collecting, avoiding overconsumption, and taking your time with building a collection whilst simultaneously posting “hauls” for any and every franchise you enjoy even slightly

No. 336785

File: 1728352173611.jpeg (74.46 KB, 707x508, IMG_3872.jpeg)

She’s literally picrel bc all she does is regurgitate what other people say but slap her mug and speak over it.

No. 336795

yeah the irony. she will always say to her audience, not to overconsume because it's 'bad' or whatever. meanwhile she does on the daily and makes money off it…

No. 336805

File: 1728389299303.jpeg (169.29 KB, 1170x1824, IMG_5121.jpeg)

Are you excited, anon?

No. 336807

>muh hyperconsumption
>i spent hundreds of dollars on figures popular on tiktok and even accidentally bought two because i rushed to buy them

No. 336872

You will never be Izzyy.

No. 336892

I wonder, her side hair parts are supposed to be straight or wavy - because it's never either thus looks weird and unkempt

No. 336893

It has the typical flatiron with hairspray look to them.

No. 336899

late but lol it doesnt surprise me that koi would support her, their brand manager (or owner??) is super creepy & DM'd me out of the blue once to invite me to london (??? i dont model and never will, all i post about is games)(post caps or stop blogging )

No. 336903

Post caps or stfu with your blogpost of "I'm just like Addy uwu"

No. 336957

File: 1728641281139.png (1.64 MB, 1080x2203, 1000014794.png)

damn she just figured this out now?

No. 336958

File: 1728642858263.jpg (35.52 KB, 500x464, 1000049158.jpg)

what is it with dumpy weebs and always doing the dreamworks smirk in every picture for no reason

No. 336959

They think it gives them ~character~ kek

No. 336961

Reminds me of that fuckass fake redhead that teaches English on Japan(derailing)

No. 337006

I don't even know atp… maybe they think it makes them look badass or quirky

No. 337007

i can't dispute anything she says because i don't give a shit about japanese fashion but she uploaded her video earlier so i'll just post a summary as a tl/dw.
>argues that cute-core comes from the term "cute but hardcore"
>cites shitty "moe-coded" e-girl pop-punk as "certified cute-core bangers" that sound nothing like hardcore. (monster by ennaria)(i've never heard anyone refer to cute-core as music based subculture)
>brings up 2020 retards
>cites void chans consoomer bedroom as early cutecore
>brings up random characters
>gamersupps ad
>brings up super sonico becuase of course she does
>admits that typical cute-core makeup is just e-girl shit
>asian fishing rant
>says its influenced by "jojifuku" -aka dressing up like a little girl-, guro kawaii, decora
>rants about the fashion she willingly got into is expensive
>shein/fast fashion rant
>ranting about not fitting into kids clothing
>brings up meowbahh for some reason
>"pedophilia bad"

the entire video has no actual history of the "subculture" i feels more like she's naming all the random shit she consooms.

No. 337008

Her reluctance to admit that nitro+ makes porn and introducing sonico, totono, and saya no uta as "at least somewhat softcore in nature" so she doesn't get branded a "gooner" for enjoying them is killing me

No. 337009

Kek isn't the skirt she's wearing at the end from a fetish brand? It's considered like a jojifuku "staple"

No. 337019

she literally said "eroge characters" you dimwit

No. 337025

File: 1728728039222.png (103.86 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20241012-120353.png)

>argues that cute-core comes from the term "cute but hardcore"
>cites shitty "moe-coded" e-girl pop-punk as "certified cute-core bangers" that sound nothing like hardcore. (monster by ennaria)(i've never heard anyone refer to cute-core as music based subculture)
She got all her info from here https://aesthetics.fandom.com/wiki/Cutecore , that song isn't hardcore in any way but I doubt she knows what that is. And this site just lists a bunch of vocaloid and tiktok songs so I'm not sure where they got their info from

No. 337026

Maybe watch the following 20 seconds of the video and you’d see she said “all are at least somewhat softcore in nature” like that word applies to something like saya no uta, retardchan. Softcore eroge my ass lol

No. 337029

she looks so creepy in the thumbnail. the circle lenses look terrifying on her

No. 337030

lmao all "cores" are called "core" because it's the core of whatever we're talking about. hardcore is literally called core because it has its core in hard rock. "core" is basically just another way to say "based in" or "inspired by"

No. 337032

saya is a loli who get raped by an old man in VN, how is that softcore? this is the laziest "video essay" i have ever seen. addy is an unintelligent normie

No. 337047

File: 1728762897095.jpeg (467.26 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_3865.jpeg)

Says it's wrong to flim cringe people who smell bad and assumes that people like this are neurodivergent or mentally ill and shouldn't be shamed. You consume harmful
media, get off your high horse.

No. 337055

damn i'm one of the anons that clicks out of her tiktoks after the first few seconds because i cannot stand the way she speaks. when i saw this, i was wondering if longform content would maybe make her slow down and stop breathing so aggressively into the camera and doing that shit with her hands to add to the overall loud-in-your-face lecturing shtick. i assumed on tiktok she's trying to fit a bunch of words in, but nope, clicked out immediately of this video. she's not horrible to look at but it's somehow like every part of her is a jumpscare, i am so repulsed by her mannerisms that i'm trying to imagine what hanging out in a room with her is like. her presence is so loud and revolting. why the fuck does she talk like that. as if her tiktoks weren't bad enough now you get an entire 36 minutes of this obnoxious bitch reeing in your face with her death claws out

No. 337064

Seriously, when I watch long videos like this I'm just trying to chill, not get an anxiety attack from watching someone have full body spasms like they're on coke

No. 337074

What are you talking about? She isn't jumping around or screaming, she's moving one hand.

No. 337083

is this real life, from the looks of it the cringer filmed herself and just decribed the cringee. pudgy addy with her agp smirk has no authority to tell people what to cringe at.

No. 337084

>We're getting too comfortable online
No, disgusting fucking degenerates who don't bathe or use deodorant are getting too comfortable in public. If they have the ~spoons~ to go to a crowded overstimulating convention centre, they're fully capable of using soap.

No. 337087

>No, disgusting fucking degenerates who don't bathe or use deodorant are getting too comfortable in public.
Yep. If they have the ability to go out to an overstimulating bing bing wahoo convention centre but can't fucking shower and wear deodorant because it's too "mentally taxing" or some bullshit, then they need to reevaluate their life. Addy needs to get off her high horse and maybe take a shower too.

No. 337090

I get so distracted by her hand waving. I guess nobody really pays attention to her ramblings irl, that's probably why she usually overshares on her ig stories and can't shut the fuck up on tiktok. The most embarrassing thing about this is that she is already 25 and still behaving like a 14 year old.

No. 337093

NTA but the way she smugly waves her rat paw around is extremely obnoxious.

No. 337098

Anon said full body spasms like someone tweaking on coke, not just talking with your hands lol

No. 337137

she moves her head around constantly too, despite always looking in the same direction (which is at herself in the camfinder). also, have you never heard of a hyperbole before? the anon you replied to didn't mean she literally has rat paws either. why the would addy have full body spasms? it was a comedic exaggeration, just like saying she has rat paws

No. 337222

File: 1729033138985.mp4 (1.84 MB, 720x1280, Snapinsta.app_video_CC47B26A45…)

Never change Addy
I think she does this on purpose to bait people or something.
Addy makes videos about "that smelly person at cons" all the time as well. Idgi, it's like she constantly criticizes herself (with out meaning to?) through the actions of others but I'm not sure if any self reflection is ever applied at all because she pretty much still does everything she criticizes.

No. 337262

this is true, it was overflown with the most retarded harems and h stuff

No. 337278

Meh, majority of Yahoo answers recommended Death Note, Code Geass, Shakugan no Shana, Durarara… maybe Zero no Tsukaima too, which I think is the only ecchi that was recommended when asked about anime in general. Or Tengen Toppa, which is just fanservice. You would only get Kissxsis, Oreimo or To-Love:Ru recs if you were asking specifically for ecchi/harem.

No. 337281

Yes, exactly, those shows she put in her video showcase that. And if you lurked past threads then you would know that Addy liked that type of anime back then. There is plenty of other anime that don't involve harems or sister x brother relationships from all decades (not just the 2010s) but somehow she always ended up buying figures and merch from those shows. And she has a tattoo from Magical Girl Site on her entire arm.

No. 337287

For anime that people would recommend at any point in the 2010s, I also remember people recommending stuff like Shugo Chara, K-On, Haikyuu, Mushishi, etc, depending on where or how you ask it. I think it was all a matter of taste, you would watch different things. I've always avoided harem shows for this reason. I wonder where she was getting her recommendations from.

No. 337291

it's worse now, anon. isekai didn't exist back then and we had maybe a handful of harem ecchi stuff compared to the 500 titty isekai we have now.

No. 337300

Kek she's seriously telling on herself here. All the weebs around her age (early teens) back then were watching and screaming about Gurren Lagann, Haruhi, K-on, FMA and shit like that. All very popular shows that people who are now in their late 20s are still nostalgic for, and are still recommended to people today. The last anime in her video, Boku no Pico, was an online meme for the shock factor- nobody actually recommended it. She was a genuine Oreimo fan up until the grown age of 24 when she started saying she "didn't understand" why it was bad and started selling off her figures, so makes sense her mind immediately jumps to coomerbait incest anime.

No. 337302

Addy panders to moids so of course the only recommendations she gets would be animes that also pander to moids.

No. 337305

This the popular ones were all these. Tbf, kissxsis isn't biological so it's not that bad. Some of these are good shows but depends on of you can stomach copious amounts of fan service which was the big thing aside from moe-shit everywhere with Madoka and all.

No. 337343

When I think shows recommended in 2010, I think FMA:B, Gurren Lagann, Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion, Death Note, Samurai Champloo, Stand Alone Complex, Mushishi, Monster, etc. Her audience born in 2010 might comment how relatable this is, but she really is telling on herself. She does some Olympic-grade mental gymnastics trying to be an oldschool uwu true weeb girl while moralsperging at the same time.

No. 337362

None of those are old school though. Evan is the closest on that list.

No. 337383

Anon didn't say these were old school, only that addy likes claiming she is old school

No. 337387

File: 1729215769450.jpg (115.67 KB, 720x871, Screenshot_20241017-192055_Chr…)

> hardcore
> hard rock
Not to get super autistic, but you sound as retarded as Addy. Hardcore is a punk sub genre and has nothing to do with "hard rock". Hard Rock is what dad shit bands like ACDC and Van Halen were labeled as. So yeah, punk uses a rock beat and is a rock genre, but hc has a very different connotation than "hard rock". Hardcore techno is often also just called "hardcore" and that has nothing to do with rock. It's just a group of people dedicated to something.

But yeah, I don't get why she thinks cutecore means it's in any way involved with hc punk? Does she think cottagecore or fairycore are somehow involved with hc too? It's really just a zoomer trend at this point to add -core to any aesthetic. Kek she's a fucking moron.
This is honest to God one of the worst video essays I've ever seen. Her voice is grating and I don't understand why she's acts like an authority on everything without doing basic research. I wish video essays as a trend would die. They went from interesting to every self important asshole just plagiarizing wikis.

No. 337391

this. the word doesn't even have to do with music. cute core isn't even related to the word hardcore, it's from core as used by tumblr to denote a style, that use of the word is kind of related to hardcore though.

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