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No. 271150
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No. 271248
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No. 280984
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A classic. But she was the first character I ever had a crush on and her melancholic, mature elegance deeply influenced my taste. Also, I love almost every design from Dorohedoro, Ousama Ranking and Megalo Box/Nomad.
>>271150I didn't post in this thread yet and literally clicked it to post her but you were way, way faster.
>>271333Other anon, I liked it a lot. It's just a movie, so give it a go. The animation is fantastic, it's about vampires though so it's action-heavy and darker.
>Nowadays anime doesn't even come close to being this artistic, it's all loli moeblobs.I hate it too, but they aren't even trying anymore. Literal teens like the Sailor Moon MCs look more adult than adult anime characters from now. At some point after Japan realised that a lot of guys dream of weak little women that unconditionally love and don't pose a threat to them the creators understood that upping this would provide them with endless money and sadly it worked. So almost all we get now are cheerful naive little girls that make animal noises and dream of being a housewife.
No. 281001
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They don't make beautiful designs like Meredy's anymore.
No. 281023
File: 1678224914662.jpg (763.5 KB, 1080x1034, FnfPJmNaMAAAkpi.jpg)

i love her.
No. 281092
File: 1678232050788.png (1.85 MB, 1082x1147, merlina.png)

The bar's kind of in the ground but I like Merlina's designs both good and evil. I like how she didn't suddenly become sexualized just because she had an evil makeover.
>>281057The only manga I can think of that's excessively pretty and artsy these days is Houseki no Kuni and it's a bleak as hell seinen.
No. 281107
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>>281054I think it's more like Lucario's dreads since she does have one on her team.
No. 281111
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Love her design, same it's from something so fucking obscure, or at least the character themselves is.
No. 281196
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No. 281353
>>281283Kek what is this, and why have I not heard of it before?
>>281294More importantly, the ones with orange and pink hair are just begging to be punched in the balls. Sluts.
No. 281487
File: 1678375737493.png (1.06 MB, 1490x1690, diantha alts.png)

>>281462I will forever be grateful that scrotes don't seem to like Diantha as much as other female Pokemon characters, because I've never once seen any gross shit involving her. I love the outfits they gave her in Masters, like her armor-clad alt, it's cool and badass but still beautiful. And her Sygna Suit dress is gorgeous, even her shoes.
Sorry for the crappy edit but I just love her alt costumes and the EX color schemes. Sadly you can't see her shoes in these renders, I couldn't find any that showed them.
Repost because I didn't notice how massive the pic was
No. 281501
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>>281283Anon I want to thank you for posting about this anime. Never seen an anime with this level of fanservice aimed at women before. I started to watch it for the half-naked slut men but it's engaging in general. Gotta love how there is a story about one of the heroes helping a female mangaka who is discriminated against by her male publisher because she wants to draw a story about a handsome guy not moe lolis.
No. 281520
File: 1678383021236.png (87.7 KB, 400x240, Pxywikiwalkthrough949.png)

>>281494XY had this problem of having a few
really well done designs but not well developed characters/plots. Tragic considering it followed after black/white's really strong story and characters. I still uphold Olympia as one of my favorite gym leader designs in all the games even if she didn't really have any personality.
No. 281536
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>>281501Another fanservice anime aimed at women that I liked is Marudase Kintarou:
> No. 281548
File: 1678392742683.jpg (1.47 MB, 2892x4096, 1670151926667204.jpg)

For a recent example I loved the designs of almost the entire cast of Ousama Ranking.
I wish artists would stop over-designing by making characters have multiple glaring hair and eye colors and a billion colorful random accessories or irrational fashion to create unique designs and instead focus on making the more central parts of the design stand out like giving them different bodytypes, ages and faces that make them more unique. I always preferred simple but expressive designs.
No. 282259
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Instantly recognizable and pays homage to Mickey. In KH3 Sora didn’t really stand out because he matched so many characters with the plaid accents and dark colours.
No. 282285
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>>282259Samefag but Kairi is inspired by Utada Hikaru. I wish they gave her more utada’s outfits later in later entries. The only commitment is the hairstyles.
No. 282524
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>>271248apex has a lot of really nice female (and some male) designs in general. i want to say for the most part they're not sexualized but almost every character has their ass out (as in, theres nothing obstructing the view) and have huge butts and thighs.
No. 282599
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Drammatical Murder
No. 282686
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Kochouki: Wakaki Nobunaga
No. 282691
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No. 282717
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everyone in dorohedoro tbh but i really love them
No. 282763
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>>281023>>281459I really love her
No. 282775
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Clamp spam incoming cause their character designs and outfits are adorable and nostalgic
No. 282906
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KOF had great designs and top-tier husbandos
No. 282911
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>>282906The white karate dude, cargo pants and korean taekwondo guy were my faviaorate though
No. 282976
>>282906I used to have the biggest crush on
kyo he is not even my type but I just find his first design so appealing
No. 283388
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No. 283414
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>>283391It's a prison comedy.
No. 283697
>>283391Kek. Love your description
No. 284074
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Joker Game
>inb4 sameface
No. 284180
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No. 284307
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No. 284308
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No. 285469
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I really love Lucia’s design, too bad she only appeared in dmc 2 and is stuck with it’s garbage reputation
No. 285598
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Psycho Pass (Akane still looks like a retard, though)
No. 294638
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Break Blade
No. 298989
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Shamanic Princess
No. 299072
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>>298997Post your best drawings.
No. 348617
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I really can't think of many fighting games without shitty coomerbait designs so I appreciate how the female characters were designed in this one
No. 348619
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thinking about kiki again
No. 348623
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>>281023>>281459>>282763posting my favorite female pokemon designs as well
No. 348635
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a classic
No. 348899
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I like most the Sailor Moon villain designs but Galaxia's is the best, she looks like a space gladiator dressed in gold armor.
No. 348903
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>>348899She looks so cool
No. 348907
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I love Malenia's second phase design much more than the her default look.
Clothes and armors always have to give a good idea of the character you're facing but i feel like her naked version suits her the best and it's the rawest one.
I love how we can see how she truly is and while nakedness is usually supposed to make people feel defenceless (specially women), she is the complete opposite and shows how her sickness is part of her strenght so beautifully, she is a faithful warrior to the bone.
I really love it a lot, and of course i love how she's not sexualized or treated poorly you stupid coomer moids
No. 348929
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No. 348936
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The bar is in the ground for Madoka Magica but the Oriko cast all have well-designed outfits. Oriko and Kirika are meant to look like a bride and a groom. Oriko wears an impractical outfit because she's a seer and caster who stays out of the fight as much as possible, while Kirika can easily move in her outfit. Yuma avoids coomer design tropes and actually looks like a child and more cohesive than they made Nagisa.
Picrel, Yuma.
No. 348937
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>>348936Oriko and Kirika. Fanart because the official art is hit and miss but the thread's about the strength of the designs, not the art quality, so whatever.
No. 348950
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Don’t know anything about touhou but her design is so cool to me, especially her outfit
No. 348951
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>>348950Samefag, she also has a really gorgeous figure
No. 348976
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>>348907i agree. malenia is strong and muscular and her breasts have mostly rotted away. i want to kill anyone who makes sexy big-titty fanart of her. fucking worthless retards.
i feel the same about ranni, such a cool design that moids tried to ruin with shitty stupid fanart.
No. 348995
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i'm never going to watch this show but i've always found dorothy's design to be top tier. so geometric and simple but it doesn't come off as 'generic'.
No. 348997
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The level of subtle details in her design that informs her character, personality, and backstory makes me think that her design had the most thought put into it. Even her pre-TS design is great too.
No. 349001
File: 1705387476893.png (692.09 KB, 947x1091, top_miku.png)

i'm really fond of miku's og look. so iconic and classic. i know that's largely due to vocaloid's smashing success cementing it as a piece of Weeb History but still…it's fun to look at. and simple (i really love simple designs – this new age sparkle dog vtuber genshin shit disgusts me. all that random crap thrown onto the image for the sake of getting a ""unique"" character).
please ignore that i've redone this post like three times kek
No. 349041
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>>348635Omg my first anime love. The outfits had a really distinct style in that, and I really liked that her outfits in particular reoccurred with different layering/styling.
No. 349061
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No. 349069
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>>349041me too anon. i had a crush on ryoko and i wanted to BE washu lol. loved the outfits so much. they felt so pretty and respectful for a harem anime.
No. 349210
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>>348976I feel the same. It's rare to see female nudity that isn't treated as coom.
FromSoft is generally pretty good with cool women designs outside of a few (looking at you Desert Sorceress). My top is Lucatiel from DS2, Lady Maria is number 2.
No. 349919
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Atlus was at its peak when Kaneko was still making character designs
No. 350013
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Since there are a lot of retarded coomer designs for female characters in the awful design thread, what are some good character designs for slutty men? Especially with revealing skin?
No. 350070
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>>350013Idc wat anyone says, DMC3 Dante is the best and sexiest other than that ugly moid face hobo.
No. 350075
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I always liked agnes original nun outfit
No. 350076
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>>350075But her outfits in general in that game were great
No. 350079
>>350015>>350038>>350040You say that but then there's this
>>281196 >>281283 Let men be slutty and objectified
No. 350087
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not a professional design or anything but i think lost media wiki-tan (LMW-tan) is very cute. one of my fave -tans.
No. 350089
File: 1705780895568.jpeg (37.06 KB, 800x475, 800px-CrackCartoonChars.jpeg)

>>350087her design is inspired by the girl in "cracks", a lost sesame street short which is one of the most famous cases of found media
No. 350096
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>>350013I'm still not over him. Definitely ignited my fondness for cute cat boys.
it gave me psychic damage to see that the manga started in 2005 and the anime in '07 No. 350097
File: 1705783750060.png (1001.8 KB, 583x1065, E5_AE_A2_skin2.png)

>>350079I love seeing anime men objectified but only when it's actually for the female gaze and not for faggots. Brainless "designs" that look like they came straight out of a bara hentai just make me cringe, having an extreme amount of skin showing doesn't automatically make a character sexy. Personally, more lowkey slutty designs like picrel will always be sexier to me than musclebeast #98839 wearing a thong.
The characters with the nasty ass bulges from the posts you linked look like shit too kek.
No. 350115
>>350097Eh, nta but I like it.
Might be bad taste, but I'm tired of "tastefully covered up" flat as a board designs on men.
No. 350129
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>>350115Same kek there's just not enough musclebeasts #98839 wearing a thong for me to get bored of it yet whereas I feel like I've already seen every possible attempt at making a suit interesting
>>350013I like some of the designs for Noctilucent but it's BL
No. 350153
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>>350013nu;carnival has some good ones. it's kind of tough to "coom-ify" or "slutty-ify" a male character though imo without also feminizing him in some way (which isn't a problem for me – unrepentant femboyfag), it's just an interesting aside
unless you want to do something like picrel (you could put this on any girl in a regular gacha and it wouldn't look out of place) all you're going to get are like…pants and shirts with cutouts kek.
No. 350161
>>350147>this againThe suit and maid threads beg to differ. Porniness doesn't save bad designs like
>>350129. You can't expect the average woman to be distracted from a terrible core design with giant exposed pecs the same way a man would with tits. Your own fondness for that crap is born of your hatred for the existence of those same pornsick designs on female characters as well as for IRL men. You're more turned on by your fantasies of male otakus malding over the designs than any of the designs themselves. They're not sexy at all.
No. 350164
>>350161NTA but speak for yourself. We literally cant have hot designs because moids seethe and cry over it until the coward devs change it for stuff that doesnt anger sensitive moids, like suits. There are tons of anime figurines for women that are super horny, like that Aoba figurine, and also
>>350153 core playerbase is women.
No. 350165
File: 1705799673185.jpg (Spoiler Image,178.7 KB, 1920x1080, reiii.jpg)

>>350164tbh I like pictures of them in compromising, vulnerable positions like picrel
No. 350167
>>350166not everyone wants to eyefuck bellybuttons,
No. 350170
>>350163post some examples then. also that nona specifically asked for 'slutty men' and 'revealing skin' outfits
>>350166girl the tummy is right there
No. 350171
>>350161More of this brainwashing shit, i bet you don't have issues when female characters are designed the same way do you?
>>Your own fondness for that crap is born of your hatred for IRL menNigga this is lc, take your sensitive ass back to twitter.
>>You're more turned on by your fantasies of male otakus malding over the designs than any of the designs themselves.How does liking men wearing sexy clothing correlate to that? You're assuming random shit to fit your own narrative except your narrative is built on something that doesn't exist. Has it ever occured to you that some people like seeing men humiliated, degraded, and promptly put in their place because it's a (based) fetish? It's pathetic how even your own fantasies have to be moid-approved.
No. 350175
>>350172>two anons insisting bakugo in a thongthis hasn't been posted
>peak male designwho has said this
>>350173nah it's a woman. i don't feel like digging through her twt but she's uploaded irl events before with friends, as well as shots with her holding merch where her nails are exposed
No. 350184
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>>350013Magi had a lot of slutty man designs.
No. 350186
File: 1705800797840.png (1.29 MB, 968x887, Screenshot_63.png)

>>350178wouldn't his belly button be right here
No. 350194
File: 1705801139143.jpg (188.16 KB, 1062x1505, FGfH7gXUUAEoZZu.jpg)

>>350180>But I've seen even worse from some japanese artists I know for sure are femaleyeah…believe it or not things aren't really sex-locked, women can be into things considered solely for a male audience.
No. 350197
>>350189Sorry, meant that they drew both.
First did shota stuff, grew into doing femboys and office workers, and then chinese
>>350194I guess they go by a different name now.
No. 350199
File: 1705801502872.jpeg (22.06 KB, 300x300, 616bb1dc8e1be.jpeg)

>>350187Well is her (I think it is a her after all) oc
>>350192>like all of you pickme brainlets you only actively call out said designs in the pretext of a male having a coomer designAnd what are you basing this on? Because it's definitely not my post history kek, I was shitting on those terrible magical girl designs in the other thread earlier
today. I guess what I said must've been dead on for you to have nothing to do now but call me a pickme and a moid based on nothing.
No. 350200
File: 1705801752707.jpg (Spoiler Image,11.95 KB, 160x184, F7GvTMnbAAAZqve (1).jpg)

>>350186kek, poor rei. I didn't expect him to be at the center of belly button discourse.
>>350166ok while I do hate this specific design I need to know, does this count as a covered tummy to you?
No. 350211
>>350207Fwiw seems like they do nothing but Chinese and Identity V stuff rn.
Are trannies into Chinese stuff?
No. 350214
>>350209that's still nowhere near the level of this
>>350199 guy. I checked his stuff out of curiosity and it's so obviously male.
No. 350217
>>350215even when women are into weird stuff it's still different from when males do it. Her weird tranny shota shit is on par with male stuff, not the female stuff i have seen.
>>350216kek sorry you like a moid into tranny shotas with diapers, time to accept it
No. 350233
>>350228No need to be so obtuse, your reading comprehension can't be that bad. You totally have moid taste,
nonny. Real women are above coomer degeneracy like cringy hypersexual designs that only femboyfags like and r18 figures pretty much only moids are making anyways. Better join team suitmen before you start T.
(infighting) No. 350242
>>350233>Real women are above coomer degeneracy like cringy hypersexual designs that only femboyfags likeBut how does the maid thread fit into that?
Are they all pickmes?
No. 350246
File: 1705805664118.png (Spoiler Image,930.28 KB, 1487x1956, 1702457014314-0.png)

No. 350247
>anon says she wants slutties male designs because suits are overplayed>''nooo!! you only want slutty men to own the libs, i mean the moids! fully covered baggy suit is the sluttiest thing a moid can wear(without hurting the moids feefees)!''>post proof of raunchy slutty anime figurine women like>''n-no not like that! h-here is anime figurine of a salary man from an artist that only makes salary man figurines, t-take that''>bait anon to confirm me the artist is a woman>the same artist also drew >>350194lol, but i though women didnt like slutty men and suits were the sexiest thing a man can wear? how do you explain your precious suitfag artist drawing this thing that looks straight out of nucani
>>350194 and femboys in skimpy clothes
No. 350250
>>350241, nothing to add
No. 350253
File: 1705806432414.jpg (579.29 KB, 2002x2048, 20231123_000704.jpg)

Man, I just liked the autistic bunny dude and was tired of suits and suits with little holes cut out of them. I don't care about moids one way or the other.
Fwiw I am a 100x more tired of the overplayed japanese school girl uniform and wished everyone who tries and make it deep would just die.
Anyway, I like Snufkin. He's a healing shape.
No. 350254
File: 1705806439180.gif (1.32 MB, 220x220, kek.gif)

imagine spending hours defending a woman into diapers, femboys, and shotas because ''women can be degenerates too!!!'' after saying women cant be into skimpy male outfits because we cant get turned on by sexy pecs, only by fully covered men!(derailing)
No. 350268
File: 1705809735436.png (2.03 MB, 1000x3799, constantine_reverse1999.png)

I know its gacha but shush most of the times I know female anatognists have "sexy" character design aka coomerish design but I really liked this variation in this game don't get me wrong they still had one of those designs but I really like how Constantines collar looks like a lily and her sleeves too just gives off a elegant feeling, reverse has some good designs in a sea of coomerish generic gacha ones.
No. 350375
File: 1705856380329.jpeg (198.99 KB, 1198x553, 252F8246-A826-4358-9EF0-8FF298…)

>>350153People really do find nucarnival meatloaf fags with breast implants hot? That’s depressing, that’s why we can’t have any decent merch, only steroid chinese dick-outs
No. 350384
>>350375Not everyone has your enlightened taste for same face idol boys.
Well, at least Arabian outfits are neat.
No. 350430
File: 1705867365549.jpg (57.45 KB, 600x480, cammy01.jpg)

I feel like Capcom almost struck gold with what a "modern" Cammy could look like with SF6. Unfortunately they fucked up giving her a crappy short haircut and replacing her braids with coat straps. Cammy with her old hair but with the SF6 outfit would be great. Maybe someone could make a mod for that but idk Capcom is ruining that scene and people mostly use it for coomer shit I feel.
No. 350433
File: 1705868057040.jpg (225.05 KB, 1100x1245, sc6-chai-xianghua.jpg)

For as coomerish as the game can be with its female designs, I really love some of the outfits for some of the women. Xianghua's dress is so cute. I think the game excels at having a good mix of complex and simple shapes in its clothing.
>>350430Unironically, I love both of these designs. And I agree that the SF6 outfit would look great with the two braids.
>>350393She is in every thread and posts the same Aira pictures over and over again kek
No. 350478
File: 1705876673916.png (306 KB, 560x748, image_2024-01-21_153508376.png)

Philia is cute. There's just enough interesting elements to offset how much white and pink she's wearing, plus it makes the green of her hair stand out more.
No. 350480
File: 1705876803417.png (357.23 KB, 632x896, image_2024-01-21_154004349.png)

>>350478Her adult design simplifies her dress to look more mature while still keeping her green braids since they're the most visually distinct part of her.
No. 350584
File: 1705909196976.png (3.19 MB, 2945x2000, Sengo Muramasa.png)

>>350013I wish there's more hot bunny men other than silly cartoon male rabbit or the 100th bunny waifu. Picrel isn't a bunny man but he's got pompoms and is pretty slutty. Also thank goodness for male Vieras.
>>350096Hell yes. Ikuto is perfect. There needs to be more handsome cat boys too since they're loved so much.
No. 350605
>>350584I love Sengo so much. Thank you for posting him itt.
Fun fact: He likes to befriend wild rabbits while meditating in the forest.
No. 352755
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>>350013Game Freak was pretty bold and based with ORAS Wallace from being refined to fabulous slut
No. 352772
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>>352761the most attractive "slutty male" designs are tight clothing imo, we aren't moids who get aroused by supernormal stimuli and flashes of skin like they do.
No. 352799
File: 1706839095045.jpeg (394.66 KB, 1001x1500, ensemble slut.jpeg)

>>352792There are lots of skimpy outfits in yume games. The sluttiest enstar outfit got a figure recently.
No. 352804
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>>352801it comes out in a few months doesnt it? i would recommend to preorder it before it goes up in price
No. 352813
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Some GF girls have such cool designs. I love the outfits that are based on real uniforms.
No. 352816
>>352799>There are lots of skimpy outfits in yume gamesLol.
>enstars>yume gameLmao.
No. 352822
File: 1706844787193.png (824.78 KB, 1000x462, yume game.png)

>>352816>enstars>yume gameyes
No. 352839
>>352822>one card having a girl in it makes it yumewhen there's no romance and the bl tags have more posts than both normal and yume tags, I'm afraid it's not a yume game. it's a bad josei rhythm gacha with mid character designs that are difficult to tell apart, they are neither good nor slutty. not to mention the literal tranny. contain your kusoge shilling in the thread you made for it, no1curr.
"yume games" don't exist by the way, that would be otome. joseimuke are similar female targeted games that remove all or most of the romance. it there is romance, it will be watered down and there will be an equal amount of fujobait because the goal is to play both sides. enstars is joseimuke.
No. 352844
File: 1706848434081.png (849.73 KB, 1000x462, best shinobu outfit.png)

>>352843i just like the outfits and i think they are well designed, calm down minimod chan
No. 352847
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i love every enemy design in little nightmares 1 + 2, the aesthetic is always so tight and on point. the designs say so much about the world despite being in games where there's not a single piece of dialogue or written word
No. 352848
File: 1706848865498.jpeg (190.89 KB, 1280x720, IMG_7348.jpeg)

>>352844I love him
nonnie but brace yourself for the spite “ugly tho!!”. If this Rei gets called ugly there’s no hope. I’ll wait for your shinobu sperg on the enstars thread!
No. 352852
File: 1706849560919.png (951.59 KB, 1000x462, natsume.png)

>>352848some newfag anons behave like 4chan contrarian moids, i am going to keep posting the designs i think look good because this is a thread to discuss good character design and i think Ensemble Stars boy look really good and have tons of really cute outfits.
Even if he isnt my favourite boy, Natsume has my favourite outfit in the whole game. I recently got it and i was impressed by how detailed the 3D is. When you zoom into the golden areas you can see a glittery texture. As a 3Dfag i am impressed by how well done the models are, which also explains why it runs like shit on my potato phone.
No. 352861
File: 1706851446053.jpg (Spoiler Image,59.96 KB, 775x396, 1000001555.jpg)

Final Fantasy designs were cute
No. 352872
File: 1706853665878.gif (3.62 MB, 268x250, IMG_2364.gif)

i think the emperor in ep 6 was one of the best character designs in star wars. a sickly, impossibly old man in a black cowl is more effective a villain than the wackiest aliens
No. 352894
File: 1706857431272.jpeg (265.45 KB, 1148x2351, IMG_5587.jpeg)

So sad the most beautiful woman in this godforsaken game (League of Legends) isn’t playable. Maybe it’s because I love moon thematics but everything about her design is really pretty to me
No. 352903
File: 1706859426670.png (345.42 KB, 713x799, 372skin1.png)

Onmyoji has the only gacha designs I really love, too bad the girl in charge of the design team currently can only draw the same generic dorito chin man and sexy woman over and over.
No. 352929
>>352852Genuinely what do you think stands out about these designs?
>>352848 This guy looks a lot more cohesive but the pic you posted is just so, modern anime. High contrast red and purple clash badly, random white streaks in his hair, random large belt? The shade of gold goes weirdly with his haircolors… I always feel like gacha games and vtuber designs suffer from the same exact issue, it's like creating a harmonious design is almost impossible. The color palettes are almost always circus tier, like what the fuck
>>352844 is the general theme here? Frogs? Why the random RGB tier blue instead of something more subdued? The random strong reds? And lest we forgot, purple hair with yellow streaks kek. It's an assault on my eyes. I can't believe they can just throw whatever and it will stick, consoomer fans will eat it up.
I'm all for crazy overdesigned shit btw, but this isn't it.
No. 352996
File: 1706892978266.png (196.43 KB, 580x580, 365skin1.png)

This guy's my favorite SR
>>352976Ikr, Onmyoji TCG has even better art. I wish more gachas would seek out unique artists like that instead of the usual bright, overdesigned animu.
>>352978Hi asura No. 353002
File: 1706893691312.jpg (847.76 KB, 4096x1615, 24-02-02-10-50-55-734_deco.jpg)

>>353001Will stop spamming here, but one thing I really appreciate is how even the sexy ladies are still beautifully crafted
No. 353070
File: 1706910212433.jpg (203.38 KB, 602x779, main-qimg-5a4dfe0c44bf5e151399…)

i always really liked konans design especially her wings made out of paper.
No. 353113
File: 1706925029192.jpg (283.86 KB, 1480x1080, 6zm9vxwirv641.jpg)

Probably a bit on the boring side, but I sorta like how practical the WT uniforms are. They're not overdesigned and are easily read enough, even when in black and white, that I'm rarely lost when it comes to who belongs to which squad.
Names are another business though.
No. 353124
File: 1706932178553.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1080x6000, Image.jpeg)

>>353021Have you considered that maybe beauty is subjective and maybe others do find them to be good design nonita? I don’t find them remarkable, but I understand why someone might like them.
Do I think most genshin characters have same face syndrome? Yeah, but there’s many characters I think have beautiful designs
No. 353127
>>353124There are people who find war crime-level coomer designs beautiful too. Would you have the same reaction if someone came in with a bunch of blue archive girls?
>I don’t find them remarkable, but I understand why someone might like themAnd you also understand that this isn't the "unremarkable gacha game characters I want to fuck" thread or the "unremarkable gacha game characters that only look good compared to the other characters in their games" thread, yes? There are threads dedicated to both enstars and genshit, I just don't know why you insist on spamming them where they don't belong. The middle girl especially on yours is fugly, bottom looks like a bad touken ranbu bootleg.
No. 353131
File: 1706935130770.png (1.36 MB, 1834x1305, blue archive.png)

>>353127>Would you have the same reaction if someone came in with a bunch of blue archive girls?worst example ever because most blue archive girls arent that coomery, at worst they are just generic. Anyways, I like these BA designs a lot. I like how they are going for a cell shaded simplistic style over the over-rendered chinese crap thats so popular in gachas.
No. 353137
File: 1706941002374.jpg (272.22 KB, 640x491, TOP071210akatsuki640.jpg)

>>353127nayrt but while i aggee with you on te aristic merit of these designs, it's a subjective trheads. it does have "designs we like" in the title, and some people do like ott gacha characters. unless the mods impose a moratorium on gachashit there's no rule against posting them here
>>353070kishi had a knack for memorable villains. all of the akatsuki are so original and cool
No. 353203
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>>353131I also like some Blue Archive designs, picrel is my favorite.
>Cute, simple, evenly distributed color palette>Repping her fave mascot character with backpack and wing hairclips>Also an egg shaped halo?!>Lace and flowers spice up an otherwise generic uniform skirtI don't play this stupid scrote game so I don't know much about her, but from what I gather she is just a nice, normal girl who likes that cartoon bird thing, and it comes across well in her design. She could very easily be the yellow girl in a mahou shoujo, or protagonist in a romantic comedy.
No. 353204
File: 1706981933852.gif (1.07 MB, 220x367, genshin-genshin-impact.gif)

>>353203But of course I have "bad taste" because I also like Klee. I think her skirt could stand to be a little longer, but that's my only complaint. Overall, she's very cute and believable as a "little girl who likes bombs" (her only personality trait). Unlike some later Genshin designs, her outfit has a lot of nice details without seeming overdesigned.
>Consistent clover motif>Spunky red makes her energetic, matches her fire powers>Brown brings her back down to earth>Platinum blonde is a "youthful" hair color>Leather randoseru with her Vision (i.e. magic gem thing) embedded in the back. Compared to other characters, this is a unique location>Bag's buckles and keychain create interesting movement>Boots, gloves, and hat with feather befitting of an "adventurer"Also I just love the little bows on the sleeves of her coat, they are so cute. It's obvious that care was taken to make her design memorable and interesting. Is she lolibait? Yes. Am I baiting? No. I like Klee.
No. 353264
>>353263The male characters in their squad wear the same outfits and vice versa.
Each person has 2-3 people on their team.
No. 353289
File: 1707011990939.jpeg (190.9 KB, 1200x675, IMG_1043.jpeg)

>>353204Liyue and some Monsdstadt have some of the best character designs.
No. 353291
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all of them are so incredible tbqh!
No. 353292
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stunning and innovative
No. 353293
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No. 353317
>>353306you guys already derailed the fuck out of it by spamming ugly gacha designs and having a conversation about it
when threads exist for said gachas in a thread that was tempered with mostly quality stuff. read the room.
No. 353319
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>>353289I agree, I think at the very least they are (for the most part) on theme. Barbara is my other favorite from Mondstat because her dress is so adorable. The cold shoulder is a little dumb and I wish they'd given her bloomers or a petticoat so she wouldn't flash her crotch at me when her skirt flies up, but besides that it's a great design.
>Skirt panels that look like stoles>Nurse cap is also a mitre>Vision (magic gem thing) embedded in her Holy book>Twin tails and full skirt = classic pop star silhouette>Fasteners on her dress are little anchorsI felt so smart when I noticed that one, haha. I believe that is the only detail of her design that links to her water powers, besides the beautiful blue colors. Also her sleeve cuffs and her shoes are so cute. Overall, it's a very dainty, sweet, and pure design, perfect for a nurse/priest/idol. I think all of those archetypes are stupid as fuck when put together, but at least visually they made it come together.
No. 353456
File: 1707063460971.jpg (5.67 MB, 5661x3073, willbel.jpg)

>>353332>>353323Probably because the bishojo and lolicon genres stole their art styles and design trends from shoujo manga. If I remember correctly, this was an intentional attack on female mangaka who dared to table at Comiket. Never forget that today's anime coom is first and foremost based on aesthetics made by and for women and girls. It's a shame what men have done to cuteness.
And speaking of Atelier, I love Willbel.
No. 353473
File: 1707066075156.png (526.9 KB, 832x1911, TP_Agitha_Render (1).png)

I don't really like the style of Twilight Princess and I think most characters are butt ugly but I like Agitha. I think the gloomy color palette with the dash of bright pink from the butterflies looks really great and gives her a lot of personality, I like the cute bug-related accessories especially the beetle earrings, she looks cluttered but still cohesive and visually pleasing
No. 353474
File: 1707066094526.jpg (1.72 MB, 5500x3100, MixCollage-04-Feb-2024-11-53-A…)

>>353460Yes, that was my point. Women like the designs because scroteshit is derivative of women's work.
Can we get some kind of thread tax where, if you want to complain or infight, you also have to post a character design that you like or think is good? If you hate gacha shit that much, then wash all the gachafags out of the thread with a little effortposting of your own. Maybe instead of sarcastically spamming bad designs, you could enlighten them with your superior taste and explain your reasoning. At least the Genshin anon took the time to say why she liked them.
Thread tax: Wadanohara. My other favorite fictional witch.
No. 353483
File: 1707068625775.jpg (201.22 KB, 547x926, FX-ykHtXoAsheWh_1.jpg)

>>353474I love Wadanohara's design so much. DSP is insane but she was onto something here. I love that she visually looks like a sea witch with the anchor stuff and sailor theme and witch hat. Speaking of witches, I like how the girls are designed in Witch Hat Atelier, especially Coco and Agott. Their personalities are very observable through their designs and I think they look charming even in outfit variations like picrel.
No. 353503
File: 1707073746443.png (689.24 KB, 1024x1024, Rosa.png)

>>353456>based on aesthetics made BY and for women and girls.Well…no, men came up with femininity (cuteness, these frilly skirts and stockings, pastel colors and etc.) thoughever. They love it because they find it attractive, and so it's been forced on women since the dawn of time. See picrel
>Overall, it's a very dainty, sweet, and pure designSo it's pure scrote bait. Men love dainty, sweet, and pure things for the corruption and moe factor.
Here's my good design tax – Rosa looks cool and elegant.
>but she's scrotebait?Yeah, it's a gacha game, every character within it in bait for something.
No. 353507
>>353503nayrt aand i get your point about dainty stuff but i think
>>353456 and
>>353483are visually more pleasing than the character you psoted. i know that's the standard with gacha but she's way overdesigned. that outfit is visually unreadable, there's jsut too much clutter going on.
not saying everything has to be oversimplified but compare with outfis in
>>353474 which give a good idea of what he character is about without needing to have 30000 parts.
No. 353513
>>353500>>353503Anon not everything is about men and they didn't invent whatever nonsense you are talking about.
>So it's pure scrote bait.The design you posted IMO is ugly as hell. It's too much going on and not all gacha games are scrote fodder.
personally I really like
>>353292 These, especially the bunny and orange one.
No. 353515
File: 1707076788917.png (55.81 KB, 479x592, 1-001.png)

The hamsters from Hamtaro are the cutest things ever, especially the sprites from the GBA games
No. 353516
File: 1707076887808.gif (9.95 KB, 150x150, aisha_royalgirl_baby.gif)

>>353513>personally I really like >>353292 These, especially the bunny and orange oneCrazy how even the anon who was baiting by posting the most hideous waifus she could find underestimated how shitty gachafag taste is
(infighting) No. 353528
File: 1707079985398.png (145.99 KB, 626x473, Untitled.png)

>>353516can we heal this thread with neopets? i'm going to post some of my favorite paintbrushed pets now (RIP old poses)
No. 353536
File: 1707082393718.gif (1.83 MB, 519x609, tumblr_518d1d0ba5f9ae619378578…)

bridget's new look is cute. i love his huge jumper jacket and the callbacks to his old design. silhouette, mostly.
No. 353538
File: 1707082732053.png (339.64 KB, 550x1000, judas12.png)

Judas is peak. Women designers have a way better feel of how to balance femininity and masculinity in a design.
No. 353540
File: 1707082982827.png (627.85 KB, 1280x1652, tumblr_6d399c1460bba794a5744c5…)

>>353538I like him better with the mask but this art shows off the colors in his design better.
>>353473I would have thought this was from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. It's really cute but fancier than I associate with the Zelda franchise.
>>353515The Ham Hams are all adorable. Good choice.
No. 353541
File: 1707083351034.png (230.71 KB, 670x800, EQf3_YFUEAERF4f.png)

>>353536Sick of these "draw a girl call it a boy" characters and are just pure coom fetish for moids and trannies. Bridget could've been a pretty boy but instead a troon kek. Love seeing coomer scrotes reeing and coping that thier nun waifu is no longer a sissy moeblob with a Schrodinger's dick.
No. 353542
File: 1707083440876.jpg (366.93 KB, 2880x2880, 20240204_154545.jpg)

>>353528basic but plushie, maraquan, and emo were always my favorite colors
No. 353543
File: 1707083574392.png (41.75 KB, 450x450, kau_darigan_th.png)

darigan kau is hard too
No. 353546
File: 1707084264466.jpg (48.76 KB, 750x750, ae57e1eae473a49e3646eb6deaa5d9…)

I don't know much about this character or the source material but she looks super cute and recognizable. She reminds me of Kuromi.
No. 353548
File: 1707084526777.jpg (94.02 KB, 655x500, tumblr_otft0dwOoE1vfip93o1_128…)

>>353546This is figure super cute too but it's the artwork gives off loli vibes and I couldn't trust some pretty anime girl figures since they're mostly from moid coom shit. It sad that female weebs eat that shit up because it's kawaii and aesthetic that either don't know the source material or do know and are probably pickmes. Also fuck moids who use cute and beautiful designs for their disgusting sexual pleasures.
No. 353554
File: 1707087528368.jpeg (93.71 KB, 600x650, IMG_0371.jpeg)

Simple yet efficient.
No. 353558
File: 1707088545030.jpeg (155.29 KB, 728x1150, IMG_0376.jpeg)

I hate how sexualised, impractical and visually cluttered Kim Hyungtae’s designs are, but I always found this one cute. The bright yellow and the futuristic/sportsuit-y outfit go well together imo. I would just lose the feathers in the braids and the back of the skirt because it doesn’t match the overall vibe.
No. 353564
File: 1707089563233.jpg (153.91 KB, 850x1222, sample_7687f6272073a33e25478db…)

>>353503I think my original post was not clear enough. By "aesthetics" I meant the art styles and character designs of shoujo manga were made by and for women. And what you list as examples of femininity, like cuteness and pastel colors, were not invented by anyone? A bunny rabbit is cute. A geranium is pastel. Hell,
babies are cute, and if you want to say shoujo (and by extension, bishojo) are based on anything real, it'd be the characteristics of neotenous humans (big eyes, dopey expressions, etc).
The rest of your argument makes sense. Men impose aesthetic (and, more importantly, social) femininity on women and girls to subjugate us. That's a fact. So is the corruption thing. But that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with cuteness itself, that is has nefarious origins, or that it can't be separated from misogyny.
>tldr, Don't throw out the shoujo art style baby with the bathwater. No. 353572
File: 1707092275393.png (169.3 KB, 763x946, Screenshot_635.png)

>>353557i dunno, but i got curious and archive crawled /y/ and /cm/ ( a while ago and have seen people call her a self-hating "pooner", so maybe it's that (i've seen tifs whine about femboys before on twitter). and uh, yeah, apparently she's been doing this since 2021-ish; her samefagging is often revealed when the mods ban her, see picrel. argues with herself constantly and tries to play both sides lmao. would not be surprised if this
>>353547>>353553is just her samefagging again.
No. 353612
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>>353542i loved these faeries too. the old models that were hella 90s were so charming
No. 353628
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>>353612I love the Neopets faeries. They have a little bit of a Winx club vibe, but are more down-to-earth in terms of fashion and body type. Also I think it's funny that in Neopets-lore water faeries are literally just mermaids.
No. 353845
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No. 353886
>>353601can you explain this to me? genuinely not trying to derail or start an argument but i have a hard time seeing this sort of stuff as "innocently cute". why is a child in a miniskirt with thigh-high boots innocent and cute? it's always little girls with skin showing, why isn't ever an adult, or hell, a male anything? why isn't it just a cute animal? it seems so infantilizing and rooted in sexualization to me.
also if you look up "moe" defintions it's all little girls. that's just bizarre to me. it's like men having some kind of crisis wanting to fuck a child and instead calling it "overflowing with feelings of cuteness". i don't feel that way toward little cartoon girls.
(derailing) No. 353898
File: 1707180695467.png (152.85 KB, 584x1029, hotarumaru.png)

men can be moe too, thats the whole point of gachashits and yumebait anime like free. Anyways i love hotarumaru, i am sad the EN servers closed down before i could ever try playing it.
No. 353900
File: 1707180929717.jpg (4.26 MB, 1763x2679, 013.jpg)

>>353861Im never going to watch the movie because it looks ugly as shit
No. 353911
>>353908I always figured moe was more in overall behavior rather than looks.
Gap moe is basically a staple for male characters, like "delinquent taking care of kitten". A moe bishonen can be a thing, no?
No. 353921
>>353898Calling free yumebait is like calling yoi yumebait
>>353911Moe can be a personally defined thing but as a trope or genre it involves bloblike child or childish characters, usually girls, whose cuteness is supposed to tug at your heart strings and make you want to protect them. Bishounens, especially those in real yume content like dating sims, almost always hold the dominant role–the protectors–no matter how cute they may be (take the new sanrio knights for example). Going back to that discussion about loli stemming from shojo, there's a connection here too. If anything involving bishounens has a moe character, it's most likely either a child, someone's little sister, or a female self insert MC. Maybe some of the sparkly eyed uke waifs from the dark ages of yaoi can be classified as moe as well, but that's about it. Gap moe is a different thing entirely.
No. 354022
File: 1707234057024.jpg (4.52 MB, 1740x2829, 013 (1).jpg)

>>353910It's from Blame!, not all of it is colored though
No. 354039
File: 1707236186974.jpg (324.77 KB, 1080x1510, 1000002543.jpg)

Kirara Hanazono, i love the yume kawaii style when it's done right.
No. 354047
File: 1707237299880.png (2.24 MB, 2214x2000, Sora Kusagano.png)

>>353548I also like this character's design along with these pretty figures but unfortunately she's from an eroge game with incest. What a waste.
>>353549Oh good! I do find myself liking Mayura because of how cute and cool she looks especially with the Y2K anime style. I thought she was some moeblob or lolibait coom character.
>>353552For the figure, the skirt could've been a bit longer since it does show a bit of panty shot and I think the artist for the design is probably a lolicon. It kinda looks like Disagea. As for the moe design, I do find Y2K moe pretty cute and endearing but sadly most of it is coom and pedo material. Wish there's more innocent and sfw ones that aren't made by disgusting moids though I can only think of is Koge-Donbo.
No. 354052
File: 1707237707046.jpg (156.7 KB, 577x825, sample_a1e6fdf2f092b12c317cc95…)

>>354047I thought about posting her too but hesitated because of her source material. She's a great example of monochrome character design done right. Also
>eroge gameThat's like saying "ATM machine" or "PIN number." The -ge means game, nona.
No. 354063
File: 1707240415167.png (4.59 MB, 4447x2000, Korone Inugami.png)

I never watched her content but Korone Inugami is gotta be one of the most cutest female vtuber designs I've seen. She's recognizable, not coombait and despite her being a dog, she isn't an overly designed sparkle dog like how most vtubers are. She also looks adorable with bread/baked goods themes.
>>285663I love Seto Kazuya too! He's super cute, expressive and the art style is really gorgeous especially as a spooky theme. Probably inspired by AidaIro, Yana Toboso and a bit of Tim Burton judging by his interests.
I know the person behind him is actually a woman. >>354052Agree, her colors are pleasant to look at. They really do make me think of the sky as to what her name means. Aaand I just noticed I've spelled her name wrong. Whoops.
>That's like saying "ATM machine" or "PIN number." The -ge means game, nona.My bad, I thought eroge is just another way of saying "nsfw" or "erotic" specifically for visual novel games.
No. 354091
File: 1707248040720.png (531.27 KB, 494x838, Samus_SuperMetroid.png)

>>354063Animu shit is so fucking boring, there's nothing remarkable about this. Also her jacket/skirt looks retarded and the way one shoulder is constantly uncovered is stupid and unnecessary. It's not awful but it's nowhere near good or interesting enough to be in this thread.
It's a shame they had to put her in a catsuit and ruin her but Samus's power suit is still really cool and iconic
No. 354094
File: 1707249096891.jpg (2.3 MB, 2048x1152, 561093.jpg)

>>354047Same, I always thought she was so cute. There's some cute designs in eroge, I really like picrel from Midori no Umi, I have no idea what the story is about and what she is like but I wish she was a protag in something else instead.
>>353845my waifu… And also the silicates all looked really cool. Overall I loved all the designs in this manga that combined a doll/mask-like face with edgy tech insect features, incredible swag.
No. 354110
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No. 354136
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>>354092My bad I forgot we can also post character designs we like, still think she's boring as shit though
No. 354898
File: 1707582428172.jpg (130.13 KB, 850x850, dog boy.jpg)

I am trying really hard not to get into nu carnival, but damn I have never seen hotter character designs. I need more slutty boys in my life, the clothe designer is so fucking good at her job.
No. 354901
File: 1707583550799.jpg (425.78 KB, 1920x1080, FuOtOB9aYAEdRi1.jpeg.jpg)

>>354898Same, I wish the game itself wasn't such a boring grind. I really like some of the designs, even when they are sometimes very cluttered. It sucks that their positions are fixed though, I don't care for half of these guys just because they top kek
No. 354903
File: 1707584149901.jpg (318.61 KB, 850x850, nice.jpg)

>>354901I wish it wasnt BL to be honest, it's the only thing stopping me from playing it. But at least it's excellent inspiration for when i draw slutty men. God if they ever release figurines I am buying all of them.
No. 355010
File: 1707616124706.png (751.49 KB, 848x1400, fig-3-fizz-ed.png)

They're unique and distinctive and their styles successfully communicate key aspects of their personalities, I also like the little differences in their postures, it's a nice detail which adds a lot
No. 355020
File: 1707623689086.jpeg (1.14 MB, 3331x3547, IMG_1089.jpeg)

Simple, iconic and tells you everything you need to know about their character.
No. 355234
File: 1707701203091.png (1.75 MB, 1680x945, rf girls.png)

Female characters in Rune Factory have pretty tame designs with clothing that looks comfortable and varied, and it's one of the few anime games where I usually prefer how the women look over the men. For a game that's part romance sim, it's nice that there's very few coomerish elements in the designs for the townspeople, especially the girls. I think they did a good job with making fantasy-esque designs without making them too unpractical or different from stuff that actual people could wear. Picrel are some of my personal faves.
No. 355414
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No. 355502
File: 1707791141355.png (1.42 MB, 921x1506, runefactory_micah.png)

>>355234Aww what an adorable and nostalgic art style. I think the boys are really cute too.
I grew up on harvest moon but never played the rune factory games, are they any good? No. 355524
File: 1707800358292.png (483.98 KB, 560x948, candace.png)

>>355502I grew up on HM too! Animal Parade is still my favorite and I always thought the art style in it was super cute. For Rune Factory, I started with 2, but 4 is one of my most beloved games and 3 (the one your boy is from) is also fairly good. I would suggest starting with one of those if you're interested!
No. 358748
File: 1709025003425.jpg (1.13 MB, 1952x2216, 1708978693248.jpg)

Repost from the fandom thread
>Most fighting game characters often took inspiration from real-life martial artists, action movie characters, professional wrestlers, and in some cases like King. from Fighters they used pop-idols as a references
No. 359416
File: 1709256129407.jpg (828.77 KB, 1470x2080, Takamachi.Nanoha.full.188139.j…)

Never watched it but I love Nanoha's design.
No. 359425
File: 1709262236538.jpg (399.14 KB, 1920x2587, herculesbeetle.jpg)

This hercules beetle armor is so cool. I love when character designs incorporate parts from arthropods since it reminds me of how much we're inspired from nature.
No. 359461
File: 1709276674403.jpg (610.37 KB, 2046x3022, q6fj0yoadc1z.jpg)

>>355234>>355502Minako Iwasaki is a GOAT, she got her start with Nihon Falcom before going on to become known for her Rune Factory illustrations. Her artwork for Ys is still some if my favorite Ys art to this day.
>>355300>>355396I have to wonder if some of the non-romanceable character designs in later RF games weren't done by the OG designer? She has very consistent throughlines in her aesthetics and some of the weird stuff in later games just does not have the same vibe.
No. 359542
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No. 359544
File: 1709313740865.jpg (2.41 MB, 1220x1740, 631433.jpg)

Valvrave had really good designs.
No. 359546
File: 1709315702159.jpg (77.64 KB, 400x890, 66-pe-aya-brea5.jpg)

I've always loved Aya Brea's character and designs until they ruined both her and the franchise in third birthday with excessive coom. Basic, but recognizable, also a good reminder that there was a time before Tetsuya Nomura was obsessed with zippers and clown shoes.
No. 359547
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No. 359551
File: 1709316736170.png (266.76 KB, 981x1435, IMG_1262.png)

Vash the stampede is one of my favourite designs. He’s the reason I started wearing circle sunnies.
No. 359677
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Fan designs of unknown origin.
No. 359679
File: 1709396945645.png (184.28 KB, 523x695, 78484105_p31.png)

Some more random OC designs.
No. 360690
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No. 361627
File: 1710128039794.jpg (95.37 KB, 720x900, EPpFfRpXsAE5zNg.jpg)

i kinda hate sonic and all its autists but i always thought her design was so cute
No. 361643
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>>361627Same with Cream. I love them both
No. 361671
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>>361627Some sonic designs kinda slap
No. 361993
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>>361627child me thought the idea of two giant fluffy tails instead of one was revolutionary. I always thought tails was adorable and exclusively picked them as a character for this bootleg flash sonic game I used to play
No. 362235
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No. 362236
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No. 362237
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No. 362238
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No. 373821
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No. 373842
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>>352872I like the crusty pale OT look better than the weird puffy face in ROTS.
I also like the whacky aliens too though, because I want star Wars to look like a place with crazy diverse aliens, and not just beige wrinkle Disney things. Pic related, peak character design.
>>362237Al Rio always had this weird thing where his art resembled J Scott Campbells, but less weird and ill proportioned. He did some good more realistic art too.
No. 374168
File: 1714178592068.jpg (712.57 KB, 2025x2940, 223059.10606868_o.jpg)

They look like realistic hobos (and tranny), I love how colorful they are and how different they look from each other. I also like how it really looks like they threw on a lot of random clothes to stay warm in the cold weather, they're very bulky
No. 374184
File: 1714190838756.jpg (29.2 KB, 600x600, 7f061a106c29f6ad29b7c65a5f74fe…)

My most favorite design ever
No. 374189
File: 1714195255123.gif (7.6 MB, 500x417, IMG_2893.gif)

>>373842oh yeah plapy's ot look is wayyyy better. looking like a frail old man but also all mysterious and creepy. his face is too puffy in rots. tbf i guess it was always gonna look different in the pt, what with the actor aging a couple decades in between.
i agree with you on the disney shit. pre-disney star wars was more charming, the galaxy felt lived in somewhat. grievous was great, for a side villain he had lots of personality and a memorable look.
No. 374306
File: 1714235784983.jpg (65.17 KB, 1200x847, 1708230940841741.jpg)

I might dislike Hirai's sameface, but he hit gold with Shinn.
No. 374319
File: 1714237816271.png (724.86 KB, 1158x652, mdndhfhfgb.png)

While there's a lot of coom in it, project diva also has some adorable character designs which i couldn't fit into one image
No. 374332
File: 1714240112285.png (242.29 KB, 445x725, Module_16.png)

>>374319>complaining about coom in project diva of all things>unironically thinks filler modules are cutethe audacity of this project shitkai tourist
No. 374338
>>374332Nigga I was playing project diva before pjsekai was ever a thing. The vast majority of eastern games have coom, get over it
>Filler modulesSay that to the ones where meiko has her tits out or the 9383738 useless bikini modules
No. 374343
File: 1714242652328.png (63.13 KB, 236x424, Module_fs027.png)

>>374319Agreed, I really love ribbon girl and the module. Dark angel is my favorite though
>>374332you're so rude for no reason, stop letting pjsk live in your head rent free
No. 374347
File: 1714243435427.png (5.6 MB, 2700x2157, divacup.png)

>>374338Having random mode on and kaito pops out in one of his 30 different speedo variants >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WHITE GOWN
Graphic design is my passion
No. 374419
File: 1714259945126.webp (30.26 KB, 236x424, ConductNighting_FTDX.webp)

>>374319I love how many options there are and how varied the styles can be. It's fun to play around with the options.
>>374343>Dark angelExcellent taste- all of those are great. Dark Angel is my favorite, too. I'm also fond of picrel, Solitude, and Saihate Miku.
No. 374672
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No. 375552
File: 1714613930173.png (343.29 KB, 378x822, angel.friends.miki.png)

she's so cute
No. 378687
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No. 378691
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super crappy giga coomer play2win game but i liked this
No. 378934
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>>378691They have Iorek from The Golden Compass movie in the background, wonder where they stole the rest from
No. 381660
File: 1715681396575.jpg (1.18 MB, 992x1403, GNd8ynnXQAAmGpi.jpg)

I fucking love the idea of a robo cowboy and the design looks really nice, imagine my massive disappointment looking up who he is and finding out he's a hoyoslop character. This looks really bad in their 3d models but the concept is very good.
No. 382253
File: 1715783542695.png (293.88 KB, 352x829, latest - 2024-05-15T103106.723…)

It's a shame that as a character she's a disgusting scrote lesbian stereotype fanservice character who should've died because her character design is a great example of how to do a "sexy" design without making it overkill imo
No. 382497
File: 1715818213118.png (202.6 KB, 865x484, image_2024-05-15_165630509.png)

a lot of people have already talked about this to death but i still love tf2's character art direction so much. i love how every character has the same basic color scheme and set of clothing but their so distinguishable without godawful amounts of accessorizes.
No. 382508
File: 1715820031990.jpg (142.61 KB, 639x1169, aya-brea1.jpg)

>>359546Bless fellow Parasite eve fan. I also loved Aya's basic white tshirt and jeans. It was such a good game imo (only the first one exists to me.) The black dress in the opera was also iconic, but I'll always love her jacket.
No. 382522
File: 1715823129416.jpg (486.29 KB, 1024x795, tf2_1.jpg)

>>382497im not into tf2 but i really like this concept art for female characters
No. 382524
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>>382497yep, tf2 has absolutely top class character design not just in video games but in artistic medium period, it's one of the best. the cartoony style also made it stand out a LOT back when it came out and 99.9% of shooters were all going for the same boring realistic look.
No. 383725
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i am still sad i didnt get her
No. 383737
File: 1716072330878.png (475.17 KB, 477x1191, saki.png)

>>383728i want to save the ones with good designs and put them in a less retarded game. I really like the rabbit girls except for the ugly big titty autist.
No. 383757
File: 1716075348917.png (182.03 KB, 360x596, 360 (1).png)

>>383737Are you the anon who wants to make a male blue archive?Yeah blue archive has some really cute character designs. It's a mixed bag but the ones who are cute are really cute.
No. 383767
File: 1716079444070.jpg (232.29 KB, 850x1507, minori.jpg)

>>383757yes, i am currently learning godotand i agree, the very first ones are absolute ass but the newer ones are cuter and weirdly sfw. They mostly keep the coom fanservice to the skins now. Its actually kinda funny how normal most of the girls are in comparison to nikke or azur lane.
No. 383801
File: 1716087991552.webp (32.92 KB, 350x706, marina_full.webp)

>Its actually kinda funny how normal most of the girls are in comparison to Nikke or Azur Lane.
Maybe this is wishful thinking tinfoil but maybe they're trying to appeal to some women? Lots of zero male CGDCT media are obviously for men but it's unheard of to gain a female audience as they unironically fulfill character development for its female characters compared to mixed-gender media—where there's a chance for them to just end up as love interests or family members. They also tend to pass the Bechdel Test too, ironically.
No. 383805
File: 1716088567260.jpg (5 MB, 2890x1800, b43nghhahja41.jpg)

dead game but I think the ak t-dolls and an-94 are really pretty. they're a bit simple looking but I've always found their designs to be charming.
No. 383806
File: 1716089294175.png (1.62 MB, 962x1870, diana.png)

Diana is one of the scariest characters to me, i had nightmares with Pyramid Head but they can't compare with how much she creeps me out, but maybe it's more of a personal thing.
No. 383811
>>383801yes it's extremely wishful thinking, they aren't trying to appeal to women at all. if the default skins are tame and the non-default skins are coom fuel, that's because they're trying to inspire the (male) players to grind/pay/whatever to get the coom skins rather than settle for the defaults. see fgo, how most female characters get more sexier the more time and money you pour into them. what you've posted is extremely male-pandering too, i don't know why lc has this idea that a female character is for them if she's wearing pants and is a little handsome. you see it with that girl from hellsing too. as if she isn't canonically a glaring misogynist and the author obviously thinks female = feminine and disdains that, so the only somewhat respectable female character looks like a guy.
>Lots of zero male CGDCT media are obviously for men but it's not unheard of to gain a female audience cross demographic appeal is a thing, but that doesn't mean the ip in question is going for that kek. men love schoolgirls and tacticool fashion and guns, that's ultimately what ba's designers are all about
No. 383818
>>383811Yeah I guess it really was just wishful thinking. I just wish
wish there were more female majority cats
aimed at and for women. Like, fujobait shows like
Haikyuu!! are good too but I still want to watch or read about girls and women I can relate to. Sadly, anytime I see like say, an anime show with tons of female characters on its poster I just
know it's coombait or haremshit.
But then again, even if we did have one men will still colonize it like with what they did to
My Little Pony.
No. 383828
File: 1716091752893.png (722.38 KB, 782x1264, 216A117B-789C-48EC-8661-047330…)

>>383767Oh hey I’m the strike witches autist from /ot/ and I promise I’ll post my r63 art soon, good luck on your journey!With all of that in mind it makes it even funnier how it attracted the fanbase it did, it seems mellow as fuck for how the scrotes act toward it. Makes me wanna give it a go sometime since I like cute girls and guns
No. 383838
>>383834Nta but it's on Google play, most likely not gonna be going around raping kids.
Looking up the anime op out of curiosity, it looks fairly tame, not even panty shots despite girls jumping around with guns.
No. 383841
File: 1716094416867.mp4 (3.29 MB, 854x480, Ba animation.mp4)

>>383834if you want a chill game to play during breaks its fine, the lewd skins are limited edition only so unless you pull for them during the limited scout there is 0 chance of you pulling bunnysuit girls. Its probably one of the tamest gachas all things considered. There is also girls frontline but it has a stripping mechanic. The anime is incredible too, literally just SAKUGA of girls going pew pew with 0 fanservice so far. You can also try girls und panzer.
No. 383843
File: 1716094689039.jpeg (26.5 KB, 509x602, Monochrome_Mirabel.jpeg)

Gonna post some Mirabel Madrigal concept art because I find them adorable.
No. 383849
File: 1716095274948.jpg (251.01 KB, 908x1210, wakamo.jpg)

>>383842have fun
nonnie!! you can reroll the first time so i hope you pull your favourite girls! the game is pretty generous with rolls. I happened to join at the time when they were giving 100 free pulls and it was really fun. Ba is also the only game i can think of that has masked girls, although i wish they never showed her face.
No. 383853
File: 1716095345224.png (793.41 KB, 880x1372, atsuko.png)

>>383849and another masked girl i like. We need more masked girls, i love them so much.
No. 383873
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>>383806It's a shame RoR was utter mediocrity. Speaking of Horror girls, Lisa Rogan from House of the Dead III
No. 383957
File: 1716129321176.png (792.55 KB, 1400x927, Hina_Portrait_webp.png)

>>383842>>383834nah that anon is downplaying the game. voice lines can get lewd and suggestive, there's a romance mechanic, and half of the designs resemble picrel. not a
single character is well-realized and exists only within the confines of being waifub8, which makes sense i guess, as it's a waifu gacha game. picrel's one of the strongest characters in canon, but her arc ends with her just wanting to be spoiled "like a child" by the player character. if you're into all that then go ahead but don't be fooled into believing it's just an innocent game and men are making everything up about it
posting her because i do enjoy her design. it's just dumb to claim scrote archive isn't scrotal No. 383958
File: 1716129447277.png (Spoiler Image,383.19 KB, 425x1139, Sora_Portrait_webp.png)

>>383957plus even the more 'modest' designs are ultimately still bait for perverts. i guess picrel does look innocent at first glance, but i've spent a lot of time on /vg/ and /a/ and i understand all the visual dog whistles
No. 387637
File: 1717037558378.jpg (145.33 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

I love Karna, his golden thong, his black bodysuit/armor/whatever tf it is, his spiky things, his fluffy cape. Thanks for understanding.
No. 387651
File: 1717041402007.jpg (98.63 KB, 467x542, Shanower Achilles.jpg)

This is like. Hyperspecific autism here, but I love when you can tell an artist invested a lot of effort into making a design historically accurate. There are a ton of examples from this comic, but basically everything is as historically accurate to Mycenaean Greece as possible and it's really impressive. The comic is called Age of Bronze, strong recommend if you're into ancient Greek stuff.
No. 392630
File: 1718472618014.jpg (3.56 MB, 2880x2880, 20240615_202740.jpg)

Japanese fashion icon and queen
No. 392635
File: 1718475198777.jpg (396.6 KB, 1066x1600, Hetalia_otakon_poster_ver2.jpg)

Unironically Hetalia. The characters are cute and memorable, and someone who didn't watch the show could guess who's which country with solid accuracy
No. 396311
File: 1719672151747.jpg (15.95 KB, 554x554, 1000020904.jpg)

Her character (and the source material in general) sucks ass but I like how odd looking she is. Legit ugly/creepy female characters are hard to come by in media.
No. 396671
>>396417She is one of the villains of Urbanspook's Analog horror series, called the painter. If you dont know its basically about a pair of serial killers who torture and kill people in various ways and then leave portraits of the
victims behind them, all painted during their moments of death. She is the one who makes the paintings and its implied that she is the mastermind behind the murders, whereas other killer is her muscle/pet. Series itself is dubbed as the worst analog horror series on youtube because despite its decent premise the creator never bothered to develop the plot any further and instead filled each episode with disgusting and gruesome descriptions of the killers' murders(and at some point rape of a pair kids) with each episode having more over the top killings with zero amount of plot progression
No. 402154
File: 1721151487420.jpeg (973.07 KB, 1099x1889, IMG_0753.jpeg)

Hijacking this thread to point out that beta Lukas from Minecraft: Story Mode looks like an early 2010s fedora-wearing hipster girl from Tumblr. Kinda love his style tho
No. 403062
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No. 410223
File: 1723695956173.jpg (414.18 KB, 1441x2048, Entoma.Vasilissa.Zeta.full.373…)

I know it's from a isekai but I really like this spider maid design.
No. 410237
File: 1723703892296.jpg (453.21 KB, 546x1618, cock punisher.jpg)

You cannot convince me that this isn't peak male armor design iirc they also run kinda bent over so you can see under the metal ass-cape and there's a THONG
No. 410240
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(.cont) Back when Korean MMOs were based and deranged. This is a real male armor from Requiem: Memento Mori. Remember what they took from you.
No. 410902
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No. 410936
File: 1723915099573.jpg (158.13 KB, 828x1214, 1698206743341.jpg)

It's a meme but I actually like the japanese horror game female protagonist-type of character designs. They're feminine without being coomery (most of the time) almost reminds me of otome protags.
No. 410945
File: 1723915843611.jpg (50.16 KB, 660x1050, d723e9bdf8ebadff0b55e3fdd40fec…)

>>410940She looks so much better in the remake imo, with a blazer and scarf. It makes her look posher and more mature which suits since she is the president's daughter after all.
No. 410947
File: 1723915937590.jpg (72.36 KB, 630x460, heather-silent-hill.jpg)

>>410941Same, Heather is one of my favourite designs ever. I love the way she looks and that she doesn't have perfectly flawless anime skin either. The best character designers are truly women, Japanese game devs understand it. Even eroge characters designed by women are more iconic.
No. 410997
File: 1723933745483.webp (143.87 KB, 883x1600, agrias oaks.WEBP)

Seeing her gave me the final push to start playing this game lol
No. 411128
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>>410997Tactics had really cute designs. I especially like the female mage. Pretty amazing that there has been a Final Fantasy game with a fully covered female characters like that.
No. 412032
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you don't understand they mean everything to me
No. 412130
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>>410936same, and I would like to add
I think this was a good interpretation of the sprite, the only thing I would change is sock color from black to white
No. 414410
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>>410936here, have some autism
No. 414600
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I love Keath Òsk's work in general, from her art to her music. I wish she wasn't a themlet. Hopefully she'll grow out of it.
No. 415733
File: 1726430398527.jpg (71.02 KB, 512x512, download.jpg)

i'm not particularly interested in this game but it made me happy to see a female character with this design
No. 416034
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No. 416288
File: 1726652455916.png (1.5 MB, 770x836, ash.PNG)

>>410940Another Ashley appreciator! I always had a soft spot for her it made me so upset to read about how people hated her when the game first came out. I remember looking up fanfic with Ash as the protagonist lol.
No. 421625
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What are some good 'modern retro' designs?
No. 421743
File: 1728347174489.jpg (68.68 KB, 1080x1080, 1000027656.jpg)

>>421625Arcane is great for this aesthetic.
No. 422223
File: 1728495962939.gif (325 KB, 400x124, 1000010444.gif)

>>421625I like Metropolis's interpretation of Tezuka's style, but my personal fave was the Cyborg 009 VS Devilman ova I loved how it modernized both artstyles.
Was absolutely livid when Devilman Crybaby was revealed because it was so shit, I dont care that it fit the dark nasty of the story, it ruined my experience.
No. 422711
File: 1728583600745.jpeg (198.71 KB, 1440x1080, IMG_6286.jpeg)

>>362237Looks like Peter Chung’s work.
No. 422729
File: 1728584579156.jpg (49.81 KB, 561x760, s9v3oekjbrj51.jpg)

>>350013netflix are cowards for erasing isaac
No. 427960
File: 1730187804671.jpeg (119.37 KB, 418x498, 97624E7A-9E5C-4EDF-A04A-9623BA…)

a bit unusual because it's a book but i LOVE the author's sketches for gormenghast, they're all absolutely brimming with personality and add a lot to the world of the book, his art reminds me of those old dark & weird european cartoons that gave kids nightmares. i would also like to give a shoutout to bbc casting directors for somehow finding actresses with so much resemblance to the author's sketches, like, goddamn??? the other characters were also good but maybe not as freakily similar.
No. 427961
File: 1730188383638.jpg (69.37 KB, 739x415, 1000023238.jpg)

Even though she's an annoying libfem in the game (lecturing an old guy for not being clear about a crossdresser's pronouns), I really like Honor's design from murder by numbers. Not surprised since the credits say the designs were done by Hatoful Boyfriend creator Hato Moa. Most of the women in game look good and non-sexualized except the "female drag queen", but maybe that was intentional since her character is supposed to be controversial in-game??
No. 429402
File: 1730668390559.jpg (75.45 KB, 1200x675, Luce-vatican-30October2024.jpg)

I'm not religious, but she's very cute.
The tokidoki guy usually has very nice designs.
No. 429408
>>429402>the tokidoki guy designed the Vatican mascotSo that's why she's so adorable.
>tokidoki is by a manDamn, I thought it was a woman.
No. 429444
File: 1730679398474.webp (77.16 KB, 1080x540, c17c18.webp)

No. 430466
File: 1731027191418.gif (1.13 MB, 500x281, IMG_7346.gif)

Always loved his monochromatic look, especially his details I will husbando post elsewhere
No. 430505
File: 1731043219473.jpg (101.72 KB, 1095x789, submas.jpg)

Them. They're such a cool and fun duo though they would've been perfect if it wasn't for that receding hairline. Ily submas nonnie.
No. 430517
File: 1731054385776.webp (18.27 KB, 360x360, Midas_%28Featured%29_-_Outfit_…)

I know it's fucking fornite but I really liked this design
No. 430774
File: 1731146603104.png (61.76 KB, 201x362, XY_Punk_Girl.png)

Fuck you, the Kalos punk girl was the best punk girl design in the series so far. She actually looks punk as fuck unlike the other, safer designs.
>>430466Same! I fucking love Blackquill, but not in a husbando way. I was thinking of posting him in the Characters you love thread, because he's one of the few male charas I've been obsessed with
without wanting to fuck them kek, he's so cool and badass
and tragic… and his design is so fucking good, I also love his monochrome palette, the dark circles, OMG the long hair in a ponytail, the handcuffs, the coat, the pale skin, the feather… His design is one of the best in AA, even if it's not as "realistic" as the designs in the earlier games.
>>430505>receding hairlineFor the last time,
nonny, they just have a buzz cut and some official Pokémon artists draw huge foreheads kek. They're not balding (except for old Ingo), so don't worry.
The one thing I find offputting, though, is not their faces, but their clown shoes, lmao.
No. 431136
File: 1731260112951.jpg (671.22 KB, 914x1000, Tumblr_l_5696773187147.jpg)

No. 431519
File: 1731366459553.png (1.08 MB, 2000x1600, 1677273929856.png)

gonna toots lolcows own horn and say i really loved the jester elsie design every anon did a while back, the jester cap looking like horns is quite unique and interesting and plus giggly cat too who looks very cute and annoying (in a good way) at the same time,we need more unique boardtan costume sets so there could be a possible boardtan dress up game kek
No. 431522
>>431519I love the cat jester a
nonny drew at the top, too! We have so many talented artists on this site it makes me happy
No. 431552
>>431548>i still wonder why the fuck they removed that function in the first place when almost everything else about aggie remained the same except for the stupid paywalls.for money and because of the abundance of coomer
and pedo boards you cant really report a anon user now so im pretty sure thats why they did it,im the new admin of the board ands its so sad that many nonas choose not to participate because they dont want to make a email just for a aggie account
make a proton mail which just takes a minute the newer boards are so empty now…drawpile is also a option but i dont know if any nonas know it or use it
No. 431717
File: 1731451082455.jpg (681.54 KB, 549x800, Tumblr_l_35511418681238.jpg)

No. 431832
File: 1731491656889.png (984.44 KB, 1210x1080, Anurla.png)

>>350013I don't know much about Gaia Online nor played it but this incubus is pretty hot and I like his design. Wished there's more stuff about him.
No. 431842
>>431136I'm sure it
triggers historyfags (while bikini chain mails don't).
No. 431917
File: 1731517500148.jpg (1.1 MB, 1600x1915, jinsoyun.jpg)

its pretty coomer but i've always loved the designs from blade and soul, they're a little tacky but just the way i like it
No. 432118
File: 1731564602813.jpg (346.04 KB, 1280x1920, 1000543488.jpg)

>>431917This is done by the Stellar Blade/NIKKE guy right? He's always been a coomer but at least he had an unique style back then. He's completely switched to touching up AI slop now
No. 432140
>>431832I NEED more incubus designs like this in my life.
I also love that the incubus is more sexualized and naked than the succubus.
No. 432262
File: 1731611002733.png (487.93 KB, 500x666, 48D00762-F2CE-4E3A-8830-277912…)

i always thought captain thugs design in titans: scissors, paper, stone was super cute and a waste they never used it anywhere else, and i liked the idea of undead pretty boy too but his design would need some tweaks.
No. 432271
File: 1731613444982.jpg (167.71 KB, 1024x718, 2_bayonetta01-1024x718.jpg)

>>432114kim hyung tae worked on it! bayonetta designer is mari shimakazi i believe, i also really love bayo's design too though
>>432118yes haha i loved his work so much, they always had a nice charm to them. and yeah unfortunately all he does is AI slop these days. it seriously made me so sad to open up his twitter one day just to see such abhorrent images
No. 432273
>>432262Cute! This gives me a Gorillaz vibe. I like how the red in the design plays off the other colours.
>>432118The realistically rendered body paired with a flat 2D genshin waifu face is legitimately so off-putting. Also why has he given her a bulge kek
No. 432274
>>432118Are those two giant white bags/balloon things coming
out of her coat??
No. 432277
File: 1731614047234.png (745.5 KB, 1134x612, bns designs.png)

>>432271samefagging to mourn the loss of one of my favorite artists, so sad to see an artist you like succumb to AI, r.i.p. kim hyung-tae
No. 432292
File: 1731620468828.jpg (52.4 KB, 468x768, iria-zeiram-the-animation-7609…)

god please bring back this style asap
No. 432308
File: 1731624577621.jpg (104.05 KB, 700x1024, 577facda2fc1cdb597c5cc4da94a16…)

Good clean and simple design without being too generic. He looks good in Endless Waltz too. Deathscythe is good design too, you immediately know it's a stealth Gundam
No. 432630
File: 1731712115979.png (3.57 MB, 1770x2011, Screenshot_9.png)

No. 433276
File: 1731961328617.jpeg (112.68 KB, 720x480, 9DFA5D54-432B-436D-9B30-FDB5DF…)

demon city shinjuku is awful but mephisto in it is peak male anime design to me.
No. 433305
File: 1731969590249.png (5.35 KB, 120x150, Alruna.png)

>>432140I think the succubus you mentioned is just an avatar of your character though this is what his counterpart looks like. However I do like that he is just as sexualized as the female one. Character designers who do male and female counterparts or coomshit should take notes like these two characters for example which is done right. Tired of seeing sexy female in skimpy outfit next to a non sexy male who's all covered up.
No. 433328
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No. 433335
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>>433276Mephisto's design and movement were very well done. I find that time period and style had a lot of appeal. Benten had similar characteristics.
No. 433340
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No. 433346
>>433344Sexo is a
valid Spanish word
No. 433370
File: 1731998418202.jpg (69.11 KB, 714x480, cybercity3_shot07.jpg)

>>433335Finally, someone else who acknowledges the greatness of this character and his design. Cyber City is alright but I was mainly watching it for Benten. Being voiced by Kaneto Shiozawa is a bonus, as well.
No. 433371
File: 1731998496553.jpg (58.47 KB, 704x482, bastard1_shot28.jpg)

>>433370Samefagging but also the guy from Bastard
No. 433375
File: 1731999682290.png (Spoiler Image,761.47 KB, 862x1145, Stanley_taking_the_ship.png)

>>433372Only one I can think of is pic related. Spoiler since I'm not posting this for the thread topic.
No. 433376
File: 1732000530627.jpg (59.27 KB, 640x306, amane-storyartwork.jpg)

>>433372Putting his tendencies aside, Amane Nishiki
No. 433389
File: 1732003468794.jpg (60.59 KB, 1006x1006, Inuyasha_Kagura.jpg)

I'm on my 9-10th rewatch of Inuyasha and I just had to share Kagura as she's easily one of the best designs in that series (and Inuyasha already had a lot of cool character designs imo). I much preferred this kimono over the white/green one she wore for the rest of the series though I like that one as well but overall, I love this wind sorceress so much.
No. 433537
File: 1732040663871.png (345.36 KB, 341x768, Ac_tia.png)

Cute and tasteful female MC in a JRPG called Avalon Code
No. 433680
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>>433335D is very pretty in bloodlust as well.. are there any other pretty men worth it in his other movies?
No. 433699
>>433370OMG another Kaneto Shiozawa appreciator… I must torrent this anime immediately.
>>433276 This design and art style is also very nice.
No. 434400
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I've never played Dragon Age but she looks so cool
No. 434518
File: 1732314797113.gif (397.52 KB, 512x384, avaloncodegladius.gif)

>>433574You take that back, the game is so much fucking fun. I love air-juggling enemies and combining elements in my book to make new weapons.
No. 434624
File: 1732346352511.png (752.46 KB, 681x1725, Risotto Nero.png)

>>350013Mixed opinions but JoJo has some nice slutty men
No. 434688
File: 1732374239822.jpg (61.91 KB, 1000x667, mikafigure.jpg)

>>353131>>353203Very old posts but BA genuinely has a lot of really cute designs and even some nice stories. It's a shame they're trapped in a game with a horrible fanbase even for a gacha and developers that pander to the lowest common denominator moids. And that there's also a lot of really fucking terrible designs in it that are basically just coombait, like most gacha.
>I don't play this stupid scrote game so I don't know much about her, but from what I gather she is just a nice, normal girl who likes that cartoon bird thingPretty accurate honestly kek
No. 436485
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I like a lot of the Rune Factory 2 designs, but she's my favorite.
No. 437707
File: 1733200318730.jpg (79.61 KB, 530x410, Spyshjtjxu_m.jpg)

>Post character designs that you like or deem worthy of recognition
Even though the movie was garbage I always found his design cool.I like that he's a spider and not a furry animal like many rubberhose cartoons are.
No. 437892
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from the wizard of oz rpg for the ds
No. 441127
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(spoiler your shit/bait)
No. 441145
File: 1734400990477.png (365.36 KB, 1024x1024, ee49b93242b148f086fdc35541fdda…)

I am going to get shit on for this, but you can put bright purple on anything and i will like it.
No. 444243
File: 1735622365043.jpg (36.59 KB, 546x405, E03CJEDVUAMnhWt.jpg)

Episode 1 Nami,I wish they kept this look.back then when Nami looked human.Man,I miss old One Piece.
No. 446178
File: 1736221282858.jpg (1.22 MB, 1920x1080, SocialMedia_-_Preview_-_Charac…)

I am so tempted to play this game for this guy. He's like leona but sexier.
No. 446641
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>>444243God she looks so cool! It's such a shame, watching these makes me remember why I used to like One Piece
No. 447196
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I love this specific geisha skin
No. 447608
File: 1736624235328.png (1.21 MB, 967x931, zenobia.png)

she looks so 80s, like a saturday morning action hero if that makes any sense. The female characters in this manga are surprisingly well designed.
No. 447611
File: 1736624996415.webp (21.47 KB, 300x300, IMG_8744.webp)

>>447196Same. Shiromuku too. It’s so elegant and pretty. I wish it was the permanent shop skin and not the Bride.
No. 447614
File: 1736625684150.webp (116.55 KB, 1080x644, IMG_0015.webp)

>>447196>>447611She has the best skins in the game by far. I wish Naiads concept art made it into the game… her official design is pretty but kinda boring compared to these.
No. 447615
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>>447612Kouya ni Kemono Doukokusu. I am glad they turned her into a main character.
No. 450951
File: 1737410810080.jpg (235.02 KB, 500x800, Tumblr_l_14696955290501.jpg)

Why does this nigga named Motel from a nasty scrote game called Funbag Fantasy have a better sexualized male design than most designs in het games made for women that are trying to be sexy. I wish I could lift this design and put it in a better game, I love the retarded skimpy armor
No. 450968
File: 1737413973182.png (543.41 KB, 610x1165, latest.png)

>>450951>>450951The true blackpill is realizing sometimes even scrotes aren't afraid to design male characters wearing sexy clothing even in EROGE which is by moids for moids, while women are still too pussy to design anything beyond boring ass suits or whatever else buraq'd moids wear.
(character is fuuma kotaro from taiminin, do not play it)
No. 450972
File: 1737414092528.png (144.35 KB, 396x582, IMG_3586.png)

>>450968Samefag, Master Therion from Demonbane is another good example. It’s a lolifaggot eroge obviously for moids but I’m this close to playing it solely because he seems to be exactly my type + sexy clothes + voiced by hikaru midorikawa. I’ll save him and put him in a better game
No. 450977
File: 1737414527494.png (721.14 KB, 1000x1167, 1000.png)

>>450973I can only handle so much kino
>>450975Right? It makes me so sad. It’s even worse because clearly they aren’t afraid of guy characters, I was wondering if there was any more guys and there are literal traps, several of them actually. To me this demonstrates a fear of ever making anything appealing to women
No. 451014
>>450972>>450977>>450968>>450951They need to show more leg. All they're showing is midriff, a bit of arm and sometimes a bit of outer thigh.
This is only a little better than what we usually get, but it's nowhere near as coomer as the average female "sexy warrior" design in non-porn games. But it'd be a good start.
No. 451498
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No. 452119
File: 1737679219105.jpeg (117.1 KB, 736x920, IMG_6821.jpeg)

Her season 6-7 outfit is the best. I like that it shows that she’s her own person and not just the Monarch’s wife.
No. 452193
File: 1737697678904.jpg (574.45 KB, 1280x2553, 1000002785.jpg)

Naomi Iwata's work is really charming in my opinion, I'm really fond of his paperdoll-like artwork.
These characters are from Midnight Horror School, one of his shows and my personal favourite of his designs (and also lost media since its' English and Latin American dubs are lost, same as episodes except a couple uploaded on YT)
No. 452243
File: 1737708478560.webp (22.59 KB, 208x531, IMG_2671.webp)

>>452119Her OG Jackie outfit and this one are so cute. Personally, I didn’t care for her leotard Ms. The Monarch outfit because it was so impractical. Molotov could have had a cute outfit too but the creators are too much of coomers to have given us that. I liked her heart-shaped eyepatch. Triana is such a classic look, love her being snobbish about her homage to Adam Ant.
No. 452718
File: 1737762406416.webp (147.68 KB, 662x1080, IMG_6824.webp)

>>452243I still love Molotov’s design. The female venture bros character designs are like my guilty pleasure tbh, they may be coomshit but I appreciate that they give them different body proportions and faces.
No. 453519
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No. 453811
File: 1737951009511.jpeg (40.2 KB, 700x394, IMG_5379.jpeg)

>>453733Yeah but it has the SS hat and all the Nazi references in general reminded me of Shadman. Plus the silhouette on the Jackie outfit was way better, here they can’t have her look not curvy so it’s this big heavy coat which looks bulky rather than flattening her curves a little as a coat would. Her summit outfit was nice though. But for me it’s pink Dr Girlfriend style all the way. Also I hate how pale they made her she was way hotter in S1-2.
No. 453819
File: 1737951820105.jpg (53.39 KB, 600x401, betterman_lamia_by_superpumpki…)

>>451498I'm glad people know about GaoGaiGar/betterman i love lamia design
No. 454039
File: 1738002377666.jpeg (191.3 KB, 1000x523, IMG_6840.jpeg)

Peak cuteness
No. 454042
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No. 454105
File: 1738011468706.jpg (45.19 KB, 500x359, 1000008076.jpg)

No. 454126
>>454105Why is this considered bait but
>>454042 isn't?
Some of us like big boobs
No. 454131
File: 1738015313193.jpg (14.8 KB, 128x221, huh.jpg)

>>454105What a confusing design. Are those supposed to be gigantic boobs too? Because she looks like she just has a beer belly/is pregnant.
No. 454137
>>454131This is why I don't understand this fetish. It's
supposed to be supernormal stimuli, but from everywhere except 2 specific angles it doesn't even look like boobs are present anymore kek
No. 454327
File: 1738044914493.webp (21.34 KB, 640x360, IMG_6848.webp)

>>454036Speaking of fashion, I like how for his season 6 redesign Brock wears the outfit that Steve mcqueen wore in Bullitt, and then later Hank wears Steve mcqueen’s jacket from Le Mans. Male role models are a big theme so it makes sense that brock would emulate his idol Steve mcqueen, and Hank would emulate brock.
No. 454328
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No. 454363
File: 1738050600081.jpeg (76.81 KB, 640x480, IMG_2703.jpeg)

>>454327My favorite ‘everyday’ outfit is Pete’s. I love his hair too, very new wave à la Roz Williams. I also love that he only dresses goth for formal occasions.
repost because dropped pic No. 455043
File: 1738221673959.jpg (112.82 KB, 800x600, p12392505_i_h9_ab.jpg)

i loved this show growing up, especially loved that the mc wasnt an stereotypical edgy tomboy but rather a more colorful and energetic one.
No. 455050
File: 1738223449944.png (506.29 KB, 1280x720, IMG_6850.png)

>>454363pete had so much swag
No. 455776
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No. 455804
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No. 456026
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No. 456027
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No. 456090
File: 1738482390658.webp (41.7 KB, 520x520, IMG_7244.webp)

>>456034>>456045Both titty armour and ab armour are stupid/funny because the breastplate isn’t supposed to be worn directly on the body, it’s supposed to be worn over a very thick quilted jacket or tunic for additional protection. Weirdly shaped decorative armour existed but that was ceremonial and meant to be kind of ostentatious.
Imagine putting all of this on just to cover it with a breastplate with little fake nipples.
No. 457902
File: 1738962307220.png (2.62 MB, 996x1484, S8g4eMy.png)

No. 457958
File: 1738973969609.png (1.22 MB, 994x810, aki.png)

I usually hate Street Fighter's character designs but I really love these
No. 458109
File: 1739015054363.jpg (197.14 KB, 741x945, 1000032277.jpg)

Obsessed with her.
No. 458117
File: 1739015743765.png (1.13 MB, 2048x1076, SUXfc30.png)

No. 458426
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No. 458431
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No. 458432
File: 1739075350421.png (1.87 MB, 1080x1474, N0JIcmS.png)

No. 458446
File: 1739076961895.png (2.95 MB, 986x1398, JtTjiGl.png)

No. 460149
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Probably going to get shit on but i really like Jefuty's design. I like that they didnt go with the cringe sci-fi motif of the other characters and just made a cute kuudere in a winter coat with a mossin nagat(sexiest weapon). I also think her hair is cute.
No. 460168
File: 1739484202309.png (340.26 KB, 800x800, 800px-RC_Jefuty_costume1.png)

>>460154thats her outfit from when she escaped her captors, she gets a cute dress later in the game
No. 460278
File: 1739525901614.webp (57.52 KB, 368x406, IMG_2973.webp)

Anyone ever play Pokemon Conquest on the DS? It had some really pretty designs
No. 460316
File: 1739541927627.png (534.96 KB, 740x459, Akechi_Mitsuhide.png)

>>460282Of course it's not canon, it's a crossover with Nobunaga's Ambition. The character designers seem to be all or mostly women so that explains why they're so good lol
No. 460324
File: 1739543822730.png (279.51 KB, 307x479, 1000032893.png)

>>271137>ThreadpicI love how creepy and alienlike the Cheshire Cat dress is. It kinda reminds me of Giger's designs.
No. 460348
File: 1739546985324.png (516.38 KB, 740x459, Tachibana_Ginchiyo.png)

>>460330Did you think the human charcters were gijinkas (they're not lol) or are you talking about Dewott? kek
No. 460374
File: 1739550000201.png (573.67 KB, 740x459, Mori_Motonari.png)

>>460356They're not gijinkas, but they're still themed around their pokémon while keeping the Sengoku theme, and I think they did a good job.
No. 460380
File: 1739550787536.png (20.45 KB, 320x144, 1000003782.png)

>>458446I am so glad I found somebody who thinks this game's character are well designed. Especially this guy
No. 460590
File: 1739619186414.jpg (40.01 KB, 356x567, 286665a27374f36bb7de13aa20df41…)

I think some kemono friends designs are cute, their choices of colors here in particular is satisfying
No. 460592
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No. 460621
File: 1739635097558.jpg (726.53 KB, 1080x2340, 1000009796.jpg)

>tfw your coomer design is so bad another coomer designs it way better (except for adding gunt)
No. 460624
File: 1739635623931.png (625.08 KB, 562x1000, IMG_7808.png)

>>460621Crop your screenshots jfc
>>460278I loved that game. The costume designs were great and it was really fun, shame it didn't get a lot of traction. i like how they mixed the japanese outfit with pokémon designs, picrel is a ghost type user
No. 460630
>>460621Somebody who can't crop screenshots and has a bunch of Tumblr communities notifications
would like this design kek
No. 460638
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An obvious one, but I always liked Princess Serenity and how she conveys an elegant vibe despite basically "just" being Usagi in a dress. Usagi's hairdo also doesn't get enough credit design-wise. In her regular clothes it looks girly and cute, but in this dress it looks more elaborate and princessy.
No. 460643
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>>460624too bad they had to add a couple female coomer designs, this looks ridiculous compared to what's been posted so far
No. 460644
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Some may disagree but I love Stephanie Brown as Batgirl and this design as well. Sometimes I miss new-52 DC and Steph getting her own time to shine.
No. 460657
File: 1739639280932.png (Spoiler Image,239.13 KB, 640x360, 1000032930.png)

>>460644Speaking of superheroes, I loved Miss Martian's
true form in Young Justice and how they avoided the usual trope of "female aliens can't be ugly"
No. 460755
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There were a few character designs I fixated on as a kid and she was one of them. Tuff puppy had some atrocious looking designs but I still love Kitty.
No. 460822
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>>460755I was also obsessed with this one. Also loved the fact that she was a man killing Stacy.
No. 460824
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No. 460836
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>>460755>designs I fixated on as a kidThis unlocked a memory of when I was obsessed with the powerpuff girl dog designs as a kid and got excited when this episode would come on because I loved dog buttercup so much. I think it was just that I loved all things cute. I also was really drawn to any pretty girl character designs like atomic betty or princess candy from dave the barbarian
No. 460839
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I always thought she was so pretty and stylish as a kid, absolutely loved her in Wacky Races.
No. 460842
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I love all of Melly’s skins but ghost candle is definitely my favourite, everything about this skin is so pretty
No. 460844
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No. 460863
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>>460836These are so cute, I can definitely see the appeal. Another one I fixated on was Darla dimple from cats don’t dance and I would practice drawing her as accurately as possible. I guess I wasn’t the only one because apparently she’s a huge inspiration for vivziepop and hazbin hotel kek. Now the tiny nonexistent feet and hands art style kind of annoys me but I think it still works for her.
No. 460865
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No. 461233
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No. 461249
>>460839holy fucking based
nonnie,I used to absolutely love her as a child,I still do. In my child mind, she was the most feminine and sweet character.
>>460865I loved her design,even ff she was portrayed as evil,she wasn't 100% wrong.
(integrate) No. 461383
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Idc if they’re coombait I love femme fatale characters. If moids get to have their buff power fantasy self inserts I should be able to have my overpowered female mercenaries in catsuits.
No. 461394
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I'll probably never read this but I just think they're neat
No. 461404
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>>461383Femme fatales are cool as hell and I refuse to be gaslit into thinking otherwise.
No. 463438
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No. 463440
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No. 463953
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kiana's magical girl series reminded me of terraterrific's magical girl design which is better executed imo
No. 470473
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Males will never be able to design such pretty characters
No. 470475
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This might be an unpopular opinion considering the source material but I like her color pallette, it looks iridescent somehow
No. 474113
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No. 474115
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I usually hate Vtuber designs, but this one is very pretty. Dunno who he is, though.