File: 1664748446093.jpg (175.86 KB, 500x500, cow collage.jpg)

No. 45939
Please mods for gods sake permaban and delete the retard's posts:
>>>/w/252849He also made a new thread now
>>>/w/253438 No. 45963
File: 1664770831841.jpg (5.66 KB, 249x202, a4c3a362-17c2-4084-958d-26c25e…)

>>45947Mods I'm sorry for replying to the schizo tranny, I don't have enough memory to remember all the names he uses to talk to himself all the time and I wasn't sure if it was some anon joking or what. I will be more careful next time (I'm very embarrassed).
No. 45964
File: 1664771413841.png (49.31 KB, 1291x433, spot.png)

>>45963>Erika>UnabashedHermaphrodite>UHThere are more but those are the ones I remember off the top of my head. Picrel is screencap from the bunker thread
No. 45973
File: 1664796893827.jpeg (369.62 KB, 1536x2048, D7FA99EF-5C69-4D1F-9E2E-D44011…)

>>45964He’s shitting up cc too. This is him and his tranny friend, he posted this pic of them yesterday on our board.
They both look like soyjaks mixed with human Eldritch Abominations. Disgustingly ugly.
No. 45986
Erica, sorry I thought you meant
Erika yeah that is him and emojitroon, he also goes by Nuzach.
No. 46010
>>46009I'm confused. "Not at all" to my question would imply men are allowed, but from
> but now it's not at allit sounds like you're saying men are banned on all boards.
No. 46011
>>46010Oh yeah I am speaking to autists, I always forget that.
Men are not allowed at all. You will surely be notified if that ever changes.
No. 46043
File: 1664893327132.jpeg (141.79 KB, 640x711, BC5079F0-FEE7-4801-A6DC-4F8E5D…)

>>45929I’m going to come back every day for the rest of my life and bump belles thread and tranny admin will never fucking stop me.
No. 46052
File: 1664898757267.jpg (49.4 KB, 481x544, DrDYxX-V4AEnebN.jpg)

>>46043>tranny adminSage your shit and contribute you brain dead monkey, it's not hard to actually participate you Neanderthal, I could train your cat to be a better poster than you, how does that make you feel huh?
Being more useless than a cat?
Kick rocks scrote, you're too entitled a moid to make it here.
No. 46074
File: 1664935043189.png (51.96 KB, 255x290, kittydevil.png)

bumping cp off front page (in /m/)
No. 46075
>>46074I reported it. It's in the waifu thread if it's still there at all
Careful nonas
No. 46101
CP still up in the book general thread in /m/
>>46100Can janitors delete posts? It might just be a janny trying to do her best. There doesn't seem to be much farmhands around recently, considering that this thread still hasn't been pinned
No. 46103
>>46101Still up at general books thread. Posted 5 HOURS ago.
I'd be really interested if this level of "moderation" will stay as shitty as it is or is going to go even worse? Are all jannies from same timezone/have same sleeping schedules? How many jannies we have? 1? 2? even so much as 3? Because that is how is feels like atm.
No. 46130
>>46125Kek, the troon tried to claim in the last thread that you can’t vpns and that vpns would be collected for blackmail
>>>/meta/45771 to try and convince mods/anons not to ban vpns so he could continue spamming his incel fetish folder. The post it’s replying to was deleted because it was the tranny and then the troon samefaged to try and agree with himself kek. Saying ban vpns really makes him seethe.
No. 46138
>>46129>>46130Consider what happened to KF where the details of it's users were leaked due to the site being attacked by troons. LC doesn't have accounts where it stores user details and email addresses. What it does have is IPs. A VPN hides a users real IP and if the VPN is encrypted it hides what sites they visit and what they download from their ISP. The troon wants the information of the women that post here exposed while he can continue to spam the site because he can reset his router to get a new IP, no VPN required.
Banning VPNs would not stop spam and would make the genuine users of this site more vulnerable to attacks by trannies.
No. 46152
>>46150it's obviously DDoSing or something and not planned downtime.
No. 46161
>>46160Here too
>>>/w/255766>>>/w/255761Also him
>>>/w/254991>>>/w/255461 No. 46163
>>46132>>46139Not sure why you do this every time it comes up but it's always good for a laugh.
>>46150Can admin let us know … anything? In any timeframe? Ever? Come on, anon.
No. 46166
>>46163The anons advocating for this are literally doing the troons work
>Let's remove a number of women's right to online privacy because men are getting to us Flawless logic
No. 46179
>>46173nta but the update excuse doesn't make sense either considering how nothing on the site changed
>>46178only 4chan bans them, though the spammers still continue by switching ips through the mobile data on their phones
No. 46212
>>46210my post is
>>>/meta/46206 and I was agreeing with the post I replied to, since it's weird to talk about the girl's thread and be like "see u guys stop being mean schizotranny isnt actually schizo"
No. 46231
File: 1665225351791.jpeg (55.8 KB, 640x639, 6357D3D9-2803-4EE8-9029-FF33BC…)

Cp in front page
No. 46243
File: 1665228610000.jpeg (165.68 KB, 640x1137, B39253B6-937A-48A9-A69C-F903A9…)

There’s still CP. tf mods wake up and sort it out
No. 46250
>>46237>>46237>handleNo. It’s not fair for the mods, they don’t get paid, it’s highly dangerous for them to do this, think of them ffs. The cause of the website is not important enough for mods, admin and farmers to get traumatized by these pictures. Imageboards are dead anyways and are mostly visited by creeps, female creeps are an infinite amount less worse than male creeps in general, but if they really want a platform to gossip about nobodies they should set up a strictly locked forum. Many imageboards have died because of pedos spamming cp, they had the common sense to surrender, yet why hasn’t this website? There are starting to form already many female only communities, lolcow’s original purpose is gone, so why can’t it be fully gone? It’s shit, awful, full of cp. let it go.
No. 46253
>>46251>are you the cp spammerSchizo, kill yourself.
Posting will be very difficult if that happens, which again, makes the site unusable. Imagine caring about your gossip more than the safety of us. Seriously, you are one selfish retard. Are you the anon who used the word “handling”? Man you sure are a moron. I’m only pissed off because you are so inconsiderate.
No. 46254
>>46252says the addict who can’t even admit how flawed it is to keep an image board up full of cp. either turn this into a forum where users can’t be anonymous or take it down, how is it fair for mods to moderate the bazillionth abuse
victim photograph? Who can even handle this? Unless you and your fellow selfish people are willing to donate regularly for this website thousands so they at least can get paid. But of course all you will do is spam here and ask mods to take down cp, as if they don’t know when they work on this website all they have to do is delete the terrible pictures.
No. 46269
>>46265Thanks farmhands for being there for us
I think the problem is that no one really wants to stare at that shit (it's very understandable honestly, it's very fucking disgusting and stomach churning) so it goes unreported, or at least that's my guess. It's easier to bump other threads to hide it and then mention here that it was posted, I think. So it's like, I don't blame anons at all but yeah modding this shit must be exhausting. I'm sorry you have to deal with it constantly
No. 46276
>>46270Then why is
>>46265 saying there are no reports for the recent CP?
No. 46280
>>46265I personally reported the one in /g/ about 2 hours before this post. Reported it literally as "child pornography."
Is there a limit of reports that can exist at one time? Maybe the threshold needs to be higher.
No. 46303
>>46268Because there is literally a very simple filter that can be used to prevent these posts that thousands of websites use, is easy to implement, and apparently free. We don't
need staff to dredge through it we just need this filter
No. 46304
>>46301I think most farmhands must be american/canadian since the spam seems to happen during european timezone and takes hours to clean up.
Any european anons want to become farmhands and remove the tranny spammer's power pls
Incidentally some UK tranny was blogging about his discord drama in the mtf thread recently, it's british trannies doing it probably.
No. 46329
>>46328on /m/ as well, the porn and cp spamming are becoming like a daily occurrence right now and I agree with
>>46321 something like a mass report function should be implemented
No. 46332
>>46331>>46329Yeah I’m
>>46321 and I’ve said this suggestion and the word filter idea since the 24-hour cp spam incident when shaymin first got the job here. I don’t understand why they aren’t doing some big change like this. If they can’t code it then hire someone to code it. Does shaymin not understand how fucking stupid and dangerous it is to host cp on a public site?
No. 46339
>>46311>>46309There was a
nonnie on CC who installed if for a few sites. Maybe we should try and contact her? She was in their own /meta/ board talking about it a few days ago I think it's worth a shot
No. 46350
>>46346Doubt. Can't delete under 6 hours, they aren't reporting shit. How HARD would it be to get one janny with different sleeping schedule than the rest? HOW HARD WOULD THAT BE?
Why even ask, admin doesn't give a flying fuck about this site, that much is clear.
Shame there is literally nowhere else to go on internet. Its all full of scrotes.
RIP lolcow, I will miss you, I do not miss seeing all this spam shit that mods are too lazy to delete. Maybe that was the reason all along, silently kill lolcow with allowing cp spam. Good job.
No. 46356
>>46355That's a massive exaggaration. It's still good old LC but with a big cp spam problem.
Btw "people" don't look for or post cp, subhuman moids do.
No. 46357
File: 1665411862197.jpeg (107.81 KB, 1080x1080, 8c2dbce12e43e5ce86f15e80b0cec7…)

i'll accept my ban for spam but do better mods, this shit is disgusting and the users of this site shouldn't be subjected to cp.
No. 46360
>>46357Your heart is in the right place, sweet cow-
nonnie, thank you for your effort but most of us use the catalog so, making new threads is useless imo. You're just polluting the board and give attention to scrotoids. What we desperately need is more mods (my euro ass would like to help but the applications are closed) and a better admin, obviously.
No. 46362
File: 1665414299986.png (15.12 KB, 1038x76, E51EDAB3-9080-4C4F-94C9-534077…)

wow, crazy how quickly i got banned for offending mods by saying only men spam CP to the site but the CP in question stayed up for almost two hours. love you admins, keep doing the awesome job that you do!
No. 46364
>>46363i have no clue but they’re a powerhungry bitch lmao
maybe they should do their fucking job instead of banning people who don’t feel like seeing child pornography on the front page of a board.
No. 46369
>>46367I did suspect that. They WANT the site to be done, that's why they write such things.
>>46368Strange message, I would be really surprised if there are any actual women who spam photos of naked little girls here.
No. 46373
>>46371it's the schizo pedo tranny, he tries to blame random cows and kiwifags for his cp spam
report and ignore
No. 46375
>>46368>>46362I mean, they aren't wrong. Didn't kiki post some and then there was elaine and I'm sure other spergs that just weren't publically outted. It's a common tactic to try to make the website look bad. It's really telling how many of you came from twitter or something and have 0 imageboard experience that this trash is some outlier in your minds.
&Every time this happens the CP spammers always post in meta pretending to be regular users concerned about the site too.
Honestly new threads shouldn't be posted as a way to hide it, there's no reason not to just bump existing ones. If the ban is long in duration vs a quick warning that's pretty retarded though.
Admin has already said before they report the cp spammers and work with law enforcement.
The only thing I hear here I agree with is that they should consider more mod applications purely to deal with it. Like take away all regular duties and just assign some spammer clean up taskforce. Probably easier said than done since there are likely tons of bad actors who try to apply to such positions, but it should still be being done.
No. 46376
>>46371Elaine Miller is an actual pedophile who was actually caught spamming Child Porn,
before her third thread where everyone goes "Oh poor Elaine".
No. 46377
I know two other female cows who spammed CP to this site that haven't been mentioned yet, but if I bring them up suddenly I am "The schizo tranny"
>>46374 is right, it's fucking clear what's
actually going on here…
(tranny) No. 46378
File: 1665416166873.png (1.43 MB, 1462x1808, B312DF19-6013-4100-A674-4A836C…)

Farmhand posts from vent thread yesterday
No. 46380
>>46378It's not the tranny it's likely rachelfags or Elaine's group.
Right there, black and white, clear as fucking
(tranny) No. 46383
>>46382You need to see the other posts and how the farmhand kept rage deleting every post to understand the fight nature kek
okay little mind?
(tranny) No. 46388
File: 1665416483219.jpg (178.21 KB, 600x337, 8-Supernatural-Season-Ten-Epis…)

Once again I am right, your pathetic lot has lost a fight.
Chitter chatter useless words, whenever will you realize you are a herd.
You milk the cows, I milk you, complain all you want, you can't undo.(tranny)
No. 46403
Can we do something about the scrote who keeps posting random comments from reddit without context
>>>/w/257207 They constantly spam reddit comments that have nothing to do with the cows, don't have milk, and are basically copy-pasting as if they were coming from PULL, KF, or CC. It's not interesting or milky just to see what other retards are saying on other sites about the same shit. This is LC. Go to the other sites to discuss gossip. We don't need their shit comments spammed here when there is nothing to discuss about it. Especially when anons purposely refuse to add in context about what they are commenting about.
No. 46404
>>46401Nta but I don't think that's a huge issue considering it's all public already. The speds that spam here are clearly on the lower end of the IQ spectrum so the idea they could even do anything with actually private information is pretty low. Imo the average sperg who does these things is largely motivated by their own desire for attention or some false concept of notoriety vs any actual desire to damage or remove the site. I'd even argue they'd get upset if LC did get taken down because they would lose the perceived attention they derive from doing this.
It's kind of like the mentality of an 11-12 year old being intentionally annoying even at their own detriment because it's the only way people acknowledge them. They quite literally lack the mental maturity to conceive of proper ways to gain this and can't fully conceive the real issues with their actions. I wouldn't even be surprised if some of these spammers are underage.
No. 46411
>>46410Now you’re reporting me here for disagreeing with you?
Christ anon, go and touch some grass
No. 46422
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Here is info thread I made:
>>>/meta/46413Let me know if I missed anything. I will wait and see if Farmhands want to keep it up or not (as it is kinda spoonfeeding) but there have been the same questions over and over and I think it would be okay to have it one thread where people can find and see important posts easier for the time being
No. 46424
>>46411>>46411Nah, there's no disagreement,
nonnie. You’ve just been lying, derailing and minimoding. First you claimed the “archaeology stuff” was taken out of context when all the caps and Japanese news article proved Sharla excavated ancient artifacts on public land in Japan without permission, possibly damaging an important archaeological site and angering archaeologists, didn’t turn the objects over right away and lied about how she found them. Then you backtracked and claimed that wasn’t what you meant, and what you meant to say was that Sharla rectified the situation when there’s absolutely no proof she ever apologized nor acknowledged her mistake, and caps actually show she told other people she didn’t do anything wrong and lied when she turned the objects in. Then you backtracked again and said the story was dug up by redditors from 2-year old tweets when it was never shared on reddit and was originally shared by an oldfag who discovered it through Japanese news. And now you’re telling people in the jvlogger thread not to talk about it anymore when it’s actual milk that didn’t get shared at the time, when there hasn’t been milk this proper in a long time and nonnies are just complaining about Satornini.
No. 46431
>>46428If a cow illegally digging for ancient artifacts in a foreign country, lying to authorities about how she found them, damaging an important archaeological site, pissing off the entire archaeological community of a county and making the news is not milk, then WTF is? It was only shared on lolcow until now because it was only ever covered by Japanese news, the vlog was immediately hidden and tweets about it were deleted before anons became aware of it. No one else is discussing actual milk in that thread, so why do you discourage discussion of milk new to lolcow? If you didn’t care, why did you respond, lie and backtrack multiple times? Why are you telling people not to talk about it?
This is just part of a larger pattern of an anon trying to mislead newfags and unsuspecting lurkers into believing Sharla doesn’t have a history of being a cow and snowflake. Whenever something that Sharla has actually done is brought up, an anon claims it was already proven to be taken out of context or faked in older threads when it never was and actual evidence, like screenshots and video, proved the opposite. Then the anon claims there’s some kind of conspiracy or vendetta against Sharla because milk was brought up and tells everyone else to stop talking about it. It doesn’t even have to be milk or something negative, either. In the same posts, you also suspected someone of secretly running a hate campaign against Sharla merely because they were right about her vacationing at a popular vacation spot after she shared a photo from that island.
No. 46435
File: 1665471829303.jpeg (15.48 KB, 450x430, Hehe.jpeg)

Request to have "trauma" (in honour of all the newfags brought here by Jill) redtexted. I wanna watch that thread light up like a Christmas tree.
No. 46446
>>46444I was thinking that or Lily. She's the only other person who would be this ass-mad and going on and on about how fat Sharla is and everything because she's with Chris and then the massively defensive "DONT TALK ABOUT LILY!!!!!!!!!!" when she used to vlog, anons found proof of it finally, and she used to date Chris who is on topic which makes her on topic. It's the samefags from Jillian's threads too. I thought mods
pastured most of them, but ban evading is one hell of a drug. I can't imagine wanting to write fanfiction of cows and being that desperate to do it.
No. 46465
>>46463She was never discussed previously, only mentioned a few times by anons with a vendetta against her like this one
>>>/w/189683 The only reason you want to sperg about her is because she dared to suspect that your beloved Chris cheated on her in a tweet that was deleted after a couple of hours. There was no genuine discussion to be had, it was just pure vendetta and a-log posting and making shit up and spamming shit. I'm surprised those anons didn't get banned tbh.
And now you're all like "who cares? Anons don't wanna talk about actual milk of Sharla breaking laws and lying to people, anons don't care about it" Yet you want a nobody ex to be a topic of discussion over a fucking tweet. Absolutely retarded.
No. 46468
>>46466Vendetta posting and spamming shit is against the rules
nonnie. She doesn't fit the criteria to be discussed in the thread. She isn't a cow, she's a nobody. How many times does that have to be said?
No. 46469
>>46467Thanks, nonna.
How hard would it actually be to have all pictures here under spoiler by default? Can't admin take a break from making the new board and do that or something? Browsing lc is not fun anymore. I know she's busy but jesus christ.
No. 46483
>>46474Newfags/redditfags aren’t trying to change the rules, they don’t know the rules.
The threads were, and still are to an extent, more of a containment. You yourself must be relatively new here; only newfags ree about who they can and can’t technically talk about in a thread. This isn’t a forum, jvlogging is dead, the clique are irrelevant. There is no milk. Go back to Reddit.
No. 46485
>>46484You didn’t link it but I agree, here’s the link’re also doxxing where a girl lives and she’s not even a cow.
No. 46493
>>46492u been saying that for at least 4 JC threads now and guess what keep on wishing and cope.
Lelayna is the current girlfriend and it was her cuteholly profile that was discovered. does Taylor and Syd got her nudes all over google? i don’t think so. these were real leaks unlike Lelayna that got all these pictures and videos available on google for free. stop crying on lolcow, nobody cares.
No. 46494
>>46493The cuteholly discovery could have been great milk but you guys spoiled it by acting like fucking retards banging on the keyboard. That whole thread is embarrassing. Keep deflecting by saying we’re all crying tho kek
And if you think someone’s post history can’t be revealed, then you must be new.
No. 46509
Only a cow or their boyfriend or friends would come to lolcow to complain about actual milk being shared while trying to argue that old irrelevant tweets from their boyfriend's non-vlogger ex should be allowed in a fucking vlogger thread.
>>46482>especially when their content follows under 2 words in the title of the thread.There's no link to her channel and her twitter was only added after it was pointed out that, despite all of the sudden Lily sperging, Lily wasn't even in the summaries even though one of the Lily spergs was creating them. That she's the only one listed with no youtube channel in a vlogger thread, and was only added years after she stopped using youtube and only ever had uploaded a few videos, says it all.
>>46483>jvlogging is deadThen why are you in the thread and arguing about it here?
No. 46511
>>46509 I hope Lily is brought up constantly just to piss you off personally. The fact that you are gatekeeping when she went out of her way to bring up Chris on her Twitter after the relationship broke news, as if that's not a reason to bring her up from self-inserting alone, is massively embarrassing on your part because you have this whole idea of what the thread is supposed to be all because you want it to be that way. I'm so embarrassed for you. Also, Im not
>>46483 Lol Tons of anons are tired of your shit.
No. 46512
>>46511The Lily tweets that people are complaining about weren't related to Chris or any jvlogger. They were about her going on vacation, her dad dying, cooking, etc. That's not a reason to bring her up. A jvlogger breaking the law vs a tweet from a non-vlogger making soup. Unless you're a complete idiot, some deranged fan or the cow in question, you're not going to argue that a tweet about soup from non-vlogger deserves discussion while news that a vlogger broke the law doesn't. You're not fooling anyone,
nonnie. Your agenda is clear as day.
No. 46515
It's also not allowed if it's not milky:
>7.3 Milkless social media statuses and images No. 46521
>>46511Who fucking cares about her tweet that was quickly deleted and that none of the jvloggers gave a single fuck about? It wasn't reason enough to shit up the thread with a witch hunt.
>>46520When did she attack Sharla?
No. 46529
>>46528Anons didn't provide proof that any jvloggers were following her and then unfollowed her after the tweet so we don't know that that actually happened.
And no they didn't care. None of them replied to the tweet or even acknowledged it in any way.
Also my point still stands.
And can someone answer this >when did she attack Sharla?
No. 46532
>>46531Okay so you were clearly making shit up about jvloggers unfollowing her and that she attacked Sharla. Good to know. No need to get all
triggered about it though.
No. 46534
Requesting that the Sachie thread is moved out of
>>>/manure/3445 and into /snow/. The original thread was posted on /ot/ a very long time ago when there was little to no milk about her. I suspect that most of the posts were Sachie self-promoting since she was interested in rebuilding a female, college-aged fanbase. I've been tempted to bump the thread several times this year ever since she and her ex broke up but since she's stuck in manure, and no one else was posting there, I didn't bother.
No. 46567
>>46565are you that sperg from that thread lmao, mutliple people were calling you a retard and a weirdo, why don't you take a shower.
I mean if theres mutliple anons calling you out…maybe you are the problem.
No. 46568
>>46565why dont you say what really happened.
You were complaining about straight people and hetshippers which has nothing do with the thread. You also said how someone can only be a fujo if they only consume 100% yaoi and if they consume anything else then they are fake-fujos, Then you started infighting with multiple anons and you said how we need to protect real life gay men.
You are the retard here.
No. 46573
Can mods do something about the anon who keeps derailing and complaining about Lily being discussed in the Jvlog thread? All it does is shit up meta and shit up the thread itself. No1currs about the anon's stake in how the thread is supposed to be run, but there's no other thread to talk about people in Japan, who are weebs, and who used to/do vlog. There's zero point to keep derailing about it.
>>>/w/258681 And they post this shit to try and bait anons too.
No. 46600
Anon infighting because their joke isn't funny and refuses to post real caps. Instead you get attacked for calling out non-milk photos
>>>/w/258946 How hard is it to post real milk and not get pissed when anons call or the fake milk?
No. 46604
File: 1665988434881.jpg (21.77 KB, 400x400, spa.jpg)

CP on /m/
bumping it off front page
No. 46605
File: 1665999104738.jpg (65.36 KB, 564x564, 0cd91cb735e7e851e345c6db41f82a…)

no complaints or suggestions, just a compliment, thanks for being so fast today and getting rid of the rats
No. 46607
File: 1665999818904.jpg (30.97 KB, 750x737, 1595863922336.jpg)

What is the point of the "sage non milk on cow boards" rule if no one fucking follows it
No. 46625
>>46624You could at least try to seem like you're not the exact same paranoid WK everyone has been complaining about,
nonnie. IP hopping, bellefag, nitpick, tinfoil. Seriously, these are basically you're catchphrases and I wish they were redtexted at this point. WK(s my ass, it's just you) don't get banned because I doubt anyone is bothering to report it as infighting. But that is what it is when you lose your shit on people in Ahri's thread, or whoever else you're crushing on. Also seems to me the /w/ mod has eased up on the anti-nitpick shit. I see way less bans these days, seems way more normal.
No. 46645
I posted
>>>/w/259165It’s laughable how the farmhands/admin gauge samefagging by the minute it’s posted + blindly believing what a wk says. Just because I just so happened to post within the same time frame as someone else means I’m definitely that other person kek. Your system is trash and I suggest finding a better way to detect samefagging and ban evasion. Their incompetence to properly monitor shit is showing and I’m losing faith with the new farmhands and admin in their ability to maintain this site without running it to the ground.
No. 46659
File: 1666129863924.jpg (75.64 KB, 564x705, 767484e4ab0dfea99a431ac73c4e81…)

ty mods you guys have been epic recently
No. 46671
File: 1666271849091.jpg (116.13 KB, 564x564, ur_an_angel.jpg)

>>46669already deleted! thank you for being fast
No. 46673
>>46611Can you guys stay on topic and not complain about your redtexts due to 'whiteknights'
>>>/w/259791 Keep that derailing in meta
No. 46681
>>46675Staff have a new rule about permabanning vpn IPs that pull that shit. It's a cope, like everything else they've been doing - the last admin and second before last both tried to figure out how to fix permabans on shared IPs and couldn't so now they're pretending it's a feature not a bug.
And while it should be manageable, it hasn't been for the last couple of years. It's a mystery why
incompetence but surely they'll fix it one of these days.
No. 46715
File: 1666598583276.png (29.85 KB, 540x450, D9057E15-FE62-44E9-8794-B26D3D…)

troon still shitting up the mtf thread c'mon jannies
No. 46739
>>46733Idk, looking through, theres quite a few anons even in Jill and the lolita thread who are tired of the same overdramatized, by anons, "milk" posts. Like I see Jvloggers being derailed by weight spergs, Taylor hasn't had milk, so its been arguing that she had a baby past her prime apparently, Belle has zero milk for 5+ months, Idk wtf the HimeAhri thread is even about except seeing it unsaged bumped constantly with "LooK aT tHiS phOtOshOp" constantly, lolita has anons asking to just sage ffs, its not hard.
Actually the unsaged postings all over /w/ that aren't milk, is s problem.
No. 46740
>>46739idk why ppl are so pressed if a group finds something milky enough to discuss, like HimeAhri's photoshop. So what? Don't look at it. There's so many cows I don't find interesting or milky, so I don't read their threads. With Taylor, there's one or two anons who exaggerate or distort what people say and cause infighting, just to report it and run crying to meta. It's so fucking odd.
When someone comes in hard, fighting for the whole thread to die, it's sus. What's the point, it doesn't affect you - unless (tinfoil) it somehow does affect you.
No. 46758
File: 1666814107118.png (59.62 KB, 708x278, unknown1.png)

>>46757thats like half of the og post i got banned for, was in the mtf thread, found some weirdos in a lgtbq cafe in another town that i got suggested to go to, but it was more for teenagers but the reviews and pictures of that place have a bunch of old men dressed up
No. 46762
Just posting to make a point to say that Lily will always be allowed to talk about in the Jvlog thread because its okay in other threads to talk about exes like
>>>/w/261491In fact, there's less about this bitch and no one is translating lol
No. 46771
>>46762>>46764No she's not on topic because it's a thread about vloggers and she's a nobody with zero milk and zero content. Like this anon said
>>46619 all you newfags wanna do is vendetta post about her. If you're so desperate to demonize someone who dared to slight your precious Chris and Sharla, then why don't you go and sperg about Oriental pearl? She deserves it far more and the thread could use some discussion about a jvlogger that isn't Chris, Sharla, or Norm.
No. 46780
>>46774When did I say that the shit that's happening in that other thread is on topic? Also just because someone decided to post about some no milk nobody ex in another thread doesn't mean that it's now okay. You sound like a child. "If they did it, I can do it too!"
Did you miss the part about vendetta posting?
No. 46787
>>46760it wasnt really, i had more milky stuff on those people since they had an online presence, plus like i said i got banned immediately i hit the post button, how would an automod detect that
if an automod even exists, maybe i got banned because system mixed a ban up with someone else who recieved it around the same time i tried to post cuz that happend before
No. 46794
>>46788nah, this person is obsessed with defending Taylor (? against what?) to the point of accusing an anon of making a bad comparison collage. Obsessed enough to trash another woman's looks and call her a bitch in /w and /meta.
>>>/w/262004That is unhinged
No. 46798
>>46797she's not a cow. She was brought up to discuss Tom's habit of fucking his employees and promoting them. she also has plenty of recent photos on her IG but you're dissecting an ancient one.
Mods, this person is weird, this isn't Taylor's fansite or support group, and the nasty minimodding/WKing has spread to open misogyny on anyone who isn't Taylor. Seriously consider giving this person a time-out.
No. 46808
For the safety of the kids being posted, and I know that their eyes are lined out, can we please remove this so they're entire bodies and everything aren't here. The accusations about this too are actually absolute lies and anon is using real kids as a prop to enforce a shitty joke a cow made years ago and using the kids photos as proxy.
Its weird, unneeded to post children to prove a fake point. I get wanting milk on a cow, but when it's heavily manufactured like this, it does harm to the cow and children (what if someone recognizes the kids still? That line over their face does noooothing) and pedos don't need faces to steal photos off this site for any disgusting use they can.
Anon claims they want to protect children yet they're purposely posting them and making up a story. You can't say you want to protect kids and then post them in context as if they're being harmed. Or a possibility of being harmed. I don't even think this user should have photos of other people's children on their device anyway. It's fucking weird.
>>>/w/261540 No. 46809
>>46793i know people on here are paranoid for good reason but not everyone is a tranny just cuz you got a feeling
also it was unsaged (ìf thats what you mean) because the picture literally fits in the thread of old men dressing up in frilly clothing and saying they are women, thats the point of the thread
i had more milky stuff on them too. my appeal also got denied nearly instantly. if it was unsaged, i was ban evading or a tranny on the scope im sure my ban would have gotten a reason. i think it was a system issue now but it sucks because i doubt the email gets answered either, thanks though
No. 46826
File: 1667069601025.jpeg (69.58 KB, 660x660, 60C412B9-52E7-4BB2-A5F4-14DFC8…)

Y he flat
No. 46834
>>46833>>>/w/250533 >>>/w/250534
Sharla illegally excavated for artifacts in Japan and broke multiple laws, lied, and was accused of racism by the archaeological community, and what she did was covered by multiple news outlets in Japan. Meanwhile, WK described what happened as:
>>>Archeological stuff happened and it's too much to greentext, so go read it yourself [anons kind of ignored it anyway because nothing really came of it and it got lost in between tons of threads, so it was new for now, but not actually new and all videos are gone] No. 46849
>>46847nta but vendetta would be posting a literal nobody with few followers. not just posting someone you personally don't want to discuss.
also the gyaru thread needs to be locked. it's full of sjw newfags.
No. 46856
>>46854and funnily enough exactly to correspond with when the tranny is having his spergouts in the Kiwi thread. I had to see it not this time but last night. every time it is so upsetting. to post it again is a resource for people who have to cope with seeing this horrible stuff
No. 46862
>>46860We're ruining the thread by telling you to stop vendetta posting which is against the rules? Lol okay.
How dare anons ask that you stop sperging about some non-vlogger nobody in a thread about vloggers. Why don't you fuck off back to Sharla's and Chris's discords?
No. 46869
File: 1667245261009.jpeg (149.92 KB, 1859x120, 44607569-3853-47F5-8D25-339E54…)

Kiwitards read this challenge (impossible)
No. 46896
>>46894I hate it too. imagine having your death filmed and reuploaded.
reminds me of poor Bianca Devins and I hate it. the dead can't suffer any more but the families certainly can.
No. 46906
File: 1667405666204.jpeg (438.28 KB, 828x1389, D0199513-C883-45B0-A99E-1935A1…)

Is lc bugging out for anyone else lately? It got all crusty like this for me but now it’s normal. It’s been loading kind of weird too but maybe it’s just me
No. 46910
File: 1667425022426.jpeg (119.77 KB, 1280x760, 01A7D9AA-80C9-4138-99BC-0C8F63…)

UNLOCK THE PSYCHEDELICS/HARD DRUGS THREAD. "possible fedposting" yeah the fbi has a giant budget to spend on tracking down random people who say they did drugs online with no proof. just add in a warning not to give sources for drugs. also, people are already in the weed thread in illegal areas. are you going to ban that too? i was so excited to have a place to talk about drugs without being a retard spamming it elsewhere, not even two posts in and you take it away. what the fuck farmhands.
No. 46915
File: 1667439486406.jpg (93.88 KB, 1080x1080,…)

bumping cp/borderline cp off front page (it's in /m/)
No. 46916
File: 1667439519943.jpeg (7.98 KB, 276x183, download (13).jpeg)

No. 46922
File: 1667453109501.jpg (265.63 KB, 1600x2000, IMG_8605.JPG)

/snow/ needs urgent attention. Nonas, please navigate the site carefully.
No. 46923
File: 1667453460453.jpg (51.02 KB, 564x564, 363f2771f98a75fb7c5442a5e73667…)

>>46922saw this too late, there are two CP threads on /snow/
No. 46930
File: 1667462589511.jpeg (26.52 KB, 828x142, 9F02744E-70C7-4247-9385-3B8C0B…)

Firefox app users go into the = at the bottom right corner of the app and scroll down to settings and there should be an option to block images
No. 46933
File: 1667485524116.jpg (27.55 KB, 275x275, 1660994793205.jpg)

CP on front page
No. 46936
File: 1667491751216.jpg (260.74 KB, 1080x813, Screenshot_20221103_090720.jpg)

>>>/w/263654 Not only is the OP messy as hell with usernames that aren't all milky, but anon is doxxing people in the OP by saying where they work and what city (even if its just assumed) when its not even a cow and just some random from a discord group. Isn't the rule that everyone needs to have milk behind them not just the fact that they associate with possible cows? Bringing in random people and doxing them isn't milky
No. 46937
File: 1667492112173.jpg (390.35 KB, 1080x1101, Screenshot_20221103_091412.jpg)

>>46936 Not only that but the OP says that there's milk behind the people I tell the sized and bolted yet they aren't following up with putting what the milk is after these names.. They're assuming just because they're in a discord that they need to be in this OP when most of them don't actually do anything at all and anon's not following up wit's not following up with proof of anything they've done. The only ones that are noteworthier at the bottom of the OP. It honestly seems like a lot of the OP was a straight up vendetta just a post names to have people use lolcow to attack them. Clearly seems like a personal army issue here.
No. 46938
File: 1667493177892.jpg (817.72 KB, 1051x1866, Screenshot_20221103_092742.jpg)

>>46937Just to add, more irrelevant names with no milk info like anon promised.
No. 46961
File: 1667557593292.png (136.78 KB, 521x642, babyghostkitty.png)

Thanks for deleting the porn so fast this time mods, even if it is EU timezone. Did you get new hands on deck?
No. 46967
File: 1667570422096.jpeg (32.81 KB, 342x147, 7F5D4BCA-F117-4FFB-BCE5-0761F0…)

>>46965The search could be updated a bit tho too
No. 46971
File: 1667573525115.jpeg (125.25 KB, 287x780, 5D2B0B35-0F3F-4FAF-AB51-BECF7D…)

>>46965why are you so mean and aggressive the search engine "LITERALLY" does not show posts for me to "LOOK" at, only threads…
i obviously know where the search function is retard i literally said
>the google search engine we have>we have>as in nonnies on lolcorwas that too difficult for you to understand ?
just like you said sometimes it doesn't hurt to use your eyes and just LOOK, perhaps even read!
sometimes i just want a post from say 6 years ago or maybe even a few hours ago, but i find myself not being able to remember which thread it was on. can't go look in my history as i've visited a hundred other threads which, i obviously can't go through each one or i cba to anyway.
the search function is not going to show me what i want and instead shows me threads with the closest title/subject by order of most frequented, or on google itself using the tricks i mentioned before, a thread with the words i've typed that show up on multiple different posts. or no results show up at all!
i would like something like picrel but more simple without the extra slots like email tripcode image sizes etc. but i understand that may be difficult and time taking to code i assume
No. 46991
File: 1667655192547.jpeg (321.37 KB, 1080x1920, presidentobamadbzcharacter.jpe…)

i have read this exact complaint for five years but where did all of these idiots come from? half the boards are unreadable due to them being taken over by boomer moms and men. please go back to reddit
No. 46992
>>46991I have a feeling it’s because we can call people faggots and trannies without getting banned (unless you’re a scrote or a tranny kek).
I miss the old days, which ironically makes me sound like a boomer.
No. 47000
>>46999Lol no
nonny me too. You have to be like an edgy 16 year old or something. The fact it’s probably a grown man is more pathetic and hilarious
No. 47015
File: 1667744573543.png (217.62 KB, 1240x1568, 22D71D32-05DD-4703-BA23-6D5CE9…)

>”tbh I think you deserve it”
I think you just need to kill yourself
No. 47032
Two hours have passed and the cp still isn't gone
>>47029Don't worry, he'll end up killing himself. All pedos feel miserable because they can't connect with anyone since they're freaks
No. 47037
File: 1667799623456.jpg (38.49 KB, 875x668, FRIXjRJXEAIlQz0.jpg)

ban the scrote spamming porn/race-bait in this thread and all over. seems mainly in ot
No. 47049
>>47046 says, your conspiracy theory sucks. The only reason those types of tips get sent to them is biased reasons. Same reason they say over and over again to stop reporting lolicon as CP because it actually makes it harder to find real CP on their end due to false flags.
Do any research at all.
No. 47056
>>47054Chances are really good you're replying to him right now (trying to spread it around that he's a /pol/ jannie as if that were something to boast about, in his typically transparent samefagging style.) Blaine is the tranny who posts unadulterated schizophrenia on a few threads here every day and who's responsible for at least some of the really vile shit that gets spammed here. But you know that.
He's back in the KF thread right now (unsurprisingly exactly around the time he was posting his /pol/ mod fantasies in /meta/) posting about kiwi namefags getting doxed that nobody cares about.
No. 47149
File: 1668063220810.png (14.83 KB, 1405x118, 1668025178564.png)

>>47121Explanation from
>>>/ot/1402202Idk why a janny updated us and not admin-sama but thank you janny
No. 47167
>>47164Its the troon, it was deleted but he posted on crystal cafe that he also plans to implement spam bots on that site too. He is using bots to spam cp, its incredibly fucked up.
Now i wish i screenshotted that post, but the other anon who were there when he posted that can testify.
No. 47178
File: 1668134590304.jpeg (143.27 KB, 652x310, E0A6091F-41FC-4712-963F-F0D170…)

Newfags or trolling males. Annoying either way
No. 47191
File: 1668149400720.png (41.15 KB, 500x606, 16645214671201.png)

>>47190Edited this for the fucking newfags. for me it all went to shit after the bunker, can literally remember that we got a couple of raids just because of newfags replying to scrotes.
No. 47201
File: 1668175774117.png (588.91 KB, 1104x969, 1655478428824.png)

>>47198Original TAYRT like I give shit on being a janny with an absentee admin, I just hate when dumb newfags proveke scrotes which ends in a fucking raid. picrel dumb newfag responed to a moid and screenshoted it and posted it in the lolcaps threads literally seconds later Nikocado Avocado spam along with gore popped up because I yes really want to see that everyday and so do you since ur an aduwt ♥
No. 47205
>>47189pre-covid maybe but even then …
>>47190No it didn't. There was a steady slide. Things started when we had the absentee admin. Then oldmin came along claiming to be an OG and immediately proved they weren't. That was when the decay really accelerated. All the shit now has been like this for at least the past couple of years. And all the tards we used to bully, the obsessives who live their whole life around (trannies / moids / whoever) are now ingrained. Even with shaymin not existing outside of myth and legend, there's not that much difference between now and last year.
No. 47222
File: 1668220715834.jpg (1.09 MB, 2048x1255, Sekio.jpg)

>>47219There would be less rats here if they were weeded out. At least until our Lord makes an appearance.
No. 47240
File: 1668297054022.png (136.69 KB, 1488x500, KiwiFarm blocked in Germany an…)

> Featured on Nov 12, 2022 at 10:21 AM: I am blocking Germany and Austria. Ich blockiere Deutschland und Österreich. Null: "this dude keeps fucking emailing me saying his tiger parents have him locked in the basement because of this thread"
Remember from CECA Loather: "Then I wonder how his parents found his thread.
So you mean to tell me that his parents use Yandex, Yahoo, Baidu and other search engines to look up their son's name?
If you are reading this, Bryan, jangan risau lah! Semuanya akan baik-baik saja!"
> CECA Loather
> To answer the question by Cask of Amontillado: "Then who are the heroes? Bryan's parents?" Yes. They did. My father, See Keat Hock, wants to frame the entire family as heroes and protagonists. Devolved says my mother is a tard-wrangler who believes the stuff coming from them and parrots BatteryIncluded/Koncorde opinions just like my father.
>>47205Mine and your definition of rapid are obviously different. Sure it's been getting progressively worse for years, but it's taken an absolute nose dive this year which is what I was specifically referring to.
>>47244Ntayrt but she shoved gummy worms up her coochie dressed as a 9 year. I don't think there's anything interesting to discuss recently, but if anyone needs to get a grip it's you.
No. 47284
>>47278Don't worry, I'm sure we'll get an explanation soon. Like, a screenshot of someone who heard a rumour in discord being posted by someone else and then the explanation comes in a redtext.
Or we can just assume staff's interest in maintaining the site is right up there with their interest in actually communicating with us.
No. 47290
File: 1668469941165.jpg (347.19 KB, 1569x2048, jasonsituation.jpg)

Please block
>it's giving
>whew chile
>girl/gurl i-
>"tell me you('re) ____ without telling me you('re)____"
and whatever else like CC has blocked the word 'nonnie(s)' from appearing. Thank you.
No. 47295
File: 1668497752637.gif (2.91 MB, 1536x2048, Belle fag editing like a retar…)

Mods, the Belle-fag editor is also in Venus's thread and editing her photos as well and who knows how long they've been doing it. I don't doubt they've been editing multiple cows posts at this point. This is fucking ridiculous.
Anon's edits:
>>>/w/265835>>>/w/265838 No. 47325
>>47312Sorry my admission an Asian fishing thread is full blown twitter spec made you hostile anon. Clearly I've never noticed anything previously, am pro racebait threads, and must be new here kek.
>>47321I miss being over-policed. Granted, I would've been banned a bunch of times already but the cancer from /ot/ (particularly the celebrity cows thread) and /w/ only continues to spread. Hellweek when?
No. 47329
File: 1668652709524.png (813 KB, 1125x829, 1659240672580.png)

>>47326Sorry for being a spicy bitch anon, I was confused but as a fellow phonetard I do the same thing all the time. And agreed, they need to fuck off colonising (kek) our imageboard. Picrel.
No. 47347
>>47342Can't even be neutral because >WhiTeKniGhT!!!
Its so derailing and not a single anon uses it right. Someone not agree with foaming at the mouth vendetta or just hate postibg, and someone else being calm and logical, is not whiteknighting.
No. 47375
File: 1668767630922.jpg (27.4 KB, 613x238, 12945.JPG)

People who just post "this." or even worse, these reddit-tier gifs should be redtexted, imo this falls under rule 4 as low quality posts, it clogs up discussions and contributes nothing
No. 47380
File: 1668785442024.jpeg (229.45 KB, 1170x364, 1B0D0014-8E90-4031-8D3A-130995…)

>>47378If you want to be spoon-fed here you go anon.
No. 47385
>>47380I personally don’t think any of that applies to anon answering other anons Q about whether or not Sharla likes Elon (or “memes” him, Sharla being a massive memelord scrote now?) and sageing (its with an e, redditchan). Or else many threads on this site would just be dead? Do you think Shayna would be on her 100+ thread if all you were allowed to post was “milk”? It is discussion. It wasn’t repetative, and it wasn’t nitpicking. The question was does Sharla like a controversial figure, and it was answered, and anons could move on. It wasn’t an OT derail at all, especially if all that pet shop sperging didn’t all qualify. Or all the shit in a previous thread about whether or not Lily visited her dying father. Trying to frame it as scrotes derailing to talk about Elon is just stupid. Sharla had a framed picture of him, and I guess a lifesize cut out? He’s been in the news lately, Chris was asked about him, all this shit is related to jvloggers and their personalities. Frankly I find it interesting that Chris may be a techbro rightoid, but I guess there is no discussing that in the jvloggers thread for some reason. Even though cow’s political leanings are discussed elsewhere on the boards…weird.
No. 47386
File: 1668791558147.jpg (30.07 KB, 823x634, IMG_3270.jpg)

Lmao even
No. 47390
>>47385I hear what you’re saying anon but.. isn’t that just the nature of lolcow? Not every cow will have milk so threads lay dormant, if the discussion in the thread is just anons nitpicking or arguing over irrelevant shit like: where Sharla buys her animals or liking Elon Musk, what does it really contribute?
>>47388As above, no one’s trying to dictate what people can and can’t talk about. Farmers (well, myself anyway) come for milk, not to talk about how current affairs affect the cows in a particular thread.
No. 47392
>>47391Exactly. Places like /w/ have so many threads with useless shit just because anons need something to connect to a cow just to fill up a thread. No one wants like
>>47385 said. Theres no reason Shayna needs all those threads because yes, a lot are just useless posts. Look at how many Jvlog threads with no substance we've gone through as a /w/ example. Same with Venus and that shitpost Belle thread. No one is saying you can't post, but the quality and bar have been reset so low because of these "its just a gossip site" anons.
No. 47403
>>47390>>47392I know anons might hate me for saying this, but this is exactly why I wish PULL didn't collapse. PULL allowed these kinds of discussions which helped keep this site clean, tbh. They had threads dedicated to milkless discussions like cow's fashion, looks, likes/dislikes and a collection of other odd topics. Plus what classifies as milk has changed over the year, for example, photoshopping used to be considered good milk many years ago, but is now so commonplace that it isn't anymore. Only 5% of posts on snow/ or w/ are actual proper milk; the rest are just speculation/ banter/ arguments/ nitpicking.
It's difficult to even say that letting threads die completely would even fix much of the problem. The number of anons/posters would also go down, and actual future milk might also go unnoticed/unposted due to the lack of interest. PULL kept this balance by allowing its members to post, screenshot and have a constant conversation going. When milk developed it'd be transferred over to the threads here. It also acted a great containment site for autistic posters.
No. 47406
>>47403That’s such a good point anon, it’s been so long since PULL was around. I remember the disguised link to KF in redtext when it closed, that in itself kinda shows how much lolcow has changed.
As annoying as it is I guess there isn’t anywhere else for them to go, unless they want to go to the moid infested cringey discord server.
No. 47412
>>47397Yes she was. It's a thread about vloggers and she's not a vlogger. There's no milk, she's not a cow, she's a nobody. Vendetta posting and spamming shit is against the rules, you all should have been redtexted or pastured like this anon. >>189683
>>47396Half the anons in that thread have a bias for her. We have anons saying shit like this
>>46444 whining because anons wanted to discuss actual milk about her. Yet they wanna make out that Lily is a terrible person over a tweet about suspecting cheating which was probably true.
You can't have it both ways, anons.
No. 47419
>>47408Anon I literally copied and pasted from the rules of /w/…
Obviously there will always be a time when something that doesn’t quite fit that will get discussed, that goes without saying. It’s when that issue turns into anons continually fighting, which happens frequently in the vlogger thread. It’s that which contributes nothing so anons like me will moan about the non milk discussion.
No. 47425
File: 1668882748226.png (45.85 KB, 758x137, Screen Shot 2022-11-19 at 1.31…)

>>474221.5 is a rule that I have never seen enforced, weird.
No. 47434
>>47433You really hit the nail on the head anon. It's not that I think the Elon posts are so milky and it's ridiculous to redtext them, or that all criticism of Sharla is
valid (tbh I like Sharla, but she's included in that cow thread for a reason) but that thread is truly moderated in one direction. If you derail 'in defense' of Sharla, it's all good. Lose your shit talking about how veganism is so hard in japan, about how pet stores are actually a good place to buy pets, whatever…all acceptable derails. A screenshot of her with an Elon Musk cutout that answered a question about whether or not she liked Elon? How is that redtexted when shit like this isn't minimodding?
>>>/w/266447and this insane chris anon who fawns over his every move…
>>>/w/265446it's just uneven, and multiple anons have brought it up. obviously an imageboard is a dictatorship but the 'rules' don't apply evenly, so it's annoying when the minimod anons cite the rules as if they are some 100% standard.
No. 47450
>>47449NTA in the thread, but I read it as the anon saying she doesn't have a bad body because it's basic in terms of what scrotes like. You're reading it absolutely wrong and wording it here differently.
The comment says:
>>>/w/266708>Her body looks good actually and is very attractive to straight moidsAnon wasn't saying they think her body is nice or good to them personally. Just sounds like bad English.
Then you have this anon that they are replying to:
>>>/w/266415>She's a tubster, no wonder she's always surrounding herself with obese people When the photo has someone who's smaller than her, so what even is this comment? Also I'm looking at the photo anon posted and it's blurred at her waist and arms. It' looks like someone dragged them out to make her look fatter.
No. 47455
>>47419point 7 isn't a rule, it just says those things contribute nothing. posts like that are banned on a case by case basis.
t. former mod
No. 47472
>>47471Nta but I agree with
>>47462, the thread is meant to be about milk from jvloggers. It’s more like an ode to PULL, mods don’t give a shit cos they probably find the arguing funny to read.
No. 47473
>>47466came here to say the same thing, it's literally just one person, they're using the same words and images. i know infighting has been nuts like
>>47467 has said but this seems to be easy to nip
No. 47474
>You have a problem when people talk about stuff you don't like.Kek anons were trying to shut down discussion of actual milk because it was about Sharla.
>>46428 >>46434 >>46453 The double standards
>>46444 Like this anon said
>>46512 the agenda is obvious.
No. 47481
>>47475>>47476Nonnie, these people must be new if they think whats currently being said about cows is "aggressive/ ott mean". Just check 8yr old threads like Kota's where she was thin, and most anons were calling her a ham with a meaty jaw. I've been finding it odd how suddenly anons are gatekeeping what other anons can say or criticize. If this shit keeps up, we'll end up like PULL where you have to make sure your comment doesn't offend other anons before posting. Lolcow has actually gotten tamer over the years. Literally any negative comment or criticism ends with some random comment saying : you must be "insert insult".
Anyways, if mods review and don't ban certain topics or anons then it's likely they don't deem it a ban-able offence. Anons need to stop duking it out in this thread when others don't agrees with them. Just report suspected rule breakers. If mods don't ban them, then their is literally nothing you can do… Squawking wont and hasn't changed their verdict.
No. 47489
>>47482PULL immigrants came here in droves when it shut down. They changed the tone of several threads because they still think this is a place to post non-milk updates on their faves, write fanfic "hypotheticals" and wk them under the guise of moralfagging.
This type of activity attracts the actual cows themselves to become active steering negative discourse into infighting (while dropping self compliments, kek) in hopes of getting their own threads closed or autosaged. More often than not it brings on the streisand effect and the cow's thread gets bigger.
No. 47503
>>47496Apologies I was joking that I've been walking on eggshells for a while in some threads.
>>47501I'm very sorry to hear you have to deal with that.
No. 47504
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>>47503This. It's exhausting to make a comment and then get "REEEE MOID MOID MOID MOID" from some anons. Jfc it's that serious nonnas. Holly's thread is just the overexaggerated example of how assblasted some anons get. Can we get a filter for moid/scrote or something?
No. 47505
>>47504samefag meant to type "it's
No. 47508
>>47504Maybe next time you pull retarded psyop falseflagging like this, don't use the same images, Blaine.
No. 47519
>>47499Lori's thread is unique because calling people "fat old bitch" is exactly what she is infamous for doing and still does. Even calling everyone on this board fat and old to make herself feel better.
It has more to do with raising a mirror to her face and actions, and nothing to do with actual nitpicking.
No. 47537
>>47498It happens with every thread that concerns names the general public might know. Celebricows was always a trashfire. Holly Conrad's threads. Any mention of Johnny and Amber. And etc.
Also why the fuck did we have threads about the kiwis that basically welcomed them.
No. 47543
>>47540So this didn't start in late June midjuly that he was planning all this? This isn't even on topic. Stop nitpicking. It's not that hard. You can go a day without uploading stupid social media. I'm seeing in meta that a lot of anonyms have the same mentality where they're tired of these type of posts. maybe just follow the sight rules. Instead you're arguing over little things.
Nitpicking universally means the same thing. It's not any different based on what cow.
No. 47554
>>47545The line between tinfoil, 'bullshit fake gossip', and general discussion OF milk is basically two pixels wide. The jannies make their decisions but honestly, you can't deny that they pick and choose. So nitpicking on Lori's thread is allowed. Nitpicking on Momo's thread about her being a fat girl who photoshops and gets lipo is allowed, nitpicking on Shayna's thread, sh0eonhead's thread, and so on. Nitpicking isn't any and all insults directed to a cow's looks - pointing out for example that Sharla has definitely gained weight isn't a nitpick as defined in loads of other threads on this site. It isn't milk either, sure. But not every non-milk post gets universally redtexted, or banned, or REEEd at. If that were the case nearly every thread would be dead. The rules don't feel globally applied in the slightest - and that is fine, it's lolcow, not a college admissions board. But don't act like anons who are surprised or annoyed about what constitutes a nitpick there, not being considered a nitpick here are retarded. it's true.
No. 47555
>>47553>Seethe and cope, but that's just the truth. This place was a lot friendlier before but now there's a tiny minority reeeing and complaining about every. little. things. Anons this! Anons that! Anons are idiots! Anons are stupid! stfu and go somewhere else, you are the problem, not the majority who are able to discuss things here without screaming for mods to censor it more. We had a lot more fun without you and your ilk, and I hope eventually the administration of this site will deal with you as they see fit. Yet, who's getting redtexts? If you can't be bothered to learn to evolve what's milk and nitpicking with the fact that the site has also changed, maybe you're the one who needs a new site, anon. Making up milk, editing cows photos and pretending the cow edited them instead, [now happened in 3 threads with Venus being discovered], dozens of useless social media posts across the board.. Mods end up redtexting this stuff for a reason, but absolutely these invisible whiteknights and cow defenders are to blame for the state of threads when random useless posts and someone going on about being fat for the 60th time isn't. Literally, go to 4chan if you want disorganized threads and just shitposting.
>>47554Moo's thread isn't allowed nitpicking. It's been discussed several times. It's bannable to nitpick her tits even. Lori, I hope anons start paying attention and reporting things. They got a bunch of redtexts when trying to DOXX her. Your examples are bad.
>Sharla has definitely gained weight isn't a nitpick as defined in loads of other threadsIt will be when it becomes overly repetitive and it's very clear it's heading that way as just a shitposting tactic at this point. Anons make that very clear with things like "HHahahah" following their posts about her weight. Every thread is different, anon. You gotta
seethe and cope.
No. 47558
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Cp in /pt/ bump off front page
No. 47564
>>47549Lori's fat by her own standards, not yours. Sounds like this is a you problem and not a thread problem.
Just hide the thread instead of asking admins to ban everyone who disagrees with you.
No. 47574
>>47564>you>you and your threads>site rulesI wasn't even the original anon you were replying to and I've never made a thread here.
If you spent more time lurking and integrating instead of trying to enforce your opinions through modding when people disagree, you'd have realized that each cow thread has their own microculture with insider jokes and sarcasm alongside the cow lore. That's what makes it entertaining.
No. 47593
can be a ban. No one said its automatic.
No. 47597
>>47596>anons>muh red text>>47577>anons just don't want to be held accountable >mods banI could compile all your authoritarian fetish posts but let me sum them all up:
reeee other people don't think right or act how I want, and I want them punished!