Springs1 (or Springs131) is the handle of a mysterious woman who's been terrorizing the blogosphere for over a decade. Her singular passion is foodservice etiquette, and she crusades across the Internet with no regard for borders, from male shaving forums (
http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/46509-How-to-be-a-Good-Server-OR-How-to-Convince-an-Entire-Shaving-Forum-You-re-a-Jerk) to foodservice blogs (
http://customers-suck.livejournal.com/19275200.html?thread=267695040#t267695040) to reddit to conspiracy theory forums (
http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread884539/pg9#pid15035132) to bridal communities (
http://www.weddingbee.com/members/Springs1/?section=boards), to argue with others about what PERFECT waitstaff behavior should look like.
Not much is known about Springs1 aside from her obsession with foodservice and penchant for
INSULTS, ALL CAPS, AND ASTERISKS**, though she does mention a husband, friends, and ranch dressing in some of her rambling screeds. Somebody allegedly managed to obtain a picture of her years ago, but it has been lost to time. Although Springs1 has gained quite the following on the blogosphere, with some fans going so far as to create fanfiction and a Springs1 text generator, today she can be found primarily on reddit, where she magically manages to appear whenever a discussion about foodservice etiquette or tipping can be found. There's a lot of digging to be done on Springs1 due to the sheer scope of the places she's visited and the amount of time she's been proselytizing online, but here are some links to provide a general understanding of her antics.
*LINKS:* https://www.reddit.com/user/Springs131 (current)
https://www.reddit.com/user/springs1 (inactive)
http://springs1.livejournal.com/ (inactive)
https://www.blogger.com/profile/16330862403978274454 (inactive - her infamous blogs)
https://disqus.com/by/Springs1/ (inactive)