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No. 456930
Letter writing edition.
Previous Threads:
>>450007 >>451665 >>453384>>455202 No. 456941
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>>456734>>456745>>456746>>456747>>456748>>456754>>456755Knowing he was an SSC-er/rationalist makes me so suspicious of him. He was a fan of Sam Harris, the new atheist IQ pseudoscience loving faggot. It makes me conflicted.
No. 456943
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>>456937Thanks for being chill about our Luigi autism. He's the closest thing we have to an irl anime husband. Unlike celebrimoids Luigi has actually done something incredibly based while being pure sex at the same time.
Those fucking spaghetti bitches really are built different.
>t. Has never ever ever ever liked a 3D moid before ever. No. 456948
>>456943ive literally NEVER cared about a 3d/celeb/notable person in my entire life until luigi. i think its because hes not only handsome, but represents something meaningful in this horrible country that literally would not give a fuck if you died tomorrow of some serious illness/disease bc you cant afford healthcare and dont want to go thousands of dollars in debt
i hate this goddamn country
No. 456949
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>>456901remember he hasn't actually read it yet (it was on the "want to read" section) so if nonnas need more ideas on what to send you know what to do kek. there's also more listed here No. 456953
>>456745Idk I don't think Luigi was a nazi sympathizer. I know plenty of people who read/own mein kamf and fucking hate nazis and think they are faggots, and reading mein kamf only helped solidify their belief on Hitler being a whiny asshole.
Also I heard Luigi didn't even have the book on his goodreads and that was just a 4 chan psyop.
No. 456961
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new weegee pic unlocked with his hippie commune friends
No. 456963
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anyone have the google drive links to his notes on the bottom of this screenshot?
No. 456964
>>456962I was kind of like that in my mid 20s. I think the self help shit was because of his mental struggles. Keep in mind these are "want to read" It seemed like Luigi actually read a lot of books. Including my favorite: Brave New World.
Maybe I'll work up the courage and ask him about the book in a letter.
I wish the prison would release what books he has. I wouldn't want to send him his 56th copy of brave new world.
No. 456970
>>456959Yeah… It's kind of like when people are like "Oh well he liked Tucker Carlson!" but then you realize he's actually just saying Tucker Carlson is right that modern architecture is ugly and oppressive looking. It's like okay I agree with that too, broken clock being right twice a day and all.
Besides, if he's really a conservacuck I'm sure he can be corrected after a few hours in the pit of nonas.
No. 456971
>>456965Ayrt, I honestly find that very sexy. I always cringed every time I tried to read a self help book. I am beyond help kek
>>456966That’s what I was thinking. I’m sure he’d appreciate a little escapism.
No. 456973
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>>456968>ywn binge the Jackass series with LuigiWhat even live
No. 456976
>>456948>I hate this goddamn country.I hate that Luigi makes me want to like it. Like he's the hope in this Pandora's box of hypercapitalist apathetic shithole.
But then I go back to hating America when the man who brought people together is being abused.
I also get really bent out of shape when evil scrotoids tell me they hope he dies in the electric chair. No. 456977
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>>456963The google drive notes is a scan of his notebook.
But it's literally just notes he took on the book, so it's all about nutrition and working out.
No. 456981
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>>456977why is his handwriting so tiny kek
No. 456982
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Do any of you nonnies have drawing ideas for him? I currently have nothing right now.
No. 456983
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>>456980Luigi is the opposite of this list lmao
No. 456988
>>456969Andrew witty is the wicked witch of the west, Brian Thomson is the wicked witch of the east (I killed him with my house for luigi so he wouldn't have to be locked up.)
Who is the good witch, and who is everyone else?
No. 456989
>>456982>ideasrenaissance style portrait
or something french revolution related
No. 456994
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Your honor Luigi can't be prosecuted the law doesn't apply to cat boys
No. 456997
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posting this head because it made me kek
No. 457000
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>>456982>Do any of you nonnies have drawing ideas for him? I currently have nothing right now.Can you draw Luigi with a pose/composition similar to this but he's browsing LC?
No. 457001
>>456997this is crazy to me. im trying to wrap my head around how much coverage luigi is getting outside of the US
like is it jsut because of the internet or does their media report on this stuff abroad? do ppl outside the US even know about the healthcare situation we have
No. 457002
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>>456995most birdwatchers are 50+ year old men tho
No. 457004
>>457002Maybe I’ll start dating again when I’m 50 then kek.
>>457001>do ppl outside the US even know about the healthcare situation we haveI think they know it sucks but not the dirty details.
No. 457006
>>456949Don't sent him something like that where he won't be able to interact with women, just rude.
>>456962>>456965Eh it's not uncommon, I mostly don't read novels either. There are more than enough interesting non fiction books to read. I could share a list of things I have read that he me might like that you might want to send if nonnies want ideas.
No. 457008
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>>457000I wonder what his reaction would be to these threads though.
No. 457010
>>457008I feel preemptive second hand embarrassment thinking about that.
At best he might find it funny. From what little we can glean from his social media presence and the endorsement of others I kind of feel like he'd be . . . disappointed.
No. 457012
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>>456982How about Luigi living up to his username and twerking
No. 457014
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kek we need to reform him
No. 457017
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>>457010He will love this when he sees it nona, don't kid yourself. He already is (see thread pic)
No. 457026
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>familial networth 10 billion
How can you still be such a hideous shill? Why are you even a shill at that point
No. 457027
>>457023Its fake he's using this one fake ass photo of some luigi lookalike jerking off and trying to pass it off as real.
I'm not saying Luigi couldn't find Ariana hot but idk he doesn't come off as a celebrity stan…. Maybe when he was super young???
No. 457031
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>>457024That would be a very big wave but what is coming will be a tsunami. Be patient and enjoy a refreshing lacroix beverage, anon
No. 457032
>>456962>>456971he has harry potter on the list so there's that
>>457027maybe it's because she's italian like him. besides simply finding her attractive isn't the same as full on stanning, there's tons of men who aren't into pop in the slightest but make similar offhand comments
No. 457034
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Guys, I just realized something. There's no privacy in prison. Our boy is going to have to shit and piss and shower in front of horny guards
No. 457037
>>457034Is he gonna be by himself or have a cell mate?
I figure hes so high profile he'll be alone
No. 457039
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>>457037Even if he is alone, guards will be watching him. Female guards are allowed in men's prison btw. So it's totally plausible some lady will get to look at his naked bod every day.
No. 457042
Aside from Diddy MDC Brooklyn also has Sam Bankman Fried…do nonas think him and weegee would be friends or nah
>>457037supposedly he'll be in a special 15 person custody unit (where Diddy and SBF are). I have no idea how the unit is set up though
No. 457044
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>>457034he's in solitary confinement at the MDC and he's allowed out for one hour a day, but it really depends. it's rumoured that they'll send him to the same unit diddy and SBF are staying at, so he'll be floormates with them. i read that the floor has holes that allow them to see and talk to the women on the floor below. let me in No. 457048
>>457042I feel like Luigi wont like Diddy because he's a disgusting rapist pig but he might get along with SBF.
Imagine if Luigi killed the Diddler.
No. 457054
i was thinking of sending him a collection of works of a poet from my country (translated in english of course) along with another book i thought he would be interested in
No. 457082
love the background music
No. 457086
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>>457044Man, they’re putting him in solitary confinement because everyone loves him too much
No. 457089
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I am so depressed, it's so sad he has to strip down almost fully naked just to shit and piss. I hope he doesn't have any roommates, I don't want losers laughing about how he'll probably be getting raped. I hope he gets to comingle with some people, though… but not Diddy. Fuck that.
I wonder if he got to read any of the letters he was sent? Or are they being withheld?
No. 457095
>>456968What's wrong with Wigi liking Steve-O? That's another quite normie opinion to have, although it's mostly millennials who love Steve-O and not so much zoomers, although every zoomer I know who has watched Jackass likes Steve-O. The addictive personality comment sucks though, what do you mean by this, Schizowee?
>>457014Clearly fake, can you people stop falling for this shit
>>456982>sitting in his cell all thoughtful and anime>trying to jerk himself off but his handcuffs tied to his slavebelt are in the way>Getting half an hour of 'puter time and reading LC and either getting horny/distressed>An imagining of him in his sweater during the hearing that we never got to see>POV of him about to eat pussy>Wigi as Jesus holding a lamb but he's holding a nonna>>456973He is so rapeable here
>>457034Is this how they look? This tracks with the dream I had. What a fucking low ass toilet. Imagine his knees reaching his fucking forehead squatting on that thing.
No. 457099
>>456515>>456517i have pretty much the same timeline
>left surfbreak in june 2022 and told them he’d go to the east coast to see a doctor>went back in october 2022 and rented a 2 bed 2 bath apartment, no one knows if he was living by himself. (some sources say he rented there from october 2022 until august 2024, but records show he moved in february 2024 so what’s up with that)>back surgery in july 2023>spoke for the last time with martin in august 2023, after he texted him to ask about the surgery and luigi sent him the x-rays, told him they should catch up, blah blah it ended up in nothing. >luigi called him a couple weeks, maybe a month later but he didn’t answer>was cited in november 2023 for trespassing a closed area in hawaii and paid a $100 fine>reads ted’s manifesto in january 2024 (i believe he tried to read it in 2022, but got around to it in january), spends february in japan and posted on reddit back in april that he had visited various countries during the past two months>may 2024, last time he was active on goodreads >july 2024, last time he spoke with his mom and last time he was active on twitter (taking into account the deleted tweets)>november 2024, mom fills a missing person report in san francisco after not talking to him for months, even though he didn’t live there and had stopped working for truecar over a year ago.>arrives in new york on a greyhound bus from atlanta (did he get on in atlanta or was it just where the bus was coming from?) on november 24th and stays at the hostel until december 4th (the date and location for the investor conference wasn’t publicly announced until nov 26th so i'll charge it to the social engineering he mentioned)>kills the fatso, allegedly>5 days on the runwhat was he up to from july until november? was he unemployed and spending all his savings? where was he? he didn't talk to anyone? not even a stranger has said yeah i recognize him i saw him at wawa or i don't know, trader joe's last week, what the fuck. i also believe that he was pulling away from people gradually and i'd like to know if he was living under his mark rosario identity or just luigi
>>456829nonny the beauty marks omg so perfect
>>456977him taking notes for the books he reads is very endearing
>>457081i want to know sooooooo bad you have no idea. i've looked everywhere but i can't find shit. i found his soundcloud account and he liked two electro? edm? songs 12 years ago kek. if someone writes him a letter PLEASE ASK HIM
No. 457103
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>>457099I am going to ask him his fave music, I am sure others will too. I'm still thinking Tangerine Dream kek. This whole debacle has been causing me poor sleep. I keep waking up because I am so cold, and my heart cries out for Luigi to give me warmth, and for me to warm him, as I'm afraid he's cold in there…
I do hope we get an explanation for the gap of time, I also need to know whether or not his back still hurts. Picrel made me kek but cry. Also, can anyone brief us what's going on Monday and why we might see him? Is he being moved to another detention center? Is he having a hearing?
No. 457108
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>>457107Maybe in my letter I will subtly flirtatiously guess he likes Tangerine Dream and Kraftwerk. The letter I'll likely never send… no, I've already smuggled stamps and an envelope in my drawer, it must be so…~ I wonder how many of the letters he's been sent/received (do we know if this verbiage refers to receive via his hands or to the center?) were given to him to read
No. 457110
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Are you allowed to send nudes to prisoners? What about letters smeared with juice from your coochie?
No. 457112
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>>457110Unironically no, no pussy juice, because the centers take scans of the letters you send before sending them, so they are never getting the original.
Can us letter nonnas all send our letters at roughly the same time? I think it'd be interesting, and we could see about receiving any letters back, hopefully around the same timeframe as well. I wonder where prison-letter anon went, who said that she's sent letters to prisoners before and that hers will be the best. Do you think she sent hers already?
No. 457115
>>457114Almost definitely living as Mark Rosario. I want to know where exactly he was, you'd think the media would reveal this information as they revealed everything else, but maybe they are still putting the pieces together themselves. Does Wigi even remember?
Also, just food for thought… what if Schizigi's mental breakdown made him super horny and slutty
No. 457122
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it has officially been a year since he last logged in on…
No. 457126
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>tfw hes a reader
>tfw his reading is completely different from yours
The whole thing with being the only one in the bookclub who finished the book also happened to me
No. 457132
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>>457129Must the addresses on the letter be written with pen or does that not matter, I am so nervous they'll find any reason to put it through the shredder
No. 457141
>>457088it's apparently real in prison culture.
the message is he's being looked after by clout holding prisoners (get him cleaned up and give pep talk) and correctional officers (allowing this to happen)
No. 457151
>>457148I think his lawyer is trying to fight against this but it's not going to work. I don't know if the terrorism charges are even going to be dropped.
>>457149Yeah and I don't trust a Twitter post about a TikTok post about that TikTokkers mom and dad who were prisoners and herself who was also a prisoner, and from someone who doesn't even know what a taper fade is and that Luigi had no contact with the other prisoners.
>>457150Telling him to send some cum down the hole and collecting it in a little chalice
No. 457153
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>>457127yayy!!!! just sent him the book. im happy. hope that it reaches him and he reads it
No. 457154
>>457143It’s very likely the lawyer had him cleaned up. They will also do the same for female prisoners, often putting make up on them, etc. they want them to look presentable in court and human for the public.
>>457151There was a story recently about how a male prisoner was sending his goop to a female prisoner through the vents or some shit and she turkey-basted that stuff and got pregnant with his kid. I didn’t read too much into it but people were saying it was probably a guard but supposedly a DNA test was done? Idk how credible all that is but if there’s a will, there’s a way.
No. 457156
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We need to gatekeep Luigi from fags. Also on Twitter there are several weird Luigi fan accounts including a teenager just pretending to be him. Males cannot into revolutionism
No. 457161
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>>456987do any of you nonnies know how to write a letter without sounding autistic or schizo?
No. 457163
>>457161I prob sound autistic in mine but not schizo also I LIKE THIS ART A LOT
Are you thinking of drafting a letter? Just go for it. It'd be so cool to share our potential responses with each other, though something tells me he won't be having the time to respond to letters… but I wanna send one asap, hard decisions to make right now
No. 457164
>>457161so cute
(i don't want to ask too much but please make the hair curlier and he'll be literally perfect)
No. 457165
>>457162I might give a drawing to him so maybe I'll stand out I hope. Fingers crossed.
>>457164Will do in the other drawings. I just suck at drawing curly short hair.
No. 457169
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How did his hair get so uncoiled in this?
No. 457172
>>457168I think it has to be hand-written but don't quote me on this
>>457169It was very windy that night
No. 457187
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I hope whatever feds are hacking my laptop whenever I am on this thread (every fucking time my screen will go black for 1 milisecond when I am browsing this specific thread) are very embarrassed that they are spending time spying on me posting about Wigi moans. Yeah feds fuck you, this is what you want to watch all day? Imagine Luigi moaning, panting, and squirming. Imagine his massive cock pulsating. Fuck you feds
No. 457188
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He’s got that thousand yard stare
No. 457189
>>457188So cute, I wonder what he's thinking about. Probably how cold and sad he is.
>>457186Probably so pathetic, shy, and basic. He'd feel awkward doing it and try not to laugh.
No. 457190
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how to find a luigi irl
No. 457192
nonnie it'd be majestic to hear. For sure he'd feel awkward and shy but that's part of the appeal. Him flustered, what a dream my god
No. 457194
>>457192Oh yeah I definitely agree it'd be majestic. Imagine him going quiet for a few seconds and you can tell he's thinking of what to say.
>>457191Yeah but it was a few days after the fact… but still. His eyes ever since we've seen him after the event have been full of pain, fear, sadness.
>>457190You don't, I genuinely don't think it's possible. All the stupid anons saying he's average/below average and their nigels look hotter are coping.
No. 457195
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>>457188If he only himbo weegee knew at the time of this picture that McDonald’s would be his downfall in the future
No. 457196
>>457189i'd give anything to hear him chuckle awkwardly and get all red and flustered..
>>457191>>457194he probably feels so awful about having done it despite seemingly planning it for so long
>>457190i can't stop thinking about this. there will never be a real life man like squeegee..
No. 457204
>>457176omg pent up weewee releasing a ramblefap………………… all sweaty and horny on his bunk bed
No. 457215
>>457212I dont have a PO box so I guess the feds are gonna camp out my real home
>>457214He seemed confident to you people? He looked tired and nervous to me but I hope he and his lawyer have a plan. I feel like they do
No. 457218
>>457212>are you guys putting your real home address or do you have PO box or something?You must put your full name and your home address.
They won't give him the letter otherwise.
No. 457219
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God, I hope they don't show my autistic letter on the news.
No. 457226
>>457219>>457220Kek oh god i would either double down or kill myself
>>457221He can, we don’t know the odds though. I am thinking slim odds right now but I want to send it so badly, and soon. And what do you mean, what if? Then you have a special keepsake
No. 457232
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>>457190>>457193>>457194>>457196>>457198The children yearn for dime-a-dozen Penn fratboy failsons. Literally come to Philadelphia and set your dating app's age range to 18-24.
No. 457234
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I'm looking up guides on how to play chess through the mail. I'm going to try and initiate a game with him.
Doesn't matter that I suck ass at chess because evidently he's trash at chess also kek
No. 457236
>>457232Kek there’s a metric assload of slightly above average height sorta Jewish looking moids with the same exact vaguely critical edgy worldviews and questionable taste in reading material, right down to the smattering of “deep” children’s lit quotes and following a niche cult leader wannabe Substack writer. They’re all incredibly eye roll inducing theorycucks with surface level takes, and Luigi was too, until he pulled the
trigger, which is the only thing that makes him as this type of moid desirable. Also makes him off limits for at least the next 20 years probably.
No. 457238
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was about to google luigi mangione piss stain until i remembered some nona posted the photo in a previous thread so thank you
No. 457240
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I’m so upset, I can be doing okay one moment and then I think of him and how he’s not in my life and how his life is at risk. He legitimately ruined men for me, I can think of other guys like sure that guys cute…but he’s just not him and I do believe guys especially other Italian men would try to copy him but it would never work. He’s like rare gemstone hidden in a mountain no animal can reach.
No. 457243
>>457230Kek welcome to the party
>>457232As a phillynonna you are lying
>>457236And they are all hideous, 5’4” and fat gtfo
No. 457253
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cute quote from one of his book reviews
No. 457258
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>>457253samefag the rest of the review where he references Bill Cosby
No. 457260
>>457253Hes so me lmaoooo
>one day youll meet someone and be on a date and yada yada Is this the average zoomer experience why has this happened to me word for word, we belong with each other I am going to remain alone forever because my soulmate is in jail for the crime of being based
>>457251It would be so out of touch to mention it honestly
No. 457265
>>457243As a Pennonna I speak the truth.
>>457236You get it.
No. 457271
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>>457269From what I understand, extremely pathetic. Though I don't understand very much about fraternity politics and things like that, as I'm too old, the majority of politicking and spats go on at private (to non-university affiliates) forums.
C.f. posts made by the campus satire publication when the news came out about the UHC shooter's identity.
No. 457284
>>457271This tracks with the eventual social isolation thing, he was probably like friendly but obviously nerdy to interact with rather than like significantly charismatic or funny. Someone that you would assume had an active social life but not someone that people really seek out or remember past like “oh yeah solid dude”.
also tracks with the asian preference thing but we don’t need to go into that again He had the look and general background to land at least a middling frat
No. 457301
>>457253What the hell? Why do I get the feeling that Luigi loved his mom but probably found her infuriating to deal with?
TBH I think he found his whole family infuriating.
No. 457302
>>457253The reason you're supposed to cut meat with your right hand is because it's your dominant hand (for most) so it's more dexterous and is stronger.
You want your "better" hand to be operating the sharp instrument.
I wonder what he would've said if momigi had explained this to him properly
No. 457308
Even though Luigi definitely was a particularly cute fratboy, what makes me particularly interested in him is him taking matters into his own hands instead of just living that cringe ass lifestyle like the cog in the machine he was programmed to be.
It's not that he killed so much as he rebelled and sent a message.
I think Luigi might have kind of a weird ego or something, he really should have been able to get away with his crime. He had been missing for a while, all he had to do was travel out of country and just laid low like he had between july and december
Still love him tho.
No. 457311
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No. 457312
File: 1734909459838.jpeg (82.35 KB, 389x650, cool chad.jpeg)

>>457310Okay nonnieee…. I just hope he responds to me.
>>457311Anyone saying this is a dime a dozen moid is a liar. Find me a moid who has good eyebrows, good eyes,
and a good smile, all on one face. Then make him fit, 5'10'' or taller, and read books. Then give him a bad back and the mystique of potentially being a virgin. I bet you can't.
No. 457317
File: 1734909730186.jpeg (767.26 KB, 1125x990, IMG_3713.jpeg)

stirring in my loins
No. 457318
File: 1734909779780.png (66.43 KB, 907x287, clip.png) this fag wrote another article based off his correspondence with Luigi. I would take a lot of it with a grain of salt since he's been obviously trying to capitalize on this. I think the most interesting thing is how it does point to Luigi having difficulties and possibility trauma with his family though due to his apparent interest in the topic.
No. 457321
>>457318>I can't elaborateThen kill yourself.
>Pseudoscientific misinterpretation of epigenetics popular with activist-academicsOr his opinion, faggot.
>>457320Post proof
No. 457324
File: 1734910095402.png (817.09 KB, 836x1135, Screenshot 2024-12-22 172057.p…)

I hope he manages to get my letter and respond to it even though it's probably extremely autistic. I should've waited until after Christmas to send it though.
No. 457326
>>457318If I had to guess I'd say him mom's fucked up back and her literally screaming in bed from her pain affected im deeply.
And not just in a "my poor mommy" kind of way. Having sick and/or disabled parents can fuck you up.
No. 457327
File: 1734910223901.png (59.23 KB, 420x420, noFilter.png)

>>457317he is the roblox handsome man face come to life
No. 457329
>>457324Oooh he's looking moody in this one~
>>457326Was that proven to be a real thing he wrote? I guess it kind of tracks with his writing style.
No. 457333
File: 1734910821372.jpeg (309.62 KB, 1280x1706, pee pee prince.jpeg)

>>457331Leave her alone
>Stands in front of you like this No. 457346
>>457308>I think Luigi might have kind of a weird ego or something, he really should have been able to get away with his crime.I half agree? On one hand, he was basically a sitting duck in that McDonald’s and he’s definitely smart enough to know that. He could’ve driven down to Mexico and lived fine in one of those small border towns, people there would’ve been sympathetic, are used to turning a blind eye and they hate the feds regardless. But maybe he’s one of those people who plan really well and he just didn’t expect to be able to get away for that long, plus the lack of sleep and adrenaline made him irrational and the wheels fell off.
If he got caught on purpose I would’ve expected more of a statement from him, but there’s been nothing since the “insult to the american people” bit, which honestly did more to for the patsy conspiracies than anything else. I guess we’ll see
No. 457352
File: 1734911894204.png (69.44 KB, 304x161, 348953-0944.png)

I wish we had more fanart that is masc and represents what he looks like (brooding and scruffy) and what he did (murder).
People keep drawing him like a kpop pussy faggot no fank yew
No. 457357
>>457354>guy who nobody fucking likes and should be castrated and beat up gets internet?Bullshit.
Luigi should get internet but he's only allowed to post here.
No. 457364
File: 1734912443546.png (320.05 KB, 529x357, 384509444.png)

kek they fucked up the quote
No. 457369
all i want for christmas nonnas
No. 457370
>>457364They should've just got 286 tattood on them holy shit
>>457362Pretty sure you can use Amazon, someone can correct me though
>>457363Poor little baby, does he have a father? No one has ever answered. Wigi needs an older Italian-American man to be his mentor/employer. Every Italian-American without an older, sweaty male as a guide gets depressed, I swear.
No. 457374
File: 1734913010822.png (496.92 KB, 634x465, 92972873-14175083-Luigi_is_pic…)

>>457370His dad is Louis Mangione and owns a lot of real estate and nursing homes. Rich families can be very dysfunctional so I imagine Luigi might not have a good relationship with him.
No. 457382
>>457114>>457116i pondered the possibility of him going from motel to motel during the blackout, but now that you bring up the 3d printer, it's completely out of the picture. if he was really renting in hawaii until august, he still wouldn't have been able to travel with the 3d printed gun, right? maybe someone really did help him, or he rented a small apartment in the mainland as mark rosario but how? paying a lump sum?
>>457115i want to believe, but then i get jealous at the thought of schizigi being slutty.
it should've been meeeeeeeeeeee. last time he talked to a friend in late april, he was in japan and mentioned climbing a mountain in japan that women weren't allowed to climb, that it was peak misogyny and he needed to stop getting distracted by women
>>457117i would buy them.
>>457122he was so bad at chess, it's cute kek. he mentioned playing with his roommate daily, but ended up quitting because he couldn't remember any moves even if his friend used the same against him every single time. brain fog king, he just needed some adderall
>>457156the most weird, perverse, degenerate thirst tweets i've seen about him have ALL been from weird fag moids, it's not a coincidence. i just hate them
>>457188that photo of him was taken by a cop's body camera, no? he looks so sad, i want to give him a hug. i read that the person who noticed him thought luigi overheard him say that he looked like the shooter and was very surprised that he stayed until the cops arrived, so he wanted to get caught or realized that running was futile. do you think he weighed the consequences properly? maybe he did, and that's why he started his letter addressing the feds.
maybe his plan all along was killing the fat moid and then killing himself in the altoona hotel to go out with a bang, but because they didn't have clean rooms available, he waited at the mcdonalds because manic brain doesn't think rationally and got caught. ugh
nonny i feel so sad for him and the situation that he's in. fuck alvin bragg's fat ass
>>457239i did a little digging a couple days ago, and one of his friends mentioned that he left truecar in early 2023 because it was "mind-numbingly boring", so that would make him unemployed for over a year
No. 457385
>>457380That's not a 'barrel-chest' you don't want him to be barrel-chested.
>>457381He needs both, because who the Hell is gonna teach him to cook for his nonna?!
>>457382You don't understand, him being Schizigi made him slutty but he wasn't distracting himself with sex. Now that he knows millions of women want him, he's going to eye-fuck the camera sometimes for us, and masturbate in his jail cell as he keeps getting bombarded with horny-waves from literally all corners of the globe. Also where did you read about the mountain and about the chess?
No. 457399
File: 1734913873992.png (971.44 KB, 978x1229, 1734910326830.png)

They're making fun of us at
I found this image over there
No. 457404
File: 1734914042645.png (58.1 KB, 926x362, cute.png)

>>457318of course he liked rfk jr
>>457352looks like a more attractive del water gap
>>457399all those trannies must die
No. 457410
>>457399I swear to fucking god this is an alternate version of the SAME fucking image.
This screams male brained troon.
No. 457412
File: 1734914595894.jpg (36.52 KB, 712x712, 1734317946703001.jpg)

>>456930>you preach misandry but you're attracted to a man, hah checkmate lolcow users!Of course CC users can't conceptualize that you can disrespect a sex all while objectifying and being sexually attracted to it, the same way moids have to us since forever.
No. 457413
>>457404I like that he prefers Huxley to Orwell.
Im tired of the 1984 shit. Its a lame fucking book, animal farm is better than 1984.
Brave New World feels more timeless and realistic.
No. 457415
>>457384Kek I am a stemfag, I think the more ambitious bro-y types in the field love a bit of philosophy and pop psych, as like an extension of wanting to optimize everything and to reinforce their delusions that they’ve been chosen by some sort of like technocratic meritocracy when really they just live in a bubble. Luigi has obviously set himself apart but I kinda wonder if he’d met the older male mentor that he wanted so bad who was a similar type of enlightened tech bro maybe they'd have gone to burning man and done a heroic dose of lsd and he wouldn’t be in jail?
You’re definitely right that he wasn’t really interested in tech though, so I guess he wouldn’t have in opened up to someone like that in the first place. It’s weird that his main (only?) internship was at firaxis games, which makes the civ series, implies he was so checked out he didn’t bother to apply for anything until last minute and or shit grades
No. 457417
File: 1734915022985.png (77.09 KB, 300x296, tttyrtytyr.png)

>>457412I was only driven to misandry because I want men to behave like decent human beings.
The fact of the matter is, Luigi is a diamond in the rough. It has nothing to do with him killing, but more to do with the fact that Luigi is a rare man who doesn't seem like he wants to enslave women.
They'd probably also think I was a hypocrite because I think Carl Jung had some based takes on women and called his wife his queen
No. 457418
>>457391Damn you really caught me, I only have sisters lol. I’d like to think we’d make the same effort if there was a brother in the mix…Poor weeg though,
>>457388 sounds like there was a big age gap so they probably found him annoying in their last years in the house and then he was alone with their parents for all of his formative teen years.
No. 457420
>>457396I told you guys his horniness peaked the more his mental instability peaked. And the mountain peak. Etcetera.
>>457399The cope
>>457413Brave New World is also more accurate to our current world
No. 457423
File: 1734916097880.png (137.1 KB, 376x523, Nekojiru Udon Volume 2_082.png)

>>457422literally jsut thinking about mailing the letter tomorrow is driving me absolutely crazy. i didnt even write anythign particularly unhinged. i just wanna correspond with him so badly and talk about books and know whats on his mind
No. 457436
File: 1734917001663.png (275.99 KB, 1496x1214, Screen Shot 2024-12-22 at 5.22…)

its wild to think how much support he has among ppl in healthcare
No. 457441
File: 1734917649923.jpg (154.54 KB, 1800x1197, zoomer Christ.jpg)

>>457440Who is they? He's effortlessly Jesus
No. 457446
Nonas, I heard that letters sent to prisoners need to be written in black ink, idk how true that is but it's something to keep in mind
>>457095>POV of him about to eat pussythis this this this this this this this this this. with his honker grazing the pussy too
No. 457452
File: 1734919005770.mp4 (8.03 MB, 576x1024, 1870675982727700624.mp4)

No. 457454
File: 1734919309225.png (922.58 KB, 797x900, TP0rSGa.png)

anything to divide and conquer. i hope more people realize how idpol is diverting us from the class warfare going on. they want us to fight amongst eachother so badly
No. 457455
>>457453why are you sperging about this?
who even writes in pencil?
No. 457456
File: 1734919379133.jpg (85.79 KB, 1280x963, Apparition of Luigi Christ to …)

No. 457460
>>457404Lmao RFK is a fucking nutjob but yeah at least he would be schizo about roundup and artificial dyes that are banned in europe. The vaccine shit is completely retarded though.
I wonder what Weewee thinks about Sanders?
No. 457467
File: 1734919845920.png (2.37 MB, 1184x1202, 98698978734354.png)

>>457454Luigi is the great unifier and this scares the mainstream media.
Good work wee wee. You're fucking the whole system up with just one dead golem and 3 words on some bullet casings.
No. 457474
>>457470also trying to gaslight anyone into believing the media's coverage of Luigi has been "empathetic" it most certainly hasn't been.
He's a champion of the people, not journoscum
No. 457477
>>457404>>457396Holy shit I skimmed through this british faggots writings just now. Luigi definitely needs female correction if he's willing to pay this pseud loser who loves to huff his own farts.
The NPC article was particularly grating "y-y-you're a robot if you follow the news and have an opinion about current events!!" Like holy fucking shit shut the fuck up.
That 200 dollars would have been better spent on Luigi going on a date with manifesto chan or literally any half decent farmer here.
No. 457481
>>457480He's a zoomer moid with daddy issues and no girl to wrangle him. He's not perfect. Hell, even I've spent money to talk to internet people before (of course this was a female fitness instructor, not some grifter).
No one here is saying he's perfect, but he was 100% worthy of being fixed, even if that fixing is through rape correction.
No. 457487
>>457284oh this hurts
>>457309I can buy that he was possibly unhappy and feeling unfulfilled
>>457312>>457320You don't know how bad things really are, most men don't have that many good qualities
No. 457493
>>457485I will interrogate him and ask him what he meant by that. I feel like maybe he's distracted by women because he's a dumb scrote filled with test and he wants sex but his back is shit
but also a frontpole calling out misogyny is kind of based so I could be overthinking things because of e-moid induced trauma.
I'm sure luigi would crumble before me if I step on his back screws until he pisses himself.
No. 457495
>>457387>>457370>>457336I don't know why people think this is so weird or are holding it against him. Have you never gone to a therapist and paid out of pocket? It's expensive. He may as well have been using this guy in that capacity or so he thought, and if he was paying $200 a month to that guy's substack that's about what he would have paid for 1-2 sessions of therapy with a licensed practitioner. We don't know if he had insurance but I don't think he did and he might have felt too self conscious (or deluded) to seek out a therapist/psychiatrist. It's like people spending money on 'psychics' or tarot card readers, they're like therapists but with better availability and usually cheaper too.
>>457396a mountain that women can't climb
is peak misogyny, actually. What's up with that? I couldn't get that page to load, is it a 'sacred' mountain or did some women fall trying to scale it?
No. 457500
>>457492I wouldn't put it past him to be sexist but that particular comment
does sound like a joke.
>>457481I actually think that really would have helped. He must have been very awkward with women if he was single if he didn't want to be.
>>457452This is pretty good but it sounds like AI, sad
No. 457502
>>457495> is it a 'sacred' mountain or did some women fall trying to scale it?Some classic east asian misogyny I promise you.
They let women scale mount Everest and other such similar mountains all the time. Japanese are massive faggots about disrespecting women. That's why the second women could legally say no to those micropenised rape apes, their population dropped like a fucking rock.
No. 457504
>>457427This should be a serious concern and I'm sure his lawyers have warned him about it. If he was smart I'm sure he will feel self conscious about replying back to anyone. I like this idea
>>457234, mail chess is fairly low stakes communication. Perhaps he will be interested in other correspondence games as well now maybe it would be better to attempt something like correspondence chess or sending him books to establish rapport
No. 457508
File: 1734925101618.png (202.04 KB, 658x768, Screenshot 2024-12-22 213535.p…)

>>456974I didn't realize we had his email address!
No. 457509
File: 1734925218403.png (127.75 KB, 1336x712, Screenshot 2024-12-22 213940.p…)

>>457508Samefag, his pinterest. Let me know if this stuff has already been posted
No. 457512
File: 1734925740971.png (112.5 KB, 1506x913, Screenshot 2024-12-22 214207.p…)

>>457509Last quizzes he played on sporcle. I checked it out and the "best score" he got on the most recent one means this is the question he failed
What is the most common hydrogen isotope?
a) Deuterium b) Protium c) Hydrogen-4 d) Tritium?
No. 457515
File: 1734926926963.jpeg (945.95 KB, 1284x2286, IMG_9291.jpeg)

This stuff + his social media…the way weegee presents his ideas really makes him sound like an only child sometimes
No. 457516
File: 1734926945863.png (341.92 KB, 871x698, Screenshot 2024-12-22 220643.p…)

I need him so bad.
No. 457519
File: 1734927635611.jpg (177.81 KB, 735x883, 866876876.jpg)

>>457511Yeah thats the worst part of it all. I wonder if this was an issue due to over socialization with other scrots. Think about it; he went to an all boys high school. Basically inescapable, non stop locker room talk. Disgusting.
Luigi should have been the only male in an all girls school. It would have fixed him and instead of killing brian thomson with a ghost gun he could have girl bended mr thomson into being mauled to death by a hoard of feral nonas
No. 457528
File: 1734929480932.jpeg (84.45 KB, 489x807, IMG_3643.jpeg)

goodnight to my sweet italian prince hopefully we see you tomorrow for your state court arraignment
No. 457529
File: 1734929658841.jpg (1.64 MB, 1277x2199, 5a187d8477.jpg)

i'm slapping that can outta his hand and diving in face first
No. 457531
>>457529Im conflicted.
Part of me wants to slut shame him, another part of me is worried hes a minor in this picture. If he's underaged he shouldn't be posing so lewdly
No. 457534
>>457532What a whore.
He needs to go to a womans prison and get rape correction for being slutty like this.
No. 457536
>>457533I think young weewee liked tech. I think he liked AI shit until he realized how fucked it really is. Especially when United used it to fuck over the grandmas.
Also his desk job probably made him want to die.
No. 457548
File: 1734931324457.jpeg (53.67 KB, 495x504, GfaF8VeXIAAcO_D.jpeg)

No. 457552
File: 1734931575154.jpeg (105.02 KB, 720x899, GfaF8VgWsAA7EGo.jpeg)

Luigi Long Toes
No. 457553
>>457552Was this on his dating profile?
How many messages did he get?
No. 457555
>>457548i wonder what his shoe size is
his feet look gigantic
No. 457556
>>457555i'm sure it can be calculated relative to the can in the picture
i wish we could calculate his dick size too
No. 457557
File: 1734932220324.jpeg (121.39 KB, 828x939, Gfanz5sW8AAmAca.jpeg)

No. 457568
File: 1734932942833.gif (658.43 KB, 220x123, rabid.gif)

>>457548ugh he looks perfect, i love his broad shoulders
No. 457569
File: 1734933016608.jpg (52.69 KB, 580x365, 1000019994.jpg)

>>457566they're real (forgot which photo these were from tho)
No. 457570
File: 1734933149352.png (1.62 MB, 1264x1188, 1734918104344448.png)

No. 457573
File: 1734933567363.png (238.87 KB, 974x674, 99385.png)

which one do we think is more accurate? i'm leaning towards 140lbs but i don't know shit about moid weight and what's normal
No. 457577
File: 1734934607947.webp (119.58 KB, 951x753, brand-new-pics-of-luigi-v0-lg7…)

>tfw you'll never be able to carry Luigi
No. 457578
File: 1734935308159.jpg (627.1 KB, 2160x1543, fxpuq84s9h6e1.jpg)

No. 457583
File: 1734936192867.jpg (50.32 KB, 736x722, f1191dd0aa05fad4c33c92e23dbdb1…)

>>457577>tfw I will never have luigis bulge pressed against my backWhy even live
No. 457587
File: 1734936642662.png (115.08 KB, 245x258, 29083094283.png)

>>457585>170 when he was a gymbroYou haven't ever seen a gymbro irl and it shows.
Not that you're missing anything, they're insufferable.
To say that he was "160 or 170" looking like picrel is just idiotic. He was at least 190 there probably around 200.
No. 457588
File: 1734936659963.png (1.6 MB, 2616x1130, how is that even possible.png)

shocked that theres no other posts about this but theres already a hulu documentary about Luigi? at first i thought that the could maybe be a patsy and that was the extent of it being an inside job but this whole media circus about him and there already being movies about his life within less than 20 days after the assassination has even occurred is making me have thoughts. how is this even possible?
No. 457593
File: 1734937195221.png (161.37 KB, 569x406, 2892930.png)

well I'm not going to bother arguing this you nonnies are entitled to your wrong opinions kek
if you dont know any men irl you can just google his height and various weights for reference
No. 457606
File: 1734943737270.webp (61.68 KB, 766x768, jkdfnfdf.webp)

No. 457608
File: 1734943815080.webp (74.46 KB, 720x720, dkfndfn.webp)

No. 457609
File: 1734945527698.jpg (638.8 KB, 960x640, brutal mog.jpg)

No. 457610
File: 1734945596717.png (2.25 MB, 928x1522, hnnng.png)

No. 457620
File: 1734957408569.jpeg (22.64 KB, 330x332, foot anatomy.jpeg)

I hope you foot fans know picrel
No. 457622
File: 1734958557204.jpg (104.88 KB, 656x919, ggfgfg.JPG)

No. 457624
>>457548You and Luigi are on your honeymoon in the Italian countryside.
The sun is beating down.
He is laying on his back on the soft grass completely naked with his legs open.
He is tired after a long hike and his back is sore.
You can't resist you need his cock in your mouth.
You have never given a blow job before, the thought always disgusted you but now…..
You put the whole of his Italian sausage in your mouth start bobbing slowly for a few minutes… Just licking it sometimes … Just blowing on the top… edging the top with your breath…. tickling his balls.
He is groaning so loudly and moving his hips.
You are holding on to his hips, he is going crazy.
For nearly half an hour this happens he is moaning so much he is hitting the ground and nearly crying.
Just before he blows his load you release him and watch as his jizz blows up like a tower.
No. 457640
File: 1734964021830.png (1.18 MB, 1282x730, aaaaaaaaaaaa.png)

No. 457643
File: 1734964132718.png (1.52 MB, 1334x750, IMG_8552.png)

Same im wet
No. 457644
File: 1734964137434.png (1.8 MB, 1920x1080, hjdjfjhdjfjkd.png)

No. 457647
File: 1734964168621.png (1.15 MB, 1334x750, IMG_8550.png)

The chains are sooo sexy but such overkill, also he was smiling a little (albeit in a schizo way ngl)
No. 457648
File: 1734964197493.png (1.14 MB, 1334x750, IMG_8548.png)

Chained sex slave
No. 457649
File: 1734964269715.png (1.05 MB, 1334x750, IMG_8554.png)

No. 457656
File: 1734964668321.mp4 (4.08 MB, 828x458, ssstwitter.com_1734964571732.m…)

i'm horny
No. 457669
File: 1734965781262.mp4 (4.89 MB, 848x464, 115522.mp4)

>>457662he looks hotter im like a feral animal right now
No. 457670
File: 1734965817833.jpeg (60.75 KB, 992x558, IMG_3714.jpeg)

No. 457678
File: 1734966043879.jpeg (83.42 KB, 800x533, IMG_3715.jpeg)

he’s getting skinnier im worried for him, he’s probably extremely anxious and exhausted
No. 457681
File: 1734966190934.png (1.14 MB, 1240x700, 6749.png)

No. 457683
File: 1734966273819.gif (765.22 KB, 640x343, tumblr_4fd1f49ee59894b359d6b6f…)

oh it's over he already left
No. 457685
File: 1734966636242.jpg (2.7 MB, 3072x2048, luigi-mangione-4-rt-gmh-241223…)

>>457684crazy schizo sex with luigi is exactly what i need. it would cure me from all pain
No. 457686
>>457684Seeing him restrained both today and in the previous perp walk has solidified for me that I might be a femdomfag. Need to visit that thread for inspo. Insert Kylie Jenner realizing things gif here
Thank you Wigi
No. 457687
File: 1734966724543.jpg (736.73 KB, 2667x3999, GffeRnhXMAA4-It.jpg)

No. 457690
File: 1734966948200.jpeg (555.26 KB, 2668x4000, IMG_9586.jpeg)

beauty mark
No. 457696
File: 1734967355972.jpg (184.12 KB, 1246x1246, 20241223_162217.jpg)

No. 457697
>>457678fingers in my coochie NOW
>>457681imagine being his lawyer and getting to have private unsupervised visits with him…
>>457687>>457690he looks so proud and unbothered, never let them get you down king!!!
No. 457698
File: 1734967393517.jpg (117.08 KB, 975x975, 20241223_162252.jpg)

No. 457699
File: 1734967415420.jpg (195.2 KB, 2048x1366, 20241223_162255.jpg)

No. 457700
File: 1734967430348.jpg (56.44 KB, 1179x687, GffjgdqW8AAL24C.jpg)

>>457689i agree,
nonny. i feel so alive kek i haven’t had a crush like this since i was maybe 14
No. 457703
>>457702Deep autism
>>457700His lawyer has a crush on him so bad
No. 457704
File: 1734968208420.jpg (59.21 KB, 1024x683, AP24358532962637.jpg)

i curse watermarks
No. 457705
File: 1734968278662.png (767.22 KB, 694x920, prettyface.png)

No. 457708
File: 1734968547424.jpg (139.3 KB, 634x423, 93429577-14221693-image-a-51_1…)

apparently there were 24 women inside supporting him. soooo mad that should've been me, for the thousandth time
No. 457711
File: 1734968752095.gif (4.66 MB, 500x593, 92e56c8998d42137a89f097r.gif)

>>457646NONNY God I'd kill 1000 ceos just to have him touch my hair fuuccckk>>457647>>457648>>457690I can see his pecs begging for release even in this sweater
No. 457713
File: 1734968820816.jpg (333.55 KB, 2048x1365, GfflQQ_WoAA2CcY.jpg)

No. 457714
File: 1734968892839.jpg (80.05 KB, 1080x667, 1000019576.jpg)

No. 457716
File: 1734968963198.png (1.65 MB, 1080x1114, 1000019577.png)

Dear God help us all
No. 457720
>>457714i wonder what he's smiling about.
is it the thought of so many people supporting his cause?
No. 457724
File: 1734969422366.jpg (88.82 KB, 1080x688, 1000019583.jpg)

"a nonny wants to pull on my shackles while she tells me to piss myself again"
No. 457725
>>457708I need him I wish he could love me
>>457714Uhhh is he okay
No. 457727
File: 1734969524405.mp4 (1.14 MB, 1280x720, 1000019585.mp4)

No. 457731
>>457727very nice voice, we need more
No. 457736
>>457301>>457302big religious Italian family, they probably did not use much logical reasoning when explaining things to him growing up. which is incredibly infuriating if you're a smart kid who just wants to learn the Why to understand the world. But sometimes those questions are treated as defiance for some reason.
Yeah if his parents explained things more logically, he probably would have felt better connected to his family.
No. 457737
File: 1734970463316.jpg (374.68 KB, 1358x2037, gettyimages-2190604224-2048x20…)

pretty hands. i'll push his cuticles back
No. 457742
>>457656why does he look like half annoyed half like he's feeling himself for the ladies on camera?
Does he know we're watching?
No. 457746
File: 1734970862429.jpg (55.51 KB, 1152x648, DC.JPG)

>>457714>tyrone biggums air freshener(?)>deadpool>HIS BEAUTIFUL FUCKING TEETH AND SMILEhow is this photo real?
No. 457748
No. 457753
File: 1734971364744.jpg (287.78 KB, 2048x1365, gettyimages-2190596669-2048x20…)

No. 457756
File: 1734971571339.jpeg (375.75 KB, 1026x669, IMG_3717.jpeg)

love that he’s giving us a show
No. 457761
File: 1734971762671.jpg (577.52 KB, 2457x1567, 3000-cqYTWdG2ZD.jpg)

No. 457764
File: 1734971881525.jpg (610.31 KB, 2457x1567, 3000-9akdhZC27p.jpg)

okay but this one…
No. 457765
File: 1734971928646.png (497.57 KB, 670x700, 1733946538736.png)

>>457762he doesn't look schizo but cheesed to meet you
No. 457766
>>457741They either have to push for a mistrial, or they actually go through with it and somehow successfully defend a Not Guilty plea. There are secret third & fourth options (jury annulment, or they inexplicably drop the charges and let him walk [least likely]) but I'd wager that
nobody on the prosecuting side wants this to actually go all the way to trial. They'll bombard him with plea deals, and when that doesn't work, they'll try to fake his suicide. And when
that doesn't work, they'll have to gather
12 oblivious strangers for the jury, then make sure none of them are told to Google "jury annulment" before walking into the courthouse. It's gonna be a fucking mess! What a chad move from Luigi, as always!!
No. 457768
File: 1734972181070.jpg (472.14 KB, 2457x1566, 3000-f6IQKPgldx.jpg)

he knows he's fine as fuck
No. 457779
File: 1734972480214.jpg (57.4 KB, 736x711, 1699514558300.jpg)

>>457769Can someone shop him into this pic? I feel like he and Jodi would be the ultimate power couple.
No. 457787
File: 1734972791109.jpg (657.39 KB, 2457x1567, 3000-0tPXF5VaTh.jpg)

closed eyes. i found a page to get getty images in high quality without logo so we're finally going to eat good No. 457790
>>457690He looks so sad and sleep deprived. I’m sure those prison beds are horrible on his back.
No. 457791
>>457784Thrilled it's taking off kek… I saw
>>457714 and my memory spit out
>>457732 faster than I could say Not Guilty
>>457787The red sweater has to be a deliberate choice kek. Look CEOs, he's just like you! He's wearing red, see? Like a republican! O-or like the blood of the working class as you trample them underfoot, right?
No. 457799
File: 1734973449693.jpg (895.89 KB, 1639x2385, 3000-REjKeA309G.jpg)

No. 457803
>>457716imagine being his lawyer
omg we need a luigi x lawyer fanfic…
No. 457805
File: 1734973622637.png (978.45 KB, 1024x1365, 1733980008782.png)

he has convinced me to pick up studying italian
No. 457816
File: 1734974424303.jpg (593.63 KB, 2457x1566, 3000-WZgaMSJr49.jpg)

he's size 12
>>457799samefag, he looks like an angel in this photo
No. 457825
>>457656>>457649>>457640>>457643>>457647>>457678what the fuck. what the fuck. i just fell to my knees. nonnas i love him i'm going insane. god save me
>>457696>>457708>>457716he's so breathtakingly beautiful oh my days
>>457719she's telling him about all the tiktok edits he's gotten i bet
No. 457829
File: 1734975176477.jpg (866.52 KB, 2457x1567, 3000-hk0mTzNGI2.jpg)

this is ridiculous. he looks better in these photos than in the ones his friends took of him
>>457824i love this song
No. 457831
It's so frustrating that the only horny content of him is drawings, ai porn, and fanfics. I don't like any of those. We need a soundalike to make femdom audios. Or we need to clone him so we can each have one.
>>457799>>457816Another visionary idea: Can we organize a crowdfund to bribe his lawyer to make him wear glasses next? I've heard of lawyers telling their clients to throw on a pair in court because it makes them look more trustworthy.
No. 457833
File: 1734975380432.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1061x1391, IMG_9298.jpeg)

No. 457835
fallen to my knees, only nonnas are worthy of such a beautiful man mogging all these moods
>>457829sleepy king
>>457799holy fuck i'm going to print this and frame it
>>457761beautiful side profile only a good can have
>>457737nooo wigis been biting his nails :(
>>457724when he sees nonnas letters calling him a sissy piss bitch
>>457714my fav photo, beautiful schizo king
(emoji) No. 457838
File: 1734975621833.jpeg (332.8 KB, 2048x1552, GfdCvDTWYAAuOYS.jpeg)

Everything reminds me of him
No. 457839
File: 1734975771199.gif (127.52 KB, 500x375, giphy-146511041.gif)

>>457834That's actually a flat pool in the middle. Luigi thought it would be funny if he stood in front of me after whispering he was going to whack my pussy and tonguing my ear
No. 457841
File: 1734975812378.jpg (757.63 KB, 2457x1567, 3000-3HLIk6oeMz.jpg)

very serious
No. 457844
>>457833Fuck I need him I need those lips
No. 457847
File: 1734976442537.gif (908.84 KB, 640x360, 09809.gif)

>>457841>ywn ride that nose to orgasm>ywn his eyebrows tickling your butthole>ywm his stubble softly scratching against ur outer labiai want off this gay earth
No. 457848
File: 1734976475433.jpg (588.93 KB, 2457x1567, 3000-qsnmFVjXEv.jpg)

why live if you can't bite his neck
No. 457853
File: 1734977005026.jpeg (50.81 KB, 736x711, night out with weegee and jodi…)

No. 457863
File: 1734977873653.jpg (797.65 KB, 2457x1566, 3000-AymKZ3wolW.jpg)

still bitter that we don't have photos of his first court appearance, but whatever. there were no family members in the courtroom (again), did he care? maybe not, after all he went awol on everyone
>>457842it's so obvious kek he definitely put on a show and for that, i'm grateful
nonny. allegedly killing that moid made him physically hotter somehow
No. 457864
No. 457867
>>457860Do we know it was forced? I can see it
>>457863Are they getting ready to chain him up again
No. 457870
>>457861I’m 10 years older than him and I wrote him a letter and will be sending him books and I feel weird about it kek
Idk how men can confidently go after women significantly younger than them without feeling weird about it. I can’t even write a letter without feeling like a gross pervert.
No. 457873
>>457864Someone gif this now
He clearly knows women are wet over him. I need him. Also WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS EYE
No. 457875
>>457863That balding pig sniffing my mans hair GET THE FUCK OUT YOU ARE RUINING THE PICTURE.
Luigi really needs to be surrounded by female cops
I feel like luigis family is not so good and tried to push him to be someone he's not, but idk. I also feel bad for them.
No. 457887
>>457870I'm also 10 years older than him.
Luigi would be perfect as a cougars pet imo. He's built for it.
I low key ship him with Thomson's wife. She deserves it after having to deal with that uggo pig absentee 'husband'
No. 457902
>>457900you can barely even see him tho
and jodi and britney look like conjoined twins.
it's too much. he looks better shooped into the iconic one imo
No. 457905
File: 1734979281342.png (567.13 KB, 571x678, Capture d'écran 2024-12-23 194…)

>>457901imagine luigi cursing you in italian while you edge him into desperation and you slap his face as a punishment leaving him looking like picrel
No. 457906
>>457888Poor baby
>>457903True, hmm… he is schizomaxxing
No. 457908
File: 1734979419343.png (62 KB, 1012x344, Screenshot 2024-12-23 at 1.43.…)

>>457869Bubble Pop Electric was RIGHT there, nona
No. 457910
File: 1734979585979.jpg (562.6 KB, 2457x1566, 3000-HesqLB4STz.jpg)

almost the same as others, but this time looking down
No. 457915
File: 1734979709412.gif (8.71 MB, 520x293, 68092576dd5e471a8fb51d2112e335…)

No. 457918
File: 1734979790644.gif (11.71 MB, 520x293, a373224f489745c881e1d412cd7601…)

No. 457927
>>457915He knows he is sexy
>>457918Sex toy
No. 457932
File: 1734981438864.jpeg (966.01 KB, 2034x2048, IMG_9604.jpeg)

No. 457933
File: 1734981449997.png (1.25 MB, 1170x656, twimming.png)

>>457829The way they’re twinning? so cute for real
No. 457935
>>457930He is such a little troll kek
No. 457937
>>457930brat king
ill give him something to blow on
No. 457947
>>457931thank you
nonnie! i tried, photoshop isn’t my best skill kek
No. 457950
File: 1734982627923.png (6.51 KB, 393x55, so it is written.png)

both of my husbandos have their birthday on the same day kekkkk
No. 457951
File: 1734982655418.gif (2.31 MB, 400x252, spread.gif)

>>457932Hand signal received, ready for docking
No. 457954
>>457953standard procedure
you always plead not guilty at first
No. 457973
File: 1734984102450.png (226.66 KB, 581x594, 4555454656465464.png)

>>457971>"What do you plead Mr. Mangione?">"MMMNNGHHHH PLEASE!"Disgusting. All of you are fucking pigs.
No. 457976
File: 1734984222017.jpeg (40.3 KB, 626x680, Ge9tv_5W0AAZ2Js.jpeg)

>>457864I was so afraid we wouldn't get any new footage and pics, i am glad he seems in high spirits lmao. I find his smugness adorable.
>>457933kek, i wonder if this was her idea. I love her for this. I'd love her even more if she can get him a good deal at the very least.
>>457889>picrel No. 457978
File: 1734984428236.jpeg (485.75 KB, 1284x1742, IMG_9309.jpeg)

In higher quality this time I wanna frame it
No. 457989
>>457988idk like even if he actually did it and isn't totally framed the fact of the matter is he basically turned himself in which is a huge slap in the face to law enforcement.
He could have dumped all the evidence and gone to mexico and no one would have ever caught him.
It's insane.
No. 457999
File: 1734986483450.jpeg (469.3 KB, 1284x1354, IMG_9310.jpeg)

How is this not illegal
No. 458001
>>458000Love your work but he is a lil wide here
>>457999This is evil, justice is dead
No. 458003
>>457999either they remove that bitch
ground for eventual appeal hopefully
No. 458008
>>457889even his fingers are perfectly sculptured and sexy
>>457903i agree
nonnie. i need him to be the pathetic emotionally constipated virgin giving $200 to some grifter on the internet in hopes of having a friendship with him, but i am in full support of his cocky schizo era too. i like how he's not letting any of the attempts at humiliating him get to him at all. maybe all the nonnas horny-channeling him have helped…
>>457915>>457918he's such a show off.
>>457978he's so beautiful it's not okay.. god i wish i were his lawyer. how does he just get more and more beautiful everytime we see him
>>457999god the system is truly a joke
No. 458026
File: 1734989286242.gif (3.87 MB, 576x491, cutie.gif)

it should have been me
No. 458032
File: 1734989761138.webp (86.33 KB, 500x708, iceberg-chart-of-the-case-as-o…)

wtf which one of you posted this to Reddit?
>LC weegee wives
No. 458044
File: 1734990541067.jpg (404.65 KB, 1080x1162, 1000063100.jpg)

my fav schizo theory
No. 458045
>>458032Not familiar with all of this. Best Buy visit? Ken Klippenstein? Drone park footage?
And IMO Tracy shouldn’t be there she seems like a fairly normal, if cringe, person and invitations to pry further than she has volunteered should be discouraged.
No. 458061
File: 1734991443230.jpeg (231.41 KB, 2048x1365, IMG_8601.jpeg)

Holding in the pee
No. 458062
File: 1734991464176.jpeg (38.77 KB, 612x408, IMG_8598.jpeg)

No. 458063
File: 1734991494221.jpeg (46.48 KB, 612x408, IMG_8597.jpeg)

Pouty boy
No. 458064
File: 1734991518401.jpeg (43.87 KB, 612x408, IMG_8599.jpeg)

No. 458070
File: 1734991712877.jpeg (319.99 KB, 2048x1366, IMG_8600.jpeg)

So why did they use an actual comical chain and not the belt
No. 458079
File: 1734992158664.gif (587.04 KB, 500x333, 12284376_ec164.gif)

my king
No. 458084
File: 1734992364776.jpg (432.85 KB, 453x812, 1733958259543.jpg)

>>458068this or the piss stain one are about to become my phone wallpaper
No. 458092
File: 1734992836033.gif (586.31 KB, 382x500, baby.gif)

No. 458110
>>458103>Apparently those aren’t acceptedObviously sexually explict/nude pics aren't accepted.
Cute sexy pics are fine.
No. 458115
File: 1734994566722.jpg (54.4 KB, 960x959, 1733976142878.jpg)

if being on your period and horny for luigi was a crime…
No. 458116
>>458114ngl I don’t think the level of discourse is much higher here lol
>>458103Are books with pictures accepted at all? If you sent him a book of wildlife photography would that be accepted or not?
No. 458123
>>458092Sooooo beautiful. I want to watch him lather soap all over his body. I'm tingling.
>>458091>>458114Let's not forget Doja
(probably still does) lurked here:
>>>/snow/1658262>>>/snow/1658267>>>/snow/1658116I wouldn't doubt others we wouldn't even expect have browsed.
No. 458126
File: 1734995374781.jpeg (93.54 KB, 1280x720, IMG_6985.jpeg)

Is it just me or is he hotter when he’s in distress/looks like he’s been crying? I want to batter him so badly. Not enough to maim, but to make him tear up
No. 458128
File: 1734995477068.gif (2.29 MB, 390x220, IMG_3722.gif)

his lawyer showing all the horny posts in this thread
No. 458137
File: 1734996490251.gif (18.08 MB, 480x480, 1000019610.gif)

No. 458140
File: 1734996823366.jpg (48.3 KB, 1179x886, GeYrWBwb0AA5EZ2.jpg)

>>457495>>457396It was a joke at the situation. He didn't cared the women were prevented from climbing.
>>457500He's hot and did good. Ok, but he is still an average misogynist scrot.
(hide the thread) No. 458143
File: 1734996887553.jpg (23.94 KB, 1080x1080, 469731879_18469228036044465_66…)

>>458140A racial fetishist too, btw.
(hide the thread instead of trying to bait infights) No. 458145
File: 1734997178833.gif (204.3 KB, 500x500, shigg.gif)

>implying his racial preferences matter
we don't even care about his consent
No. 458149
File: 1734997339291.jpeg (298.17 KB, 2252x3002, yomOMrL.jpeg)

No. 458151
>>458149The chains look so tight…
>Luigi beckoning you to sit with him in front of the fire on Christmas Eve No. 458153
File: 1734997441578.webp (158.64 KB, 1080x1571, luigi-mangione-arrives-at-manh…)

>>458145kek you're not wrong but also those tweets are literally fake
the anti Luigi "nonas" are something else. I wouldn't be surprised if the baiters are also the ones spamming who were spamming porn in this thread yesterday No. 458155
>>458140>>458143bait used to be believable
>>458149very pretty and very cute.
No. 458156
>>457999oh kekkk man. this country is such a joke. this is why everyone loves luigi because he was brave enough to do something, anything about it.
i fuckig hate it here so much. the rich control literally EVERYTHING
No. 458157
File: 1734997566428.jpg (162.12 KB, 1600x1242, Charlize-Theron-Monster-Aileen…)

>>458149I'm sorry but has there ever been such artistic looking court case photo ever taken? Why do all of these look like they belong in museums?
The only other one I can think of is Aileen looking up like she's an angel
No. 458162
File: 1734997663041.jpg (169.09 KB, 612x1271, 469908498_868085958547382_6199…)

>>458142It isn't. It was on his account.
You can still fantasize if you like, but IRL he's just a health-focused, "spiritual", podcast TechBro. He just looks better than most of them.
No. 458164
File: 1734997750148.png (19.39 KB, 593x268, image.png)

No. 458165
>>458162Holy shit let Luigi agree with Tucker on something that is actually agreeable.
Like modern architecture IS shit.
No. 458177
File: 1734998564054.gif (1.94 MB, 320x568, 1734392214350.gif)

>>458176I know it wasn't his choice but it's still cringe. I guess maybe it was also good because it probably kept him pure.
No. 458178
File: 1734999079116.mp4 (2.27 MB, 576x1024, 1734746900019.mp4)

this video almost brought me to tears. why am i such a softie..
No. 458179
File: 1734999201529.jpeg (286.68 KB, 635x752, IMG_6986.jpeg)

I don’t think you nonnas get it at all. Singing his praises…acting like he’s all innocent…Well, let me lay it down straight for you; Luigi is a bad boy. A very, very bad boy. He needs to be punished. Long, and hard. Someone’s got to make him pay. And I will be sick to my stomach if I am not the one personally delivering this punishment to his Italian ass.
No. 458180
File: 1734999232172.png (2.26 MB, 2048x1366, LLvkF0U.png)

why is there a pic of tyrone biggum kek
No. 458182
File: 1734999420160.jpg (69.82 KB, 856x1178, sex.jpg)

>>458179Me me me me me me it's gonna be me, chain him up chain him up, belt him not only around his waist but across his tushie!
No. 458188
>>458180This smile is kind of terrifying to me, anyone else
The dead eyes are what gets to me
No. 458189
File: 1734999748241.jpg (329.48 KB, 1512x2016, b48.jpg)

>>458188You're right. His smile is broken now.
It's not the same as his old one
No. 458193
File: 1734999862136.png (930.82 KB, 1062x1390, Screen Shot 2024-12-23 at 4.23…)

so can we get a mistrial !!!?!!?? the judge should recuse himself no? this is fucking ridiculous!!! No. 458200
>>458197Maybe literally, he's having a very satisfying pee
>>458198How can he have twink death when he's not a twink
No. 458201
File: 1735000252650.jpeg (465.7 KB, 2048x1365, IMG_8606.jpeg)

>i hope the girlies found my smile cute
No. 458204
File: 1735000371325.png (1.97 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8607.png)

Is he or is he not literally pouting for the camera because he knows women want him
No. 458205
>>458193You can’t have a mistrial when there is no trial yet nonna kek
>>458188I’m sure he’s not doing well mentally. I feel so bad for him. He’s trying to smile through it all. What else can he do.
No. 458206
File: 1735000399080.jpeg (83.77 KB, 1116x874, IMG_8608.jpeg)

The face of disbelief
No. 458207
File: 1735000398957.png (171.33 KB, 339x484, 3489530945.png)

>>458180>why is there a pic of tyrone biggum kekIt's an air freshener kek
No. 458211
>>458200twunk death idfk.
Do you think Luigi will still be cute in his 50s?
No. 458213
>>458211>Do you think Luigi will still be cute in his 50s?Who cares if he's even alive at 50?
go away
No. 458214
>>458211No male is cute in his 50's.
>>458212He's definitely been posing for the women
No. 458221
File: 1735000947255.png (12.34 KB, 769x287, IMG_8609.png)

Its us, they’re talking about us
No. 458224
>>458221He didn’t murder women or children, but a gross moid making millions on the deaths of others.
But WE’RE the sick ones. Ok.
No. 458225
File: 1735001251029.jpg (35.65 KB, 256x256, matt troutman the jealous ugly…)

>>458221The only person "sick" here is you, Matt Troutman.
What a faggoty fucking name.
Matt are you reading this? Kill yourself you ugly fucking bootlicker.
No. 458226
File: 1735001336721.jpg (45.6 KB, 866x1390, girl-in-a-hoodie-jumping-with-…)

>>458221whenever new york post says "sick" in reference to luigi supporters i always read it as "gnarly" or "radical"
No. 458227
>>458220No, he gets a boner during but when you spank him hard enough it gets flaccid enough to release a stream of hot piss and he starts crying
>>458225Ugly jealous faggot
No. 458228
File: 1735001571240.jpg (85.74 KB, 800x800, 400de647d6dc1cd2cd941f1f3d6208…)

I normally don't feel sorry for scrotes but the pornsick trolls itt make feel bad for him. I hope he stays in prison so he can avoid you people.(baiting)
No. 458232
>>458225Kek he looks like the type of guy to seethe over
il nostro piccolino amore Luigi. Jawless eyeless and a smile that could never light up a room
No. 458233
File: 1735001871436.png (519.71 KB, 809x835, 1734829523321.png)

>>458230Can you make this a fanfic, and artanon if you're listening can you please draw this, fuck I want to spank him so bad against my bed that he starts riding the sheets but gets interrupted by a particularly painful slap that jolts him and makes him wince and moan… do you think his back could hold up with a spanking?
>>458232He really is eyeless. Eyecel versus Chadgazed Luigi
No. 458236
>>458233nta but i just cant get aroused thinking about beating the shit out of someone with a botched back surgery and a spine full of screws?
but do you ig
No. 458238
File: 1735002055773.png (190.87 KB, 361x496, di.png)

his beauty marks remind me of picrel
No. 458243
File: 1735002325499.gif (149.14 KB, 500x361, 12284769_f647e.gif)

>>458228Go back to writing shit articles for the new york post with your mcdonalds salary, troutman
No. 458251
>>458248>do they do two separate trials? which one is first?Yes it's two separate cases so if it goes to trial, it would be two separate trials.
The state's case will probably be first but idk for sure
No. 458259
>>458253>his reaction to "do you want to say something"You can tell he reeeally wants to say something.
I'm starting to agree with the nonnies saying he is legit out of his mind. Hot.
No. 458261
Ugh I wanna feel up Luigi while he's handcuffed and chained up
>>457647>>457648>>457690Like just look at those pecs, they're begging to be grabbed
No. 458263
>>458252No I’m a gymrat girly
with quite high PRs so I saved it as “gymspo” lmao need to make sure I could hip thrust him into oblivion. Penis slam is also based tho kek
No. 458269
>>458204He has the prettiest eyes I've seen on any man
>>458244Pretty much everything that's been posted in these threads from the start, the unconventional thread, and previous amerifag threads, I lost count
No. 458271
File: 1735005014887.gif (6.3 MB, 400x379, iKWKfPq.gif)

No. 458273
File: 1735005094133.jpeg (58.81 KB, 681x754, GffosX2XoAAKIz7.jpeg)

Is this basically the defacto thread for following this case? I don't mind people thirsting over him, but I mainly want to follow / discuss the trial kek.
No. 458276
File: 1735005241432.png (2.07 MB, 2000x1333, szcD6LQ.png)

No. 458277
>>458273Yes but I fear we won't see him for a while
>>458276So fucking cute
No. 458280
>>458273idk how much there is to discuss. He declared that he's not guilty and seems to be working close with his lawyer.
I'm not too skilled in legal jargon so I don't understand any of the fine details in between that.
I think the judge is shit. She's in the pockets of the healthcare industry (which has long since been bought by insurance)
No. 458285
File: 1735005784376.gif (2.1 MB, 600x600, when he looks at you.gif)

>>458137His expressions are so dreamy, especially this part
No. 458291
>>458285He is doing this for his female fans
>>458290Nervous pookie
No. 458295
File: 1735006134528.gif (1.03 MB, 451x447, when he looks at you pt 2.gif)

>>458285Samefag, had to get rid of the cop. All better
No. 458299
File: 1735006286479.png (5.21 KB, 478x92, Screenshot (62).png)

>>458279supposedly February 21st will be for the his state case and he'll be in court for the federal case January 18th
No. 458300
No. 458312
File: 1735006721871.png (200.54 KB, 1366x940, Screen Shot 2024-12-23 at 6.18…)

>>458306diddys been in that prison for a few months now and his appearance is completely altered.
im really scared for luigi
No. 458317
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>>458309No this one
>>457769 is more iconic
or picrel tbh
No. 458323
>>458309>>458315the one here
>>457769 might be better and is more visible, maybe we can save the gif for the one after
No. 458324
>Mangione and Combs are housed at the Metropolitan Detention Center because they face federal charges in New York City. The Federal Bureau of Prisons, a United States Department of Justice division, operates the facility. It is the only federal jail in New York City.
>The facility, primarily used for post-arrest detention for people awaiting trial in federal courts in Manhattan or Brooklyn, has about 1,121 total inmates, according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons. There are also outdoor recreation facilities, a medical unit with examination rooms and a dental suite at the facility, Fox News reported. A separate wing is available to inmates for educational programs and the jail’s library, the outlet added.
>The Metropolitan Detention Center, which was opened in the early 1990s, has been criticized for its harsh conditions, even to the point that judges have refused to send individuals there.
>Detainees have previously complained about constant violence, deplorable conditions, severe staffing shortages and the frequent smuggling of drugs and other contraband, the Associated Press reported in September.
>In January, Judge Jesse Furman of the Federal District Court in Manhattan declined to send a man who pleaded guilty in a drug case there because of the conditions, BBC News reported.
>District Judge Gary R. Brown of the Eastern District of New York wrote that the detention center had "dangerous, barbaric conditions" in a September sentencing opinion.
No. 458325
>>458319this is bullshit.
Can we send luigi clean sheets so he doesn't get pinkeye?
No. 458331
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>>458328grad students in nyc go at it
No. 458332
>>458245>>458215>>458173Can you stop with the scrot shit.
It's spelled scrote. You are making yourself noticed.
No. 458333
>>458329Luigi is clearly not dangerous he should be in a minimum security prison for no more than 10 years (he gets a month off his sentence for every mukbang live stream he does)
I think thats a just punishment
No. 458336
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No. 458347
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>>458344Sucking/biting on his neck ,each time getting a little deeper as I keep edging him on.Calling him a bad boy under breath as I bite harder,hearing him whimper and moan after each trial,brows furrowing after each time he’s stroked and the warmth of my hands leave his cock.You can feel him getting more desperate.
No. 458351
>>458350They all
seem that way til your hand is on their dick nonita
No. 458354
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Do you think he would like to be teased/edged?
No. 458355
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when im down on my knees you’re how i pray
No. 458357
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>>458354He really does need to send his spunk out into the world.
No. 458363
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>>458359>>458361What you think are gay moids are just really filthy fucking fujoshis whose porn terminology is nearly duplicate to a gay man’s due to the amount of homosexual smut they read and write.
No. 458364
No. 458366
>>458362It's not just you nonna, ctrl+f "edging". Your comment seemed sincere so I wanted you to be included in my criticism so you that do better and make Luigi (or subsequent and worthy copycats) hornier. Men like him don't want to hear you say "edging" either, it's an ugly word. This anon
>>458361 is correct and it does seem like there are a lot of gay moids here in general, not just using the word "edge"
No. 458368
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KEK i can’t with these courtroom sketches butchering his looks
No. 458370
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No. 458374
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>>458365> Luigi is reclined back on the bed, pillows under his back and neck. he is propped up in a comfortable position. Special care is taken to mitigate any chronic pain that may be triggered, because tonight is all about him.> his hands are restrained above him to the headboard >he is shirtless, sweaty, looks slightly distressed> I fondle his cock gently and get him riled up, He starts breathing heavily> I play with his cock a lot but I don’t let him cum. He starts to get a little spicy and snap at me for prolonging his pleasure, but I don’t stop bc I think it’s hot when he fights back even though he can’t do much> eventually he begins to beg “please, please let me cum. Please” looking me in the eyes with the most heartfelt and desperate plea, as he nears orgasm his pleas are more pronounced and frantic until I finally let him cum No. 458377
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why does this look like it was shot on film
No. 458378
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No. 458382
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No. 458389
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No. 458392
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No. 458396
>>458392poor baby looks so sleepy… I wish they let him wear normal shoes. The prison shoes don't match his preppy sweater/khaki combo.
It's just more oppression and more of a reason I hate this gay country.
No. 458410
>>458404I mean he's asking for it. Imagine you hang him by the cuffs on a hook and just pinch his nipples through his maroon sweater…
>>458407no. That's like half of his appeal. Without the schizo shit he's just another fratboy techbro nepobaby (who happens to be super cute)
>>458408Lets make a magazine of just these threads stapled together
No. 458414
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>>458407Here you go anon, welcome to the internet kek
Luigi isn't on this chart though, he's "chaotic-perfection"
No. 458419
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i'm thankful for today, imagine having to see him through fucking courtroom sketches. devastating
>>458396it should be considered warfare. i don't understand why they don't allow him to wear proper shoes, it makes no sense
>>458407that's a big part of his appeal to me
No. 458421
>>458419Have you found any additional clips of the moment he says 'not guilty'?
It's weird that there doesn't seem to be more angles/zooms/better quality cips of this moment. I've only seen one.
No. 458424
nonny. i've been trying to find a decent one for HOURS
No. 458426
>>458310>>458312I've heard that there are inmates in some prisons who run their own little work out programs. The rapper Gucci mane went to jail with a huge lean belly and left with a six pack. There's hope for Luigi.
>>458318Also, diddy has been hated even before his crimes become widely known. For decades, people have been accusing him of being behind Tupac's death and that's enough to make his time in prison tough.
No. 458432
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>>458421>>458424There was another one posted earlier
>>457763 No. 458435
>>458433that whole mcdonalds capture just seems so fucking weird.
I swear to fucking god its so weird and autistic and doesn't make sense. If he was the killer and got away you would think within 5 days he'd get rid of the gun and not eat inside of a fucking mcdonalds.
He literally could have hitchiked to mexico or if he had that 8k in his backpack taken a bus or uber or idfk.
No. 458444
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>>458440every day I wonder what Luigi did during those 5 days after the murder.
I also wish I was Lady Amalthea but can change into a unicorn at will and carry him on my back to safety. I am retarded No. 458445
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>>458169which mannerisms? idk anything about mania and only saw the courtroom clips posted here. his smile in the car did look pretty crazy though…
No. 458446
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Not a Luigi nonnie but this picture of him reminded me of the iconic bimbo summit picture and I had to create a comparison. If they paired him with 2 handsome cops, it could've been called "himbo summit".
No. 458449
>>458446you're a bit late to that
nonnie kek
>>457732>>457769 No. 458455
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we'd have photos of his corpse circulating instead of his gorgeous face. i'd off myself
No. 458456
>>458445It's not mania, it's like anon said
>>458454 but I'm 100% convinced this is the reason. It is a night and day difference between now and how he looked before he secured a lawyer. He knows he's a hero and probably has a good sense that he's also become one of the most sexually desired men in the world, almost overnight
No. 458460
>>458459definitely, and they would've forgotten about him in a couple weeks
>>458457he looks so sad and out of it, poor puppy. Your Love Can Save Him. Donate Now
No. 458464
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>>458462You're really selling this like cleaner is already your day job. It's okay to have confidence anon, you won't scare him unless picrel and he's the kind of guy who would pretend he didn't notice anyways
No. 458466
>>458455I don't want to see any pics of his corpse! I'm tired of peoples dead bodies being spammed everywhere. We didn't need a picture of that fat demon CEOs corpse and I DEFINITELY don't want a picture of Luigi's corpse.
Ugh, I don't like how people spam gore on moidsites its so fucked up.
He can't get the death penalty! It's horrific! I've heard so many scary stories about lethal injection. It's apparently really agonizing. It just 'looks' nice.
They can't execute him! They can't!!!!!!
No. 458467
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If I ever meet him I’m doing this to him
No. 458475
>>458468Yeah but Biden is gonna be gone in a week. Plus CEO crime is the biggest hate crime according to the glowies that run shit.
Luigi (ALLEGEDLY) killed one man who killed more than all the original 40 people on death row combined times 10. It was an act of self defense on behalf of the American people. If the elite want protection, they have to use their money to take care of the people who pay them.
No. 458479
>>458472Idek what this is implying lmao. When I posted this I mainly had this bit from an article in mind
> “Luigi Mangione 'Became Quiet And Started To Shake' As Cops Confront Him At McDonald's Over CEO Murder”Who wouldn’t want to comfort a shaking and crying luigi?
No. 458480
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>>458440100% false capture story
apparently cops in SF tipped nypd about his missing persons report and similar likeness. one his pic was out there, modern policing takes care of itself w/ the help of dystopian tech
No. 458484
>>458455Is it just me or is it weird they even recognized Luigi as the killer? He's wearing a hat that covers the trademark eyebrows in all of the other pics.
This whole thing stinks
No. 458485
>>458479Luigi's war was with the healthcare companies and their CEOs. Our war is with man babies and their dependency on the pick-mes who baby and coddle them so I'm just
triggered by your picrel is all anon. The best way for a man to feel confident and self-assured is to become a CEO/pussy-slaying chad like Luigi so just want to make sure that is known
No. 458524
>>458468rape isn't scary to stock-investors
weegee did the worst crime possible in our fucked up society : reminding the rich they aren't untouchable