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No. 1845632

Is your question dumb, stupid, or dumb? Have them answered here!

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No. 1845751

I guess this is the new thread.
So how exactly do art commissions work? Do you pay with paypal, crypto, gift cards? Is it just up to the artist? Which method is the most common?

No. 1845754

What ads do you nonnies get on youtube? I mostly get amnesty, palestine and peta ones, I don't even watch anything related to these topics. Also this threadpic is my favorite thing ever, reminds me of those dogs playing cards.

No. 1845757

I mostly get skincare, health assistance, and music ads.

No. 1845765

The ones before the videos are usually pretty plain and repetitive, like bubble gum and print service. The ones that show up in between videos have gotten kinda weird and all over the place. Today I got one for a OF and "online models" convention(?) In Bucharest. I've also gotten ads for civil construction machinery, some kind of feeding supplement for chickens that make the yolks a brighter yellow and a crypto coin for children.

No. 1845767

samefag just to mention that I get haircare ads too.

No. 1845768

How are there people who still people who use youtube without having installed ublock and sponsorblock?

I get zero ads, sponsorblock is a bit more unreliable since its community based but i contribute and will add the promotion skip myself if i see it hasn't been added yet. Youtube would be unusable without adblockers

No. 1845772

only get ads when I watch YouTube on my shitty roku

No. 1845778

I usually (on my phone's youtube app) get those fetishy mobile game ads with the wolves and giantesses. I wish I got the Barbie doll ads my mom gets, maybe I'd turn off adblock.

No. 1845789

I'm completely in favor of people using ad blocks but for whatever reason I seem to have more patience with ads than other people, they usually go over my head unless it's some weird bullshit. But there's an increasing number of scammers announcing there so yeah, we all should have ad block on.

No. 1845796

Honestly the ads have stopped my youtube addiction kek, blessing in disguise.

No. 1845804

Even by blocking ads youtube is so gross now that i am really weening off it too.

Now i can't even hide the shorts recommendations , i hate shorts and youtube also deciding that i need a bunch of 3 views channels who are all either AI slop or trannies, so many vtuber trannies, i hate both things btw and no matter how much i click in "not interested" they keep coming.

The other day i got two a video of an AI robot voice explaining how to manifest becoming whiter skinned reapeating some demented prayer several times a day over images of ugly AI generated anime girls. And that wasn't the disturbing part, what fucked with me is seeing in the sidebar dozens of these videos with 3m, 6m, 10m views and full of comments of little girls replying with manifestations and shit to be less brown and more white.

So yeah, youtube is a cesspool, no matter how much you think you are curating it the degenaracy will show itself.

No. 1845808

It's up to the artist, they'll usually list preferred payment options. I've commissioned people with virtual items on browser games so it's anything goes, whatever they're interested in.
It's common to use money transfer services like any other product/service (think PayPal and various mobile apps) or a more art-centric platform like Patreon/Ko-Fi/DeviantArt/etc. It kind of depends on the niche of art you're looking for, like big professional fine artists might have different processes than hobby cartoonists within a specific community. You can just ask them and negotiate if needed.

No. 1845809

Do you guys think it's possible to decentralize the Internet again as social media sites increasingly become unusable? How would we go about doing it?

No. 1845816

Nope, and all the cope platforms that try get quickly filled with pedos.

Centralization happened thanks to the normies and they are only getting worse.

No. 1845823

It's like skipping through the tv channels now including the shitty local ones. I miss the old youtube kek, can't even rewatch old videos now because so many people deleted their old ones or entire channels.

No. 1845826

Is writing about all the bad shit that happened to me a long time ago bad for me? It feels cathartic and I find myself crying and getting mad but on another hand it’s nice to get it out. My therapist is shitty and keeps rescheduling

No. 1845833

Probably belongs in the advice thread
But anyway do you nonnies think mixing up my art tiktok with food recipes/vlog-ish content is a good idea or should I keep everything separate. I got the sudden urge to document stuff, it will be faceless obviously.

No. 1845855


No. 1845858

Use Brave browser. I haven't gotten ads in so long that I'd forgotten that Youtube has them.

No. 1845864

Depends on how serious your art account is. If it's just for fun it's whatever but if you take it semi seriously I would just make a separate account and link it below your other stuff for the people who might be interested. Good luck nonna!

No. 1845891

why do black pepper eat watermelon(racebaiting)

No. 1845898

Black peppers don't have mouths, dingus.

No. 1845906

oh my bad why do black people eat watermelon(racebaiting)

No. 1845911

….same reason why asian people commonly eat rice….people eat food, and rice and watermelon are nutritious.

No. 1845912

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Because water Melons are tasty, low in calories and 70% water. Why do white people eat cream cheese, pickle and ham roll ups?

No. 1845936

To make our cellulite more ripple like

No. 1845947

why do brack peopre eat watelmeron(racebaiting)

No. 1845958

I mean like how has the stereotype withstood the test of time though. Like for the last 200 years it’s been black people + watermelon = ♥(racebaiting)

No. 1845961

Kek stop

No. 1845962

Does anyone know why my pits start to sweat, my nose starts running, I start sneezing & getting cold all over when I talk about something I like and am excited about?

No. 1845964


No. 1845967

You’re getting horny

No. 1845981

Ugh shit maybe? My nose starts running and my eyes start tearing up when I'm aroused lol

No. 1845983

I didn’t even know what cream cheese roll up, pickle and ham was until I went to a white Christmas party last year. So obviously white people still eat like that lol I would call that worse than watermelon.

No. 1845993

Probably not if you don’t want to lose followers who were there for your art. I see anons here get annoyed when artists on Twitter (mostly Asian ones, not trying to racebait Japanese artists Twitter is 10% art 90% food pictures) post more food and animal pictures than art. I would make a separate account for food and vlogging.

No. 1846001

I’m not arguing that in the slightest I love all of those foods very much, but I still wanna know how the black people watermelon stereotype was borne because every single article on google has conflicting reasons and zero cited sources

No. 1846010

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I’m a bit of a history lover so I can educate you. Back near the time when slavery ended ex slaves were making money selling watermelon. So, the bitter media made watermelon out to be associated with something black/bad to make sales go down.

No. 1846012

Wow just like in holes

No. 1846015

A cream cheese, pickle, and ham roll up? God that sounds so fucking good.

No. 1846019

That sounds like sushi basically

No. 1846031

That’s sounds nasty and flavorless

No. 1846039

It really does. Now I'm trying to think of the best way to implement a piece of pork rind in there somewhere to amplify the texture. I need to try this sometime soon fuuuck going fatty mode rn.

No. 1846044

So wrong, there are literally three flavors happening…

No. 1846045

If your pickles are flavorless then they’re just cucumbers, if your ham is flavorless then it’s probably very old and will make you sick if you eat it, cream cheese is kind of sour. It’s ok if your masa hasn’t given you any of these foods and that’s why you’re not familiar(racebaiting)

No. 1846046

It’s your American white taste buds fighting with something for seasoning. Pickle roll ups are not good.

No. 1846050

I could die eating pickle roll ups and be happy

No. 1846052

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I bet you think ambrosia is good too

No. 1846055

>muh seasoning
I like seasoning but sometimes you don't need it… like you don't need seasoning for everything that enters your mouth. I'm not looking for something with SeAsOnInG if I'm craving a pickle, ham, and cream cheese roll up.

No. 1846059

God this is making me go make some pickle roll ups…

No. 1846062

>white people not knowing there are more seasoning beyond salt

Japanese people don’t use much salt but it’s still more flavorful than the pig sloop white Americans eat

No. 1846067

This was a schizo tranny level of reply.

No. 1846070

I’m from the North that’s a food of the South there could be nonnies in this thread who have eaten that before though

No. 1846073

NTA but ambrosia is the devil's food

No. 1846074

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White American food is all processed creamy sloop. That’s how this country got so wide backed. White Americans are so adverse to nature that if it’s not out of a can or jar they think it’s too gross or ethnic.

No. 1846076

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Hey have a pickle roll up and relax let’s all take a load off

No. 1846077

What is that called? like what did you google to find that I’ve actually never seen a loaf of bread like that before

No. 1846085

It’s called green bean casserole. It’s a common American white dish. Made out of canned onions, canned green beans and canned mushroom soup. No seasoning because all the processed canned shit is already full of sodium.

No. 1846086

You should really give the pickle roll up a try I just had three and they were so yummy scrumptious.

No. 1846091

Is it that common? I'm a white from Louisiana and I've literally never heard of most casseroles

No. 1846093

historically, slaves sold watermelon to make money and become financially free from their masters. It's a symbol of emancipation from slavery

No. 1846097

It’s sad how white Americans tarnished the rep of the most healthiest fruit and low calorie fruit. Their punishment is being big backed today.(racebaiting)

No. 1846098

>Made out of canned onions, canned green beans and canned mushroom soup. No seasoning
Where did you eat this in America? like what state did you visit I’m curious

No. 1846100

Louisiana food has their own cuisine and very gourmet. I wouldn't even consider someone from Louisiana to be jumbled in with the same midwestern canned slop.

No. 1846103

Louisiana has some of the best food in the world though, that’s Cajun-Creole cuisine. Jambalaya, frog legs, baked macaroni, fried chicken, alligator. Unrealistically good.

No. 1846108

This is way more fattychan than a pickle cream cheese ham roll up lets be real.
>baked macaroni
>fried chicken
Like some of the most landwhale foods out there.

No. 1846117

But they’re so yummy though. Way better than wet wet wet casserole

No. 1846125

Is it normal for kegels to cause (unwanted) physical arousal?

No. 1846127

you named like 2 unhealthy things but didn't mention a lot of cajun food is healthy and low cal. Gumbo, etouffee, shrimp and grits, seafood boils, even bananas foster which is a dessert is less than 200 calories, that's less than most boba tea ffs

No. 1846132

Maybe? You are manually stimulating/pulsing the vagina so maybe it's almost like learned behavior?

No. 1846140

Even besides foods of the South, aren’t Americans on the west coast like people from LA, SF, Portland, and Seattle known for having really specific/strict diets and being super ‘health conscious’ kek? Like that stereotype has also been around at least the last decade

No. 1846142

Okay, and a pickle ham amd cream cheese roll up is about as good and even better than what you listed. PH&CC is so good you just don'tcwant to admit it.

No. 1846146

Didn’t we all agree pickle ham and cheese is good but we were also sharing other good American foods? I could go for a tray of pickle roll ups rn

No. 1846149

>pickles with cream cheese and ham
>better than gumbo and jambalaya
Hahahahahahahahahaha naaaahhhh

No. 1846152

Ladies ladies we don’t have to choose between one or the other you can have pickle cheese ham rolls ups and gumbo and jambalaya and whatever else you want. You know why? Because we’re in America

No. 1846153

God me too. Amd watermelon tbh. Amd everything listed here >>1846103 also even this >>1846074.
You are so delusional it's so sad…

No. 1846224

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sooo…does it take a lot for a body to feel ok? I spent most my life fat thanks to my parents, lost a lot of weight as an adult, but don't feel at all different and I feel exhausted and stressed out so often. I only had a few days in my life I felt good.
my doctor hasn't really found much in basic blood panels so starting to think maybe it's just in my head or my body needs to be trained more.

No. 1846241

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Do you guys ever think it’s actually possible to “kill with kindness”, like make someone feel guilty or insecure by acting genuinely nice to them after they’ve been rude or mean to you in some way?

No. 1846246

No lol.

No. 1846248

In rare cases, mostly they'll just mark you as a sucker.

No. 1846261

Depends on the person. Some (most probably) people will just continue to take advantage and not care. There's a small selection of relatively normal people who will see the flaws in their behaviour though.

No. 1846268

Only if you’re gonna use it against them. If you seem very kind to them, and others witness this, they’re more likely to stand up for you if that person is being rude. If you’ve already gained a reputation as a kind person, then every attack that person gives to your, provoked or not, makes them look like a huge jerk. This doesn’t always work tho

No. 1846276

Why do incels get so mad over women having tattoos? It seems like a very specific thing to get angry about

No. 1846311

I don't think there's a complex reason, they just think it's ugly/manly/slutty. And since they feel women exist for their viewing pleasure, it pisses them off.

No. 1846312

how to stop fucking spitting when i sneeze. i do it into my elbow and it leaves a little wet stain EW

No. 1846314

Weirdly enough the more a moid gets mad at women for having a certain feature, 9/10 times it's typically women they simp for in private and have affairs with. Doesn't just apply for tattoos though, I knew so many moids who swore up and down they hated fat girls, blondes, small boobs, goths, black girls, etc and guess who they cheated on their gfs with

No. 1846324

This is just my uninformed hypothesis but maybe because your heart is beating fast and your body is heating up when you get excited, which leads to sweating and blood vessel dilation, both functions that try to lower body temperature. If the blood vessels in your nose are expanding maybe that can restrict air flow (causing nasal problems) and you might end up reducing the temperature too much and feeling cold as you calm down? Just my shot in the dark, I always get a runny nose when it's hot out so that's what I thought of.
How are you with regards to sleep and water consumption? Do you think you have good reason to be stressed out or is it more like you get easily stressed over minor things?
I know all sorts of people who dislike tattoos but unlike incels they don't sperg about it publicly and get mad, they express in a sane way that they're not into it. I think it's a pretty common opinion overall and it's just that certain people get autistic over it

No. 1846345

Just try to close your mouth as much as you can.

No. 1846352

why does this happen? my ex claimed to hate "party girls" yet almost always had his social media full of them and cheated on me with them

No. 1846360

I always get 8 hours of sleep though I wake up feeling like roadkill always. my water consumption is good.
also, idk, it's like my body is tense 24/7? week long headaches are normal for me. I do have many concrete reasons to feel bad about life that are mostly out of my control but I feel way too exhausted to even worry about them. the last time I laughed I was a kid. that's fine, but I just wish my head didn't feel so foggy and painful.

No. 1846366

sounds like cortisol or thyroid issues

No. 1846383

Incels like to RP as the selectors, so getting angry at dyed hair or tattoos gives them the feeling of being the rejector. They would secretly relish the embrace of any woman, even a chubby tatted one, but won't admit to it, their ego keeping them unpleasant and single even longer.

No. 1846384

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Did Cillian Murphy and Robert Downey Jr have an affair? Cillian has had affairs with his coworkers in the past

No. 1846386

Yes I was there, under the bed when it happened. Perks of working housekeeping.

No. 1846388

Did Cillian scream or cry?

No. 1846398

Is there a way I can completely block out AI generated content on Pixiv? I'm sick of looking for husbando pics and half the results are AI shit.

No. 1846463

How do you style your hair on a daily basis?

No. 1846495

I'm using the mobile app and there is a setting to hide AI-generated art if you haven't seen that yet

No. 1846514

problems is retards never tag their shit as AI.

No. 1846540

Found it, I don't use the app but it was still there, thank god they made this option available.
Most of them do from what I've seen, at least it takes a significant portion of the trash out.

No. 1846594

I think it's "weaning" am I wrong?

No. 1846607

In a rush this morning I grabbed some clothes out of the hamper and put them on before running to work. My top smells completely fine/is nearly odorless, but my pants stink for whatever reason!!! I’m already in the office… is there anything I can do?? pls help nonas… I have an office function later tonight too!!

No. 1846610

People making fun of watermelon will never make sense to me. One of the most delicious foods, how can everyone not love it? It and mango always hit it out of the park.

No. 1846614

that smell is from letting them sit in stagnant water during laundry before drying them and it is the worst. not sure of a remedy besides running to a kmart and buying another pair (have been there). I don't think febreze etc. will cut it. how far away is the function? try and change if you can nonnita sorry that doesn't help.
if your laundry sits for too long it has a signature dank which wont leave until you give it another wash sadly

No. 1846615

Start looking in the cleaning supply closet and under the bathroom sinks for febreeze or perfumes to spray on them. Otherwise, run to the store or home during your lunch break.

No. 1846625

Stop with this green bean casserole slander

No. 1846629

depending on how well you know them you can honestly tell them like "I let my laundry sit too long" but if they aren't workmates and it's some corporate shit definitely change pants.
febreze can only do so much, same with perfume.

No. 1846650

oh absolutely I do it a lot

No. 1846651

they don't like it when a woman is their own person. notice how so many want their own name tattooed on a woman later.

No. 1846656

Right? I found out my aunt doesn't like watermelon for whatever reason. I personally dislike the artificial watermelon flavor in candy, but she doesn't like the real thing!! But she don't like tomatoes either so I've accepted that I'll never understand

No. 1846712

Why the hell is Japan so pedophilic? Genuinely what happened to make them like this

No. 1846720

All moids are pedophilic, Japan is just open about it because their religions weren't as constricting as western ones.

No. 1846723

not denying that japan is pedophilic but i feel like people hyperfocus on japan because animeshit, but then forget france and the usa exist which are equally pedophilic, if not worse. The FBI hosts CP and both the USA and France dont even try to hide their pedophilia behind the niche market of weird otakus, they outright send their pedo movies to be displayed in theaters and festivals and try to normalize it.

No. 1846735

Why do boomers hate self-checkout so much? Every time a Walmart theft gets posted online, there’s always people complaining about how it’s their fault for putting in so many self-checkouts. Personally I prefer not having to talk to a cashier and it’s so much faster when I check out and bag my own stuff.

No. 1846740

Mango is delicious but watermelon? Tastes like almost nothing, just watery substance. I live in a cold climate though so I imagine I'm not buying optimal tasting watermelons from the local market.

No. 1846742

what the fuck does "gunt" mean, is it some kind of slur? please don't ban me for asking I'm just curious why some baiter was using it so excessively

No. 1846750

Does anyone know of any games like degrees of lewdity? As in with the same gameplay? I don't really care about the contents of the games tbh, I just want to see how they work.

No. 1846752

Uhhh I only know corruption of champions kek

No. 1846753

Lilith's Throne is similar with the text-based style.

No. 1846757

You aren’t wrong, but yes you might not have tried good watermelon kek. I’ll spend a good 15 minutes at the watermelons just standing there and inspecting them and slapping them because mediocre watermelon really is just watery and disappointing. Good watermelon is crunchy and juicy and very sweet! Like a really good fresh apple!

No. 1846778

I do this too. Fruit is too expensive to waste on a weak tasting watermelon. I manhandle and slap those bad boys around like I'm the judge at a county fair.

No. 1846786

>I live in a cold climate
I think the appeal of watermelon is eating it on a hot summer day, it's incredibly refreshing. The taste isn't even the main thing that I like about it, it's mostly the crunchy texture coupled with a ton of water. I have absolutely 0 desire to eat watermelon when it's below 27c so I understand you.

No. 1846815

My grandparents hate them because they take jobs from people who work in those supermarkets and in their experience (and mine) a lot of older people work at those supermarkets because it's easy and accessible. (in my country they can sit down and don't bag your stuff for you)

No. 1846826

So how can you tell the difference between a good and a mediocre one?

I meant cold as in not the tropical climate where they are native, imported/greenhouse fruits aren't as good, we get hot summer days (for our standards) too lol

I used to feel that way too but idk if that argument still holds up with the current labour shortages.

No. 1846834

Bad watermelon tastes like that but good watermelon is amazing. I need to steal someone's dad or something so they can pick out good watermelon for me, I'm tired of flopping. Even when you hit the damn thing sometimes it's just trolling you and is still mostly flavorless.

No. 1846906

I look for ones with a big and bright yellow sun spot (means it hasnt been moved around when growing I think) and “spider webbing” first. Then I will pick it up and see if it is heavy for its size (lots of juice in them), and then I will start slapping them (should sound hollow). Usually I can tell if they’re mediocre without picking them up solely if the sunspot is too small/not that bright yellow). It’s not a 100% fool proof method (my parents have brought home delicious ones with a small and not bright yellow sunspot, and I have picked bad watermelons before), but most of the time I manage to pick a good one when I look for all those signs.

No. 1846907

Also! Buying those precut ones tends to be a lot easier- the redder the flesh the better it usually is.

No. 1847024

Should i post on instagram?

No. 1847066

Post what?

No. 1847076

Ok so like I never post ever, but I was thinking a selfie or is that weird

No. 1847077

Are there any hairdresser nonnies here? I'm thinking of taking courses so I can work as one, is studying for these things complicated?

No. 1847090

The stupidest person I've ever known passed hair dressing school, so they must be pretty easy. Most women who become successful at it are also good business women though.

No. 1847097

Oh cool kek. I actually graduated highschool studying business so maybe it's the right thing for me.

No. 1847110

Don't put pics of yourself on the internet anon.

No. 1847117

Pedestrian - Works in a hairsalon/beauty salon
Winner - Owns a beauty salon
Hair and beauty is known in my country for being the subject of 'C grade at the highest' students, make it work for you and you can do well.

That's on the regular person side, going into movie, fashion, or theatre styling is also an option.

No. 1847129

when i open instagram all i see are memes, news and influencers/celebrities flexing their wealth. i think its pretty much dead for personal posting, stories are ok though

No. 1847172

I just remembered something that happened yesterday when I was waiting at the airport to get back home, sleep deprived mind you. I was washing my hands in the restroom and this mother and daughter, I wanna assume from Latin America, because there were a lot of people with a connecting flight to Brasil (where I was going to take my connecting flight back home), were doing their makeup before taking at the very least two flights, and probably long ones. The daughter was doing the full contouring shebang too.
Why would anyone do a full makeup like this to be on a long flight commute? I rarely ever use make up because I don't have the discipline not to scratch my face, rub my eyelids or even clean my nose with a tissue, so maybe that's why I don't understand.
But seriously, why?

No. 1847209

If you're insecure about what you look like that won't disappear 1000 feet in the air, it's dumb but that's just makeup. Heck could've been one of those fancy people who look amazing in first class.

No. 1847215

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Be completely honest with me nonnies is this fabric too childish to make a garment for myself with i want to make pajama pants with this but I keep second guessing it because it reminds me too much of something i'd have as a little kid and I worry it will make me feel silly but I love the colors and little details

No. 1847246

They're pajamas, who gives a damn if the print is childish? Frigging love the tea party picnic motif, that fabric is super cute. Good luck sewing nonny and I hope your jammies are extra comfy!

No. 1847259

Nona i think that if you make a pajama with that fabric it will be cursed and it will turn you into a child, be safe

No. 1847286

Is there a way to not get saved after getting a stroke? I would rather die than end up disabled

No. 1847317

Am I the only person who thinks it's weird that so many women have pierced ears? Like some stats say up to 90% of American women. That's so much! And people get their very young daughters' ears pierced which is crazy to me for multiple reasons. But I never really hear anyone talk about it being weird that it's so common, everyone just accepts it I guess.
I had pierced ears as a child but I stopped wearing earrings as a teenager because there's no point to it, so the holes filled up.

No. 1847356

>but i feel like people hyperfocus on japan because animeshit,
Their pedo shit isn't just in anime or otaku stuff though, real actual CP was legal there for a very long time until 2014 and even once the law changed the punishment is still pretty light.

No. 1847362

Is it a bad idea to work out if I had a migraine earlier today?

No. 1847367

Another stroke related question. Do you know anyone who has had a stroke? What was their physical condition?

No. 1847369

Fellow burgerfag, and I agree it's odd it's done so young when kids can't even decide for themselves. I have never gotten my ears pierced and I feel like I'm the only one.

No. 1847380

if you have a stroke you need to get treatment immediately instead of thinking you can just hang out and 'not get saved'. either a clot or a bleed is preventing part of your brain from functioning and the sooner they get at it the better off you'll be. if you sit around hoping to die, you're only guaranteeing worse and more permanent damage.

No. 1847393

I've known a few people who have had strokes and while they have some impairments they are more or less able to go back to their normal lives after. If you get treatment ASAP you won't end up a vegetable.

No. 1847473

Is there any explanation on why most of my headaches get better if i randomly brush my hair or am i just touch starved and insane?

No. 1847479

Stimulating blood flow to around your skull.

No. 1847503

Are there any kiwinons here? Why are men from New Zealand like that? That's so scary and im so sorry you have to deal with that

No. 1847511

What happened

No. 1847512

It entirely depends on the severity. Some people come out fine with just a couple months recovery, others wind up one step up from vegetables. It's like asking "do you know anyone who got a cut? what was their condition?"

No. 1847520

Nothing I'm just asking kiwi anons why men from New Zealand are like that. They will know what I mean.

No. 1847558

Does anybody know of a good mood tracking/journaling/planner app? I never have luck with tracking myself but want to try again, maybe one that's cute/customizable of has some sort of incentive to keep on doing.

No. 1847570

I'm not sure if you mean a mobile app, but i really love Notion, it took me some time to get used to it but i really enjoy it. I think they have a mobile app but it's suited for PC so i don't use that version.
You have to customize it yourself a bit but the end is not as cute and smooth as something you would see in a videogame kek.

No. 1847590

Yeah, I meant a mobile app, thanks for the suggestion, I'll try it out!

No. 1847609

How extensive of a background check do important jobs do when you apply? I've posted a lot of weird shit under completely different names and emails over various social media and I'd be done for if anyone could dig that shit up. If I didn't use my real name and personal emails I should be good, right?

No. 1847642

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Am I a bad person for sometimes ranting about stupid shit my boyfriend does to my friends

No. 1847679

if they are company big enough to pay a data broker like Cambridge Analytica then you are screwed. Companies like that carry the information of hundreds of millions of people and they make extensive lists based on browsing history that algorithms collected automatically from all of your internet usage across all of the internet.

Luckily is not most companies, in your average wagie job they'll look you up on google and social media.

You better have some sanitized social media profiles under your real name because not having any online presence raises suspicions, you can outright be discarded for not having social media, or having one without enough normie engagement that shows you are social and into the NormalThing and have the RightOpinion

They actually told me to my face at my last job they weren't gonna hire me because it didn't have a facebook. They did because they were short staffed and i was the backup option but they kept pressuring me into making profiles and adding them. (i never did, fuck that shithole)

No. 1847692

if you think you’re boyfriend is stupid why are you with him

No. 1847694

Depends who you're feeling bad for in this situation. If it's your bf for ranting about him, don't worry about it. But if you feel bad for your friends for making them listen to you rant, then yeah maybe ensure it's in moderation.

No. 1847702

nta but that's insane, I don't have any social media and I don't want to. Still studying so I haven't delved deep into application hell yet but this kind of stuff makes me feel like my actual skills won't even matter.
I also have an extremely generic name (on the tier of something like Jane Baker) so I've wondered how companies would deal with that since there are probably hundreds of people globally that share my name. If I look up my full name there are a ton of results of more prominent women from all sorts of fields, I'm seeing an electrical engineering professor, an anthropologist, a civic designer, a literature expert, and much much more. So even if I used my real name online extensively, I wouldn't come up easily.

No. 1847718

What i realize more and more is the west already has a social credit score system, its just not as transparent about it as China is.

If you see how people are behaving on Linkedn it even more obvious and everyone there knows it too and is playing under those rules.

No. 1847893

Eurofag here and it's the same at least in western and central European countries.
My ears got infected after they got pierced as a kid, so they closed up. I don't remember how the pain was like, but it was traumatizing enough that I am absolutely adamant on my ears never getting pierced again.

No. 1847897

Can I use cake mix to make brownies by using a different amount of ingredients?

No. 1847987

My bf and I started arguing in the bathroom and at one point he told me to wipe his ass… was this supposed to be an insult? I told him that crossed the line and he said he would do that for me too. But I think he only said that to soften the blow when he realized I was seriously upset

No. 1847993

yeah, just use a small amount of melted butter (like 7 teaspoons?) and 2 eggs.

No. 1848055

He probably doesn't wipe his own ass and leaves skid marks without you knowing. Omg girl run

No. 1848094

Was transwoman or trans woman the spelling that bothered troons?

No. 1848101

Transwoman. Something something implying they're not real women (because they're not).

No. 1848104

Has anyone gotten braces a little bit later in life around here? I got braces and my ortho did extractions and I lost my facial fat overnight. I look gaunt and tired now. I wish I could have my facial fat back. It’s a bad look on me.

No. 1848109

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unsurprisingly people trying to base their lives around an absurd lie become extremely paranoid and neurotic.

No. 1848121

Does that not mean your facial fat was actually just teeth?

No. 1848123

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Urgent and stupid, but I am going to a video game convention in about a week and I want to put something together fast and simple to wear for one of the days. I have lots of time while I am job hunting. Any kind anons have any suggestions for regular clothed cosplays?
I bought this ticket months before I left my last job, so I dont want it go to waste

No. 1848143

Ness from earthbound, fangamer still sells the shirt

No. 1848163

Nonnie I lost so much volume in the right side of my face because of wisdom teeth extraction. I do believe it's a thing, your teeth may have been the reason for the structure of your face in the beginning. Personally I think in my case it has something to do when the swelling goes down. But I really don't know. Just know you're not alone.

No. 1848176

I don’t know to be honest. I was worried about that and I told my ortho and he said he’ll extract the too 2 premolars because it’s too crowded and that my face won’t lose facial fat, my jaw will just retract. And my face changed overnight. I’ve read and some people say it’s because the jaw gets smaller when your teeth is retracted and others say it’s just the masseter is weak and needs to be strengthened but the difference is dramatic and just looks bad on me. I don’t know if it’ll go back. I look like that dead bride from the Tim Burton movie.

Oh nonna where did all of our buccal fat go…..

No. 1848190

My ortho specified he wouldn’t remove any of my teeth despite the overcrowding because I had good facial distribution and doing so would have pulled my face uneven as it would have had my lower lip for example coming in too far. It’s probably not facial fat nonni. It’s probably the teeth providing structural support for the stuff on top. If you recently got them off too you might just be more sensitive. Braces make your lips stick out subtly etc so getting them off can make you think you look deflated.

No. 1848202

I still have the braces on, it’s that the fat underneath my cheek just disappeared, even before the gaps caused by the retractions even closed. It just makes me look more tired, like I’ve been doing coke all night. But what did you opt for in the end nonnie? Palate expander?

No. 1848203

ntayrt but somehow this never happened my face despite getting two wisdom teeth removed, even though it's common with everyone else. idk how

No. 1848212

Nonnas let’s all join in a circle to pray for the return of one nonnie’s facial fat

No. 1848219

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Ok. This is probably the stupidest question out here.
Does mewing actually work?
I have a recessed jaw (breathing difficulties in childhood, mouth-breather for years basically) and I've seen that the recessed jaw happens if you've been a mouthbreather as a kid sometimes.
When i put my tongue at the inside of my upper teeth, the jaw seems to stay "in the right place" on my face.
It's not a big defect, but it's been bothering me because my teeth look weird with my jaw.
So like. Can you actually mew that shit away?

Soz for (probably) falling for an incel meme, but it has been my biggest insecurity for a while and I were able to fix some of my spine irregularities with stretching, so is mewing really any different?

No. 1848232

If most if not all norms of societal conduct are made up by a society, and most kids have to be taught these things anyway, how come autistic kids can't just learn this like everyone else to follow simple guidelines? Are they retarded?

No. 1848233

If you think your boyfriend is smarter than you, you need some self respect.

No. 1848236

Depends on how old you are, but as far as I know, unless you're 9 years old, it doesn't work. You shouldn't worry about that unless you have any actual problems like fractured molars or pain in the articulation of the mandible.

No. 1848240

They can, that's why women are so much better at hiding their autism, because their lives actually have consequences of they don't obey.
But yeah, most autistic people lack the ability to read another human, so even if they're told to do certain action when another person is happy/sad, they can have great trouble telling when that is. A few rare times I've seen autists pick human body language and communication as their hyperfixation, and they always become masters of manipulation and subterfuge.

No. 1848452

Why are guys who are always the opposite of my type the ones who always get attracted to me? I don't understand, I don't like these uggos

No. 1848569

Tard tier question but what is a way to make long straight hair 'messy'? I'm a sucker for the crust punk look but I do want to keep my job lol.

No. 1848583

Shag cut with lots of short layers

No. 1848602

Nona I have some bad news for you…

No. 1848616

I'm not particularly ugly. I'm down on my looks but I'm seriously not the ugliest person.

I do occasionally attract men who are my type but for some reason seem to be a magnet for southern yee yee men and black nerds which are the demographic of men I find least attractive and most annoying in personality.

Even if they're part of that demographic and attractive, I tend to hate the way they act. I don't know why I attract them. When I do attract a man who is my type he's got something horribly wrong with him.

I must radiate a horrible aura or something.

No. 1848622

>attracts southern yee yee men
Are you blonde or blonde adjacent?

No. 1848624

This is retarded
Nona I’m sure there’s nothing horribly wrong with you, but then again we’re here, so there’s probably something wrong with us. Regardless, I hope a beautiful man finds you and loves you for you. What’s your type?

No. 1848630

No, I'm a brunette with red and blonde undertones who sometimes dyes my hair auburn or black. I've never even dyed it blonde. I have brown eyes. I'm from the south but I don't dress or sound very southern and despise yee yee culture, so it makes 0 sense to me

I understand the nerd thing, and I tend to attract nerds cuz I am a nerd. But what's with the country weirdos

No. 1848641

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Mostly dark haired guys with puppy eyes who are slightly nerdy but not stiflingly, preferably tall and lanky with hazel or darker eyes. I dated a beautiful guy with green eyes though. Eye color is kind of secondary to me, I just prefer dark hair, nice hair, tall, lanky, and what I consider cute in the face. Maybe resembles picrel but doesn't have to be attractive nor the same race. It's not that hard to find you would think.

I think I ward men off by being too much of an autist or something. Its like someone has to be as fucked up as me to like me

No. 1848657

I'm this >>1848622 nonna and I asked because I've never been able to attract yee yee southern guys even when I wanted to (I was young and ignorant don't judge me). The things I found in common with those guy's girlfriends where they were either blonde or light-haired brunettes. I have attracted the dark haired, tall and lanky guys though and the only difference between you and me is that I have really dark brown hair and look vaguely hispanic. It could be a regional difference though. I'm from Louisiana.

No. 1848663

I at times have been mistaken for Hispanic despite not being but I just can't seem to pull anyone who I actually find attractive anymore. When I had more confidence a few years ago I was more prone to attract men who were my type, but there were plenty who I found to be annoying uggos chasing me

I bring this up I guess cuz I've had recent run ins with a guy who I find uggo at a local business who hits on me. A lot.

I tried avoiding him, dropped hints I had no interest and he ignored me over and over. Did not have the audacity to just tell him to shut the fuck up. So not only do I not go there, even though I used to enjoy the services, it just made me ponder what's wrong with me and why can't life go right

No. 1848673

It's probably the confidence thing then. Maybe pick up a self-help book? It's really a ymmv thing. My confidence peaked when I went on anti-depressants but even before that I was pretty confident (or at least good at faking it). I wish you best on your journey for a boyfriend that is your type

No. 1848769

Do you also feel like you won't ever really fit in with your peers, even in online spaces where everyone shares your interests and tastes more or less? I always feel so weird and out of place and it's like other people can sense it too

No. 1848779

I MELT for men with dark eyes and thick bottom lashes like Hasan pikers I wish more men looked like that.

No. 1848782

you can rest assured they only did it for america, I didn't know watermelon was even hated or associated with black people tbh. I don't know anyone who doesn't like watermelon

No. 1848795

I am hoping to get braces this year at 25 but my face is already a little asymmetrical so hopefully it helps me and doesn't make it worse.

No. 1848812

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I've got one on my reading list (The Mountain is You). I recently went back on mood stabilizers again but theyre still kicking in

Thank you for the encouragement nona!

I just wish more men looked like actors did in the 80s-90s. I'm not big on what's being shilled as attractive nowadays within my own age range kek

No. 1848886

What if I had a few manic episodes when I was younger and posted here under my real IP? Can the companies I apply to trace that?

No. 1848891

Ntayrt but I have a similar inquiry… do companies in Hollywood or in the music industry use this broker? I want to work in the industry.

haven't posted under my real name in years on social media and my home router rolls around to different IPs. I've also used tons and tons of different emails. I'm more afraid that because I did post my face a few places in the past that they're going to use AI software and find my attention whoring years on nerd forums and the fact that abusive men spread revenge porn of me. Please tell me these companies do not look you up by face.

No. 1848893

How do people with really long nails peel boiled eggs?

No. 1848894

Is that young RDJ?

No. 1848895

try shaking them up in a glass of water

No. 1848899

Also, why do you have to have Facebook? I don’t have any.

No. 1848908

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Yes. He was attractive to me up until a few years ago, especially for a short guy. 80s-90s RDJ was most adorable though

No. 1848922

What a cutie. Thanks for sharing

No. 1848928

If you haven't seen them go watch Less Than Zero and Only You. A lot of people forget he had an acting career before his prison drug hiatus and when he was in capeshit

No. 1848930

I'm flabbergasted

No. 1849067

What's the best place/way to make friends online without needing to spill your life on social media or something? I made a tumblr account but I only have 1 real follower and idk how I'm supposed to meet other people, I'm not really into any fandoms or anything either. I mean, I've seen various media and I have interests, but I'm not spergy about it like that. Plus so many people online are gendies or support that stuff nowadays.
I don't want to get popular or anything I just want to have a few people to chat and play games with.

No. 1849073

Tumblr is good but you gotta make an effort to message people, try the lolcow friend finder thread on /g/, unfortunately don't know many other options

No. 1849074

With the right luck any online space is the right space to make friends, just keep searching and be careful

No. 1849075

What kind of games do you play?

No. 1849115

Is it usually acceptable to message people out of the blue? Not familiar with site etiquette
I hope so, I don't use a lot of spaces nowadays so I feel sort of out of the loop
A bit of all kinds, a lot of Nintendo stuff (new and retro) like Mario, Zelda, Pikmin. It's hard for me to describe since it's really a mixed bag and not centered around a specific series or genre, I guess I can say that I don't play many "chill" games, narrative-focused games, or really trendy flashy stuff like Genshin and Valorant and that type of thing. Some of the ones I've played recently (Hitman, Civilization V/VI, Halo) have mostly male fans, too bad. I used to play party/group games like Mario Party or Town of Salem with my friends but most of them have drifted on with life in some way these days.

No. 1849159

NTA but if you are going to become famous then expect someone will find those pictures if they’re still up on the web anywhere, reverse image search them and you may be surprised to see where they end up, including the revenge porn could be found and shared too. Clearview AI is an advanced face searcher but it’s only available to law enforcement (as far as we know) but that doesn’t mean that someone in LE with access can’t abuse it and that the giants in the entertainment industry don’t have something like it too. Completely free to the public face searchers that crawl the web for pictures exist too like Pimeyes, you can tell them to not index any of your pictures but you will have to show them an ID of some sorts.

No. 1849290

Yeah, i tested and was heartbroken to find out pimeyes did host some of the revenge porn that was spread of me. I tried to report and email them to remove it, I'm not sure if it was

I originally shared those nudes confidentially not knowing sicko men would spread them. they don't show much more than my breasts but I can't wipe them from the internet and that's my crying shame

No. 1849347

Is the brain being fully developed at 25 thing real? How many nonnas woke up a week after turning 25 and decided to change their lives? I'd never heard of it till I started to see everyone talk about it a few months ago. I'm 24 so I'm trying to see if I should wait a year or two to see what I want to do with my life before committing to anything big

No. 1849349

It's technically real but that's 1) approximate age 2) growth is constant, and that's the age at which the process is complete so it will not feel like any major difference, just as when you finished physically growing taller it wasn't some grand revelation of waking up and feeling elongated suddenly.

No. 1849350

I noticed I mellowed out mental health-wise around 25-26 even though I didn't get therapy or anything like that. I also got a better idea of what I wanted to do with my life around that time. It could be coincidence though.

No. 1849356

What is the material of those shirts called, they are usually henleys and I believe more commonly men's shirts and long sleeved? It's kind of a rough but soft fabric. I would like to get some of those shirts but I am not sure what they're called.

No. 1849357

Yes, the prefrontal cortex tends to go through the most growth from the late teens (a brain growth spurt happens at ~17) to the mid or late 20s I believe. But it’s not like you wake up one day and it just switches, though it seems to be common to feel more “mature” around the time it’s meant to complete. I think society underestimates how much substance abuse during this time affects adults’ abilities to make good decisions and exert self control (one thing the prefrontal cortex manages) as it affects the brain more than you might think. Knowing this, I can’t fault America for having a drinking age of 21 like some seem to have a problem with. I live in Britain and it’s obvious a lot of these people have some sort of stunted brain growth kek, the drinking culture here is crazy.

No. 1849371

What's the chance of amazon clothing being shit? I found a hoodie that I want but it says 40% polyester so I don't trust it, the seller doesn't have any reviews either.

No. 1849381

I've bought clothes from amazon before that are decent but I feel like this will end up being crap from a fake Chinese company that will fall apart after a wash

No. 1849395

Thank nonna, probably yeah. It's band merch so I'll just have to do some diy and paint the print on a plain hoodie, I'm out cheaper that way anyway.

No. 1849403

The prefrontal cortex thing is closer to 30. I was pretty close to 30 when something clicked and I felt like my mind was finally working with a full deck. Ngl I def had a false confidence much earlier where I thought I knew who I was and what I wanted and like I could commit to anything. Now I'm just glad I didn't commit to anything too irreversible back then.

No. 1849411

I feel like every person over 30 says they feel like they stopped mentally aging at that time (mid to late 20s, "I still feel like I'm 25 even though I'm 50") which makes perfect sense when that's when the brain finally finished developing. You're not gonna grow into any other age the way you have your whole life up until then.

No. 1849428

Well fuck me, guess I'm stuck like this huh

No. 1849448

a waffle shirt?

No. 1849455

I agree with >>1849403 I feel like the shift in perspective happened later. Maybe you need a few years of living with your full brain to change how you think about a few things, dunno.

No. 1849923

I also felt more confident in my decisions and life choices closer to 30. Once I hit 33, I was better at everything. Honestly, looking back at myself at 20-28, I was kinda retarded. This is why it's scary to push women to do things younger and younger because impulse decisions and peer pressure are all too common in your teens and 20s.

No. 1849964

What’s worse, straight moids or gay troon moids?

No. 1849967

Does anyone who has a big butt have underwear ride up their abyss of an ass crack? If so, what type of underwear actually prevents this? Nothing seems to work for me

No. 1850002

have you tried boybriefs or boyshorts yet? only type of underwear that's comfy for me

No. 1850078

Whyyyy are there so many scams based on loans? Who are these even for? I get so many spam calls about “you haven’t made payments and are now in collections” or “you owe us X amount of money, please call”. They aren’t even specifically about student loans. It’ll be some bullshit made up company like “South star loan company”. It’s so obvious these are scams because I don’t take out any loans from sketchy places. I don’t really take out loans at all.

No. 1850089

Honestly just buy men's boxer briefs. If you wear tight jeans / etc they might bunch up weirdly but if you don't they're the comfiest things ever and don't get eaten by ass cheek.

No. 1850091

Boy shorts work better for me, yes, either that or thongs, I should buy a few more pairs.

The problem is that I really enjoy the style and feel of bikinis and hipster undies until they yank up my butt

No. 1850118

NTA but I have boyshort undies and they are way worse about wedgies than normal ones. Am I just buying the wrong ones or something? They are tight after washing when I put them on but quickly get stretched in the day and bunch.

No. 1850138

DA and I'm the same, first time I bought them they were comfortable when I first put them on, but less than a week later and my thighs ended up stretching them out to the point I'd get wedgies anytime I wore them. At the time I thought it was because I gained a bit of weight, but I tried again at some point and the same thing happened.

No. 1850139

Maybe try buying a size up? I have to buy a size up or two in pants to accommodate my thighs and butt, so I do the same for undies. They may still end up receding but they don't stretch as much

I have a size 6 ass and upper thighs with size 4 lower thighs, size 2 calves and size 0 boobs, my body is a disproportionate wasteland

No. 1850141

Should I be flattered if he comes in less 3-5 minutes? Or does duration have nothing to do with me?

No. 1850144

Men will fuck a piece of bread if you cut a hole in it, so it's got nothing to do with you.

No. 1850151

All I would think is that he isn't a complete coomer with deathgrip if he can get off in a reasonable amount of time

No. 1850156

I wouldn't write up bad sex as being flattering, that's a hell of a stretch to try and find the silver lining.

No. 1850190

The type of person who takes out a lot of loans and is likely to miss payments overlaps with the type of person who is likely to have poor financial literacy and naively follow someone posing as a financial expert. A lot of scams actually intentionally make the scam a little sketchy so they can filter out people who might realize it's a scam and stop listening (and thus waste their time), so they can focus their efforts on people who are most easily tricked. In a similar vein a lot of scammers don't even bother going after younger people and exclusively prey on seniors.

No. 1850200

> can get off in a reasonable amount of time
Less than 3-5 minutes sucks. Premature ejaculation isn’t exactly a “reasonable amount of time”, that’s way too early. You’re barely getting into it. Unless you’re someone that hates sex and wants it over right away.

No. 1850208

I once asked this same exact question in some stupid girls group (on anon ofc) and just got snide comments like "ummmm size up?". Thank you for asking and nonas for giving real answers because it's a real issue and a real pain in the ass kek

No. 1850232

Why shouldn't I go a little into debt even though I'm not and barely passing by? Sounds nice

No. 1850233

By little I mean I barely make 1.8k a month and want to up my credit card to 2k

No. 1850238

>a pain in the ass
sometimes sizing up works sometimes it doesn't, but it's mostly just the style, brands assume it's a one size fits all and some of us don't have certain shaped asses

it's like bras, they're a real pain when bra manufacturers assume we all have the same amount of space between our boobs

No. 1850308

What's the difference between a crack pipe and a bong?

No. 1850316

If you're smart about the interest rate and know how to not let it get on top of you go ahead. If you do not understand interest rates stay far far away from credit card debt.

No. 1850332

A bong uses chambered water to filter and cool smoke that was packed into a bowl piece. It's usually used for smoking weed / tobacco / plants. A crackpipe is well. For smoking crack. It's made out of thin glass so that it's easier to heat up the crack crystals inside, because said crystals need a lot of heat to actually be smokeable.

No. 1850343

Is there any difference visually?

No. 1850348

My husband got blood on his arm tonight, the person who's blood it was is homosexual and a junkie.
There's no wounds where it got on him but I know hep c can go through normal skin.

Is it too much to get a hep c and hiv test, possibly get on PeP?

No. 1850351

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For anons who don’t own iPhones, what phone to you use or recommend? I recently got a Samsung S21 5g but I’m a little annoyed that you aren’t able to get certain apps on it. You can get YouTube red on it for free though

No. 1850352

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Usually yes. Most crackpipes have a very recognizable shape (picrel) but they're made to be small and discreet. Bongs can take any sort of shape though. They're usually much, much larger because there has to be a decent amount of water for the bong to work. Bongs have three parts. The mouthpiece where you inhale, the chamber that holds the water, and a stem to hold whatever you're smoking.

No. 1850356

I see, thank you for explaining that to me anon. I believe I now know the difference between the two.

No. 1850380

I accidentally left cucumbers in my fridge for a few weeks in one of the drawers, and when I opened it, there was thin yellow slime leaking from the cucumbers and even soaked through the bag. What the fuck is that shit? I've never seen that happen to old produce before. I cleaned it up and disinfected everything but it looked so putrid.

No. 1850387

HIV can't penetrate through unbroken skin but if you have access to tests, why not

No. 1850390

Unless Shaymin had a psychotic break and sold our data to a company you're good here. Nobody but the owner has the logs and your IP changes every time your modem reboots and isn't a perfect way to determine identity nor location anyway.
Not unreasonable to get tested at all. Highly recommended I would say
I had and loved my Huawei P10 and p30. I don't know about their newer phones as I now have a Redmi phone (also love, but I'm new to it still. Sensible features removed to make the price better), but I presume it's still pretty good. If you're worried about the lack of google features it's easy to reinstall them. My current Redmi 10 pro has no issues, works great, camera is fantastic, and it has a headphone jack which was a requirement for me. No wireless charging but it wasn't something I needed personally

No. 1850402

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Calling all anons can somebody please recommend me series featuring ensemble casts with unclear main characters or no main characters? Looking for manga, anime and live action movies.
There's so little writing advice to this type of cast, I'm suddenly fascinated.

No. 1850407

Why do I owe DES money? I should’ve never signed up for food stamps and they always mail me shit on friday so I have to wait til Monday to sort this dumb ass nonsense out

No. 1850414

I'm more worried about hep c but would get the hiv test also. Idk if it's worth getting the pep thing fags get

No. 1850440

No. 1850613

Why do moids who dumped you still keep tabs? Especially if they're not dating anyone?

No. 1850623

keeping tabs isn’t a normal thing to do for anyone. if he’s stalking you you should consider reporting him

No. 1850630

He’s not over you. He’s waiting for you to come crawling back don’t give him the satisfaction. Idk him but I bet he’s a dumb asshole like most men

No. 1850638

He's not stalking me he's just checks my social media and has his friend check our old group chat.
It pisses me off because I tried to crawl back 5 months after our breakup and he rejected me then too. It's been almost a year and a half at this point and even though I'm not over him either I'm not going to keep humiliating myself.

No. 1850653

Has anyone ever been rejected by a love interest to their face? Not meaning getting dumped I mean not getting the date.

No. 1850678

Every single guy I’ve showed interest in rejected me. Never been liked back ever kek

No. 1850681

Care to share any stories?

No. 1850685

Yeah in high school, but I didn't take it personally. He was just busy being obsessed with the same girl everyone else was, and males have tunnel vision. He stayed home during prom and I went with 4 girl friends.

No. 1850764

File: 1705119405625.jpg (79.92 KB, 736x920, 20240112_195240.jpg)

What picture would you put in your chest if you were locket surprise barbie?

No. 1850766

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No. 1850776

What is a "molested voice"?

No. 1850779

how to stop being sad? need suggestions for at home rn

No. 1850785

Women who were molested at a young age can have a vocal affectation where they continue to talk in a fake childish voice.

No. 1850786

Learn a skill. Anything that is useful to you. Boring, mundane, whatever.

No. 1850814

Getting rid of the headphone jack was the worst thing that ever happened to phones next to not putting in the holes for phone charms. Demons all of them

No. 1851004

How to recognise NPD traits

No. 1851010

I agree so much. I will never learn the wireless cult. I still have my samsung with a headphone jack.

No. 1851050

all cheap bluetooth airbuds suck so hard and any decent one is insanely overpriced.

For 20$ i can buy a house of marley wired earphone that are a million times better than a 40$ pair of bluetooth ones that suck balls, will have weird wiring sounds, fucked up bass and will break and at least one will stop playing in little time.

No. 1851120

Does anyone here regularly use lyft or Uber, how safe do you feel and is there any way to get female drivers only?

No. 1851199

When I've used Uber alone I've felt fine but I was in a very safe country (one of THE safest) when I used to use it, I wouldn't be sure if it would be the same where I am now.
Drivers who are women (or nbies but let's be real, women) can request a preference of female passengers but only in very select places can a woman request female drivers.
Hopefully that'll change but the nbies part leaves a lot of room for abuse and that's most males middle name.

No. 1851201

I remember this one guy just pretended not to hear or see me. Dick

No. 1851206

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Has anyone here quit duloxetine? Is is really as bad as people make it seem, even if you taper the dosage? I've been on 60mg for years now, and I'm doing okay in my life, so I want to see if I can function without antidepressants. I don't have any life-altering side effects but there are still some, so I would like to eventually go without meds. I've tried going cold turkey a few times but just the nausea alone made me restart within a few days. I had a doctor prescribe me 30mg for tapering but every discussion I find says even that was unbearable so I'm worried, but I'm also aware that people with bad experiences tend to be louder, so idk.

No. 1851215

Is it common for the tracking on an amazon order to say
>We’re sorry for the delay. If you have not received your package by 'x day' you can come back here the next day for a refund
And for it to still show up?

No. 1851230

Nevermind, I post this and 2 mins later the tracking finally says its moving again. Nonnies the universe is monitoring your lc posts. Ask here and it'll answer.

No. 1851261

i've taken many different antidepressants since i was a child and the only way i was able to get off of them for good was by slowly tapering. going cold turkey made me violently ill but by tapering over the course of a few weeks i was able to avoid any negative symptoms entirely.

No. 1851273

What ever happened to that ship that got stuck sideways and it had a bunch of animals on it, did they die or did they manage to get it moving?

No. 1851535

Some reviews of a few steam games I wanna get it say ermagush don't buy it guyzz, it's malware!! but that's not a thing, right?

No. 1851551

most of the time when I get that message I never get the package. maybe one or two times it has actually come through, very delayed.

No. 1851582


No. 1851622

Do you mean the Evergreen cargo ship blocking the suez canal in 2021, and animal carrying vessels being stuck behind it unable to deliver? No information was ever revealed, but it's unfortunately fair to assume a lot of them died.

No. 1851839

I genuinely don't understand: why is feminism still needed in the first world? We have already achieved equal rights decades ago.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1851843

Tranny moid bait.

No. 1851844

You already tried this shit in the vent thread yesterday.

No. 1851855

to genocide all trannies of course.

No. 1851868

Are you okay?

Take your meds.

This is the only application I can see, agreed.

No. 1851881

No. 1851891

Thanks, but I was asking about the first world, though.

No. 1851896

what do you consider first world? tbh i and the other anons are wary of answering because the last time this discussion happened a baiter kept claiming that all those women's experiences couldn't possibly be true

No. 1851920

My hair gets greasy in the second day after washing no matter how rarely I wash it. Is there anything I can do about it?

No. 1851937

That's the one. What a shame.

No. 1851939

Because equal rights black on white doesn't mean equal rights, treatment and opportunity in practice and because women's rights are eroding in parts of the 1st world.

No. 1851948

Maybe your diet? Take with a grain of salt or google it but I've heard that some foods/ingredients can make your hair (and skin) greasy.

No. 1851996

brush it more, work the oils down through the hair. might work.

No. 1852078

Thanks, nonas.

No. 1852325

Will I actually die if I buy a road bike that’s $300USD or less?

No. 1852386

I just logged into discord for the first time in ages and it's forcing me to pick an unique username. Why is that? Being able to choose a non-unique screenname was one of it's charms.

No. 1852411

So you can be searched by it now

No. 1852636

They're trying to appeal to the general public more and more, over their original audience which is/was gamers.

No. 1852710

Discord is slowly becoming tweeter

No. 1852777

Has youtube really slowed down for anyone else? (maybe those with adblocker or vpn?) I don't mean slight delays I mean really slow, like refresh the page slow. My laptop isn't loading anything else late including other videos just youtube.

No. 1852787

Youtube starting doing this to me last night. They are cracking down on people using adblock on their site. I just turn it off to use ublock and it works better. Youtube sucks so much

No. 1852798

Yeah, discord forced everyone to do that late last year. It's awful. They lost the one thing that made them really unique. They said the #0000 was too difficult to find someone apparently?? the fuck

No. 1852801

#0000 is too difficult but millions of unique usernames is apparently soooo much easier as if the usernames aren't just gonna be merp90348

No. 1852804

How am I supposed to use the GIOYC thread peacefully without some anon assuming i'm some faggot they're fighting with? I actually regret posting there now, my vent was serious now I just feel worse.

No. 1852865

Is there a thread to discuss netflix/movies n shows? I will be checking out /m/ but idk if there is one

No. 1852871

No. 1852874

Thank u sm nona!!

No. 1853014

File: 1705193918188.gif (1.5 MB, 445x250, 1705087301688.gif)

What's the context of this scene? I always see anons say Bakemonogatari is scrote shit and it'd be way more enjoyable if it weren't for Aragaki or whatever his name is lol

No. 1853019

Rrrrrgi is hot and gets some fan service, but it's still haremshit for scrotes. I can't remember enough to tell you the context tho.

No. 1853025

I don't remember the context of this specific scene, but I think it's from Kizumonogatari, not Bakemonogatari. The girl (Hanekawa) has a thing for Araragi, which is consistent across most seasons and a central conflict in her arc. The issue with the series is that Araragi a self-pitying savior-complex pervert and pedophile who exists for men in the audience to identify with. The premise of the series is that he helps random girls (Hanekawa included) overcome their trauma and personal issues, which usually manifest in supernatural calamity. Some of the girls are interesting and have a surprising amount of depth given their source material, plus there's some nice animation and music and voice acting, so it is frustrating that it's all so unsalvageably ruined by protag-kun groping 10 year old ghost lolis and nosebleeding over panty shots, which takes up a LOT of screentime. All that said, there is fanservice of Araragi because the series is weirdly aware that women are also watching to self-insert as emotionally damaged girls who get rescued by a guy with a 6 pack who truly cares about them deep (deep, deep) down.

No. 1853049

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The best characters weren't the main ones, it always felt like the supporting cast. I found the vampire loli boring for awhile and like she was blatantly put there for pedo pandering, same with the sisters. Some of the arcs have okay storylines but it's such a long, long series

Kaiki, Rouka and Suruga were my favorites and they had almost no focus. I particularly liked Kaiki because he basically had no fanservice and does not give a fuck but looked like a sickly middle aged man who's tired of everything and that was hot to me. For some reason.

No. 1853050

He is a pedo vampire teen who has girlfriend but emotionally cheats with her by being involved with other bazillion girls, half of them prepubescent and a Loli vampire, seriously.

No. 1853059

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I'm seriously considering trying to get that moid coomer money by making a porn game, but will I be able to live with myself if I go through with it? The idea of starting a patreon to drip feed updates and rake in cash is just too tempting.

No. 1853084

ugh. i tried so hard to like this series solely because i was a huge vocaloid weeb and it's ED was composed by vocaloid composer supercell and sung by utaite nagi/gazelle and it was one of the first times that a vocaloid thing 'made it'. couldn't get past 3 episodes and heard that it only got more disgusting in later seasons.
similarly, i tried to like sayonara setsubou sensei since the OP/EDs were really cool and the art styles were so interesting…except for the constant barrage of panty shots.

No. 1853094

The grossly detailed panty shots and most of the fanservice things were liberties by the studio (which is the same one who animated bakemonogatari) the manga is hardly sexualized because of the highly stilized art, and the times there is such it's mostly uncanny valley for the same reason, which I think is the point.

No. 1853101

How come female cats are healthier and experience fewer health problems after being spayed but human women usually face a lot of issues after a hysterectomy? Obviously because we're different species but I'm just wondering if there's a specific reason that makes it different
Also for both, if the whole uterus is removed, what does the vaginal canal lead to, do they put up a wall so it's a dead end or does it just lead to… empty space between organs…?

No. 1853113

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When did it become like socially okay to just sit and scroll through loud ass annoying TikToks without headphones/earbuds? I'm literally sitting next to my coworker who is doing that right now while she watches some "empty water bottles give bad energy" bullshit. Is this just how kids that went to school during the pandemic act or am I just a bitch that gets annoyed easily?

No. 1853114

Haven't read the manga, but the light novels do have fanservice moments. It's written by and from the perspective of a scrote so

No. 1853124

I was talking about the zetsubou sensei one there. But now you mention it yes, the bakemonogatari IS manga is drawn by a massive scrote famous for his coom art although it's admittedly very good art, definitely as fanservicy as the anime and novels.

No. 1853128

trashy people have done this as long as smartphones have been in existence, but I feel like the removal of the headphone jack from phones has done a lot to prevent people from using earbuds when they really ought to in public. I hate it too, I had to wait in a crowded urgent care the other day and there were at least three retards playing tiktoks out loud

No. 1853147

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>Some of the girls are interesting and have a surprising amount of depth given their source material
Speaking of, I've been curious as to whether his other work about a female detective that forgets stuff after a day, I wonder if it's less fanservicey or not.

No. 1853157

does tanning bed types matter and what are your favorite oils? i want to start tanning but idk where to begin. also do the beds get really hot? are standups more comfortable?

No. 1853158

All my coworkers do this in the breakroom and it drives me mad. Especially when they let them play on fucking repeat.

No. 1853162

Why? It’s going to make you look like an old piece of leather and give you cancer

No. 1853229

You should just use the topical products that they sell in stores, actual tanning ages you like crazy and is a horrible deal no matter what your original skin tone is

No. 1853264

could be seborrheic dermatitis, ask a doctor to check next time you have an appointment. using ketoconazole shampoo once or twice a week cuts down the greasiness if it is sebderm. otherwise you can try occasional apple cider vinegar rinses, always drying your hair completely before bed/laying down, regularly washing your pillowcases, not touching your hair/scalp throughout the day, and try using a gentle shampoo without any harmful chemicals if it's not sebderm (my hair got less greasy when I switched to an all natural shampoo bar).

No. 1853389

Just get an airbrush tan if you really want that darker look. Tanning beds are super bad for you and will age you like 10 years.

No. 1853680

have you never seen final destination 3 nonna?

No. 1853684

Used to be friends with a girl who had been tanning since we were 16 (not legally allowed at that age but they don't check). At 22-23 she already started to look older than her age. Don't recommend.

No. 1853761

To the nonnas who are/where organ donors, has the fact trannies have their sights set on your uterus and ovaries changed your mind?

No. 1853765

nah, but it's yet another reason. i changed my mind when i found out that like 80% of donors are women and 80% of recipients are men. die, scrotes.

No. 1853769

I believe if youre not an organ donor you shouldnt get to get the pool of organs either, but thats a compelling argument hmm. I want my organs to go to a teenage girl not some middle aged balding sexist moid

No. 1853807

I've read that hospitals have cases where they choose how to care for someone dying based on who needs an organ. Say they like someone who needs a liver or something that's gone to the hospital for awhile, or a family friend needs spare parts. They will purposely lack in care to the random person that came in so they can give their organs to others, playing god

No. 1853809

>Posted it again award
I’m pretty much new to this site, I’ve been browsing kiwifarms for almost 5 years now but ive never given lolcow.farm a try. Tell me, are there any inside jokes or memes that everyone should know?

>inb4 sage

>inb4 you wouldn’t get it newfag(lurk more/derailing)

No. 1853818

that's kinda weird. why do you think that? some sick people who need organs aren't even healthy enough to give anyone else organs.
my dad believed this. supposedly it's totally not true but there's no way it has never happened. I think there's too much separation of duties in a big hospital for it to work that way, like the several people in charge of saving you while you're dying are unlikely to have control over where organs go and they probably never saw your ID to even see if you're a donor. it's less the hospital staff for me
and more the fact that your organs would be harvested and used for experiments long after you're dead, they would never even be candidates for transplant (it's not like every organ donated goes straight to another person.)

No. 1853827

I'm meaning people who refuse to be a organ donor, not that they're too sick to have been one.

No. 1853835

just lurk like everyone else newfag

No. 1853836

Just lurk more or go back. Tired of the newfags shitting up this place

No. 1853838

I actually went into my health records and specified that I don't want any part of my reproductive system donated for any purpose (you can do it where I live)

No. 1853857

In several states in the U.S women and girls aren't allowed to have abortions even if they are raped.

No. 1853860

Yes. I took myself off the list. I will let people die before my uterus is inserted into some troon so that he can larp being a woman and create a child to rape. If people don't want their loved ones to die over it, they can lobby to change the laws to exclude trannies.

No. 1853879

Is uterus transplant to troons a thing in the usa or canada or something? Cause last I checked it's still kinda experimental even between women, so it seems like a bit of schizo reason to not be a donor, >>1853765 would be a better argument to not donate.

No. 1853932

How many cats are too much? All house cats.

No. 1853944

think more '' how many litter box are too much ?you'll get an answer more easily

No. 1853949

File: 1705248448311.png (1.16 MB, 1806x700, banner.png)

Could an anon explain this banner to me? A lot of them are self-explanatory but this one kind of escapes me.

No. 1853959

That was one of Asherbee's "crafts" I believe. It's crazy that someone could be THAT bad at a craft/hobby.

No. 1854195

I was a NEET for about a year but I got a job and I'm getting my first paycheck in a few weeks, should I treat myself or my family or something? The rest of it is going straight into savings but I just want to celebrate.
As long as you can take proper care of all of them and they have enough space there's no real limit. If you're looking to adopt more though it might be a mess, my cats (one adopted a year after the other) hated each other even after years of living in the same house.

No. 1854200

Does applying salt to a mouth ulcer actually make it heal faster? I have a couple right now that I want gone asap but I don't want to make myself suffer for nothing

No. 1854209

if your family has financially supported you while you were neet, it would definitely be nice to invite them out for dinner to thank them.

No. 1854210

Will I ever get over my ex (its been 5 days)

No. 1854214

I have 4 with 1 litterbox in a studio. I change it very frequent and have air filter + patio door open usually for air circulation. Its been 3 years and they do ok, still think 2 litterboxes is ideal (i heard theyll pee in one and poop in the other)

No. 1854282

you will. 5 days is a short time

No. 1854294

You mean directly or gargling salt water? A small amount of salt in warm water is good for a few diff mouth issues and not that unpleasant

No. 1854327

5th year for me, and I still haven't.

No. 1854365

I got over mine after a year and a half.

No. 1854374

>>1854282 >>1854365 >>1854327 thank you for responding nonnies, my heart is so broken but hoping I will be able to fuction normally.. one day at a time..

No. 1854376

5 days is fresh. If you've the urge to text them or anything like that just remember that tends to set you back to day one again.

No. 1854392

A female transplant has been successful, I believe a woman has given birth.
I believe within the next 10 years they will be put into men.

No. 1854399

I wonder really? So many things go into feeding a growing fetus that is basically deteriorates the female body at times, I don't see how they could truly replicate that in a male body.

No. 1854400

literal tranny delusions kek it'll straight up kill them so i guess im for it then

No. 1854404

My partners retarded tif sister thinks it's wonderful, they are going to pave the way with dead women's uteruses for their tranny breeding fetish

No. 1854416

The stupidity and ignorace of some anons here really fucking surprise me sometimes kek

No. 1854417

If they attempt that 10 years from now we're only gonna have some dead men to show for it. History repeating itself.

No. 1854445

I hope so

No. 1854497

I live in a country that has automatic opt-in so I won't be taking myself off the list. Trannies being the reason is ridiculous, they barely exist where I live and uterus and ovary transplants into males are a pipe dream.

No. 1854512

Literally children of men

No. 1854516

I think we live in the same country and I took myself off the list because I'm against the automatic opt-in.

No. 1854519

This is also successful for another woman though. A uterus and ovaries isn’t going to do anything because even if he does have a neovageyena, he doesn’t have a pelvis kek. There’s no bone separation for the baby to exit through the fuckhole.

No. 1854522

Uterus transplants are at least thirty years away, but your skin can also be used to make a troon's rotpocket.

No. 1854526

File: 1705264881177.png (353.51 KB, 933x576, IMG_0909.png)

samefag see above ^^ I don’t really think a whole team of surgeons are going to waste their time trying to cram a uterus ovaries and a cervix between his hipbones, especially if it’s not even going to be of use

No. 1854532

Even the transplanted uterus case that was successful, the child had to be born through C-section and they had to remove it afterwards.
It's about the fetish. If you pay enough, you can find a doctor willing to do anything. So they'll continue to try.

No. 1854542

Ok so assuming one of these faggots finds a doctor, they’d also have to find a donor. I could be wrong but last I checked there’s no “neo-uterus” donor waiting list for troons

No. 1854548

If the drs who are doing it are saying it's for science, they will be able to use the body parts that would otherwise be thrown away

No. 1854561

Turns out there has already been 50 women who have given birth via transplant.
The Dr who delivered one of the first babies born via transplant has said they are 10 or so years off before it's viable in men.
Clown fucking world nonnas.

No. 1854584

Because they already possess the conditions and simple necessities meant to carry a uterus.

No. 1854642

I read an article earlier where one doc was flippantly saying oh yeah it'll happen any day now and another was like.. oh hell no we have a list of like a dozen issues and we're nowhere near solving any of them first. Pick your doc I guess?

No. 1854654

What makes everyone love that tangle teaser brush?

No. 1854694

Which one?

No. 1854709

File: 1705270206532.jpg (82.56 KB, 900x900, brusj.jpg)

This one, I've seen it all the time for years and I don't get the hype

No. 1854727

ayrt, yes! I have them! I have very messy curly hair and since someone gifted me this kind of brush years ago my life got so much easier. I swear it takes 1/10th of the time it used to untangle my hair and I'm really good at hand-untangling too so it's not like I'm talking 1/10th of the time respect to someone that lazily passes a comb through their hari. Now I'm rambling but I guess if you have a certain type of hair it really does wonders

No. 1854790

What would you call someone who changes their lifestyle/habits just to join a group? Like someone who went vegan for months just so they can go on a vegan forum without faking, or someone who self harms so they can go on a self harm forum?

No. 1854791

Method LARPers kek

No. 1854797

Retard, or desperate attention seeker.

No. 1854809

Some kind of Cluster B

No. 1854836

Thanks nonna! If it's ever on sale I might get one, it sounds really good.
Committed wannabe or mentally ill. I knew someone who used to force herself to listen to goth rock to be able to put it in her tumblr bio kek, never thought much of it because we were pretty young but now she's a DID larper and wannarexic. I'm convinced these people can't be normal.

No. 1854838

I used to think these were for long hair so overlooked it. Mines short but wild in the morning. This takes the anti-gravity out of my hair without needing products.

No. 1854842


No. 1855202

Why is no one attractive to me anymore? My ex and I broke up forever ago and I still miss him but he's not coming back. I am so lonely but no one else seems like a viable choice. I ran into an old college friend last night who is good looking and very nice but I know we would never work out long term and it just made me upset and weirdly grossed out.

No. 1855226

No. 1855247

>someone who went vegan for months just so they can go on a vegan forum without faking
i'd call them "idc why you go vegan, it's not that serious"
>someone who self harms so they can go on a self harm forum
calling a crisis team meeting bc what the fuck

No. 1855258

>What would you call someone who changes their lifestyle/habits just to join a group? Like someone who went vegan for months just so they can go on a vegan forum without faking,
An average vegan

No. 1855352

Maybe it's because you still miss your ex, you compare people to him/her and they're all a bit shit once you compare them. Idk nonnie, the thing that helped me stop hating everyone is I stopped having expectations kek, in the way that I wouldn't expect someone to be a certain way only to find out they're not that way thus boring as hell. Don't know your situation though, I'd take it to the advice thread.

No. 1855392

Like the other people said losers. Sheep. The kind of retards who would join a cult and do drugs

No. 1855407

How many regular users do you think we have? Like people visiting/posting regularly? I'm gonna say like, 25 or something in ot and probably more in the cow threads

No. 1855409

In your inner dialogue, do you refer to yourself as "I" or "you"?

No. 1855410

"Us" and "we" idk why though, just always been

No. 1855413

If the 2023 awards were anything to go on, there’s at least a few hundred regular posters. Around 700 people voted and I know that not every poster cared enough to vote.

No. 1855415

No. 1855416

how could I forget. thanks nonnie

No. 1855418

Kind of crazy to me because it feels like there’s a much smaller pool of people.

No. 1855479

File: 1705325351995.png (426.36 KB, 1024x655, rambling.png)

I broke a nail. Should I a) cut/file them all 2) keep the others long and accept the uneven odd nails ? I'm asking this beacuse this year I was successfull in finally stop eating them and now I kinda grew attached to them individually, not just the look. They are my only little pride ( I was never able to stop bad habits before) so I feel like I owe them more than just discarding them for the fault of ONE broken nail.

No. 1855480

I usually leave the rest long and accept the one short one. I file the rest to attempt to ensure they don’t break too. Nails are useful for defending yourself so that way you’ve still got something to scratch with.

No. 1855482

Loveyousomuch this is the reply I hoped for with all my heart. I'm taking this one as good.

No. 1855509

oh hey me too! I mentioned it to my mom once and she was adamant it's a sign that I have DID kek

No. 1855511

99% of the time "I" and "you" when I'm mad at myself lol

No. 1855621

I genuinely can't understand why eradicating autism or down syndrome is seen as offensive. I understand this can lead to eugenics but I can't see why we can't just stop there. People want cures to shit like Alzheimer's because it impacts life debilitatingly- so does autism and down's, but why is it offensive? I don't see the morality in birthing a down's baby or a baby with severe autism who needs constant care and uses up resources and won't even achieve anything in life. This isn't about people who are currently living and have the disorders, it isn't about them, if they live a good life then good for them.

No. 1855626

because grifters would get less money and browney points.

If ADHD could be cured all the zoomers with fake diagnosis would cry because they can't score adderal anymore.

No. 1855640

is your mom a conspiracy theorist?

No. 1855646

It's offensive when you want to control other women's bodies and medical decisions. If you personally don't want to carry a pregnancy for whatever reason you like, that isn't offensive. "Curing" an illness that a living person has is also a little different to enforcing abortions or any other medical procedure on women without their choice.

No. 1855648

Anon didn’t say anything about enforcement, just that she can’t understand why it’s seen as a bad thing.

No. 1855650

I say yes to eradicate the downies. We have enough pictures of them already to use as reaction image supply for eternity.

No. 1855654

in countries were its legal to abort a downie 9 out of 10 women still do it. No one is forcing them, its still a choice.

No. 1855659

File: 1705338393284.gif (1.95 MB, 540x291, IMG_5349.gif)

Aw love you too! Glad to be of some use. I just wanna be like sigourney weavers character in that movie holes.

No. 1855663

I never said women should be forced to abort their disorder baby. I'm just asking why they would keep it, though, instead of giving life to a baby they can actually connect with. I need serious answers nonas please

No. 1855666

people who want to force a woman to birth an autistic or down syndrome child should take 100% responsibility of the child by law and have the mother completely free. either that or shut the fuck up.

No. 1855670

Self flagelation and virtue signaling. Outside of religious convictions i really don't see the logic in it and it seems cruel to me.

No. 1855672

"Eradicate" means to get rid of completely. There isn't any way to completely prevent any downs or autists being born unless you enforce abortions of these fetuses and take away the choice from women. If you don't understand that then you are operating on a downs capacity yourself so be careful what you wish for kek.

No. 1855673

honestly most of the rhetoric against is by downies, people who use downies in their speeches, or other people who can speak up saying that they hate being seen as “killable”, that ppl would rather they be dead then alive, usually nothing to do with the mother themselves. They liken it to being a nazi and it being eugenics (I mean, kind of is, if we are killing for traits, even if it benefits all).

No. 1855684

except no one is killing downies. Its just preventing potential new children from suffering that condition.

Honestly i can see how a downie would come up with that opinion, because its retarded. With that logic we wouldn't treat or prevent any congenital diseases.

No. 1855687

It's seen as a bad thing because most civilized people think that dictating what medical decisions a woman is free to make for herself is a bad thing.

No. 1855690

I really wish women would stop having retarded babies though. The increase in autistic males is actually insane now. Every single male child is either autistic or with ADHD.

No. 1855692

Autism in males (can) come from old (40+) sperm, wouldn't blame women but instead old man good propaganda

No. 1855693

The women are still choosing to fuck these men. I know the older males are the reason too, sadly.

No. 1855697

The ADHD thing would probably go away if parents stopped letting iPads and smartphones raise their children kek

No. 1855698

The vast majority of these males are not autistic in any way you can screen for during pregnancy. They don't actually have any inherent developmental disability and are just "autistic" from environmental factors.

No. 1855706

Once again nobody said anything about dictating…just that she can’t understand why women are looked down upon so fiercely as if they’re Mengele himself for making a choice to abort their downy spastic babies instead of wiping drool into their 80s. If they want to then I suppose it is their choice, but most women don’t, and probably even less would if it wasn’t for social and societal pressures.

No. 1855711

Had a random thought: do furry TERFs / GCs exist?

No. 1855715

What are some jobs that pay 20+ an hour with little humans interaction?

No. 1855718

That's the propaganda, old men making old men seem appealing, basically brainwashing, even gay males get into it.


No. 1855724

There's overlap between autistic women and gender non-conforming women. And since autists love animals, there must be at least some overlap between them and furries.

No. 1855728

i once heard from a furry nonna that terfurries exist and they almost always have hyena fursonas

No. 1855730

i know one and she's dope. hates trannies but goes to furry cons likes steven universe etc. i don't think interests actually say much about a person as much as people make them out to although there are definitely noticeable patterns

No. 1855734

data entry if youre in a back room. Some jobs let you answer emails and orders through phone and email only, so you dont have to deal with humans in person.

No. 1855736

In countries where women have the choice, the vast, vast majority of them abort these fetuses. Almost 100%. And do you think men are begging and shaming their partners into giving birth to a severely disabled child? Almost all men in that situation abandon their partner if they go through with the pregnancy. If it was widely considered offensive then none of that would be true. Literally the only people on earth who find it offensive are those with downs/disability themselves, carers/guardians of such, or people who are simply opposed to abortion for whatever reason. In general society having a severely disabled fetus is seen as a far more "valid" reason to terminate than most reasons.

No. 1855738

Teacher? You got to be joking

No. 1855751

you wanted 'little humans' interaction, children.

No. 1855754

>hyena fursonas
That's either the funniest lie or the most based truth. Either way, I'm incorporating it into my internalized beliefs.

No. 1855777

I read it as “little human” interaction. As in jobs similar to what >>1855734 suggested

No. 1855801

i am one but I don’t know any others. a lot of girls in the furry fandom are gender non-conforming or handmaidens themselves, it’s a very queer, male-dominated space so i understand why they do it. idk about the terf hyena thing though.

No. 1855854

Yes this, but I didn't word my question right, sorry- I didn't mean for my question to implicate abortion rights and whatnot because I didn't consider eradication in a 'realistic' sense (like forcing mothers to abort their babies if they have said disorders) but why it's offensive to consider creating a cure for autism and down's and hypothetically if a cure was possible, why it would be offensive to implement it to future generations.

No. 1855950

Who is offended by the idea of curing a severe disability? It seems like you are talking about some specific type of person like someone who is religious and thinks everything should go according to god's plan. In which case your question can be answered by referring to the kind of person they are.

No. 1855976

How good is bluesky and how well can you curate your experience on there?

No. 1855984

autism speaks, for once.

Theres entire groups of woketards who raise their pitchforks at anyone suggesting treatment or cure for disorders or disabilities and call it ableist and shit like that. Neets get mad when they see their gibs threatened

No. 1855987

There are absolutely people (I'd say not the majority) who think 'curing' (for DS it wouldn't be a cure btw it would be a preventative via giving women enough time/information to abort) is another form of eugenics. Haven't seen many religious views about the DS one specifically, most of the anger I've seen from it was from downsyndrome mommies who use their kids as social media fuel and chronically online American libs who are too focused on the 'killing the disabled' aspect, ignoring the impact said disabled person being born has.

Weirdly it roundabouts into parroting anti abortion logic where they only really care for the disabled fetus when it's unborn but whatever when its parents or the government would have to look after it.

No. 1855993

It was a big talking point on Tumblr several years ago. Huge arguments from “disabled people” saying that you can have abortions but to not say that the downies and other medically retarded/dysfunctional babies are “better off” not suffering in this world because then they wouldn’t have been able to be born aka me me me it’s all about me I wouldn’t be born if my mother (and maybe father) thought about herself and me as a financial burden instead of giving birth to me. It’s never the ones who would actually be aborted because they’d be too retarded or dysfunctional and not wasting their precious 2 brain cells arguing online.

No. 1855994

There is a whole moral and ethical debate on it as people believe it will lead to eugenics and designer baby type shit which I don't see as a valid argument because you can literally just stop at getting rid of genetic disabilities that cripple the person and everyone around them. I'm sure people can recognize when it starts becoming modifying babies for personal aesthetics vs modifying babies so they don't live as a vegetable.

No. 1855996

Much of the offense is mainly from autistic people who have very mild symptoms and don't really need much help outside childhood. At that point it's more of a personality type rather than a disorder, but it's one that society doesn't like, that's why people don't just seek to cure high needs austic people who would benefit from treatment, but to force high functioning autists to behave in a way that is more comformative even if they pose no threat and can function aside from being odd to a lot of people.

No. 1855998

The richest will be the only ones who get the true designer baby technology, there's already some form of it. In a world where they do that but people are against preventing DS or any other disability, then worst equipped to deal with those kids will be the only ones who have them.

No. 1856001

I'm on the side of getting rid of genetic disabilities altogether but the argument that these tumblr people usually have is that they believe that aborting/curing downies implies that they are lesser (and they don't like that, even though the whole argument isn't even about them and moreso of disabled people who have tantrums for no discernable reason, can't be in society and need 24/7 care), and if those genetic disorders are completely gone from the gene pool then the margin for 'lesser' will become smaller over time- instigating eugenics

No. 1856002

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It's quite cruel to give birth to someone without limbs too. Those parents are evil imo.

No. 1856005

All limbs sure, but we have a lot of technology for like one or two limbs, that also does depend if your country is willing to give them for free/small price though.

No. 1856009

To be honest literally why would anyone spend money on buying limbs for their child when they should come pre-equipped? I feel like some parents take "I'll love my child no matter what" too seriously and it leads to shit that can be perevented.
>>1856002 Must've been an easy birth though lmao

No. 1856017

People with have children with someone they know is a pedo or someone they know will beat them then leave them, there's no logic with some, why would they care how many limbs their kid has? Physical disabilities are much easier to deal with (from a parent perspective) than a mental disability. Almost all of those parents with 'kill me' eyes have mentally retarded children, not physically.

No. 1856027

So people who are mentally retarded and enjoy or benefit from being that way are offended that people think curing mental retardation is good? See:
>In which case your question can be answered by referring to the kind of person they are.
That still doesn't mean it's offensive in general.

No. 1856054


It shouldn't be offensive in general and i don't think it is for most people since its been proven theat given the chance most mothers take it to not birth a disabled child, but those other types do exist and will always sperg out when the subject matter is brought up.

Consider that nowadays having some mental disorder in your bio is considered fashionable and many kids want those labels for identity politics. Everyone identifies as some form of queer and disabled now.

No. 1856086

If you get a prebuilt child, you can't customize them to your preferences. My firstborn needs to have an RTX 4090 and at least 32gb of RAM.

No. 1856117

What can I expect if I just talk to a doctor about binge eating?

No. 1856124

If your country is on the correct path, they should refer you to a specialist, if they are the specialist then they'll work with you to figure out what method will help you. All very individual.

No. 1856145

but then it comes with a shitty OS with tik tok and discord preinstalled

No. 1856184

are you talking about the trend of calling anything and everything 'eugenics'? If so, yeah, it's incredibly grating. semi-unrelated but i think it's tied to the absolute lack of empathy for moms super-woke people exhibit. They refuse to consider why someone might not want to be extra burdened and go through an incredibly hard and isolating kind of motherhood. It's not like they strongly advocate for a model to relieve women from doing 99% of the work, which would vastly improve the kids' condition (unhappy mom=unhappy child). It's like they think raising a kid is all about unconditional love, flowers and honey.
I'm iffy about pregnancy screening for disabilities (outside of easily detected ones like Down's) because i knew this one woman who got told her baby would be born with all kinds of severe defects. Each doctor she saw came up with a different horrible diagnosis like a vital organ malfunctioning severely. She kept the baby anyways and it turned out to be perfectly healthy. I would probably still abort if i was told 'your baby will be severely disabled' but it had me thinking about the solidity of these diagnoses

No. 1856219

So PT wasn't raped by her dad, right? Or…??? Does anyone know what the fuck is most likely wrong with her? Because she doesn't seem autistic she seems like she has a genuine mental disability.

No. 1856238

how long do you spend on lolcow? me probably like 6 hours or smthn

No. 1856455

nonnies, how normal is eye pain and droopiness/sunkenness from fatigue? mine hurt so much all the time, look and feel even worse when I do go out to the point where people randomly comment about it, etc. antihistamines don't appear to help. my doctor suspects that I might have a certain condition called silent sinus syndrome - which explains all my symptoms - and I'm not even sure what to do if that's the case because I can't afford surgery. it was a miracle that my insurance paid to fix the surgery for my nose breathing issues years ago.

No. 1856465

She OBVIOUSLY has a mental disability but rather than confront that, people just want to act like she's capable of reflection or "changing" and "improving" she's like mentally 12 years old. It's bizarre.

No. 1856467

Why do some gay men, mainly the misogynistic kind, have large groups of female friends (sometimes exclusively only female friends) when they hate women and say vile things about vaginas and all that? Why don't they befriend other gay men? And for the women who tolerate that, do they think the insults don't apply to them? Like why befriend someone you hate by default/someone who hates you by default. Is that even true friendship?

No. 1856470

For one, they HAVE to let everyone know they're gay. They're in constant fear they somehow will lose chances at getting fucked by men if they're surrounded by women, so they MUST announce at all times what big fat gaylord flamers they are and that pusc is YUCKY WUUCKY GWOSS. They often delude themselves into thinking there are closeted men lurking around every corner and they'll lose a shot if they dont realize they're gay kek. There are men who are gay and men who make being gay their only personality trait. For ones that are particularly loser-ish and gincel, they make misogynistic obnoxious jokes to put down women because they want straight men to find them #cool and #relatable and #oneofthebrossss

No. 1856631

What's the least damaging way to straighten your hair?

No. 1856633

You and your doctor have to fight insurance hard. There's also the possibility of going abroad for surgery, plenty of countries have good healthcare and less retarded costs.

No. 1856634

Blow-dry on a low heat with a round brush after washing

No. 1856641

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Thank u. Is using a device like this comparable or much worse?

No. 1856647

File: 1705393660856.jpg (20.17 KB, 480x360, dac28618c0e4977118ad14a9fcbc77…)

wrap your hair around your head(picrel) and wrap it in a silk scarf overnight
I like the Revlon brush, but I have 3A curls and I was never able to make my hair super "sleek" with it - could be just my technique though

No. 1856665

That's clever! My hair might be a little short for that but I will try it later on.

No. 1856681

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Everytime I've seen someone review any of those things, they say it breaks their hair off.
I just use a blowdryer with different heat settings and a brush like this.
My hair feels so soft and straight after

No. 1856698

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Does anyone have any suggestions for how to get a stubborn older person to take their medication when it has to be mixed with food?

No. 1856713

I don't know how badly this will backfire for your situation but I've cheerfully given up, pretended to toss the medication, and started looking at caskets and funeral plans on my phone with my grandpa because he obviously wanted to die and who was I to stop him? He freaked out and took his pills. He didn't say a single thing to the doctors after that either.
You could say that the doctors have switched to a pill (Skitles) instead to make it easier for them to take, mix the medication in with strong-tasting food, and get stressed when the person refuses to eat candy masquerading as meds.

No. 1856733

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No. 1856740

i realized recently people see pinterest tumblr pictures and movies and want to recreate them/ be like that, i dont think i had this phenomenon until people disliked me and i realized i was a weird autist and had to study how people in media acted. i guess im just autistic, well, can any nonas relate

No. 1856743

No. 1856754

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Definitely hated how weird normalfags are with social media and wanting to copy each trend they see on pinterest. Picrel comes to mind when I think of peak aesthetic trends on instagram

No. 1856758

How do you post TikTok videos?

No. 1856764

No. 1856904

Should I trust people's self-reported measurements on a secondhand wedding dress website, even when they seem much too small for their weight/height/clothing size? I'd really rather buy my dress secondhand but I'm really struggling with sizing, everyone's measurements are all over the place (and I can't tell if my perception of size is just wrong or if people took their measurements wrong). I know I could just size up to be safe and get the dress taken in but I imagine things like an overly tight or super large chest would be a problem.

No. 1856912

absolutely do not trust them, trust your instincts. I spent a lot of time for a year while I was on a diet on that site where people post pictures of their bodies along with their height and weight so you can tell what certain bmis look like. and I could tell by the ones who were my height that a lot of them were playing make believe for their own ego. go in skeptical.

No. 1856928

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Look at this monster I came across online, he jumpscared me. Can someone tell me what’s wrong with him and why he looks so atrocious and repulsive

No. 1856939

what do you mean? he looks like a chad

No. 1856946

File: 1705420078104.png (60.61 KB, 1200x675, 1000002782.png)

Are autistic moids less likely to think with their dick when presented with a choice to act on their desires or not? I always thought all men were the same and really couldn't resist sex when offered. Follow up question: if a moid rejects you it's really about your looks, not anything else they might have used as an excuse? (I need nonnies help getting over my intense sexual fantasies of a moid who rejected me because I'm already in a long term relationship. I don't really believe that's why he won't have a one night stand with me, I think it's really he's just not attracted to me. Somehow that's easier to take than a moid being capable of resisting a sexual advance kek) I know I shouldn't cheat nonnies and I never have before, but this particular moid is exactly my type and is driving me up a wall. Helpppp

No. 1856951

Illegal injections of oil/other weird shit into his arms, lips and cheekbones. There's a bunch of Russian/Turkish moids known for doing this and claiming their swollen arms are real muscle.

No. 1856955

>Are autistic moids less likely to think with their dick when presented with a choice to act on their desires or not?
No. See: every autistic male cow in existence

No. 1856969

so that's why I think my personal conclusion is correct. He's just not that into me. Oh well, I'll continue to fantasize until I get bored kek

No. 1856970

You see, some people have these things called morals. You should try ‘em out sometime

No. 1856971

Do you not see his arm?

No. 1856980

Meh I don't really feel bad for a variety of reasons that aren't relevant to my question. Well, I do feel bad he won't fuck me kek.

No. 1857006

Anons who partied a lot and don’t regret it, what was it like?

No. 1857025

No. 1857030

Sorry anon, you're ugly.

No. 1857052

But what about it was fun like what does partying even entail?

No. 1857059

It's just like remembering going to birthday parties as a kid, you don't remember exactly the specifics but it was a fun way to spend that weekend

No. 1857078

NTA but honestly it mostly felt fun because everyone’s under the influence. Mainly just hanging out, making out, and playing party games. I didn’t go to clubs though, just house parties and kickbacks. The occasional outdoors ones I enjoyed the most, like camping and cookouts at the lake.

No. 1857096

Where do you buy crypto? I recently went back to Binance and after successfully completing the verification process, in order to buy crypto they redirect me to a 3rd party site (paymonade) where I have to go through the verification process again. What fucking bullshit.

No. 1857110

Cheating on a scrote is the least offensive thing one could do morally imo. I feel like the women are always trapped

No. 1857113

I had a few different guys furrowing their eyebrows when they saw me crying, some of them were just coworkers, others were closer to me like romantically or like a family member, but they always shared the same expression. What does it mean? Disgust? Kek

No. 1857121

Their unga bunga unsocialized brains trying to figure out what to do probably.

No. 1857137

File: 1705432894386.jpg (68.22 KB, 1080x608, the-rock-90s.jpg)

When you wear a sweater with a high neck do you tuck your necklace into the sweater so it's not seen or do you put your necklace around the outside? I feel like picrel when i put the necklace on the outside but it also feels boring and plain around the neck area if i don't have a necklace, idk.

No. 1857143

Coinbase is the most beginner friendly but has some hefty fees, but if you’re just getting into it and looking to buy some more popular tokens it’s fine.

No. 1857145

Let's pretend you're highschool students and you get a new teacher (me) would you appreciate me asking if you want stickers in your notebooks? Would you shut up during the whole class if I offered you a super special prize (like a cute eraser but that would be a secret) including 1 extra point on the final exam?

No. 1857156

I need this to be a documentary

No. 1857159

I 100% would love that! Especially the extra point. Not sure about the male students.

No. 1857160

If that means I'm going to die at the end of it, then I can just kill myself before I get a job.

No. 1857167

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Well, the stickers just have like, cute messages about not giving up and stuff, and smiley faces with different emotions depending on how well done is the job.
And the colors are pretty neutral. I hope the minimoids don't chimp out.

No. 1857171

Why would you choose certain death to avoid potential death

No. 1857174

Aren'r stickers too childish for high school aged teens? Well behaved little me would've loved that extra point but idk about the typical loud mouths

No. 1857178

That's what I'm worried about tbh. I will have to read about how to deal with teenagers so I don't mess up my throat shouting or something.
I'm afraid of being a bigger failure.

No. 1857189

Asian anons, do your families really care about honor and stuff? Like do your parents really scold you for being dishonorable and emphasize the need to bring honor to your family?

No. 1857190

Zoomers of both sexes love decorating their laptops with stickers so somewhat bigger vinyl stickers could probably be a hit, they're not super expensive if you aren't going after a specific design and they're more common for this age group. Something that generally has broad appeal is the logo/mascot of the school, you could also let students vote for designs if you were ok with making it a bigger thing. I'm saying this as a zoomer who was in high school a few years ago.

No. 1857193

>shut up during the whole class for a sticker
Yeah, that's not going to happen. It's a lost cause. It's a lack of respect and consequences thing and if anything that will make them respect you less.

No. 1857206

How do I make them respect me and preferably not hate me too much? I also don't want to be too liked, I don't want any students to get attached to me or to make me end up having to take some annoying charge like counselor or the sorts.

No. 1857215

Did you watch Mulan last night nona? I don't blame you if you did, it's the best disney princess movie tbh.

No. 1857228

It's not usually explicitly stated like "you must not bring dishonor to the family" but it's sort of implicit. We have this concept called "face" which is like a more complex idea about reputation.
A lot of Asians have a much more collectivist mindset so people think in terms of how their behavior affects the harmony of the broader community. Morality is sometimes different because of this, people take more of an adaptable "what will other people think" approach than a "what is right according to my objective moral code" approach which may come off as manipulative or two-faced in Western culture.
It's not always easy to explain, but as an example, it may be seen as honorable to lie or hide the truth if that helps preserve peace. A more specific and extreme manifestation of this is that in some places, when an aging parent is terminally ill, the adult children will not disclose the illness to that parent and medical staff may be willing to collude in this secrecy. The belief is that this is the upstanding thing to do because the parent lives the remainder of their life blissfully without worry and the children are shouldering the burden and pain for them. Meanwhile lots of people in the West (and indeed many modern people in the East as well) would object based on the idea of that parent having an individualistic right to know and make decisions about their own health.
I am East Asian so this might not apply as well to other subsets of Asians, but it's generally known that Asians (traditionally) have some form of group mindset. Obviously everyone is different I'm not saying I agree with all this either

No. 1857237

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I think putting it on top works depending on the piece. Like a regular thin chain that hangs down would look fine especially if it’s partially covered by the fold down of the turtleneck, but that thick chain that just floats looks retarded

No. 1857244

I honestly never got this and the whole tiger mom. I’m Mexican and and both of these happened to me and to a fair few white people I know. Maybe Americans have some special spirit but sometimes I really think Asians are just milking this to seem special

No. 1857257

They're just generalizations, it also makes more sense to talk about them as patterns in societies as a whole rather than comparing specific families. For instance in general more Asian parents want to have a more present role in choosing their child's career, whereas non-Asian Americans more usually leave it to the kid to figure out as a "find your passion" thing, but of course everyone knows a white helicopter parent who wants to micromanage their kids' lives as well. It's just that on a societal level it's not as ingrained.
When my parents were young, the government had a strong role in dictating their career (forcing my dad to study a subject he hated and blocking my mom from higher education) and that was just seen as normal and reasonable, despite being unpleasant. In America that sort of thing would be unheard of, your career is your own and nobody else is entitled to make choices for you.
Also Asian-Americans usually get a more watered down version of those traditional concepts as well as exposure to Western ideals, so it's not quite the same compared to people actually living in Asia.

No. 1857262

Government dictating career is a thing that still happens in some places like Germany

No. 1857341

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has anyone seen this show? should i watch it?

No. 1857345

hi what is the difference between ot, pt, and snow?

No. 1857355

Ot is offtopic so it's mostly personal stuff, it's a lot more anon centred v cow centred, the closest it comes to cows is the 'what's your real opinion on cows' thread and that's still anon specific.

PT is for lolcows with a lot of info on them, bigger fanbases, larger audiences.
Snow is for lolcows who aren't as in the public eye, small fish OR groups that fall into lolcow territory because they have a lot of drama/weirdos.

No. 1857357

Lurk more.

No. 1857362

you're joking right? this is the stupid questions thread

No. 1857365

Absolute newfags should still be told to lurk and read the info and rules though.

No. 1857366

No. 1857371

Nope, stupid questions thread, your answer would be ok in any other thread but this one is stupid questions getting answered sincerely without judgement that said question is stupid..

No. 1857373

lurk more and read the site rules. pretty sure it has a description of every board there

No. 1857376

I did answer. I told them to lurk more.

No. 1857392

Why does make up make me look more masculine? I don't even talk about heavy make up with contouring and shit, but even things like eyeshadow and mascara. The general rule is the more make up = the more I look like a man/tranny. Without any make up my face is very neotenous and people think I'm much younger, and with make up I'm just a tranny/dude. I can never look sexy and feminine. It's either a child or a man. Can the high/low visual weight of the face be the factor here or is this bullshit? And if it's not bullshit, is my face low or high visual weight? And what should I do about it?

No. 1857438

File: 1705445016966.jpg (12.49 KB, 715x400, SAD-GettyImages-1055219634-715…)

how do i overcome my porn addiction, particularly getting over my hyperspecific fetish? i already stopped watching porn almost 6 months ago but my fetish is strong as ever. i feel like i'm in hell, i tried having vanilla sex with a real moid and every time, i can't get turned on, mentally or physically. it's over for me, isn't it. is my brain ruined?

No. 1857445

Tell me the fetish and I’ll tell you

No. 1857448

no, i'm too ashamed. especially since it's a nonsexual thing that my brain somehow made sexual thanks to the porny community around it

No. 1857458

how weird is it…

No. 1857465

when and how did the fetish develop? is it solely due to porn? you're going to have to stop masturbating for a while (might be months), and when you restart try to focus on the sensation itself to get off.

No. 1857470

File: 1705445885302.jpg (9.69 KB, 270x275, 1689875853945.jpg)

you are a feeder aren't you

No. 1857480

it's one of those things that makes normies go "wtf how could that be a fetish its so normal"

i used to watch normal images/videos of it until i accidentally found a porn community centered around it and became invested. porny obviously-a-fetish style videos on youtube, then written erotica, then my slow descent into real porn involving it. i've had it for a couple years now and tried and failed to recover and become normal. the pandemic really messed me up i think, that was when it was at its worst because there was a deluge of new content and i was jobless and had all the free time to watch it

no. it's something normal that normies commonly do/enjoy nonsexually but i am cursed to find exclusively sexual

No. 1857567

Why are so many nurses fat

No. 1857572

maybe sleep issues, lack of sleep makes you want to eat more but you don't burn the excess off. or stress.

No. 1857577

Dayum. Why do so many hospitals have junk food in the vending machines?

No. 1857583

uhhh playing video games?

No. 1857585

no, it has absolutely nothing to do with sex. i'm too ashamed to say what it is i just wanna get some advice on how to overcome it dammit

No. 1857590

Just tell us already.

No. 1857621

most people are fat

No. 1857643

Hospitals usually have cafeterias, don’t they? I have a couple relatives that are nurses and their hours are really bad. One of them said that new hires usually get put on the graveyard shift, and that can be really stressful for people who aren’t used to day sleeping/working at night

No. 1857740

Junk food is cheap and its highly processed nature makes it long-lasting, you don't need to replace all the unsold stuff with fresh batches every day because it won't go bad. There exist vending machines with "healthy" options nowadays (stuff like sandwiches, yogurt parfaits, salads) but those need refrigeration and frequent restocking, they're just more costly for whoever manages the building. Even those aren't totally healthy since they often have a lot of cheap oil but they are better than candy bars.

No. 1857767

I'm probably way overthinking this but the way I dress shifted so rapidly it's making me feel weird, I used to wear a lot of layers and colors but since the fall or something I've just been wearing boring outfits. I still like them but I feel like losing long time friends, quitting drinking and feeling lost because of it subconsciously made me scared to show my personality and want to be more subdued. Has anyone else experienced this? I know how retarded it might sound but fashion has always been a huge creative outlet for me, I don't feel like myself anymore inside and out.

No. 1857810

to give you a more tinfoil-y answer, hospitals profit off of unhealthy people so they do have a motive for you not to have a healthy lifestyle

No. 1857830

maybe you can compromise and instead maybe wear versatile accessories that are just unique enough to make you feel more put together and like "yourself". idk, that's what I do.

No. 1857900

No. 1858042

How can you tell if you are attractive or unattractive and don’t say things like “guys come up to you” Men will fuck anything. I’m talking like how to tell because I can’t some days I looks cute some days I look weird and ugly

No. 1858047

This is true and I feel it happening to me. I be damned

No. 1858053

I'm taking a writing class and we're supposed to create poems and then share them. I got decently inspired and started coming up with some more serious pensive stuff, but then I saw some of what other people were working on and it was a lot more lighthearted. Like more straightforward sentences and simple themes like "I don't need flowers to be happy, I just need my family!" Not trying to diss them. But should I backtrack, would it be awkward for me to crash the party with something really heavy about like men abusing women and stuff like that? I want to genuinely learn in this class but idk if that would make everyone feel weird if I end up being the only one going after a theme like that. We are supposed to comment on each other's work

No. 1858055

it sounds like you are average. whether people find you attractive will vary.

No. 1858083

I'll repeat what I said before when I answered a similar question, basically if you're ugly people will outright bluntly say it to your face, or compare you to creatures like a beast or troll, compare you to animals, things like that (am speaking from experience kek) People who are considered attractive generally have symmetrical balanced faces.

No. 1858088

samefag both men and women said these so it's not like just scrotes being scrotes

No. 1858102

Focus on your education not them, they're probably just not that into poetry and forced to take it. Focus on improving your craft. Hell, it's not like they'll remember you in a year

No. 1858232

Goddamn women say that? I’m disappointed, I think I’m pretty cute-average but I have been compared to a rat or a chihuahua

No. 1858234

No go all in, share your beautiful emo poetry with the world

No. 1858636

I had a UTI, I didn’t even realize what does this mean

No. 1858748

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Does anyone else get very depressed or suicidal before their period? It’s like a spike in wanting to off myself or do something crazy. I hate it so much and it only happens right before…

No. 1858750

But rats and chihuahuas can be cute too

No. 1858779

I have pmdd like symptoms though not confirmed pmdd and that happens to me

No. 1859040

I see a lot of women say that if you’re an ugly woman, strangers treat you badly, and I’ve never experienced that. I’m wondering if that’s only true for fat women? because I may be very ugly in the face but I am not fat. Ugly anons, what’s your experience with this?

No. 1859045

i'm fat and people are either neutrally nice or they ignore me. i don't regularly experience outright hostility. i noticed that normal weight people get flirted with much more often though. when i talk to strangers they're just nice and normal about it, but when my normal weight friends talk to strangers the men usually try to flirt with them. i think the treatment of fat people is different in the us, though. i'm in europe, for reference.

No. 1859047

It means you had bacteria in your urethra that travelled to your bladder. For some people it goes away on its own, but for others it can require antibiotics so it doesn't turn into a kidney infection which could be life threatening. Just make sure you wipe front to back and pee after sex to help eliminate any possible bacteria that could've gotten up there and it should help prevent them in the future.

No. 1859059

Yeah, I guess I wasn’t really talking about flirting, I’ve never been flirted with either and I accept that’s due to ugliness but tbh I’m kind of relieved I don’t have to deal with that since it sounds extremely annoying. But anyway, I feel like the “people are mean to ugly women!” thing might just be a meme, but idk. Maybe we’ve just been lucky.

No. 1859062

Idk, I'm a triple whammy of tall/fat/ugly but have decent fat distribution so I don't look as heavy as what the scale says. I don't think I've ever been treated poorly by a stranger because of it though? I would say I'm approached pretty often in public by people asking for directions or other questions. I take the bus to work and often get men letting me go ahead of them in line. Never been randomly hit on by a stranger though, most men just try to avoid me when they realize I have a few inches on them kek

No. 1859066

sorry for being confusing, i wasn't talking about flirting either, i just meant that my friends are treated just as nice as i am but the flirt attempts are added to that niceness. like you, i'm glad i don't have to deal with that. it just sounds exhausting.

No. 1859068

It’s pretty common in my family. I get depressed before my period but not as bad as when I was a teenager. I used to get really bad suicidal thoughts. My sister gets really bad PMDD she says birth control helps but doesn’t make the problem go away completely. You’re definitely not alone, you might be able to get help from a doctor or a therapist.

No. 1859070

Yeah I'm ugly and thin and wouldn't say that I get treated badly by strangers at all. I never get approached by anyone when I'm out (though I find that a good thing personally) but if I have to talk to a stranger for some reason they're always nice/neutral.

No. 1859087

I am below average looking but I have nice eyes and have always been average weight. People are never mean to me, sometimes nice. But during covid when I wore a mask the way people treated me was night and day. People would randomly let me cut in line or cashiers would ask if I wanted free shit, way more people held the door open for me. Both men and women.

No. 1859136

Overweight, tall and below average face but I think I come across as retarded so strangers kind of treat me the way they would treat a disabled puppy. So basically if you're fat and act retarded people might be slightly nicer than if you didn't. Retardmaxxing

No. 1859142

What are some good movies that are more oriented towards an adult audience but still PG (or PG-13 for swearing)? I feel like it's so hard to find stuff that doesn't fall into the dichotomy of super shallow kiddy family movie vs. gritty violence sex drugs galore.
An example of what I'm looking for is like The Truman Show, it has some deeper themes and isn't for kids but it's still PG with the worst being some mild cussing and brief implied sex.

No. 1859143

Why do mods delete your entire post history if they can still see it

No. 1859203

wtf is a brexit geezer?

No. 1859210

Do i have some kind of problem if whenever i know a guy is interested in me i constantly pretend i'm closer with some other guy so they think i don't like them (even if i do)?

No. 1859214

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kids and teenagers would bully me. Adults know how to be two faced , they will be polite most of the times but i know am not liked or being included and really feel invisible compared to atractive women. Instead of bully everyone just ignores and passively dismisses me. At one point i realized even my friends would never write me if i didn't write to them first, in every group i am the bottom of the totem pole.

No. 1859217

Working class fat white 35+ British male who voted for and/or supported Brexit, pronounces 'think' like 'fink', probably works in construction but not very well. Scared of immigrants but will move to Spain.

No. 1859227

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Does anyone know what stitch this is?

No. 1859229

What do you think the best suicide method is

No. 1859235

I used to feel this way and I realized part of the problem was me and my attitude (I believed I would end up excluded and it turned into a self fulfilling prophecy due to my behavior thereafter) and the other part was that I really did need new friends. You prolly need some new friends too. But being alone is better than feeling lonely around "friends" imo. Work on your confidence nona so you don't settle for/tolerate friends that are not up to the same standard as you. I'm sorry you are feeling this. I know it sucks.

No. 1859240

Doorknob hanging, you tie it on the doorknob from the other side and close the door and the noose hangs down. It's how robin williams did it

No. 1859243

Thank you

No. 1859244

Please don’t anon, come talk in the vent thread, we’ll listen. Ily

No. 1859246

I mock tried it a couple times but shit goes very fast from wahh I feel hollow to holy shit I can't breathe get this shit off my neck. I get why horny scrotes die accidentally doing that choke game crap it's no joke

No. 1859250

Yes, like the other nona said..plz don't do it. I was depressed for years and attempted a couple times but now things are so much better. Talk to us.

No. 1859327

Whats a nice female name that doesn’t sound like a troon would use? I need to name my game character but google only gives me transitioning names

No. 1859332

i like anne

No. 1859350

some unsexy grandma name like Maude or Gertrude.

All stripper and anime sounding names are already taken by troons.

No. 1859359

Are you using a parallel megatroon dimension version of google? Why would transition names come up before regular baby names?

No. 1859381

my name is a troon name unfortunately. A boy I knew in high school even went as far as changing his name to mine when he trooned out. It makes me want to kill myself.

No. 1859414

What are your icks? The more petty the better.

No. 1859420

I hate unbrushed hair. I also hate not clearing your throat before you speak and just continuing to speak through the raspiness. I roll my eyes whenever people like employees don’t say sir or ma’am.

No. 1859421


No. 1859422

Underdeveloped toddler taste buds

No. 1859424

When someone asks a random conversational question in the stupid question thread, that’s totes ick.

No. 1859427

There’s no female name a troon wouldn’t use. what the fuck is this bullshit ? Letting them live rent free in your head, Jesus Christ.

No. 1859428

i bet you feel really cultured when you put it over your lardy ass triple large megataco covered in grease and slop

No. 1859429

Moids who start getting fuzzy when you merely make prolonged eye contact.

No. 1859432

That sounds like astigmatism or something

No. 1859435

Seeing men spitting in public. I see it all the time and it makes me homicidal

No. 1859436

Shut the fuck up troon. You’re too obvious.(use reports)

No. 1859438

>moids in my hobbies
>synthetic fabric
>music snobs at karaoke
>The Gay Voice(TM)
>alcohol smell
>cheap off-the-rack halloween costumes (the fabric feels AWFUL)
>candid public filming
>gamer funk
>males showing sexual interest in anything ever
>historical hobbyists who take themselves too seriously
>people who cozy up to or revere authority
>leafblower and lawnmower noise
probably more but I don't wanna spam the thread

No. 1859441

Classic or old-fashioned names. Victoria, Mary, Laura, Grace, Gabrielle, Margaret, Ida, Bertha, Edna, Myrtle

Names from previous generations that are now associated with older women, such as Shauna, Janet, Shannon, Barb/Barbra, Sheila, Phyllis,Debra, KAREN, Nancy, Donna , Susan

Or those trendy moid names that are now being given to women: Tatum, Ryker, Hunter, Sutton, Harlow, Spencer, Logan, Jordan, Carter, Blake

No. 1859442

No. 1859449

samefag sorry but gotta make a correction on the halloween costumes. they're cheap quality and made of more plastic than the bag they came in, but they're so gosh darn expensive it's actually infuriating

No. 1859468

I hate how I get banned for making distasteful but harmless jokes, meanwhile actual troons can just prance around carefree. Fuck you

No. 1859474

For trendy moid names that are now suddenly being given to women you forgot Sidney.

No. 1859491

i hate touching butter. it kills me to death

No. 1859534

i'm >>1858083 and thin, idk why anyone would think it's a fat only thing. when i used to be in middle school classmates said my body looked like a boy and compared me to trannies

No. 1859548

Is that a recent thing though? I've known women named Sydney who were born in the 90s.

No. 1859565

Which thread should questions like those be asked then? In dumbass shit anons will ignore or make fun of conversational questions

No. 1859582

there used to be a different thread for random questions to chit-chat over and I very much appreciated the distinction. People insist on using them the wrong way though. Questions like "what's you least favorite food?" and "what does 'AYRT' mean?" are totally different types of questions.

No. 1859587

Someone should remake it then

No. 1859588

sorry forgot to link it >>>/ot/1581752
it's a mess just like this one though.

No. 1859591

other than the thread anon linked, there's also the 'weird turn offs' thread in /g/ if you're asking about icks in relationships/partners specifically

No. 1859620

NTA but I have a follow up question: what if you actually had a decent attitude and tried being nice to others but still get excluded and shit talked? What am I doing wrong?

No. 1859672

Is having a beer on a weekday socially unacceptable?

No. 1859674

no although i guess it depends where you're from. no, though.. drinking heavily maybe if youre a prude but 1 beer is totally normal.

No. 1859705

Wait, is the “jizz in my pants” thing a real phenomenon? So guys actually seriously uncontrollably ejaculate when they see Stacy on the street? Is it true that whenever I go outside or to work or wherever else I’m secretly surrounded by men with cum dripping in their pants because they just saw a girl with big tits walk by? Are guys silently orgasming all day?

what the fuck

No. 1859706

Which spellings do you guys prefer?
Nona or Nonna?
Nonny or Nonnie?

No. 1859707

What….no… normal males do not instantly jizz in their pants untouched at the sight of an attractive woman. Wtf anon.

No. 1859710

Nonnie and nona

No. 1859713

Anon, I certainly hope not.

No. 1859719

I prefer just anon, the other ones sound sickly sweet.

No. 1859721

nah, it was just a song by andy samberg like dick in a box. the most they'll get is a boner, most modern men need to watch some "step sister anal virgin cheerleader choking DP" porn or something just to have an orgasm

No. 1859722

do you have the soap thing because me too

my ick is how young people react when I call them sir or ma'am. Young women look like they want to puke because it makes them feel old and young men enjoy it way too much. Sir and ma'am is for old people only now, as far as I'm concerned.

No. 1859739

>loud chewing
>shower heads dripping
>cracking bones and knuckles loudly
>pretty much anything that comes from shein or temu
>dogs who bark with a baying sound
>needles being inserted into veins
>the fact that I raise one eyebrow enough that it developed a wrinkle on one side of my forehead and not the other
>sight and smell of citrus
>people who wear cakeface glamor makeup every single fucking day, bitch it's work not a fashion show
>neat ocd clean freaks moving my shit around if I have to live with them and not telling me where the fuck they put my shit
>whale tail thongs paired with low rise jeans
>in a similar vein those whale tail pairs of underwear that are basically clit covers selling for $15
>people who brag about how skinny they are
>smell and sight of burning food at the bottom of a pan, especially burnt rice (bad childhood memory)

No. 1859752

Maybe at a young age, when they are teenagers, but I doubt grown men would react that way

No. 1859766

>'Difficult' people who are inflexible and need things to be 'just so'
>Slow walkers
>When people stand in narrow passageways or store aisles and just… chat. MOVE!
>When I'm driving the speed limit and some moid first rides my ass then overtakes without blinking like I'm inconveniencing his twitchy ass.
>Crying/screaming children
>Edgy people
>People who 'don't drink water'. Grow up.
>Parents who think it's okay to let their 3,4,5 year olds walk around in diapers because 'it's so hard to toilet train them!'
>like a nonny said above - synthetic fabrics

No. 1859783

Some people just suck anon. Also if you’re quiet an have a resting bitch face a lot of people won’t bother actually getting to know you.

No. 1859790

oh also
>people who sit 50ft behind the next car at stoplights

No. 1859796

the way nonny is spelt annoys tf out of me, not sure why.

No. 1859812

Not really. From stories I've heard from my friends irl it can only happen if you're extremely touch starved, extremely horny and generally have issues with premature ejaculation. It's more of a figure of speech than a universal common experience.

No. 1859845

do you have sex with men? if you do and his dick isn't clean that can give you a uti, especially if he still has his foreskin. one of onision's ex-girlfriends said she used to get reoccurring infections thanks to his frequent demands for sex and poor hygiene

No. 1859966

Do you see Stories show up in your Instagram explore page? I don’t see any. I read that they do but I don’t see them and can’t figure out how to make them appear.
My favorite famous internet moid keeps viewing my stories after I DM’d him something and I wanna know if it’s that my stuff is showing up for him or if it’s just that he is in love with me and going to my page manually (he does not follow me)

No. 1860045

Can you get used to the laxative effect of caffeine, too, specifically tea? I'm constantly constipated and my doc says absolutely everything is fine, I just drink way too little (<500ml/d if I'm not careful) and all my problems would be solved if I could bring myself to drink just a bit more. He, like the doctor he is, is right and on the days I'm drinking well I am also pooping well. I don't like the water in our apartment and don't have the back muscles to buy it bottled, so I've switched to tea, and on the days I drink my +2L everything bathroom related goes especially well, too, so I'm guessing the caffeine in the tea is doing quite a bit of legwork, but now I'm worried that I'll get used to the laxative effect like you can get from actual laxatives and soon I won't be pooping as good anymore Daily coffee drinkers feel free to respond, too.

No. 1860058

When I meet a former classmate on the street and someone asks me who that was, do I say it was a girl I went to school with or a woman I went to school with? We were girls then but are women now.

No. 1860064

I say 'someone' from school, if they were my friend I'd say 'old friend' from school.

If I had to choose one I'd say woman, I don't like referring to adults as 'girls'.

No. 1860118

I don't think so, I usually need to poop after drinking coffee, but weirdly enough, I don't feel the same after drinking teas of literally any kind.

No. 1860149

Nonnie I assure you you don't build up bowel resistance to caffeine.

No. 1860151

Too lazy to edit the other comment but I wanted to add that if you really need to go smoke a cigarette after drinking your coffee.

No. 1860171

Does anyone else’s waist go up like 2-3 inches before and after eating because I have no fucking idea what size to buy clothes because something will fit perfectly the I get bloated and it’s tight. If i buy bigger it’s too loose.

No. 1860172

What antivirus software do you guys use? Is Windows Defender enough?
I torrent movies and shows so I want to be careful

No. 1860178

When I had a windows machine I used avast, idk how they are now, I have a Mac and they're less prone to viruses

No. 1860377

Is there a free app or website that isn't terrible where I can upload my photo and try on different hairstyles? I tried a bunch but the hair selection is always awful (basically just stickers of popular hairstyles from 2009) and the AI ones want you to pay and seem pretty sus.

No. 1860399

File: 1705619033399.jpeg (2.79 MB, 2500x1663, 97BB501E-3E02-4C70-B30A-9C1AE1…)

When I was ugly (bad haircut dressed awful, so it was more like goofy looking ugly rather than hideous and disfigured) ladies were overly complimentary and guys were outright hostile, they were like “you don’t make my peepee hard and you should die!”

No. 1860400

Samefag not all girls were nice but that was only a few insecure pickmes who would be like “haha babe would you do it with her” fuck off.

No. 1860414

at least one inch or so when eating through the day and my best advice is to buy an inch smaller than your real waist. seems every time i buy a high waist pant in my actual inch of waist then it will fall down through out the day. has to be slightly tighter to actually stay up.

No. 1860427

I was never fat but the change in everyone's attitude when I grew out my hair long, started to dress just a bit more feminine and cover my bad skin with foundation was WILD. People (but only teens, older men, like 20+, would often approach or catcall me) were the most hostile to me when I was a teen with short hair. At school it partially had to do with the way I acted (I wasn't friendly with them and straightforward to the point of being rude which I don't regret) but even some random guys would straight up insult me or react in a negative way and it was so fucking weird. Now that I think about it, many guys mistaked me for emo only because of short hair and dark eye makeup, and maybe that's what triggered them. This and white Steel boots I wore in cold season. There were just a lot of gopnicks where my school was.

No. 1860430

Males straight up don't think women who don't please them visually shouldn't exist, it's ridiculous that they think they're the stronger sex like such a monkey mentality.

No. 1860491

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How do you make your eyeliner look so seamless?

No. 1860493

Why so many Wony fangirls on lc lately?

No. 1860509

That's just "tightlining"

No. 1860779

Is there anyway to download files off amazon music without an account? There's this obscure album on there that's available no where else which I want to download, but I don't want to give amazon my info for just that one album.

No. 1860910

Anons who track calories, do you count anything you eat past midnight as the calories for the day before or the current day?

I hope that makes sense, I've been on a calorie deficit for a while but still confused on how I should treat calories eaten past midnight. I usually count them as calories for the day before since I think it's just about what you eat in-between the time you wake up and the time you go to sleep, regardless of the actual date and time. But then that way brings in a little confusion of how I should treat calories after I've had a nap.

No. 1860919

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I am once again crying out to any NZanons, why the fuck are your men like that? They need to be put into labor camps.

No. 1860923

I don't think there's anyone from New Zealand on here

No. 1860924

There's at least one, I know this for a fact

No. 1860925

I have insomnia so sometimes I track my calories for 24 hour periods rather than my time in between sleeping. Technically if you calculate the amount of calories you need for a week, you can have those calories whenever you want during the week and still maintain/lose as long as you don’t go over.

No. 1860973

I don't think it matters as long as you're consistent about it. That log is only for you to analyze your eating habits. If you have an excess of calories over a week's worth of time, it really doesn't matter if you logged a portion of that as the day before or on the technical date.

No. 1860997

my day starts when I wake up, so day before. Napping counts as the same day, not a new day.

No. 1861027

as someone not from new zealand, can you explain?

No. 1861086

As the mythical new zealander, I'm not sure.

No. 1861181

File: 1705682678370.jpeg (70.36 KB, 960x540, r1280x720l.jpeg)

Why do I laugh when someone puts up their index finger? I even do this to myself and it works. Am I retarded?

No. 1861187

Nonnas who have an iPad, can you give me advice? I have an I phone and macbook but I´m thinking of getting an iPad (old one) for comfort basically. Can I use all apps on an iPad that I have on my phone? Do I need an apple pen? And I´m looking for an older model of course

No. 1861191

Compatibility is an app-by-app basis, some will work on both some won't, most will but if you have non-negotiable apps then I'd check. Some things will only work on certain IOS, some old ipads won't go higher.

Apple pen is only useful if you use it for art/organisation.

No. 1861197

What do you do when someone gifts you a thing that you know you're not going to use? Leave it there or pass the gift to someone else?

No. 1861206

Re-gift if it's good quality but just not my cup of tea, charity shop it if able, bin it if not.

No. 1861209

It's the best gesture and it's fucking hilarious, you have my full support, anon

No. 1861219

when did the banners suddenly update?? did this happen recently? like i know you can submit a banner to be used but i am seeing new ones lately i havent seen or noticed before lol

No. 1861220

thanks! I´ll check the apps, I think mostly the standard apps like pinterest and youtube will be relevant for me. I might be interested in digital drawing but really only for fun.

No. 1861221

File: 1705687358099.gif (3.13 MB, 500x280, tumblr_inline_ps0yqisUCC1ur6ie…)

this is for u non

No. 1861222

The big banner update was 13-Nov-2023, see lolcow.farm/banners

No. 1861228

I giggled

No. 1861284

I'm super out of shape and trying to fix that, but god damn how long does it take to stop having terrible throat pain afterwards? The muscle soreness doesn't bother me much but the stabbing throat pain is just brutal, it's the thing that's made me give up before. It's not acid reflux and it's not asthma, is it something that gets better over time or do you just have to deal with it?

No. 1861288

How do dust allergies work? Isn't most dust just skin? Are dust allergies just being allergic to your own skin?

No. 1861289

do people actually live in those industrial lofts with big metal sliding doors like in tv shows/movies?

No. 1861296

What's up with scandinavian men having south east asian wives?

No. 1861305

People with dust allergies aren't allergic to the dust itself, it's to the poop of the mites that live in there. Same way you're not actually allergic to cats, just their drool.

No. 1861317

Sex tourism and asian fetishization?

No. 1861327

Just curious. How often do you nonnies mop your floors? Non carpet obviously.

No. 1861329

Oooooh, that makes way more sense. Thank you wise anon

No. 1861337

every week if I'm not being lazy.

No. 1861355

I have this weird dry area where my bangs part, there's scabs sometimes and it's itchy. I haven't changed haircare brands and don't have it on the rest of my head, what can I do to prevent it?

No. 1861364

Why do some people write "sweaty" when they actually mean "sweetie"? Doesn't sweaty imply that you're sweating, and not an endearing word?

No. 1861368

It's from some meme

No. 1861372

Who even owns this site right now? Do we even know

No. 1861417

Maybe you need more moisture because it sounds like its a dry patch where your skin is exposed but idk without seeing it . I like hydroboost by neutragena (?) But its the only one that works really for my dry dry skin (I put it on like a mask on flakey areas after shower and wipe away before I go out/1hr after)

No. 1861420

If someone says sweaty to you theyre making fun of you and beinf sarcastic btw.

No. 1861544

Why is it nearly always disorder larpers who are bad at it who get away with it? Like Jill with her rainbow cosplay DID or simplykitsune with her pretend autism, or anyone on tiktok for that matter

No. 1861554

As a Scandinavian I can confirm it's really rare here at all. Asians in my country are supposedly about 0,2%. But in general Scandinavians are good at English and therefor more likely to date from other cultures

No. 1861558

define 'get away with it'. all those people have been called out several times online

No. 1861586

has anyone here ever had a horrible physical reaction after smoking weed? Last friday night I decided to smoke a bit, and I legit felt like I was gonna die. 20 mins after smoking my blood pressure dropped really hard, I could barely move, and I started vomiting. I was dripping sweat and had pain all over my body, I legit had to crawl to my bed while shaking and retching. After the vomiting I still spent like an hour feeling absolutely horrible, exhausted but in so much abdominal pain I couldn't stop groaning. My breathing was labored, i couldnt move my limbs etc. I slept like a rock for like 8 hours and when I woke up I was still weak. I've smoked casually for years but had never felt anything even like this. I got a bit from my friend and she didn't go through this with hers.

Anyone here have a similar experience???

No. 1861601

It sucks but you get used it in the mean time maybe do some lighter cardio and work up to the strenuous stuff

No. 1861602

Maybe you’re getting CHS? I’m sorry anon. That sounds horrible.

No. 1861603

was this the first time you'd smoked after a long period of abstinence?

No. 1861622

File: 1705716400666.jpeg (109.44 KB, 602x377, IMG_6326.jpeg)

If a girl has this in her bio does it mean she might be a lesbian?

No. 1861648

First time this month I think. Not a very long time.

No. 1861682

I do think that is what it's implying. That or she is major 99% female leaning bi. But probably lesbian.

No. 1861696

Do you refrigerate cake? My whole life I've refrigerated box mix and homemade cake and I don't think you're supposed to.

No. 1861700

i do i like cold cake

No. 1861751

you aren't supposed to, unless maybe in some hot climates that's the norm? i actually like to freeze my cake.

No. 1861752

She's a lesbian farmer

No. 1861758

Depends, I actually have to refrigerate stuff like cake because if I don't do so, It gets moldy way too fast, in around two weeks anything grows so much mold I could create a whole society out of it. So I usually refrigerate sweets and stuff made with flour of any kind, like bread.

No. 1861759

Can you get high from second-hand weed smoke? Does it causes you allergies too?

No. 1861886

Is it normal to never be able to self insert even if you tried? I don't know why or how but I never want to be myself even if I was more attractive, stronger, more successful, different sex, etc. If anything I want to be a ghostly omnipotent spectator. I can never imagine myself in any situation ever even if it's non sexual and I've been like this since I was a kid. obviously I should ask a shrink but I wonder if it's caused from a shot ego or a real psychological disorder

No. 1861888

the box mix or like the already made cake? the former nah the latter idk but i've always just put it in the fridge

No. 1861890

no, and maybe
I’m the same way but I always just found self-insert too corny

No. 1861898

which celebrities do you think stalk their names online the most?

No. 1861901

I don't think it's that abnormal, people's imaginations all work differently but you rarely hear about it since it's uncommon for anyone to talk about that stuff (I wish more people did because I find it cool hearing about the different ways people imagine things kek). For me when I daydream I'm never myself, I'm always other people that are completely unlike me and that's how it's naturally been since I was a kid. If it doesn't bother you not being able to self-insert then I wouldn't worry about it

No. 1861902

Angelina Jolie has been confirmed as a gossip site poster, Doja Cat more than likely comes here. I feel like Cillian Murphy would like seeing all of the unhinged thirst posts ugly weirdos make about him.

No. 1861909

doja basically confirmed she saw her /snow/ thread. probably any celeb who gets involved the most drama too (selena gomez, ariana, azealia, nicki minaj etc)

No. 1861912

I can’t deal with this. If you say you’re scared of someone leaving you and they leave you because “you don’t trust them not to leave” is it your fault for being scared?

No. 1861931

Angelina Jolie, junnifer lawrence, Ellen Page, Florence Pugh, Megan Fox, Ariana Grande, Doja cat, Jenna Ortega

> Cillian Murphy would like seeing all of the unhinged thirst posts ugly weirdos make about him
He has made references to the thirst trap edits that fan accounts make of him on tiktok, some of those deranged tiktokers have actually gone to Ireland to stalk/hook up with him and they documented and posted all of it. He also has a history of smiling, winking, and making sultry lingering eye contact with zoomers recording him which they all post on tiktok. He definitely watches his fan accounts for an ego boost and he probably defends himself on here too

No. 1861957

It really, really depends what "scared" looks like.

No. 1861959

Uhhhh by saying “I’m scared you’ll do this”

No. 1861963

Of course it's not your fault. Just sounds like they were looking for an excuse to leave and you gave it to them.

No. 1861989

Why are Lana Del Rey stans like that? They always post dumb hyperbolic shit like "she's an angelic goddess who's gracing our presence with her heavenly aura" when she's just standing there, even Swifties and Beyoncé fags aren't this unhinged.

No. 1861991

Cillian if you're reading this you'll always be a manlet!

No. 1861993

an ugly manlet at that

No. 1861995

File: 1705749798719.gif (2.7 MB, 540x360, tumblr_pym4kzQny41tlov0zo7_540…)

No. 1862006

>Cardi b
>Lil Naz X

No. 1862009

Of course, especially when they have dairy in them. I'd never eat cake that wasn't refrigerated.

No. 1862020

Kek. I’m sure we’ll suddenly see an uptick in posts suspiciously praising and thirsting after him now

No. 1862031

How long do you think it will take for Youtube to finally croak?

I can't even see it lasting another three years. Even an internet addict like me is quitting because of how bad it is. Even google is becoming unusable because and AI spam is making it all worse. I doubt Alphabet can just print money forever

No. 1862034

kek I bet she even posts here instead of just lurking. I can think of a few threads.

Robert Pattinson said once while promoting Batman that he looks up his name, lurks and samefags in anonymous websites.

No. 1862062

File: 1705759642320.jpeg (702.81 KB, 1170x1525, IMG_4648.jpeg)

You’re just jealous of her

No. 1862074

Why do people still upload selfies online despite the new AI/deepfake problem?

No. 1862076

Ntayrt and I love Lana, but she hasn’t looked like that in years.

No. 1862095

Normies are naive.

No. 1862126

If someone still uses social media at all is because they are a hopeless addicts. Junkie behaviour is not rational.

No. 1862131

>They already know everything anyway
>You can't avoid it
>It won't happen to me

No. 1862135

I don't see it go under until some new form of media or tech takes over that youtube won't be able to adapt to or not in time.

No. 1862141

i can see it splintering in smaller communities for every niche with smaller overhead. Right now YT is unsustainableand its already not being able to adapt to tiktok and twitch or the surge of AI flooding their algorithms already.

If you notice most youtubers are not really youtubers anymore, they have their own communities on Patreon, Twitch and Discord and yt is merely a repository to dump stuff their supporters already saw. I think we will just see the continuation of that. Normies seem to prefer their echo chambers too.

No. 1862151

Click Like If You Want To See Robert Pattinson Lolcow Farm Post History

No. 1862173

File: 1705771099554.gif (1.72 MB, 498x432, IMG_6357.gif)

No. 1862176

im sorry for using a tranny meme anime girl but she’s all I have for “girl pressing something”

No. 1862177

Depends. If the cake is really dry, I'll leave in my plates cupboard for up to 4 days, I usually eat it before though, rarely is it out in the opening for as long as that. If it's moist or has some kind of cream in it, I'll refrigerate it. In summer I'm more likely to refrigerate all types of cake.

No. 1862180

File: 1705771400510.jpg (95.23 KB, 460x483, 1694883959206657.jpg)

i hate how i can't look at that anime girl without thinking of tranny memes. Poor Kurumi-chan

No. 1862272


No. 1862290

File: 1705779729875.png (139.3 KB, 400x400, imagen_2024-01-20_174544534.pn…)

hello i need your opinion on drawing self inserts with characters while in a relationship. i know this sounds retarded but i'm engaged now and i am not sure if i'll have to stop drawing basically fanart of myself and a character, ive been drawing since 6th grade so i don't want to stop drawing silly stuff sorry for my english isn't the best and sorry for blogpost.

No. 1862294


No. 1862300

>drawing self inserts with characters
very based lady behavior
>while in a relationship
extra based. if your spouse-to-be can't understand your silliness and love for something you've done for years, that's not great

No. 1862305

Anon I mean no offense when I say that I bet your fiance is just as autistic as you and this is a non-issue kek, wish you the best

No. 1862311

Anons what's your experience with prozac? Anxiety, flashbacks and ocd are kicking my ass

No. 1862314

What's it like having sex with an autistic person?

No. 1862320

Can anons with older brothers explain why one would spend decades insulting you and cursing at you for no reason? Like when you're just sitting somewhere minding your business and he just pops up to lose his shit and then leaves like nothing happens? What prompts this sort of behavior on a regular basis?

No. 1862321

if you get one of the hyperfocused autists who takes direction well, astronomically amazing. squeamish/insecure autist moids get grossed out too easily and ruin the mood so they're terrible lays

No. 1862329

Autismos don't even like sex. They like fetishes and masturbation.

No. 1862331

this made me question if i could be autistica

No. 1862337

there are like a couple of sucessfull uterus transplant, and the last one i've heard of, the donor was the mother of the woman, she was born without uterus and she keep the organ just for the pregnancy, after that, they remove it because there is not point of keeping it, she don't need it like you need a kidney or a heart to survive
i get that you don't want to give away your organ, you don't even need a reason for that, but the '' trannies are gonna make babies with my dead womb and rape them'' is utterly ridiculous

No. 1862339

i honestly don't see the point of uterus transplants even for actual women. just a high risk waste of time and resources all around

No. 1862344

isn't this just siblings things ? i never got along with mine, i just assume that they saw me as rival or something ( not like i was a menace or something, i'm the runt of the litter and the retarded one above all)
just being alive was like a nuisance and meant less attention from parent and less cookies to eat or less presents for christmas
let me tell you that when i found out that some siblings genuinely liked each other and even hang out together, i was dumbfounded

No. 1862345

Stem is all about grifting money from private investors and taxpayers no matter how ridiculous unethical or or harmful the cause is.

No. 1862351

I agree. I think people should just accept that some people can't have bio kids.

No. 1862352

File: 1705783949436.jpg (99.73 KB, 1500x843, 64a595551604d_gettyimages-1501…)

did something happened to her or just the lockdown ?

No. 1862355

I don't know. He does it in way that feels abnormal to me like making threats even though he's in his 30s, calling me a bitch out of nowhere, and is overall more aggressive and violent than the usual man. i'd expect teenagers to do that sort of thing. And nobody else at home acts this way, just him. Is that normal?

No. 1862359

Those resources should be allocated to developing new technology to help people with disabilities.

No. 1862362

File: 1705784442875.jpeg (178.8 KB, 1179x1670, IMG_3410.jpeg)

She went on psych meds, and weight gain is a common side effect. Which like… good for her. She needs to be medicated.

No. 1862364

well, was he always like that ? some people just never grow up

it's not normal to be aggressive to people and it's even less normal to be a dick to family members for no reasons, maybe he has a reason, probably a stupid reason, but maybe he's resentfull for something silly

No. 1862593

File: 1705800074981.jpeg (29.02 KB, 324x510, IMG_3677.jpeg)

Why do pea coats read so gay?

No. 1862598

Because they are.

No. 1862632

How long is dry mashed potato mix supposed to be good for after it's opened? I have some in my pantry but there's no date on it and I don't remember how long it's been in there.

No. 1862634

If it smells and tastes fine it’s probably fine

No. 1862640

Probably because they’re not fashionable right now

No. 1862656

How do I get rid of an oncoming cold overnight??? I have exams coming next week and I seriously can't miss them, and I need to study bad… I could use any advice rn

No. 1862660

I don't think it has anything to do with him being your older brother, maybe only in a sense (if he doesn't act like that in general) that you're family and there are no dire consequences for him (he won't lose anything) when he acts like that, so he can use you as a punching bag to feel better about himself. It's definitely not normal, some cluster B shit.

No. 1862668

what happened to FDS? is it still a thing? everyone was talking about it then it just disappeared

No. 1862673

I never liked peacoats, even when they were back in fashion as I was a child. The meterosexual 2000's were horrible

No. 1862678

she's just a grown woman now, she's creeping up on 40 and she doesn't do hard drugs anymore and addicts often turn to food to satisfy the oral fixation

No. 1862686

She stopped going on benders and doing boatloads of drugs and filled that void with takeaway. Many such cases. That's just life.

No. 1862704

My Nigel has mild autism and he makes a lot of noises and gets really into it sometimes I’m not even that into it but he’s overly excited and noisy and expressive

No. 1862706


No. 1862817

How do I stop being so lazy? I am a sloth person! Depressed and tired and I take Wellbutrin but I’m still tired as hell and unmotivated and I work out but I still feel like shit all the time and my mom is a meth addict but she just sleeps all day, like meth is a stimulant I feel like I’m a weird bear person just a big large lazy beast

No. 1862905

do you nonnas think moderately nerdy (almost normie) moids can be less worse than the terminally-online-memer-gamer types?

No. 1862920

An un-online man will always be better than a permanently logged in man.

No. 1862958

Are the mods autistic?

No. 1862960

does anyone actually like morrissey? even morrissey fans seem to hate morrissey

No. 1862961

If they weren't they wouldn't be mods

No. 1862967

It's normal to have these fears and it's good to be honest about your feelings, but you have to think about how you communicate these things and what your real motivation is. Are you trying to guilt-trip them into staying or are you trying to show them how much you care? If it's the latter, there are far better ways of getting that across.

No. 1863003

He made good music but he seems like an awfully annoying person tbh

No. 1863006

yeah even those who like his music hate him as a person. does anyone even like him as a human being? is there anything to like about him outside his music?

No. 1863022

I think they really visually shorten men so they end up looking like manlets no matter the height.

No. 1863033

Should I buy a gaming laptop? I'm broke, without a job. But at least I could game or stream to feel less lonely and froget this shit life.

No. 1863042

Buy an old desktop instead and spend the rest on drugs.

No. 1863043

No, video game escapism isn't going to make you happier nor is ruining your financials further. I know it's hard but make smarter decisions for yourself anon

No. 1863045

No idea how to pick. Might spend money on drugs, tho, yeah.

I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere without any job prospect. It's bleak.

No. 1863048

Are you retarded?

No. 1863050


No. 1863063

Maybe not a laptop but if you just want to play pokemon and basic games look into an emulator for your phone or computer rn nonnie. More bang for your buck and you can play pretty much any nintendo game or even stardew valley. I like death road to canada too. Then smoke some weed. Ezpz.

No. 1863072

pirate some older games that do not need a strong computer

No. 1863120

Is it wrong that I get bored of guys who don't constantly give me attention and worship the ground I walk on? Is that considered high-maintenance? I've dumped all of my exes because eventually they started treating me "normally" and I didn't feel like being around them anymore. I enjoy my own company so if they aren't doing everything they can to please me or get on my good side or are too rebellious, I'd rather be single.

No. 1863129

That's normal, after the deed is done mammals get bored from one another and stop putting in effort. There is no room for love among the serfs plowing the fields. Nothing lasts. We're all plastic and disposable. Quest for the genuine article in the desert, and know what it is to die of thirst. The cruel sun of convenience burns the sandy waste barren and featureless.

No. 1863147

i'm a fan of his music and have seen him live multiple times but as a person i find him to be completely insufferable. that's fine for me because i'm not interested in celebrities or artists beyond what they create, but the obsessive fans that actually like his personality tend to be even more unpleasant than he is

No. 1863150

My sister's trying to become a freelance photographer to get out of her retail job and is currently trying to build a portfolio/network by photographing random no-name bands and sports teams for free. I feel bad for her because she's paying for gas by herself and is spending her free weekends on travel and editing those pictures. I can't help but wonder, is there realistically even a living to be made off freelance photography? Is this how she should go about building clientele (that actually pays)? I'm afraid she's investing a lot of time and money into something that has little chance of succeeding.

No. 1863165

it's probably the case and she probably won't listen to you if you tell her that's a waste of time and money, the only way she'll realize it is to '' fuck around and find out''
giving a shot at something and not succeeding is also a good life experience, (as long as she doesn't quit her job to '' live her dream'' )

No. 1863194

She’d probably be better off looking into some big company a la ESPN or local realtor businesses, especially if she already owns her own equipment. As far as I know the only people who do well as freelance photographers focus on wedding photography.

No. 1863199

In my experience working in ad agencies photographer can be a great job thats really simple and pays a lot. They also got to travel to shoots all expenses paid for, get free products and had a good time just for spending a few hours shooting some model.

But it is also the least meritocratic job ever. No one was hired because of merit. They always were some rich kids whos the son/daughter on X or a former school friend of X. The cushier high paying gigs would often go to people who could barely even operate their camera and often some in-house graphic designer would have to go through thousands of ugly unusable photos and cherrypick the ones to hravily edit to make usable because of it.

Building a career from the ground up without those connections is not that easy.

No. 1863204

You’re right. Unfortunately, that’s the case for most creative jobs. Rich, well-connected parents who finance their kid’s pursuits and these often mediocre artists flood this kind of work.

No. 1863223

It was also not uncommon for thr brand to tell the agency they already had a photographer picked out and then would send you the most worthless drug addict piece of shit only to find out it was the "bohemian" kid of one of the executives for that company.

The job used to require a lot more skill and a lot more legwork that couldn't be faked but digital cameras and photoshop made it so retards could have their asses covered.

No. 1863238

how come the celeb thread is in OT and not any of the other boards?

No. 1863243

Wedding, baby and pet photography are her best bets, especially wedding photography since she can charge more for that. She'll have to do it on the side for a while, probably for a few years, until she's built up enough clientele and experience to go fully freelance. The most important thing is to make connections. If she impresses some wedding planners, she's going to get a shitload of work sent her way. There are wedding conventions where people in the industry go to advertise and network, if she can make it to a couple of them a year she'll get her foot in the door much faster.

No. 1863252

Part of that as you mention will be networking. Hopefully anon’s sister is good-looking and charismatic.

No. 1863291

Is it like legal for Have A Nice Life or any other musical group to use a famous old painting for their album art? I'd expect like copyright stuff to be imposed on famous paintings like that, or does it not matter since the artist's long dead

No. 1863294

Is it socially acceptable for normies to hit on someone in a library?

No. 1863307

For a cold approach, most of the time no. But if they are slightly familiar, then it's likely okay.

No. 1863366

I don't really know how AI voice generators (where you put in real samples of your voice) work, but I am wondering this: what if you made an AI voice, then fed that voice back into the voice generator to make another voice? What would the end result sound like if you did that 100 or 1,000 times?

No. 1863367

it was originally in /snow/ I believe and then it migrated over here because celebrities are a little more off topic than cows? I think that’s why kek

No. 1863368

Pedro pascal, he watches edits of himself

No. 1863376

nope, other way around. started here then went to /snow/ temporarily when /ot/ was closed for a while, then came back here

No. 1863379

Thats literally the problem we will see happening very soon as generated spam and bot heavily outbumbers spontanus human created content so the AI algorithms are literally feeding themselves on their own garbage

No. 1863381

It's already been happening with image generation, dunno about audio. AI is inbreeding

No. 1863388

There is a major crash coming. All these tech companies know they built their skycrappers on quicksand.

No. 1863448

File: 1705863559556.jpg (53.2 KB, 708x1060, il_fullxfull.4467968243_ek18.j…)

Nonitas, would you all wear this for a year for 10 million dollars?

No. 1863458

Of course

No. 1863459

??? What are the other stipulations?

No. 1863463

I'm interested to see what will happen to all the neets who in a desperate bid to never have to leave the house ever again started pursuing a tech degree using online grifters advice and now realize that the job market is vastly oversaturated and they don't have any of the skillset or qualifications to do anything

No. 1863504

Just wear it everywhere and every time without taking it off for a year.thats about it.

No. 1863519

What about sleeping or peeing or driving

No. 1863538

You have to wear it regardless if you have to conduct a motor vehicle go to the bathroom or even going to sleep with it.

No. 1863546

I can't understand this thing about men. A lot of them seem to dislike bimbos, gold diggers and OF thots, if you go to any male community you'll see them seething about how they're making money just by looking hot. But these thots are getting all these money from men after all, so why aren't they criticizing the rich men spending a fortune on them instead? If men hate escorts and sluts, then why are they still lavishing them with luxuries and gifts?

No. 1863552

Do I get the 10 million dollar immediately or after the year is up? I absolutely wouldn't be able to drive in that but if I get the $10m immediately I could just Uber everywhere. The only thing is, can I take it off to bathe? Can I get multiple costumes so I can at least wash them? I get stinky so if I can't shower then I would just be a hermitcrab NEET for a year. Either way, the answer is yes I would.

No. 1863553

File: 1705866806842.jpg (15.47 KB, 480x640, 1000002288.jpg)

Yes hello cashier can I get two strawberry cream and one strawberry Pina colada elf bar

No. 1863555

This is an unreasonable stipulation. The sweat, salts, and oils from your body as well as the natural bacterias that will build up upon constant wear would break down the material quickly and render the suit rags.

No. 1863565

Hello Junglejim4322 we are out of Elf bars would you like an Allo instead

No. 1863575

File: 1705867561126.jpg (161.79 KB, 1024x852, 1000002290.jpg)

No. 1863577

File: 1705867593468.jpg (91.29 KB, 736x1105, 1000002289.jpg)

Can I customize it like this

No. 1863592

File: 1705867956041.gif (496.21 KB, 500x206, d22271787644efcf_addie.gif)

If nobody got me I know nonna got me

No. 1863593

After the year is up

No. 1863599

File: 1705868118819.jpg (29.31 KB, 540x360, tumblr_8fd5cc027fd1e608027c08f…)

is this cat a female? I've seen ppl refer to as male but I think I saw somewhere she was actually a female cat, I hate how the default is male always.

No. 1863601

Theres only one anon. An anon with many faces.

No. 1863603

it's unico_uniuni on insta btw

No. 1863604

File: 1705868209946.jpg (166.92 KB, 1080x1346, 1000002239.jpg)

Girl how are we suppose to know

No. 1863606

File: 1705868298466.jpg (103.48 KB, 1000x664, face.jpg)

A multifaceted queen

No. 1863618

File: 1705868610712.jpg (191.69 KB, 1000x1366, 1000002291.jpg)

We are legion

No. 1863633

Yeah, we are one, we are many, sure, are you coming onto me

No. 1863644

File: 1705869311298.gif (10.64 MB, 640x512, 8eac8dbf8454fa416e35a4051b575c…)

Hard pass.

No. 1863648

don't have to ask me twice

No. 1863660

File: 1705869756548.jpg (112.78 KB, 1024x897, daw4bzi-fullview.jpg)

Getting rejected by Cerbmin is a highlight of 2024 for me so far, very cool(everyone I don't agree with is cerbmin)

No. 1863663

This is 1000% fetish art

No. 1863664

I knew you were a schizo faggot, begone nasty.

No. 1863672

Wow it's the first time I've ever been accused of scrotedom on lc this is exciting. I will take my dumb jokes back to the appropriate thread, adios muchachos

No. 1863673

I wasn't calling you a scrote, I was saying the art you posted gives me fetish art vibes. Stupid.

No. 1863676

It isnt the first time and it won't be the last.

No. 1863698

You sound like a tranny, so there’s one for your lc bingo card.

No. 1863745

Am i bisexual if i kinda want to feel an older woman embracing my body and desiring me? My relationship with my mother is good, btw.

No. 1863814

ESL ANONS ONLY: do you use the oxford comma in your native language?

No. 1863824

i dont know i have terrible grammar

No. 1863825

in your native language would you write for example "the wolf, the sheep, and the cabbage" or "the wolf, the sheep and the cabbage"? I was taught in school that only the latter is correct.

No. 1863831

Same as you.

No. 1863874

No, it's considered wrong cause it is redundant

No. 1864039

Has anyone else had period cramps that made your asshole feel like it was going to prolapse if you didn't clench your ass? This is the first time I'm experiencing this type of cramp even though I'm familiar with cramps. Jesus fuck it hurts when I unclench

No. 1864065

No it wasn’t anything that layered. I mentioned it when pressed, didn’t even bring it up myself, and then he said well you don’t trust me not to leave so you’re pushing me away.

No. 1864067

are black people allowed to be introverted?

No. 1864077

Yes. I have deep infiltrating endometriosis, though. That specific pain went away after I had surgery to remove the endo on my intestines. The cramps were insanely painful, I grabbed the sink so hard during one that I bruised my hand.

Anyway, I'd ask your gyn about endometriosis.

No. 1864131

I'm culturally ignorant so sorry if this sounds retarded, but is the concept of celebrities bearding and getting into fake relationships to hide their sexuality only a western thing or does it also happen in other countries? I feel like it would make more sense in very conservative countries but it's still done in places like the US today despite homosexuality being more accepted there in recent years. I'm curious if non-western acting and music industries work the same way.

To be honest it seems pretty pointless for western celebs to do it cause most people wouldn't really care if they're gay unless their fanbase consists of conservatives. The discussion in the lesbian thread about gay people dating the opposite sex is what inspired my question I'll admit. In some situations I get it but in others, it sounds like a waste of time if they could stay single.

No. 1864152

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what food do you usually buy that can last a week while on a budget?
just to clarify i'm a neet struggling with many things and on sickness benefit for the time being, so money is tight.

No. 1864154

Flour, underrated how much you can do with it.

No. 1864164

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Rice, frozen vegetables, and sausage or chicken or beef. If you're in America, a $1 pint of great value ice cream for a treat. You gotta rely on seasoning so you don't have something basic and bland. I would also try to make some kind of mayo based sauce (think hibachi sauce) if I have the stuff at home, but I'm a sauce person so maybe that's just me.
I would also say avoid bread. It's not as filling as other carbs so you'll just tear through it faster.

No. 1864172

Buy a big bag of rice and it'll last a long time, it's versatile too. If you can stomach a higher upfront cost, a somewhat nicer (like $100-125 range) rice cooker that has a few more features can be convenient. When I want something super cheap and easy I set mine to make some porridge and eat it with some soy sauce and/or an egg, I also like the timer and keep warm features.
Chicken thigh is fairly cheap where I live, for what you get, at least compared to beef and fish. I like to eat it buttered with fried zucchini or steamed broccoli on rice, it's not too expensive but idk how tough your budget is. If meat is too pricey (or you are veg) then beans are a good option. If you are not adverse to it, less popular meats (like liver) can sometimes be obtained at good deals at places like Asian markets… I assume this doesn't apply in every country however

No. 1864173

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Samefag, beans too for extra nutrition.

I know that rice and beans and meat is a super boring and you've probably already heard it a million times, but it really is one of the only things that can reliably fill you up and also nourish your body for an entire week. And with the right skills and a little creativity, you could make multiple different meals so you don't have to eat the same thing everyday. Like a chilli!

No. 1864175

One more samefag, if you have transportation you could also look around and see what fast food restaurants around you offer free birthday food. Just sign up on the restaurants app, lie about your birthdate, and order online. When you go to pick it up no one will ask for your ID or anything.

No. 1864221

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cassoulet would be good. just bacon, chicken, beans, some veggies and spices. you can even add some sausages if you have the money

No. 1864278

I always feel like that even in discord. Eventually I get bored of the effort and leave. Same old story

No. 1864343

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I read M.F.K. Fisher's book, How to Cook A Wolf, when I was a bored (weird) teen. I found it so fascinating and potentially useful that I immediately bought a copy when I saw it at the used bookstore. There's an entire chapter about how to survive on the lowest possible budget by making a type of stew (and other tips). There are levels to how poor you are and what you're willing to do; she goes through them all. Nothing has changed from the 40s in terms of what is typically cheapest (beans, rice, ingredients for simple soup). But her writing is also fantastic and worth reading for that alone. There are also recipes for simple breads and cakes that will fill you up. I'm sure you can find it for free on an ebook site.

It's basically an entertaining mixture of essays, recipes, and invaluable tips/advice. She was an incredible woman.

No. 1864351

Adding to this suggestion. If you have access to a butcher or somewhere the sells meat bones, use bones to make your own stock and then cook the rice using the stock. It's nutritious and will make any rice dish taste much better.

No. 1864355

Lentils and potatoes

No. 1864370

has it always been a rule to not post minors on cow boards?

No. 1864372

Potatoes. If you live in an area with somewhat uncontaminated green areas and are healthy enough to spend some time outside, don't underestimate how many leafy greens you can forage even in winter and early spring. I make simple soups and salads from foraged greens all the time.

Not sure if they do this everywhere but ime some supermarets discount their fresh products (fruit, vegetables, meat, bread) near the end of the day by like 40-50% to get rid of it before it expires.

No. 1864375

is the too good to go app available in your country? you can get bags of groceries, meals, leftover bread/pastries, etc. for very cheap that way!

No. 1864376

I know a few threads got locked right now because of the hellweek, but did any threads get hidden? I'm unable to find a post I read a couple of hours ago and I'm wondering if the thread is hidden now because of hellweek or I just have shit memory.

No. 1864377

disappearing threads happen to me all the time, sometimes it's because I accidentally collapsed the tread but other times it straight up doesn't show up unless I go to the catalog. maybe the farm is haunted.

No. 1864382

Like the other anons I'd also recommend rice, potatoes, lentils, beans and chicken. If you like the taste, oatmeal for breakfast is an option. In my country most of the grocery stores have their own apps with coupons, it's a matter of luck but you can find great deals sometimes. Also what >>1864372 said, but where I'm at you can find the products with 30-50% discount early in the morning, right after the store opens.

That's so weird, I've never noticed it before. Do you know if there's a way to view the treads again other than going to the catalog? Do they reappear if you just wait a few days or maybe clear your cache and cookies?

No. 1864431

Foods high in protein and fiber like oatmeal, raisins and other dried fruit, lentils, beans, and chickpeas, are cheap and very filling. Nut butters are really filling and versatile, buy the unsweetened ones if you can so you can use them in sauces too. Eggs, cheap cuts of meat, potatoes, pearl barley and pasta can be used in just about anything. Buy frozen veg, it's cheaper than fresh. Salt, pepper, herbs and spices will help you a lot. If you can, make your own cakes and breads, the homemade versions are cheap and way more filling.
Buy ingredients in bulk and freeze everything that you think might go off. Even cheese and eggs (not in shells) can be frozen. If you're hoarding little odds and ends, throw it all into a pot and make soup.

No. 1864491

Are the admins males?

No. 1864493

Does anyone else avoid wearing white, blue and pink together in fear that it might be misinterpreted as being inspired by the tranny flag? Or am I just retarded?

No. 1864495

No because I don't think I could even find something blue/pink in my closet kek.

No. 1864499

I wear light blue jeans with light pink pieces together all the time and never had a comment about it. Could be wrong but I don't think the average person associates that with trannies? Might depend on your circles though.

No. 1864521

It's suspected at least one mod is.
No only because I do not have any pink in my closet. It's just not a good clothes color for most people.

No. 1864529

All three of them had to be verified female to get into that one lc bunker discord when shaymin was quitting so no, the admins aren't male.

No. 1864533

How do you verify as female though? Everything can be faked.

No. 1864560

Never. Trannies can take my baby bedroom florals from my cold dead hands.

No. 1864562

My mom’s dream catcher won’t let her sleep, has anyone experienced this and what should we do?

No. 1864564

no because those are also bisexual colors which I wear pridefully

No. 1864578

assert dominance by biting it

No. 1864583

Dreamcatchers aren’t responsible for sleep.

No. 1864587

Is the site design going to last for the entire week? It's so overstimulating

No. 1864599

Admin posted in /meta/ that it's only for today. Also clicking the flame at the top of the page will turn off the "read the rules" snow tbh I usually browse lolcow with hellweek theme, I like it a lot

No. 1864601

I tried to change my layout to keekweek and it didn’t even work

No. 1864607

This site got more autistic in a bad way rather than a good way

No. 1864612

File: 1705950484505.png (3.61 MB, 1170x1390, what.png)

what are drag kings for

No. 1864613

Oh, thank you. I already forgot that the snow around christmas could be turned off the same way kek


No. 1864619

No. 1864622

Why do people pleasers go out of their way for people they don’t even like? Especially at the expense of people they do actually care about

No. 1864639

Does anybody remember the name of that dude who had a thread on KF, who was clearly mentally challenged and who made cutouts of women from magazines saying they were his girlfriends and he also made knife garlands or something? I think he got arrested and maybe he died later like 4 years ago.

No. 1864644

I was like that and personally i think it's because i would try to take the opportunity to make said disliked person happy hoping that i won't dislike them anymore, like maybe i had the wrong idea of them or they just needed some help. It's true that sometimes you prioritize people like that instead of your loved ones because you get used to them and don't see as harmful, that's just my guess.

No. 1864657

Where do we talk about Gorlock the destroyer tranny

No. 1864663

My close (formerly I guess) friend is a people pleaser and it feels like she needs everyone to love her because she's so sensitive to any perceived rejection and needs to feel good about her position in people's lives. She treats me with only a fraction of the consideration she shows her BPD bestie who does terrible things to her all the time or random abusive moids she needs to rescue because all she can see is his ~inner child~ that got hurt at some point and she needs to stop the cycle. When we first met, she really wanted to win me over and I was keeping a safe distance, but I feel like she likes me best when I'm in need of fixing. We were best friends for a good while and I'm sure she loves me but it's like some weird thing where my box is ticked off now that she has won the friendship.
But maybe I'm just projecting kek, I have another people pleaser bestie who doesn't treat me anything like that

No. 1864667

tranny thread in ot

No. 1864690

there's a celebration of spring and japan coming that I want to wear a kimono to. I already have the komon kimono but all the obi belts I like are fukuro obi. Which apparently is made for nicer occasions than probably walking at a garden with japanese foods. Would it be inappropriate to wear a gold or silver fukuro obi with a komon?

No. 1864695

Going to a Thai restaurant, should I get massaman curry (never had before) or soup like pho/tom yum (have eaten)

No. 1864699

I have a dress with a tartan pastel pink and blue print and my ex called it a tranny dress. It bothered me but I still wear it since I look great in it.

No. 1864702

Only terminally online people could even notice

No. 1864703

The one you haven’t tried

No. 1864721

Over the past year or so, I’ve developed a stutter. I can’t seem to get my words out smoothly. I’m 25, and never had this problem before in my life. I try my best to just push through it, but I miss being able to speak eloquently and smoothly. What could cause this to happen? Is there any hope I can get it to go away, or is this just “me” now?

No. 1864727

If we consider both superfecundation and chimerism caused by vanishing twin syndrome, could it be possible at least in theory for someone to virtually have two biological fathers? I don't think there has ever been a documented case of this but is it possible at least in theory? Like an extremely tiny but still non-zero chance that it could happen under the right circumstances?

No. 1864862

is there some sort of comprehensive organized resource/tutorials to learn to draw for beginners? I mainly want to draw anime style stuff but also would like to paint landscapes and do some realism as well. there is an overwhelming amount of tutorials on youtube (some bad some good) so I'm at a loss where to start.

No. 1864879

Anons if my boyfriend chooses to hang out with his mom instead of me even though his mom said that it's fine with her if he wants to spend time with me instead that means he doesn't love me right.

No. 1864883

He probably love you but he’s a weird mamas boy

No. 1864936

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There was this case awhile back that is tangentially related. If this is possible I think technically what you're saying is also possible.

No. 1864964

Is it just me, or has /snow/ been especially dry of milk overall lately?

No. 1864970

Yeah I think usage of /snow/ has gone down across the board, really. And I don't think that's a bad thing to be frank. Like come on, most of us are pretty old and don't really feel like doing research on random internet personalities with no real world importance

No. 1864973

every single interesting cow like koopa guy and homie keeps getting cowtipped by retards, so we are left with drug addicted boring whores like shayna

No. 1864981

Its taken a little over a decade for the people of the internet to catch on to the fact that maybe they shouldn't post their psychosis and poor decision making skills online

No. 1864991

>koopa guy
Honestly where is the appeal in him at all I need a cow to have something notable or funny he was literally just an autistic nobody. It felt like selfposting with the earnestness. It's sus. Also, gay(integrate)

No. 1865007

samefag from >>1864970 I just went and took a look at /snow/ to see whats happening this evening and the first thing I saw on the most recently bumped thread was a newfag sperging out about a cows baby being 'behind' developmentally for some reason, going as far as to post a photo of him. Very weird vendetta channing behavior.

No. 1865012

ofcourse a zoomer wouldnt understand the appeal of a classic cow since you cant moralfag about how you are superior to the cow or nitpick their appearance.(infight)

No. 1865027

I'm flattered you are calling me a zoomer but it won't make your nothingcow interesting(newfag infight)

No. 1865049

nta but aren't most anons zoomers?

No. 1865056

what exactly is his appeal if you understand its complexities so well, i'm all ears nonnarella

No. 1865063

koopa guy was a grade-a organic autismo lolcow. they just don't make 'em like that anymore. not every cow has to be e-famous or a horrorshow.
some of us appreciate a good old-fashioned artcow. the sort who names his OCs Concord McSubway.

No. 1865075

There's something so pure about Concord McSubway

No. 1865158

Is it really a thing that employers force you to resign by giving you less and less tasks?

No. 1865160

Probably, I have done that to boyfriends in the past and it worked. People want to feel useful, kek silly fools, being paid for doing nothing is the dream

No. 1865162

>she couldnt decide between the honey glazed or pineapple slices
can someone explain this joke to me, a retarded ESL?

No. 1865166

I haven't heard of it personally but it wouldn't surprise me. Nice sly way of getting someone to quit without the legal repercussions and difficult to prove.

No. 1865201

I checked the context but I still don't get it either. It's not because you're ESL.

No. 1865266

Is mutual attraction even real? I've only had unrequited crushes and I didn't like the few people who were into me, how the hell does it even work?

No. 1865277

yes, in my country its called "firing by constrctive dissmissal" they just make it unbearable to work in.

No. 1865279

which is worse to have, a cat in heat or a newborn crying?

No. 1865284

Purely sound-wise? Newborn, so much more loud and piercing.

No. 1865295

Newborn for me, I find cat in heat funny.

No. 1865310

yes, i had a moid boss do this to me when my moid coworker stole money from the register and blamed me for it. he punished me by cutting my hours down to almost nothing until i quit.

No. 1865338

How much of comments about personal style is normal in a relationship? Maybe I'm just overly sensitive because of bullying but when something is slightly outside of normie tier it warrants some type of comment, not in a 'take this off now you're embarrassing' way but just trying to tell me he doesn't like something. I've never made a weird comment about his appearance, even if I didn't like something. I don't understand why he feels the need to do this, it's not like I've changed much since we got together.

No. 1865342

I came across this sentence
>I'm married to my husband, and we each have a daughter (they are 10 and 11)
>we each have a daughter
Does this imply one is from a previous relationship? Or is it just weird phrasing?

No. 1865345

Probably from a previous relationship. It does sound odd though lol.

No. 1865351

sounds normal to me. both of them have a daughter from a previous relationship and brought her into the marriage.

No. 1865375

Is it bad of me for any reason to leave cash tips for delivery drivers?
I order grocery delivery a lot, and I sometimes sell things locally for a little extra cash sometimes but then I don't get around to take the cash to my bank so I usually leave just like $1 tip in the app and then a $10 bill as a cash tip, assuming that the driver can pocket it and not have to record it as income.
Someone just told me I was rude for doing this though and making it more of a hassle for delivery drivers who probably don't want to be carrying cash around.

No. 1865377

I think the person you asked was retarded. I think it's very nice of you to do so.

No. 1865383

What? That's so nice of you, whoever told you that probably never tips anyone kek.

No. 1865413

Are all men like that?

No. 1865419

No. 1865437

What does it mean when someone says you look Mexican? Because some Mexicans look Arab and some of them look white and some of them look Incan or Mayan so like what does a Mexican who looks Mexican look like?

No. 1865439

i think the person who said this is retarded, it's nice to give a tip, especially when the driver can pocket it without having to share it.

No. 1865471

what is your body count? what body count do you consider high/low? asking because i was in a long term relationship, then was celibate for several years, and now in the course of 6 months ive had a few hookups. im feeling a bit worried that maybe ive taken things too far and i want to know where everyone else is, or if they think it matters at all. i know incel scrotes care obviously but i want normal people opinions.

No. 1865475

Seven seems to be pretty average number from people I've talked to. I have two and my boyfriend has three, but we're still both in our thirties so who knows what time will bring.

No. 1865476

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No. 1865480

Mines in somewhere in the twenties, had a few years in my late teens/early 20s where I was partying a lot though and I regret 95% of them lol

No. 1865482

also zero

No. 1865485

No. 1865486

I think 5+ is quite a lot but that's assuming they were serious relationships, depends on your age also. I have my own opinions about hookups/one night stands and I don't think you should count those honestly. Mine is one and we're still together so I'm happy with it.

No. 1865488

2. Honestly depends on your age, but I don't think a few hookups after an ltr are a really horrible thing.

No. 1865500

either 0 or 3, depending on whether oral counts (thanks vaginismus). i don't think it matters much, so long as you're being safe and having fun. i would consider a high body count 30+, and most normie women i talk to seem to have about 5-10

No. 1865501

yes, and in my native language, it's called '' to be put in the closet'' unironnicaly

No. 1865502

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Why am I being shown this ad repeatedly on Reddit? I'm a young woman with no unhealthy interest in children, the fuck?

No. 1865506

it's relevant to reddit's main demographic lol

No. 1865509

Current bf is my only consensual partner. I think high would be like 30+ but that seems to be more common with dudes. I could care less about what others do as long as they’re not spreading diseases to everyone or cheating/lying. I know some women can fuck someone they just met but I could never do that so it’s just a difference in behavior with what’s comfortable. If you’re happy with it and the guy is respectful then there’s nothing you should worry about. No one is going to care except loser incels who want every attractive woman to be their personal promiscuous virgin.

No. 1865511

12, I consider it a lot and I’m mentally ill, never was loved as a kid and tried to find love/validation through dick -2/10 do not recommend get therapy instead it made me worse

No. 1865548

Zero. But I say that a high number would only depend on how old you are. Because if you're 20 years old, assuming you've been sexually active since you were 18 years old, a high number would be like 10, because how the hell can anyone get intimate enough to have sex with 10 people in 3 years? Sounds difficult or like the woman in question is being tricked by nasty asshats.
If you're like 25 years old, I would say that, again, assuming sexual activities began at 18 years old, 10 people isn't that crazy to me, because those are 8 years of talking to different people and befriending them, creating bonds and all that stuff.
In the end, it's dumb to care about that as you age because of course you will meet people and you will get in relationships with those people, some quicker and others slower.
Incels just can't understand how anyone can be social, or even socially awkward or even autistic and get in relationships with others to the point of wanting to have sex with those people in different periods of time.

No. 1865556

2 of these I only had sex with once before I found out they were hiding known dealbreakers from me so I don't really count them but I included them anyway

No. 1865583

why do i always get so antisocial when i stay at home for a while? i haven't been outside in four days in a row. it takes so much effort and willpower to finally bring myself to finally go outside, wtf.

No. 1865591

Zero so even just one would be lot for me lmao, it all depends on your own standards.

No. 1865608

So I want to keep my boots for as long as possible, I hate being wasteful and buying new stuff and I know the process of how to keep the leather nice but what about the sole? The rubber soles on my boots are worn out and slanted from all my walking. It's okay for now but it seems like it could be a problem. How do you mend worn away soles?

No. 1865609

1 and I regret it, I realized late that he was an abuser who wasn't changing. It was also like the worst pain I'd ever felt so it wasn't even enjoyable in any way. He finished 3 times, there were a few other times where we stopped because I couldn't take the pain and he got bored, and other sexual encounters with no PIV but just like him beating me around
I'm not interested in hookups at all, and at this point if I ever have sex with a guy again we'd have to get married first, I'm not kidding. I can't stand men who aren't able to control their sexual impulses and I am really judgmental of men who have been with a lot of women but I'm more sympathetic towards women who have done it. In either case I think what matters more is their current mindset. Like if someone is like "I had a phase where I was sleeping around but I'm not into that anymore" I'd argue that's better than a virgin who's frothing at the mouth wishing they could jump into bed with a new person each night but just doesn't have the opportunity.
It only bothers me when women sleep around because it's unsafe and I know a lot of (especially young) women get semi-groomed into it with social pressure and negging, like it's not even "her choice"

No. 1865628

don't you have a cobbler shop around ? they can change the sole of your boots ( depends how much your boots are worth)

No. 1865641

How can I make my eyes hurt less after a long day of working on my laptop and crying? Are eye drops and sleeping my only options?

1 and it will probably stay that way for a long time. He was my first and so bad at sex that I don't want to see another dick anytime soon. I'm also not interested in hooking up because of this. And when it comes to low/high body counts and what is considered as such, I'd say this depends a lot on your age, what type of live you're living (attending many different events vs being focused on family, friends and work), the type of person you are, so it's very hard to say. For myself anything above 10 seems high but that's just for me, I would not judge another woman based on it. Dis you go too far with your hookups? It all depends on how you feel. If you had fun and stayed safe that's all that matters. To me a few hookups after a LTR and celibacy doesn't sound like taking things too far though.

No. 1865644

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i have one of thoses for my migraine, works well since the cold will numb your face as well as your eyes

No. 1865662

Don't know if it would help your situation but I had bloodshot and dry eyes nearly every day even though my screen was on the lowest brightness setting until I started drinking more water. Also had to remind myself to blink more often

No. 1865664

are you using the real website? there are a ton of fake websites out there. you do have to have an account to access zlib though, see here: https://www.reddit.com/r/zlibrary/comments/16xtf95/how_to_access_zlibrary/

No. 1865669

take short breaks from looking at a screen throughout the day, don't work in a pitch black room, maybe try blue-light blocking glasses? I got some prescription glasses from zenni with the blue light filter option and I definitely noticed a difference in how long it takes for the eye strain to start coming in

No. 1865678

>High: 10+
>Low: 1-5

No. 1865703

anna's archive also works great as an alternative to zlib. same catalogue

No. 1865723

I know this might tick off some nonnies but what are good examples of tomboys/masculine women/women with masculine energies in fantasy that don't feel like a woman just wearing men's clothes?

No. 1865724

File: 1706054858638.jpeg (44.4 KB, 720x405, IMG_5734.jpeg)

Umm… why is Mamo-chan naked?

No. 1865730

The amount of sexual partners you've had doesn't mean anything about your worth nona, that's just another way that moids came up with to control us. They want to humiliate us for existing, all our bodily functions are shameful or ridiculed by them. Do not believe their lies.

Before brainwashed nonas accuse me saying this to cope with being a whore (another moid lie), my "body count" is like 5 and im in my mid 30s.

No. 1865738

In my late 20s and only have 2. Both long term bfs. It’s not really a big deal imo you can lie and no one would be able to tell anyway. Sleeping around is not appealing to me though because I don’t trust moids in general kek.

No. 1865748

I don't get how moids think that's okay to fuck someone a thousand times but if you had sex three times with three different people you would get loose. scrotes are fucking retarded.

No. 1865806

These gel masks are incredible. I get migraines rarely, but often I"m working late and my eyes get so tired and "hot". Let me tell you: taking this out of the freezer and strapping it to my head is like a magical goddess placing her hand on my closed eyes. The coolness and the pressure on my eyeballs is like heaven. I was skeptical up until the moment it was on my face. Best €5 I ever spent

No. 1865808

I get that title but then the main video is about gambling? StopitnowUK would have a better time getting people to stop gambling if they just burnt down betting shops.

No. 1865829

Thank you all for the great ideas nonnies, I'm more hopeful now!

No. 1865869

How weird would it be to show a picture of a wig when I go get my haircut? I can’t find a good reference photo of a real person

No. 1865878

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Is it possible to achieve this kind of flexibility by stretching at home?
Do you have any good videos that show full body stretching?
One of my goals for this year is to do the splits, but I'd like to be as flexible as possible.

No. 1865881

Not weird, hairdressers probably get that often.

No. 1865890

can someone rec me more videos of youtubers getting exposed for having autistic fetishes? i know its autistic and niche but it makes me laugh so much when moids get outed with retarded fetishes, like that chuuga tranny feet chaser kek

No. 1865907

How to do that Rasputin dance that fast??

No. 1865914

Idk about videos but you may be interested in the milk about beatboxing youtuber Verbalase getting mocked for spending 50k on a retarded fetish animation. It's relatively current

No. 1865920

File: 1706071502867.jpg (41.11 KB, 888x635, fat daria for doug walker 2.jp…)

anon that was literally everywhere on the internet, i know about it already, lol. I mean more obscure milk, like when /co/ anons discovered Doug Walker(nostalgia critic) might be into feederism/weight gain

No. 1866021

What is the most prevalent zodiac sign of the lolcow farmer? It's scorpio right

No. 1866026

Doubtful. Maybe if you're trying to push a narrative

No. 1866051

most birthday posts i see are around the fall, so whichever signs those are

No. 1866067

That's what I noticed last year too. But scorpio is also the most common zodiac sign overall anyways so that definitely influences it kek

No. 1866082

I googled which was the most common zodiac sign and every single article that popped up named a different sign as being most common kek

No. 1866111

Astrofags love confirmation bias

No. 1866141

Have any new webcomic/webmanga fandoms popped up? I'm not in webcomic circles at all so I never hear about anything unless it's something big and memeable like lore olympus. I don't know if webcomics still have that meme tier status of being in eternal hiatuses or not. Are webcomics just kind of a self contained meta fandom or something?

No. 1866182

Your average webtoon read reads multiple webtoons at the same time they never form strong attachment or bonds. Very few garner a huge fanbase like LO
It’s like doomscrolling without the doom, are you going to remember the a tweet from 3 hours ago?

No. 1866183

Heartstopper immediately comes to mind. They made a Netflix adaptation.

No. 1866184

I think so. That pose is kind of advanced it might take more than a year depending on where you're starting from. I bet >>>/g/331898 would have better advice

No. 1866352

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I ordered a new pair of Converse and they came in today but they're so SQUEEKY. I think it's the bottom of the sole because they didn't make noise when I walked on the carpet. I've never had this with Converse before, that's the chance they'll keep squeeking? I don't want to return them but it's seriously a loud ass noise.

No. 1866357

What does "squeeking" mean?

No. 1866365

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Do any anons know how accurate the calorie counter on treadmills are? I usually take off 20 or 30kcal from the counter after I'm finished (depending on how generous I feel towards myself that day, like if I burned 500kcal I count it as 470 or 480), based on what I've read online when I've tried to check it myself but maybe some anons have a better clue? Because I'm not sure if I trust the sources.
If it helps I'm on the upper end of normal weight of my height with a bmi of 23 or 24 last time I checked.

No. 1866366

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I wrote down a bunch of small tales for kids, they're quite solid I'd say. Where should I go with these stories? Where do people publish or post their ideas for a book? I'm very creative but I seriously don't know where to start in this regard

No. 1866367

Why do people wear shoes inside? I would say Americans specifically but recently an Australian friend told me it's normal there too. Are you wearing the same shoes inside that you wear outside or do you have inside shoes and outside shoes? Why not just wear slippers inside?

No. 1866370

in my experience, this goes away once you break them in

No. 1866371

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Sand them down a little, or just wear them out. New shoe things

No. 1866375

not American or Australian, but from somewhere else where people wear shoes inside. It's because taking your shoes off in someone else's home feels overfamiliar, which is weird unless you know each other well.

No. 1866378

If you have a private account you can but I don't really recommend it

No. 1866381

maybe because shoes are part of being dressed and no one wants to see your socks or feet, the floor is dirty. taking off your shoes and putting your feet up is something you do at the end of the day in the privacy of your own home. for social gatherings and meals in the home shoes stay on. bare feet are seen as indecent by some, or gross if they've been sweating in shoes all day.
that said lots of people in america take their shoes off in the house, it depends on the family. it definitely keeps the floor cleaner.

No. 1866387

No. 1866389

I guess yeah. My family cares about their reputation a lot.

No. 1866394

whats wrong with socks? unless youre wearing unwashed smelly old socks with holes in them i would say they're most definitely cleaner than the bottom of your outdoor shoes. i would think it's more gross to track your dirty shoes that you wear outside in the mud through someone's house, forcing them to have to clean up your trail of dirt in their house… but to each their own i guess

No. 1866397

Slippers and house shoes solve this problem.

No. 1866398

I'm burger and it's like 50/50 if a white family is shoes on or off. In my experience shoes-on families just kind of accept that their floors will be dirty, re-enforcing the need to not walk around barefoot. I've always found that kind of gross. Also I've noticed boomer households tend to be shoes on, while the few millenial/zoomers I know with their own places are shoes off.

No. 1866399

If the treadmill does not know your weight & height then it means nothing, it's just a ballpark based on averages (even with weight/height it would be an estimate but it would be closer to reality). Just like SmartScales that claim they'll tell you your bodyfat percentage from stepping on them (impossible to do, also just a machine guessing) it's a gimmick.

No. 1866401

Nonna I also had a "fetish" (I don't know if it counts as one because idk this terminology well, I just got turned on when I saw it and I got over it after I stopped engaging with it for some time. Try to ignore the urge when it comes and if you have to masturbate, do it to something else more normal. You can do it.

No. 1866413

I never met anyone in America that stocks house slippers for guests. Personally I think it's rude to ask guests to take off their shoes, they won't have any other foot coverings and they might not have decent socks or they might be self conscious about their foot smell.
It's a person by person thing though. I take off my shoes in my friends house and use her house shoes because we're the same size and she's OCD about it, but secretly I think it's gross and one of us is gonna give the other athletes foot. I never ask anyone to take off their shoes in my house. My sister visited for a week and she takes her shoes off so I started doing it too lmao, my floors were a lot cleaner but I went right back to wearing shoes when she left. You be polite if someone cares but there is no default in America.

No. 1866415

Are you talking about people who're visiting? It's because it's weird to have people who're not close to you take their shoes off in your own home. I had an insurance guy over today, imagine if he took his shoes off, weird.

Anons here always say gross gross gross but don't you have a floor mat on both sides of your door to wipe your shoes on before entering? Don't you vacuum your floors regularly?

No. 1866416

the grime you bring in from outdoors is way worse than the sweat on your feet and harder to clean too. It's not all coming off on a mat either. Also carpets/rugs. You never wanna walk on carpets with outdoor shoes. Floors can be cleaned easily but not carpets. If you're walking on them with shoes you need to shampoo them way more frequently.

No. 1866435

Everyone I know wears shoes inside. My mom said if anyone ever came in her house and took their shoes off she would make them put them back on because she doesn't want to smell their feet. Aside from that a lot of older people don't have great balance and don't need to be slipping and shuffling in their sock feet. For people who have carpet, I don't blame them wanting people to take their shoes off but carpet is straight up disgusting to me and I hated having carpet in places I've rented, god knows what's been on it. It's like permanently having a big dirty blanket on the floor that can't be put in the washer. Using a carpet cleaner is a pain in the ass too.

No. 1866443

Nostalgia critic possibly liking fat women doesn't surprise me and it's pretty tame compared to other cringy aspects of his life and social circle

No. 1866482

I mean rugs, sure, but you only use those in the living room. But who has carpet flooring? No one. Maybe that's a by product of wearing shoes inside but I've seen them maybe once or twice in my lifetime. Everyone has laminate/parquet/vinyl which you clean weekly.

No. 1866483

>she doesn't want to smell their feet
Do people's feet really smell that strong? People never keep their shoes inside wherever I go and nobody smells to the point of having to keep their shoes on.

No. 1866486

I always thought it was Scorpio because they're conceived around Valentines Day

No. 1866487

if you take your shoes off regularly and actually let the skin breath, and wash them often, they do not smell that badly. wearing shoes/socks 24/7 is literally what makes feet smell bad to begin with, because they're sitting in sweat all day.

No. 1866494

I think it's partly a psychological thing because the family members who live there don't wear shoes inside. But the person visiting might have stinky feet.

No. 1866495

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I always see that non-Americans are shocked that yellow school buses are real, so what do school buses look like in other countries? Just regular buses?

Here school buses have to be bright so we can yield and stop for them so I cant imagine them not being a bright color.

No. 1866500

not every place here has school buses, they're mostly a rural thing. the local authorities usually rent them from coach companies or the local public transport service. so they're not a uniform colour.
i grew up in a city and we just used the regular bus servuces or subway to school, when the school needed to transport a big group they basically hired a bus that the local transportation authority rented out to every school in town

No. 1866502

Colombia: people with white vans rent their services to schools so they can be the official ones to pick & drop off kids

No. 1866505

That's disappointing. Is there any incentive to making a webcomic (other than because of you want to, obviously, and a lack of attention will likely not stop you) other than monetary incentive then? I'm trying to get into casual reading but I always keep hearing that all these platforms have shit monetization services or try to sign you onto a shit contract with strained deadlines and shit pay. I was reading a couple comics with almost 1M views and I see absolutely no posts anywhere about it. 1M views must be too little.

You're right, I totally forgot. That's very interesting.

No. 1866508

Depends on the country. I'm from a country in Eastern Europe and we don't have school busses here. There are many elementary schools in all parts of the cities so families usually enroll their children in the nearest one and in 99% of the cases it's close enough to go by foot. Most high schools (or the better ones at least) are in the centers of the cities and students just use regular busses/trams/subway.

No. 1866509

Webcomics are currently the "fast food" of media, if you want an actual fanbase for your work, the chances are slim to nothing. Honestly, I think right now the only type of media that's getting consist, actual fandoms are video games. Everything is just too oversaturated for anything to catch on

No. 1866515

That's immensely disappointing even as someone who's simply a reader. If I read something cool there's no one to talk to or socialize with or share fanart? People just consume media and then consume more media and then move on to the next product? When did webcomics go so fucking wrong

No. 1866557

How do you pronounce Cillian’s name? I honestly don’t give a fuck about this man but nonnies here are constantly talking about him ever since oppenheimer. I always thought you say it like the word “silly” like sillian. But last night on the news they mentioned him and pronounced it like the word “kill” like killian. I’ve never been more confused kek have I been saying it wrong all of these months?

No. 1866561

We don't really have school buses here. There's a few regular public transport bus lines that make special stops at secondary schools in the mornings and afternoons in the most sparsely populated areas, but otherwise it isn't necessary.

No. 1866564

Irish so 'kill-i-un'

No. 1866565

What names do you find especially sexy?

No. 1866569

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NONNIE I was in literally the same situation a few days ago! I've always read it like "silly" and then I found a news article with a video and the lady pronounced it like "kill". Just checked on Wikipedia, we both have been saying it wrong kek.

No. 1866572

in my head i say sillian but i know it's not right kek it's like the name sean to me. i know its pronounced shaun but in my head its "seen" and always will be

No. 1866574

Very common names in English like John and James, you nona?

No. 1866634

Names that sound like old but in a non-elderly way like 'Morgana'

No. 1866639

Definitely not one syllable names for me, two or three syllables are better. A woman can have any name and if she's cute I'd like her, but if a man has a stupid name absolutely not.
It varies by name otherwise, ones without harsh consonants like Armand are nice.
Based, hope you find a mysterious witch with a name like that.

No. 1866644

I like names that are uncommon but not so rare that they're confusing or were just made up by their parents in particular. I think a lot of old-fashioned names hit that spot for me. I also like Latin words and names
Unfortunately the guy I have a crush on has a name that's used to refer to an archetype on lolcow, which is a bit of an awkward association

No. 1866647

please say it's Nigel

No. 1866652

James is ok, but imagining someone moaning “John” in bed makes me cringe kek

No. 1866659

No, he has a name popular with TiFs.

No. 1866663

Aiden lol

No. 1866664

Caleb for some reason (I think it's because as a child I had a huge crush on Caleb from W.I.T.C.H. kek)

No. 1866665

Do we really need to chew 32 times? My cat rarely chews once.

No. 1866674

Do any nonnas get really bad headaches due to weather changes? How do you deal with it besides painkillers? The weather has been so dreary lately and it's been kicking my ass.

No. 1866677

your cat is an obligate carnivore and you are an omnivore. keep grindin

No. 1866679

Carnivores have a different digestive tract with different enzymes to break down food, please chew your food so you don't choke or get a tummy ache from it having to process larger solids. Think of your organs. Also cats are eating foods that are usually prepared in little mouthfuls already

No. 1866701

Could it be lack of vitamin D from not getting enough sun?
I think that's what my problem is cause it got worse when I fucked my sleep schedule. Gotta remember to sit in front of the happy light.

No. 1866705

I think it's more the changes in atmospheric pressure for me. It's been especially bad this year.

No. 1866725

Lately I've been having vivid dreams literally every night. It's cool but the problem is I never feel like I've been fully asleep when I wake up. Any way I can have dreamless sleep?

No. 1866734

stop taking melatonin if that's something you do. it causes vivid dreams

No. 1866747

I've never taken melatonin in my life lolol

No. 1866777

lower the temperature of your room (AC, fans, sleep with less blankets etc. just find some way to be colder). hot temperatures can give you more vivid dreams. not a guarantee but it should help.

No. 1866865

Why does my bf smell like literal weed despite not being a smoker or ever having smoked? I like the smell so its fine, I'm just oddly curious

No. 1866882

Ewww that's his b.o. You're smelling his undeoderized pits ass and balls.

No. 1867045

What counts as butch? I can’t tell if I am or not

No. 1867053

Are you sure he doesn't smoke or take edibles ? I sweat like weed because I am a heavy smoker. Or he's just sweaty.

No. 1867054

When I think butch I think of flannel, short hair, a bit on the edgy side, piercings probably, maybe a colored streak. Opposite of a barbie type but I think its all in the energy.

No. 1867057

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No. 1867095

Really short hair, as in a buzzcut tier short hair, denim pants or cargo pants, always comfy pants, nothing too short, ugly as fuck sports shoes for some reason.
And it's kind of funny, but at this point I can even differentiate between a tranny and a true butch, it takes talking to a few butches to know how they actually dress and such.

No. 1867100

Women see Boo from oitnb and get scared

No. 1867119

Aw man, Boo is so cute. Hate that the show made her character insufferable.

No. 1867123

No. 1867127

nta but if you've ever been to real life prison you'd know that someone like Boo would be cute in comparison to the regular rabble, at least demeanor wise.

No. 1867129

Yes? Sorry nonna I don't understand the question

No. 1867137

When people accidentally mistake you for a teenage boy

No. 1867212

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Is there a word for one someone's side profile looks amazing but their frontal does not? From the side this is a ten, what causes this

No. 1867270

I get headaches whenever I look at devices now. Even if its my phone for 5 minutes i've got headaches for hours. I go for walks and drink water but lately I'm always getting headaches from my laptop or phone. Do I just need a break from them?

No. 1867272

Gotten your eyesight checked recently? It might have dropped. A doctor is also going to give you some eye lube to help since your eyes gets dry from extended screen time and can cause the headache.

No. 1867333

Idk but I have the same problem. I look like a model from the side but I look like a thumb from the front. It’s hard to explain.

No. 1867362

If you squeezed an organ real hard I'm expecting it would hold its shape until it pops, what would it do? Maybe a pancreas or the glands would fall apart or crumble in your hands but I'm not really sure, I'm not well versed in anatomical stuff. How would organs behave when squeezed really hard, I'm curious.

No. 1867380

I bought something from Sweden and I live in America, they are using PostNord to deliver. They sent me a confirmation email saying it's going to get delivered to "service point" rather than showing my address… am I going to have to go somewhere to pick it up? What if I can't?? I don't have a car…

No. 1867414

Maybe just wording - where service point would mean whatever the final destination is (your address). Or they'll deliver it to the post office.

No. 1867419

Are you sure they're not just describing the last stop before it gets delivered to you? Since it must've gone through several hubs from Sweden to your state.

No. 1867420


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1867448

File: 1706196563740.png (45.98 KB, 1033x445, Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ).…)

How accurate are these? What do nonnas typically score on these?


No. 1867455

Well, I'm disgnosed with assburgers and I got an assburgers score, 29 of 50, so I guess it's kind of accurate? But not really, I got dizzy reading some of the questions and I may have messed up answers.
I think it's better to just go to a psychologist or something.

No. 1867460

I think service point just means whatever US delivery service it's getting handed off to (USPS, DHL, etc); once the US delivery service receives it they will deliver it to you.

No. 1867471

I'm undiagnosed but highly suspect I have autism and got 31/50. Mind you some of the wording on the questions I wasn't sure on so I wouldn't say this is 100% accurate

No. 1867507

i got like 32 kek never been diagnosed but i dont think i am. i'm just shy, introverted and smoke too much weed

No. 1867557

This site https://embrace-autism.com/autism-tests/ has different autism tests and it also specifies the accuracy of the test.

No. 1867568

What is good club attire?

No. 1867569

As in sports club, beach club or night club?

No. 1867572

Depends on the club, some have dresscodes, it can go all the way from jeans and sneakers to pretty formal and everything in between. Check the social media pages of a club you're interested in to get an idea of what others are wearing.

No. 1867575

Wanted to ask this in celebricows but didn’t want to derail too much; what is the popular consensus on age gaps here? I’m interested because it seems to vary depending on the genders involved. From what I gather anons on here seem to be against older men with younger women, but ok with it when the woman is older. I’m particularly curious as to what the consensus is when it comes to homosexual relationships, ie older woman with younger woman or teen girl, or older man with younger guy. Different spaces seem to have different ideas in this (male incel spaces think dating men dating young teens should be legal but when a woman does it she’s a pedophile, fauxmoi and other gossip sites ick at a 5 year gap regardless of gender) so I want to know LC’s opinion.

No. 1867595

I don't mind older women dating young men who are at least 20 years old, I also don't mind something like a 25 years old woman dating an 18 years old guy.
Moids are all predators, they just get worse as they age, so it's always better to be wary of older men wanting to date young women.
When it comes to same-sex relationships, I honestly don't mind the age gaps as long as the two people are adults.
I guess that as I keep aging, I notice how age gaps in which the woman is older than the man makes more sense, because the average 40 years old moid looks like shit, and so does the average of moids of many ages starting from their early 30's in which some of them still look decent if they're not slobs who eat shit on a daily basis.
Meanwhile, age gaps aren't justifiable for moids who want to date younger women because the average woman looks amazing regardless of her age.

No. 1867607

Long post, sorry – it's not a blog post, I promise. I just want to explain my thought process. I'm posting it in this thread because perhaps there's some sort of consensus that I haven't been able to find.

I have been listening to Gender: A Wider Lens, a podcast with two psychologists investigating AGP and ROGD. They have had a lot of the big names, like Blanchard, Lawrence, Vasey, etc.

A big theme in their pioneer series is feminine males in general, and how feminine, androphilic males are present cross-culturally. We all know that the handmaidens use these people as proof that non-binary exists across the world, but that this isn't true. These are all feminine, androphilic males. They are "third genders" in the sense that they aren't seen as women or normal men, but they are always seen as male. They are treated really poorly in some places, like India, but are treated better in others, like Samoa.

In most cultures, they are still acknowledged to be male, but are considered a "third gender" of sort. They tend have female professions and friends, but usually do not get SRS or go on HRT (except kathooey in Thailand). They may present as women but do not pretend that they are women. They are just their third gender. In some places, like India, the hidra have institutionalized roles. But in Samoa, the fa'afafine are just androphilic males who present as women but who do not claim to be women. Same with the bakla in the Philippines.

It got me thinking about what we encourage in the West. Obviously the modern transgender movement mostly consists of AGPs and is totally separate from this. But for androphilic, feminine males – what IS the best way to handle these people? It seems like we encourage them to live as men explicitly, instead of some feminine "not women but third category". Having interacted with a lot of these gay guys in the west, they were feminine when they younger and then go through periods where they attempt to become more masculine and man up, in order to get "masc gays" who are likewise putting on a show. Feminine gays are really really ostracized in the Western gay community.

On the one hand, the way that we treat androphlic males in the West feels inauthentic to them and stifling. On the other, encouraging them to transition or telling them that they are women erodes women's rights and encourages AGPs. What is the proper way to societally deal with feminine, androphilic males?(learn2integrate)

No. 1867614

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>But for androphilic, feminine males – what IS the best way to handle these people?
Hunt them for sport.

No. 1867618

like other anon said old moids (even like a 3 year age gap is weird) dating young women is a huge gigantic no but idgaf about old(er) women dating young men

No. 1867621

Why do adult women choose to wear little girl-esque kawaii outfits? I feel like said outfits just further emphasize how grown and not child-like they are.

No. 1867622

Because they like cute clothes, it's not that deep.

No. 1867645

I don't think people treat you worse if you're ugly BUT they treat you better if you're attractive.

No. 1867654

They definitely treated me worse and I'm not even fat.

No. 1867663

No (Spanish)
French and Greek names honestly. They're very unique

No. 1867668

Where do I meet more women who play dead by daylight and beat’em ups that are not troons

No. 1867675

How can you put dark, warm colors in a drawing or character design without it looking muddy?

No. 1867678

Had to google what oxford comma is but turns out no

No. 1867683

I want to play Dead by daylight so bad, but my only other female friend plays XBOX only and i'm on ps4/ps5. There needs to be a forum for women only gamers. I hate thinking i am talking to a woman but it's a troon

No. 1867687

Dead by daylight looks fun but I would get yelled at because I dont know the strategies to each character, I'd just be having fun with it

No. 1867694

Moids dating younger anyone of any gender is always sinister, they're never to be trusted. Maximum 2 years of age gap for them. Women dating younger is fine, as long as it doesn't involve kids, of course. I actually believe a woman being slightly older in the relationship should be the default, but we have it inversed, not surprising.

No. 1867695

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What butch is to me:
Required: Is lesbian or bi
Required: Has masculine mannerisms and interests
Additionally: especially those associated with gentlemen (for example I wouldn't call butch a woman who watches porn, plays video games and masturbates as most men tend to do). The mannerisms can be dependent on culture
Required: Dresses and looks masculine
Additionally: but not exactly like a regular man. There's something unique about her. Take picrel for example. These women dress masculine but they're not 100% casual and there's at least one thing in their appearance that spices up things a little. One wears a suit BUT there's a yellow tie (what guy wears these?). One has tattoos and some kind of yin yang necklace. One wears sunglasses and dresses in leather (I chose that one specifically to show that for her to be a butch she doesn't have to look identical to a man, she has soft facial features but the facial features don't make someone butch). One wears round glasses which are feminine but overalls and a leather jacket. One has a very masculine haircut but piercings and the red&black flannel, but the pic is black and white so it's not visible. One has skull fingerless gloves and that hairstyle. One has purple shoelashes, pants folded up (what guy does this?), a hat and those round sunglasses. One has a tattoo and that shirt, look at the way it's worn.

No. 1867696

I wouldnt yell at you. As long as you dont camp as the killer, then there's no issue.

No. 1867697

Butches cannot be bi. Butch/femme are exclusively lesbian terms. No butch is ever dating a man lol.

No. 1867698


No. 1867699

The only butch i see are mainly bottom row. The top left is more GNC. Still, I wish more women would dress gnc in general.
As a lesbian, and more GNC than butch. I think more butch women are into exercise. They dont have to have shorter hair per say, but it helps. I think a lot of into fitness and being more healthy, dont shave and dont care for makeup in general. They act and dress more masculine, but obviously arent trying to be men. GNC and butch are very similar, so I dont care to label them. I also think straight women can obviously be GNC but a butch lesbian has a vibe. It's hard to describe, but you feel it.

No. 1867700

I think the amount of toxic men who are into these games are off-putting to women. Like other nonnies said, I want to try DBD but don't want to put up with some moid raging in the chat after the match because I screwed something up as a newbie kek

No. 1867702

Maybe if we get enough people together we could just play games within our own group?

No. 1867703

I had a dude voice chat me after I won the match as a killer. I only killed 2 out of 4 survivors and he was salty because he was one of the people I hooked. Like damn… It was so off-putting, I never accepted another friend request or voice chat again. I only play mic off.

No. 1867704

I’m 18 (turning 19 soon) and interested in a woman in her 30s, would it be ok to pursue this relationship? My friends who are the same age as me have discouraged me from it and think she’s creepy for hitting on me, and tbh it feels super weird navigating a relationship with someone a decent bit older than me since I’m used to seeing people in their 30s the same way I saw my teachers or whatever. But I’m attracted to her and have had a crush on her for a while so I want to reciprocate it, I’m just kind of on the fence lol. People are obviously weird about these kinds of situations when it’s an older man, but should I just go for it since we’re both adults and women?

No. 1867706

You are seriously very young. Do not date anyone older than you by 5 years. That's my rule at least. You are barely world experienced and maybe someone who is 23-24, but in their 30s? I'm assuming early 30s. Dont do it.

No. 1867707

What’s the difference between GNC and butch? Kek this is so confusing. I’m masc presenting like that but my hair is a little longer.

No. 1867715

I agree with the other anon. You're too young. Practically a kid. Seriously.

No. 1867725

Thanks nonnies this is reassuring. I think it's likely that they're just saying they're dropping it off at a spot and then it's in the local post's hands after that

No. 1867727

In your case, you're just too young and in a different stage of life than her. She's 30 years old, she surely has a job and some superior education that you still don't have (like a university degree) and you're basically out of high-school, surely you don't even know what you want to do as a professional and you probably don't even have your own bank account or a stable job unless you're a prodigy of some sorts.
Like, a 20 something woman has at least been out of school for quite a while, and her dating a 30 years old woman isn't that crazy since they both have experienced going to college and some sort of independence.

No. 1867747

No, for a couple of reasons. You’re in different places and milestones. Depending on where you live you are in different incomes, housing, education, drinking, relationship history and experience levels etc. those things will put a 30 year old even one that doesn’t want to be in power over an 18 year old. It becomes very easy to misuse that power and understanding. If a 30 year old is “young at heart” and understands and relates to an 18 year old they are typically stunted which means as the 18 year old matures and changes the stunted adult doesn’t. Leading to the 18 year old out growing them and a relationship that grows resentful.
I know it’s pushed as being more acceptable in ssa communties, but it’s still creepy for a full adult to date a young adult just starting out.

No. 1867753

Why is it that alternative people are either really nice or the most pretentious people ever? Is it only my experience?

No. 1867758

>Nicest: knows their decision to dress alt, get body mods, etc can color people’s opinions because negative stereotypes exist. Wanted to dress alt and express themselves anyway, but understands having to show they aren’t the stereotype to change the narrative even when it’s not fair or shouldn’t be important because that’s how the world works. Decides to be the positive change.
>Worst: “Posers”, People Struggling with Identity and Shallowness, Trend Hoppers. They think they’re very edgy and cool or better than everyone because they’re “different”. They treat their personal choices as proof they are the main character which makes anyone not kissing their ass an antagonist. Etc.
Nice people it’s just decoration. Not defining stuff. The horrible ones always treat it as a personality trait and accomplishment.

No. 1867764

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does anyone else have those moments where you become way too self aware, like damn i am really in bed browsing lolcow and i have a face and skin and shit and i am just Really Here Right Now. like what's up with that

No. 1867767

Silly moments, I brush my hand by my hip, I feel bone, I am aware of the skeleton within.

No. 1867771

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If we’re either a four squad or a group of five in a custom lobby I wouldn’t yell at anyone

No. 1867780

I wana try so bad

No. 1867802

Yes and I also get weird sensations of different parts of my body being smaller or bigger than they really are. I sometimes wonder if it's something the brain does to soothe itself because making people aware of their body parts is a hypnosis induction.

No. 1867823

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Nightclub, what do nonnies think of this skirt, black to the knee boots with 2 inch heel, and a black short sleeve short turtle neck? Feels like somethings missing (+ jewelery ofc)

No. 1867824

>Bro literally popped his pussy giving this response.
The fuck does that mean

No. 1867827

ntayrt but as a bi woman I always knew I didn't like "butch", but I liked "sorta-tomboy-androgynous" women. For example in this pic, the entire bottom row isn't my type, but the upper left and the punk one are. What would that be called?

No. 1867830

They're just GNC women. I hate labels so much as a lesbian. I wish we could just for go labels because they usually do more harm than good and force people into boxes, unironically.

No. 1867836

i constantly hear about how many girl's exes end up coming back to them multiple times or say they fucked up but that has never happened to me. Is something wrong with me? Am I not worth it? What is the reason men do this to other women?

No. 1867842

if you want it to happen, the relationship has to be cut off suddenly (by moid standards). there must be something he still wants from you. most often this thing is that he never got enough validation from and through you. rarely do men regret and reflect on their mistakes.

No. 1867847

They do this to get easy access to sex/someone to split bills with when it doesn’t work out with whoever they’re fucking with at the time. They never do it because they feel remorse. They do it because they think they can manipulate the girl.

No. 1867848

It means
>I'm an absolute moron who has never interacted with people in real life, I only use my very limited vocabulary to express already seen opinions online so I will proceed to use one of the 10 to 15 phrases I use to say that this reply I just saw was so well thought that I think it's really nice and exciting to read because it's making my brain feel a rush that I don't feel in my day to day life as a terminally online loser with 3 followers on Twitter and no friends even in online spaces.

No. 1867851

Soft butch maybe, or alt for the punk one. Upper left would probably describe her specific style as dapper.

No. 1867853

It never happened to me until one of my parents died. Guess men are pathetic and wait until they think you're more susceptible to their advances. I have a bf also and was not at all flattered. One ex that got in contact I was desperate for closure from over the years and that sole action ended any feelings I ever had for him. I was not at all flattered people took my grief as an opportunity to hook up. One guy that wasn't even an ex we hooked up twice said his one sentence of condolence in the same paragraph he also asked for nudes. I hooked up with when I was 19 I'm in my 30s. There is nothing wrong with you for not getting these messages and everything wrong with men. If you don't get hit on or men don't slide in your DMs they actually are giving you a compliment they don't think you're easy and know you'll require effort.

No. 1867931

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is it possible to get inflammation in your throat for a long period of time? there's been a pain in front, mostly on the left side, for over half a year now and it's very uncomfortable. it flared up really badly one time too and I was running a very high fever. also I don't think it's my thyroid, the other women in my family have diagnosed issues but my thyroid panels always come back clean.
and yep, already asked the doctor, just was referred to an ultrasound even though I had one two years ago.

No. 1867944

File: 1706236988593.png (158.2 KB, 1828x176, earth is prison.png)

from >>>/ot/1867334
Isn't this essentially what Scientologists believe? Or am I misremembering from movie night kek

No. 1867967

File: 1706238867994.png (237.65 KB, 1720x1194, depersonalization.png)

>weird sensations of different parts of my body being smaller or bigger than they really are
Anon that is a symptom of depersonalization jsyk. Picrel is from Mayo Clinic

No. 1867971

Would henna be considered inappropriate for a job interview? I went to a mehndi party a couple of days ago but today I got an email requesting a job interview for early next week and I think it will still be visible at the time of the interview. It’s over video call so I think maybe some heavy coverage foundation could cover it enough it doesn’t show on camera? But also they told me the name of the interviewer and I can tell by her last name she’s Indian so I feel like maybe it wouldn’t matter as much?

No. 1867978

if she is indian most likely she won't care and you can even bond about it.

No. 1867980

how do i become more articulate and, well…intelligent? it may be a silly group to compare myself to but i find so many nonnas on here really have a way with words and personally at a certain point in my life i began to feel so brain dead. now im not sure if this is due to trauma or lack of socialization or what have you, but i really wish to speak as well as some people do! and have charm and humor. i feel ive lost it all.

ive made a lot of growth and do plenty of reading but i suppose it all feels too slow or unattainable. maybe my brain is fried? every time i speak i sound like applebees applebees tiktok kid. sans the aggression. im in education (you may ask how!) and work on plenty of mindfulness activites. but has stress ruined my brain? genetics? have i forever lost the ability to be smart and absorb information and spew witty remarks?

it musta beens those stimulants they hads me on…..maybe im just autistic

No. 1867986

Sort of but insert something about Zeenu and needing to excrete all your bad memories in front of an e-meter oh and don't forget pay $20,000 for these bible sized paperweight dianetics books

No. 1867997

My promoter friend invited me to the club and said 'bring your girlfriends' but they can't come. Should I tell him or just show up alone?

No. 1868000

sorry for all the club questions im just so uneducated,and i'm thinking just show up alone and say they said they can't make it then ?

No. 1868011

that’s what I would do

No. 1868014

A small purse if you don't want to leave your stuff at the warderobe area? I think small crossbody ones are convenient but I've seen girls wear those y2k under the arm type of purses too

No. 1868020

He asked you to bring your girlfriends because women lure in paying men, to a promoter one is better than none, just go alone if you think you can have a good time by yourself (sa fely).

No. 1868057

Is it normal for my head to hurt after wearing a claw clip for a couple of hours or do I just have a bad clip and need to get a better one?

No. 1868058

File: 1706252019086.jpeg (69.83 KB, 735x559, C1923718-B859-4BF5-BF02-FB5D8D…)

nonas, how does a retard like me make online friends? i reach to so many strangers on the daily and they never go anywhere

No. 1868071

I'm sorry if this is not helpful anon, but could it be that you're being overly critical of yourself? I've had the same issue where to me the things that I say seem dull and stupid, but when I bring this up to other people they are genuinely surprised that I think that. Apparently I can come across as articulate at times, I'm just not very aware of it, kek. Could the same be true for you?

No. 1868074

Are dyes truly as bad as people say they are.

No. 1868075

Hair dye? They can be pretty tough on your hair but it's the bleaching that's by far the worst.

No. 1868082

I meant food dyes.

No. 1868088

Red has been linked to alot of issues, I havent looked into it myself though thats just what I've heard in passing

No. 1868089

Pressuring gay males to "harden up" and become masculine like the "good men" to the detriment of women who will always be seen as weak and feminine and therefore inferior isn't the feminist solution you think it is. What is the conclusion of this logic? Are you planning on feminizing butch women too out of prevention of creating TIFs? Should we all be gender color coded like trannies want? Not sure why you got a ban for this highly common tradthot opinion that is the unbanned scourge of this site lately. I'm guessing it has to do with the reddit spacing and overall unjustified skittishness on an anonymous imageboard. Just say that you want to make your chosen straight manly moids a protected class and fuck off.

No. 1868090

Red 40, Yellow 5 and Yellow 6 may contain contaminants that are known cancer-causing substances. Benzidine, 4-aminobiphenyl and 4-aminoazobenzene are potential carcinogens that have been found in food dyes ( 3 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 )

No. 1868208

this makes a lot of sense nonna because one of my biggest issues is lack of self compassion and perfectionistic tendencies so i wouldnt be surprised if i just need to take a step back and stop being critical. thank you!!

No. 1868235

Thank you nonnies, I have a purse I will be bringing and luckily one of my gfs said she can come! yay

No. 1868244

File: 1706280723026.jpg (569.98 KB, 2320x3088, glasses.jpg)

what kind of glasses are these called?

No. 1868246

No. 1868252

Why does she look 25 and 65 at the same time kek

No. 1868257

Looks like half-rim rectangle glasses

No. 1868259

Bayonetta glasses

No. 1868262

Samefag, but the glasses subreddit will ID glasses for you if you want those exact glasses.

No. 1868264

File: 1706282420811.png (919.6 KB, 680x823, B97EB152-9463-46CA-B7C8-F8D5BE…)

I think of this queen

No. 1868270

Keep coming across comments like this lately and idk if I'm the tard because I never see anyone being like.. you what?
> I've been diagnosed with adhd (or insert another disorder) 7 times and I..
Is that a thing

No. 1868321

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Is is possible to retrain your face so its features don't droop when relaxed? I like my face but when I forget about it or feel tired it just melts. There's also something with my underbite which is not that obvious but, then again, when my face is totally relaxed my lips open just a little bit. My face can change so drastically it's wild, I hate it. I understand now why I was considered ugly at school, people could watch me "forgetting about my face" all day long.

No. 1868499

why are the unpopular opinion threads pictures of children being beat?

No. 1868567

Who listens to podcasts? What do you listen to? I realise there isn’t a podcast thread in media and I’m not sure there’s enough interest to make them. I like
>they walk among us
>and that’s why we drink
>the Magnus archives
>things are about to get weird

No. 1868569

There is a podcast thread in /m/ >>>/m/17258

No. 1868572

Oh sorry, I guess I missed that. Thanks anon!

No. 1868579

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Is there anyone here who can solve my homework problem? Thx!

No. 1868591

I buy raw tuna in these airtight plastic baggies from the grocery store. One I grabbed isn't air tight, so I'm wondering could it be unsafe to eat? I see a lot of frozen raw seafood wrapped in airtight plastic.

No. 1868613

there's also a "revived" podcast general from when /m/ was kill >>>/m/203173 - the older one has been bumped more recently though

No. 1868619

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Does anyone remember the name of this cow from one of the banners? I know I read her thread before but her name escapes me

No. 1868625

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That's Abby Brown! Wow I haven't seen her in a minute

No. 1868637

File: 1706312818115.jpeg (100.4 KB, 639x953, IMG_7334.jpeg)

the emo queen herself

No. 1868638


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1868669

What should one look for when buying a car? I'm clueless

No. 1868715

New thread >>>/ot/1868702

No. 1869637

why the fuck do my nipples smell like cheese when i itch them???

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