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The site has moved to the new server! If you notice any issues, report them here

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No. 226134[Reply]

Talk about the latest patch, your character, drama, memes or whatever you want as long as it’s related to Final Fantasy XIV.

To start:
Are you in a FC?
Your favorite XIV cow
How’s your character profess going?
Favorite class to play?
326 posts and 89 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 455383

Limsa is ok to hang out in and I have made great friends there, but at the same time, a lot of drama somehow inevitably starts between groups getting territorial over sharing some stupid corner of the map, or also inevitably, some groomer tries to pry his way into the group and starts fights because his advances are turned down. I've found limsa men to be insufferable about figuring out who's a woman irl with the intention of e-dating her and begging her for nudes and "discord sleep-calls" asap. Especially nearing Valentines day? Ugh. The wanna be discord daddies are relentless in Limsa.

Crystal is the same, just ten times worse. The predatory behavior in Crystal is just unbelievable. If you get a stalker, it will for sure be from Crystal, particularly Balmung. Balmung is where most of the "ERP" happens. Everyone has modded out characters and they pester you about wanting to use sex animations on your character too. If you say no? They'll just steal your characters data and do it anyway, posting it in their pervert servers or on 4chan. I've never met anyone from Balmung that wasnt severely mentally ill, and I do not say that lightly. They are sex obsessed, unstable, super clingy unwell types that will stalk you for months, if not for years. Do yourself a favor and just avoid Crystal altogether, since most people in Crystal are only there for easier access to Balmung (since Balmung often fills and doesnt allow non-crystal main in). I say all this without even mentioning their pedophilic tendencies with lalas + child versions of other races that they create through mod use as well.

No. 455666

So which NA server has normal moids and less trannies? I want a good community

No. 455724

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For NA, I recommend the Data Centers; Aether, and Primal.
Aether is the PvE data center. Most players there are into running content and I believe it has the highest population overall. Just know that the designated LGBT server is Aethers "Faerie" server. Nothing ever happens there (no drama or anything I've ever heard), but in case you started there and wondered why all the advertising fc's mentioned being gay friendly, that would be why. Aethers Gilgamesh is the raiding server and should be the most populated one to the point that I think it's locked/full right now anyway, but that's fine because as long as you're in Aether you can play with Gilgamesh players anytime anyway. The rest of Aether is just normal. If you want a house, you'd probably have the best luck in Cactuar or Sargatanas right now.

Primal is the PvP data center, kinda sorta. I've never heard of anything bad happening anywhere in Primal. It's a little sleepy/boring though compared to Aether. If you really like try-harding in ranked PvP and stuff then that would be where to go. Also keep in mind regardless of which Data Center you choose, you can always visit any one you want any time anyway. So you could start in Aether, and then DC travel to Primals servers for ranked PvP. I'd say you can likewise do so from Primal, but Aether is very very full, so please understand that it can be difficult to get into Aether from other DCs (which people often try to do for raiding). Getting a house in Primal is not too difficult I don't think in general.

There is Dynamis, but I did not bring up this DC because it is empty. Dynamis players only chose it to get a house. You can get a house instantly in any Dynamis server, however, for content/PvE/PvP you would have to DC travel elsewhere.

>TLDR (in order of where I recommend + which ones are currently open for new players to join in);

Aether: Cactuar, Sargatanas, Adamantoise
Primal: Famfrit, Lamia, Exodus, Hyperion
Google the "FFXIV Community Finder" to see which FC's have openings currently to search for community. In terms of trannies, those are everywhere, but in the 5 years I've played I've never been forced around any, so I often forget they're even there.

No. 455955

As a heads up, Hyperion and Lamia are the ERP dens of Primal. Loads of Discord groomers, modbeasts, and tranny dick drama going on with those.

No. 456015

Whoaa what? Thanks, I had no idea. Wtf I guess living in the Aether bubble for so long made it seem like that was only in Crystal to me. Unfortunatee ok then those two servers I wouldnt start in either then

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No. 126985[Reply]

Post and dump cute random pictures here, there's no theme so just post anything you might feel is cute.
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No. 453178

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No. 455581

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No. 455582

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No. 455677

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No. 455680

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No. 269105[Reply]

does anyone else struggle to find good clothes for their husbandos/male ocs that isnt too faggy/plain? anyways, here is a thread for it, post good male fashion or good male character designs we can take inspiration from.
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No. 430432

The best I've ever seen on men

No. 434996

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No. 455644

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No. 455645

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No. 455819

this is how my male friends dress every christmas/new year's kek

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No. 121911[Reply]

Discuss the Dragon Age franchise here to your heart's content. All DA content is welcome including the games, comics, novels.

I'll start the discussion with this: what are your hopes for Dragon Age 4?
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No. 438515

I know its nitpick but why tf is varric dark gray haired??? Are the devs so retarded they think strawberry blonde can turn into black+white hair?

No. 438522

I would love to see a metal gear esque fight scene between solas and the inquisitor. i hated that the choice to stop solas at all costs ended up being pointless.

DAV is not doing as good financially. Hopefully EA pulls the plug and puts the DA IP on ice for now.

he's a sexy silver fox now

No. 438542

Also they gave him a beard when his whole point is being a dwarf that has no beard.

No. 455220

No. 455631

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Damn, is this really the end of Bioware? I checked their site and they're not hiring for any of their six locations, which is a major red flag. Apparently, DAV only "engaged" 1.5 million players, when they expected it to sell 3 million. Engaged being the key word here, not copies sold, meaning that they're padding that number with players from game pass, that DAV bundle with the nvidia graphics card, and maybe even demo players. The amount of copies sold is likely a lot less. For the record, Anthem sold 5 million copies and was still considered a commercial failure. I wonder if ME5 will be Bioware's last chance or if they'll be shuttered before then. I just saw earlier today that the studio has shrunk to less than 100 people. Maybe EA will give it to a different studio and put Bioware out of its misery

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No. 17472[Reply]

Dump what you got
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No. 455193

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No. 455201

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No. 455501

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No. 455504

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No. 455509

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No. 276896[Reply]

Let's share the love for danmei novels in this thread!


English-language publishers:
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No. 431666

That's some dystopia ass shit

No. 431668

It's an authoritarian nationalist country, what did you expect?

No. 431673

I didn't even know China had jurisdiction over Taiwanese websites, what the hell? It's only a matter of time before the inevitable revolution lynches Chairman Pooh

No. 444603

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There is more drama with Monogatari Novels.

No. 455447

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Haitang Authors Arrested: Where is the Way Out for Danmei Works Frequently Involved in Criminal Charges?

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No. 440644[Reply]

(shit thread, no description etc.)
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No. 442979

Who's the blondie?

No. 443063

Who is he

No. 455429

Needs more scrotes getting mogged by handsome fictional men

No. 455670

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sage because i couldn't find a way to get the video off the site so here's a link
>Images from security cameras located inside this sports establishment recorded the moment when the teacher went too far with one of his students and she, without a second's hesitation, abandoned the weights, turned around and punched him several times.

No. 455675

the first moid says "i usually don't condone violence but she's in the right".
then they praise her posture and technique.
the second moid says "the video has been cut short. several witnesses at the gym said the groper's friend came to the rescue but she roundhouse kikced him in the head"

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No. 192752[Reply]

Cuz we're apparently not getting the old thread back (RIP)

Discuss your fav metal bands, genres, thoughts on the scene etc.
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No. 450623

No. 451020

Ah okay, that's interesting. When I think of 'gothic rock' I think of a totally different sound (something more like Siouxsie and the Banshees or Sisters of Mercy) but I'm sure it's a very broad term and the sound has evolved a lot over the years. I honestly think Fallen and The Open Door sound like metal, the song Whisper has a choir in it singing in latin (not that that makes it metal) but it definitely has a symphonic metal feel. Gonna be honest, I haven't listened to any of their music after that lol. I saw someone calling them nu-metal, I never thought of them as that, but now that I think about it they do have kind of a nu-metal sound I guess. I saw someone calling them post grunge the other day which makes 0 sense to me, I thought post grunge was like Bush/Creed/Nickelback, and Evanescence does not sound like that to me at all.

>I think the genre evolving and becoming ridiculously heavier with genres like technical death metal and deathcore made older bands sound softer in comparison and therefore perceived as "not metal"

Yes that's definitely true, I've been listening to some NWOBHM bands and if I heard them without knowing they were classified as metal I wouldn't even think it was supposed to be. But then again the recording quality back then was much worse too.

No. 455285

One man power metal cover of Neverending Story

No. 455395

Asagraum is so based.

No. 456736

Haven’t listened to them in forever. This sound is so comforting

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No. 63529[Reply]

Post 'em.
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No. 453145

No. 453147

No. 453179

No. 455384

No. 455388

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No. 455330[Reply]

General thread for the girly girl anons to discuss any overtly girly media, be it a current interest or for the nostalgia of a girly childhood.

Examples of girly media:
>girl groups/bands
>shoujo anime/manga/comics such as Sailor Moon, W.I.T.C.H. or Winx
>hobbies like doll collecting
>games such as dress-up or fashion games
>toys you had growing up
>any media involving fairies, mermaids and such(redundant thread)
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No. 455346

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Oh to be so young as to not know how dominated girls toys were by magical beings like fairies and mermaids in the 90s-early 2000s

No. 455347

Yeah you're right I'm 5

No. 455349

The handmaiden types who are constantly making social media posts about “where’s the feminine girly characters? strong female characters are all NLOGs!!!!” have found this website. Radfem grifting at least spread the word that you shouldn’t be acting like a drag queen if you have any sense of dignity and shame but I guess we’re regressing back into retardation. Oh well

No. 455350

You mean you don't want to discuss fairies and mermaids?

No. 455360

We discuss plenty of things here without the need to go "I'm such a dainty girly feminine girl uguu"

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