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No. 289978[Reply]

Kiki has finally slithered out from hiding and graces us with our presence!

Why now? Whats going on in Kiki's life? Has she found a new jap boy toy? Is Cathy shoving the selfie stick in her face telling her monkey to make some dollars? Does this mean we'll get new videos? New blog/ website?! (rip lilkitten).

1206 posts and 157 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 304551

that's just standard mac screenshot naming

No. 304552

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Kiki fans / experts, do you think this image could be of her? It's at the highest res available and is from August this year. A theory's being floated in the Margo thread, read there if you'd like some background to what we're asking. I'm interested in anons who know her face well (note: this person was attempting to disguise themselves in this pic).

No. 304553

Pretty sure admin-sama confirmed that Kaka was mad jealous of Taylor and that she was super convinced one of the mods was Taylor which is why Admin-sama had the TaylorR name in chat just to fuck with her

No. 304559

she said something like Taylor or Taylor's parents had paid off or scared off admin successfully. she was jealous of that I guess, wished she could have the same?

No. 304564

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>anon suggesting there is anything interesting or evidential about the idea of a hurricane and how someone's tweets might be affected by it

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No. 257458[Reply]

Thread #1 >>51365
Thread #2 >>147888
Thread #3 >>211596

Nicole "Sheena" Duquette "Oum" is a cosplayer from Vancouver, BC who dropped everything to move to Austin, TX so she could sleep her way into RoosterTeeth. She "married" Monty Oum, something that was only revealed after Monty was in an coma following anaphylaxis caused by a treatment for his cat allergy, after first hooking up with him PAX 2013. It's highly suspected they only married so she wouldn't get deported because no one knew about their marriage (including Monty's family). It's also worth noting that the reason Monty was being aggressively treated for his cat allergy is because Nicole decided to bring home a stray.

After Monty's death, she took thousands of dollars worth of donations for his care and funeral and went on vacation in England with Jnig, flaunting her new purchases the whole way. After returning, she used more money to get giant fake boobs despite having "severe" scoliosis that she uses as an excuse for pity.

She is currently living in LA, despite being in the country not as a legal citizen, and not being allowed to have a job in the country. She is a Twitch booby streamer, sells prints of herself waering costumes she bought, and fame whores herself at every con that will let her. The costumes she actually makes herself are hilariously poorly stitched and sculpted. She also posts endless photos of the little murder weapon she decided to keep and name Mr. Noodle, and even sells merch of the fucking cat.

One of her nastier habits is shit talking every "friend" she has behind their back, which provides endless liters of milk for us.

Let us continue to watch her sociopathic attempt at ~cosplay fame~ as she desperately attempts to become both Kelly Jean and Jessica Nigri
1213 posts and 173 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 305193


Only the best for her minions I mean fans

No. 305239

Ugh, she looks horrible as Mercy and that red lipstick again- fucking heinous. I get that she can't sew, so that explains the jacked up craftsmanship, but can't she get something as simple as the shade of lipstick right?

No. 305248

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No. 305251

>>305248 LOL THAT BOTTOM MIDDLE IMAGE. the person getting that better not have a gf

No. 305252

so…did her boyfriend take these?

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No. 301835[Reply]



Old thread : >>297301
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No. 303400

What I mean is that he could've actually posted it, so her saying she didn't post it could be true even if the screenshots came from different IPs. Just an idea though.

No. 303401


She already tweeted that she only saw the screenshot and she was "stupid" for believing it.

No. 303402

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No. 303403

I did try and line up the features with the original guys, but then it looked too small. In this one the eyes are in p much the same position, mouth is a bit off but yeah, guess it must just be his fat head and tiny features.

Post a picture of AJ and I'll see what I can do, I'm bored of trawling through faces and sleep is catching up to me.

She posted those panicky tweets before smithereens Jim posted them to twitter tagging everyone, so she's bullshitting or she lurks hard and saw them posted here and IMMEDIATELY tweeted about it. Either way, it's telling af.

No. 303404

"I saw the screenshot floating around" hi lainclone nice to see you lurk here

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No. 49105[Reply]

Lisa Marie Carrick
>autistic "anorexic" asexual with tourettes
>gains following for being autistically obsessed with Star Trek and Vulcans
>posts pics of self harm
>starts dating 42 year old man who apparently abused her, she was 22 I believe
>becomes drug addict/junkie
>complains a lot and is always coddled
>"alien babe"
>was a sjw for a while

Tumblrs: http://vibrant-oxymoron.tumblr.com
Instagram: vibrantoxymoron

From bio: Artist. Feminist. Angry. Neurotic. Semi-derelict. Addiction and ED recovery. Nine piercings. Autism Spectrum, Tourette's. Alien babe at her wit's end/asexual grimey punk
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No. 303145


A friend happened across this and let me know. It's super funny because I am made out uo be some drug luring creepy old guy by people on the intent hiding behind anonymity and lies. Hard to defend ones actions when people can say whatever they wish to. Lisa sought me out not I her. She was already a drug addicted manipulative attention seeker. I saw a cute talented sad soul who genuinely made me believe she liked me. She boasted before we dated…I found out later…that she is the best liar in the world. She was stealing her sisters rivaling already and snorting it before we smoked a reefer. The weed helped her ticks. They went away and she was happy. She brought home a book her manager at Canadian Tire Unicity gave her called DMT The Spirit Molecule. Her getting into drugs was not caused by me. She wanted drugs before during and after our relationship. She is an attention seeker obviously. Just like those here that post post post to satisfy some internal need to hurt people. Sad thing is they don't even know the people they hurt.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 303162

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This thread hasn't been active for a year.

No. 303169

>"A twenty-something girl just fell onto my dick, I was the victim in all this!"

No. 303248

dude, how has nobody called this girl out on all the blatant same fagging she did in this thread? i bet she made it about herself in the first place. majority of these posts are her talking about her life and pretending to be interested.

No. 304161

this girl lives in my city and before her drug problems all the beta boys swooned over her lmao

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No. 232595[Reply]

40 year old neckbeard trying to make a career out of Youtube drama news, but is too busy shoving popcorn in his mouth to do any actual research.

>Makes videos about Youtubers telling people to kill themselves and then proceeds to do the same thing.

>Beat his girlfriend during a stream.
>Told his fans that he didn't care about them and that he hopes they die from cancer.
>Falsely accused a 62 year old man of being pedophile and almost ruined his life.
>Likes to get his 13 year old fantards to harass other Youtubers and streamers.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KEEMSTAR
239 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 296749

No. 302969

After this video was uploaded it seems many leafy fan girls are bailing ship and swimming back to keem.

TL;DW leafy is a snake (surprise surprise), doesn't credit the people who do all the editing work on his videos, is to much of a pussy to make his own rebuttal videos (to idubbbz and others) and that him and grade were the ones that actually back stabbed keem.

The leafyishere tumblr tag is just full of fangirls crying their eyes out and feeling sorry for keem.

Keem is playing the victim card hard and hamming it up real thick on his twitter. Expect to see a resurgence in his presence within the drama mix of youtube.

No. 302974

Ooof course. Every single time that eCeleb drama goes down and one of them is exposed in this way all of the fickle little fangirls always go crawling back to whoever the previous "big thing" was even if they were always equally as much a piece of trash. They just want to get off the bandwagon that just fell into quicksand.

No. 302976

new thread over in snow now

No. 302978

They say women are the oozing with drama but faggots like Keem, Leafy and Vexxed the Virgin fucking kill that stereotype as dead as the dinosaur.

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No. 259061[Reply]

Please note: This isn't a GG/GamerGate thread. So try to stay on topic!

Don't know if any of you have followed this hilarious drama, and I haven't been able to follow it all but there's a massive expose thread on kiwi.farms (will link below) with tons of dirty drama. It's all over the internet too, and shit's on fire. Definitely one of the biggest cows I've ever seen.

>Pro-pedophilia weeb "gamer gurl" worked as PR for Nintendo

>Warned and demoted by Nintendo many times for rape opinions and slutty tweets
>Gets harassed by GamerGate for being pro-pedophilia (see post below)
>Gets fired by Nintendo & The internet goes insane due to already hating GG
>Nintendo tries to claim she wasn't fired due to harassment
>Alison said it was because she was moonlightning (working another job despite her contract with Nintendo)
>Turns out Alison Rapp was actually a sex escort under the name "Maria Mint" (recent discovery), proof will be posted below
>Finally almost everyone realize why she was fired (GG must have told Nintendo)
>Anon digs up (not doxxed, it was RIGHT there, under her alias Maria Mint) nudes and other stuff form her escort website
>White knights still refuse to believe it is true, despite the evidence 150% supporting the fact that she's basically a whore
(For instance, piercing & tattoo match, even the lense ID on her camera matched up 100%)
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No. 300342

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No. 300344

spoiler this shit

No. 300363

No. 300448

no tattoos, not her, false alarm

she still sells nude prints for $300 dollars, and the Maria Mint site is back up

No. 300627

Good for him. A little more and she would force him to go through sex changing surgery for progressive points.

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No. 297919[Reply]

Our heroine Margo remains ensconced in her plywood cubicle at Tetris House in tokyo. She gets crunk with fellows hobos by night, and stalks venus at YouTube Tokyo Space by day.

Margo is out of copyright seizing options in regards to the venus angelic channel, but she did her best to make the fat beta vexxed do her dirty work. He brazenly spread margo's lies and sneeded at a decade sent by venus's management…

.. before having a VERY rapid change of heart today. Taylor has been hanging with venus. The lost keem army swarmed her comments, Taylor defended venus, and then vexxed showed up and acted like he never started this drama, and full of remorse.

Will margo run into venus in tokyo? Will vexxed issue a retraction and throw margo to the wolves, just as she did to him? Will the plywood palace of hobos light on fire, saving the world from a schizo narc? Join us as we follow the greatest jung wooman in japan on her quirky adventures!

Last thread:
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No. 300152

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I'm thinking Blue Lexus man is the one who went to hospital? I certainly hope it wasn't a sex-related heart attack!

Remember when we though Papa Ferenc was in Japan, then he posted the hospital pic? >>>/pt/289220

Knowing what we do now, how about that drink at the Royal Garden Cafe being a repost from Margo sending them an account of her date? Then the hospital pic also being based on news from her?

No. 300156

oh and reminder of the drink caption translation:

"Tanabata tomorrow!
Limited seven at lunch time in the Royal Garden Cafe Nagoya,
It provides "Milkyway jelly".
Milky Way the image of a, coffee jelly, orange jelly,
We finished with three layers of lemon jelly.
Please enjoy all means you a sense of the season full of lunch dessert."

No. 300159

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Know locations visualised:
Lake Yamanaka
Shizuoka Hospital

No. 300168

I'm pleased it's sorta been proven that they weren't the ones to finance her ticket to Japan. We liked her family for supporting Venus while showing disapproval for Margos actions but when she popped up in Japan we were really side eyeing them for encouraging her. I'm glad they've been vindicated.

No. 300169

Good work archiving everything, lol
So here's what I think happened: morge was hanging around London after having run there after hamburg jassy kicked her out. She has a rendezvous with poor unsuspecting Mr. Ishikawa July 4-6, then posts the plane selfie July 12 followed by the blue Lexus on the beach pics in Shizuoka on July 14-16. grandpa ferenc posted the Shizuoka hospital pic on the same day as her 1st beach pic, captioned something lime "I hear this is a good hospital," then quickly deleted it (maybe when Zsu saw it?)

I remember wondering at the time if maybe morge was supposed to come back to Hungary from London but turned up in Japan instead, and ferenc was telegraphing something like "you're sick in the head, crazy woman. check yourself into a hospital." It kind of fit, as she seemed to be at the end of her rope mentally and financially in London, then suddenly turned up in Japan AGAIN.. and ferenc kind of threw up his hands at that point?

Just a thought. Most everything is speculation with this crazy mutt anyway, so I thought I'd throw that in. And again, we don't KNOW that she's scheduled to go back to Hungary, all we have is that one prodigal daughter post from grandpa.

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No. 300075[Reply]

Are there any Daria fans still out there?

What do you think her anthem would be? I think it's Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOoClzMvSDk

No. 300078

"I Cum Blood" - Cannibal Corpse


No. 300080

Moved to >>>/b/109810.

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No. 294372[Reply]

Margo is sleeping at Tetris House in Tokyo with 5 other women in a "Semi private" dorm, as she continues her 2016 Stalking Venoos Tour. She managed to snag a few new crazy stans via a certain YT video, which was taken as gospel truth by a bunch of 12 year old edgelords, for they are Margo's people.

Venus is holding tight, and it appears as though Margo is out of options for shutting down her channel are at an end! Sadly, this only makes Margo more furious, and the onslaught of crazy continues. Venus requested screenshots of Margo's abuses over the past 7 months for a response video. Making this video has made her rather depressed, which is no surprise.

Welcome to PalermoLand, where up is down, old is jung, and Margo the THA STAR.

Last Thread

Early drama of Venus leaving Margo:

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No. 297909

that, or that she (margo) legit had rights over them but Venus (being the rich and powerful scheming psycho she is!!!) bribed YT to side with her haha.

Anyways,after showing him tons of ~contundent proofs~, a retard like Vexx could easily be convinced and fell for more lies maggot could tell him.

No. 297910

Jump through the window, vexfag! JUMP!!!

No. 297912

I wonder if he'd still look like shit if he fixed his eyebrows?

No. 297913

Elliot Rodger

No. 297917

Spot fucking on.
This is the type of sperg to go on a shooting spree

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No. 291769[Reply]

>>280274 Last thread.

>Onision continues to make shitty edgy videos.

>Billie is back, we are eagerly awaiting Cuddlegate 2.0
>Pregnant Lainey pretends to be emo and miserable for attention.

What awaits us next in the Cuck Chronicle saga?
1209 posts and 160 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 297294

Oopsies meant this ^

No. 297295

I'm sure they'll slap some bandaid on this blowup and start their fucked up cycle again but their marriage won't last much longer IMO. It would look bad if he dumped her now since she's pregnant, he's just securing his next victim and rubbing it in Laineys face.

I understand why people get frustrated with Lainey because she's an emo doormat but I still feel a little sympathetic for her. If she weren't such a doormat they wouldn't have stayed together this long. And look at Billie, he's treating his wife and family this way and she knows about it. She's got potential doormat written all over her. I know the average teen is pretty dumb but with even a little sense of self worth they would know that the Onion situation is something to back away from.

No. 297296

Yeah. Last time she snapped and took the kids and left I think. All while tweeting "we're done, etc." This time she just seems to be accepting her fate that she's married to a scumbag who doesn't love her. I think she'll just morosely ride it out until she can't anymore. She's what, 7 months pregnant?

No. 297297

I don't think billay is as dumb as Lainey. She's pretty dumb, yeah, but I think she is using all the onion drama to catapult herself to efame. she actually has a life outside of being kept away like a shut in mistress. I can't see her putting up with the kind of lifestyle onion would want for her. I think she's just going to use onion until she's over it, if they really get together.

No. 297298

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Is he talking about Lainey?

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