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No. 440730
What have you watched? What are you looking forward to?
>>348679 No. 440838
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I recently watch "The Love Witch" and didn't care for it but did a second viewing and loved it. I read up about it and the director pretty much did everything for the film including making set pieces (she handmade a rug and sewed the costumes herself). It's a really pretty movie with great details, the woman who made it took 6 years to source props and make things. The movie itself is feminist but also shows how women cater to the patriarchy. It drags and could have been shorter but it's funny, cute, and men die. I liked it.
No. 440866
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>>440865Have you seen Welcome to the Dollhouse? It's my favorite movie and Ghost World kind of reminds me of it. Same dark humor at least.
No. 441173
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>>440730Fucking ludicrous. Okay movie ruined by a RETARDED ending.
Imane Khelif pope. Ridiculous.
No. 441293
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>>440727>>440866Highly recommend Hey Hey It's Esther Blueburger
No. 441628
>>440865napoleon dynamite i feel is the closest in pure vibe honestly. but ghost world is really unique. david byrne's true stories – rec def. oh also see peppermint soda.
if you dont mind non english, bounce ko gals is a good one, highly recommend. kamikaze girls? maybe. ohh also check out samaritan girl, though its a bit heavy, its really impactful.
No. 441642
>>441641Hyped af too. I love the 28 series.
That poem they're playing isn't just some cliché slow down remix, that rendition is what they played over and over during American military psychological training. Makes it so much creepier.
No. 442159
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>>441776>>441778spy is probably my favorite action-comedy
No. 442205
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I watched The Mist and it had one of the best endings I've ever seen in a movie, I kinda expected it but fuck it still hit me. I'm not a big fan of King but luckily the movie ending was different than the one in the book and King said that he loved the movie ending and hated himself for not coming up with the idea himself
No. 442212
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watched wicked yesterday (part I, wtf), after liking the book and while never seeing or hearing the musical.
it was torture for how long and dumb and cliche it was. the dance scene was legit painful to watch.
i was suprised by how much i liked ariana as glinda, she was really funny, even if her "character development" was fake and shittly written. her ugly boyfriend took me out of the movie. i really liked the costumes and scenery
i fucking hated elphaba. she is a mean insane terrorist bitch in the book, and i love her for it, and i couldn't care less about the meek nerdy outcast in the movie. cynthia has a great voice, but she was done dirty by whoever was responsible for costumes and hair. they really made her as ugly and frumpy as possible, and ok, she is a bitch in rl and had it coming, but she legit stood out for how dull she was. what the fuck was that pointy hat? couldn't they have made something a little more iconic, more edgy? even her fucking wigs were ugly.
the love triangle with a moid in the middle was bullshit, and fuck the fag who wrote the musical for creating it, absolutely fucking disgusting.
No. 442216
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Watched Withnail & I recently. I really enjoyed it, especially the relationship between the two main characters. Their trashiness was weirdly endearing, and their relationship made my fujo heart happy. The comedy all landed for me, and the movie was gorgeous. I want to watch a few more movies before the year ends, but I'm happy with this being one of my final films I watched in 2024.
No. 442226
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>>442220>google it>duckling dissection played for laughs or somethingokay nevermind
>>442216did you happen to watch it bc of this gif i posted kek
No. 442256
>>442226I did! It was on my watchlist for awhile so I took it as a sign to finally watch it. Thank you,
No. 442271
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>>442256aww that's great. it's one of my favorite types of movies, "80s/90s flick about fuck-ups doing random things"
No. 442437
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Watched Chocolat and was very impressed. Of the Claire Denis films I've seen, I either tend to love them or hate them. I'm always astonished by how subtly the stories play out, but how gripping they are in some of her best works. Beau Travail was similar, you don't even realize how invested you are, how deep the story is until its over.
>>442271I enjoy that genre as well! Do you have any specific recommendations?
No. 442438
I saw Gummo and I fucking hated it. Now I feel crazy for hating it because everyone acts like it's good. I like some Harmony Korine movies but this makes me want to attack him. It was a long, boring, trawl through the mud, showing me over and over again vignettes of random people in a buttfuck town that I can relate to from proximity. I felt nothing towards these people. I felt like all I was being shown for almost 2 hours are piece of shit men taking advantage of women, and piece of shit women taking advantage of children, and everybody abusing cats, and I'm supposed to go wow, this isn't like the other movies. Well done, Harmony. No, but it's still a man's movie. I'm not in awe of Harmony's gentle and empathetic soul, I think he's a shallow edgelord in this movie who is lazily defended by notions of "movies not needing a story or cohesive plot". His self insert as a drunk and heavily abused gay man is pathetic and it was the point in the movie I wanted to truly turn it off. The cat abuse was gratuitous and it's clear it was metaphorical, but it was done shittily. If we start talking about metaphors or loose plots, wait, DID Harmony try and make a movie with a "cohesive plot" but ruined it with his navalgazing not-romanticizing-but-still-romanticizing Chloe Sevigny titty tape gritty VHS shots? Get me another shot of the kid who raped a girl with down syndrome whipping a cat's corpse to death metal. I'd get more stimulation out of watching something from Jesus Christ. Yeah, let's watch everyone in a disgusting house huff gas. Let's cut that with a little girl talking about how her dad used to rape her, make the film more gritty. And the entire time, you're wondering, what the fuck am I watching this for? What is Harmony even doing? Who gives a fuck? Okay, you're revealing that the world is like this? Who gives a fuck? We know the world is like this. Did you, you fucking moron? You were so busy hamming it up as a fake abused gay man I think you forgot shame. Dude, why the FUCK did this movie get me so heated? Is anybody else feeling this or am I insane?
No. 442446
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>>442438you're not alone. i despise harmony korine as much as i hate his pedophile buddy larry clark and more popular faggots like darren aronofsky. supposedly half the people who appeared in gummo didn't even get paid or were paid meager amounts. some rich white californian bitch comes in, does poverty porn, exploits them, manages to get "infamous" because of them and moves on. i hate this fat, ugly, privileged retard and everything he stands for. he thinks he's the edgy version of john waters or something, but he hates women too much and is overtly racist. he will not be remembered in movie history.
No. 442951
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Just finished watching Vanilla Sky and it's one of the stupidest shit I have seen recently holy fuck. I came across this movie somehow on some "underrated sci fi", read few imdb reviews praising it ("it will blow your mind and you will cry!") and decided to give it a go - holy shit what a mistake. Dumb, boring, shit acting and female characters are very obviously written by scrote because they are so one dimensional and embarrasing…actually no, every character is one dimensional retard. I'll criticize plot and characters in spoiler tags but whoever is interested in watching this shit, I recommend reading spoilers below so you don't waste two hours like I did
So Tom Cruise is some rich spoiled nepo baby leading a rich nepo baby life, being narcisstic and retarded and ruining his father's inherited publishing business or something. He has one best friend whose entire personality is to tell him he loves him and that he is his best friend. He also has a not-girlfriend, Cameron Diaz, who is in love with him and mentions how he fucked her 4 times in one night all the time but to him she is just a friend with benefits. Cameron is obviously unhappy with that but this makes her crazy!! She appears on his party uninvited, what a crazy bitch man!!! Meanwhile his best friend introduces him to manic pixie dream girl Penelope Cruz. It's supposed to be his best friend's date but she is constantly smiling and babbling something in Spanish while prancing around and making fun of Cameron Diaz being sad and desparate- this makes her THE ONE for our main character. She talks like a child btw. Anyways Tom Cruise and Penelope hit it off and his best friend is like "aw shucks man this isn't fair she is my date but oh well you do you, i love you man remember I am your best friend" Then she brings him to her apartment and he looks at her fridge and she has pictures of herself all over her own fridge, very cool. Then she talks some manic pixie girl shit like "what if in next life we get reborn as cats hehe" and Tom Cruise realizes that this is the love of his life. They spend the night watching tv but no sex and Tom Cruise realizes he is a changed man who will now be responsible and work hard. Except there is Cameron Diaz waiting for him in the car. He gets in car with her and she is jealous of Penelope and angey that he is only using her for sex, starts driving faster and reminds him that they had sex 4 times in one night and (i kid you not l, this is the line) she drink his sperm!! and then drives over a bridge in a murder suicide attempt but only she dies while Tom Cruise survives but his face is mangled. Meanwhile while all this is happening the scene jumps to some prison where Tom Cruise already has a mangled face but is wearing a mask and there is a psychiatrist trying to make him admit he murdered someone. Anyways back to the plot, he is now mangled (his face looks really funny) but doesn't feel bad about Cameron or anything, nobody really does, so he goes to find Penelope in some ballet class and she is like "oh there you are long time no see" while smiling and being cute. Then scenea start junping where he is arguing with plastic surgeons, then psychiatrist again, then there is him, his best friend and penelope going clubbing but Tom feels bad about being ugly so he gets shitface drunk and Penelope is like "hehe this toally isnt you hehe" , she leaves him blackout drunk on streets and leaves with his best friend. Movie gets even more retarded at this point, tons of disconnected scenes, where Tom starts mixing up Penelope and Cameron, kills one of them while having sex with them , his psychiatrist is his dad who cant remember his daughters names or some shit, his best friend reminds him he is his best friend. He finally realizes he paid some company to put him in cryogenic sleep because he died for some reason and he has been lucid dreaming this whole time and calls for tech support because lucid dream has gone wrong. Tech support guy appears and explains that Tom Cruise killed himself after Penelope left him in streets to die and went with his best friend. There is a short funeral scene where Penelope enters, does a pouty sad face when she sees his picture and is like "oh well" and leaves while prancing kek. Anyways tech support guy explains he is not actually dead because they froze him and he is lucid dreaming and is now 200 years in the future. He offers him to continue lucid dreaming or wake up, with his face fixed but Penelope is dead so it's future without her oh no. He decides to wake up anyway and Penelope appears one last time and tells him how they are gonna be reborn as cats again. He then jumps off a building because fear of heights was his last fear. He is not reborn as a cat and movie ends. What a piece of shit
No. 443007
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>>442205I love that movie! The ending is fantastic. It's a King story, but one that neatly removes the more annoying aspects of his writing, and is better for it.
I watched this movie on a whim a couple of days ago.
I have never wanted to go to a director's house and do his kneecaps in like I did after wasting almost two hours of my life on this.
Even without knowing the previous movie is basically porn, you can sense the sleazy grease oozing from the director. There are some interesting choices (the music and photography are reminiscent of an old-timey movie, the spanish flu setting makes it essentially a period piece covid movie) but instead of fully exploring these ideas, they're basically just set dressing for a very, very predictable crazy girl slasher with an unsympathetic protagonist. The only character I found myself rooting on is the mother, and what could have been an emotional scene with her about halfway into the movie is ruined by the fact that it takes place during a cartoonishly loud thunderstorm.
No. 443250
>>443007I will never understand why pearl is seen as a “
femcel movie” at the same caliber as something like gone girl. Pearl never seemed genuinely unhinged, it was like a shitty Harley Quinn impression or something. I also hate how the director has to shoehorn his porn addiction into everything, like the scene where a sleazy moid shows her some old timey porn and she says she likes it? She should’ve murdered him right then and there tbh.
Maxxxine had the same porn glorification and it made even less sense. She auditions for what you think is going to be a sleazy 80s slasher because they make her show her tits, but then the film is supposed to be some high brow psychological horror with a feminist female director?? Seems like they were trying to justify the sleaziness because muh sex positivity. Ti west sucks and his films are overrated moid garbage. Not surprising at all that Sam levinson produced the x trilogy.
No. 443329
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Just finished watching The Polar Express. I remember this movie from my childhood and it left an impression on me where I could never forget about it and always wanted to rewatch it at some point. Well, this belated Christmas I finally did.
It was interesting. I can see why people said it spooked them when they were kids. Lots of liminal spaces, faint music echoing in the background, actual jumpscares, homeless ghost man, the train being dangerous and getting into different accidents from start to finish lmao and so on. The main characters are nameless AFAIK, but the main boy is so sweet and trying his best to believe in Santa, and they really decided to spook him and prank him into it kek. The kid who joined last and sat all alone in his own train car was so adorable as well. The girl was the best though and the nicest sweetest little thing. I really enjoyed their shenanigans. The nerdy kid is straight up autistic, unironically talking about trains and history in detail to fellow kids, kek.
The ending actually made me tear up when the main kid finally believed in Santa, got his own special gift, the sleigh ring, and he said goodbye and thanks to all his friends. So sweet and heart warming.
The soundtrack is awesome actually, well balanced between Christmas classics and some original soundtrack that is super catchy. I also loved the animation style tbh. I miss when CGI looked like this in the 2000s. Realistic with a bit of stylization where you can see that it's animation and not real. Nowadays it either looks indistinguishable from reality, which is impressive but boring, or too stylized it looks uncanny and horrifying. Think modern video games for the former, Pixar recent movies for the latter. The 2000s were peak CGI and no one can convince me otherwise.
No. 443337
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I couldn't stop staring at her cheekbones and i think that really did take away from her performance.
No. 443672
Hated Nosferatu, it sucked and was bad, it was just a bunch of memberberries referencing better Dracula/Nosferatu films as an excuse to get every actress's titties out. Everything looked cheap, the cg was obvious, the acting was bad. The film only makes sense if you've seen any other version of Nosferatu first, because the director is too busy gooning to actually tell a coherent story.
The whole thing feels like a vague fan edit of a real, coherent film, or like he's just recreating his favorite moments from better movies, or like he got the idea to make it after watching Coppola's Dracula and The Idol back to back and thought it would be sooo cool to combine them.
>>443337Her face took me completely out of it every time she was on screen. She looks like she's going to pop. I guess she did try, at least? But it was pretty obvious she was just hired to writhe and moan and crawl around and say she's a good girl.
No. 444008
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I though Gladiator 2 was alright, it wasn't great but it wasn't bad either. There's so many bad movies being made these days that an alright movie is a breath of fresh air. People just wanted something to complain about and would complain no matter how the movie would turn out. I get that it wasn't historically accurate but what I didn't get in quality I got in quantity and by that I mean more pathetic slut emperors. That's what I came for and that's what I got.
No. 444262
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>>442438Kek, I describe Gummo as "the worst movie you'll never want to see again". To be fair, I was prepared because nobody told me it was good, but my friends talked about how it's this bleak movie about these weird people in some depressing backwater town, and that you feel gross after watching it. It was more like a rite of passage to watch it out of curiosity to see how uncomfortable it was. Harmony Korine is such an edgelord. Also I remember people having the picture of the the Bunny Boy on their Myspace profiles, it always felt weird and fetishy to me
No. 444777
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Watched trap and it was retarded. I laughed at kid cudi showing up and acting like a fag though
No. 444845
>>444801Drive My Car (2021)
Monster (2023)
All About Lily ChouChou (2001)
No. 445872
>>442438SAME. I hate it when scrotes think "hey, did you guys know that…the world…is
bad?" is a profound and shocking message. Most of them finally realise that life won't magically give them everything they want when they're pushing 30, and they assume everyone else is just as mind-blown about it as them. However, they can only express their outrage through pointless rapeshit because they are scrotes and their "creativity" and "intellect" is Klein-bottled.
No. 445977
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nonitas can you suggest me atmospheric vibey movies like picrel i need to feel alive again. genre doesn’t matter as long as it’s good
No. 445980
>>445948NTA, I liked the FIRST prequel instalment because it was a relatively self-contained adventure (and I thought Newt was a fun protagonist) but the rest of them are
so boring.
No. 446054
>>445977Excalibur (1981)
The Fall (2006)
Life of Pi (2012)
The Fountain (2006)
Mirror (1975)
The Neverending Story (1984)
Suspiria (1977)
Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
No. 446078
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>>445865i liked it, but i expected more from the guy who brought us the witch and the lighthouse, both of which are masterpieces imo.
the movie never reaches the same height it does as the lead-up to the castle. thomas staying at the inn, being taken to the castle, meeting orlok and being fed on then jumping out the window are all absolute peak 10/10 cinema scenes for me. the movie blows its load on those scenes and goes down from there. No. 446179
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I'm scared of watching Emilia Perez. Has anyone here watched it?
No. 446242
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Watched Commando recently. The final action scene is a bit of a drag, but it's a very funny movie. Arnold feels like a 8 yrs old boy just running around causing avoc
No. 446405
>>446307you guys are ridiculous. there is no "child sex scene". LRD's character contacts orlok by accident when she's younger and she has an orgasm before she sees how horrifying he is. tbh the nicholas hoult character seems to get more sexually assaulted when he gets fed on since orlok literally humps him as he's feeding.
>>446359i think hoult wants to be a vampire's thrall irl. i think the movie could've cut out like 30 minutes. i didn't care for the other guy and his wife, but i was there for orlok, ellen, thomas, albin and wilhelm. oh and that hilarious servant dude.
No. 446420
>>446416i don't love the explanation that eggers added in, but it kind of makes sense later
it's supposed to be giving ellen her power back because she's the one who ends up defeating orlok while the men around her fail to do soalso, she looks exactly the same the first time she contacts him, i wasn't aware she was even supposed to be younger until dialogue explained it. she doesn't look like a child.
No. 446485
>>446078i totally agree with you nona.
even just that slo-mo scene of the horses slowly coming towards thomas in the forest was peak, i don't know how to describe it but i loved the thumpy horse hoof sounds kek and i was sad that the rest of the movie didn't feel the same
No. 446543
>>446215I thought it was hilarious personally but it’s been ages since I first and last saw it. The anecdote that always comes to mind on how to sum up the 70s was a witness’ testimony in the Wonderland murders. She said she waited to call the police bc she didn’t realize the screams were real and not the consequence of a tantric sex session. It was just a whole different world
>>446060I’d start w Ridley Scott‘s Blade Runner first. The 80s one. It even has similar color grading to your gif
No. 446730
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Ummmm wuthering heights was one of my fav books when I was an emo teenager and I loved the '92 adaptation mainly because of the music by ryuichi sakamoto and the fact I had a crush on ralph fiennes and I only now found out that this year they're making another adaptation with fucking jacob elordi as heathcliff and margot robbie as cathy, are you fucking kidding me… And the biggest concern of people is that heathcliff is gonna be played by a white actor, not that elordi is a shitty actor and ugly dude… can they finally stop casting meme actors and bring some new faces, some talented nobodies, there have to be some right? Same with fucking lily rose depp in nosferatu who only got any roles and contracts with fashion designers because of her parents. I'm so fucking tired of these boring meme people with no actual charisma or acting skills, when will this shit end
No. 446751
>>446746ngl this thread in particular has been shit for about a year. i'm glad there's still people like you and some others who frequent it but i see way too much purity policing going on as well as straight-up retarded opinions and failure to understand narratives put forth by movies ITT. it didn't used to be so bad. someone's going to reply to your comment with some shit like
>>446734 . like i said i didn't love the narrative that eggers gave and i think the movie could've been edited for time a lot more, but eggers is a huge fan of nosferatu and wanted to do it justice + give it his own take, while also attempting to modernize it for audiences who didn't just want to see a woman die and that was that. i actually thought it was a little corny and tropey for eggers, i prefer the sort of feminism he achieved in the witch, but i did appreciate his attempt.
anyway have a fun BTS video
No. 446855
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is she right?
No. 446886
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>>446870i'm just gonna start reporting you for bait for literally claiming everyone else is being obtuse when you have been demonstrably proven false that there were naked people for "fap fodder" and you were probably the same weirdo from bluesky or something who said there was a "child sex scene" in the movie. get some hobbies.
No. 446899
kek i knew this movie was going to be shit just from the announcement. reason number 54324566777889975 on why remakes need to stop
>>446855no one's going to take it seriously if it feels like the movie or actors themselves don't. (plus what the other anon said about the acting makes it hard to immerse along with LRD's modern day surgery)
No. 447208
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>>445977>>446054I would like to add Ladyhawke to this list
No. 447210
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Sorry for the zoomer speak but is Lily Rose Depp allergic to having good hair ? She already had sad flat hair in the IDol. But it was particularly egregious in Nosferatu with the vantablack frizzy hair, it made her face look even more like a giant egg.
>But it's the director's vision it's on purpose !!!
It's ugly, it doesn't look like natural black hair, and if feels so moidy to justify something ugly by saying "it's my vision", why can't you have vision for cute stuffs ?
No. 447211
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>>447210Samefag but just because it's gothic horror doesn't mean she can't keep her blonde hair or at least give her a nice looking black ? It's outrageously ugly.
No. 447215
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>>447213Why not ? The costume were beautiful. Even the hair look cuter as a rich dark brown in the concept art.
No. 447217
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>>447215Is this not good enough for you?
No. 447219
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>>447211god that pillow face is so bad. these filler cheeks looks especially jarring in period costume
>>447210to be fair that time period had truly unfortunate hairstyles with the flattened hair and centre part
No. 447259
>>446777Yeah, I understand the part about the woman on the horse, but why
did they have to show Anna's tits while she was getting attacked by rats? Gross and unnecessary.
No. 447271
>>447211Not to be mean but this picture
really makes it obvious how bad her plastic surgeries are. They won't cast regular looking women but they'll cast botched nepo babies?
No. 447273
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>>447210>>447211When I saw that hair I thought they were referencing Isabelle Adjani in the 1979 nosferatu only her hair is naturaly dark and she wore pretty heavy makeup
No. 447292
>>447266At some point in the movie you can literally see the lace front so it's a really bad wig. I honestly think if you died her hair black you'd have the problem that it's so thin that her skin would noticeably shine through the black roots.
But why didn't they just buy a good wig?
I feel crazy every time I see a shit wig because I can't be the only one noticing right?
No. 447472
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Any nonnies into musicals? which ones do you like the most?
No. 447494
>>447491tbh, i didn't like the movie on the whole that much, but most of the criticism itt is genuinely retarded.
if the movie had continued like it did up til hoult escapes the castle it'd probably be at least 9/10 but eggers felt really aimless after those scenes.
No. 447515
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>>447472Yes! Got a great fondness for Annie and imo Carol Burnett is the only Miss Hannigan. Chicago's also great
No. 447652
>>447273it pissed me off how much her performance was just ripping off Isabelle Adjani's performance in Possession (she even admitted to it in an interview) as well as copying her look from Nosferatu.
>>447471his race is ambiguous due to him being abandoned at birth but he's referred to as "dark skinned" and it's speculated by another character that he's a romani gypsy or a 'lascar' which meant someone from the general area of the Indian subcontinent. So brown and south Asian looking.
No. 447659
>>442216>and their relationship made my fujo heart happyWhat about Him & uncle Monty, lol.
I've read this character is based on the director's expierence with Franco Zeffirelli on the set of "Romeo and Juliet".
No. 447667
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>>447659nta but awww uncle monty was so cute even if he was a borderline rapist. mr. dursley!
No. 447669
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I'm deeply fascinated by Emilia Perez because it's like, everything I hate in a movie. I kind of want to hate watch it but I'm not strong enough. Here's a song about Vaginoplasty.
No. 447671
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>>447669I have no idea what Selena Gomez is singing despite knowing spanish myself (the subtitles are in portuguese so that also doesn't help)
No. 447690
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settling in with a nice coffee and watching the craft. i love this movie so much.
No. 447705
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I loved it.
No. 447770
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Rewatched Hard Candy because it’s one of my favorite movies with Ellen Page psychologically torturing a pedo and forcing him to off himself at the end and it’s where I discovered my favorite song by Blonde Redhead.
No. 447875
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Watched Anora with my friend. It was ok. Fun at times but there is not that much to it. There were also too many sex scenes in this movie (I know it's about a sex worker so it's to be expected but there was much more that could have been explored and expanded on). I feel the male characters were more interesting at times than the Anora herself (even though I didn't like them).
No. 447882
>>447491It's about struggling with her shadow and Animus possession. Von Franz was a Swiss psychiatrist who dabbled in alchemy, obviously meant to be Carl Jung. Von Franz irl was a woman who worked with him. Eggers wife is a psychologist.
The fight between Hoult and LDR, she was possessed by Orlok, it wasn't her. Hoult tried to reestablish dominance by having sex with her, especially since she mentioned him being raped by Orlok (emasculated by the Animus). She did and didn't want to have sex with Orlok, logically speaking she didn't, but deep down in her shadow she did. Only by bringing her own shadow to light, she could vanquish the evil. In modern terms: The story is basically about a woman with BPD who wants to self harm by fucking a literal corpse. She gets initially
triggered into it when she's abandoned by her husband. It's only possible to deal with the darkness inside when it's brought to light, but everyone discourages her, drugs her, doesn't believe her etc. Until the only solace, the last resort she has is basically suicide. If Hoult didn't abandon her and got her help for her trauma, none of this would've happened. But nobody wanted to listen.
No. 447895
>>447669The weirdest thing to me is that not even a song per se, just him naming the procedures, no cadence, no lyricism.
Can't believe I'm still here lost to this crap
No. 448218
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Nosferatu is the worst Eggers movie
No. 448376

Idk where to post this, but well RLM kinda reviews movies (albeit Z class movies) and I bet here are some anons who are RLM fans.
This was probably the funniest episode they made in years, I felt like I'm back in 2015. I was sceptical of the guest, but he turned out great. I was uncomfortable with their lack of reflection on the anti porn stuff (like to them it's just "bad religious guy hates porn because it makes people good") but whatever, I don't expect actual social awareness from them, I watched it just for the impressions. Honestly the DeNiro impression at 34:00 and even more so the impression of David Attenborough narrating Arnold Schwarzenegger terrorizing small brazilian village made me laugh so hard I almost pissed myself in my bed (around 1:20:37)
Anyway I find it sad that we will never go back to this era of people making batshit insane straight to vhs/DVD movies about drinking your own urine or elderly fitness.
And just the idea of renting physical movies??? I remember being a small kid and going to local rental stores with my parents. I remember those places, they seem magical now but also fever dream like, like on one shelf there's my little pony cartoons, on another Princess Mononoke, and yet on another, porn. The farther you go, the worse and more bizarre shit you will see and the more angry your parents will get. I was there, I remember the dawn of VHS, I remember when my local shopping mall wanted to get rid of all their vhs tapes fast, so they were making sales and selling each for literally like 5 bucks, even Disney productions, stuff that I could get maybe like 2-3 times per year, maybe for my birthday and christmas. And there I was buying like 20 vhs tapes for literal pennies. Crazy stuff. I'm european so that's just my perspective, I wonder if in America that shift from vhs to DVD was also so rampant, shops literally cutting like 90% of the prices of video tapes just to get rid of them and images of kids with buckets filled with video tapes lmao
No. 448440
>>443463Nonna, I’m so late to this, but yeah. When I first watched it, I absolutely hated it. Dear Lord, that man was pathetic. Yet somehow extremely hot (Fucking Harris man). Over time, though, it has really grown on me. But I still have mixed feelings about it. Initially, I found her attraction to that mumbling moid completely unbelievable. It just made her look like a dirty cheater betraying her husband. His pathetic haircut, the disheveled tie, the constant mumbling. I didn’t get it at first. How could a beautiful, successful woman in such control of her life be attracted to that. But now, I do. He was her opposite: younger, relaxed, not strict, but still dominant in bed. She just wanted to let go sexually. The only area she could not control.
Even so, I thought we were getting a reverse Secretary, and I’m sad because the movie felt tainted by her cheating and hurting her whole family for her sexual escapade. I’ve already seen backlash about the cheating, and honestly, I agree. Also, can not blame people for being ageist or pointing out the age gap, especially since they would do the same if the roles were reversed. If it weren’t for the cheating, I think the movie would have had a completely different reception.
I understand it was trying to highlight sexual repression in women, which I believe is an incredibly interesting POV, but so many people (myself included) can’t look past the infidelity, so the conversation ends right there. Another L for women.
That said, the color palette and Nicole’s acting were excellent. And Harris is so hot and (played that pathetic man very well) not even that haircut can ruin him. Mixed feelings galore kek
No. 448864
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Post your 'I didn't hate it, but…' top choices.
No. 448867
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>>448864I didn't hate it, but I found the characters kind of annoying.
No. 449010
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Just finished this and wow… What a beautiful movie. The restaurant scene is my favorite scene of 2024 and the roof scene?!?!? Sobbing. This gave me a new appreciation for Jesse Eisenberg. For anyone who likes dramedy type movies please watch this please.
No. 449175
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it worked
No. 449227
>>449223>ill will is repulsiventa but it's deserved when someone acts like creep and supports full on child molesters with petitions,
that's truly repulsive
No. 449233
>>449223I hope I won't have a grave tbh, I would like to be burried under a young tree and nourish it with my body, that would be kino
Ah yes this is my favourite argument of every fragile midwit when you criticize their favourite work
>and WHAT have you done to have an opinion?! You can't shit on something if you're not a recognized artist yourself! No. 449234
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Daily reminder lynch was also pro trannies
No. 449236
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I hope that all Lynch haters receive the visit of this man tonight.
No. 449246
>>449236Ugly men don't appear in my dreams sorry.
No. 449265
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Kek I knew it'd be an unpopular sentiment here, but I cried a little when I heard about Lynch dying. Not in the sense that I idolized him or anything but Twin Peaks was very central to my transition into adulthood and watching it led to some really powerful emotional breakthroughs for me when I was a teen. His death kind of triggered my nostalgia and I spent some time reading my diary entries from that time and reliving the catharsis. I can look at his work more critically now but as a teen his work was very important to me as someone who was suffering from stuff I wasn't able to talk about.
No. 449470
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Just watched this for the first time, was kinda unsure about it at the beginning but eventually the cuteness won me over, man I love to see an autistic girl winning.
No. 449555
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>>449371no it isn't lmao. pickme
>>449470>kyle gallnerwill see it
No. 449574
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>>449569i'm not even defending nosfergyattu i'm just saying you're being a huge hypocrite. why are you pretending like lynch is a genius for torturing women?
No. 449593
>>449469NTA, I'm
>>449265, but for me the creepiness/surreal quality was what made it connect with me. I was groomed and abused and convinced to keep quiet about it and "just move on/forget it" by adults in my life. Being a young
victim of sexual abuse is inherently surreal because you know you're living a different world than your friends and siblings but you don't get to speak up about it or defend yourself because you're a child. The nightmarish-ness of The Black Lodge felt like a visual representation of the awful secrets I was forced to keep as a kid. There's also a lot of guilt, feeling like the abuse was your fault in some way. I liked that Laura had a double life and did a lot of "bad" things, but the show never demonized her. She was a literal cheating coke whore, but the show never treated her as anything other than a
victim, and not because she was weak or pathetic, but because she simply deserved justice. I don't want to ramble too much because TP isn't even a movie lol but hopefully I made some sense. I don't blame you for finding it creepy at all though.
>>449413I completely agree that I'll never accept him signing the petition, but also that it's okay to feel conflicted. Maybe it's messed up that something so disturbing brings us comfort lol, but solace is solace.
No. 449620
>>449584>>449575take your own advice
no actress has ever begrudged eggers too and you can absolutely say eggers has never tantalizing filmed dead women’s bodies or made movies where every female lead is either raped or molested or killed or tortured kek
No. 449633
>>449626Exactly my point they are both misogynists. I’m defending anyone’s right to enjoy or at least be moved by a film regardless of that fact. I will always prefer a director like Agnes Varda over Lynch any day but I don’t think it’s fair to label a nona as a pickme for choosing one over the other when Eggers prob capes harder for Lynch than anybody itt. Keep in mind these two were pitted against each other for some reason. I also disagreed with that
>>449620We are separate anons believe it or not
No. 449690
>>449689I will say I loved the ‘mad man’ character and a lot of the arcs revolving around him. He was criminally underused and probably the best actor in the entire film. It wasn’t entire garbage, it just pisses me off how many people are excusing boring pacing and hammed in storylines for no reason.
I thought his adaptation of Nosferatu was going to be a lot better, his actual style could have worked
so well, and it does when we get to see it, but he went for this weird grandiose storytelling. and it’s disappointing honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if he felt the same way.
No. 449702
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whats your ''everyone likes it, but i hate it'' movie?
No. 449704
>>449702I feel like because some of the nonas don’t have normie opinions here everyone would agree with my
>everyone likes it but i hate itand sperg at me.
I wasn’t around for the discourse of longlegs when it released but I thought it was marketed terribly. Super forgettable film. My judgment off of a movies public perception comes from letterboxd reviews tbh and what the majority seems to think.
No. 449705
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>>449702Oh Christ, where to begin?
>The Matrix>Poor Things>Challengers>Elf>La La Land>Inception>Oppenheimer>There's Something About Mary>Toy Story 4>Seaspiracy>A Quiet Place>Her>Encanto>Soul>The Boys (not a movie but I hate it anyway) No. 449712
>>449702>Jennifer's Body>5 Centimeters Per Second (any movies by this asshole really)>Saiko Large Family>Paranoid ParkMovie I like that everyone shits on:
The Village is it REALLY that bad or do people just dunk on it cause it's Shyamalan?
No. 449729
>>449702>BrazilThe set design was good and the whole satire of bureaucracy was an interesting concept until the movie just ???? decided to throw the whole social/political commentary in the trash in favour of focusing entirely on one of the most godawfuly written romantic plots I've seen instead. Frankly gives of the impression that Terry Gillian's corny ass just really really really wanted to make a 1984 rip off because it was basically the year of the book, but then he realized he didn't actually have that much social commentary to make so he had to make shit up and pretend to know what he was doing. Whenever people bring up the studio "trying to censor the movie" to me it just sounds like it might have been him being uptight and not taking criticism.
>Women on the Verge of a Nervous BreakdownI don't know what other people see in it. It felt like watching the male director go "women be crazy amirite?" for 90 minutes.
>Wings of DesireI think this type of New Wave/whatever euro film is not for me. It bored me to death and people's internal monologues pissed me the fuck out because they sounded pretentious as fuck and not realistic at all. Peter Falk was the only person in the whole movie that sounded kinda normal. Bruno Gantz going around and being excited about colours and coffee was finally cute and fun, but then he meets the woman for the first time and she just goes on an in promptu pretentious monologue that last for 5-10 minutes and I just wanted her to shut up. Sorry for being uncultured on this one.
>It's a Wonderful LifeNot really hatred, just confusion at the absolute praise it gets.
Not American, so it doesn't have any cultural significance to me, but I was not expecting the movie to be structured like that. I was expecting the movie to be about the angel going up to him and convincing him not to kill himself, but then it spends at least 2/3 of the run time on the guy's entire life story before actually getting to that? And the guy's backstory doesn't feel compatible with the angel's method at all. The guy spent all of his life having to let go of his dreams/wishes/plans because others kept putting him in situations where he felt/was obliged to stick around to help them, clearly he feels chained down by others. "Oh but look how helpful you were to others" would realistically make him want to kill himself harder.
>Irony of fate; or have a good bathDNF'd
Russians always recommend this when you ask about Russian comedies, but I watched 20 minutes of it, started getting some narrative red flags for tropes I don't like (
basically infidelity) and was put off by the slow pacing, so I looked up a synopsis and some LB reviews instead and decided I probably didn't wanna spend 3 hours on it.
No. 449732
>>449719I don’t entirely agree with you, but normie scrotes always use david lynch as some way to impress or prove to women that they’re so totally deep
>>449728Ayrt, yeah the whole schizo implication felt misguided, would have been better left more innocuous. Her behaviour made me feel validated in a sense while watching it, and drew a lot of parallels to her with myself, which is why the schizo thing is just kinda silly and cheap. Alison bries performance was great and seeing a good person perform something that clearly means something to them is always nice.
No. 449754
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Saw Nosferatu last night. Everything that happened outside of Transylvania was boring as fuck and Lily Depps seizure acting genuinely made me feel like I was watching Scary Movie. Eggers needs to stick to making movies about mud people that live in straw huts, he had no idea what to do with an urbanised semi-modern setting.
No. 449756
>>449754Everything up until the monologue begins in the castle had my attention. It was so fantastical and didn’t feel grounded afterwards. At times I was expecting a musical number almost, if that makes sense.
I have no idea why with one of his arguably biggest and most important projects, he decided to change his style. you’re an auteur, if what you had was working, why deviate so drastically.
I think Nosferatu calls for a darker grimier setting that I went in expecting because its eggers for christs sake, almost got, and was left edged.
Finally revealing his nasty body at the end looks cool but it was the only time I felt even a little bit scared of orlok himself aside from when the kids die. ‘Hey! Look, he’s all slimey and rotten too!’ Sorry for sperging a bit, it makes me a bit sad thinking this is going to be the Nosferatu people reference moreso instead of the original for a few years. It should have been better. No. 449762
>>449705Requiem for a dream
Shawshank redemption
Green mile
basically every Christopher Nolan movie
Poor things
David Lynch shit
No. 449777
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>>449702Amelie. It's cringey because it's not naturally quirky. It tries too hard to be quirky and i hate it.
No. 449785
>>449702>HereditaryAbsolute snorefest thats just praised by people who don't watch horror movies and think every single one of them is identical to the fifth installment of something like Friday the 13th.. I'm sick of everything post-Babadook.
>The Breakfast ClubMoid garbage. Always hated how verbally
abusive the poor guy was to the popular girl and how he basically wears her down into having sex with him.
>Perfect Blue/PaprikaThe plot twist is genuinely one of the most retarded I've ever seen in a movie in Perfect Blue. If it was live action, everyone would consider it on the same level as High Tension. Paprika is ruined by the rape scene. Awful.
>Spider-man: Across the Spider-verseNot even an actual movie, this shit was the exact same as Venom: The Last Dance. No depth, just a bloated run time to squeeze as many memes as they can into the hands of obnoxious twittards, and it doesn't even have an ending.
>Furiosa: A Mad Max SagaSexist, worthless male love interest without an ounce of charisma, absolute terrible recasting of Furiosa especially compared to the performance that Charlize Theron gave. Ruined everything about Furiosa as a character, all about her backstory but then seemed completely uninterested in it.
>Everything Everywhere All At OnceI was called racist for not liking this movie because I'm not Asian-American, but this movie is completely worthless. Its the MCU-fication of a family drama that tried so hard to be quirky and funny. There are tons of Asian-American films I like (that isn't Crazy Rich Asians), so I felt like it was overpraised for being the first of something they weren't the first at.
>Evil Dead RiseCompletely soulless, colorless, and lacking any charm of the original two movies (not the third, fuck that movie). Overtly cruel. I'm sick of final girls and the weirdly prolife messaging of the later part of the film was weird was fuck, I'm glad the next Evil Dead movie is having another final boy.
>ParasiteI wish that Microhabitat by Jeon Go-woon blew up instead of this garbage. I'm glad its made general audiences more open to foreign films though.
I have loads more but I've sperged enough. Worthless movies like Barbie, Knives Out, Nope, Godzilla Minus One, The Lighthouse, ect.
No. 449796
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>>449792Okay. I took that one personally. How dare you? That movie is a masterpiece.
you’re entitled to your own opinion obviously lolI’m curious though, did you watch the dub or sub?
I’ve found rewatching a lot of them as an adult in both dubs and subs, the implications and storytelling are much more nuanced when expressed in the japanese language. If you directly compare the dub to the sub, the english versions will completely drop entire storylines that seem too ‘mature’, swapping them out with disney tier dialogue.
A lot of the themes in all of the ghibli films are very adult and very philosophical, not to mention the gorgeous atmosphere and fact artists painted every single frame.
Food for thought I hope!
No. 449813
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>>449809Castle in the Sky in particular has a really shitty annoying dub because it was sorta like ghiblis ‘first’ movie. Fun fact though, it was one of Anna Paquins first roles as a kid, ghibli was practically unknown at the time so this didn’t do much for her career until american audiences began being more interested in the japanese market.
It’s one of my favourite movies if you couldn’t tell lol, a lot of that comes with nostalgia though too. I hope you do give it another try. If anything it’s just nice having the chill orchestral music and ambient sounds in the background, the soundtracks are all chefs kiss.
No. 449816
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>>449702>Ex MachinaThe
epitome of 2deep4u moidslop. So much eyeroll worthy dialogue. The only good part was when
the AI woman abandoned the scrote protagonist to a slow death>Les MiserablesThe movie doesn't hold a candle to the stage show in terms of performances, and there are parts where you can
tell the actors are fed up from the constant reshoots kek
>Crimson PeakI just found it boring and the gothic elements/monsters were underwhelming
>InsidiousQuite possibly THE least scary horror movie ever made. Why is Darth Maul terrorising this random boring ass family
>The Breakfast Club"Wow, this movie is so subversive!"
How??? The scrote characters are unbearable in this one too
>GreaseI think Danny is legitimately one of the worst love interests I've ever seen in a movie, and the other the characters aren't very endearing either
>Dirty DancingI don't hate this movie, as such, but I've seen it 3 times and I still couldn't tell you what happens in it kek. The story about how much the two leads hated each other irl is more interesting
>StardustIdk I just never liked this one, it gave me weird vibes as a kid
No. 449822
>>449785Did you like Perfect Blue outside of the twist? Do you think you might like it had they gone in a different direction? It's one of my absolute favorites. I don't remember a rape scene in Paprika, and although I love it the
lady getting with the hideous obese scrote is what soured the movie a little for me.
No. 449825
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>>449816I always loved Ex Machina for that ending actually,
I was really glad she killed both of those rapey assholes and took advantage of them the entire time
>I think Danny is legitimately one of the worst love interests I've ever seen in a movie, and the other the characters aren't very endearing eitherEverytime I’m even reminded of the cringiness in grease I think of how spot on crybaby actually got it lol, especially with how none of those ‘teenagers’ are teenagers kek. Only issue is that Depp was way better looking than John Travolta in his prime.
No. 449837
>>449722Agreed! Apparently the drunken
abusive dad is the character that Stephen King "relates to the most" too, and considering all the other weird shit he's written, I'm not buying that it's
just the alcoholism he's talking about kek
No. 449980
>>449969Maybe that’s why I liked his mid career work more, featured less women dying from the hands of men and more men getting pulverized. Like in Kill Bill which I almost forgot. But always his signature violent imagery. I’d bet my life savings he owns snuff films
>>449973I don’t get how the mainstream just sees his foot fetish as some quirky trait now?? There were SO MANY nasty feet shots. Not even like oops dropped something here’s a quick flash on some feet. Or like Uma’s move your big toe. Just straight up feet in your face. I genuinely can’t believe it scored better than Jawbreaker when it first came out
No. 449992
>>449788The Lighthouse has no substance. It is pointless, the visuals are not impressive, its in black and white just because that hack Eggers thought he would be able to pass this off as "avant garde" if he did that. It felt like a genuine waste of time, and I actually tend to enjoy artsy films. I don't believe there was a single thought put into any aspect of this one, though.
>>449822I can't say I cared for any other aspects of Perfect Blue. The art and animation was nice, but thats all I feel like it had going for it. I wasn't emotionally invested, and I felt like things like the attempted rape scene or the parts with the creepy guy were just trying too hard.
>>449797I don't care for a lot of classic cinema, aside from a few like Lawrence of Arabia, but a few films I really love and can't recommend enough are (only 10, not in any particular order, because this was getting too long:
>Daisies (1966)>Strange Days (1995)>Le Bonheur (or anything by Agnés Varda)>Top of the Heap>In My Skin>Mary Jane's Not a Virgin Anymore>Chameleon Street>The Fabulous Baron Munchausen>Wake in Fright>Beau Travail No. 450040
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>>449981>>449980>I don’t get how the mainstream just sees his foot fetish as some quirky trait now??Vidrel always makes me feel a bit queasy.
Hijabi pickmes are so cringe No. 450057
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>>450051so here's the thing, all of that is fine and good, but the framing of scene is extremely moidy. i've seen movies successfully show a rape without being exploitative because it's shown from the protag's eyes. we didn't get nearly enough shots of the disgusting men and how scary they looked to mima. the focus lingered on her body and pain and fear too much. i really loved this movie up to that point. it was a big letdown for me.
No. 450064
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>>449702The Princess Bride
I found it extremely boring and unfunny as well as forgettable.
No. 450068
>>450057I remember stupidly watching this movie in middle school during the golden age of of anime piracy because I loved
Tokyo Godfathers and heard it was from the same director. Hoo boy, was that a mistake.
No. 450071
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>>449702I found everyone in this movie so unbearable and annoying.I was surprised how I was able to finish it plus I found the art style repulsive.
No. 450073
>>450057>because it's shown from the protag's eyesNta but
given what the other anon said, isn't the point that that's not necessarily the caee?Not to say you shouldn't do you, just wondering from a discussion sorta sense.
No. 450080
>>449702>The 5th Element Lame and boring. Cool setting and the alien singer was the only good part about it imo.
>Joker (2019)I hate this faggy interpretation of the Joker. The Batman: The Enemy Within game did a sympathetic Joker much better imo.
>Girl, Interrupted The book is superior in every way. The movie feels like fetish shit. But the setting and outfits were cool. Although I find Winona's acting so hard to believe. Angelina Jolie's performance was nice.
>Rosemarry's BabyGoofy ass movie and too long for its own good with the most boring mundane scenes and a lame plot twist. The apartment complex they fillmed in is cool though.
>CocoIdk it was kinda boring but maybe I'm heartless. I think The Book of Life did the latino thing better and was more enjoyable with stunning visuals.
>Kite Literal hentai torture porn shit.
>The ShinningLame and boring. Not scary or thrilling or unsettling in the slightest.
>every MCU movieI'm not a capeshitfag or comicsfag but I really loved the cartoons growing up and I feel like the movies shit on everything that ever made these cartoons enjoyable to me. Same goes for the DCCU (?)
>Alice in Wonderland The one where she grows up and returns there again. Literally nonsensical and feels out of context.
>Love, SimonWatched it back in my handmaiden days and trying to be pro-lghdtv+, that shit was lame and was one of the things that started peaking me.
>SpectreThe James Bond movie. Trash plot and I hate the old James getting with that young woman at the end.
>Your NameI think it's a weird story and not romantic at all.
No. 450086
>>450080>every MCU moviealso not a capeshit but gunns' guardians trilogy was the last bastion of the mcu. even the highly regarded ones (iron man, infinity war etc) beforehand were mid to me at best, fun and a spectacle but soulless.
i'm glad gunn packed up shop with them, drained them of all of their money for a crazy final guardians, and moved to dc. it's based. he's also a perv tho but that's expected
No. 450092
>>450088ayrt and agreed. it's funny how so many fanboys fight tooth and nail that the cg is 'pushing the boundaries of cinema' when there are like 1000 clips of really shitty half-assed cg work because disney rushes their workers to meet deadlines. they've definitely accomplished some cool things in the way of advancing cg, but it gets lazier and lazier every single movie because they blew their load. no one gives a fuck about whatever gen they're pushing right now and it all sucks.
you can tell the difference in the movies when one of the directors actually tries to put a personal or meaningful message in aside from just hero stereotypes, but it's always only there for like a couple minutes and usually retconned from the lore
No. 450097
>>449837I could be wrong but I think Stephen King was unhappy with Kubrick's portrayal of Jack because he made him less sympathetic and more of a monster which makes Kubrick a little bit based in my book
>>450064I knew I couldn't be the only one who hated The Princess Bride! It felt so dumb to me, especially Princess Buttercup who just whined instead trying to do anything to help herself. I don't remember it that well though, maybe I'm being unfair. I saw it as an adult, I feel like you have to see it as a kid to have the nostalgia
>>450080>Rosemary's babyPeople always asks me if I've seen this and I want to say no, it's a movie about an awful man agreeing to have his wife drugged and raped then proceeds to have a horrible pregnancy (which is utter nightmare fuel) also it's directed by a pedophile, no I don't want to see it
No. 450100
>>450092I think CGI ruined cinema and shows all together tbh, I wish they'd go back to proper 2D already. CGi peaked in the 2000s when it was stylized but realistic. Now it's too stylized it's uncanny. Or too realistic (like video games) it's boring and leaves no room for imagination.
>>450097Even if you saw it, there's literally nothing to see. It's 3+ hours, and around 2.9 hours of it is just them going on about their daily lives, grocery shopping, chatting, working, decorating their home etc. the plot twist is the husband is satan himself and he made his wife conceive of his child to have an heir, and the people who support him are like a cult that worships him or something.
No. 450102
>>450088The one and only time I ever saw an Avengers movie I was cringing at every shitty attempt at humor end everything else was boring and predictable as fuck. I don't know how my friends (who convinced me to go see this with them) could get so obsessed with that soulless crap.
>The cartoons are infinitely better and even more mature imo.I can't believe that the TV cartoons for children are better than the feature films.
No. 450113
>>450100imo cgi is just a tool and not an inherent problem, what is though is that many directors are completely unsuited to or uninterested in using it– aside from the shitty treatment of vfx studios (and too many being used per film, with poor communication between them), one of the MCU's major problems is that the films are often helmed by directors who don't really know much about cgi or managing it, so they fail to give good guidance or are prone to saying a shot is good enough despite obvious lighting/compositing errors etc because they just want to focus on the parts of directing they do care for and have experience in. Same thing goes for practical effects, some directors are great with them and very hands-on, while others just leave it to the peons to sort out kek.
Biggest problem is still likely the rushed studios and poor communication though (part of why stuff from the 2000s seems so much better, realistic or stylised, is because a much smaller group of studios and creators would work on a single film for far longer– cgi has so many moving parts you can't expect to pump something good and natural looking out every year or two with no shared assets between them), not to mention cgi being expected and no longer needing to 'prove' or 'justify' itself to the audience and critics like it used to.
>>450108agree with you completely anon, I adored the x-men shows so much and hate how the film never include their best parts
No. 450167
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I just watched Shadow of the Vampire and it was great, I'm not even into vampire stuff. My thanks to that nonna that recommended it to me just cus I was having the hots for John Malkovich lmao
No. 450179
>>449837ayrt, I thought the book was okay as far as generic horror goes. The prose is passable, Wendy has a personality beyond just being a "hysterical woman" like in the film, there is a genuine feeling of suspension and mystery, and there is a very neatly laid twist at the end (which the film removed completely). It also deals with some non-superficial themes, like what makes us stay with
abusive loved ones despite several warning signs etc. It's not super deep as a novel, but in it's own genre it's pretty okay. Kubrick has the tendency to convert otherwise good novels into generic moidslop 3edgy5u movies, so I'm not surprised he ruined one of the few actually quite decent Stephen King novels too.
No. 450814
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>>449785I watched Microhabitat because of you and really enjoyed it, thanks for the rec!
No. 450824
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This was so fucking cute.
No. 451028
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Favourite SK movies? I really loved burning but I also just really like Steven Yeun
No. 451037
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>>451028Whispering corridors (1998) is great
No. 451057
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>>451033>you keep thinking about afterwardsprecisely why i love it as much as i do. all of the performances were incredible and i loved how ambiguous things were left for the audience. it's not just like that for the sake of being confusing.
i love that we only know the female lead through nothings.
an imaginary cat, an imaginary orange, a made up family.
neither of the men know anything about her but are so ego-driven that they're fighting over her. the scene in picrel is breathtaking too
No. 451242
>>451236thank you for the suggestion with Kim Ji Young nonna! it has the squid game guy i find hot in it too.
agreed with memories of murder, i'm curious what your personal moral dillema is kek, but you don't need to answer that
No. 451246
>>451242For the sake of overexplaining, the case in the movie was a real cold case in SK, arguably the most infamous one in their history (and the killer was found somewhat recently) and they were so brutal to the
victims. I guess it's a little like being turned off from "cold case/true crime content creators" sensationalizing or milking real tragedies for money, not to say that's the same as this movie. I think the movie is a great film but I can't help but think about the
victims at the end of the day and how crude the crimes were and then how they were depicted on a big screen. iirc the movie didn't hamfist showcasing the aftermath of the
victims but it still made me feel conflicted, just thinking about how cold and scared all the women would have been. I don't have a conclusion or anything but it does leave me contemplating…
No. 451250
>>451246thanks for explaining! i knew it was based off of a real case but never knew that much, that's awful. i'm probably going to go do a deepdive.
yeah i still enjoy the movie thoroughly but with how inconclusive the ending is (and dramatic) and knowing that, sits weird with me now sadge, i have the same personal moral dilemma as you, now too.
No. 451260
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>>450814I'm glad you enjoyed it,
nonnie! I love that movie and I feel like its extremely underrated. Mi-so is one of my favorite female protagonists.
No. 451261
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I rewatched Whiplash for the 5th time tonight, and it's as great as ever. This movie means the world to me because I am literally Neiman. I know this distorts the narrative for me and I understand that. I should rewatch it when I'm fixed or something. The characters are amazing and I think Tellers' character portrays how the need to shine perfectly; the readiness to sacrifice it all, not caring what comes of it and how many people you'll lose. It's worth it to him, to me. He was born for this and it could never feel wrong to him. My favorite scene is the dinner table scene where you can see him 'peak' and rebel against his weak, passive father. I bet he blames his father for never making anything of him. Neiman feels robbed of his own success by his father. I think he wished Fletcher could've been his father but I'm just projecting. The soundtrack is in my rotation and the screenwriting is out of this world. Fletcher always hits the right spots. His insults are stuck in my head and they still make me laugh every time. I've never belonged to anything as much as I've belonged to this film.
No. 451291
>>451289nta but rosemary's baby is pretty fucking boring, it's an okay narrative but i don't find watching women suffer and be molested for hours to be very engaging
>>451261>>451264they don't see the s&m of it either, not like fletcher and neiman want to fuck each other but they're clearly engaged in this intense and weird relationship that borders on sexual
No. 451296
>>451274>disturbia So scortey. It's like if Rear Window was written with one hand
>red eyeterribly underrated
No. 451354
>>451327if that's the narrative that'll make you feel better
>>451298burton is 100% more famous because of his visuals & aesthetics. his films are usually pretty trash
No. 451356
>>451272>>451261>>451264All of you convinced me to watch it and it actually vastly exceeded my expectations. I don't know why I thought it was going to be a slow, drawn-out story about a sad man doing sad man things, but it was actually fantastic. I definitely see how its like one of those movies where men watch it and think they're "totally him", but as a woman devoted to the arts as well, I agree that it is so relatable.
I actually started tearing up towards the end for some reason, and when he went to hug his dad. To anyone hesitating to watch it, it's worth it, and it goes by faster than it is.
No. 451432
>>451261i loved whiplash.
>I think he wished Fletcher could've been his father but I'm just projectingno i think you're definitely right.
No. 451458
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>>451356i love whiplash. it's two incredible character studies. it's also scarier than most horror movies i've seen. just a nonstop anxiety attack. glad you enjoyed
No. 451637
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Saw Manic (2001) today. Hated Joseph Gordon's character so much but I guess that was the point. Dr. Monroe was my favorite character by far, so many of his lines are glossed over yet carry so much. I saw a lot of myself in Tracy and really liked her friendship with Sarah. Didn't like Tracy's relationship with Lyle but it made sense - she has self esteem issues. MC was hard to sympathize with and looked like a Dagestani UFC fighter, the entire movie is him learning he can't punch his way out of his problems. He sees his abusive in Mike and himself so he cuts and gets into fights. Zooey plays Tracy and she really is a qt but I feel she was only cast to play the scared innocent baby deer that pensively gazes at MC. Should've lezzed out with Sarah. 6/10
No. 451675
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the superior david wins
No. 451879
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>>451873crimes of the future was a mediocre remake of a weird bad movie he made in the 70s that had basically nothing to do with it. he's like if david lynch was more into body horror and loved homosexuality. here's your homework (and better movies he made):
>the fly>scanners>videodrome>dead ringers>crash>existenz>a history of violence>eastern promises No. 451880
>>451873Watch the fly, videodrome, crash and eastern promises. Crimes of the future is definitely not his best work.
I like David Lynch but the fact that he always had to include nude or topless women in his movies for no reason is misogynistic and unnecessary to me. Cronenberg films feature sex and nudity pretty prominently but he has the balls to include male nudity too. Tbh he’s probably shown more naked men than women in his movies.
No. 451882
>>451879>>451880He directed Crash too?? I haven't watched it yet but that and a lot of his other movies have actually been on my watchlist for a while, I'll definitely check them out soon.
As for the movies I have been watching lately, I struck out on both Lunacy (2005) and The Holy Mountain. Could not finish them. Especially sad about Lunacy because I really liked that directors other movies.
No. 451886
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>>451881Kek that makes a lot of sense
Crash is one of my favourite movies because any other moid director would just make it a shitty glorified porno (like X) and act like they were soo shocking and subversive for having lesbian sex scenes. But david cronenberg actually went there and let the main character meme himself into homosexuality with some random degenerate. That movie is like 80% sex scenes but I always think about the scene where they find that fat agp dude’s mangled corpse dressed like jayne mansfield.
No. 451922
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Oscar noms have dropped. The fugly garbage Troon film has had the most nominations (including shit like best score & best actress of course). Challengers was notably snubbed in everything, even score and best actress for Zendaya. Might be the worst nominations I’ve seen yet from the Oscars. The dick sucking of Emilia Perez is genuinely shocking - I expected it but not THIS much. It’s literally a Netflix film with a 6.4 on IMDB and 2.5 on letterboxd? No. 452043
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Has anyone ITT seen Cruising (1980)? If not, why haven't you gotten around to it yet?
No. 452234
>>451922wow the oscar noms fucking suck. wicked? the substance? challengers was better than both imo. what's a real pain doing there at all? movies are so half assed these days. i hope conclave is good at least, i haven't seen it yet.
>>449702All About Lily Chou Chou
When Evil Lurks
Past Lives
The house Jack Built
The Ritual
The Wailing
Hiroshima Mon Amour
Notting Hill
Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me
No. 452269
>>449702Blue Velvet (pretty meh)
The Shining
Goodfellas, all mafia/mob movies really
North by Northwest
No Country For Old Men
Barry Lyndon
The Exorcist
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Interview with the Vampire
No. 452890
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Why is this shitty movie so highly regarded? I know that France is full of fetishists and pedos, but don't they at least have to keep up the appearance as not being such? The pedo vibes in this movie were way too obvious to ignore. I would've probably liked this movie if not for the weird relationship between Mathilda and the old scrote that made me feel uncomfortable throughout the whole movie.
No. 452896
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What the hell was the point of this movie? Both times it was recommended to me, it was women shilling it. Did I miss something? Did I watch the wrong movie? This is pointless, and obvious fetishbait. Also, Louis Garrel might be the ugliest man to have been on screen. Eva Greene is gorgeous, though.
No. 452910
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I can't believe The Fifth Element used to be my favorite movie of all time. I must have watched it 100+ times as a child, I fell completely in love with the world, soundtrack, SFX and visuals, I thought the fashion in that world was so cool and even liked Leeloo's obvious fetishy costume (I was a child so I didn't know). But when the sex scenes came on, I got very uncomfortable. Obviously, since I was a kid.
I watched the movie again a few times as a teenager and young adult, and it was as good as I remembered. But as soon as I learned about the pedo director and his relationship with Milla, I started to like it less and less (thanks to LCF lol). It was the pedowood thread on /ot/ that helped me open my eyes. I can't enjoy the main relationship anymore, no way. It's a real shame, because otherwise this could've been a very unique movie.
No. 453311
>>449702>There will be bloodI found the last scene to be ridiculous, can't even believe how moids dick-ride It as one of the best scene perfomances ever.
>Moonrise kingdomBoring and repulsive. But apart from the usual critiques, I hated how they chose a boy who actually resembles a young child while they chose a girl who clearly looks and acts older for her age.
No. 453570
>>452896I watched this a long time ago and felt the same. The way people talked about it I expected something to happen at some point, soon (well, maybe not soon enough, that shit dragged) the entire film was gone by and nothing happened. Waste of time.
>>452890I like it but it makes me feel uncomfortable all he same. It's amazing how men need to ruin what could be a great story with their degeneracy. But then again we're talking about luc besson, I see his name on the screen and a pretty actress I just know it's gonna get weird.
No. 454020
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this is awful, how did it make it to #1 at the box office? the other 2 weren't great cinema but at least fun popcorn movies, this sucked, it's more of a Robotnik movie than a Sonic one. Robotniks jokes were also all unfunny and terrible. Why is there so much praise and good interviews for this crap? The pacing and script were atrocious. Shadow gets about 20 mins of screentime despite being advertised as a main villain. I can't believe they're making a fourth of this slop
No. 454059
>>454054Idris, Colleen, and Ben did seem to be having fun, what a shame that the Sonic characters aka the central focus of the actual movie got no screentime. I thought Keanus voice kind of worked for shadow, but yes he's not a great actor. He's never been a great actor kek
Not just lolcows grudge against him, but I genuinely think jim carreys acting was awful. He probably got the most screentime but i couldn't help but cringe everytime Gerald and Ivo appeared. Or notice that they practically used the same accent and had the same mannerisms despite being two different characters. I felt secondhand embarrassment witnessing Ivo sound like a terminally online gamer bro saying things like "hatewatched" and "damn you autocorrect"
There's untapped potential within these movies that's being wasted on the dogshit human characters as opposed to what the franchise is actually about: Sonic.
No. 454177
>>453723>Wait what I watched and I don't remember thisnot even going to spoiler because it’s so retarded but yes kek, it’s so out of left field and happens within a 10 minute time frame of her even dying in the first place.
the main cast comes to look at him (inside of his wifes corpse) for less than a minute and burn the whole families mausoleum down, children included???
No. 454201
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My biggest guilty pleasure are shitty 70s movies. Yours?
No. 454289
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>>454201I know we're never going to have a mclovin tier ugly woman in a chad falls in love with female nerd movie. Meanwhile there are 999999 movies about offensively ugly males getting with hot chicks they don't deserve. This is the best I can get and I watch it every time it is on tv.
No. 454366
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>>454289i highly rec dogfight, it's river phoenix and lili taylor. i think she's hot but she's definitely not conventionally beautiful in this film unlike a lot of similar ones. and he really falls in love with her for her, it isn't a case of seeing her "inner beauty" after she gets a makeover or anything
No. 454400
>>454160i don't know if dennis hopper even had a script honestly, he was notorious for showing up under the influence. he also swore a lot and apparently that
triggered david lynch, who hated cursing. i just find the whole thing extremely funny, it doesn't even offend me anymore despite the dumb rape scenes
No. 454542
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>>454289>>454366Seconding this, I used to watch this movie a lot. River Phoenix was so good looking, there's no one like him around now. Shallow thoughts aside the movie is touching and also awful like it puts a pit in your stomach (in a good way).
No. 454545
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>>454421nta but i think it could have been fine if david lynch wasn't a retard who needed to see tits and randomly force women to kiss each other. also the rabbit part was autistic. i only watched it to get context for that one scene everyone talks about and it was okay but it took so much boring conversation and walking around to get there, though i did really like the set design of some parts.
No. 454683
>>454603Same nonna, except for me it was a professor who made us watch it for a class. He couldn't stop gushing about Lynch's genius, but the film was so fucking boring.
Of course, like all these smug,navel-gazing arm-chair film critics who love mediocre male directors, professor was a chinless catholic who was cheating on his wife with the undergrads.
No. 454706
>>454213Same nonna, I also love that his movies are very simple: the
victims are always female, and while they might be acting in a weird and sometimes violent ways, they are always sympathetic. The psychos are men (as it is irl). The good guys are really good and the evil ones really evil, like it's nice and enjoyable and simple?
No. 454891
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>>454814you don't think he made young women kiss solely for his own enjoyment? even the way it's filmed is so moidy
No. 454923
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what's a movie you WISHED you liked?
cate blanchett was incredibly hot in tar but i got so bored i turned it off halfway through. should i finish it? was it actually good or did people just say it was because they wanted to seem smart?
No. 455032
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>>454923I thought it was great but Tar should've been a moid IMO, an ugly one and the character should've been played like a huge loser who's gotten too famous and powerful
No. 455080
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Opinions on Martin Scorsese? i like his movies and that he makes marvel tards seethe.
No. 455090
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>>455088ayrt, i relate to the schizo energy she exudes.
i am an unconventional male attraction nona.she steals every scene she's in and is such a great actress/comedian, cute too imo
No. 455130
>>455080I really liked Taxi Driver and King of Comedy, but I didn't care that much about Mean Streets. Haven't seen anything else (I've been meaning to watch Cape Fear for ages but I keep forgetting).
Travis and Rupert are both great. I love watching Rupert incessantly nag people until he gets what he wants and tard Travis is cutie patootie to me.
>>455084>>455088Omg Mashanonas I loved her too. I loved that the movie let her have such a great platonic frenemies/
toxic schizo besties dynamic with Rupert.
You reminding me of her is making me seethe about every movie I've seen where the female lead has zero chemistry with the male lead yet is only there to give the male lead a cardboard girlfriend by the end No. 455227
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Just saw nosferatu, gorgeous sets and shots but the story was confusing and weird to me (as someone who hasn't seen nosferatu). Plenty of gross scenes, but it's horror so. Eggers is so hit or miss imo, I LOVE the witch but hated the absolute mess the Northman was. This one is kind of in the middle.
At first I was upset about the sexual shit because the movie really doesn't explain it clearly. Like it seemed like innocent Ellen had to accept fucking the evil ugly rotting vampire to save everyone in the end, like what the fuck is that kind of message sending?!
But reading more about it, she wasn't a normal human but someone who was abnormally lustful and horny with/from supernatural powers. She calls nosferatu her "shame" because her very strong sexual desire for him IS her shame. I really feel like the movie failed to portray her as a conflicted temptress rather than just "an innocent victim". And I thought nosferatu was there at the end (and during the whole movie) to fuck her, but he isn't - HE just wants to suck her blood, THAT's his desire, not the sex, that's from HER. So the point is that they both have this fucked up mutual "desire" for each other. But she's not actually evil like him so she uses it to save everyone through her sacrifice and nosferatu's death. In retrospect that makes so much more sense, like even in the beginning her wish is for the honeymoon to have been longer and for her husband to stay for longer - that's meant to hint at that lustfulness. The way she starts to intensely kiss him in their friends house the second they're alone out of the blue is also hinting at it. In her dreams about Nosferatu she was always happy and enjoying it. It's just the shit "reveal" of it that failed so nothing made sense. Saw some other anons saying LRD is bad at acting so maybe it was just her failing at portraying it? I've never seen her in anything else before so idk if it's her or how it was all framed.
That other guy fucking his wife's dead corpse was gross though. Like what the fuck. I'm glad they didn't show it actually happening but just the fact that they included that shot where you could see him dead between her spread legs was so gross, what the fuck did it add to the story that he did that just before dying? They should just have made him die crying at her corpse.
No. 455234
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>>455080At first Taxi Driver was just a good movie for me. Beautiful shots, wonderful soundtrack and acting. Decided to rewatch some of Its scenes on youtube shortfly after seeing the movie. Maybe It was because of some specific events in my life, but that dreadful feeling of rotting away spoke to me and I wasn’t even living through a bad period in life. Ended up being one of my favorite movies.
I wonder if there is a movie about a lunatic female character more akin to Travis Bickle somewhere. Some of us are edgy retards wanting edgy retarded woman representation.
Loved Goodfellas and The King of Comedy too, but I had to stop every 14 minutes because of Rupert Pupkin being himself.
No. 455237
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>>455227That's an interesting interpretation. Personally I didn't like Nos and I think it's one of Eggers' worst movies up there with Northman, and I'm sick and tired of wooden nepo baby in a bad wig LRD playing a hypersexual seductress character. Her spastic acting was also bad in my opinion, and unintentionally funny. I will never forgive her for being in The Idol, her career is tainted in my eyes.
>That other guy fucking his wife's dead corpse was gross though. Like what the fuck. I'm glad they didn't show it actually happening but just the fact that they included that shot where you could see him dead between her spread legs was so gross, what the fuck did it add to the story that he did that just before dying? It's to mirrior LRD fucking a corpse (Nosferatu)
No. 455243
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>>455240i think that whole character was so fucking pointless and i hated him. honestly, the movie could've cut him and his wife's screentime by over half, and reduced the time of willem dafoe's character (sorry i love you dafoe but that guy was also kinda pointless aside from telling LRD that she was the only one who could kill orlok.) i wish the movie had maintained the feeling it had all the way up to thomas jumping out the window, all of that that was peak horror.
>>455241why did you hate goodfellas?
No. 455248
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>>455234>The King of ComedyOoh I saw this recently and it was a perfect movie, wasn't bored for a second
No. 455253
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>>455234>>455248i'm watching it now, it's been on my list for awhile but i kept forgetting to watch it
i also keep forgetting scorsese did shutter island since it was such a departure from his usual stuff, man that was fun
No. 455256
>>455240I personally have no idea, but going by your interpretation maybe ATJ and his lust for his non-binary wife (they fuck like bunnies, three kids, etc.) is some kind of mirror for LRD and her lust for Los feratu. Except that he loses everything and dies because he doesn't want to fuck her, doesn't listen to her, thinks she's annoying and kicks her out of his house - a.k.a. denies her sexuality or independence as a sexually liberated and sexually embodied woman or some shit.
On topic I swear every interpretation I've seen of this movie makes me hate it.
>LRD can never escape the man who diddled her a kid and must submit herself to her abuser and die to redeem herself of her "shame" which was to be raped by him>LRD was a horny teen who invited Los feratu into her life and enjoyed the mind controlled orgasms he gave her until she saw his face, and her "shame" is enjoying being fucked by an ugly decrepit corpse, so much that she shames her husband sexually for not measuring up (the ugly old man psyop) >The movie is just a pornified Dracula themed cuck humiliation ritual underlined by LRD's pathetic husband being raped by the bull, being shamed for it by his wife who was also fucked by the bull, trying to reclaim her with his cock in front of Los feratu who is "watching" according to her and still failing to assert his manhood when his wife tricks him to go down nasty with Los feratu and dieDracula is 1000 times better than this, and that's not saying much.
No. 455260
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>>455080I like most of his movies, Casino and Raging Bull are probably my favourites of his. But I'm slightly biased against his newer stuff with DiCaprio because I dislike him and think he's not that good at acting compared to De Niro kek.
No. 455283
>>455243>i wish the movie had maintained the feeling it had all the way up to thomas jumping out the window, all of that that was peak horror. Yes, it was so fantastic at the start. Truly beautiful shots and the setting was incredibly creepy. I just wish it had gone in a completely different direction.
>>455256>a.k.a. denies her sexuality or independence as a sexually liberated and sexually embodied woman or some shit. Imo that seems to far fetched even compared to everything else. It's like they wanted it to be SOMETHING there but they didn't know either and hoped it would just create discussions while they pretend it had some deep meaning, but they know it didn't.
Reacting to your greenlines too
>LRD can never escape the man who diddled her a kid and must submit herself to her abuser and die to redeem herself of her "shame" which was to be raped by himBut that straight up didn't happen, we could all see she was an adult when they "met" and that was implied to not even be in person and just through dreams until then. And for all the other shit that happened, Orlok literally needing consent from her WAS a big plot point.
>LRD was a horny teen who invited Los feratu into her life and enjoyed the mind controlled orgasms he gave her until she saw his face, and her "shame" is enjoying being fucked by an ugly decrepit corpse, so much that she shames her husband sexually for not measuring up (the ugly old man psyop)Kind of right, except again she looked to be exactly the same adult age when it happened so possibly not even a teen. And the shame was her own sexual desire, not related to Orlok being an uggo freak even though he was part of it.
>The movie is just a pornified Dracula themed cuck humiliation ritual underlined by LRD's pathetic husband being raped by the bull, being shamed for it by his wife who was also fucked by the bull, trying to reclaim her with his cock in front of Los feratu who is "watching" according to her and still failing to assert his manhood when his wife tricks him to go down nasty with Los feratu and dieThat's so wild idek how to react to it lmao I think at the very least this is not at all even close the what they were going for
In the end I'm just happy there's a new creepy gross vampire movie, because despite it being confusing at least there are no sparkly lame vampires ruining the vampire image again.
No. 455303
>>455250>Dracula is gay as hellIt never seemed that way to me, since he only drank blood from women. Someone mentioned how there was some homoeroticism with him and Renfield though. I read a little bit about the theory that it was about Oscar Wilde but it felt kind of like me tal gymnastics.
>>455273>I never read Nosferatu It's not a book, it's a silent film that's basically an adaptation made of Dracula without the actual rights to it, which is why they had to change the names. Bram Stokers widow actually sued the filmmakers over it.
No. 455304
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>>455243Didn't get it. What was the point? What am I supposed to extrapolate from it? Kind of boring and I didn't care about the MC.
No. 455313
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I was filtered by Citizen Kane. I'm not even the kind of person with a particularly short attention span, I just didn't see what made it so great. Is it because it was "ahead of it's time" that it gets so much praise?
No. 455319
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>>455313the effects (particularly the shots) and the story are extremely well done and very very very influential. citizen kane told its story through cinematography in a profound way and there's no shortage of movie nerds sperging about it online. it's not a movie a modern day audience member would find engaging though kek No. 455375
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I watched Earth Girls are Easy last night, and I was surprised how much I ended up liking it! I loved the kitschy over the top 80s aesthetic, the songs were pretty catchy, and the humor was pretty witty. There was a surreal quality to the movie (plot aside) with Valerie's dream sequence in particular feeling like a cross between the Twilight Zone and a corny B-movie they might riff on on Mystery Science Theater 3000. I find it interesting that this was meant to be Julie Brown's big feature but instead she ended up being the sidekick (although she was thoroughly entertaining every time she showed up). Not surprised to find out it was hell behind the scenes since the ending felt half assed and some scenes felt a bit incomplete, but overall it was a fun watch. If you like Death Becomes Her and/or She-Devil I'd say this one's worth giving a shot
No. 455394
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Not to jump on the Nosferatu hate train, but I saw it a few days ago and also hated it. Here are some of my thoughts
I kept waiting for Nosferatu to become young and sexy, like he does in other Dracula movies when he gets to England. I expected that since I kept hearing about a "full frontal" scene, I thought it was going to be hot… it wasn't. Why are bitches getting so horny for this literal rotting corpse version of Dr Eggman. Even Pennywise is somehow more fuckable to me. I wouldn't care about that if this movie was just supposed to be horror but it's categorized as "erotic suspense" or whatever. And not to sound like a zoomer but how was Nosferatu soooo downbad for LRD and her infinihead that he forgot after however many hundred years that he has to be in bed before sunrise? I guess he just really needed to bust a 500 year old nut that bad.
This movie was also just too gross for me. Too many drooling/foaming at the mouth scenes. Way too much like the exorcist at some points. I know that comes with horror a certain amount, but I felt like there was way too much of it. I'm not a huge horror fan in general but I do love Dracula. I really wish there had been more of the gypsies. I also loved Willem Dafoe in this movie, he was probably the highlight for me (also the cats).
This movie is just making me think of Bram Stoker's Dracula and how much more I like it, although it's been my favorite movie since I was a teenager, so I'm biased. If I saw it now I might not feel the same way. I was also completely in love with Gary Oldman back then. The thing is, I've seen tons and tons of people say how bad BSD is, usually saying that it's sexist in how it portrays Mina and Lucy. Okay fair enough. But I'm willing to bet those same exact people probably think Nosferatu was an amazing movie, and in my opinion it's just as misogynist if not moreso. Although I do think casting Nicholas Hoult as Jonathan- oops, Thomas, is much better casting than Keanu Reeves.
No. 455398
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>>454923Eyes wide shut. I don't see all the hype with the conspiritards and just felt like it was two and a half hours of Kubrick jerking himself, but I really liked the chemistry between crazy couch jumper cruise and Nicole Kidman (considering they were married and later divorcing during filming), cinematography, music, but the pacing and some of the script just fell flat. I can see why it turned out the way it did, the movie took way too long to make. Conspiritards are literally obsessed with this movie and its symbolism and claiming how it "exposes" Hollywood but that's not really how i interpreted it either.
Film bros and conspiritards keep saying the more you watch it the more you'll absorb the symbolism, but watching it once was enough,. I'll just watch some analysis videos on it instead. Kind of a waste of my time.
No. 455414
>>455398eyes wide shut is based on a book from the early 20th century too so the conspiratards are off base.
overall it was a weird movie but the cinematography and OST were so good, especially the masked ball. the music in that scene is incredible (vidrel).
No. 455662
>>454545Yeah the nudity is the worst of lynch's films. I think that the rabbits are supposed to be a meta type of thing as it's so detached from the loop of different nikkies with their surroundings. The plot of the polish ghost would have developed better if it included some deleted scenes where he sells magic watches to wannabe actresses, or where nikki is watching herself and the other nikki sees her as the polish ghost. I think that at the first watch you feel so overwhelmed by the conversations, switchs of realities and povs that after a second watch you start to connect the dots better and make your own theory of what the hell is going on.
>>454706Also the evil men almost always get punished and the commentary about how predatory Hollywood is surely can't be ignored.
>>454715You have to put a context too around Fire Walk With Me. It was 1992. Nobody from Hollywood was making movies about incest
victims with such a deep characterization (because Laura Palmer wasn't the perfect
victim but wasn't punished for that either) and with an ending that was beyond the death of Laura with the angel scene. Idk anon, if you watched the movie, don't you find it powerful how Laura's spiritual struggle due to the abuse ends on a hopeful note with her soul being liberated from all the pain and evilness? even if you are not spiritual, is an image of overcoming the trauma.
No. 455820
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>>455091>>455088>>455084>>455234>>455248>>455080KOC anons! what the hell i wish i watched this sooner! it was on my list after i saw joker and saw everyone saying it totally ripped the movie off, but never got around to it. i just watched it and honestly it's probably one of my favorite movies now too. the dynamic between rupert and masha is absolutely incredible, never any sort of romantic or sexual tension between them like an inferior director would do. i really love how scorsese writes women. the movie was a perfect mix of horrifying and funny in a dark way.
do you guys think the ending was real? i'm torn between thinking he's just imagining it while he sits in prison, or believing that people totally would make him a celebrity because america loves scandal. also maybe jerry didn't press charges like he promised? No. 455828
>>455820so glad you watched it! how incredible is masha! i’ll have to rewatch it soon, it’s a great film
>>455822>i would adore a Martin Scorsese marathon on the moovie roomme too nonna
No. 456057
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movies I've watched in January:
>Grey Gardens
I see why this documentary is held in such high regards. Pretty haunting, strangely beautiful. I see how the directors became lost in the house and their personalities, interesting to think of all the hours of footage they didn't use.
Heartbreaking, I feel pretty awful for Erin Blackwell especially. Lulu Couch seemed like such a wonderful person as well, its so tragic that she was murdered at such a young age. Everything in this movie just makes me hate old men, they're a plague.
>Zero Day
Pretty interesting. I'm not typically a fan of found footage, but this was enjoyable. For amateur actors, they did a great job.
>Nosferatu(1922)/Nosferatu (2024)
The Looney Tunes ass scene of Nosferatu going around the city with his casket were better than anything from Eggers shit remake.
>The Great Happiness Space
Another depressing documentary. Completely bleak all the way around, that awful cycle of misery and exploitation.
>SLC Punk
Extremely fun. I love Matthew Lillard, and he was fantastic as a poser. Just fun, creative, weird. The scene with the European guy and the gun was amazing, just suffocating in a unique way.
>Two Days, One Night
Watched thanks to the recommendation of a nonna on here. Loved it. Reminded me a lot of my own childhood and witnessing the struggles of my mother, gave me a good cry.
>The Vourdalak
The vampire muppet with a musket was incredible. I love weird little artsy films like this, they're always unique and such a fun time.
>Black Metal Veins
I didn't realize this was a Lucifer Valentine movie before I started watching, so I didn't take much of it at face value. I've had friends similar to the people in this film, and it made me think how easy it could've been to fall into a similar lifestyle.
No. 456199
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Just watched Flow. I was expecting something like Moana from the visuals, but it's more like Wall-E's first few minutes in terms of mood. Ambience and art work is stellar, animations do feel unpolished for some part but it's excusable. I was really impressed by how faithfully the animals act like their real counterparts instead of the classic Pixar humanization most movies go for. Absolutely loved it, it's like if The Wild Robot and Ico had a bastard child.
No. 456558
>>456308I liked it but not enough to watch a third time. Michael Keaton was the best part of it.
I think of all those super hero movies Shazam was the best, the second one is even funnier (Asher Angel got less screentime too, I count it as a plus, that boy has no talent) and the jokes fit the character, I never feel like it's forced.
No. 456788
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watched "love & pop" since i heard itll show in NA soon and it was very long but it resonated with me a lot and i teared up at some points. i really appreciate that there was no graphic sex scenes either but it still conveyed its message very well. makes me feel sad about young girls across the world but especially japan after watching it… found out that the main actress also married a man over double her age when she was 20. which, feels very ironic considering her role in the movie
No. 456800
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>>456788Watch Bounce Ko Gals, it's better.
No. 457103
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I just watched this movie on a whim and it was so good and so sad. If you like movies similar to Manchester by the Sea, We Live In Time, Nomadland and Beautiful Boy you would probably like this. Heads up, it is Belgian & it's for free on Tubi.
No. 457368
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>>456703>I'm so glad the movie didn't cater to people horny for vampires,The movie absolutely did that though, it literally opens with LRD having an orgasm that Nosferatu gives her telepathically plus all the weird sex stuff through out the movie. I kept getting flooded with posts on Instagram about how horny it made them, like this one.
No. 457388
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>>457368kek I don't think people who want to fuck a shriveled up rotting corpse guy counts. If they wanna fuck something like picrel then you don't need to cater to them they will just be horny regardless!
I know it's a stupid thing to say about a horror movie, but in my mind no story is truly over unless there's a "happy" ending. Thomas being heartbroken that the wife he desperately tried to save died isn't a happy ending. The random people and freaks we saw in the town not dying of the vampire plague when we had no connection to them wasn't big enough to feel meaningful to me. Count Orlok being defeated in of itself didn't really mean anything when Ellen had to sacrifice herself - it wasn't a worthy trade off. I guess when I say "happy" I really mean satisfactory, but that usually comes with some level of "happy". For me when a story ends in a sad way it feels like we're stuck in the middle of the story, at the "darkest before dawn" point and we never get to see the "true" ending.
And as a side note, did anyone else think "just hide in the fucking church already???" the whole ass movie? Like why do you bring up that he can't reach you on holy grounds and Thomas conveniently just forgets that…? And I also don't get why just destroying Orlok's grave didn't work to begin with? He'd have no grave to return to so he should die? Or would that then not stop the plague or whatever? I feel like I missed something because those seem like glaring plot holes.
No. 457537
>>451028I loved this so much thank you for the Rec. going to be thinking for a while about it.
Also, what’s your everyone hates it but I love it movie? For me it’s suicide circle.
No. 458036
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This movie was so fucking cool. I absolutely love fast paced gorey japanese movies. IMO, Slashers are too slow and the effects are often reserved for small portions of the movies, whereas japanese gore films are truly an special effects spectacle. I am dissapointed there isnt a sequel, i ended up being super invested in the world-building.
No. 458093
>>458092my God. I know that's what the movie was trying to say. As I said in my original post
>fucking sick of libfem directors that thinks pandering to the male gaze as a form of critiquing an industry that panders to the male gaze is an artistic stroke of genius. I just don't agree that using that exact commodification of women does anything but adds another film to the mountain of films that commodify women. and I'm allowed to think the movie is shit because of those choices. maybe next time you should explain why you liked x in a movie, instead of acknowledging that x exists but 'that's the point!!'
No. 458099
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>>458097thats why i said somewhat, i think sometimes the sexualisation can be a bit egregious, coralie fargeat seems to walk the line tastefully, however sometimes it feels overly sexualised. i know that it's her style but sometimes the lines blur to me. what are your opinions on revenge? i'm about to rewatch actually
No. 458126
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>>458099samefag and review. maybe spoilers?
she still conveys all of the messages clearly but sometimes the overall scenes seem too porny considering the visceral-ness of what will come next.
as a woman, i felt ill during the off-camera rape scenes, they're filmed to show the reality of what is happening without romanticising it.
however, even without searching online, i know that the scenes from this movie+the substance are posted on porn sites regularly. that's not to say that men won't sexualise literally anything, but we don't need our protags to be in barely any clothes and airheaded until she has to defend herself.
overall it is very clear a woman directed this film and as a rape-revenge trope movie it stands out significantly against others in the genre, it is definitely refreshing. sometimes i just can't help but raise my eyebrows in a lot of modern films directed by women whenever it leans on scrote-y imagery, but that's just me. there is a tasteful way to do female nudity, and fargeat isn't doing it like a moid would, but sometimes it does feel pandery. No. 458261
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I rewatched Survive Style 5+ the other day. I wish they would release a blu ray. The colors and settings in this movie are so vivid, the dvd doesn't give it justice. It's such a fun movie. The bird dad segment is my favorite.
>>458036I miss that era of over the top dumb japanese splatters. You should watch Meatball Machine if you havn't already.
No. 458309
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>>458261>I miss that era of over the top dumb japanese splatterssame. The 00s had the best splatters.
No. 458464
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No. 458504
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>>458494I think Reddit would be a much more likeminded community for you
No. 458600
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>>458594You and me both sis. I love dinos too much to not see them. Got higher hopes for this one than the others though.
No. 458619
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>>458600tbh i don't mind them leaning into the hybrid dino thing, since that was always was JP was. they were never meant to be the actual species recreated. i love seeing realistic dinos CGI'd into JP though.
however, shit like this is unforgivable to me. the indoraptor's teeth make no goddamn sense. it's not a crocodile, where its teeth are specifically designed to not dry out + it goes in the water enough to keep them clean. why are its teeth OUTSIDE its jaw. it's a total biological disaster. it just has its teeth showing because it "looks scary" but it takes me out of it. kinda like the absurdly giant oversized mosasaurus. also, the way the indoraptor acts like a fucking horror movie monster more than an actual animal is annoying. that's a problem with a lot of the JW dinos. they aren't creatures exploring or looking for food and causing death and destruction by that point, they actively put themselves in harm's way to "be scary". like the fucking baryonyx going through lava just to bite at the people? huh?
i saw one of the JWs with a friend (the most recent one i think idk they blur together) and she was asking me if the pyroraptor "actually did that" (aka dove under FREEZING WATER to chase people and jump back up) … i was like no. there's no evidence of any dromaeosaur ever being able to swim, and even if they were decent swimmers like t-rex has been proven to be, they wouldn't be diving into the water and popping back up like a damn penguin just to hunt. that's stupid. ofc i didn't say it like that to her, she isn't into dinos like me, but tl;dr i hate how the JW dinos act more than their designs.
No. 458790
>>458619Love me some dinosaur sperging kek. I agree that design is a travesty. The penguin pyrorapter move was definitely a jumping the shark moment, and no animal would run towards lava!
>>458623Oh yeah I've seen that, it's so well done. I wonder what the velociraptor will be like in JWR. It might sadly possibly be a mutant.
At least we have Prehistoric planet for great portrayal of raptors!
No. 458800
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>>458790Btw I'm intrigued by the mutant in the trailer. I've seen so many say it looks like a standard alien monster but I wonder if it's an early t-rex trial clone with too much frog DNA, which would explain the round face and long limbs. I hope it jumps like a frog and say ribbit kek
No. 459011
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Did someone say good movie?
No. 459389
>>459169Sure, I didn't mean you. Let's say that person has a certain aggressive and annoying writing style that has been polluting the thread whenever someone has a different opinion about some movie than they have, and it's mostly concerning those two movies.
I actually respect your opinion, because you're intelligently explaining yourself and not immediately attacking others, while also pretending you're some extra-enlightened connoisseur (and everyone else is an idiot). Thank you!
No. 459461

>>458790yeah, prehistoric planet is so peak. i think i would be less annoyed at JW if the dinos didn't act so retarded because like i said i can handle all kinds of wild designs, and i love speculative paleo art, and the JP dinos again aren't mean to be fully dinosaurs. they're genetic mutants. but i just can't get over the dinosaurs acting in completely counterproductive ways. they are still animals. they're not TRYING to scare people (except in some obvious scenes like the dilophosaurus threat displaying at nedry or the stegos defending their baby etc)… like, compare rexy breaking out of her paddock to everything the indoraptor does. the indoraptor creeps around and quite literally acts like the xenomorph in alien. that scene where it's in the bedroom stalking the little girl is SO cringe. meanwhile, rexy is simply curious. she looks around and experiments with these new things in her environment. nothing she does is extraneous or "suspenseful" aside from the pure terror of being at the mercy of this magnificent apex predator that could kill you in a heartbeat simply by accident. just one little bite to see if you're food, like a shark. that's the real problem with every movie from JP3 to the JW series in my opinion. and god fucking dammit don't get me started on how hard they anthropomorphized the raptors and turned blue into little more than toothless from HTTYD.
>>459452it's very likely that dinos had rumbly and airy sounds more than deep roars, it's fucking cool. go check out a video of a cassowary doing territorial rumbling. be sure to wear headphones. just imagine that magnified and feeling it shaking your entire body.
No. 459484
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Just learned that Eggers is planning on directing a labyrinth sequel. That is going to be complete dogshit. He needs to stay the hell away from jim henson properties.
No. 459506
>>459389Jesus Christ it’s been months why are you so obsessed with Poor Things? Everyone moved on already.
>>459484But why? It’s not dark and edgy and serious. What is going to do with it? Definitely not improve it.
No. 459862
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I watched Les chambres rouges. I thought I was in for an horror movie (I have no clue why anyone is claiming it's one) but it is a courtroom drama/psychological "thriller".
I liked it. The performances of tbe actors were great and I liked the ambiguity of the main character until the end. I might have enjoyed it more if I wasn't waiting for the horror elements until the credits started rolling.
No. 460605
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I just watched a movies called “Unlocked”. It’s korean, and I was wondering if anyone had any good recs for similiar korean psychological thriller type movies?
No. 460620
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Stupidest shit I've seen in a while
No. 461032
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I just watched a movie from 2013 called Austenland. The premise is a woman who is obsessed with Jane Austen's books and the movie adaptations (she has a cardboad cutout of Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy in her apartment) decides to go on vacation to England to "Austenland," a roleplaying adventure for Austen geeks. Everyone who goes gets a romance storyline, they ride horses, rent costumes and the like.
I thought it was going to be lame but it was genuinely so cute and Jennifer Coolidge really stood out as the comedic relief. I don't usually like romantic comedies but I think I'll probably watch this again, it was a refreshing light way to enjoy a Sunday morning. That being said I'd be slightly embarrassed recommending it to anyone in person, maybe it's a guilty pleasure.
No. 461197
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Why does this faggotry exist
No. 461729
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>>461197When it comes to normal-guy-becomes-superhero movies nobody cares about I think picrel is much better in comparison to Super.
Defendor is a legit retard and he fights crime with his marbles, wasps and lime juice. I really like the lime juice scene, it's quite funny.
No. 461888
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Watched the new Bridget Jones movie. I didn't even know they were making it, then saw a commercial for it- didn't even read the synopsis. I liked the previous ones because I think they're cute romcoms so I was excited to see it. It was depressing, in a bittersweet way. I wasn't prepared for it.
No. 461918
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>>461612sage because this is majorly OT, but anon I'm so sorry you went through that. I would get up and storm out if my dad put on a movie that was too sexual for my liking and my mother always supported me and would usually shame my dad into shutting the movie off. My mom was not perfect but I'm appreciating her more now. Not everyone deserves a child, especially not a daughter.
No. 462481
>>460620It was so bad, even for M. Knight. I had no idea what he was even going for. I hated it so much especially the idea that
the two kids became teenagers, immediately had sex, had a baby and the baby dies. What purpose did that even serve??
No. 462537
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>>462483I would say that actors coming out of filming with trauma is also the mark of a shitty director. The arguments I see in the defense of the torture porn in MiM are so similar to people defending Sam Levinson productions. A lot of these male directors get away with filming their pornsick fetishes under the guise of "awareness" and I'm tired of normies falling for it
No. 462596
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i now want to behead this moid
No. 462597
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>>462131>Megan Is Missing is a 2011 American found footage psychological horror film[4] written, directed, edited, and co-produced by Michael Goi.[5]We should talk about my ex's illegal porn fantasies and immortalize them too you guys
No. 462603
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>>462599It was written by a closeted pedo-daddy-dom faggot who hangs out with Ryan Murphy. What else would you expect?
>Work with Ryan Murphy>As director of photography, Goi first worked with prolific writer/producers Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk on their (with Ian Brennan) FOX musical comedy Glee, in 2011, with the episode "Asian F".
>That same year he also began work on the duo's new FX series American Horror Story. His first episode on the series was the Murder House installment "Rubber Man". He went on to work on Murphy's short-lived NBC comedy The New Normal; and the trio's 2015 horror/comedy Scream Queens. During the fourth season of American Horror Story, Goi made his series directorial debut with "Magical Thinking". He served as the series' exclusive cinematographer from the premiere of Asylum, until the end of the fifth season. He was succeeded in the capacity by Breaking Bad's Nelson Cragg, with the commencement of the sixth year.[3] No. 462606
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>>462603samefag he pays to have his search images professionally curated and only wears sunglasses to red carpet events now. When you catch him with them off, it's obvious why. Hopefully he is going blind or something too
No. 462652
>>462131I googled this movie to jumpstart my memory and it's even worse because a bunch of real missing posters for girls and women came up in my search results. I
hate how it was directed by a scrote. They will never understand these topics because they either see it as a 2edgy gorefest scenario (disrespectful) or fetish fuel.
No. 465123
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Anyone has recs of some good japanese splatters? i already watched tokyo gore police, psycho gothic lolita, and machine girl. I dont mind western splatters but it needs to be really retarded and creative, i dont want to watch realistic gore.
No. 465254
>>465123Anything from Noboru Iguchi (Dead Sushi, Zombie Ass, Robogeisha, Mutant Girl Squad). He did Machine Girl. Also Horny House of Horror and Meatball Machine.
>>465124This, I lent my dvd to a friend and I have to get it back. It's one of my favorite one.
No. 465967
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Watching to the bone right now, the character of Ellen is so obnoxious, and so is this ugly faggot. He shouldn't be playing in anything with that face
No. 466960
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watched a knight's tale recently, i normally hate historical settings but it was somehow very fun. tbh it only counts as historical under the most generous of definitions, maybe that's why i like it.
i want to call it a bit dated but i actually saw people reenacting jousting tournaments to that queen song last summer so nevermind, apparently it's not dated at all.
No. 467227
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>>467207I love Point break. Don't forget Demi in ghost. Short haired girlies were so cute in the 90s abd early 2000s. I was obsessed with her hair back then.
No. 467248
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>>467200the world was more blatantly sexist, but yeah, women were allowed to have a more wide variety of faces. however if your stomach wasn't a straight line of flatness you were fat.
No. 468217
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>>467200Actresses had wrinkles, mustaches and unibrows and nobody cared
No. 468240
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>cool sci-fi backstory about space colonization and the potential to explore human cloning and it’s potential consequences
>somehow turns into how to train your dragon but with space alien slugs
also pattinson is ugly now
No. 468466
>>468418I only have old recs, but Eyes Without a Face is really good, and Suspiria too. I remember liking Black Sunday (La maschera del demonio) well enough as well. If you wanna look into horror by country, Italy used to have a lot of horror back in the 60s and 70s (just be mindful that some of it is known for varying levels of trashiness).
If you like gothic horror you could look into Toho's vampire trilogy (The Vampire Doll, Lake of Dracula, Evil of Dracula). Their stories aren't actually connected so you can watch them in any order.
No. 468675
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>>460620they really did my boy Rufus Sewell dirty in this. He's barely in enough movies where he looks sexy as is, and I can only watch a dangerous beauty so many times. A knight's tale was also SO boring, I found myself tuning out every five minutes.
If anyone needs a sci-fi rec, he's in Dark City which is a cooler version of the Matrix. The neo-noir imagery is stunning.
No. 470628
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>>470626I liked the romance in Rocky. I was expecting them to give him a generic big tiddy blond power fantasy gf, but instead his love interest is a legit autismo becky. I still think she's too pretty for stallone but at least her personality isnt wet cardboard and they have an incredibly cute dynamic.
No. 470858
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>>468240I saw, liked it but I never read the book. But if the movie didn't end with the let's make fwends plot I'm not sure where you would take the story? Horror maybe?
Made me really want someone to create an adaptation of this one book i read in high school and remember absolutely hating, Dream-weaver by Louise Lawrence, because I think a movie like this would make me actually enjoy the story.
But i also liked City of A Thousand Planets and sad that did so poorly so I just like niche scifi I guess.
No. 471645
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I really liked this new movie called Companion. Even though the scrotes are seething in the IMDb reviews. They’re saying it’s just another “men are bad REEE” movie, and that’s been done before. Do movies have to have completely new theme for it to be good? I personally found it enjoyable.
No. 471874
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>>452234>ConclaveThe mexican who won the pope candidacy is intersex female. Trans ideology spoiler.
It was such a disappointment, it was pretty good and nuanced until a turning point when it started becoming fanfiction levels kek.
No. 472255
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Whats your favourite underrate director? i love Todd Solondz
No. 472764
>>472762the blair witch project, probably. there's no jumpscares, no gore, no music. just three people getting lost in the woods and losing their minds. maybe there's a witch. maybe there isn't. the way it's filmed is still imo the most authentic found footage ever made, and i fondly remember how everyone thought it was real and there was a whole website dedicated to the "missing people" back in the day when you couldn't just google and fact check everything. it's a masterpiece to me. it's okay to not like it but i think the people who walk away from it thinking "wow that was boring" are low iq who need to see scary faces and loud noises every 5 minutes to stay interested. i love the scene in vidrel so much.
the texas chainsaw massacre 1974 is also very scary to me for the same reason of seeming very realistic, like it could happen, and it doesn't rely on gore or jumpscares or anything. there's also no music.
No. 473058
>>471645I can never get into stories like this because robots can't be women just like trannies can't be women. They use allegory for human rights but like they are programmed. Why aren't they just programmed to like being treated like shit by humans?
>b-but what if they gain sentience and hate it-What if they gain sentience and like it? Same what-aboutism nonsense.
No. 473607
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Finally got around to watching Thirteen and this is the first movie in a while where I felt like I could finally breathe at the credits. It was like a more grounded version of Kids, but also relatable in many aspects and that's part of why it's an unsettling film. I really liked the color grading as the film went on to match how sick/utterly depressing the story was getting, as well as the filming style which was reminiscent of MTV . Scariest part imo was Tracy getting dragged around drunk by the street guy searching for Evie. It was subtle but I liked how Tracy's brother's opinion of Evie became negative as the movie went on. I dunno, it was a nice realistic touch whereas I feel a male writer would've had him make quips about Evie still being hot or bangable or whatever. The "My god, where do you think I learned all this shit from" line would've hit harder had I not heard it in that shitty Tiktok mashup that was everywhere last year. Something kind of dubious about the ending, and maybe you guys can weigh in, is whether Brooke was in on the bust or not. I want to say she genuinely thought it was Tracy's stuff but then her reveal Tracy's cut up arm was irrelevant, making me think that maybe it was a scheme to protect Evie from potential charges
No. 473687
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Watched Flow finally and it was fantastic! I hope someone else watches it and loves it too. It made me cry a couple of times (love the dog friend & whale), though I’m an easy crier in movies. The fact that this was all done in Unity kind of blows my mind. It’s a really beautiful movie and it’s completely without dialogue, but tells an interesting story that lets you use your imagination to fill in some blanks. Anyone could watch it and enjoy it which I think is really cool, you don’t need subtitles or translations for a wordless film. Sorry for gushing but I just loved it, I’m glad it won awards. I hope we get more movies like this.
No. 473693
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I am so tired of watching a really good movie, being super invested in the stting and story and suddenly getting jumpscared by a cringe fart joke. What the actual fuck is wrong with americans. Rango and Austin Power would have been so much better without the completly unnecesary peepee poopoo 12yo humor.
No. 473851
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>>473636>Nikki Reed based her writing on her own childhood/friends lives yet she got a lot of flack for acting too "grown" by fucking who? the reason it hurts is because it's so relatable to me. i could have been either of those girls except not in LA so some things were a little different, but that's how teenagers are/were (idk seems like most of them spend way more time inside on their phones but that doesn't mean they aren't getting preyed on by older guys still)
>>473043i watched leaving DC last night and was terrified. i had to cover my eyes a lot of the time. it's so rare that a movie scares me anymore so thank you for the rec!
i even liked how the ending explained nothing and was unsatisfying because that's how found footage feels more authentic, even though i wanted to know so much more about the entity No. 473916

>>473851>By fucking who?Boomers naturally. Apparently Nikki Reed was getting harassed by parents over the movie to the point that she had to drop out of high school. I think modern reviews and retrospectives are more accepting/acknowledging of the how relatable the subject matter is for teens compared to when the movie came out. A lot of the skeptical critics who felt the slippery slope into bad behaviors was unrealistic missed that Tracy's life before Evie already had the foundation for turning to risky behavior: Her parents were divorced, her mom was dealing with her own substance abuse issues and exposed Tracy to the bf's problems,
and Tracy was already cutting and stealing cigarettes from her mom. She was an emotionally neglected kid who clicked with another neglected kid that was popular and seemed to have everything under control on the outside. Sadly a lot of parents/critics have the outdated mindset that as long as a child has a roof over their head, food in their belly, and a parent present in their life, they shouldn't have any problems or reason to act out.
If you really wanna get mad, here's the hosts of The View scolding ERW and Nikki like it's a Dr. Phil intervention
No. 476124
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I just watched picrel and actually enjoyed it a lot, it was fun. It feels like the kind of movie which would have been made in the 90s.
No. 476128
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>>476124I hate what they did to the original source. Horrendous adaptation, completly stripped all the soul and ambiance of the original source material to make generic hollywood slop.
No. 476454
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We now know that the Zelda movie will release March 26th 2027. We also know it will be live-action, that Shigeru Miyamoto and Avi Arad are producers but that the main director is Wes Ball. Ball wants to implement "Miyazaki aesthetics", whatever that means for a live-action movie. Fans want Hunter Shafer to be cast as Zelda and I am nauseous at the mere thought. Miyamoto is a conservative and that's my only hope for them not casting a fucking troon.
No. 476568
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I watched The Last Showgirl last night. Honestly, I shed a lot of tears. It's not a particularly exciting movie with a huge climax or anything, just feels realistic. I think it's a better portrayal of women who are in the sex industry than stuff like Anora. I did hate that we don't actually see Shelly AFTER the Le Razzle Dazzle closes. It's like it just leaves this huge question. I would've appreciate a longer runtime to show her maybe a year or two later. It feels like the film wasn't actually finished or like the plot and characters didn't progress. Anyway, I think Pamela Anderson's performance was good. She did great with the character and I ended up sympathizing with Shelly a lot even though she did wrong things and acted pretty immature at times. I didn't like Eddie even before the reveal that he's Hannah's dad, but tbh I think that's cause he reminds me of my own father. He was shitty for telling Shelly about how she should've been a mom. The costumes were sooooo gorgeous but I guess that's expected for a burlesque movie. Overall, I give this a 5/10. I wouldn't watch it again but I don't hate that I did.
No. 476661
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>>476568this is honestly one of my new favorite movies and i can acknowledge its flaws but god damn it really pulled at my heart and i love all the performances
>>476655if you are looking for free movies i can recommend a few sites instead of doing that