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No. 465438

January's Drought Edition

Previous Threads:

No. 465441

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let's not forget about this

No. 465442

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No. 465443

File: 1736204983332.gif (6.3 MB, 400x379, IMG_3736.gif)

obligatory reaction to thread #9

No. 465446

Okay so we having a watch party or not

No. 465448

OP's image is soulless

No. 465449

File: 1736205888033.png (921.77 KB, 453x812, autism sneeds.png)

If someone has a fast internet. I don't even know where to find this shit online.

No. 465452

File: 1736205952962.gif (1015.04 KB, 500x292, AFFl.gif)

mmmm yisss
rub it

No. 465453

File: 1736205986876.jpeg (51.54 KB, 735x860, luigi mangione in court.jpeg)

>court date pushed
>smear docu hosted by fat pigs
>bitches wont reveal letters

We cant have shit in 2025

No. 465454

File: 1736206106675.jpg (283.47 KB, 1512x2016, 1735342911885.jpg)

Somewhere out there is a timeline where some feral nona in a remote cabin captured Luigi after he did the ceo killing and is leaking his nudes all over the internet while the FBI tries to track them they wont

No. 465455

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can I write a letter to luigi and ask him why he likes lacroix?
Can I send him la croix?

No. 465457

You can ask, not send. No La Croix ever again for him. Also he prob likes it because he likes seltzer and is a richfag.

No. 465459

I wonder what percentage of the letters Wigi receives are straight up shameless thirstposting and how he feels about them

No. 465460

None, because those letters get shredded.

No. 465461

Lacroix tastes like shit I like perrier better. I always thought la croix was ghetto perrier

No. 465462

It's casualfag perrier, you're right, perrier is fancier. Definitely not ghetto. Ghetto would be a 2 liter Vintage Seltzer bottle.

No. 465464

File: 1736206873716.png (349.86 KB, 481x570, luigi drinking la croix from m…)

Maybe Im just an enabler but if I was able to kidnap luigi I would give him a pallet of ice cold la croix because this is the only consumable I know he enjoys

No. 465468

I would buy a sodastream and carbonize my pussy juices

No. 465469

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No. 465470

File: 1736207204977.mp4 (5.21 MB, 720x1280, 1734809157353.mp4)

Those retarded faggot grifters have their biggest audience here but have provided us with no instruction on how to illegally stream their stupid cope.

No. 465471

oh my god i never noticed the gingham on his shirt…. cute

No. 465474

I want to watch the shitmentary, reeee

No. 465475

Nonnas what kinda stuff did you put in your letters? I was tempted to write a letter but I know it'll just get shredded as soon as the CO receives it kek, just curious what weegee will be reading

No. 465476

idk but I wanna ask his lawyer if its legal for these psychos to be making smear pieces on this poor boy

No. 465479

this looks shooped. his neck is way thicker and the shirt in court def wasnt gingham

No. 465480

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s-someone photoshopped the gingham onto his shirt? But why???

No. 465481

Small recap:

Roided up moids and incels still seething about luigi on twitter and news outlets
Art nonnies blessing us once again
crowd gathered at MDC Brooklyn on New Year’s Eve for Luigi and other prisoners
While in PA during his court hearing our favorite schizo loudly interrupted to say he had just bought the face masks and his attorney tells him to shut up
Books to Luigi have been rejected and sent back
Family members of fellow nonnies being retarded
Toilet seat cover-chan
Luigi’s pre-Stanford AI blog is found, topics ranging from Animal Crossing to Facebook
Yellow fever allegations continue
TMZ to release a new documentary on Luigi during his time traveling around SEA with two German faggots
New photos from Mayor Hypnotoad…sorry Eric Adams
Luigi’s attorney Karen Agnifilo confirms that he is receiving mail and enjoys it
Confirmed that 2 people are expecting mail from Luigi himself
New Luigi pictures and texts have dropped from a former (attention seeking) friend and scribbled Luigi’s face like a retard
Court hearings have been pushed back to February. Federal is on the 17th and state is on the 21st

No. 465482

samefag sorry if i missed some details nonnies im on mobile

No. 465483

I wonder if he’s interacted with legit dumb people (e.g. flat earthers, anti vax) outside of his Ivy League bubble?

No. 465484


bless your heart nonna

No. 465485

Oh definitely. He was talking to weirdo grifters but I don't think Luigi is huge into conspiracy theories like that when there is so much fucked up shit right under his nose and completely 100% provable (like our fucked up for profit health insurance)

No. 465486

I can't imagine him taking those serious, beside at most being curious

No. 465487

Probably and he's probably yelled at them then had to calm himself down with animal crossing. What if that's what happens in the documentary when they interview the old high school classmate. He would pull an autist
and storm out of the classrooms and play animal crossing in the bathroom. No? Just me?

No. 465488

File: 1736209283121.jpg (59.89 KB, 1024x576, DUQWTF2D75AKZAREJH4AM2NO64-335…)

>it turns out the friend he snapped at was talking to him about 5G and adrenochrome when Luigi has bigger fish to fry

No. 465490

why would this so called gay friend scribble his beautiful face, is he tryingto curse him or what

No. 465491

being a dramatic bitch.
Flaunting new footage of luigi but defacing it for no god damn reason

No. 465492

He wants him all to himself
>curse him

No. 465493

just tired the kind bar he ate before he allegedly whacked the fatass, it was really good.

No. 465496

No. 465497

Based mom

No. 465498

Went on Twitch to see if anyone was streaming it there and just saw some scary Luigi AIs instead

No. 465501

File: 1736212446202.png (914.74 KB, 662x800, 1736185127466.png)

the things i would have done if i had been the one in this situation with luigi.

No. 465502

>"hahaha you're so funny Luigi! I can do a cool banana trick too!"

No. 465503

This is such a cute picture. I still hate his stupid fat faggot friend for scribbling out his face.

No. 465504

I need to smell that pillow

No. 465506

I dreamed he shared one with me

No. 465507

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Why's he playing with the banana. Ugh I want to watch the documentary, why no online free streaming sites have straight up Fox? It's just Fox News, Fox Sports, Fox Sports TWO,
oh my god i bet it smells so good, I'm glad we got a picture of him lying down in bed because now I can look at the picture and imagine being right there, straddling him, and assaulting his mouth

No. 465508

I would rather have never seen this picture at all than be stuck with squiggles all over his face.
I wish death upon the fat fuck that posted his. Death upon him and his family.

No. 465509

i think maybe our only option would be removing the scribbles with AI, but fuck that i don't want AI slop anywhere near weegee. someone hack into that cunt's icloud or something

No. 465510

Can we all bully and harass him until he posts the pics uncensored. He thinks he did something real artsy and cute.

No. 465511

what do you think his hair/scalp smelled like?
Would you rather smell fratigis freshly exfoliated scalp or unwashed schizoigis musk?

No. 465512

That's a difficult one. Probably fratigi's fresh shampoo'd hair, honestly. But I would like to bury my face against Schizigi's chest wearing his prison garb, or against his bare chest.

No. 465513

File: 1736213349087.gif (437.63 KB, 220x165, 43789348934.gif)

>what do you think his hair/scalp smelled like?
earthy/dirty and musty because he was always hiking and being schizo n shit
schizo musk all day

No. 465514

god i'd give anything to get a whiff of either.. but schizoigi's musk would be unique to him so i'll take that. i'd aggressively smell his scalp

No. 465517

I'm so upset we won't see him on the 18th what the fuck will we do, I want to smell him and then fuck him. you troll the Wigi and you fuck the Wigi I warned you that he would return here to court by his next presence, I'm helpless nothing comfortable

No. 465518

Documentary is lame… leftist twitter people saying how people are fed up with corporate greed and how Wigi is a psycho/schizo. And what someone else mentioned in the last thread about how he bought 400 copies of that random book

No. 465519

Aw I wanted to do a group watch where we riff on it

No. 465520

>what someone else mentioned in the last thread about how he bought 400 copies of that random book
but the book was released after his arrest

No. 465521

He probably bought the eBook version which was released much earlier than the physical copies. It was likely just his way supporting the author.

No. 465522

File: 1736213758026.gif (6.67 MB, 652x366, if being horny were illegal.gi…)

We already know the 400 copies thing is not true though. And how is Wigi a psycho/schizo? Because he's hot and a lil' mental?

No. 465523

this dholani guy seems to really like evola, the far right occultist

No. 465524

A "friend" claims he had "odd episodes" in high school where he would lash out at people. He didn't feel emotions the way other people do and once he got in a fight with his gf and noted that he didn't feel anything about it. Not sure if the gf was from hs or college years.

No. 465525

>He probably bought the eBook version which was released much earlier than the physical copies. It was likely just his way supporting the author.
Why are you lying and shilling? It was published December 8, 2024. There is no earlier date. Are you the moid that authored it?

No. 465527

So he's had a girlfriend before, must be from another school or college. How did he word that Wigi didn't feel anything about it? Did Wigi say that himself, or did he just speculate Wigi felt nothing? Also lashing out at people and having odd episodes could be anything, could be anxiety/depression. Could be regular high school teenage moodiness.

No. 465528

Oh, I see what you mean, yeah, the writer uploaded the book to Amazon in early December 2024. Going through the writer's Substack, he seems to originally have self-published it on Gumroad in March 2024.

No. 465529

Wigi supposedly confided that to the friend

No. 465530

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I don't know why this is so hard to believe. I just searched the author's Twitter account. Also, repost because I forgot the date in the screenshot.

No. 465532

This all just feels gross.
Like this is all super personal shit that has nothing to do with the crime. There's no evidence that Luigi was friends with any of the backstabbers being interviewed. These could be randos who, at best, shared a class with Luigi looking for fame.
It makes me feel sick

No. 465533

I want to know exactly how it was worded. I'm also wondering the timeframe, do we even know if this guy was friends with Luigi past high school? I also wouldn't even take anything old high school classmates would say at face value, knowing the things that could be said about anyone from those awful four years.
Honestly, thinking about if it were me accused of a crime and people from high school talking about me… nightmare inducing. I'd be in the electric chair in a week.

No. 465534

Oh no! He was a moody teen! Yawn.

No. 465535

I think I'm starting to really understand why Luigi went schizo. If I had a friend from high school who was accused of killing a shithead ceo I would keep my mouth shut. I don't give a flying fuck how much money was offered I would just say "idfk it was high school that was a million years ago I don't remember"

No. 465536

>he didn't feel emotions
these faggots are reaching so hard for something to alog him over.

No. 465537

many people are stuck in relationships without truly feeling anything for the other

No. 465538

You forgot
>the way other people do
He felt emotions but he was a wittle different so we must go on national television and talk about it.
Especially if it's high school, plus she wouldn't be from the same school if he did have a girlfriend during that time. Could've had a fight over the phone/internet.

No. 465539

>he felt emotions a little different
No shit he was a human being in a school full of zogbots.

No. 465540

Right, they're painting him as an emotionless sociopath when it's probably just normal young adult emotions

No. 465541

That's enough to get people to hate/fear you.

No. 465542

It's very possible Luigi will not have to live without la croix. Prison commissaries in a lot of prisons are like small supermarkets and a quick google search showed they do allow inmates to buy canned drinks. He might not be able to get the exact same thing, but it's not out of the realm of possibility.
Prisoners in federal prison are usually not allowed to engage in dating of any kind, especially for someone like Luigi, as they already think he's a terrorist and will probably have any gf he could ever have do his bidding.

No. 465543

My first boyfriend was in high school. Dated for 2 weeks, then we never spoke to eachother ever again. I guess that means I'm a psychopath ceo killer.

No. 465544

That's so sad, he will never have a girlfriend in his life now. Maybe he doesn't care since he's probably just surprised he's still alive.

No. 465545

File: 1736214808896.webp (28.31 KB, 480x640, serious-about-soy.webp)

Now the old soy moid talking heads are crying about how hot he is and how all women are enchanted by him

No. 465546

File: 1736214844092.png (180.17 KB, 871x860, 1735757375829.png)

They hate to see a boy boss winning

No. 465547

I swear to fucking god does anyone legitimately believe luigi is a terrorist? These guys who made this smear piece need to be careful because there are crazy bitches out there and they might start looking like ceos to them.
Girl can you stream this so we can hatewatch it together?

No. 465548

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We can still organize one right? I haven't watched it yet and being around anonnies would stop me from seething at it, lmao.

No. 465549

The MDC Brooklyn commissary list is available online, and no, it does not carry sparkling water.

No. 465550

Imagine his belches after a big sip

No. 465551

File: 1736215073523.png (572.61 KB, 655x482, mfw people saying luigi was we…)

dammit he needed to be raised on the farms away from these normie prepschool stepford failsons FROM HELL.

No. 465552

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I'm sad. Why are they mean to my Weegee.

No. 465553

File: 1736215201170.png (226.66 KB, 581x594, 4555454656465464.png)

You know exactly why. It's because he's good and hot and they are bad and ugly.
Men are NOT other mens friends.

No. 465554

everyone around him seems so shallow and hollow, no wonder he wanted to be alone.
btw can karen actually use all of this media slander as proof of an unfair trial? how are jurors supposed to be unbiased when major news networks are feeding them this already guilty narrative? i don’t know law

No. 465555

I want to snuggle with him

No. 465557

it's been an hour im assuming the show is over now.
any downloads/clips?

No. 465558

i was thinking exactly the same kek, if people that had been in my life came out about my behaviour in my teenager years it wouldn't be pretty. and that's normal, it's called being a teenager. they're grasping for straws trying to paint this picture of him always having signs of sociopathy or some shit.

i'm not gonna lie nonnas if this was a college girlfriend i might be getting the ick a little bit kek, he IS a moid after all

No. 465559

>btw can karen actually use all of this media slander as proof of an unfair trial?
not during the trial. she could make that argument for an appeal. it's unlikely to be successful, but that's when she would do it.

No. 465560

Well she moved the fucking date back

No. 465561

if any of these people cared about luigi they wouldn't be talking about him.
they are too stupid/self-absorbed to realize that the fedgov is literally trying to kill luigi. He is facing the death penalty, potentially.
Knowing this, why would you say a single fucking word publicy. smh

No. 465562

>Well she moved the fucking date back
ok? that has nothing to do with the media. That's not how the law works.

No. 465563

True, but we'd have to see the actual clip in context to understand the timeframe and whether or not the interviewee is credible. Luigi could've just been coy with him, seeing how he may not even have been that close with Luigi to begin with.
They literally do not give a fuck, they want their 15 seconds of fame. Literally. They want people to go
>wow, you knew the CEO killer?
and that's it. Actual fucking bloodsucking cowards.

No. 465565

Neither she nor any of his lawyers requested the hearing be pushed back, the feds did. Read the court document more closely.

No. 465566

File: 1736216076350.png (172.97 KB, 977x852, 1735597499860.png)

Why do they want us and him to suffer

No. 465567

is it so hard for people to believe Luigi Mangione, the guy who quit his white collar job and went off the grid, didn't connect with his prep school friends?
This is literally Chris McCandless shit. It happens all the time with intelligent nepo kids. This life fucking sucks and you have to be a soulless greedy piece of shit to want to live in it when you are aware that tons of people will suffer at your expense if you embrace hustle culture.
FUCK I don't even wanna simp for Luigi but I just can relate to his struggle.

No. 465568

The proof is in the pudding with his so-called 'friends' appearing from thin air to talk about him, leak private messages, and even go on television.

No. 465569

they smelled our impending collective ovulation wave and was scared it would affect the judge.

No. 465570

It's soooo gross.
Luigi… I could have saved you. You could have lived in the woods with me…

No. 465571

Probably the prosecution is still messing around with getting the documents and the evidence together, which KFA complained about in the NYS hearing and the prosecution responded to. We don't really know though.

No. 465572

Why is the most believable
No me

No. 465574

weegee has inspired me to go back to the gym and get fit so when he sees me for his future conjugal visits I can ride him for a long time

No. 465575

unironically same. If all moids were replaced with men who were at least Luigi hot/nice binge eating would go extinct.
I would do anything to go on a long walk and lift weights with Luigi.

No. 465578

Nobody with at least half a brain cell would see him as a terrorist. It's honestly insane they will continue to push that narrative even after what happened in Baton Rouge. The guy literally claimed to support isis yet they were very quick to not give it any consideration of any sort.
Nonnie, i absolutely love that for you. I have taken up knitting, in a perfect world i could send him a scarf or some socks to keep him warm in those new york winters.

No. 465580

File: 1736218506195.mp4 (1.37 MB, 640x480, christmas time with luigi .mp4)

oh he looks so adorable

No. 465583

he's so cute here but i can't tell what he's trying to do kek

No. 465584

I’m gonna kill myself why is he so perfect and cute ,why can’t I have a male like him ITS NOT FAIR

No. 465591

File: 1736219772012.png (602.93 KB, 1024x781, 65657766765.png)

This whole case just feels like a kitten snuff video. Just this adorable cute kitten with cute soulful eyes scratched a pit bull on the nose (it got infected and the pitbull died. the pitbull also ate 60,000 toddlers a year)
And now the mainstream media (owned by crazy pitmommies) wants to see this tiny kitten as a terrorist and they are releasing documentaries about how the kitten once hissed at someone and now they are going to murder the kitten I hate everyone I hate this sadistic fucked up reality I live in that loves murdering kittens and enabling murderous shitbulls god fucking dammit I'm going schizo.

No. 465592

why even live

No. 465593

balancing a stack of pennies on his elbow and trying to catch it (he fails)

No. 465594

>he's so cute here but i can't tell what he's trying to do kek
coin snatching aka chinese elbow trick

No. 465595

File: 1736220332508.jpeg (465.7 KB, 2048x1365, 20.jpeg)

>ywn show luigi the weird superstitious customs your family follows for new years

No. 465599

I REALLY dont like that we have to wait another month. I need a monthly wellness check. I need to know he's being treated okay. Can the lawyer just snap a photo of him just so we know he's okay? Full body nude to make sure he doesn't have any marks on him. They can censor the dick if they have to, but ideally if they do that just use the super tiny japanese bar.

No. 465600

i thought i liked him skinnier but after seeing this i think it might just be that his haircut was often too short

No. 465602

File: 1736220603314.gif (60.12 KB, 220x220, 1636044161772.gif)

No way i audibly gasped at how cute he is here.

No. 465603

File: 1736220738447.png (139.46 KB, 194x450, holycrackhead.png)

Sorry for samefagging, but i am only just noticing the Dave Chappelle crackhead thing.

No. 465605

How was he so thick as a vegetarian? Every gym bro I know eats a ton of chicken or other meat to stay built. Genuine question if any nutrition nonnies know

No. 465606

File: 1736220901804.png (415.71 KB, 612x408, 65656565.png)

Am I the only one who feels like I'm falling harder and harder for this little spaghetti schizo every day? Idk how anyone could talk shit about him. No amount of fame or money is worth that.
America should apologize and let him kill another CEO of his choice as reparations.
Then make him king of America.

No. 465607

You can get yolked as a vegetarian. Vegans need drugs.

No. 465609

>How was he so thick as a vegetarian? Every gym bro I know eats a ton of chicken or other meat to stay built. Genuine question if any nutrition nonnies know
supps prob

No. 465611

i don’t get how there were a million updates about d!ddy’s prison life but there are zero about luigi. we’re being suppressed. i need a daily report. can’t the same insiders ask for crumbs about weegee

No. 465612

File: 1736221455795.jpg (606.18 KB, 1512x2016, slutty.jpg)

They want us to forget about Luigi.
Everyone fucking hates the diddler. He's a rapist who killed Tupac.
But Luigi is a beautiful Italian fallen angel with dark wings who is the boogeyman to the evil elites. Everyone loves Luigi and they know the more exposure we get of him the deeper we will fall in love.
Jokes on them, I am already psychically married to him and learning to make a tulpa (I am sick). I will bond it to the real Luigi so I can go on nice long bike rides in the wilderness so he doesn't have to feel trapped in his prison all day.
I need to ask him what kind of music he likes so we can listen to that on our rides.

No. 465616

File: 1736222136259.jpg (53.23 KB, 560x374, ezgif-6-bc253f7fc7.jpg)

I really don't think he stayed vegetarian for long. He looked like he might have had karaage chicken in one of the Japan photos.

No. 465617

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No. 465619

his smile is the most beautiful smile I’ve ever laid eyes on

No. 465624

File: 1736223155616.png (443.08 KB, 586x770, 6456656.png)

he might have gone vegetarian at the crunchy commune. If he was reading omnivores dilemna he might have been looking into where food came from. That shit caused me to completely schizo out.
Who is that girl dressed as mario? His girlfriend?
How many times did this dude dress like luigi?

No. 465626

File: 1736223646781.jpeg (200.55 KB, 1125x1061, IMG_3815.jpeg)

he’s the superior italian brother

No. 465627

>crunchy commune
It’s ‘co-living’, a nice way of saying grown up dorm. Somewhere like that seems ideal for a single person with a high paying fully remote job.

No. 465628

Yeah but didn't he go to the hawaii thing after quitting his job?

No. 465630

File: 1736223971410.jpeg (944.93 KB, 1125x1621, IMG_3843.jpeg)

update from plebbit regarding the letter

he enjoys reading about current events so if nonnies are thinking about writing to him there you go

No. 465633

Nonna can you please link the subreddit
I need to read the "mail master post" (or can you cap it here?)

No. 465634

File: 1736224376801.jpeg (241.64 KB, 1125x682, IMG_3844.jpeg)

No. 465637

I’m kind of holding out hope he will answer me I didn't write about current events but I sent him a drawing and a short letter on what inspired me to draw it. Mailed it out last Monday so I’m assuming he got it Saturday or even today.

No. 465638

The secrecy is pissing me off kek
How long was his response? What made her letter stand out?
I would at least share the gist of what we both wrote.

No. 465639

remember someone wanted to send him a group letter? what happened to that?

No. 465642

File: 1736225771358.gif (144.38 KB, 220x123, 1000000110.gif)

Uh absolutely not. She's trying to get picked anon, she isn't going to share her secrets

No. 465644

I couldnt think of any notable current events that didn't involve war or violence and I was afraid to write about those

No. 465645

Oh hell no Luigi isn't gonna pick no censoring redditor. He'd probably say something about how men in dresses aren't women and she'll be through with him. Luigi is for the nonnies

No. 465646

>I sent him a drawing and a short letter on what inspired me to draw it.
What did you draw? Please don't tell me you drew him and sent it to him

No. 465647

nyart but I was gonna draw luigi from Mario…

No. 465648

seriously like oh yeah someone offed themselves in their cybertruck in front of trump tower, there was an actual terrorist attack in new orleans and several mass shootings within a week of it being 2025…bleak

No. 465649

File: 1736226551368.gif (555.9 KB, 500x278, 1133.gif)

His smile in this video hnnng. I want to hug him so bad

No. 465650

Ughhh i feel like so many people talked about that already! I can't believe this poor guy doesn't have tv.
I might talk to him about the H1B shit and how the MAGAs are having a civil war and now there's some newspeak called "woke right" or some shit. Luigi please lock me up with you.

No. 465651

kek nope that would be retarded of me, it was a calligraphy piece that I usually do with watercolor and thick paper but since there is strict rules I had to work with a shitty piece of copy paper and colored pencils

No. 465653

is it weird to start the letter with dear luigi
is hello luigi better kek

No. 465654

>i'm not gonna lie nonnas if this was a college girlfriend i might be getting the ick a little bit kek, he IS a moid after all
If I ever fought with him I'd just stomp on his weewee and have extremely sweaty passionate sweaty angry sex. Simple as.

No. 465655

I started with “hello” in my letter and ended it with “sincerely” and a postscript

No. 465657

My dearest sweet innocent Luigi

Sincerely, nona

No. 465660

thank you nona

kek it’s taking all my willpower to not draw hearts

No. 465661

Here's my draft:
Dear Luigi
How big is that sausage?
Send nudes
How's that? Think I am gonna get a letter back?

No. 465662

please someone tell him to send a signal to us nonnies it would be so funny and kinda hot

No. 465663

No. 465664

No no no. You have to be more discreet.

Dear sexy Luigi
Chili pepper

Circle one and send back pls

Love, anon

No. 465665

cant I just have him trace the outline of his hog in his return letter?

No. 465667

wonder if he’s rubbed one out in his cell yet and if he hasn’t I can help him

No. 465668

>cant I just have him trace the outline of his hog in his return letter?
I wonder how often this happens fr

No. 465670

File: 1736228238645.png (Spoiler Image,3.46 MB, 1568x968, 354453545454.png)

>Me showing the nonas the sacred outline of Luigis cock

No. 465671

KEKKK oh my god

No. 465675

File: 1736228994051.gif (1.87 MB, 480x270, 433452969.gif)

Sometimes I think this thread is slowing down or losing its magic but then you guys do stuff like this kek

No. 465676

genuinely curious but why do nonnies in /ot/ hate the luigi threads so much? the retardation and hornyposting is contained

not trying to bait or start infighting just curious

No. 465677

They do?
I literally just live here. I always figured our biggest haters came from the moids on crystal cafe

No. 465678

ugly male psyop and unpopular opinions threads seem to be the two I can think of…I try not to go to /ot/ as much anymore cause it’s just become a bunch of infighting

No. 465679

I haven't noticed too much hate other than in the ugly man psyop thread but I think it's mostly because this thread is one of the most active on the site.

No. 465680

File: 1736230418351.mp4 (101.48 KB, 560x324, 7987856756.mp4)

>why do nonnies in /ot/ hate the luigi threads so much?

No. 465681

File: 1736230460293.gif (306.86 KB, 500x500, 1735069616238.gif)

>because this thread is one of the most active on the site
I cant help it. He's so fucking hot…

No. 465682

No. 465683

they shit talk us in the vent thread too once in a while and especially in the post-hellmas thread. they think everyone here is a teenager kek. and one post complaining about the chibi wiigii kiss pic in dumbass shit.

No. 465684

File: 1736230730262.gif (214.78 KB, 369x500, picmix.com_12251157.gif)

because this thread is now the heart of lolcow

No. 465685

File: 1736230818740.webp (38 KB, 828x1472, temp_image_1E7C9AC6-4BDC-4364-…)

Is this daddy or no

No. 465686

they sound jealous they aren't having fun. very sad.

No. 465687

File: 1736231207854.webp (777.37 KB, 1170x1534, temp_image_4CDB3D78-22C7-4CDB-…)

Nevermind it’s him. I found a bunch of them (apparently a friend posted them and for some reason scribbled on all of them) sorry if they were already posted. Let me know if you want the others.

No. 465688

I want that fucking cum stain the fuck off his face

No. 465689

they were already posted last thread >>465481 only difference is the lack of text

No. 465690

File: 1736231465666.png (27.85 KB, 802x310, sir.png)

Checked that friend's Tiktok profile again and KEK he's so fucking salty over all the negative comments. What a great friend. Truly.

No. 465691

File: 1736231519253.png (757.9 KB, 565x565, 1735259747176.png)

I'm thirsty for any Luigi content so I looked but tbh they haven't said much or maybe I'm just looking up the wrong words.

Yes. I'm that down bad. Even if it's someone bullying my 3D husbando I will look at it. Except the smear campaign thing from the last thread. I hate those fuckers. I will look only if there's a group stream where we talk shit about it but I don't even think they have fresh Luigi content which is annoying.
Give me a fucking documentary where someone goes in and interviews Luigi or just fuck off.

No. 465692

File: 1736231591417.jpeg (250.48 KB, 1079x1041, temp_image_67AB9AA5-2A05-4CEA-…)

No. 465693

File: 1736231593937.jpg (50.56 KB, 735x716, 611d8bc0f33c8d0628ccf5acb8bfe7…)

No. 465694

File: 1736231800035.jpg (221.26 KB, 1080x1077, 1736107809883.jpg)

RELEASE THE UNSCRIBBLED PICTURE!!! How the fuck is this guy surprised at all? Didn't he talk to Tracy? What the FUCK.
Sex with those titties and those toes

No. 465695

fucking kek this fag truly is hurt

why yes we’re only on your page cause you decided to air out private moments and texts with a former friend on a public platform

No. 465696

>ywn go hiking on a volcano with luigi

No. 465697

File: 1736231983044.jpg (45.33 KB, 543x534, 1dd2c46e8bcae00dfc060ebe148483…)


No. 465698

Ngl he looks like Benny blanco in this

No. 465699

Comments were also just turned off just a few minutes ago. The guy is seriously butthurt.

No. 465700


No. 465701

this thread has been the most fun in months it’s like being at a big sleepover and we’re all just talking about our crush weegee

No. 465702

No. 465703

File: 1736232372124.gif (12.91 MB, 398x574, 1735341492821.gif)

Not just any friend but a guy who is all over the media being accused of the most based crime of the 2020s.
Like seriously what the fuck was this guy thinking? I thought this was an ivy league school friend
He can redeem himself if he posts the unadulterated pics and then fucks off forever.
Had too look up Benny Blanco.
No he does not.

No. 465704

File: 1736232471154.jpeg (34.37 KB, 372x544, IMG_3847.jpeg)

never forget mujahidigi

No. 465705

File: 1736232555261.png (926.82 KB, 634x953, fggregerg.png)

Spoiler that. I don't like it. This is a clean shavigi household

No. 465706

File: 1736232639415.jpg (48.04 KB, 520x418, 74008605.jpg)

>for some reason scribbled on all of them
insecure moids have always defaced heroic figures

No. 465707

Can someone ask luigi to lick his lips and look at the camera next time he's in court?

No. 465708

Fuck that stupid fat faggot I want to imagine myself having ramen with Weegee!

No. 465709

That would be out of character and unattractive, unless he had a good reason (like the shooting). Luigi isn't desperate for attention, he's like what celebrities claim to be. Not to sperg but even fantasy-Wigi doesn't try too hard and I think a lot of people don't even know what that looks like anymore.

No. 465710

File: 1736232962624.jpeg (433.6 KB, 1113x1238, IMG_3832.jpeg)

yes it’s his college friend

honestly the video that he made was weird “like oh i could have saved you from the darkness” kek clearly he was pining for luigi

No. 465711

we need more eye fucking and lip biting. feds get luigi a clean pillow case and some vaseline. chop chop.

No. 465712

God he fucking sucks. Tubby never had a chance with Weegee so he should've done the right thing and released the photos unedited. He's just being a possessive dipshit.

No. 465713

They look cute and happy. I think he chooses nice friends

No. 465714

They looked nice but their actions after Luigi's arrest say otherwise. Him and Tracy just come off as vapid, self-important dumbasses.

No. 465715

Not only is his friend the wrong sex, but I think they also had shallow interactions, like with everyone else. Maybe he had a bit of wanderlust like Luigi, but their conversations were likely surface level. No one around Luigi dared to go beneath the surface. Of course he couldn't have saved Luigi.

Luigi's actual nice friends are keeping his intimate details private and not spreading them all over social media.

No. 465716

Idk if they said anything recently but in the previous two/three vent threads around december there were some vents specifically addressing luigifags (one even had the gall to say the unibomber was better looking lmao) some other anon who complained about both us and 2D husbandofags, and also a super long infight around the time these threads were first created in the beginning. Post-hellmas thread is full of it though since the thread OP specifically asked for everyone's opinion on us, just ctrl + f "underage" or "/g/" kek
Same. Lc has been so downhill in the last few years and these threads feel like a breath of fresh air, one of the few I still like

No. 465717

nice friends don’t display private moments on a public platform for attention

No. 465718

He seems like the kind of guy who makes a first impression or seems "nice", so it's more surprising when they fuck you over. I've seen this happen in moid-on-moid friendships, especially when they fight over a woman/game/fandom. It's obvious looking at them that he's not shallow when it comes to friendships, usually douchey guys like to be seen in packs to increase their impotent power and clout

No. 465719

Honestly? Yeah. This has been one of the least toxic places on the internet. Just a bunch of girls getting together talking about wanting to fuck this random italian man who may or may not have killed an ugly, fat, evil, oligarch and terrifies the rat demons who fuck over our once great nation.
I said it before and I'll say it again.
Luigi needs to be the first reigning monarch of America. I am being completely unironic.

No. 465720

File: 1736233813828.png (497.57 KB, 670x700, Luigi (9).png)

still would

No. 465721

File: 1736233980594.jpg (177.81 KB, 735x883, 866876876.jpg)

Well nonnie you know what maybe Luigi will be completely unshaven next time we see him IN ONE MILLION YEARS BECAUSE AMERICA IS LITERALLY WORSE THAN HELL
also i like subbleigi but beardigi is too much

No. 465722

File: 1736234060197.jpeg (239.69 KB, 1079x1417, IMG_1823.jpeg)

fuck this scrote. i need to see luigi's scrunched up face

No. 465723

did we ever find out why he wasn't able to receive the books people had sent him?

No. 465724

File: 1736234279547.png (578.83 KB, 390x557, 1735416989666.png)

Why the fuck did he even do this? Just to make us suffer? was this supposed to be artistic or something? God this pisses me off I wanted some fresh content after the trial got pushed back and this faggot just put this up?
I wonder if some girl coerced him to unload his stash but he was so petty he just scribbled all over them?
Like boo hoo I'm sorry i think your friend is hot.
Idk maybe a limit?

No. 465725

You can see it better if you really zoom in

No. 465726

He can only have five books at a time in his cell.

No. 465727

>his face when you tickle his massive feet

No. 465728

that's dumb, I had some books I wanted to send him

No. 465729

File: 1736234781053.jpg (27.69 KB, 339x242, 1735348120472.jpg)

American prison is cruel. Limited books, limited exposure to the prisoner, I'm not allowed to live in Luigi's cell and keep him warm…
It's all just fucking oppression

No. 465730

I'd probably wait a while before sending anything and choose very carefully since he might have no choice but to reject books that don't interest him. I've been thinking about writing a letter first to let him know if he's interested in reading anything I want to send.

No. 465731

what is he eating? I love cozy home food like casseroles and bakes.

No. 465732

it looks like spicy ahi poke with rice

No. 465733

File: 1736235985183.jpg (Spoiler Image,110.31 KB, 800x1000, Ahi-Poke-004.jpg)

this looks amazing ngl (spoilered for picky anons)

No. 465734

So wait was Luigi a vegetarian at all? You can get big as a vegetarian, but I'm guessing he wasn't one for very long.
Or maybe he's like me when I was younger and he was a ~*~*~*~*Pescatarian*~*~*~*~*~*~

No. 465735

that's a good idea, maybe list books you were thinking of sending and if he replies back he can list off which ones interest him

No. 465737

File: 1736236486799.jpg (175.6 KB, 1200x1800, Reds-Favorite-Spicy-Tuna-Poke-…)

a lot of places have vegetarian alternatives, it could be jackfruit or soy protein. It usually has lots of garnishing and vegetables/rice

No. 465738

Do you think luigi is still vegetarian?

No. 465739

no idea but probably easier in prison since everything is made of soy anyways

No. 465740

File: 1736236608501.jpeg (45.93 KB, 640x390, first-time-ive-seen-any-resemb…)

Anyone still not over the fact that if he ditched things properly he would be free
But we wouldnt know abt him…

allegedly, if he did etc etc

No. 465742

File: 1736237726377.jpg (202.76 KB, 1280x1706, 1735372532395.jpg)

Nona. I don't believe the story the feds have given me. Either Luigi didn't do it or he turned himself in instead of killing himself.
I don't believe he was fucking spotted at a fucking McDonalds. And I don't understand how you can so carefully plan this murder, even going so far as to 3D print a gun, and then just leave it on your person for 5 whole days. The entire point of a ghost gun is you can bury it or dump it in a body of water or whatever and no one will be able to track it to you.
That plus the manifesto (the hand written version of which was never released), plus having 2 of the exact same backpack for some god forsaken reason.
None of it adds up.
I'm a fucking weegeewife. I have been staring at/thinking about every minute detail of this fuckers face non stop since December 9th. And I still am not sure he's even the killer.
Cops plant evidence all the time. Luigi might even be tied up in some other shit related to Nancy Pelosi for all I fucking know and he's taking the fall in exchange for a light sentence after this song and dance is all done with while the real killer fucks off in Mexico until the next rich asshole needs to die.
For fucks sake did they ever even release the picture of the DDD Bullet casings?!

Anyways, I wanna fuck all the secrets out of this enigmatic incontinent slut.

No. 465746

File: 1736238996621.jpeg (18.7 KB, 320x320, sexytwerker69.jpeg)

i need to see this photo recreated

No. 465748

Are you one of the anons from /ot/ who hates us and is trying to gather screenshots to dunk on us?

No. 465751

kek just noticed the one in 'things you hate', nonnas are so tsundere sometimes. put me in the screencap

No. 465753

File: 1736240017900.png (1.09 MB, 1070x534, 34454345.png)

Put this in the screencap of 'things you hate' so I have something nice to look at

No. 465757

File: 1736242003814.png (371.2 KB, 377x787, 1734310221417.png)

so the documentary was garbage? just claims with no proof? what a disgrace. we need to know who the alleged girlfriend was for… assessment reasons
wigi looks better in motion, and his hair looks ideal after being possessed by schizigi's spirit

No. 465760

>he enjoyed reading about current events
Maybe he'd be interested in the latest sinnabunny milk or Heather's private Aryan saga

No. 465762

Damn I really wanna write to him now since there’s a definite possibility he might write back, but at the same time now that I know, if he never replied at all it would feel like a rejection kek…I’m so curious what the sender’s letter said, I wish they could give us a hint like did he appreciate that they shared something he related to? Did they impress him with some college essay they wrote? Did they just keep it impersonal and talk about current events?

No. 465763

There are two private girls schools really close to his high school, one right across the street so chances are she’s in his graduating class at one of those. They also have like a sort of exchange program where you go to the other campus for certain specialized classes so maybe they met that way?

No. 465766

I really hope Luigi marries his female counterpart - an Ivy League Stacy with a conscience

No. 465767

File: 1736244584039.png (2.03 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_0220.png)

the girl from the signal group only shared this, his name written by him kek

No. 465769

I'd rather have nothing than this tease
fucking fat slut

No. 465770

What a useless tease damn. Part of me is glad she’s respecting his privacy but a bigger part of me feels like he’s smart enough to expect his letters to be shared, and that this may be on the advice of counsel to retain public support, I’ll be the first to admit that I’m also insanely jealous though kek

No. 465771

From the texts and emails we’ve seen of his life before everything he seems like the type of be really diligent about replying, even if it’s kinda empty. Maybe it’s not over and he’ll write back everyone that isn’t like obviously crazy or like has a chance of circling back to him as sowing dissent

No. 465772

I want my own Weegee signature

No. 465773

yeah, she’s a retard and from california, from what i saw. she deleted some messages in which i think she went into detail, all i was able to see is that she was quite teary eyed and emotional

No. 465774

My mind is going crazy with possibilities did he say something personal and vulnerable? Is he flirty? it shouldve been me

No. 465775

teary eyed? so you saw her? did she post vids or what? is she pretty?

No. 465776

Someone definitely has screenshots of those deleted messages…manifesting for them to find their way here

No. 465777

>she’s a retard
there might be hope for me yet kek i would definitely share with nonnas though

No. 465780

i'm so jealous, i wanted to ask her what the letter was about but they removed a girl from the group chat for asking and going to plebbit to talk about it
no, she said she was teary eyed. no idea what she looks like, she could be a 50 year old mom of five for all i know
100%, there's over 600 members. we need more spies

No. 465782

samefag, she mentioned that it was incredibly special, touching and affirming to know that he will be okay. pissed me off even more. share, bitch

No. 465783

Can we bully her into sharing the letter kek

No. 465784

You guys realize that if people start posting his letters then he won't write back, right? Like I want stuff from him as well but sharing someone's personal correspondence without their permission (especially when they're on trial for murder) is kind of messed up.

No. 465785

does anyone have a link to the documentary or was it not worth watching?

No. 465786

The fact that no one is posting new content other than the family video means there is none and is not worth the watch

No. 465788

>special, affirming to know he’ll be okay
This makes me think he wrote back pretty generically, just reassuring that his conditions are okay and he isn’t like actively suicidal

No. 465789

The fact that no one is posting new content other than the family video means there is none and is not worth the watch

No. 465790

He has a very competent legal team that’s been monitoring and interacting with supporters on social media, on top of a high profile “prison consultant”, there is absolutely zero chance he isn’t aware of the amount and type of attention he’s receiving. It’s highly unlikely he’s writing his heart out, he’s probably doing so with the assumption that anything could be shared and/or held against him

No. 465797

I am going to kill myself
Yeah this too, he is building his fandom.

No. 465798

ty nonna

No. 465799

I'd have sex with him

No. 465801

Did the germans have anything interesting to say in the documentary?

No. 465812

I really want to write him now, but I'm worried that if I'm lucky enough to get a response, some hating ass bitch will see his name on the envelope and not deliver it to me kek

No. 465815

I doubt it, you have to deliver someone’s mail

No. 465816

watched the documentary and it was a waste of my time, the few seconds of new footage was the only thing of note.


>Luigi was living as Mark Rosario in SF and only paying in cash

>Regurgitation of the Dec 4th timeline that can be found on the federal complaint
>The faggot krauts only traveled with him around Bangkok for a week and a half, they said he was very opinionated and thought his way of doing things was the right way
>Bought 400 copies of the book from that Indian author, printed a copy with annotations and went to Mumbai to talk to said author about what he can improve.
>Had spergouts in high school and didn’t feel emotions like other people do
>They keep calling Luigi mentally ill (honestly he’s just autistic kek) and saying the only reason Luigi went to the McDonald’s was to get caught…to get recognition for the crime and stroke his massive ego
>A bunch of “dunking” on Luigi’s supporters/fans
>Pearl clutching x100 the whole time
>Harvey Levin (founder of TMZ) being retarded and talking over people like a complete fag

No. 465817

>went to the author to talk about what he can improve
I love Schizigi kek. Buying 400 copies to support an author but then trying to improve his stuff. It does support the idea that he has insecurities and wants to look up to/latch(?) onto others as a way to help himself like that guy on Twitter he spent money to talk to. No wonder he loves all the letters he’s getting he probably loves the support. He apparently ‘choked up’ after all.
>didnt feel emotions like others do
Every depressed teenager ever. He does come across as depressed to me.

No. 465818

File: 1736266575851.png (85.28 KB, 648x817, screenshot.png)

So he didn't even buy 400 copies of the book.

No. 465820

TMZ as usual doing a shit job and misconstruing things

No. 465822

Oh so he was normal wow go figure

No. 465823

>trying to buy 400 copies of a random book bc you like it
Schizo stuff? Or manic episode maybe?

No. 465825

Most likely just to show support to the author and to try to catch his attention to talk to him.

No. 465828

and he had to do all of that?! imagine what he'd do for a woman whom he's in love with

No. 465829

He sent $200 to griftrinder just to have a zoom call, I don't think he's above spending large amounts of money to get someone's attention - he probably knew full well that would be the only way they'd probably notice him and interact with him

No. 465830

That’s sad, poor stinky retard

No. 465832

Luigi will get the last laugh after all this shit is over for the portrayal of him by major news outlets

No. 465833

File: 1736269971641.jpeg (1 MB, 1125x1792, IMG_3856.jpeg)

article for those interested in weegee’s time as a camp counselor for the pre-Stanford AI program

>everyone saying he was a very nice, chill and caring person


No. 465834

This shit just shows that TMZ is really scraping the bottom of the barrel for any information to make Luigi look bad.

No. 465835

File: 1736270158164.jpeg (41.09 KB, 736x736, 4cea932d-2b50-4c11-b9ee-1f1fcf…)

Nonnie stop it stop it stop it stop!!

No. 465838

No. 465839

Since we know he’s desperate for approval do you think he likes being called a good boy

No. 465842

Maybe that's why he never felt he could connect with someone deeply though. He always gave and gave

No. 465844

now that you mention that it all makes sense why he chose to cut off everyone and put himself first (sort of, since he still gave money to online grifters)

he would always treat them to food, car rides, if one of his friends were in trouble or feeling down he was there to help them out and cheer them up. so what did he get in return from all these friends? them exposing his private moments for the world to see for some attention

No. 465845

No. 465846

Yeah it’s a vice of his almost.

No. 465851

>our lives intersected for just a couple months 5 years ago and im sure things have changed but the guy i knew was super sweet, insanely smart, very thoughtful
>i spent several hours chatting with him about lots of stuff including family, relationships, and mental health. he's very self conscious and thoughtful and he really cares a lot about people

one of the girls who also had him as an RA said allllll of this. he clearly isn’t a sociopath

No. 465852

raw, no lube, all night, every position

No. 465853

Sweetigi is the truth, all the jealous moids are lying when they insinuate something else

No. 465854

He is perfect I need him or I will die

No. 465857

File: 1736273964253.mp4 (7.25 MB, 1920x1080, luigi family footage.mp4)

high quality video of our husbando from the tmz documentary

No. 465859

Thank you for blindfoldgi and a little more voicegi

No. 465861

He's so fucking cute that smile blinds me

No. 465863

He didn’t even try…

No. 465864

wigi in the blindfold while i tickle his feet until he pisses

No. 465870

File: 1736275697336.gif (11.14 MB, 640x360, tobias-arrested.gif)

Wigi in a blindfold while lying on the bed like >>465501
What point is there to life when I can't have this?

No. 465871

Luigi blindfolded while I play with his nipples

No. 465874

holy shit, thank you nonny

No. 465877

>footage of Luigi in handcuffs
>footage of Luigi in a rape belt
>footage of Luigi peeing himself
>footage of Luigi being dickslammed into a wall
>footage of Luigi blindfolded
Is this some global MK Ultra experiment to torture women? Is this misogyny manifest?

No. 465881

File: 1736276834197.mp4 (434.25 KB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_745592963836838225…)

his facial expressions are everything

No. 465882

Torture women? We are loving it. More chains please.

No. 465883

It's really over for me nonnies. I just keep replaying the part when he smiles at the moid and his eyes squint and it's such a warm, gorgeous smile. It's like god has abandoned me bc I can't bask in the blessed light Weegee's eye smile casts
I walk in darkness with no way out

No. 465884

Why do they cheer when they mention the blindfold do they all want to fuck him?

No. 465885

File: 1736277182689.png (871.87 KB, 770x769, 1735346392107.png)

it's torture because it's not happening in MY ROOM.

No. 465887

File: 1736277313983.png (694.03 KB, 750x1202, retardigi.png)

I hope Luigi marries the exact opposite (me)

No. 465888

Same, he should not be with an Ivy League student we have all seen how they really feel about him

No. 465892

Nice digits.
As based as a Luigi x nonny pairing would be, I think it’s ideal for him to get with someone from a similar kind of background/ethnicity.

No. 465893

I reject this. It needs to be a Cinderella story where he rescues some nona from a worse socio-economic background. There's a bunch of retardellas to choose from, myself included

No. 465898

File: 1736278446544.jpg (136.55 KB, 690x388, agafia lykova.jpg)

I personally think Luigi would be best with a country girl who survives with as little as possible. Someone who is also as giving and loving as him but has a tight, intimate bond with nature. Luigi's wanderlust tells me he wanted to get answers from the world. I think a hardcore feral country nona who lives in the woods would teach him to appreciate the world on a more intimate level.
I'm thinking someone like Callie Russel, a goat herder who lives (or lived) in the Montana wilderness among her herd. Like ACTUAL crunchy feral off grid women who live a life that Kaczynski would admire, not that hippy shit that caters to rich kids.

tl;dr Luigi should be with me.

No. 465902

File: 1736278990814.jpeg (954.96 KB, 1125x1476, IMG_3858.jpeg)

kekkkkk get fucked diddler

>Diddy is furious that alleged CEO murderer Luigi Mangione is seen as a bigger star by inmates at the Brooklyn federal prison where both are locked up, it's claimed.

>'Diddy has been throwing tantrums over the fact that Luigi is getting all of the attention in prison and is being revered as a hero after literally murdering someone on camera,' the source said.

>Diddy is reportedly upset because he claims he is innocent of sex trafficking yet he continues getting 'so much hate inside the lock up while Luigi gets so much love.'

>Mangione is apparently 'loved by the prisoners and is not having a difficult time dealing with everything because he has gotten so much support with prisoners who have shared with him their stories of losing loved ones due to inadequate healthcare.'


No. 465903

File: 1736279052188.png (731.24 KB, 750x986, espania.png)

At the end of the day, should Luigi be with one woman or should he be completely annihilated and thoroughly bred in a femdom harem?

Dude is so giving and submissive, he likes being handcuffed, locked up and blindfolded. I think his natural habitat is being gang banged and forced to eat pussy all day.

No. 465904

>Diddy is a sex pest to his fans
>Luigi's fans are a sex pest to him
these two literally have nothing in common

No. 465905

Yeah thank you for steering us towards the right course, nonny. Wigi should be shared and your femdom farm sounds like the right way to do it. It'd be a fair trade, organic farm where no Wigi will be harmed (unless a nona wants to practice some SM)

No. 465906


He's a fallen angel fr. Everything I see about this guy just reads selfless. He just gave and gave and gave and gave. Nonnies I'm about to lose my mind it's not even funny. Make his lore make sense

No. 465907

>The weegee wife haremfarm has a carefully constructed chart of who milks the boy at what time of day (Italians need to be milked 3-4 times a day)

I am going to cope by imagining the weegeewife femdom harem. I want to imagine it's somewhere remote and self sustaining. Like a village that is ran entirely by nonas but we will also consider advice from our captive/husband. We understand he is retarded but occasionally he might give us some good insight/be a good mediator if there are any squabbles between the nonnies.

No. 465911


I think they should check his brain for inflammation. Maybe he went full on Will Graham (allegedly) and we don't even know

No. 465912

No Luigi should be with a poorer retard aka me

No. 465915

Maybe he could put some of his engineering skills to use and we could have some sort of solarpunk-esque femdom fuckfarm fantasyland

No. 465918

My headcannon is that Luigi was always just a pretty nice and giving guy. His parents own a bunch of really fucked up nursing homes, and Luigi volunteered there when he was 16. I think being exposed to people at the end of their lives being systematically tortured to death (and his family profiting off it) probably fucked with his head, big time.
Luigi is curious. He probably spent a lot of time researching why things had to be that way for those people. Maybe he even was hopeful robotics and AI would provide a way to cheaply and efficiently care for people near the end of their lives, only to realize that all technology is just used by the oligarchs to make themselves richer. That may have been why he (allegedly) targeted Brian Thomson as opposed to a bigger fish like Andrew Witty. The AI Medicare Advantage insider trading scandal was kind of personal.
That might have caused him to crack. But idk. I don't even know if Luigi actually did it or if someone else was the real hitman and it has more to do with the Pelosi family or some shit and Luigi was used as a patsy (and will eventually go free/get a light sentence).

All I know with 100% certainty is I would be able to determine if Luigi was the real killer if they posted nudes of him. He should also masturbate and cum on camera because that would help me further match up the footage of Luigi to the footage of the killer on the CCT footage. Don't ask me how I am an autistic savant I just know these things

No. 465919

>We understand he is retarded but occasionally he might give us some good insight/be a good mediator

KEK thank you nonny for making me chuckle

No. 465920

Absolutely hysterical and based if true, can’t wait to tell the haters in my family that Luigi isn’t getting prison raped
Rape farm definitely

No. 465933

File: 1736282784902.gif (2.27 MB, 312x450, pure.gif)

Felt. It truly makes me sad that I can't have him.
And notice how Weeg grinned even harder hehe

No. 465935

sex. now.

No. 465937

Give me some footage with the blindfold on i am so fucking horny

No. 465938

He is all nervous yet eager
Also what’s his deal with nature versus nurture?

No. 465939

Thank you for the gif nona now I can despair more conveniently without scrolling the video back and forth

No. 465940

insane. saved

No. 465945

I'm glad Luigi has support from other inmates. Prison is rough

No. 465948

File: 1736283860646.gif (4.85 MB, 441x338, 1736273964253.gif)

Kek here you go

No. 465951

He didnt even tryyy

No. 465953

Idk if think he caught it. Thse smear piece tmz lizards are so useless they have this raw uncut footage of Luigi and they can't even tell us if he caught the coins

No. 465957

>raw uncut footage of Luigi
Yes please

No. 465964

File: 1736285584770.mp4 (1.55 MB, 1920x1080, cropped-6-8316d35195.mp4)

i'll post the voice part too while i'm at it

No. 465967

File: 1736285968031.jpg (20.21 KB, 400x400, 81c93ad2041bdd5284bd8b36abf7ed…)

i need to kiss him. i need to kiss him so bad.

No. 465970

No. 465982

File: 1736288277557.jpeg (17.32 KB, 275x270, IMG_3845.jpeg)

god i feel like i’m shriveling up not being able to see luigi for another month i need to see him so i can recharge my energies

No. 465983

File: 1736288286347.jpeg (362.77 KB, 1284x786, IMG_7132.jpeg)

Inshallah god willing

No. 465986

If we are being logical they should be scared of us. I would happily join a stampede of horny women to break into the prison and kidnap luigi.

No. 465987

>felt strongly his way of doing things was the only right way
>felt no one else was on his wavelength
Yeah these are red flags.
I know engineer moid types exactly like this
I'm a lot less enamored with Luigi now.
Would still bang

No. 465989

Unfortunately, they'll probably just find a jury of stupid boomers.

No. 465991

death to all of them

No. 465992

Calm down he literally just needs a bit of rape correction he can unlearn all that nonsense

No. 465993

I need him to be my misunderstood fallen angel sex prince

No. 465996

Can you all stop calling a software "engineer" (code monkey) an engineer? It's like nail "technician" kek

No. 465998

The first one was said by some Germans who barely knew him, they probably wanted to rape in brothels and Luigi wanted to hike to shrines, we would never know
Let him have one thing

No. 466001

what made you change your mind? did he say something?

No. 466003

She doesn’t want to be a brat tamer

No. 466004

>felt strongly his way was the only right way of doing things.
There is no evidence pointing to that. If he was that self assured why did he pay for an advice guru?

No. 466007

He is a taurus and was probably just letting those german fags know what’s up

No. 466010

File: 1736291348825.png (1.3 MB, 1190x3018, Screenshot (3613).png)

skallas wrote an article on GQ about wigi but it's a bunch of nothing. he wrote about seeing his dm but not replying because his syntax "felt off". yeah sure, he writes just like any other tpot guy. him liking thiel is a turn-off though. i can't believe no schizophrenic moid with nothing to lose hasn't taken that evil, murderous faggot out. there's no men of action left


No. 466011

I agree with your spoilered part, liking Thiel is embarrassing and hopefully we'll be able to correct that out of him

No. 466013

My first thought was that this article gives people something to write to luigi about

No. 466016

File: 1736292187689.gif (590.92 KB, 200x166, 200w (2).gif)

>he's disgusted by pale people
It's never been more over

No. 466017

Poor Luigi nobody care him. Except us. We will keep him on the milk farm away from all other males

No. 466018

File: 1736292338387.jpg (50.67 KB, 839x517, GeaPv0xXkAACwmW.jpg)

No. 466019

>im a fairly rational non superstitious person
Kek poor Schizowee. Plus that guy he is referring to is a vampire.
Luigi easily manipulated? Hmm time to send your letters nonnies. Poor Luigi.

No. 466021

File: 1736292490572.jpeg (23.3 KB, 280x282, IMG_3860.jpeg)

we nonnies will reform him

No. 466022

Who the fuck is Bryan johnson

No. 466024

Guy who uses his own son’s blood to keep himself forever youthful

No. 466025

the weird guy who’s trying to “reverse” aging by transfusing his sons blood to him

No. 466026

guy obsessed with anti aging

No. 466027

lathering myself in fake tan for weegee

No. 466030

He would take you outside don’t worry. We’ve seen plenty of pics where he is pale. He’s just expressing concerns over the vampire richfag

No. 466031

you think weegee would go for latinas? sigh asking for myself kek

No. 466033

He would go for anyone who loves him (female only)

No. 466035

the two people he wrote back to are women so I’m holding out hope he’s only answering letters from women only

No. 466037

yes, if he doesn't then we'll force him. don't worry

No. 466038

i dont see how he thinks his syntax is off. Neither does his article read like one, it's ridiculous how he doesnt adress the gated communities etc. and huge wealth disparity that are also present in the west

No. 466040

His syntax is off because he’s being a wittle mean

No. 466047

Ok is Luigi saying this guy comes off as a sun fearing ghoul really a hot take?

Also I have been wanting to punch lindafag ever since I had the misfortune of finding out about him. I can't believe Luigi gave this retard 200 dollars. I would have paid Luigi 2,000 dollars to never interact with this fucking retard.
Luigi… How could you see through Kermit memerson but fall for this guy? This must have been schizophrenic delusions. There's no other explanation

No. 466048

I don't think he's disgusted by pale people, rather he thinks treating the sun like its satan incarnate is weird. I'm pretty sure he is aware there's people who sunburn and need to avoid direct sunlight for health reasons but is creeped out by sun hatred. I mean, look at this swarthy bronzed italian god. You know he's longing for the days where he used to schizophrenically sun his balls.

No. 466050

He thinks Bryan Johnson is cringe for being an evil ghoul who does young plasma infusions, but also loves Peter Thiel? An evil ghoul who did this procedure before Bryan even knew it existed?

You guys sure this average redditor is as smart as you think?

No. 466051

File: 1736295282109.png (47.99 KB, 1029x555, uncle ted becoming pink pilled…)

I hope he will become pinkpilled in prison like kaczynski was. Even if the prisoners are nice to him he will quickly come to realize the prison moids are fucking retarded chimps and he will lie awake at night cringing about how he actually tried to get advice from these subhumans instead of from superior feral women.

No. 466052

Nona, no one here actually thinks Luigi is that smart. He has the potential to be fixed, but he desperately needs female correction.
The Peter Thiel thing boggles my mind. I don't know if that was just residue from his monkey days. I so desperately want to know why he rode Theils lizard dick. I wonder if he knows about Theil turning into a shuddering wax sculpture when he was interviewed about Brian Thomsons death

No. 466053

nope he’s a bit retarded but we can fix that and whip him into shape

No. 466055

What is pinkpilled about this? This is beyond scrotal.

No. 466056

Where is the evidence he supported Thiel? Reteeting someone means you're a supporter. Maybe he just agreed with that particular video of Thiel.

No. 466057

Probably why Thiel said his syntax was weird and he didn’t respond to Wigi, he was coping.
Luigi only needs to apologize to women for no longer being available for milking

No. 466059

Lindyman is Paul skallas, not thiel

No. 466061

Oh i don’t fucking know. I only know Sexigi

No. 466063

Girls girls girls… The weegeefarm harem should highlights one thing, you don't really need weegee, he was merely there so that you could find each other and start a saphic harem.

No. 466065

It's scrotal but the fact that he's apologizing to women when before he was a huge sack of shit is impressive for ted misogynzynski. Yes, the bar is in hell for this AGP retard.
This nona is the most enlightened one here out of all of us

No. 466067

Are soyjaks finally allowed again

No. 466068

File: 1736296217770.jpeg (43.87 KB, 612x408, IMG_8599.jpeg)

No. 466070

this apology is complete dog shit

No. 466071

That a mass murderer of innocent people could sit there and whine that he was misogynistic because the two women he dated had "defective characters" just shows how retarded he is and that he has no self-awareness and no idea what he's talking about.
Don't make excuses for him, don't give him credit for anything.

No. 466072

>his reaction to this entire conversation

No. 466073

File: 1736296534889.gif (7.32 MB, 344x330, 1735350970920.gif)

Agreed. I want a letter from Luigi for not eating our pussies. Then I want reparations in the form of at least viable sample of his semen and a scheduled date for a 3 hour long one-on-one cunnilingus conjugal.

No. 466075

His reparations are that his tongue no longer believes to him, it belongs to the nonny collective.

No. 466077

I agree. the women he whined about imo weren't defective other than they gave this autist a chance. I think he sperged out about one of them because she tongue kissed him.
He had a classic case of "moid blaming women for things they didn't do". Like I 100% believe he was resentful towards his mother because she was forced to give him to a hospital when he was sick as a baby for a month

No. 466080

File: 1736297540474.jpg (842.61 KB, 2016x1512, grippers.jpg)

How does a man look so introspective and retarded at the same time? How does he do it?
He is truly an enigma

No. 466082

Do you think they ever touched feet.

No. 466084

it truly is a mystery how he can pull off both

No. 466085

Oh I know if I was that girl I'd be bullying him.
"Oh my god Luigi your toes are so long I bet you can grab my feet with those grippers hahahaha"
Then he'd do it and my pussy would be like the fountain in the background

No. 466086

I think they might have tapped toes.

No. 466089

KEK love you nonny this is fucking hilarious

No. 466094

File: 1736298801819.jpeg (114.36 KB, 636x641, oap7s7mshnbe1.jpeg)

Never seen this one.

No. 466095

Woman in green is classic Italian-American

No. 466099

File: 1736299452399.png (3.38 MB, 2000x1200, 1736010857871.png)

God Luigi would be so scared of me if he knew just how many images I have saved of him…

No. 466100

How many

No. 466101

he is brighter than the sun. the christmas star on top of the tree. the halo shining above an angel.

No. 466102

File: 1736299602759.jpg (64 KB, 768x471, AA1vLxZz.jpg)

I mean… I don't think it's THAT bad because I only save the best images. Just 142 images

No. 466103

Yeah I have 179

No. 466105

lol I will feel so sick when I write my letter to him. He will be able to smell my parasocial disease on the paper and be too scared to respond.

No. 466107

No, he will cum

No. 466111

File: 1736300032070.png (233.71 KB, 420x335, grgrgreggreegrgr.png)

I want to believe that is true but I think that's wishful thinking

No. 466112

I have 177 items in my Luigi folder and I know I have more that I didn't organize yet, they're just in my downloads folder.
And I feel like I'm not even trying that hard tbh.

No. 466113

>haha nona is this a sleepmask?
I only want the best of the best.

No. 466114

This is from our sex tape where I blindfold him and handcuff him to the bed while I make him eat me out and I edge him for hours until he cries and begs for me to make him cum.

Good times.

No. 466115

I think you mean my and Luigi's sextape where roughly the same events happen but I also tickle his feet and play with his nipples and also his throat and he is moaning

No. 466118

>but I also tickle his feet and play with his nipples and also his throat and he is moaning
Nona is there ANYthing you did different? Don't tell me you also made him bark like a dog

No. 466119

No I made him meow like a cat

No. 466120

It's ok anon, he'd also be scared of me. I'm the schizo that made that luigi comp. I'm happy that you liked it enough to add it to your collection. ♥

No. 466121

Do you think if Luigi could read these threads he'd start jerking off to some of the posts

No. 466122

File: 1736301550759.png (617.65 KB, 500x708, cghgh.png)

If Luigi jerked off to this he'd have to show us with proof.
I think the mods would allow a dick pic just this once as long as Luigi showed his cute face and a timestamp with 'hello my LC weegeewives!" to prove it was him

No. 466123

So what's the whole 'third nipple' part about

No. 466124

No idea. It must have gotten sucked off his body at some point

No. 466126

No. 466128

File: 1736301993383.jpg (160.66 KB, 2048x1365, 1735523936040.jpg)

Nonas we need to rescue our prince from the dungeon and find this third nipple.

No. 466129

I need a video game with this plot, also I love his cute little ears. I wanna tickle and suckle them while he's blindfolded and handcuffed to my bed.

No. 466130

File: 1736302248664.gif (708.82 KB, 500x406, 12272635_11388.gif)

I want to put cat ears and a tail butt plug in luigi I am so sorry I am disgusting

No. 466131

You forgot the leash

No. 466132

i hate the needless filter over this pic
are you able to remove it?

No. 466134

I have the unfiltered version but you insulted my artistic vision so now I will deny you

No. 466135

File: 1736302657416.jpg (1013.24 KB, 2869x2864, 1734479668282.jpg)

No. 466136

>I have the unfiltered version but you insulted my artistic vision so now I will deny you
It's just… can barely see his face. I just don't see the point of obscuring the image like that

No. 466138

if u ask nicely and apologize for not sharing my artistic vision I will give you the unfiltered version.

No. 466140

File: 1736302910961.jpeg (688.63 KB, 1125x1130, IMG_3862.jpeg)

I am sad that my address isn’t eligible for USPS informed delivery what if Luigi sends me a letter I would never know, chances are he probably won’t reply sigh…

No. 466142

He is gonna get 20 years to life and eventually marry one of his fangirls but it won’t be me

No. 466143

He's just autistic

No. 466145

Wouldn’t you know when you receive it, just be patient and trust in the Wi

No. 466146

File: 1736303175781.jpeg (217.87 KB, 1170x992, GgPnWCtXMAANMOT.jpeg)

I love the amount of salt this guy brings out in awful people kek

No. 466148

I hate that AI image people think is real

No. 466150

Nice to see Looney Loomer got her blue check back.
Someone should have told that dumb bitch people actually made real luigi cakes with his actual picture not some uggo ai lookalike. God damn this bitch is stupid

No. 466151

Even setting aside the weegee wife goggles I genuinely don’t think this would’ve happened if he had a girlfriend, moids in general but especially autistic ones really need a tard wrangler.

It seems like he really had issues with opening up though, like yeah he’s this supportive and generous guy but speaking from my own experience I feel like there’s an element of control there. Not in the sense of holding resources over someone’s head but like you’re taking care of them so you’re more emotionally in control? Like receiving anything would require the vulnerability to admit you needed or wanted something in the first place

No. 466152

I think Luigi actually was better at opening up than you might think. The fact that he was going around looking for people to talk to shows that. The issue is Luigi is fucking stupid and went to other moids looking for a place to be emotionally vulnerable. He needed a woman who would listen to his schizo shit and have a two sided conversation. I feel like most of his friends would talk at him, not with him

No. 466154

Luigi needed me. I’m so sorry, angel.

No. 466155

my address is a bit strange as I’ve had the postman deliver my mail to my upstairs neighbor instead of me and I have complained to the post office about it but they still keep doing it reeee

No. 466157

Oh no… your neighbor will think you’re a weirdo kek

No. 466158

Game plan: Luigi offers to take me out to eat.
Time comes for the bill, he wants to pay it. I tell him he can pay, but not in money. I tell him I want something far, far more valuable than money. He gets curious. I tell him he has to emotionally open up with me, I want to have a real, raw conversation with him for an hour.
Then I'd talk to him about personal stuff like his family, trauma, the state of the world and how it affects him personally, etc.
I'd conclude by telling him his trust is more valuable to me than all the money in the world, and I will do everything in my power to ensure that his secrets were safe with me
then I would rape him

No. 466160

Should’ve jumped straight to rape

No. 466161

You don't understand nona, this is why luigi went schizo. You cant just go straight in and rape Luigi, you need to groom him into it so he gets stockholm syndrome and can't escape you.

No. 466162

Kek it was really endearingly stunted the way he tried to reach out to so many “thought leaders”, like he tried to intellectualize his emotional void away and naively put too much stock in these substack randoms. Very autistic approach

No. 466163

He went schizo because no woman raped his body and mind

No. 466165

File: 1736304355631.gif (22.29 KB, 275x250, IMG_3846.gif)

kek they already think I am

No. 466166

Like if you actually look into his later conversations he actually starts to open up about his trauma but gets scared and pulls away. Griftmoids are so fucking braindead and spiritually bankrupt and don't realize this is emotional bonding 101 for push a little harder onto the topic because he brought it up because he wants to fucking talk about it. But because they are stupid as shit they just move on.

No. 466167

I grew up in a very similar prestigious prep school pipeline and I feel like Luigi might’ve been too dismissive of his friends and acquaintances; obviously the ones that have come forward are gonna be leeches but I think a lot of people are similarly disillusioned with the hypocrisy that comes with the territory and have just been conditioned to not constantly sperg about it. Like you have to earn that type of closeness with someone for them to let you in on these types of thoughts, but Schizigi wanted it immediate and obvious so he turned to social media pseuds. I’m definitely projecting though because I used to think this way kek

No. 466168

To be fair no one is obligated to act as his therapist. I don't blame these people for drawing away from a stranger like this.
Luigi had the money to pay for therapy. It doesn't make a lot of sense for him to seek out lifestyle grifters to trauma-dump onto.

No. 466169

I'm glad the rightoid grifters got grief from their own goddamn audience over this shit and they expose their own retarded inability to discern blatant AI.

No. 466170

I think you're spot-on.
He was impetuous imo

No. 466171

yeah gurw*nder basically telling luigi trauma isn’t real was so fucked
and then post-arrest has the audacity to question if he could have saved him kek amazing, you shut him down

No. 466172

>you have to earn closeness but schizigi wanted it immediate and obvious
…. He's just like me… Luigi… I could have fixed you…

No. 466173

>moid telling another moid trauma isn't real
Then these scrotes scratch their head wondering why yet another one of them has chimped out and gone on a random killing spree.
The only people who say trauma isn't real are sociopathic human pathogens.

No. 466174

he was specifically criticizing luigi for saying that heritable intergenerational trauma is real. nevertheless, the guy is still a massive faggot who simps for the soulless healthcare insurance industry.

No. 466175

griftwinder is an autist and probably got all weird when weegee started opening up…oh weegee he knew better

No. 466176

I hate gurd as much as the next nonna but what was the context for the trauma quote? I do think trauma is one of those things that’s been hideously misconstrued with the explosion in pop psych content

No. 466178

gurd brought up that luigi believed in hereditary trauma which gurd tried to debunk.

No. 466179

File: 1736305567615.jpg (23.55 KB, 564x561, 1685635004156.jpg)

>subreddit uses tranny colors for icon

No. 466180

You need to write to Luigi. Luigi knows identity politics like gendie shit is a cult.
I 100% believe trauma is heritable how the fuck can you not believe that? Being able to identify that is how the cycle of generational abuse is severed jesus christ.

No. 466182

Kek I actually think so, he seems like he would be impressed if you approached him sperging about biopolitics in the context of upper middle class hypocrisy. A total sucker for the pretentious flavor of depressive pixie dream girl but sadly for him that type of woman has had too much social rejection (arguably rightfully so) to really be in the same circles as he was

No. 466183

weegee is smart for avoiding therapy since it could get your future insurance claims denied as any mental illness diagnosis is a pre existing condition. he probably got advised to do this by his family.

No. 466185

That would not have happened to him and besides he had a trust fund

No. 466187

this is a perfect analysis wtf kek

No. 466190

>subreddit uses tranny colors for icon
It's reddit I guarantee every one of their moderators is a troon

No. 466192

Thanks kek. hopefully we hear more from a letter receiver or one of his actual close friends decides to break their silence because of the tmz propaganda or something. He’s such a familiar archetype but taken to an extreme he’s really fun to psychoanalyze

No. 466197

>pretentious flavor of manic pixie dream girl
I think its weird to use that kind of demeaning descriptor like as if being disenfranchised by modern day hustle/grift/influence culture and materialism somehow makes you some sort of quirky pseudointellectual NLOG or some shit.
I think it is a cold, hard, reminder that postindustrial society is so overly socialized that it's very difficult to find that "earned type of closeness" that a previous nona was talking about. I think in humans natural state (i.e from prehistory to postmodern) most of us would live in our village from birth to death and find meaning and understanding in our social circles. Anyone who isn't living in a shithole third world rural impoverished nation that doesn't even have plumbing has to struggle to find people who they can trust and who they can disclose intimate details of their lives with. It doesn't surprise me at all how many people go insane trying to find that kind of connection. Clearly Luigi was doing what a lot of us do when we are feeling desperately lonely; we throw out a piece of vulnerability to strangers and try to see what sticks.

No. 466200

I wonder if luigi throws letters with pronouns into the garbage like hiring managers do with resumes.

No. 466205

100% or just doesn't respond. Everyone knows hardcore leftists/TRA types are impossible to talk to

No. 466216

File: 1736309357941.jpeg (642.17 KB, 2253x1287, Gfnlt-uX0AAFMtB.jpeg)

Here's some more of their dumb arguments kek they really cant tell the difference between Luigi and the other two assholes.

No. 466218

>robbed of their father

Is there literally any confirmation he wasn't an absent/distant dad as so many are?

No. 466219

>Lighting a random woman on fire on the subway is the same as assassinating a man who makes money off of literally killing his own customers
See this? This is why men are the inferior sex.
These are the same idiots who will gladly go to war murdering terrified women and children in the country they invade. The same guys who see nothing wrong with making bigger and bigger nukes.
Men need to have the same rights women had in the 1100s.
I hate that Luigi shares chromosomes with these fucking morons. Luigi doesn't need prison he needs to be put on an island with nothing but pink pilled TERF women for 10 years.

No. 466220

I don't think it matters since he has a dui charge and we know how many people have had their families wiped out by drunk drivers. Plus, how many fathers have been taken away from their children because of decisions he made?

No. 466221

Why does the one on the left have a nose but the one on the right doesn't?

No. 466222

>Is there literally any confirmation he wasn't an absent/distant dad as so many are?
He didn't live with his wife and kids

No. 466224

moids are autistic and probably sperged out about the original image not having a nose

No. 466226

what does the first one even mean?
quieres fuego? who is that?

No. 466227

I looked it up "do you want fire?"/ "Do you need a light" I think is what it means.

No. 466229

i know what the spanish means retard
im asking who the guy is and why is he relevant

No. 466231

nta but he lit a woman on fire on the subway in nyc.

No. 466232

There is no need to call me a retard. You asked what it meant and this is a primarily english speaking imageboard and I was just trying to help. You could have literally scrolled up, one of the responses talks about how the dude lit a woman on fire. Learn some manners, nona.

No. 466233

There are other problematic implications of having mental health diagnoses on your record.

No. 466234

Are you saying you are less likely to be believed when you have a health condition if you went to see a therapist in the past?
I never actually considered that before.

No. 466235

the TMZ ‘documentary’ would have painted weegee as insane (instead of weird) if he did get a mental illness diagnosis

No. 466238

this whole thing just makes me wish I never sought therapy to begin with. Shit never actually helped.

No. 466239

File: 1736314379847.mp4 (8.08 MB, 360x640, 0727DB15-399F-442A-8984-8D9E2E…)

hopefully this is allowed as it relates to UHC and them learning nothing

No. 466242

Is there any way doctors can fight back? Like collectively refuse with insurance companies and just fuck shit up until the government has no other choice but the tardwrangle the for profit insurance system?
They can't replace doctors as easily as other workers. But idk.

No. 466247

Doctors fight back in small ways, a lot of them will lie or exaggerate conditions to get the patients coverage and private practices will usually retain one or two workers specifically to liaise with insurance on behalf of patients (getting definitive price lists to discuss expectations, checking fine print, etc).

The problem is most doctors are hospitalists, especially for dire conditions like cancer treatment, or even if they’re private practice they’ll need to use a hospital’s facilities at some point. Hospitals have director boards and business MBA administrators that want profits so there’s several layers of bureaucracy that are incentivized to keep the status quo before insurance companies are even a consideration.

Doctors are hard to replace sure, but not impossible. It’s so costly and money intensive to become one in the first place that you can’t really rely on them to take drastic action, and that’s not accounting for the personality type that tends to be drawn to the profession. If they went on a full strike, people might die and there’s no sympathy for that. If they perform care without authorization they can get arrested and lose their entire career. There’s also a lot of nepo doctors and just generally wealthy kids going into medicine that don’t sympathize in any concrete way or just aren’t willing to be class traitors

No. 466268

God that system is so fucked up. I can see why Doctors can't/won't strike since it would come at the cost of innocent people. I also know insurance companies will predate on smaller medical firms too. Same with pharmacies.

Luigi or not, the killing was justified. The industry is completely out of control. Brian Thomsons death got the conversation started, but I fear that it will fizzle out and nothing will come of it.

Luigi… If you were the killer… You should have hid at my house.

No. 466276

Me too. Most of the therapy I got can be summed up in the phrase “bee yourself” .
The whole goal of therapy is to make you cope with your emotions well enough to become a good cog in the neoliberal machine.
Therapy won’t give you the what you need to feel content like (not a conclusive list):
-a community to belong to
-people you love
-a sense that of purpose

I am glad weegee never went to the rapist

No. 466281

He might have not gone to a therapist but he paid grifters which is only slightly less stupid. I would have paid HIM to be his the-rapist.
I also think a lot of therapists aren't really allowed to actually bond with clients in a way that is productive. They are generally cold and clinical. I had one therapist that was cool but she ended up quitting or losing her license or some shit. She probably lost her job for being too personal with her clients. I had another who was horrible. He was a huge scrote who practiced from home, called me a retard for not knowing about some classical grifters, and had a big scary dog at his house that would try to jump on me when I showed up. I hope that second one got murdered by a schizo client he mocked for not knowing about his ye old jordan petersons.
Luigi 100% needed nonas. Not the cog women in his ivy league rich people life not censor loving redditors, he needs the nona army to listen to him schizobabble and trauma dump and then when he gets too emotional we can let him cry into our pussies

No. 466282

File: 1736329821333.png (154.03 KB, 640x429, looking-for-the-rest-of-this-i…)

From plebbit.
Guy behind alleged shooter seems to be wearing an outfit similar to luigi in mcdonalds
the guy kinda looks old in cctv tho

No. 466283

>I also think a lot of therapists aren't really allowed to actually bond with clients in a way that is productive. They are generally cold and clinical.

I remember my favourite therapist telling me it’s okay if I don’t acknowledge her in public if I feel ashamed because I may have to explain to anyone in the vicinity that she’s my therapist.
I told her that I will definitely stop and chat if I saw her out and about (I did when I saw her and her Nigel shopping) because that would be fucked up to prioritise my own neurotic discomfort over acting like a decent human being. I did facetiously suggest that perhaps she would be more embarrassed by associating with me in front of the normies.

Honestly think >>466161 would fix him

No. 466285

An anon said it looked like he was wearing a prosthetic nose and the second guy looks that way too (it's obviously a blur but looks more like the nose in the original images). I can't find the post but remember thinking how it would be revealed that Luigi was wearing a prosthetic nose/chin but that never happened. So I think this will play out like a crazy netflix series and the second (first?) shooter could be revealed at some point. Or eventually forgotten about and only rehashed by paypig youtubers

No. 466289

I'm guessing this is his ex-gf

No. 466295

i don't think i have ever crushed on an actual moid this hard before. it's almost embarrassing to admit.

No. 466297

whats the misogyny one about

No. 466302

A nerdy pun

No. 466304

Who is that and what did he do to my husband???

No. 466305

I've been embarrassingly crazy about irl moids but idr ever being this obsessed with someone I don't know. Not even in my hormone driven teenage fandom years
I think I've masturbated more during weegee month than the rest of 2024 combined. I've gone mad

No. 466325

Holy shit there really are two of them kek

No. 466332

I had a dream that the news was showing how prisoners at his detention center bathed, which was going outside in a cage naked and getting sprayed with a hose. Then Luigi appeared (clothed unfortunately) and said "I volunteer to be next"
But then he started booking it towards the woods! Unfortunately he ran like a cartoon character (back hurt?) and was caught. Then he was being interviewed as to why he tried to escape and he said "My grandfather was bipolar." implying that he too could be bipolar.

No. 466343

File: 1736350356388.jpg (623.83 KB, 1284x836, RDT_20250108_16240058942260133…)

His ex girlfriend, unfortunately redditor blockt her face

No. 466344

do we know it's her for sure?

No. 466345

File: 1736350526265.jpg (188.46 KB, 1890x1260, 85141814_2474978109422596_4405…)


No. 466347

it looks like she was atleast his date for the evening

No. 466348

File: 1736350695314.jpg (217.3 KB, 1890x1260, 87264747_2474980746088999_8405…)

interesting, scouring the internet rn to see if i can find anything

No. 466349

Mfw he will never take me to the Philly art museum and pretend the model 19th century rooms are ours. Killing myself.
Inb4 someone says she’s 1% Asian

No. 466350

im not sure but i think this one is also an ex

No. 466351

They are based for not airing his shit and attention seeking

No. 466353

fuck i found her, but her ig is private

No. 466354

Did she see his penis??? I need to know

No. 466355

Ywn run up the steps of the Philly art museum like Rocky with Luigi.

No. 466356

me too, nonny. she's russian or ukranian jewish, i can't really tell, went to upenn and was also a valedictorian

No. 466357

She looks like a nice woman and he clearly dated people who weren't vapid attention whores like Tracy.

No. 466358

Kek I thought that was Jenny Nicholson from the front page, what a bizarre crossover that would be

No. 466360

File: 1736351598857.jpg (170.17 KB, 1890x1260, 87257637_2474997879420619_3286…)

more wigi, he looks the same in every photo

No. 466361

are they other photos of them together?

No. 466362

File: 1736351639537.jpg (313 KB, 1890x1260, 87284219_2475000032753737_5143…)

No. 466363

They both look identical in each pic kek

No. 466364

kek the fact that he uses this as his profile picture on most social media platforms

No. 466365

She looks pretty pale, so the other nona in this thread doesn't have to be concerned about that anymore

No. 466367

she's very pretty
good on her for keeping mum

No. 466368

Not really she's young and cute though

No. 466370

wonder why it didn’t work out for them?

No. 466371

Wondering if it's because of his retarded ideology since he clung onto so many grifting e-daddies. She was a valedictorian and was probably smarter than even him.

No. 466372

nonnie, are we long lost sisters? I’ve been listening to this song with weegee on my mind for the past week

No. 466374

valedictorian at upenn?
if that's the case yeah, definitely way smarter than him
not that it matters but

No. 466375

these photos are from 20/21
the e-grifter phase came later

No. 466376

File: 1736352467980.jpg (168.82 KB, 1890x1260, 87176745_2474982056088868_7721…)

no, those were the only ones i was able to find. if you zoom in to the left, you can see his back
he should've updated it, it's almost 5 years old

No. 466378

I’ve come to the conclusion that he is probably someone who could not hold down relationships very well, some people are just like that.

No. 466379

I need to know if they dated or if she just was top Stacy at ivy league due academic supremacy and so she selected Luigi as her date.
I want to know if Luigi would fuck a retard midwit like me

No. 466380

File: 1736352803747.jpg (526.15 KB, 1920x1280, 1582426819126.jpg)

No. 466381

You don't have to worry as men aren't too picky. If you have a good heart, aren't completely retarded, and aren't vapid, I'm sure you would be good.

No. 466382

>"I can't stop thinking about women"
>doesnt date well
He 100 percent wants to get gang raped by us. Its the only way he will be happy

No. 466383

File: 1736352874201.jpg (592.71 KB, 1920x1280, 1582426831223.jpg)

No. 466384

why did it take so long for these to come out

No. 466386

File: 1736352917410.jpg (528.7 KB, 1920x1280, 1582426804586.jpg)

thats all i could find

No. 466388

probably, i wonder how many acceptance letters he got, kek. she went to a boarding school in switzerland that is over 100k a year and received acceptance letters from cornell, duke, berkeley and others so she isn't dumb
omg nonny, where the fuck did you find them? thank you

No. 466389

>ywn lean on Luigis shoulder and smell his musk
I hope the next life is kinder to me and it gives me a weegee husband….

Do u think he was wearing cologne?

No. 466390

thank you for your service nonnie! it is greatly appreciated

No. 466392

He didn't update it because he lost his virginity that night

No. 466393

i love how he moggs every moid he comes close to

No. 466394

>ywn be a hyper-intelligent and rich Stacy who can date someone like Luigi
it's over

No. 466396

File: 1736353490445.gif (9 KB, 40x31, suicide.gif)

killing myself

No. 466397

Luigi is a midwit so probably (sorry Weewee) he and that woman are the classiest in the pics with other people, she probably chose him. With how his girlfriends look and with how non judgmental he seems regarding intellect (I am smarter than he is in many ways anyway) I am pretty confident he would love me.

No. 466398

she was valedictorian at her school in shwitzerland and she "only" graduated with a bachlor and luigi with a master as well

No. 466399

One of the books I sent him was delivered yesterday, I hope he gets to read it

No. 466400

His HANDS dear GOD why have you forsaken me

No. 466401

I love how he is holding four moustaches

No. 466402

So was it confirmed she is an ex from a long-term relationship or was she just a date for the night? Don't really care either way, just wondering.

No. 466404

Hopefully she got to see his penis at least once but otherwise we don’t know

No. 466405

Chinless nonnies ,you have a chance

No. 466406

File: 1736354759060.gif (149.2 KB, 640x476, fistofrage.gif)

Idk what cult I have to join, which demons to summon or what kind of blood sacrifices should I make to get my own Weegee
It's not fucking fair

No. 466407

She seems too classy to ever divulge that sort of information and would take it to the grave.

No. 466408

we dont know yet,the only photos i could find of them together are from this event

No. 466409


No. 466410

i can't get over how his smile looks the same in every picture kek

she's cute though

No. 466411

He would love me.

No. 466412

I don’t doubt that she’s quite smart but to give some context that school is historically kinda infamous for being a useless rich kid dumping ground. In recent years they’ve been taking in “new money” (lots more chinese and dictator/oligarch kids than peer institutions) which has helped boost their college acceptance outcomes since those kids tend to be more serious about school. Also a bit culty, they have these big week long reunions in that little ski town every year and some sort of matchmaking event. It’s even a joke that you can’t date someone from there because they can only marry someone else from the cult.

I doubt she ever took Luigi seriously beyond like a hookup and probably just wanted a nice, respectful guy for a date party that wouldn’t embarrass her to post on insta. He’s about as poor to her and her friends as most nonnas

No. 466413

Nice vainy hand action.

No. 466415

He needs a girl from here. Any one of us would’ve saved him. Such a shame.

No. 466417

Ooh if it was actually delivered and not returned to sender that means he must’ve accepted it since he can only keep like 5 at a time. What book did you send?

No. 466419

nta but you’re right…the target has been infiltrated

No. 466420

Gems of Buddhist Wisdom

No. 466421

we should start a reading club with weegee

No. 466422

some attention seeker on LSA is claiming that this girl was his ex and that there is a current girlfriend as well

No. 466423

Kek I think most nonnas would roll their eyes and slow ghost the second he opened up and started spewing talking points he lifted from gurdshit or some other watered down pseud, and they would be justified to do so. Our openness and grounded schizoadjacency would make him feel safe to open up in the first place but sadly only make him worse in the end

No. 466424

>current girlfriend
>cut everyone out of his life to the point that his mom filed a missing person’s report
LSAfags are hilarious

No. 466425

This was what I was wondering since he seemed to be out of her league if she was going to a $100k boarding school and was accepted into a ton of prestigious universities. Luigi was apparently just only passing his classes at UPenn so his heart definitely wasn't in academia. I don't want to make any assumptions about her character but richfag circles are just cliquey as hell and I could see other people discouraging her from dating him because he isn't up to their standards.

No. 466426

I can’t tell if you’re serious but if you are I will seriously buy this book too kek. And you should write him this is the perfect in

No. 466427

Not to be a downer but I read that sometimes the books are passed onto other prisoners. I don't know how true that is though.

No. 466428

I would argue with him and make him feel like a midwit and offer him real reading material and then fuck.
You mean she was out of his league?
Yeah he clearly has 0 women, he climbed a whole mountain to cope about it

No. 466429

I'd be down kek
ntayrt but wasn't the reason he struggled with grades his brainfog issues?

No. 466430

No. She probably felt he might not have been good enough.

No. 466431

I already wrote him telling him to keep an eye for that book and the book Valis
I wouldn’t mind at all if another prisoner wanted to get into Buddhism kek

No. 466432

Actually the kids from that school tend to be pretty friendly and relatively down to earth (not for the average American but easily acceptable at a place like UPenn) if they’re in that new money category, which I would guess she is based on her caring enough to become valedictorian. They wouldn’t make fun of her if she really dated him, just a bit dismissive maybe if he ever encountered the full group

No. 466433

How can anyone look at Luigi and judge him poorly, he’s a very handsome and beautiful young man, who wouldn’t be happy their friend or daughter decides to date him??

No. 466434

I feel like once the trial is over Luigi is gonna become a book influencer kek

No. 466435

starting to regret not including a picture in my letter

No. 466436

>>Luigi was apparently just only passing his classes at UPenn so his heart definitely wasn't in academia

honestly i think this was only temporary bc he didnt mention it in years on reddit and he still graduated cum laude

No. 466439

Yeah I would agree and chalk it up to recovering from big fish in a small pond syndrome. Luigi’s standards for barely getting by is probably like scoring the same as the class average, and cs courses are notorious for brutal exams where even the highest score is only like an 80.

No. 466442

He said in his reddit posts that he couldn't perform well in school and just did the bare minimum because of his brain fog

No. 466443

I mean classism aside and even if his schizo break never happened they probably would want totally different lives. Idk where or how Weegee would’ve ended up though, can’t tell if he would keep going with the digital nomad bit until middle age or if he would get sucked in by wellness grifting biotech startup

No. 466444

I doubt he really cares
He probably had depression realistically
This is why it’s almost a good thing he went schizo

No. 466446

I am becoming disillusioned with the realization that our Weegee is just another dull moid with a dull moidbrain. Still want to have sex with him though

No. 466447

Dull? Dull denotes boredom. Luigi can never be boring. He’s a very interesting schizo who had a lot of potential to genuinely seek personal enlightenment but his (sexy) insecurities prevented him from placing trust in himself so he had to latch onto daddies. He needs a woman instead and I think after the schizo break he became ready for one, for real. Too bad about the whole prison thing.

No. 466450

he said he put twice as much work in uni than in school but didnt receive the same results, the other nona is probably right it was likely the change from a small private highschool to an ivy league university

No. 466452

Probably why he wrote that thing about talent versus grit, siding with grit. He was notating a book or essay I think

No. 466458

He's definitely not dull. Just not as much of an intellectual as he wanted to be, which seems to be a meme anyway because intelligence comes in many forms.

No. 466459

It's kinda telling that he thought he could shoot a millionaire in the middle of the street and just disappear into the night.

No. 466460

schizo thinking process

No. 466461

i don't think he thought he could get away with it. i still think he wanted to commit suicide afterwards. but yeah i fear i've become a bit disillusioned too but what else to expect from a moid anyway kek, i still wish him the best

No. 466463

Can you guys disillusion me too, I need to be released. Like I genuinely can't do this anymore.

No. 466464

It was clear why that woman broke up with him. He was still a stupid moid in the end. I could've fixed him to become less stupid.

No. 466465

He was probably manic honestly, if he even did it. Is that footage if the two of them together even real? >>466282

No. 466466

nta, but >>466282 looks like a fat hispanic man to me

No. 466468

File: 1736360553216.jpg (126.13 KB, 2016x1512, 69653001_304877757026608_49288…)

i regret being autistic and buying a super mario luigi plushie

No. 466470

sent him money so he can treat himself to a packet of ramen and more stationary, am i retarded for doing this?

No. 466471

Yes because you need that money more than he does especially because he’s held in the high profile wing and can’t even share what he doesn’t use, but love makes us all retarded. I was under the impression his commissary was full though

No. 466472

He took so many steps to avoid detection though. Maybe he didn't value his life as it was (with his back hurting again and so on), so he engaged in reckless behavior without playing the tape forward to the worst possible outcome.

I have heard 2 mental health professionals debunk the schizo theory, that level of planning is apparently not indicative of a mental break. But idk

No. 466474

yeah you’re right I am kek I’m not rich but I live a comfortable life working and saving up so it’s no issue for me. Sent it via MoneyGram and had no issues sending, we’ll see if actually goes through.

No. 466476

I think he only took those steps, to be able to plan everything in peace. I don't think he necessarily wanted to get away with it, as he must be aware there's no point of return. He clearly was more concerned that it was recognized as a form of protest and to capture the publics attention

No. 466477

Well, on a shitty camera like that a bundled-up Wigi could come across as fat and hispanic.
No, I hope he can buy colored pencils and start doodling for people, that'd be nice. But you know those Reddit tards wouldn't share his pictures.
Okay but also consider you do need the money more than he does…

No. 466478

It's possible he planned to both get away with it and commit suicide. The reason he'd do this would be to spare his family the shame or whatever.
I can't get past keeping the gun. He ditched his second backpack and a jacket but not the gun.There is just no reason to do that unless you plan on using the gun again.

No. 466479

Luigi was probably expecting to attract the attention of the tech moids he used to dm but all his fans are leftie women and horny nonnas kek. I wonder if he's flattered or annoyed.

No. 466481


No. 466482

Sent him like 100 bucks, hopefully it’ll be enough to also buy some oral hygiene products kek

No. 466483

I was dming someone on reddit a while ago and they said the same. I think it's true. Apparently she's white. I can't imagine how much of a fever dream this all is.

No. 466485

if it's true then he beat the yellow fever allegations, not many can say that. i want to know who she is though

No. 466486

He already beat the allegations, he was never dating any of the Asians he was seen with.

No. 466493

I think she might be Jewish actually. Apparently she's getting shit for having the Israeli flag in her profile info.

No. 466494

the college girlfriend is jewish what about the current girlfriend

No. 466495

Can these people stop coming out for clout, it's kind of evil. I'll forgive her if she tells us how big his dick is.

No. 466496

there was still the belief that they were lying. anyway, i want to know if it was long-term, short-term and if he was already possessed by mark rosario. many questions
kek yes, the girl from the photos is jewish but we don't know if it's his current gf

No. 466497

My parasocial pickmeism is kicking in I'm going to seethe so hard if he's actually in a relationship kekkk
Especially if she's a zio. This might actually be the thing to snap me out of this horny madness I've been experiencing, bless

No. 466499

Well yeah if he had a current girlfriend during the whole event, she would've been dating "Mark Rosario" most likely. I hope he didn't, it adds to the mystique that he was just by himself all schizo and he's eye-fucking the cameras because he has female attention for the first time in a while. If he had a girlfriend wouldn't she have come out about it sooner? Maybe not. Wouldn't the police know about whomever he was living with? Wouldn't she be questioned? He would've had to also construct a fully formed alter-ego too to explain what he was doing all day while he had this girlfriend. It just seems like extra work.

No. 466500

I feel you nonnie, this might be my cure so I can go back to living my life before he appeared.

No. 466501

>Sent him like 100 bucks

No. 466502

she works for a company that offers birthright trips, kek. this might cure my obsession

No. 466503

File: 1736363187185.jpg (24.96 KB, 764x764, IMG_8447.jpg)

I'm not really believing the whole current girlfriend thing, it doesn't add up.

No. 466505

oh god nonna nooo..
this might free me AND repulse me
yeah i believe this is the case.

No. 466507

>she works for a company that offers birthright trips, kek. this might cure my obsession
wow okay i think im officially done.
i care about peepowl
kill da evil CEOs
>dating a zionist
fucking retard

No. 466508

Gonna need more than a Reddit attention seeker to fool me. Show me the money (proof)
>believing random Redditor
I don't understand

No. 466509

eh not ashamed for it, he was giving autistic grifters money.

No. 466510

he is not dating the jewish girl from upenn anymore

No. 466511

File: 1736363508994.jpeg (143.28 KB, 1728x972, moviestar.jpeg)

We don't even know if they were dating or just spent the event together, but who cares if he was dating a Jew for a bit, people itt are jumping the gun for no reason, if you believe a Redditor who says she's his current gf you might as well believe the guy on Twitter who said he made out with Luigi at a party.

No. 466512

its 5 years ago and we dont know if they were in a relationship or only went on date

No. 466513

After the event they probably tried to have sex but his back gave out and she got the ick. Coward.

No. 466515

File: 1736364172405.png (537.71 KB, 363x1072, 565654565.png)

Why couldn't I get born in a world where men were actually the better sex (but want me to pretend they aren't which I do because I want to bully them anyways) and the ugliest, dumbest, least curious and least caring man was Luigi Mangione.

No. I live in a world where people are corrupt, men as a sex are wildly inferior to women but want me to pretend they aren't demons/violent apes wearing human skin, and the hottest, smartest, most curious and caring man is Luigi Mangione. Who the jealous moids locked up in a literal dungeon.

Why does God test me like this? What's the point? I didn't ask for this life. I asked for the first one.

No. 466516

File: 1736364326583.mp4 (3.26 MB, 768x432, gettyimages-2191207998-640_adp…)

i need new info and photos to feed my obsession i need new info and photos to feed my obsession i need new info and photos to feed my obsession

No. 466517

Let nona financially shame him. It probably makes him anxiously pee himself.

No. 466518

I want to grab that throat and suck on it, sniff it, bite it, kiss it. Grab his cute face and stroke it and bite his lips and kiss the underside of his chin. Squeeze his neck. I want to squish him I'm getting cuteness aggression.
He looks tired and his eyes probably hurt from the flash being on- turn the flash down!

No. 466523

Ew. I'm just gonna lean HARD into him not dating her and just being with her "as a date" for this event and nothing else.
I fucking HATE jewish ivy league women. They are fucking shitheads and yes I have a very personal vendetta against them it's not just that I am/have been extremely anti zionist my entire life. I am absolutely disgusted by Jews being given "birth right" to a country they have no legitimate genetic lineage to. There's also jews who still get holocaust reparations despite the fact that they are the great grandkids of people who were in the holocaust and live in affluent homes and have no reason to receive gibs. It's the stupidest shit ever and anyone who accepts free trips to Israel or holocaust reparations should be shamed for it.

I swear this isn't me being like "lol hitler did nothing wrong". Judaism is a shit religion and jewish culture is obnoxious as fuck. There is nothing genocidal about criticizing a culture that absolutely does not need this overbearing legal protection from critique. Like every other human being on earth, they can do better.

If she's anything like I think she is, Luigi would have very quickly lost interest in her. Jewish academics are final boss cogs-in-the-machine.
They ARE the machine.

Ok I'm done foaming at the mouth.

No. 466527

I dont know. I wouldn't mind if the US would pay out some reparations to everyone they harmed too. It's obvious these things cause generational harm

No. 466528

No. 466529

Well, she’s never showed up after that event as far as we know. She probably never saw his penis. She would hate it because it’s likely uncut.

No. 466530

Same. The yellow fever thing would've been less upsetting if it was true.

No. 466531

Goddamn they went on one date

No. 466532

Oh, here go hell come nona
let's not start that fight itt kek
I'm retarded and thought this birthright trip lady was the rumored Mark Rosario gf, not the uni date. Thanks for clarifying!

No. 466534

Now I am fantasizing about dating a mysterious, closed off, partly neurotic Mark Rosario who treats me well with his mysteriously sourced money, casual dates, and hot sex, but notice strange holes in his life story and his strangely empty apartment, except for the 3-d printer you accidentally find in the closet. I try looking him up online and find nothing. He gets nervous and start shaking and hesitating when I ask probing questions about his background but then distracts me with a deep tonguey kiss. Mmmm, then one day he vanishes forever, leaving just a brief note explaining he was called away for a family emergency in Europe and he’s never seen again… until…

No. 466535

File: 1736366279923.png (2.83 MB, 1125x1265, 1735070123500.png)

A girl ended a decades long friendship with me because I told her that infant circumcision was barbaric and should be illegal.
I hope Luigi's beautiful finocchiona is in tact. I need him to be super sensitive for our 10 hour long edge session.

No. 466536

Would he pee himself at the end of it

No. 466537

If he does have a current girlfriend, I really hope she doesn't do anything to rat him out.

No. 466538

Too late

No. 466539

I'm pretty sure Luigi doesn't have a current girlfriend. If he had one he wouldn't have gone missing (and he wouldn't be solely responding to mail from women)
Luigi is the type of man who should only be allowed to date every farmer on here.

No. 466540

He climbed a whole mountain to forget about women and at the height of his schizomaxxing he became sexier and hornier for women but knew it could never be. Now he knows he has so much support from hot based women and eye fucks the camera to make us happy. That’s the canon.

No. 466541

If Luigi gets out and doesn't end up the main dish in a rapeharem is it bad that I want Luigi to end up with a feral woman? Like not hippie social media crunchy but like a female version of 123homefree?

No. 466543

This is bad. What if he tries to have him killed due to jealousy? What if he beats him up or murders him himself?

No. 466544

then he'll get killed by the other prisoners. highly doubt any of that would happen though

No. 466545

Diddy probably is in horrible shape and wouldn't be able to do shit. Most of his body mass was probably from fillers that have long deteriorated.

No. 466547

I support Wigi and a feral gf having two backpacks they stuff their whole life to, that's what he dreamed of. Ofc option number one with the femdom farm should be prioritized but if the logistics of that don't work out then he should run to the woods
I also thought of that and got anxious. Hopefully he'll have enough support among the inmates that Diddler can't bribe any goons to get him

No. 466548

Highly unlikely. Luigi and Diddy have similar amounts of money to their name on the outside. Also keep in mind Luigi has not been around Diddy in any capacity afaik.
I have to imagine Luigi is respected by the guards and loved by the other inmates. Dude likes giving shit away, Luigi probably gifts inmates shit all the time.
Also Luigi's alleged crime is based. Diddy is a chomo. It's night and day.

No. 466553

If you want to be legit feral you can't just subsist long term on a backpack alone. Only crunchy larping retards believe that people can survive long term in nature with just a backpack and no lodging. The guy I mentioned earlier (123homefree) has been voluntarily homeless for almost 20 years due to his schizo (but logical) belief that civilization is more likely to collapse than not and we are probably gonna end up having to live like him anyways. He's social (he's basically a beneficial hobo to his community) but also does his own thing. He doesn't live with a backpack but in a carefully designed sheep cart.
To be truly fully feral you need some sort of lodging. IMO it's currently safest to be feral in rural United States because you're safest with a gun and our police tend to be less corrupt than a lot of other countries (sad but true)
Would it be bad if I wrote to Luigi about feral living (with smatters of current events)?

No. 466554

You could and also send him a book about it

No. 466555

I'd rather start a conversation or give him something hopefully interesting to read in a letter due to books high return rates in the prison system

No. 466556

Luigi wasnt feral and didn't dream of backpack life. it seemed like something he was trying out while backpacking in asia. he explicitly says it's not a long term ideal

No. 466557

Go off!
Sad… Wigi was trying to do the work. He should've swallowed his pride and contacted the Holistic Psychologist instead

No. 466558

He should have ate my pussy

No. 466559

File: 1736368824702.png (2.14 MB, 1256x1144, Screen Shot 2025-01-08 at 21.3…)

Unfortunately my analysis of this and other bathing suit pictures leads me to believe he is snipped… Also he's a 3rd generation immigrant at least, and his family seems very assimilated aside from the names.

It's funny how the moid seethe over him has been universally to say "well he's gonna get RAPED in prison!!!" Not only exposing their own homosexuality but also completely unaware of how his fellow inmates actually see him.

No. 466560

he is honestly so stupid it makes me cry,if he had shown his real or no ID at all they wouldn't have the right to look into his backpack

No. 466561

I was just about to say that she reminds me of my mother. This is exactly why kek

No. 466562

how can someone who's academically smart and seemingly street smart (he travelled a lot, he BACKPACKED) do this

No. 466563

diddy has way more money than luigi, plp overestimate his family's wealth

No. 466564

Like who gives a cop a fake ID?

No. 466566

He might had some breakdown and couldn't think clearly

No. 466567

How does the swimsuit reveal his foreskin status
His arrest was staged. He is a patsy.
Doesn't matter. Diddy is a chomo, Luigi killed the very guy who might have driven some of these guys to a life of crime.

No. 466568

I'm fucking pissed, how dare they fucking take part of his penis away and it enrages me to think his Italian foreskin was used for some rich person's face cream.
He's academically smart but not that book smart even if he's a reader, and he doesn't seem that street smart. I don't know. He could have avoided everything if he just ate my pussy.
Luigi could beat Diddy in a fight, easy.

No. 466569

Not only did he show a fake id but he had the gun on him as well. I’m beginning to think that he’s actually retarded

No. 466571

File: 1736369342508.gif (1.94 MB, 320x568, penis slam.gif)

I love my retarded Schizowee!

No. 466572

I think if hed been that book smart he wouldn't have turned to action. And he's still doing better that 95% of moids

No. 466573

I don't get it, you can be book smart and a man of action simultaneously.

No. 466574

Do you guys actually think Luigi is the killer or he's just being framed and that his whole arrest was staged?

No. 466576

He could be framed, honestly. The 'manifesto' is poor and glows. There's no 'DNA at the scene of the crime.' His court appearance was pushed back to fabricate more evidence. Next they're going to say they saw a penis print on the sidewalk and say it matches his.

No. 466578

If they do that they better show some proof and make it available to the public.

No. 466579

Has anyone put weegees face into the software pimeyes? Or some of his friends/associates faces? Might get some rare pics that way and might find defunct social media accounts of people he knows that might have old pics of him.

No. 466581

File: 1736370408513.png (6.15 KB, 240x240, ree.png)

>have to pay for it
reeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE- is this new? Of course it's small because primeyes sucks and doesn't want to search for Weegee for freegee

No. 466582

File: 1736370547319.jpg (180.39 KB, 1290x1545, GeZFYH7WMAATPOQ.jpg)

i did it with his face the day he got arrested, they were all photos we've already seen. as i've said before, this is warfare
i've seen it before

No. 466583

How come they never released the actual manifesto and just a typed transcript of it?
>Next they're going to say they saw a penis print on the sidewalk and say it matches his.
If they find that they will need to release it to the public along with a picture of his penis. Then maybe I'll believe he did it

No. 466584

Oh fuck- also why does the moid next to him look fake. Also Luigi is soooo cute and handsome there

No. 466585

File: 1736371109109.jpeg (126.72 KB, 413x800, D59C1737-A8E9-42A8-8E62-935079…)

Tracy speaks about recent misuse of her photos in the media.

No. 466590

File: 1736371297454.gif (19.1 MB, 1000x650, 1735132339962.gif)

I think this video proves once and for all that Luigi can thrust. Look at him fuck hard into that wall holy shit I wish I was that wall

No. 466593

I don't get it
>releases private messages
>says they aren't private (what if Luigi would feel they were?)
>doesn't regret leaking private chats
>gets mad they are used in fake docs
>doesn't mention at all Luigi's privacy only herself being impersonated
>calls pictures of Luigi and her and of their private messages 'content'
What did she expect? She also comes across as very unintelligent. I kind of feel bad for her, but at the same time, she chose to do this and this statement could've been brief but instead she decided to double-down on releasing the 'content' (someone's life is not content).

No. 466594

I should have been Tracy. I bet she never even pressured Luigi to trauma dump on her.

No. 466596

Tracey keeps coming across as an asshole, does she not understand that you shouldn't just release anything about someone who is accused of murder and potentially facing the death penalty? She says what she shared is not private, it's 'content' then acts baffled when it's used in a 'documentary', honestly Luigi was surrounded by retards covered in a thin layer of intellectualism spackle.

No. 466597

She put it out there publicly, it's free for anyone to use. Now she wants to play the victim?
Just go away Tracy

No. 466600

File: 1736372065198.png (370.68 KB, 613x1075, sir_racha.png)

No. 466601

File: 1736372082109.gif (480.79 KB, 747x747, 1734324638519.gif)

Did she expect an award? And she was supposed to be his bestest friendo evar or something. So bizarre. It kind of almost glows too.

No. 466602

Can't wait for the 3 hour youtube video!

No. 466603

if he's talking about how the media is describing him why did he say "could i have saved you" kind of stuff?

No. 466605

deep, profound scribbles

No. 466606

>Im not romantically interesting in him
>I intended to scribble the pictures for a reason. people who are trying to unscribble them are missing the point.
Stop fucking with his artistic vision guiz!
>proclaiming him a "sex symbol"- something different from the genuine, kind friend I knew him to be
Also he mentions critical thinking when he should have thought critically before posting those images or anything having to do with someone currently on trial. These people are not his friends. Nothing in his video alluded to him criticizing the media for misinterpreting Luigi. He is seething because he regrets being an attention-seeking whore. Yeah, the scribbling of the face and the whole shittok was so deep guiz, don't you understand? Instead of maybe keeping quiet for Luigi's safety or even addressing the situation seriously you decided to make a fan edit of your 'friend.' It pisses me off, these people have no empathy.

No. 466608

Fuck him. Pretentious retard.

No. 466609

>im fat and 14 and this is deep
Hope he kills himself

No. 466611

Like just imagine one of your friends from college or high school was convicted of a grave crime you think they may not have been capable of committing and are now facing death row. What do you do? Would you post an artsy fan edit? I can't imagine doing any of that, I'd message our mutuals and keep it between us. Luigi's most intelligent friends/acquaintances are the ones saying nothing.

No. 466614

He was pushed.

No. 466615

File: 1736372913530.png (235.01 KB, 569x719, husbando.png)

I'm just pissed off at Tracey and Fatsey, really. Especially at Tracey calling her leaked pics and messages 'content', the gay guy seems a little more naively innocent.

No. 466616

him having to clarify that he isn't interested in luigi made me burst out laughing, KEKKKKKK

No. 466620

Oh shit, did you click on the link? The video has some funeral dirge on it KEK

No. 466621

KEK this guy gave off extreme mental midget energy.

No. 466622

>someone I don't think I know anymore

No. 466623

i did, also kek at using that disgusting troon's music for his statement. very fitting

No. 466625

Holy shit I scrolled down and the song is by Ethel Cain, this dude's gay and he is definitely gay for Luigi and also why is he pissed that Luigi is seen as a sex symbol?

No. 466626

>me politely asking luigis fat friend for the unscribbled pictures

No. 466628

Gay men are seriously the worst. He's being a possessive little faggot and hates that women love him. No wonder why Luigi ghosted him.

No. 466629

>guess yall are here for his "friend"
Speaking about himself in third person, putting quotes around the word 'friend' yeah this is a faggot moment.

No. 466630

I hate the fat retard more. They both are clout chasers but at least Tracy didn't digitally cum all over luigis face and ruin the photos

No. 466631

how powerful do you think that little munchkin she cop is?

No. 466633

I am beginning to hate both equally after hearing the music Fatsey added to the shittok
Exactly, he let her do it. He wants to be thrown around by a woman so bad.

No. 466634

>proclaiming him a "sex symbol"- something different from the genuine, kind friend I knew him to be
Aka: stop lusting after my hot friend!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEE

No. 466635

File: 1736373897379.gif (3.5 MB, 404x420, hey girl.gif)

What a backhanded insult, what if Luigi wanted to be seen as a sex symbol? He clearly doesn't mind, and you can easily argue he eye-fucks the camera.

No. 466637

Someone needs to tell the fat digital bukakke fag that Luigi isn't allowed to kiss any boy who is uglier than him and he can only do it for the female gaze.
TBH I could only find gayigi hot if we could clone him and ship his frat self with his schizo self.

No. 466638

not gonna lie im feeling like it's kinda sus he was so close with this homosexual

No. 466640

Kekk nonna, we don't know if Fatsey was really gay or just a fag.
I need Luigi selfcest art so fucking bad.

No. 466641

If he was into men, he could've done better than Tubby. Come on.

No. 466642

Luigi didn't fuck the fat ugly dude. I know there was a rumor that Luigi kissed a dude, but I feel like even if that's true it was probably a bugs bunny kiss to fuck with someone.
Luigi is for women. There is no AIDS in his eyes. He's straight.

No. 466643

The rumor is one (1) tweet the day Luigi's face was revealed.

No. 466645

You just know Weegee was hiding so much of his true self from his normie friends if the fatty was an actual fag who listens to tranny music. Painfully relatable.

No. 466646

>If he was into men, he could've done better than Tubby. Come on.
AYRT I'm not even necessarily saying he's gay I'm saying why's he such close friends with a fag. Sussy boots

No. 466647

File: 1736374346874.webm (863.65 KB, 472x960, 1735065595398.webm)

yeah. It's fag cope. We have more solid evidence that luigi had exactly 0 interest in other dudes aside from platonic/brotherly shit (which even then was retarded. Luigi clearly was in need of deep, profound, physical and spiritual intimacy with women).

No. 466648

It's not like he's some flamer

No. 466649

god i hate him so much for scribbling on luigi, part of me wishes plp wouldn't have criticized him for it but gassed him up instead so he post the unscribbled ones

No. 466650

Luigi was a friendly guy, it doesn't surprise me that faggoty men would try to take advantage of it. Luigi probably protected himself from aids by constantly lamenting about "finding the right girl"

No. 466652

Nooo it's clearly artsy and so symbolic you just have no critical thinking and are missing 'the point' (the point being…?)
And thwarting his gay landlord by saying his back hurt too much to be intimate

No. 466654

I guarantee this dude will continue to be harassed by schizo luigi fans until he releases the "unartistic" pictures. This guy dug his own grave and now he needs to lie in it

No. 466655

i'd beat the shit out of him if i were to find out he cropped me, his ex, out of a photo and used it on tinder. if they were truly dating, he had no shame wtf. deserves several beatings

No. 466656

I 100% do not believe Luigi dated the zionist and was just "her date" for the event.

No. 466657

Kek true- we need evidence of them dating, such as more pics of them together. I don't think we've seen her anywhere else before except from that event. It could've been a class event, for a specific group of people so they paired together for the night.
What did he expect from being an attention whore? People sympathizing with him?

No. 466659

All these attention whores that come out of the woodwork embolden me to write to him. I don't think I'm special or whatever but I holy crap if i knew him irl and had photos of us I would either
A: keep all that shit to myself
B: release the photos I have of him anonymously but not attach myself or my social media to it.

More likely A. Sorry nonnies.

No. 466660

You're killing me with the digital cum shot imagery

No. 466661

Now you know DAMN well you didn't mean all that you little shit. At least have some integrity and stand by what you say holy fuck

No. 466662

LSAfags keep claiming that she was a long-term girlfriend and keep teasing that they have more information in their secret group. Then again, they are also claiming he has a current girlfriend which I highly doubt.

No. 466663

Pic from years before with the ex barely cropped out… so moidly

No. 466664

what is that?
And theres no fucking way he has a girlfriend. He would have stayed at her house after the Thomson killing and had her buy McDonald's hash browns for him.
These people sound like gossipy rats.

No. 466665

I mean can you blame him he looked SO good that day…

No. 466666

Lipstick Alley

No. 466667

Looking it up now. Looks like bullshit gossip nonsense.

No. 466668

god i hate lsa heifers, they always do the same shit. i remember a couple years ago, i had a crush on a basketball player and they had a private group where they "shared info" and only certain fonts could enter. they never had shit.

No. 466669

Don't apologize, A is the normal thing to do.
Yeah no
I don't think so, but we'll see

No. 466670

File: 1736375667566.png (413.5 KB, 371x554, 5443434.png)

Found this on LSA. Is this Luigis current girlfriend?

No. 466671

From what I understand the people there do get stuff right, iirc they had a blind item about the Diddy/Cassie thing years before her lawsuit and leaked video

No. 466672

Yes, she is wearing a sweater with his face on it. It has to be her.

No. 466674

All I’m focused on right now is how badly I need that hoodie

No. 466675

File: 1736375948614.gif (1.78 MB, 640x360, weegeestrategy.gif)

It's a win-win for me either way. If he has a girlfriend rn, she's going to most likely be much more attractive than I am and my low self-esteem will cause me to crumble and block this thread and finally be free. Or if it's that zio gf I'll get the ick for him and also be released.
If these are only rumors I can keep my headcanon of pure sweetigi/schizogi and continue masturbating furiously and trying to astral project to sit on his face in his jail cell

No. 466676

File: 1736376014381.jpeg (130.67 KB, 1065x1690, dicktective.jpeg)

can you explain your analysis further? i only see a normal bulge

No. 466677

kek nonna please what kind of question is this

No. 466678

I know this is spoon feeding but does anyone have the drawings of weegee giving head or drinking soup? I can’t find it in the previous threads which makes me deeply sad.

No. 466679

File: 1736376292645.jpeg (719.18 KB, 1125x1609, IMG_3883.jpeg)

It can’t be, this is just some random girl who runs a clothing shop.

No. 466680

it definitely isn't the zio girl.
His dating profile was made in late 2021. The pics of him with zio girl is mid 2021 at the latest.
I don't think he has a gf right now. It doesn't make any sense for him to have had a gf and then did what he did. Even if he was framed he went off the grid and fucked around by himself and was alone in a fucking Altoona McDonalds eating a hash brown like a schizophrenic hobo.
The "Luigi isn't single" conspiracy is about as true as the "luigi gets fucked by black men" conspiracy.

No. 466681

not necessarily all the time though. they got some easily disproven info on one of my other husbando's wrong before

No. 466682

File: 1736376407160.png (362.89 KB, 825x744, 1735441653545.png)

No. 466683

here, nonnie: >>461647 >>461702

No. 466685

the photos of him with the zionist are from february 2020

No. 466686

File: 1736376503977.png (Spoiler Image,447.75 KB, 894x868, 1735529441231.png)

Giving head.

No. 466687

Artnonny is iconic for this

No. 466688

isnt LSA a bunch of black women in their 40s?
why would they have an inside scoop here

No. 466689

No, also why is this relevant, secondly I need that sweatshirt kek
Pretty sure everyone knew about Diddy before it all came out, really.
The Jewish girl is old news, she isn't his current gf she's just a random one-time date as far as we know, or an ex. Definitely not current.
Based bush version.
Where the fuck is she

No. 466690

the problem with the luigi thread is this one attention seeker who keeps teasing shit about his private life but acts morally superior and lectures plp when they ask her elaborate

No. 466692

File: 1736376673996.png (2.33 MB, 2048x1365, holding the pee.png)

so it just solidifies that Luigi isn't with zio. Maybe they dated/fucked (lucky) but the def aren't together anymore and haven't been for a long time

No. 466693

Am i the only one who doesn't think Luigi has a gf? I think its likely he'll get a prison gf but tbh I think he should have a prison harem. Luigi should date every single woman on this thread.

No. 466694

Because it's fake.
My theory is that after the event Luigi got laid but Zio got grossed out when he kept moaning loudly and accidentally leaked a little bit of piss after he came.
I'm sure a black woman in her 40's wants to be with Luigi.

No. 466695

Half of them are white gay men larping

No. 466697

It's definitely a white fag pretending to be his girlfriend, then.

No. 466698

>I'm sure a black woman in her 40's wants to be with Luigi.
That's not what I said.
I said why would anyone who has inside info on Luigi hang around a place full of middle-aged black women and faggots. That makes no sense.

No. 466700

We now know why

No. 466701

Imagine getting mad when Luigi moans in that beautiful voice.

No. 466703

Did she grace us with her presence here >>466615 or is this an older picture I missed or forgot about?
kek at the filename
It's been fascinating seeing the piss kink in these threads, I have no idea how much of it is shitposting and how much is a collective horny hysteria caused by that one Weegee picture. A true pisstery for the ages

No. 466704

Feds need to rough Luigi up enough to force a couple of perfect moans out of him. I need Luigi to schizo out mid trial and we get close up shots of him tired and panting from being restrained by 10 girl cops

No. 466705

No that's an older pic she's posted.
I need this so bad. Someone email his lawyer and tell her to tell him that the girls want to hear some moans.

No. 466706

I'm not into piss but I am unironically into feet. I keep it a deep secret and will only disclose it here because this board is anonymous. I love Luigi's freaky long toes and giant feet so much I am disgusting.

No. 466707

a quote from that person
>>I'm now seeing people saying Luigi is a Zionist based off an emoji on ex gfs instagram account. Let alone the extremely anti-zionist pro-palestine muslim gf now is a far cry from that anyway so whateve

but she also claim the current girlfriend is eastern european

No. 466708

I'm in awe of the futuristic tech the dicktectives are working with that they can compile such data for us. Science is truly magical

No. 466709

No fucking way is Luigi a zionist when he is so against American healthcare.
He would be furious that American taxpayer dollars go to subsidizing Israeli healthcare (ranked at number 6 in the world)

No. 466710

I really don't give a shit about what a random says.

No. 466712

File: 1736377359564.gif (25.25 KB, 220x165, 328239043.gif)

No. 466713

I support you footnona, I'm happy Weegee's big feet spark joy in you!

No. 466714

File: 1736377486490.jpeg (22.64 KB, 330x332, foot anatomy.jpeg)

His toes are viciously long, what causes this? Autism?

No. 466715

i just wanted to point out that they dont have any secret info and nothing they say makes sense

No. 466716

File: 1736377490160.png (1.19 MB, 640x783, 65454656546.png)

Look at what this fucking board has sunk to thanks to the fucking court date being pushed back. Feeding off the dregs of a middle aged black woman gossip site.
Look at what the feds have done to us. They are horrible.

No. 466717

hahahaha man luigis feet are SO weird definitely DONT post more pictures of them I am DEFINITELY NOT the footnona from earlier and would NOT cum if you posted more luigi feet hahahahaah

No. 466718

long peepee

No. 466719

It's psychological torture on par with solitary confinement

No. 466720

>long peepee
I hope it's thick. nothing worse than a pencil dick

No. 466721

Don't forget having to subsist off of Tracey and Fatsey hate.

No. 466722

they're as long as other people's fingers lol

No. 466725

We might have elder millenial farmers here tho! Idk how much of the userbase overlaps, maybe the racebait and /pol/ sperging here is too off-putting for LSAfags

No. 466726

Was that guy from college or the commune? I wouldn't be surprised if the commune was full of gaybos.

No. 466727

File: 1736377917910.jpg (224.45 KB, 828x540, RDT_20250109_00105872736265801…)

tracy again

No. 466728

She wants to be famous so bad, what do you mean you might consider speaking more? Shut the fuck up before you start acting like a lolcow. And yes, it is clout chasing. You can't cope with people who also knew him? You have to cope by showing strangers private messages and pics? Is that what coping is now?

No. 466729

File: 1736378065146.jpg (98.57 KB, 318x216, foot_thong.jpg)

No. 466731

File: 1736378268854.gif (197.69 KB, 90x90, IMG_3298.gif)

this thread is truly suffering from the drought. fuck the feds for waterboarding us.

No. 466732

File: 1736378291894.jpg (368.8 KB, 1252x2632, 1000020506.jpg)

No. 466733

Imagine doing that thing where you stand on his feet and he starts walking while he's holding you

No. 466735

for nonnies who plan to send letters:

I recommend sending it certified mail to keep track and to be on the safe side, sometimes letters can get lost and it would be a shame if you took your time to write it and USPS loses it. I went over the MDC handbook again and it is allowed. Of course at the end of the day it’s his choice if he responds.

Also learned that they only get to buy commissary once every two weeks.

No. 466737

File: 1736378725117.jpg (421.16 KB, 2598x1732, finocchiona.jpg)

probably is around this size/thickness

No. 466739

>commissary every two weeks
That sucks, poor thing. I hope he stocks up on stuff. I also hope my letter got to him, I didn't use any tracking whatsahoosawits.

No. 466741

Could I send a letter even if I’m a britbong? I know it’s relatively easy to send letters to America but I’m just wondering how it would work if he wanted to reply (not that I’m expecting a reply I just wanna hold onto the hope at least kek)

No. 466742

do i include cash in the letters? I wanna be his sugar mommy

No. 466743

No. 466748

you could use a service like textbehind

No. 466752

you just made me cry.

No. 466754

I will never understand why some anons are shocked an LSA user would use lolcow, there's more overlap than you all think and anons need to get over it.

No. 466755

File: 1736379597232.jpeg (275.59 KB, 1125x1396, IMG_3885.jpeg)

for britbong and euro nonnies:

it might be a bit expensive but can be done.


No. 466756

ok so the TMZ documentary should be on hulu by now.
anyone watched it or have a link to a rip?

No. 466758

File: 1736379672773.png (3.35 MB, 1598x2048, 1734745442182.png)

I need him

No. 466759

>I will never understand why some anons are shocked an LSA user would use lolcow, there's more overlap than you all think and anons need to get over it.
The POINT is there is no reason for anyone in LSA's target demographic (old and black or gay and larping as oldblack) to have an inside track.
Anyone who believes that is retarded and needs to stay on LSA

No. 466760

Sex with Luigi needs to happen immediately to reverse global warming.

No. 466761

File: 1736379853809.gif (324.22 KB, 500x492, 1734365622949.gif)

I will only watch this drivel if its group streamed and I can rage about it on chat with the other girls here. Otherwise I refuse to look at this slander
I am on here because this place bans retardation like the stupid gossip like luigi is gay or pays for asian hookers or his dick doesn't work.

No. 466763

I just know his dick works and it's comically huge that you can't help but laugh at first

No. 466764

it will make the world hotter nona. But in theory it could reverse the industrial effects of climate change because all the girls will be too busy having sex with luigi on the breeding farm instead of engaging in meaningless consumerism.

No. 466766

It will be hotter during the event but the act itself will cleanse the world of its industrial sins.

No. 466767

I can't wait for it to be revealed that Luigi has a 12 inch sausage and it makes even more incels rope

No. 466768

All I can think about is how much his back must hurt from sleeping on the prison beds. I pray they gave him an extra soft memory foam mattress and the comfiest blanket

No. 466769

They should allow 3 nonas at a time stacked up under him

No. 466770

File: 1736380274432.png (149.49 KB, 524x325, GcN95C3W4AAFbf6.png)

Manifesting this

No. 466774

He needs a big nona under him, a small nona on top (me) and a medium nona on either side spooning him in his girl cocoon

No. 466775

kekkk like why can't he be both

No. 466776

ayrt sorry for wording myself poorly. I'm not surprised that the userbases overlap, gossip is gossip. I just thought that some of the "anti-woke/dei" or racist aspects of lc might be off-putting in a similar manner where I don't go to 4chin or other moid infested places bc I don't want to see constant misogyny

No. 466781

Thank you nonas for finding these beautiful pieces. They have been saved to my collection where they will never be lost again.
Also thank you original artnonny. Your services are much appreciated.

No. 466783

File: 1736380762614.png (Spoiler Image,421.95 KB, 1303x751, 1735066635098.png)

Do you have the punished Luigi one

No. 466784

File: 1736380765373.jpeg (33.39 KB, 462x460, 24AAA89C-AB08-485D-8C42-274D27…)

I keep checking my current go to pirating site and it's still not up!!!!
There's definitely a portion of that userbases who have pretty thick skin and don't give a fuck. Their thirst for gossip is too strong. I do value lsa because they have proven to be correct on far too many occasions. God i hope the more insane users can find us something to work with.

No. 466785

This sounds so cozy, I need this but it's four Luigis and he basically creates a cozy little den for me in the middle.

No. 466786


No. 466787

nonas enveloping him like bees do to moid bees.. But not throwing him out of the nest

No. 466788

File: 1736380891057.png (397.66 KB, 821x1001, me and luigi.png)

What about this one

No. 466789

I think this is my favourite one

No. 466792

am I going to hell if I want the drawnona to draw luigi selfcest (schizigi corrupting cogigi sexually)

No. 466793

Mine is the cute meerkat expression one. Artnonny is gifted for sure

No. 466794

very cute. The spanking one gets his hair the best imo.
I love drawnona. I hope if she writes to luigi she gets a response from him where he praises her artwork

No. 466795

No I need it too

No. 466797

>I do value lsa because they have proven to be correct on far too many occasions
This time they're wrong though

No. 466799

File: 1736381602243.png (400.57 KB, 670x922, 1735610756125.png)

No. 466800

Well, i didn't say always, kek.

No. 466808

Yesss ty nonny he's so cute

No. 466812

I hate this country.
I want America to have a monarch. Just one. And it should be Luigi.
All weegeewives are queen, they control him and everyone else.
After Luigi dies it will be illegal for a man to run America ever again.

No. 466816

File: 1736384348382.jpeg (103.05 KB, 736x981, IMG_6737.jpeg)

If Luigi took you out on a first date, where do you think he’d take you? Personally I think some fancy italian restaurant

No. 466817

Nah, go for a hike then stop at a thai place. Seems more his style.

No. 466821

I'm cooking for him. We are then going to hike somewhere remote to have a picnic and talking about the current state of postmodern western civilization in the United States and what kind of future it should ideally have.

Or I try to groom him into opening up about his trauma. Ideally this one but the first one if he expresses discomfort opening up so early on in our relationship.

No. 466822

He’s definitely an active first date type, like rock climbing, walk in the park, or hiking like the other nona suggested

No. 466826

I guess the women we've seen so far are the best he can do because self-respecting women won't go on hiking/park walk first date. Ever. That's a great way to get murdered, even if the guy is as cute as Luigi. This isn't even Fem-Pill logic, moids will just assume you're low maintenance and it sets the tone for the whole relationship

No. 466828

File: 1736385907415.jpeg (73.5 KB, 768x402, IMG_9530.jpeg)

I wonder if Luigi actually read the bios of the girls he swiped on or if he’s the look first read later on the approach type. I think we could have a fun pseudo intellectual doomer discussion but honestly I would’ve swiped left on him

No. 466830

Oh. I would like it kek. Well good thing nobody has ever offered to take me on a date before.

No. 466834

I mostly agree especially with the hiking thing but he was most active on the apps when he lived in Philly and Honolulu, lots of very public pretty areas to go grab boba or whatever and go for a casual walk and talk, also easy escape if he’s creepy. He doesn’t seem the type to really prioritize dating or in the headspace to enjoy pursuing someone, like he could’ve dated or maybe even has hooked up with a Penn State gigastacy

No. 466835

He is a hopeless romantic and probably hoped his dream woman would pursue him… well now he has many letters from women to sort through.

No. 466839

I'm not saying this about post-assassination Luigi, obviously when he gets out of prison he'll be scheduling dates in 15 min. intervals and anons will already know that he's a genuine and good-hearted guy, so it wouldn't be a necessity. But in life this is what you do or you're setting yourself up to be treated like shit (or raped/killed)

No. 466840

I have had the same thought. I would have sadly swiped left too because his bio didn't really say anything and he came off as too normie kek. He was probably being a huge manwhore on Tinder.

No. 466842

are you one of those people that will swipe if a profile isn't qUirKy enough?

No. 466843

Okay well I will likely never go on a date with anyone unless it's Luigi but thank you for the advice.
Maybe he made the profile to try and see if he could get a girlfriend but he didn't use it much. Maybe he scored a few dates from it? I don't know if I would have swiped left or right because things like Tinder scares me, but honestly he is very handsome and I doubt Tinder offers anything else so I probably would've swiped right to at least ask what he means by calling himself an infant.

No. 466845

according to the screenshots he hadnt used his profile since 2022.

No. 466846

But before that, how often did he use it?

No. 466848

No. I'm just autistic and don't know how to approach normies. qUirKy just comes off as cringe and I would swipe left too. I have never had anything good come out of dating apps if you couldn't tell.

No. 466849

What would you do if Luigi gave you free reign of his mouth and lips.

No. 466852

He’s definitely a romantic figure and obviously easy to romanticize but nothing about his online presence at least really suggests he was a big romantic. He’s too pragmatic, has no appreciation for aesthetics the way women want (likely techbro bleed over) and based on a few of his spergposts doesn’t seem to appreciate gestures just for their own sake. He is thoughtful, generous and has obsessive tendencies though so maybe he just needed the right girl to manipulate him into it

No. 466853

Kissing and raping.
All the dating site nonas are confusing. I have never used tinder. Luigi is incredibly handsome though. I wish I could travel back in time knowing what I know now and groom him into submitting to me. This guy desperately longs to be dominated by a woman.

No. 466855

If he isn't so desperate for love then why does he keep assaulting me with his horny energies. Revenge because I started it? Don't you dare insinuate that…

No. 466856

Nta but between the copious shirtless pics and his favorite suit photo his profile does come across as normie in a boring fratty way, and the infant descriptor in the bio really put me off.

No. 466857

I know some people who've met their partners on Tinder but it's not really known for dating for a reason. I just wouldn't be surprise if Luigi may have been slutting it up in Hawaii on Tinder.
Was 2022 when he was injured in the surfing accident? Might have stopped using it because of that.

No. 466858

You really think if Luigi had a ton of hookups someone would gave said something

No. 466860

Hm maybe he thought if he had a bunch of shirtless pics girls would be swiping right but actually maybe it was just off-putting but he's autistic so he didn't know. Now that women like him, he should be shirtless. Duh Luigi you need to start with your clothes on, then you can flash everyone your nipples.

No. 466861

This, pretty much. The infant descriptor just makes me think immature manchild and isn't attractive. I don't think I've ever seen a dating profile with that descriptor. What an autist.

No. 466862

I don’t think he was consciously doing so but most of his matches probably ended up being women from that same upper middle/lower upper socioeconomic bracket. Those girls are definitely gossiping with their friends but have too much self-preservation instinct and too much to lose to bother taking it online

No. 466865

But what did he mean by it?

No. 466869

Didn't some nona say that the yoga teacher he matched with was a single mom in her late 30s? Did he want an older woman to baby him? Awful if true.

No. 466870

>the infant descriptor in the bio really put me off.
what do you think he meant by that, anon?

No. 466874

I doubt it, he didn’t seem the type to want to be babied but rather mentored, and all of his ‘mentors’ were male. He seems too capable and opinionated to be baby. Hot that he is into older women; honestly his tastes seem broad I think he just wants wuv~ but probably ends up being pickier than he initially thought.

No. 466875

>awful if true.
Listen if he's hot and he'll chop wood, pull his weight around, and make me cum every night I'll be his feral mommy. But it's gonna cost him.

No. 466876

Why is anyone here surprised that a hot Italian man is a slut?

No. 466877

Yeah I could ‘mommy’ him aka be a tyrant and let him cry and vent to me and then spank him when he’s annoying me. Plus we know he is useful and can cook/buy dinner, drive, and let women slam him into brick walls. Maybe Gymigi was infant but Schizigi is slave.

No. 466878

Nonna are you autistic or just not familiar with dating apps? The implication is that he’s thinks it’s cute and cheeky to be a manbaby. In combination with his name and appearance I would assume he had the stereotypically Italian type of codependent, emotionally incestuous mommy issues since I grew up around a lot of moids like that. Could also be cougarbait like the other nonna said.

No. 466879

But he doesn’t act like a manbaby
Okay true

No. 466880

>Nonna are you autistic or just not familiar with dating apps?
I've used dating apps. Autism it is I suppose kek
Never seen a guy tag himself as an infant on tinder tbh

No. 466881

Maybe it's because I'm way older than Luigi and I used to despise younger guys but God damn I wanna dickslam him and lay him on my lap and spank him. I wanna make him eat my hairy pussy and thank me for cumming in his mouth.
Idk if I'd let him call me mommy coz that's kind of weird but idk man Luigi makes me act up.

No. 466883

This is what he needs especially as he schizomaxxed. He needs to eat pussy, get spanked, and absolutely annihilated by a woman.

No. 466884

Luigi was soooooo fucking stupid to look to moids as mentors. Those ugly retards are even more lost than he was. Luigi should have come here and asked us to roast his shirtless pictures and been bullied into posting nudes that would have been far more therapeutic for him.
Everyone with a functioning brain knows a man's purpose in life is to worship women and male enlightenment can only come in the form of respecting women.

No. 466886

Monkey’s paw, at some point he probably wished so hard for women to be pursuing him and craving to dominate him and now look where he is.

No. 466887

I need photos or Luigi looking up like how he'd look between my legs silently begging for praise.
For research purposes.

No. 466888

I need to climb a mountain than bans hot Italian schizos i cant get my mind of this stupid criminal whore.

No. 466889

I’ve never really been into being dominant with men but I’d love to tie up Luigi and edge him until he’s crying and begging for me to let him cum

No. 466890

File: 1736390212547.jpg (130.84 KB, 200x356, 154943701-b85c6ba058b452574336…)

kek i love u nonna

No. 466891

No. 466894

i want to look up at him not down.
I want to see his face tense with nerdy concentration and quiet determination as he finger-blasts me to orgasm.

No. 466896

File: 1736390643918.png (134.05 KB, 288x441, XL.png)

pic fucking dropped

No. 466917

I want the jury to nullify him and put him on house arrest for him to find this nightmare of a thread where horny nonas are ovulating to him and he jerks off to it.

No. 466918

I came to this website for radical feminism and shit and all I got was a reverse gangbang femdom fetish. Thanks guys.

No. 466920

If you were here long enough, you’d realize there is not one specific ideology nonnas follow. Be gone, newfag!

No. 466921

Wth I never saw this one its hot as fuck…what’s the context/story behind it?

No. 466924

This one is good, probably one of the best I’ve seen in the threads so far. It captures his features and personality really well

No. 466928

honestly, so fair. You can’t be human without having some negative qualities though, anons in mind kek

No. 466930

File: 1736393598627.jpeg (719.12 KB, 1189x995, IMG_7101.jpeg)

Anons don’t want to rape Luigi. They only want to blindfold him, make him pee his pants, inspect his feet, mindbreak him through endless cunnilingus, and warp his soul to be eternally submissive and receptive to the collective female conciousness through mindless femdom orgies. Where did you ever get the idea that woman want to rape Luigi??

No. 466935

God he's gonna give that exact broken smile after he's done getting gangbanged and milked dry by farmers. Do you think he as any idea that if he gets out he's just gonna go from moid government prison to privately nona owned and staffed Luigi maximum security prison?

No. 466937

Luigis broken but very real schizo smile after finding out about nonas>cog frat failson fake but handsome smile thinking the only girls who want him are cog women.

No. 466938

Is it bad that I wanna ask if hes scared in a letter? Like or can I ask if hes being treated well? I'm worried about him.

No. 466943

I'm not a wigiwife but I had a really intense sex dream about him a few nights ago. I'm kinda going through a fucked up time in my life right now, and although it wasn't the kind of comfort I needed, it wasn't wholly unappreciated either.

No. 466945

I came here to bully fat retard weeb women, being a newfag isnt something to brag about

No. 466947

It’s not weird at all but he probably answered those questions in the first confirmed response based on how that girl was tearing up over feeling reassured

No. 466948

God what if luigi is autistically organizing and meticulously responding to every single letter given to him by women?

No. 466949

Hate to break it to you all, but I’m pretty sure we’re going to fall in love someday. Maybe 10 years in the future, but it’s happening. Autismo will it, I have retard powers on my side.

No. 466952

nonas plz convince me to not write him
it feels so invasive but i get sad about him feeling bored and lonely

No. 466954

I wrote a draft but I'm so scared Luigi will write back to me and tell me to fuck off and die.
I am so used to this kind of rejection that I just assume anything I write will be grossly offensive in some way my autistic brain can't understand.

No. 466955

He is not lonely. He is Americans sweetheart. He is getting thousands of letters, a day, by very beautiful intelligent women. Yours will probably just be another in the bunch.

No. 466960

I just wanted to read about a special heavy set kawaii princess and now i am here obsessed with knowing the measurements of some Italian guys dick.
That sounds insanely in character for him, kek.
He's not lonely, it's federal prison so he will find like minded people just like him there.

No. 466965

I wanna hold his hand and talk to him for hours but since reading all his corny techbro takes I cannot imagine having hot sex with him at all, maybe he can just fingerbang me and go jack off in the corner as I fall asleep in the afterglow

No. 466977

File: 1736395658146.jpeg (94.27 KB, 720x1087, IMG_6740.jpeg)

Is La Croix good? Luigi might inspire me to start drinking it

No. 466980

>Is La Croix good?
Some flavors are better than others

No. 466981

File: 1736395829930.jpg (14.95 KB, 154x180, 5467897657.jpg)

it tastes like piss

No. 466984

my feelings are similar kek i’m terrified of rejection. i would love to have a conversation with him about some of his niche curiosities but i’m nowhere near as well-spoken as he is… he would probably think i have dumbbitchitis…

thank you for bringing me back to earth nona

la croix tastes like poison

No. 466986

>think I have dumbbitchitis
This is my fear. Ive had ivy league types treat me like absolute dog shit and it's painful.

No. 466991

he needs to accept and reply to women’s letters only and just reject all the moid letters cause those are useless

No. 466993

sensible considering all the moids in his life just let him down and told him he was dumb and retarded for having trauma.
I would fucking kill to have luigi traumadump on me and let his feelings out. I know that sounds lame but in this world filled with moids who would rather chimp out than talk about their feelings Luigi seems like such a novelty when he even brings up his generational trauma. That grifter faggot had luigi RIGHT THERE but because he has a stunted second X chromosome he couldn't go the distance. What an absolute failure of a human being and I guarantee that grifting scammer learned nothing from it.

No. 466996

KEK so true

No. 466997

10 years in the future i will be in my late 30s, it's not happening, kek.

No. 466998

It tastes like a vaguely fruity burp and has a strange metallic tang. Awful shit but everyone I’ve that grew up in Maryland is obsessed with sparkling water

No. 467001

File: 1736397046954.webp (32.26 KB, 640x640, all_ears.webp)

how intense we talking. also was he on top or bottom

No. 467010

File: 1736397864582.gif (76.06 KB, 220x116, disappointed-upset.gif)

i'm still foaming at the mouth about the one lucky person receiving a response from weegee i want him to respond to me too this isn't fair

No. 467011

10 years in the future weegee and I will be physically preserved, him from being locked away, me from basement dwelling. We will meet in the apocalyptic ruins of the US after he escapes from the nuclear wreckage of the prison he’s been locked away in. And I’ll be there. Ready and free, now that no governments exist. We will live the rest of our lives happy in Hawaii.

No. 467012

idk how many prisoners he interacts with. I heard he only gets out 1 hour a day.
I heard some prisoners can form close bonds. I know theres this one guy hes imprisoned with who was some scammer who he might get along with. I cannot see Luigi getting along with diddy.
I would cum if Luigi shanked the diddler.

No. 467018

Well it was vivid but surreal in the way that dreams tend to be. We were making out in the produce section of a dimly lit supermarket (no idea what led to this), and I reached down and unzipped his pants, got on my knees and I was just like, enthusiastically getting him off in the middle of this grocery aisle. Before I knew it he lifted me up and pulled off my pants and had me against the fruit stand, knocking over piles of apples as we went at it. Sorry this is so random, my dreams make no sense. I can't imagine it means anything other than that I'm horny lol.

No. 467020

File: 1736399599747.jpg (50.32 KB, 736x722, f1191dd0aa05fad4c33c92e23dbdb1…)

>tfw Luigi projected his horny into the subconsciousness of a non wife.
>tfw you will never knock over produce while luigi fucks you into a fruit stand

No. 467022

File: 1736399833479.png (98.36 KB, 989x849, Screenshot (3655).png)

weegee is out of solitary confinement

No. 467027

Our sweet boy will be making some friends soon

No. 467029

File: 1736400469609.png (980.42 KB, 1586x1591, crazy lady.png)

it could be weird because he doesn't know you but don't worry, there's always someone crazier, like this woman who has sent him over 9 letters, made a 40-page long one the other day, harasses the MDC staff and wants karen to print it and give it to him, kek


No. 467032

this is seriously unhinged, I get it that sometimes it can be like that in this thread but this is just next level wtf

No. 467035

i'm pretty sure it gets worse, but they kick her out of the servers for being too annoying. what we do is inoffensive as it stays here, but that is some schizophrenic shit

No. 467036

Weeg is sexy as fuck, and I’ve definitely hit up prisoners al la ash Trevino in a manic episode, but this is god level delusion. Only benefit is I KNOW it’s boosting his ego.

No. 467037

>5 pages
>40 pages
I literally only want to send him a single page and gave him room to respond with as few as two words. I wanna just wanna be helpful, introduce myself, and show some support. I wanna make it as non parasocial as possible even though I know I'm being parasocial.

All I want is for him to not to be mean to me (not being able to respond doesn't qualify as not being mean).

>hit up prisoners
Ive never written to one before. I have no idea if Im gonna be annoying. I'm trying to make sure not to come off as super needy or insecure and try to treat him like a human being but its so weird because he's REALLY famous.

No. 467038

if he got out of the shu on the 31st then that means the reports of diddy being jealous and throwing tantrums are true KEKKKKKK

No. 467041

I was nervous when I did it, it was during BLM protests and COVID so I was going nuts. But I just contacted some sexy guy in my area, spewed some intellectual bs (it was valid for me at the time) on why I wanted to talk to him and support him during a crazy time (BLM) and he responded. My only advice is, they are the ones with the secrets and need privacy, so no one in prison is going to really “let you in” especially not Weeg. But I do think it’s possible he will respond and appreciate conversation. He’s most likely responding to any and everyone he can out of boredom and need for connection. Just be real, honest, and show your support most importantly. He really does need the support, so I think letters would help.

No. 467046

File: 1736402257887.jpeg (23.03 KB, 275x207, IMG_9842.jpeg)

No. 467048

Samefagging to say, to any anons that want to write him letters; tell him current news, tell him what is going on in the rest of the world. The fires, the Tesla explosion, trump threatening other countries, all the anons here that love him, all the support on places like TikTok. That would be the best type of letter. I’m not sending one so get the info to him for me nonnas kek.

No. 467050

I am DYING to be a fly on a wall in that jail, not even just for the hopes of seeing Luigi jack off obviously, but i just want to witness how the other more notorious inmates interact with him. I am dying to know if he would talk to SBF, he seems like someone he'd feel comfortable talking to.
>POV of what an anti-luigi anon thinks this thread is.

No. 467051

Yeah I figured I wanted to not pressure him to talk about anything that would seem confidential since it would be a waste of time. Questions were things that I figured Luigi wouldn't be scared of the press knowing because they were so unimportant and not really super personal. Anything related to the murder of Brian Thomson was closed ended and not meant to be engaged with.

No. 467060

>’m nowhere near as well-spoken as he is… he would probably think i have dumbbitchitis…
He was very kind to Tracy who has proven herself to be a legit retard.

No. 467061

Im scared Luigi is gonna write back to the girl who sent him a 40 page manifesto. Luigi is turbo retarded and I don't think he understand that he shouldn't feed psychotic parasocial fans. If I got a letter like that I'd just pretend I didn't receive it. But I truly think Luigi is himbo enough to enable the psychosis.

No. 467062

File: 1736404772069.jpg (412.79 KB, 753x800, making a snail trail on weewee…)

No. 467063

>Anything related to the murder of Brian Thomson was closed ended and not meant to be engaged with.
If you wrote about that, he's not even getting your letter

No. 467064

kek fair point thanks nona

that shit is 100% getting thrown out by the guards, it won’t reach him

No. 467067

that one will definitely not get to him but the other nine could. i also believe he's retarded enough to reply back to one of her delusion-ridden letters and it'll make it worse. i feel second-hand embarrassment thinking about all the unhinged letters he'll have to read from mentally ill women who think they can save him

No. 467068

File: 1736405844270.jpg (103.27 KB, 747x662, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f…)

>i feel second-hand embarrassment thinking about all the unhinged letters he'll have to read from mentally ill women who think they can save him

Nona… I'm a mentally I'll woman. Sane enough to know I won't be able to save him from prison (unless I was able to get that golden ticket otherwise known as conjugal) But I just know my letter is fucking unhinged and no amount of editing will change that.

No. 467069

Unlike totally sane nonnas who know they can save him

No. 467071

I wanna be a fly to drink the piss off the rim of Luigis prison toilet

No. 467073

File: 1736406547648.jpg (343.11 KB, 1920x1080, Cow-Beauty-tatler-6oct17-rex_b…)

I think he will find your self-awareness and open mind refreshing anon. We stand with you and your picrel is breathtaking

No. 467074

will he write back if I tell him I developed a piss kink because of him?

No. 467075

No. 467076

File: 1736407109622.jpg (16.66 KB, 380x252, depositphotos_21676083-stock-p…)

No. 467078

>As for the day-to-day, Fong ticks off more time-killers than you might imagine. “There is a gym, board games, card games and ping-pong,” she said. “Inmates have access to tablets that are not connected to the internet. They can watch movies and play video games and listen to music. Apparently, there are books, but those are limited.”

if anyone was interested about the conditions of weegee’s new housing unit

No. 467079

File: 1736408534884.png (1.46 MB, 936x1036, Screen Shot 2025-01-09 at 08.4…)

I believe that what I've circled in red is the ridge of the head of his penis, which is usually much more prominent in circumcised guys (although I'm sure uncut guys can have it as well).

No. 467080

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you have self awareness though, and i'm mentally ill too kek just not sending him a 40 page letter and thinking i can free him type of mentally ill. there are people sending him multiple letters at a time to increase the possibilities of getting one back. i'd be creeped out if i were him, but he's a moid and probably loves the attention. the schizo woman thinks what she's doing is completely normal

No. 467081

Tch. Luigi really just needs to bite the bullet and flash his dick during his next court appearance. If his best bet is an insanity plea for a light sentence he should get a huge boner and rip off his pants and slap that succulent salsiccia right on the stand to assert dominance over the American judicial system. Then we can put this cut vs uncut argument to rest.

No. 467083

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It looks very hydrated and plump. Makes me think of picrel

No. 467085

Luigi x mark rosario

No. 467087

my favourite shift in the last couple of threads is that wigi is a complete retard and that we should treat him as such

No. 467092

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Was it a shift? I always knew Luigi, like all men, is a certified retard. Like what kind of fucking non-himbo puts a fucking shirtless picture of himself on his twitter banner next to an x ray of himself (aka literally a nude on steroids) and a fucking pokemon?
Luigi is a clear demonstration that academia in the modern era is the antitheists of genuine intelligence. He's just a nerdy, curious little tard boy and I will be his wrangler.

No. 467095

I would like for Wigi to present evidence about the claims in your picrel. Requesting for more explicit bulge shots at his next hearing, either with tightening his orange jumpsuit around the crotch area with the rape belt, or his lawyer makes him wear gray sweatpants

No. 467102

can we handwrite a letter or does it need to be printed?

No. 467115

I think writing it is fine? I went to check the wigi subreddit's letter instructions and it says
>All letters must be on white paper (notebook paper or lined paper is fine) with a white envelope.
They're going to give him a copied/print version of the letter
>No non-white envelopes or written paper, glitter, stickers, lipsticks, perfume, is stained or contains an oily substance be rejected in accordance with policy
Too bad nonas can't leave a lipstick kiss on the letter

I'm going to spend part of my workday re-reading these threads, I want to laugh and rejoice with nonnies on company dime since we don't have any new husbandogi material

No. 467125

moreso that we've been outright calling him a retard after more information came to light, but I 100% agree, he needs you to wrangle him and only make cute himbo mistakes that make him endearing

No. 467130

I want him so bad it hurts and I want those fuckers who received letters to share more information about its contents.

No. 467145

Nona if I receive a letter I will betray Luigi and show the whole fucking thing here.
Tbh as much as I love this moid I value weegeewives more

No. 467148

I don't even think he'd care, he probably expects his stuff to be leaked just like everything else already was. Make sure if he does respond to you, that you write 'lolcow' and the date somewhere on the page so we know it's yours and also maybe in case some lurkers want to repost it and pretend its theirs.

No. 467150

reporting back that the money i put in his books went through hopefully he is able to buy more stationary for letters

No. 467152

What do you mean by money in his books?

No. 467154

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His commissary account so he can spend it on food, clothes and other sundries

No. 467155

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Ngghhhhaaagggh Tell him to avoid the powder sports drinks! I heard they put hormones like estrogen in them to keep prisoners calm!

No. 467156

Oh okay I thought so, I hope he buys himself a bathrobe and somehow for some reason we get pics of him in it. Also I heard Diddy came out to say he isn’t jealous of Wigi, kek cope.

No. 467157

I hope diddy gets shanked in prison.

No. 467158

I don’t think he is the type.
I hope Luigi kicks his ass but we know Weewoo is being a good boy in prison right now

No. 467167

The TMZ doc is up on YouTube
>Luigi flew to Mumbai to meet the author of the Hit Reverse book in order to tell him how he could improve on the book.
>Became "obsessed" with another book called "Confessions of an Economic Hitman"
>Said he doesn't feel emotions like other people do.
>Was reflecting on how he hurt his gf's feelings, and how it didn't bother him at all.
Yeah I think this guy is an arrogant sperg. I still want to fuck him really bad, but I no longer think of him as some sweet angel, which is fine by me tbh

No. 467172

most of this was already debunked

No. 467175

Weren’t the latter said by a random high school acquaintance who cares

No. 467178

Prob because he though he was right it didn't bother him how she felt

No. 467179

I refuse to watch this unless it's a group watch.
>Doesn't "feel emotions" like his other cog in the machine prep school peers
Is this supposed to make me dislike him? Do they even bring up the fact that he volunteered at his families shitty nursing homes while in prep school?

No. 467181

It's so fucked up how they're talking about him as if he's convicted

No. 467182

How did he hurt his gfs feelings? What is the story behind that?

No. 467183

Do they actually have access to his diary?

No. 467184

It’s all third party info so it really means nothing unless it’s from Luigi or the gf in questions’ mouths directly or else I don’t really care. Plus people say they don’t care all the time.

No. 467186

>most of this was already debunked
debunked by who, exactly? by your parasocial delusions?
dont watch the doc if it counters your head canon. I posted it bec people were trying to find a way to watch it.

No. 467188

Most of the girls here wanted a group stream video where we could investigate it collectively in real time.

No. 467192

It’s all conjecture, if you believe a TMZ doc that’s on you

No. 467193

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it's been officially a month since he was caught while eating a hash brown

No. 467195

I'm moving to the timeline where he was caught eating my pussy in an Altoona McDonalds bathroom

No. 467196

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Guys I had a dream and weegee was in it last night…

No. 467197

the thumbnail always gets me, fagigi and schizigi with chiller font kek

No. 467199

I won’t pick it apart right now but this seems sensationalist and I wouldn’t trust it on the face of it if I were you. It seems like it’s to destroy his very real points and issues raised, by taking him at his darker moments and using that to try and smear his image bc they have nothing else they can use against him. It’s dirty

No. 467200

Gorgeous prince

No. 467201

read the tread, the author already said this is not true for example

No. 467203

>is there anything that stands out and makes the lights go off looking back?
>he had opinions about stuff and would let people know
Guys I am scared he sounds like a demon!!!

No. 467207

Not only is it dirty but it doesn't work. I refuse to engage with it because I got the original content of luigi in a blindfold looking submissive and breedable without giving tmz lizards engagement.

If they wanna paint Luigi as a bad boy that's fine. I know my pet himbo retard is mentally ill. Nothing that some basic bondage gear and a mouth full of my pussy can't fix

No. 467209

>what did he say about the shooting range?
>’that it was expensive’

No. 467214

I also want to let you know that the shit about him feeling emotionless doesn’t come directly from anyone’s mouth it’s presented as ‘someone said’

No. 467216

>Said he doesn't feel emotions like other people do.

Lots of people with depression say similar things. What are ‘other people’ in this context? Oh right, the emotionless sociopath fratboys and vsco girls he’s been surrounded by his entire life. He lived in a very materialistic and rich environment, where there’s not a lot of down to earth people. Are we sure we want to use his immediate environment for the standard of what is and isn’t normal? Dumbass

>Was reflecting on how he hurt his gf's feelings, and how it didn't bother him at all.


No. 467217

We don’t even know who said this about him so it could all be made up as far as legitimately anyone knows

No. 467219

See >>465818
Also believing every random's word without enough context is just as dumb as believing that twitter user who claimed to make out with him or that random article about the fake black boyfriends

No. 467221

its funny how not even the clout chaser krauts could call him arrogant

No. 467223

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Case update: a formal arraignment has been set for the charges he faces in Pennsylvania for January 24th. He’s might appear via Zoom since he’s in federal custody, but things might change so take it with a grain of salt.

really hope we get to see him

No. 467224

Okay now this is epic
It didn’t come from a random person, the tmz documentary narrator just goes ‘someone said such and such’ he could’ve fabricated it himself if he wanted to.

No. 467225

exactly, that part is relatable if anything

No. 467226

It’s relatable and also not said by any sources. The doc failed and is a massive nothingburger.

No. 467245

Good lord, how embarrassing

No. 467246

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In case anyone is wondering, the book is Dune.

No. 467247

I wonder if it’s his or Fatsey’s book

No. 467249

Why does he have his socks on the nightstand

No. 467250

Why not? Let him air out his massive boats.

No. 467257

could they be coom socks?

No. 467258

There's a box of tissue too. Imagine him cooming in that bed.

No. 467260

No no no no no! You don't keep your socks near/on your bed? Those tissues are for blowing his massive nose, plus he is Italian so his nose probably gets greasy so he has tissues on hand to wipe the grease. He is not cumming in a sock, he's too clean for that. He just cums in his hand and eats it.

No. 467261

I'm sending out smoke signals hoping that ficnonnies from the earlier threads bless us with their presence again

No. 467262

That sounds gay. My headcanon is that he probably needed all that tissue and the socks because he produces huge loads of cum. He needed the combination of socks and tissue to keep things under control.

No. 467263

A man eating his own cum isn’t gay it’s smart not to waste the yang energies.

No. 467264

Contemplate the aroma.

No. 467265

i think he nuts into the toilet and/or shower drain. he is hyper-obsessed with efficiency after all.
or he eats it which is arguably peak efficiency.

No. 467268

He eats it and he will eat female cum too, in order to absorb yin. Maybe. He definitely knew about Taoism at least vaguely, which prioritized female orgasms and semen retention.

No. 467271

When reading this someone running around screamed you're gay!
So confirmed as gay

No. 467272

Someone calling you gay while you’re browsing LC has nothing to do with Luigi

No. 467273

it's synchronicity and this stranger spoke on the phone

No. 467275

The stranger could tell you’re a homosexual. I am going to forcefully feed Wigi his own cum. It is probably better for him than the prison food unless he can buy nuggies with his commissary.

No. 467277

They are doing it then specifically to dodge the LC group ovulation that will make Luigi horny.

I feel like we won't be able to see it. What do u think the chances are that we might see luigis face before febuary?

No. 467278

>ywn force Luigi to recycle his alfredo sauce in a special chris chan style la Croix cocktail.

It's all so tiresome.

No. 467279

So is this cum eating thing similar to when rabbits eat their own poop? Is he a bunnygi?

No. 467280

Nonnies all I'm saying is that as a moid you don't get washboard abs without the end goal being to goon all over them

No. 467281

Tptb are afraid of the horny waves this group ovulation would send across the cosmos and the astral plane. At that moment Weegee is too powerful and might be able to break out and fly away

No. 467282

I don’t think we will see it either but hopefully we can know how it went, maybe he will sperg again but I doubt it. They are really afraid of our energies causing him to glow at the camera it’s pathetic.
Okay true he definitely cums all over his sexy stomach, and thankfully his bellybutton is too tiny for any to get stuck in it

No. 467285

I want to be watch weegee undress, take a shower and touch himself ughhhh can’t take this anymore I need to see him

No. 467288

Imagine being in the shower with him and watching the water fall down his huge back. And then he washes your hair for you and makes sure no shampoo gets in your eyes. Then he turns around to wash his foreskin and you take a peek and he gets so embarrassed he pees a little but you can’t tell because of the shower water dripping down his cock. Also his massive feet make splashing sounds whenever he takes a step. And his big nose has cute water droplets right off the tip.

No. 467292

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I'm Italian-American, Luigi. Come to me, let us create a new Roman Empire together.

(Normally I would never be part of a poly situation but all of the nonas here are welcome to join. I'm okay with sharing for the greater good.)

No. 467296

Old-timey Luigi.

No. 467301

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No. 467302

God I love his jaw. I want to bite his neck

No. 467304

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No. 467305

Im gonna be so fucking pissed if I don't see la wee wee on the 26th I need new footage and I want to see him on zoom making schizo/horny faces trying to look normal but Luigi is retarded and insane

No. 467306

Same, he has a very erotic throat.
He tries to eye fuck the cameras but it’s one camera so it’s less subtle and he’s just biting his lip like a slut and giving sexy sidelong glances at nothing, and he is still chained up for some reason despite being remote.

No. 467308

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Anyone else seeing Luigi in their dreams or is it just me??? I had a dream last night where I was at an informal barbecue event outside. As I was making conversation, weegee came up from behind me, leaned over me, and wrapped his arms around my neck (in a caring, masculine way) while smiling really wide. It was like he was acknowledging I was his, and he was mine. My hand came up and held onto his muscular arm and I remember feeling very safe and secure in his arms. It wasn’t raunchy or over sexual but I enjoyed it a lot!!

No. 467310

His energies touch us all.

No. 467311

You're definitely not the only one! Other nonnies have had visions and him visiting their dreams as well. I haven't been so lucky yet, trying to patiently bide my time until he chooses me
Your dream sounded lovely, nonny

No. 467313

kek it reminds me of those people who write dramatic, "vaguebooking" social media posts and when people ask what happened they say "I don't want to/can't talk about it…"
Annoying as fuck.

No. 467314

The energy is random, he cannot choose. It’s like kamma: he releases his horny energies and it is randomly accepted or rather intercepted by those most readily available at the time. He will learn this once he reads that Buddhism book.

No. 467315

Hopefully during the group ovulation ceremony he'll be able to send out more potent energies that penetrate various nonas' psyche

No. 467316

More likely we psychically torture him into a ten hour long jerk off session that he cannot control and the next time we see him he is in a straitjacket as a result.

No. 467318

Not directly, though I did have a dream I was an intern for Karen and caught occasional glimpses of him here and there. I blushed every time kek

No. 467319

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nonas collectively psychically edging luigi on his zoom call….

No. 467325

I need to see him on that zoom call sitting cutely.

No. 467326

Something that intense would leave his Italian sausage callused and looking like The Thing from Fantastic Four. It seems too cruel for our Wiwi and also for us to ruin our groin area eyecandy

No. 467328

do you want luigi to look even more unhinged in his next appearance? Like he's finally coming to terms with the very real possibility that he might never be free/might be euthanized for the crime of being kicking the oligarchs ego in the nuts?
Like, bags under his eyes, pallor complexion and a smile even more broken than last time?

No. 467330

Well it wouldn’t happen on purpose.
No I want him to be cutesy and eye fucking the camera but looking only a little depressed and tired too.

No. 467333

I think there should be a constitutional amendment that if an attractive person who is not an overt misogynist kills an ugly moid that no one likes and is responsible for killing thousands of hard working Americans every year it should be legal.

No. 467334

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Luigi on zoom trying to be depressed about potentially being locked up for life but can't stop thinking about how many girls are masturbating to him.

No. 467335

The punishment should be a sexy mock execution and maybe some light public whipping as well

No. 467337

Sorry but this made me burst out laughing

No. 467338

The punishment should be getting bred with horny women until death

No. 467340

After the mock execution and light whipping, sure

No. 467343

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I’ve had this idea in my head that maybe we can manifest something good for Luigi through the supernatural powers of the female orgasm. Ideally you’d have a dozen remote weegee-wives start to jack off at the same time all at once, with the image of Luigi in their minds eye (or freeing him or w/e) and set a group intention of protection around him. I just realized that the zoom meeting might be perfect for this ritual, because we will all have access to his image and energy and can concentrate intensely on him while we work our magic. Even if we can’t free him, that many woman working all at once with him in mind, should be enough to penetrate the fabric of time and space and give us a link to his energy so he can also feel us.

No. 467345

will we be able to watch the hearing? what is the URL?

No. 467351

Sounds like a plan, the 26th is a Sunday so we should all have enough free time to masturbate.