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File: 1735339960789.jpg (271.93 KB, 1080x1646, 1735336802987.jpg)

No. 460350

Luigi Cathedral Stained Glass Edition

Previous Threads:

Luigi Mangione aka lolcow's husband #1 Anonymous 16 days ago No. 450007

ITT: Post pictures, new developments and conversation about Luigi

No. 460352

kek I hope his lawyer shows him this pic

No. 460354

File: 1735340253415.gif (6.3 MB, 400x379, IMG_3736.gif)

we made it to our 7th luigifagging thread

No. 460355

His reaction

No. 460358

Pictured: Lulu counting how many messages nonas average per day to amass 6 full threads in such a short time

No. 460360

File: 1735340527516.gif (3.87 MB, 576x491, 1734989286242.gif)

No. 460362

File: 1735340697263.png (443.08 KB, 586x770, weegee.png)

No. 460363

No. 460364

why is he so cute and expressive? What are they saying to him? Is he just schizo or is this how he is?

No. 460367

unfff even though I headcanon him as sweet and subby this douchy-gi vibe is also doing things to me. He's so fucking fine nonas how can this be happening I feel like I'm a horny teenage moidlet with these thoughts

No. 460368

File: 1735340883893.png (264.74 KB, 506x490, 3535444354354.png)


No. 460370

File: 1735340960934.gif (162.21 KB, 220x194, 238340804.gif)

my word
this is so brazen

No. 460372

Some interesting comments on this about the family. Could they be involved.

No. 460373

thought this was funny. Like seeing mediashills sweat.

No. 460374

File: 1735341150963.jpg (241.5 KB, 1080x1662, Screenshot_20241227_222714.jpg)

No. 460375

File: 1735341166283.gif (920.56 KB, 500x499, sadigi.gif)

No. 460377

File: 1735341301621.gif (1.64 MB, 480x270, letmeathim.gif)

I need to be alone with him RIGHT NOW

No. 460378

>raised in a wealthy family that wasn't supportive
H-h-he's just like me….

No. 460379

No. 460382

File: 1735341455354.jpg (215.88 KB, 1080x1803, Screenshot_20241227_222620.jpg)

No. 460383

File: 1735341492821.gif (12.91 MB, 398x574, 1735018824730.gif)

My family would say this about me if I did it
You could have posted the gif

No. 460385

nta, the wider shot is more impactful

No. 460386

The gif is for people who don't want our masturbation session ruined by fat ugly piggus

No. 460387

this is stupid
im not here for the demonizing of his family
they clearly love him very much, even now.
who do you think lawyered him up immediately?
if you really cared about luigi you wouldn't want to hurt his family, js

No. 460388

File: 1735341795849.jpg (387.2 KB, 1080x1807, Screenshot_20241227_222022.jpg)

No. 460389

File: 1735341797410.png (235.01 KB, 569x719, Screenshot 2024-12-27 171957.p…)

I'm gonna try to draw him everyday for now on so in some way I'll get a blessing. I hope he never finds out about my retarded drawings especially the lewd ones. I wonder how he would react even though I would honestly kill myself if he found out about them.

No. 460390

Except for his butt ugly cousin who denounced him.

No. 460391

Is there evidence that Karen was bought by Luigi's family? For all we know she's eagerly taking this case pro bono

No. 460392

File: 1735341889161.jpg (356.03 KB, 1080x1805, Screenshot_20241227_220115.jpg)

>>460388 part 2

No. 460393

I want to believe his family loves him but is there any evidence of that?

No. 460394

Yess nona you're back! Hopefully Wigi would be grateful for your skills and appreciation

No. 460395

File: 1735341956074.gif (239.34 KB, 375x500, pee-igi.gif)

Schizigi's schizi is possessing people

No. 460399

>I want to believe his family loves him but is there any evidence of that?
They hired him a lawyer right away?
Look what they printed in his school yearbooks?
They sent him to very expensive private school?
And then an Ivy League university?
I heard they bought him a house (unconfirmed)?
Hired a private investigator to find him because they were so worried for him?
Yes many of these things are about money but to be fair we don't have access to private info about his family, so I'm working with what I have.
More importantly, what is the "evidence" that his family do not love him?
They aren't talking, because that's the smart thing to do and what's best for all involved.
The fact that a really toxic streak of the fandom is now spinning a narrative that Luigi's family is to blame for the murder is disturbing.
If you actually cared about Luigi you wouldn't want to hurt his family like that.
It reminds me of the groups of toxic hags (and fags) that blame Dylan Mortensen for Kohberger's killings and basically ruined her reputation and life.

No. 460401

File: 1735342556383.gif (241.4 KB, 281x500, handsigi.gif)

>woman blamed for fagberger's killings
What else is new. And now people seem to be getting on his mother. Why is it always a woman's fault? Luigi would not want his mother implicated in anything. Is it typical for parents to step back during the initial legal processes though? I suppose they don't need to be in court, but do we know if they gave him a call? I guess that wouldn't need to be publicized either. Why did she have to he fits the crime though? Kek.

No. 460405

No. 460407

They threw money at him. Maybe you grew up poor but throwing money at your kid is not evidence of loving them. He was their only son, therefore they are investing.
Luigi's entire family is financially benefitting off the fucked up privatized healthcare system and their nursing homes are run like absolute dogshit. They are understaffed and over capacity and the infirm are not being cared for.
If Luigi got upset about this they probably bitched at him which in turn pushed him away.

As someone who grew up with wealthy but morally corrupt parents who had to cut them out I could easily see this happening. A lot of these upper class families fucking suck shit and treat their children like financial investments rather than human beings with independent thoughts and feelings.

No. 460408

>Is it typical for parents to step back during the initial legal processes though?
It's the smart thing to do.
But it's probably not "typical" because most criminals and their families are poor and retarded.
This family is educated and wealthy and probably have a lot of lawyers already.

No. 460409

File: 1735342850188.gif (503.04 KB, 500x369, Explodigi.gif)

No. 460410

File: 1735342911885.jpg (283.47 KB, 1512x2016, 69296656_3474215239271486_3461…)

aahhh i love this!!! bless your heart artnonny

No. 460411

Kek this one's my favorite

No. 460412

Its one thing to step back and make no comments, its another not to see your own baby in court. They could easily have gone, sat down, and said nothing to the media.

No. 460413

>Luigi's entire family is financially benefitting off the fucked up privatized healthcare system and their nursing homes are run like absolute dogshit. They are understaffed and over capacity and the infirm are not being cared for.
>If Luigi got upset about this they probably bitched at him which in turn pushed him away.
This is literally a fantasy you invented. It's not evidence of anything. Your personal life experience is also not evidence.
There is no evidence that warrants blaming his family for the killing
The people doing it are trashy asf and very pickme-coded

No. 460414

File: 1735343027774.gif (846.9 KB, 496x500, divine protectionigi.gif)

Is this one too much or

No. 460418

File: 1735343447576.png (155.66 KB, 491x547, Screenshot 2024-12-27 174942.p…)

I forgot to add this but if any of you nonnies have any like suggestions for me to draw just let me know and I'll try to do most of them. I don't want this thread to die.

No. 460419

>Is there evidence that Karen was bought by Luigi's family? For all we know she's eagerly taking this case pro bono
I was referring to the lawyer he got immediately upon arrest in Pennsylvania, Thomas Dickey. He stated he is not a public defender. That means Luigi's family hired him.
I don't have conclusive evidence that they hired Karen. She could be working pro-bono but I highly doubt it.

No. 460421

Nona shitty parents are common. Decent family is the exception and not the norm throughout all classes.
I'm not blaming his family for the killing, you're being retarded for even thinking I implied that. I am saying it's likely his family does not support their son and if they believe he's the killer they will want him locked up.

Also https://nypost.com/2024/12/13/us-news/luigi-mangiones-family-operated-nursing-home-empire-that-was-cited-for-abuse-and-health-violations/ is not my personal experience. His family profited off of cutting corners on their shitty nursing homes.

This isn't about fucking pickmeism, considering someone earlier was saying "oh luigi would be mad if you insulted his family" like I fucking care.

No. 460424

More Luigi POV. You never made the Luigi pussy eating POV iirc. Luigi sitting back in his cell reading letters. Luigi blushing from a letter from a nonny. Luigi standing naked in his suicide prevention trashbag. More chained up Wigi. Luigi invoking the image of Christ Almighty our Lord and Savior.
She is working pro-boner.

No. 460425

seconding full body shot of anti suicide trashbag

No. 460426

File: 1735343958969.mp4 (449.9 KB, 1082x720, ssstwitter.com_1734973036114 (…)

sweet baby angel

No. 460427

>Nona shitty parents are common.
Yes, they are super common. And yet the vast majority of people manage to not become murderers, somehow!
>His family profited off of cutting corners on their shitty nursing homes.
I don't dispute this, because all nursing homes are like this.
That's not the part of your post that is fantasy. Your fantasy is the part where Luigi protested the source of his family's fortune and was "pushed away" by his family as a result.
There's NO evidence to support that.
There's evidence that refutes that narrative. His family wanted him closer, hence hiring a P.I. because they were concerned they could not find him after HE cut them off.
Stop trying to blame his family esp. his mother for what happened, it's fucking gross.

No. 460431

He has such a kawaii voice, I need mooaaaar

No. 460432

File: 1735344335678.png (360.17 KB, 507x760, The Luigi Network.png)

Too niche?

No. 460434

File: 1735344371203.jpg (778.66 KB, 1440x1564, Screenshot_20241228_030516_Sam…)

Your chance to make him a husbando playlist. Please, add Criminal by Britney Spears as the first track because it would be hilarious.

No. 460435

>All nursing homes are like this
I know nursing homes are notoriously shit, however, even compared to the status quo shithole nursing homes, the Mangione homes were especially bad, getting something like almost 3 times the number of abuse citations than the industry standard.
I didn't bring up the mother, YOU have. I believe the WHOLE family business is unethical as shit and someone like Luigi, who has gone out of his way in a foreign country to go to the police when he saw a man having a seizure on the street, was disgusted by it. And that's even if he did it! If he didn't they are probably pissed at him anyways because they now have all eyes on their shitty nursing home pyramid scheme.
>They hired a P.I
No shit, he was missing for MONTHS. They thought he was dead, that doesn't mean they actually give a fuck about him as a person.

You sperging out about the murders (even though the ruling class have a monopoly on violence) and blaming his family makes you sound like a United Healthcare sycophant

No. 460436

Oh God, if people could send songs all of the Twittards who think he's a bi qween are going to send the entire Charlie xcx discography and Tay Tay Swift and he probably only has like a limit of 100 songs and it's all going to be garbage and he's going to cry and be bullied by the other inmates for the faggy music

No. 460437

God I want to know what is on his mp3 player.
Luigi is going to have to hear songs about girls thirsting over criminals.

No. 460440

Thank you for your service art nonny! Seconding the request of chained up Weegee. Or pov where Weegee's looking up at you, sitting between your legs/spreading them apart. Subigi please

No. 460441

>You sperging out about the murders (even though the ruling class have a monopoly on violence) and blaming his family makes you sound like a United Healthcare sycophant
I've been here thirsting since we were still in the Amerficag thread.
I'll say again that I don't see how someone that truly cares for Luigi would want to hurt his family… but after this reply I'll drop it because I don't want to come of as if I'm trying to infight.
If you want to take the threads in that direction of blaming his mom then so be it.
I just hate seeing his family getting blamed because there's no fucking evidence to support that, and Luigi's family is suffering enough as is.
They are victims of what he (allegedly) did and this feels like victim blaming to me.

No. 460442

File: 1735344682706.mp4 (1.04 MB, 576x692, ugh (1).mp4)

me too.. i wish we heard more of his current voice

No. 460443

File: 1735344752105.png (157.99 KB, 832x762, Screenshot_1.png)

KEKK nonna i don't think anyone can send him songs, it seems like they only offer a radio with ear plugs

No. 460447

He can only have 5 books? Also, trans prisoners can have binders and stand-to-pee cups? Kek

No. 460449

Don't call me a pickme when you say shit like
>"I don't see how someone that truly cares for Luigi would want to hurt his family"
>"I've been here thirsting since we were still in the Amerficag thread" as if this case is 100 years old.

His family seem like shitheads and I'm gonna call it like I see it. Most of their suffering is coming from the fact that their shady business practices are now under public scrutiny. If they were some honest hard working people who didn't profit off of the suffering of others of course I would be more sympathetic towards them. But in America, the only way you get to be Mangione rich is either by sheer luck or by being completely and utterly morally bankrupt.
I wish that wasn't the system we live in but hey that's late stage capitalism.

I love Luigi, but a large part of that love comes from the fact that he is a self sacrificing class traitor. I don't think Luigi hates his family, but I would be VERY surprised if he supported the way they made money.

No. 460450

>stand to pee cups
Kek off topic but really? If you need to stand to pee that bad, just stand and hover.

I wonder what his daily limit for mail is? Where does he keep all his love letters? I hope he’s jerking off on some of them (mine)

No. 460452

You and I will adopt Luigi and make him our cumson

No. 460453

File: 1735345196268.jpg (76.42 KB, 736x736, 1735265674900.jpg)

>nona's larping as a pooner and killing a CEO so they can get closer to Luigi

No. 460454

Precisely. Luigi doesn't need his old family anyways. Why have his corrupt mob family when you can have 50 million fannonas who will fight for socialized healthcare alongside him? after they rape him

No. 460455

Probably only 5 at a time which seems reasonable

No. 460456

He's going to get 5 copies of 'come as you are' every week.

No. 460457

That is not reasonable, he deserves a library in his cell. What happens when he's done with them, are they thrown out? What happens once the detention center receives like 100 books, does he get to choose what to read at the time?

No. 460458

File: 1735345447484.jpg (32.22 KB, 343x430, pisspiss.jpg)

no matter how many pictures we get this image (and the apple one of course) are my favorites of luigi

No. 460459

I love how his piss stain is in the shape of butterfly wings.
Even his incontinence is photogenic

No. 460460

He’s in a tiny little cell nona. He needs all that space for getting super jail buff and love letters

No. 460461

do you think luigi stuffs his mattress with love letters to make it softer? Can I send him fan letters written on soft felt so he has nice stuffing for his prison nest?

No. 460462

He better, since he's only allowed 10 letters in his cell. He better be smuggling them.
I hope he gets jail buff and not jail emaciated

No. 460463

i think you can only send letters written in plain old paper. they are also very anal about the pens you choose to use (no gel pens iirc)

No. 460464

File: 1735345793669.png (1.83 MB, 1024x1365, 1735069555136.png)

i love sexytwerker69 and pissweegee forever. but this one has to be my favourite

No. 460467

File: 1735345935728.jpg (24.29 KB, 400x400, TAIEyKpL.jpg)

No. 460468

File: 1735346020660.jpg (945.93 KB, 1170x1428, IMG_8450.jpg)

Schizigi supremacy

No. 460469

File: 1735346043046.png (757.9 KB, 565x565, 1735259747176.png)

I like this one because hes wearing a suit but imo his smile looks cute when his little fang is popping out. Caters to my werewolf fetish

No. 460471

File: 1735346111045.png (549.41 KB, 768x576, regalwigi.png)

This one, sexytwerker picture or picrel from the last thread are my favorites
I want to try to astral project next to him tonight, I want to spoon him. It's a more plausible option for me than lucid dreaming since I never get those
I want to die bc I can't hug and kiss him

No. 460472

I wrote mine in felt pen on lined paper. Hopefully he still gets it. I’ll keep sending him monthly letters.

No. 460473

File: 1735346149142.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1125x1265, husband.jpeg)

No. 460474

File: 1735346186541.png (572.61 KB, 655x482, 35435435435435434.png)

angry schizigi definitely reigns supreme. I want to restrain him while he angrily rants about how America is corrupt my cute little angry puppy

No. 460475

File: 1735346230021.png (2.64 MB, 1061x1391, 1734975380432.png)

absolute best pic. he looks like an angel

No. 460476

The sad security footage of him eating the hash brown in McDonald’s is one of my favorites

No. 460477

Will Luigi have a cute new outfit on the 18th? I love the little fashion show he's putting on. I kind of wanna see him in a suit and tie. Maybe some black shoes but idk. He's such a cute little trendsetter.

No. 460480

Remember when master baiters said he had razor thin lips
I hate the hand on his nape and shoulder, stop fucking touching him
I fucking hope so

No. 460483

this picture makes me especially sad and horny. That hat is so cute on him. I wanna pair it with a cute scarf ughhh

No. 460484

>I hate the hand on his nape and shoulder
I would have felt better if they were woman hands.

No. 460485

Since the last threads had news articles about clothing items being sold out after he was seen wearing them, maybe he'll get a sponsorship deal kek

No. 460486

File: 1735346392107.png (871.87 KB, 770x769, XSxniY-B.png)

god i'd go on cardiac arrest if he wore a suit and tie again. i at least hope he'll be matching with his lawyer again

i give up nonnies i can't decide on a favourite picture

No. 460488

Nonita this is a really good one as well! You're right there's too many to choose from

No. 460489

The fact that he is the most photogenic man in the world makes me wonder if he was part of some vigilante group and he was the face of the movement while more uggo's work underground and are 2 steps ahead of the elite like nickacado was to his viewers.

No. 460490

File: 1735346477316.webp (47.62 KB, 960x1440, 1734472509860.png)

The classique

No. 460492

File: 1735346546928.png (1.36 MB, 1080x1920, 1735263864737.png)

Schizogi is my favorite but I have a soft spot for slutigi

No. 460493

Implying Schizigi is not just Slutigi but probably hornier

No. 460494

I like this pic but its because I think that's how he'd look up at me from between my legs.

No. 460495

File: 1735346653488.jpg (64.18 KB, 612x610, 1735063497515.jpg)

No. 460496

Why are his nipples so slutyyyyhhuahhhhh I’d never be able to keep my hands off them

No. 460498

he looks so intimidating in this one, hot

No. 460499

Slutgi and titgi have nice photos body-wise for sure

No. 460500

File: 1735346726989.png (1.14 MB, 750x1334, 1734624378802.png)

You're probably right but I love getting lost in that little piece of his white panties showing

Also is it just me or did his freckles not come in until he was older?

No. 460502

These absolute retards thought the rape belt would be soooooooo humiliating and shameful but all it did was put gasoline on my horniness

No. 460505

File: 1735346826095.jpg (10.2 KB, 119x275, pforpenis.jpg)

I also enjoyed some of the fratgi pictures

No. 460506

Really, he looks submissive to me
Slutigi and Titigi are one and the same… They are all 'gi… you cannot have Luigi without the tits and the slut within
I could feel my pussy opening like a yawn when he was shuffling in those chains on his legs with the rapebelt on

No. 460507

File: 1735346896076.png (226.66 KB, 581x594, 4555454656465464.png)

brings back memories of the nona doing investigating to learn about which type of panties luigi pissed in

No. 460508

Seems like all the tricks they tried to pull have backfired, even the piss picture kek

No. 460509

imho if they really wanna humiliate luigi they should release nudes.
they wont because luigis cock is 12 inches

No. 460510

And the suicide bag. Fuck, I wonder what they'll do next? They already upgraded from a belt to an actual fucking medieval chain, I'm wondering if next time he'll have a comical leash around his neck.
True, we all know this

No. 460511

KEK, i'm so sad there's not enough content for a dickvestigation

No. 460513

they'll put a muzzle on him

No. 460515

File: 1735347118165.png (694.03 KB, 750x1202, cause baby you're a firework.p…)

nevermind nonas. i remembered this and that other one with the blue shirt where he's kneeling and smiling awkwardly

No. 460516

File: 1735347121147.gif (306.86 KB, 500x500, 1735069616238.gif)

They should give him a leash and collar! that will TOTALLY be humiliating!!! Have him being walked by a woman cop to make it even more embarrassing!

No. 460517

Maybe some of the more esoteric dicktective nonnies could try to read the size of his yaoi hands and feet like tea leaves and make estimations

No. 460518

File: 1735347167092.jpg (57.28 KB, 667x374, 9enxm7.jpg)

No. 460519

File: 1735347185671.jpeg (178.76 KB, 642x791, IMG_3249.jpeg)

>>460471 So hard to pick a favorite pic but this is pretty tied with red nosed suicide vest Weegee and his mugshot.Hes so photogenic it makes me sick

No. 460520

File: 1735347186270.jpg (46.2 KB, 467x540, 1734525770147.jpg)

I remember seeing comments when this image came out of people claiming this was a woman
Like pretty men are so rare people dont believe it when they see it
if this is luigi…

No. 460521

Please… I need this… and one day they'll put him in a straitjacket mark my words. Just for a day, just for some pictures.
Yes, if he was in a leash and collar, with rapebelt, and leg chains, and a woman was leading him alone and tugging at him sometimes, I would lose all respect for him and I would worship CEOs feds if you're listening do not do this.
If feet size, nose size, and hand size really do = dick size, then…

No. 460522

Listen glowies, if you make luigi bark like a dog I will only trust cooperate America and for profit health insurance for the rest of my life. I definitely hope a girl cop doesn't pants him either. That would be awful.

No. 460523

File: 1735347378904.gif (6.67 MB, 600x600, 3840934534.gif)

He looks weirdly femme in this one, idk eww
Schizo mode Luigi is my fave >>460468
Dark Academigi is a close second, picrel

No. 460524

Damn, how'd you cheat the system to get this posted itt twice
I know right, males are so face-blind they think a handsome male is a woman. This is why they think Lychee is ghey.

No. 460525

File: 1735347525377.gif (1.03 MB, 451x447, 1735006134528.gif)

Incels want luigi to be gay because they want to fuck him. Sorry losers, Luigi is for GIRLS ONLY.

No. 460526

I've never felt less dignified than after seeing this gif and wishing I was that pen

No. 460528

How he looks at me while we're hours into our cozy cuddle date
If Luigi was commanded to bark and he did I would get so dry like the desert, and if a girl cop pulled his pants down but he was still wearing his slave chain I would honestly hate that and hate him stares at feds

No. 460529

do you think he knew what he was doing when he looked at the camera and rubbed that pen?

No. 460530

fuckkk.. this >>460474 is the closest we got to him barking.. cops grab his nape again plz

No. 460531

Yes, he was eye-fucking the camera the whole day

No. 460533

File: 1735347809160.jpg (50.32 KB, 736x722, f1191dd0aa05fad4c33c92e23dbdb1…)


No. 460535

Worst opinion ever.

No. 460536

God I hope so, I'm not opposed to slutgi giving his wives a show

No. 460537


No. 460538


No. 460539

File: 1735348010590.png (602.93 KB, 1024x781, 65657766765.png)



No. 460540

What's he doing eye-fucking you?
KEK- in my sleep I had like a 15 second long strong orgasm and it wasn't even to anything sexy but afterwards I was like 'ligi' and then started dreaming about something else. His energies are powerful.

No. 460541

They need to put panties on those eyebrows

No. 460542

File: 1735348120472.jpg (27.69 KB, 339x242, IMG_20241223_161816.jpg)

This is my absolute favourite.

No. 460543

That can't be real, he's comically huge he's like Superman

No. 460544

File: 1735348286270.png (933.06 KB, 1072x656, 1734972196960.png)

gymigi is cute but he's too male gaze. Schizigi is the final form: He is the manifestation of god apologizing for those many years of misogyny and ugly males we have been trying to 4B out of existence over the millennia.

No. 460546

He's tragic, tortured, looks good in chains, somehow looks amazing in baggy prison garb, still incredibly handsome, has beautiful sad, soulful eyes, eye-fucks the camera for women… that's peak female gaze.

No. 460547

Get this series to thread 10 by the end of this year I'm begging all of you.

No. 460550

File: 1735348740695.png (2.37 MB, 1184x1202, 98698978734354.png)

spam photos of luigi
be the change you want to see on lolcow

No. 460551

File: 1735348743934.jpeg (140.13 KB, 750x750, IMG_3753.jpeg)

free sexytwerker69

No. 460552

I hope Schizigi really did listen to mostly lyricless techno/ambient music, I'd find it so hot if he was 3-d printing his gun and designing the engraved bullets while blasting Space Manoeuvres

No. 460553

>no images/vids of him twerking
Feds. humiliation ritual. stat.

No. 460554

His back would go out so hard he pees. Just an idea, feds.

No. 460555

No. 460557

File: 1735348987928.png (2.33 MB, 2048x1365, holding the pee.png)

can some nona spam rarephotos of luigi?
I feel liek I dont have enough images saved

No. 460560

File: 1735349034122.jpg (148.58 KB, 951x753, 67385266_102538654407295_31627…)

oh my god nonny i dreamt about ted kaczynski too KEKKKK i was so disappointed… luigi only briefly appeared in one of my dreams recently in his beautiful burgundy sweater

i like that it's male gaze-y because it's kind of gap moe

his big nostrils flaring while he holds that apple in his mouth, he's my favourite horse

KEKKKK need that

No. 460561

His side profile is so cutesy

No. 460562

did he really piss in that pic or is that a meme? Srs answers pls i wanna know, i will still meme about it tho

No. 460563

File: 1735349186058.jpg (1.52 MB, 2880x2880, 20241228_042552.jpg)

I was skeptical of him being the shooter and sort of agreed that he was framed but this picture might change my mind.

No. 460564

The world may never know.

No. 460565

well if it's not pee, what is it?

No. 460566

Insane amounts of cum

No. 460567

I hope we can, it would be even better if the media were able to provide us with more pictures.

No. 460568

only way we can find out is if they release the pants to the public and we can find out using our 5 senses

No. 460569

I like young kaczynski but his misogyny and incel agp shit and the fact that he killed innocents makes him wildly inferior to Luigi.
Also his voice is FUCKING WEIRD have you heard it? It's super high pitched and nasaly, like a less kermity jordan peterson. It was NOT what I was expecting AT ALL.

No. 460570

File: 1735349655892.jpeg (255.16 KB, 1800x1197, GfL7NofWcAAercX.jpeg)

I love his eyebrows and i have strong eyebrows also so we match. I like to imagine that we both pluck our unibrows in the mirror together.

No. 460571

File: 1735349699217.gif (2.21 MB, 200x356, 1734359432922.gif)

Ted had a lot of time to voice train in prison
>ywn trim your unibrow with Luigi
Why. Even. Live.

No. 460573

File: 1735349785984.jpg (177.81 KB, 735x883, 866876876.jpg)

Luigis eyebrows are TOO LEWD. Thick, perfectly shaped, expressive eyebrows are to women what big perky tits are to men. I swear to god.

No. 460574

But Wigi already has big perky tits.

No. 460575

File: 1735349964211.png (2.01 MB, 1518x2024, 85858586586.png)

maybe he does need to go to jail. Not for killing an uggo but for being far too sexy for the public.
I still think his seed needs to be harvested and distributed.

No. 460576

Maybe that's why he's so alluring: he's got both slutty brows and and slutty tits

No. 460578

He really needed better fashion. At least he's wearing sexy oversized jumpsuits and BDSM gear now.

No. 460579

Female loneliness epidemic in full swing, you all need help(if you don't like the thread just hide it)

No. 460580

I had take a listen thanks to your post and omfg no wonder why he could never attract a woman. That nasally voice and his lack of social skills really doomed him to inceldom.

No. 460581

File: 1735350372079.png (1.86 MB, 1979x983, 778876876876876.png)

Luigi always dressed like a complete retard. This is another reason I think the shooter is a completely different guy. If it was Luigi he'd be wearing khakis or oversized shorts.

No. 460582

It had less to do with his voice and more to do with the fact that he was a pretentious turbo misogynist.
Even then he managed to kiss 2 girls but he sperged out when one tongue kissed him.

No. 460583

File: 1735350473889.jpg (190.72 KB, 2048x1366, chad profile.jpg)

>female loneliness epidemic
>you all need help.
He should have worn more tank-tops, perhaps even looser ones that show off his breasts. His schizo meltdown ascended him from nerd to sexy beast. He should be allowed to wear a loose wife-beater in prison, with baggy bright orange jailpants and a loose chain belt. Barefoot. Thoughts?

No. 460584

File: 1735350484026.png (76.56 KB, 656x427, male cope manifest.png)

Kaczynski on the CEO killer

No. 460585

He should be naked in prison with the only thing warming him being my body

No. 460586

I'd agree but he already got pink eye he doesn't need prison mold getting caught in his foreskin. Half of the time he should be ass naked with female cops taking pictures of him, other half of the time in the outfit I described, smoldering at the cameras.

No. 460589

true. I wanna see more angry luigi but Im scared that him catching on to the fact that the entire female population of the globe wants to fuck him is going to make it harder for him to look mean and vicious

No. 460591

File: 1735350970920.gif (7.32 MB, 344x330, schizo thoughts.gif)

The feds will catch on and ask for the massive pig cops to manhandle him to make him look less like a Chad. At least we got him wrinkling his nose and looking a little miffed.

No. 460592

File: 1735350984417.png (543.72 KB, 592x620, Screenshot_2.png)

No. 460593

It's really not we've never seen him wearing anything like that, in fact this tweet is making me see red because she's probably posting her ugly freak boyfriend.

No. 460595

>pants not peed in

No. 460596

he didnt even pee idgi

No. 460597

File: 1735351345141.jpeg (41.13 KB, 427x583, IMG_1782.jpeg)

young luigi and his mop of hair

No. 460599

>sucks the mole on his collarbone

No. 460600

I’ve dated/fell in love / had passionate sex with guy that looks just like Luigi and was too smart for his own good as well. This gif makes me feel crazy things.

No. 460601

File: 1735351404871.gif (1.94 MB, 320x568, 1734392214350.gif)

yeah only schizoigi has been documented wearing jeans (jean fabric clearly triggers his incontinence).
frat boy/prep school/future cooperate cog luigi was always wearing khakis or giant shorts and the occasional dress pants like a fucking tool.

No. 460603

>we've never seen him wearing anything like that, in fact this tweet is making me see red because she's probably posting her ugly freak boyfriend.
>no tits
>tiny hands
>no pee
>narrow girl shoulders
I hope she gets bullycided for posting this garbage in wigi's tag

No. 460604

File: 1735351486885.jpeg (128.17 KB, 720x900, IMG_1781.jpeg)

he looks so schizo here but i'm sure nonas into hands will like this one

No. 460605

Proof/pics or gtfo
>blurry luigi crawling out from under your bed and reaching for your used undies

No. 460607

File: 1735351608258.jpeg (105.34 KB, 736x1104, IMG_1784.jpeg)

No. 460608

I don't care for the Marionated Luigi picrels. Maybe this is just bad lighting though

No. 460609

need moar

No. 460610

Luigi fang….
Anyways gonna crop the uggos out before I save it.
Luigi I know you were a kind hearted friendly boy, but u needed less ugly male friends.

No. 460611


No. 460612

Should I do it ? Post pics of my Luigi look alike boyfriend?

No. 460613

We got matching fangs hihi

No. 460614

You can tell he's a good person because all of his friends are buttfuck ugly. Also that fang is so kawaii!

No. 460616

yes but be prepared for other nonas here to say hes not as hot

No. 460617

File: 1735351831012.jpeg (85.33 KB, 720x858, IMG_1783.jpeg)

No. 460618

File: 1735351872636.jpeg (555.61 KB, 1284x2385, IMG_0781.jpeg)

Do you not know that the photo is from an old Twitter meme? Everyone on Twitter clowned the original girl who posted it in 2014, it’s literally from picrel.

So the girl who said that about Luigi is mocking his fashion taste not praising him kek.

No. 460619

Does he not understand he's so rapeable?

No. 460620

File: 1735351916577.jpeg (110.02 KB, 735x755, IMG_1785.jpeg)

last one i swear

No. 460621

That's actually way better and a huge relief.

No. 460623


No. 460624

I don't get the meme

No. 460625

this is why hes so shy around women

No. 460626

he looks nothing like luigi. Bro looks 50

No. 460627

File: 1735352151409.png (133.07 KB, 788x788, 01210321.png)

The guy in front of him looks like chad from meme but irl. Why is he so wavy

No. 460628

File: 1735352167024.gif (140.95 KB, 220x164, 83945034.gif)

girl bye

No. 460629

me pushing his ugly friend out of the way so I can get a bite of luigis pepperoni nipples

No. 460630

Is that really your Luigi boyfriend or is that a meme, who is that

No. 460631

I plead the fifth but you guys gave me dying lmaooo

No. 460632

File: 1735352352005.jpg (94.3 KB, 768x1024, 1661994090043.jpg)

Is this the Paul Dano boyfriend 2.0?

No. 460633

This anon thought an actual picrel of Luigi and his less attractive beach friend were some anon's bf >>460630 the others are responding to the serial killer in the woods

No. 460634

Who is this ugly agp? Get him off the fucking luigi board.

No. 460636

for nonnies that wrote a letter to weegee, did any of you also fantasize about the fact he’s touching the same paper as you did and the way he’s holding your letter in his big hand(s)? uuunff

No. 460637

I know. Is it real? Is that really the Luigi lookalike? That thing isn't even in the same age-range or ethnicity.
That's the legendary Paul Dano lookalike boyfriend, an anon said her boyfriend looked like Paul Dano and posted that miserable ape. Then it became an LC meme and breached Danofag containment.

No. 460638

Closest thing I’ll have to glory

No. 460639

his fang is so cute i want to lick it

No. 460641

Paul Dano gf?!
Artanon needs to draw him with the fang

No. 460642

File: 1735352589323.png (497.57 KB, 670x700, 1734971928646.png)

Cleansing your eyes after whatever that was

No. 460645

File: 1735352636263.gif (861.18 KB, 640x480, IMG_3558.gif)

No. 460646

It could be lc meta-lore like this Paul Dano thing or an anon is seeing an inner Luigi in her forest-dwelling bf that we are simply blind to. Maybe he was enchanted by a forest witch and cursed to appear as an aging crackhead to all but his one true love, anon

No. 460647

>cute little eyebrow floofs
>passionate, wet eyes
>beautiful hand coiled in submission to the 4'6'' cop
>sexy mouth
>big sexy throat

No. 460648

File: 1735352712527.gif (418 KB, 220x220, terio-umm.gif)


No. 460649

File: 1735352749428.jpg (49.42 KB, 1000x750, 1734539458008.jpg)

No. 460650

File: 1735352821372.jpg (31.78 KB, 460x460, 11238020.jpg)


No. 460651

>she deleted it
Okay so when anons say they have a boyfriend as hot/hotter than Luigi or that Luigi is super common and you can find him anywhere they are just lying. I feel vindicated.

No. 460652

Those type of posts never end well

No. 460653

File: 1735353001791.jpg (139.16 KB, 1920x1080, pepe387.jpg)

I know that's why I told her to post it.

No. 460654

Settle down ladies I can take the heat of course he’s not as perfect as Luigi.

No. 460655

I don't know if it's just because I see this guy's face all the goddamn time but I'm actually starting to think he's cute. Like, super cute. We'll, one more for the shameful husbando pile…

No. 460656

Ugh this picture is actually cute. I bet he's lecturing about some really boring engineering shit and I wouldn't listen to a word but I'd be sitting there trying to imagine how he sounds moaning

No. 460657

File: 1735353276421.gif (149.14 KB, 500x361, 12284769_f647e.gif)

Welcome to hell, nona.

No. 460659

One of us! One of us! One of us!

No. 460660

>lecturing a blank screen to an empty room
>yes I can tell the room is empty
He's so perfect.

No. 460662

File: 1735353339993.png (301.09 KB, 302x342, 13235543.png)


No. 460665

Feds, please delete this pic of him from the interwebs. Do us one favor.

No. 460666

He looks like James Franco… Poor Luigi…

No. 460667

I think this should be cringey but it looks like he's being a sarcastic and petulant know-it-all, which turns me on

No. 460668

He looks like he’s doing the troll face here KEK

No. 460669

File: 1735353610229.gif (1.73 MB, 480x270, IMG_0120.gif)

One of us one of us
I love watching his big hand softly grab the tiny cop lady’s arm. God she is so lucky.

No. 460670

File: 1735353613342.png (297.06 KB, 299x355, oh.png)

ur tasteless

No. 460671

Luigi has to try really hard to look uggo
He tries again but fails. Sorry luigi, you have a strict quota on how many bad photos you can get.

No. 460672

This one's way better

No. 460675

He's drunk begging to be taken advantage of, nona. It doesn't matter what facial expressions he's making because we know he was feeling silly and horny when these were taken. Get over it

No. 460676

i am imagining sitting on his face hhhhh

No. 460677

What a wasted little slut, I bet his friends wouldn't care if he just wandered off and disappeared during the party…

No. 460678

File: 1735353843144.gif (776.35 KB, 400x275, 34534666764.gif)

imagine wrapping your legs around that tree trunk of a neck

No. 460680

I am going to masturbate

No. 460681

File: 1735354127039.jpeg (40.47 KB, 480x367, IMG_7037.jpeg)

I wish that hash brown was my titty

No. 460685

No. 460686

File: 1735354536749.jpg (337.93 KB, 2668x4000, IMG_8560.jpg)

No. 460688

File: 1735354583692.jpeg (64.38 KB, 505x612, IMG_9989.jpeg)

The martyr walk was peek sexiness. I thought he was cute in the beginning but the perp walk sent me on a horny spiral I haven’t recovered from. Send help

No. 460693

middle is perfume socialist

No. 460694

File: 1735355265764.jpeg (301.76 KB, 1125x800, IMG_3755.jpeg)

looking at weegee while he showers

No. 460696

File: 1735355490190.jpeg (76.5 KB, 356x887, IMG_6996.jpeg)

I can’t be the only one who finds his nose oddly attractive. just me?

No. 460698

you’re not alone his nose is so cute

No. 460700

my mom said luigi looks like my dad when he was younger. might break down in tears

No. 460702

File: 1735355719438.jpeg (15.71 KB, 300x168, IMG_3551.jpeg)

No anon I absolutely love his nose too.Its so cuteee ugh,especially when it’s red my little Rudolph

No. 460704

It is sooo cute

No. 460706

File: 1735356252234.jpeg (47.62 KB, 481x570, IMG_3757.jpeg)

relaxing with a glass of wine and going through previous weegee threads

how are the weegee wives holding up on this lovely day?

No. 460707

it kills me that we have so little information to theorize with about his relationship with his family, but to me it’s curious that they only filed a missing person’s report for him in late November despite him going totally missing 4 months prior, and also why go to SF for this if his last known address was in Honolulu? idk maybe i’m dumb and there is a reasonable explanation for this but i’m still weirded out by how confusing the whole time line of Luigi’s estrangement with his family and their subsequent search for him is.

his mother’s comment about how she could see him murdering the CEO doesn’t help the argument of a great relationship between them, i really don’t understand why she would say this kind of thing to the cops even after not recognizing her son in the pictures if she doesn’t carry any resentment for him and/or his deliberate vanishing. we all know Luigi last gave any sign of life to both his mother and the rest of the world in July but he allegedly began cutting ties with his family over a year ago, while still maintaining some contact with friends until before his trip to Asia, so i can definitely see a possible disaffection happening between them in these last years.

makes total sense for a family like his to stay totally quiet now but it’s a shame we are left with only little crumbs of how their dynamic was like, because this would answer sooo many of my questions. i kinda wish some of these family members were like Lulu’s twink landlord who just went on national TV to air his personal stuff immediately after they caught him lol.

No. 460712

File: 1735356768309.jpeg (38.77 KB, 612x408, 3345678989.jpeg)

>how are the weegee wives holding up on this lovely day?
atm feeling less horny and more forlorny
probs due to starting my period

No. 460713

I wanna fuck your dad now

No. 460717

You and me both, anon. I think it was the tears that really did it for me, I'm into that now bc of Luigi

No. 460718

No. 460721

File: 1735357434811.gif (3.07 MB, 301x340, 1734842106361.gif)

No. 460722

He's doing tongue exercises for future marathon pussy-eating sessions. This is a signal we practiced

No. 460724

AI slop or real? His teeth and the way the mustache overlaps the finger makes me lean towards AI

No. 460726

Well if someone posted AI weegee last thread im killing them

No. 460727

What would you send to weegee’s PO Box if you could?

No. 460729

When he cuts his eye like that I do wonder if it's to his family.

No. 460734

File: 1735358520237.gif (8.05 MB, 476x476, 86357608.gif)

aaaaaa fuck, once again i'm wondering what music he really listens to. maybe he's one of those guys who don't really listen to it? i know a fellow nonny mentioned tangerine dream, but what if we're giving him too much credit and he listens to playboi carti or something like that kek
he was 100% lying to his family

No. 460736

>AI slop or real?
It's not AI. His friend is next to him.

No. 460737

absolutely peak taste nona

No. 460742

Luigi drinking that lacroix like I wanna drink his piss

No. 460744

No. I find it weird when people make fun of it. I know its not "perfect" but idk man manufactured hyper symmetrical perfection is uncanny and creepy. I like attractive but natural. Little flaws here and there but it adds to his charm and universal appeal
Luigi is a gift from god, not from some pedowood crafted boy band psyop.
also its perfect for rubbing against my clit

No. 460747

My used undies and a can of lacriox

No. 460763

File: 1735364151135.webp (188.25 KB, 2500x1667, SEI_234132549-c64d.jpg)

taking a peek kek

No. 460767

File: 1735366406413.jpeg (935.14 KB, 1125x1100, IMG_3759.jpeg)

No. 460769

Why would you place him with Lana? She just married some sweaty redneck and is a mediocre hag

No. 460771

File: 1735366843287.png (1.42 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (1076).png)

I'm going to help others kill the CEOs of their own worlds or make moid players seethe, nonnas

No. 460772

Fighting the system from the inside. I'm lovin' it, anon

No. 460773

nonnie…it’s not that serious

No. 460776

File: 1735367513353.jpeg (Spoiler Image,62.41 KB, 640x401, IMG_7044.jpeg)

His disinterested expressions in pictures like this just send me. Despite being surrounded by law enforcement he remains unintimidated, as if to say; “Really? That’s it? That’s the best you can do?” Or he’s bored with the whole process and is just waiting to get it over with. I know this is a tiny detail, but it’s oddly cool.

Gaaaaahhhh. So badass. He has my heart for sure.

No. 460777

Well I seriously don't like it anon. She's not interesting enough to still be around or edited onto the same boat as Luigi. You know that, don't play dumb

No. 460778

is she showing him us?

No. 460780

File: 1735368102079.png (394.86 KB, 921x1057, ceograve.png)

Snooping on his Steam profile and couldn't help but kek at these retarded comments.

No. 460782

>he was 15 when he posted that screenshot
I wonder how far he got in terraria?

No. 460784

>Well I seriously don't like it anon. She's not interesting enough to still be around or edited onto the same boat as Luigi. You know that, don't play dumb
Her image edit is funny
Hide it if it triggers you fucktard
Don't discourage people from contributing content

No. 460785

nonas! just replace lana with me and then you both will be happy

No. 460787

I prefer quality over quantity (always) but it wasn't that serious anyways, anon. Aggression produces testosterone so you should try to relax and probably get your hormone balance checked after the new year

No. 460790

Kek I love how nobody except a handful of seething moids is taking this "crime" seriously at all

No. 460796

Listen, it's only a murder when innocent people die.
If you're responsible for the deaths of countless innocent people like Thomson was (directly or otherwise!) then I don't see this as any different than shooting a home invader.

Luigi is just protecting the American people by blessing them with class consciousness.
Incels seethe because this is just a reminder of how much they fail at being a man.

No. 460797

File: 1735370002821.jpg (424.4 KB, 868x1986, 1733878533488.jpg)

You posted the one for ants, here's the full size
The way he's moving and bopping here kinda looks like he's jerking off ohhoho

No. 460806

File: 1735371923165.jpeg (804.45 KB, 1600x2133, IMG_3762.jpeg)

I just realized that this picture of weegee is him holding the trespass citation given by the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources kek he looks so dorky and cute

No. 460810

File: 1735372318570.png (767.53 KB, 823x1172, 343454343354.png)

My friend sent me this.
What did she mean by this

No. 460811

File: 1735372532395.jpg (202.76 KB, 1280x1706, toes.jpg)

don't forget his feet

No. 460816

>nonchalantly standing in a jail cell with pee pants
He knows he’s hot shit

No. 460817

Luigi all day every day

No. 460831

She is asking if you want one so she can order in bulk

No. 460841

He had a book about underground rap on his Goodreads

No. 460843

it wasn't him, nona. a subhuman moidlet hacked his account and added that shit to shoutout a shit rapper who was born in like 2010

No. 460851

File: 1735389719618.jpg (814.47 KB, 1179x1603, mssg.jpg)

my mom sent me this kek

No. 460857

Based mom

No. 460860

him eating soup or anything, really. please.

No. 460865

No. 460866

File: 1735393392207.jpg (326.04 KB, 1179x1341, comments.jpg)

Ok flood detection.

No. 460870

File: 1735393964955.jpg (264.8 KB, 1224x1595, 1.jpg)

No. 460871

File: 1735394292812.jpg (115.43 KB, 1752x1168, 2.JPG)

No. 460872

File: 1735394638554.jpg (119.57 KB, 1168x1752, 3.JPG)

No. 460873

File: 1735394708227.png (2.26 MB, 2048x1366, freud laughing in his grave.pn…)

my dad is way past his prime, unlike luigi. i wish my mom knew when to shut up kek

No. 460874

File: 1735394959466.jpg (218.45 KB, 1752x1168, 4.JPG)

No. 460875

Many guys who go crazy from affluent families start doing drugs and get their face tattooed. Him not caring much about what clothes to wear and all these surface things makes him even cuter

No. 460876

File: 1735395269108.jpg (135.13 KB, 1920x1080, 5.JPG)

No. 460877

this specific image makes him look off

No. 460878

File: 1735395486302.jpg (199.16 KB, 1752x1168, 6.JPG)


it's been edited. not by me though.

No. 460880

File: 1735395572783.jpg (229.67 KB, 1719x1206, 7.JPG)

every time I get a flood detection pop up I punch my stomach

No. 460882

File: 1735395613953.jpg (117.47 KB, 1752x1168, 8.JPG)

No. 460883

Bruh the amount of disrespect women put up with and forced as normal from everyday tv, vidya games,to porn to insta thots shoving women and their bodies in our faces it truly amazes me how little scrotes can handle the reverse. I hate them so much.

No. 460884

File: 1735396420362.jpeg (230.93 KB, 1104x1132, IMG_8621.jpeg)

The sauce is apparently a reddit post, wish I could find the original screenie though

No. 460888

File: 1735397795977.png (161.29 KB, 1142x1014, luigionebag.png)

No. 460890

File: 1735399190987.png (817.09 KB, 836x1135, 1734910095402.png)

He's such a cutie pie, I want to backpack with him… does this mean he used the same two pairs of underwear? I want to live in a humble house with him. I relate to this post; I'm definitely a utilitarian, although I do like some decorations. I wonder if he'd live in an extreme minimalist house. The only colorful thing being his fridge full of la croix, and a bookshelf. Nah, he'd probably like some decorations too, then. Maybe plants.
This is why people are so asinine when they lament over the 6 mil inheritance he essentially opted out of. What would he do with that money? I've heard criticisms as well that he should have donated the millions of dollars he has (is he a millionaire or just his family? Critical thinking), which would've made more of a difference, but it wouldn't have. He clearly does not care for any million dollar inheritance, although you can argue its irony.
And again with backpacking; it's likely much, much cheaper to do so in any SEA country than in Europe, and of course cheaper than America. Anyone with half a brain who wanted to do lightweight backpacking would go to SEA.

No. 460892

Wondering how the KIND bar sales are going.

No. 460893

Damn I missed it. I've seen a couple of anons on CC mention their bfs in his thread too lol

No. 460896

How do the anons on CC have boyfriends when they simultaneously sperg about how the Luigi thread is awful because it's dick worship

No. 460897

Because their scrotes are seething that lu is making billions of women wet, so they have to defend their uggo moid because they give them the attention daddy never did.

No. 460898

cause they don’t actually have boyfriends, they just alter their reality depending on whatever point they’re trying to make during the conversation

No. 460900

seeing his ear like this feels so scandalous

No. 460901

I wanna nibble it

No. 460907

>cross-country motorcycling
That being said he's clearly a high-functioning autist

No. 460908

No room for little luigis and luigas?

No. 460909

He has such a soft, patient, and calm aura, even when he’s being manhandled and treated like a subhuman by these garbage pigs, he remains composed… he’s almost like some sort of exotic otherworldly creature that’s been kidnapped by primitive and violent freaks in his world. Reminds me of orcas at sea world. He’s innocent idec. Luigi please come home soon

No. 460910

I've never sexualized an ear before but here we are

No. 460911

The transgender thing bothers me, it's stupid and small but it bothers me

No. 460912

I have an hunch he's not really interested in relationships. That's when (You) comes in though

No. 460913

His neck is oddly sexy to me. I’d like to cover it with bites and kisses

No. 460914

File: 1735403372130.jpg (37.96 KB, 700x700, am21.jpg)

would kill to see him in one of these kek

No. 460915

He probably is interested though considering he had to climb a mountain to get his mind off of women. He is some sort of hopeless romantic.

No. 460917

File: 1735403888145.mp4 (528.85 KB, 640x360, LOUDER.mp4)

I'm looping this one forever

No. 460921

imagining his back, thighs and butt.

No. 460922

Had a dream last night where I woke up to Luigi eating me out godamn I have it bad

No. 460923

File: 1735404698896.jpeg (61.01 KB, 720x622, beautiful.jpeg)

I can't stop thinking about that nona's 50 year old boyfriend in the forest

No. 460925

I do desu

No. 460926

nooo let it go. This whole board already has second hand guilt from a made up medieval autist and I already started feeling bad for anon yesterday, assuming anon is anon and not the bf

No. 460928

The medieval autist has nothing to do with us and our Luigi haven.
If you're wanting to see it because you think it might look like Luigi, it does not, it's not even the same ethnicity, there's no resemblance I thought it was a meme.

No. 460929

>then delete pls
That's a fair compromise honestly
Yeah I know but I still felt bad reading it

No. 460933

thank you.

No. 460934

kek wow he had literally nothing in common, not a single feature and his hair is awful and flat. hair is very important imo

No. 460935

File: 1735405668127.jpeg (Spoiler Image,879.11 KB, 1284x2252, IMG_7047.jpeg)

> “so nonna, how far are you into your Luigi derangement syndrome?”
Calculating each others astrological compatibility in The Pattern app. its bad.

No. 460936

Post the website, coward

No. 460938

I am pretty sure it was a gif, and yes I think I have that one too.

No. 460939

No. 460940

>needs an email
Yeah no

No. 460941

File: 1735405912226.jpeg (Spoiler Image,335.88 KB, 1284x799, IMG_7048.jpeg)

Tis an app nonna. His bday is 05/06/1998 and birthplace is Towson, MD. happy calculating!

No. 460943

I'm so mad I missed it AGAIN

No. 460944

Oh, I had this app before, okay fine. Praying we're compatible.

No. 460945

Really anon, you don't have a fake email for shit like this? I could see phone number throwing you off but luigilicker696969@gmail.com should have no problem signing up for the app

No. 460946

Merry Christmas gals

No. 460948

just imagine a basic unshaven guy with super short government mandated cut straw hair looking lost in the woods

No. 460949

File: 1735406443317.png (1.77 MB, 1280x1598, homo.png)

What did little Weegee mean by this?

No. 460950

with a cig.
this fuels me.

No. 460951

That he's not gay and he's looking for a boyfriend free girl

No. 460952

I feel retarded laughing at the moid I imagined in my head and the fact that someone was confident enough to post him, but that'll do

No. 460953

Imagine him also looking like a 50 year old Polish-American. Dude isn't even Italian.

No. 460954

Have all the other 3d husbando threads been as fun as these Weegee ones? Like Driverfags, the Dourif one etc
I've always stayed away since none of the moids were of interest to me but I wonder if I've missed out on fun sperging with nonas

No. 460957

Did anyone cap that?

No. 460959

Yes, do you want me to post it again

No. 460960

Luigi donated more to America by murking that fat faggot and scaring the ever living shit out of the ruling class.

Some things money can't by.

No. 460962

>Some things money can't buy
Luigi would resonate with this. People who use that gran-mama's inheritance argument and say that Luigi is a spoiled rich boy brat clearly don't know anything about the preceding events or any of the important context before the Fall.

No. 460963

Put it in lolcows own caps thread

No. 460964

File: 1735407151414.jpg (1.13 MB, 1179x1986, missuniverse420.jpg)

drinking mystery guy #1

No. 460965

I saved the pic though, not the actual post

No. 460968

I thought he was born on the 10th

No. 460970

Do we have a horror thread?

No. 460971

File: 1735407780042.png (Spoiler Image,838.57 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_9751.png)

it’s over. i’ll force myself onto him anyway

No. 460972

Mine said meaningful.

No. 460974

File: 1735408052183.jpg (92.57 KB, 1179x331, tt comment.jpg)

imagine having to live with this for the rest of your life.

No. 460976

File: 1735408113151.jpg (91.91 KB, 750x343, i could make him worse.jpg)

Follow up
This is kind of pathetic

No. 460977

Is this just based on birthday racism or what

No. 460979

a thousand heifers matched with him and we still don’t have a dick report? messed up

No. 460980

Yes, so it's likely meaningless. Also The Pattern kind of sucks imo

No. 460983

It's probably been discussed in multiple group chats, but we will never know because "privacy". Greedy twats.

No. 460985

Well the girl in picrel didn’t match with him but you are right, with how shameless Tracey has been she could surely just give us a measurement? Did she ever see his cock?

No. 460986

what a disgrace. bring back attention whoring, the people want to know

No. 460991

yeah, i've seen at least 5 comments from different women through twitter and tiktok saying that they matched with him. no one will convince me that tracey didn't fuck him but she will never speak up because i think she mentioned being married to one of luigi's (ex)friends

No. 460992

Did he and Tracey properly date? I don’t know if it was a theory but I remember seeing texts she posted where Luigi was gonna take her and her bf (that ex friend prob) out for cheesesteaks? Anyway I think anyone who is saying they matched with him is an attention whore, they didn’t speak out until it was proven he even had a Tinder.

No. 460995

i remember those texts. i'm pretty sure that it was a theory but it looks like they dated at some point to me, going purely off vibes

No. 460996

Oh yes definitely with the vibes. She was at least definitely in the friend group. Now whether or not she's seen his penis… if she was brave and true, she would share.

No. 461001

File: 1735411889595.jpg (46.03 KB, 945x930, Geqf4nBbsAEwbBr.jpg)

Came back to this thread after being busy for the newest 2. Glad all my weegee nonnies are still at it

No. 461007

File: 1735413192230.webp (110.68 KB, 1080x1053, general-birth-chart-of-luigi-m…)

any astrology nonnie analyzed his birth chart yet? picrel is from reddit so i don't know how correct his birth date is, but if it's correct i think i would get along with him so nicely.. my rising sign is in his 11th (using whole sign system), my venus is in his 7th and my entire stellium is in his 6th. and his venus and merc are in my 11th. i need to take a long walk and reconnect with nature i'm afraid

No. 461009

We would fuck so powerfully and beautifully

No. 461010

This whole post should be hidden behind a spoiler imo

No. 461013

I hate the crazy emphasis whoever wrote this decided to go with. Every time there's a color change or italic/bold I can't help but change how I'm reading it and it makes me feel schizophrenic. Real graphic design is my passion vibes.

No. 461014

i thought being unhinged is legal in this thread mb

No. 461016

Astrology is the oldest and most conventional self-help scam. It's "unhinged" sure but commonplace af. I'm not saying it doesn't belong here just that I hate it and wish it wasn't

No. 461017

go wild actually.

No. 461018

I saw someone put a photo of themselves with their letter. What usually happens to your photo if you send it? Would they really give it to him? Hers was kind of scandalous.

No. 461019

please only do this if you look good

No. 461020

yes you can send him photos but there are rules to it though. there shouldn't be other people in the picture and it should also not be scandalous. but there are limits on how many photos inmates can have so likely he will just throw them all out anyway

No. 461024

File: 1735414264091.png (62.77 KB, 469x131, luigi.png)

i love my youtube recommendations

No. 461025

She didn't. She kind of looked like a crackhead kek. I wish she chose a normal photo.. Who knows if it'll even make it to him.

No. 461026

he's such a sperg i love it

No. 461027

If it was that scandalous, then no. They'll throw the whole thing away. I wonder how many letters were sent versus how many he will receive because people are retarded and did no research before sending him stuff?
Yeah probably not, it'll probably go in the shredder.

No. 461029

they've got to be lying

No. 461030

99.99%, maybe even more.

No. 461032

idk why but this mentality always turned me on. I was always disgusted by hyper materialism.
In women it felt like it came from a place of insecurity and spiritual neglect. Of course, like with so many other things, it's always a billion times worse with materialistic men.
Hyper materialistic men (i.e finance bros), no matter how attractive, are almost always beta bux at best. Men resource hoard for sex. And being with a beta bux is a guarantee for not feeling fulfilled at best, and of course, if you select a beta bux, it's almost a surefire guarantee that you will be abandoned as soon as you are no longer a shiny trinket to him.

Of course having the Luigi mindset on materialism isn't always a guarantee for anything good. In fact, a non materialistic moid is exponentially more likely to be a deadbeat who will abandon his children. This is why women live in a world where it's best to be as self sufficient as possible, as all men (including Luigi) have the potential to be booby traps. It's probably why women are naturally better skilled at being single parents than males.

Luigi is not materialistic but I would be surprised if he didn't realize how important strong romantic and familial bonds are. He would still enthusiastically provide, but he would understand that spiritual provision is just as important if not more important than earthly provision.

I think if Luigi ever gets married, he won't be allowed to select the woman and the woman won't be allowed to select him. It's going to have to be incredibly mutual… Just kidding, Luigi is going to have 10000000000000 wives and he gets no say in it.

No. 461036

Luigi isn't getting married or having kids

No. 461037

I feel like there's a good chance Tracey fucked him but the issue is I specifically remember Tracey said she was/still is with someone. I can't remember if it was a boyfriend or husband. I'm sure she wants to spill the tea but she can't because it will absolutely destroy her reputation.
Then again, if she wasn't single when she knew Luigi idk if Luigi would have returned her horny advances. She may have legitimately not been with Luigi because she was with someone (probably some ugly as shit moid she uses for money)
It's weird to me that no one has come out and said they fucked Luigi. If I did I'd come out anonymously on some throwaway reddit post and share the deets about how fat and sensitive Luigi's massive cock is and how hungrily he eats pussy, but I guess no one would believe me. But I just wouldn't have it in me to provide any legit proof because I'm sure anyone who even hooked up with Luigi fell head over heels in love with him.

No. 461038

Not with that attitude.

No. 461039

Anyone else already have a list of favorite moments during this whole thing?
>the speed of fanfics
>incel seething
>someone yelling "luigi its a me mario" when he was being taken in
>a cop busting out some super rare jordans for the perp walk
>the pathetic raid of this thread
>luigi lookalike bf

No. 461042

>"luigi its a me mario"
if/when they make a luigi movie they have to include that for historical accuracy. Fuck nintendo

No. 461043

I wonder how many sperm preservation kits police staff have had to destroy at this point?

No. 461044

For me seeing those Tiktok thirst edits on Fox News is up there

No. 461045

File: 1735416989666.png (578.83 KB, 390x557, shouldhavebeenme.png)

>someone yelling "luigi its a me mario" when he was being taken in
KEK oh my god

i think my personal fave is nonnas saying they'd fuck him so hard his back screws would come lose

No. 461046

See, this woman isn't Asian, the baiters are retarded. Who is this woman? Did she get a peek of the Cockigi?

No. 461048

imo only ugly loser men race fetishize because their low desirability doesn't inspire submission or horniness so he assumes that certain races (black, asian, hispanic, indian) will submit more easily. Any guy who has their pick of the litter doesn't give a shit about her race. He knows there are beautiful women of all races therefore none of that shit matters to him.

The race fetish meme is 1000% a moid cope psyop.

No. 461049

File: 1735417341104.jpg (56.23 KB, 951x753, 67319037_134315904487821_77266…)

i still believe tracy had an unreciprocated crush on him purely based on the way she spoke about him. i just can't understand how he seems to be have stayed single for most of his life, how!!!

No. 461050

Holy shit anon, that makes sense. They always bring up submission right away so that confirms it too, not sure why I didn't put this together already. Probably because it's sad and I don't like to think about sad things

No. 461052

Oh there is no doubt in my or anyone else's mind that Tracy wanted that salami and dreamed of it every night long before the shooting. I think there is a phenomenon where high value men struggle to have empty sex. Some can just be man whores but I think Luigi (who I still believe is not a virgin and had sex a couple of times) struggled to maintain a relationship primarily due to his environment. If he would date/sleep with women, he likely found a lot of them to be far too materialistic for him. This is likely why he went to the crunchy camp in Hawaii.

But instead of finding women who were more on his level, he found materialism with a different coat of paint. Instead of gucci it was lulu lemon. I'm sure over time he would have found a woman, maybe in a commune or something, but it's hard. As women, we are hard wired to seek provision. It makes sense because in this world it's very easy for us to be forsaken in our hyper industrialized, apathetic society as soon as we grow old and lose our value. So many grandmas end up being predated on by shit nursing homes and the demon for profit health insurance industry.

No. 461054

Reading this felt like a moid's thoughts being jammed into my brain so I had to stop. I'm sure your points are well-researched and logical tho, anon

No. 461055

File: 1735418254099.jpeg (82.35 KB, 389x650, cool chad.jpeg)

He wouldn't find a woman in a commune he'd find one likely in a regular setting or even more likely on LC. Communes, rich colleges, and in/around rich college towns don't have what he's looking for clearly. He should have spent his time schizomaxxing in a Philly suburb.

No. 461057

I like to imagine searching for him through a bamboo maze when I see this picrel. When I find him he is very dehydrated and sunburnt but I have plenty of water and aloe

No. 461058

You're in a tourist-y bamboo maze and you turn a corner and see him standing there and you go 'are you a guide? Is this a checkpoint?' and he just goes 'I'm lost'

No. 461066

Sometimes I headcanon that he's a part of an underground vigilante group when he wenr missing and he was introduced to it by his dream girl who understood him.

Naturally neither would say anything because more ceos need to die.

No. 461068

He doesn't have a dream girl. Why would she want him to be a patsy

No. 461069

Rarely do guys date girls with identical morals and values to themselves. He probs would want to be with someone who isn't that into him at first

No. 461070

Nah I feel like he would definitely want a woman who at least understands his ideas and views, but is also not afraid to challenge them. I don't think he could handle or want someone who is clingy who wants to feed off of his opinions and make them her own. I mean, I don't want to be mean but… look at Tracey. She's in like every picture of their friend group and they may not have even dated. Hardest friendzone I've ever seen.

No. 461071

File: 1735420726484.png (544.41 KB, 571x403, lean.png)

i'm not religious but i'm still praying for his wellbeing in that godforsaken jail

No. 461073

If he's willing to cuddle up with his fat ugly friends imagine how willing he'd be to snuggle sweetly with a girl he likes

No. 461074

File: 1735420962820.jpeg (426.65 KB, 906x1209, IMG_4891.jpeg)

i need whoever took this photo to try again because i’m so sad i can’t properly admire the one pic of lulu with the sunglasses

No. 461075

I know for a fact he would think I'm retarded and he's right tbh

No. 461076

Holy fuck I didn't notice how visible his dick was in that picrel. I was too annoyed at the gay rumours att. I think we can see what the full shape of the head looks like here

No. 461077

Seeing his gorgeous smile gives me such cute aggression I can't deal

No. 461078

Okay so based on this picture and previous pictures of his hands and feet (and nose like some nona said), can the dicktectives reconstruct us a cock wireframe

No. 461079

I mean yeah but he's like 6 there, we have better sunglasses pics.
Can you draw an outline

No. 461080

>>461074 its crazy how well adjusted and affectionate and ""normal"" his family is.

No. 461081

Don't worry no one's as retarded as the ceo

No. 461082

I don't see any head there. However no one with such long toes and fingers will be average

No. 461083

File: 1735421426413.jpg (Spoiler Image,29.68 KB, 450x600, 1014a-1827231607.jpg)

Similar to picrel but the colouring is different

No. 461084

Agree based on those they look like your average family. But in the end those are just pictures and he still had the book about immature parents in his reading list

No. 461085

I hope he isn't cut

No. 461086

Fast work kek
I'd need to see it next to some objects to estimate its size

No. 461087

My predicktion is that it's really long, probably 8 inches, and also very girthy. It's straight and doesn't have much of a lean because that's cringe. I guess it has a subtle vein on it. Uncut, with a very generous foreskin. Not as dark as you'd think, as his cock is not overused (still ripe). He's able to make it move on its own. When it throbs it bounces off of his abdomen. If you look at it straight on sometimes you can see its eye glimmering. Can you tell I'm a virgin?

No. 461091

Wrong, the la croix should be much smaller

No. 461092


No. 461094

>Can you draw an outline
seconding this, i can't tell where it begins and ends

No. 461095

File: 1735422074536.png (Spoiler Image,359.3 KB, 486x675, luigi_cock_scale_343922.png)

How's this? I'm not great with scale

No. 461096

File: 1735422218484.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.49 KB, 450x600, luigis cock.jpg)


No. 461097

File: 1735422419538.jpg (86.27 KB, 705x598, zoom_in_luigi.jpg)

This is just about the head, there's a picrel of Luigi where he's also wearing swim shorts and you can see the full (hanging) length but someone else can find it. Here's the other one anons were obsessing over

No. 461098

File: 1735422461808.mp4 (17.9 MB, 810x1440, party 4 lu.mp4)

clubs and events showing support for him and also >>461044
watch your eyes with the last clip.

No. 461099

Can you start making outlines

No. 461100

Luigi would tell you that you aren't retarded.
The gay rumors are made by coping fags. If Luigi was gay or even bi don't you think his dating profile would have said so? Closeted fags don't show interest in making women cum.
Luigi gives off intact vibes. I'm glad people are finally waking up to the atrocities of circumcision. That's literally the only thing I can agree with mainstream moids on.

No. 461101

The weird thing is people don't think he's DL, they think he had sex with two black guys.

No. 461102

Yes I also love these, it's so surreal kek

No. 461103

fucking KEK
what a time to be alive

No. 461106

File: 1735422806213.jpg (160.13 KB, 1080x1080, 1733774346189.jpg)

>there's a picrel of Luigi where he's also wearing swim shorts and you can see the full (hanging) length but someone else can find it.
this one?

No. 461108

Damn, Italians just have massive cocks

No. 461109

>those hands
>those nips
>that happy trail
I can't handle this

No. 461110

File: 1735422927122.png (366.35 KB, 381x427, dickvestigation.png)

well maybe

No. 461111

File: 1735422951828.jpg (66.7 KB, 615x585, me.jpg)

the little trail of hairs….

No. 461112

>lies in the hot sand under the gentle shade of the beach umbrella, sucking his nipples until I fall asleep
>suddenly a seagull swoops down for a taste
That's fine, I know how to share.

No. 461113

File: 1735423110134.gif (1.94 MB, 356x200, nonasonthehunt.gif)

Loving this investigative dicknalism

No. 461114

This sounds like an average post in the DOL general

No. 461115

His bellybutton is so small, maybe he was made in a lab. I'm sure lab babies get cosmetic bellybuttons nowadays.

No. 461117

God if that's how big he is when he's soft how much does it grow?

No. 461118

Based Department of Labor

No. 461119

File: 1735423551890.jpg (36.38 KB, 768x587, b0d5d78aa77aab72243b9ad882db91…)

He didn't want to burden his mother by taking too much of her amniotic fluids while a fetus, so his cord was smaller than other newborns. Luigi only takes what he needs

No. 461120

He's very consistent with his beliefs.

No. 461122

So considerate even before he was born. He truly is an angel.

No. 461128

I already have ideas but I'd like your input; what image works best for a Wigi shrine?

No. 461130

File: 1735424792492.jpg (151.25 KB, 2048x1365, rawImage (4).jpg)

nonna you've got to use this one

No. 461131

Just noticed the cop in the background tattooed Jesus over his self harm scars

No. 461132

>self-harm scars
where kek

No. 461133


No. 461134

In this one >>460471 he has a beautiful, saint-like expression fitting for a shrine

No. 461141

I will never know him but I miss him so bad

No. 461142

File: 1735426054905.png (902.68 KB, 897x598, ar.png)

hitting those hands with an electric flyswatter

No. 461143

While they're chained up, so he can't defend himself? I bet they'll start smelling like fresh meatball.

No. 461144

the ones resting near his shoulders, i should have made myself more clear

No. 461145

oh KEK- uh, nevermind then

No. 461146

The icecream present one.

No. 461148

Do you think that they got the biggest, fattest, most tattoo'd cops to stand over him to make him seem small to help make him seem like he isn't at least 5'10''

No. 461149

File: 1735427089005.jpg (337.82 KB, 1920x1920, snapinsta_app_469720081_452922…)

me too nonna i'm mourning him painfully

No. 461150

I am going to kill myself, my fucking printer is awful it prints out so terribly, even when it's full of colored ink my only hope might be to only have a black and white Wigi shrine, what the fuck.

No. 461151

i get what you did with this gif (his movement kind of looks like he's fapping kek)
but tbh I think he looks so sad here
like he's trying really hard not to start crying.
my poor bby

No. 461152

get it printed at walgreens or something anon. or your local library even

No. 461153

File: 1735427470131.png (1.74 MB, 1920x1080, 1733248256973.png)

Sad fap because he misses you. Picrel is Luigi's lawyer on 1/18

No. 461157

It feels like they did a mendendez brother thing here, dressing him to look like a cute innocent boy with the jumper and collar etc

No. 461159

God he's so painfully darling in every photo

No. 461160

File: 1735428350787.webm (1.9 MB, 1920x1080, 1733886157958573.webm)

this one makes me feral

No. 461166

Well he is
Needs the sexy audio of him postulating about the intelligence of the American people and our lived experience.

No. 461168

useless without audio wyd

No. 461170

File: 1735428955316.jpeg (146.02 KB, 818x1213, IMG_3763.jpeg)

gone for 2 hours and come back to a dickvestigation love you nonnas

No. 461171

>sucks on his ear and then smooches his beauty marks

No. 461173

I want that face soaked with my juices
All of his facial features are so gorgeous I love his brows, eyes, nose and lips mwah

No. 461175

I want to tongue kiss this slut so bad

No. 461177

i am so incredibly down that my mom caught me making an edit of wigi x ultraviolence by lana del rey earlier today and now she’s talking to me like i’m retarded (i am)

No. 461179

File: 1735431723249.png (290.92 KB, 301x472, 567896.png)

KEK ur based and valid nonnie

No. 461180

could be worse >>460700

No. 461182

so are you gonna post the edit for me or

No. 461183

goddammit I KNEW I should've archived this, it's gone already
it was so fucking good reeeee
i think moids are lurking here and are either reporting tiktoks, or are going to the app and actually harassing the tiktokers causing them to remove their vids
because that one didn't even have any luigi tags

No. 461184

She'll come around

No. 461186

See its this spergout and how the midget girl cop was able to easily wrangle him which is why feds need to put him on a leash and collar and be handled by women only

No. 461187

I wish moids werent so severely retarded and suicidal.
They hate humanity because they arent ever gonna be chose. Luigi was actually trying to help them but instead of seeing him as the hero he is they just continue to be useful idiots who create the systems that push them into their antisocial lifestyles

No. 461188

Exactly, as an American I don't feel safe in this world knowing Luigi could be unleashed at any time. Give him a few yanks for good measure.

No. 461189

As an American I demand constant public surveillance of Luigi especially when hes showering so I know I can rest easy knowing he's safely behind bars and not out on the streets

No. 461190

Exactly, how else am I supposed to know he's properly apprehended? And I must know when he's showering because we have the bird flu threat and I need to know he won't be a super spreader; even from behind bars he could contaminate our boys in blue.

No. 461191

File: 1735433038609.png (Spoiler Image,1.09 MB, 1070x534, super spreader.png)

Oh I KNOW hes a super spreader

No. 461192

Imagine the scent left behind on that chair

No. 461194

post it now nonna

No. 461196

File: 1735434440583.jpeg (286.68 KB, 635x752, IMG_6986.jpeg)

How well do you think he’d be at giving oral sex?

No. 461198

don’t post it since another nonna got triggered last night by a luigi x lana edit kek

No. 461199

Incredible, 1,000 orgasms.

No. 461200

Like a fucking animal. ESPECIALLY now that he's schizo and deprived of a female touch. He would eat it like his life depends on it

No. 461201

tongue wrestling with weegee

No. 461202

Yes. Do you think he'd let a woman win or not

No. 461203

Are there any photos of luigis tongue sticking out. I saw one post schizo arrest but it was clear he wasnt keeping up with oral hygiene due to being on the run and subsisting off mcdonalds hash browns

No. 461205

I bet when he gets to brush it's nice, big, and pink.

No. 461206

I know it's wide, but how long is it?
I promise Im not horny

No. 461208

idk but I'd allow him to win

No. 461209

Probably so fucking long he could envelop a woman's pussy in one lap, no matter how big her labia are. He's just magic like that.
Interesting, I'd tongue-wrestle him until he submits and lets me lick the walls of his mouth and suck on his tongue like a lollipop.

No. 461210

i would like to see please.

No. 461212

File: 1735436034975.jpeg (102.54 KB, 489x807, 1734845300294.jpeg)

God I had the thought of rubbing tiger balm along his bare back to ease the pain and getting a tender "thank you" kiss, our big noses brushing together

No. 461215

Based fellow big schnose stacey, imagine nose-wrestling with him.

No. 461217

Imagine the eskimo kisses

No. 461218

And with his long lashes, imagine the butterfly kisses!!!!

No. 461222

GOD it's so fucking unfair

No. 461230

File: 1735438757573.mp4 (101.68 KB, 888x502, 1860335754850746759.mp4)

i don't post itt but i saw this on twitter and it reminded me of you anons

No. 461232

Oh. Okay. Thanks.

No. 461233

you're welcome

No. 461234

yeah, i picture myself doing that.

No. 461237

he'd be extremely into it. whining, moaning, physically pulling you into his face even when you're overstimulated and begging him to stop, grinding his cock against the bed…

No. 461242

File: 1735440896323.png (26.93 KB, 210x215, 379457893478923.png)

well since he is a sperg that self-describes as "hyper obsessed with efficiency" i think he's probably good in bed
but not particularly emotive or whatever
probably doesn't moan except maybe a bit when he climaxes
and no kinks, because he'd think of that as a waste of time/energy.

No. 461243

omg im so butthurt this is deleted KEK I've been thinking about it all night

No. 461244

Are you one of the fanfic anons? If not, you should be.

No. 461246

He definitely would not view sex that way

No. 461248

File: 1735441371183.jpg (338.65 KB, 1179x1728, evan04411.jpg)

is this even height accurate

No. 461250

What the fuck is this, and judging by the Mexican no it’s not height accurate

No. 461251

File: 1735441653545.png (362.89 KB, 825x744, Screenshot 2024-12-28 210226.p…)

I'm gonna draw the pov pussy eating tomorrow and maybe the anti suicide trashbag after. I'm not sure if I can post the pussy eating due to the rules though.

No. 461252

File: 1735441665630.jpg (1.18 MB, 1179x1745, cutout.jpg)

i like how you can still see the stain despite the lighting.

No. 461255

You can definitely post the pussy eating, we are on /g/

No. 461257

thank you so, so much. oh my gosh this is the closet i'll ever get to a mukbang from him. ily ily ily. he looks so cute! oh my gosh. i wish i could watch him eat everyday. i just love this. thank you!!!!

No. 461260

>DIY-printed cutout of Luigi glued to vacuum cleaner
This is a stan right?

No. 461262

cry and yes.

No. 461264

I was thinking about this the moment i saw him lmao.

No. 461267

tbf he could get married.

No. 461268

nonnies who sent letters: what did you write about? aren’t you paranoid? no judgement btw

No. 461270

Paranoid about what

No. 461271

File: 1735444596288.jpeg (51.95 KB, 680x674, IMG_6602.jpeg)

My letter basically introduced myself and asked some basic questions like his interests and what not. I tried to make it short as possible so I didn’t sound schizo. I also added a drawing of him in the letter too. I’m a little paranoid that the letter might get leaked or my family will find out about it.

No. 461275

There will probably be cringier letters. Try not to worry about it.

No. 461276

did a drawing for him and included a short and sweet letter, I’m more nervous about being put on a watchlist…oh well

No. 461282

Realistically with the ongoing federal charges they will keep a watchlist

No. 461284

That guy is asian

No. 461285

This is what is stopping me from saying anything to him… I don’t want to end up on no extremist list just because I wanted to tell him don’t give up

No. 461288

His moles are so cute

No. 461290

Looks Southeast Asian or even Hawaiian

No. 461292

You're probably already on a watch list for posting in these threads.

No. 461294

sorry to disappoint as it’s very simple because i literally started learning how to do this shit yesterday but there you go, enjoy nonitas

No. 461295

If they can't even put lolifags and edgelords on watchlists how the fuck are they gonna put wigiwives on a list? Are they gonna arrest me because I asked if luigis tongue was long enough to lick my cervix?

No. 461297

File: 1735451055567.jpg (59.89 KB, 1024x576, DUQWTF2D75AKZAREJH4AM2NO64-335…)

"What is the charge? Eating a pussy? A succulent Chinese pussy??"

No. 461300

File: 1735451448113.gif (14.89 MB, 648x648, 86357613.gif)

has anyone sent luigi a book? someone on reddit sent an email to the MDC's executive assistant and he has received so many books that he'll either have to mail the excess books home with his own money or they'll throw them away, as if they don't have a library

No. 461302

So glad I didn't send that expensive book yet. I'm going to wait until the news and interest slows down before sending one.

No. 461305

>Get your hand off my penis!

No. 461306

File: 1735454638715.mp4 (7.72 MB, 1080x1080, h2eok9.mp4)

it's very nice anon
but why didn't you just embed

No. 461308

I wish he were real…

No. 461313

All the dick posting had thinking about luigi's sausage flopping and bouncing around constantly every time he walks. Wish I had some x-ray glasses

No. 461314

I’m from the same area as Luigi with a similar background and expected career path; I can’t help thinking how I might have met him eventually or the times we could have met if I made a different choice, we even traveled to a some of the same places at overlapping timeframes. I’d like to imagine we would have hit it off and made fun of how fake everything is back home but honestly I probably would’ve dismissed him as the pretentious faux-enlightened type of frat bro if he did open up kek, but that would be unlikely anyways since he seemed pretty committed to keeping things positive and surface level irl. I feel a bit sad and a lot schizo thinking about how I only have these strong feelings for him because he blew up a life that looks like and could have intersected with mine and it’s waking my quarter life crisis back up

It’s a big area though so I’m sure a lot of people have similar experiences but just aren’t reading into it so deeply kek

No. 461315

he wears tight boxer briefs to contain himself.
It's a double edged sword since it presses against his bladder but I'm sure he's received enough support for his incontinence that it no longer bothers him

No. 461316

Maybe there was a point in time you crossed paths with him and you never even knew it.
I'm jealous, nona.

No. 461317

That’s the kind of thing that really drives me crazy to think about, like maybe I cut him off in traffic at some point kek

No. 461322

Not a luigifag, just taking a peek. I have no idea how the prison system works in burgerland, does he received the letters? How are they mailed, etc? Where I'm from this idea is a fantasy joke.

No. 461323

>where I'm from this idea is a fantasy joke
Getting mail?

No. 461327

Sending mail to a prisoner. The concept has never existed and my parents were shocked to hear about it when they found out kek

No. 461332

Im guessing a lot of people from your country try to come to my country.
Anyways, it depends on the state. Generally speaking a politically "blue" (leftist) state like New York will allow mail, whereas politically "red" (right wing) state will be slightly more like a third world shithole when it comes to human decency.

No. 461333

File: 1735463906072.jpeg (234.8 KB, 735x1076, 1735147910547.jpeg)

I have a pic without the glare.

No. 461336

I was slightly paranoid someone from the main post office (in my semi-small city that looooves local drama) would contact the local newspaper and be like “this person sent a letter to Luigi!” And it would have my name and address on it and a local reporter would show up at my house asking me why I wrote him a letter KEK.
It sounds cringe but cringy shit has happened like that before in this town.

My letter just said some words of encouragement and I did say I was going to send books. But talks of the prison tossing them has made me hesitant to send them. I might wait a few months when people stop memeing him. I’m not worried about being on a watch list except I would die if they found my chats on janitor.

No. 461339

such a beautiful family

No. 461341

these look so cute nonna

No. 461342

File: 1735466415139.gif (645.8 KB, 500x500, 98a76-213f345u88.gif)

pulling down his tighty whiteys (well blue from that one pic) when he's hard and it boings out like this

No. 461343

what do we think he's reading right now?

No. 461349

Given that he's autistic he probably has a library of media memorized in his head to go through. He's probably laid up in bed going over his favorite book passages or playing the entirety of The Lion King

No. 461350


Thank you for sharing, nonna. I don't have TikTok so any edits are sooo appreciated.

No. 461357

File: 1735473337719.jpeg (424.46 KB, 1440x1440, GevBbYKW0AAyA8o.jpeg)

No. 461363

They do everything to protect the 1%

No. 461369

No. 461375


No. 461376

Nooo why can’t he just have his own personal prison cell library it’s not fair

No. 461377

Really sad after reading on Reddit it's likely he didn't discard everything because he wanted to end his life. His manifesto was allegedly a suicide note. And the only reason he got those hash browns was, because his hotel room wasn't ready yet

No. 461378

That's the theory that makes the most sense to me and it'd be really sad if it turns out to be true. I can't imagine what he's feeling right now

No. 461379

I hope it’s not true, poor tender Luigi. It came from Plebbit after all. If it is true then what great luck it was that instead the world can rally behind him and support him, and now he knows people love him and see him as the hero he wanted to be. I hope he can find a reason to live.

No. 461380

He had a gun, he could’ve gone somewhere discreet and blew his brains out at anytime.

No. 461382

Im sad, I wanted to send books but it’s likely he won’t read them because he has so many books already

No. 461385

Yes he looked so sad in those shots when they caught him but now with our support appears to have found meaning in it after all
Sure he could have, but it's also pretty common to book a hotel room

No. 461389

File: 1735480235749.jpeg (31.17 KB, 446x361, IMG_9772.jpeg)

sad sweet wigi

No. 461390

Makes me want to cry, thinking about how he thought that was going to be his last day on earth

No. 461391

He probably changed his mind

No. 461392

I need to cuddle sad mcdonaldsigi so bad

No. 461395

aw nonna this is adorable, thank u so much for ur service

No. 461396

File: 1735484262648.png (804.23 KB, 920x692, spotify.png)

do you think this is his actual spotify? i have my doubts


No. 461397

File: 1735484311710.jpg (25.04 KB, 480x640, IMG_8448.jpg)

Should I still send books or is it futile

No. 461398

it's fake, nonny. that person is still active, it's just a larping faggot. his last.fm is https://www.last.fm/user/diovan2198
i'd wait for the wigi craze to chill a little

No. 461399

Thank god it's fake, I don't want him having such shit taste

No. 461401

Thank you art nonny, I hope at some point we'll use one of your drawings as a threadpic ♥

No. 461402

Maybe he wanted to be warm?

No. 461403

He could have just let me hug him and talk him out of it, stupid.

No. 461404

When can we expect this footage to be released?

No. 461405

File: 1735485785371.jpg (105.85 KB, 1080x1080, luigis-fake-id-evidence-or-jus…)

Ok if luigi is innocent does he lose the vigilante appeal to you?
And the real shooter wouldnt seem so noble for letting an innocent guy take the fall?

No. 461407

I really hope it can be, I want to see him trembling as the cops said he was.
He'll lose vigilante appeal, sure, but not overall appeal. And the real shooter would be foolish to not shoot another CEO during the whole trial fiasco, because imagine how hilarious that would be.

No. 461408

i'm guessing once the trial starts, but when will that be? no idea, maybe in a year or two. unless someone leaks it. i want to see if he was shaking when the cops approached him or if it was a lie

No. 461409

I need to see if he started crying

No. 461410

that's why his nose was so red

No. 461412

The shooter looks so different in these pictures, it's crazy to see every time

No. 461413

File: 1735487134715.jpeg (45.93 KB, 640x390, first-time-ive-seen-any-resemb…)

Notice how they dont post the starbucks pic anymore, its always the hostel ones

No. 461416

I hope that Luigi doesn't want to kill himself anymore now that he knows he has become the world's boyfriends overnight.

No. 461418

Someone should comission a Lulu prison life 18+ doujinshi…

No. 461419

File: 1735488692196.jpg (148.34 KB, 947x2182, 1000019973.jpg)

No. 461420

He looks like he smoked gas station weed here

No. 461421

File: 1735489142319.gif (261.22 KB, 498x498, 8h6.gif)

No. 461422

i'm glad he doesn't have a pencil neck

No. 461425

File: 1735489503338.webp (123.89 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_7055.webp)

Wdyt his legal defense will be?

No. 461426

We already know part of it is about the unprecedented fanfare around his arrest and treating him like he’s guilty before the due diligence of the justice system, plus the mayor being at the perp walk despite also having charges against him

No. 461427

I wonder if he has masturbated in prison yet? >>461418
I wish I could draw that.

No. 461428

moid next to him has a very punchable face

No. 461429

File: 1735489815653.mp4 (949.08 KB, 720x1280, 1734126653721.mp4)

It's going to be that powerful video from the earlier threads. The feds acting he killed a bunch of school kids or something, release our Wigi

No. 461430

I’m not a Luigi stan, but he looks like a seagull being wary that someone will steal the French fries it found on the ground.
This isn’t meant as an insult

No. 461434

Yeah someone should pay an artist to draw that I draw ,who wants to bribe me

No. 461437

How dare you not just do it for free

No. 461439

I got one hashbrown. Who else is pitching in?

No. 461441

Would you do it for two links of his waist chain?

No. 461442

I'll get the mochi

No. 461444

File: 1735491562874.webp (24.34 KB, 597x641, IMG_6583.webp)

Artnonny here. How many pages would the doujinshi have? And what would the “plot” be?

No. 461445

There was that one fic nonny who started a female prison guard story in the earlier threads. The one where the guard roughed up Lulu a bit and then he had that towel and gave her a show

No. 461446

I kid,I still gotta get his face right
I would love any it to be about 20 pages and the plot would be centered around Luigi learning his lesson with the help of some lady cops

No. 461447


No. 461448

Some sort of plot where Luigi is interrogated by lady cops because sexual bullying is more successful than whatever the moid cops do.

No. 461449

bottom left is anglo. Let my med patsy go, feds.

No. 461453

File: 1735493245007.gif (1.57 MB, 275x154, IMG_3598.gif)

tinfoil: the government sends weegee to guantanamo bay

(sorry posting again cause i misspelled a word)

No. 461455

Immediately applying to become a CIA torturer

No. 461456

No. 461458

Come on…. I'm still waiting for the third part of the prison story.
He gives her the cloth, she pockets it, he smiles then….

No. 461459

Then he is shipped off to Guantanamo Bay and a bunch of nonas enlist as prison guards and we play with him all day.

No. 461460

feeling retarded..

No. 461461

File: 1735494490416.png (6.99 KB, 183x222, weejis.png)

hope my sister wives are all having a lovely day!

No. 461463

ANON these are perfect aughhh so cuteee

No. 461464

NONNAAAA these are so sweet oh my godddd i love love love it

No. 461465

Ahhh these are so kawaii!!!

No. 461466

Nona I love that you kept the chain on Lulu, these are so cute!

No. 461467

oh these are so cute!!!

No. 461470

I would buy the chibis as stickers

No. 461471

i have no idea to be completely honest, luigi was kind of an exceptional circumstance because most Americans are obese retards and cant be bothered to 3D print their own fire arms and bullets let alone figure out where a CEO will specifically be staying so they know when to go do the deed. people will keep fantasizing and posting about french revolution shit but the truth is, most of us are too fat and lazy to rise up against the security guards of billionaires keek

No. 461472

There's really no excuse when school shooters and random acts of terror on the streets exist, like driving into or shooting into crowds of people. Males gonna male though.

No. 461474

has anyone tried the mochi he was holding or the ice cream in that one photo? i think i'll have to pick up both soon.
kek cute.
these are so adorable!!!

No. 461475

Yes it fits into their lazy narrative, how their violence usually always ends up targeting the weak and innocent

No. 461480

I may have to learn to draw Luigi to satisfy my shrine-building dreams.

No. 461482

this needs to be the next OP

No. 461483

Ok this is actually a good doujin plot

No. 461485

punching up is cool now.

No. 461486

This is old news why are people only posting it now

No. 461496

No new pictures in so long, not even a Christmas update…I miss my man

No. 461498

The Christmas update was that prisoners could choose between leg of turkey or cornish hen at 11 AM, and they get a gift bag with some hot cocoa mix in it. 1/18 is a while to wait for more pics of him, this shit sucks.

No. 461500

Luigi was truly not like other boys because he loved Animal Crossing.

No. 461501

I wonder who his faves were

No. 461502

I didn't know about it til today. The media is obviously trying to hide copycats so the masses don't rise up

No. 461503

Really, this was reported on T.V

No. 461505

I wasn't the one who originally posted the video and I don't watch TV kek. I don't see the harm in posting it tbh

No. 461506

or potentially no pics until 2/21… but we will survive nonnas… i hope

No. 461508

There's going to be at least pics of him entering and exiting the car, right

No. 461509

I'm dying to know if he had a Dream Address for his island.

No. 461511

>tfw you will never play Animal Crossing with Wigi, show each other your villages, or help each other decorate
Why fucking live

No. 461512

Where are the paparazzi who can get snapshots of celebrities taking a shit in their multi billion dollar mansions. I want one of them to install like 20 hidden cameras in his cell and film him jerking off and release it to the public as a 'humiliation ritual'

No. 461513

Yes and the news stations can all make fun of him and go ‘did you hear his moans? Look at the way he is doubled over haha’ and we all go ‘yeah, that is so gross… I need to see more because uh schadenfreude’

No. 461516

>The gigantic censor panel because of his 12 inch extra thick salami
I need this. I need this before the 18th

No. 461518

They would never let that happen, they would unfortunately crop out his lower body

No. 461526

File: 1735506330804.gif (385.68 KB, 220x124, 7789678675.gif)

>reading on Reddit it's likely he didn't discard everything because he wanted to end his life.
>only reason he got those hash browns was, because his hotel room wasn't ready yet
This makes me want to cry and die
poor sweet bby i couldve saved him

No. 461528


There's a tape out there of him discussing his travels in Asia this year

Someone NEEDS to leak it!!!

>(An earlier version of this story mentioned that the special would feature an exclusive voice recording of Mangione as he discusses his travels through Asia, but that is no longer the case.)

https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/luigi-mangione-documentary-abc-news-special-united-healthcare-ceo-murder-1236251902/(integrate/this is an imageboard)

No. 461536

Is there anything gross mentioned? I am wary of any men who backpacks through asia. Especially Thailand and Japan which he went to.

No. 461537

Be happy that fate literally saved him and gave him to us

No. 461540

File: 1735507683900.gif (375.04 KB, 220x231, 34854.gif)

i just know he's the type to respond to letters
may be he's even responding already
calling people even?
i dont want to be put on a FBI list but i want to shoot my shot nonnas

No. 461542

He isn’t calling anyone who sent him letters

No. 461544

what do you guys think lulu thinks of all the thirsting for him? is he reveling in it or is he disappointed?
>continues thirsting

No. 461545

>He isn’t calling anyone who sent him letters
You don't know that thoooo
If someone really attractive sent him a pic with their letter, and asked Luigi to add them to his call or visit list, he might do it.

No. 461546

He literally eye fucked the camera last time we saw him, he’s fine with it

No. 461548

>what do you guys think lulu thinks of all the thirsting for him? is he reveling in it or is he disappointed?
Why would he be disappointed?
I do wonder how he feels given that it's clear he's never felt able to truly connect to a woman and now there are literally thousands that are dying to connect with him.

No. 461549

I think so too kek he knew what he was doing with the tongue in cheek perp walk too

No. 461551

> Attractive people born on this day must sometimes guard against those they seek to help falling in love with or idolizing them. Although such attention can be gratifying to the ego, it only slows down a May 6 person’s own process of self-realization
From lulu’s chart reading

No. 461553

He probably doesn’t care anymore since he was likely going to kill himself anyway, this is just a pleasant surprise. Although I am sure after enough time passes in jail it will dawn on him he will never truly love with a woman. No dates, no sex in a comfortable location, no unfettered hours together, no watching the stars, no sharing meals, etc.

No. 461555

I think about how he was shaking when the cops came up to him in McDonald’s and was only there because the hostel where he might’ve killed himself didn’t have space and it makes me tear up a little

No. 461556

Maybe he was bewildered by it at first but came to enjoy it. Hoping for more slutty eyefucking in his next appearances
Also Weegee probably appreciates that in addition to women wanting to tear his clothes off, people are still focusing on the class divide and how fucked the American health care system is. So him having the sister wives in heat doesn't take away from the larger societal message he wanted to send

No. 461557

>Attractive people born on this day must sometimes guard against those they seek to help falling in love with or idolizing them.
I get the gist but this sentence is written so poorly I'm annoyed.

No. 461558

This is about Tracey

No. 461560

Kek good eye, it was written by an old moid that did too much acid in the 80s. Tends to be surprisingly accurate though

No. 461561

He’s still human so he’s probably flattered. I think initially he was reveling in it and now he draws strength from it but as time goes on I imagine he’ll become resentful of it. Once the trial is done he seems like the type to want to put out a message in his own terms, he’s a doer

No. 461562

Well too bad for him, he all of our boyfriend now

No. 461564

The 'Come as you are' book is shit.

No. 461566

Oh no, what's wrong with it? Is it going to give our Wiwi wrong info when it comes to pleasing his nonas?

No. 461567

care to elaborate nonna?
what makes it shit?

No. 461568

Does it give any literal instructions? Lulu is a diligent nerd he probably followed it to the T

No. 461569

Well good thing he hasn’t read it- dont tell me you sent him 50 copies already

No. 461570

Apparently it was on his to read list, he actually hasn't read it and he wasn't missing anything.
It's just basic mid 2010s 'your body is perfectly normal' advice.
It doesn't get into the nitty gritty and no real instructions on positions.
I've skimmed it. No real advice to men on how to please a woman.

No. 461571

Thank you for your service nonna

No. 461572

Fuck. He would have hated it too kek. He wants a cheatsheet for giving women 1,000 orgasms. There must be a better book to send him in droves.

No. 461575

I was on chapter 3 and she kept saying “you’re perfect the way you are” okay I get it you don’t have to repeat every single time kek

No. 461577

I got the same one and I'm just deluding myself in some of the positive descriptions it has kek

No. 461581

i remember feeling a bit disappointed over luigi not being a new york native or having an accent but my esl ass would not be able to handle him if that were the case…

No. 461583

Hoping we get more audio clips of him soon so I can add data points to my mental spank bank

No. 461585

Honestly, I need to know what he was saying to his lawyer

No. 461587

I tried to look at his Goodreads for recommendations but it's all self help that's been shilled by redditors and grifters… his smartness really comes from within

No. 461588

Yeah I keep telling yous he isn’t some special genius. He’s smart but not that smart. Any average nonna could blow his mind.

No. 461590

it was probably part of his efficiency tism, too bad he never discovered therapy and jumped straight to psychedelics instead. still love him though

No. 461591

I don’t get the feeling that he is an efficiency autist in the sense that it’s an actual autistic trait, but rather that excess overwhelms him. Who knows. Intelligent males will never be on the same level as intelligent women, unfortunately. They will always be mid in comparison.

No. 461593

File: 1735514077066.gif (3.18 MB, 640x360, 0240230234.gif)

missing my bby

No. 461594


No. 461595


No. 461596

lmfao nona…

No. 461597

Wtf is that original gif???

No. 461600

its from the show chewing gum, its honestly such a mess of a show that its entertaining.

No. 461602

File: 1735515585844.jpg (88.86 KB, 1016x1215, 1734656889801.jpg)

Already experiencing withdrawals…

No. 461603

Im gonna learn to draw him for entertainment and shrine purposes

No. 461607

can any nonna help me use this tool to find ALL of his reddit posts?
I want to devour every single word.

No. 461609

The pen gif.

No. 461610

Yeah, i think we should link all archives of his.
Its crazy how they deleted his shit when he isnt even convicted

No. 461611

It’s pretty intuitive but to make things faster his earliest comments date back to 2016 so you can sort that way. There’s really not much though, he mostly posted about his health problems, pokemon go and a bit about UPenn coursework. It’s mostly very impersonal which makes me wonder if he had a burner account for venting or discussing books since he was pretty active. The only exception is probably his travel planning journal entry thing which nonas have posted here

No. 461612

the way he strokes it with his thumb…he knows

No. 461614

File: 1735517503863.jpg (842.61 KB, 2016x1512, 69265092_3474218952604448_8717…)

ugh i wish someone could figure out what his burner is

No. 461615

holyshit i haven't seen this one in hd yet. his FEEEEET

No. 461616

I just know it’s long and thick

No. 461617

Is that one of his sisters or?

No. 461618

Holy shit the flippers on that boy. Is that his gf?
>ywn play Pokemon Go with wigi the summer of ‘16
Killing myself

No. 461620

Luigi slapping it against the phone camera.

No. 461621

File: 1735517909090.png (15.15 KB, 931x103, 090233.png)

idk it's only giving me like 8 comments i dont understand i want to see his whole post history halp
is this really his last post on plebbit?

No. 461622

No that’s Tracey’s competition

No. 461623

Someone could probably figure it out with his typing style and cross referencing his read list but he read a lot of standard Reddit shit and he types like chatGPT so idk kek. I also feel like public interest has died a lot?

No. 461624

>types like chatgpt
Kek true, so ahead of his time

No. 461626

No. 461628

Forgive me, but it makes me feel happy that all of the women Luigi is pictured with are kind of ugly

No. 461629

I get it.

No. 461630

Same. It means he isn't shallow and every nona here has a chance.

No. 461631

It means he would throw himself to his knees for me. Also it always warms my heart to see a ‘plain’ girl with a fit cutie

No. 461632

File: 1735520491500.webm (491.53 KB, 1080x1046, him.webm)

i want to feel his warmth.

No. 461633

Look at this and tell me he isn’t giving women a show.

No. 461635

Seeing more and more dumbasses online believing Luigi is bi. Why are retards so prone to believing bullshit rumors?

No. 461638

anyone even slightly unconventional with curly hair is assumed bisexual now, see charli xcx

No. 461642

I wonder how many letters were sent to him that were written by the misinformed. I hope he doesn’t answer any letters that call him a bisexual legend or anything.

No. 461647

File: 1735523704972.png (Spoiler Image,288.82 KB, 854x709, Screenshot 2024-12-29 195144.p…)

Quickie. I will draw the full body suicide smock weegee tomorrow.

No. 461648

File: 1735523936040.jpg (160.66 KB, 2048x1365, rawImage.jpg)

ooooohh thank you.

No. 461649


No. 461650

That’s crazy but thank you

No. 461651

File: 1735524416095.jpg (36.43 KB, 720x720, 15511.jpg)

ily nona. also what's the little triangle part on the side?

No. 461654

Bush version maybe?

No. 461662

That's the shadow of his neck or smth.

No. 461663

i meant on the leg kek

No. 461664


No. 461665

i think it's meant to show motion, it's her twitching kek

artnonny please bush version next…

No. 461679

I feel like the question of Luigi's sexuality needs to be addressed among farmers so made this: https://strawpoll.com/NoZrzVVNeZ3

No. 461682

I don't know why this is even up for debate when the only source of the bi rumor is from some Twitter rando. The seething moid lurkers are just going to spam the bi option anyways.

No. 461690

You have to admit he's remarkably well put together for a straight man, although most bi men I've known have been extremely awkward and a bit scruffy so that doesn't necessarily say he's bi.

No. 461692

Men used to put in a lot of effort when they were in this age range. Maybe not anymore but most men stop trying around age 30 (the ones who try in the first place). After that they become comfortable with whatever their life is and blame others (women they desire, attractive young men) for their problems

No. 461693

File: 1735528875859.png (693.78 KB, 549x695, 1734978710116.png)

who else is shopping for a burgundy crewneck

No. 461695

File: 1735529126876.gif (1018.01 KB, 245x207, 534676653.gif)

>You have to admit he's remarkably well put together for a straight man
He absolutely isn't, you're coping.
Outside of special occasions where he clearly had his clothes purchased for him by family (suit, tie, etc.)
Luigi dresses like a goofy-ass nerd the rest of the time. He has good genetics. He is attractive because of his genetics and because of his actions.
He is not "remarkably well put together for a straight man" that is AIDS-riddled faggot cope.
Luigi is for women only.

No. 461696

Heaven's Gate except instead of sneakers it's burgundy sweaters

No. 461701

Bi men are prone to being extremely coombrained and mentally ill. They're more prone to the worst mental illnesses like narcissism and borderline personality disorder. I just can't see Luigi being that kind of mentally ill coomer and his Tinder profile clearly states that he was only interested in women.

No. 461702

File: 1735529441231.png (Spoiler Image,447.75 KB, 894x868, Screenshot 2024-12-29 212930.p…)

No. 461705

This is pure and good, anon

No. 461716

Now it's based

No. 461744

File: 1735532999323.mp4 (2.23 MB, 720x1280, 86357614.mp4)

did you end up figuring it out? he only has 15 posts, but if you filter by comments under search for and set num. returned to like 200, it'll show you over a hundred comments he made. they're not really that interesting though. and yes, that was his last post on reddit. kek

No. 461745

i want to find his burner twitter, reddit, everything. i don't care if it seems weird. i want to read his true, unfiltered thoughts

No. 461750

Absolute sexooo ty for your work

No. 461751

ayrt, thanks I forgot there's a diff betw posts and comments on reddit. now i can see them
he's so mysterious

No. 461752

>Someone upload this on rule34 or something for male seethe
Needs to add a touch of orange at the collar so there's no mistaking who it is.

No. 461757

Anon, this is a beautiful christmas gift!!!

No. 461759

I wouldn't mind Luigi being bi but there are literally no men as cute as him for him to make out with for my fujoshi gaze.
It seems that Luigi is 100 percent for women.

No. 461760

What if I ship luigi with dark schizo luigi?

No. 461772

No. 461775

Ily artnonny

No. 461777

File: 1735545137977.png (95.29 KB, 1171x563, 1000020234.png)

I like it when he shits on the site kek

No. 461778

I get that nonas appreciate schizzigi and that video of the ladycop womanhandling him against the wall and for I see the vision there. But there's just something so hot to me about these other perp walks and how calm and confident he is in them. The eyefucking, posture, idk nonnies I'm going crazy with how he holds his composure and mogs the pigs and feds just casually and whistles and shit
It shows he won't mind being chained up when the sister wives get their turn

No. 461779

i keep seeing people saying he experimented with psychedelics, where's the proof of this?
im curious, but i cant find anything

No. 461780

>luigi touching noses with his lawyer mommy

No. 461781

why he biting his lower lip like that?
Was he receiving our energy? Did he know there were like 24 women who broke into the building gooning over him? Did he see them?

No. 461782

File: 1735547034189.jpg (61.63 KB, 687x775, linktree.jpg)

There is no real proof at the moment. He read quite a few books on the topic according to his GoodReads and also was following Erowid on Xitter. There's also the emoji he left here. I highly doubt it was merely just a passing interest.

No. 461785

what the fuck does this emoji shit mean
tech nerd, fitness ninja, book nerd, gorilla brain, psychadellic brain… Uhhhh… cow law?

This dude needs rape correction from 1 million females minimum, stat

No. 461786

File: 1735547431436.jpeg (4.96 KB, 181x278, 1649792848029.jpeg)

>Ywn take acid with Luigi to try to find enlightenment but instead end up fucking for 12 hours straight
Why live

No. 461787

KEK the cow thing confused me too but it means animal rights apparently?

No. 461788

he looked so brooding, you know they didn't expect that, kek. they wanted him scared like a puppy and he didn't fold which makes him hotter

No. 461791

File: 1735548913329.webm (Spoiler Image,978.88 KB, 1570x886, dpr live - summer tights.webm)

hoping and wishing and begging and praying they bring out the leash and collar next.

No. 461794

How do you guys make these

No. 461804

I really like "she comes first" instead, written by a man but it's really good. Comes with basic concept of how female sexuality works differently and obviously he should prioritise her orgasm to completion first, as well as actual techniques that ring true and are malleable for each woman's preferences.

No. 461806

i had a really vivid dream last night that I was an audience in the courtroom and interrupted proceedings to shout out "one female imageboard created seven threads dedicated to you Luigi! That's 1200 posts each! We love youuuu" and getting dragged out by the mayor of new york kekkk

No. 461809

he'd be wondering what it's called for the rest of the week.

No. 461818

I can't believe he's even real. I imagine him eating esquites with me.

No. 461819

I understand what it is now.
The cows are us.

No. 461820

Yes and a judge's hammer. Hammering nonas

No. 461821

Yesss a collar and leash plus something like anon posted in the body thread >>460916
Titigi's tits given center stage like that… Feds this would be so humiliating for him for sure all the support from women would vanish and he'd be a joke

No. 461825

I hate the eyefucking. He cannot be too aware of how hot he is, he's gotta keep some humbleness and shyness. He is a moid after all and I'm worried it will get into his head and corrupt him. He has to be pretty without knowing it

No. 461827

I think he's also doing this due to the feds. Think about it, you'd want your enemy to see you as completely confident almost cocky

No. 461828

>I hate the eyefucking.
Maybe I'm coping but I don't think he is trying to eye-fuck, necessarily.
I think he's happy that people support what he did and that's what the smugness is about, and I also think he's overcompensating to an extent, for his fear and anxiety.
buuuut even if it is just eye-fucking and he's being a typical ape slut idc, it's hot

No. 461830

I know people like Luigi, deep down I am one. I’m not going to go into detail, but you have to dabble with psychedelics to come to the conclusion he did. It completely wipes any white elephant out of your mental “room” and your hyper focused on the truths of the world after. If you’re a stupid person you will use as a party drug but if you’re like Luigi you will use it as a tool.

No. 461831

With the ideology he was reading mixed with psychedelics, there was only one solution. I’ve come to the conclusion as well but have not acted on it. I won’t act on it. That’s why Luigi IS a saint. By doing something so different in his reality (killing ceo) he transmuted life. That’s what happens when you take risks in life btw. You are rewarded by the universe.

No. 461832

We’re all just apes, he knows you cannot forget that with dealing with human sociology and why we’re stuck in the system the way we are. See? He should have been mine. I understand him. You nonnas are still trying to figure him out. He’s my child, but I care share.

No. 461834

dude weed lmao

No. 461835

Well you all better start reading the books he read instead of just looking at pictures. Make more than a meme if you like him so much.

No. 461836

File: 1735563637987.png (47.04 KB, 392x148, 54343453.png)

>That’s what happens when you take risks in life btw. You are rewarded by the universe.
I'm a luigifag but this is such a cringe take
>ruined his entire life
>ruined his family's lives
>will fall out of the news cycle soon (he mostly has already)
>nothing will change for burgers
>soon he will hit the wall and won't even be sexy anymore.
>live every day the rest of his life sleeping on a 1" thick mattress in excruciating pain
>filthy miserable prison
>the universe is rewarding him dood!

No. 461837

File: 1735563906909.jpeg (134.26 KB, 825x180, IMG_5747.jpeg)

He shared this quote once. Of course it’s cringe, cringe is being authentic.

No. 461839

Even though he became schizo and reclusive it's quite apparent he understood he wouldn't be causing a complete overhaul of American health insurance. He said someone needed to pay and he picked a reasonably easy target (easy for his caliber of crime, of course it was a tedious plan).

No. 461841

All we can do is plant seeds as one person. (That’s one reason we have hands) He planted his seed. He knew he couldn’t change the world. Let’s plant seeds in our on way. (It doesn’t have to be killing a man).

No. 461842

Psychedelic drug user nonnas,
What inspires a man to give up a life of relative privilege to become a lifelong prisoner? How do the shrooms facilitate this?

No. 461844

He really isn’t that complicated kek, this is just
generic existentialism.
Basic yet based quote, I don’t understand what it has to do with Schizigi

No. 461845

File: 1735565503803.png (71.33 KB, 934x842, Screenshot (1258).png)

weegee wives mentioned

No. 461846

This fucking sucks, now we’re gonna get newfags posting shit we’ve already discussed, and shitting up the rest of the site

No. 461847

Would you rather go out as a flower in full blossom or wilt away overtime in slow decay? >>461836
This nonna does have a grand point. I think he knew he would be better off killing himself because this is what is in store for him. On the other hand I don’t think he wanted to partake in being the person he was set up to be knowing what he knew. He would be successful but we would just be an enabler of exploitation in some way or form until retirement and have regrets on the death bed. The death bed is always a present metaphor for what’s going on in this situation too. Did I live right? Will I have regrets? How can I live where I can be a peace when I die?

No. 461848

>Basic yet based quote, I don’t understand what it has to do with Schizigi
It was the last thing he posted on his GoodReads account

No. 461851

File: 1735566590184.jpg (154.54 KB, 1800x1197, zoomer Christ.jpg)

Based depressed boy.
Obviously to him he would be better off committing suicide, although it's so sad to think he felt he had nothing left to offer anything. In a way I think it's almost like divine intervention that he ended up almost forced to continue living. Now he
>knows people support him
>knows women love him
>Can read letters full of support
>knows he's had a bigger impact than he may have at first predicted
>there's a slim chance he could walk free/reduced sentence
>please Luigi write a book
>If he wanted to he could prob kill himself in the future still
>At least its not TT
It's r/redscarepod I want whoever posted the screenie to go back.

No. 461854

Thanks nonna, because this is the exact “reward” I was inferring in my previous post. Life is strange.

No. 461856

>102 updoots
The fuck. At least it's not TT, I guess. I stg if we end up in a gay ass docu or article.

No. 461857

Maybe they will leave when they accidentally hit hide saged posts and think the site is broken.

No. 461858

File: 1735567332576.jpg (456.16 KB, 2667x3999, bdsm with ligi.jpg)

I had a weird Wigi dream last night. He was on like the 20th floor of some building and it was his birthday, he had friends with him and you could see him and his frens through the window and people below were saying 'happy birthday' but he was tired I guess so he didn't give a shit
Then I suddenly teleport to the window and he's soo happy to see me, starts smiling and laughing because he doesn't understand how the fuck I am hovering in front of a 20 story window, but the mixture of surprise, concern, and joy just makes him smile and laugh cutely, and we press our hands to the window and also our lips mmm. The metaphor here is that he is trapped while I am free but our love transcends gravity.

No. 461861

we need to be more hostile to scare them away
it was me, I'm sorry nona. I lurk every subreddit that mentions him to keep up to date, but I didn't expect to see us mentioned with 102 upvotes at that I downvoted
I see us being mentioned in an article, maybe a wannabe journalist's substack

No. 461862

Gonna send him a copy of She Comes First instead

No. 461864

Oh God what if they include screencaps. What if we end up on the news. The news used to share Twitter screenshots all the fucking time (if you needed any more convincing the news is not real)

No. 461867

Probs also because every other site keeps deleting pro Luigi posts

No. 461868

They are not welcome here

No. 461872

File: 1735569765266.gif (765.22 KB, 640x343, tumblr_4fd1f49ee59894b359d6b6f…)

i get so sad thinking about him spending new year's eve alone.

No. 461873

New year's eve is overrated. I sleep and get wild the week after that

No. 461874

Grrr you don’t know if Luigi finds it sacred; just kidding. Maybe he will read some nice letters from ladies and start daydreaming about kissing each one of them the moment the clock strikes 12… do you think the prisoners will stay up until midnight or nah

No. 461875

but he'll spend it in solitary confinement

No. 461877

He isn’t in solitary confinement, he’s just in a single cell.

No. 461879

Docu makers pls screencap and put me in!

No. 461883

really? i read that he was in solitary confinement two or three days ago but it was reported by the daily mail

No. 461884

Im glad next time we see him is a Saturday, it means I can spend all day itt

No. 461885

Ive been reading theories about why he was in altoona and some people have made good points
>goes on a bus to leave new york
>news starts slowly posting cctv footage, first starbucks
>nbd cant see anything
>hostel pic with face showing
>oh shit
>staying in a bus full of people on their phones with a non zero chance of them looking at those pics doesnt sound appealing
>gets off in the small town of altoona
>cant go back on a bus since news already said police know hes on a bus
>cant rent a car cuz you need credit card
>police say they have a name but wont release it (bluff)
>so cant fly either
>thies to book a motel but rooms were being cleaned
>asks to wait at reception, they say no
>is probably tired, cold, stressed and hungry
>plans probably fell through
>goes to mcdonalds to eat, be warm and wait for rooms to be free
>wears a mask that unintentionally brings attention to him

Rest is history i guess

No. 461886

>really? i read that he was in solitary confinement two or three days ago but it was reported by the daily mail
A lot of people/publications are stupid and will conflate having a single cell with "solitary confinement".
They aren't the same thing at all.

No. 461889

>tries to book a motel but rooms were being cleaned
>asks to wait at reception, they say no
idk, i doubt they would say no to him waiting in reception if he's wanting to pay for a room? What reason would they have to tell him no? The whole point of the lobby is to.. wait there.
I heard he was trying to get an airbnb and it fell through. I think that's more likely than him trying to get a motel. He'd probably feel that was safer.
Although, committing suicide in someone's house is pretty rude so idk if he'd do that.
What I can't understand is if he was going to kill himself why go to the trouble of printing a gun and supressor? So much easier to just buy a gun and a potato.
Maybe he intended to kill himself AND be unidentified so his family wouldn't suffer.

No. 461891

They interviewed the receptionist and he said he didnt let him stay, i forget if he said why tho

Also, about the suicide, his 'manifesto' starts with "to the feds"
It sounds like its just a part of something, like he was adressing someone else before that? Was the part becore for his family i wonder

No. 461896

Of course a male receptionist would force a beautiful, handsome young man to wait out in the freezing cold

No. 461897

i think it was because they had no clean rooms and the check-in was at 12pm, he went there at 8 or 9 am

No. 461898

It’s a normal way to start a letter (not the fed part kek) so I don’t get what you’re saying. I personally think the ‘manifesto’ glows

No. 461899

There's just no reason at all not to ditch that gun, unless he intended to use it again.
He would've had myriad opportunities to dispose of it between NYC and Altoona PA.

No. 461901

Yeah hence the suicide theory I guess

No. 461903

Could this also be why he had to wear the suicide vest or is that unrelated?

No. 461904

File: 1735574455758.jpg (Spoiler Image,25.86 KB, 520x272, smirk.JPG)

>I see us being mentioned in an article, maybe a wannabe journalist's substack

No. 461906

Who knows, maybe. Could also be humiliation.
KEK please she needs to make her comeback

No. 461916

File: 1735577269106.gif (3.76 MB, 730x730, noortrilogy.gif)

eating black-eyed peas with luigi for new years.

No. 461917

File: 1735577335186.jpeg (468.71 KB, 750x986, IMG_8616.jpeg)

No. 461918

File: 1735577375875.png (114.9 KB, 956x868, wtf.png)

according to the MDC's executive assistant, luigi can only receive 10 letters and the rest will be returned to the sender. how is this possible? one could even say that this is completely out of touch and an insult to the intelligence of wigiwives

No. 461921

I thought it was 10 at a time in his cell, damn. I hope mine somehow makes it through. This is dumb and not only is an insult to our intelligence but our lived experience as well.

No. 461922

File: 1735577762991.png (Spoiler Image,323.66 KB, 524x924, picklesuit.png)

The suicide vest pic makes me so sad. It's standard practice for an inmate to have to strip naked in front of the prison staff to put it on. They also never get washed. The fucking jerkops made our sweet weeji stand there crying, essentially naked and cold in the filthy smock while they took his picture to post online. Then, he was likely walked through the prison to his cell wearing that in attempt to humiliate him in front of the other inmates. Spoilered pic because the moid in the product photo is hideous.

No. 461923

Nonas who have sent something, please report here too. I'm really curious to see if this is true.

No. 461924

Thank fuck I held off on sending my letter, only because I wanted to re-write some stuff. I’m also guessing the reason why he has a limit is because he’s in administrative segregation rather than general population because of how high profile this case is.

No. 461925

Reeee I am pissed I want him to get my letter. If it’s returned to me I will resend it.

No. 461927

It's sad to think about that moment but any of the pigs' attempts to break and humble him haven't worked. Most people, including the other inmates, love Lulu. I'm really hoping he knows and can sense the support and keeps his head high
I need to get into some witchcraft or something for new year's eve and try to manifest jury nullification and his release

No. 461928

I think they will loosen it once he is sentenced. sickos like Richard Ramirez got lots of letters and there were no restrictions. obviously also depends on jail but I don't think it will be a problem long term

No. 461929

Image not fully accurate because I bet they gave him a really short one to make him shiver and for his schlong to peek out for extra humiliation. Also his did not look as soft as that one. They gave him a recycling bag.

No. 461930

File: 1735578765446.jpeg (Spoiler Image,781.62 KB, 1125x1118, IMG_3776.jpeg)

exclusive: ugly scrote thinks he looks like weegee kekkkk

spoiler for picture of headline and said scrote

No. 461932

eww the only thing they have in common is a burgundy sweater

No. 461934

Jon Hamm if he was a Lemony Snicket character

No. 461935

File: 1735579056384.gif (850.18 KB, 640x480, newyork.gif)

He's not bad looking but I don't see the resemblance

No. 461936

JUMPSCARE, PLEASE BEWARE. moids are so delusional

No. 461937

I was going to say he looks like kramer but that works too kek.

No. 461938

Weegee if he were 40 and not Italian
Or young Kramer KEK

No. 461939

top kek
that gif was the first thing that came to mind

No. 461940

You know what, he looks more like Wigi than that anon’s boyfriend.

No. 461942

File: 1735579443315.gif (3.6 MB, 498x498, 347894578934.gif)

I mean he's not nauseatingly ugly.
The fact that he went to the newspapers with this stupid story is the most offputting thing.
Any sliver of appeal he had is cancelled out

No. 461943

Come on he looks 40 and you can tell he has got some goofy hair. He looks like a car salesman. Only a male in his 20’s could resemble Luigi, anything else is simply too old to be convincing.

No. 461944

He has no charisma and he looks a bit slow. Also this article makes him seem like he's a virgin and he just had his first date ever

No. 461945

File: 1735579796394.png (209.09 KB, 900x900, Leisure-Suit-Larry-900x900.png)

Bozo's gonna look like this in a few years

No. 461946

If it’s real it’s probably an OF ‘model’ who wants him to rp as Wigi

No. 461948

So fucking cringe.

No. 461952

File: 1735581588191.jpg (102.82 KB, 1179x377, comment.jpg)

kek he really does.

No. 461956

Wish you had spoilers this, spit is so disgusting.

No. 461957

Kramer so would do this shit too

No. 461975

File: 1735583065761.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1125x1485, IMG_3778.jpeg)

sigh…although schizigi is my favorite I have a soft spot for his upenn years

No. 461978

He has a sexy throat. I prefer Schizigi, imagine the wild moans when you suck on his soft, exposed throat skin.

No. 461980

I can't believe Hollywood isn't able to have such good looking actors anymore. They all look like picasso paintings on a wet towel, while trying to gaslight us they're hot

No. 461985

File: 1735583837348.gif (45.25 KB, 500x500, 48934344.gif)

that fang is so kawaii i can't take it

No. 461986

ewww he's just a tryhard, skinwalking, fugly faggot.

No. 461987

File: 1735583849779.mp4 (1.49 MB, 704x480, 86357615.mp4)

i love him i love his voice i love how he says "yeah, thank you". SEX

No. 461989

I switch between cute aggression, sweet and romantic feelings, and total mind consuming lust with Wiwi. I've never been this crazy about a "celebrity" moid before
YES I love his fang I want to lick it and also feel it against my neck
I am once again asking the universe to give us more material of this man's voice
He looks so at ease in such a high pressure situation oh my god I need to have him please

No. 461990

Sooo cute.
He is straight out of an anime

No. 461992

File: 1735584549985.png (390.96 KB, 436x1190, Screenshot 2024-12-30 124639.p…)

warmup weegee

No. 461993

Still pissed the ABC documentary backtracked on releasing the voice message he sent to someone about his backpacking trip around SE Asia

No. 461995

>i love his voice i love how he says "yeah, thank you". SEX
nice clip nonnie

No. 461997

File: 1735584855599.gif (141.38 KB, 1000x1000, CHE-LUIGI-SHIRT-United-Healthc…)

Lmao somebody called it in here

No. 462002

This is awesome, love how accurate the feet are
Deep and husky voice, probably how he sounds during intimate times
This sucks

No. 462009

Cute the stance is right but his feet aren't this bulky his are more narrow with the longest toes I've ever seen

No. 462010

File: 1735587871917.mp4 (535.54 KB, 480x480, 86357616.mp4)

i literally think they're depriving us of the voice recordings on purpose
nonnie i thought the same when i was trimming the video. his voice is perfect i want to slam my head against the wall I NEED HIM TERRIBLY

No. 462011

I want him to bite his lip while looking at me god Weegee

No. 462012

He is trying his best under the circumstances

No. 462013

The clip of him saying "Not Guilty" sealed the deal. He had that buttery smooth David Muir for World News Tonight type voice, god

No. 462015

David Muir kek, he is how I get my Weegee updates sometimes

No. 462017

I wish I were a footfag.

No. 462023

File: 1735591753806.png (1.97 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8607.png)

Imma fuck him

No. 462024

He looks like a cute meerkat here

No. 462025

I wonder if they'll let him shave before his next appearance. If they don't he'll have had significant growth.

No. 462026

Pretty eyes

No. 462028

Very hot tbh raider-kun

No. 462029

I think they will and I think prisoners are allowed to shave. He better not have a beard.
Not with that ugly 4 inch triangle shaped penis

No. 462032


fuck i need him

No. 462033

polite king

No. 462036

that's waluigi

No. 462039

No. 462040

File: 1735594345613.jpg (11.76 KB, 500x320, my finger.jpg)

need to touch his nose and shove my finger in his nostril

No. 462042

Very cute! you're doing better capturing his face.
He needs longer toes and his suicide dress needs to be shorter

No. 462044

Probably because it would just make people horny and more sympathetic

No. 462048

>be me
>dec 4th happens, alleged killer is revealed to be cute and non misogynist (irl 2D husband)
>Girls fawning over him, I'm sitting back hoping the female attention will make more moids kill shithead ceo's instead of attacking women and children
>instead every moid with dark features claims to be luigi in an attempt to predate on women
I hate men…

No. 462050

They can’t be him, half the males aren’t even Italian and 100% of them haven’t killed a CEO

No. 462052

>they haven't even killed a CEO
exactly. Sorry, but that's my requirements.
You need to be hot, cute italian (not uggo italian those go into the ovens), non misogynist, and kill corrupt evil oligarchs who ruin the country.
Anything less just isn't worth the time or energy

No. 462060

File: 1735596248313.png (168.01 KB, 512x512, 00532.png)

Imagine him using dirty talk in this voice. Imagine him waking up next to you in the morning in this voice

No. 462064

He wouldn’t use dirty talk with me, he’d be huskily begging for me to not suck on his neck so hard and that his boner aches so bad.

No. 462072

File: 1735597499860.png (172.97 KB, 977x852, wigi.png)

Usually practicing painting is painful but this one was actually fun! I kind of yassified him I'm sorry nonnies.. I'll read drawing on the right side of the brain again

No. 462073

You yassified nothing I thought this was a Wigi pic this is so good

No. 462074

i love this nonna you did wonderfully

No. 462075

What I'm wondering how has no one came forward from the hostel he stayed at in NY. I'm sure he must have interacted with someone there
Looks great, hes already so good looking I see no yassification

No. 462076

10/10 would rub my clit on his face

No. 462077

You should be in the courtrooms doing sketches instead of these unenlightened hacks.

No. 462078

Beautiful work, nona

No. 462079

File: 1735597874557.webp (27.96 KB, 1080x586, correction-update-on-letters-l…)

update on sending him letters. people are saying he still might be able to read a lot of letters but he won't be able to keep more than 10 in his possession, so the rest will be discarded. that's fair enough

No. 462080

Great job nona! Blessings to all the artnonnies

No. 462081

Luigi will probably request they be kept in a queue while he reads/responds to them, I can’t see him requesting any be scrapped or sent back.

No. 462083

File: 1735598165661.gif (74.47 KB, 322x300, icegif-568.gif)

hope he kept mine
what is the contact info for that prison secretary?
I need to know how emailing Luigi works

No. 462086

Pretty sure this is someone messaging their friend who works there

No. 462087

File: 1735598500415.png (246.29 KB, 654x545, Screenshot_1.png)

kek, do you think he speaks somewhat decent italian

No. 462088

File: 1735598722867.png (26.48 KB, 633x207, Screenshot_3.png)

>ywn hear weegee's sultry voice as he interviews you

No. 462089

Imagine masturbating under the table during this

No. 462100

between this and the pen gif, i literally cannot take it anymore. i need his fingers on my clit

No. 462104

File: 1735600279578.gif (12.74 MB, 600x600, prime fingering skills.gif)

No. 462109

Did the lawyer call him lulu? It seems she wanted to hand him a picture, probs of his family, but they didnt allow it

No. 462113

File: 1735601224598.gif (37.35 KB, 220x197, 2348023.gif)

Luigi is a stallion
A dark horse
A dangerous animal
I would never call my king "Lulu"
That's so faggy
Fuck you Tracy for introducing that lore

No. 462114

I don't think so and I don't think the pic is of his family it's probably some evidence, maybe his cock.
What would you call him? I like calling him Lychee.

No. 462119

I'm sorry nona to me it's such a cute nickname so I've been using it every once in a while itt. I don't think of it in a faggy manner, it's more similar to something like "sweetie" or "cutie" as a pet name if I was with a moid. Altho that kind of nickname might be gross to some nonas here as well kek
I'll try to use it less since Weegee is pretty cutesy already!

No. 462121

Why would LuLu be gross except that nona think it's faggy and feminine, it's not. Use it if you want to. Call him fucktoy if you want, who cares. Call him sex slave. Mmmm, call him cumpot.

No. 462127

gigi doesn't sound any better

No. 462131

>I'll try to use it less since Weegee is pretty cutesy already!
dw nona i was just putting in my 2 cents
idc what you call him

No. 462133

Nobody mentioned GiGi, never mention GiGi again, GiGi is my LuLu I don't like that at all!

No. 462134

Weegee supremacy

No. 462136


No. 462137

Weewee my alpha pants peer….

No. 462138

File: 1735603262962.jpeg (309.62 KB, 1280x1706, pee pee prince.jpeg)

No. 462143

What the hell…Now I’ll never know what his top 6 favorite pokemon are :((no emoticons)

No. 462144

File: 1735603933223.webp (10.93 KB, 640x346, IMG_7078.webp)

I will never forgive mainstream media for trying to humiliate my dark hero and turn the public against him. They will all pay.

No. 462145

They took a pic of pee pee prince slaveboy in front of a toilet, no less. Anyway why is there something so erotic about his nostrils? Haters say they're too big and gaping but it just adds to the vulnerability. Plus he can probably smell what part of your cycle you're on and act accordingly.

No. 462146

Key word tried. Luigi could shit in the middle of the courtroom and he's still manage to do it in such a way that would make him likeable and innocent.
Idk how but I'm just saying he could find a way

No. 462147

Nostrils are wide in these pics because he's breathing heavily due to anxiety and stress and is clearly not a mouthbreather like buckee thomson

No. 462149

Good point but h8ers will say it's cope
He shits and then his nose turns red and his eyes water up

No. 462151

90-100 percent of haters want to fuck Luigi.
Anyone who is legit not into him doesn't care and mostly thinks it's funny how incels are seething

No. 462153

Why did I get flustered when he made eye contact? My pussy clenched. This is humiliating.

No. 462156

Exactly, every male who says he's gay to make fun of him wants to have a homosexual experience with him so bad.
He did it on purpose knowing women are watching

No. 462167

File: 1735610269633.jpg (107.95 KB, 750x1100, GfLkIWrWQAAyYkY.jpg)

i miss him

No. 462168

He looks so fucking hot in that outfit and his hair looks soft. I wonder what he smelled like that day.

No. 462169

File: 1735610756125.png (400.57 KB, 670x922, Screenshot 2024-12-30 200529.p…)

I'm killing myself.

No. 462170

Moe weege

No. 462171

I want to grab you by the shoulders and shake you and scream at you in the face to draw more

No. 462172

File: 1735611622933.jpeg (26.89 KB, 426x300, IMG_6638.jpeg)

I wanna start the 20 page weegee doujin but I literally have no script to work off of. I want to fulfill all my fellow weegee wives’ horniness.

No. 462174

HOTTT his shiny eyes.. his pout.. thank you nonna thank you

No. 462175

no soul.

No. 462179

That’s my boyfriend you’re talking about

No. 462181

no there's something off about the art

No. 462183

Not to pit two sisters against each other but 1st artist has more soul while 2nd doesn't make him look angry

No. 462184

nta but i thought the softer expression in the second one was the point? weewee doesn't have to be angry all the time kek

No. 462185

Cute as fuck anon, I love the sad eyes you gave him with soft lashes. I want to melt that pout with my lips.

No. 462186

nona don't listen to the nitpickers. your art is amazing. i am not even a weejiwife nor am i attracted to moids, but i appreciate you drawing him with proper proportions and and giving him an actual skin and hair texture. the stubble detail is a nice touch my straight friends have told me they like this on a man you clearly know how to work from references while maintaining your own style, unlike the other anon who seems allergic to references and is carried by her rendering alone
just because the art is made by a less skilled artist doesnt mean it has more soul

No. 462189

just because you aren't into it doesn't mean it's bad or soulless. to each their own, anon. you are welcome to scroll up and look at the shaved pussy, red ass or footlong boner drawing in the earlier threads.

No. 462190

Do they know they are all made by the same artnonnie…

No. 462191

I'd be impressed that you managed to level up at art that quickly except I don't believe you. Post proof.

No. 462192

are you saying this is the same artanon that made the pussy, red ass, suicide suit, jerkoff bust and megaboner? is this post-nut clarity in real time?

No. 462193

File: 1735614524662.png (14.96 KB, 174x384, Screenshot 2024-12-30 210756.p…)

No. 462195

Damn ok. In that case keep doing whatever you did here, you're getting better and I love to see it.

No. 462196

maybe im stupid but i dont see how your picrel proves that you are the original artnonnie?
well if you are, you did improve a lot and in a short time. not that your art was shit before, but I like your newer stuff a lot more.
he looks human and tired and sad which he actually is poor baby

No. 462197

I want to go to a magma with artnonnie….

No. 462198

I suck at capturing likeness. So I wanted to learn his features and stuff. He’s good practice.

No. 462199

sry for my comment about the red ass. he looks beautiful in your new drawing. please do more like this.

No. 462200

File: 1735615173765.png (119.21 KB, 800x779, AC_KK.png)

k.k slider with a burgundy sweater is just luigi's fursona. no wonder he liked animal crossing this much

No. 462205

File: 1735616651295.jpg (52.93 KB, 1168x435, Luigi to the rescue.jpg)

No. 462214

File: 1735621932098.jpg (132.05 KB, 1080x1080, concerned-v0-bte8kgm8u98e1.jpg)

Luigi banner when?

No. 462227

Love you art nonny, amazing work

No. 462234

File: 1735628464787.mp4 (582.2 KB, 480x816, 86357617.mp4)

as far as we know, he didn't interact with anyone, and people who stayed at the same hostel said he wore the mask 24/7, kek. all that planning just to get caught eating a hash brown. i still can't believe it

No. 462237

i happen to be visiting hawaii for the holidays, everything is very beautiful and very sad.
i hope weegee will get to see such wondrous nature once again. and eat mochi ice cream with me
i need to find someplace special here to sit and properly manifest his safety, health, and freedom!

No. 462244

Thank you so much for feeding us.

No. 462246

File: 1735632709099.jpg (340.35 KB, 1179x1844, shawnomics.jpg)

drinking luigi.

No. 462250

The way he moves is so sexual,casual and carefree like a working class person. If I did not know his history I would never guess he went to a private school.
He seems more like a seasoned criminal who grow up in the hood.
Do you guys think it's a put on act or a general Italian - American attitude thing?

No. 462251

he seems confident and nothing like old wigi. i don't think it's an act, but i recall reading an article that i cannot find although i've been trying to since yesterday where an old hometown friend said he saw him in late 2023 or early 2024, and that his demeanor was completely different. maybe he changed after surgery?

No. 462252

I think he has a lot of care for other people and always did everyone a favor and after the back surgery he realized no one was there for him the same way and went fuck them all

No. 462271

I hope somehow his next court appearance is sooner than 1/18, they pushed the previous date forward maybe they’ll do the same with this one

No. 462272

Is he into Mike Cernovich? Gorilla Mindset emojis

No. 462274

no way, the styles are so different? i'm really impressed to be honest. but again thank you for feeding us!

No. 462276

I want to go back to seeing this photo for the very first time.

No. 462277

File: 1735651585375.png (2.47 MB, 1366x2048, 1734745524089.png)

Please I need to see him again pronto

No. 462280

Why wasn't he more careful with his digital footprint? Full name on everything. Why? For his work/connections? I want to shake him (gently). I'm grateful though since we got to learn and see more of him, but wth. Luigi.

No. 462283

File: 1735652518948.webp (38.79 KB, 612x452, 1734657245037.png)

Good question. Partly for school, I'm guessing. I'm sure growing up in those good schools he learned a lot about the importance of fostering connections early on.
Anyway on cc the trannies are saying he looks like a racial mutt and that's why he's ugly KEK first time seeing an Italian I guess

No. 462286

Probably had some anonymous accounts, no way he put everything with his government name

No. 462287

We need them. Although he likely doesn't have many, as he had a life outside the internet. But I can't see him as being that normie where he has his accounts under his name, however you must remember he's a zoomer and although he is a zoomer he may not have grown up on the computer all the time, so he probably doesn't care about online anonymity. Although, his Reddit account isn't his name, how was it connected to him again? Besides the posts lining up with his life, did he post in his school's subreddit or something?

No. 462290

nta, even if he looked like a mutt it doesn't change the fact that he'd still be a hot one. they're so retarded. today is the last day of the vpn ban, so the cc trannies will be here in no time
i'm pretty sure his reddit bio was "luigi" or had his linktree linked

No. 462291

>cc trannies will be here in no time
Ah yes, they did promise a raid. Great.
>bio said luigi
He’s kinda dumb

No. 462294

No. 462296

File: 1735655980549.webp (8.82 KB, 300x413, 17864_400.webp)

really good work nonnie but i wish artanons would stop drawing his hair as this weird afro paste it ruins everything (not that i could do any better anyway)

No. 462298

Holy shit this looks like the ‘Luigi lookalike’ that was posted

No. 462300

File: 1735657842335.jpeg (52.92 KB, 720x1280, ʟᴜɪɢɪ ⋆.jpeg)

Scouring the internet for more rare pics

No. 462303

thought this was a wax statue

No. 462304

So cute and handsome. You can compare this pic to recent pics to see how skinny and gaunt he’s become (sexy schizomaxxed behavior)

No. 462307

I love that thing he does with his tongue, is it a nervous tic?

No. 462308

I saw people theorizing it’s because his back aches (what) but I think it’s either from nerves or because he knows he’s sexy and he wants to eat pussy asap

No. 462309

File: 1735658669479.jpg (158.04 KB, 1500x1001, 241211-obara-jun-mangione-mb-0…)

he looked so hot on that day

No. 462310

Brutal mog

No. 462312

File: 1735658984147.jpg (32.11 KB, 736x854, mark rosario.jpg)

still can't believe he's got 30-something cousins. that's absurd

No. 462315

He shouldn’t have chosen an Italian name he is so dumb

No. 462317

i don't think he could ever pass as anything but an italian. maybe a greek at best.

No. 462320

The fact they're floating out there waiting to be found is killing me.

No. 462322

File: 1735660020656.jpeg (116.78 KB, 736x1308, ʟᴜɪɢɪ ⋆ (1).jpeg)

No. 462324

File: 1735660073565.jpg (Spoiler Image,109.88 KB, 1088x816, GM4TKiOXkAAxupt.jpg)


No. 462325

KEKAROO what is that pic

No. 462326

People are retarded about race he could’ve chose something Jewish or Mexican. >>462322
What if he went schizo because of huffing this paint
I am going to kill you

No. 462327

Na'vi rp with Luigi.

No. 462328

it's us after following our newfound religion of lugisim

No. 462329

That girl next to him doesn’t look Asian what the fuck noooo

No. 462330

his body wowww..


No. 462339

Sex with Luigi

No. 462341

this feels like the start of one of those smurf porns where one of them fucks smurfette

No. 462342

More like blueigi is tied up after the team loses and the opposing team’s cheerleaders run a train on him and turn blue and I dont know where im going with this.

No. 462343

Nonnas, do you think he:
- Groans or whimpers
- Pulls you closer or lets you take the lead
- Teases endlessly or dives straight in
- Stays in control or loses himself completely
- Locks eyes or closes them overwhelmed
- Gentle touch or firm grip
- Lets out soft sighs or deep guttural moans
- Slow and deliberate or urgent and demanding
- Keeps the pace steady or surprises you with sudden shifts
- Quiet focus or endless murmurs of your name
- Kisses everywhere or focuses on one spot
- Smiles between breaths or keeps a serious intensity


No. 462344

>locks eyes but when he is overwhelmed he hides behind his lashes a little
>gentle grip/firm touch
>slow and deliberate like the best of engineers
>steady pace because his back hurts
>kisses everywhere
>lots and lots of smiles, be real nonna
That was fun, like a choose your own adventure novel

No. 462346

holy shit finally new photos i was losing hope brb masturbating to this sexy smurf

No. 462347

File: 1735662250079.jpeg (358.77 KB, 788x2000, IMG_0069.jpeg)

No. 462348

>seating for fat cheeks customers
Where the fuck is he

No. 462350

File: 1735662445741.gif (389.27 KB, 500x276, giphy.gif)

He blue himself!? What a guy!

No. 462352

File: 1735662789415.gif (1.24 MB, 252x388, 1735007863402.gif)

The cheeks in question

No. 462353

Hideous. Looks nothing like Luigi.

No. 462354

>both groaning and whimpering
>lets you take the lead
>loses himself
>like the other nonna said, gentle grip & firm touch
>mostly groans
>slow and deliberate
>steady pace
>mostly quiet focus
>kisses everywhere

fuck nonnas i'm so sad now

No. 462355

File: 1735662947762.webp (200.74 KB, 1850x2306, ac964898ee8ea3317ec0317c47c056…)

need that

No. 462356

>loses himself
>tries to be intense and lock eyes but fails
>slow and deliberate
>some shifts but not too much
>keeps on trying murmuring because he read in a book girls like that but can only let out moans once about to cum

No. 462359

Elaborate on your ‘depends’ stance

No. 462361

File: 1735663804854.jpeg (60.28 KB, 736x1025, Little luigi (1).jpeg)

Longest hair?

No. 462362

He is 14

No. 462363

File: 1735664046409.jpeg (81.93 KB, 1768x1620, IMG_532.jpeg)

Even in blue paint his nipples are so prominent and slutty

No. 462365

File: 1735664133863.mp4 (938.18 KB, 334x488, weegee on a motorcycle.mp4)

I wish I was the one driving weegee around Thailand on a motorcycle

No. 462368

Kek he did not want to hold that guy
Can tmz leak moar

No. 462382

File: 1735666063443.jpeg (36.42 KB, 735x904, Luigi Mangione (1).jpeg)

No. 462383

File: 1735666157015.png (310.31 KB, 752x778, Screenshot_1.png)

this glows so hard

No. 462384

Groans, he always takes the lead, everything else is a mixture of both.

No. 462385

He looks so sleep deprived mmmm

No. 462399

I dunno i just don't think he did it. There's a lot of fucked up shit like I think evidence was planted on him and he doesn't look like the gunman

No. 462400

Are the feds even able to comb that hard when looking into potential jurors' histories? I feel like they're too technologically illiterate to even do anything beyond basic search engine shit.

No. 462401

Nyart He didn't have to read it. The fact that he was even interested in girls nutting is evidence that he's a big eater

No. 462403

what if someone shows support anonymously or doesn't have their real name attached to everything? are the feds gonna look through someone's IP address or what (but even IPs change so)

No. 462405

>came across this on insta
Oh yes, Instagram. Anyway people should keep posting support so this entire thing won’t get memory holed.

No. 462406

Sorry nona we couldn't make it to 10 threads in 2025 due to lack of content… they should just have a camera on him at all times just for us

No. 462408

I keep seeing 1:11 and trips, this must mean Luigi is masturbating as we speak.

No. 462409

them not giving us more content should qualify as warfare

No. 462415

I had a dream about Luigi last night but he was surrounded by fans and I couldn't talk to him!!! What the fuck nonas stay the FUCK out of my dreams go get your own corporeal Luigi!!!!

No. 462416

They are the true terrorists

No. 462417

i would say he switches between the two, at first he is playful, he smiles and giggles but then his face expression shifts, he gently pins you down and he starts pounding you to make you feel that he is the man ; then once your moans satisfied his little display of strenght he leans in to kiss you, smiling again, his hip thrusts get slower and more sensual, and his hand moves from your pinned wrists to your clit

No. 462420

This sucks, the only wrists getting pinned are his.

No. 462422

but imagine his huge hands wrapped around your wrists
i need dom luigi

No. 462425

File: 1735670274543.png (170.27 KB, 814x896, voice.png)

i finally fucking found it, he mentions how his voice was much deeper and that he went missing a couple months later. schizigi was taking over him

No. 462428

No that sucks. I don’t want him constricting my movement, I would beat him with a chain
Depression and schizomaxxing

No. 462431

>No that sucks. I don’t want him constricting my movement, I would beat him with a chain
you need to give in

No. 462434

No I would uninstall the screws in his back

No. 462435

its weewee all he wants is for you to feel good you can trust him

No. 462436

Nta but please let it go

No. 462438

No. 462439

Everyone stop and write a fic where he takes my virginity please

No. 462440

I'm disappointed we didn't get to thread 10 before the end of the year since it's passed for me now. Burgers you got a few more hours but it won't be enough. But it's okay you're still lovable

No. 462441


No. 462442

File: 1735671828457.jpg (116.71 KB, 1400x1959, 1_19KE8iApzVdImw0R8aEJdw.jpg)

No. 462443

File: 1735671960833.jpg (203.12 KB, 1045x1206, 470324703_910565297810816_3561…)

No. 462444

you want to be dom or sub
