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No. 1509413[Reply]

This thread is for posting and discussing cringey fakebois, fujo male larpers and ftm snowflake behavior who may or may not deserve their own threads.

Fakebois are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming trannies or larping biological males (usually the former).

Fakebois style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female. Some are SJW transactivists, but for most their identities are entirely superficial.

Back off all trannies and your dysphoria because no1curr.

Old Threads by order of recency:
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No. 1541491

No. 1541601

This is just fujo NLOG with more steps kek

No. 1541706

Meanwhile gay male reality: Dirty bathroom sex with strangers
Anal cleansing
Getting shit on your dick
100 guys willing to suck your dick but no one willing to take you to dinner
So romantic. I wish tifs were friends with actual gay dudes, it loses the appeal real fast lmao even if they don't have an actual degenerate life style, these fantasies reflect something you'd see on a movie meant for teenage girls or on BL anime/manga… idk I can't quite put my finger on it. I feel like she doesn't have brothers either which makes her idolize basic male interactions and fantasize about how they interact with each other
I grew up mostly having male friends and seeing them interact with each other made me glad to be a girl kek

No. 1542635

Tim Pool / Anthony Fantano hybrid

No. 1548074

I always say if you want to watch shows actually made for gay men watch Queer as Folk, not Our Flag Means Death if you want to see what gay men ACTUALLY like in media. No matter how much you argue, soft romantic BL will never be made for men because they don’t like it!!! What’s so hard to get about that.

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No. 1539860[Reply]

> dates escort Sabrina Nellie
> clout chaser
> known drug abuser
> looks like a golden girl
> posts odd stories of him talking to himself as if he is on a magic carpet ride by himself
> did a live performance with Sandra Georgia Popa
> waits in the lobby while Sabrina Nellie escorts with her Johns

instagram- colorabsence
onlyfans.com/colorabsence(shit thread)

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No. 1539104[Reply]

Because one of you tried to make a thread and it was so horrible I had no choice but to make a new one:

>born Hailee Rozsansky, changed name to “Wednesday”, 19

>received an Orthodox education on Long Island, NY
>faggy Jew woman claiming to be a troon
>”drug addict” claiming/acting like she’s addicted to opioids
>last thread op said she was claiming to be pro-life but also “killed one of her own children” even though I personally found no receipts of this
>has an e-dating obsession. claimed to have met a british nazi on omegle, and when he didn’t respond to her for a few hours she carved his name into the skin on her thigh. this was a year ago.
>has “needed to be narcanned”
>walking joke…just imagine a computer drawing of a wojak libtard meme or something and I guarantee it’ll look just like Hailee. Piercings, dyed hair, laughable clothing choices. All of it.
>obviously e-begs like it’s a casual thing to do
>Mother is sick of her bullshit, currently living with her father because of it
>Is being christened with her first real, succinct thread because she decided to allege that she deserves to have her “transition” funded by her audience of like 5 people

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No. 1539175

She had a major trad-Catholic ex-gay phase in the beginning of 2022 at least, and the abortion of “one of her own children” was one her ex forced her to get, and the experience massively fucked her up

No. 1539179

shit op, she seems like a run of the mill manic druggie tiktok teen, is trooning out and cutting enough to warrant an entire thread now?

No. 1539472

Do you have receipts of this or is it all just word of mouth kek

No. 1539473

what’s the MtF cringe thread for if not the exact same thing? Freaks trooning out?

No. 1539937

For people like this dumbass. could this not have just been posted there?

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No. 1420439[Reply]

our previous thread saw an influx of blogposting, vendettas and pointless sperging over porridge b and hospitals, methinks some anons need a refresher on what the thread is for…
the milk:
ham is getting bigger, and seems to be advocating for increasing a dress size twice a year (much recovery, brave little warrior)
n2f is still as unhinged as ever, with an aggressive return of simply otherworldly creations posed as meals and wild face paint only fit to be seen on drunken drag queens.
eugenia cooney is still somehow alive, go figure. the pointless posts about her are clearly adding years onto her lifespan.
fiona continued to confuse audiences with a mixture of body checks and breakdowns, walking and wheelchairs…. hospital admission incoming? we await with baited breath.
niamh continues to behave like a narcissistic brat with an attention-seeking problem, though a certain anon seems heartily reluctant to allow discussion of her… not suspicious at all, im sure.
in wild attempt at relevancy, cece has taken to posting ‘treatment stories’ on tiktok about her “chronic anorexia”… whilst looking remarkably normal. what a brave soul.
and major credit to anyone who can understand why sperg about josie’s munching and medical procedures is relevant to the pro ana scumbags thread… but anons certainly insist on the devotion of hours to argue about it. such fun!
emisfighting is.. very much not fighting.
life of hxn is illiterate
photoshop is rife
milk is dry

reminder to put sage in the email field and please resist the urge to post about yourself.. as impossible as that prospect might feel.
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No. 1537588

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Another CowFag Eugenia Supporter. The known Doxxer.

No. 1537605

They all look unstable. Does Eugenia know about this? Does she know some of her supporters are doxxing? I seen what they wrote on their twitter. They don’t care Eugenia is on a break of death. So the go around doxxing people. Shame.

No. 1537607

Does any of her supporters care if she dies? She’s a Pro-Ana showing her underwear and bra to minors. They look mentally challenged.

No. 1537609

Cicada guy looks like he has Down syndrome. On the autism spectrum. Little cowFag looks retarded.

No. 1538858

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We have a cowFag accusing Admins of this site of doxxing. We all know they are stupid.

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No. 1525535[Reply]

Has there ever been a thread about the Jewish tranny fascist homosexual tradcath drug addicted homophobic pro-lifer who killer their own baby?
Wednesday (Also called Mars, birth name Hailey) was born into a loving jewish family but that didn’t give her enough attention so she willingly started making meth to inject into herself for the lulz, i guess. She claims to have anorexia around this time, she goes to treatment for her addiction but never really quits or stops. during this time she’s a libshit retard with a buzzcut. She is also lesbian around this time yet has a boyfriend who ‘rapes’ her, this is so traumatic she home aborts her baby and feels so bad she becomes a tradcath, who claims homosexuality is a choice and then becomes a super racist. She claims that mixed race kids are worth less than dead fetuses and dates another racist fascist male despite the fact she is JEWISH, and at this point Mar’s parents are pretty sick of her and put her inpatient again, she then becomes a radfem tradcath terf and makes hilariously bad takes and gets so much hate she becomes a lesbian, and stops being catholic. Nobody likes her at this point because her whole audience was her catholic following, she now decides to become a transgender male and cries about her parents leaving her and her inability to have kids. She also started dating a black man who left her and now claims she wants to kill her tradcath fascist self. What do you guys think? What’s her next phase? I want her to start being better documented, she’s fucking hilarious
it’s linktree:
Linktr.ee/wednesday1989(shit op)
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No. 1536543

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woah wait, for real? i saw her floating around during her tradcath phase and thought it was just trolling?
she reminds me of Abby Brown if AB was horrorcow

No. 1538675

She is a freak alright. She is 'opiate' free but is still doing drugs. She also sold her nudes to someone (victimsoflelouch on instagram) so that she could buy drugs and he sent the nudes to her dad.

No. 1538676

All of her phases were completely serious, her tradcath phase to 'femboy' junkie phase.

No. 1538681

This write up is God awful…

No. 1538725

This. Reads like a shitty OP from kiwifarms. OP where's your links and caps to all this, cow has potential but c'mon. Fix your post and gib milk.

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No. 1535186[Reply]

Rachel Aliza Leeds-Minkin, 28, of Emerald Hills, CA, is an insane Sephiroth shipper who has been terrorizing the Final Fantasy and several other fandoms for years. So far so good, but what makes Rachel and interesting cow? The sheer level of her activity, for one. She will relentlessly harass roleplayers who do not engage with her (because she is a poor roleplayer who wants only her specifically autistic scenarios), but this only scratches the surface.

She's also gotten caught repeatedly having problematic (to say the least) sexualized interactions with minors. She's tried to defend this as "sex ed" delivered over Discord and when this didn't work said she will keep doing it because it pisses her off. In the past 2 weeks she has posted both gore and actual pornography to minors she has been slapfighting with on Twitter (bad enough in itself) and that's what she's been doing in public.

How did a lolcow of this magnitude come to the attention of (both) farms? She had a very dead /snow/ thread and managed to get it bumped by coming into the lolcord and demanding it be taken down in the most shrill and obnoxious manner possible, to the point where anons there believed her to be a troll and a man besides. She proved them all wrong by sending her own ID, saving the trouble of doxing her. She's been averaging a new thread every week or so since and an active one on Kiwi Farms as well: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/rachel-aliza-leeds-minkin-alruna-serarosier1-tayuubarbie-lucyfern13-miranda-sforza.116204/

But the real news is the Lolcow Uprising. Alert nonnas since the first thread were noticing that Rachel's rhetoric about "Ines" (a random girl in Montreal who got dragged into drama by Elaine who falsely claims her to be our former admin) matched that of her fellow lolcow, as well as her sperging about Spooky Bones (kiwi who made her Kiwi thread, hated by Angry Canadian.) Evidence eventually tumbled out in thread #4 that she was involved in serious gayops with Elaine (who was pointing her at Ines), Naught (an open Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1538412

please do these morons are going to get the thread locked before anyone can post the new one

No. 1538419

No. 1538423

Because Caleb is often too busy to bother and Nick isn’t of the community. He often questions why I enjoy rping. He thinks dnd is dumb.

No. 1538426

You ever think maybe he's right? And it is in fact, dumb?

No. 1538624

You're a sweetheart anon I hope you're having a good day today

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No. 1007397[Reply]

A thread devoted to all things related to the Youtube Beauty Community and Beauty Drama. Please direct all Jeffree Star, Shane Dawson, and Karmageddon discussion to the Shane/Jeffree thread.
>Beauty Drama Channels
>Gurus, Personalities, Beauty Vloggers

Shane/Jeffree Thread: >>>/pt/783058
Previous Thread: >>806516
Youtube General: >>980242

FTC DISCLAIMER: This thread is Not Sponsored - I bought all this milk myself and there are no affiliate links
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No. 1537055

Samefag, sorry not healing the wheelchair guy but where she talks of a similar story

No. 1537434

Hey, faith healer is a new saga at least. Better than more grooming coming out of the beauty community at least. I’m here for it, let’s see what happens.

No. 1538556

Same, looking forward to the inevitable docuseries about it in a few years

No. 1757853

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Jeffreak is trying to get attention,IG caption-
>His team didn't make it to the superbowl but he's 6'6 and plays perfect in the bedroom (heart emoji orange)
doing what he did a few years ago
>Getting some DL/hidden sportsball player
>Showing him hoping people find out who he is

And I bet he's some retired or super unknown retarded player, I saw some headlines saying something about "Wives?" I don't know. He annoyed me with how his ugly ass was like, "Bitches don't know how to do x, y and z" when he was talking about that weird looking woman who lied about the falsies. Of course, he had to come back on some retarded ass bitter bullshit

No. 1757866

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also it's kind of sick, he likes that some women's wives husbands are being accused of being this scrote, I don't know WHY they are in his Dm's but Jeffree gets a sick thrill out of this. Now people are on the hunt to find some scrote and in the process innnocent scrotes will be accused of dipping their dots into Jeffree's swollen hole. Like it's funny, but what a fame whore

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No. 903077[Reply]


Sunnycon is a anime convention running in Newcastle UK. They tried to expand to Liverpool by holding an event in 2019. However there hasn't been any announcement of them continuing to hold events in other cities apart from Newcastle for 2020.

Sunnycon is ran by Michael Tuckwell.Just a big guy with a massive ego and thinks he's the only event people attend.

He was fine until this year where he decided to make a cringy video series of "Behind the Weeb" where he explains how he runs his conventions and the "convention secrets". He has also claimed Brexit is the worse for him which may explain why he hasn't announced Sunnycons 2020 voice actor yet. He also streams on Twitch under the Sunnycon name and begs for viewers.
Banned ahegao clothing and is riding the "we are a family friendly event" bandwagon while his own mascot is a loli and not appropriate.

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No. 973273

ED doesn't make someone worse than someone who knocks up kids, anon.

Anyway, has anybody been watching his streams? It baffles me how he's desperate to make money from Twitch but puts absolutely zero effort in.

No. 973332


Watching it atm, they're just slagging off LuminescentSunrise customers now

He's gonna exercise in a Godzilla outfit tomorrow because someone will donate a few pennies if he does. Desperate for sure.

Not sure what happened to uploading to Youtube 2/3 times a week either.

No. 1007272

So, I see Tuckwell's at it again with the 1000 fake followers on his twitch that were striked off within days. What's the odds the account ends up banned?

No. 1535973

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Banning ahegao because it’s a “family event” yet this is their shirt design this year… cringe.

No. 1536015

bumping a thread for a poorly drawn anime girl in a swimsuit? This is nothing like ahegao

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No. 1530807[Reply]

This thread concerns itself with male-to-female (MTF) snowflake behavior. This entails individual events, trends, and characters that do not deserve their own thread. Rules of /snow/ apply on this thread; don't blog about your tranny ex, don't derail with essays on feminist theory, don't post /pol/faggotry (even ironically)– This is for MTF related milk, not a receptacle for autistic spergouts. Calling others handmaidens or scrotes is infighting. GC discussion is limited to this thread and Fakeboi General– do not take your autism outside the containment zones.

Do not respond to anything you suspect to be scrote bait or trannyposting. Report the post and move on. Posts consisting of a single carefully posed selfie of a random troon is not milk and should be ignored and assumed as a self post. Dont give them the attention they crave. Lets focus on the crazy, there more than enough to go around.

Notable MtF-related subreddits:
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No. 1535560

As gently as possible: Don't be a fucking idiot. What exactly makes you think it's possible or "becoming a reality"? Trannies LARPing and insisting on it on Twitter? If you'll believe that, might as well believe in mouthfeel, gender euphoria and that >>1534437 is "the closest thing" to >>1534431 kek

No. 1535562

How's it becoming a reality? Because a couple of trannies claim so?

No. 1535563

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ALOT of woke people I see uses walking canes, even when very young. Why are there so many disabled people in the woke tranny community? Just too much free time to internet?

No. 1535564

As harsh (gently) as that was, I needed to hear it. I guess reading or trying to find the shit they attach.

No. 1535565

It's not even remotely close to becoming a reality but a few troons will try it and die before they drop it. Just enjoy the show anon

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No. 1529219[Reply]

Rachel Aliza Leeds-Minkin, 28, of Emerald Hills, CA, who has apparently been terrorizing the Final Fantasy roleplay community for years, showed up in the lolcow.farm Discord one day to attempt to get her thread, which was inactive for a year, taken down. This of course resulted in people paying renewed attention to the thread. The Discord originally thought she was a troll (and probably a man) but she proved everyone wrong by sending a picture of her unredacted ID, thus saving the trouble of people doing any actual doxing work.

But what's the story with Rachel? She has pissed off enough people in the roleplay community to have multiple people there who document her antics and warn people off interacting with her. Needless to say, they were thrilled to see Rachel's thread kick off again, and provided regular milk deliveries, as did Rachel herself, as things began to spiral out of control. She's averaged a new LCF thread per week since then, and got herself a modestly active one on KF, too.

We'll get into her milk shortly, but Rachel also is notable for crossing over with other cows. She's had contact with Elaine Miller and Michael Thurlow ("Angry Canadian"), and decided that "Ines" and Spooky Bones, mortal enemies of those two, respectively, are behind everything, leading to some pretty funny antics on her end.

Older Milk:
> posted obsessively on LCF claiming to be various other people WKing her; now conversing with both forums on her Twitter instead
> banned repeatedly from Twitter and various Sephiroth-coomer Discords, makes socks like it's going out of style, still obviously her
> threatens to stop eating unless she is unbanned from Discords
> insists to everyone who blocks her she is "not going away"
> claims to be in a polyamorous relationship with 5 guys and 2 girls; no evidence these people exists
> undeniably fat; delusionally claims to be 140lbs, calls others "fatty patty"
> graphically talks about her vagina, which from her level of knowledge about actual sex has probably never been penetrated by an actual penis
> spams the inbox of any Sephiroth roleplayer and resorts to threats when they won't comply
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No. 1535320

she’s not your chris-chan bro. you have the actual chris-chan for that

No. 1535331

They were in contact.

No. 1535334

And it didn’t work. You got banned from all of them, retard.

No. 1535336

she only weighs 140. she’s never weighed anywhere near 300.

No. 1535340


cow and orbiters both please get on the short bus please we're headed to thread #7

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