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No. 289485[Reply]

Gloria Renshaw, guys.
A really hideous bully who hides behind her mental illness when she gets called out for harassing others and has super shitty art always posted to the cancer we know as deviantART.
> Easily triggered
> Believes in otherkin BS
> Bitches and moans that she isn't an SJW yet the way she acts and presents her ideas and opinions say otherwise
> Known deviantfart accounts are Midifighter, BugTypes, 4Chans, peachmoons, DlGlTALS, and Demonicabishi, but she switches between them whenever she gets called out for causing drama because shes a coward who enjoys hiding
> Absolutely hates white people, despite claiming to be half of Asian descent and half white herself
> Has been harassing the same deviantART user for 5 years going on 6
> Bitches about how people are dumb yet didn't pass high school until the 5th year of trying
> Claims to be going to college which is bull since she doesn't graduate HS until June of 2017
> Lives in an apartment paid for by her rich dad yet pisses on anyone with remotely rich parents. Probs sucks her dad's dick to get that moolah
> Believes there are more than two genders and actually switches gender pronouns constantly and pisses on anyone who can't keep up with how often she changes it
> Viciously attacks and sends SJW friends to spam user accounts who disagree with her [deviantART does nothing because they try to be PC]
> Shitty Pokemon fandom art including but not limited to edgy Sonic OC; http://bugtypes.deviantart.com/art/bicth-662431247 and http://bugtypes.deviantart.com/art/space-idol-galuco-672350036Post too long. Click here to view the full text.(Shit thread)
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No. 289500

You people need jesus. All of you, to be wasting your time on a website that does nothing but bring people down.

No. 289501

Fuck off with your garbage thread, no one cares.

No. 293408

No. 293707

What a stupid whore. I heard she sucks her dads dick so that he will pay for everything she needs becuz shes too lazy to get up off of her own ass
She talks about herself in this journal lmfao
>Annoyingly political because she's a bitchy SJW
>Is LGBTphobic herself because she represents the trans community in such a poor shitty way lmfao

No. 293721

Locked for being consistently shit. Don't report this thread or any posts in it.

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No. 263915[Reply]

Old thread hit limit >>244778

>his roommate and frequent partner in videos (and fellow youtuber) Edwin was kicked out of their apartment with his girlfriend, Mina

>Mina is also Cyr's ex, and is (or was) very close with his current girlfriend, Dasha
>Dasha and Cyr have been dating for about a year
>Dasha and Mina are known for looking extremely similar and have caused some questions towards Cyr not only due to this but also their age (very early 20s)
>Whenever the girls are in Edwin and Cyr's videos they are dressed and act very sexually presumably for clickbait
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No. 293292

Here's Edwin's chapter timestamps, to give y'all an idea of the shitstorm he's dropping in cold blood rn:

0:00 Introduction ~ Welcome to my soap opera.
1:23 Chapter 1: Edwin Costa and Vincent Cyr Move in Together
2:28 Chapter 2: Lack of Communication Begins
3:01 Chapter 3: Cyr's Girlfriend Moves In
5:24 Chapter 4: Cyr feels rejected by his girlfriend
6:14 Chapter 5: Cyr's girlfriend asks Edwin if he is okay with Cyr's ex girlfriend staying at the apartment
7:03 Chapter 6: ItsBabyDash adapts MinaxBell's fashion.
8:06 Chapter 7: Dasha makes Cyr apologize to Mina for cheating.
11:30 Chapter 8: Cyr makes more empty promises that I didn't even ask for
15:35 Chapter 9: Dasha's sketchy behavior toward Mina begins
18:01 Chapter 10: Dasha wants to share Cyr with Mina
20:27 Chapter 11: Dasha confesses to deleting Mina's instagram
21:51 Chapter 12: Edwin and Mina hang out for the first time
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No. 293300

I don't follow this drama and I don't know this thread or these people but that guys face is horrifying to me

No. 293303

And he's wearing makeup in this one.
Normally he looks three weeks dead instead of one.

No. 293310

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@ 27:09. I know we kind of joked about Dasha being abusive to Cyr, but I guess we were actually right

No. 293311

Moved to >>>/pt/370733.

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No. 276683[Reply]

Old thread >>>254820

>20 yr old heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief

>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities
>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive
>Gets by acting like a lost soul online
>Has every mental/physical illness under the sun
>She started dating her 35 year old boyfriend before she was 18, calls him daddy
>has a following of impressionable young girls who shes convinced to 'help her' during this 'tough time' in her life.
>romanticizes the hell out of her nasty addiction but rants on the internet how vile it is to do so
>"i'm not trying to be courtney love!"
>tries to be exactly like courtney love
>loves to share her filthy life on the internet, including awful photos of her cats laying in filth and used needles

newest milk:
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No. 292844

Im sure Rodger gets some kind of retirement/social security/whatever goverment check every month. I wonder what that goes towards. I see Tuna and Lurch getting him to give it to them every month "for rent" but uses (at least some of it) on dope. What a disgusting thing to do to an old man. Im sure he can't get to the bank himself to cash it…

No. 292849

Is this thread already self saging? Damn

No. 292856

Yer in my swamp now donkey

No. 502594

No. 900245

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No. 292243[Reply]

A scammer that popped up on my feed, figured she deserves a thread.
Buys cheap shit from Ebay, and resells it at a scalped price.
Has a problem sending out orders, and then threatening customers who ask about it.
Here's the thread that's going around FB, pleanty of other people are sharing their stories in the comments.
She has her white knights in the comment section defending her for that pussy.
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No. 292257

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No. 292258

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No. 292260

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No. 292298

Actually just found a thread from a year ago for her/her business, seach lovely scum
(I'll try this but idk if it'll work I'm on mobile)

No. 292368

haha I read her name as Lovely's Cum. Also, her responses were rude and lax as fuckkkk "whats up?" "order number?"
no apology or anything

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No. 285756[Reply]

>Chinese tranny
>special snow flake who has to take being a tranny a step further and become a Neutrois non-binary
>says he wants to become post human
>completely fucked up and mentally ill
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No. 288664

His face confuses me

No. 289301

Is this real life? Did this browless tranny pay for a male prostitute?

No. 290389

Apparently that bizarre face they make constantly is some weird side effect of their mental illness? Just one year ago they seem so much more normal, if not just a bit off.

No. 291887

They're just becoming weirder and weirder

No. 291898

who is that guy, he is way too cute for an alien

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No. 226723[Reply]

Links: https://twitter.com/SovitiaUnion


Let's discuss Sovitia. She's a twitch streamer who plays League of Legends.

She's known for dating popular male streamers such as SivHD, Geranimo, and currently GiantWaffle.

>She claims to have mental disorders such as depression and OCD.

>She doesn't get along with other girls. She claims to not wear makeup, but wears tons of makeup.

>She 'cucked' Geranimo by cheating on him with GiantWaffle.

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No. 246786

Holy shit that is unflattering, she looks like a fucking monkey or something.

No. 246840

>Update for those who care
Her ex "exposed her" for her lies.
It's too long to post here so I will leave the link for it:

No. 246893

I'm pretty sure she has munchhausen syndrome.

She's always sick, always something new. Then when people point that out she gets pissed.

I guarantee if Waffle doesn't take her back she will make it her goal to destroy him.

No. 246897

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No. 290445

Apparently Waffle and her broke up, he kicked her out of his house and now she's dating some asian guy.

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No. 287864[Reply]

/r9k/ tripfag who came to the lolcord with her autistic boyfriend, getting into slapfights over her advocacy of the pullout method and farmers calling her out for sperging about JonTron's weight gain. After she fled from the Discord, she promptly went on /r9k/ to bawww about getting burned because she chose a drama channel of all places to make female friends.

>I fucking hate women. I want to gas every fucking normie woman on the planet. No wonder /pol/ and /r9k/ exist. If this is how the average woman acts towards a man, NO FUCKING WONDER. This entire experience has made me lose faith in humanity, who the fuck is this mean? Women, apparently. Just WHY?


Ex-girlfriend of /r9k/ fuckboy Oscar >>231026 who leaked her nudes.
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No. 290275

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Just in case there was any doubt

No. 290280


too long to cap.

Some familiar names:

No. 290284

check her moles, it's definitely her. she has an amazing body and a cute face, too bad she's legit psycho.

No. 290285

What kind of tumblr drama was it?

No. 290287

Moved to >>>/pt/368493.

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No. 198475[Reply]

Back in Japan and possibly pregnant again from a Host who doesn't want to have anything to do with the child but support her for visa?
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No. 290381

>dem sexy yellow hands kek

No. 290387

Can someone make a new thread? Looks like this one reached its max.

No. 290410


No. 304267

No. 312546

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No. 200110[Reply]

last thread >>193090

incel: involuntary celibate, dudes who, depsite wanting love and sex, can't get any for reasons that are beyond them.

if an incel replies to the thread, do not reply to it or you will be temporarily banned, this is from the word of the mouth of the farmhand.

pic is the diet of a 200lb incel, who believes eating a half a stick of butter a day is good for him.
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No. 297210


And it's weird incels are so obsessed with women, that they base their entire identity around not getting laid and talk about women 24/7 ;)

No. 298220

Apparently the r/incel subreddit and r/incels moderator dannymason just got suspended for inciting violence.

No. 324241

its over susan got exposed

No. 351792

theres a shortage of WOMEN in china not men

No. 455020

Why the hatred for Incels. They are usually just kids who got bullied in school and now it's affecting their adult development.

They deserve a place to vent on the internet, as long as they don't harm anyone. U guys feel the need to diss even the ones who express no intent to harm in their post.

Don't assume they're a jerk unless they say something jerky. And I mean actual violent thoughts, not "Girls are annoying."

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No. 285594[Reply]

Anna Storelli has 10 FB accounts, 8 amateur porn videos under the name Anna Marie, a deranged Bieber obsessed twitter, a criminal past with profection orders, and another video has surfaced of her talking to herself about mermaids.

I won't link all her FB profiles since half are duplicates with the same pics or no pics.

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No. 288288


It totally is her twitter, and as of a couple of days ago that was totally her number.


No. 288573

Sorry for the size and crap quality, but I couldn't resist.

No. 288574

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Meant that comment for pic related.

No. 288598


Maybe she was grumpy becauae she needed blood and seeing folks giving each other hickeys triggered her.
Ha, didn't know this happened in Santa Monica.

No. 289122

there's a vine of her talking to herself about mermaids

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