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No. 22948
Someone please post some screens of the original cgl threads.
>>22944Yes,share the lulz with us.
No. 22952
>>22951Yeah I was born yesterday.
Actually I'm premature, I'm still going through the gestation period and I'm typing this from my incubator.
This thread is bad and you should feel bad.
No. 22954
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Kamui and the German Cosplay Championship judges are bullshit.
No. 22957
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>>22956Whoops, forgot the image.
No. 22959
>>22951Would like some more caps and deets on this.
>>22956>>22957Wait, so she really expects Blizzard to hire her just because she cosplays their shit? Hired for what? Does she even have any experience in video games?
No. 22963
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>>22959She also got butthurt after being called out for cosplaying from games she hasn't even played and wrote a sob story about how ~I don't have time for games I'm so busy making costumes and spending time with my family~. She continuously did this on /cgl/ as well, whenever she was criticized it took like 3 minutes for her to appear and start making up sad excuses for her shitty attitude and craftsmanship. Now she just tripdrops to whiteknight herself.
Kamui used to be really popular in /cgl/ back in the times she did tutorials and wasn't sucking Yaya's butthole. Then she lost all self-control and started writing long rants about how she's entitled to fame and popularity and now all her costumes are the same T&A shit everyone else is doing to keep her name afloat. And because everyone is doing the same fantasy worbla armor she got famous for she sinks into the crowd. It's like a washed-up actor who only became popular for some stupid gimmick that got old and they can't accept it.
No. 22967
>>22957Aww, I guess her stint with promoting the WoW TCG doesn't count.
>>22966On WoW, level 12 can be accomplished in two hours max (without heirlooms and shit). That's fucking nothing. If you're such a fucking ~huge fan~, you would play the game in its entirety.
No. 22970
>>22969Yup. I'm glad someone made a thread for Kamui. She's been a lolcow for a while. She used to make such nice impressive work and did actually introduce me to worbla when I was still using only craft foam and wonderflex methods. (Which are still great imo)
I liked being introduced to worbla, but people worshipped her and I never got why. Then I saw all her drama on /cgl/ and her respect points went to zero. She doesn't even play the games she cosplays from. Fuck her. She's a whiny brat who's husband does all the impressive paint jobs. She isn't anything special and I was shocked she was a guest at Katsucon this year.
No. 22974
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>>22973she "have mastered the gender bend!"
No. 22977
>>22938Fahrlight is fucking comedy gold.
>>22963I will say on a sidenote to this, I have played games for years and still get criticism from people for stupid reasons. I went to a con dressed as Ashe from LoL and someone was chatting to me and was a dick because I said I was only silver in ranked. I've also had criticism out of cosplay too when i've spoken to people about how much i've enjoyed a game and put time into it, yet if i've not done a certain thing in it, i've got shit. However, I do understand the backlash against Kamui.
No. 22980
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>>22973>>22974>>22975Her real name which she tried so hard to hide.
Most likely her filthy rich father based on the little things we know about him from Koji: No. 22981
>>22957I heard rumours a few years back that Blizz were vaguely investigating the avenue of employing her, but never did. Even if she's the best cosplayer, it's still going to be an investment employing somewhere who lives thousands of miles away from where your company is based.
>>22979You sound exactly like the kind of asshole
>>22978 is talking about. I'll never understand why anyone is so desperate to shit on what everyone else is playing. If you don't like it, don't play it, move on with your life.
No. 22985
>>22982>>22983Oh wow I remember the gold leaf story, wasn't this the person who also shooped out binding/tits on mermaid cosplays? Good fun.
Jelly of the rich family but not her ugly mug's genes tbh.
No. 22992
>>22977>Fahrlight is fucking comedy gold.Can someone post some drama about Fahrlight? I'm not into Cosplay so I missed all that drama.
I also remember the drama about her being a ~legit published artist!!!~ with her totes not Shota!!1 Anti-Shota manga, but I can't find the cgl thread. Does anyone have more caps on that?
No. 23000
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Didn't Kamui also try to sue a German company for publishing a book on worbola techniques because ~she is the worbla princess~ who developed all known worbola techniques and owns them all?
Kamui seems better than some other cosfamers, but she is pushing hard to be a 'professional' and it's hard to take her seriously. The stuff that her husband and her make looks fine enough on it's own, but she always modifies all armor to be the same basic bitch bikini pattern that she uses for every single outfit, only few are actually accurate, and none of it is 'professional quality' stuff. Also, for her trying to flaunt that Riot hired her a week after she had announced her first Riot costume: Part of that was to make a Valkyrie Leona during Gamesconf in their booth, instead Kamui spend the weekend working on Dani Moonstar, not very professional. For all of her bitching at Blizzard: Blizz commissions costumes a props from a professional Hollywood prop shop for Blizzcon, they don't hire cosplayers. Why do they think they'd hire her all those years when they already have professionals who do much better work on call?
They did finally hire her to do Gamesconf (guess because it was overseas, or maybe just because Riot did it) but her sewing is sub par for a professional (see pic). Gun and armor bits are alright, but she should really step up her game if she's going to post salty, passive aggressive shit about not being hired.
No. 23002
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>>23000I thought her being hired by Riot and her dreams of being a booth cosplayer coming true were cool. I mean, if she's happy, it doesn't bother me. I can't forgive that dress being mirrored though. I mean, come on, you are the official cosplayer, at least pretend to have looked at the reference
No. 23004
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No. 23008
>>23006I would have never known about worbla if I hadn't come across her. Even the company website is promoting her and her books. To try and talk as if she hasn't at least popularised it's use or promoted sales would be an understatement.
The reason she's been talking about how people are "taking her ideas" isn't just to do with the methods. It's because people are trying to act as if writing a book about similar topics was their own original idea, when quite blatantly they're doing it to ride the wave she's created. She has been very open about the fact that you don't need to buy her books to find the info. Most of it is completely open, both on her social media and now more widely across the internet from other cosplayers. I don't blame other people for wanting to try and get their own publications noticed, but they shouldn't have to ride on other people's coattails to do it.
I'd like to note, I don't even particularly like her as a cosplayer, her style just doesn't interest me at all. However, I can empathise with her grievances, because i'd be pissed if people were doing something ONLY because I was doing it.
No. 23010
>I would have never known about worbla if I hadn't come across her.I agree, she helped popularize worbola, but I don't think that gives her ownership or grounds to sue anybody over techniques. Like a lot of people I first was introduced to resin from Amethyst Angels casting tutorial, and my first foam armor tutorial was the one on entropyhouse. At the time other tutorials were still scarce, but it would be silly to think either one owns those respective techniques. Most people also probably wouldn't know about floor mats as a good eva source if it weren't for Punished Props, and he has his foam smith series of books, but I'd hardly think he has any grounds to 'own' the techniques.
> people are trying to act as if writing a book about similar topics was their own original ideaShe isn't the first person to release a book on cosplay methods either. Punished Props has some of his foam smith books out before her first book. WMArmory has his painting one out before her painting book. Volpin mentioned he was working on his before Kamui published her first one though he spent a couple of years on it so it was released after.
Those are the only people I can remember by name who released books before her, but I have heard of other people talking about working on their own cosplay books, even if they never finished, the idea was already out there. There is defiantly a couple of people who are doing it only because they saw Kamui making money off of it (Meepy for one) but Kamui is not the first, if anything, she got the idea from Bill (who is probably not the first either, but he is in her social circle and was before her).
Either way, she should stand on the merit of being good, not being 'first'. Even if she was really first, it isn't worth much in my opinion.