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No. 303405
Onision: Greasemonger edition.
Last thread:
>>>/pt/303402Recap: Billie and Gergles up in a tree, F.U.C.K.I.N.G.
First comes strife and busted marriages, and Lainey's left with a baby carriage.
No. 303409
File: 1475549099935.png (48.35 KB, 1275x341, lastthread.png)

>>303407She's admitted on her Twitter account before that she lurks here, she even closed her account at one point out of fear in the last thread when an anon sniffed her sycophantic ass out.
No. 303411
File: 1475549153784.jpg (136.09 KB, 1239x574, CryForHelp.jpg)

Let's not forget the vague Tweet from Lainey. It was quickly deleted and called a hoax by Sarah.
And it's confirmed the Laineyclone lurks this board.
No. 303419
>>303414Maybe reporting one of the IP requests?
I'm more concerned about the address being incorrect, though. Worst case scenario is that it's just a hoax, and the police would leave with some documentation about the family. It would really suck for some random strangers to get a visit from the police, though.
No. 303422
File: 1475549664226.png (172.94 KB, 720x1011, 20160930_224315.png)

Plainclone tweets immediately after she's mentioned on here as well as the anti-o blogs. This has been a consistent pattern for her
No. 303423
>>303413I think she would have left by now if it weren't for the child-ren.
I'm also honestly still surprised Gergles even went that far. I didn't take him as a type to ever have or want children since they can be an obstacle from simply and swiftly hopping into a different relationship with no strings attached like he always does.
No. 303425
File: 1475550139887.jpg (149.77 KB, 500x375, sistergergs2.jpg)

>>303406Here you go. Fixed the left of plainey slightly too.
>>303419>>303421The wall matches wood knot to wood knot. Vid was posted August 2016, and the house hasn't been sold since 2015, when it was to gerg.
No. 303439
Someone told me that the only way she has contact with Lainey is through twitter. If they were actual friends and she had any more knowledge than us, she'd probably have her phone number. I don't think Lainey talks to her that much.
No. 303446
File: 1475552339257.jpg (127 KB, 960x814, 1472874658609.jpg)

Alright guys, after calling the wrong number and being rerouted to a different jurisdiction, I got on the phone with a woman. First I apologized for the call being such an unusual situation, ofc. Then I told her that a woman in their jurisdiction who is in a relationship that is very public online posted a troubling message on social media, and that I'm concerned about her safety because her husband has a history of abuse that she's also received and because she's heavily pregnant and the situation has been escalating in the public eye. I relayed the tweet, and she took details about their names, address, race, whether there are any drugs or weapons in the house, etc. They also asked me about how I found out about all this and his history of abuse. I told her it was emotional and financial, and that there are allegations of physical abuse, but that the latter isn't known for sure. The woman inputted the information and said that they're gonna send someone out to make sure everything's okay and to give them another call if anything else pops up.
Even if this is a hoax, hopefully the police can at least check up on her and her child(ren)'s well-being. They're very good at spotting signs of abuse, neglect, and psychological distress. This also helps add to a record that could help Taylor in the future. As I mentioned in the last thread, I've had to call in some DV reports before, and in one case the victim was actually compelled by it to leave the abusive partner. I've also had to call in an suicide threat before that allowed the police to give the guy the help he needs, so the police do take distress on social media seriously. Well, some of them at least. We'll see how it goes. :)
I really fucking hope u guys got the right address, because I gave them my number.
No. 303451
>>303446bless u
>>303449I'm sure they are already prepared for that, anon. It's how it usually goes, anyway.
No. 303452
>>303448>>303450>>303451Thanks m8s. I'm not a fan of Taylor by any means, but she was groomed from a young age, and it's really no surprise that she was too swept up in her favorite celebrity's ~love~ to notice/lol at the warning signs. If she's a victim of domestic abuse and in distress, then getting her proper help is the right thing to do no matter who she may be, anyway.
>>303449Gdi, I forgot to mention that. Luckily denial of abuse is extremely common, so the police will probably be more focused on other signs of abuse than what she's actually saying.
FUCK, I forgot to mention the statutory rape too! gdi gdi gdi
No. 303467
>>303466For Lain's safety?
>>303465Yeah, there's this lingering feeling of 'something is suppose to happen.'
No. 303472
>>303465It's broad daylight and report writing for me, so I'm just procrastibating.
I can keep an eye on twitter while you guys sleep.
I'll be satisfied with a lack of milk in this case if it means the situation isn't as bad as we think, especially for the kid. Fuck the adults, poor baby.
No. 303475
File: 1475559393264.png (526.25 KB, 978x645, Screen Shot 2016-10-04 at 1.36…)

she looks so done.
No. 303480
>>303478Isn't just that her no-makeup look?
I'm sure she's probably been crying but who even knows when this photo was taken.
No. 303485
>>303475funny how we were just talking about how suspicious it was that greg has said 0 shit since all this happened.
and here is posting on IG of his clearly-been-crying child bride.
No. 303490
>>303489he without a doubt looks here. lainey is probably going to be "punished" by his greasy ass for causing a scene.
(unless this is what he wanted all along)
No. 303493
>>303490From things they've said themselves in videos, I reckon this will start with silent treatment (Smeg calls it having time to cool off in another room), then one word answers, slamming some things, angry glares, walking off when she's mid-sentence.
Don't be fooled thinking these are just childish but harmless tactics. Living alone out in WA in that house with this crap going on, and not feeling safe, all this behaviour will have her on edge 24/7. That much cortisol is not good during pregnancy either.
No. 303496
>>303475I wish we could half-spoiler photos, so we don't have to read the sycophantic comments unless we're up to it.
> Dunno. Maybe because she has a beautiful husband too X3PUKE.
No. 303498
File: 1475561149327.jpg (12.82 KB, 606x102, 1.jpg)

No. 303508
>>303505Try getting some sleep. I don't think we'll be seeing Gergles on Investigation Discovery until he hits 40.
>>303506Thank you a lot for posting and confirming it!
No. 303512
Also this just made me scared Lainey and her kids all over again.
No. 303515
>>303514Yeah but under those covers she might not have any legs, they might be bloody stumps…
The cops have been called, Greg inevitably probably knows that too, I reckon nothing disastrous is going to happen overnight. It's a slow death with people like Onion boy, so there's time for everyone else to sleep in the meantime.
No. 303518
File: 1475571263352.png (72.16 KB, 643x601, tumblr_oehzssXD701rgyhcpo1_128…)

Lainey's dupe also claimed she saw the tweet, then deleted it and claimed she actually didn't see the tweet.
I wonder if Lainey told her anything or she was just fishing for attention
No. 303534
>>303506Thanks so much farmhand, that clears up all the doubt.
Lainey is lying to cover their ass, either out of fear that Grease would see it or because she had "trolls remorse" after posting it and realised she went too far with attention-seeking.
No. 303540
>>303518>>303526>>303536She's one of these
problematic fans who rejects factual evidence over anything her idols say, lurks here and claims everything here is "photoshopped", very selective on which posts she chooses are "photoshopped" considering screencaps have always been posted in here unless stated otherwise - I'm really surprised she hasn't claimed her own screencaps have been "photoshopped".
She keeps trying to shoehorn herself into something relevant here, she's nothing more than another sycophantic asslicker follower.
She was apparently "anxious" because she saw Lainey's tweets posted here, then suddenly "calmed down" as soon as Sarahbear said they were "photoshopped" and deleted her posts.
It's best to ignore her, she's like Gerg in the sense that she will attempt to distract attention away from serious matters by lying or being willfully ignorant, I'm personally going to stop posting about her myself after this post, I suggest everyone else do the same.
No. 303544
File: 1475583282929.png (4.93 KB, 585x65, disclaimer.png)

>>303543Indeed, we even have a disclaimer at the bottom of the board.
No. 303547
>>303457No idea, but two of those "follows" he uses to put towards his "OMG LOOK I FOLLOW 69 PEOPLE, 69, GET IT?! HURR HURR DURR" are his own fucking accounts.
Pure narcissism.
No. 303565
>>303562Huh… now that's interesting because that same cropped screenshot is the exact same one that's been making the most rounds on Tumblr and Twitter and the one that Lainey and Sarahbear claimed to be "photoshopped".
Unless Billie has an alternative Twitter account that Lainey doesn't know about that's following her - how could she possibly know or be notified of that Tweet as soon as it was posted?
I still don't think it's photoshopped though, the other two images confirm that the Tweet was certainly posted, I just don't get what motive Billie would have for posting it.
No. 303568
>>303565Yeah, thats super weird. Maybe Billie is just pissed at both of them at this point? Greg said he'd leave Lainey for her, but then he never and told her it wasn't going to happen. So she was excited to stir the pot with Lainey's accidental tweet?
This just got even more bizzare.
I suppose we can also take into account that the VA IP isn't Billie at all, but I feel thats unlikely.
No. 303569
The first time that IP cropped up, was in a previous thread, when the screenshot of Lainey and a girl with blue hair was posted. That screenshot had Billie's FB stuff on it, and from what I recall, someone looked at the image and didn't think it was photoshopped. Another anon looked at the fake Billie accounts and none of them were using that specific picture. That's not to say they couldn't have changed for the screenshot and changed it back though.
The Manassas IP has been posting only in the Onision threads, and has only posted a handful of times. As we said, we can't confirm 100% that this is actually Billie, it could very well be someone else in the same area, or someone who knows her, etc. But it does seem suspicious, so we have been keeping an eye on posts coming from that location.
I hope this clears things up somewhat!
No. 303570
>>303568A few possible explanations:
1. Billie is following her on a alt. account and has been watching her like a hawk moreso than the rest of us because she's waiting for an opportunity where she might leave Grease; then posts it here first knowing that other anons will flock to the same tweet to confirm it - putting Lainey in a difficult situation where she either has to say it's true (Gurg would react) or deny it (everything stays as it is).
2. The VA IP is not Billie but that doesn't make sense in regards to the "pedo comment/screenshot" directed at Lainey from Billie's FB account.
3. It's one of Billie's friends; (Ayalla).
I'm beginning to lean more towards the 1st and 3rd options.
No. 303575
>>303569Many thanks Farmhand, at this point they're just incriminating themselves with this petty bullshit (whether it's Billie or Ayalla, or both) I don't believe either of the two screenshots (the pedo comment/screenshot) and the Lainey Tweet were doctored at all, but I do believe they're trying to stir up shit to push Lainey into a corner where she feels she has to break off her marriage for Billie's benefit…
Considering Billie and Ayalla are best mates and have each others back, I'd say they're purposely being malicious at this point - especially with Ayalla saying recently that Lainey isn't pregnant and that Billie has done absolutely nothing wrong and has played no part in the deterioration of their marriage.
I don't think Billie is gonna give up easily on the fight for Grease, especially considering he likes her just as much back to the point it's wrecking his relationship with Lainey.
No. 303576
>>303569>>303562>>303558Thank you Farmhand-chan <3
>>303446Thank you Anon, you did good. Even if this is all a hoax, at least there's now a record in case things escalate.
No. 303580
File: 1475600102294.png (22.05 KB, 468x511, hmmmmm.png)

>>303578Samefagging, but this was where I first saw them mention it, I didn't ask for further details as they don't really have any history of making shit up, but I've asked for a source anyway… I'll post again when I have an answer.
No. 303583
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>>303572For fuck sakes, this.
Can't they take a normal picture together to "prove" h8rzz wrong?
Instead he takes a creep shot of his bloated wife with her eyes closed, doing some weird facial expression.
And Onion you retard, don't act like you are her knight when you shat all over her 2 days ago just to make Billie seem innocent.
No. 303584
File: 1475601625289.jpg (140.37 KB, 954x621, Screenshot_23.jpg)

>>303571>>303583don't you people understand the concept of an imageboard?
Screenshot for posterity.
No. 303587
>>303584I still think it's really telling how he doesn't ~respect her pronouns~. You'd think Taylor's
husband of all people would have her back, but nope.
>>303586My first thought was hospital bed tbh. Here and in
>>303475 No. 303593
>>303591Another good point, we can tack it onto here
>>303570 as #4 for another possible explanation.
No. 303597
>>303584Love how he's like JUST ASK LAINEY!! Like she hasn't lied for him in the past to protect him and isn't current lying about the screenshot bullshit?
FFS, she even lied for him when she was asked if the onisionswife tumblr was hers, even though it was obviously him. Lainey's word is ever only as good as Greg's - that is to say, not at all.
No. 303603
>>303600Samefag but it won't let me delete
>>303591This makes sense as the first screenshot was taken 17s after tweet was made. You know what we say about self posters & speedy screenshots. It's very, very possible Billie hacked her account and tweeted it.
ALSO explains why there was such a high push for "IT WAS A FAKE IT'S PHOTOSHOPPED" as soon as someone mentioned the police.
No. 303606
>>303596If Lainey didn't see the tweet when it was posted and knows she didn't post it herself, she would assume it was photoshopped, and not that she was hacked since its not there anymore.
I can see Billie posting the tweet to paint Lainey in a bad light to Greg, like he can't trust her the same way he felt he couldn't trust his other "crazy exes" etc. Like Sh and her supposed "frame Onision for murder" plot.
No. 303607
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No. 303608
>>303604>>303605>>303606Lainey still could've posted it for all we know and Billie could've just happened to be the first (not including the second and third) to post the screencap here before Lainey deleted it.
Talking about the Tweet itself, not the screenshot.
No. 303609
>>303584lmao what a creepy picture.
I love how close he held the phone to her face and her faint "please don't hurt me" smile
No. 303617
>>303613Yes, it does, and in the shot of Lainey's whole twitter page (the second one posted) it missed out the top of the page where it'd show the login info. The user also wasn't following Lainey so how would they see the tweet within 43 seconds of it being tweeted.
Billie doesn't follow Lainey.
>>303614>>303615 No. 303630
File: 1475604983407.png (913.37 KB, 720x992, 20161004_135417.png)

Sage for OT but scrolling through Ayalla's Twitter is so cringey. What an insufferable narcissist! Bitch you look like the sloth from Ice Age
No. 303631
I'm not saying it was Billie that hacked Lainey 100%, but it makes the most sense. Especially when, like
>>303621 says, it's very unlikely that poster #2 seen the tweet from lolcow. They must've already had her twitter up, but that's insanely lucky also as there wasn't that much real milk until the tweet was made. Lainey's account had made 3 tweets since being re-activated, and most likely all 3 were made by Greg.
The actual time stamps of the screenshots being taken were:
i) 17 seconds after the tweet was uploaded
ii) 43 seconds after being uploaded
iii) 4m - the one I'm positive was posted by a farmer.
I know how tinfoil hat it sounds but on threads with high chances of self-posting, very quick screenshots are almost always dismissed because who the fuck sees a tweet within 17 seconds of it being posted unless they're watching EXTREMELY closely - like doing nothing else closely.
No. 303632
>>303623Multiple farmer had Lainey's twitter and this thread up at the same time. They were hoping to get fresh milk directly from the source. There's nothing suspicious about that.
>>303630Bitch doesn't even know how to
pretend to be humble.
No. 303636
>>303635The second poster had literally exactly 27 seconds to get there, take the screenshot, cap it & post it here. Possible, but very, very tight. I agree they could've been sitting with Lainey's twitter open, but at the same time it doesn't sit right with me that the first two screenshots were taken so quickly.
I'm not even thinking about the fact the first poster's IP is from Virginia, in terms of the actual timings of the screenshot it's dodgy.
I'll stop my tinfoil hat semi-derailing now, but the actual times the screenshots were taken is weird. All I'm saying.
No. 303643
File: 1475605837984.png (82.55 KB, 673x466, dearlord.png)

>>303636After she deleted that post, I left another tab open on Lainey's account and screencapped and posted Sarahbear's tweet within 2 mins, another anon even got there before me within 1 min…
It's not hard to notice it within 30 secs and get a screenshot and post it here, this really shouldn't even be open for discussion.
We ALL do it here.
No. 303647
File: 1475606406241.png (402.65 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-10-04-14-33-19…)

Sorry for bring OT but its so funny to watch Onision fans defend him.
No. 303650
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>>303630laughed so hard. thanks anon
>>303612agree with this, i think she's too retarded to have a master plan even if she did post the screenshot
No. 303653
>>303645If anything, what we CAN be certain about with the three anons posting their screenshots is that Lainey did indeed post that Tweet and it wasn't "photoshopped" like she and Sarahbear claimed it to be.
As for the VA IP, the farmhand said they're keeping a close eye on them and will inform us if anything else unusual will pop up again in the future, I agree with this anon that it makes absolutely no sense for it to have been Billie who posted the original tweet (not the screenshot) because it won't have the effect she's looking for in trying to have Grease all to herself, if anything it would paint him in a bad light.
The most logical explanation is:
1. Lainey Tweeted it.
2. VA IP got to it first and posted the screenshot here.
3. The following two anons swarmed to it like a warm carcass and followed suit in posting screenshots.
4. The Tweet was deleted very shortly afterwards.
5. Lainey's fans freaked out about it when they saw the screenshots.
6. Lainey went into damage-control mode and got Sarahbear to say that the Tweet never existed and that it must of been "photoshopped".
7. Lolcow gives Lainey the benefit of the doubt and calls in a Farmhand to investigate.
8. Farmhand confirms they came from different IPs therefore not "photoshopped".
9. Farmhand decides to mention that VA IP was the first to post the screenshot.
10. Lolcow is suspicious of VA IP because it may be from an alt. Twitter account that's following Lainey's every move.
All this makes perfect sense, there's really no need to go all conspiracy theorist on this.
No. 303656
>>303645Seriously. You guys are getting paranoid as fuck. Like, I don't know if it was 1 samefag or a bunch of people but the amount of posts suddenly jumping on the ITS PHOTOSHOPPED!!!!!!! bandwagon last night after Sarah and plainclone of all people suggested it was absolutely fucking insane. Just look at the facts - what we KNOW Greg and Lainey have done before.
We know Greg is manipulative and emotionally abusive. We know he has taken control of past significant others' social media and pretended to be Lainey on tumblr before. We know Lainey has lied for him about that - she posted on her Laineybot tumblr that the fake tumblr was hers.
We know that Lainey will do WHATEVER it takes to stay with Greg. If that means lying about a tweet to keep him from chimping, she will do it. And her orbiters will follow suit because they don't care what's best for her, they only care about the prestige about being associated with Lainey/Onision's wife.
What do we know about Billie? She's conniving, certainly, and doesn't give much of a fuck about Lainey assuming the pedo FB post was really from her. She is after Greg. Wrecking marriages isn't a problem. She may have posted one of those screenshots. She doesn't care about starting drama.
Hacking Lainey's Twitter to say "I don't feel safe" doesn't benefit her at all. Ayalla doesn't even like Greg, so why would she be in on this conspiracy to get Billie and Greg together? If anything, you'd think she'd be trying to talk Billie out of having anything to do with them. No one in Billie's social circle likes them at all.
No. 303657
>>303653that sums it up. All we definitely
know is that the screenshots came from three different IPs including the one from Virginia which is rumored to be Billie. Any further speculation is just derailing.
No. 303663
File: 1475608844803.jpg (55.51 KB, 195x164, gerg.jpg)

>>303639Hey pic OP here, yeah it went Skye (first in this one
>>303405) AJ (Adrienne? although I don't think it was a marriage or w/e, see
>>303397), Shiloh, Plainey, and yes, Billie. Check Encyclopedia Dramatica.
Also I'm back ready with photoshop and insomnia ready to pass the time until another fucked up tweet appears
No. 303666
>>303656It can benefit Billie if it makes it looks like Lainey is lying on Twitter about the abuse thing. It can affect her credibility (something Onision made with all the other girls before her).
Anyway, just a thought.
No. 303667
File: 1475609389267.jpg (106.8 KB, 301x606, lain.jpg)

>>303665I'll make it my project, that jaw will need some liquifying.
No. 303668
>>303584Does Lainey have herpes?
In regards to the validity of the screen shots, it is pretty normal for farmers to post them super quickly from what I have seen, especially if a cow is under close watch due to unfolding drama. Plus it was left up for ~4 minutes. I doubt they were photoshopped, the only real explanation is she was hacked. But as others have said, Lainey would have then stated she was hacked, not that it was photoshopped.
Also, can't the details/code be looked at in the image file to see whether it was photoshopped or not? I swear there was someone who did that long ago with another cow to prove whether something had been edited or not. At the very least, the posted images could perhaps be compared?
No. 303670
File: 1475609537962.jpg (27.01 KB, 300x335, 300px-Homunculouslarge.jpg)

>>303663>>303667Lmao! They both look like Homunculous!! Brilliant.
No. 303676
>>303666>>303669At this point, I think most of all the anons who were going back and forth with discussing the "what ifs" "but"s and "maybe"s for the past couple of hours are all tuckered out, I know I am… I'm just gonna go with
>>303653 as it chronologically makes sense.
Let's move on, the Farmhand said they'll post again if they find anything unusual, until then we're just derailing the thread really.
No. 303680
>>303678>>303677I recommend deleting your original comment and posting the corrected version, you know people on here can't read or might suggest
>>303678 is someone else trying to discredit your findings, since untempered vs tempered is a big deal.
No. 303683
>>303679Holy shit please ignore my stupid. For some reason my computer is giving me the red squiggle YOU ARE WRONG line underneath "untampered" and I was apparently too dimwitted to realize.
>>303680Done, here we go again. Sorry for my mistakes, I was too excited to post. I made it a bit better too, I hope.
>>303673Gotcha. I just tried analyzing the metadata and also running the three pictures through a few different image forensic sites and none of the images have any spots that look edited around the tweets themselves.
The first two shown don't seem to have any connection to software that allows image editing. The third one does have Adobe tags, however the tweets look untampered with under the forensic lens because Lainey's tweet is identical to the other two caps under the lense. I am assuming the Adobe tags are due to one of two reasons: they shopped the red squares on to hide their identity because they could not cap on Lainey's profile fast enough and still wanted to share (which they stated in their comment), or that they just used a capping feature attached to Adobe.
>>303674Not sure if that was directed at me but no, I don't think it was Billie, it looks very real. But being hacked is the only other explanation (and already disproved, from Lainey's claim it was photoshopped in the first place).
No. 303684
File: 1475611631658.jpg (349.78 KB, 1057x600, gregirl.jpg)

>>303670That's what it reminded me of! Yes! God I do not miss neurobio. I found this tool last night accidentally and have had some real fun with it.
Anyway, here you go. It looks so much like every other lolita intsagram shoop, they must abuse distort soooo bad. I hate hair.
>>303677>>303683Yeah I came to that conclusion last night with
>>303359>>303682Oh yeah looks like you've seen. Linked for clarity then.
No. 303685
>>303683Thanks anon, I believe another anon in the last thread made similar observations too. We've no doubt that they weren't doctored, it's just Lainey tucking her tail between her legs again as usual.
I just think some anons wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt because it's the first time she's made a post as extreme as that, and getting a farmhand involved has actually proved beneficial to us as additional confirmation that they weren't tampered with in the first place.
No. 303686
>>303668> Plus it was left up for ~4 minutesNope. It just still showed up on my timeline because I hadn't refreshed yet. I took a screenshot immediately, then clicked Lainey's profile, and by that time it was long gone.
(3rd Screenshot Anon here)
No. 303690
>>303687Some of us would have to make additional accounts then, and I don't know how dedicated the already present Twitter users are to that idea… she went on a massive blocking spree the night she began posting about Grease not loving her - accounts that were not supportive of her, questioned her or said "I told you so" were all blocked, I wasn't the only one blocked; another four of us were in the same night… which is funny because she didn't care to block us back when we complained to her face about having Sarahbear over.
It'd be cool if any other farmers wanted to do this though, I just try not to dedicate too much time to them and from talking to a several other Twitter posters, they don't want to either… negative vibes and all, it just gets frustrating dealing with their ignorant fans at times.
No. 303693
File: 1475613009405.jpg (47.33 KB, 190x240, IMG_9209.JPG)

>>303684The long mouth freaks me out
No. 303694
>>303692I see it more as her wanting to really be on gurgles good side for v2.0 so she won't be as open this time
But then that just adds to the theory that she was hiding behind a alt acct.
saged for tinfoilhattery
No. 303695
>>303692Nah, this is relevant and not related to the earlier stuff, you're fine.
It's possible that Gerg caught wind of that and told her to not disclose any personal information about them, so she's probably left it alone in hindsight.
I'm hoping this isn't the case though, because I really want her to spill the beans.
No. 303697
File: 1475613337168.jpg (99.2 KB, 1087x622, yes.jpg)

>>303689Yep! I used PS6, I actually still have it open so I took a screenshot. Sorry for the awkward crop, I don't want to give away which language my software is in (hahaha)
No. 303698
File: 1475613400087.jpg (349.67 KB, 1057x600, gregirl2.jpg)

>>303693Yeah I thought that was what was wrong with it. fix'd.
No. 303701
>>303695I was thinking more along the lines of if Greg wants Plainey to divorce him, rather than him having to do it, Billie making a video bashing/blaming Lainey (with Greg's ok) would put more pressure on Lainey to do it.
And that would gather more fans on their side and less backlash if he were to get together with billie.
No. 303712
File: 1475614952917.png (109.85 KB, 387x631, bluehairedbitches.png)

>>303708Coincidentally enough, the Onisiondrama blog just posted this an hour or so ago, there's no mention of lolcow and the story itself is more or less accurate from a non-farmer's perspective if you're okay with using that. No. 303713
File: 1475615044879.png (271 KB, 584x158,…)

No. 303715
File: 1475615220945.png (462.76 KB, 588x268,…)

~so deep~
No. 303716
>>303713Oh the fucking irony!
>>303715Gerg, you can say you're "honest" and "truthful" a thousand times a day, but your word against your own fucking background and current history just doesn't make it so.
No. 303718
This vid popped up on my recs list so I started watching it and holy shit, at 1:37 in:
>There is were our sons used to play>SONSAm I hearing that correctly? Was this pointed out before?
>>303690I'm not sure if I am reading your reply incorrectly (apologies if I am) but what I meant was a notification app/add on something that would forward her tweets directly to your email or something. Unless that requires making a new account? Regardless, her stans are insufferable, I agree with you there.
No. 303726
>>303719Haha, welcome to the club.
>>303718I usually just log out most of the time and keep manual tabs on her by just keeping open a tab on her page whenever I'm here on lolcow, blocking me is futile considering I can still make screenshots and can still see whatever she posts unless she fully locks up her account to private.
And she won't do that because she fucking lives for the attention.
No. 303735
>>303734she blocked me within minutes of me tagging her in this tweet
>>303717 (see
>>303719), so she (or Onion)
is highly active, just not posting. Hm.
No. 303743
File: 1475620675312.jpg (9.27 KB, 343x102, complainey.jpg)

is that one of us farmers? in any case lmao
No. 303750
>>303742I still haven't got confirmation of that, I'm still waiting for it from the Twitter user that first mentioned it. They claim it came from a message from a friend on tumblr, they sent a PM to Ayalla asking why she condones her friend treating a pregnant woman badly and she replied back saying Lainey isn't pregnant.
I've asked them again for a screenshot, so they're in the process of asking that friend for one…I'm still waiting on that; if I don't get it in the next day or so - I'm just going to assume it's hyperbole without proof.
Not only that, but there was Lainey's FB post to a Mothering group saying that she is indeed pregnant whilst looking for advice on breastfeeding Troy, so I would take anything Ayalla says with a grain of salt really.
No. 303757
>>303753Anon, if that was the case, she would be in a hospital gown
And she's not, so calm your pants.
No. 303773
File: 1475630040072.jpg (56.92 KB, 480x596, 7gw0qIo.jpg)

Billie is so much cuter than Lainey tho, I can see why he'd choose her!
No. 303784
File: 1475630242472.jpg (99.32 KB, 1080x1350, lainey.jpg)

>>303773No way. Billie's fat. Lainey is a total qt.
No. 303792
File: 1475630446471.jpg (20.6 KB, 259x286, 853844.jpg)

I'm assuming this thread got posted somewhere.
No. 303798
>>303786I'd bet it's just one troll. Seems childish enough to be Onion Himself, peace be upon him.
Ruh-roh, someone's mad about anons calling the cops?
No. 303801
File: 1475630590580.jpg (220.19 KB, 599x1288, alltheseidiots.jpg)

I made this about a day after Onions shitty we broke video was put up. I then got distracted and never posted it…
>>303773 if you're not Billie herself which one of these fucking morons are you? Because it's only the cutest for that piece of shit right? Apparently that's what an adult relationship with small kids involved is about!
No. 303810
>>303801Don't think Billie needs to make sock puppet accounts after the video Greg made–he portrayed her as the victim (together with himself) and Lainey as some sort of evil witch. His fans agree with anything he says anyway.
>>303802What's obvious about it? Plus, I think it would have been easier to create a new account and take a screenshot. But… it's still the first (or second?) post of the VA IP. That's suspicious.
What's with all the new people in here? Where did y'all come from? Read the thread before you repeat yourselves over and over.
>>303806Because she's doing so much, eh? She usually just talks about coffee and complaints about her job. Or is dying her hair or doing her make-up.
>>303804The post wasn't from Sarah and what has she ever done to you?
Farmhand, can we have an extra eye on this thread while it's so active? Like we had with the Venus/ Margs thread? That would be great.
No. 303814
>>303812If you wished you looked like that ugly hag without makeup then you must be completely unfuckable
and ayalla is already unfuckable
No. 303820
>>303801This is literally retarded. Seriously, this is someones life and not some tumblerina's ship of the week.
If you look at it logically there seems to be something wrong with the guy that makes an effort to ONLY be in relationships with girls that have no real life experience and how many relationships have failed (greatly due to their own actions and infidelity). Don't get me wrong, Laney and Billie are stupid but Onision is the puppet master.
No. 303835
>>303834Somewhat. Looks like they're gone so this shouldn't get buried.
Anyway. Greg was ranting about his psycho haters mistaking Lainey's cold sore for a busted lip, but I'm positive that in her selfies from a day ago that it wasn't there.
Could be something… Could be nothing.
No. 303836
File: 1475632120751.jpg (67.04 KB, 608x626, Screenshot_26.jpg)

Plainclone's dream came true, someone mistook her for Lain.
No. 303841
>>303838>>303839They were on Snapchat and, conveniently, they're already gone even though they shouldn't be yet.
I didn't screen them because I didn't think it was important, but I know some other anons saw the Snapchats too. Maybe someone else got screens?
No. 303847
>>303844Another YouTuber - Cyr
Not sure why he tolerates him though
No. 303848
File: 1475633809299.png (834.41 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>I'm gloomy without "anime". :((( >serial killer stance >>303844No.
No. 303849
>>303844His best friend who passed away. I don't think he's has any male friendships since.
No. 303852
>>303793I know you are a troll but
No. 303854
File: 1475634665060.jpg (41.79 KB, 464x333, pregnant.jpg)

>>303766It was posted here August 2nd. I'm assuming that was close to the time it was posted on the facebook page but she deleted it so can't confirm.
No. 303856
File: 1475635029795.png (65.8 KB, 550x310, 20161004_223421.png)

This was posted in billydump's thread at the same time trolls invaded this one. But it's totally not her, guys!!
No. 303860
File: 1475635580831.gif (686.02 KB, 500x370, x-files-truth-is-out-there-gif…)

No. 303870
>>303864I think she already has. In
>>303815 she tips her hand like she knows what Greg is plotting.
No. 303872
>>303859I get it now. Billie posted that screenshot because she is literally basking in the "Glory" of this situation. She
thinks she's so special that she got a married man to leave his wife and kids… the
reality is that she's easy and lacks any common sense, therefore making a perfect teen victim for an aging pedophile like Onision, who would literally stick his dick in a grapfruit if it had an edgy haircut or would tolerate his abuse.
No. 303875
>>303870she said something to the same effect in the Billie thread in /snow, too.
She said that she knows for sure the details, can't post them, can't say specifics, but that Lainey is halfway out the door.
No. 303887
>>303873That's pretty hamfisted, seems like it could be a clever trole who knows how to use proxies. Did they post on /g/ after their IP was originally revealed? They could be playing us after learning that farmhands can check IPs. Either that or Billie's really, really stupid.
Thanks for giving us the choice to keep or ban them btw.
No. 303889
>>303866someone screenshot that and send it to ayalla would do it but i dont have insta. the first pic is her and billie bob hahah. billie probably thinks of her as the "ugly friend"
No. 303898
File: 1475637036192.jpg (54.1 KB, 580x483, Screenshot_27.jpg)

Ayalla and Billie are hanging out right now. They were having a laugh about the ~*stupid haters*~ and I guess
>>303777 is their GENIUS attempt at throwing us off.
>>303807well isn't this awkward.
No. 303900
>>303894Seems like it.
Ayalla seems to be the one who abuses the word "literally" No. 303901
>>303898I looked at Ayalla's twitter pics, and she has a great body actually.
Billie on the other hand…. those arms are looking a bit flabby.
No. 303907
File: 1475637678276.png (422.03 KB, 1136x640, image.png)

>>303851Ted Bundy 2.0 then? Hasn't killed any of his hoes…yet.
No. 303909
>>303856That's what every homewrecker thinks. "He's going to leave his wife for me."
Nah. He's got bandaid on the way. He can't.
No. 303918
>>303917I know how this is gonna go. Onion can't trump a master Home Wrecker… they're going to get together, Billie is going to fuck around with a bunch of guys, and Onion is gonna make videos about how bisexual girls are whores.
Hopefully he makes a video shaving her head before they split, though.
No. 303926
>>303924I'm sure, in her dumbass BilliBob slang, texted him all
"lmao these ppl dont even know me. i told them to STFU, tbh, and get a life!"
laughing emoji and greg will respond with one word, or an emoji, not because he wants to seem mysterious, but probably because he doesn't give a fuck about billie and thinks she's dumb and is only interested if they're planning the next dick sucking session
No. 303929
File: 1475638506734.png (72.66 KB, 584x492, Lainey.png)

No. 303930
>>303923Jeeze, Billie Down Syndrome makes Adrienne look classy by that comparison.
Sage for seeing it from Greasecock's perspective.
No. 303938
>>303936This is why I sometimes have a hard time feeling sorry for her.
Yes, abusers fuck with your head and warp things, but everything was laid out for her and she acknowledged she needed to leave and tweeted about being scared… but now she's back to this superficial shit?
No. 303944
>>303940Yep! Said "looks like a tranny… (oh,wait)"
There might've been another but irdk.
No. 303955
File: 1475639473668.png (72.12 KB, 585x532, Untitled.png)

>>303939She doesn't always tweet in all lowercase. Besides, Onision couldn't be this tumblr if he tried.
No. 303956
>>303933Yeah, I know. I have nothing against her either but I was seeing it from onion's
point of view(italics: sarcasm), since he's degraded her over 9,000 times bc she was a "slut" and "dirty whore" which is def not the case. Once he's trough with villainy, he will do the same, only this time she's a legit, bonafied slut.
Again, sage.
No. 303957
>>303918I don't like billie, i think she's dumb and i think she's a whore who causes unnecessary drama to make herself feel better.
But, if she's a big whore/narc like onision, then he may have finally met his match. He won't tolerate being cheated on or her fucking other guys or picking other guys over him. Billie, if you give onision a taste of his own medicine, you are truly redeemed. Do the right thing.
Screw him over.
No. 303962
>>303959He doesn't give a fuck about anybody, not his children, not his wife, not even billie. he
wants her, and he's a psycho, and wants to validate himself by thinking he can have whatever he wants when he wants it. I'm sure he's never felt more alive than when teenage girls are sworn to him no matter how shitty he treats them.
You need to be locked up in intensive treatment, Onion, fucking loser
No. 303975
>>303965You're right.
Billie, your lack of boundaries is not only concerning and disturbing, but also inspiring. It gives us hope that Greg will have a taste of his greasy medicine. You are the Queen of Homewreckers. Never has a title been more deserved. Cherish this moment.
No. 303977
>>303973allaya has a better body, billie has a better face.
both are vapid cunts. o well
No. 303987
>>303966>>303967I'm sorry, I'm stupid, please explain
how and not to sage.
>>303972>>303974He made previous videos about the subject while with Shiloh, then made fun of her weight and stripped her of her individually behind closed doors.
No. 303991
>>303955Jfc, the term you are looking for is QUEER, you fucking idiot. And what the hell does an agender person "transition" to, anyway?
Doesn't she have better shit to worry about than her imaginary gender issues? Like her abusive husband, her impending divorce, or idk her kids????
No. 303994
>>303987literally put "sage" minus the quotations in the quick reply field that says email
that's it
that's how you sage
No. 303995
>>303986no i wouldn't choose either of them ever but hey ho
>>303987yeah i know, it's why i found the weight video he made odd but all i can assume is because billie isn't as thin as lamo he's made it to reassure her he loves fucking her
No. 304020
>>304017lol so are you onion's third/fourth/fifth side chick?
gerg is a narc pedo, don't even concern yourself with it. send your nudes somewhere else before you end up with your head shaved and your life in tatters
No. 304021
>>304019Not nudes. Really long messages about the exact kinda gross shit Greg would love to hear that no doubt lifted his ego.
He responded to one in a jokey manner, and published the other few without commentary. The few he published were less ego inflating (except one) and left the long ones unanswered/unpublished.
I'm trying to be vague so I don't reveal identities (but, like I said, there were a few girls he did this to and the person I'm speaking of hasn't tried to interact with him in a couple weeks.)
No. 304027
>>304023Not quite sexting… Just stupid shit like how he doesn't deserve to be treated like shit and she hopes he'll see it one day and answer her.
She's also 20, looks young though. So I misused grooming but she's still young compared to him.
I'm just concerned this is his way of acknowledging her until he can answer and then there's 0 chance she'll listen to me.
No. 304029
>>304027luckily she's too old for him then, i wouldn't worry too much.
just keep making your points, there's a lot of hate sites with stuff to back themselves up
No. 304040
File: 1475644763470.gif (684.2 KB, 500x281, 1472416453282.gif)

My God, what has happened in this thread.
No. 304044
>>304036I'm mostly just making sure it doesn't seem like, to anyone else, Onion will get to her before she moves on. Especially with the Billbo following.
And, yeah, she is being pretty damn whorey.
No. 304052
>>304000Found THIS video on the same channel, it's about Onion's attacks towards AJ pre-letter I believe.
As for the voicemails in it, Billie Jean and Ayalla; listen very carefully and listen well. This is not a game, leave Greasecock alone while you still can.
(As for Mrs. Onion 1.0, what exactly did she do to "cheer him up"? Strange…)
No. 304057
>>304053Ha. Basically.
I'm going to link her to these threads tomorrow when she's up.
No. 304059
>>304055I'm excited, because this is exactly what's going to happen. Gerg is gonna have a meltdown about Billie fucking other guys. But that'll be
okay. lainey was crazy. it only matters when HE feels upset or wronged. I hope she gives him chlamydia
No. 304062
File: 1475647563689.png (Spoiler Image,372.72 KB, 480x596, 1475630040072.png)

>>303773>Billy>cuteChoose one.
Literally shit colored eyes
No. 304076
Billie has her own thread here
>>85507Go there and stop derailing.
No. 304077
File: 1475652207405.jpg (105.19 KB, 1200x666, Ct83ZwpUkAA743P.jpg)

what a retarded sperg
No. 304081
>>304077Greg is aging out so hard. The scene whores want him out, the established youtubers want him out, he has to force his fanbase to pair him with whoever he's "bi-romantic" for with contests.
Speaking of friends, he only has one and that's cyr. No one else likes him and he knows it so he rags on bigger youtubers. This fucker is going to need to learn a trade to take care of his child support because he's aging so bad and loves to fuck teenagers.
No. 304082
>>304081Cyr once stated they were only "business partners", not friends. Also, he never showed up that one time to Onion's house a while back.
And not to mention the money will run out soon.
Onion; if you're reading this: wait, we know you are, nobody (outside your cult) likes you and would love for you to go away.
No. 304087
File: 1475660499240.jpg (779.91 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20161005_114019.jpg)

Shooping Onion's caveman features into a girl is almost impossible with phone apps.
No. 304092
File: 1475667969499.jpeg (90.87 KB, 682x764, received_10206601097208633.jpe…)

I can see Onion doing this when his fanbase dies and his latest teenage bride breaks up with him
No. 304095
Grease's way of thinking right now is to replace Lainey with Billie, not just because she's younger and open to suggestion and manipulation… but because he's fucking getting old, running out of ideas and he's not attracting younger subscribers as much as he used to anymore, the impending and inevitable trickling down of potential subscribers has already been in effect for the past 5 years and he's shitting his pants.
Billie is much more confident and comfortable in front of his camera, she's young enough to know what all the current trends are, younger people relate to her, his fans find her more fun and "prettier" than Lainey and she puts up this facade of "positivity" and "acceptance" to keep up appearances - and that's why he wants rid of Lainey.
Between a year and four years down the line (if Billie does get with him long-term) she'll be showing all the classic signs of his ex-girlfriends, he'll wear her down and shatter her ego, probably not intentionally, but because that's his nature, that's just what he does.
Then, she'll no longer be of use to him and he'll go on the hunt for another teenager, stirring up drama to make her feel like she's going mad, gaslighting, lovebombing, the whole works… until she leaves.
For a pattern that hasn't been broken for 15 years, without the aid of intervention or aid from medical professionals, it is going to remain a pattern for the rest of his fucking miserable existence, no special snowflakey, manic dream pixie girl is ever going to change him.
No. 304097
>>304092I fucking love it when sleazy, middle-aged, below-average looking men think they stand a chance with much younger, attractive, happy-go-lucky girls.
Lol "easy going and chill" is an oxymoron of "high ethics and standards" - warning flags are all up in that shit, hilarious.
No. 304105
File: 1475674281855.jpeg (152.22 KB, 1024x732, image.jpeg)

I tried ;o;
No. 304109
File: 1475676909115.png (346.04 KB, 800x450, oniongirl.png)

After a fucking lot of Photoshop I got him looking maybe like one of those weird antisocial nerd chicks who walks around with a shoulder bag covered in I ♥ Yaoi pins.
No. 304113
File: 1475680642455.jpg (6.71 KB, 184x184, omg.jpg)

>>304109Holy shit, he looks like a pre-spoopy bonelord Ashley Issacs/Hamtaro-chan.
No. 304114
File: 1475680996252.jpg (152.09 KB, 500x500, billay.jpg)

>>304109The eyes are ace anon, I couldnt have gone for those.
>>304105That's fucking nightmare fuel. A commendable effort though
>>304113Christ yeah, thought it looked familiar.
I'm so pissed it all kicked off after I went to bed last night.
No. 304115
>>304109Holy shit he looks like hiwamu, haku's shitty fakeboi friend
>>304114Hey anon, I like one of the edits you posted, I think at the end of last thread? What apps do you use? (Especially whatever you're using for these comedy gold ones)
No. 304116
>>304110A summary of what exactly? There are sites like out there for the background history of Gerg.
Nothing has been going on, it's been the same ol' usual shit for the past four threads - Lainey flipflopping between rebelling against Gerg and being his doormat, Lainey constantly breaking up with Billie and getting back together with her for Gerg's sake, Gerg trying to bait other YT'ers in a bid to farm their fans for subs, Greg being a douche to Lainey as usual and being his greasy self with Billie.
There's nothing much to summarize on and if a random anon wants a little update whilst they've been away for a few days, they can just ask.
No. 304117
File: 1475681566522.gif (3.01 MB, 589x563, Angie.gif)

>>304115I'm using photoshop elements 15 I think. I'd get something more powerful but I've never needed it and can't find a torrent anyway. I'm using the recompose tool for these clusterfucks. I stumbled on it when trying to merge gergs face with the forever alone meme.
No. 304121
File: 1475682275746.jpeg (49.02 KB, 600x633, image.jpeg)

>>304117Here this is an old one
No. 304122
File: 1475682935014.jpg (73.1 KB, 800x450, Onision_104.jpg)

>>304109That's some witchcraft.
No. 304128
File: 1475684063187.jpg (50.31 KB, 840x475, o2016.jpg)

>>304095I'm not a long term Onion drama watcher but some anons have mentioned towards the end of his first marriage his little fans were complaining about Skye not being "fun" anymore or something to that effect. Of course any long term partner of his is going to be beaten down, depressed and utterly miserable. Appealing to the youtube audience why I think he obsessed over Hannah Minx. She's attractive to him (boob squeeze), was into making videos and drew her own fans. Since Lainey is fully drained it's time to bring in a new girl and this one has colorful hair that appeals to his teen fanbase. There really isn't much of substance to her aside from her appearance from what I've seen…
Anyway this how he portrays his life in 2016.
No. 304129
>>304114Same anon, I went to bed and the thread had like 200 replies, then I logged this morning:
>600+ repliesThat's when you know that milk spilled.
No. 304130
File: 1475684342177.jpg (70.91 KB, 840x475, ofuture.jpg)

>>304128…And this might be his life in 2019, give or take a year. Unless he goes for a more normie type, he seems to alternate. I have no shooping skills but the stick figures work well with mspaint lol.
No. 304135
>>304115>>304129In all honesty, you both didn't miss anything; basically VA IP took up another anon's invitation to reveal themselves yesterday morning and they finally obliged and invaded the thread last night… spewing forth inane and inadequate vitriol and made quite an awkward embarrassment of themselves.
Imagine the thread suddenly turning into Justin Bieber's YT channel comments section, and that's all you missed, seriously.
No. 304139
Samefag here
>>304135 but I just want to tack on that no *~big reveal~* was ever made, they danced around about who they were for shits and giggles… they said shit that we already knew, provided no proof of their claims (that we already knew), acted like a child, threw a shitfit whenever anyone mocked Billie, and had the grammatical and english comprehension skills of a pre-teen.
They were generally pretty much a carbon-copy of every Onision/Billie/Lainey fan out there.
At this point, I don't care who they are… they're just a disruptive nuisance with nothing useful to offer.
No. 304143
>>304142Nope! Just a narcissistic pedophile!
Haha, nah… I've just been reading books on criminology and psychology for about 15 years, I don't have the patience to pursue further education or a career in those fields, it's just an interest really.
But I agree with you, his patterns with new teenagers don't just fulfil his sexual desires, it's also to help him financially with his business… sort of working the same way as these big music corporation managers or scouts do who constantly need fresh, new talent to keep the money rolling in… kids want idols to look up to, he's not getting any younger so he needs teenagers to help him keep up with the times.
I feel he's no different to them in a way, the majority of them abuse their positions of power and end up being fucked up, sexually deviant perverts and usually get away with their shit.
Ke$ha is just one of the examples of that sort of scenario, I have no doubt that it happens all the time and considering Onion has been doing this shit for over 10 years now, I think he has enough experience to know exactly what he's doing.
No. 304146
>>304143the interesting thing is he could probably make an okay career doing some sort of youtuber scouting work, but his ego and underage fetish would never let it work. /he/ needs to be in the spotlight (lainey's videos prove that). and he wouldn't be able to stop himself for going after whatever girls he would draw in.
it'd be like a more perverse version of venus's crazy ass mother tbh
No. 304147
>>304146That's a pretty good comparison to be honest, especially considering Venus' mom used to make sexually suggestive videos of her daughter when she first started out… unlike Onision though, Venus seems to of been her only target so far.
He'd probably end up using Billie in his videos the same way he did with Shiloh, him being the main focus whilst his fans begin to feel affection for his fun, pretty and outgoing girlfriend.
Lainey was never interested in that shit, I think she only began making videos in an attempt to prove to Onion that she was just as cool as his ex… when in actuality; outside of Twitter she's a shy and introverted person.
That all changed when Billie (Shiloh MKII)came along of course.
No. 304150
File: 1475692720865.jpg (486.7 KB, 1997x2778, Ygr3MBh.jpg)

>>304147This guy may be a more accurate comparison. Meet Dan the hymen Collider Schneider. Dude created iCarly, Drake and Josh, and a slew over other Nick shows where he showed his clear interest in teen girls and foot fetishes by disguising them all as kitsch jokes. Reading into him almost the same as reading into Grunk, albeit if he ever worked in television and ten years from now gained 300 something pounds. You will never find a picture of this guy next to a female from his shows who doesn't look scared out of their minds and is just forcing a smile.
No. 304162
>>304150Oh wow, cheers anon… I'll have a good read about him later on when I'm free, I know a few of us come off at times like "armchair psychologists" but this kind of shit is really interesting, same goes for delving into profiling other criminological and psychological cases, such as serial killers, mass murderers, ect.
I think that's my only interest in Onion - I want to pick apart his mind even though he's proven to be dumb as a bag of rocks, but his ability to feel no remorse or empathy on top of his manipulative and contradictory nature is fascinating.
Otherwise, I just really fucking hate him and I hope he crashes his Tesla into a pylon.
No. 304169
File: 1475698404610.png (237.11 KB, 786x434, knowlege.png)

I'm glad he put Plain through college because he's too retarded to help his kids with homework.
No. 304172
>knowlegeHe also had trouble spelling spelling the word "straight". Lmao
>strait>>304170The chick from Zoey 101? Damn…
>>304171He's been making videos for 10-13 years.
No. 304175
>>304167He only cares about himself, everything else is an afterthought.
>>304168He won't go near anyone in the medical care field, he's paranoid that therapists will have a field day with him. Mommy-dearest taught him "big pharma" is bad and that the mind can fix itself through psychic mantra healing, it's one of the reasons he squirmed out of going to a marriage counselor because they'd instantly know after spending more than one session in a room with him that he's seriously fucked up.
>>304169I don't know about that anon, as far as I know - Lainey plans on homeschooling the children.
No. 304179
>>304178What are chemical imbalances? HURRRRR
He pisses me off so much.
No. 304189
File: 1475708618102.png (18.88 KB, 584x134, dysphoria-titties.png)

I just don't get her. Being trans means your body doesn't match your inner gender, and by body, it also includes your genitalia and not just tits and hips.
No. 304193
>>304188hahahaha, you're fucking kidding me?!
>>304178I refuse to watch any of his videos, I get
triggered every time he edits his speech before the 1,00 mark kicks in and every 30 seconds afterwards, his face, his expressions and his mannerisms wouldn't let me eat in peace either; even though I'm vegetarian.
Would you or any other anon be so kind enough to give us a rundown of the video, if it's not too much bother?
No. 304198
>>304192Not sure. She always has something negative to say about her appearance. I'm too average looking. I'm too fat. I'm too blahblahblah. She starved herself years ago, partly to please Grek, but partly because of some underlying mental disorder.
>>304195Why can't she just call herself a tomboy? Tomboys can be really cute too. I hate this Tumblrina generation that you can only be adorable if you're trans or gay or w/e.
No. 304200
>>304189So she experiences "chest" dyphoria but breastfed for 2-3 years?
Ok Lainey.
No. 304203
>>304195It's like she's looking at the dictionary terms of "body dysmorphia" and applying it to herself like nearly every tumblrina does out there without ever experiencing it.
>>304198Nah, she looked happily plumpiah in her photos, smiles and with friends before she got with Gerg.
>>304198The word "tomboy" to describe yourself usually stops after your 20's, I really think she does want to grow up, and I think she does have an inkling of who she wants to be, I think she's caught herself in a trap and has only began to realise it since she first let Billie into their bed.
No. 304208
>>304203sage goes in the email field, new friend
>>304195Is that what they define as dysphoria now? Not liking your body?
This is off topic, but I'm really getting tired of dumblr's gender politics.
No. 304212
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>>304203>The word "tomboy" to describe yourself usually stops after your 20'sAdult women can't call themselves tomboys anymore? Is that what you're saying? Sorry, am a bit confused.
I really do believe she's just a tomboy. She's not interested in becoming a man, and you can't transition into agender, lol, what the fuck even. What does that even mean, you're gonna cut your entire genitals off as well as your tits and just look like Mewtwo?
No. 304213
>>304188Thanks for the confirmation, farmhand!
>>304208I'm pretty sure that's the same person who had sage in the name field multiple times last thread and maybe some other threads, not sure they'll learn. There was also the anon who thought saging was just saying "saged for ___". I legit dunno where these people came from.
No. 304214
>>304212Tomboys typically dislike make up though.
As for transitioning…I'm not sure what she's trying to transition into either. I can't tell if it's just seeking attention since she's aware their fan base is very young and into this crap or if there's an underlying mental illness there.
No. 304216
>>304208Ahh, not new, but I still don't fully understand the full ways of sage, more of the reason why.
>>304210Well she did it with her "photshopped" tweet and every single tweet she's ever come up with.
>>304212Stop with the strawman tactics, okay? Go back to Tumblr if you're so offended by someone on a chan saying that adult women usually don't describe themselves as "tomboys" anymore.
No. 304220
>>304216You sage so you don't bump the thread or/also when posting something off topic.
That said, you're still not doing it correctly.
No. 304224
>>It's like she's looking at the dictionary terms of "body dysmorphia" She does. An actual trans person told her she's not trans and she retweeted someone who hit the person with the dictionary definition of trans.
I told her to stop asking for advice from LGBT members and speaking over them when she didn't like what they had to say. She blocked me.
Why would you want to be in a community that doesn't want you? Multiple people have told her that she's making everyone look bad by using her sexuality to lure underage girls and that she's not trans but she just plugs her ears and surrounds herself with Tumblrinas who coddle her.
No. 304251
>>304250Kek, I don't know. Is it/ which one? I have only listened to some of the audio online and it was insufferable.
>>304249Good thinking!
No. 304258
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>>304109I am cuckboy, you see?
No. 304270
>>304269Welcome to Gerglandia, the magical world of constant lies and contradictions. Take your complimentary copy of Stones to Abbigale otherwise known as "I can punch you into a coma with bad writing" at the door!
Someone with Twitter should post this to him ( although you're getting blocked ) because his contradictions are hilariously pathetic.
No. 304273
>>304270>>304271Haha oh I am aware, I just found him blatantly stating this pretty shocking considering what happened.
I really think someone SHOULD send this to Lainey. He defended the ever loving crap out of himself by saying he cuddles with EVERYONE and ALWAYS cuddled with everyone and it is totally innocent. Like, wasn't that his only argument to keep her from leaving him? How could he have been like that since high school if this video was made in 2011? The proof is right here in this video. I guess I could make a twitter and send it to her and just get blocked.
No. 304275
>>304273>saying he cuddles with EVERYONE and ALWAYS cuddled with everyone and it is totally innocent.Yup, that was his only ( and the strongest ) argument. I'm pretty sure that if we went through all of his videos - a lot of the old ones are sadly deleted - we would find a lot more crap like this.
Also, you're amazecakes if you Tweet this to Plain!
No. 304279
>>304277I think she's past that stage of just laughing it off with everything that's been going on. I mean even if she fakes it online I highly doubt she would really just shrug it off irl.
Also, I'm 99, 99 % sure that in one of his older videos he said he could only love one person ( in his typical "this is how it is and it's never going to change, I would die for that person" manner ) and look how that panned out. He's a walking contradiction.
No. 304288
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>>304287Never mind, there already is one.
No. 304290
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>>304288Pic related should definitely be the final chapter, though.
No. 304295
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No. 304300
File: 1475727744996.jpg (14.42 KB, 185x263, 0000016975403_p0_v3_s263x185.j…)

Can I just talk about Shane Dawson for a moment? I don't think that someone who makes videos on a daily basis can be "fake". Not only that but the dude thought that Greg was a character and he was playing a part in all his video's. The only reason Greg made that video on him yesterday is because he's jealous. Then Shane never responded to him because he was to busy tweeting about Christina "Look what your god did!" Grimme. I love this guy.
No. 304305
>>304303>Unless you have a tax llm, you sit down.^^^^
No. 304310
>>304309I'm sure the content of his opinions has changed - usually to suit his whims - and he'll then say that this shows that
he's changed. "I used to think tattoos are lame but then I got one with Shiloh. I'm a changed man!"
No. 304314
>>304306I love that he gave Lainey such shit for tweeting about the drama between them, but he still had these videos up which was basically him just word vomiting about every little bit of drama in his life.
You could argue he's learned not to do that shit, but he still has these videos up, so who knows.
No. 304321
>>304306who's this video about?
i've never watched his old videos before
No. 304343
And also he is living garbage. Can we stick to talking about the living garbage this thread is about instead?
No. 304347
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No. 304349
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No. 304354
>>304349Funny Greg and Billie follow each other on Twatter. I thought they were having any more contact?
Wonder how Lainey feels about that.
No. 304362
>>304342>>Has dysphoric feelings about her chest and hips.Yet, she's perfectly fine with breastfeeding and shooting out his spawn from her crotch… not just once, but coming up to twice now.
She's full of shit.
No. 304368
>>304365In the vid where she cut her hair short the reason was that her hair was too fried, so it needed to be cut.
But I guess just cutting your hair short makes you a non-binary prince/ss
No. 304369
>>304365I think it's more like
>Taylor is an awkward teenage girl with abusive past and low self-esteem>like practically every teenage girl she's insecure>gets suckered into relationship with Onion who is all about dat body-shamin' (skinny pact) but subtle enough that she doesn't realize what he's up to>goes on tumblr, learns that feeling less than 100% comfortable with your body = body dysmorphia = TRANS!! (and you don't even have to transition!)>like many tumblrites who have yet to grow into their own identity she adopts 'trans' as her identity, chops hair off and calls self ~androgynous space prince uguu~>this brings her glorious social media attention yaaay>probably realizes deep down that the psychological definition of body dysmorphia experienced by legit trans people doesn't apply to her but who cares, tumblr told me you don't need to experience dysmorphia to be a trans anyway fuck professionals and truscum lol>can't admit to being just another cis white girl because aside from being the latest onionwife, 'trans' is all she has to define herself byI think most of them will grow out of this puberty identity crisis shit eventually. However Lainey's biggest problem is that she's emotionally stunted and stuck to Grug through her finances and babies, so it's going to be more difficult for her to grow out of it than for regular teenagers who go to college, have their own friends, get a job, etc. It's hard to develop and adult perspective when your only offline view of the world is the blank walls of your controlling husband's unfurnished love compound.
Imagine if you could sue your hairdresser for giving you dysphoria, though.
No. 304371
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Gee, I wonder what this reminds me of….
No. 304373
>>304371That's EXACTLY how the "I'm scared" Tweet that Lainey posted was damage-controlled.
>>It's photoshopped.>>It never existed.That statement in itself is fucking contradictory in the first place, how can something be "photoshopped" if they keep claiming it didn't ever exist in the first place.
Sounds like Gerg saw the Tweet, told Lainey to sort that shit out and Lainey got Sarah to lie for her instead of Gerg doing it himself this time around because of the implied abuse.
No. 304388
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No. 304422
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>>304397Even in his version of events, which I'm sure are exaggerated to make the Dr look horrible, he comes off as frothing at the mouth belligerent. Getting security brought in and threats of CPS are not normal things to happen even with terrified, emotionally charged parents concerned for their childs life. Didn't he go the ER earlier this year sometime after cuddlegate 1.0 for himself and have a DR threaten to call in security? These aren't normal things that commonly occur Onion lol! He is the type of person you can't take anywhere, this is another reason I feel bad for Lainey. The Dr wanted them to travel to another hospital without him because he was concerned for their safety and that tells Onion nothing about his own behavior.
>>304415Me too!
No. 304428
>>304407I just want to interject something: My brother cannot spell well, but is a physicist. My husband's spelling abilities are poor, but he's extremely intelligent and successful as well in his field.
There are better signs of Greg's ignorance than his poor spelling.
His entire video about his son was just another, "I'm so smart! Look at my brain boner!" With a little research and some of those Google graphs he loves so much, he could've made a more compelling argument about doctors and hospitals trying to milk money from insurance companies and patients. He could've broadened the topic and shifted focus on the general public, to be relatable, instead of focusing on himself and his victimhood. But he didn't. The purpose of the video was, "I'm more intelligent than a doctor," instead of using his experience as a platform for a greater topic. This, once again, is an example of Greg's self-absorbed nature as well as lack of insight in utilizing his experiences to reach mass, diverse audiences.
No. 304438
>>304436you could have simply written that
>poor spelling =/= unintelligent then
No. 304440
>>304438>>304437christ ya'll are fucking
triggered here.
No. 304441
>>304439You won't give him views 'cause you're in lolcow, he won't make a profit here.
Summary: takes place after Cuddlegate 1.0; kid has a rash on his ballsack, parents take to the emergency room. Doc suggests doing a few tests to see if Troy's alright, Onion throws a fit and "does research" on Google for symptoms. Calls doc a sociopath and a coward for doing his job and goes to a different hospital where the other doc said he was "okay" and they both laughed at the doctor. The end.
No. 304442
>>304441Oh really? Good to know. Thanks.
Depending on how bad the rash is, it's not necessary to go to the ER for that. I don't know what their pediatrician is like but for ours they have a number you can call at all hours and a nurse will call back and answer your questions. It's very helpful because for new parents you don't need to go to the doctor or urgent care or ER for every little thing. It saves time and money and stress too.
Maybe their pediatrician doesn't do it, or they don't know but if you're reading this L/G, do that next time for your kids.
Also use Desitin. That clears up most rashes immediately.
No. 304444
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>>304443Caps incoming, saging because there are a TONNE and I'm too tired to edit them all together. Please don't whine at me for all the spam that's included.
No. 304446
>>304443Damn, and I deeply wanted Lamo to run… -sadface-
…and she (probably) got her ass kicked by Onion for nothing. Assuming she did by her latest IG pic.
No. 304447
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>>304445On second thoughts I won't be posting all screenies but have them all to clarify what original admin said.
But long story short;
- The screenshot of Laineys facebook with Billies profile picture was doctored
- The tweet about feeling unsafe was doctored using 'inspect element', so not photoshopped but edited at the source and capped.
- All three screenies of said tweet were posted by the same person under different IPs
- The poster also went to /meta/ to ask questions about IPs, super crafty throwing farmhands off the trail
- Poster was a longtime user but no one of note. Super apologetic apparently (original admin tracked her down as she used her own IP for some posts). They are now permabanned
No. 304448
File: 1475808771203.png (145.14 KB, 1181x766, Untitled.png)

Here's Greg calling a mentally ill teenager a sociopathic murderer. This kind of shit is why I have trouble feeling bad for anyone who chooses to get involved with him.
No. 304449
>>304447Damn, like good job putting all that thought into it. They were in it for the long-run and tbh I respect that.
But its shitty to have fucked with the Lainey tweet like that. People were seriously worried for her, and its not cool to fuck around with that shit. Especially know Greg and that he probably did something IRL to get back at her.
No. 304453
>>304447JFC. I just… wow. Had me fooled.
But why would they want to do this?
No. 304464
but you bitches probably won't learn anything from this
No. 304473
>>304447To clarify, the user has been permabanned, apologized profusely, and I believe honestly did not intend for anyone to call the police or for any harm to come to her. But yes, they made all the Billie impersonation posts (including the fake screenshot of her supposedly being logged in) and used multiple proxies to make it seem like the "deleted tweet" was real. Everything was very elaborately fabricated by this single person, and further posts by them attempted to "corroborate" it to make it even more convincing.
And yes, people, please don't do this. Especially in a case like this where US police have been known to enter situations with guns blazing.
Also, don't trust screenshots. It is very easy to doctor a screenshot without ever involving Photoshop or other image editing software.
No. 304475
>>304454It fucking sucks that the cops are going to be less likely to take this seriously if something bad actually happens, but I can't bring myself to get mad at the troll. That is some serious dedication to the craft. She probably just wanted to have a laugh and didn't think that it'd get out of hand. Hopefully this is a good learning experience for her and anyone else who thinks it's funny to make people think that somebody is in a dangerous situation.
Wouldn't have done anything differently though, better to be safe than sorry. It's best to get a victim intervention while a situation is still escalated so that they're more likely to leave and/or get help. At least Taylor wasn't in harm's way. Well, any more than she usually is in the Onision household.
No. 304495
> - The tweet about feeling unsafe was doctored using 'inspect element', so not photoshopped but edited at the source and capped.Clever girl.
>>304448What's with his obsession with her? Does he want her to gain weight to be his next childbride? He's just bullying now, not even concern trolling.
>>304457What if the anon that
said they called the cops was the troll too?
No. 304500
>>304447It was pretty brilliantly shitty. I hope Gurg didn't take it out too harshly on Lainey though…
>>304448Holy shit this fucking psycho. He needs to leave her alone.
>>304496Yeah, they were all the same person it seems.
No. 304507
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>>304505It's mindblowing how his fans try their hardest to suck onion dick
No. 304534
>>304516Yes, and then played it off as a joke.
Knowing him, his narcissistic mind was probably raging over Cyr being friends with more successful youtubers.
No. 304536
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>>304534There was also this from 2012
No. 304537
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No. 304546
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>>304443>>304444>>304445>>304447I'm actually really impressed, although I believe them for not expecting it to blow up like it did; I think we can learn something from this here…
Maybe in future, it would be wise to keep any independant conversations about Lainey x Billie out of the Onision threads unless they DIRECTLY relate to him - like, if someone really wants to discuss Lainey as a lolcow in her own right; the best thing to do would be to create a thread about her in /snow and discuss her activity there.
The same goes for Billie, who has her own thread in /snow.
Otherwise, we're not only derailing the topic of Greaseball, but inviting in anyone who has beef with Lainey and Billie… and it just involves everyone in here and makes us more open to shit like this happening in the future.
No. 304556
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Pedo-stache Onion.
No. 304562
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>>304556i wish people would just post selfies without cringe pseudo-justifications EVERY time
No. 304575
>>304449>>304454I really hope that anon isn't being too hard on herself today. Almost all of us thought Lainey was in crisis at that moment and the anon thought they were doing the right thing which is admirable. Also those fake tweets got around a bit so I doubt they were the only one who contacted police.
>>304464This wasn't the usual trolling though, that shit went above and beyond and needed OG Admin to step in and assist. Like how often have cows lied and claimed photoshop to cover their asses?
But it does serve as a reminder to not get too invested like that anon gone rogue. It is a shame we had one bad apple and now there's going to be more suspicion towards us and the receipts provided.
No. 304577
>>304574I'd like her more if she did tbh.
>>304575>I really hope that anon isn't being too hard on herself todaySame. They didn't do anything wrong. Better to call when there's no problem than to avoid calling when there is one.
No. 304594
>>304570True but it also speaks to the fact that they don't have any parent couples or friends who have kids that they can ask for advice. Really shows how isolated he is and how he wants others to be too.
I'm not sure what they're doing about insurance.
No. 304603
>>304369I can't wait until this stupid special snowflake genders and sexualities trend dies down.
I think she's an idiot, but that said I hope she gets out and manages to turn her life around somehow.
Is there an OnionEx Support group or something yet?
No. 304631
>>304605I'm not going to watch this, but I'm going by the click bait thumb nail. Onionboy has no idea what being in jail is like. It's not something for edgelord points. It fucking sucks.
Sage for ot-ish
No. 304743
>>304605"If there's a domestic dispute it's literally a contest with the other person to look more sane than they are.[ when the cops show up ]"
That's some manipulative shit right there. If there ever is an actual situation where Lainey has to call the police ( and is emotional ) he already knows how to make her look insane and himself as the innocent one.
No. 304770
Side note: next time, put the link in the YouTube box.
No. 304791
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>>304635>His dark and cold tone of voice puts Seto Kaiba's own callous voice to shame. okaaaay…
No. 304832
>>304823Cry more because people on the internet don't like your spergy pasty white boy MRA daddy.
No. 304864
>>304858Greg, you cheated. Lainey point blank said don't do it, and you did it.
also LOL at this hot mess being back together. Christ.
Honestly if it wasn't revealed that the Billie Troll was a troll, I would have taken this as proof at their claims that Greg was about to leave Lainey for Billie
No. 304870
>>304868Best guess: Greg gave Lainey a choice, either she complies with the poly relationship, or he divorces her and stay with Billie or anybody else. Lainey decides to keep the poly relationship since she's pregnant and has nowhere else to go.
He's a sick fuck, seriously.
No. 304873
>>304858I can't even comprehend his logic. Even if he cuddles with his friends Lainey told him not to do it. If you are in a healthy relationship you honor what they say. You don't do the opposite of what they ask of you
>>304862I agree unless the personal is a masseuse, it's cheating. I have a hard time understanding how giving someone a full body massage that you are attracted to isn't sexual.
>>304858If they are still together why are Lainey and Billie not following each other on Twitter? As well Billie said she would never go back to their house.
No. 304890
>>304883Yay!!! I want a divorce and Onion's complete YouTube decline as my Christmas presents!
By the time round 5 or 6 is finished, I'm not too sure what mental state Lamo will be in…
No. 304895
>>304880I've been in an abusive relationship. I get that it's hard to leave and it feels shameful to have to go back to your parents. And in her case, he will more than likely be in her life forever because of the kids.
But, jesus christ, she needs to leave. I hate seeing people let partners do this shit to them.
No. 304897
>>304867This is the thing that bugs me the most. They could just live their fucked up life by themselves and not hurt anyone else, but nooooo they
had to make babies and put innocent lives into their spiral of craziness! I can't even imagine the type of persons that will grow up in that shit environment. I'm worried for the kids, seriously.
Because if I were them, I would hate my parents guts as soon as I'd grow up to an adult. I hope shit goes down between Plain and Grease asap and the kids go on adoption, it's still better than living with these mentally ill individuals
No. 304907
>>304747"even those eyes" Lol
Gringus' only decent feature
No. 304929
>>304858This is so wild that they're trying to save their poly relationship. Cause the red flags everywhere aren't enough.
Onion has a pretty sweet deal tho, he fucks around because he knows he can get away with this kind of behaviour. He even so boldly tries to get his fans steered away from the idea he's being manipulative by being manipulative (which I'm guessing works well considering his fan base is littered with teeny boppers readily willing to hop on cock). so gross, gerg is icky
No. 304931
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>>304884What a coincidence.
>>304929Greg wants a new plaything, Billie wants an e-famous boyfriend, and Lainey wants to stay married no matter what. All three of them know that their "poly" relationship is a farce.
No. 304946
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Sounds like someone should come forward and spill the milk that made Greggie tweet this.
No. 304955
>>304948Someone probably just said hi or waved or something equally harmless and he flipped shit.
If it had been a teenage girl, he would have probably molested her.
No. 305107
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>>304960sage for samefagging, but wondering if this is related to
>>304946 No. 305111
How hard is it to say "Hi! Glad you're a fan. :)" or some cheesy shit.
No. 305118
File: 1475994586804.png (88.09 KB, 1536x746, IMG_0711.PNG)

did she just passively mention her pregnancy?
No. 305124
File: 1475999465441.jpg (183.89 KB, 808x1049, IMG_20161009_094836.jpg)

now plain is defending his ass too
No. 305148
>>305145She probably thinks that the prenup is rock solid and she won't get anything - let's face it, there's a reason she doesn't work, and it's not to be a mom to Troy. She wants onion's money, she wants to be the onionwife. And no matter how much advice to the contrary she receives she won't listen to it anyway because she's stupid.
>>305139I'd lol if someone replied to Lainey and onion going "why so upset? Cuz they found out you're 8 months pregnant?" Or something to that effect. They'd get blocked but other people would see it.
No. 305151
>>305145I never really felt bad for Lainey in this situation with Billie because she's not seeing any shit she hasn't seen before as an Onion fangirl. He marries a young girl, cheats on her, drives her insane until she runs for her life and sanity, and marries the younger, newer girl and repeats the process. He did it, what, three times? She was one of the new girls, and was dumb enough to believe it would never happen to her? And if Greg gets what he wants and replaces Lainey with Billie, Billie is retarded enough to think it won't happen to her? I know they're young but goddamn they're so stupid I don't feel a drop of sympathy for them.
I think Lainey should look at the girls before her, and leave with as much dignity as she can muster and watch Billie crash and burn.
No. 305174
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>>305119Speaking of which, she's now a furry!
No. 305211
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>>305199Funny you say that, everytime i see his photo im reminded of Dexter. Especially with the stones to abbigale photo.
No. 305220
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>>305217Never mind, I found it, it's Skye Altamirano.
No. 305229
>>305228I mean it seems like sometimes she figures shit out, but then falls back from insecurities / conditioning.
However I don't know why the fuck he'd not abort the kid after knocking her up, he doesnt seem like he has any fatherly instincts, hes just a creepy old man with an image complex
No. 305231
>>305221Speaking of foreskins…(during the shaycarl drama/incident)
>>305220She don't look fat, anyone friends with her on fb?
No. 305241
>>305223Well that is proof they lurk this thread.
I love it they make us the bad guy for being concerned over Lainey even when we legit thought she was in danger. We didn't know it was a troll till after the fact. We thought it was really a cry for help.
And tell us Lainey how do you feel about one of your husband's recent video where it makes it seem you are in a relationship with Billie? You are just going to let her back after all that has happened? Why bring her back?
We are really are concerned for you but if you are going to act like Greg's puppet and go alone with it then fuck you too.
No. 305247
>>305221God I hate his shitty opinion on this topic. He sounds like someone who has never been friends with someone who was circumcised (further proven by the fact that he cites porn as his reference…as if that's something to be proud of).
Circumcised men have no problem jerking off, Pizzaface. They're no less of a man (bet that one goes down really well with Lainey…he's essentially implying that your genitals dictate your level of masculinity) and they're not being abused by their parents. You'd probably know that if you had friends.
(derailing) No. 305250
Well I'm done. Not only does she clearly not want help, but that photoshop just reveals how petty and retarded this shit is. He reminds me a lot of my abusive ex but between idiots here and Onision creating drama for views, who knows what's real and what's fake. It's all a gossip tabloid at this point, about non-celebrities.
Lain can suffer in her jocks.
>>305225But most people here will still give all the attention they both crave. They obviously lurk to lap it up, the narcs they are, and there will always be tards here to give them supply.
Anon out.
No. 305253
>>305223Hey Plainey we don't care about you, we just want onion boy to be miserable.
I think they're perfect for eachother, but yes I would love shit to hit the fan so we can all sit here and laugh whilst bathing in the sweet sweet milk.
No. 305258
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>>305254I think it's this
No. 305259
>>305223Welp, there goes my sympathy. Good to know what she thinks about the many people who have been genuinely concerned for her and tried to help her over the years. She deserves all the trouble and unhappiness that will befall her.
If she doesn't want people to be concerned about her well-being then she should stop vagueblogging song lyrics like a fucking 12-year-old, but then that would remove her only source of attention because she has literally no qualities that would make anybody give a shit about her otherwise. Dumb cunt, looking forward to her imminent replacement.
No. 305264
>You hate others for the love of drama.
>January 27th, 2007
>I was going to post something extremely long about how upset I am with two people I know, within my personal life - who are continuously trying to break my wife and I apart psychically and vocally… but I’m not going to as I believe it can only cause a greater level of drama, which is exactly what they feed on.>In fact, they probably know I’m talking about them right now, and are dialing my number just to tell me/others how wrong I am for my wife, and somehow by saying I love her every hour of the day, feeding her full of yummy food, trying to make her happy emotionally/other ways, putting a roof over her head, that in result of that I’m a bad husband.>Well misery person 1 & 2, the feeling is mutual, you are bad for her. But you don’t see that because you’re so blind to fact due to my personality that disagrees with your less-than-esteemed lifestyle.>I wish this wasn’t so negative, but it’s the best I can do for now without actually saying names, or…>[sighs] But if you had seen what I originally wrote, everyone who is within a logical mind-state would no doubt see my point of view.>My overall point is to beg of you two to leave us alone. I don’t want to hear from you anymore, and I really am tired of your (both of you) problems bleeding onto our life. I learned long ago to stop caring when I repeatedly offered it and it was just shut down repeatedly. I say I love, and you say I hate, I said “can I help?”, and you said “can I hurt?”…>I’m sure you’ll continue to call, and harass us with drama, but just know, the world as you see it is different on the other end, we’re happy alone… so happy. I love my wife so much, and you’re trying to cut us apart… both of you. For that I should say more, but I won’t.>Not now, not another moment wasted on you. Sounds familiar?
No. 305281
>>305243He's already ruined her life. She's in her early 20s with 2 kids, nearly her entire life history publicized online, and will inevitably be dumped and cast aside for someone younger. He's made her socially retarded and mentally and emotionally stunted to the point where she actually buys into tumblr tranny trends. He cucks her regularly with a younger girl and she constantly moans about it on Twitter - regardless of how happy Greg says they are, obviously Lainey isn't or she wouldn't bitch and moan so fucking much.
Lainey is already a miserable cunt. All she has is onion money that isn't sustainable (not that she'll be around to enjoy it), kids she neglects to the point where nearly half the teeth in their mouth have cavities, a half-empty rented McMansion. She has no real friends. Her family is sick of her bullshit.
No. 305309
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>>305308Well, I said that because Billie posted this so I think she is with them.
No. 305315
>>305305it's a thread dedicated to them, of course it won't be ignored next time it happens.
it's not lainey's fault someone faked the tweet. sadly she doesn't even have the backbone to take it that far.
No. 305317
>>305315That's fine but I for one probably won't be falling for it anymore.
And especially with this
>>305309she can go fuck herself
No. 305318
>>305309>I won't let them hurt me ever again!!! :(((Like a good little doormat, huh Taylor?
>>305317Just how long are we gonna wait till the next shitfest? I'm dying!
No. 305327
>>305223>Both make super emotional tweets and videos about all the nitty gritty details of their lives and relationship(s)>Depict lots of terrible scenarios full of drama and fighting>Lawl that people give a fuck and act like they are above those oh so silly internet folks when THEY started it allWow. They are really the worst kind of people. They dramamonger on purpose to profit and then act like they are above it? Fuck both of them. At this point I feel it's all fake for attention to make money.
Also shouldn't they be doing something important like parenting?
No. 305344
>>305343check out
>>305309 which is a photo on I think BillieBobs snapchat at the moment
No. 305358
I honestly don't know what to do with myself at this point; the Onion threads were my favorite lolcow threads on the whole site until troll-anon played silly games with everyone, I'm not mad at them for it - it's just made me realize the reality that once anyone falls into Gerg's sticky, greasy trap, there's no coming out of it, not unless something very drastic happens and that looks like it's not going to happen any time soon.
I'm just so fucking bored and tired of going through his cycles and patterns on a constant basis…
I see he's back to talking about his cheesy, uncut dick again, what a surprise.
The aftermath of the abuse allegations have just left me hating Lainey as much as Gerg, I don't even give a fuck about the safety of their children anymore… they're probably as much of a lost cause as the rest of them; rotten-mouthed Troy is going to grow up spoiled, mentally deranged and extremely anti-social, the same goes for their unborn sibling… Billie is on the way to becoming live-in nanny #2 as well as Gerg's personal cocksucker and Lainey and Gerg themselves are already on the road to nowhere and have been for the past 5 years, there's no salvation for her now.
I think I'm gonna take a break for a while (a long while), godspeed anons, it was fun whilst it lasted.
No. 305370
>>305367I'll definitely join in, what's your minimum betting bid?
Get every anon to pick a month of the year, $10 at least and we can donate all the winnings to a charity for domestic abuse or child abuse.
I'm fucking serious.
No. 305373
>>305370I'm a long time lurker, a few years, and never posted here. Coming out of the woodworks to say I'm in.
February 2K17, is my bet.
Any specific charity in mind?
No. 305375
>>305373It's up to that anon to decide I guess, Greasefuck never puts his money where his mouth is; so let's do something useful which will actually make him and his wife feel like utter shit for exploiting the "causes" they so staunchly talk about but don't give a shit about otherwise.
Do you have any ideas, anon?
No. 305377
>>305376Any ideas? You seem pretty savvy on the matter, what would you advise?
Especially when he made fun of those with Parkinsons.
No. 305385
>>305373 and honestly I was just going to donate the money myself if February passes and Brilby isn't bloated with a fetus.
I'll probably still donate to spite them all anyway.
I wouldn't advise pooling the money and having an anonymous farmer do it for us. No telling if the charity/charities would see it.
No. 305398
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No. 305404
>>305398That's old, but relevant.
>>305403Noone cares about sweaty, cheesy dicks of any kind; especially Gricks, give it a rest.
No. 305405
>>305389>>305385>>305377>>305375>>305373Since he always talks about baby genitals, We could donate to a FGM charity?? It would be a good cause and it would
trigger him. Win/Win!
No. 305412
>>305405It would
trigger him twice as hard considering MRA types like himself are only against male circumcision, not FGM.
No. 305415
>>305400The whole point of the series was to create a world where modern weaponry doesn't exist. God he lacks so much creativity, it explains why his books were just based on his own life and fucked up fantasies.
He keeps harping on about how much of a fan he is and yet he's basing his theories off the video game (which is just for fun) rather than the anime or manga.
No. 305420
>>305414He cares because he brings up the fact that Eugenia is making young teenage girls starve themselves. It'll narrow his dating pool if a good chunk of the teenage girls died off from the eating disorders.
It's the same thing with cutting, circumcision, eating animal products, obesity, and so on. He hates that underage teenage girls are "damaging" themselves and their good youthful looks with these habits. He doesn't care about their healths. He cares about their appearances, that's it.
I might have someone telling me that I'm tinhatting here, but this is just how I see it.
No. 305422
>>305406Plot synopsis(
trigger): Star becomes has-been.
Perfect song for Smegma, since it's kinda happening to him anyway.
No. 305427
>>305367I feel like if Billie were going to get pregnant it would have happened already.
I think Onion and Billygoat both understand that knocking up two ladies at once would be a hugely controversial situation and really fuck over Onion's prenup should Lainey ever have the guts to divorce.
Billygoat will keep the contraception until Lainey is out of the picture.
No. 305430
>>305428I noticed that all the big name youtubers he tried to provoke lowkey make fun of him but never actually mention his name.
I bet onion gets buttfrustrated everytime he takes a notice of it.
No. 305434
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I would like to point out Lainey and Billie are following each other on Twatter….Oh Jesus Christ…
No. 305443
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>>305422>Smegma The Onision nickname game is one of my favorite things in Onion threads and that's why
No. 305470
File: 1476145116963.png (1.51 MB, 1668x1086, Screen Shot 2016-10-10 at 8.15…)

gag found the perfect medium to spew his shitty beliefs and stories with 0 effort
No. 305471
>>305470Fuck, his break up video has over 1m views. Just rolling in the dough after everything that happened.
These people suck.
No. 305481
>>305414In b4 his Eugenia obsession becomes a ploy to get teenage fans to tweet him bikini photos proclaiming that "this is what a real healthy body looks like!"
Honestly I wouldn't put it past him to do something like that.
No. 305482
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No. 305490
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Why u talkin' 'bout yourself, Greg? It's weird!
No. 305498
>>305482Lainey is a groomed slave at the mercy of Onion, his manipulations, and his shitty new girlfriend. They no doubt walk all over her, and he no doubt goes through some serious mental gymnastics to make her feel like a crazy fool for not being okay with him constantly deceiving her and slandering her and abusing her. I think it's fair to say that Billie is the only other person she can really connect with, having been cut off from everyone else. Billie is no doubt just as manipulative as Onion, and I can very well see them both gaslighting her and feeding her what she wants to hear. I pity Lainey. She was the Perfect Victim, and the perfect accomplice and tool to lure in Billie.
Onion and Billiebong hold the cards now. Lainey is just along for the ride, pushed off to the side.
No. 305536
>>305526I think it's possible we may see the "unicorn" sort of dynamic play out.
For those unfamiliar, a unicorn is a bisexual woman willing to date a heterosexual couple, not have any outside relationships, and really function emotionally and sexually exactly the way they want. For example, if you spend more time with one person because work schedules line up better, you're a shitty girlfriend, according to unicorn hunters. They basically want you to be sentient fucktoy they can show off. These relationships tend to crash and burn exactly the way this one is.
I won't get too into contrasting this with healthy poly, because the details don't really matter, since they're never going to do healthy poly. But I haven't seen mention of unicorns and I don't think Billie would be very happy being a unicorn so
No. 305558
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Yup, billybop is definitely back if anyone is still doubting.
Bracing for attentionbot's emo tweets in 3, 2, 1…
No. 305582
>>305482So. Fucking. Fake.
She needs to stop flirting like that, it's not convincing anyone that she's even slightly interested in her - it's forced, unnatural and awkward as shit.
It's like Gerg is standing behind her going "Lainey, you HAVE to show YOUR girlfriend affection, it's going to look weird to my fans if I do it, you have to do it!" and Lainey has just blurted out a teenage boy's awkward compliment in compliance.
No. 305585
>>305536I seriously doubt Dingle's going to be a unicorn here. It's obvious there is no chemistry between her and Lainey. Besides that, I think
>>305526 has it. She's just going to move on when she's done her thing, or gotten as much efame out of Groog as possible. I wouldn't be surprised if she's sleeping around even now.
No. 305586
>>305569I'm in agreement with you, anon.
She's already been cowed by him, she listens in adulation to him - she make huge fucking moon eyes at him in videos, she's admitted to being in love with him over on her Twitter after their first break up, if she has to slap pussy with Lainey to get access to Grease and his money; she'll do it.
Take away the colourful hair, tattoos and piercings and she's nothing but an average teenage girl looking for a sugar-daddy/sugar-mommy… these girls are a dime a dozen, you can't go one minute into a random blog search on Tumblr without bumping into one.
No. 305593
>>305589I think if they were able to intervene they would've done so already; Ayalla doesn't like them (Lainey at least, she's never really made mention of Grease) and Richie is aware of Grease's background history and doesn't like him either…
If Billie was actually responsive to their concerns, she would've stayed away after the first breakup and I believe Ayalla only recently made a post about self-respect and how people shouldn't keep going back to someone who has hurt them; but Billie is in love with Gerg (no matter how much we can't fathom why doesn't make it any less true) so there's probably no telling her… they've probably already tried.
No. 305596
>>305595Pretty much this, even if it was Billie's family intervening - that doesn't guarantee that she'll listen; if anything (as she looks like she's still going through the teenage rebellion phase) it's going to make her even more determined to get what she wants, just to prove everyone wrong.
Going back after a fourth breakup is evidence of that, Lainey has tried pushing her away several times, even going as far as to verbally drag her through shit on her social media accounts, if Lainey is a doormat - then Billie is learning from the best of them.
No. 305601
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No. 305604
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Going brutal with them veg comments again.
>also claims he listens to foreign rap
No. 305612
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>>305561Yuck. There's a comment referencing that idea on the video too sadly enough. Pete was 999% more of a man than Gregma will ever be.
No. 305622
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I wonder if there's any connection between BillieAnon being outed as fake and Lainey being back together with her.
No. 305631
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>>305601Oh please Greg stop posting anything on the internet. I swear, everytime I read any opinion from this stain, my brain farts
No. 305633
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>>305629gotta hate things that are popular to try and cement your ~fringe edge lord~ status, right gerg?
No. 305634
>>305625Of course it's all for him, what self-respecting woman would get back with someone who dumped them four times and constantly bad mouthed them all over social media.
Lainey would be a terrible choice of girlfriend for anyone, she's abusive and mean-spirited, a nasty little cow who is vindictive and temperamental, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she herself has a myriad of unchecked mental disorders at this point after being with Greg for 5 years.
Billie keeps getting back with her and letting her believe she's the one in control, otherwise she wouldn't be able to ride Greasy's cock - it's all a farce, each one involved has their own ulterior motive for each other and they are not beyond shitting on one another or using one another to get what they want.
It's been less than a year and it's already an extremely toxic relationship, they seriously deserve one another.
I don't give a fuck about Gerg, his doormat wife, their part-time fuckpiece and their toothless kid, neither do I care for the current clump of zygotes in her body… I hope the panelling of his Mcmansion catches on fire and burns the lot of them alive inside, that way they'll never be able to subject others to their fucked up life ever again.
No. 305642
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>>305558I think she is flying from Washington back to Virginia. Thats where the Dirty Heads are playing this week.
No. 305662
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No. 305663
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The fucking irony!
No. 305672
>>305668fakeboi is fakebi.
Gurg and plain are one in the same, labels are literally all they are as people.
No. 305676
>>305595>What would you want them to do?idk. If it were my friend
and she had nothing else going for her like Billie.. I'd slap her and say "if you're going to be involved with them, do NOT fall in love w.gerg and SAVE the $$ u make off his efame. DON'T spend it on dumb shit, you need to SAVE! it won't last for long!!" ..she could save up a decent amount if she spent 3/4 years with them(or just gerg) and didn't spend $ frivolously, considering room/board is covered? but I doubt she'll do that.
No. 305682
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Potato's probably in labor as of now from the looks of it (look closely), and I bet Greasecock and Miley are having so much fun.
No. 305684
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Found an old gem! Billie-bob DEFINITELY wasn't his first mistress while with Lamo.
, and this was during the beginning of their marriage.
No. 305688
>>305685Pretty sure that's the email from a girl who claimed to have an online relationship with Greg with no real proof besides that email. EO said they had reason to believe her but wouldn't release the proof.
I may be missing some stuff but that's the rundown.
No. 305691
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>>305685EO reblogged it from another anti-o page awhile back.