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No. 29193
So can we please have an Onision thread.
>Extreme lolcow, used to be in the top 100 on youtube, now is in the 700s>Rapist>Preys on underage fans, his current wife was 16 when they began dating>Cheats on every girl he's ever dated/married>Thinks all meat eaters are murderers>Compares alimony to slavery>Put his turtle under a plastic bin out in the sun in the middle of summer and was shocked to find it dead an hour later>Says he's a feminist and that women are all attention-seeking, greedy, succubus whores in the same sentence>Tells his fans to kill themselves and posts sexist, racist tweets on the daily in the guise of "comedy">Stepped on and burned a bible while paying for his wife to attend a christian school>Caused his ex-fiance to miscarry by slamming her into a door frame>Created a "skinny-pact" with his ex-wife so she'd remain sexually attractive to him>Got his new wife pregnant at 18 and now they have a son named TroyThe list goes on and on… No. 29212
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>>29197He coerced his ex-girlfriend into sex and basically took every opportunity he had to try and fuck her into submission.
She admitted to a lot of this in a letter. Which Onision later confirmed to be accurate.
He's been backpedalling hardcore ever since because he got banned from Vidcon because of it but yeah.
No. 29215
>>29212I feel like I've read pretty much the exact same story involving like three other YouTubers.
Why are YouTubers such douches and their fangirls so stupid? I'm just not even surprised anymore.
No. 29217
>>29212>coercedI'm sorry, but women like this give actual rape victims a bad name. She wasn't fighting, struggling, screaming no stop or trying to push him off of her. She didn't go the police station, she didn't sit in the shower for 5 hours.
I'm not saying rape in relationships doesn't happen, but I'm sick of these overly sensitive professional victims denigrating the horrid crime that rape actually is.
"Meh, he was into it, I wasn't, but I went along with it and had sex anyway because I felt like he wanted to" is NOT rape.
Being forcefully restrained, tied up, beaten into submission, threatened or drugged for non consentual sex is rape.
No. 29224
There is a lot of stuff so idk where to start. There is skye, his ex wife. He publicly calls her names and hate on her for having an agreement in their divorce that gets her money. She was a bitch for sure, but he still talks about this years after it happened in videos.
Then Shiloh
>must have started talking with her while still with his wife, if they had sex while she was underage it was with him meeting her in a state where she was over the age of consent
> she is living by the time she is 18, he is 26
> makes a bunch of weird and kinda creepy videos with her
> a video of him filming her having a seizure is uploaded. He later claims she is faking it, but at the time he thought she was really having one and posted it to show her what she looked like
> they break up but she still lives with him.
> He uploads a video he calls the 'truth' in which he films Shiloh having a mental break down. He somehow thought it would show his viewers she was crazy, it really just makes him look more like a dick.
>implications that he abused her in some way, but she never says a lot about it.
They have an on and off realtionship for a bit after this, but it is pretty hazy what happened and what videos are 'jokes' but she was pregnant for real at one point. There is a fake pregnancy with fake pictures in a video he made, but also a real pregnancy that she had a miscarriage with a bit later, and onision confuses himself about this. He claims that she made him make the fake videos about being sick and the pregnancy and stuff, but he also changes his story every time he talks about it.
No. 29225
>>29217I don't know why rape has to be violent to be considered as rape but okay.
Coercion is a form of sexual assault.
He also later said he couldn't possibly have raped her because she's had lots of sexual partners and sluts can't be raped.
So I think it's safe to say he is a scumbag.
No. 29226
>>29223Adrienne is lucky in the sense that she is a bit older, I think she is 26 here, but she at least has expereince to back her up.
A lot of what happened with her is posted in an email she sent to someone who was aware of how fucked up onision got leaked somehow, idk. The dude who she sent it to got a bit too involved in this drama.
>whole relationship is only a month>she knew about shit that happened with shiloh but wanted to get to know him anyways.>immediately tries to isolate her from her friends and tries to take control over her life. >says he loves her after 3 days of talking>wants her to move and live with him already, she has a job and a life and so she says it is too fast. He gets upset about this and tries to manipulate her.>gets upset that she cant skype with him when he wants to because she has friends over. He also says that it is shady that she wants to be able to hang out with her friends without him tagging along.>blows up her phone demanding where she is when again she has a life and is doing other things. >tells her to change how she looks like the peircings she has, then dumps her when she gets angry at that. They make up a few days later>they meet up, she gets pressured into sex (she says she doesnt see it as rape)>he acts like a child during the visit and she tells him to stop and they argue. She actually leaves because he is being so childish and he dumps her, they make up again the next day.>more of this back and forth shit, the finally broke up for good over a fb status. She posted about getting a massage, he get angry at her because since she is bisexual she may cheat and so shouldnt let anyone else touch her.>she goes to work and >>29223 happens.Here shiloh is talking to him again, Adrienna even talks to her mom about the messs.
No. 29230
>>29226Last girl of interest is Lainey (taylor), who is his wife now
> lainey says they started dating in 2012 meaning he was dating her and shiloh at the beginning of 2012. Was long distance until the fall.>met while she was 17, he lived where she was at until she was 18 and he could be public about their realtionship> they get married in Nov of 2012> have a child together>he called her younger sister (I think the girl is 16) a slut for being upset about an ex on fb>killed their turtle(?)> her twitter frequently is about how she feels alone and hurt.> had a meltdown in august, looks like the relationship is dying but who knows when it will lead to a divorce those who want to read it all. A lot of his videos actually backs this up, he just pretends they didnt happen later on so he can call out all the 'haters'. Taylor while likely in over her head here in this relationship is not that innocent, she was very vicious to the previous exes and was aware of the issues surrounding him.
No. 29233
>>29217There's not a set way in which a person has to react to rape. A lot of victims put little to no resistance while being raped and others might be too shocked to scream or kick or struggle. Not only that but the reaction -after- being raped can also be different.
>"Meh, he was into it, I wasn't, but I went along with it and had sex anyway because I felt like he wanted to"You and I read completely different things. She mentions that after trying to stop him, she went along with it because there was no point in fighting or resisting. This alone should tell you this was showing signs of an abusive relationship.
This still doesn't make what happened right, and there are different ways in which you can abuse someone.
It's cliché and ignorant to expect rape to be always be violent; it's almost as if you were trying to glorify it by being "but it HAS to be a certain way which is super violent and tragic". Abusers have many ways to get what they want, especially when in a relationship.
She was not pleased with the way things were going, she literally said no before having sex with him, and she was clearly not comfortable with having it with him to begin with, so yeah, it's pretty much rape.
>inb4 tumblr>inb4 ur a sjw XDDDD No. 29238
>>29230I didn't think it'd be possible but I actually hate Taylor more than Shiloh. At least Shiloh has moved on and is trying to rebuild her music career.
>E-stalked Onision, tweeting him several times a day saying how much she loved him and oh the things she would do to him>Has an eating disorder because of Onision, tags pro-ana stuff on her tumblr and then denies it>Changes her story of how long she and Onision have been dating several times to cover for their illegal relationship>Gained a ton of popularity purely for marrying Onision and treats her fans like she's queen of the them and calls them "minions">Got pregnant not even six months into her barely legal marriage (despite Onision making tons of videos about how teen mothers are nothing but housewives and have no aspirations in life- ick)>Threw a fit when other students tried to be friends with her at orientation (made several tweets saying "Can't you see the ring on my finger!! I'm married!! So not interested!" and "Can't you see I'm pregnant leave me alone!")>Speaks to her husband through twitter>Will disagree with something Onision says then delete her tweets>Posts very misleading tweets about her feelings and depression then says "They're song lyrics guiz">Shamed mothers who cannot breastfeed>Basically her whole life became about breastfeeding and brags about donating milk>Did absolutely nothing when Onision sent his fans after her little sister and released private details about her life that were told in confidence to Taylor (his fans seriously tried to dox Taylor's sister and she did nothing) No. 29272
>>29225Just because you regret having sex, doesn't make it rape.
In relationships, you also don't necessarily ask for freaking consent ever time you have sex. You cuddle, start kissing, then you start taking his shirt off, he stars touching you etc. and it goes from there. In real life nobody sits around asking 'may I have consent to have sex with you?" because if you don't want to, you say 'NO' and you don't have sex.
It's that simple. You say 'NO' and don't have sex. If he continues to take your bra off or whatever, you put your hand on his, look him in the eye and say "I'm serious, I really don't feel like doing this". At this point he will stop. Unless you're a drama queen, then you'll let him take of your clothes, let him kiss you, let him have sex with you while you LET HIM.
Did he take off her clothes forcibly and rape her while she was crying and not moving? Or were they having sex, was she ACTIVE in having sex and THEN regretted it?
I doubt her bf fucked her as she lay there crying saying 'no no no please no'. She regretted having sex, she didn't really feel like having sex at the time, etc. but at the end of the day SHE AGREED TO IT. She's a grown ass adult and she slept with him.
Bitch doesn't know what rape is. Coercion, sure, but good luck proving that in court.
No. 29279
>>29193haven't seen this guy in years. I used to be a fan lol
When did he start going apeshit?
No. 29319
>>29279I haven't seen him in a long time either, but the shit he did to his canadian popstar girlfriend really shed light to how depraved he actually is.
This is a pretty decent recap: No. 29367
>>29360>>29362I see what you guys mean, maybe it's his creepiness that just makes him physically ugly to me.
It's a little more than that, I kind of find him repulsive, like if we were at a party I'd be side-eyeing him like a motherfucker and hold on to my drink with all my might because he looks like the type to drop a pill in it.
BUUUT, then again, I know too much about him already so I'm biased. I can't see past his persona.
No. 29400
>>29396lol he is exactly that guy.
He throws around the word ~love~ to manipulate young girls and get sex (Shiloh, Taylor). And what's even worse is that he treats other people like they have no understanding of the word "love". He bashed every youtuber for saying the loved and appreciated their audience.
No. 29419
>>29217so it's only rape when the rapist knows it's rape because of the struggle their victim is putting up? Okay, so what about people who rape others while they're passed out drunk? They can't put up a fight at all.
So many people stay silent because they feel safer that way, where their abusers will beat them to or near death for resisting.
While some stay silent because they think they're supposed to enjoy what happened to them (either because it was their husband/wife or because a guy doesn't wanna be thought of as a fag). They likely did come out to someone close to them and they were told the same thing you're saying about rape. They don't want it, but they felt they didn't have the option of saying no.
No. 29422
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>>29409He just turned 29 last month.
He definitely keeps his hair long to seem younger. He also throws in like fifty filters on his videos and photos to seem like he has perfect skin when in reality his skin has aged horribly.
Gotta look like a teenager to appeal to his 12-year old fans even though he's almost thirty and has a son.
No. 29434
>>29433What's worse is that he put ads on it, literally exploiting her. IIRC she originally gave permission… but ever since they broke up, she's been struggling to get all her videos removed.
Of course he's still making youtube money off them so he refuses.
No. 29436
>>29434I jsut read the article here
>>29319 but I'm still confused. Does it say she admitted her memory loss was fake? This is rather poorly written (they kept switching up last and first names so I wasn't sure who they were referring to without scrolling back up) but I think it says she admitted the memory loss and pregnancy were fake?
No. 29440
>>29436I'm pretty positive she faked it.
And she had two pregnancies IIRC, one fake and one real.
The real one was during one of their on/off periods. But she miscarried (because Onision literally slammed her into a door frame and told her she shouldn't be so fat while she was on the floor in pain). This was during the summer I think, like around the time he posted that video of her having a mental breakdown and I don't think they really announced this one but Shiloh wrote about it on her blog.
The fake one, she had pregnancy tests and Onision announced before she was twelve weeks. They went to go get it checked out and they couldn't find the baby on the ultrasound, and they couldn't get a heartbeat either, so basically Shiloh had the dead still inside her waiting to miscarry. She then had the whole sepsis debacle and she posted a premature baby photo on her facebook and said it was her passed child. Someone found the original photo and exposed her. And they ultimately broke up around this time.
That's what I think happened. IDK. There's a lot of lies woven into that relationship so it's kinda hard to tell the truth from bullshit. So there might have only been one idk.
No. 29441
>>29436Also, I think there was a fake pregnancy during him bouncing from AJ to Shiloh, or that might have been the fake pregnancy when she left for Canada to go to a hospital.
He mentioned a lot about a fake pregnancy in his voicemails and even AJ wrote about it in her letter.
There's also proof that during this time he began talking to Taylor (around 16 at the time). In the voicemails he was happy to find out he wasn't going to be a father and that the pregnancy was fake, and he called AJ because the only other person he talks to "is in school right now".
Pretty sure Taylor was the only highschooler he knew at the time.
Also Shiloh has hinted multiple times and even outright said that Greg left her for another woman (a skinny one).
No. 29911
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No. 29982
I don't eve know what to say, he still looks creepy, just a different type. He looks like a fucking skinhead, there I said it.
Did he have a Britney Spears meltdown and shave off his hair? Or what he wearing a wig this whole time!?
No. 29986
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Someone fix this, I'm drunk.
No. 29989
>>29986Anon, pls.
No. 30184
>>29911I fucking
knew he'd look like shit without the long hair. He looks like one of those disgusting neo nazi people.
No. 31333
>>31265He also called a woman a slut for not wanting a man to buy her expensive jewelry.
And then says women just want men to take care of them and pay for their dinner and buy them everything.
No. 31383
>>31238wow… so bitter
i feel really bad for his wife rn
No. 31415
>>31238Is he seriously comparing women to a fictional character?..
Actually, I'm not even surprised. It figures he'd think he knows so much about crazy women since he acts like one.
No. 31508
>>31238So he gets into an argument with his wife, and like a true mature 30 year old, makes a shit video where he whines about women.
Oh her arguments are immature? Maybe because you married and impregnated a teenager you dumb fuck.
No. 31773
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No. 31963
>>31773>>31773What a fucking asshole.
Reading this pissed me the fuck off.
No. 32042
>>31999SO much this.
Men are dumb as fuck when it comes to a woman's body
No. 32051
>>32042I've come across plenty of women that claim to be squirters.
That said, even if squirting IS real, 99% of squirting in porn is piss. I don't understand how people can delude themselves into thinking otherwise.
No. 32062
>>32051Female ejaculate is 100% a real thing.
Female porn stars almost always fake it because not every woman is capable.
Female ejaculate also has zero smell or color and has a complete different chemical makeup than urine.
Sorry Onision….you're wife has been peeing on you all along…
No. 32084
>>31999>>32042>>32051Story time:
I was at a house party with a bunch of friends and friends friends and there was this one chick who got drunk pretty quickly. I'm not sure if she was a slut but she wasn't afraid to tell you about her sex life. She was bragging to a bro-friend of mine about how she could squirt. Later that night when the party had kind of settled down and people had split off into groups all round the house to talk ect, bro-friend got pretty wasted and they both disappeared into the spare room next to the 'pool table' room down staires.
Me, two girl-friends and three other bro-friends were playing pool quietly (and awkwardly because they were in the room next to us) when we hear bro-friend yell-whisper in horror "Is that piss?!" and we all just froze. "Did you just piss in on me?!" We couldn't help our selves, we cracked up laughing and he ran out of the room straight to the bathroom, the look on his face was priceless. The room smelt of piss and she just left without saying a word. Never saw her again and we still call bro-friend pissdick to this day.
Moral of the story: never believe a bitch when she says she can squirt.
No. 32194
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No. 32197
>>32084That's pretty top kek.
The NHS says this about squirting, to paraphrase
~"it may or may not exist, however many women claim to be able to do it. Some have even tested their squirt samples and found that it's not urine. There is no concensus upon its existence. "
No. 32452
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The difference in filters between a teenager and a 30 year old man barely grasping at his youth.
No. 32472
>>32062>>32051squirter here,
female ejaculate is sweet and odorless and is clear.
No. 32485
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Are all of his fans like this?
>Never seen his videos, what's the "boob grab"?
No. 32488
>>32485He likes to end a lot of his videos with a groping gesture and says "boob squeeze".
Which is fairly creepy since a vast majority of his fans are minors.
No. 33617
>>33566>>33593No. It's not.
Remember the last time somebody waltzed here saying they were in the know about a certain lolcow? Also filename.
Not trying to ruin anybody's fun, I'm just sayin' folks…
No. 33801
>>33732She did a few videos a year or so ago answering some questions. She had a baby, daughter named Zelda. Maybe is trying to still do music, but she hasnt done anything since like 2010 so, who knows on that.
Not much recently, last thing she posted on twitter is about Robin Williams.
No. 33802
>>31433He has fans because his retarded fans think they're so edgy and omG if u dont liek him then ur butthurt XDDDDDDD.
They fail to understand their favorite youtuber isn't a troll acting like this on purpose, he's seriously a bad human being.
but whatever, with young kids being this autistic nowadays, anyone can have fans.
reminds me of when a kpop idol beat down one of his ex and his fans still defended him even though there were pictures of his ex gf with bruises on her face.
No. 33858
>>33732she was gonna be a camgirl? shit, i'm really out of the loop.
i hope she's still happy and doing okay, at least? last time someone posted an update on her on efagz she looked like she was doing a LOT better. but i guess anything is better than being manipulated by a sociopath with an e-army of thousands of rabid teenage girls, so…
No. 33952
>>32452He should have married someone who could help him take better care of his skin…
Also he wouldn't need so many filters if he considered a little makeup, and accepted that he was WAYYY too old for that hairstyle so he'd cut it shorter
Yeah he looks terrifying as a bald guy.
Even Shane Dawson isn't as irritating as him even though they're on the same level of obnoxious
No. 44166
>>44093He literally cooked it and then posted photos of him crying for sympathy.
When people called him out on his neglect, he made like five or six videos screaming about how awful meat eaters are, and how they're not allowed to say anything about his turtle's death. Despite the fact that he actually killed his own pet. And a deer not too long ago. And let his dogs play in trash for a video.
No. 44601
>>44599Never mind, just saw the video. I really really hate this guy, not so much for the turtle incident (but yeah fuck him for that too), but because of the way he acts afterwards. If it was an accident you wouldn't be so antagonistic, defensive, and condescending.
God I hate this motherfucker.
>>you woudn't blame a child for making a mistake, so obviously I'm blame free!Motherfucker aren't fucking 30? You're not a fucking child, you're a grown ass man living in the age of information. GOOGLE MOTHERFUCKER, you have no excuse.
No. 46979
One of Taylor's friends sent several messages to an Anti-O.
Supposedly Taylor:
>Uses Greg's semen to condition her hair>Has tons of orgies and refuses to shower for days afterwards>Braids her pubes>Has two sons, neither of them named "Troy">Is currently one month pregnant with twins maybe>Makes Greg act like a dog and cries to get her wayThere is zero proof any of it is real tho so it's probs just Onion and Taylor creating fake drama. No. 47059
>>46979That's just over the top.
I bet it's Onision himself creating drama
No. 47074
>>47057The girl who posted those convos has been dealing with a lot of shit from Taylor actually.
>MsK sent Taylor hair care advice>Taylor's fans go in a rage bc "how dare u insult leeny shes perf ur just jealous!!!11!'">Harass MsK and her family>Talk shit about MsK's infant son>Taylor says basically "lol i cant control them" and did fuck all>MsK vents on tumblr on how awful Taylor treated the situation>Taylor makes several tweets attacking MsK and saying how fake she is>MsK makes a post how she circumcised her son for legitimate medical risks that run in the family>Taylor the ~intactivst~ goes into a rage on twitter, all her fans continue to harass MsK>Fans tell MsK she shouldn't be allowed to have children, call her abusive to her son, etcetc>Taylor continues to bitch on twitterJust recently two of Taylor's closest friends came to MsK on kik and started spewin this bullshit.
No. 49716
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Because circumcision only happens so we can mutilate men. There are no other possible reasons eVER.
No. 49724
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>>49722Onision's wife likes to compare the two a lot.
She's been on this anti-circ kick for a while now and it's basically all she ever tweets about.
No. 49726
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>>49724I think the worst part is that she used to study pre-med and wanted to be a doctor.
No. 49728
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>>49726Because it's totally the same thing.
No. 49738
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>>49729Taylor has nothing better to do and Onision spends his whole life on twitter ranting his uneducated opinions anyways. So it's probably rubbed off on her by now.
Also a girl that offered Taylor hair care advice made a post about how circumcision saved her son from a hereditary disorder and possible medical risks to show that there are legit cases where circumcision is necessary. Taylor didn't like that, called her immoral and a child abuser, etc.
Ever since Tay's army of 12 year-olds has been harassing this girl and her son.
No. 49741
>>49728I can't believe this man is 30 year old with a child.
He sounds like a immature 16 year old.
No. 49835
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No. 49842
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>>49835Haggard as fuck + shitty foundation application.
No. 49844
>>49835he isn't even attractive
looks like one of those effeminate gay men who try to be twinks at 50
No. 49846
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Her sperm-shaped brows fuckin kill me every time.
No. 49862
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>>49846at least they're not as bad as the comma eyebrow
No. 49872
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>>49846>>49862Fixed them. Girl needs to learn what an eyebrow is.
No. 50188
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Why is he such a condescending piece of shit.
No. 50208
>>50202They think they know best for the entire human race.
Despite people sharing personal stories about how circumcision can actually be beneficial, they still rub the "IT'S CHILD ABUSE/GENITAL MUTILATION/SEXUAL ABUSE" shit all over twitter and tumblr.
No. 50258
>>50204Well, yes. But I'm guessing that >>50201's argument was to Greg they are the same. Cows, deer, bugs, every animal is better than man in his perfect vegan eyes. By his logic, getting any sort of operation on your genitalia that you have no say over (dogs tend not to speak English) is "unnecessary" or "mutilation".
He's made countless videos vomiting up this sort of insane logic.
No. 72760
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Can we all collectively cringe at his now self-published book on amazon. It's about a teen named James who's obsessed with a girl named Abbi. Of course the girl is in an abusive relationship and NEEDS to be saved by Onision's self-insert character. James hates everything and everyone except his friend Davis, who kisses his ass every chapter he's in, and his ~tru luv~ Abbi. Abbi's boyfriend later decides to shoot up the school later or something.
It's super edgy guiz.
No. 72765
>>72760Here's a free sample someone posted on tumblr BTW if you want a taste of this shit he's pushed out. in mind this 30 year-old man hasn't read a book in 14 years but decided to write his own.
The editors listed as "Onison" and "Lainey" lmfao what a joke.
No. 72813
>>72765It's honestly not as bad as I expected, but shit like
>I laughed in my casual dorky tonefucks it up.
He tries to shove as many adjectives as he can into a single sentence. It's too much.
Oh and snowflake shit like
>For as long as I remember I've enjoyed seeing how people move around and talk to each other, like they're all animals at the zoo. I would try to deliver a more accurate analogy if there was one but so many of them seemed incredibly unaware of themselves, just living life as if it were some generic predefined routine. >Sometimes I feel like an alien who had a VIP pass to submerge myself in primitive human culture just for entertainment.He goes on to shit on people like "the dumb attention-seeking drama kid" and "the bleach blond bimbo who gets overly aggressive at the slightest hint of criticism".
Lmao stop trying to romanticize the fact that you're a judgmental piece of shit and you have no friends.
No. 72845
>>72760LOL the Amazon reviews
>"If you want to read a book about a desperate mentally unstable teenager who can't handle rejection well, this is your book!""I wish I could give this pile of s
* a lower rating. You'd find better works of fiction scattered on the internet from 12 year olds. The plot of the book can be summed up as whiny teenage angst. The writing is over dramatic and often scenes are dragged out in paragraphs when they could be explained in a single sentence. Characters are boring – they have absolutely no depth whatsoever. Lines are often delivered in short single word sentences. If anyone says they've actually enjoyed this monstrosity they probably hate themselves. Don't waste your time, don't waste your money, do NOT support this author."
pls, this is the best thing that has happened today.
No. 72859
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Onisiondrama has been summarizing each of the chapters for us.
So here are the first five chapters done.
No. 72876
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I'm sorry, he's a total shit and all but the only think I can ever think of when I see this fucker's name come up is onion-san.
No. 73772
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Onion is now throwing a fit about all the bad reviews he's getting lmao.
What's worse is trying to justify how crappy it is with saying "well it was my first book! so you can't give any sort of criticism!!" or screaming "yea well u didn't even read it did u haha!!".
No. 73802
>>73796The book seriously feels like a poor fan-fiction someone wrote when they were 12 years-old and cringe at every time they look back on it now.
And it was written by a grown ass man.
No. 73846
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Onision fellating himself over his great achievement of writing the worst book in history.
No. 74374
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This is how Gerg thinks two 17 year-olds fuck.
No. 74459
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The amazon reviews give me life.
No. 74686
>>72859so it's pretty much Greg's mary sue fanfiction of himself.
He & stephanie meyer should get together & discuss a collaboration.
No. 74779
I read the whole fucking thing and wow I don't know how I managed. It's literally Greg's manifesto but written from the perspective of a whiny 17 year-old. Abbi's character is especially lacking and unrealistic and her name is in the freakin' title of the book.
>>74374I actually got sorta mad during the sex scene because Abbi is a rape survivor (barely). Abbi never gives consent, James just assumes she wants it. James never asks her "is this okay" or "are you alright", he just fucks her how he wants to fuck her. It's disgusting. And the "I wouldn't stop, I couldn't stop" lines especially. Gag.
No. 75089
>>74788>>74779"James" is his middle name lmao.
Also he does strike me as rapey.
No. 75200
>>75089Wow, He is a fucking CREEP.
I'm worried for how his son is going to turn out when he's older… I feel sorry for the kid
No. 75220
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>>72859Chapters 6-10 summarized so we don't have to read the actual book yay.
No. 75221
>>75220This girl is also reading the story and criticizing it throughout for those interested.
Hearing the book read aloud just amplifies how shit is really is.
No. 75393
>>75221Listened to this while playing Pokemon.
Today is a great day.
No. 75394
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>>75220The rest of the summaries were posted.
Chapter 11-15.
No. 75395
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>>75394Chapters 16-20.
The end.
No. 75396
>>75393These are great to listen too tbh. I hope she does the whole book.
She's up to chapter five now.
No. 75398
>>75394My favorite part is how she writes him this sob letter about being raped and beaten, and then literally in the next chapter they fuck ALL DAY.
Greg has some really warped ideas about what being a rape victim is like… especially entering a new relationship RIGHT after getting out of an abusive one.
No. 75407
>>75403She kinda explains in her most recent video that she made them unlisted because she's been so inactive, and she doesn't want the first thing people see she's done in months be Greg's shit book. She's going to make them public soon I think tho. Either way, they're great.
She points out almost every little thing that bothered me when I first read it.
No. 75521
>>75395>school has been burned down, no classes until next yearhaha what the fuck
this guy is mentally 14
No. 75549
>>75521Oh yeah and:
>James, a minor, gets to live alone in his mom's condo while her new rich husbando pays for everything>Abbi's dad loses custody of Abbi (because of an assault charge?), police ASK Abbi if she wants to go to the orphanage. Abbi declines and magically gets to live with James.>Whole school burned down, apparently no firefighters in this town>Seth kills 52 people by the time he is taken out by A TEENAGER, not police or swatBecause what's the worth of realism in writing?
No. 75557
>>75555You can do a 30 day free trial of Kindle Unlimited and read it for free lol. That's what I did.
Reading it honestly just made me feel better about my own writing skills. At least I know I will never be Greg-tier at storytelling.
No. 75559
>>75557My province (Quebec) isn't eligible! :(
I'll wait til someone leaks it.
No. 75682
>>75672Yeah it's barely expanded on but I guess when Abbi was very depressed post-miscarriage, she wrote a lot of emo letters to Seth??
Kinda like what she did to James to explain why the guidance counselor hates her.
I wish the book was told in 3rd person bc James is an awful narrator and his life is so damn boring.
At least with Abbi's character you could grab the reader in with her back story (minus abusive dad, he's pointless af) and maybe expand on how awful it is to experience rape or abuse through her character.
Lmao but no we get James' shitty self-importance judging every one every chapter.
No. 75684
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>>75641Nigga looks like Patrick Bateman's younger, unsuccessful little brother who does gay porn on the side.
No. 75688
>>75682That would mean that Greg would actually have to have writing talent, to be able to 1) emphasize and relate to Abbi and 2) not put his own personality into a character.
And you know thats not going to happen.
No. 76185
>>75967omg, the part where her mom comes in and is constantly like, "is this comedy? this is comedy. come on. this can't be real. you're making this up."
> (groaning) dick farmer. love her.
No. 76520
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Is it true that Onision admitted that Abby was based on Shiloh?
No wonder Onision's wife is going full emo on tumblr.
No. 76524
>>76520From what I've read, a lot of Abbi's past seems to be based of Shiloh. There are a lot of parallels throughout the story.
>Abusive ex-boyfriendShiloh originally met Onion through his forum. Their first contact was Shiloh asking for advice on how to deal with this abusive guy she had been dating.
>Bad home lifeI'm pretty sure it's been stated before that Shiloh's family wasn't that great to her. I think the only person that cared for her was her mother. And even after the on-and-off relationship with Onion, I think her mom sorta gave up on her in the end. Especially when Shiloh was crying about having to go bad home, only to be kicked out by "her" in that one video of her having a breakdown.
(This might be why Abbi's mother is never mentioned in the book too)
>MiscarriageShiloh miscarried at least once. But this was by the hands of Onion. Onion pushed her into a door frame and she described herself as literally on the floor, in pain, miscarrying their child. And all Onion had to say was something like "Why are you such a bother". (She confessed this in one of her old blogs).
But to me, it seems like the inspiration of Abbi's character shifts after she meets James. She becomes super dependent, vulnerable, insecure, etc. She even calls him "hubby" by the end of the story. This sorta makes it seem like she is more based on Lainey by the end.
I know someone asked Greg was Lainey thought of Abbi, and he said "She hates Abbi :')".
No. 76529
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But the're totally in love guiz.
No. 76532
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>>76529She's been bitching on twitter for a couple days now.
No. 76533
>>76529I don't understand how she can live like this. It seems she is always going through emo stages, then suddenly its all 'happy family' then next minute she's writing shit like this. It can only be about him, I mean who else could it be about? No one.
Does anyone call them out on this or even mention or ask if she is okay and happy? Because it honestly seems like she's not happy at all and feels stuck with him. It would be no surprise to find out he emotionally abuses her, that's a given.
Shits weird man. I don't understand how anyone would want to stay with a creep like Onision.
No. 76545
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>>76533Once Onision finally announced his new gf, Taylor, almost every anti-O went to her aid and try and help her get away from him. (Given his abusive past)
The blog laineybotdrama started out as an archive blog and including several resources to identify abuse.
But Taylor ignored it all. She even ignored the claims of his past girlfriends because she was so ~different~.
Now I think she's too overcome with greed to let him go. She has her own 800k house to live in now, because Onion is renting it just for her. She brags about her high-end cosmetics, her band merch, etc.
Plus Onion pays for everything to support their baby.
Onion likes to keep a facade to his fans that their relationship is always amazing, etc. But Taylor's twitter is pretty telling.
I don't even know anymore. I feel like Taylor has dug her hole to deep now to get out. A lot of the anti-o's, that first offered her help, are in complete disgust with her behavior and attitude.
She acts like a princess and calls herself ~goddess~.
And yeah, it's obvious that she only tweets about Onion since she doesn't have any friends.
No. 76552
>>76549Yep!!! I remember that!
Greg got this video removed from Rep's channel for like bullying or something lol.
And then accused Rep of stalking?? and sending a letter to his inlaws?
When in actuality, DSSCTM sent it. And even recorded him sending it.
But Onion will just choose to blindly defame and accuse someone of something than look for the truth 100% of the time.
No. 76553
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>>76545Yeah, I spoke to soon. It seems people do call her out on it because she felt the need to post this about 40 minutes ago. Maybe it's because she was so young when they first started dating that it's all she knows now. Plus, as you said, she probably loves the way people suck up her ass and talk about how perfect she is.
It's actually kind of sad. One day she'll look back and realise how it wasn't worth all the 'fans' in the world for putting up with Onision's bullshit ego. Unless of course it gets worse and she loses herself in the whole having people talk to her as if she is a ~goddess~ thing.
No. 76558
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>>76553Yep. Typical.
Anytime people call her out or even ask if she's okay, she almost always responds with they're song lyrics omg!!" or "I'm allowed to feel things!!".
No. 76565
>>76558>>76560>>76562Saying they are song lyrics isn't even a good excuse. She's listening to those kinds of song and posting those specific lyrics for a reason.
How old is she now? She seems like stupid emo teenager who posts depressing song lyrics for attention and then when people ask if they are okay, they claim nothing is wrong and that it's just a song.
With the amount of depressing statuses she posts something is obviously wrong. Maybe Greg's god complex has rubbed off on her to much because she seems to think everyone is stupid and will blindly eat up the shit excuses she uses.
No. 76568
>>76565Taylor is now twenty years-old.
About a year or so into the relationship, she started to post "song lyrics". Guess the honeymoon phase is long over for them.
She's always been battling an eating disorder, but denies it to this day. She's changed her sexuality multiple times since she started dating Greg, too.
There's definitely something wrong with her mentally. I know a few have thought she was bi-polar, because of her weird up's and down's online. And how she seems to have a superiority complex while suffering from extreme insecurity at the same time.
I can't imagine what things must be like for their son, to be growing up in that kind of environment.
No. 76571
>>76568That's the one person I feel sorry for the most. The poor kid has Greg as a father, which speaks for its self, and from what it seems an unstable mother. The kid isn't going to know how to socialize with other kids. Greg sure as hell doesn't and Taylor has pretty much only spent time with Greg through out her young adult life.
On another note, I wonder what's going to happen when Gregs like 35 and she's still in her mid 20's. She doesn't seem to have many real life friends or even goes out without Greg by her side. Her life must be so boring and lonely, no wonder she spends to much time on the internet posting emo song lyrics.
No. 76581
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>>76571Oh I totally forgot how she has all her fans call her "mom" and "mommy".
She retweets anyone who says something like "I passed my test mom!!! r u proud of meh!!".
Just scroll through her twitter and you can see tons of 12 year-old calling her "mom". It's gross. She has her own son to call her mom for the rest of her whole life, don't know why she needs thousands of Greg's fans to do it too.
And then she got all pissy when her fans were going along with the whole "mom" thing, and started to call Greg "daddy" (GAG).
No. 76586
>>76564so fucking cringy, he ignores the 'anon' or tries to subtly dodge answering the questions… even though hes talking to himself.
No. 76587
Let's not forget Taylor obsessively tweeting Greg before they started dating. To Become a YouTube Partner’s Wife)
No. 76588
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>>76581That's so gross. She seems sort of delusional. Like it gives her an ego boost to have 12 year olds calling her mum. Pretty funny that Greg doesn't like it lol. I can only imagine what it must be like between them in privacy. Specially because they try to up hold that they have a perfect relationship online.
Makes me gag because he tries so hard to still be 'young' and relevant. He wears make up to cover his horribly ageing skin. Maybe that's why he likes the young ones, because he tries so hard to be a teenager again and it makes him feel like he is.
Gross. He's just a bag of cringy dicks.
No. 76591
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>That ugly ass skin
Does he look after himself? It honestly looks like he doesn't wash his skin properly. And he's almost 30, does he not know about skin care?
No. 76593
>>76588God ew yeah. He's aging like spoiled milk.
At least he cut his hair. He's been rocking that tween-swooshed, bieber-cut style for way too long.
I think when people call him "daddy" he realizes how old he is. Since he's probably old enough to be some of his fans' dads.
His sub rate is dropping each day tho, so I imagine in the next few years he'll have next to no fans to back up his shit anymore.
>>76589Remember when he made several videos blaming meat eaters for the death of his turtle? Purely because they ate meat?
And now he backtracks saying shit like "uHM most of mY FAMILY ar HUNTERs obvi iM OK with MEAT EATERS".
Even though he made that piece of shit video comparing meat eaters to murderers and Hitler.
No. 76596
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>>76593>umwhat?For someone who tries to come off as a SJW's best friend, he sure loves gender roles.
No. 76597
>>76596Woooooooow. I'm laughing because he even CRITCIZES men who are too prideful to cry, even after something tragic like a school shooting.
He fucking criticized the jock-y boys in his class for physical violence, in his book.
Who the fuck decided "crying" was a womanly thing to do lmao what even the fuck. He cried for sympathy all the time when Shiloh broke up with him, when he has to pay alimony to Skye, when he fucking baked his turtle alive.
What a fucking nut. How can he even claim to be such a "feminist" while posting that trash. Disgusting.
No. 76619
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Does anyone else find this fucking hilarious.
No. 76631
>>76599jesus christ he is the most pathetic person in the entire world
>dat fake cryinghe knows all his fans are like 12 and panders to them so hard
no one with any kind of clue about how the world works would fall for this shit
No. 76641
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He's been talking about his book since around November of 2014. Assuming he actually had some concept work done and was in the early stages, he maybe spent around six months "working" on that book.
But in actuality, when he started hyping in Nov, he probably hadn't done shit and just decided "WELL SHANE WROTE A BOOK, SO CAN I!!!".
Then ended up rushing, and spent a week shitting on microsoft word and released it.
No. 76646
And he bounced between Shiloh and Adrienne for a while.
I know someone made a timeline that showed like just a week after he broke up with Shiloh, he started tweeting his new wifey, Taylor or something.
He always needs to be in a relationship lol.
No. 76653
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>>76646>>76647Shiloh also made some posts about her "Wreck this journal" on twitter. They sorta reveal some stuff that maybe be about Onion's relationship with Adrienne or Taylor.
They say:
"he cheated on you because you disgust him"
"he likes her more she’s the skinny one"
No. 76658
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>>76653Shiloh proving she's now a 100x more mature than Taylor will ever be.
No. 76662
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Timeline of Onion and Potaytay's relationship.
No. 76678
>>76599This is one of the fakest cries I've ever seen. Seriously, I've seen kids fake cry more convincing than this. He has to be a sociopath or something like that, what kind of person does the shit he's done and still thinks he's a-okay?
God, I can't believe he still has followers. What the fuck is wrong with kids today?
No. 76682
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>>76676Someone sent him a fake nude.
They sent him an email and attached a pic of a topless girl, claiming to be an underage girl wanting to be in his videos.
He tried to pursue her.
People called him out, he backtracked saying "How dare u!! Pedophilia is srs!!".
Even though he's dated/fucked two 17 year-olds lmao.
No. 76686
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No. 76715
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>>76591Jesus… I mean, he looks A LOT better without all that hair in his face, he looks his age, BUT THAT FUCKING SKIN. And you know he's hiding behind 3 or 4 filters.
No. 76742
>>76741That was venitaspeaks.
She's kinda bowed out of the anti-O drama for a while now. I'm assuming there wasn't enough evidence to convict so the police didn't pursue it.
Even though Adrienne's rape is well documented, and there's something that could be interpreted as a confession from Onion, because the case is so old it would be impossible to lock him up (zero physical evidence, Adrienne never filled out a rape kit, etc).
I really do hope something comes from it. There have been a few people who have shared stories of sexual assault online anonymously, but how much can you trust that shit yknow?
No. 76749
>>76747I know there was one a bit ago about Onision jumping a girl in a supermarket or something but it felt very… fiction.
I'll see if I can find it.
No. 76760
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Greg took inspiration from his own abuse and put into his book. Wow.
No. 76777
>>76760I feel so bad for Shiloh. Although she was a huge lolcow herself, she was young and onion completely took advantage of her. She's trying to get her life back in order and then this book comes along. I think that Shiloh, had Onion not come into her life, would've probably pulled a Carly Rae Jepson and made one song that got her up there temporarily.
Also fuck, did Onision get his name from onanism?
No. 76778
>>76760I could see Greg being like that. It's fucking gross and I wouldn't touch that cunt with a ten foot pole.
OT but I'm sad Someguy stopped giving a shit about Onision's antics. I mean, it's great that he's over that stage in his life and wants to move on but he used to find out so much information.
No. 76815
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Because you wrote Abbi based on Shiloh perhaps? Lmao.
No. 76971
>>76599lmao, that moment when he clutches his heart while obviously fake crying. what aa fucking psycho.
Has anyone read Adrienne's letter and listened to the voicemails he left her? Dude is legit crazy.
What I find amusing how he always talks about finding true love, yet when he found a girl who takes his BS (Taylor), he obv got bored of her.
But since Taylor isn't doing anything crazy (only posts occassional emo status), he can't really start shit about her.
No. 76972
>>76683>>76727I can't believe she threw her career away to be basically prisoned in onion's house.
If she kept singing, I think she would become pretty popular with the teen crowd.
No. 77048
>>76971You could tell from the start that Onion never truly was in love with Taytay. He's just desperate for teen pussy, and likes to think having a wife makes him successful??
Shiloh was outgoing, quirky, talented, etc. She inspired Onion.
Taylor is just boring and conceited af.
Sad that Taylor is now basically just used by Onion to keep up appearances and be his little pawn.
He hasn't made a single post about his son at all, besides that creepy song. Sad that a man could be that detached from his own child.
No. 77077
>>77048Something is wrong with him, that's why. He doesn't seem to be able to make proper connections with people. It seems that he seriously doesn't have any real relationships, sure he's marry but it seems like such a cookie cut married relationships and we hear nothing of his family or child. Like he fakes 95% of the feelings and affection he has for her online. From what I've read from what his past 'lovers' have said about the relationships they had with him, off camera he's a cold, uncaring asshole. So in my opinion something is wrong with his brain; sociopath, pychopath or whatever it is, something is wrong.
Sorry for the wall of text.
No. 77084
>>77069When Lamo was pregnant, they apparently got anonymous death threats?? Idk. Usually death threats are treated like a big deal when they happen bc ppl try to stress "This person doesn't represent Anti-Os, this behavior is disgusting and completely inexcusable, please don't let this one individual represent us, etc".
I never saw the threats so idk.
If anything, I've only seen Anti-O's try to protect their child. Moderators refuse to post anything harmful to the child (like death threats, insults, etc) because it IS a child. No one hates him enough to take it out on their child lol.
IMO I think he refuses to show the child bc he'd probs get child services called on him. It's obvious he doesn't care for his dogs, their coats get so long and dirty and he video taped them playing in trash.
Recently though Onion has said that he isn't afraid of death threats anymore. He said they're empty threats from cowards online. Which kinda contradicts the whole "WE'RE SAVING OUR BABY FROM THREATS" idea.
Plus I think I've seen 100x more death threats come from his own fans than his haters.
Tay now says she won't show her kid until he WANTS to be shown.
I just idk. Idk how that kid is going to react when it's old enough to use the internet, and see everything his father has done (killing innocent animals, abusing wives and girlfriends, raping Adrienne, etc)
Sorry for the rambling oops.
No. 77085
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No. 77092
>>77077But don't you know that Greg is an all-knowing love guru and can decide what's right for other people's relationships???
He is SO experienced with love he can decide these things.
No. 77095
>>77092He got engaged to Taylor after a month of knowing her so no wonder he thinks 10 years is an extremely bizarre amount of time to wait.
I don't know why he speaks so highly of the idea of marriage since he's been divorced and had an engagement fall out. Obviously he didn't wait long enough to decide who to spend his entire life with; so why is criticizing Jenna for trying to make the right choice for her own needs?
No. 77145
>>76599Even his fake crying makes me angry, fuck.
This is some teen movie tier acting.
Where are the tears
Stop feeling your nipple
Stop mouth-breathing
No. 77197
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From Adrienne's letter about Onision.
If it's true than he is cringe as fuck
No. 77224
>>77212Is he emotionally unstable or something?
That's the only way to justify this.
No. 77265
>>77259Here is the whole letter: are censored parts about Skye, I wonder what he did to her. Does anybody know?
No. 77358
>>77092It makes me so fucking mad to see such an old dude act like a basic moody teen.
"Let's say you and I are dating but uh it's gross durrr
eyeroll like uh really gross - yuck"
Ugh the way Onision describes marriage seems so … icky and abusive but totally fit his personnality. Maybe it's because he's american but I don't get how he can associate getting married with living with someone and being loyal, or getting kids ? And then HE calls her stupid ?
No. 77414
>>77389The vibe I get from those voicemails is that he was trying to emotionally manipulate her but when she wouldn't respond, he lost his shit because he couldn't. I think
>>77350 is right and that he's a narcissist because it seems like he 100% only cares about himself, bettering his image and gaining whatever he can off people. It's kind of scary that a guy like Greg has a follow of young teenagers.
No. 77487
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No. 77524
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Onision thought this was good enough to be in his book.
Lainey, his editor, thought this was good enough to be in his book.
Onions fan claim this is the best book they have ever read.
I have no words.
No. 77539
>>77532Oh my gosh he did. Woooow.
>I patted his arm…sarcastically…"HOW DO YOU PAT AN ARM SARCASTICALLY.
Sarcasm is an inflection you put on your voice when you are saying something you don't really mean.
Not a physical action your arm can magically do.
There's a missing period at the end of his paragraph too. And anytime a new character spoke, he didn't bother making a new paragraph. Ick. Ick. No. Bad writing.
No. 77574
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Greg obviously isn't as great as editing as he thought because he didn't even bother to try and censor his son from the shot.
Troy is probably 6-7 months here.
No. 77612
>>77610His views on women must be truly twisted. I can't count how many times he's called women the superior gender bc they have tits and ass and are "life factories".
Just watching this video explains this music video. Of course he thinks women are only valuable when they're "hot" by his definition.
Also he made that music video for his insecure child bride lmao.
No. 77620
>>77618Gregory makes videos bitching about people more popular/successful than he is so he can cash in on easy views. He's done this with Shane, Hannah Minx, Jenna, Joey Graceffa, etc.
When he made his Joey "toast" (instead of roast) video, it actually got shut down by Youtube because I guess there were a lot of gay slurs? And it was technically bullying or hate speech or something.
Of course Onion's first reaction was to whine about YT censorship.
No. 77638
>>77590Generally people with BPD can have mood swings of 'STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME' right back to 'WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU IGNORING ME!?'
it's a constant struggle of wanting two things at once and wanting a control or complete control.
Did his dad not leave when he was a child?
No. 77640
>>77639ah Thanks, I think his dad leaving when he was younger plays a lot into Gregs mentality. I think he has this fucked up 'American' dream.. A wife, big house, kids with everything running perfect because he never had it as a kid.
but his ideas are too warped and not realistic.
>>77610Fucking CRINGE.
>>77618He uses big name YTer's so he can stick their name in the title of his videos so that their fans will flock to him. Giving him views, Adesense money, and the possibility of them subbing to him. A lot of people do this, it's just clickbait
>>77610 No. 77641
>>77638Found this video when searching for his shitty music. One of his fans told him he probably has Borderline Personality Disorder and agrees with them, but somehow disagrees that he has most of the history that is common amongst BPDs.
Also, this video was taken the same night these voicemails happened
>>77389 I think if anything he's bipolar just judging by the extreme highs and lows he shows in both videos.
No. 77647
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>>77612>>32452There is something really fucking creepy and off-putting about his eyes. He reminds me of Taco.
No. 77671
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What is he even going on about now.
No. 77672
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No. 77674
>>77671Did one of Tay's (if she has any to speak of) friends threaten Onion? And I'm assuming she stood by them, instead of her husband? And now Onion is calling her crazy?
No wonder she's been so "sob sob emo song lyrics sob omg emo" lately.
No. 77696
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It seems something happened.
No. 77740
>>77738Their child is going to be the future regular poster of:
No. 77788
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>>77762>>77780Yup. There has always been trouble in paradise for them. Taylor is more vocal about it, though.
There was one time she changed all the pictures of her facebook/twitter that used to be of Greg, to her dog, Dobs.
She also changed her bios in all her accounts to "…….".
But yeah, they'll be over this soon and start posting selfies together saying "omg wer sO in LUV!!!!!".
It's sad.
No. 77825
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>>31238He reminds me of Jack Nicholson's character in The Shining.
No. 77836
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Obvious tweet about her baby, not Greg.
But vague enough her fans will all think it's about Gerggle.
No. 77859
>>77836Why does this feel like an odd claim of custody for her kid?
But also feels like some sick goodbye?
"We will always have each other".
Is this really happening guys?
No. 77924
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>>77911hugely off topic but i met tommy wiseau once
there was a special screening in my town and both he and greg strestosterone were there, taking ppictures and signing things
mr. wiseau was just as insane and coked up as you would imagine him to be
and greg was there to promote his "tell-all" book about the making of the room
anyway, onion san is a fucking creeper, 1000%. The book, the relationships with underaged girls.. he's just a creeper rapist with no idea of how real relationships work and any dude who is like over the age of 25 and writing children's novels about young adults fucking(?!?) is absolutely a grade-a douchebag.
I'm his wife's current age right now and the thought of having a son with something like Onion makes me cringe.. because he's the exact replication of an abusive boyfriend I had in high school (if he had a youtube channel.)
also bro get some fucking face wash jesus. he thinks he's so fucking sexy but the crazy factor just ruins everything
No. 78019
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he hides his greasy caveman looks with long hair
also his head is huge
No. 78082
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But Taytay… I thought you said you weren't being abused.
That you were special and things would be different this time, compared to how he treated his previous girlfriends.
No. 78115
>>77924wow seriously? I would love to meet tommy and greg, but never tommy without greg. I'm reading through the disaster artist right now and jesus, Tommy is such a weirdo.
>>78094I must agree with you, I used to think Onion was good looking when I was about 17 and was subscribed to him.. but that was almost 5 years ago and now I'm older he's nothing but a complete manipulative asshole. He's one of those people that stays the same their entire life and doesn't change much, and only after a few years do you notice and not want to be near him.
I think the girl in the video should have a sit down with Onion and remind him of how fucking stupid he is.
No. 78168
What does this mean? Is she bisexual or not?'m not on a device that can take screenshots, sozzers.)
No. 78225
>>78175Dogs are omnivores so technically they can be vegan without health detriment, as long as they get enough vitamins and nutrients.
Cats are carnivores though, so a vegetarian diet will result in major health problems and death fairly quickly. I have an extremely stupid family member who tried to keep his cat on a vegetarian diet and almost killed him.
No. 78236
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No. 78240
>>29217Coercion is a a form of rape, shut the fuck up.
"Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration perpetrated against a person without that person's consent. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority or against a person who is incapable of valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, or below the legal age of consent."
rape isnt like what you think. Some victims stay silent. rape isnt always violent.
She isnt giving a bad namr of rape, it is actual rape
No. 78244
>>78175He tried to keep his dogs on a strict vegetarian diet. They kept puking up the food, so now he feeds them dog food with fish and veggies.
He shouldn't be allowed to own pets though. Not after he baked his turtle alive.
No. 78267
>>78258Hilarious that he got cucked.
Also, I don't get why he's always such an asshole to people he's supposedly into. It's not even the "funny" type of insults, it's just being rude
>Shut the fuck up :^)>Stop being you :^))) No. 78269
>>78267His wife has been pretty open about trying to get a girlfriend in the past few months. There was a whole day she was just posting okcupid profile questions and asking her followers to answer them for her.
Ever since December she's been preying on Greg's young fans for a gf.
But I think there might be something surfacing of Greg being the actual cheater? (not surprising)
She posted a couple tweets saying "I know when I'm not wanted", and "At least now I know my suspicious are confirmed".
The same day Greg posted some status about cheating men.
No. 78278
>>78273Naw he still does that, he just does it through passive aggressive tweets and google videos now.
The one about how "crazy" girls are is a prime example.
Just watch, this week we'll see a video about having a bisexual wife, or why all men cheat, or something.
No. 78282
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No. 78293
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No. 78297
>>78293God that just makes me so sad. Like I know Taylor us young and stupid and she loves the e-fame but this fucking douche bag is not worth it, especially since his fans are fucking stupid anyway.
Look at the hate and disgust on his face. He needs a good fucking punch
No. 78300
>>78282You can see that he's an asshole just by looking at his eyes from this gif.
I'd seriously assume Onision is a psychopath if he could be considered charismatic by anyone but naive teenage girls.
No. 78311
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>>78293What happens when you marry a teenager.
No. 78383
>>29193>>50188>>78258>>78282I've been following this guy for a while ever since a colleague shared one of his videos with me after a lecture at University. Because I'm doing study into the field of criminal psychology I'll share with you guys a bit of a profile I ended up developing on the guy. I've taken the time to really research this entire situation and Onision in general (he is relatively well known by psychology community in general these days unfortunately) so I consider this about as accurate as I can come without having any formal sessions with the guy:
Onision was very likely raised into a single parent home the majority of his life. He appears to have had on and off father figures but of them were substantial enough nor were around long enough for him to fully attach to. It has been noted that his mother was and and is heavily into new age beliefs and raised her son to think he was an 'indigo child'. Indigo children are a pseudo spiritual concept and are not based in reality. These children are said to have special gifts and abilities above normal children and to a young and impressionable Onision he took this to heart. His broken home life and self esteem issues caused from said home life reinforced his need to rise above his problems and by falling back on these beliefs he found his temporary way out. This caused him many problems in school years years and to escape those he chose to categorize people and reside mainly online. That avoidance of reality helped spawn his judgmental attitude as he never learned how to see people for the most part as anything but stereotypical archetypes. "The bully", "the jock", "the slut", "the nerd", and what have you. Over time he just applied these broad generalizations to pretty much everyone. Without many friends in school to help him learn how people can actually be and a general lack of a social life to help him develop any normal identity aside from a facade he wore on the internet he started to lose more touch with how his changing attitude would be received to others. He has even applied this to people of other races do to bigoted racial stereotypes. Later in life he started to use the same generalizing to label things like beer, cigarettes, tattoos, piercings, as completely benign taboo entities even though he had no previous personal encounters with them; he ended up hating booze though he never drank, he ended up hating cigarettes even though he was never around smokers and apparently never really smoked, he hated tattoos and body piercings because he for the longest time associated them with the types of people who bullied and roughed him around in school until he got over it enough to get tattoos for an ex girlfriend. Generalizing became his way of idealizing the world to his personal comfort.
It was discovered that on his first incarnation of (or whatever the site is named now) he actually had a page that listed his ex girlfriends in detail. Names, reasons for breakups, everything others did not need to know. He began to pursue relationships that ended in failure because rather than seek companionship in women, he decided to seek a person to be his bucket to dump his mental and emotional stresses into. His conflicted personality caused by a detached mother and being raised by mainly women throughout his life gave him a warped impression of girls and these broken attachments began a long lasting trend of his infidelity in his relationships. The aforementioned pages were listings of his justifications for his actions in his relationships, and almost every time he listed the woman as the fault for the relationships failure. He sought to humiliate them for his own mistakes online and heal his bruised ego by doing this as well. He at that time was pursuing relationships with for the most part, normal and emotionally balanced girls, but their focus on life and career made him feel insecure about his immature for his age childlike attitude and he started to pursue after a while women with issues like depression, self image disorders, even eating disorders. Their need for comfort and emotional validation he saw as something he could try and fix. In some ways he saw his own issues in these women, and for a time with his first wife, things went well. However, due to the lack of control over things in his mind and life he started to want control over their lives as well.
His marriage fell through and he asked for divorce because of the same reasons his previous relationships had fallen through: he cannot attach to a person enough to actually love them. He seeks women to fill a void in his mind and life that he both understands and yet does not understand to an extent. Onision is cognizant of his ability to manipulate the women he brings into his life and even aware of the depths he has to be prepared to sink to in order to manipulate them to stay. However, he does not seem to understand why things fail for him and this drives his mental instabilities into further and further extremes. His absolutely extreme codependency starts to show during periods of breakups he goes through. The longer he stays single, the more his mental state starts to deteriorate and the more "unglued" he becomes. When he chose leave his ex-wife he chose to do so in haste to suit his desire for this Shiloh girl, but when the reality sank in of what he had done his frantic behavior was growing worse and worse throughout the weeks of that mess. His treatment of Shiloh was attributable to him trying to recover back to his warped sense of normality and going back to what he was used to doing; dumping his psychological problems into another person so he could fix himself vicariously through them. His brief stint with the AJ girl was his realization that he cannot form connections with women his own age and also showed him how he could try to damage control a possible rape. Women her age are too old to want to be fixed by someone and would rather be independent of a relationship if given a choice. He kicked her to the curb and tried to win back his ex Shiloh whilst talking to the woman he would eventually make his second wife because he had finally learned how to play his cards with their emotions well enough.
If things fall through with this woman he is now with for the very obvious reasons they would, because she has had his child, I do not think this time will be just so much fun and drama. As mentioned his mother is apparently a pseudo spiritual new age person and more than likely does not believe that things like psychology being real or helpful. He himself has stated he does not even trust doctors. Thus, it can be rationalized that he has never once been formally diagnosed with any real mental disorder. Because of this it has hard to discern the true extent of what is wrong with him, and what exactly it is that is wrong with him. I won't use his recently published book as criteria for the following as I have not read it, though I have heard it does somewhat show the unfortunate state of mind he is currently in. From everything that I've observed Onision is a self aware narcissistic manic depressive hebephile with sociopathic tendencies. He is aware enough of his problems to use them to his own twisted advantages, he has a massive self absorbed ego do to his raising as a child and lack of good parental direction, he is a manic depressive as displayed in his long periods of "enlightened" creativity followed almost always by periods of extremely over emotional and depressive behavior, he is a hebephile because he no chooses for the most part not to try to pursue mainly sexual relationships with women his age and actually has lowered himself to the attitude of a teenager to assist with this, and he shows sociopathic tendencies as he is completely willing to abandon any sense of conventional sense of morals and ethics in order to gain the things he wants for himself above all others. If his marriage falls through like all of his relationships so far have, things could potentially become dangerous. He knowingly married a girl as young as this Taylor because he resigned to her as being his "last". Having giving him a child, an item of attachment he cannot attach to I can only speculate how he would react. I speculate things would go beyond the level of just "lolz". I speculate his entire purview of the world would finally collapse on itself and he would do something that would land him in prison or in an institution for the rest of his entire life.
He cannot and will not form any bond with his child. It's not even an excuse to say that its because of trolls he cannot enjoy the relationship he should be enjoying with his child. He never wanted one. He was disappointed in every announcement about the baby from the pregnancy test video to even the baby's birthday. Because of his codependency he accepted the child just to keep his wife which I fear will cause in his son the exact same abandonment issues he suffered. He should be having the joy of his life even thinking of taking leave from YouTube to focus on family but now more than ever does he bury himself in it to accept another reality he does not want to face. If you thought the mental collapse he went into when his wife left and when Shiloh left, you may want to stay glued to the news if this falls through because he may end up on it, that's all I'll say.
All in all, this is the opinion that a lot of psychological community has come to on this guy. Onision is beyond an unstable wreck aware and unaware of how bad he is at the same time. I felt like sharing this because for one I thought it would interest you since you've got a pretty big thread on him going, and also because I've been wanting to get this off my chest for some time. I've followed this stuff for about two years now and it's been more interesting than most actual cases that I study.
>>78313I think the majority of anger issues he obviously has suffered throughout his life are related to something of that nature. He obviously has a lot of unresolved conflict and many victims of childhood sexual abuse often do. He admitted in a few places that he had parents who had substance abuse problems and he had gotten over some himself and in some cases people sometimes choose vices over therapy because they want to kill the emotional pain instantly. He changed obviously in the time he left and came back, and I know that he lost a close family member during that period. I don't know him at all but I would guess that due to that he might have gotten some treatment for his anger and addiction problems. It's obvious he kicked the drugs. It was really obvious that he was taking something for a while in some of videos from even last year. I think YouTube is a good outlet for him however. For some people writing in a journal is just as beneficial, it allows them to introspect their issues from the outside looking in. For him it allows a place to not just vent anger but open up to people in a manner he probably doesn't usually do.
I won't lie, seeing his video ripping into that pederast made my day. That was seriously good stuff.
No. 78394
>>78383Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and I'm sure it took a little time to write all that so thank you for that also.
As stated above somewhere an anon mentioned how it seemed like he isn't able to properly connect with people and after reading that I started to notice that as well, it's not surprising to hear some of what you said. It unsettles me a little; knowing that he has a wife and child, a whole young teen following, it creeps me out knowing he cares for none of them.
And as for Someguy, I can kind of understand why he was so angry and obsessive. I suffered in very similar ways as a child and I also went down a very similar road, so it makes me happy to see him venting his emotions in a much more productive and creative away.
No. 78435
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No. 78460
>>78435I guess she is wising up a little bit.
But even if the divorce happens, Greg will easly find another dumbass teenage girl. Anyone ever checked out his forums? Almost all girls have selfies as their avatar.
Hell, I bet he already cheated with Taylor.
No. 78463
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>what determines your happiness is love and respect Greg gives youthis is so tragic, his fangirls are blind and delded
No. 78551
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Fans of his book.
Challenge: Find someone older than 15
No. 78667
>>78383LMAO!! "indigo child" .. is this still a momma's definition and excuse of a kid ranging on the Autistic-spectrum these days?
The term is mostly used by financially well-off families to excuse their kid's lack of social interaction and socially inept behaviors to make them feel "special" than your average kids ranging on the autistic spectrum.
The usual truth is something like; "My kid is special cos I can't interact with him, so he's smart for working things out on his own." or "My kid goes to a boarding school, s/he can learn 'life skills' there".
Don't get me wrong, anon… if this person had -any- desire or need to interact with others to better themselves, they would seek counselling or therapy to work out the issues they are most likely to have in life experiences.
At the same time, maybe you're right? Can we say so without proof, citations and quotes that directly link him to that problem other than an inkling of a feeling?
No. 78673
>>78383in other words Anon, I love the care and detail that you've taken in composing some sort of elaborate reason for Onison to be the way he is… but I think you should re-evaluate at least the first three paragraphs you made.
Theories on people and subjects are all well and good, I could do it all day with every person and situation in life, but without clear proof, your analysis is bunk.
I don't think you wanna do that blindly again, and trust me when I don't mean to sound patronizing,
No. 78683
>>78677Hey double-poster, it's okay.. Shiloh isn't the lolcow. She's got issues of her own that she's trying to get through.
Until she kinda does something fucked up like NOT getting on with her life without Onision… I don't speak for everyone here, but let her be?
No. 78699
>>78688How long ago? 3 to 5 years? It was made pretty clear by herself that she faked a second pregnancy to get Gerg back… stupid? Hell yes!
I dunno though, the "second pregnancy" was only talked about through Onision when he voicemailed Vivienne repeatedly about the reasons why he was "sooooo messed up"?
Can anyone give good context on this?
No. 78703
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>>78697Dropped pic. She also has possibly underage nudes floating around but Grog might've been the one to leak those.
No. 78708
>>78699Shiloh and Onision's life together was full of made up shit that they can't even get straight. And neither can I because I just sat here for 10 minutes trying to fit it together and I couldn't.
I don't know what this second pregnancy is. There was the pregnancy Greg talks about in the voicemails and then there's the pregnancy after the voicemails/ Adrienne that cause Shiloh to get sepsis, which is a bunch of horseshit.
I'm happy Shiloh got away from Greg but I'm pretty sure she is still a subtle lolcow.
No. 78711
>>78683Sorry, I'm not taking a stab at shiloh or calling her a lolcow. I'm posting the videos because they just give a little more insight into her and gregs fucked up relationship and it mentioned Greg so thought
"hey other people in the thread probably haven't seen these"
It's no stab at her, Im just happy she seems more mature now.
No. 78712
>>78709Same faggorette typing here!
I do know for a fact that TWO "pregnancies" were going on, the first was real when Onison shoved her into a door frame… there was some kind of blur after then when she claimed there was another pregnancy?
Again, I'm not sure, need more people to come forward and talk about it.
Ughhh… that video disturbs me for the fact that she's hiding herself and won't talk and he's doing all the talking, NEVER EVER DO THAT, don't let anyone speak for you, ever.
No. 78780
The smacking sounds in this video drove me nuts.
No. 78859
>>78712The door frame pregnancy is the pregnancy where she claimed she got sepsis according to these caps:
>>76760 I can't remember if after she went back to Canada to "treat her sepsis" if she claimed to be pregnant again, but that wouldn't make much sense considering she never went back to Onision after that.
No. 78879
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>>76591God he's fucking hideous, what the fuck is wrong with his skin seriously. His opposition however. Yum ._. SG has much cooler style than a guy who looks like he only shops at target.
No. 78929
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>>78893Yeah that is an old picture. He looks a little different now.
No. 79014
imo Shiloh may have already been kind of unstable before she got with Greg. Not saying she was crazy, but most teens don't really know how to express what they are feeling and end up venting it in weird ways. So maybe she turned into a full blown lolcow after she got with Greg because he just fucked with her that much it just got worse? Like he never gave her a chance to grow and understand what she feels and how to properly vent them, instead he just emotionally abused her.
>>78879>>78929Without getting to OT I have to agree with you, anon. SG is my kind of man. The long hair, dark style, steampunk-ish look. This things I would do to him.
No. 79016
>>79014she was a teen that didn't like.. know how to act not crazy? i was the same to a lesser degree. but she was definitely still a lolcow. she has kind of outgrown her lolcow-ness as far as i know, but she was certainly a heifer in the past.
i don't really judge her for it too much because she was in a shitty abusive relationship and she was a teenager but goddamn she was a drama queen. the main reason i don't really judge her for it though is because she grew out of it. if she still acted like that i would lol most heartily at her.
No. 79048
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>>79040I feel like some anons will take anything they can get their hands on
No. 79087
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Lainey's tumblr reblog
sounds like gurg lol
No. 79308
I didn't want to read the shitty book after reading a few snippets posted online, but she makes the would-be awful experience bearable and somewhat enjoyable
thank u youtube lady
No. 79315
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>>79295>Sucking on someone's tongue.>In classlmfao, I swear this is a fucking fanfiction, why are you fucking being that gross in a classroom with people? Most of these fucking readers are 11 and you are appealing.
Didn't Abiboohoo fucking get raped and got a miscarriage, and the first thing that comes up to your head is "ok lets kiss in skool teehee"
No. 79316
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can someone please tell me what this means?
No. 79392
>>79316He's bitching about people who eat meat.
Saying the water to support these animals (bred for consumption) is "wasting" our water supply.
This sorta concerns me though because is he raising his child on a vegetarian diet?
I know Taylor was vegetarian while pregnant and only recently started incorporating fish into her diet. Before, she would take supplements which aren't the same as eating actual meat.
I also know that Taylor has been breastfeeding her son for the first year of his life but??? Because of her diet (and her eating disorder) her milk could be seriously lacking.
No. 79393
>>79392As far as vegetarian diets go for kids, I knew a girl in high school that was raised vegetarian or whole life. As far as I personally know, its perfectly fine iiif you actually know about nutrition/ what foods provide what. Which Greg and Taylor probably don't.
I worry for the baby.
No. 79404
>>79393Idk how I feel about that. I understand the whole "not my baby, not my decision" kinda thing but yeah eehh.
Taylor and Greg get in a tizzy about circumcision all the time because a baby cannot consent and because parents should not push their religious beliefs on their child.
But wouldn't pushing a vegetarian diet on their child be the same thing? A child cannot consent and they would be pushing their moral beliefs on their child.
Greg and Taylor don't know the first thing about health. Any time they are filming themselves, they are always seen eating pizza or Taco Bell. Lmfao.
No. 79411
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>>79401She tweets about being skinny all the time, saying it's "natural" and tellin ppl not to body-shame her.
But she's tweeted about reaching her weight goals (115 lbs), posted about only eating tic-tacs for breakfast, asking her fans if she looks like a stick, tagging her photos on tumblr as "thinspo", etc.
she's been doing this since she started dating Greg.
No. 79414
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No. 79444
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No. 79451
>>79444pls don't
this gif is absolutely
triggering No. 79474
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>>79460She's always shoved her weight goals in people's faces. Always trying to one-up other girls.
No. 79476
>>79411>>79414>>79474Wow I wonder why she's so obsessed with her weight.
Onion needs his ladies starving to remain sexy.
No. 79487
>>79480IMO there were a lot of things that could explain that.
Greg likes to stay in relationships well past the expiration date because he tries desperately to prove he can have a "healthy" relationship. He's done it with Shiloh, Adrienne, and now Taylor (possibly Skye?).
When things hit the shitter publicly, he completely drops that person. He claims to be the victim throughout the whole thing while bad-mouthing the person at the same time.
There was also a pretty equal amount of emotional manipulation I think with him and Shiloh, especially towards the end. She used to say stuff like "No one will ever love you as much as me" and stuff.
But abusive relationships are complex as fuck.
No. 79488
>>79480Because it's not about how attractive they are, it's about control. Sure both Shiloh and Taylor are pretty girls, but that doesn't matter. They could be the most beautiful girls in the world and he'd still put them down and make them feel like shit. If they think they are ugly, they are easy to control. Hence why he's such an asshole off camera.
I think one of the main reasons Greg decided to get with Taylor is because of how openly obsessive she was with him. It makes perfect sense for an abusive, cold hearted fuck like Greg to want to date a young, insecure, obsessive girl like Taylor because she would do/say/believe anything he told her too.
It's why he doesn't date woman his own age. He wouldn't be able to get away with as much shit as he does if he did. A prime example is Adrienne.
No. 79489
why the fuck are ppl okay with this 30 year old pedophile dating a teenage girl (is she even a teenage girl? she acts like one)
god fucking stone him and put him in prison
No. 79493
>>79489He was like 26 and she was 17 when they first started dating.
They got married as soon as she hit 18, without her parents knowing.
And Greg and all his fans justify this behavior by saying "well uhm TECHNICALLY it was legal uhm so ya tru luv has no age, u heartless retard LOL XD"
No. 79494
>>79493ya im sry thats still fucking nasty and he is still a predator if you didnt notice, he was a 26 year old man dating a girl nearly 10 years younger than him. pig disgusting. we all know why he likes them young: the younger, the easier to manipulate and mold and break.
fuck him, i hope the coppers find the inevitable stash of CP on his computer and bust his ass so that he chokes on massive amounts of dick in jail
No. 79498
File: 1428727952541.jpg (65.87 KB, 640x283, Onision_Taylor_SC_2.jpg)

Onision logic: Getting a lawyer to determine whether your relationship with a minor is legal is totally normal!!! Dating high school students nearing your 30's is totally normal!!! Don't be such a prick!
No. 79500
>>79490*skinny fat
Saying this as a vegetarian and with a boyfriend who has been vegetarian since birth. We both look "lean" but we are soft with almost no muscle tone.
(Going to the gym this summer and we both work in warehouses, for all you /fit/mads out there)
Anyway, I don't think it's really a great idea to raise a child as a vegetarian. They should be able to make that choice for themselves.
Of course Grog Onion would be a preachy, annoying vegetarian too.
No. 79531
>>79501weird. he's skinny like a bean pole but his parents are fat??
vegetarianism and veganism can go very wrong very easily if you don't watch your nutrition
No. 79535
I gagged
No. 79537
File: 1428731598140.png (168.07 KB, 635x722, tumblr_nmiq69QEdp1ts65cbo1_128…)

>>79533Oh yeah he definitely DOESN'T judge others based on their bodies.
The video is now removed but he literally just made a video making fun of people sharing their weight loss achievements on tumblr. No. 79577
>>79541hes probably right though
hes thin, and very lean, surprisingly… i don't know how anyone could call him fat
No. 79579
>>79541>>79577>Assumes any kind of criticism is from people "uglier" and "fatter" than he is>Assumes people "wish" they had a body like hisLol no. He couldn't be more wrong.
Boy doesn't even know how to take a shower.
No. 79609
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No. 79616
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>>79609well that explains why it was so fucking horrible
dude hasn't read a book since HIGH SCHOOL
No. 79651
>>79609oh god, please please PLEASE WRITE ANOTHER ONE.
I hope he makes a series. It will be glorious.
No. 79699
>>79533the retard logic>its muh genetics!!
>omg im so buff>shows functional muscle not buff muscle disgusting
No. 79757
>>79742>veterinarian Ughh anon do you mean vegetarian?
Why are these YouTubers pretentious vegans/vegetarians?
No. 79770
>>79742Most vegetarian food is low in calories and you'll get enough protein if you eat a normal veg diet with veggies, legumes, nuts, (eggs and dairy). A vegetarian diet is normally much healthier than standard diet.
But you have to plan the diet carefully if you raise a kid on it, because malnutrition can give permanent problems.
I hope to God that Mr. Onion makes sure his kiddo eats a healthy veg diet.
No. 79947
>>79942>Quit the military over not killing a rabbit>Had no problem baking his own pet turtle alivelmao what a great vegetarian
obvs holier than us meat eaters
No. 79951
I was up until 3 AM last night reading about this guy because I was just like holy shit what the fuck is wrong with him
and now that I'm sober and fully awake I'm just confused. Why… does he exist? How does he exist? Who gave him a platform? Why does he have fans? Why does he has a wife? How is he able to get girls to do things like moving in with him?
Like in the Adrienne letter… if I met a guy and he was demanding I have his children 3 days in and talking about "fighting for love" I would probably block him and change my name and the rest of my identity to make sure his crazy ass never found me again. So… yeah… who are the stupid fucking women/girls going for this? Is he going after legit 12 year olds or something? what is going on
No. 79996
>>79951>Why does he exist?Same reason we all do.
>Who gave him a platform?No one, that's the glory of the internet.
>Why does he have fans?Because he targets a young, impressionable audience who don't understand, nor care about, the fucked up shit he does. They only watch him to watch him, be it for his hair or face or jokes, no one knows. But they do, because they are young. They don't have the experience to see that he is just manipulating them for his own personal gain.
>Why does he have a wife?Because she was apart of his audience, young and willing to believe anything he says because ~internet fame~. He lures them in with false ideas of love, understanding and acceptance. Because they are inexperienced, they believe it. He's an abuser; he acts charming and lovely on camera and then completely different off. The girls only ever see the person he is on camera, and are not able to distinguish between the real him and the person he acts like on camera. Once they fall for it, he moves them in and traps them. Degrades them until they feel like can't do any better or that it's there fault.
No. 80166
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No. 80365
>>79996>he acts charming and lovely on camera and then completely different off.But he's a complete douchebag on camera. The only time I've ever observed him being a charming person is in those creepy voicemails he left one of his exes (which I'm assuming were meant to be private), and even then he got increasingly manipulative and offensive the more she ignored him.
I feel like he puts on a "<3 nice, fun guy who wants to love you and cuddle 24/7. suck me?? <3" persona when girls meet him IRL, but lets his asshole flag fly under the guise of "humor" or "my unfiltered opinions!!!!" when he's making videos.
No. 80501
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No. 80798
File: 1428879479048.png (661.91 KB, 597x621, 16.PNG)

Does she need constant attention?
No. 80799
File: 1428879614831.png (133.75 KB, 595x345, 17.PNG)

"But Greg will still feature me in his videos because actual actors/other youtubers won't work with him and I'm all he's got at this point".
No. 80810
>>80798I'm laughing at the thought of Taylor actually setting up a camera, putting a timer on, and then getting into an angst-y position just to post on twitter.
"I'm so happy!! ttly not nearing divorce!! look at me cry!! happy marriage!!"
No. 80876
>>80810what i wouldnt give to befriend her and learn all the dirtiest secrets about their marriage tbh
or just wait until she cracks
No. 80905
>>80884Wow how unfair for Shiloh to lose her child, and for Greg to be too self-interested to even acknowledge his child's existence.
Shiloh has grown a lot since her relationship with Greg, but Greg hasn't matured in the slightest.
No. 80911
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>>80876It's only a matter of time, anon.
IIRC One of Taylor's ex-friends said Greg hit Taylor once? Like They were skyping and then Taylor and Greg began to have an argument. Taylor was screaming at Greg and he slapped her hard. This was a while ago but yeah. It was summed up with Greg promising Taylor it would never happen again or something.
No. 80912
>>80911god damn it, i need more.
i really resonate with her. i feel like she was a stupid kid that got trapped and now has a fucking kid. god if i had a kid with the guy i liked at 17 i would fucking kill myself
No. 81242
>>81149Whoa wait hold up
I've been watching every one of these videos now because they're fucking brilliant, and I just started thinking
Davis' mum talks in his eulogy about how Davis would always talk about how handsome and great James was, and a few chapters ago he was asking James if he ever thought about dating other people and he 'seemed uncomfortable' around Abbi
I'm probably being really autistic here but did Greg seriously make his self-insert Mary Sue's best friend have a big gay crush on him or what?
No. 81247
File: 1428948104906.png (974.44 KB, 1034x634, 19.PNG)

Greg got called out several times for copying his books design from someone else's novel.
And how utterly shitty it looked.
So now he changed it to a picture of his child bride.
I think the real kicker is that he got his wife to model for a book about one of his past lovers. It's not even about her and she's on the damn cover.
No. 81308
>>81247Come on, you just have to spell it "Abbigale" instead of something normal like Abigail. Does Abbi's full name even get used in the book more than twice? Lord help us all.
>>81293I don't either. I want to hear an explaination of it though because it's probably going to be something lulzy and ~deep~
No. 81312
>>81308It's not even.
It's mentioned once near the end of the book I think.
James imagines the path to Abbi's heart as a bunch of stepping stones. It sums up the book pretty well tho because James spends the whole book just trying to get into her pants. Abbi is literally just a prize. Yup.
Greg is such a ~feminist~.
No. 81324
File: 1428957517407.jpg (103.69 KB, 487x750, tumblr_nm1eyzWY8X1ttohs4o1_500…)

The original cover.
Literally five minutes in photoshop.
No. 81328
File: 1428957682248.png (257.43 KB, 500x479, tumblr_nm3hxd933E1r1kiq7o1_500…)

>>81324Second cover.
"Stoafs to Abpigalte"
Plus he included a photo of himself dressed as the abusive boyfriend/school shooter. Fitting.
No. 81333
>>81331bitch this cover is such a turn off
reminds me of those "i'm diffrunt from oder girls bcuz i listen to BMTH and oli sieks!! BUT I CUT NO 1 UNDERSTOODS"
No. 81338
>>81324>>81328>>81331This is a teen romance novel though???
Why such violent/emo covers???
No. 81342
>>81331Holy shit lmao. This cover is even worse than the original. You literally get to see the tormented girl he fucks with the head of just to get in her pants and of all people he uses his WIFE to display this to the world.
HAHAHAHAHA what a fucking moron!! Also, dat lens flare LEL.
No. 81381
>>81341Yes but Taylor has an eating disorder. The people who she claims are "skinny shaming" her are really just reaching out and trying to make sure she's okay.
She throws a hissy fit over anything that can be remotely taken the wrong way and ignores any help.
No. 81401
>>81381"When Lainey was talking about how everyone accuses her of being anorexic, I replied NICELY on Twitter saying she looked like she was a normal/average weight. She blocked me. The girl literally took offense to the idea of someone NOT thinking she looks like she has an eating disorder. That says everything you need to know about her fragile ego."
It's for attention.
No. 81414
>>81401>>81405>>81407I mean?? She seems to be normal. Especially for her height/weight.
But I think the eating disorder thing came from those convos she had on skype. When she said "I never feel good enough" about her weight. IDK.
Plus the fact that she didn't gain any weight during her pregnancy and was sorta bragging about it??
"Oh it's SO HARD for me to GAIN WEIGHT!! SUCH A BURDEN!! IM SO THIN!!" was kinda the gist I got from it.
And now she like competes with her friends over weight goals???
I know I'm probably looking into this too much but she seems like she has issues with her weight. She's deffs insecure to say the least.
No. 81543
>>81328I'd understand the cover/him dressed as the shooter if the shooting was actually like… an important event in the book. But nope, all it serves is to make Gorg's self insert seem more special. Although I hate all his covers,
>>81331 is the best out of all of them, not saying much though. Least it doesn't look like a slasher novel.
No. 82118
File: 1429060181196.png (96.29 KB, 1165x636, 20.PNG)

tru fax by onion
No. 82151
>>82118I feel bad for the poor girl he wrote that creepy letter to… and now has written a whole book using her partly as inspiration.
Like, no doubt Abbi's back story is based off Shiloh. Abbi post-Seth acts more like Taylor. I guess the name and some interaction between the characters was inspired by this real life "Abbi".
God wow I just can't get over the creepiness of this whole thing.
I imagine this girl hardly knew Greg, since James barely knows Abbi before he becomes her knight in shining armor. James writes that letter after knowing Abbi like what, two days?
The letter is basically a whole mess of manipulation. Says shit like "I want to be the only person you look at, the only person in your life of value" etc.
God he actually wrote that to someone. AND NOW WROTE A WHOLE BOOK ABOUT IT TOO. UGH.
No. 83884
>>82118how much do you want to bet that the real Abbi didn't even have an abusive boyfriend. probably a normal boyfriend who are special snowflake sociopath onison hated with a passion
abbi dodged a fucking bullet
No. 83952
>>83876He'll have to live off the state. This guy has NEVER had a real job like ever, apart from being in the military. What his experiences were while in the military hardly could be called "work experience".
he knows so little about people and so little about the world of workplaces that he'd just end up having a meltdown on his first day, and what kind of resume could he even make? lmao. He'd be like a movie theater clerk at best.
No. 85548
File: 1429504719112.png (472.13 KB, 869x597, Zeoj6rP.png)

His wife. Yikes.
No. 85757
>>83952Lifestyle blogger.
That I would LOVE to see.
No. 85799
File: 1429556610564.jpg (114.51 KB, 400x600, tumblr_nn27ioZ9lx1uo3pd2o3_400…)

Thanks Greg.
Now I feel better about myself.
No. 87300
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hoh boy
No. 87309
>>85877…if two people WANT to have sex with each other. Is there a need to convince them?
Not unless the other person DOESN'T want to have sex, in which case, one would.. coerce them into it.
No. 87311
>>87300Did this dumb motherfucker that has a bunch of teenaged girls as fan just okay the pull out method as 'safe'? And use the excuse that condom is an ugly word as to why he won't use protection?
What a piece of shit. That advice should read: If a dude won't put a condom on or says 'it's not comfortable wah' or 'he's too big'or gives you bs reasons as to why he won't use protection: walk the fuck away. Clearly irresponsible/liar and not worth your time.
No. 87392
>>87300>>87300I need the lord's strength with this one, or I might just rip his asshole apart. His fanbase is made up of idiot fucking children, and he insist of writing this shit so they can blindly follow in his shit-filled foot steps.
I just wanna kick this guy of the internet.
No. 87398
>>87397And one of his fans ACTUALLY LISTENED to this shit advice. And now may be pregnant. Thanks Greg, for inspiring all this teen pregnancy.
No. 87486
>>87398God, those replies are so fucking terrible. Call me SJW, but you don't shame someone because they did something. She came over for help, but the comments are useless.
>this website has ranking Absolute trash.
No. 87810
>>87397What an idiot. Yeah, the pull-out method is somewhat safe if done CORRECTLY, which is what most people miss.
2 out of 100 women will get pregnant if condoms are used correctly VS 4 out of 100 with the pull-out method.
Besides pregnancy, women still have to worry about STD's and shit if a guy doesn't wear a condom. Also, this guy sound like a little bitch ("wah, it doesn't feel good with a condom").
Onision shouldn't even be having sex with his own hand since he's this clueless about sex.
No. 87843
File: 1429855833071.png (238.48 KB, 543x439, 89jzHAe.png)

I'm laughing at Taylor's cheap ass ring leaving her finger straight green.
This is her second wedding ring, since the other tarnished horribly.
Greg just keeps buying her cheapo rings.
No. 87844
File: 1429855866913.jpg (48.14 KB, 500x375, tumblr_msu1uaoKds1sxttq3o2_500…)

>>87843Her first wedding ring.
No. 87845
File: 1429855894310.jpg (47.95 KB, 511x698, tumblr_msu1c0Fxz91rgyhcpo1_540…)

>>87844Ring turned green.
No. 87847
File: 1429855927527.jpg (76.23 KB, 640x640, tumblr_n9ndhvxihM1rfppc9o1_128…)

>>87845Her new ring she got 8 months ago to replace her gross green one.
No. 87848
File: 1429856192989.jpg (15.44 KB, 500x281, tumblr_msu1c0Fxz91rgyhcpo3_500…)

>>87847And just for reference: The engagement ring Greg got for Shiloh.
A wedding ring is supposed to last your whole marriage, so it's not surprising Greg hasn't gotten her a quality ring. He'll just keep getting her inexpensive wal-mart rings til he finds a new teenage toy.
No. 87965
>>87847Looks like something you'd buy at Kohl's for $10
>>87844 did the "diamond" fall off the ring? LMAO
No. 87977
>>87965I know Onision had a thoughts video where he was in a department store looking at jewelry and said something along the lines of "Which one of these rings will make my wife love me".
He won't even get her a nice ring lmao.
No. 88060
>>88003lol what's the point in those 33k followers when your husband is a psychopath who abuses you and doesn't give a shit for your son and you basically have no life outside of onision.
Like after all the shit she goes through the day, she logs on Twitter, posts some emo status which implies onion being abusive and her "fans" tell her:
>WELL DON'T BE SAD LAINEY, AFTER ALL YOU HAVE GERG'S LOVE AND THAT'S WHAT REALLY MATTERS and be grateful bitch because i want to be his wife too No. 88178
>>88111That chick should be embarrassed.
I like how the person she was talking shit confronted her about it and Sarah, like a little bitch, just says "kk" instead of discussing it with her friend. Jesus, being 17 must be fun.
No. 88658
File: 1430015913479.jpg (57.89 KB, 600x800, CDeM5-FUgAA6sT3.jpg)

Gotta show off da ring~~~
No. 89020
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No. 89024
>>89020@ 1:15 mark, Greg goes on a rant about how awful bi girls are and how all of them cheat.
No. 89027
File: 1430072671034.png (46.79 KB, 628x395, 27.PNG)

Because what are wedding vows? Pffft.
No. 89031
>>89020Jesus christ.
That's what happens when you date 17 year olds.
No. 89195
>Then after he jizzed he made a video with him covered in his own spunk and tried to say I forced him to do it.Hahahahaha holy shit that's gold
If someone told me that he
actually did something like that I wouldn't even be surprised, either.
No. 89202
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No. 89223
>>89020>>89027Onion is going to get so jealous. Can you imagine him being okay with her having sex and being cute with another person? I can't, not unless he's involved in it. If he is, that's fucking disgusting, makes me think the only reason he's okay with it is so he gets to fuck a younger girl. Because I can't see someone older being down for it and I highly doubt Taylor would go for a woman older or her age.
And why does she need a girlfriend to explore her sexuality is the first place? She could just find someone to bang, she doesn't need to be in a relationship with someone just to have sex with them. In my opinion that's selfish af, a relationship is more than that but I don't expect her to understand. She's mentally a kid.
No. 89306
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Taylor's friends are just as whiny as she is.
No. 90061
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No. 90593
>>90479I think its funny that Shiloh had to fake sepsis to get away from Gerg, and now Taylor has to fake being a lesbian.
Actually, thats not funny at all. These women are so afraid of Greg that they can't simply just break up with him, they have to find some excuse to get away.
No. 91317
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No. 91333
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No. 91348
>>91333Lel what is this? His earlier pictures of this look make me think he's trying to rip of David Bowie's 80's look…
…then I remembered this guy is basically a functional retard and has no idea who the fuck Bowie is probably…
>>91343Check out
>>78383 No. 91368
File: 1430412523420.gif (484.35 KB, 500x280, qq.gif)

>>91333> Mfw when I have that shirt> Mfw I can't wear this anymore because it will now endlessly remind me of this shitstainActually though, what is this? Is it for a new cringey video? I just checked out his twitter briefly and he's all like FEMINISM~~ YOU DON'T CHOOSE YOUR GENDER~~~ like what the fuck. This is genuinely a disturbing photo, those fucking eyes.
>>91343> Predatory stareSorry for OT, but is that actually a thing?
No. 91374
File: 1430413320358.jpg (57.64 KB, 539x359, bundy507.jpg)

>sorry for OT, but is that actually a thing?Oh very much so and is a dead giveaway for those who inhibit violent/aggressive pathological traits if you know how to identify it.
Emotions are betrayed through the eyes entirely through the eyes, but the predatory stare is characterised by a cold, analytical, piercing stare that appears empty. There is no emotion contained within and so it's unnerving to look it.
No. 91375
File: 1430413436016.jpg (193.78 KB, 680x1000, dexter-poster3.jpg)

>>91374In addition for actors who portray psychopaths/sociopaths in television and film this is something they have to train themselves on, like Michael C. Hall in Dexter or Christian Bale in American Psycho, but obviously because they're not legit mental they just kind of come off as looking like edgy teenagers.
No. 91426
>>91374I dunno, anon.
I have an "empty" stare like that, but most people just call it looking depressed or having resting bitch face.
I wouldn't think twice about Bundy's eyes if I didn't know he was a serial killer.
No. 91449
>>91446Er, no.
Your eyes still look very normal, just tired and hooded.
No. 91452
File: 1430423769387.png (814.36 KB, 697x532, face_of_crazy.png)

>>91374so true. haven't realised this about him. but he does have the "menacing eye" expression(pic related). it's kind of his go to look. just like jimmy savile's.
No. 91541
File: 1430431212787.jpg (45.86 KB, 400x1034, 645456465.jpg)

>>91452samefag here. this is what it reminds me of. sanpaku eyes might be accurate in this case.
No. 91732
File: 1430453849435.jpg (41.36 KB, 587x347, 3728632.jpg)

Because rape victims are only victims if they report it. Because 90% of them aren't messed up from the experience and too scared to tell someone. Because they can't feel more comfortable telling people anonymously online because they are afraid of being judged or told they are lying. Because people don't get raped by family members or people they know, and that's not a hard thing to deal with, just report it!
No. 91797
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better run, taylor
No. 91803
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No. 92493
File: 1430591113240.jpg (34.66 KB, 590x185, lol92482749.jpg)

>>92486Agreed. I think it's because he got married and had a kid, plus the ranting community (SomeGuy ect) stopped caring. I can't help but think that back when they used to make videos on him and shit, Greg loved the attention and reacted to hate with more lolz. It was like a game of cat and mouse; Greg would do something stupid, people would rant and rage about it and then Greg would react with more stupid. It was like a delicious cycle of lolz. And now that he's trapped Taylor, no more crazy break ups or underage flings. ;_;
Side note, even his own people hate him.
No. 92677
File: 1430622937143.png (107.13 KB, 369x313, thiswillnotendwell.png)

So…it sounds like he wants a threesome.
No. 92731
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It all makes sense.
Onision wants Tay to become a lesbian, Onion then becomes a woman who likes women, Tay then wants to fuck Onision again.
No. 92735
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Also just because the way his face turns a totally different color is mesmerizing
No. 93329
File: 1430744253661.jpg (28.05 KB, 600x379, 8f3.jpg)

>>91732now, I don't know a whole lot about this douche other than this thread, ED, and what my 12-year old neighbor has told me.
oh and I saw a video of his ex shiloh whining for him in her """sleep."""
> ((link for lulz: ))but just the language he uses in examples like this makes me itch.
the intelligent thing to do if you want to avoid being referred to as a perpetrator of sexual violence by the general public – regardless of guilt or innocence– would be either to (a) avoid mentioning it completely and let it fade to net rumor or (b) make a concise, polite response letter (kinda like JonTron did with the whole gamergate thing).
maybe it's my english-major spidey senses but the fact that he makes two separate entries, and both of them OMIT any kind of active first-person, as well as any direct mention of a rape victim or perpetrator…it's just too weird. with his constant vlogging about his personal relationships (real or fabricated) I think we can safely assume this rules out him being too uncomfortable with mentioning it.
rather than addressing the core subjects (rapist/victim), he instead goes with "rape accusations" and advises others to report a rape they may
know of, but not one they have personally encountered. this redirect also "proves he's a nice guy" which feeds back into his ego, hence the "saving countless others."
I wonder if this is out of confidence, or guilt?
>tl;dr he done did it. whatever "it" was in particular. No. 93836
>>93329that video.
is revolting.
No. 97758
>>49722MGM amputates healthy tissue off of a child's genitalia with no anesthesia (watch a video of it, really), for outdated reasons that have long been proven false (cleanliness) or irrelevant (parents' religion does not give them dominion over the body of their child).
FGM amputates healthy tissue off of a child's genitalia with no anesthesia for the same bullshit reasons. What you're describing is infibulation, the most and rarest form of FMG. Most FMG only remove the clitoral hood, which is the equivalent of the foreskin, except the foreskin is two thirds of the penis' skin and contains the most nerve endings.
It's only heard of in america/muslim places, because it's a fucking barbaric religious practice that only bible-belt-tier fuckers defend. There's a reason doctors in Europe/Canada don't even suggest amputating the foreskin to fix UTIs or tight openings, it's because these don't warrant amputation at all, they have much simpler, better and less retarded fixes. Please research this, kids deserve better. Adults can do whatever they want to their own dicks/vulvas.
>>49716see above
No. 97761
>>97758most extreme*
Idc about onision and his shitty videos tho, but I was glad someone called shaycarl out on his bullshit. He has millions of viewers and couldn't be bothered to look at the comments urging him to research better before hurting his son.
No. 98115
>>97785Its funny, if you do more research about these type of "studies" you can find that the men that contracted HIV actually had safe sex a lot less than the men who didn't contract HIV, which totally defeats the point that circumcision helps protect from HIV. It also makes no sense, you get HIV from blood entering your bloodstream. What about a foreskin allows the HIV virus to enter the body easily than someone without a foreskin?
Its all a bunch of a hullabaloo to scare people into circumcising their sons.
No. 100844
>>49716>last longer in bed>feel EVERYTHINGsomething doesn't seem right here
niqqa, if youre cumming too quickly, the last thing you want is to FEEL EVERYTHING
No. 102165
>>102083>>102150Taylor is asking her 14-year old friend to hook her up with a girlfriend basically.
Sarah is 14, Taylor is 20. People are now questioning their friendship too, since it's a little inappropriate for someone Taylor's age to be hanging out with middle schoolers.
No. 102187
>>102165>>102079Screenshots/links to her twitter? Not that I don't believe you, but this is so fucked up that I'm surprised her
haters haven't gotten the cops involved.
No. 130175 bf gf tag.
Ok it's a week old but whatever.
No. 130506
>>130469Myth – Circumcision is routinely recommended and endorsed by doctors and other health professionals.
Fact – No professional medical association in the United States or anywhere else in the world recommends routine circumcision as medically necessary. In fact, leaving boys intact is becoming the norm in the U.S., as parents realize the risks and harms of circumcision.
Geez, I even gave you the benefit of the doubt and googled what you said and there's literally nothing about medical necessity.
No. 130508
File: 1435820403390.png (307.37 KB, 602x458, lameyfluid.PNG)

Oh also in recent news.
Onion's wife got a haircut so now she's genderfluid/genderqueer.
Because that's how gender works obvs.
No. 130510
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>>130508The only reason why she chopped it all off was because her friend bleached the fuck out of her scalp in a younow stream and her hair started falling out. So now she's obviously not cis anymore.
No. 130514
File: 1435820816210.png (33.9 KB, 605x201, lameyfluid2.PNG)

>>130510And ever since Caitlyn Jenner came out, Onion has been backtracking his thoughts on trans people. Even though previously he vehemently pressed that "physically a boy=physically a boy" and that he lived in the "real world", he now advocates for trans rights. One of his tweets was even in a CNN article I think?
I think it's safe to say that all of this is for the attention.
No. 130587
>>130508>>130510oh come on i thought she was less retarded than that
but then again she married and had a child with onision
No. 130723
>>130589Yes they really have a child.
Some speculate that it's mostly Greg's mom who takes care of him since Greg works some 12+ hours a day on YT videos, and Taylor spends all her time on the internet. She took 2-3 classes last semester but claims to be "full time". No. 130734
>>130732I think it's unlikely, but there's a possibility.
Especially since Taylor has stated before that she plans on homeschooling him.
(That poor child)
No. 130739
>>130725>>130732I happen to think he's right. Amniocentesis is for people who want to be absolutely sure there is no genetic abnormality. They're already sure enough.
The talk about ethics in medicine is mostly lip service. I've had to do so many unnecessary x-rays and CT scans (unnecessary radiation being explicitly unethical) on people because it meant extra profit for the hospital; the doctors didn't take pride in their work and never learned to read traditional x-rays; and the radiologists were too lazy to push for new protocols.
No. 130743
>>130739I hope you realize that a lot of the extra tests doctors advise be done is so they don't get sued for malpractice, not to make extra money.
To me it seemed like the doctors were preparing him for this possibility, and they didn't coddle him enough when telling him. He complains that they never got any "good news" during these visits, but rather doctors explaining current issues that may affect their baby.
And Greg also got upset when being told that the doctors were giving this information so he could prepare. Now mind you, Taylor was at least 5-6 months along during this time, and Greg immediately assumes by "prepare" they mean "terminate pregnancy". Despite the actual reason being the extra accommodations and money that will go in to raising a baby with Down Syndrome.
Greg has no idea what he's talking about.
No. 130879
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>>130581>>130587Lamo originally threw a fit on twitter saying her haircut did not define her gender and that she wasn't a boy.
Then she basically decided she was genderqueer bc some of her fans said she'd make a hot guy. So now she models bow ties and is such ~dad~ now.
The level of ignorance is astounding.
No. 133416
File: 1436232088306.png (322.26 KB, 890x691, ISZOzwS.png)

Don't forget babby's first swear words.
No. 134307
>>133416did u no.
adding a random letter into insults makes them not insults nemore?
No. 134312
File: 1436341339651.png (641.84 KB, 889x1864, onin.png)

>>134278It's not for sale anymore, but don't worry, his store is still filled with cringe-inducing designs. told him he was a good designer lied to him.
No. 134577
File: 1436383575832.png (46.94 KB, 500x230, tumblr_nr6mi1DN1v1r1kiq7o1_500…)

That's not how sexuality works but okay Onion.
No. 134601
>>134577lol what a hypocrite. A couple years ago he was bashing bisexuals because "they all cheat"…
(short version)
No. 134602
>>134601the original video
"Just because someone is bi, does not mean… anything really… however if they are bi & interested in being with two people at the same time… yeah, you may have a problem if you're seeking monogamy."
No. 134655
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>>134589Reminds me of all the blog posts shiloh would make about how bruised and abused she was from sex.
No. 135420
Onion just made a long ass post trying to defend himself again from legitimate rape accusations. goes on about how he couldn't have raped her because they had discussed sex before on Skype briefly and she gave him oral once. Even though she was saying no repeatedly, she consented to an act before!! Like you only need consent once ever, and you get free-reign to everything in Onion's eyes, so obviously it can't be rape!!
Then he whines about Shiloh cheating for pity points like it somehow has anything to do with the fact he raped a girl.
No. 136120
>>134655Well that's fucked up. I know Shiloh also lies but I think this is believable because Adrienne's story kind of confirms his fucked up nature.
I guess Taylor is keeping quiet about his shit because she is a doormat fangirl (also she likes her e-fame) but she does post questionable tweets.
No. 136123
File: 1436608969943.png (57.44 KB, 589x481, tumblr_nradzatuWh1utgytfo1_128…)

Someone is hoping for a divorce
No. 136326
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>>130510She looks a lot like Amanda Palmer
No. 138090
File: 1436979199604.jpg (115.82 KB, 960x640, 310554_282240541794699_1458647…)

Want to play a game? Spot onion.
No. 138092
File: 1436979299433.jpg (69.16 KB, 960x640, 320060_282240435128043_6158813…)

One more
No. 138120
>>138092>>138090Why does he keep putting Shiloh on his lap? It's like he's hiding behind her.
And why does she look so gormless and out of it in these photos? Jfc
No. 138277
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>>138090>>138092Don't you know Onion hates being around people that aren't clones of himself or underage girls?
He's a no-fun zone person.
No. 140468
Taylor's "dontjudgechallenge" video.'s still sticking to her genderfluid shtick. Even though her legal name, Taylor, is gender neutral, she insists on her followers picking out a "boy" name for her.
She's stuck between Landon and Leo.
This is not how gender works. This girl is playing role play with her identity.
No. 140470
>>140468oh god what a retard
she's so fucking ugly tbh
No. 140495
>>140468dam she looks like shmeegles in the first half
and second half has some freaky eyebrows the fuck
No. 140509
>>140468what the fuck is going on with her eyebrows
also bitch fucks up her hairstyle and suddenly she is ~genderfluid~ now
their poor poor son
No. 140648
>>140468super-covered up, formal shirt and lack of makeup = boy??
boobalicious top and too much make up = girl???
ugly bitches like lainey will justify being ugly in the craziest ways
No. 141001
File: 1437416123431.png (19.56 KB, 781x140, wtf.PNG)

So this channel was confirmed as Greg's a few years ago, but I didn't know he still updated it?
Weird ass comment he left a couple months ago.
No. 141011
File: 1437417030486.png (143.96 KB, 540x474, tumblr_nidmm6PTOL1r1kiq7o1_540…)

Texting a 17 year old fangirl…gg
No. 141019
File: 1437418210439.jpg (209.6 KB, 976x643, imgonnabesick.jpg)

Excuse me a moment while I go hurl.
No. 141030
>>141019this picture is like the dress
some see two men, some two women, some see a woman and a man. no one can decide on what it really is
No. 141117
>>141011Holy shit this reads like a classic narcissistic dude and douchy. 'explain to me why you feel this way and crow about how cool I am'
I had a guy friend who was this personality type and he was always forcing me to gush about how I liked him and kiss his butt and then purposefully blow me off and ignore me so I'd have to hunt him down to make arrangements. I stopped being his friend and dealing with his BS after he drunkenly tried to enter my house and beg me to get into bed with him. but WHOA does Onision remind me of himn in every way. He was a complete sociopath and I'm convinced he had no real emotions and was just putting them on to make people feel bad
No. 141121
>>141117Yeah a guy I used to be interested in did that shit all the time. Like multiple times daily he wanted me to tell him why I thought he was cute. It got really old and unattractive fast so I started saying shit like "I don't" and then I just stopped talking to him.
Onion is such a fuckboy and I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be gay like Shane too.
No. 148992
File: 1438479650292.png (69.75 KB, 795x552, greg.PNG)

>>148991It's old news but the fact that he defends a fellow pedo, and just recently made a video saying the age of consent is bullshit, is very disturbing.
No. 149646
This may be slightly off topic but has anyone noticed onision is getting related to so many channels that aren't anywhere similar to his. It's quite random.
Littleskylarklsl is a great example. No. 151429
File: 1438724825790.jpg (94.1 KB, 579x585, tumblr_nsko9fYe9U1rgyhcpo1_128…)

>>149617Looks like the end is soon, anon.
No. 151432
File: 1438725050114.png (53.75 KB, 601x420, urwifeisgay.PNG)

>>151430From what I gather, Taylor is finally realizing the verbal/mental abuse Greg has put her through.
Her family wants to destroy the prenup, divorce is soon.
And Greg is convinced Taylor is completely gay and would rather be with a woman.
No. 151467
>>151429hahahaha called it
now he is getting his army of 12 year olds to turn on her
can't wait for the delicious drama because both are retards
i only feel bad for their son
No. 153830
File: 1438969275889.png (406.33 KB, 635x989, fg.png)

I'm laughing so hard.
Greg threw a hissy fit over something Taylor reblogged. He's v mature.
No. 153836
File: 1438969933840.jpg (47.09 KB, 312x499, tumblr_inline_nspwlfSymi1qmuq7…)

Guys he just announced his new book…
It's out for preorder now, and scheduled to be released on 9/11 (much edge).
No. 153838
File: 1438970087078.jpg (87.99 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nsp5swLDC71trzbmio1_500…)

>>153836Amazon description.
How many want to bet he's going to take advantage of the tragedy of 9/11 and use it as ~inspiration~ for this novel?
No. 154040
>>154036lol he totally only made that video cuz shane made one, and he looks pissed at the stuff she's saying.
"im not jealous" sure onion
No. 154336
>>153838>violent fightsno way, dude
>you can only go so far>this book goes even fartherwow you sound like a brilliant writer
No. 154443
File: 1439036043758.jpg (476.78 KB, 898x1202, tumblr_nrz6ckMtCq1rqbzlto1_128…)

shots fired
No. 154449
>>153838"James represented the light, Arthur is the dark."
I'm not very good at English but seems like this book will also have some fun grammar.
No. 165804
So Onision and Deefizzy got into a fight on twitter. All the caps: all started because one of Greg's fans met him and asked for a hug, Greg refused and felt uncomfortable because of all the "online scandals" he's had, his fans brought up that other youtubers hug fans and Greg went off.
No. 165807
>>154443i know his video was bad but i agree with onision
Ugly fat people shouldnt cosplay hot skinny women from anime
its fucking disgusting
No. 166055
>>165807I agree
I would rather see a fat cosplayer with a good cosplay than a skinny one with a shit cosplay
No. 166098
>>165804Shit, this crap is so stupid.
Damon hardly even makes videos anymore, he even deleted his newest one?
Guess Onion was bored and wanted a reacting, what a dick.
>>166055Yeah just cosplay your body type.
Can't stand people who make flat chested girls big chested, there's enough big chested anime girls out there for the girls who have big ol' boobies.
No. 166707
File: 1440227744141.png (494.31 KB, 769x532, Screen Shot 2015-08-22 at 08.1…)

a little off topic but what the hell are those boobs
No. 170936
So someone from tumblr copy and pasted the OP description, included a link to the thread, and it caught Onion's attention!
He even graciously tried to argue every point made :^) is now aware of this thread, guys. Everyone wave him hello.
No. 170944
>>170940I don't think so either.
But to be fair, he does have a point about the age stuff. If it is between two legal aged and consenting people then it shouldn't matter.
No. 170947
>>170944Can I just say that not only did he drive underage girls to states where it would be """legal""" to hookup, 18 is the age of consent in Washington, where he lives. They weren't legal aged, and he was also doing a form of sex trafficking by traveling to different states.
So he doesn't really have much of a point about the age stuff.
There was also an incident where he accepted nudes from a 17 year old.
No. 171584
File: 1440873743871.png (164.45 KB, 500x653, 3 25 2011.png)

I can't watch this and hold on to this information any longer. I won't give out much information of myself other than that my name is Michael, I went to high school with this guy, and a good friend of mine is someone he cheated on his ex wife with. I also run my own independent technology based business. Greg is a total loser and actually cheated on his ex wife with a friend of mine before him and his ex wife were ever even married. He was doing it for a while too until my friend found out he was taken and told Skye. She dumped his ass and he ended up losing his mind because he got caught and cried like a little bitch and called her every day for two solid weeks to get her back. Let me say that again, SHE dumped him. He'd been caught in school a whole lot of times by other girls doing the exact same thing to them and it was always the girls that dumped him as it was always other girls that ratted him out.
I had always wondered what ever had become of this guy since I left Washington and moved on from school. Apparently some people never change. He's been this way for years. There was a running joke among pretty much everyone in school that he was going to be put down in the year book as "most likely to commit a school shooting". He wore a combo of a trench coat, beanie, and tripp pants…every day. In fact if I remember correctly it seemed like he'd been wearing the same clothes for a couple weeks a time before ever washing them. He'd rarely ever talk to anyone and the few times he did he would always talk down to a person. At first we thought he didn't realize he was doing it, but after weeks and weeks of it being a regular occurrence we (pretty much the entire school) started getting the idea that he just hated people. I mean, he had friends, but he'd still treat them like shit. Every since I can remember he's always thought of himself as better or above everyone else.
He'd start arguments with teachers because he thought he actually knew more than they did, when he was obviously proven wrong he would completely deny it and act like a pouting child. There was one time, and I remember this because it was just before summer break, where his mother who looked completely cracked out actually came to school and argued with the teacher about how perfect her son was and how he never could do any wrong. He had gotten in trouble again for being caught cheating on yet another girl and her father was doing what any reasonable man would, he was threatening to beat the crap of Greg. I had to drop off some late homework so I went directly to my teachers office to do this and over heard the entire thing. It was the hilarious and embarrassing thing I'd ever been privy to eavesdrop on in my entire life. His mother literally started chanting some wiccan stuff or new age stuff, I'm not even sure what it was, he has his head down, his face is turning red as a beet, and his fists are balled up, while this girls father whole looks like a 250+ lbs Marine is berating him for trying to score with his daughter who he lied to. All the while our schools principal is just sitting there with the most confused expression because he had zero idea what to do. It was surreal, it was as if Jerry Springer had visited our school. To this very day I can't even properly explain what I had witnessed.
After that he really just went downhill and never recovered. He was an asshole to just about every single person he met, and started bragging about how we'd all be "thanking him and congratulating him" one day because he wanted to enlist into the military and go over to Iraq. Everyone started to really distance themselves from him at that point. I remember that he started bragging about going into the Navy or Air Force, but at that point I was just too focused on finals and getting into college to even care anymore. One more thing I do remember vividly is how often he'd pick fights he couldn't win after that. He was already known for running his mouth to people about things he wasn't even remotely knowledgeable on, but after the previous incident, he'd start actively provoking people. I can see why he gets so much hate here, Greg's still doing the same thing, even now. He ended up pissing off a few metalheads in our school, if I recall correctly he said something about one of them having a sibling that passed away and them not truly caring about it or something…and well, they just pummeled him into a pulp. Three on one basically. Once again, mom was quick to bail him out of any responsibility for getting exactly what he'd asked for. This didn't happen behind the school or after school hours, mind you. This happened in front of almost everyone. In general, we'd hear about this going on once every couple of weeks. After a while we just stopped hearing about him anymore, my best guess is that is when he secluded himself online and started doing this video sort of stuff. I've seen the video about him creating an online cult like religion, I'm just making a guess here but it seems his problems just intensified with time.
I only partially knew Skye through a couple of other people. She was a very nice, but quiet person. She did some cool graphic design stuff. I even thought of asking her out a couple times but then Greg came along and we didn't see or hear much from her after that. That never sat well with me. Other people have said this past and I can confirm, that Greg always wanted to be with her sister more. In the last few days I've taken the time to watch a few of the videos that caused the most stir and its funny to me how much he now seems to whine about "slutty" girls because back then those were always the type he'd go after. It was either girls that were more sexually free spirited, or girls who were very quiet, obviously virgins, and had some types of issues at home or depression. There never seemed to be any middle ground. It was either one or the other and his ideal type seemed to be an impossible mix of both.
As I said before, I've watched enough to catch up about this guy; all of the Shiloh stuff, when he decided to divorce Skye for her, all of that up until now. I have to tell, this guy absolutely terrifies me now. He was always off balanced but I figured that with time he'd find his niche in life and things would be relatively alright. That couldn't be farther from the truth. He has never gone anywhere in life since high school. I started my own business, own my house, have a couple of kids and a loving wife and we travel all of the place regularly. He just continues to act like a spastic teenager and he is one year younger than me and can only make money through Google AdSense or heavily taxed partner revenues. He literally displays the same behavior as an online and offline predator now. He has never once changed the way he treats women, or who gives that treatment to, he has just allowed it all to become horribly worse. I think he must also be in horrendous amounts of debt as well. I've seen the way he tries to live and I can tell you that he cannot possibly afford all of that. Greg was always terrible with money. For example, a five dollar pair of sunglasses he'd pay for with a twenty so he didn't have to count the change. He was always broke and apparently so was everyone else in his household. I watched a video just recently where he said he'd paid $6000 to a contractor for his yard who took all his money and never did anyway, and all he did was make a video on it. Obviously not even that has changed. And now he has a child? That's the worst part.
The last thing I'll leave you all with is a segment about his inability to care for, and somewhat hatred of children. Around the time this guy started coming around more I remembered him talking about working for a daycare. Another friend of mine also worked at this daycare, which I won't name because frankly I've followed the Chris-Chan saga and I don't think the place would appreciate a ween-overload. She told me that he was close to being fired (and eventually did get fired) because he had applied for a job he no idea how to do. He couldn't even do the most basic things for these kids (mostly toddlers) and whenever they started to get upset he'd be rude and mean to them. Finally when they shitcanned him he apparently lost it, with children there, and stormed out saying like "fuck these stupid kids anyway" or something to that effect. He'd offhandedly made jokes about how he'd just leave a girl who he was with if she got pregnant even if the kid was his because he didn't want children at all. Obviously no one thought it was funny. Watching the Shiloh thing unfold it was just one huge reminder of that. Apparently he caused her to miscarry as well, twice. I don't keep up with many of these people from high school much anymore until something crazy as shit happens for this guy. I'll just say there's the possibility he's got a kid out there he won't ever see or acknowledge and neither his current wife, nor the current movement against knew about it until now. He fucked over his ex-wife that badly. He was forced to pay alimony instead of child support because they didn't even want to chance him seeing the child so they just took it away from him and he was completely fine with it from what I've been told. I was told that he did this video to chase her off YouTube because she was close to spilling the truth about it: This video was uploaded the day before he was fully served a restraining order (pic related check the date): He'd been calling his ex wife non stop being a creep to the utmost maximum. From what I've been told it made his voicemails to AJ sound like someone handling a break up well by comparison. He'd been crapping pants over going to court for it apparently because not only would he have no contact with her, he had to fork over $1500 that day. The video I've linked here is way creepier now that it has some real context. Anyway, that's all I've got for now. Busy day ahead, if people have questions, I'll be back on later. Enjoy, because as obsessive as he is, he's bound to read all of this so things will get pretty interesting over the next few hours if he indeed sees this.
No. 171603
>>171584So he has two kids?
I don't understand why a court would allow him to forgo child support. Even if a parent doesn't have a relationship with a kid, he still has to pay child support. Unless Greg never claimed paternity and the mom never had a filiation proceeding?
No. 171621
>>171584Holy fucking shit, someone ends to report him to child protective services. I feel anxious for the kids, damn.
As someone who's been a volunteer mentor for middle schoolers, and took care of a few toddlers in the past. Reading about how he tried to do child care just made me want to punch his ugly ass face. How could he think to he can do this shit? What the ruck is wrong with him? Also, why didn't the child care place call the cops on him?!
Jesus, I really want to see this guy torn apart publicly. He's horrendous as fuck.
No. 171684
File: 1440885753747.jpg (21.04 KB, 500x500, 2004.jpg)

>>171603Apparently yes. From what was described to me, he forfeit his parental rights and signed the child over to the family. It's rare but it happens.
>>171665 Hit the nail on the head. It's why they chose to do it.
>>171621This was apparently something he did to impress a girl that worked there as well. He started a lot of drama with her which was yet another reason why the fired him. He's actually admitted only that in I believe it was one of the livestream videos he did a couple of years ago which I watched. He's also held various other jobs but got fired from those as well.
>>171670From the yearbook no. I have a few that I was going to leak a while back that haven't really ever surfaced before however, from around that time. In the pre-meme days we used to screw with these a lot because he posted these on our schools online bulletin board with a long diatribe attached, as well as his old MySpace account. I'll tag them in each responding post. I'll start with one that I have which is the most future pedophile looking. This isn't a recent photo by any means, let me remind you.
No. 171688
File: 1440886357210.jpg (139.28 KB, 327x497, Yearbook 2003.jpg)

Eh, screw it. Why not have a photo dump. I dug around in my files for a bit and found one that was indeed from the 2003 yearbook. This is the face that would interrupt conversations whenever it came down a hallway.
No. 171695
>>171684I don't doubt that behavior about children. He seems to use pregnancy as a way to manipulate women to marry him (Adrienne, Shiloh, etc).
Also he doesn't even acknowledge the fact that he has a son, basically to the point of publicly denying that he has a child. At first I thought it was so he would seem younger and more attractive to his young audience, but now it seems that he really just never wanted a child.
It's sad because his child with Taylor was obviously not planned, and when Taylor announced her pregnancy, she admitted she cried when she first found out and was very scared. Even now there seems to be a disconnect between Taylor and her child, she blocks anyone who asks about him and refuses to say anything publicly about her child.
So high school anon, mind if I ask you your thoughts on a few things? Like do you think Greg raped Adrienne? Do you think killing his turtle was purposely malicious or just ignorance? What do you think of his marriage with fangirl Taylor?
No. 171701
>>171584The beating explains the fight scene in his book. He's been having revenge fantasies about it since he was in high school, what a loser.
Speaking of his book. Did your school have a decent English department? I don't understand how he is so bad at writing.
No. 171702
File: 1440888503583.png (30.62 KB, 408x389, 1424015107446-3.png)

>>171584>>171684>>171688yusss gibe us more, dear anon
bumpu for jutice
No. 171707
>>171701Stones to Abbigale is Greg's own Sonichu comic lmfao.
He gets to write a fantasy world where all the teachers worship him, he beats up the bullies, AND gets the girl.
It's funny that you mention that Greg was beat up 3 to 1, because almost the exact thing happens in his book, except James (Greg's self insert) manages to beat up 3 bullies at once by chopping them in the throat and going for their balls.
Reading all the parallels from his actual high school experience and STA is glorious.
No. 171712
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>>171695Using pregnancy to do that seems like he's desperate now. He'd get "engaged" girls a lot. Of course he obviously wasn't going to marry them but the rumor was that he did it so they wouldn't cheat on him as easily. Which, is absolutely bizarre because he cheated almost every girl he was ever with. I don't think anything at all is something that's ever planned in his life. While myself and the people I stayed close with were all planning our futures out (as best we could for pre-college seventeen year olds), he was busy acting like the epitome of an emo kid one moment, and then in the next a psychotic know it all. Personally what I took away from his being a father is that he didn't care about the risks of having unprotected sex because its all he did back in high school as well. I think there used to be a rumor that he gave one girl a UTI and then called her a bitch at lunch in front of other people because she told her friends about it.
I've read her story and I believe it. Everything in it. It's exactly what I experienced with him back in high school. He was pushy with everything to get his way, be it with girls or anything else. Her story of being pressured is sad to read, but unfortunately it's not shocking because when he was getting berated by the girls father which I mentioned in my main post, it was for that very reason he was getting reamed. For the turtle, I think it was a mixture of both. I don't think words do justice for just how big of a dolt this guy was. He never seemed to handle any responsibilities properly and he was always getting into shit with instructors because he'd take extra credit work he would never finish. I know he used to own several pets because his weird ass mother was into collecting all sorts of animals, but he could never keep any of them alive for very long. Everyone knows about the chicken he tried to raise but couldn't. There were a couple more he never seemed to talk about. He had two dogs, both of which died from undernourishment. For a guy that is a vegan he really lazy with properly caring for animals entirely.
As for his marriage, it's a total farce. I don't see any connection or chemistry between those two whatsoever. Aside from her being afflicted with some very obvious issues, she's not even the type he ever seemed to go after. Back in school he absolutely hated girls like her. Right now I think he just puts up with it because she had his child and he feels trapped because he's been too used to running away from everything.
No. 171715
>>171584So was he known for copying people he "disliked" I noticed over the years if there is a guy he gets fixed on he will copy them or their relationships.
As for his kids not shocked. It seems like he mimics people. To pick fights or develops this twisted drama. I'm curious. I have been watching this train wreck since he broke up with Skye.
There is a screencap about the pregnancy your are talking about but it's kept under wraps.
Shiloh did tell me the memory loss was fake in order to make enough money to heat the house. I saw posts from a friend of mine about how he shoved her into the door frame lied about being septic to get away and go home because he was bitching abou the medical bill. She was told she would have to be cleaned out of the baby to keep from going septic. She utilized it to go home.
Shiloh lost her laptop and other things too having to run home. She had to play it off to get back. Many Anti-O people shame her for her lies but there are many things that you have to do till you can get away from someone abusive and have to realize they are abusive.
I am glad I won't live near him. Looks like he moved to some where bigger because people found out where he lived.
No. 171716
>>171712>He had two dogs, both of which died from undernourishment.Wow what the hell that's heartbreaking. He has two dogs now, and people have called animal control on him in the past for not taking care of them. He recorded a video of both his dogs playing in a garbage filled garage. He tried to force a vegetarian diet on them too, but their bodies were rejecting the food and would vomit after every meal.
He seriously shouldn't be allowed to own pets, let alone care for a child. I totally understand his ex-wife keeping him as far as possible from the child. Hoping nothing horrible happens to Troy though.
No. 171722
File: 1440890418582.jpg (26.16 KB, 500x500, 2003 (2).jpg)

Funny I actually have "turtle" related picture for the person who mentioned that unfortunate incident earlier. He would post things like this on his MySpace a lot back then. I don't why, I guess perhaps he thought it was to make him seem thought provoking and sensitive? I don't honestly know. Oh and yes, he was always been that unkempt and greasy looking. It was gross in person. People wondered if he had some kind of literal problem with sweating too much or something because he actually smelled of BO a lot and never did anything about it for days at a time.
>>171701>>171707It was a regular happening as well. He has done one video in the past (because all of this got me curious after all these years) where he goes on about what it was like but that's just completely bullshit. He'd instigate people with things, for example if you were a meat eater and you were just having a burger or taco for lunch in the cafeteria he'd sit across from and start giving you shit about it. He'd try and make people feel guilty about their food even back then and it seemed to have just happened overnight. One day he didn't care, the next morning he's a PETA elitist. That pissed a lot of people off, but the part that really got people heated was that he didn't stop when they just gave up and skipped lunch because of this lunacy. He'd follow them around and try to get them to argue his crap about veganism. I think you all know how well that turned out.
He did this to a lot of people too. He didn't care about how ridiculous it made him look. I think in his mind, him getting beat up for intentionally pissing people off (because after a while he got really malicious about it), reinforced his backwards ideals about things. The more he'd do this the more hardcore about it he became. The "murder eaters" video is a bit older than people think it is because I remember him posting something similar in our schools bulletin board and him getting absolute wrecked people over it, even called to the office for "inappropriate usage" of it.
Our school had a pretty good literacy program actually. I enjoyed it. Greg just never seemed to want to learn much because he always seemed to think he knew everything. He never really got good grades ever from what I remember and was always turning work in late. The whole "I haven't read a book in fourteen years" thing is bullshit. He was just never good at reading in general even as a sophomore in high school. Whenever he had to orate something for class he'd just bomb pretty hard as he seemed very stunted in his reading level for someone his age. I'm listing to this one girl read some chapters of his book on YouTube as I'm typing this and I can confirm that back then it was just as abysmal if not more. For any assignment that was about creative writing he'd make just about every literary mistake someone could and then get mad at the instructor even though he was the one that made the mistake. If I make mistakes when I type up a paper its because I'm going too fast and such, for him he just never paid enough attention in class to learn much.
No. 171724
>>171712> I think there used to be a rumor that he gave one girl a UTI and then called her a bitch at lunch in front of other people because she told her friends about it.He and Shiloh got UTIs constantly when they were together. Greg would talk about how crazy violent sex had to be, even made a video about it. Also does this confirm that Greg is a greasy motherfucker who doesn't use a shower? He's super stingy on heating bills, I imagine the same goes for water bills.
> Her story of being pressured is sad to read, but unfortunately it's not shocking because when he was getting berated by the girls father which I mentioned in my main post, it was for that very reason he was getting reamed. So Greg has officially coerced two girls. Rapist scum. I don't doubt it for a minute either, many girls came anonymously to a blog on tumblr and shared many stories of being abused/raped by him.
>As for his marriage, it's a total farce. I don't see any connection or chemistry between those two whatsoever.Plenty of people see right through his marriage too, between his constant reaffirmations of his love over his "hot wife", to the videos showing zero chemistry between them, the awkward kisses, etc.
No. 171730
File: 1440892159320.jpg (88.19 KB, 631x800, old-style-photo-box-camera-gre…)

>>171715I don't doubt it. She legitimately entered therapy sessions for a while because of what he did to her. Now this is a lot stuff I got from other people, so take it as you will.
From what I was told, he'd been talking to Shiloh for while and she knew. He wanted to be with someone who was going to benefit his videos because fans started complaining that his wife was "boring" and she was finally starting to get sick and tired of his life being nothing but YouTube. He files for divorce and forces her to be okay with it and tells her she no other choice but to get out of his house when things are all said and done. She was with this guy since high school. I was put off by the fact he managed to get her wrapped around his finger like he did because myself and my entire group thought it was creepy, however for a while they seemed like a decent couple until he started seeing my friend as well without even telling Skye. That was the first time he really broke her down. He did that a few more times when he admitted he really wanted to be with her sister, and then the last straw was when he pulled out divorce papers.
Like I said this is third party information to me, but I don't really doubt it myself. He wanted a person to make himself look better, didn't care about what his now ex-wife felt or went through and dropped her on the spot, damage controlling the entire time. As I said before, he scared his ex off YouTube when her career was starting to take off with her videos, and did a creepy video himself the day before getting a restraining order filed on him.
His copying people must be a new thing because back then he dressed pretty like Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold, or something straight out of an LL. Bean catalog. I find his hatred of that Someguy827 guy pretty ironic because he used to look and act somewhat like him from the videos I've seen. Pic related is from 2004 if I recall correctly. Now he likes a dejected and burnt out poet ex-hipster. I don't know what you would even call his current look. He wants to be everything and anything counter culture I guess.
With the Shiloh video I think it's pretty obvious that was for shock value but the part I found most disgusting about that was that he wanted to play it out like it really happened no matter what. He knew he was caught, and he tried to deny it as hard as possible, it was insanity. The fallout of that situation is EXACTLY what he did every single time he had been caught cheating. He acted like it was all BS, he'd never done anything wrong, and then tried to justify it (admitting to it in the process) by bringing up things that didn't make any sense or had anything to do with the situation. Like most of the women that he's been with in the past, I've read that she's now got her life somewhat back in order from all this. It's funny to me how they're all of the crazy ones but he remains the one who never changed a bit.
No. 171741
File: 1440893775790.jpg (29.95 KB, 500x500, MySpace 1.jpg)

>>171724He's always been a greasy unshowered creep lol. P.E. was the worst because he'd dodge the showers afterward. Not unusual some people have issues with that which understandable but in his case it was just awful because he just stunk all of the time anyway. The few times he did go to the showers he was the most homoerotic awkward person ever. You know the videos where he's just trying way too hard to be funny with sexual humor. Think that but in person in a locker room full of guys. I don't even know at all how he survived in the military.
He'd also cake hairgel when he had shorter hair until flakes of it would fall off. The gel, mind you, not his hair. He was just…gross. No other word for it. I'd rather him reeking of axe body spray at least, rather than that awful stench of hair gel, sweat, and weeks unwashed edgy attire.
>>171729More than likely she knows nothing truthful of the situation. The things he'd make up about the girls he used to get caught with are disgusting. I can include myself in the list of people wanted to give him a shiner or twelve for the things he said about my friend after all that went down.
>>171733He was apparently alright with having nothing to do with the child. As I said earlier he has little to know comprehension of responsibility. Because of this he willing seems not to take on any he doesn't want. I guess at some point he realized how big of a loser he is at these things or whatever.
His main issues with his ex wife were just her wanting to be independent of him. He didn't like her acting like a girl her age usually acts. She got yelled at a lot of looking up clothes and such online, for not "contributing to the family business" which was just his YouTube videos. This was also part of his rationale in throwing her to the curb the way he did. He seems to be the type of person who seems to find people who are useful to him and then when they are of no more use he discards them. When I started my business I knew that my wife wasn't going to be able to contribute much to it, because she's not really computer savvy. Did I make her anyway? Hell no, and the fact he did that his ex-wife at all is insane. He fell mentally apart in the weeks afterward because he had thrown out the only person in his life at that point who put up with him enough to get married to him. Pic related was on his MySpace. I was a friend of his on there for a while after high school in case you're wondering where I had gotten all of these. It's been far, far, FAR too long since I've cleaned out my hard drive, if this thread goes to saying.
>>171736Let me make a separate post for my answers here. His mom was just a special kind of crazy.
No. 171743
>>171741Greg grew up without his dad, and when it comes to Troy, he's trying to make damn sure he'll be there for him. But I think that whole narrative he gives about "stepping up to be a father" is just himself getting off on his own ego and making promises he can't keep.
HS Anon, have you seen this video? What do you think about it?
No. 171750
File: 1440895503972.jpg (26.14 KB, 500x500, gregory-greg-j-james-daniel-ph…)

>>171736>>171743As far as I could tell, he did have a dad figure. The problem was it was just never the same guy. His mom was batshit insane and could never stay married for very long because her husbands didn't want to take it anymore. She was so into new age stuff she was divorced from reality not just her husband of the week. Not have a dad around in general already causes a lot of issues for a person, so I can't even imagine what growing up in that household was like. Snippets of it however would spill out after school however. One day, she'd be way creepy nice, saying her son was the most special and gifted person ever. She called him her "offspring" as well…just weird. The next day she'd be yelling and screaming at him calling him a failure, a fucking loser, guilt tripping him the same ways he does in his videos now.
She was just way too weird for me or anyone else. To the point you could tell something was just off with her. She would look a person directly in the eye and never break contact, sometimes not even blink. My friends and I thought she was legitimately on drugs whenever she picked him up from school, which was only up until he got his own vehicle. I doubt we were wrong about it though. She too has not changed in years apparently.
That video is pretty disturbing to be honest. If I want to tell my son and daughter that I love them…I just do. I don't have to write a song and direct a video about. God, it almost sounds like he tries to get validation through the act of being a father itself.
Again him copying people is most likely a new thing. He never used to do that. I think the reason he might be copying Someguy to that extent is dude to his videos being how they are. It really does take a lot of anger to break his layer of ignorance and frankly, stupidity, to get him to think about some of the things he says and does. Back then, people just ignored him.
>>171746As I said in an earlier post, people have been making fun of this guy for a lot longer than he's been on YouTube. Some of these he would post on our schools bulletin board, and after a while we all just created a group on myspace to chuckle about him every so often. Pic related was one of the groups favorite images, because he's trying to be cheeki breeki or something.
>>171742Show them this thread.
No. 171758
File: 1440896719005.jpg (28.28 KB, 500x500, 2004.jpg)

Dumping a few more pictures. He'd take about 100 selfies like this at a time some days during lunch.
No. 171759
File: 1440896829346.jpg (78.08 KB, 500x500, gregory-myspace-photo-x3.jpg)

Literally Linkin Park lyrics.
No. 171760
File: 1440897072451.jpg (58.25 KB, 500x500, Skye Old.jpg)

It kind of hard to see pictures of this girl and know what happened. There are few I have here where she's full of life and energy, then when you see her in his videos…she's completely drained of all that. This is an ancient photo.
No. 171772
File: 1440897972769.jpg (11.97 KB, 320x240, Shiree.jpg)

>>171761The religion thing must have been something that he did only online. I never even knew about that until I watched the video that guy made about it. It does all sound similar to things his insane mom used to go off about however. Perhaps that's where he got the idea for it, who knows.
I don't think STA was truly about one ex in particular. Pic related is a girl he was always hung up on. As you might guess, he fucked her over too. I think his book was just a collection of all of the weird shit he'd gone through for girls over the years and he just condensed that into just one person because in his mind it would sound less creepy. That didn't work, from what I've listened to from this Ginerella girl's reading so far, and really all of the stuff he's putting in here DID happen but it was spread out over like 6-7 different girls.
>>171764Because she wasn't obsessed with him after a while. Chris-Chan will chase girls not interested in him because his autism makes him think they're playing hard to get, but are actually just actively keeping their distance…Greg did a similar thing here.
Tanya was a nice girl and they dated for a bit, but she broke it off when he cheated on her (he's done this to about every girl he's been with) and just never got rid of him afterward. He coped with it by staying friends with her only because he was under the impression she'd get back with him. She was not actually giving him any signs of that at all. He still acted like a puppy following her around all of the time even she got a new boyfriend. It was pretty embarrassing.
No. 171782
>>171774If ever I can make the time to do so, I'd love to. He's been right more times about this guy than I think he realizes. The issue is, I travel a lot both for recreation and business so getting time to sit down and chat about all this is something that happens often. I know how to contact SG however, since it appears he's all over social media.
He has actually been cheated on by girls, make no mistake, but it was after a nightmare of a relationship with him. With how he is to people…I hate to say this but it was in a way justified.
>>171780I think it's more from the fact that he never grew out of his youth. The psychology of both hebephiles and pedophiles is that they are partially stunted developmentally. Greg seems to go after women that around the age he was in high school when he started getting in to the most trouble with relationships. I think he became a hebephile because of not wanting to leave that state of mind and grow forward.
But, to answer your question no, he wasn't always obsessed with underage girls. Back then he picked girls who were into the gothic stuff, liked video games, but also had depression or something along those lines. Girls he thought he could fix.
No. 171792
>>171783That's messed up. Separations can always be rough, he doesn't seem like the type of guy to deserve going through that though.
As for Greg and his new wife, definitely they're not 100% proud of being parents. I was and always will be absolutely ecstatic about becoming a dad. Anyone can be a father, but being a dad takes special care and dedication. He doesn't have that if he's too ashamed to show his son.
No. 171796
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>>171794They kinda just did their own thing from what I remember. They've always had their own lives separate from his. I know that Alicia got really annoyed with his shit easily.
No. 171797
File: 1440900208746.png (54.35 KB, 668x664, Screenshot (14).png)

This was given to an Anti O
No. 171807
File: 1440901430726.jpg (39.48 KB, 640x476, Wedding.jpg)

>>171800Exactly what he used to do. He justified it instead of denying it further. Incredible. Absolutely incredible. Anyway, I'm off for the night. I've got a bit to do tomorrow, so if I have time, I'll hop on again and answer more questions. I'll leave you guys with one final photo for the night. A picture of his wedding to Skye that none of her family was invited to because they weren't even told it was going to happen.
No. 171826
File: 1440904315170.jpg (Spoiler Image,169.68 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)

His new video fits in with all this…
No. 171828
>>171824He has done it before, Shiloh was underaged when they first met and he fucked her before she was 18. He went to another state to do so, and she was living with him a bit after.
I dont think Lainey had that much freedom, not any more than most people. It isnt hard to go meet a guy and fuck him, most girls her age have the freedom to talk to someone online like that. But they did talk online for a bit before and so had time to plan out that stuff, and hid stuff like getting married until it was too late. Her parents seem to have been in denial about a lot of it.
No. 171834
HS anon: Do you know if Greg was ever psychologically evaluated during the divorce process? I remember Skye saying she was diagnosed with PTSD and it was all in the divorce documents so I assume Greg could have been evaluated too? If so do you know the results? Something I've been curious about for a while.
I also wanted to share this journal Greg kept in high school. I feel like it has a lot of insight. No. 171845
>>171834T.C.T.C. Journal
"1/25/00 Entry Two: Every day I walk down the halls someone always mocks me and defaces the respect that they can not comprehend I hate to love myself knowing I'm different I don't smoke; I don't use drugs I'm a freak to the public Peer pressure never wins me over I have no need to act like anyone is my superior for as far as I'm considered there is none"
I never drank, did drugs, or smoked. Didn't mean I was above anyone and all my friends were cool with it. I hung out with all the goth kids even though I never dressed like one. So what I did my own thing people respected me because I was a friendly person. I liked making people laugh and smile. He just seems pretentious.
As for his rant on God. I lived in the bible belt and raised Catholic. You don't share my pain son. Dude thinks his life is so "hard."
A lot of the things HS Anon mentioned about Onion playing poor kid… I knew a kid as poor as Greg acted. He still tried to keep clean, wash his cloths, and got help from some of us to have school supplies. Damn good kid and did try hard. He was bullied badly like I was. Never once was as shitty as this guy. He died too young.
Greg is very very very self absorbed.
No. 171848
For when HS Anon comes back, here's a list Greg made of "important people", he also cataloged almost all of his ex girlfriends. real is this? Like how much is this the truth and how much of it is Greg's delusion?
No. 171855
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No. 171862
File: 1440920247544.png (19.51 KB, 613x339, avaroe.PNG)

So Gregory had a legal name change in 2012.
No. 171866
File: 1440921683746.jpg (44.34 KB, 550x413, scott-must-die.jpg)

holy shit hs anon this has been gloriously eye-opening. i remember in one of stevie's videos a while ago he said he'd love to talk to someone who went to high school with him, and in you stroll. i am giddy for the inevitable shitstorm that's on the horizon when gerg sees all this shit.
and he WILL see it because he can't live without this drama that surrounds him. it sucks how much we all validate him sometimes, but i have to believe he can't get away with this shit forever.
gerg is that little sore in your mouth you get when you forget how to eat and chomp open your skin. and then when you forget about it, you chomp the exact same spot.
also thank you for watching my stones to abbigale reading :D
i'd like to know: did gerg ever go see the guidance councilor in hs? because man did he hate the councilor in STA. the teacher (THE FUCKING TEACHER) even referred to her as the most "manipulative person he'd ever met." like…wat.
it's both hilariously interesting and terrifying how much people can glean from this guy's life and backstory just by what he puts online. he's so transparent it's laughable. i hope this is just another step towards his collapse. fuck him.
No. 171868
>>171866Please give us more sauce when he drops his next book on 9/11 cause he's an edgelord. I know it might not be good for your liver.
>>171856That wiki is hilarious.
>Anyway, the guy has a zillion more hits >than me, and is generally way more >popular, so he really should not take >offense… I just think it’s funny as I >believe everything I said in those >videos (as I recall right now) and I >really do hope he stops making such lame >videos as they are often disgusting, >often, passively racist & ultimately >creepy.
>Regardless, go to > and see >what a total tool this guy is.
>He’s at least 30 and he talks to teen >girls all the time, it’s weird. Almost >everything about this guy creeps me out.He probably gets that he's fucking creepy.
No. 171870
File: 1440924129757.png (1.23 MB, 978x1101, onionlair.png)

This might make Onion mad. It really wasn't that hard to find.
No. 171871
>>171870I'm pretty sure he's made a video showing parts of the front porch too. I remember Lainey entering and catching him cheating or something??
I'm sure a fan found his house years before he moved out - pretty sure it was between skye and shiloh
No. 171889
File: 1440932378682.jpg (44.63 KB, 500x670, wedding.jpg)

Doesn't he look happy. He could have at least washed his hair
No. 171890
File: 1440932462041.jpg (134.04 KB, 439x810, suit.jpg)

Couldn't even wear a decent suit. That thing is ancient
No. 171891
File: 1440932646885.jpg (28.02 KB, 500x373, shoulder.jpg)

Look at the shoulders on this suit. It is not his size. Did he buy it at Goodwill?
No. 171894
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She looks horrible for only 20.
No. 171896
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No. 171900
File: 1440934395398.png (43.35 KB, 500x293, skye.png)

No. 171902
File: 1440934562905.png (157.85 KB, 500x656, FEB.png)

4 DAYS after crying on a video about Shiloh cheating on him
No. 171903
File: 1440934857677.jpg (63.67 KB, 500x243, music.jpg)

He loves to destroy peoples lives
No. 171904
File: 1440935225104.jpg (42.17 KB, 484x515, dumped.jpg)

I thought Greg said he was never dumped. This was when Adrienne dumped him, mainly because of the stupid comments he made about her being bi. I find it hilarious that he married a bi and didn't know it. Good lying for that money Lainey.
No. 171905
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Greg, the teen fucker
No. 171907
File: 1440935535314.png (87.1 KB, 500x400, golden egg.png)

Or a predator that goes after teens gets them like with Lainey.Her parents told you to leave her alone but you never
No. 171914
File: 1440937808571.jpg (90.72 KB, 540x756, photoshopped.jpg)

Greg puts this photoshopped pic up after a viewer commenting on his pot belly showing on one of his videos. Amazingly his pot belly disappeared but you can see it was photoshopped
No. 171917
>>171914How hard does he want to suck in/tense his abs?
He's so gross. I don't get how he has fangirls that think he's so hot omg!! xDD
He is hella fucking ugly to me.
No. 171944
>>171904>My pillow probably thought the rain season was over…sig here it comes again :'( #epicsadpandaew ew ewwwwwww
can't be any more fake than that.
No. 171946
>>171945>>171922I remember seeing vids of Onion and Shane, p sure they kissed or something in it, shit was weird… might dig and see if they're still out there.
And they used to be 'friends' but I'm guessing the success of Shane made Onion jealous.
(personally I don't like either one of them)
No. 171987
File: 1440956485061.gif (594.6 KB, 320x213, ron_paul_its_happening1_by_l4p…)

Holy shit, its happening. I'm going to actually interview this guy. Just got the email. He's asked for a few simple stipulations;
>I have to alter his voice after the interview. He wants to stay private.
>I can't ask questions about his own personal life.
I think that's pretty fair considering we probably the shit storm of the year on our hands here.
No. 172041
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>>171987>>171987>>171987OH MY GOD SOMEGUY I CANT FUCKING WAIT
Love your videos man…
No. 172045
>>171987Great news, thanks SG827.
I can't wait to see onion's buttmad.
No. 172081
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No. 172101
>>172096that's okay.
We're patient when the reward is going to be so good.
No. 172112
File: 1440975194800.gif (2.95 MB, 555x312, 1402838598563.gif)

Finally, REAL cow shit.
I've been following Onisionshit since forever, and now that this is happening, I can actually cry and die happy.
No. 172138 full interview for those interested. I just listened to the whole thing, it's fucking wild.
I'm hoping we see a response from Onion soon.
No. 172142
>>172138This is gonna be epic.
But who is onion boy?
No. 172145
File: 1440986883272.png (35.84 KB, 622x328, jess.PNG)

Lainey's ex-girlfriend, Jess, telling everyone she dumped her boyfriend of 6 years for a married woman with a child.
No. 172146
>>172142>>172143onision looks like onion.
& I'm gonna just say it.. he probably smells.
No. 172149
The recording is epic btw, only 10 minutes into it.
A bit hard to understand Michael though.
No. 172151
>>172149yeah he is a bit. Like I can get it when I listen, I hope later there can be a transcript of something of what he says.
also can I just say that high school anon sounds like a super likeable guy?
No. 172152
>>172151Took long enough for a decent copy to get rendered. Basically I pulled his audio stream from my phone when he called and mine was just from my own mic. Sorry if it came out kinda quiet. I think the modding on his voice didn't help with that either.
All in all though…this was fucking surreal. I felt that he was pretty damn legit during the call. He didn't really seem like the type to just make all of this up…
No. 172154
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>Could be watching VMAS
>Listening to this while surfing /cgl/
No. 172155
>>172152maybe next time you can call him on skype & just record the screen & rip the audio? idk if that would help at all. might make it clearer. It's pretty good though, he's not totally garbled.
Nice job! This really is going to rustle gerg's jimmies.
No. 172157
This is totally unrelated, but I just got the news that Wes Craven has died. I think most people who my content know I was a fuckhuge fan of his movies. God damn man…sad news.
>>172155I'll consider doing that. It might make things easier.
No. 172491
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>>172395Agreed. English isn't my first language, even though I have a good grasp of it, I couldn't understand some things he said because of the voice distortion… Subtitles would be greatly appreciated :3
No. 172573
>>172395I propose that since SG was nice enough to do the interview, we each take sections to do the transcript of.
I will do the first 10 minutes. Any other people want to help?
No. 172618
First ten minutes of HSAnon interview. I'm not good at transcriptions. Please forgive me.
SG: Ok so here we go. Alright. Ladies and Gentlemen, I… I almost don't have words to describe how I'm feeling right now. I'm amazed at what is about to go down that you're gonna listen to. I've said this for years in videos before. I've been waiting a long time for somebody who went to school with our old friend Onion Boy to come forward and talk about what he was like. And that is exactly what this guy has done. For those that don't get what is going on, the guy that I'm about to interview who goes by the name Michael, claimed that in a thread last night on a random imageboard that he went to school with Onion Boy, and laid out some of the most insane, crazy stuff that I've ever heard since the friggen Chris-Chan drama, that whole saga. And he emailed me this morning saying "look, aside from those posts I wouldn't mind talking to you about it" and actually managed to confirm that yes, he did go to school where he says he went to school. So I've been able to confirm that. He's given me a few stipulations here, so if you hear satan speaking to me in this, he's asked me (after the interview) to modulate his voice, and that's what you're gonna hear. So, let's get into this without further ado! And there's a link to his postings in the original thread in the description box below that you can check out. So yeah, let's get into this without further ado. Introduce yourself!
HS Ok yeah, my name is Michael and I went to school with Gregory Jackson, who is known as Onision, all the way through my freshman year to my graduating senior year.
SG: So, we're not gonna cover your personal life because you even told me before the interview that that's out of bounds, so we're not gonna do that.
HS: correct
SG: So what was he like? What are some of your earliest memories of onion boy in high school?
HS: in the beginning he was always the quiet, somewhat awkward kid who would have the occasional loud outburst in class over something he thought was funny, but no-one else did. Teachers never really liked him for doing that, and the more they got angry with him for doing it, the more he seemed to continue to just do it. Basically the best way to explain how he was then is just look at how he is now. Not as intense.
SG: So basically trying to be the class clown, but just failing on his face every time?
HS: Right. Right. Exactly. I don't know if he knew he was being unfunny or not, but the teachers got mad at him all the time because he just, he wouldn't stop. He would interrupt class all the time to make some stupid joke about farts or just something incredibly immature, and he often got kicked out of class for it actually. I remember a few times he got kicked out of class for it. And he ended up just getting mad at the teacher. And the more often they would try to reprimand him for doing this, the more often he would do it. I guess that was in his mind his way of rebelling.
When things got really awkward for Greg is around the time he got interested in some girls he knew at the school. Now I know that him and Skye have known each-other for a very long time. They knew each-other since about 2000-2001, and I want to make something clear right now (I don't think I made that very clear in the thread last night) this is sort of secondhand information. Now, I know people that they know, and this is what they've told me. So, you have to take this all as you will. I'm just kind of dumping this off my conscience because of how long of all of this for years, and after getting curious from seeing some videos of him of what became of him. This is one of the reasons why I'm doing this. The biggest problem he has always faced in his life - it seems even now, and it was then - is that he is a massive cheater. He never seems to make true commitments to any of the women that he gets with now, and certainly not then. When he was seeing a couple different girls at school it was because he was seeing one and not telling the other. And I just I never understood how he could so easily do that. He was more upset all the time that he got caught…
SG: So it was more of like a huge ego trip for him..
HS: Right, right. He was more upset at the time that he got caught rather than that he was doing this to them in the first place. I know that it's something cheaters tend to do, they'll just pass the book off and pass the blame…
SG: Or just deny it entirely
HS: Exactly. They'll pass the book off and pass the blame on someone else for… I mean, this was just almost every other week until he got serious with Skye.
SG: So he'd only see girls a week at a time? That's insane I mean how does somebody do that. So basically what you are saying is that he would see a girl for a very brief period of time and just kind of get bored and go find somebody else?
SG:That's crazy…
HS: That website that you dug up a long long time ago. Every girl that he listed on there as an ex girlfriend, the reason why he even put them up on that site in the first place is because he has never ever let go of them.
SG: haha wow…
HS:He would follow those girls around school, he would follow them around in their personal life. It wasn't until he got serious with Skye that he actually physically left them alone. He would still write about them a lot. We would see postings of poetry on our schools bulletin board that were basically love letters to those girls. And he wouldn't tell his girlfriend about it. And this little circle of friends, we were always mind boggled about this. It's just so abnormal for somebody to be so hung up on a person they wronged, and then in one breath will tell you that they're the worst person in the entire world, and this goes into some moralities that he has… but let's save that for the moment. He would go into how they're the worst person in the world, and then in the next breath he would say they are the most beautiful shining pillar of light ever… That they fill his life with so much meaning, and it seems like when I am actually reading about this girl in this book he had written, he's never left that mentality behind. We had to deal with this mentality all of the time, and once he started getting more into girls, once he started dating more around the school before he got serious with his now ex-wife, it was a nightmare. It was a nightmare for those who knew what he was doing.
SG:MY god. That just sounds like it must have been absolutely insufferable to put up with, I mean how did you guys deal with that? Also, you spoke about his "odd moralities". This is something that I have pointed out like a million million fucking times in my videos, that his moral code is just so bizarre. Could you go into how that was in high school?
HS: Yeah. It wasn't much different than it seems to be now, really. He had this incredibly strange perception that cigarettes, alcohol, drugs were… what could I even compare it to… They were worse than murder, honest to god. I don't even know where anybody could get such an anti… His moral views are just hard to put into words. He absolutely thought he was better than everyone else because he'd never tried a cigarette, he'd never tried smoking weed, never taken a drink of alcohol. Now to everyone else, we didn't care. No-one really cared about those sort of things. But he actually used those things as some sort of moral superiority, like he was purer than everyone else. That he was cleaner than everyone else. And it was insane because he was was putting himself as better than other people, when they themselves had never touched any of those things either. He would more or less weigh people up on how they looked, how they acted. And use that as the sole basis for judging them as people. Even then, in the girls reading of the book, he's just… In that book he is literally documenting exactly how he was in high school, and we all experienced nothing different. It was funny, because when he got very, very into this veganism thing (and I talked about this last night in the thread) he would intentionally start fights with people about it.
SG: Holy shit, are you serious?
No. 172622
>>172582Mr Nation, you should learn to use the internet. You can remove your name/email from the fields and actually be anonymous. If you would like respond to a post, you click the "no. xxxx" in the top right corner, and it comes up like >>xxxx.
I did the first 10 minutes, pretty proud of myself even if I messed up in parts.
No. 172660
>>172651nice. The time marker's are good too, makes it a bit more organised.
So I formatted the text a little & the doc's good to go.
Anyone who's bored & wants to help out can just write out the transcript directly into the doc & it'll save.
No. 172662
>>172660Thanks, anon!
I haven't made a google doc before so I wasn't sure if I had done it right.
Is there a way to view previous renditions in case someone gets pissy and clears the whole thing?
No. 172676
>>172553>>172561What is this, the shift-the-blame-away-from-gerg internet defense course?
Yeah, Lainey is dumb, but she was only 16, just a kid, when gerg took her under his wing. She couldn't have been very smart in the first place if she liked his videos, and it's not like he's gonna motivate her to get any sort of education or provide her with any intellectually stimulating conversation. People feel bad for her because she has a kid now and is pretty much stuck. We saw how he pretty much crucified Skye over paying alimony (AKA slavery) and it's not like getting a job flipping burgers would be enough to finance a child. You sound jealous tbh.
No. 172686
>>172666There isn't much planning to be done. The way I've set up the table/time markers, it doesn't have to be done in order, and people can just work on it when they feel like it. I'll probably come back and do a bit more later.
>>172660 does the formatting when people add stuff (she seems to know how to use a google doc pretty well), we'll be good to go!
No. 172769
We've only got about 10 minutes left to do of transcript. I've set it so you can save the file to your computer (or at least I tried). Might be a wise idea to do so after you update it in case Gerg or someone gets ahold of it and deletes all of our hard work.
Even if you don't have time to assist with typing out transcripts, there are some red areas of text highlighted in the original document along with a time. It would be very useful if you could listen to the words at those times and see if they match what has been typed - if you are 100% sure, please edit to the correct text and remove the red! It might be easier for someguy to do this by checking the original audio rather than satan-Michael voice. No. 172775
>>172769Whoop! It's almost done!
Someone is working on the final five minutes as I type!
No. 172788
>>172786Probably just butthurt from the interview. He has already responded about the thread HS anon says he's a cheater and he told cheaters to kill themselves but is still here or something.
No. 172913
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>>29986>>72876Gerg is about as unfunny as Peter Coffin.
No. 172936
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I was watching this creepy obsessed guy film called "Dark Desire" earlier and the actor (Nic Robuck) looks like a mixture of Onision and Dexter.
No. 172947
>>172936Maybe it's the fact that guy looks like he actually showers and
probably doesn't prey on teenage girls, but I think he's a shit-ton more attractive than Onion
No. 173016
>>172977Nothing, he is tweeting how beautiful his wife is and something about supporting gay marriage.
The only tweet that implies he knows about this is:
>Tell me my flaws, remind me of the bad times, it's all part of me.>Why pointlessly run from who you are?>You can't escape yourself.Ye except you run and lie, onion
No. 173041
>>172947I think it's the eyes/brow.
This guy doesn't look like an angry rapist.
No. 173445
>>172986As for Skye no one has confirmed it. Just that he has a second kid and its possibly it's her's and his.
Let me make this clear. No one…. I mean no one should seek out Skye to find out. Let's respect her privacy. I am not saying you are but the warning needs to be out there. The girl has been through a lot. Let us leave her be to heal and find a better life. Aj to this day STILL gets death threats from his fans.
As for HS anon I don't know or think he will come back.
No. 173953
>>173936Haha, I've been wanting to know this also.
I think they're just not from here and don't understand that no one actually uses names. Same with the person who puts a subject in all of their posts.
No. 173999
>>173936I am not so fucking important. But I have been around for this shit a pretty long damn time. For all intensive purposes I say some of this shit because some people get way to curious.
That some people who follow this Onision crap want their questions answered so bad they become just as bad as the Onion fans.
In the past, when Onision Drama Tumblr had is own popular TC shit got out of hand. I have watched enough crap go down in both camps to help others. I also reiterated what people have previously said.
It's great that HS Anon filled the drama monster for a while but lets face it that's all that it did. It's back down to gossip and hypothesis central.
No. 174021
>>173999nice job missing the point. Now let's try one more time, why are you namefagging as snowy when everyone else is anon?
Are you really so new that you don't realize you don't need to fill out that bullshit before you post?
No. 174129
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>>174021Will people cut out this whiny faggotry about names and "muh secrit klub". It's kinda ruining this thread.
>>174029No one gives a shit about anonymous. I mean if you're the type of person actually browsing a lolcow imageboard in a Guy Fauxe mask I almost pity you. I tripfag halfchans /x/ all the time, who cares. Why does is rustle you so badly someone uses a name, but at all when I or HSAnon uses names? Consistency bruh.
No. 174133
I still find it sad that Shiloh catches a lot of crap about the lies. Apparently, He threatened to sue her if she told anyone it wasn't true about the loss of memory. Thats why when she went on to AOD's (Alliance of Demons) youtube she was pretty sketch with her interview.
She told several people she was scared of Greg. Part of her issue is none of her moderators distinguished themselves on her fan page…. (Moderator came one saying they posted the premie baby.) They were from his forums and the premie was put up by one of them and she was told to go through with it or else. This is back when Shiloh called someone from the anti-o community fat for always saying things about her. Then went the person went nuts on her and Shiloh got the girl fired from her job. (Lot more to it and yes Shiloh was not nice at that time. Couldn't handle the stress and pressure. This is TL;DR of several months.)
The group, or someone the girl knew, part of apparently sent Shiloh's nudes to her employer at the time. Mind you it didn't work against Shiloh.
>>174039Story above explains some shit that happens.
No. 174477
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Someone told Taylor uh ohhhh.
No. 174539
>>174129lawl, you and HSANON were relevant to the conversation. Snowy is just bringing undue attention to themselves and their bad grammar.
As an /x/ poster, shouldn't you like Greg's mom more?
No. 174540
>>174129because the name draws attention and distinguishes yourself. who the fuck is snowy? Why is it necessary to know that all the posts are from the same person.
>>173936 No. 174556
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I think he is referring to the anti-onion rumors or something
No. 175093
>>174548I think this one came from some "insider" telling anti-o that Lainey and Onision have 2 kids together, and that the first kid isn't even called troy and the second kid is called jaq… something. It turned out to be BS.
>>174556I don't know when this is from, but it looks like when people used to call Lainey Lamp/Lampo
No. 175114
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No. 175149
>>77487Banana destroys Onion.
I don't even like AA, man, but that was pretty good.
No. 175234
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>>175163I thought about watching those but I don't want to give his views and he's probably spilling excuses and lies as usual. Onion looks old as fuck and Lamey has her face caked on makeup. Nothing new either :(
No. 175396
>>175164"I made all these videos about cheaters, meaning I would never be capable of cheating!"
Fucking hell that logic is dumb.
He didn't debunk any rumors whatsoever lol.
No. 175534
>>175532tbf it does sound like your average bjork track
if he starts donning a swan suit and covers his balls in applesauce he might make it big
No. 175545
>>175539not even though really anon, you can't tell with the voice manip either way
it just sounds like her doing her kooky shit
No. 175588
>>175532he's so transparent. This is around the time him and shiloh were starting to get together right? He's making cool emo music like shiloh did.
now he's an attention whore like hsi current wife is
No. 175822
>>175114wait did he make that?? tell me thats fan made
No. 175831
>>175532i watched that whole thing with my hands over my mouth saying out loud "tell me this is satire"
aaaand i'm home alone
No. 175846
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fuck. i have never seen a more likely candidate for a school shooter
No. 176166
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Goddamn he's ugly without hair