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No. 186121
File: 1440071344638.jpg (159.17 KB, 574x906, paigeisatitagain.jpg)

She's pretty lolcow worthy herself
No. 186123
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the patterns themselves
No. 186124
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No. 186125
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No. 186127
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>>186121The funny part is that the kind of people complaining about this, probably fully supported "Je suis Charlie", you know….supporting artistic freedom.
This isn't fat shaming, bitch, it's artistic freedom.
No. 186133
File: 1440087382336.jpg (62.65 KB, 400x319, rugrats.jpg)

These designs remind me of Rugrats. Those sort of psychedelic patterns in quirky old cartoons.
I think you could kind of get away with the SU one, but the KH and Animu Eyes are the worst of the bunch.
No. 186134
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No. 186137
>>186134 So she has the right to draw fat people all the time, yet she found an issue that another artist used her right to draw the way she wanted and drew a character thinner..dumbass
People draw popular characters in different ways. Add cat ears, gender bender, chop off hair, add pounds, take pounds away, etc. No artist should be confined to drawing every character EXACTLY like the original designer created them to be.
This bitch needs a donut to shut her mouth.
No. 186139
>>186137It used to be okay to draw a character however it fit your style, but now if that "style" doesn't make them fatter/more ugly, then it's unacceptable.
what the fuck happened to artistic liberty??? is it only allowed to please these social justice bitches??? it's maddening to see people get attacked for their art now like NO WHERE IS SAFE
No. 186140
>>186121Is it just me or does Rose Quartz not look super skinny here in the fanart? I can see that the artist elongated her body ( so she's not in the usual stumpy style) but she didn't draw her like a twig. She has clearly defined breasts and hips.
Like, I could maybe understand drawing her with Pearl levels of twiggy or something, but this is so minor. Even then I think it would be silly to bitch. Fanart is fanart, you don't have to like it, it doesn't alter the canon.
No. 186144
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No. 186145
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No. 186147
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No. 186150
>>186143It's crazy she's an art graduate and she's using such lazy patterns to represent her business. I'm assuming she probably did the bare minimum to pass but whatever
Like, you seriously learn how to produce more complex and aesthetically pleasing textiles in high school art at like 14 or 15
The patterns look like something you could knock together in MS paint in a couple minutes and the colours are fucking hideous. The vomit green anime one is my personal favourite.
I'm just so confused
No. 186152
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Yes this is how you hold a gun
No. 186153
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>>186128oh my god your righttttttt
No. 186157
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No. 186158
Probably not as much damage as you're doing to your body by eating a bunch of bullshit 24/7
No. 186162
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>>186161i can finally put a voice to this face
No. 186165
>>186164Have you ever been to an artist ally???
She's just jumping on the bandwagon of leggings and skirts.9/10 looks like shit.
No. 186166
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I really enjoy seeing artists do the "redrawing a scene" exercise, because it's always nice to see a character in their style… Aside from the different coloring, she draws the characters exactly the same and it makes it boring tbh lol. Maybe I'm nitpicking, but she clearly has her own sense of artistic style so why not fuckin use it…
No. 186168
File: 1440125011385.jpg (94.55 KB, 600x450, Georgina.jpg)

Took a look at that kickstarter, and wow, she might actually make her goal.
Anyway, plus size geek fashion would take off really well if there would be someone who knew how to market it and pick prints and cuts that fatties would actually want to wear.
Some "plus size" fashion pet peeves:
>printed skinny jeans/leggings
They're so unflattering unless you're 5'8+
They make short fat girls look like lumpy potatoes.
>circle skirts with no crinoline layer for shape
Otherwise they just sort of hang there since seamstresses tend not to add more necessary fabric to make them fuller to cut costs. They make an obese girl look even bigger in that case.
I think this can be done by someone who has a sense of flattering plus size fashion, has pull in the geek community, and isn't just about making a brand for herself.
Frankly, I'd be surprised if this girl didn't just make a flop 'brand' that doesn't go anywhere while pocketing the extra money.
>tfw actual stylish obesechans like Georgina will never start her own clothing line
No. 186169
Someone who gets it.
No. 186172
>>186170I've seen her wear heels a few times, but I imagine she just has very bad arch support because of her weight.
When I weighed 200 at my highest, nowhere near Georgina's weight, heels would make me sweat because of all the strain I was using to support myself. My toes and palms of my feet would get blistered within the hour just because of the pressure.
No. 186182
>>186168Where is the cute?
Her chin gives jay Leno's competition
No. 186183
No. 186185
>>186170I doubt any high-heeled shoes would withstand her weight for long. Fat girls tend to wear out their shoes at a much faster rate than thin people.
Not to mention the strain on her knees.
No. 186186
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No. 186187
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>>186186So she's ripping off other artists now?
The one on the right is actually cute but what's funny is Paige's art style makes it extra tumblr looking
No. 186188
>>186186uhhhhhh no.
I doubt any of these bitches have even read the comics. She's always been a beautiful goddess.
No. 186191
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No. 186198
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No. 186199
>>186196You know when… you see this kind of shit on tumblr like "I saw a kitten with its mama today, mama kitty was treating its baby so so well! Omg so cute" and "I went to a farm today, I sniffed cute flowers and had tea :>"
it drives me mad
why the fuck do we even care?
why is this important?
No. 186200
>>186178stop making excuses for her
shes fat af
No. 186203
>>186196What's funny is that she once yelled at a girl to grow up because they were crying, and yet she posts pictures of herself crying to her tumblr.
Oh Paige.
No. 186204
>>186199It made me cackle lol so true
>>186197I'm don't have an ounce of weeaboo is and even I am melting at this
>>186192It's not half as bad as some of the stuff I've seen out there. Sjw Twitter is dark and can get weird real quick. (Hint: look for the fat girls with Ying Yang symbols on their names)
No. 186207
>>186196How come tumblrinas are the first ones to snap a selfie when they're having an emotional breakdown???? This never occurred me in one of mine breakdowns. Why would you even.
Also. Look at that face. No ugly crying muscle twisting, puffy redness, etc. You can barely call it a breakdown.
No. 186208
File: 1440369951685.jpg (48.8 KB, 600x774, CNDLQSKWEAEqnuk.jpg)

what the fuck kind of anatomy is this
No. 186210
>>186183Oh god I just noticed that.
how is she even an art school graduate?
No. 186211
>>186120Has this fat cunt not heard of a sewing machine? She can take any design and turn it into a hideous t shirt for her fatty folds to envelop for a fraction of the price skinnies pay in normie shops.
What a self victimizing coont.
No. 186212
>>186152I know this is a drawing, but that gun is really flat and 1-dimensional…
No. 186222
>>186217Fucking hell, I never knew she knew how to sew and
still bitches about not finding clothes that fit
But yeah, basically sewing requires her actually doing stuff, and she'd rather just wear men's shirts and bitch about "oppression" for kickstarterbux from other fatties who can't be arsed either sewing or putting down the fucking fork
No. 186224
File: 1440370811508.jpg (46.37 KB, 600x729, CM0c77vXAAAt6Gn.jpg)

Of course she's a Suzy fan.
No. 186228
>>186152Did I read right? This is from an art school graduate?
Wtf is this shit? In my country they wouldn't even let you in with those
No. 186229
>>186225Because they think that's what they look like.
They think they're "curvy" like Marilyn Monroe and Wonder Woman, when really Wonder Woman and Marilyn Monroe have hourglass figures (the classic definition of 'curves') but have slim waists and obviously aren't fatties
I think that's the same reason so many of them latch onto the rockabilly style. They think they look like pin-up girls.
No. 186230
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No. 186231
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>>186225Wonder woman Is a decent character but I think these sjw chicks forget that the guy that made wonder woman, was a sexist asshole and would even make the women in his family were metal bondage around their wrist and ankles to show that he was dominant.
Long story short these women want to feel empowered.
No. 186234
>>186231Exactly. I guarantee none of these sjw bitches ever read a golden age Wonderwoman comic….or even a wonderwoman comic in their fucking lives.
It's cool to like a character, but know their origin. I'm a huge Batman fan and when people way younger than me go on about batman never killing anyone, only watched the movies, etc, i pull out my old comics like "…Actually…"
No. 186238
>>186208Jesus Christ that's bad
Not to mention a design ripoff of amethyst as well.
No. 186242
>>186208Mini rant about this single piece because I can
It's not just the anatomy that annoys me but also the posture and blatant lack of construction. Wtf is with that leg sticking out - why is it bent? Why are the levels of the feet odd? Where does the ribcage AND pelvis fit in the character? Why do her boobs take up 80% of the length of her torso?
This is a picture drawn as you see it with no thought about the character occupying a 3d space.
I mean just look at that face and nose and mouth and ear and eyebrows (and if I say and one more time I'm going to have a hissy fit). The gem placement is just slapped on, there's no thought to the movement of the character. Just think about a gem that size right under your chin and preventing your collarbones from moving properly. AND THAT HAIR. Imagine having a hairstyle like that, shaved on one side and having to push your hair from the level of your eyebrows over your entire head. Damn.
The lack of logic in tumblr art just irks me. People just draw without thinking about it and it makes me so irritated :/
Also, did I read right - this person went to an art school and graduated recently??? Holy fuck. No wonder people don't take art students seriously lmao
No. 186245
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No. 186246
>>186240That makes the fact she bitches about not being able to fit anything make a little more sense that way.
It'd make more sense for her to just fucking learn how, though. It's not like she'd have to be really skilled, it's easy to alter some thrift store shit or sew really basic tops in nice fabric or with little embellishments sewn on
Although if she's not willing to put the effort into eating less or going for a jog, I doubt she'd learn how to sew.
Who the fuck in their right mind would fund someone's clothing business when said person doesn't even know how to sew? I know she'll probably just get the patterns printed or something, but fucking hell, that seems dodgy to me.
No. 186254
>>186119And it's fully funded.
No. 186258
>>186209they did but they actually wrote about the inane event more than just "went to the mall today with my mom bought a cute top uwu"
I think it's crossover from twitter
No. 186260
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She's pretty gross, reminds me of quirky
No. 186261
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No. 186262
>>186261Gurl its called being chubby.
This is something I can't stand with the fat acceptance thing is you will get shit all over for wanting to lose weight.
No. 186263
File: 1440770142132.png (380.12 KB, 507x398, Screen Shot 2015-08-28 at 16.5…)

>so i debuted my rose quartz costume at otakon this year. it was terrifying and exciting all at the same time!! i felt really self conscious at first but so many people complimented me!! i consider this costume my love letter to steven universe… thank you for giving me beautiful women to cosplay that are my size!!!! ✌
the wig is absolute shit
No. 186264
>>186263Honestly the wig looks like the character.
I hate when people dress as non-anime characters at anime cons though.
No. 186267
>>186264I think I don't like it because the curls are so stretched and look like weird macaroni instead of cylinder-like curls in the show
also, who made the dress? I know for a fact that she didn't make it herself, since the dress is actually probably the best Rose dress I've seen
No. 186268
>>186263Do you follow SU cosplays anon?
Her wig is the first wig for Rose the doesn't look like a ball of matted ass.
No. 186274
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Im just gonna leave this here, fuck right off, and shoot myself in a vital organ.
Btw, Im Lord Sigmar, Sin, U. Nice to glance at you all, if you need me ill be at my twitter that no one reads.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)