File: 1460663346283.png (150.61 KB, 276x300, egsdge.png)

No. 119682
Thread in pt is at limit, and she probably belongs in snow anyway.
Old thread >>200212
Older thread
>>94398Recent news
>after LACE and Japangate, k8 leaves lolita dramatically because "western lolitas are meen!!1">goes larme>suddenly wearing lolita again like no big deal>she still can't color coordinate for shit>k8 trying to crawl back to the comm she threw under the bus No. 119856
>>119834She did have a leaving lolita sale, and sold off a substantial part of her wardrobe. My theory is that she did it so that she could keep chasing current trends.
Maybe she came back to lolita because she realized there was no e-fame in Larme (not that she even did larme well).
No. 120493
File: 1460813712626.gif (1.51 MB, 332x332, tumblr_o1jfz51YQa1syqyomo1_400…)

>>120445Pom lived! Hes an ugly motherfucker at times. At the right angles and fluffed up, he's good, random photos? no
No. 120614
File: 1460833093764.png (473.42 KB, 600x581, DEJuhj3.png)

>>120493I still can't believe that she spent a grand on a petshop cat. At least Pom looks healthy.
Anyone see the secrets? Three about k8, including this. Wonder how long it'll take her to go down the "omg ppl r meen!" route again just because people are calling her out on her bullshit?
No. 120806
>>120803Wondering if Kate will show up to any Cons in the future.
Willing to bet she'll go to Anime North and MechaCon for sure since her friends are there. RuffleCon 2016???
No. 120821
>>120819When she heard about the dodgy shit that happened with the Leighs and Anime Matsuri she posted on twitter saying that she was really deeply upset and crying about it, and then in the space of a few weeks she was working with the Leighs, holidaying with them, posting pics with them on instagram, and accepting expensive gifts from them.
I never really liked her much, I think she sort of embodies a lot of things I don't like about the modern approach to the fashion (having to look perfect 100% of the time, being uguu kawaii and flawless, putting on a fake polite/sweet voice, being fake in general). She's also not at all creative when she dresses herself, she's just a mannequin. So glad that Midori is getting more attention from Baby.
No. 120919
>>120856The owner of AP USA is a drama monger, probably chose her just to make others butt hurt. Btw what was going on with her and Misako?
>>120803Kate doesn't have any fans
No. 120987
>>120011>source: I am a Pittsburg lolita= Kate told me this.
Can you be more stupid?
No. 121578
File: 1460986847217.png (580.35 KB, 828x595, husband.png)

Guess she's still married. Lol at how she cut off half his face though
No. 121663
>>121578Kate being married is old news. She got married in June of last year.
Feel bad for the husband. There was a lack of communication from Kate when she was in Japan.
No. 122745
>>120821Can we stop with this bullshit? Its like none of you guys remember what happened months ago and just base it off of some salty anons that want to make things sound worse than it is.
Misako cant do shit. She is not in a position of power, she is just the girl they use to pimp out JLA stuff. When it all went down she was not only IN germany with the Leighs, but also was in the middle of business with them. There is no way she could back out at this point, she was alone with them. You have to remember that this is her job, she has a manager and she cannot just break contracts.
Im not sure why people think she has a lot of say on what happens when she is just a spokesperson.The reason the JLA took a while to address it was because of the fact that Misako was with the Leighs at the time doing the tea party, needed someone to translate this stupid mess to her, and needed to have a real business discussion with people about what can/should be said about it. It was pretty annoying that it took them a while but that is the nature of having people from all over the world who speak different languages trying to address some stupid drama from Texas.
No. 123569
>>123487 Post caps or GTFO. Have people forgotten how lolcow works or are there really this many newfags?
No. 123571
File: 1461462492288.png (589.16 KB, 818x599, 2…)

Her Japanese is cringey, too. Isn't she like 23? That's way too old to still be a weeb IMO.
No. 123830
>>123793I miss Kate and I hope she has returned to lolita fashion.
Ellejay was another good lolita and I miss her being apart of the fashion.
No. 123903
File: 1461523350059.png (1.07 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Bitch you're not a member of the lonely hearts club. Get your fake ass away from the Diamonds.
No. 124088
>>123793>because some people hate you on anon boardsplenty of people are pretty open about disliking Kate since the whole "westerners are evull" fiasco. Were you not there after it happened? ~le nasty anonnymoose~ aren't the only people with a bone to pick, it's just easier to express one's hatred anonymously where folks can't be traced back to it.
I knew this wasn't the last we'd seen of this fucking dumbass. She wasn't getting the attention and instant fame she expected from larme, so of course she has to turn back to lolita.
>>123830I thought you were being serious until I got to the Ellejay part, kek
No. 124104
>>123830She hasn't done anything except emerge on Instagram and probably Tumblr again.
Even if you loathe her, I honestly enjoyed looking at her brand and liked that she bought OTT pieces. More non stock photos of brand and ones worn is always a good thing to me.
No. 124166
>>124132She was never really planning on leaving. She has a lot of stuff she never even tried to sell.
Anyways she is using her tumblr again for lolita, not sure if she will start sharing stuff on COF again, but she is still part of all the fb comms.
No. 125119
>>124991are you fucking kidding, we rehash Yukapon and Dakota's old milk all the time because they barely have any material to work with
you think we won't keep coming for this bitch
No. 125307
File: 1461795618017.jpg (205.73 KB, 724x335, Untitled-2.jpg)

I saw her WTB pop-up and I swore she already owned this dress, and I was right. Why did she sell it only to buy it back a few months later? Also she still actively has her "leaving lolita" album while posting WTB's which made me laugh.
No. 125674
>>125666She seems like she's trying to keep a low profile though, she's just posting a few pictures on her personal social media these days, which is what most lolitas tend to do. She's no longer running a fan page, trying to be the figurehead of an anti-cyberbullying ~*movement*~ or filming a documentary about how unique and awesome and special she is. I'd say we just sit back and let her do her thing, maybe her ego and hunger for e-fame will come back eventually, maybe it won't.
She still sucks at makeup though.
No. 125680
>>125307She changed it to moving sales I think. Moving where tho?
But the girl is impulsive so maybe she regrets the sale.
No. 130190
>>129950She's probably not, she takes 1000 pictures when she goes places then slowly posts them throughout the next several months. Did the same thing when she got her photo taken with isobe.
No. 130825
File: 1463329188926.png (82.69 KB, 372x457, 1445217784519.png)

>>130598>going to Japan>just to buy another dress>model for KeraFFS. Maybe she can become a model for AP. Don't they need a gaijin to sell their shit? They'll get mad at her when they see her makeup residue all over the print.
No. 134435
File: 1464279891273.jpeg (141.57 KB, 747x1175, image.jpeg)

This is the most unflattering photo I've seen of her, and I feel like that's saying a lot.
No. 134458
>>134435I don't want to be a complete salty bitch. But when I was in the Larme tags on IG why the fuck was this in the top few?
Sorry but she literally looks like she has a disability thus downs. That looks like someone got Quasimodo and threw him into a batch of Loli clothing.
No. 136704
File: 1464899593426.png (1.96 MB, 1440x2560, tmp_28489-Screenshot_20160602-…)

No. 136779
File: 1464916244709.jpg (373.2 KB, 920x590, 2.jpg)

God I've noticed her practically begging for likes, like how is this fucking Lolita or fairy-kei?
No. 136803
>>136704So wait, she considers this casual, but not
No. 138078
File: 1465325031829.jpg (102.59 KB, 504x580, ss (2016-06-07 at 11.42.34).jp…)

Saw this while on my facebook. She commented saying "Willing to trade for Day Dream Carnival in black"
It just irks me so much thats she returned to lolita like nothing fucking happened
No. 139141
File: 1465692317928.png (2.49 MB, 1440x2560, tmp_19613-Screenshot_20160611-…)

So, she's doing decora now I guess.
No. 171749
File: 1473172433092.jpeg (274.11 KB, 750x1253, image.jpeg)

>Here's today's coordinate!
>teehee I actually sold it
So either she's lying and it's not today's coord, or she sold the dress and is now trying to squeeze in one last wear before shipping it off to the poor sucker. She's such a sneaky bitch.
No. 172074
File: 1473295450377.jpg (146.72 KB, 960x720, 1386433105694.jpg)

So she joined my local comm because we're getting baby as a guest this year at the local con. Not sure how to feel right now…
No. 172846
File: 1473527118838.png (515.86 KB, 655x490, Screen Shot 2016-09-10 at 18.0…)

No. 172850
>>172846Every time I see her shitty sideswept bangs I get
triggered. Wish someone prominent would call her out for trying to wiggle back into her sweet sweet efame after basically calling all western lolitas petty bitches. But, that's just too much to ask for of the modern lolita community. She'll get her ass licked and people will pretend to adore her until she does something stupid and runs away again.
No. 173179
>>173171Probaby Rufflecon in October in conneicut
A bunch of brands are gonna be there idk if Baby is one of them though
No. 173525
File: 1473736434837.jpeg (89.06 KB, 750x478, image.jpeg)

Someone finally fucking said it.
No. 173612
>>173525kek someone from the uk comm too, they aren't salty but can be blunt as hell. Happy she was called out.
Wonder how long it'll be till she cottons on AP is guesting the uk comms event next year.
No. 174258
File: 1473973806344.png (1.29 MB, 910x1091, pom.png)

Am I the only one who thinks her cat is looking pretty inbred now that it's grown?
No. 174297
>>174282It's definitely a collar, missing patches of fur don't look like that.
>But then again what does presumably indoor cat need collar for.…Really? Especially for a breed like this that's not adapted to life outdoors, it's pretty important to put a collar on even an indoor cat in case they somehow get outside. Can you imagine this car surviving more than a day or two if it got outdoors?
No. 174385
>>174297I imagine people being able to take care of their animals and not "accindetally" let them out.
Ofc accidents happen but there is microchips that already expensive overbreeded cat should have.
No. 174394
>>174385But you can't see a microchip from a distance. A collar shows immediately that this cat does have an owner and you shouldn't just assume it's a stray and take it. Ofc it's best to have both a microchip and a collar with a tag that has your phone number on it.
You also don't understand what "accident" means do you? Sometimes cats are fast little shits, you open a door to step outside and that cat bolts past you. Cats do what they want, anon. Nothing will stop them from getting out if they want to.
No. 174437
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No. 174774
File: 1474144495174.jpg (130.78 KB, 304x422, checkoutmymoney.jpg)

>>174533went and found the post, the amount of money here is so unnecessary.
No. 174860
>>174840Total brandwhore here and I have no idea how she got to that total. At retail prices, an outfit would cost me (and probably any other sane lolita)
JSK or OP: $280-$350
Headwear: $30 for headbow, sometimes I add a barrette in the back for $20
Cutsew or blouse: $90-$150
Socks: $30
Bag: $80-120
Shoes: $100-150
Jewelry: $40 necklace and $20 ring (totally optional)
So assuming everything was bought retail from brands the cost for a typical coord is around $650-$910, excluding shipping and shopping service fees.
Let's say shopping service fees are around 10%, so then even if everything was purchased via shopping service (which isn't necessary) fees add another $70-90 dollars maximum. Now let's say things were bought in 2-3 batches, because most lolitas tend to buy matching items together, or at least have them shipped all in one box, so shipping would be another $60-$100. Therefore, the maximum price for a reasonable coordinate bought from brands is approx. $1100, meaning Kate spent at least 300 extra dollars on what, exactly? I would understand if this was a super OTT coord, but this just looks like an average coord with maybe some extra shit thrown on top.
No. 174861
>>174860And then, assuming a non-coveted main piece, a secondhand/discount coordinate would be:
JSK from closet child: $140-$240 + $30 shipping
Headwear from closet child: $20-$30
Blouse from auctions: $70-$100 + $30 for fees and shipping
Cute offbrand socks/tights: $10
Bodyline/offbrand shoes: $30-$50 + $10 shipping
Secondhand bag from lacemarket: $30-$90 + $10 shipping
Offbrand jewelry from existing jewelry collection:$0
So then a secondhand coordinate would be $380-600, and it would look just as cute as the retail price coord.
TL;DR Kate spends way too much money and doesn't even look better as a result.
No. 174867
>>174861You can get full brand coords for even less, which is the real pain here.
>when it comes to gothi items I always buy them new Why so? They're usually the most expensive cuz most detailed shit and there's tons of great goth going arou d second hand and woa! Where does all this money come from? Does she have a job?
No. 174901
File: 1474210023536.png (648.76 KB, 685x634, Screen Shot 2016-09-18 at 15.4…)

She's selling her crusty af wigs
No. 174956
>>174918Ugh but that Fucking necklace though.
i was rooting for her to make a quite comeback after the lace blow up
what the fuck was that necklace!!!
No. 195169
>>195159Ugh, it just proves she's only back to get as much fame as possible. She doesn't give a flying fuck about the fashion in itself, the only pleasure she derives is from being queen bee.
My friend won best coord and it did incredible things for her spirit, it made her so happy. And that salty queer Girlytoot would rather quash that for her own glory. Yuck.
No. 195179
>>195177If you visit the Nekocon thread on cgl I do believe someone posted a picture of the winners. Though I just wanna be clear my friend is the ouji coord, not the lolita one. I'm not sure if the lolita coord was the best choice but imo Kate's looks like a clusterfuck and the wig looks bad going by
No. 195312
>>195268Did you see her face anon?
'Cause I sure did and it was painfully obvious. Now, her reaction wasn't nearly as bad as the girl that screamed at the raffle, but it was there.
No. 195379
>>195371None of those things happened to Kate is what they meant.
>>195378Showed up very drunk to fitting
No. 196050
File: 1478709691052.jpg (14.85 KB, 193x395, um.jpg)

The fuck is on her lips?
No. 196064
>>195947>doesn't work because of her chronic illnessHm, so instead she ships herself around nationally and internationally to conventions and dresses in confined clothes for hours at a time all without the help of a walker, cane, or wheelchair.
What's stopping the bitch from getting a desk or at-home job, besides imaginary disability?
No. 200437
Kate ented the Kawaii-i photo contest she on the 6th page
No. 201171
>>200437Another boring ass coord with a tattered wig……..
No. 201191
File: 1479540941389.png (1.55 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2221.PNG)

>>200437For anyone who doesn't want to scroll through the trash.
No. 201443
File: 1479595846808.jpg (212.55 KB, 392x586, mZuALlf.jpg)

And just as soon as she enterd (why did i think sh wasn't going to be there) she on BTb
No. 248398
>>248364fucking carley is insane. she was one of the more obnoxious trips on cgl, next to spoony.
so insane. all this to "defend" her friend, even though everyone knows whiteknights add fuel to the fire.
No. 248611
>>248364The canucks in the Toronto comm are notorious for never admitting wrongs and thinking they're superior than everyone else even when caught in their own twisted logic. Better to act like everyone else is stupid or a cunt than admit she's wrong about something. She's not the only one like that, but it's easy to see how these types of personalities flock together.
>Kate got bullied on 4chan so you can't blame her for painting the whole lolita community with the same toxic brush Yes we can. It's her fault. She was angry that she didn't have everyone's adoration that she demanded like queen bee. Full of herself. She has no basis to assume everyone in the community posts on 4chan, but she knows she does so she projected.
>the documentary wasn't her fault, the director didn't have her sign papers and she's the one who read those edgy preview linesIt's her fault for not getting anything in writing and then reading those lines that she had no real obligation to read. She wanted badly to be in that documentary, which is why she spammed it everywhere until she checked 4chan and realized instead of praise she was getting criticism.
Textbook narc. Only people who hope to get a bit more visibility and ride on her notoriety would bother defending her, like Voldie.
No. 248672
File: 1486767413994.png (1004.25 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0492.PNG)

Proof from her instagram story a few days ago that she still lurks here
No. 248960
>>248672So I decided to post this cap in response to another IG cap that was posted on the CoF thread.
Chokelate name fagged herself because she thought I was Voldie and told me to stop because her phone was blowing up.
She deleted the post shortly after I said how I wasn't Voldie and that Voldie must post here too.
Also hi Voldie :)
No. 249013
>>248672Hasn't Jill recently mentioned being friends with Kate? Damn…
Also did anyone else see that Kate is studying in Tokyo next year? She posted it to her IG story when the thread was dead, so I didn't cap it.
No. 249020
File: 1486811594948.png (51.52 KB, 513x250, kateandjill.png)

>>249013>>249006Well they both clearly lurk
No. 249023
>>249020She's in complete fucking denial. Kate could be caught literally talking shit in her thread and she still wouldn't believe it.
Your "babe" is a two faced cunt. The sooner you accept this the better off you will be.
No. 249043
>>249023Unless they were both lurking in Jill's thread and chatting about it elsewhere, and Kate hasn't been going behind her back or anything. I could see them both talking about each other's threads to the other in a 'haha they're not getting to me haha lol stupid cyberbullies' way whilst sobbing behind their screens.
But this is Kate, so who are we kidding.
No. 249088
>>249073this holy shit
>>249086On cgl they are saying that the instagram post kate made was a "joke"
>>248672 No. 249090
>>249088the screenshot with the lolcow tab open?
that's clearly not a joke but a very sloppy mistake lol
No. 249112
File: 1486835369222.png (1.73 MB, 1920x9858, CoF Kate shitposting fest.png)

Alright I got it all screen capped. I'm sure that some anons in this thread are Volie/Kate/Choke.
No. 249388
>>249139I think the majority of people actually hate both of them.
If choke wasn't pretty she wouldn't have any redeeming qualities.
No. 249429
>>249388Both of them stalk this thread. I really hate them both for constantly pulling CoF into drama regarding e-famous girls most lolitas could care less about.
>>249112Speaking of that thread, they sure shit it up hard. Isn't Voldie supposed to be a mod?
No. 249460
>>249139>>249388Can confirm, I'm nobody important and I can't stand either of them, but Kate is the one who's making the most noise right now.
>>249429Holy shit is she really a mod/janitor for /cgl/? No wonder that place is fucking shit now
No. 250078
lolita is ugly as fuck. why do basic bitches love this shit?
>>249841she's been married for a while
No. 257980
File: 1488058873143.png (1.62 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1037.PNG)

Time to stop
No. 275350
>>275147idk but if that is her real hair it looks like a wig
Two updates
>Was planning on going to Tekko Con>Broke her leg No. 282841
File: 1491171990713.png (17.62 KB, 487x138, 3333333.png)

Ugh bitch stay away from the UK.
No. 282958
>>282854well if she got money to go to Tekko con (she still going btw) she gonna go overseas
i feel bad for her husband
No. 284325
>>284290I'm pretty sure nobody has forgotten about it, no one in the TPC likes her. She's saying lame shit like "Don't worry people will drop out~"
America has their own fucking brand events, stay out of ours.
No. 295638
File: 1492745674296.jpg (106.85 KB, 511x254, k8.jpg)

The mystery of where kate got her money is solved, and it's coming back to bite her. She inhereted a bunch of stocks from her dad and cashed them out, and now owes $8000 to the IRS because she never paid taxes on that money. Karma is a bitch.
No. 296408
>>295814Lol yep she added a bunch of new stuff to lacemarket and dropped prices on old stuff.
No. 296838
>>295641Don't say Rooney. It's insulting cause the Rooney family owns the Steelers. PGH is Yinzer Central.
>>295649>>295655Yep. Going places and buying stuff stopped me in the tracks before.
>>295834Couldn't you just roll over your 401k into a new account?
>>296408There are few things I want from her sales.
>>296468If you follow 'katiebabydoll' on Instagram, you will see picks and stories of shopping bags from Nordstorm and Kate Spade. She's lucky not to be living in NY or LA. She would be out shopping everyday. Kate also has medical bills to pay from that accident early this year. Luckily, she didn't break her leg again.
>>296748I did it at the end too as long as you make the deadline.
No. 297479
File: 1492982573338.jpg (87.29 KB, 960x661, 1492981831706.jpg)

I don't think she'll be suffering much from an $8,000 setback.
No. 297716
File: 1492989102151.jpg (33.52 KB, 225x350, 56863.jpg)

>>297479reminds me of the transsexual character named betham aka bon curry in one piece
No. 310261
>>310192Some suggestions…
-New Orleans
No. 310434
File: 1494548687560.jpg (133.43 KB, 960x951, 1494548293903.jpg)

>drama starts again on /snow/
>she submits post on CoF
No. 313158
>>311124It's like the only one she has kept and hasn't sold. She's constantly selling dresses and buying new ones so she can stay on top of trends.
Also, am I the only one who finds it weird that she continues to wear dresses while she has them listed for sale? Several times I've seen her post a dress for sale and then post photos of her wearing it while it's up for sale.
No. 313838
File: 1494909191415.png (37.56 KB, 783x285, someoneraisedthequestion1.png)

candicebear turned up the heat on Kate.
No. 313840
File: 1494909231400.png (8.06 KB, 796x154, nolongermarketing.png)

>>313838Kate is no longer selling her dress as "never worn". Heh.
No. 315011
File: 1495066296452.png (798.77 KB, 840x600, alopeciaareta.png)

WTH is alopecia areta?
No. 315025
>>315011it's a skin disease that causes hairloss, looks like
Wow short hair actually suits her better than those ugly wigs she wears
No. 315058
>>315011alopecia = hair loss
alopecia areata is hair loss with circular bald patches due to immune system problems or stress.
No. 317266
File: 1495290545839.png (818.41 KB, 819x603, sheswearingdressagain.png)

Why are you wearing a dress you are selling again?
This confirms she's moving this year. Don't know where tho.
No. 321114
File: 1495678871081.png (7.94 KB, 282x165, kateinhospital.png)

So Kate is in the hospital again.
Kate has complications when she menstruates every month?
No. 327596
File: 1496410398915.png (376.78 KB, 501x649, katenewkera.png)

It appears Kate is in the new edition of Kera. Kera has gone to a web-format only.
No. 336285
File: 1497586939376.jpg (522.08 KB, 2048x1345, 1497548734474.jpg)

No. 336442
>>336285she came back to the community with a whole new look and style. Ditched the crappy plaited wigs and the underskirts for candy sweet. I think her break probably inspired her to integrate into the community a bit better this time.
Gotta ask though, why not try blending the two wigs she's wearing? Like at least curl the straight wig.
No. 336483
>>336285I want to like the left but the colour balance is all off. After so many years shouldn't she know you need to have the same colour on the top, in the middle, and on the bottom? She really should have either switched the lavender tea parties for sax or worn a lavender blouse.
Also, it's Kate, and she really should have stayed gone. No one wants you here, Kate!
No. 347014
File: 1499316542275.jpg (140.14 KB, 1080x1080, 19931791_1921098044795378_5150…)

For someone who wears expensive dresses from Japan, I thought their underwear choice would be better.
No. 347138
>>201191Thanks for posting pic. This picture has been used quite a bit and I had no idea who it was. She can put an outfit together but sometimes its not "lolita".
>>347014No wonder she always has issues. Get good cotton underwear.
>>336285Lol evertime she post a pic a btb goes up the same week. I dont folliw her but I recognize all these pics. Lol.
>>315011I understand trying to hold on to her hair. Its hard to let go if its not by choice.
No. 369531
File: 1502309610761.jpg (601.92 KB, 927x1280, 1407602874769.jpg)

So LA Comm, you ready for the Girlyhoot experience?
No. 371306
>>371301I thought she was chronically ill and couldn't work? Wasn't that the reason she's been living off her father and/or husband's money all these years?
Are they selling their house?
No. 378327
File: 1503544214216.png (856.24 KB, 933x583, girlyhootlivingdoll.png)

No. 378426
>>378401You would think with guests over she would clean up the bathroom at least.
Guess her stomach problems are the real deal. I don't even want to know what it smelled like
No. 382126
File: 1503973050672.jpg (735.7 KB, 1181x2362, katestop.jpg)

I play a weeaboo dressup game and she popped in to the facebook group when somebody likened her coord to an in-game suit and proceeded to post more photos of herself :^) classy!
*bonus ass kissing on the bottom.
No. 382165
>>382126>hey that's meOk
No. 382400
>>382266LA doesn't really even have a comm anymore…
Kate visited once when LovelyLor was still there and Lor held an entire meet in her honor, surprise surprise Kate was super awkward the entire time and barely talked to anyone besides Lor. After that even her little fan club kind of died out - but who knows? It seems like everyone in Lolita is a newfag nowadays so there are probably plenty of people who don't know the LACE/selfposting/documentary drama
No. 382768
File: 1504041022174.jpg (69.56 KB, 490x606, Capture.JPG)

Was just browsing FB and thought this was weird. Why would she not just post it to her personal page?
No. 382769
File: 1504041056769.jpg (21.97 KB, 487x392, f.JPG)

>>382768And why did she bring Voldie into it? This seems so attention-seeking.
No. 392279
>>391218She has a lot of money, so she can keep posting pictures of the latest releases and meme-y cafes etc. Decent photo quality too.
>>392218>sweet rebelI'm genuinely upset that we didn't get to see that
No. 396480
>>392279The cafes and photo ops are few and far between. It looks like she moved to Little Tokyo just for picture ops which is lulzy af. Enjoy your $4k/Month 1 bedroom apartment in traffic hell
Also LA's lolita comm is mostly dead so I hope she won't turn up to any meets. Dom just moved to Long Beach too, so now we have even more cringy dead beats to deal with.
No. 397605
>>396480how bad of a weeb do you have to be to move to little Tokyo…
Just stay where ever you are and visit Japan occasionally like normal weebs lol
No. 404356
>>398988LT is close to the Art District but its still a shit hole. LT and AD are somewhat clean for DTLA. Either way, she clearly had to live her weeby dream by moving to the most nippon place in the US.
Someone should report back if she's still an antisocial twat at meets in Socal. Last time she was in the area, Lor held an event for her and she didnt socialize with anyone. She looked bored as hell
No. 406095
>>404356Most of her IG stories are about her adventures in the Fashion District, Toy District, and checking out all those cheap Quinceañera stores on Broadway. Katé compara dos cheapo tiaras hoy.
I'm surprised she hasn't been mugged yet from some homeless/mentally ill person. Those kinds are extremely aggressive. Worse than NY's.
No. 409735
>>407791>>407778That's a good thing to hear.
The only way they can afford living in LA is her husband working for one of the Big 4 in DTLA. I know someone who works for a Big 4 in a major city and has to live close to their office. It makes sense for Kate and her husband to live in LT now. Who would want to fight LA's horrendous traffic jams? However, working for a Big 4 is stressful and sometimes work will have you in another city. It's also an up-or-out culture. I just hope Kate can assuage her husband's stress levels from work.
Also what's this about Kate going to Nepal in November?
No. 409886
>>409806<obligatory "hi cow/flake" post>
seriously though, you couldn't make yourself more obvious. now shoo, womanbaby.
No. 411157
File: 1509235537009.jpg (732.67 KB, 1071x1539, Screenshot_20171028-190233.jpg)

Sage because no one cares, but I'm saving this for posterity.
No. 411999
>>409735Idk but she posted it on her instagram. Idk why would she go there for?
>>411157I seen this and im more annoyed that she shaved her hair and dyed it a soccer ball color it looks shit to me.
No. 413769
File: 1509660382168.png (697.9 KB, 493x739, k8halloween.png)

Could she really not have taken a different mirror photo where she wouldn't need to use the rabbit emoji?
No. 429881
File: 1511341993546.jpg (705.22 KB, 667x1174, FullSizeRender-1.jpg)

She's off in another foreign country making a public spectacle of herself again. Nepal, this time.
No. 431492
File: 1511576431547.png (3.41 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171124-181855.png)

Surprised she didn't shart herself
No. 451643
File: 1514139574497.png (498.99 KB, 487x586, Screen Shot 2017-12-24 at 12.1…)

Kate is trying "fairy kei" now
No. 451698
>>451643Did she got surgery or is this just the most amount of photoshop you could use? This doesn't look like her at all.
If it's ps/meitu I want her to share her secret kek
No. 497984
>>4979781) don't bump a thread without new information
2) post screenshots
3) links exist. Let me do it for you: No. 498048
>>497978They are probably following her because they know of her based on lolita drama. She is also pretty active on instagram and hangs out with a zillion other instagram lolitas - if you notice, she is often hanging out with friends and tagging them in her stories and photos.
Does anyone know if she is still in school or what? I constantly see her stories on instagram where she doesn't do much besides eat and shop.
Sage for no contribution.
No. 498056
>>498048She graduated with a marketing degree i think?
If she works is another thing.
No. 512091
File: 1519355127503.jpeg (660.71 KB, 1242x1878, 69E87582-63EF-4115-887F-10AE54…)

I know this pic is an old one from her JP trip, but this post itself is from Feb 2. How can someone be so full of themselves? I feel bad for the people in the background. No wonder she and Jill are friends, they both have super speshull pics surrounded by ~boring, uniform~ Japanese people just going about their lives.
No. 512366
>>512091>don't be afraid to be differentIt's stupid how she's pretending it's individualistic for wearing that garish dress in public and acting like the people in the back have no business to be wearing their school? uniforms.
What is her point?
People should splurge thousands on a wardrobe and violate dress codes just for the sake of standing out? That doesn't make someone special, just foolish and superficial.
Could she be any more of a tryhard and a bimbo?
No. 564903
>>564617I feel bad for him and her. Must have been really bad if he had to go to a hospital.
Even his own mom was dismissive of it.
No. 580508
File: 1526151968356.gif (3.08 MB, 480x270, sweet rebel 1.gif)

still wish we would have got to see her documentary film :(
No. 582203
>>581657Sage for tinfoil but i have a theory about the whole documentary thing. I think Kate saw the final cut, decided it didn't make her look like the perfect princess she thinks she is, and tried to force him not to release it while claiming it was his decision.
Even the trailer doesn't exactly paint her in a positive light. It makes her look like a sociopath honesty.
No. 584098
>>582203I have mutual friends with her, and as much as that sounds like a cool theory it’s more basic than that. She was a dumb girl who thought this guy was going to do as he said, and he lied about his intent. It didn’t help that her friends like Cadney and Voldie were around and they were talking a lot about how cgl views them. The guy took this bullying idea and Kate having health problems and ran with it to create the angle you see on the trailer.
Imo she was retarded to not realize earlier on that he was scummy, I have heard that she was asked a lot of personal questions about death in her family as an example which you see are likely part of the trailer.
>>583436Same. I wish that she had gotten the raw footage or something, she could have made a lot of money by using the footage and making it her own.
No. 584176
The Kate milk is dead for now, she's just like every other ~fashion blogger~ now, only she's in pastel vomit AP coords. I wish her style hadn't changed so much, but she only wears what's in at the moment. I remember saying 'don't worry, she'll reinvent herself into the next popular aesthetic once it's all died down', and lo and behold…
So, I can't access the email because it was a throwaway account, but I got curious last year and emailed the producer (that Jordan guy) about why the project didn't go forward. He was very nice about Kate but I did get the impression that he HAD to be nice because she was an ex-client, and you can't exactly be a dick about someone you worked with to a random anonymous person. He said something along the lines of 'she was a pleasure to work with', however it 'didn't work out' or something like that. Basically she was the one who pulled the plug on the documentary. I'd wager it was more the intense backlash that she got on cgl (since the trailers were mostly well received by people on her facebook) that triggered her to make them lose the footage. What I understood from the email is that she changed her mind due to backlash (implied but not overtly said, I believe some form of online hate was mentioned but I can't remember, I will try to get the screenshots). I feel like lolcow MAY have been mentioned but I don't know if I'm making things up in my mind. Again, I can't remember my email log in, so there is a bit of trust you have to put in me, sorry.
tl;dr kate killed the doc because of online boolies
No. 584249
>>584234We didn't touch on that, my main curiosity was 'why did it get cancelled' and I was left with a bit of a wishy washy answer (I don't blame him, I assume there's legal ramifications for him spilling shit on her). I assume it could have been either way - film producer sees weird girl out in the wild and doesn't realise that she's not super unique, she's just a person OR Kate got in contact first because she heard someone needed a unique person for a documentary.
From the way her e-fame trajectory was going, I would assume the latter.
No. 586183
File: 1526570782083.jpg (679.65 KB, 1080x1054, Screenshot_20180517-112542.jpg)

No. 602802
File: 1528240292001.jpg (695.59 KB, 1080x1504, Point…)

Potentially new milk?
No. 604866
File: 1528427942127.png (162.22 KB, 525x666, Screen Shot 2018-06-07 at 11.1…)

this guy jordan says he's doing a live thing tomorrow night. maybe we should ask him about sweet rebel?
No. 605824
>>605679Basically. After backlash online and from lolcow, she decided to 'use legal measures' to stop it from being released. Thus we will never see sweet rebel unless Kate allows him to release it. And that's not going to happen.
I was excited for more media about lolita. I don't care who it's about or how fakedeep they are, and the trailers did look well made. C'mon Kate, you know what to do. Let the man release the film!
No. 610700
File: 1529003837685.png (1.49 MB, 1080x1142, Screenshot_20180614-141705.png)

Why tag Buzzfeed unless you're that desperate for attention?
No. 612033
>>609255She still has milk. People aren't posting much of it to lolcow. She keeps most of her Facebook posts to friends only so someone please post more caps.
She's still anti social and snubs people who try talking to her since she moved to LA. Does she do the same when she goes to cons?
No. 612829
>>612033Saw her at Akon during the Lolita events. She had a gaggle of girls sucking up to her and I saw plenty of girls go up and request selfies with her. She never rebuffed them or anything like that. I never saw her talk to other people and be friendly like the other girls at the event unless people approached her.
She wasn't outright rude or anything, but she just seemed to have no interest in anyone who wasn't popular.
I saw them rush Tyler/ScarfingScarves and corner her for like 45 minutes at the swap meet. She also sat with them at the Tea Party and seemed uncomfortable during, though I feel like I might be projecting a lot.
Sage for no real milk.
No. 613925
>>602802I'm crying laughing, what fucking timeline are we in where Kate has her own Ubuntu distro?
Is there any more info on this?
No. 615354
File: 1529448084480.png (342.21 KB, 705x508, k8.PNG)

From the BTSSB posts from A-kon
No. 615458
>>602802>the absolute discomfort on everyone's faces except K8'skek
>>605495>>607267b-but K8 is now a supah kawaii rorita woman in STEM who will bring the ultra kawaii lyfe 2 computers!!1! she is speshul!!!11one
No. 615476
File: 1529455876234.jpg (882.32 KB, 1420x1920, 18-06-19-19-46-36-955_deco.jpg)

>>615466Do you guys know who this is?
Seemed to be one of her friends but I don't know her by her face. She was visibly salty that she didn't get one of the finale dresses. I overheard her go up and kiss Kate's ass after watching her face fall when she saw what dress she got put in.
"Oh I am so happy for you! When I saw you open up your bag and see your dress I almost cried".
Over all she was more sour faced at the events than Kate herself.
No. 617028
File: 1529609106503.jpg (136.28 KB, 899x1199, 1529374868279.jpg)

>>616979Voldie is a lolcow. I don't consider Cadney a lolcow. She posts coords from time to time, but not super active compared to Kate or Voldie.
Here's Voldie's ero coord.
No. 617691
>>617028Cadney is a huge fucking delusional cow and an SJW. Thinks she's smarter and better than most even though she's got fuck all to show for her delusions of grandeur. Too many people protect her bullshit, whereas Voldie is seen as fair game since she's a trip on cgl.
I don't get the Voldie hate but I always assumed it's because she came off as arrogant and smug on 4chan.
No. 617990
>>615128She was begging for a room? Who travels cross country for a con and tries to mooch for free room and board?
I think it was in 2016 but she modeled for Baby and didn't get the finale dress that year. She had a regular pink dress. Who wants to bet that she was sour about that too
No. 618065
>>617943As someone who's seen her casually on public social media, or someone who actually had her added on personal social media and knew how she acted irl? Big difference there.
>>617712That's a shame. I always thought she was really cute but I understand that it doesn't matter when she's insufferable.
No. 618215
>>617691What the other anon said plus she also does the same special snowflake thing as Kate where she acts like she's ~so speshul~ and ~not like the other girls~ for completely mundane shit like playing video games.
She also had a phase where she hardcore tried to pander to the men in the fgc but it didn't work out for her because they just made fun of her for being fat and annoying.
No. 621325
File: 1529962402120.png (115.36 KB, 640x664, IMG_7027.PNG)

Can someone explain why a random girl from San Diego follows Kate around so often but no one else will befriend her? Even girls with a large following in the area will take a picture with her then not hang around her ever again
No. 621635
File: 1529990328781.png (1.35 MB, 1062x1063, Screenshot_20180626-001412.png)

>>621325That is her new token kawaii friend, it used to be @kadavers, but it seems she got replaced. I've tried to talk to Nina before, but k8 will pull her away.
No. 621788
>>621371>what is reading comprehensionI'm asking why none of the other lolitas will spend more than 2 minutes with Kate when she seems to gravitate only towards people with a big following.
>>621635Dania was kissing ass on Kate's Facebook and Insta right before she moved to LA. What happened between them?
No. 621998
>>621528Yes, it was that one.
I meant during the group pictures at the end, not during the actual meet up.
No. 629094
File: 1530756876594.png (2.3 MB, 1080x1327, Screenshot_20180704-211406.png)

Wow this is one of her worst looks. She's taking it another step with her usual "shoving all this shit onto my head" look.
No. 629120
>>629094>>629106i like it. you don't comprehend ott sweet. you're supposed to shove tons of accessories in ott.
but those socks don't match…
No. 629125
>>629120Agree OTT sweet is good but she doesn't look good
And those socks are literally part of the series how new are you
No. 629137
File: 1530762176975.png (194.7 KB, 640x919, IMG_7107.PNG)

>>629094The caption is even more cringey for a number of reasons. Lolita fashion originated in Japan for starters. Secondly, why does she sound so full of herself? She's trying to sound like she's the only person who wears OTT. Youre not famous or anyone special. Since it's Kate, I wouldn't even look her way if I saw this on the street
No. 629254
>>629106>>629120It'd look a thousand times better if she spread her accessories out more like
>>629136 suggested. Piling all of the large accessories on top + her pigtails makes it look super top heavy. She should balance it out either by removing some of the larger accessories on top and adding more bow and star clips to the bottom, or by wearing a wig that has more volume on the bottom.
>>629137>from LA to Tokyo>in San Franciscook, K8.
Also her question is there mainly there so that people will leave comments, making her post more visible.
No. 629270
>>629094I like the picture but I can tell you right now she fucked hardcore with the saturation settings to get all those pinks to match.
I bet it looks like washed out shit irl, especially considering I own a couple of those items and they are not that saturated pink irl.
>>629137I hate captions like that because it's such a fake ass attempt at engaging with people.
Instead of actually talking or interacting with folks, she shoots out random questions for people to respond to that boosts the picture. It has nothing to do with her actually caring about the responses.
No. 629331
File: 1530794043000.png (1.21 MB, 990x740, superspecial.png)

>>629137Her captions are sometimes pretty cringey. You would think she invented OTT sweet by the way she talks. so ~inspirational~
(also herpes-chan sucking up in the comments lol)
No. 629691
File: 1530827377492.png (3.47 MB, 1440x2037, Capture _2018-07-05-21-43-14.p…)

Kate is so desperate for friends that she is hanging out with the girl who threatened to kill another lolita. This gets better and better
No. 631639
File: 1531068958720.jpg (144.18 KB, 720x960, 1531000059867.jpg)

>>631426>>631631Voldie doesn't look impressed with her makeup skillz with this pose on CoF.
I prefer K8's cakey makeup skills over Voldie's fat, veganism any day.
No. 631641
>>631639>>631289i can't believe voldie still looks this frumpy after all these years of trying. her limpass braids are fucking sad. get a damn wig.
i know kate looks like a weird failed hime gyaru but atleast she doesn't look like she's rolled out of bed.
No. 631916
File: 1531095800296.png (118.27 KB, 640x881, IMG_7200.PNG)

No posts about AX? Wasn't she working at the Fickle Wish booth? Does she work for FW now or what
No. 634076
>>632798 We don’t want her back, keep her.
>>632809He went to work for a startup, which tend to have a habit of eating souls. Also factor in he’s a dime a dozen in a tech rich place like La. Hope he networked before he left.
If he’d stayed in Pittsburgh, he’d probably be doing well.
No. 637855
File: 1531716804176.png (131.21 KB, 640x642, IMG_7371.PNG)

The face you make when you find out you were supposed to work at the Fickle Wish booth all weekend
No. 638704
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No. 638713
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>>638704This could be a wild ride.
No. 638747
File: 1531795772518.jpg (443.18 KB, 963x1428, Screenshot.jpg)

From May
No. 638957
File: 1531825515796.jpg (63.44 KB, 390x391, IMG_7387.JPG)

Who willingly chooses to marry this goober lmao
No. 639292
>>638837I agree with
>>638847, plus she’s the one flying off on foreign vacations without him. Is he supposed to drop whatever he’s doing to follow her around and take care of her, while simultaneously being the sole breadwinner? Her lifestyle makes it harder on both of them and I wouldn’t blame him for feeling overwhelmed from time to time. IMO she’s always given off the impression that she takes him for granted.
No. 639484
>>638837from what
>>638847 he has his own life also. a very obvious career with demands and sometimes long hours. katie may be dependent on him but he cant be 24/7
when you are with someone with chornic illnesses and being the only breadwinner in the home you will have times where you HAVE TO ask for help. it's not uncommon for people with family with ilnesses to ask for someone to check on them when they are away.
there's nothing wrong with this. he's very worried for her obviously.
>>639292he is the sole breadwinner, working a career, his wife is chronically ill and takes advantage of his money by buying pricey clothes + trips to places without him + whatever else she decides to get, she treats him like crap and disregards his emotions.
dude can't not be not stressed the fuck out all the time
No. 639711
File: 1531878798672.jpg (4.11 MB, 4288x2848, 6126523884_524b950ab7_o.jpg)

>>638704The line of texts parallel of Ellejay. She married young, got bored with being married, got divorced, and started dating a MtF.
I felt bad for Ellejay's ex-husband, but in the long haul, he's better off now.
No. 640139
>>639936>she's considering breaking it off with her husband to start dating womenKate could still be married and date other women. Idk what kind of woman Kate wants and where. She would probably want to date a lolita in the LA Comm.
BTW, did anyone see Kate is selling overpriced/rare brands on her LM recently?
No. 640376
File: 1531945506566.png (342.03 KB, 325x621, numb1.png)

this showed up on her IG Story
No. 640385
File: 1531945701155.png (604.73 KB, 739x541, comeouttag.png)

>>640381"this is my coming out story" please i need to tag EVERYTHING
No. 640393
File: 1531946077072.jpg (171.1 KB, 250x839, comeouttag-vert.jpg)

>>640386she uses a rainbow emoji at the end followed by unneeded tagging.
No. 640416
>>640376This bitch has probably never had to face anything in her life outside of her illness. She has definitely everything provided to her. How entitled beyond belief.
>>640384If she divorced her husband, how would she provide for herself?
No. 640424
File: 1531948686689.png (73.76 KB, 1080x369, Screenshot_20180718-161710.png)

Bitch you've never implied anything besides being straight. Sorry for ot but IVB inserts herself into everything.
No. 640469
File: 1531951597257.png (49.93 KB, 1040x180, 1531287953157.png)

>>640424We should have a thread for lolitacows at this point. IVB, Kate, and their whole posse belong on /snow/.
IVB is obsessed with the fact that her boyfriend is in the military and brings it up whenever possible. I used to follow her and she never brought up the military or patriotism or supporting our troops before she got together with her current bf.
No. 640471
I have a feeling kate is going to use being "queer" as a way to excuse all of the shitty parts of her personality and stupid things she has done in the past.
>>640424She's a spoiled trust fund baby who lives in SF, what do you expect?
No. 640474
>>640469I know two women that went through that shit. One woman found out her now ex-husband cheated when she was stationed away from the ex. IVB is spot-on being concerned.
>>640471I'm surprised there are spoiled trust fund babbies still living in SF. I thought the tech industry drove them out.
No. 640507
>>640469We do have a thread for general lolita flakes.
>>>/snow/79127Could always take convo not about Kate, but about the others there.
Btw, I'm not super versed in IG lingo but I saw in a /cgl/ IG thread some people talking about "pods", which are apparently groups of IGers with high-follow counts that are trying to get more, so they will comment on everyone in the group's pics to try and make them more visible or whatnot. Apparently a lot of the girls who comment on Kate's pics are in a pod together, and you can see that they all circlejerk with comments that are really pretty meaningless ("your hair looks cute!", "what a great coord", etc.). Like I said, I don't know much about that stuff and don't have actual caps but it seems likely to me that this is happening with a lot of more popular lolitas.
No. 640526
>>638704>>638715>>638726>>638745>>639048>>638957Honestly I feel so bad for her husband, it's pretty clear from the get-go she had a plan to lure him in and wrap her hands all over him. The cutesy-over bearing love messages on facebook from when they first started dating, etc.
I really hope that if they do divorce it doesn't sour the experience for him. He can find someone who will love him for who he is, not care only about his money, and for once support him emotionally/physically.
No. 640533
>>640507Oh shit I didn't even know that thread existed. Thanks anon!
But yeah, IG pods are a thing for lolitas and cosplayers. Even normies have IG pods. Basically the way it works is that
>IG's post algorithm shows posts with more interaction first>form a pod and like and comment on each other's photos regularly>IG's broken algorithm detects that as activity on photos>IG will boost the photo in searches, on the discover page, and on people's timelinesIVB, K8, and another lolita that goes by Misfortuneee are in a pod together afaik. Their pod is probably bigger than that though.
No. 640554
>>640533I’m one of the anons who talked about it on cgl. Iirc it was hellobatty who brought it up recently, but I didn’t cap anything. It was basically a hey if you have 5k on insta let’s try out a pod again! kind of post.
Also there could easily be several ones out there. So someone like Kate may be in a few.
No. 640586
>>640506I knew it. She never posts about her husband and she stopped posting about her fugly cat after he was no longer a kitten.
What other milky posts are on her FB? No one posted much about the $7000 in back taxes or her AX posts
No. 640755
>>640418You're right she inherited money but why would I remember everything about Kate?
>>640586>$7000 in back taxeslmao wtf
No. 640922
>>640376This reminds me of when LACE flopped and she declared that she was leaving the Western lolita community because everyone in it was toxic except her (but then crawled back several months later when she needed the attention again). She’s such a flawless, beautiful flower rising above the filthy plebs of this toxic world UwU
>>640393I think it’s odd how she’s constantly coming up with these contrived explanations for why she wears lolita. When she was making that documentary it was something about her illness and creating beauty in an ugly world, now it’s hyperfeminine overcompensation for her being ~genderqueer~ all along. Most lolitas, when you ask them why they wear it, will simply say “because I like it”. Isn’t that good enough?
No. 640950
>>640533There's also chiffon.fleur, josinemaaike, mintkismet, robotic_girl, spiro_j, hellobatty, xsakisaki, bububun, fawndolly, cadney, tsumikko, x_haro_x, and fawndolly as far as I know. Pretty sure claire max and lor are in there too.
The majority of vanillabear's interaction is artificial since she's overall pretty dull.
No. 641078
>>640997I never understand that when she posts. Like, nothing she is doing in lolita is new or unique she's literally just wearing OTT sweet and she's pretty late for it to be "inspiring."
All the years watching her do anything for attention and fame in the community has been strange. She has nothing to offer anyone she just owns a lot of expensive brand and that isn't even impressive since she's not the only one.
No. 641107
>>641078>She has nothing to offer anyone she just owns a lot of expensive brand and that isn't even impressive since she's not the only one.This. I don't understand why people still kiss up to her. She's full of shit and her "LOOK AT HOW MUCH BRAND I CAN SLAP ON MYSELF UWU" schtick has been played out.
There are Chinese and Japanese lolitas that I follow on Instagram that have as much brand as Kate and know how to keep their coords tasteful.
No. 642256
>>641803That doesn’t matter- the truth is any trained person with some insight to what’s going on in her life can clearly see she’s doing all this for attention/to rebel against her husband. He moves her to a place for a job he ends up quitting, she’s not happy about it. She plays victim due to her illnesses and mental state- always claiming people oppress her for wearing Lolita including her husband who desperately wants to steal Lolita from her lol. I can tell you what’s gonna happen, she’s gonna leave him to take a break, and he’ll probably take her back after a while. They do this bit for a hot moment then he finally gets fed up with her, leaves her for a Normie and she pulls the “uh he left me!!! He’s so evil” card. The poor dude is probably going to pay out the as in the divorce proceedings and never be able to get married again due to the trauma.
All while Katie gets all the attention she wants, dates another genderqueer and boasts about how much she’s suffered being married to such an abusive jerk.
No. 642468
>>642393What's her lacemarket account? Just curious
And I wonder why she didn't bother to save money after getting inheritance money
No. 642473
She's obviously too stupid to know about inherentance tax so it's not above her to not think about her future and savings. Sorry for double post.
No. 642999
>>642887There are quite a few items that she's selling that are priced at way over market value. She's also selling a BTSSB necklace that was a gift with purchase lmao.
>>642893>>642924I'm surprised she chose to move to LA rather than SF. SF is where all the burando stores are at. SF would've been a smart career move for her husband too since he works in tech.
No. 645866
File: 1532419519985.png (47.9 KB, 640x274, IMG_7422.PNG)

Old but she clearly is bothered by us
No. 646170
File: 1532458004927.png (1.02 MB, 720x959, 20180724_194556.png)

Possibly about her husband?
No. 646276
>>646246Yeah, she's also selling some more stuff to help pay rent.
She said on FB, she may have to move back to PA, but who knows how true that is.
No. 646339
>>646276She posted on fb asking if anyone knows about bipolar disorder right after saying her husband was sick, so I think he’s having a mental break down? Not sure why she didn’t leave to go to PA as well if he’s sick and she doesn’t have a job.
Sounds more like something is going on in the relationship and it might be a coverup but who knows.
No. 646366
File: 1532470044759.png (90.48 KB, 1080x707, Screenshot_20180724-170650.png)

>>646347Here you go friend.
No. 646376
>>646226Wouldn't be surprised if she was the one who pressured him into doing it tbh. She pushes him around so much.
>>646370All of her friends are efame-hungry moochers so I'm not surprised that they suggested that she beg for money despite that she has stuff that she can sell to cover costs by herself.
No. 646381
>>646370Well fools and their money.
Maybe people just do it for the social gratification, like they want to feel they played a part in something.
"Hey I was one of the anons who helped save Krusty Kate 2018!!"
I just don't know why people would do it for someone who will show minimal gratitude and never give anything back. If she treated her husband as shitty, can't imagine how vacant she'll be towards generous strangers.
But either way, I hope she sells every last lolita piece. A lesson learned perhaps.
No. 646436
>>646339Regarding being bipolar, I'm almost positive that's in reference to Kate herself. She posted about it on instagram as well, something about how she's afraid she has it because she's depressed + it crops up in women in their mid 20s randomly. Sorry for no cap, since it was awhile ago. It has nothing to do with her husband.
>>646396If you look above, we were already talking about her uploading items recently well over market value.
>>646246Maybe I'm being speculative but if her husband is truly sick, shouldn't he be trying to get paid leave or something? Why is she scrounging for money? Or is the rumor true he actually quit his job.
No. 646440
>>646436Yes anon, but she is planning to unload more clothing to help pay rent/bills/ect. If her situation is really in need we would assume she would price items to sell, so we'll see what happens.
Her hubs worked for a start up so she is claiming he did not have any benefits. If they're not insured how is she paying for her er visits and medications?
No. 646688
>>646440If she's 26 or under she might still be on her parents' insurance. Either that or her parents pay for her medical bills, they are loaded. K8 blew her inheritance from her dad on clothes and a trip to japan but he probably left the majority of his money to her mom who was hopefully much less stupid with it.
I'm sure her mom probably sends her money every month. If her husband was the only one making an income and he was just working for a startup there's no way they'd be able to afford an apartment in little tokyo. One bedroom apartments there start at $2000 a month.
No. 646689
File: 1532503447308.png (42.19 KB, 387x320, LT.png)

>>646688kek i was just looking for prices of apartments in little tokyo and i'm pretty sure i found the exact building she lives in. The kitchen is identical to the one in the background of her pics and videos. I won't post it obviously because personal information but for sure she's paying at least $2100 a month in rent for 650 square feet, assuming they have a one bedroom.
No. 646755
>>646170Husband is almost definitely having a meltdown.
Imagine it. Working to support yourself and your wife, wife is chronically ill, all your wife does is act kawaii online for internet points, she blew all the money she actually had for herself on clothes and fucked up the taxes on it, he's probably trying to help her with that since she doesn't have a job.
Add in the recent announcement of her being "queer" (probaby also for internet asspats), her past evidence of being emotionally distant (not contacting him at all when she was in Japan), impulsive (spending big $$ on clothes and Pom without thinking ahead), and goodness knows how much shit is going on offline that we don't know about, the guy was going to crack sooner or later.
I hope I'm reading into this too much and that he's okay, but that's the impression I'm getting.
No. 646829
>>646793But that's what startups are too? They're traps set lure in brilliant but new talent. They get over worked and underpaid. Most don't have benefits because they're tiny small businesses. At least Google is resume candy.
Damn, it's been wild watching this unfold. I knew this was going to explode and wanted to warn him about Tech startups and how they're scams, but Kate was a bitch to the comm so… Kek.
No. 646950
>>646858Just like you can work at a Louis Vuitton store and not be able to afford to buy the products.
Iirc he worked on the tech/admin side of things, it was just healthcare related.
No. 647506
>>646774>He would have made it really well here and I am convinced she persuaded him to move there to help her live her dream when all she’s done the past year is post on IG for clout and made 3 YouTube videos when she doesn’t have a real job.Living in LA can be great only if you have a good paying job w/benefits to work there. It's not as expensive as SF, but the COL will be vastly higher compared to Pittsburgh. I was skeptical about Kate moving with her husband to LA in the first place. She has no job and she would be better off living in Pittsburgh. I learned recently that my bf is moving to Seattle, but with my line of work, I cannot move with him atm. It's a LDR rn. It may or may not work out as I'm building my career. My hope is to move out there in a year once I get my licensing.
>>646858>The whole reason she went on that trip to Nepal was because her husband was speaking at a global healthcare conference in Kathmandu. Why would you do this? He's an adult, you're an adult.
No. 647619
>>647607what does enrage anons is she wore Lolita for 90% of the trip instead of enjoying it like a normal person
def. traveled to Italy for a week. when i packed, it didn't bring any lolita to wear sans some indie brand bloomers.
No. 648745
File: 1532697371457.png (125.37 KB, 640x848, IMG_1813.PNG)

Here are some old caps that bugged me. She really thought she would *~slay~* with other LA girls when she moved there kek
No. 648746
File: 1532697421425.png (106.8 KB, 640x789, IMG_1814.PNG)

No. 648747
File: 1532697495977.png (64.38 KB, 640x497, IMG_2555.PNG)

In response to annoying children iirc
No. 648769
File: 1532701903238.jpeg (64.15 KB, 591x596, E28F7CF9-F6A6-415F-B918-411700…)

>>648745Would she bring back the Skype tea party as a perk for her $300 patrons?
(I couldn’t find caps of the Indiegogo page but here’s a secret about it)
No. 649049
>>649009Probably both. I was thinking i could get a sweet deal but even with the discount it's probably cheaper to go to lacemarket still.
>>648745lol how delusional
No. 649544
File: 1532793948771.png (42.66 KB, 1080x312, Screenshot.png)

No. 650014
>>638747She's cluster B, I guarantee it. He chained himself to a living, breathing part of hell. I see him pulling an hero just to get away from her constant OTT dramuh.
>>638777Let's not forgot she's also utterly insane.
No. 650891
File: 1532937659322.png (61.9 KB, 640x688, IMG_4409.PNG)

Her comment is so ironic it hurts
No. 650899
>>650891Who are they talking about?
>making fun of someone’s extensions and calling them a “nightmare human being”That’s not very LACE of you, Kate UnU
No. 652421
File: 1533071129619.png (609.54 KB, 739x547, unflattery.png)

that smile looks so awkward
No. 656050
File: 1533341586319.png (177.63 KB, 640x807, IMG_7571.PNG)

She's selling this dress on her Facebook Sales album and Lace Market. She won't wash it before mailing it, just read her LM feedback. Further proof that she's disgusting
No. 657234
File: 1533483130241.jpg (70.93 KB, 950x1094, FB_IMG_1533483034303.jpg)

From facebook
>I filmed something for a new YouTube series yesterday! I hope they decide to air my episode! I also ran into Sean Chong-Umeda who was filming his episode too LOL pastel friends stick together!!!!
Trying to worm her way back into the limelight?
No. 657509
File: 1533514072613.png (1.28 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7614.PNG)

>>657234It seems so. I found this on chiffon's story
No. 657554
File: 1533518464649.jpg (118.17 KB, 1027x354, uri_mr1533518390525.jpg)

No. 657801
>>657554>15$ is an insane fee!!Go to school. Get a job. Do ANYTHING that isn't reselling pieces and collecting special buckz while you try to stay relevant on social media and reach for tacky reality shows to do a special on you.
(Every alt girl tries to jump on some TLC tier show just to have some lime light, How do none of them feel shame/embarassment? Its essentially social suicide)
No. 657803
>>657554That’s only 3%. What a fucking baby.
If the dress was worth $750, why did it sell for only $500? Or was it “worth” $750 because she’s worn it?
No. 658120
File: 1533587576339.png (399.69 KB, 576x581, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at 1.31…)

>>657234Who is Sean Chong-Umeda? Is he a notable J-fashion guy? I only recognize his name because he bought some off of me from ebay a few months ago.
No. 658343
>>658094She's fake and everything she does is for IG clout. She bought most of her followers.
>>658120He's a nobody. He won the Kawaii International photo contest and that's all. I've never seen him at any LA events and he isn't involved in the Jfashion comm
No. 658348
File: 1533599389467.png (166.65 KB, 640x617, IMG_7602.PNG)

ur so xxedgyxx taking photos in the CVS wine aisle!! Are you planning to become the wine guzzling soccer mom type due to your current midlife crisis?
No. 658697
File: 1533655486042.jpg (111.39 KB, 934x960, 38639254_10156395541762527_567…)

No. 659893
File: 1533766183190.png (39.27 KB, 1080x288, Screenshot_20180808-170920.png)

Kate's back home.
No. 659894
File: 1533766255552.png (49.01 KB, 1080x752, Screenshot_20180808-171017.png)

>>659893Also lots of vague posting.
No. 660437
>>660404I don't think theres anyone in PGH that would put their lives on hold for her either.
The only person I could think of is the crazy goose girl, but she's also one of those 'chronically ill' special snowflakes.
No. 660966
File: 1533868549438.png (414.65 KB, 321x615, hidolls.png)

more sob stories
No. 660973
File: 1533869054939.png (414.07 KB, 321x619, heyimonkofi.png)

>>660969>>660972i was thinking that too
No. 660975
File: 1533869157598.png (215.6 KB, 321x621, kofilink.png)

>>660973she's telling her uses to give her money via kofi
No. 660976
File: 1533869163253.png (387.98 KB, 1074x1388, Screenshot_20180809-214547.png)

No. 660977
>>660972Praying its divorce cause I live for when the jfashionistas with no employment loose their special buckz, it means they end up either
A: Milkier
B: shaping up and abandoning their bs web world for the sake of being an adult.
No. 660978
File: 1533869275132.png (390.7 KB, 325x617, closefriends.png)

>>660975last story for now (i think)
No. 661006
>>660982Which fashionistas have been divorced? Just wondering.
>>660983Wouldn't it be better to put a paypal personal link? Doesn't kofi charge a fee?
No. 661142
>>661085of course anon. i bet her husband often refused to take a lot of pictures of her in various dresses posed with her cat after he came home from work!
>>661136me$$age of kindne$$
No. 661325
>>660976Ok, I get that things can be tough. I get that maybe she's not in a healthy enough place to work (though if she's still going out in lolita and taking pictures I think shes probably well enough for at least a part time job).
But it grinds my gears that she expects people to give her money when she has thousands of dollars in lolita. She may have to take a hit and not get what she thinks the value is (because she apparently inflates it) but isn't any money better than no money and a dress? Does this girl just really have zero sense of responsibility and the value of money?
No. 661362
>>660976“Like what I do?”
…which is what, exactly?
No. 661777
File: 1533944573942.png (1.21 MB, 640x1136, IMG_7650.PNG)

>>661356I'm tired of people giving summaries of her pictures and posts in this thread. This is an image board, post pictures or screen grabs
Here is the picture you dropped
No. 662073
>>661325I can't defend Kate's behavior otherwise, but I can understand this since I have similar issues–chronic illness is rough to begin with, but digestive chronic illness is
really rough and makes it super difficult to stick to a predetermined schedule, and most jobs don't let you come in "when you can," you must be scheduled. It's pretty difficult to find jobs which allow remote work/flexibility from the get-go too unless you're a freelancer.
It makes sense that she can go to events, go out and take photos, etc. but wouldn't be able to hold down a job. Day-long modeling gigs can be rescheduled if she's having a flare up or a bad day illnesswise.
No. 662100
>>662073Honestly there are so many jobs with flex hours, home office and a bunch of other perks you can use to manage a chronic illnesses. Its just most Jfash people either stopped their education at hs because they forget their family is financially supporting them and hope their e-fame somehow grows into an actual income.
That or they get ridiculously useless art degrees/fashion degrees that they again find no actual work to apply it to, its always jobs they could have gotten just from having an internet presence ie con jobs, "modeling" jobs (for cons), being "ambassadors" and other things that add up to pennies.
She could make a bunch of money in many stem fields where she has the right to sit inside all day minding her bussiness but it all takes an education or some form of inuition and drive to learn tools which honestly has never been there lmfao
(Saging the mini rant but its an honest to god problem specially in these niche communities with people getting hugboxed for their illnesses when theres so many options that can literally get you up in 800k a yr from sitting on your ass with health insurance on lock down, but god forbid they don't have time for lewlita, convenshuns and doing their makeup at 3pm cause nobody judges them for being a lazy bum with whack time schedules that are whack for no other reason than them being spoiled which in their heads is just being 'understood' and getting their 'needs' met for such difficultTM chronic/mental/physical illnesses)
No. 662106
File: 1533991116228.jpeg (756.65 KB, 1242x1061, 85194113-A132-4167-87F6-6E38D3…)

>>660437She did post about hanging out with goose and Claire so I guess those are the only friends she has right now. Must be desperate. Claire vaguebooking may be notable here.
>>662020No they don’t. Insta said they tried it out for a bit but that isn’t a feature for stories right now. Unless you got sent it personally, that always told you about screenshots
No. 662111
>>661777I wasn't on mobile, but yes, that is the post. It's all the same shit reiterated anyway.
>>662106If she's her friend, why not send her this in private? Who's this for?
No. 662368
File: 1534021137103.jpeg (119.7 KB, 540x960, B83705C0-8B20-4AE7-B164-743CA1…)

>>662295Goose is bat shit crazy, I can’t imagine willingly wanting to hang out with her. Such efame whores
No. 662523
>>662477>>662431>>662295Goose is in LA, she made an IG story about a sudden trip. No screencap because the story expired. Probably responded to Kate's call for help here
No. 663474
>>662106This is so fucking weird, why would you publicly post about someone ELSE'S problems like that when they're not even talking about them themselves?
This reeks of attention-seeking and I'm willing to bet that K8 is encouraging her to do this kind of stuff for direct more pity towards her.
No. 664017
File: 1534212703577.png (1.26 MB, 1977x2048, Screenshot_20180813-210939.png)

Wtf happened to not having any money? Too cheap ass to spend money on a hotel, but still want to travel for "self discovery".
No. 664039
>>664017Sounds like she's driving back home to the East Coast and is trying to get her fans to let her stay with them rather than getting hotels.
It definitely seems like her husband either told her he's filing for divorce or kicked her out, and instead of just lying low and trying to deal with it, she has to keep up her kawaii ugu image on social media.
No. 664094
>>664017>>664039Man, this is weird as fuck. Is she going to be lugging around a Uhaul while hanging out with friends? Why not just get one of those shipping containers to pack her crap up in and then fly home to save the stress of DRIVING ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE COUNTRY.
Still not totally sure if her and Matt are divorcing, by the way. Didn't he go back home to Pittsburgh? Maybe she was left in charge of dealing with the move after his breakdown.
No. 664281
>>664017I highly doubt that she's gonna crash at some stranger's house.
>ends up at creepy pedo's house>gets molested>"send me money to recover from the pain!!!" seriously why did she ask for money? for all of this? wow what a massive ass
No. 664406
>>664281Think about it, she's always gotten away with everything, so she's going to keep milking thirsty fans for all they're worth.
People are so starry-eyed over her colorful shooped insta posts that they'd probably fucking throw themselves into traffic to help her live her ~kawaii desu~ lifestyle.
She got away with the LACE bullshit, she got away with selfposting to cgl, she got away with saying the whole western community was nasty and toxic, she bought a kitten mill cat, cut her husband off while on her kawaii nihon holiday, she's clearly started running out of luck with her husband but even still, people are just handing her money. Even if he won't put up with her anymore, plenty of people will.
A large fanbase will often have a collectively short memory unless the person has done something absolutely reprehensible.
No. 664686
File: 1534292594916.jpg (956.83 KB, 1080x1794, uri_mh1534292566165.jpg)

What would the tutorial be? How to shove as many bows on your wig as possible? At least brush your curls.
No. 665115
File: 1534337847633.jpg (920.79 KB, 1152x1912, uri_mh1534337667964.jpg)

Glad to see you're spending your money wisely k8. Buying cheap sunglasses and eating out
No. 666166
File: 1534420263033.png (761.5 KB, 2048x1823, Screenshot_20180816-064957.png)

No. 666170
>>665125it's trashy to post this in general tbh.
>>665137maybe she just has loads of autism.
No. 666181
>>666166The vagueposting she's doing is killing me. Either post openly about shit, or keep it private properly.
>>666171Sort of worried it's something like that if he's had a nervous breakdown.
No. 666187
>>666166>>666181Can't cap because it was on her story and expired, but a few weeks ago she posted about her husband being sexually assaulted and having to go to hospital. I found it pretty weird and distasteful to share with her 30k followers but I feel like that might be a rough aftermath.
Sage for no proof
No. 666631
File: 1534464594166.png (3.07 MB, 1240x2048, Screenshot_20180816-190815.png)

Posting old photos to show how much she loves her husband uwu
No. 667620
File: 1534600928807.png (276.44 KB, 2048x717, Screenshot_20180818-090133.png)

No. 668454
File: 1534715735985.jpg (259.28 KB, 1080x1688, 1534715596560.jpg)

More glasses
No. 669121
File: 1534804312503.jpg (23.95 KB, 480x640, YSL Loulou.jpg)

>>668454>making a reference to the novel Lolitayikes
>>668668They're still shitty knockoffs. Pic related are the original ones.
No. 669156
File: 1534808692152.png (202.79 KB, 1080x1315, Screenshot_20180820-184252.png)

No. 669254
if her husband is divorcing her (and good for him if he is) then i wonder what she will have to do to make a living now. does this chick have any skills?
>>668454>>669121Who wants to bet she never read the book? Comparing yourself to the main character is really trash regardless
>>669156what the fuck
No. 670268
File: 1534927786406.png (33.95 KB, 579x152, goose.png)

>>669779Apparently not any longer. Do hostels even exist in the USA?
No. 672368
>>671057What probably happened is Kate asked for half the rent which Goose couldn't afford. But Kate probably whined about being along so Goose flew out to join her anyways, staying at a hostel to save cash.
Which is weird, since I thought one of Goose's 'stalkers' lived on the West Coast. Isn't Goose also going through a divorce, or was it she just moved away from that poor soul?
No. 672776
>>672429>beloved dinosaurlol what does this mean?
All I know about Goose is that she wrote those ridiculously long novels on CoF and then threw a tantrum when people were like tl;dr
No. 673456
File: 1535255686120.png (1.6 MB, 1065x1056, Slay.png)

Why would you post such an unflattering photo? She's such a trend follower by luuuving drag.
No. 673802
>>673456Pic is titled slay.png and is 1.6 MB.
The one uploaded to her personal fb a while ago is not the same resolution, same with Instagram. The is definitely the original.
Hi K8 what’s good bitch?
No. 674257
>>673802Isn't this the exact thing she got outed for on 4chan a couple years back?
It's probably her and her desperate female fame orbiters, not sure who's more pathetic.
No. 674312
File: 1535368259645.jpeg (198.79 KB, 749x1331, 4C08507E-FFD1-4E5F-8BF0-75D582…)

>>674251She posted it on FB on May but posted this image on IG recently.
No. 674372
>>674330Nayrt, but no, she was supposedly exposed for self-posting a few months after she started LACE (around summer 2015). Anons noticed the files being posted to /cgl/ to mock Kate weren't traceable to her social media. This was never acknowledged by her though, I believe.
She was also confirmed lurker/poster of the Jillian thread here after posting screenshots with the farm tab left open.
No. 674715
>>674480That was fake. You guys are too dumb, at least pretend to read the thread if first. I get that in the moment it was funny but she didn’t self post that.
She did post on 4chan when she was just the girl with the hipster glasses tho. That was self posting for sure but by the time her doc was being filmed she wasn’t self posting. There is also talk about the guy who filmed her being the one posting her at this time to film her reaction to bullying
>>120011 and other comments about this earlier up thread.
>>674368 file post thing was found to be fake after a few people realized that resizing happens when you save on your phone.
No. 674861
>>674480That forgiveness picture was taken from her FB a few weeks earlier, so it's not evidence. The only time she 100% admitted to self-poisting was during the glasses era, like
>>674715 said.
No. 674937
>>674023Walking on eggshells isn't really true. It was more like everyone was super intimidated by her presence that people stopped going to meets.
When she left, meeting attendence seemed to go up, since people now felt they weren't going to be judged for not being at her level.
What pissed me off was the mods were cool with her just coming back and sweeping things under the rug after the whole Lace bs. Never had to make a public apology for using people in the comm for social media points and throwing us under the bus when things didnt go her way.
No. 674947
File: 1535460284447.png (2.58 MB, 1903x2048, Screenshot_20180828-074337.png)

JFC those lashes
No. 677462
File: 1535756774964.jpg (316.91 KB, 1080x1149, uri_mh1535756741200.jpg)

Sage yer shit
No. 678129
File: 1535847023657.png (71.83 KB, 1080x450, LEWK.png)

No. 678273
File: 1535865740886.jpg (86.98 KB, 790x1185, normcore.jpg)

>>678197No matter how many thousands of dollars of clothes, wigs and makeup she piles on herself, her Taking Lakynn and Tatum to Soccer Practice face only suits one style.
No. 679655
File: 1535959892483.jpeg (54.86 KB, 539x600, 9C04E182-FDC1-490B-A38B-3DA7F1…)

>>678873This is her out of J fashion
No. 679656
File: 1535960024502.jpeg (205.3 KB, 780x948, 2CA292B0-9842-4042-AB2A-3197C3…)

>>679655On 2nd thought I can't tell if she was trying for jfash or if she was trying to do a casual
lewk here
I found this gem too
No. 679661
>>678273This girl looks at least somewhat cute and feminine.
Kate…does not.
No. 680423
File: 1536037499857.jpeg (44.55 KB, 600x315, 3AE3226F-32E0-4C33-B174-B439AC…)

>>679656Christ she shoops her recent photos to hell and back. Especially that chin
No. 680444
>>666631what is it with flakes and having an s.o that looks like them does the narc run that deep idk what he looks like without the uwu filter but i thought that was her brother eugh
>>666200jfc kate lol
No. 680678
File: 1536077748008.png (1.06 MB, 1043x787, katiebabybat.png)

>>678164>>678873Her personal is still up, katiebabybat. Hardly a secret.
No. 681126
File: 1536112140404.png (1.79 MB, 1080x1784, Screenshot_20180904-204656.png)

Pic of her new nails. I would be mad if I had to pay for this. Shouldn't you be trying to save money k8?
No. 681214
>>680678I can't believe I'm saying this but her even her ratty wigs are better than her real hair.
>>681126Did the salon literally cut up children's stickers and slap them on her nails? Everything looks messy as fuck.
No. 682148
File: 1536212323324.png (77.69 KB, 640x638, IMG_7882.PNG)

>>682147Dropped the pic, sorry
No. 682339
File: 1536246339722.gif (472.19 KB, 160x160, AE4696B3-ED5D-49B7-87F3-A2EB48…)

>>680678>>680856>>681214>>681374she straight up has shitty hair because of shit genetics aka androgenetic alopecia. The constant wigs probably don’t help but at least most of us can rest easy this crusty mess can spend all her money on kawaii fashion but she can never be truly kawaii with bald patches and hair constantly falling out
No. 682364
>>682343>unlisted video>"look what appeared on my feed"Why lie?
Anyway, glad to see this piece of cringe again.
No. 686627
File: 1536773853119.png (989.13 KB, 750x1334, C722A461-B828-4DF8-9989-3D2E9A…)

Classy as always