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No. 882127
If you’re new, please make sure you read and before posting
24 year old “family friendly pet mom” YouTuber, her insane controlling mother, and her obsession with mental health and addiction recovery advocacy.
Previous thread:
>>>/pt/866219The basics:
>Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 40+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Many pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after “rehoming” them. Fails to give proper enclosures to many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.>Taylor left sober living after rehoming around 12 of her pets to be “back with her animals” living at her mother’s house, her animals all seem to be crammed into one room and taken care of by her mother.>Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.>Taylor has established a pattern of promising to upload, and making terrible excuses relating to poor internet connection or tech issues, or flat out vanishing for weeks to months, returning to announce another come back video which is totally comingTaylor’s Social Media Links:
Twitter:’s Links (mind the fakes; don’t fall for the parody accounts and old accounts of hers that have been taken over):
Twitter: Milk:
>Posts about having a video lined up, but it never appears >>866265>Mentions moving out sometime this year >>866325 & >>867511>Still improving Twisty's enclosure >>866338>Her GTP is still alive >>866426>Supposedly 9 months into her sobriety as of 2/2/22 >>866921>Talks about uploading a video >>866967 but can't decide which day… no video ever appears>Supposedly the marks on her hands are from her fish biting her >>867729 & >>867742 & >>867821>Rehoming one of her fish >>867810>Out drinking with Aggy the soundcloud rapper >>868797 & >>868798 & >>868816>Started following Jonny Craig again on IG >>870098>Posted a pic of herself at Aggy's with her boob fully exposed >>871375>Denies getting back with JC; claims she hasn't looked at his account in years >>871395>Goes on a date >>871739>Some passive-aggressive BS from Mama Dean, maybe about Taylor? >>873715>Claims to have "moved on" from her trauma from Goiter Boy Jonny >>875435 >Confirms she and Jonny have been talking >>875532 & defends it because it "gave her peace" >>875571>Now supposedly has nothing to upload (shocking!) >>875563>Posts about losing a friend to addiction >>875939 & is taking some time off as a result >>875946>Returns after 3 days, spergs about video ideas and posts thirst trap selfies and pics with 'ohmytinylungs'>Disappears for months leaving anons to speculate she's deep into relapse (again)Sour Milk:
>disappears in late oct after not uploading, comes back on Nov 6th with a wall of text on Instagram, she’s excited to finally have an answer as to why she’s always so exhausted, iron deficiency >>858929 One detective anon finds a post she made on Facebook in 2013 that’s almost identical to her Instagram post, talking about her finally having an answer to her fatigue issues >>858951>“My Bedroom Is Filled With Snakes” goes live on Nov 17th, almost 3 weeks after she said it was “uploading” >>859735 like most of her new content, she spends a good chunk of the video narc ranting about herself >finally decides to euthanize Dove, after letting her suffer for nearly a month >>860068 immediately after she admits to thinking about adopting new rats, but thankfully decides against it >>860083>Nov 21st she says her newest video will be up on the 24th or 25th and gives herself ass pats for uploading another video one week after the last one >>860205 (spoiler alert it doesn't actually happen) on the 26th she says she couldn't upload on the 25th because she completely forgot it was Thanksgiving and instead decides to post that evening >>860483 the evening comes and goes and she doesn't actually upload the video.>Dec 1st she finally posts the video >>860838 It’s painfully long and boring, and to nobody's surprise it completely tanks despite her constantly sharing and retweeting it >>861060>Admits when she was in the hospital last Thanksgiving during heart goes boom saga, it was because she hit an artery shooting up even though she was claiming sobriety at the time >>860872 >”stabs her hand” while cutting something and goes on for days about how deep and gnarly it is >>861324 >>861326 she accidently shows it in a video and it’s actually a track mark, confirming she's not sober >>862287 >“goes into anaphylactic shock” when getting her iron infusion >>861496 magically when she goes two weeks later her allergy is gone >>862591>goes out drinking even though she claims to be 7 month sober >>862742 makes a long public post saying it was non alcoholic beer despite her own pictures proving it was 5% alcohol >>862807 >promises a video before Christmas >>863633 then before the end of the year >>862937 obviously doesn't actually upload it (notice a pattern here?)>posts a new years twitter rant then disappears again >>863368 not mentioning the video at all>comes back on Jan 17, 2 weeks later with a huge text wall using suboxone as an excuse for the lack of video >>864650>Jan 21st she says the video will be up on Monday the 24th >>865105 she somehow forgets she has another iron infusion so she can't upload on Monday, chooses Tuesday instead >>865600 disappears yet again after not uploading>on the 29th she returns saying she couldn't upload the video because she heard gunshots? >>865928 Says the video will be up on Monday at 4:30 >>865932 >uploads on the 31st >>866158 its a video about her snake proving she has no idea what chimera means
>announces a video talking about her return to YouTube only to never speak of said video again >>859760 >Continues to hemorrhage followers while ranting about rebuilding her audience >>861018 >>861223>somehow electrocutes herself twice in 2 days >>861825 goes on about it for a week>has some nasty scabs on her lips, says they're from lip biting but are presumably burns from a pipe >>861823>admits she's doesn't have any disposable income >>861864>munchie shit >>861908 >>862574 >>862833 >>864862 >>862590>continues to stay up all night going on crazy drug fueled rants >>862389 >>862430 >>862454 >>863209 >>864056 >>865162>Cecelia is worryingly overweight >>862279 >>862275 >>862616>first Sabor sighting since Jan 2020 >>862429 >talks about how great a person she is for wearing a mask >>862686 goes out hours later without a mask on >>862710>dyes her hair brown and finally looks semi decent >>860158 then decides to gets another stupid hillbilly haircut >>862716>mentions the video on Twisty's cage that she's been promising since Oct >>862829 (she still hasn't uploaded it)>hornworms turn into moths when she forgets about them >>862884 decides to keep them because she uses pets to fill her life with meaning >>863239Previous Threads:
>>>/pt/866219Jonny Craig/Syd Thread:
>>>/snow/1426051 No. 882137
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>>882128How much adderall did you take to make it?
Unrelated to the above, I tried to snag as many screenshots of Taylor’s latest ramblings.
Pt. 1
No. 882140
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>>882139Pt. 4
I didn’t bother grabbing the other photos she posted with the meth version of Melissa Green from the Millionaires.
Nothing super milky there.
No. 882142
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These were posted in the Jonny/Syd thread. TLDR Taylor started hanging out with this new girl around the time she disappeared, and new girl is dating a known meth head. All three of them appear together in one of the IG videos.
No. 882143
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No. 882144
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Not sure who these DMs are from, but possibly solid evidence of Tay hanging out with a meth head
No. 882145
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Evidently Taylor is hanging out at the bar with these two charming individuals
No. 882147
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>>882145Screen grab from one of the recent videos showing them all together
No. 882155
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Our sober kween
No. 882156
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What kind of phone does this broke friend of hers use? The quality is so offputting but so appropriate for meth adventures.
No. 882161
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>>882156Whatever ancient iphone is in this pic
>>882143 The first giveaway for me that taylor was lying about her continued use was that she still uses her like 5yr old one whereas when she was making good money she always had to have the latest and greatest. Yeah sure peoples values may change but she is so self absorbed and obsessed with selfies that still sticks out to me as an obvious sign that she cant afford to spend any money on anything but drugs. Just like how she no longer buys new clothes and had to have her friend to her hair for her. Wouldn't be surprised if more insidious things were going on. Also i cant get over how in her “official” story she claims she was sober while making this vid but she had already been clearly using for a long time. Ive noticed addicts often do this posting pics they're high in but “no one knew” and they laugh bc they think they were slick and no one knows why they did that crazy thing. Well sorry tay but we knew we always know it’s so obvious. Addicts only fool themselves. And she really should rewatch her shit maybe then she’d see why
No. 882253
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>>882243Yeah she lost over 600 followers in 10 days on Instagram.
No. 882277
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>>882172for a lot of them it just seems like an aspect of self sabotage, you have to hate yourself to do hard drugs, and a lot of people who hate themselves alter their appearance in extreme ways
No. 882278
File: 1657082816376.jpeg (976.38 KB, 1170x2112, E45E67F7-53DF-451A-8B95-1C138F…)

I cannot imagine why. This is a cap of a insta story I don’t know how to save on mobile btw.
No. 882291
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holy shit am i stupid is it the filter? or faux freckles or meth sores?
No. 882292
File: 1657088984821.jpeg (154.58 KB, 828x1363, 0D86B7E7-B485-411C-A5E5-ADAC57…)

>>882287You can see where she’s been picking at her face (like she does when she uses) through the filter.
No. 882321
>>882254It’s not so much as having a medical background as having common sense lol. Totally agree with the tabloid thing though.
Not meaning to blogpost but I’ll reiterate, learned about her in that Vice video and cheered for her, felt bad, then I read this and saw how she’s just a malevolent waste of space. Imagine being 24/25 and doing nothing but eyefuck yourself and do hard drugs.
Checked Momma Dean’s twitter for milk, nothing but PWS awareness shit and anti-gun Uvalde retweets.
No. 882365
File: 1657137217187.png (497.68 KB, 795x899, TnDhair.png)

Old screen shot but thought it was relevant enough not to sage
. I'm sure there was more moaning from Taylor after she posted this about how she could never do split red/ black hair again because it reminds her too much about relapsing and/or makes her want to relapse (but maybe I imagined that?)
No. 882381
>>882363yes i second, thanks anon! i considered making the thread as well. however she was MIA and quite honestly i felt almost bad for her and was thinking she probably is over being a cow. not that she woulda made significant life changes but i figured maybe it was starting to hit her how much of a bum she truly is and she was going to fade out. so i also felt sympathy like yeah maybe we shouldn't make any more threads and let her go.
not the case, she knew her thread was 3 ft in the grave and had to come back and make sure it didn't reach 6. she loves the attention
No. 882382
>>882367truuuue truuuue. i always hear the whole "rather have a live drug addict child under my roof than dead on the streets"
which i agree with however mama dean surely know if taylor had drugs/paraphernalia stashed around her room, that warrants a call to the cops. sometimes jail can aid recovery. she should take notes before taylor ends up ODing.
No. 882388
>>882291This post makes zero sense. No professional piercer would do it with a too-small horseshoe, you use an extra large one to account for swelling and healing. Gee, I wonder why all her piercings reject and migrate? How are your nostril piercings that are sliding down faster than glasses on a hot day?
Classic Taylor though, saying the exact same thing twice to open and close a post.
No. 882402
>>882365Holy shit, this is money right here. Great job
Nonnie. How are you gonna lie your way out of this one, Tay?
No. 882403
>>882363>>882381It wasn't too hard and now I know how to do it. Just consider me your new thread bitch now.
>>882393I would kill to see her and Mama Dean on Dr. Phil.
>>882398I saw that and was like, bestie are you lost?? (Agree with you tho)
>>882395wtf is POTS?
No. 882406
>>882404POTS is a real thing (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) where your circulation is fucked up and your heart rate varies wildly when you change position. Actually fairly uncommon, but because it is easy to fake, a lot of illness fakers/hypochondriacs claim to have it even though they don’t.
It’s also one of those things that is just an annoyance to be managed for most of the people who really do have it, but for the illness fakers it’s OMG CANCER OF THE AIDS.
No. 882433
>>882427Hard agree,
nonnie. It would indicate she has some awareness or a shred of responsibility. But she’s still trying to hold onto the hot animal girl thing even though it’s obvious to even us her heart was no longer in it even several years ago.
No need to blogpost but I got an axolotl recently and it’s the only pet I have. It’s a LOT of work and care, it’s mind-boggling to think she had 30 highly-particular, finicky and exotic pets at one point. A sober, hardworking person couldn’t do it alone even if it were their full time job.
No. 882477
>>882427There’s so much more to dislike her for though.
It’s not just the animals.
It’s the drug use around her brother who is disabled.
It’s the perpetual lies about literally anything.
It’s the exposing her minor fans to this “world” and even “accidentally” sharing her dealers number with them.
It’s this complete fabrication of self.
She always wants to be the
victim. She always wants to be the center of attention.
I would love if she rehomed her animals, but it doesn’t absolve her of even a quarter of responsibility. She’s miserable.
No. 882489
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This sperg is…. bad.
No. 882492
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Very sober.
No. 882493
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What an absolute fucking cunt. Obviously Taylor has fans that are worried and this kassi bitch doesn’t give a fuck. I hope she dies seriously and Taylor is forced to go back home(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 882497
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>>882492She looks like shit.
No. 882499
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No. 882500
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No. 882505
>>882490You can’t even walk? But you can zoom around your friends house, show up to bars multiple nights in a row, and take strung out selfies with your shaking hand?
I used to like Taylor. I really did. I was always on her side, never disliked her, always wanted the best for her. But she truly is such a liar she can’t keep up with all the lies. All these health excuse spergs are so she doesn’t have to admit that she relapsed. Wonder if this “doctor” she’s see tmrw is gonna put her in her place and drug test her.
No. 882506
oof if she ever tries to reappear this is going to bite her in the ass hard
No. 882510
>>882499i'm prescribed adderall for uni and have to stay off my phone or else i'll end up typing up long ass updates that make sense in my head but are obvious amphetamine ramble.
ur not fooling anyone taylor
No. 882512
> When I use I become a recluse > Hasn’t posted anything in months with the exception of the last few days Girl we are not fucking stupid. You know this website exists, you know we talk about you, and you know we are going to call you on your shit.
Your fans are getting older Taylor. They’re not all bright eyed little 14 y/o who adore you because of your animal kingdom.
They’re dropping off like flies from your channel & your socials because you’re a complete wreck.
Nobody believes you.
Stop before it’s too late.
I also can’t believe Mama Dean has just taken a backseat to this all.
Maybe she is going to let Taylor hit rock bottom.
Who knows.
No. 882522
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>>882512I was lurking and even betsy was reaching out via comments in her last post on instagram..
No. 882527
>>882522Good catch. I think this signifies something large. Taylor must really be out of it.
>>882520I really hope this is the case, but Mama Dean is also a piece of work. That woman doesn’t know how to keep her mouth shut for the life of her. My theory is that Taylor has threatened her in some way, and is holding her emotionally hostage.
I know with addicts you eventually have to let “go” but fuck me, Taylor is throwing her life away so quick.
She used to be gorgeous, she used to have a future, and she threw it all away for Goiter.
With fentanyl being in everything/anything, I would not be surprised if she dropped dead soon.
No. 882532
>>882527I feel like at this point we cant even blame goiter for her continue relapse and bad choices anymore. She is
problematic pre-goiter and she continue to be
problematic post-goiter. I know she is battling H addiction and all but the people she choose to hangout with and the choices she continues to make is sad to watch. Like she could check herself in for a longer in rehab, takes it seriously, even start doing tik tok to get back on track to make content. But NOPE, she decided to digress into her split hair period, hang out with an alleged recovering addict and reach out to goiter boy again.
No. 882543
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Possibly bs, but…?
No. 882552
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No. 882553
File: 1657288956668.webm (573.04 KB, 828x1792, FullSizeRender.webm)
just methin around
No. 882554
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No. 882557
>>882552So she's still lurking here.
I don't care about whether she thinks she's worse off than others. What I do care about is how weird it is for her to post these kinds of things online. Most of what she posts should be between friends, not to her huge (dwindling but still huge) fanbase of teenagers. I don't understand why anyone would want to make public a lot of the stuff she discusses before she has more info, thus scaring the people who do care about her, like this heart stuff lately.
No. 882575
>>882532i agree with nonni. at this point, jonny craig has nothing to do with her downfall anymore. as stated time and time again, she chose the route of continuing to spiral. she went to a fancy rehab, everyone had her back, and she had the world in her hands. it's been roughly over 4 years. within that time period, JC managed to move to another state, hold down an apartment, get change thrown at him on twitch, knock up some girl, get convicted of child endangerment, have friends, travel, fly out new girlfriend etc….. what has taylor done, really? besides rot away in her childhood bedroom getting high off of whatever high she feels like being that day, fry her hair and stick her tongue out in selfies in her backyard and the cherry on top: attempt to reunite with her "abuser".
No. 882595
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>>882554This is how you know she’s not actually in therapy, this is a question she would’ve brought up with her therapist not her stans? This whole post seems like a classic munchie fishing for ideas.
>>882499>She's been sober longer than I have Even if we ignore the fact she’s covered in track marks and somebody confirmed her boyfriend is currently using meth, she was tweeting pictures of actual smack in march, so at the most she’s been clean for 4months, I thought Taylor was “clean” for 10+ months? This bitch really needs to do research before she types her lies, it’s so embarrassing.
No. 882620
>>882574I wonder how long it’s gonna take for her to disappear, go to rehab, return with a bunch of sperging “nobody knew I relapsed, even tho this was the worst relapse of my life” even tho we’re all watching it in real time. She says that every time she admits to a relapse. That know one knew. LMFAO
Maybe her animals are getting the best care they’ve gotten in awhile since she’s all skitzed out on meth instead of passing out on heroin (I’m joking nonnies)
No. 882624
trigger for some!! Like I want to throw up right now. She posted that likes she proud of it??? Jesus fucking christ, I can’t believe what I’m even seeing. Kassi is obviously a proud junkie. Taylor has been caught in another lie. Maybe by saying “she’s been sober longer than me” means she’s been sober for a week and Tay’s been sober for three days LOL
(Even tho they are both absolutely getting high every day. Heroin is more of a body addiction but meth has an insane mental/psychological addiction) I know lots of people who quit heroin to get on meth. Literally the two worst drugs to be doing and she’s speedballing which is also extremely dangerous for your heart. I thought she had no veins left and was muscling? You cannot muscle meth. - (im a former addict sober 5 years later this month, 99% of it was H but I did sadly end up trying meth) she must be snorting, smoking it or boofing it (breaking the tip of the needle off and sticking it up your ass) unless her bestie kassi is helping her find new veins, like in her neck.
No. 882633
>>882624former junkie here and yes that picture was super
triggering. it was never something i'd brag about and suffered in silence because once people know you do heroin, immediately stamped with a "LIAR" tag across your forehead. i get that H is a body-dependency and good for her if she isn't doing THAT. but the proof is in the pudding that she's on meth. out of all the drugs i've tried, meth was seriously the most maniacal, dirtiest, stinkiest, trashiest high i've ever felt. i'm worried for her disabled brother, mother and father. who's to say her and her new friends get desperate for money and steal from them or worse, harm them. i hope Mama Dean is seeking guidance and not burying her head in the sand, especially when it comes to her reaching this whole new level of meth.
No. 882637
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>>882500Don’t do drugs, kids.
No. 882640
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>>882638Early morning ~~thoughts~~ hit
No. 882678
>>882640>>882637Learn how to lurk. These were already posted.
>>882633Go back to twitter. Nobody cares about what
triggers you or that you’re a former junkie.
>>882631This belongs on tumblr. Shut up.
Do you newfags not read the rules?
We don’t want your special twitter spelling. Type correctly, or gtfo.
We don’t care about your soft feelings. We don’t care about your personal backstory.
Don’t blog.
We don’t care about your
Fuck off.
Farmhands you can put me in timeout but these people need to clean their act up.
No. 882727
File: 1657371561194.webm (1.64 MB, 296x640, METHAYLOR.webm)
>>882287Don’t mind me, it’s your local autistic archivefag with the local archive.
No. 882739
>>882722She already said she had new content in her original come back post here
>>882137 and she posted these at the beginning of may when she came back online briefly to post selfies
>>876591>>876600>>876601I think her next step is more ranting then she’s gunna post selfies on Insta and disappear again. Last year I would’ve expected a video before she disappeared but according to her she can’t even “sit down to film a video” because of her heart (that doesn’t even make sense, but okay) so definitely no video.
No. 882761
>>882678Your posts are extremely recognizable. I hope you realize that you need to touch grass even more than the cows you comment on.
>>882759Ikr, she should just be out and proud with her drug abuse, she’s basically at that point thanks to her ineptitude at lying. I’m howling at the fact that she called herself out with the whole recluse = relapse thing, like she hasn’t repeatedly disappeared and insisted she’s fine. Girl everyone sussed that out ages ago.
No. 882784
File: 1657427068016.jpeg (70.25 KB, 737x691, D5D936E5-99B1-4B29-9FC8-F2609B…)

tinylungs made her profile private.
No. 882829
>>882678I can’t stop cracking up at this. Every sentence is so hostile. Imagine this getting bothered over a lolcow forum. I can picture this
nonnie foaming at the mouth and seizing in anger while typing this.
No. 882832
File: 1657474550855.jpeg (454.28 KB, 1800x1800, AA40D94E-017C-4FBB-BD58-817809…)

>>882624Wow! You hit the nail on the head for sure. Taylor is hanging out with Kassi so they can help each other find a vein.
Taylor has been shooting in her neck for a while, a little bit with Jonny toward the end of the atrium house saga… but especially immediately after Jonny and ever since.
If you look at her photos for the last about 2 years she has a choker on, or hair covering her neck very well.
Clearly it slips occasionally.
No. 882833
File: 1657474616147.jpeg (259.96 KB, 828x1792, 98412B79-FC56-4971-A4D2-B4AF5E…)

Betsy was also clearly using IV in her neck.
No. 882834
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No. 882843
>>882839I’m past the point of caring about what happens to these waste of oxygen people, but there’s no way that they themselves don’t know how obvious their drug use is in photos. That was a cry for help, and her meth sore videos now are a cry for help.
Jail or mandatory rehab from a court is pretty much all that can save her now.
No. 882854
File: 1657483080667.jpeg (Spoiler Image,145.66 KB, 640x663, 1033B186-00D9-48D4-BBC2-DB2ACC…)

>>882832>>882833>>882839Not wking, I genuinely don’t see anything but shadows. There are tons of pics in between these where she shows her neck (she had a bob cut around this time) and it looks bruise free. tracks are long/big bruises around veins, sometimes with a small scab on the injection site. Picrel are actual tracks.
No. 882861
>>882722Actually the next phase is the "omg I am SO into this thing right now but I have actually always loved it/wanted it for 7 years!" Furby, goth/kawaii decor, tattoos… Remember the time she got a bunch of electronic equipment (I think for Christmas) because she was gonna stream on Twitch?
I wonder what the newest obsession of hers will be?
No. 882927
>>882854Not every addict who uses intravenous drugs gets tracks. Taylor just seems to get some injection site bruising. Tracks usually come from reusing dull rigs because even just a few years ago you couldn’t get syringes without a script in most states or finding a harm reduction/needle exchange program so people used them a few times instead of once. I know addicts that never had bruises, tracks. Maybe a scab that looked like a very small bug bite but nothing serious. Using a new needle, hitting a veins the first try and at the correct angle and not reusing the same one every time will prevent this. It’s just that most junkies and tweakers are sloppy and impatient, reuse syringes multiple times, can’t hit to save their lives, miss because they’re too lazy to register (and then get abscesses) and instead of pulling out just move the needle around inside their arm because again, sloppy.
I’ve seen tayler with very very faint tracks but usually only on her hand because the hand is where most cowards go first because the veins are so close to the skin but they roll and because of the thin skin they show way more and you’ll blow your vein pretty much immediately. That’s why they are always on forearms, hands, lower legs and feet.
We all know Taylor has no idea how to shoot up correctly and neither does her junkie bff because that bitch is covered in tracks, bruises, scabs, and scars. I’m actually shocked Taylor doesn’t have abscess pits all over herself.
No. 882936
>>882928Yeah you’d go for your legs before your neck. And it really doesn’t look like anything going on with her neck except shadows.
But as far as usable veins in her arms, even with brief time off from shooting up, they could still be pretty bad. Yell at me for blogging, but I haven’t used in YEARS and I don’t think I’d be able to hit any veins in my arms still today.
No. 882976
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No. 882980
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No. 882983
>>882976ah yes using meth to munch your way into a heart monitor what a great accomplishment! she clearly gets off on trying to worry her former audience. That won't win them back lmao
>>882980> work is about to pass me by so I have to stay clean girl that ship has sailed! We all know you're not clean also love how Jonny is totally exposing her I love it. I wonder if that scam company zen habitats is upset she never made an official video. She's had every opportunity handed to her and lucked her way into this audience I don't think there is any saving it as another nona has mentioned. She is too enthralled by drugs and the addict lifestyle and romanticizing it all. I believe she'd sooner do full on prostitution than give up using. Waiting for the inevitable meth psychosis, jail, prostitution and/or sex trafficking saga now that's about all that's left, Oh and homelessness. She really does seem to think that someone is going to rescue her and that just isn't reality
>its been 3and a half years of just hurting myself i have to stopglad you finally admit you never stopped using. I didn't think so I mean she left rehab #1 and started up again immediately. Can't wait for the inevitable meth sperging to come when she finds out he posted this. I'm sure she already knows and is losing her shit. She deserves to have been exposed and I can't believe something Jonny did is actually based
No. 882990
>>882980>Hope ur doing wellWell this is infuriating, my god she's so unhinged
No. 882999
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No. 883004
>>882728ntayrt but we prob should've just let the thread die. like we get it she's still on drugs and going nowhere fast. idk how y'all aren't bored of the attention whoring and the walls of text posted under the influence.
>>883001That eyebrow raise ugh her face is so punchable. Also the thong hanging out trend makes me irrationally angry.
No. 883021
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No. 883048
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She’s out with Betsy rn, she posted like 20 pics and I can’t screen record. She said Betsy moved back to SA
No. 883086
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>>883070lol and the homeless methhead is zooming behind her
No. 883087
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>>883070went to sit on a couch and drink water? i believe it… because you're doing crystal method, taylor and are an idiot enough to expose yourself….. this isn't normal dilation of pupils, mine look like that too when i take adderall
No. 883091
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Yeah those 2 cups definitely look like they are full of water, not shots. Dumbass.
No. 883094
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She made a new friend last night, dude was at the bar, posts exclusively about heavy metal, alcohol and masturbating. A real catch.
No. 883100
>>882980>>882976What is the point of the dagger tattoo now? I thought it was so she could move on from jonny.
>>882999Petty. But she got fat…
Honestly Taylor is a massive bitch and it looks like she finally got what was coming to her. Her heart is def fucked cause of the drugs. I don't know how she doesn't see it.
>>883094She'll continue to be irrelevant to the fuck boys. They'll have sex with her but they'll
eventually leave her. Just like forest. Aggy and all the others…
No. 883109
>>883091She's really gotta make sure that new heart monitor is on full display for extra attention. I cannot take her seriously at all. I'm guessing she saw a new doctor since she's wearing one again, because they didn't find anything the first time.
The simple fact of the matter is, if she was telling the truth about her heartrate being extremely high all the time, she would not be able to go out partying constantly. I don't doubt she has periods of fast heart (drug abuse & anxiety) but I highly doubt the severity and I'm almost certain it would improve if she actually took care of her health.
No. 883161
>>883129ok when did Halsey come out with the POTS diagnosis? bc that sure is oddly suspicious for known-Halsey-skinwalker TND to get the same diagnosis…
low key I think Halsey is an attention whoring munchie too but I digress
No. 883171
>>883166when the stars align
this all makes sense now, how can we not see it before? anon praise be
No. 883180
>>883166Wow thanks for pointing this out
nonnie, I had no idea about Halsey having this because I absolutely hate her music and don’t follow her lol. This is a whole nother level of pathetic, Taylor….
No. 883193
>>883191with her life blasted on the internet and for being a plain retard, she more than likely didn't secure an adderall script. if anything she's buying it off the street but it's highly unlikely especially being in san antonio where there's major colleges around, if it's being sold on the street, it's being picked up instantaneously by college kids. she's more than likely doing meth because for one, her friends do it, two, it lasts longer and three, it's cheaper and/or she gets it for free. i am prescribed adderall as well, i can tell you rn with my size, taking just 20 mg and i developed heart palpitations and at times thought i was going to have a heart attack. meth is dirty in how they make it and what it's cut with. it's the additives that are probably messing with her heart and the fact that she is extremely unhealthy when it comes to eating nutritiously, drinking water, basic hygiene. all those factor play a part as to her "heart goes boom". she's not a responsible addict, she's asking to die at this point with her recklessness.
No. 883194
>>883191it’s actual meth. it’s not adderall lmao. Taylor Nicole Dean is a meth head, full stop.
>>883184halsey is so shitty, like her music
and her persona are both so lame and bad. it’s so funny that
this is who she’s skinwalking kek
No. 883213
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>>883191PharmD first year student who has been prescribed Adderall more than 10 years ago. No chance in hell she’s on Adderall, it’s just meth. If taken at a therapeutic dose amphetamine rarely has heart effects or is a safety problem for the pt. If Taytay got her ADHD diagnosis she would undoubtedly abuse it at an unhealthy dose. But she would have a clearer conscience doing so. She needs professional help or court-mandated help.
No. 883216
>>883196In my state they drug test prospective Adderall patients and randomly collect urine samples from us every few months. Dunno about TX but maybe going through that process, they’d find all of her illegal drugs in her system and at least she’d be on the radar of her provider. Drs are supposed to refer addicts out and help them realize they have a problem, but in reality Drs are so overloaded with pts someone like her could slip through the cracks.
I just want her to have a drug meltdown on social media and spill all the damning details again. If/when she does, she’s definitely going to sperg on and on about how she’s not just another drug addict, look how high functioning she is etc. etc. when in reality all she does is lay in bed, do drugs and go to bars with strippers and OF thots. She’ll be in the ‘denial’ mindset even though she has no education, no work history or skills and is just a mildly entertaining waste of oxygen. Sorry if it’s against the rules to call out cows, but if you’re reading this Tater, do something funny. The only attention you get is hate- watching so give us something trashy to hate watch.
No. 883217
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>>883216>>883184The cat she stole is overweight. Classic Taylor is still abusing her animals.
No. 883226
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>>883166I didn’t realize how recent this was, halsey just announced her diagnosis in May, this is no doubt what inspired Taylor to seek a POTS diagnosis. Its so weird that she said she was already tested for it and it came back negative, like way to tell on yourself. I bet her google history is currently “how to mess with your heart rate?” or “how do you intentionally fail a tilt test?”
No. 883230
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>>883226I could have sworn that she had mentioned POTS before in a video but when I looked up said video, I was wrong. Including a screenshot in case anyone was curious about the “ailments” she’s claimed in the past. I remember watching this (this is from 2017) and getting munchie vibes from her. So I’m not surprised she’s now trying to claim an ailment just because her auto tuned tone deaf off-key Queen has it
No. 883234
>>883230Ah yeah the video where she says she “might” have complex regional pain syndrome (aka what is know as the most painful condition you can have) bc they “couldn’t figure out what it was”. Yet pain really wasn’t even her main issue and she never complains about pain well rarely but only EDS related. Munching seems to have spared her highschool and gotten some attention from mama dean. Her lies are so transparent and easily disproven no wonder she has to get high, I’d be SO ashamed
>>883216 same thats why I’m glad people are still making her threads
No. 883252
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>>883234Being an unemployed layabout must be nice (not)
No. 883279
>>883266If it was so embarrassing you wouldn’t be posting about it to your 300k followers. Meth raises the rate of sudden death by heart disease by like 25%, it causes weakening of the heart muscles, high blood pressure, strokes, acute heart attacks, cardiac arrest, coronary artery disease, heart failure, coma, and the list goes on and on. Taylor needs to look into what meth actually does to the heart, like you don’t have a mystery illness hun, you’re just irreversibly destroying your organs to catch a buzz and it’s catching up with you.
No. 883294
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>>883283….and she’s out again, ‘drinking water’
No. 883315
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Taylor: Guys idk why my heart is so fucked up????
Also Taylor:
No. 883316
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Very convincing water you got there, tater.
No. 883322
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No. 883324
File: 1657802229099.webm (8.84 MB, 872x1716, July14tnd.webm)
I converted the vid to webm so it’ll be on site it’s the exact same vid as
>>883294 Sorry to double post it, didn't have it ready yet earlier
No. 883334
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still awake and popping off
No. 883341
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No. 883349
>>883298I would guess she couldn’t care less. She hasn’t cared about maintaining her image, career, or even safe keeping of her animals.
That ship sailed long ago for Taylor
No. 883351
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Smoking outside the bar while yelling about being a dragon, how sober of her. u can tell she’s on a bender because she’s thinks she’s doing an amazing job at being ‘sober’ when all she’s doing is telling everyone she’s sober 25 times a day while simultaneously acting like a huge meth head. She’s currently hemorrhaging followers because she can’t get it thru her head how disrespectful it is to try and convince ur fans ur healthy enough to party at the bar every night with friends but not to hit upload on the video u said has been done for months now.
No. 883352
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>>883335It’s obvious she’s not only high on uppers, but also high on the most attention she’s received in years. The last time she was this jazzed up was when she felt like the junkie belle of the ball at rehab with brodick, lmao. Imagine that, or bar flies talking to you about your heart monitor, being the most exciting shit in your life.
>>883334 seems like a cow tipping farmer, but they’re not wrong.
No. 883361
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No. 883364
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>>883037How to fuck do you know she is prostitution ?
Spill the tea
She seems like an enabled spoiled rich girl 'tortured trash artist 3deep4u
smudge eyeliner on purpose, tease hair into rat nest'
No. 883367
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>>883361Love this one.
She is sooooper unbothered but posting these.
No. 883370
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No. 883405
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Haven’t seen anyone post this yet either? Tiny lungs posted a few hrs ago n deleted it quite fast but not sure what it’s suggesting, that TND is posting a video? Or just some trolling shit?
No. 883422
>>883407No, she doesn't. Name one health problem she has that puts her in mOrTaL dAnGeR when combined with drugs.
She did this all to herself, how can people like yourself still believe her lies?
No. 883429
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>>883361This is what happens when you spend a week straight at the bar ignoring your job then tell your dedicated fans their concerned messages are just so goofy and you laugh at them. 300 followers gone in 2 days, taytaykins isn’t going to have YouTube fans to come back to. pS tHeSe CoMmEnTs DoNt BoThEr Me At aLl!
No. 883458
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>>883369Maybe I’m just getting too big for my own britches/tinfoiling but I was the anon that directly asked her to ‘do something funny’. Then she posts this. She’s definitely reading lolcow. What a sad, pathetic life. Maybe she’ll start cutting herself again.
No. 883464
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No. 883465
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No. 883466
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No. 883467
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No. 883469
>>883405It means they were live on younow. I watched the second half of the first pne they did but sadly my screen recorder’s audio didnt work but i do have a write up of what happened i just need to finish & screenshots. She completely exposed herself It was a disaster. I think they’re honestly just trying to sus out fatmers tbh bc obviously posting on her insta wont bring attention to it for her actual “audience”. There were never double digit viewers when i was in there like it was 3 ppl in there total and like now you guys have to take my word for it instead of hearing it straight from the horses mouth
No. 883471
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>>883469Kek notice how she only has 1 paid subscriber. People know not to rely on her to give them their money’s worth or make content lol
No. 883474
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notice the last text to betsy "i need a pick me up"….
No. 883479
>>883474“Zomg for some reason I can’t sleep.”
Erratic behavior, insomnia, manic typing sprees and spending all night out at the bar totally isn’t methhead behavior. Not. At. All.
No. 883481
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>>883468Maybe I just notice this because I’m also a woman but Taylor has started to copy Kassi’s makeup, that thick, aggressive/trashy eyeliner. If she’s trying to fit in that hard, imagine what else she’s doing to copy suit. Hmm…
Sorry to blogpost.
No. 883498
almost feel bad for her because I know from experience that she truly believes in her mind that she is coming off completely normal and being so sneaky, hiding it so well. When really she is making herself look even more like a drug addict. So high and out of her mind that she isn’t catching or noticing all these things that are implicating her further. She would be better off if she just didn’t say or post anything at all. Taylor, please stop digging yourself deeper into this hole, it’s so fucking embarrassing
No. 883499
>>883492I think the
nonnie you were replying to was referring to doing YouTube as her job
No. 883502
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>>883481This is absolutely terrifying what the fuck. Did you edit her green? Why in the world does she look like shrek?
No. 883507
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>>883504She did her hair and makeup at like midnight, then met up with kassie and they walked around town until sunrise, blasting music and waving around weird green lights. (I guess she already forget she “can’t walk” bc of her heart)
No. 883513
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Okay so sorry but my screen recorder failed me for some reason there was no sound so i will summarize the second half of this two hr live. Sorry if some of this is repetitive i can clarify if needed. I get if ppl dont believe what was said as there were only 3 witnesses sorry about that im super bummed they totally exposed themselves. Mostly Kassi rambling about love and that her and the tweaker guy are broken up b t she really wants to go back to him bu taylor helped her stay away last night. Some interesting points
>taylor sitting in the background scrolling on her phone 99% of the time saying i know i got ya etc everything relating back to her, she admits that that is her go to way of relating to othersWhat’s funny is that even here she trlls kassi for those “9months” of isolation she didnt use her phone lmao bullshit as she literally can barely look away from it and from her vids hanging out she is literally addicted to the internet & validation she recieves from it
> admits she was so depressed and isolated for “9 months” Earlier when talking about jonny was saying he was the only person she had left while isolating also i would bet it was longer, i’m guessing that’s just her when she doesn’t have another person to obsess over including the next few points
>Peed in cups in her room and lined them up in the room> didn’t shower for MONTHS or brush her teeth >says she’s been talking to jonny but he didn’t get back to herMade it clear they actually NEVER stopped talking rsp when idolated
> digging through her bag says she needs to find a cigaretteI’ve thought she smokes regularly for a long time now. She’s admitted to smoking when her friends who smoke do which is every friend even jonny does plus pics outside in the backyard with her lipstick clearly smudged in the middle exactly like when ppl smoke so not surprising
> constant double speak accidentally says “well we were drinking” when kassi says she’s nauseous may have to pukeThis part was hard to keep up with exactly because they kept tripping over their words like the terrible liars they are.
>Basically admit they WERE drinking> Kassie talks about “i can’t do X and drink” then catches herself> From their chat they are bad on a meth binge and crashing> take about how just took a sub and that maybe it is making her nauseousTaylor talks about that bs font take it when you frink take it in the morning and youll be too drunk to notice you havent taken it (she left out the get wasted part of the instructions)
> yet also claimed she just started taking them again whichDamn they think we’re stupid, It’s pretty clearl they were referring to H as I think it’s very clear she is no on subs the pupils are just to small and their voices sound like opiate use
> kassi goes to puke Idk if that was for real claims puke got up her nose and it could be true she keeps sniffling but doesn't blow nose so it could just be drugs you know how it is when 2 addicts are together lmao use more when they get time away from eavh other even a bathroom trick
>kassi asks If she has to cover her boobs, Taylor says no she used to go on there all the time with everything hanging out intentionally > 1 actual fan pops in says hi she cant be bothered to get out of bed and come back to cam until they go smoke> dads room door is open “be quiet” proceeds to make a loud racket with her dirty dishes in the metal sink clanging including ubiquitous giant wataburger cup >finally gets out of bed after awkwardly sitting there waiting for kassi to comeback from bathroom>says they’red going to stream tomorrow (today 15/july) to “get used to filming”They keep repeatring each other and it just comes off like to liars reassuring each other/reminding each other the details of the lie
>There was 3 ppl in there i> lots of effort to hide hands and elbow ditches when she did finally stand up>also kassie talked about how long she takes to “make her face not look like her face” and taylor agree but not necessarily to totally her face but wanting to look betterYikes honestly kassi would look so much better and prettier and less cracked out without the crazy makeup, it could still be goth just not the weird half finished shit she does now. Also kassi has posted vids all but blatantly saying she reads here. I will post those. Just like shayna their only audience is lolcow, bleak
Ok that’s all i can remember for now. Sorry it didn’t work idk why it’s never failed me think it’s a younow thing I do wonder if she knew that I guess she will now hence why i hesitated to post. It was the native iphone recorder so if anyone else has a diff one to recommend i could just use my other phone. If she does it again hopefully more nonnas bc as I said I think that’s what she’s trying figure out. She claimed they were doing a serious one there but i have doubts given she is still up day 4 going out again. She is so obviously proving that she IS a munchie bc the two times she has a heart monitor are the two times she’s doing the absolute most. Drs arent dumb her use is obivous she looked very unwell and greasy like hair soaked in grease and skin too on cam but it’s clearfly from her use. Sorry this is kinda half assed and rushed i suck at summaries ok so this is an observation
>>883475 meth psychosis is a real and horrific thing. She is on day 4 awake and has been using it regularly solidly the last 2 yrs same meth cycle, shee has probably experienced it by now. Especially being that sleep deprived she is literally not in reality right now.She is really going to regret all this if she ever comes back around to getting sob er
Also it’s a track fest her feet are purple because her circulation is so bad in her feet from shooting up. One of them riskiest spots (after the neck/groin). I bet her hands and feet hurt all the time from going in all those tiny finger veins you’re NOT supposed to use. Also yes she is totally skinwalking kassi and it’s creepy.
>Also kassie is staying at her house and has been for this whole time since bf issues didn’t elaborate on her living situation further Okay screenshots storyboard incoming pics go top left across like reading bottom right is end enjoy the clownfish bites and grease i guess No. 883516
File: 1657923165640.webm (5.43 MB, 862x1714, From kassitololcow.webm)
Kassi’s stories in which she talks about being blurry - nod to us surely and then sings us an aa heroin song idk if it’s an original song. they’re working together to kill the rest of her audience so then she wont have to worry about making vids i guess No. 883519
>>883513Wow, thank for the big summary anon. Shame that the screenrecording didn't work out but I believe you.
>Peed in cups in her room and lined them up in the room> didn’t shower for MONTHS or brush her teeth She's so fucking disgusting. She already didn't shower for weeks when she was still on and off going to rehab but not showering for entire months? Pissing in cups? Actually vile kek what the fuck. How can her parents let her live like this in their own home?
>says they’red going to stream tomorrow (today 15/july) to “get used to filming”This is such a classic junkie promise that never works out because they're just tweaking like crazy and planning to do random bullshit.
No. 883524
>>883516Thank you
nonnie. This is the good, full-fat milk that I follow TnD for. I’m a follower on YouNow so in the off chance they stream I’ll record it.
No. 883525
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>>883516San Antonio sunrise time is 6.45. Getting all dolled up like a streetwalker and stumbling around town before 6,45 am is totally not methhead behavior. Totally not.
No. 883536
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>>883481Girl legit looking like Frankenstein's monster…
No. 883548
File: 1657929302812.webm (4.3 MB, 864x1710, Tndmethwalk.webm)
Here are the most recent vids No. 883609
File: 1657980627173.png (1.7 MB, 828x1792, 42B4D9C3-08EB-4F79-8F64-8D64AD…)

>>883608It’s the whole sober crew
No. 883629
>>883626I am sure everyone in that house has at least traces of meth in their system.
Tay is such a spoilt c*nt she will never stop the drugs. She never had real consequences for her behaviour. She will end up like Christy from Intervention, who was also spoilt rotten by her parents.
There are people that use drugs because of (real) trauma and just wanna numb it, those have more chances in getting sober, because they just wanna be better.
Taylor is a lost cause. If her parents won't enable her, her "friends" do it.
No. 883633
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>>883625She posted pictures admitting to a relapse where her side table had a used needle on it so she does do drugs in the same house as her family. I just hope to god she keeps her bedroom door locked so nobody can get into her stash, meth can get absorbed into your system by just holding it in your hands. (Pic from late 2021)
No. 883686
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>>883541Reminded me of this comment thread. She’s turning 26 next April so no more parent’s insurance soon aka no more cushy treatment centers where she likely meets more using friends. Where did she meet kassi? Day treatment?
No. 883699
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>>883633Wow. Shocking news /s
Taylor is reading lolcow and…get this….promising to do a video. Can’t teach a junkie new tricks, I suppose.
No. 883703
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>>883609Also in Typical Traylor Trash: those pupils don’t lie like she does.
No. 883707
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>>883697Stale milk but this CPTSD/troubled childhood larping really bothers me. CPTSD is what prisoners of war, genocide survivors, former sex slaves/trafficking
victims have and people that were severely sexually abused during their childhood. Not some cushy, attractive girl that didn’t get enough attention because her brother had special needs. Which is probably why she does a lot of this. Still, bothers me.
No. 883711
>>883707This post makes no sense (Taylor’s, not yours)
First; no doctor puts you on a very serious medication like the medication for bipolar disorder unless you’re already diagnosed. It wouldn’t make any sense.
Second; they would never go “oh, we assumed it was adhd but it’s probably bipolar disorder” because, especially in woman, bipolar and adhd are very often co-occurring. The doctors first instinct would be to treat the adhd, and screen for signs of bipolar that isn’t part of adhd like mania.
And I’m dying at her “I’m soooooo damaged and traumatized from growing up an upper middle class spoiled brat with married parents, decent enough looks, no physical disabilities, and having never had to grow up and support myself”
Her damage isn’t from being traumatized. Her damage was being spoiled to the point her development arrested and she never matured past the mindset and intelligence of a sixteen year old. She just can’t stand her brother is the center of attention. She’s totally got only child syndrome.
No. 883712
>>883699Why made a video no one but the people who don’t like you will watch? She has almost no fans left. Everyone’s done being manipulated by this cro magnum skull having moron. Even her biggest fans stopped defending her. She’s bleeding followers and her interaction is down to nothing but bots and people calling her out.
Also, I’m not sure her friend does drugs considering you…can’t do crack off someone’s ass. You can’t even do crack. You can only smoke crack, and which Taylor knows, we’ve seen the blistered burns on her lip from the pipe.
No. 883717
File: 1658050576712.jpg (77.75 KB, 863x615, trash.jpg)

Someone said earlier that Kassi is so much uglier than Taylor.
At this rate Taylor will look as bad as her or even worse. It's terrifying how her looks have deteriorated in, let's say, 2 years. I can't believe she's only 25.
Maybe it's really naive but I would have assumed Taylor would tried to preserve what's let of her remaining beauty. Or maybe preserve her feets/legs.
Wouldn't be surprised if she needs amputation anytime soon.
No. 883725
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Now these two are friends lmaooo
No. 883736
>>883731The Summer of Brodick Saga. That was the freshest cream, ahh the good ole days of Farmers finding her rehab, her fuck hotel, catching her in crazy lies, and watching TND try to turn her entire following against a teenage fan, who took in one of her abused snakes.
She hasn't quit the meth since.
No. 883768
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>>883722Taylor already has a bit of it to varying degrees but she’s definitely going to go full Faces of Meth if she doesn’t go clean.
No. 883769
File: 1658077129742.jpeg (819.71 KB, 3397x1871, F8E6774F-3071-4C66-8957-F7C6B5…)

>>883465Lol she confirmed her relapse in this rant. On Feb 15th she was almost 10 months sober yet now the number is down to an ambiguous “several months”.
No. 883779
>>883774That's what I can't understand.
Everyone I've met, including myself, who have quit something addictive, from caffeine to hard drugs, have a date. They know the exact date or atleast within a week of the time they've stopped. Taylor is so vague with her dates it's obvious she's lying.
No. 883786
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>>883717Yeah her feet and legs are in horrific condition posting this because all the people still debating her sobriety didn't zoom in enough on the collage. Kassi and Taylor’s extensive hand and leg tracks were on full display. There’s one of lassi’s ditch too if thats not enough for people to believe. So she’s not only risking finger amputation from her stupid finger shooting (small needle doesn't make it safe taytay) but also full on leg amputation now. She let her leg rot before and while she may not have encountered it irl& thinks she’s invincible still it happens all the time. Nothing she says can dispute that footage. She will never go back to looking how she used to she showed us her faces of meth pics before & its probably under all that foundation she never washes off
No. 883802
>>883786wow her leg looks awful! she doesn't have any tattoos there… right?
>>883725lil baggy on top of the phone in the bottom left?
No. 883807
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>>883786She has a praying mantis on her ankle its the darkest spot. Nothing on her foot and that line of tracks is indeed where a large vein is
As far as betsey I've never believed she’s sober because sometimes addicts do tell each other to go to rehab but its often to calm shit down, take a tolerance break, or disappear for a bit if they have $ trouble with their dealer. Its easy to send your friend to rehab as lo g as you dont have to yourself lmao. Betsey has had pinpoint pupils the entire time she’s known her and taylor admitted she “was” an iv meth user. Even in the dark strip club her eyes are pinpoints. I think that’s why they're clicking so well clearly Betsey is also a sex worker methead junkie. I mean really what “assistant” would feel comfortable working for someone who had to have hazmat cleanup at their last apartment because there were so many capless hep c infected needles laying around that maintenance was scared to go in? And taylor seemed proud to mention that. And what assistant would feel comfortable bringing their infant to said client’s house? Oh yeah another junkie. There were pics with toys in the background and taylor admitted they were her assistant’s kids’ aka betsey’s then infant sons’. This all happened pre rehab in the shithole atrium house. Betsey may not be an iv user anymore but tbh i doubt it. She always wears boots at work so I think she just uses her legs and feet as well, not very smart if you like having functional painless legs. They're all the same they think they're so smart and clever but they're just coming off like desperate compulsive liars caught in their lies. Anyways just look at this pic from 5 days ago outside in the dark
No. 883810
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>>883802And here is a pic of the ankle tattoo it’s a praying mantis. Lol looks like she was using her ankles back then too
No. 883818
>>883707>>883709>>883710She is just a socially stunted munchie that was the
victim of being homeschooled. That’s it. That’s all. CPTSD is the result of prolonged exposure to deep trauma (from what exactly, tay?) she’s not bipolar, she’s never had psychosis and literally everyone and their mother claims to have experienced “mania” when they have an elevated mood (which she would have, again, because drugs). Histrionic personality disorder is extreme, a la amber heard. Sorry to autistic armchair but this shit gets under my skin. The only psychiatrically wrong with her is that she’s fucking immature.
No. 883819
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>>883807The hos are out tonight again. I assume Taylor is also there, they’re just not posting her?
No. 883835
>>883828Please stfu I have helicopter parents who are crazy af, lots of people do. It’s not something that gives you cptsd, and that’s not even a thing here. It’s PTSD. That’s it.
She’s not a
No. 883848
>>883847You are making up lies, how do youknow that Taylor is fucked up because of her retarded brother? I guess you think that everyone who has a PW sibling is destined to become a worthless drug addict?
I'm sure it has nothing to do with her own choices, keep absolving her of any blame and instead blame her disabled brother.
what a fucking stupid take.
No. 883854
>>883850Again, you are assuming trauma is required for drug use. Some drug addicts just make bad choices. You don't have to be physically or mentally abused to want an escape.
Addiction is hereditary, so yeah, there's a good chance she was simply born like this.
No. 883862
>>883841I do see the point you’re getting at, but CPTSD happens to, say, people that survived concentration camps during the Holocaust or Yazidi sex slaves in the Middle East, or people that are living in Ukrainian war zones. Not a family situation where the mom still takes her kids to Disney world like Jen.
I’ve seen some chatter about Taylor in Jonny’s (dead) discord. Nothing milky though.
No. 883863
>>883861How dare you try to make her look like less of a
victim. home school is hard on anyone, most home schoolers end up as drug addicts
No. 883872
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>>883867Wow. More upload dates. I wonder how this is going to go.
No. 883875
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>>883874Our poor fragile flower.
No. 883877
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>>883875She has lost all chill. That’s right, Taylor, we don’t buy it for a fucking second you sad waste of space.
No. 883878
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>>883877We know you’re on drugs, stupid bitch. Why are you awake at 2am ranting on the internet? Also, my apologies anons, I don’t know how to make new posts without replying to something
No. 883885
>>883872I hate to even say this, but it’s sad when Jonny Craig is more reliable to his work (making music) than TND.
I hope that he tells her that she needs to get it the fuck together and that she’s a total embarrassment.
It’s actually so hilarious and sad that she’s been promising endless videos for years, and she never follows through. She’s so pathetic.
No. 883886
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>>883879Taylor has a response for you, anon.
No. 883887
>>883879Sorry for samefag but she actually claimed that she was homeschooled.
She said her (insert random health problem here) was too hard, and she was homeschooled. IIRC she claimed bullying as well?
No. 883891
>>883856I’m well aware nona i was hoping you would figure out the insinuation was that betsey is also using opiates of some sort. Honestly idgaf what exactly they are using, that’s not what's important. What’s important is her drug use is causing her to be an
abusive manipulator and neglect innocent animals. She literally is what she claims she hates. The obvious addict behaviour is a lot more telling which is why she has nothing direct to say in defense of that and only endless vague nonstatements.
No. 883898
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>>883886remember when this scrote said that you were a dropout and you liked it? Yet again she fed into a rumour herself
No. 883921
>>883909Anon said that They had a soundless video! I hope you did not delete it.
PLEASE post it. So much can be discerned by body language.
Even if it's just a clip.
No. 883922
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>>883921Yes please I know we all want to see it. I love watching crackheads be crackheads in real time
Also unrelated but what fucking sewer did this thing come out of? Genuinely terrified. And Taylor is morphing into her
No. 883938
>>883886She’s not even trying to hide her lurking at this point, she posted this directly after these.
>>883857>>883861>>883879I don’t even believe her, she’s never told the same story twice, the details are always changing. She lies so much we’ll probably never know the real story of anything in her life unless it comes from someone else.
No. 883939
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>>883892We are literally her only actual fans. It's the longest running digital homeschool episode of intervention. We are all waiting to see if it's jail or death before the credits roll
No. 883944
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im surprised no one posted this. but are these fkn stinky sluts in their tour bus? jesus christ. the hole she keeps digging gets deeper and deeper. groupie is the worst kinda look
No. 883946
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how embarrassing… she tries to be cute and take a video with this band member and he quickly turns away… kek
No. 883953
>>883948OMG anon please.
Maybe drop box would work.
Or split it up if it's hella long upload
You're doing the lords work
No. 883965
>>883948Streamable allows that kind of length doesn’t it? I could swear I streamed a ~2 hr concert on there…
Otherwise if you have a burner Google account you could do an unlisted YouTube video.. dailymotion, vimeo allows you to password protect the video, not just make it unlisted
No. 883974
I think after this
>>883513and once anon inevitably figures out how to upload it, I'm just shocked how much she's still doubling down on all of these lies. Like, to what end? And what is even the purpose anymore? What is the point of lying and saying you are drinking water? Claiming that you were up for 4 days with your friends at bars completely sober like anyone would believe that? The fans from her animal days are long gone and she's replying directly to lolcow. Literally what is the point in keeping up with all of those lies
still? It has to be exhausting.
No. 883976
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Hey Tay! I know you’re probably reading this. But girl. Lmao. At least become a better liar if you’re going to spew bullshit. You literally claimed sobriety when getting your furby tattoo and your hair done and going out with Aggy. Then admitted months later that you actually did relapse, like everyone had guessed despite you denying everything. So for you to say that you aren’t high since you’re not staying home is pretty fucking hilarious.
Also aren’t you still not showering? Or filming or editing? So you can’t use that argument, you nasty crusty ass bitch. Get help. Lol. 25 yrs old, living with your parents while mooching off from them for the occasional fast food money, with no career to your name or reliable income. Only thing exciting in your sad life is literally getting that small high, because you threw everything you had away for a temporary fix.
No. 883980
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>>883922This is where she gets her inspo from. Nina Hagen, A famous singer from Germany in the ‘80’s, who also - guess what, was an addict. Idk if this is a coincidence but maybe this is who she is skinwalking
No. 883983
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>>883965I do have a burner yt account i could use dropbox is asking for money which sorry everyone i wont do. Ill try streamable again. I’m worried she’d try to claim the vid on yt?
>>883909 if youre serious i did also notice you can get replays if you subscribe to her younow. Not sure if itll be there but that may be a way to get sound which would be damming tbh It would likely be outing yourself though. And this goes out to anyone who might be willing to spend the $5
No. 883995
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Looking back it’s so sad they’re speaking again and she insists it’s good for her recovery.
No. 884016
>>883992Nona you would have to go to her younow page. Her username is taylorndean. I have the app downloaded and it would work with an appleid. I do think the audio would horrify her audience tbh but no pressure. Im slowly splitting up the vids and posting them to streamable and so far only have 3/5 done it is very slow to load (feeling very much TNDish rn lol). Sorry nonas for the delay nothing else was working
Part 1 2 3 No. 884027
>>884016THANK YOU!! Amazing work girl
Both of their eyes are so red (Taylor's in all of her videos, as well as pinpoint in the almost complete darkness of the club) and Kassi's eyes look wide wide open, like tweaked open.
Her hand is a mess too, tracks on the back of it and the wrist.
I'm grateful Taylor has a friend but I wish it wasn't under these circumstances, friends can be a catalyst for insanity if they are enabling. I've had a few ride or die's and we just
triggered the shit out of each other.
Does anyone know how they met?
No. 884035
>>883993Yeah you would have to subscribe. Please post if you do it or anyone else for that matter. Side note i wasn’t OG younow announcement anon someone else posted it but they haven’t said anything which makes me wonder if it was a self post. Ill see if i have a screenshot. I cant find that og post anymore, it must have been deleted but there was a second stream too the next day or later that day
>>883405 I did miss the first hour of the first one and the second one so so who knows what was said then. Maybe nothing because people weren’t taking the bait - anyways end of the vid
Part 4 5 5.3 No. 884052
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holy shit it's always amazing seeing video footage of taylor when she didn't take it herself. similar to the Vice video, you never can tell how much of a massive MTF looking creature she is. she was wearing a big tshirt, but you can still tell she's a thumb thumb. i gasped when you could see her legs, they're so swollen and she has borderline cankles. remember when she tried convincing us she was sooo underweight uwu
No. 884060
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i kept waiting for her to make her bed, but it seems all she was doing was wiping the whataburger crumbs off it and just threw her cover on top. she's literally just pacing around the room, thought she was cleaning but she's just pacing
No. 884064
>>884035Lmao at little miss fraggle rock being so lethargic in the first videos, getting up and disappearing to the bathroom (to "throw up" or whatever) and coming back with so! much! energy! The outfit change? The two of them just nervously moving things around Taylor's hovel? It's giving sobriety for sure. Sponsored by Whataburger.
Thank you for uploading Nona! Even without audio it's a good watch.
No. 884086
>>884052remember when she said she lost like 20 pounds in February and started going to the gym LMAO? girl where, you look like a swollen sac of potatoes. I guess she’s working on her Luna slater physique.
>>884024this. she admitted a while ago to going on a coke and alcohol binge before she met Jonny. her story of him forcing her into drugs always pissed me off, she’s the only one he ever “got hooked on drugs”. don’t get me wrong he’s scum of the earth but that’s not his MO. she just had to be the biggest
victim of them all.
No. 884092
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>>884073Wow it’s almost like she’s following this thread
No. 884095
File: 1658212422572.png (Spoiler Image,736.58 KB, 828x1792, DD2B9D91-9BFC-40EA-840A-9D9EC5…)

>>884075Apparently people are reaching out….?
No. 884104
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No. 884105
>>884095so ~unbothered~
stfu taylor. if you really gave a shit about your friends or family you'd disappear off the internet and quit being a munchie attention whore. there's a difference between us and the cow tippers on twitter who don't know how to stfu either. just go crawl back into your den you gargoyle
No. 884109
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>>884103>>884104I’m not positive because the video looks like it was filmed with a toaster but I think it’s a vape. Whatever it is it’s light blue.
No. 884118
>>884092Oh no! How dare people share their concern for Mama Deans very obviously not sober daughter!
God Taylor get a fucking grip.
No. 884126
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>>884114Tee hee she is Toats editing guys
No. 884129
>>884126This old song and dance again. So much for "I won't announce video uploads guiz, Im too [insert munchie lie] to keep a schedule."
Since you lurk, Trailor, you have no tits and a face size that rivals an easter island statue. Xoxo
No. 884133
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>>884095Funny she is claiming this when mama dean literally just came back from about a month long twitter hiatus. Definitely not deleted
>>884130She already tried that while in sober living and it was laughable seeing her act like it wasn’t incredibly easy to fake
No. 884140
>>884092In fairness I do think there is a cow tipping farmer out there consistently being a troll and was doing the same thing with jonny and his new gf/
victim through twitter as well. So I m not surprise if its only 1 troll out there making sock accounts to dm’s mama dean and co
No. 884183
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I don’t care enough about her excuses to TLDR this, sorry.
No. 884184
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No. 884194
>>884192He’s co-parenting with Skid and recently performed with a band I like (and am going to stop listening to because they associate with the likes of him).
Taylor needs to get a face or neck tattoo.
No. 884206
File: 1658258226003.png (3.06 MB, 828x1792, 13744973-6B5C-4411-A838-EA058E…)

TFW your Pupils are huge at night, on a dark street.
No. 884210
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Jesus Christ
No. 884212
File: 1658260529058.png (950.69 KB, 828x1792, 3D0B519E-5C23-4EF7-A85F-1E288D…)

“I’ve only ever done meth once in my life.”
No. 884213
File: 1658260786769.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1170x2162, FFF5894D-D015-410B-A63C-BBBEBA…)

“I only did meth once” vs on twitter.. so fucking stupid.
No. 884215
>>884126is that meth talking, or bipolar disorder?
Btw I don't think Betsy or that other skank is any good news for Tay. Seems like they just want to whip up drama around her for their own little junkie drama needs. Betsy could so easily just not post vids where Tay is drinking, but she always does, and Tay ends up explaining herself in long rants after. And that other one also seems to want to get Tay to expose herself. It seems like she is reading on lolcow and reporting it to Taylor - "apparently everyone think you're doing crack off my ass, wanna make a video about it?"
I mean the tea is delicious but maybe get some better friends Taylor.
No. 884218
>>884207Nah she’s on meth, so her pupils wouldn’t be pinned. Heroin def does that but meth makes them bigger I think?
>>884206Idk about pupils but she certainly has that thousand yard dead in the eyes look. It’s so sad how much of a nasty meth head she looks like compared to how she looked a few years back.
>>884205Don’t worry
nonnie, I think it’s just a glitch. I got the same thing a few times, bans on posts from before I even discovered lolcow. but when I refresh and try to post again it doesn’t show up so just ignore it
No. 884221
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No. 884223
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No. 884229
>>884223lol the whole last paragraph is crazy, she sounds so bitter and annoyed.
>if u think ur going to get my friends to not want to be around me or something- they're not going to drop me>I guess if u don't wanna stop them with time I'll teach them how to learn to avoid your comments, and then you'll be talking into the void again.some people are genuinely not built to be in the spotlight and Taylor is absolutely one of them, you can tell the idea of people hating her keeps her up at night.
No. 884234
>>884233I haven’t seen a single post in this thread that’s cow tipping. If u mean all the “dms” her friend/family are getting I guarantee they got less than 10 messages combined and like always she’s blowing it out of proportion to make herself look like a poor
victim. Also don’t even worry she won’t stop posting she needs attention like a flower need the sun.
No. 884235
>>884233“yOu GuYs rUiN EvErYtHiNg”
Shut the fuck up, we ruined nothing. This bitch has 70 threads on her, from the last five years. She’s known about lolcow this whole time. She reads here constantly. You think this narc queen will stop posting pictures? Please
The fact that you are believing anything Taylor says makes you stupid by default.
No. 884237
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>>884209 smoking weed and shitposting on pt does a retard make. Guilty as charged.
She tries to treat viewers like they’re 12 but all of the 12 year olds got scared away from the drugs and goth shit.
No. 884239
>>884233I highly doubt anyone contacted her friends or her mom. Everyone with the common sense to know she's still using also knows she's a lost cause.
She just read shit on here and came up with a story to play the poor
victim like always.
No. 884243
File: 1658265440561.jpeg (315.26 KB, 1169x2164, D1E3EDAE-1574-49B1-AE1D-B0EAA2…)

>>884239I like how she is literally admitting to gaslighting and manipulating her mom. We already knew she was doing that but glad she is finally admitting it. I really do think she is responding to us. I cant find the post but last night a nona said why doesnt she just post a vid like actual influencers do instead of posting endless rants and she is literally responding to that here. Like girl you live in your bed its pretty obvious. Also i fucking hope she disnt get the 20gal out to get another poor frog to inevitably neglect and torture to death
No. 884246
File: 1658266549196.jpeg (1.26 MB, 3464x3320, 70A0C6B2-94E6-4D60-B784-ECD24B…)

She spammed picture of frogs with weird messages. Kinda seemed like a poor attempt to connect to her remaining animal stans and negate the negative rants she’s been going on for over a week now.
No. 884250
>>884215Exactly. It's really not hard to hide that you're using from the internet but it's clear that she fails every time because she is too fucked up to really care or notice, and now she has two friends who are too fucked up to care or notice. Absolutely fantastic.
Also she is not going to stop posting. She has no job and has no other options for money. Also here to see what happens once she gets dropped from her parent's insurance. I was thinking about that before and then anons brought it up. I love this thread right now
No. 884264
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>>884108Good eye, this thread is moving so fast thanks to Taylor’s amphetamine antics it’s hard to keep up! Inb4 she writes another novel to explain this away.
No. 884266
File: 1658269763543.png (1.93 MB, 828x1792, C47255D2-C353-43B6-BC0F-BCFC20…)

What a pussy. Betsey deleted the photo of her and Taylor that was there.
Awwwww can't handle wittle criticism.
If she didn't have something to hide then she would delete it???
If Taylor is "such a good" friend for "5evar" ago why would she be embarrassed of them together???
Put it back Betsey, and then I'll believe you're sober
No. 884349
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More videos of her eye fucking herself.
No. 884350
File: 1658336917847.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1170x1837, A273F8FE-C901-4095-BA1F-9871F3…)

Someone pointed out that since taylor’s “my friendz are sober guyzzz!!!!” post, the troll deleted her tweets regarding the black tar.
No. 884361
>>884357even if that were true, the only thing dumber than doing heroin on social media is pretending to do heroin on social media
retards either way
No. 884362
File: 1658342752323.png (2.42 MB, 828x1792, 7FDDFB23-0F86-4E2E-9AAF-20A12A…)

>>884361Sorry for possible autism/off topic, but here is one of the girls Taylor has been bar-hopping with. Totally a good, sober inlfuence.
No. 884388
>>884386Yeah, I think this is the post that anon was referring to
>>882595 that math doesn’t make sense, she also switched almost ten months sober to “a couple months sober recently
>>883769 No. 884400
File: 1658356634039.png (1.92 MB, 1080x2444,…)

>>884362She really strikes me as a Danielle Bregoli wannabe kek. All it takes is a quick scroll through her IG.
Also, go figure she's BFFs with the local shed-dwelling methhead. Small world.
Great company for Trailor to be keeping!!!
No. 884413
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>>884403From his insta: he's moving out of state in a few days. Good for him tho. maybe he will put the glass dick down and gain some pounds. Seems like a cool guy, into metal and industrial. Drugs will fuck you up tho.
Makes sense kassi is having "trouble" with the relationship and has to "stay at Taylor's" for now. Maybe she was living in his shed…
Although…. y'all seen her insta before she went private?? She (her fan) has hella money and has a swimming pool and basically a McMansion. Fam has been supporting her artistic endeavors (of which she is actually good at, in an aware/trashy way) for years now.
Too bad on drugs and meth'd out. Could be alt-cute.
No. 884473
>>884463Yeah I checked and that picture was posted over 3 years ago
>>884250Sorry to burst anons’ bubble when it comes to the insurance thing but it’s really easy to stay on your parents’ insurance past the age limit. All she has to do is get one of her doctors to fill out a form from her dad’s insurance company and sign it saying she still needs coverage to treat her illness(es) that prevent her from working, and they’ll give her a disability extension for a year. She can then repeat this process when the extension runs out. She doesn’t even need to go through the process of applying for formal disability to do this. And we all know her parents are enablers.
No. 884474
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No. 884496
>>884400Kek he’s hitting on her in the comments and she is reciprocating
Why anyone would want that man near them is beyond way.
Anyway can’t wait till Kassi sees this and gets bitter by it
No. 884633
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She posted this for us. So here you go, ya cheap hooker. Since she’s using the same words we do she’s just baiting rn
No. 884636
>>884633I wonder how her baby who she abandoned to do drugs and show her breasts to nasty moids is doing.
Is it worth it, Betsey?
No. 884647
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>>884349i feel like she's been tryna be like EC lately with the whole getting tons of attention… idk i feel like she's doing meth to get skinny too
No. 884659
>>884652for the life of me I don’t understand either like…
>>884060 >>883922 ?
but I guess beauty is subjective lol?
No. 884673
File: 1658490492093.png (Spoiler Image,408.89 KB, 722x538, nastyass.png)

>>884656She moved to Illinois to be a stripper. Of course she abandoned her son.
I'd be so ashamed if I were her. If I were her son, I'd also be ashamed and embarrassed that I was less important to her than the men who objecitfy her. Her Insta gets more and more lewd and trashy as time goes on.
No. 884681
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daily word vomit
No. 884682
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No. 884687
File: 1658502002605.png (1.6 MB, 828x1792, F6ED6B62-B53A-4A0D-9319-7FC8D8…)

re-piercing yourself at 4am on a Friday morning #justmeththings
No. 884688
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No. 884689
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No. 884691
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>>884685she's responding to you
nonnie, i swear she has lolcow pulled up on as a tab on her phone
No. 884719
>>884689So embarrassing that I’m going to tell a few thousand people, I’m totally not tryin to flex on the dl
>>884688shocker, this is why her piercings get infected constantly. She just re pierced her ears at 4am a by shoving a earring in. That’s why there is blood Taylor. THIS is why they get infected. For god sake she should have just went to her nearest tattoo parlor. I highly doubt she took the right precautions, when she isn’t even cable of doing that for her pets.
No. 884722
>>884689This screams ricegum
$500 gucci hoodie, $700 pants, $300 watch, $400 hat.
like ok we get it, you don’t know how to spend your money. Chill.
No. 884732
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>>884689y does she lie so much? a piercer wouldn’t put a 800$ stud in a client without making sure they actually had the funds to pay for it. but sure, pretend you’re not a superficial person who likes to waste money and flex. It’s not like five months ago you were posting about expensive tooth gems or anything.
No. 884734
>>884732I forgot about those tooth gems!
Bless you.
Anyone remember if she ever showed them?
No. 884778
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I honestly read ‘grow so fast’ as ‘grow so fat’
Are snakes able to survive if neglected by their owner/are they hardy?
No. 884792
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looks like the gruesome twosome might have hit the town together last night
No. 884810
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>>884792Hate to be like this and WK but Kassi is a talented artist (check her tumblr hashtags all of them she tagged are her art)
Maybe she is fairly sober, or mostly sober.
I've posted constantly in this thread for years and am very very critical of Taylor but Kassi is talented. Maybe she did get somewhat sober recently and gained weight.
She seems like a lush that she loves booze. That can cause weight gain
Her makeup is harsh af and probably some defense mechanism from trauma to make her not look like herself or appealing. Probably spends hours trying hard to smudge it.
Wish we knew more about her or what her occupation is/or if she's a perma-neet like Taylor or an SW like betsey.
No. 884816
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Make your mind up look at the comment from her mom
No. 884818
>>884810I wouldn’t go as far as super talented but I’ll admit some of her pieces are visually interesting. having a hobby that you stick to is a good thing, if she keeps at it she’ll just keep getting better. maybe she can influence tay to pick up a hobby other than taking selfies and doing drugs.
>>884816that’s not actually her mom, twitter tea accounts are retarded and think role playing as tays mom is funny and normal behaviour.
No. 884825
>>884810Have to agree, can’t wait to be shit on. She is also decently attractive. Taylor with or without makeup is fucked. Kassie just doesn’t do a preferred style of makeup and it’s very different, but if she had the avg makeup look or no makeup she is very attractive imo. Also anons fight this claim with very internationally ugly faced photos, any attractive person can make ugly faces for the camera. Shes confident enough to do so, and I generally think she doesn’t give a shit what people think. Taylor wants to be kassie, she has been larping her for yrs without even knowing her. Clearly kassie knows trauma, the real trauma. you can just tell. Taylor is a wanna be, and pretends her mom and dad are so
abusive and neglectful. Pisses me off when anons are like Taylor’s moms crazy oh poor Taylor. Those anons clearly never seen crazy in their lives. Fucking white privileged kids wanna be
victims so bad, oh wait Taylor turned 25 this last March, girls 5 yrs from not a kid.
No. 884854
>>884851She’s been around not even a month nobody knows what she’s really like. How bout you search Kassi in this thread and see what she’s actually done and said. She also dated that complete pos and there’s definitely no getting past that. She hasn’t shown any redeeming qualities get off her fucking dick.
>stunning wk harder
This is a Taylor thread no one cares how great you think her shitty art is or how pretty she’s be if she wasn’t fat.. “from getting sober” kek gtfoh she hanging with Taylor she’s not sober and she’s probably a dumb pos bitch like everyone she befriends: Betsy, Johnny, Aggy, Rehabbro, etc.
Take your lovingness to the “how I really feel about cows” thread in ot
No. 884855
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Farmers asked her to show us the hedgehogs. Taylor responded. Hey Taylor, how’s the video going? Struggling to film it without showing your track marks?
No. 884864
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No. 884868
>>884855'Rehoming the number I had to'
Meaning I want to keep the number of rehomed animals vague so I can add any of the ones I actually killed to the list.
No. 884870
>>883854People also think that people do drugs as an escape, and that's not always the case. Some people just want to get fucked up or want to "look cool/fit in/have an experience." My bet is that Taylor is the latter.
>>883880If she did a video like that I would eat my own shoes.
>>883883Maybe? Would be stupid tho, sublocade is a monthly injection.
>>884108Good fucking catch nona. It amazes me how easily these druggies tell on themselves.
No. 884889
File: 1658671897571.jpg (14.35 KB, 250x141, mmmmgood.jpg)

Actual image of the gorgeous and stunning Kassi finally receiving the clout she ordered from the TND Shitshow.
No. 884894
>>884882Most definitely. Her art looks like shit, her makeup looks like shit, she looks like shit.
>>884792This photo is literally luna slater levels.
Then feeling the need to announce which posts are theirs? Integrate or go back to your drug den.
No. 884960
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No. 884962
>>884960I don’t usually feel sad about Taylor, but this one did it for me.
She used to be a pretty girl who had a future ahead of her. She could’ve course corrected so easily in both her addiction and animal care, but nope. It really feels like she dedicated her life to living in this shell that she made with JC.
She decided shooting H and playing Hot Topic goth girl while letting her animals rot in Walmart tubs was the best path.
The worst part is the aesthetic doesn’t even match her in the slightest, and feels so forced.
No. 884966
>>884910Because some moronic nonnies thought it would be a good idea to invent a new reality, where Kass is a beauty ideal, just to rile up Tayter. While other nonnies prefer the truth.
Imo she looked cute in that old pic but the drugs really fucked her looks up, maybe a change from Nina Hagen aesthetic would be beneficial?
From all of them, Betsy is the only one who looks at least kind of normal. Idk how she does it, tho. But then, she is also the only one of them, having a job and earn her own money.
No. 884973
>>884972on your side
nonnie. they hate for us to acknowledge someone else besides taylor, almost as if they're obsessed with taylor
No. 884984
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It’s sad that she went from this, her parents throwing so much money at her recovery, only for her to be the methy, sleazy trash bag she is right now. Since she’s a lost cause we might as well enjoy the death spiral.
No. 884986
>>884984You’re damn right
nonnie.. all of that work her parents done for her, send her to therapy, support groups, countless rehabs. Not to mention tolerating her having her hoard of animals and tacky tattoos/piercing + shopping sprees. Well done taylor!
No. 884987
>>884986Notice how she doesn’t sperg on Instagram anymore because she was reading the feedback here. Too bad she’s just some uneducated methhead bitch who knows nothing but trying to appeal to 13 year olds on social media while also being a hard drug addict. Noticeably all the other Pettube freaks have turned their channels into business, but Taylor..
What ever happened to her gun?
Do something funny, Taylor!
No. 885054
>>885049“She at least gave up/rehomed her living creature/son”. Lololololol I’m dying. Good one,
No. 885055
>>885049It was a forced CPS relinquishing of the child after the domestic abuse issue between Jonny and syd. They tested the kid and it was positive for fent
If animal control worked like that (as she's had them called on her a dozen + times) she would have had her animals taken a few weeks into Jonny saga, or earlier tbh
No. 885056
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>>885049 don't forget taylor was hoping/letting JC die… yeah what makes you think she gives a fuck about her animals
No. 885103
>>885084Don’t bring axolotls into this. They’re too pure (and smiling cutely).
Does Taylor still have mushu? I’m an axie mom and I remember she could buy shitty tattoos, a fuckton of drugs but couldn’t spare a few hundo for a tank chiller. So much for loving her animals. I really hope she doesn’t have it anymore
No. 885144
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Lmao I found this lurking twitter hashtags.. how does it feel to be completely ignored by Taylor? I thought y’all were besties and ~moving in together~
No. 885168
>>885103Me too nona, poor mushu’s condition makes me so much more sad than the condition of her other animals.
>>884984Christ this is depressing
No. 885189
>>885144This is mentally ill behavior at this point smh.
Good news for us farmers though, I follow chasebats on Instagram and he’s moving away from Texas. That means Kassi is staying with Taylor longer and thus they are both doing more drugs together and giving us more milk. Speaking of milk, I hope it hasn’t run dry for much longer. I want that video (but I also want world peace). It’s hilarious when her hands are shaking and those are just ‘clownfish bites’ on her hands… hmm…
No. 885250
File: 1658946817186.png (951.07 KB, 1198x864, taylor gross.png)

>>885233It's a sad day for a farmer when Taylor isn't giving any milk, she's my top cow.
Sorry to give her ad revenue and regurgitate milk but I've 1 yr into following Taylor. She never got out of the habit of doing goiter's retarded photo habit. Taking rehab soooo seriously. must have been why she was so successful…
No. 885253
File: 1658948631150.png (1.67 MB, 1080x2150, Screenshot_20220727-145939~2.p…)

Taylor's roommate hanging with the dude they met at the bar last week…getting drunk. I like how half her jewelry and the rat purse is Taylor's stuff lol what a leech
No. 885255
>>885253Kassi’s bangs looks like someone dogs chew her hair off. Or a lawn mower lost control all over her face and ended up with the monstrosity of a hair cut.
Agree anon, I love how our taytay pick the worst type of people to be friends with.. I supposed sane and well-put-together person would find her insufferable now
No. 885435
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No. 885436
File: 1659052632249.jpeg (947.67 KB, 1125x1081, AFFC0EC3-5D34-4F10-964D-0EDFA2…)

Hard to believe this is the same person. I really hope she can get her shit together someday.
No. 885534
>>885484It’s gone. I’m interested to see if she continues to doctor shop her way into a POTS diagnosis or let’s it go. I guess another possibility is she says she got the diagnosis even if she didn’t, that’s what she’s been doing with mental health disorders for years now.
>>885492Anon posted a sc where she’s sucking in her cheeks, they don’t actually look this bad in the whole video. Although any recent pics compared to
>>885436 show her facial fat is disappearing and it’s not doing her any favours.
No. 885554
>>885491Everyone said Taylor ruined her body. The comparison is now, no one gives a shit what you looked like years ago.
If they both take off there makeup this second and you compare them. It’s kassi, she wins the prettiest trashy girl prize. Woah crazy.
No. 885556
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>>885436this was posted in the jc thread from her live last week. she either has scars all over her face or she’s been picking again.
No. 885630
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Let the speculation about pupil size begin
No. 885668
>>885630Heart monitor is definitely MIA. She didn’t give us an update, so I’m wondering if the doctor figured out it was meth.
Fingers crossed they aren’t actually entertaining her bullshit anymore.
No. 885696
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she’s teasing the video without actually saying she’s uploading so she can’t be held accountable when she doesn’t post.
No. 885729
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No. 885731
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These stories are just so odd.
No. 885732
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No. 885743
>>885733why thank you (
: bows*
No. 885756
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No. 885757
File: 1659227476326.png (3.2 MB, 828x1792, 4BF4A09F-C706-4357-A1E2-4F32D4…)

more methy eyefucking
No. 885766
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>>885760this is a bolo, it's what you smoke crystal meth out of and yes it burns your lips like that
No. 885770
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watched her story… holy fuck. she thinks she's giving like supermodel documentary hour when all she's doing is giving Faces of Meth: Tic Edition… home girl literally looks like she has developed a tic
No. 885771
>>885732Just came here to post this. Why the fuck does it matter to repost this Taylor? 1) nobody gives a fuck 2) you literally post the same eyefucking video multiple times a day.
She’s literally so obsessed with herself, idk who is more self absorbed between her and Syd at this point but it’s disgusting. You’ve been promising videos for months and all you do is post the same looking selfies that look the exact fucking same every. Single. Day. This is all her life consists of. Selfies and getting high. We’re tired of seeing your drugged out face. You’re literally just digging your hole deeper and deeper with damning evidence that you are not sober.
No. 885772
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>>885435all i could think of was that SNL skit about meth kek
No. 885776
>>885756dude why doesnt she just fucking post a video and then say "haayyyyy guyz a new video is up! link in bio!" like every normal fucking youtuber?!?!?!
she said she wasnt gonna promise dates but this is just as bad if not worse. just fucking POST, stop leading people on, stop leading the small amount of stans you have left on. like if you want to actually not be a total fucking let down.. do what normal fucking youtubers do and just POST A VIDEO and THEN you can talk about it on socials.
but its just bc she has to pretend for herself and what little image she has left i think. it's sad
No. 885778
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>>885776is it sad that im almost excited she's a full blown methhead now? if she kept doing heroin, she'd eventually OD then we lost our cow. now we get to watch her crash and burn. she's gonna end up in prison or a street prostitute or doing some insane
No. 885820
>>885770I wish she would shave her head. That abandoned bird's nest she calls "bed
hair" (meth) shows her scalp anyway.
No. 885847
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No. 885860
>>885847okay kassi, i was one of the anons actually having your back on you being cute and having alright music…
never fucking mind
looks like you've been taking notes from Tay on how to look ~so unbothered~ online and chose to be a smartass, revealing your actual bothered-ness. well next time you decide to sass lolcow, how bout you take some miralax while you're at it (because god knows a vegetable has never touched your lips, just crusty homeless b.o. man dick and whatabuger) it'll help with heroin constipation and maybe your chunky ass can develop more sound judgement.
No. 885867
File: 1659304912557.webm (1.12 MB, 1280x720, Faces of Meth Tic Edition ft T…)
>>885757>>885770Here it is for the archives.
No. 885899
File: 1659316214395.jpeg (504.05 KB, 1125x1208, 94B0C0FC-6870-45C3-9EDE-8B8404…)

this is hurting taylor? but what happened to her meth-ridden novels via IG stories ranting about "yOu GuIs AcTuaLlY SaiD iT wItH yOuR cHeSt?! YaLl r soooOoOOOO anNoYiNg! iMm sOo uNboTherED" que gingivitis smile, excessive blinking, hair flip, neck twitch, face tic, repeat
No. 886016
>>885942She used the "I have to edit 3 entire videos before I even post 1 " excuse to just…. not …upload.
What's left of her fans just want 1 small short video, shit she could be creating "YouTube shorts"
Or fucjing TIKTOCKS!!! Anything, something, doesn't have to be perfect.
She doesn't have to "come back" to YouTube with perfect funny fully edited videos.
The only way with her lack of motivation to come back proper (well not proper…. a "lindsay Lohan" washed up drugged out type comeback.) will be creating tiny insta videos, or YouTube shorts, or TikTok's.
The fact she is doing none of those really points to her actually using drugs.
I don't care how Kassi wants to frame it, Taylor is doing NOTHING all day, can't even post a 15 second tik tok
No. 886146
File: 1659410583496.png (1.69 MB, 828x1792, D684A681-4D90-429C-B970-14F897…)

Sorry if OT but this is what that random boy she met at the bar posted on IG. Yes taylor, your friends are totally a positive influence on your sobriety
No. 886477
>>886373She is too lazy to do actual work. The only thing she is doing is sperging on insta but only when she is high on meth.
>>886470How did you think she only could mean Tay?
No. 886478
>>886312I think? It doesn't matter, anyway. He will be lifelong under care and not be able to make own decisions.
Did you ask because of child endangerment? Idk, how the rules are for people that are dependent like him but over 18yo.
No. 886580
File: 1659666756777.jpeg (35.37 KB, 275x272, EB2747F3-2AEF-4F1C-B7B1-849067…)

>>886542yeah… okay
nonnie… i mean… if you wanna see a thumb thumb getting off then sure if that your thing
No. 886599
File: 1659677076458.jpeg (188.51 KB, 954x618, 5A839A6A-3D07-492C-90BD-57591F…)

>>886580Every time I see that pic this is where my brain goes, she looks like a cryptid.
No. 886672
File: 1659719637907.jpeg (5.37 MB, 2304x4096, 98E758A6-6D20-4B02-A291-A00725…)

Taylor Nicole Dean #71 - Faces of Meth: Tic Edition
No. 886737
>>886599Holy shit
nonny this is amazing LOL
Tay should really be a retired cow tho.. Pretty much just a struggling druggie at this point.
No. 886880
File: 1659810023689.png (3.51 MB, 828x1792, 7E29757E-3FDD-4399-9A05-07B04F…)

No. 886897
File: 1659817459771.jpeg (200.11 KB, 954x618, ADF1EF30-6EA4-4D10-901F-F85095…)

>>886880even in a big tshirt which usually makes people look tiny, we can tell your a thumb thumb. probably from all that hunched over lurking you got a humpback and of course from all the whataburger and not exercising. you don't look good taylor
No. 886937
File: 1659855496499.png (1.87 MB, 828x1792, 424DC0AD-A287-4F84-A72F-8F0A1D…)

Gruesome twosome were out together again. I can’t capture video on my phone but Taylor is acting erratically as Kassi laughs
No. 886938
File: 1659855547056.png (2.58 MB, 828x1792, 9EEC1A39-173E-4B32-A25C-A6E2E5…)

No. 886939
File: 1659855831053.png (512.72 KB, 828x1792, DECF78C5-5928-46BC-B3E3-A462B0…)

No. 886987
File: 1659892823909.webm (2 MB, 720x1280, 1.webm)
>>886937Here you go, Nona. Incoming all she posted in the last 23-ish hours.
No. 886992
>>886939 is (5/7), don’t want to clutter the thread with duplicates.
No. 886993
File: 1659893718118.webm (1.45 MB, 720x1280, 6.webm)
>>886992Here’s the .webm of
No. 886994
File: 1659893926895.webm (1.67 MB, 720x1280, 7.webm)
>>886993.webm of
The chronological order of this “dump” is reversed, sorry if this causes any confusion. No. 887040
File: 1659928781971.png (625.68 KB, 828x1792, 9E3AAC92-53FA-49F6-A65D-627AC0…)

Kassi talking about tweaking
No. 887072
File: 1659952354670.jpeg (542.26 KB, 828x1401, B906D11E-E49A-4E60-8A65-96F79F…)

>>887040She was playing that using siri and I heard some parts of the “novel” note she wrote on this story, sounded like its a fan fict about taylor lol.
Also looks like she is back at her home from her latest post? I think one anon said that kassi is from a pretty decent upper middle class family. Her home looks huge ? Any TX anon please correct me.
No. 887092
File: 1659976869300.jpeg (129.5 KB, 1749x1289, 39F4DD44-AB29-43F4-808C-606306…)

>>887073you dropped these anon.