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No. 909289
PlasticandProud/PlasticnProud/Alice Amor/Ariana McMillan/Psoriasisbutmakeitsexy (pnp, Ariana, scorpioasshoe) is a 25 year old plastic surgery addict, ex Instagram “influencer”, and full service sex worker in philly
>Vapid narcissist and obligatory BPDfag, “doesn’t care wat u think” but will have a defensive spergout and be mad for hours over the slightest rustle of jimmies
>has a botched nose job, lip lift and boob job that all have scarring from improper aftercare, had to have boobs redone and are still wonky
>gets her lips injected to the point of them resembling sausages, posts side by sides showing her progression from normal human being to blow up doll constantly
>quit her steady paying job to be an Instagram influencer, paid for boobs with credit, began prostituting herself shortly after, forces her spineless boyfriend to go along with it, aborts his baby and jokes about it on Snapchat
>shaved her head in a manic episode and regrets it a day later, wears cheap wigs daily
>has a mysterious rash after having unprotected sex in Dominica and calls it psoriasis
Previous Threads:
Recent milk:
>pnp and doormatt go to dominica as “just friends”, posts pictures of them making out with her anus lips and doormatt’s plaque
>posts pic of her face down in the sand with some random local next to her, later posts ig stories about how she was raped by him and sells her Snapchat with the intention of telling people about it
>says doormatt was responsible for not babysitting her, breaks up with him, says she’ll never see him again as she slobbers and cries on snap
>literally gets back together with him two days later
>continues being an escort before getting tested, gets tested a month later for HIV and is “clean as a whistle”, doesn’t get retested afterwards at any point
>ig gets deleted, moves to twitter to promote her “sex work” which includes low quality videos of her and her prolapsed lips attempting to be sexy with premade and custom videos
>a mysterious rash appears
>calls doctor, tells her to get off lamicital, pnp refuses and looks up pictures of psoriasis, convinced that she has it. Begs for money to go to the doctor since she makes no money as an escort and doesn’t have insurance
>texts a picture of the rash to the bitch who does her lip injections, who sends it to a dermatologist, and “”confirms”” it’s psoriasis. Pnp never sees a doctor about a formal diagnosis or another test for HIV/other std’s
>uses psoriasis as her identity because bpdfag
>continues to fuck Matt and her clients/other sex workers (one pisses on her while she rides the face of a dirty old man) with open sore rash covering her entire body, concentrated around her pubes
>only has one client currently that puts up with her pus pockets, has to rent out living room to her friend to make rent
>friend moves in to living room and pnp texts her that she needs to move into their shit stained decrepit basement and keep their animals in the basement at all times, friend only needed to stay for 3 months, friend blasts her on ig then removes it to avoid pnp having a sperg out
>adds a snake and a kitten to her animal horde consisting of her roommate’s two cats and her cat and dog, has admitted she doesn’t walk the dog when she’s depressed (always) when she can’t afford 600 dollars in rent and begs online for a literal dollar
>Ariana’s rash disappears and never mentions her lifelong psoriasis diagnosis ever again
> cuts open a chipmunk and stuffs it, admits she has dead animals in her freezer for years.
>Starts using her escort page again, takes pics of her looking like a MTF
>Only has two clients, admits she “hates working” on snapchat
>Faked eating her friend out when a client paid for her to go down on them
>Is moving with just matt and no roommates, will somehow make rent
> is currently at her family reunion in vermot posting baby pictures and pictures of her grandma next to videos of her slapping her tits and shoving dildos in her ass for sushi money
>Ariana’s IG is back, she posts her sw shit there and loses followers instantly. Does cringe things like tag companies that used to work with her to get them to notice her, however no one does
>Snapchat gets banned, makes private ig account instead, barely updates it like the snap
>Ariana makes an onlyfans that produces horrifyingly bad porn that she makes in her living room while her roommate is home, sells it for 7 bucks
>Bleaches her hair after dying it black, dyes it red, intends on going blonde in a bpd episode
>Barely “works”
>Posts a caption about how her lip injector who she thought was a “friend” used her, most likely cutting Ariana off from free injections in exchange for ig promotion now that pnp is losing followers and posts dirty grimy “sex work” pictures
>Pnp outs her lip injector after no longer receiving free/discounted injections for bringing business in, because Ariana can’t keep a decent image online to save her life
>Talks shit about Dollskill, gets blocked, immediately tries to save face by posting pics of herself modeling for them
>Wants to become a suicide girl, says they ‘reached out to her’, anons confirmed this is not how the process happens
>Got a “normie job” in retail, unconfirmed where
>Promised a “double creampie” in a threesome with two other guys (possible matt and her only client or matt and aaron), still has not happened yet
>”psoriasis” flaring up
>Skinwalks cotted>Brings up old beef with other philly sw (possibly almondmilkhunni), latinamilk is no longer following pnp either
>Moves into studio apartment where the train goes by literally every 5 minutes, thriving
>Dyes her hair blonde and hates it immediately
>Does molly on live while looking like a toothless grandma
>Rash is Back >No word on “normie job”, Ariana continues to stay home all day on ig>Does a shoot for Spencers, looks ridiculous and is mocked, spergs out on twitter >Says she would give her psoriasis to a fucking BABY >>891310>Confirms she got her boobs half off from theplasticspa, talks shit about them >Isn’t posting new content on onlyfans, her only source of income>In two back to back tweets claims she’s thriving, the other saying she can’t afford her fillers currently >>895883>Manically dyes her fried blonde hair pink less than a month after getting it done>Is already planning getting 12k worth of surgeries when she can’t even afford a 200 dollar doctor visit for her rashNEW MILK:
>Rash is still there>Accidentally dyes her hair pink…because she thought she was toning it>Sperging about “psoriasis” and how her diet of eating celery juice and sardine helps>IT IS REVEALED ARIANA’S “MILLIONAIRE GRANDPA” RUNS A FUCKING TRAILER PARK>Wants to move to vermont to “finish taxidermy school” that she never started, that she thinks will be close by to her family. No comment on where DoorMatt fits into this>Makes gross porn with Doormatt, his ~huge weiner is revealed to be average>Wears 5 dollar shein lingerie for porn after dying hair purple to “tone” it>Bleaches her straw mess again>Changes IG name to psoriasisbutmakeitsexy Social media
Ig: psoriasisbutmakeitsexy
Ig (deleted): Plasticnproud
Reddit: Airkilla321
Onlyfans: No. 909380>>909386>>909427>>909428>>909433>>909464>>909468
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idk why this bitch thinks shes hot shit, without all her posing/makeup/angles shes still the ugly swamp gremlin she always was. photo is old but still after all her work. she really is a butt ugly cunt, even more so because of her evil personality
No. 909434>>909441>>909448>>909474
File (hide): 1577201862492.jpeg (213.61 KB, 750x909, B2BC599D-A05F-4218-9A34-89071B…)

Here comes the once a day celery juice and bone broth sperg
No. 909441>>909447>>909457>>909471
>>909434 She is so cunty about other literal DOGS, it's some real weird shit. It's an animal Arianna. Chill the fuck out and let the dog be a dog. She probably fucking hits animals to get them to stop doing shit.
She acts that way about her own kitten too and it bothers me. She has pets but she really expects them to be well behaved and perfect or something.
No. 909457>>909459>>909467>>909485>>909861
>>909441Honestly she's right, if you're not training your dog and just let it "be a dog" and do whatever it wants you're a shit owner and definitely should not have a dog
>>909452Cocker spaniels ARE high energy and can be super destructive if not exercised and trained properly
No. 909485
>>909457Sure Ariana Mcmillan. Sure.
Anybody other than Ariana would admit that cunty self-righteous puffy-faced bitches that can't even take care of themselves shouldn't own dogs anyway.
No. 909529>>909549>>909865>>909876>>909992
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i’m surprised this new OF “content” flew under the radar here, this is HORRIBLE. she’s always bragging about matt’s dick size and then posts…. this. this “content” isn’t sexy in the least.
No. 909549>>909615>>909863
>>909529I wouldn't want this… Her OF fans are paying for content of her, I think it's kind of awkward and weird she's bullied Matt into not only accepting her sex work but taking part in it. Wonder how she sold this one.
"Just lay there and couch my tit and master ate while I face the camera and do the same?"
It's one thing to make content with other sex workers, bc that's their job, but to think about how she's talked about her "sexual aversion" to then be putting this out with her man… Their sex must be so terrible and forced. Really sad if this is all the intimacy he can possibly get with her tbh
No. 909615>>909636
>>909549Idk why people on this board give MattCuck so much slack, as if he's an unwilling participant with no free will.
He CHOOSES Ariana. Time and time again. He chooses her despite being a broke, diseased, uneducated whore. He stays with her despite her cucking him and letting old man dangle their balls in her face. He chooses her despite her ability to get her life together, or plan for the furure. He stays with her despite her obsession with her appearence and poor money management skills.
This is the life Matt chose, and is still choosing.
Even though he has an actual job, he WANTS to stay with ari, signs a lease with her over and over.
He plays the skinny penis in her porn films, for God's sake. Saying "poor Matt" is bullshit, he has agency.
His choices say a lot about who Matt Copp is. Aka, a scumbag cuck.
No. 909714>>909717>>909752>>909755>>909758>>909773
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Such a talented, self taught makeup artist…..
No. 909761>>909763
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this is a post of hers on reddit. love how she puts doctor in quotation marks lmfao. im not sure what her intention with that was, is she implying they dont deserve the title of doctor?? who fuckin knows what her insane line of thought is. also im not sure why she has such magical thinking concerning doctors, she says doctors cant get rid of a disease. no dumbass, they cant, but they CAN treat it better than your dumb ass with your fuckin salt baths.
i really dont understand her holier than thou attitude…. shes uneducated trailer trash who whores herself out, she has absolutely no room to look down on others but she is always trying to place herself above others. i guess shes self conscious of her low status and thats why, but its still fuckin annoying.
No. 910035>>910053
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Sure Jan, you’ll totally stick with an „idea“ for your pathetic life this time kek
No. 910217>>910286
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Horrendous makeup made me cringe. She also shit posted to her story that Aaron came over at 4am to play games and she's been up since, manic episode much?
No. 910467
>>910410>>910442Okay mom and dad keep sperging about ariannas bedtime.
Most threads just go quiet when there's no milk, but not you guys. You just invent things to nitpick about
No. 910518
File (hide): 1577417066036.jpg (320.78 KB, 1080x1722, 20191226_192359.jpg)

The most polite way to tell her she looks like a MTF.
No. 910652>>911072
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Lol @ her announcing her moves constantly. Ari, nobody could make fun of you if you could do literally anything without announcing it to the world.
No. 910683>>910686>>910688
>>910673 this be the place? It's in PA, didn't see many
schools in Vermont online with a simple Google search. Just scroll through that first page, it's all like creepy redneck hunters in camo posing with their trophies. What the fuck does she think this is going to be?
No. 910686
>>910683Yup, in before she sperges and leaves school because she “didn’t know so many hunters took this class” like she did a few weeks ago.
How exactly is this her passion? She scratches on wood more than she mentions taxidermy.
She probably this thinks this a “smart choice” that will guarantee her a job. Topkek.
No. 910705>>910709
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a career with a joke of an average salary
No. 910708
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Is she taking a 3 day course??? Topkek
No. 910709>>910711>>910751
>>910705She is honestly being so stupid about this whole taxidermy thing. It's not a career, its a HOBBY. People learn how to do it for hobby not a fucking career. Anyone who does taxidermy also does other things. It's perfectly fine to take a 6 day class to learn an objectively "fun" skill but she is really out here acting like she just got accepted into Harvard Medical School.
Can we also talk about how it really does not suit her either? She's not a hunter, she cakes makeup on her face all day, and makes shitty porn. Its seems super fucking weird for her to be stuffing dead animals, she's such a creepy gross bitch.
No. 910733
>>910706Does this bitch seriously think that with a 10k
education aka summer camp course, she is going to then go start a business and make a career out of it??? First of all, she has no idea how much grit and self-motivation it takes to own/start your business and grind 12+ hours a day to get it going. Has she even considered what she would sell? Assuming she will be selling things she makes, rather than collecting and reselling, it would take someone years (Ariana decades) before there was even enough inventory to sell. You can tell she is a one-step analysis kind of person. It came into to her brain and so shall it be! Easy!! Lastly, the plan after this bullshit participation certificate is to go into debt for fucking MORE plastic surgery! She would need to take out at least a 10k business loan to open a oddity shop. That is how I know she is incapable of fulfilling this dream because she would have to set aside all her fat grafts and 2nd nose jobs- we all know that is just not going to happen.
No. 910766>>910767>>910771>>910780>>910836
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She already pushed going to taxidermy school back from next month to April in one day lol
No. 910784
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Dont post here but this is too good
No. 910813
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i love the fact that shes trashing lil miquela now that we told her its not a real person. imagine being so fucking retarded you cant decipher a cgi animation from a human. her stupidity knows no limits
No. 910824
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Imagine thinking that this looks good
No. 910834
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>>910812I think she plans to go to this "school". It's around 10k like she says and is also 2 hours away from Philly
No. 910836
>>910766stupid nitpick but it gets dark around quarter to fine now and we get a little more light time every day, where is she that it's still completely dark at 4? if she even makes it to "tour" the school i bet she's going to find a reason to back out.
>>910828>i'm a perfectionist and an artistall previous attempts at art and that sad hot dog looking chipmunk says otherwise but ok.
No. 911290>>911301>>911384
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Bullshit. She wouldn’t.
No. 911303>>911308>>911309>>911314>>911355>>911358
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Really weird flex but okay? I'm guessing this is a credit card of hers, but a 10k limit is like a starting limit where I'm from? And congrats to Matt for paying off your credit card. Haha
No. 911331>>911339
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Good thing that’s not how credit limits work, ya dumb fuck. Your credit worthiness and income level would give you that large of a limit. And neither of yours are high enough…
No. 911358>>911511
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>>911303samefag but seriously? how can she contradict herself so many times in such a short span and not have an ounce of self awareness
No. 911384
>>911290i don't understand why she's acting like she's being held captive by ~the internet~. no one forces her to post about every inane thought that comes into her head and thus be scrutinized. saying she's bound to the internet because of work is a total excuse. she could get a """"normie"""" job if she wanted to, but she doesn't want to because being a thex worker makes her thpethial and fuels her
victim complex.
No. 911399>>911400>>911422>>911530
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Claims her ed is so bad she can't even have 2 ounces of water to swallow a pill. She's so toxic by choice.
No. 911422
>>911399Ari really needs to read the anachans thread because she does not get what having an ED truly really means/looks like and I'm getting so pissed off watching her constantly spout this shit out for attention. "Can't even drink water" fucking sure Jan, attention whore. Literally so gross watching her
trigger others like this. Keep your ana fantasies to yourself. How do other influencers who are more put together follower her
toxic ass at all. She is doing the equivalent of saying she's been cutting herself all morning like you are 25, jesus christ.
No. 911525
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I’m cringing. The absolute absurd projection she is pulling right now.
No. 911542>>911543>>911547
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Embode discussing her experience with a previous injector aka @ the_plastics_pa
No. 911546>>911550
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Aw her bean isn’t perfect like the always claims aw
No. 911551>>911611
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They are so fucking miserable.
No. 911561>>911563>>911564>>911603
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her last story on IG was one of those topnine shits and i had to be reminded of this sad…transformation. she was so freakin cute in the before wtf
No. 911603
>>911561With how narcissistic she is, she should have loved her natural self, or undergone better surgery. But that’s just a cover for her deep rooted insecurities and issues.
In her case the desire for a nose job was understandable but permanently disfiguring her face/body wasn’t. Especially with cheap surgery paid for on credit cards. Being unable to afford it should have stopped her to begin with. Or after her tits rejected and haven’t healed since. The mental illness is strong with this deluded bitch, she still brags about herself after ending up way worse than how she started. So unnecessary.
Can’t say she doesn’t deserve it, ugly on the inside and out
No. 911611>>911624>>911649>>911679>>912604
>>911551…or else? you should be more careful with your words to matt, he's been looking REALLY unhappy with you lately. also, do some self-analysis. you barely pass for a female. you have a horrid speech impediment that makes most people fuckin cringe when you talk. you're a disease-ridden goblin and an eternal NEET. you're awkward and seems like you don't even enjoy sex.
what do you have to offer any other man, if matt fucks off? matt is at least capable of being a responsible, tax-paying citizen and can hold down a job. his stock will only continue to rise as he ages, whereas yours…. is already at a deficit. he can find a decent woman and settle down and start a family in like a hot second so you might wanna stop demanding things of him and using threats of any kind
No. 911782>>911833
>>911781I was under the impression that
>>911635 happened because she tried to take her medication
No. 911850
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Something for ari to make once she half finishes taxidermy school(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 911915
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>>911833She just mentions negative things without context and hopes her audience assumes the worst and gives her comforting asspats.
But great news, she managed to convince herself to eat! And a very calorific dessert at that, truly a Christmas miracle.
No. 912078>>912081>>912095>>912101>>912128
File (hide): 1577816878551.jpeg (269.25 KB, 750x1068, 4C5557D2-0424-42B2-994F-905F23…)

What a skinwalking creep!? Does she only listen to embode or other influencers about these things? Ariana absolutely shitted on her followers when they mentioned leftover fillers.
No. 912095
>>912078She sure loves blowing hot air up her own ass. This whole speech on her IG was nauseating. She truly believes that because she filled out an application and toured a school that she now has a career. She hasn’t even taken one class yet.
And correct me if I’m wrong but the only thing I’ve seen her stuff was that water bottle shaped roadkill squirrel ; yet she’s going on about taxidermy is something she’s always loved to do and her passion. Bitch you look dumb.
She must really hate her life to always project this fantasy.
No. 912101>>912110>>912116>>912152
Her rambling stories aren't worth trying to clear memory from my phone, but here's some gems:
Buys a tank off someone from CL, because she's a baller, but realizes she won't be able to carry it in:
"I hope they're young and nice and bring this shit [55-gallon tank off CL] in for me."
Ruminating on whether to drink tonight on NYE. Says she should be fine with
distilled vodka. While trying to convince herself she should:
"Everything in proportion… that's not the word I'm looking for… (long pause) everything in… (another long pause) moderation."
One of the reasons she's considering not drinking is "…because gluten can
trigger alcohol…"
She is so uneducated (struggles to pronounce
arboreal and just gives up), but thinks she knows a lot, which makes for some funny af milk.
>>912085>>912078But she'll swear on her dog's life that she doesn't have fillers… She's just
really good at makeup, posing, and "pouting".
No. 912116>>912788
>>912101I can not wait to see what her face looks like when she
hopefully goes through with deflating it. She is going to look so botched after she shoves fat into her face. She acts as if surgery isn't a huge deal, fat grafts sound super intense. Her whole face will be all bruised and purple after, and she does a terrible job taking care of herself. The craziest part is she doesn't need it AT ALL. She is so addicted to surgery at this point, there's no reason for her to be doing 2 extra procedures.
Literally starting to make me think of what just happened to Remilia
No. 912125
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Lol comments from her most recent post that fucking killed me bc ari literally doesn’t fucking care because uSe gOOglE. follower letting another follower know psoriasis doesn’t care abt her message she sent.
No. 912161>>912206
File (hide): 1577834571262.jpeg (261.54 KB, 819x1306, B13E0DA0-8508-4857-8768-1A5E92…)

This haggard MTF trailer trash out here looking like a 40 year old single mom ranting about pet co and trying to get the workers into trouble because they didn’t want to deal with her.I can’t believe how old and trans she looks.
No. 912253>>912257>>912273>>912290>>912291>>912316
File (hide): 1577854746459.png (4.01 MB, 750x1334, FE1AF187-5586-46BA-A34D-CFA632…)

Three guys just goin out
>>912250Ariana being the DD on New Years genuinely scares me
No. 912259>>912268>>912276
File (hide): 1577856056877.png (2.53 MB, 750x1334, 8F63F3A9-B0C3-47F8-BC86-B57BD6…)

She has reached her full evolution as a Greasy troll
No. 912295
File (hide): 1577863061220.png (5.24 MB, 828x1792, D2C0B060-64AE-4EDE-A164-C8CA8E…)

Is that dried out blood down her leg lmfao filthy gremlin.
No. 912316>>912349>>912376>>912378>>912440
File (hide): 1577868958286.jpeg (423.93 KB, 2048x2048, CBEB68A8-A98B-4595-B693-18EABE…)

Her looks have taken a sharp nosedive lately and it's hard to specify where exactly she went so wrong. The comparison pic she posted on twitter looks startlingly bad. I'm not even trying to be mean but holy fucking shit
>>912253>>912290Low hanging fruit but these comments have my sides in orbit
No. 912404
>>912291That makeup… that hair….
Girl leave that shit on IG. Those extreme looks don’t work IRL without your facetune and angles. Big yikes.
No. 912575
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Apparently she needed a jump the other day… because she left the "not the outside lights, but the inside lights" on.
And today she left her car in NJ and "lost" it because she's admittedly "lazy". All for some bad pictures of her posing with her constantly tipping head in awkward directions in an attempt to look sooo differently her old picture. Okay, make the same face and tell me you don't look the same.
She then says she's sitting in her car and has to leave it on so it won't die again. She really isn't clear on the concept of what powers the car battery. Dumbass is going to sit idle in her car with everything on, thinking she's keeping the battery going.
Her intelligence level is definitely on par with a 4th grader, or younger.
No. 912732>>912780>>912909
File (hide): 1577974379958.png (3.95 MB, 750x1334, 8634DBEE-8058-445F-8E4D-4C6ECC…)

You can still see her legs are covered in sores, and she left the makeup all over her hand even though she was going out for new years. How hard is it to wash your hands for a night out where you know you are going to be seen by others and photographed…? Grody bitch
No. 912736>>912790
File (hide): 1577974832244.png (703.52 KB, 750x1334, B713954A-670C-455E-9011-F05C8D…)

Sage for samefag and no milk but saw this on her story and couldn't help but laugh. She is just so disgusting. This isn't cute or funny or relate ble, it's cringey and weird to be broadcasting to your 57.6k followers. Noticed this is a steadily declining number too kek
No. 912775>>912792
File (hide): 1577987581406.jpeg (Spoiler Image,215.76 KB, 1242x418, 459FADE4-84BC-4DE1-B79D-05B664…)

technically rape
No. 912844
>>912840Enjoy your ban
No. 912853
File (hide): 1578004138829.jpeg (209.34 KB, 828x1301, 09C87BD4-C2E1-4430-965A-CBE2DB…)

On live asking “daddy” to hurry up and get her the phone. Is she referring to Matt or her creepy dad who suggests doing porn as a job to his daughter kek
No. 912854>>912877>>912966
File (hide): 1578004180632.jpg (774.6 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200102-165240_Ins…)

Her eyes look like they're going different directions kek.
No. 912859>>912867
File (hide): 1578004600338.jpg (127.05 KB, 800x600, image.jpg)

>>912851What are the two little symmetrical dots above her lip? I've noticed them before and assumed they were just makeup, but I see them in no-makeup stories too.
Whatever they are, they make her look like a catfish.
No. 912869>>912910>>912912
>>912792 Being unconscious during sex is as the very least assault.
With the logic of her being OK being penetrated when unconscious, she never got raped.
By her very own definition and experience, she got assaulted.
So she perpetuates rape as consent. Didn't except anything less of her to be honest. She is just that insecure she thinks any make contact is flattering.
No. 912878
File (hide): 1578005920805.jpg (611.43 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200102-145539_Ins…)

She's on live with only 10 people watching, according to her. Then she started spouting gems:
"You guys, I turned down $2000 today to clean my house."
Right, because you're such a hot commodity and you're balling… while begging your man to buy you shit and begging your predominantly female followers to give you money to buy sushi.
No. 912889>>912902
File (hide): 1578006670115.png (3.12 MB, 750x1334, EFF7E818-95EE-46F1-8DDF-E5BC96…)

She’s out here talking about “intermediate fasting” … it’s intermittent, Ari. She’s clearly done her research.
No. 912907>>912924>>912925>>912953
File (hide): 1578009562879.jpg (678.34 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200102-155000_Ins…)

Her live was hilariously bad. From the comments, no one cares about her shitty amateur porn or second hand clothing that's been all over her dirty floor. She should really try to appeal to her actual demographic and just focus on beauty shit. She's all over the map. No, I didn't want to record like 45 minutes of her talking to herself, but here's some of the great things she said:
I just have my phone, I don't have any cool filming equipment.
(Which explains the low quality amateur looking content she calls porn)
I've never had good relationships with women… they scare me.
I think for SURE I'm going through sexual aversion…
I never have clean brushes. I guess I'll use my fingers…
I seriously think I'm asexual. Like I NEVER think about sex. I could go my WHOLE life without having sex and I'd be fine.
I don't get that much hate on here anymore… I think it's because I don't give people ammo. I stopped oversharing…
No. 912917>>912974
>>912910>>912912okay samefag.
also, that's preeetty fucked up either way. when you're sleeping you're unconscious. it has nothing to do with experience.
you probably think a man has the right to fuck his wife whenever he wants just cause they're married, yikes
No. 912974
>>912917Hey samefag, a man fucking a woman whenever he wants is not even in the same ballpark as a woman TELLING her man she wants him to fuck him in her sleep. One is consent, the other clearly isn't consent. I'll let you decide which is which since this infighting is useless when there's a milky af cow.
Speaking of milky cows, her live was full of so many contradictions: first she says she sits home alone all day, but she loves her life and claims to be "privileged", then she has no friends, but oh wait! She does have sooooo many friends that say hi and give her hugs when they see her! As if that was an indicator they're all friends and not acquaintances. She really isn't all there mentally and has no clue, which what makes her crazy. It all makes so much sense to her I bet.
No. 912979>>912981
File (hide): 1578023782339.jpg (797.87 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200102-195101_Ins…)

For someone who claims they don't care about trying to look good, she clearly hangs her whole existence on conventional beauty standards. Case in point, the quote for this picture is "Today I am thriving! (Checks reflection in mirror). My hair lookth cute!… I don't have to do anything, I jutht wake up and it'th like a shag."
No. 912984
File (hide): 1578025574652.jpeg (232.12 KB, 515x774, C831BDE7-51C2-45EF-BE19-E59FF5…)

Bro her eyes look like the paintings in old horror movies where they follow u ahahahahah
No. 913003>>913071
File (hide): 1578028296460.jpg (400.48 KB, 810x1828, Screenshot_20200103-001058_Twi…)

She's so toxic towards matt omg. Get yourself your own phone you gremlin. Just because she got matt an apple watch for christmas doesn't mean he owes you a new phone. I bet she can't get one in her name with her "great" credit.(repost)
No. 913115
File (hide): 1578067719973.png (117.34 KB, 226x268, Screen Shot 2020-01-03 at 11.0…)

>>912985her garish nose contour and highlight looks absolutely abysmal from any angle that isn't dead straight-on. this is some ugly Mickey Deer-tier dirty nose makeup.
No. 913154>>913160
File (hide): 1578076044065.jpeg (159.97 KB, 750x407, 00126A7F-F379-4D7A-9AEB-C7A6DF…)

>>913137I can smell this picture. She looks like literal trailer trash. Couldn't even use some dry shampoo for that gross stringy grease mop??
Sage for non milk but hilarious how this narcissist finds a way to make everything about herself. Besides Aaron and Cotte, I don't think she has any other actual friends, and Cotte lives in AZ now kek
No. 913187
>>913137She has a huge circle of foundation from the middle of her forehead to her eyes, to her chin. Her weird blush/ cheek paint is just accentuating the stark contrast between her foundation cake face and the smeared orange on the sides of her face. She really thinks looking like an out of practice tranny is great.
She said in her live how much she doesn't like wearing makeup at home and is going to wash it off once she films her amateur content. But she's posted multiple pictures of her walking and driving around in her costume makeup. I'm sure that looks hilarious and poorly overdone in person, considering it's this bad in a low resolution picture. Kek
No. 913200
>>913160Yet cotted white knights her any chance that she gets
I’m sure ari only hangs out with cotted because she’s narc enough to think that blodcotte makes her look good in comparison, despite the fact that cotted is fairly pretty with half decent tattoos, she’s a chubster compared to ari and that’s enough
They’re both basic bitches and annoy the fuck out of me
No. 913265>>913296
File (hide): 1578093603973.jpeg (605.95 KB, 828x937, 41994908-80C7-4C33-A507-AA735A…)

Imagine thinking this is a glow up. She went from looking 18-20 to 42.
No. 913268
File (hide): 1578094026349.jpeg (673.86 KB, 828x846, D1D9F81D-1EF5-47AB-9240-2B317C…)

If she looks this rough at 25, God knows what she’s going to look like in the future.
No. 913274>>913281
File (hide): 1578095682167.jpg (667.57 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200103-155034_Ins…)

"[Keto] helps you lose weight… and it's really good for gut health. "
Another pathetic excuse to try to convince herself her fad diets are beneficial to her health. Matt must really not give a fuck about her, considering he doesn't make her take her meds and doesn't say shit about her obnoxious behavior we see everyday on her stories. She'll be such a trainwreck once he finds the balls to leave.
No. 913275
File (hide): 1578096303305.jpg (745.43 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200103-155908_Ins…)

Update from the greasy haired Dumb and Dumber hairdo bitch: She thinks leaky gut is causing her "psoriasis", she now decided her new fad diet will allow her to eat fat but no carbs, but she wants everyone and their mothers to know she's just going to eat dinner and only drinking bone broth throughout the day. And then she tells everyone she had "salmon, 2 different kinds of steak, and broccoli." She really has more issues than National Geographic, including this weird try hard victim complex. She really is looking for sympathy, but it just makes her look more pathetic, especially with her stringy hair sticking out from all the grease built up.
No. 913280
File (hide): 1578096542334.jpeg (109.87 KB, 828x240, 913A4A9F-C214-42A4-8A95-167A84…)

Nobody likes you or wants to be friends with you because you are a horrible person.
No. 913281
>>913274She said she doesn't eat dairy… but then talks about how she just went to the Melting Pot and ate cheese, but she
never has any dairy at home. She really has no clue how dumb her and her ideas are. Someone needs to bring this bitch back down to Earth and I'm sure it won't be MattCuck.
No. 913321>>913374
>>913283She really said intermediate………
She’s definitely one of those people who reads things online she can’t comprehend, doesn’t check if the source is credible, thinks she knows what’s best for her body other than a professional (
oof x1000) and then spews whatever she thinks she learned onto social media but in a super delusional slow learning disability way
No. 913351
File (hide): 1578104686067.png (Spoiler Image,4.43 MB, 828x1792, 96D0C3F2-2736-4EED-854E-9737B1…)

Love that this came hours after her post about wanting to make her family particularly her grandpa proud.
No. 913388
File (hide): 1578108808312.jpeg (257.55 KB, 665x546, 4E059A23-EB8F-4165-99D8-B67534…)

These posts of elderly women turning themselves into freakish versions of themselves that she constantly shares to her story are so depressing. It’s also hilarious because she was a third or a quarter of their age when she had the same procedures. She’s sending out a message that growing old gracefully or having any flaws should be fixed and that this mess is an improvement. Imagine the break downs she will have as she moves into her 30s and 40s.
No. 913438>>913451
File (hide): 1578115311476.png (3.2 MB, 750x1334, 2EAB834A-4A3C-4C2B-B211-B6A80E…)

“been eating keto/intermediate bone broth fasting for 3 days”
she’s posted herself eating cream filled cake twice now. ok bitch.
No. 913605>>913614
>>913602You were also an awkward lanky 13 year old, ya know, before your body fills out. BUT GUYS SHES OBVI THE BIGGEST ANA RECOVERY WARRIOR. I'm getting such pro ana vibes since her skin cleared up, it's so cringey. She is 25, I just can not. It should go without saying she is
triggering a lot of people right now, while simultaneously doing the whole posting cake on IG thing.
And the whole "I'm fasting now guyzzzzz" ARI stop telling your young female followers they shouldn't eat!
No. 913609>>913620>>913642>>913657>>914865
File (hide): 1578161478154.jpeg (Spoiler Image,970.2 KB, 828x1685, F53D2497-94A1-4355-BDA9-7985EB…)

>>913356Those sores on her shoulder… I’m actually in shock
No. 913649>>913887
>>913642I don’t think she went to salons, but she was sitting in the sun all summer trying to get a tan.
Maybe you’re right who knows. I personally think it’s scarring from the rashes. Looks like white spots exactly where the rash used to be.
No. 913955>>913976
File (hide): 1578245323883.jpeg (Spoiler Image,424.69 KB, 750x1049, EFD546E6-C4F3-495B-8AF1-7A62CB…)

No. 914178
File (hide): 1578290065802.png (438.41 KB, 750x1334, C25B57C7-29F4-40BE-95B5-068705…)

>>914175immediately followed by a retweet of her promoting her onlyfans
No. 914339>>914352>>914372
File (hide): 1578333118131.jpeg (508.52 KB, 1200x1687, ABBEFF24-7156-49FA-BEE5-A7EDCE…)

“I have absolutely no fillers left! It’s just posing and makeup! I know my body!”
No. 914409
File (hide): 1578340895120.png (344.38 KB, 750x1334, 66E1FCCA-CC85-4FF6-81C3-93BA3D…)

a “creature of routine?!” bitch what!! your only consistent routine is sitting on your ass lisping into a camera, impulse spending and cheating on matt
No. 914422
File (hide): 1578342752936.png (1.52 MB, 750x1334, 698B7B4A-3EE1-4A9B-9E1F-D3843A…)

“we love a healthy lifestyle ma’am”
I laughed out loud. She was listing off things she did for the day like, deep cleaning, feeding her dog, etc. her followers hype her up over nothing
No. 914427
File (hide): 1578343028619.jpeg (157.13 KB, 750x1334, 9449456C-EE3D-4FDE-AD9B-0E239D…)

I got my username in the screenshot, but thought this photo was too cringey not to share
No. 914430>>914435>>914501
File (hide): 1578343331933.png (1.48 MB, 750x1334, 85C7D285-02DE-45AA-B2A1-A07C45…)

Sorry for the spam, but how does she think those fake freckles look okay? She actually looks like she drew those one with a crayola brown marker
No. 914438>>914441>>914449>>914463>>914489>>914543>>914569
File (hide): 1578344660737.png (3.26 MB, 750x1334, 6836FA44-BA07-4217-A12B-9AE10D…)

Ari on live with the god-awful freckles looking especially ridiculous today.
She started talking about all the animal hoarding her mom did when Ari was little and “she doesn’t know happened to all of them”. Apparently they had a ton of reptiles. She began talking about the gecko she used to own, I started screen recording and Was going to post it here but I fucking didn’t hit record and missed it all like an asshole. Sorry. But if you’ve been following Ari for a long time, you know about the gecko drama. For those of you who don’t know, I’ll post a link below to catch you up to speed. In the live she claims she
didnt do anything wrong and that she did
all the things in her power expect to take the obviously dying gecko to the goddamn vet when everyone was telling her to. She is 100% an animal abuser in my eyes. We were suspicious of it today Bc of her cryptic tweet, but we Already know its true and have proof.
If someone recorded the live, please post. She got real stupid towards the second half. No. 914461
File (hide): 1578348171513.png (2.08 MB, 750x1334, 516AC14A-CE7C-462C-BCD7-E15E96…)

Idk what compelled her to do this but she’s singing Whitney Houston’s “I will always love you”
What the fuck? Get a job.
No. 914463>>914609
>>914438imagine having such an insane
victim complex and lack of self awareness that YOU need therapy because YOU abused and ultimately killed an animal. then saying you did nothing wrong. good lord
No. 914472>>914484>>914701
File (hide): 1578349327932.png (2.55 MB, 750x1334, 8758958C-6F14-4F71-97BF-CBF508…)

I was joking but not rly bc I’m a good singer
No. 914489>>914493
File (hide): 1578353097768.jpeg (71.06 KB, 750x282, B8C2A1B6-07A3-4A28-AB97-B07833…)

>>914438Damn anon, thanks for sharing, I didn’t even know about this. Reading through this stood out to me. She hasn’t changed a bit. Still googling for help while in dire straits instead of just going to a fucking doctor.
No. 914494>>914499>>914500>>914504>>914524
File (hide): 1578353742230.jpeg (Spoiler Image,131.86 KB, 750x747, 5C5F4B11-358A-4C96-8827-49A615…)

We need to add her inippleny username to the thread header next time. Some good shit down that rabbit hole. Attached is pre-boob job Ari.
No. 914498>>914654
File (hide): 1578354045481.jpg (540.49 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200106-152705_Ins…)

STDsButMakeItUnsexy couldn't hold out for her lame fat grafting bullshit. Apparently she's now decided to get all of her remaining fillers removed (the same remaining fillers she always says aren't there anymore) which of course she'll record and share with the internet (although she says she doesn't post her whole life on the internet anymore and stopped oversharing). Then, she says she'll get them all put back in "correctly" this time by her new injector. Indecisive delusional idiot fills face full of substances in an attempt to like herself. McMillan, your followers can gas you up all day, but you're still a friendless loser with a love-handled bf, self-hatred, and no future. Facts.
No. 914500
>>914494Kek at those mandala tattoos in an attempt to make her non-existent tits better… Then she just said fuck it and filled her tits with lopsided silicone. A half off boob job that ended up with more disgusting scars than the one under her nose.
She could've been pretty. She fucked up.
No. 914507
File (hide): 1578354907998.jpg (113.99 KB, 1080x340, Screenshot_20200106-155244_Ins…)

The only comment ever seen from a male on her posts and he nicely comments how her heavy handed makeup is unnecessary. Topkek. She's a wannabe sex worker who can't appeal to men. She'd be better off trying to find female clients. Although she'd get fired quickly once she does her fake muff dive.
No. 914513>>914517
File (hide): 1578355213498.jpeg (42.88 KB, 750x446, B03CF9B0-B5E6-4A00-9B7D-A195FA…)

Didn’t take long to find the old racist tumblr posts
No. 914514>>914993
File (hide): 1578355229711.jpg (354.45 KB, 886x686, Screenshot_20200106-155940_Ins…)

I don't think she realizes that her incredibly arched back to fake a round ass is going to fuck her up in the future. She'll regret her intentional lordosis once the lower back pain kicks in within a few more years.
No. 914526
File (hide): 1578355806938.jpeg (59.59 KB, 750x282, 0DB61F7D-65C7-4D7A-96B2-26EAD5…)

Spreading her spread asshole on the internet even further
No. 914528>>914718
>>>A white person saying nigga isn't racist these daysdo you live under a rock lmao?
and black artists don't use the word to cater to white people wtf they can't control if white people will listen to their music or not
i've seen a bunch of black artists speak against this, one example being amine who has said several times, even on stage, that he doesn't want white people to sing along to that word
i'll take my ban now, thanks
File (hide): 1578357706453.jpeg (157.39 KB, 750x1019, F2E38D55-4DA9-42A6-91B5-85D154…)

Maybe this is why she uses the defense “google it” so often?
No. 914564>>914756
File (hide): 1578358014191.jpeg (226.12 KB, 750x1062, 7A7C698E-C5FF-42F5-B003-FC6EA0…)

Relevant to her own doctor situation now.
No. 914567
File (hide): 1578358077862.jpg (Spoiler Image,409.54 KB, 800x2866, ZomboDroid 06012020164802.jpg)

>>914543Damn I jumped thw gun and deleted my pics but the post you quoted doesn't have screenshots as preferred on this imageboard so I'm reposting
Spoilered for slightly upsetting image of injured lizard.
No. 914569>>914584>>914595>>914695>>914900
>>914438This video is from her Live today talking about the gecko incident. You decide if she’s describing it honestly…
if the link doesn’t work just search the title in Vimeo, I was having issues.
Watch “Ariana Mcmillan aka psoriasisbutmakeitsexy talks about her dead gecko” on #Vimeo
No. 914631>>914644
File (hide): 1578362727322.jpg (517.57 KB, 800x2479, 20200106_180345.jpg)

Did she lose her pet Tarantula in her home and say she would squish it? Is any of this archived? I'm a tech retard kek
No. 914674
File (hide): 1578367552734.jpeg (39 KB, 750x206, 157D83D6-5052-479B-90D7-99866A…)

Don’t think Ari likes all this rehashing of her past
No. 914773
File (hide): 1578406842998.jpeg (160.85 KB, 640x1057, EBF8E6AC-A14D-4DEE-B6E2-5F22B1…)

I sometimes can't believe how fake confident she is and apparently always has been. Way to go posting on a kind of body positive? tumblr and having it archived for ever - and then she has surgeries to kill the things that make her "hotter than you".
No. 914786>>914821>>914856
File (hide): 1578412255574.jpeg (151.87 KB, 828x310, DF678948-7C4C-4093-AA20-73A698…)

Says the person who has to humiliate her boyfriend because she can’t even afford a new phone despite being such a successful prostitute kek
No. 914788
File (hide): 1578412585213.jpeg (187.46 KB, 828x534, 7C5A5DBB-922F-4FF4-AC10-47617E…)

What a miserable cow. And she wonders why she has no friends. She would be the type of person to hate her own children and any success they had out of jealousy.
No. 914821
>>914786holy shit this is literally trumper rhetoric
rich coming from a broke prostitute
No. 914836>>914845>>914880>>914903>>914964
File (hide): 1578424007947.jpg (722.82 KB, 1080x1534, Screenshot_20200107-105559_Ins…)

She opened another account with Many Vids to showcase more cell phone videos of her basic and lackluster sex with her pencil dicked bf. I'm sure it'll be as interesting and high quality as her OF. She has so many accounts she's trying to add to that all of them end up being the same shit quality and content: "Look at my butthole and dragon dildo with no lube and I'm soooo hot and want more surgeries. Now give me sushi money as I update my e-diary entries on one of the many platforms I use to try to make money!"
Bitch thinks she's business savvy because she opened a lot of online accounts on amateur porn sites. She's thoooo thuccesful and loveth her privileged life.
No. 914849>>914910>>914934
>>914791Lmao “daddy goes to work”
He’s a fucking mail man. Hahahahahaha
No. 914850>>914864>>914866>>914889>>914921>>915082
File (hide): 1578425034357.jpeg (430.34 KB, 750x1231, 5194194B-922D-4AE3-9F40-1D41AB…)

She posted this on her 2nd instagram account last night. Pretty ironic how she says she gets free weed because “power of the pussy” yet… didn’t her FATHER give her a ton of weed recently too? Big yikes lol
No. 914869
File (hide): 1578428977466.jpg (283.34 KB, 1080x2012, Screenshot_20200107-142932_Chr…)

Here's her manyvids: should have posted something on it before telling people to hit you up for the link…
No. 914889
>>914850my god she's pathetic. after seeing all her gecko history, I can't believe she feels like she can say anything at all about other pet owners. also all that talk about how much money she has and she doesn't even have 10k in the bank? what a moron
>>914864>here we go again, got to start fresh somewhere else now! Ari, you’re problems will follow you because you are the problem. You will never have peace or happiness in your life.This! it's seriously unbelievable how delusional she is
No. 914895>>914899>>914905>>915124>>915267
File (hide): 1578434369810.jpeg (86.48 KB, 750x392, C662E788-6D28-4127-B4D7-A33962…)

I love how she says “I’ve been flown out” making her family vacations sound like she’s some desirable influencer being paid to model for exclusive brands.
No. 914896>>914902>>914956
File (hide): 1578434435779.jpeg (87.39 KB, 750x446, 98F84B37-781D-49AE-9327-853DFE…)

You’re personality is spreading your asshole for sushi stfu, Scabby.
No. 914905>>914959
>>914895Lol I guess for a hillbilly like her leaving the country is considered life experience that other hillbillies don’t have.
I would love to see her try and go backpacking on her own in Europe or Asia vs these staying at a resort vacations, the milk would be incredible
No. 914906>>914909
>>914900She lists a disturbing amount of animals she has owned (meaning animals she has killed because where did they all go then Ariana?!? She listed like 10+ animals! And before that (not recorded) she listed all the animals her crackhead mom owned she Ariana was young. The Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, or the animal abuser in this case.
The video starts out with her saying the geck had a calcium deficiency that she was unaware of, but then goes on to say she was giving it calcium dusted food… so she must’ve been aware… then she says that she was doing everything right… but then why did it just suddenly die? Animals don’t just suddenly die Ariana, that is neglect and that is animal abuse. Please don’t buy anymore animals!!!!
No. 914908>>914988
File (hide): 1578436037392.jpeg (161.15 KB, 1125x872, B55ACE1B-360B-4CE1-BE9B-F87F1D…)

e-begging for a CHEESE TRAY from starbucks because she's already spent money on 3 this week.
No. 914909>>914929>>914960
>>914906I believe the timeline is she got the gecko without doing proper research on how to care for it and what to feed it. Then the geckos jaw broke, and while asking for advice on Tumblr, she was questioned/instructed on what she
should have been feeding the poor thing, but it was too little too late, hence the proper scolding she got. If you dig far back enough there are photos of that poor gecko with its jaw literally hanging off at a 90 degree angle. That's why they ripped her a new one, because at that point it doesn't fucking matter what she was feeding it. She's an animal abuser, asking for advice when her pets jaw was hanging my scraps of skin. I don't suggest looking for those pics btw, they're horrific.
No. 914919
>>914900Yep, she straight up lied when there is photographic evidence in this thread that she didn’t give the gecko calcium until after its jaw broke.
I wonder if she broke the jaw by mistake trying to rouse it because its body was so frail from neglect at that point.
Like holy fuck, thats honestly just a really sad and fucked up situation. She definitely is at fault of neglect and should take responsibility for it, but damn. That truly sounds traumatizing
No. 914964>>915481
File (hide): 1578442855428.jpg (139.68 KB, 1080x587, Screenshot_20200107-191653_Ins…)

>>914836Looks like pnp found someone with a fox she can comically stuff
No. 914969
>>914921Exactly. She has no idea how much work it would take to start up a business. The Fat Graft Fund would need to go towards any new business endeavors to make taxidermy a viable career path, and I just don’t see her putting any skin in the game . She’s too lazy and vein.
Just imagine her “graduating” from the course. Like, cool. Now what? You have a participation certificate that is so niche and is worth actually nothing.
No. 914986>>915082
File (hide): 1578445296482.jpeg (166.75 KB, 828x300, DC8F258F-3B94-40CB-B2BE-BC2C7F…)

Imagine hating your own face so much that a week without chemicals injected into your face is going to be a struggle. Surgery never fixed her insecurities.
No. 914987>>914989
File (hide): 1578445505651.jpeg (73.24 KB, 828x204, D87AABB1-F0C7-45D4-868E-9C926C…)

Is her grandpa aware that she spreads her asshole for a living. I guess considering her dad discusses doing porn for a living with his own daughter and she had a tit tattoo for her brother it’s entirely possible her grandpa is proud of her being a hooker. That or he’s old and senile and will fortunately never know the truth/ have to be deep ashamed of her.
No. 914991
File (hide): 1578446457532.jpeg (657.98 KB, 828x1422, 8F26B7F0-5FC4-48DA-BD48-487757…)

OT but he kinda looks like her if she had all her filters dissolved. Same body and trans look going on. I don’t know why she insists on publicly humiliating Matt all the time. She should be grateful she found a mentally challenged man to stick by her.
No. 914993
>>914514it's a tarp
no, seriously. this is straight up a MTF body. how unfortunate.
No. 915007>>915019>>915024
File (hide): 1578448092477.jpeg (249.33 KB, 828x578, 39A516C9-FD01-4704-8126-DB3D88…)

Here we go again. She looks nothing like her. Angelina is beautiful. Ariana will never be close to being considered beautiful.
No. 915024
File (hide): 1578450178358.png (938.61 KB, 1080x1706, Screenshot_20200107-084559~2.p…)

>>915007Yeah looks just like Angelina. Topkek
No. 915033>>915246
File (hide): 1578451549713.jpeg (66.62 KB, 750x291, 775B537D-1B7A-4A91-ABE5-C880B9…)

Repost but Laughing bc no one is responding
No. 915082>>915090
>>914850>i wanna go to lush today but i don't know how because i refuse to park in center citytake the subway, a bus or cab and walk, how is she this stupid.
>>914986but she kept saying she didn't have any left lol.
No. 915196
>>915089aNd iM sTiLl hOtTeR tHaN yOu
Sure, Granny. Don’t forget to take your medicine and put in your dentures.
No. 915234>>915248>>924346
File (hide): 1578503026975.jpeg (1.03 MB, 4002x4002, 902D7D56-271A-4BE8-95F4-59B850…)

a nice before and after for our big hearted qween.
No. 915236>>915255
File (hide): 1578503361024.png (404.42 KB, 750x1334, D4B5D168-BE29-4175-B110-3790FC…)

She has such a weird trip on vegans. I also hate how people roll over when she responds like the problematic cunt she is. Like why else does she go on these rants ? To instigate and start shit cause this bitch loooooves to fight and loves the drama. Stupidt lil twat.
No. 915246
>>915033Imagine e-begging for cheese, cheese from fucking Starbucks.
Fucking cheese
hopeful emoji No. 915252
File (hide): 1578507953953.jpeg (469.07 KB, 1242x1762, AE8E46E5-E629-48F5-9792-667861…)

for when shes spouting off like a good handmaiden about TrAnSPhObiA. i dont think she actually gives a fuck about trans people, she just uses it to get one up over people.
No. 915268
>>914899More like "when I told everyone is was raped to get attention."
Whether it's true or not, she doesn't need to share that attention-seeking info on IG so people will feel sorry for her and give her something.
No. 915286>>915290>>915292>>915316
File (hide): 1578514551100.png (2.4 MB, 750x1334, AF2C1044-3CDC-47C2-9328-234E0A…)

Her hair is so fried. Still can’t believe the amount of bleaching she put it through just to look like what she does now.
No. 915290
File (hide): 1578515583169.jpg (875.92 KB, 1438x1395, 20200108_123238.jpg)

>>915286The top is purple, middle is yellow / white in some places, and the bottom is dark ass piss yellow with her roots somehow already dark fucking brown. It's so bad I love it. pic related
No. 915296>>915300
File (hide): 1578516845135.png (1.4 MB, 1440x2568, Screenshot_20200108-145058~2.p…)

I don't understand why she records herself driving with these hideous angles. Plus she's complaining about not having her glasses and not being able to see fucking signs in a store. Yet she can drive all the way to New Jersey with no glasses???
No. 915300>>915303
File (hide): 1578517810035.png (4.91 MB, 1242x2208, B331F564-B540-4506-9AC5-A83419…)

>>915296I was thinking the same thing. Literally saying someone is riding her ass and recording it… like this is NOT necessary for you or your followers. You are mentally ill and self absorbed please get off google and get real help. I’m surprised she isn’t on blast on any of the driving while on your phone hate pages on IG
No. 915331>>915333>>915337
File (hide): 1578522316926.png (3.03 MB, 750x1334, 3C9C0D9C-9F02-40FD-9889-395683…)

“Ok last one, this ones the real me”.
I need resuscitation.
No. 915334>>915457>>915519
File (hide): 1578522802992.png (319.31 KB, 750x1334, 05611F89-559C-41C0-A4DE-8E24FC…)

Or you’ll what? Stg you’ll beat her…?
No. 915474>>915487
>>915457yeah according to this anon
>>825678 it was only 6 weeks when she got it
No. 915519
>>915487>>915334What a stupid cunt, I hate her so much.
Ari if you see this you’re a useless fucking dumpster fire and your animals look like shit, you’ve ruined a perfectly good kitten, it will be hyperactive and fucked for life after being taken too long to live in your musty dirty ass shithole apartment, never getting a clean breath of air again, and you’ll say it’s the kitten who’s an asshole? Ari if you had a spirit animal it would be a fucking virus, you stupid ass bitch,
File (hide): 1578599641955.jpg (531.68 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200109-114928_Ins…)

Apparently listening to terribly repetitive music makes McMillan pull constipation faces, while she thinks she's grooving.
No. 915636>>915637
File (hide): 1578599822121.jpg (992.44 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200109-115218_Ins…)

What kind of insecure loser wears a full face of spackle and lipstick to get their goofy fillers removed? She really can't cope with life and she's really getting unbearably annoying to even watch. I'd rather come here for milk than to hear it straight from the horse's busted mouth.
No. 915694>>915700>>915715>>915761
File (hide): 1578606922806.jpeg (188.16 KB, 750x1067, BDE21425-3CBF-4739-AC1C-E6B00D…)

Who is she fooling? She was a bully then and is a bully now. Oh, and let’s not forget. ShE dOeSnT hAvE LiP fiLlEr
No. 915764>>915768
Obviously but what about the bottom lip. She got trash fillers that probably had silicone in them and that’s why her lips don’t go back to her original papercut size
No. 915783>>915792
File (hide): 1578617588038.png (4.07 MB, 1242x2208, 57CB8B64-86B8-474A-B11E-DED3A5…)

>>915761For anyone who can’t deal with her long story
No. 915836>>915843>>915949
File (hide): 1578623631366.jpeg (859.83 KB, 1242x1047, 53A6AA4F-7A95-43AB-A58F-2171AF…)

Skimming through r/botchedsurgeries on reddit and found this gem posted a few hours ago.
No. 915843
>>915836I’m surprised that she isn’t a daily topic there
I guess she hides her botched with FaceTuned selfies
No. 915875>>915902>>915911>>915984
File (hide): 1578633097839.png (3.49 MB, 750x1334, 69E00042-0C10-406A-B931-E8013D…)

Why did she put lipstick on only after getting the filler dissolved?
No. 915950>>915952
File (hide): 1578663794632.jpeg (636.71 KB, 710x1150, B6E0571D-3263-42C6-AA00-3B2449…)

How did she botch her face so bad in just two years
No. 915952>>924346
File (hide): 1578664185783.jpeg (425.67 KB, 1920x1278, D17EE91E-B677-415D-A8CF-1654DC…)

>>915950Bullies HATE her now she’s hot she doesn’t make the rules
No. 916017>>916018>>916022>>916030
File (hide): 1578679521762.jpeg (413.19 KB, 750x877, A3E1C4D3-72D2-4541-A3C9-54CA6E…)

The girl who can't afford Starbucks cheese boxes or $16 pants flexing her rent money
No. 916033
File (hide): 1578685326426.jpeg (74.08 KB, 480x683, 2C3B1978-35DF-4EC4-9AA2-287684…)

>>916030This is legit how every teenager acts when they get over an ounce or half pound in. She’s even selling it over social media.
No. 916053>>916057>>916073>>916261>>916301>>924327
File (hide): 1578690070863.png (8.39 MB, 1242x2208, FFF87CDA-4778-42B0-BD78-069EA4…)

The brows to the hairline killing me. Saying her dad has paranoid Schizophrenia, it all makes sense now. The diagnosing herself, the thinking people actually care wtf she does…
No. 916084>>916089
File (hide): 1578694882707.jpeg (387.65 KB, 695x1724, 71F7CBB6-062B-436F-9285-0D6FCA…)

Older posts of hers but just starting to piece together how she talks about animals
No. 916130
File (hide): 1578700620475.jpeg (217.16 KB, 750x1069, 1DD59716-3257-44D3-96CF-33A6C5…)

She has really wonky eyes in straight on photos
No. 916255
File (hide): 1578717594015.jpeg (32.77 KB, 565x350, 9B679C83-287D-45A1-AF12-4404A9…)

looks like she has male pattern baldness here kek
No. 916262>>916265>>916269>>916301>>916304
File (hide): 1578718979483.jpeg (470.6 KB, 750x851, 2DB5FAFC-B275-4E78-B294-34B7BC…)

Her top lip maybe looks a hair smaller, but to me it really just looks like she overlined her top lip a lot more in the first picture…
No. 916269
File (hide): 1578721685115.png (49.31 KB, 1080x212, Screenshot_20200110-234241~2.p…)

>>916262A deleted comment from that pic
No. 916285>>916378
File (hide): 1578728485735.jpeg (105.33 KB, 828x1319, 53913150-FDDC-4A60-A573-892896…)

She’s on Instagram sitting in the dark with her ugly ass filter hiding her botched old tranny face talking about how she thinks her bullies are uglier than she is. Her perception of beauty is so warped she thinks looking like a plastic forty year mtf trailer park prostitute constitutes beauty
No. 916286
File (hide): 1578728637038.jpeg (104.95 KB, 828x1349, F48AB8C3-CD57-4FCF-BACD-11F960…)

Nightmare fuel. The only ugly bully is her. Why doesn’t she go torture or kill some more animals and insects.
No. 916301
>>916262you can tell when she doesn’t edit or pose in her pics that she has poorly placed cheek filler too (see
>>916053) she should prob get that dissolved as well
No. 916304
File (hide): 1578736596671.jpeg (275.82 KB, 807x515, 4DF3870E-433C-418A-BFBE-D44BB1…)

>>916262And now she’s saying she took out only „some filler” lol we can tell
No. 916326
>>916322i've seen a lot of awful stuff having grown up on the internet but this fucks me up. i'm fucking sad about it
why would anyone do this. and… film it, on top of that. she's honestly so demented. she really might be a future killer. she's twisted in a really gross, dark way
No. 916378
>>916285This is so obsessive and bizarre how she spends her free time, alone in the dark with her plastic surgery imitating filter, talking about how she's "prettier" than people who probably haven't thought about her once since they graduated (unless she reached out to them to harass and dox them, like she did that one dude she posted all over her story for no reason even after he apologized). She is deranged.
>>916353The fact that no brands will touch her is telling in itself anon. This bitch ruined her own life kek
No. 916433>>916438>>916443>>916787
>>916322Bro. This is so wrong and fucked up, how did she have a job with animals. She is fucking evil, honestly my heart hurts seeing this. That poor little baby, there is no reason to fucking squirt a hamster with water that just seems insane and weird.
And to think, she gate keeps animal care SO HARD. I mean she really does that with everything and acts like she is so knowledgable. She has now killed a gecko by breaking it's jaw, abused a little hamster, and repeatedly insists how horrible and awful her fucking KITTEN is. She currently has two cats, a dog, and a snake. But she also wants to do taxidermy and collect dead animals? Can you say psycho?? She should not have animals i'm actually scared for them now.
No. 916435
>>916322This made me tear up. I honestly hate her so much, she is such a fucking fake ass bitch saying “if you know me, you know I’m an amazing pet mom and would do anything for my animals”.
Put “animal abuser” in her next thread.
No. 916493>>916705
Seriously, it is an obsession/addiction at this point. Every waking moment she's focusing so much energy on physical attributes and acts like it's totally normal. Ariana, sweetie, no adult in their right mind spends this much time critiquing themself and others. Functional adults wake up, get dressed, look in the mirror, and start their day. Functional adults have real priorities and responsibilities other than "Dear diary, should I inject more shit into my face or get invasive surgery??? Life is so hard!!"
No. 916535
File (hide): 1578772724878.jpeg (584.9 KB, 828x1132, 997FE1F4-249C-46C2-A51A-489F0A…)

Arianas goals
No. 916741
>>916438a major tinfoil i’ve been thinking about since she first started talking abt taxidermy is that she would practice on her own pets or eventually just “adopt” more specifically for the purpose of killing them to use for her taxidermy.
obviously sage but she seems to get a strange pleasure from torturing animals, came from an
abusive family… anyone know if she suffered from excessive bedwetting as a kid or had a head injury or has an obsession with fire?? kek tinfoiling hard on the serial killer triad of traits and seeing the direction her life is taking wouldn’t shock me….
No. 916787
>>916433the day she was complaining about needing help carrying up the new snake tank, she claimed during her story that she heard that smaller tanks are actually better for her type of snake; buys bigger tank and uses it anyway, with no further mention of it possibly being incorrect housing.
Her lack of knowledge about her own animals is so sad, considering snakes require very specific care.
All she has to do is google some shit and fucking self educate but who has time for that in between all the self obsession, complaining, and subsubpar "porn?"
No. 917040>>917046>>917049>>917098
File (hide): 1578863607837.jpg (355.89 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20200112-221216_You…)

>>917037Diff anon. It's in his 'EVERYTHING IS AWFUL' video & starts at 12:28
No. 917049
>>917040And pewdiepie actually goes like „you look stupid. Girls, no guy really likes when you look like that.“
Jesus i cant this is so wonderful.
No. 917123>>917143>>917147>>917157>>917164>>917325
File (hide): 1578874255323.jpg (723.73 KB, 1079x1920, Screenshot_20200112-190917_Ins…)

She's talking on her story about pewdiepie saying "the dude with the most subscribers on YouTube did a video on me" kek. Stating her lips were like this since birth and says she hopes he said her handle bc she wants to get followers out of him and claims her friends keep sharing the video screenshots with her. Says she didn't watch the video. Hey ari we see you. we know you got that info from here kek
No. 917131>>917399
File (hide): 1578874549106.jpg (970.03 KB, 1078x1921, Screenshot_20200112-190806_Ins…)

>>917099Nitpick but the words aren't centered.
>>916844she must be sucking up to mattcuck.
No. 917147
>>917123Say Pewdiepie you dumb bitch, we know you know his name. Every single person in America knows who Pewdiepie is. Why should he @ you if you wanna act like you don't know who he is? He got the pic from reddit not personally from you.
Can't stop cringing at her ratty ass hair sitting there laughing like she doesn't care. 1 mill+ people now think you're ugly and dumb! Your face is botched regardless henny. Now more people think she's dumb, than the amount of followers she has KEK. Think about that Ari
No. 917164
File (hide): 1578877210630.png (447.19 KB, 1080x1379, Screenshot_20200112-195702~2.p…)

>>917123Yeah guys it's not from fillers, her lips have been like that 'Forever'.
She's really not keen. This man is roasting her and she thinks ppl would want to follow her?
No. 917185>>917189
>>917177probably because of the new youtube tos that now includes “bullying”
i know a lot of yt channels pretty much nuked themselves after they announced that because it’s so limiting content-wise
No. 917257>>917274>>917320>>917367>>917425
File (hide): 1578887628920.jpeg (283.6 KB, 828x1355, DE849DB3-7EFF-43FB-ADD5-F72934…)

Literal troon…dont stare too long you canmot unsee her transitional nightmare.
No. 917399>>917737
File (hide): 1578927163302.jpg (898.69 KB, 1055x1620, Screenshot_20200113-085220.jpg)

>>917131Oh my god she has never had a unique idea cross her mind. Isn't this a bit reminiscent of latinamilk's tattoo??? How is she not embarrassed
No. 917428
File (hide): 1578931126521.jpg (397.42 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20200113_095828.jpg)

Funny thing is, she lost followers in the last 12 hours. Kek
No. 917518>>917522>>917526>>917540
File (hide): 1578942813041.png (1.15 MB, 750x1334, 2A4BC9E7-A3CD-4947-8BA4-FB33B2…)

She’s really going on a rant right now on Instagram about how she cannot FATHOM people belittling others for their appearances…… especially if they had a botched surgery. Ariana I’m sorry but did you forget that ALL you do is bash people who you think are uglier than you? AND didn’t you say yesterday that you lips have always been flabby? The weird skin flap WASNT caused by fillers? Pick a side! How do her followers not call her out on this shit
No. 917538>>917541>>917558>>918082
File (hide): 1578944489385.jpg (909.71 KB, 810x1943, Screenshot_20200113-133440_Ins…)

She really thinks tagging that PewDiePie dude on her picture is going to get her followers. Kek this girl legit was just making fun of ugly people, who is she kidding. I hope this backfires and his followers start going after her. All she's going to get from this are trolls digging up dirt and roasting her.
No. 917540>>917543>>917561>>917567>>917590>>917624
File (hide): 1578944558749.jpeg (193.93 KB, 750x1087, 2DDDB1BD-5353-40DA-9F47-DD125C…)

>>917518This chick is having a full blown embarrassing meltdown. And trying to milk clout.
No. 917598>>917601>>917620
File (hide): 1578948048550.jpg (560.88 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20200113-203934.jpg)

x3 sperg about how people shouldn't breed if they 'bully' others.
Also that story is so fucking long, no wonder she's hemorrhaging followers
No. 917620>>917624
File (hide): 1578949541089.jpg (312.22 KB, 1080x1941, Screenshot_20200113-160447_Ins…)

>>917598She's mad after watching the 30 sec clip of pewdiepie laughing at her and it's insane because yesterday she was acting so privileged to know he spoke of her. I guess she's pissed she didn't get that shutout kek
No. 917622>>917642>>918092
File (hide): 1578949688992.jpg (101.56 KB, 1080x611, Screenshot_20200113_215948.jpg)

>>917539but she does the same thing all the time??? i didn't have to scroll far to find an example. she probably thinks it's different because she does it as a response to rude comments, but whenever she points at someone and call specific parts of them ugly, she is calling all people with that same trait ugly. if she wants to be the bigger and better person, she should stop picking people apart for their looks, no matter what they said to her first. otherwise she is just the same, how can she not comprehend this
No. 917628
File (hide): 1578950068507.png (1.41 MB, 750x1334, 9C1EA962-7633-4C68-B192-8A4FFE…)

on a video of a white kid calling another student the n word… she’s trying to call the kid autistic.. when he’s clearly not autistic just racist. oh, ariana, never change
No. 917642>>917685
File (hide): 1578950823343.jpeg (150.99 KB, 748x716, F6FB07AC-07D9-4A28-95C3-D2AAF7…)

>>917622Keep reading, girl! We know we’re your source of entertainment too.
No. 917645>>917652
File (hide): 1578951165011.jpeg (121.09 KB, 749x665, 74894CD8-0441-4A53-94C2-A53B49…)

>>917631The comments are hilarious on that long ass rant she posted.
No. 917652
File (hide): 1578951390340.jpeg (168.08 KB, 750x958, E6A1401D-E1DB-4769-B1F0-85A471…)

>>917645“He was talking shit on me in the video” BITCH, no he wasn’t ! He didn’t even mention her, he just referred to her nauseating gummy mouths.
She’s acting like Sponge Bob when the Krusty Krab commercial aired
No. 917671>>917678
File (hide): 1578952632534.jpeg (125.02 KB, 750x1072, F8144DFA-9422-4501-BD77-D78D89…)

why’s she making such a big fuss about this video she appeared in for 3 seconds anonymously but didn’t say anything about the initial reddit post that ended up with over 15k upvotes and who knows how many more thousands of views?
No. 917712
File (hide): 1578954369730.jpeg (156.48 KB, 750x1014, 472DEB2E-1A0E-474C-93D0-A64314…)

Someones comment on her lame, off centered tattoos
No. 917743
>>917737I think that it was milk worth mentioning. She got an extremely similar tattoo that a girl she’s known to skinwalk has? Just hers looks way worse. Hers is the the discount tim and eric version.
Also not saging your complaint about no milk. Kek.
No. 917954>>918030>>918089
File (hide): 1578990495960.png (650.71 KB, 1080x1072, Screenshot_20200113-231138~2.p…)

The ultimate Photoshop fail. What is this supposed to be. Ppl don't bend like this
No. 918000>>918018>>918035>>918044
File (hide): 1579004057370.png (1.32 MB, 1213x2048, Screenshot_20200114-061411.png)

You can't unconvince me that she isn't retarded
No. 918044>>918055
>>918000her word salad updates are so bizarre, truly. without knowing who she is and how old she is, her writing comes across as very juvenile… its just all over the place and she seems to be struggling to think of the next subject thats worthy of posting, so in the struggle to think of something, anything… she verbally farts out totally random nonsense about anything she can think of.
its quite sad really, she has an extremely empty life that has no real meaning, neither to the world nor for her self. her only purpose or passion seems to be getting botched surgeries. i cant think of any existence that is more hollow or miserable. her favourite hobby is staring at her self on her phone and lisping into the void of instagram to people who dont give a shit about her, most of the people who follow her are just there to watch the trainwreck and shes too delusional to see it. too delusional to see that shes past her peak by a few years and shes starting to look like a freak. too delusional to see that shes still a bad person and probably always will be.
i honestly think she HAS to stay this delusional or she wouldnt be able to live with her self. shes got no good looks, is objectively a bad person and shes borderline retarded with zero education to boot. just a bottom of the barrel type of person. soz for rant but the sheer amount of delusions this woman child has is, if nothing else, interesting
No. 918085>>918090>>918092
File (hide): 1579020434914.jpeg (222.21 KB, 750x661, 55C974D8-08A9-4061-B6D4-3350E7…)

After spending last week saying how physically ugly and unattractive all of her bullies happen to be.
No. 918180>>918184>>918186>>918201
File (hide): 1579031836370.jpeg (851.48 KB, 3264x2176, 23DD8FAC-056D-4A63-BD34-933FD3…)

Just a few examples of the endless times she’s mentioned other peoples looks. And she can say she means their personality is ugly until she’s blue in the face, but we know she always means their physical appearance. Or, sorry, their “misfortunes”.
No. 918184
File (hide): 1579032031382.gif (941.65 KB, 245x219, giphy.gif)

>>918180lmao i like how she was @'ing perez hilton just to call him ugly
No. 918194>>918195>>918210
File (hide): 1579033543525.jpg (415.52 KB, 1074x1668, Screenshot_20200114-202512_Ins…)

Apparently isn't familiar with reddit lol she's such a compulsive liar.
No. 918210>>918220
>>918194I don’t get how these cows constantly make provable lies. You know about your thread, you know you’ll be caught in the lie, so why?
Mental handicap?
No. 918279
File (hide): 1579046932176.jpeg (128.69 KB, 1218x580, E92F2D49-959C-4ED2-B8F6-42041B…)

>>918268Omfg. Toner isn’t even that expensive and this particular one has a lot of product that lasts a long time ffs. She’s sooooooooo dummmmmmmb.
No. 918461
File (hide): 1579083483348.jpeg (650.73 KB, 1242x1522, 2D48EF08-CEDF-44E3-A7A6-D93347…)

>>918444Did she repost or is that just a glitch on anon’s phone?? Looks normal on her IG
No. 918462>>918469>>918498>>918506>>918566
File (hide): 1579083696006.png (3.83 MB, 1242x2208, E790B677-6DB9-4C67-BF41-6BE602…)

From a distance this looks cute imo but once you zoom in the lines are so wobbly. Sorry if boring but didn’t she mention wanting to take up tattooing?
No. 918498
>>918462We stan 2012 drop dead lmao.
Her art of hands is actually decent though. I think she could be good if she tried, especially seeing as she has nothing but time on her hands
No. 918504>>918635>>918705
File (hide): 1579096951228.jpeg (139.04 KB, 750x1083, E75F2571-0EF8-4737-9844-4BCC0E…)

our queen getting the exposure she deserves kek
No. 918573>>918592>>918596>>918608
File (hide): 1579108427491.jpeg (78.76 KB, 750x192, C39AE0B1-1F3D-42A4-9D71-B8EF89…)

Didn't she get her fillers dissolved less than two weeks ago? Bitch couldn't help herself when her injector is probably offering them for free kek
No. 918646>>918664>>924346
File (hide): 1579119357723.jpg (350.53 KB, 1440x1338, 20200115_121336.jpg)

Pewdiepie's video is actually still up with 4.7 mill views, kek. Just thought it was funny it's not actually taken down. The likes alone are triple the amount of followers she has.
No. 918705>>918706
File (hide): 1579127138597.jpeg (248.76 KB, 744x1019, CB93DF92-4B36-4C65-9B58-09212B…)

>>918504Another example of how Ari “never edits” her photos.
Sure.. and your eyes are just naturally the giant. If you look closely you can the quality difference between her eyes and the rest of the phase. Looks like snow generic SNOW app type eye enlarging filter.
No. 918712>>918717
File (hide): 1579128289148.jpeg (139.26 KB, 800x1067, 77ACE4EA-A9F0-486E-9C0E-7A2E12…)

>>918630I’m sorry but are you stupid? Of course a straight horizontal line won’t line up with the base board when the photo is slightly tilted?? I’m not defending her whatsoever, I know she edits her photos, but at least think a tiny bit before nitpicking om shit like this
No. 918717>>918724>>918728
File (hide): 1579128598615.jpeg (23.13 KB, 640x685, 4C3C5148-8BF8-4CF2-B143-910D1E…)

>>918712The real issue here is her janky leg as posted by someone on reddit
No. 918724
File (hide): 1579129163465.jpeg (188.94 KB, 1242x2208, 1FE77D55-15DF-41FA-AD7E-CF8B86…)

>>918717You seem to have missed the point of that reddit comment I’m afraid… They are saying that at first they thought her legs were like that, but then realized they are not
No. 918741>>918746>>918779
File (hide): 1579129991236.jpeg (Spoiler Image,101.8 KB, 737x749, 2EC81AFC-D822-4564-AF36-79F52F…)

>>918726Remember when her dad told her porn would be a great career choice?
No. 918744
File (hide): 1579130329669.jpeg (Spoiler Image,116.28 KB, 740x1061, 6292A9CF-BFCD-49FF-B4E5-263D99…)

Her breaking the 4th wall just to stare at herself in the camera really takes you out of the moment. This is so low grade, you can tell she doesn’t even watch porn herself bc she could really learn a lot from actual professional sexworkers
No. 918753>>918755>>918777
File (hide): 1579130815377.webm (Spoiler Image,3.15 MB, 1080x1080, InShot_20200115_171800813.webm) [play once] [loop]

For the anons that don't want to look it up. I keked when she was dry shoving the dildo up her ass and was like " I don't know if it'll fit " such a shayna move… Do they SW not know what lube is?
No. 918770>>918831>>918851
File (hide): 1579131584015.webm (Spoiler Image,3 MB, 1080x1080, InShot_20200115_173150306.webm) [play once] [loop]

They have no chemistry
No. 918972>>918983>>919108
File (hide): 1579162666792.jpeg (Spoiler Image,110.51 KB, 366x381, 5D6458C8-DFAB-40B9-B15E-1808AD…)

she looks like a literal clown
No. 918980
File (hide): 1579164014597.jpeg (125.18 KB, 828x1492, 1AF2DBDF-DD58-4AF9-9E35-CF588B…)

her old goblin face is trying to escape her botched face
No. 918981>>919302
File (hide): 1579164311437.jpeg (158.35 KB, 828x1440, 8D9A1DF2-3322-4E81-94E3-D97A3E…)

I’m surprised this boss bitch spreads her asshole yet still can’t afford anything other than a studio on the train tracks where the most exciting thing to happen in her day is the crack heads fighting outside kek
No. 919117
They literally have 0 chemistry or intimacy or any idea how to actually have sex. Her porn is worse than this viral video of a turtle having sex.
No. 919222
File (hide): 1579205837198.png (2.81 MB, 750x1334, DAA49902-B427-480F-BB3C-D7FD0E…)

Lookin like a real life duck-lipped clown with the new injections
No. 919230>>919232>>919243>>919247>>919250>>919276
File (hide): 1579207039818.png (1.88 MB, 1175x2048, Screenshot_20200116-143657.png)

I keked so hard when she said she finally has a cupids bow instead of a circle but she in fact still has a circle
No. 919268
File (hide): 1579211404336.jpeg (150.97 KB, 750x1108, A5893F1D-C182-40DA-ACA5-B5B61B…)

“Hello yesth my lipsth are fat”
No. 919272>>924346
File (hide): 1579212387553.jpeg (200.24 KB, 828x1417, 4287DA40-D163-46A8-AADB-2082B4…)

Botched and proud someone come get their 45 year old Aunt
No. 919320>>919323>>919332>>919333>>919338
File (hide): 1579218289337.png (2.54 MB, 750x1334, 6014034B-7F2C-44AA-8FA6-6D2A9C…)

Is she literally delusional? Taking credit for clearing up by “psoriasis” by doing absolutely nothing other than weekly bathing and drinking bone broth with sardines plus giving someone the advice of going to the doctor ?!? Say it with me Ariana, hypocrite
No. 919354
>>919247Ari starring in
The Return of the Lip Flap kekekek but seriously, how unfortunate for her. i wonder if its visible when shes talking? im dying at the thought of her flapping around her duck lips, lip flap hanging out, lisping away.
No. 919383
File (hide): 1579225429420.png (4.34 MB, 1242x2208, 13C98EDD-E3A2-4276-9AE4-008574…)

More makeup on her hand?? Ew
No. 919384
File (hide): 1579225473089.png (2.62 MB, 750x1334, 5B78C447-C832-43B4-8176-41029D…)

Next level
No. 919415>>919468
>>919389She’s got the bubbles looking Cupid’s now all over again and this time the corners of her lips don’t even match up? Her lips look like how drag queens massively overdraw them only this is worse because you can tell their is makeup and she’s just fucking up her actual face.
I really wonder how she actually finds people to do her fillers. Does she search for someone looking for “influencer” collabs or do they maybe seek her out in DMs because they know she can’t help herself and will say yes? These lips are frightening.
No. 919468>>919470>>919484>>919555
File (hide): 1579234907922.png (895.87 KB, 1080x1426, Screenshot_20200116-231754~2.p…)

>>919415The lip injector has a vid of it up now. This is the worse work I've ever seen
No. 919471>>919474>>919481>>919555>>919630
File (hide): 1579235373247.png (6.03 MB, 1242x2208, 99F55309-B143-4286-A6D0-470192…)

ari got her lips filled lopsided to match her lopsided nose contour and lopsided eye makeup
No. 919532>>919533>>919578
File (hide): 1579249437850.png (475.03 KB, 907x584, Screenshot 2020-01-17 at 3.21.…)

Going through this new lip bitch's page and she somehow seems worse than the last.
Also didn't Ariana's last flare up happen after she got a round of fillers? Here we go again, boys.
No. 919535>>919553>>919555>>919597
File (hide): 1579249862104.jpeg (150.75 KB, 828x1428, 4C22D7C9-12E1-4B3C-A935-6AEE46…)

I thought she said she had a Cupid’s bow now but it looks like a giant uneven sausage. It looks painful.
No. 919555
>>919535>>919471Oh my god it's so uneven… It's
so much worse than it was before.
Also what's up with these?
>>919468>>919476Her eyes look completely misaligned
No. 919556
File (hide): 1579252975534.jpg (124.07 KB, 1080x1018, Screenshot_20200117_091937.jpg)

How do they just go away like that too
No. 919646>>919647
File (hide): 1579266233316.jpeg (156.16 KB, 828x1470, 2160862C-82E5-4C0F-882F-45C9BB…)

Mental illness and narcissism come together
No. 919648>>919670
File (hide): 1579266335151.jpeg (150.58 KB, 828x1421, 36C9A36C-7A96-4DC2-B3DF-BA8AC3…)

She is looking extra manly with her new lips!
No. 919650>>919755>>919763>>924327
File (hide): 1579267712792.jpeg (881.03 KB, 1920x2560, 2E1015F1-D296-4B68-B849-69738D…)

One month time lapse in order of the blonde to purple to blonde manic saga
No. 919690
File (hide): 1579272488612.png (1.3 MB, 1242x2208, 1579235373247~2.png)

Just give me a lip line of a staple
No. 919701
File (hide): 1579274640368.jpg (533.92 KB, 894x1837, Surejan.jpg)

Fully looks 16.
No. 919742
File (hide): 1579280710117.png (Spoiler Image,756.69 KB, 1140x1144, Screenshot_20200117-110303~2.p…)

She posted an old gif on Twitter, couldn't help but laugh at this frame
No. 919771>>919782
File (hide): 1579286310775.jpg (479.55 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200117-193416_Ins…)

I'm sure this is a bit nitpicky but I find it really weird and rude when she posts compliments from her followers without saying thank you or showing what she replied. I think she's kinda ungrateful considering all those compliments are undeserved. Also shows how narcissistic she is, like "look how people compliment me!!"
No. 919782>>919803
File (hide): 1579288140407.jpg (864.09 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20200117_130555.jpg)

>>919771She literally posted these two right after? She might not have said thank you, but in her crackhead brain she gave the person some "helpful" advice.
I definitely agree that she only cares about herself and not her followers who try to ask honest questions or give honest advice to her.
No. 919825>>919837>>919851
File (hide): 1579298270962.jpg (748.52 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20200117-215725.jpg)

>>909289'i like them, I like swelling. If it were up to me they'd stay like this forever'
No. 919836>>919840
File (hide): 1579299790200.jpeg (205.48 KB, 1125x1068, 3EA3E0C2-06B5-4D69-A3BA-A49341…)

the list of excuses and things she "needs" to make good content is never ending
No. 919851
File (hide): 1579302609756.jpeg (46.34 KB, 540x518, DB2EFD78-732D-4D11-A436-BC3DB6…)

>>919825Yikes that reminds me of Skye Purdon. Another filler obsessed cow.
No. 920231>>920293
File (hide): 1579391556806.jpg (726.87 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20200118-230526.jpg)

>>909289Have the fillers migrated already?!
No. 920236>>920243>>920250>>920272
File (hide): 1579392580664.png (654.3 KB, 741x1113, IMG_8606.PNG)

hmm could it be because she….is?? you ‘feel’ ugly…HAH. this total imbecilic trashy ass fucking narcissist stays fishing for compliments. when is this girl going to realize that it has nothing to do with what she looks like and it’s not going to make a difference how much surgery she gets. when you’re ugly on the inside, that shit EXUDES externally. this has been said time and time again but it’s just not clicking with her. she just goes on these tirades about what a good person she is and that alone should say enough. either she lacks total self awareness or is in complete denial. her 'feelings' here are totally valid
No. 920316
>>920293>>920272the weird filler moustache coupled with the gnarly lip lift scar… baby no
>>920246try lurking more
No. 920731>>923077
File (hide): 1579495930682.png (4.86 MB, 1125x2436, 0C0F3BEB-A15C-4E11-A17F-D9105D…)

Not super milky but from her private insta.
No. 920925>>920941>>920945
File (hide): 1579544036722.jpeg (307.83 KB, 734x1258, A9B9FAAC-D209-4AD7-ACAA-1D0C12…)

I gasped when I saw this…… this doesn’t look like a human. She looks insane. Her twig arm and huge head make me super uncomfortable? Why does it look like she edited the photo to make her face seem longer? KEK
No. 920941>>920955
>>920924>>920925yeah let’s just check off the obvious face tuning list here:
eyes enlarged
skin smoothed
jaw shaved
arm thinned
neck thinned
she used one of those filters that makes the bottom of your face look freakishly shrunken so she looks like even more of a circus freak with her giant mouth
No. 920945
File (hide): 1579546794254.jpeg (1.09 MB, 3464x3464, FFDF6A75-E735-40AC-922E-6FA82F…)

>>920925she turns around and puts herself on her stories anyway. i mean just look at her real neck.
No. 920964>>921065>>921106
File (hide): 1579549105392.jpeg (254.31 KB, 827x1124, 836D2DE5-7E19-4F84-A7D8-A20452…)

Deleted content. Seems she’s been feeling extra insecure about her appearance ever since the new fillers were injected. Her nose looks extra blurry today and those lips haven’t taken up that much space on her face in a while. The backdrop is a nice change.
No. 920971>>920987>>921160
File (hide): 1579549722771.jpeg (360.29 KB, 1125x1990, B3DA1623-4B2C-4C71-981F-84DA62…)

comments on her most recent post(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 920985>>920989>>921012>>921102
File (hide): 1579551445580.png (116.41 KB, 750x1334, 26E58591-C8DD-4AAC-8375-8751D6…)

sure! have people google you! they’ll see everything your “fans” have to say. she’s so warped in her head - i’m surprised she is even functional. well, functional is generous
No. 920995>>921006>>921007>>921010>>921104
File (hide): 1579552539396.jpeg (133.7 KB, 743x595, F57BCDB4-ADB4-4977-9D09-C4AA54…)

What. The. Actual. Fuck. Is happening to. Her chin….? Why is it the goddamn size of Texas!
No. 920996>>920997
File (hide): 1579552704100.jpeg (901.12 KB, 1242x1273, 9B25706F-CAD0-4AAA-A1FE-BE54DB…)

>>920974She is copying the way Blondetaki (the beauty guru) lines her lips
No. 921006
>>920924wtf at the overdrawn lip corners, that's such an odd choice much like her extending the liner past the inner corner of her eyes. but so skilled at makeup.
>>920995maybe they're just pointing it out b/c you claim not to, you're the one bringing up that it's supposedly insulting b/c you have screaming insecurities.
No. 921054>>921057
File (hide): 1579560699492.jpeg (68.26 KB, 1125x774, DD1F6551-79CE-4511-A5C4-6D6546…)

non milk but looks like Sophie turner no longer follows the clown
No. 921069>>921070>>921160
File (hide): 1579563594732.png (341.76 KB, 750x1334, E5C3AAC4-4735-4127-BF1A-B0AD91…)

>>921012Oh shit, someone really went there
No. 921070
>>921069Sorry Ari, you can try and erase your face but you can’t erase your past… the internet has a way of haunting you.
She will live to regret vomiting her entire life and genitals online, if she isn’t already.
No. 921078>>921079>>921082
File (hide): 1579564719100.png (2.51 MB, 750x1334, B0D61119-A982-4F03-97D1-65C9F3…)

“Insecure people are soooo mad I look good”
No. 921123>>921124>>921128
File (hide): 1579571703063.png (2.6 MB, 750x1334, 743C8377-CAB8-4C72-8786-FEABD3…)

It’s fucked up how much she looks like a man now
No. 921156
File (hide): 1579577135669.jpeg (236.92 KB, 750x630, CF59E90E-20EE-4D74-8F2B-5E540A…)

She's definitely on a manic ep right now. Her language is so gross, even for a sex worker. Matt must be so proud.
No. 921158>>922185
File (hide): 1579577284076.jpeg (165.28 KB, 750x472, 8A9D5880-1FDA-4D56-BFC0-73E499…)

So all she wants for valentine's day are fillers, is going to get ass fucked tomorrow and is referring to her boyfriend as her man servant that she pays with her "psoriasis" covered vag. She is the epitome of trash, can't believe these are all in rapid succession, after ignoring the Twitter user who called her out for letting gecko die thru neglect. She's one of the nastiest people I've seen posted to these boards.
No. 921260>>921275>>921294>>921295
File (hide): 1579600064474.jpeg (Spoiler Image,514.11 KB, 1156x654, BA3A0EA5-91E9-4C37-898C-2593C8…)

……..How can she think this is hot?
No. 921294>>921298>>921305
File (hide): 1579614658544.png (Spoiler Image,1.44 MB, 750x1334, 69B08B47-01B9-44B8-9225-763FA5…)

>>921260Also this scary thing she always does where she yanks, tugs, and slaps her tits like they have absolutely no feeling???
No. 921428>>921434>>921454>>921472>>921476>>921741
File (hide): 1579639664013.jpg (801.47 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20200121-154727_rif…)

Was scrolling through r/instagramreality and saw our favorite cow got featured again.
No. 921454>>921463>>921472
>>921428i am not completely convinced that she facetuned these though, i can clearly see bumps and pores + her gross ass liplift scar. ofc she looks a lot worse in candid screenshots from her lives, but good lighting does help
not trying to wk btw, i don't think she looks good in these
No. 921522>>921527>>921533
File (hide): 1579654176740.jpeg (172.99 KB, 750x729, F88EDAD4-1495-413B-88DF-1AE64F…)

Today is her good face day idk what happened yesterday that was something else
No. 921527
>>921522i am still so confused by how she wants people to think the uncanny valley tranny face from yesterday
>>921232 is her real face and this one is too, also this one
>>920724 and more. pick one bitch. pick one. please. mystique is drawn in marvel comics more consistently then this.
No. 921741
File (hide): 1579683656720.png (392.53 KB, 1242x2208, 45993D5E-26D7-46B3-BA52-37ECCE…)

>>921428the top comments on the post. its so delicious that so many people are posting her in subs like "instagramreality" and "botchedsurgeries". shes getting the recognition she deserves…. for being a fake, botched hoe.
No. 922001>>922055
File (hide): 1579732174482.jpg (243.68 KB, 1080x1603, Screenshot_20200122_222951.jpg)

>>909289Got read by a fuckin old dude
No. 922102>>922268>>922361>>922443
File (hide): 1579742323497.png (918.23 KB, 804x907, Screenshot_20200122-181224.png)

Think she regrets her lopsided bolt ons. One is noticeably bigger than the other
No. 922109
File (hide): 1579744164101.jpeg (89.12 KB, 750x475, 59D8F3B2-833A-4414-9D3D-475709…)

Is she trying to make the point that being unemployed is being your own boss….?
No. 922155
File (hide): 1579750074465.jpeg (113.08 KB, 736x837, D314F78D-D221-4389-92FF-559F3F…)

kinda hoping she goes down this road
No. 922161>>922185>>922323
File (hide): 1579751070470.png (1.99 MB, 750x1334, E8A8E488-CE38-48CB-A7FA-E637A8…)

What an ugly beast, guessing her and Doormatt got in a fight.
No. 922185
>>922161Maybe I’m too sensitive but this just seems manipulative and not funny…do people seriously find this funny or..?? This paired with
>>921158 would be enough for me to dump her if I was Matt
No. 922196>>922541
File (hide): 1579755316257.png (2.38 MB, 750x1334, 5DB391B9-4BDF-4D7F-98AA-597206…)

Arianna being inspired by an actual biological male.
No. 922443>>922581
>>922102Did she mention having some hormonal issues or something? Her body and even face look like a literal man. She has body of 18 years old boy, no waist, no hips, she had to do those bolt-on boobs and that somehow looks even worse, because now combined with her botched face she looks like a trans man. Or a transvestite with fake chest piece. Doesn’t help that all her surgeries look completely unnatural.
I’m genuinely curious how can a woman look so much like a man, maybe there’s something wrong with her gender, either in gene/hormonal expression or idk.
No. 922480>>922502
File (hide): 1579804568353.png (1.43 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200123-113216.png)

She doesn't care if she loses her account again lol.
No. 922509
File (hide): 1579809912966.png (186.48 KB, 750x1334, 15A6B805-811D-4A08-91D1-1456CC…)

Does she think she’s some sort of A list celebrity ?
No. 922577>>922582>>922658>>922687>>922975
File (hide): 1579818669302.jpeg (529.6 KB, 750x993, 2E842D1F-5A3D-4249-A527-497F3A…)

No wonder she’s so insecure. Makes sense as to why her clients never come back to this.
No. 922688>>922701>>923074
File (hide): 1579823598495.png (718.52 KB, 640x1136, 6E4CBF13-C901-4E25-97CC-85E619…)

I just want ari to see this so she can freak out about copying
No. 923212>>923305>>923672
File (hide): 1579895399335.png (1.26 MB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200124-114705.png)

>>923074Looks like she took your advice anon . more shitty wood drawings
No. 923214>>923242
File (hide): 1579895491855.png (591.43 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200124-114606.png)

She's on her story right now lisping about how her car smells like cat piss and its the worst smell ever and she wants to just buy a brand new car instead of having it cleaned. What an entitled spoiled cunt
No. 923242>>923287>>923296>>923314>>923317
>>923214I find it so hilarious that this bitch is always flexing her supposed money and good credit but NEVER shows what she drives. Can't afford to lease or finance a better car than whatever POS you're driving, Ari? Any anon here have pics of what this broke bitch drives? I'd love to see it.
Sorry to ask for spoonfeed but I've legit read all these threads with sage on and didn't see any photos or videos of cars posted, maybe it was in a hidden post.
No. 923304
File (hide): 1579907162949.png (51.39 KB, 200x200, Screenshot_20200124-155637.png)

"i DoNt UsE pHoToShOp"
No. 923314
File (hide): 1579908586930.jpeg (241.41 KB, 750x1100, EA21BF0C-48BF-45A1-93E1-A854B0…)

>>923242im pretty sure this is her car. Also seen her in an silver Acura, maybe Doormatts.
Some anon posted not that long ago a picture she posted of when she first bought her car, the price tag zoomed in said something like $5-7k.. not much. Sorry, I don’t have caps bc I don’t want to dig through the last few threads to find it.
No. 923315>>923340>>923343
File (hide): 1579909007580.jpeg (102.84 KB, 750x550, 852E221B-1D52-4EEE-AFC3-5AF005…)

She sucks dude, now she’s gate keeping sex working! Calm down little bitch, you’re supposed to sUpPoRt SeX wOrKeRs uwu even when they’re cuter and younger then you, Ari.
No. 923547>>923602
File (hide): 1579931205673.png (709.33 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200124-214151.png)

It's crazy how each day that passes she looks more and more like contestant on RuPaul's Drag Race… And not in a good way… Yikes
No. 923550
File (hide): 1579931298526.png (77.84 KB, 720x395, Screenshot_20200124-214025(1).…)

What kind off logic is that… Denial is not just a river in Egypt. She can't let go of this psoriasis shtick
No. 923602>>923605>>923679>>923708
File (hide): 1579949044370.jpg (140.17 KB, 677x525, SmartSelect_20200125-103504_Ch…)

>>923547Sorry for the autistic edit but what on earth is going on with her lips? They look like they're inflamed jesus christ
No. 923637>>923679
File (hide): 1579956936637.jpeg (245.04 KB, 1242x585, 2D684942-F6E2-4B8C-8BCB-9D176A…)

sounds like she really enjoys her job
No. 923679
>>923602She really needs to stop lining her lips like that, it makes her look like she’s been huffing something. She is looking very crackhead lately.
>>923637Gotta love prostituting yourself to old men, and than riding the fucking bus home after kek. Sounds like such a fulfilling life!
No. 923710>>923712>>923748
File (hide): 1579977951122.png (724.98 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200125-094445.png)

More aids rash. Why post your diseased arm?
No. 923890>>923896>>923911>>924090>>924098>>924130
File (hide): 1580009564646.jpg (1.23 MB, 1079x1925, Screenshot_20200125-223008_Ins…)

"Try to eat less." How does that possibly help.. she's psycho
No. 923917>>924065
File (hide): 1580014606015.png (796.66 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200125-205150.png)

Her orbitors are so dense… She literally has a big scary clown mouth. All she needs is two row sets of sharp teeth for her to be a complete monster
No. 924057
>>923933Probably deleted because everyone is going to say she looked best in the top right photo.
Idk why she even makes these collages then deletes them. She always gets butthurt about how botched she is now
No. 924098
File (hide): 1580054104038.jpeg (392.25 KB, 1242x1910, 32C662C5-3DE4-40E0-B3E1-CF376A…)

>>924090Kek good catch anon, she posted this story the same day as
>>923890 this girl is a fucking joke. That weed is obviously fucking with her brain or something, how is someone so full of shit!
No. 924240
>>924130I mean a lot of the time symptoms to chronic illnesses subside after awhile and come back which is why there are so many herbal/at home remedies claiming to cure things. The reality is if you're drinking bone broth for two weeks and the symptoms of your chronic rash cures itself in two weeks and you've convinced yourself that the doctor is some how a bad idea in the year 2020, you're going to think the bone broth is what "cured" your disease.
If shes convinced herself so much that theres nothing wrong with a rash that comes back and it's perfectly fine to just malnurish herself until it magically disappears than whatever it's her dumb ass body that's going to be scarred. It really pisses me off that she preaches that "this is what cured me" when she wont even go to a doctor on her own. She doesnt even know what she has and shes spouting that extreme dieting somehow correlates to fixing a skin condition. It's so dumb. I would expect to read what shes saying in a medieval healing book.
No. 924247>>924266>>924340>>924372
File (hide): 1580073942222.png (8.3 MB, 1242x2208, 7046A989-0FEA-49BD-A556-DB9749…)

Bragging about spending over $100 dollars at Michaels and admits to opening packages and stealing during shopping spree
No. 924427>>924529>>924537
File (hide): 1580097024917.jpeg (1.2 MB, 3264x3264, 5CCFFCC7-243D-4765-A6E0-BB3BB8…)

she really has the audacity to say “i don’t see a single bubble” but here we are
No. 924520>>924521>>924544>>924573>>924578>>924592>>925374
File (hide): 1580128962361.png (2.57 MB, 750x1334, 238AF560-388F-48E8-9F2B-722D75…)

Onlyfans, manyvids, clients, customs etc are not going to be making her any money as she continues to age herself and completely botch her face and body. Selling clothes on depop can only go so far as well because brands don’t want to work with her anymore. I really only give it another year or two before trying to make money off her looks completely fails her. Also, taxidermy isn’t a career. Grow up and get a job like everybody else.
No. 924581>>924594>>924643>>924772>>925374
File (hide): 1580142804629.png (2.16 MB, 750x1334, CAFB5BAA-6BE9-4221-BD65-004A97…)

What the everloving fuck is this??? Straight roadkill! It literally looks like a diseased, decaying animal she found on the side of the road and stuck it in a stand. I’m gonna barf. What animal even is it?? She sure as fuck doesn’t know!
No. 924586>>924613
>>924236If you do a new thread , can you include the title “animal abuser” and a pic of her many hair changes within a month lmaooo.
“Quit my 9-5 and never been better!”
No. 924589>>924594
>>909289 >>924581
It's a mummified cat head, and someone bought it lol
No. 924643>>924697>>924702
>>924581Taxidermy, no matter how old, will go putrid and rot if the lipids aren't fully removed. This piece will ALWAYS have a smell and over years will begin to fall apart. The only reason she's able to keep the mouth open the way that it is is because the nerves that run from the brain to the mouth are intact. This will smell HORRIBLE! There is no way she's wired the jaw open after removing the flesh. Holy fuck this is making me recoil. Taxidermy is incredibly easy and free to study so long as you don't have a fucking book phobia. I know it'll last as long and have as much heart as her "tattoo flash art" so I shouldn't be too irked but all I can express is how poorly this thing must smell, especially if she sells to someone in a humid climate. It's all too good!!
(reposting for typo, sorry)
No. 924676>>924706
File (hide): 1580157486900.jpeg (252.19 KB, 1242x1857, 2E3813D3-EB16-4446-9690-6A625C…)

She painted that wood piece with nail polish and is trying to charge 175$. The materials she used barely cost 20$. I just can’t get over the fact she used nail polish
No. 924699>>924701>>924718>>924732>>924758>>924769
File (hide): 1580159152212.png (3.05 MB, 750x1334, 9B8F34A9-C45C-415B-B970-FF1EC7…)

Already lining up excuses so she can drop out from taxidermy school. Over/under she lasts 2 weeks. I’m sorry, but 7 days a week for 4 months? That’ll be roughly 120 days straight driving 2 hrs…? Doesn’t sound like the weak wittle Ari I know…
No. 924763
>>92471810000%. Like she already sits on her dumb flat ass all day anyway, may as well work towards a pointless certification…I guess.
Again, she’s just lining excuses up so she can quit in 2 weeks. this is what she does, excuses, excuses, never follows through.
No. 924769
>>924699I can already hear her now, “all the time I spend in class is taking me away from spreading my asshole online, how oh how will I ever pay muh bills!!!?
sad puppy dog face I really hope she is reading this and actually goes through and completes the course. It will be so fucking brutal and she is so mentally fragile, she’ll crack for sure. It’ll be beautiful.
No. 924772>>924782
File (hide): 1580167177673.png (1.45 MB, 1075x671, sold.PNG)

>>924581looks like it was removed from Etsy, it's not still available nor is it displayed as sold
No. 925374
>>924581>>924520I don't have the skills but it would be funny to see this:
Crop the road kill picture and put the #goals words over it, the would be my vote for thread pic!