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No. 62578[Reply]

BJD Thread. Anyone remember Gutterface or elfgutz?
94 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 170716

That isn't elfgutz. Elfgutz wishes she looked like that.

No. 170726

That's Gutterface.

No. 170728


No. 170740

I can't believe Kaz is still entertaining me from my BJD days back 8 years ago! I never thought anyone could be so terrible for so long.

No. 170752

Moved to >>>/snow/18928.

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No. 51541[Reply]

From established career in Hong Kong to being a copycat nobody in Japan
From modeling for Lancome to this shit
I'll never understand it.
Discuss Taylor R
1124 posts and 163 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 170652

Damn. she was hot!

No. 170654


Modelling ofc she will be lol

No. 170655

I actually don't mind Taylor tbh. I dont like the baby doll thing she has going but she's actually alright.

She seems in better shape than kota tbh…

No. 170665

I really liked her workouts too. Tbh, thanks to those videos I got into working out more regularly and that's one of the reasons I really can't bring myself to dislike Taylor.

No. 170795

Moved to >>>/snow/19043.

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No. 59321[Reply]

Previous thread >>10724

What you should know

-She hates Aminyan's guts and tried to get perks to turn against her using fake screencaps

-Whiteknights herself and posted her personal information to prove someone wrong on her old thread

-Tried to get Bibi and Himeka/Mono to derail her thread and make it about Aminyan

-She is friends with Bibi and Himeka/Momo despite calling the latter a cheap whore

-She runs the Kawaii Black Girls page on Facebook, even though she lacks any sense of style herself

-She bandwagons whatever will make her popular
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 170394

No. 170395

Admin-chan, how did the berry thread get moved to /snow/ butt this one didn't? This girl doesn't do shit except sit on her fat lard ass all day. Not even close to pt worthy.

No. 170408

Micky used to be a scene(no interest in kawaii shits)feminist hater, and talked about reverse racism all the time. Made tons of rape jokes etc. the SJW shit started from tends.

No. 170545

At first she tried to be like just Ami but as soon as she started to try to suck up to Himeka and Himeka's friends she switched over to the SJW/Tumblrina stuff.

No. 170731

Moved to >>>/snow/17720.

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No. 51205[Reply]

(Drama begins at >>133414)

Himeka(honey kitten momo) and her sister bibi(right).

Himeka has been copying Yukapon with pee blogs and shitty dance covers for years. She's changed her name over the years because she kept getting banned for distributing and selling CP of herself on tumblr. If anyone says anything to her about it she immediately yells "racism" or that they're "jealous"of her success and money as a pedo pandler. She's scammed many shops. She claims to be popular and have fans but they're all refollowers since she follows a bunch of porn accounts for the attention her daddy never gave.

Bibi on the right is trying to be a kawaii aidoru and claims to be "gyaru". She's nearly 200 lbs overweight and doesn't know enough japanese to know most of her "fans" are calling her fat and a nigger. The other 25% only wants her because she's practically naked.

Tldr; weeaboo sjw sisters who have been scamming for years,calls everyone jealous and fills the void of their daddy issues with Japanese perverts on the internet.
1007 posts and 118 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 169463

Difference is ami cleaned up her act.

No. 169507

That wasn't her blog. Gtfo Himeka

No. 169607

Choke on jrcach's dick and kill urself himeka

No. 169789

Why does Himeka still post here and so does micky but they condemn lolcow lmao

No. 173346

Moved to >>>/snow/21481.

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No. 115512[Reply]

Here is a description of the average user
-Has a love hate relationship with Asian women.
-Everyone claims to be blonde, pale skin and attractive.
-Blames white women for everything even when white men date other races.
-Despite mocking non-whites, making death threats etc most of them still hate being called racist.

The founder don black was convicted in 1981 for an attempted armed overthrow of the government in the island of Dominica in violation of the U.S. Neutrality Act(didn't anyone tell him it wasn't 1634?white people cant just invade countries whenever they feel like it anymore).
Anyone have any funny experiences with this fourm?
471 posts and 82 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 169315

>>calls anon a dumb nigger
>> proceeds to tell anon to go back to stormfront

are you lost?

No. 169317

idg how this thread belongs in pt at all.

No. 169319

>>Yeah, the beauty ideal Asians strive for is very much an idealized Asian person (Of whichever specific group they belong to, obviously) Not an attempt to emulate white people."

FUCKING THIS. I'm so sick of white people trying to think we want to look like them. No, your animu is adoration for the white race. The characters are all japanese unless otherwise stated. They make fun of white people. No, if you move to an asian country it won't be paradise because you're mediocre looking and white.

Features light blonde hair and light colored eyes, which as stated can be found in many races, are pretty simply because they are recessive. They aren't that "rare". And just because asians think they're pretty doesn't mean dark hair and eyes are repulsed

No. 169328

imo green eyes are very gorgeous, but it's hard to come across true green eyes. they're usually hazel and lean towards blue, or brown. much rarer than blue eyes for sure.

but like, what are you asking for? people to worship green eyes or something?

No. 169331

Moved to >>>/b/30842.

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No. 148816[Reply]

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No. 168907


Anon, Rola was mentioned because butthurt-chan got upset over people saying kota isn't successful or whatever and she'll die out. That we're all jelly and mean.

Rola and kota are similar because of career wise but Rola has personality, she's sorta a dumb fuck but kinda sweet but pushy. Dakota is likeable I think but I find her too awkward to watch and boring. That's the different and I don't know who's idea it was to get her into tv work.

No. 168908


They don't know? Most are just normal, it's only the freaks and stereotypes we hear here on the web.

No. 168909

this song is actually good.
i thought it would be horrible

No. 168910

I don't think Rola is truly stupid, it's just an act.
Isn't she popular because of her burikko way of speaking and way of acting?
I get what you're saying though
I think kota's PS and just past fucks her popularity in general.
i remember going onto japanese websites that talked about kota and they always brang her overly ps pictures.

No. 168911

this is the live version

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No. 121663[Reply]

can we talk about crazy foreigners living in japan? there are too much stupid people living in japan.
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No. 166715

I can never tell if this bitch is joking. Her life just seems to be be a marathon of disgusting older men, usually criminal and abusive.

On one hand, she loves cheating on men (to feel desired or in control?). On the other hand, she genuinely seems to be in love with these creepy fucks, like the Indian cheater or the guy who videotaped her rape and torture, which he conducted himself.

I'm calling deluxe-size daddy issues. I hope she keeps posting, I love watching complete wrecks wreck themselves harder.

No. 166942

At first I thought she was like 13… Now I'm not so sure
Her voice is too damn mature (2:45)

No. 168270

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No. 168290

She's hideous!! Clicking that thumbnail was a bad idea.

No. 168305

Moved to >>>/snow/14477.

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No. 122547[Reply]

Last thread >>30923

Post about rising and old cows that are mainly active on webcam sites but don't deserve an own thread.

Usual offenders are:

General MFC drama and lulz can be found here once a while:

And yes, Megan stuffed a squid inside her.
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No. 168271

she says she has dimples thats why

No. 168273

holy shit i cant believe this is her shes so… american…

No. 168276


Wow, all that effort and she still looked like an emo landwhale afterwards

No. 168284

Fuck, she is so heinously ugly.
She's got the typical fatty's face; shaped like a moon, piggu nose and huge cheeks that make her eyes look like slits.
Not only is she uggo but her body is extremely unfortunate too.
There's no way I'd have the confidence to show that shit to strangers on cam if I was her.

No. 168303

Moved to >>>/snow/14121.

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No. 59839[Reply]

Can we have a league of legends whore thread

There seems to be so many of these girls who whore themselves out to the league fanbase (particularly league idk why, but it attracts weeb gamer gurl attention whores alot )

I.E https://instagram.com/kuraichu


Annedere is in the picture
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No. 144677

Really? because that's what cosplay used to be. You watch, read or play a thing and then are inspired to show your love for it by making a costume. If I spoke to someone who had a nice outfit but never played the game it's from, I would shame them so hard. What's even the point? I want to have a conversation about the thing we both like, esp if we're cosplaying from the same fandom.

No. 144678

They are literally the cancer killing what cosplay used to be 6-7 years ago.

No. 144786

My point is: why would you enter a contest promoted for something that you already said that you hate? Are sou e-fame hungry?

No. 167677

Whether you believe me or not, I'm friends with some of the major content creators for league (not lily). And from what I've heard of interactions between lily and 1 of them, lily will only talk about herself in calls, will moan and groan about her diet and how she's trying to get skinnier, and talk shit about other content creators/pro players in group calls.

No. 167948

Moved to >>>/snow/13880.

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No. 167393[Reply]

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No. 167440


I just said it because she recently was mentioning it again

No. 167442

it looks like she's been doing it more recently though loool

No. 167443

*more often

No. 167444

I am not sure if she has a mustache. I think it's just the shadows behind her protruding lips. People with big lips have that prob

No. 167460

Moved to >>>/snow/2.

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