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No. 170107
>>170103Make a kawaii Asian boy Facebook profile and add her. She'd probably accept.
Her askfm: No. 170114
Hello. I'm Sakura. I guess you can say I like to read and write, although I am kind of lazy. I'm a fourth year in high school and I have a few really good friends. When I get un-lazy. I'll probably wrte SOMETHING XD.
No. 170115
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No. 170116
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No. 170122
File: 1431114104827.jpg (19.98 KB, 320x240, sailor-moon1.jpg)

>>170120How is it good OC? She literally just gave Sailor Moon pink hair and changed her name.
No. 170128
>>170098>i'm an actress and singerIs there any proof? what the fuck
bitch is jealous of Venus
No. 170134
File: 1431906852910.jpg (63.68 KB, 581x960, 21891_1049020091794541_5284137…)

more shit art from yours truly
No. 170137
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No. 170140
Her new fb picture for this account lightened the shit out of it, and blurred the crap out of her bad skin/fat face
No. 170143
File: 1432578199505.jpg (56.55 KB, 477x720, 13493_718692661575160_35761754…)

she commissioned this with money
No. 170144
File: 1432578344983.jpg (58.04 KB, 509x720, 11080925_694769147300845_54631…)

this is a recolor BTW
No. 170145
File: 1432578473582.jpg (30.75 KB, 480x672, 11061310_691252537652506_71450…)

just straight up stolen art
pretending she made it
"omg! i have so many followers! here, have a picture of my character" …
No. 170146
>>170145isn't that the MC of cardcaptor sakura?
fucking kek
No. 170149
File: 1432580162846.png (464.06 KB, 800x400, aw.png)

lol her art
No. 170157
>>170155united states
the place where japanese men come in droves and can speak perfect english while coincidentally at the same place where she is
No. 170160
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No. 170161
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No. 170165
I'm Hispanic like my father came straight from Mexico and I was born in the U.S. I've never seen a Mexican girl that look like that
like a lot of Mexican females have fat faces me included, but that nose is far from Mexican so are those eyes like no lol nah she's not Mexican get the fuck out
No. 170166
>>170164she said she's Chinese and then also half Japanese
tbh I would believe maybe it she was half bc her nose looks Asian but the fat face swells up so much you can't tell her face shape
No. 170168
>>170167chill out about what
wtf are you talking about I was chill from the get go I just swear a lot I wasn't telling you to fuck off
you need to calm down don't take shit personally it's a fuckin anon forum
No. 170171
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No. 170172
File: 1432725739329.jpg (161 KB, 1248x636, 11195421_820380901342627_93431…)

Sakura editing her pictures to look more jap
No. 170173
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No. 170175
Sakura Shizukesa added 2 new photos.
April 24 at 5:06pm ·
You know how like in anime, the protagonist has their closest friends that remain with them through thick and thin? When I was a child, I always wanted that. I wanted friends who could always be there for me. I thought I would never though… I'm a crybaby, dense, klutzy, forgetful, lazy, selfish, jealous, rash, and a bunch of other things… but these people were able to over look my vices and still accept me for who I am.
No. 170177
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No. 170179
File: 1432725976545.jpg (36.48 KB, 641x854, 11212214_820386108008773_12859…)

No. 170182
File: 1432726093565.jpg (18.86 KB, 270x480, 11186294_820387194675331_13112…)

Sakura's boyfriend
No. 170183
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No. 170189
>>170181It's about fourth time I've heard "I am just adopted in Amurica cuz I'm Japanese and my real name is (something so stereotypically Japanese it hurts) u guise srsly!!!" story. I think this is one of the last steps to being completely delusional lolcow and nothing else.
I tell ya, this is the next PT. I am sure of it.
No. 170199 asked the OC 'question'.
I tried to send another:
No. Your OC is a carbon COPY of Serenity. All you did was give her different hair.
But it won't let me without logging in, which is weird because the first time I asked a question it just let me. I'm guessing she changed it so you need an account or facebook to ask questions now.
No. 170201
She tries way too fucking hard. around 1:40, the worker asks her "What's your name?" She replies with "Grace, but that's my American name." [Worker says something I can't make out. "You can put Sakura."
No. 170203
>>170201I want to know the story on how they got together, because she's definitely the type that guilt trips her boyfriend (saying this because I'm that type lmao)
In the video when you make your bear, you gotta do this stupid heart shit and she's like "You have to do it, don't you love me???!!!?"
No. 170209
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No. 170214
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No. 170218
used to be popular but nowadays it's considered old-fashioned to have a name ending with -ko.
No. 170219
>>170217One of my Japanese friends from elementary to middle school was named Sakura Suzuki.
In hindsight, it sounds like some fake weeb name.
No. 170220
>>170218Ah, figures. The person that told me that was my middle aged Japanese teacher.
>>170219Sakura seems to be a default weeabo name. Along with Yami and Ai.
I mean, I've seen people that have Sakura as a surname but it seems to be less common as a first name. Maybe it will get more popular now as some Japanese parents are starting to name their kids after anime characters and whatnot but I don't believe for a second that it's as popular as Amanda.
No. 170222
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No. 170223
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all she put in the description was "me and one of my very best friends", holy shit.
No. 170225
>>170161After seeing who she shacks her ORIGINAL CHARACTER up with, I'm interested to know who it's base off of?
because it looks nothing like her boyfriend
>>170112>>170183 No. 170226
File: 1434048429424.jpg (27.07 KB, 434x480, 1452337_619340884774992_174246…)

>>170225Her "best friend", sam garrett
No. 170227
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No. 170228
>>170227that photoshop jfc
she needs to lay off the mei app
No. 170229
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No. 170231
File: 1466919609753.png (487.26 KB, 596x544, ahh.png) Nayelie Nieves2 weeks ago
NICE SONG WHAT IS THE NAME (btw your faces looks fat sorry love your singing)
No. 170234
File: 1467060014318.jpg (30.51 KB, 400x400, tumblr_lz2btxN7Jm1r058cd.jpg)

Just watched this feel like she made it only to milk attention from the Orlando shooting. Nothing she says sounds genuine and her fake sounding stutter pisses me off! Fuck this bitch, yes, I'm salty
No. 170242
File: 1467409149634.jpg (31.65 KB, 500x376, ugh.jpg)

>>170234Ugh cut the bs. Stop trying to speak like a uggu anime gurl while discussing a topic like this. Its gross.
No. 170243
File: 1468146230995.png (44.06 KB, 491x500, drama.png) her and some 12 year old got into a fight on YouTube. Does this chick ever not have drama surrounding her?
No. 170252
>>170251Filipino here. The Asian hierarchy is real, and goes as such:
>Japanese>Chinese & Korean>all other Asians You'd be amazed how racist Asians can be to other Asians. I'm fully Americanized and so are both my parents but my grandma fucking hates Koreans and still shittalks them whenever she is given the chance in conversation. There's a comedian named Amy Wong who has a special on Netflix and she has a funny but about it, also Tom Segura touches on it in his newer Netflix special (the LA one).
No. 170258
>>170256that forced voice and fake ass animu tone is REALLY cringey, jfc.
she says she was adopted in China at 14 months by a Filipino family. At 14 months she remembers her birth name is "Sakura Shizukesa"…. not convinced at all. She wouldn't be the first person to claim her real parents are "adoptive parents" because she's embarrassed of them
No. 170259
>>170256I don't even know this chick but
>I'm half Japanese half Chinese but I was adopted by a Filipino familyYou WISH, you self hating pinoy
No. 170260
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>>170259her posting screen shots from her FB page
No. 170261
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>>170260apparently she thinks it's romantic to post what her bf says in private to her public FB page in which everyone is pretty much under the age of 15
No. 170262
File: 1468705690318.jpg (46.55 KB, 539x960, 13697081_927238484053909_76701…)

>>170261telling her "he gets off to her"
No. 170263
>>170257She makes drama with autistic 15 year olds public and gets her "fans" to harass them, is almost in her 20s, is in college and claims she's a mature adult, boasts about how popular she is, boasts about being Japanese/Chinese when she's Filipino, boasts about how much money she makes from YouTube, acts like she's a spoiled middle schooler and is ultimately cringey. The list could honestly go on, too. The chick is just a bad egg. I've also seen her flip out on her fans, put them down, harass them, and treat them as if they're lower than her. Just go through her YouTube videos and see how she responds to them sometimes.
The problem here is you saying "I acted like her in my MIDDLE SCHOOL DAYS" even though she's barely in her teenage years anymore.
No. 170265
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>>170264Looks like one, too, kek.
No. 170266
File: 1468731055677.png (34.25 KB, 479x410, fss.png)

She has such great potential to be a cow, it's hilarious
now her "bulimia" is triggered
No. 170268
>>170266do people with
tw usually screenshot the comments and publicize it on Facebook for ass pats? i would think they wouldn't want to see it again or talk about it lol
No. 170269
>>170268That's what someone who isn't an attention whore would do. Anyone who is in the least bit will publicize their
tw's as best they can.
No. 170270
File: 1468908336293.jpg (95.28 KB, 540x960, 11295639_10204436187084835_339…)

pic of her and her BF from her BF's facebook page
No. 170271
File: 1468909152202.png (59.04 KB, 558x794, wtf.png)

This chick has enough money to save up for a 10k vacation in ONE year but cannot afford to buy herself a 300 microphone? wtf… talk about using her fans to get shit
No. 170272
File: 1468909349061.png (193.43 KB, 930x670, holy shit.png)

and she's selling terribly designed shirts with font she probably didn't even purchase… and "#SakuraPride?" what the fuck is that suppose to mean? She's not a social movement
No. 170273
File: 1468909551248.jpg (31.33 KB, 270x480, wtf1.jpg)

her posting more drama to her public FB page??? how much attention does this girl need?
No. 170275
File: 1468910046784.png (82.45 KB, 499x265, wtf3.png)

this is from last year, but holy shit, looks like she even talks shit about her jobs and makes it public
hate to get into an argument with this chick
No. 170278
>>170270Holy shit. She claims someone called her a skinny bitch? Nope. Reading this thread I thought she was only mildly chubby with a super fat face like some Asians, but she's a genuine lard.
And god damn it with that body shape and dress choice. Most teens choose ugly prom dresses from the department store clearance rack, but why not get a fucking princess cut/empire waist?!
No. 170279
>>170270Man she's got a weird ass body shape
her upper torso is really disproportionate from her bottom she looks like a oversized mermaid.
No. 170282
>>170281Nevermind, should've read the whole thread before posting.
And, damn, she's even more fat than her face-only pics already implied.
No. 170283
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No. 170284
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No. 170287
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… words for this
No. 445535
File: 1513471212687.jpg (181.51 KB, 1600x900, Hmmmm Interesting.jpg)

Well it appears she is causing more drama. She apparently broke off ties with her so-called brother, Benemetrix (His YouTube Channel Name), She deleted all traces of him on her Instagram and in that place left this message
No. 451065
>>445535I mean Benimetrix ( )
I screwed the name up
Yeah she cut ties with him for some reason
No. 460128
>>449341I saw her recently there too. She works at the anime shop in Little Tokyo. We were shopping and she butt into a conversation my friend and I were having about CCS to talk about her cosplays instead of doing her job on a busy day.
I was also at an event before where she was and dear god I could tell the staff was appalled by her weeby behavior. She also was incredibly insecure of the other cosplayers there when she arrived simpler costume. I was polite towards her when she tried making excuses about why she didn't wear a different costume since some of us were in more ornate things, not that it mattered to us. Honestly I am glad that she didn't recognize me out of cosplay.
No. 470909
>>470897Damn she must have said too much about something for her to delete them both. Maybe she said something about Ben or someone else that could have affected her negatively so she hid it
I wish the internet wayback machine worked for her stuff
No. 476791
>>476619Especially when she acts like a baby. My god that was cringy this you'll see what I mean. A part of me think this might be a strange kink when
she and her fiance are in between the sheets
No. 480195
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No. 480196
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No. 529206
File: 1521057409953.jpg (479.4 KB, 757x612, LuGYH.jpg)

i hope someone actually complies like a video of all the proof that shes insane and doesn't know what the hell shes doing is egotistical fake and constantly looks down on others. She will never make it to the actual voice acting community if she keeps going down the path she is going now. i can cofirm that other persons statement that she cheated on her fiance in uniifversity and i knew her really well before she moved to Cali in fact i knew her in person and I watched as she got obssesed over Ben who she basically forced the role of her "brother" onto him. But i wont post anything here because i dont need that crazy bitch to use her underage miraculous ladybug fandom to attack me because its obvious she wants to attack but maybe i can post one thing to make it clear i know what im talking i got some solid shit and guess what "princess" i have more HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 529384
File: 1521066389514.jpg (48.25 KB, 905x1124, IMG_2640.JPG)

No. 530816
>>528745This. Thank you anon.
I want some milk, like all of us, but here there's no caps, no context…just a bunch of (underaged?) vendetta-chans. Sad.
polite sage
No. 533785
>>533759You have no idea how much that saying
triggers her xD
(xD) No. 533923
File: 1521567374703.jpg (40.97 KB, 583x583, Cg-uflkWwAIsmN5[1].jpg)

>>533920cause the whole thread is vandetta-chans at this point.
No. 534975
>>533785I'm not saying it to
trigger her. I'm saying it because that's how it is
No. 549823
File: 1523213867417.jpg (6.78 KB, 400x166, vDMbYLv_d.jpg)

Just in case Imgur takes it down
No. 549825
File: 1523213914949.jpg (3.88 KB, 640x64, hl37Laf_d.jpg)

No. 552260
File: 1523416118542.png (290.18 KB, 500x630, d2f034eb56fbf783a9c55fb30db0f0…)

>>551481Hi Sakura Serenity its seems like your trying to damage control.
No. 552289
>>551481Oh, and one more thing. She's had multiple opportunities to change herself for the better, but she's never taken any of them because she is in fact a cold hearted piece of shit who only does "good" things only to make herself look good. She is NOT a good person whatsoever. She bad mouths her friends a LOT. She bad mouthed Ben to me, she's bad mouthed people who use to be friends with her to me and a group chat of over 20 other people. She's not that "innocent angel" you think she is, or how she tries to portray herself. She's a heartless, manipulative bitch who knows exactly what she does to people, yet doesn't do ANYTHING to change how she is. She may say that she does, but she really REALLY doesn't because that would require EFFORT. So yeah, fuck her. It's your choice whether or not you want to stay with her, but I'm warning you, you'll lose yourself when you find out how she really is, and you'll find yourself being manipulated and lied to. I would know
No. 552302
>>552289How do you know all of this? Were you once friends with her? Honestly I came here after hearing about the Benimetrix Drama and reading all of this makes me feel bad for him and other people involved with her. Including her boyfriend who I think is alright.
Plus she is friends with this guy named RileyChaseFox who I think is alright as well. I hope he wasn’t laughing or wasn’t there in that group call badmouthing Ben and the others because that would be disappointing he seems cool
No. 553473
File: 1523546660050.png (168.22 KB, 640x1136, FF4EEF69-BF5F-4A7B-99AE-43DDE8…)

She’s Backtracking on her Half Japanese Claim now all because of a DNA test that’s an Over The Counter test
No. 553733
>>553488Thanks for that. I don't take DNA tests like 23andme and Ancestry seriously, so she shouldn't really take the results as truth.
I mean, who would?
No. 573784
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No. 573785
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No. 573786
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No. 573787
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No. 589843
File: 1526861726716.png (504.91 KB, 640x1136, C00A80AD-E504-4E44-8FFD-A97C00…)

She is trying to go dark
No. 594619
File: 1527369538585.png (219.27 KB, 640x1136, 5DB2A81E-E797-4076-978C-2E6BC2…)

She’s back
No. 602116
File: 1528159545334.jpg (128.18 KB, 1366x768, Welly Well Well.jpg)

>>552302Hate to be the bearer of bad news. But RileyChaseFox might not be as innocent as he seems. I was looking on his Twitter for new videos and I found this
Well, the person asking seemed to take it in stride. But this might be evidence that RileyChaseFox is a homophobic asswipe.
The princess seems to surround herself with all kinds of snakes.
No. 648961
Someone mailed me this morning about Sakura and what happened between her and Ben and to some extent Isa
The tipster got involved with the whole debacle again after they found out that Sakura (or Grace as the Tipster chose to call her and to Clarify from here on out) had been hospitalized from… something. They heard this through someone in her discord server, and before that had tried to avoid anything involving her. They asked Isa what was going on and he gave them the run-down that she and Ben had gotten into it and she had a breakdown and had to go to the hospital and that it was 70% Ben's fault because he slammed the door in her face in the middle of a conversation which… didn't sound like Ben at all. He's a very sweet kid and doesn't tend to just start shit. So They asked Ben directly, and he told them the truth: she had cornered him while he was getting ready for work and she was yelling at him about something they don't even remember ( They do have the screenshots of what he told them however due to privacy reasons they did not share them) and he told her he was done and needed to get to work and he shut his door so he could change into his work clothes, she BARGED INTO HIS ROOM, he somehow got her out and she went into her room and started screaming. Isa did NOT witness any of this and took Grace's word for it before going to Ben and giving him shit for it and actually convinced Ben for awhile that it was mostly his fault. That was when the tipster knew something wasn't right.
After several weeks of poking and prodding at both Ben and Isa, and with some help from a friend who had access to Grace's profiles that The Tipster didn't (They had her blocked on practically everything) They determined that there was a hierarchy of abuse going on. Grace was at the top and mistreating both Isa and Ben, and Isa was mistreating Ben because that shit tends to trickle down that way. Ben was being yelled at, blamed for everything, forced to do pretty much all the housework, and anytime Grace had a breakdown it was somehow Ben's fault. She had also forced him onto their family cell plan, and at some point actually lied and said that T-Mobile let her read his messages so she could "get the truth out of him" that he was telling the tipster everything that was going on in that house. It wasn't just a falling out or financial issues, he was being emotionally abused and is still trying to recover from it.
No. 648976
File: 1532719430271.jpg (3.74 MB, 4032x3024, 20171003_111659.jpg)

This was their apartment before they moved and Ben was still with them. NONE of these belonged to him
No. 649948
File: 1532831319781.png (966.97 KB, 640x1136, 1DE17A9C-91C4-4F9E-8DA1-862417…)

Here is the princess from ten years ago wow she has become a nutso
No. 649952
File: 1532831535328.png (784.37 KB, 640x1136, 88D1FF40-BC13-485E-B874-DC8A30…)

Yeah Sakura you are not Venus Angelic.
No. 651415
Let me give you the tea here. It all started when I became friends with Marianne and she introduced me to Miraculous Ladybug. I started searching around and I really liked the show. I started looking on YouTube and came across the infamous Princess Sakura Serenity. I didn't like her voice so I didn't subscribe, and I moved on. I didn't look back and forgot about her easily. My friendship with Marianne became closer and closer until she sent me a message with "Sakura just stole my video" At first I was like. Who the fuck is Sakura? And then I remembered. That one bad voice actress. As I looked at her video which she posted, the video was indeed stolen from Marianne and with Sakura's own voice put over it. HERE YOU GO. Already another proof that she was too fucking lazy to edit her own shit and she still is. Marianne claimed the video and even the artist went after Sakura. And as I can remember, the video got taken down. Good. Karma strikes her and i thought she would change. Marianne did too and they finally talked to eachother. They made up and they even became friends.
I eventually became friends with Valory Pierce. But that I won't talk about as I do not have something personal against Valory. She has been as equally manipulated by that psychotic bitch called Sakura. But after a while being friends with Valory. I've met Sakura personally.
It was in a call together with Marianne and Sakura. And their friendship held on for a while until apparently Marianne did or said something bad about Sakura which made her lose her shit and she made a groupcall together with me and Valory. It was another shitty drama which only lasted for one week or so…
In that call she actually manipulated me as well as to talk shit about Marianne non stop. She told me lies about things Marianne did and I believed her for a couple of days. I actually fucking felt bad for Sakura.
But no. After agreeing to work together with Sakura, a few days later I found out Sakura and Valory blocked and removed me from their contacts. Weird, right?
A few days later, I found Sakura shit talking Marianne on one of her livestreams. Stating she wants to slap her. I heard that and I said this in the live chat: "Slapping Marianne? Mature…"
Sakura saw that and then blocked me from the stream, starting to shit talk about me as well. "Oh guys, we have a special someone in our chat!" She said in a mocking way.
Months after that I watched Sakura get after Marianne multiple times and she even sent Marianne a fucking community strike for NOTHING. Marianne had long decided not to associate with Sakura any longer but yet Sakura thought differently. Every fucking time when we tried to fight back, she won.
Now that's what I call manipulative. She shit talked about us so many times. Mostly on her livestreams. How we are apparently stealing content without permission(see the irony there?), how we are manipulative people who only care about popularity.
Listen sweetie, if anyone urges for popularity, it's you SakuRAT. All I hope is her channel, no. All of her fucking social media to disappear because I have never ever seen someone this toxic and psychotic as this in my entire life.
No. 651668
File: 1533014022899.jpg (64.06 KB, 500x375, Princess Psycho Serenity.jpg)

To commemorate the Princess' Loss
No. 651706
>>651415the real tea is this entire group of delusion chicks kek
it's like I'm reading a weeaboo manifesto
No. 654184
File: 1533174372576.jpg (110.22 KB, 1366x768, The Bitchs Twitch history is g…)

Their Twitch Channel is barren. She is purging people out of her life again
No. 683714
File: 1536396045165.png (120.67 KB, 640x1136, FF8E473A-924F-4811-980A-034D0F…)

Looks like she is rebranding. Or gonna rebrand
No. 709434
File: 1539218077567.png (55.24 KB, 1366x728, screen.PNG)

Most of her Instagram posts were deleted. There's just this single post on it.
No. 710075
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No. 718142
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I don't know if this is a joke or not, but, I had to post this.
No. 718308
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This was on her Instagram. She is leaving LA as well. Karma is a Bitch
No. 721821
>>721777Quick Notes I Took from the Stream for those that missed it (Note: This is pretty long, so sorry about that):
-Starts out with apologies to people she hurt- including her mother, someone named "Sam", Ben, and a guy named Evan whom she went to college with
-About Ben: Apparently, she admits she did hurtful things to him and even tried to sue Ben
-About Evan: She pushed her friend away to focus on Youtube
-Also apologizes to a group of friends she had
-She then talks about her depression and how no one was there for her emotionally; would constantly talk about her depression
-Talks about her ex-roommates; said bad things about them because it was her way of "venting"
-States that she paid for everything in the apartment; said she didn't mind them not paying for anything
-Began to resent her roommates
-When she kicked them out, she began to realize how toxic she was
-Laid down rules because she lacks control
-Mentions a guy that she liked who was friends with her ex-roommates
-The guy said that Sakura did wrong things, but, isn't a bad person
-Not expecting anyone to forgive her
-Zane told her that he will turn her crush against her and destroy her career; she says she doesn't blame him and now her crush hates her
-States that she announced that she is quitting so she can atone for she what she did, but, then states that she doesn't want to quit
-Then remarks that this is what she has to do in order to fix everything
-Says that she wants the guy she likes to hate her
-Says that she has to quit before things get worse
-States that the fans don't know her and think that apologizing can fix things; states that pisses her off when people assume things
-She then kind of snaps off that says that apologizing won't help her recover but going to therapy, if not, killing herself will
-Then states that she wants people to stop pretending that they know her and then ends the stream
No. 722487
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Some people are still coming forward following the stream
No. 722514
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She’s pulling a safelite like her stream never even happened
No. 723109
So I was watching a live stream with my friends and it seems like he had some few words abut sakura..had to give him some props so like: you go and enjoy the show
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first archived post by her roommate (more to come)
No. 723392
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>>723390screenshots from post
No. 723394
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>>723392>>723390archive finished
No. 723395
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archive of roommate #2
No. 723512
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