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No. 646597[Reply]

Holly Brown is a artist YouTuber who specializes in hypocrisy, terrible anatomy and most importantly starting projects she can never finish.

Social Media:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/hollyistotallycool
Youtube (Vlog Channel): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgeEynuhGskPjgNR5DjbZmw/feed
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/h.c.brown/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HCBrownart
Tumblr: http://hollycbrown.com/
Her Website: https://www.hollycbrown.com/
Her Store: http://hollybrown.storenvy.com/#_=_

The CalArts Rant she is known for:

>21 year old freelancer artist who does youtube, lives with her mom (aunt), and runs an online store

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No. 670938

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No. 670986

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I can’t be assed to make this look nicer, but this is a response from her zine rant.

No. 672300

hey anons we have a new thread

No. 675436

>soft skin
This motherfucker has cystic acne.

No. 675451

New thread is here >>668003
why are you posting here?

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No. 280534[Reply]

Latest old news: Shiena and Sere are banging Cody Sanderson for jewelry. This has been all but directly confirmed by them. Sere's latest instagram is @catsandcakeandshabushabu

Latest new news: Jojo moved to Japan without a job or a place to live. She's presumably there on a student visa because she said she was going to language school. This is just beyond stupid.

And less importantly: Dania is in Tokyo. She's doing her usual chasing after hosts, seeing Pentagon, going to anime weeb events shit. Better be on the look-out because Shingo is in Tokyo now too. He's this host she stalks. His instagram is @shingotokugawa

What else is going on?
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No. 687359


Dania is happy Shiena got arrested?

No. 688476


You can bring a translator with you. Also if you're lucky and the guards speak English you can use English. But probably she will just find a Japanese person to translate.

No. 690097

Lol mia married her cheating guy

No. 693195

where can I find any sort of Dania`s social media? Also, Capsulebunny`s thread is closed, does anyone know how is she allowed to change her hair so often, if she teaches at school?

No. 694246


yeah it's closed because of her whiteknights

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No. 638289[Reply]

Christy Lynn Walker is a 26-years-old Tumblr artist and 4chan tripfag obsessed with putting underage characters and characters from children's media in graphic, disturbing, and often sexual drawings and fantasies. They usually involve vomit, radiation poisoning, and scat, all of which she very vocally fetishizes. >>>/snow/636919

Her MO includes grooming teens (for example urging a 14yo to get her nipples pierced), encroaching on children's spaces like the Fairy Oddparents wikia, where she linked her fetish deviantART page, and calling herself a "nice lady!!" and "mama" whenever she can. As if that wasn't bad enough, she also used to be a substitute teacher. Despite desperately wanting children, she has decided not to have them because she knows what she would inevitably do to them. At some point, she decided that she had a sex addiction and renounced porn altogether, harassing others for drawing or enjoying porn while she kept fulfilling her weird-ass fetishes.

The first thread started on /ot/ and was intended for reminiscing about a *~harmless and kooky and really nice!!~* artist, which was then moved to /snow/ and almost immediately suffered an influx of whiteknights and ex-friends coming to relay their witness accounts.

She's known to excuse her degeneracy paraphilia with tales of child sexual abuse at the hands of her father, though former friends have spoken out in the last thread and it was implied that she admitted to lying about it.

Some of the fetishes she has claimed to have acted out irl:
>stuffing vomit up her vagina or having her vagina used as a barf bag
>a threesome with her boyfriend and their dakimakura involving decapitation
>wrapping pizza in saran wrap to stuff it up her vagina
>shitting in a bathtub with her bf to engage in scatplay and eating it

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No. 674773

sage for book sperging
Hate to be that person but I think youre reaching. The whole undercurrent of the book is that Holden doesnt want to acknowledge that he's growing up, and he projects that onto the children he meets and tries to 'protect' them from growing up. Its heavily implied that he becomes unhinged mentally after the death of his younger brother, and the way he interacts with his sister/other children may be weird but its definitely not pedo.
As for the other stories (Im assuming something like A Perfect Day for Bananafish) they also have similar undercurrents about innocence and innocence lost and how that relationship translates through adults and children, its not pedo its just an (albeit sometimes oddly communicated) idea.

No. 674781

iwpiccato deactivated their Twitter lol
Next thread pic should include an overlay of pencils since she's deadly afraid of them and should also have her orbiters be part of the topic too

No. 674886

New thread: >>674885

No. 705203

I did this like two weeks ago but not that hard I just like wanted to suck my bd dildo and then I was like good texture
I used to follow her hard when I was underage if that says anything and I have a slight vomit fetish that I think I gave myself from being so into her tumblr in my mid to late teens

No. 791448


I used to buy her sets on tumblr

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No. 638649[Reply]

23 year old plastic surgery addict/instahoe/sexworker/model.

>A true narcissist, posts before and after pics of her surgery literally nonstop

>"Doesn't care what you think" but will sperg at the slightest rustle of her jimmies
>Obligatory ~BPD~ sufferer
>Will stop at nothing to look as fucked as possible; just got her boobs done and is already planning her next surgery
>Begs her followers to buy her private snapchat where she lisps incoherently for hours through her clown mouth

Links: https://www.instagram.com/plasticandproud/
"ASMR w/ PlasticAndProud | Dolls Kill"
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No. 674006

no wonder she was ripping on her cousin so hard for pooping his pants when he was a child..

No. 674208

New thread!


No. 727213

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her real name is “Ariana McMillan”

No. 750592

only reading through this thread now but damn I feel terrible for her mum :( she never could have predicted her daughter would grow up to be such a terror, and that when she'd try to help she'd just get attacked as abusive and crazy. sorry ladies she just looks so normal here and I have a big heart for mothers :(

No. 774839

Sooo is there going to be a new thread since the last thread got locked down lmao we gotta have dis tea

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No. 239951[Reply]

"Nicole Dollanganger is a Toronto based musician and artist. She’s a beautiful little bug child living in a dream-like world with strange yellow lighting and lots of abandoned buildings and cute punk boys who get into fights and throw up a lot. Every one of her songs is like a beautiful lullaby and all pieces of her artwork are the bomb diggity (I can’t think of a really good “poetic” way to describe her artwork it’s godly). She is the sole owner of ponyboy and Danzig (#Daddy). I don’t know what else to say, I just love her so much oh my god."

Nicole Dollanganger thread #2 because the first one reached it's post limit.
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No. 680513

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Forgot pic

No. 681408

Maybe the terrifying fanart >>645370
I wonder if the album ever gets released tho…

No. 682323

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Definitely that pic kek
She has to release it. After all of the hype and promoting, her not releasing the album would be equivalent to her renouncing her music “career”. There’d be no coming back from that and her fan base is already dwindling. She’s trying to make a comeback, Nicole can’t survive without online attention… it’ll be released eventually. It is nearing her birthday, so maybe she wants to drop it on that day?
I guess we’ll make thread #3 when it’s released. Till then, this cow is dry.

No. 682329

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Anyone else notice the nicoledollangangerconfessions blog is gone? Can’t help but feel like Nicole has been trying to clean up her internet history recently. Luckily we have some of the best ones saved here

No. 688480

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Of fucking course she cancelled her one date with Poppy.

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No. 243142[Reply]

social media:

I'm sure most of you are aware of BItsy but over the last two days she's going on a spam tirade of "boohoo" I need donations

some milk:
> buys her cosplays or puts in minimum effort but then cries because her work is so "hard"
> claims she made things when obviously bought
> cancels trips and costumes all the time. and hardly ever releases new content but has a mass of orbiters
> special snowflake who claims to be mentally ill and unable to support herself so begs for donations
> amazon wishlists
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No. 1218116

Would still smash that ass

No. 1219001


I'll say a prayer for your standards.

No. 1496475

looks like she made an expensive onlyfans now

No. 1536102

Anyone got her onlyfans?

No. 1547374

someone leak her OF
worthless anyways

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No. 659029[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/652799

>finally bought a bed after sleeping on a piss stained rug for months

>edgelord bf has returned from his visit to see her and there's potential trouble in sti paradise
>"daddy punches so hard", leaves no real marks on her, confirms tumblr dom status
>still no alien porn
>more clips/videos from hardtied and lovinglyhandmadepornography have come out, just as crusty and cringy as everyone expected she'd be
>trying to charge $100 for advice on sexwork
>still allowing minors to follow and comment on her social media
>continues to beg for money while spending it on things she doesn't need
>finally growing her pubes out to hide her infected vag
>professional shoots in la to make he feel like a "real pornstar," keeps underwear on the whole time because everyone lives in fear of her vag
>her arby's rost beef vag looks horrible in hi-def
>her and fupa are moving into a house together
>fupa confirmed for father of three, does shay even know?
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No. 670335

No. 670367

She looks tired and empty behind the eyes.

Seriously, what is she doing with her life?

No. 670368

that was fast lol

No. 670391

Did she really put white makeup dots on her face but didn’t use basic undereye makeup? She’s really delusional to think that she doesn’t need it.

No. 670498

Oops my bad, my bad.

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No. 665995[Reply]

Finally a real thread about Tosh/Bronzecatworld and company


>Tosh Wharton is 27 years old

>He is well known for having a messy anime/kemono/tegaki/azpaint/early 2000s art style.

>He usually draws characters from children’s media, most often including Pokemon and Animal Crossing.

>Pictures usually include themes of loli/cp, guro, bestiality, self harm, bugs, vomit, rape and general sexualization of minors and animals.

>Was recently called out for grooming minors, sexual harassment, rape and drawing/sharing/liking pedophelic works/irl cp content on his twitter and tumblr accounts.

Here is an imgur link showing a decent amount of his nsfw artwork, saved from his pixiv/twitter or though his now deleted tumblr or google images by searching his usernames:
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No. 666970

Careful, don't feed him/her/them/it/xie/zer.

No. 666971

>I'm not stupid you're stupid!!

No. 666974

I like how ichikaras actually fucked dogs and here you guys are freaking over some dude drawing underage(?) animals fucking

No. 666975

No idea who ichikaras is. Are you gonna post receipts, or just complain?

No. 666977

It's his "style", like a lowbrow form of poetry.

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No. 562452[Reply]

Current phase: Gay

Facebook (currently deleted but may come back) https://www.facebook.com/abby.brown.900

Some background:
>Known for radically shifting "phases" often involving scene or emo aesthetics.
>Is extremely religious and homophobic
>Posts embarrassingly bad raps online including ones where she uses the n word
>Has a nasty boyfriend who she breaks up with and gets back together with every so often
>Gets large ugly tattoos to match each phase and then gets them removed when she moves on
>Live at home with her parents who seem to not be bothered by her
>Popular theory that she shops specifically from the clearance section at Hot Topic
>Current phase is Melanie Martinez, may or may not be into ddlg
>Posted a video of herself riding out of Walmart on a children's bike while dressed like a baby

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No. 666786

if abby is actually gonna stick with this trans thing you should know by following her antics that she values her ~ e fame ~ over everything else lol. who will know who alex brown is?

No. 666860

I don’t think she’s as delusional as this seems, I think it’s pretty obvious that she finally figured out the best way to troll the facebook sociopaths would be to go full on gender special, delete her social media so they can’t reee about it, and further humiliate them by forcing them to spend money on garbage if they want to get any content from her. A+ genius imo.

No. 666868

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lol you're right. her sales rate is fantastic. a $25 'dead name bundle' is also sold. imagine someone like kyle smith buying this shit and paying poshmark's $6 shipping. abby wins.

No. 666869


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 667031

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No. 648895[Reply]

21 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber, her 32 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig, and her creepy controlling mother.

Previous thread: >>>/snow/648850

The basics:
> Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 40+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Several pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after "rehoming" them. Fails to give proper enclosures for many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.
> Jonny Craig is the frontman of the band Slaves and is most well-known for being an outspoken abusive junkie. He has been in and out of rehab centers for a decade now and has been kicked out of multiple bands and off of tours for his behavior. He is usually homeless when he does not have a girlfriend to leech off of.
> Several of Jonny's ex-girlfriends have come out with stories of Jonny's physical and sexual abuse, including rape at knife-point. His ex Chelsea confided this in Taylor when she and Jonny first started dating, in which Taylor's response was to laugh with Jonny and make a public spectacle of it.
> Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge around the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.

Taylor's Links:
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/taylorndean
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/taylorndean
Youtube: Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 663862

Jesus Jen. Your daughter is a whole adult. Stop searching her name looking for critics of her.

No. 663864

If I breed Columbian tegus and sell them as Argentine tegus it doesn't mean they are Argentine tegus. If you're buying an animal, you should know if you're buying the species you think you are, and actually call it by what it is.

No. 663916

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She looks so out of place.

No. 663923

Who the fuck are half of these nobodies?

No. 663925


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