File: 1741575897707.png (1.03 MB, 1160x743, wigs.png)

No. 2097403
Kaijuno/Jessica Peck, according to herself and her tumblr following, is a retired, published, award-winning nuclear astrophysicist with 2 PhDs and a 158 IQ, as well as an author, artist, AI expert, professor, pilot, substance abuse counselor, sex worker, amateur self-surgeon with formal medical training, and the “most interesting woman in the world.”
In reality, all she has accomplished since being dismissed from her undergraduate program in 2017 is scamming her impressionable audience with copy-pasted donation posts about an eviction court date that occurs every single month, leaving her on the cold streets of Michigan, while dying of hypoglycemia and starvation and a myriad of other exaggerated health conditions. Kaijuno has a long history of pointlessly lying about every aspect of her existence, such as claiming obvious AI art as her own, shooping her selfies to have heterochromia, stealing posts from around the web, calling herself a homeowner then begging for rent mere months later.
Copypasta donation posts:
>>>/snow/2082661 >>>/snow/2085526Callout post debunking her multiple PhDs:
>>>/snow/2082658Astrophysicist LARP history:
>LARPs as jaded ex-academic who’s seen too much and quit academia due to “government intervention,” having “built illegal machines” and “done math she shouldn’t have” despite not having a single degree and never meaningfully entering academia to begin with >attended CMU as an undergraduate 2015-2017 studying everything from before being dismissed with a GPA of 0.0-1.49, according to the school’s dismissal policy >immediately copes by claiming to have been accepted in a top 10 school, “self-publishing” somehow as a rogue astrophysicist >misrepresents poster project made her sophomore year as her first publication in a scientific journal, continuously using a picture taken as proof of her achievements >refuses to link papers under the fear of doxxing, but readily shares her full name Jessica Peck on her gofundmes, under which no astrophysics papers exist>unable to answer basic questions about her field from curious followers >contradicts self constantly on the highest degree she has achieved (bachelor’s in only 2.5 years? masters? 2 PhDs?) >a collage of cope >>>/snow/2082930Miscellaneous lies:
>claims to have grown up in and out of homeless shelters working 3 jobs through college to dunk on other e-beggars, though by all accounts lived with her family before moving out >makes melodramatic, sappy fake posts about bonding with minorities despite being a “little white girl” and everyone clapping; these garner thousands of notes >abandoned OnlyFans advertised with appalling photos of her similarly obese moid and Luna Slater body, defensively claims to have been a sex worker making “hella money” >traffics drugs for her "redneck anarchist" father who allegedly locked her 5 days without food and waterDubious medical claims:
>easily performed at-home dental surgery thanks to her “formal medical training,” pulling out shards of broken wisdom teeth and stitching her gums with “makeshift wire” due to no dentist taking “her kind of Medicaid” >leftover amoxicillin taken for her dental surgery leads to an unexpected pregnancy and then $600 abortion >once claimed to use a cane because she has multiple sclerosis and would die before 40 >in other posts, claimed to use a cane because she broke her foot slipping on the ice and had to set the bone herself (downing either vodka or fireball depending on the day) >lived through 4 suicide attempts, including totaling her car after her current boyfriend dumped her, being shot by her dad, an armed home invasion when she was 9, cancer scare, etc. >her hypoglycemia as seen in her e-begging is allegedly caused by necrotic pancreatitis and kidney infection experienced in 2020, along with C.Diff and COVID acquired from the hospital, a story changing in detail each time she tells it (sometimes it’s multiple organ failure, sometimes she lost 30 or 100 pounds and her fever spiked between 103-106 F, sometimes her parents or the doctors disbelieved her until they saw her 300 heart rate) >fractured her spine from a “dick appointment” that has since left her disabled and unable to work>heterochromia caused by a firework mortar to the face>currently lying about starving to death for donations, admitting to "fasting" after gloating over weight loss and "skeletal" body in edited selfiesTruthful claims:
>is over 300 pounds >>>/snow/2082759>too stupid to use an oven >>>/snow/2082701E-Begging Cringe Thread
https://kaijuno.tumblr.com No. 2097405
File: 1741576052907.png (2.56 MB, 2625x2625, dittohead.png)

am OP but I didn't write OP myself, thank you whoever did!
>>>/snow/2092127 No. 2097414
File: 1741578196361.png (106.63 KB, 1892x851, 1740507557381.png)

No. 2097415
File: 1741578803305.jpg (2.5 MB, 4096x3276, 1000006223.jpg)

Thank you OP!! (and OP's ghostwriter). I've been wishing we had a thread on this bitch for ages. She's such a classic pathological liar, like she's stuck in 2012 tumblr forever.
No. 2097524
File: 1741619723536.png (48.78 KB, 504x522, Screenshot 2025-03-10 110137.p…)

>>2097415>She's such a classic pathological liarAgreed, and the lies are
obvious. Anyone with eyes and a brain can tell she's bullshitting. The post in the bottom-center of
>>2097414 is a favorite of mine because she's trying to seem like an edgy & mysterious main character type, but it just sounds like she's a bad driver with the aerodynamics of a pumpkin.
No. 2097528
File: 1741621317781.png (286.04 KB, 1080x1132, 1000008125.png)

No. 2097543
File: 1741624586601.png (1.8 MB, 1060x1588, 1000008127.png)

Is it even possible to lose that much weight in 3 days?
No. 2097547
File: 1741624703267.jpg (115.01 KB, 1242x1108, 1000008128.jpg)

BPD behavior.(learn2reply)
No. 2097831
File: 1741698536025.jpg (975.39 KB, 1080x2365, 1000080452.jpg)

sage for lack of milk but her rampant Tumblr Poasting™ is so irritating to me. Illiterate redneck anarchist father ?? I'd say just make ocs, but her use of AI shows me that her creativity stops at making fake posts intended to get 12 reblogs
No. 2097844
File: 1741703278424.png (874.27 KB, 582x1161, we gucci.png)

Wonder what the story is this time
No. 2097941
File: 1741718282833.png (1.7 MB, 1080x1628, 1000015222.png)

Her stories are so badass it really makes me wonder what she's like in real life. Man she must really not have much going for her if this is what she spends her time making up.(sage your shit/repost)
No. 2097974
File: 1741723036036.png (54.93 KB, 563x657, Screenshot 2025-03-11 155338.p…)

>>2097844Pancreatitis again and needs her rent paid. I wonder if she'll bother making an eviction post for March or just keep the February one up.
No. 2097979
File: 1741723398450.png (11.75 KB, 568x180, homopic.png)

Old post, but it's crazy how readily people believe her academia LARPing when she seems genuinely slow from the way she types.
No. 2097997
File: 1741726120066.jpeg (116.08 KB, 1023x780, IMG_1388.jpeg)

>>2097941She can't even keep track of her lies, in old posts she says her dad was a nurse and gave her medical training and now she's saying he's an illiterate redneck anarchist drug dealer.
No. 2097998
File: 1741726293216.jpeg (544.83 KB, 1290x2037, IMG_1389.jpeg)

>>2097974From her google review page that she linked on her tumblr. Is the reoccurring pancreatitis a result of her alcohol abuse? Is this just another lie? And if this review is true, she hasn't been sober a year if she relapsed three months ago.
No. 2098165
Thanks for the thread, OP! I see great potential here
>>2097415>she's stuck in 2012 tumblr foreverYeah, I haven’t used tumblr in years, but she’s exactly how I remember the phenotypical tumblr user to be back then kek. People like kaijuno probably will never change because they’ve found their pathological niche in this type of community
No. 2098372
File: 1741807262579.png (21.88 KB, 745x193, repulsive.png)

my god this bitch is nasty
No. 2098558
File: 1741874364568.png (225.79 KB, 1020x624, kofi.png)

I was curious how many people had donated to her ko-fi page, so I checked it out. I had to keep scrolling, and scrolling, and scrolling. I was amazed at how long I had to scroll to reach the bottom. How do e-beggars manage to trick so many people? Especially one as histrionic as Kaijuno? She's had it for 4 years, and in the beginning she used to reply to almost every donation with a "thank you" message but she hasn't done that in a long time. I compiled some of the donations that I thought were funny.
No. 2098625
File: 1741888542546.png (1.24 MB, 864x1193, 1000045325.png)

She reminds me of Lillee Jean in a few different ways.
No. 2098737
File: 1741912721553.png (75.31 KB, 567x766, drug lord.png)

She's had the drug lord dad story for a long time.
No. 2098797
>>2098737>Daddy has a net worth of millions>I am in desperate need of rent and food money immediately, pls gibSo desperate for attention and none of her bullshit adds up in the slightest but hey, as long as those donations keep rolling in, who cares, right?
>>2098558I feel bad for the ones that give all that they can spare but at the same time come on, how stupid do you need to be to fall for this? This is retard exploitation.
No. 2098966
File: 1741986733207.jpeg (632.3 KB, 1290x1852, IMG_1422.jpeg)

>>2098737looks like dad was also able to find time between being an illiterate drug lord nurse redneck anarchist to build houses and do other construction work!
No. 2098989
>>2098980>>2098737>>2097997>>2097941To be charitable, many tumblr users just love this genre of “quirky story from my past” posts that she often makes. Those posts are probably reaching more casual followers of hers, as well as being reblogged or posted to other websites for non-followers to see. It’s also a common joke how little attention people give to tumblr urls/usernames as a whole (for example, being baffled by one-time-I-dreamt submissions before realizing what blog they come from). Even I have seen the astronomy class TA post and the laser post as screenshots, with no idea of who she was or that they were written by the same person.
I suspect she is so rarely called out on her lies because almost no one is paying close enough attention to notice them. And probably things will stay that way, unless she runs afoul of the wrong niche microcommunity and they start autistically combing through her blog looking for more cancellable offenses.
No. 2098993
>>2097403the varying caliber of her lies is what makes it obvious that she's a pathological liar. having walter white as your father is so obviously fiction that is borders on satire, but 'learn[ing] how to ride a bike inside of a Dollar General as it was being built' is something that could have feasibly happened to someone at some point in time. just not her. lol
>>2098989i second this, i don't think tumblr users think too hard about whatever funny haha crazy personal 'lore' stories hit their dashboards.
No. 2099004
File: 1741994495218.png (1.06 MB, 578x1846, dad.png)

>>2098966There's probably some kernels of truth in there that she's twisting, but I can't get over how stupid she is to casually drop her dad's name while pretending she cares at all about privacy when it comes to posting her "research."
No. 2099008
File: 1741994898212.png (348.39 KB, 633x2657, independent research.png)

Making posts like this was what probably what she meant by self-publishing as an astrophysicist.
No. 2099024
>>2099004My theory: if this post is the closest to being truthful about her family, then her dad is literally just some blue-collar construction guy (and perhaps a drug user/small-time dealer). I really doubt he changed many of his “
problematic” traits for her sake as she claimed, though. He’s probably a trumper to this day, and those older posts she made about him being
abusive (even if not true) would likely be more indicative of their relationship. Also, letting your little girl run around unsupervised with your moid construction-worker coworkers is such fucking horrible parenting I don’t know how she can even try to spin it otherwise (again, assuming it even happened). On the other hand, if her parents moved into a newly-built house when she was young, then the “construction site” pictured might just be that, and she made up the rest whole-cloth.
>>2099008>secret 1970s CIA experiments>string theory>Heisenberg uncertainty principle>quantum mechanics>parapsychology>weedKek. This is so on-the-nose. It hits on all the popular pseudoscientific conspiracy theory talking points, referencing things that the reader is supposed to feel smart for knowing about but not have an in-depth knowledge of, otherwise they’d realize it’s bullshit. Did she ever respond to the reblog calling her out for her shit “science”?
No. 2099192
File: 1742062714388.jpg (604.31 KB, 1536x2048, tumblr_70cd5250167b5a871c77957…)

What does she not want to larp as? Jesus fucking Christ.
No. 2099241
File: 1742074863502.png (1019.65 KB, 810x1408, fat.png)

hamplanet stunned to discover she has bones. "Skeletal" lmao
No. 2099242
File: 1742074924013.png (837.76 KB, 751x1252, cringeposting.png)

of course she's also a pretendian
No. 2099300
>>2099242God, can she and Stefany Lauren meet? Because I bet Dr Physicist here has also popped balloons with her mind! Just getting that feeling.
Stef was larping as some kind of biologist/ecologist, back when she lied about applying for a Yale graduate program despite having no college degree whatsoever. I would kill for a meeting of the minds here.
No. 2099336
File: 1742105865918.jpeg (714.03 KB, 1284x3400, IMG_3615.jpeg)

Just 4 baddies who like the deftones! Lol
No. 2099348
>>2099207It makes her feel better about her own greasy rough underbelly I'm guessing…
>>2099207She also lies and claims she moves ""substance"" in the panels of cars for her own father. The only thing those canines are going to find in that car is some stale McDonald's French fries and spilled ranch packets
No. 2099374
File: 1742122432312.jpg (499.51 KB, 1080x1908, Screenshot_20250316_054727_Tum…)

I'm surprised no one has mentioned the stolen/AI generated art she claims as her own. It seems like a lot of the stuff in her "doodles" tag is either coloring book pages, paint by number screenshots, or AI generated. Weird to act like she's painting them when she's using image composite software.
No. 2099661
File: 1742171114597.png (85.17 KB, 569x739, Screenshot 2025-03-16 202336.p…)

There it is
No. 2099668
File: 1742171483311.png (1.41 MB, 1150x1254, quantum physics for…)

A Quantum Physics for Dummies book and nearly decade-old CMU lanyard, just in case you forgot she was a genius
No. 2100186
File: 1742271512027.jpeg (728.89 KB, 1290x1171, IMG_0310.jpeg)

a collection of my favorite lies so far. other than the ever changing and updating stories about her dad, my favorites are her I am very badass tier lies
No. 2100503
File: 1742337845866.png (1.27 MB, 1481x1641, redneck.png)

At one point she was LARPing as a farm girl (and stealing posts about it)
No. 2100517
File: 1742340202526.png (392.98 KB, 561x4089, nakeynakey man.png)

Rare moment of her acknowledging her fake stories.
>I was manic and spiraling and lying for attention
>actually it was a genius ARG and the typos are on purpose and I'm proud of it
Parts of her explanation seem AI-generated too, like even that was too much effort.
No. 2100588
>>2099008God her run on sentences are atrocious.
>String theory somehow being heavily conflated with quantum physics calculations>Why the fuck string theory was mentioned in a paper that could possibly be discussing the wisdom of the crowd phenomena (Closest thing I can even find it being related to)>Planck units and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle probably being offhandedly mentioned in the paper with loose correlation in its methodology. Retard exaggerates its "connection" because of how cool it sounds to the other speds on tumblr>Horribly blending sociology and magnetic fields? And it's relation to quantum physics somehow?>Mixing up the double slit experiment with the observer effect, doesn't even explain the observer effect accurately. >Does not even explain string theory correctly. Of course you can find patterns and structure in anything, just put on your schizo goggles. I don't understand how or why she acts like this is some ground breaking paper when declassified CIA documents or papers that supposedly break pre-conceptions of quantum physics would be left undiscussed? Also her explanation of string theory is so over-complicated when it's a very simple concept. It's embarrassing and cringe to see how inaccurate she is the minute someone looks into it for 5 seconds.
No. 2100804
File: 1742419934721.jpeg (142.32 KB, 480x640, IMG_8418.jpeg)

>>2100503Isn’t she from Michigan? What fucking “mountain people”? I know the post is stolen, but why even pick this one?
>>2100726Lmao. I wonder if she grew up in one of those suburban areas that used to be on/near farmland. As someone who did, you do indeed occasionally see a small patch of land with grain or grazing animals near the road or amongst the older houses, but the rest of the area is very well-developed. Literally nothing rural or “gritty” about it. You would gain approximately zero farm skills growing up in that environment unless you a) were part of the farming family in question (and there weren’t that many of these, mostly the land was inherited), b) joined an agricultural organization like the FFA, or c) regularly drove at least 20-30 minutes outside the city to where most of the actual farming was done.
Obviously this is speculation since I’m basing it on my own experience (t.from the American South), sorry if it’s too bloggy. Are there any Michigan anons here that might have better insight?
No. 2100875
File: 1742429509719.png (90.38 KB, 569x1594, pets.png)

More amusing farm-related lies
No. 2101091
File: 1742500851464.gif (369.77 KB, 220x145, the-simpsons.gif)

Is she working or nah? She lies about everything so I guess not since she has all this time lying on the internet but is she just living on internet and government handouts?
She's such a interesting cow because everything has to be puzzled together from the lies.
I'm here for the pilot arc to start kek
No. 2101092
>>2100875Okay, there is absolutely no excuse for people to believe in this one. This claim drove me insane enough to do some poking around, and I can’t find a single instance of moose being farmed for meat in the United States. Plenty of farms and farm-related ventures with “moose”
in the name, but none with moose as livestock. One of the only close-to-reputable sources I could find on the subject says that some moose might be raised in Alaska and Maine for research purposes, but that’s it. If her grandpops had really owned the single commercial moose farm in the country, there would surely be some record of it, no? that said, I did find one experimental farm in Russia that keeps moose for dairy production. Maybe she can incorporate that into her LARP somehow. for the autism.
(this is an imageboard) No. 2101111
File: 1742503870463.jpeg (420.08 KB, 1290x1118, IMG_1464.jpeg)

no one is addressing you as "Dr" you were dismissed from college at undergraduate level for abysmal grades
No. 2101140
File: 1742509682922.jpg (451.28 KB, 1080x1709, Screenshot_20250320-222657.jpg)

Why is she always lying about being so tough
No. 2101195
>>2101140This bitch is 200 lbs overweight wears retard glasses and somehow always has at least three inches of frizzy root growth if I didn’t know her I would not fuck with her for any amount of money. She certainly
looks psycho.
>>2099668That’s nice retard now show us your Griffiths
No. 2101227
>>2101092>this is an imageboardNta but nothing about this post warranted a visual aid. What, you wanted a screenshot of a non-existent list of moose meat farmers? Retards
>>2101140So does she spout these grandiosities when her sugar is low
No. 2101265
File: 1742543338400.jpg (123.11 KB, 1080x387, Screenshot_20250321_024713_X.j…)

Link to her twitter:'t posted in a while but still some funny/milky tweets.
No. 2101288
File: 1742558149582.png (606.92 KB, 1080x1080, 1000006730.png)

>>2101140>Raver syndicate is known to tag trees ????? Does tree tagging mean something I'm not aware of? I'm imagining picrel they were probably just forestry students lol. What nefarious purpose would this serve, and why would she "go off" on them? Even for her this is absurd.
No. 2101357
File: 1742573728577.png (453.39 KB, 395x1176, switchblade.png)

>>2101308Apparently she means literal spraypaint. Also I had to include the post of her switchblade. I really doubt she'd be physically capable of bending over and
grabbing that from her boot with any speed were she ever in an actual fight kek.
No. 2101358
File: 1742574128575.png (177.75 KB, 807x1381, evictionday.png)

>>2099661today's eviction day, nonnas!
No. 2101394
>>2101358Fingers crossed.
This reminds me of another cow on the other farms, Falco skywolf. It lives in a hotel and every tweet it's (it might be a she but I'm not sure) gonna be thrown out of the hotel it's staying in and everytime someone comes to the rescue. Who are these people donating and why? She's a pilot/dr/astrophysicist/all around bad ass and a whore, i bet there's some avenue she could make money. Maybe guns gor hire
No. 2101529
File: 1742616363343.png (329.71 KB, 1177x1582, grandpa.png)

Conflicting stories about both of her dead grandpas, one of which is presumably the moose farmer
Mom's (?) side
>they put him out of his misery out of respect for him
>he was her mom's rapist and she let him die painfully as her patient
Dad's side
>they found him days later with his eyes pecked out by crows and the STUPID dispatcher didn't believe her!
>they found him a few hours later after he died
No. 2101531
File: 1742616992111.png (375.41 KB, 773x918, plagiarism.png)

Plagiarized this one word for word from a 150k note post kek
No. 2101803
>>2101529It's horrible because I cannot wrap my head around a woman using her mother as a prop and lying about her grandfather being her rapist, but she lies so much about her family that it's within the realm of possibility every bit of that is fake. Kind of horrifying if she branded her grandpa a rapist, not just any but her
mothers if that's not true. It's like I want to believe it only because I can't imagine why anyone would lie about something so terrible, but she's batshit crazy so
No. 2101820
File: 1742685491307.png (470.75 KB, 450x925, jessie the deadname.png)

Some more shit that really totally happened for real, you guys…!
No. 2101850
>>2101820I'm still amazed that she and Stef haven't found each other. Stefany had the same sudden "trauma" around her name, so she changed it to Elsa - I mean, Ellie.
For Jessica, it's probably just another way to scam by distancing herself from her legal name.
No. 2101888
File: 1742701322889.jpeg (1.83 MB, 1179x2014, IMG_1577.jpeg)

Yet again pretending her fried frizz is ‘volume’
No. 2101919
File: 1742709379741.png (411.96 KB, 622x594, 2025-03-2306.54.04.png)

>>2101820>>2101888kek she is the kind of bitch who would still wear her high school graduation ring from 10 years ago
No. 2102096
File: 1742763364323.png (31.27 KB, 563x358, Screenshot 2025-03-23 165027.p…)

She's weirdly obsessed with 3 day fasts. She said she lost 40 lbs since January in this post
>>2090430 but obviously not
No. 2102106
File: 1742765860414.png (285.19 KB, 1130x602, back rent.png)

>>2102098They got back together last time, all it took was totalling her car and e-begging for hospital bills. I don't really think she's telling the truth, though, and if she is, she's better off without another jobless pig to e-beg for.
No. 2102137
File: 1742770424012.jpeg (160.22 KB, 1182x587, IMG_0577.jpeg)

Back at it. She can't post pictures because she thinks it has an owner… whatever that means. What a pathetic, e-beg larp. Saging bc idk if this counts as milk.
No. 2102172
File: 1742777901138.png (1.6 MB, 572x1779, sword.png)

>>2102158That's the sword she slays armed intruders with
No. 2102190
File: 1742783781057.png (77.59 KB, 608x846, backtrack.png)

>>2102137she backtracked on that one the second someone called her on how weird that was lmao
No. 2102256
>>2102137>>2102190These e-begging morons always act like such wannabe good samaritans.
>I'm such a good person, look, I took in a dog and now you HAVE to give me money!Even if this weren't a fake scenario her fat ass made up for some quick doordash money to last her through her strenuous and difficult and totally not fake 3-day fast, it's still so fucking stupid. Then again, poorfags always act so retarded when it comes to handling money. Of course, the first thing I do when I literally cannot afford rent (supposedly) is to take in a dog and buy the most expensive dog food I can find to feed it instead of just letting someone else find it and take it in. And her quirky YA lit protag typing style just adds another layer of insufferable to it all.
No. 2102266
File: 1742821800245.png (1.11 MB, 996x1134, lol.png)

theres literally no way kek.
No. 2102268
File: 1742822599604.jpg (177.07 KB, 960x960, Tumblr_l_8544762677511.jpg)

>>2102263Samefag but wow the tub looks even worse here
>>2102266Kek a phone "hooked up" to the telescope
No. 2102311
File: 1742835211345.png (3.63 KB, 419x68, Screenshot 2025-03-24 124751.p…)

>>2102266Hard to tell if she's lying or not (many photos of the Rosette Nebula look alike, though hers does appear to be backwards kek), but I noticed in the metadata that the "artist" of this photo is listed as Starla Peck.
No. 2102392
File: 1742855328235.png (448.18 KB, 496x641, 2016 jessica.png)

Comparing photos like
>>2102268 and
>>2102172 with photos of herself from a few years ago is crazy. She really let herself go when she committed to being a lazy e-beggar.
>>2102382She means that, usually, you ask the parents of a kid before you take a picture of the kid. So, she tried to excuse herself by saying "well, I don't know if the owner of this dog would consent to me uploading a photo of the dog online!" It's as stupid as it sounds.
No. 2102467
File: 1742866649038.png (102.23 KB, 569x1029, suicide.png)

In July she posted a suicide note and just left it up, ignoring everyone in the notes trying to comfort her (they didn't have money for her anyway). She's truly trapped in a time loop with that eviction on the 21st. No. 2102516
>>2102467Her reblogging it to bump KEKKKK
Also the "it's been a really fun 13 years" makes it sound like she's 13 years old and killing herself
No. 2102612
File: 1742924762273.webm (13.18 MB, 600x600, REOJess.webm)

>>2102610Correct me if I'm wrong but this is the original vocals for the song, yes? I'm not sure if she's too stupid to correctly record herself, or if she's trying to claim this is her actual singing voice. I'd believe either from her.
No. 2103231
File: 1743123625557.png (784.45 KB, 569x1006, foul.png)

Taking a shower is the only thing she has to be proud of
No. 2103236
File: 1743124882208.png (170.77 KB, 567x1287, cyst.png)

Incredibly annoying but successful e-begging. Is she just making up numbers?
No. 2103391
File: 1743176375579.jpg (225.3 KB, 1206x1025, another_day_another_grift.jpg)

Today's e-begging scheme
No. 2103395
File: 1743176836479.jpg (593.76 KB, 1247x2240, ratnestposting.jpg)

>>2103392She's been really feeling her hair the last couple of days, I compiled a few of the posts.
No. 2103493
>>2103395>SO MANY complimentsProbably got one, from a black woman so the "exclusively from black women" part isn't a lie and makes it all ok in her mind.
Everything else is pure fiction though. A random woman took time out of her day to do a teach a random woman she never met before a dance just because they have similar hair. Not only that though it was the CRIP WALK. I can vividly imagine her laying in bed or eating cereal or something, and she's wasting all her brainpower imagining these ridiculous scenarios, incrementing them, thinking about the most tumblr way to word it.
It's so sad, that's
all she does with her time. She spends her day thinking about all the experiences she wishes she could have.
No. 2103504
>>2103484She probably finally realised the trend that's been going for some 4 years now where people "find out" they have curly hair because of the increased popularity of curly hair routine videos. It's her next larp, the same way her being an astrophysicist is, or her parents being nurses but also illiterate rednecks while simultaneously also patricidal rape
victims. This is funny as fuck, I look forward to her curly hair larp era.
No. 2103524
File: 1743201936468.png (102.79 KB, 1953x502, cmu_ring.png)

>>2103516Right, I'm not in academia but I do work in a field that requires at least a bachelor's degree, and I've never once seen anyone wear a high school graduation ring. Or a college grad ring for that matter, which for the record the school she supposedly graduated from does offers, but only if you're a current student or have actually graduated.
No. 2103529
File: 1743202372516.png (109.09 KB, 610x859, white_savior.png)

>>2103520One of her most successful posts was similar racebait, so I'm not surprised she's trying again. Also sorry if this has already been posted, it's old but I couldn't find it in any other threads. She also reposts it about every other week anyway kek