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No. 612325
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Old thread
>>582039 Picture of KVD because she looks like a dopey pilgrim there and there's nothing else going on
No. 612327
This is total speculation and purely my opinion but; Adora always seemed to leave the kids with her husband so that she could go to gigs and festivals even before the divorce he was a more present parent. She loves them dearly there is no doubt but would usually use them as content or decoration for her videos or insta photos despite he eldest clearly being uncomfortable on camera. People are shocked she's away at a festival now but she's done that consistently through their lives, her ex husband rarely ever attended anything as he was home with the kids. I think it was a case of that he worked in the day and she was at home so she thought that it would balance their responsibilities for her to be able to maintain a clubbing lifestyle in exchange for caring for her children when they were very young. I don't have a problem with her having a social life, she's entitled to one, but the way she acted always like she deserved these holidays away at short notice with other men because she had to be home with the kids sometimes when they were sick for example rubbed me the wrong way. It's difficult to be a parent, but your instinct to care for them usually overrides your desire to go out in your underwear and party, when they are in need of you. If they're not in need of her then fine, it's all good, but to leave so often I don't know if I could do. They didn't do family holidays as you know she would have posted and bragged. I recall once or twice they did outings, but she always seemed more interested in her own life and not in family life. Not saying she can't have a social life, just that she seems slightly resentful of having to be a stay at home mother all this time and has rarely been home since the divorce, the kids seem to be spending more time with their father these days. Then again, I'm just judging from the outside, I'm from another country so maybe culture is different so that's why it seems strange to me.
No. 612809
>>612325If there is nothing going on then can you please sage your shit? Your pic is a pic of kvd. Woo. Not milk, as you've admitted yourself so it SHOULD be saged. If you don't know what that means or how to do so then I suggest you follow the link at the top of the page.
The last thread was so muddled with non-milky pointless posts that weren't even saged. Can we try not to do that this time around?
No. 613070
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Anybody got some milk about Adam.curlykale? This is his transformation in less than a year. Such a poser.
No. 613082
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>>613070I um, what exactly happened here? He went from looking like a typical douchy dudebro to some kind of gothic, dark elf, santa claus, stripper?
Is there any milk beyond his bizarre transformation?
No. 613084
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>>613070And his partner Veronica Carol Blades. I followed the rabbit hole after seeing him featured in the Mail last month.
BeyondGender AnAlien SugarBabe YourShamefulSecret BeardLover Selfless EmotionalMasochist No. 613104
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>>613084Veronica has performed several self lip surgeries.
No. 613180
>>613129I don't see her named in that article.
Tongue splitting is not explicitly addressed in legislation; the procedure itself is not illegal. Injecting anaesthetic, however, is illegal.
Fun OT fact: in the UK female genital piercing is prohibited by female genital mutilation laws. No cases have been brought yet.
No. 613185
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>>613111Curlykale and Veronica appear to have end goals. Their mods are not haphazardly compulsive (or compulsively haphazard?) like Pauly Unstoppable now Farrah Fucking Flawless. KF has a thread about him.
No. 613258
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>>613104I know her IRL, she's done most of my piercings. She's been nothing but super friendly and professional to me and she's very skilled at what she does, (all her mods are self done including the forearm implants she used to have and the eyeball tattoos). She used to look a lot more extreme, she's toning down her look quite a bit now. She's a bit crazy if anything but not a cow imo.
No. 613472
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I can't even put in words what reading the caption on his sweater made me feel like.
It seems like she's still cool with her boyfriend (sorry, HER husband) taking pride in skincolor. Such a shame.
No. 613477
>>613472The comments under this post make me so sad.
No one knows that he’s already a shit father to a grown daughter. They’re gushing over him so hard it’s sickening.
No. 613482
>>613472Anon, this is a commonly used phrase in Latino communities as an expression of solidarity between each other's heritages, not a racial supremacist thing.
Besides that, Rafael is dumb as bricks, he's nothing Kat describes him as.
No. 613486
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Happy Father’s Day to Rafael who left his daughter in a predatory situation and used it to cry victim.
I know Kat has dated shady people in the past but I don’t think she would’ve given this younger version of her husband the time of day.
No. 613523
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I don't think he was joking
No. 613587
Mum of the year Emily Boo has died her baby girl's hair completely blue. I can't share the photo of her daughter but damn
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 613592
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(reposting this in new thread because I'm stupid and didn't see the other one had locked)
Jake's birthday surprise for Kaya
>Jake vlogs for her entire birthday
>Pancakes for breakfast
>Hereditary in the cinema
>fun fair for literal children
>kaya pukes
>gets dinner at TGI fridays
>goes home and plays video games
is she 29 now?
No. 613625
>>6136181. She's a professional body mod artist with more than a decade of experience.
2. It's her body, she can do what she likes to it.
There's a vast gulf between destructive acts of self-harm, and thoughtful body modification. It's no different from a tattoo artist tattooing themselves or a piercer giving themselves a piercing.
No. 613678
>>613191Interesting subject, I've wanted to discuss Adam curlykale with someone for a looooooong time because I simply don't understand how this happened to him. About Veronica, I follow her for a long time, since BME's old days when she was still Rony, I think. She's very talented and skilled at what she does, and beautiful in my opinion, I don't see her as a cow too.
with all that being said, let's talk about it on the Bodymods thread, it belongs there
No. 613753
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I guess Kat had to start talking to her dad again since he’s restoring her future home. Wonder if the dad convinced her to vaccinate or he’ll stop doing up her “casa von d”
Can we just take a moment and appreciate Rafael’s come up? He sweet talked and obsessed his way from a gangbanger who makes shitty music into KVD’s arm candy living it up lavishly.
No. 613764
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Anyone know what Rafael Reye's arrest record is? The last one (I think) he claims was for having a pocket knife in NYC, and he said he was on his third strike. (Case was dropped). I'm really curious to know what the other ones are for. Rafael seems like a gangbanger nobody who somehow managed to stroke Kat's ego enough to sleep with her and knock her up.
Going back and looking at his past posts on IG is one after another of warning signs. Mentioning gang members, tagging things as #gang #gothgang and shit like that. The gang tattoos… why Kat would ever want to be involved is beyond me. And now you're opening up that life style to your kid! Well, ANOTHER kid.
No. 613780
>>613773Why can't you grasp the concept of sageing your shit? Not the anon you responded to but I can't help but reply to comments such as yours pertaining to what ppl should and shouldn't do.
If she has lots of experience doing it without fail, then why not? It's almost like you're saying adults should not be able to do such things with their body unless there is an individual who went to medical school on site. That's ridiculous and I don't know why you care so much about adults getting body mods from her when they most likely know her experience and can therefore decide to get work done by her or not. If anyone went to a licensed shop to get any of these mods she does done then the only difference would be that the shop has a fancy sign stating that they are license hanging up, at least that's how it is legally where I'm from in the US. She doesn't seem like some careless teen wanting to pierce her friends. It's something she seems into and cares about and would take the necessary precautions to not fuck anything up.
tl;dr girl is not a cow let's drop her.
No. 613786
>>613753>He sweet talked and obsessed his way from a gangbanger who makes shitty music into KVD’s arm candy living it up lavishly.Which is why I doubt this relationship will be short-lived. You've got a nobody who came from the ghettos of San Diego suddenly getting flown to Paris and London on someone else's dime. She touched up all of his shitty tattoos, and I'm pretty fucking sure he didn't help pay for that gaudy and tacky wedding.
He's not letting go of that gravy train any time soon
No. 613805
>>613773She doesn't perform this procedure on others, only herself. She's not posing as some back street plastic surgeon.
The services she provides are like that of any other reputable body modification studio i.e. general piercings, large gauge scalpeling, tongue bifurcation etc.
She's APP certified, and as I mentioned before has over a decade of experience.
Just because you get queezy over some pictures you're ready to condemn her for it?
You're obviously pretty ignorant on the subject as a whole. Anyone who has spent any time researching could find a hundred body mod artists performing more extreme procedures, and another thousand unqualified back alley cutters.
Disagree with her personality, her choices, her tastes all you want.
Her work is solid and she's well respected in the mod scene.
No. 613968
>>612809Be careful, you may get a ban for
>mini-moddingkek - yes that's real here - I get it for pointing out that newfags are pretty much ruining this threads with their - "oh looks that person looks so funny and edgy" shit. And no newfag was banned for their shitty posts the same time despite reporting them. Farm hands here became really shitty. And of course as a result we see even much MOAR newfag nitpicking in this thread then before. Seriously farmhands you are a laugh.
(take it to meta) No. 613978
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Adora Bratbat is removing comments that say anything about her being married.
I noticed she removed a previous comment, so I took a screen shot when someone posted a comment about her being married again. It has since been removed.
She puts every other stupid detail about herself online, I wonder why she is isn’t addressing this. Divorce happens. Just own it, bitch.
No. 614123
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the whiplash of having a husband and then crawling back to your ex tho!
hope she makes him do that dumb ass "challenge" lmfao what the fuck is mr owl's deal with these sloppy seconds?
mr owl follows me on tumblr, i dont follow back, but maybe i should ask him looool
No. 614341
>>613764Yeah, judging from that caption, he is either directly involved with gang members or friends with them. Still, I would never want to raise a child with anyone involved past or present in gang activity. That's how you get your head on a pike.
Good luck to Kat. She's just as crazy as he is
No. 614555
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>>614542She mentioned it in her what's my gender video that she is asexual and agender. I didn't watch the whole video but this was in the comments
No. 614567
>>614542With asexuals, not every asexual is the same. Some asexuals love tits and masturbate, but the thought of having sex with someone else grosses them out or just isn't something they wanna do. Some asexuals just are sex repulsed, but sometimes they've had sex in the past, only to realize its not for them, or still have sex to please their partner to make them happy
not WKing, just explaining based on research and personal experience
No. 614705
>>614686AFTER they got back together. after, when she was mrs owl again. reading comprehension
>>614563I totally get what you mean but having pride on your body while dressed in sexually provocative clothing isn't a very "sexual" thing to do for an asexual person? If you are Asexual why would you be caring about flaunting parts of your body in a sexual manner? do you know what I'm trying to ask?
No. 614963
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I took screenshots of both KVD beauty and her personal account on June/8/18. It looks like they are the same BUT REMEMBER, she and her marketing team have the funds to buy likes and accounts to keep her numbers at the same. I think the only way we could know is if we could somehow find out just how many people unfollowed since her anti-vax post, Not the number of current followers.
No. 614978
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>>614963Pretty steady decline, though it seems that the hits were worse on her personal twitter vs her brand twitter. In fact, the brand twitter had some small and steady increases so I'm guessing they've been buying followers.
No. 615078
File: 1529429447646.jpg (243.27 KB, 1459x820, Screenshot_20180619-122330_Chr…) it seems like this isn't current (I think because of Facebook) but hopefully we can use this soon so see just how many followers KVD loses on Instagram.
No. 615619
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Obvious attempt at damage control. Rallying the troops against the negativity; why are people still idolizing her?
No. 615815
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No. 615835
>>615826She’s of the “I like to give everyone a chance to prove themselves” school of thought. She said the same about Jesse James when everyone knew he was a serial cheater. He ended up cheating on her multiple times.
So I’m assuming she thinks he’ll be different with this child since she believes herself to be special
No. 615962
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Both KVD beauty and her personal page are deleting any negative comment that gets posted. (On the latest pics at least). Maybe it's just me, but if my husband/baby daddy had these kinds of photos on his social media I'd probably be annoyed. The amount of cringe kills me with this guy.
No. 615968
>>614275Adoras former husband just changed his Facebook status to "In a relationship" and a hole bunch of people congratulate him on that. One mentiones the new girl being 22 but that could be a joke, who knows.
So maybe it was him ending the marriage because of a new love?
No. 616138
IBF uploaded a video entitled "Boyfriend does my voiceover". Boyfriend? I thought they were engaged. Not only does he call her his "pal" but now he's been downgraded. This video just feels like yet another bid for views, and not a very good one.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 616252
>>615962>i'm so gay for myselfthe cringe is strong with these two. can also see why he usually wears sunglasses.
>>616138this is tragic - gets the highlighter in her hair, literally two stripes of contour, looks like she uses a marker for the brows and does nothing to shape them. she's capable of doing decent ones but chooses these weird parentheses looking things instead.
No. 616324
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>>615968That was a joke about her being 22, just teasing him, at least by his reaction. Emanu, Adora's 'protege' as she calls him reacted with 'Wow' and she with a heart react, so she seems to be taking it well? or being bitter, I know not. I hope they just continue to be good parents regardless of relationship. She's the same pompous ass as usual with her 'no effort' eyebrows which coincidentally look like normal eyebrows and look like they take more time than her usual brows and is just another dig at 'boring' alt girls who don't shave their brows. Sorry about the shitty screenshot, the person just asked "Weren't you married with Adora?"
No. 616373
>>616351Fap to them? WTF?
Listen she can do what the fuck she likes, no skin off my nose if she wants to sharpies her eyebrows in, they are tragic though IN MY OPINION.
No. 616375
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made me giggle a bit (she won btw, of course kek)
No. 616427
>>616351kek, exactly,
>>616373>they are tragic though IN MY one cares
>>615962Where is the milk? Body positivity is not a milk.
No. 616618
>>616607It was pretty terrible. Was he filming? Never have I seen this done so close up before (which is why I finally understand her using more than one pen on her brows).
On the plus side, IBF's natural/slightly enhanced eye colour is quite lovely.
No. 616649
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>>616138the makeup really isn't milk, but still, this bix was invited to a kat von d party in LA over her make-up skills….???? and it isn't that it's "not my style" or w/e its that its unintentionally asymmetrical, unblended and rough.
but anyways, I thought she was smart enough NOT to include whoever she's dating in her videos so she wouldn't have to deal with the fallout later when they break up. I don'tknow what her motivation is for including mr owl other than to see her fans validate her crawling back to him in the comments. There's pathetic shit being said like "oh so happy he's back" even though he sounds like he could give a fuck
No. 616661
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black friday is selling some of the free shit she gets that she can't fit into rather than get a real job. she keeps saying "asian sizes run small" to cover up the fact that all of the clothes is in XL or XXL, but it turns out they're basically the exact same sizes she'd have in New Zealand or Europe.
In what fucking world is size 16 a medium? Have people in the first world gotten that fat….
Lying about her size almost as pathetic as Toxic Tears refusing to say hers
No. 616712
>>61666185 waist and 108.5 cm is medium, bitch, I don't know in which world do you live in. There's no way in hell these measurements are XL or XXL otherwise people like Raven or Toxic Tears and fatter wouldn't even be clothed… which size do you think reeeeaally fat people use? G? K E K
asian sizes are really super small, and I'm not even talking specifically about these "goth" or alternative brands as I don't buy from them, but have seen people I know order from asia, shit is sized wrong as fuck
>>616649 she was not invited to the KVD party for being super good with makeup, skill wise, she always says in her videos she sucks, according to KVD it was because of their shared values, in IBF's case I guess being alternative and liking makeup, but you know that KVD just invited alternative people with a big following on social media.
About the makeup: it it goth makeup, it doesn't have to be perfect, that's not what it is about (I think instagram is fucking with our perception of how makeup done by non makeup artists look like, seriously), if she puts on mascara the eyes are ok but the eyebrows… jesus h christ, WHY? she can do nice eyebrows that suit her, like in the Morticia Addams transformation video, I don't know why the fuck she prefers these 2 poorly drawn lines that make absolutely no sense, shape wise.
No. 616769
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> Bottom line is TT and IBF both give false ideas about their bodies.exactly. here she is saying a punk rave XXL shirt is a "uk 10 - 12" when the measurements say it would be an 18 by UK standards. Not even close to a "medium" but whatever she has to tell herself.
Not even gonna bother with people who come to a troll board to defend ibf, she's a lying lolcow, and size 16 in UK is size 14 in US, neither of which is a medium. Cows defending cows? idk.
The real milk is that she's hawking her free shit at pretty high prices, the skirt in the picture is 70 euros. Isn't that the price if the item was from the store? How desperate for money do you think IBF is to be doing this?
Also her Patreon says she needs to e-beg because she "cant work in Germany," 100 percent NOT TRUE if you have a spousal visa/permit. Get a job and stop scamming your fans who will buy your mis-sized junk just because you touched it once.
No. 616833
>>616747sorry but even a UK size 16 is not a medium, it's a large at the very least. TT and IBF are lying to themselves about their weight and the sizing. As someone else said Chinese sizing can ran small but it's not
that way off our own
No. 617379
>>613258Im pretty sure endangering others by administering anesthetic without a licence makes you a cow
Ive never met her personally but I know many people who have and apparently shes pretty mental (as to be expected), but really sweet as a person, so who knows
No. 617558
>>617525(different anon)
I remember her saying that she wasn't feeling well mentally, idk if that was from the separation or something. Wouldn't say "mental" though, just depressed I guess
>>616832I actually want her to make her film or book tbh, I feel like it would be interesting to see what she can make of something, and see the shitshow that may come after it
No. 617969
>she cant work in germany bc she doesn't speak german well enough tolmfao what? there are plenty of jobs that require little to no german here, they're just not the kind of jobs she wants to do (spoiler, no one wants to do them)
i saged because this might be a blog post but I literally live here :/ its not true! she's lazy and thinks trying on lipstick equals a paycheck when its a hobby, girl!
No. 618033
>>617379>Im pretty sure endangering others by administering anesthetic without a licence makes you a cowLet's take Lidocaine as an example, as it's one of the most common local anaesthetics used.
Maximum safe dosage for Lido is 3mg/kg.
Let's say that the 'patient' is severely underweight, like 100lbs? (45kg) This is pretty much worst case scenario, but lets go with it.
The strongest concentration of Lidocaine solution (that I know of) is 2% (more commonly a 0.5% solution or lower is used, but again we're treating this as a worst case scenario)
So that would mean the maximum SAFE dose would be [3 x (45/10) x 2] = 27cc of Lidocaine.
For context, I've never seen anyone use anything more than a 5cc syringe for local anaesthetic.
It would take more than five full syringes, of the highest concentration, injected into the most underweight client.. And still, you'd be far within tolerances, and an order of magnitude away from a lethal dose.
Yes, she doesn't have a medical license. And yes administering aesthetics is an unlawful act.
But she's not an idiot.
She's had training from some of the worlds greatest body modification artists, and years of practice.
If you really had a problem with her use of aesthetics then I assure you, you could find a thousand practitioners more worthy of your vitriol.
Quit trying to find milk where there is none, and quit trying to justify your intolerance as concern for others.
No. 618072
That's not entirely true. For most employers in Germany it's important that their employees speak and understand German well. Even if you have little or no customer contact or barely see you co-workers. You need to know the meaning of each material to avoid confusion, for example, if you have a cleaning job.
In Germany there is something called "Arbeitslosengeld Zwei". If you lose your job, you get unemployment benefit, which is called "Arbeitslosengeld Eins" here. You will then receive about 60% of your former salary plus rent. If you have not found a new job after one year, you will receive "Arbeitslosengeld II" (Unemployment Benefit II). This is a kind of welfare for an indefinite period of time and you also get the rent paid by the German state. But it is very little money and to get this kind of help is often negatively afflicted in this country.
ITB will probably get maintenance from her ex-husband, plus this help and the rent paid by Germany. If her apartment really is that big, I'm surprised, because in her place of residence there are specifications about the size of the apartment and how high the rent may be. And that an individual may not live in such a large apartment (laws).
I do not know ITB personally, nor the true circumstances under which she lives. The laws in Germany are very strict with regard to this (the welcare). You have to declare any kind of income if you accept this kind of help (which I personally assume, but I can also be wrong). Those aren't supposed to be rumors, just my opinion.
No. 618233
>>618142Yes, I know she learned German in a class. I stopped following her because of the Haul videos. At some point I just found it boring to see her presenting stuff she just got.
In any case, she once said in a video that she had stopped learning German because she hardly understood the language anyway. And that she feels herself too stupid to learn the language and that she lacks the patience for it. That's how she put it, I don't know the exact wording anymore.
In Germany, most employees at the well-known tourist sites (such as Neuschwanstein Castle) speak very good English, because of the many foreign tourists. I need to know, because I live in one of those tourist strongholds :-)
So, if you are a native English speaker travelling around Germany at the well-known places, you will get along very well even without being able to speak German.
No. 618249
>>618072I doubt that she is living off the government or off her ex-husband. Her ex is just a student, he doesn't have anything of his own and works jobs that don't pay a lot, like his last one, in a flowers shop or something like that. I am pretty sure she lives off youtube and maybe help from her mother. Freyja has pretty bad anxiety and other issues and I think that's the reason she can't find a regular job or show the world her writing or film making. She seems to me like a very insecure person, specially about the things she produces. That's why we never see any of those "new and exciting projects" she talks about so much. I don't doubt she's working on them, but maybe she never finishes or if she does, never shows. Maybe she doesn't even starts a lot of them.
>>618200yes! Her apartment, from the little I could see in the coalcandy video looked awesome, really impressed me. I thought she just lived in an apartment with all black walls but regular decor, and no, it's very well decorated! Looks waaaay better than the shit Aurelio Voltaire does in that cringey series of his "Gothic Homemaking" or something like that. She could create REAL content by showing her going to antique stores, teaching people how to choose for antique or antique looking furniture on the cheap, showing how she plans the whole thing, the actual transformation project, progress on the apartment, etc etc. I would watch the fuck out of that.
I also felt kinda bad for her in that coalcandy interview video, she says she wants to do so many things and tell so many stories but has never done anything with her life up until now, 30 years old. She has said many times that she is writing her book for a long time but she never finishes! It's got to be severe depression and anxiety.
I totally understand what she said about moving to a place where the things you wanna do are at, that in New Zealand she wasn't able to live like she wanted to so Germany is better, but whats the use in moving to a place where you won't integrate to the scene? where you won't have friends and professional contacts and make your life happen! You know? She should have chose an english speaking country within Europe. I know she can't enter england, but is it all of the Uk?
With the size of her following, in a city filled with people with the same interests she should've been doing a whole lot more, specially professionally. Starting slow, making videos for bands, for stores to put on instagram and youtube, etc etc. She could even try to work as a social media manager for a local business that was part of the scene. It's sad, I wanted to grab her by the shoulders and shake her while telling her all this kek
No. 618677
>>618614there was no "wee" one, it was basically two identical apartments, even though she said it was a bit smaller. Why would she move into the little one if she was paying for them both as he was just a student? he moved to the smaller one. I don't think Matthias brought any furniture of his own to the apartment, he was originally from another city, Cologne and this apartment is in Leipzig, they had to move a long way there.
Sorry if this sounds like WK, it isn't, I'm just being fair: bitch knows how to buy furniture and decorate, let's face it. That apartment looks expensive as fuck as we know she doesn't have the means to have an all designer goth furnished apartment like Avelina so it was DIY, most definitely. She had a house tour when they got to the empty apartment and it was completely different, they even painted the walls themselves. The fact that she might have had help from the ex husband on this project does not mean that she doesn't know interesting things about decor and buying this shit. She was a professional window decorator for stores for some time while she lived in New Zealand so that kinda "proves" that she's good with these things. Credit where credit is due, the apartment looks like a set of a movie from what I saw in the coalcandy video. That huge black antique thing filled with animals skulls looked cool as fuck, I like how it's all goth without being tacky, which is a very fine line. There was no black and purple stripes everywhere, nightmare before christmas shit all around, shelves full of horror movie funkos, that kind of thing
No. 618927
File: 1529744826012.png (963.7 KB, 750x1334, 6EDC8E5E-8A99-415A-8102-FD7813…)

>>618831Thank you for bringing up his art. I don’t know how easy german art schools are but it’s shocking to me that he got into one at all
No. 618931
>>618927I don't get it either. I am from germany and I know that in my town (one of the biggest) it is super hard to get accepted. Maybe Leipzig is different, I don't know.
Or.. Do you know if his school is private or state? Because private art schools are really easy to get in - if you can pay you are in.
No. 618973
File: 1529751189490.jpg (47.04 KB, 720x720, ee95m3odNeapRE8ePKcIoYdo_A.jpg)

Anyone else know about this cow? Her name is Alicia Luceferian Ramos. She's obsessed with this goth male model, tattooed his name on her wrist, and is going to get a very badly drawn portrait of him tattooed as well. She's a whale who delights in showing off her tits and acting sexy, while drooling over everything that comes her way. She talks about how horny she is and posts cringe-inducing role-playing audio, and then bitches about guys just wanting to fuck her but not love her. If you try to give her advice or even insult her, she deletes her posts but will not block you
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 619137
File: 1529773411826.jpg (140.76 KB, 828x1004, lolcowangle.jpg)

>>617952damn why would coal candy expose her like this tho???
No. 619145
>>619137I just think that he doesn't know her angles, not that it was to "expose her"
>>618973Never seen before but more, please! Where can we listen to the audios? Her social media accounts, etc
is the model she obsesses with ? Just found his instagram, he's pretty cringy himself. so edgy kek
No. 619191
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>>619145 probably have to add her, but she accepts everyone. She's the sluttiest, thirstiest bitch I've ever seen. Yes, that's who she obsesses over and most of her pictures are of her photoshopped to look like she's next to him
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 619207
>>619191So much fucking drama! kek
I don't een have the time to comment everything that went through my mind reading this but bitch, please, no one will be put off by you having a tattoo of a model on your body, as cringey as it is, lots of people do this and it's common to have portraits of one's idols, even if not really that famous on their bodies. What will put people off of dating you is because you are creepy as fuck like these weeabos and their husbandos shit. And yeah, go on thinking that it'll make you happy FOREVER. Until the next obsession begins, that is. People like this have serious issues, how can someone you just follow on instagram means that much to you? ffs
Tell me, do they interact with each other, does she try to contact him, comment on his posts or anything like this?
No. 619214 Micklow posted a video of her twerking on her instagram as she tries to pass it as a joke but you can see she is trying so fucking hard to twerk well and come off as hot! It's funny that she has a nice body that looks very good in pictures but in this video when she starts to move she jiggles like she's made of jello, not toned at all! if she wants to maintain her figure beyond her late 20's she'll have to start to do some physical activity, at least running…
Found it super weird that someone s0 PuNk, against tHe MaInStrEam wants to show the world she looks hot twerking
No. 619218
>>619207I'm sure he knows about her but doubtful they communicate. She's obsessive and disrespectful and downright delusional! Her "mmmm hot sexy baby I want so bad you make me wet" posts are cringe
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 619295
>>619281I watch her a lot, been watching her for years. I dunno anything about snakes so literally can't comment, and I disagreed with the comments getting disabled (I believe it happened around the time she made a vlog where she walked out of a wedding because she disagreed with the religious undertones? it was something like that) and a lot of people expressed disagreement
Then again as a person I can handle negative comments much more than she probably can.
I don't live in AUS though so I don't know if there's milk with her. I'm at a point where I'll watch some videos, or watch her older ones, but don't care as much anymore to hate/love.
No. 619383
>>618677They lived in Osnabrück and not cologne, its up north of germany. And yes its quite a way from Leipzig where they moved to.
They had already a furnished apartment back then. I guess from there are most of the furnitures they brought. I think she mentioned that "the smaller one" was for studio purposed and not that much furnished in the beginning. Leipzig is cheaper then the north of germany and you can get a lot more antique stuff for good prizes there.
You can affort much if you go for second hand stuff and paint it or restorate a bit.
No. 619389
>>618927His art is very childish technique wise for being so proud of it as he seems.
He sees himself as one of those tragic old artist i think and he s not very good. Most of the time it looks good by accident :/
No. 619423
File: 1529796506933.jpeg (256.16 KB, 740x1172, 1D8024EC-664F-47B4-8141-BD1238…)

I know it’s no milk but following what we discussed in the previous thread. Interesting that she “got asked”…
No. 619440
>>619417She seemed to be pretty broken up about the failing relationship and consequent separation for someone who you've decided only married for residency.
I married my ex within a month of dating. Our marriage lasted about a year. I genuinely loved him at first. Shit didn't work out. It happens.
Until someone who is either one of them, or someone who knows them well comes forward to corroborate your claims… your vitriol shall remain unfounded and unlikely.
No. 619487
>>619404Sorry but this is not a distorting style of drawing. Its just bad perspective and lack of proportions. Yes its experimental nice but he can t draw persons or animals at all!
Hey if you like that style its ok i know many people who like prison style tattoos and they re technically crap too but still somewhat awesome.
Maybe they have found a good agreement on sharing the interior - we don t know.
Ohh those Matthias defenders because he looks handsome and talks under radar *hihi
No. 619530
>>619404>Picasso was not a portrait artistPicasso mastered realism before he started experimenting with cubism. This is amateurishly stylized to compensate for lack of skill. I kind of want to see more, kek. Thanks for the link, anon
>>618936 !
No. 619596
File: 1529810064954.gif (1.14 MB, 480x358, y8Ea8jB.gif)

>>619404You should consider getting over yourself some time, I think it'd be really beneficial to you and those around you.
No. 619639
File: 1529812570020.jpg (102.93 KB, 1059x1324, FB_IMG_1529812484798.jpg)

Alicia got the tattoo. Can we just take a minute to appreciate how badly done this is?
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 619853
>>619639That's just all kinds of terrible.
But christ. I get that in your baby bat days you might gush over an attractive gothic model or whatever, but not to this insane level. She strikes me as the type who'd find and stab to death any partner Xilmordas has
No. 619857
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>Picasso was not a portrait artistPicasso was a fantastic portrait artist, he learned the rules before he broke them.
No. 619907
>>619857How on earth did this conversation end with people defending Picassos skills over Matthias'? :D
Actually, I have the degree the anon asked for and no, you don't need an academic degree to see that Matthias is lacking skill and even originality. I know that art is subjective, but his stuff is really far away from being art.
No. 619947
File: 1529852272582.jpg (81.72 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_pau1g5Xxxu1qikgkto1_128…)

someone help this girl learn how to dress herself
No. 619963
>>619423she didn't explain anything… genuine question: I can't totally understand someone who is asexual dress to look beautiful, acentuate one's curves, flaunt physical atributes, look sexy, I can. One or another our society makes us learn that sexy = beautiful, specially for a woman (yeah Sebby, you're not trans, you perform femininity all day everyday in every way of your existence while also being cis so…).
But Sebastian dress in straight up fetish wear used for sex every day! It's not even just "sexy" she dresses like she is about to have kinky sex all the time! I really cannot understand why she pushes it so much. Don't know if anyone here remembers but before she "came out" as asexual she used to imply she was really sexual and kinky, there was even some old drama about "kinky shaming" on one of her tumblr accounts.
If he reasoning is that as an asexual person, she doesn't want to have sexual contact or relations to anyone, okay. But isnt't it weird that you are exposing yourself sexually all the time and making people maybe have sexual desire towards you? I'm trying to not sound sexist at all, it's not what this is about, I genuinely can't understand why all the SEX GEAR nearly all the time if sex repulses her.
No. 619970
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>>619965Reminds me more of Edward Gorey, as if he was trying to copy Gorey's illustrations and they turn out like … that.
No. 619974
>>619965I think he benefits from IBFs popularity. Being from germany I never heard of him before their relationship.
Honest question because some of you mentioned it: is he really considered attractive?
I always thought of her being the more attractive one in the relationship.
No. 620024
>>619974Is Matthias attractive?
I think without makeup he is more handsome then Mr Owl. He is tall and skinny and has a good face structure to meet the Goth interests when painted and dressed.
Neither of them are attractive to me i don t like his made up persona.
But when you look at his facebook and insta you see sooooo many female comments who flirt with him.
(I didn t hear or see him either in the gothic internet or party scene in germany) And we have to consider he is very young and not that long prominent in the scene and also more on the quiet side in public.
No. 620047
>>619963To be fair, unless she said otherwise, not all asexuals are immediately sex repulsed. Asexuality basically means "I don't find anyone sexually attractive ever" and possibly "I find sex uncomfortable/unappealing/inconvenient and would rather do something else". It varies between individuals but that's my understanding of it. I suppose it's possible for an asexual person to want to look sexy for themselves if they like a certain aesthetic that's considered sexy, without wanting to attract anyone by doing so.
That said, whether she's genuinely asexual or not, she knows what dressing this way means, she can't excuse away PVC, vinyl, and this black dental floss she's wearing over her privates as "just clothes"; I'm not one to say this, especially not in any alt fashion scene, but imo this looks like a cry for attention more than anything else.
No. 620070
>>620024>>619982>>619974I consider both Mr Owl and Matthias to be attractive. Matthias is handsome in a very masculine way but I really dislike the way he tries to act to seem like he "knows" he's hot shit, better than everyone, ~so over~ everything! His personality reminds me of how american popular girls are portrayed in movies. He acts like he's the gothiest goth who ever gothed and also a very important artist (I also think his art is pathetic, amateurish as fuck, and that he benefits from IBF's popularity).
Mr Owl, on the contrary has a very appealing personality, he is approachable by everyone, interacts with everyone on all of his social medias, is funny, doesn't take anything very seriously, jokes about goth stereotypes… he seems like a great guy.
>>620051as for "blame" and who used who, honestly I don't think any of them had evil plans in their minds like IBF thinking "tehee… I'm gonna fool this guy for a house and a visa in germany! he'll never know!" or Matthias "Hm… I'll take advantage of this famous goth youtuber to promote myself and make her fall in love with me so I'll be famous too!". Both of them were in their 20's (I guess IBF recently turned 30), were into the same thing, were attracted to each other (I know she said she doesn't like sex but that doesn't exclude non sexual attraction and infatuation). She was bored as fuck in New Zealand, with a life she hated, feeling stuck, wanting to do different things and this guy and her both decide it'd be great if they got together, explored the german goth scene… I think they both were really excited at first. It was even him who insisted that she married him as he wanted a "proof of love" (she told it herself). They are young and thought the whole thing was a good idea and turned out it wasn't because in the end, they weren't compatible. That's how life happens. Things are not black and white (this sounds so ironic hahah)
No. 620077
>>620047thank you! I agree completely with what you said, that was what I was trying to say with
>>619963(blogpost but it's for context) I don't consider myself asexual and enjoy sex sometimes, but most of the time I'd rather do something else than start sexual stuff with my SO. I dress "sexy" most of the time, some pvc etc included when going out, it's a look, unrelated to sex, I know! BUT, it's very different than walking around almost naked, wearing just fetish wear, always making provocative faces and poses. It's not only for going out, she even was kicked out of fucking disneyland! Appreciating the aesthetic is one thing, what Sebastian does is another completely different.
I know Sebastian exists for more than 5 years now and I've seen she jump on and off a lot of bandwagons. I remember how she went deathrock because she was dating Eris Anageini(what a cow too) who was a guy who claimed to be trans too (member of the deathrockets), how she went tradgoth because of patsy, how she claimed she was now non-binary with no reason other than she said so (the video Sebastian is no longer a girl). How she freaked out on the goth subculture even though she likes the music because people thought she was an attention whore with all this behavior and decided to bail out with that "am I a goth" video). How she became into japanese cute stuff because of her friends after this. How she became super sexual and "the prince of kink and pink" according to her, even creating drama about "kink shaming" on her tumblr because she was oh SO sexually kinky! and now she is asexual…
Sebastian is such a fucking cow, absolutely everything she does is for attention. She should just get off of the internet (or not, for our pleasure haha)
No. 620327
>>619972Yeah I was about to say that so thanks. It's true though, in this day and age with Tumblr and it leaking into YouTube, it's very easy to get popularity for claiming to be trans, asexual, or any of those obnoxious made up sexualities and gender crap.
Sebastian is just an opportunist and she knows she's full of shit but needs to keep that gravy train rolling because aside from that, that's all she has. I'm not the biggest fan of IBF these days but let's be real here. Who would you be more likely to watch if you had to choose? Sebastian or IBF? I'm pretty sure most would go with IBF.
>>619974Yeah for real. I never heard of him neither until IBF got with him. I think he's an attractive man even without makeup. It only helps that he's actually into Goth unlike a certain in-denial fat metalhead who has a habit of pointing and popping squats out in public on cam. So that's only a plus lol
>>620047That may be (Asexuals not immediately being sex-repulsed) but one thing is for sure, she's definitely doing it for attention.
>>620070> but I really dislike the way he tries to act to seem like he "knows" he's hot shit, better than everyone, ~so over~ everything!Yeah that's probably the one thing that kinda turns me off from him. Sure he's a handsome fella but that attitude man… Might want to take it down a few notches but considering how his fangirls oogle him and never speak up on that, it makes sense why he doesn't change that.
>>620077It's so funny hearing all of her attention-based phases rolled into one paragraph reading them aloud lol Yeah, she's pretty much an attention whoring chameleon and will do and say whatever she can to get it.
My guess is that when she was young, she didn't really stand out that much which resulted in this annoying mentality.
My only question what trend she will jump on next lol
No. 620351
>>620323at 30, you SHOULD know better than to marry someone at first sight. People do things on a whim waaaaay beyond their 30's, 40's… some people until the grave. Why the obsession with affirming she married him for the visa? we won't ever know for sure, even if one of them says so. He was the one who proposed to her. She said that it was to prove her love but maybe it was for her to stay in Germany, yes, but like, they were dating, wanted to be together, move in together etc so "hey, for you to be able to stay in germany, do you wanna marry me? if it doesn't work out we go separate ways" "okay". Being in love, they thought it would go right. None of them are cartoon villains, man. Doubt that there was a secretly evil plan of deceit from neither of them.
>>620327I agree that Sebastian does that for attention, but not that people's gender identities are "made up crap". A lot of things are real things people experience every day, but unfortunately, as these issues become more and more discussed and addressed, there will be people taking advantage of a hot-topic in hopes of being as relevant as the topic
No. 620437
>>620351Meh sorry but frankly, I think "Non-binary", "bi-gender", "agender", and all that other crap is bullshit and I don't take them as "genders", just fashion. But er, this thread is not the place to be discussing this kinda stuff so I'm going to stop right there. Let's just leave it at difference of opinion.
Saged for OT
No. 620730
File: 1529903223787.jpg (63.55 KB, 1023x1023, FB_IMG_1529903258623.jpg)

>>620729Yeah, a goth model she's obsessed with. She also has his name on her wrist and photoshops them together
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 620758
>>620730 >>620709
Nope Nope Nope Nope.
That's so cringy.
No. 620814
>>619423>provocative AsexualIt seems very redundant.
(Also just the whole why even desire to be viewed sexually if your whole thing is being repulsed by sex, not wanting to be sexual with others. Saying you're provocative is litterally admitance that you try to look sexy, try to make people sexually want you etc like bitch get a grip this isnt tumblr. You cant be these body posi sec workers who happily suck cock but claim 'im asexual!!!'its a spectrum!!)
No. 620853
File: 1529928549033.jpg (852.75 KB, 1438x2368, Screenshot_20180625-075650_OGI…)

All that bleaching has definitely damaged Miss More-alternative-than-thou's hair. Look at that scalp! Maybe she'll stop trying to be better than everyone else now and stop being defined by the color of her hair
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 620854
File: 1529928637701.jpg (1.04 MB, 2960x1440, Screenshot_20180625-080614_You…)

Also, how amateur and plain is her new tattoo? She pays high prices for sub-par work
Sage for doubleposting
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 621219
>>621202I'm sure the overkill bleaching has nothing to do with it
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 621248
>>620793He's really not that milky. He just likes to party. Like most college students. He's genuinely a nice dude. Not trying to whiteknight. I just dont think he'd really produce any milk.
>>620814She's such a fucking idiot with no personality. She has to pretend she's asexual (maybe she is or maybe she just doesn't really like sex much) and flash her tits to get attention. What's her real first name?
No. 621268
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No. 621270
also in the full image, i thought the bunny ears looked like little dicks pmsl
No. 621324
File: 1529962324546.png (82.8 KB, 763x589, sqdqdq.png)

>>621269Kaya wishes she was thicc
No. 621391
>>621324I’m offended someone called Kaya thicc.
She’s just chunky.
Thicc is voluptuous and Kaya has a washboard figure with no ass and bosom.
So she’s right, she’s definitely not thicc.
No. 621416
File: 1529969551908.png (563.69 KB, 1066x1591, IMG_20180626_003040.png)

Kinda amusing that for all Kat and her new husband are obsessed with each other, Kevin Llewellyn still has his posts up from when they were in a relationship 7 months ago.
No. 621587
File: 1529985585369.jpg (907.56 KB, 1080x1441, 20180625_225301.jpg)

KVD just making sure everyone knows she's just the biggest vegan around. Does anyone think she's a lot more like trump than she wants to admit? "I'm the biggest vegany vegan, believe me. See how many people follow me? They know, I know, everyone knows. Believe me, because I repeat it every time I open my mouth!"
No. 621615
>>620793Hm you're right. There aren't many heterosexual Male Goth Youtubers compared to gay ones like the ones you pointed out but then again, it makes sense because the goth subculture was not one to cast out homosexuals and since those 3, at least Tilda and Kai are actually into what Goth is actually about so it works out. Caligo I always considered more of a Rivethead than a Goth because I've never once heard him mention any Goth bands but definitely a lot of Industrial so yeah.
I remember Raven and I was abut curious what happened to him but that explains why he's been mia. There's Sweeney Deville but he's not very active and honestly, he comes off a bit pretentious. Not in a "milky" way but he kinda gives off this "I'm better than you" type of vibe kinda like Mattias.
>>621200Yeah I think she'd be better off letting go of the infatuation.
>>621248You may be right. At the most, the only thing that can be potentially "milky" is his flirty attitude toward women but I mean, is that really worth it? Some people are just flirty.
>>621269Considering that she isn't even "thicc" to begin with. Not even close. he does not have an hourglass figure.
No. 621697
File: 1529997314889.png (336.55 KB, 1536x999, IMG_2187.PNG)

>>621416They really dated seven moths ago?? Whos vegan baby is she vegan carrying exactly?
And did you see his wedding gift for Kat?
Wisely he only painted her face.
As if it sais: "I didn't paint your husband, because I didn't know who your eternal love would be by the time the painting was dry."
No. 621803
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Talking about bleach SaraSyn is good at that … this hair is not cheap to maintain at all I’m a guy and I know this. She’s huge tall and fat everytime I see her but she seems kind
No. 621810
File: 1530011812173.jpg (78.76 KB, 438x600, Kevin Llewellyn Kat Von Beauty…)

>>621806Pretty sure they were dating - if you go back into his instagram it seems they were going on dates. He drinks though…and looks like a lesbian so maybe that was an issue.
No. 621811
File: 1530011886622.jpg (74.76 KB, 640x800, 31888406_621079111576536_89755…)

>>621803kek typical man, knows nothing about hair… bleaching your own hair is incredibly cheap why do you think so many cows do it at home and fuck it up? idk who that is but her hair looks p fried and compromised anyway, like wet noodles..
(if this is a self post i fell for the bait my bad)
No. 621886
File: 1530019801026.png (247.33 KB, 1536x1055, IMG_2188.PNG)

I think Adora should have made her separation official and not wait till people start asking her kids about it. I have seen so many people asking her about Mr Batbrat in the last weeks and she always ignored those comments, but answered to others. On the other hand I get that it might be difficult/hurtful to talk about it.
By the way: shes travelling again and this time drummroll with her kids. It's nice to see them together and I honestly hope they are doing okay.
No. 622007
>>621208the coal candy /ibf interview was so boring, nothing really milky, just a confirmation of how vapid and uncreative ibf is.
He asked her what films inspire her and she literally just said 2 genres (period pieces and comedies) BUT COULDNT NAME ONE. Just one film? You're a film student but can't name any inspiration.
CC also asked her about her move to Germany and she gave the whole "I came her with a one way ticket and no where to live" when we ALL know you hooked up with Matthias, girl. Why doesn't anyone ever ask her WHERE she lived when she moved to Germany? Because then we would all know she did leave mr owl for matthias, not that it matters, mr owl inexplicably took her back.
So watch this to hear the same pre-packaged answers she's been giving for years.
No. 622017
File: 1530029633595.jpg (629.44 KB, 1439x1511, Screenshot_20180626-120936_Fac…)

>>622016I don't know if there's a way to add more than one picture so sage for double posting
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 622135
>>621811Even if it was a self post you are still and idiot for responding. Sort of like what I'm doing now. This person is not a fucking cow. If all you can say is bad bleached hair and style then every other person is a cow.
Are there farmhands in here at all?!
No. 622362
>>622351She can’t have much of a life if she’s stalking someone, being all around creepy pretending that this person loves them and getting tattoos of them on her body.
No. 622421
>things you post on here to my face or even inbox meSo you admit that you're Alicia posting, right?
not that it wasn't clear, because honey, the way you write is a dead giveaway. The words you use and the fact that you use no punctuation at all.
Alicia, if you want a really good piece of advice (for real) and you don't want to become the next Raven, don't come here and answer, bitch! Keep your unhealthy, obsession with that xilmordas nobody to yourself because people won't leave you fucking alone while you're at it. Because it's fucking weird! It's entertaining how weird it is, do you understand? People are not trolling "Alicia, the person", we don't even know you! We're just marveling at someone so out of touch with reality that thinks it's okay to write and do the shit you do about an unknown random male model who thinks you are creepy! You come off as creepy, girl! We all have our celebrity or instagram crushes but you go too fucking far! You tattooed his face in your arm! It's strange as fuck because he isn't super close to you like a family member or even a SO, and he is not a classic, bigger than life personality like Elvis or Marilyn Monroe. He is a real person and you scare him acting like this, man
Look into seeing a therapist about this obsession, girl, for real. This guy doesn't even deserves how much you care about him, what has he done to you or to the world that made him so special? Nothing, he's a goth model on instagram.
No. 622447
>>621615Voltaire? (i think he might be bi though) There's also the cemetery confessions guy, he
s said that he is married and has a son but idk if he's straight or not? he could just as easily be married to a guy+ adopted.
Adora's boytoy is def. into her. Sebastian Columbine is 100% hetero. Kaya's BF might be straight ubt tbf I'm pretty sure he's just a narcissist and not attracted to anyone but himself.
No. 622453
>>621810I am absolutely, without a doubt 100% sure that is the supernatural (tv show) scarf from hot topic. wtf.
>>622424can someone get an international restraining order??? ngl, if i were him i'd block the everliving hell of her IP on his social media accounts, she's so damn creepy. I feel bad for him. He doesn't seem like too much of a douche (a rarity among gothic men) and his music, while not perfect, would be really good if he got a professional label to help produce/mix it.
No. 622481
>>622447The Count (Cemetery Confessions) is married to a female and their child is their bio child.
No one would even consider Jake (TT's BF) goth, so listing him as a hetero, goth male YouTuber is completely wrong.
And I'm pretty sure Sebastian is a cis female, sooooo…
No. 622682
>>622499She's so different back then - bubbly in a more sincere and 'alive' sort of way, not just significantly thinner. She's turned into a miserable blob since then, and I wonder how much of that has been because of her relationship with Jake is unhealthy.
But her music choice is so random
No. 622686
File: 1530094107606.png (973.47 KB, 804x546, ass.png)

>>622499"ooh check that out"
it's weird to think that Jake once was this into Kaya and checked out her ass a lot…now he walks a mile ahead of her and barely even speaks to her
No. 622687
File: 1530094188806.png (792.81 KB, 769x547, have some class.png)

>>622686I guess their relationship was built on just finding each other attractive and now they're just stuck together
No. 622696
>>621852OH I didn't know he was bisexual lol The more you know. Yeah I suppose he's not the worst since at the very least, he does talk about the music so I'll give him props for that in a sea of unboxing and makeup videos.
>>621858It wouldn't make a difference though, she eats like crap and doesn't exercise so the weight would come back and she wouldn't look "thicc" anymore.
>>621872I haven't watched it yet but after hearing this, I don't think I will as it sounds boring since they didn't talk about deeper things outside of friendly general banter. And oh god Adora, yeah I remember trying to watch that interview but I gave up halfway through. Just couldn't do it.
>>622016Dem run-on sentences are making my inner grammar nazi boil lol
>>622447I'm not sure about Voltaire, I'm not the biggest fan of his so I don't watch his videos but I can't believe I forgot Cemetery Confessions, U love his podcast haha. Yeah I think he's straight and he's married with a kid if I'm not mistaken.
And Jake (Kaya's BF) is not a Goth, he's just a Metalhead who uses the "Goth" label to get views on his painfully boring videos. There's nothing Goth about him or his girlfriend lol
No. 622816
>>622659I don't get that vibe from them. Coalcandy never seemed interested in her in such a way. I think they're just friends.
Why do you think they're lovers? Just because they're going to gigs together? Or was something more obvious posted somewhere?
No. 622841
>>622824just because someone made a reference and you assumed something, doesn't mean it's a fact. sage your shit (just type "sage" in the email field)
>>622833what does that mean? are you talking about Alicia Ramos and Xilmordas? also, sage your shit (just type "sage" in the email field). If you are currently talking to him, spill the beans, what does he think of her, tell us everything, not only "he doesn't like her" or "he's scared of her" because we could guess it
No. 622848
>>622841First time using lolcow, I'm a noob.
I'm talking to Xilmordas. I won't go in detail of what he told me, because I don't know if he wants to, but he told me that she has been doing this shit for years, he told her to stop multiple times and she never did. He blocked her on all his social medias, but she always come back. But no, apparently it's our fault tif he doesn't like her.
No. 622851
>>622345Alicia, as someone who was on your fb, lemme give you a little advice. Stop thirsting after every guy and girl you see. Stop your insane obsession with Xil. You're just embarrassing yourself. Stop Photoshopping you two together. You always talk about how horny you are and post what you think are proactive pics (like the topless one you had up where your black areolas were in full view), making cringey "role play" audio, and then bitching because no one wants to date you. Why would they want to date you when you give yourself away, obsess over another guy, and can't make your damned mind up? You can hardly string two words together. Facebook isn't your own personal fucking porn site and no one wants to see your nasty ass body or hear about your innermost fantasies. Take that nasty shit elsewhere
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 622869
File: 1530119580663.jpg (465.62 KB, 1439x1210, Screenshot_20180627-130951_Fac…)

>>622851Omg she's something else. Someone should make a whole thread on this cow.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 622877
File: 1530120079131.png (386.57 KB, 1156x476, Crazy.PNG)

She's nuts.
She has a gofundme
She want people to pay her so she can have a shirt of her and Xilmordas.
No. 622885
>>622851I agree that everything she does is cringey as fuck, but what's the need in calling her body nasty? You're sexist as fuck, dude! "giving yourself away"? That's not a real thing! People won't want to date her because she doesn't seem sane! She seems to really have psychological problems. The lack of boundaries she has when talking about her own fantasies on the internet makes it look like she doesn't understand what is and isn't okay to be shared in social media, or even in person with others.
The obsession with Xilmordas seems childish, like a pre-teen in love for the first time, you all must remember that phase, mine was around 12.
>>622869Xilmordas himself is an edgelord, and this pic is cringey as fuck, it makes me laugh that the attention he thinks he deserves versus the attention he gets is veeeeeery different kek
This guy is ridiculous, starting by this "Xilmordas" alias. Another metalhead claiming to be goth just because he likes a "spookier" aesthetic. His music sucks, and the hashtags he uses in his posts are something else…
>#gothguy #gothboy #vampire #vampiric #darkness #metal #makeup #blackhair #longhair #shadow #xilmordas #gothmodel #vfmodel #eyeshadow #music #musicvideo #disease #halloween #brutal #blood #horror #crazy #zombie #industrial #zombiewalkI'm starting to think that both Alicia and Xilmordas are cows. She's just crazy though, he seems like a classic internet famewhore
No. 622889
>>622696>run-on sentencesIf only there were another Alicia-defending anon in this thread with curiously similar syntax and grammar…
>>622871> I see her with a bunch of her friends next to my school> I’m a guyYou know, you have to be over 18 to post here.
No. 622903
File: 1530123016868.jpg (954.92 KB, 1439x1717, Screenshot_20180627-140756_Fac…)

>>622397And you wonder why no one takes you seriously Alicia
eyerollAs if there'd ever be pizza leftover long enough around your fatass to share or play with
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 622909
>>622885You must be new here.
Hi! Welcome to Lolcow, where we call it as we see it. Her oversized lardass IS nasty. I agree she's insane but she has no remorse and attacks anyone who tries to help her or tell her anything differently. Definitely a cow. Funny the way it's ok to talk about some cow's weight or bodies but not others. You must be a heifer too
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 622912
>>622885>When I'm bored and hungry for pizza this is what I wish I can do put pizza on my tits and have him eat it off my tits and feed me some from his mouthHow beautiful, I'm sure Xilmordas would love to do that!
>>622909That anon is really annoying, they occasionally venture out of this thread to comment on other cows they know nothing about.
No. 622926
>>622909I'm the anon you're replying to. It's not that it's okay or not to talk about people's bodies, it's just that this cow's milk is waaaay more juicy than being fat, most of milk is, unless is directly linked to the milk like Kaya's denial about her weight. I'm not fat and it doesn't bother me at all, was just expressing an opinion. You can talk away, I nitpick at other people's bodies here all the time. No need for infighting. I'm not new, here since altcows 2
>>622912I never commented in threads about other cows so, no.
Why the fuck does she think it's okay to post this kind of shit? It's cringy enough that she thinks these things, the fact that she wants people to know she thinks these things disturbs me. Why? I wonder if she tried saying things like this directly to Xilmordas before being blocked. does anyone know about this?
No. 622954
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No. 622957
File: 1530127096160.jpeg (253.18 KB, 640x843, 23D14C50-A989-4FFC-81E4-513D9D…)

Why does maimagi obviously copies Michelle pfeiffer personal style ?
No. 622960
>>622937I don't think so, she's blocked in all of his social medias. I guess she just stalks him
>>622957who is this?
No. 622966
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No. 623002
File: 1530130965435.jpg (75.49 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1530130779462.jpg)

Careful guys! She just made a recording on her profile that she's gonna delete everyone on her friends list. When are these cows gonna learn that won't matter? Kek
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 623235
File: 1530152778100.png (552.41 KB, 720x902, Screenshot_2018-06-27-22-25-58…)

No. 623240
File: 1530153347574.png (610.96 KB, 720x847, Screenshot_2018-06-27-22-32-33…)

So ugly I bet she is a guy that has a penis. And he look so gay!!!
No. 623250
>>623235The girl with black hair had a partner who used to match her like
>>623240 iirc, so maybe it's just based on what they used to do and that idea. I think they look pretty cool honestly. Not goth, but cute.
No. 623382
>>622659> were Adora and coal candy lovers???you got a reaction time similar to that of a chess player you started assuming that just now
>>622816>Why do you think they're lovers? Just because they're going to gigs together? Or was something more obvious posted somewhere?1. Supposed separation of Adora and husband
2. A and S sleep in same beds as is visible in his videos in a very stereotypical configuration - she on the right of him
3. Her general behavior toward S.
4. Adora's husband's ironic joke about having 22 yo girlfriend on social media
For many people just point 1 and 2 is more than enough to at least start suspecting such things. I honestly do not get why you are surprised about such assumptions. Is this true or not is another question however.
No. 623448
File: 1530182883235.jpg (10.19 KB, 180x279, Attempted_restoration_of_Ecce_…)

>>619639Could a kind anon please make the photoshop happen?
No. 623610
>>623553Kek he is so cringey!
I'm also still impressed how quickly he gave up daily vlogging again.
No. 623654
File: 1530210513549.jpg (732.48 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180628-192711_Ins…)

There you go, it is a video though and I'm not sure how to repost that.
No. 623683
>>623654it's going to tell him that you took a screen grab. He'll probably think it's because you think he's hot or something kek
is it just me or does he nipples look really odd
No. 623693
>>623683they are! like the right one has a piercing jewel getting rejected or something. and so… discolored, I guess would be the word?
>>623687I honestly wasn't, he's delusional about every single thing in his life, I figured this would be another example.
All tatted up for someone who's begging for money on the internet for the most basic things, don't you, Jake?
No. 623697
>>623687Lmao, yes, you can't even tell if it's just the shadow or some actual definition.
He also looked bigger in the past iirc?
No. 623734
File: 1530217100885.jpg (Spoiler Image,791.43 KB, 1024x1821, PhotoGrid_1530217055409.jpg)

No. 623761
File: 1530219729160.jpeg (107.63 KB, 661x1024, 0B31AFE9-DC1B-4450-8080-DCB8F9…)

>>619639>>623448Here you go anon xoxo
No. 623764
>>623734I’m so confused
Where does the penis end and the girl begins?! What is life
No. 623875
>>622964Oh I've seen a few videos of her on YouTube (she makes content). Yeah, she's not a Goth. Like ReeRee Philips, just another darkly inclined metalhead who thinks she's Goth just because she like to wear black and I also get the vibe that because she's into wicca, that makes her Goth… Yeah. I mean there's nothing milky about her and she seems nice enough, she's nothing like Kaya.
>>623240Eh I'm not the biggest fan of those kinds of looks but they're not bad, they're cool in their own right but yeah, it's definitely not a goth look.
>>623654You know I find it very odd how he thinks he looks so muscly. Seeing his body now, he looks just like I expected. Doughy and unfit, just "average" built. I feel like he's one of those guys who only works out his arms and thinks that's enough to make him 'muscular" even though the rest of his body looks soft and somewhat shapeless.
>>623673Agreed. His body looks like any other average alternative guy's. Not that it's bad, rock your body but don't delude yourself.
>>623687Same. He's pretty much one of those guys who mostly just works out his arms. But also, he does kinda eat like crap, maybe not as much as Kaya but still, it shows.
No. 623877
>>623734where are the Xilnudes coming from? this one seems to be posted here first hand (kek)
Is Xilmordas and his girl among us? Someone earlier in the thread said was in touch with him (kek)
I bet they're doing this to piss off Alicia Ramos. Any news on what this one is doing? This cow was giving such good milk!
No. 624260
File: 1530281718442.jpg (618.46 KB, 1439x1313, Screenshot_20180629-101424_Fac…)

>>623877She's still being a thirsty whore. Four back to back posts about girls and guys she thinks are hot, with a post of a bunch of pics of herself looking like one giant meat roll
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 624391
>>624260what a creep!
Not talking about xilmordas or deleting her accounts?
No. 624426
File: 1530296786866.jpg (715.61 KB, 1439x2155, Screenshot_20180629-142216_Fac…)

>>624391Guys we really need to make a full thread. She's lurking here and is directly responding to our posts. I can't post multiple images so I don't know how to share in time because she's a deleter
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 624436
>>624434She just chimped out and deactivated her account but she'll be back. She always posts telling people off but keeps them on her page and later deletes the rage outs
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 624439
File: 1530297745567.jpg (183.22 KB, 720x724, IMG_20180629_214019.jpg)

No. 625321
File: 1530342929959.jpeg (970.54 KB, 1125x1715, 3C62C8BA-004E-4F74-87E8-76705C…)

You seen this cow!
No. 625322
File: 1530342978396.jpeg (37.73 KB, 400x400, DDC972D2-EB68-4318-8D10-454ABF…)

>>625321This bitches wigs are hilarious,
No. 625329
>>625328She's not even alternative. There's literally a personal lolcows thread, not that a person wearing a bad wig is milk.
(see: Nearly every cosplayer and Japanese fashion enthusiast)
No. 625364
>>624489Jake says all the Deadpool suits he's been looking at are £4000 and higher.
Does he have any idea how many people have Deadpool suits and wear them to cons etc. You can get those suits for MUCH cheaper.
He's obviously going to try and raise £4000 on twitch and say its for a Deadpool suit
No. 625376
File: 1530355289961.png (735.52 KB, 859x602, HerbsandAltarsnewvideo.png)

>>612283 So, 'Of Herbs and Altars' who rides the whole witchy kick is trying to parody instagram 'witches' and Nu-Goths for being fake and homogenous. If it wasn't from her, she'd have a point about the try-hard witchy wannabes and the shitty edgelord prints from Killstar. Perhaps she doesn't realise how many of viewership are likely the same people she's mocking. She even admits that her top's from a sponsor and then complains about people seeking stuff from sponsors in the next sentence. I kinda like the makeup for both and she's definitely looking less gaunt. Still don't like the whole use of "him" referring to themselves, when they're clearly presenting as a woman - makes me think of the people in the transtrender thread and Sebastian Columbine. I think as much as she says it isn't targeted at anyone, she's on about ReeRee Philips, definitely with the style of 'outfit video' out in the woods.
No. 625406
>>625402he got his deadpool costume anyways.
there's going to be a lot of more vlogs of him wearing it apparently.
Am I the only one who HATES Deadpool cosplyers.
they think they're so hilarious and quirky when in reality it's just cringy.
I can only imagine what Jake is going to do around Belfast in his costume. what a knob.
No. 625412
>>625406I highly doubt he will wear it as much as he says he will. I call we see it 5 times or less before it's lost in the clutter of their cave.
I don't get why he couldn't even attempt to make a costume?? At least some of it. 4000 of their "fans" money wasted on something that won't even get much use and will be treated like garbage.
No. 625413
>>625408he likes a lot of pictures of other girls on twitter.
a lot of them are of PeachMilky.
I don't think I've ever seen him like a picture of Kaya
No. 625465
File: 1530368389412.png (813.51 KB, 864x593, cc.png)

£500 for Jake to get electrocuted.
Poor Kaya looked terrible for this entire stream.
her skin is getting worse
No. 625471
>>625402his face, his fingers, his tosro and the packaging at his left all look the same kek
How can he think he's fit? Look at those fucking "love" handles! It's huge, it's like he's got a pool float around his waist.
He looks like an old lesbian who tries to look young. If you told me that Jake was FtM, I'd never question this info, never
>>625408Yes! It's all he wants because he doesn't like Kaya anymore, feels like he can't part ways with her right now (for various reasons maybe but mainly because he leeches of her and her viwership) but wants to have women fawning over him, telling him he's sexy, handsome, whatever? don't you remeber when he and Kaya traveled to LA and met Kelly Eden and Dre Ronayne? He flirted with Kelly during the whole fucking tree and she flirted back because she is a hoe. There is even a video in which they go to a toy store and there's a toy, I think it's a My Little Pony(?) toy that has a mermaid tail and the thing moves kinda like a rabbit vibrator when they press a button so he makes a joke implying he wants to put on Kelly's pussy and she gets all "staaaph" giggling loving it. It's pathetic, I'll try to find it later, I don't even remember which chanel's is it, so I'll have to search on the 3 of them urgh
>>625413He's a fucking asshole, I don't like Kaya in the slightest, never did, but I don't think she deserves to be treated the way this guy treats her. I don't think anyone deserves it. He's such a fucking douche, you can see in everything he does, it's all shitty and douchey, he's so chavy it's unbelievable he thinks he's alternative in any way. Both of them needed to admit to themselves that it was a phase that passed, like this relationship. This boat has sailed, they should just go on with their lives instead of insisting in this co-dependent mess..
>>625465If there's a fund to give Kaya a jaw implant and teach her how to do her eyebrows then I'm donating kek
No. 625474
>>625471samefagging again to correct: during the whole fucking 'tree' to 'travel'
I'm hangover as fuck, last time, sorry, bye
No. 625527
File: 1530372174301.png (4.08 MB, 1911x919, cat.png)

the last few weeks Jake and Kaya have been talking about all the work they're always doing in their garden.
..bitch where??…
No. 625596
File: 1530376311289.jpg (1.01 MB, 1439x2261, Screenshot_20180630-123106_Fac…)

>>625356And this is obviously you still lurking trying to defend your creepy actions instead of realizing how desperate you are
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 625605
File: 1530376820239.png (1.06 MB, 2048x774, PicsArt_06-30-12.36.37.png)

>>625465in the beach q&a and the garden video i couldn't stop staring at whatever is going on with her top lip, and almost the whole side of her face is breaking out.
No. 625629
>>625471That detail about the MLP is gross. He's a douche canoe
I wish they would split up, he might have been a good boyfriend in the beginning but he has morphed into a narcissistic leech
No. 625631
>>625605Is it normal for a 27 year old to have acne this bad?
She needs to get some proper treatment and go easy on the thick foundation.
She drinks nothing but diet coke too so that can't help
No. 625785
>>625596whats that even supposed to mean? is she trying to imply that she is Xilmorda's (god, I feel so ridiculous, like a 90's edgy mansonite """goth""" typing this name) slave girl or something? Does he even posts videos anywhere? What's she talking about? It's so confusing
>>625631It is! I discovered it in the worst possible way, I never had acne, just oily skin my whole life, then suddenly at like 28, boom: both my cheeks look like Kaya's (not the other place where she has it too). I changed a lot in my habits and products I used, tried a lot of things, so far no results but will keep trying. In my case it's not hormonal so it's not like it has a specific cause. Maybe she's been going through the same and making it worse by putting makeup on. When I have to spend the whole day with foundation on I just know at least one zit will appear
No. 625868
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No. 625877
File: 1530392957322.jpeg (92.78 KB, 674x1199, received_1173598056115900.jpeg)

No. 625879
File: 1530393025150.jpeg (85.25 KB, 674x1199, received_1173598802782492.jpeg)

No. 625886
File: 1530393427374.png (86.42 KB, 720x412, Screenshot_2018-05-30-17-26-31…)

No. 625926
>>625877>>625879>>625886If Alicia went through something traumatic that I don't know about that led to her being mentally fucked up and doing weird shit to the point of compromising her normal development, specially socially since she is doing things getting her some attention from strangers on the internet, then I'm not interested anymore.
If being cringey because of stunted mental development because of trauma is ALL she does… seems like beating a dead horse. I think she really doesn't understand that what she's doing is weird because as the mean person from the screencap is saying, she has a mental age of someone a lot younger than she looks. I feel bad making fun of someone who can't even change or be over it because they have actual mental development problems. I'm hopping off of the Alicia train.
>>625887True dat kek
But Kat von d would like a word with you since that tryhard has a garden with all the black flowers she can find and black flowers only. If it came from a regular goth into gardening, even toxic tears (ik, not a goth) I guess I'd take it seriously because it would have been something that took lots of effort, study, saving, planning, etc. Kat von D is a millionaire, she just jires a gardner and when she remembers or wants to take a pic she pours some water in a plant
No. 625960
>>625956That has a mental health issue
* cut the cyber bullying.
No. 625977
>>625958that's true, all the screencaps of alicia's facebook were posted from the same person, the font they used was very recognizable. And I think these last screencaps was the same person too, but they realized the font thing and changed to another bizarre font, it's not very common for people to change their phone's font.
In my opinion, since we had these last screencaps that show someone who seem to know her in real life attesting that she has cognitive development problems due to trauma, this person says Alicia was "under heavy medication", so she is or was being treated, and still, this bitch goes on and tells how she feels pleasure in laughing about Alicia with everyone around her. That's fucked up, people!
I don't know if you guys remember but in the last thread we had someone come to defend those Kev and Ash that were brought up in relation to Raven and people got nasty with him, later they discovered he was autistic so everyone agreed to leave him alone. I think we just have to leave Alicia alone because on the outside she can look like a grown woman but inside she must have the emotional maturity of someone much younger so it's like messing with a teen or pre-teen. That's why she acts like this with her crushes, sex, etc. Like all people who don't understand it properly yet, she's just… too weird you know? Let her be, people, live and let live. She's just existing. It was entertaining for the first screencaps but now it's just low even for here
>>625961I agree. People get banned for less
No. 626211
File: 1530435983245.png (586.88 KB, 696x1159, Screenshot_2018-07-01-01-54-25…)

>>625958>>625977And whom do we know who exclusively uses that font?
>>625969And who has nothing better to do with her time than to post about someone who has very little public presence and perpetuate the debate over whether she should be be discussed?
No. 626277
>>625465Nitpicking, but what is going on with her foundation here? Did she just forget to put it on her whole face or what? This looks so bad…
Also, their e-begging is starting to reach new levels of pathetic. At least e-beg for something useful like a new equipment instead of whining about your broken shit constantly.
No. 626299
>>626287Yeah, it's strange that we hear nothing about that. I bet any disgruntled backers or fans are getting deleted when they comment something under Kaya's/Jake's videos…
Also, I had no idea this Kickstarter existed, thanks for pointing that out:"Are we up to the task? Of course! no one is more driven and dedicated than the Metal Ass Gaming crew. "
I don't even understand what they were trying to do here, apart for collecting money for a new camera and a drone. Sounds like a trainwreck:
"The quest we will be filming will be called Epiquest! As the story goes so far, Jake, John and Kaya are chosen by the sacred realm of the MAGpies to go on a magical quest across the country to find the world's greatest game because a threat has been detected to it's safety. Each episode will feature us being sent into a portal to our next destination where we must follow the clues given on the scroll to discover the sacred messages telling us of the scrolls location. Jake is a swift and noble Bard, armed with his trusty bow and his djenty songs of war. John is a brutal but gentle viking, armed with an axe with which he shall fell his feeble foes. Lastly, Kaya is an unwitting black mage, able to master the elements in magical fury…if she can ever figure out how to do it! We are not alone in our quest, we are in a race against time to make sure the forces of evil don't get their hands on it first and topple the very gaming world to ruins. Who is this villain? Pledge and find out. But you can expect plenty of blood, comedy, magic and action in this fantasy gaming quest featuring your favourite goofs from the couch."
No. 626341
File: 1530456650970.gif (481.74 KB, 400x300, xsiCNgt.gif)

>>626211>>626229I wasn't following the Raven thread so wasn't aware that she used this font! it's her! in the last thread she tried to get people to talk shit about several girls but couldn't because there wasn't any milk and peopple explained a thousand times that having exaggerated or "bad" makeup was not a problem in the subculture at all but she insisted. I guess she finally found someone who looked ridiculous enough to throw at the lions as a way of revenge for being discussed herself in the image boards. But at which cost? A mentally challenged person Raven? Really? I wish I could say that this is a new low for her but unfortunately, it isn't. Which surprises me the most is that I've read Raven defend herself on Kiwi farms saying that she is the way she is because of something similar: stunted emotional development, that she never past the age of a teenager, that's why she got involved with logan, etc. I admit that I even felt kinda bad for her a couple of years ago when I read it. But now she does this. Raven, you're so fucking petty and fake, girl.
Alicia, if you are reading this: delete Raven Sparks from your friends list. (she can have fakes but idk )
>>626060I still want to know where the dick pic came from, it didn't seem like it was posted anywhere so I was under the impression that Xilmordas and his gf (or wtvr) were the ones trolling Alicia or at least participating on it, at least with the dick pic.
>>624439>>626003so fucking tacky. and it kinda sounds like some biblical name that seems like the child was born with 86 years old. I'd be pissed as fuck when I grew up enough to realize that the reason the other children made fun of my name in school was because my parents decided that the tackiest, most cringiest, teen-parentiest thing in the world was poetic and beautiful and a ~reflection~(this will be the 2nd word he'll hear the most in his life, the 1st will be "vegan") of his father and his parents' love and blah blah fucking vegan blah
No. 626348
File: 1530457586462.png (128.98 KB, 621x620, pin.png)

>>626281those pins Kaya and Jake put up for preorder about a month or two ago haven't even been made yet. they was £8 each and they've sold out.
I don't understand how people continue to support them
No. 626519
>>626473being a cringy teen-early 20's…? not sure that's particularly milky, since that applies to an overwhelming number of under 25's.
if she's not doing anything interesting or particularly dumb right now, trying to force it just makes you look in need of something better to do.
No. 626559
>>626519I didn't mean the cringy stuff she did at that age.I was mostly talking about the change in her style.I had the impression she goth since her teens but her style looked very mismatchy there and her interests so different
I'm all for the milk on her I just made a statement.And I saged my post too
No. 626743
>>626449On a bleak and Stygian eve
To the churchyard once I wandered,
For my lost love to visit and grieve
While many a thought I pondered.
I hesitated by the gate
For quite some time I tarried,
Know not do I how long I’d wait
For much sorrow then I carried.
A fading vermillion eventide
Acted as mantle for earthen black bile
this makes me want to throw my laptop into a brick wall. this is just…. so bad. the pretentious wording, cliche rhyming pattern, it's just.. ugh. please, i beg of you, freyja, please read poetry from someone other than edgar allen poe.
No. 626783
File: 1530500334989.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1242x1982, B7F1F63A-4951-42EC-8142-5555D7…)

Not so subtle about the begging
No. 626898
>>612283Why did you post this? It was already dissected in the last Raven thread.
>>626398This is an image board.
No. 626943
>>626783she probably burst it with her weight.
she makes so much money on twitch now she has no right to beg. The stupid float cost her $70
No. 626999
File: 1530537435598.png (317.44 KB, 495x390, dddddeded.png)

>>626348I'm almost certain Jake lurks here.
I posted about their pins not even being made and then he tweets this
No. 627002
>>623532Adoras Ex husbandwho changed his Facebook status from divorced to "in a relationship" last week just changed it to "single". Well, that was quick.
I want to know what's going on there so bad!
No. 627144
File: 1530555118255.jpg (32.62 KB, 576x576, FB_IMG_1530554877122.jpg)

>>626896Her name is Crissi or Chrissi or something. I don't think she's over 40. I just think she's kind of unfortunate looking or in her 30s but hasn't aged well. Mattihas definitely has a thing for older women.
No. 627145
File: 1530555174382.png (65.1 KB, 471x459, Screenshot_20180702-200715.png)

She graduated from highshool in 1994😆
No. 627151
File: 1530555751096.jpg (73.67 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1530554901118.jpg)

>>626449Ive seen this before, but she looks like she was an emilie autumn fan. I know she's claims she was into lolita. But she was almost certainly an ita.
>>625631I have bad adult acne like kaya and eat a mostly some foods vegan diet. I only break out really bad when i sleep in my make up or don't wash my hair for a few days and it gets greasy. So i imagine kaya is just a lazy fuck. I guess we already knew that.
>>627145Oh never mind. She's old as fuck. She dresses like a preteen mall goth. But i have no idea what her personality is like
No. 627261
File: 1530565280565.jpeg (465.3 KB, 727x1111, 5C0848A2-2587-4854-AF85-0FF32C…)

>>627002I don’t know but it seems like maybe Adora wants him back? Maybe he’s the one who left her? She posted something about being a very lucky bastard on saturday and his ex husbands FB already was changed to “single”.
At the same time she’s always leaving comments on Coalcandy’s IG about how she misses him…
And what’s up with the photo that she posted yesterday? Looks like an aftermath photo or something 😂
No. 627265
>>627178>>627151For someone over 40 (guessing she must've been in the subculture for a long time) and with a really good paying job she sure dresses like she's a stupid teen, ridiculous. But I gotta say that she's not looking bad for her age.
So Matthias has a type… interesting… older women, who have one or another form of prestige in the subculture. Freyja has a following on social media from which he benefited immensely, no one knew who he was until he jumped in a super serious relationsip with her, she also was the breadwinner of the household while he was a student, payed for trips too. This new one is much older so the prestige comes from the fact that she must be well known in the scene and respected, and also those sweet sweet euros, of course.
If I must say so, I think Matthias is much much more milky than Freyja's old bad poetry or pics of hats on a 5 year old deviantart account. We discovered a bonafide goth casanova social climber! I'll tell you that this dude shoots in every direction, as soon as it was public that He and Freyja were separated, I swear that I saw Matthias commenting on every trad-ish over 5k followers goth woman on instagram being VERY flirtatious, lots of heart emojis, etc. One of the first people he started to follow as soon as the news that Freyja and Mr Owl were back together was Mr Owl's ex, Nadia. They started to follow and comment on each others' insta accounts and unfollowed the exxes instantly, it looked pathetic and desperate.
No one would be talking about him if it wasn't for the fact that he had a flash wedding to IBF, a youtuber, let alone buying his amateur art on his etsy. His art sucks, he is pretentious in everything he does. Let's see how long this relationship will last. I'm willing to bet that if this woman has a good head, is very mature, it won't last much.
I don't think he wants to enjoy the single life more than he wants to enjoy leeching the status and money off of someone. It was super easy with IBF! Boom: instant small following in a niche and someone paying the vacays with their youtube ad money! kek
No. 627347
File: 1530572295112.png (284.85 KB, 415x416, c4.png)

Kaya went to an anime convention cosplaying as a dominatrix….wait, it's not a cosplay?
No. 627439
>>627047kek, virgin detected
>>627163>>627151>She dresses like a preteen mall goth.Like a lot goth women that didn't went into mental geriatric mindset after they turned 25. Go to few festivals in central/eastern Europe and you will see truckloads of more or less "youthful dressed" ladies. kek. But who cares how does she dress? This board is now all about "uh oh, i don't like the way he/she/they dress!!!111oneoneone" or what?
No. 627727
>>627359I agree that he has got some milk and I'm sorry that this anon
>>627522 has a crush on him and can't take the criticism towards him. He put himself online when he participated in IBF's videos and showed his arrogant attitude so why shouldn't it be allowed to gossip about him, it's really not that serious.
No. 627801
>>627522Hmmm some people said Matthias cheated and flirted with many girls while being on festivals with freya. And all the internet comment stuff with women one told here. Its pretty milky to me.
And in my opinion they are both the base of their failure. I guess they loved, tried and failed together.
I don t think he avoided dating because his ex lives next door.
No. 627946
File: 1530637978393.gif (851.06 KB, 406x276, JNhU5Tt.gif)

>>627801yes! this. why some previous anons made such a big deal about "emagrd IBF took mr owl to the marital home(dats a nu one) right beside where matthias lives!!one111!eleve1n1!!" It's just an apartment, bitch. They were married for like a year, bitch. They had one cat together, bitch. Bitches talk like IBF had been married to matthias for 45 years and suddenly she brought other dude to live in the apartment next to their own. OH MY GOD! imagine poor mattias' suffering! Poor thing! Bitch, no. Mattias is one of the biggest womanizers in the german goth scene from what we know, dating or single, the dude is always flirting with everything that has a coochie and a pair of siouxsie makeup-ed eyes, specially when drunk. Do you really really think that Poor baby Mattias never ever had a woman in that neigbor apartment even before mr owl visited IBF? He most likely had. In fact, I remember seeing IBF saying, I can't remember where now (maybe was in that "where I was" video) something along the lines of "mattias is already dating someone else" (and thinking about that now, from the timeline, it was too early to even be that current Chrissi!)
yeah, I think you put in nicer words than me when you said that
>in my opinion they are both the base of their failure. I guess they loved, tried and failed together.I agree with that because in real life, that's how it goes almost every time. because that's the way it is. Chose a side if you want, but it doesn't matter, everyone has their own strengths and disadvantages, things they can and cannot deal with, things they can or not compromise, people they fit or not together. Everyone can try to be happy, and everyone can make mistakes. The real problem here is that if we analyze our life's we'll see that maybe we did some dumb as fuck shit in the past or we know people close to us who did, all with our mind in the right place, just trying to be happy, but the internet makes it all more complicated because at the same time it magnifies the problems and situations when you have your life so exposed like the people we are talking about here so everyone knows all about what's happening, everybody feels in the right to comment, to give their input, to say what was done right or wrong, whose fault it was for this and that even knowing nothing for real, like we are doing here. And in the other hand minimizes the problems because we don't get the whole picture, just edited bits of information scattered through several videos over several accounts through the optics of several people all trying to convey their own side of the story. So I guess people tend to get too involved in the side they are aligning with like it's a team they root for or a fandom they're into that they forget that these are people and at the end of the day, probably they are all a little bit right and a little bit wrong and because one did THIS, it doesn't mean that the other didn't do THAT, you know? So we get posts like this
>>627522Is Mattias an insufferable smug arrogant who flirted with everyone at festivals while drunk when IBF went to sleep? Is his art very bad and only sells because he benefited from IBF's popularity? is he apparently a social climber in the goth scene? Yes.
Is Freyja someone who likes to play victim and not admit blame for nothing she does, including a fundraiser for her wedding to mr owl which did not happened because she broke up with him to move to germany but pocketed the money anyway? does she talk mostly hauls and nothing about real interest about the subculture on her channel like music news or album reviews etc? also yes.
both cows.
YOU are a cow! and YOU are a cow! YOU also are a cow!
No. 628013
>>627966>>627969every cow produces a kind of milk, womanizing, being flirtatious, shady, etc while in a relationship is one of the things he does. Being smug, acting like he's better than others is another. taking advantage of freyja's popularity, etc etc.
If we have to come up with one of a kind, never done by said cow thing every time we post, we won't post never again. Never another post of TT e-begging. Never another post of IBF looking fat. Or TT either. Or any mention of TT's weight… Or sebastian claiming to be any gender identity or looking weird as fuck… jake looking like a thumb. jake being disrespectful to kaya…
because it was all mentioned before… they all have things they do constantly and they'll keep doing because they are who they are. everyone has a different personality. If by "fresh milk" you want the cow to every time to different and more outrageous things we might as well close the thread or half lolcow kek. Or you could go to the Margaret Palermo thread, because that bitch keeps getting crazier and crazier.
Why do you fight so much that he is not discussed? Is he a personal friend of yours? If he does something that people feel like discussing, they can discuss, if they don't feel like it, then they… won't? Sounds… okay? I guess
live and let post
No. 628102
>>628065start by not typing anything in the name field and instead typing "sage" in the email field (this is what is called saging) if it's just your opinion instead of something new and milky.
Read the rules and usage info on the top of the page and you're ready.
sorry to minimod, but I want the gossip asap hahahah
No. 628155
>>628013All the cows you mentioned here are ones that we can see and comment on their behaviors first-hand. I never said Matthias should never be posted, but everything that has been posted about him in the past month or so has either been something already said in other threads or nitpicking his art. Yes, he has social media that we can see, but he doesn't post much and when he does it's not really personal stuff. TT and IBF e-beg…we can provide screenshots of that here. Jake is just a complete idiot all around…we can post that here with solid proof. Ppl that have met Kaya and Jake have given insight into how they are off-camera…that's milky. If the anons that know Matthias or are mutual friends feel comfortable to share stories about him then that's great! That would be milky. I just don't see repetetive comments with no story behind it or pure speculation from ppl that don't know him that milky. Trust me, I would love for something to be exposed about him but it just hasn't happened since the split.
>>628065I'm the anon you responded to and that would be much appreciated and of course we understand making sure it all comes out the right way.
No. 629478
File: 1530810588472.jpg (604.38 KB, 1080x1546, 20180705_190650.jpg)

Fun as in "Fun text"? Another proof that tt dosnt know shit / cares about music?
No. 629839
>>627966He is not going to fuck u
Are you all dumb? He doesn't like older women , ( freija was just like 6 or 4 years older ) he likes women who would buy him everything he wants so he would paint edgy illustrations in his room all day , and go to festivals,ibf is a weird bitch,she always dates dudes like that for some weird reason, i don't think she is gonna last with mr owl because he isn't even economically independent and i doubt he would leave nz
No. 630140
File: 1530877025698.png (474.28 KB, 480x614, Screenshot_20180706-131902.png)

Translates to " finally, Vacation!! Summer, Sun, fun here we come."
Matthias is official in this Relationship for not a whole month and they already go on a vacation in spain together.
I don't believe he is able to pay for this all by himself. Sugarmommy is treating him well, no hes has to be careful to keep his hands all by himself when around all the bikini girls on the beach.
No. 630174
File: 1530884385217.png (482.41 KB, 1536x1255, IMG_2190.PNG)

Adora and Simon (Coalcandy) at a festival. Romance or friendship, who knows.
Though this picture looks like snuggling I'm not sure. As I recall she did share her hotel room at tis festival with some other person than him, which makes it look like they don't date. Maybe just cuddly friends?
No. 630597
>>630508In my old person experience, women over 40 date much younger for one of three reasons:
1. They are free after years of marriage etc and just want sex and fun, no responsibility.
2. They feel/are over the hill and are targeted by a conman (I don't think C falls into this category - she's youthful slim and attractive enough. This scenario is more for plain women of or near ensionable age who get swept off their feet by foreign men less than half their age who just so happen to like the idea of a visa or "need money".)
3. Juvenile party girls who "only relate" to people in their 20s.
Occasionally you get women with mama complexes who want to create their perfect man. And also people who genuinely connect and fall in love.
No. 630745
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No. 630778
File: 1530949977460.jpeg (1.9 MB, 1242x1973, 45D2F000-7304-4FDF-AC5A-88F7E8…)

>>630759She posted this today. Looks awful. Must not be her normal type of art.
No. 631101
>>630184I think it's because he's attractive for his niche which has way more women then men. I mean, I love goth, I really do but you definitely see more women than guys these days so I feel like sometimes, this can be why some goth women snag onto the first decent looking, seemingly charming Goth guy they can get since there aren't many of them.
>>630839Not gonna lie, I kinda thought this too. When IBF first showed him, I assumed he was in his early 30s and was shocked he was younger than that lol
No. 631197
File: 1531005373424.png (383.16 KB, 900x492, ibf.png)

Found it! He's definitely cuter without.
No. 631206
>>631101>>631161>>631184>>631188When he first appeared linked to IBF I also thought he was older than her! In fact at the time I thought that SHE had got herself a sugardaddy.
Thought he was mid 30s to early 40's like Mr Owl.
You're right, his makeup ages him but his features contribute a lot to it too, he's a very manly man, he's not a little waif thing or androgynous by any means so his burliness and face squareness adds to it, he just isn't someone whose features scream "youthful". Also, have you noticed how in most pics and videos (not in this one tho) you can see quite clearly that he has a lot of facial hair, with or without makeup? In fact, I think that the cakey foundation accentuates it. For the record, I think he's handsome, I'm this anon
>>630184My SO follows the gossip here slightly, I tell him the juiciest things because he barely has time. He didn't know what this Matthias debate was about at all. He was behind me when I opened this pic and just asked "how old is Matthias again? 35, 35?"
No. 631211
>>631206samefagging to correct *34,35?
and to add
>>630902not long, I bet.
>>630686oh yeah, she's attractive, me at least, I'm not denying it. But pu-hlease, this argument that people are jealous of everything they are criticizing is so tired and makes no sense. Plus, it's a gossip board, you don't know if literally every one of the anons are sugarbabies on vacations with their sugarmamas/daddies gossiping about other people. No one is saying that he can't do this, we're just gossiping about what's happening and wondering about what's happening next. chill. But hey, lesbian sugarmamas definitely are a thing somewhere, you just have to find one.
>>630778that's so ugly, the letters are so badly done
No. 631808
File: 1531086932975.png (366.66 KB, 593x467, makeup.png)

I'm actually so shocked at how pretty Kaya looks with more natural looking makeup
No. 631811
File: 1531087101989.jpg (83.7 KB, 1200x780, collage.jpg)

what she could look like vs what she chooses to look like
No. 631912
>>631808>>631898it's unfair to say that both are hideous as much as it is to make a collage in which one pic she's posing all pretty and in the other you caught her talking in the middle of a word with a strange face. She definitely looks better with more natural makeup and that's not because we want her to look more "normie" (I look like a crazy bitch kek) and that's because 2 things.
1- Proportions- Her usual eyebrow shape is completely unflattering to her face shape, it's too short lenght wise, too thin, not arched enough, placed too high… I could go on forever, everything is wrong with that shit. These also are more brownish and the skin is a more natural tone so it's not that stark contrast of badly drawn liner black eyebrow on white foundation.
There was a video she did a long ass time ago in which she experimented with eyebrow stencils and she was like "oh my god these are so baaaad" to most of them when ALL of them looked better than the ones she freehands every time, search for this video, it's worth it, I really couldn't understand how at the end of the video she wasn't like "yeah, ok guys, I realized my eyebrows don't suit my face, I'll be trying some of these shapes for a little while…" or something, honest to god, I was shocked
And 2- because here she's wearing a more natural foundation color and that helps in camouflaging her skin problems: acne, redness, etc etc. The foundation she usually uses is way lighter than her skin and seems thicker and somehow kinda accentuates the bumps her skin has. Also, I don't know if she does (damned if I have the patience to watch a full makeup tutorial by TT) color correct every single zit and red dot she has before applying the light foundation but it doesn't seem like it. Also, with the more natural foundation tone her face seems to have more definition, so looks slimmer, the nose looks prettier… is it contoured? did she make it herfelf? where is this still from?
No. 632224
File: 1531140508751.jpeg (484.05 KB, 1241x1505, 592AC768-23C4-4B52-BC98-71144D…)

No. 632278
>>631898"Normie shit"
She's finally wearing a foundation shade that fits her skin and her eyeliner isn't all over the place.
She looks a lot better! Her makeup is even worse lately because her face is chalk white why her neck and body are tan now because of the heat
No. 632483
>>632439In the documentary
>>631547 filmed in 2016 he was described as a student with a "mini job".
No. 632487
>>632483That was back in 2016 he must have a job by now
(Ops sorry about that)
No. 633167
>>633090Oh my fucking god, I don't know what the fuck aren't you understanding. I even said that I look like a crazy bitch and believe me I really do, I shave my eyebrows and draw them on in unnatural colors, pointy and thin BUT in a unnatural thin and colorful shit that it's not making me look ridiculous, or better yet, it is, but GOOD ridiculous, not bad ridiculous if you know what I mean, but apparently, don't. Something are a look, others are a lack of better judgement. No one puts makeup on to look worse, c'mon! We always try to look better, even in the craziest and gothiest of the gothiest gothing goth clubbing makeup, you don't intentionally make yourself look constipated, about to poop, looking like a thumb with no definition in your face. Goth is about looking paler… yeah yeah… but also, most goths also cut the shit outta that contour and here we have Kaya still looking as round and white as a bowling ball. The foundation matching her skintone made her look better, let's admit it. She's bad as fuck at drawing her brows, let's admit it.
It's not about wanting to "normify" TT or something, at least not what I meant here
>>631912 but her usual """goth""" makeup sucks balls! she could be as extreme as she wanted if she fixed that HIDEOUS eyebrow shape, just to start. Really, watch that video in which she tries the stencils, will you tell me that she doesn't look better in all of them compared to the shitty eyebrows she does everytime?
No. 633236
File: 1531250314100.jpg (136.72 KB, 675x1200, DhqM5xCXUAEA7q5.jpg)

it looks like a deadpool sex suit
No. 633315
>>633167you are the same brow fetishist who cries about IBF brows?
pl0x, go away
No. 633802
>>633430His other gym post had the caption “Benches get Wenches”
If my S.O was posting suggestive stuff like this I’d be extremely uncomfortable. I wonder if Kaya wants to be the “cool” girlfriend. Cow or not, she deserves better than that delusional fat fuck.
No. 633829
File: 1531324621213.png (84.6 KB, 1080x356, 20180711_165653.png)

Wonder why they're not staying with Kelly again…
No. 634031
>>633860Anon, wake up. She´s lazy, but this ain't about laziness, this is about trying to get a house for free. She´s obviously browsing to see if somebody offers her a place to stay for free, lol.
>>633829Maybe it has something to do with Kelly's latest rant about visitors…? lol
No. 634056
File: 1531351629497.png (2.63 MB, 750x1334, 1.PNG)

Sebastian's own comments on being asexual and into BDSM
No. 634057
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No. 634059
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No. 634060
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No. 634061
File: 1531351713138.png (765.9 KB, 750x1334, 5.PNG)

Last one. Sorry for several putting them in several posts.
No. 634237
>>634059So, they're "asexual" except for how they actually have a kink?
I don't understand all these Modern Sexualities Of Today but I think if you're interested in having sex in certain situations, you're not really an asexual person.
Like, having a low sex drive does not make you asexual necessarily. Having had some meh sex, not being overly interested and then finding that you massively get off on being spanked and ordered around sounds like a kinky person, not an ace person. Correct me if I'm wrong about what asexuality now means.
No. 634510
>>634263>>634237Yeah, she's not asexual at all! Quite the contrary, actually! Notice that she said that she got turned on to the point of being satisfied by being only spanked once, that's extremely sexual. She gets off EXCLUSIVELY off of kinky BDSM sex.
>>634294I guess there's the fact that she wants snowflake points because Sebastian is a major attention whore who needs to be always on the latest tumblr trends. But unfortunately I guess it's mainly because of dumbness, she's been proving time and time again to not be the brightest person, to say the least. She over complicates and gets desperate over the simplest of things… Sebastian should start looking more inside herself and not to tumblr for answers regarding her identity, tastes and sexuality. She'd benefit immensely from a serious pause from the internet, this overexposure of herself, this need to fit in etc etc
She thinks she looks cool but the people who are fawning over her on her insta account are all teens who know shit about life, people her age see right through it and think she's lame or pity her. I pity her, I think she need a shitload of therapy and be away from the internet
No. 635277
>>634883I feel like all these vomity speeches and heartfelt manglings of my third favourite Nick Cave song should have been reserved for the actual couple and people at the wedding.
Why so Hogwarts?
His nails are disgusting.
But they look happy I guess.
No. 638936
>>638902He is obviously very keen on her. He got a similar looking gf after they split and then dropped the gf like a hot potato as soon as Freya was keen again. She's still on the other side of the world so he's still alone most of the time, and is assumedly not asexual like her so the physical separation would be more difficult. It's not a nice situation to be in especially if he's expecting to get dropped for Sexy German Man no. 2 at any moment. Germany is full of Goths whereas NZ has like three (info from IBF own mouth there in her CoalCandy interview)
Anyway just pondering on why he might be less enthusiastic or more depressed this time around.
No. 639222
>>621295It seems like Kaya is finally starting to understand that her shit eating grin and "goth content" are no longer doing it for her subscribers, so she resorts to a different phase every other month in an attempt to keep things "interesting" and make herself relevant.
First it was cyber, then romantic goth, nu goth, lolita goth,j-goth, now she's going all dark mori with the nature/ goth gardening shit? Midlife crisis, much?
(I know I probably missed a bunch of her other "phases" as there were too many to count)
No. 639366
>>639350You're right, I completely forgot to mention that one. (Thanks for reminding me.)
As if liking a series that legitimately millions of people have read and enjoyed throughout the years suddenly makes you special and "mysterious".
You're not suddenly a witch because you purchase monthly subscriptions to witchy box clubs and drool over Harry Potter.
You're a witch because you genuinely value -and actually practice- your craft, because let's remember kids, witchcraft itself isn't just some phase that you undergo for a week solely for trend purposes… Friggin' knuckle dragger.
No. 641368
>>638153Are people really paying them for that? I'd liek to have some faith in humanity lol
>>638955Considering that Gigi is a vapid, annoying, airhead, I'm not surprised her fans are not looking forward to that collab, especially after that horrid "Goth" video they did.
>>639222Makes you wonder what her next fake phase will be lol
>>639366Don't forget all her books that she never reads. I doubt she would ever read about Paganism and the occult outside of the shallow witchy boxes and popular tv shows like AHS Coven or the Craft lol.
No. 642249
>>641286>>641921she's not a cow anymore so I don't think she should be discussed but currently her status is: she's all normal looking, barely uses makeup, has normal shapeless straight brown hair always in a scrunchy. She dressed like she's from the 90's but very lightly, she doesn't look like a clueless wannabe. She doesn't look cool either. She just looks like she gave up. She just posts about being grateful to life, nature, love, family, the world, the energies, etc. She works at a new wage center of some sort doing tarot readings and as a secretary I think. Also writes new age-y article3s on crystals and magic stones for this same place website. She likes to listen to George Harrison. Recently started to date the most vanilla asian guy ever. Like last year I saw someone comment on an instagram photo of her "not so deathrock anymore, huh?" and she answered "also, not 16". which I found hilarious because if you said to the Patsy of the past that one day she'd grow out of her uber goth, sorry, DEATHROCKER phase she would go crazy about how she was a deathrocker since birth because her mother this and that and she loved the cult since she was 7 and etc etc etc etc etc ha ha
She wanted to be seen as TRVE so much but in the end, left the scene/lifestyle/subculture/music sooner than Sebastian Columbine or any of the other people she accused of stealing her look, the people who actually stole her look, and the ones she harrassed because they listened to the wrong phase of Christian Death.
So, that old thing is right: The ones who want to prove themselves as the truest of all are always the most insecure, who will always end up abandoning the boat. At least Sebastian is still a little weird and listens to the music.
No. 643903
>>642249>>641286I've posted about her in a previous thread. When I used to follow the SoCal scene, including Sebastian and Patsy (and Seb and others obvious skin walking), she seemed so arrogant and mean that it was obvious that she seemed insecure in some fashion about her death rock "identity." Especially obvious when I found pics of her in a scene phase after she insisted that she was never a babybat and that her parents were rockabilly and death rock OGs etc and that her and Steven were
the deathrock royal couple only to break up just a few years later. She dressed well and had good makeup/hair but she knew to take inspo from 70s-90s postpunk/deathrock easily accessible on places like Tumblr and Pinterest instead of cringey mall or nugoth shit like Seb.
She seems a lot more grown up, regardless of what you think of her current chill crystal baby look or interests. It wouldn't fit here, even if she were a cow. I think she just grew up and didn't care to keep up appearances for an image-heavy scene where she had established herself as the black-clad queen bee. I only hate-followed her because I had never seen someone so elitist yet so immature, ignorant, young, and bratty and I think people were growing tired of it and she probably thought so too. Maybe it caught up to her somehow.
I think she still likes all the music she was known for discussing for spooky clout but doesn't want to tread in the same circles, possibly because of her behavior (only speculation).
Probably after she started doing more of a southern Ian Astbury look is when she ditched the scene more or less. I noticed that she ditched or deleted old media profiles and when I looked her up maybe a couple years later, she was at where she is now. She's better off where she is. She may have been "trve" but it came with this tryhardness that was unbearable and most people burn out with that kind of attitude.
No. 643927
>>643903>She seems a lot more grown up, regardless of what you think of her current chill crystal baby look or interests. It wouldn't fit here, even if she were a cow. I think she just grew up and didn't care to keep up appearances for an image-heavy scene where she had established herself as the black-clad queen beethat's exactly what I was saying. it does not help her be left alone and grow further when you do this
>>643908 and post her social medias here. let her be, she learned her lesson from her mistakes. That's why I typed a description of how she is instead of linking her social medias, urgh.
No. 644826
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I believe that this is the first photo of Matthias with his new lady.
No. 645585
>>645530I got so annoyed about the food they were eating. Pizza in Austria and then pizza in Italy. Not even the good Italian pizza but some bland shitty one.
Since the vlog focused on them eating, it would’ve been great if they actually sampled the local cuisine. I understand that they’re strapped for cash but good food for less isn’t hard to find in Italy.
I’m not going to lie, I was aghast when they went to the Hard Rock Cafe.
Italy has a decent goth scene so I wish she could’ve checked out shops or clubs that she might’ve been allowed to film in.
No. 645607
>>645585It’s because she wouldn’t be getting the clothes for free. It was pretty bad. The usual tourist attractions (without the music edit), short yet she made two parts, more obsessed with the cats in the ruins, awful food..,
The vlogs didn’t show much at all. Hope she starts coming back with some good content. I always see posts of her and owl paint furniture, why not diy vids? Diet vids? Room progress?
Iuno, goth content has turned to shit and no ones really churning anything out anymore
No. 645774
>>612283>>645607I wondered the same thing– I am confused why IBF has not done any DIY vlogs showing us the interiors of her new home? I really want to see what her apartment looks like.
and I've been to Rome– there aren't that many stray cats in ancient Roman ruins. I only saw 2 cats.
No. 645906
>>645837Goth content on YouTube has turned to shit.
It’s unboxings, talking about elitists or same crap the other alternative creators have spoken about. Or! Shitty make up tutorials.
Most other creators have terrible quality vids (bad sound like Victoria) or just boring as fuck monologues about nothing (like batty). Then when they find something that gives them a heap of views, like unboxings, they just stick with that shit.
Most have absolutely no personality at all and shouldn’t be doing videos. Or hideous make up that they think is great.
No. 646188
>>645837Yeah I agree. Goth content has not become all around boring. There are still some people talking about things that actually matter to the scene that are not haul or unboxing videos whether it's talking about their experiences getting into the scene, sharing new music to check out, and so on. The difference is that these people are not popular and they don't upload as frequently because YouTube is not their job, just a hobby.
I think a more accurate claim is that the bigger Gothic YouTubers have become boring. Because they're the ones who are mostly doing these vapid videos tenfold and upload so frequently the same boring stuff, especially Toxic Tears.
>>645899That's because she is ordinary. I mean let's be real here. She doesn't really do anything of actual substance. All she's known for is buying/getting free stuff from expensive Gothic clothing companies. She doesn't have any real interests or at the very least, she doesn't showcase it which just makes her more uninteresting when you get past her appearance. She goes on and on about how she went to film school but yet she has nothing to show for it.
I mean at least with some of the other Goth YouTubers, they have something of more substance to build upon. Angela Benedict shares stories of what Goth was like in the 1990s, Goblin Queen has her music that she's pursuing, TheGothicAlice is a freelance artist, Amy Nekrotique is sharing information about Industrial music, & LigeiatheResurrected is into Gothic Literature.
The point is the others have things going on in their lives that they can talk about in videos and thus, they don't need to whore out a crap ton of unboxing or haul videos unlike IBF and Toxic Tears who have absolutely nothing going on.
No. 646218
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Oh lord that skin texture drac…and i can't tell if thats paint or oxidized metal on her lip peircing
No. 646238
>>646218to be fair, she isn't claiming that her skin is looking good, the point of the pic is to show how bad the foundation looks.
>>645837>>646188For those saying that goth youtube is still worth watching, could you please point to some good youtubers? I only know of Cemetery confessions
No. 646281
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I’m genuinely surprised that Kat Von D hasn’t at least cease & desisted this, but apparently the company is fine with it, because Victoria is on their PR list. Presumably they can tell that her private labeled “makeup line” will never be worth the cost it would take to hire a lawyer to get her to change her blatant copying.
Also kek @ “take a peak,” and “keep updated.” Just hire a competent social media manager, already.
No. 646319
>>646238Most are kinda of "talking heads". But they are at least discussing topics that are related to the scene:
Jinks - goth music and relation of goth to the politics from gay liberal anti SJW/anit nazi/anti communist/anti totalitarian perspective: E - some DIY and goth clothing made out of items "not straight outta some German webshop": Black sometimes produces some interesting content: may also search for "elder goth" and you will get materials from people remembering the '80s scenes. There is plenty of content to chose, but they are not that uch regular. On the other hand since a while neithar are main "goff stars of youtube".
>>646281Like Kat Von D is not "ripping off" the '80s/early '90s syle of design for cosmetics.
No. 646385
File: 1532471201019.jpeg (205.8 KB, 749x904, 6B5FBE6D-3F5E-48EF-A7F1-A21A48…)

Here we go again. No body wants you there, get over it! Will be funny to see her have another tantrum. Why does she think it’s her right to go there?
No. 646415
>>645585She probably avoids vlogging actual goth clubs or shops because it isn't her being the only goth around to get attention from the normies.
Angela Benedict is the only goth youtuber I watch. Amy Nekrotique COULD be really interesting with her experience in clubs and stuff but her entire affect is absolutely so boring and she has no energy or engaging way of speaking. I just can't listen to her. Ligeia seems cool and interesting but I don't really want to watch book reviews
No. 646586
>>645493absolutely cracked up when she admitted to being a fat fucking cow in her rome vlog. since normals are starting to notice you being a hog, maybe stop pigging out all the time?
>>646385maybe stop being such an entitled piece of shit freyja? you arent someone important being persecuted, you didn't follow their rules the first time and now they're suspicious of you overstaying your welcome. grow up and get a real job instead of country hopping.
No. 646693
>>646281It looks pretty generic and uninspired but it might not be enough to get something like a C&D.
God what terrible and unimaginative names, looks like she quickly lifted spooky names from Wiki's demonology page. Basic bitch satanism is so played out.
No. 646695
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>>646673I understood that the first time, I just honestly don’t know what 80s and 90s packaging you’re referring to because I don’t recall any packaging with designs like KVDs in the 80s and 90s. Again, not trying to contradict you, I’m just honestly not sure what you’re referring to, whereas it’s really obvious that therposerpina’s product packaging is a literal direct ripoff of KVD Beauty’s signature - embossed silver gothic lettering & roses in a traditional tattoo style, on black boxing. Were there companies in the 80s and 90s doing the same thing?
No. 646715
>I understood that the first time, I just honestly don’t know what 80s and 90s packaging you’re referring to because I don’t recall any packaging with designs like KVDs in the 80s and 90s. Again, not trying to contradict you, I’m just honestly not sure what you’re referring to,
>whereas it’s really obvious that therposerpina’s product packaging is a literal direct ripoff of KVD Beauty’s signature - embossed silver gothic lettering I don't see gothic lettering on black rose design. Plus KVD don't has a monopoly on use of such fonts
>& roses in a traditional tattoo style,There is no such thing as "traditional tattoo style" unless we are speaking about things like tribal tattoos. This is just a drawing of roses in a quiet generic style that may be seen in graphics from many different eras.
> on black boxing. Were there companies in the 80s and 90s doing the same thing?Stargazer also has silver on black, and Manic Panic. And even L'Oreal and many other mainstream cosmetics companies. Well I remember quiet a lot of products with floral patterns and raster images plus many fancy fonts back from the 90's in Europe. Somewhere around early mid 90's here where I'm living silver ob black was a really popular trend in cosmetics cases design it was everywhere. Even popular trend in case of design of home electronics.
And drawings of roses on cosmetics may be traced decades back in time. You would have rather a hard time in court proving that design is braking copyright of anyone. It may be inspiration - but not direct ripping off of design.
No. 646716
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>>646715Leichner cosmetics ad from 1982 - silver on black and black prints on opaque bottles. Also note capital "gothic" L.
No. 646722
>>There is no such thing as "traditional tattoo style" unless we are speaking about things like tribal tattoos. This is just a drawing of roses in a quiet generic style that may be seen in graphics from many different eras.
Why touch the subject at all if you don’t know tattoo history? There is absolutely a traditional style of rose considering roses are a traditional tattoo symbol. Have you really never seen an old school navy tattoo style rose? Sailor Jerry is what the style gets commonly called.
No. 647057
Actual graphic designer chiming in, excuse me
In MY opinion while the concept might be the same; Outer packaging mostly in black with white roses. And the actual lipstick has just black flowers on it, visually they don't look alike very much. The fonts are very different. While in KVD's box the flowers are like pencil/coal drawings made white by inverting the color in Theproserpina's Black Rose (how original) it's simple white outlines of several small flowerz, KVD has just a big one.
Do I think it's a rip off per se as in Thepropserpina (does anyone knows what this stupid nickname actually means?) tried to make it look as similar as possible as KVD's? No. Do I think she is so no creative and lame that she unconsciously ended up doing almost the same thing just by seeing it so much? yes. There's a brand in my country that's older than KVD that has a similar packaging, black with white flowers but it's totally a coincidence. The majority of makeup packages are in black and silver/white/grey. So this completely lame girl decides she too will have a makeup company and chooses the most edgy but uncreative name she can think of with her forced special personality: Black Rose cosmetics. Of course there will be black roses in the packaging huuur durrr, that's what we end up with.
If she deserves a cease and desist letter is not up to us, but it is similar enough that if KVD gets pissy at her a good lawyer can fuck her up.
>>646385The UK government basically wrote all of this to say "bitch, we'll see…"
Why would you make "the biggest fuss since guy fawkes"? because a country won't let you in? If it was with me I'd just be sad "oh well, there goes my plans" what does she expects to get with a huge rant on social media? Yeah, the uk sure will let you enter now that you made a video calling their government all sorts of things! Why even post about this? Had it been with me no one would ever know I submitted for a visa again and that I was nervously waiting for an answer. If I was granted the visa I'd travel and I guess I'd post pics if not, then there will be no need to the world to know what happens in my email! whyyyyyyy
No. 647083
>>646319 beat me to the punch with some like Miss E and Jinks. The thing with some of the other YouTubers is again, they don't upload as frequently as the mainstream YouTuber. But when they do, it's usually not so bad so if you're patient, then these can be for you. I'd suggest…
Accumortis - Talks about Goth music and even makes some music himself. He's currently in school so he doesn't upload frequently. Decadence - He seems to be a little new to talking about Goth subjects and he hasn't made a new video in awhile but he does talk about the music as well. - He talks about the music and reviews albums, books, and other kinds of things. - Okay admittedly, I don't understand a word she is saying because she speaks French but I know this girl loves what Goth truly is about. Admittedly, I do like her Outfit videos but the thing that makes me stay is that every 1 or 2 months, she'll do a Goth playlist and I've come across a few new Goth bands because of them. So if you're looking for music or want to see some interesting trad-influenced looks, you should check her out. Dark - She's a new one I discovered and she's probably the youngest I've seen in awhile in the YouTube Goth scene as she's only 17 or 18 I believe. She has done a few haul and makeup videos but she does talk about the music and I like that she's knowledgeable about what Goth actually is for her age. you enjoy, that's all I could remember off the top of my head who've been at least active in the year.
No. 647095
>>646415You know you're probably right. I always wondered why she never vlogged at Goth clubs or gatherings at some of the countries she's been. Hell, she could've done vlogs at Goth clubs in Germany assuming there are any near her but it makes sense why she avoids them because she'd run the risk of not sticking out like a sore thumb in a sea of similarly looking people who may even be more interesting than she is.
Yeah, Angela Benedict has a very intricate way of speaking which makes it easy to listen to her. I understand that Amy is a little hard to get into as she's not the most charismatic person out there but she's the only one who actually talks in depth with Industrial music and makes a good point of how it sounds nothing like Goth. I just tend to watch her when I'm doing something like cleaning or cooking. It's easier to listen that way, at least for me. And fair enough on Ligeia. I don't really watch her that much as I'm not much of a reader but I brought her up because at the very least, she does talk about something that isn't makeup or clothes and that should count for something right? lol
No. 647207
>>647095>You know you're probably right. I always wondered why she never vlogged at Goth clubs or gatherings at some of the countries she's been. She did few vlogs at clubs and events at the beginning of her stay in the Germany.
>Hell, she could've done vlogs at Goth clubs in Germany assuming there are any near her but it makes sense why she avoids them because she'd run the risk of not sticking out like a sore thumb in a sea of similarly looking people who may even be more interesting than she is. Such videos were actually interesting. She and Kaz Loves bats aka Goblin Queen are like almost the only youtubers that I can think about who actually did vlogs at events and clubs. Other than that goths mostly uploads only conert clips. And videos of dancing are true rarity. Most such clips on youtube are from the '80s plus some more recent from Gothic Pogo Party in Leipzig - and that's about all.
Strange especially considering all the fuzz online about kindergoths not going out to the events.
No. 647583
>>646415>>647095I actually always thought the opposite thing. That when she is near other goths she looks kinda embarrased like she knows people must be thinking (even if they aren't) "look, there is the gaff youtuber pfff", she looks somewhat nervous when vlogging in goth concerts and clubs, while when she is out on the street I guess she is so accostumed to people looking at her because of her appearance that makes no difference to them when she's walking around with a camera, you know what I mean? Like if the strangers on the street didn't matter at all because fuck it, they're just curious people staring at her for a reason known to her: she looks weird. On goth events, on the other hand, everybody looks weird, so she must feel insecure AS FUCK with the selfie stick, talking with the camera, because when people look, she knows people are looking ate her to judge HER, not just "look, a goth, how weird!"
>>647207Yeah, let's be honest, who else makes videos about goth events? I used to like her videos on clubs, shows, events in general. But the quality of this content gradually worsened and I lost interest, I barely check on her anymore. Music wise she reacted or reviewed Black veil brides (i think), went to see cradle of filth, a lot of shitty stuff, I was just like… girl…
No. 647749
>>647207Ah okay. Sorry about that then. Yeah I probably missed it then because it's been so long since she's done a Goth club vlog. But you're right, Goblin Queen and IBF are some of the only youtubers who vlogged in a Goth club. Oh and I think This is Raven did a couple as well.
>>647468Oh woow I didn't know she was that young, I thought she was like 21-22 lol. That's pretty cool though considering she's pretty knowledgeable of the scene at that age, that's using the internet to your advantage and people like her and Radically Dark definitely make me feel positive for some of the newcomers of Goth.
>>647583Yeah I see some validity to what you said. Perhaps she is more nervous around other Goths because she doesn't have that aura of feeling out of place since everyone at a Goth club is more or less on the same page and instead, will judge her as possibly some attention whore carrying that selfie stick around.
And yeah, her latest music reviews were jokes what with Black Veil Brides, that was just for the views I'm sure.
No. 647788
File: 1532594590728.jpg (200.63 KB, 960x540, Screenshot_20180726-180516.jpg)

This shit is getting so old. Super boring and this look just looks dirty. That grill is heinous. Wheres the film? The book? Lol what a loser.
No. 647801
>>647057I'd be livid, honestly. I stayed in berlin with no proof of income or a place to live when said I'd stay there for for months.
Maybe i told them three, but still. The uk is as bad as the us.
No. 648264
>>647991it does
>>647788go away, where the fuck are mods BTW?
No. 649076
>>649063I live in vienna and go to leipzig every year for wgt - flights are more expensive than the train (at least during wgt season)
Apartments are way cheaper in vienna than hotels though. She said she spent 35€ per night iirc? That's a price for which you couldn't possibly find a viennese hotel. Maybe an std-ridden shithole in the outskirts, but not an actual nice and clean hotel in the city. It's a great price for vienna tbh.
>>6490401000 is a little much, apartements in Leipzig aren't that expensive. Did she ever mention how many square meters it is? I'd say it's about 500€.
No. 649095
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Fucking hell!! It’s just one tantrum after another with her! I’d be so embarrassed to do that
No. 649138
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really drac? all fictional characters? not even siouxsie or lydia lunch, dave vanian or any of the typical goth icons?
No. 649172
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>>649138Speaking of Drac, I bet she’s not following her own advice about the shade Willam threw on her. She’s probably taking it seriously and is in her feelings about it.
No. 649185
>>649172Shes already known for being sensitive to constructive criticism (& the comment section fuckery) Yet the next step for this bitch is to out that she can't even watch the video? Willam isn't even harsh, he's on the tamer side of these types of videos.
(the lolita news chick who went in on Kelly is harder than him)
No. 649188
>>649138Oh don't overreact. It's perfectly fine to have only fictional Icons. Or not even have one in particular at all.
You can still respect the real people for what they have do for the subculture, without seeing them as your personal icons.
No. 649196
>>647057>Thepropserpina (does anyone knows what this stupid nickname actually means?)Propserpina is the Roman equivalent of the greek goddess Persephone.
It's also a girls name depending where you life (and how much of a history nerds your parents are).
So it's either her name or she likes the myth of Propserpina very much.
No. 649372
>>649228Yeah, this sounds more like in the 500 range. Keep in mind that 500€ is more than 500 usd.
We also have to keep in mind that her goth clothing/makeup/festivals are sponsored most of the time.
I have friends who live off about 1000€ and they still manage to travel in europe and buy goth stuff. Ofc they have really shitty apartments (talking 1 room that barely fits a bed and a shared bathroom in the hall), can't make any long term savings and often get their food/drinks paid by others when going out.
No. 649824
>>649372Yes. If she doesn't have to buy clothes, makeup (or most of it), shoes, or pay to get in to events, her expenses are only going to be rent/bills, food, and transport.
I have no idea how much she would make from YT. It's extremely possible that she gets some help from home though. And as for this recent trip, yeah, I reckon Mr Owl has probably paid for, or significantly contributed to, flights. She and Matthias always travelled by bus, train, stayed in hostels. But Mr Owl was staying for a short time and probably wanted to see a bit more of Europe while they were together, so I guess flights meant they could spend more time actually IN the places rather than travelling to them.
No. 649965
>>649929just because I'm showing you an angle you hadn't thought before about her it doesn't mean I'm her mother. And no, you can't tell if she's organized or able to work as a freelancer at all just by seeing the little she posts on social media. How do you know she isn't capable? You don't. A lot of people with social anxiety (that's her case), depression and other similar problems work from home, as a freelancer or not. Do you work this kinda job? I do, and I can assure you that it's not an herculean task at all. All it takes is that you find something you know how to do and who pays you to. Deliver within the deadline. Receive money. You don't have to be organized, sure it helps but couldnt't work 1 hour straight today because you had a breakdown for whatever reason and spent the whole afternoon crying? No problem, while you are awake late at night worrying you can work on your thing. I'm not saying she's making mad money working all day everyday from home, but she sure is working at least occasionally. It's also normal for freelancers (specially beginners) for the jobs being very spaced. Since she has patreon, youtube and sponsorships, she sure can get jobs here and there.
I highly doubt that she doesn't work at all. You know what else she could be doing? being a proof reader, an assistant editor for small publishers, and the like since she went to film school and studied script writing. Endless possibilities. She's not stupid to tell the internet absolutely everything she does. I'm certain she is making money this way, because if not, then her mother would have to be a fucking millionaire to be not only supporting herself but IBF in a different country, so she'd be paying for 2 households, all bills included plus all the trips. I don't think so.
Before she left New Zealand she had lots of jobs at the same time, 3 or 4 if I remember correctly, the most random things like cashier, pizza delivery, decorator for shop window displays etc, so she's not strange to working a lot. In germany working in person is nearly impossible for her because she couldn't learn the language so the next step is search the internet for jobs.
No. 650136
>>649040This notion of "she have not a real job " still make me laugh out of loud being someone considered with no job ( i.m illustrator) but guys, stop it, we earn money enough for eat, live and guess what ? Travel !
Yes, having no jobs and earning money what a strange things. IBF earn at least 2000€ per month with her notoriety and visibility.
A friend of mine is living in this kind of huge appartment in Leipzig and she paid 450€
I let you do your own calculs .
No. 650139
>>649138For the record lydia Lunch is punk not goth.
Just say it
No. 650145
>>649876>>649876>>649876I.m free lancer since 15 years now. If you work you earn. Stop drama.
IBF is working ( it’s pain in the ass for you but she.s doing the job ) and as i said she earn at least 2000€ per month.
I"ve discussed with a friend who.s teaching vid at university and they talk about being youtuber as a full time jOb. It was very interesting to talk about the youtubers incomes. Some earns amount of money and on the scale IBF must earn at least 2000€ , sorry guys. Quit your job for doing nothing ..
>why are people talking about Siouxsie in the goth threadanon wtf
Lydia Lunch and Andrew Eldritch are both kinda assholes but they're relevant to the goth scene so of course they're going to be discussed in the altcows thread.
No. 650307
>>650085if you think this is a heartfelt tosltoy justification then I feel sorry for you. It's pretty straightfoward explaining how people can make money, regardless of what this girl does or not to earn money. point is: do any of us live with this chick? No. do we know what she spenda her time on? no. she could be working from her computer? yes. it's as simple as that. if you don't feel you are capable of making money this way then don't try, but lots of people, don't see why she couldn't be doing one of these things and not telling strangers on the internet about it. Do you post all around the internet every work you do and how much you were paid for it? I don't think so.
>>650136yeah, that's what I was trying to say. explaining to people who don't work as freelancers how it works and what kinds of jobs she could be doing. I really can't understand why some people got angry that this woman can be doing something to earn money while not telling everyone and have to come here and state "she's not capable" "she's disorganized" etc. How can you know? Because of what she tells you online? That's the point, she wouldn't tell everyone if she was working something simple and boring. Why? I certainly don't go around posting every work I make and how I got paid for it
No. 650318
>>650307No one is claiming that freelancers are jobless layabouts. Most people understand how freelancing works because they have basic common sense. Stop trying to sound so misunderstood.
IBF has said that she doesn't have a job. If she was doing freelance work then she would most likely say "I work as a freelancer." Sure, we don't know this with 100% certainty, but considering how much she does share, I can't imagine she would say that she cannot get a job in Germany and not follow that up with "but I do freelance work when I come across it." The only reason she wouldn't is to try to get more Patron donations.
I feel free confident that IBF earns enough between Patreon and YouTube to live a decent enough life. She probably doesn't have savings or anything like that, but it's not a stretch to assume she makes enough to cover the basics and some frills. She likely doesn't really NEED to work or freelance unless she wants to start putting money away.
>>650275That's a very weird thing to be irritated with. You expect people to entertain you for free? Sure, it's mildly annoying when people make a lot of money off just unboxings and sponsored content. But, celebrities do it all the time (commercials). This is just how the world works.
No. 650359
>>650318oh my god! for real, why are you hellbent on affirming there isn't the faintest possibility of this woman doing something and not telling people?
>If she was doing freelance work then she would most likely say "I work as a freelancer." exceot if she didn't. are you that naive to think that people are 100% honest on the internet and that "public people" like youtubers tell their followers about EVERYTHING that happens in their life?
>I feel free confident that IBF earns enough between Patreon and YouTube to live a decent enough life. She probably doesn't have savings or anything like that, but it's not a stretch to assume she makes enough to cover the basics and some frills. She likely doesn't really NEED to work or freelance unless she wants to start putting money feel confident to correct people on the internet about how the life of a complete stranger you only know from watching some of her videos and looking at her photos really is, her finances, what she does and thinks…
why are you doing such a fuss about the possibility of IBF doing odd jobs as a freelancer on the internet? why is it inconceivable to you that this person is doing something and not telling you? lmao
No. 650391
>>650359A) Multiple anons are commenting on this, not just me.
B) You clearly missed the part where I said we don't know this with 100% certainty.
C) My assumption of her finances is based on my knowledge of YouTube earnings and her Patreon. It's actually not a bad thing that I think she makes enough money to live via these things…it's a testament to her channel and supporters (of which you are obviously one).
D) I'm done because I don't actually care about this and I'm ashamed at myself for making two posts about it.
No. 650561
>>650391>>650391And why focusing on the income of IBF or any others youtubers ??
Personally i don’t care, i prefere more milky things : love, stupid statements, bitching ….
more funny than « gosh, how can she paid her stuff/ appartement / travels….. duh "
No. 650583
>>650391>>650561it was me who made the post suggesting that maybe she earns money other ways. I'm not a fan or supporter of her or any youtuber, mainly follow to know the gossips too. I don't even have money enough to spare on patreons haha
I prefer the other subjects too, just didn't get why someone was so opposed to the idea, that's all. But Kaya and Jake's income/e-begging/the possibility of them being on welfare is discussed all the time here too. I guess that if you put yourself online in a position of asking for donations like Kaya and Jake do all the time and how IBF made some years ago for her wedding to mr owl people will develop an interest to know about your finances. In that episode that IBF received donations for her wedding to mr own while still living in New Zealand, they broke up but the money was never returned, and she never mentioned it ever again, of course, people who donated will feel like they were fooled and who didn't will start to doubt her honesty.
No. 650639
>>650583>>650561I prefer other subjects too and don't care how anyone earns their money as long as they aren't scamming people (I don't think any of them are, even TT & Jake. E-begging isn't scamming. It's just gross). But, the subjects are discussed here, so I discussed them. I just generally trust what people say/what I can figure out from outside knowledge versus assuming facts not in evidence. However, none of us will really ever know for sure. And, again, if this is the soul source of her income, then more power to her. I'd prefer to not need a 9-5 to pay for everything I need/want.
The milk is dry lately, so I guess we're all just reaching and recycling a bit.
shrug No. 650675
>>650207nayrt, but what the fuck are you green texting? Anon said
>Why must everyone like siouxsieimplying that just because you're goth doesn't mean you have to like her.
Anon didn't say you couldn't discuss her.
No. 651096
>>650675Have you seriously never seen people use greentext to paraphrase before? Fucking hell.
Since you're clearly an expert on the post I replied to, I'm sure you're aware that they also said:
>It's almost like this thread is focused only on her. Drop it.You don't have to like Siouxsie to be goth but you'd have to be pretty misguided to come to a thread on goth internet figures and complain about Siouxsie getting brought up.
No. 651201
>>651096I swear I didn't see anyone talking about siouxsie here until this person complained about her being "focused only on her" or something. Where?
>>650930>>651153I agree, they are scammers. They "raise money" from donations for a lot of silly things that when the goal is reached are never mentioned again. What happened to the cemetery date for example?
No. 651478
>>650930>>651058>>651201I wasn't aware of the Kickstarter (or maybe I was and forgot). If they did that, then yeah…total scammers. I also haven't kept up with them enough to know if they're following through with their Twitch stuff because I don't really use Twitch. And TT isn't even interesting enough for me to hate watch her.
I feel like I wouldn't even contribute on Twitch to them, or anyone, unless they were actively doing the thing that I was contributing to. Why are their fans so fucking dumb?
No. 651578
>>651493no one said what you are quoting, why do you keep insisting on it?
what does siouxsie and dinah cancer not calling themselves punks and not goths to do with the fact that lydia lunch is not goth t all? Yes, siouxsie and dinah were punks when they were young, at the begginings of their careers with SATB and 45 grave. Goth (and deathrock since you emntion dinah) evolved from there on. Are they part of the thing whether they like it or not to be associated with it? yes. does this mean that goth is a subgenre of punk? no.
Just because of thing derived from another thing it doesn't mean it's a subgenre of the first thing. Would you call New-wave-of-britsh-heavy-metal a subgenre of 50's rock n roll? no, but all rock n roll came from there. It's reaching as fuck. There was Punk, there wwere punks who formed their own bands but went on a different direction starting the post punk branch, some of this bands had elements (musically and theme wise) that were darker, the youth who identified with it got together slowly and it formed the goth subculture. From post punk, came gothic rock, and even fucking andrew eldritch don't call himself a goth.
Just because these artists didn't feel they were part of the youth culture that was growing around their musical work and looks it doesn't mean that they aren't an important part of it, as their work and visuals were the foundation of the thing.
No. 651681
>>651578Nayrt but what's with the sperging out about the greentext not being a direct quote from the post? Using greentext to explain how the post comes across is common practice on image boards. You can disagree with it all you want but it won't amount to anything and imo makes you look either new or like you take things far too literally.
Also they replied once, so I can't see how they "keep insisting on" anything?
Honestly I personally wouldn't describe Lydia Lunch as "goth" or a "goth icon" either but it's really strange to seem this worked up over some other anon 3 days ago using her as an example for something.
No. 652255
>>652204I'm saying you seem worked up at the Lydia Lunch thing, and you were the first and only person to reply to the person greentexting calling goth a "punk subgenre".
What does "blindly following Siouxsie" have to do with what you said about Lydia Lunch? If you're talking about the conversation earlier up the thread, I think you're assuming you're arguing with the same person just because you disagree with both posts. I don't understand why you're bringing up the post about Drac only having fictional "goth icons" when I didn't mention it in my post at all. For the record, I agree it's a bit strange of her.
I don't really understand what points you're trying to make, but if you feel a reply is baity it would be a lot more understandable if you just said that instead of "b-but anon that's not a direct quote from the post!!" (oops, that's not a direct quote from your post either, is it?)
No. 653060
>>652255that's the "problem" with these boards being anonymous, it's very difficult to understand who said what and it gets a little confusing. Yes, I was talking about the earlier posts about Drac and. You really didn't mentioned it on your post, I assumed you were other poster. Another thing is that tone gets lost in written communications so every response that's a little but lenghty and disagreeing with something is interpreted as people getting worked up, angry, caring too much, etc. I just calmly, on my free time, smoking a cig answered directly that even though some artists do not like to be associated with goth they end up associated anyway. No big deal. We're agreeing on the Drac thing, relax.
Let's get back on track, so I'll comment about the Drac thing. She's always like this, it's the same thing with her art and "style". She draws a loooot of inspiration from a famous artist who I forget the name right now, it's almost derivative but when people pointed this out or asked her about it in the past she was very angry. And famously, there's the change on her wardrobe to red when Kat von D started wearing all red outfits, she gets really angry when people point this out. So yeah, I guess she has a problem of admitting even to herself that she draws inspiration from other artists and people like everyone does and instead she wants to sound like she is super original and every aesthetic she chooses comes out of nowhere, just from her bright, original brain
No. 653640
>>653502What do you mean? Which minute?
Idk I just feel like she’s always weirdly hyper nd bubbly as if she took some stuff
No. 654598
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No. 654749
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ol' jakey boy is really feeling himself. is it me or does his body look edited on the left? there's a weird indent by the nipple that isn't on the right, and ffs please clean your mirror.
No. 654753
>>654735IF the father did not join Adora on her festival trip. Also, the mother is crucial for a baby that age (not only for food, but for security and peace) and the Mera Luna isn't a short getaway, but a three day festival in a different country.
Most mothers would be heartbroken to be separated from their kids at that age.
No. 654797

around 15 min into this way too long video she addresses whether or not she will still be supporting kvd beauty.
tl;dw version:
>will use up the makeup she currently has
>goes on a 5 min tangent about why she stopped supporting/wearing j* makeup
>has been trying to distance herself from kvd/beauty which "really, really sucks" b/c she's been using it for 6 years
>spent so much money collecting it [added eye rolls for dramatic effect]
>was excited to be on pr list; to be recognized and "unofficially part of the brand" was "pretty darn awesome"
>has a feeling that due to her post on ig [not supporting kat's decision not to vaccinate her kid] she will be taken off the pr list and "doesn't care"
>repeats how she doesn't care and will buy something herself if she really wants it
>ppl were involving her with the anti-vaxx drama, acting like just b/c she was on the pr list she shared the same views; nope
>ppl assumed she was close friends with kat for being on pr list; "we were never friends, ever"
>the relationship they had was a mutual like of each other's work
>at one point she did want things to be different and to be closer to kat, get to know her more and be her friend
>it subsided after a while, which happened when she went to the party last year [i think she means the perfume launch]
>b/c she was going to be there for three days, she thought she would spent personal time with kat to get to know her more and get closer to the brand [lol]
>goes on a tangent about sugarpill, how she's used them longer and that they "the biggest reason" the trip was worthwhile
>the trip was partially negative, had breakdowns, cried and super depressed for weeks after she got home
>what sugarpill did for her she thought kat/beauty team would do as well, b/c other ppl from ig were invited out to eat the day most of them came to la
>sugarpill made her feel welcomed, she got to tour the warehouse, filmed a vid and was taken around la, feels like they wanted her to be there and that's why she feels they have a real relationship
>was hoping that's what it would be like with kvd but it wasn't [take a shot every time she does that annoyed sigh]
>if it hadn't been for sugarpill she would've stayed in the hotel the entire time other than attending the party
>kat was nice to her, they only spoke for 3 minutes; even though there were lots of other ppl there to see her, but was expecting to have personal time with her outside the party [lol]
>when she attended the 10 year anniversary party, hanging out with sugarpill was the only thing she was looking forward to
>after the first party she stopped wishing for her to be friends with cat to happen
>"it's not even that big of a deal any more, i don't care" - spent 15 minutes ranting about it
>is thankful for how supportive kvd beauty has been
>"i don't want this to be turned into anything huge, it doesn't need to be. i'm obviously not that hurt by it, i don't care. and i mean it when i say i don't care." [surejan.gif]
is also going to stop dying her hair red and says she won't be able to afford it [b/c she's moving out], but why didn't she think about that when she got it done, especially given how far she's let the roots come in. tinfoiling but i think it's b/c she's distancing from kvd and isn't obsessed with all red outfits any more.
No. 654908
>>654735Welcome to the most "progressive" country in the Scandinavia when child is owned by the state either way.
>Most mothers would be heartbroken to be separated from their kids at that age.Scandinavians have much looser family ties than rest of Europe. To the level when immigrant kids of for example east European origin are sad after the death of a relative Scandinavians find it to be something strange and are suspecting child abuse in family instead realizing the real cause.
In short we in Europe have distinct cultures consisting of
* Southern Europe,
* Western Europe,
* Central/Eastern + Baltics,
* Russia - yes Russia is culturally distinct from rest of the region and is closer to Asian civilisation model in many aspects
* Scandinavia
These groups differ culturally in approach to family, interacting with people etc. So it's not surprising you may find many aspects of someones behavior to be strange if you are from other "cultural group" as them.
No. 655129
>>654749I think he's just flexing like his life depended on it
>>654753yeah, that's what I meant when I instantly thought about it 2 seconds later. Not even the father took care of the child? Poor thing
>>654797thank you!
>the relationship they had was a mutual like of each other's workkek as fuckkkkk
>at one point she did want things to be different and to be closer to kat, get to know her more and be her friend>b/c she was going to be there for three days, she thought she would spent personal time with kat to get to know her more and get closer to the brand [lol]>goes on a tangent about sugarpill, how she's used them longer and that they "the biggest reason" the trip was worthwhile>the trip was partially negative, had breakdowns, cried and super depressed for weeks after she got home>what sugarpill did for her she thought kat/beauty team would do as well, b/c other ppl from ig were invited out to eat the day most of them came to la>sugarpill made her feel welcomed, she got to tour the warehouse, filmed a vid and was taken around la, feels like they wanted her to be there and that's why she feels they have a real relationship>was hoping that's what it would be like with kvd but it wasn't [take a shot every time she does that annoyed sigh]>kat was nice to her, they only spoke for 3 minutes; even though there were lots of other ppl there to see her, but was expecting to have personal time with her outside the party [lol]>after the first party she stopped wishing for her to be friends with cat to happen
>"it's not even that big of a deal any more, i don't care" - spent 15 minutes ranting about it>"i don't want this to be turned into anything huge, it doesn't need to be. i'm obviously not that hurt by it, i don't care. and i mean it when i say i don't care." [surejan.gif]it totally looks like you don't care, you weren't hurt at all by Kat not wanting to be your friend and totally isn't taking it personal, Drac! It's reaaaaaally obvious. Like really really obvious. Clear as day. that's why you are trying to push this "I was loving Sugarpill secretely all the time, HA! Gotcha!"
>when she attended the 10 year anniversary party, hanging out with sugarpill was the only thing she was looking forward to No. 655775
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No. 655959
>>655717 Well she says "going back" not moving back - I'm not sure whether she means permanently or just for another trip.
And the kids thing "quite soon" is extremely standard for women of her age.
But yeah I think she's serious about Owl for certain and always has been.
No. 655962
>>655775So… it's open to everyone?
Why doesn't Sebastian The Boy just say no cis males, which is clearly what she's trying to imply.
No. 656014
>>655775>>655962yes, she's so stupid that by trying subtly to say "no cis guys" she said it is open to everyone. Girls, nonbinary and OTHER genders. What are the other genders Taylo- ops, Sebastian? She's so inclusive that she'll personally judge every single account in an attempt to determine the person's gender… Isn't assuming people's genders like the 8th deadly sin to her? In her mind "It's fine when it's me, trying to avoid cis men". Hm… Just write "Discussion group open to cis and trans women, nonbinary people as well". But she's stupid as a fucking door, what can you expect?
I reeeeeeeeeeaally wanted to see someone who is actually trans or nonbinary for real quizz Taylo- ops, Sebastian to death as to why she claims to be trans while being a cis female performing femininity all day everyday, flaunting every curve and boob she can squeeze inside of all that black leather and rubber looking and acting like a cis woman, being attracted to men. This is not being trans at fuck all. We cannot forget how she's also the asexual who loves kinky sex and won't stand people kink shaming her because she is an asexual that can only feel sexual satisfaction by BDSM and being spanked.
urgh. Can Taylor be any more desperate for attention?
Yes she can, she decided study to become a mortician, not because that would look and sound cool for a goth (she's also NOT a goth!!!) to be a mortician but because she feels so natural about death and bla bla bla. Yeah, that's why the moment she saw that there where "other goth girls" there she got bummed out and then gave up and made a rant on youtube because the teachers said that in this industry people have to look "normal". Yeah, it totally wasn't for show…
>>655717oh my god, can Freya make worst life decisions? Going back to NZ that yshe hates because there is NOTHING there that interests her, scene wise, to settle down and be stuck there forever with children. If she freaks the fuck out every day because she has a lot of mental health issues I don't think that giving up the life you like of travels, festivals, meeting people, drinking a looooot, she'll have a complete breakdown when she becomes just another goth housewife. worst decision ever. Soon she'll be the one leaving her 3 month old with someone while she goes to a festival hahahah
No. 656301
>>656270Because you don't want other kids/their parents to exclude or treat your kid differently because you've dressed them up for your own vanity. I'm a goth mom, I already put other "norm" parents off playdates because they make snap judgments about my lifestyle based on how I look. Kid is 4 now and asks to wear "goth" things like me but it's his choice so I feel more comfortable with it.
I don't like the mini adults thing either, kid always wore super bright scandi playwear which was fun/comfortable.
No. 656342
>>656329I saw several people in the comments complaining about her content being only hauls these days. It's really sad when you don't have anything going on in your life to vlog about because you have no friends and don't leave the house. Even TT and Jake are able to do that from time to time.
It's really strange that she wants to stay in Germany or Europe when her social life basically died after she and Mathias decided to separate. It always seemed like the people she was friends with were his friends. She rather wants to sit in her flat all day instead of being with her family and Mr owl because she can go to goth festivals in the summer and visit european cities with super goffik architecture or what's the reason? It's super depressing to me.
I'm not sure about the festivals this year but she mentioned them in previous videos. So if she went to mera luna or WGT it would be stupid to not make at least one video about it.
No. 656357
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The cringe
No. 656404
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Meanwhile, Voltaire is still being a manwhore, visiting a "kitten girl brothel" and most probably fucking thelittleskylark (who is being discussed here:
No. 656419
>>656404Voltaire is like a waxwork dummy came to life. He is obsessed with women and probably messages and calls women all day long, otherwise he would have no luck
Also as mentioned on here once he tends to borderline sexually harass people
No. 656461
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the other vicky finally shaved her head and started getting it tattooed. hard to tell what the design is but i'm sure it's just as edgy as the pieces on the sides.
No. 656727
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>>656461This is hilarious - she’s been lowkey wanting to skinwalk Charlie Qu/metalornothing_ who she had some brief and wild BPD fling with via the internet a while back. I can’t find the caps atm but even then she admitted she first started shaving and tattooing her head because she wanted to look like her.
>>>/snow/170037 No. 656832
>>656699I think she precipitated the marriage for being in a documentary for a national german channel. I saw it. Matthias has still this jerk face i don’t support. Saw him at WGT and he Was with Parma Ham the new goth sensation of the web. ( but very interesting guy BTW) he dated freja for fale, no doubt.
Some good friends told me he was narcissic and very unpolite. Not easy to live with. He said some homophobic things to a friends ( but being with Parma ham who is becoming famous, no problem)
I saw him flirting loudly with girls. If My man did that, he can pack his stuff.
No. 656833
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They actually look pretty good together.
No. 656840
>>656833He needs an iron hand in a velvet gloves. I think she hold him by the balls more than freya did.
First flirt and he will be out. Not jokes with 40s girls.
No. 657074
>>656897Kek @ all people here (or is it only one?) still trying to paint him as this sweet angel who of course only behaves flirtatious and cheats when he is with a person like freezer. His attitude tells all, he just IS like that and will not change just because he's in a new relationship. Not trying to WK IBF at all, she probably did use him, it's just so naive to think someone who comes off as so narcissistic and arrogant would be that innocent boyfriend or husband.
>>657050That's really interesting. I wonder why she has to waste the employees' time when she doesn't even buy stuff in the end. That's so rude, at least buy SOMETHING to not come off as an annoying and crazy person.
No. 657084
>>656913Money help, don’t believe the legend that girls stay with men for money, some men can do that very well too.
Andi don’t say change, just restrain and at the first fault he knows he will be out.
No. 657331
>>657077Does she really think they don’t know she’s doing this, as if people don’t go in there doing that all day long? Just be polite and ask for what you want, Kaya, ffs! I love the idea that she thinks she’s charming her way into free samples when they will hand them out like candy to anyone who just asks. They’d probably be
more generous if she didn’t just fucking hang around bothering them forever.
No. 657459
>>656833tbh, has anyone considered that maybe this new woman he's with doesn't care if he flirts around? not everyone is super monogamous. I can understand IBF being upset because she's said before that she is really prudish/traditional about relationships. But it's a bit rude to assume that his gf doesn't know and he's using her. tbh, I'm ace and my bf sleeps with other people and I don't care. if IBF is ace, she could just…. y'know, loosen up the reigns and just make sure that if he's sleeping around, that he uses protection.
>>656329Idk how IBF thinks she can have a baby soon when she has no reliable source of income, lives in a foreign country where she can't work, in mentally unstable, and is very isolated and doesn't have a support system.
what happens when she goes off her benzos, has a panic attack, and she's pregnant, and theres nobody around to help her through it? she doesn't own a car, so how will she drive herself to get prenatal care? what about traveling with a child? someone to care for the baby while she makes videos? like theres so many things to raising a kid and she's straight up just worrying about how providing her kid w/ spooky plush toys.
No. 657709
>>657459She's clearly moving back to NZ to start a family with her fiancee, next to her family, specially her mother, who seems like she'd do anything for her. Will she freak out? absolutely but I don't think she is crazy enough to try to have a baby in this situation in Germany, because it doesn't make any sense, even for her.
About matthias new relationship, it could be that he's using her or she doesn't care that he's flirty. Both me and my partner are flirty as fuck, even if we're not asexual and are monogamous. But we also have to admit that acting flirty because thats just the way you are and actually making sexual advances towards other women while in a relationship are very different things. Several anons who know matthias or have him in their social circle said that when he's drunk he actually grabs other women's asses and even cheated on her. This is not what flirty is, that's having zero respect for your partner.
And okay, they might have an open relationship and she doesn't care at all about this, even lets him fuck other women. He behaved the exact same way when he was married to IBF who was not okay with this. So thats not exactly good boyfriend material. I don't know why so many people defend this guy, we're not even saying he's a bad person or anything, just stating that he can't keep his hands to himself while drunk and cheated on IBF.
No. 657762
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If anyone actually pays money for this then they deserve to be scammed.
No. 657763
>>656357where's the deadpool video he promised after getting £500 of his followers money?
where's the graveyard date video after getting another £500 of followers money?
No. 657919
>>657762How dense are her followers? I looked through the comments on the post and every single one is "OH I CAN'T WAIT ONE FOR ME PLS". It's a button with a hair tie through it, come on people.
Is she deleting negative comments or is her follower base really this much of an echo chamber of bad taste?
No. 657950
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>>657762Over a £10 mark up per pair!!!!?
You Kaya are certainly scummy money hungry trash! People with “e-fame” should not sell their own merch unless they are talented and creative enough to make the whole lot from scratch. Not take less than a minute to stick a piece of elastic on an ebay purchased button & call that merch & sell for over 6x more per pair to your half-soaked preteen fan base.
Kids, make your own & if you’re too dumb to stick an elastic to a oversized button, ask your mum for help kek & stop funding this lard arse to sit on the couch festering in her own filth eating twinkies whilst Jake fingers her anus.
No. 658002
>>657850paying rent and their bills, have you forgot that they have no source of income because they are too good to work?
>>657950so can we agree that they are legit scammers now? Full on Felice Fawn kind of of shit
No. 658359
>>657828I’m glad for the break in “Popular Goth Brand” hauls but I find th clothes she shows off just looks… cheap. All the lace is stiff and scratchy looking. It just ends up coming off like knock off killstar tbh. Why isn’t there more emphasis on like thrifting and diy anyway? I know a lot of people on here don’t like of herbs and alters but he made some good points about it on his last video that I’ve been feeling for a while. Angela is just doing a cheaper, low quality version of “here’s some links to be a clone of me”
And as for the stories, I enjoyed them at first but they got kind of annoying after a while. Not everyone got to grow up in New York in the 90s, which is a fact that seems to personally offend angela.
No. 658394
>>657790>I guess he needs to be a " somebody" to get submissive young girls like kitten girl with shockingly clownish bolt onsthe sad thing is that the woman that he's really after ('Miss Amy' who he's constantly taking on dates in NYC and to events) actually is very pretty and would be a way more age-appropriate partner for him
BUT the relationship seems pretty one-sided because he's always taking pictures with her and she's never so much as mentioned him on her social media. I wonder how she feels about this type of thing.
No. 658494
>>658359Angela used to do some thrifting videos even a bit of DIY but… there are more of her cheap Chinese clothing sponsor videos than there are of her thrifting/DIY videos.
I will admit, I do kinda like her stories, but I mostly just skim through them.
>…Not everyone got to grow up in New York in the 90s, which is a fact that seems to personally offend angela.Pls explain, I don't really pay much attention to Angela unless I'm bored while scrolling through YT, or she pops up on IG occasionally
No. 659062
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>>656727This is a painting Metalornothing/Charlie did of Victoria and posted on July 30, and Victoria commented, ‘you are incredible’ with a black heart emoji. I guess it’s been long enough (two years) for both of them to convieniently forget the fallout that happened? I would post more screenshots but am not sure how. Sorry!
No. 659096
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No. 659242
>>659096holyshit, that's a look..
Is she saying she isn't wearing makeup in this pic, cuz she is.
No. 659285
>>659096Victoria is honestly so dumb. She’s been crying and emo shitposting her
entire life about how “masculine” her face is and how unhappy she is with her manly bone structure. So she spends the better part of a decade photoshopping herself further and further into a literal waxwork drag queen. Then shaves her head and says this whole bit…despite still photoshopping her already masculine features into appearing more prominent. Watching the way she snaps between “I’m so hot” and “human black hole of histrionic insecurity” could give you whiplash.
No. 659411
>>659096Why is this bitch relevant? Haven’t heard of her at all until someone, out of the blue, posted a picture of her. Self post?
The lack of saging with no milk being provided, I’m going with self post
(hi [cow]) No. 659447
>>659411If you read back a little bit, there was talk about her, and she has one or two threads devoted to discussing her. Also, see
>>659096 for a bit about the photoshopping that goes on with her chin. Not as much as Kaya and Jake, but there's still milk there and quite a bit.
No. 659615
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>>659411That was me dropping my sage, sorry bout that.
Her thread is on autosage, so people are posting her here now. She is well known in alt communities, and very much a cow. She’s on a lot of the goth brands’ PR lists as well, though luckily we’ve been spared a foray into YouTube by theproserpina.
The main milk with her is her endless ~no love~ drama & occasional histrionic tantrums, as well as absolutely
hilarious photoshop (pic related).
No. 659695
File: 1533752979954.png (3.81 MB, 1018x2838, E4D96298-E32A-4E0F-AD3D-EEF655…)

>>659657She must know on some level that it’s bad, because it is constantly changing.
It’s always a laugh to compare her photoshopping to the images that the photographers post.
No. 661750
>>661656I disagree on that one - she's so popular on YT with younguns and to them she is an elder goth. It's worth pointing out. And also maybe a nod to other older goths who don't know the festivals, saying hey you'll probably feel super comfortable at this one.
As someone who doesn't get to these events I liked seeing what she shared, but I agree that she could maybe include more interview content. But that's kind of the problem with Freyja because she says irl she's quite shy (and I believe it) so it's difficult I think for her to just go up to people and randomly ask searching questions. That would make the vlog a little better though for sure.
No. 661756
File: 1533943248132.jpeg (271.68 KB, 749x1102, 854A9A9B-2644-46CC-B8DE-E2E1DC…)

There’s no way that’s a 6 month belly. I bet in a month or less she’ll vanish from social media claiming to need space to prepare for her baby or something then come back in November with a “newborn.”
No. 661969
>>661756that fucking name tho
nothing like setting a kid up to be mocked in childhood. mommy picks him up from school with stars on her face dressed like a knock-off elvira.
No. 662006
>>661987Like she won’t be a special snowflake and demand her kid have a fake goffick religious pardon to not be vaccinated and enroll him, infecting all the other school children. Like she won’t keep him home from school when he’s sick bc
she knows what’s better for HER kid than some dumb medical doctor with a 8+ year advanced degree and will just pack his lunchbox with a bottle of essential oils in it.
No. 662040
>>658394He did actually date her for a while. I think she was pretty close to being 'the one' but then they broke up. He dated another older woman for a while too, she was a dancer I think? I'm pretty sure he also had a thing with the Russian(?) goth girl in his home decoration series. Then there was all the cringe of his 'huge love story' with the young cosplayer Ladee Danger, which saw him dress up as a League of Legends character…
The man is a thirsty bitch. Especially since divorcing his ex wife.
No. 662083
>>661750"she's so popular on YT with younguns and to them she is an elder goth."
No. 662157
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Apparently, Drac can’t just exist without latching onto a d-list celebrity to emulate and obsess over. This time it’s the misogynistic and racist skeletor galore that is Jeffree Star.
Can she just chill for a second so she doesn’t sell her soul to get on another pr list?
No. 662164
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>>662157In case anyone wanted to read the rest of this.
Is she getting in bed with the devil to spite KVD? Like Kat would care.
No. 663431
>>663362no, everybody knows all babies are alien parasites!
but seriously,
>>662548>>661756Initially she was getting very fat, in the wedding, with the red dress and at the 10 year party she was huge. Out of fucking nowhere she is suddenly very thin with a giant belly. She did lose a lot of weight, in my opinion. Also, to me this video is the most solid evidence of the old there-is-no-way-this-woman-is-only-X-months-along. No way this is a 6 month belly. I'd say almost or 8 months. Of course, when the baby is due she'll do one of two things: either she will have a "premature" baby or she'll vanish for a while and try to justify as if she wanted to pull a Kylie Jenner.
I would shit my pants if the baby was Kevin Lwellyn's hahahah Coincidentally I was looking through his instagram today, man, he still mantains all the posts from their flash romances. He also did a painting as a gift to Kat and prayers for their wedding, he didn't paint Rafael, just Kat…
No. 663477
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I follow Death candy on Depop and I don’t get how she lists things as unworn when she’s wearing them for the pics?
No. 663488
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>>663362Every time I read that name I swear to god…
No. 663591
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Of course Jake looks like a miserable cunt and is nowhere near TT kek
No. 663640
>>661756I can't wait until that baby is born and gets sick immediately with a preventable illness.
>>662006Nah. thankfully all schools want to prevent that kind of stupidity from spreadness. I'm guessing lil Leaflet will be home schooled by someone she hires.
No. 664117
>>663477I don't even know who this person is, so this comment is not to defend her. Wearing and modeling are two different things. If she just put the item on to take a picture to upload in her depop and it's not using it to go out, it's not wearing, it's modeling
>>663497no, it's good to know about the insight of someone who is going through the same thing (pregnancy)! I never had a kid and honestly thought this was super big for 6 months.
>>663591I know that they are "trying to be ugly on purpose" but this is honest the ugliest group of people I have ever seen. Besides that, it's pathetic to see which kind of people are Kaya's fans. If she thinks she gets any goth cred hanging with these mallgoths she's deluded
No. 664350
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Yikes. I can’t imagine how shitty it must feel to have adult acne.
No. 664510
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>>663591god that is an ugly bunch of people.
Jake being center stage in the picture is no shocker.
he seemed so unhappy and moody for the entire trip. he must have been a pain to be around.
probably annoyed that everyone there is there for Kaya and not him.
No. 664533
>>664350Can't she afford to see a derm? Or at least ask for products. I know it's a giant pain in the ass but come on.
>>664510At first I thought he was being self aware, but it's probably just him wanting some pity
No. 664634
>>664510I still find it absolutely hilarious how Jake doesn't fucking realize that without Kaya, he would be much more of a nobody than he already is. Kaya is the one who people care more for, not him and I'm not even a TT fan but I know what I see lol.
>>664533Exactly. I know that acne can be hard to deal with but seeing how lazy Kaya is, it seems like she doesn't even attempt to try to treat it and just uses her makeup as her "fix" and with the amount of makeup she wears, that can't be good for the skin…
No. 664636
>>663591LMAO and it all makes sense now why Kaya (and Jake) feel the way they do with Goth and whine "Elitist" every now and then. Looking at this photo, you can just tell that all these people are nothing but Mall Goths, the only people who would ever believe Kaya & Jake are "Goths" when they're nothing but poseurs in the actual sense.
I only bring this up because while IBF is a cow herself, whenever you see her fans, it's a pretty interesting mix from Mall Goths to actual Goths (though part of me feels that a lot of the actual Goths were Matthias' friends since it doesn't seem like Freya made new friends of her own accord in Germany).
No. 665028
>>664636Fucking hell I can't believe people on here are actually taking the piss out of a group of people who they know nothing about.
I would love to see what all of you look like irl
No. 665044
>>664636it must be so awkward when they meet people in public and they ask them what they're favorite bands are or what goth books or movies they like.
Kaya can't side step those questions in public like she does in her videos
No. 665107
Bless your heart.
No. 665129
>>665089so I'm guessing you are in the picture too if you're friends with so many of the people in it.
maybe tell your friends to stop worshiping fake goths who just want their money
No. 665260
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>>663591Looking like the short bus kids day out.
>>665150I can smell the hot dog water from here.
No. 665655
>>665155I love comments like this! It’s completely hypocritical.
And yes. This is a terrible site and we make fun of ALL people. This just happens to be the alternative thread and that picture… special needs of fake goth field trip day
No. 665824
>>665028has it ever crossed your head that good looking people like gossip too? So because we are talking bad of someone's looks we are automatically ugly? what's the logic?
To be honest it's not so much about how their faces and bodies look, because they have no control over it, but the styling, or lack thereof, and the cringey poses… emily boo looks legit retarded and you know, never go full retard hahahah
>>665155I don't know if you have this information but to post here we don't need a whole day. We can spend the entire day outside doing a lot of things and in 15 minutes catch up with gossip and make a comment. It's as simple as that.
Look, I know they are your friends and you love them, I at least am not saying they smell or are bad persons, I believe they are nice and genuine people if you like them so much. But this is a gossip site and we comment basically on superficial shit like people's appearances, style, who's dating who…
No. 665833
>>665824emily boo always looks retarded. she thinks thats part of her charm

No. 665983
>>665888e eeeh
coz Pale Waves
No. 666032
>>665983I didn't know who that was until I Googled them, the music sounds bad and, it's not a goth band either. ("goffz dont have 2 only like goffik musik!!1" yeah yeah, I know.)
I did some quick lurking through her channel, she took a 6-month break and came back a week ago. Her style seems to have changed since then, she looks like a boring IG "goth" now.
No. 666108
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I don't understand how someone so dull is popular on youtube. She likes the Cure and a few other 80s bands and …
Now she's travelling the world to bog standard gap year places and looks like a bog standard less than 100 sub makeup girl on youtube.
No. 666342
>>666108she's cute as fuck tho. It must be the reason why so many people like her. Oh, and the fact that she puts herself in a position of a "trve goth" that says to people that it's okay to be in the (musical) subculture without liking its music.
Does listen to 80's post punk bands on the more mainstream side like the cure and siouxsie even count as being goth? to me you have to like more goth shit, at least sisters of mercy, the mission, ghost dance… y'know? She doesn't seem to me the kind of person that listens to Rosetta Stone or Paralyzed age…
No. 666788
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Ok Ashley. Suuuure we all believe that this is how you really look. Faceapp blurs and darkens eyeglasses. Who is this cow trying to fool? Sowwy ya fat sow but no app in the world can save those eyebrows kek

No. 666824
>>666819no cow is irrelevant on this site

No. 666870
>>666826Yes she's on another cow's thread (Raven Sparks). When the focus turned in her she quickly threw everyone she could under the bus to save herself.
I actually know this cow irl and trust me, she deserves a thread of her own. However she's notorious for hiding and deleting anything that can be used against her so there's not much physical evidence that can be posted for lulz.
She's a fat ass that says she's disabled to garner sympathy from people and to try to excuse her weight. All she does is sit online and stalk people, mostly the girls her bf Shawn is fucking behind her fat ass. She will never post a full body picture and all of her pictures are carefully screened, positioned, and edited to make her look 1/4 the size she really is. We used to be friends until she tried to accuse me of wanting her mongoloid boyfriend. He hates her and only uses her for sex. Nowhere online will you see him tell her he loves her, there's only overly sexual comments and possession on both sides, but no love. He's worse than Jake imo.
She prides herself on her awful makeup "skills" and insists eyebrows belong in the middle of her forehead. I don't know how much she actually believes that she's that good because she spends 90% of her life high on the pills she says she needs for her "anxiety". She rarely bathes and the stench that came from her almost made me throw up. It's no wonder all the rest of her friends cut her off, except for a few guys she fucks on the side. I can't see how they can stand it but hey she's got big tits, and we all know that even Julie Terryberry got laid!
On top of her size, attitude, lies, and everything else she does, she's a goth elitist who thinks she's the spookiest and most Gothic woman out there and everyone else is beneath her and a poser. I couldn't stand seeing her flick around fb scowling at every other woman and calling them out for being fake. She has a lot of sockpuppet accounts that she uses to get close to people and harass them. She is very quick to bash and call others out for lying but really she's just scared her own lies are going to catch up with her. If you look at her profile she always posts memes directed at people but she never names them or goes into detail. These are the people who she's currently bullying from her fake pages and her memes are the way she pretends that she's telling them how she feels about them herself, but no. She has never spoken out directly unless it's about someone she thinks will be bullied more than herself. Her house is a mess and she's a mess, she's hardly even goth and follows what she sees other people posting as the most popular music or interests and claims it as her own. She thinks liking Halloween and having dark hair makes you goth. I couldn't stop laughing when she told me that! There's so much about her you guys just don't know. She also lurks here and jumps on anyone she sees as a threat and also posts girls that Shawn is interested in because it's all she can do. She won't ever leave him because that means she'd have to get off her 2 ton ass and work for a living instead of sitting around bitching about girls and ripping off makeup companies for freebies. I swear for someone who doesn't work she sure does order a lot of makeup, and for each order she complains (publicly) hoping to get free stuff by bashing these companies. And to the anon calling her out for editing her pictures, yes she does! Her skin is saggy and pocked in person and she looks sick. Makeup can only do so much! She uses filters that smooth her skin, slim her face, and enlarge her eyes and then she brags about how great her skills are while getting her fuckbuddies to back her up. She's delusional.

No. 666913
>>666870This is so golden anon. I read that whole thing and whew lad! Shes a massive fucking cow. Thank you for this!
I’m so glad you stopped being friends with her. I’ve seen her on fb and she is the biggest nasty most hypocritical shiesty manipulative insecure rude bitch. Whenever anons see shit, screencap it asap bc she’s a known baleeter.
>>666788Kek “hurr durr I’m not afraid of being unedited! No facetune here!” Lmao she’s
clearly using meitu. She sh00ped her skin, shaved down her face/jaw/chin, slimmed down her face width and cheeks, greatly enlarged her eyes with a slant, contrasted the fuck out of it, tried to blur her nose, failed at shooping her neck, pushed down her shoulders, pushed in around her face (bed frame is bending twords her face), blurred her hairline, etc.
“Just darkened my eyebrows in one pic” lmao suuureee
Those eyebrows are heinous and should be excommunicated.
It’s like she edits everything but those monstrosities.
No. 666931
>>666913I've never been happier to cut a cow out of my life. Wish I had thought to screencap things I saw when I saw them but I know some people who keep her around for the lol so I'll have them keep an eye out.
>>666901I'm so sick of every few posts being accused of being that bitch! I don't follow her thread anymore because I was sick of her and even on other threads I still have to see her stupid name come up.

No. 666966
>>666913Kek she's def lurking here. She's hidden everything that was public on her fb and did damage control on her insta. Hey ash how about you do some damage control on your face instead of trying to cover your tracks?

No. 667016
>>666988I watched that droning video and she didn't say anything like this. I wish people would stop defending cows just because someone accuses another cow of posting. Where's the proof? We're all anon here and this speculation and Gravy-blame has gotten old. I want milk, I don't want to see a cow off the hook just because they try to turn the focus on someone else

No. 667017
>>666788fuck, not again. This girl is just a regular person on the internet. learn to separate "people you are curious about because have a slightly interesting life" of "people who are well known online, known to be scammers, drama queens, etc". What's the milk? Oh my god a girl on instagram is saying that she didn't use filters when she did! What a fucking shock!
this has ZERO relevance. if you wanna talk about those people AGAIN, take it to the Raven thread, because they are only relevant in regards to Raven, and we don't do Raven here because it would take the whole thread to follow that crazy bitch
No. 667148
This is Raven thank you for bringing me up and keeping me relevant, I was so upset when you closed my thread so I come here to stir up some drama so I don't get forgotten. Ashley and me used to be real good friends and she would come to my place and I would go to her place and then one day she hated me so I had to get revenge since then. I love to see that you still think about me and talk about me allways every time you see a post of someone who I don't get along with so thank you everyone for remembering me.

No. 667149
>>667148This is the anon who posted that. It's so easy to lie on here and blame others, any post could be her but any post might not be. Emily, Ashley, Kayla, Drac, Kat have more than one person in all of the world who does not like them so stop being a pussy and trying to take the focus off you. I would die a happy man if I never had to read the name raven sparks again kek
Just suck it up and realize that other people can dislike you too and from the pics I seen I see why! You are a cow from what I seen and heard and it's not your lying about using filters that makes you one.

No. 667275
>>667261Yeah must be awkward living next to Matthias, especially if his gf stays over for the night…
As for the book, she's finally getting her act together. But if she's so "passionate about stories" why'd she put it down for 13 years?
No. 667342
Can we agree that the only two people discussing this Ash person in this thread is someone who says they're her and someone who is clearly trying to disguise the fact that it's Raven? It's not the first time that Raven tries to get people talking about someone else. Remember the Emily boo posts? an specially: remember how she was caught posting about that girl Alicia Luciferian Ramos because of the stupid font she uses on her phone and was stupid enough to send screencaps with the font apparent?
>>667149Girl, chill. No one here is interested in your life or if you use filters or not. That's not even what we talk about here
No. 667351
Ash was given special permission to use a tripcode while posting milk on Raven due to the impersonation that was happening in a previous thread. We've confirmed it's her. Please stop reporting her posts.
>>667350Ash, don't use your tripcode unless it's necessary to identify yourself. If you think Raven is posting, please just report the posts and they will be dealt with accordingly.
No. 667373
>>667342This site has gone to shit. I'm not a fan of either Ashley or Emily but I like Freja. Does that mean that I'm Raven? I've been lurking on Ash Sangres Facebook and I've seen mention of the boyfriend and his infidelity, hell just a few days ago she was posting her usual passive aggressive memes about being taken for granted and not appreciated. It's a shame that hatred for one cow excuses another and were supposed to instantly dismiss anything posted against anyone Ravens had issues with in the past? I don't agree with letting Ashley get away like that, next thing every cow is gonna come here accusing it of being Raven and oh I use a similar font on my phone so that's just reaching and sucking all the fun out of this site

No. 667414
> I don't agree with letting Ashley get away like thatget away with what? this bitch did nothing!
>I've been lurking on Ash Sangres Facebook and I've seen mention of the boyfriend and his infidelity, hell just a few days ago she was posting her usual passive aggressive memes about being taken for granted and not appreciated.oh wow! We really shouldn't her get away with using facebook the exact same way everybody uses it!
… we are not here to pick on nobodies just because you have something against them personally. leave this woman alone. stop it.
>and oh I use a similar font on my phone so that's just reaching and sucking all the fun out of this siteyes, you're totally not Raven, it's just the biggest coincidence in the history of humanity that both of you use the same lame ass 2edgy4me font on your vendettas against people for just existing.
>>667382 what we talk about. This is the kind of shit that's interesting. This is what we want to discuss. Not a regular person who uses filters and may or may not be cheating.
No. 667614
>>667341She can do what she wants offline, some anons have speculated about odd jobs. But she literally said she left it 13 years. She's complained about her life being shit, why not do something she loves? Good that she's picked it back up, her life still seems messy.
…However, that's partly her fault. She complains she's broke, but also rushed into the visa marriage, and then back to Mr Owl.
Where'd the money from the other Owl "wedding" go? Did she even do something for the donors?
No. 667684
>>667414I use that font too it's called alleycat from the Samsung shop. My sister uses it and it's a pretty good font

No. 668114
>>667618She mentioned in a video posted after the break-up w/ Mr. Owl that the money that was donated to them wasn't all that much(she claims it was only about $80.00) and that it had all been already spent.
I'm probably misremembering, but I think she said that she'd eventually refund people. We can all tell how well she kept to that.
No. 668185
>>668145I'm not sure about that, I've heard other Youtubers say "this is not sponsored, the company only sent me the stuff for free" so I always thought sponsoring = clothes + money for promotion. Does anyone know more about this?
If IBF only gets the clothes I can't really understand why she would make soo many haul videos, it gets boring. Except ad revenue is high enough.
No. 668193
>>668185Giving you stuff in return for putting their name about is literally what sponsorship is. Some companies will give you money but most will give you goods, especially if you are, for example, a YouTube Goth influencer and not a sports stadium.
You get sponsorship from a wine label, they give you a ton of wine, not some dollars.
No. 668228
>shouldn't she go back to NZ..WHY IS SHE IN GERMANY?She and Matthias cannot divorce until they have been separated a year. She is probably waiting it out.
>>668197In the US the Federal Trade Commission requires "influencers" to clearly disclose sponsorships, be they free products or payment. No. 668297
>>668197I think so too cause at a certain point they'd be stupid to give these companies free promotion. Being paid with a few pieces of clothes is nothing compared to the influence these youtubers have when they show the clothes in haul videos. They are called influencers for a reason. The bath bomb video is a good example cause IBF isn't a small instagram thot who's glad when she gets anything for free, she has a big following. So my guess is they get paid by at least some of the overpriced clothing companies.
>>668228But she could still go to NZ if she wanted, she's not forced to stay in Germany just because she's married. She more likely stays because of some brand deals (she is sponsored by EMP, a german based alternative brand, for example, and there's probably more) and as the other anon
>>668230says, cause she doesn't have enough money lel
No. 668453
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No. 668500
>>668447Kek at 10:33 Jake trying to point the camera at himself and TT kept moving it.
Did Kaya's camera finally break, and they have to share his one? If so, I'm surprised Jake let her use it alone for so long.
No. 668907
>>668785All I know is IBF modeled for EMP at an event and did a video where she showed some dresses from their shop and they gave her a personal discount code to promote. So they must have some sort of sponsoring deal, but it was all just speculation on my side as to why she could be staying in Germany.
>>668823Not trying to defend this ass but it seems that he did lose some weight since the video was shot judging from his insta. He was very chubby in the video though, that's true and is still a bit chubby now and not the athetic bodybuilder he wants to be
No. 668985
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Kaya having skin this bad at 28 years old is so bad. She's old enough that she should finally try and sort it out.
No. 669078
>>669009Sadly, you can. Usually it's Arabs living in their own little world or stay-at-home moms who totally depend on their husbands, but I bet you she's the type to walk up to anyone and just expect them to speak English (and they probably will).
Wasn't she once complaining about some pizza place not accommodating to her special requests or something?
No. 669187
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>>669041Eww. He's so obsessed
No. 669191
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>>669187Also this. Ignorant twat. I haven't heard of anyone who claims to be so into music ignore entire decades of music. Wow.
No. 669678
>>669446I agree with you
and also with you
>>669462My point is: of course she isn't special, she is something like a Kim Kardashian of the goth world. What is impressive, just like Kim K, is that she was able to transform her lifestyle into a way of making money. That's what separates both of them from their fans: the fact that they know how to capitalize on the interest people have on their lives and to some degree admiration. In IBF's case I think is pretty neat that she was able to escape retail hell and other odd jobs she detested and now is leading a life more aligned with the things that makes her happy. To us it can seem like she didn't accomplished anything too important, but for her, her whole life changed for the better, at least in the financial aspect. It's great that she could turn a pastime into an income source, specially because as she said she has a lot of problems with insecurities and anxiety, which can seriously impact your professional life. Now, for the time being, she can earn some bucks while controling her job environment. I really doubt that she thinks she'll live from this forever, but is doing it while she can
No. 670047
>>669907yeah, the bitch is really committed to the subculture in every way, likes the "right" music, dress the "right" way, basically lives her life devoted to the goth lifestyle, even changed countries because going to festivals is really important to her…
I get gossiping about her love life and talking about how she makes money because well, this is a gossip forum. But I really don't get people saying she's a poser or try hard. She clearly isn't, she's just super into it. Decide yourselves: is she too much or too little? Is there an exact amount of gothiness for it to count? kek
No. 670276
>>669678I think there are a lot of people who hate IBF because she 'became' goth via youtube and built herself into a
cough icon. Which is fucking ridiculous as everything she ever does is selfish and all about her. Biggest cow ever… TT is a blimp in comparison. There are also a a lot of people (not fans or the kind of people that want to 'meet' her because they see her as special) who consider her clueless. No clue on how to understand what a good example is for young people. Unboxings and living a life for festivals and not much else is just dumb. Let's not get back into her personal love life and making it the internet's business. Just listen to her talk in her videos… she's a babbling idiot…………….
No. 670291
>>670276I 100% agree with this post. I'd like to add that she was clearly more of a scene kid before YouTube, which would be okay if she wasn't trying to make everyone believe she's always been a goth because she ~liked vampires as a kid~. That's just a weak attempt to create a constant timeline and be some kind of super-goth and it's cringey. We've all seen her old pictures and profile where she didn't even have real goth interests way into her early twenties (?). That's hella late for getting deep into the gothic subculture for someone who claims to be goth their whole life. In my early twenties I already went through my "I wasn't goth for a few years but I'm getting back into it now" phase. I hope I'm not misunderstood, my point is she clearly built up her goth persona very late in her life when she had already started her online presence and to me it was kind of shocking cause she's a bit older than me and likes to pretend she's been goth forever when in reality she' been more of a scene kid who likes Tim Burton movies only a few years ago. And the bitch is already 30.
I also love when these YouTube Goths think they live the goth lifestyle and know about the whole deeper meaning of it while being the most materialistic people you can imagine. Oh the irony. They are all so shallow.
No. 670622
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No. 670712
>>670667this is from the same guy that says he hates all 80's and 90's music as well as Bowie etc
and then says that THIS is "real" music
No. 670729
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God help this girl if she ever actually had to get a real job
No. 671145
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lel Allison raged about a dead fb page cause it ruins her "Viking heritage" meme.
No. 671250
>>663477"unworn" in this context is a clothing condition, like comics would be considered "mint" on a scale of "unworn" to "shows signs of wear" etc.
it means it hasn't been worn for an extended period, aka during the day or an event as an actual part of her outfit. the purpose for her wearing it then is to model it.
No. 671379
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No. 671380
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No. 671474
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Any idea who Adora is talking about?
No. 671749
>>670620>>670667I lasted 2 minutes and some seconds. You didn't see the hilarious neck movement he does while JhAMmIng on his g-tar! He thinks he's so cool, but that's the cringiest shit I have ever seen. Compared to this Allison (goblin queene) is talented as fuck and her videoclips looks like masterpieces. Go watch this shit, it's worth it, if only for the totally c00l neck movement hahahah
>>670712now I totally believe that he doesn't listens to anything from the 70's or 80's! It's clear as fuck that he has absolutely no glam or punk or post punk or goth or even real metal influences. This chav has only listened to Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit and similar shit.
>>671145far from me to defend Allison but this is not "raging" and it's not because it's ruining her fake viking heritage. This is stray up impersonating someone with the only intent of humiliating them exposing pics from when she was young and had bad looks. They aren't even exposing her… no scams, no screencaps of shady shit… Just pics of when she looked cringey as a teen. That's not milk, that's a pathetic excuse for a vengeance.
>>671366I guess you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Two people already explained that to you.
>>671612>>671663It's probably the same person who is trying to embarass this bitch with her past cringe looks that posted it here. What is the point? I'll have to agree with her, this is just bullying. Show me her being shady, scamming people, lying, treating others bad, etc and you have my attention. Now bad looks? Everyone has looked cringey, don't pretend you didn't. It's the Patsy mentality hahahahah
No. 672086
>>672045Sorry honey to disappoint you but i know quiet a lot. I must also disappoint you if you think you posses a comprehensive reading skills.
>>672023>I'm gonna stop you right there because you clearly don't know shit about lolita to be saying anything about it in any context. take your sedation before posting honey and read again discussion plus consider context especially the name of that FB page. But let's pretend she was not going for what her fb page name states. Which would be really freaking strange. But if you insists so it still would not change the basic fact - wide hips, big boobs make pretty damn unlolita type of body. Deal with it. All examples of such attempts in real life that I know since early 2000s failed.
>Sage your bullshit.I sage yours.
No. 672127
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No. 672151
>>672127this is so badly edited it hurts my eyes!
>>672009maybe this is milk in a Lolita thread, this is the altcows thread, we don't give a fuck if she pulled horrific attempts at Lolita looks in the past. This is not our milk.
>>672009Lolita is fashion, not body standards. Yes, it fits small dainty girls better but it's not forbidden that people with other body types to like and be influenced by the style. It's pretty obvious that Allison didn't and still does not think that she is an OG Lolita, indistinguishable from japanese girls, she likes the look and takes inspiration from it. Is it kinda funny that her page with her Lolita ish looks from a thousand years ago is called Allison Sweet Lolita? yeah. but that's it.
No. 672164
>>672086Just crawl back to ruffle chat with your bad opinions. If you did know anything about lolita you wouldn’t give a damn about her apparently too womanly, non lolicon body, you fucking creep, and mention the horrible fingerless gloves and the blouseless jsk
But once again, no one cares about cringy shit people did when they were a teenager.
No. 672177
>>672113lol, I like that one of the band members makes sure his hat obscures him enough that you can't pick him out from a line up of other trendy bastards. Is Munro a goth band? I wonder what genre he labels it as?
>>671749I went back to see the neck movement and had to look away embarrassed. He looks so feminine and fat next to these other guys, is he trying to be hard? I don't get it!!
Imagine swearing off entire decades of music and calling yourself a musician. WTF are his influences? And when they were filming the video and he had to lip sync why did no one tell him the music is mixed so fucking terribly that you can't fucking hear what he's trying to say? The song is called social deconstruction but it's just a video of a chubby baby that begins to scream for some reason. There's no melody. There is no harmony. There is no music lol
No. 672258
>>670620How did he even find musicians to play in a band that's named after himself? He's not important at all so why would you join the band that's named after the douchebag leadsinger/guitarist?
>>672177He calls his music metal but I'm not sure which kind of metal, its not important anyways cause it's like very bad nu metal. I kek'd during the screaming/growling parts. I think he understands his appearance and lifestyle as goth (which is of course not the case)
>>672127Could be very clever posing or some mirror trick but also judging from other recent pics it seems she's become slimmer so good for her
No. 672267
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>>670622sorry for doubleposting but I knew this looked familiar
No. 672653
>>672520Jake is really something. No one likes them and Kaya and they have no one to hang? No one is as alternative as them in Ireland. They don't go to shows and literally no one buys them saying they're goth just because they want to? There's no real goths in Ireland, only "elitists". No one likes his band? No one has good taste in Ireland! He wants to produce a podcast on horror but is insecure if he should do it? That's because no one in Ireland is into horror as much as he is!
Now, I think that the "Ireland" they live must be a tiny village in the rural El Salvador or some shit, because it sure as hell isn't the one in the UK(is it? i don't really know which is which).
Sure, Jake. All of your live's problems are because one of the most interesting countries and one of the cities with the most diverse alternative scene! Eeeeeevery alternative person in the whooole fucking Belfast is beneath you and Toxic Tears!
For real, I can't decide myself if she is really fucking dumb and really believes this shit and deludes himself into this greatness as a subconscious coping mechanism for the facts that no one likes him and he fails at everything he does. OR if he's dumb as fuck and is knowlingly making this shit up in a pathetic attempt to mask his failures and lack of self confidence, social skills, etc.
Either way, Jake fucking sucks. I never detested a cow as much as I detest him. I think that Kaya is a stupid moron in every fucking way, but the way this fat chav treats her outrages me. No one deserved to be with someone that treats you with that much indifference and sometimes is straight up mean. Drop this stupid fuck. It's an eternal vicious circle: she feels bad about her weight and appearance so her confidence is super low > she doesn't feel comfortable about breaking up with him > he treats her bad because she isn't looking like he wanted her to be > she feels bad… rinse and repeat ad infinitum
No. 672731
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yes this is just an amazing video. where do I start? freya you're not only frightening to look out without your mask on but even more with those lenses. no, it's not an opinion, its a fact.
No. 672738
>>672731You just can't keep eye contact with here.
I can see that.
No. 672831
>>672653He's definitely deluded as all fuck. In one of his boring story time videos about his school life he actually said the reason he had no true friends was because they were all jealous of him. If that's not delusion I don't know what is kek.
My guess is he's been ignored and disliked his whole life (he doesn't even keep in contact with his family) so that has somehow convinced him that it
must be because they're ALL JEALOUS OF HIS GODLY-NESS and not because he's an insufferable cum stain.
No. 672832
>>672731I actually like that Freya does videos where you can see what she looks like with no makeup. She doesn't lie about her looks really.
But man if I was doing a lens tutorial/review I would NOT be doing it with my nails looking so manky!
No. 674275
>>612283Lukewarm milk but Emily Boo is so damn basic cringe. She goes to Camden and does all the tourist crap, doesn't even visit the real goth hangouts despite recommendations from her fans on insta. Then goes to a Wetherspoons to eat rather than any of the awesome things you can find in London (for anybody not British, Wetherspoons is a very cheap pub chain and all the food is frozen/microwaved/deep fried, so it's the same no matter where you go)
Then has a mallgoth/emo meetup with some fankids and other youtubers, TT pops up for a bit but no sign of Jake in the video - although he was there according to instagram.
What really confuses me is that she travelled down with her friend (girl with short lavender hair) and said she expected they would be the only two there at the meetup, yet her husband was there? Why didn't they travel down together? Or stay together in the hotel?
No. 674276
>>674275I spotted him at 3:50.
Damn I know nothing about this cow but all these emos who call themselves goth need to get slapped. The music in this vid is so annoying. Can't watch any further.
No. 674283
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>>674275they seem like a loud, annoying group of people.
Lol at Jake sitting alone in the background.
I guess these people weren't goth enough for him
No. 674574
>>674530they bought a shit ton of junk food and even a cake and just sat in a circle and stuffed their faces and were loud.
there was so much they could have done instead of being a disturbance to everyone around them
No. 674833
>>674275>>674283YES! These are the kind of people that makes it harder to be taken seriously as an alternative person. Is this kind of attitude that makes "normal" people think that every alternative person is a dorky attention whore. It's because of these people that we hear comments like "oh you're like this, so you don't wanna grow up, right?". When a lot of us have real jobs, make serious money, don't act childish at all. I couldn't identify any less with these kind of alternative crowd. not my thing at all, neither of the majority of alternative/goth people I know. I get so much second hand embarrassment when I see shit like this. THIS is why no one wants to even approach you, Kaya and Jake.
>>674291>>674530>>674291Yeah! how the fuck no one there was interested in doing something creepy but fun? Or at least sit in a goddamn pub, cafe, restaurant? There's so much shit to do in any big city!
I guess it's because these people still see themselves as dorky teenagers. I don't know about the others, but Emily Boo certainly does, from the way she acts. It really shows… do you think anyone was there to have conversations about bands, gigs, etc? I doubt it, they just gather to act obnoxiously
No. 674887
>>674710>This shithead is just a try hardYes, that's why we talk about him.
Did anyone watch his new video where he talks about his "so depressed that I get suicidal"-phases yet admits he never talked to a doctor about it?
Oh and he admits he always aspired to be a youtuber with millions of subscribers. Kek.
No. 675046
>>674877well, I sure don't lie the more young and dumb tumblr crowd who acts offended by the most irrelevant shit and fake trans people like sebastian columbine. About the rest, I really couldn't care fucking less, I'm sure that by your standards I and most of the people I know are "feminazis" kek (not a real thing, by the way)
>>674887maybe he wouldn't be as depressed and suicidal if he had more realistic goals like, I don't know, study and work, maybe?
>>674926 everyone can be cool: have a body > dress it stylish > don't act retarded. There
No. 675108
>>675046>I'm sure that by your standards I and most of the people I know are "feminazis" kek (not a real thing, by the way)Well if you call everything you don't like or understand in men "toxic masculinity" you sure are.
>veryone can be cool: have a body > dress it stylish > don't act retarded. Therecool and stylish are subjective, so is "act retard"
No. 675123
>>674276Emily Boo thinks emo and goth are interchangeable. I'm quite active online (well, not so much these days) and occasionally I come across wannabe "babybats" who define themselves as "gothic emos" when asked what the hell that even means, their reply is "Gothics like metal and emos like rock and I like both" y'know… because Pantera is so goff!
What surprises me about them, is they watch IBF too, but I'm assuming since her focus these days seems to only be on fashion (well mostly on fashion) they assume goth is only about wearing black clothing and white face paint and nothing else.
I shouldn't do this but, sage for my autism.
No. 675238
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KVD shaving her husband with this side note ? An idea of why he needed to be quiet and had more hair ?
No. 675370
>>675238I had never bothered listening to Prayers until now, assuming them to be somewhere on the nu metal spectrum based on their aesthetic and posturing.
His twee vocals have me dying!
And that watered down proto industrial electro keyboard sound is what's hip with the alternakids these days? Chris Carter, Tom Ellard, and Richard H. Kirk did so much more with so much less.
No. 675395
I can’t believe that Prayers is considered a serious band. The vocals are hysterically bad and I don’t understand how people listen to it without cracking up.
No. 675528
>>674283The average BMI in this photo is like 35 probably. Wow.
>>674291>>674275Jealous amerifag here but uh I'm personally a huge fan of the 'Spoons because it's inexpensive and I have fussy eating days sometimes (also Gin Palace), but damn, yous guys are in London. Live a little. There are nicer cafes and probably pubs that say they've got ghosts in them. Does Wetherspoons ever claim to be haunted? No. No they do not.
>>674530I bet those things cost money tho. IDK. I feel like there's probably a few jobseekers/universal credit ppl in that group for whom the bus fare to get them into town was a lot. Let's not make them pay for tourist attractions too. Too dear.
No. 675682
>>675395>>675370(possible sperg??)
Prayers sounds like a stereotype of goth music, which is what it is. Leafer, whatever his name is, isn't goth (neither is Kat Von D). Dude is like Kaya when it comes to music, he just knows and names mainstream goth music and claims they "influenced" him. His idea of goth is wearing black, and being a taphophile. Listen to this groovy "goth" tune! Yodelling gothic again and again over a horrible electronic sound is so goth. Siouxsie Sioux is quaking.
No. 675717
>>674418I think if I ever met her friend in person I wouldn't be able to keep my cool. She's annoying in everything and Emily changes the way she acts when they're together. I hate seeing that huge horsemouth always gaping open as she constantly causes a scene.

No. 676320
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Dorian is happier than ever, and not solely due to their weight loss.
No. 676327
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>>676320Why is this grown ass woman still a fakeboi? And what is her real name, and why do I assume it's something like Becky or Karen?
>>676271Looks like someone's mom wearing their lolita dress. I think she looks better in gothic lolita, like this dress she's wearing in this pic.
No. 676943
>>674418Emily is so cringe herself. She does absolutely nothing worthwhile and her content is the same boring stuff. At least when she had all her piercings she seemed more interesting and involved. Now all she cares about is shopping and her stupid extensions

No. 677388
>>676320>>677155she's looking way better, both physically and mentally. I'm not a fan of her style, totally not my thing but I find her beautiful, charming, so intelligent. Even when she is not at her best mental health moments I still think she seems to be a fun and interesting person, I'd totally be her friend.
>>676327And yeah, her name really is Jenny. The fakeboi thing is the only thing I kinda dislike about her. But she doesn't really care if we refer to her as a she or a he so, a lot less anoying than most fakebois
>>676271she looks ridiculous in this, regardless of Lolita fashion rules and stuff. This is just a bad look. she looks so much better when she wears shit like this: really can't understand how can she put together outfits that look so good and some that look like a cringefest
No. 677770
I thought we were supposed to be posting on the new thread?

No. 677894
>>663477She does the same fucking thing with makeup. She was wearing the lipstick or opened it to show it off for the photo while she claimed it was sealed.
I have some minor milk on her sperging because she posted a pic half naked (only panties on) and people were commenting on her skelly body and she got offended. Anyone interested?
No. 682600
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>>667582She makes decent money from Youtube according to social blade. Combine that with Patreon money, possible sponsorships and so on… she's doing just fine.