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No. 1724516
>>>/ot/1700560Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art
Articles about useful resources for improving one's art: and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix
>useful youtube channels>where to find art>other useful sites OF THESE BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE AS FREE PDF FILES ONLINE, GOOGLE AROUND.also check e-hentai
No. 1724561
Just wanted to answer
>>1724461This is parody art of someone else’s terrible Catwoman drawing, it’s pretty great. I can’t find the original image right now though
No. 1724562
>>1724498This person crept into my YouTube recs and I am not surprised by this take. She's very banal and honestly incapable of drawing anything but blank-faced hyperpassive kawaii. This is probably threatening for her to see.
Not to mention that Action Peach is nothing new. She's still happy and bubbly, she's just got some ass to kick.
No. 1724585
>>1724498>yall don't understand peachs character designwhy is it that when anyone makes a slight alteration to peach people start saying shit like how she represents ultimate girlyness by being super cute and pink? the same thing happened when the movie came out. I was super girly as a kid and even back then i thought her character design was butt ugly lol.
come to think of it I dont think I knew any girl who resonated with peach I don't have any strong feelings towards either boxart but peach is an old character so her image is bound to change with the times. These people needs to let go of their nostalgia.
Also she is still cute-looking (still has big eyes, small mouth, round face etc.) in the new art so I dont know why this person is complaining?
No. 1724591
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>>1724498That twitter poster is being more sperggy about it than warranted, but the expression on the right looks like they messed up her facial structure somehow. The more subtle change they did on kung fu Peaches in the back looks better.
Anyway, wasn't the main argument that Peaches fans
always bring up against Peaches being just a cardboard cutout bimbo-in-distress character this comic panel of her looking angry? Let an otherwise bubbly female character be slighty angry looking once in a blue moon, sheesh
No. 1724623
>>1724498This is such a retarded argument on both sides. If the box art was originally the one on the right nobody care. So much butthurt over a game people are going to talk about for two days after it comes out then completely forget. The only consistent attention Peach ever gets is from cumbrained moid artists shitting out tons of lowest common denominator porn of her.
That twitter OP is queen retard for her creepy preoccupation with Peach. How the fuck are you gonna imply that the company that owns the character doesn't know her like you do? Liking and drawing dull sameface shoujo lolis doesn't make you the CEO of hyperfemininity.
No. 1724790
>>1724752Peach has always been like this. This comic
>>1724591 is official and from the 90s, ffs. It was fairly long running. (I used to have a compilation of them.)
No idea what this artist is on about besides her own headcanons, but bad "design" takes like this have been driving me away from being active in online English speaking fandoms.
No. 1724815
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>>1724800How long until she starts protesting and vandalizing the box art at her local game store?
No. 1724826
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>>1724561Here you go noonina… I was planning on responding to
>>1724461 as well.
I’m almost 100% sure it’s in regards to this cover by Faith Erin Hicks from DC’s 2012 Catwoman. I remember it specifically cause the assistant working on starfighter face revealed over it.
No. 1724827
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>>1724498Retarded argument, but I also dislike the new artbox. Something about her face looks off, maybe it's the shadows…? I prefer the more cartoony one, new looks like they used a liquify filter on her face. At least the actual in-game model looks the same, so it's fine.
The first time I saw the change tweet I thought it was satire parodying the jp-us Kirby artboxes until I read the replies kek
No. 1724841
>>1724800She’s like those girls that develop some complex over liking feminine things and because of how much that is made fun of by moids and NLOGs, that when she
thinks feminine traits are being erased she gets fully defensive and pulls out the “think of how she shows little girls that you can be powerful while wearing pink and having a blow up doll face!” card. Her saying that the people who are just explaining it as making her more expressive are “dude bro gamers” comes off to me like her trying to just say only men are disagreeing because they don’t care about strong but feminine characters (not that men’s opinions really matter in this). It’s even more pathetic than the blue armed sonic debacle because her issue isn’t even that the expressions are OOC, her issue is that having angry eyebrows is masculine somehow. Even though her stupid looking vtuber avatar does angry eyebrows and her example of Sailor moon is doing it right in the clip. Peach is still feminine in the art, she’s still wearing her pink dress and big earrings, her long hair and her facial features (like those god awful lips) are untouched.
This is actually like so many of those situations where scrotes mad that a female character has short hair now or that time you could see the peach fuzz on Aloy and Aerith’s faces and incels think it’s beards. Actually this is like them getting mad over Aerith’s face looking a smidge more like a human. Dude bro gamers would be the ones who don’t like this change and would agree with her. I’m sure right now there’s some scrotes right now angry about this, not that anyone would call out them equally to the way she is being criticized because they’re men. Which is sad, for everyone 1 female autist mad at her girly girlness being threatened there’s 50 scrotes mad that something doesn’t make their dick hard enough.
No. 1724847
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>>1724827I think it just looks like she's very angry and she looks kinda unsettling and off model. Idk, they should had kept the cute appeal of the other one because whenever I see peach anywhere I see her with the first face she had before, not this one which I'm assuming has to do with the Mario movie or just to look "tough" so males buy it (barf). I like the cuter one rather than the weird face one because it looks like she's going crazy mad or something and that's not her personality or how she looks in offial art/merch, and women are allowed to like cute things anyway, I was looking forward to this game since I played the other peach game on my DS when I was a kid (and enjoyed it, idk why people hated the emotion mechanic that much, it wasn't a big deal and the game has more to it than just women=emotional).
Argument discarded if men talk about it though, they don't get to complain because I'm sure they made her look like this for them, she doesn't even look like the models in the background and it's their fault for having fragile masculinity
No. 1724851
>>1724844I think it's meant to look JoJo-esque so they upped the detail a bit
>>1724847I don't like it, not because she looks manly or angry but because it looks super generic and even more childlike in a sense? And yeah she was always tee hee bimbo that's what's fun about her. Daisy is the tomboy one
No. 1724862
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>>1724851>And yeah she was always tee hee bimbo that's what's fun about her. Daisy is the tomboy oneI miss when her deal was looking regal
daisy is better anyway No. 1724870
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>>1724847i still like the first one more, but she's turning it into a political debate like a retard when games have gotten this treatment way before gamergate and girlboss was a thing
No. 1724913
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>>1724851Googled Daisy because I'm unfamiliar with these games and this came up. Does any color other than pink automatically mean tomboy to people that play children's games or does she actually have a personality like that?
No. 1724932
>>1724913Daisy is a tomboy by sexist Japanese cartoon standards. As in she's marginally less girly than Peach but ffs she's wearing tea party gloves, a bright yellow dress, and flower earrings. Rosalina and Pauline are less girly than she is and nobody would call them tomboys.
If Nintendo never specifically used the word tomboy, most people would think of Daisy as just sassy and a little stuck-up. It's ironic how Peach is presented as an airheaded damsel, but she's the actual ruler of her kingdom while Daisy is just the king's kind of bratty daughter who only shows up when Peach or Luigi need a +1.
Justice for my girl Daisy.
No. 1724953
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>>1724932Is Pauline a real character? Why does she look like that
No. 1724978
>>1724953Fossil here. A lot of you need to do your homework before overreacting. Pauline is, technically, Peach's predecessor. She was the original damsel in Donkey Kong that Mario had to rescue. Don't remember if she was a mayor, but she was said to be a lounge singer.
Anyway, I wish the aesthetic Peach carried weren't so tied to passivity. "Girly" style is so undeservedly loaded with complexes. I love stupid kawaii art, but the people who make it are nearly always something else. This woman is like a discount weeb Lisa Frank.
No. 1724995
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>>1724953pauline's tits cannot look like that in current canon art, that is like a bullet bra. Okay, it looks better in Odyssey.
No. 1724997
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>>1724953She is, that render is just ugly lol but she's the girl that Mario saves in the arcade game Donkey Kong when Mario was still called Jumpman, she's also the Mayor of New Donk City in Super Mario Odyssey
No. 1724999
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>>1724989Sorry Nonna. I'm so used to people jumping the gun that I jumped the gun.
It's crazy how few human women are in the Mario verse that all three kind of use the same template, and then, suddenly, Pauline.
No. 1725002
>>1724999Don't worry
nonny! I also wondered why there were so few actual human girl characters in Mario games so I always ended up playing as Boo or Yoshi lol
No. 1725231
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>>1725216Noo she can't have a different expression than the blank stare and smile!! Another character is already making that expression!
No. 1725246
>>1725231It's just performative pandering. I don't see how women don't feel annoyed at the fact that all these female characters in the past decade have had to be rough around the edges and so cool and not as innocent as they look. It's okay to have hyper feminine or even just uwu girly characters. It's like America has such a pusback towards it for no reason. The 'woke' idea that women aren't damsels has destroyed media representation in the west as far as actual girly characters goes. Even in real life movies, there's never any girl who just likes to be a girl. They HAVE to be a spy, or into computer hacking, or some weapon wielding master.
Aren't you all tired of that? And it's usually only twisted and taken away in US media.
No. 1725266
>>1725253I'm talking about them changing it specifically for the US audience because they think men won't buy the original art. This is a US media representation issue only. They are worried that the female group that the game is marketed to won't be enough for sales, so they up the edge in stuff like this, Kirby, games that look more "girly", because it opens them up to the male demographic.
You realize this isn't about marketing to girls, this is about marketing to men games that have been kind of gendered towards girls with female or cute character designs as leads. This is why anons keep comparing her to Daisy. Daisy isn't usually charged at all because she already meets that extra demographic of female gamers who want a more tomboy representation. Them purposely changing Peach and solely to catch the attention of male gamers to buy their game is so disingenuous.
>>1725264People are just using that term without actually having any idea what they are talking about. She doesn't look masculine.
No. 1725294
>>1725246That’s right. All women in and out of media should be tradwives.
No. 1725388
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>>1724826Yeah, it's this. They ended up re-drawing it to where she looks a lot less squished.
No. 1725389
>>1725303That's not about making her more masculine nonna. It's either about making her look more like movie Peach because it's trendier for the current moment, or making her less cutesy anime-ish to make her look more western.
The reason nonnas took you the wrong way was because acting like dumb changes in cover art is actually a conspiracy against feminine characters is kind of a stretch, and the way you wrote it was too rambly.
>>1725246>Even in real life movies, there's never any girl who just likes to be a girl. They HAVE to be a spy, or into computer hacking, or some weapon wielding master.This in particular sounds silly nonna. It sounds like you want a character that does literally nothing
which doesn't get made because people would find it boring af and no one would want to watch it.
No. 1725443
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>>1725400>the girls handle it all themselvesand they're still pretty cute, active protags arent a bad thing lol
No. 1725472
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The infighting in these threads is getting more and more retarded, everyone on both sides is no better than the TiF who whinged about it in the first place
No. 1725476
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>>1725461For what? It was a fine show, just had a
sus name, there's no lolis in it. It's just a standard magical girl show. I love the art direction.
No. 1725603
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>>1725509Right on,
nonnie No. 1725614
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Does anyone know any artists besides Rockin Jelly Bean with good hatching technique? Preferably one who isn’t a raging porn addict.
No. 1726065
>>1725389Yeah I'm not the same anon who wrote
>>1725246 I'm just saying it's stupid people keep equating this to just an "expression change" when it's not, there's a difference between changing the expression and changing the character design
No. 1726253
>>1726065Oh sorry nonna. You're right they didn't just change the expression, but I think most nonnas here realize they did change more than just that and are just making fun of the tweet op. The reason nonnas are talking about the expression is just because the op of the tweet was the one focusing on it and going on about nintendo making her do a ">:D face" and "angry badass woman trope".
Maybe she just doesn't have very developed art vocabulary and that's why she focused so hard on Peach "looking angry", but she's actually a pretty big artist that has done official collaborations with big vtuber groups (and presumably considers herself a professional artist), so not being able to speak about facial structure would be pretty sad on her part.
No. 1726487
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Why does so much current gen/younger artist art have these expressions?? The OCs look so smarmy and irritating or pathetic.
They also tend to use the same trendy people Pinterest boards and use reference extremely literally so you can look at a drawing and tell exactly what pic it's from, or have multiple artists pointing out the refs on other art. It's weird.
No. 1726511
>>1726487Because every thing is now self cannibalized and self-referential that it's more important to do what's popular than to look at any other outside resources that aren't online or in completely different fields of interest that have nothing to do with art.
It's primarily a fear of leaving the comfort zone, too.
No. 1726685
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>>1726674Moids were calling Aloy ugly and troonish like she was tainted by blue haired feminists that are out to castrate every single gamerbro out there but she just looked normal. Not ugly, just normal. If I saw this woman in real life I would never consider her "hideous" but men actually take it as a personal offense when a woman's design isn't scientifically engineered to be unrealistic AI porn.
No. 1726766
>>1726383As one of the comments in the video said, I want to see pretty people when I game.
Not to mention, what is the point of getting models and people that have good faces to do face scans only to make them look kinda ugly? If I was the model(s) I would be miffed. Not to mention the human eye is generally the best camera and best at erasing details- its why no one looks as ugly as they do IRL as opposed in a photo taken by a camera.
No. 1726898
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It is always sad to see the style of an artist degenerating over time
No. 1726921
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>>1725614Kimidake is the one I can think of at the top f my head, but the artist does draw coomer art. I think the artist is a girl though, since I remember coming across a yaoi doujin between two characters from Golden Kamuy.
No. 1726929
>>1726824I haven't noticed any ai art on my pinterest, but maybe I like a different style of art from you
or maybe you accidentally saved an ai image once and pinterest's algorithm thought that meant you wanted ai shit all over your whole dashboard, which always sucks.
When did you start noticing it nonna?
No. 1726942
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>it took three days to generate these.
No. 1726943
>>17269421. Not even close to Salvador Dipshit's style, it just looks like shitty dark fantasy art at best (top left looks like that drematime AI thing google made 5+ years ago, kek)
2. Either lying about the time it took or has the slowest fucking computer and internet ever
No. 1726944
>>1726942I'm pretty sure these idiots keep overexaggerating how long it takes them because it makes it seem so
hard and
skilled the longer it takes.
No. 1726958
>>1726942Woah!! Three whole days waiting for a computer to do art?! That’s crazy! Imagine all the time this person had to spend glued to the PC waiting for it to make these drawings! Lots of hard work indeed.
I really hate the people that try to make their shit seem important.
No. 1726964
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>>1712936I am very late for this but Lackadaisy is very good, which is still ongoing. It has a very interesting story, and the art is some of the best Ive seen from a webcomic. If you dont mind anthro art, the only other problem I could maybe see is that it is a little verbose, if thats not your thing.
No. 1726972
>>1726819I do, but the point still stands what is the point of getting someone to do a face scan only to make them look uglier than they are? Especially when companies boast about using face scans and new tech to create graphics.
It isn't even exclusively women or character, it goes for male ones too. Leon from resident evil was face scanned and the double chin looks so pronounced in a way that isn't visible on the model.
No. 1726973
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>>1726965Did this in 3 seconds, I don't know HOW it took this moid 3 days.
No. 1726979
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>>1726972I really hate to bring up James Cameron, but are you also annoyed when the actors in Avatar look entirely different as Navi?
Like I understand what you're trying to say but face scanning is really used more like a template for the character, which sometimes turns out decent enough or turns horrifically ugly (SH2 Remake James for example) but if they fuck up a template that's on shitty designers
No. 1727089
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>>1726383This video scares me. Why are some women so hell-bent on upholding the superficial standards of femininity laid down by scrotes. She is seething for 2 minutes over pic-related because apparently what she wears is too "masculine" and then goes on to praise 2B - a character whose design specifically panders to coom-brained moids - as some sort of a bastion of femininity. Which is funny because 2B's stoic and reserved personality will be perceived as "masculine" in many cultures. Also what 2B wears in no way aligns with what a traditionally feminine woman would wear. Honestly, women who think that "feminine" is when you wear makeup and heels and pink dresses are no better than trannies.
Mario is literally a big-nosed, manlet with a moustache but you won't see anyone throwing a hissy fit over his appearance. Heck, most of the male characters in the West are specifically designed to be hideous but literally no one cares. Which is why you have characters like Father Nier. I hate how there is so much debate on how female characters should dress and act to be seen as feminine.
No. 1727101
>>1726857Yeah but with a bigger nose and white hair.
>>1726383Why is a bitch with burnt oily hair and a nose that'd make jews jealous talking about beauty?
(bait) No. 1727141
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>>1726898KEK that reminds me of hearing about puppychans new tumblr @wolfertinger666 the other day. She only talks about being trans and apparently puts the blame for anything bad she has done on her alters. Art did not get much better obviously. Someone said she's finally recovering from coombrain but I don't see it
No. 1727147
>>1727115She didn't say it's bad and it's newly
repetitive in all medias compared to how a damsel in distress was the staple for media for so long. She's asking for an in between. I get what she means by 'cool' characters usually omitting liking feminine things, like being quiet and stoic. IMO a lot of these characters are all the same and you can basically tell their entire plot just from the photo they throw on the promotional material because it's just a copy-paste of the last "girl with attitude". It's not about wanting them to be girly and flirty, no one wants a male fantasy, but her example of 2B from Neir was a good example. You just don't see that much in American media whereas anons mentioned something called LoliRock and it has those kickass girl characters while still wearing dresses and stuff. The media for acting and bigger games with mocap really only focus on a single type of girl in the states. You don't need to pretend that trope isn't overused. Women don't need to be one or the other, that's the point she is making.
No. 1727152
File: 1697358389010.jpg (97.26 KB, 736x1303, 5e96a53b1076c4c15b65413445193d…)

>>1726932Nta but I see a lot of AI shit on there depending on what I search for. Oftentimes when looking for interiors there will be some that don't make sense and sometimes when looking at something more specific like food or fashion illustrations. If you don't save any of it you should be fine but I don't know if hiding them gives the correct info to pinterest since the algo doesn't seem able to make a difference between real and AI
No. 1727184
>>1727089>Why are some women so hell-bent on upholding the superficial standards of femininity laid down by scrotes.It should be studied. Are these women afraid that if they aren't audibly butthurt over a female character wearing pants then no man will ever want to date them because they're being evil misandrist feminist NPCs? Whenever I've had this discussion with a pickme defending blatantly coompandering character designs it always circles back to "b-but it's so empowering!". Empowering how? Because if you like it then Nigel won't send you death threats? Because you think that degenerating to a scrote's level of pornsickness will exempt you from their misogyny and give you the false sense of power?
>>1727147NTA but look it's really hard to sympathize with this "femininity is being erased!" viewpoint when even today beautiful girly girl characters dominate media and maybe one more "masculine" (i.e. not airheaded, nice or unconditionally friendly) character holding the token position with no plot relevance. Acting like the range of female characters being widened is a zero sum game taking away your waifus is scrotal behavior, end of discussion.
No. 1727205
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>>1726824Actually nonna, I noticed the same thing. I was going through some pretty landscape art when I came across picrel. It's like that comic with the wolf and the monster in the woods: it looks beautiful at first, but then you notice the nonsensical train design, the impossible terrain and rail tracks that don't quite look like rail tracks that don't go anywhere. I constantly have to go into my settings to remove shit like this to tune my home feed and also block the talentless hack who uploaded it in the first place.
No. 1727208
File: 1697364459382.jpg (345.5 KB, 745x2048, FevKvbsXkAA0DM0.jpg)

>>1727205Samefag but this is the comic I was referring to. Perfectly reflects my feelings on this shit
No. 1727222
>>1727184It's shocking to me how much you missed the point. Didn't say feminity is being erased. It's impossible to discuss anything here
If I said I like donuts you'd scream about me not liking cake. This isn't about waifus vs hyper masculinity.
No. 1727270
>>1727222I think it's more like you went on a weird ramble about how donuts are too much like cake nowadays and how donuts aren't donuty enough because a lot of times they have sprinkles while making it sound as if sprinkless donuts don't exist anymore.
>Didn't say feminity is being erasedBut the original discussion was a twitter artist claiming that making Peach look angrier made her into a girlboss and ruined her bubbly feminine appeal and you were talking about how purelly feminine characters aren't a thing anymore because they're always given kinda girlboss atributes?
I don't think you're a pick me or anything nonna, but it got pretty confusing to understand what point you are even trying to make.
What characters do you even actually like nonna?
not asking as a gotcha, genuinelly curious No. 1727336
File: 1697378588826.jpg (301.61 KB, 1280x2120, least ugly modern vidya moid.j…)

>>1726383what a stupid pickme, she's calling above average women masculine and ugly just because they dont look like a troon's wet fantasy of what femininity is. Friendly reminder that even after all these years, all the angry comments by moids and pickmes about how hollywood is demonizing feminine characters and just wants all women to be fat and ugly dykes, we still dont have truly ugly female character, something genuinely heinous like a female Jason/Freddy/leatherface. Even the ''ugly'' female characters in videogames moids love to complain about all look prettier than their male counterparts. Imagine if women complained about how ugly kratos is.
No. 1727341
>>1727319It's funny how these people never use AI to create actual pieces that have artistic value and are used for self expression or make you think about things you never realized before but just the same cute blonde girl with the same neotenous face and sexy clothing yet sperg about muh big effort and creative eye.
>>1727327I doubt it'll affect even them, AI art was a fun toy to play around with but the appeal in commissioning is to get someone to make something tailored for you. My friend who does fetish commissions is still getting commissions even from scrotes who swore upon AI art because even they know how soulless and unsatisfying it is.
No. 1727352
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>>1727336Comments like this really make me think about how people perceive women to begin with. What the hell do you mean "write them as a man but put lady skin on em"? What "male things" are they doing? Raping women and children? Writing insufferable incel thoughts online? Making youtube videos about how feminism is ruining video games? I got actual brain damage from watching this pickme's video when she called the design in
>>1727089 mannish even when she has a full face of makeup and a long hair with form fitting clothing, I don't think scrotes have any worry from "feminists taking over the vidya industry" when people like this are hired as game writers. I wish her a very fast pinkpilling.
No. 1727387
>>1727381Did you watch the video? It's literally referring to shit like "woman no smile = man".
>And maybe you didn't see it but stuff like "we need more female serial killers and pschopaths for Representation!" has actually happened in western media.Good.
No. 1727423
>>1727352Seems like they want to see themselves in games. The gender alone isn't enough, the female characters also have to dress cute and put on makeup the way those women do irl apparently, regardless of if it fits the role
>>1727381>Not that women can't be warriors ever but for some reason in something like Vikings they never chose a mother of five children raising those while farming or a textile workerI know you're just making an example, but the reality is that most western games are about war and fighting and that there's not much excitement in farming or textiles. If they put female characters in games as protagonists they have to fit that action environment. The solution would be to have more games written and directed by women, but I guess there would still be pointless nitpicking.
No. 1727426
>>1727381Honestly this kind of "c-can't they just be really skilled cooks?? taking care of children is important work too!!" bargaining is ridiculous and being intentionally obtuse about the issue. Like
>>1727423 said weaving tapestries isn't exciting in a game about going to war and destroying your enemies. If they can include dragons and demons in medieval games then they can include female warriors and not give a shit about muh historical inaccuracies.
>>1727424Please offer an example of this so we can see what you consider a character that's written as "male in woman skin". I'm very interested in seeing what you consider so masculine in a woman that it must be a man.
No. 1727445
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>>1727352I do agree with this poster on the point that male writers don't know how to write active roles for women in their games. So in games with male writers you get the feminine badass or the damsel in distress, nothing really inbetween.
>>1727336Even when a female character is meant to look "ugly", she'll still be wearing makeup. Like picrel, the item check girl from Skyward Sword.
No. 1727453
>>1727437No one is saying that. They just want that same mother to be a viking sometimes. Why can't she be both? Why does it have to be one or the other? Not a single person said they need to be stuck in gender role. The whole argument is that they can be both. I haven't seen anyone say they want hyper bimboism characters in order to have femininity in their media. All Im seeing is anons say they're isn't a need to completely strip female characters of feminine personalities just to have a check mark ticked off that they added a girl to the character line-up. Even Jessica Rabbit is a good example if you want to talk about a character with depth that
is super sexual on the surface but gets her hands dirty. You do not see characters like her anymore.
No. 1727460
>>1727453>They just want that same mother to be a viking sometimes.Why can't she be both? Why does it have to be one or the other?but why? you dont ask the male characters to be fathers too.
>You do not see characters like her anymore.because guess what you? can make strong female characters without making them fucking sex dolls. Why is being a blowup doll or a cutesy girl girl neccesary for a female character to feel feminine?
No. 1727475
>>1727453NTA but I'm seriously losing brain cells reading this but I'll bite because I'm bored.
>All Im seeing is anons say they're isn't a need to completely strip female characters of feminine personalities just to have a check mark ticked off that they added a girl to the character line-up.See, the issue is that people classify traits that should be gender neutral as "being male" and "stripping women of their femininity". Woman not smiling? Male. Woman being a strong fighter? Male. Woman wearing covering clothing? Male. Woman being muscular? Male. Woman having a role outside of mother/sister/wife? Male. Woman not wearing makeup? Male. Female character wearing a "cute outfit" that's a coomerified swimsuit and a face full of makeup while being bubbly and sexy? Now that's a woman. People are actually losing their minds over Princess Peach having a very slightly angrier expression on her game's cover art and thinking this is a feminist agenda masculinizing all the pretty princesses into girlboss dykes leaving nothing for the girly girls and brainwashing every young girl gamer into hating femininity when a normal person looks at the cover edit once, thinks it's sort of stupid and moves on. They had to redesign Sonic the Hedgehog for American audiences to look more edgy and angry in the 90's because they felt he was "too cute" but chronically online spergs want to see things that just aren't there because their worst nightmare is that only 98% of all media features only feminine, conventionally beautiful women conforming to traditional values. If they let down their hypervigilance it'll soon be only 97.8%!
No. 1727477
>>1727467They should. Men should also complain that their characters are one dimensional with how they are constantly written, just different setting.
>went so they have to be moms to be feminine You're using Bayonetta as the exact example of a multifaceted design and personality. She could be in armor gear for all I care instead of hair, but they didn't try to force her into a one of the guys type of girls which is how those characters are instead always written. Again though, we are taking about US media. Japan doesn't have this problem as much.
No. 1727500
>>1727477>Men should also complain that their characters are one dimensional with how they are constantly writtenThey do bitch about that. A lot of american writers are bad and a lot of designers have no taste, they make what they are used to. What even is this conversation
>>1727496So? We all know this. But the original anon was whining about Peach and Frozen
No. 1727501
>>1727496you are completly moving the goalpost, no one is denying those characters aren't badly written. You know a female character can be badly written but still be a woman, right?
>>1727453 No. 1727525
>>1727511again, it's a power fantasy/escapism. It doesnt have to be rooted in reality. I genuinely dont care about playing as a mother, I would be a warrior or some other cool shit.
>>1727517it's retarded as fuck, men get to be whatever they want but women always have to be moms to not be ''onedimensional''. Which again shows she doenst really care about female characters being fleshed out, she just want female characters to be gender stereotypes.
No. 1727528
>>1726979In all honesty, I thought he just used costumes and makeup but then again- never had any interest in James Cameron's Avatar. Side by side, it still looks better than most other model:character stuff I've seen when it comes to body scans.
But with games it either comes out decent enough or just ugly but rarely ever just good or specifically nice looking.
>>1727460Because male characters are allowed an "in-between" either badass or loser whereas female characters are either written as badasses with no/minimal feminine traits/interests OR they're feminine but are useless damsels who can't do anything for themselves.
>>1727481>You have two entire genres that also largely don't exist in the west outside of for childrenWay to miss the point anon.
No. 1727659
>>1727336>Imagine if women complained about how ugly kratos is.I did it a few times on social media and people would assume I mean that I'm calling the game itself ugly on a technical level or they would assume I'm a guy and would say "hmmm but he's half naked and some women like that!!!1!" Like no honey, he's ugly as fuck, and the hipster beard doesn't make him less ugly, he's just ugly in a different way now. Those are the same fags who would always complain about JRPGs having bishonen or young kids as the main characters and calling them "gay" or "pussies" for showing emotions that aren't just unga bunga rage. I will keep doing my duty to keep calling Kratos hideous on a semi-regular basis of course.
>>1727346Me but unironically.
No. 1727717
>>1727706Are you dumb? I mean anons phrasing whatever points they think they have so horribly that they end up having to defend themselves for saying shit like
>>1727402 and
>>1727381 No. 1727747
>>1727682Yes, but those discussions all started from the peach discussion, and because that nonna was making pretty poorly phrased arguments and then brought up a video about western gaming. It's confusing because this is an anonymous board, so obviously we can't tell who is not saying what and who is saying multiple things, so nonnas staying mad about the example of lack of mother characters is because they're probably still connecting it to the other nonna talking about way up thread the post about feminine characters always being hackers or whatever. And it really is hard to argue about these topics if you don't bring up positive examples since nobody can understand what you are actually arguing in favour of.
althought I can't blame you since if you pick a character that isn't 100% perfect you will probably have nonnas ranting on you about how that character is actually coomer baitIn we happy few there's a portion of the game where you play as a mother that has to take care of a baby, and you could technically count the Kara plot in Become Human. Is that kinda what you mean?
also what one nonna mentioned about yeeting your children into the battlefield sounds kinda fun kekI think lack of representation of the more "trad wife-y" (for lack of a better term) feminine traits like having kids and doing crochet or whatever might be because those things might read as kinda "matronly" ie old, and old women don't have that much representation in general, either because they're not appealing to moids, or because most gamers are younger and don't
/don't want to relate to old people.
No. 1727980
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Changing the subject, post some really useful art tips and tutorials!
No. 1728012
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I remember reading a twitter screenshot about how characters like the hulk were female fantasies because they are muscular and walk around shirtless, and that kind of got me thinking. I think artists dont know how to make male characters appealing, and just assume muscles makes men automatically attractive.
It was also odd to me when you would see people get suprised or uncomfortable when they see a male character seen as physically attractive by women, I think a lot of people think that straight women just arent attracted to men physically.
No. 1728164
>>1728056>>1728100Tangentially related but you just reminded me, how much I fucking hate the internet’s obsession with femboys to the point almost any prettyboy with elegant/feminine attributes (or literally just long hair) gets sissified and turned into a submissive uwu gay femboy by coomer fans. (Rare cases I don’t see this happen is het romance media with mainly female fans like Howl’s Moving Castle for example)
But of course any roided out/hairy/bearded/middle-aged ugly dude is pushed as peak masculine husbando daddy dom sex god or whatever.
Like, with LoZ, I mostly blame femboy Link on the developers for the gerudo outfit, but I still think the Ganondorf thirst people had was some insane delusion or psyop
No. 1728186
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>>1728182On a more serious note, I find that using online references and photos of real photos have helped me the most in advancing my art. I could probably buy some art books if needed, but my experience with shitty how to draw books when I was younger just makes me put off towards them
No. 1728315
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>>1728186>my experience with shitty how to draw books when I was younger just makes me put off towards themAs kids my best friend had this manga book and I was SO jealous that she'd get to learn how to draw manga and I'd get left behind lmao
No. 1728326
>>1728285You lost me at catboys. But while it's not my thing, go ahead and do it
nonnie, I support your cause. Otome and shoujo stuff suck writing wise and character designs wise. Like wtf was that game with the horse with a bishounen face?
No. 1728358
>>1728023Not to drag it out further but you are dumb or can't read. I meant those anons were so shit at expressing themselves that they came across as misogynistic with their views on femininity that didn't even have a point. I didn't say anyone who answered them was.
>>1728285True and you should say it
No. 1728381
>>1728326Catboys as in men who are lithe and sexy and move seductively, like a cat. Like a big wild cat boy, while also being cute in the face.
I’m reclaiming catboys from the bisexual scrote femboy coomers.
No. 1728416
Didn't win a sponsorship, which truly annoys me. There weren't that many entries, and I was sure I had a winning project. Femicide and uncomfortable sure, but damn well made. An entire installation even with a glass window and glass uterus I build. I already knew it would go this way. I used my actual last name. Artist family, some more famous then others.. It would have looked like nepotism, two of the judges knew my dad and mom. Fuck me. I need to change my name, else I'll always be judged on my parents merits.. Fuck the art scene so hard. I can hardly handle the general artist population. The likes that bring their own maps to a gallery opening. All so far up their own asses.
If a woman would have used literal animal blood in her works, she'd be called a mental case. No woman couldve ever been a nitsch or anyone similar. My mom told me to change my name ages ago to something gender neutral and a way different last name. How much does one have to give up? I don't even want anything anymore, I just want people to start thinking by looking at installations I make. See my fucking outrage and fucking feel something. Hopefully enough to pay attention and maybe too, start helping and doing things. Urgh, rant over, I apologise.
No. 1728459
>>1728456You're probably right, sadly the rules specified to use your real name, no moniker or artist name. I honestly don't know, I should've just done it anyway. Not like they could've checked it.. All in all, I'm glad someone gets the recognition and help and I am grateful my country even cares in the first place. (and I didn't know that the judges knew my parents. My mom only told me much later, hah)
>>1728435Thank you very much, that's very kind of you. And yeah, might go dig into some colours for a name idea. Always liked scarlet.
Now actually thinking about everything, especially with my last post.. Guess I'm an entitled artist shit too. I'll definitely be more realistic next time. But I do fucking believe my femicide installation is fucking badass and gets people to think about our countries issues. (not just because I've been updating it for years and people like borrowing it for the theatre and feminist events.) it's just a very important topic to me.
No. 1728586
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>>1727980Feeling retarded cuz I misread and didn't realize you were asking for tutorials kek
Anyway what other nonnas said is true. These short "draw this shape then this shape then this shape here" tutorials are really not good unless you are an absolute beginner. It's much better to look at real pictures and find your own way of structuring forms and stylizing things, and not copy some other artist's sketching process.
Short textless single image "don't draw bad shape, draw good shape" tutorials are the ones that get shared around the most but art tutorials are only good if they have artist notes all over them
No. 1728848
>>1728485Same, I fully agree. One of my talented friends wasn't accepted to uni and it was because of her age and gender. My own brother in charge of admission told me as much. What's there to say..
Fuck. Them. All. Nothing matters anyway.
No. 1728861
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>>1728586Yeah a lot of the tutorials out there tended to be lacking in detail, which was why I started using irl references more to compensate. Funny enough, the board that I use on pinterest for art tutorials has a lot of screenshots from art books now that I think about it, so I was still using artbooks in some form.
No. 1729240
>>1729232I archive all of my stuff on an external harddrive. Things get snatched the internet way too often for me to not keep my own copy.
>>1729207Don't fall into temptation nonnacita. Trannies are a cult. They are highly jealous, entitled and autocannibalistic. The more you pander the more they'll wring you dry. Even if they think you're one of them, the second you slip up they'll be ready to cancel you. As trite as it sounds, be unapologetically yourself so you'll never have to work for someone else's validation. There's nothing to grift from troons except hollow validation. You can't suck money from a group that constantly wants handouts from the cis straights.
No. 1729258
>>17292401st ayrt yeah I feel you, it’s always random Japanese Twitter and Pixiv artists who draw the most breathtaking arts of my obscure husbandos and then delete their accounts a month later. Not that that’s bad lol I do the same thing for the most part and upload anonymously through for NSFW and make accounts for some separate fandoms or mediums.
>>1729207Dumb idea anon, what if you’re recognized found out to just be lying? What would you say your motive was? You could say that you’re a gender enigma and they just don’t understand your super special gender but the cult could still eat you alive. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
No. 1729272
>>1728056Yeah men absolutely know what women like, they just don't want to give them that because
they can't enjoy it. The "b-but the hulk is attractive to women isn't he??" thing is full on gaslighting, they know it's a male power fantasy and not eye candy for the women.
>>1728924>Art is one of the few things humans do that is just creative joy and expressions of emotions, do people really not care about that?Yes they do. Nobody pays for AI art. The only way you can sell it is to lie about making it by yourself, if you straight out said it was made by AI the value would be zero. So the people making a business out of it are grifters cheating people out of money, and the more they're exposed the more people learn to look out for them.
No. 1729504
>>1728924Not an interest, but someone into music myself. I'm also studying to be a software engineer. So my outlook at this is AI can be good for experimenting and creating prototypes, while an artist can turn the prototype into a final product. I used bing AI to generate some images for me since I can't afford to commission an artist at the moment, and while some of the results are decent, they're not good enough imo and the censorship on it limit the results. It doesn't draw fullbody images, it misunderstands some of my prompts, it generates hideous generic art sometimes in art styles I hate, and when it does work there's always one weird mistake, especially fingers ofcourse and weird ghost like entities in the background because it's probably trying to mimic artists drawing a character sheeg kek. It's retarded as hell and rarely gives me any actually impressive result, but I'll take what I got since it's free. Also communicating with a person about what I specifically want is 100000x easier than explaining it to AI because it keeps reinterpreting what I mean and creates different possibilities and most of them aren't what I want. And when it comes to commissioning, I can show you examples of what I want and you'd draw sketches to show me what you understood and we can work on refining it until I'm happy with it, AI doesn't do that, it stars all over again so the things I might have liked about a certain iteration would be removed and there's no way to tell it to keep it. It also has poor understanding of lighting and value when it comes to nighttime scenery with the moon or how water on the beach works etc. It's still not good enough yet imo and the reason is because it lacks any logic in its creation, it's just blind mimicry without understanding the fundamentals of what makes what what it is. And for music, I don't mind hearing AI generated music just to see what is it gonna come up with and if it can understand music theory since it's more mathematical than drawing. And if I like the sound of it I'd pirate it because no way I'm paying AI for music kek.
No. 1729515
>>1729258We’ll get a 4 hour Sarah Z video to play in the background while sketching on Procreate, that’s what. I say go for it
No. 1729630
>>1729624Were you pretty decent before you stopped? Sometimes you just need to get the muscle memories back and sometimes your brain needs that kickstart into how it visualizes on to the page. Just start out drawing goofy little things, don't try to do anything serious. Just get a feel of what drawing is like again and you might be able to quickly regain some better skills from past experience.
>>1729624Yes, but when you're going out of your way to use other people's art who didn't agree for their art to be put into a randomizer for your own selfish needs, that's different from just using someone's OP image as an example. I do not deal with AI. Any good artist who supports other artists won't use AI as a reference either. If the person who gives the example had enough time to fuck around in Mid to create some shitty example, they could've easily found something online from other artists instead to send me.
No. 1729719
>>1729630I’m guessing you are responding to me. Honestly I was okay, it wasn’t the worst but not the best either. It’s just super frustrating because I wish I didn't quit art, but oh well not much I can do about that.
>>1729670Glad I am not alone. It’s nice knowing there are others like me. I’m not too worried about not getting where I want to be in art, it’s just the whole beginner process that discourages me. I’ll check them out! Thanks nona!
No. 1729957
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>>1729950Oh yeah, no. It sucks at everything that's not color/style. I only use it to get quick dopamine by making husbando lewds and getting color/rendering ideas. It cant do anything genuinely interesting for shit, but it can give good ideas as to how approach a style, pic rel. I don't think it will ever be good enough to replace artists and real art either.
No. 1729994
>>1729903Is there specifically anything closer to 9-10 mm or lower? Even 10-11 mm is a little too big to me. My current tablet's stylus is ~11mm. Huion has a stylus that is 9.5 mm (Battery-free Slim Pen PW550S and it only works with specific tablets of theirs.
>>1729915I tried finding a grip for my current tablet stylus, but only saw this Plus Ergo Grip for Wacom Pro and Grip Pen Stylus on Amazon that is $30 that I wasn't ready to drop money for in case I disliked it. I'm not sure what to look for in order to find grips that can fit something with a diameter of 11cm.
The Staedtler Noris Digital looks perfect but the compatibility list doesn't include much from the usual drawing tablet brands except the $300 wacom one which I'm not ready to shill out for. I'm not familiar with current tech prices, is there anything you know of that's <$50 from the list?
No. 1730362
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>see epic art of husbando
>check out artist page
>linked nsfw account
>click link
>exclusively posts cuntboy content
No. 1730453
>>1730395Not on my watch
>>1730044Twitter and Instagram should be your go-tos. Tumblr is okay if you just want to post art but not build connections. ArtStation is purely for portfolio purposes. No one uses Bluesky.
No. 1730655
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Winx the fate saga is getting a comic book continuation and it's ugly. Love how they made Musa, the chinese girl, another brown skinned girl.
No. 1730734
>>1730673That's what I wanna know too. I really,
really hope Vewn isn't a troon or even a troon-supporter.
No. 1730776
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>>1730769it's likely a holdover from slogans like picrel in the fat positivity community
No. 1730907
>>1730655 They all look like they smelled a fart. Also black girl and the girl standing near her look like their faces are copy pasted, just flipped.
I hate Kim possible upper-lip-only design for mouths.
No. 1731046
>>1729719>>1729670>>1729621Glad I am not the only one. I also started to draw again and I am older than most here. My drawings are not good and I need to do lots of practice. I am drawing mostly once a month when I have the mood and time for it, because I know when I draw I wil get angry and frustrated. Also work can be very exhausting for me. So it takes even more time getting better.
It is sometimes so crushing seeing people 15 years younger than you drawing so much better, even though I know I should not compare myself to others I sometimes can not help it.
The fun thing is, no matter how angry I got or how long my break from drawing were, I always came back to it.
So I guess I just keep on practicing.
No. 1731865
>>1730362Samefag update
she has a fetish for ftms which explains alot. I would have expected this from a western artist but she’s chinese? Is troon shit that common in eastern countries?
No. 1731881
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nonny, same. Does anyone knows how to deal with anxiety related to that? learning that my favourite artist is the same age as me destroyed me, i am such an idiot but i cant help it.
No. 1731990
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>>1731881Don't compare a skill in a vacuum. Your lives have been different, your support and opportunities, your natural talents and time dedicated to training them. Just find pride in your other acheivements and accept the hand life dealt you, as long as you work to improve at your own pace there's nothing to be embarrassed about.
If you still feel frequent anxiety and guilt over indulging in a hobby or not being good at it (I used to) consider the possibility it may have external reasons. Pressure from family or work, a chemical imbalance, etc.
No. 1732010
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anybody familiar with this tiktok famous (not my claim) artist devon rodriguez? this guy named ben davis (@benstoppable from the screenshots) wrote an article about him and pointed out that his fame was more from marketing and staged content and less from actual skill, highlighting the trend of "influencer art". devon was offended about it and sicced his followers to attack the writer. i know nothing about him, but what an insecure manbaby lmao. judging from the stories he posted he seems insufferable.
imo i think the writer has a point. there are more talented artists that are being overshadowed by people who simply know how to exploit the algorithm. even devon himself admits to exploiting the algorithm.
link to the articles: this isn't super milky but the news was recommended to me on google so i just thought i'd share. what do you guys think of devon's art? is it worth the manufactured hype? personally, i hate that you need to stage shit or churn out content constantly just to get your art out there. this system rewards those who can churn out viral content and not people with genuine talent and skill. it's pretty demotivating for artists and now social media is inundated with artists hopping on bandwagons just for a scrap of clout. i'm sick of seeing artists spend 90% of their time making memes and content and 10% actually making art. they're not even good or funny.
No. 1732316
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Sorry for beginner question. I have ~5 copic markers that I love but I can't really afford to buy a full set right now, are there any good alternatives? I've tried a few other alcohol markers but I feel like none of them could blend as well as the brush tip of copics.
No. 1732359
>>1732096PYdiyudie on Twitter. I’m a huge
Zenosfag so it pains me to see otherwise good art of him ruined by her degeneracy.
No. 1732435
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Hi nonas could someone please help me translate this SAI pen into English? I’ve been trying to decipher from the context but I’ve never even seen pens with those geometrical shapes in the thumbnail. Any help is much appreciated, thanks.
No. 1732436
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>>1732435This is what the actual pen looks like in practice btw.
No. 1732453
>>1732435 it is a "scatter pen" found under the "Basic" tab in SAI2's pen selection.
I am curious to make it myself and see if it works! Game changer if so - I love SAI to pieces but it's lacking in the brush department for sure.
No. 1732486
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>>1732453>>1732455Thanks nonas, I managed to crack it! Here you are (picrel), I highly recommend. If it feels too soft or too hard you simply adjust the brush size. What a hidden gem!
No. 1732506
>>1732316I've tried copics and ohuhu and tbf copics are worth every single penny
i'd recommend buying from japanese websites through a proxy, copic sketch markers are like 3$ there, the priceup is insane
i remember getting the basick 36 copic sketch set for like 110-120$ from a japanese seller
No. 1732626
>>1732486What an interesting brush, thanks for sharing
nonnie! Where did you find it? Are there more?
No. 1732647
nonnie, it's from the linked tweet but to the best of my scrolling I can't find any more brush recommendations from the artist. Like I said, a rare gem kek No. 1732648
File: 1697840937695.jpg (Spoiler Image,137.84 KB, 1327x539, Captura.JPG)

wtf happened to artstation? they used to be a professional site (I believe)
I decided to check the front page and there are straight-up nude "references" that literally nobody is using for fucking drawing.
Taken from their own guidelines, about content that is not allowed o the front page:
"We generally will moderate artwork that:
Is of a sexual nature - even if only partial, suggested or even if no nudity is shown,
Objectifies women - a lot of cleavage, under-boob, underskirt, work that is intended to titillate. It doesn't matter if there is no nudity - if sexuality or intent to titillate is there, we moderate it"
forgot to spoiler kek
No. 1732716
>>1732316Incoming Copic sperg. They were my main medium before I went digital.
If you live in America, sites like MerrieArtist are good places to buy Copics as they're pretty cheap and have frequent sales. I hear Ohuhu markers are a decent alternative but like
>>1732506 said, no other brands really compare. Ohuhu is the most common alternative only because they have every other YT pop artist shilling them for free stuff. If you really want to look into other brands, Windsor and Newton Brushmarkers (formerly Promarkers I think) have smoother, higher-quality ink, but they're not as cost-effective as they're disposable and feel cheaper. I'm also not sure they're even being sold anymore. There are also Prismacolor Premiers, the big Copic alternative when I was still doing traditional art. They're okay and come in a good range but aren't refillable either. Blick Studio markers are refillable and have quality ink, but have a smaller color range, stiffer tips, and are kind of a pain in the ass to get unless you're buying in bulk. Copics are still the best general option for markers unless you're jobless or a kid with no money. If you're really struggling, there's no shame in getting the Ciao variety instead. They have the same tips as the Sketches but hold a little less ink. A single bottle of refill ink will last you years unless you're using them for several large illustrations every day.
You do NOT need the entire 300-something set or even half of all the colors to meet your needs. The color system is kind of silly in that there are several virtually identical shades and weird gaps in the range. Take your time, buy a few markers here and there and you'll have as many as you need in no time. I'd prioritize neutrals like the greys as well as colors you'll a lot. They layer nicely but don't blend like paint or ink does, you might want to look up tutorials for color combos to get the effects you want. Japanese copic artists and ironically enough Western scrapbookers, fine artists and cardmakers are some of the best English-language resources for learning coloring. I'd stay away from younger Western artists as they tend to approach Copics as if they were fancy Crayolas.
Don't bother with the second-darkest grey tones or the black Copics. If you want to cover large areas in pure black Faber-Castell makes a fat brush pen with super dark, lightfast ink. You can also use black ink and a paintbrush.
Markers in general make a good base for dry multimedia, especially colored pencils and chalk pastels. You can also use colored pencils to line on top if you don't want them to be too harsh or dark. White paint, ink, and white-out are also great for stark white highlights, stars, sparkles, etc.
No weeb, but my favorite way to ink marker illustrations is with manga dip pens, purely because I like having control over the ink I use and hate having to draw over it again after erasing my pencils. Depending on the bounciness of the nib, you also have better control over line weight in single strokes without having to go back and create it. Normal G-nibs can go from almost hair-thin to a few mm thick in a stroke. You don't need anything fancy, either. A single comfortable nib holder and a pack of G-pen will set you back less than 20 dollars. If you do try it, make sure the ink you're using is marker-proof, try to ink from your non-dominant hand side down from top to bottom, keep the curve of the nib facing up, and use paper as smooth as possible so fibers don't clog the nib.
Sakura Microns are a popular and affordable choice, but you really can't go wrong with anything labeled for finelining. The only 'good' ones I'm not a fan of are Copic's metal-bodied liners. For some reason the ink has never flowed consistently for me, but YMMV. Most felt-tipped pens will fade a little after erasing, so keep that in mind. I've heard Rotoring and fountain pens are the best of both dip and fineliners, but those are expensive hobbies in themselves and take just as much if not more maintenance than Copics and dip pens combined.
If there's a specific shade of marker you want but can't find, just make it yourself. It's really easy and there are tutorials online. Test the color recipe with a cotton swab then fill and label your marker.
Do NOT listen to any cheapskate who recommends "refilling" Copics with rubbing alcohol or colorless blender. If the marker is dried out or running out of ink, just get a refill. They only cost a little more than a Sketch and are well worth it.
Copic discontinued their larger bottles of Various Ink a few years ago, but if you come across any overstock for a decent price (no more than 10-12 USD per unit) I can't recommend buying them enough. I started using Copics a decade ago and I'm not even halfway done with some of my most used colors. It's also handy to have a bottle of the colorless blender handy for special effects.
If you're serious about Copics I also recommend getting a cheap food or jewelry scale for refills. A full Sketch should be around 14 grams and Ciao around 10 (with both caps removed). I also suggest refilling them with the nibs on rather than dripping ink straight into the barrel. It takes a little longer, but you'll have much more control over how much goes in. Overfilled Copics can lead to gumming and crystalization, which basically ruins the marker if it reaches the barrel. There are tutorials online for how to fix it if it's only the tip, but if it's already inside of the marker you're better off replacing it.
The clear blender is a bit misleading. Copics have a reputation for being 'blendable', but in order to achieve smooth gradients from two unrelated colors you'll need in-between shades. What the blender is best at is pushing in small sections of ink or fixing minor mistakes. I've seen artists use it as a base coat for blending like you would use water for wet-on-wet watercolor, but that technique doesn't work on all types of paper. You can also facilitate blending with colored pencils laid over the top.
Speaking of paper, the general marker paper is thicker and smoother. Some papers labeled as "Marker" or "Manga" paper aren't always the best options. Softer and textured papers soak up ink like mad and don't blend very well. No matter what you pick you'll still need some scrap paper underneath to catch any bleed through. Thicker papers like vellum and smooth cardstock bleed less often but aren't completely immune, so you'll need scrap paper underneath your work to catch it. If you're really anal about using both sides of the paper, Cresent makes sketchbooks with pages that basically have a sheet of plastic layered in between. Some artists swear by the brand, but I'm not a fan of the grey tint. Copic themselves make 5 or 6 different styles of paper specifically made for their markers. I'm not sure if it's sold stateside as I bought mine from Japan years ago, but you can try looking on eBay, Amazon, or The best imho is the purple Premium Bond paper. I also rec X-Press It Blending Card and Hannemule Vellum paper but you pretty much can't go wrong with any decent, smooth bristol or cardstock.
You probably already know this but like with most art markers, Copics are dye-based and are not lightfast. Not a big deal if you're gonna keep your work in folders and sketchbooks, but if you want to display your pieces at all consider making copies or prints. I wouldn't even display original marker pieces with UV fixative. Remember that these pens were designed to be used on quick, disposable illustrations and then copied. That's where the name comes from. Even manga artists adopted them after the fact.
I can't think of any other tips off the top of my head, but Copics aren't as overhyped as their reputation claims. They're a beautiful and fun medium, you just have to be realistic with what they can do. 20 years of preteens on DA and YT shitting their pants over Copics have given them kind of a bad rap. In Japan, they're seen as just another art medium used by kids, adults, pros and hobbyists alike. Ciaos Even have vents in the cap to keep children from choking on them. They're nicer than most Western markers but they're not these glamorous, secret manga tools of the Far East. I hope you have fun building your collection, nonna.
No. 1732811
>>1732362>>1732506Thanks! I didn't even think about checking Japanese websites kek. Hopefully I can find a good deal
>>1732716anon thank you so much for this!! It sounds like we use a lot of the same supplies and you've given me so many good tips! I've always been a little intimidated by dip pens for some reason but you've just motivated me to try them out, you make them sound very fun kek. And I've noticed the same problem with Copic pens. I assumed I just got ones that had been used for a lot of samples or something because they always felt "weak" but maybe they are just not very good. I'm definitely saving this post especially for your refilling and paper type guides. Seriously, you're amazing ♥
No. 1732869
>>1732868Markers looks different than watercolor, I can't be bothered to always have watercolor supplies like bottles and brushes with me and I have the money to spend. Simple as that
No. 1732948
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>>1732879Cover your watercolor water then
nonnie you don't want your cat Turning autistic
No. 1733107
>>1732528Lavendertowne has always been a "muh cartoony artstyle" type artist. I still kek at her first attempt of drawing one of her character's in a "realistic" style but she just drew a 100% anime girl.
I honestly wonder if it's really her skill level or if she just really doesn't care about the quality of the art she churns for her videos. The lineart speedpaint in the second drawing of your vidrel (kek at the legs) doesn't even look like bad skills it looks like she didn't give a single shit.
Vidrel here honestly amazed me. Only one character out of three looks even passable, the others look like crap. And this is a
sponsored video. It makes me wonder if it's actually a Stacy move to get a huge gaming company to pay you for some crappy art like that.
No. 1733319
>>1733107To become a popular youtube artist, you have to have a style that looks possible for a beginner to achieve, and she has that. Explains why artists like Holly Brown, Baylee Jae, and Drawingwiffwaffles (who I think has a wonderful style, but she comes across as a hobby artist) got huge. Beginner, casual, and younger artists usually don't follow professional, highly skilled artists on youtube because their art looks intimidating and impossible to achieve. Usually other pro and serious artists follow these types. This excludes purely art tutorial channels like Proko, because he comes across as a teacher, not a fellow aspiring artist. If you want to make money as a youtuber, attracting casuals and teens is the key. And once you have a huge following, you get sponsorships, it doesn't matter if your art is shit.
It kind of sucks for a youtube artist that is professional, but not the best of the best. You get ignored from both sides. My favorite youtube artist is Joysan and I feel she falls into this category.
No. 1733523
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Does anyone have advice for when you're creatively bankrupt due to depression? I want to get back into art for real and make it a side hustle, before I've just doodled for my own enjoyment, but I find I don't even enjoy it. I feel an itch to draw so I use that to just study, I'm really interested in anatomy like the bones and muscles, but pieces on this turn out soulless and dead because my empty mind can't shit out any creativity so I don't like the results, and don't know what would fix it apart from trying to get medicated or something which I only want to be a last resort.
No. 1733910
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>>1733523you could try uploading your studies to twitter. I know me and many other artists love to see them
No. 1734022
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Been in the mood for some fine art gossip because I saw some artist on instagram post about Anna Weyant so I read about her a bit. I mean am I crazy or is her art not mostly just "pin-up but with a twist" genre? (Remind me a bit of other RISD grads who do work in a similar vein). I find the paintings very well done, she's talented, really good at tones and it's clear she studied her sources. But like, the female defendants falling over themselves about how those paintings are so deeply relatable about their experiences of growing up as a women just confuse me. Am I missing something? Maybe it's just not my culture but being I just cannot relate that way to them at all. Also the way they feel like they need to "defend" her when she's already a millionaire now, it's a bit ridiculous.
No. 1734036
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>>1734022Maybe i am low iq, but i dont get modern fine art. How tf am i supposed to get that painting of a chuuby lady smiling is supposed to mean anything? it honestly looks like a study, lol. I have seen animu artists more ambitious than that. Fine art of women always gives me the creeps, for me a moid buying this shit is no difference than a less rich coomer weeb scrote commissioning some loli porn off skeb. This one actually reminds me of that gross pedo Balthus, and how he tried to pass his softcore child pornography paintings as high art.
No. 1734051
>>1734036>supposed to mean anything?Art doesn’t need to
mean something. Does non-modern portraits
mean something? No, usually they don’t. And “looks like a study” is so baffling that it could be a whole another discussion, but I don’t see a point, so whatever
No. 1734054
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>>1734036Oh, I hadn't seen that she also painted girls that young. Yeah it's not as blatant as Balthus but I see what you mean. A bit before her current work the Currin influence (who does satirical work that often gets a quite weird and neurotic about women) was a bit stronger and she painted women like in the pic I posted… and like… is this clever commentary on the objectification of women because she looks scared or is she just literally turning women into blow-up dolls while offering up their tits to ogle? If anything it feels cruel, I could not imagine painting a woman like this. I feel like if a man painted this everybody would hate it out but since it's a female painter it's stunning feminist art.
No. 1734098
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>tfw finally starting to understand anatomy
feels good. For any other nonna i circled through many books and, at least for me, the best anatomy books are morpho suplemented with anatomy for sculptors.
No. 1734211
>>1734108Could you tell us a bit more about yourself/art? Like, what about doing anatomy studies do you find the most difficult, what are your art goals, what subjects do you enjoy, that sort of thing.
I think the key to better drawing from observation is knowing how to simplify and break down whatever it is you're looking at– is that what you're having trouble with?
No. 1734226
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I don’t know if this is a good thread to ask, but is it possible to use a cheap desktop computer like this or a mac mini to run Clip Studio or Photoshop just for digital art?
No. 1734231
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>>1734022>>1734036>>1734054>big tits>underage girlYeah, I can see why the male gatekeeping fine art bros let her in. Not impressed.
Picrel is an artist I came across recently. She draws the generic pretty girl, but her mastery of paint is what's really impressive to me. She can paint in acrylics, oils, and watercolor, and keep a consistent saturation of color and style., don't know how to make youtube shorts embed)
No. 1734378
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I'm going to hunt down the Hoyoverse employee who started this god awful trend of pale blue women across all of their games and commit unspeakable things to that good for nothing coomer shell of a human being because it is perhaps the worst internal design trend I have ever seen from a company in my life
No. 1734433
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>>1734191>>1734211>>1734312My ultimate goal is comics but even starting small with 4koma is too much for me. I have a really hard time motivating myself in general so I can only bear to sit down and draw maybe once every few weeks, if that. My observational skills and visual library are so weak I need refs for almost everything, usually photos I take of myself and my bf. I don't have aphantasia, but I do have trouble keeping images still in my brain long enough to focus on them. Even though I don't draw regularly I do notice a jump in skill every once in a while. It might be because I do a lot of imaginary drawings in my head. Sometimes all I have to do is look at something and it will finally "click" as if it's been added to my inventory.
Figure drawing still mystifies me. Even fast stuff. I can't wrap my head around getting gestures down accurately and every resource I look at may as well be picrel to me. It doesn't help that I'm avoidant with drawing subjects I'm not totally interested in even though I know I'll need to if I want to draw comics. If anyone knows any starting-from-nothing tutorials on figure drawing, please share.
No. 1734498
nonnie i have both books and i agree, but i also want to add the Stonehouse Anatomy book for even more in-depth detail too. Morpho felt kind of vague and blobby at first but once i understood where and what all the muscles were, it really started to come together.
No. 1734768
>>1734579You mean she's 27 and waiting for her mummified meal ticket to kick the bucket so she'll be set for life?
>>1734473Not gonna lie, I was tempted to do the same after fooling around with Bing's generator for a few minutes and I know I'm not alone. I'm too paranoid to actually go through with it.
No. 1735003
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>>1734579oh shit, looked these two up (only know her from the cover of a book) and that is insane. also, I guess fucking a mega-gallery owner and art dealer answers all those questions upstream about why she's so famous and rich. damn. I'll never believe anything money can buy is worth tolerating gouty old man cock (and a reputation as a whore who bought her fame by tolerating gouty old man cock) but I guess she would beg to differ.
No. 1735619
File: 1698053481013.jpg (130.81 KB, 1100x735, friday-the-13th-jason-voorhees…)

how would you go about designing monster women that dont look porny, but still female? i am trying to design a female jason for a game but i cannot come up with something good and original
No. 1735636
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>>1735619I'd say just make a monster and call it a she. Adding boobs and female body proportions can make it seem porny if done in specific shapes ans sizes, so go with more realistic boob shapes and sizes and body proportions, or extremely exaggerated ones like saggy long boobs dragging on the ground and an extremely thin waist that pushes organs to the wrong side and causes deformity etc. Or give her an extremely ugly face that is unmistakably female with long shappy frail hair. You can also make her pretty but with one thing off like something up with her eyes or mouth or nose etc. I'm not familiar with Jason though so I can't give any ideas for that. Picrel is an example of an exaggerated female figure and face for horror sake without being porny imo.
No. 1735637
>>1735619Where are you getting stuck? Why do they have to be so visibly female that you worry about it looking too porny? If a woman dressed up as Jason most people would still see it's a woman through overall body shape, so it sounds like maybe you're focusing too hard on the "being female" aspect rather than making a monster that happens to be female.
But if you want it to be visibly female, maybe play with stereotypes but make them scary. How about a confectionery baker, expected to be sweet but she kills people and bakes with their body parts. Grumpy old kindergarten teacher who sees everyone as misbehaving children who must be punished. Cat loving woman who wants to preserve all cats and people through taxidermy, forcing them all into staying in her deluded "wholesome" taxidermy scenes forever.
No. 1735640
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>>1735619>>1735636Samefagging to add another example, circe from generator rex, who is a pretty girl with a dark ugly secret.
No. 1735641
>>1735636>just make a monster and call it a shepresses button"How do you create a troon?"
did I do it, did I win jeopardy???
sorry bad joke kek
No. 1735647
>>1735636>>1735637 Thanks for the ideas! The overall idea of the game is a Hotline Miami esque game where you play as the killer in an 80s slasher. And it's heavily, if not a rip-off, inspired on the friday 13th franchise. The thing is, since it's my first game and i struggle with commitment i want to slip in some self indulgent stuff and
turn it into a reverse ryona game so i mostly want the killer to resemble a woman for self inserting reasons. I am basically struggling to find a middle ground between a cool woman and something monster-like without making soemthing that would be serviceable to men.
>>1735640this is cool, saving.
No. 1735730
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>>1735619Jason is basically just a big, strong guy in a mask, right? I wouldn't overthink it. I think Huntress from Dead By Daylight is a nice example. She's tall, strong and wears a mask, with a similar aura of mystery about her. I really like her design, and if you google you can check out her different cosmetics for more inspiration.
No. 1735885
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nonnas how do you deal with despising your own art? ive been posting my stuff online, and despite finding some success (decent like to follow ratio, etc) every time i look at my profile i just want to delete everything and go back to the drawing board. anyone else feel like this? how did you get over intense shame?
No. 1737096
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nonnies who have an art account, got any tip for someone who wants to start one? i dont plan on turning it into a business, i just want to share my art and promote my(future) game. I have been drawing for myself for around 3 years now, and my goal for next year is to push myself and start posting my art publicly.
No. 1737629
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I swear to god, is every woman artist under the age of 30 a they/them? I've been looking for more YouTube sppedpaint commentary type videos to listen to in the background while I'm doing my own drawing and I've gone through like 7 so far and each and every one of them is a "she/they/them". I know I'm probably creating my own misery by looking on YouTube but fuck man, it's just insane how it seems to be the case that every young woman artist who makes videos "iDeTiFiEs" as a "she/they/them"
I know it's easy to ignore because as it's not like they're thinking they are men but it's still just irks me that this is the state of the online art world for the young'ins these days. Like I'm sure it really is a contingent like trend where these girls are getting influenced by each other with this bullshit but I'd wish there wee more who didn't buy into this stuff and just be happy with who they are.
No. 1737642
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Does the AI thread in /m/ depress anyone else? Some of those picture look like human-made art.
How can real artists compete when we put hours of hard work, research and sketches into a project and then someone gets something similar by writing a few prompts?
No. 1737644
>>1737642Yes, the AI thread depresses me.
But at the same time, the final product doesn't matter. What should be fun is doing the drawing it self, not just seeing how it looks when it's finished. The joy of drawing is something ai cannot give to anybody. This is probably a pretty autistic way of seeing it but it's what I feel kek
No. 1737649
>>1737642As an avid user of AI, this is a dream come true for me. I've always had so much stuff I wanted to draw, but I can't draw at all no matter how much I insisted to learn.
Finally, I don't have to envy people who did nothing to achieve their natural talent in drawing. (Don't give me all that "I practice and took courses" bullshit. Those mean less than zero if you simply aren't born with talent for drawing.)
No. 1737923
>>1737642I like looking at them because they're fun but they're not the same as created art and I think a lot of people agree. It's just something pretty to look at but not to admire. Human error and choice is what makes art expressive, not rendermaxxing and doing what's basically a retelling of someone else's work. You can definitely tell that they were made by a soulless machine.
>>1737669>>1737674Agree. Fast fashion is a thing but it didn't take away design and high fashion, and more information about its unethical practices has really soured its reputation and now it's seen as trashy. If anything it has increased the value of legitimate design work.
No. 1737995
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>>1737642I'm happy you posted this, I wanted to post something similar but I didn't really know how to put it into words.
I find that thread so depressing too. I think AI is really going to do/is doing a number on creative sectors–drawing/painting, animation, writing, music. It's going to suck, people are going to use it instead of supporting artists. You cannot convince me otherwise what with the leaps and bounds in quality it takes every day, because so many people use it, so it is constantly improving.
These developments have made me realize that I still was harboring dumb dreams of making things and getting money for them. I'm having to restructure my thinking a bit and find the determination to make things for myself again, so I guess in a way it's good, it's just hard right now. I have not been a fan of much recent art anyway, so I'm not sure why it bothers me so much, but it does.
Sorry for the ramble. Picrel my favourite AI art from the threads
No. 1738131
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>>1737642The type of art i like is immune to AI shittery, pic rel. But it still bothers me that AI was made by stealing from artists and that no one seems to give a shit about it. It feels deeply scummy and it actually scares me that big companies can get away with something that's so widely known.
No. 1738150
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I just wanted to share this because I like it a lot
No. 1738239
>>1737642I think on top of the normal sad feelings we get upon seeing skillful work automated, a lot of people get extra depressed because of sunk cost, their own and also others'. This is going to reduce a lot once the new generations grow up in a world where AI illustration is a given, the same way people reee'd at 3D modeling and now that just sounds silly. Plain illustration is a mechanical skill, so quite a few low-paying illustration jobs will be lost to it, but I don't think art as we give a fuck about will go away.
Also, I do think "AI art" as a novelty capable of outputting the dreamlike things that sound really cool in people's heads - like those writing prompts you'd see on tumblr with a ton of "omg that would be so cool i'd totes read it" reblogs that you
know wouldn't get that many readers if turned into a real story with thousands of words - is going to be big for a while, it's already a sort of genre in itself. People really love to consoom "cool concepts", and unlike written stories, images are very quick and easy to consoom. I wonder what comes after that…
No. 1738460
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>>1738300@cyjalway sadly all of the anatomy driven animu artists seem to be male coomers, although i really like pic rel @Af_Cf_
I rember how when i started drawing and posting on /ic/ the crabs there used to mock me for actually studying anatomy and not just rendermaxxing, now AI can rendermaxx super well but cant do a simple anime girl with good anatomy and nice lineart lol
No. 1738704
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Can I have a character design advice please? I want to draw a cute guys doing cute things sort of comic with a sci-fi spin but I can't draw anime bishies for shit. On other hand I want to avoid tumblr sexymen looking motherfuckers. Basically I want the characters to cater to the audience as much as possible without looking like a try hard so their appeal feels natural.
No. 1738751
>>1738744Idk how to put it but what's dos and don'ts about drawing cute guys.
Sure there is like an article or some sort source of resource on good and bad design choices.
I know everyone have different tastes and I can't make a character that would be universally liked but I want to avoid the pitfalls of making my characters too niche.
No. 1738752
>>1738704Came here to say basically what
>>1738730 said. To piggyback off that, look for things you're into and work them into the characters. It's like how people say you can hear someone smiling over the phone, in a way. If you're drawing what you like then it will show in the end product, but if you're forcing yourself to draw something you can't find a single reason to think is attractive, then that will come through as well. Also maybe it sounds goofy but fashion magazines and runways can be a good resource to find both things that work and figure out why some things don't work.
No. 1738904
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>>1738674>>1738679Just last year AI tech bros stuffed Kim Gung Ji's art into Dall-E right after he died and the output wasn't even that terrible. Bad but not terrible and I hate to imagine how much better it has gotten at copying linework like what Anon posted
>>1738131 No. 1738916
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>>1738904Not gonna lie, I saw this image in the AI thread just now and was surprised at how decent it looked. Obviously there are little fuckups all over the pic, but it looks like something I would save to my pinterest board. In fact, I'm sure I have seen something like this on pinterest.
Anyway, the AI stuff is very sad to look at but I don't think it hits me as hard as it does for other people because the type of "art" I make is physical and can't be replicated by machine. I feel especially terrible for people who make a living off of their drawings/paintings. There are still non-artists who value the work of actual artists over the "work" of someone who just typed a few words into a program, if that makes anyone feel better.
No. 1738959
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>>1738823all is see is excuses for why poor little you can't possibly ever put in the effort to learn something, like it simply can't just be that you're just lazy and unwilling to put in the effort. No the effort must be meaningless and do nothing for you specifically!
"Talent" only leads to drawing like the left, effort led to the right. That's the whole difference.
No. 1738967
>>1737096These are just based off of my experiences, but I hope it helps a little.
Keep your account impersonal, and solely about your art / game, if you make comments about things, have them be only related to art. There are some real fucking schizos out there who think they're entitled to knowing who you are.
Post consistently, but don't force yourself to have to do so every day, break things up, share WIPS on days you might not have something.
If you know you like to draw fanart, pre-emptively block the biggest spergs in your scene or anyone with pronouns / flags, otherwise disregard this. Don't get involved in any kind of "discourse."
Good luck nonna! I hope I see your game out there someday.
No. 1739005
I've been drawing all my life just for fun, enjoying making lines and circles and bright colours together.
>>1737644 resonated with me. my art is not "good," i don't study, my technical skill improves very slowly over years. That's ok for me. Idc about popularity, likes, or being worth money. But today I'm wondering if you can see the ""soul"" in my drawings, what everyone says is most important. Is this something you can tell about your own art? I think I know when I see it in others but not sure about mine. How do you know? What do you look for?
Sorry for being ESL also No. 1739341
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My excuse for not improving my drawings is that I simply don't see the point because no one sees it. I hate when people tell me "draw for yourself, draw for fun" damn how stupid that is, if I drew only for those reasons I wouldn't even bother publishing them on the internet. I want people to see my drawings, I want them to tell me if I'm improving or not, I want to know that someone likes what I do. Spending hours devoting time to a drawing only to receive no atention is frustrating and I do accept the fact that I envy those low-effort artists who get a lot of interaction and attention.
I'm already in a confrot zone where I don't even bother to finish what I'm doing.
No. 1739368
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>>1739341i am on the opposite side, i feel like my art isn't worth looking at and i am ashamed of it so i just grind and grind and i dont show anyone my art
No. 1739437
>>1739341>>1739368Some people create because they enjoy showing others and have a message to put out, some create for the joy of creating. Both are ok, neither is wrong. Most people are a mix of the two.
It's like with everything else people do, why knit if you can buy a shirt at the store? Why work out when you can stay comfy in your sofa?
I post my art online but I definitely am the one to create mostly for myself. Take me to a beach and I'll be drawing in the sand, no one will ever see it but me but I still enjoy doing it
No. 1739454
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People who complain about hands being hard to draw havent fought the real final boss of art yet
No. 1739508
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I envy autistic artists that are really good at drawing. The things i like to draw are too autistic, so i would never post them online out of shame. I feel envy of artists like memphiles(the spongebob demon husbandofag) or Simon, who draw extremely niche stuff but get followed regardless because their skills make up for the concentrated tism.
No. 1739809
>>1739715I don't know if you've noticed, but it's lately been some fellow
poc who has this pedestal idea about their own art, but then you look at it and it's the ugliest, obviously model-traced, un-stylized and un-interesting art that they produce, but they think they can critique others on their actual stylized and interesting character designs. I don't know why these artists are like this, but it's as if they think they get a free pass in saying that is good and bad and not get called out for it just being jealous. If these artists can't find a reason that your art is bad, they will give you the Rebecca Sugar harassment about old art and try to find some weasley way to get you canceled.
No. 1740228
>>1738959you know some people take to things easier than others, right? What if you trained day in and day out in a sport and you got better, but only marginally? Now there is someone else who starts up halfway through your training and starts outpacing you, did they just train harder even though you've been doing it longer?
No. 1740233
>>1739715People need to stop conflating "same style" with "its all the same".
Viv's characters are all drawn with the same
style- which makes sense artists often have a style. They don't randomly put one style of character next to another without reason. Her art is characterized by characters being thin, lanky, longer limbs, etc.
But each of those designs is visually different. It's okay to just not like how someone creates or draws characters it doesn't have to mean anything is wrong or bad about it just because you personally don't like it.
side note I'm tired of people concerned trolling "This must be a nightmare to animate" as if complex designs are incapable of being animated. As long as the animators get paid and compensated properly for doing the animation it shouldn't matter how complex or simple character designs are.
No. 1740439
>>1727352 a huge part of this is poor representation of women in media. In so much media they just dont have realistic characterization which leads any realistic portrayal of a woman to be seen as alien and wrong. I've never felt male characters were relatable but when I started making my own stories I realized I'd create more male characters than female. Because for the longest time I put them in a box of having to fulfill some trope personality wise that makes them devoid of all character and exist only as a caricature. Men are the ones in media that have "emotions" women are just a side piece. Even in hero stories where the male hero has a love interest, the love interest is only given character at the importantance of his characterization.
While there definitely is media you can find that give women more human characterization, the majority is just female standees that follow certain tropes.
One of the few examples I can think of that doesn't follow this is Sarah connor in terminator 2 judgement day.
No. 1740452
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Is coom truly the only way? this guy has 600k followers and makes 15k on patreon
No. 1740455
>>1740264I skimmed the video so I might have missed something because there is only so much beginner-level dribble I can listen to about shape language while criticizing something as having "bad shape language" that actually has decent shape language by all intents of what shape language is.
It's so frustrating and annoying. Shape language isn't just using rounds for certain characters, rectangles for others, etc. it's talking about how shapes- of all forms- can make a character. Yet they treat it as "this artist/designer has bad shape language because their characters are all drawn within the same style."
No. 1740459
Can we put a FAQ for question like these
>>1740452 ?
No nonna, the market is oversaturated
No. 1740462
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>>1726677She only really has tutorials in the form of "how to paint" books but a favorite watercolor artist of mine is stephanie pui-mun law. You can find her work on Shes super skilled and creates such surreal ethereal works. Truly amaster of her craft, imo.
No. 1740467
>>1740461This too has been discussed in the last few threads (although I'd forgive you if you forgot the last time it was due to the "slappable balls" incident)
but TLDR:
>there is a gap for femgaze content, sure>but it will be drowned out>and/or attract TiMs, TiFs and gay men (cf. Kaneoya Sachiko, with whom TiFs go rabid and want to skin walk japanese Will Graham) No. 1740495
File: 1698396119493.gif (1.43 MB, 291x229, 1686271728567262.gif)

Anyone interested in an art study thread? to share resources, guides, discuss books/courses, etcs. I really hate that /ic/ is the only places to discuss art that's not a shitcord, and i don't wanna go back to it because i can't take the crabbing anymore. I am willing to make a lc-exclusive(lol) pastebin, i got some resources i refuse to share with /ic/ because i hate them, mostly obscure japanese channels and small twitter accounts that share very useful art tips.
No. 1740524
>>1740495This one is a bit dead but fits
>>>/m/119195>>1740473Anons are just obsessed and looking for any excuse not to draw. You can argue with your imagination forever, at the end of the day no one will be attracted to your femgaze porn because you won't have drawn any
No. 1740548
>>1736391I'm trying to picture this because I want to do it too. Do you mean like for example drawing a triangle to create the form and proportions of a bent arm/legs positioning? Or simplifying the limbs, torso etc as basic shapes?
I'm not sure what's the problem, but proportions are the hardest aspect of artwork for me. The 8 heads tall canon is impossible, but 7.5 and 7.2 are ridiculous looking when I work with them too. Artists that can really push shapes and make interesting figures are cool, but the skilled ones come from a background of studying realistic figures. I read that proportions in illustrations and manga is adaptive so an epic scene might make a 9 heads figure or a glamorous cover illustration might make the legs 1/3 longer so is far from rigid.
My saltiness is when males make their characters beyond disproportionate and it doesn't matter. They don't care at all and create characters that are just a pile of titties, ass and thighs then enjoy the coom and the success.
Am I pushing too hard on adhering to a canon of proportions and anatomical believability? It's a huge pain in the ass trying to, it doesn't look beautiful or quality, but neither does the other!
No. 1740624
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>>1740462her work is beautiful, thank you anon
>>1740500there are some products like that in japan, ink/dye/watercolor based markers, I have pic related, a 90 set of brushmakers and they're a dream to color with, you can create a lot of beautiful effects
No. 1740792
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found this guy on youtube who does some amazing copic works and I love that he shares all the colors he uses
I remember years ago western artists gatekeeping information like what colors and liners or materials they use. I think some still do it today lol.
No. 1740825
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How do I draw handsome men without them looking too cute? I wish I could draw anime boys like male mangakas
>>1740802Higher cost of living in the west and probably the hustle culture
No. 1740918
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>>1740802> Asking an artist for their brust settings used to be like pulling teeth up kek you unlocked a memory, they'd straight up ignore you
the CSP market and pixiv resources blew my mind when I discovered them, the price for some CSP resources is dirt cheap and quality so good compared what westerners sold on gumroad or other websites
>>1740825cute Geto!
> How do I draw handsome men without them looking too cute?I started drawing men a little while ago , I have experience drawing cute/sexy girls mostly.
Here's some stuff that I hope helps.
To illustrate my point I have chosen the fine specimen that is Toji as an example for a very handsome and buff man.
- proportions: I'd aim for the guy to be 8 heads tall rule and have a slim to wide frame, based on your preference
- broader shoulders
- muscles, unless you like sticc guys
- don't make his hips too narrow!
- facial proportions: eyes should be smaller and wider (Geto is a really good example, he has fox eyes) , mouth should be wider , nose longer and I'd avoid the V shape face, make them have a jawline
I can't stress how important face shape and facial proportions are , it makes or breaks a character , there were some tutorials/books on how to draw handsome men, I'll search and come back to update this post.
And also one of the best tips I can give is STUDY! find fanarts you love and break them down, try to redraw them and learn from there, this helps more than some people realize.
No. 1740923
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>>1740825>>1740918and a Gojo, even if his eyes are bigger, the face shape and his body proportions heavily change how he's perceived, very hansamu~
to add to my previous post: if you see any manga panel you like or anime screenshot, try to redraw it, it's fun practice
No. 1740980
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nonnie, try replicating picrel, it's official art too
I had the same problem when I switched from drawing kawaii girls to more mature characters, my hand was automatically set on the cutesy proportions, it went away with practice
No. 1741084
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>>1740980Probably not the right thread for this but I tried drawing him again and it still looks off. I can't put my finger on what's wrong
No. 1741089
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I liked the part of the thread with interesting western artists, so I'll try to recreate that here. Picrel is from Venommoe on twitter. I like his artstyle though I think he talks a lot on twitter lol. I tolerate it, since it's just shit posting and it's not getting into unnecessary arguments with other people.
No. 1741093
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>>1741084The right eye is too far to the right here, it makes the face look off. I went into ibispaint, just moved it more to the left, and it looks a lot better
No. 1741161
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>>1740825try the golden ratio plus references of male models you like, i usually draw women so i like my men to be a blend of both masculine and female features
No. 1741330
>>1740495YES please
Came here to ask what everyone thinks of ibis paint. Is it worth to pay for the sub?
I can't justify buying an iPad and I have a small xp pen screen tablet but I want something on the go and my current Android tablet can handle ibis paint nicely.
Any brush recs are welcome
Is CSP good on tablets?
No. 1741814
>>1741712 said TIMs don't look up femgaze art like TIFs do so this is such stupid mental pretzeling. If scrotes like your art then it's moidgaze and pandering to TIMs who are (usually heterosexual) male, sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
>At least het moids fap to pussy and tits and fuck off.This is such a gross mindset kek, in a million years I'd rather have an Aiden enjoy what I do than a scrote cooming to it.
No. 1741819
>>1741809The rape threats are coming from tranny scrotes, nonna. Not aidens. Aidens will make a callout bitching you out but the moid trannies are the ones who attack women for not liking girl dick. Reading comprehension.
>>1741814If I had to pick one or the other, I'd rather ignore fapping hetero scrotes than be forced to pander to trannies. Scrotes will fap to anything so it can't be helped unless you only post to a private vetted community of confirmed women.
No. 1741944
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>>1741930i don't know where you get that easterners are less coomerish. You have hentai artists posting about studying loomis/hampton sandwiched in between their big titty anime girls being fucked by tentacles. I think this is just the outcome of art having 0 value in modern society. Before you could find tons of artis making stuff for magazines/postcards/comics/movie posters/ads etc, now most artists who want to be professional artists have very limited options and all of them are nerd-adjacent, like concept art and animation. This leads to most artist being purely passion-driven coomer nerds.
No. 1741985
>>1741722I prefer cheaper 'mixed-media' sketchbooks made of hot-pressed paper (less texture), as I use either a 0.05 mechanical pencil or same-size fine-liner pen to draw/sketch. I also like to colour my pen drawings with gouache or watercolours or my one copic brush pen. Also do digital.
(I hate good quality sketchbooks because I get too anxious that I'll fuck them up somehow kek)
What subjects do you draw? I mostly draw figures and critters
No. 1742267
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>>1741089The new 52 swamp thing is very visually unique! The first Scott Snyder run isnt horrible, but it really gets better with Charle Soule`s run
No. 1742318
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Nonnies how do you learn to render better? Like how do most Chinese artists always choose the chrome pastel palette for the paintings? I really want to replicate it but my work looks more faded than vibrant like picrel,I really love how dynamic and appealing to the eyes their composition is, I generally struggle with the whole composition alot I've tried to find courses or any artists with a similar art style like picrel who explains how they render but so far I've found none
No. 1742378
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>>1729621I try to start but I feel so awkward. In reality, I just want to draw hot guys but I feel like my skills aren't there yet, so I have to practice basic shapes and figures before I can star drawing hot men
No. 1742432
>>1741712>>1741713>>1741768My art appeals to myself, other bisexual women and straight couples. I get it if you don't want men on your work AT ALL, but someone who is hardly your periphery buying your work to gift to your target audience is not something to be cursed. It wasn't a pickme brag, but a bid for transparency. If you try to deter one group, you might draw in a different one. That new, strange group may surprise you for the best, or will be so bad you'll never share your art again. There is no one set way of keeping certain people out unless you do something obtuse and feed off of the backlash; you just set your boundaries and you do it. Quit being afraid of who you might attract. If you don't like them, then don't acknowledge them. If they harass you, report, block, double-down on your convictions.
Not sure why you all went full lunatic assumed my work is tradthot. I can see how my wording was misinterpreted. I hate to tell you all this, but you're wrong. Coomer males and troons fucking hate my work because they have no one to project upon unless they imagine themselves as a much better looking man than they will ever be. The men in my art are heavily objectified and receptive to the women present in the piece. Tradthots don't like my work because my women are anything but passive. Aidens are just weird and looking for blood in the water. Not sure how that brands me as a pickme. Some of you need to calm down.
If you people don't want a certain group becoming your periphery, then don't make your work public. Seems simple.
No. 1742434
>>1742318For composition, look up stuff like rule of thirds and fibronacci spirals. Look into good examples of cinematography to get some framing and motion ideas.
With rendering, I stopped overthinking the hard round brush meme and just started using the damn thing like I use graphite and charcoal pencils, but also like sculpting with clay. Now I feel embarrassed by how easy it all is to pull off.
The filters play a huge deal. Sharpening the final picture at the end seems to pull it all together. I've been using gradient maps and painting over it with limited color palette, and it's netted me interesting results.
No. 1742857
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feeling really art blocked right now, anyone has artist recs? they always help me overcome art block. Eastern/western, modern/old, it doesn't matter. But i do prefeer more skilled stuff overall, and i am not a fan of the sakimichan/artstation type of rendering.
No. 1743842
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some random art i came across scrolling on tumblr - do y'all remember when people actually made female characters look female and not whatever the fuck this is? like the style itself isn't even that bad, i've just noticed that nowadays fanart for feminine characters is so garbage you can tell when the person who made it mostly draws men or prefere masculine features and it makes them look so ugly.
No. 1743947
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dramatic reenactment
No. 1744099
>>1743842Nah you're just schizo or male. A lot of female artists draw male characters androgynous, or more feminine than in canon. That's why their female character art resembles those androgynous bishies. Women tend to draw female characters in a more natural, less pornified and/or less hyperfeminine way which sometimes means "masculinized" (androgynous, which seems to be a foreign concept to you), and this applies to both western AND eastern artists.
btw this whole thread reeks of scrotum which is why there's so many infights about things that
curiously align with moid opinions.
>>1743918She's so cute
No. 1744218
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>>1743861The actual art style of the Zelda games is usually on the cute and simplified side. I have never even played Zelda and know this.
No. 1744283
>>1744099>btw this whole thread reeks of scrotum which is why there's so many infights about things that curiously align with moid opinions.In any other thread I'd call it obvious bait but this thread has been proven to be crawling with moids from /ic/ to the point I can smell D'Angelo Wallace's ball sweat through the monitor, like do people really think it's women constantly having such moidbrained opinions and preferences? "Some pickmes are like this" yeah your average pickmes don't bother to whiteknight
anonymously for hours autistically defending talentless scrote coomers drawing endless amounts of neotenous girls, crying about average looking female characters being "too manfaced", whining about darker skinned characters being a thing, thinking giving Peach a slight frown is "western feminists forcibly masculinizing her" or unironically calling lolicons or racists "based". Sure she
might but a spade's a spade. It's not like scrotes are stopped at the door when they open in their browsers.
No. 1744390
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>>1743842all female characters should be drawn like stacy
No. 1744456
>>1743855But doesn't it stand to reason that the y'all may very well be an elaborate red herring to throw off the scent of ballsack from the obviously male post and falsely give off the air of a tumblr "all women are uwu bimbos or they're just men" handmaiden.
>>1744426He's a drama channel who once made art topic videos on YT. He was semi famous for trying to recreate other peoples art styles, he had >100k subscribers for this. He is now a fairly popular drama channel who makes videos about foolish people embarrassing themselves on the internet and has since dropped art shit entirely lel
No. 1744534
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>>1742857Yuming Li & Krenz Cushart. Yuming Li has very ethereal work with occasional anime/game fanart. Krenz is much more anime but I like his landscapes
No. 1744630
>>1744516>>1744577His old art videos are still up on the channel and he really wasn't that good. I remember checking out his socials back then to find more pieces, only to see that he either rarely drew or at least rarely posted. It doesn't seem like a big passion of his
>>1744616Kek why so many? Do you post on all and does it not split your following unnecessarily?
No. 1744666
>>1744630>Kek why so many?i dont know
> Do you post on all and does it not split your following unnecessarily?first is for fanart, second is for fanart nsfw, third for oc, forth for oc nsfw. I don't know, i just feel it's tidier that way.
No. 1744761
>>1743842This isn't even bad. It's that standard softer Western fantasy style. It's okay if you just don't like the style, but calling it masculine is a stretch. It just looks like art drawn by, I dunno, maybe a straight woman drawing for herself
I get what you're saying, but this isn't even an offender. Call me when you find the zonked-faced, box-bodied, cankles Zelda likely lurking around tumblr.
>>1743861I think you're onto something. I know a lot of people in this thread love to cry MOID MOID MOID AAAAAAAAAAAAAA MOIIIDuWu on certain takes because of absolutism, but this artist is likely more accustomed to drawing men. This doesn't mean she looks "like a man," and especially doesn't mean "needs to look like a bimbo" but you can tell women aren't a typical/favored subject.
Random thought, but a lot of bimbo stuff looks very masculine at the base. I've never been able to accept that as some end of the "femininity" spectrum like a lot of people in this thread seem to do.
>>1743918Her original looks fine. People whining and expecting the right need to know how I felt having to look at ugly moids all of my gaming life after having paid for the damn thing. I literally don't play games with too many ugly men. They need to be modded over. Ugly men in games
trigger me.
No. 1744778
>>1744099There's more than a few people just calling people moid to anything that'll look like it might stick, but actual moids coming here have primed everyone into attack mode. Honestly, I would not be surprised if the Zelda post were just pure vendetta as I'm sure it has a ton of likes on Tumblr, or
>>1744456this take, more than likely. Maybe both.
>>1744671NTA but they're not. A lot of them gravitate more towards OC NSFW, too.
No. 1745271
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Is it possible to recreate the look of a traditional painting on digital? are there any digital artists that can do this? I dont have money for traditional sadly
No. 1745290
File: 1698702951330.png (640.31 KB, 962x569, opal.png)

I have this hatred of the trope of making old characters ugly as all hell while their younger selves look attractive/normal. Making old ugly characters isn't bad in of itself of course, but the fact that none of the facial features are even the same is so stupid and pisses me off. It just comes off as ageist and coomery to say both "old people look disgusting" and "but look how hot they were back in the day, in case you wanna make porn of them" at the same time. It's especially jarring in a same-face setting where exaggerated features barely exist except for on old people to make them uglier. I'm not attacking pokemon in particular, Opal just happened to be an example of it.
No. 1745317
>>1745290I agree with
>>1745305 I think Opal is cute in an endearing grandma way, especially with her feisty personality. She'd still be beautiful if they toned down her nose. Elderly women can be beautiful without looking like grey-haired twentysomethings with 2 little lines under their eyes.
No. 1745646
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Can we talk about how the tracing grifter hacks have now gone full Emilie Autumn and when they say "omg ive been working so hard on something >< big things coming!" what they really mean is "I spent a few hours today training AI to make me something I could never, ever bring into fruition myself and every single thing I do is an obsessive copy of someone else because I have zero creativity whatsoever"? It's getting sad
No. 1745648
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>>1745290But old people do get a droopier larger nose. Her features are pretty exaggerated because it's a cartoon but I could see this happening in reality.
There are other extreme cases of what you mention but I also think it's a funny joke about aging, not a coom thing.
No. 1745673
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>>1745290i just searched and she's 88. are we now even expecting drawings of women to "age gracefully", never be hunched over, never sag nor have their facial features grow, never get fatter ? did you expect her to drink green juice and be at the gym 5 hours every day complete with IV-administered retinol every night since the age of 12 ? she looks like a typical well-groomed grandma who enjoys her furs and big rings and whatever rich grandmas like.
if your problem is that youth more or less aligns with conventional beauty you're delusional. i haven't played pokemon in ages but i'm glad to see a fun, original design for once and not just the same kid with a crazy haircut
doesn't apply to pokemon because its style is meant to be simple and appealing to kids, but i agree it's nice to see exaggerated younger people sometimes as well
>>1745648cologne is stylized because she's pure comic relief, which is ok as well. i love her little mouth !
No. 1745731
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what motivates you to keep trying despite failure?
No. 1745748
File: 1698747256629.png (1.01 MB, 900x1080, promised_neverland.png)

>>1745673>are we now even expecting drawings of women to "age gracefully", never be hunched over, never sag nor have their facial features grow, never get fatter ?I think you're entirely missing the point. The complaint is the lack of diversity and the singling out of old people to make them hideous, instead of actually having a diverse set of characters. Those women and men in your post ALL fit the same art style. Opal (who has a lovely design) is the only one who isn't a an anime waifu, and is instead more "western cartoon" looking just to make her uglier because she's old - so it looks jarring. It's the fact that even middle aged adult mothers in pokemon (just using pokemon as an example since Opal is from that game) are portrayed as milfs drawn with the same face as a teen (Lusamine, Melony) while if they're too old to be sex objects they have to suddenly be the most hideous exaggerated character in the game.
It's like when a series draws every character normally, but then they take the one minority character and exaggerate every stereotypical feature to show that this character is black/asian/a minority, but it kind of just becomes an offensive caricature in context.
No. 1745751
>>1745748even if you find her uglier what's wrong with her being different ? there's not many granny pokemon trainers and her stylization (which is a good one) reflects her uniqueness. rage about the young characters all looking the same, idk why your problem is with the one and only character that's interesting.
also not opening your racebait can of worms.
No. 1745759
File: 1698748426630.png (203.03 KB, 1189x770, how people age.png)

>>1745751If I understand it correctly the issue is like what
>>1745747 said like this (you can tell i'm not an artist myself lmao sorry)
No. 1745762
>>1745290Yeah you’re right. Old people’s noses do often continue growing, but this extreme exaggeration and artistic difference only happens because old women are finally free of the male gaze and therefore allowed to be drawn with human features.
It’s not only exaggerating the ugliness of age, but also is a ridiculous lack of variety and perceived imperfection in portrayals of female youth. Reminds me there’s actually a bit in Always Sunny where they remark that young women are women but old women become people. The young guys in Pokémon are very idealized too but definitely less than the women, as the male characters have greater body and facial variety in a number of cases.
No. 1745767
File: 1698749525677.jpg (38.32 KB, 694x391, yubaba-1186194.jpg)

>>1745757yes absolutely.
>>1745759the second line is 100% true, but the first line isn't necessarily. some irl grandmas do age like picrel (not the giant head you know what i mean), or were ugly even young, which is absolutely okay.
as for anime or cartoons, i don't mind stylization of different ages in a different way. i'm not a fan of samefacey anime personally, but i get young characters are (in pokemon for example) supposed to feel relatable to the young viewer, which is why they're a bit bland. so Opal may be a caricature of how children see their grandma, which is okay.
>>1745762absolutely, grandmas are 'ugly' and they DGAF because they want to knit, play facebook scrabble and enjoy their grandchildren or grandcats or whatever. they're free.
repost, dropped pic lol
No. 1745775
File: 1698750536394.jpg (77.61 KB, 1024x988, 1689724368390303.jpg)

No. 1745800
>>1745794don't worry
nonnie, your drawings are fine and what you meant is clear ! i just don't agree that all old people irl look like their younger selves.
No. 1745829
File: 1698756815093.jpg (245.37 KB, 619x620, Screenshot_20231031_085302_Fir…)

>>1745290big mom is another egregious example of this trope. stussy from one piece as well.
No. 1746132
File: 1698774367473.jpg (142.85 KB, 936x720, 1615621357806.jpg)

>>1746099Aight let me work on a proper pastebin. Anyone has recs? either of books, courses, channels or other resources that should be added to the pastebin? should i put in the description to not spam the thread with those useless low quality pinterest tuts and keep it to discussions of real tutorials?
should i use this as OP? No. 1746136
>>1746132Just bump up the old thread with the links.
If you want to keep it 'secret' from all the 'ic males' don't make it so visible. Especially not with a dumb porn picture.
No. 1746238
>>1746132Husbando showing up in the thread, what a lovely surprise
>>1745920I'm also stuck nonna. What helps me is to go back to media that I love and come up with ideas like that. I also like to do studies when I'm bored because at least I'm improving, if not coming up with something original.
No. 1746386
>>1746249Similar to
>>1746287, had an affinity for drawing since I was a kid and wanted to be an artist when I grew up but my parents discouraged me
because they are the doctor lawyer engineer type of asian. Yet, kids at school were praising me. So I began to trick myself into thinking I don't need to improve akshully. I've started drawing "for real" now at 18 and I realised I was starting from level zero. I'm getting much better but I'm not sure about art as a career anymore, how viable even is that as a fine artist. But at least I don't have to commission anyone for niche porn kek
I am a faildaughter No. 1746523
>>1746249Similar to
>>1746465, as soon as I was able to hold on a pencil or any kind. But I only started to really be serious about it when I was 8 or 9.
No. 1746806
File: 1698820430312.jpg (170.41 KB, 800x1200, 888883021.jpg)

I found this cute fanart of winx and they made stella fat for absolutely no reason. They could have chosen any girl out of the cast to make fat, but instead went with stella who is not the type of character trope to ever gain that much weight. This is like making regina george fat. It completely clashes with her personality and what the character represents
No. 1746807
File: 1698820552882.jpg (174.65 KB, 731x1200, 888083556.jpg)

>>1746806Here are the other girls
No. 1746856
>>1746806yeah the artist thinks they're being subtle by giving stella, the "most beautiful one", blonde and tan and a princess, a fatter body. maybe it's an evening-out thing, ie stella has so much rich white girl privlidge that she can only stay white if she gets a 'defect' (wooden leg, dick, hijab, fat rolls)…
it's a shame because the outfits are really cool.
No. 1746870
>>1746806Nonas serious question, is it retarded that I don't like "body representation" in art?
It makes me feel guilty because I genuinely like the idea of everyone being able to "see themselves" but I also grew up as one of the very few chubby/fat girls around here and fatness was never something I felt represented by, in fact if these were dolls or game characters to choose from I would have gone out of my way to pick one that's NOT fat because that's what I wanted to be. But the main reason I don't like it in art is because I'm boring and like same body syndrome ig, it just looks so nice and cohesive to me when a group is mostly similar and one isn't the token obese girl all of a sudden.
No. 1746894
File: 1698829192397.png (213.38 KB, 686x386, image_2023-11-01_200029189.png)

>>1746808>>1746806>>1746807Generally I don't like resdesigns of this type, but after seeing what the W.I.T.C.H girls went through in their offical comic remake and TIFs chopping the tits off the most tomboyish character these are… fine? Even a bit cute, and the redesigns kinda remind me of Barbie's Fairytopia. Like I love the original Winx I'm not going to whinge about "muh anoerxic designs" but these are better than what we typically get because it's obvious that some thought was put into it.
Would you rather picrel?
No. 1746908
File: 1698830455295.png (4.85 MB, 4096x2538, image_2023-11-01_201803537.png)

>>1746902Nona, I think I found the perfect redesign for in that case.
Again, I don't like these redesigns but is it so egregious to have a 16 year old be fat? It's such a non issue when compared to other redesigns.
No. 1746924
>>1746894>xould you rather picrelcome on don't be autistic, of course there's such a thing between obese stella and eugenia cooney.
>>1746908you know the teenage fairy designs are good and diverse when everybody looks 35, is dressed by instagram and the same ambiguous shade of brown. how novel. this said the outfits do represent their personalities better and expand on the original ones.
16 yo girls can be fat but stella is obsessed with fashion and beauty plus is a public figure, she's too vain to let herself go. if she absolutely has to be ~daivarse~ she could be kind of toned/muscular in a health nut hot girl kind of way.
No. 1746930
File: 1698834397651.jpg (94.01 KB, 720x699, 1689871400595148.jpg)

why do you think art is so hard? i have coder and musician friends and none of them seem to suffer as much as my artist friends and i. Is it because there isnt a single straightforward path to becoming a good artist and unlike coding/music there isn't a ''wrong'' way to do things either?
No. 1746942
>>1746930us artist are just whinier and more self-hating lol
my musician friends are the same, art just be like that
No. 1746943
>>1746940You do know those are completely different skills right? That different people progess at different paces right? Plus music has so much more theory to memorise than art as well as the fact coding requires so much troubleshooting, especially if you're unexperinced and don't recognise where you fucked up in a script (which could be as simple as an accidental extra space with some languages)
I know this is the artist salt thread but are you salty over not being able to grind your fundies effectively? That's not a helpful mindset at all if you want to improve.
No. 1746957
>>1746950I am also talking from experince, art is piss easy in comparison. There are so many people who put the work in to become pretty decent and well grounded artists from scratch within sometimes months. But if you want to make a shitty visual novel or modern Ghost and Pals-esque noise clusterfuck then go ahead.
>>1746948Tale as old as time with western zines, it's almost a suprise when you aren't scammed.
No. 1746964
>>1746948Jesus christ, it feels like this happens all the time now. Either zines get cancelled midway through because someone dug up and old tweet from one of the participating artists saying something
problematic or because the person hosting the zine runs away with the money. What was that one zine that had the organizer spend all the pre-order money on artbooks and other "comfort items" for herself leaving none for the printing of the zine or distribution of the promised quirks?
No. 1747019
File: 1698839779619.jpg (3.94 MB, 4028x3638, export202311011934467056.jpg)

>>1746948 a long one just lamenting about the situation.
>Zines as a way to connct with a communityI got into a few fandom zines myself and I would want to try getting into OC zines next. But the gendie social contagion sounds annoying to deal with, if I can even find hetship oc zines lel.
No. 1747088
>>1746806Weird ass nitpick imo. Rest of the designs look fine, everything else seems to be in line with the characters' personalities and there's no perceived favoritism that many artists have. But I believe what
>>1746856 said could be plausible.
>>1746870>is it retarded that >It makes me feel guiltyGirl relax it's ok to to have your own likes, dislikes, opinions, you don't need anonymous internet user 7289's own to tell you whether she agrees. Personally I believe it could benefit children in some way if they're exposed to different viewpoints and people, because media and the environment one grows up in can influence their thoughts and beliefs a lot. Since many kids don't have the ability to critically understand media or the world, the message "being different is ok and being fat or ugly or whatever doesn't make you inferior" could help them feel better about themselves and others. I don't think adult media needs that because adults should be able to withstand TV's influence and understand shit like that, hopefully.
>it just looks so nice and cohesive to me when a group is mostly similarNona not to psychoanalyze you and yes, humans have the desire to fit in and conform, but from the stuff you said above it sounds like you'd benefit from this version of the show as a kid. Free yourself from judgement.
No. 1747100
File: 1698848327398.jpg (449.57 KB, 720x1612, Screenshot_20231101-221427.jpg)

>>1747028Tangent to zines, but to fan merch in general. But I was so surprised how industrialized fan merch are to some extent. There are artistalley merch resellers(?) And it's a far cry from earnest, homemade art to share to equally passionate fans. I'm starting to understand anons sperging about fan art merch being plagiarism. Pic rel is a fanmade tarot set hosted by in those merch reseller businesses.
No. 1747116
File: 1698849266413.jpg (269.29 KB, 1300x1438, mery__S2_-1603943677700624384-…)

>>1747072i have noticed that pretty much all western artists i like have ''no comms'' in their bio. the western(internet) artist space seems so commercialized and boring. it's either
>ugly boring coom(telepurte, shadman, scott malin)>boring oc coombait(cassete girls, the nuns, every single self insert of some pick me female artist)>cringy tryhard memes pandering to the current trend(pantsu,khyleri,mossa) and all of them shill their patreons/commissions.
it's so incredible rare to find genuine artists on the vein of those autistic japanese artists that just really love that one show/ship and draw it out of love and passion. Or really like a certain theme, like cars/dinosaurs/history, etc. pic rel. everyone in the modern fandom seems to move on to the next trendy thing in a week. I love artists like memphiles so goddam fun, even if i am not into autistic demon spongebob x oc stuff i find her art so fun to look at.
No. 1747138
>>1747019Speaking as an artist who has been in +25 zines spanning from multiple fandoms, the western fanzine scene is pure garbage.
In the smaller fandoms, zines are closest to what they were always supposed to be. They're simpler, without all of that merch shit, and mostly just for fun. My favorite ones that I've worked on were exactly the simple fanzines for small, quiet fandoms because it felt like a group of friends trying to put something cool and fun together to celebrate a series they like and maybe make some bucks off it, but money wasn't the focus. Everyone would get a copy with maybe a few dollars and that's it, everyone happy, project finished.
But the bigger fandom zines are pure shit. They're industrialized projects made for business, profit or clout first and passion and fun second, which is why there's so many scams and discourse mainly regarding funds. I've been in zines that broke well over the 25K dollar mark in profits and I can say there wasn't a single bit of love put into the project because it just…felt corporate. Even the charity ones, it didn't feel like a fan project to celebrate a series or a character, it felt like a Product Made To Be Sold even more if you add in the horrendous amounts of merch. I've been in zines that literally had menus for different buying experiences and packs where you could even not buy the zine itself and instead buy JUST the merch. Don't even get me started on the whole drama regarding the selection process of contributors and guests, rampant nepotism and plugging all around, incompetent mod teams and so on.
It saddens me because I do find zine projects fun. I've been trying to search for smaller ones to participate in.
No. 1747175
File: 1698852946105.jpg (494.57 KB, 2048x1561, F42vhLjagAAud0l.jpg)

>>1747151i wonder how cheap it is to make merch in japan. I follow very small japanese artists and a bunch seem to sell these acrylic stands of niche as fuck stuff at cons. I find it really cute. This artist sells these of billy and mandy(reasonably popular in japan) and uncle grandpa(kek). God i love when artists are fuelled by pure autism and passion.
No. 1747180
File: 1698853138467.jpg (813.33 KB, 1726x2048, F8cZR2gbQAArl3h.jpg)

>>1747175here is her con desk, god it looks so fun. I stoppe going to con because the artist alley is so boring, it's just popular thing merch and usually just prints and maybe some buttons. I snore.
No. 1747244
>>1747223Because you don't understand that programming and music production is also creative work, just like visual art.
>unlike coding/music there isn't a ''wrong'' way to do things eitherThere most definitely is a "wrong" way to approach programming and music. Once again, you're ignorant.
No. 1747675
>>1747391I'm so sick of fanart absolutely engulfing every little corner of different art communities. I only make original stuff and it's real hard to get people to care about it unless you A: started out with fandom or B: are a spectacular artist.
It all might just be a 'skill issue' for me then. But I can't draw fanart. I hate drawing 'popular character facing left' and I can't come up with anything more elaborate like a decent fanwork that expands on canon material because my pea-brain can only do that for original work. I've decided not to force it and just continue to draw original stuff but damn if it's a major uphill climb. There's people who really adore my work but I wished more people could see it. When I go to conventions I often get glossed over because I don't have any fan art.
This is why people don't bother. Fandom just swallows everything up into mindless trendy consumerist holes that are hard to dig yourself out of. Fanartists make bank while everyone has to kind of just scrounge for the same fucking crumbs, sorry for the sperge but I'm fuckin tired of it.
No. 1747832
>>1747248>or get a proper jobi'm sure staring at excel spreadsheets everyday for hours will make artists feel better and more useful in this capitalist hell, sharon. seems like you're seething because some people found another way of making income and you think they're
ruining the sanctity of art
No. 1747968
File: 1698878700645.jpeg (157.4 KB, 736x981, fu.jpeg)

Oh wow, you bought the gigantic Himi gouache set? And you painted a scene from studio ghibli??? Thats SO original!!
No. 1747980
File: 1698879407027.jpeg (107.57 KB, 556x640, 16acb4f9b3b4cd1ac95d5f6abf618e…)

>>1747975Doing a one to one copy of a picture isn't hard. Here's the original.
No. 1748198
>>1747014Same and actual diverse bodies (like frame size and height variety) with muscled and toned (not fat) would be great to see. Ideal bodies would be varied and diverse.
>>1747021We will never get western CLAMP
No. 1748501
File: 1698910213512.jpg (233.76 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20221120-204042_You…)

>>1746870Reposting without the insensitive comment. You can make fit people with varied bodies if that's more your forte
Fuck, I keep screwing up
No. 1748518
File: 1698912123707.png (208.54 KB, 640x360, the-pricemaster-2-640x360.png)

>>1747326>>1747257>>1747221Depressing asf that we'll never get the time back where you could autisticly draw something you loved and make money off of your cheap homemade merch of it. Now you have to pander to people just to get seen and actually make money to fund commercially made shit that has no soul. It excludes so many people as well. And not even the people who are bad at art just the struggling ones.
The cost for funding such commercial stuff is insane. It's like the pricemaster quoting ridiculously high prices for mediocre shit. No wonder most people just sell prints pins and stickers.
No. 1748667
File: 1698928987455.png (3.54 MB, 1813x2433, japanese doujins.png)

>>1748518i wonder if japanese artists buy doujins/merch of niche stuff just for the art or to support the artist. I cannot imagine there are enough billy and mandy enjoyers in japan to support that girl or girls with niche fandoms. I find it endearing someone made a boss baby doujin(dont worry its sfw). I personally would support an artist drawing niche fandom stuff if the art is good enough, which almost never happens in the west, sadly.
No. 1748670
>>1748667I'm friends with some japanese (and korean) artists/fandom dwellers and I've seen many of them buy fanmade merch and doujins in conventions from all sorts of niche fandoms simply because they thought it was cute/pretty or just because they got curious or intrigued about it. Sometimes it would be also because they knew the vendor and just wanted to support their friend.
I wish western artists and fandom people would gain that habit. Artist alleys in cons nowadays are just a slog to walk through because it's just the same five or so current popular anime or game series in different levels of quality.
No. 1748691
>>1747675What subject matter do you draw? I only post original content and have a healthy following/commission-base, but it's all fantasy illustrations so there's a broad appeal there and people already looking for that kind of content (and the bonus of being able to link almost anything to dnd if I'm feeling a bit attention-deprived kek).
Original content that's either more niche or too broad/vague (eg a cast of normal human characters doing whatever) is much more difficult to get eyes on because you're either asking for more of your audience's time and goodwill or haven't got a ready audience looking for a particular type of art that has widely used tags or search terms.
Good luck getting your original content out there though, it takes time but hopefully you can garner some loyal followers and grow your presence. Also as tempting as it can be, don't do fanart unless you really are a fan of it and motivated to draw because of it– everyone can tell when a piece has been made cynically (except maybe coomers). Just create what you like, people enjoy unironic, genuine things.
No. 1748694
File: 1698931364789.jpg (453.51 KB, 719x1359, Screenshot_20231102-211936.jpg)

>>1748690In addition to that I remember seeing this before. A /beg/ posting about his unsuccessful original work doujin. (Sorry, scrote coomer website.)
>“I participated in today’s Comiket and my sales didn’t hit ¥10,000… I want to die.”>“What did you sell?”>“I only sold 3 copies of 50 printed…”>“If you only sold 3, just upload it. Applications for winter have already begun, you know.”>“You sold each copy for ¥3000?”>“You couldn’t even sell 20 copies for 500 each?”>“You say only, but for a no-name circle to sell 20 isn’t bad at all.”>“I thought so too… how godly would I have been if I had sold 20! I want to die.”>“How much of a loss did you make?”>“¥12,000.”>“You just have to make the cover sexy and high quality.”>“How much did you flog them for?”>“¥500 a copy.” No. 1748714
>>1748710I mean half the comiket scene
is coomer doujinshi like ShindoL shit, wasn't it? Vaguely related, I heard things like poscard art prints are given for free with the doujins rather than sold individually unlike in western conventions.
No. 1748767
File: 1698936272264.jpg (460.56 KB, 2048x1536, [19-10-20] 1185722357115052032…)

>>1748694imagine getting artistically mogged by the artist drawing phineas and ferb yaoi, shameful. moids are pathetic
No. 1748866
File: 1698943270352.png (Spoiler Image,2.27 MB, 1110x1564, idk.png)

censored for coom, but does anyone know if this is watercolor or done digitally. I was sure this dude was trad but then i saw the top drawing in his timeline and now i am confused. Is it a sketch done digitally then drawn on trad, or completly digital?
No. 1748884
File: 1698944749112.jpg (338.26 KB, 515x800, 3148411.jpg)

>>1748881oh nice!!! i am kinda glad actually, i love that dude's watercolors(some are trad, pic rel) but i am a poorfag and cant afford trad material.
No. 1748902
>>1748884Honestly if you're at all interested in learning watercolours, you can get into the medium pretty cheaply by buying supplies from dollar stores etc– you don't have to jump straight into artist grade supplies or anything to start practicing!
(Sorry, I don't mean to be insensitive, I just love watercolours (and gouache) so much and they've really helped me improve in general, so I just wanted to encourage you to pursue them!)
As for digital watercolour effects, personally I prefer to use Clip Studio. There's loads of free assets available on their site that'll help you achieve that look (another tip is to colour with your chosen brush on a multiply layer over a paper texture, can really help achieve certain looks if the brush itself doesn't essentially do this for you automatically)
No. 1748931
File: 1698946539391.jpg (443.19 KB, 2598x1997, acuarelasgiotto-acuarelas-giot…)

>>1748928dropped the pic. Also got any watercolor tuts for begginers? now i want to try, my birthday is soon so i will get some money and invest in proper paper.
No. 1748986
>>1748928>>1748931Yeah, something like that should hopefully be good enough to start with (I am unfamiliar with the brand, but the pitfalls of cheap watercolours are usually things like being grainy, weak/low pigment, and not being as flexible when it comes to colour mixing), so if that's what's available to you, give it a go. As for paper, yeah you can't use printer paper, it needs to be watercolour or at least 'mixed media' paper. There's a whole lot to be said about paper, and
>>1748948 is right, but if you're just starting out a less-fancy and cheaper watercolour sketchbook should do the job (just expect that the paper might buckle or go to pulp if you overload it with water or over-work it– being patient and letting your layers dry can help with this). Do a bit of research on whatever brands you have available to you before committing if you can, as well as on watercolour paper in general if those brands have options other than just generic 'watercolour paper'.
As for tutorials, I can't rec anything specific off the top of my head, but youtube has plenty of beginner-friendly tutorials. I can recommend trying to follow ones that are for painting stylised plants and flowers though, they often teach techniques and are a fun way to learn how to start doodling with watercolours
No. 1749022
>>1747675I'm going to be real with you for a second. Most people just don't give a fuck about your original characters. Why on earth should I buy your probably not at all interesting OC over a character I know and like already?
I'm not trying to be mean, but generally an OC is really only precious to yourself and nobody else unless you can find a way to engage people with the story of your character.
No. 1749063
>>1749045NTA but she's mostly right. Most people look out for things they're already familar with instead of characters they have to put time to get to know (speacially if it's an OC rather than someone from a media).
Everyone knows that growing a public out of OCs is way harder than for fanart, because for the later you can simply tag with their name that 10k people will later check, but for characters that you came out with there's zero information, zero tags, zero anything. It's hard to make people find your art, and even harder to make them interested in thm.
Of course, there are people who love OCs and indie characters/media ended up famous, but the majority of the time it usually stays as a niche thing between creaters who also have original stories. The rest of people prefer to create art & look for media they already enjoy.
No. 1749070
>>1749045nta, but I agree with them. Most people don't care about your OCs. They aren't as widely marketable. Having a 200k people following you, is not the same as having every single one of those people interact with your OC vs someone with the same amount of followers posting fanart of an established worked and getting, most likely, more likes and interaction than the account with OCs. The hugbox that OC only artists put themselves in, really sucks. You can't sell that merch as well at Artist Alleys and the people buying that merch online is way more narrow. The only way an OC will get an established base, widely, is if it's in a viral, marketable way.
A good example is Lackadaisy. the only reason they've gotten more attention now is due to the youtube pilot which was funded over 10 years ago almost. Their OCs have way more attention now because it is well established in a marketable media on a marketable platform. Otherwise, their comics have been declining in viewership and there's only so much money to be made off of the art. They have done crossover media because of that which tends to do well in reblogs. Not that comics alone can't get you popular, but anons are talking about the best marketability or attention.
No. 1749076
File: 1698951935293.jpg (486.09 KB, 1620x1228, 238ffae8223584a7a65e02300545c0…)

>>1749063>>1749070I feel like a lot of people here think of "OCs" as just some Mary Sue from your roleplay setting and not tools for creating aesthetics and to express yourself. Of course people won't buy charms or pins of random mundane OCs, products that are supposed to show off your fandom, but they will definitely buy prints and other illustrations of original works if they're a fully made piece and not just a boring old NPC facing left. Most recognized artists create only original content, picrel is an "OC" from an artist whose prints and artbooks sell like crazy even though it's not the popular fandom of the year because her illustrations are pleasing to look at and tell a standalone story. Some people also sell pin ups of their characters that people buy because they just look nice, it's just that at anime conventions people are more likely to consoom $4 acrylic charms of their favourite characters. To me it will always remain a skill issue if you can't create engaging OC content and have to rely on the popularity of another franchise.
No. 1749079
File: 1698952007432.jpg (383.49 KB, 2048x2000, mgong520-1442434491557941253-2…)

>>1749022what do you mean by OC? because westerners and japanese/chinese/korean artists tend to see it differently. Most asian artists are popular despite only drawing OC stuff(think rinotuna or ogipote). I dont know why westerners are too afraid to draw OC without giving them a backstory and turning them into recurrent characters. I personally don't like OC culture in the west, but it's mostly because instead of actually drawing them doing something interesting(like mgong does with her ocs) they just draw them standing in the void or doing some meme shit and then write a wall of text to explain how their donut is totally unique.
No. 1749096
>>1749045>>1749071I put it bluntly because I do actually like seeing OCs but I also recognize that the OCs I like are those from friends. Original work is great but if your main gripe is "nobody is buying my cool OC!!" then you really need to understand the reality that people won't give a fuck like 90% of the time.
>>1749079My personal experience is people complaining about what I mentioned before will have the most milquetoast OCs without the artistic skills to back it up to make at least the art pieces interesting. Both your image and
>>1749076 aren't really what I was referring to.
No. 1749097
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>>1749079>Most asian artists are popular despite only drawing OC stuff(think rinotuna or ogipote). I dont know why westerners are too afraid to draw OC without giving them a backstory and turning them into recurrent characters. I feel pretentious saying it but to me it's always been about Asian artists being more inclined to create artwork while westerners are more concerned with farming clout to make it big, I don't know if this is due to the extreme terminal capitalist commercialization of hobbies or what. There are numerous Japanese and Korean artists on Twitter with almost zero engagement and they keep posting amazing pieces because that's just what they want to do. Pixiv has loads of original content that people cherish and admire, but in the west the culture revolves so much around sucking big entertainment dick and looking down on independent works because that's how the entire community is engineered to be for some reason. In Japan conventions started as doujinshi events of people selling both fan works and original works and people bought them indiscriminately. A telltale difference is that in the west "doujinshi" is usually associated with fanbooks while in japan "doujinshi" is just any self-published work not limited to fan creations.
No. 1749170
>>1749156It's a vicious circle. We're so inundated with marvel/dc/manga slop that artists feel like they need to "keep up" with everything since it all releases so quickly now. And it doesn't leave any space for original works to breathe much less for anyone to see it. And the few independent spaces and events held for original content instantly get overly competitive or crowded with more fanwork because people are to afraid they won't do well otherwise. It's sad.
Everyone tells artists that get chewed up and spit out by big industries to "just go indie" but it isn't as easy as quitting shitty, stressful but well paying job to just draw personal projects all day. It's not the reality and it doesn't matter if you're east or west, there aren't a lot of avenues to support artists in that way. The grass isn't necessarily greener.
No. 1749195
File: 1698957480513.png (1.17 MB, 1500x1500, Bild_2023-11-02_213432459.png)

>>1748931don't listen to the anon who's telling you these are okay, those disk ones with opaque looking, bright watercolors are always shit. they are only suitable as kids paint, the pigment is diluted too much plus they're often gritty and weirdly opaque. you can get a proper small watercolor palette for around 10 bucks as a starting point. my first one was picrel but you can probably find a similar one from a brand that's local to you.
No. 1749350
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>>1749325Tbh western zines kick-starters are most of the time scams artists are not good fund raisers, remind me of this lancefag who scammed almost a grand from the funds kek
No. 1749418
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Does anyone know what this artist is up to now? Sorry for the jumpscare but it popped up on my twitter feed and I got a serious case of whiplash
No. 1749510
File: 1698976551721.png (9.67 MB, 2000x2000, F7adAAFasAAlJ_1.png)

>>1749076>>1749100Fully agreed. I think even the same anons were complaining about fan merch being boring for the same reason, being npc facing left type stuff, too. This actually explains a lot of /ic/ type hate towards OCs kek. Even some inspo pinterest board chinese artist on weibo will start calling OCs, OCs at this point.
>>1749080Merch like pic rel also counts as OC.
No. 1749525
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This might sound like bait or something but I’m an artist that had gotten commissioned by this guy a few times and now every time he sees me post art he always asks me if my commissions are open. I just enjoy drawing for myself and I like taking commissions but when they’re clearly closed, I tell you and every time I’m posting drawings don’t message me and ask if I can take commissions. It’s just annoying, he can’t read my bio or something. Like every time he sees me post he think it like refreshes my commissions to open. Idk if that makes sense
No. 1749656
Nonnas, how do you feel about having a similar name/handle to another artist? I’m starting up an IG account just to use as a portfolio of sorts so I can give people a link when they ask to see my work but the username I chose is similar to the name of someone already established (they have 2k followers, the only difference between their name and mine is an underscore). It is a name I’m fond of, every variation of my real name/other handles I’ve tried are all taken. Should I change it? They make completely different art than I do (corporate Alegria type stuff) so maybe I’m overthinking this but I haven’t posted work in years and don’t know what the etiquette is.
>>1749525Maybe try saying something like “Hi! All further updates about my commission status will be posted to my feed. Thanks for your interest!”
No. 1749805
>>1749525Oh wow I had a similar problem with a different guy a couple years ago. It was nice having someone interested in commissioning me but it felt like I wasn't allowed to have free time or draw things for myself because each time the guy would message me asking if I had time to make a commission for him.
That and he'd gaslight me into drawing him softcore porn of his fav waifus. Irks me to this day.
No. 1749853
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why the fuck is painting so hard? i am decent at anatomy/perspective but i stuck assssss at painting. I don't even know where to start to get bettter at it. I feel so retarded.
No. 1749877
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the way some people masacre expensive sketchbooks makes me want to pull all my fucking hair out
this isn't art, this is shit, I try to understand abstract art, but this is not that, it's an atrocity
No. 1749896
>>1749853What medium are you using and what subject matter/style are you trying to paint?
I found painting in monochrome to really help when I was first starting out, getting rid of the challenge/pressure of choosing and mixing pleasing colours so that I could just focus on technique and values. Maybe trying that might help?
No. 1749919
>>1749877It's a book for sketches but also, not everything an artist makes is going to be good or "art" anon.
I understand not wanting to spend money on items that you may not use to their full potential, but even beginner or bad artists deserve to have a few good, high-quality art supplies. The idea of wasting supplies is a mindset that holds many people back. Good supplies makes the entire process so much more easier and enjoyable and allows you to learn more. You don't have to force yourself to use shit supplies just because you're not Da Vinci. It's never a waste as long as you used it and learned something.
No. 1749921
File: 1699025714472.jpg (335.76 KB, 900x1273, 164129261674_p0.jpg)

>>1749896digital for now. i dont know what kind of style i want to aim for, but i really like this artist so something like this i guess. I know the absolute basics of color/value, and i have done several value studies, but i always freeze in fear when i have to make something big. Is James Gurney good for someone who wants to do digital instead of trad?
No. 1749927
>>1749921Even in painting, you have to feel the forms, anon.
>Is James Gurney good for someone who wants to do digital instead of trad?James Gurney's general theory on lighting, temperature etc is applicable on any medium.
No. 1749935
File: 1699026685652.jpeg (326.8 KB, 1280x1593, cat.jpeg)

>>1749927I dont struggle feeling the form in lineart(have been told that by the pickiest of all art critics, /ic/), but when i try to turn that lineart into a painting it all goes to the toilet. I feel very stuck regarding painting and i don't know what to do. I will check gurney anon, thanks.
No. 1749990
>>1749921Cute pic! Maybe try keeping things small for now, and progressively increasing scale with each work you complete, if making large or elaborate pieces is intimidating you? Or try to break up the piece into more manageable chunks? Also I know they sound dull, but studies cannot be recommended enough, no matter what you want to end up painting– not necessarily ones that aim for realism or a 1:1 likeness either, focusing on value and hue shapes or where to place hard/soft transitions to add interest are also good (and also more fun, imo). Have you tried rendering after cell-shading your drawing first? That and colouring your sketch/lines and merging it all might help.
Never be afraid to rework something aggressively either (or start again), just make sure to always keep the original lines/sketch on hand, and you didn't waste that time, you learnt something by making those mistakes and trying again to fix them.
James Gurney is a fantastic resource for any artist, both his books and his youtube channel. I haven't looked at it in years, but Sinix Design's video on 'painting like a sculptor' helped flick a switch in my brain back when I first saw it, so idk that might help, unless someone has a better suggestion (I'm so out of the art resource loop, sorry). Good luck with your paintings anon!
No. 1750099
>>1749935Do master copies of paintings that feature colors you like. Traditional painting requires learning how to mix colors. You need to understand how to do that first before jumping into your own paintings. Your painting looks flat because her skin is not reflecting the environment at all.
I like the cat though kek
No. 1750133
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>>1749938That cat reminds me of those medieval paintings with human faced animals
No. 1750135
>>1750099that's not my painting
nonny KEK i wish i could do something that beautiful though
No. 1750177
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Does anyone think he's making this up?
If so, how do you get doxxed over MS paint screenshots?
Either way, this is insane
No. 1750215
>>1750177Completelly OT but this reminds me of that Indonesian artist guy that may or may not have faked a suicide attempt for pity points/cash donations/easier visa. I remember there were a bunch of other Indonesian people calling it fake.
What is that guy up to nowadays? I don't even remember his handle but I think I recall he was kind of a token gay man to the anti-SJW type of cartoon coomer moid (I might be misremembering).
>toolbar retardThis is funny to me because it's like one of those super specific labels that 4chan users create to make fun of random people haha
Did this person ever have hate threads on /ic/ or something?
No. 1750237
>>1750207There are male artists who draw like girls, they're usually mentally unstable
>>1750215Are you talking about Cherry Soda? or Keri
I don't remember his handle well
No. 1750245
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You ever get depressed by "non-artists" who possess an almost unreal talent for drawing but treat it as if it were a casual hobby? Like my ex's brother, (who worked as a security consultant). I stumbled upon some of his sketches, and they were absolutely breathtaking. When I asked him where he learned to draw, he nonchalantly replied, "Oh, from some book I read a few years ago." the fact he could flawlessly replicate those drawings just by following some general guidelines from a book, without even realizing the magnitude of his talent. It just destroyed me internally.
No. 1750247
>>1750207not a troon surprisingly
>>1750177Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s just trolling with his online friends
No. 1750362
>>1750186I don't know if I'm full weeb anymore but when it comes to art supplies , and not only that, japanese standards really are much higher, they perfected pretty much anything.
I'm not burger so I dunno what Michael's or Blick have but I can guarantee it's not on par with the things japs produce.
Like you said, Maruman and even those art supplies for kids are high tier, I purchased some cute pentel watercolors in tubes and they're so enjoyable to use.
I'll take pics tomorrow but so far I tried Copics (the most famous), Acryl Gouache (Holbein, Turner), watercolors ( holbein,kuretake,kusakabe) , sketchbooks like the ones from Maruman,Muse,deleter , manga paper that works wonders with copics/alcohol markers and fineliners (deleter,KMK Kent) , washi tape, a lot of brush pens (Pentel,Kuretake,Tombow) , those beautiful and cheap pens from Sarasa which I highly recommend and the list goes on since I absolutely adore art supplies and managed to buy pretty much everything I wanted (mostly because I didn't spend on anything else during the pandemic).
The one thing I didn't buy and really want is the full set of Holbein watercolors (like 106 of them lol) . They're really different from the other european brands I got because you can control them better and they don't flow on the paper (the polar opposite is Sennelier, that shit RUNS on paper) and with watercolor I want to have control since it gives me anxiety kek.
When I discovered a few years ago that I can order a lot of stuff directly from amazon japan I was mind blown. European shops double or TRIPLE the fucking price.
The non jap watercolors I like best because they're cheap as fuck, well…were even cheaper 4-5 years ago, are those from the russian brand White Nights, I collected pretty much most of them before the war started. They were like 2$ for a FULL pan, you can't beat that price.
I'll stop my art supply obsession autism for now but if you have any specific questions, do ask.
I just wish the day had 40 hours or I had 4 hands so I could draw more
No. 1750531
>>1749921It's digital art, you're not wasting supplies if you fuck up. Make something huge that's way beyond your technical ability, keep doing that until you stop being afraid of doing anything more than studies. Use bold colors, as many layers as you feel like, do studies of anything you struggle with. Draw loads of figures, draw landscapes, perspectives you struggle with, buildings, everything. You don't need to share your art if you don't want to. But you won't improve if you get cold feet before you even start.
>>1750362Have you tried Roman Szmal? They're cheap and the pans are huge. They're fantastic for the price.
No. 1751003
>>1750343Anon, you could be given the exact same concept and characters as another artist and I guarantee you'll come up with two different stories. Unless you're breathing down their neck every step of the way, your execution will always be your own. Don't worry about being copied or stolen from.
Here's my semi-shameful confession: I have stolen OCs from people I personally know before. I wasn't inspired by them nor did I create characters based on the same general archetypes. I just took them. One was a wish fufillment self-insert I knew I could improve and the other is a bad faith shit take on one of the worst waifu OCs I've ever seen in my life (also a shit take against the AGP degenerate who created her). Good artists borrow, great artists rescue and rehome. Both characters have since developed into more than the meanspirited jabs they began as but the DNA is still there. Let people take what they want. They'll never do it like you do.
No. 1751594
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>>1750642I don't know about other anons but it's less about the idea and more about the execution for me. Our ideas are similar, but the artist's execution is soo much better. Better composition, better posing, better colors. Sure, my idea could be "better" regardless if it's a donut steel or canon. I mostly struggle with color and I think that's the source of my reason to pop a gasket every time I try to do something and see someone do it better. Color composition elevates a drawing so absurdly. Sure I could color pick and try to closely study the artist but, in my head I think it's skinwalking even though it's not. I wish I could draw and paint candids of the characters just interacting or sitting around too but everything I draw looks so stiff. I'm an intermediate artist who can do a good illustration but I can't seem to do something to simple as candids. So obviously when I see a candid better executed than mine I seethe too.
I think I just need to grind more though. If I learned how to actually draw backgrounds it would be simpler for me to imagine the characters interacting with their surroundings, and if I knew coloring better or straight up just color picked I wouldn't have this problem. pic somewhat related
No. 1751847
>>1750362Kuretake watercolours have to be some of my favourites that I've tried, they have some really lovely qualities, hope you enjoy yours! One of my other favourite japanese art supplies are the Kuretake water brushes, I've used mine for over a decade now and they're still in good nick (can't say the same about my Derwent one). There's a Daiso store near me that's really expanded their art and craft section, and I am in love with their cheap supplies (especially for drawing) and the fact that I don't have to order zebra brush pens from overseas anymore kek
Looking forward to hearing more about your supplies!
No. 1751873
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How do you come up with things to draw? now that i got all the fundamentals down i want to start applying them in bigger paintings, but i don't know how to come up with ideas.
No. 1751898
File: 1699117954723.jpeg (70.2 KB, 641x658, cartoon coomer pandering.jpeg)

>>1750237I am
>>1750215 and I was able to find him. His handle was rizzydraws but he moved accounts. Apparently he moved on from being a "femboy" and is a full troon now. Picrel is probably what made me remember him as the cartoon coomers' pick-me gay. I don't know if he was friends with Shuwu at some point too (or maybe it was just Shuwu heavily using him as a talking point)
No. 1751899
>>1751873When I'm stuck for ideas, I like to try illustrating a scene from a book that has rich imagery (both descriptive and atmospheric). This can also be a really fun way to get out of your comfort zone and practice researching for a piece's requirements.
As for coming up with ideas of your own, I'm not really sure other than I think asking yourself what story you're try to tell with a painting- doesn't have to be elaborate, can be something as simple as just 'girl, lonely, hillside' that you can work into a piece in a myriad of ways. Sorry if this isn't helpful.
No. 1751938
>>1751918>i struggle comming up with things i dont mind looking like shitAnd here you have your problem. Draw it even if it looks like shit, you can always re-draw it days, weeks, years later when you get better or with a fresh mind. The ideas you have on your mind that you aren't putting on paper scared of it looking bad are acting as a plug on your brain, you have to free yourself before more things start coming to you.
"I won't do [X] until I learn" is poison for you. Do it badly, you don't have to show it to anyone, not everything you will do will turn ok, and most importantly it will be practice. How will you learn how to draw roses if you never draw roses? How will you learn how to paint landscapes if you never try to paint? Repetition is the key to learn. Go draw your ideas already instead of holding yourself off.
No. 1751994
File: 1699121611960.jpg (134.1 KB, 800x597, THUMBNAILS-1.jpg)

>>1751918>>1751933Anon just get your ideas out, you're not wasting them if it doesn't come out how you wanted it to. If you keep your good ideas in you're more likely to forget them anyways. I have really old sketchbooks that I flip through from time to time, more often than not I'll come across a shitty sketch that I completely forgot about. I like to take a photo of the sketch and fuck around with it digitally to find a composition I like, because while the idea was good I just didn't have the skill to execute it properly at the time I made it. Also give thumbnailing a try. Basically you make a bunch of really small drawings just to get a feel of what you want the actual piece to look like. It really helps me let go of the thought that my original idea is precious and that I simply must go with my first thought, I rarely go with the first thumbnail I drew because after a few the creative juices really start flowing and I end up making some that are much better. It's good when I have artblock too since there's no pressure to make a masterpiece.
No. 1752013
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>>1751994Small thing I forgot to add on: I like doing thumbnails with pens or thick markers like Sharpies so it's even less precious. If you fuck up or it looks like shit, it doesn't matter, you just move on to the next one. Ideally you don't spend more than a few minutes on each one. Some of my most creative pieces have come about like this, I love thumbnail drawing. If you're having trouble thinking of what to even start just pick a word and do something quick, "flower" "library" "sword" "construction" "village" "fishing" your ideas will evolve as you go. Good luck!
No. 1752018
>>1751911That image is his new account. I haven't kept up with him in years so I can't tell you much, but IIRC his whole suicide attempt thing was because he would sext with guys on discord and a discord guy threatened to dox him and denounce him as a homosexual to the Indonesian government, so I'd presume he is at least bisexual.
You're right tho, I don't know what's his deal.
Only thing I can think of is 5D armchairing that maybe he is a HSTS twink that isn't into bara so he makes big booba art to attract straight men and to self insert into the female characters that get more male attention. No. 1752020
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>>1752013It took me a minute to realize that isn't supposed to be a scribbled Twilight Sparkle and Mordecai. I swear it looks just like them.
No. 1752061
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>>1747116just to add in what the other poster have mentioned about fandom business in Japan. Most doujin are just passion project created by the fan, the profit they get from sales barely cover anything let alone a booth for the con. People outside of Japan don't know how good they have it with merchandising non-official anime product because Japan lawsuit can not touch them. In Japan you can't get away with selling character pins or stickers in the open market like American do, they will get cease order.
Doujin on the other hand is ok because it's an interpretation, lawsuit leave it alone because it's not monopolizing over the actual existing products. In reverse, artist in the west have the liberty to sell any sort of merch, therefore, they focus on making items with higher output than doujinshi. This is my point of view of explaining why western artists are more capitalistic minded when they approach fandom. It's not completely because they are shallower, but rather opportunistic with the priviledge they have over the market.
Personally, it wasn't like this as a whole. But it does feel kind of sad that I occasionally get the same feeling as you do when I see artist on twitter. Even Japanese artists too are starting to pick up the same pattern, and I see myself doing the same someday.
No. 1752144
>>1752098 and I didn't really want to put it that way but you're not wrong. I genuinely can't think of a single one that isn't ethnically Asian.
No. 1752158
>>1752132I’ve never seen a western artist who can draw doujins and manga to the standard Asian artists can tbh
That’s not to say every Asian artist is amazing or anything, but the dream of the crop are always Asian especially Japanese
No. 1752192
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>>1752154Kushinov is the only one who's actually recognized and he had the one in a million chance to be in the right place at the right time to get where he is now which is crazy because Russia has so many artists drawing in manga style that just blow everyone out of the water. Felipe Smith's success is only because his work revolves around that super stylized American pop art style that all the westaboo Japanese coomer animators love so it's more of a novelty. But when I looked into this I actually found out about a manga by a non-Asian French guy that actually did get an anime adaptation. It looks like generic shounen of course but surprisingly authentic.
No. 1752219
>Most professional artists with an authentic anime inspired style that I know just default to doing graphic design instead of illustration.Tis happened with many of my friends…and myself. I don't want to humblebrag or claim that I'm some amazing artist or anything because I'm far from one, but I personally think that I'm a pretty good illustrator and that I have enough skill to work with art and have been told so by many people around me including college teachers…however my art style is clearly anime-inspired (particularly by older shoujo series) and every time I tried to app my portfolio and CV to animation, illustration or even game studios I'd get the saying "sorry but your art style doesn't match the image we want for our studio" or different variations of that sentence, all because I don't draw in the typical "western digital painting style" or, what I like to call, the "overwatch/valorant/league of legends/magic the gathering art style".
Nowadays I've just accepted that I'll have to work with design but I'm still trying.
No. 1752284
>>1752219I hear you
nonny. All of my friends who were really talented anime artists either forced themselves into that generic League of Legends style in order to be hired or switched over to design instead of illustration. As did I, people love my designs but if they see my weeby husbando illustrations they act like I catfished them kek. It pains me to no end how you can only have like 30% anime in your work but no more than that, so you get dogshit like High Guardian Spice that looks like how a MTV show in the 00's would parody an anime series.
No. 1752681
>>1751943I used blockbench for
minecraft modding. But I heard it sucks for anything more than that because of the lack of mirroring. I've tried blender and finished adding bones but I'm unsure how to start texturing. Because a part of me wants to do full grungy textures like silent hill and I can't get off my high horse to rip textures of denim or whatever. But tbh the model in that video just used pixels with some raster.
No. 1753720
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>>1753618It was a HUGE drama at the time too, if you look far back enough he was making thousands with that bullshit. I was on Tumblr and Reddit when it happened and a lot of art spaces were full of the comparison pics and people calling him out and he just managed to get away with it all because he "felt bad" and was "reflecting" on it. At least when he was (to our knowledge) tracing, his stuff looked interesting kek
No. 1753741
File: 1699181024163.png (276.43 KB, 649x469, IMG_0022.png)

How do you get over the fear of creating? I love writing and drawing comics, but over the last few years I’ve been getting really insecure about the idea that nobody would ever want to read the kind of comics I want to make… pic unrelated but it’s a nice tutorial
No. 1753825
>>1753618>yeah we should have him as a character designer for our anime movieThat's what get's me about him too. Dude can draw exactly one female face. I could see him being desirable as an illustrator, but I have no idea who the hell would think his work is appropriate for character design.
>Ghost in ShellDo any nonnas know what was the general response to that series? Only thing I saw were a few westerners calling the character design out for being super generic and removing all the texture. I wonder if he can continue getting character design jobs like that without studios realizing that he actually sucks for character design.
No. 1753830
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>>1753618This looks so fucking ugly.
No. 1753911
File: 1699197068899.mp4 (455.73 KB, 640x360, GitS SAC_2045.mp4)

>>1753825>Do any nonnas know what was the general response to that series? From what I saw people either gobbled it up because they just want new GitS stuff, or they found it totally unwatchable because the GCI was awkward and/or they just hated it at first sight and didn't watch it. It did give us this gem of a scene but other than that I never see anyone discuss it.
No. 1753953
>>1753916The artist that did the iconic Just be Friends vocaloid MV had that happen. I looked up the original evidence a year or two ago and was amazed by how it really was just references.
I do blame that mentality for setting me back years art wise because I was so scared I'd be considered an evil tracer so I never used references properly kek
No. 1753993
>>1753720THIS IS NOT TRACING and no I'm not a shooter for ilya and his milquetoast art but don't lie. How is hermione anime version traced?? He just looked at a pic and drew what he saw. Tracing is when you draw over the pic.
Doing a study after a screencap, drawing a figure of that kill la kill girl, he's just doing his own reinterpretations so what's the problem here? It's not very original for sure, but his rendering skills are very good. I still don't like him as an artist, I just don't think he deserves the flack.
No. 1753996
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>>1753993Also this a fucking joke
>you're not allowed to make studies on paper of cosplayers because it's "tracing" No. 1754003
File: 1699204066532.jpg (527.35 KB, 1284x1605, IMG_7473.jpg)

>>1753618what I also don't get is his success, look at fucking picrel, it's a normie drawing of a girl with colors that look like those deepfried memes kek. it almost hurts to look at. there's really nothing appealing to this but apparently, people eat this shit up?
No. 1754051
>>1753720most of these are referenced but personally i think its good practice to credit your source when you heavily reference. Specially if you uses someones selfie and personal photos. its one thing to look at cosplays to copy the pose it's another to completely redraw what you see, i think you need to credit when doing the latter but not the former. I never followed him so i have no idea if he gave credit if he did then the drama was undeserved. Calling it tracing is underserved too
unrelated but the Hermione piece he did always looked weird to me. I know "attractive girl with narrow face and big eyes" is just his style and i dont mind it, but it's so weird seeing it next to a picture of an actual child. He clearly does know how to draw other faces so it's weird that he chose to go with his attractive anime face when using a child as reference. I know his intention was only to reference the colors and pose and not her face features and i admit If I had just seen the art without the reference it probably wouldnt had bothered me so much. But I do wonder if he would had used a different form for stylization that looked less "attractive" if he had used a male child as reference
No. 1754068
File: 1699207151364.jpg (Spoiler Image,217.19 KB, 978x1500, Nat_the_Lich-16860716768349143…)

nat the lynch makes me so sad, such a talented artist consumed by the coom
No. 1754096
>>1752870>I don't get this frankly boomer mentality of anime bad generic western style good.I know lots of people here hate anime but I prefer it so much over generic western cartoons. I grew up with western cartoons so I don't think I'm too nostalgia-biased since there are a few of those I really love too. But when it comes to "generic" styles I just prefer the japanese generic over the western generic.
My middle age american artist friend says he hates anime because when he was young he felt they "took over" his beloved nostalgia cartoons, so he still resents it.
No. 1754134
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>>1754096i agree with you but i still wish there was somethig in between anime generic face and LOL splashart. Finding modern artists that dont draw in either styles is rough, if not impossible.
No. 1754138
>>1753618>>1753440>>1753720I remember that drama, his art always seemed lifeless to me and one of the most severe cases of sameface I've ever seen
he should've been cancelled, dude really can't draw much unless he traces something
>>1753830it gives 0 emotions, mouth placement irks me badly
>>1754102nayrt but I am sick to death of both the LoL style and the genshin style
No. 1754194
>>1754102oh don't even get me started on that art style. in fact i have a story about it that still makes me see red to this day.
when i was in art school i got to meet some illustrators who were already in the industry, most of them either in game companies or illustration studios and whatnot. one of them was a guy and he did some art streams where he offered advice for portfolios and such, so i decided to participate in one to see if i could get some nice tips for my own. i went to his stream, got in the little queue, and waited. most of his interactions were just art advice as not many people had portfolios to show, but then some student actually came in and showed their portfolio to the guy, asking for advice because they wanted to become an illustrator. the guy opened the portfolio, and the art was very obviously anime-inspired. it was pretty good actually, with at best some anatomical mistakes that could be fixed with some anatomy studies, but the student clearly had skill and a creative bone.
the guy tore that portfolio to shreds on the stream. he basically said it was "unoriginal" because of the overtly anime style, that the student needed to change their style or they'd never land a job, that the pieces lacked "body diversity" and "dynamism" and that the characters looked all too "samey". then he spent 15 minutes showing off the portfolios and instagrams of his fellow industry friends and basically saying "do something like this and maybe next time you'll have something that can work in the industry because right now it won't cut it."
i left the stream at the time both because i got really angry and also because i got afraid of showing off my own portfolio because just like that other student my art was also anime-inspired and i did not want to have my stuff dragged through the dirt on a stream. but just because i'm a salty bitch i went to that industry guy's portfolio and guess what? think of the most generic lol/magic the gathering/overwatch art style you can imagine. think of the busty elf women with sameface and same bodytype with smooth plastic skin, at least two iterations of the same generic fantasy viking or ogre guy, at least one knight with boring armor, fantasy item studies that's basically "bottle with colorful liquid" and at least one typical green skinny goblin.
sorry for the long ass salty sperg, but after that incident i just gave up and became fulltime freelance.
TL;DR: goes to art school, meet industry artist, industry artist does a stream to offer students advice. industry artist shits on a student's portfolio because it's "too anime". turns out industry artist has the most generic LoL artstyle known to man.
No. 1754293
>>1754264Except the anime style isn't restrictive at all? Remember that "anime style" isn't restricted to solely moeblob anime girls and it can look like anything. Or did you forget that a couple years ago western animation studios were crawling on all fours trying to simulate a semi-anime style exactly because it looked eye-catching and dynamic?
Besides, nearly all western produced art looks the same nowadays. Cartoons have that ugly Steven Universe/Adventure time sausage arm and beanmouth look, games either have the LoL/Valorant look or are 4K 60fps muddy hyperrealistic glop. If the anime art scene is "restrictive" then the western art scene is more inflexible and boring than a boulder.
No. 1754309
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>>1754273i am not saying western style isnt another form of restrictive, but you have to be blind to think realism is more restrictive than anime blobs.
>>1754293non moeblob anime style isn't the norm and you know it. People that get inspired by Satoshi Kon are the small minority compared to the thousands of young artists who draw in the generic moeblob genshin style.
>>1754299all the characters have the exact same face. I like dungeon meshi, but it's tiring when people use it as an example of how anime can be diverse when it still looks like moeshit. I think diverse looking anime is something like record of lodoss war or satoshi kon's movies.
No. 1754333
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>>1754134i think 摸鱼斋's older art MIGHT have a similar vibe? she's changed her style, but i see a lot of chinese artists do this kind of style still.
No. 1754345
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>>1754333i have such a pet peeve for chinese art, i think playing love nikki and 7 out of 10 outfits being based on chinese culture and being so ugly and cluttered made me hate it. I meant to say that it's hard to find artists that arent too moeblob nor too realistic. Something like satoshi kon for me it's peak
No. 1754401
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>>1754338>>1754319When I get comments that rub me the wrong way I simply block that person. Sometimes I let it slide if they follow me and their profile doesn't disgust me
No. 1754519
>>1754194God, this actually enrages me. You know that criticism doesn't come from a genuine place of concern but instead a personal preference. It's almost impossible to get constructive criticism from art teachers if you have an anime inspired style which is why I switched to landscapes and animals. You should've seen my teacher's face when after years of complimenting my work he saw me draw my weebshit for the first time, like I just stabbed him in the back.
>but just because i'm a salty bitch i went to that industry guy's portfolio and guess what? think of the most generic lol/magic the gathering/overwatch art style you can imagine.Of course. The snooty artsy guy is a copy machine for generic Blizzard art studio style or that guy who did the designs for the Detective Pikachu movie yet somehow it's suddenly original and creative. I genuinely wish that once all the weeb millenials will take over the leading positions they would open the flood gates to anime, but I fear that all these boomer/gen x fucks have transferred their generational anime trauma into them.
>>1754264If Loish can draw the same fucking Disneyface girl over and over again for 20 years straight with zero experimentation and be celebrated as a real artist then I should be able to draw my anime all I want.
No. 1754556
>>1754309>but you have to be blind to think realism is more restrictive than anime blobs.Ideally it isn't but the way the west presents realism is just as restrictive if not more because to the west "realism" means "gritty dirty dull colored angry man with pretty girl Last Of Us Call of Duty with hazy skies and skin pores". If the west at the VERY LEAST took artistic liberties with realism then yeah I'd buy it, but that's the thing. It doesn't. One of the only instances of the west world creating realistic-looking media with a level of artistic freedom I can think of was that one Detroit Become Human game and that's FAR from good.
I'd 100% take some generic looking animeblob shit over some "cartoons BUT FOR ADULTS11!!" that looks like a bootleg Christopher Nolan movie.
No. 1754559
>>1754540I’m not 12, I don’t care about whatever is currently going on with W.I.T.C.H
>Says this while completely disastrous looking work gets greenlit all the timeYes, and they usually fail or get mocked by anyone that’s not a child. I don’t get what you’re point is because that supports what I’m saying
No. 1754565
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>>1754556you dont have choose one over the other what the fuck is this black or white thinking lol. Both modern anime and modern western art suck arse, with a few exceptions.
No. 1755391
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is it weird whenever i see posts like these im highly skeptical that the person is telling the truth? the artist in question says it was through who he knew the industry that recommended him,i know asian animators get paid in pennies but is it really worth it to aspire to work in such a industry?
No. 1755584
>>1754910I had the same problem and I just got rid of the lineart, painting directly over a sketch with blend/paintery brushes (make the sketch a saturated color though or else the drawing will look muddy). It made drawing more fun as well, being able to correct stuff by simply painting over instead of having to do pixel-perfect lineart that match the og one is way less stressful.
If your program has the option to make your brush change color with each stroke at ramdom, I recomend turning it on (just don't make the values too hight, a slight variation on the saturation/tone will do the trick). Gradient Maps are also useful to add splashes of colors, try duplicate your drawing when its 80% finished, add a gradient map to it & play with the layer blend modes, then after finding one you like, mergue the layers & finish the drawing; I like the random bits of colors that maps give the shadows/lights.
No. 1755867
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>>1755866the few good artists that post on ic eventually leave because of the crabbing, its not worth it. i miss this furfaggot
No. 1755912
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I'm fed up, I'm going to start tracing AI images, I have enough drawing knowledge to be able to correct the errors in the image, I don't care, I'm desperate, I just want to draw my husbandos.
No. 1756006
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any good software for creating your own 3d references? I've been using Design Doll and Easy Pose, but both are really primitive. I would like to have something solid that I can make outfits with and then pose them in complex angles. I was thinking about getting blender, any you nonas have some ideas?
I want to do complex folds like this ai shit picrel, but I'm too retarded to figure it out on my own
No. 1756009
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>>1756006that looks like shit anon, study from old paintings or real artists
No. 1756101
>>1756006The key to draw draw complex clothing folds is simplifying the shapes, either look up tutorials or real life images of similar clothes you want to draw.
For what you want to do I find Blender a bit over the top/complex since physics are wild and free so it will take awhile to get the exact folds you want, but if you decide to go that route download Blender 2.8 + either the CATS pluging and look up the hundreds of MMD clothes people have made on Deviantart, some of them are pretty realistic since they rip them from games and such.
No. 1756308
>>1755855I love ocs, kek, but moreso because artists I know use em for bigger long term projects like comics, animation or games. And the artists are driven to improve by themselves so it's not just blorbos staring to the right empty background. Hope you find your group soon.
>>1755866It's riskier to be associated with
terf central lolcow than 4chan. I think part of it is because of all the popularization of memes and greentext. But also misogyny of course.
No. 1756556
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>anything by satoshi kon>ghost in the shellartists
>mgong>kishi torajiro>eguchi hisashi No. 1756559
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i feel i cant have fun while drawing because i suck at picking colors, i fear i will never be able to be good at coloring/painting
No. 1756708
>>1756006I have no experience with it, but maybe look into daz studio?
As for making custom outfits and fabric simulation, Marvelous Designer/Clo3D is probably the best option, plus it's pattern based so you can work off of sewing patterns instead of trying to model complex clothing with traditional modelling methods (pain). 3D is a lot more work than people realise, and you will have to learn a lot just to start getting mediocre results, even if all you want is customised and posed characters.
Really though, you should just work on your ability to visualise complex forms in your head. Dump the ai shit, it only looks 'good' because it's busy and you don't know any better (also just noticed the pig trotter hand kek). If life is too short and you simply must learn complex folds asap, then my advice is to rotoscope a handful of gifs of people moving around in similar outfits to get some mileage and wrap your head around what the fabric is doing, or better yet, look into how to simplify and then elaborate on dynamic clothing from people in the animation/anime industry.
No. 1757422
>>1755910not the op but i was planning to put my nsfw art of my faves here or another im/booru but mt faves are from obscure fandom and im one of only current artist (sharing only on private discord)
thanks nona ive changed my mind
No. 1757561
>>1756763>why to use itUsually one of the reasons of why a drawing looks plain/unfinished is because the base colors & shadows are solid colors. By using a brush that changes a little bit its color your bases won't look as plain anymore.
>what to do after the first layerJust draw normally, continue using a color-changing brush for shadows. I also recomend changing your lineart's colors, be it black on the outside & lighter on the inside, gradients from aside to other, etc.
No. 1757693
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>>1756892Ugh great he likes feet
No. 1758050
>>1757693>hethat's a woman.
>uwu/naza/zarigueya>argentinaNaza is the short form of Nazarena, a very common women's name in Argentina. And I highly doubt that she is a tranny due to the absence of the tranny flag and pronouns in her bio.
t. argie
No. 1758063
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>>1757693god gives his best art skills to its most degenerate artists
No. 1758544
>>1758474I've just learned to grey rock. I just join a few servers recently and I'm realizing art servers tend become day cares for socially unaware, autists or kids first time posting in discord. People who keep posting /beg/ MS paint veiled fetish art with Patreon links, people who keep bumping the chat even though they're the only one using, people who keep ignoring past or ongoing discussions to send a message that could have just been a tweet somewhere else, kek. Perhaps you can appeal to the admin to separate art spam and finished art posting too?
No. 1780576
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Hey there anons, so I'm looking for some recommendations of art-tuber commentators who do talk and share stories or give opinions while streaming as I listen to this stuff as background noise when I'm drawing myself. The only one I watch currently is TwistedDisaster since she's closer to my age (30s) and is consistent but lately I just cannot with her anymore. She says a lot of stupid shit, is too involved with retarded gender crap, and just comes off a tad too immature at times considering most of her friends are younger than her and makes her complacent,
So I'm curious if any of you all are open to recommending some of your favorite twitch artist streamers who also do commentary when working. Preferably in their 30s but I'm okay with late 20s as well. And definitely are not pronoun/gender tards or at the very least, they don't bring it up much (if at all).
No. 1808306
>>1752870> I don't get this frankly boomer mentality of anime bad generic western style goodFor the case of America, it's a combination of American geographical/cultural isolationism where americans don't really have contact with modern media from other countries (besides the uk and canada) and the good ol' american "we only consume media from the glorious, amazing anglosphere and maybe the occasional western european one" mentality. i lived in america as a non-westerner, and it's astonishing that so many americans don't know about certain famous european movies that are famous everywhere else in the world.
you end up with a bunch of cartoon artists who refuse to expand their artistic/media tastes beyond what they grew up with (american cartoons), because it's too "different". i live in a country where people are exposed to different kinds of media from different countries, so cartoon artists are pretty accepting to different styles.
No. 2075097
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I’m so sick of this shit.