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No. 95197
>>95052First dick I ever encountered IRL was 8 inches and I never put it in me because it barely fit in my mouth lol. Smallest I've actually fucked would have been a little over 5", largest around 7.5". I had no issues with either of those sizes but neither of the guys using them knew what they were doing. My current boyfriend is dead on 6" and uses it very well.
In that sense, I don't think size matters nearly as much as people seem to believe it does until you get in monster (+8") or micro (-4") territory.
No. 95208
>>95205100% this. Cut dick = rough and dry on your vag and harder to make cum (a really bad thing for bjs). Literally the only benefit is that the excessive friction makes them easier to ride, but that doesn't make it feel good. Uncut is a smooth and well hydrated experience.
Americans are straight up brainwashed and crazy about circumcision.
No. 95232
>>95200Italians have massive dicks because they are Mediterranean.
I would never ever fuck a French dude again 10/10 avoid at all costs
No. 95289
>>95261>>95263>tales about 8 inches asian dicksLOL go back to r/AsianMasculinity/
You aren't fooling anybody.
No. 95291
>>95289NTA but I fucked an asian gymrat before with a sizable dong
Why are you so paranoid about anyone liking asian men must be a larper from reddit? Go back to your mgtow blog
No. 95304
>>95200why has this anon been banned?
Anyways I only said they were big liars because I actually live in France and I only got mediocre tiny dicks, feels bad man.
No. 95308
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>>95052god, i feel so sorry for asian men. i bet the indians and chinese brought down australia's average too.
No. 95340
>>95333It hits parts of you that you didn't even know you could feel, especially in certain positions where they can get deep. Fiance is about ~6.5-7" and fairly thick. First time we did that position where you're on your back and he basically folds you in half with your legs on his shoulders, I had a loud, involuntary gasp and grabbed my stomach. I believe that means he hit my cervix, which some girls say is painful, but I thought it was amazing. Never had another guy do that.
>>95337I wouldn't blame yourself. Your vagina probably isn't a black hole. You guys can try different positions and techniques to try to make it better, but sometimes it be like that. Sometimes it's a really great guy but his dick game just isn't on the level you need.
No. 95347
>>95302How is this guy not banned but the anon fucking a french dude was. He admitted that he is a guy "us men"
>>95337How big is he? If he is actually tiny either ditch him or if you like him get creative with sex. You can do a lot more then just stick benis in bagina .If you have any kinks or stuff like that.
No. 95469
>>95052>Lebanon>6.6>Egypt>6.2For some reason I always thought that arab guys had small dicks
Anyway I'm a virgin so I can't say for sure but lengthwise I think probably 5.5-6 and girth idk but my vibrator is 4.5" around and it seems like pretty much the right size
No. 95484
>>95479As a german virgin that pic makes me scared… Why would everybody but the guys from here have the same shape, just different sizes?
I also always thought Arab guys have smaller dicks since most of them are very short.
No. 95498
>>95479>>95484I've slept with a couple of German guys and none of them had a dick shaped like that (I have seen this type of dick on a Dutch guy once though).
Tbh I believe that the shapes displayed in the chart were chosen randomly. I doubt there is reliable data on what dick shapes are most common in those countries.
No. 95687
>>95278feels weird because boyfriend is french, has an average dick and I'm the loon in the relationship. hes definitely good at sex though. tbh I think hes a diamond in terms of french men? hes super fucking serious and not at all overly emotional like some latin men I've seen. hes also not in the same age group as me, and I've noticed young guys in general are dramatic and extra.
>>95288i think a lot of australians get circumcised, i had 2 and they were both cut
biggest dick I ever had was on a 6'4 guy, hit my cervix and made me bleed every time we fugged but I'm a masochistic slime so it was fine for me. smallest was this little shit from tennessee, I swear it was like 3 inches max. he was my first time so it was actually really comfortable. weirdest penis was a pencil dick, had to be at least 6 inches but it was so strange to hold and put in my mouth, at least it went in easy. any one else deal with weird penises before?
No. 96440
>>95262This is me exactly.
Also, I'm not picky about height, except for preferring between 5'7"-6'0" (I'm very short), and a 5" looks bigger on a short guy than a tall one, which plays into how appealing it looks aesthetically.
No. 96470
>>95743I'm opposite too. Once i had sex with a big dick and it was fucking hell so i am scared for life.
It wasn't even that thick but he was a complete idiot in the sack.
It pisses me off just to remember because the man was a pain in the ass, opinionated af and very self absorbed. I only had sex with him because he had such a good rep among women cause of hic big dick and i thought that i would finally have a good experience but no.
Bick dicks are worth shit when the guy is retarded. And also women need to sopt putting idiots on a pedestal just cause of their size jfc.
No. 96575
>>96466>>96476>inexperienced>~smol~>virgin>don't know men irlBeing inexperienced is perfectly fine but imho it's kinda pointless to talk about what dick size feels good to you then. You can't know. Even if you used toys of different sizes on yourself, you still can't know. Also, quality and quantity are different dimensions, not opposites.
>>96470Wtf that dude had some kind of harem praising him for his large cock? Lol. That's like an irl Chad meme
No. 96799
Hi all it's
>>95337. We fucked again and it was much, much better. He was actually half soft last time due to performance anxiety lol, and I was very relaxed and a bit tmi but I produce a lot of wetness. So all those things made me believe he was a dicklet, but actually he's pretty average.
>maybe the shortest I've had>not the thinnest tho>def most aesthetic>nice, fat head>surprisingly not at all that hairy>neutral taste and fits very nicely in my mouthActually, he is Egyptian and it is pretty close to the OP pic. 8/10 dick, thanks for the moral support ladies.
No. 96800
>>95469Arabs can have admixture from Africans, esp north African arabs (obviously).
In terms of aesthetics:
I wouldn't have thought Swedes had smaller dicks like that. And WTF is Greece and Germany? Regardless of nationality, just cull any dude with a weird ass shaped dick like those.
No. 96900
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dicklets are pathetic
No. 96953
>>96900The art is killing me, the accuracy as well. My favourite is
>girth is more importantbecause NO SHIT, what do they think women mean when they say a dick is big? An 8 inch pencil? Big refers to both length and girth, it's just far easier to measure/compare length so people use it as reference point.
No. 97204
>>95333So I finally had sex with him and he did have a beautiful dick (biggest I've ever been with) and I enjoyed myself so much it was ridiculous, I always had a difficult time getting wet but when we got into pronebone I became extremely wet in only a few minutes, I would moan and gasp every single he trusted inside me because he hit an extremely sweet spot.
I didn't came from PIV but it was okay since he fingered me until I came before he penetrated me. Told him I thought he had the perfect dick for me and he seemed very happy and flattered.
Bottom line don't fall for the size doesn't matter meme.
No. 100746
Why is there ALWAYS another penis size thread? it's not like we don't know the answer already…
>>96900this needs to be posted every time
No. 100848
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Used to date an American. He had a small dick and came within 15 seconds of penetration and always wanted to sleep for an hour afterwards. He wanted me to cup his balls all the time and do a million sex positions that always involved me sucking or stroking him.
My current boyfriend is Puerto Rican. We can last pretty long and go at it 2 or 3 times within a few hours if we're horny enough. It's rare though. Sometimes we have to change positions because he'll hit a wall and it starts to hurt. Most of our positions are vanilla and we don't have to do much extra stuff besides a bit of foreplay before insertion.
Overall, big dicks require less effort. 10/10 experience.
No. 101021
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So I feel kinda stupid for asking this but I need to know.
I'm from a European country where no one is circumcised. I've only seen cut dicks in porn, but never actually.. touched one, let alone fucked one.
My boyfriend is American and he is circumcised. We're seeing each other a month from now. I'm a bit intimidated honestly. Is there a difference between handling a cut vs uncut dick? I don't even know.
No. 101038
>>101002Different vaginas can tilt different ways and vary in length, so no one penis can "hit the spot" with every canal.
That guy sounds like a high-schooler, maybe all his partners are those kinds of girls that feel the need to fake it being good so that he'll stop
No. 101117
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Please consider donating to, they are working on a foreskin regeneration procedure to heal cirumcised men, but need more money to fund their research and everything. You can donate one time, or ideally, do x amount per month so they can plan ahead.
I have a cut, somewhat thin, 5.5" dick and I fully understand that it is worthless for sex and that no woman would ever want to stay in a relationship with me. I have been nothing but extremely miserable (and extremely sexually frustrated) my entire life. All I have ever wanted is to have a decent, uncut, average-sized dick and have a loving relationship with a sweet girl. I never will. Foregen is my only hope of someday potentially having a real penis that can feel some real pleasure, and maybe having a relationship with a short, virgin girl that wouldn't hate me for my size. Until their procedure becomes available (assuming all goes well), I'm just going to be alone, there's no point in attempting a relationship when it's going to be ruined as soon as the girl wants to have sex, something that it would quickly become clear that I cannot provide. It really sucks because there have been plenty of girls that have liked me over the years- I'm not bad looking or socially inept or anything- but I always ignore them because I know that I'm worthless as a mate because of my penis. It's the only thing wrong with me, I hate it so much. You cannot comprehend how terrible it is to live this life. Please, spread the word about infant circumcision being an atrocity and cut dicks being ruined, consider supporting Foregen, but don't dehumanize us guys that were subjected to this torture against our will as babies. It's not my fault, never for one fraction of a second did I ever think that genital mutilation was a good idea, and I've been a miserable wreck ever since I learned about it.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 101128
>>101117Hate to break it to you but depending on where you're from, you ARE average. Stop blaming your inability to find a gf or fuckbuddy on your dick or you will never make it anywhere.
Generally we don't like men coming in here waving their dicks around, this is /g/. You seem to be very self-loathing and need to take a break from the internet.
No. 101157
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>>101117>I always ignore them because I know that I'm worthless as a mate because of my penisThe only thing keeping you from being in a relationship is YOU, you self-sabotaging sperg. Maybe unless you live in a place where circumcision isn't common, how the hell is that going to stop you from finding someone to be in a relationship with? Jesus, I can understand being upset about being mutilated without your permission but there are still millions of circumcised men who have partners and enjoy sex. It's almost like you
want to have a miserable life.
Men always have the most defeatist attitude when it comes to their insecurities I swear to god. They have one seemingly undesirable trait and throw in the towel for the rest of their lives. This is why most incels exist.
No. 101171
I didn't want to post here again, but I need to clear a few things up that I should have foreseen and clarified in advance.
>>101128>Hate to break it to you but depending on where you're from, you ARE average.Average isn't good enough, read this thread. Virtually all women prefer above-average penises, and it's unanimous among non-brainwashed people that cut dicks are completely worthless. If my penis were the same exact size, but intact, I wouldn't have that much of a serious problem; sure, women might be unsatisfied and dump me because I'm too small, but at least I would get pleasure out of it. Since I'm cut, there's no point in attempting a relationship or sex at all.
>Stop blaming your inability to find a gf or fuckbuddy on your dick or you will never make it anywhere.>>101157>The only thing keeping you from being in a relationship is YOU, you self-sabotaging sperg. Maybe unless you live in a place where circumcision isn't common, how the hell is that going to stop you from finding someone to be in a relationship with?I already explained that there have been plenty of girls that wanted to be in a relationship with me. I ignored them because there is no point because my penis is not good enough. One in particular, a cute, shy, redhead girl, would sit in front of me in class every day and brush her hair, hoping I would notice her. I completely ignored her and probably destroyed her self confidence for years. If I had instead asked her out on a date, we would have a happy relationship for a few months. Then, she would want to lose her virginity, and the relationship would be ruined because she is expecting sexual pleasure that I cannot provide because I lack the requisite anatomy. My penis is the only thing wrong with me- yes, I might not be some 6'2 Chad with a jaw that can cut glass, but you don't need to be; I'm otherwise good enough. You do need a decent-sized, intact penis, however, and I don't have that.
Yes, I can chat with a girl, flirt with her, we like eachother, I take her out on dates, we hug and kiss, everything is fine and dandy. But eventually, she will want to have sex, and I cannot provide sex. It would be uncomfortable and devoid of pleasure, and once we try it, she would lose all attraction to me as a result. It would be a complete waste of both of our time, and I'd only feel worse afterwards.
>I can understand being upset about being mutilated without your permission but there are still millions of circumcised men who have partners and enjoy sex.Their relationships are terrible because the sex is terrible. They only 'enjoy' sex because they don't realize how pathetic and terrible it is compared to real sex with an intact penis. They've never known anything else. Why do you think the divorce rate is so high? Why do you think so many women cheat? Because the average man has a small penis, and in the USA, a huge percentage are cut.
>Men always have the most defeatist attitude when it comes to their insecurities I swear to god. They have one seemingly undesirable trait and throw in the towel for the rest of their lives. This is why most incels exist.If you have a small, cut dick like mine, nothing else matters. There is nothing that can make up for it. Sex is by far the most important part of a relationship, at least for a woman. If a man has a large, intact penis and can provide a woman with intense sexual pleasure, she will never leave him, even if he abuses her. However, if a man has a small and/or cut penis, there isn't a woman in the world that would want to be with him. Even if she is genuinely in love with him, she will still cheat with 7" intact penises off Tinder because her sexual appetite will always come before sentimental romantic attraction. Penis size and the presence of a foreskin are the primary determinants of the value of a man to women; I don't have a nice dick, and therefore there is no reason why any woman would want to remain in a relationship with me once it reaches the point where she expects sexual fulfillment.
No. 101173
>>101171>I already explained that there have been plenty of girls that wanted to be in a relationship with me. I ignored them because there is no point because my penis is not good enough. That's exactly the point, retard. You've had many opportunities to pursue a succesfull relationship but cock-blocked your own damn self because of an irrational insecurity. Some people's preferences don't equate to what everyone is willing to take in relationships. You have a victim mentality like all men of your type and that's clear as day.
>Why do you think so many women cheat? Men cheat more than women and that is statistically verified.
>If a man has a large, intact penis and can provide a woman with intense sexual pleasure, she will never leave him, even if he abuses her. However, if a man has a small and/or cut penis, there isn't a woman in the world that would want to be with him. Even if she is genuinely in love with him, she will still cheat with 7" intact penises off Tinder because her sexual appetite will always come before sentimental romantic attractionDamn, I almost sorry for you but you're absolutely pathetic. Now fuck off you miserable cunt. Not even going to bother responding to anything else because 95% of the novel you wrote is just more wah wah wah self-pitying bullshit.
No. 101175
>>101173Give up on him anon, he's a typical man that won't listen to a woman even though he came to /g/
It makes my skin crawl that people can be this pathetic when there's no reason for it
No. 101180
>>101171I don't know why you are on this site but
>One in particular, a cute, shy, redhead girl, would sit in front of me in class every day and brush her hair, hoping I would notice her. I completely ignored her and probably destroyed her self confidence for yearsUuuuhhhhhhh sorry to tell you, brushing hair is not a mating call for women.
No. 101182
>>101171>a large, intact penis and can provide a woman with intense sexual pleasureVirgin who got his sex-ed from porn. There are no pleasure points in the birth canal. There are only pleasurable areas outside. You don't need a penis
at all to pleasure a woman. Ever heard of lesbians?
Plenty of women are dick-shy or have low libidos. You're psyching yourself out of a relationship or even sex because
>muh dickMost of women's sexual attraction is based upon personality, trust, affection, and attention paid to her. A dick, or a big one, is less important than you think.
Unless I'm misreading and it's 5.5 cm
No. 101185
>>101180I legit laughed at that
>bitches want me bcuz they brush their hair around me>but I don't want them bcuz I know they won't like mah weewee>therefore I destroyed her confidence with my own lack of self-confidenceLike wat, that's so pathetically amusing.
No. 101191
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>>101173>You've had many opportunities to pursue a succesfull relationship but cock-blocked your own damn self because of an irrational insecurity.It would be definition not be a "successful relationship". It would only be successful until the girl expects sexual fulfillment- at which point it would be ruined, because I cannot provide that, because I lack the requisite anatomy. It is am empirical, scientific fact that a mutilated penis (especially one of my somewhat below statistical average dimensions) cannot provide a significant amount of sexual pleasure to either partner. This entire thread is women unanimously agreeing upon this objective fact.
Yes, there have been plenty of girls that liked me, and that I could enter a relationship with. However, they wouldn't like me if they knew what I had for a penis. A girl "liking a guy" is essentially her "considering him as a potential candidate for a mate, provided his phallic organ is up to snuff". I do not fulfill that criteria.
>Some people's preferences don't equate to what everyone is willing to take in relationships.What woman would remain faithful to a man that can only provide her with mediocre intercourse? The only ones that I can think of are women with vaginismus, because they're not particularly interested in intercourse. And even then, because I'm cut, it would be even more painful for her. Women with vaginismus would be best matched with a small, intact penis to maximize the chances of enjoyable intercourse. No woman wants or needs a cut penis, other than a Jewess, or maybe a Muslima, or some maybe brainwashed American thot that would want a large cut penis, none of which I would want to be with.
>You have a victim mentalityBecause I am a victim of infant genital mutilation.
>Men cheat more than women and that is statistically verified.Only the Chads that have the sexual capital to do so. Virtually all women have the requisite sexual capital to do the same.
>>101180That was only one example of her behavior, she clearly liked me.
>>101182>Virgin who got his sex-ed from porn. There are no pleasure points in the birth canal.False. There is the g-spot- within reach of an average sized penis, but better stimulated by the girth of a large penis. And there are the fornices that only a long penis can reach. For some women, the risk of bumping their cervix discourages them from wanting their fornices stimulated, but for others, the fornices (particularly the anterior fornix) are their favorite erogeneous zone that gives them the best orgams.
Your "dicklet internet defence force" (DIDF)-type argument is proven patently false by this entire thread. Virtually all women prefer an intact, above average penis, although the exact preferred dimensions vary both by the woman and depending on how aroused she is, among other factors.
>Plenty of women are dick-shy or have low libidos.Where do I find them? They're definitely a minority.
>Most of women's sexual attraction is based upon personality, trust, affection, and attention paid to her. A dick, or a big one, is less important than you think.I am genuinely incapable of comprehending this, I am not a woman. This is the way I see it:
>women want to be in a relationship with a man that can fulfill her sexually>women require an adequate penis to be sexually fulfilled>I do not have an adequate penis>therefore, I cannot sexually fulfill a woman>therefore, no woman would want to be in a relationship with me, once she realizes the factThere may be women that are attracted to 'me', regardless of my penis, but they will not be sexually satisfied, and that's what matters. Ultimately, sex is what holds a relationship together. It doesn't matter how much she 'loves' him if he doesn't give her the cummies she feels entitled to. There are plenty of other men out there that can provide them. I simply lack the sexual capital that would justify a woman choosing me over other men that have intact and/or larger penises.
>Unless I'm misreading and it's 5.5 cm5.5 inches, or 14cm. Slightly below the American average of 5.6 inches, and significantly below women's preferred size.
>>101191This manon is either autistic as fuck or just very dedicated to fucking with us.
Probably both lmao.
No. 101196
>>101191you fucking moron,
>I am genuinely incapable of comprehending this, I am not a woman. This is the way I see it:…you are correct about one thing, that being no woman WOULD want to be with you, but it's not because of your dick, it's the thing attached to it. I'm telling you right now, your "incapability" of understanding that there is more to human relationships beyond peepee in vagene has nothing to do with you being a man. "Autism" gets tossed around as a general insult, and I'm not a mental health professional so I'm not going to diagnose you, but you need to talk to one. If you have any sincere desire to improve your life and stop wallowing in self pity then you need therapy. You are stuck in a self defeating mental loop and you need a change in external stimulus over a long period of time to get out of it. Now fuck off, and good luck.
No. 101222
>>101215I just wish there was a way to increase dick size, if there was every guy would do it and not for their 'ego' either trust me.
The only reason guys ever care about penis size is because almost all women have the same preference of above average and thick.
At least 90% and they're always so disappointed when it's not. If the worldwide average is 5.1 like most studies show, that means a lot of them vary from 4-6. However according to this thread only the larger tail end can actual be felt or enjoyable. Sucks don't it?
I have no hate, only disappointment within myself and my limitations in 'dick game' that basically concludes as being not as good as others or un-preferred in an aspect that i'd probably trade a testicle for in order to have some control over.
So to conclude: Sorry we're not big enough. Sorry I can't please you in that way as much as your ex could when he gave you that "sweet full feeling", and sorry for guys constantly being insecure about it too, but these things will always go hand-in-hand.
I hope you all find the perfect above average dick with a good thickness and I hope you don't have to settle for anything smaller because you'll only be unsatisfied and eventually detest your man for it. Also think about him if you can, don't get his hopes up only to find your Internet history about how "he's not the best I've ever had and I sometimes wish he were bigger but he has good health insurance" Please.
No. 101225
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>>101222Jesus Christ you are autistic. Get the fuck off of lolcow and go to therapy.
No. 101226
>>101224Already done and noted homie.
>>101223Yeah but the guys that do are fucking assholes who have no right. Whenever they complain it's always something pedantic, they should just leave.
>>101225Why? Therapy isn't this magical thing that makes everything go away. If you have a permanent scar, you either do magic to fix it or live life with a scar. Therapy doesn't do anything for these types of issues and if it did it would only do a complete reverse when the shit you already knew comes back inevitably. Because therapy can change you but not the world. I won't reply anymore. Sorry for being autistic but I have no hatred I just wanted to make it clear why men are so obsessed with penis size (hint: the whole thread).
>>101229Girls weigh other things as more important in a relationship.
Get that through your head.
And take a peek in the vagina thread, many (if not most) women can't have vaginal orgasms so oral is preferred. And no, you don't know a woman's body better than she does before you pull that bullshit.
I personally don't give a fuck if my bf has a fucking vagina as long as he's cute and sweet.
No. 101231
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No. 101234
I am the anon that made these three posts, and no more:
>>101117>>101171>>101191I have carefully read all of your responses multiple times. Do not think that I am 'not listening' to you. So far, the most interesting ones are:
>>101173>Some people's preferences don't equate to what everyone is willing to take in relationships.>>101182>Plenty of women are dick-shy or have low libidos.>Most of women's sexual attraction is based upon personality, trust, affection, and attention paid to her. A dick, or a big one, is less important than you think. >>101230>GIRLS WEIGH OTHER THINGS AS MORE IMPORTANT IN A RELATIONSHIP. YOU'LL NEVER BE PERFECT TO ANYONE AND SHE PROBABLY WON'T BE FOR YOU, BUT SHE'LL LOVE YOU WHICH IS WHAT MATTERS.My mental state has not changed (and is basically summmed up by what this guy
>>101229 said); I have heard all this probably hundreds of times over the years that I've been complaining about my penis over the internet to strangers. Omegle is one site where I used to do this a lot. Anyway, I understand that you ladies don't want men posting here, so I'll stop. I do not have autism and I am not going to see a therapist; anything that is fucked up with my brain is either due to what happened to me as a baby, or due to a decade of pornography consumption (which I deeply despise have tried to stop numerous times, but ultimately cannot because it is my only means of sexual release). If anybody wishes to message me and maybe help me work my way through this issue, you can reach me via I would really appreciate it because this is a very long-term issue that has a severe effect on my well-being, and I'm clearly incapable of resolving it by myself.
I will leave you all with one last question. How would YOU feel, femanon, if a guy that you liked and that you were dating turned out to have a 5.5", cut dick? What would that change about how you perceive him? When you have sex, wouldn't your mind be filled with thoughts like, "ugh, this sucks, his dick is so pathetic, why can't he just have a nice one? then this would feel amazing and he would be perfect." How can a relationship survive when the woman is never satisfied with the intercourse, how could she still respect him? Those responses that I quoted above generally say something to the effect that women are willing to forgive a man for having an inadequate penis because they care about him as a person, and that how they feel about 'him' justifies wanting to be with him even though they don't like his dick and aren't getting the sexual fulfillment that they crave that can only be provided by a nice dick. If this is true (for some women, anyway), then I would like to read some femanon put her money where her mouth is and explain to me the female perspective of how this kind of relationship would actually work.
>>101234Answering your question, I'm
>>101230 and
>>95319 Glad you ignored my original post in your blanket statement of all posts itt wanting monster dicks.
I'm sure some women are "size queens" but most are fine as you don't neglect getting her to to orgasm during sex.
I also reckon the meaner posts itt are a sort of response to the strict guidelines men often expect us to adhere to (.6 whr, huge tits, perfect face, etc.).
It does just seem that you have a weird neurosis about your penis, it's very strange but relatable. Happ3ns to tge best of us. I hope you can overcome it.
No. 101238
>>101234>I have heard all this probably hundreds of times over the years that I've been complaining about my penis over the internet to strangersYou continue to need therapy, even if you say you don't. You're literally asking us to email you and be your free therapist.
Please: Therapy, then work on making friends, then natural relationship may blossom which didn't start with you talking about your dick on the internet.
No. 101258
>>101256It's even more disgusting with them actually trying to answer him honestly even though he's not changing his mind
I think I prefer them taking the bait and being angry instead of actually trying to be sincere in responding
No. 101368
I (>>101234) am back. I know I said that I wouldn't come back, but I've been doing a lot of thinking and I'd like to share some of my progress with you. My intention is not to cause discontent; if you are bothered by my posts, you don't need to read them or reply to them.
I have placed the various ideas behind the sentiment that a man with a lame penis is not completely doomed to be alone forever into several categories:
Diminished Significance of Phallic Dimensions Theory (mostly bullshit, imho)
"When high sexual expectations remain, but the blame for dissatisfaction is targeted at the man, rather than his penis."
>cervix contact is too painful for many girls- thus, excessive length is often undesireable
>women generally overestimate penis size, both in person and in their expectations and preferences
>"average" sizes can still reach the g-spot and the most sensitive portion of the vagina
>women of smaller stature likely have smaller preferences
>cunnillingus is allegedly superior to penetration for many women
Phallic Prerequisite Negation
"For some women, the need for sexual fulfillment is either forgone, or expected from non-phallic means, such as oral."
>penetration less desired due to "dick-shyness" or vaginismus
>low sex drive, or generally 'not too fussed about sex'
>struggle to orgasm from vaginal anyway, prefer oral for own pleasure
>may put her partner's pleasure above her own, finding her own pleasure in his
Phallic Prerequisite Forgiveness
"There is more to human relationships beyond peepee in vagene."
>some women are willing to reduce their sexual expectations due a man's other redeemable factors (see below)
I have included some dictionary definitions for terms that have been used:
the type of person you are, shown by the way you behave, feel, and think
to believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you, or that something is safe and reliable
a feeling of liking for a person or place
notice, thought, or interest
to like another adult very much and be romantically and sexually attracted to them
And have paraphrased and consolidated them, plus some femanons' posts, into a summary of the idea that I am supposed to understand:
>Some girls weigh things other than the penis as more important in a relationship because they believe that 'there is more to human relationships beyond peepee in vagene'. Such a girl may like a man very much and be romantically and sexually attracted to him because she believes that he is good, honest, safe, reliable, and will not harm her; she enjoys that they have a mutual feeling of liking for each other, granting each other notice, thought, and interest; and she likes the type of person that he is, shown by the way that he behaves, feels, and thinks.
Ultimately, I am not remotely confident in my ability to satisfy a woman with my penis. I could not have a successful relationship with a woman that expects her man to have a nice dick and provide her with impressive, satisfying intercourse involving vaginal orgasms. However, it is theoretically possible that not all women are like this and that I could find a girl that would want to be with me because she likes me for non-sexual reasons; her sexual expectations would need to be modest, or at least she would need to have a strong preference for cunnillingus.
I would like to thank those of you that offered sincere and helpful responses. I am still extremely unhappy with my penis, and my self-esteem and confidence are still extremely low. The length is not atrocious, but the girth and having been mutilated render it entirely dissatisfactory; it may be very close to the statistical average, but whatever it is, it's garbage, quite frankly. The chance that I would be compatible with a given woman is still, I believe, very low. However, there is a slight glimmer of hope that perhaps there are some women out there that I could be compatible with, that would not disqualify and dehumanize me because of what hangs between my legs. I've always had a sense of this, but having discussed this matter with some of you, it seems a bit more real.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 101995
>>101441Not only are the pictures complete nonsense, but the numbers are as well- the studies are self-reported. What could be a less reliable source of data than a self-reported penis size survey? The studies that have been conducted involving actually measuring the subjects' penises:
>a) generally have a significantly smaller average size than self-reported >b) show little to no correlation between factors like race, height, hand size, shoe size, etc.>>101941>penises and how its the end all be all to any relationshipIt is. Whether the penis is nice or not determines whether the sex is good or bad, and whether the sex is good or bad determines whether the relationship even has a potential to succeed. You cannot have a relationship with bad sex, and you cannot have good sex with an inadequate penis (either cut, thin, or under 6" without being disproportionately thick).
>You think personality doesn't matter in a relationshipThat's not exactly what I mean; what I'm saying is that the penis is more important. It doesn't matter what personality a man has, or what he looks like, or how much money he has, or whatever if he has a small penis. No woman would ever want to be with him because he can't provide sex, and sex is the most important part of a relationship. The only possible exception is some mentally ill imageboard girl that fetishizes "small, weak men" with tiny penises, or a woman with vaginismus. In other words, <1% of the female population.
>>101946She was probably thinking of South Korea.
>>101959>Their obsession with genitalia does not represent the majority. Projecting his opinion onto strange women (who most certainly don't hold that opinion)Let's say a guy that you liked happened to have a small penis. Would you still want him to ask you out? Would you still want to date him or even marry him? Remaining faithful to him? Note that this means you would never be able to enjoy a good dick again. The rest of your life would be spent cuddled up next to your small dick husband, because you "love" him. Personally, I doubt that any woman would want that. There's no trait(s) or 'personality' that any individual man can have that would make him better than another man with a better dick. Good sex with a good dick from a woman's perspective (and thus the pinnacle of sexuality) is too good to justify sacrificing it for sentimental, emotional attachment to a person.
No. 102053
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>>101995-Deficits in Language Comprehension
-Inappropriate Social Interaction
-Intense Focus on One Topic
-Lack of Empathy
-Lack of Understanding Social Cues
-Preoccupation With Specific Topics
-Problems With Two-Way Conversation
-Repeating Words or Phrases
-Self-Abusive Behaviors
No. 102116
>>102110She probably loves him.
Are you dick-sperg-manon? pls go.
No. 112389
>>95223Dated a Japanese guy, his dick was pretty small maybe like 4.5 inches max and not thick. Not the smallest I’ve seen though (I had an ex with a smaller dick and he was white).
My old fuck buddy was Chinese and his was pretty average/normal to me around 5 inches maybe and average thickness.
The thinnest dick I’ve ever seen was from a Spanish guy, straight up pencil dick and like 5 inches. I legit just touched his dick and de escalated the situation and left because it was such a turn off.
No. 112428
>>112394Well they're averages. Of course you can have bigger ones and smaller ones.
I once slept with a Korean guy who had the tiniest dick anyone has ever seen, which was really awkward. Partner now is Japanese, never measured but it's rather thick and feels good which is all that matters.
No. 112456
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>>112428but you can never average out countries with extremely diverse and large populations
No. 113823
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I‘ve given a blowjob to a guy with a really thick but weirdly flat dick. A bit like the head of a snake, just less pointy.
Like, I could literally not put it in my mouth sideways, I just couldn’t open my mouth wide enough. Kneeling in front of him worked perfectly fine though.
It was so awkward and made me appreciate perfectly round dicks.
No. 115942
>>95067Haha Benis :DDD
In all seriousness, 7 inches looks huge on this scale holy shit.
No. 116125
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>>116124>tfw manlet chaserIs it not just proportions though? I imagine 6" would look bigger on a 5'2" man than on a 6'2" man.
Too big is frightening anyway, don't scare me off tiny boys anon! No. 116154
>>116125Are there a lot of manlet chasers here?? I swear this is the only place I go where I see women actually going for really short guys, it's kind of cute/cool tbh
Also do you guys think that really skinny guy's dick might look proportionally bigger for the same reason a manlet's would? Just occurred to me
No. 116158
>>115979Oh shit. Are small heads really that ugly? The current guy I like told me his is 3” thick at the head but the majority of his dick is 6” thick. Should I smash or no?
>>116154I typically don’t like manlets and used to chase after giant men (6’3”+ tall) because I was all about that cutesy ~height difference~ but then I saw the cutest little manlet in my class that changed my perspective. He was my height (5’6”) and had the prettiest boy face ever and curly long thick hair… I find shorter guys don’t bald as quick as taller men.
He was very feminine looking but was obvi a guy and not trans. Never knew how big his dick was but apparently the longer the ring finger compared to index finger the bigger the dick… and his was rather long lol.
No. 116160
>>116154ayrt and I'll be honest, I post about it a lot across various threads which may inflate the numbers. I'm a lonely lady.
That said I have seen a good number of other posters who dig them and it's quite nice. A lot of femdomfags here tend towards liking smaller men.
No. 116164
>>116154Different Anon than
>>116160, but I’m also a manlet-chaser. I don’t know if it’s me being 5’10” or being an edgy domina, but wew, I like ‘em twee.
No. 116270
Not perfectly related to the topic but I find uncut dicks to be really cute/sexy, especially when the head peeks out just a little bit.
I love the idea of a cute, subby, uncut boy.
>>116154I wouldn't necessarily describe myself as a "manelt chaser", but I like men that are my height (5'6") or a few inches taller. My current boyfriend is 5'8". I don't like enormous men bc they're hard to kiss.
No. 116276
>>116158who the fuck measures their genitals so autistically? not that the usual "i'm 5.75 inches" is much better but imagine this dude just sitting there with a tape measure kek. imagine if it was commonplace for women to say "yeah,my vagina has a 25cm^3 capacity and my clit has like a 7mm projection but it is a grower, i swear!!"
actually nvm, troons do just that
No. 117357
>>116888I had a similar problem, anon. My bf is not as large as yours but I couldn't have sex with him for the same reason. What I did was start with very small things and progress up to a dildo close in size to my bf. I started using tampons once I was able to fit them, I was honestly that tight. If your hymen is thick and covering up a lot of the opening, there is simple surgery to remove it, but beware because my insurance called it "cosmetic" and would not cover it (wtf?) I'm able to have sex comfortably now so the non-surgical method worked for me.
Take some time in a low-pressure to try penetrating with your own fingers. If your bf makes you feel calm, he can do it, but it's possible that unknowingly he's making you feel under pressure to "perform" or loosen up faster, even if he isn't treating you that way.
No. 119503
>>119499usually larger loads/more testosterone the bigger they get
maybe they'll slap up against you
sometimes more fun to play with
won't affect the dick for the most part
I've seen 7-8 inch dudes with tiny balls
pseudoscience says that tiny balls make a dude a better father, but that's not a given
No. 119513
>>119499the only thing I’ve noticed is bigger balls do have that slapping effect in certain positions and it can be enjoyable.
load size varies a ton, doesn’t seem to correlate with ball size.
I think small balls look funny bc when they get cold and scrunch up, they practically don’t exist. But really big balls are kinda gross, it’s less the testicals being big and more the sack being oversized. “Average” is best imo
No. 119525
>>119508hen's egg is large.
ping pong ball is small.
No. 119567
>>119557Yeah, what
>>119562 said.
My bf loves getting his balls touched when I blow him or give him a handjob. That alone won’t make him cum and if I did he would lose his erection at some point. But it sure as hell is stumulating and feels good (to him).
You just shouldn’t treat them like a stress ball or yank them really hard. Because that sure will hurt. I mean, unless the guy is into that kind of stuff.
If his balls are sensitive enough that touching alone will hurt, he definitely should get them checked because that sure as hell ain’t normal.
No. 119592
>>119508you can just look up averages if you want
>>119525when people say stuff like this, I can't tell if they are talking about the entire thing or just each separate one
No. 119687
>>119673Well, if he only ever touched my labia and literally nothing else I at some point would lose arousal too. And I never watch porn. Teasing is nice and all but at some point there would have to be some kind of actual stimulation like penetration oder touching my clit.
But maybe we‘re just both not the kind of person for that kind of teasing.
No. 121151
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No. 121259
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Some studies say that dick size is very similar across all races, but when you look at porn you see black and white men with ridiculously big dicks, but the biggest asians barely reach 8 inches.
So why don't asian men have those huge dicks too? I'm talking about sizes like pic related.
No. 121293
>>121259It's definitely possible, it's probably just that there are more people with bigger dicks in parts of the world where people are just bigger
A lot of asian people are shorter on average, but every now and then there are super tall asian people in the news. I'm sure the same goes for dicks
Not only that, but a lot of American Porn focuses on how big dicks are because American porn is made for American men and American men think that a huge dick is the only way to please a woman
Correct me if I'm wrong, but basically anyone in japan can become a porn star because so few people actually want to be in porn, leading to a smaller sample size
So there's a lot more people with big dicks in American porn–and it's hard because there's a lot of bias in getting answers from anywhere
No. 121299
>>121293But it's so weird that you never see one of the massive ones. I've seen so many dicks in the internet but none of the massive ones have been asian.
I think by now some asian guy would have showed off a dick that big.
No. 121303
>>121299Admittedly, it's harder to find, but it's not impossible
Just 30 seconds on google led me to a bunch of gay porn I'm not going to post links to here
No. 121886
>>121882I'm guessing it pokes their cervix in a weird way? I've found that toys with a pointed tip do this too
I love feeling my cervix get ..bashed. I thought all women did til an experienced fuck buddy told me alot of women hate that
No. 122621
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I have a strong suspicion that 50% of posts ITT are r9k poking jokes at themselves
No. 123809
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>>95052There are people who will actually believe this chart is real
No. 123833
>>123823There are other snarky reaction pics, why would you choose one with a kid?
And thanks, would love to as long as you pay for it!
No. 125301
>>125299At what point does it start to go from pleasurable to painful?
At the point where you're not into it (having sex) / not into him. I.e. when you're not aroused.
Nothing to do with dick size.
No. 125306
>>125299Depends on your body.
Some girls can take something longer or thicker some can't.
I've only had dildos but I'm pretty sure my limit is 6 inches before it pokes weird.
And that one is 5" in circumference. But I could probably take more.
I'd say anything smaller than 4" long, or smaller than 3" in circumference is too small.
No. 130104
>>130087For me personally:
>bigger at the base and tapering to the headImagining something like the German dick in OP/small head, thick base: Feels weird. I can’t even put into words what it is, but it just feels like there’s something missing. It also makes it feel like his cock is half flaccid the whole time.
>bigger at the head and narrowing at the baseDepends on how much bigger than the base the head is. I have a dildo that has a really thin base but a big bulbous head. It feels okay and kind of hits the G-spot well, but overall it’s not ideal. Most women are most sensitive at the entrance of their vagina (plus the clitoris is there) so a thin shaft can fail to stimulate that area well enough.
>maintaining the same girth and thickness throughoutOf the three you mentioned probably the best. But the ideal would be the head being a bit bigger than the shaft, but the shaft being pretty even.
But again, that’s just my experience and personal preference.
No. 135538
>>135489Some people forget that the clitoris isn't just a little bead at the top of the vulva, it's an entire structure that runs along the front of the vagina
In that way, girthier dicks can actually help clitoral stimulation
>>135506Honestly, not worth it
From what I've heard/read, the results are like 1.5 inches in length rather than 3 or 4 inches
The results arent' worth breaking a dick
No. 135547
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Penises around the world // hoe edition
From biggest to smallest
Turkish: 10-12” 5’10
Genuinely painful during some positions, however the sex was good enough to make me deal with the rest of him for about a month
Italian: 9” ish? 5’ 11”
Not remarkable due to it being so thin, he didn’t last long and neither did the relationship
Swedish: 8” 6’0”
Not much to comment bigger than average where I live but he wasn’t the best in bed.
Japanese/Australian: 7ish 6’0”
ok? But his size wasn’t necessarily why it was meh
Vietnamese: 7” 5’10
Sex was great but he knew that he was doing and paid attention to foreplay
Mexican: 5” 6’0”
It was … awful honestly he was self conscious and asked me to tell him it was big which I pretended not to hear
Argentinian: 4’ 5’10”
Second best in bed knew what positions would work best and was really good at gauging how to use it
No. 135827
>>95067I know it's been a year or 2 but I'm reporting back to say I finally got the swede d, unexpectedly.
His dick was pretty but his brain was fucking slow lol so I eventually said bye bitch
No. 141585
>>141570I'm sure this would be heaven to some women but..
I mean I like when a guy is 6.5 inches and am disappointed when a guy is say only 5. Offer me 10 inches and I'd just tap out though. If I thought I could stretch that much I'd be trying out fisting already.
No. 141596
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Honestly, I used to be a size queen until my current guy.
I had 7in and thick, but he made me cum like once every six months. Circumcised. Only up and down motions did anything for him so it kind of got old quick, but I thought maybe this was as good as it got.
I've only been seeing my boy for a few months and I cum almost every time. I haven't asked, but he's somewhere around 5.5-6in and average girth. I can grind and do all sorts of things. Plus his responsiveness drives me wild.
On the other extreme, I once had a Korean-American Tinder date. He was literally the length and girth of my middle finger, bordering on micropenis… Decided to give it a go, cause heck, what if I'm just being an ass and he knows how to use it? HE DID NOT.
No. 142634
>>142632I've never heard of that before. Maybe due to all the inbreeding?
>>142633This truth right here. Nobody wants a pencil dick
No. 142676
>>142653Some time ago I got advice on lolcow to prepare myself before having sex and honestly I'll post it everywhere now. My first time was great and nothing hurt. The guy had quite girthy cock as well.
Masturbate with your fingers if you don't already and invest in a toy. And use it vaginally. This way you'll stretch yourself and get way more comfortable so you won't tense up.
No. 142684
>>142676This. I used toys for months before having sex for the first time. One of the best decisions I've made.
Maybe my hymen was particularly stubborn but it took a good few sessions and lots of patience and pain tolerance for me to start comfortably taking penetration. The first few sessions consisted of slow insertion without any thrusting because the pain was too much. Even if I had somehow found the sweetest man on earth I wouldn't be able to find any romance or pleasure in 'losing it' that way. I'm glad I took matters into my own hands.
No. 149823
>>143444yeah that sub is cancer, but you have to feel for the guys. i think porn is largely to blame for them making it such a huge part of their life though.
on the other hand, they're so vitriolic it's clear they don't want help or reassurance.
No. 150171
>>150138The fact that you're asking him to get help and he won't says everything you need to know
>he tells me i'm lyingGonna predict it right now, this won't end well
No. 150215
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>tfw recently broke up with my ex and realize I can finally get an uncut guy now
No. 150311
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>>150241dry and crusty yes, and fluff ridden holy fuck yes. i was always so turned off fucking or blowing my ex if he hadn't literally just showered because his tip and shaft were perpetually covered in cloth fibers from his underwear. and there'd be like little fluff balls stuck along the scar tissue too.
>>150257>smoother, natural, cuter, healthiergod, i can't wait.
No. 150348
>>150334You can but it feels shit to give. You haven't got the natural resistance of the foreskin moving along with your hand. It's like trying to give a massage without any sort of oil or lotion.
Also the uncut dicks smell argument is so tiresome. Nahh, your bfs dick smelled bad because he's a lazy asshole who doesn't know how or when to wash. Never been with a stinky uncut guy, but maybe cut guys who think they don't have to wash properly because they're not intact.
No. 150391
>>150315Nah, I don't really even notice if someone's cut or uncut either.
>>135956I know this is old, but: even though I'm in America, only 1 Asian guy I've fucked had a small penis. The rest (like…a good number of them) were all probably around 6 inches and definitely prone to hitting my cervix during rough sex sometimes, so I've never really understood why some people cling to that stereotype.
No. 151503
>>151462There's girls who are more experienced and taller than you that won't touch that, and you want to do it as your first one?
You're brave.
No. 151557
>>151465I've been fingered but never used any toys.
>>151503He's my bf so I wouldn't feel comfortable with anyone else. I hope we can find another way if it doesn't work out…
No. 151708
>>151503Oh, don't scare the already scared girl.
7 inches is on the bigger side and also my favourite size… go slow and use as much lube as you want. Try being on top if you want to make sure that he doesn't go to deep. Be super honest that you're nervous and he'll be happy to help you.
No. 152217
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Do you agree?
No. 152246
>>152217Wish people would stop using the phrase 'you are literally insane if you think this thing'
More than 6 inches is a bonus
No. 258633
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>>135547Adding to this because it’s been a while and none of you Farmers would actually post reviews.
Regarding some stuff being fake, I wish I didn’t add bodies for shit sex but hey at least I’m honest.
Greek 6” about 5’7”
0/10 couldn’t keep it up, probably because of other stuff including smoking 6 packs of cigarettes a day, he wasn’t very experienced so that killed it too. He tried with positions and some felt good but overall it was a very awkward experience.
Sad because he was actually quite cute
Australian 8-9” inch 5’11”
Definitely good in bed, but I might have over exaggerated size over the circumstances and shagging a backpacker isn’t a great idea.
Thai 6”? 5’8”
Fast it was thin and long and couldn’t even feel when he was hard.
Norwegian 8” 6’3”
Thickest I’ve ever tried, ot as painful as the Turkish guy sex was great and I’m now in a relationship with him.
Hopefully this is the end of my updates.
No. 258636
>>140737I struggled to get it in, he had mentioned it in passing before we had sex and I had heard from one of our mutual friends that it was actually that size.
I didn’t believe it until any position we tried was hell due to pain.
I don’t recommend it.
No. 258747
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i think manuel's dick would be just perfect for me
No. 260808
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I’m crying with laughter at Spanish dicks
No. 262802
>>262778If you're meeting purely for sex then it makes sense to want to know. Yeears ago when I was still pretty inexperienced (had one previous sexual partner) I was looking to hook up and I ended up meeting up with a guy who had a short and no joke.. pencil thin dick. Freakshow looking. I didn't want to back out of the meeting but my god it was not worth it at all. He barely even gave me oral so total shit experience on my end. After that I was always keen to see it beforehand. Not because I love dick pics but because micro dick men aren't even kind enough to warn you or drop a hint first. They're relying on you being too nice to back out of things.
Ask in advance, discuss his dos and donts and tell him what you need, anything that will make or break the experience for you is worth discussing beforehand.
No. 264074
>>264027What do you mean by "correct"? They're plausible sizes imho, it's mostly the delivery that throws me off. All those different nationalities/ethnicities + having exact heights for all of them is what reads as a larp to me
Staying in the thread topic, my was ~9 inches and honestly after trying to make that work for literal years, I don't trust any woman who's had dick above 7-8in and says it wasn't painful. Like, she doesn't even need to be intentionally lying herself, maybe the guy lied to her or whatever but anything above that threshold without mentions of pain I immediately process as "fake as hell". I'm sure exceptions exist, I just think they're a lot less common than moids like to pretend they are
No. 264581
>>264555I don't get why people think this way, it's even more harmful to pretend that all women like getting their cervices pounded by huge monster cocks
I get it, men deserve body dysmorphia, but this is the wrong way to do it. Can't we make fun of men's tiny balls instead or something?
No. 264702
>>264631I am convinced anons have no idea what pickme means and just fling it around like a random insult. Pickme would be saying it hot if his dick is small and that uwu size doesn't matter.
Anyways my first was 9 inches and thicker than my wrist, I miss it tbh even if smaller dicks can be nice as well
No. 264715
>>264702NTA but how the fuck is that pickme shit? Some women don't like big dicks and prefer smaller ones based on their own anatomy. Some women actually don't like getting their cervix smashed to bits. Is having a sexual preference being a pickme?
First having uncommon fetishes is pickme behavior, but not being a size queen is pickme behavior? The absolute state of logic on this site sometimes.
No. 264722
>>264712All I've had has been as thick as my wrist or thicker, most are usually the size between my thumb and index finger, while I can overlap my fingers around my wrist.
>>264715Reading comprehension is a thing, maybe use it. I never said preferences are pick me, I was referring to anon who said likeing bigger dicks is pick me, as if a pick me wouldn't try to appeal to mens insecurities and as if women aren't shamed for wanting a bigger one. No man is insecure about having a big ass dick and needs a woman caping for him.
No. 264725
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Ladies please love yourselves and don’t convince yourself you like microdicks just because of a specific moid. I just got out of a relationship with a guy who had a legit baby carrot and concerningly small nads. I lied to myself to whole time told myself size didn’t matter cause I looooved him just to cope, but looking back it was pitiful. No I don’t mean ~euuugh he didn’t have a foot long monster cock~ I mean I literally felt like I was fucking a tiny house elf or smth. Thing that sucks it that he was my first uncut guy, so it was heavenly finally being able to give head and handjobs the right way and not chafing during penetration, but the catch is that he had a literal thumb for a dick. Not asking for a third arm, just an average sized, intact cock that doesn’t come with deformed hapsburg looking ass raisins for balls, is that too much??
No. 264729
>>264722You sound tiny as hell
>>264725I relate with trying to meme yourself into liking a dick size you hate. Current bf has an average sized dick and I'm never looking back, hoping you find the regular-sized uncut dick haver you deserve
nonnie No. 264740
>>264702It's pick-me shit to romanticize taking huge dicks like you're some sort of porn star. Matter of fact is the length to the cervix is 5-7 inches, huge dicks hurt women unless they're turbo masochists
5-6 inch dicks are fine, that anons talking about enjoying 8+ inch dicks are crazy, I don't believe they actually get off to the physical sensation because it sounds like torture to me
No. 264741
>>264740stop this psyop already, dicks are already nasty enough to put in your vagina why tf you lying
No. 264759
>>264740>It's pick-me shit to romanticize taking huge dicks like you're some sort of porn star. lmao fuck off retard, men seethe and wanna rope every time they hear a woman express a preference for big dicks. It's based to make them insecure about their dicksize but either way having high standards and demanding an unrealistic body type is the opposite of being a pickme. If you see that as women trying to act like pornstars then you might be insecure about your own sex life and your nigel's dick.
I've never taken a huge dick, not sure if I could, but I will still praise them because a) they turn me on mentally and I enjoy the visual and b) they're extremely rare, so the number of moids who would get an ego boost from my opinion is vanishingly small
No. 264800
>>264725I've had one experience where I met a guy for sex and being young and not very assertive att.. I was met with a baby carrot of a dick and god how I wish I had just politely said no and left in that moment. I kick myself for even putting myself through that once. I've tended to date men on the slghtly modest side of average and it's all good and workable but I'll never forget that one guys actual non-dick.
If I'm taking even a 0.1 percent chance of pregnancy by having sex with a guy then I'm not taking that risk on a micropeen.
>>264715 > having a sexual preference being a pickme? If you reread the posts you'll see that the pick-me talk is in response to someone enjoying a big one, simply stating their own preference. We all should know tastes obviously vary but there's a 'small dicks 4 life' poster camping out and freaking anytime someone so much as voices a preference for bigger. It's getting old.
No. 264807
>>264759>It's based to make them insecure about their dicksizeIt's not based. Most women can't take huge dicks so it's retarded to parrot to men that all women want their cervices bashed. I only like the visual of big dicks, but they are not conducive to female pleasure. You're crazy if you don't think pickmes love to compete and brag about how they can take thick 9+ in dicks to prove to men how slutty and depraved they can be, not because it actually feels good
I can realistically understand 5-7 inches being pleasurable, and even 7 is stretching it because that's the cut-off where most women feel pain but it's still realistic. 8 and above inches is where I call bullshit
This is why we should make fun of moids' ball size instead, having huge balls doesn't hurt women and can at least be pleasurable too, while having a huge monster dong definitely hurts 99% of women
No. 264852
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buckle up for overshare: my manuel has a large dick. it's roughly same circumference as my wrist and slightly too long so every time we have sex we have to be careful to not hurt ourselves. he's uncircumsized so if i'm not gushing wet his foreskin gets pulled back too far on the forward thrust and it is apparently very painful. obviously hitting my cervix can be an issue, but being careful + arousal + positioning takes care of it. the positions we can/can't do changes based on factors i don't really understand, but there are some that we basically never do cuz they tend to hurt me.
ok i went and found a ruler to estimate his length with my hands and it's about 7-7.5 inches.
all else being equal a little too big is better than a little too small but a 9 inch dick belongs in a barn, not your bedroom.
No. 264896
>>264852>all else being equal a little too big is better than a little too small but a 9 inch dick belongs in a barn, not your bedroom.Kek, can't argue with that
>>264807>This is why we should make fun of moids' ball size insteadThis is where you lost me. Trying to figure out the "right way" to shame moids is a non-starter imho. Men on the aggregate are degenerate, a subsection will get horny if you shame dicklets, another will get horny if you shame donkey dicks, and it's a certainty that a different subsection will get horny if shaming ball sizes became popular. Yeah yeah yeah men deserve body dysphoria like that other anon said, but way too many are too pornsick to care about their bodies enough to properly develop it beyond brainlet "my pp 2 small" levels. I agree that proclaiming to like donkey dick bothers men way less than other anons suggest since big dicks appeal to male lizard brains (why else would they be so ubiquitous in porn?), but I don't think it can be helped. Game sux, men suck
No. 264989
>>264988>then let the anons who like big dick like big dick however unbelievable we find their enjoymentFine.
>don't suggest we start to critique balls insteadWe can do both, why limit yourself. Small balls look pathetic and ugly.
No. 265088
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Ethnicity: Irish, Scottish, German, Czech, French-Canadian, English.
so how big you think that dick is he’s a giant man and from my experience giants do not usually have big dongs,(maybe it’s because how they are giant and their dicks don’t look as big as you’d expect) however I bet that it is girth and beautiful like his face, I bet seeing a drop of precum fall from the top is as beautiful as that painting of Lucifer crying. Like a delicate drop of dew falling from a ivory pink tinged petal. I bet his balls are big tho. Pink and fuzzy with that light brown dusting, I bet you his moans are so beautiful too I love his chipper himbo boyishly cute voice and I bet he says I love you during intercourse. I like to imagine he jizzes a lot too and it shoots straight out and it’s warm and it’s so delicious, because he doesn’t watch porn. He would let you suck his bara tiddies during foreplay
No. 265142
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>>265088Oh my gawd noooonaaaa
No. 265254
>>265244Anons are wildin, women apparently aren't allowed to be attracted to and objectify men. Especially not above average men.
I think the same as you.
No. 265261
>>265259Yeah, literally no anon told them that they sounded like a moid just because they said like big dick, it's because they're talking about their bf like a gay man would and ngl,
>>265254 seems like they're samefagging. What lolcow regular thinks anons here don't objectify the fuck out of men when fantasizing about them? We're just saying they're doing it in a moid-y fashion
No. 265274
>>265271No I genuinely do not understand why you get so mad at and can't understand women who are sexually attracted to men and express their desire for the male genitalia.
I like big ass dicks, slongs, cocks and penises, I like looking at them, I like them in my pussy, I like seeing dick prints, I like seeing cumshots, I like seeing guys jerk off. I am sick of womens sexuality being policed, like we have to act like uwuw pure innocent maidens who don't get horny and don't oogle, and if we do we are certainly not allowed to express it. Fuck that.
No. 265277
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>>265274>mad at>can't understand I guess I forgot there's a third option; you both lack reading comprehension and want to bait. I guess this is just what happens when you make a thread about penises
No. 301320
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I dunno I keep thinking of pic related
No. 302994
>>302849I had sex with both a cut and uncut male. 0 difference. I get wet enough so it feels the same to me, I don't understand how a cut penis could even make a significant difference since all penises leak precum while having sex and thus get moist, in a combination with a wet vagina. By this logic all dildos and dicks with condoms would feel uncomfortable too. My husband is cut, and not pornsick so he easily orgasms from piv, or anything really. His penis is sensitive because he doesn't strangle it kek
And I'm not even defending male circumcision, I'm heavily against it and don't think it has a place in our modern society but truly sex wise it doesn't matter (to me).
No. 303012
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>>302994Ayrt. I’m glad your bf’s dick works for you anon.
Admittedly I’m biased because I've tried more uncut dicks than I can remember and only one cut, but the sensation is definitely different. My ex had his circumcision as an adult due to phimosis and eventually could have sex without needing to jackhammer, I could get him off by giving him head without having to use a lot of speed/force etc., so for him circumcision solved some of his problems. But there’s no way you can perform surgery on someone’s genitalia without them losing sensation to a degree, that’s just wishful thinking. I loved my ex and enjoyed sex with him because he was my bf, but I still prefer uncut dick if I have the choice (and now I do).
> By this logic all dildos and dicks with condoms would feel uncomfortable too.I mean, it IS a completely different sensation lol, that's my point. I can deal with it, but uncut dick is still better.
Pic related. I realize it’s an extreme example. My ex had a lot more of his skin left, but basically part of the head is exposed at all times so the mucus membrane becomes harder. Even if there is precum/your vagina gets wet, the skin is still harder due to constant exposure to the elements.
No. 303023
>>303012Samefag, it actually took me a lot of tries to find condoms that were as comfortable as possible. Most of the condoms I've tried felt stiff, I would get stinging sensations, get sore afterwards etc. (if anyone is looking for good condoms I recommend SKYN non-latex condoms, but if other nonas know ones that are less expensive please let me know).
The reason I’m bringing this up isn’t to shit on circumcised men, I feel for them tbh, but it seems like there’s a number of women online that think PIV sex is painful and I was wondering if there’s a correlation with them having mostly had intercourse with circumcised penises, maybe used low quality condoms and so on. It also seems like a lot of girls prefer suction type toys/vibrators in favor of dildos, which again makes sense because dildos aren’t the same as a dick. I own some dildos and can not use them for a long time before my muscles start aching. I think in the long run, bareback uncut dicks are as comfortable as it gets for PIV, it's what God intended kek (please actually wear protection though).
No. 417433
>>115986White and black guys have the biggest ones.
Taller guys have bigger dicks, no?
No. 417436
>>417433Tallest guy I slept with had the biggest donger, so it might be true. It seems loosely correlated honestly.
Here's my personal sample size of height and dick:
>176cm - 15ish(?) cm >180cm - 18cm >198cm - 22cm No. 417446
>>417433I don't think that's entirely true.
Also, am I the only one who thinks chunky bodies ruin even larger than average dicks? It's super erotic when a guys wrist is skinnier than his dick. I like imagining that it sucked up all his nutrients like a parasitic maggot KEK
>if only I wasn't burneded by this huge cawk maybe then I wouldn't be a starving midget! By allah I'm suffering so much! No. 419870
>>419827The whole point is I can only put 2 fingers in and even that can hurt, yes I would feel it kek. I can easily touch my cervix with my fingers too so what the fuck would anything larger do, can’t even go all the way in
>>419857I like making fun of moids for unattractive traits but dick size is not one of them since there are so many moids that think women just want massive porn penises who will destroy their vagina or whatever. It does more harm than good imo and on the flip size men with large penises are the ones that end up getting a huge ego boost. Seriously they think women would fall to their feet for their dick size.
No. 419904
>>419891>Moids who have had sex should knowYou would be surprised…
>Furthermore who even cares about what ~worries~ they have KEK.No one does, and I didn’t I imply that I did, I didn’t even mention it. My point is that one way or the other one type of scrote will end up a big ego, whether it be the micropenis moids or the ones with the disgusting wormlike rape tumours. I’d rather moids with big dicks didn’t act like they owned the world and end up hurting women because they think they want their cervix plundered, than short dicked scrotes no longer being insecure tbh - so I’d rather shame the huge dicked ones. Even worse that so many of these men have fetishes for being shamed for their small cock by women. Not that it really matters either way though, since shaming any kind of moid is based.
No. 420022
>>419956If vaginas can stretch, why are so many nonas itt complaining about penises too big?
I'm just worried that sex with my future husband will be unpleasant. The thought that his penis could be too large never occurred to me before I entered this thread.
No. 420135
>>420022Most people can do the splits with proper training, doesn't mean it's not going to hurt if you try to force it out of nowhere. "Can stretch" doesn't mean they're made of rubber.
Your vagina will lengthen when you are aroused and lower the chance of him hitting your cervix, but only if you take your time to make sure you're fully turned on first.
No. 421644
>>417436Same for me but I don't think it correlates to height completely but obviously rather genetics and ethnicity. I was with a 6 foot scandinavian man and he had the longest, fattest dick. He totally didn't care about it, never measured or anything. He didn't measure until I asked him to and he told me it was 6 inches but it ended up being bigger!
Then I fucked a 5'10" spanish-american man and his dick must have been only 5 inches and skinnier but he initially lied to me and told me it was 8 inches. Huge turn off just for lying and being insecure. Short men are disgusting and I'll never understand why nonas cape for them here unless it's just manlet moids posting and trying to save face kek. They always have problems - problems I cba to deal with and could care less about.
My friend has always fucked short guys since that's what she's into and she told me their dicks were small.
No. 440684
File: 1729883613092.jpeg (Spoiler Image,24.55 KB, 500x500, IMG_9873.jpeg)

>>440672Don’t want to plaster a dick, so I’ll just add a toy. The shape was overall like this nonna, slightly less curved and more subtle.
When you see a penis like that, you’re in for a good time kek.
No. 441014
>>440841I agree with you nonna, penis is ugly , but I’m straight.
If I like the man and I’m horny then I do like them, not even the aesthetic per se, just the way I interact with them and how they feel.
But if I’m in a normal state and a penis is presented to me I just find it gross kek, I don’t find the appeal in dick pics for example.
No. 466490
>>461887Had the opposite problem, was with a guy with a huge dick who could never make me come, always uncomfortable and painful unless I was like ecstasy level of turned on the whole time (he still couldn't make me come…).
After we broke up I slept with a guy with a disappointingly tiny dick but he turned it around so fast when he made me come so fucking hard within literal minutes using just piv, I was in shock. Don't fall for any dick size psy-op, find what YOU like nonas.
No. 467124
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>>467121No I agree and am thinking of a specific moid from the past who described me as having "nervous energy" (but actively kept me that way) so the sex was always kind of tense and awkward, which made it hurt I think. We're getting dangerously to close to the "myth of the female vaginal orgasm" tho, so might be time to crawl back underground where we came from
No. 467159
>>467149>>467142honestly nonnies might not be aroused enough, which is different from relaxed. it stretches more easily when you're super into it.
I always had pain with piv until I was with my ex. It was the horniest I'd ever been with a guy, and I just wanted him bigger & longer, and never had pain or stretching issues like before.
No. 467170
>>467142>Everyone here knows the vagina is a muscle that can expand and retract from the size of a baby to a (baby) finger right?Seriously, you're going to use BIRTH to shame women from having pain from sex? Birthing is known to be one of the most painful processes any woman ever has to go through, it takes many painful hard hours for the body to dilate to that state and is STILL painful and even in a modern day society the vast majority of women get lasting damage from it.
You are basically saying women just "have to get used to" the pain and uncomfort from dicks a size they say they don't like… it read's as rapey and gross. If a woman is naturally lubricated enough to enjoy small dicks but not enough for big ones, why the fuck should she have to change that? It's literally just to please more men then.
No. 467198
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>>467170seriously, the whole birthing argument is so retarded as if birth isn't extremely painful. it's really telling that they have no way of refuting and have to resort to shitposts
No. 467208
>>467198Sure, completely out of context to go off on an unrelated sperg it is. I brought it up because the way anons talk about their vaginas as if they are delicate and breakable, comes off like a troon caring for his fragile neovagina. Unless all of you have sexual conditions, there's no reason for a
grown woman to prep for sex with a male penis. For one thing, the penis is usually less rigid than the toy. I would like to see discussions about actual penises, in the penis thread. Forgive me anons, for referencing one of the main functions of your stretchy vaginas
No. 467210
>>467134Thank you! This is the insight I needed. I was unsure if the situational arousal+the fact it's flesh would be better, or if him thrusting would be worse. I'm excited for when we close the distance again now! He is extremely my type and eager to give so I have few concerns about arousal.
>>467136>>467142?! I had no prior experience and my hymen was intact, it hurt like fuck to insert more than just a finger even when I was super aroused and I didn't want my first experience with partnered penetration to be painful. It greatly enhances my orgasms during masturbation because I won the clitoris lottery, so it was a good gamble. Since it was just my hymen that I stretched (not broke) it's fine every time I use a dildo now, girth wise.
I just want to be able to receive pleasure at the same time as my partner. I know it's unfeminist to fuck men or whatever but we're in the penis thread.
No. 467698
which type of men have shortish but thick dicks?
>>467228yeah true, if he can't catch a rhythm it doesn't matter what his dick is like
No. 467836
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will i get banned for posting dick…i am a proud virgin but this is a perfect penis if i’ve ever seen one(why nona WHY)
No. 467869
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>>467836What's with moids and portraying themselves as slutty porn-obsessed virgins? That's what virgin men are. It's weird because they'd never want to dress up as that woman irl. Even during most women's "fucked up online phase" where they do creepy things like have ~cyber sex~ with older moids, they're not posting veiny throbbing cumming cocks on imageboards and it's not even something they all did (when they were in elementary school ffs), it's mostly the weirdo women who grew past that and now shitpost here (repost for grammar)
No. 467985
File: 1736552718453.png (1.07 MB, 948x957, 1b0-534887754.png)

>>467921>i love dicks and this is the dick threadYou're right anon, this is perfectly typical virgin behaviour and we were all lusting after porn cock as adult virgins (or ~naughty teenagers~ sneaking on imageboards to post picrels of aggressive veiny cocks uwu)
No. 468026
>>467949No it's just a very offputting picture kek, almost convinced it is bait. Circumcised dicks are gross, the veins are so thick and bulging that they look like worms, the angle, flash and cum splattered all over it make it look so creepy too.
It looks like ugly bastard dick.
No. 471097
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Kek moids are so fucking retarded, porn has destroyed entire generations of male intelligence (something thats already barely lack thereof) and I love it.
No. 471105
>>471099Cut dicks are dry, chaffed, and don't work half the time.
Uncut are cute.
No. 471106
>>471099Some women like them, some don't. Seems popular in the UK. Like the women there will get
angry if you even say you enjoy a cut dick
No. 471144
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>>471133>Do you like PIV sex?This is the key imo. If you enjoy PIV sex uncut can feel like picrel (should probably include picrel)
No. 471148
>>471147>actually functionsI have an issue of functionality
>>471144 with uncut penises
No. 471220
femcels creating their own version of clueless pornbrain in real time not three posts after meeting the male version.
No. 472370
>>4678360/10 cut and looks like old man dick
>>471099American bitches are retarded.
No. 473427
>>473408I’ll join you nonna kek. I can’t even stick a tampon alone.
But I can have sex if I’m relaxed enough.
No. 473454
>>473408>>473427I also can't fit my fingers inside. It's actually pretty common. It can happen because of anxiety, not being wet enough, vaginismus, inexperience (a lot of virgins in particular struggle with getting things in their vaginas because they're not used to penetration), and a mix of having a naturally small vaginal opening + not being fully relaxed.
What is up with nonnas who don't realise that other women have different bodies from them and that someone talking about experiences you can't relate to doesn't make you a moid in disguise or a "sex negative idiot," (kek, this is literally the most libfem insult, it's what porn addicted and kinkfag women throw as a generic insult whenever someone criticises those things. Imagine trying to insult farmers by calling them sex negative, most embarrassing).
Some of you have really never talked to another woman about sex or seen a woman that's not yourself and pornstars naked. I see this nonsense all the time in the cow threads in /snow/ too. Terminally online women who come here to try and feel better about themselves by comparing themselves to cows nitpicking at traits millions of women have like being short/tall, having a big nose, having uneven or droopy boobs, having vulvas that don't look like tiny porn star pussies, being mildly pudgy, and so on. Literally as critical of women's natural anatomies as incels.
No. 473459
>>473394I don't think I want to join this discussion
again but do want to validate this anon that it is super annoying and my first thought
the first time I saw it, was that it was probably a man pretending to be a young virgin girl. I just can't relate to any of you on this and it seems like when women say what they're thinking (wtf) the insinuation is that we're loose whores, have large vaginas or are being insensitive (when it's not common at all to most of us). It's also uncomfortable/rude to say that's not something we're used to hearing with a "healthy/functional" vagina because that implies a vagina that has extreme difficulty accommodating a penis well into adulthood might be irregular or unhealthy
No. 473569
>>473454>a lot of virgins in particular struggle with getting things in their vaginas because they're not used to penetrationNot discounting the rest of your post, but can't women just admit the hymen is also a factor in this for some of us. The only time I couldn't fit more than one finger inside my vagina was when I was a virgin, due to having a hymen which made penetration too painful for me to wanna keep going. Once I had piv for the first time and got that out of the way (my hymen ended up breaching) I could accommodate pretty much any variation in dick size. Even if you don't end up breaching yours like I did, the hymen also tends to wear down over time, at least if you are sexually active. I wish this wasn't so controversial but here we are. My vagina still has muscles capable of contracting and can expand/shrink depending on whether I'm in the mood, but accommodating a dick was only a problem due to my hymen.
I lean towards preferring bigger than average dick, because smaller ones aren't actually able to touch or apply enough pressure where it feels good, which is mainly the g-spot and a-spot. That said, I've seen some dicks throughout my life, and the average size is smaller than what a lot of people would probably assume. From talking to women I know irl it seems like they all need certain amount of girth in order to achieve vaginal orgasm, while opinion tends to vary on ideal length because not everyone is into deep penetration. One of my gfs actually confessed to me the only time she came from piv was with this one big dicked moid, but luckily her nigel was good at oral so it was ok kek.
No. 473599
>>473569>From talking to women I know irl it seems like they all need certain amount of girth in order to achieve vaginal orgasmThis. It doesn’t have to be fat but pencil dicks ain’t it. I don’t care how long you are. I shouldn’t have to strain my pelvic floor to get an orgasm.
I also didn’t realize until I started dating in my age range, that men’s dicks don’t get nearly as hard as 20-something dicks. Hard dicks feel much better than a semi firm. And im not talking about just before he busts. I mean, staying hard the whole time. I’m celibate now so I guess it doesn’t matter kek
No. 474117
>>474114>straight sex general>lesbian sex generalCompletely agree but the GS/Bi-autism would continue kek
and just sperging after revisiting the sex advice thread I'm a lot less critical of the ot-anons because a blackpill was there and it got really weird/upsetting. I think even for people baiting, the bj-chan sperging is a bit much. There was an anon making fun of the concept of " "bj-chan" " somewhere earlier (like no can be bj-chan because every woman should be bj-chan, bt default) but this is very clearly that person, even scrolling by her mental illness is tiring and she'll probably be back with her cooties-fagging as soon as someone posts anything sexual
No. 474183
>>474122It's not working. This very (utterly nonsense) discussion was raised by the barely veiled le cooties of
>>474110 and
>>474112 in the first place. Lots of "women" are very uncomfortable reading about penis in the penis thread.
No. 474572
>>474445I didn’t say he was good, just that it wasn’t bad. It still felt good but I would have definitely cum if he had been hard-hard.
Anyways, men not making me cum isn’t anything knew and why I’m celibate kek
>>474513Exactly, thanks nona.
No. 474590
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>>474572Your story practically mirrors my experience anon, except the moid was only in his late 20s at the time (and there was still a gross age gap). He wasn't a coomer or smoker so I've always wondered if it was drugs like opiates/cocaine and drinking beer every night. It seems weird that a scrote would have a ~harder~ time getting fully erect when I was a literal teenager instead of now, when (allegedly) ISIS could only sell me for $40.
Anyways it felt like this stress toy with a hard pole in the middle
No. 474659
>>474588Kek thanks anon. I actually did find one years ago. He had the best cock I’ve ever had and he knew how to use it. Ugh so good. A real cervix puncher. I’m very much done with men and their semi softs tho.
>>474590KEK I know exactly what you mean. Probably a porn addiction. I often forget whisky dick is a thing.
No. 475001
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>>474472Genes from Anatolian neolithic farmers, the French who are also largely of this ancestry also have big benis according to the data. The highest genes from sub-Saharan Africa or ssa in Europe is in Portugal where only a maximum of 3% reaches Lisbon, which was a slave port. The majority of the Moors (most of them were also Iberian converts to Islam) left no mark on the Iberian Peninsula. It is also a myth that the Moors were black, a picreal portrait of all the caliphs. According to DNA data, they would be genetically close to the Canarians (Iberians with some Guanche) because they are mostly Iberian with some Berber,
No. 475011
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>>474995Apparently not in my age range as they’re all sporting picrel. And 20-something moids are bad at sex. Celibacy until death.
No. 475034
>>475011You are hot,
nonnie, you'll find your dong excalibur.
No. 475113
>>475032Can confirm for Portuguese but study inconclusive on my end for Italians. They’ve ranged from pinkies to Gesù Cristo.
>>475034Kek thanks nona
No. 475177
>>475124I’m not exactly sure what gen Pinky was (very American and cut) but Gesù was second gen and adorable but bad at sex. I had sex with an Italian in southern Italy and he was average all around.
I sound like a skank and I kind of was for a bit, sorry. I fell for the y2k slut psyop. I now know the error of my ways; but I’ve seen a lot of peen.
No. 481919
File: 1738982731466.jpg (Spoiler Image,552.97 KB, 1504x1504, Various_size_penises.jpg)

I was rummaging through the Human penis size article on Wikipedia, and, seriously, I've never been more sure that dicklets are a joke and female dicklet acceptance discourse is a handmaiden pickme psyop. There's a reference pictures of multiple penises scaled by size. The very big one is not intimidating at all, well, at least not much, and it's so much more attractive than the rest they shouldn't even be in the same universe for comparison. The above-average one is very acceptable too (although the glans looks like a dogs') but everything else is, and would feel inside like, a joke to me. I don't care what you call me, slut, whatever, sorry. Picture included.
No. 481926
>>481919Top left and top middle are the only acceptable ones. God the rest look like rawhide chew. Vomit inducing.
Top left looks like a real cervix puncher kek probably can’t even take the last inch
No. 481953
File: 1738989153506.png (308.63 KB, 1920x794, Human_female_inner_genitalia_2…)

>>481926To my fellow cervix punchee and relisher: This is from the same article. "Pain" isn't quite how I would describe the feeling!
No. 481997
>>481982>>481953The pain hitting the cervix and the G spot are such psyops kek.
Getting your cervix hit is not paiful at all it's actually ecstatic. Of course if the guy's a dumbass and is pushing on your vagina walls it feels painful but that's true for most parts of the vagina.
No. 482231
File: 1739040047028.jpg (403.46 KB, 800x1042, Paradiso_Canto_31.jpg)

>>482009True nona. I've quite literally seen God when hitting that spot kek. Before I found that spot I didn't think dick size matters, but nowadays I think it absolutely
does matter for me.
No. 482350
>>482248NTA length is the most important requirement for a-spot stimulation while curve/girth helps tickle the g-spot. It's possible that curve could also make stimulating the a-spot easier, but i haven't ran into any issues with non curved dicks as long as its size is big enough. Obviously you wanna stimulate both the a and g-spot so don't settle for anything other than above average both length and girth wise.
>>481919 rings true to my experience. Above average penis is really not as big as people seem to assume. I think porn has distorted people's perception, guys in porn usually have above average dick but they also apply different tricks to make it look more massive than it actually is.
No. 483380
File: 1739229247682.jpg (54.69 KB, 500x487, 1000008585.jpg)

No. 485253
>>484966Yeah I kinda realise I might be the exception
>>484501 >>484515
What are nonas' height and dick requirements? I like guys over 6'3 AT LEAST, given I'm 5'11. Not picky about dick size, as long as he's over like 4.5 or something AND THICC. I wanna know how rare tall reverse size queens are
No. 485439
>>485300The average is about 5.1 inches according to the statistics (BONE PRESSED, the studies will insist) which is about right, imo. Not too big, not too small
>>485363Haha, dw about it nona. I was just pinged multiple times and it was the same post over and over again. Just thought it was weird, is all
Thanks for the high quality no typo posts
No. 485463
>>485442>>485444Yeah, pressing against the pubic bone just inflates the numbers. Very stupid. It does excuse fatasses, but not really
How did you get to be a size queen? Dildos? Or just a lot of experience? Cause 6 inches is the most I'll let anyone go to poundtown with. Not that larger can't be satisfying, but never balls deep and never jackhammering
I still insist that girth is more important than length. 5.5-6 inches is heaven
No. 485475
>>485463Nta but I became a size queen because my first 4 dicks were huge and that’s what I became accustomed to for the first 3 years of my sex life. Not sure whether or not that was a blessing or a curse. Thank god it was pitch black the first time I came across my first micropeen, because I could feel my face go totally pale. Anything less than 6 inches does very little to make me happy.
Also everyone’s anatomy is different. I will also say, for me, girth > length if I had to choose one.
No. 485506
File: 1739592381631.jpg (313.82 KB, 1080x826, 81839492948.jpg)

>>485503Anon, some women just find their cervix getting hit in any way to be painful, regardless of how good the guy is at sex. We all have the a-spot, but not all of us have a cervix that can tolerate it. I love getting mine hit too, but it's retarded to act like all women's bodies are the same. It is true that by default it shouldn't be painful, but many underlying issues can cause it to be, which accounts for 31% of women according to a study that was done. No. 485521
>>485511I’ve orgasmed from penetration alone but that was a total cervix puncher/a spot stimulation. Plus good foreplay always helps get your nerves on edge. It was never common for that to happen though.
>>485506I can take a hit to the cervix but there is a spot inside me that is tender and painful. Even I have to be careful with how I angle toys. I can understand why some women would prefer an average sized moid over a baguette. I see no justification for being with a microdick tho. They should be dropped from the gene pool.
No. 485526
File: 1739597724007.png (86.78 KB, 600x600, Gray1166.png)

>>485523Here is a diagram to show you the location. The technical name for the "a-spot" is the anterior fornix, however the posterior fornix is also pleasurable. Missionary is usually best for targeting it, and how big the dick needs to be will depend on your anatomy. Some women have shorter vaginal canals, others have longer.
No. 485533
>>485531Responding to this post
>>485523 I would say the average from anons over the years is between 6-7 inches (for a non-low sitting cervix)
No. 485534
>>485482First micropeen I saw I was so disappointed because I really liked the dude. He used to ask me all the time was it big. He was also a two pump chump.
Second one I saw was even smaller than the first. I was stunned. I attempted to jack him off and it kept slipping out of my hand. It was like my pinky finger.
No. 485539
>>485536For me it’s anything that resembles any one of my fingers. But probably anything less than 4 inches.
>>485530I could NEVER get my g spot to do shit. Tried everything and I felt lied to. I used to joke that my G spot was right next to my cervix because that spot would drive me crazy. Literally only recently heard about the A spot and realized it was different from the g spot.
No. 485545
File: 1739601730537.jpg (65.23 KB, 850x566, 1levug-1145137846.jpg)

No. 485568
>>485544I mentioned missionary in
>>485526 , but basically anything that allows for deep penetration
No. 485647
File: 1739628169645.jpg (Spoiler Image,41.74 KB, 534x260, 1000009257.jpg)

>>485646I forgot to add it, it's the big cock reference pic from Wikipedia once again.
(spoiler your shit) No. 485649
File: 1739628439976.jpg (Spoiler Image,119.51 KB, 800x453, 1000009260.jpg)

>>485647By ’shaped’ what I meant above should more properly be ‘curved’, I believe.
No. 489428
>>485751Told my moid. Why is it so tiny he said it’s cold. Lmao. Like ew looks like some weird vagina when it’s shrivelled. I didn’t tell him that because he was already self conscious when I said it was strange that it disappeared kek.
I’m glad I have a vagina and not a penis. No wonder men are obsessed with their genitals it just disappears on them.
No. 489429
File: 1740199409200.webp (Spoiler Image,221.31 KB, 1080x1440, please-join-me-in-my-office-we…)

An acceptable size range would start at
No. 489431
File: 1740199668120.webp (Spoiler Image,125.2 KB, 1080x1439, mistake-me-for-a-horse-out-her…)

This one is Good.
No. 489434
File: 1740199888936.jpg (Spoiler Image,767.92 KB, 2464x3280, rhstz6un2kla1.jpg)

And, finally, this is Too Big. I have no desire to ever pay the ER a late night visit with a bleedy, pierced womb.
No. 489435
File: 1740199924078.webp (Spoiler Image,91.49 KB, 1080x1440, youll-become-addicted-to-it-i-…)

No. 489436
>>489429Ew, flaccid cock is disgusting
>>489430I miss him…>>489431Long and skinny stick. Disgusting
>>489434Too veiny. Yuck
>>489435Long and skinny again. GROSS!
No. 489451
>>489436>>4894483 is the best, although he needs to shave his pubes.
2 is circumcised, so that's automatic 0/10
No. 489459
>>489454Anon said it's the same as 1, which is more obviously cut.
I don't like 3 that much, but it's the only uncircumcised one.
No. 489512
>>489476Frenulum removal is a wonderful thing, and 100% a necessary part of circumcision. If you still have a frenulum you're uncut to me. A good doctor is supposed to carve it out -not cut- with a cruel dig of the scalpel. It's supposed to come out like a thick chunk of meat, severing the string is not enough. The crime scene should resemble a meteor crash, with a messy but deep hole left behind. I would go as far as to say it's the whole point of circumcision, the numbing of the meat dildo. No one loves a man who has an oversized clit for a dick, it's effeminate and makes them hump things like dogs. With the removal of the frenulum they masturbate masculinely by smashing their meat dildos in car doors repeatedly or rubbing it with sandpaper. All doctors should perform circumcisions this way as standard procedure, even if the parents say no because it's for the well-being of the child. If I had millions to blow I would start a lobbying campaign to make frenulum nullification a part of standard procedure, and to inform parents that their son will literally become a tranny pedophile if they don't. There's actually huge hordes of people who believe this and we have our own forums, people living under circumcision oppressing western regimes like Germany will have to perform the operation on themselves, the state doesn't care if you live or die. But once you become a professional and start helping others they suddenly want you in jail for "grievous bodily harm." Thankfully I'm from the free world and can have an elder perform it on my hypothetical son hopefully without anesthesia so he can grow into a straight man. I'm not worried about him being gay, but rather bisexual - a shitdick. A freak who transmit AIDS to women and sees no difference between genitals and the shitter of a little boy. The worst misogynists of all time, personification of "a hole is a hole." Men who have sensitive clit-dicks are aroused by anything, even pants rubbing on their wursties as they walk, so they are turned into bisexual perverts with uncontrollable libido. Fuck frenulums.
No. 489619
File: 1740241699442.png (Spoiler Image,252.12 KB, 328x436, 1000010325.png)

>>489434>>489449This is a disgusting dick, but it's insanely yuge and I'm bored. Since these cans are of a standard size, we can use eleife dot net to estimate peen size. Around 7.5 inches. I've personally never witnessed something in this range. But I'm also very much sure that he pumped the shit out of this peen, I can guarantee you. Just look at the veins, the swollen looks. Like it's coming fresh out of a beehive. My gay moid friends have told me vacuum pumps are popular among them for this purpose. His real length probably is around what I've measured, maybe a little bit smaller, but the girth, although I'm sure it's very big. If anyone can trace this to the source, I would bet my arm his peen girth looks closer to average in other pictures.
No. 489683
>>489429Ew it looks like a grub kek
>>489430Better. This is how they should be displayed.
>>489431Skinny and doesn’t look very hard. Pass.
>>489434Call me
No. 490229
>>490160Generally yeah but its nowhere near an universal rule, plenty of asians out there have bigger dicks than blacks
Stereotypes like that can backfire often
No. 490267
>>490260True, Im just warning against going for the "must be big" looking guys who then turn out not to be. Happened to me.
You cant never be 100% sure until you actually see it, and erect too because many dicks can deceive you while soft. It is what it is.
No. 490329
>>490160penis size generally correlates with body size, in my experience. are you more concerned about length or girth?
I feel like height correlates with length and body type (lanky vs stocky) with girth.
so I would imagine shorter skinny Asian guys to be hella small tbh. But I'm hooking up with a short thick Asian dude rn and I find the girth makes up for its shortness, but I'm not into length like that anyway. I'm super short myself so yeah. I honestly can't imagine it would be fun for taller women or women who prefer length
No. 490491
File: 1740349584708.mp4 (Spoiler Image,2.21 MB, 480x854, 1000010481.mp4)

telegram '8-10"' twink and this is my final word on the subject(do not post porn on /g/)
No. 490493
File: 1740349649199.mp4 (Spoiler Image,2.32 MB, 480x854, 1000010482.mp4)

>>490491One more, same source, just for the entitled little shit above
(do not post porn on /g/) No. 490626
>>490164I just really like the feeling of having power over a man like that. The idea of doing things, sucking it, licking it, teasing the balls etc making the dick hard gets the sex goddess really going
I really like growers for this reason. If I had a choice, my nigel would grow to like 3x the size which I know is unrealistic but there we go
No. 490642
>>490476eh I said in my experience, but other things should be taken into account. fat guys tend to seem shorter bc their fupa covers some length, etc.
I did know a short skinny dude who had a big looking penis, but when you measured it wasn't that huge. just his small hands and overall frame made it look bigger.
length is so meaningless anyway, girth is more important
No. 492565
File: 1740608481939.jpg (Spoiler Image,168.58 KB, 720x1327, 1000010862.jpg)

>>489619I traced this back to Reddit Lmao. This is one the top dicks on the massive dick subreddit. I think my bf is about this long. I should cuck him into becoming an OF manwhore to support me lol
No. 492638
You can't say stuff like that and not provide pics+measurements
No. 492713
>>489429Nice outfit, gross dick.
>>489430Dick is small, too much muscles.
>>489431Looks nice but still not 10/10 in my book. (Probably would)
>>489434Extremely hairy, looks old and that dick is fugly.
Are people really attracted to this lol.
>>489435Looks nice but still not 10/10.
>>490491Same story as previous one. (Would)
No. 492719
File: 1740630705279.webp (129.91 KB, 772x1289, motivation-a-little-infographi…)

Thoughts nonas?
No. 492730
>>492719Post sounds fake and gay, but yes a-spot orgasms are the best imo. Idk what it feels like for a moid to hit that spot and couldn't care less.
A-spot orgasm triggers strong uterine contractions, so the orgasm is felt in your entire uterus/abdomen. I was called a scrote before for saying this but it's true. I'm sure if you have something like endometriosis, this sensation can be painful and uncomfortable, but for me it's the most intense orgasm.
I find clitoral orgasm travel more downwards through the thighs and i think it's because the clitoris is homologous to the penis so it triggers that thigh shaking/humping reflex. Generally if you have vaginal intercourse and reach a-spot orgasm, your g-spot (internal clitoral structure) is also stimulated, so striving for a-spot orgasm will hit all the good places at once.
No. 493094
>>493063OK I am beyond curious now
>>493076She can spoiler it, that's what the tag is for. Besides, there's no better place to post it since this place doesn't have (but desperately needs) a nsfw board (for discussion, not porn)
No. 494115
>>493904Nonaaaaa fucking hell the anticipation without the release of the picture is killing me
>>494033You too
No. 494557
>>493149>A NSFW board would just be a troon/moid honeypot Yes, we definitely need a NSFW boardThis is the only reason I kinda don't want it moids would just come to post their pathetic 3inch slug to rate and troons would 100% post themselves and other troons
But at the same time I HOPE there are biological women here so we can actually discuss/share what type of porn we like.
No. 494795
File: 1741033109814.png (37.56 KB, 652x341, screenshot_342.PNG)

>>494760I would put money on you being a moid, most likely pakistani/indian.
Actually i bet that at least 30% of this thread is porn brained moids. probably some with a SPH fetish. you can tell when they get something subtle off about anatomy, or just talk like a moid would.
>>494707had to look up "bone pressed", 99% of women aren't acquainted with obscure penis terminology, same with saying "clown world"
No. 494826
>>494795Do you realize I was quoting the post responded to, you absolute fucking retard? Literally the only thing
sus throughout this entire thread has been your constant, rageful scrotefoiling and shitstirring. What could you possibly be so resentful about…? Oh, let me take a wild guess.
No. 494862
>>492719It's true and false.
A-spot stimulation feels amazing but
>7.5 to 8 inches minimum to reach itI am the tallest woman I know and this isn't even true for me.
My below avg first BF was able to hit past that and the first guy I was with who was very much A-spotpilled was maybe a little above avg(?)
I got with my first truly hung partner a few days ago and it IS amazing but not because of that.
No. 494934
>>494862Nona are you sure it's the a spot they're hitting? Cause below average dicks could never
>I got with my first truly hung partner a few days ago and it IS amazing but not because of that.You know what I'm bout to say. PICTURES
>>494760GLOWING. Get out of my website BBCtroon
No. 494939
>>492719I can go on an ultra detailed rant about how all of these “spots” are disgusting fetish rapescrot inventions. Literally just invented by a sick fuck Victorian moid who experimented on (read:raped) women to prove they cummed from their pissholes and getting their bladders fucked. I am so tired of people pedaling this nonsense. It makes me so angry I could scream.
Just say your moid is good at sex instead of trying to make autistic diagrams of pussy configurations, for the sole purpose of making everyone worry about stupid shit they don’t need to and fuel their insecurities. This is a terrible idea, especially for when you talk about dicks around men. They’re liable to become
abusive/go on shooting sprees if they think their cocks aren’t functioning properly. Sometimes I get so mad at women for backing up bullshit moid “sex” science.
No. 495037
>>495024NTAYRT. Refering to those spots as "orgasm spots" IS bullshit though. We have many body parts that feel good when touched - still, not related to orgasms. When you're horny it can feel good to get your feet tickled and there is probably some neurological overlap there too, doesn't mean we should start calling it the F-spot.
triggers the orgasm is the clitoris and stimulation to it via movement (which can happen via penetration), not one of those A-Z spots in the vagina. All women agree on the clitoris, but many fight over whether those spots are real or not. Shows that those spots may just be an individual experience instead of a biological fact.
I know you mean well but overcomplicating this concept isn't going to help the female sexual experience. The opposite, actually. We are out here arguing about whether those spots are real or not instead of focusing on the universal truth: it's the clitoris, anything else is personal preference.
No. 495047
File: 1741086524365.png (67.11 KB, 335x507, fig1.png)

>>495037>>495041>Women diagnosed with complete spinal cord injury (SCI) at T10 or above report vaginal-cervical perceptual awareness. To test whether the Vagus nerves, which bypass the spinal cord, provide the afferent pathway for this response, we hypothesized that the Nucleus Tractus Solitarii (NTS) region of the medulla oblongata, to which the Vagus nerves project, is activated by vaginal-cervical self-stimulation (CSS) in such women, as visualized by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Regional blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal intensity was imaged during CSS and other motor and sensory procedures, using statistical parametric mapping (SPM) analysis with head motion artifact correction. Physiatric examination and MRI established the location and extent of spinal cord injury. In order to demarcate the NTS, a gustatory stimulus and hand movement were used to activate the superior region of the NTS and the Nucleus Cuneatus adjacent to the inferior region of the NTS, respectively. Each of four women with interruption, or "complete" injury, of the spinal cord (ASIA criteria), and one woman with significant, but "incomplete" SCI, all at or above T10, showed activation of the inferior region of the NTS during CSS. Each woman showed analgesia, measured at the fingers, during CSS, confirming previous findings. Three women experienced orgasm during the CSS. The brain regions that showed activation during the orgasms included hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, medial amygdala, anterior cingulate, frontal, parietal, and insular cortices, and cerebellum. We conclude that the Vagus nerves provide a spinal cord-bypass pathway for vaginal-cervical sensibility in women with complete spinal cord injury above the level of entry into spinal cord of the known genitospinal nerves. No. 495052
>>494985Scrotes love sending dick pics. The slightest hint and he'll send you one.
Remember to emasculate him for it after lmao
>>494940Look up g spot (front of the inside of vagina, couple inches in) and play with it next time, you'll get it
No. 495057
File: 1741091821904.png (21.49 KB, 625x249, staymalding.png)

>>495055I'm starting to think scrotes are seething because the female orgasmic potential is infinitely superior to any moid and they know their rotpockets will never experience a vaginal/cervical orgasm
No. 495072
>>495057I love how it's always one screeching over the top retard calling everyone male to derail the thread and then a magical out-of-nowhere deluge of sex-negative brigading posts all in the same screechy retard waaa waaaaaaaaaaa tone. Rinse and repeat. In every thread like this. Then they disappear for months. Super not
No. 495101
>“17th-century, Dutch physician Regnier de Graaf described female ejaculation and referred to an erogenous zone in the vagina that he linked with the male prostate; this zone was later reported by Gräfenberg.[3] The term "G-Spot" was coined by Frank Addiego et al. in 1981, named after Gräfenberg,[4] even though Gräfenberg's 1940s research was dedicated to urethral stimulation. In 1950, Gräfenberg stated, "An erotic zone always could be demonstrated on the anterior wall of the vagina along the course of the urethra."”Scrots set out to prove female sexual organs were basically defective male sex organs. The clitoris was essentially vestigial, we actually got pleasure through our “prostates” (spot on vaginal wall closest to urethra) and ejaculated like men (pissed ourselves).
(autism) No. 495127
>>494934>Nona are you sure it's the a spot they're hitting? I have done the deed more than my share before. As well as had plenty of lonely time, I know what's what.
>Cause below average dicks could neverMy partner who was on the smaller side didn't really hit there. He hit my cervix, and that was the end of us doing it there and then.
>You know what I'm bout to say. PICTURESOf what? His cock? Isn't that against da rulez?
No. 495742
>>494704I'm the nona you quoted, I'm using firefox on laptop and if I have a lc tab open in the background and it gives me a heads up like (1) for every post I haven't seen. Very helpful when I only have /g/ threads up
In other news, I found a guy with an absolutely delicious penis. Didn't take pictures but I should've for this thread (don't blame me, I had other things on my mind lmfao). Average length but GIRTHY. A little (and by that I mean very) ugly but that's why evolution made it so that I can hide it inside me lol (thanks for that joke nona
>>494050 , I love it)
I'll ask for pictures so I can show off but it was very dark compared to the rest of his torso and leg skin for some reason. Ugly like I said and a weird ass foreskin but with just the right amount of stubble, you could tell he put thought into his grooming. I sent him a little text while I was typing this and he's being coy how cute
No. 495753
File: 1741195447545.jpg (Spoiler Image,56.28 KB, 392x701, bod.jpg)

>>495742That was quick! Don't click on this unless you're okay with ugliness, this particular scrote is BAD at this (he said that was the first and last nude he took kek). He also says it's an old pic (makes sense, it's night here now) but at least he sent me something and the sis code compelleth me to posteth it
It's a proper chode. 6 inches in both length and girth
No. 495944
File: 1741216751394.png (25.41 KB, 570x142, dick.png)

>>495753You have inspired me to finally send the message to the monster penis scrote that nonas have been waiting for! Is this message too autistic? Should I rewrite it? QUICK!!
No. 495966
>>495766I wouldn't go that far nona kekek, it's waaay good at orgasms to just lose it
Should I send a penis bleaching article tho? It says lemon juice can do that
>>495840You don't wanna see more uglies… I hope other nonas step up. I've begged enough times for pics in the past weeks so I only posted cause I felt obligated to do my part
>>495841>>495846>>495847Yeah he's not circumcised but he did used to have phimosis as a teen and he still does a little bit, I couldn't pull it back without lube
As for the body, like I said, weird discolourations in places but the pic really undersells how muscular he is. The pic is apparently 2022 and he's gained a bit of muscle (and sadly fat)
>>495879Imagine if I sent him this thread link ahahahaha
>>495944It's fine
nonnie, knowing scrotes, this is open invitation to send as many as he likes now
No. 496222
>>496070Some man there lmfao
Tbf you shoulda not mentioned it was weird and just straight up asked for a pic. Saying ik this is weird made it weird
No. 498653
File: 1741516050033.jpg (Spoiler Image,137.23 KB, 808x578, dick.jpg)

If the OP image is allowed without being spoilered, this one should be allowed too I reckon?(spoiler)
No. 501225
>>500978I mean, I posted 6*6 inches is my ideal penis size in the ideal penis size thread. I fail to see what the problem is besides it being hideous
I did tell him to lemon juice that shit. We'll see if it makes a difference
Besides, I only posted mine cause I wanted to see yours, and literally one nona asked for a pic and nobody posted so it's moot but anyways