File: 1473289152283.png (184.65 KB, 212x382, vex.png)

No. 172043
Youtube : : :
>injected himself into the VA drama, siding with Margo (his new BFF)>Got stomped by VA and Fullscreen and tried to make it seem like he took videos down himself>Claims to hate Keemstar, but is desperate to emulate him>Potentially purchasing YouTube and Twitter followers>Made his own subreddit because he thinks he's that special>Currently raging against Lolcow/Pull No. 172055
File: 1473292404910.png (136.4 KB, 400x222, 149071624096.png)

>>172052his right one looks like a shoe kicking dirt lol
>>172045oh, good. just what we need — more clueless newfags. the comments are so embarrassing. why is everyone on youtube brain-dead?
No. 172058
File: 1473293180850.png (137.98 KB, 375x375, 1446744027056.png)

>>172045Aren't you the ones crying because he insulted your waifu?
>Directly linking to his video and giving him viewsAre you really too stupid to make a .webm or does this shithole not even have .webm or even .mp4 support?
You nigs are supposed to be milking cows, not whiteknighting for youtube sluts.
>>172064He doesn't have a fanbase that dedicated enough
Have you seen how many dicks he sucked to try and get Twitter followers?
No. 172084
File: 1473296999127.png (208.07 KB, 390x293, Screen Shot 2016-09-07 at 6.09…)

>>172077He does have Waardenburg syndrome. He's literally a sped.
No. 172086
File: 1473297236419.jpg (112.36 KB, 212x382, Afaceevenmothercantshoop.jpg)

Posting another shoop because I know how it triggers him.
No. 172089
File: 1473297624862.jpg (194.32 KB, 440x382, gsagaga.jpg)

They look like brothers except Vexxies mom drank a bit too much when having him
No. 172090
>>172086well, he will never be attractive, but at least this edit doesn't
trigger me. OP image needs a spoiler
No. 172093
>>172090I know - I tried so hard but had to accept that I can't unfuck dem bad genetics.
OP picture scares me also, his eyes are floating up his forehead and he has a mouth like a gerbil.
No. 172098
>>172043His video is so pathetic, it actually makes me want to
trigger him more
No. 172110
The thing is, Vexxed says he researched the Venus/Mags issue carefully BEFORE he made the video. So he would have seen how polarizing the whole thing is, and how rabid some of the Fangelics can be.
IF he did research, the he should have been better prepared for the shit storm he was unleashing upon his caterpillar eyebrowed head. He SHOULD HAVE KNOWN, because he said he visited reddit, PULL, and Lolcow to research both sides of the matter. He should have seen how each different platform approaches the whole issue, and all the shade thrown at both sides of the issue.
The mere fact that he is BAWWWWWWing about "Internet boolies!", "more pain then you know" erry day, and people calling him out on his shoddy faux journalism….? Well, that proves he didn't research shit, and he was talking out of his ass the whole time. How the hell could he have researched anything about this whole thing and NOT KNOW that this was all in his future? Just shows that he didn't do any research, and took the info Maggot offered him with open arms and a twinkle of increased views in his tiny wonky eyes.
No. 172116
I love that he brought up a stan / sock comment as proof we're boollies - there was some faggot defending the content theft that he claimed was a supporter who was BANNED for BEING REASONABLE!!!
Dude, they were banned because they were derailing the thread with outright misinformation. We don't let people spread lies here, we're pretty strict about it, honestly. If someone wants to come in and throw around outright lies as fact, we debunk it, and ban them, because we don't let cows run the narrative. We observe, document and laugh.
And because Margo tried and failed to use the exact same ploy against with 90 false copyright claims, and have seen claims that work and why, we know that what the banned commenter said was bullshit, and we don't let people shit up threads with bullshit.
Oh, and by the way, the "I don't care what you say about me! Trolls don't bother me!" phase of a newborn lolcow is one of my faves. Keep crying, bitch.
No. 172121
File: 1473308699272.jpg (113.9 KB, 1920x1080, 1473295637177.jpg)

> i dont care!!!
> spends presumably several hours making a 12 minute video dissecting remarks made among several platforms critiquing his video/character and admits to dedicating an entire day to turning the initial video on and off to spectate the reaction of a few anons ~*~*getting their jimmies TOTALLY rustled!!!~*~*~
> btw guys also i dont care!!! XD!!!
ok fucking retard
No. 172126
>>172086This is close but not quite there
>potato nose>weird yellow skin color>lighten hair to brown>thin out those eyebrowsThen I think he would be acceptable.
No. 172131
File: 1473311869109.jpg (111.74 KB, 233x420, fixedthesperg1.jpg)

how'd i do
No. 172143
File: 1473313445510.png (429.31 KB, 446x394, z.png)

Good enough. No amount of shoop can save him tbh.
No. 172170
File: 1473324141126.jpg (11.74 KB, 247x445, 2W1Jovy.jpg)

guys I solved the shoop problem.
No. 172198
>>172045Lol what a salty faggot
I'm going to give his other shitty video about Venus views in hopes that she gets more money.
I like how even the title is a lie.
>hOW THIS GIRL MADE ME REMOVE MY VIDEO WITH A MILLION VIEWS ;_;>[…]>She collects all the money from the video, but doesn't remove it No. 172218
File: 1473346500938.png (20.58 KB, 756x92, 201…)

>b-but I don't careeeee, venus exposed video is barely the 10th percent of my total views and I'm totally not obsessed with this chick lolololol No. 172235
File: 1473352115696.jpeg (98.42 KB, 750x876, image.jpeg)

FAS really affects the mind too huh vexxie
No. 172238
>>172045Lol what a fucking whiny bitch.
No. 172262
>>172199Agreed. I don't know about PULL but I haven't seen many people on here talking about themselves being NEET. I post here from work a lot.
He's probably in school though and if not he likes to infantilize himself.
Is he a virgin or would Japanese women date this shark looking motherfucker?
No. 172264
>>172263also, sorry for double post, but the comments are quite funny as well. half of them are asking for him to reach out to philip de franco, scarce, etc like that would ever happen.
they wouldn't be bias and side with margo so heavily and literally no one gives a shit. hasn't anyone told him not to feed the trolls?
No. 172269
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No. 172275
File: 1473361058282.jpg (103.23 KB, 856x1141, kek.jpg)

>>172235i love it when cows openly acknowledge that they read here while pretending they don't care
No. 172277
File: 1473361419359.jpg (48.79 KB, 630x370, 1460739754654.jpg)

No. 172284
>>172045I actually decided to watch the video since embeds don't count as views as far as I know. Holy
shit I'm fucking dying!! I've never seen this much butthurt from someone that isn't 12 years old or a fucking retard. He
still refuses to admit he's in the wrong.
"It's the worst pain imaginable!"
Vexxed, you fucking faggot. You cry about the "pain" you're going through and yet, you fucking
taunted Venus on Twitter and made a cyberbullying video just because she ignored your ass.
I'm kekking at how he
claims he didn't make the video without any research. We all know the deal, aspie-chan.
"I did research by reading your summary on Venus Angelic before I made the video! In fact, it was so horribly written that I decided to make my own video that's even more poorly done!" Right…
"I know more about this situation than anyone else!"
Autist, no you don't. Are you Venus? Have you been following this drama for
years like us? NOPE!
He posted obvious troll comments, holy fuck! Chromosome deficiency confirmed.
He doesn't know what thread derailing and baiting is, nothing to be surprised about there.
…Is he 10?
That Emma person got to him so bad, fucking lol. So easiest way to
trigger Vexxfag is to call him out for cyberbullying.
He talks about girls "religiously" following her? Claims he would have "forgotten about Venus pretty quickly" if people didn't call him out on his shit? Fucking please. Vexxfag obviously has a crush on Venus. He acts exactly like an autistic faggot that I refused to date because he was fucking
>"I DON'T CARE!!! I DON'T CARE!!! I SAID I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Gee, he really could've fooled us.
>>172096And the way he talks just confirms (as if there were any doubt) that he made the thread. He's definitely sped.
No. 172285
File: 1473364403213.jpg (11.49 KB, 227x294, Internettoughkid.jpg)

>>172284i haven't watched anything of him purely for the fact i don't wanna see that fucking face, or voice whatever lol but he sounds like the epitome of both "internet tough guy" and "13 year old boy" mixed some FAS
No. 172294
File: 1473366791276.jpg (140.67 KB, 1154x1300, upset-little-girl-bullied-olde…)

>>172284Vex come across as the kid who would harass and taunt the girl who rejected him on elementary school
No. 172305
How exactly are Venus' copyright claims "false" when he stole footage from her channel, which is 90% of the content of his video in order to make money? If that's okay then it should be perfectly fine for me to upload Disney's
The Little Mermaid but mirrored to YouTube and set it up for monetization.
No. 172320
File: 1473371048196.gif (453.51 KB, 238x238, Emilia-Clarke-Eye-Roll.gif)

why the fuck have you made a thread you're giving him more ammo and ultimately what he wants: more attention, more views, more money
all from his hippocracy and now lolcow's hippocracy
No. 172331
>>172329That and with how easily
triggered he is, he's probably over there crying into his deformed pillow. He's not exactly getting a ton of traffic from here, PULL or Kiwi Farms. He only had maybe two idiots from his shitty videos come post here but other than that, it's all him doing vanity checks and crying over TEH BOOLIES.
No. 172386
File: 1473381454963.png (432.25 KB, 647x466, Capture _2016-09-08-17-35-21.p…)

Vexxed's mouth, the way he is straining to cover up his mouth breather posture, kinda reminds me of this guy. Wonder if he has the Marfan's?
No. 172391
>>172295It's not false, you fool. Notice she is not suppressing his right to speech (it;s still up0 she's just claiming the monies from it.
>>172310He had a couple of email screen caps and a generic vid at the end. Let's call it 96% Venus' content. No matter, he has no way out of this claim.
No. 172392
>>172298At first, I was against this thread but having a space to drag him and let his autist supporters run wild now looks to me to be a plus. Plus I made this
>>172170 and it was fun. We can't derail the Margo thread for the sake of this guy.
No. 172420
>>172235Even the worst shoop still looks better than the original. He's either delusional or
triggered and trying to hide it.
No. 172458
>>172392I agree. It's fun as fuck to drag his easily
triggered ass. I said him making a video would be like shotting himself in the face and oh boy, was I right. His comment section, Reddit, Kiwi and here say it all.
No. 172501
File: 1473420022942.png (13.43 KB, 578x207, vexpedo.png)

>exposing a pedo
How about just calling the police you twat?
just let's hope he's not doing a keemstar.
No. 172508
>>172501Such a wannabe Keemstar, that's what got him a ton more subs and views. Calling out random no-name people as pedos who cannot defend themselves.
Inb4 it's about Venus and her husband jokingly calling each other little sister/pet on instagram.
No. 172511
>>172501Is he gonna 'expose' Manaki as a 'pedophile'?
>> I'm going to expose Manaki so Venus will divorce that pedo and marry me. Please someone push him over the cliff, the kid believes every shit Marghooost tells him!
No. 172521
>>172511It's a scary thought. He's very very butthurt over venus getting the revenue from his video, and he no doubt still wants to make Margo happy… she still might suck his dick if he does good.
There is proof to the contrary anyway.
if he does target Manaki like this, I hope he and Venus get the police involved. Vexxed is just a visitor in Japan, he could and get in trouble and risk his visa if he starts a harassment campaign that the police find
No. 172544
File: 1473433048621.jpg (81.88 KB, 540x802, ss (2016-09-09 at 01.25.32).jp…)

I just saw that some fellow kiwifarmer made an absolutely glorious thread with lots of juicy info on him: No. 172581
File: 1473445359405.png (544.29 KB, 613x590, best friend vexxed.png)

Poor vexxed, a fucking idiot from the day he was born until now
No. 172595
File: 1473447296927.jpg (150.27 KB, 452x426, image.jpg)

Can't believe unrested is backing up vexxed, I felt bad when miranda took advantage of him due to his suicide
trigger but this is unforgivable lol
kys scott No. 172614
Unrested's video:
>mentions youtube "censorship" and how it's not his main job and money blah blah
>talks about coming to Japan, how people always ask him how to live and work there
>Americans can't get working holiday visas but everyone else can
>general visa talk, what types there are, a lot of "I don't know maaaan"
>explains you need to speak Japanese to get a job and nobody will take you seriously if you can't(funny that vexxed can't speak it for shit)
>"I have a friend, haha 'a friend', I have another youtuber I watch here in Japan that I have a lot of respect for"
>"he's basically getting cyber-bullied for doing a very very well researched report, this character…Venus ANGELICA"
>mentions her "insane life story" and his "well researched videos"
>his videos are for the betterment for the internet, he's the opposite of Keemstar
>he doesn't start drama, he solves problems.
>Venus lies about her visa and lies to her fans, her fans harass the hell out of him
>"he's clear cut with his information, he's a stand up guy"
>"If there were a good or bad meter on youtube he would definitely be in the good, he would not be a renegade."
>Go give vexxed love and give him positive vibes, tell him good job and unrested sent you.
No. 172628
>>172622He was trying to say Venus was a liar on all fronts, from her "insane" life story, how she's in Japan, who she is as a person.
He's so fucking stupid he kept calling her Venus Angelica. That shows why he respects Vexxed, the two morons do basically no research on anything, even basic facts.
No. 172630
>>172595vexxed deleted his comment telling unrested what a great job he did
pussying out?
No. 172655
I think the funniest, and saddest, thing about this whole situation with the video and Venus (and now Victor and unrested) is that Venus has never said anything to any of these people.
As far as I'm aware she has not once made a public statement, a comment, a tweet, or even mentioned it in a video of her own.
These grown ass men are sitting here calling Venus a liar and picking apart her entire life, her visa status, her relationship status, calling her life insane as if she had any choice in the matter of her mother being batshit crazy, and she's literally done absolutely nothing to any of them.
This goes beyond what any of us do on lolcow or kiwi or even PULL, at least those people have clapped back and deserved being poked at. Venus has done everything someone in her position is supposed to do, ignore and keep her mouth shut.
No. 172685
File: 1473470998477.png (733.8 KB, 1143x786, tism.png)

>>172665idk but we're going to find out eventually. It seems that getting doxed by KF hasn't slowed him down.
No. 172699
>>172696There are multiple people on his twitter saying he should contact authorities, but hes seemingly ignoring them cause hes a journalist and he knows everything.
Gotta get that story and make that money.
No. 172703
File: 1473478962013.jpg (47.88 KB, 189x295, 20160909895916293.jpg)

>>172072How are your standards this low? Like, I understand wanting to fuck Onision, especially when he was a bit younger, but this guy is hideous. The only way he would look like Adam Driver is if Adam Driver was in a horrible accident, maybe involving chemical burns or a car crash.
I tried to save him with facetune. After a couple minutes I got lazy.
No. 172725
File: 1473483288540.png (3.9 KB, 234x146, vexxed3.png)

>>172526>>172536>>172712his YT career in one image
No. 172733
>>172725>>172526>>172536LOL. No wonder he keeps trying to crawl up the J-vlogger community's ass now. He's desperate for the YouTube dolla since he isn't making shit. It's pretty creepy the way he was on Taylor's videos where she and Venus had a girl's day out. He probably fucking wants to stalk and harass her in person and stupidly thinks that community will accept him with open arms. Too bad for his dumbass they're
very well aware of what kind of crazy drama loving lying assholes both he and Maggot are.
No. 172749
File: 1473491737808.png (91 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160910-081413.png)

>>172725>>172712I have no idea how to read Social Blade but does the negative mean he owes money rather than receiving it?
No. 172783
>>172595aaw, the power of youtube friendship♥
reminds me of the good old time when all of this drama faggots where still supporting keemstar because "he's such a honest guy and gave me a shoutout on his twitter"
No. 172826
File: 1473523305412.jpg (85.92 KB, 816x310, photo_2016-09-06_22-12-56.jpg)

Poor Vexxed is gonna miss out on the Jvlogger party. Diddums
No. 172853
File: 1473529212152.png (87.76 KB, 594x541, image.png)

Him being a massive faggot and taunting Venus. "BUT THIS IS JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY!!!!" says the retard.
No. 172858
File: 1473529413624.png (23.7 KB, 471x239, image.png)

No. 172859
File: 1473529663550.png (101.62 KB, 540x960, image.png)

Starts a cyber bullying campaign then makes
>>172045 crying about TEH BOOLIES!!! THESE GIRLS ARE MEAN TO ME!!! When about a month prior he was building an army to bully a girl that ignored him, "HEY, GUYS!! WATCH MY VIDEO!!! LET'S GO VIRAL! THAT'LL TEACH HER TO IGNORE ME!!!"
Pot. Kettle. Black.
No. 172866
File: 1473531470999.png (30.01 KB, 822x124, image.png)

More faggotry since it's nice to have all his screenshots in one thread. Someone on the farms is uploading his Periscope videos so we'll have more autism to laugh at.
No. 172867
File: 1473531757205.png (100.39 KB, 1024x198, image.png)

"Please stop harassing me, I'm just a teenage boy! But it's PERFECTLY fine to harass Venus! She's a teenage girl!" Fucking lol
No. 172868
File: 1473532087284.png (136.31 KB, 986x450, image.png)

Defamation and stealing content for money is freedom of speech, guys!
No. 172869
File: 1473532140078.png (79.25 KB, 887x335, image.png)

"TEE HEE! HEE HEE! Totally not mentally retarded! Cx XD"
No. 172874
File: 1473533762934.jpeg (77.28 KB, 1342x549, image.jpeg)

"I totally would have forgotten all about Venus if you stopped talking about her!" Proceeds to make tweets obsessing over the girl who ignored him while painting her to be a villain. Lol
No. 172907
File: 1473543945795.png (515.57 KB, 540x802, Untitled.png)

What the fuck is wrong with his hair
No. 172914
File: 1473545573595.jpg (191.29 KB, 1200x520, japrac.jpg)

>>172907maybe he's trying to look like those old fashioned japanese delinquents? apparently he loves to brag about ~breaking the law in japan~
No. 172957
>>172874Why the fuck do people like him and Onision even do polls like this? You're putting the question to mostly people that like you, or they wouldn't be following in the first place. Of course the answer is going to be biased.
It's not proof.
No. 173004
File: 1473571122210.jpg (585.67 KB, 1439x1415, 20160911_011809.jpg)

>>172997Actually apperantly he posted it an hour or so ago but privated it or something?
No. 173025
>>173023omg where is this from?
Those MOOOBS #Sexxyyybeast&$&(+_$+'_\%+#%++
No. 173081
>>173023Shake dem tiddies, Vexxed.
Holy shit. He's the whole package. He only get worse.
No. 173090
>>173077Room 412
151-0053 Tokyo-to, Shibuya-ku, Yoyogi, 4 Chome-1-3
No. 173100
File: 1473591514352.png (241.78 KB, 892x1024, e1363e53-f277-4d29-9195-d86ae2…)

Are we archiving dumbfuck's tweets here? lol
Here's the one where he declares his post-Venus video is GOING VIRAL, you guys!
3.5 weeks later it's at 185K views and going nowhere fast. #NotViral
No. 173129
File: 1473602417682.jpg (119.27 KB, 1022x1777, ANYCLXA.jpg)

~Just a teenage boy~
Teenage like Benjamin Button.
No. 173131
File: 1473602693477.jpg (31.22 KB, 520x571, nips.jpg)

>>173120At about 5:24…
>Nipples>Well thanks for noticing. No. 173140
>>173131It's pointing at me, in an accusatory manner.
Oh, Vexxy. You make this too easy. Stop while you still have a shred of dignity left. Don't mess with the jobless women in their 20s on the Internet! Seriously, dude. We can laugh at your nipples, for crying out loud.
No. 173207
>>173200to me he's just a narcisstic asshole with too much confidence.
him being in the spectrum would only mean he doesn't know better, in my opinion he very well knows better but chooses to ignore.
I hope he spirals even more up until he gets knocked down and karma finally strikes backm however this will look like.
No. 173212
File: 1473624391876.png (9.71 KB, 904x170, sobladev.png)

he's also loosing a bunch of subs again, which is good.
No. 173214
>>173209Lmao at that title. It's more like, "Vexxed vs The Internet" since Venus hasn't paid any attention to him despite all his attempts to be the coolest 12 year old in junior high! He's so stupid he doesn't realize that all he's doing is making his entire "situation" even worse.
>Venus can't take criticism Fucking lol. Replace her name with Vexxed and that sums up this entire hilarious shitstorm so well. Vexxy, I
told you you'd be shooting yourself in the face with this!
>>173212 proves it. Way to bring attention to the sites that easily exposed your shit! We've got videos and caps on your ass!
No. 173299
>>173229Looks like it.
>>173298He's not very bright, he's immature, and he's desperate to prove himself the DANKEST VIRAL OTAKU EDGELORD final boss. Hence, thirsty for views, breaking jaywalking level laws like a total badass, and clawing at anyone to pay attention to him.
Personally, I think it will be fun to help his HR department pay attention to him. That selfie video certainly reflects the kind of respectable intern they'll want to hold up as a good example.
No. 173330
File: 1473657596790.jpg (231.27 KB, 1439x949, 20160912_011802.jpg)

Vexxy has a new friend!
They are both subbed to eachother now how cute.
No. 173356
File: 1473670833215.png (20.88 KB, 525x172, 2016-09-12 Riddle Von Grump (@…)

>>173349So either he got cold feets or actually did some research. But this guy's chanel only has like 16 subs, so his video was meaningless anyway.
No. 173360
>>173356Exactly. As is this "unrested" guy's →
>>172595 since he gets maybe 5-9K views per video, and same with that gimmeaflakeman or whatever. They're irrelevant nobodies.
No. 173445
So Vexxed promoted this post on his twitter and subsequently got the OP banned as the subreddits rules state 'No promotion' states they are absolutely definitely not Vexxed…only to have the account deleted simulataneously when Vexxed starts deleting all his embarrassing shit off the internet.
No. 173454
>>173298Here's the other video of him, it's long and pretty boring as he spends much of it on the train. But he says fuck like about every third word because he thinks no one around can understand him I guess. The entire time he's leaving his room he's acting like a 12 year old playing hooky, it's embarrassing.
At about 13:23
>There's like a black dude behind meI no idea what that was about…
No. 173466
File: 1473722039261.jpeg (126.08 KB, 622x765, image.jpeg)

>>173465On his Twitter. This shit gives me PTSD.
No. 173719
File: 1473805225026.png (237.02 KB, 867x480, Screen Shot 2016-09-13 at 3.01…)

God, he and his fans are such retards. Sure, give all your money to Venus. The fact that the video isn't removed yet doesn't mean shit in terms of his claims being true - it means her management hasn't sent 3 claims yet. He's got 2 weeks per claim to make a counterclaim, and if they have to send the third one, not only this video, but the entire channel will be taken down.
So keep filling Venus's pockets, idiot. She couldn't care less, and she's never going to acknowledge you, so you might as well go cry in your waifu pillow.
No. 173725
File: 1473806900208.jpg (181.19 KB, 1807x595, Screenshot_20160913-184359.jpg)

>>172725Its funny how ever since he unprivated the venus video hes gone up to a B rating
>>172218But you know it was only 10% of his views. Not an important video at all.
No. 173743
File: 1473810438818.png (490.09 KB, 449x401, image.png)

>>173734nice bait m8
for real tho, he kinda deserves all this gossip
No. 173787
File: 1473826397466.png (12.25 KB, 390x470, 1393792886532.png)

>>173734>stop with the autism jokes. Yea, I get it, everyone jokes about it now but it's something he legitimately suffers fromOh god vexxed looks like a retard and is a legit autistic fuck, I can't
No. 173794
>>You've leaked his address and where he works.He leaked his address and where he interns. We just laughed at him for it.
>>Delete this thread, no, I DEMAND YOU to delete this fucking threadLol, no.
>>And stop with the autism jokesNever, autists are hilarious.
>>I'll be waiting for this to thread to be deleted.'k
No. 173796
>>173734>And stop with the autism jokes. Yea, I get it, everyone jokes about it now but it's something he legitimately suffers from.Oh my god, is this real life? This entire post had me dying but this takes the cake.
>This thread has seriously taken a toll on his mental healthGood. Now he understands a
small fraction of what he put Venus through.
>He's done fucking nothing at all. That's about all. I'll be waiting for this to thread to be deleted.Uh… Yeah he fucking has. Is sending an army of 12 year old edge lords after Venus, who did nothing wrong to him the actions of an innocent person? Please, tell me what Venus has done to Vexxed. I'll be waiting for an answer.
And he's been posted on Kiwi Farms so he's in deep shit as
>>173746 pointed out. Yeah, you're friends with pure filth.
No. 173809
>>173734He posted on snapchat that his friends from ireland were visiting him right now. I wonder if this is one of those friends.
Also interesting that they call themselves falconjay and vexxed used to be blessedfalcon.
No. 173846
>>173809They're just Plastic Paddies most likely from some other state in America.
I can't imagine someone from Ireland flying out all the way to his just to hang out.
No. 173917
>>173870Speak for yourself. He should take his vid about Venus down and tell people it was utter bullshit and he was lying, because it's the right thing to do.
The threads stay up as testament to his stupidity, hubris and autism as a reminder to him and all retards who think the internet doesn't work both ways. Unless it's someone underaged, the threads never come down. Never.
No. 173979
>>173970Would be nice if he is coming to a realization, but I'm doubting it.
>>173734 for example is questionable from that screen name and among other things.
Vexxed, you need to actually realize that you were 100% in the wrong here.
No. 173998
File: 1473891067855.png (1.36 MB, 1439x1173, 20160913_195443.png)

>>173970Probably silent also cause hes got people visiting.
Why isn't this thread bumping to page 1 when we dont sage?
No. 174041
>>174020It probably is for all we know. Their post
reeks of autistic behavior and they don't seem to realize what they've unknowingly done by making that post.
No. 174197
File: 1473942226028.png (568.89 KB, 522x534, Margaret Palermo (@margaretpal…)

I see marg's joining the shoop contest pic wasn't posted here so here we go.
Isn't it heartwarming whenever she's trying to cheer him up on twitter?
No. 174312
>>174020Ah, so he's got too much pride to actually come out in the open to us and confess that he's feeling down because we're cyberbullying him for being an autistic dramafag who's BFFsies with a legit psychotic stalker?
A piece of evidence that this is a probable scenario can be seen in "FalconJay";s name. Another name that Vexxed goes by is "BlessedFalcon" after all.
No. 174320
File: 1473993719773.png (225.1 KB, 568x555, livebaby.PNG)

Look who's alive!
No. 174341
File: 1473998877612.png (280.23 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20160915-234840.png)

>>173796Yeah. His lil feeelings are hurt? BOO FUCKING HOO.
Attached is a small fraction of the (literally) shit being flung at Venus every fucking day by these basement-dwelling vermin. It's like this fucking guy opened the floodgates of the internet cesspool and aimed it straight at Venus. Page after page after page. It's disgusting and vile and abusive. Fuck this guy, HARD.
No. 174348
>>174341And this is why no one with a brain and why no one
without autism will ever feel sorry for Vexxed the Virgin. This thread will stay up forever and ever, just like the one over on Kiwi Farms.
No. 174438
>>174421I never watched CumStar's video but he sounds way more believable that that faggot Vexxed. I fucking hate Keemstar for his habit of raising an army of 13 year old faggots against a target he did
zero research on (gee, sounds like our favorite autistic edge lord) but I hate that faggot Vexxed even more since he's an even lazier version of the guy he claims to hate but desperately tries to be. Whenever Vexxed says, "I'm really annoyed right now" and "I'm absolutely livid right now" he shows zero emotion emotion and that
really makes me question a ton of shit even without evidence proving that he's a huge fucking liar. His autism must be pretty severe. I bet it's gotta suck to be an actual retard, despite the fact that he throws that word around without knowing what it means. Lol
Vexxed, you're retarded. Autism is one helluva drug.
No. 174496
>>173734>This thread has seriously taken a toll on his mental health. I've never seen him so stressedHe should have think about it before doing the bidding of some insane jobless middle aged woman who doesn't care about anybody but herself.
Whatever assholery you do in the Internet comes back to bite your ass, you know?
No. 174517
>>174386Only thing I've heard about his stream was his friends did a "jam session"
Haven't seen anything else aboyt it unfortunately….
No. 174559
>>174496He didn't just do her bidding, he aided her in the continued psychological abuse of her daughter, then raised a mob to further that abuse.
Interesting that people took it so far as to contact his employer but I have nil sympathy for him. Enjoy unemployment and I hope it dawns on you it's a direct result of you being a real asshole.
No. 174563
File: 1474078041969.png (16.5 KB, 585x166, ss (2016-09-08 at 11.03.23).pn…)

seems like he actually knew how haha
Old tweet but reelevant
No. 174564
>>174559I don't think anyone would have bothered to contact his employer if it hadn't been for the videos with him being a too cool for you edge wannabe skipping work and talking shit.
That was just too good to pass up considering he's yet to learn the basic lesson that you can't get away with everything and your actions have consequences if you go around bragging about this sort of thing.
No. 174572
>>174568That tweet was made before that happened.
He's so dumb that he thinks the only people that has a problem with him cyber bullying Venus are her fans? Lol autism. He's a bonafide lolcow now, down to him pretending to be his "friends" in order to gain pity points because "He's just a teenage boy!" Kek
No. 174616
File: 1474095311912.png (97.52 KB, 1439x410, 20160917_025309.png)

He's jumping on the expose leafy bandwagon. I'm going to laugh so hard if he tries to make a leafy video next.
No. 174624
File: 1474099209698.png (95.7 KB, 1439x391, 20160917_035930.png)

Unfortunately he'd rather suck leafys dick
No. 175203
>>174999Leafy is NOT self aware. Not unlike Vexy, he thinks he is and tries to be, but he isn't. He isn't as bad as Vexxed, but that isn't saying much.
Leafy is
a Leo, a very insecure and stupid
one at that. He can't really accept propper criticism. It infuriates him. He also thinks that merely calling yourself a faggot makes you self aware. News flash: it doesn't. Understanding the reason(s) why you're a faggot and then accepting, acknowledging, poking fun at, and improving on your flaws both internally and externally makes you self aware. His audience is too young to realise this, so they think he's super self aware.
I don't really like Sam Hyde, but he's kind of a fitting example of someone who is truly/painfully self aware.
He's an Aries born on the cusp of Taurus (good grief). There isn't much to say about him that he hasn't already said about himself and it's almost impossible to piss him off b/c of how stubborn he is. It makes it difficult and tiring to insult him without seeming like an sjw. It's really annoying. That's why that stupid bullying type of comedy (a type of comedy that is very reliant on self awareness) works better with Sam than it does with Leafy. Also why Sam has a more mature audience (for the most part). It's kind of a shame that he isn't very funny.
Sorry for the essay..
>>175203I lost interest as soon as you started using starsigns to explain yourself.
I don't care if you're a sagittarius on the cusp of cancer with a sprinkling of Pisces, if you're a cunt, you're a cunt. Nowt to do with what day you happened to be squeezed out
No. 175936
File: 1474543407234.png (86.12 KB, 576x350, vexxcopyright.png)

he's back.
No. 176971
File: 1474851474795.jpg (119.73 KB, 1439x379, 20160925_205637.jpg)

His dreams have come true.
No. 177291
File: 1474940728504.png (608.12 KB, 1439x1934, 20160925_205917.png)

Wow guys going viral look at those views.
Love how he gives venus shit saying she only does youtube to make money but here he is saying he had no motivation to make videos because he wasnt getting views.
This is why your vids are shit vexxy you're not doing it because you love to you're doing it for views.
No. 177635
File: 1475062735477.png (116.16 KB, 750x409, vexcritwit.png)

Vexx is whining again because someone has bloked him on twitter. Whoever it is I can't blame this person because arguing with a great journalist like vexxed is futile anyway. He knows all the facts, has done all the research, ya know.
If someone finds said piece of critisim from "a big youtuber" please post it here because Vexxed don't feel like sharing or responding in public to it.
No. 177679
>>177635I've been trying to find it but for all we know its been removed from view…or maybe it never happened and hes just playing victim haha
Im just curious how "big" this youtuber is. Probably a nobody like vexxed
No. 178887
File: 1475478151980.jpg (62.33 KB, 960x465, IMG_20161003_010048.jpg)

No. 178915
>>178887What experiences vexxed? Hes so dumb always trying to jump on drama.
I bet he goes back on saying he wasn't going to make s leafy exposed vid.
No. 179126
File: 1475576279141.png (176.18 KB, 848x1253, EooUpHo.png)

i deleted my post accidentally oops but some people with a few brain cells aren't too impressed
tl;dw is vexxed just says everything that every other youtuber has said about eugenia… he compares her arm to a kfc chicken wing. i'm not even kidding…
so yeah its pure trash
No. 179132
>>179126I couldn't make it through the video without getting aggressive. One day I hope his viewers finally open their eyes and see what a disrespectful cunt he is…
He once again proved to be an asshole.
No. 179158
File: 1475596363920.png (99.53 KB, 1439x415, 20161004_115059.png)

What drama bandwagon is he jumping on this time…
No. 179161
File: 1475596942795.png (150.4 KB, 1439x410, 20161004_115952.png)

>>179158I don't know who this franky kid is so i have no idea what his privated video was about but I'm guessing thats what hes working on with vexxed.
Maybe I'll look into it later if no one knows
No. 179169
File: 1475600592320.jpg (569.97 KB, 1211x1373, SS1 copy.jpg)

>>179161I think I figured it out.
Trap Nation.
Side note. Franky looks like a super smart guy…
No. 180141
>>179169This Franky guy is a semi-illiterate loser with 5000 subs. Check the title of one recent vids:
FouseyTube Open's Up About FAKING PRANK'S & Say's Jesse Wellens FAKE'S PRANK'S!
Holy shit, how do some of these people make it through 12 years of schooling like this?? (assuming he's not a dropout)
No. 180266
>>180141ONLY Semi-illiterate?
I just kind of assumed he was a dropout too tbh. He talks like he's a straight D student in sophomore year of HS.
I vaguely knew a few guys like that years back.
No. 180758
File: 1475886120471.jpg (471.88 KB, 1401x1349, Screenshot_20161007-201738.jpg)

I orignially screenshot this because hes jumping into laci green drama…then i saw the other tweet.
>Sounds up his own ass
Oh you mean like you do with all your viral videos?
No. 180913
File: 1475942659672.jpg (115.49 KB, 858x960, IMG_20161008_100229.jpg)

>>180758AAAAAND it's gone.
No. 181181
Hahaha, the little bitch just blocked me on Twitter for some reason. I haven't tweeted at him in weeks. Lol
>>180758Which youtuber was he talking about here? Also lol @ "haven't made it YET." honey, you never will either.
No. 181648
>Hey, Vexxed I know you lurk here so I hope you read this.I actually really liked Vexxed when he first came out. His Emily video coincidentally came out when I was watching a lot of videos on her (I was cleaning) and he gave a pretty balanced (and very different) approach to her, so I ended up subbing right away.
For those of you farmers who don't know, Emily's a pretty infamous streamer in the Runescape community. She:
> apparently faked cancer> apparently subbots> there was a huge scandal where she RWT'd (bought runescape gold with real money) in order to pay back a friend (she borrowed his money and lost it betting ingame) so Jagex ended up banning her for ~2 weeks. Everyone on Reddit got super pissed because apparently that's grounds for a permanent ban.> Jagex also seems to support her a lot. She gets harrassed a lot and followed ingame and moderators have reportedly banned those same people> I don't keep up with the drama anymore but from what I last heard, she was trying to prove that she actually did have cancer by calling her mother so she asked her "was I hospitalized in <year>" and her mother replied yes… which is a bit sketchy since she might've been hospitalized for something that wasn't cancer.On the /r/2007scape subreddit, she's always brought up and there is a huge circlejerk against her. People always post "ban emily" and when people ask to be unbanned (usually for botting or RWT) they try to bring up her. Memes that referred to her would get front page regularly… So it was pretty significant that this random YouTuber came forth with a very rational video that went against the circlejerk. The video unexpectedly got a good amount of hate. But as someone who was sick of the anti-Emily circlejerk, it was a breath of fresh air. Even though I don't really like Emily, nor am I particularly convinced she had cancer…
I actually had a lot of hope for Vexxed. Then he started doing his exposed videos…
His Venus Angelic one was alright, I disagreed with the inclusion of some things that I deemed too personal and I thought it would speak numbers about Margot too but I guess that didn't set him off. I watched a bit of his "youtube censoring creators" and it was just him being butthurt so I stopped. The next video was quite interesting to me. Then his follow up to the Venus Angelic one was a continuation of that butthurt. He went 12 minutes straight complaining about people from PULL and lolcow. And I admit, some of the shit they said about him and his appearance was fucked but it's kind of the internet… he gets that in his comments so I don't understand why he would humor anonymous comments…
Then his pedophile video came out and it was pretty boring. I didn't understand the point of it. I guess it was made to go viral (like Buzzfeed) hidden under the guise of wanting to protect people from this crazy deluded pedophile. In hindsight, it might've had some impact but whatever, not my cup of tea. I know that his intent is merely to make money but I dunno, I just find it so contradictory to his "I always respond well to criticism and try to help people who message me, I'm not like other YouTubers" tripe)
His Eugenia Cooney video was tied with his butthurt video as the worst video he's ever made. It was poorly researched and he made a few comments purely for shock value.
> Poorly researched - hurr durr this anorexic person said she's TOO SKINNY for her. crops out signature that shows the poster's BMI is in the healthy range (according to the criteria for anorexia he included in his video)> her arm looks like a KFC chicken wing (is that meant to be funny?)> brought no interesting or new view points (he clearly knows nothing about anorexia or eating disorders… but hopped on a old bandwagon anyway)OH BTW GUYS if u kno eugenia irl, u should FORCE HER to get help. (legit the only somewhat new point he brought in. like seriously, he had like 3 minutes of Onision clips in his video)
I mean Vexxed apparently had some experiences with Leafy and they aligned with what the new drama said he did… So instead of hopping onto a bandwagon that he could've actually brought somewhat new information on… he chose to make a video about something he clearly knows nothing about? He knows nothing about mental illness, and doesn't realize that "calling out" Eugenia can be counter productive? That telling people with anorexia they look like chicken wings might not be the best idea?
I know I went on a huge rant but I feel incredibly strongly about this, and used to really respect Vexxed. Also, a really small YouTuber with a similar style that I respect (with like sub 1k subs) might be going down this route. They always leave messages on his shitty videos soooooooo I'll probably unsub from her as well. Lol.
No. 182639
File: 1476354953356.png (200.48 KB, 638x1272, vex.PNG)

he thinks they're talking about spit??
No. 182654
>>182644I think little baby vexxed can't say such dirty words.
He really needs to mind his own business
No. 182963
File: 1476467236079.jpg (1.12 MB, 1439x2031, 20161014_134245.jpg)

Also he said on his twitter he's working on 3 videos and hopes to release one this week. I wonder who hes harassing next.
No. 183183
He doesn't post a ton but on days he does post he posts a lot in a row and they are usually videos of his dumb face talking
No. 193470
File: 1478262785098.png (28.32 KB, 692x223, vexxleaf.png)

isn't it a bit late to jump on the leafy hate bandwagon now?
No. 193486
>>193470LMAO what a fucking retard…how does someone having an eating disorder
cause someone else to have one?
(inb4 I get some people can get ~
triggered~ by it but that doesn't mean she should stop youtube)
No. 193505
>>193489having an actual mental disorder isn't the same as wanting to be the next keemstar or a makeup artist.
I understand that maybe someone may be somewhat influenced by online people or magazines to get an eating disorder but I would not blame Eugenia for this and tell her to get off the web.
No. 194997
File: 1478538562300.png (393.41 KB, 867x542, 1a45c365ee8df9c01baa7f4d93a890…)

He's also jumped on the deep web bandwagon, if it was ever considered a bandwagon, I just know this kind of edgy stuff is popular.
No. 195506's streaming again and saying at 5000 viewers hes going to start showing people how to buy guns and drugs.
I hope he gets banned.
No. 195901
File: 1478656494452.jpg (147.84 KB, 600x764, CA_Weaving_Sonmi.jpg)

You know what…I finally figured out what bugged me about his face so much. He looks like one of those fucking Korean face make-up prosthetics they did for Cloud Atlas.
No. 196003
File: 1478695533747.png (57.89 KB, 1169x186, Screen Shot 2016-11-09 at 7.44…)

>>195892this kid thinks he's so above hackers and then shit like this happens.
No. 196345
File: 1478779834244.png (1.11 MB, 1547x1087, Screen Shot 2016-11-10 at 7.08…)

Hes doing some dumb religious stream and telling people gay lifestyle is wrong and that Trump is the greatest man…
No. 196349
>>196345Sorry samefag but they are asking people to donate 200$ or they won't heal them. Going to laugh so hard if people report him for scams.
He has also already lost about 100 subs and it has only been 30 minutes.
No. 196355
>>196345he's a pretty unfunny troll. the most
triggering thing in this stream are his eyebrows.
No. 196357
>>196355He must be out of ideas because this is terrible…not that exposed videos or surfing the dark web are good ideas.
Now hes so
triggered by the trolling hes drinking alcohol and having a fake mental breakdown.
No. 196701
>>196677No it was a terrible attempt at satire regarding the church and spiritual healers.
It was just a lot of randoms coming in and screaming racial slurs or overty sexual things on their discord,which cause vexxed to get super angry (which he tried to play off but im pretty sure he was actually really mad no one was taking it seriously)
Oh and him constantly asking for donations of 200$-500$ to heal these "callers"
No. 198867
>>198862It was a livestream he said he was going to edit it and post it later….we'll see though
Colossal ripped him a new one and vexxed looked so stupid I would be surprised if he didn't selectively edit what he wants to be seen.
Maybe someone watching recorded it though.
No. 199302
>>199223Nearly 50 minutes in. Holy shit Vexxed tried hard to make Collosal look bad.
49:45 is a highlight. Vexxed gets
triggered when he is told he hasn't done his research.
No. 199316
>>199302He's such a rude cunt when Colossal was being so cordial and accommodating.
His argument points are extremely elementary as well.
No. 199330
>>199223>keemstar blocked me!>keemstar never reports my stories!>senpai notice meeeee;_;I can't believe this idiot is still ranting about this.
Vexx interrupting colossal all the time is so fucking rude and annoying, I almost wanted to punch my screen. His arguments where weak and he is no match to colossal.
No. 199352
>>199223I love when hes all
>keem might not share my news but I know scarce will!Scarce is desperate to not look like a keem clone so of course hes going to report on your shitty stories. He reports shit on people with basically no views and calls them "big youtubers"
No. 199362
>>199352Sage for samefag
I wish i had screenshots of them, but before Vexxed had Colossal on his stream he had made some tweets about Colossal being an ass or something.
After the stream he deleted the tweets and posted this.
He knows he got his ass handed to him and is probably just sucking up to Colossal now so he doesn't look like a complete idiot.
No. 199383
File: 1479296216132.png (13.01 KB, 698x115, vexkeem.png)

Maybe I've missed something but I can't see any tweets where Keem is mentioning him.
No. 199399
File: 1479298445190.jpg (145.62 KB, 1439x388, 20161116_052925.jpg)

>>199362Dropped this earlier… bad
No. 199404
File: 1479299293225.png (171.51 KB, 1202x595, Screen Shot 2016-11-16 at 7.14…)

>>199383These are literally the only comments i could see on keemstars twitter that MIGHT have something to do with Vexxed … I doubt either of them have much to do with him and he's just crying for attention like usual.
No. 199455
File: 1479312348576.jpg (5.09 KB, 220x200, gaydubbbz.jpg)

>>199404how can he think Keemstar is exclusively talking about him and his shitty podcast? He's just some guy on the tail of some bandwagon like always and desperate for Keems dick…
No. 199584
File: 1479324025709.jpg (150.38 KB, 1439x425, 20161116_141853.jpg)

>>199549More than once if you ask vexxtard
No. 199894
>>199223Colossal really made Vexxed look like an idiot, fucking
awesome. You can tell how angry he was getting and the way he kept interrupting him just showed he didn't want to hear what he had to say. I'm not surprised he still butthurt about being blocked by Keemstar since autists can never let shit go. Now Vexxed the Virgin claims that he feels
bad about hurting people with exposed videos? BULLSHIT!
No. 200056
>>200054Wow, it's really gross having a close up on his face, the extreme expressions are stupid too.
You know the commentary community is scrapping the bottom of the barrel when they start making content about other commentators.
No. 200134
>>200036>Fuck Off, Jailbaitsawww thanks! I'll take that as a compliment, I didn't know I looked so young.
I love the wild assumptions people make about the anons on this site.
No. 202076
File: 1479711556488.png (56.97 KB, 887x508, vexxtwit.png)

anyone knows what happened to Vexxed?
No. 202080
File: 1479712777649.jpg (43.74 KB, 854x836, CxtdZXdUoAAzfOP.jpg)

Ok, I found out:
(holy fuck, if this is true…)
No. 202081
File: 1479712948738.png (28.27 KB, 696x224, vexxknife.png)

He even might killed that that guy.
No. 202083
>>202081He really should take himself to the police.
I have to say I didn't see this coming.
No. 202087
>>202085err, no, I just saw the tweet on vexx account, wondered what happened, and ended up finding the screencaps on this account: course it could be a publicity stunt, but tbh if it is one it would be the worst I've ever seen in the youtube community (and that means a lot).
No. 202089
File: 1479714946798.png (101.79 KB, 527x515, pav1.png)

full convo 1/5
No. 202090
File: 1479714986897.png (105.69 KB, 576x633, pav2.png)

No. 202091
>>202087How did you "end up finding screenshots" on that account? Bit coincidental to just stumble across isn't it? Also why would Vexxed so easily give this person information that could put him in prison? Hell, if I stabbed someone and got away with it I would take it to the grave, not telling someone I barely know on Twitter.
Fake. Nice try at sounding like a dangerous badass, Vexxed. Bigger news would be that you lost your virginity - but then I wouldn't believe that either.
No. 202092
>>202089"Hello yes you are my friend"
"Hello yes I am your good friend"
Loooooool this is so set up it is laughable
No. 202108
File: 1479717716269.png (113 KB, 581x558, pav3.png)

3/5 for archiving purpose. Yes, it could be fake, but I'm not Vexx or one of friends.
>>202091I used my 101 sherlock skills: I prepared myself a nice hot cup of coffee and a croissant with jam, sat down in front of my pc and searched Vexx username on twitter. I found a retweet of Pavis tweet and voila.
No. 202113
File: 1479718558374.png (117.98 KB, 572x563, pav4.png)

and 5/5 is
>>202080and even if this is stagged, I don't get how he might benefit from this.
No. 202114
>>202113yeah me neither
someone contact the guy on twitter and see what else they can tell us
No. 202122
>>202121who gives a shit anyways
im going to message him
No. 202696
>>202602No that was the only mirror sadly
tl;dw though
colossal tries to have a civil conversation
Colossal: lolwat
No. 202701
>>202699The podcast was hosted by Vexxed and his other retard friend.
They were shit talking other content creators in the community and they linked clown to it on twitter along with some unsavory comments(Vexxed has now deleted these tweets due to clown's fan backlash.)
Clown goes on their live podcast to open a discussion but Vexxed clearly had an agenda and constantly disregarded Clown's peaceful attempt at explaining the situation.
After the podcast, Vexxed felt he won the argument so he posted it onto his channel only to be dealt with dozens of people calling him a pussy fuck. Vexxed immediately removed it because he is a beta deformed male.
No. 202724
>>202719vex: hurrdurr clown is best friends with keem thats why he wont make a video
clown: actually i had one but idubbbz made a video with all my points and i am a content creator of high integrity so i only put my best out-
No. 202932
File: 1479901965739.png (181.04 KB, 1162x667, Screen Shot 2016-11-23 at 6.49…)

He is back on twitter after his super brief break. Too bad he didn't go to jail (if the stabbing thing was true, I know its possibly not)
>>202678thank you for linking this I had heard him mention how he got his "logo" from something on reddit but I couldn't find it
No. 203040
>>202932"Hey guys it's Scarce. So this story comes from a growing YouTuber Vexxed. So apparently Vexxed has fucking stabbed someone. That's right guys Here's the LEAKED screenshots from a pretty big YouTuber. This is so fucking crazy guys. He wasn't suppose to tell anyone."
-Vexxie's hoped outcome of trying to attention whore to the "news" channels.
No. 203126
>>203115which bunch of females? wait… no.. you can't possibly mean..
oh my
this guy requires validation bunch of fat little girls on lolcow? you're the most entitled shiteating cunt I've encountered in a while
ciao bella, ban me, your mods must be so incredibly badass
(ok) No. 203148
>>203115But you took their bait too, do you really believe he stabbed someone? from virgin to badass assassin kek I'm feeling secondhand embarassment for you now, he is just trolling. Stop giving attention to men like that ew!
See? ->
>>203126Hi Vex
No. 203276
>>203126Isn't that a even greater insult to him though ? To be rejected even by " fat ugly little girls" rather then just the pretty ones. . .
kek, I smell forever virgin over here.
No. 203336
>>203276tell me you're joking
I refuse to believe anyone can be this stupid
No. 203374
Hey guys, Mr. Gunk here :)
Anyone that wants to come on our discord and call us out for the cunts we are is more than welcome. <3 No. 203381
>>203378He continued making more videos about other lame cases because that's what those youtubers do for a living and I can't believe you are still butthurt for the Venus videos, no one cares anymore about those and they should remain buried, don't give him what he wants! he and his friends are obviously trying to be relevant again here.
>>203380kek I can't believe people can be this stupid!
No. 203384
File: 1479973165073.png (182.86 KB, 1447x953, unknown.png)

Thanks Lolcow. Shoutout to the admins
No. 203386
>>203374if vexxy want to say something to us he can come here anytime. I won't go to your stupid chat.
>>203381Not anon you're responding to but honestly I'm still a bit pissed about the Venus video because it was particularly unjust. It's not this much about the backlash Venus was getting but the fact you can make this big piece of crap of an expose video and getting away with it because your fans are gullible and you know some morons in the youtube community who will defend you regardless ("vexxed always does his research! I know this because he said so!").
No. 203435
>>203430people tried to have a convo with vexxed on twitter and HE never replied or stood up to his bashing "exposed" videos although he did real shitty research
people don't just sit around in the shadows, but they know when an argument is useless! talking to a wall is not really of any value…
No. 203438
>>203437oh yes it is
Don't worry, we have the ability to recognize bullshit excuses when we see them
lolcow's reputation just keeps on getting better thanks to lovely anons like yourself
No. 203441
>>203430we talk
here. that is what we do.
No. 203464
File: 1479993537616.gif (526.54 KB, 240x240, Boohoo.gif)

>>203442 >claims teh farm is "safe space" >claims "you will never be challenged in safe spaces" >wants discussion on a safer chat channel instead Vexx Logic.
Um, oookay. Impecable point Alex LOL. Is fapping to your Mago prawn gone dull lately?
No. 203501
>>203442As the above anon said. Why does he want the discussion moved to his own "safe space"?
Why is he afraid to come here?
He wants it on a chat channel he controls so he can kick anyone that is too challenging.
I mean, if he's tough enough to stab someone (giggle) he shouldn't have anything to fear here..
No. 203525
>>203464>Um, oookay. Impecable point Alex LOL. Is fapping to your Mago prawn gone dull lately?Anon let it go, he knows the video
triggers you. If you get obsessed with the videos about Venus he is going to start bragging about it AGAIN and more people will watch again, just take a look at that graphic, he is still earning REAL money from the video. The case is old, don't revive it.
No. 203529
>>203501The only thing he stabbed was his little prick into a hole in the wall.
Why is he so determined to have Lolcow members join his chat ? Is it that dead in his chats that he has to come here an antagonize people in hopes to feed his ego with a few more number counts in his crappy chat.. ?
>>203376I didn't say there was anything wrong with someone being a virgin. I just stated that I think Vexx ( Alex ) will forever always be a virgin. Whether that anon I was replying to was him or a frumpy fan calling everyone "ugly and fat", still find it funny that if that was the case he's still being rejected regardless.
No. 203567
>>203501>Why is he afraid to come here?Because cows get banned, Look:
>>203442So maybe if you want to discuss directly with him about somethig you need to do it via twitter or take his bait and join that chat, because I highly doubt vexxy is going to do it here where people can got silenced. You can get fresh milk from the chat, tho.
No. 203572
>>203567The ones that have been banned have been for good reason. Not just for having a differing opinion.
For you to say he is afraid of being "banned" shows that he doesn't plan to have a "good faith" discussion.
He want's some manufacture "controversy" to drive traffic to his chat.
No. 203575
>>203567Sorry, Same anon as
>>203572It also kind of proves my point that he wants it in a place that he controls so he can boot anyone from the chat he can't handle.
Hell, look at how badly he failed with Colossal.. Desperately trying to talk-over him and interrupt (and still failed anyway).
That's the kind of show he runs. No one will waste time with that.
We're all here. He knows where we are, he's posted here before.
Why should the group of us alter our schedules to accommodate him? He's the one that wants it. He can come here.
He won't, because he is too chickenshit to try outside of his control, but he is welcome.
No. 203579
>>203572Probably he got what he wanted because now he blatantly comes here and takes advantage of the air time you tards are giving him discussing every tweet he makes and for not letting go his stupid video about Venus. People here who don't follow him or Venus get curious when they see you all
triggered by stupid tweets and click his bait and videos = money. No wonder why he only comes to post his bait, and never discuss here, you do what exposed youtubers like the most: give them attention.
I hardly doubt he gets
triggered by the virgin insults anon, even gross youtubers like leafy have fan girls.
No. 203604
File: 1480026559520.jpg (116.13 KB, 634x1024, RkAEHO5.jpg)

looks like justin jedlica
No. 203631
>>203374>>203384If this is really gunk and vexx then it lsounds like they are just desperate for new content for their youtube streams haha
The "dark" web and fake relgious hotlines not working anymore?
Learn how to be creative for once in your lives.
No. 203754
File: 1480062681417.jpg (195 KB, 1196x1046, PSX_20161125_025709.jpg)

Pic attached is why the lil turd is flapping and flexing his moobs so frantically of late.
Green column on left is subs by date, on the right is daily views (in green,) cumulative views next to that and est. daily earnings last (PRIOR to Youtube and the network each taking their cut.)
link: lil sped's views are dropping precipitously, that's why his panties are in such a knot. And his earnings are pocket change, despite his desperate flexing to try to prove otherwise.
>>203579>he got what he wanted because now he blatantly comes here and takes advantage of the air time you tards are giving him discussing every tweet he makes and for not letting go his stupid video about Venus. People here who don't follow him or Venus get curious when they see you all triggered by stupid tweets and click his bait and videos = money. ^^ no one's clicking or giving this pathetic wannabe shit by talking about him here, as evidenced by above stats. Likewise no one is
triggered anymore either. We're just laughing at how pathetic the guy is.
No. 204726
File: 1480265810770.jpg (437.41 KB, 1434x1488, Screenshot_20161127-115031.jpg)

>>179169So as far as i can see Vexxed never released a trap nation exposed video with that franky kid like it looked like he would.
Still acting like a tough guy though
No. 204898
File: 1480285485574.jpg (1.19 MB, 1439x2456, 20161127_172108.jpg)

>>204832If you click the person who responded to him it takes you here.
This is the same twitter account that is linked from trap nations youtube account that has over 10mil subs…
I know vexxed is stupid and unimportant but it doesn't mean its 100% not the real trap nation
Do your research before posting anon.
No. 205547
File: 1480314525193.png (23.45 KB, 616x232, trapnathion.PNG)

>>205542 to the upper right hand corner and click on the twitter logo. it's the same account.
I really fucking hate defending this retard, but it is real.
No. 205738
>>205542I'm not vexxed stupid.
My IP is a USA IP not a Japan one.
Report me for "self posting" if you really are worried.
No. 205745
>>205735So far
> still thinks we doxxed him> angel Venus> Mr_gunk thinks saying "fuck venus" will get him his own thread> "over 500 posts dedicated to me"> fails to mention self posting> chat is mostly trolls > muh fee fees :(And thats all I can take.
No. 205746
>>205745I'm curious what he said about the screencaps of him supposedly stabbing a guy.
Hoping a recording of the stream will show up since he is never going to post it on his channel.
No. 206265
Booom: was too long for dailymotion, it's now up at vimeo
No. 206309
File: 1480456714387.jpg (636.08 KB, 1304x792, dexxed.jpg)

>>172043This is why I don't work editorial anymore.
Now he just looks gay.
No. 206336
File: 1480461482922.jpg (22.95 KB, 384x384, image.jpg)

>>206309You nearly made him into john kuckian! Best edit of the autist so far
No. 206439
>>206335So thirsty, so pathetic.
Hey vexxturd, take off your shirt and jiggle those titties around for your next #EXPOSED video. That'll get you some views. #vexxed
No. 206494
>>206439Get some tassels, #vexxed. Learn to spin em in opposite directions. Do it for the fans.
Do it for the view$
Do itttt
No. 206520
>>206494Yes! He could make his channel the "manboob" channel. Taking request for varoius manboob fondling vids.
He can start a patreon account with vids of him getting titty-fucked. Number and size of the penises in the titty banging determined by the number of patrons.
Do it!
No. 206850
File: 1480545440718.jpg (29.07 KB, 640x480, sad-pepe-640x480.jpg)

>>206644Tfw a manchild has bigger tits than you
No. 208585
I refuse to give him views. him whining about Gunk getting a strike on his account when scarce didn't.
No. 209641
>>209350Haha I didn't even catch that when I watched this the first time. I hope Scarce reports on vex's shit less after that.
Burn those bridges vexxed
No. 211751
File: 1481415723471.png (10.93 KB, 408x130, 1212.png)

Just sharing: the super detective Vexxed-chan is now watching onion closely after Cyr's video. He's thristy for attention and will probably do a video on Greg soon.
No. 215846
>>215825FYI: Seppuku alone doesn't mean suicide.(切- cut, 腹-belly)
Anyway, content-wise, it's an interesting video that starts off promising. However:
>"As a videomaker it's my job not only to make videos, but make sure they positively influence people too" Is that why he was furiously masturbating to all the hate and harassment Venus and her husband received, despite all the evidence people sent him proving he was wrong and uninformed? He relished the flames he was fanning snd openly mocked her.
Do you guys see the parallel between the Russian teen story and Venus? Funny how he talks about how Katarina/Katya, the girlfriend, snapped after she ran away from her abusive parents. She wanted to "escape their constant control and surveillence." That sounds familiar. Katya's grandmother even threatened her with a knife! To which Vexxed says:
"This is not how any stable person would react to little kids in order to de-escalate a situation" Maybe she should have thrown the knife at the wall?
Didn't he just say that the kids had guns and ammunition with them in the grandparents' house? News reports actually said Dennis previously shot Katya's mother in the hip. So the situation was more complicated than he presents it. Yet he is being sympathetic to the kids desperation.
Hey, Katarina never emailed him her side of the story! How does he know the truth?! /sarcasm
He then goes into a spiel about how hopeless the kids were in their situation, how they had no options and how inappropriately everything was handled. Firstly, he provides no information about the punishment for juveniles who fire upon police or how Russia deals with mentally ill, abused kids who didn't murder anyone. Russian police are notoriously corrupt, but you need to prove the life in prison/zero options statement to explain why the kids gave up.
In the second story, he tries to praise himself about how he and his friends tried to talk a 4chan streamer out of suicide while other, heartless anons cheered the victim on. He ends that segment TERRIBLY because he doesn't even confirm what happened to the guy, Stephen. Vexxed The Savior just self-fellates himself for not letting another person take his place in the stream and forgets to tell the conclusion. Stephen actually survived lighting himself on fire as firefighters rescued him just in time. No tganks to Vexxed and Crew.
This is why he will not get respect. It's a worthy topic, but he didn't complete his research and he's an utter hypocrite who merely pretends to be concerned(for views). You still suck, Vexxed.
No. 216567
File: 1482073819550.jpg (99.67 KB, 960x743, IMG_20161218_085717.jpg)

Lol. Needing to profit from Onionboy again. Although it wouldn't be a bad idea? He'd be exposing someone that deserves to be exposed.
Also, his Twitter he recently won't stop bragging about how popular he is, how much subs he's getting etc… Will post another screenshot after this.
No. 216568
File: 1482073949665.jpg (61.16 KB, 960x451, IMG_20161218_091110.jpg)

This one made me laugh.
No. 217573
File: 1482193805670.jpg (83.03 KB, 654x960, IMG_20161219_182851.jpg)

Oh Vexxed.
No. 217575
>>217573I hope that losing this money will make him do a video on Greg. It'd get him a lot of views, wink wink.
I'd love to watch that. He's not that bright but I'm sure his video would get a lot of attention if it was exposing gargoyle. Plus I doubt he'd be on his side. The entire YouTube community hates him.
No. 217687
File: 1482207450764.jpg (504.3 KB, 367x142, IprNCQb.jpg)

>>217652Run back to Vexxed, then.
No. 217721
File: 1482211734523.jpg (97.2 KB, 675x1200, Cz9EakdUsAAX4TH.jpg)

He's trying so hard to hide his man boobs, oh vexxy you tryhard <3
No. 217758
File: 1482213463310.png (5.19 MB, 1165x1164, Vexxed1.png)

>>202678Here's the smexy new one I made for him too
No. 217962
>>217804They're also back to spamming Venus' Youtube with the "Whore!" "How could you that to your mother?!" comments.
I don't know the real reason for the surge, but a bunch of 13 year olds must have been lured by his suicude video.
No. 217979
File: 1482235060334.jpg (144.33 KB, 932x1199, margo.jpg)

>>217962Margo's been up to something, maybe that has something to do with it. Vexx got involved with her again perhaps? Sage for pic being current Margo.
No. 218469
>>217758From a purely graphic design standpoint this logo is pretty bad. It's so jagged, and if you didn't just use some automatic trace feature in photoshop or illustrator(or similar software) I'll be shocked.
Maybe vexxed should pay someone who actually knows how to use those programs to make him a better version of that logo instead of this crappy jagged shit you made him.
And no I'm not just staying this because I don't like vexxed it could be my best friends logo and I'd tell them it was bad and fix it for them.
No. 226712
File: 1483431539676.png (53.98 KB, 500x500, All about me (4).png)

Hey you people vexxed may do that but not all people should use this much drama on a single video(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 239186
soo… is anybody still checking what this looser is doing? Apparently he made his trap nation video and failed at getting reddit famous (again) a lot of whining on his twitter, but I'm too lazy to follow this drama.
No. 240247
File: 1485446219692.jpg (46.94 KB, 1256x286, poophole.jpg)

>>240216who cares, "poop hole"
No. 240345
File: 1485460698952.png (369.96 KB, 1439x2019, 20170126_195740.png) has Vexxypoos Twitter been hacked or is this one of his lame attempts to be relevant?
No. 240356
>>240345I don't understand the whole twitter hacking lizard squad stuff but… why would they steal a nobody's account? What does that accomplish? Couldn't they steal a more famous/relevant account with more than a couple thousand followers?
I'm guessing it's a ruse.
No. 240388
File: 1485465183538.png (88.13 KB, 587x547, 2017-01-26 21_50_43-Vexxed? (@…)

>>240356It was a fake like his "I stabbed someone" episode some time ago.
He was trying to get keems/scarces attention, it failed, and now he's backpedaling full force "I trolled you all!!!1"
No. 240445
>>240388I hope Keem never acknowledges him, and he forever suffers from not having his idols attention.
And if you're lurking Vexxy-poo …. It might give you a little attention to giggle them titties ? Maybe even go after the mighty Onision for ourrr… I mean your entertainment.
No. 242738
File: 1485896975246.png (235.13 KB, 458x547, 2017-01-31 21_59_58-Vexxed? (@…)

>that face when you're pooping in some dark alley
No. 251796
File: 1487129985940.png (442.79 KB, 705x447, vexxy.png)

no news, just some pic of him because he's ugly as sin and it makes me laugh.
No. 251803
File: 1487130731032.jpg (8.46 KB, 267x189, images.jpg)

>>251796I talked about Daphne Rimmel a few minutes ago in Margo's thread and now someone's having her little revenge here because she believes I'm Vexxed. LOL
Lol be mad!
pic related.
No. 251832
File: 1487134308133.gif (Spoiler Image,4 MB, 480x360, make em bounce.gif)

No. 251838
>>251803ehm, no?
Just all the talk in the kappa thread made me remind that this lowlife is still out there somewhere and it's about time to make fun of his ugly mug again. Jesus he's just so bad looking, we should'nt even justify ourselves about why we are making fun of him, let's just laugh at his unfortunate face and manboobs,k?
No. 288907
File: 1491873595963.jpg (171.45 KB, 1024x512, 30764034251_37b9c4f589_b.jpg)

Really SO People Are Thinking "OH IT PROBABLY TRIGGERS VEXXED" so Why Are You Cyber bullying Him If He Apparently Was Cyber Bullying Venus Oh Yeah Umm I Am A BIT MAD That He Did That To Venus. But Keep Calm And Get Mad At Vexxed(User Has Been Put Out To Pasture)
No. 288908
File: 1491874159943.gif (Spoiler Image,3.33 MB, 452x308, waaat.gif)

No. 289156
File: 1491919696819.png (Spoiler Image,617.41 KB, 615x409, Gaucho-Xiahn-Main.png)

>>288966vexxed looks like a fat sloppy version of that brazilian guy trying to look korean
No. 289797
>>289764Someone has their fas in a bunch
Oh no we're so scared I don't want that to happen!!!
No. 289821
File: 1492002926153.jpg (31 KB, 466x404, Cyber_5dd2a7_793548.jpg)

>>289764>I am a ISP Securies Master. But you can't spell "securities"
>What you are saying and the threats you are making are in fact illegal. Same as making jokes about suicide. In what country? And what specific "threats" were made?
>I have a gun of my own and have considered unsing on self before.Do the world a favor.
>I will reveal all of your identities using the security equipment that I own and report you all to my direct line to world wide security."World Wide Security"? Is that like the "cyber-Police"? Have we been back-traced?
>What you are joking about is serious and makes you look unstable.And this post was the picture of mental stability.
>As I was saying that I'm an artist. Music and Anime.No, you never said anything about that. You said you were an "ISP Securies Master"
>I have a community of 320 million and how many subscriber does this "popular and powerful-not-even-a-major Venus have?"320 Million? Let's see them.
>Hah. If I where to draw a scale and explain the bullying story and that scale was showing the size of your community and mine. Please do.. You are an "ISP Securies, music, anime, master" after all.
>They will laugh at you and the posts you made will be almost invisible with the comments from my community standing up for me. "I have lots of friends. Really. I do.. Believe me."
>Also when I identify you all when another attack is made.Go for it.
(Yes, I know this is a bullshit troll.. I couldn't help but pick this silliness apart.)
No. 289879
>>289821 >>289865
The irony Is real. Trolling trollers is actually the best. Considering you are literally trolling an innocent guy (VEXXED) look how much attention I took off of him and how much of that time was wasted. And you say I'm a bullshit troller. I'm nearly dead just reading that considering what you are doing is trolling this guy with no valid proof and trolling me while expressing that. You actually don't scare me. Your just some random person behind a key board. Back in the day when this shit was at one of my clubs (yes I am Japanese that was a typing mistake) you'd have you face shoved into a choppers fucking running tyre. We don't deal with bad ass wanna be's with no proof.
No. 290178
>>289879What happened to the "internet securities master"?
Come on. If you use you "direct line to world wide security", what ever the fuck that is, and have anyone arrested, I will personally motorboat Vexxy's ample man-titties at the Shibuya crossing and give you an hour to draw a crowd.
Ball is in your court, make this happen. Don't disappoint everyone.
No. 290208
File: 1492042866218.png (50.64 KB, 228x275, 1473826397466.png)

>>289764>world wide securityive never laughed so hard in a while. thanks japanon
No. 290216
>>289879how would it even be possible to make a mistake that reaches from おはよう to おひお … like ??
also, buddy. just in case you really are japanese. your little friend vexxed is not even japanese, nor half-japanese. he is from ireland. calm down, take a nap and then start here: No. 290318
Why is this fool here raving about "trolling" and "bullying"?? No one's paid this mouthbreather the slightest bit of attention in months.
No. 295089
File: 1492678215153.png (85.8 KB, 625x626, nicebaitmate.png)

>>295085You know what is really stupid though?
You just bumped this thread back up to page 1, a thread that didn't have any replies in an entire week.
No. 295101
>>295085Im not going to japan or where the fuck ever just to call a loser, a loser.
Kill yourself.
No. 295247
>>295085You are LITERALLY 14.
I would say it to his funhouse mirror face if I saw him in Japan again. What's he going to do? Poke me in the eye with one of those bombass titties? I'm too far from Tokyo, though.
>>295089The baby gamer squad started coming back to leave comments on Venus' videos, so his "exposed" video is probably circulating again.
No. 295637
>>288907>>295611>>295085>>289879 I can't believe people take this guy seriously. He literally likens Lolcow to extremism. Lolcow's forums pretty much just takes media and allows people to comment with a typical biase of dislike. That's it. It's internet gossip. It's the kind of thing that's likely to happen when you put yourself out there on mainstream media and insert yourself into drama. I don't really know what he was expecting, honestly. Saying Lolcow is extremism is nonsensical, and completely irrational, just because people took your pictures and photo shopped them doesn't mean they're radicallized, just because we disagree with you doesn't mean we're unreasonable, and just because we speculate doesn't mean we're deluded, not everyone on Lolcow is going to read and participate in this thread, in fact people likely won't ever see this thread, one person on twitter doesn't speak for everyone on the site. The guy should have just left it alone, but instead had to try and capatalize on his own useless drama, and in return has left Lolcow with the fallout of idiots who take a YouTube video as a gateway to troll/rage and waste our time. The fact that people are still watching this irrelevant guy's failed keemstar attempt truly vexes me.
I also hate the fact he just assumes everyone is a bitchy girl on this site, have some imagination, gossip is gender inclusive, we're all allowed to hate you equally.
Sage for bumping a dead horse
>>297987Did Margaret give a deep tissue massage to those oppai or not? Do you smell like Parmesan cheese? Why are all your fans in middle school? Why did you deliberately ignore all evidence sent and linked for you that proves Margo was an abusive, lying, exploitative cunt? How many litres are you sweating now that Spring is here?
So many questions for Vexxed-Sama.
No. 298074
File: 1493048060402.jpg (455.19 KB, 600x2242, mad-guide-of-man-boobs.jpg)

>>298024I just wanna know his cup size.
No. 298293
File: 1493076217950.jpg (Spoiler Image,607.94 KB, 250x188, K5TXwRs.jpg)

>>298148I'd be careful, man! Vexxed's boobies are lethal weapons.
No. 299734
File: 1493311264914.png (57.93 KB, 625x626, m9.png)

>>298148'if I saw him in Japan again.'
>Claims to have seen me'14 Branchland Court, Ruckersville, Virginia'
>US Address>Seems legit
>>305074His eyebrows? Can you even read? We're all about his Russ Meyer jumbo titties.
Also, fuck off with this stuff. Look how dead this thread is. No one thinks of Vexxed, not even YouTube viewers.
No. 305881
File: 1494073453919.jpeg (47.55 KB, 640x480, 4C3BB589-61FA-47C8-847A-574A12…)

>>299734>>298303>>298293How the fuck do you guys not realize that's the old address to Chris Chans house? You uncultured swines.
No. 305882
File: 1494073698842.jpg (64.32 KB, 625x475, epikmaymay.jpg)

>>305881Pic related, they're in all the fun threads.
No. 305911
>>305882wow, youre an arrogant bitch, arent you?
look at you all self-rightous and shit.
most likely no one said anything about that being chris' adress because
1) people were hoping vexxed wouldnt realize and
2) actually drive there and therefore
3) further baiting him with
>>298303 and
>>298293 4) didnt bother writing in a dusty thread where only vexxeds titties were sperging and
5) it was too obvious for anyone anyway and
>>299734 claimed to be vexxed himself, who actually is too dumb to know about chris
and you piece of shit didnt even sage and got that thread out of the attic again only for sperging over how superior you are. good job, hoe. now gtfo and kys
No. 308696
>>299734So retarded, he thinks everyone is the same poster. But you think I never saw your Baby Huey ass…
>>308529Pimply 13 year olds are a scary bunch.
If these posters aren't Vexxed himself, WHERE are these kids coming from and why are they attracted to this busty, inbred sperg? Is he paying them? I really want to know since it can't be just random kids that saw his videos in YouTube recommendations. I don't understand the insane devotion to an absolute nobody with boring videos, no personality and no discernible talent. He's not someone amiable like DanTDM or prolific like Philip DeFranco. Is it his tits?
No. 761195
>>761165Hardly, just sounds like two buddies talking and Ice giving him advice on how to be successful. Do you have any actual milk, or did you just revive the thread over banter?
Its good to hear he may be flopping though.
No. 1935355

Vexxed died from a (supected OD related) seizure last month: reddit thread featured in the article has some information on his more recent activities. It appears that he started associating with many controversial streamers such as Ice Poseidon and Suspendas (who announced his death). I had never heard of the latter until today, but some highlights from his fandom page includes:
-he streamed himself having sex on at least three different occasions.
-played loud music while on a train and had a racist chimp out when other passengers asked him to stop
-the most recent time he streamed himself having sex, the woman's child was present.
Some have speculated that Vexxed's death may be linked to related, where he ingests some drink (speculated to be codeine, kratom or a mixture of both) and may have consumed too much alcohol afterwards. Another theory I've seen is that Suspendas delayed disclosing Vexxed's death for a week because he feels/knows he is responsible and wanted to profit off the death.
No. 1935383
File: 1701298664460.jpg (89.43 KB, 1040x584, what.jpg)

>>1935355A now-suspended Twitter account that was dedicated to 'exposing' streamers in Asia had a number of threads referring to Vexxed and some of his friends and acquaintances. I don't know if the videos mentioned in this archive are saved, but the account alleges that Vexxed is 'attracted to young females' and has supplied underaged girls with alcohol. The archived thread also refers to an incident where Vexxed and another streamer make jokes about atomic bombs and 'radioactive pussy' while streaming in Hiroshima. The latter incident received some attention online: No. 1935463
>>1935386There’s also a video of him with Suspendas at a bar from 4-5 months ago saying he choked a Thai woman while raping her.
Tinfoil but noticed quite a lot of western scumbags end up dying in Thailand specifically. From 2016-2018 there were 60 deaths of British tourists who were classed by British police as ‘suspicious’ but cleared by Thai police. A lot of the time these cases are suspected to be murders and staged suicides, but the Thai police generally don’t bother investigating western sex tourists dying and are notoriously easy to bribe, so it’s classed as a suicide and gets closed without any further investigation. It would be good if someone murdered him out of revenge but yeah it’s more likely he was just a hedonistic retard who mixed his pills. Good news either way.