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No. 310435
A generic instagram model posted a picture on roastme and then deleted her account within 6 hours, posting a bunch of retarded stuff on her insta (pic related). Can we do any better than plebbit?
Original post:
https://www.instagram (dot) com/niecewaidhofer/
No. 310449
They were pretty pathetic to jump on her like that. She deliberately made herself look too conventionally attractive to actually "roast", and because they understood that telling her as much would give her exactly the ego boost she was looking for, they decided they had to go the exact opposite direction and shit all over her and call her on being so insecure she would try to look her best and set up good lighting to be roasted.
That'd be one thing, but some of them took it past "the line" and went into stupid spiels about her dying alone, calling her a shallow/empty person for no real reason, claiming her "value" would lower as she got older, etc. All shit that just showed that they themselves were actually shallow, bitter people clinging desperately to the idea that being an attractive female means there's no way you can be an interesting or valuable person on the inside. Why? Because they are insecure, and afraid that they have neither good looks or decent personalities. Not having the former, they've told themselves you can only have one (which, of course, means they must have the latter).
The idea of some bitchy, narcissistic Stacy getting BTFO online instead of mindlessly orbited is hilarious in theory, but there's clearly more to it than that in practice. I hope most of us on Lolcow aren't as retarded, bitter and sad as Reddit. I mean, Kiki and mystery.jpg are farmers so I know some of us are, but still.
No. 310456
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this thread is as lazy as /r/roastme, because all of the roasts are exactly the same and none of them are funny
attractive girl: lol stacy daddy issues
ugly girl: cow cow fat cow
skinny/unattractive dude: serial killer/school shooter
anyone ethnic: incredibly lazy ethnic jokes
it's lazy and this doesn't even make the girl cow worthy, and considring how you don't even know how to link stuff and put no effort in this thread, pic related
No. 310573
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what the hell hahahah
No. 310591
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The post her ex made
No. 310601
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Another follow up after the previous post failed. The slut is trying to back pedal saying the new accs pm people were not her, lol who are you trying to fool? Everyone knows was your stupid ass. Somehow she just succeeds at making herself dumber and dumber with each post.
No. 310609
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She has serious man face going on
You'd think after all those surgeries she's look good
No. 310618
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No. 310623
this is a pretty pathetic jealousy thread, however i am unsurprised lolcow has a bunch of chicks that are bitter and angry about conventionally attractive people existing (just like reddit incels). tl;dr a woman with boobs got doxxed for looking "sexy" and responded to the influx of hatemail, how does this make her a cow?
>>310609this is peak nitpicking and jealousy kek, but whatever makes you feel better anon