No. 23296
Black khaleesi as claimed by tumblr. Claims she has an editing and promtional team.Apparently changed her name to Artemis. Ex Sugar baby. No. 23303
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>>23301I feel like you're confusing her with nombeezombie, they look similar and both have or had an ED but nombes mom also suffered from an ED.
I can't be the only one that found this really gross. Wouldn't be surprised if she had used condoms on the floor too. This reminds of the switch girl drama.
No. 23305
>>23298I am a college student and have done none of these things. I hate when people generalize about specific shit like this because a lot of people feel pressure to be "normal," end up picking up a habit and fuck their bodies up.
She's not unique for it either, but fuck.
No. 23309
>>23308>truly JUST MDMA here in America it's very common for dealers to mix other shit in the pills or just put a plethora of things inside them and claim it's pure MDMA. Most of the time it's just methylone and maybe other random shit.
Molly= pure MDMA or at least it's supposed to.
No. 23310
>>23296the shape of her nose is very unfortunate. also obvious circle lenses are obvious. her eyebags are even worse than mine, too…
I don't get it. Isn't the khaleesi supposed to be inhumanly beautiful? she looks haggard as fuck. Where's the comparison come from? is it self-perpetuated? this is that living doll schtick all over again…
No. 23311
File: 1428023466957.jpeg (247.19 KB, 448x769, cosplay_23678.jpeg)

There's a picture of her cosplaying as daenerys. It's ok at best.
No. 23313
>>23304Think of it this way: By looking like you're super sexually active and into drugs and shit, you look like you have a high social life, which is often looked as the norm.
She's getting too much into detail which just sets the bullshit radar off the charts. When you have absolutely nothing to make up for, there's nothing but to look like you're too cool to have any other hobbies.
I'm not saying she should be like, drinking tea on a pure white high horse while reading obscure books but she doesn't really seem to be the kind of person that you'd have any interaction with outside of a party because she's plain and boring.
No. 23314
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Looking at her face tag, I'm sure she shoops some of her pictures.
No. 23316
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Posting because I thought this was amusing.
No. 23317
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She seems very salty about someone mentioning Google pulls results based on broswer history.
No. 23322
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>>23321This girls ego is inflated.
No. 23330
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I've only ever watched the first season of GoT, but I don't recall Daenerys having an actual potato for a nose.
No. 23337
File: 1436716105846.jpg (193.02 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_nm1at2eB0U1qk7wlro1_128…)

I find it really funny that she has a gofundme asking people to pay for a dragoncon badge yet she does shit like this and posts about buying shitty bags.
No. 23340
>>23332they are somewhere on her tumblr
I'll have to wade through her blog archive since it's pretty much all anons kissing her ass
No. 23341
File: 1436882009474.png (761.49 KB, 504x813, 8764365451.png)

That fucking nose takes up half her face.
Other than sub-par cosplay she seems pretty boring though. Here have an unflattering photo she took of herself to show she's just like the rest of us tee-hee.
No. 23344
File: 1436883597478.png (355.03 KB, 540x720, IMG__201507195__101755.png)

>>23342I don't know why her wigs always look tangled and ratty. You would think she'd take better care of them if she wears them everyday.
No. 23346
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No. 23348
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she could have just had her 15 min of fame but she has such a bad personality and an inflated ego over a buzzfeed article it's all going to blow up in her face.
No. 23356
>>23350>comparing photoshopped selfies to unretouched filmso real, really real! deffo the mother of dragons in the flesh!
what do you mean 'editing app'??
No. 23360
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You can tell she's very full of herself. A Facebook page so you can show everyone your selfies?
No. 23364
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Anyone know what "projects" she's referring to? If it's still her trying to get people to pay for her dragon con badge that would be fucked up. Referring to it as a project.
No. 23371
>>23322>irrelevant chick who makes sandwichesDoes she even have a job?
>>23355>not even daenerys looks like daenerysas if
>>23348 does without the ratty wig on
No. 23375
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>>23345It took me a while to figure out why she looks familiar.
No. 23376
>>23375honestly I hate how attracted I am to him
sage for OT and me being a fag
No. 23379
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>>23374I'm starting to think she actually wears wigs because she doesn't know what to do with her hair. Looking a hot mess.
No. 23387
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>>23386This picture popped up while I was reading the thread. Jfc anon you scared the shit out of me.
No. 23391
File: 1439296139969.jpg (148.68 KB, 746x960, image.jpg)

A reminder of her days as "kapu-channnnnn"
Bitch couldnt take any form of negativity or concrit but now she's so far up her own ass she waves it off
No. 23392
File: 1439860800163.jpg (72.84 KB, 750x283, image.jpg)

Back to school status are too triggering for her, so she decided she's going to block everyone who posted them on fb
No. 23393
File: 1439861055668.jpg (138.75 KB, 750x1091, image.jpg)

oh no, how unflattering
Better take a selfie
No. 23395
Honestly, I don't give a fuck about black Khaleesi. GoT is almost over, no one reads the damn books anymore since the show- so as soon as it ends she'll be old news… until she hops onto the next thing. I do wonder where she got her wig in
>>23314 I read from somewhere on her tumblr a long time ago that she bought only bought, like, ebay tier wigs.
No. 23397
>>23396Are you the stalker she keeps talking about?
She's not pixyteri teir, she's too boring to reach that level.
No. 23401
File: 1440331496343.jpg (894.52 KB, 879x1416, Screenshot_2015-08-23-08-01-26…)

I don't really understand people who tag their stuff AV gyaru, it's not a subtype of gyaru. It's just a gal who's a porn star. So unless you're a porn star you're not a AV gyaru.
No. 23404
>>23401Damn she's more like desperate obasan than gyaru in that pic.
Why does she want to be in AV so bad? I know she acknowledges what it means. She posts herself naked.
No. 23405
>>23402oh god that shoop
them disproportionate arms
that bobblehead head
No. 23406
File: 1440462761163.jpg (495.42 KB, 909x1206,…)

She's totally only using filters guys, no face editing/shoop here. She could become the next Berry.
No. 23415
>>23395But..but anon
I still read them :(
Seriously though this chick couldn't be khaleesi of a front lawn. It is known.
No. 23421
File: 1440800675400.jpg (113.59 KB, 540x720, image.jpg)

Artie w/o shoop
No. 23424
>>23423You know, she'd probably suit a shaved head.
I feel like it'd look nicer than that shitty wig.
No. 23426
File: 1440831158440.gif (5.4 MB, 320x240, urkel.gif)

>>23425she looks like a white lady Urkel
No. 23428
File: 1441479686126.jpg (687.72 KB, 1280x720,…)

God she looks so haggard. If you're going to go through all the trouble of cosplaying and plopping that janky ass wig on your head, you might as well cover the dark circles under your eyes.
No. 23429
File: 1441488242074.jpg (79.84 KB, 456x810, tumblr_nu6q2bdjhe1qk7wlro2_540…)

>>23428This cosplay looks really bad honestly.
No. 23431
>>23430Holy shit, yeah, what's going on there?
I feel like she did something to her face to make her look more like Margaery but I can't place what
I guess the blue contacts don't exactly make her look less weird though
No. 23433
File: 1441590608302.jpg (631.18 KB, 911x1474, Screenshot_2015-09-06-21-45-57…)

Whining because she didn't get any asspats at dragoncon and is now trying to draw it up to "because Im black"
Or maybe it's because your cosplay is honestly sloppy and cringey. So maybe they didn't want to take pictures with a bad deanery's cosplay. It also doesn't help that she got a bad attitude from her 5 seconds of tumblr fame.
No. 23434
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>>23433Now those people are evil because they didn't want to socialize with her seriously.
No. 39641
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No. 39676
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>>39668I'm sure what happened was that she was nervous going to the photoshoot and probably half expected people to notice and gawk over her because she's soo famous. No one gave her asspasts, so she convinced herself it's because she's black. Nevermind the fact that the meetup had a large amount of people in it and not everyone is super sociable and will go out of their way to talk to people. She also left the meetup early and her cosplay was bad.
No. 39834
>>39784She's friends with that asian margery , no? In the third row? The one pictured at
>>23429 . But yeah, not a lot of PoC , but somehow, I find anon's reasoning here
>>39676 more believable. Being the only or one of the few PoC never stopped her before.
No. 100795
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No. 100797
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>>100795>Talks about people looking dumb AF, posts this picture soon after.The pot calling the kettle black?
No. 100799
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Also believes Sere's done nothing wrong. When she has literally abandoned her children. How sad…
No. 100908
>>100795Does anyone notice that all of the attention seeker girls who pull this shit like Kate and Jillian are massive shit starters who then get mad when shit gets out of control and they can no longer handle the drama?
They want to talk shit as long as it's not about them and they want people to focus on them and when that focus is negative instead of taking a backseat they flounce and then have to denounce the entire community who have done nothing to them.
No. 101853
File: 1457351805572.jpg (491.02 KB, 904x1373, Screenshot_2016-03-07-06-54-17…)

"Wahh,no one pays attention to me because I'm actually boring under my ratty wigs and contact lenses."
No. 102387
>>102054As soon as she was noticed as the black khaleesi she stopped trying to be ambiguous with her race and started following the black sjw train really hard.
This girls is also a liar. I've heard her tell balant lies regarding her infamous internet reputation.
Claiming that 4chan had a whole thread about her being trans, and saying things like they didn't like her because she was black which wasn't the case.
No. 104058
File: 1457652564296.png (1.31 MB, 921x693, Untitled.png)

She's reaching really hard for internet attention.
"follow for my work" You mean shooped pictures of you….
No. 107715
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She quit her job, knowing that she had no money and rent due. Now she's asking people to give her money for rent.
I honestly feel bad for her bf, because it seems like she's constantly hopping jobs.
No. 107717
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>>107715There are more responsible ways of doing this. She could have talked to someone or made sure she found another job before quitting.
No. 107882
>>107715She put herself in this "high stress" situation. No one forced her to quit, and she didn't even try to talk to management about this harassment.
Jobs commonly have an open door policy to report harassment even from higher ups.
No. 123995
File: 1461535782538.png (608.79 KB, 821x603, rusrs.PNG)

Now she's an "activist" and a "model". Who in their right mind tags their photos as SJW?
No. 123996
>>123995wow, she's busted.
What's up with how dark her elbows are? is that normal or is it like from skin bleaching or some shit?
No. 124454
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>>124239Native American? Really? Wow what a joke.
I guess she watches this thread because guess who suddenly got a name change.
No. 124501
File: 1461668406821.jpg (904.57 KB, 910x1281, Screenshot_2016-04-26-06-57-54…)

>>124454"I can only speak for Native Americans and black people"
Except she knows nothing about that culture and literally uses to be special.
No. 124740
>>124501So proud of being black that you would change your name to the whitest possible sounding name you could find, buy shitty blonde lacefronts and piss off all of your black friends and followers.
What an idiot, this is why you should stay in school.
No. 126656
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No. 126658
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No. 126659
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>>126658Armada photography studio had nothing to do with this outside of renting space for the photoshoot. Now they have over a dozen one star reviews.
I believe her agency is ElbertIvory models.Anderson Smith is also a seasoned photg. This boils down to the owner beinga new businesses owner and not understanding contracts or how to communicate with business transactions
No. 134653
File: 1464317967743.jpg (103.87 KB, 532x615, Untitled.jpg)

Another mediocre cosplay. The dress and fabric chosen is horrible.
No. 151709
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>>23350I used to like her until this article was made, then I realized she was a huge attention whore and an asshole. She's like a shitty discount version of this chick.
No. 160806
File: 1469644844410.jpg (81.43 KB, 898x509, tty.jpg)

>my life is so much more interesting
Dropped out of college, constantly talks about how broke she is, but somehow living an interesting life?
No. 160807
File: 1469644898687.jpg (115.9 KB, 598x755, uuo.jpg)

>>160806>I look better than themBut box braids looking fucking busted along with her horrible shoop and makeup.
No. 160854
File: 1469648468513.gif (616.07 KB, 500x336, eyerollgif.gif)

>>160807Oh lord, of course she's a dumb ass BLM zombie.
No. 161423
>>160807She looks fucking ancient, like I wouldn't doubt it if she was anorexic again. Haggard as fuck and what is all the shit on their face?
>>160806How fucking stupid and childish do you have to be to give a fuck about some highschool shit?
No. 162119
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i rolled my eyes so hard
No. 162160
File: 1470016792662.jpg (56.71 KB, 541x215, rt.jpg)

>>162119This post is hilarious because just a few days ago she posted this.
>>160807How can you have an "interesting life" and then whine because you're so broke and "need to be famous."
Then she stays telling other people about how much a scam college is because she dropped out and has nothing to show for it.
You need to network and bust your ass in college showing up to class everyday and rolling on MDMA every fucking weekend isn't going to get you anywhere. The road ends at about 15 an hour without SOME form of higher education, it doesn't even have to be college.
No. 162266
She had that prevailed ge of going to college and fucked it up by banging middle age men and getting high on molly
No. 162484
>>162119She "needs" to be famous, but has no discernible drive or talent, she wants to do nothing but be attractive, blow money on dumbshit and hang out with pretty people. A ton of people are pretty and most people can achieve attractiveness with the right hair, clothes and makeup. That shit is fleeting. I don't understand this chic because she's broke and unhappy but wants to indulge in vapid bullshit, instead of focusing on her mental health and surrounding herself with good people, she'd rather keep up appearances and do desperate shit to be relevant.
Life isn't going to get any easier.
No. 162526
>>162160Sage because sort of off topic but this really isn't true, my fiance and I live in Kennesaw and he makes 50k a year and doesn't even have his grade 10
So no artemis, you're just a lazy bitch with no networks and no skills. It is so goddamn cheap to live in Georgia but instead of taking advantage of that you want to waste your time and money on cheap cosplay bullshit, whining on Facebook, and secretly hoping you find a man to support you while you dress up like fucking animu characters
No. 162792
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What happened now? Did her bf leave her or smth
No. 164885
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No. 174807
File: 1474153483598.png (946.9 KB, 1040x1403, 2016-09-17 18.58.20.png)

Apparently her mom is abusive and she has taken to posting their personal arguments on FaceBook.
No. 200620
File: 1479426813689.png (164.47 KB, 493x481, lol.PNG)

No. 212080
File: 1481482588589.jpg (566.84 KB, 1440x2060, Screenshot_2016-12-11-13-52-39…)

At this point, this family drama is just embarrassing. Espeically seeing her latch out using tatics of "she talked behind your back".
No. 239172
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No. 239174
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>>239172The more she writes about her symptoms the more I'm calling bullshit. She would be extremely dehydrated with vomiting and diarrhea for two weeks.
No. 239947
File: 1485394277680.png (1.17 MB, 1080x1533, Screenshot_2017-01-25-20-25-50…)

She's gone from speculating that she has kidney disease to now pneumonia to now asking for money for a trip back to ATL.
No. 298482
File: 1493096260057.png (385.62 KB, 517x532, Screenshot (91).png)

So recently she went after a cosplayer. Claiming the person was doing blackface.
No. 298497
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>>298482>their original skin>picks a high contrast/exposure photoThis is the cosplayer in questions actual skintone.
No. 298516
>>298500the girl is actually half Indian wow lol
I hope that sjw feels like shit but eh wishful thinking
No. 298751
>>298482Artemis is so full of shit. Even if that cosplayer was tanning her skin for cosplay, it was none of Artemis' fucking business and only proves that sjws are just glorified bullies.
>shitty cosplaysYou have no room to talk. Especially when you wear platinum blonde wigs and blue contacts… whitefacing?
No. 298772
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Speaking of shitty cosplays….
No. 302977

>>298772I also liked how she literally tagged that person so they could read the post. At that point she's just harassing people which is fun because she used to preach so much about being bullied online.
Now she's attempting to be a cam girl or whatever with mediocre ass naked pics. After so many years this bitch still didn't get anywhere in life after all that attention.