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No. 779776
Who she is: 32-year-old YouTube personality who gained traction by making videos about how she lives in her car. Her account went from 15k to 150k in summer 2018 over the span of one month.
Youtube: (hasn't posted content since February 2018, posted an apology for not updating in October, hasn't posted yet but keeps linking the account in all her videos and collecting between $200-500 depending on how many patrons she's had)
Facebook: (not updated often)
Twitter: (not updated often)
MySpace: (OLD and not used in years, interesting to look at the old photos though)
Blog: (not updated since 2011 when she was 24, some nice cringey stuff though)
- She had to sleep in her car for 10 days out of necessity, made a video about it on her channel, and then didn't check it for a long time. When she logged in, she saw that it got way more attention than any of her other stuff, so she decided to base her channel around living in her car
- The problem is that she doesn't really live in her car 95%+ of the time, she stays with friends for long periods of time or with family and only sleeps in her car when she travels between houses
- Exclusively has male friends because all other women besides her are too dramatic and tough to deal with vs the guys she meets on Tinder
- Commoditizes her mental problems to ellicit sympathy from her viewers, which gives her a reputation for being raw and relatable; only "likes" comments that pity or prop her up, never comments suggesting she actually talk to a therapist or seek psychiatric help for her conditions
- Overshares, for instance when her boyfriend of six weeks dumped her a few months ago, she made a half-hour video talking about it. She made sure to tell people not to blame the guy then proceeded to paint herself as an innocent victim and list out all the ways she had been hurt
- Spent a whole video complaining that she got kicked out of parking overnight at a truckstop with a two-hour parking limit that she knew about when she parked there Claims to have gastroparesis and be on all these restrictive diets, doesn't eat dairy… then posts videos eating all kinds of cheese and butter and other junk food which would make her condition worse if she really had it
- Claims all her money comes from working on the computer at a vague customer service job, but she buys tons of high-end skincare and clothes (which she keeps the tags on a compulsively returns)
- talks about travel all the time and says how much she loves it but maybe 5% of her videos actually show her traveling, usually she just moves in with someone in a city like Hollywood or Nashville and lives off them for months at a time
- I will say, she does seem to love her family and support her brother who has autism, so I will give her that
- I wouldn't have so much of a problem with her if she would just be honest and frank about her living situation instead of clinging to the "I live in my car" act that hasn't been true for at least two years now
- - this video launched her YouTube rise last summer, it was aggressively promoted shortly after she took a trip to Los Angeles, which led people to speculate that she met or hooked up with someone at YouTube. There are quite a few "why was this in my recommendations?" comments on the video so it seems like it was pushed on a lot of people
No. 779786
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>>779777You're right, my bad, I'm new here. I'll do better in the future
No. 779886
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>>779869Yeah, just like sleeping in her car isn't responsible for her back and stomach problems. She should just make her brick-and-mortar living situation permanent, she obviously wants to.
Some of her fans are annoying too, if anyone even suggests that her issues could be due to sleeping in the car, they answer for her and say she's had the problems before she started living in her car and to "watch her other videos before you judge."
But… she's got 350+ videos, some with very vague names like "I'VE CHANGED…", "IT FINALLY HAPPENED!", "IS THIS OKAY?" or "THIS IS JUST WHO I AM" or a million Q&A videos where only one answered question is even in the title. Or ten different car-organization videos for a car she doesn't actually live in very often. Who has time to watch all of her videos looking for a scrap of information like that?
No. 779893
>>779881That break-up video was too much, and she posted one after that where she was in her friend's apartment and it was messy and people were commenting on her mess and so she whined on her instagram story about it and sicced her fans on the people who were criticizing her. She pinned her own comment basically saying that no one should criticize her because that's not positivity… that's not how criticism works, you can just be immune to it because you think it's mean, you were the one who decided to air out your life on YouTube.
And word to the Jesus talk, it's so cheap and tacked on to cater to her fans who are Christian. She rarely ever goes into any depth about her faith, it's all lip-service. Nothing against Christians, I'm not myself but to each their own. I just think it's funny how lazy she is about it.
No. 780476
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She made a video about how to save money on February by not buying anything unnecessary for a whole month (#nobuyfeb) and made an side insta account for it (@nobuykatie) which she hasn't posted to since February 7th. Posts another video a couple weeks later where she talks about all these products she had bought and says she's probably going to return some of it. Seems like she can't stick to any kind of commitment
No. 800191
File: 1556177124479.jpg (225.56 KB, 1600x2461, _20190424_235246.JPG) went to LA with her "instagram husband" who she was just friends with, got as many photographs out of him as she could, then apparently he bailed on her for another girl once they got to California. She immediately turned around and went back to Nashville and got her stuff from his place and is going back to NY because she cares about her health again suddenly.
She reposted a photo he took onto her story two days ago (pic) but then today posted a new video blasting him, liked a bunch of comments calling him a terrible person, and isn't following him anymore (he still follows her). I like that she was clearly already planning to drag him two days ago but helped herself to more of his pictures of her.
No. 800820
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>>800191She changed the photo caption from pic related to just a photo credit and some hashtags. Why is every guy she meets her "best friend"? She knew him less than two months and that wrestling guy she leeched off for months in Nashville is also her "best friend." Guaranteed she picks them all up on Tinder
And her youtube fans are sending that Peter messages apparently
No. 800823
>>800822I'm just not sure though only because we are hearing Katie's side only and she has a
victim complex and always tries to get sympathy. It does sound like Peter was a dick but then she wouldn't have uploaded the video or mentioned it if she weren't the innocent in the story
No. 800986
>>800820All the comments about Peter being a 'fake friend' are a bit much when we're hearing just one side of the story. She's had an insanely short relationship end before and overshared that too. I think she emotionally invests in friendships and relationships way too quickly
God knows what it's really like to be her friend? One commenter pointed out that with her nomadic lifestyle she comes and goes as she pleases, and doesn't commit to many things herself so..
No. 807226
>>779776She's made ANOTHER QandA type vid and my god does she love to talk about herself. She's describing her personality as if she thinks she's so 'quirky and different' and she's adding to her list of special health complaints that make her quirky. She was 85 pounds when she finished high school, she has some mad sleep disorder that she went for lots of tests on. People keep saying she's an introvert and she insists she isn't.
One of the questions was about her short-lived relationships lol, she made up some bullshit excuse and glossed over it, anything so she doesn't have to reflect on why! That and she wants someone to travel with her but it's so hard to make that work… it's cos you're insufferable and quite the narcissist Katie.
13 minutes of me me me, I'm quirky, I'm this, ooh I'm talking about myself in the third person. I have a million health stories. - She's so self absorbed it's bizarre to watch.
No. 833935
>>833879I'm guessing she's lost a chunk of real subscribers as her vids were being pushed by youtube a while back. Alot of comments mentioned the random recommendation by youtube.
Her vids since then have only proven that her life is certainly not interesting enough to be make vlogs about. People subscribed thinking that car-living was an interesting lifestyle but it turns out her life is way duller than the average home owners
No. 903801
>>894174Well now she has a 30 something minute long rant where uses screenshots of comments to name and shame all meanie commenters. She comes across as manic for the whole vid and a good portion of the vid is her criticising people who label her behavior as manic..
She mentions again that she won't reveal what her mental illness is and acts all bitchy about how pathetic the comments are and how people should only ever share positive comments. Her response is basically "sorry you can't handle me having so much fun" She gets on her high horse about mental health. Both playing the
victim and acting like an expert on mania (despite saying she doesn't have mania)
She hardly took a breathe during the 32 mins of speed-talking and I had to put the volume down more than once. Good job handling criticism Katie
No. 1036721
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>>983975That David Lagana guy was apparently fired from the NWA around June for sexually assaulting women he worked with. A female wrestler named Liz Savage tweeted about it and the guy got a whole paragraph written about his leveraging sexual favors from people in a book 15 freaking years ago so Katie was definitely putting out for this sicko in exchange for R&B. Her "best friend" smdh
No. 1036724
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>>1036721"Just for me, the way that I like to do it, I like to be really social and go to restaurants and go to cities and go to National Parks and be around people and stuff and so I couldn't really do any of the things that I enjoy doing while I'm traveling and so it just did not feel like the best option for me to get back on the road full time, to go back to living in my car.
It just did not feel super safe to me, it did not feel like the best option and so, when I was thinking about my other options and what WOULD be a really good idea for me I decided to text my best friend David (you guys know David, he's been in a couple of my videos, I talk about him all the time) and I've lived with David quite a few times before. So, I texted him a couple weeks before and asked if I could stay with him for a few months and he said yes, and I am SO grateful because I feel safe with him."
No. 1039017
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If your goal is to help someone who "is truly struggling with finances" then 4 months is really to long to hold on to your followers money that was donated to help people. Your often-talked-of "mental health" issues aren't a valid excuse for that kind of inaction.