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No. 70540
New thread since the old one hit the reply limit (7 months ago) and some strange things are happening. I have been digging around online for a summary:
Around July/August 2019 Yumi uploads a video where Splenda pushes/shoves her and she looks scared. Then she uploads "we are fine" video since people obviously reacted to that.
Then she moves back to Seattle to be with her mom for 2 months, and goes offline.
People are now suspecting she is getting divorced based on her sad, lone video and photo posts she has been making since she returned mid-October 2019, but she has said nothing.
Yumi was not happy with how Splenda acted on the trip to China in 2019, and said she will "go alone next time" and has not worn the wedding ring since.
Background: Yumi is a Chinese Youtube vlogger who rose to fame via her Lolita DIY videos, but has dipped in popularity recently as she quit sewing and mainly uploads hauls. She is a mega-weeb but now segued to being obsessed with Hanfu and Chinese history.
Married(?) to a creepy dude in his forties who talks to her like she is a child, criticizes her weight and generally treats her like a mail-order bride (they actually met on a dating site.)
She now mostly posts sponsored videos of cheap clothes hauls she got online, but also has a second Food/Eating channel.
She has a Patreon which includes a "secret" Youtube Channel where she talks about wanting to get pregnant, her relationship, etc. She posted some minor drama there about tracking down ex boyfriends and the fact she was still looking for another partner after already meeting Splenda.
Her wedding ceremony was done on her lawn, and the videos were posted several months after the fact as if they had just happened. Splenda is so-called since he's a massive cheapskate and Yumi has to practically beg him to buy her anything, as seen on her shopping vlogs.
Main channel: No. 70541
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Splenda violence:
No. 70735
>>70677She's not especially bright as evidenced by her even liking Splenda who is a moron, but her extra stupid persona is a learned behavior. She developed it to appeal to Splenda, his yellow fever and other infantilizing fetishes which have come up before, like when it was shown he had her eating out of a bowl for a cat or dog. One of her very old videos showed her speaking more clearly and with less of an accent as well.
It doesn't help that Splenda also treats her like she's an absolute idiot even when she's saying something reasonable, like when she points out that prescription lenses for nearsightedness appear to reduce the size of everything you're looking at (which is true) and Splenda becomes irritated and talks down to her about it like she's a child without even bothering to try confirming what she said.
No. 70810
kek I've missed Yumi milk so much.
>>70548 this doesn't even look like that big of a shove though.
No. 71497
>>71464anon thanks for reminding me to check her IG this video is fucking horrifying why did she post it! sound on, thank me later.
No. 71614
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>>71497Tbh I think short hair suits her. I hope that she’ll cut her hair that length now that she’s trying to push a “sexy” image. Her taste in clothes is still trash and makes her look like a cheap hooker though.
No. 73802
>>71614I would have to say, the length of her hair and a longer dress like this goes miles in helping her face shape.
I always thought her head looked like a perfect circle which was off putting to me.
Sage for no contribution.
No. 74132
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Not milk but Yumi is looking particularly cute lately.
This doesn't look like Splenda's house in the background, is that her mom's house?(necro)
No. 74204
>>74132her face still looks busted but i honestly can't hate the outfit.
does anyone have any new milk on her?
No. 86169
>>86165How long do you think it will take for Splenda to abandon and stop paying child support for this kid too, considering his track record.
I already feel bad for this kid and it's not even born yet
No. 86175
>>86165I thought they were separated and going to get a divorce? did they get a kid to fix the marriage?
>>86168same, she and Venus Angelic were my first cows and they're still my favorite.
No. 86206
>>86165Before this kid is even here yet I’m dreading the awful fetish click bait
“I want my baby to look white!”
“I want my baby in cute doll clothes with blue eyes”
It’s like fucking your dad and birthing a sister or brother
No. 86236
>>70540Call my post faggotry, but I'm going to be optimistic. I have known a few girls that were not great people, they had a kid and did a 180. I can see the doubt, especially since part of her delusion is centered around this fake version of motherhood.
Kind of off topic, but remember her pre marriage videos, when she lived at home… wasn't her house affluent? I seem to remember tacky nouveau riche decor. Anywho, if her family is loaded first grandchild will net them a fair amount of cash.
No. 86238
>>86210If she has a boy I feel like she will be annoyed but will still try and push girly stuff on the kid. Then get angry in 20 years time if he's gay and doesn't provide kids for her. I can just picture the whole shit.
God help their kid is a girl but she will end up looking very Asian. Big white nose and asian eyes. Jesus. Hapas are a hit or miss.
But I feel bad for their kid. I just do. It's born out of fetishism and it's so fucking wrong. So many white weebs are fucking asians and asians are fucking whites out of their own fetish and their kids in the future are going to be the creation of this.
No. 86252
>>86165Ugh, their baby will be autistic and look old before their time because of Splenda's old, degraded sperm quality. Nevermind the fact that being raised by two psychos in an unbalanced power dynamic relationship won't do much good for their emotional and social well-being.
Well Yumi, enjoy your new life as an exotic broodmare. Hope the temporary dressup games you can play with a human child are worth it.
No. 86291
Eurasian Tiger 2.0 Incoming
No. 86297
>>86262anon, splenda being ugly or not isn't an issue when yuhan is pretty ugly/inbred looking. i also disagree that yuhan is smart at all. i am not really sure what gives you that impression. splenda is borderline physically
abusive and clearly mentally
abusive and yet she went back. plus she gave up working after she graduated to marry him and mother children.
No. 86299
>>86252>their baby will be autistic and look old before their time because of Splenda's old, degraded sperm qualityAnon where in the world are you reading this shit. kek. It could make a higher risk of miscarriages, but in what world does "old sperm" make a baby "look old before their time".
>>86262I don't hate Yumi, her relationship with Splenda is really creepy, but she always seemed poorly educated and easy to take advantage of. Splenda just seems like a creep with a teen fetish. Hope they don't have a daughter.
No. 86301
>>86242Agreed, Yumi is totally narcissistic and not to mention sheltered and dependent emotionally, physically and financially on Splenda. She can barely take care of herself, and we saw this in old videos that demonstrated she was a spoiled only child that doesn't know how to cook, clean or drive independently.
>>86252I really wouldn't be surprised if the kid ends up autistic like Xiaxue/Wendy's son. (idk if Wendy officially confirmed it, but he's shown signs early on like a train obsession, hand flapping and delayed speech)
Coincidentally, Yumi and Xiaxue and both narcissistic, insecure Chinese women with a fear of weight gain, botched nose jobs and white husbands.
It's going to be milky because I can see this pregnancy project Yumi's insecurities like her body image and possibly seeing her nose on her ~half white~ baby. I mention this because Wendy's son inherited her nose lol
No. 86337
>>86299NTA and the accelerated aging thing is probably just exaggeration but the father being old does increase risk of autism and a huge number of potential birth defects and medical risks like premature birth, low birth weight, stillbirth, defects in the development of the skull and heart, seizures, cancer, and other serious issues. I am desperately hoping their child turns out normal and healthy because with Splenda's age they are taking a risk. Combined with how
abusive and imbalanced their situation is in general the thought of them having and raising a child is actually frightening.
No. 86479
>>86466He always speaks down to her like the angry father of a stupid child, even when she is acting completely normal or even trying to explain a
valid point to him that he's failing to understand out of sheer egotism and the belief that he's superior to her. He acts almost as if he completely hates her, like he only wanted the concept of an Asian loli/doll girl and simmers with anger when she speaks or does anything outside of his fetish.
No. 86710
>>86660i always wonder about these posts. no anon yuhan is not smart and her returning to her terrible husband and getting pregnant does
not prove she is. at all. period. yuhan is a doing idiot with mediocre talent that graduated an alright school and gave up her career to be a mail order bride equivalent to a whiny old trump wannabe.
No. 86871
>>86766Her real name is Yuhan though. As someone who speaks Mandarin, I'd rather not call her "Corn". I also don't think she's that smart. Maybe book smart, but she has absolutely no common sense, that's part of what made her a good cow, her lack of common sense.
>>86715>writes a good essay about fetishizing Asian women>marries SplendaGJ Yuhan, gj…
No. 88801
>>88634I feel bad for her. No doubt he's probably neglecting her or lashing out at her. If he's abandoned his other kids, he'll loose interest in this one too.
She's married the wrong man. It's a shame just doesn't leave him and raise the kid herself. But at the same time, this sounds really awful. It would be a blessing if she lost it. And left him.
Start fresh, she's so young and I know she is weird. But she can do better. Better than the prick she's with now.
Still, she should start joining baby communities and getting out there I guess. Make new friends. Be with her family who do actually care for her.
It's actually so sad to watch. And this is coming from someone who doesn't like her much.
No. 89261
>>88634It’s really hard for me to feel remorse towards her tbh. As dire as her situation is right now, she willingly chose to bear the child of a man who has neglected and abandoned his kids from past marriages with other Asian women. Not to mention his condescending, plain nasty attitude towards her all these years. If she knew all that and actually thought Splenda would change into a good father, she is truly beyond stupid.
Though I do hope she turns out to be a nurturing mother for her child, rather than treating them like her own personal dress-up doll or (I doubt it but who knows) even becoming a Margo. Motherhood is really tough and Yumi deserves all the support she can get right now, even more so since Splenda clearly shows no interest in providing any.
No. 89303
>>89261Yumi's much more intelligent than she lets on, but her pursuit of an older white man to take care of her and give her a Caucasian-looking baby has come back to bite her. She settled for a disrespectful middle-aged divorcee with previous children because he'd put up with her goo-goo baby doll fairytale act so long as it meant he'd get to fuck a legal loli.
Most hafu babies look Asian as hell and Splenda's features aren't exactly attractive. I doubt this baby will be the angelic blue-eyed white cherub Yuhan's wanting. I can only pray that she won't get overtaken with post-partum depression or psychosis and resent her little red-faced, black-haired, very Chinese looking child.
I hope Yumi realizes that having a baby will isolate her from what few friends she does have. She should be trying to make connections with other expecting mothers now. Young childless women don't often want to spend time with mothers while their kids are around, especially if they don't like kids. Especially ones who dumb themselves down and act like overgrown little girls playing sexy dress up in knock off burando and Amazon dresses.
No. 89322
>>89303how can you claim she's more intelligent than she lets on when she's gotten herself
willingly into this situation. i feel bad for her, but you need to stop wking her. she may be book smart but she has no common sense, her mom was also clearly a horrible influence on this. her entire internet career has highlighted her lack of common sense, hell, being with splenda
at all is proof. people with common sense don't go to college and then immediately give up a career to marry.
No. 89487
>>89421>0:00-0:06Well that isn't so ba-
No. 89494
>>89303We all know she’ll be disappointed over how asian the baby will look.
She didn’t go for a light haired white man. She went for a dark haired man. The only non Asian thing her child will have is mostly more height, a longer nose. That’s it.
God help if it’s a girl. It’ll definitely feel her warth if that’s the case.
No. 89502
>>89421She really needs to stop using what ever filters she uses, all it does it make her cheeks look bloated and her chin look smaller than it already is. Botched PS tinfoil aside she actually looks very cute with minimal to no make up and her bangs pushed to the side flatters her face making her look like a normal person.
Too bad she married a yellow fevered pedophile that probably makes her style her hair that way.
No. 89528
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>>89524That’s not entirely true. Becky is a half Japanese celebrity and she has very light green eyes. I doubt Yumi’s kid will look anything near this though
No. 89605
>>89524My cousin is half Chinese and had bright, green eyes. (Dad is 100% Chinese)
My brother’s friend and his sister are half Japanese and have blonde hair and blue eyes. I didn’t think they looked Asian until I met their dad who is 1000% Japanese.
I know lots of half kids with full Asian parents who have these features. It’s not impossible. Though it is more common to have darker or brown features.
No. 89622
>>89421She looks really cute with no/minimal makeup and glasses! Her kaweewee makeup and clothes feel so forced and are so unflattering on her.
>>89524One of my coworkers at my old job is 1/2 Chinese with light brown hair and green eyes, and I know a pair of twins who are actually 1/2 Japanese, 1/2 Irish and both have flaming red hair, green eyes, and pale skin with freckles. Genetics are weird.
No. 89630
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>>89628Hapatime for example
She looks more Asian but you can tell she's mixed with white. But the darker eyes and hair with the tan, the better. I think places like Japan and Korea don't realise the more tan or any appreciation for their own features, that they look better naturally than making themselves snow white, trying to have lighter hair or eyes. Sometimes the less white looking the better.
>>89528Becky is pretty but she's praised for having a lighter eye colour and a white nose by their media. I just think she looks like a white woman with downs tbh.
No. 89631
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>>89630Youtuber, Jasmine Lipska. She's got a Chinese mother and a Polish father. Honestly, she's the prettiest one, the most Asian looking one. The other two just look like a bad experiment gone wrong. I don' t get why Asians want whiter looking kids when they end up looking tragic.
No. 89632
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>>89631And Hikari is just gorgeous.
But Yumi is just going to have to deal with it. Her kid isn't gonna look like Hook Finn Jr any time soon
No. 89985
>>89632>>89631>>89628>>89630Thanks for all the unsaged derailing.
You sound as bad as Splenda with all your Asian fetishizing.
No. 90010
>>88638Somebody time ago said that Splenda might be autistic.
I'm scared for the child, since not only he has unfortunate genes but he's even old.>>88634
No. 90069
>>89631>look like a bad experiment gone wrongYikes anon, you sound like the eugenistic fags from pol.
People from different ethnicities have children together all the time, they are not breeding them like dogs to make cuter beings wtf.
No. 90800
>>90785I don't. She brought this upon herself starting from when she threw away her degree so that she could play petite fob Asian housewaifu. She married a man who makes her eat inhumanly small portions of frozen food from a cat dish and wear a collar, and she went along with it. Any normal woman would've broken it off the second Splenda even tried to degrade them, but Yumi stayed because she wanted to become a housewife with a hafu baby so badly.
As for higher quality stuff, that's not her style. She values quantity over quality because she thinks it makes her look rich and fancy. She even has knockoffs from high quality brands like a knockoff Kate Spade purse.
No. 90806
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Here's a Yumi selfie with very bendy mirror frame and one of her fingers. I'm not even sure what she did to the picture to get it this warped, what did she shrink/make bigger?
No. 90808
>>90785>>90798They deserve each other. Yumi is so off-putting that no normal guy in Seattle will look at her twice, so she settled for a middle-aged divorced man in bumfuck Georgia that abandoned his other children. She CHOSE to get pregnant with him despite knowing that. Yumi is already claiming she's so tired and in pain due to the pregnancy. I honestly don't know if she's exaggerating, if it's her anachan diet or her lack of exercise/ sedentary lifestyle/ laziness…
>>90806Wow she is actually wearing age-appropriate makeup and fashion. She still looks cheap but it's an improvement kek. That outfit in the background looks like it's for a toddler, not a mother-to-be.
No. 92477
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Yumi has started selling her cosplay dressup clothes on Poshmark, this might bode well for her child not growing up in a Asian-fetish household as people feared upthread.
She says she'll sell up to 90% of her cosplay clothing over the next three months. You can see some of this stuff is schoolgirl outfits or things you otherwise wouldn't wear outside.
No. 93230
>>86165>>90785DDlgers shouldn't have kids. Period. Shit's going to hit the fan hard and fast for the mom because she no longer gets to play the role of the "baby princess" anymore. Also the main dynamic behind WMAF can be DDlg because whitey doesn't want to admit he's a closet pedophile. Yumi was already getting treated poorly before, splenda is not going to get better. The kid will undoubtedly have daddy issues.
Shit can only end badly either way. If the baby is a girl there's a chance that splenda will attempt to molest her. If the baby is a boy, as already pointed out, he's going to be a self-hating Elliot Rodgers hapa baby.
Also yeah, possible birth defects from splenda's age and Corn's eating disorders either way. What a trainwreck.
>>92477>>92478>>92479She hasn't deleted the videos with her wearing them yet, her kid will grow up and eventually find out that his/her mom was a nasty fuck and be mentally affected by it.
Kind of depressing to see her throw her hobby away for putting another bitter hapa child on the planet.
No. 94570
>>94553Hello newfriend. People have always pointed out that Splenda is cheap and stingy, hence his namesake. None of us here thinks it's a good idea to marry a middle-aged divorcee, let him have control over our lives to Yumi's extent, and then get pregnant in exchange for an average suburbia living.
>she could have workedAs if that's ever a realistic choice for any of the cows who end up here. If she were capable, she would have been already. Idc if some anons think she's secretly "smart" when every choice she makes indicates the opposite. Yes, it's very entertaining when someone who makes the horrible decision to get knocked up by a race fetishist cheapskate has got to beg him for basic necessities. It doesn't take a tradthot to see that.
No. 98141
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>>97891What the hell is this outfit?
No. 98971
>>98957I don't know. He might become one of those troubled r/hapa guys who had shitty parents.
Hope they divorce and yumi moves back in with her parents.
No. 99535
>>99027>At least Yumi won't have the opportunity to treat her kid like a living dollIkr, it was concerning when she kept saying she wanted a girl specifically to dress up and twin with. She had already expressed the want for a Weenoos-Margo type relationship long before she even got pregnant.
I feel bad for the child. Yumi and Splenda can barely take care of themselves and are both emotionally/mentally stunted. There's no way they can raise a child properly.
>>98971Yumi's mom is equally as vain and shallow as Yumi. Yumi's mom gave Yumi her old "sexy" (i.e. cheap hooker) clothes, which Yumi showed off in one of her lookbooks, and Yumi mentioned in one of her old makeup videos that her mom wanted her to get plastic surgery to look cuter.
No. 99565
>>99027Splenda is an obvious pedo along with his yellow fever too, it's a lot better for him to not have a half Asian daughter in the house. I would genuinely fear for that girl's safety over time. Their household is still going to be insanely
toxic for a son, too, though, sadly. Such a weird and messed up situation for a kid to grow up in.
No. 99638
>>98945looool it's going to be one of those incels who post on asian masculinity or hapas or something
it has to be, splenda is a typical old white creep and yumi a streotype of a submissive asian sex kitten waifu.
the childhood of poor little splendaling is a sitcom i would totally watch
No. 115817
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Yumi announced she had her baby Splenda today. No photos outside of Patreon.
No. 115877
>>115873Those clothes makes her look like she is pregnant with a balloon instead of a human baby
I'm really curious about how the baby looks, considering it's parents
No. 115957
>>115929Of course it's fetish shit. She made a video to let us all know she's been a good girl who hasn't gained a pound more than what she needed throughout pregnancy so Splenda can keep up his asian schoolgirl roleplay. Then to top it off she needs to signal how her asian puss is still smol and intact
>>115873 and then state how she did it all without an epidural
>>115817. In case no one knows, it's a huge boast among natural birther women (who tend to be huge pickmes) so that they can regard themselves as superior to women who gave birth with pain relief or with c-section. They see it as some kind of accomplishment. She even says it was "exciting and crazy" as if it wasn't agonizing, difficult, and scary at times. She's a huge liar.
No. 115963
>>115958oh my god
this goes beyond any "showing off belly" outfits I've seen short of trailer trash cut-offs paired with a bra. Hell, she might as well be wearing this. I had been avoiding her content during this pregnancy and had no idea this was what she was producing
No. 115967
>>115963this is the video that set me off too and posting this
>>115929Theres one thing to be happy and excited about your first baby, we all know how much she's wanted this and is her life goal. But this is horrifying to watch, the dancing and moments are so weird, it's pandering to another level. I could ignore her DDLG shit but not when theres an actual child involved. This is gross.
Breast feeding content next?
No. 115974
>>115963It's sort of strange how old she looks when she's doing the little dances
Maybe dressing 'younger' while pregnant is making her aged features pop?
No. 116246
>>115957I can already imagine how this went down
>I made a pregnancy plan and I don't want an epidural uwu>starts absolutely screaming during labor>demands an epidural>nurses start calling for an epidural to be placed but the doctor is nowhere to be found>by the time the doc comes it's too late and she's pushing>continues to wail to the point everyone in the fucking unit can hear them>sounds like she's birthing the spawn of Satan as she's delivering>all because she's to proud to have some pain relief during the most painful part of any woman's lifeBut honestly I'm not surprised she's bought into this bullshit.
No. 116296
>Epidermal I never implied that she was either, but it's in relation to what
>>115957 said, and the fact that most of these women want ~perfect~ birth plans when in fact delivery is messy and ad hoc. I think it's unrealistic to wholly write epidurals out and to treat them like evil objects that get in the way of delivery, or that a painful delivery is somehow more pure.
No. 116318
>>116302But why would Chipmunk Cheeks bother to mention it if it wasn't important to her at all? No one cares if women don't opt for epidurals, except for women who want other women to know they didn't opt for one. It's a giant humblebrag. From the videos of her telling pregnant women how to eat, to exercises on how to prevent perenial tears. There's more videos lecturing on how to be pregnant than videos just describing her experience. She wanted whoever is watching her to know that she's the most thoughtful first time pregnant woman ever and she's got this whole thing in the bag. It's obnoxious.
Basically this
>>116311. Splenda has her on a tight leash and if she centered her life around a religion instead of uguuu asian fashion, you'd all notice she has all the peculiar mannerisms of a trad pickme. They're a fucking creepy ass couple.
No. 116320
>>116246Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if she DID get an epidural and lied about it later to seem cooler.
>>116315Pretty sure epidurals are common/becoming increasingly common anywhere that has even vaguely decent healthcare, China included. It's probably still uncommon in more rural areas, but hospitals in large cities like Shanghai, Beijing, and Nanjing (where corn is from) should have it available as an option.
No. 116370
>>116246Just because you find her annoying, it’s not impossible to believe she could manage natural birth without tv show dramatics. Although the image you paint is still pretty funny.
>>116315I think it might be an Asian thing. Statistics say the rate for epidural in China is less than 10%. However, China also has the highest Cesarean section rate in the world. Japan, in comparison, the epidural rate is even lower at only 5.2%. Sometimes epidural is talked about as something only wealthy women and celebrities do. I think it’s less about Yumi thinking she is better than other moms and more about Asian cultural expectations.
No. 116443
>>116390exactly, plus, I'm pretty sure that in one of her pregnancy videos, she said she expected to get one. I may be mistaken, I just don't remember her being opposed to it.
Her video about vaginal tearing is incredibly funny. I recommend drinking every time she mispronounces vagina.
No. 116832
>>116811she looks happy, honestly good for her
>had spotting/blood>splenda rushed her to hospital >dilated to 10cm very quick>nursed told her to "hold it in"??>epidural doctor didnt show up at all, so was forced to do natural>2nd degree tearing No. 116833
>>116832Thank you for the summary anon. Really ridiculous that they told her to " hold it in " because the doctor wasn't there.
Despite everything, I really hope her baby grows up to be healthy and happy, I couldn't imagine being @ the hospital in the midst of pandemic to give birth.
No. 116917
>>116832Wow, this sounds horrible. I can't sit through her voice right now, but really. I feel for her if she wanted relief and couldn't have it. I don't know how it is to give birth but this experience sounds like enough reason to complain, right? Women can't just "hold in" a baby.
And then after all that, to have the serial fetishist / semen spreader Scott there. God. I hope she at least had a cute orderly or something.
No. 116919
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>>116917>>116833she didn't give much context to the "hold it in" comment but it sounded like the nurses wanted to wait for the epidural doctor before allowing her to push.
She mentioned she felt the need to push but was stopped because there was no doctor around, only nurses. Which honestly sounds like the worst experience.
No. 116931
>>116811I’m split between thinking it’s a weird to post a video like this, but I also think it’s a bit cool that she let her viewers take part in the birth of the child she’s always dreamed about having.
I wonder if she is disappointed that she got a boy and not a girl to dress up?
No. 117143
>>117060Women won't generally feel a need to push unless they are fully dialated and the baby is ready to come out. When a doctor coaches a woman to push its called 'purple pushing'.
Women who have epidurals often need to be told when to push and they often don't get the need to push even when they are ready to which is why doctors have to help them.
(derail) No. 117527
>>117409I doubt Yumi and Splenda are suffering financially. They seem like they only buy/use cheap shit because they're stingy. Yumi could always get a part-time wfh job or do online gigs if they needed money.
>>117415Exploiting kids for views and money has been a hot topic for the past year or so, specifically in regards to family vloggers. It's a "just because other people are doing it doesn't make it ok" type of situation.
No. 119780
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>>119725First it was, epidural-chan reeing about the way she gave birth, then moralfag shows up and acts like mommy vloggers aren't a thing, now boob-san has to show everyone they know jackshit about female anatomy.
Tinfoil, but is this Splenda lurking because he's currently stuck with yumi, her mom, and baby instead of the new visa-wife he was gonna dump her for. /s
No. 119781
>>119725Please be a male because if you are actually a woman, I am so incredibly sad you. After gradually increasing in size due to increased blood supply and milk duct development, mother’s breasts absolutely do balloon 2 to 3 times bigger, often painfully, a day or two after giving birth. Then, they continue to appear in a much firmer, swelled state for the first few months of exclusive breastfeeding. I didn’t go back to my original size for several months. Yumi will probably experience the same thing.
I actually like all these recent videos. I believe she will be a good, loving mother despite the circumstances. I’m just worried about her body image issues and if Splenda will put pressure on her to keep losing weight. How will their dynamic change? Her new body is lovely and I hope she can embrace it.
No. 119859
>>119787Sorry. Referring to myself, I meant returning to original bra size takes several months. If you were already a thin person and were careful with nutrition during pregnancy, it can be easier to lose weight postpartum if you exclusively breastfeed because it actually burns a lot of calories and helps your uterus contract back to it’s original size.Yumi had a normal delivery with no complications, so she can easily get in shape without hurting or starving herself. But she will be slightly more curvy and I wonder what weirdo Splenda thinks.
If you want to look up something frightening about pregnancy, check out the rare condition Gestational gigantomastia. It’s when pregnancy hormone breast growth gets out of control and monstrous.
>>119858Honestly, I think because Yumu lacks real life friends, her over-sharing may be coming from a genuine place. She has no one but her mom to share this experience with, right? It’s hard for me to criticize this early. As long as she protects her child’s identity, I feel neutral about this for now.
No. 119988
>>119781I heard you have very full, firm breasts for the duration of breast-feeding and then they become saggy and terrible afterwards. I've read this happening to a lot of women but it might be a luck of the draw thing.
She looks great right now but I'm worried that once her body becomes less attractive, splenda's gonna fuck off like so many men do. especially since he married her for his little girl fetish
No. 122768
>>122646>She is always going to look like thatNTA but clearly anon is talking about her clothing choices and demeanor. Yumi does not look like a loli, even for an asian.
>why be independent if someone volunteers to take care of you? Because being a leech isn't noble and one day your caregivers will be gone, especially when they're older men.
No. 122833
>>122812No, you're just salty. She isn't lazy. I think she knows her content doesn't get views and that stopped her from wanting to keep trying. She's not exactly the best at anything and she probably knows it. Yumi is just average and is a kept woman. There just isn't much else left for her anymore, so she's just doing the basic
>>122786 like anon pointed out, just following her cultural standard and when there is a breadwinner willingly doing that for you, then what's the problem?
No. 123135
>>122926I don't know why these anons stick around and reach that Yumi is some backwater cultural product to explain away her cringe behavior when they could simply hide the thread.
She's a loli-pandering mooch who isn't really growing up despite slinging a child in her stereotypical age gap relationship. The whiteknighting here is embarrassing and they're failing at that by making her sound even more stupid.
No. 134693
>>134259No. At most a child that young is babbling non-syllables. The youngest most infants begin to "speak" ala "mama, dada, ooo" is 10mo. I can't say I saw any exceptions during the years I worked at a daycare in the infant/toddler room.
I did care for one 8mo who wasn't speaking, but seemed much brighter than most of the 10-12 mo in terms of pattern, shape, and colour recognition.
Yumi is just being retarded and is hearing the baby making random noises because it's a baby and is trying to figure out how to control its body.
No. 153620
>>134259sage for no milk
The Chinese word for hungry is literally pronounced "euh" so maybe the baby is just making sounds and she's over-interpreting
No. 157102
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Are they having a financial problem here? Haven't checked the video out but "help us for living"
I'm literally so worried for the baby right now. Whoever said Yumi was doing a great job taking care of her son, no, she is not. She doesn't have any savings, is dependent financially on Splenda, doesn't have any working experience and is now stuck with a infant to take care of. Please get a divorce Yumi, you're not only fucking up your life, but also your son's.
No. 157130
>>157102He's probably tightening the financial leash and told Yumi to get rid of the clothes clogging up space.
I'm more inclined to believe she would exaggerate to her fanbase in order to make some money back, as opposed to dropping off thousands in now-worthless weeb garb at the local charity. Don't be suckers and fall for this shit, guaranteed whenever she flashes the baby, it's to manipulate people.
No. 157335
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>>157159It kind of seems like she is playing it up though. Babies are not awake all the time. She could easily film when he naps. But because she wants donations, she's letting the kid interrupt every video she films. Her entire patreon is kid-focused too.
No. 157440
>>157335Some babies take two naps or more often just one nap a day. Naps can go 30-60 min long, some babies do nap longer. Most babies 5 to 12 months need 12 to 15 hours a day of sleep average.
Not surprising for me to see the baby interrupting.
I don't think she is playing it up, babies are very energy draining.
( No. 157466
>>157440ntayrt, but it's not that hard to just write a script, record it during different parts of the day/ whenever she's free, and then edit out any of the footage where the baby interrupts. I'd be a little more lenient on her if this wasn't content people are
paying her for.
No. 158275
>>158114Yes, we are all just morons living off of our sugar daddies here. stfu plenty of moms film without being interrupted every 5 seconds, and plenty of moms don't film their babies tearing out their hair. She does it FOR MONEY and to look like she is a martyr mom. again, for money.
>>157445anon actually didn't even post the entire description, it goes on and on
my son
my baby
my son
No. 158474
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Oh, imagine being mad at the internet!
I'm honestly happy for Yumi, she may be the rare case of a reformed lolcow. I was following her for the cringe ddlg but ever since having her son it looks like she dropped the act. She looks like entirely another person now. She selling all her "cosplay" clothes ("cosplay" including perfectly normal cutesy and weeb aliexpress stuff) seems to me like it was all really just role-playing and making it public on youtube for the influencer craze rush in adrenaline of internet likes… there's still a lot of clickbait but that's about it. Her husband doesn't want to show up in videos? Damn right after every comment going like "uh creepy ugly splenda" and the near doxxing in PULL I'm surprised he didn't left her earlier.
Kudos for finding a man to pay for you and the offspring you always wanted without having to work in your life again, Yumi!
No. 158523
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To the absolute surprise of no one it seems Splenda pulled another pump and dump
I found this person’s explanation summing everything up. Also apparently she removed her marriage status on fb, I checked as well and it’s gone.
Also from her videos it’s very evident she does absolutely all of the baby caring and no mention of Splenda at all. It’s not like he’s away that much, doesn’t he work from home?
No. 159129
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>>159111I gotchu. The names blocked are names similar to Splenda's. I blocked last names of involved parties, case numbers and counties except for actual Splenda's and Juana's.
No Yuhan there. I even searched her name alone to see if anything came up, and nada. For all we know they also could've gotten legally married in WA, but WA is stricter with its court records.
No. 159130
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>>159111The mods are going to shit on me for a double post, pls forgive me mods. All I found was a marriage application, but not a marriage certificate in either state.
Leads me to speculate that the actual legal marriage was never certified. For all we know, Yuhan cannot tell the difference between an application and the certificate.
No. 159139
>>159130Wait, is she a citizen? I know she immigrated with her parents like ten years ago and has a US college degree, but does this mean anything about her visa status?
Sorry, sage for spoon feed request, mobile only
No. 159258
>>159139She is a citizen! Her mom married a citizen, which means that Yuhan has citizenship too. A child of a citizen (whether born or naturalized) can obtain citizenship easily. Her immigrant status here is not affected by anything that Splenda does or doesn't do, thankfully.
She also has a son now with an American citizen (Splenda) so she could apply for citizenship if she didn't have it. No. 159706
>>159687 is the account. Seems like someone dedicated on highliting how
abusive splenda is.
No. 159782
>>159643Why not both, anon? We're talking about Yumi here, she's probably aching to make content showing what a cool mom she is b/c she can still dress like a schoolgirl, and how her son is in awe of her awesome fashion sense. "My son thinks I dress too kawaii" or "Should I wear
this when out with my son?" Lmao I'm giving her ideas
No. 159792
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The tea is getting HOT in the comments of that last video. Apparently Yumi cheated on Splenda?
No. 159796
>>159792I think we knew about this already, remember some video where she went looking for an ex boyfriend or something in China. The timelines of the relationship overlapped with Splenda.
Also what a shit Patreon "supporter" that is to use Yumi's posts against her in her own comment section.
No. 159805
>>159792Not trying to defend Yumi here, but who cares that she cheated on this cunt? He already seemed like an
abusive asshole. Not saying she is 'innocent' I mean she is the one that was willing to cater to his fetish.
No. 160007
>>159974Double post again, sorry mods. I took one for the team, went to her patreon and couldn't find the video of her admitting to giving Splenda that or cheating, she probably deleted them after those comments on youtube, however…
I did find two videos of her swooning over her ex-boyfriends. Both of them American, both of them teachers at the English institute she used to study at.
In the first video she drags Splenda all over to find one of her exes and accidentally lets it slip that there were two. Towards the end of the video she says she was very embarrassed about it, Splenda basically tells her what for since she did it anyway and at some point mentions that while she searches for them, he might as well reopen his account.
On the second video, shes super excited that one of the most handsome teachers in her English institute was commenting on her videos, and tries to find him to show Splenda how handsome he is.
Splenda, ofc, in both videos is pissed the fuck off but being stupidly patient with her dumbass, somehow? It's extremely cringey to watch.
Also… I noticed that the only picture that has been uploaded of Splenda and his son is when his child was born, no other pictures of him holding the baby or anything.
No. 160008
File: 1625974392841.jpg (987.57 KB, 832x1653, shitty.jpg)

Forgive me mods, I'm a fucking idiot and forgot to attach the picture as proof. Here it is.
No. 160050
>>160007>Splenda ofc is super pissed offKek, Yumi btfo'ing splenda not once but, twice.
>open up his profilenone of us would be surprised if splenda really did find another visa wife and yumi's either too embarassed to say anything or just waiting on selling her entire hoard before saying anything.
No. 160061
>>160008>my american ex-bfs in china>boyfriendSthat's so pathetic
nobody should be feeling sorry for her and saying she's too good for him, that's exactly the life she always strived for
No. 160345
>>159974It is. Also, without having to pay for her patreon you can know by the titles which content has been put on there and which hasn't… No video has been put down yet, I frequently check. Funny bit of information is that you probably weren't the only one going to her patreon after these "rumors", she's always had like an average of 10 patreons but that number has more than doubled now.
I'm calling it now, screenshot poster is just one of the youtube commenters trying to stir the rumors. Yumi benefits from the sudden views and patreon money, so she'll keep being vague about everything. No "real truth" will come up anytime soon.
No. 160382
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>>160345Nope, not one of the youtube commenters. Proof of me purchasing it after seeing the comments here.
No. 160387
>>160382Then post screenshots. No one cares if you bought it if you're not showing proof. This is why it's weird only one person is talking about it and then only one person on lolcow. If she's posting about this all over Patreon, Im sure more than you two would be talking about it. Post all the caps of her admitting to
>>159792 Tinfoiling is stupid, so share with us her posts, so anons will stop and we have concrete statements from her.
No. 160395
>>160387Did you not read my previous posts or…? I said I couldn't find shit.
> and couldn't find the video of her admitting to giving Splenda that or cheating, she probably deleted them after those comments on youtube, however…And I shared what I did find. IDGAF about bringing her in more money or start stupid ass rumors, hence my sharing what I DID see and what I have actually found out.
Stop being retarded.
No. 160408
>>160403Nah, the only useless one is you because you clearly don't have an ounce of reading comprehension, so let me break it down for you.
- I am
NOT the youtube commenter.
- I paid for her Patreon on July 10th, after seeing that comment on youtube, posted proof.
- I tried to find the video of her admitting to cheating.
- I could
NOT find it, and provided proof and a summary of what I ACTUALLY found.
Seriously, stop being a retard and take a second to read and digest what you're reading.
No. 160445
File: 1626111131341.jpg (468.02 KB, 838x1144, ykex0.jpg)

>>160423>>160428You're absolutely right, thank you so much for pointing me towards those videos!
Okay, so:
"What Did My Husband Caught Me?Misunderstanding or What? Part 1!"She says the shirt is from a duy she dated, he gave it to her, but that it was brand new. Splenda prods, "Tell me more about this guy? Do you want them to know?"
Splenda goes onto mention about the time Yuhan went to Vancouver while they were dating, she goes "No we were not dating!" And Splenda insists that they were dating, because he remembers getting messages from Yuhan saying that she was with her mom and dad in Vancouver and that she was not gonna be available that weekend.
She admits she was in Vancouver with a guy she was dating, the guy that gave her that shirt. She says it was just to have fun. Splenda says it all came out in their honeymoon, Yuhan keeps yelling that they were not dating. Splenda says Yuhan got all comfy in their honeymoon and that she forgot the lied she told him.
That's where the alleged cheating happens, I'm assuming! She never admits to it and insists they (Splenda and her + the other guy and her) weren't dating, but Splenda insists they were.
I Redpilled My Husband? What Does That Mean?She wants to keep talking about the shirt in this video.
Turns out the guy is Hawaiian, Splenda goes through the steps of why she lied, why she's hiding it, and that if she's hiding it it's because she felt guilty because she knew it was wrong.
They keep going back and forth about whether they were dating or not, Splenda lets it slip while arguing with her that the guy dumped her, and that he (Splenda) was the second choice. Yuhan admits she just wanted to have more options. Splenda calls her a branch swinger!
They keep going back and forth, Splenda says he's been redpilled, that his eyes are open and that he's gonna be part of men going their own way. Yuhan keeps going on about how they weren't dating at the time, that she started dating Splenda after the Hawaiian guy broke up with her.
They go through the timeline, she met Splenda five days after Hawaiian dude broke up with her, and she agreed to meet with Splenda after she decided to go to Vancouver to try to win Hawaiian dude over again.
It's a lot more bickering, and Splenda says that she is admitting to cheating on two guys at the same time but she keeps saying that she would still choose Splenda over him and whatnot. Yuhan says that it doesn't count because her and Splenda hadn't met yet.
No. 160448
I actually just found the tiktok account ykexposed, some of their vids shows up on my FYP. Didn't know she had a thread here.
Hopefully the comments on the vids are milky enough, idk. No. 160455
>>160452On that video she just talks about how busy she's been, thanks people for being with her and supporting her. She says she's had some difficulties this year and that she might/might not talk about it, and that she can't talk about it on the internet, that she'd rather talk about it in person because it's embarrassing.
She says that she'll think about how to manage her patreon in a better way. She shares that her life has not been smooth since the "I got engaged video." Mentions there has been a lot of drama/troubles (couldn't understand what she said) and that she doesn't know how to talk about it.
Says she hopes it will be over soon, that she will be starting a new life with her son, and that she'll continue to do video updates.
No. 160466
>>160445>Splenda says he's been redpilled, that his eyes are open and that he's gonna be part of men going their own way. Jesus christ Splenda, all over a "we were on a break!" type issue when they first started dating
>>160455This does suggest a breakup of some kind, or maybe issues related to the ex wife and her children.
No. 160469
>>160466It could be them separating. I am speculating here, but she is selling her wedding stuff. The bouquet, wedding ring cushion, corsage…
I verified that she did wear them in her wedding video, so it's kind of interesting that she's getting rid of them.
No. 160620
>>160469Which is interesting because remember her “wedding room”? I wonder if that’s the baby’s nursery now?
There was an owl plush Splenda got her that was up for sale. It was featured in a lot of videos.
No. 160649
>>160620It's definitely not. I've been wondering too. The wedding room was blue/grayish and had carpet. The room she is in now is beige and has laminate floors.
I also noticed that the counter where she sat her baby to play with him isn't like the counters at Splenda's house. I wonder if she's out of his place now.
No. 160657
File: 1626185983895.jpeg (849.64 KB, 928x1201, 632FA023-C86F-4FAA-B1A0-BE8109…)

This picture is public on her Patreon. Yumi tried to make it difficult for her first bf to leave her.
No. 160732
File: 1626210047130.png (532.72 KB, 856x640, image.png)

new clickbait title from Yumi.
>she is quitting her shop in two weeks
>her son needs more attention.
>The clothes will not be removed but will just be "not for sale"
No. 169835
File: 1630178525005.jpeg (216.87 KB, 1242x693, 8425B2F7-D1B2-4EBA-BA9A-AFC040…)

She’s no longer at Splenda’s
No. 169909
>>169902he is the worst piece of shit. he can't even say it was a trick or anything. they planned for that baby.
yumi is stupid for ever being with him, but he really played along for the camera, didn't he? I bet he was cheating and she found out.
No. 170147
>>170138>>169909Nah, I dont think that's it because I dont think Yumi is the type to just leave him because he was cheating, specially now that she has a baby, as bad as it sounds.
More likely is that he wanted her gone for one reason or another.
No. 170260
>>170201Please, a man who leaves his wife in the
first year of their
planned child being born is many miles worse than a girl who…what's Yumi's crime? Being a weeb? Wearing kawaii/loli clothing? Don't defend the scrote. (and sage next time)
No. 170328
>>170260Not defending him, he's a piece of shit. Yumi is too lmao. He didn't innocently marry an old white man with no debt, properties and assets just out of the goodness of her heart. We all knew the bullshit that was going on.
Do you really think Yumi had a baby with him because he loved him so much? LMAO.
They're both pieces of shit, easy peasy. Yumi will find her next nasty ass sugar daddy and he'll move onto another woman where there are power dynamics at play.
(sage) No. 170596
>>170460>>170328Leave, handmaiden, that old man cock won't suck itself. Men who abandon their wives are shitstains whichever angle you look at it.
>uwu she took advantage of this mid-tier american man and his mcmansion Nope,
nonny, nope, get better takes. He never even bought her anything, she would beg him to buy food in the bulk-supermarket they used to go to. She didn't take advantage of him and gained nothing. Fuck off with your lameass "opinion"
No. 170598
File: 1630663573332.png (2.42 MB, 1795x1080, Screenshot_20210903-115930.png)

Back in February she sold the dress he gave her for Christmas one year. is from the infamous "fuck me" panties video
No. 170621
>>170596LMAO I don't know why y'all are acting like I'm saying he isn't a piece of shit. He is a massive piece of shit, that's clear. Between Juana and Yuhan it shows he's the lowest of the low scum.
…But guess what? Yuhan new his past, he was in Dallas with him when he was "fixing" shit in the courts because of Juana suing him for child support related shit. She knew the kind of crap he was, yet she got with him in hopes to marry a "rich" white man just like mommy did.
Fucking white knight fag cucks acting like Yuhan is stupid or disabled. Out of the two, she's the lesser piece of shit, but the choices she made were deliberate.
The only one I feel for here is the baby. He has a deadbeat good for nothing
abusive turd of a father and a wanna be gold-digging retard for a mother.
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No. 170708
>>170621Idk why you are trying make as if she wanted something outrageous. She wanted to be a housewife and a mom with a side job like YouTube, getting a well off husband to be able to do that is not a malicious thing.
Sure she was stupid and dumb but she was also being encouraged by her mom and her own daddy issues.
No. 170716
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>>170598She’s also selling the plush owl Splenda for her for Valentine’s Day in 2019.
No. 170987
Ugh Yumi is nowhere as terrible as Splenda, you Splenda apologists need to stop tbh. Yes she was looking for a well off husband who can support her so she can be a housewife and shoot YouTube videos as a part time project, but she isn’t the first woman to be interested in such lifestyle. Many upper middle class women do exactly the same. Yes it was naive for her to marry a guy who has abandoned a
planned family but it’s nowhere as bad as intentionally targeting underage looking foreign brides only to serially abandon them after a while. Plus a lot of suburban housewives get way more out of their relationship, this girl had to literally beg for the bare minimum from this crusty old man. He knows locals won’t give him the time of day so he deliberately targets immigrant women with an age gap. Gross
>>170201(sage) No. 171010
>>170997Sage your anger management issues, but yeah I saw that comment. Yuma being conditioned into thinking marrying a deadbeat white man as her savior doesn’t justify him being a predator. This is lolcow, if you want to compare
abusive men to naive women like Yuma then go to 4chan.
No. 174189
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It’s just her saying she invests money into Costco organic food and is looking for suggestions on other places.
No. 176708
File: 1634017452767.jpg (Spoiler Image,213.56 KB, 1080x1232, 1634017122172.jpg)

So I was digging around on YouTube and I found this comment on one of Yumi's videos claiming that they have seen screenshots of Splenda going off on a forum saying how he doesn't want anything to do with Yumi and the baby which is SUPER messed up. So I want to confirm if someone knows he did this or not and has screenshots of said rage fit cause I haven't seen anyone else talking about it.
No. 176830
>>176826I hated Splenda and always side eyed Yumi for her choices with him (engaging in the pedo-baiting stuff for sure) but this is so awful, I hope at a minimum she’s receiving child support from him. I feel so bad for the son, he’s the most innocent
victim in this.
No. 176853
>>176811For some reason I found myself in disbelief that he'd ever divorce her (sub wife who takes care of him and the kid? normally a huge plus for a dude like this)
I feel like he himself is an untapped lolcow, i'm 100% expecting him to move on to another asian bride potentially. Yumi definitely deserved better than to be with a man who encouraged her insecurities.
No. 176857
>>176811It's nice to see anons in solidarity against a shitty scrote, but on the other hand, people called this years ago.
Most men like Splenda bounce after junior is born. Reading mom forums and some of these scrotes actually abandon their women shortly before the baby is born, sometimes when they are in the hospital alone.
No. 176873
>>176864NTA but it would be even more surprising if she did, divorce is generally a last resort for young mothers. Things would have to get really bad for her to voluntarily impoverish herself, lose the fantasy nuclear family/SAHM life, and gain the seriously stigmatized single mom label.
I agree that it seems crazy he would divorce her though. I'm usually the first person to point out that an old man with a young wife/kid will quickly and happily dump her for the next young girl he can impregnate, but the timeline is so short and he's so mediocre in every way. I can't imagine he'd actually get another child bride unless she was legit mail order. Maybe it wasn't that nefarious and it was just the typical destruction a newborn wreaks on couples.
No. 176878
>>89518If any white fetishist is reading this: if you want a true white looking child but you aren't white youself, you need to marry a redhead.
Most people don't know this, but redheads have the strongest genes. A black person could try to have a half-black kid with a redhead, and there's 99% posibility that the child will come out a full white redhead with blue eyes and look zero like the non-white parent.
(racebait) No. 176904
>>176853>>176873What second anon said, I genuinely thought that they both had something that benefitted them both. (i.e she has child/support, he gets a dutiful wife)
Perhaps I have underestimated Yumi, i'm sure she got tired of him always being sarcastic and moody on camera. I also do think they both wanted different things at this point in their lives. I can't imagine Scott wants another child after being a father for most of his life (maybe it would be different if he wasn't a divorcee)
I really do hope she was the one who initiated, she is still young and can meet someone who cares for her in a genuinely kind way. (even when she is being very cow-ish)
>>176895I too, am dying to know what he posted. I didn't really peg him to be the type to have a public outburst (esp on a 800k channel!!)
No. 176925
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>>176922I think her maturing a lot IS the reason he broke it off with her. He liked her acting, dressing and taking like a little kid.
No. 176954
I never watched much of their videos but it was obvious that she was putting up with him being shitty because she wanted a kid from a white dude. Seemed like she was deep in the sunk cost fallacy and couldn’t fathom breaking things off and starting over. (Which is a shame because he was ugly AF)
She’s dumb but anyone would have seen the writing on the wall the moment they saw that cheap ass wedding.
Not sure if she was really delusional and in denial or if she was pretending to in order to at least get pregnant. Sad that she’ll have to work but that’s kind of on her to expect a 50s family dynamic when nowadays men are able to skip on family obligations with little to no repercussions.
Hope she’s going to wise up and start getting a real job so she can appreciate that divorce and find someone sane.
No. 177004
>>176874If that is the case the Japanese woman isn't full blooded Japanese. She has to carry the blonde hair/blue eyed genetic somewhere if it isn't caused by a rare genetic disorder (typically coupled with deafness).
>>176922I'm really hoping that having her son put things into perspective for her and she doesn't end up going the overbearing, clingy, co-dependant parent route later in his life. She does seem a lot more mature and level headed now that she has her son and splenda is out of the picture though.
No. 177046
>>177020I don't believe this for a second.
>>176811Yumi looks so nice and put-together when she's not in ageplay splenda pandering getup. I hope she can be financially stable with child support… there must be some support or friendship group for other single mothers in her area I hope, especially if her family isn't able to give her emotional support. The youtube comments on that video are nice and all but can't really stand by her. How can splenda live with himself divorcing her so quickly, it's beyond cruel.
No. 177056
>>177020I often wondered if Scott had a vasectomy and never told yumi. Why he waited so long to get a DNA test though?
If she had an STD he would have chucked her out wayyy before she even looked pregnant. Unless she could hide it and he had no symptoms for a long time, found out she cheated and then took a DNA test to confirm. Kinda fits?
No. 177062
>>177061Sorry should have said for that tiny percentage that vasectomies fail, maybe he did call her out but she managed to convince him she didn’t cheat.
Yeah.. sounds too far fetched tbh.
No. 177066
>>177025Post screenshots then?
Anyone else know which state they were married in?
No. 177075
>>176922I agree! Her videos with her son are some of the nicest ones. He is happy with her and she works hard to give him a stimulating environment and I can see that she is doing her best as a single mom.
>>176925>>176997It's genuinely harrowing that there are so many people who get the vibe that this dude's intentions were not good from the start and its baffling that Yumi continued to stay and engage in his nasty behavior…I am horrified at the thought of him being in the same room as a small child.
>>177020I KNOW in my gut this isn't true lol. The most I can potentially believe is that maybe she was talking to an ex or something. This gal pretty much has only Scott as her friend in America. I don't even recall her driving, where would she even find the time or resources to cheat on Scott with the way he is? He literally works from home. She can't leave the house without him asking.
No. 177087
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I just remembered this thing posted back in August
No. 177094
>>177093Sorry, that post
triggered my autism.
No. 177320
>>177087I wouldn't be surprised if this was true. The creepy white pedo got a vasectomy and never told her, then she got pregnant and he realized she cheated on him. They divorce.
Why else would this dude let go a young wife? He's old and creepy, how is he gonna find a new one? I feel only extreme circumstances would make him divorce.
No. 177325
>>177321>>177322Yeah, but I bet his previous wives were old and not young girls out of his league. For that guy to leave his out-of-his-league, young and thin wife… 5 MONTHS after having his baby for no reason?
Also I remember she had wealthy or at least middle class parents, didn't she? Why is she saying she has almost no support now? Why isn't she moving back with her family and is taken care of, if for example SHE divorced him because of abuse?
So yeah maybe I'm just tinfoiling here but that post above does mention her behaviour (cheating, etc) broke her relationship with her parents apart. It would bring great shame to them. Of course, I have no proof and it could be all total nonsense but I do find this situation strange.
No. 177328
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>>177326 of her parents house. I think she says her parents own several houses and they always seemed supportive of her, sending her gifts, helping her with everything.
To leave their daughter, innocent and abused, out in the cold while she has a young son? Is that really likely? Even if asians are strict, they would be worried for the sons well-being.
And this guy being a creepy pedo leaving his young and in prime (just thinking from his coomer perspective) over… some arguments? To me, it looks like he left her and she did something like that schizo-post above implied, which also brought shame to her family so that's why her parents reject her strongly as well. But again I admit, I have ZERO proof so this is just my gut feeling which could be very wrong.
No. 177332
>>177331Okay, just saying we should keep an eye on the situation with her parents because it could give more information to us what actually happened.
The vasectomy thing would be a guess for him to know 100% she cheated and drive him to something as extreme as divorce and claiming the child isn't his with absolute certainty. Anyway, I will stop tinfoiling now until we have more actual information.
No. 177336

>>177332dude, go look at the videos where they are planning kids and she announces her pregnancy. A guy with a fucking vasectomy would not be acting like that on camera. If he had had one, he would have suspected her cheating from the beginning. Scott is not smart, I highly doubt he would think, "oh my vasectomy failed."
He never acted differently than his normal tard self. And the announcement happened a little bit after the pandemic broke out. It had already been raging in China for more than a month. You are really pushing this Yumi cheating thing when as you said, you have no proof.
Unfortunately I can't find the video where they discuss planning the timing of the kid(s), but it was a video titled, "We plan to have babies!" or something, and they were both on the couch. I just looked at it two weeks ago, so maybe she took it down recently. It was a lot more positive than the one I just linked. At no point did Scott seem weirder than usual in that one, he was teasing her and being his normal lowIQ self.
The one I linked is less positive in feel but he still calls it good news, and it's obvious Yumi wanted the kid, so this wasn't some "oops"
No. 177341
>>177336Have we ruled out a sperm donor by any chance? Judging on her son’s head, he kinda seems like he could be Splenda Spawn. But what if the doc told her he was high risk for genetic issues and she decided to go sperm route?
Only thinking this way because I don’t even recall him holding their son for a camera…what emotional investment would there be for him ?
No. 177343
>>177341you underestimate how awful men can be. he got her pregnant and lost interest. you think he is the first man to do that?
sure, we don't really know, but why bend over backwards for a proven scumbag? Or you want to argue that all those other kids aren't his too?
No. 177385
Y'all are talking about Yuhan as if she was mentally incapable of making her own decisions. She isn't a child, she doesn't have an intellectual disability or cognitive delays. She is a
grown woman. Furthermore, she chose to be with this man, she chose to get pregnant with his child, and she chose to not get a job while she could. here where her stepdad mentions they met somebody who gave them the name of a company where she could get a job now that she had graduated. Scott interjects saying "and it's here in Seattle, it's very convenient." Yuhan replies "I already have a job…" referring to YouTube.
It is all a series of bad choices, laziness and complacency on her behalf. If we pair that with ~~Scrote~~ Scott being an advantageous and fetishist piece of dry shit… Then we know this was bound to happen to her sooner or later.
Let's stop talking about Yuhan as if she was a
victim of the circumstances she's in. She willingly and deliberately got herself into this by thinking Scrote wouldn't do to her what he did to Juana.
I hope that she puts more effort into getting an actual job rather than relying on the donations of people, and I hope he takes that sleazy cunt Scrote to court. If not to get money for herself, to get him to pay something for the baby.
No. 177386
>>177385She is a
victim in this, anon. Of course some dude feeding you lies about taking care of you, buying you stuff, and saying they want to marry you, you would believe. He did this for a few years before the baby. She wants a job, anon. She's even mentioned it, but she is hoping to find something remote before immediately going to an out of house job because she has a fucking baby. She put her trust in this dude and he left after she gave birth. Hate it all you want, but that does make her a
victim in this scenario.
No. 177388
>>177386Is she, really? She sought out an older man who would provide for her like her mom did, she got with Scrote knowing his past. She knew he had kids he had abandoned and a family he left behind, for fuck's sake. Not only that, but she even went to Dallas with him for his court proceedings. She turned a blind eye to all the bullshit he did.
I highly doubt he was feeding her lies about wanting to take care of her when several times he told her to get a job. I've been following her before she even announced her engagement, I am aware of what has been shown in her videos and how their dynamic was.
I'm sorry, but I fail to see her as a
victim when she decided to get pregnant from a man who had already abandoned two children and a woman without any kind of support. She knew this, and she still did it.
I've said it time and time again, the only
victim in this scenario is the baby. Both Yuhan and Scrote are two self-serving assholes who thought they could use each other without repercussions. Sadly for Yuhan, she ended up being the one worse off.
And let me clarify, I am not justifying Scrote and I am not on his side. He is a massive fucking cunt.
No. 177392
>>177388Yes, because it's very common for women and men, to still marry someone and start a family with them after failed marriages and kids. You're acting like this is some rare thing to Yumi when it's extremely common for guys to pull this shit. He was predatory and we already know her family helped push her into finding a white man because white people stereotypically have money and that's considered stable. Even if she was being abused she'd probably have been encouraged to stay and blamed for why she's hit.
It doesn't matter if she knew he was divorced and all that, anon. What matters is the fact that he strung her along and played and said what he needed to in order to get her in bed and she probably saw a possible stable family with him. Probably told her his other wives were just crazy like every divorced guy does to string another fling on.
No. 177396
>>177395LMAO that's nasty. JS that treating her like a poor little itty bitty uwu baby
victim isn't doing her any good either.
No. 177397
>>177396idk I reread your posts and maybe I was too hasty but she can't undo the kid now. He's a douchebag of the highest degree.
He works for the government as a patent approver or some shit. I hope that means it's easier to garnish that fuck's wages.
No. 177399
>>177397Yeah, no, I agree with everyone that Scrote is an absolute piece of shit. I've mentioned that several times too. I am not justifying him, protecting him or defending him. It just does me in that everyone is bound to treat Yuhan like a poor innocent child when she's a grown woman.
Infantilizing a grown ass woman is exactly what he did, we should be better than that. She cannot undo the child and it's not the baby's fault, but she gotta step up instead of asking the internet for cute suggestions while gathering donations from Patreon. I really hope she's able to get a remote job soon, her baby needs her.
And yes, the fucking asshole works at the United States Patent and Trademark Office. If I were Yuhan, I'd be coming for his throat.
No. 177401
>>177399You make a good point, anon, although I still feel for her in a way. The baby is the biggest
victim of Splenda's assholery no matter what (along with the other kids he abandoned,) I hope she can take him to court and get him to pay up for that reason alone. There's no way the baby is anyone else's besides his, and he is pure scum for abandoning all its needs right after the little guy was born. It outrages me beyond all hell that he would try to pretend it isn't his baby.
No. 177406
>>177388>I'm sorry, but I fail to see her as a victimI hope nothing similarly awful or worse happens to you despite your lack of compassion or empathy. Yes a mother of a newborn facing divorce is a
victim. Get the fuck out.
No. 177420
>>177406It won't, because I don't fucking get with trash men who have a history of abandoning women and their children despite knowing what pieces of shit they are.
It's almost as if she wasn't a child who was forced into an arranged marriage, but a
grown woman who made a choice to get with someone who is a walking red flag.
Stop infantilizing her and treating her like she didn't know what the fuck she was doing. Enablers like you are what makes everyone think they aren't responsible for anything they do.
No. 177422
>>177420gtfo with your
victim blaming, imagine thinking
it won't happen to me the famous last words of literally everyone something shit happened to.
According to your logic unless we date/marry only virgins with 0 sexual partners prior we
should've known because
look at his history when actually there are plenty of shitheads who did insane things like murder-suicide their families with no prior history of such things. Men walk out on their families at any time, for any reason. Even if he was the ideal (to you) kissless virgin prior the marriage he
still could have walked out because he is simply a scrote. Backing him up ITT definitely makes you the moron.
No. 177423
>>177422GTFO with your infantilizing a grown ass woman and pretending none of the decisions she made lead to this moment. Nobody forced her to get with a piece of shit scrote old fuck who has nothing going on for him.
Read the rest of my comments, at no point am I backing him up or validating the piece of shit he is. Fuck off with your enabling, and get your head out of your ass. She's not a
victim of the circumstances, her baby is.
Again, it's enabling twats like you that makes people think they aren't responsible for anything they do.
(infighting) No. 177424
>>177423You say he's a piece of shit but spend time being his one-woman cheerleading squad in this thread, so really you support him and think every person who has a bad life event
should've known better and no fault should be placed on the person who caused said bad event. I hope you never have children, imagine a daughter telling you of her rape
>ah well you should have seen the red flags>This wouldn't have happened to meGrade A moron.
No. 177426
>>177320>>177325You are making a ton of assumptions, and for an asshole like Splenda it'd be relatively easy to get another woman on board, he could just get a mail order bride. He also tossed aside like two other families, why not add Yumi to boot? He's a dick and there is no proof of her cheating.
>>177339Yes, she said she wanted kids and to be a housewife.
No. 177446
>>177431You're right, anon. My bad. You hold a really
valid point about her mom encouraging to do the same thing she did. Yuhan/Yumi is 30, btw, about to be 31 next year.
No. 177473
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Trish donated money to Yumi, cow crossover? This seems weird to me I can't believe she actually would watch Yumi unless she finds her as cringy as we do.
No. 177479
>>177473I don't like Trisha and I never really watched Yumi's videos, but this whole ordeal is really crazy and has definitely made me feel for Yumi. Trisha is well off, I'm actually happy she sent her money.
About the whole Splenda thing: can we stop coping and accept the fact that he lost interest when she became a mother, most likely because she matured in a way he didn't like? That's just how scrotes are.
(sage) No. 177551 sincerely thanks everyone for their support, says she feels very touched, and mentions that people shouldn't feel pressured to donate.
I'm surprised to see here how much her attitude has changed. I hope she pulls through.
No. 177553
>>177550I think they're well off especially if they live anywhere in Seattle and own multiple homes. (Costs out there are pretty much in the $600k+ range for homes)
From what I understand, a lot of people are speculating that her parents really want her to support herself. I guess they were probably banking on Splenda taking care of her and the baby. Which a lot of asian parents kind of expect their child's spouse to help with their expenses (and divorce is typically taboo/more common now vs back then).
I'm sure even her mom's personal experience was their baseline for how this could go for Yumi and most likely trusted Splenda to be there for her.
No. 177586
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>>177551Here’s the supportive comment Trish left on her last video.
No. 177665
>>177660Having low self esteem can mess up with a woman’s head and sometimes it transforms her into a pick me. When she finally understands why her ex had problems with other women, usually it’s too late tho.
From my understanding lots of white men love asian women, she could have chosen someone in their 30’s and more attractive.
No. 177666
>>177020Oh mein gott, imagine being a 50 year old man spreading false rumors about your ex on a forum for women. I
wish she cheated on you, at least the baby would have better genes lmao. Go start some business and pay child support like a real man.
No. 177682
>>177659I only feel a little bad. I feel bad for the kid sure and hope things work out for her in the end though.
But going back watching her and splendas cringe shit from 2016ish is still hilarious. She pandered to an obvious yellow fever creep and he turned out to not be a winner, who would have thought.
No. 177708
Haven't thought about this cow since the PULL days but YT algorithm is pushing her divorce video apparently.
Gotta say I can't believe people are surprised about this outcome.
Splenda (or we calling him Scrote now? lmfao) was already on his third Asian fetish waifu with Yumi. He literally was already going to court for owing child support for his previous kids to whomst he was already a deadbeat dad.
Idk what the definition of "
victim" is but either way they're both definitely trashy people. Watching them felt like a really cursed drawn out season of 90 day fiance.
>re: money troublesI definitely think Yumi saying she is "borrowing money" refers to borrowing money from family. If nothing else because banks don't just give out unsecured loans for general living expenses, usually loans are for something specific such as a a house/car/tuition. Or if she's referring to a credit card as borrowing money, that could be a possibility.
I'd just as readily guess she's getting by just fine and just exaggerating for extra paypig sympathy though.
>Asian households, especially her having a first generation son now, are really strict and look down on divorce and single parents. They probably still expect her to get back with him and probably blame her for why he left.Idk about this. There is the thing you say but there's also the thing where Asian families accept back their adult children to stay at home indefinitely. Yumi's mom herself was already divorced, I can't see Yumi's mom not accepting her back in the house. Having grandma help raise the kids is pretty normal too. If anyone is objecting to Yumi moving back in with them I'd think it'd be her stepdad.
>>177553I don't think her family lived in Seattle proper, she would take a bus for like an hour to go to some community college that was technically in the state college system she just referred to as UW, she never went to "the" actual UW in Seattle afaik.
No. 177773
>>177771Hard agree.
Is Splenda legally bound to pay child support?
She needs to stop complaining and e-begging like she’s special.
No. 177776
>>177771Many American women have been forced out of the workforce because childcare can end up costing more than their yearly salary. Assuming she’s planning on moving back in with her parents, she
could rely on them to take care of the kid while she’s out at work, but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to look for a way to work from home considering how young her kid is. They clearly didn’t do the best job raising her and they just might not be up for caring for a one year old. Many parents don’t get the opportunity to work from home and raise their kids but that doesn’t mean anyone is selfish for trying.
No. 177777
>>177771She's just wondering her possibilities in those videos, she doesn't seem as dense as to not have thought about the childcare option as the most likely outcome, but from what we've seen that option is likely just her last resort (that's why we've seen her selling her closet, asking her subs for work from home ideas, etc before her talking about getting a full-time job and abandoning youtube or something). Also just like anon just replying as I'm writing this said, childcare (especially for kids aged 2 or less) tends to be somewhat expensive in some places, so there's that.
>>177773I think we can take the "actually never really married by law" thing many post ago as a hint that child support is impossible right now and that asian-fetishist scum is really the worst of the worst.
No. 177778
>>177776>Many parents don’t get the opportunity to work from home and raise their kids but that doesn’t mean anyone is selfish for trying.Oh I didn't say she was selfish for trying, but she will have to settle for reality if she can't get her family to help her out and isn't taking Splenda to court for financial support. Since she didn't address either of these topics in depth no one can be sure what she intends to do, but she's acting a bit too naive. Judging by the end of her video where she was saying how she wants to attend college courses to learn more about raising her child. Which is a wtf moment in itself because 1. College courses are research focused and cost $$$ whereas she could just take a parenting class if books and videos weren't helpful enough, and 2. She just made a video about her struggle with money and time and yet she's talking about non-necessities like college courses which can cost hundreds to thousands and also require a lot of time and effort.
The video didn't make a lot of sense and it seems like her fans are giving her a lot of benefit of the doubt.
No. 177784
>>177773I don't know what
>>177777 is talking about, you don't need to be married to be obliged to pay child support. If he signed the birth certificate he's legally the father and obliged to pay, even if he wasn't biologically the child's father, he's still legally the father for signing the birth certificate and being the man who raised the baby until now. Courts take those things into account.
No. 177812
>>177784It could be that she's anxious about how big of a battle it might become if she pursues Splenda for the money–which she absolutely should–but Splenda seems like the type to not relinquish the funds without a legal fight. Even when they were together I always thought he was cheap and money-grubby, hence his nickname. So to that extent because he's divorced before, he's probably better versed in the legalese. At least enough to make it hell on earth for her to try it.
Don't put it past men. Anecdotally, I've seen firsthand many men who never gave a fuck about their children but were salty their exes took them to court for child support, and then spent years taking their exes back to court for the payments and visitations just to wear them down emotionally and financially.
I think women should always pursue these scrotes regardless but I would also understand if it's too much for themselves and their children to fight it.
No. 177819
>>177771working within a year of giving birth is a dumb american standard, and yumi comes from a country where usually you stay at home/or go on maternity leave for an
actual safe amount of time.
I don't think it's wrong that she doesn't want to give up on her standards for childcare.
No. 177834
>>177819I agree that it isn't wrong or unreasonable, but she also has to be realistic and adapt her expectations to the culture of the country she's living in.
America fucking sucks in terms of healthcare ANYTHING, but she's gotta work with that while she gets the rightful child support she deserves from Scrote.
No. 177908
>>177771100% agree. I am empathetic to her situation and do believe she shouldn't have to work but unfortunately she isn't anymore special than any other mother who would also need this benefit. It's not like she actively pursued a job during her younger years that could give her the privilege of doing this (especially in her current situation, with COVID, a lot of FTE are giving remote opportunities, but you have to be employed first!). I don't believe anyone should have to work corporate but she thinks she's above day care or having someone else watch him. It's not like she will raise her kid by herself to be a genius, especially when she herself knows very little.
Her giving her two skeptic cents about a paid day care is bullshit. I rolled my eyes because this girl will do absolutely anything to not work part-time at a Piggly Wiggly when it could be one of the only few jobs that would take her immediately. It's hard, i've seen so many young moms have to drop out of classes or courses they enjoyed because their baby/finances came first. Life will come at you fast no matter what, and it's important to have a safety net.
No. 177976
>>177922these things cost money! idk why everyone is so on her case when often the cost of childcare negates the money she might bring in from a low-paying job. It only makes sense if the math works out.
If Splenda is making her life hard in court, then she may not be ablr to move in with her parents. It may be prohibited for her to leave the state.
No. 178016
New video and no she doesn’t spill too much.
>parents lend her money >wants to be independent >things haven’t been working in her marriage for years but she tried.>>177976That’s true my mom used to only take home $10 a day because she had to give $60 to the babysitter.
No. 178068
>>178016Does anyone else feel like after she got the money from Trisha she is just e-begging at this point?
I think yumi is the type to not ever want to work so she just wants to be a SAHM forever.
No. 178081
>>178075>sustain the same lifestyle she was accustomed to. What lifestyle, she never went on vacation, shopped in bulk food stores and lived in a mcmansion. She's a mother of a newborn, the fact anons are questioning it
she never wants to work lifestyle she's accustomed to like no, she's in a very tough position. Most of her family are back in China, childcare for babies is astronomical and would wipe out her earnings every day.
If she's a SAHM 6-10 years from now you could say that, it's a matter of being able to put the kid in school and have time to work without paying for childcare, which she clearly doesn't have now.
>Yumi is not innocent in the upset caused to his previous family.She did not cause his previous divorce, this is dumb.
No. 178099
>>178075…the last part about being responsible for rubbing salt in his other kid's traumatic wounds is a bit of a reach but everything else you said is spot on and what farmers have said for years, so I don't really get the backlash at your post.
We've known for years that this relationship wasn't gonna last and Splenda was gonna leave her when she wasn't a pedo-pandering Asian youth anymore. Sucks that she dragged a kid into her fantasy.
She put herself in a really vulnerable position and now some anons itt are demanding people be empathetic of it. Sorry, but no, the only one who deserves that empathy is the baby who didn't ask to be born into this clusterfuck.
No. 178107
>>178099At first I thought
>>178075 anon was being harsh, I am very empathetic towards Yumi right now, because i'm sure she didn't want to raise a kid like this. But after reading your response anon, I have to agree more with the OP. Its true, she has never wanted to hold a stable job that didn't interest her. (Which is totally fair, but this is also not a fantasy world where you can just get what you want from other people)
The bit about
>>178075 mentioning YT comments that talk about welfare and her not wanting to discuss it, is in fact really dicey behavior from her. It almost makes her seem very irresponsible to not seek help from the government (if she is eligible of course), or to pursue child support from Splenda. I'm sure them not being legally married is a conflict, but she has plenty of evidence that they brought this child in the world and that for a time, he did claim this child as his own. I swear other people have gotten support even without being married, and she needs to get much more aggressive about her financial situation.
No. 178172
>>178151it's clear she doesn't do anything except take care of her son. She's not dressing up or going out. So I'm not sure what would really satisfy the people who think she's posting "just to show she is a good mom." YT is some passive income for her. She was told by her fans in the comments to post more short videos for the algorithm, so she's doing that.
Yumi used to be a favorite cow of mine, I screenshotted stuff and loled with everyone here about her cosplay at the WTC, her fuck me panties and her cringe ageplay. But all that is totally gone right now. Of the two idiots who got married, Yumi grew up and is caring for a kid. Scott fucked off. We can criticize Yumi's past a lot but shitting on her for not dumping her kid in some podunk daycare to work at a convenience store … it's retarded nitpicking that helps no one and worse, it's not even funny. She can get some work to do at home. My grandma does medical billing or something shitty but it's easy as fuck to do. When she had rona I did it for her, ethics be damned.
Absolutely zero of Yumi's latest videos seem like sympathy ploys to me. They are just fucking depressing. Sure, she is making some vids to try to make a little more coin, but for fuck's sake, it's no worse than any of the other tards on YT.
No. 178207
>>178197No not at all, I just think she needs to start twisting some arms here. She has a dead-beat ex that is half the DNA of her child, and she has financially stable parents. I know no one owes her help at all but she's gotta take a part time gig somewhere. It would help if she had actually made some mom-friends that she could get advice from as well. Again, i'm not saying that she's not wrong to feel some distrust against outside childcare, but e-begging like this isn't the way for the longterm. Her baby needs her attention 24 hours a day and the most she can do right now is post low-effort 5 minute videos? How is she going to keep a consistent timeline of Chinese language videos to roll out and also help her potential students out?
Even getting a job in any of her degrees would be difficult for her right now, she doesn't have any relevant work experience…She absolutely needs to suck in her gut, and find someone she can trust to drop this kid off with so she can start some sort of savings for her and her son. Having a consistent job that can punish you for not showing up might be the one way she can remain accountable.
Now, I say this as an anon who does not have kids atm because the financial burden is too large in the immediate future. I know it takes a 50/50 effort (and honestly 50/50 pockets too) and Yumi should have absolutely been pursuing outside career opportunities right after she graduated. The only way I imagine she couldn't have been more active is if Splenda is
abusive in that regard and had preferred her to stay home.
No. 178218
>>178207>I know no one owes her help at all but she's gotta take a part time gig somewhere. The part time gig is Youtube. It might look better on paper that she's a "working single mother" with an irl dayjob, but the kid was literally only born last year, leaving a baby so young with a daycare or stranger just so you look "more hard-working" is nonsensical. She probably gets more from Youtube than she would take home in a day job once childcare expenses are taken off. Youtube
is a job, social media is a job. She has other skills (such as sewing dresses and accessories) she could do from home and sell those items.
It really isn't a case of
deadend job in a convenience store or she's not trying hard enough!!She's absolutely making the right choice. She can keep the child safe while working from home.
I imagine if she opted for the dayjob you'd have anons complaining she was an unfit mother abandoning her child or some shit, you really can't win, but the support I've seen for her on this thread is heartwarming really from such a bunch of salty bitches as most of us are kek.
No. 178229
>>178228It's clear you are ESL and know fuck-all about how part-time jobs in the US work. You cannot bitch and moan about someone's past and pretend that will make the present or future better. It would not surprise me if some people connected to Scott are in this thread, saying Yumi needs some punitive job for accountability. Like GOD YES that's what we need, some good ol discipline for the Chinese single mother going through divorce from a fetishizing power-hungry narc. MAN I hope there's a job where they cane her if she's just a minute late. Some of you people are literally insane, but I also think you just come here to fuck around in this thread tbh. Why? well, one can only guess.
What about Scott? I hope that shithead gets the boot once his activities have been made public.
No. 178276
It's the retards who don't understand things who make my blood boil: most part-time jobs have no sick pay, no health insurance, and the income is not enough to pay for decent childcare during a pandemic. Kids can get covid and die from it. Her baby cannot get vaccinated. She is making the absolute safest choice for her kid.
She wants to work from home. There is nothing wrong with this. She doesn't need to work as a youtuber. She can do some other kinds of work. Why do some of you want her to suffer so badly when - despite her cringe past - she is raising her child, showing love to her child, and up until now didn't say much about her personal situation. She is making little videos with no makeup, no dumb ageplay outfits, no cat bowls. She had this baby and now is trying to take care of it, has done nearly a 180 degree turn from her former self, but for some people that isn't enough. She has to be punished (how?) for some ppl to be happy.
Maybe I will regret posting this because she will find a new Scott, but for the time being, I think you'll find that she is not even milking this as much as many others have done in the past.
No. 178278
>>178266where is the uwu, anon? where?
You'll never catch me having a kid while finishing my degree, nor afterwards, so nah no single mom issues here
No. 178327
>>178276>She wants to work from home. There is nothing wrong with this. Absolutely no one itt said they have a problem with work from home jobs.
Can you WKs quit with these dumb strawmen? Yes, you will regret stanning for her because a leopard doesn't change its spots. When the next Splenda comes along with more promises as long as she behaves a certain way, she'll quickly hop on that dude's dick too because the bottom line is she doesn't want to put in any work to maintain her lifestyle. Working isn't "suffering," it's a facet of life people must perform if they want things without having to rely on other people–including men and fans.
No. 178339
>>178336To be fair, this concern is really normal in new mothers, and this is her only son
I don't see it as milky at all
No. 178448
>>178334I can't stand these short videos where she basically says the same thing over and over again and there's really no substance to it. But, at least she's keeping people updated I guess.
I also don't think what she's doing is really e-begging, like people keep saying. She's putting the donation link out there and saying you can donate if you want or naw. It would be different if she really made it dramatic like crying in camera and whatnot. She also has put her life out to the public for all of our entertainment all these years, and even still now, like it or not we're all looking at her life for entertainment purposes even currently. Donating is the least a person who follows her could do lol. That being said, I'm not donating anything, but, to say she doesn't deserve any donations at all is ridiculous to me.
No. 178509
>>178461but y'know what makes a lot of sense? someone pushing this retarded cheating story to make Scott look better.
Whatever happened, even if she cheated, I no longer care. If she did cheat, maybe Corn finally had an orgasm, we can only hope. Enjoy legal hell, Scott. You are trash for treating women and minors the way you do.
No. 178534
>>178532yeah, of course these are not all of them, but I thought it could be good to collect them.
I'm with the other anon who doesn't even care if Yumi cheated. There's no truth that would redeem Scott, I think.
No. 178588
>>178566OT but you're so right for American daycares, maybe the other anon is from somewhere else with higher standards but here it really can just be a shitshow, literally. Good ones cost a lot of money, and have waitlists of sometimes years. Daycare is fucked up in America, and many women result to unlicensed 'daycares' that is just some other woman's house with a swarm of children running around. I think her concern about daycares are very
valid. Splenda is a piece of shit to be leaving his child in this situation.
No. 178635
>>178611He most likely fell into that hole of realizing 'oh I can't take care of a child, i'm almost 50' and realized his bff Yuhan was also very hormonal and agitated and his behavior was not going to slide this time around
He probably even gaslit her for getting pregnant. Telling her that it's 'her choice' and that she is responsible for this child 100%.
No. 178760
>>178628Doesn't come off as autist really, just a cunt (a 100% confirmed cunt by now). And luckily there's no gene for that.
Yumi turned out to just have low self-esteem with a serious case of weeaboo-ness, but having a kid and a failed relationship already straightened her up. The kid will be fine.
No. 178766
>>178694They probably came from that tiktok or something. They're giving her way too much credit here. When this first played out we all could see this from miles off.
Her son will be fine, at least as fine as he would have been with Splenda anyways. She likely is getting some sort of help from her mom even if it isn't optimal. She has better chances than some other women out there and she has resources she really needs to use.
No. 178812
>>178760He 100% comes off as autistic, I wouldn't be surprised if he had a mild form of autism. He definitely is also a guy who likes his own things (and will yell at Yumi if she fails to comply) but the way he acts sometimes in vlogs makes me think he lacks some sort of social skills.
Sometimes I am thrown off by his 'dad-demeanor' but honestly this guy probably processes each situation with it's own timing
No. 178879
>>178676It's always funny to me how many fans are pitching in about how they "always had a bad vibe from him". I remember back in the day most comments were defending him and anyone who said he was creepy was actually the one in the wrong and defending his behaviors like "uwu him saying she needs to be under is just him motivating her!" and all that horseshit.
I suspect it's from american women mostly, american women are so fucked up from men around them they literally think having their bodies insulted is normal in a relationship or even endearing and if you say otherwise you're just butthurt and don't get it or something
No. 178903
>>178879I've thought this before, there was this very creepy British makeup guy and for some reason he had fans (I can't remember his name at all but popular around 2016 time), very annoying little man Jake Munro currently has fans, some of whom rain money on him for inexplicable reasons, Splenda and Yumi would always get comments like "couple goals!" despite the obvious rudeness and fetishisation going on via Splenda, then people like Onision, Shane Dawson and Social Repose all had big fanbases prior their respective downfalls.
I wont blame it entirely on US viewers, though I think that plays a big part, it's like Youtube viewers in particular lack perception.
No. 178982
>>178933if anything it's turbo autistic to reject one's own background or pretend it doesn't exist, as seen with weebs and koreaboos.
(sage for irrelevant)
No. 179472
>>178075>Many commenters under her recent videos pointed out that she refuses to talk about Child Support or welfare programs despite it being mentioned a hundred times. You have to be pretty destitute to go on welfare in America. They check not only your income but also assets, so if you have like $2000 in the bank they'll be like nah looks like you got some money to feed that baby.
Her "lifestyle" was never glamorous or extravagant, she bought cheap crap off of Taobao and barely went anywhere except for
one trip to China (most people I know with ties to Asia visit home at least once a year pre 'rona).
No. 179595
>>179489But she definitely had 2-3 years of being a successful Youtuber which is an amazing opportunity most "lower class" people do not have. Between 2015-2018 she was getting several million views a month combined with sponsorships and affiliate linking. Youtube pays about $1 per 1000 views so even a conservative estimate meant she was earning $3000-5000 a month for a good length of time. Most people never have the chance of making $100,000+ within a very short period of time. It might not make her rich by any means but it's a windfall that's not mentioned anywhere and her supporters are acting like she never had money at any point.
As PPs have mentioned, she always led a fairly frugal lifestyle so the question is where all that went. Did she spend it all? Did Splenda take it? Does she actually still have savings but panicking knowing it won't last forever?
For the record, I know a Youtuber sponsored by Poshmark and they actually offered $6000 upfront for the deal. First email, no negotiation needed. This may vary depending on views but their range is definitely between $4000-$8000. So all those videos about her selling her closet was actually a sponsorship and she made more money from the deal than the clothes. Their standard sponsorship is to open a shop and encourage your viewers to shop from you. You need to be US based for it work and it might be spread over several videos.
I'm absolutely not shaming her for earning money especially in a difficult situation like hers. She has every right to get that coin. But there are many people who don't realise that things are not always what they appear from the small slices you see online. Yumi's situation is tragic but not comparable to the average lower class single mom for many reasons.
No. 179602
>>179595I never followed Yumi very much so it’s hard to say but not all youtubers get the same amount of money and in the last few years, ads are not making as much as they used to. Some people are terrible at negotiating deals or are taken advantage of by companies to manage their channel.
If I remember correctly she went to college so if her parents didn’t pay for it themselves, it’s possible she used that money to pay her student loans (and good on her if she did). I wouldn’t put it past Splenda to make her pay a part of the mortgage too or the wedding seeing how cheap it was in the first place.
I do agree that she’s not any different than any other single mom out there in America, if anything she’s lucky to have parents she can potentially get help from and only 1 kid to take care of. I don’t think Splenda is so much of a deadbeat that he’d let his own kid starve, he’d prob do just the bare minimum.
No. 179615
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No. 179636
>>179618Her English is so much better here, interesting she gave her money to her mom.
>>179602Her views are primarily on the lower end and have always been so, that anon is exaggerating the like two videos she has with high views. Often high view videos aren't even eligible for ads therefore the Youtuber gets nothing. Only Youtubers who are attractive to advertisers (pass the content scans and make content the advertiser selects for)
and regularly get 1mil views per video can be said to make a consistent income of thousands per month. A random viral video doesn't have the same result. Mykie had to completely drop the "gore" part of her channel since she got demonitized therefore no money regardless of viewcounts. She even had to do experiments where she would say words like "cupcake" instead of horror related words to avoid demonetization. It's a lot harder to actually get money from Youtube than people think. And yes, Yumi has always presented a frugal life which supports the idea she was not making much.
No. 179950
>>177659It's pretty obvious to us, but might not be to her. She is a foreigner who moved to the US later in life. She's literally got no friends/support system to back her up if she senses any red flags. The only person she could probably ask for opinions is her mom…
>>177784Courts can order someone to pay child support, but they can still just not pay. There is punishment for this, but it is lot of hassle to deal with this. Unless there is a large sum of money involved, it's not worth it for a lot of single mothers to balance kids, their job, and fighting their exs in court.
No. 179961
>>179953well, she doesn't seem to be living in seattle? did she say she is?
If the divorce and custody agreement is not final, she may be prohibited from leaving the state. Her mom and stepdad might not be able to quit their jobs and move. Perhaps the best way they can help Yumi right now is to loan her money.
No. 180357
>>179950She went to American university and spent most of her life in America, on top of that she obviously frequents the internet. How hard is it to look up relationship advice? Surely someone who has any sort of braincells would research relationship advice before permanently tying yourself to someone via a child?
I don't think she's trying to play
victim but it is hard to feel bad for her imo because she is just so clueless and obviously can easily have obtained resources to avoid Splenda but never did. She should've listened to her fans and left his ass as soon as he showed the first signs of abuse/disinterest instead she called for him constantly. His ex wife even warned Yumi as well which she ignored. If she had trouble letting go it would be one thing but she CHOSE to have a child with an unstable, unpredictable man who is completely distant from her and now there's no way out of this
It just boggles my mind two Chinese women, yumi and her mom, exclusively go for ugly old white men who are fake rich?? Surely it won't be hard to find a man who's age appropriate for yumi and in the same financial status as Splenda? Splenda was never that rich anyway especially considering most major cities in the US are filled with men in their 30s are have good jobs and make a lot of money that won't abuse her on camera constantly and ditch her with the baby
No. 180415
>>180357Yumi went to a Chinese engineering university where she got an engineering degree before moving to the us with her mom. She then attended school in the US to get a different degree as an older commuter student (which is probably why she was so isolated). I'm sure she is not stupid and can look up advice online; however, reading about relationship advice is very different from having insight from seeing people around you experience things or experiencing it yourself. Otherwise no one would get into
abusive relationships with imbalances of power. Most of times people who are vulnerable to this type of relationship, don't have good examples of healthy relationships in their lives or have a strong network of people who have their back. They excuse minor issues that build up to larger ones because they are codependent to their partners. Hopefully now that she has her baby, she has an actually important person in her life to ground her.
Also, it doesn't really boggles my mind why she would go for Splenda. He's probably just the first man to show her interest in a long while, who has a stable job, and leans into her codependency.
No. 180436
>>180422Correction: she says her old major was architecture construction.
Her soon-to-ex-husband has a US federal job as a patent examiner and makes around $120k. It’s a decent, stable job but she could have easily found a younger man with a 6 figure salary earning potential in Seattle. Anyhow, she should easily be able to secure child support.
No. 180519
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>>180490I think there was a mistake in the other comment. She went to University of Washington Bothell which isn’t the same as University of Washington. Bothell’s acceptance rate is 74.1%. It’s somewhat selective. It looks she graduated from a community college in the US in 2015 before moving onto Bothell for her associates degree which she got in 2017. I don’t know what she studied before but I remember this graduation picture.
No. 180593
>>180589oh my god, you cannot tell at all at that age unless we are talking about major obvious extremes. The baby clearly isn't ink black. Combinations of Chinese and Caucasian genes can produce babies looking very Chinese or only a little. It's a total crapshoot.
Stop assuming you can tell whether someone cheated based on how a baby looks. Even people in the dark ages knew that kids don't always resemble their parents. There's like virtually no concern about this except for very rare extreme cases.
No. 183367
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>>183362They could, yeah. Or we could stop being broke bitches and pay for it ourselves. Or even better, go to her patreon and see the timeline ourselves, since we don't have to pay to see the titles of her videos.
No. 186394
>>183322Yuhan might need to rip the bandaid off on this one. If Splenda doesn't want to be part of the family and take care of his spawn, then nothing she does is going to make him stay. If anything, it would be best if she just went through with the divorce and maybe find someone else or before her son is old enough to develop abandonment issues over his big dumpy baby of a daddy. I guarantee that he'll have another vaguely adult Asian girlfriend before the divorce is even finalized. He's basically Big Ed with a neck. I'll put money on him already talking to one before the divorce process began.
>>184019I wouldn't say she's 'grown up', but she looks a lot better now. She's been an adult the entire time and has obviously been putting on the cutesy little girl persona for YT and Splenda. With a child to take care of, she can't afford to be a legal loli for some pensioner with yellow fever. That said, I do feel bad for her. If Splenda is the one with the money, then he's the one lawyering up first, and can probably afford a better lawyer. They haven't been together for long, so I'm worried that Yumi might end up with skimpy child support and zero alimony. I wonder what she'll do after this. Is Yumi a naturalized citizen, or can she go back to China at any time?
I don't know what Corn was thinking would happen. Splenda was obviously in it for the idea of having a me love u long time child bride, not a wife and newborn (obvious, considering he's already abandoned a family before). A baby forces you to act your age to take care of it in any meaningful way, so there was no way she could keep up the pedobait thing and be a loving, attentive mother to her little hapa emperor.
No. 186577
>>186491oh stfu with your secret sources. Got milk? Put it here.
at this point EVEN IF the baby isn't his by some divine miracle, Splenda is a bastard. He was and is a bastard.
No. 186811
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Speaking of Scott posting online. I found this tidbit posted 5 days ago under an inactive sock. The post they’re replying to is over 40 days old.
No. 186832
>>186811I obviously have no knowledge of why they are divorcing. But this can be an
abusive tactic. Georgia has no fault divorce: Maybe Scott's allegations are true, maybe not. But fighting the cause of the divorce costs money Yuhan doesn't have. So Scott is for whatever reason trying to hurt her as much as possible, knowing that contesting the grounds will bleed her more. If Yuhan did cheat, there is so no benefit for her to contest it.
I just wanna say that Yumi and Scott were trying to have a baby. That involved both of them. I don't know how likely it is that they were trying (she had at least one miscarriage) and while she was trying with Scott, she was also sneaking around with someone else. It doesn't really seem like her character. That doesn't make her "moral" - I just failed to see this woman making friends at all while she was with scott. She was so focused on him to the exclusion of everyone else.
In the end, it won't matter. Hopefully Yumi can learn from this. She wouldn't be the first or last person with a gross, controlling partner who cheated. But she needs to get therapy and work on what caused it if she cheated, learn to be better.
It's also possible this is just an attempt to smear her because Splenda saw her having a conversation with someone online. You never know.
Who are all these ppl with access to her divorce papers anyway? It's just scott and his psycho family terrorizing his ex. I mean god, you got your divorce, she isn't even talking shit about you. Leave her alone to raise the kid and go live your life.
No. 189663
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No. 191128
>>186832Blog posting you can be on the right track. The exact same thing happened between my mom and biofather, father was cheating on her with a much younger sugar baby pick me and he was also a misogynistic entitled scrote who openly told people he deserved young attractive women. Mom was done with his shit and went for a divorce. My douchebag father started to play these very same tactics and accused my mom of cheating.
I don’t believe any of the things he posts on lolcow or other places to destroy Yumi’s reputation. Yumi made wrong choices, the biggest one was Splenda but I don’t believe for a second that she cheated on him.
No. 207005
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>>206976Nice necro, newfag. But just to check up on Yumi, out of my own curiosity, its nice to see she's looking far better and wearing age appropriate clothes in her most recent video. It's so nice to see a cow redeem themselves and move on. She was the first cow that led me to this site years ago. I hope Splenda is forced to give her a good amount in child support and alimony. Dead beat fucker.
No. 207008
>>207005>its nice to see she's looking far better and wearing age appropriate clothes in her most recent videoBefore she met Splenda she also dressed decent and actually behaved like an adult woman with a degree.
It seems the pseudo-tard pedobait phase of her life taught her the lesson that pandering to old working class scrotes won't get you anything in the end besides stagnation and a band-aid baby.
No. 208038
>>208025Yes? Like I said, they live 13-15 minutes from him. To make it clearer for you: They are in Georgia. So is Scunt. Yumi, her parents, and her baby live in the same city in Georgia as Scunt does. Her parents moved to GA from WA to be with Yumi. They all share the same address now, and that address is in Georgia, 13-15 minutes away from Scunt's house, also in Georgia.
Source: Google their names up. If I post any photos it's going to be doxxing because it shows their full address and even phone number.
No. 208754
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Tips hat to whoever made this
No. 208849
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>>208791Oh shit, you're right. And Scunt is the plaintiff. For those who don't know legalese, it means he is the one who filed for divorce.
It was initiated one year ago, on 4/12/21. They asked her to produce screenshots from any/all social media posts, messages, photos, etc., and a list of deleted media. This includes message boards, so I'm guessing screenshots from PULL and here are there lmao.
I scrubbed through the rest of the documents, and there is this gem:
"The parties agree that there are no minor children in this marriage. The Respondent [Yumi] did have a minor child during the marriage, [illegible] Keith Gregory Zhang [illegible], however, [B]the Petitioner [Splenda] is not the biological father of this child[/B], nor was the minor child born as a result of artificial insemination. At the request of the Respondent [Yumi], a surrender of rights has been executed by the Petitioner [Splenda] surrendering all of his parental rights to the child to the Respondent [Yumi] contemporaneously with this Agreement. Therefore, the Petitioner [Splenda] has no legal rights to the child and the Respondent [Yumi] shall have sole legal and physical custody of the child. Petitioner [Splenda] shall have no financial or any other obligations whatsoever to the Respondent's [Yumi's] child."
No. 208871
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>>208849Turns out whoever this is was right all along.
No. 208874
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>>208871All the white knights that were saying "It doesn't seem like her to cheat" "Scott's family is terrorizing" "She wasn't cheating" "I don't see her being in the wrong" "He probably gaslit her" "He fucked her up after getting her pregnant and filed for divorce" looking like this rn.
No. 208883
>>208849Ok so…who's the daddy?! Is it a white guy? Is it that Chinese ex boyfriend Yumi mentioned in multiple videos?
Honestly don't know how she managed it if true (being isolated and Scott keeping a careful eye on her) is it possible they didn't do a paternity test and just ran with Splenda's claim that he isn't the father (i.e. fellow middle aged white man believes him over the female foreigner)? Or does he have a vasectomy? So many questions.
No. 208890
>>208887Fucking Google it dude. click on the first link, okay? And when the pretty window opens, you click on the blue link on the right side of the pretty lady's picture. Alright? Once you do a clicky clicky, you click the words "Civil Search" and follow this anon's
>>208791 instructions.
Don't be so useless, all the information there is public and this anon gave us all that we needed to quickly google it up ourselves.
No. 208891
>>208883That's not how it works. Either she accepted the cheating and being pregnant by someone else, or they did a paternity test, or both. She's not speaking for herself, she has an attorney representing it (as does Splenda) so I highly doubt her attorney would let any of that happen willy nilly.
For all we know, that "isolated, overprotective
abusive white husband" was a facade, and she clearly made the time to mess around. At this point, we clearly can't assume anything. She's full of surprises, to put it nicely.
No. 208898
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>>208849Holy. Shit. I’ve been following Yumi for years, bought the “Splenda is the bad guy” bit this whole time……I still think he’s a creep but in this instance- I kneel. I thought the corn milk was dry after this whole divorce saga, I could not in my wildest dreams pictured a twist like this.
No. 208907
>>208902Agreed, I can only hope the actual father is of a higher calibre than Splenda. Also like…you don't get pregnant
that fast so how long was this going on?!
>>208891I was kinda thinking she accepted the claims just to get rid of him, but that also would mean definitely no child care payments (not that absent fathers get chased up on those much anyway) which I feel like she wouldn't accept.
No. 208910
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quickly made on mobile sorry if it sucks
No. 208982
>>208849I actually truly thought Yumi graduated her cowdom, this is the best comeback of the year. Can't wait for the next lolcow awards kek
>>208918If it's publicly available, it's not doxxing, dumbass. You are supposed to always post proof and links, what kind of newfaggotry are you on.
No. 208987
>>208883>>208907>>208974I’m with these anons on the tinfoil of her just agreeing with him to get it over and done with. Scott has more money than her and can both hire a better lawyer and drag out the process while still refusing to do a paternity test, unlike Yumi that might not have the economy to defend herself for as long before the money runs dry and we don’t know if her former in-laws might have been harassing her nor do we know how much her family might be emotionally supporting her in this mess. Disputes like this can draw out the worst in people.
Honestly I feel like there isn’t enough info on what’s going on behind closed doors to really say whether she might have cheated or not. Maybe I’m just giving her too much benefit of the doubt because I want her to graduate from cowdom.
No. 209044
>>209003Nah this request for documents is fucking insane. They asked for her full medical history, list of medications, bills for medical appointments, if she ever traveled with another person, all cards and emails Scott ever sent her, screenshots of every page of her (Scott-loving) social media accounts, every message she sent or received… It's fucking wild what his attorney wanted. There's literally no reason for all those things unless she was going to fight the divorce or ask for alimony, which she did not. She wasn't listed on any joint property except two joint bank accounts with a tiny amount in them. Probably her measly allowance got deposited in there by Scott.
Scott is a slippery ugly POS and I wouldn't put it past him and his lawyer to bully her into an agreement that leaves her and the kid destitute even if it is Scott's biological kid. He's already not paying child support to someone else for his kids with her! I don't condone cheating but I honestly don't even know what to think here. Well I have an idea, and it involved paying her a lump sum in exchange for getting out of the marriage/child support.
No. 209048
>>208987Her parents have some kind of money, they have a house worth almost $400k. A kid cost a minimum of $250,000 to raise without sending them off to college. You don't give that up + alimony if you didn't have a case. Y'all giving Yumi too much credit tbh.
Positive energy to the innocent child whoever his father may be. Anything is better than Splenda's spawn.
No. 209053
>>209048fucking this. yuhan isn't poor and she clearly cheated, which is why the lawyer asked for all that stuff. idk why everyone is wking her so damn hard. she's still online, and still shooping, the only thing she changed is her clothes. she needs to leave the internet and get a job
not a new man.
No. 209057
>>209053Don't think it's wk'ing her so much as bringing up the fact that Splenda is shitty (and already knows how to be a successful deadbeat) and she's generally stupid. I can see something going down like
>>209044, her agreeing for him to give up his parental rights for a lump sum or just because he and his lawyers bullied her into it. I'm not denying the possibility that she cheated, it's certainly likely, but he might have also found a way to slip out of the situation once again. Contrary to popular belief it's very easy to be a deadbeat and get away with it.
No. 209070
>>209064Morning, smell the coffee. If she's asking for donations online, she's on her
best behavior. She controls the editing floor. She is playing the sacrificial mother role.
All she did differently is dress
age appropriate - how is the bar set so low for her?
I am a mother, can I have some coin? I dress age appropriately too.
No. 209075
>>209071She doesn't need the money she's begging for. Mommy Corn will not let her only precious half Asian grandSON destitute.
The world has actually needy people that don't have a supportive family to fall back on.
Mommy Corn and co would have taken Scunt to court if Yumi had a case.
No. 209076
>>209064>>209058>>209057scott's a piece of shit, but it's wking to try to make excuses for yuhan's obvious cheating. even if she agreed that he wasn't the father, courts don't rely on her word and terminate parental rights
and support rights for the child unless there is substantial evidence to back it up. they wouldn't just roll over and give in, mainly because single parents tend to rely on state assistance and the parent paying for child support is responsible to pay that back. and she likely had her family helping her with fees and things. in all likelihood scott was on the birth certificate and she confessed later that she cheated, which is what caused him to file for divorce in the first place so part of the proceedings were to remove him as a parent(and even if he gave up parental rights, he'd still have to pay support if the child was his) everyone itt was so quick to go to her side when they thought
she was leaving
him and scoffed at the idea that she cheated. but now that proof is staring us in the face, we're making excuses for her? she's not innocent in all this, no matter how awful scott is. she's the one who married him anyway despite all the red flags.
No. 209111
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Holy shit what a twist is this milkmas?! Yumi truly is the cow that keeps on giving
No. 209116
>>209080The Reddit screenshot above states the kid isn't Splendas. When Yumi's parents found out "it broke the family apart." Hence the begging? Financially they will give her money to not starve/be on the streets (she has a young child after all!) but it doesn't mean they're happy about the situation.
Milkmas straight up fam. Drink.
No. 209122
>>209080Other people itt have theorized some reasons, see
>>209044. I'd summarize it as such: Yumi is remarkably stupid and Splenda is an experienced deadbeat who is smarter and richer and knows the system. He could have intimidated her enough for her to just give up. It's irrational on her part but again she's stupid and she would not be the first mother to just let the baby's father be a deadbeat rather than deal with him.
I'm not discounting the probable scenario of her cheating though, just offering up possibilities.
No. 209125
>>183084I mean, there's this post, where she said there are lies and she can't discuss the case because of legal issues. I still don't see how all of this cheating and random stuff could have happened while they were actively trying for a baby and making videos about baby preparations and stuff. I mean, I understand what the court papers say but it is extremely weird if the reddit poster was right.
If Scott and his family have been posting online, they are violating the terms of the divorce. I wonder why only Yumi had to produce all this information and Scott didn't.
No. 209155
>>209124What would have to be noted? The general idea is that since he had more money and working knowledge of this legal system she could easily have just been intimidated into giving up. That wouldn't be on a court record and again, a lot of women do just give up because it isn't worth the trouble. I'm not defending her and this isn't really tinfoiling but it's a possibility just based on his past, her stupidity, and how deadbeats frequently get away with these things. Courts and the state can be remarkably lenient in how they deal with deadbeats and frequently just let them get away with a lot of crazy shit.
I just wonder if there is another guy if she'd go after him for child support. It would obviously be the smart thing to do but this is Yumi we're talking about.
No. 209157
>>209155She had a lawyer representing her. You're acting like she was on a stand, trying to defend herself, acting scared for her life a la Amber Heard.
If they settled for a lump sum, it would be noted in the records that this happened and that they agreed to it. Given that it would be a pretty penny for her to do this, I highly doubt Splenda wouldn't cover his ass and have it done through his legal team, like he did with the rest of the proceedings.
You're also underestimating Yuhan's family. Whether they like what she did or not, they were not going to leave her to her own devices, and proof of that is that they're all living together in Georgia in the same house. Her family supports her, obviously.
Like this anon
>>209131 said, if anything was handled privately and if she was paid to go away, they wouldn't have gone through trial, mediation, and all the other proceedings. Nobody wants to go through the legal system because of how long it takes and how tedious it is, yet they did.
No. 209160
>>208871Holy shit if this is true, who is the real dad? Is it that English tutor / ex boyfriend she keeps mentioning like he was the One that got away?
Splenda's literally 50. Would be shocking if the baby is from his old ass sperm.
No. 209223
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Genes = toss up. This is a mommy blogger's half chinese/white kid. Does the kid look asian or white though?
No. 209224
>>209219the baby is probably all chinese tbh. and like
>>209223 said it's a toss up what traits are more prominent. many half asian babies get barely any asian features at all. don't get brainwashed by sjws who don't know anything.
No. 209812
>>208849I'm not surprised that she cheated and the baby is illegitimate.
Splenda is old and he likely knew he was infertile and that the baby couldn't have been his. Imagine his doughy, pale, hairy potato body putting all its weight on top of hers and pumping away week after week. Only concerned about his pleasure and never hers, just like the selfish fucker he presented as in their old vlogs. All for nothing. Yumi let this gross scrote control her for it all to have been in vain. She isn't getting shit.
Even though Yumi is a conventional uggo, she is still young and asian and there's no doubt men were simping for her. The sexual and romantic temptations were probably too much to resist. Splenda was a cheap, infertile old toad.
It's actually a good thing that Yumi got basted with fresher sperm, with the additional bonus of being the final nail in a coffin for this relationship which was always doomed. At least her kid ought to be healthier for it, and won't be mentally scarred by a crotchety 60 year old white dude larping as his daddy.
I hope ugly fuckos like Splenda know all they've got to offer is their money. They have nothing else going for them. I'd feel sorry if he were genuinely a nice and caring guy who gave Yumi the best but we all know that was never the case. I hope more men like him are punished for thinking young women want anything to do with them.
Maybe he can get with some fellow pudgy old looksmatch with an attitude from work.
No. 217747
>>208849Tbh I was arguing 7 months ago that I kinda believe the cheating-not his baby leaks could be true because
>>177328 (my post) why would her wealthy parents leave her out in the cold so that she has to beg for money basically? It always seemed super strange to me.
This just confirms it almost 100% to me.
No. 247197
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People have the same questions
No. 247366
>>247268What's hard to believe that Splenda was stingy about giving spending money to his mail order bride and didn't give a fuck about decorating his house?
For as cheap as the aliexpress dresses were, the point is that she valued having many of them which she absolutely fucking did while she was with Splenda. Now she barely creates any content around fashion and you can tell it bothers her.
No. 247942
>>247935Yeah I had the same thought. She needs to be at a women’s shelter not a flop house.
>>247924She has nobody to blame but herself it’s a sad situation but this could have been avoided.
No. 248256
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No. 248295
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No. 248297
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2 of 2
No. 248330
>>248297>>247924Worth noting no paternity test was done, so we don't know for sure what happened. Just that Splenda dumped a woman with a 6 month old child.
>>248218>if she really wanted to get a job she would have done so ages agoI think she had a part time job before the baby was born.
>>248084Re: Chinese tradition, I blame her mother, she should be helping out here since the reason Yumi did this is because her mom also married a white american.
>>248318>>248121>>247924The unsaged or untagged replies in this thread should be treated with some suspicion imo since they aren't lolcow regulars but magically appear here to shit on a single mother
>muh she unfortunately deserves this hard piece of lifeKeep cheerleading for men who (effectively) get mail order brides and then dump them, great look for you anon kek.
iirc he used right wing phrases and talking points in some pre-divorce videos and we all know the angry incel opinion about
muh women take everything in the divorce so you can imagine how angrily he fought to assert the child was not his and she gets nothing.
The thing is many men walk away, pay nothing and never see their bio children, biology doesn't actually matter to these scrotes. He oviously didn't care for Yumi in the slightest aside from being an Asian sex doll for him, to violently cut ties with her at the speed he did as soon as the baby was born.
No. 248341
>>248330While i agree the summerfags and invaders are annoying. Lets not act like yumi didn’t choose to be a azn sex doll and was eating out of pet bowls for this scrote even though she got a college education and could have just gotten a normie job instead of pandering to moids for aliexpress clothes.
Also no matter how much he insists it wasnt his, a simple paternity test in court which she has a right to, would have ended that argument unless she just laid back and let her child be fatherless in the eyes of the law and now have to prove paternity with another scrote to claim child support.
No. 248733
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I love when people tell on themselves. What are you doing browsing here anyway? lol
No. 248735
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>>248733>>248734Anyway, she hasn't uploaded. Hope she's okay as much as I'm annoyed with her. Sharing a bathroom with 3 other men? Gross. What if one of the creeps puts a camera in there or something.
No. 248771
>>248297It's interesting that Yuhan asked Scott to surrender all rights to the child. No mention of a paternity test, just that they agree Scott is not the father of the child.
I don't want to WK Yuhan. She made a lot of poor choices, the worst of all was marrying Scott. But it occurred to me that Yuhan could have been raped or taken advantage of (also rape) by a male friend. Cheating intentionally isn't the only way to get pregnant. idk I hate Scott regardless. I doubt he is and was faithful based on his track record.
No. 249028
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No. 249132
>>248465I still despise Scott more than anyone here. He probably has more than the little asian doll fetish and I wouldn't rule out he wanted to keep banging his wife while pregnant, to which she obviously disagreed. Yumi has always said all she wanted was to have kids. Everyone knew this. Their personal interests started drifting more and more apart.
People also speculated how bad it would all turn out if the baby turned out to be a girl… I did notice Yumi posted less videos after the gender reveal and Scott slowly getting out the videos after the news too. If she wanted to get away from him with the baby as much as possible I can see why she wouldn't even ask for a paternity test.
I don't care who is the father and clearly she doesn't either. We're missing here the fact that NOTHING out of ANY story adds up.
No. 249167
He did not keep her isolated. After their China trip they came back home and then Yumi flew out alone to Seattle to visit her parents without Splenda. It was after that she returned she announced her pregnancy afterwards. Also during their China trip Yumi was very determined to go searching for her ex boyfriends, especially her foreigner ex who was her teacher. I will link the video. I think most likely she did cheated after they came back from their trip. She must had started having feelings for some of her ex bf’s and got in touch with them behind Splendas back. I
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