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No. 23458
Other than her face which is obv plastic, I see no 40 lb difference except a more flattering pose and bathing suit and slightly more muscle definition. Left just looks bloated to me.
Honestly I could take a better B&A in a week. Binge on salty food and diet pop for a few days, take a picture (drink a lot right before). Go back to normal diet, fast for a day, take a picture. No need to eat 50 bananas stupid fuck
No. 23460
>>23458I don't trust your exaggeratory judgement anon lol her face isn't plastic.
Also, look at her before face pic. She's larger there in the face than in the before body pic, which is to assume she was bigger. Not everything is a conspiracy. You sound like a lousy tabloid
No. 23465
>>23464How has she not suffered from potassium overdose yet?
I feel like she must get sick regularly but would never in her life publicize it.
No. 23468
honestly i dont comprehend how someone can be such a fucking narcissistic twat. she's literally said all non-vegans deserve to die, she butts in on other people (jennamarbles, trisha paytas, the list goes on) 's personal lives, etc etc..
i feel like she's seriously got some kind of mental illness because there's no way one person can have such an over-inflated ego and such intense delusions without being fucked up in the head. not to mention her fans are just contributing to her narcissism by praising her as some sort of fucked-up deity.
its not fucking healthy for every single person out there to be vegan. not everyone can be a super-skinny raw vegan fruitarian or whatever bullshit freelee believes is "healthy" for a human. people with things like allergies or special dietary needs or whatever else might not be able to be vegan, for example.
christ, like she's fucking stated before that she no longer gets her period, in what fucking universe is that a good thing? she's clearly (fruit)bat-shit crazy. smfh.
tldr anon hates freelee to an extreme extent and was actually considering starting a thread for banana bitch themselves.
No. 23474
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Anyone think she's had abdominal etching? She got those awful breast implants, so…
No. 23486
>>23485i never understood the fruit thing because that shit's just all sugar. that sounds like an actual nightmare and wouldn't it fuck your blood sugar? I'm so confused.
noticed other snowflakes adopting that ban diet though, namely monami frost and she has a daughter. p sure she is anorexic though.
No. 23499
>>23485Your small intestine can only absorb a certain amount of fructose at once. When I read this I started binge eating 1000 calories worth of melons at night to help me lose weight. Best weight loss tip ever but probably terrible for you. I don't get diahierra but you can feel your digestive system crying plus lots of gas.
All these raw vegans pretending this shit is healthy makes me kek because I know its just re-packaged anorexia.
No. 23537
>>23490She is completely delusional and so far up her own ass thinking she and her boyfriend are the absolute fittest, most knowledgeable (health-wise) people in the world and the only
true vegans, it's honestly fucked up.
Sometimes I feel like it's all an over-exaggerated act now because she knows it rakes in the views and attention, even if it's negative.
I could believe she started off truly having some of these views and being obnoxious from the start but then amplified it even more once she noticed the views she was getting.
And even with that there're still people who believe her garbage and buy her books and shit.
She wins both ways.
No. 23671
>>23629He's come out? Wow, finally. it was really obvious that he was gay for years. It's pretty sad he hid it for so long.
>googles video about itOh… he's bisexual? Well, that isn't really any kind of revelation, is it?
No. 24819
>>24758"Pills" you mean…supplements?
People who eat meat take supplements too.
No. 24823
>>24819lol except they don't NEED them because of their diet
vegans require b12 supplementation at the very least
in my experience veganism is a cover for an ED about 30% of the time
raw veganism and all of the weird restrictive variants – 90%
No. 35136
>>35042what were they addicted to?
i only remember them having eating disorders, being bulimic.
No. 35341
>>35136I'm not super sure. I'm not sure if they've ever even said. They've mentioned being addicts before and I know they have one about smoking pot (which Freelee is so dumb she may mean that).
I wish I could find some of those videos where they talk about more serious shit, but I think she might be deleting some. Because I could swear she had more of these talk videos where she awkwardly moves around where Duran films her and sometimes comments.
No. 76112
>>24758A lot of people rag on vegans for needing to supplement B12, but a large percentage of the population would benefit from taking them. can get fortified foods (like
nutritional yeast, which is used to make vegan cheese) so you don't have to take it in a pill form, and you don't have to take "crazy amounts" either - just B12, and only a few times a week if you choose to take pill supplements. Being vegan isn't for everyone, but it isn't inherently unhealthy.
No. 76733
>>76725dogs can be vegan and healthy, IIRC the world's oldest dog ate a vegan diet. Dogs are omnivores and can eat damn near anything that meets caloric/nutritonal needs.
Cats need to eat meat for taurine, some vegans insist on finding synthetic taurine vegan cat foods and some cats do okay but most cats suffer kidney issues as a result. Most vegans I've met who own cats feed them real meat because doing otherwise and risking their health and wellbeing would be considered cruel.
No. 76734
>>76733If you want to put your dog on a vegan diet, you should still check with your vet first and during.
Tbh vegan dog food is better than low quality regular dog food, but fresh and raw etc. is of course the best for them.
Some people do dumpster diving at supermarkets to get their dog their meat (they often throw away meat that isn't spoiled yet at all), they don't fund the exploitation, but the dog still gets their nutrition.
No. 77623
>>77610"I was dying from this diet so I continued it"
I hate freelee, but what a fucking idiot.
No. 77717
>>77618lol feeding an omnivorous animal plant foods deserves punishment?'s perfectly healthy for dogs to be vegetarian/vegan. why the anger?
No. 116859
>>23452I just found out that consuming bananas is bas for the enviroment lol to go freelee! You are distroying the planet just like the rest of us monsters
No. 116938
>>116892I can't hate on Freelee either, it's obviously Harley/Durian Rider who is the troll/bully/insecure one and Leanne is tagging along for the ride.
This guy has made some excellent videos critiquing them. Also check out "The vegan mojo"
No. 129931
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>>116892>>116938I wasn't hating her too much until I found all these drama videos about other youtubers.
Also she thinks onision is awesome… so there's that…
No. 137161
>>23452Durian Rider back to calling anyone who disagres with his lunacy a pedophile.
Harley is just scared that he will lose popularity and have to go back to sleeping on the beach, stealing and waiting for his next crack hit. What an arsehole.
No. 137162
>>137161ie as well as A bas le ciel, he on his instagram called a woman teacher with kids a peado because she reported him for using a photograph of her pregnant to represent bloating in one of his vids.
He's the one though that lures all these vulnerable tenage girls to the sex capital of the world….
No. 137187
>>137171He also claims that everyone sufers from disordered eating that they need to be "healed" from. This so called process takes years, involves weight gain and has to be done by following his crons disease diet. It's such bullshit.
He's stated plenty of times that before youtube he was a petty criminal, homeless and unemployed and battling with a series of addictions and mental problems. He needs youtube as without that he would just be another ego maniac without an income.
I've been vegan most of my life, so longer than both Harley and Leanne and I feel sorry for all the 12 year old girls who think veganism is just about riding bikes, living it up in developing countries and eating fruit.
No. 137191
>>137187There's literally a cult of women gaining weight "because of their metabolic damage from undereating on 1600 calories a day" and not because they're eating 4000 calories of pasta and rice.
The a-bas-le-ciel accusations are so twisted, no matter what he says, he can't win.
No. 137282
>>137217I don't understand why he claims to have all these diagnoses when he does not seem recovered from any of it. His videos remember me of another schizo youtuber ref batch, she uploads 10s of videos daily, ranting in broken english, is underweight. Basically, durianrider.
Why are his fans okay with following a schizophrenic?
No. 137388
>>137386Thing is they themselves don't even follow their advice 100%. They started off as fully LF raw, failed at that so invented this ridiculous RT4 which they don't even follow as they regularly show themselves eating junk and cooked food.
Also Harley has stated that he has crohns, you can't cure it therefore his diet of high calorie smoothies and soft fruits suits him but most people don't need a soft high calorie diet.
Look at Julia Boer who worships Harley and follows his advice, she has ended up obese and is full of hate. You get so many people reportin issues of muscle pain, dental problems, hair and menstruation loss, weight gain etc following his diet. Veganism doesn't cause any of these problems, just Harley's warped version of a plant based diet.
No. 137410
>>137388He and his fanbase really do their best trying to hijack veganism. Trying to morph it into you can only be vegan if you eat HCLF and are addicted to cycling or something like that, oh and you have to piss off everyone around you and think meat eaters deserve to die, other wise you're not a real vegan, but just someone doing it for the attention.
His followers are probably the reason why the vegan jokes and vegan hate has started, because the fanbase of Harley really is like that. Have to announce they're vegan all the time and what they exactly eat, but are very unhealthy and sickly, and hate literally everyone around them.
No. 137412
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Can somebodyexplain to me how people can take this guy seriously?
No. 137419
>>137415Guess he just does these things for the views and drama.
Fullcircle vegan summed it up, how can he reach a wider non vegan audience when he comes off as unhinged and aggressive. Swearing ans making up words all the time.
Anyway though, it's not his appearence that sums him up but his opinions and actions.
No. 137422
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>>137412>>137415Looks like an actual heroin addicted hobo holy fuck
No. 137436
>>137433Leanne has admitted before that she was/is bulimic and orthorexic though.
I admit that Harley seems to be the one creating all the drama. Without Leanne Harley wouldn't have a huge audience of teenage girls and young women. But what I don't get is how can a fellow woman stay with a man that regards himself as being your "pimp" and openely promotes getting a vascetomy because it means you won't get fat through pregnancy (seriously) and so that he can have as much unprotected sex as he likes with you.
Honestly I was disgusted by that video, I think it was one to do with vascetomies, but honestly Harley talks about fucking his GF whenever he gets the chance. He talked about her as if she was nothing more than a hole to shove his penis in. How fellow women admire him astounds me, he supported Joe Best who is only in Thailand to eat KFC and fuck women apparently when he was accused of abusing the trust of women half his age.
No. 137454
>>137444Bloglates tried to get her videos taken down and she's fake and annoying as fuck. Also half her videos are shit like "build a bigger butt" with 10 minute body weight exercise kek.
>>137436Yep. Harley is creepy as fuck and looks like a homeless drug addict. He implied Tana was fat and at the same time sexualizing her.
No. 137463
>>23452>>137454>Bloglates tried to her videos taken downSo? Doesn't Freelee tries the same things? and also half of Freelee's videos are shaming people who don't have the diet or body she has. Then, truly how different are they.
Get that banana out of your ass.
No. 137619
>>137558>>137555Her videos and YouTube drama are my guilty pleasure. I guess she is dangerous to idiot young girls.
I'm weird because none of the cows or snowflakes actually make me angry. I like them for providing me entertainment. Bloglates doesn't do that.
No. 137665
>>137619>>137555sure blogilates doesn't give you a bigger butt in 10 minutes but she isn't promoting eating only bananas and having 500 calories only after you've worked out. I rather see her videos than this girl. I'm not into either person but I hate freelee and her pushing her 'vegan' morals on everyone who is on the internets.
Blogilates tried to take down her videos promoting unhealthy ideas as they can be damaging to the hundreds of pre-teens/teens who visit youtube. Who cares if she has a square body shape, some people are unfortunately shaped not everyone looks like a perfect hourglass with healthy eating and exercise. You'll probably learn that once you reach your high school health class.
No. 137676
>>23452Didnt freelee get a boobjob?
>>137665I agree cassey is harmless and promotes strength over thinness, but her body is a bit unfortunate for her line of work. Freele on the other hand is just a bully and still clearly has an eating disorder but hides behind the whole vegan deal. Almost all of freelees followers are young girls with eating disorders or they have "recovered" from it
No. 137761
>>137676Yes, she said she had implants to correct a "chest wall deformity" and Harley has had his teeth done.
Given that cosmetic surgery isn't vegan and they are always shaming people for having poor body image they are hypocrites.
They argue that getting medical treatment for chronic physical ills and mental health problems makes you a "weak shit cunt" but getting veneers or plastic surgery is ok!
No. 137807
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Tried to sign up to their site and holy shit - they want social media links, profile pictures, full names and a fucking bio… then they have to actually accept you. Basically a cult.
No. 138249
>>137889The poorest people in the world exist on plant based diets, meat and dairy is far more expensive than beans and broccoli.
I've been a healthy vegan for 14 years, am in no way rich too. The only time I have ever had issues is when I tried out a high fruit/raw diet for a few months and cut out salt etc it left me with dental problems and muscle spasms/weakness. So when you see people like Durianrider and that waterfasting Dr McGregor? They look far older than their years because there diet is poor, a balanced vegan diet wont make you ill or cost the world from my own experience .
No. 139233
>>23452Harley in a video repeating that he does not expect his viewers to respect him, but he repeats that he just wants their trust. Trust me, don't trust your doctors (or dicks as he calls them), trust only me.
Guy is suffering from some personality disorder for sure, he wants to run a cult and even admits it.
No. 139560
>>23452A woman released a video on what Harley got up to when he was on a break from Leanne. What a creep, everything he says about people being perverts and wanting to be part of his community just have sex with young women in pure projection.
How parents can allow their daughters to go off to Thailand to meet him is shocking.
No. 139568
this pretty much confirms that freelee is just another brainwashed victim
No. 140026
>>138249I am a student with no other income than some pocket money from my parents with which i have to pay rent and gas with. Its not like i am poor but i definitely can't go shopping or buy fancy shit with this. It is enough to have food and have a beer with friends from time to time.
I am trying to change my diet because i figured good quality meat js very expensive and i just thought hey its good for your body amiright. I didn't do it to lose weight. Idgaf about this tbh.
So i tried cutting out dairy and animal products. Holy fuck. At first i only bought fruit and veggies. The ammount of fruit and veggies i had to buy in a month to be full and satisfied was inSANE. Fresh fruit is fucking expensive. Yes you can freeze and i do freeze my fruit for smoothies and it works very well but after 3 weeks i couldn't do it anymore. I felt like i tried every single vegan recipe on pinterest. I felt so sick of eating the same shit every day. I literally started to hate carrots, tomatos and peas. Oh lord the fucking peas and lentils…
So i thought okay lets take a step back and eat at least vegan dairy products like almond milk and vegan mayonnaise and stuff like that.
This crap is expensive as fuck. A litre of almond milk is 2,60€. Vegan mayo is 4€ for like 100g. I drink coffee everyday and i like to have (almond) milk with it so normally i need a lot of almond milk as well as for my musli or breakfast in general/smoothies. This is insane. In order to have best quality produce i had to buy fruit and veggies that are in season so i had to eat the same lame ass shit for weeks.
Also i had to plan everything. What to buy when to buy it when to eat it. The fucking naners are going bad guess i have to eat 5 of them today (goodness gracious after three i wanted to cry) literally 24/7 i had to think about food.
So i gave up. i hardly eat meat. When i cook for myself i don't eat it at all. But i do have dairy and eggs and pastry and glorious cheese. But all very little and limited. It feels good to eat what i like without having to cut out the good stuff. I actually still have days where i eat mostly vegan just because i like some dishes a lot and figured hey from time to time its good. But i could never ever fully commit to it. It is just the most lame ass diet ever.
No. 140090
>>140026Why did you avoid grains? Or soymilk? Almond milk is way more expensive than soy.
How about rice, pasta, beans, potatoes, bread, you know, things that actually fill? Also you could've used those bananas to make pancakes, banana bread, or nice cream.
Also, smoothies are less filling than if you were to eat the fruit whole.
No. 140096
>>140090Soy milk is not good for you, first of all. Second, oat milk is way better because they add all kinds of filler crap to soy, almond and rice milk.
Third, I don't know where you live but in some parts of Europe beans just aren't very common and are usually only sold in small readymade portions as zombie apocalypse food and dry ones are only available in overpriced health food stores. Fruit is also very expensive the more north you go and you can't even get most things fresh until June, July and August after berry season is already over in other parts of Europe. There is a total of 1 actual farmers market in the city and it's overpriced to fuck. Fish is supposed to be plentiful since it's a country with sea access but it's the most expensive thing you can get because there aren't any rivers and saltwater fish is heavily taxed and regulated. Being vegan is a luxury here.
Bottom line, not everyone has the possibility or the budget to be vegan because not everybody lives where you do so please stop pushing your shitty food cult and fuck off. Not that anon btw.
No. 140108
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>>140096>some parts of Europe beans just aren't very common and are usually only sold in small readymade portions as zombie apocalypse food and dry ones are only available in overpriced health food stores.Europe sounds like such a shithole sometimes. It blows my mind.
No. 140115
>>140096I live in Northern Europe, and I just get my fruits and veggies from the Lidl, and you can buy 900 grams of beans in cans and jars, and 1 kg bags of dried beans in regular grocery stores.
Soy is actually quite healthy and good for you, as long as you don't go above 5 servings a day. Also, I've never seen that 'filler crap' written in the ingredients, and I'm pretty sure they would have to include it in there.
Also you're being off-topic, like me, but at least have the decency to sage.
No. 140140
>>140096Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.
You don't need huge quantities of fruit and fake dairy to be vegan. You say you weren't satisfied, well no wonder when you weren't eating things like potatoes, pasta, bread, lentils etc and please I too live in Northen Europe and have been vegan most of my life. You don't need to live off of expensive imported fruit, just eat traditional peasant fayre, lots of hearts pulse, root and veg soups and stews with bread and seasonal salads.
Also veganism isn't a diet it's an ethical lifestyle that encompasses your outlook and behaviour, maybe get more into that before dismissing it because you lived off of vegetables and fruit and were hungry
No. 140227
>>140167Been watching too many duriandrama videos and dreamt that Harley in response to be exposed as a cult leader and predator rounded up all his rt4 festival members for their B12 Injection only it was like the Jonestown massacre.
No. 141876
>>129939I noticed that as well. She actually just made a video calling out CutiePieMarzia (who is a vegetarian). I guess it's a-ok for Onion to only be a vegetarian though, as long as he
acts like he's a holier-than-thou vegan and perpetuates Freelee's agenda.
Another (kind of) weird thing I noticed about this Marzia video was that when I went to watch the original out of curiosity, she mentions right in the beginning that she's a vegetarian. However, Freelee completely cuts that part out and acts as though she has on clue as to whether Marzia is vegetarian or not.
No. 146662
>>146511honestly he either has mental issues (anger problems?) that he needs to work out or he's just a troll who found a clever way to get eyeballs on his channel and pulling a durianrider/freelee with the clickbait video titles. Either way I think ignoring him is for the best, he doesn't have any "real" drama just manufactured.
As far as the Durianrider/Hannah Chloe thing in this video ~:34 second mark there's a screen cap of Freelee talking with Hannah about what happened between the two of them, this paired with the vid Hannah did with a hickey on her neck the day after meeting with DR confirms to me she's just trying to farm views for being a victim or something.
No. 149743
>>146662It would not be a surprise if Harley has been going to Thailand for years to make use of the sex industry there. Now he has how own little cult, he doesn't even have to pay to exploit women. He's such a creep and the best thing would for him to be sectioned.
If you compare his body language, the staring eyes, the commands it is the exactly the same as many famous cult leaders. He always goes on about how having the snip means he can have as much unprotected sex as he wants, then there was the drama with him defending Joe Best for sexually assaulting a young woman and manipulating her. The RT4 men are all such weirdos.
No. 157971
>>157895why is an unmotivated fat bitch telling me it's too hard to eat healthy and gets disgusted at every meal everyone makes for her?
if i was someone there to make her a dish and have her tried it out i'd get pissed if she had barely a bite and immediately went "nah" and put the whole thing down
No. 175071
>>164204I love how he just turned her into a meme on his channel. "HAVE YOU FOUND YOUR CORE MESSAGE??"
I really hope he doesn't address Freelee, though. She doesn't need more exposure.
No. 175090
>>175061Freelee answered a couple of asks on her Tumblr on the 15th - 16th but they have since been deleted, probably due to threats from Harley (releasing their personal sex tape etc). I don't have screenshots, but I'm sure they're out there. She elaborated on a couple of things including the fact that she has used juvederm, not botox, and Harley calls it "botox" for shock factor, which is obviously believable.
The fact that anybody could be so lacking in emotional intelligence and basic intuition to think anything this man has said on the internet in the past four years was said with good intentions or a thread of sanity is AMAZING.
She's obviously a very controlling person in all aspects of her life, an egomaniac and somewhat of an airhead, but it is clear that she is not completely out of touch with reality. Harley, however…
No. 183669
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Pulling a mags
No. 214177
>>214126I wouldn't be surprised if Harley was being emotionally abusive.
He's pretty mentally unstable and just a shitty human being.
No. 214587
>>214177Both of them are really shitty human beings, i was down at middleton riding my bike with my boyfriend. we stopped near the beach and they stopped and started giving us unsolicited life advice.
Harley told me i need to ride at a higher cadence if i wanted an arse like freelee. i was wearing a fucking dress and sun hat not competing in the fucking tour de france
freelee was upset with my boyfriend for having a protein shake, sorry i want a dude with muscles and not a skinned rat like harley
No. 214725
>>214587I'm sure they're both shitty people and I'm sorry you had the displeasure of meeting them in person.
Freelee, however, does seem to be doing better on that side now that she's dating someone new. That doesn't excuse her from who she was, but she seems to be more chill and understanding now.
Don't get me wrong, I still have a lot of issues with her and her content on Youtube. I just think she's not as bad as she used to be and that Harley really had a big part in shaping her personality at that time.
No. 318682

>>318448he definately could be.
She is perfect for him though, an incredibly flat and boring person that just needs to have someone tell her what to think, as she does not know how to think for herself, so she happily repeats DRs "metabolic damage /unlimited calories/sprite/sugaaaaa"-bullshit like a well-trained parrot.
I also love how she changed her channel´s name from "Hunry Tori" to "Get slim with Tori" when actually she (of course) has been underweight/anorexic and claims her "lifestyle" is not at all about losing weight but everything else
Unfortunately, her content is nowhere near as entertaining as Freelee´s used to be. It´s just endless videos of her eating fruit, cycling and giving soporific lectures about self-love, self-nourishing, blah blah blah. She is just one incredibly flat and boring DR-mattress
Sage for rant.
No. 318685
>>318069lol freelee is better off, she's dating a much cuter guy even though he seems bland
this guy is craaazy. and freelee, even though she's older, is prettier than this girl
it'll be interesting what harley convinces this girl to do.
No. 318727

>>318682say what you want about dr but he's entertaining. he's batshit insane but definitely not boring.
this girl though… you cannot recover from anorexia at such a low weight, especially when you're batshit insane. she's underweight and is continuing to do strenuous exercise… her body needs to heal not bike for several hours a day.
i also find it funny how in video related he bashes elle for modelling when not fully recovered and bashes her parents for going into a "fake pretentious fuckin bullshit fake pretentious pretentious pretentious" industry… when he's dating a girl young enough to be his daughter…
"it's not healthy to go into the modelling industry when you're coming from anorexia"
I fixed his shitty phrasing but that was his opinion. how long has tori been "recovered"? <1 yr?
"when you're recovering from anorexia you gain weight so fast, it only takes 2 weeks to gain 10kg"
also if anyone is out of the loop on what freelee's doing, check this out: No. 319071
>>319050Joke´s on Vice though because oooold news.
Freelee made that video years ago. The other nutcase mentioned in the article, Miliany Bonet, wrote about losing her period in March 2016.