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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 2733[Reply]

Have we ever had a thread on Null/Josh Moon?


>owner of kiwifar.ms

>notorious lolcow on block land forums, known for stalking girls relentlessly and threatening to rape said girls (121 page thread about null on the forum)
>tasked with creating infinity next, the much needed upgrade 8chan had needed. He begged for over 4k in donations from 8chan users and did fuck all with his time and blamed hotwheels in the end.
457 posts and 44 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 7175

Testing, please ignore

No. 7194

I came here to escape Josh and now I see this from six months ago

No. 7198


No. 7242

No. 7440


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No. 5043[Reply]

Speedrun/Super Smash Bros streamer who thinks she's hot shit because she's a trans woman. Recently got angry when she wasn't allowed to vlog about her life with just a webcam on a game streaming website and wants Twitch to include "vlogs and napping streams" onto their platform. Apparently gets posted on 4chan regularly.




Current: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-R8ghoWcuny0CUB3hmm9XA

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No. 5088

That's weird, for me it says "Page could not be found, or has been deleted by its owner" that's why I assumed he just quit. Sounds like Twitch had enough of him.

No. 5633

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cow pose

No. 7176

No. 7432

This schizo is still alive?

No. 7433


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No. 2239[Reply]

is @thongria lolcow material yet? does anyone else even know her? Internet it-girl whose rise to fame was an article about how she slept with 100 men. now she seems to think that she is a feminist icon for posting racey selfies and talking about every yeast infection she gets and bragging about giving dudes std's.

bff's w/ molly soda and self proclaimed sexpert because she writes totes empowering articles about how tough it was to go a week not dressing "sexy".

her insta is pretty entertaining because of comical self absorption. tell me i'm not the only one that's heard of her before. idk i think its annoying af to have hyper sexual narcissism parading as feminism, as if women suffered for all those years just for some rich white girl that sells dildos for a living to sit on instagram all day. I'm so done. where do all these white feminists come from and why

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No. 5637

No. 5638



No. 7220

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Ew I woke up thinking about her this morning and look…the troon shoulders are unbearable

No. 7221


No. 7336


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No. 4862[Reply]


iDubbbz even more savage than the keemstar rant


Leafster pretending to be on vacation

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No. 7199

I'd cum inside his tight little bussy any day 🤤

No. 7411

where the fuck am i

No. 7414

you entered the shadow relam

No. 7415

No. 7416

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No. 3445[Reply]

What are your thoughts on Sachie?

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/lemonkissu
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sachietv
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No. 7404

i hope she truly is on a recovery arc and doesn't self harm or anything like that, i'd hate that and hope she's getting therapy / has deprogramed that deep rooted shit that made her do the things she did. I wasn't perfect either so i wont act like im not to blame

all i ask is to never do that again, and im sure you wont, so continue to do good and look forward cause the dumb shit we do in our 20s doesn't define us. ive moved on, so i hope it doesn't cause any subconscious torment when it doesn't need to. with that said i genuinely will never look at this thread again cause i dont feel the need to, just had to get that off my chest. what i want most is a positive turn around despite my anger, and i only show that on here cause i have outbursts of pain.

No. 7405

Good for you , Matt. Sachie may not apologize, but she is trying to do better. Peace be with you, Matt.

No. 7406

Looking to sachie noods hmu

No. 7407

thank you for not posting the Onlyfans. I am really sorry how things turned out and I'm glad you are moving on.

No. 7409

Someones just gotta post the OF at this point

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No. 101[Reply]


-visual kei wannabe/poser

-has a band called d.eluge(thinks their band is visual kei- music sounds suicidal)

-uses japanese but can barely speak the language

-hair looks overprocessed and fried

-makeup look drag

-fb: https://www.facebook.com/zak.aura

-ig: https://www.instagram.com/zk_cy/
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No. 5643

No. 7149

Who is the person on the right? I know I’ve seen them before but I just can’t remember their name

No. 7165


No. 7177

I've talked to this person before, nothing in how they regarded me seems like they are like is being posted about in the least and I was acting pretty weird when I talked with him.

No. 7201

This is a lie. Jus' sayin'.

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No. 7113[Reply]

Into the tea ladies!
Minzy is a 23 year old MTF ‘artist’ who can’t stay out of Twitter, Instagram and Discord drama for more than 5 minutes. Her existence literally amounts to seething over people on the internet, such as massive lolcow, Lillee Jean. The thing even more entertaining than laughing at Lillee is watching Minzy and her personal army seethe over Lillee and anyone that dare uses their Twitter usernames in vain!! This army consists Diane Awesome Laser (Lillee Jean’s Arch Nemesis who also defended Creepshow art ((a cow who’s most known for stalking, harassing and sexually harassing women online), Tater Tatiana who already has a thread here for being equally annoying, and mortal maggot who calls everyone a Karen) Minzy has been extremely racist on Twitter including bashing ESL speakers with her friends.
Minzy seethes, copes and dilates so much that you can literally just @ her or any one of her Twitter buddies, and she’s already lost the plot and accusing various people of tweeting at her, you should try it!
Twitter - @MahouMinzy
Instagram - @Mahouminzy(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
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No. 7139

Autism, nonnie

No. 7140

Just enjoy it.

No. 7141

>Minzy is anti vaxx

No. 7142

You autistic that, do you know what namefagging even is?

No. 7143

op is terrible. But Minzy is somewhat funny, is a pansexual jewish furry.

Her furaffinity, which seems to have be wiped https://www.furaffinity.net/user/mahouminzy/
archive: https://archive.vn/wip/kow2J

most of her artwork, is furry anthropomorphic women, with a customer base of other weird furries.

But hey what ever keeps the lights on I guess, even if it is a fetish for animal woman

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No. 7070[Reply]

Owner of this site : Regina Catherine
One of the only people followed by the Lolcow Farm Twitter, also posted under legitimate name on Kiwi Farms without a VPN openly talking about owning the site. Is followed by several moderators, has spoken profusely about Onision, (Regina on discord called herself Gregina, Greg is Onision’s first name) has a bunch of people on Twitter all followed by Regina & Lolcow_farm with the same hashtag in bio (#DeplatformPredators)(Legit retarded)
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No. 7108

There’s no milk, OP is a teenager with too much time and not enough attention - and I believe is also a fellow snowflake on here already. Let’s see who can guess the OP instead lmao

No. 7109

Off-topic fag. No one cares who the OP is kek(ban evading sperg)

No. 7110

Rule one was already broken, not like you’re gonna get any actual milk here anyway

No. 7111

Admins of this site have not once stuck to their own rules.(ban evading sperg)

No. 7112

Thread will be locked as there is no evidence or milk and is mostly just one anon samefagging.

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No. 5828[Reply]

Previous Threads:
Marilyn Manson #1 : Fuck You Edition:
Marilyn Manson #2 : Chin of Sin Edition:
Marilyn Manson #3: In Search of Lost Tooth Edition:
Marilyn Manson #4: Fake PR Moves Edition:
Marilyn Manson #5:
Marilyn Manson #6: Baby Manson Time Edition:
Marilyn Manson #7: Honeymoon Edition:
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No. 7065

So it could very well be that dumb Manson thought he found a publicist who is willing to post bs about Evan in the long run and that's why he trash talked Evan and victims during their phone calls and sent Annie the photo of Evan with a knife?

If that's true then LOL. A fraud got played by another fraud.

No. 7066

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Remember when Annie Salijevic/Kiddo/Darling/Jackson/Abrams sperged that huge essay about how you can never look past the artist and their real life?

No. 7067

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No. 7068

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Sage, but this picture made me laugh a bit and it would be sad if you didn’t see this.

No. 7069

> A fraud got played by another fraud.

ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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No. 5757[Reply]

Discuss and provide screenshots of the most cringe-worthy anons.
examples of lolcows on lolcow: admin, necessaryspeed4, hamchan, any notorious ban evaders
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No. 5823

yeah okay jan

No. 5824

I’m so sorry you suffer from aforementioned affliction, get well soon anon xx

No. 5825

You sure you don't want to post your Confetti Club membership card, anon?

No. 5826

This is it. This is the one.

No. 5827

Every anon who ran over to meta and took giant steaming shits in the complaints thread and the nearly-dead gendercritical thread after /ot/ closed. It was relatively tame and quiet in meta until everyone caught autism and sperged out in the complaints and suggestions thread because they couldn't vent about how much they hate their boyfriends for a week, and then started piss fighting with squirt guns in the server migration thread. I have never seen meta so filled with rage before.

I understand being irritated at /ot/ closing with little to no warning or explanation but hot damn there was enough undiluted autism to give PULLtards a run for their money.

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