No. 346212[Reply]
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>>>/m/187844 490 posts and 147 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. No. 449810
Are there any others here who didn't enjoy Fleabag all that much? The way is was so hyped online, I expected something truly revolutionary and fantastic, and it was just…ok. I laughed at certain bits, but tbh I tried watching it few times already, but had trouble getting past the first episode. 2nd season was surprisingly better than 1st, but if it was any longer than combined 12 episodes, I would not have finished it. It was just something about Fleabag's character, I could not relate to her at all, and for some reason I would have this ick-like feeling whenever seeing her on-screen, and I wasn't sure as to even why. Overall, I'd say it was a pretty decent watch, but compared to the raging reviews, I feel like I missed something.