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No. 453384
ITT: Post pictures, new developments and conversation about Luigi
Previous Threads:
>>450007>>451665 No. 453389
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>>453370but we haven't seen the pubes yet
No. 453391
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Merry Luigmas
No. 453395
>>453392moids are the fucking worst. They are used by rich moids to perpetuate the gap between rich and poor and then they just blame women when they are ass raped by society.
Chadigi is trying to help them by telling them to go out and have a normal social life instead of gooning to anime but they wont listen.
No. 453410
>>453403rittenhouse is a rightoid uggo handmaiden who killed poors.
Its not the same unfortunately.
The best we can do is be ready to raise hell if they try to punish wee wee for being a chad
No. 453411
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>>453408>I dont even know how anything can be fixedI do.
No. 453412
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>>453409He was sent to us by girl God.
No. 453423
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i want him so bad ughhh
No. 453436
>>453433imagine pickme weegee being "bi" and making out with cute boys just to make you horny and appeal to your fantasy
ultimate good boy
No. 453438
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>>453413here's the original. god i want to twist his nipples so bad
No. 453448
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>>453446is this what you like?
No. 453458
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>>453453He'll be in good hands, I'm very caring and attentive
No. 453465
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>>453458Samefag but I can't even joke about this, I really would be and would tend to his every physical, emotional, mental and mostly sexual needs. I adore him sfm
No. 453467
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>>453464>a nice akek i didn't mean to say it like this but you know what i'll leave it
No. 453468
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I refuse to believe anyone turned in this sad, helpless little woodland creature to the cops.
It had to be he turned himself in.
No. 453469
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>>453467kek I just got it
No. 453470
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I want him on his knees using his massive face, large tongue, and big hands to suck the soul out of my pussy. He would effortlessly swallow my pussy whole, not letting even a hint of moisture escape from his all encompassing mouth. His large, strong throat would be seen flexing as he swallows wave after wave of my cum. His hands are so big he could probably circle my waist and interlock his fingers, but I don't want that, I want them firm on my hips pressing me closer to the back of his throat. Then he looks up at me with his dreary eyes, past his thick dark eyebrows, communicating a million complex thoughts with his gaze. His boner strains through his orange jumpsuit and he pants and moans, wanting so badly to lean back and rip his jumpsuit off to start rolling his sausage, but now I've got my fist in his hair. A damp stain appears on his crotch. Etc etc
No. 453473
>>453456kek he is definitely gorgeous but if he looked at me like that i’d be intimiated as fuck
>>453455he’s rubbing his hands all over him the way we should be right now
No. 453475
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>>453474If you look carefully you can really see his cock smack full force into the wall
No. 453478
>>453470Unironically wish I could write like this. Hope the fanfic
nonny from the first thread returns
No. 453488
>>453476I haven't been into 3d moids in a long time. This is surreal for me.
I'm definitely more attracted to his actions than his appearance. But ngl he is cute.
No. 453498
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>>453495I knooowww it’s long and girthy
No. 453499
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>>453476Anynonny is welcome to join at any time.
No. 453503
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No. 453506
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>>453496A bit of both tbh (the speed edit won't upload in gif format so I tried this kek)
No. 453509
>>453506Hmmm, I think you can see his cock still when he's bouncing off the wall. I think you can just about see the cock slam into the wall as well. Her hand isn't quite in his shirt, though. I love the way his hands curl defensively. God I hope he gets roughed around sexily again on the 23rd but not too hard.
>>453508Why did you delete, were you embarrassed by the sheer coincidence? Don't hide from the cosmic pull Luigi has between us
No. 453510
>>453509Just had a gap that I had to fix aha.
Wonder if that lady cop has rewatched this moment numerous times and thought about the dick slamming
No. 453512
>>453508I still can't get over how different he looks after going AWOL, losing that gym bulk and letting his hair grow out did wonders for him. Except those McDonalds pics I just wanna scoop him up and let him sleep for as long as he wants in my bed because he looked like he hasn't slept in forever.
Also apparently a BnB owner in Altoona turned him down for a room because they didn't have any clean rooms available but he mentioned that he looked wired and shifty?? I wonder how differently it would have gone for Wiwi if he ha managed to hide out in a room instead of a McDonalds
No. 453514
>>453511Snowflake obsidian maybe.
>>453512Before he was caught I had fantasies about him coming to my home for shelter under the guise of being a stranger who was out in the cold for a while during a jog or something and just wanted to stop in for a quick coffee and rest. I'd let him stay with me, especially after he's been revealed. He can hide in my pussy.
No. 453515
>>453410Rittenhouse killed two pieces of shit, one of whom was a pedophile.
Them two and the other person shot but not killed were white, not that that matters.
No. 453518
>>453512I wish I was that BnB owner in Altoona. I'd let him sit with me and while I cleaned the room for him. I'd say "listen, I know who you are. You're a hero. You can stay here as long as you want. Free of charge"
Then I'd groom him
No. 453530
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it’s confirmed that weegee is getting mail and money in his books
No. 453537
>>453519nah. Too risky. You'll scare him off like a rare pokemon in the safari zone.
You need to groom him. Give him the intellectual jargon he's been so desperate for. I'm good at winning over these types(I was a sped with a shitload of ivy league friends who would come to me for therapy for some reason)
Just ask him about how he sees the world and stuff, bring up shit like Brave New World and Industrial Society and Its Future, Into the Wild and whatever.
You want to lock him in. The outside world with his materialistic friends and his meaningless tech job disenfranchised him, he doesn't want his old life as a cog in the machine. You need to intellectually stimulate him.
Then over time you bring up human relationships. Starting with friendships and how people are lonlier than ever. You can even kind of larp as a tardwife/crunchy type if it soothes him.
Then bring up love and human connection. Once he gets into that you go in for the kill. Your pussy will be eaten like a thanksgiving dinner after a 5 day fast.
No. 453541
>>453536I want to send stuff too but I am hesitant for the same reasons.
By the way, apparently you can send him books from online vendors. Just make sure they're paperback.
No. 453546
>>453541Okay perfect, I will send him paperback books.
>>453543>emails>2 lettersCan he even read the emails? And one of the letters was from the Baltimore Banner itself.
>>453544It won't be rape, just look at him, you know he wants to eat pussy so bad
No. 453547
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he has received 32 emails and two pieces of mail, interesting
No. 453550
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>>453547One of which was from the source of the article itself. I dunno how to send letters to prisoners so I think I'll wait until he's situated somewhere. Can I just put some books in a box? What if I rub my pussy on one of the pages.
No. 453556
>>453552I think when luigi was in his fratbro era he was dead on the inside. Like just trying to fit in with everyone else and taking care of his body was all he could do to distract himself from the extestential anguish of having to deal with that shallow bullshit
God fuck I wanna rape him. Rape is bad. Rape is bad!!!
No. 453560
>>453555I want to watch it so bad if it's publicized but I'll be at work, probably secretly refreshing this thread a million times for pictures and getting heatflashes from anxiety and the hot office every time I see his desperate face.
>>453556Imma rape him until he pees.
>>453557We will find a way.
No. 453562
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>>453561stop it nona! you're gonna make him cry!
No. 453564
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>>453561Nona keep going,it’s making me CUM
No. 453568
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>>453563the best pics are from after the ceo guy died.
He's good boy cute pre kill but afterwards hes fine as hell. Fallen angel….
No. 453575
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Luigi appeared in my dream last night and he gave me his used black socks (the ones he wore for six days straight) for free!
No. 453579
>>453577But will he have free time to read and respond? Does he even want to?
>>453578I need angel boy Luigi or I will kill myself
No. 453587
>>453578Imagine him in any way you want
nonny, I was just posting my interpretation
He is after a gift from God to us for men being terrible beasts
No. 453590
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this world is fucking gay.
Where is my government mandated sexy italian ceo assassin with a bad back and an incontinence issue?
There is no free world. Its not fair.
No. 453592
>>453591Luigi needs to go to a womans prison. Ideally in a place with a lot of CEOs
Hes not trans, but he definitely qualifies as an honorary woman
No. 453594
>>453592I don't know about that, sweet nona. But he is a virgo moon and this appeals to me, I want him to be my mommyboyfriend. I want him to hold me in his arms.
>>453593Same with the letter or just books? How do they know it's meant to go to him?
No. 453597
>>453594This post
>>453565 has the info on how send stuff to him.
No. 453600
>>453597Hm, now I have to measure the loose leaf paper I used to begin drafting my letter. I wonder if the processing address will be different too once he's moved. Maybe I will wait until he's situated and also wait to see if he starts even responding to people's letters.
I just know if I sent anything I'd fuck it up and it'd get incinerated upon retrieval.
No. 453607
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>>453595Luigi needs a prison harem.
If he's gonna be locked up it's what he deserves.
The ceo pig needs to watch from hell. He needs to see his killer being fawned upon and worshipped as a God while his buck toothed ass burns and is periodically beaten up by grannies who were denied health care
No. 453609
>>453608only to visit and beat up the ceo.
Then they go back to heaven to get their feet massaged by their assigned luigi-angels
No. 453615
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nonas what do you think Luigi's reaction was to the thirst that ensued after the pics from the hostel were released? There's no way he didn't see it…and for some reason I can't stop thinking about this
No. 453617
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new pic drop (?)
No. 453619
>>453615His reaction would be
>>453617>new pic drop (?)and it's killing me fuckkk
No. 453623
>>453620He's an adult man with a rock hard cock, nona
>>453621>after the pics from the hostel were releasedanon means while he was still on the run, watching the public react to his sexy face and smile
No. 453627
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>>453624Other than the possibility of life in prison preventing those women from getting to fuck him, yes
No. 453628
>>450807funny because I was in the dumps and praying for a man like him to show up in my life and
poof this all happened. he came.. just not in the way I expected kek but I'll take it. were we all manifesting at the same time? he feels unreal.
>>453624yeah. he has adult women of all races and body types around the world who are eager to milk the Italian DNA out of him.
>>450091i have a request: can you make one where it's like a knight or maybe an angel theme, please? I am not picky.
No. 453636
>>453634Loving that hideous goblin who murdered his family is next level unhinged.
It pisses me off. I dont like people who needlessly kill. The CEO needed to die in order to save lives. The people who kill random innocent people are shitheads and just as bad for society as health insurance ceos.
No. 453640
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>>453638He followed this woman on his instagram before it got taken down
No. 453648
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>>453637I got frustrated trying to type out the difference between a CEO in an industry that profits by imposing unnecessary death and the singular man who has done anything whatsoever to challenge that so will assume this is bait
No. 453659
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Anons falling for the most obvious glowie bait.Anyway ,how heavy do you think Weegee’s balls are?
No. 453665
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nonnitas, Gurwinder, a guy Luigi used to correspond with and maybe admired? went on CNN and talked about him. the last time they spoke was back in june, he says that Luigi was a down-to-earth guy, polite, thoughtful, open-minded, very curious guy that always wanted to know more about things, he was also very interested in self-improvement and whenever Gurwinder would make a statement about human psychology (example), he'd always ask him how he could apply that to his life.
he also goes into detail about the times they talked about Ted Kaczynski and Luigi said he was afraid of losing agency because of technology, that social media was taking it away from everyone, believed this was already happening, and wanted people to reclaim control over their lives and that's why the Unabomber resonated with him. basically, 90% of the conversations they had were about the effects of technology on agency, he believed culture was a downstream of tech.
he also talked about how Luigi was very concerned that men were addicted to porn, video games and social media, and that's why they were not going out to meet women.
the last time they talked was through a video call that lasted about two hours, where he talked about his frustrations with the US healthcare system, how expensive it is and how he idolized? (i think that was the word, i don't want to go back to watch the video again) the NHS system even if there were waitlists.
he said he cut off his family and friends because the people on his life were not on his wavelength, and he couldn't really talk to them but he was eager for a community of like-minded people and that's why he reached out to this guy because he thought he was one of them. even when he went to japan, he went there because he liked japanese culture and the sense of honor, but he said it was a very isolating place and you couldn't connect with anyone.
sorry for the quality, i had to compress the video to upload it
No. 453666
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>>453657First of all I dont care how tall a man is, I want to fuck shadow the hedgehog and he's 3'3.
Second. Luigi isn't 5'6 or 5'7. His mom sent out a missing persons ad that says he's 5'10.
Third I don't fucking understand you nonas who I bet at their tallest is 5'5 wanting some fucking 6'8 freak. All these bitches obsessed with 6'0 guys are like insecure and probably fat is all I'm saying.
No. 453669
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>>453666>assuaging the physical insecurities of moids for no reason since Luigi is average height or tallerKeep that shit to yourself
nonnie No. 453690
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is it over for us nonnas? finding out our italian prince probably has yellow fever, we can reform him
No. 453697
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There’s a photo going around of Luigi tickling two Asian girls holy shit kekekek
No. 453704
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WE MUST STOP THIS REVOLT! NO MORE OF THIS SISTERWIFE REVOLT COMERADES! This should be a dick communism board luigi will fuck all of us equally!
No. 453718
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No. 453720
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>>453718Do I have to assassinate the ceo of the asian sisterwife dicksurance company?
No. 453721
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>>453554>Imagine the letter and emails he received were from people jumping the gun and believing everything they see on Twitter so it's a bunch of gay guys sending him sex fantasies and people sperging over 286Most of it is probably media outlets contacting him asking for comment or offering to interview him. They all do that for high-profile criminals.
Nonnas need to stop being shy wallflowers scared to write him
No. 453727
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it had to be done. Im sorry nonas
No. 453733
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>>453729You're just jealous because this is me and luigi rn
No. 453737
>>453736Listen all Im saying is luigi isnt one of those racescrots.
He would taste the rainbow!
No. 453749
>>453748i agree. when i first read his twitter, i got the vibe that he's some retvrn guy after quitting porn and video games. i've met many moids with the same discourse and they all have two things in common… ex porn addicts
but still orbiting ig whores and gamers. it's not a coincidence
No. 453751
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I can't believe he has wikipedia citations proving that he is hot and looks like a celebrity.
No. 453758
>>453757I wanna hear his stupid schizo shit…
Also as much as I hate coomers I would want to watch him jerk off. I'd shame him for his coomer past and make him jack off in front of me while looking me in the eye to make him associate pleasure with submission
No. 453760
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>>453756He's a moid in the end and every single one of them is the same, especially when it comes to porn. But honestly, I just treat it like a celebrity crush. Kind of projecting my own fantasies and just using him as a shape for it. I will never interact IRL (write letters or some shit) or stand with my name behind him or defend him publicly. He's a fantasy to me, like a movie character that's not real.
No. 453763
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What did Luigi talk about with a rw neo nazi?
No. 453774
>>453757Hard agree, I really don't think we are getting ice-cream bow, frat boy gym bro Luigi if he ever makes a public appearance for an interview or whatever, his brain is probably so fried all he's capable of doing is echoing rhetoric from the twitter accounts his followed in his pursuit of knowledge and understanding which has lead him down a path that I don't think he's coming back from. When he shouted out before being taken in for his hearing, as hot as he looked he really didn't seem like the kind of guy on his old social media profiles. Seeking the abandonment of his previous vices, going deep into ideology and philosophy and forming his own opinions looks like he's been in a downward spiral for a year or two and went dark in July.
tl;dr frat boy searched for a higher purpose and fried his braincells. Still hot though
No. 453776
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>>453772I’m surprised Luigi openly interacted with him. I also follow edgy accounts but it’s not like I have my whole government name on my twitter kek
No. 453780
>>453777>>453779So was the ice-cream bow cutie pie the same guy having conversations with this basement dweller
>>453776 ? Not asking to infight or bait, I'm just not sure about the timelines on how his writings and Twitter interactions coincide with the possible schizomaxxing era? Was he an edgelord already when he was being super nice and thoughtful irl?
No. 453785
>>453781Idk what sapiosexual means but
nonnie he had that pussy eating guide on his Goodreads "wishlist", he wasn't asexual I think
>>453782Thanks for the timeline! So maybe the edgy shit truly is some mental breakdown induced nihilism. Glad he took it out on that bucktoothed bitchtits ceo, all moids should focus their rage and violent urges towards people if they feel the need to chimp out
[reposted because why the fuck would I type "female pussy eating" kekk]
No. 453787
>>453783yeah, i agree with everything you said. his roomate is obviously trying to cover his own ass but we're onto his stupid ass.
>>453785more moids should follow his lead, he was probably experiencing psychosis
or the early stages of schizophrenia No. 453794
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>>453793He literally has a hicky in that one picture that all the mainstream media outlets are using, what makes you think he’s a virgin
No. 453800
Him being schizo is kinda of sexy. Existential crises are hot, sad he has to go to jail now though.
>>453794Aren’t hickies bigger? Looks like a bug bite. Then again i would be slobbering all over that throat
No. 453803
File: 1734439865788.png (1.26 MB, 1113x706, angel vs some ugly freak.png)

>>453751>Timothee ChalametFucking insulting. Chalamet doesn't even look human compared to weewee.
No. 453804
>>453802he did post on reddit about having trouble controlling his time spent gaming.
IIRC he eventually gave it up entirely because he struggled to moderate.
it's not so far-fetched for me to believe he at one time consumed a lot of porn
No. 453810
>>453809This is true, his reddit seemed tame and normal.
I'm currently curating a mental list with pro and con columns on whether I should continue hornying it up based on his possible degen level lol. I'm spending way too much mental energy on this but I've always been too much of a moralfag to lust after famous guys if they're shitty people. I should change
Current delusional headcanon is that he's a pure sweetie virgin who wants to worship his lady. I want to sit on his face and envelop it, my pussy will make her debut performance as a facehugger from Alien
No. 453818
File: 1734443002481.jpeg (Spoiler Image,374.38 KB, 2000x2000, 1734200294467.jpeg)

The European baiters were trying really hard last night, not only with claiming he's 5'6'' but also that he has a boner in this image that they cropped to hide the clear fact that he just has shit in his pocket. Spoiled image to prevent baiters from clicking from the front page.
Remember nonnas: there is at least one confirmed male poster on LC who is jealous of Lychee (I have screencap and I've posted it in lolcow funny caps thread, he deleted it before anyone else saw it I think) and at least one Asiannon who is baiting as well.
No. 453825
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I know it's fake but it's cute
No. 453831
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What is your favorite Wigi body era? I quite like this one, he's nice and slender with a cute waist. Tho I think I'm biased bc of women in stem nona's genius discovery of the boxer briefs
>>452275 , it gave me a lot to think about
No. 453844
>>453781lol get real. Do
you believe this?
No. 453873
>>453793I would say unlikely, he doesn't appear to have developed the really severe back pain until after college. However I can't see him having a BC over 5.
>>453803He looks so gorgeous here, is this edited/enhanced?
No. 453879
there was a nona who brought up he might have been dabbling with shrooms and other strong psychedelics such as ayahuasca, i used to run in those hippie circles in college and whenever they’d come back from one of their “trips” they seemed aggravated and hostile. Normies who dabble in psychedelics trying to find truth and meaning to their lives are setting themselves up for a future schizo diagnosis.
No. 453891
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here’s the official rescheduling notice for his hearing this thursday
No. 453894
>>453886I based my earlier bitching on posts itt like
>>453640 >>453671
>>453675 so nothing concrete
No. 453903
>>453901He went there
>>453901Traveling to Asian countries because they are the go-to locations for people seeking spiritual enlightenment and meeting women there does not an evil person make
No. 453919
>>453908the paid off mainstream media has been trying their damndest to make chadigi look bad, from pee pants to him getting a ticket for accidentally trespassing as sign of a prior criminal record. As tsundere as you are, nona, I don't think you are going to get the milk you are thirsting for here.
>>453896He was intelligent and imo sort of went the unibomber route but less retarded. Unibomber killed tons of small fries and innocents who didn't really have any influence on the corruption of humanity as a whole.
Luigi realized that was a waste of time and lives. He was far more efficient and actually has shaken up the ruling class while killing as few people as possible.
No. 453944
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>>453938Why would she lie. You know he was flirting, look at him
No. 453945
>>453937holy shit enough with the weird yellow fever conspiracy theory.
Luigi is too based to have racial prefernces
although ngl if he embraced the normie life there would have been a good chance he would have married an asian or an indian woman. But I feel like that would have less to do with race fetishization and more to do with his field of work and social circle No. 453950
File: 1734459992262.png (127.9 KB, 309x232, puwXmCq.png)

>>453939the hostel:
HI New York City Hostel
891 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10025
No. 453952
>>453948why are people shocked he was surrounded by asians at UPENN in the software engineering program ???? they're the only ones who study that shit too. of course he was surrounded by asian girls.
going from an all boys-school to that, and deeming it an asian fetish is crazy
No. 453955
>>453954ngl when I found out he traveled to Thailand I found it
sus considering what moids are known for doing there
No. 453959
File: 1734460455251.webp (199.75 KB, 1229x1536, IMG_2428.webp)

>>453952There were clearly other types of women while he was in Hawaii yet the photos of him that are circulating are either from asians or show him being with asians. Plus, his travels to Japan, Vietnam, and Thailand. It's over.
I forgive him. No. 453960
File: 1734460467603.png (603.55 KB, 728x546, q0mRIwD.png)

>>453954he went to japan and thailand. these are normal vacation destinations and also very cheap. also, he literally wasn't even alone.
are you gonna say he also lived in hawaii because of the asian diaspora there? even though we know he was a surfer?
No. 453962
>>453959Oh noo there are Asians in his friendgroup ahh! Wait until that one anon pops up and says that a college boy wearing khakis means he is into Asians
>>453960Do you think he wears a crucifix
No. 453965
>>453951pretty sure i read one the other day on ao3…
fuck there was a hilarious one about giving wigi a blowjob in the McDonalds bathroom while the feds are trying to break down the door, let me see if i can find the link kek
No. 453967
>>453960>are you gonna say he also lived in hawaii because of the asian diaspora there? yes
>even though we know he was a surfer?he was from fucking baltimore lol i guarantee he never surfed in his life until he moved to hawaii
No. 453968
>>453967>i guarantee he never surfed in his life until he moved to hawaiiHe might have surfed on family vacations.
Still… It could explain why he fucked his spine up. Even if wee wee is a sexy ceo killing chad, he's still a reckless frontpole
No. 453976
File: 1734461560869.gif (1.29 MB, 400x225, giphy (1).gif)

i literally couldnt care less what he prefers
he doesnt have a choice in the matter
No. 453979
>>453975God imagine scratching his scalp as he devours you while frantically jerking himself off because you just smell and taste that good to him.
Women distracted him because they make him so horny it distracts him from critical thinking. At the end of the day, hes still a male, even if he is more self aware than average.
>>453976This. It's too late for him. Prison is now his only protection against the determined hoards of females now. And even that is flimsy. If he gets life eventually we will get so fed up all the womenfolk will collectivize and storm the prison. We will breach their fortress and smash through luigis cell. We will then proceed run a train on him until his pelvis is ground to dust.
His group snu snu homicide will cause total incel death
No. 453984
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>>453954no nona you don't understand he did it for the spiritual enlightenment
No. 454000
It's also petty and retarded. None of us, not the asians, nor any other race on here, is gonna get even a dribble of that alfredo sauce.
I wanna fux but the message should be that united we stand and divided we fall. We need to ignore the glowie racebait and figure out what to do to collectivize and terrorize the health insurance industry into defeat.
No. 454007
>>453977what I wanna know is when are we gonna hear him talk?
I feel like in court we are just gonna see him sit and look pretty while his legal team flaps their gums.
I hope they hire someone who does bl manga to do the court drawings
No. 454012
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>>453972Luigi was following a blonde conservative girl, on twitter. A yellow fever faggot wouldn’t follow any white women.
No. 454022
File: 1734463823934.png (88.32 KB, 926x155, Screenshot (60).png)

I looked at his steam account and it was surprisingly tame and inoffensive but picrel made me laugh though I wonder what his actual thoughts on Trump are
No. 454029
File: 1734464208730.png (4.11 MB, 2000x1500, 98969696987.png)

>>454022I guarantee you he doesn't like trump. He fucking refers to micheal moore in his manifesto. Trump is also a handmaiden to privatized healthcare. If luigi really watched sicko he knows that the republicans are more than happy to sell the american working class to cooperations
No. 454032
>>454028name? who is she?
was already pointed out in a prev thread but he also followed AOC on twitter
No. 454038
>>454031Yellow fever faggots hate white women because they can't have them in a way that doesn't
trigger their abandonment issues. There's a reason why 90% of a "happy" passport bro's brain cycles are occupied with white women and orbiting them while the Asian settle piece goes ignored. The autism in this thread scares me.
No. 454048
>>454046speaking of.
Wasn't there a nona who was promising to post some fanfiction earlier?
Where the fuck is she????
No. 454052
>>454044I can accept that very easily. I'm just wondering why you're betting on that and not garden variety ideological smorgasbord of penile nonsense (e.g. fuck corporations and billionaires but I love Trump and Musk they're heroes of the forgotten white working class!) when the latter is more likely.
Especially when your reasoning is "he can't like X while liking Y because then it would be ideologically absurd, and humans never operate that way".
No. 454057
>>454052>I'm just wondering why you're betting on that and not garden variety ideological smorgasbord of penile nonsense Maybe you're just disenfranchised by moids (which is understandable), the patterns are just not adding up to typical right wing conclusions. I truly believe that someone with his curiosity and intellect who gives the Unibomber Manifesto a 4 out of 5 stars is highly likely to agree with Kaczynski's critique of both the left AND the right (even though rightoids like to conveniently ignore Teddys scathing critique of republicans as self contradictory retards)
It's pretty clear that Luigi is a man who wants to unify the working class. He realizes seeing things as right and left gets us nowhere. He's a top down kind of guy and if you can't see that then you still haven't been able to shake free of the oligarchs conditioning.
No. 454058
>>454056>The latter is not more likely, only for people who dont go outside which he often did.The latter is literally and unironically the default for people who go outside and don't post anywhere except Facebook. Do you not know that the average boomie wants to cut gibs but thinks what they vote for will "protect social security and Medicare"? Paradoxical, non evidence based beliefs are the human norm.
>Perhaps the scope of his intelligence was purely academicAny of you guys in academia at all?His credentials are incredibly mid, and that's being generous. He is no Ted, and even Ted was an occasional brainlet.
No. 454066
>>454058Honestly? I think Luigi was a step up from Ted.
Teds writings were the best thing about him, imo. His crimes absent of his manifesto was just run of the mill terrorism that didn't actually have any long term affects on anything because Teddy mostly killed educated working class people.
Also Kaczynski's desire for anarcho primitism was unrealistic. No one is going to want to go back to starving to death in exchange for a (maybe) better social life.
Luigi seemed to be a fan of technology but could also see its abuse leading to the extinction to humanity, but if properly utilized for moral good could push our species forward to greatness. His pinned tweet pretty much summarizes that.
No. 454069
>>454058Kek he isn’t a boomer he is a zoomer and our political leanings are different, even zoomer normie rightoids are basically libertarians
>>454061He wears a chain and is Italian
>>454065Go on…
No. 454078
File: 1734467471086.png (2.63 MB, 1079x1080, not mine.PNG)

>>454075your edits are so cute, anonita. never stop creating.
No. 454080
File: 1734467506466.png (2.07 MB, 960x960, not mine2.PNG)

i want to make some, but i think i'll be too shy to share.
No. 454089
>>454087Yep! I feel like it was meant to be symbolic.
He fucked up his back, and much like united healthcare, he didn't care if it killed him
No. 454093
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I’d let him bend me over a desk and have his way with me
No. 454105
>>454103yeah aiming for center mass (chest or back) is how cops are trained or whatever, like it's common knowledge to aim for center mass. So I'm not surprised that's what he did.
Nonna has a good point that Luigi could've walked up and finished him with a headshot, yet he didn't.
If I had to guess, it might be because his ghost gun was shit and kept jamming and he felt he had to get out of there.
No. 454129
>>454075This is a different individual.
Like how the shooter is a different individual to the hostel images.
No. 454130
>>454119I don't think he could do anything anyways because this isn't considered a federal crime. However, even if he could, the guy was almost assassinated and is also part of the billionaire class. There was no way in hell he'd do anything in Luigi's favor. Like for fuck's sake, it's taking this long for the faggot to even consider pardoning his own supporters for J6 when he had the ability to do at the tail end of his first presidency.
To be honest, I don't think any politician would have the guts to even support or pardon Luigi. Billionaires all have a grip on the system.
No. 454131
>>454124Same nona. It's exactly as you say, it's fatherlessness, these pathetic scrotes need a daddy and Daddy Trump fills that void. Any other justification they apply to it (white working class, his "policies", he's funni, etc) is all just icing on top.
>>454130You're right nona my hope was a little delusional. I just want our Lulu released so bad…
No. 454141
>>454112Womp womp, he deserves it. Murder isn’t ok just because the suspect is hot and the
victim isn’t perfect.
No. 454142
>>453857I'm purposely avoiding any video about the matter because i want to protect my peace and i want to have a good time ogling our boy. Normally i love all things true crime, but i just don't care to listen to any moral fags on the issue. I already read some shit articles trying to defend the ceo and the insurance industry as a whole. It reminds me of that stupid suitcase trial that i also avoid because i think the
victim deserved it because he was an abuser who finally met a woman who matched his energy.
No. 454146
>>454142I believe that was a genuine accident. Like obvs she zipped him in there intentionally, but I don't think she considered that it's possible to kill someone like that.
She was such a dumbass to not take the plea deal tho. Now she'll be in prison forever
No. 454147
File: 1734472509860.webp (47.62 KB, 960x1440, download.webp)

>He smells that you're on your period and buys you chocolates, and lets you use him as a heating pad
No. 454154
>>454075Stop it
nonnie I'm tearing up
>>454147>gross messy bloody on-the-run period sex with luigi No. 454161
File: 1734474404397.webp (303.72 KB, 522x700, IMG_3613.webp)

>you have your first visit with luigi since he has moved to a maximum security prison
>been exchanging letters for months
>nervous but excited
>he hugs you, feeling his pulsating cock pressed against you
>slowly pushes you against the concrete wall
>he pees himself cause he’s also nervous
>whatever it’s just some pee
>starts taking your clothes off and whispers
>”what I am about to do to you isn’t completely unjust”
No. 454171
File: 1734475591625.gif (219.67 KB, 333x500, mamamia.gif)

I made one, It's not thread pic material but I enjoyed using the anonny kissing gif
No. 454180
File: 1734476916559.png (9.58 KB, 1417x75, derailing.png)

No. 454183
File: 1734477065358.png (1.18 MB, 1170x1227, wong.png)

You know what else is terrorism?
No. 454184
>>454167They all seem like they're mocking him except this one
>>454171 which accurately channels the feeling of Luigi adoration as it is pure in heart and spirit
No. 454185
File: 1734477083679.jpg (1.26 MB, 1993x2390, SLEVARMSAQXS2NUT6PYAJP5U4A.jpg)

very nice back. he needs some minoxidil before it's too late
No. 454187
>>454185veiny wrist
giant hand
No. 454197
>>454194He wasn't arrested in an orange jumpsuit though, geez pay attention it's clearly the same day as
>>454161 soggy socks and all
No. 454202
File: 1734477776522.jpg (17.31 KB, 640x419, Gem899sXQAABGp7.jpg)

>>454187his hands are huge
>>454188i've had it saved for a couple days and realized it hadn't been posted yet
No. 454204
File: 1734477852947.webp (103.97 KB, 440x247, Shooting_of_Brian_Thompson_CCT…)

how the fuck did brian not notice luigi…? or the guy standing in the corner right there
No. 454211
>>454161NYfags are so lucky.
>>454203i can't believe they were trying to push he was 5'6 or 5'7 as if that would've made him less attractive.
HURR TAKE THAT FEMOIDS! he's still sexy and he would've been perfect kissing height for me anyway. face to face eye contact, my god. they're just so embarrassing.
No. 454217
File: 1734478696812.png (55.23 KB, 400x240, 4203679560.png)

>>454202I'm not trying to sound like June Lapine but it is genuinely intimidating how large those hands are and he has turned out to be, as a man. I was kind of more comfortable with Tiny Luigi because now he is so monolithic in every way possible. I'm more sexually attracted to him now than ever before though, obviously
No. 454229
>>454227I just hope they keep it trimmed neatly so he's not sporting a curly Manson hairstyle by the time he goes to trial. Secretly hoping he maintains his looks for the next couple years at least
>>454228It'll never be his adorable eye smile that he did though. Although to be honest any pictures of him at this point would be a blessing, they really spoiled us with his prison photoshoots so I'm manifesting more leaked photos or jail cell pictures for us
No. 454231
File: 1734479668282.jpg (1013.24 KB, 2869x2864, pet the luigi.jpg)

Hand holding with Luigi.
No. 454233
>>454141>victim isn't perfectThere's "not perfect" and then there's active compliance in destroying countless lives of people who depend on you.
This isn't some guy who said some edgy shit online. Brian Thomson is essentially a legally protected mob boss. Like some sort of cartel leader who robs the poor and makes their lives hell if they don't pay their dues that they have no way of getting out of.
Now go fuck off.
No. 454235
File: 1734479794361.jpg (321.92 KB, 1080x1570, 1000062490.jpg)

He's gonna be able to buy so many profile decorations when he gets out!
Also kek at the mind blown and slow clap awards
No. 454240
>>454237I think the best coarse of action for the benefit of all nonas is a lot of edging. Keep actual penetration and ejaculation to a minimum. All sperm must be harvested in vials to be distributed evenly to the masses.
All milking session should also be filmed for archival purposes.
No. 454241
File: 1734480131714.jpg (41.28 KB, 587x265, image0.jpg)

Taking notes
No. 454255
>>454185The broad shoulders, so fine. It's a shame about the start of balding in the back and at the front. Men start to hit the wall at 25 - 26. It's interesting that he literally hit the wall in the orange jumpsuit. It all seems too good to be true and rehearsed. I would not be surprised if the FBI or some other agency looked at lolcow and crafted a perfect persona for us to simp over. Like a another nonna mentioned it would be to counter the 4b movement.
It would not be that surprising if this is all a false flag considering the guy in the Starbucks/shooting footage is a different person.
No. 454259
>>454255>counter the 4B movementthey are doing a shitty job. Sure, now we have standards instead of no to anyone. But they have to be hot italian twunks who shoot evil cooperate elite and dont have overt misogyny on their social media.
Unfortunately if the government really wants more workers they are going to have to donate luigi to the masses as breeding stock.
Otherwise I just dont think there are any other scrots worth sexoing.
Its joever for moids
No. 454260
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No. 454263
File: 1734481983697.png (512.23 KB, 384x513, 7867678678876.PNG)

Do you guys like my Breloom I need to level him up so we can beat the Elite 4
No. 454264
>>454255He isn't really balding in the front, it's just a male hairline. He has a tiny forehead. Hope the back of his head remains intact though. Plus this only strengthens the 4b movement because Wigi is in jail kek
>>454260I fucking need this. I would buy this.
No. 454266
is this black and white?
No. 454269
File: 1734482266660.jpg (193.77 KB, 1899x1906, 1734219492080.jpg)

So do we know who drew this
No. 454276
She can't keep getting away with it!
No. 454277
File: 1734482543427.png (9.13 MB, 2508x3541, 2fae59c4befcb9e79c69622b73f07e…)

>>454266Yes! I'm replaying White right now and Shroomish doesn't appear on that game so I had to soft reset the swarm mechanic on my finished Black game and then use local trading to get him onto my White cartridge kek. Grass + Fighting is an interesting combo and I'm excited to level him up. Cute mushroom dino weegee
No. 454299
>>454296Hm, I don't know if it's pick-me to want to have his face in your lap, different strokes for different folks personally I want to watch him manically pace around my room giving a soliloquy and then he turns to me and goes "do you agree?" and I give a basic answer and his eyes start shining and he goes "you're the only one who understands me!" then takes my pants off and eats it.
No. 454302
>>454299Idk I think he actually wants to be listened to. I feel like a lot of people in his life just glaze over when he would go on his schizo ramblings and thats why he left them all behind.
I genuinely want to engage in conversation with him. I feel like it might be a daunting task because he is a moid and is infected with his accursed Y chromosome but I wanna give it the college try. I feel like behind those small gametes might actually be a soul worth bonding with.
I also want his head on my lap and my hands running through his hair. I wonder how long it would take before he could smell my ovulation.
No. 454304
File: 1734485498553.jpeg (266.23 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_6847.jpeg)

Is anyone else here extremely jealous and possessive and you also want Luigi to spend the rest of his life in ADX Florence, so no other hoe ever touches him again? idk what’s wrong with me tbh. My brain has already made it out that I have known him for years and we already fucked and had 2 children together. I don’t want to share him with other fangirls
No. 454306
>>454303No nona theres a difference between a one sided conversation and actual discussion between two listeners and speakers!
I dont want him to talk at me. I wanna pick his brain and I want him to consider my input as well.
>>454304dont be greedy he killed for commie reasons his body will be evenly distributed commie style
No. 454320
>>454317That is such fucking bullshit.
If they try to hurt luigi I will fucking go batshit. I will fucking go postal.
No. 454322
>>454304i don't mind sharing him with other nonnies but it pisses me off so badly thinking about other women
or worse, fags wanting him. if they send him to adx, we'll probably never see or hear from him ever again and that'd be very sad. plus, his back pain worries me and i've heard no doctor will help you there
No. 454328
>>454322THEY CANT DO THAT! NONA!!! NONA THEY CANT DO THAT! I figured at worst they'd give my baby boy the Kaczynski treatment. They can't silence him!!!
>>454324Unironically I would fight and die for him. It's not about him, but his cause and his nobility and selflessness.
No. 454331
File: 1734487240759.jpeg (186.11 KB, 1080x1466, IMG_8498.jpeg)

What are we lyme-literate nonnas thinking kek
No. 454338
File: 1734487630532.jpg (159.23 KB, 1300x956, crying-girl-closeup-of-a-young…)

>>454330NO!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOO GOD NO! I cant go on if luigi dies in vain! NOOOOOOOOO NOOOO!!!!!
No. 454341
>>454339>>454337They really are trying to make a fucking example out of him. Terrorism my ass. That fat fuck CEO was a terrorist. Plenty of perpetrators of mass shootings can be labeled as terrorists before Luigi, who assassinated one person.
Although, I've noticed the definition of 'terrorism' has become so loose nowadays. America would label our own founding fathers terrorists if they existed today. I stand by that.
No. 454342
No. 454348
>>454344American government telling on themselves, that's what
>>454347You're going to say lobbyists, right?
No. 454356
>>454354Listen, all Im saying is that if americans can sperg out hard over divisive things like trump not winning in 2020 and a woman beating fentanyl addict being killed by the police, the people in power need to be very afraid.
Luigi is a good boy who just wants to end medical bankruptcy in this country. His demands are simple and reasonable. I stand behind them, but I also demand that americas boyfriend go free because it wasn't murder it was self defense.
At worst I will tolerate 5 years in a cushy minimum security prison where weegee can write his book.
No. 454369
File: 1734491558802.png (1.47 MB, 1110x740, Bengladesh prime minister hous…)

>>454368I screamed at my dad and called him a handmaiden when he said Luigi needed to get the electric chair. I don't think I've ever yelled at my dad like that in my life. I think I actually scared him a bit when I said shit like 'there is a revolution on the rise' and 'I've never felt radicalized before in my life until now'
Which is true. I never gave a shit about anything and always felt hopeless until Luigi shot that ceo faggot dead and reminded the working class that they are Americans first and our oppressors are flesh and blood like us, but also we wildly outnumber them,
If Bangladesh could scare their prime minister out of her mansion with just sticks and rocks and shit. We can definitely scare the ruling class.
No. 454375
>>454371My dad was always a conservitard bootlicker who is a faux news addict. Imagine right wing mainstream media propaganda blaring on the radio and tv 24/7.
When I was a kid and I'd ask questions about their political views it wasn't uncommon for me to get verbally (or sometimes physically) shut down.
If there's a revolution, I'll try to get my parents to see the errors of their ways and take sides with the American people, but I will accept the more realistic scenario that they remain stubbornly loyal to the divisive ruling class until the bitter end.
For once, I want to believe the real Americans are truly united. I believe that the long burdening privatized health insurance question can be answered peacefully, but with Trump in office, I'm accepting the very real possibility of resistance
No. 454382
File: 1734494269175.png (86.74 KB, 366x236, 666023_df2ad0ec49ee410c8fc84e7…)

>>454357Address it from Nona so the prison staff will think it's a letter from his grandma.
No. 454394
>>454386If I were him I'd be fucking scared out of my mind.
I know that he never expected himself to be in prison. Maybe he tried to prepare himself for it while planning the killing (if he did it) but otherwise I'm sure this wasn't what he had in store.
He's definitely scared. But if he's the killer. Like, if I was the killer and I was caught, I'd still feel vindicated in what I did.
This all just makes me mad at our oligarchy. This cute boy could have been making the world a better place in other ways if these shithead cooperations weren't so obsessed with impoverishing and killing grandmas for unnecessary profit.
I wish I could hold his hand tho… His gigantic hand….
No. 454397
>>454223I feel like the surge of asexuality has come with the fact that 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of moids are lame and pathetic. Like, it's not really Luigi's looks. Don't get me wrong he is adorable like a lovable little Italian puppy dog. But if he was just another tech bro destined for the meat grinder, or even some Hollywood actor, I wouldn't feel much for him.
His actions touch my heart more than anything. It makes him almost otherworldly in the way he's abandoned his earthly attachments, including his freedom, to spark hope in the American people that change is possible.
No. 454408
File: 1734498956795.png (156.33 KB, 2280x1298, googlesearchtrendluigi.png)

The internet is moving on from Luigi and while I wished his actions became the catalyst for months long healthcare riots the fucked up Luigiwife side of me is glad his simps on tiktok and twt are forgetting about him so I have a chance at maybe getting a response when I send him the perfect letter I've drafted kek I know some of you are writing letters too so if luck isn't on my side hopefully its on yours, if a farmer manages to get a reply from him celebrations are in order.
No. 454409
>>454408Listen pol's obsession with the 15 year old autistic girl shooter has died down which is saying something.
Also this is google searches, most people are discussing him on youtube, reddit, etc. They don't need to use google for luigi unless they are looking for new sexo images which would be like "Luigi Mangione ai porn deepfake" etc.
No. 454412
File: 1734499770968.gif (6.67 MB, 652x366, ;-;.gif)

No. 454416
>>454415I have never ever even remotely been interested in writing a man in jail.
I really wanna write to him. But I'm a combination of scared and intimidated because a lot of other nonas will wanna write to him.
No. 454429
>>454423I'm a millenial and I grew up with the uggo male celebrity 90s psyop. I wondered if I was a lesbian because every single moid band made me want to gouge my eyes out.
Imo Luigi looks better than the hottest actors out there, even just on a visual level. Probably because the soul wasn't zogged out of him by pedowood.
I love that he lived a relatively normal life. If he gets out I'm actually praying for him to carve out a nice peaceful life in the wilderness somewhere. He doesn't really come off as a huge attention whore. Mildly extroverted but super introspective
No. 454434
File: 1734503292641.webp (17.23 KB, 1024x781, IMG_3631.webp)

Part 1:
You're at Penn Station, waiting for the train to Philadelphia to board, and all you're thinking about is going home to rest after a long week at your parents’ place, you love visiting them, but it can be exhausting having to hear the same round of questions each time.
"When will you get into a relationship?" "Why haven't you tried to put yourself out there?" "Will we ever get any grandchildren?"
Quite frankly, you haven't found anyone who has truly fulfilled you, and every guy you have been on a date with has been disappointing and disgusting, to say the least. Thus, you have given up on putting any effort into dating.
"Now boarding the train to Philidelphia, please have your tickets ready!" Finally, you think. You board the train and situate yourself in the back of the passenger car, a quiet corner away from prying eyes. They make a last call for passengers to board the train, from the window seat, you see a hooded figure book it for the train before they close the doors. Luckily, making it to the train on time and also sitting near you in a half-empty passenger car, which isn't strange, but it keeps you on alert. You can hear his panting as he tries to catch his breath underneath his mask.
"Hey, are you okay?" You ask him, "I'm fine, thanks" he replies, but he doesn't sound like it. You hand him your water bottle "Here, this should help you a bit" he sheepishly grabs it from your hand and starts chugging it, as you feel the relief it has brought to him. "Thank you, I needed that" he says "I can tell" you reply and smile at him. You weren't sure if he was smiling under his mask but his eyes told another story, one of exhaustion and lack of sleep. "You seem tired, if you want to take a nap during the train ride I can keep an eye on your backpack, no pressure though" you tell him, he seems to think about it and puts some thought into it, “Uh, I don't want to put that burden on you…" his sentence trails off "seriously, I don't mind" you reply "you're very sweet, are you always this nice to strangers?" "not really, I guess there is something different about you.” he hands you his backpack, sleek design and a bit heavy. You put it under your seat, and you turn around to see he has dozed off. There was a sense of peace that radiated from him and also an attraction that lingered.
As the hour and a half went by, the train had finally reached its final destination, and the man whose backpack you were taking care of was still asleep. You get up and go to wake him up, but before you can, he instantly awakes from his slumber, a bit jumpy. “Hey, we’re in Philidelphia, here’s your backpack.” you hand his backpack back to him “I appreciate you helping me out, I’m sorry I can’t repay the favor.” “I wasn’t expecting you to just hope you got some much needed rest, I have to go now but it was nice meeting you, even if it was for a short amount of time.” As you start to leave the passenger car you hear a faint “It was nice meeting you too…”
All you can think of now is getting back home to your apartment and also getting some much needed rest. As you’re heading towards the exit of the station, a soft hand touches your shoulder and you immediately turn around to see it’s the masked man from the train. “I forgot to ask you if there are any hostels nearby that you know of where I can stay at?” “oh, I’m sorry there isn’t any that I know of and probably not the answer you wanted to hear” “it’s okay I understand, thank you anyways” as he turns around to leave you blurt out “Wait! why don’t you stay at my place for the night?” never in a million years would you imagine inviting a stranger to your home especially to spend the night but you did and all you can do is hope and put your trust into this person that they won’t harm you. “I’ll take you up on that offer, I just need a place to rest and I’ll be out of your hair early in the morning”
No. 454436
No. 454438
>>454434I like it so far, anon! Keep goinggg.
Please.>>454437Yes please!! I want to kiss his nose. God.
No. 454442
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>>454436Holy shit he’s adorable
No. 454444
>>454436I'm such a piece of shit. I hate all his friends. Something about this makes me feel like he just doesn't belong…
But maybe its just me and my selfishness…
No. 454445
>>454443ignore the faggot song playing, also I want to kill that girl kek.
No. 454447
>>454445okay last one I think
No. 454448
No. 454453
>>454444he said his family and friends weren't on his wavelength so you're not wrong
>>454445and people want us to believe they were just friends, yeah right don't piss me off
No. 454459
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No. 454462
>>454319This might be psychotic of me but would anyone else almost prefer he got death rather than having to spend the rest of his life in jail? Like it would be much better to have him go out a hero than be forced to spend the next 60 years in a cage all alone eating gross food.
>>454331The munchie thing is the only genuine turn-off for me lol
No. 454466
>>454456i see it, but then i think it's just my wishful thinking
>>454462prisoners spend about 20 years waiting on death row so it's still a long time
No. 454467
>>454462I couldn't deal with either The death penalty is fucked up. They don't have doctors oversee lethal injections and oftentimes the prisoners will be alive and slowly paralyzed for hours slowly suffocating unable to say or do anything.
I can't stomach it.
They won't execute him. If they do people will go completely apeshit.
He doesn't deserve anything more than the OJ Simpson treatment
My beautiful baby boy… Why do the scrots in power hate their own species so much?
No. 454473
>>454453See like… I wanna be on his wavelength. Not in a sexual way but like I genuinely want to understand him. Like countless others, I know how that feels to not really fit in with your loved ones. The pain of being in a group of people you call friends, but you can't really say what you wanna say or talk about how you feel because if you do either everyone just looks at you like you're some sort of freak and shut you down for being weird.
It's not necessarily their fault. We are conditioned to be that way. As a whole, most people can be very kind and generous but timid because of our capitalistic industrialization and over socialization.
We're scared to offend, but without saying scandalous, offensive things, nothing gets accomplished.
Oh Luigi. I wish you hadn't acted alone. We could have worked together. I would gladly go to prison as your accomplice. But I know that's not what you wanted. I know he wasn't in it for the 'high score' like some sort of crazed gunman. He wanted to send a message. While I think deep down he wanted to take out more health insurance fat cats to further rock the boat, his 'crime' was a work of art.
But I don't know. If I could wish for anything it would be that Sanders got in office in 2016 and idfk somehow got medicare for all passed. Even if it meant never having to know Luigi. I'd rather he be freed and made an impact on the world in a different way.
I'll fight for your wish on the outside, Luigi! Maybe in that way, I'll find a way to be understood.
No. 454478
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Part 2:
You both get into a taxi back to your place; the ride home is a bit awkward, but you seem at ease in his presence, even though he has not put down his mask the entire trip from NYC to Philidelphia and on the way to your apartment, the only distinct feature on him is his bushy eyebrows. When you arrive at your place, he still has his mask and hoodie on, as if he is trying to hide himself not just from you but the world.
“It’s okay, you can take your mask and hoodie off, we’re on the top floor of the apartment building so there is tons of privacy” he takes off his hoodie, revealing his short and curly black hair but hesitates to take off his mask, you slowly reach towards him as you go to unhinge the mask straps from behind his ears and let it drop to the floor, finally seeing his identity once and for all. You both lock eyes on each other, who knew the man behind the mask was hiding such a beautiful face, with lips that were calling for you to press against yours. “Sorry I-“ he cuts you off “it’s no big deal, we can trust each other” you can feel your face warm up from what you just did but clearly he didn’t seem to mind it. “Please feel free to shower, I should have a spare towel around for you, I’ll bring it over once I find it” he nods at you, goes into the bathroom and starts up the shower. You finally find the spare towel and knock on the door, opening it ajar “I have that towel for you, I’ll just leave it on the…counter…” your words trail off as you catch a glimpse of his nude body from the foggy mirror and you immediately leave the towel and shut the bathroom door.
When he steps out from the bathroom with the towel wrapped around his waist, he says “I saw you catch a glimpse” but even though you deny it, your face says otherwise. “like I said before, we can trust each other, right?” You nod as he slowly approaches you, backing you against the wall, although this should set off alarms and make you run for your own safety, it doesn’t and you’re frozen. You want this to happen, this is the excitement you’ve been waiting for a long time and he is the one who has ignited that spark.
“I don’t think I can hold back my desire for you any longer” you say as you reach towards him and lock your lips with his. Your nails dig into his back as you start wrapping your legs around his waist, making the towel fall off and exposing his modesty. Without parting from each other’s lips, he carries you towards the bed and gently places you on the soft sheets and pillows that caress your skin the moment they make contact just like his body and yours.
When you reach down to grab his cock, he pushes your hand away and makes his way between your thighs. Everything around you feels hazy as he works his tongue against your clit and in that moment of haze you look down to see him stroking himself, getting pleasure from your own bliss.
Suddenly he stops and begins to hover over you, softly touching your lips with his index finger and slowly placing it inside your mouth. “Don’t worry, I promise I’ll be gentle”
You can trust him…right?
He slides his cock into you, gently, as he promised and then without a second thought or concern, slides out and thrusts into you, this time more rough. He does this a few times, removing his index finger from your mouth as to enjoy your moans more clearly. He rests his face onto your neck, he softly grunts and holds you tighter, as your bodies begin to melt together and become one.
You wake up after a long night, the stranger that you just met yesterday, still in your bed. This time you can see how peaceful he looks while asleep, how you imagined he looked like on the train ride but again it is cut short as he wakes up, seeing you looking at him and smiling.
“Good morning” he says in a very soft tone “didn’t mean to wake you up” you say back “I’m a light sleeper, sadly…wait what time is it?” “it’s eight in the morning, we can go back to sleep for a bit more-“ but cuts you off by saying he has to go and continue on his journey “at least let me make you breakfast” you plead to him “I wish I could stay longer but it’s best for me to leave”
You don’t continue to plead for him to stay and watch him from the corner of your room as he starts getting dressed, putting back on the hoodie and also the mask that you originally took off from his face. Although you didn’t do anything wrong, him leaving so quickly feels like it, but you can’t hold back a stranger, especially one you barely know or don’t know the name of. Before leaving, he pulls down his mask to kiss you one more time.
“Can we see each other again?” you ask him “maybe” he replies and as he heads for the door you grab him by the arm “as ridiculous as it sounds we never exchanged names…”
“It’s okay we don’t have to, trust me, you’ll see it everywhere soon enough….goodbye for now” he smiles and places his mask back on his face, opens the front door and leaves. You put your clothes from the previous night back on and run towards the window, you catch a glimpse of him as he calmly walks away towards the unknown abyss.
No. 454487
>>454422This is why we cant forget luigi.
Where the fuck are these protests. How the fuck do we go Bangladesh mode? They are scared. They should be scared.
No. 454491
>>454445I'm not complaining because she's probably the only reason we even get new videos of him from before, he's very attractive here and looks very normal. I'm of the opinion he had a mental break so I feel bad for him and bad for his family.
>>454486The thing about Luigi themed merch is that you don't need anything with his face on it. Buy a shirt with Breloom on it or Nintendo Luigi. You can also go to a local printmaker and get a design done there, you don't need to go through etsy.
No. 454501
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Part 1: LuigixReader
There was a reason you got this job. You're tougher than any of the men in this system. Things have gotten out of hand, and despite your frame, you've handled guys easily four times your size all alone.
This is why you got the biggest jobs here. It's because you're tough, you're cold. As dead inside as the most depraved monsters here. It's easy to see the inmates that come and go as nothing more than numbers and crimes. You shut yourself off, why wouldn't you? They're criminals. Drug dealers, robbers, murderers, rapists, disgusting human beings who aren't fit for society.
But every once in a while, there's someone who will come in and for a moment you will feel like they don't fit in with the rest of the inked up bodies and scarred faces. Some scared college kid who was slinging dope, a father who robbed a gas station to feed his kids, a guy who murdered a home invader.
But nothing prepares you or your team for this.
Nothing prepares you for Luigi Mangione-The CEO killer.
Just getting him in was an absolute mess. Press was everywhere. You'd never seen anything like it in your career as a corrections officer. Of course, you heard about the crime. Who hadn't? But that was all the way in Manhattan. You didn't think he was going to end up here. To say he didn't fit in was an understatement. And it's not because he's handsome, either. Plenty of nice looking guys get in trouble.
There's an aura about him as he wrestles with the cops as they drag him to his cell. You can feel it penetrate you to your core. You tell yourself it's just because of the nature of his crime, but that's not it. This is different.
They throw him in his cell and close the door. He's yelling about how he's been abducted, how this system is an injustice to the American people, some crap like that. He's riled up at first. He has a bit of freedom to pace around the cell and kick the bed- Bad idea. That thing is nothing more than metal with a fitted sheet. He learned the hard way, and with a resigned sigh, he sits.
That's when he looks at you for the first time. It's more like he looks in you. You've never seen brown eyes so bright in your life. His thick, grown out curls gracefully frame his uniquely handsome face. He scowls for a moment, but then his expression softens.
Just what the hell is he thinking? You glare at him. You hate how even though there hasn't been a word exchanged between you, you feel as if you are having a full fledged conversation with him. Even worse, you want to talk to him. But that's against the rules. He's a number, a job, not a person. He lost those privileges when he became a murderer.
You look through his memo, learn up about him. Luigi… 26, U Penn Graduate… Just your run of the mill tech bro with a promising future. Normally you'd be pissed. You try to be, he wasted his life. There's guys here who would do anything to be in his shoes. And yet when you look up from the paperwork, you're lost in those eyes again.
He smiles. It's like he cast a spell on you.
"Hello." His voice is rich and masculine, nothing special, and yet…
"No talking" You bark back. Usually it's easy to order inmates around. It's become second nature to you. But Luigi is different.
"You're not going to believe the slop the media tells you, right?" He says, his voice sly, talking as if he knows you. As if he's flirting with you. It pisses you off even more. You have grown accustomed to getting shit because you're a woman.
"Save it for your lawyer. Anything you say here will be used against you in court. Including what you said just now. So watch your God damn tone." You growl back. You've done this song and dance a million times with a million different inmates. They need to be tamed. You're a woman. If you don't tame the animals, they'll eat you alive. You were hoping this rich kid would be a bit easier. His smile widens and he walks over to the bars, wrapping his long, masculine fingers around them playfully.
"You aren't going to tell anyone shit."
That was it. It's clear he's testing you, and if you don't act now, all that reputation you've been building up for your entire career will be thrown out the window. You lunge towards him. You have one hand on the taser in case it gets ugly, the other is on his jumpsuit. You push him back slightly, then with strength that wipes the cockiness off his face, you slam him forwards into the bars hard. He wasn't ready for that. His nose hits the bar and breaks his capillaries, causing a trickle of blood to run down to his mouth.
He's warm. You can feel it through his jumpsuit. A drop of blood falls onto your hand. You don't care. You've had worse fluids on you before. You glare up at him. Even though you're shorter, you have a presence taller than even the biggest freaks here. You make eye contact with him again. You shut your mind off. It's a lot harder than normal.
"This isn't your fucking frat house! You're in big trouble, you fucking idiot. You threw your whole God damn life away so you could pretend to be Batman or some shit?! Well, this is your life now! Rotting in a fucking cell!"
There's a long, pregnant silence between the two of you. You can feel his heart breaking as he slowly takes in his reality.
"I know." He finally whispers. The pain in his voice is overwhelming ever for you. He sounds like a scared child. Sometimes you get guys who sound similar. Yet… You can tell he doesn't want pity.
"I'm sorry."
You let him go after he apologizes. He doesn't back off, he just wipes his bloody nose on his sleeve.
You don't like what just happened to you just now. Your heart is racing, your breath is short. They strip searched and deloused this guy thoroughly. He had nothing on him. But it feels like he injected you with some sort of mind control drug.
Why is he making you feel this way? Why does it feel like he knows everything that's going on inside you?
You were going to need to do some more research on this guy.
No. 454505
My grandma just yelled at me for watching this on repeat and singing along."Oh so you're attracted to murderers now? Is the dating pool that bad?" Fuck you grandma how are you even alive still.
No. 454508
>>454501keep it coming,
No. 454512
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anyone else crying right now or am I gay
No. 454514
>>454513He was like 8 in that picture kek
>>454512He was adorable awwww.
No. 454515
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>>454505Off topic but
>Don't need butterflies cause you give me the whole damn zooIs certainly… a lyric
No. 454527
>>453740Kek I thought you were replying to
>>453739 and pissed myself laughing
No. 454528
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I love him I want him I need him
No. 454553
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i need him and why can’t i have him!!!!!
No. 454568
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Somebody cure me
No. 454571
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No. 454577
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Sorry for spam, just wanted to add some more pics to look at
No. 454581
What do you think his kinks are? I feel like he's really into orgasm denial, keeping you on the edge for ages until he finally lets you come. He's a switch/neutral leaning towards dom, but definitely wants to be called a "good boy" sometimes. Also breeding.
>>454577God he's so beautiful. How can regular moids even compete?
No. 454583
>>454581Vanilla/light femdom
No. 454584
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>>454571>those hands>the haircutall i can think about is picrel kek
No. 454621
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Gonna get into keychains to recreate this
No. 454622
>>454445who is filming these? they seem kinda strange, cause it's nothing worth filming… some dude tickling an Asian girl, them sitting on the couch.
where are the full videos?
No. 454627
>>454579he was phi kappa psi
idk what kind of frat it's considered to be
probs a nerdy one
No. 454630
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>>454627it does seem to be kind of nerdy but i also found picrel
No. 454632
>>454630Very irrelevant information
No. 454641
>>454636stuff like this is silly tbh
if you want to make a difference, acquire press credentials.
send foia requests.
cover the story in a way MSM is refusing to.
Stuff like that.
No. 454662
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love weegee’s current schizo caveman look i just want to sit on his face
No. 454664
>>454662I'll never get tired of seeing this posted.
Is it the hottest mugshot of all time?
No. 454669
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>>454665>Also I hope the tards trying to tail after him tomorrow don’t ruin it for the rest of us.I'm worried about that too. I can't wait to see new photos and videos of him. I'm hoping we get a lot more angles.
No. 454685
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>>454447The arms and the eyebrows.
Mama Mia.
No. 454701
I want him to bite me so I can feel his little fangs
No. 454709
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Has anyone here sent off anything? Will he even get to take the stuff with him when he moves? Does anyone here know how that works?
No. 454718
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angel of unknown protect weegee on his way to new york tomorrow amen
No. 454721
>>454716Suck them
Also I may rewrite my letter to him because I need to be more mindful of what is sent due to le prison rules. Once he’s situated in NY I will start sending books sans letters. I have a feeling he doesn’t give a shit about letters right now. Definitely doesn’t have the time to respond with all the legal stuff going on. He may not even be really getting them. We will see once people post responses they receive. Then I will be so jealous and cry…
No. 454725
>>454643>Luigi caravan my's extra dumb because there's no way they're driving him to NYC. it will be a plane.
This article says there were some protesters at a "CEO summit" in Manhattan last night, but I'm unable to find more info about it.
I want to see pics of that. is an imageboard) No. 454731
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>>454501Part 2: LuigixReader
A few days passed since you and the CEO killer first met. Even though he hasn't left his cell since his arrival, he's become the talk of the other inmates in gen pop. It makes your job harder. They are constantly riled up, gossiping like teenage girls. Even the first night Luigi was here the news cunts were managing to stick their noses in ways that you couldn't even comprehend. At night when there was a bit of TV time, the news channel they were watching just happened to be a news van and a reporter from that very station just outside.
"Oh shit! That's us!" One inmate hollered the second they saw their prison on tv. They all rushed to the windows. A primitive screeching of the newscasters name and "Free Luigi!" proved to be effective. When they heard themselves on TV the inmates let out a victorious roar. Even some of the staff found it amusing.
They actually managed to get an interview while you and the staff desperately tried to tard wrangle the more riled up apes. They managed to get a few words out before any prisoner who wasn't completely catatonic was put in their respective cells and given lights out early. It didn't help. They chanted "Free Luigi!!! Free Luigi!!" Over and over again.
It was a long time and a lot of force before you and your team finally got them to calm down. Worst of all, you were assigned to the source of all this damned trouble.
Luigi had no access to tv. He could hear it sometimes from his cell, but there was no way to see it. The prisoners weren't wrong. His food and conditions
did suck. You try to never think about it, they are criminals, not students. They are supposed to be punished. Luigi's rations are garbage, and they definitely aren't getting what is on the menu listed on the prison website. If you live off that, you will be nothing but skin and bones.
Luigi's lost weight. But you know he doesn't have to. There are prisoners who come up to you all the time, trying to give you valuables like ramen and chips because they know you're watching after him. You always say no.
But not tonight. You finally cave in and accept an offering from an ancient lifer who has never spoken with you before in his life. If this comes out, you will never hear the end of it.
You know Luigi's cell doesn't actually have that much surveillance. Most of the profit spent in prison is to keep inmates in, not to keep them safe. You can get away with this, just this once.
You dread seeing him. Even if he's easy and compliant, he makes you uncomfortable. It's that fucking aura that warms your core in ways you haven't felt since you were a tween. You know what it is, but you won't address it. Not when so much is at stake.
He smiles at you. You mouth thins as you feel your stomach constrict. You look around, walk up to his cell, and pass him the package of ramen. His already too-bright eyes light up like a starved puppy being given a treat.
"You won't get in trouble?" He asks in a whisper. It pisses you off.
"Shut the fuck up and take it."
He does. There's no bowl, no hot water, but it's calories that aren't made in the sewers that is the prison kitchen. In the system, it's money. He eagerly rips open the bag and devours it like a dying animal. He pisses you off so much it drives you crazy.
After he tips the bag of ramen crumbs into his mouth, he looks at you again with that smile you just want to slap off his face. He's so grateful, it's pathetic. You bet he thinks you see him as some sort of folk hero. But you don't. He's just another shithead who thinks he's above the law.
"Thanks." He says, wiping the crumbs and flavor dust off his lips with his thumb before sucking the powder off his fingers. He's still looking in you. He can see deeper into you than you can see in yourself. He's ripping apart carefully constructed chains you spent years building deep inside you. Things absolutely necessary to keep you safe and employed.
"This system sucks, Officer Nona." You stopped silencing him a while ago. You'll never admit it out loud, but you like hearing him talk. It's a refreshing change of pace from the missing link tier grunts, the schizophrenic ramblings and the occasional pseudo intellectual babble that you normally have to put up with here.
"I know you see it. Even if you want to hate them, you see their humanity. It's why you wound up here, in the same place as me. I studied prison systems all over the world. With our economic power, America should be the gold standard. But it's not. It's a tragedy."
He goes on. He's not wrong. He talks like he knows you, like he knows why, out of all jobs, you chose to spend your life in prison despite no criminal record. You don't say much. He's smart, nice to listen to, gets to the point. Gets right into your heart with how much love and compassion he has for his fellow man. It's a good thing he's kept isolated from the rest of the inmates. His influence is incredibly dangerous.
"Officer, listen… If it's not too much, could I have a rag? I haven't bathed since I got here and I can't stand how I smell."
You should say no. You want to say no. You
need to say no.
You say yes. You get a rag and hand it to him. He definitely does stink. But you've smelled much worse. He goes to the sink and wets it, then unbuttons his jumpsuit, revealing the black t shirt underneath. It used to be fitted, but now it's looking a bit baggy. He pulls his arms out from the orange uniform and lets the sleeves lay at his hips. He starts to pull off his shirt, but then looks at you.
"Could you—" You know he's asking for privacy. You interrupt him.
"Don't push your luck."
He doesn't seem distraught. He just shrugs and pulls off his shirt. You've seen all variety of physiques here. Fat, thin, ripped, jacked, mutilated and mutated. But his body is just as perfect as his face. You figured you were prepared. You looked him up. You saw his pictures. But in person it's different. He's not the muscular bulk-and-cut gymbro he was on the outside. He was more slender, nice firm chest, mostly hairless, but a perfect little dark trail of purebred Italian fuzz that runs up from the hem of his pants past his bellybutton. Slightly but pleasantly asymmetrical like his face. You keep a stern expression. You
have to.
He washes himself like he's putting a show on for you. Starting with his face, exfoliating it and making it glisten as beads washing off salty perspiration and accumulated dirt that rolls down his stubbly jaw and neck, down his chest and abdomen. He knows what he's doing. You can't blame him entirely. He's still a man, after all.
After washing his upper body, he glances at you again. He doesn't ask, both of you know what he wants to do. You aren't budging and he knows it. He lets out a pouty little resigned sigh, then plunges the wet rag into his pants.
The tension in the little safe haven of space between the two of you is overwhelming. It's not innocent cleaning. He's lonely, you're a woman. A woman that isn't like his shallow university friends or coworkers or crunchy short sighted hippies. You're real. Your existence is the result of a harsh reality created by American industrialism, you're the unadulterated truth he pined to experience but could never touch on the outside.
He's a man. He's just trying to clean himself, but the attention he's giving to the namesake of his sex while being watched by his evolutionary salvation puts him at the mercy of his biology. It's no different than the acidic bile being produced by his stomach to break down the ramen he just ate, the blood pumped by his heart must go to the source of his dignity.
Luigi lets out a shaky breath. You can see the strain of it in his baggy jumpsuit, the twitch of involuntary hunger, his inability to look away from you.
It's just a boner. Everyday shit. You've learned to ignore it as long as the inmate doesn't try to weaponize it. You thought you were as desensitized cocks and cum as a surgeon was to blood.
But you're not. Your eyes travel to it like a magnet to metal, only for a moment, but long enough to communicate everything to him. Both of you know at the end of the day, your titles of prisoner and corrections officers are artificial. Dwarfed in the primitive shadow of man and woman.
The next thing you know, he's clean, putting his shirt back on. His cheeks and nose are as flushed as the day he came here from the frigid late fall cold.
"Thanks." He holds the filthy rag out. Without thinking, you take it.
Without thinking, you pocket it.
Luigi smiles at you.
No. 454735
File: 1734566454741.png (967.17 KB, 1080x1280, 1000003004.png)

Those arms
No. 454739
File: 1734567414991.jpeg (15.81 KB, 189x313, IMG_3641.jpeg)

blessing this thread with more found pics
No. 454740
File: 1734567438284.jpeg (84.45 KB, 489x807, IMG_3643.jpeg)

No. 454741
File: 1734567475823.jpeg (82.35 KB, 389x650, IMG_3644.jpeg)

No. 454743
File: 1734567618508.jpeg (57.86 KB, 303x303, IMG_3645.jpeg)

last one
No. 454746
>>454734I don't see why we wouldn't get pics. God, I wish I could be with him the whole time. Poor thing. He was already so exhausted, weak, and scared looking when we saw him last.
>>454736I haven't been reading her stuff cuz I have my imagination, are there any schizomaxxed Weegee fics?
>>454740Made for rape
>>454741Made for playful bullying and then rape
>>454743Made for light nipple torture bullying and then a rape.
No. 454756
File: 1734568663317.gif (1.95 MB, 480x360, horny.gif)

>>454750thanks nonna it's nice to see new pics
No. 454781
>>454775That's what im thinking
Im trying to look up the french revoltion and other workers riots, like how they came to be and how they organized
The biggest thing would be organzing people. A lot of the working class is both placated and scared of losing everything they worked so hard for.
I just feel like I have nothing to lose, and this world has gotten so much worse that if we can get the ruling class to bend to the will of the people they depend on I wouldn't stress so much about the well being of future generations.
Like these guys want to make homelessness illegal but a lot of homeless people aren't the insane crackheads the media wants to make them out to be. A lot of them used to own homes and worked hard and got unlucky. A lot of them are
victims of predatory systems created by the oligarchs
>>454780I think he's terrified. Wouldn't you be if you knew you were being charged with terrorism and going to a notoriously horrible prison? I hate this shithole rapeape run world. I blame non woman respecting men for all this garbage.
No. 454788
>>454782Nah come on he would be taking you to dinners, hiking, and sightseeing but managing the pain by winking and taking his special woowoo pills and waking up screaming after a long night of steamy back breaking (his back) sex
>>454781Organizing has changed due to the internet. The Arab Spring is a great example. However now you have feds ruining and spying on shit so rip planning anything online. Graffiti time I guess? Bringing back ancient communications
No. 454789
File: 1734574157782.jpg (1.18 MB, 3686x2986, LMF.jpg)

>>454640I can't make it either. There's picrel we can keep up with: for the shit collage. Left to right. I'm feeling a little anxious, nonas.
No. 454792
>>454789I just feel like this won’t do much. If they can just show up with signs that’s great. No caravans please or we might never see Wigi again.
>>454791Okay hot but why wouldn’t Schizigi enjoy Italy? Why go overseas if he will just be schizo. Schizowee fics and fantasies work best in our dystopian American setting
No. 454795
File: 1734574750823.jpg (456.01 KB, 1179x934, bsky.jpg)

>>454792>No caravans please or we might never see Wigi again.We'll see what happens..
No. 454810
This but me and luigi
No. 454816
File: 1734578619453.jpeg (866.26 KB, 1170x2004, IMG_6892.jpeg)

The Asian girl that posted the mochi video and the tickle monster pic said they never had any romantic involvement. Is Luigi beating the yellow fever fag allegations?
No. 454828
>>454816eh I still think he fucked her or at least wanted to. i think she friendzoned him
not that any of it matters now
it's so funny how she won't shut the fuck up tho and is getting salty
No. 454829
File: 1734579819425.png (2.43 MB, 4000x3000, large.png)

>>454816>You don't deserve itFuck off from the internet and go off grid then, or you could stop being greedy and share more of his tummy and feet.
No. 454839
File: 1734580626072.png (143.13 KB, 500x568, tumblr_cf0374d45f9b2830c02fc26…)

/g/ right now
No. 454848
File: 1734581579863.jpg (390.04 KB, 1115x823, wg.jpg)

fuck u flood detection
No. 454860
File: 1734585467206.jpg (Spoiler Image,64.84 KB, 374x295, his tit.jpg)

Anyone else notice when they read posts about Luigi from people who do not favor him outside of this thread and site, they constantly bring up rape and his butthole? What's up with that?
No. 454867
>>454861Can you show the whole tweet/reply? They're all cut off or truncated with elipses.
Can you link the reddit where this is being discussed?
I'm having a hard time parsing the image you put together. I want a list of everything he deleted in plain text.
No. 454871
File: 1734587526526.png (285.18 KB, 1530x1508, reddit.png)

>>454867they deleted the main post and the comment but they were talking about a tweet that said women should not use computers but it was someone's bio, not his. it's this one doesn't show the full tweets and they're not saved in the typical format, i don't know why but you can click the links, pretty-print, scroll a little and you'll be able to see what he retweeted
No. 454872
>>454861Normally i wouldnt say random people having archives is weird since my tumblr got archived a few times and i wasnt popular, but given the circumstances this is pretty weird
Does anyone know how many followers he had originally?
No. 454879
>>454875I mean I wouldn't be surprised
>>454876>>454877>>454871Does what gets archived by wayback get chosen by random or what? Is the implication the feds were already eyeing him? For what reason? And if so why didn't they try to stop him or get him psychiatric help or get him addicted to gacha before he killed anyone?
No. 454880
>>454877Maybe he said some retarded shit or maybe he was arguing against someone and just didn't want to be associate with it so he deleted it.
Feels weird that he would say 'women shouldn't use computers'
I mean I get it moids are moids abut it just feels off.
No. 454881
>>454879i don't know if the feds were watching him, i doubt it but someone saw his retweets and thought they were interesting enough to archive them.
also, not to tinfoil but the feds tend to do such stuff anyway>>454880he didn't say that, someone on reddit thought he did but it was this woman's bio and he interacted with one of her tweets No. 454883
>>454871>they deleted the main post and the commentActually it says removed, which means mods took it down.
someone needs to make a new Luigi sub. The faggot mods in that one delete every goddamn thing what's even the point
No. 454887
File: 1734590594355.png (283.35 KB, 688x974, Screenshot (3344).png)

>>454881samefag and tinfoil time but he interacted with the "women should not use computers" person at least two times and when he killed the ceo, she quoted the tweet with "if i say anything" and while it may not mean anything… i have to put my tinfoil hat on. this bitch is a fed
>>454886it's an alleged lesbian but i'm almost a 100% sure that it's a larping moid
No. 454890
>>454881I mean Luigis twitter is weird as shit with the 286 crap. Like I cant help but feel he had more than 286 posts or whatever and maybe did a deep clean of his twitter?
Then again just nothing about him screams typical zoomer edgelord misogynist.
I know it SEEMS to good to be true that human males exist in this world filled with penised demons but I can't resist maintaining healthy skepticism that Luigi just doesn't match that path.
Misogynist shooters kill randos.
Idk i just wanna hear him talk more in person. I fucking hate prison I want to hear more of his views on things. I wish luigi had some home base cabin and learned to hunt and fish ala uncle ted. He would have been able to go off grid and not get caught and periodically went back to nyc to kill more ceos.
No. 454894
>>454887She/he ratted out luigi???? Or maybe shes a part of some bigger underground group?
I wanna believe theres an underground group and this shit is all just to distract from the shit that she knows luigi is a fall guy and didn't kill anyone and they will keep killing ceos?
Fuck… I just want this to be a vigilante mob fucking with the oligarchs and making them incredibly paranoid
No. 454902
so this is a game?
>>454901yes, the next one should do it.
No. 454904
>>454890he had 294 tweets on july 8th so yeah, he definitely deleted some tweets. he doesn't read as a zoomer edgelord to me either, just a little spergy but i don't know. i wonder if he was active on forums
>>454894kek, me too and that'd be ideal but he wouldn't ruin his life this way and cover for someone else, plus that alleged woman is a chud. i want to know what he was up to the months leading to this, they should release his journal entries so we can get some insight into his mind and day-to-day basis
No. 454911
>>454887I don't think Jenny Baby is a fed, I think they got spooked because they had interacted with Luigi and because they realized they probably swam in the same online social circles there is anything suspicious about Luigi and Jenny Baby interacting is that Jenny Baby isn't a very popular account.
(this is an imageboard. post caps) No. 454914
>>454881I know kf autistically archives everything for their cows which is understandable, but luigi was pretty much unknown and unremarkable to get archived
Very weird
No. 454918
>>454912I don't really use instagram but most girls use it to post pictures of themselves in swimsuits and shit.
I think it had more to do with the culture he was brought up with while building his instagram followers (vapid, materialistic) than him thirsting over their swimsuit pics.
Even the girl he friendzoned and wouldn't shut up about him had skank ass photos of herself.
The cold, hard reality is he didn't like that life and he abandoned it. He even said it himself that he didn't really vibe with his tribe. Luigi is an outsider, a class traitor. He tried to fit in and because he had a good heart and a pretty face he was eagerly accepted but felt no spiritual connection with anyone around him.
But yeah if he got off and went back to his thot following life for whatever reason it would justify beating him.
I wasn't really turned on by old life Luigi anyways. He's cute but too preppy and fake for me. Radicalized class traitor criminal Luigi is the only one for me.
No. 454921
>>454577his eyes and lashes are so pretty, it's like he's right out of a painting i can't belive this isn't edited. probably my favorite pic of him
>>454724>(he survives and wanders the PA wilderness… then a mysterious handsome man shows up at your front door asking for shelter)somebody please write a fic based on this please. and he and the reader live a cozy life in a ruralish wilderness area happily ever after. tags: fluff, vanilla,
impregnation No. 454922
>>454904More importantly like… If he acted alone, then who was he on the phone with?
His burner was abandoned, right?
No way! I don't wanna hear it! Luigi is innocent! The real killer is out there! Luigi is just a fall guy the feds took in! They were the ones who fucked with his social media! Luigi was just a frat boy like some sort of less cringe Christopher McCandless who wanted to just disappear into the wilderness (WHICH IS NOT A CRIME)!!!
He has nothing to do with the real shooting! He's just a fall guy!!!! The real killer(s) are out there and the feds are wasting their time and resources torturing this poor, sexy, italian runaway who should be at my house!
More CEOs will die! The real killer is gonna abduct a bunch of CEO's and send a letter to the Jew York justice apartment with a ceo toe and tell them they will remove a limb for each day wee wee is behind bars!
I'm standing by my vigilante mob is the real ceo killer and Luigi is just an unrelated patsy headcannon. It makes the most sense and Luigi is clearly a good boy who never killed anyone.
No. 454925
>>454911yeah, i said that because she tweeted it on the 4th, and he was identified as the killer almost a week later
>>454920nta, but why did they archive THOSE tweets specifically. not that related, but i mentioned here
>>454904 that he used to have 294 tweets and now he has 286, i realized the missing ones were the 8 ones i found
No. 454936
File: 1734600258322.jpeg (475.83 KB, 1290x2691, IMG_9468.jpeg)

No. 454937
>>454932That's genuinely amazing detective work, I still can't figure out how you managed. I've been leaning towards thinking it was a psychotic break from near the start. I think he might have actually archived these tweets
himself, not wanting to lose access to them in some fashion despite it being pointless. It doesn't make sense for anyone else to do it.
I wonder if his lawyer will try to plead insanity. It might be Luigi's best chance at avoiding the worst prisons. Are his lawyers aware of the significance of the 286 number?
No. 454938
>>454936ohh okay thank you, nona.
deleting to free up space from my tardation.
No. 454943
>>454937i agree with everything you said, i also considered that he could’ve archived them himself, it makes more sense.
his lawyers must be aware because it was semi-viral on tiktok and twitter
No. 454954
>>454952so is he calling out nlogging and pickmeism?
If so, he's gonna make me cum
No. 454958
File: 1734605352514.webm (235.75 KB, 576x692, hand.webm)

No. 454980
Link to the Preliminary Hearing's hope we see him getting out of the van
No. 454984
>>454982Luigi is a multi-cultural lover.
>>454980I am going to be at work all day, I am begging nonnas to please screencap as much as possible, I don't care if the thread is spammed. Make gifs out of some of the clips as well if you can, feel free to link a better gif making resource kek. Also the comments on that livestream right now are a lot of
>he accomplished nothing>this wont change anythingHe made thousands of women horny, that's a huge accomplishment for a male. Plus scaring the shit out of CEOs is based.
FUCK the channel just posted that cameras are not allowed inside the courtroom! We're only getting him going in and out of the vehicle again I guess. FUCK
No. 454990
File: 1734612511925.jpg (83.15 KB, 1080x220, 1000062546.jpg)

Nonnas I don't think we are getting new Luigi content today
No. 455008
File: 1734613582345.webp (129.39 KB, 1440x963, download.webp)

No. 455010
>>454921Get out of my head
nonnie! I was thinking about almost this exact same premise while falling asleep last night.
I need him to get me pregnant.>>455008Absolutely brutal mogging. The system pig fears the schizo vigilante.
No. 455012
>>455006It looks fine, Im worried about his jaw though.
My fucking step mother is telling me about how he’s going to get raped by black guys up the ass and his hair ripped out and have a train run on him and now I want to cry. She’s also calling him a coward for not shooting him in the face. Free me.
No. 455015
File: 1734614112495.jpeg (314.27 KB, 1125x1793, 88DA0B3C-DB8A-43A6-BFF9-F7770D…)

Can’t embed or attach a TikTok video for some reason so I’ll just attach some unearthed photos from his Uni/Frat days. It makes me sad looking at these, he looked younger full of life.
No. 455018
File: 1734614163371.jpeg (341.33 KB, 1125x1895, 84F35A14-13A8-4D7F-A030-11A721…)

No. 455021
File: 1734614423932.jpeg (402.29 KB, 1125x1875, 00DF3B75-E640-4706-BC4C-F6418C…)

I don’t want to derail but neither worked for me even attaching the video I get an error page, I already took it to meta with no response. Anyways more Luigi
No. 455022
File: 1734614448768.jpeg (379.07 KB, 1125x1867, E71188B1-FC90-4976-B4A2-4E263D…)

No. 455023
File: 1734614506742.jpeg (419.63 KB, 1125x1883, EECA08F0-B7E9-4F85-B21A-5C5057…)

No. 455024
File: 1734614564561.jpeg (407.25 KB, 1125x1862, 83771239-A323-4730-9626-561F0A…)

No. 455026
File: 1734614590863.jpeg (307.06 KB, 1125x1873, DF432EB1-ABC2-4587-BA5C-2FBC97…)

No. 455027
File: 1734614624111.jpeg (400.49 KB, 1125x1886, 84A054B3-EF55-4F5D-AD97-F10823…)

Last photo
No. 455029
>>455027>>455018Butterflies from these two and this
>>455015 one makes me wonder if he still has that costume or at least hat
No. 455041
>>455039samefag, but they just said that Ali Bauman from CBS New York is inside the courthouse so keep that tab open moid is also inside is an imageboard. post caps) No. 455044
File: 1734615751640.jpeg (44.74 KB, 521x475, IMG_2708.jpeg)

>>455026>>455034She looks human to you? She doesn't
trigger any survival instincts in you, like she might be wearing some kind of freaky mask to look so…strange? Ohh! Youre asian. Ignore what i said. Ure so right nona she's breathtakingly gorgeous! Even prettier than him, yes ABSOLUTELY! Nothing weird about her face at all
(racebait) No. 455086
File: 1734620175949.webp (126.64 KB, 1125x1416, A607BAF4-68FC-42E2-A935-1DA2FC…)

Him and his mom crying
No. 455089
File: 1734620800456.webp (60.24 KB, 1126x1672, 9816C83D-A1BC-4C6B-B0E3-73EB5A…)

Sorry for the spam but I hit a well of photos of Luigi, I’m just leaving it here as an archive. Also leaving out some few photos of him as a minor considering the amount of horny posting here
No. 455090
File: 1734620831486.webp (110.68 KB, 1126x926, C58ADC6A-24A3-40AE-A26D-376FE7…)

No. 455092
File: 1734620887281.webp (33.49 KB, 1126x1502, D0D6B25B-1F61-40DF-BD4E-DECA80…)

No. 455095
File: 1734621031125.webp (75.81 KB, 1126x1126, 30488518-8FFF-47B1-A70A-E4FF7E…)

No. 455096
File: 1734621076332.webp (51.69 KB, 1184x1506, 69D5EE23-FAEB-41F6-ACAB-D1E3B4…)

No. 455097
File: 1734621128410.webp (31.18 KB, 886x1576, E70ED566-DD54-49E0-965C-E96094…)

No. 455098
File: 1734621218596.webp (48.23 KB, 1126x846, 93714530-4075-4EEF-9EE9-35E3FE…)

No. 455099
File: 1734621255958.webp (76.89 KB, 1184x1202, 8B810EBA-76E4-4393-992E-6ED0B1…)

This one may have been posted before but I’m unsure
No. 455101
File: 1734621489980.webp (69.82 KB, 1126x1688, 9CE4E6AF-4A10-421D-AD17-1A4EF2…)

>>455100 sorry nona but unless if they release the chalk pastel portraits in the courtroom there is going to be no new pics, they are sheltering him heavily
No. 455102
File: 1734621562942.png (2.27 MB, 2436x1125, IMG_3652.png)

No. 455103
File: 1734621585532.png (2.26 MB, 2436x1125, IMG_3653.png)

No. 455108
File: 1734621785403.png (23.78 KB, 921x100, 1009876543.png)

>>455063according to his classmates, he was the opposite
No. 455110
File: 1734621878841.jpeg (163.73 KB, 1280x1600, IMG_6896.jpeg)

>>455083He was following a blonde British girl during his schizo arc and I am living through her
No. 455111
File: 1734621929642.mp4 (3.46 MB, 1280x720, 68040D3A-88EA-43B4-A7BD-7631E2…)

i can’t believe i waited this long to see… his eyebrows for a millisecond
No. 455118
File: 1734622123243.mp4 (7.46 MB, 1280x720, DE3B8843-A038-47F2-98A5-B380D1…)

found a decent quality one. he looks worried
No. 455121
File: 1734622306542.jpeg (183.65 KB, 536x567, IMG_6898.jpeg)

>>455118haha peekaboo cutie patootie
No. 455133
>>455102>>455103Husband! Is he okay? Is his tooth hurting? Who hit him.
>>455111Stop manhandling him
>>455120You know they didn’t
No. 455137
>>454995>>455012The obsession with him getting dicked down…
>>455133>You know they didn'tNooo oh god I don't want him to get a UTI.
No. 455138
File: 1734623194283.mp4 (18.95 MB, 1280x720, ssstwitter.com_1734622856504.m…)

skip to 00:10
No. 455140
File: 1734623334290.jpg (113.03 KB, 933x1167, 20241219_164750.jpg)

No. 455142
File: 1734623469173.webp (125.73 KB, 1440x960, 2F55bf0abc2b3124b0e5a94cd54542…)

No. 455144
File: 1734623518589.jpg (158.03 KB, 1887x1115, 20241219_165110.jpg)

No. 455148
File: 1734623635011.jpg (135.46 KB, 1200x803, GettyImages-2190059037.jpg)

No. 455149
File: 1734623705162.jpeg (399.07 KB, 1634x1223, be3.jpeg)

>>455115Listen to the music. He's just your average disgusting slimy Techbro moid with yellow fever, not some pure innocent angel you make him out to be.
(infight baiting repeatedly) No. 455150
File: 1734623725819.jpg (79.3 KB, 1170x516, 20241219_165433.jpg)

>>455146I hope they get overthrown
No. 455152
>>455146>>455150Hell, I hope these get overthrown simply for constitutional reasons. It will set a
very bad precedent otherwise.
No. 455154
>>455146He ded
I just hope that it'll be swift and painless, and that they won't keep him on the death row for 20 years. He will become a martyr, that's for sure.
No. 455155
>>455119i like it i find him giga hot kek his disheveled look is my favorite though
>>455146reading this made my stomach churn
No. 455163
File: 1734624129578.jpg (300.17 KB, 2048x1370, gettyimages-2190058879-2048x20…)

angel face. ignore the fuckass logo
No. 455164
File: 1734624142864.webp (4.47 MB, 4572x2853, IMG_3654.webp)

No. 455168
File: 1734624295263.webp (2.48 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3655.webp)

kekkkk the fucking courtroom sketches
No. 455169
File: 1734624330008.webp (2.48 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3656.webp)

No. 455170
File: 1734624376804.webp (2.52 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3657.webp)

samefag but why they make him look like that kek
No. 455171
File: 1734624378802.png (1.14 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8510.png)

They got him on the slutty waist leash.
>>455168Kekkk they hired the worst artist on purpose. Why draw him with a five o clock shadow when he is smooth? Cute pose though I guess
No. 455173
>>455166They have their own Weegee thread on CC and immediately attack anyone showing support to him in it and yet they're still here lurking.
>>455168>>455170I wish we could've had the real photos.
No. 455179
File: 1734624533363.jpg (392.58 KB, 2048x1366, gettyimages-2190061058-2048x20…)

i like this one. i'm going to sleep, please use
>>454171 or
>>451281 as next thread pic
>>455170this has to be an insult
No. 455180
>>455162>it’s proof that he was literally surrounded by Asians 24/7Correct. He surrounded himself with Asians because of his fetish.
>and not by choice.Correct. He didn't choose to have yellow fever, it was thrust upon him after watching too much anime.
(bait) No. 455181
>>455171Oops wait sorry it’s not a leash.
>>455172They literally want him to be ugly so bad but it’s not going to work
No. 455190
>>455118aw man they gave him a broccoli cut and a shave.
Guess thats better than him being beaten
No. 455200
>>455195I already sympathize with him. But yeah, beating him would have made him look bad in court.
God fucking dammit my cute angel doesn't deserve this. He should be in the woods being cared for by a feral nona